#haven't seen this tag in a while huh
transsweet · 1 year
i said i'd do it man
cap'ns optics shuttered open, his eyes adjusting and blurring before clearly realizing where he was.
...odd. he doesn't remember coming into bed or...even making it home...
he remembers being in the city with sweet and k_k, doing their usual deal. selling bagels, blasting tunes in the alley ways. he had heard there was a ruckus a little ways down, so he went to investigate.
turned out werewires were hot on their tails. not wanting to endanger his partners, charging up his magic, he decided he'd take them on himself.
that's all he remembered clearly.
trying to get a better look at the room, he attempted sitting up, but was instantly shot with sharp pain all over. with a wince, he laid back down, inspecting himself.
there was electrical tape all over his arms, legs, hands, and chest, and anywhere that was the slightest bit hurt. reaching up to his face, he felt the cracks and bandages.
tough fight, huh.
probably was a losing one, at that.
he relaxed back into the bed, attempting to get comfortable even with the awful pain. after a little bit, he heard a soft snore next to him. he knew that sound.
he very slowly sat up, ignoring the flashes of pain in his limbs.
there was sweet and k_k, both on the same chair. k_k slouched over, and sweet on their lap, both sleeping. both of their eyes dimmed and the underneath darkened, they obviously hadn't slept in a while. how long had he been out of commission? did he really worry them that much?
a somber smile crept across the boombox's face. they...care that much huh?
as he stared, k_k's slouched body slowly began falling over before jolting awake, looking more tired than capn had ever seen them. with k_k's sudden awakening, sweet jumped awake as well, same exhausted look as k_k.
both scrambled to calm their nerves, before looking over to the bed.
capn sat hunched up, tears in his eyes, limbs shaking.
"you guys...you guys look awful, y'know."
in an instant, the two's eyes had filled with tears, practically already pouring over.
not wanting to injure their partner, they simply both took his hands, planting soft kisses, gentle to not hurt them.
it was a feeling capn would never get tired of.
them. their love.
reunited once again.
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astonmartinii · 10 months
ultimate wing man | daniel ricciardo social media au
pairing: daniel ricciardo x horner!reader y/n is notoriously single, and her dad decides to take it into his own hands.
if you want to leave a tip x
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liked by christianhorner, danielricciardo and 603,561 others
yourusername: galentines was a must this year
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user1: this girl cute and rich how come no man has come in for her?
yourusername: i ask myself that everyday tbf i am a catch 🎣
user2: i need to be her friend asap
christianhorner: looking lovely darling as usual
yourusername: thank you papa
yourbff1: thank you for the champagne father horner
yourbff2: thank you for driving to london to pick us up at 2am father horner
yourbff3: sorry for throwing up in the porsche father horner
christianhorner: no worries girls, all will be forgiven if you convince y/n to go on the date i set up for her
yourusername: will you stopppppppp i just got out of a relationship ur not gonna be grandpa for a good fucking while
christianhorner: you can be the one to tell your mum that
yourusername: please your ego can't take being called grandpa
user4: so what i'm hearing is i need to be friends with y/n to get my nights out paid for by christian horner
user5: i know yall hate christian but his relationships with his kids kinda make me like him
user6: no i agree with you, it's super cute and you can't handle that he's just good at his job
maxverstappen1: oh i see, @danielricciardo why didn't we get our tabs covered?
danielricciardo: clearly aren't loved as much here :(
yourusername: i mean i'm his literal flesh and blood
maxverstappen1: but we make him money ???
yourusername: and i spend it?
danielricciardo: so we're funding the galentines benders?
yourusername: eh probably, i do have a job but i'd rather spend other people's money lol
user7: she's so real
user8: she is my professor of girl maths
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 408,943 others
tagged: yourusername, maxverstappen1, danielricciardo
christianhorner: had to get the grill out for this bank holiday weekend with the family
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user10: christian referring to max and dan as family sergio i am so sorry
user11: the state of the seasoning makes me think that sergio dodged a bullet
yourusername: thank you papa but disappointed not to see you wearing the apron i got you for christmas
christianhorner: i'm sorry y/n but i'm not going to wear a "this chef wants to fuck toto wolff" apron at a family event
yourusername: shame, you wear daniel's merch all the time
danielricciardo: awwww christian i'm blushing
user12: i'm sorry christian horner owns a "this chef wants to fuck toto wolff" apron and we haven't seen it
user13: y/n horner you are a national treasure for real
maxverstappen1: woah who are those sexy guys in the last picture?
yourusername: the way i can't escape yall even at family events
maxverstappen1: not our fault ur dad loves us
danielricciardo: though there are definite perks
christianhorner: my cooking skills?
danielricciardo: sure...
user14: christian's obsession with daniel needs to be studied
yourusername: i think it's just a horner thing tbf
user15: HUH?
user16: i mean who isn't obsessed with daniel
liked by yourusername
user17: to be honest i would love for y/n and daniel to be a thing i am TIRED of constantly reading about how her latest bf has cheated on her
user18: for real that girl is in the trenches all the time she needs a good guy
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liked by danielricciardo, alexalbon and 650,450 others
yourusername: not really the dress for a pasta dinner but look at the material
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user22: miss ma'am i thought we were a no on the dating thing for a while
yourusername: i'm dumb i know but i have a good feeling about this one !!
user23: i think i've seen this film before
yourusername: have some faith my dad picked him so it's not my terrible taste
maxverstappen1: wait so you actually went on the date your dad set up for you?
yourusername: uh yeah when you have taste this bad you need intervention
maxverstappen1: you said it not me
yourusername: you said nothing every time i brought them to the garage
maxverstappen1: not to your face lol i was trying to be nice in front of your dad
yourusername: hmmmmmm well part of me thinks you guys won't have any complaints about this one
user23: i hate that i am so invested in this
alexalbon: so the date happened and lily and i still haven't gotten the debrief yet? i see how it is.
yourusername: bro i just got home and sat down give me some time
alexalbon: let me put the kettle on and then call us
yourusername: i can't promise i can tell you who it was just yet
lilymunhe: you're such a tease !!!
yourusername: gentleman don't kiss and tell
user24: walk with me: christian set this date up, christian loves daniel, daniel and the guy in the picture both have tattoos, daniel usually comments on all of y/n's posts but is silent on this one
user25: get a life (i believe you 100%).
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liked by christianhorner, yourusername and 1,209,667 others
tagged: yourusername
danielricciardo: enchante
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user27: daniel really said fuck y/n's soft launch
maxverstappen1: YES the garage owe me $50
yourusername: you bet on who my date was?
maxverstappen1: well i bet even though it was the most obvious thing in the world who your dad would choose
yourusername: my dad has good taste?
user28: it's annoying me how cute this is
user29: i need it to be me next time
yourbff1: father horner can you matchmake for me next please, anyone on the grid will work
christianhorner: my days of being cupid are over unfortunately, pulling this off was way too stressful
user30: you telling me horner gets more stressed over setting his daughter up rather than whole ass races
yourusername: you're lucky you're sexy i had the whole soft launch planned out
danielricciardo: my sexiness has gotten me out of a lot in life
yourusername: it won't get you out of this family dinner though
danielricciardo: oh please your dad is only having dinner so he can see me
yourusername: unfortunately true, at least i love you as well now
danielricciardo: you always did, don't lie
yourusername: yeah but i don't want to inflate your ego any more
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername and 803,459 others
tagged: yourusername, danielricciardo
maxverstappen1: someone save me from the constant torture of third wheeling
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user32: max is such a mood, i too become suicidal around any happy couple
yourusername: i don't remember you complaining when we literally made you dinner and hung out with you all night because you were "bored and lonely and wanted to annoy us"
maxverstappen1: *annoy my favourites
danielricciardo: we're well aware we're your favourites, we're the only ones who will tolerate you
maxverstappen1: well when you put it like that it makes me sad
yourusername: nooooo maxy we love you
user33: max using a meme of himself is peak max verstappen behaviour i can't lie
landonorris: wait so where was my invitation?
yourusername: this wasn't an invite only event it was me and daniel trying to have an evening in
maxverstappen1: but i thought you liked that i bought jimmy and sassy :(
danielricciardo: i love you so much but we can barely feed ourselves and max so maybe we shouldn't be in charge of another living creature
yourusername: can we at least cat sit :(
danielricciardo: of course honey
user34: oh to be drinking wine on the couch with my boy friend daniel ricciardo
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liked by christianhorner, charles_leclerc and 780,563 others
tagged: danielricciardo
yourusername: thank you dad, you picked a good one x
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user35: i'm so jealous rn don't hit me up
danielricciardo: i think you picked THE ONE
yourusername: he's never going to shut up about this but i'll deal with it to be with you
danielricciardo: i'm blushing y/n
yourusername: i can make you do a lot more than blush
maxverstappen1: CHILDREN PRESENT
user36: this shit is like a straight up fairytale, christian should actually go into professional matchmaking
user37: girl yeah this match was made in heaven but we all know it's because christian LOVES daniel as well
user38: he's been gagging for daniel to be his son in law since like 2014
landonorris: thank god this happened, this man was PINING for so fucking long
danielricciardo: okay like no need to blast me
yourusername: omg you pined too, suddenly i'm not as much of a loser as i once thought
danielricciardo: you were never a loser babe
landonorris: maybe you were if you had a crush on him in 2014
danielricciardo: LANDO I WAS A CATCH IN 2014
yourusername: you've always been a catch babe don't worry
christianhorner: i know what i'm doing, i'm glad you're finally happy
yourusername: thank you dad xx
danielricciardo: thank you soon to be dad xx
user39: WHAT
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liked by christianhorner, maxverstappen1 and 1,304,766 others
tagged: yourusername
danielricciardo: i drove in your dad's wedding, but it'll be ours next
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user39: i think i heard christian's screams of joy all the way from the other side of the world
christianhorner: so happy for you two
danielricciardo: thank you so much for having faith in me
christianhorner: i know you'll treat her well and i know she'll treat you well, i'm excited to have you in the family
yourusername: awwww dad you're such a sap
maxverstappen1: do i need to marry into the family to still be invited to horner events?
christianhorner: no you're still invited max
yourusername: dad's golden boys will always have invites so you're safe max - bring seb to the next one too
user40: not all of the golden boys having championships other than daniel
danielricciardo: still ended up with the best prize in the end
yourusername: DANNY oh wow....
danielricciardo: not wrong though, i have no regrets because it all led to you
landonorris: @christianhorner i am painfully single please help
christianhorner: i'm not a miracle worker
yourusername: horners take no prisoners
note: pls enjoy this lil one, i did this as a palate cleanser before i get to p3 of into the arms of another and all the dragging that's about to come
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toruro · 1 year
— ✧ the cake in the back
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pairing. choi seungcheol x reader
description. cheol is a regular at your bakery, and it's all because his son loves the banana bread you make—at least that's what he tells himself. it also doesn't hurt that you're cute. and polite. and totally someone he'd like to fuck.
genre. smut, fluff
tags. rich dilf cheol, bakery owner reader, or4l (f receiving), car s3x, kitchen s3x, pet names (angel), cr3ampi3, aprons ... hehe
w/c. 3.8k+
a/n. IGNORE THE TITLE OKAY I THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY. look i know it's corny and i literally am writing this on a whim but happy father's day
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"soobin's not with you today?" your voice is cheery and gentle when you greet your regular.
mr. choi smiles and shakes his head. "shocking, i know," he laughs in that deep and velvety tone that has you bouncing up and down on the balls of your feet out of pure giddiness.
"a pleasant surprise," you reply, putting on some gloves as mr. choi approaches the counter. it's near closing, and it's around that time of day where people usually don't come in as much, so you've been alone and just cleaning up the space yourself. "what can i get you, mr. choi?"
the handsome man chuckles, flicking his wrist as he pushes some hair back, the reflective surface of his wrist watch (that you definitely don't want to know the price of because it might just make you pass out) glinting under your bakery's warm lights. "thought i told you to stop calling me that. seungcheol is much better considering ..." he searches for the words for a moment. "... we see each other so regularly," he concludes.
"i've got to maintain some level of professionalism, don't you agree, mr. choi?" you tease. "the regular, i'm assuming? two banana breads?"
"you already know it."
grinning, you nod and pull up a box. "how's soobin? i haven't seen him or you in a while. i'm starting to miss my favorite customer."
"i'm sure soobin would be flattered to hear that. he's doing well, i couldn't bring him today since he's got a swimming class this evening," seungcheol explains, pulling out his wallet that's donned in some brand name that looks so expensive you don't even know how to pronounce it. you move down the counter grab some of the bread which is on your far left, and he walks down on the other side to match you, keeping up the conversation.
"ah yes. he seems to be around that age to start learning. better now than never, honestly. my younger brother didn't learn until he was older and it did not seem easy," you say with a giggle, bringing out the tongs to grab two small loaves.
seungcheol nods in agreement. "that, and i'm planning on taking the two of us on a vacation spot in a few months ... not sure where yet, but soobin's been wanting to go to a beach location for ages," he tells you, and your heart swells.
the image of soobin and seungcheol, goofing around on a beach send a warm feeling through your body. it's also maybe an added plus that there's a flicker in your mind of what seungcheol would look like in nothing but swim trunks, skin shining from the water under the beaming sun, dark hair splayed across his forehead.
you wonder what he's hiding beneath that plain, beige t-shirt of his. his arms are somewhat exposed, and from just the little bit of muscle that peeks out and flexes when he moves around, you think you can safely assume he's got much more going on in the places where your eyes can't reach.
realizing he's still right in front of you, you blink down hard as an attempt to pull yourself back into reality, eyes flickering up at the handsome man in front of you.
"s-sounds fun," you say honestly, packing the bread and handing it to him over the counter. in this moment, seungcheol catches sight of the apron you've got on. it's light pink and hugs your figure so nicely, he can't help but comment on it.
"new apron, huh?"
shyly, you look down and nod. you hadn't expected him to notice. "uh, yeah. my employees got it for me as a birthday gift, actually."
seungcheol furrows his brows as he hands you his card so you can charge him. "it's cute. was your birthday, um, recent?"
you nod casually, tapping at your machine for a second before handing back his card, trying to ignore the way his comment first comment has your stomach flipping and flopping around. "yeah, it was a few days ago."
"i'm sorry, i didn't know," he says sincerely, causing you to frown.
"hey, don't worry about it. it's not something i expect my customers to know and—"
"let me treat you to something," seungcheol says abruptly, cutting you off mid-sentence. he realizes after that it's a bit rude, but something about the way you brush him off as just a customer makes him feel the need to prove you wrong.
"i—i'm sorry?" you ask, and for a moment seungcheol almost mistakes your confusion for apprehension, but then he drinks in the way you look up at him curiously, lips slightly parted, and he relaxes.
"you're closing soon, right? let me ... treat you to something," he repeats. "a coffee or something, if you don't mind."
"oh, i can't possibly impose like that, especially when you've got to pick up soobin and—"
"i wouldn't be offering if you were imposing. he's getting picked up by my friend anyways—his son and soobin are going to have a play date and stuff and—" he's rambling, seungcheol knows that, but he can't seem to care. "basically what i'm saying is you don't have to worry about that. seriously. wait—not that i'm forcing you. you can totally say no, i just ..." he sighs, "don't want you to say no because you think you'll be imposing. 'cause you won't be."
when you smile brightly up at him, eyes glittering and laugh cheery, a wave of relief washes over seungcheol. "i—thank you for the reassurance. i'd love to get coffee, but i do have around twenty more minutes before closing and i still have some stuff i need to clean up and i'm not sure if you—"
"i'll wait." he pauses, then adds, "and help."
you're a bit apprehensive at first—a customer helping you out with closing? but you're quick to learn that once cheol has his mind set on something, it isn't the easiest to pull him away from it—and right now cheol is determined to treat you, as he put it.
the next forty-five minutes is spent with you directing seungcheol around your bakery. he's a surprisingly fast learner and before you know it, all the pastries are loaded in the back, the dishes are cleaned, your floors are swept, and suddenly you find yourself outside of your shop with the doors locked, standing next to seungcheol who watches with you a clouded expression.
"thank you so much for the help," you say bashfully. "you're already taking me—" is it too soon to say he's taking you out? oh well, what's done is done. "—taking me out. isn't this a little too much?" you joke, wiggling your brows.
seungcheol chuckles and shakes his head, pulling his eyes out of his pocket and twirling around the chain around his fingers. fuck, he has really nice fingers—
seungcheol's voice interrupts your thoughts "do you have a car or—"
"i usually take the bus home," you explain, rocking back and forth on your feet. cheol frowns, but doesn't say anything. maybe he can fix that, but that's an thought for another time as he points at his suv, all black from top to bottom, with tinted windows and full black wheels.
there's a silence that envelopes the two of you when you slip into the passenger seat, placing your work bag on the floor. seungcheol is already in the driver's seat, key stuck in but not turning on the engine just yet.
you glance between the sight of your bakery out the window, and back at seungcheol who already has his gaze on you.
"you're going to have to be transparent with me for a second," seungcheol says seriously, locking eyes with you as you shift your body to face him. "and i want to make sure we're on the same page about ..." about whatever is going to go down.
you bite down on your lip, and even though cheol knows you're doing it absentmindedly, he can't help but feel his pants grow tighter at the way it puffs up when your teeth release it.
