#god i love this goofy ginger with my whole heart
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 ੈ✩‧₊˚ FANDOM: keeper of the lost cities
 ੈ✩‧₊˚ FORMAT: headcanon
 ੈ✩‧₊˚ WARNINGS: swearing
masterlist || kotlc masterlist || navigation
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*marlee sighs really loudly, aggressively sips water and sighs again*
it’s so chaotic
they have a pool playlist and
it’s insane.
it goes from witchcraft - frank sinatra (sophie’s pick), not friendly - flo milli (raynis pick), good days - sza (bianas pick), 3005 - childish gambino (keefes pick), the phantom of the opera - phantom of the opera musical (fitz’ pick), what the world needs - ride the cyclone musical (marucas pick), let you break my heart again - laufey (linhs pick), purge the poison - marina (marellas pick), armies of the night - sparks (tams pick), thriller - micheal jackson (dexs pick), the archer - taylor swift (wylie’s pick I KNOW HE LIKES THIS SONG) she bangs (english version) - ricky martin (stinas pick), S.L.U.T. - ppcocaine (jensis pick, he plays it to make everyone laugh)
so basically it’s a chaotic mix of different music tastes
omg sophie falls into the pool
dex is talking to her and he looks away for like a split second snd he looks back and the mf is in the pool, hair clinging to her face
chicken fights are 100% a thing
and tam and sophie are an unstoppable team
so are biana and dex
keefe played on wylie’s shoulders once and HE FUCKING SCREAMED because biana and dex were just going at it and he accidentally choked poor wylie with his thighs and they lost
also dex is insanely good at marco polo
stina slightly moved once and this ginger whips around and fucking tackles her and she can’t look him in the eye for weeks
also i just think maruca, marella and dex with muscles
they all have them showing off and everyone else is like “😨😨”
sophie and fitz bring extra towels and snacks for everyone because they’re slightly responsible
keefe can’t swim so he just clings to dex the whole time
dex is very smug about this
they have inside jokes which are being brought up the whole time
rayni and wylie have a secret friendship and one day tam and sophie are chicken fighting with dex and biana
and the four of them are screaming curse words and getting political over it and wylie turns to rayni and says
and says some goofy ass inside joke and she starts snorting and wheeze laughing and everyone turns to them like “????”
marella also can’t swim so she sun bathes the whole time
tam dumps water on her
stina and tams love language is pushing their friends into the pool and dumping water over their heads
the only time they got along actually
stina will never admit it but she really loves the groups company
and because of jensi being talentless stina always teams up with him for chicken fights so he doesn’t feel left out but he’s also weirdly good at it so she won’t admit it because she feels bad for him and says it’s because he’s good at it
linh absolutely loves to form bubbles around her friends then drop it on them
tam is influencing
the group somehow knows all of nat king coles songs and they scream the lyrics
this group is so chaotic btw
chaotic enough that they scare away all the other people at the public pool, making it their own
fitz lays on a floatie the whole time with a drink and ignores everyone
he doesn’t have time for that shit
until dex, biana and keefe flip over his floatie and he throws it at them then runs after them trying to get it back
they also 100% have water fights and biana is a god with a water gun and i’m gonna leave it there
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This Is Not A Date
Kyle O’Reilly x Reader Warnings: None Word Count: 1,977 Summary: You weren’t in love with Kyle, and Kyle wasn’t in love with you, either. [Requested] 
You’d been on worse dates, you thought. 
But you had hoped that this would’ve been different. 
But the longer this date went on, the more you realized it wasn’t really a date at all. 
You and Kyle had spent enough time around each other to feel comfortable, but tonight felt off. Neither of you were obviously comfortable in the stiff chairs and quiet conversations and soft music playing around you. 
Neither of you were comfortable in the clothes you both had obviously picked out specifically for this date. 
Not Cleaned Up Kyle in a crisp button up you’d never seen him wear before, with his hair neatly styled and the scent of cologne on him you’d never smelled before. 
And definitely not you with a full face of makeup and a dress that you’d only worn once before on a different date. 
And in the middle of all this formality between you and your best friend, you both were beginning to realize that all of this sucked. 
Finally, you both sighed. 
“This isn’t going well,” he said. 
He tried to smile, 
“Maybe a date was a bad idea,” you said. 
“I mean I’m having fun with you,” he said. 
“Me too!” you agreed, quickly, “But I don’t think the romance part is working.” 
“Yeah…” he trailed off. “I guess we’re not the romantic type.” 
You shrugged, 
“It just feels too formal for us, you know?” you said. 
“Yeah, the kinda place where I can’t do this,” he said, flicking his balled-up straw wrapper at you. It hit you right on the nose, making you laugh. 
“Exactly,” you said, flicking your own straw wrapper at him, too. But he was quicker and moved out of the way, letting the ball of paper fly past him. “And I mean, come on, $28 for this entree? Like it’s not that good,” you said, pointing at your plate, nearly untouched, in front of you. 
“I’m paying $13 for a drink that I don’t even like,” he said, motioning to the cocktail sitting beside him. 
You both stared at each other, 
“So...now what?” he asked. 
“Split the bill and get outta here?” you asked, leaning forward. 
You both paid the bill and left together, Kyle’s arm hovering over you as he let you pass first. 
When you were both finally back in the car, he sighed and looked over at you, 
“Okay,” he started, “so for the rest of our non-date, where do you wanna go?” 
You leaned your head back and thought for a moment, 
“God I’d kill someone for some pizza right now,” you said. 
He laughed as he turned the car on, 
“Well then, not only am I going to save my life, but I’m going to change yours, too,” he said. 
It was the most uncomfortable spot, sitting on the hood of his car, your legs dangling off it, a box of pizza between you two. 
“So?” he asked, his mouth full, eager for your approval. 
“Life changed,” you said, your mouth full, too. 
You were both quiet, sitting on his car parked on a gravel path outside the smallest, dingiest looking shop you’d ever seen. 
The seats outside the shop were covered up, the order window was still lit up with a couple of other people hanging around, waiting for their food. 
You breathed in the warm air, grateful to finally be out of that cold restaurant with the chairs that were too uncomfortable to sit in. 
And though the hood of his car wasn’t any more comfortable than those chairs, it was the only place you wanted to sit now. 
“You know,” he started, making you look at him. “I’m glad we called off the date.” 
You smiled, 
“Yeah I don’t think we’re the dating kinda people,” you said. 
“Definitely not,” he replied. 
“I mean, you didn’t even bring me flowers,” you said, making him laugh. 
“Do you know how expensive flowers are?” he asked. 
“That’s fair, they are ridiculously overpriced and I’m terrible at keeping them alive.” 
“Exactly!” he agreed. “And you didn’t tell me how nice I look in the shirt that I ironed specifically for tonight,” he added. 
“You ironed your shirt for me?” you asked. 
“Uh, yeah? That’s what you do for a date,” he said, smirking. 
“Well it looks very nice,” you said, pinching the collar of his shirt between your fingers, “very crisp.” 
“Yeah I almost burned it. I hate ironing shirts,” he said, making you laugh. 
“I appreciate it.” 
“Thank you. And your makeup looks nice, too. That, you know...the thing with your eyeliner, where you make it, like, blend? With the shadow? Very nice, you look like a vampire.” 
“No one ever says vampire, thank you,” you replied. 
“I got you,” he said, with a wink. 
It was quiet again, but both of you were still smiling, and the awkwardness of the restaurant had faded away. 
Now all that was left was you and Kyle, at your best. 
“God why did we decide to go to that restaurant when we could’ve been here this entire time?” you asked, picking up another slice. 
“That wasn’t even my idea, that was all Bobby, he said it was the perfect place for us,” he said. You shook your head, 
“Damn you, Bobby,” you said. 
“God it’s like you make a few jokes together and suddenly we’re prom king and queen,” he said, sarcastically. 
“Yeah, like everyone sees us hanging out together all the time and suddenly we’re in love with each other,” you said. 
“I’m not in love with you,” he said. 
“And I’m obviously not in love with you, either,” you replied. 
“Of course you’re not, you’re in love with whatshisname...Denmark? The guy that keeps trying to kill me?” 
You nearly choked on your bite from laughing, 
“Are you talking about Ridge Holland?” you asked. 
“Yeah, that’s what I said, Denmark!” 
You rolled your eyes, 
“I’m not in love with Ridge,” you said. 
“Mmm, no I think you are,” he said. 
You shook your head, 
“Well if you say so then it must be true,” you replied, sarcastically. 
“Of course it’s true, you’re my best friend, I know everything about you.” 
You smiled at the ground. 
You weren’t in love with Ridge, you weren’t lying about that. It had been a little bit of harmless flirting for you. And you knew it was just a little teasing from Kyle, like he always did, but it wasn’t the thought of Ridge that made you smile. 
It was the way he’d said it with such certainty, calling you his best friend that made your heart swell. 
And it was because he was your best friend that you both had agreed to go on a date, and then called the date off, and still stayed together. 
“Well, he did ask me out the other day...but I said no. Maybe I’ll give him a call later, since obviously this isn’t going anywhere.” 
He shrugged, 
“Yeah go for it,” he said, “just don’t bring him here, okay? This is my secret place and I brought you here cause I trust you.” 
“Don’t worry, I promise I won’t tell a soul about it,” you said, linking your pinky finger with his. 
You both stayed like that, pinky fingers interlocked, finishing the pizza and talking about nothing and everything all at the same time. 
And you didn’t miss the stuffy restaurant one bit, or care that the heat of the night was melting the makeup off your face, because you finally felt comfortable for the first time that evening. 
After a while, Kyle sighed loudly, 
“You wanna get going?” he asked, finally, the box between you both now empty. 
You nodded, 
“It’s getting late,” you said, “probably should just head home now.” 
He jumped off the car first, holding out his hand for you next.
You weren’t in love with Kyle, and Kyle wasn’t in love with you, either. 
It was the one thought that kept coming back to you as he drove you home. 
You thought you were, it was the whole reason you agreed to the date in the first place. 
You two made sense together, and were used to everyone around you believing you two were more than just friends. 
So when Kyle had brought up the idea of going out on a real date together, you’d said yes. 
You thought it would be the start of something romantic, like all your friends had tried to convince you of. 
But the more time you spent with Kyle tonight, you wondered if you two had just gone about it all wrong. 
You loved him, but you weren’t in love with him. 
But you loved every second of your day that was spent with him. 
And you loved the way he did everything he could to make you smile, and somehow always knew what days you needed it most. 
And you loved the way he smiled at you, like you were the funniest person on the planet, when you both knew full well that he was the funniest man alive to you. 
And you just loved being with him, no matter the reason. 
So when he parked his car on your driveway, and turned to you, and smiled, you sighed. 
You weren’t ready for the night to end. 
But you weren’t sure what else you wanted, or if he would even want the same.  
“Thanks for the two-for-one date tonight,” you said. 
“My pleasure,” he said, with a wink. “See you tomorrow?” he asked. 
You paused, smiling slyly at him. He raised an eyebrow, slightly confused at your hesitation, 
“Listen...” you started, leaning closer, one hand on his arm, “you’re a great guy, but...it’s not you...it’s me.” 
He feigned shock, 
“Are you breaking up with me?” he asked, trying not to smile. 
You nodded, mimicking his expression. His lip quivered, and he blinked quickly, pretending to wipe a tear away, 
“I’m sorry I can’t be that man for you,” he said, quietly. 
“And I’m sorry I can’t be that woman for you,” you replied, gently squeezing his arm. 
“Is it cause you’re not in love with me?” he asked. 
“And cause you’re not in love with me,” you replied, fighting off a smile, now. 
But neither of you could keep it up, the two of you bursting into laughter at the same time, moving closer to each other. 
“Well I’m glad I didn’t try to kiss you,” he said, making you laugh again. 
But you both stayed in your spots, and your hand still stayed on his arm, leaning in close to one another, neither of you ready to end the night.
And you thought of how comfortable it felt with him, and how you could stay in this spot all night with him. 
“I had a really nice time, though,” he said, “all jokes aside.” 
You nodded, 
“I did too,” you said. 
“And maybe we weren’t entirely wrong about it,” he said. 
“We weren’t?” you asked, quietly. 
He shrugged. 
“Maybe we’re not a Fancy Restaurant Date kinda people,” he said. 
“Maybe we’re Roadside Pizza Place kinda people,” you finished. 
“Well…” you started, “maybe we’ll just have to test that theory out again. Just to make sure, you know,” you added. 
“For science, obviously,” he replied. 
And this time, you leaned in closer, watching as he smiled wider, your hand moving to his, lacing your fingers together, 
“And this?” he asked, moving closer to you. “Is this for science too?” 
“Of course it is,” you replied, “Cause you know, I’m still not in love with you,” you said, quietly, his lips inches away from yours. 
“Good,” he said, softly, “I just had to make sure, or else that would make this kinda weird,” he finished, smiling as he closed the distance between you two, finally kissing you. 
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extravaguk · 4 years
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part of my opposites attract! series. 
ksj / knj / myg / jhs / pjm / kth 
pairing: tattooartist&tattoed!jungkook x baker!reader
summary: jungkook was everything you feared but exactly what you needed to heal your broken heart.
wordcount: 5k
genre: fluff - angst - smut (s2l!au)
rated: m (?
warnings: some cursing, mentions of past abusive/toxic relationships/trauma that might be triggering, a lil of making love at the end. it’s overall just suuper fluffy, trust me. jungkook is a s i m p. we love that for him! slow burrrnnnn.  
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Jungkook knows it was love at first sight, but doesn's know how to really explain it.
He knew from the moment he entered the small shop, pastel green walls welcoming him  replete of sugary treats, a sweet and heavenly scent engulfing him as soon as he stepped a foot inside.  With a new found sense of calmness and serenity within he hadn't experienced in a long time, he searched for deserts of his liking, mouth watering while assessing the many options of baked goods available and bright colored frostings stealing his attention.
"Hi. How may I help you?"
Then he looked up and found you. It wasn't easy to appreciate your whole appearence with the counter hiding the lower half of your body, but it was enough for Jungkook to think to himself that he had never seen a prettier girl in hiis entire life. And that's when he knew it. Any type of movement in his surroundings coming to a halt, his heart skipping a beat, his favourite song playing inside his head. And that particular sensation. The same one that had made him feel so at ease since he found your bakery. For a moment he thought his doe eyes might have actually turned into heart eyes until you raised your eyebrows, a concerned expression replacing your previous warm smile. 
Blinking his eyes and clearing his throat, coming down from cloud nine into the real world, he stuttered his order as best as he coud manage, heart pounding inside his chest and later feeling mortified for not being able to pronounce "gingernap cookies" correctly. 
At first he kind of hated Seokjin for blackmailing him into going to his favourite bakery to buy his favourite cookies (Jungkook really should've known better than accidentally spill ink all over Jin's new script), but when he comes back home with a goofy smile on his face and dreams of your face, he makes sure to text him he'll go get his cookies anytime he wants.
But Jungkook is a masochist apparently. 
Because a week after your first encounter he realizes that not being able to get his mind off a girl he's literally only seen once in his entire life is not exactly normal. Not for anyone, but especially not for him. Realizes that the way he embarrassed himself in front of you and probably looked like a bluberring mess (or a creepy weirdo who had never interacted with any woman before) is not reason enough to not keep wanting to try again. And the way you just giggled at him and simply shook your head as you wrapped the ginger cookies he had asked for in a pretty packaging has kept him aching for more. 
So he comes once a week now. Still as nervous as the first day, but content to see that your face seems to light up at the sight of him stepping through the door the same way his does. He likes to see you in your cute pastel dresses, and if he didn't know better he'd think you were just trying to keep up with the bakery's aesthetic. But the more he frequents your shop, the more he realizes you're exactly like the treats you bake. He likes how your vividly honeyed persona contrasts with his darker and reserved one. Likes how you're all colors of the rainbow and he's just a scale of greys.
They are small interactions. Just courtesy and cordial exchange of words everytime he visits. He doesn't even know your name and you don't even know his, but sometimes he asks how was your weekend and sometimes you ask how many people had he inked that week. Sometimes he tells you how pretty you look, and sometimes you blush in response. Sometimes you add an extra macaron in his order and sometimes he debates on whether or not he should write down his number on a napkin and slide in right on the countertop before he waves goodbye. 
And although Jungkook has never been one to shy away from women, he feels a certain way he can't exactly pinpoint. A way that makes his confidence falter and leaves him feeling like a little kid who's afraid to confess to the girl he likes. Because as cliché as it sounds, you're not like any other girls he's ever met. You don't feel like any other girl he's ever met. Not the older than him, tattoed and pierced type of girl he's accustomed to; not the type of girl that's addicted to trouble and believe him (maybe even hoped) to be something he's not. So it takes a while for him to summon up enough bravery and determination. It takes weeks of pining and overthinking, and a single push from Yoongi ('stop being a fucking pussy and just do it') to ask you to have coffee with him.
"I... I'm sorry. I can't."
And it only takes those words leaving your mouth to shatter his heart into pieces. 
 It's fine though, he told you and himself. He wasn't going to be one of those guys who believed the 'friendzone' was an actual thing and tried his best to not make you feel uncomfortable, really tried his best to erase the guilt across your face as you rejected him.  So he scratched the back of his head and mustered up a big smile before leaving the shop with a bag full of cupcakes and an unsettled stomach.
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Letting out a deep breath you didn't even know you were containing, you observe as the handsome stranger exits the shop. Running a hand through your hair before gripping the counter with your hands, you try to steady the heavy throbbing insde your chest. 
The boy in question had been unknowingly tormenting you and flooding your mind with thoughts of him for almost two months now. That day you first had spotted him eyeing the desserts in display in amazement and then you in the very same way. It was sudden and precipitated, but it had almost made your head spin, something you hadn't felt in a long time unexplainable tugging at your insides. 
You had kept your cool as best as you could, as best as you had taught yourself in the past. Wrapped those cookies he had asked and then waved goodbye, hoping under your breath he wouldn't come back but silently wishind he would. But then he did. He came back once. And then again. And again, and before you realized he had become a frequent costumer. Trying whatever treats you'd recommended him, creating small talk, sending friendly smiles here and then. 
You had learned to expect him at the very same time, the very same day of the week; had learned to manage the fluttering in your tummy and the reddish warmth spreading through your cheeks whenever the eye contact was prolongued. Everything was innocent, it was brief and, most importanly, it never went beyond, even if sometimes you hoped it did.
However, after all these years, there was still something you hadn't learned to control yet. And as he spoke, clearly nervous, hesitant and clearly out of his comfort zone, wondering out loud if he could ever treat you to a coffee sometime, your body shut down. The fondness and excitement you had been harboring over the last few weeks quickly replaced by that which made you want to recoil, made you want to back to your well to let its darkness and loneliness envelop you.
That horrible and ugly wave of crippling fear and axiety all mixed together; a little monster that you had successfully concealed, now displaying its ears in warning and the same smile that had been haunting you for years, now advising you, reminding you and most of all, threatening you, to go back to your own comfort zone. And so, powerless, there was nothing else you could really to but to comply, muttering an apology and a rejection that probably pained you more than it pained the boy in front of you.
You knew you did the right thing, but it definitely didn't feel like it. 
Especially a week later, as you expected his arrival- as always, ready with a tray full of fresh baked scones you had particularly made just for him, but were left severely disappointed when time passed and he was nowhere to be seen. Or two weeks later, after spending an extra hour making cake pops that you had specifically designed with him in mind (covered in dark chocolate and white sprinkles), only to realize it was closing time and that he never even showed up.
 To say you were bummed was an understatement. You knew you always looked forward to him coming in every week to grace your day with a smile and a polite talk, but you didn't come to terms with how much you would miss it until now. So three weeks later, you still bake with him in mind, trying not to lose hope but still chastising yourself for not being brave enough and accepting his offer. It was just a coffee date, for God's sake, not a marriage proposal! Trying to busy your mind with work and customers coming in and out, even if your eyes dart in anticipation everytime you hear the door swinging. 
When hours pass and the sun hides to make room for the moon and stars into the sky, you look at the clock and, with a defeated sigh, finish cleaning and tidying around the shop. But before you can gather your things, the door swings open and there stands the stranger you had been praying to see again. 
"Am I too late?" he asks, and you don't exactly know but can tell his words hold a double meaning. You smile, a genuine smile, because he looks bashful with a hand scratching the back of his head like he had done the last time you saw him, and because there's a warm sensation spreading through your chest, like your heart is smiling for you. 
"I was about to close, but I can make an exception." you accomplish to say and surprisingly don't sound as nervous as you feel. He mirrors your smile as he walks closer to the counter. "So, what would you like?" 
That takes him by surprise because he really had nothing in mind when he decided to come here and now he feels like an idiot. 
"Uh, um... I would like... maybe cupcakes?" he sounds like an idiot too. But you nod and smile at him and start gathering his cupcakes into a polka dot cardboard box.
"You missed the cake pops I made last week." you say, trying to keep your voice in check as he hands you his credit car. "I think you would've liked them."
"Ah, sorry... Work has been really hectic." and even if it's true, it's also true the fact that he chickened out and was frightened to face you again. He likes how even when you're alluding to his absence, there's not a malicious tone behind your words. He likes how you're still smiling at him even after he's been acting like a pussy for two weeks. But that's why he's here. "I also would like to apologize for... you know. I didn't-...If I made you feel uncomfortable, I'm really sorry."
With your eyebrows raised, your smile dissipates. "What? No, you didn't do anything wrong, really. It's not- It's not that. I just...can't." you stumble through words, trying to explain how much you actually wanted to go to that coffee date, to get to know his name and more of himself, but unavailable to. You can feel it again. The same anguish that always seem to creep up on you and numbs you altogheter. But him, worriedly sensing your distress, waves his hands in front of him.
"No, no. It's fine, you don't have to explain anything! It's alright!" his smile seems to soothe you and you return his smile in gratitude. "Anyways, I'll... I'll get going. See you next week?"
You nod, anticipation already making its way into you. "See you next week." and then he takes the box filled with cupcakes and says goodbye. Before he can open the door though, a tingle of impulsivity and fearlesness makes you say:
"I'm _____, by the way."
He pauses, clearly taken aback.
