#haunted manison
secondary-colorentimy · 9 months
What Disney villain would you choose to represent Ramshackle? Personally I think Ratagan would be a good choice.
ratigan is a good choice but personally i would choose the Hatbox Ghost from the haunted manison! i know he isn’t technically a villain in the attraction BUT if you were one of the like 5 people plus me (lol) who saw the 2023 Haunted Mansion movie, he is the villain! ramshackle is a ghost house! so in my eyes it makes sense for it to be represented by a ghost as well :3
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kayssweetdreams · 1 year
Prim and Proper Problems Ch 9
When the Maestros couldn't get the two girls to talk again, they went to help the humans try and find this "Misère Au Bonheur". However, like the school, she also had little to none information, however, Cal and Fortie managed to find not only her, but her house and address. "We'll go and talk to her, if she really does know the location of the school, we can go there." Mei said. "Alright, We'll try and get the girls back to normal." Sana said.
The kids nodded before they headed out to find the address but not before giving Wormsworth a sympathetic pat on her sickle hand "Don't worry Wormy, we'll find a way to fix them." Emma said. The bug like Negaboss gave a saddened chirp like growl as they went out of the theater. When they found the matching address, They found that it was a large, not well taken care of manison on the outskirts of town. The kids almost mistook it for a haunted house because of how it looked.
"Um...Are you sure this is the right address?" Cass asked. Leo put on a brave face "Only one way to find out..." He said, before slowly making his way to the door, and giving it a loud knock. "Hello? Is anyone there? We're looking for someone named Misère Au Bonheur." He said. A old, but paranoid female voice spoke from the other side "GO AWAY!! NOBODY IS HOME!!" The voice said.
"But you are Misère Au Bonheur aren't you?" Haoyu asked "Why? Did PRIM send you? She can't take me back now! Not now! I'm as old as her now!" The voice said. "Um No. See our friends went to that school, and now they despise the stuff they love, and we need to change them back, but we can't find the school, or at least a way to fix them." Mei explained. There was a long silence, as if no one knew what to say next, until from the other side, a sigh was heard "C'mon, Get in here and I'll tell you all that I know. But ONE mention of how I'm improper, and I'm chasing you out with an ax!" She said.
The sounds of locks unlocking and chains being undone was heard, until the door slowly creaked open, and a old woman, that had a paranoid look was seen in the doorway, stepping aside to let them in. The inside of the Mansion was...not entirely what they expected. There were many papers taped to the walls, and connected with string. Most of them say things like "What is she hiding?" and "Is it drugs? Brainwashing? A cult?"
The old woman brought them to a small table laid out with information "Alright. What do you want to know?" She asked "We need to know the location of the school. Or at least how to undo what happened to our friends." Trisha Jane said. Misère sighed "The second request I can't help you with...As it almost happened to me." She said. The kids looked curious "WHAT happened?" Cass asked.
Misère got up from her seat and looked out a nearby window "It was a long time ago...I was only 8 when it happened..."
"My parents had sent me to PPP in a effort to make me a respectable child for society. But I never passed one class."
A young girl was seen struggling against two older woman, tears leaking from her eyes "You failed every class I put you in. You resist being the picture of elegance. You bring shame upon your entire family. Is there ANYTHING that you can do RIGHT?!" A younger Madame Prim scolded.
She took a deep breath however, seemingly calming down "No matter. Soon you'll be a perfect child, and every flaw in you will disappear in an instant." She said with a sinister smile. The young girl looked terrified as she was carried down a long hallway, a ominous glow seen from the end of it "P-Please! Let me go!" She whimpered, tears leaking from her eyes.
"Whatever Prim was doing, she was about to do it to me...and after seeing the girls in the gilded prison. I had to get out of there."
The little girl snapped out of it before she had an idea. In a blur, she bit down on one of the women's hands, causing her to shriek out in pain and let her go. The little girl stomped down on Madame Prim's foot, making her scream out in pain. She then ran back through the hall, not stopping or looking back "DON'T JUST STAND THERE!! STOP HER!!" She heard Prim shriek.
Blaring alarms and red light flooded her senses, but she couldn't stop now. The sounds of pounding boots followed her as she looked for any means of escape. Her eyes finally saw a thinly cracked window at the end of the hall. Picking up a rock like scone that she had, she threw it at the window, shattering it to bits. She jumped out the window and fled into the garden, hiding in a willow tree. "Search the Perimeter! She couldn't have gotten far!" She heard a guard say.
"The guards never managed to find me, and I made my way out of the school. My parents never found me, and I found this old mansion and lived in it ever since."
The little girl walked through a long road, until she eventually reached Timeville, and the large manison that had seen better days. Seeing a broken window, she carefully climbed in and made herself at home.
"Even if Prim's guards kept coming and going. They never looked in here. And they never found me...But I knew that Prim was DOING something to the girls, but I never knew what..."
