#god damn I'm a thirsty bitch
tearueful · 4 months
You know I gotta send you the big boy Homelander for the character ask game
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I mean, OF COURSE. My dumpster fire of a man.
Sexuality Headcanon: I want to say Homelander is somewhere on the asexual spectrum because he shows zero sexual interest until someone shows interest in him first. I really don't think he's allosexual. Demi? Maaybbee?? I can see his connections happening hard and fast due to his sheer thirst for intimacy.
Gender Headcanon: This bitch is so CIS male it hurts.
A ship I have with said character: Yes. Given that there's no one in canon I think Homelander CAN fit with in a healthy way, I don't have any OTPs for him. (OTP is me and Homelander obv) If you give me a Homelander ship and it's good content, I will CONSUME said content.
A BROTP I have with said character: Homelander and Noir were besties, even if Noir was his handler for a while there. HE FUCKED THAT UP. Homelander has an awkward friendship with The Deep. The Deep is growing on Homelander like mold.
A NOTP I have with said character: Homelander x Stillwell, just because the Diobolical implications that she's been sexually harassing and manipulating Homelander since he was at least 18. Granted there are PLENTY of scenes where I think "GODS I WISH THAT WERE ME" but- Yeh. I'll probably STILL enjoy all the content as he's a 40 something year old man and she's dead now ANYWAY.
A random headcanon: Homelander has no shame. The man has been monitored since he was a child. This dude never got dressed alone and probably had every bowel movement charted. He's been watched doing everything and anything with no privacy so the concept of shame has never registered to him. He jacked off on a skyscraper. He'll fuck in an alleyway next to a corpse and be loud while doing it. He lounges nude in his penthouse that has NO FUCKING DOORS anyway. Excited boner in front of his secretary? Homelander doesn't care. IT'S NOT BECAUSE OF YOU, ASHLEY. 'Normal' people probably register as pets to him and who has shame walking about nude in front of their dog? Not Homelander, that's for sure. Maybe he has a little more decorum around other supes, but that's it.
General Opinion over said character: I went in to The Boys thinking I would HATE this motherfucker because he has done HORRIBLE things. I READ THE WIKI ON HIM BEFORE STARTING THE SHOW. Buut each scene just made me like Homelander more and more. He's so fucking pathetic and insecure and stupid and hot and HIS FANGS. DEAR LORD. He's so terrible, I love him. Antony Star plays him SO WELL. But really, he's a delightfully well written villain who has a HORRIBLY fucked up back story and COULD be the perfect hero if he wasn't being handled by THE SYMBOLISM OF CAPITALISM MADE MANIFEST. I usually don't think, "I can fix him" with bad guys but MAN. Depower the bastard and put him in therapy. JOHN CAN BE GOOD, I KNOW IT.
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milesmolasses · 1 year
I'm gonna kill you
miles morales x reader
if you don’t know what “throwing franks” means it basically means telling someone to “suck my dick” lmao
which reminds me the setting is nyc (bk)
is this what ppl call crack? idk man
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"miles I'm not playin with you right now, put my water bottle down I'm thirsty!"
miles walked around the dingy restaurant, my bottle in his hand, which was waved high in the air. "you gon have to come and get it than miss smart mouth! you keep playin with me like I can't beat you up," he joked.
miles has been my best friend ever since the middle of third grade when he switched his elementary school. i remember when he was this tiny, shy kid who sat at the back of the school basement for lunchtime since our school never had a formal lunchroom. all i wanted was to make a new friend, so i walked up to the shy new boy and ate my lunch with him. we would walk home together, play at the park together, and have cute lil playdates scheduled by our mothers; ah, yes, those were the times; up until now.
"bro, my bad, just give me my water bottle my mouth is on fire, no funny shit," i had my tongue out, breathing heavily. my mom owns this restaurant, where she cooks (insert culture) dishes for the world of Brooklyn to enjoy. this space doubled as our hang-out spot, considering i would stop by every day after school for free food. my mom had served me (insert dish) with extra spice; "try something new," they said. "it'll be delicious," they said. while yes, the food was good, the new added spices had me steaming at the ears, tongue out, huffing and puffing like a damn dog.
now you may be wondering, "who the hell told you to do this?" miles. it was always miles. he knows I don't usually stray from the usual dishes that i get every time we come here, but somehow he convinced me that trying something new would be good for me. so, i let him order on my behalf; this dude ordered me (insert cultural food)… with 3x the amount of hot sauce I usually get. leading us to now...
"'my bad' is not an apology, bozo, i need to hear you say what i want you to say," he said with the biggest smile on his face. all i did was throw a frank at him, and he chose to torment me, saying, "i was disrespectful." he wants a sorry? imma give him a damn sorry.
"ok ok I'm sorry, miles please just give me the bottle," this time, my eyebrows were furrowed and i made sure to put my acting skills to the test. miles gave me a worried look, scared that he actually went too far this time in his games. he gave me back the water bottle and came closer to me, examining my face to see if i was ok.
"yo, you good? I'm sorry i didn't know it was that deep. here you go drink this," he looked so sorry. he looked like he really regretted what he did to me, it almost made me feel bad for what i was about to say to him.
"yeah, it was that deep... deep in ya momma!" i watched as miles face slowly converted from looking worried to "what did this bitch just say to me?" i started to run out of the store as fast as i could, chugging the water down my throat with my mouth still on fire. miles was definitely faster than me, so i decided to hide somewhere, anywhere.
i turned the corner, body jerking forward so fast i almost fell face first into the concrete. i caught myself on my hands just in time as i kept my momentum and ran down the block. i looked behind me and he was literally right there in arms reach of me literally, reaching his arm out to grab me. i grabbed the door handle of an unknown store and stumbled into it.
there i could see several women and young girls look up from what ever they were doing to look at me. just as they were looking at me, miles ran in the store and came to an abrupt stop. great now even more people were staring; it was then i realized all the assortments of nail polish laid out neatly on different shelves. oh my god it was a nail salon. miles looked down at me with eyes wide open and a look on his face that screamed "oh hell nah." a lady from the front desk with a slim figure and a headwrap, came up to us and pulled us to the side.
"I'm sorry, you cant just run into this store and be rowdy. we have customers to attend to and they don't need disturbances." i looked up at miles to see him already responding to the lady with prayer hands, "I an so sorry about my friend here please forgive them, sometimes they're a bit hard to control. i think we'll be leaving now, once again, so sorry," he responded whilst dragging me by the shirt to leave the salon. once we were on the side walk again, i busted out laughing so hard, i had to hunch over and close my eyes to keep tears from falling out.
miles gave me the biggest side eye known to man as i laughed in the middle of the street, looking around for people possibly staring at us.
"i swear to god I'm gonna kill you when i get to your house."
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this was fun to write lmao
I was really just writing anything that came to mind
I did this once after 7th grade in the summer with some friends so that’s what I based this on
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blackdragoness · 1 year
YALL NOT READY FOR ALL DIS' GASSSSS. Lemme gasssss yo lil fat head up, okayyyy. This PICK-A-PILE is for you!
"somebody call 911, shawty fiyah burnin' on da dance floor." -sean kingston
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Pile 2 -
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Pile 3 -
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Pile 1: Show Stunnah 🌻
Overall Tarot Card: The Devil 😈
Channelled Song: Pretty Girl Rock by Keri Hilson
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⛽ The gasssss on you is....⛽
First of all, you muthafucka's is FINE as hell! I'm talking about FOIIINNEEEE as hell. Body on fleek, face card never declines. As soon as you walk into the room, all eyes are on you and all your competition starts to die a little inside 😂 You are the talk of the town, the talk of every circle, babbyyy 🤤 But y'all been knew dat, 😏
"BEEN that bitch, still that bitch" - Megan The Stallion
Natural beauty with the confidence to match
Confidence of a lion(ess)
Honestly, physically, you got it muthafuckin' going on dawg, what the fuckkkkk. Out of all the piles, this one wins in the Looks Department LOL sorry to the other piles
I'm seeing a face that is so fucking beautiful and angelic. Forever youthful.
Your beauty never dies and it never ages.