"i ... i think you know we're on the same page," you reply shyly, shifting a little in your seat to try and make up for the silence.
"you want this?" cheol clarifies, one eyebrow cocked up.
a feeling of pride swelters in his chest when you reply without hesitation, "i do." and then a bit more quietly, you add, "i, uh, have for a while."
now cheol usually likes to tread lightly; he doesn't want to mess around and is great at keeping his dick in his pants but there's just something about the way you look at him so cutely.
you look at him like you know all the nasty things he wants to do to you, and you bat your eyelashes like you don't care—like you'd let him. like you'd take every damn thing he gives you without a single word of complaint, and it's driving him crazy.
again, cheol is great at keeping his foot on the brake, but then you swipe your tongue over your bottom lip and suddenly he's slamming his feet on the accelerator.
wrapping one hand around your neck, he pulls you to smash his lips onto yours. it's a gentle kiss—tentative, as if you're both testing the waters. pressing against each other as your faces tilt, your hands find purchase in his hair when cheol laps at your bottom lip. that's where it all takes off.
the kiss turns from innocent and sweet to sloppy and fast within a matter of moments and suddenly you're grappling at his arms, his hands are searching for your tits, gripping at the flesh and before you know it, you're being thrown to the back.
seungcheol nearly slams your back down onto the seats, your loose shirt riding up your stomach in the process to reveal the lower half of your bra. "fuck," he mutters, low and under his breath in that raspy sort of way that has your clothes feeling too hot and your cunt too empty.
"seungcheol," you moan, unbuttoning your work pants and shoving them off your legs, along with your panties in one go, leaving your wet cunt open and bare. he doesn't take a moment to shuffle back and bring his face down to be level with your core, eyes looking up at you with some kind of mischievous glint that has your stomach churning.
with a bit of hesitance, he places a soft kiss over your clit, watching you carefully to see how you react. when you whine and arch your back against the leather seats, he figures that that reaction is good enough, and this time lets his tongue out, swiping it against the throbbing bad.
"sweet," he murmurs, lips moving down against your folds. the movement and vibrations send sparks through your core and up your spine, and you shudder at the feeling as one hand flies down to grip at his dark hair. "so fuckin' sweet," he repeats before diving his tongue back, swiping it up and down between your folds.
"ah-h-h, seungcheol—fuck," you whimper when he presses the wet muscle flat against your drooling hole, continue to circle around and tease you. fervently, cheol—to put it bluntly—makes out with your cunt. digging his face in between your legs, his nose brushes against your clit when he adjusts his neck to lap and suck against unexplored areas, leaving you mewling into your arm as you try and sit still for him.
there isn't much room in the back, and to be frank, your limbs are in an uncomfy position, and you can only imagine the strain cheol is feeling, bent over and legs in an awkward position when he holds your hips and pulls you closer so he can smother himself in your pussy. he doesn't seem to mind though, lifting his head every few moments to grin up at you with hazy eyes, glossy lips, and a drenched chin, off-handedly commenting something dirty about how nice you taste, how he could live between your legs, how you're driving him fucking insane.
it's the meticulous flicks of his tongue, the deep and guttural words that escape his honeyed lips, and the girth of his fingers when he finally plunges them into your warm cunt that bring you to your edge. it only takes a few rubs and curls against your aching walls before your shaking, crying out his name as you thrust upwards, holding his face down so you can grind against him.
and he whispers the words, "cum angel," so sweetly—a complete contrast to the way his tongue is scooping up all your arousal—and so you cum like you never have before.
fuck my life, you think to yourself as the waves of your orgasm finally hit you. cheol rides you through the high, and he does it good. so good, you're left breathless when he pulls away from your cunt with a dopey smile and feather light kisses all up your thigh and stomach, and then finally your lips.
"my place?" he asks, stroking your cheek gingerly as you blink up at him. and when you nod hazily, he pats you lightly, helping you back to the passenger seat before helping you slip on your panties and pants back on. this time, when cheol gets back into the driver's seat, he places one hand on the steering wheel, the other secure over your still quivering thigh. "relax angel," he murmurs, and you can't help but burn at the gentle words. this can't be the same man who ate you out like you were damn piece of cake just moments earlier.
the drive is quiet, but not uncomfortable. if anything, you're fucking enthralled. when he stops at a red light, cheol looks over at you and when your eyes meet you can't help but giggle together until you're cheeky, grinning mess by the time you pull up to his house.
parking in the lavish drive way, cheol tells you to hold on for a second, getting out of the car and making his way to your side, to open the door for you.
"i didn't know that this what you meant by coffee," you giggle, stumbling out next to him and letting him wrap an arm around your waist to help you up the steps to his house. it's a beautiful estate, really, but you aren't too focused on admiring the luxury right now—you're much more interested in what's to come between you and cheol.
and you're about to find out soon enough because as soon as he opens the door, lets you in, and closes it behind you, cheol's hands are all over you. with your eyes closed as you two engage in a hot mess of tongue and teeth and lips, your rocking back and forth in his arms, his legs leading to you to some place you're not really aware of until you feel something hard and cool press against your lower back.
"wear the apron," cheol tells you firmly when he pulls away, pressing you against his cold stone counter. you knit your eyebrows together in confusion, but let your bag that's still on your shoulder drop onto the counter, taking out your apron without hesitation.
it's now that you realize you're in his kitchen. if you weren't in such a ... intimate setting, you would have admired the design, the appliances—all of it. perhaps you'd even wonder what it's like to bake in here, cooking up soobin's favorite banana bread with cheol by your side and—you save those thoughts for another time.
"w-why?" you murmur in response to cheol's request, as you pull the apron out, pulling the pink strap over your head, tying it behind your back as the ache between your legs begins to creep up on you again. cheol's big hands find purchase on your hips again, holding down you down with a firm grip as he turns you around and pushes your back down.
"'cause," he grunts out, and you nearly moan when you hear the sound of his belt unbuckling and fabric rustling as he shoves his pants and boxers down. it hardly takes a second before his hands are at the hem of your own pants, yanking them down and giving you a moment so you can step out of them.
you wiggle your ass around for a second, turning to look back at cheol with pleading eyes and ask him to just fuck you already, but then he locks a hand under your jaw, cupping the underside of your face and pulling it up so your back arches into his touch. you can feel the angry, hard head of his cock prodding against the plush of your ass and the feeling of him brush against you has you whining.
"patience, angel," he coos, pressing his face next to the shell of your ear and placing a soft kiss on the crown of your head before easing his way through your folds. you can't even see him but you just know he's big—fat length rubbing up and down your folds as he coats himself in your arousal as you whisper incoherent pleas for more.
"cheolie ..." the nickname slips from your lips with out as much as a brainless thought but it has cheol's head rewiring.
"fuck, say that again," he demands, snaking the hand that's not holding your face down your back until it's gripping the cute little bow of your apron.
you hum as you feel him tugging at the fabric, jerking your body backwards and pushing your cunt harder against him, the fat tip brushing against your sensitive clit. "cheolie!" you mewl again, and you're really not expecting the way he jams his cock into you in one go. not that you're complaining of course.
'cause how could you complain when he's stretching you out so nicely? when his cock is so long it's already hitting kissing your cervix and hitting spots inside of you that you didn't even think were possible to reach? when he's so deep that his balls are pressed against your burning core and his pelvis is flush against your ass?
"you feel so good," cheol moans, and you squeeze around him even tighter when you hear the low, gruff words escape his lips. "this pussy was made for me, huh?" he breathes out with a chuckle, as he pulls out halfway before pulling the strings of the apron so your core meets him halfway, slamming his cock back into you.
"oh god," you moan loudly, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you try and swivel your hips against his for some added stimulation.
"gonna think abt this every time you wear this, won't you?" cheol grunts, twisting his fingers around the bow in the back so he hold onto it tighter.
the thought runs through your fucked out mind for a moment; you're gonna have to walk into work tomorrow, and if you're wearing the apron, you'll have to sit through the day knowing that you had cheol's cock buried inside of you under this same fabric—if you aren't wearing it, you'll have to come up with an excuse for your lovely employees as to why you're not wearing their precious gift.
which option you're going to go with, though, is swept from your mind when cheol sticks a finger into your mouth and presses down on your tongue as he fucks into you harder.
what a moment, you think. getting railed on the counter of a man who you always thought was out of reach. your insides feel like jelly as his fat cock runs against your walls, veins and curves pressing and dragging through you as heat envelopes you.
and as his thrusts increase in force, you start to realize that cheol is nothing if he is not relentless. just when you think you've whimpered his name so much you think you might lose your voice, he's ramming into you harder, punching the air right out of your lungs as broken moans and squeaks that have him losing his damn mind.
"what a fuckin' angel, creaming me cock so well," he praises, yanking you back and forth at an unforgiving pace to match his calculated thrusts. you feel like you're being thrown around in the best way possible, body throttling every time his hips crash against your ass and cause you to lurch forward and arch your back even more.
and as he goes on, the rub of his cock against you, the press of his balls against your clit, his hand in your mouth and pressing against your jaw—it's all so much and so fast and so good until you're shaking and thrashing in his hold.
"mmf—cheolie, wan' cum," you choke out when you feel his cock twitch inside of you.
"yeah? my pretty angel's gon' cum on my cock?"
"yeah-huh," you answer dazedly, body jerking back and forth as his hips snap more haphazardly now, but still hitting that one sweet spot that has your vision going bleary. "can i cum, cheolie?"
and you ask him so fucking sweetly, he can't hold it in anymore, dazedly grunting out something along the lines of, "yeah, angel, cum f'me," before he spills his hot seed inside of you. the sensation of his cum painting your walls white is the final thing you need before joining cheol with your own orgasm, clenching around him so tightly that it has him gripping down on your hips in a way that you know you'll have bruises tomorrow. not that you mind.
how could you, when you just had the most mind blowing orgasm of your life with the hottest guy you've ever met. as you twitch against him, cheol finally pulls himself out and you whimper lowly at the feeling of being empty even though you know you'd probably pass out if you had his dick in you any longer.
gently, cheol strokes your back and caresses the taught muscles, untying the apron that quite literally had you in a chokehold, letting it fall from your figure. "'m sorry," he murmurs into your neck, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder, "was i too rough?"
"n-no," you say, face burning when you realize just how croaky and fucked your voice has become. cheol only laughs at you as you dig your face into your hands as you mumble bashfully, "it was ... great." you're slightly embarrassed, yes, but when you catch the look of endearment on cheol's face, you start to think twice.
as you both attempt to even out your breaths, cheol looks down at you panting against the counter, cum spilling out of your fluttering folds. vaguely, he wonders what you'll look like in a bikini in the bahamas. huh, he thinks, maybe he'll have to ask soobin if it's okay to bring an extra certain someone with them on their vacation this summer.
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a/n. how i managed to get this out in one day i don't know. the cheol effect i guess. anyways, hope u enjoyed!
tags. @xcynthiaaa @synthetickitsune @leejihoonownsmyheart @dahliatopia @gyuswhore @hoeforcheol @5xiang @hajimelvr @miriamxsworld @blinkjunhui @lixiel0ver @josefines-things @mimisxs @kawennote09 @bbyjjunie @rubyreduji @marzmeltdown @todorokiskitten (strikethrough could not be tagged)
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chososluv · 7 months
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✎₊˚⊹♡ summary: i got to thinking about weed dealer choso and how you would be his favorite customer ˚ ༘ .˚🌱୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ wc: 4k
🏷 tags/warnings: fem!reader, reader has a vagina, weed dealer choso, you get high, mentions of cannabis, smoking, hotboxing high sex, petnames (ma, mamas) black coded, size kink, choso is big and has a big cock, oral (f/m receive), sex, smut, nsfw, creaming, squirting, also choso has a nose ring, sortve proofread!
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Plug!Choso who you have known since childhood. While you never spoke (due to different circles) he always had his eye on you was determined to date you one day. His adolescent years where him and irrelevant friends would discuss their crushes, he always sang your praises behind your back about how enamored he was with you. It got to the point where his friends stopped asking who his crush was because they knew the answer would always be you.
Plug!Choso who grows up to be handsome and dashing. A usual rule follower who turned into something different after graduating High School. College wasn't his thing and eventually he found himself in a situation where he was moving pounds of marijuana. You heard this news through the grapevine and was pretty shocked to hear how the quieter boy turned into something totally different than you expected.
Plug!Choso's information gets passed onto you when you move back to town and need a dealer. One of your trusted best friend's — Nobara — assures you he's legit and pretty reasonable which is hard to find being femme and looking for a trusted dealer in that industry. With your friend's testimony and knowing of him since birth, you got in contact with him one evening when you had trouble sleeping.
Plug!Choso who does not recognize your number when you reach out to him. He starts to ignore it until he sees Nobara sent him a warning text that you would be reaching out to him. Word don't do justice to how wide his grin spread as he typed a reply to your request to cop a quarter ounce.
Plug!Choso who lives up to your expectations the moment you two meet in the parking garage of your apartment. You sat in the comfort in your car, seeing a sleek black Audi pull up next to you. Looking over you notice a devilishly handsome face and it sends your stomach twisting and fluttering. He shoots you a charismatic grin as he was hopping out his car. He stands tall, sexy and wearing all black before he rounds your car. You unlock the door allowing him to slide into the passenger seat.
"Long time no see, ma how you been?"
Plug!Choso who has the nerve to smile after calling you a pet name and you fight grinning back. It's been years since you seen Choso and you had no idea he would be this fine. You saw the photos, but fuck they did not do justice as you looked him over. Daring and badass tattoo on his face — a solid black line that went horizontal across the bridge of his nose and stretched to his cheeks. Not to mention the annoyingly cute silver hoop he had in his left nostril. You weren't sure how much longer you could stay in close quarters with him looking this fine.
Plug!Choso has you playing it cool, offering him a friendly smile before you engaged in a conversation of catch up. The man giving you his full attention before you finished up.
"Dope, that's whats up. I got that quarter you asked for but since I haven't seen you in awhile let me smoke you out first."
Plug!Choso fights a grin when you agree to smoking in your car. He immediately pulls out a pre-rolled blunt and a lighter. You grin, laughing aloud as you start to tease him.
"Came ready huh?"
"I'm always ready, mama."
Plug!Choso and you share a blunt, laughing and giggling at one another. Choso learned that night that you were not only stunning, but hilarious. His stomach hurt from laughing and he tried to ignore the fact that he was getting increasingly turned on the more he spent time with you. You had unzipped your hoodie during the hotbox session, showing off your low cut cami and breasts that sat perky. He swallowed thickly and he tried to ignored his cock that was wanting to join the party.
"You might be my favorite customer." Plug!Choso would say after you made him laugh again. You snort, grabbing the blunt and inhaling generously. You stifle a cough before handing him the blunt back.
"I'm sure you say that to all your femme customers." You would say, even though reading his energy, you didn't believe your own words. However, playing a game you had to see where he was at with his intentions.
"Nah, just the ones I been crushing on since kindergarten."
the information comes to a surprise to you and you look to him with shock plastered all over your face. He only grins shyly back at you, taking a hit from the blunt and letting the cannabis help give him courage to a confession he’s been sitting on for years.
“You f’real?” Was all you could get out of your mouth and he can’t help but laugh. You laugh at yourself too but he nods, deciding one drag wasn’t enough and he needs another to calm his nerves.
“Deadass, y/n.” He says seriously and you can only feel your cheeks heat up. You look at him, holding his gaze as he hands the blunt back to you. You hold it in your hand, silent and taking a moment to gather your words. He starts to panic but then you move your mouth to speak.
“So what you gonna do about it now, Cho?” A cocky smirk on your mouth as you bring the blunt to your mouth. You inhale, hallowing your cheeks as you see the playful expression on his face. You can only think to yourself at how fucking handsome he is. And how that you were in the most ideal situation with said handsome man for something to happen. The close quarters with the cannabis involved…
you were surprised you were still in your seat — but then Choso spoke:
“Whatever you let me do, mama.”
And you lost your self control.
Plug!Choso who contains his excitement when you reach across him to let his seat back. You then climb over the console, sitting your weight fully on his lap as he decided to recline the seat. He lays back as you lean down, sitting on his lap. The thrill outweighing any rational thought that attempted to halt your actions. All those rational thoughts completely ceasing the moment your lips find his.
the kiss are slow, languid but desperate to get to know each other. Choso’s broad hands are finding the purchase of your back, groaning against your lips at how little you feel in his hands. You were the perfect size for him and the way you suck and nibble on his lips he knew you were going to be trouble. But he needed you to himself after having this taste. He couldn’t and wouldn’t let you pass through his fingertips.
Plug!Choso who makes out with you feverishly in your hot boxed car. Your hips want to ride against his cock that pokes against your thigh. You try to feel embarrassed at how desperately you fight against his hold to grind against his print, but the desire between your legs outweighs any decorum to had left. You feel hot and all you want to do is ride Choso in your car.
Plug!Choso is about to give in with the way you continue to lick at his lips. He opens his mouth to speak but your soft tongue slips past, causing him to stop talking and fall back into a tranquil state. Your wet muscle tasting and savoring every bit of Choso and he feels his dick jumping in his sweats. He’s seconds away from pulling his cock out before his phone rings. You pull away, the noise startling you and breaking the kiss. Choso reaches over to see the caller ID, seeing its Suguru.
