arsuf · 3 months
I love seeing all of your gifs cross my dash, but I must confess a certain fondness for the AC1 sets. You capture and showcase the game so beautifully!
Aww thank you so much! AC1 will always have a special place in my heart and I always enjoy making stuff for it 🥹
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rec-a-fanfic · 6 days
Title: The Legend of Liob, by Killbothtwins
Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Length/Chapters: 19,080 words, 1 chapter
The Republic sends a combat photographer to be attached to the 212th until further notice, citing the need for a morale boost. The clones make up a fake clone, citing the absolute fact that it is very funny. Somehow, these two things save the galaxy.
Comments: star wars shenanigans are best shenanigans, always
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ltcolonelcarter · 2 months
clearly taking a mighty fine stroll through your EXCELLENTLY curated blog last night did something to my brain because I woke up this morning thinking about at least one of the RK boys having a collar welded on, and I figured you might appreciate the ✨ angst ✨
what’s this? a gift of angst? oh you spoil and flatter me. I’m glad you had some fun tag surfing, I certainly enjoyed seeing old art I’d forgotten about pop up in my activity, and of course I love the angst
and a pretty boy in a collar 😏
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mistergandalf · 1 year
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
I don't know if I could choose! They all touch me in different ways. Of course, writing is close to my heart - I've been a reader and a writer since I learned my letters. But art hits a different spot that writing can't reach. And music hits me deep in my soul... it might be that, if I really had to choose, but I'm not sure I could do writing dirty like that.
Get to know me ask game
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drdone · 16 days
∞ and ∞ and ∞ and ∞ and ∞
Spring Day by BTS
아침은 다시 올 거야 어떤 어둠도 어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까
Translation: The morning will come again Because no darkness or no season  Can last forever
Check Yes, Juliet
Check yes Juliet, I'll be waiting Wishing, wanting, yours for the taking
Fire Escape by Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness
Walking home, your hand in mine Tattoos on the river line The morning birds are taking flight Either way, I thought that you should know You're my number one You're the reason I'm still up at dawn Just to see your face
Top of the World by Greek Fire
I remember the nights Caught up in dreaming my goodbyes Watching the door for anything more than an ordinary life I remember the days New beginnings on an open page With something to prove and nothing to lose, not a soul to betray
Cherry Blossoms by Pom Pom Squad
We're gonna fall in love again someday I think it's best you stay the fuck out of my way I try to fix it until something breaks I hope you're happy with the choice you made
Put a “∞” in my ask box and I'll shuffle my music player and give you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up.
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thirium-drinker · 3 months
adding on to @scribeofred
can androids take off their leds in your au because how does the led overheat when it's not there, like how will you know markus's led will flicker if he doesn't have one?
Yeah LEDs can be removed, and if they are then they won't overheat bc the connection is severed. the flickering isn't the only indicator of infection though
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Their skin literally starts disappearing in chunks and they look like they wanna rip your throat out after stage 2
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birdie-puff · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, Scott! 🎉 🥳 🎂 🎉
This really brings me back! I originally made this in 2021 for @scribeofred’s Tag mini bang story, which I still highly recommend reading. 💕
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threemoonwatchers · 1 year
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(ScribeofRED on ao3)
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druidx · 1 year
Mouth of Silver
Universe: Original one-shot CW: Unreality, fae-like creatures, //ask to tag Words: 781 Context: Written for the Homestead 2021 Fall Prompt Week. The prompt was: Theme: Dark & Light; Color Scheme: Monochrome tones; Quote: "I'm no saint, but I can tell the shades apart". For this, I enjoyed playing with the idea that dark=good and light=bad. Read on RoyalRoad Tagging: @homesteadchronicles @wispstalk @writeblrsupport @scribeofred @bread-of-death
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A thick, billowy duvet of snow coated the ground, making dark sentinels of the smooth-trunked beeches. It squeaked at each footfall from the shadowy figure as he puffed his way through the sparse undergrowth. Over a head of knee-length dreadlocks, the moon ghosted towards the horizon, painting the eiderdown sky with a watery wash of silver.
The frigid air rippled and shivered, a balmy breeze reaching out to caress his umber cheek. From behind a basalt-dark tree stepped another figure. It trembled in the spring-like air, spider-silk bright and just as diaphanous. The dark figure froze. Thick fingers reached for the copper rod hitched over his shoulder, laid beside a bulging pack. The light figure gave a glittering laugh and spoke in a strange flowing tongue. More laughter, high and bright, came from either side. The shadow turned to see more gossamer figures appear, reaching out with beckoning hands, chattering in that same strange tongue, the vowels sliding over consonants like water over river pebbles.