I have this huge urge to gasp in awe! You make people gasp with your beauty, ermagerrrdddd this is too cute! I feel like I'm melting in your presence 🫠. It's like everytime people see you in person, you take their breathe away and all they can do is gasp in awe at your undeniable beauty 😂😂😂 it's so fucking corny bro, but damn. That was a channelled message for someone's fine ass out there. You got it like that Mami/Papi, *snap snap snap*
A literal fucking goddess/god. Like you make men want to turn all romantic and old school, writing poems and singing outside your window in the middle of a full moon & shiiit. Or for my men, you make a girl wanna break all her rules and go buck wild for you!!! Like this shit crazzzyyy!! But this is what you be doing to these people lmaoooo!
I'm sure you're a great person on the inside and all, but there is so much emphasis on your physique that I apologize if you feel exploited right now 😂😂 and tbh, you might know the effects your body causes on people so you might be a person with strong boundaries. But damn Papi, what dat body do? 😏
With the devil card crowning your reading, people are OBSESSED WITH YOU!!! Bitch, who tf are you? Why is everyone so fucking obsessed with yo ass!? Lmao
"I can do bad all by myself." You're very independent but you may have many friends too.
Imma just say it flat out: YOU GOT THAT GOOD WAP BABYYYYYY. THAT GOOD WOOD, ya know what I'm sayin' 😂 rumor has it, you can fucking werkkkk it. You got people THIRSTY AF out here, mayneee. Chilllllllll.
You got this hella chill vibe to you though. Like laid-back. Relaxed. Not about the shits or the drama. People can try to ruffle your feathers to get any type of reaction out of you but you stay unbothered AF and that's what draws them nearer to you.
You have a gift for social interactions. Most people have social anxiety but you maneuver and work the room with ease and calmness. It's very admirable.
So many people want to marry you dude, I'm not even kidding. But I'm sensing that you are just focused on yourself and your goals. Relationship isn't a priority in your life right now. But that also is what turns the thirst factor UP when it comes to you.
Rich girl, city girl, material gworl vibes
"You always got dem eyes on you" - people love to watch you and stare at you. Sometimes people zone out in conversation with you because your beauty distracts them 😂 you could be talking to them in perfect pronunciation and speed but they won't hear a damn thing you said lol I guess your beauty is deafening too 😂
As beautiful and as sexy as you are, you also have a tender kindness when you interact with anybody. Your beauty shines both inside and out and that's why you are the mf GOAT.
You turn heads every where you go. You got bitches jealous wishing they was you. Ermahgerrrddd, I'm getting a rush of energy from tons of people who fantasize about what it would be like if they had your life. Honestly, that sounds like I'm over hyping y'all, but it's the truth lol. Maybe knowing this information will help you see the beauty of your own life and appreciate it for what it is. Because from folks looking on the outside into your life, they would literally trade spots with you in a heartbeat. Heck, they are already doing it in their daydreams. Recognize that YOU ARE THAT BITCH.
You may come from a great family life. Or people think you come from a super good looking family judging based off of your looks alone lol
A lot of people want to be tied to you in some way. People feel that being connected to you gives them "brownie points" in popularity 😂😂 some people may try to befriend you for clout. I'm not even getting social media vibes, although y'all may be big on social media too. But I'm sensing like real life clout, which is ten times better than social media clout, ya feel me. It's almost like knowing you in real life makes people feel more important in real life.
Y'all are the IT GIRL/ IT BOY. Everyone wanna be you, do the things you do, talk like you, walk like you, fucking everyfannnggg!!! I cannot with y'all. You guys are unreal but thats why we are so fucking obsessed with you, booo. Keep doing you and keep being you 🌻
Pile 2 - Cutie Pie 🥧
Overall Tarot Card: Ace of Cups
Channelled Song: My Bestie by Lloyd ft Sevyn
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⛽ The gasssss on you is.....⛽
Everyone wants to hug you, squeeze you, love on you. Stick you in their pocket and take you home. This vibe is so mushy and gooey!
Everybody's little sister. You provoke a very protective spirit in those around you and those close to you. You are looked at as something that needs to be protected at all costs.
I dunno what it is about you but people will go to bat for you no matter the situation or the time. If ever you are in trouble, you have a whole gang of people who you can count on to drop what they are doing and prioritize you. Even if they are pissed off at you, they would lay their differences to the side and come to your rescue.
You make people feel very emotional when it comes to even just the thought of you. You are so special to people I don't think you realize that!
You are that person in people's lives that they cannot imagine ever losing. Like an angel in disguise who needs to be protected from this cruel world.
You attract friends like flies!!!!! This pile is SOOOOOOO popular and you don't even have to try. You could actually be a more introverted and reserved person but constantly have a crowd of people with you.
Sooooo warm and soft. Feels like I'm sinking in an ocean of really warm honey. That's how you make people feel.
People LOVE hugging you, cuddling you, and feeling you. Your presence is very calming and motherly.
You have great motherly instincts and people trust you with their children and animals. Kids might naturally flock to you and easily trust you because of your kind nature.
You may only consider a small group of people as friends but there are so many people who consider you as one of their best friends. You may make some friends jealous because they envisioned some type of exclusive friendship with you. However, a lot of people need you in their life and so that's something they need to come to terms with.
A lot of people feel like they can confide in you with confidential matters, knowing it will be kept safe. You also give really great advice that helps people progress further on their life path.
You are a very necessary presence in many peoples life stories. If every human soul had a book about their life, there would be at least one chapter about you in multiple life books. While most people are only focused on writing their own book, they are scarcely mentioned in other stories. But you, you are very necessary in the development of other people's life journeys. Like you make an impact on their story for the better. Wowwwww. I can only imagine that this role comes with a lot of positive karma for you and your generations to come.
You beautify every place you enter, every floor you walk on, and every person you meet. You are a contagious ray of light that shines everywhere you go even in the darkest of places.
You very rarely compete or get jealous of people and that's why many consider you to be their best friend. They feel completely free to be themselves around you with no judgement, guilt or shame.
You are unapologetically yourself and it's a big turn on for the opposite sex.
Many people wish they could possess your unapologetic nature but they are realizing it is a lot harder to mimic than they thought.
"I walk like this cuz I can back it up. I got a big ego" -Beyonce
You been through a lot and it shows through how sweet and caring you are. And because you put out that energy, people wanna love you the same way in return.
You really tug at people's heart strings when they think of you. I'm hearing "a heart of gold and titanium". So valuable and indestructible.
You have been placed on this throne by a lot of people. Very very respected and admired. I'm hearing you proved yourself. Your true colors shown and they worked in your favor.
An example for others to follow
A true royal
SELF-CONTROL, SELF-CONTROL, SELF-CONTROL. You have so much self control and people are both envious and admiring that trait of yours. "The one with the most control over themselves is the one with the most power in the room."
You might be a very adaptable person. You literally can chop it up with anybody you want! No personality is too hard for you to adapt to.
You have such a knack for resolving conflict. You can de-escalate any situation with your soft spoken voice and level-headedness. Things always run smoother when you are around.
People take you seriously and really listen when you speak. You may not vocalize your opinions as often as others, but when you finally do, it shocks people, so they listen.
A deep well of wisdom.
Honorable. Highly respected. Highly trusted.
Pile 3 - LEGEND ⚜️
Overall Tarot Card: 8 of Pentacles
Channelled Song: One Call Away by Bina Butta
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⛽ The gasssss on you is.....⛽
BOSS BITCHHHHH. I see you focused on that bag and getting that bag!!! If you chose this pile, YOU LOOK LIKE MONEY, HUNNY 🤑
"came through drippin *drip drip*"
You are a hard ass worker. I'm getting strong energy coming from the workplace you work at. You got a lot of people dumbfounded at your work ethic. For some reason, I'm getting that they didn't think you were going to be the type of worker that you are.
You may be known as someone who bosses up every time you experience a hardship in life. It's actually pretty phenomenal to watch.
Phoenix rising from the ashes.
You are that one character in a movie story that never dies 😂 it's like no matter how many battles you fight, you never fucking die lol it's annoying to your haters but so inspiring to those who witness this inner strength of yours.
You are a LEGEND! Some people think that your life experiences are too good to be true. But they just ain't ever met nobody like you before thats why. I'm hearing that behind your back people try to investigate the validity of your story just to be humbled when they find witnesses who retell the same story.
