#mun spooks post
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Yeah that's not creepy at all!
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asktheredheadedfeline · 9 months
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oflostinfound · 1 year
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They're just going to hold Taygete and let her grab their finger and babble. They're worried, but that didn't mean they didn't have a baby to tend to, and Eath was not very experienced with babies.
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undyingmedium · 18 days
Comfort food(s): Pizza (like the good Italian peep I am), sushi, spicy things, chocolate and sweets!
Comfort drink(s): Bubble tea and mocaccino on non-alcoholic side, wine otherwise!
Comfort movie(s): Atlantis! I still cry to the beginning and ending scenes and the Crystal Chamber never fails to give me goosebumps. And REC. Calling that "comfort" is a huuuuge stretch, but it's one of the best horror movies I ever watched and nothing ever spooked me as much as that one. Love me some strong emotions!
Comfort show(s): Speaking of strong emotions, Cabinet of Curiosities has been destroying me lately in both a good and bad way, but I'm enjoying in thoroughly and it's probably gonna stay as one of my favourites. On a completely different note, Wander over Yonder and Vox Machina. Something tells me I'll be back to change/add more a thousand times after I post this.
[[EDIT]] Oh shit I forgot Fallout!!! And Pluto!
Comfort clothing: Black/dark t-shirts with nerdy prints and leggins. Also earrings of all kinds.
Comfort song(s): Peter Gundry's entire production and videogames soundtracks/instrumental pieces with emotional intent! And System of a Down and Blackbriar as groups!
Comfort book(s): I'm very attached to the Emerged World sagas because they're the first big trilogies that ever really got me into fantasy as a child ♡
Comfort game(s): I'm afraid League of Legends is far past me without a group of friends that plays with me because of its awful community, but I'll never forget it's the reason why I started chasing my dream job and today I'm finally starting to see it realized. But! Kingdom Hearts got me into gaming during childhood and I'm still respecting it despite the creators' thirst for money and questionable writing, Hollow Knight is going to stay one of my all-time favourites, Minecraft is also fun with friends, Crypt of the Necrodancer satisfies my love for gaming and music, [[EDIT]] Dead by Daylight is my new happy choice for nights with friends and! Last but not least!! TTRPG games - most of them!! Gift me a good story and let me immerse myself in them with a loved character of mine and you'll have my heart for years to come, as my DMs very well know ♡
Also, just for the record, a few honorable mentions: horror RPG maker games and Undertale got me into story-based games, Among us, Slay the Princess struck my heart lately, Ring of Pain was an amazing go-to to fill the time and Baldur's Gate is the best alternative to real campaigns I tried so far. Probably unpopular opinion: I don't like fighting and mechanics that much - some fights are breathtaking but I'm mostly in for the story and the relationships with characters (absolutely not limited to romantic ones) and I can't take it seriously because of the possibility to reload and my lack of discipline with avoiding it. So yes, but also no. Just a mention.
Tagged by @windwithinmyveins || Bring it on~ (Thank you! ♥)
Tagging: @steel-and-fire @witches-and-weirdos @deepseawarlock @aquatic-hybrid @deaddovestellnotales and you!
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badassxbirdy · 4 days
June Activity Update - Pinned Post
It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brain fog strikes. This one includes posts and drafts for May. Everything else can be found in previous updates under this tag. There’s also the full thread tracker here.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens and memes, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Discord for IC texting. Username is the same as her url.
The full activity update (along with OOC housekeeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links. But before we get into it, a necessary gif for June:
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Happy Pride, friends! May your month be as queer and joyful as possible. 🏳️‍🌈 🥰
Had a somewhat impromptu mini hiatus for much of this past month, and so I'm further behind on things than I'd like to be, but beginning to get caught up. Your patience is appreciated!
Super sneaky promo in honour of my name twins birthday!
For those who missed it: I kept having issues with Wire, so I’ve switched to Discord for IC messages outside tumblr. I can get the alerts on my phone, so really it’s the same difference as a way of doing IC texts. You can mainly consider it Ty’s phone, but feel free to send OOC messages if you prefer it to tumblr IM's. Username is the same as here, badassxbirdy.
I’m still migrating things over to Tyler’s new relationships page and doing some tinkering, so please ignore the mess and missing stuff for now!