The kids looked shocked at what Misère had to go through. This didn't give them the answer of what happened to the girls, but it did give them a clue to what Madame Prim was hiding. "And is she still looking for you?" Rebecca asked. Misère's eyes narrowed. "Yes. She NEVER stopped looking. She saw my escape as her greatest failure...and she intends to undo that failure by any means necessary." She spat.
The Children looked worried "But...times have changed. Why would anyone need to send their kids to a place that destroys anything unique?" Emma asked. The older woman's eyes grew hard "Yes. Times HAVE changed. Nobody cares about that kind of stuff anymore. So Prim decides to MAKE kids look bad in order to get them sent to the school." She said. "Like what happened with Yuri and Kaylo! I knew they didn't steal anything!" Leo said.
Misère grew curious "Kaylo? As in Kaylo Bruno? The Bruno with a Golden Voice?" She asked. The kids were confused, how did she know about Kaylo? "Um...yes?" They said unsure. "Her mom helped me. She led the guards away from the mansion when one spotted me in a window." She said "She also Brought me food, and a few blankets from time go time. I can't believe that Prim changed her." She grumbled, her voice getting angry.
She however calmed down, before giving the kids what looked like a map "Take this. It's a map to the school." She said "Um...thanks Miss Misère...but, aren't you going with us?" Haoyu asked. The woman shook her head "I go there I might as well become a senile old maid. However, maybe you can finish what I started. You can succeed where I failed. Find what Prim does to the girls. And Bring that PRISON to the ground." She said.
The kids nodded before gazing at the map. They thanked Misère before they left the house to tell the others the good news...but they never noticed someone spying on them. They spoke into a walkie talkie "Madame? It's me. After all these years, I found the imperfect."
"Very Good. I'll send backup. Bring that ungrateful brat back so we can perfect them..."
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehypercutstudios/@thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
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julie-jcyful · 1 year
❝  trespassers  don’t  GET  cookies.  ❞ from @jonesful !
Haunted Manison Starters! || Accepting [ @jonesful ]
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" Uhhhhhhhhhhh, I wasn't gonna Trespass in the First Place, anyways??? Come on, Jonesy! You're Killing me here! " Julie Whined Teasingly as she looked up towards Her Green Haired Older Brother with a mocking Huff from her nose, crossing her pink arms in the process while still eyeing the cookies a little bit. She'll just have to come up with a better plan to get to the cookies...
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((ooc: Whaddya mean I have too much merch of these guys?))
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thefuriousmagician · 4 years
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Hi i did this
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thespiritmediumgirl · 4 years
Mod: This is an OC verison of my HM OC Hannhson Timewell
ALIAS(ES): Mistress Timewell
AGE: In her 30s,In her corrupted Mortal State, hasn't died yet
GENDER: Female
INTEREST: Exploring abandoned places, exploring haunted places, channeling ghosts, drinking, collecting curse objects, fighting, studies the supernatural/paranormal, studies in the field of cybrids
PROFESSION: One of the Timewells in the Timewell Family gifted with a ability to see ghosts to channel them but risk her life to explore dangerous places that contain dangerous hauntings.
RESIDENCE: Timewell Manor
BODY TYPE: Slim, her body mostly attarces men, her red long hair that shines in the moon light and shines brighter in the daylight giving off the beautiful scent that has men attractive to her more.
EYES: Dark green
SKIN: White
FACE: Round
POWERS: Even as a mortal which mortals useally don't carry abilities but in her case she's possessed by a shadow person that never left her body but she can contain it by wearing special gloves. Hannhson can shapeshift or morph into the Shadow person.
LOVE INTEREST(S): Doesn't have any she really doesn't have the time for it.
CLOSE RELATIVES: Her parents but they vanish when she's 5.
COMPANIES: A two headed ghost that haunt her Manor.
Her siblings, De' Lillies
PREFERRED FRUIT: Strawberries, Dragon fruit, and Star Fruit
PREFERRED MEATS: Cow meat, Pig meat, Chicken, Snake meat
PREFERRED DRINKS: Orange juice, Fruit punch, milk, milkshake
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Red whine and some other whines
DRIVER'S LICENCE: "Walking is better than driving!"
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askthebrokenones-fm · 2 years
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((New icon for pride month! Tried to line up the bois’ identities as best I could
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opprose · 3 years
👀 what i remade this cyoa as wkm-
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
I'm not sure if this is just a me thing or what but...
The ghosts at Night Raven College being named after characters from The Haunted Manison.