People want to know the depths of your life experience. I'm getting that people view you kind of like Indiana Jones who is well travelled with many stories and adventures to tell for many days.
You inspire people to think outside of the box. To want more for themselves and be open to newer opportunities that can make them feel free and alive again. You make them want to explore life again.
You walk around like a large ball of life force energy. Anything within a 5 foot radius of you starts to be influenced by your vibration.
A lot of people speak about you!!! A lot of people have your name in their mouth. It's very positive though. I'm hearing a lot of praise, chanting your name. Celebrating you!
I sense you might be hermit mode or really just focusing on yourself. People can see the changes that are happening through your physical appearance . Your hardwork and focus shines through your countenance.
You have a lot more people who support and love you. Im feeling that for this pile, the support isn't as apparent as it was for Group 2. I'm feeling like this pile stands alone with lots of silent supporters. Something about you being very intimidating or being closed off to a connection is what's blocking people from showing their support but it's like they understand why you are closed off and respect your boundaries.
People feel like you are going very far in life and will hit it big in the future. They want to see you win and are silently watching until then.
The way you carry yourself is top notch alpha type vibes. Specifically for my feminines, this is so sexy about you. You carry this masculine energy in such a sexy feminine way it intimidates and submits even the strongest of men. Very BAWS BOSS like.
"Dat ass, dat ass, dat ass, dat ass" 🤨🤨okaaayyyy, someone clearly has a nice juicy ass that needs to be pointed out 🤷🏾‍♀️
You must have a very strong presence in your work place because the energy keeps taking me to a work environment. Either that or you think about work all the time 😂 you really are such an independent woman. Some may call it hyper independent but do you honey. Set the standard as high as you want. Don't let their intimidated ass opinion shrink you 😉
Maybe you own a lot of businesses or aspire to own your own business. People see the potential for you. But I'm getting indecisive energy. You are probably really talented at SOOO many things and are weighing out your options. However, you know that once you have made your decision, there is no stopping you from reaching the top. Everyone else knows it too and that's why they are silently watching you.
You are a rare human. You have an imagination that is so active. Anything you imagine, you create in this world. You were probably a very imaginative kid and highly active. With how hard you work coupled with your crazy active imagination, you actually have the power to manifest whatever you want into existence. Maybe you are aware of that. Maybe you aren't. But channelling this energy feels very magnetic and strong. Keep your imaginations alive. Keep your dreams alive. Chase them.
People wonder how you gained such a bright imagination. They wish they could have that light that you have. You heal a lot of people's inner child by giving them experiences to exercise their imagination. Maybe you enjoy conversations about the trendy things from people's childhoods or you like to talk about the future a lot. You spark creativity and imagination for people and it gives them motivation for life again.
You lead by example. Lots of people are out here running they mouth but you stay steady on your grind proving your worth through your life.
You have silent supporters because you are a silent leader. You don't do much talking. You just do the damn thing and later on people find out what you did and are completely shocked.
You are a bombshell. Not only do you look great but you're like a ticking time bomb in people's minds. You constantly have people stewing over you and then boom, you do something that blows everybody's minds lol. I like this vibe. Very spontaneous and fun to be around
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respectthepetty · 3 months
Pit Babe Colors Finale
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also.It's just colors and vibes here. It's been a chaotic journey, but it finally ends today, most likely with a character death, so . . .
Disclaimer: I'm just screaming this entire post.
Surprising absolutely no one, Barbara immediately forgave Charles. Like I wrote last week, I'll hold this grudge for both of us, Babe.
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If this bastard is still alive by the end of this, there is no justice in the world.
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Did he just give them a key to get out? They could just walk through a door, but . . . I'll take it. Kentana is trying to redeem himself. Now, KILL YOUR SHITTY FATHER, and you will earn the top place in my heart.
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Don't do it, Way Way. Don't. I see you eyeing that man, but you will take zero bullets for Pete or Babe. Am I clear?! NONE! I don't care if you are wearing white compared to everyone else's black. You will not die. No.
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I'm not even going to say shit about these two's colors because BIG RED JUST KILLED A KID!
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And this is why you deserve to die. Who does something like this? It's not a porn, sir. This is a murder. You're about to die. Not get laid.
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I know it's blood, but the 'smoke' being red too is great and I need more of it as BIG RED DIES FOR KILLING WAY WAY!
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Y'all are letting Big Red talk too much while Way Way is just bleeding out on the floor, and I just need one of y'all to apply pressure to the wound so Way has a fighting chance. Please for the love of God. PLEASE! LET WAY LIVE!
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Oh, shit, this is awful. Do NOT think about any good memories with this man who wore red in the past but no longer does for some wacky reason. Those memories are all tainted. He is awful. KILL HIM ALREADY AND GET WAY WAY TO THE HOSPITAL!
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I HATE HIM! Barbara, don't you trade your life for Charles. Don't fucking do it. Charles came back from the dead once. He can do it again. KILL BIG RED ALREADY!
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Now, someone go hug him! Pete what the fuck are you doing?! One boyfriend is dying and another is breaking down. DO SOMETHING, PETER!
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I knew this was going to happen! I knew Way was gonna die taking a bullet for Babe. I knew it, and I'm still upset! WHY?! Why can't Peter have TWO boyfriends?! Why do we always have to kill someone to redeem them and to cancel them out of the poly plot equation. LET POLY HAPPEN!
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Fuck, Alan is crying.
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I will not be pacified with Jeffrey finally being consumed by blue. I'm still very upset about Way Way having to die instead of Peter just having two boyfriends.
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Vegas' Hedgehog, I'm so over your ass! Red flowers?! At Way's funeral?! That is sooooo rude! What is wrong with you?! Read the room, you pretty bitch! RED IS OUT! Way died for the blue! THE BLUE!
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I hate this necklace. I hate that Way is dead instead of being taken care of by his two boyfriends. Where the hell is Ken anyway?! Why is he not holding Peter's hand right now? WHAT IS THIS LIE?!
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I trust your dad, Barbie, because he is wearing blue, but you have had to cry a thousand tears this episodes, and I pray like GMMTV's First, you stay hydrated because crying can wreck havoc on a thirsty body.
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Y'all cannot fuck the grief away in the blue. You can try, but Waymond is still gonna be dead instead of having two boyfriends. This is a real problem, and I want it addressed. RIGHT NOW!
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Everyone is in blue, and then we have Vegas' fucking Hedgehog in those damn orange pants, and . . . AHHHHHHH *starts throwing clothes around the room and out the window*
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Barbie is lighter. He is still black, but now he has the white mixed with it while he looks longingly into the eyes of his Blue Boy (who lied to him several times including lying about his death, pero I'll carry this grudge for both of us, Barbara)
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Now why the fuck are you wearing red, Alan?! Why won't this show just let me have nice things?!
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So . . . now that this is all over and I, unsurprisingly, did NOT get poly nor Kenta x Pete, I will be unblocking the tags because seeing black boxes on my dash is driving me crazy, and I need to reblog some GIFs of Kimberly, Alan, and Waymond x Peter x Kentana to fill this huge void in my heart where a poly plot would have perfectly fit.
I will never go back and watch this show with subs. Never. Whatever I got from it was exactly what I needed to get from it, and I need nothing else. Because what I got was a boy FINALLY deciding to
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Kenta, you deserve my respect. You loved Pete. You helped all the guys in your own way. You killed your shitty dad. You committed queer wrongs, and I forgive every single one of them. You deserve a happy life, and I hope you are laying in Pete's bed with his arms around you thinking about what y'all will have for breakfast, so he can read your mind and go make it for you.
I like you.
I respect you.
I love you.
And so does Pete.
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veeepawoon · 1 year
Mr. Compress x Reader smut (wip)
cw: he calls you dirty names, vaginal rough sex, edging, facefuck, a little spanking, tifucking, you're VERY thirsty for him, he records you, atsu is a jerk (and a dumbass)
This is the first time I'm writing a fic, please be kind and excuse me for the bad grammar 😭
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"Someone is a little needy, uh?" 
Lustful eyes were fixated on her: tall and unexpectedly muscular, on his face a big grin. 