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Jungkook hasn't stopped repeating your name in his head ever since you gave it to him, grinning like a fool and thinking about how good it sounds next to his. He hasn't stopped frequenting your bakery either and has lost count on how much money he's spent on muffins and whatever else you sell. He doesn't care though. All he cares about is how much likes seeing you even if it's only for fifteen minutes in your floral dresses, and as long as you keep looking like you're glad to see him every time, then he's fine. 
He's more than fine. He feels amazing. Sings tunes while he works on customers, feels his creativity flowing more than ever and he feels whole. It still baffles him how a minimun interaction with you once a week can make him feel on top of the world. 
He's got a bouquet of white and pink lillies next time he visits, so sappy and romantic he doesn't even recognize himself. He doesn't tell you he googled their meaning and his mind instantly associated them with you. Purity is exactly what he thinks of you and admiration is exactly how he feels about you. Hands it to you and the surprised look on your face and the spreading of pink all over your cheeks makes his heart burst. You thank him and he tells you he didn't know what your favourite flower is. You answer it's carnations. He writes it down somewhere in his mind, for next time. And then you're the one surprising him.
"Would you like to have coffee sometime?" 
There's uncertainty in your voice that doesn't go unnoticed by him, and for a moment he thinks he's dreaming. He's cool with what he's got right now with you, but you repeating his words back to him makes him feel euphoric, like he can't believe it. He knows he looks dumb, the way he's looking at you. 
Completely dumbfounded. He stutters like the first same he met you, but he says yes (omits the part where he tells you he could almost die). You exchange number in each other's phones with shaky hands, set the day and hour, and then wave each other goodbye. 
You instantly regret it as you watch him leave. Keep regretting it the following days. That voice in your head telling you 'it'll happen again', telling you fairytales didn't exist and this most likely wasn't one, even if it felt like it was, suffocating you like it had done many times before. Screwing with your head until you consider canceling. 
But you power through it, like you had taught yourself to do. This time it's harder though. Because this time there's a new romantic interest at hand, one that's making you feel things you buried a long time ago and made you swear to yourself you'd be smarter and stronger than any man could. 
It's Hoseok's encouraging words that help ease the panic. It was also Hoseok's words who encouraged you to ask Jungkook out. Said you deserved something good for once and that you couldn't close yourself to love your entire life. 
Thought it was time for you to write a new chapter after a rather sad one. 
So on Saturday, Jungkook insists on picking you up and it already feels like too much for you. Especially when he shows up with a bouquet of carnations in his hand and a smile that takes your breath away and definitely doesn't help to ease your nerves. 
Takes him by surprised how pretty you look.  maybe because it's the first time he's seen you out of your shop and even though you're still loyal to your clothing style, he still fumbles with his words like an idiot to try to express how beautiful you look. Seeing he's as much of a mess as you settles you a little bit. Then he takes you to a cute café that almost makes you laugh, because seeing him, inked arms and piercings and a closet that consisted mainly of black oversized t-shirts and pants in such a bright environment reminds you of the first time he entered your shop. 
You're surprised to see how well the conversation rolls, how easy it is to talk to him beyond the usual brief interactions you two have. You like how he makes you laugh and how he seems to love hearing it. You like how his attention is solely focused on you, even if his gaze on yours sometimes feels too intense and his overall character intimidates you. You like how soft spoken he is, how careful he is with words and the sound of his voice. Sounds like a lullaby without melody. 
And when the date is over, he drives you home, walks you to your door and respectfully wishes you a good night. You kiss him on the cheek spontaniously before hiding the embarrassment on your face and stepping inside your home. You miss the way he stays at your doorstep for a whole minute before getting in his car and driving himself home. You also miss how peacefully he sleeps that night, dreaming of cupcakes and you. You don't miss the heart emoji he sends you before going to bed, making yours quiver.
You're glad you didn't cancel, and now you're sure you don't regret it at all
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It goes on. The dates, getting to know each other more and more, Jungkook's visits to your shop and spending way too much money on sweets and carnations, the butterflies in your stomach everytime he's near and the birth of something inside of you that's starting to make you feel alive after feeling dead for so long. 
It's still new, still wholesome, moves in slow motion. You're glad Jungkook doesn't push, doesn't ask for anything, never demands more than a kiss on the cheek everytime he drops you off. He is nothing like he looks like, you realized that right away.
But with every brand new beginning that requires feelings like this, especially as unique and exceptional as the ones Jungkook is causing within you, comes the evil monster trying to scare you off, to make you back off and remind you that not everything that shines is gold. The voice inside your head that keeps bewitching you back into a dark room, reminder in your head everytime that one day Jungkook will want more. He'll want more and you might not be ready to give it to him. 
A voice that keeps resonating and has kept you unmoving for the past few years and now is making you feel more frightened than ever. 
You've been more quite than usual and Jungkook can tell something is not quite right. It's a friday night, and after having dinner that he insisted on paying, he decided this time to drive you away, to a secluded space somewhere where you both can appreciate the city lights on the hood of his car. He can tell, so he asks you, but you give a vague answer. He wants to ask again, but he's afraid of overstepping your boundaries. He wants to get to know you in every level, want's to scratch the surface until he can see everything. He wants to learn you inch by inch. Wants to love every part you bare to him, because he's sure he will. 
"My ex partner was abusive."
You finally say with a voice that's not entirely yours, and it doesn't feel real. Doesn't feel real to say out loud and letting the words sink in. It's taken all this time of excusing behaviors that were not excusable, trying to make light of a situation that wasn't and blaming yourself for things that you were not to blame for. Jungkook stays silent, but his attention immediately focused on you as soon as you spoke. Eyes slightly wide and mouth starting to open as if to speak himself. But you go on.
"Not physically." you swallow a lump in your throat. "Sometimes he would throw things at me, but they didn't always land. Or... one time he pushed me while we were arguing. Never raised his hand at me though. It was mostly psychological and emotional. He was extremely jealous and possesive. Didn't like me hanging with my friends, would never bring me to hang out with him and his friends. Though I' was cheating on him with anyone. The cashier at the supermarket, a randome dude on the street that simply looked at me. Anyone." tears prickle your eyes, but you'd learned to hold them back.
"He would always get mad at me. Would already wake up angry and take it out on me. Without reason. Would always blame me for everything. He would get mad, insult me, call me any terrible name you can imagine, tell me I wasn't worth shit. That I wasn’t worth living.Then he would punch the wall, or break whatever was in sight. Everytime, I told him I was terrified of him. Would cry in a corner and beg him to stop. Sometimes he would just laugh at me for it." you sniff, still looking straight at the city lights, and trying to keep a composed tone throughout. You had grown up a lot since then, and you knew Jungkook deserved to know you. He deserved to understand. 
"Then he would calm down, apologize while he cried and promised he loved me and would change. He never did. It took me a long time to finally walk away, but the demons still haunt me to this day. You," you choke, because comparing your ex to the guy currently sitting next to you was like day and night, like heaven and hell. "You make me feel things I've never felt before. I always felt like asking for respect was asking for too much. And then here you come, like a knight on shining armour ready to sweep me off my feet. It felt like a dream. Still does..."
Jungkook's hands are balled into tight fists, his whole body rigid as he listened to you. His own heart breaking, like he could feel himself inside you and experiencing your own heartbreak. His blood's boiling, jaw so tight and eyes blinking. Pushing down his anger, because this is about you not him, he lets his body relax before sliding your hand in yours. 
"I like you so much,_____, it literally kills me at night how much. Not as much as hearing all of this, though. From the moment I saw you, I was whipped. I wanted and still want to give everything I can to see that smile of yours. It's me the one who can't believe you're paying me any attention at all." you're still not looking at him, but he still sighs in relief when your lips quirk up. "Just having you here next to me and letting me take you out on dates is more than enough for me. Whatever you give me, whatever your terms are, I'm content with that. You're healing, and while you do, I'll be right here."
You look at him now, not bothering to hide the tears streaming down your face anymore.
"What if I never heal completely?" there's fear in your voice as your eyes meet his, but just the dark brown in his gaze help you feel secure, less worried about the future and more serene about the now.
"I'll still be here."
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It doesn't take long for you to call it love.  
Not when Jungkook keeps proving himself to be so different and so special. Not when his gestures never cease to make you feel so special, so worthy of recieving and sharing love. Because Jungkook makes you feel invincible, makes you feel one in a million. 
"What to you even see in me? We're like, polar opposites." you ask him one day. And it's true, you are. So different from each other, yet the same. He laughs in disbelief, shaking his head, still holding your hand in your doorstep about to kiss your cheek goodnight. 
"I see everything." he simply says, eyes boring into yours in adoration. "I see the sun, and the moon, the stars, the entire galaxy when I'm with you." your heart clenches as he interlaces his fingers with yours. "Before I met you, I felt like I was blind. Like I was lost and was looking for an exit that I couldn't find. But then I saw you, in your little bakery, with your cute dresses and those eyes, and it was like my eyes opened for the first time. Everything made sense. Everything has been filled with so many colors ever sinc-" 
You shut him with your lips on top of his, emotions pulling at your heartstrings the same way you pull him down by the neck. He takes a few seconds to respond, but then this hands are dropping to your waist, their warmth immediately spreading through your skin against the chilly night.
"Would you like to come in?" you whisper, breath fanning over his lips. He nods, hurriedly, and he knows he looks like a damn idiot for the hundredth time, but he doesn't care. Because coming in doesn't only mean stepping in your home. Coming in means you're letting him in. Means you trust him, means you want him there, means you're allowing him inside your heart. 
Again, Jungkook doesn't expect nor demands much. Your presence is everything he needs. You kissing him is like winning the lottery to him. Like completing a marathon, like climbing the Everest, like getting his first tattoo. Kissing you is sweet, fills him with something strong that makes him feel on drugs, like nothing matters but you and him. Like nothing has ever mattered to neither of you. 
So it's you who leads him to your room, it's you who straddles his thighs and pushes his hair back as his hands carress your sides. It's nothing fiery. It's slow, tentative, and full of care. Of lingering touches, low sighs against each other's mouths. 
It's you who reaches inside his shirt, hand sneaking past the hem of the fabric and trembling cold fingers coming in contact with firm skin. It's also you who asks for more with a small roll of your hips. It's you who asks him to take his shirt off. It's him who complies. Still tells you you don't have to, you tell him you want to. 
It's you who asks him to touch you. He's scared like he's never been, because you're you, and you're so perfect and everything he's ever wanted and suddenly he's afraid of you're too good for him. Jungkook only wants to make you happy, never wants to see you cry, just wants to treat you the way you deserve. 
It's you who begs.
It's you who tells him you need him. Need him take care of you, need him to show you much you're worth, need him to help you write a new chapter, probably even a new book where you're both the main characters and nobody else has ever existed. You say it with tears in your eyes, and he's quick to kiss them away, tongue entangling with yours. He's quick to undress you as well, with hands that still ask for permission even after you've granted it already. Hands and lips that are also quick and eager to learn your body, to find every mole in your skin as he lays you back to look at you in admiration. He keeps kissing you. From head to toe, muttering praise, making sure every 'beautiful' and 'gorgeous' and 'perfect' that leave his lips stay fire engraved in your being forever. 
He first makes you cum with careful fingers and skilled tongue, thighs wrapped aro around his head, eyes still looking for yours as his hands keep your body still and yours crumple the sheets beneath. Tells you how good you taste, how long he's been dying to have you like this. Tells you this you his favourite sight as he kisses his way up. 
You beg him again, asking him to please, please, fill you up. He groans against your mouth and he tells you again, you don't have to. He says he's happy like this. Repeats he's in no rush and just wants to please you and make you feel good. That it's about you, and will always be about you. You beg him again, and again and again, enticing him with a trail of wet kisses down his neck, up to his eralobe. You whisper there, tell him you need him to fill you with his cock so bad. His whole body goes rigid as your legs wrap around him, legs pulling him closer to where you want him, his erection grazing your entrance and his teeth nibble your lower lip. 
Jungkook doesn't move for a while, eyes closed shut, jaw clenched and head buried in your neck. He doesn't move because his mind is somewhere else keeping him stagnant, pussy wrapping around him so good and wet and tight he's about to bust. Takes a while for him to move, but when he does he makes sure to grip your thighs around him, keeping you close, never wanting to let go as he tells you you were made just for him. Just for him. Tells you how good you feel. He tells you he loves you. Kisses your lips as you sob, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. He tells you he loves you. Tells you he'll love you forever and will always keep you safe and happy. 
You're crying now, cheeks wet and he stops for a moment to look at you, concern written all over his face as his hands craddle yours, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. "We can stop, baby." You shake your head no. Pull him back into another kiss, urging him to go on. You tell him you love this, love him so much. That it's a good thing. That they are happy tears. That you've never been happier. And then his hips start moving again, your words egging him own, soft whimpers and sobs leaving each other's throats until you cum at the same time. 
He then removes himself from you, rolling onto your side but he's quick to pull your body close, arms wrapping around you and lips kissing away the wet stains on your cheeks. 
It doesn't take long for you to know Jungkook would be the healthy forever and after you had always dreamed of.
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sneezefiction · 4 years
apple pie & ice cream
Kenma x Reader - Scenario
desc: gloomy days can always be brightened with sweet smells, cinnamon sugar, and a homemade apple pie from yours truly: Kenma Kozume
a/n: to the anon who requested this a little while ago... happy birthday, love!! i hope you’re okay that i switched things around a little bit & had Kenma make you something sweet instead <3</i>
warning: slight language
wc: 1580
Some days are longer than others.
You’ve never had a good explanation as to why, but there are at least some telltale signs.
Like when red lights seem endless, your favorite song doesn’t sound as pretty as it should, and you just can’t keep your tired eyes open. Even with a cozy mug of hot tea in hand or the gentle stream of sunlight filtering through your office’s window, the warmth on your fingertips and face simply refused to reach you on the inside.
It also doesn’t help that you were flipped off not once, but twice, by some shitty drivers when you clearly had the right of way.
So you determine that the faster you can get home to Kenma, the better you’ll feel.
You take every short-cut and any back road, impatiently awaiting the moment that you can kick off your uncomfortable shoes and step out of those constricting work clothes. To turn on the air-conditioning and crash into a couch that proves to be far more welcoming than the outside world. Even just a nice, long stretch would do your aching back and heavy arms some good.
But most of all, you long to sink into Kenmas chest and lazily breathe in the comforting smell of home that rested on his well-worn hoodies. To run your fingers through his silky, soft hair and make messy braids out of it while sighing heavily to relinquish the day's grip on your tight shoulders. You can’t wait to bother him until he sets aside his black and red headphones to kiss your forehead and pull you into a soul-catching hug.
Most crappy days call for extra love from your gamer-boyfriend… but today Kenma has really gone out of his way to shower you in sweetness. Literally.
You’d sent him an awfully lengthy text about the number of crazy drivers on the road, the dreary weather overhead, following it up with a recap of your teary-eyed breakdown in a fast food chain parking lot... and you topped it off with just how much you missed him.
So he did the one thing he knew could lift anyone’s spirits.
Kenma got to baking his world famous apple pie.
Countertops were covered in white and brown sugar, apple peels, and other various, scattered ingredients. A store-bought pie crust was preheating in the oven, because only God knows how long it would take for Kenma to learn how to make that from scratch. Spices plumed in delicate, little clouds throughout the kitchen. Everything was coming together beautifully.
Kenma mumbles to himself quietly, a little miffed that he’s missing his weekly streaming session...
But secretly, he’s been meaning to do this for you for a long time. 
He’s been dying to thank you for putting up with his incessant live shows and never-ending computer gameplay. For living with him in his rental house even though he could probably (definitely) afford something far more luxurious. And you deserved luxurious. You should be decked out in diamonds and fancy cashmere, lounging on a sofa atop some rooftop garden oasis that overlooks the entirety of Tokyo, and dancing the night away at clubs and galas.
But you chose him. 
Simple Kozume. 
A smaller-framed boy with a knack for video-games, patterns, and strategy. The one they jokingly called “pudding head” in high school. That kid who used to hide behind his own hair because the world around him was far more daunting than he thought he could handle.
Kenma would rather stay in and binge a series on netflix than spend a night out on the town. He invests himself in playing an overly-competitive tournament of Mario Kart with you over flying out for a highstakes game of poker in Vegas. He prefers nights surrounded in fairy lights when you collaborate on videos with him, throw popcorn at his long hair, and drink a bit too much just because you both compliment each other more when you’re a little tipsy.
You love all of this about him and you’ve reminded him time after time that you wouldn’t trade him for the world… yet Kenma is still determined to at least have this apple pie done by the time you get home.
But as luck would have it, you’re early.
The lock to the door clicks and twists as you slide it open with a few squeaks.
Your senses are instantly delighted by the blooming fragrance of cinnamon and nutmeg. An ambrosial wafting of warm apples and pastry dough permeates the airspace while the added ginger and lemon cut through the sweet scent.
As if the room had just handed over a fluffy blanket and set you in front of a crackly, wood-burning fire, you’re filled with that much needed comfort. 
You’re home. And it smells so damn good.
If heaven had a scent, this was it. And you might as well be wearing a halo and angel wings.
“Kozume…?” You call out, wondering if it was really your boyfriend in the kitchen creating that mouth-watering aroma. 
“...yes, y/n?” He replies slowly, trying to clean up the countertops, a little frustrated that the pie wasn’t finished in time for your arrival.
“Is that you? Or did Gordon Ramsey break into my house and take over my kitchen?” You giggle, waltzing into the kitchen, the stress of the day being alleviated immediately upon seeing those speculative, gold-speckled eyes.
His hands are in his hoodie pockets, but when your form turns corner into the kitchen and makes its way toward him, Kenma draws them out and sneaks his hands up to your cheeks, cupping them gently.
He leans in, his expression a tad quizzical and somewhat mysterious, and whispers…
“You’re an idiot sandwich.”
A laugh bubbles up and out, shaking your whole body as you wrap your arms around his frame. You’d seen him just this morning, but wow you’d missed him and his extensive knowledge of meme culture. Now Kenma has his arms draped around your waist, hands squeezing at your hips a little. Your flustered but smiley expression spurs on a soft chuckle, a gentle yet deep rumbling in his throat.
“I thought you’d be back a little bit later, but I’m glad you’re here.” He murmurs out, voice tired but so soothing to your ears.
“Mmm, I’m glad to be back… now are you gonna tell me what that magnificent smell is? Or should I open up the oven and check?” The cheeky tinge to your voice causes him to pull away from you for a moment to look you in the eye.
“If you want it to turn out well, I’d keep your pretty little hands away from the oven for the next few minutes.” Kenma quips.
You playfully stick out your tongue but then proceed to place a teasing peck between his eyes, making him crinkle his nose cutely.
“So, when you sent me those texts earlier, I might have accidentally made an apple pie.” Kenma admits, looking away.
“Accidentally?” A grin slowly spreads across your face, eyes glinting with humor.
“Yep. Accidentally.” He shrugs, “I found some ingredients and a pie dish and I just accidentally threw it all together. So yeah, how convenient is that?”
You sigh, rolling your eyes. 
He’s really something else. And to think your day had previously been wrought with misery and disappointment.
“Mmm I don’t know, Kozume… it doesn’t sound like an accident to me. I think you did it because you wanted to be sweet.” You whisper softly into his ear.
Leaning back to brush away a strand of his hair from his face to get a full visual of his cat-like gaze.
“And why would I do that?” He teases gently.
“Oh, I don’t know… maybe because you love me?” You poke at his shoulder.
“Huh? Love?” He gives you a goofy look, raising both eyebrows in mock confusion. “...Is that some kind of sauce?”
He tries to keep a straight face, but the quirk of his lip gives him away.
You just stare at him before giving in to another fit of rolling giggles. The hearty, unrestrained laughter overtakes the both of you, causing you to double over and clutch your middle in an attempt to hold yourself up. Kenma has his back up against the counter-top, holding the edges of it with both palms to keep himself steady and from falling to the floor. 
As you both recover from aching lungs and that cloudy, euphoric feeling, you can’t help but let a smile plaster itself on your face.
Kenma has done many things today.
He gave you a reason to come home with hope in your heart. He’d drawn you into a heartfelt, soul-refreshing hug. He had made you laugh like nobody ever could. He’d even baked you an apple pie.
But best of all, he‘d held you together.
Like he always did.
Every single day, without a doubt in your mind, you could celebrate and smile. Because you would always have this cinnamon-covered cutie to smile and crack up with. He would always brighten the most mundane of weekdays and find the loveliest of ways to match your moods.
You two are like apple pie and vanilla bean ice cream.
And speaking of ice cream…
“Hey, Kozume?” You bring him into one more bear-like hug.
“Yeah, babe?”
“Did you get ice cream to go with the apple pie?” You ask, your face preciously tucked into the crook of his neck.
No reply. Had he heard you?
“Kozume? Did-”
Cue a huge sigh from Kenma.
“...Where are my car keys? I need to go to the store immediately.”
tags: @cherryonigiri, @yams046, @miss-rin, @shou-kunn, @senkuwu-chan, @super-noya, @stcrryskies, @holaaaf, @sugacookiies, @vintgicals, @moonlightaangel
(comment, dm, or send an ask to be added to my general tag list)
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plaidbooks · 4 years
A/N: This is just a short, mostly fluff piece, in which Rafael Barba takes care of a sick reader. Based on true events (note: please take medications as prescribed)
Tags: briefest mention of rape, cold medication (and taking too much of it, though not an overdose)
You groaned as you woke up, rolling over and slowly opening your eyes. You felt a soreness in your throat that wasn’t there the night before, and one nostril was clogged. No, you thought, refusing to even acknowledge how your body may or may not be feeling. You rolled over to look at the empty spot beside you; Rafael, your boyfriend, had already left for the day. You groaned again as you got out of bed, dragging your feet to the bathroom. You looked in the mirror, but your eyes caught the bright orange sticky note stuck to the glass.
Hope you have a wonderful day. See you for dinner - Love Raf
You smiled, butterflies in your stomach. You’d been dating for months now, and he left these notes often, but they still made you fall a little more in love with him every time.
Eyes now focusing on your reflection, you winced; you looked exactly how you had felt when you woke up. Maybe a shower would help. You showered quickly, enjoying the warm water on your skin, letting the warmth awaken you. The steam was even able to help unclog your nose, though your throat was still hurting, your head still not feeling right. But you knew that you were already running a little late, and you needed to get going. Before you left the apartment, though, you grabbed the little package of DayQuil, cursing yourself, seeing it as an admission of weakness; if you didn’t let yourself acknowledge your illness, then you wouldn’t be sick! 