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
Ty gives Lance a haircut (drafted)
Doctor Ty is in the house! (link)
Lance's rep. 😂 (link)
Diner demon chaos (link)
Taking Lance on a hunt. (drafted)
Azzy proves a point (drafted)
Car trouble (I'm certain I queued this, but now I can't find it. 😭😭😭 Redoing it asap, and still laughing over Matt spooking The Boy)
At the motel (thread end! ❤️)
Nosy Tyler is nosy (link)
Sick Tyler = sulking Tyler (drafted)
Roasting 50 Shades (drafted)
Wrong universe stress (drafted)
Damon actually opens up! 😱 (drafted)
"Hold still, I'm trying to help!" (drafted)
Memes still in the drafts, apologies for the wait!
Tyler really said 😒 (link)
Ocean hedgehogs/blaming Michael. (drafted)
Demon problems part 2: electric boogaloo (link)
Awkward Tyler is awkward. (link)
Starter still in the drafts, apologies for the wait!
Dumbass teens and library ghosts (drafted)
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
Tyler needs a warning label. (link)
Relationship advice from Mel @nightiingaled (link)
Dash game: nine movies the mun could watch 500 times. (link)
Thread commentaries/crack, featuring Ty’s height related defensiveness. 😂 (link/link)
I think that’s everything, but as always, please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I am either having a brain fart or I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, and stay safe! ❤️ — Em
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zoroara · 5 months
OC Questions answered from this post, For Nascosta cause I'm a little bored and decided hey why not, i got time. This is going to get really long, i mean the post itself with just the questions is long. So i'm going to drop this under a read more.
1. What’s the lie your character says most often? That they're actually stronger and better than the people that they mimic. They don't actually believe this, and only some is it actually a factual statement. But they ESPECIALLY say that they're stronger than other mist users which a majority of the time? is not true at all.
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’? Other than when they're using it to taunt people, very... rarely. It's fucking arduous for you to get Nas to actually like you in the first place much less even admit it. She doesn't really like to use titles like that lightly.
3. How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing? It's a mix really because it entirely depends. Most times it's pretty obvious as to what she's feeling. There's a few emotions like fear that he'll cover up without even realizing, with his big ecstatic grin and laughter that almost seems exactly the same as when he's genuinely enjoying and taunting someone. But it mostly depends on context.
4. What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss? Funnily enough, they've actually kept most of their hobbies despite being in a busy assassination squad. How have they done this? what's their secret? Ditching work by pretending to be someone else. Fun fact, Nascosta is actually really good at cooking and baking, so sometimes to make up for ditching she cooks something for Xanxus so Squalo can deliver it without dying to the boss being pissed off it's not high enough quality. She also just likes to do this in her spare time so it's a win win.
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen? Yes she can but she mostly uses it in her mimics than in any other scenario. She especially doesn't want to cry in front of the varia unless a mimic requires this because she's pretty sure they'd all look down upon that! Which yeah they would. But admittedly though she could just think of literally anything negative about her life long enough and break down, she mostly just uses illusions instead, since doing that would affect her focus if she's not careful.
6. What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before? Given she doesn't actually talk to people that much and keeps the things she actually likes mostly tight under lock, Just about anything can sit here. He doesn't like people knowing what he actually likes in case they make fun of him for it.
7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell? Well, provided they WANT to be found. Because Nas is a bit of a bastard when it comes to giving people a hard time. It's honestly really easy to get a hold of them just by name. Of course good 50% chance they use the opportunity to fucking spook you though.
8. How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’? Yeah uh... Good luck ever hearing this in their life time. It's really hard for them to make friends, even harder for them to ever say this set of words. Takes a while, even while in a relationship for her to even say this.
9. Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive? For them it depends who they are talking to. Like they observe people and see what works best on that person before attempting themselves. Though it's unlikely he would ever try for someone at all in the first place. She actually hates both equally. This is because she sees both as looking down on her in some way, and usually grows aggressive and defensive immediately. Only people she actually likes will either method be somewhat effective.
10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity? Anything that they think makes them seem cool, strong, smart or otherwise special. how she's as physically as strong as her strongest mimic, how she's good enough to be trained by an Arcobaleno. So on and so forth, sometimes they are greatly exaggerated and most times also said at the same time as insulting another in order to seem better.