“Hold on baby, it’s big bro.”
He answers the call and instantly regrets it because when he does it’s dire and requires he leave your presence. You can’t help it and you feel awkward — and let down — as he says he has to bounce. You crawl out of his lap and land back into the driver seat as he gathers himself. He fishes the quarter ounce of weed out of his pocket you originally asked for and he places it gently into you lap before sighing.
“Don’t worry about paying. Sorry I gotta leave.”
You assure Plug!Choso that its fine and that you will pay but when he shoots you a look you smile softly, uttering a thank you instead of continuing to press on repaying him.
“Its okay. That plug life.” You say understandably and he only nods his head. He quickly looks you over, eyeing you up and down as if he's debating something. Before you can ask him anything he brings his face close to yours, kissing your lips gently and knocking the breath out of you. He pulls away, looking in your eyes intensely and then replies.
“I’ll make it up to you.” He promises. Despite having fun, you didn’t hold your breath desperate he would prove you wrong.
and to your amazement, he does
It would be a couple days when Plug!Choso would text you asking you cheekily when would you be free to “run back the other night” (in his words!) and you have to fight with all your might to hide the stupid grin that stretched across your face (and you failed by the way and miserably).
Plug!Choso who pops by your apartment later that night with snacks, weed, and a bottle of liquor. You can only attempt to hide your excitement when he walked through your door, tall and handsome just as the other night. This time he wears a pair of black jeans, hoodie, and jacket thrown over. His hair is down and framed around his face gorgeously and while you try to hide your staring, Choso doesn't hide his. He's taking in your biker shorts that complimented your ass favorably and showed off your legs he was dying to have wrapped around his waist.
Plug!Choso and you have a successful night in. The TV is playing, a irrelevant series playing as you two gave each other your undivided attention. You found out more about each other and the more you two learned, the more you both became infatuated with one another. It had been awhile since a man had caught your attention and held it intensely. And while you thought that about Choso, he thought the same about you.
Plug!Choso who smokes you out to the point where your mind is numb but he's no better. He was pleasantly surprised at your weed tolerance being on par with his. Choso didn't know what he was going to do with you, but he did know he was about to take you off the map. Before he could stop himself his mouth is moving.
"Ma, I just realized I aint ever ask." He would say to you and you would raise your eyebrow. You lift your hand to your mouth, dragging from the current lit blunt you and Choso were working on.
"Ask what, Cho?" You say after exhaling. You take another hit from the blunt before passing it to Choso. He has a lazy grin as he takes the blunt. He looks at you, pausing briefly and his grin stretches wider. You start to ask him what is it before he cuts you off and leaves you speechless.
"You ain't got no one right?" Plug!Choso asks shyly and it has you grinning. You shake your head at his nature.
"No, do you?" You ask him, raising your eyebrow to await his answer. He smiles back at you before taking a soft hit from the blunt. He shakes his head as he exhales.
"Nah, but I'm hoping you could change that."
Plug!Choso who's a smooth motherfucker in how he shows he is interested in you. You can only grin once again. His charisma is something so suave and alluring, yet he was so shy and humble about it. Choso was checking all your boxes and the fact that he was respectful with you thus far, why not give him a chance?
And you do, by leaning forward to kiss him on your couch. He only sits back, grabbing your waist and places you in his lap. You settle like you were made to be there, hands touching his face and holding it with your hands. He has his hands on your waist just like that first night, this time letting you rut against his lap. He groans at the feeling, feeling his cock tense at the sudden sensation. You moan against his lips, feeling that print slowly start to poke at your inner thigh.
"Want you." You said against his lips and those are two words Choso had been waiting to hear for god know's how long. He began to smile in between kisses and he trails a hand up to your hoodie, tugging at the hem. It was two words and sweet petname that left his mouth next that had you on cloud nine for the rest of the night.
"I'm yours, ma."
Plug!Choso found himself on cloud nine with you the moment you wrapped your mouth around his leaky tip. He groaned, your wet hot lips suckling on his angry red tip. His hand is in your hair as you slowly took every inch of his thick cock in your mouth. You never had a cock this big in your mouth before, but it was worth it with the way Choso cussed and moaned above you. Your eyes open, looking up to him and you moan softly around him when you take in the sight of him falling a part.
Plug!Choso who can't believe he's threatening to spill his load down your tight throat the moment you look at him. Your pretty eyes staring at him as you take his cock in your mouth and the sight is so filthy yet so beautiful he wishes he could take a picture. He bites his lip, hand coming to your cheek as he caresses it tenderly. His other hand grabs your hair to pull it out of your face.
"Fuck, so pretty with my cock in your mouth, mama." He praised in that deep husky voice. You moaned in response, rubbing your thighs together at his praises and delicate touches. You wanted him so bad you felt that ache in your cunt that could only be cured with Choso's big cock deep inside you. Hungry for more moans, you take more of him in your mouth, tip nudging its way down your throat and earning what you sought out. Choso curses, toes curling in his shoes as he threw his head back. His head hits the back of the couch with a thud but he doesn't even care. Not with the way you continue to take him in your mouth and then swallow around him.
"Ah, shit —Y/n get up here." He commanded and you let his dick fall out your mouth lewdly. There's spit, drool, and cum around your lips and chin. There is even a small string of salvia connected from your bottom lip to the tip of his glistening cock. You can only grin at him, licking your lips as you wipe your chin, proud of your work
"Was having fun." You pouted, dramatically extending your bottom lip and he runs his thumb across it. A soft smile and a chuckle leaves his mouth before he speaks.
"Ion wanna cum down your throat pretty girl," he started off, "wanna feel that little pussy on me first." Him explicitly mentioning your cunt set something off in you because you got up from the floor. You held your hand out for him to take, ready to have him fuck the life out of you in your room. He lazily pulled up his pants but kicked off his shoes, getting up from the couch and taking your hand. He licks his lips as he follows you to your room.
Plug!Choso who has to eat your pussy before he sticks his cock in. A small reason is because he needs to relax after that immaculate head you gave him, the biggest reason is that he's been dying to have his face buried between your thighs. His tongue eagerly exploring every fold and curve of your cunt. He nose nudging against your clit as he lapped up the arousal that pooled at your entrance. You found yourself moaning loudly to the point where you were sure the neighbors could hear. You couldn't help it. His tongue circled every part of you so delicately you wanted to run away it felt that good.
He continued, snaking his tongue up from your hole to your swollen bud. You whimper, his hot muscle flickering before he sucked on it. You jolt, back arching as you whimper louder.
"Cho, fuck that feels so good." You sighed, the cannabis mixed with his tongue fucking you so good had you floating. The euphoric pleasure Choso provided, combined with the weed from earlier, you were in pure ecstasy. And you were sure you were soaking between your thighs, but with the way Choso sunk two thick fingers inside you, you knew he didn't care.
Plug!Choso who groans at the feeling of your hot walls around his fingers. He can't wait to feel it around his throbbing cock. You bite your lip, arching once more as your eyes screwed shut. Soft moans left your mouth as he continued to suck on your clit and sink a third finger inside.
"Pussy so tight, who you been fucking with baby?" Plug!Choso had to taunt as he was two knuckles deep in you. You moan at his words before mustering up a reply.
"Not you. Change that now please." You said to him, a little fiesty and you opened your eyes to look down at him. He only gives you a grin — clit still in mouth — when you look at him. You two hold eye contact as he lets go of your clit. He gives it one last, fat and wet lick causing your thighs to shake. He slowly removes his fingers, taking those digits and sticking them in his mouth to taste your cream and arousal. He climbs up your body and then kisses you as he settled between your legs.
Plug!Choso who decided he was really going to take you off the map the moment he slid inside you. The way you squeezed him so tightly and moaned beneath him he wanted the moment to last forever. Fuck, he wanted to live between your legs for the rest of is life as he never wanted to leave that tight squeeze of your cunt.
"So big, Cho." You cried beneath him, feeling so full with him inside you. You wrapped your legs around him tightly, arms around his torso as he fucked you into your mattress. You could only moan helplessly beneath him as each stroke sent shockwaves deep within your belly. Tears were already welling in your eyes at how fucking good he felt. He was just getting started but his cock was hitting all those spots in you effortlessly.
"You're so tight baby," he groaned, "imma have to take this pussy off the map." Plug!Choso is pussy drunk off you just after fucking you for a few minutes. He wasn't embarrassed. He's been with plenty of people and none of them made you feel the way he did. So when you said these next words, he damn near fell in love.
"Do it, i'm yours, Cho." You moaned, clenching tightly around him and digging your heel into his backside. He bottoms out, tip nudging the deepest parts of you and you let out a wail. He moves his head to kiss along your face, peppering you with kisses as he continues to fuck you.
"so perfect for me, ma." he praised, "so good so fucking beautiful." Plug!Choso rambled as he continued to fuck you. You could only whimper and moan at his praises as you were too gone and fucked out from his cock. You knew you were only seconds away from cumming all over him.
And those seconds turned to right now when his fingers found your neglected clit, stimulating and unlocking the final push you needed to tumble into bliss.
"Cho—, cumming!" You let go, cumming and squirting all over him. Choso could only swear, your wails so sexy and sensual he had no choice but to pull out and cum all over your stomach. He strokes his cock, moaning as he paints your belly with his cum and the load is huge. You moan as you watch him spill, the scene too hot for you care about the messiness.
"fuck." He sighed out, panting as he sat on his knees. You giggle and let your head fall back on the pillow. A sigh of content escaped your lips, letting your eyes close for a moment before you felt the bed dip and footsteps thud away. You opened your eyes, seeing Choso already grabbing cleaning wipes that were on your sink to commence the clean up. You swooned as you saw the big man dip back onto the bed, wiping your stomach clean before he worked between your legs.
"So glad you came back into town." Plug!Choso said after you two cleaned up and showered. You could only kiss his cheek, beaming at him as he looked at you. You lick your lips before you replied.
"Me too."
Plug!Choso who talks to you everyday after your hookup. He's healthily obsessed with you, texting you good morning, asking if you ate, and always checking in to see how your day was going. Whenever you were having a bad day, he showed up determined to make it better. He's dependable, sweet, and charming, not to mention he spoils the hell out of you by sending you stacks just because he felt like it — or maybe because you rode him good as hell the night before who knows? You two were absorbed with one another sexually and intimately.
Eventually he asked you to be his girlfriend and there was no surprise there. It was a long time coming especially when he romanced you with a dinner and a dreamy getaway to a luxurious hotel. He had you bent over a jacuzzi tub littered with bubbles and rose petals, deep in your cervix when he asked you formally to be his.
"So you gonna be my girl or what, mama?"
Distracted by his girth stretching you out, it took for an ass slap and a repeated question for you to answer. You wailed out an affirmation to which he kisses up and down your neck before bitting down, surely leaving a hickie. That night becoming special as he made you his and vice versa. And he wanted everyone to know it.
Plug!Choso knew hickies weren't enough and decided he needed to get you a iced out Tiffany bracelet. The pretty bracelet was presented to you casually when he stopped by one day at your apartment. You had lost a cheap bracelet earlier that week and was pretty distraught about it. Choso remembered you crying upon losing it and little did you know that night he went shopping looking at replacements. Choso wanted to give himself boyfriend of the year award when he saw that look on your face when you saw what the gift was.
"Baby oh my god its so pretty," you had said, "but wait how much was this because this does not look like a normal Tiffany bracelet." The cost worrying you but Choso shrugged like he didn't spend tens of thousands of dollars to customize the bracelet.
"Plug life, baby. Don't worry about it I gotchu." Choso said to you, leaning down to kiss your forehead and you didn't press any further. You only then asked him to put it on you as you let his words soothe you into not pressing the matter further. You knew he wouldn't do it if he didn't want to. He only does what he does for you because he wants to
after all, you're Plug!Choso's favorite customer!
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©𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐯 ╰┈┈➤ MASTERLIST! ╰┈┈➤ PART TWO!
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jumbojazzcats93 · 3 days
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Summary - You seem to be having some problems with your car.
Tags/Warnings - noncanon, gn!reader, divider by @/cafekitsune @glossysoap @violet-phantoms @lordlydragon @quietlyignoringyou @grizzersmamma @ivymarquis @ghastlybirdie
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Simon looked at the time on his phone. It was almost 6pm... You'd been frustratedly fiddling with your little SUV for almost 3 hours and seemed to be getting nowhere. He'd come onto his balcony for a smoke 4 times now and seen no change. There wasn't even a real toolbox out.
You were definitely his type... maybe he could bargain with you. Some mechanic work for a date. You'd caught his eye as soon as he moved in, but he hadn't a clue on how to approach you in a casual way. Simon's mind was made up as he watched you dramatically sit in your open driver's side. He hurriedly made his way down the stairs and grabbed the tools from his truck bed. Getting closer now, he could watch you furiously typing on your phone while he walked across the parking lot.
"You haven't got anyone willing to help ya?" Wide eyed and nervous, you whipped your head toward him, "Huh?" Simon sets his toolbox down at your feet, "I've seen you out here all day, love. Looks like you could use some help." With your fingers resting on your lips, you look back at your car for a second. Your cheeks are flushed from the heat and the humid air has left a light sheen of moisture on your skin. Your eyes meet as you look back at him with a sheepish smile. "I'm a bit lost, yeah.", you chuckle awkwardly. "I don't know any car savy people." "Well, you do now."
He crouched down and began opening his toolbox. "What are you gonna give me in return for my help?" He looks up at your doe eyed expression, waiting for your answer. "I- uh... my-my gratitude and a fist bump?", you offer with a chuckle and a nervous smile. He chuckles and looks back down to dig out a tool before suggesting, "Maybe you can make me dinner." "Oh... yeah! Yeah I can absolutely do that." Standing up, he leans in close before he reaches into your car and pops the hood. Your eyes are locked with his the whole time; wide and dilated. "I'll have your little car up and running in no time, love."
He turns away, unable to see the smirk forming on your lips as you look him up and down. He's got no idea how easy it was to bait him.
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 8 months
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DAY TWELVE: Shower Sex w/ CDC!Daryl Dixon
a/n: Omg y'alls tags on your reblogs of my posts make me giggle. There's an equal amount of thirst to yall just being plain old funny! I love all my silly little gooses!! Thank you for the support!
masterlist | kinktober masterlist | AO3
TAGLIST: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @murdadixon @hallecarey1 @zippertwat @alixwriter @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus
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At first the CDC just felt like a fantasy, a great idea, but unreachable. But there was something about the way in which Rick spoke about it that sparked the last bit of hope that had been residing in your chest.
The fall had taken everything from you: you parents, siblings, relatives, a job that you had worked your ass off to get; but the worst part is, it put your relationship with Daryl on hold. You knew it was only because he was afraid of losing you, but it was like you missed him even though he was right there. So, when an opportunity to be a couple again arose, you took it.
"Why haven't ya showered yet?" He asked while walking in your shared quarters — which had been Daryl's insistence when you tried to claim one for yourself. 
You looked up from the book you were reading on the miniature sofa in the room. "I figured we could shower together. I tried to find you while everyone else was, but I didn't know where you were." He only grunted, chewing on a hangnail nervously. 
"Ya wanna shower with me?" He asked sheepishly. You smiled softly, setting the book face down and standing up to take his large, callused hands in yours. "Of course, babe. Why wouldn't I?" He just shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno… figured ya wouldn' want me to see ya… ya know… like tha'." 
"Just because it seems like we aren't dating doesn't mean you're not my boyfriend." You reassured the archer. "Now c'mon before there's no more hot water left." 
He allowed you to lead him to the showering quarters where you had begun to remove your clothes. He looked away bashfully, the tips of his ears turning red. 
"D!" You giggled. "It's nothing you hadn't seen before. Now strip!" You commanded playfully. You kicked off your pants and panties, stripping off your shirt and sports bra before standing bare before him.
He had stripped down to nothing as you approached one of the enclosed showers. You twisted the knob and hot water sprayed down your sweat and dirt covered skin, drawing a blissful sigh from between your lips.
"Oh, Daryl! This is wonderful! You gotta get in here!" You cheered, standing under the head of it. You allowed the water to soak the front of your body, your head tipped back in relaxation. 
You felt his warm body before you heard the door slide shut. You smiled gently when you felt his hands land on your plush hips, the hunter placing his chin in the crease of your neck. You squirmed at the feeling of his beard tickling your skin.
"It's been too long since we've been alone, huh?" You asked carelessly. You reached up an arm to massage at his scalp and he purred in delight. "Mhm." He agreed with a hum.
He let his hands wander up and down your body, his fingertips skimming over your nipple. You knew he didn't mean too, that he was just simply worshiping your body without any lustful intent behind his touches, but God, it's been so fucking long.
"Do that again. Please." You plead breathlessly. "Okay." His voice was gruff and deep as his palms cupped your breasts, twisting your nipples and teasing them just the way he remembered you liked. 
You moaned softly, head falling back on his shoulder as he placed sweet kisses all up and down your skin. Your body heated up unashamedly, core dampening with each twist of his skillful fingers.
"'Missed you so much. Missed this." 