You made it to precinct 16, coffee in hand, apology to your boss, Lieutenant Olivia Benson, on your lips. She waved you off; you were very rarely late, and you always had a legit reason. Thankfully, she didn’t ask for one today, because the only excuse you had was maybe coming down with something.
The day seemed to drag on and on, and you felt no better as the hours stretched. Eventually, it came up that there was to be a stake out that night.
“[Y/L/N], Carisi, you two take tonight. Rollins, Fin, you two will take the second shift in the morning,” Olivia ordered.  Your heart sank; a whole night? Feeling like this?
“Sure thing, Lieu,” Sonny replied, shooting you a goofy smile and thumbs up. He wasn’t quite the new guy anymore, but sometimes, he still acted like it. If you were feeling normal, you would’ve smiled and rolled your eyes playfully at him. But now you just sat there, silently thankful you grabbed the DayQuil earlier. You took out your phone and sent a text to Rafael, telling him not to wait up for you. At least it was a Friday, and you’d be off all weekend, after this one night.
“So, what did this guy do again?” you asked, huddled in the passenger seat, sipping at your coffee for warmth.
Sonny was watching the apartment that housed the man you were tasked in staking out, watching for any signs of life. “He raped his wife, and is now trying to threaten her to keep her from testifying.”
You nodded, sighing. You glanced at the clock. It read 3:40am. Got another hour and 20 minutes until Fin and Rollins switched with you two. You had taken another round of DayQuil at midnight, and it was already wearing off. There was no more denying it; you were definitely coming down with a cold. You only hoped that you wouldn’t be getting Sonny sick. Your plan for the weekend was to try and sleep it off; you had some severe NyQuil at home, something you’d never tried before. You weren’t much on medication, especially liquids, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
You were nodding off in your seat when there was a knock on your window. You were so out of it, you didn’t even jump. Turning, you could see Rollins outside the car door. You shuffled out, letting Rollins take your seat, Sonny switching with Fin on the other side.
“Need a ride?” Sonny asked once you were out of sight of the apartment.
“Blease,” you replied, your nose now completely clogged, making the word come out weird. Sonny cocked his brow at you, but didn’t bring it up as he drove you home.
You put your key in the door, unlocking it, and pushing your way in. You felt yourself descend into sickness with every step you took as you shuffled into the living room, unwilling to shed your jacket--you were suddenly freezing and you wrapped the garment around yourself tighter. You walked over to the couch and fell face-first onto the cushions
“Cariño?” you heard Rafael call from the kitchen. You didn’t even notice he was awake; your senses were completely clouded at this point. You grunted, the cushions muffling your voice. You heard his hurried footsteps as he came over to you.
“Are you okay, mi amor?” he asked, crouching down by your head. You turned to face him. His bright green eyes were full of concern, and he placed a comforting hand on your back, rubbing soft circles there.
“I think I’m sick,” you muttered. “I feel like shit.”
He gave your face one more look before he stood, heading for the kitchen. “Let me get you some ginger ale, and then I’ll make you some of my Mami’s famous soup; you’ll feel better instantly.”
You smiled despite yourself; god you loved this man. “I’ll take the ginger ale. But right now, I think I’m just going to have some NyQuil and try and sleep. I’ve been up for almost 24 hours. Can you make me soup when I wake up?”
Rafael was back instantly, ginger ale in his hand. “Of course. Let’s get you to bed.” He helped you stand, then led you to your shared bedroom.
“I don’t want to get you sick,” you protested as he started to help you undress.
He smirked at that. “Don’t worry, Cariño. I don’t get sick.” Now that you thought about it, you had never seen the man sick before. It was true that you, too, rarely got sick, but to never be sick?
“Lucky,” you huffed. He chuckled before helping you climb into bed, tucking you in. He went to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, grabbed the NyQuil, then poured a cap-full for you. You drank it, trying not to gag on the gross taste, drinking the ginger ale after words.
“Sleep, baby. I’m off today; call me if you need me, okay?” he said, leaning in to kiss your forehead. You smiled, resting your head on the soft pillows, while he went back out of the room. 
You laid there, comfortable except for the illness in your head, congesting your nose, making your throat sore. But sleep never came for you. After an hour, you decided to try and take another cap-full of the disgusting cold medicine. Nothing. After yet another hour, you took a third cap-full, praying for some sort of sleep. Finally, darkness overtook you.
You woke up, groggy, unaware of your surroundings, with a terrible pain in your stomach. It felt like you hadn’t eaten in days. Suddenly remembering the cold medicine, you whipped to look at the clock, wondering how long you could’ve slept to be this hungry. You were stunned to see that only 2 hours had passed.
Maybe I’ve slept a whole day? you thought. But Rafael would’ve woken you...right? After waiting for another painful cramp to subside, you climbed out of bed. You shuffled out of the room, somewhere between sick, hungry, and floating through space. You could hear running water; Rafael was taking a shower in the guest bathroom, probably trying to not wake you. Same day, then.
You made your way to the kitchen, hoping to find something easy to eat, but all you could think of was soup--probably because Rafael had mentioned it. Though, he hadn’t started it, yet, since he didn’t know when to expect you. No worries, you thought, I’ll just make some shitty ramen. You grabbed a pot, filled it with water, and started the stove. Once the water was boiling, you put the noodles in, stirring it. Suddenly, your vision went black. You blinked a few times, but your vision didn’t return. In your drug-induced state, this didn’t seem particularly alarming; you simply sat on the ground, knees pulled up to your chest, arms wrapped around them as you waited for your vision to return.
Slowly, your eyesight returned to you. You blinked, making sure it wasn’t going away again, before you stood and continued cooking your noodles.
“[Y/N]! What the hell are you doing up?” Rafael was in the entrance to the kitchen, wearing only sweatpants, his hair still damp from his shower.
“Hungry,” you murmured back, stirring in the flavor packet. There must’ve been something weird in your voice, because he came over, turned off the stove, and led you away, out of the kitchen, and to the couch.
“Sit,” he commanded. “Stay.” He disappeared and you sat there, staring at the carpeted floor, not quite remembering how you got there or what you were waiting for.
Rafael came back, a bowl in his hands. He handed it to you, and you looked inside at the noodles you had been cooking. Remembering your hunger, you went to take a bite before he stopped you.
“It’s probably hot,” he cautioned, that concern never leaving his expression. He took the bowl from you, and you let out a sad whimper at the loss of food. Instead, he twirled the fork in the noodles, collecting a small amount, and blew on them before holding the fork out to you. He fed you like this until the bowl was empty, blowing on every fork-full.
“Feel better?” he asked, a small smile tugging on his lips, but that concern still deep within his green eyes.
You nodded. “I think I’m going to try and sleep again.” You stood up and he was instantly beside you, leading you back to bed. This time, however, he climbed in bed with you, pulling your body close to his.
“I’m going to make sure you stay here longer than 2 hours this time,” he explained, wrapping his arms around you protectively. You didn’t mind, melting into his touch, his warmth. He kissed your shoulder, his lips warm even through the fabric of your nightshirt. You were asleep before you could even reply.
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
The Lost Boys Find Out Their Fem!S/O is Pregnant [4/4]
Alrighty then, my lovely fang babes! Here we are, we have the last of the first edition of the pregnancy saga! Worry not, dearest readers, for there is hope! I plan on doing a separate series about going through the pregnancy, and maybe even going through the childbirth with how the boys are as new dads. Let me know in the comments if you'd like to see more, and by tomorrow night we'll have a whole new set to love!
It was such a blast writing Paul's, I'm not gonna lie I got lost in the magic! We have a cute little character cameo for all you 80s movie nerds, lemme know if you can figure out what it is! So, without any more delays; here he is. The gorgeous, the goofy, the one, the only:
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Today had been an unexpected challenge. You barely got through your shift at the record store, every time you were in light it made you dizzy. Hangovers had nothing on this! Did you drink too much the night before? No, now that you thought about it any attempts to drink had you hugging a toilet. Not to mention your period was late as hell! Well, not the cramps, go figure. Just no blood. None at all. 
You never let on to your beau, Paul, though. The party boy vampire would become overly worried if you told him you were sick, and you weren't about to spoil a good time with a bit of nausea. So here you were, stumbling about the day into the late afternoon absolutely miserable. Your manager Iona offered you some crackers and ginger ale during your lunch break. No dice, within an hour you were running to the bathroom again. 
"Gosh hon, I dunno what ta tell ya. Maybe you ate something nasty, I told you that boardwalk food was fishy," Iona sighed, poking at her own lunch with a fork. Currently your coworker Andie was watching the front until you were feeling better.
"Kill me now, Iona," you groaned, chin resting on the table with your arms laid over your head. Then there was a smell. The greatest, most flavorful, mouthwatering scent you've ever experienced. Like a honey baked ham and a New York sirloin had a glorious new baby drizzled in ecstasy. Glancing over, your stomach growled at whatever it could be. If this were a cartoon you'd be flying to what it was.
Oddly enough, it was coming from Iona. Well, whatever black stuff was in her little plastic tupperware dish. Who cares what it was, it smelled incredible.
"Hey uh..," you asked, leaning over towards the sticky, mysterious delicacy calling your name. "You wouldn't mind if I had a bite, would ya?"
"You sure, hon? This isn't exactly your average dish, it's kinda weird," she tried to explain. God you couldn't take your eyes off it! Finally, your merciful manager pushed it your way, and you couldn't resist any longer. 
"I don't even care, this is the first thing in the past two days that hasn't made me nauseous," you muffled between cosmic bites.
Oh shit, this was heaven! It had to be some sort of meat, it reminded her of a nice spicy kielbasa, a slow roasted brisket, every second it changed to some new world of food you had never tried. What it was didn't matter by this point.
"Wooow. I've never met someone who liked black pudding that much."
Pudding? "I thought it was meat or something? It doesn't taste anything like pudding," you insisted, polishing off the very last specs of it. "Got any more?"
"No, no, not like chocolate pudding or stuff like that, kiddo. black pudding. It's this dish from the UK my new boyfriend made me. It's congealed pig's and cow blood mixed with spices."
You made a face. Blood? Like, blood blood? The cow equivalent of what Paul drank on a daily basis? Yet this was the first time you didn't puke, in fact, you kinda wanted more. Even knowing what is was made of.. for some reason you craved more. Meanwhile Iona continued to talk on and on, until one phrase caught your ears. "Yea, ya know my mom was so into for the longest time. Said she craved it her whole pregnancy, I never got a taste for it honestly."
A single thought popped into your head. A dangerous, foreboding thought that your intuition said was very much a possibility. In a flash you jumped up, nearly slamming your hands on the table. "I gotta go. Oh shit, I gotta go! I'll be right back, I swear, I'm so sorry, I swear to god I'll be right back," you shouted as you bolted out of the store.
"Wait what-?!"
You'd make it up to her once you got back. You had to know! You had to be sure..! Please just let it be paranoia! Please let it be anything, anything at all besides what you thought it was!
Once you reached the nearest CVS you made a B-line to the women's health section. Your hair clung to your face, your lungs stung like crazy but all you could think about was getting answers. And cue the disapproving glare of some old bat picking out a box of pads. Alright being 17 in front of the pregnancy tests looked bad. You weren't just a high schooler, you looked it too. "What're you looking at, " you snarl. Immediately she clutched her pearls, startled by this abrasive youngin' in no mood for dirty looks. God why'd there have to be so many options? Pink boxes, purple ones, bright yellow insisting it worked the fastest. The heavy fluorescent lights were no help at all, it made your head spin. You had no time for this crap. In a sweeping motion you grabbed three different brands and threw them into your basket, all you needed was….where was your wallet? Shit... Glancing around you checked for any nearby cameras or staff. Karma be damned, it was an emergency! Five finger discount it was. 
Once again you made a mad dash back to the record store as the sun finally set. All three boxes were crumpled in your hand, your boots running so fast it you hit a rock that'd be it.
But getting back to the record store was your best bet. You weren't about to pee in some dirty, old, nasty pharmacy bathroo- oh fuck. There was something that finally slowed your steps, nearly making you trip in the process. Four bikes parked right outside. Three of which were occupied by by Dwayne, David and Marko all talking amongst themselves.
Shiiiit, shit, shit! All you could do was swear repeatedly. Before they could spot you, you practically dove into the alleyway behind the store, rapidly disabling the alarm. If that went off it'd be a dead giveaway. Quickly you looked left and right before you slammed the door shut behind you still trying to catch air.
But there, right past the door to the employees lounge, over by the counter you could see a mass of blonde hair chatting away with Iona about Led Zeppelin's best album to date. Paul, gorgeous as every, laughing. It made your heart flutter, but then it sank. What if it was a-... He was never the type to run away from a challenge. But then again, a kid wasn't a challenge, it was a massive ordeal. It would take a huge chunk of his life- well, afterlife! Boozing and cruising would be switched out with drowsy days and busy nights. You weren't sure if you wanted him to know if you were, it would take all that from him. Unfortunately, he must've smelled you or sonething, because immediately he turned around like a puppy being called.
"Babe," he cheered with delight, rushing over to hug you. Rather squeeze you by your hips and lift you four feet off the ground. Quickly you stuffed the skinny boxes into your back pocket, now smushed up against his chest. "Where were you? Ion's said you just bolted mid-shift, we were worried sick! Well, I mean, I was more worried though, cuz I can't stand you bein' gone, kitten."
"Well, yeah uh, I forgot something I had to get at the store, and I forgot what time I got off," you hesitated, still antsy to escape to the bathroom. Truthfully you didn't actually want to, you had to! If you could, you'd just kiss him and ride off into the night to raise some hell like you always did. But this was too big to ignore.
Paul raised a brow. You weren't known for being this jumpy. You wouldn't look him in the eyes, they just kept darting towards the bathroom. Boy, you really did look sick, though. Pale, almost greenish with dark circles under your eyes. You even felt colder than usual. "Am I uh, interrupting something, babe?"
You managed to work out if his arms, giggling nervously. "Actually I-I had some of Iona's lunch earlier, and I just, gotta- be right back!"
With that, you bolted into the bathroom and slammed the door behind you. Again, weird. Paul just shrugged, maybe you had some bad Mexican.
 Iona wasn't convinced. Little miss jumpy-pants skipping out on her, you owed her an explanation. While Paul perused the albums she sunk over to the bathroom, rapidly tapping on the door. "Y/N! Psst! You good in there, hon?"
You were most certainly NOT good! Your hand shook, the third test finally finished. Not like it mattered! They all said the same thing. Every fucking one of them.
Positive. Positive. Positive.
No, no, no!
"Shit," you hissed. "Shit! Oh shit, oh fuck! Fuck-fuckity shit fuck fuck! Dammit." That's all you could do! You swore over, and over, and over, rapidly kicking the wall in front of you. Stupid pink plus! Why? Why did it have to be a plus?? Immediately you threw it in the trash and scooped up the other two. Maybe they were all flukes? Maybe only a doctor could tell you! You had to get home. Like now. Right now, you just had to rush home, make an appointment at the doctors, maybe hide in shame for a few days just until you could figure out what the hell to do with all this! Once again you wedged the tests in your back pocket and nearly tripped, cracking open the door to face your boss. "Iona, I gotta get home."
"Seriously, Y/N?? Why? What is with you?"
"Please, I swear I will make it up to you, I'll take a double shift, I'll wash your damn car-"
"Oh no, nuh-uh. Not until you tell me why you're being such a spaz," she practically shouted in a hissing whisper, absolutely exasperated. You teens and your drama, when she always said she wanted to fell young again this is NOT what she meant!  
"Listen i-... iyay amyay egnantpray," you whispered. Pig latin. It was a little code you two usually reserved for secrets. Well, that and talking smack about snotty customers. But wow was this a big ol' secret. 
Iona covered her mouth. Oh, you little idiot! You poor little idiot. Looking over at the unsuspecting boyfriend she sighed, looking you in the eyes. She wanted to just tell you to come clean to your man. The boy hung around you constantly, you two were the ultimate it-couple, there wasn't even sparks it was like watching supernovas. Something this big.. it shouldn't be left in the dark!
But that pitiful expression on your face just begged her to keep quiet, and frankly it wasn't her place to tell you what to do- well, at least in this regard. "Alright, alright. This saturday you're taking my night time shift, there's a big concert I wanna go to. And you gotta wax my car, it's gettin' nasty. And you better write the best damn apology note in the history of apology notes, sweetie. This is huge, you better come clean to him eventually, or I'll kick your little butt you hear me?"
"Yes. Absolutely, fine, deal. Just please, please keep him busy, I'm not ready to tell him," you whined, clutching the door. Frankly it sounded like a piss poor plan, but it couldn't be helped, not right now at least. You didn't have the strength to confront the situation head on, you were barely keeping it together. You wanted to cry all over, jump into his arms and come clean now, but this was neither the time or place.
As soon as Iona went to go over to Paul you stuffed the tests into your purse and bolted out the back door, only this time stealth was not on your side. Right at the mouth of the alleyway, just as you were about to be home free- you ran smack dab into a particularly lithe blonde that felt like a brick wall. You went flying onto the ground, your purse crashing onto concrete with a hundred pieces of your privacy going every direction. In a panic you began to rapidly stuff it all back, barely able to hide the first two tests as you threw some half baked apology Marko's way. Honestly he deserved a better one than that, but you were too frazzled to be fair at the moment.
"Oh shit, Y/N," Marko exclaimed, immediately kneeling down to help you gather the scattered remains of your purse. "Sorry, I didn't even see you, I was coming back for a smoke. Big Ed is such a douche, can you believe theres no smoking on the-..." His words trailed off, and you shortly saw why. Grasped between his pointer finger and thumb was the little pink strip, and a look of complete disbelief. All you could do was snatch it from him, a heavy moment of silence magically muffling the wild noise and shouts of the busy boardwalk. 
"Do...D-Don't worry about it. Look, I gotta get home, I'll see you arou-," you started, trying to jump up, maybe catch him off guard and make a run for it. Not this time. 
You hadn't even noticed he grabbed your wrist, it was such a blur. He stayed silent, standing up and looking right into your eyes with hidden malcontent. You swore if you answered wrong this mischievous cat would tear your throat out. After all, you were his best friend's girl. If you did anything, ANYTHING, to hurt him... Well, let's just say a pregnancy would be the least of your worries. "Why are you running, Y/N? What the hell is this thing," he asked quietly, eyes flickering between red and blue. "Did you…?"
"Oh don't fuckin' even," You snapped, smacking his arm, yanking your hand out of his grasp. "Of course not! You butt! God, are you serious? What do you take me for- No! I- fuck I just- no!" You kick the tin trash can beside you, watching a plethora of trash fly into the air. "I am freaking out! Of course it's Paul's. Oh fucking god, it's Paul's and I don't know what to do!"
Marko's expression softened, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, I didn't mean to make it sound like that, Y/N. Paul's my friend, I just had to be sure you weren't sneaking around, you know?"
You sighed, pushing back your mess of a hair with misty eyes. This was perfect, a real big screw up from start to finish. All you could do was look over at Marko with pleading eyes. "You can't tell him yet. Please, just please please PLEASE, Marko, don't tell Paul yet!"
"Tell me what, babe?"
Shit. Shit on a stick. You looked behind to see Paul halfway out the back door with a look of concern, one that he rarely carried. You and your dumb mouth, go figure.
The blonde pushed through and let the door close behind him, looking over at his best bud standing alone with his girlfriend who was begging him to keep something secret, from him no less.
"Nah, nah, don't look at me man, this is all on you guys," he sighed, hands up in a shielding motion. "Good luck buddy. Gotta go, Y/N." with that the young vampire excused himself from this melting pot of drama, hands stuffed in his pockets. 
You just stood there, keeping the little strip tightly grasped behind your back. Paul was silent, but glancing at his hands you saw they were balled so tight his knuckles were white. "P-paul…," you hesitated, biting down on your bottom lip. "I should really… get home.."
Paul only raised a brow, glancing at your arms still tucked behind you. This wasn't like you to hide from him, and that alone frightened him. Nothing had ever frightened him before. And he didn't like the taste of it one bit. "What's behind your back, babe?"
Again his spoke, this time his voice lowered into a low growl. "What... do you have... behind your back, babe?" The way he said it was so firm, it made you shake a little. You didn't like stern Paul. They way he hissed the word "babe", practically spoken through clenched teeth
Your throat ached, eyes darting across the ground struggling to think up a good excuse. Anything. A book, your purse, a surprise for him! Anything!
"N-nothing." Apparently, you failed to find any excuses. Great.
Paul's knuckles began to crack, jumping forward to try and snatch it from behind you. When you dodged him, he grew even more furious. You both began to struggle, pushing him away, insisting he just stop and let you leave. But every attempt to reject him only upset him further. Why were you hiding things from him?! How could you just ditch him at the record store when he was worried sick about you??
The struggle built up until finally he had enough. His eyes turned white with rings of fire, brow looming heavily over his eyes and fangs jutting out where his incisors once were. In a flash he grabbed you by you wrists, pinning you so hard to the wall it shook. You still tried to struggle. Thrash, kick, squirm! Steel wished it could be so strong, your muscles ached. This probably wasn't even his full strength, but it dwarfed you in comparison. This terrifying side of Paul you had certainly seen before, but never had you been on the receiving end. It was in all sense of the word, predatorial. He'd never try to kill you, but you still felt that horror build up inside. Rapid, sharp breaths made your chest heave, too afraid to look up at those red eyes still fixated on whatever you kept hidden from him. He continued to pry your stubborn fingers open, ignoring your shaking whimpers. He squoze your wrist, the tendons aching and contracting until your fingertips began to lift up. Any resistance was pretty much useless at this point, but dammit you still tried everything to worm out of his grip. But he had finally had it, you weren't gonna be keeping secrets from him. Now your last finger was pushed off, and he could see what was so damn important that you physically fought him to keep it secret. It was almost slow motion the way the strip spun to the ground, clattering down and landing beside his mud caked boots. He froze, slowly looking down at it. That's it? That's all you-...
You could barely read his face, so many different emotions flashing across it all at once. Occasionally he'd look back up at you, then back down at it. To the point you almost got annoyed that you were still being stuck to a wall while the reality set in. After all, it didn't take a rocket scientist to know what that was, just put you down already!