He loved seeing such a sinful display: a cute innocent girl suddenly turning into a whore, kissing his bulge from his pants, so eager to be fucked.
Impatient, you moved your hands to his belt but he immediately stopped you. 
"I told you already, you have to ask first. You don't want me to get angry, do you?" 
You sure wanted, to see him getting so mad that the only thing he could do was to pin you down the mattress and fuck you hard like the good bitch you were. Choking, slapping, spitting, you'd accept anything from him. 
"Please Mr Com-... " 
"That's not my name darling." 
"Please Atsuhiro..." 
You sounded so whiny now.
"I want, I need to choke on your cock, I've waited long enough..."
Lies. Just a day passed since the last time he shoved his dick inside your mouth, but well... 
"You're such a needy slut aren't you? You can't even wait a day without my dick inside you, pathetic." 
The man looked at you, he seemed so disgusted. You were insatiable, impossible to satisfy. But deep down he loved that, you felt him getting harder and harder, your soft cheeks still rubbing on his crotch. 
"Oh god..." 
He suddenly changed expression, he smiled at you raising his small eyebrows, gently holding your chin with his gloved hand. 
" You know I can't resist such a cute face...
...it makes me wanna ruin it." 
A crooked smile appeared on his face, he looked so intimidating, like a predator ready to jump on his prey. You felt his hands moving to the top of your head, gripping your hair firmly. With his other hand he finally started unbuckling his belt and before you could notice that, he smashed his bulge on your face, still covered by the boxers. 
"C'mon starlet, you know exactly what to do." 
With your teeth you started taking off his underwear, slowly, just how he liked it, till his cock sprung out, going directly on your face, hitting your forehead. Atsuhiro wasn't huge, let's say he was around 6/7 inch but he had a good girth, enough to make you scream in every way possible. It was perfect, you could take it all in without feeling serious pain...
...maybe just a little, he was still big at the end.
You licked it starting from the base then going to the tip, while looking directly in his eyes with a teasing look. You were such a brat. The smug gentleman you used to see during the morning, so well-behaved and contained, was now grinning and demanding his dick sucked. You loved this sudden change about him. 
"Good girl...you always know what your old man wants..." 
You chucked, he was only 32 years old but for some reason he always uses the term "old man" to describe himself, it's always funny hearing that. He let out a small chuckle too, that kinda made your heart melt. 
"Enough with the laughter, suck it." 
And immediately you did so. 
You placed both hands on his member, stroking it while sucking and licking his tip, you made sure to put all of the work right there, it's his sensitive spot after all. A pleasured groan went out of his mouth, his deep voice made you feel things under there. 
"Oh my, you're always so good at this...how about you go further, mh? 
You couldn't take it all inside your throat without gagging, it may be a little embarrassing for you but he loves that, he knows he is big and always finds some way to brag about it. While you were still sucking on his dick, Compress took it away from your mouth and proceeded to slap your face with it, tapping the tip on your lips. 
"Don't you want to have this big cock all inside you? I know damn well you want it, darling. I love when you make such noises, don't be afraid to make them." 
He sounded reassuring but what he just said before made you so fucking wet. You wanted it so bad, that perfect cock to tear your pussy apart and make you scream his name all night.
But still, you had some work to do. He pushed it inside your mouth as soon as you opened it and slowly started to go deeper. It was impossible to not make a noise, such as it was hard breathing. You almost took it all but failed to get to the base, somehow you're gonna make it work, this isn't the first time. 
"You can do it, doll. Do you mind some help?" 
"Help" in his language meant "I'm going to face-fuck you", you nodded and immediately felt his hands on both sides of your head: his cock was now literally drilling your throat with such speed that made you impossible to even breathe. You were drooling, a lot, tears started to flow, ruining the pretty make up you've done just for him. But god, it was amazing being used in this way, as a toy for his pleasure. You could notice the sweat and his messy brown hair on his forehead, Atsuhiro was panting heavily, on his face there was always that smug ass grin, his auburn eyes were starting to get darker and darker. He stopped for some seconds, so you could have some time to breathe. 
"If only you could seen yourself now, you'd be so ashamed..." 
He then took his phone from the small table near the bed where you were sitting. 
"Be a good girl and keep on sucking my dick in front of the camera, maybe I'll reward you with something good." 
You were his little starlet, always having to put some kinda show for him, Compress was a showman after all and he demanded a performance even during sex. You adjusted your hair a little, not caring about the ruined mascara and lipstick on your face, he would've probably laughed seeing you like this if the mess wasn't caused by a his own dick.
As soon as you heard the "click" you returned gagging on his cock like a real pornstar: rolling your eyes, giggling and showing your tongue, during some short pauses you took it out and tapped it on your lips, smiling broadly. You weren't the only one smiling, you could've seen his amused grin under his phone. Sadly his eyes was hidden but you knew exactly he was losing it already. With such a display in front of him it was hard to stay still and not cum in seconds. When you got up a little, you felt one of his hands squeezing your left breast, he then moved his fingers to the nipple, pinching it hard, making you whimper. Atsuhiro didn't say a word but you knew he was demanding something, and that was a titfuck, you smiled mischievously at him while continuing to play with your breasts, kneading and fondling them.
The man let out a small lewd noise when you finally placed his cock between them, squeezing it gently. It wasn't as tight and pleasurable as your pretty cunt but oh, it was hot seeing his tip popping out of your soft tits and your cute naughty face looking directly at his chocolate eyes, burning with desire. You started moving them up and down, alternating the rhythm, pressing his dick more and more every time, going faster, once in a while you played with your nips letting out small moans to make him go crazy...and you kinda succeeded in that. 
"Oooh god that feels so fucking good..." 
His voice broke. 
"I need to fuck you so bad right now, you have no idea..." 
"So... what are you waiting for?" 
You said maliciously while licking the tip, still tifucking his cock: this made him snap. He immediately threw the phone on the other side of the bed, got up and took you by the throat. 
"Bend over, you filthy slut." 
You obeyed, as the good girl you were, and lifted up your ass as much as you could. There was no need to use lube or to finger your pussy, you loved the feeling of his dick completely spreading you apart.
Compress placed himself behind you, gripping your right asscheek firmly, while giving a little but dry slap on the other one. You whimpered a little. His hard member already pressing on your entrance,moving slowly between your folds and feeling how wet you were, he loved teasing his lovely slut and seeing for how long she could keep it up without shoving his dick by herself. 
"I don't want to repeat myself another time, you have to beg." 
He slapped you harder this time, squeezing your ass and sliding his cock under your cunt so you could feel his full length, eager to slam into you with force. 
"Beg me to destroy your insides, to not be able to walk tomorrow." 
You felt his tip dangerously near. 
"Beg me to tear your pussy apart..." 
It went inside you, just a little, but that was enough to make you lose it. 
"...because you know damn well..." 
He stopped like this, leaning forward your arched back and whispering in your ear: 
"...that no one can fuck my bitch like I do." 
You couldn't handle the burning sensation you were feeling and screamed, praying that he could finally do it. 
"Atsuhiro fuck me, please! I need you so fucking bad, put it inside, I can't take it anymo-"
You moaned loudly as he fully shoved his cock inside you so unexpectedly. He took it out and put it inside again, slowly, stretching every part of your insides, he let you feel everything before starting the real deal. You sounded so naughty, so dumb, whining about how he was filling you so well, how big he was, that there might not be enough space for him to fully enter, this just made him harder and harder. 
"I'm stretching you so fucking good, ain't that true, darling? You love this. Oh yes you do. Getting your tight pussy torn apart by my cock, this is what you think about every time you see me, right?" 
He started accelerating his rhythm, making sure to go as deep as he could. 
He grabbed your hair, making you arch more. 
He started pounding you hard and fast, it was amazing, it felt too good, you felt your orgasm grow more and more every time he went inside you. You were a moaning mess at this point, that's the only thing you could do while Compress was hitting you from behind, he even started spanking you, you wanted him to be as violent as possible. The man suddenly pushed your head into the pillow, moving his pelvis a little higher: in this way there's no way you're not going to cum, the angle is perfect. 
"Don't even think that we're over already... ah... I'm gonna cum right now but I won't be finished...with you... I've still got plenty-...fuck... of things up in my sleeve..." 