"Missed ya too, sunshine." His hands descended down your torso to your weeping cunt. The rough pads of his fingers teased your labia, stroking it up and down in fluid motions before sinking two digits into you slowly.
"Ah! — shit." You gasped at the stretch of the intrusion. Your hips jolted out in an attempt to fuck yourself on his fingers; but with him, you never had to beg. He'd give you anything you'd ask for and tenfold.
"I gotcha, I gotcha." He cooed, lips settling near your ear so you could listen to his ragged breathing. 
The only thing that could be heard over the splashing of the water was the squelch of your cunt followed by your ecstasy ridden moans. His fingers continually curled against your g-spot. You felt your stomach tighten, your grip on his hair tightening as well.
"I'm gonna cum, Daryl!" You gasped. You were on the precipice of pleasure, but you needed just a little bit more to push you over the edge. As if reading your mind, he inserted a finger and the pad of his thumb circled your clit.
"Cum f'me, sunshine." He demanded softly, a light rasp following his words. "Fuck!" You cried out, body quivering as your orgasm overtook you.
You could feel his hardness poking your back as he resumed his soft kisses to help bring you back down from your high.
"Don' gotta keep goin' if ya don' wanna." 
"I wanna keep going, D. Please. 'S been too long." You begged, pressing your ass on his hard-on. He choked on a grunt, palms squeezing your wide hips. "Okay." He said thickly.
He turned you around, your arms instantly wrapping around his neck. He walked you back barely even a step before your back touched the surprisingly cool tile.
"'Wanna see ya." There was a sheepish look on his face at his own admission. "I wanna see you too, baby." You agreed, bringing your lips to his as they joined together in an amorous embrace.
He wrapped one of your legs around his hip, his tip poking at your folds. He reached a free hand down to guide his cock to your entrance where he slowly penetrated you.
You broke the kiss by your head falling back, your jaw slightly dropping at the intrusion.
"Fuck." You both called out in tandem when he bottomed out inside of you. 
You spent a few moments catching your breath, but as need twisted in your gut, you squeezed down on him, pulling a bellowing groan from him. 
"Please move, Dar." 
You didn't need to tell him twice. He pulled out, before slamming into you, a loud slap resounding throughout the showers. You were glad that you decided to wait for him. 
He tried to keep up a slow pace, but your noises and gummy walls beckoned him, sucking him greedily in an attempt to take him for all that he was worth. 
You knew you'd be sore later with every smack of his toned hips to the insides of your plush thighs. 
"Ya feel so good, sweetheart." He growled, his tip prodding at your g-spot with each thrust. "You feel good too!" You repeated back to him. "God, I missed you so much." You recalled once more, pulling the man to your body so there wasn't an inch of space left between the two of you.
"Missed ya too, sweetpea. 'Gonna make you cum real good, alrigh'?" You nodded fastly in excitement. "Need it." Your response was simple, but he knew it held a heavier meaning behind it.
You knew that you were going to cum soon, and if Daryl's dick twitching was any consolation, he was right behind you.
"I want you to cum with me, baby." He nodded, "I will, I will." He repeated breathlessly.
Your bodies worked in sync to bring the other to their climax, and when they were successful, Daryl was quick to pull out of you, jerking off before he exploded on the floor; whilst you rubbed your clit to completion.
"You okay sweetheart?" He asked. "Yeah," You responded with a heaving chest. "Just a little worried about the fact that the water feels a little chilly."
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fbfh · 9 months
older!logan x reader hcs
wc: 1.6k
genre: age gap, sort of sugar daddy logan
warnings: big (but legal) age gap, logan is early 40s reader is like early 20s, brief odette mention, logan is a killer lawyer, rory kinda traumatized Logan lol, I haven't finished gilmore girls or ayitl yet so don't come for me lol, logan is obsessedddddddd with reader, mildly smutty, mentions of marriage and proposals, your relationship progresses really quickly
summary: you were reading in a coffee shop when a charming gorgeous much older guy decided to strike up a conversation. little do you know that within a very short time that same charming stranger will know your dress size, your shoe size, and your ring size.
song rec: off to the races - lana del rey
a/n: the choke hold older logan has on me..... euthanize me at this point lmao
tags @yesv01 @magcon7280
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As with all nsfw works, all characters are aged up to 18+ (like way over 18 in logan’s case lol)
That being said jesus christ let’s dive right into the brain rot
First things first, a little more about Logan
He’s in his early 40’s and aging like a fine goddamn wine
MEGA MEGA dilf vibes
After the whole millions of dollars sunken into a bad investment in his family’s massive media conglomerate mishap, he still faced a lot of pressure to join the family business
But with Rory rejecting his proposal, he felt so fucking down and beaten up by life
He just had two massive blows to his ego back to back
And he needed a win
Then the strangest thing happened 
He just got back from another late night of partying with his friends and switched on the tv so he wouldn’t have to fall asleep with his thoughts, and some random movie was playing
The girl in the movie is at dinner with her boyfriend and thinks he’s going to propose, but he breaks up with her instead
It hits a little too close to home and Logan’s about to switch it off
Then she decides to go to law school to prove herself
He finds himself getting more and more invested in this movie, relating more to Elle with every scene, and by the morning he confronts the idea he’s been shoving away for too long so he doesn’t rock the boat
He talks to his dad and they decide Logan will go to law school, but remain a prominent board member and shareholder of the family company
Mitchum is surprised by how responsible and well thought out Logan’s plan is
He’s forging a path to a very lucrative field - one Mitchum can tell he’s going to be very successful in - while still staying involved enough in the family business 
So Logan goes off to law school, and 20 years later he’s a total shark 
He’s a prestigious, expensive lawyer with a reputation for never losing and a long streak of killing it with really high profile cases
Now the Huntzberger name carries all the weight and power of his father’s media reach, and Logan’s success in the courtroom 
He’s excelling 
And he’s excelling enough to keep his family out of his personal life for a while 
He’s living the bachelor life until he hits 40
That’s when his parents decide it’s really unacceptable that he’s still not married 
So they tell him if he doesn’t get married soon they’ll arrange something
Some french heiress or something 
And Logan finds himself right back where he didn’t want to be
And then, like a gift from god, he sees you
Like I said in my initial drabble, Logan first saw you in a cafe reading some dusty novel no one actually reads like war and peace or crime and punishment or something
He's seen people your age do that before, reading complicated stuffy literature to seem smart and make some pretentious English class commentary that barely makes sense 
So he calls you on it
"War and Peace, huh?"
He’s expecting you to say something fake and pretentious
Some bullshit fake deep pseudo intellectual shit
But you look up at him, only pausing for a moment before you speak
You’re surprised to see such a gorgeous guy in a little cafe like this
Especially one that seems interested in talking to you
And god, the way you talk about it
The way your eyes light up
It takes him by surprise
He's not just interested
He's invested 
You start talking and realize that you've been talking for way longer than you expected to
And he wants more
He wants to know more about you, wants to see you sweet smile and hear your cute little laugh when he says something charming or compliments you
So he takes you out to dinner, his treat 
He guides you out the door and into his Porsche with his hand on your back 
It's a subtle gesture but it makes your stomach flip 
Then he buckles your seat belt for you
If you weren't sold before you sure are by now 
So he takes you to this nice fancy restaurant, wines and dines you, and he is laying on the charm thick
"Oh, come on. A pretty young thing like you must have a boyfriend."
"Really, you have excellent taste.”
You don’t miss the way he’s been eyeing you all night
And he doesn’t miss the way you squeeze your thighs together when he touches your face or plays with your fingers
One thing leads to another and after he pays the bill and leaves a generous tip, you find him ushering you back into his porsche
And yet again he closes your door for you and gets you all buckled in
This time when he drives his hand rests on your knee
He thinks he can handle this
He’s the biggest whore on the east coast /affectionate 
Then you grab his hand and move it up your thigh
There’s no going back now
He’s in just as deep as you are
Before you know it you’re tearing off each other’s clothes
His lips are all over you and motherfucker does he know what he’s doing
He worried for a moment he might have lost his edge
But as he lays you down into his big soft bed, your skin touching his silky sheets for the first time
But definitely not the last
As he finally touches you and feels how wet you are for him
He knows he didn’t peak in college
“Shh, listen,” he says between kisses that make you feel dizzy, “you’re gonna tell me if it’s too much for you, can you do that?”
You nod while he holds your face in his big hands
“You gotta say it,” he chuckles at how sweet you are, how well you respond to him, “use your words, baby…” 
You manage to choke out a desperate yes between kisses that makes his stomach twist
And that is the very beginning to your intense affair with Logan Huntzberger 
He’s desperate to see you again
He sends flowers and a dress and a gorgeous necklace to your apartment
And not the normal amount of flowers
The Logan amount of flowers
So a lot
And you can’t believe your luck finding a hot rich older guy that’s so into you 
You really like this attention
Your daddy issues are SCREAMING
And Logan likes having someone as gorgeous and intelligent and into him as you are
And he wants to do this right
But he’s rapidly approaching the deadline his family set
He doesn’t want to scare you off
GOD that’s the last thing he wants
But he is terrified of proposing and having it end up like it did the last time
Eventually he works up the nerve to talk to you about it 
He’s explaining everything to you while you pay your bills 
But it says they’re already paid
And your credit cards are paid off
And your debt has just disappeared
Even your student loans are gone
And there’s a fat deposit in your checking account 
He paid off all your debt and didn’t tell you
By the time he’s done explaining that you basically either need to get married asap or you can’t see each other anymore he still hasn’t brought it up
And you realize he’s not going to
He didn’t pay your bills to guilt you into anything
He’s not holding it over your head
He’s taking care of you
And all you’ve ever wanted is someone who will take care of you
Logan is surprised when you agree
But he’s even more surprised at how fast you agree
You sit in his lap and end up rambling about how much you love him, how you don’t think you’ll ever find anyone you like as much as him or anyone that treats you as well as he does
To no one’s surprise the conversation ends with him taking you on every surface of your apartment
Hours later you’re cuddling naked on your couch, resting your head on his muscular chest and listening to his heartbeat
“So like… are we engaged now?” you ask looking up at him
He laughs sweetly
“No, not yet. I have to actually propose first.”
You think back to your conversation earlier when you first said you’d want to marry him
“So that didn’t count before?”
His heart breaks at how little you ask for
“No, that didn’t count.” He kisses your head, “I’m going to take you out somewhere nice, give you a proper proposal, with a nice ring.”
You get butterflies thinking about it
You can’t believe how much he does for you
How much he wants to do for you 
You’re quiet for a moment, and he can feel you smiling into his chest
Your voice is so small and bashful, and he can hear you suppressing a flustered giggle
Fuck he can’t get enough of you 
He laughs and pulls you closer, grabbing your chin and makes you look up at him so he can kiss you 
You fall asleep in his arms
And you think that you won’t mind being married so young if it’s Logan you’re marrying
Logan is looking at you with so much love and adoration
And right before he falls asleep 
He thinks that maybe it’s not too late for him to find love after all
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watchtowerindistress · 2 months
for the love of ... bob? - jake seresin x reader (2/2)
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Summary: Being Jake's (best) friend - sorry, Javy - proved to have its ups and downs but there was something about having him in your corner you couldn't resist. Jake and you just clicked on a deeper level. That's why you didn't get it when the Southern boy was acting so weird.
Word count: 6.9k
Warnings: Jealous! + Soft!Jake, fluff, language, kinda angsty, kinda mean!Jake
Author’s note: I haven't seen Anyone but You (I just get the icky when I see two blondes on screen), so I took Glen's sentiment that he's not the best singer 🤷🏻‍♀️ Is it obvious yet that I really like Lewis/Bob? 😏 Who knew that I would write a Jake story and have Bob's name mentioned soooooo many times to get Jake to freak out? This chapter made me realize ... maybe I'm not good with painting a scene when I feel more comfortable just writing the banter/dialogue because at times I'm just more "clinical" when it comes to narration and I just want to get to the point. 😅
No words can describe how much everyone's reactions moved me. Especially how so many people reblogged this fic. Keep on doing what you're doing, guys! 😘
Chapter Summary: Y/N is an absolute mastermind, but Natasha is one too. Bob is an absolute sweetheart (nothing new to see here).
Tagging: @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @ravenmoore14 @blackmagicwoman @silenthappyplace @mrsevans90 @dempy @arcxnxm @hookslove1592 @djs8891
Read me on AO3
~Jake POV~
“Special delivery for Floyd.”
Maverick showed up in the break room. And, without further ado, dropped a Tupperware container on the table where Bob was sitting. Bob looked up curiously. “Huh, okay…”
Jake was sitting with the rest of the Dagger Squad on base, when his mouth hovered over his sandwich, about to take a bite.
“Y/N dropped it off at Penny’s,” Captain Mitchell explained.
At the mention of your name, Jake frowned before turning his head to inspect what Maverick just delivered.
“Oh, Bob is climbing the racks of popular guys around here,” Natasha teased. “Let me see.” She reached for the piece of paper taped on the cover.
Despite Bob’s efforts to stop her, Natasha’s actions were too swift. He observed Jake with uncertainty.
Natasha narrated the post-it, “Just a small piece of Montana so you can feel more at home, Bob. Only meant for sharing when the others have done something nice for you,” she paused. “Woah, this can be tough for some people. P.S. I’ll be your Huckleberry. Y/N. That’s cute. And then there’s some sort of smiley face.”
Bob snorted before revealing the insides of the Tupperware. The smell of dessert reached their nostrils. It left a speechless Bob behind. He smiled fondly. “Oh, … it’s Huckleberry Buckle.”
The rest of the crew groaned in delight.
“Bob, my friend,” Bradley leaned down, to drape his arm over his shoulder, “you do know that I held the door open for you this morning.”
Bob chuckled. “Just dig in, y’all. If you want some, just grab a plate and a fork.”
This was the signal for most of the Dagger Squad to spring into action.
“Don’t be animals. One for plates and one for forks,” Javy reminded them.
With sentimental eyes, Jake took another glance at the freshly baked dessert. He cleared his throat. “That’s Y/N for you. Baking stuff is Y/N’s love language,” he explained before watching Bob out of the corner of his eye while everyone dug in.
Bob took his ringing phone from out of his pocket. “Hey, yes, I—we just got it. You just made everyone’s day, I think.”
The Dagger Squad echoed with their mouths full, “We love you, Y/N! Love—love you!”
Jake intensely watched Bob while he munched on the pastry, desperately wanting to know what you two were talking about.
“You want me to—really? Did you mention that to-” Bob’s gaze met Jake’s. Once he already found him already staring at him, Bob meekly averted his eyes. “Um, yeah, sure. Hangman, it’s for you,” he said, giving him the phone.
Jake put a smile on his face when he spoke with a gravelly voice. “Hello, stranger.”
He heard you on the other end exhale. “Has anyone ever told you that you got a really sultry voice?”
Jake inhaled deeply and instantly regretted it. Choking on a crumb, Jake coughed to clear his throat. He felt his skin heat up, either your words or the chocking hazard was getting to him. “Uhm, okay?” He phrased as a question. “Not under these circumstances, no.” For good measure, he took a huge gulp of water.
“Have you asked them yet? You know, the karaoke thing?”
Jake could basically feel you vibrating through the phone.
“Well, are you gonna? Time is of the essence.”
“Why are you so adamant to get it done this quickly?” He asked, taking another bite.
You stammered, “I need to—I just do. Aren’t we best friends?”
Jake laughed at your faltering attempt to get your way. “Of course, we are.”
“Then it’s your responsibility to make me get to know your colleagues, no questions asked. Maybe I could make you look good, huh?” Now your insistence for this event kinda made more sense.
He exhaled, “Guys, want to do karaoke night with Y/N?”
The Dagger Squad made whoops of agreement.
“You heard that? You really know how to work the crowd, don’t you?”
“What can I say? I have to make use of my strengths.”
Jake shook his head. “I can tell.”
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“Now I know why we never did karaoke together,” Natasha mused before knocking back a drink of tequila.
“What?” Jake was still smiling widely when he stepped off stage.
“That was horrendous to watch. And I’m not even talking about what we were just forced to listen to.”
He rolled his eyes at her dig. “Come on, you’re just being mean. Y/N, hey, tell them.” Jake widened his arms, expecting you to snuggle up to his chest.
As if reading his mind, you stepped into his arms. Almost like you were keeping him in suspense, you licked your lips and patted his chest consolingly. “You looked really handsome up there on stage.”
“See?” Jake looked around to challenge his witnesses before realization hit him. He followed you as you stepped away from him. “Wait, what?”
Any disappointed feelings evaporated within him when Jake sat next to you on the couch which oversaw the karaoke stage and spoke softly, “You having fun?”
You leaned against his side, feeling content with just doing your familiar tradition. “You know I do. Thanks for being such a good sport about this.”
“You mean for me being such a horrible singer?”
“You’re tolerable,” you said soothingly and stroked the back of his neck.
“Gee, thanks.”
You nudged your head against his shoulder. “Kidding. You have a great shower voice.”
With a frowning face, Jake stared at you.
You paused in thought. “That sounded weird, didn’t it?”
“Already forgotten.”
“You’re such a sweetheart.” You briefly leaned your head back into the crook of his neck.