Paul looked at you still pinned beneath him, horrified at how he lost his temper and immediately released you. Still rubbing away the pain across your wrists, you watched him pick it up. A wave of guilt swarmed your body, you didn't know whether to hug him or punt him in the chest.
Hell, a massive tidal wave of guilt overflowed him too. It'd been such a long time since he got that angry.. but worst of all he'd never been like that with you. Never grabbed you so forcefully and ignored your pleas, it was a dark side of him he never wanted to display in front of you. Glancing at the little pink plus at the end of the stick, his mind swirled with a plethora of questions. But slowly he stood up, looking down at you still really trying to process everything that had happened in the past few minutes. "I don't… I don't understand.."
"You- You are such an ass," you shouted out of nowhere, enough that it made him jump. There you were. That's the fiery girl he knew, not the one he exactly wanted to be on the opposing side of at the moment, though.
Paul wasn't surprised you were pissed, but he definitely didn't expect you to start punching his arm. Again. Then again, and again you just kept hiting his arms, his chest, pushing and crying, you were so mad you wanted to chuck him in the ocean! It didn't really hurt that much, but he felt awful he drove you to that point.
Tears blurred your vision as you lashed out on him. All you could do was yell names between sobs, even whack him with your purse. "Paul, you absolute jerk! Butt! Jackass! You smarmy, half wit, blood-sucking tool! You said you were packing blanks, you absolute liar! I was gonna tell yo-! I mean, I know I shouldn't have run-! But you just couldn't wait- and then Marko- and you! You ! Jerk ! Butthead !"
"Hey, ow! Ow! Ow, dammit! I know, I know I went to far-ow not the hair dammit," he demanded, grabbing your arms before you could lay another mighty blow. "Babe! Babe, stop! I thought I was! I swear I didn't know- I-..I never thought that I could get you...." His hands slowly released your shoulders, moving to your hips. "I'm so sorry, baby. I swear, I didn't know.. I'm so sorry."
The way his voice softened only made you want to cry more. This whole day was a mess. You didn't mean to try and run.. You never should've tried to in the first place. God, you were so tired. All this running around, all this secrecy, the fighting, it was exhausting. Paul was the last person you wanted to fight. Sure you had spats and a few heated arguments. Every couple did, even vampires. But this, it was just so.m draining. With a firm thud you plopped your forehead on his sternum, your fingers tightly clinging to the upper sleeves of his jacket. "Wh-what am I supposed to do-… what are we supposed to do now..?"
Paul pondered his options with a solemn face, but there was only one that made him happy. Only one that sat right in his heart. What else could he possibly do, there was only ever going to be one answer even if you told him right away. Most of all, he couldn't stand the sorrow in your eyes. A frown never suited such a beautiful face. He never expected there to be anything to come from your heavy sexcapades, it never seemed like there was any risks in it. He'd never seen a vampire munchkin, least of all he'd never even heard of a vamp conceiving with a human. All he knew now is you, crying in his arms, terrified of what you were carrying. What it could mean. In that moment, he steeled his resolve and came to a final decision.
Silently he tilted your chin up, using his thumb to brush away all those tears staining your cheeks. Those blue eyes, you could get lost in them. Swallowed up by the sea. It wasn't hard to read his mind when he held onto your hip with one hand, while the other that pushed away salty droplets now cupped your cheek. Within moments you crashed your mouth into his, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck.
Warm. A surge of heat filled your body. It was the first time you felt truly alive all day. You could feel your chest heave against his, you didn't want any space between the two of you and only pressed tighter until there wasn't anything left. Each kiss gave momentary breath before you dove in for more. Neither of you could stop. You didn't want to pull away, not even for a split second. The way he smelled, the way he tasted, the way he touched you, the way he felt beneath your fingers; it made your head spin. His hands began to wander, you clutched at anything you could get a hold of. Your body burned, so sweet and long. In those moments the world stopped, it just melted away in streams of light. No one was there but you two. 
It was over too soon, both of you rapidly panting for breath still intertwined. Oh, how you could stare into his eyes forever.
That frown was long gone, replaced by a tender smile. The one he had come to cherish. Paul chuckled softly, breathlessly nuzzling against your collar bone. Slowly he leaned in close to your ear, his disheveled blonde hair brushing up against your cheeks. Lips trailed up flesh, reavhing just beneath your ear. And then you heard those three forbidden words. Such sweet, tender words, you hadn't expected him to say. Although he whispered them so softly they might have gotten lost in the wind, to you they were as clear as the moon on a cloudless night.
"Y/N.... I love you."
It made your heart throb, you thought you might even faint. A lifetime of struggles led up to this beautiful moment. You never expected it to be a half-undressed heavy make out session with your vampire lover, the father of your unborn spawn, in the back alley of a record store on the Santa Carla Boardwalk. But here you were, nestled between him and an old brick wall. Paul loved you, he had said it, he finally said those words that could destroy any doubt you had. And more than anything in the whole wide world, you knew once and for all, you loved Paul.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Everybody Knows You're High, 2/4 (Rajila) - Dartmouth420
“And on the deck while I waited for her to get dressed, I sparked up another one and I was such a mess that I confess that my professor wouldn’t look me in the eye…”
Summary: Raja has a great time at her philosophy class this week, Manila strategically turns the whole situation into a joke, but their attempts to one-up each other go a little too far…
A/N: this chapter is dedicated to the term ‘making out,’ and how vague and ridiculous it is lmao. thank you V&albatross for the shoutout!
tw: weed
Raja forgot that it was a Tuesday and smoked a huge blunt just after noon, before remembering that she had to leave for class in fifteen minutes. Uh oh.
But luckily Professor A. O’Hara’s philosophy class was a lecture and that meant Raja didn’t need to participate, she could just sit in the low-lit room, stare at the slides and let the words wash over her. Which was totally doable while high. Also, Manila was in that class, so Raja didn’t want to skip it.
Pleasantly hazy, Raja threw an open button-up shirt over her tank top, wandered over to Manila’s house a few doors down and knocked on the door.
Manila answered, her face pink and sweaty, her fantastic legs clad in neon green leggings.
“I just got back from the gym,” said Manila, “I still need to change, just give me a sec-“
“Sure,” said Raja, leaning casually against the porch railing. Manila looked pretty cute, all warm and sweaty like that. Raja reached into her front pocket and found a tiny little joint she must have forgotten in there the last time she’d worn this shirt.
Well, she was already high, so why the hell not? Raja sighed happily, thanking whatever deities had decided to smile upon her today as she fished her lighter out of her shorts, and lit up.
Manila came back out a few minutes later, in a neat little corduroy skirt that hugged her hips, shirt tucked in, and said, “Oh my god, are you getting high right now?”
“Yeah,” replied Raja, happy and content, “I forgot it was Tuesday and started earlier, figured I may as well lean in, right?”
Manila rolled her eyes and shook her head, then locked the door.
They walked together to campus in the warm sun, and Raja began to feel soft, even a little loopy, like she needed to slow down…
“Hurry up, we’re going to be late,” urged Manila, walking ahead of her.
“Nah, just slow down a bit,” murmured Raja in response. The sun was catching in Manila’s hair again, the black curls shining with an almost reddish-orange highlight.
“Are you related to any gingers?” asked Raja, blithely.
“Uh, my uncle on my mom’s side,” replied Manila, “And so is one of my cousins. Why?”
“Your hair has this kinda red highlight in the sun…”
Manila laughed and it was a happy sound that Raja quite liked. But then Manila went behind Raja and pushed her, her hands on Raja’s back as she hustled her rapidly down the sidewalk, which Raja liked a little less. They finally got into the building and managed to make it to class with only seconds to spare.
Raja entered the dark room, supremely comfortable and chill, and took her usual seat. Manila sat next to her, taking out her neat little notebook and pen to take notes. She was so organized, Raja admired that about her.
Professor O’Hara greeted the class and hit the lights to begin the lecture. Raja smiled and nodded and basked in the weird glow of the PowerPoint while Manila diligently took notes next to her. The words washed over them both.
After the lecture was done and the lights turned back on, Professor O’Hara took questions from the class. Raja found she had a question too, and raised her hand.
“Don’t draw attention to yourself-“ hissed Manila next to her, trying to grab Raja’s hand and force it back down.
But Professor O’Hara has already addressed her, so Raja batted Manila off and opened her mouth.
“Uh, so…” began Raja, leaning forward and putting her chin in her hand, pausing for what she was sure was only a couple seconds. An amused murmur rippled through the crowd. “So, when Plato talks about you know, duality, what if-“
Raja wasn’t sure where she was going with her question, but she was confident it was going somewhere, and kept talking. Professor O’Hara had an amused expression on her face, and pressed her lips together, not quite making eye contact. Next to Raja, Manila slid lower in her seat and shielded her eyes with her hand.
“…so like, isn’t that connected to Aristotle’s original idea about being?” finished Raja.
Muffled laughter sounded throughout the class. What was so funny?
Professor O’Hara blinked, and cocked her head to the side, then said, “Well, to everyone’s surprise that’s actually an excellent question, Raja-“ and proceeded to answer it.
Raja glowed with the praise, nodding her head slowly as Professor O’Hara answered her question, and further elaborated on the content of the lecture, which inspired more questions from the class. Raja remained pleasantly blazed. Coming to class like this had been a great idea after all-
Soon enough it was over, and Raja yawned, sleepy, and stretched as Manila put her things back in her bag.
“Raja,” said Manila with resignation, hoisting her backpack to her shoulder, while the rest of the class filed out around them, throwing amused glances in Raja’s direction, “Everybody knows you’re high.”
“Mmm…” replied Raja, content, getting up from her seat and tripping a little on the edge of the chair, “Yeah, this time I don’t care.”
The problem with Raja, considered Manila as they walked back down the street together after class and Raja prattled away, happy and stoned, was that from the day they’d met Manila wanted throw her against the wall, furiously make out with her, have insanely hot sex in every imaginable way, move in together, start their lives, be completely and utterly in love, have like four kids and three dogs, raise them, retire, get old, and die together. 
Obviously that was a little much. 
Manila had quickly learned that her desperate fantasy seemed to be the exact opposite of what Raja was looking for. Raja’s priorities seemed to consist of getting stoned, getting laid, playing video games and going to class. Apparently in that order. So, they became good friends instead, along with Delta and Carmen, and had an excellent friendship that involved terrible humour, petty competition, and affectionately roasting one another to death. Given that Raja had never shown any romantic interest in her, Manila did her best to shove her feelings to the back of her mind. She wasn’t going to ruin a great friendship with her idiotic feelings, god forbid!
So, not that Raja randomly asking her to make out the other day had thrown Manila’s world off its axis anything, just… ugh.
They kept walking, and Raja kept talking to herself. Admittedly, she was making some great points about Plato.
“Carmen’s kinda mad at you, by the way,” said Raja, turning to her. Her deep brown eyes were a little bloodshot, but still shockingly intense and beautiful.
“Why?” asked Manila, glancing at the blue, open sky instead. It was a lovely day.
“‘Cause you unlocked metallic Peach the other day. She wanted to unlock metallic Peach.”
“Tell her the day she beats me at literally one round of Smash Bros is the day I’ll stop unlocking stuff for her,” said Manila.
“This is just as bad as the Mario Kart Incident last April,” said Raja, who was still looking at her, and then added, in an apparent non-sequitur, “Hey, has anyone ever told you you’re like really pretty?”
“Yeah, my mom,” replied Manila sarcastically, but her heart beat a little faster with the compliment.
“No, come on!” replied Raja, with a blissed-out expression and a goofy smile, “You are, though. Your hair is like so nice-“
Manila didn’t know what to say. Getting this kind of attention from Raja wasn’t something she’d anticipated happening, it was making her feel vulnerable and a little turned on, and she wanted to believe that it meant something… but doubt congealed in her stomach. It didn’t mean anything beyond a casual, well-intentioned, platonic expression of attraction. This was just how Raja was.
“Shut up!” laughed Manila semi-hysterically, impulsively pushing Raja in response. Raja was stoned and off-balance enough that she tripped and fell into the neighbour’s garden with an indignant squawk. Manila felt bad for a split second, then laughed out loud.
“Hey!” protested Raja, picking herself up from the enormous hosta plant she’d fallen into, her long black hair in her face, “I thought you liked me!”
“I do like you, you don’t need to worry about that!” said Manila over her shoulder, maintaining a joking attitude and walking up the steps to her house.
“You’re the worst,” whined Raja, making a face, then flipping her off in a friendly goodbye. Manila returned the gesture.
Manila went inside and got a snack from the kitchen, said hi to her roommate Shangela who’d just gotten out of the shower, and went into her room. Manila dropped her backpack to the ground and flopped down on her bed. 
It was simple: Raja was blazed as usual and messing with her, that was all. But if there was anything Manila was good at, it was messing with people in return.
Raja wasn’t used to being rejected. She was, after all, very cool, extremely sexy, highly intelligent and always had weed. Clearly a catch! But apparently not to Manila. Raja knew Manila liked her, Manila had specifically said so the other day! They were already friends, they understood each other’s humour, and they hung out regularly, which was half the battle when it came to getting involved with somebody, even casually.
So, at Morgan’s Hallowe’en party, Raja found herself on the enormous, crumby couch, passing a blunt back and forth with Manila and several others. Some mid-2000s hip hop music played in the background, and way too many people were packed into the space in ridiculous costumes. Manila was pressed in next to her on the crowded couch. Earlier Raja had noted Raven somewhere at the other end of the house, pointedly ignoring her, which was ideal.
Manila somehow managed to look incredibly cute while dressed as Weird Al Yankovic, fake moustache and all, which was a feat in and of itself. Raja was dressed as Raoul Duke from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, because she related to him on a spiritual level, and already had the sunglasses for it. Their dumb costumes even matched, both featuring ugly Hawaiian shirts. Manila was cracking a joke with Carmen on her other side, and Raja figured this was as good an opportunity as any. Raja slung a casual arm around Manila, passed the blunt back to her and whispered in her ear, “Do you wanna make out?”
Manila put the blunt to her lips and inhaled deeply, the end glowing orange as Raja waited with anticipation for her answer, excitement mounting in her stomach.
With a smirk, Manila blew a lungful of smoke into Raja’s face, then she rested her hand on Raja’s thigh, and leaned in. Raja’s heartbeat accelerated.
Manila shut her eyes and Raja shut hers too, barely able to believe it was happening. Manila’s lips brushed against hers, soft, thrilling, just the barest hint of contact-
Manila pulled back abruptly, and Raja opened her eyes, confused. 
Manila gave her an absolutely shit-eating grin and declared, “Nope!”
Raja’s jaw, along with her mood, dropped with disappointment. An odd moment passed between them. Through her haze Raja realized, with Manila’s shit-eating grin and her hand on still suggestively on her thigh, that Manila was mocking her. Raja, totally stoned, asking her to make out with for a second time with the exact same line had inevitably, painfully, become a joke. 
Raja huffed, insulted, and turned away. Manila cackled.
On Raja’s other side someone new sat down, a pretty, athletic and tanned girl with dirty blonde hair, her amazing body in clad in what was basically red lingerie and devil horns. Raja recognized her, she was that girl a year or two below them who went running with Manila sometimes. She was laughing, her head thrown back, at something another blonde beside her was saying.
Raja tapped her on the shoulder and said, “Hey, you’re cute, do you wanna make out?”
The girl blinked at her in shock, and then grinned, and said, “Uh, oh my god, yeah.”
“Damn, you’re so direct, I’ve had a crush on you like forev-”
Raja ignored her, took her face in her hands and leaned in. Their lips met and the girl let out an excited gasp. She tasted like Jack Daniels and smelled like tropical perfume. Nice. And she was a great kisser, with an enthusiastic and knowing tongue. The girl’s warm hands immediately went to Raja’s shoulders. Around them a few people oohed and laughed, and Raja caressed the girl’s lower back and practically pulled her into her lap. Raja’s bucket hat fell off the back of her head.
Manila was still laughing at something on Raja’s other side, but her laughter stopped abruptly, and Raja felt the couch shift as Manila stood up. Raja broke the kiss for a moment and glanced over her shoulder in time to see Manila stomp away, furious jealousy in every line of her body, throwing her fake glasses to the floor.
That’s right, burn.
Smug, Raja went back to making out with the blonde chick in her lap, their hands wandering all over each other until someone yelled at them to get a room. May as well. Raja got up and led the girl into Morgan’s messy bedroom and shut the door.
“You know you’re like a legend around here, right?” chuckled the blonde girl, grasping the edge of Raja’s shirt and pulling her down onto the bed with her, “By the way, my name’s Willam-”
“That’s nice,” replied Raja, crawling on top of her, kissing her neck and getting down to business.
It became an inside joke.
Manila had barely managed to pull it off, because coming so close to kissing Raja had been horribly thrilling, (electric, overwhelming, transcendent), and she’d wanted so badly for it to be real, to be anything other than just a stoned-and-low-key-horny suggestion on Raja’s part-
So, despite Manila’s burst of jealousy over Raja’s makeout session at the Hallowe’en party with Willam, her gym buddy of all people, their friendship remained strong and uninterrupted. Manila didn’t hold it against Willam either, who’d been all too happy to talk about it at their next cardio and gossip session, because Raja was generally irresistible. Manila sure as hell wasn’t going to let it get to her. After all, this kind of thing was in the nature of a friendship that largely consisted of roasting each other to death over a high-octane flame.
As the week passed the joke got even funnier. Raja got over sulking about it, and started purposefully asking Manila to make out at the most hilarious, awkward, and inopportune times.
For example:
Playing Smash Bros at Raja’s house late on a Saturday night with Delta and Carmen, everybody squashed on the couch: “Can we make out if I win?” “As if you’d ever beat me, bitch.” “It’s true Raja, you kind of suck at Nintendo-” “Shut up!”
Hollered across the quad, much to Manila’s embarrassment and Raja’s enjoyment, in front of a crowd of freshman, “Hey Manila, you wanna come over here and make out!?” “Go shove your tongue down somebody else’s throat!” “Aw, rude!”
In the hallway after class, just as Professor O’Hara walked by, loudly: “Wanna come back to my place and make out?” “Oh my god, Raja!” “Ladies.” “Sorry, professor!”
Whispered in the library, “Do you wanna go into the stacks and make out?” “Write your essay.” “I’m done, though-“ “What, already!?”
Even Delta and Carmen got in on it, and Manila had to dodge the question from them too. Teasing, sexy requests of, Hey, wanna make out, Manila? followed her around, as Manila clapped back hilarious retorts to gales of laughter. It was fun and Manila rode the wave of attention with aplomb.
Manila figured that this particular’s joke’s shelf life would only last as long as any other and would soon fade into oblivion, replaced by whatever came next, and Manila would never have to address or bring to light her feelings for Raja.
In her opinion, she’d handled the situation perfectly. And Manila praised herself for it as she ran her usual route, glancing up at Raja’s house as she ran by.
But every night before she fell asleep, a little voice tugged at the back of her brain and said, maybe you shouldn’t mock people when they express attraction to you, that’s kind of fucked up, and she’s your friend, maybe she actually does like you back- Manila aggressively quashed it.
“Hey, so,” said Raja, on the way to the library with Manila to buckle down and write their philosophy papers together as the end of term approached, “Why don’t you want to make out with me? Like, I’m a total catch.”
It hadn’t previously occurred to her to ask, but maybe this would help her get a leg up on the situation. Ideally Manila’s leg. Ideally up on her shoulder while Raja ate her out, and Manila blushed pink like she sometimes did, and tangled her hands in Raja’s hair, and gasped and arched her back and- that was neither here nor there. As hilarious as it was, the joke had been driving Raja a little insane. If Manila had said, in any seriousness, that she wanted Raja to stop asking, Raja would have. But she hadn’t, Manila had leaned in to the silly, flirtatious back and forth. 
Instead of forgetting about it, the endless teasing and parody of the matter had only reinforced what Raja wanted in the first place.
“Well,” said Manila after a pause, adjusting her heavy bag and glancing at the cloudy sky, “You don’t take school very seriously.”
“What?” laughed Raja, who’d been expecting something more along the lines of I’m genuinely not attracted to you or I think I want to date guys again, “Is that really it? I totally do!”
“No you don’t, you’re a huge stoner.”
“Yeah but thats just for fun, I’m like really smart,” replied Raja, grinning, “You should see my GPA.”
“Mmm no, you’re real dumb,” sassed Manila. She shook her head and her curly hair, up in a high ponytail again today, bounced with the motion and Raja wanted to run her fingers through it. “You’re a total goofball and everyone knows it. You show up to class high! I have like a 3.82, and I want to keep it there.”
“How would making out with me affect your grades?”
“They say you are what you eat…”
They both exploded into laughter, causing the other students walking down the busy campus path to throw irritated glances their way.
“Bitch,” replied Raja, elbowing her, “A 3.82 is nothing-”
“Hey, no,” protested Manila, stopping and turning to her, “It’s like really good, don’t talk down my accomplishments just because you’re jealous-“
“I have a 3.91.”
Manila opened and shut her mouth in shock, before responding, “No you don’t, you’re lying.”
“No I’m not.”
“Prove it.”
“Sure,” chuckled Raja, taking out her phone and going to the school website, launching the grading centre, pulling up her current transcript and grade point average, “Look.”
Raja handed Manila her phone, gloating. The screen read 3.91847. Manila took it and her eyes narrowed, and she scrolled up to check that it was actually Raja’s name at the top, then back down again. 
“Guess I do take school seriously,” taunted Raja, unable to suppress the urge to tease her.
With unexpected force, Manila shoved the phone back into Raja’s hands.
“Whatever!” snapped Manila, rushing ahead furiously.
“Hey, where are you going?” called Raja after her, laughing, “Don’t be mad just ‘cause I get better grades than you-“
“I’ll see you at the library!” snarled Manila over her shoulder, power walking down the street.
Raja watched Manila walk away, pleased that she’d proven her wrong her but confused as to why she was so mad. Raja wandered into the little smoking area with a couple of scraggly trees and fished in her bag for a tiny joint she’d hidden there earlier. She found it and lit up, inhaling the comforting smoke. Just a little something to help get those creative and intellectual juices flowing…
After a few hours of work in the library while Raja pumped dreamwave tunes through her headphones directly into her skull and wrote her philosophy paper, she looked up and noticed Manila sighing deeply for like the fourth time.