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
See with Nas being so secretive and in control of most tics she has very few easy ways to get. if you want a question that you can get the answer to for sure you better have been their partner for at least several years and know that you can ask things from their past because literally no one else would know the answer but you and her. otherwise you will need to do something that would trigger her. as she has some uncommon ones an imposter wouldn't likely connect. blowing up a balloon to its fullest extent and popping it by doing so or doing the same with chewing gum will make him immediately panic. This is because Nas' first time not only seeing their mentor who they thought was impossibly strong fight, and was also the very first mist battle thet had ever seen, was the mist ring battle. and we all know how that ended.
12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific! Seeing their superiors get mildly injured especially if in the consequences of their own actions. Particularly if it is Squalo because both she really dislikes him and he has really really funny reactions to things. She once saw him kick something out of anger and stub his toe only to grow more pissed off and she had to do everything in her power to avoid laughing so hard she couldn't breathe.
13. When do they fake a smile? How often? Extremely often, for intimidation, to tease people, to hide fear, to hide sadness. It's hard to tell his faked from real though, at least just looking at the smile. He has a biiiig wide unnatural looking smile even when they're being genuine. so looking for forcing is hard. look more at his eyes.
14. How do they put out a candle? Depends if they have an audience or not, with one she does it with her fingers. Without it, he does it normally by blowing it out.
15. What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone? He doesn't go to school so we'll skip. Home and work are the same place since everyone in the varia lives at the Varia HQ. There they act aggressively and flashy, trying to get attention of any kind so it mostly ends up negative attention cause it's easier to garner. With friends she's still a bit of a prat, but is more teasing and playful. She'll also go out of her way to do things for them without being asked. Just to make sure they still like her. when alone... that's when he actually allows himself to feel negatively, it's so exclusive to this that he will actively attempt to leave if he feels a mood drop coming on because he doesn't want to be seen like that.
16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head? Anyone and everyone honestly, she is constantly thinking about scenarios and how to succeed in them. though this is only cut by the other type of thoughts she has which is constantly figuring out how other people would react in scenarios to a highly accurate degree for her mimics.
17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them? If there's no illusions whatsoever, both parties notice the scars she has first. normally she hides them completely, but there's so many of them that it's hard to find a part of undamaged skin. Jumping into the deep end that was the varia from only half a year or of combat training from a much less dangerous man left them utterly brutalized under their illusions. Now most people assume they just heal well from injuries. If with just those covered, the first thing they notice is how tall they are and how muscular. But since that's common in the varia most people just notice how strange their eyes look.
18. Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)? Currently? No one. If they genuinely get into a relationship though... they're very all or nothing incredibly obsessive, they'll believe that they've done something wrong far before they believe their partner can ever have done so. It's not good for him really, but unfortunately he's just like this.
19. What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding? Depends why she was avoiding them. If it's because they believe something bad will happen if they interact, well now she's gone invisible. If it's because they just don't care to interact with them, they'll sit in the corner mind their own business until let out, maybe if it starts taking a while they'll start to work together if it's clear they're not getting out. If it's because they fucking hate that person well, they're going to lock on to trying to fucking murder them
20. Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person? That's pretty easy, they actually like Mammon but fucking hate being trained by them, which makes sense because part of their training requires mammon to piss them off since unfortunately she rarely has the motivation to improve otherwise. As for the other way around, really any of their superiors. But especially so for Bel, they love the way he fights, but would rather be dead than be in the same room as him. She does like to use his mimic only choosing xanxus' over it for power.... He however doesn't fucking like that because the first time he saw it he thought Rasiel somehow came back again.
21. What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it? Thankfully, she has decent table manners, but any other form of etiquette has completely fallen to the wayside as she purposely is disrespectful most of the time. He really doesn't see the point of playing around these things even if it's gotten him into a lot of shit.
22. What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character? Well as a new one that wasn't already mentioned above(Chewing gum, blowing up balloons, both make her uneasy now), taking medicine. Every other thing like going to the medical bay, getting shots everything is fine. But taking any oral medicine like cough syrups or pills, she absolutely can't and won't. Thankfully Lussuria is around to put her in a headlock and make her... Though that's if anyone finds out he's sick in the first place given he'll just hole up in his room as long as he can.