The expression which bordered between mischief and intimacy on Jake’s face was only meant for you to see. “Careful, darlin’. With words like that, you’re starting to make all the girls here jealous.”
“I’m good, thanks,” Natasha interjected, jolting you from your thoughts. “Don’t know if you guys are disgusting or just too adorable together.”
You chuckled, hiding your face behind your hair.
Jake leaned his arm against the back of the couch you were sitting on and said with a teasing voice, “Oh, Phoenix, is there something you want to tell?”
A mysterious smile lingered on Natasha’s lips. “I don’t know. Is there something you want to tell?”
Jake remained silent when he narrowed his eyes. “Nope.”
“Pity,” Natasha retorted.
“This tension is getting way too thick for me.” You decided and braced yourself to stand up. “Bob’s song choice is calling my name.”
At the mention of his name, Jake turned his head in an almost comical way. “Wait, Bob?”
You turned halfway around. “Definitely. I think I’m feeling ‘Take Me Home, Country Roads’, you know?”
Natasha gave her vote of confidence. “Don’t let Bob fool you. He’s great. As long as you don’t get into a duet with Rooster.” Her eyes widened at that specific scenario. “I’m serious. I can’t take one more ‘Great Balls of Fire’ today.”
“Thanks for the warning.”
Jake stood up, hiding his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “We’re singing together, right?”
“Of course we are, buddy. It’s tradition,” you said, patting his cheek before leaving again.
Jake sat back down with a sigh, mouthing, “Buddy?” to himself.
“You must have really scared her off with your karaoke performance, … buddy,” Natasha teased next to him.
“You know what?” Jake brooded over his next retort. “Why don’t you have fun with your next Britney song, huh?”
“Thanks. If I play my cards right, I could convince Y/N to join me. I bet she likes Toxic, huh?”
“Everyone does.” Knowing that you wouldn’t mind that one bit.
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~ Jake POV ~
“Another plane, another train. Another bottle in the brain. Another girl, another fight. Another drive all night,” You rapped without having care in the world while you mimicked guitar sounds. With your arm slung over his shoulder, Jake carried your body inside.
“You know, I got neighbors, right? I don’t know if they’d appreciate you hollering to the Beastie Boys.”
As if the thought just hit you, you rasped, “I could do it while whisper-yelling. You know, show them some taste.”
Jake shook his head at your antics. “You and your 90’s songs.”
“That was actually late 80’s.”
Jake only chuckled at your musical knowledge shining through. “Someone’s not drunk, huh? Do I need to carry you to bed?”
“Oh, Mr. Lieutenant Seresin-” You leaned back with a smirk, inspecting Jake thoroughly. That gaze alone, and that rank drop, sent a surprising shiver down his spine.
-“You know, I’m not that kinda girl.”
“Oh my God,” he whispered. “Only you would try to flirt in your affectionate state.”
“I’m always flirting with you.”
That reminder unsettled Jake, especially since that sort of affection seemed unusual to other people. For some reason, he didn’t want to lose that. Jake swallowed, frowning. “Yeah, that … that’s what we do. We’re just really, uh…”
“Really secure in our friendship,” you added, holding onto his arms.
His eyes lit up, feeling grateful for your words and warm from your touch. “Exactly. We are.”
You smirked. “How secure do you feel with Javy?”
“Hey, that’s very different. I’m very comfortable with ‘touching guys’, but we’re not in the flirty stage.”
You pursed your lips, imagining that specific scenario. “So, you’re saying you could get there with him one day.”
He didn’t have to ponder about that. “Nope. There’s never been the need for that.”
“Oh, you’re saying I’m special, sweetheart?” Your hold shifted into a tight hug.
“Don’t fish for compliments. You know you are,” Jake whispered quietly, like he was sharing something only for you to know.
“Oh, that’s nice,” you muttered. Snuggling deeper into his strong shoulders while enjoying his warmth. “Damn, your shoulders are really something else, huh? Did I already say that?”
Jake’s shoulders shook with laughter. “It’s fine.”
Like a gentle and exploring piano player, your fingers danced around his shoulder. “You must get them compliments all the time from everyone else.”
“I don’t care about everyone else,” Jake paused.
“Sorry for objectifying you. You’re a real nice guy.”
“First, I don’t mind you objectifying me. Second, don’t you dare call me nice.”
“Oh, you’re just a sweetheart and I don’t get why you don’t let others see that.” Jake felt his body vibrate when you nestled deeper into his neck. Maybe it was easier for Jake to admit stuff if he didn’t have to look at you.
That thought process was eviscerated when you leaned back to stare into his eyes. You stroked his cheeks with deep consideration. “You know, sometimes I keep thinking you deserve so much more than the small scraps of brief flings you’re setting for yourself.”
Almost allured, Jake leaned his face into your palm. Before he caught himself with that infuriating smile. “Oh, you’re thinking about me having sex. Is there something you want to tell me?”
He could feel your disappointment deeply in his core when you sighed heavily. “Jake, you really know how to kill the mood.”
Jake smiled proudly. “Thanks. I really worked hard on that skill.”
With wide eyes, your whole stance changed. “I changed my mind. Can you take me to bed, in a purely platonic way?”
“Only because you asked nicely.”
“Oh, proof that Jake Seresin is secretly a gentleman.” As soon as he offered his smile, you squeezed his dimples, like he was a little kid.
Jake shook his head. “Okay, I think it’s time for bed.”
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“And the great Hangman takes aim. Will he be able to defeat the local competition or forfeit his winning streak?”
Jake sighed at hearing Rooster commenting with high anticipation on their pool game at their usual hangout. His arm, holding the cue, hesitated on the pool table. “Rooster, if I have to listen to your droning voice any longer-”
Rooster leaned over the cushion, whispering teasingly, “Why? Am I getting inside your head?”
Jake scoffed at the insinuation. “You think you can get to me with mind games? I invented those.” He pulled his arm back. The moment he saw you enter, a fond smile tugged at the corner of his lips when he saw you laugh with Natasha and -
-pat Bob’s arm?
Jake pushed the cue forward. And watched in apprehension as it slipped away from the ball. “Fuck me,” he grumbled. He couldn’t look away from the unfolding car accident of his play as the ball slithered frustratingly to the middle of the table.
Rooster snorts morphed into boisterous laughter. “Outstanding performance. At least something is getting to you. Are you sure you’re as good as you claim to be?”
Jake whipped his head around. “You know, why don’t you play one of your piano sessions?”
“That would be kind of hard to do since-” Rooster leaned forward with his cue stick. “-you know, I’m beating you.”
Jake cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. He felt his eyes wander surreptitiously to the pair sitting at the bar. Jake made grumbling noises when Penny covered his view as his fingers tightened around the cue stick.
“Ace, you need a special invitation or are you considering to surrender already?” Jake heard the annoying voice behind him. It took everything inside him to not give up and wander where he really wanted to go.
“You’re a hilarious bird.”
Jake lined up his shot.
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~ Y/N POV ~
“Okay, what did I miss?”
When you turned your head, Jake sauntered next to you. It took you another glance until you noticed something amiss. “Woah, what happened? You look really hot,” you said, inspecting Jake’s forehead with the back of your hand.
Jake smirked. “Well, thank you. I try my best.”
You rolled your eyes at Jake’s antics to view everything as a compliment. “No, you dork. I mean, you’re like really sweaty. Did you overdo it with the testosterone match?”
“I think I did it just right,” Jake sputtered.
“Who won?”
His green eyes twinkled at the spoken challenge, making your heart flutter. “Who do you think?”
It took you less than a few seconds to look towards Bradley, who swaggered behind Jake. “Who won?”
Jake opened his mouth to gasp at your cheekiness not to trust his word. “I won! What are you asking him for?”
“Barely,” Bradley mouthed, making you giggle. “Totally. I was absolutely … destroyed.” His eyes turned serious when Jake’s gaze found his. “I need some beer to recharge,” he said, moving away.
With a conspiring demeanor, Natasha leaned forward to whisper into your ears. “Oh please, let me tell him.”
Jake’s head moved in her direction. “Oh, you’re here too. Tell me what?”
She placed her hands on your shoulders, slightly shaking your body with her utter enjoyment. “Someone’s gotten herself a date,” Natasha trilled with a sing-song voice.
The glower on Jake’s face sent shivers through your body. You felt uncertain at seeing his reaction. You tried to tell yourself that Jake was just being an overprotective friend. His gaze alternated between yours and Natasha’s before it finally landed on Bob’s.
A wide-eyed Bob swallowed his cup of water. “Not me. I mean, not that Y/N isn’t … you know-” You felt touched that Bob tried to rectify his statement by not wanting to hurt your feelings when he truly looked at you. “You’re really pretty. A guy would be lucky to have you.”
You inwardly gushed at Bob’s gentlemanly ways and felt utterly compelled to give him a hug. Instead, you held him by the shoulder. “Oh Bob, you’re such a sweetheart. You just earned yourself a dance. Pick a song.” With an energetic jump, you moved from your stool and went towards the jukebox.
“I didn’t want to make things weird for the team,” Bob whispered with wide eyes.
There was something akin to respect shining in Jake’s eyes when he nodded once before staring calmly at Natasha. He tried really hard not to reveal his candid emotions on his face. Jake promised to himself, he wouldn’t clench his jaw or cross his arms. He felt like a twitching fool when he was about to cross his arms. Instead, he was forced to let his arms glide downwards before he stroked his abdominal muscles. In the end, he awkwardly hid his hands in the back pockets of his pants.
Natasha smiled mysteriously. “Don’t worry, I’m a great matchmaker. She’s in the safest hands.”
“Phoenix,” Jake started, before he inwardly winced. He crossed his arms and spoke slowly, “what are you doing?”
She shrugged. “Just listening. Y/N mentioned something when we were talking.”
He couldn’t help tilting his head in intrigue. “What exactly?”
“That’s for me to know and you to butt out.” Natasha’s expression softened when she tried to soften the blow. “All in good time. I have a plan. It’s gonna sound weird, but you seem like someone who likes having their best friend close. This is me ensuring to make San Diego as appealing as possible to her. I’m just saying—if she wants to stay,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.
“By giving her a date? You’re right, it doesn’t make any sense.”
“Best-case scenario: She’s gonna have the time of her life with the potential to meet the love of her life while getting a meal out of the date.” Natasha lifted the palms of her hands like a scale to weigh the chances. “Worst case: death by boredom. And next thing you know, Y/N is gonna seek comfort from her best friend after realizing that all naval aviators are douchebags.”
Jake groaned at the thought. “Ugh, great. It’s a damn naval aviator?”
She tilted her head in fascination. “Short question: does she have a thing for aviators? There was a fangirl moment when I mentioned Mav.”
He winced before murmuring, “It’s a statistics thing. Don’t mention Iceman around her.”
Natasha nodded. “Noted.”
“You’re way too involved in this.” Jake pressed his lips together, hoping to see her ultimate endgame. “What’s in it for you?”
“Not everything’s an agenda.” Natasha brushed by him, moving away.
Jake narrowed his eyes with deep suspicion. “And that’s not really an answer.”
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~ Y/N POV ~
You could feel your heart beating nervously in your chest. Even your stomach was being all fluttery when you looked into the bathroom mirror while putting mascara on your eyelashes. You heard shuffling behind you before you met green eyes in the reflection.
Your voice echoed in the bathroom. “Jake, you’re hovering like a mother hen.” You didn’t bother turning around since you needed to focus on the task at hand, in order not to go crazy with anxiety. His rare controlling persona wasn’t helping matters.
Jake leaned his shoulder against the door jamb. “I’m just curious, that’s all. You’ve never met the guy. Assuming it’s a man, I don’t want to presume.” He waved his arms around. “I wouldn’t put it past Phoenix to put you on a blind date with a girl.”
You pursed your lips while mentioning casually, “Nat did mention that most of the aviators on the force were duds.”
Jake grimaced. “Going to ignore that,” he mumbled under his breath.
You wiped some mascara remnants from your eyelid. “Your sex not being dating material or me hypothetically dating the same team?”
Jake shook his head, clearing his throat. “So, where are you two lovebirds meeting tonight? Romantic restaurant, picnic by the waterfront?”
The annoyed growl leaving your mouth surprised you. Normally, you weren’t an irrational person who was prone for aggravation. His hovering presence distracted you in an inefficient way. “Seresin, you’re starting to cramp me in this bathroom.” You puzzled yourself more than him when you shoved him through the door. “All answers will be given in the living room after I had some breathing room.”
As soon as the door was closed, it felt like you could breathe again. You exhaled a heavy breath. “Oh my God,” you whispered.
“I heard that!” Jake protested behind the door.
Jake released the breath he was holding. He was sitting on the couch, drumming his fingers on his thigh. He mindlessly watched ‘The Real Housewives of New Jersey’ on his TV, needing something to run in the background while he was waiting for you to come out. Every time he heard noises coming from the bathroom, Jake craned his head, unable to tamp down his curiosity.
The moment the door closed again, he felt nervous energy coming off of him. And he didn’t truly understand why. Jake heard your shuffling feet in the distance before you finally came out. It felt like the breath had been knocked out of his body.
There was something about a Y/N in a sundress and ballet flats that made him feel very weird. You swung around to show off the full effect of your date attire.
“So, what’s the verdict? Does it meet the expectations of Jake Seresin at least?”
“Um-” Jake cleared his throat before he averted his gaze. “-it looks good.”
“Oh, if the dress looks good… Lucky me, huh?”
“Whoever you’re meeting tonight, they’re the lucky ones.”
“Oh.” You rushed forward, hugging Jake sideways in gratitude. “I like when sweet and charming Jake comes out. He’s such a gentleman.”
“I’m going to assert plausible deniability, in case you decide to reveal my secrets.” Jake shared a small smile with you, reminding himself to at least appear like he was fine with the thought of you going out with another naval aviator.
“I wouldn’t. Not for a good trade at least.”
Jake pointed at you as a reminder. “No apple pie.”
You threw your head back, groaning loudly. “How about a strudel?”
“Not even that.”
“Fine.” She leaned back against the couch before whispering quietly, – like you had to remind yourself - “I need to get going.”
He looked up. “You want me to drive you?”
“That’d be weird, wouldn’t it?”
Jake had to keep trying. “To pick you up then.”
A small part of him would remember fondly how he made you chuckle. “Even weirder flex. I’ll be fine.”
The goodbye kiss on his cheek made him sigh before he nodded with a resolved air. “Text me when you need a getaway car.”
You laughed airily. “Alright.”
It was an hour later when he was already lying in bed and mindlessly scrolling through social media on his phone when he received a text from you.
Don’t need a getaway car.
Nodding dazedly to himself, Jake whispered, “That’s just … great.”
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Jake was proving to be an utterly, frustrating man. It had been fifteen minutes since you said good morning that Jake had uttered a word. Only the sound of awkward breakfast crunching could be heard.
You sighed when you saw Jake eye you inscrutably again. He truly thought he was being covert. “Okay, when are we going to break the tension?”
“What tension? There’s no tension.” Jake kept munching on his cornflakes. Like he didn’t have a care in the world. Granted, Jake was the kind to keep on eating food, even when he wasn’t feeling well. “It’s a wonderful morning. I’m having breakfast.” Jake scarfed down a mouthful. “There’s nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever.” To prove his point, he offered a close-lipped smile.
You narrowed your eyes in speculation. Talking gibberish was very unlike him. “You want to know how last night went.”
“I don’t want to know.”
“You don’t want to know,” you repeated slowly and in strong incredulity.
“Yep, no interest.” Jake paused in thought. “Unless you want to talk about your date.”
“I’m not going to force you into a conversation if you couldn’t care less.”
“I do care,” Jake rushed with his reply before his voice turned casual again. “I mean a meager amount.”
“Is this like a guy thing?” You sniffed, taking on a low manly voice for effect. “I don’t mind talking about my latest conquest but I’d rather die than talk about it in a meaningful way.”
“First, I hope that wasn’t an impression of me.”
Your face took on a blank expression before you crossed your arms. Waiting for Jake to continue with his list.
“Second, I don’t mind talking about your … dates, as long as it’s not, you know-” He winced. “-sexual.”
“Jesus, that was a first date. And besides, I don’t know if that’s sexist or something else, that you’re allowed to talk about that stuff, but not me?”
“I don’t know why we’re going the feminist route, but with you it’s just different,” he mumbled before shrugging.
“Because you’re my best friend,” Jake responded fervently. “And none of these guys deserve you.” His voice turned quiet, becoming serious all of a sudden. “You deserve someone better.”
Disappointment filled your body at Jake’s perspective. Recounting all the times in your head when you would tell him how he deserved someone who could challenge him, yet appreciate the things about him which made him such a decent and caring guy. It was a pity that Jake would rather wallow in his self-loathing, while pretending to be the most egotistical guy that ever existed than to be vulnerable for once.
Your shoulders deflated when you realized that maybe he would never be ready to have a meaningful relationship—or any relationship at all that progressed over the 3-day mark—and you swore that a small part of you died right there on the kitchen floor. Feeling more hopeless than ever.
Before you could fully understand the reason why this bothered you so much, Jake’s concerned expression pulled you out of the deepest parts of yourself.
“What? What’d I say?”