Like the jerk he was, he didn't finish inside you, that would've been too obvious, instead he immediately took it out and covered your back with his cum, letting out a loud grunt. It was exciting but disgusting, you needed a shower. You were also kinda pissed that he didn't make you cum already, but where's the fun in finish everything so quickly?
He leaned over your body and gently kissed your cheek while you were still trying to recover from, well, getting your pussy destroyed. 
"You did so well before, you really deserve some rest now, love." 
Atsuhiro looked so sweet right now, he was smiling and caressing you so gently, completely different from the man that was rearranging your guts just seconds ago.
That is how he usually is, loving and kind: he loves treating you like a princess even though he hasn't got a lot. Once he even stole an expensive gold ring for you, he's a skilled thief after all. Magic tricks are also one of his favorite things and he loves doing them in front of you like making flowers appear from nothing, butterflies out of his hand, taking out a cute bunny from his hat...typical magician things. He may be a jerk sometimes but he's just the sweetest, the best man you've ever been with. It's just that, when it comes to sex, he likes it rough, dirty and passionate. You were his princess but also his little toy, his dumb horny bitch. 
"Do you want anything to eat or drink? I'm going to the kitchen for a moment." 
"Mh, maybe just a glass of water." 
"Seriously? Just that? You need to eat something after all you've being through darling." 
He said smiling, he was making fun of you. 
"As if this wasn't your fault." 
"As if the princess wasn't moaning and screaming how good my dick was just five minutes ago uh?" 
You remained silent for some seconds. 
"A glass of water and a banana." 
"You're doing this on purpose right ...?" 
"No, I just need something quick to fill me up." 
"You just got yourself fil-" 
He laughed. Teasing you was so much fun. Atsuhiro left the room and went to the kitchen, meanwhile you went to the bathroom to wash a little, you were still covered with his sperm and sweat. After that, you put on a plain white tank top and some black panties you found in the clean laundry. Your partner was already there on the bed, eating a plain rice cracker, still wearing his black waistcoat and orange shirt, he wasn't wearing any pants, just his boxers. You let out a loud chuckle seeing such elegance on the top and then... that on the bottom. He looked at you with the cracker still in his mouth, rolling his eyes. 
"I've already stained them so it's better if they stay off..." he sighed. 
You took the banana on the small table and started to peel it. 
"Don't worry, you always look good, Mister!" 
He took another cracker from the pack while looking directly at the wall. 
"I know. I can be dashing even while wearing just some pair of white socks" 
"Damn, you're so full of yourself." 
"Well, ain't that true? Am I not handsome?" 
He said, showing a dumb smile and raising his eyebrows.
"I should wear my mask more often?" 
He moved closer to you, expecting an answer, still smiling like a petty child. 
"You're so goofy sometimes." 
"Bleh" he sticked his tongue out.
You kissed him on his pointy nose, he looked so adorable right now. These were those little moments that made you remember why you were so in love with him: Atsuhiro was funny, clever and charming, he was almost perfect if it wasn't for the fact that he may be a real asshole sometimes, being always so sarcastic and arrogant.
You finished your small meal and took the glass of water near the bed, but while you were about to take a sip, he "accidentally" pushed you a little while he was leaving the pack on the table, making you pour all the water on yourself.
You glared at him without saying anything and he was just there, smiling like an idiot. 
"Don't worry it's just some water, you needed to freshen up a little, right?"
You kept drinking the water that was left in the glass without responding. 
"C'mon dear, don't get angry with your lovely magician..." 
He put an arm around your waist, pulling you closer, while his other hand was touching your left shoulder. But he was obviously looking at something else right now. Your tank was white and the water made it almost transparent: your nipples were hard from the cold water and pretty much visible. You felt his heavy breath near your neck and his hands slowly moving to your chest, he was smiling like a fool just some seconds before but now he had a malicious grin on his face, eager to make you crazy by his touch.
You felt a shiver down your spine as soon as he bited your earlobe while gently brushing your nips, he wasn't even touching them yet but you were already terribly turned on, his hands were like magic. You let your head to rest on his shoulder and suddenly whimpered when he started kneading your breasts and kissing down your neck. 
"Ahhh... You get turned on by nothing, really..." 
He started pinching your nipples, playing with them as if they were his marbles, but still, there was the tank covering them. So... he just ripped it apart and started touching you harder, you could feel his nails digging in your soft skin. 
"I'll buy another one after this, you look better without it." 
"Y-you mean "stol-" 
You let out a loud moan as he bit your neck, hard, leaving hickeys all over it while still tormenting your nips. They were hurting a lot, but you didn't want him to stop. 
"Oh, the princess can't even talk properly now..." 
He started slowly moving his right hand down your panties, while the other one was still kneading your breasts. You instantly opened your legs a little, whimpering as he was already rubbing his fingers on your clit and feeling how wet you already were. 
"You seem wet enough for something bigger than my fingers." 
A marble appeared between his fingers, as he moved it through your wet folds making you shiver for how cold it was, he then uncompressed it revealing a vibrator. 
"I said bigger than my fingers not bigger than my dick, I wanna see how much you can contain yourself from screaming like a whiny bitch." 
The hand on your chest moved to your chin, he then pulled you into a passionate kiss that quickly became sloppy, as the sounds your intimate parts were making while he was rubbing the toy against them.
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I hope to finish this one day lol. This man may be a virgin for how easily flustered he gets but I'm sure he would be the best lover and I don't take a no as an answer.
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kookslastbutton · 2 years
Nice Desk ༓ myg (m)
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✑ Summary: "It means we should just skip all these formalities and make use of this damn desk already."
You have a very productive parent-teacher conference meeting with Mr. Min.
Pairing: single dad!yoongi x school teacher!reader (f)
Genre/AU: smut, some fluff, single parent au, pwp
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: explicit sex, swearing, dirty talk, oral (m & f), penetration, vaginal fingering, desk sex, nipple play, size kink?, praise kink, semi-public sex, big dick!yoongi, dom!yoongi, sub!reader
Now Playing: Aqquainted - The Weeknd
A/N: Damn this title is so uncreative but at least it's pretty self explanatory? Hahaha. I was very close to making this a dilf!Yoongi fic so if you want to imagine it go ahead lmao. Also I am terrible at filler so I hope I didn't move things along too fast. Regardless, I hope you enjoy! 😉
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Listen y/n, he's just a man. A very hot man but still a man who will be here any minute to once again discuss his daughter's progress in your classroom. Don't bite your lip, don't fidget around, and for the love of god don't think about his dick. Taking a sip of water, you chanted the phrases over and over in your head until a light knocking sound came from the opposite end of your classroom.
"Mr. Min, please come in," you greeted.
Yoongi strolled into the room and took a seat in front of your desk. You took in his appearance, black dress shirt with the first couple of buttons popped open, hair slightly ruffled, and the sexiest pair of glasses.
"How are you Ms. y/l/n?"
"I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking. What about you?"
"Not bad. Things have picked up at the office so I'm a bit more tired these days but overall good, " Yoongi replied as he rolled up his sleeves.
"Well I appreciate you coming for me-to meet me I mean." You crossed your legs before continuing, "Uh, as you know your daughter Ha-Eun is a very bright student and excels in many subjects. Lately math has become her strong suit. I think she may be taking after her father a little." You joked lightly, knowing that Yoongi was a data analyst.
"Yes, numbers are kind of my thing aren't they?" he smiled with a glint in his eyes. "I'm glad to know of my daughter's continuous growth. I believe it's the evidence of her having a good teacher, so thank you."
"Oh no, it's probably me who should be saying that to you. It's clear that you've raised her well. I want to tell you that Ha-Eun is not only a bright student but a kind one as well. Yesterday she picked flowers from the school's garden and brought them to me, saying that they should belong to me because I was the loveliest teacher in the whole world. The gardener came to me later slightly unimpressed but it was still a sweet gesture."
With a smile he replied, "It appears that my daughter is a good judge of character then. You are indeed the loveliest Ms. y/l/n."
Unsure of how to respond you began intertwining your fingers. "Are you okay?" Yoongi asked, noticing your constant shifting.
"Ah yes, I'm fine. Sorry, my hands have a mind of their own sometimes." You chuckled and steadied your hands on the surface of the desk.