The rod freed, the Shadow held it crosswise over his chest. Though he trembled and his breath caught, the dark figure tutted. "Come now, come now," he said, his voice the rumble of a brewer's dray. "I'm a simple man – no saint for sure – but even I can tell the Shades apart. You are different… No mere shade has the power of spring in the dead of winter." The man raised the copper rod higher. "Kirth vin dah. Kirth vin dah. Let me pass." The Gossamer shivered, the trill of a rippling brook filling the air. Their silvery shapes wavered, slipping closer to each other. "So. You want to do this the hard way?" The shadowy figure held his copper rod out, clasped in the centre like a shield, and stepped forward. "Se netto! Se netto! Move aside! Fotex consabel da'hriim! I claim the right of Traveler's Passage!" The Gossamer shivered again, the air heating to a summer's dryness, the trilling deepening into the roar of wind-tossed trees in full leaf.
"Do not test me, creature," the Shadow called, taking a step forward, the rod still extended in a warding gesture. The Gossamer contorted now – the mockery of a human face with wide empty eyes and gasping mouths filled deep like mercury. They gaped – as if in shock – as Shadow took another and yet another step towards them. The fell wind rose, dusty air grasping at hair and linens – yet not a single tree limb quivered. The Gossamer gibbered, voices rising to the rushing of spring melt-water. "I no longer ask, creature: You will let me pass! Netto, netto! Begone from this place!"
The Gossamer shivered and shook, their forms wavering like old cobwebs blown by the wind, as Shadow waved the copper rod in wafting arcs. They shrilled, clustered so close they seemed to become one. Shadow stopped, waiting, the rod still held before him.
With an inhuman shriek, the wind turned blistering hot, sweeping towards him like the breath of a dragon. Shadow ducked, planting the rod into the snow, hunkering down as if behind a shield. The ends of his locs frazzled. The point of his cap charred in the searing wind. The ground around him thawed to mud. A letter slipped from his pack, the blush envelope twisting towards the canopy, disintegrating to ash as it flew.
Shadow frowned, dark eyes flashing with anger as he watched it scatter on the torrid wind. From beneath his thick furs, he drew an amulet of blacked cast-iron. "It is one thing, creature, to mess with me," he said, anger darkening his voice further, "and quite another to mess with my client's property." Clutching the amulet before him, Shadow slowly stood, speaking further incantations, his voice even and unyielding as the basalt-dark trees. The gossamer creatures wailed and shrieked, slipping backwards away from the unrelenting tide of Shadow's words, setting frozen again that which was unnaturally thawed.
Fully on his feet, Shadow took a step, firmly planting himself before taking the next, never once letting up the calling in the Gossamer's tongue as he fought on through the supernatural wind. With a shrill cry, one by one the Gossamer fell, dispersed like smoke back into the fae realm they had sprung from. Then all that remained was the first, with its empty eyes and silver mouth agog, the hands beckoning sweetly as if Shadow might change his mind. "She'rath," Shadow murmured to it. "Go, go home." The Gossamer tilted its head. Shadow levelled the copper rod at its chest. "One final chance, creature: she'rath." The Gossamer curled its spindly, sharp fingers back towards itself and, with one final pealing giggle, vanished like a dream.
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ayzrules-art · 2 years
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frost-rise — daymond for @scribeofred​
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tsarisfanfiction · 3 years
🏝 Share your favorite description of a setting.
Ask Game: WIP Excerpts
A little bit more than a line this time - a setting description needs a little more than that. This might not be as descriptive as the question might suggest, but I think that sometimes, less is more.
He cracked his eyes open into a squint and found himself looking at the floor below.
There was a puddle, on the floor a good ten feet down from where he was. Every echoing drip was accompanied by ripples in the water.
Not water.
He dragged his eyes away from the mesmerising concentric ripples to look for what was dripping. The puddle was directly below him.
He couldn’t feel his left arm.
Panic shot through him and he wrenched himself upright, swaying nauseatingly as he did so.
No, he wasn’t the one swaying.
There were bars, dull metal arching up and around him. Criss-crossing beneath him.
A cage.
He was in a birdcage.