You shook your head. Never feeling this gloomy before. “You know, for someone who claims to be so smart, you’re just so dang stupid.” Every single word felt like it was torn painfully from between your lips.
You just felt too tired to make Jake understand. It felt easier to just turn your body away. Despite how much you hated appearing this careless towards him. “I got to go. I’ll see you later, Jake.”
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~ Jake POV ~
“Well, someone’s in a bad mood.” Natasha teased him. Despite them having to endure the same punishment by being forced to do push-ups next to each other, Natasha still seemed to be in a formidable mood.
Jake turned his head. Not caring particularly that he sent her a dark glower.
“Don’t hang your head, Hangman. I doubt you could’ve evaded Mav’s hit on your best day.”
“Shut up,” he grumbled. Inwardly, he winced. His ma would have his hide if she heard him talking like that to anyone.
“What? No comeback? I wonder what else could be bothering you,” she mused to herself.
Natasha didn’t fool him one bit. Jake wondered if she had it out for him and that was why she focused so hard on Y/N.
“What do you think, Bob?” She decided to thrust the knife even deeper.
Even at the mention of his name, Jake swore his forehead garnered the first droplets of sweat.
Bob chose to focus on his push-ups before grunting, “I’m not getting in the middle of this.”
“You’re way too nice.”
Jake clenched his jaw. “Yes, someone’s a real goody two-shoes.”
Bob turned his head, looking bewildered. “What did I do?”
“Oh, just sweet and perfect Bob who can do nothing wrong.”
Heavy footsteps came closer. “Why do I hear chattering and see no push-ups over here?” Maverick’s voice came over their heads.
“Understood, Sir,” Bob automatically replied.
Jake kept his mouth closed. As much as it pained him.
After the completion of their punishment and he had taken a shower, Jake hurried after Natasha in the rec room. “I need to talk to you.”
Natasha tilted her head. “I thought we already did.”
“Who was the date?”
She exhaled in exasperation, glaring at him. “You’re so predictable, Hangman,” she said, turning around to leave.
“Wait, wait. I’m sorry-”
Natasha stopped in her tracks. She swivelled her head, frowning. “An apology? You just bought yourself two minutes of my time. Go on.”
“Was it Bob?”
Natasha breathed out slowly, pausing in thought. “…You have a weird fixation on Bob. I wonder why that is.”
Jake cleared his throat and crossed his arms. “I don’t-”
“Just kidding. I know why that is. And no. I asked, but he refused.” She shook her head, revealing that this bothered her more than she wanted to admit. “Honorable little fucker,” Natasha grumbled. She chose to clarify instead. “He wouldn’t have minded to date Y/N, but, you know- Didn’t he tell you this already?”
Bob did mention that. But Jake couldn’t help thinking that he might have changed his mind. He averted his gaze, feeling slightly depraved that he considered Floyd doing that. “Maybe. But still.”
Natasha raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “What does it matter who the lucky fella was? What are you gonna do? Scare the hell out of them?”
It was indeed bad when someone like Phoenix could predict his future plans. “If it’s someone who doesn’t deserve her, then yes.”
She hummed. “If you know her so well, then tell me, what kind of person do you think Y/N deserves?”
Jake spread his arms. It felt strange how a list of things ran through his head and how they just rolled off his tongue. “Someone nice. Someone who just gets her and adores her little quirks. Just a gentleman.” He counted the amount of traits with his fingers. “Funny, maybe a bit sensitive or vulnerable. Good-looking, but that’s not as high up on her list as the inner qualities.”
Natasha remained quiet. Her brown eyes were staring at him with a profound expression. “Very insightful. Interesting qualities you just listed off. Anyone you know that could fulfil those strengths?”
At the mere mention, he felt like he was put in the spotlight. Either she wanted him to say ‘Bob’ – since those characteristics could cover him easily—or maybe utter his own name. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how much he wanted to be with you. And wanted to be a part of you.
Jake carefully glanced at Natasha. Not trusting her look of consideration, he narrowed his eyes. He spoke slowly. “I’m not sure.”
“Pity. I could be persuaded into making something happen, if you know what I mean.”
Jake licked his lips, knowing exactly what she was trying to get him to admit. He pressed his lips together.
“But … you would actually need to say the words.” She waited patiently before sighing. “My patience knows its limits though. So, if you got nothing to say, then…” Natasha pointed behind her to threaten her departure. She nodded to herself once before saying, “Okay.” And walked towards the exit.
Jake opened his mouth, as he watched her walk away. He didn’t understand where his courage was coming from when the words left his mouth. “Natasha, would you squeeze me in as Y/N’s date?” He knew how he’d usually call her ‘Phoenix’ or in very rare instances ‘Nat’ so he figured that she caught him in a vulnerable mood for a change.
She dramatically turned around and pursed her lips. “Depends. Will you also apologize to Bob for being an absolute dick?” She paused. “Again?”
Jake sighed. “Listen, I don’t-”
“It’s called being a decent human being. It’s the least you could do. Not to mention-” Natasha tapped her chin mockingly. “-I can’t imagine how Y/N would feel if she found out that someone was being this rude to sweet Bob. I mean, what do you think? How would she feel about that?”
He revealed a tight smile at the slight warning. There was no need to hit below the belt. He would have done it anyway if Natasha said he was being a jerk. “Fine, I got your point. I’ll apologize,” he grunted lowly.
She smiled cheerily. “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
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You felt bad about ignoring Jake, you thought, while you waited in the midst of the amusement park of Belmont Park. Ever since this morning, things had been weird between you. Or Jake was just being his stubborn and obstinate self.
You had been baffled since Natasha sent you a message that the date location had changed. The more you looked around, you realized that you would’ve loved to spend time with Jake at this place. You exhaled with disappointment. Jake would absolutely force you on the roller-coaster, but then feel bad once your stomach was upset by buying you a funnel cake.
Deciding that your bond with Jake was far too important than to leave everything hanging like that, you yearned to clear the air. Pulling out your phone, you scrolled through your contacts until your thumb pressed against the name.
The sound of a cell ringing in the distance made you turn your body in uncertainty. You frowned once you saw Jake advancing with hesitation, waving an arm in greeting.
“Hey, you.”
You hung up your phone, trying to grasp his presence. “What are you doing here? Did you want to ride the Giant Dipper, or something?”
Jake smiled awkwardly. “I wouldn’t actually mind that. Depends if my best friend would be up for it too?” You tried to prepare yourself against his puppy dog eyes as he stepped closer. The movement made you take notice of his suave appearance. You swore you could feel your knees weakening when you saw him wearing his jeans and a pressed white dress shirt.
Jake rubbed his hands against the fabric of his pants.
Not wanting to hurt him, you spoke slowly. “That’s hard to say. I’m kind of on a date. Just waiting, I guess.”
“Yeah, I know. Natasha told me.”
You felt befuddled by his explanation. “Why … would she do that?”
“I asked her to?” Jake phrased the statement into a cautious question.
You pursed your lips as you tried to understand why she would do that in the first place. “Did you bribe her?”
Jake blushed at a memory when he explained with a gravelly voice, “I think I paid her off by giving her the satisfaction in seeing me grovel.”
“How did that look like?” You said, feeling fascinated by the concept of a begging Jake. Even that word didn’t seem to fit him.
“You don’t want to know, trust me.” Jake grew silent before something akin to hope lit up his eyes. “Why did you want to call me?”
You cleared your throat. “Why are you here?”
Teasingly, Jake pointed at you. “I asked you first.”
You sighed. “I wanted to clear the air.” Still, you were not above getting one small dig in. “Unlike some people, I wanted to be the grown-up one here.”
Jake narrowed his eyes. “Now someone’s just being cheeky.” He exhaled, willing to admit any wrongdoings. “I’m sorry for being a dick.”
“Why were you?” You spoke softly. Just because he was your close friend didn’t mean that Jake would get special treatment.
Jake stepped closer until you were only a foot apart. “Because I have a talent for it. Because it’s easier to just pretend. Because of you going out … with a naval aviator just pissed me off. Because I-” He breathed in, like he was preparing for you to hit him. “-I really, really like you.”
You blushed, not yet trusting if he meant it or if this was just some strange prank he wanted to pull off. “You like me,” you repeated, unable not to tease him just a little bit. “And here I thought most of the time I was your annoying best friend.���
“I think you’re confusing yourself with Javy.”
You cocked your head playfully. “Oh? Do you really, really like him too?”
He pursed his lips, like he needed to entertain that thought first. “He’s just alright, I guess. I mean, I more than like you. It’s like obnoxious.”
Wow, and here you thought, Jake could prove to be an adult for once. So, unless he decided to brandish a real love confession that didn’t sound like the most aggravating nuisance, you could do the same.
“Oh my God, you’re like a big kid, huh? Using those big boy words.”
His eyes were burning with sage fire. “You’re just so infuriating at times.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Says the great Jake?”
“That’s what I mean! You’re driving me absolute insane. You’re making friends with everyone you meet.” Jake counted at his fingers. “Maverick, Bob!-”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What’s Bob got to do with this?”
“He’s like-” Jake grimaced. “-And you’re-” He waved towards you, very eloquently describing the issue at hand.
“I think somewhere was a compliment. Let me just reiterate: you think Bob’s a great, wonderful guy and I’m just-”
“Perfect,” he uttered with a hoarse voice.
You inhaled deeply, stammering nervously. “You can’t just say stuff like that.”
“It’s still the truth.”
“What if you’re only saying all of this because you can’t stand the idea of me getting with a naval aviator?” You voiced your inner worries, absolutely needing him to be truthful.
Jake opened his mouth several times before admitting, “Partly true. But the truth is, Nat made me realize I was just being too chicken to fully admit that I … I can’t imagine not spending the day with you. You make me think about you all the time. Even when I’m out with the guys and I keep thinking ‘Oh wow, Y/N would love to try out that drink’ or ‘As much as you’re a talker during Sunday Night Football-”
“Not always,” you mumbled quietly.
“-you still make it fun.”
You pressed your lips together, feeling very nervous and emotional by his words.
“Maybe I just didn’t realize I was in love with you until the concept truly hit me, that you might be into a … nice guy like Bob.”
Despite his familiar self-loathing, you couldn’t help reminding him with a small smile, “You’re a nice guy too, Jake.”
“Only with you.”
Jake’s confession made your heart palpitate in your chest nervously.
“So,” Jake started, “what do you feel for me?”
You hummed to yourself before confessing, “Ditto.”
Jake huffed loudly. “Oh my God. Of course, you’d be aggravating about it.”
“I’m just saying, maybe I really, really like you too.”
He shook his head, trying to suppress a smile. As much as you could tell what he wanted to hear from you.
In the end, you chose to take a chance. “Let’s just say, there are more times when I realized over the years how I’m in love with you than the amount of times when I can’t stand you. The second is pretty close though.”
You couldn’t have been prepared for Jake’s wide and blinding smile.
You rolled your eyes, while revealing a small smile on your lips. You decided to put him out of his misery when you admitted, “Nat was my date.”
“Wa-wait, what?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “She said that she had a specific guy in mind, but he wasn’t ready yet. I just thought it was someone who was still out on a mission. So, we hung out last night.”
Jake still remained confused. “And did what?”
“Nosy,” you mumbled. “Karaoke and stuff like that.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He inquired with wide eyes.
“I wanted to, but you decided to be a jerk about it.”
Jake narrowed his eyes, shaking his head. “Nat ‘Fucking Mastermind’ Trace.”
“Nothing.” Jake looked at your surroundings, hiding his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Do you want to go on a date?”
You smirked. “Like a platonic one?”
“Nope, like a real one. You know, the romantic kind. I promise to make it a bit fun, unique and unforgettable.”
“That’s a big promise.”
Jake smirked arrogantly. “I’m aware. It also perfectly describes me.”
You groaned loudly. “And here we go. I want Nice Guy Jake though and not the obnoxious one.”
He was walking alongside you, nodding. “I’ll tell him to take an off-day.”
“What is it about you and Bob though? He’s just a really stand-up guy. Really funny.”
“So am I.”
“Sometimes. Let’s just say, we just get each other. You know, cut from the same cloth.”
Jake hummed. At least he was no longer being a caveman when it came to Bob. “Okay,” he said, laying his arm over your shoulder.
“I mean, he was just helping me rent an apartment in the city,” you explained, gauging his reaction.
“Yes, he offered to put in a good word and Nat sent me a few listings.”
It seemed like the rare event of a speechless Jake took place. “Huh, that’s-”
“As I live and breathe, a speechless Jake Seresin was just seen out and about.” You glanced at him through your eyelashes. “I think you were about to say that’s a real stand-up guy thing to do, huh?”
Jake sighed, not wanting to admit reluctant respect before mumbling something under his breath which sounded close to, “Damn it, now I really got to apologize.”
You turned your head. “What?”
“It’s okay. There’s still time for you to deal with your big boy emotions,” you replied before you chose to do something new. By taking his hand and interlacing your fingers together. “And here I thought, judging from your letters, you had more of a rivalry thing going with Bradley.”
“I know, right? I thought I would feel threatened by Rooster of all people. But Bob?”
“Let’s just say, in another life Bob would’ve swept me off my feet,” you retorted, patting him against his chest.
His blank expression could be described as something where he tried to imagine that so-called horror reality. “… Don’t even joke about that.”
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stop-talking · 2 months
Wait imagine listening to music with clapton while in detention.. like sharing earbuds with him while yall sit in silence🫢 and then a cringe song comes on at the wrong time LMAO
BLESS YOU anon this is so cute
Saturday School
Clapton Davis x gender-neutral reader
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Word count: 2k
Tags: fluff, a little cringe, romantic tension, older Clapton & younger reader
You'd managed to get through nearly 12 years of schooling without getting sentenced to detention.
Unfortunately, today resets your streak. Only a measly two weeks at this shitty school and you've already gotten yourself into trouble. Just your luck, huh?
God damnit. Surely, this is going to be absolute hell. I mean, it isn't even a regular after-school detention, but Saturday school.
As you take a seat in the meticulously-arranged circle of desks in the library, you spare a glance at the other students. You vaguely recognize some of them... the goth chick looks familiar, at least.
They all seem disinterested, so you copy their aloof attitudes and lean back in your chair. Yeah... that seems right. Just do what everyone else does, and maybe you'll survive this.
Suddenly, the door bursts open and slams against the wall. You turn to look, and see the principal himself storm through, dragging a boy in by the ear.
Oh great. Finally, someone you recognize, and it's motherfucking Clapton Davis.
"It's not fair! I don't even HAVE Saturday school!" He whines, wincing as he's roughly shoved towards an empty desk. The desk right next to you. Wonderful.
"Should have thought about that before coming to school on a Saturday." The older man growls, giving him what he probably thinks is an intimidating look. Honestly, he just looks silly.
Clapton groans, slinking back in the desk and letting out an exaggerated huff that blows his bangs around.
God, can't that guy just be normal? You only just transferred here and already you know almost everything about him. Not by choice... obviously. He's just somehow the center of attention wherever he goes. Even in goddamn Saturday school.
"And as for the rest of you..." The principal continues his rant, glaring at the small circle of students. No, prisoners.
"Just remember. I have eyes and ears everywhere. EVERYWHERE."
With one final less-than-intimidating-glare, the man stomps out, closing the door behind him. Is that it? He's just going to leave you here in a roomful of delinquents with nothing but a vague threat to keep you all in check?
You glance around at the other students, but no one says anything. Hm. Maybe that's normal. You have no idea, so you just lay your head down on your desk, determined to get through this mess as simply as possible.
Turns out, that sentiment might prove to be more challenging than you thought. You hear a quiet "thud", and shift slightly, peeking an eye to your left to see what the noise was. Are you crazy, or does Clapton look... closer?
Nope. Not crazy. With another soft thud, he scoots his desk over again, inching it closer to yours.
"Pssst." He whispers, extending a leg out to nudge your foot. He's less than a yard from you at this point. Though you can't see the other students with your head buried in your arms, you're sure they've noticed. Damnit. Why did this jackass have to draw attention to you?
"What do you want?" You grumble, shifting on the desk so he can see your face, but still trying to stay hidden from the other students.
"I haven't seen you around before. You new?" He gives you a sheepish grin, eyes flickering with mischief as he takes you in.
"Yeah." You respond dismissively, giving him a flat stare. Please just pick on someone else, Clapton Davis.
"Cool, cool..." He crosses his arms and leans back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling.
You watch as he restlessly taps his feet and tries to balance on two legs of his chair. He's so high-strung. Like a chihuahua. Small like one too. Hah. The thought makes you smile, which he unfortunately notices and takes as a sign of interest. Damnit.
"So... what are you in for?" He asks, treating the exchange like you're two inmates. Honestly, it's a fair comparison.
"I, uh... Accidentally lit my teacher on fire."
With a crash, Clapton tips back in his chair completely, hitting the floor. Hard.
"You WHAT?"
The sudden noise makes you jolt upright, and you can feel a blush creeping up your neck as the other students turn to stare.
"Accidentally!" You protest weakly, hanging your head in shame as Clapton scrambles to his feet.
"How the fuck do you 'accidentally' set someone on fire?" A dark-haired boy across from you scoffs, and a few other people voice similar questions.