"So do mine," he smirked. Mmm and wouldn't it be nice if those sleek fingers of his just accidently slipped right into your-no! Stop it y/n, stop it. Be professional you thirsty bitch.
Deciding it be best to get off this topic you grabbed the folder sitting near your computer. Opening it you took a sheet of paper out. "This was an activity I assigned to the students. They were supposed to draw something that makes them happy. This was Ha-Eun's."
Taking a look at the page there was a rough drawing of a man. The man looked to be in a running position as another man was chasing after him. The man being chased had some kind of food in his hand while the other held a fork. Yoongi chuckled upon seeing it.
"I admit it's cute but I don't understand. I was hoping you could tell me. Most students draw their family or pets." You glanced up at him curiously.
"It's Jimin and Taehyung. They're family friends of ours and have helped raise Ha-Eun these past few years. They come over for dinner often. This is a picture of a time when Jimin stole dumplings from Taehyung. You'd think they were running around like idiots simply to entertain her but no, they were serious."
"So the thing that makes your daughter happy is when people fight?"
"It's not like that. When Jimin and Taehyung fight its actually quite funny. The two of them are like children really, so it's nothing violent. Don't worry."
You nodded in understanding. "Now that you've explained it to me is does seem like something that you can get happiness from. It seems like she's surrounded by a lot of good people."
"She is. It's important to me that my daughter has people that love her and grows up to be someone loving as well."
Smiling you reached to grab the drawing to place it back in the folder. "I admire that value. Love is something I think we need more of in this world."
"We do," Yoongi paused before continuing, "Are you seeing anyone Ms. y/l/n?"
The question made you spill the folder on the ground, causing the papers to fall out of place. "Uh no, not at the moment."
Getting up from his seat Yoongi walked to the other side of your desk, kneeled down, and helped you clean up the mess. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
That handsome devil, how can he ask that and not expect you to lose all your marbles. Little fuck, he better fix this. With the folder back in place you turned around and gently tossed the folder into one of your desk drawers. "It's fine but why are you asking?"
You were about to turn and face him again when a pair of sturdy arms came on either side of you, caging you in from behind. As Yoongi's hands gripped the edges of the desk, the heat from his breath trickled down the back of your neck. You felt your core begin to stir at the sudden proximity.
"I'm going to be very straight with you now Ms. y/l/n. As an analyst part of my job is to observe patterns and sudden changes in behavior in order to determine the best course of action for my company. Ever since the day we met I've realized your body language has remained the same, constantly fidgeting with your fingers, tripping over your words, and dropping files. Bit clumsy aren't you?"
"Mr. Min-"
"And do you know what my data concludes? What it means?" Yoongi cut in.
"It means we should just skip all these formalities and make use of this damn desk already." Turning you around to face him, Yoongi grabbed your hips and pulled you into a rough kiss. He bit on the bottom of your lip before smoothly sliding his tongue into your mouth to dance with your own. Sweet hell, you could get use to this, but fuck you were in your classroom. There where still other teachers here for god's sake.
"We can't do this here. What if someone sees us," you blurted.
"Well they can join in if they'd like."
"Mr. Min!"
"If you're going to shout like that they'll definitely catch us," Yoongi brushed his lips against the edge of your ear, "we need to use our inside voices, y/n. Like this," he whispered.
You fisted his shirt as he lifted you up on the surface of your desk. A few items fell on the ground during the process. "This isn't really sturdy Mr. Min," you voiced quietly.
"Good, maybe it'll break when I fuck into you later. And what did I say about formalities? Call me Yoongi." He took his glasses off and set them on the shelf next to your chair before removing his shirt. "May I?" He asked, tugging on the edge of your dress.
You nodded as you ogled at his chest. "You should have came to the meeting like this," you commented.
Smirking he dragged your dress over your head and threw it on the ground. "Likewise," he replied before attaching his lips to the side of your neck. You moaned as you felt him trail down to your collarbone.
You reached behind you seconds after and unhooked your bra, allowing him a full view of your breasts. You bit your lip as you watched his pupils dilate.
"Fuck, you're so gorgeous baby," he praised. "Can I-"
"Yes," you interrupted. "Please, need you to touch me."
Not wasting another minute he grabbed your breasts and pressed into your hardened nipples with his thumbs. His tongue soon licked over them, switching back and forth between each bud. Your head tilted back as sparks of electricity rippled through your spine. Your legs spread apart as well, causing your knee to rub against his growing erection. Yoongi groaned at the contact and released your breasts. He slide your panties down to your ankles to which you easily kicked off.
Fingers now entering your heat, you arched your back.
"Argh Yoongi! This feels so-ahh amazing."
"What did we say about inside voices sweetheart?" His fingers deepened within you.
"I-I'm sorry," you managed to mumble out.
"Mm look at you. So fucked out over two fingers." He scissored in you before continuing, "I wonder what'll happen if I do this…" Bringing his tongue down to you pussy he dragged it all over your sex.
"Shh. Don't make me put you in time out Ms. y/l/'n."
You whimpered at the gesture. His fingers continued to work inside you, causing the already formed knot in you to grow. When your body started rising and falling heavier, Yoongi knew you were about to come. He pulled his fingers out of you almost instantly and plunged his tongue between your folds. He knew you were struggling not to scream. After a bit more licking and twisting, the cord within you broke free and hot cum was pouring out of your pussy. You'd think Yoongi would pull back by now but he didn't. The man just kept eating at your cunt.
"Yoongi wait, I came. You don't have to keep going. Yoongi-," you exclaimed.
Pulling off of you, Yoongi looking at you with a smirk, "You think I don't know that?" He placed a kiss across your pussy next before continuing, "Sorry. You were just so wet, I couldn't help myself. I didn't hurt you did I?"
Swallowing, you glanced down at his crotch. "Not at all, but I think I'd like to return the favor now." You licked your lips slightly before gazing back up into his eyes.
You watched as he stood up to fumble with his belt. He slid his pants down his legs, along with his underwear. Upon seeing his dick your pussy clenched. It was thick, long, and the tip was glistening with his precum. You needed it in your mouth right now. Slipping off the desk you dropped to your knees in front of him. Your hands reached up to stroke his member before wrapping your mouth around the head. You sucked gently and teased the underside with your tongue before taking his length further into your mouth. When the tip hit the back of your throat, Yoongi let out a deep groan.
"Fuck, that's one hell of a gag reflex you have baby. Let's see how long it'll last shall we?" He pulled your hair back into a makeshift ponytail and started driving his cock in and out of your mouth at a ridiculously fast pace. Your eyes were watering with every jolt and so was your pussy.
"Look at you taking my cock so well. Getting it nice and wet for me. God you're so beautiful it's making me crazy. Can I come in your mouth?"
You nodded as best you could and with that it was your turn to have come gush into your mouth. You managed to swallow most of it but some ended up dripping down your chin. You gathered that portion up with your finger as you stood back on your feet.
Yoongi bent down to pick up his pants and take out the wallet from the side pocket. He opened it and grabbed a condom out before throwing it back on the floor. "What?" He said noticing your slightly surprised expression. "You still want this right?"
"I do, definitely. It's just…"
"How many of those do you have in there?"
Yoongi smirked, "Well I can give you three rounds before we'd have to pause."
"Oh! I-was just wondering. We don't have to go more than once." You watched as he ripped the packet open and rolled the condom over his cock.
"Let's take care of the first one, then decide. Alright?"
Cheek now pressed up against the surface of your desk, Yoongi had you in a bent position which allowed your ass to be very much in his line of vision. You were shaking with anticipation and he could tell.
"I know you're eager right now but if you need to stop at any time tell me immediately. I want this to be good for both of us okay?"
"Don't worry, I will."
"Good, now try not to scream too loudly sweetheart." He teased you with the head of this cock, pressing it just barely between your slick folds and guided it up and down your sex.
"Oh god just put it in already. Please, need it in me."
"Yeah? Want this big cock to stretch out this tight little pussy? of yours"
"Urgh yes, I-Ah shit!!" You gripped the desk as he grabbed your hips and pushed his cock into your soaking heat.
Surely everyone was going to know what was going on in your classroom now.