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rec-a-fanfic · 6 days
a'ight I'm done for the night. hopefully this madcap little adventure through my (brilliantly curated, I might say) bookmarks adds some ~spice of life~ to your queue! feel free to space the recommendations out as you see fit!
Thanks a ton! Yep, theyre all queued up! Everything I recieve gets queued mostly in order, and I've set it to post two a day, in the hopes of not running out. Always thrilled to have submissions, and you picked some good ones today!
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mistergandalf · 1 year
what is it about working at a hotel that makes you go !!!!
I just love working with people!!! I like to make people's days better by cheering them up after some boring or irritating travel, and to solve problems when they're upset, and go out of my way to do a little extra something when they're celebrating. I want to be the person that brightens their day and makes things at least a little better, no matter what's going on. And you get to meet people from all over the world and hear their stories! Like sure, some people are just rude, or nasty, or don't want to be happy, but honestly those people are few and far between. Most people are fun and kind and love to joke around with the silly person at the front desk (me), and it never gets old :)
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audreycritter · 3 years
Kind of a big, theoretical sort of question here, but what are your goals as a writer? Fanfic or otherwise!
I like to create! I love to write. I want that writing to not be wasted. I want things I write to help people-- whether that’s help them have a good day, or process an old emotion, or be gentler with themselves about something they’re working on, or feel understood. I want my writing ultimately to be to the glory of God-- I know that’s a lofty goal, but I think even the little things can be done as service to that. I want people to read my stuff and taste something of home, to have eternity stirred in their hearts, the hunger for the life yet to come, and to feel loved.
Those things are serious, and they are in my heart and head all the time, even if not consciously while writing. I don’t write with those goals in the forefront of my mind, I write with them in my bones. And I want to get there by having fun with writing, by knowing the thrill of a finished project, by getting to feel like I made something neat. My concrete goals right now are to keep working on original stuff, keep writing fanfic I enjoy writing, and to be more disciplined about when I’m writing so ADHD doesn’t win. 
Eventually, it would be fun to publish? I’d like to, someday, but it’s not a pressing “must.” I used to feel like eventually I’d publish and be a Real Writer, and my relationship with fic has changed a lot the past few years. The money would be nice, but I’m fortunate to be in a spot where I don’t need to sell writing to eat or have a roof over my head. And one of my other goals-- to connect with people, to give them something they love and that makes them think or feel or grow, that’s something I can be doing right now even without a publishing deal.
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xcaptain-winghead · 3 years
oh, tysm!!  🥰 🥰 🥰
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velkynkarma · 3 years
🎶 📺 💚 💻
🎶- If your fanfiction were to be turned into a MEP, Animatic or AMV, what song would it be based around?
Oooh, tough one. I guess it really depends on which fic we’re talking about! I have a lot lol.
Since Premium Pandemonium is on the brain since I’m posting it right now, I’d say Born for This by The Score would be perfect for it:
📺- What media (Show/Movie/Game) would you like to write fanfiction for, but haven’t yet?
Hmm...tough one. There are a lot of things I like reading fanfiction for but never got around to writing for. Or there are some fandoms I’ve deliberately avoided delving too deep in because I know I’d start writing for them and abandon my current projects...and I don’t want to do that yet.
Fullmetal Alchemist might be fun to write for (that sweet, sweet parental Roy specifically). I really enjoy the dynamics of Leverage, but I don’t think I’m smart enough or clever enough to write a good heist. I’ve always wanted to write some fics about my characters from World of Warcraft, but I don’t know if that counts as fandom or OC.
It’s also not uncommon for me to idly come up with plots while reading/watching/playing something to tell myself stories, but I would never actually write them. Most of the time they don’t have enough of a decent plot to make them worth writing about, and my interest only lasts as long as the episodes keep coming anyway.
💚- What do you like most about your writing style?
Attention to detail. After years of practice, I like that I’ve learned how to:
Maintain consistency—remembering who said what when, or the color of the McGuffin six chapters ago
Keep track of all the characters in the room and make sure they’re all relevant
Seed in foreshadowing details and hide them in plain sight
Write a longer plot that’s relevant from start to finish
Working within the bounds and rules of canon to create plausible plotlines that could work in the source material
💻- Do you want on the computer, phone or another device?
I’m assuming this means ‘work.’ I use my laptop to write on. I don’t know how people can write on their phones! I get frustrated even jotting down notes on mine. 
Ask me fanfiction questions, Emoji style!
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