"Okay so... Mr Jones's sleeve caught fire while giving me a demonstration with the bunsen burner..." You start, taking a deep breath and staring down at your desk to calm your nerves.
"I panicked and doused it with a vial of the closest liquid... apparently an extremely flammable liquid..."
"Is THAT why he went home early Friday?" A blonde girl asks, letting out a shrill laugh, like that of a hyena.
"Woah. Sick." The goth-looking girl just nods in approval before lying her head back down on the desk.
Before you can give any kind of response, you feel your desk jostle as Clapton's slams into it. Apparently he'd taken the initiative to get a little closer while everyone was distracted by your story.
"So, Grizzly Lake High has a new pyromaniac, huh?" He teases, propping his elbow up on the desk and resting his chin on his fist as he grins stupidly at you.
"New?" You scoff. "You mean you had an old one?"
"Hey, there's a lot of weirdoes here." He shrugs.
"Yeah... I can tell."
He pouts and tries to feign offence as you pointedly look him up and down. God, what a stupid fucking face.
"You're not in any of my classes, are you, newbie?"
"No. I'm a Junior."
"Ah. Well, maybe we'll have some together next year."
"Next year? Aren't you a Senior?"
"Yeah, but with the way my grades are looking..." He grimaces, shaking his head sadly.
"...you might be a Senior again next year?" You finish for him.
An awkward silence settles between the two of you, and Clapton starts to squirm, looking as if he wants to say something else.
"How'd you end up here? In Saturday school, I mean." You ask, if only to cut the tension. Not because you actually care.
"Oh." His face falls, clearly annoyed just thinking about it.
"Principal Verge confiscated my skateboard Friday... I was supposed to get it back at the end of the day, but I ended up getting detention... By the time I was done, he'd already left and locked It up in his office."
"Sooo... you came to steal it back?"
"Not steal! There's sometimes a few teachers here on weekends... I was just gonna ask one of them..." He mumbles, hanging his head.
"But stupid Verge caught me 'sneaking around' and threw me in Saturday school."
"Oh, so he just has it out for you, huh?" You tease.
"Exactly!" He hisses back, eyes wide with excitement.
"People just don't understand. I'm not a troublemaker... just unlucky."
Unlucky? He seems pretty damn lucky to you. Everyone likes Clapton Davis. Everyone but you, it seems.
"Pfft. Maybe you could try being quiet and sitting still for once." You muse, trying to hold back a smirk. He might be onto something though, honestly. He's a total trouble magnet... which is why you should probably just put your head back down and ignore him.
"Hey!" He pouts, feigning hurt as he reaches into his pocket.
"And to think, I was gonna offer to share..."
This piques your interest, and you lean closer to him, trying to get a glimpse of the object he's fiddling with under his desk. An iPhone. Great.
"Won't that just get you in more trouble?"
He rolls his eyes in return. "Look around. I'm not the only one."
Sure enough, when you look more closely at some of the other students... yep, at least half of them are on their phones. The way they slump over the desks sort-of hides it, but once you knew what to look for... damn. He's right.
"Why? What's even the point of Saturday school, then?" You're completely baffled by this revelation, shaking your head.
"What's the point of school at all?" He counters, shrugging and popping an earbud into his ear. His wired headphones are extremely tangled, but he offers you the other earbud anyways.
"So, wanna share?"
Damnit. You really shouldn't. But you hadn't brought your own phone, and fuck, that grin of his...
"Fine. What do you have on there?" You sigh and accept the earbud, scooting closer to him so it'll actually reach your ear. There's not much slack with how tangled they are, so the two of you are nearly cheek to cheek as you hunch in your seats and peer down at his phone.
"Here, I'll turn on my playlist."
He fiddles with the little phone, and you can feel his breath mixing with yours as he speaks. Eventually he gets some music playing, but you can hardly hear it over the beating of your own heart.
"What do you think? You like 90s stuff?" Clapton smiles warmly, turning to face you.
His smile is contagious, and you can't help but let your gaze flicker down to his lips... just for a moment. He's so close, his mouth just inches from your own.
"Uh, yeah. I-I mean, who doesn't?" You mumble lamely, feeling a familiar heat creep up your neck and tinge your cheeks. Fuck. He's not that cute, get yourself together!!
"I know, right?" Apparently that's the right answer, because he turns his attention back to the phone, scrolling through his playlist and pointing out his favorite songs.
His music taste isn't bad, actually. You find yourself nodding at his choices, and soon you begin to forget where you are. The other students fade into the background, and Saturday school starts to feel a little less grim.
That is, until the song changes and the vibe is completely thrown off. What the hell is this? Your brow furrows and you try to make out the nonsense lyrics.
Cat? I'm a kitty cat. And I dance dance dance And I dance dance dance Cat? I'm a kitty cat. And I dance dance dance And I dance dance dance
The lyrics repeat over and over, and Clapton nearly drops his phone in his scramble to change the song. In his rush, he gets his password wrong over and over, making it impossible to fix.
"Clapton, why the hell is this on your playlist?" You ask, putting a hand to your mouth in a failing attempt to stifle a giggle.
"I-it's catchy, alright??" He mumbles, still trying to change the song. He gets his password wrong for, like, the tenth time, and it locks him out of his phone for thirty seconds, leaving you both stuck with the nonsensical cat lyrics ringing in your ears.
You try to keep your composure, but when the man singing the song starts meowing, you completely lose it and throw yourself onto your desk in a fit of laughter.
Unfortunately for Clapton, you accidentally tug the headphone cord with you, unplugging it from his phone. As you bury your head in your arms and laugh uncontrollably, the silly cat song starts blasting out loud for the whole room to hear.
And he can't even do anything about it, because he's still locked out of his phone for the next 20 seconds.
"S-sorry!" He shouts, trying to cram his phone into his backpack to shut it up.
You can feel all eyes on the two of you, but this whole situation is so utterly ridiculous, you don't even mind the attention. A few other kids snicker, and you can't help but feel a little bad for him.
Your remorse fades as soon as the principal throws the door open, immediately turning his attention to you and Clapton.
"Both of you!" He roars, pointing an accusing finger. "Detention on Monday! And Tuesday!"
Damnit. You knew this boy was trouble, and yet...? As the cat song finally stops, you meet Clapton's gaze, a sheepish smile plastered across his face.
Maybe spending a little more time with him wouldn't be so bad.
Author's Note: Sorry if it wasn't fluffy enough...? I mean, the reader kind of hates him at first, and they don't even kiss... But the request was really funny, and I love putting Jhutch characters in awkward situations <3
Maybe I'll write a sequel? Probably not, though. Sorry it took so long to write, also. I wrote half of it and then let it sit in my drafts for weeks before writing the other half.
Hope y'all enjoyed, feel free to send in more requests!! I'll get to them eventually, even if it takes weeks. <3
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piastree · 4 months
Take a Chance with Me | OP81
oscar piastri x reader (fc: huh yunjin)
— Part 4
Previous Part
Summary: When things aren't going well, Y/N takes a break for a while and redirects her focus to other things, spending more time with Oscar and her friends. Y/N's friends and Oscar consistently support her, ensuring Y/N is okay, even though she often insists she's fine. Disclamer: This is a story created for fun without any hate towards anyone. This work exists in a realm separate from the original canon. Characters may be divergent from their established personas. So, just enjoy the rollercoaster ride.
oscarpiastri added a story
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landonorris are u proposing mate? oscarpiastri yeah mate, proposing to decide who pays the bill
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tagged yourusername
liked by oscarpiastri, user and 29,112 others
yourbff Through thick and thin, we've been laughing side by side for ten fantastic years. Wishing you endless happiness❤️
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user friendship goalsss
user they are so PRETTYYYY
user both of you are not only stunning but also funny😂
oscarpiastri reserving my spot for the next decade😁
yourbff you're claiming to be one of my best friend spot now? i'll ask y/n first for the approval
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liked by oscarpiastri, alexalbon, carmenmmundt and 29,112 others
lilymhe nature therapy🍃💖
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user lily with y/n?????
user lol y/n just casually third-wheeling Lily and Alex😂
user mother, father and their daughter
user isn't y/n outfit too fancy for hiking??😂
lilymhe she thought we were just joking about going hiking😭
alexalbon y/n seemed a bit lost without oscar
oscarpiastri well, she loves being a dork
user Y/N is literally everywhere but not on her own Instagram :(
user yeah but we love seeing how people around her being so supportive
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liked by user, user, and 25,865 others
f1updates oscar was seen at a karting track with the young karteers yesterday
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user finally we got new pics of oscar!!
user it's cute seeing the interaction between the kids and oscar
user this is so lovely<3
user no y/n?
user i guess y/n isn't kind of wags who sticks to her partner all the time🤷‍♀️
user agreed, i've seen her at races only a few times
user when she doesn't need him anymore, she throws him under the bus
user lol wdym she just know what she should prioritize. Even oscar himself said she has her own life
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liked by user, user, and 10,901 others
f1wags After a brief hiatus from social media, y/n makes a cameo on her friend's IG Live today! In today's live, she spilled the beans on some questions about her christmas holiday in Australia and the short getaway in Japan with Oscar. She couldn't help but gush about the incredible experience—her first time in Australia. Oscar played the perfect tour guide, showing her around his hometown and introducing her to his family. He also told us about their short getaway in Japan. Y/N explained that they haven't seen each other for more than two weeks as Oscar is already back to work—busy with meetings, simulator sessions, and prepping for the upcoming F1 season at the McLaren Technology Centre, and she have to return to her work and projects too.
And can we just say, we're glad the couple is still in good terms after the recent not-so-great rumors?
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user OMG, missed seeing you around, Y/N!
user she's talking about christmas in australia and their japan getaway? I need all the details!!
user she said they went to kyoto, disneyland, tried some street foods and traditional tea ceremony🥺
user i'm so happy y/n and oscar are still going strong and just ignore the haters and rumour
user their holiday stories are giving me major FOMO
user you radiate beauty and glow when you are unproblematic<3
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, yourbff and 102,999 others
yourusername in 2023, my journey went from ginger to black, mirroring the different stages of my life. It's like a colorful map of my growth and transformation, representing the beautiful journey i've had. Grateful for the lessons, the love, and the incredible people i met along the way❤️
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yourbff always proud of you!!❤️
user you're the sweetest, y/n! please always be happy❤️
landonorris what's wrong with the last photo?
yourusername my reaction when u got pole in Brazil
landonorris really?
yourusername whatever makes u happy🤗
user wish you nothing but the best, y/n❤️
user caption on point💯
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tagged oscarpiastri
liked by lilymhe, oscarpiastri, carmenmmundt and 29,954 others
yourusername same with me again next year?
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user would be funny if oscar reacted with no
yourusername DON'T GIVE HIM IDEA
oscarpiastri i'll take that as reference thankyou😁
user adopt me
user the second pic is adorable😭
user this is the cutest photodump ever omfg
lilymhe ❤️❤️
yourusername love u mother, xo
oscarpiastri ready for another journey with me?
yourusername 💑💯
notes: honestly, i really want to put some conflict but i dunnoooo i can't bring myself to do it because i love them so much<///3 i dont want to mess with their lovey-dovey bickering dynamic:((( Maybe in the next part, I'll toss in some drama to keep things interesting hahaha lol. Thankyou for reading this chapter and hope u like it. Anyways, what do you think so far? Share your thoughts and let's have a chitchat with me<3
taglist: @fall-bambi @minkyungseokie @neoivy1
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shoccolatine · 4 months
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⚘pairing: rafayel x gn!reader ⚘summary: for the first time, rafayel asks for your help with his latest painting. ⚘tags: sfw, oneshot, 2nd person POV, gender-neutral reader, fluff, mutual understanding, a lot of metaphors, blushy rafayel bc boy can BLUSH ⚘word count: 943 ⚘a/n: hi!! i started playing l&ds two weeks ago and i am HOOKED. rafayel is my favourite, and so i was inspired to try writing his voice! this is my first l&ds writing so thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy~!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
As usual, the door to Rafayel's home studio is unlocked. You push it open and slip inside, removing your shoes. The heat of your bare feet sticks against the surprisingly cool hardwood floor as you move into the room.
Rafayel is actually where you expect him to be for once, headfirst in a painting you haven't seen before. You sigh and get ready to settle in for a while, knowing how absorbed he gets when inspiration hits. He probably didn't even hear you come in. So it catches you off guard when he actually speaks first.
"Hey. Come over here," he says as he slides a thick, wet stroke of paint onto the canvas, never looking away.
You oblige without fuss, mainly because his tone is so airy and earnest that you feel being mischievous right now would go over his head. You stop next to him.
"What do you think?" He asks, still gazing at his work.
You puff air out your nose. "You're asking for my thoughts? That's a new one."
He finally looks at you then, his expression just as light and floaty as his voice had been. It's not a side of Rafayel that you're used to, but it's one you find most interesting—the one where he's so deep in artistic expression that he himself has become one with his canvas. An abstract impression of its own creator. A secluded forest monk reaching a state of nirvana like sunlight's warmth on his face.
You don't see it often, since he paints in solitude and you get him out of the house more than he bargained for, but it's the rare intrigue of it that makes this Rafayel all the more special.
"Just tell me," he says simply.
You finally take a good look at the artwork perched on the easel.
It's gorgeous and colourful, his trademark thick strokes, playful yet meticulous and reminiscent of sea foam, present a scene that is at once novel and familiar. It's significantly warmer than most of his other paintings, liberally using more reds and purples alongside his usual blues, as if plucked directly from a sunset.
Knowing Rafayel, if he could do just that, he would.
And yet, as lovely as it is, you can't help but feel like something's... off. The canvas is nicely underpainted, but the centre is dreadfully blank. The painting has no focal point.
"It's missing something," you point out. He hums a thoughtful "mhm" in reply, as if those were the exact words he was waiting to hear.
Suddenly, he turns the paintbrush on you. You realize, a bit delayed, that he's holding it out as an offering.
"I want you to add something to it."
"Huh? Me?" He doesn't respond right away, so you continue. "What would you want me to do?"
Rafayel shakes his head, but there's a gentle smile on his lips. "If I told you what to do, then I might as well just do it myself."
His smile remains as silence grows between the two of you, a silent invitation beckoning a leap of faith. You break his gaze to turn back to the canvas, the gaping void in the centre like an eye of the storm, pulling you in and yet blowing you in every direction. What could you possibly add to this piece that Rafayel couldn't?
"I thought you hated people messing with your work. This is a trick, isn't it?"
He shakes his head again, his soft messy purple curls tickling his lashes. "Kinda a lame trick. And annoying. I put a lot of hard work into this already, only for it to go to waste like that..." he says, and the pouty Rafayel you're more accustomed to is back. "Besides, you're not 'people'. You're you."
"And what exactly does that mean?"
"It means you know what this painting needs. You'll treat it well. You know my vision for it more than anyone else because, well... my vision is you." His voice trails down to a whisper.
You look at the painting once more, with new eyes. This painting... is you?
"Rafayel..." you say, unable to say much else.
He takes your hesitation gently, holding it like a hand and guiding it along, taking the reins and allowing you to find your footing again. "It looks different from my other pieces, right? I'm sure you noticed. That's because you make me different. Not like I've changed for you or anything, but more like... I've changed because of you. You know?"
"Um...? Not really," you reply sincerely.
He taps his chin thoughtfully. "You're red where I'm blue. And together, we make purple." He breathes out a laugh. "It sounds so simple when I put it like that. It's not that simple at all. Nothing about you is simple. You're annoying and loud and strong and everything I'm not, and yet somehow we blend together so well that I don't know how I was able to be content with being blue for so long. I want to be blue, and red, and purple. But only your shade of red will do."
He pauses, his ears a dark shade of the exact colour he speaks of. His eyes are pleading, as if saying 'understand me as I understand you', and before he can open his mouth to spout more abstract nonsense, you dip the brush in red—a perfect match to the hue blooming in his face. You are in this colour as much as he is.
"I think I know what to do now," you say, and your red splatters over his blue, mingling purple like summer plums, sweet and sour and bursting.
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non-stop-imagines · 7 months
Okay but Halle latest Insta picture of her wearing a purple bikini from the back, imagine Max being possessive in the comments or her getting shy when he’s like “ my little girl wants to Show off what’s mine huh” AAAAAA of course you don’t have to!!! I just saw that post of hers and I immediately thought, Maxie would go crazy looking at this
My babies always have the best ideas. 😚
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Liked by maxverstappen1 and 247,298 others
babygurlyn Buns out 🌞 (Feat. My Sister)
tagged chole_yln1
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chloe_yln1 Y'all my sister is so prettyyyy omg 😍
>babygurlyn Pretty runs in the family 💁🏿‍♀️💜
>user5 Mama really just said "copy paste" with you two lawd 😍♥️
user1 I dont remember that one from the haul??🧐
>babygurlyn It'll be in the next one, I promise!! It was just too cute to hide until then 🥲
maxverstappen1 My gorgeous girl wanted to show everyone what's mine
>babygurlyn They're good pictures, aren't they Maxie? 😗
>maxverstappen1 Very very good ❤️‍🔥
>chloe_yln1 You're gonna do this right here huh Max?