“What’s up?” whispered Raja, taking her headphones off.
“Nothing,” whispered Manila back. Her eyebrows were scrunched together.
“Are you mad at me?”
Raja put her headphones back on, without music, and wrote a few more sentences, pausing to check her references. She was going to get a hundred percent on this paper, she already knew it. Raja had been a bit of a child prodigy in terms of reading and writing comprehension, and her memory, her research skills, her grasp of history, literature, sociology and philosophy were outstanding. Her two dads were loving and supportive hippies who let her do whatever she wanted, so her sense of freedom and confidence had soared throughout her college career along with her grades.
“I can’t believe you have a higher GPA than me,” complained Manila, under her breath.
Raja took her headphones off again and gloated, “Yep, this huge stoner right here is better at school than you.”
Manila glared at her, then sighed again. Raja smirked, but her face fell, because Manila actually looked sad. And tired. There were lines under her eyes. Sympathy tugged at Raja’s stomach. 
“Well, a 3.82 is really good,” began Raja, shutting her laptop and leaning forward, “Like, it’s above average-”
“Don’t be patronizing,” said Manila, shaking her head, closing her laptop and gathering up her books, “I can’t work on this anymore, let’s head out.”
“Okay, sure,” said Raja, getting up. A few people at other tables were glaring at them anyway, angry about the interruption of the silence. Raja wanted to make Manila feel better, and wondered how.
They left the library, walking together through the dark evening in the direction of home. It was a clear night, and the stars were just visible. Raja dug around in her bag for a joint but couldn’t find one.
“I have that good spicy instant ramen and Cheetos at home,” suggested Raja after a few minutes, “It’s not that late if you want to come over.“
“So we can make out?” added Manila sarcastically.
“No,” replied Raja, “Just to like decompress, I dunno, I’m hungry, I thought you might be too…”
“Do you ever eat vegetables?”
“Weed is a plant.”
Manila laughed and shook her head.
“What’s bothering you?” pressed Raja. 
“I try like, really hard,” said Manila, after a pause, “I take college seriously, and my parents have such high expectations of me, I just- I put so much work into it and you-” Manila gestured at her, “You fucking coast, Raja. Look at yourself. You get stoned all the time, you party and play Nintendo. And honestly, you treat the girls you date like they’re disposable, Raven’s reaction wasn’t that unreasonable… but everyone still likes you, you somehow have a perfect GPA and you look amazing-”
“Yeah, I do look amazing,” agreed Raja, with a smile. She decided to ignore the middle part of what Manila had said.
“-and you have the self-awareness of a fruit bat.”
Raja looked carefully at Manila. Her expression was tired and frustrated, the orange glow of the streetlight catching in her hair. Despite the way they constantly roasted one another, Raja cared about her, and it saddened her to hear that Manila was feeling the pressure of… well, everything.
Self-awareness. Hmm. Raja could work on that. Maybe that was the key to getting Manila to see that she wasn’t joking, that Raja genuinely, unexpectedly, to her own surprise, really liked her.
“So,” said Raja, as they approached her house, the living room light shining like a beacon, indicating that Delta or Carmen was still up, “Instant ramen and Cheetos? You can kick my ass at Smash Bros, that always makes you feel better.”
“You know what, sure,” replied Manila, rolling her eyes, a smile at the edge of her mouth, “I’m gonna hand you your ass on a silver platter, bitch. Especially since you always insist on playing as Yoshi for some reason…”
Raja smiled to herself as they went up the front steps to her door.
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halorocks1214 · 4 years
definitely Alan for the character ask
You have ENABLED me my friend. I hope you don’t regret it lmaooo
Favorite thing about them: I love love love goofy, young characters that when push comes to shove they prove the naysayers wrong and show they are capable and smart and selfless, even when they may doubt themselves and need reassurance occasionally Least favorite thing about them: For character traits even I have to admit he can be a little too immature from time to time, but in general I so wanted more screen time from him as a main character. There’s a lot of potential missed with being the youngest in more ways than one (youngest brother, youngest IR Operative, etc), not to mention the whole thing surround Jeff and not spending as much time with him (r.o.a. anybody??? lol). They touched on that a little in in the ‘04 movie but as much of a guilty pleasure it is I have to admit that’s probably not the best example lol Favorite line: I’ve got quite a few, but some I would say are - ”Right, I’ll carefully fly towards the floating bomb.” ”Not until Virgil gets back.” “Virgil better hurry.” ”I’m okay... I think.” ”*raspberries* And completely boring!” ”That’s exactly what we’re going to do!” “I was joking.” “I’m not.” brOTP: Any of his brothers, of course and obviously OTP: Throwback to TOS and the 2004 movie I really love Alan/Tin-Tin. They were such cuties together (as much as I like Kayo I miss Tin-Tin) nOTP: Again with the lack of getting nOTPs is affecting my ability to answer these questions... I guess I gotta go with any of the family members  Random headcanon: While his brothers are out on missions Alan will sometimes sneak into their rooms and nap on their floors. He usually leaves before they get back so they have no idea about it. Penny is the only one who knows since she caught him in John’s room (Alan goes to John’s most of the time due to his absence) looking for something for the ginger astronaut and silently vowed to never let it slip to the other Tracys about it Unpopular opinion: Do I have one of these? Um, not many people have Alan as their favorite bro, does that count? Song I associate with them: *shuffles through my playlist really quickly* Oh my GOD, I just remembered “I Need A Father” by Starfield (one of my fave songs EVER) and how much it applies to him omgggg. I hope you’re ready for your heart to be shattered with that in mind alkjsldfjlds Favorite picture GIF of them: TIE BETWEEN THESE TWO
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Such a babey. God I love this funky little spaceboi 
Ask me about other fictional characters!
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queenofcats17 · 4 years
Sammy Gets A Fish Boyfriend
@lt-lemonade did this cool Mermaid AU picture and I wanted to write it.
Sammy wasn’t a huge fan of fishing. 
Alright, maybe that wasn’t fair. He did like fishing. Just not for his dinner or anything. He enjoyed sitting out on the water in his boat, just him and the waves. He didn’t care if he caught any fish. It was enough to just be alone in the silence. He didn’t much care for cleaning and gutting fish either. It was far too messy for him. Susie always teased him about that. 
“Why do you go out there if you don’t want to catch fish?” She often asked while poking his cheek. “Seems kind of pointless to me.”
“Give him a break,” Jack would then say. “Peace is hard to find.”
Times like those, Sammy wondered why he hadn’t gotten a house of his own. Then again, he did enjoy sharing a home with Jack and Susie. It certainly made paying rent easier when it was split three ways. Chores were easier too. But that was beside the point. 
In any case, fishing served as an escape for him. And what he was escaping today was Susie’s continued attempts to matchmake him. The two had dated for a time before both realizing they were gay and mutually breaking up. Susie had found herself a girlfriend, Allison, but Sammy remained alone. Susie, ever a bit of a worrywart, was concerned. Sammy had a tendency to isolate himself and he didn’t have many friends. So, she’d recently begun trying to set him up with various men in an attempt to get him a boyfriend. 
Sammy appreciated the thought, but if he was going to get a boyfriend he wanted to do it himself. Most of the men hadn’t exactly been winners either. Susie had set up another date that day and Sammy had snuck off as quickly and quietly as he could. He was planning on telling Susie that he wanted her to stop this matchmaking, which he previously hadn’t because he’d been afraid of hurting her feelings. He needed to get up the courage to do it as well. 
So that was why he was out in his boat, his rod in the water and his banjo at his side. It was blessedly quiet, the only sounds around him the screech of the seagulls and the gentle lap of the waves. Sammy tapped his foot against the bottom of the boat as a song surfaced in his mind. It was a song from the record Susie had gotten him for his birthday. He hummed to himself a bit, his head bobbing from side to side as he listened to the music in his head. Eventually, he set his rod aside, picking up his banjo and plucking out the tune while the words spilled from his lips. 
He quickly lost himself in the song, oblivious to everything but himself and the music. These were the moments he lived for. 
Suddenly, a voice broke him from his reverie.
“You sing good!” 
Sammy shrieked, dropping his banjo and almost capsizing the boat. His head whipped around as he tried to locate the source of the voice. It didn’t take him long to find it. 
A guy was leaning on the right side of his boat. He was pale-skinned and freckled, with long and luxuriously wavy ginger hair. The guy wasn’t wearing a shirt and had wet hair plastered against his face, so Sammy initially assumed he’d somehow attracted the attention of a swimmer. Until he noticed the strange fins coming off the man’s face and arms and the red and green spots that were absolutely a part of the man’s skin. Then the man swept his hair out of his eyes, revealing they were abnormally large for a human and the most beautiful shade of green Sammy had ever seen. 
“Uh...hi?” Sammy said slowly, trying to fight the blush rising on his cheeks.
“Hi!” The man gave him a big smile, revealing a row of very sharp teeth. Sammy internally began to scream. This was a merman. He was talking to a merman. He was talking to an honest to goodness merman. 
Oh gods, the merman had told him he sang well. The merman had told him he sang well and was now watching him with the cutest little puppy dog smile. 
“It’s, um, it’s ‘you sing well’.” Sammy awkwardly cleared his throat. “What you meant to say is, ‘you sing well’.”
“Well, you sing well then!” The merman said, slapping his tail against the water in an adorably happy manner.
“Thank you.” Sammy smiled politely at him. “It’s nice to know my music is appreciated.” He awkwardly put his banjo aside, turning to more fully face the strange man. “My name is Sammy Lawrence. What’s your name?”
“Wally Franks.” The merman stuck his hand out to Sammy, revealing that he had webbing in between his fingers. “It’s nice to meet you, Sammy.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well.” Sammy shook his hand, finding it surprisingly warm if a bit slimy.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around before,” Sammy said after he withdrew his hand. “Do you live here?”
“Oh, I’ve been around,” Wally answered, shrugging slightly. “I’m just not supposed to show myself to humans for safety.”
“Like you’re doing now?” Sammy stifled a giggle. 
“.....Oh.” Wally’s face fell as he realized what exactly he was doing. “....Fuck.”
Sammy bit his lip. Oh gods, this guy was cute. He looked like a disappointed puppy.
“I’m not going to hurt you if that’s what you're worried about.” Sammy tried to reassure him. “And I won’t tell anyone you’re here either.” He'd heard stories about people selling mermaids to traveling sideshows or vivisecting them, and he already knew that he absolutely did not want that to happen to Wally.
“Really?” Wally immediately perked up, his eyes sparkling hopefully.
“Really.” Sammy nodded. “I promise.”
“Thank you so much!” Wally practically launched himself into the boat to hug Sammy. Sammy was a bit startled by this, letting out a shout of surprise as he felt wet arms wrap around him in a rather strong hug. Wally may have looked scrawny, but he most certainly was not.
“Oh, sorry.” Wally laughed sheepishly as he pulled away. “Probably shouldn’t have done that. I just get a little carried away sometimes.”
“No, it’s alright. I didn’t mind.” Sammy gave him a reassuring smile. He could still feel the lingering warmth of Wally’s body pressed against his. His face felt uncomfortably warm. He needed to go home and try to sort his head out.
“Okay!” Wally smiled back at him, revealing his sharp teeth again. 
“I, uh, I should get going.” Sammy awkwardly cleared his throat again.
“Can you come back?” Wally asked. “Later, I mean. I wanna hear you sing again!”
“Of course,” Sammy immediately replied. 
“Awesome!” Wally gave him another hug, then jumped off the boat and disappeared into the water. 
Sammy sat there for a moment or two, dumbfounded. It almost felt as though he’d dreamed the whole encounter. But the evidence was there. His clothes were damp where Wally had hugged him. The boat smelled faintly fishy. But not fishy in the way that fish smelled fishy. It was a different kind of fishy. It actually smelled....rather nice.
Sammy quickly shook his head. He needed to get home. Susie and Jack would be worried if he was gone for too long. He shifted in the boat, picking up the oars and beginning to row back. He thought he caught a glimpse of ginger hair and orange scales as he rowed back, which made his heart begin to speed up and him row faster. 
“You were gone for quite a while,” Susie said when he returned. “Did you get caught up in playing again?” She was in the kitchen making soup. It was her day to cook, after all.
“Something like that,” Sammy mumbled, placing his banjo in its usual place in the corner of the living room. Jack, who was sitting on the couch, wrinkled his nose. 
“It smells like you dropped a fish on yourself again,” he said. 
“Oh, uh, yeah.” Sammy looked down at his damp clothes, still smelling of Wally. “I, uh, I caught a fish and it flopped all over me.”
“Let me guess, you didn’t happen to bring it home, did you?” Susie poked her head out of the kitchen, her lips pursed and her eyebrow raised. 
“It got away.”
“I thought so.” Susie’s serious face broke and she was unable to keep a giggle from slipping out. “Why don’t you go take a shower? Dinner will be done soon.”
“Yeah, okay.” Sammy nodded, heading to go change and take a shower. 
After that, Sammy started going out in his boat more and more frequently. Jack joked that Sammy had finally found a boyfriend, which always got a laugh out of Susie and made Sammy go beet red. It wasn’t too far from the truth. He was going out there to see Wally. He didn’t always see the merman, but more often than not Wally would find his way to Sammy’s boat, drawn in by the sound of the musician’s voice. 
After a few months of meeting, Sammy brought Wally a present. 
“What’s this?” Wally asked as Sammy handed him the object. It was a box, six inches wide and six inches tall, topped by the figure of a cartoon wolf playing the clarinet. There was a key on the back, the only part of the object that lacked the splotches of green rust. 
“It’s a music box,” Sammy explained. “I found it an antique shop ages ago and a friend of mine helped me to fix it so that it will play again.” He’d tried to clean it as best he could, but the rust was too deep in some places to be removed. 
He turned the shiny key on the back and the music began to play. The music was tinny and quiet, but beautiful all the same. Wally’s eyes widened, their green depths sparkling with wonder. Sammy smiled softly at Wally’s joy. That had been the reaction he’d been hoping for.
“You’re...giving this to me?” Wally asked when the music box finally fell silent.
“I am,” Sammy said. “I thought it’d be nice for you to have something to remind you of me.” 
Wally looked slowly up at him. He looked on the verge of tears. For a moment, Sammy was worried. Had he been wrong? Did Wally not like it? Then Wally’s face split in that goofy grin that Sammy so adored. 
“Thank you so much,” he said. “I love it!”
He launched himself into the boat again to hug Sammy. 
“I’m glad.” Sammy laughed out of relief, patting Wally’s back. Wally’s skin felt different than a normal human’s. Smoother. It was like touching a dolphin. Not that Sammy knew what a dolphin felt like. 
“I’m gonna find you a present,” Wally said when he pulled back. 
“You don’t need to do that,” Sammy tried to insist, but Wally wasn’t about to hear it. 
“No, you got me a really nice present, and now I’m gonna get you one,” he said. “It’s gonna be great!” 
Then, before Sammy could say anything, he pressed a kiss to Sammy’s lips and jumped back out of the boat with the music box under his arm. Sammy sat there, just as stunned as the first time he’d met Wally. 
Huh. Maybe Jack was right. Maybe he did have a boyfriend. 
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
my fairy queens {Ash/Honey}
Summary: Ash and Honey babysit for John and Veronica.
A/N: 1425 words. was meant to be much much longer and about honey and ash adopting kids, but im cleaning out my drafts so have at it. v fluffy. all my love to @toplesstaylor ( i know u dont use that blog anymore but just so everyone knows where honey is from, she belongs to noor )
John and Veronica Deacon have the cutest kids in the world. Robert’s the oldest and he’s still not even that old, at four years old. Ash, who turns thirty next month, smiles down at where he’s clinging to her leg as she walks around with him, and feels just a little bit ancient. Honey, sitting on the sofa in the next room, is quietly singing to a sleepy baby Michael, and Ash’s heart melts just a little where she can hear it. The two of them volunteered for babysitting duty; they’re usually the first choice for the Deacons now that Brian and Chrissie have their own baby to worry about, and the kids themselves seemed to like Honey and Ash well enough.
“Do the monster noise!” Robert pleads, and Ash grins at him where he’s still holding onto her leg for dear life, dragging the both of them into the backyard to not disturb where Michael’s almost asleep, and shuts the door over. Robert runs about the backyard, delighting as Ash chases him, both of them barefoot despite the mud from the morning’s rain, though the sky had cleared up since then. Ash makes goofy growls and makes sure he’s always one step ahead, giggling and exciting and enjoying the feeling of damn grass and mud beneath his feet before he stops dead.
Ash stops with him, concern immediately written all over his face, and she’s worried for a second that he’s stepped on something or that he’s hurt, but the little kid looks up at her, mirroring her concern right back at her. He’s got John’s eyes. After a moment, he leans down, and when he straightens back up, she sees what’s caught his attention, holding a wiggling worm for her to inspect.
“He’s not meant to be here.” He tells her seriously, and he marches over to the flower garden at the edge of the patio, and puts the worm safely in the dirt there. Ash, who lives in the city and only has pot plants to worry about, doesn’t know whether or not worms are meant to be in flower gardens, but Robert pets the worm gently, and turns back and smiles; Ash smiles back.
When Honey finds them, they’re both sitting beside the flowers, making a little fairy garden, taking pebbles and sticks and flowers that had fallen to the ground to make a little home for fairies and worms alike. Though Ash’s voice was quiet, it was clear her accent was coming in a little thicker, and as Honey made her way over, she's fairly certain the ginger’s recounting a fairytale. The gentle lull of Ash’s accent was a familiar comfort by now, and she looked at home, sitting in the mud with the kid in her lap, both of them making daisy chains for the outer perimeter of their little project as Ash kept going with her story.
“Or,” she pauses as Robert comes to finish his daisy chain, and she carefully teaches him how to loop it all together, “you can wear it as a crown,” and she gently places her own daisy chain on his head, much to his delight. His own chain is messier than hers, and more than a bit muddy, but he stands while she remains seated, and she lowers her head so he can put the flower crown on her.
“Is there little daisies? Can I make little flower crowns for the fairies?” He asks, and both Ash and Honey smile at the suggestion. 
“How about you make a daisy chain to go around, and we can find other flowers that they can wear as hats, I think a daisy chain might be too big for them,” Ash suggests, and Robert takes off at a run to collect more daisies from where they were sprouting damp from the grass.
“You look cute like that,” Honey muses, leaning against the banister of the patio, and Ash grins up at her, a little bit of mud smeared on her cheek.
“Everyone looks cute with a flower crown,” Ash responds, before beckoning the interloper to join her in the garden. “Is Michael sleeping?”
“Soundly,” Honey reports, crouching, but refusing to sit in the mud.
“If I’m wearing a crown, am I King of the Fairies?” Robert yells from the other side of the yard. Honey casts a glance to the house, but doesn’t hear crying, thankfully. 
“Of course you are!” Honey tells him, though her voice is quieter; Robert’s beaming at the answer. Ash laughs softly, “God, wouldn’t Freddie get a kick out of that,” Honey muses, much quieter, watching Robert fondly as he looks intently about the yard. After a moment, she stands, and stretches out her legs, before assessing the ground for a dry spot. She half considers dragging a chair down from the patio, but she opts instead to sit in Ash’s lap. The ginger snorts, pressing her smile to Honey’s shoulder blade.
Robert’s quick to join them, unceremoniously dropping a handful of gently muddied daisies into Honey’s lap. He looks doubtfully between the two girls before he nods very seriously.
“Can you make Honey a daisy crown? I need to get more daisies,” he informs Ash, who agrees with an amused smile.
“What about one for Michael?” Honey suggests, and Robert considers for a moment, wearing a surprisingly thoughtful expression, before shaking his head.
“His head is too small.” And with that he’s off.
“So us lucky big-heads get flower crowns?” Honey asks Ash, who’s wrapped her arms around the brunette and is already threading the daisies together diligently. 
“Us lucky big-heads,” Ash agrees with amusement, and when Honey turns, Ash is smiling, and she pauses in her work to hold Honey a little tighter to her.
“You’re look like you’re in your element,” Honey notes, her thumb moving to wipe the mud from Ash’s cheek, flicking it back into the garden.
“Covered in mud and flowers?” There’s mischief glinting in Ash’s eyes, and Honey can’t quite put into words yet that that isn’t all it is. Instead, she laughs, leans into Ash, and helps her with the daisy chain. 
When all three of them are appropriately crowned, Robert announces that they’re all the Kings of the Fairy Garden, but then gets a little disheartened when he realises that the worm’s disappeared into the garden, and so they head inside. Once he’s changed out of his now muddy clothes and into some clean clothes, he’s content with listening to a record in the living room and drawing the three Kings and their Fairy Kingdom.
Veronica and John come home from Veronica’s doctor’s appointment to find Robert, delighted, waving his drawing in their faces.
“Michael’s head is too small for a crown so he’s a fairy!” He’s still wearing his flower crown, as are both girls, and Ash is sitting on the floor, on a towel where the seat of her jeans are still rather muddy. It takes a moment, but Robert’s eyes go wide and he tries to bolt back out to the backyard, but Honey catches him before he gets too far, scooping him up.
“You just got un-muddied, kiddo, why d’you wanna run back out there?” 
“Mum and dad need daisy crowns!” 
Something about how plantive he sounds has Honey’s heart aching, though Ash is quick to step in.
“How about, since me and King Honey are going to have to go, we can give our crowns to your mum and dad?” She asks, and Robert’s eyes light up.
“Really? But what if you come back, will you still help me with the Fairy Kingdom?” He asks, and Ash takes off her flower crown, gently handing it to him where Honey’s still holding him, a little endeared by the whole exchange.
“Of course we will, kiddo,” Honey grins, and she walks over to a confused but smiling John and Veronica, her expression imploring them to play along. 
And thus, with both parents appropriately crowned, and the Deacons having thanked Honey and Ash for their time, the girls head back to their flat. 
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ai-suru-hito-yo · 5 years
Calling You (Gardner Langway x Reader)
Summary: You and Gardner have been in a relationship for about a year now. Things are going great, the ups make the downs completely worth it, and you’re so in love with this goofball it almost hurts. Based on Calling You by Blue October.
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, probably rambling, very light references to possible smut but nothing detailed or explicit, some angst but I only write happy endings.