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anangelwhodidntfall · 3 years
Cody Fern Masterlist
Michael Langdon
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Blood In The Water Masterlist
Xavier Plympton
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Save Your Tears
The Beautiful Ones
Rainy Days
Damn The Man
Take Me With You 
Why Me
Dead Lovers Lane Masterlist
Duncan Shepard 
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The Haunted Manison
Bad Days: Prof!Duncan
The Beautiful and The Damned: Prof!Duncan
Nowhere Fast
Nowhere Fast: Part 2
Jim Mason 
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What Have I Done: Part One
What Have I Done: Part Two
Cody Fern 
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Bad Dates
Nap Dates
Spooky Season With The Cody’s
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stellocchia · 3 years
Zachary and Ash (the twins) from the haunted manison headcanons?
Talk about creepy horror twins...
Zachary and Ash have never been apart from each other. They've never learned how to function without the other one being right there. Not the healthiest dynamic, they will admit, but it had never caused issues for them...
Until the mansion. They weren't apart for long and neither of them was hurt. Nothing in the mansion was actually dangerous after all, it felt more like a pretty simple escape room. And yet both of them felt like they died a bit inside
They would have ignored it normally, but that wasn't normal, was it? You're supposed to be able to spend a few minutes apart. You're supposed to be able to function as an individual. You're not supposed to just ba a half, right?
Zachary was the one who suggested therapy, and Ash didn't agree. It was the first fight they ever had. They ended up not talking for a whole day after that, still by each other's side though, of course. The silence didn't last, and Ash conceded that, perhaps, they did need some help after all. There was a long road ahead of them, and they were determined to see it through
The twins get over their codependency in their therapy arc?
C!Tommy and c!Wilbur should take a page out of their book honestly...
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unluckyfairy13 · 4 years
Okay so Teen Titans Annual #2 just came out and ow I need to rant. First page is Damian and Alfred in the beginning to show how much they became close over time. Look they're playing chess. 🤧 (though I do admit I don't like how Damian treated Alfred like that in the past. Still it shows how close they were getting.)
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Then we get back to this. With Batman fianlly telling his son he cares. Just where was this when our boy needed to hear this a couple issues ago.
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So Deathstroke comes. Fights happen and so on but back to father & son. Batman telling Robin he's gone to far and to come back before its to late. Now to tell the truth on the bottom I can't tell if it's Alfred with Damian/ Bruce.🤔 I don't know if they were trying to parallel how Alfred was always there for Bruce as a kid and now Bruce wants to do the same. But...
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Yeah it's to little to late. Damian finally gets to vent at least some of his frustration. How Bruce hasn't really given him a home. I mean yeah they live in a manison but it's really not a home you know. They aren't close anymore and the people Damian was close to are gone. Alfred and Dick are gone (Jon to but that's another topic). And why are they gone now.
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Yeah because of this 👇. Seriously did Bruce really think this wouldn't mess Damian more. Dick got shot in the head, Alfred dead. Not to mention this sadly helped reinforce Damian's thinking that criminals needs to die more. As it could've prevented all this from happening to them.
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Damian asking why his father won't fight back that got me. Damian poor baby excepting to beaten back for this which given the history of being near to death by family members.😣 (Which I guess I should be happy that Dc didn't make Batman beat up a kid.) Instead Batman is on his knees telling his son he loves him. While also admitting he failed him.
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Again though it's to late and pretty words about love isn't enough. Damian remembers what happened to Alfred. Damn our boy will have that memory to haunt him forever. (Even if Alfred does come back the memory still there. For both of them to feel they are responsible for the other death 😬.)
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Finally the part we all knew was coming and hoping wouldn't actually happened. Damian is no longer Robin. 😥😢
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I got to say I hate this but at least Damian got to leave on his terms (kind of, shouldn't of happened at all). Robin wasn't taken from him (the least Dc could do I guess), he got to leave it. To him he's finally free from everyone expections of him. Still this means he's all alone now.
Yet I don't why but I don't think it will be for long. With the fight with Deathstroke earlier I'm reminded of how Damian has the reverse problem of Batman. Bruce gets kids to mentor but Damian attracts villains to try and mentor him. And with future issues relating to Damian going to some villains 😓. Anyway please tell me what you guys think about what happened. I mostly focused on what occured with father and son.
What did you guys think about the other things that went down with Teen Titans. That was a whole other can of worm there that I did not want to get into. Side note at least Crush knew better then get into the fight between them.
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julie-jcyful · 1 year
❝  trespassers  don’t  GET  cookies.  ❞ Cue Wally... stretching his hand to keep the plate of cookies as far away from his jolly friend as possible. (heythereneighbor... though he isn't that mean I swear)
Haunted Manison Starters || Accepting ( @heythereneighbor )
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" HEY!!!! If this is some kind of a Prank, then at least Tell me personally so I can Join in! Come on now, Wally! Don't leave me hanging " Julie Mockingly Whined towards the Blue Haired Neighbor as she tried her very best to scrunch up an Angry expression without letting out so much of an laugh, stretching her pink hand towards the plate of Cookies in the process.
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New change to blog.
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Yes I've always wanted to make a blog about them.
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((ooc: If there was snow in Florida!lol))
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