23. What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember? Well, that's pretty easy. Since Nas will begin to feel incredibly guilty about purposely doing things that were so much as mildly inconvenient to a person as she grows to like them. She once hid a part on Vittorio that he needed for a weapon he was making for over an hour. This to her, by the way, is just as bad as the times she's verbally threatened him while holding a dagger.
24. Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it? First, they probably made the cookies in the cookie jar, they're allowed to take from it. In fact they usually have to be careful because much to their dismay anything they bake gets fucking stolen if they're not watching. But as for what? God something rich as hell, maybe chocolate caramel fudge cookies.
25. What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot? Thanks to their obsessive perfectionism with their mimics they end up learning a lot of utterly useless things that the other person knows. As an example: They now know way too many shark facts. They have so much random trivia in their head if you want to know something provided they're willing to cooperate they may just be faster than searching something up.
26. How would they respond to being fired by a good boss? Unless their relationship with the boss was as good as their leading, Nas would try to fucking kill them. Flat out. They do not handle rejection well and violence is his first answer. If they DID also like the boss on a personal level, well the answer is then crumple into depression upon rejection.
27. What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond? Nas sure doesn't get gifts so it's actually very hard to disappoint them. They will pretend though that they're not actually that impressed by it though. But it's hard to say the worst gift when you haven't been given any yet.
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want? They always say different things when asked, it's not accurate it's not honest it's just always something different. A lot of the time they'll just say nothing, that they're not working toward anything that they just want what's in front of them. This is deeply untrue. They want more than anything for someone to actually like them even if they self sabotage constantly because they don't believe they deserve that. They want to be the things they claim to be already, because then someone would actually want to be around them if they were worth something, right?
29. How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them? Annoyance, he's used to not being believed. If she was telling them something important he'll just say "Well guess I won't be hearing from you after you fuckin die". Like they're mad about it, but they'll just watch the person suffer for not believing them.
30. When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional? hm... Honestly no, it just hurts in a different way. it's the same level and she'll react similarly but it still is fucking up in front of her peers and she hates it regardless. Though professional honestly it's rare to actually feel guilt over anything, it's more just a pissed off feeling.
31. When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it? You must understand something about Nas' emotions, everything is almost always max level and violently swinging until they actually get some friends because they fucking have no god damn stability. Even then... Basically there's no specific scenario where he'd feel the MOST guilt because everything is just set to "Time to repent" Upon fucking up for a majority of their life when feeling any guilt. Speaking of the answer is usually self isolation... and in some cases causing harm to herself.
32. If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why? Look, Nas has committed many petty crimes/misdemeanors. She's an assassin, and an illusionist at that, she doesn't see why she needs to worry about tiny little crimes. Who gives a shit, thanks to illusions no one would even know. That said Nas likes to fucking steal shit for fun sometimes, like just to see what she can do.
33. How do they greet someone they dislike / hate? If they dislike you, you'll most likely have a hand picked insulting nickname sneered at you after a hello. If they hate you? Pray that they don't greet with immediately trying to stab you.
34. How do they greet someone they like / love? If they like you they'll just greet you with a hey and a name, they still want to act cool. If they love you, uh well they're most likely draping themselves over you and being realllly affectionate as they say hello.
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made? Hm, you know, most of the time the smallest one is usually just seeing someone who could use a little bit of help and just choosing not to because they can't be bothered.
36. Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent? God this either counts for most of their relationships before they actually start liking people, unless you don't see it as that. Since technically they're kind of just being used for additional fodder, really. Since they can't really play nice with people for this, i don't think they really are doing such a thing.
37. What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell? Since Nas is simultaneously very open and very not... It just depends what has ended up feeling like something that need to be said. Like anything of their past, their real name being Narciso, the fact their appearance doesn't match anymore. But one that has not been said is that they do want a family. But with being aware of how unstable he is, he knows that this want is just being selfish. He'll be happy without kids anyway. Just sometimes they do think of about it despite that.
38. What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why? Bold of you to assume they ever show their hobbies to people. But hm, I can't think of one she'd preform worse at, unless the other person was purposely causing problems. Nas tends to be surgical precision in like most things so it leaves very little room for error.
39. Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there? They'd rather be invited so they can still turn it down. At least it's their choice to go still and they can act above the invitation if she senses that they're not actually wanted. They hate both a lot but at least they get to spit in the face of someone in the first.
40. How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head? They don't actually care much if the handshake is loose. But if it's particularly loose they'll swing the person's arm a bit and ask if they're worried about breaking their hands. More just to get a reaction.
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else? Despite how much they hate it they actually picked up some of Squalo's non-professional speak after learning it for his mimic. Fortunately for him it's not very obvious. People think they picked up the way Bel smiles but they had actually been doing that for a while. No, instead after learning his mimic he started standing like he does without realizing. A lot of little tics that his mimics do you can actually see that he does, though good luck guessing where, or who she got it from.
42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be? Hilarious fact about Nas, is despite constantly wanting to be a center of attention, if it's something professional like a meeting or something she gets stage fright. So During this she'd probably be halfway to crying but they'd probably give a presentation on how to analyze and predict people.... good luck understanding it though.
43. What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding? Sometimes they just don't think about things. Though he can always figure out things and use logic, to the point he can predict people's movements and things they'll say to him, he emotionally reacts first if something SOUNDS like something else and he's not in the right headspace. They need to be trying to do these things for them to avoid making these misinterpretations.
44. What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why? Given they had to learn 7 so they could get paid at the varia and continued to grow their repertoire making sure to practice them regularly so that she doesn't get rusty... I'd say there's a good amount of languages that'd be easier to learn from the experience. Though... at the same time with the amount of shared language words that actually have different meaning.... Well easy to pick up hard to differentiate with most I'd say.
45. What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately? First, mark everything they care or hate about is incredibly important to them, even if it's not actually in the grand scheme- but one of the things they hate with a passion is anything they bake for themselves being fucking stolen on them. They have poisoned batches just because of this out of frustration. so... careful.
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen? It switches a lot, They don't talk at all sometimes and other times they're talking the majority and won't shut up. It really depends on the topic and who they're with. if it's interesting they'll completely listen unless they don't like the person then they're interrupting whenever. It's really all over the place.
47. Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well? Nascosta remembers people too well, especially people who have rejected her. Which is almost all of their previous relationships. Worse at a certain point they ended up killing those that do leaving a huge gap between people that could have remembered them and current. None of those people would really recognize him at this point though, personality wise or physically. She used to be very, very different when she was a civilian.
48. Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do? Yeah you're going to have to be dating him for a yes and even then she's going to to whiiiiiine unless it's something incredibly important to them. If they don't end up enjoying it though they're going to be moody the rest of the night so always choose carefully when doing this.
49. Would they eat something they find gross to be polite? Absolutely not for just anyone. But then again they wouldn't keep quiet either if it was bad for anyone. It's just whether or not they'll spit it out right in front of you, and whether or not they give proper criticism or "This shit sucks". Admittedly though, there's not many overall dishes that she'd actually find bad, it's just if you can prepare them right.
50. What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don’t agree with? Well given they're a fucking bloodthirsty assassin who loves to watch people struggle in pain. Uh. I would HAVE TO SAY A LOT OF THINGS THERE I WOULD DISAGREE WITH. Like Don't murder people???? that's a good start. we'd be here all day if i kept going.
51. What’s a phrase they say a lot? "It is what it is" Mostly whenever they've pissed someone else off and want to make it worse when they're being accused of doing something.
52. Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting? Depends whether or not they're in the right headspace. Nas likes to have all the information they can have before doing things but it's uncommon they are emotionally capable of doing so.
53. Who would / do they believe without question? Hm, as they grow closer they begin to believe people more and more. There's people who they'll believe with very little questioning, like Mammon and Vittorio. But absolutely without question would once again end up being a romantic partner.
54. What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation? Depends on the trigger. Most triggers will cause a fight reaction, but ones without clear thing to focus on will cause flight(invisible enemy sort of deal), or ones that are genuinely too overwhelming to her forces her to freeze. Fawn is reserved almost always to people they like getting mad at them.
55. What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate? Good question, most things they like line up with the expectations, more because they would avoid anything they didn't like vehemently, to the point they wouldn't even want to be associated with it.