A/N: Sorry I don’t have the next part of WFSTRM ready yet! My dumb ass almost forgot I signed up for this event so I’ve been working on pumping this baby out. It’s just a lot of projection, honestly, because I am lonely and would very much like a cute and goofy ginger of my own (ahem Joe Mazzello hmu) Not beta’d because what are this? Written for @littledarlingwellaway​ ‘s 1k/Birthday extravaganza! Lyrics in italics. Timeline jumps around through different events in the relationship.
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There's something that I can't quite explain
I'm so in love with you
You'll never take that away
You stared at the popcorn ceiling of your bedroom in your tiny apartment. No matter how long you stared, no matter how many little bumps you counted, sleep would not come. It was quiet except for a dog barking in the distance, and the quiet, deep breathing of the man currently sprawled across your chest, auburn locks in disarray after the number of times he had nervously run his fingers through his hair.
You and Gardner had just experienced your first real fight. You had been together for about 8 months now, and those months had been filled with mostly bliss, minus a bump or two in the road as you navigated the newness of suddenly finding someone else and their needs a part of your life. You had been out at date night, and Gardner said something accidentally insensitive (And what was it anyway? You could not possibly recall anymore, it was so trivial.) You had a bad day at work and immediately took the comment to heart, resulting in a serious overreaction and argument to end the night. You had fled home, only to see Gardner running up the sidewalk about 20 minutes later, a look of utmost determination on his face.
Finally, after talking things through and lots of reassurance, he finally passed out on your bed with you, wrapped entirely around your body, as if afraid you might slip away in the night if he failed to keep you anchored.
You looked down at his face, peaceful and relaxed in his sleep, looking paler than usual and downright ethereal in the moonlight streaming through your window. His plush lips parted slightly as he exhaled, and you studied last dark eyelash as they fanned against his pale cheeks. Your fingers gently brushed through his wild hair, and he stirred slightly. You froze, afraid the touch had woken him, but all he did was rub his face against your sweater before the sound of deep breaths filled the room once again.
As you resumed your stroking of his hair, you realized that whatever it was you had argued about was unimportant. You knew you loved Gardner, there was absolutely no doubt in your mind how you felt about the goofy, soft, awkward, beautiful man with his boat and his stamp collection and his zest for life and his unrelenting passion for the people and the things he cared about. You felt your eyelids slowly droop closed as you took comfort in the weight of your boyfriend pressing into you, keeping you safe and warm and loved.
And if I've said a hundred times before
Expect a thousand more
You'll never take that away
The first time he said it was an accident. He had truly not thought about it, not taken the time to really analyze how he felt about you, caught up as he was in the exhilaration of finding you and learning about you and developing this new, wonderful thing with you.
It was the simplest thing, too, that made him say it. He had been trying to make you laugh, telling you about some of the dumb suggestions Calvin had made as far as his next employment opportunity after he had quit being a mailman. Some throw-away comment that he made just as you had reached for your drink caused you to laugh and nearly drop the glass, which just caused you to laugh even more. Your eyes lit up and you threw your head back in mirth, letting out an unrestrained laugh, loud and happy, and it just hit him.
“God, I love you.”
Your laughter died down to soft giggles, before you realized what exactly he said. Your smile was still plastered on your face, but your eyes grew wide in shock. “W-what?”
“Um, I said I- yeah, yeah, I love you. I really do.”
You stared at him for a moment, silently, and Gardner could feel his heart rate pick up, his palms going sweaty from nerves. Had he said the wrong thing? Was it too soon? Should he not have said it? He was absolutely certain it was the truth, but now he was terrified he would scare you away.
“I-I'm sorry. I mean, I'm not sorry for how I feel, I won't apologize for that. But I'm sorry if you didn't want to hear that. I'm sorry If that was too soon. I'm really sorr--”
You never found out what else he was sorry for as you grabbed his shirt front and pulled him to you, right there in the middle of the bar, and planted your lips against his, effectively shutting him up for the next few minutes. When you finally pulled away again, you made sure to whisper for Gardner only,
“I love you, too, idiot.”
So expect me to be
Calling you to see
If you're okay when I'm not around
Asking if you love me
I love the way you make it sound
Three weeks. It had been three weeks since your boyfriend had been dragged off by his “brother” on some boys' trip as he had called it, leaving you behind and without his presence for 21 long days. They were due back at the end of the week, seven days that seemed to stretch out like a year before you.
You dragged yourself back home after another long day at work, wanting nothing more than the pint of Rocky Road in your freezer and a nice, long sleep. After a scalding hot shower, you put on your favorite pajamas (fuzzy warm pants and one of Gardner's old, faded t-shirts) and promptly fell asleep before you were even able to so much as braid your hair back for the night.
What must have been several hours later, judging by the darkness outside, you were pulled slowly from a rather deep sleep by an annoying and insistent sound. You reached toward your alarm clock, only to realize that the source of the noise was actually your phone, which you hd left on your bed during your shower and was now lodged somewhere under you. You lifted your leg and dug around, retrieved it from under your thigh, and promptly smashed the volume button before throwing it back down by your pillow. You were just about asleep again when the stupid thing started vibrating, alerting you to another call. This time you decided to answer it, letting out little more than a tired grunt.
There was a moment of silence, and then an robotic voice greeted you. “Hello. You have a collect call from,” pause, then a familiar voice, “It's me!!” you sat bolt upright, nearly dropping the phone. “Do you accept the charges?”
“Yes!” you practically scream into the phone. “Yes I accept!”
There was a bit of noise down the line, then quiet for a moment, before you tentatively spoke up again, “Uh...Gardner?”
“Honey I am so sorry it's collect I SWEAR I will pay you back!” Gardner's tired and slightly panicked voice called out to you. “I promise, the moment I get ho-”
“I don't give a shit about that,” you interrupted him, feeling an ache in your chest ease at the sound of his voice. You had been a little worried all day as you had not heard form him or Calvin for nearly three whole days now. Usually Gardner was calling you every night, excitedly telling you where they were now, what they had seen that day, and reassuring you that he loved you and he would be home soon. “Why are you calling collect? Where's your phone? Better yet, where have you been for three days, I've been so worried!”
“I know, I'm sorry,” your boyfriend assured you softly. Then his voice jumped an octave like it always did when he was irritated. “It's not because I didn't want to call, believe me. Let's just say Calvin had a little...mishap...which resulted in all but one of our bags falling into the Mississippi. My phone, my wallet, my camera, all of my clothes, as well as Calvin's phone, wallet, and clothes all in the bottom of a fucking river. Thankfully Calvin had his passport stashed in his car for some reason. We've spent most of today running around trying to get bank cards replaced so we can get back home.”
You sat in silence, stunned by everything your boyfriend had just told you. You could not decide whether to laugh or cry or scream or ask him if he was lying and playing a prank on you. Instead, you just sighed and asked him, “So, you're coming home, then?”
You could almost feel Gardner's sigh through the phone. “Yes. I'm calling it, we're cutting this road trip short and coming home.”
A squeak left your lips as you tried not to scream and cry. He was coming home early! Gardner was coming home, you would hopefully see him as early as tomorrow afternoon, and it was the best news you had heard in a very long time.
“Baby, I am so sorry your trip has ended on a sour note, I really am. I know you guys were really looking forward to boys time, and you deserve it. But I am so excited to see you,” by the time you reached the end of your statement, you were practically whispering, feeling choked up and near tears. You were acting ridiculous, you knew it, but it had really been tough not to have your goofy boyfriend around, your rock and your source of comfort, the one person you had grown so used to being the one constant in you otherwise hectic life, and it was really affecting your mood and your attitude badly.
A soft huff of laughter sounded over the phone, and Gardner asked, “You really miss me that much?” When you failed to answer right away, his tone turned softer and more serious. “Hey, are you okay?”
You sniffed and promptly pulled yourself together. “Yeah, I just miss you, Gardner. I miss you a lot. When will you be back? Where are you even?”
“I miss you, too, (Y/N). We're in some podunk town in southern Missouri right now. It's about a 9 hour drive home, and we're going straight through, no stops-no stops, Calvin!- except bathroom breaks. So sometime tomorrow afternoon.” The smile that split your face was one to rival the Cheshire cat, and you felt yourself relaxing just a little more as you were reassured that you and Gardner would soon be reunited. Thankfully, you had the whole next day off to plan a little something for just the two of you to enjoy after being apart, a little welcome home party.
“Okay,” you said quietly, phone pressed hard to your ear, as if that would suddenly make the physical distance between you smaller. “I guess I'll see you tomorrow.”
You let out a yawn and heard Gardner laughing down the line. “I'll let you go, honey. I just really needed to hear your voice and to tell you that I'm coming home.”
“I'm glad you did,” you told him honestly. “I had a really shit day, but it's all better now that I know I'll get to see you soon.”
“You still love me?” Gardner asked, and you chuckled.
“Of course I do, silly,” you assured him. “To the moon and back.”
“I know,” your boyfriend told you. “I just love hearing you say it. And I love you, too. More than anything.”
You rang off with promises that you would be home all day and that he could come over as soon as he was back in town. Feeling much warmer and more relaxed, you held the shirt up close to your nose, breathing in the lingering scent of Gardner's soap and distinct smells, and fell asleep with plans for the following evening swirling in your mind.
I thought that the world had lost its sway
Then I fell in love with you
And you took that away
You take away the old
Show me the new
You and Gardner had met shortly after he had gone through a really rough patch in his life. You did not know many details, but from what you gathered after a slightly tipsy conversation with Calvin, Gardner had just lost his job and experienced his first real heartbreak before you came into his life. Well, fell in (quite literally).
You had been in a hurry, rushing to find lunch on your short break from work, and all but ran into a cafe down the street. Unfortunately, someone had been about to step out when you reached to push the door open, and you promptly tripped over them and fell at their feet.
“Oh my god! I am so sorry!” a voice called out to you, and a hand circled your arm and helped pull you back to your feet. You brushed off your dress before you caught sight of a pair of feet still in front of you. Your eyes slowly made their way up a pair of legs, up, up, up, until you were looking into a pair of kind and rather stunning hazel eyes. The man before you looked to be about your age, with a strong nose and sharp jawline, skin so pale it was almost translucent, a bright shock of messy, red hair, and a slight smile. Despite the purple shadows under the man's eyes and the general tired look to him, the man was a cutie, and you could feel your face start to heat up as you realized you had been staring for far too long now.
“Oh!” you exclaimed, snapping out of your thoughts. “It's um, no problem. My fault, actually. Should have been paying more attention. Um, I'm (Y/N), by the way. Not that you should care, I'm just some strange girl from off the street.” You were rambling now and you knew it, but you could not seem to make yourself stop. Cutie seemed to be having a strange affect on you and you lost your mental filter entirely.
“I'll...just go now,” you said, promptly turning back to the cafe door, intending to scurry off back to work, appetite gone.
“I don't think you're strange,” Cutie suddenly spoke up.
“What?” you had stopped in your tracks, quickly turning back to him.
“I don't think you're strange,” he said again. “Although, it might seem a little strange for you to walk out of here, empty handed, after having just walked in.”
“Oh. Well I-uh,” you stammered, looking for some excuse, a reason to make a quick getaway. Oh, why doesn't a sinkhole just open up and swallow me whole, you thought as you realized you were caught out.
“Come on, I'm buying you a smoothie,” the stranger said, turning toward the counter before stopping and turning toward you again. “I'm Gardner, by the way.”
Calvin told you he came home that night, smiling for the first time in weeks, and had not stopped since.
“He wouldn't shut up about you, actually,” he said, leaning quite close before pushing himself off of your shoulder back to an upright position. “It was '(Y/N) this' and '(Y/N) that' for three whole days before I asked him if he even got your phone number or anything.”
You glanced at Gardner, who was pink faced and avoiding eye contact with you at the moment, remembering how you had seen him again in the same cafe five days later, and seemed strangely relieved when you pulled a pen from your purse and wrote your number on the back of his hand, telling him he could use it sometime if he wants. It had been a further week after that before he called you, and now you understood why. He had his heart broken, and was probably not entirely keen on repeating the experience.
You stood on slightly wobbly legs and made your way around the table to your boyfriend, wrapped your arms around his neck and perched yourself on his lap. He finally looked up at you, though still a bit reluctant, and you pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead.
He smiled up at you, and you leaned in to press a gentle kiss to the curve of his lips for good measure.
“What's that for?” he asked, looking up at you with a slight furrow to his brow. You smoothed it with a light touch before answering him.
“Nothing, really. Just wanted to make sure you know that I love you and I'm not going anywhere any time soon.”
It was quiet for a moment as Calvin had run off to who knows where in the house, following whatever crazy idea his alcohol-drenched brain had come up with. You felt more than heard Gardner take a deep breath before he spoke.
“You know you don't have to worry about me, right?” he asked, head tilted back to look up into your eyes now that his brother was no longer present to spill all his secrets.
“What d'you mean?”
“I mean, that stuff is all in the past. Yeah, I was in a funk when I met you, but as soon as you showed up, it was like it all happened to another person. It wasn't me anymore. You replaced all the bad things that I held onto with the good things I hadn't realized I actually needed. The world became easier to navigate. Nothing seemed to bad or so difficult anymore.”
Gardner ended his little declaration with a shrug, as if he had not just finished saying the most beautiful and profound thing someone had ever said to you in your life.
Instead of answering him, you simply stood and pulled him up to his feet. You wrapped your arms back around his neck, pulling him close and pressing your lips to his again. You felt his arms snake around your waist, locking behind your back and pulling you close. After some time that could have been minutes or hours for all the attention you had paid to the outside world at that moment, you pulled away from him, trailing one hand down his arm and interlacing your fingers with his long ones.
“Come on,” you said, pulling him toward the door.
“Where are we going?” he asked with a puzzled look.
You threw a coy smile over your shoulder before giving his hand another tug. “To the boat.”
Calling you to see
Do I try too hard to make you smile
To make a smile
In hindsight, you really should have seen it coming.
A ring your great-grandmother had given you had gone missing off your dresser. You thought you had placed it down next to your favorite apple cider candle, only for it to disappear, causing you to spend three days searching for it. You searched all the usual places, then all the unusual places, even your desk drawers at work, thinking perhaps you had misplaced it, but it was nowhere to be found. You gave up, officially declaring the jewelry lost, and spent the evening at home alone, trying to figure out how you were going to tell your mother that you lost her grandmother's ring.
You decided to drop by Gardner's boat one afternoon after work, only to walk in to him immediately slamming his laptop shut and staring at you with a wide-eyed, guilty look on his face. When you asked what he was doing, he claimed he was looking for something for Calvin.
“He's always trying new recipes, you know, so I thought I'd look some up for him,” he said, slipping the computer onto a shelf and gesturing for you to come sit by him. You were sure this was a lie, as Googling recipes certainly did not warrant such suspicious behavior, but decided to let it slide, as you had no real reason not to believe him.
However, the strange behavior got worse. One afternoon about two weeks later, you and Gardner both had some time off and were spending it together, when he got a phone call and slipped into another room to answer it. This was odd, as he usually only received calls form you, Calvin, or his boss. It certainly was not you on the other line, and he had never felt the need to leave the room for a call from work or his brother before. You knew it was wrong, but you decided to follow him.
He had stepped outside your apartment and into the hallway, so you stood by your door with your ear pressed against it, trying to catch anything you could. He must have been pacing, because you could only catch a few words at a time as the grew louder and then softer again.
“...sure that's right? How much...? ...meet you there at 4 tomorrow...look forward to it...”
You heard him approach your front door and quickly ran into your bathroom and locked the door behind you. You barely registered the front door opening and closing as your breathing picked up and you began to think of all the worst possibilities for his behavior. You did not register Gardner calling out your name before knocking at the bathroom door. The sound pulled you rather suddenly from your panicked thoughts, and you had to quickly sit down on the toilet lid before you fell over.
“(Y/N)? Are you alright?” he called through the door, concern evident in his voice. You knew you had to think fast.
“I-I don't feel good,” you called out, which was actually not a lie. You did find yourself suddenly feeling rather ill. “Maybe you should just go home.”
“What?! Are you sick? Unlock the door, let me come in and check on you.”
“No! I um-don't want you to get sick, too. It might be contagious.”
“I don't care. I've been around you all day, if it's contagious I'm gonna get it anyway.”
“Please just go, Gardner,” you called out. “I'm gonna try taking a shower and going to bed early. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.”
“Okay,” he finally relented, sounded disappointed and defeated. “I hope you feel better soon, honey. I love you.”
“Okay, thanks, you too,” you answered, turning on the shower to hopefully drown out any further disappointed sounds or words. Sleep never came to you that night, and you spent the whole next day wound tighter than a drum and jumping at every noise and movement.
At your lunch break you ducked into the ladies' room, hoping to freshen up a bit and try to get your act together for the afternoon. You stood staring at the dark shadows under your eyes that no amount of concealer would cover up, lost in thought, when your phone suddenly started ringing in your purse, causing you to jerk back violently before stomping your foot in pure frustration. You wrenched it out of your bag and answered it without even looking at who was calling.
“Hello?” you practically shouted into the phone?
“Hi, honey,” Gardner's happy voice answered you. “How you feeling today?”
“Fine,” you lied, your grip tightening around your phone.
“Oh, um, well I'm glad to hear that,” the man answered slowly, clearly a little puzzled by your grumpiness. “Think you'd be up for dinner out tonight? My treat.”
“I don't know, Gardner, I didn't sleep the greatest last night and my appetite hasn't been the greatest today,” you answered honestly. You had softened a little, as this was still the man you loved, and thought that maybe you were reacting a little strongly based only on your paranoid suspicions.
“Okay, we'll stay in, then,” he said, clearly not to be deterred from his plan to see you. “Come by the boat. It's supposed to be a beautiful night. I just really want to see you.”
You felt the last of your resolve crumble and you caved, agreeing you would come over. He agreed that if you started to feel ill again, he would bully Calvin into driving you home.
That evening you decided to walk the half a mile or so from your apartment to Calvin's house where Gardner still had his boat parked, taking time to reflect on all that had happened recently. You were not sure what to expect upon arrival, but it certainly was not what you saw.
Gardner had taken the cover off his boat, exposing the deck fully. He had gathered every blanket he owned, as well as a few you were certain you had seen in Calvin's house, as well as every cushion and pillow it seemed he could get his hands on, and piled them on the deck like some sort of hybrid nest-pillow fort. There was a bottle of sparkling cider set beside two trays loaded with food, and fairly lights were strung around the rigging, creating a soft glow around the nest. You had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk just staring at everything, which was where Gardner found you when he emerged from below deck with two glasses in his hands.
“(Y/N)!” he waved at you when he spotted you. “Come on up!” You climbed the ladder to the deck and Gardner reached out to help you on board, hands warm and clammy in they way they were whenever he was nervous.
“Do you like it?” he asked you with a small smile.
“I love it,” you answered honestly. “Did you do all of this?”
“Yep! Well, Calvin helped with the food and dragging all the cushions outside, but it was all my idea. I bought the juice and strung the lights and everything,” Gardner's hands started waving around excitedly as he explained, and you took hold of one again to calm him.
“You did this just for me,” it was more of a statement than a question.
“Well, you seemed so stressed lately I thought it might be nice for you to have a quiet, cozy way to unwind,” he explained, steering you toward a particularly plush looking pile of cushions. You arranged yourself on it in a way that hopefully looked less awkward than it felt, and Gardner promptly wrapped a blanket around your shoulders, enveloping you in warmth and his familiar scent.
You hugged the blanket around yourself, feeling infinitely better, and wondering how you could ever have doubted this wonderful man. He reached out to you with a glass of juice, and soon you both were digging into the food he had prepared. Sandwiches, fruits, and even chocolate and caramel sauces for dipping. It was delicious, and you realized just how hungry you were after barely eating for the past 24 hours. You talked and laughed over your dinner, the conversation slowly dwindling into companionable silence. You were licking a bit of stray chocolate sauce off your finger when Gardner caught your attention again.
“There's...another reason I wanted you to come over tonight. Another reason why I prepared all of this,” he started and turned to face you more directly. “I know I have my faults and my quirks, and sometimes it may seem like I try too hard, yet other times, not hard enough. But I love you more than life itself. What you and me have is so much...different when compared to anything I've ever known. I've not had anybody really be there for me, there because they actually wanted to be and not because they felt obligated or for some ulterior motive. When I look at you, I feel whole, I feel new, I feel invincible. Like I could fly. I could take on the world with you by my side. And that's what I really want. I'm not sure about the rest of the factors in my life, but I know that whatever happens, I want it to happen with you there, too.”
Time seemed to stand still as Gardner shifted so he was on one knee while reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a small blue box. You gasped, eyes comically wide as you stared at the box. It all made sense now. The missing ring, the sneaky internet research, the private phone calls. He had been in touch with a jeweler. He needed to know your ring size. Of course. The clues were all there, your mind had just come to the wrong conclusion.
Tears blurred your vision as Gardner opened the box, revealing the most beautiful ring you had ever seen. A princess cut stone of pure (y/b/s) sat in the middle of a sparkling white gold band, two much smaller white diamonds framing it, giving off the most brilliant shine even in the low light surrounding you. It was truly gorgeous, more so than any piece of jewelry or clothing or anything you had ever owned. Taking a deep breath to regain your composure, you looked back up into his hopeful face, flashing a watery smile.
“Ask me,” you said, wanting to hear his sweet voice speak those words. “Ask me, Gardner.”
“(Y/N), will you marry me?” he asked, brilliant hazel eyes flicking back and forth between yours.
“Yes,” you said, nodding vigorously. “Yes, yes, of course I will!”
You threw your arms around him, tackling him back into the pile of blankets and cushions behind him, peppering his entire face with kisses, leaving no exposed skin untouched. He laughed as you even kissed his ears, only stopping when Calvin's voice rang out from the house.
“Well?! What did she say?!”
“Oh, the ring!” you said, suddenly remembering it. “Where's the ring?”
Gardner picked the box up from where he had dropped it on a pillow and quickly slipped it onto your left hand. You stood and flashed your hand toward the house, making sure it caught the glow of one of the lights strung around you.
“What the heck do you think I said, Calvin?!” you shot back at him.
“Smart girl!” he called back to you. “You two have fun, now, and don't rock the boat! Or maybe do!”