"Oh that damn stapler!" Yoongi retorted.
"What the hell are you saying?"
"Shh I hear someone, better play along unless you want them to know what a naughty teacher you are," he whispered.
Taking a deep breath you raised your voice, "Mr. Min! What happened? Are you okay?"
"Ah yeah, I'm fine. I was fiddling around with things I shouldn't have been and knocked into the desk. Your stapler dropped on my foot and it was a harder hit than I was prepared for." Yoongi smirked knowing his lie had dual meaning.
"I'm glad your okay. It scared me for a minute."
"I'm sure it did. It's a pretty big dick huh?" he whispered again, leaning over to cover your back.
The two of you waited a second before hearing a door close. Whoever it was must have left. Thank fuck because as hot as I'd be for them to walk in, you really didn't want to lose your job either.
"Mm Yoongi..," you voiced, breaking the silence.
"I want to hear it."
"Hear what?"
"Wanna hear you say that I have the biggest dick you've ever seen and you can't live without it being in your mouth or pussy."
"Excuse me?"
"Please, wanna hear it before I fill you up."
"You-you have the biggest d-." You paused.
"I have the biggest what y/n?"
"You have the biggest dick I've ever seen and I can't live without it being in my mouth or cunt."
That said, Yoongi thrusted deep into you, over and over again until all either of you could hear was each other's grunting, moaning, and the squeaking of the desk underneath you. His pace was making everything in your body light up and when you clenched around him, it made him more determined to plow through your cunt.
"Yoongi, your dick it-it's gonna make me come."
"Well fuck, I should hope so. You're squeezing around me like you're gonna lose it. Really making me work tonight, huh?" He wiggled his cock down into you a bit more making your breath hitch for a moment.
"Arghh, I can't help it," you groaned, "I think my body's just too excited."
"Mm, likes it when my cock digs into the smallest parts of you does it?" He brought his cock out before slamming it back in for the umpteenth time that night.
"It-it would seem so… fuck, I'm almost there."
One last thrust of his pelvis was enough break what felt like a fucking dam within you. Yoongi's cock was now drenched in your cum. After he stayed in you for a brief moment, he began pulling himself out of you.
"So," he spoke up. "I think this meeting went well. Can I take you out for dinner sometime?"
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A/N: I'm so pleased that you'd come read my fics and do hope that you will find some joy in them. That said I'd really love to hear your feedback more than anything. It helps me grow as an author and put out more fics for you all to enjoy. 💕
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justagamerandaweeb · 5 months
Drunk Sex - Modern AU! Sanemi and Giyuu x Reader
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In celebration of graduating from college, Uzui decided to call everyone to his place to have a graduation party. It's well-deserved honesty, these 4 years have been an absolute nightmare for everyone.
You got to his place and were amazed at how big it was. You heard the sound of music blasting inside the house. "Wow, Uzui has a big house. They must be having some fun in there. Well here goes nothin'..." You walked up to the door and knocked on it.
No one answered.
You knocked on the door again.
Still no answer.
You were about to ring the doorbell when suddenly the door opens. Once the door was fully opened the person that was in front of you was none other than Uzui.
"(Y/N)! My main girl, wassup!" His hand stretched out in front of you and you dabbed him up. "Hell yeah, gimmie some. So whatcha here for? You here for the party?"
"I wouldn't be here If I wasn't." You said while smirking up at him since this man is a fucking giant. "Besides, we graduated so why else would I be here other than to celebrate?"
"Hahaha! That's what I like to hear! Come in! Make sure you take your shoes off too." He said while walking back into the house.
You closed the door, took off your shoes and followed him. The sound of music got closer and closer as you arrive in the living room. And Jesus Christ, his living room was big.
There was an upstairs that gave you a bird's eye of the entire living room, not to mention that the kitchen was right next to the living room. Speaking of bird's eye, every person you've met throughout your 4 years in college was there. Kyojuro, Akaza, Michikatsu, Yoriichi, Gyutaro, Gyomei, Daki, Douma, anyone you knew, they were there. Even Sanemi and Giyuu.
"Jeez, everyone is here." You said as you saw people dancing, socializing with each other, or just sitting down eating and drinking like it's the last day on earth.
"Yeah. Just shows you how many people are relieved to get out of college. It's a fucking hellhole. Thank God we all graduated, though."
He then pats your back. "Welp, I'm gonna leave you to it then. Have some fun while I go spit some game." He said while winking at you.
You stammered as you stood there like a social outcast. "Wait, don't you already got 3 girlfriends!?"
"There ain't nothing wrong with getting a 4th one!" He said as he cackles and vanishes into the crowd.
Though him being the second tallest person in the house, you could clearly see him. "I can still see your bitch ass!"
Uzui raises his arm to the air and flips you off. And the response, you did the same but he didn't notice it since the back of his head was facing you.
"Damn, he didn't see it. I guess I'll flip him off later. But in the meantime, I'm starving and thirsty so let's see what they have in the kitchen..."
You took your shoes off and started to walk to the kitchen to see what they had in store. To your surprise, a lot of shit was there. Meat, fish, vegetables, soft drinks, liquor, booze, beer, vodka, everything.
"Jeez... I don't even know what to pick... Maybe I should start small and go with the (F/F). Maybe I should get a drink with it as well."
You grabbed a plate and picked your food and got an (F/D) with it. You walked to the table and sat down at an empty table and started to eat.
You opened your phone and open up Youtube and started to watch (F/YT), but heard a girly voice call out your name. "(Y/N)!"
You felt a pair of arms wrapping around you and someone's head on top of yours as strands of lime green to white hair covered your eyes. "Nice to see you too, Daki."
She stops hugging you and backs up. "Aww, how you know it me?"
You got out of the chair and not only Daki is with you, but also Gyutaro. "Really? Your hair is the most thing that stands out about you, other than your face."
"Aww, cmon, the same thing can literally be said about Mitsuri! She's beautiful and has unique hair, everyone knows that!"
"Yeah, but she is the second person I would think that would have unique hair color. There's something about you that stands out the most to me the most."
Gyutaro raises his eyebrow and says, "Are you hitting on my sister or some shit?"
You shrug your shoulders. "Maybe? Maybe not? I don't fucking know! I just came to get some food and regret my life choices once I get drunk! Not spit some game at people like Uzui!"
They both laughed at your reaction to Gyutaro's question. "Yeah well, enjoy the party while you still can, you don't know what's bound to happen."
You sighed. "Yeah, I guess so. Wait, before you two go back with whatever you two were doing, mind if I take a picture with both of you?"
"Sure!" Daki said in her energetic tone. While said, "Yeah, why not?" In a tired tone of voice. Then again, when does he not sound tired?
You switched your phone to your camera mode and went to the front camera. You hovered your phone above you and told Daki and Gyutaro, "Smile!"
Daki held up 2 peace signs and smiled while Gyutaro winked at the camera, held the devil's horns, and smiled. You took the photo and went to your gallery to look at it.
Daki peeked over your shoulder to see the photo. "Oh my God, I look so cute, send that to me!" She said in an excited high pitched tone of her voice. Gyutaro looked at the photo and shrugged to himself, "I guess I look cool."
"Well, you two can go back to do whatever you were doing while I do the same." Daki hugs you and says, "Ok, see ya! Cmon Gyutaro, let's go." He nods at walks with his sister before he looks back at you and throws a peace sign at you.
You did the same and put your phone back on Youtube and went back to watching (F/YT). You sat back down at the table and continued to eat.
You put down your empty can of (F/D) as you were finished eating your food. You got up and walked up to the trash can and threw the paper plate and can away.
You stretched as you were stuffed from eating. "Man I'm stuffed. Do I have any room for dessert? Or at least get a swig of some of that hard stuff..."
"Hey, (Y/N)!"
"Oh great, more social activity." You turned around to see Kyojuro and Akaza walking toward you both of them having cups in their hands. "Oh, Kyojuro and Akaza, nice seeing you two!"
They both chuckle and Akaza walks up to you and says, "It's nice to see you too, (Y/N)." He said as he reaches his hand out for you to shake it, which you did. After you got done shaking Akaza's hand, Kyojuro wraps his arm around you and you pat his back.