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear? If they're scared they lash out or isolate or do ANYTHING to hide that they are. They refuse to let anyone comfort them when they're afraid. this doesn't change on type. Even when they trust more they utterly struggle to sit and let someone close during this time.
57. What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often? Actually eating regularly. Sometimes depending on their mood they may entirely end up missing multiple meals in a day. They try but sometimes their brain won't work with the body.
58. How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme? God, they have many, many attempted ones. Things that they thought would make them useful, things that they needed to learn for mimics "just in case". He's a patchwork of other people when it comes to his hobbies.
[God this took all fucking day to do. Worse I had to redo like 3 times cause tumblr is a BITCH and didn't SAVE but we're here.]
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velvetnviolentviolets · 7 months
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((Because I've had soo many issues with this as of late))
I'm going to say this VERY loud so that everyone at the back of the room hears this. Katherine Does Not Sleep Around. Kat Is actually a fairly tough personality to get on with. I'm not saying this because I DONT want ships. I am a SHIPPING WHORE. BUT my muse wont just smut for smut sake. Kat Is a HUGE FLIRT and will openly flirt BUT that doesn't mean she wants to wham bam thank you ma’am(or man). Even If Kat and another muse get to flirting there is no guarantee she isn't going to spook and back peddle. She is GREAT at freaking out and pulling away. It’s kind of her thing. TLDR?: NEED CHEMISTRY and FEELS FOR BOOM BOOM. Flirt =/= Wanting to do the do.
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AN IMPORTANT HEADCANON: Kat is generally detached and indifferent but when attached? Friends, Family, Lovers? She can quickly become needy, clingy, and obsessive. BUT is also quick to retreat inward or act out under perceived rejection.
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Kat has a collection of “neat” flashlights and lighters. Her favorite lighter is a chicken who’s flame comes from it’s beak.
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Kats triggers are large amounts of blood. Sudden loud noises in small spaces. Masculine presenting individuals who suddenly get loud/Aggressive/Angry.
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Potential triggers associated my muse:
These will be placed at the bottom of the post so they can be under cut.
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While Kat has a whole lot about her that makes her a difficult personality she is also an EXTREMELY passionate personality. Her passion for the things and people she loves has such a swelling affectionate and energizing resonance that words and feelings can come on SO intensely. I can feel her excitement, pain, joy, and affection in such a physical way. Aside from that she has been an amazing outlet to filter my own life experience, rumination’s, and motifs through. Not to mention she also has a tendency to just crack me up.
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Katherine is spiked. Even if she starts off playful for you she’s going to have reactive moments where she bites and I can’t really do much to curb her triggers.
Kat WILL NOT just have sex with or just be thrown into a ship with your muse. If it doesn’t work I can’t force it. I’ve even tried! I pushed a ship on her just for the sake of not having to disappoint someone and she absolutely shut down on me. I couldn’t write her for weeks.
Life has been a real shit show as of late and I’m having a hard enough time taking care of myself let alone writing.
If you are going to take my struggle to write personally just save us both the time and anxiety and unfollow me now. 🙃
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tagged: @wynterlanding Thank you for sticking around and just for being amazing in general . 🥹
Tagging: @godccmplex @vvolfatthedoor and @pctentialbreakupsong
Drug abuse, Spousal abuse, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Suicidal Thoughts, Terminal illness, Death of a parent, Death of a spouse, SA, Knives, Murder, and Alcoholism.
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stxrsfxte · 5 months
Indie, semi-selective, Genshin Impact multimuse for primarily OCs & some canons. Penned by spooks / boo. 23+ mun. This is a secondary version of viatrix-starlit (sideblog to starsdeath)
Rules / Muses / Interest Tracker / Permanent Starter & Inbox Call / Meme Tag / Open Starters / Wishlist / Shipping Wishlist / Ship Bias List / My Art
NSFW sideblog is: @lxstfxte
Test Muse(s): Lyney, Venti, Sigewinne
Upcoming Character birthdays: Melanyia - March 30th, Fu Bao - April 10th
a study in: blurred line between humanity and instinct. loss & grief & the inevitability of change. masks and what lies behind them - the all encompassing wish to reach for the warmth of another or the solace of the true self. love & the tangle of all things that linger after the touch of it.