You laughed as Calvin closed the window he was leaning out of. His words made you realize something and you quickly turned to Gardner, leveling him with your best serious face.
“I have one condition,” you stated firmly. The smile on Gardner's face slipped a little. “You can keep the boat, but I am NOT living in it!”
He laughed in relief, reaching out to pull you down to him again.
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glitterygayvodka · 5 years
Your fluff writings are so cute!♡ can you write about Harry getting sick in the middle of the night and being upset about it because he and yn havent dated that long and he's worried she won't want to be near him but she helps him and takes care of him and even after he's been throwing up she helps him shower and dress and actually let's him cuddle with her so he starts crying because she loves him and he's been in love with her for awhile?
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Aww thank you so much love!!! The fact that you enjoy them makes my heart swell because I literally love writing fluff! I swear I’m always a soft ass bitch for Harry. I’m sorry if it’s taken me a while to get to this request. Tumblr is an ass sometimes and it doesn’t tell me I’ve gotten anons! It also takes me forever to write in general lmao. I switched it up and decided to write this in the 3rd person so please let me know what y’all prefer. Anyways I’m gonna stop rambling. I hope you like it! 💖
Warnings: None!! This is all fluff :’)
Y/N is woken up to the faint moonlight peaking through the blinds of the bedroom. Despite being bundled up under the thick comforter, she can still feel the chill of the air lightly caressing areas of her skin that are exposed. Burrowing deeper into the blankets, sleep is slowly calling her name again, urging her back into an unconscious state. Its call is disrupted however when she hears muffled noise coming from the direction of the bathroom. Startled, Y/N turns over to wake Harry, realizing his side of the bed is empty. The sheets are cold and crumpled as if he had gotten up in a hurry, and a feeling of concern washes over her despite her tired state. Making her way out of bed, the contrast between the warmth of the covers and the coolness of the air causes goosebumps to scatter along her skin. She navigates through Harry’s large room using the light from the forgotten TV. It was still faintly playing the baking show her and Harry had chosen as background noise for their nightly reading together. Taking care not to trip, Y/N approaches the bathroom door. Light faintly creeps from under the crack, and listening closely she can hear soft sniffling from the other side. Confused and worried, she slowly turns the knob, cracking the door ever so slightly.
“Harry, baby, is everything okay?” she questions softly, opening the door wider. The warm glow of the bathroom illuminates the dark bedroom as Y/N steps onto the chilly tiled floor. Her gaze is almost immediately drawn to where Harry is balled up next to the toilet. He lifts his head up as he hears her voice, his green eyes meeting hers with a mixture of embarrassment and exhaustion. His whole shirt appears to be damp with sweat, and if she didn’t know better, from the way he’s drenched, Y/N would assume he had been working out. His damp curls are pressed against his forehead, and his skin appears to have lost some of the golden color that she’s so used to seeing. Harry can visibly see the concern spreading across her features, and he’s mentally kicking himself for not being quieter. They hadn’t been dating for very long, and the last thing Harry wanted was for Y/N to see him in such a state.
“M’fine darling. Y’can go back to bed.” Harry manages to rasp out, his usually smooth voice sounding a bit strained. She ignores him, moving further into the bathroom to crouch down beside him. Reaching out a hand to press against his forehead, Harry almost moans at the feeling of her cool touch against his feverish skin. His eyes fluttering closed as Y/N’s widen in shock at his temperature. “Oh my god Harry! You’re burning up!” She gasps, brushing his damp hair away from his face. “Why didn’t you wake me up?!” Harry sluggishly opens his eyes to look at her again. The amount of concern for him that’s etched across her face makes his heart swell. He’s not sure if the butterflies in his stomach are from how pretty Y/N looks despite being woken up at such an early hour, or if they’re from the bad seafood that had gotten him into this situation.
“S’no big deal love. I think I’ve just got a bit of food poisoning s’all...didn’t wan’ to wake you up just cause I can’t handle a bit of shrimp...” he murmurs, giving a weak smile as he makes eye contact with her. Y/N can’t help the grin that spreads across her face despite the situation. Here he is, nearly on the brink of death on his bathroom floor, still cracking jokes. That’s Harry for you. Shaking her head, she reaches a hand out to him to help him up. “I told you that it smelt weird and not to eat it!” She exclaims as she helps him on to his feet. “But no, y’just had to have some! You’re so bloody stubborn.” Her voice is firm, yet tinged with slight humor, and Harry knows she isn’t actually upset with him. He tries to hide his smile from her. Harry would never admit it, but he loves when Y/N dotes on him like this. The fact that she cares for him so much makes his heart flutter and his head swim. Well actually, his head might be swimming because he stood up too fast, but thats besides the point. She guides Harry to sit on the toilet as she begins to run him a bath, making sure the water isn’t too hot or cold. After adding some of her favorite bubbles, Y/N turns to Harry to begin helping him out of his sweaty clothes.
Harry holds back his cheeky remarks about her helping him undress, accepting her help into the bathtub. He sighs as he sinks down into the warm water, the soft smell of freesia and rose invading his senses. It’s a familiar smell he realizes, one he often finds caressing his nose after Y/N has spent the night. Harry allows his eyes to flutter closed for a moment, the warm, soothing water around him instantly easing his stomach cramps slightly. Y/N is perched on the edge of the tub, studying his face. Partly because she’s still worried about him, and also because she could stare at him forever. Even when he’s sick, Y/N still thinks he’s the prettiest thing she’s ever seen. Breaking out of her trance and realizing his eyes are now open and on her, she smiles at him softly. For a moment, they just look at each other. Their eyes tell each other the words neither of them have been brave enough to say yet. It’s almost too intense, and the amount of gratitude and love that Y/N can see in Harry’s eyes is too much for her.
“I’m gonna go get everything ready for when you get out of the bath,” She smiles lightly as she stands up, wiping her damp hands on the edge of the fluffy jumper Harry had let her borrow for bed. “Let me know if you feel like you’re gonna be sick again okay? I’ll be right back.” Before leaving, Y/N leans down to press a small kiss against Harry’s damp forehead and he hums in response, tilting his head back against the cool tile of the bathtub. With that, Y/N makes her way back into the dark bedroom, turning on lamps as she passes them. First, she grabs one of the assorted towels that Harry keeps folded neatly in linen closet. She chooses a big, fluffy, yellow one that she knows is Harry’s favorite. It takes her a minute to navigate through his many drawers, but eventually she finds him a clean pair of underwear and a t shirt. Deciding that, despite his fever, he would probably be a bit chilly after his bath, Y/N makes her way downstairs to put the towel and clothes in the dryer for a minute.
From his spot in the tub, Harry can hear Y/N shuffling around in his room and it makes his dimples appear along his cheeks. He loves how absolutely normal everything feels with her. Even though they’ve only been dating for a few months, Harry never has to hide from Y/N. He can be his authentic self without worry of judgement. He loves how big her heart is, how she cares for everyone and everything so dearly. The way that she instantly jumped to his aid with no questions asked. There’s so many things about her that check every single box on his list, and as she stumbles back through the bathroom door moments later, arms full of anything and everything he might need to feel better, the fact that he’s in love with her is solidified in his mind.
“Okay bubs! M’back.” Y/N smiles, placing the now warm towel and clothes on the closed lid of the toilet. “These are for when you get out, and I also brought you up some ginger ale and medicine.” Harry’s goofy smile turns into a frown of disgust at her words. “Darling, y’know I can’t stand the taste of ginger a-“ Before he can finish his sentence, Y/N cuts him off. “Shh! None of that. I know you think it’s gross but it’s gonna make you feel so much better, I promise!” Harry grumbles slightly but nods in agreement anyways, a slight smile still plastered on his lips at the way she was basically mothering him. It makes him think about how good of a mom she would be to their kids someday, but he has to reel his thoughts back in. He hasn’t even told her he loves her yet for Christ sake! But here he is, already thinking about starting a family. His friends would call him whipped, but as he watches Y/N scurry around the bathroom in his oversized jumper with sleep ruined hair, he doesn’t mind being whipped all that much.
“Alright!” She says as she stops in her tracks, looking around the bathroom, almost as if she was looking for something she had forgotten. “Are you ready to get out love? I’m sure the water isn’t as warm anymore.” Her eyes meet his, her eyebrows scrunched in a concerned way. Harry shakes his head lightly in amusement as he begins to rise of of the tub. “Yeah m’ready, you’ve got me turning into a bloody prune over here!” he smiles playfully. Y/N let’s out a distracted laugh, her eyes following the water droplets that flow down his defined and tattooed shoulders and chest, dripping down to the delicate ferns that adorn his hips. Butterflies envelope her stomach at how gorgeous he is. She isn’t sure how anyone could be so breathtaking, but here he is right in front of her. Y/N avoids letting her gaze fall any lower, a warmth spreading across her cheeks. Though she’s seen it before, now wasn’t really the time to be focusing on his dick. “Well, at least you’re a prune that smells good!” she laughs, a cheeky glimmer in her eyes as she looks back at him.
Harry hadn’t missed the way she was looking at him with noticeable admiration in her eyes, but he doesn’t say anything, instead choosing to wrap the warm, fluffy towel around his waist with a grin. Y/N smiles and leans against the doorframe as he gets dressed. Once he’s fully clothed, she guides him to sit down on the closed toilet seat. She hands him the ginger ale as well as two small pills he assumes will lower his fever. Harry looks down at the light brown liquid, already dreading the taste of it. “Do I really have to drink this?” He grumbles, looking back up at Y/N with pleading eyes. She grins at how dramatic he is, rolling her eyes slightly. “Yes you do! Ginger is great for nausea and I want you to feel better as soon as possible.” Her voice turns into a murmur towards the end, her hand reaching out to rest against his cheek. Harry sighs, unable to resist nuzzling his face into her palm. “Fine, but I’m only drinking it because you’re cute.” With that, he places the pills in his mouth, quickly drinking the whole glass as fast as possible.
Y/N throws her head back in laughter at the disgusted look on his face, her arms resting loosely around his neck as she moves to stand between his thighs. Harry is smiling up at her with a goofy grin, wrapping his arms securely around her waist. Because he’s sitting down, his head rests just below her chest, and he cuddles into her. He can feel the vibrations of her laughter, and it makes him smile even harder. Harry absolutely loves the sound of her laugh. It’s undeniably contagious and reminds him of everything good in the world. That might be a bit dramatic but, what can he say? He’s in love. “M’glad you think my pain is funny petal.” Harry mumbles against the fabric of her sweater, humor lacing his tone. Y/N’s laughter slowly fades into small giggles, her fingers twirling the little curls at the base of his neck.
“Did the bath help any?” She questions, continuing to run her fingers through his damp hair, her nails brushing against his scalp every so often. “Do y’still feel bad?” Harry hums at the feeling of her playing with his hair, every ounce of tension leaving his body. “Mhmm. Felt like I was bloody dying earlier, now m’just sleepy.” He slowly opens his eyes to look up at her, smiling when he finds her already looking down at him. “Thank you so much love. I can’t believe y’even wan’ to be near me when I’m sick. I dunno what I’d do without you.” Y/N laughs slightly, gripping his cheeks softly in both hands. “H, you could have the fucking plague and I’d still want to be near you. Nothing you could ever do would scare me away. Especially not something as small as a bit of throw up.” She smiles, concluding her mini rant by pressing several kisses along his forehead. Harry is almost speechless. He’s never had anyone care about him this much, and the emotion bubbling in his chest is overwhelming. He sees everything he’s ever wanted right in front of him in the form of Y/N, and he never wants to let her go. Before he knows it, stray tears are sliding down his cheeks and Y/N is frantically wiping them in concern.
“Harry? Baby, why are you crying??” Her voice is higher than usual, unaware of what could be wrong with him. Harry simply hugs her closer, sniffling against the plush fabric adorning her body. For a moment they just hold each other, Y/N quietly murmuring to him every once in a while. His hands run up and down her back slowly, the sound of her heart beat pressed right against his ear. Once he’s finally composed himself, he looks up at her with his beautiful, now red rimmed, eyes. “I just...” He sniffles some more, his eyes tracing over her features, and his fingers intertwining with hers. “I love you so much Y/N, and I know we haven’t been datin’ for that long but y’already mean so much t’me and it’s been eating at me and I jus’...needed to let you know.”
Harry looks down, almost shyly, after his admission. His heart is pounding in his chest, and he feels like he might cry all over again, but when he feels Y/N’s soft hands tilting his chin up, he reminds himself to breathe. When Harry finally brings his eyes back up to meet hers, they’re shining with happiness, a huge smile etched along her cheeks. “Harry Edward Styles,” She murmurs, pressing a kiss to his face between every word, “I’ve never loved anyone in my life more than I love you. You own my whole heart.” A weight is lifted off of Harry’s shoulders at the sound of her words, and if it weren’t for the fact that he was throwing up his dinner a few hours before, he would kiss her with everything in him. Instead however, he opts for the tightest hug he thinks he’s ever given anyone. “Oi! I love you but y’gotta let me breathe!” She laughs, playfully swatting at his back. She can’t help but giggle at the dopey smile on his face once he loosens his hug.
“M’so glad you feel the same, petal. That would’ve been a real bruise to my ego if you didn’t.” He laughs cheekily, earning yet another playful swat. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. How about we get you and your ego in bed? It’s almost 4 in the morning and nurse Y/N is pretty tired.” She yawns through a smile, reaching out a hand to him. Harry grins yet again, taking her out stretched hand.
“M’okay with that, but only if y’let me be the little spoon tonight.”
Y/N smiles for what feels like the millionth time tonight, nodding her head at him. “Sounds like a plan!” And as they make their way back into bed, Y/N can’t think of anything that would be better in this moment, than falling asleep next to the love of her life.
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irishislander · 5 years
All I wanted was you - Frederik Andersen P.2
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When the elevator doors opened you stood up and rushed out quickly. You rooted through your purse to try find your hotel room key, knowing that even if you found it, Freddie would still be able to get into the room. Your mind was swirling, every element was floating around in your head. You wanted to deny what you heard, how could he cheat on you? He was happy, YOU were happy. When you opened the room door you tried to close it quickly, tried to block Freddie from entering, but of course he was stronger than you and managed to push through.
You sat down on the bed, tears still rolling down your now puffy cheeks. Freddie tried to move closer to you but once again you backed off and moved to the other side of the bed. “Baby please listen to me when I say this, it didn’t mean anything, I promise.” Freddie softly told you. You were angry, really angry. “If it didn’t mean anything Frederik then why did you do it in the first place?, I thought we were happy?”. Freddie sighed and looked across the room. “I am happy Y/N, so fucking happy that I made a mistake and ruined us, it was months ago and I know I should have told you but I felt so disgusted with myself and I didn’t want to break your heart” He said. “Months ago? What did he mean months ago?” you thought to yourself. “So you’re telling me that you cheated on me months ago and didn’t have the balls to tell me? What a coward you are Freddie!” You shouted across the room at him. You couldn’t help calling him names, you were hurt and you decided to try make him feel the same way. “Baby, I love you okay? I love every single thing about you but I was stupid, I know that. The truth is, I felt like I was trapping you. You’re young, you have your whole life ahead of you, you still have to graduate first, but me? I’m nearly thirty for God’s sake, I want to get married, I want to marry you and start a family with you but the voices in my head kept telling me that if I told you all of that, that I’d trap you” Freddie gushed out.
You sat frozen, “marriage? He wants to marry me?” You thought to yourself. On one hand you were ecstatic, despite your age difference you knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him and have little ginger goalies running around your house, but then you realised that because he was too scared to tell you all of that, he had ruined his chances. “I love you, I love you so much it hurts, you mean everything to me, you’ve given me the world Fred and I’ll always be grateful for that, but what you did? What you did was horrible, you could have told me how you felt and I would have understood because I want that!”, “Do you hear me? I want that, I saw a future with you more than anything but you’ve broken my heart and I can’t look at you the same ever again”, You quietly told him. Freddie panicked, he knew what you were going to say next, knew that you were going to try leave him but he was selfish and he didn’t want to let you go.
He kneeled before you and grabbed your hands in his, you looked at him and saw that tears were running down his cheeks also. “I am nothing without you, nothing. You make me a better person, you brighten my days, you make everything worth it and I know what I did was wrong but please don’t leave me Y/N because I can see a future without you, I love you so much and I’ll never be able to forgive myself for what I did but I can try make it right baby.” By the end of his speech Freddie’s eyes were glossy and tears stained his cheeks, his breathing uneven and his hands shaking. You cried even more, you loved him so much but if you stayed with him then you would be going against everything you stood for. You believed cheating was wrong so how could you stay with him knowing he slept with someone else and your close friends knew about it also?
You looked into his eyes, and held his hands in yours. He was still the same lovable tall and goofy guy you fell for two years ago, he was still the same guy you knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with so making any sort of decision was going to be hard. “Freddie, I need some time to think this over, it’s a lot to process and right now I feel numb. I want to be with you so bad but right now I need space okay? I need to go back to Wilmington and graduate first, I need to put me first and focus on myself for these next five months okay? I’m not saying we’re done I’m just saying that I need to focus on graduating first before I make any decisions about my future and our future. I love you but you hurt me so much Freddie and I need to put myself first for once” You gushed out. Freddie knew that while he wanted you to stay with him in Toronto, you needed your own space, he understood that perfectly and so he let you go, hoping that within the next five months you would forgive him and he would forgive himself.
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miraculousmumma · 5 years
The Cream That Got The Chat - A Miraculous One-Shot
Before you get into the story, I just wanted to thank everyone for their interest in this, but especially @minetteenfers for hearing me ramble on and producing some crazy beautiful artwork to go with it!  I’ve had so much fun!
Marinette wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry.
A few weeks ago it had come to her attention that a local company had started selling what they called “Sexy Bug Hero” and “Sexy Cat Hero” costumes, just in time for Halloween.  They had been vague enough in their description that it wouldn’t have been a copyright infringement, not that they had copyrighted their costumes, but the designs were also vague enough that…well, they weren’t even close to accurate.
What they were was an insult.  The absolute minimum of fabric used to make them passable as vaguely decent, and a little extra thrown on for extra slutiness.
And that wasn’t the worst of it.  She had left making an outfit for the annual costume party so late she had no time to make one.  Guess what her only two options were?
She stood looking at the two costumes in disgust.  They were the last two in the entire shop in her size and she knew Alya wouldn’t let her get away without being in costume.  She had to make a decision.  And fast.  She sighed and grabbed one of the costumes, steeling herself for the looks she would no doubt get, before taking it to the till.
As Ladybug, she had brought the costumes up with Chat Noir, half expecting him to comment he would love to see her in them, but to her delight, if you could call anything about this situation delightful, he had done the exact opposite.  Chat Noir’s rant had gone on for almost an hour, about how they were degrading to women, how they demeaned their repeated heroics and what they represent.  She had been pleasantly surprised and impressed by just how passionate he had been.
Even now, on Halloween, Adrien was still mad about it.  So mad, he was determined to make a point.
‘You look ridiculous.’  Plagg remarked around a piece of ripe camembert.
‘That’s the point.’  Adrien replied as he adjusted his top.
‘Where am I meant to hide?’
‘Use your imagination.’  Adrien shifted he weight from foot to foot, testing his unfamiliar shoes.
Plagg sighed.  ‘I really don’t want to.’
‘Plagg?’  Adrien gave him a stern look.
‘Okay, fine!’  He swallowed the cheese whole.  ‘I’ll figure it out.’
‘Thanks.’  Adrien replied as he disappeared.  ‘Time to go.’
‘I don’t want to go.’  Marinette groaned as Alya dragged her down the street arm in arm.  ‘It’s embarrassing!’
‘You look amazing.’  Alya replied.  Again.  ‘Everyone is going to be floored by it.’
‘Everyone is going to laugh.’  She pouted in reply.
‘Are you kidding?  Nino is going as Ginger Rogers.  I don’t think you’re the one anyone is going to laugh at.’
Marinette knew Alya had a point but as the music grew louder as they approached the venue her heart leapt into her mouth.  ‘Maybe I’ll keep my coat on.’
‘You will not!’  Alya shot her a glare.  ‘Everyone will be in costume, not just you!’
‘It’s alright for you though, you’re wearing a tails suit!’
‘Of course I am.’  She tilted her top hat with a grin.  ‘What would Ginger be without Fred?’
Marinette gave up arguing.  They had reached the doors anyway and would soon not be able to hear one another unless they yelled.  She was definitely going to need a couple of drinks to see her through the night.
Adrien knew there was only one way to handle the party, and that was to walk in with his head held high and absolutely work this look.  He had modelled in less before and he decided to treat this no differently.  Coat checked, he walked into the party hall confidently, taking in the reaction from those nearest him as his eyes searched the crowd for his friends.  Which was when his eyes found her.  His jaw almost hit the floor as he took in the vision before him.
Marinette had chosen to wear the “Sexy Cat Hero” costume.  He would never have thought she would wear something so…revealing, but there she was.  There a lot of her was.  His eyes trailed from the cat ears resting amongst her hair, which she had caught up and styled to look short and spiky.  She wore the mask on her head as a band and in its place her eyes were dark and smoky with a heavy cats eye flick that emphasised them greatly.  Her throat held a choker and bell, the low cut black crop top hugged a small portion of her torso, showing off assets he had never before considered.  Her hands and arms were covered with long gloves, one holding a cup which she drank from regularly.  Standing side on he could see how the booty shorts clung to her, her tail bobbing behind her as she shifted nervously from foot to foot.  The final piece of the costume was thigh high heeled boots.  The entire costume left very little to the imagination, and his right now was running rampant.
Shaking himself from his daze, which was weird, he edged around the room, planning on surprising Marinette.  Sure, he didn’t approve of the costumes but he wanted her to know she looked amazing.  As he got closer, Alya spotted him over Marinette’s shoulder, her eyes going wide until he shushed her, allowing him to get right behind Marinette.  Slipping his hands over her eyes he spoke close to her ear to ensure she heard him.
‘Guess who, chaton?’
Marinette froze as the room was blacked out by hands over her eyes, a voice speaking so close to her ear she felt the heat of breath on her skin.  What the hell?  Why was Chat Noir sneaking up on her?  ‘Chat Noir?’  She asked hesitantly.
