#hardships of a writer
theliteraryluggage · 1 year
You know, trying to write sensationalist headlines and articles for fictional tabloid papers, I feel very silly.
I think "no one writes like this. it's so lurid."
I think "this is so over the top and overdramatic and clumsy"
I think "there's no way people who read this would actually believe it"
And then I remember Bild exists, and The Sun and Fox News.
I can't possibly come up with anything more stupid than that. So that's a consolation.
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hoolay-boobs · 9 months
“What do you mean there’s still so much biphobia in fan spaces? Bisexuals are like some of the most popular characters!”
Yeah, and they either get treated like this:
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Or like this:
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“Biphobia isn’t real” neither are your braincells
#bisexuals deserve better#biphobia tw#biphobia#bisexual#bisexuality#listen not to post this rancid post on bi visibility month but part of bi visibility month is venting about biphobia and that’s okay#long tags#bisexual characters are constantly branded as either gay/lesbian or straight because bisexuality is constantly branded as never good enough#yes harlivy are sometimes fetishized by men who want to get off on seeing girls smooch. yes sometimes these men are the writers of dc#no they do not make up 100% of harlivy content. no gross men drooling over harlivy doesn’t immediately make harlivy straight#harlivy have had queer female writers before. a huge portion of their fanbase are queer girls#just because they are occasionally festished doesn’t mean that they aren’t good bi rep#I see where this person is coming from but no. bc REAL BI WOMEN get festishized by men and that won’t make their sexuality any less valid#would you tell these real girls that they’re actually straight since ‘sapphicness isn’t sapphicness once it’s taken advantage of by men’?#glimmer lesbian content makes me sad bc it’s not even like interpreting harlivy or korrasami as lesbians assuming all wlw is solely lesbian#but also erasing her entire romance with bow. degrading it down to comphet and ignoring bow#like I can at least understand mistakening poison ivy for a lesbian but glimmer?? glimmer??!#biphobic#biphobic tw#bisexual hardships#korrasami#harlivy#glimbow#bi#fucking essay in the tags
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 1 year
*grits teeth* I love villain whumpee’s soooo much. I love when silly little villains go through horrors utterly unfit for the crimes they’ve committed. I love when their nemesis sees this and begins questioning the morality of the justice system.
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sublimeunknownstar · 3 months
The worst feeling ever is to feel that everything is against you...
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akkivee · 7 months
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i think the tl gets this across great but for full context, the saying kuukou’s using here is transliterally ‘the buddha’s face thrice over’ which is an analogy used to say that even the most gentle of people will lose their cool when repeatedly subjected to injustices
but kuukou follows this up with ‘i’ll laugh it off no matter how many times’ which is him telling us no matter what life throws at him he’ll be positive thru it all and face with a smile
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It's the little things in life that help me see God. The deluge that pours just seconds after I'm home safe ─ like a friend who holds an umbrella over my head for just a second more.
In the life of a loved one, helped just a bit more before despair ─ not comfortable, but endurable. Even if there's a late bus.
But also, when compared to others, how taken for granted it all used to be. Before that little spark of something (helped by the mundane), shows me the little ways my life is shaped and veered by will higher than my own.
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soulinkpoetry · 4 months
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You were already strong, you just didn’t know how long you could last before they brake you. You see every level of failure, hardship, heartbreak, requires a certain level of strength . Some are manageable and some are simply devastating.
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dottedsilktie · 6 days
Hello darling. If you’re still open to answering the fanfiction ask game, may I ask about 11 & 17?
Have a great day! <3
DONNA thank youu for dropping by, hope you had a great weekend! 11. Do you prefer writing angst, crack or fluff ?
I'm a huge fan of crack, I love writing nonsense and having a good laugh about it with people (exhibit A : Nanami Kento AKA EBITDAddy). Angst is a very close second because I like doing deep dives for some characters and I think the best way to do that is to put them in arduous situations and imagine how they'd react + it's a good exercise in style and I like to work on things that make me uncomfortable above all. 17. Favourite AU to write ? Big fan of boring, modern day, no special power AUs so I can see how a character operates when they're stripped of all their special abilities and how their background would work in "our" world. Like yeah you're not special anymore girlie pop (gn), how will you behave now ? So in short I take immense joy in tormenting fictional characters :)
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justutter · 1 year
are the days
we can't
but still
we do...
are the voices
we hear
but still
we make them
are the faces
we see
that are no more
but still
we close our eyes
to somehow unsee them
and act
as they are invisible
but still around us
pretty much everyday
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theliteraryluggage · 2 years
You know, it always annoys me when I see in fiction that characters can perfectly and profoundly explain their emotions and actions and reactions in emotional matters.
But when I try to write a character actually acting irrationally and being unable to fully explain why they did what they did, because that's usually how it works... it just reads like a cop out, like I am just trying to get out of coming up with a reason.
It doesn't make my characters seem more realistic or complex, it just sounds wishy-washy.
Even though few people have a clear enough insight into their own behaviour and motivations to succinctly put them into words... even though I as the writer know what their reasons are and what led them there, and an attentive reader would know too... it just feels like their actions are fickle and random.
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grayintogreen · 4 days
Today I learned that LitMoR (a series I’ve been writing since 2021) is longer than THE ENTIRE DARK TOWER series. You know. The series Stephen King spent decades on.
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synthapostate · 7 days
Finally moving forward on a fic I’ve made no progress on in months! I wrote about 1000 words today. And now that things are moving along, I…realize I don’t have an ending. Why don’t I have an ending? How does it end???
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sweetfreedom2107 · 1 month
We bind ourselves with our pasts and cut each other free with the hopes of a better future.
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joblessquinoa · 1 year
It sucks that Chinzilla lost Hot Wave, but the message of MSP isn't that love and support will always lead to success, but that it's what gives them the strength to keep going.
The support that Gun gets from his friends, his mom, and Tinn inspires him to write and sing Let Me Tell You at Hot Wave, but more importantly, when Gun lost despite giving it his all, Tinn and his mom were right there to help him pick himself up and give him the courage to try again.
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mossflower · 10 months
literally i love writing so much <3
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gutsfics · 5 months
still havent actually seen any episodes of Henry Danger yet but like.
Captain Man is just Homelander but played for laughs right?
like indestructable superhero is a piece of shit babyman bc of the childhood trauma that turned him into a superhero?
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