Current To-Do List + Character post links under cut
- write up Headcanons Master list posts for at least the other 3 main muses (ideally everyone eventually)
Farah: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Lorelei: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Ophelia: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Lan: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Alya: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Senta: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Anzhelina: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Melanyia: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Huā Yuán: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Maita: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Fu Bao: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Shen Guiying: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Ren Xinyi: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Tuesday: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Mylo: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Lumine: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
Qiqi: aesthetics / about / headcanons / playlist
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spooksy-ocs · 5 months
welcome to @spooksy-jester / @spooksy-sprites 's oc blog!
will mostly be focused on my homestuck related ocs but will share others on ocassion! this post will be updated as needed!
Mun intro: Call me Spooksy/Spook?etc! Any pronouns are fine:) I'm 21!
My toyhouse account!
questions on my ocs, about them, their stories, and other similar things are allowed!
please respect any of my characters identies/persons (like use their right pronouns and relationships/types of people they are into)
please stay off my page if you are homophobic, racist, otherwise prejudice hateful or anything of the likes.
I will add all the tags for my ocs as I add them!
this post will be updated as needed!
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Mun question! What is your favorite horror movie?
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Okay, admittedly very late posting this, but I'mma answer it anyways, since it works for the spook month.
Now, bear in mind, I'm not a big fan of horror movies, something my mother decries as blasmphemy. However, I grew up watching a fair number of them with her, because once she started one, she wouldn't play anything else.
Anyways, the horror movies I know mainly come from what she watched around me, and my personal go-to for the genre is probably either one of the Scream movies, or Resident Evil: Extinction (I think this is the correct one that she watched around me).
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phantomofagoodtime · 9 months
im posting this reel so i dont lose it ;w; (idk how to fave youtube reels)
From my favourite kdrama Goblin. He's a grim reaper so she cant see him when hes got the hat on, makes him invisible to humans. She tries to ring him because she wants to see him and then he forgets hes got his phone on him haha! - she gets spooked and nearly trips, he goes under to stop her hitting the floor but she still cant see him so its both funny and adorable lol
Just mun things <3
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I shall I have a Pokemon Duck named Waddles in Pokemon Violet to make @asktheghosthost feel better!
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Guys I think I have theory.I think Hatty could be poessessing this character here:
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But we really don’t know who he’s poessessing rn.
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((ooc: Okay ya'll it's time to put your thinking mickey ears on and your listening mouse ears on too because it's time for a guessing game: Did anyone notice that no fucking complained about Hosty being in the Streching room before the inside of the manor got updated?
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I'm asking this because I notice after the update of the inside of the manor out of the clear blue someone bitched about Hosty appearing hanging there if you put all puzzles in places ya'll I think I saw lots of Karens/Kents a mile a fucking away that didn't like the new inside of the wallpaper of the manor and we're upset that we're the original was gone.
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So probably what happened was a bunch of Karens/Kents threaten Disney to get Ghost Host remove due to over the new look/new wallpaper of the Haunted Mansion which is pretty fucking stupid. Who agrees with me on this? Remember the post I made about Hosty getting removed by Disney?Yeah that propably what happened.
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I mean let's just say for an example a Karen or a Kent decide to threaten Disney to remove Hatbox Ghost because they we're disturbed his head in the hatbox when his head appeared in there?Lots of people would ON THE INTERNET would have a pissy fit of who said that basically these Karens/Kents get mad over the dumbest things that shouldn't get mad over.They enjoy getting a target on their backs don't they?But for Halloween of 2021 I'm gonna dress up as him and have a custom skeleton of him hanging outside to trigger the Karens/Kents because we're born with 0 brain cells!
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But I really didn't notice this until after the update of the new inside of the manor. So this makes lots of scence now to me because if you look at the original wallpaper.... This post here on instagram:
And the new wallpaper of of the manor and update...... BINGO!Karens/Kents got into a childish fit because the original wallpaper of the manor was removed!So they go upset and went into a fury of blood massacre looking for the manger but couldn't find them so the species of Karens/Kents so they threaten Disney to remove Hosty in the Streching Room!
WHO AGREES ME WITH ME ON THIS?!I certainly do!))
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fastfists · 2 years
Okay, but the hilarity of the Wachowski household having a water deity living in their home casually. Like Chaos just popping up randomly.
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redxriiot · 3 years
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