It took Adrien a moment to remember he wasn’t here as Chat Noir.  Had Marinette recognised his voice?  Had she thought that his use of chaton was a clue?  He had to act fast.  He dropped his hands and stepped around her.  ‘No, it’s me, Adrien.’  He raised his mask to rest on top of his head.  ‘You didn’t really think I was Chat Noir, did you?’
‘What?  No!  I thought you saying chaton was a clue!’  Marinette laughed to cover up her embarrassment.  Then she took in his costume fully.  ‘Oh my God.’
‘Tada!  What do you think?’  Adrien did a twirl for her while Alya laughed.
‘Oh, I love the socks, Adrien.’  Alya shook her head.  ‘I didn’t realise they did those in your size.’
‘I did have to special order it.’  He admitted.  ‘But it’s worth it.  Why should it just be women who have to dress sexy on Halloween?’
Marinette just continued to stand and gawk at him, rendered absolutely speechless.  Adrien was wearing the “Sexy Bug Hero” costume.  Which meant a spotted mask, a polkadot bikini, over the bottom of which sat a stiff net skirt.  His legs held socks, just as Alya said, but they came up over his knees, the final part of his costume being polkadot heeled shoes.
‘What…uh…what, what?’  Marinette managed to spit out and Alya patted her on the back.
‘I’m going to go find Nino.  You two have fun in your couples costumes.’
Neither one knew quite how to answer, they simply looked at one another.  Eventually it was Adrien who broke the silence.
‘So, erm, what made you come as Chat Noir?’
‘I left it too late to get anything else.’  She admitted sheepishly.  ‘Not that he’s a bad person to dress as, but I’d rather something less…’  She indicated to herself.  ‘Maybe more is the right word.  What about you?’
‘Protest.’  He admitted, trying very hard to maintain eye contact.  ‘You know, why should girls have to wear such degrading costumes, and it’s demeaning to the heroes, don’t you think?’
He continued to talk but Marinette switched off, his wording striking a chord in her memories.  No, it couldn’t be.
Adrien was just expressing to Marinette why he had decided to make his point when she put her drink on a nearby table and reached up as though to touch his hair.  He paused, wondering what she was going to do, until her fingers reached the mask and she pulled it down over his eyes and stared into them.
‘Chat?’  She said, just loud enough for him to hear.
‘No, you’re Chat.’  He said quickly in his defence but she wasn’t done.  She pulled the mask off him, took hers from her head and held it over his face.
‘Don’t lie to me, I’d know those eyes anywhere!’
‘You know Chat Noir that well, huh, Marinette?’  Adrien laughed nervously, knowing his eyes looked different like this.
‘Yeah, I do.’  She replied as she held the Ladybug mask up to her own face.  ‘Really well.’
Adrien’s jaw flapped a couple of times.  He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.  Adding the mask to Marinette’s face changed her eyes.  They were suddenly confident, strong, determined, and he was so in love with them he would know them anywhere.  ‘My la…?’
She pressed her finger to his lips and handed him back his mask.  ‘Not here.  Later.’
‘Later.’  He repeated.  ‘I can’t wait until later!’
‘You have to.  People will notice if we leave now.’
He glanced around as his mind whirled.  Marinette.  Ladybug.  It made so much sense and the reality hit him like a bucket of cold water.  ‘Then dance with me?’  He took her hand.  ‘No one will overhear us.’
She sighed.  Dancing with Adrien sounded amazing but the truth of what she had just learnt had shook her more than she cared to admit.  It turned out she was in love with her partner all along.  ‘Adrien…’
‘One dance.’  She held her finger up between them.  ‘Then I need a drink.’
‘Great.’  He grinned as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor, turning and resting his hand on her hips to avoid pressing them to her bare flesh.
‘This isn’t a slow song.’  She narrowed her eyes at him even as she brought her hands up to rest on his shoulders, feeling the warmth of his body even through her gloves.
‘I don’t care, I’m scared if I let you go now that I’ve found you I might lose you.’
She smiled at the goofy look in his eyes, shaking her head slightly.  ‘I’m not going anywhere.’
They began to sway to the music far too slowly, not caring about what else was going on around them.  There was no one but the two of them.  They stayed like this the entire night, as tempos changed and the number of people on the dance floor began to wane, and it was only when the lights went up they realised they were the only guests left.
‘I think we overstayed our welcome.’  Adrien laughed.
‘I think so.’  Marinette’s cheeks flushed pink and he was able to finally appreciate her outfit in its entirety.  She was so beautiful.
‘You want to go get a coffee?’  He asked.
‘I’d like that.’  She nodded.
You could have cut the silence between the pair with a knife.  They sat on opposite sides of a small table at the back of an all night coffee shop, coats fastened firmly over their costumes, Marinette staring into her coffee as she stirred it, all too aware of Adrien’s eyes on her.
‘So…’  He prompted and she looked up, the sudden word jolting her out of her overthinking.
‘So…I don’t know what you want me to say.’  She said quietly.
‘Tell me again.’  He smiled softly and she felt her own lips twitch in response.  He was infectious.
‘You’re not mad?’  She asked hesitantly.
‘How could I be mad?’  He asked.  ‘Just tell me.’
She swallowed hard and glanced down again.  ‘I’m Ladybug.’  She murmured so quietly he could barely hear her.
‘A little louder.’  He encouraged her and she looked up, finding him grinning an entirely Chat-like grin.
‘You’re not funny, you know?’
‘I’m a little funny.’  He tilted his head.
‘You’re funny in that outfit.’  She laughed slightly.
‘I was going for crazy hot, but okay.’  He shrugged.
‘Shut up.’  She looked at her cup again as a gentle blush coloured her cheeks.  He was right, he was crazy hot, but she wasn’t about to admit that to him, not knowing what she knew now, but that could work in her favour.
He narrowed his eyes and ducked his head to try and meet her gaze.  ‘Wait, are you blushing?  Do you actually think I’m crazy hot?’
She gave him a deadpan look.  ‘I’m shy, Adrien, not blind.’
‘Huh.’  He had a far too satisfied look on his face.  Talk about the cat that got the cream.  ‘But just say it one more time?  Please?’
She huffed out a sigh.  He wanted her to say it, fine she would say it.  Pressing her hands on the table she stood, leaning towards him until her cheek was almost touching his.  Finally she whispered; ‘I’m Ladybug.’  Directly into his ear.
Adrien swallowed hard as her breath tickled his skin.  He could feel the heat from her skin, he could smell the sweet scent of her with fruity overtones from her shampoo, and as she sat back again he could see every freckle on her face, every fleck in her bluebell eyes.
Marinette sat down and picked up her coffee, blowing across the surface to hide her flushed cheeks as her heart raced.  She had decided to surprise him with a little confidence he was only used to seeing from her in costume, and it seemed to have had the desired effect.  He had shut up, at least.  ‘It’s your turn.’  She prompted him.
Adrien’s mouth flapped twice before any sound came out, and then he had to clear his throat.  ‘Do you want to go on a date after patrol tomorrow night?  He said rapidly.
Marinette choked on her coffee, causing it to swallow the wrong way, scalding her throat in the process.  ‘What?’  She asked when she could speak.
‘Nah, forget I said anything.’  He shook his head.  ‘It was a stupid thing to ask, I know you’re not interested I just hoped, now we knew each other’s identities, that you might give me a shot.’
Marinette looked at him in disbelief, which he took completely the wrong way and continued to ramble.
‘You have to be disappointed, I would be, I’m not exactly superhero material like this.  I’m a model, that’s not really what you expect from Chat Noir, and you’ve always told me you don’t feel that way about me, that there’s someone else.  I won’t ask again, let’s just pretend that I never said it.’
‘Well, if you’re not going to ask again,’ she said as she pulled the mask down off her head to cover her eyes, ‘then maybe this Chat should ask his bugaboo.’
‘Maybe what now?’  Adrien asked in confusion.
She sighed and sat forward, pulling his mask down over his own eyes.  ‘Would you go on a date with me after patrol tomorrow night, my lady?’
‘But…’  The look of confusion on his face was absolutely endearing.  ‘What about the other guy?’
‘You pretty idiot.’  She rolled her eyes.  ‘You’re the other guy!’
‘I’m…I’m what?!’  He said louder than he meant to and it made her laugh.
She slid out of her seat and beckoned to him with her finger.  ‘Try to keep up, chaton.’  She walked towards the exit and knew he was following from the sudden scraping sound of the chair and his rapid heeled footfalls following her.  Smiling to herself she mulled over how things had turned out and how she had it all to thank the very costume she had so despised.
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The Story of Sidewinder Part 15
(I was asked to submit this on her behalf. I did not write this. Full credit goes to @fnafpowerhouse)
Router was working at the generator, when suddenly the door had given in. He whipped around and looked wide-eyed at the two mercenaries, Artemis and the other unnamed merc.
The latter got ready, lowering down. They brandished a knife and leapt towards Router, but he was ready, a plan forming in his head. He waited for the last second and rolled to the side.
Then, when the body came in contact with the generator, a loud screech erupted as the freckled person’s body was violently electrocuted.  The exertion was too much for it, and it failed, blowing all the lights out.
Artemis reacted instantly, letting out a scream of sheer horror, screaming out “Livewire!” with a thick French accent, tears already forming in his eyes, and repeating it again, “Livewire! Oh God, oh no!”
Router rushed forward, grabbing the poker and hitting Artemis around the head with it as hard as he could, knocking the poor man out instantly. He called in to Mainframe.
“God fucking damn it, where the fucking hell are you? I just almost got killed taking out the generator and you didn’t warn me of anything! What kind of shitty hacker are you?”
Suddenly, his blood ran cold as a voice came through the other end. It was, however, not Mainframe’s voice at all. It was instead a voice very similar to Artemis, with a thick French accent. “I apologise, it appears the man you are trying to reach is, well…” he paused, a dark chuckle coming from him, “choking on his own blood. You are near the generator, non? I believe the Network will enjoy that little tidbit. Thank you!~”
Router threw his earpiece out onto the floor and rushed off to the Punishment Cells once more, his legs aching from fatigue.
Whilst this was happening, Tiger was wrestling with Sidewinder, the other man pinned firmly below him, struggling and kicking in an attempt to get him off. Tiger raised the knife in his hand and stabbed it down, deep into his chest, directly over his heart. He continued stabbing until Sidewinder no longer moved below him, screaming in fury with every stab, obscenities flowing from him like a roaring waterfall. Then, he suddenly stopped, leaving the knife embedded in his chest. He stood, blood coating his hand, and ran over to Panther, hugging him tightly, panting from exertion.
Panther let out a short yelp as he was yanked towards him.
“He’s dead now, Sydney. I made him pay.”
The younger brother simply nodded, mildly confused but holding onto his brother, patting his back.
Tiger’s blood ran cold as Talonclaw got up once more, brandishing the fire axe, the bullet had struck his shoulder, but he remained determined to attack.
All of a sudden, a loud thunk echoed around the room as Router struck once more, hitting the man repeatedly until he knew he was out cold, Labrat screaming in horror, slamming against the cell with every strike until going deadly silent, staring at the unconscious body with wide eyes.
Router dropped the poker and grabbed both Tiger and Panther’s wrists. “Come on, let’s fucking go, now! No more fucking around!”
He yanked both men as he ran, almost tripping up the stairs but regaining balance and continuing to run down the hallway. “I’ll see you at the car!” Router broke off, back into the Generator Room.
The smell of singed flesh stung at his nose, and he simply ignored the two bodies, trampling over Artemis, a sick snap coming from his arm as he trod over it. He took a running start and leapt up to the ceiling, grabbing hold of a pipe and pulling himself up, crawling back into the tunnel and leaving the base.
Tiger and Panther were bolting through the base, Tiger in the lead. He ignored those in front of him, knocking over the young girl from earlier and a young man with bright ginger hair and a prosthetic leg who looked to be around the same age as the girl.
It didn’t take long before Tiger practically threw open the main entrance to the base and pushed Panther through, closing and blocking the door whilst his younger brother ran. “The manhole cover, Panther! Use that to get up!” He instructed as he yanked back the door when someone attempted to open it from the inside. Once his brother was safely out, he gave one big pull and let go, running as fast as he could to the ladder and practically jumping up it.
The world outside was bright and sunny, and birds sang. The light stung their eyes, but Tiger ran with his brother to the car. Router was already waiting, the back door open and ready for both mercenaries to come practically tumbling in. A quick slam of the door, and they were in motion.
All three cheered and panted, their adrenaline coming down, leaving all three weak.
“Jesus Christ…” Router breathed out as he drove, a large, goofy smile plastered on his face. “That was by far the most intense thing I have ever done.”
Panther laughed and patted his friend on the back. “Yeah! I mean, you were on a hat trick with that poker! Reminded me a little of me with that pole, eh?” He gave a wink and a smile, leaning back in his seat.
Tiger panted and nodded. “That was… something.”
“Something?! Something, my ass! You killed Sidewinder, bro! My brother killed Sidewinder….” He burst into loud laughter. “Hah, my brother killed Sidewinder!”
Tiger gave a tired smile and brought Panther close once more. “I’m just glad you’re okay. That was a close one.” He didn’t care anymore, he let all the anger drain out of him, and he let relief take it’s place. “Don’t ever do that again, please, for the love of God. I’m not leaving you alone all week, I swear.”
Panther chuckled and leant against Tiger’s chest. “I’d… like that, actually.” He smiled and looked out at the world ahead. “Jesus  this town sucks. All I saw of it was the Network base, so… yeah, this place is in my least favourite places of all time. Top five at least. Though I have to admit the high from the pain medication was pretty fun.”
“Panther, kindly shut the fuck up, please.” Router said, driving back to Mainframe’s house. “Mainframe is dead, unless he’s just a really good voice impressionist and decided to pull a really cruel prank on me.”
Panther looked confused. “Mainframe? Who’s he? Also, rude.”
“I said please.”
Tiger kept Panther close to him, running his fingers through his hair and comforting him. “He helped us find you. The whole reason we managed to find you in time was because of him.”
Router nodded. “He was so busy helping us he forgot to cover himself up. He risked his life to save Panther’s.” He sped up, gripping the wheel in mild rage. “He’s a fucking idiot.”
“Was a fucking idiot. Was.” Panther corrected with a hum, closing his eyes and loosely hugging his older brother - the last family he had. “I missed you, big bro.”
“I missed you too, Panther. When we get home we can watch all the Terminator movies and sleep for as long as you want. Just us, together.”
“Love you, big bro.” Panther mumbled out, slowly drifting off to sleep in the arms of his older brother.
Tiger sighed and cuddled his brother, closing his eyes and leaning back into the car seat. “Love you too, Sydney.” He whispered to him softly.
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alice liveblogs infinity war
we’re watching infinity war finally and I’m already mad at it or being grimdark
(spoilers I didn’t like it. also there’s some vague SU and PMMM spoilers in here because I ramble.)
like the end of Ragnarok was SO GOOD with the asgardian refugees and then they just fucking kill them all and the whole pre-credits bit was just pointless
also they pretended to kill Loki and that guy is never actually dead but it pissed me off
also I’m sad I’m so sick of Cumberbatch because I really like the idea of having a straight up wizard in your main party of superheroes
I’m glad Banner got to hug the shit outta Tony though
I really like this spider-man! I haven’t seen his movie yet but he has the goofy wisecracking that I loved about the comics as a kid DOWN
why does tony stark have a samsung POS for a phone
and the Guardians show up and the mood immediately lightens; I am SO GRATEFUL TO THEM AND OH MAN MANTIS IS HERE I LOVE HER
your last movie was way better than this one
drax has the hugest boner for thor and I do not blame him but I would understand it a little more if he still had his luscious hair
“all words are made up”ilu thor
okay who tf is this now in the fancy apartment with a glowy thing in his head am I supposed to know this????? THAT’S FUCKING VISION???????
also is that scarlet witch with him? I should probably point out that I watched Civil War once and I did not pay much attention because it was annoying the shit out of me
yep that’s scarlet witch here come her glowy things
designated girl fight time ughhhh
oH MY GOD STEVE ROGERS SHAVE THAT BEARD OFF RIGHT NOW nat what did you do to your hair did the director decide there could only be one ginger woman
oh I’m glad they got an excuse to reuse those awesome monster designs from the first Avengers flick in this flashback with baby Gamora
okay though I know they probably did it to make him look more like the comics but I cannot take Thanos seriously with that fucking CHIN he is committing hideous atrocities and now I am just annoyed and my immersion is broken
it is so obvious Gamora knows where the last stone is that I genuinely hope the secret is actually something else
...drax. why. stop eating. mantis you have saved me from that terrible joke I love you.
at this point it’s making me genuinely sad that I’ve been spoilered about the dust thing. like. I know he’s gonna get everything? I know he’s gonna ~win~ and oh my god drax fucking stop
oh jesus the blocks of clay/strips of paper effect is freaky as shit
jesus jesus this whole scene is freaking the shit out of me god ugh why there is no genuine point to dragging this scene out it’s just Suffering there are times in my life where I would be okay with it but Ugh
it genuinely took me a few seconds of Weird Romantic Music for me to remember they paired nat and bruce off in that one movie that was some weird shit can we just move on
...that was disappointingly brief
okay there is way too much torture in this movie. that’s the issue. physical emotional et cetera too much torture
I love spider-man though he’s a good boy
strange and tony are both the exact kind of arrogant asshole that you’re supposed to identify with but instead just annoys the shit out of me and spider-man is this scene’s only saving grace 
okay this new philosophy for Thanos since they can’t have him being in love with Death bc that would lead to Deadpool issues... it’s very... Kyuubey.
thor speaks groot and I am relieved but I miss movies where the default was thor speaking groot and there were only occasional dips into misery
why is thor trying to get a new hammer there was a whole deal in his last film about how he doesn’t need the hammer AND A ROBOT EYE? so they’re just gonna tear apart all the symbols of his character development? whyyyyyyyyy
groot put down your fucking ds
...is that peter dinklage as a giant I kind of love that
I’m glad Nebula pulled herself together I love herrrrrrr
“you’ll have to restart the forge... awaken the heart of a dying star” okay so it’s a side quest
mantis is bouncing around I love her
did Peter just adopt Peter as an uncle
...is that red fucking skull? like from hydra? why is there a nazi in space
the stone demands a sacrifice UGHHHHH this is DUMB this movie has no idea what genre it is so it’s just taking the superficial cliches from every one it finds
ughhHHHHHH and it’s gonna count her as ~someone he loves~ even though he’s just been a dickwad fucker who’s tortured her her whole life THAT ISN’T LOVE ASSHOLES ughhhhh fucking shit also attempted suicide on screen definitely did not make my night any better fuck this fuck this fuck this movie with a bread knife STOP HAVING DRAMATIC SHOTS OF HIM CRYING THIS IS BULLSHIT.
oh and now he’s floating in the void. on a cloud. in a pond. great. I don’t care.
wait all that and it’s not even the big stone for the back of the hand???? it’s a lil knuckle one???
rhodey just pranked the shit out of bruce and the mood whiplash is killing me
I fucking love shuri okay every second we are in wakanda is a gift and a relief from the rest of the movie
...explosions. of course.
“and get this man a shield” FUCK YES
I would like to interrupt this to point out that my cat is a perfect loaf on the floor and I love him
...suddenly there are monster hordes? where did they even come from? I mean out of the ships obviously but this is fucking stupid
oh my god all the wakandans with their badass ranged spear technology and then bucky is just standing there with a fucking gatling gun
black panther is a badass and I appreciate action sequences when they’re well done but this is not tied together enough for me to be invested I guess?
okay but there is legit zero explanation for why thor isn’t dying in the heat of the star? like. he just Decided Not To Die??? like. I would be fine if he was like “I have expanded my powers since I moved past my hammer, I think I can take it” or whatever but they just decided to have him be like “IT’LL ONLY KILL ME IF I DIE” which is just. dumb. 
ohhhh so they’re resurrecting him with the axe. which is not a thing we ever said the axe could do. okay. okay sure. sure. fine.
groot handle is badass but there’s been so much torture and self harm in this movie that having him whack his own arm off just is not fun even if he regrew it immediately
I’m glad thor is glowing again though.
ughhhhh thanos’s philosophy is so dumb I’m so done with hearing it YES DROP THE BUILDING LAPIS LAZULI THIS SHIT awwww he just got back up again I mean I guess BD did too DID DRAX JUST FUCKING HAMSTRING HIM
don’t you dare call him an insect arachnids aren’t insects ya purple dingus
they look like they’re gonna succeed but it’s too early in the movie and I want them to succeed right now so this movie will be over but also bc whatever they do to get him out of this will feel dumb
“he is in anguish” I DON’T GIVE A SHIT.
...any tree can drop an apple, he’s gonna drop the freakin’ moon?
BUCKY SPINNING WITH ROCKET IS HILARIOUS I LOVE IT also thor and cap’s moment of banter see THAT is what I like about these movies when they’re done well
scarlet witch is OP as fuck and I love her
designated girl fight x4????? we can mix it up a little okay????
bruce arguing with hulk is somehow relatable???
I love spidey’s robo legs tbh they’re super fun HE CAN’T REMEMBER NAMES FUCKIN RELATABLE
okay yes I still love having a wizard in the party I just wish it wasn’t THIS guy
did you just fucking stab tony that’s bullshit
“spare his life and I will give you the stone” WHY THAT IS A SHITTY DEAL TO MAKE HE’S ALREADY DYING ANYWAY this is a trick, right?
vision’s thanos-sense is tingling and I wanna go to bed like screw this
put some fucking sleeves on you big grape flavoured asshole
do we even know why Wanda’s energy is the only one that can destroy the stone? Was that explained and I missed it?
...he just undid it with the time powers THAT’S CHEAP AS FUCK ughhhhhhhhh also he just put that narrow oval gem into a nearly circular and much larger setting so fuck that
is that baby gamora UGHHHH “what did it cost?” “everything” I DON’T BELIEVE ANYTHING FAUX-SENTIMENTAL YOU SAY
and it’s time for the dusties. I got spoiled this happened but I don’t know who all it happened to
fuck this though
fuck this entire fucking movie
ughhhhh and I really like the actor who plays Thanos he’s awesome in everything else I’ve seen him in but this entire movie was like. there was no point? they shoved so many people into one place that there were just sidequests instead of a plot. I want to go to bed tbh. Maybe I will be able to articulate my irritation later but UGHHHH.
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