>babygurlyn @/chloe_yln1 Do not start
>user2 Max Emilian Verstappen!! There are children! 😵
pierregasly Your sister single? 🥴
>chloe_yln1 I will be if you don't go answer my text
>pierregasly Sorry, didn't see it
>chloe_yln1 That's okay baby 😚😚
>user3 Hol' up ✋🏾
>user4 @/user3 I don't know why your surprised. We're all just living in a simulation at this point
victoriaverstappen Pretty girl 💜💜
>babygurlyn You and Miss Sophie need to come out and visit ASAP! I haven't seen you two in forever 😭
>sophiekumpen Will do, love💕
I thought some of you would enjoy this little snippet. I've had this in my asks for a while and I've been wanting to do it, but I just kept forgetting. Now it gets to serve it's purpose as a cute little blurb and a sneak peak of what's to come for this delightful AU that we've created and decided to indulge ourselves in. Love you all!!💛💖💛💖
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
TTN oneshot request :): reader who's been invited to one of the parties after Hobie's band gigs. Hobie,being his usual teasing self,tries to make r dance with him to one of the songs that come from the speakers but he can't dance at all,so reader ends up teaching him.
-🎸 anon
Ahhh 🎸 anon!! I love this prompt thank you for sending it 🫶 I changed some things around hope u don't mind ❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.3k
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (r is mentioned to wear makeup though) cw drinking, poop jokes lol, TTN! Hobie, TTN! Reader. FLUFF
Thread the Needle Masterlist
TTN oneshots
You lean against a railing overlooking the spacious backyard. Watching Yuri dismiss the third man who tried his luck tonight is better than any cable tv, she scoffs, waving the disappointed man away with her long nails. Yuri notices you giggling by yourself, she beckons you over to the dance floor with a smile. You shake your head with a laugh, gesturing to your half empty cup. She sighs dramatically, miming a crying face. You blame the booze in her system on why she's so lively. It's a nice change though, you love seeing her prance around the dance floor, looking for a more worthy partner.
The bass booms, playing all the classic punk music in the speakers. The sky is dotted with twinkling stars, cool air blowing past the grassy backyard. Roaming your eyes around the venue, you spot James chatting up a familiar figure, his arm slung comfortably around her shoulders. She laughs at something he said, her curls bouncing on her shoulders. You smile softly, happy for them both.
You turn around to face the inside of the ridiculously huge house. The home is packed with bodies bouncing around, the glass shakes from the loud music blaring inside. You see Ned becoming an unwilling bartender, mixing drinks for everyone after he got a particularly nasty bloody mary from someone who's so drunk they shouldn't even be near the kitchen.
With all the people watching you're doing, there's one person you haven't seen in a while. You wonder what he's up to, hopefully not to sneak behind you to carry and throw you into the icy pool—
“You're not very good at sneaking up on me anymore, Hobs”
Hobie groans right behind you, looking over your shoulder, you smirk at him. “How?” He effortlessly lifts himself up on the railing, arms envelope around you, his chin resting comfortably on your shoulder. You help secure him with your hands around his elbows.
“I can sense you a mile away.” You whisper the next part. “I think I got your spidey senses from hanging around you too much”
“You make it sound like a disease!” The alcohol makes him all gooey inside, just for you. “Y’know I have the cure right here”
You quirk an eyebrow. “Oh? What is it then?” Turning around, you face him fully, his arms never leaving your waist whilst your hands never leave his skin.
Hobie points at his lips quickly before he falls on the ground (like you would even let him fall with your hands holding him steady)
“Ah! Is your cure tried and tested? Peer reviewed by scientists?”
“Only one way to find out”
You giggle, meeting him halfway to kiss his lips. He tastes of beer and licorice he's been chewing on since you've arrived at his friend's' house. Your hand blindly slides to the back of his neck, fingers scratching lightly. Hobie smiles into the kiss, his hands tucked into the back pocket of your jeans.
Unfortunately, you need air to survive so you reluctantly pull away. He chases your lips making you peck him thrice to ease his suffering from apparent lack of kisses.
“I think I just overdosed on your cure” you hold him close even with the wooden railing between you.
Hobie chuckles, “You'll be fine” he swipes away the sheen left on your lips.
“So considerate. Where have you been, huh?” You lean close to his ear. “Did you go out and fight crime? Are you okay?”
There's goosebumps on his arms, not from the cold. “Nah, I was in the bathroom, taking a huge dump–”
You clasp your hand over his mouth, Laughing through it. “I literally just ate, babe”
“Just answerin’ your question, Gromit. ‘m being honest it was big,” he measures using his hands, “this big. Record size” Hobie loses his grip on the railing, falling flat on his ass.
“Huh, I see a bigger one right here” you look down, seeing him feign offense with his hand clutching his imaginary pearls.
“I should've thrown you in the pool when I had the chance and then we’ll have a floater” he nonchalantly rests on the grass by his elbows. Looking up at you with a smug grin.
You roll your eyes, walking down the steps to help him up before he gets grass stains all over his leather jacket. Hobie clearly doesn't need your help getting up but he would take any opportunity to hold your hand. Your hands are still slightly cool from the drink, a stark contrast to his warm ones, a welcome difference to the both of you.
Heaving him up, Hobie meets you in a tight embrace, smothering you in his hold; you love it though. Slowly he sways you to the beat of a punk song you recognize from back when you and Hobie were in highschool together. A reminiscent of your younger days with only homework and school to worry about and the deep longing you have for your best friend now turned partner.
If only your younger self could see you now, she’d think you did well for yourself. She'd be proud of all the things you've accomplished with the love of your life with you.
“D’you remember this song?” Hobie whispers in your ear, his piercing kisses the shell of your ear.
“How could I not remember?” You lift your head from the comfort of his chest, eyes staring fondly at Him.
He chuckles, you feel the happiness vibrate from him. “Yeah, but d’you know the backstory?” you shake your head.
“I requested this song to the bloke who was holding us hostage with his shitty songs.” You chortle, Hobie continues his story. “I had to bribe the wanker,” he sighs. “So I could ask you to dance with me.”
Your eyes soften, heat behind your sockets, your hold on him tightens.
“Then I realized I can't fuckin’ dance and I'll make a bloody fool of myself in front of you. So I let the music play and continued to talk to you throughout the party because that was enough for me.” He pauses, your eyes are glossy, glimmering under the porch lights. “Being with you was enough.”
You feel the tears fall so you hide your face on his chest once again, feeling sorry for soaking his shirt, you let your hug tell your feelings.
“Don't hide from me right after I poured my heart out to you.” He laughs, his fingers spread across your nape, rubbing softly, finding you endearing. “C’mon, I need to see my Gromit”
You look up with red eyes, mascara and eyeliner smudged. “Fuck you” you say with tears on your cheeks, trying to sniff it away. But your wide smile and grip on his shirt tells your true feelings. “You're such a little shit”
Hobie laughs loudly, fingertips cleaning away smudged makeup. “Yeah, yeah, but you love this little shit”
You lean up to kiss him, as gentle as he holds you, as affectionate as he loves you.
Sighing, you cup his face. “I do, so much.”
He presses your foreheads together, enough to make tears escape your eyes once again. Hobie's fingers catch them, wiping it away from your skin.
“If you let me teach you will you ask me to dance with you?” Whispering, you loop your arms around his neck, swaying with the beat.
“I might be a lost cause, love.”
“I'm patient, don't worry” you can't seem to keep your lips away from him as you kiss the corner of his lips.
Hobie suddenly pulls away, leading you towards the makeshift dance floor. “Alright then, no time to lose!”
You let him guide you, laughing all the way. He shimmies on the dance floor, long limbs flailing about, eyes staying on you.
You've got your work cut out for you.
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beansprean · 2 years
My Familiar's Ghost AU Masterpost
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A wwdits season 5 au by beansprean!
Tag link
Early pages on Patreon!
Below are all the art posts in their relative order in the timeline (not necessarily in posting order). Those labeled in parts are considered "official" while others may be questionably canon lol.
Updated poster
A curse in the house + movie poster (part 1)
Guillermo rants to Nadja (part 2)
Guillermo confronts Nandor (part 3)
Being embarrassing by yourself in your room
A summoning is attempted (part 4)
Nandor uses his brain
Reunion (part 5)
Laszlo’s Lament (part 6)
Guillermo gets teased
My chemical ghost
On a mission (part 7)
Unfinished business and energy lore
Guillermo recalls his invisible antics
Hypnotized! at the gas station (part 8)
Cool Guy Stu (part 9)
What are U Storing? (part 10)
Meanwhile back at the house (part 11)
Opening the coffin (part 12)
Not a plothole
Meanwhile back at the...Nadja what? (part 13)
He threw off his groove
All according to keikaku (part 14)
Ghosted by a ghost
Switches too (part 15)
The confrontation part one (part 16)
The confrontation part two (part 17)
The aftermath (part 18)
Commercial break (part 18.5?)
We are not the same (part 19)
Huh. That's not what I expected. (part 20)
The Guide > the guide (part 21)
She fucking told you
The Guide’s first 3 way (part 22)
Lazzo (part 23)
Return of the baby part one (part 24)
Return of the baby part two (part 25)
#1 Dad
Bear hugs (part 26)
Me legit shipping Colin and Stu
Hey haven't seen you since you staked me (part 27)
Tell nandor how you feel or draw 24
It's all ducked up now (part 28)
On his wall a tally of unfulfilled orgasms (part 29)
[rain sounds] [thunder sounds] (part 30)
La verdad (part 31)
La verdad parte dos (part 32)
La verdad parte tres (part 33)
Rug pull (part 34)
Wet & pathetic (part 35)
Might as well be rattling chains (part 36)
Consequences (part 37)
Sentimental (part 38)
Back to the start (part 39)
Dust and Virgins (part 40)
What's cooler than being cool (part 41)
Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright?! (part 42)
Run. (part 43)
Did he rehearse this on the way over (part 44)
Mark me down as scared and- (part 45)
And now you're gay (part 46)
The Touch (part 47)
¡Olé! (part 48)
Do you really want to make me cry (part 49)
The ritual of legitimacy (part 50)
She's been very busy
Very, very busy
Red means stop!! (part 51)
Grabby hands (part 52)
Whack whack whack (part 53)
You didn't want ME anymore (part 54)
No no let him finish (part 55)
Thinking of him (part 56)
Here's where it gets weird (part 57)
Bonded (part 58)
Los goosebumps (part 59)
Green means go (part 60)
Trick or treat (part 61)
Hello corporeality, nice to see you again (part 62)
Bad memory (part 63)
He hasn't gone soft he's gone hard
Get u a man who can kick your ass blind (part 64)
You're yes then you're no (part 65)
Fancy lad in the regular room (part 66)
Baby's first drink, sorta (part 67)
Sneaky sneaking (part 68)
The ghosts of your familiar (part 69😏)
Shoulda stopped on red (part 70)
I'm not crying there's just a JERK in my eye (part 71)
Colin Spaminson (part 72)
Get expositioned, idiot
Red and Blue (part 73)
A familiar situation (part 74)
Excel spreadsheet light me up (part 75)
Continued in Masterpost 2 due to link limit lol
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oncomingnight · 10 months
Yandere! Best Friend
Hello everyone, I haven't posted in a while so I'm making an attempt at writing as much as I can in result of that. I hope you enjoy and please never hesitate in reaching out to me.
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Alessandra has always felt an immensely deep connection towards you, you were simply enchanting. She felt as if she was an English sailor at sea and you were a painfully beautiful siren, luring her to experience nothing but bliss.
She tries her absolute hardest to hide her annoyance when you mention another person when the two of you are hanging out. The most she'll do is mumble an "mhm", but you bet she's rolling her eyes as soon as you turn your back. She can pretend to enjoy the presence of others when you all hang out in a group but she can only do it for so long. Eventually, everyone else will notice her irritation when they take your attention away from her, the smile she once had fading from her face each time.
Can't you see she only wants you? She only needs YOU. She could care less about the apparent need everyone else has to always be socializing and meeting new people, she's got you and that's never going to change.
Alessandra is constantly inviting you out to the cinema, the state fair, the mall, her house, absolutely any place that she can ask you to go to.
When you accept to go to her house for a movie night turned sleepover, she fails her attempt at hiding her childlike glee. She's changing into the pink silk nightgown she bought just for this occasion, spooning you in her pillow filled bed and nuzzling her face into your neck.
Will she smell the perfume you applied onto your neck and go shopping for one with the exact same scent? Of course not.
yes, she will.
Her hands are always wandering but never to an extreme extent. You'll find that her hands are constantly either on your waist or grasping at your hand. You could be standing in front of her and she'll place her hand onto your clothed waist right before softly squeezing it.
You could mention a horror movie that you absolutely love and she'll gift you the film on dvd the next day. When she picks you up for your day out together, you'll answer the door and find her standing with two cups of iced coffee in hand, her flashing a sweet smile as soon as she sees you.
Whenever you call her or send a voice memo of yourself ranting and crying about something, you better get ready to hear her knocking on your window. She'll softly place her hand onto your cheek as she looks at you with the softest look the world has ever seen, "I'll always be here, okay? Ya can't get rid of me and I'll do anything to see that pretty little smile again. So, tell me, who did it, huh? Who made you cry?" You'd be a bit hesitant to tell her about the person that upset you so much as you're aware of how aggressive she can be towards others, but you know that if you don't tell her, she'll find out another way.
It's not strange for Alessandra to call you several terms of endearment. She just can't help it, okay?
Alessandra was born into a family filled to the brim with money, so, if they're going on a trip, you're coming with them. She'll convince your parents to let you tag along and would be absolutely ecstatic when they agree to let you go. "Don't worry about it, I'll take good care of 'er"
Whenever you're eating a meal together, she will always jump to the opportunity to feed you. At first, you'd decline sheepishly as the thought of her doing such a thing made you a bit flustered but she'd eventually convince you, "But it'll make me happy", she says with her pouted lips and big, sad eyes.
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byuntrash101 · 11 months
okay here are my thoughts: softdom!hongjoong finds out about you thinking his tattoos are hot so he decides to get more of them and every time he fucks while maintaining eye contact, you break your gaze to stare at his tattoos, finding the movement of ink on his skin fascinating
tags: gentle dom!joong, joong with tats (necessary warning), unprotected sex (don't try this at home), praising, pet names (baby, pretty, sweetheart), light teasing and begging, sweet love making </3, creampie
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hongjoong knew you liked his tattoos but when he revealed the brand new and healed ink he got right under his chin he didn't expect he would take less then 10 minutes to get you all hot bothered, ready for him. patiently waiting for him on his bed.
he was hovering above you. his hands placed at each side of your face when on gently brushed over your heated cheek.
he rubs his tip against your folds, coating his lengh with your slick as your whimper from the friction and squirm, yearning for more. you haven't seen him in a hit minute since he's always working and you can't stand the teasing right now. You want him and you want him now.
"joongie~" you whine, shy eyes looking at him as heat rushes to your cheeks.
"yes pretty?' he asks, tone as innocent as could be but the sly smirk pulling at his lips gives him away. you squirm under him as he chuckles bringing his blazing hot tip to your clit, applying some pressure to the attention deprived bundle of nerves; which makes you stay still immediatly, afraid of losing friction.
"say what you want my sweetheart" hongjoong purs in your ear, eyes urging you to voice your demands.
"please joong I want y-aaah"' you say in one breath not even able to finish your sentence before your taunting boyfriend pushes himself inside you. the way you walls stretch around him has you pushing your head into the soft pillow, the pleasure ripping a dragged out moan out of your mouth.
your boyfriend knows you so well and you have been missing him so much that in a matter of minutes you find yourself flirting with the edge already.
and so of course he notices when your eyes slip from his own to focus in the brand new tattoo under his chin. you just can't help it. the way the art piece dances on his skin everytime his adam appel bobbles in his throat, the way it moves when he grunts and moans. it mesmerizes you. you have no choice but to look
as you moan and pant become louder hongjoong doesn't dare to peel his eyes off you for a second. he wants to see you coming undone around his cock, he wants to see you slipping into madness right under him, pledging yourself to him and him only forever until the end of time.
"like my new tattoo baby?" he teases again, knowing damn well the answer.
but your mind is too far gone to play coy again.
"yesss" you say throught gritted teeth, pleasure rising again as he acknowledged you.
"such a good girl for me" he says bringing one of his hands to draw tight circles on your swollen and eager clit. immediately you arche your back, pushing your hips further into him.
"please joong i'm almost there" you cry.
"want me to get more?" he says disregarding your last sentence.
At this point you can only nod frantically as you clench around him tighter then ever, fisting the sheets at each side of your face.
"how about next time i'll get your name tattooed? huh? you'd like that?"
"yessss" you whine, closer than ever, completely losing your sanity at the idea of having your name forever imprinted on your boyfriend's perfect skin. "pleasee joongie"
"cum. cum for me baby" he grants you.
you didn't need more to come undone around him and at the end of his expert fingers. he brought you to delirous summits as you shuddered under him and your walls flutered around him eventually taking him with you as your strong grip tipped him over the edge, delivering copious amount of burning hot cum inside you, your name hanging from swollen lips.
he rolled next to you careful to keep himself locked deep inside of you, his inked arms snaking around your waist and pulling you into his warm embrace.
"i'll make an appointment with the tattoo artist tomorrow"
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