He gives you some space as he backs up next to Akaza. "So, happy that you're done with college?" Kyojuro said as he took a sip of his cup.
"More you than you know."
"Heh... I feel that." Akaza said as he also took a sip of his cup. "You have no idea how much it was a nightmare for me. Especially when I had Douma as my roommate."
"Really? What's so bad about him?"
Akaza looks at you with a disgusted look on his face as if you stabbed a puppy in cold blood. "Have you NOT seen Douma!? Everything about him just spells fucking trouble!"
"I mean..." You scratched your head to think of some that give off the same energy as him. "At least he's not like Enmu..."
"No, he's not. He's fucking worse." Akaza said as he took another sip of his drink. He sighs, "But I'm glad it's over now, I don't have to deal with his bullshit anymore." You nodded as to agree with Akaza but were quickly concerned about why was Kyojuro walking away. "Hey, where are you going!?"
"I'm going to get you a drink, be right back!" He said as he walks into the crowd of people.
"That's Kyojuro for ya, always want to help other people even when they don't need it."
You nodded in agreement. You cleared your throat to get Akaza's attention and said, "So, you two finally kissed and make up after these years?"
He snickers but clears his throat for a second before answering your question. "If you wanna call it that, yeah. He and I decided to put our 'drama' to the side and make up for once. Turns out we have really good chemistry with each other."
"Drama? What do you mean 'drama'?"
"Remember that time the whole university thought I tried to beat up a high school kid that had dark red hair?"
He clicks his tongue and hisses through his teeth. "Well... I think you already know..."
Your brain wasn't functioning for a few seconds until something clicked in your mind. You gasped and were about to say something until he quickly hushed you.
"Please don't shout out loud, unless you want people to give us cold stares."
"Sorry, but why would you do that?"
"Because he told me to."
You raised your eyebrow in suspicion. "Whos 'he'?
"A lot of people call him The Hee Hee Man, or The Smooth Criminal. That's the easiest hint I could give you."
"Oh! Do you mean Muzan? Why would he order you to beat up a kid that is still in high school?"
"I don't know, ask him. His psychology is very loose if you know what I mean."
You chuckled from the way he said psychology. "That's a big word for you, Akaza."
He scoffs. "Fuck you."
"I know you would love to."
"Okay, I'm back!" Kyojuro announced as he jogs to you with your cup that was filled with ice and golden orange booze. "Sorry, it took so long, a lot of people were wasted when I got there."
"Thank you." You took a sip of the booze and were ready to spit out your drink when you realized that it didn't taste that bad. It kinda tasted like (F/D).
"This taste surprisingly good. What did you put in here, Kyojuro?"
"I put some (F/D) in it since that is your favorite. I thought to myself that might make you like the taste of the booze more."
"Sun boy knows his stuff, nice." Akaza said as he pats Kyojuro's back.
"No that would be Yoriichi, he's the one that really knows his stuff. I heard he aced everything during the last four years."
"Really!? Well, I guess I'll go have a word with him if I see him." You said as took another sip of your drink.
"Alright, it was nice talking with you, (Y/N)," Akaza said as he wrapped his arm around you. Kyojuro does the same as well but pats your head after he was done hugging you. "You didn't have to do that you know."
"Oh I know, I just wanted to though. Let's talk later in the future, alright? You still got us in your contacts?"
You nodded and Kyojuro and Akaza smiles. "Alright. Until we meet again (Y/N), peace!" And Kyojuro waves at you while Akaza threw a peace sign.
You did the same once again as you watched Akaza and Kyojuro walking to the living room. "Now, time to go find Yoriichi."
You searched around the house to see where Yoriichi could be and decided to ask one of Michikatsu's friends where they could be. "Yo, Kaigaku!"
He turns around, "Oh, hey (Y/N), what's up?"
"Nothing much, can I ask you something?"
"Have you seen Yoriichi anywhere? Or maybe Michikatsu?"
"Oh yeah! They went to the bathroom together. Yoriichi carried him there since he was so drunk he could barely stand." He said as he took a sip of the can of peach-flavored Crush.
"Okay thank you!" You said as you started to walk to the bathroom.
"No problem." He said as he went to his phone and opened Youtube.
As you were getting closer to the bathroom, you heard faint sounds of someone vomiting. "There you go, just let it all out." A soft voice said as an overwhelming noise of someone retching was cut off from him.
You open the door to see Michikatsu on his knees and his face inside the toilet seat while Yoriichi was patting his back while sitting in the bathtub.
"Oh, hey (Y/N). What's going on?"
"Nothing much just came to see what you were doing. You?"
"Same like you. Just relieved that I'm done with college."
"Could've fooled me. Because someone told me that you aced all your classes."
"That doesn't mean I didn't like it. It was a nightmare for me, just like the rest of you." Yoriichi said as Michikatsu throws up again and you hear the sound of splashing water and vomit colliding.
You cringed from the sound and said, "Yeah keep telling yourself that while we were all struggling to pass." You took a swig of your drink and cleared your throat as you felt it go down your throat. "Well, I'm going to the kitchen to get a couple of drinks, since my cup is almost empty. Have fun with the party."
Yoriichi waved at you as you closed the door behind you and heard the sound of Michikatsu puking again. You walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of booze.
You only pour a good amount of it before grabbing some (F/D) and mixing it in. You sat down on the chair and started to drink your cup of booze mixed in with (F/D).
Time skip
"Oh fuck, my head... I feel so lightheaded..." You thought as you tried to take a sip of your drink after your 3rd refill, this is your 4th now.
"Cmon, just one more sip, and I'll drop it..." Your arm began to shake you got closer and closer to putting your lips on the rim of the cup. You successfully put the cup in your mouth and took in final sip before putting it down.
You started to hiccup uncontrollably as your entire body felt it just shut down on yourself. You then felt something pat your back and stroke it. You turned around to see Uzui behind you patting your back. "Man (Y/N), you don't look so good."
"Thanks for... *hic* pointing the obvious."
"Hey look I'm just trying to look out for you. There's a guest room upstairs if you want some time alone. It's on the right side, you can't miss it. "
"Y-Yeah. I think I'll do that *hic*." You got up off the table and walked up the stairs. You almost fell when you felt Uzui catch you. "Thank *hic* you..."
"No problem. Make sure you hold on to the railing." You nodded and started to go up the stairs while holding the railing to not lose your balance.
Once you got up the stairs, you noticed a door that was right on the right of you. "This must be the room he was talking about..." You opened the door to see a tv a cable box, and a king-size bed.
"Wow, that bed looks so comfortable..." You took off your shoes and jacket and plopped down on the bed. "Oh my God, and it's Tempur-Pedic. Uzui has all the good shit in this house... Now I'm just gonna rest my eyes for a few... Minutes..." You closed your eyes and drifted to sleep as you softly snored.
Mini time skip
A couple of minutes went by as you were taking a nap and you heard the sound of a door opening. "H-Huh?"
You look back to see two men coming in. One had black hair with ocean blue eyes while the other had white hair and dark purple eyes.
"S-Sanemi? Giyuu? What are you two doing up here?"
"We came up here to relax, we didn't know anybody was in here. We'll look for another room, we're sorry for coming in."
"N-No no, it's okay. You can come in if you want to."
"Thank you." Giyuu said as he took off his shirt and layed down next to you. The blush on your face from drunkenness was reddened from how close Giyuu was close to you. It didn't help either when he wraps his arms around you and nuzzled his nose under your neck.
"Dude, why are you holding her like that? Are you that drunk that you wanna cuddle with someone?"
"Maybe... Or I'm just really excited right now..." He said in a hushed way.
"You're excited? Well, the fuck is stopping you? Go for it and get the jump on her. Were in a party after all, things like this happen."
"I mean... Your not wrong but, I don't wanna make her uncomfortable."
"Just ask for her consent then, the fuck? You're making it sound way harder than it needs to be."
He sighs and said, "Alright, fine." He looks at you and cups your cheek. "Do you want to do this? I understand if you feel uncomfortable and feel like I'm forcing you to do this. But I just want you to know is that if you say yes, we can kiss and possibly go further. If you say no, I will stop and go back to cuddling with you. So, what is it gonna be?"
"I understand if you say no, since you might feel uncomfortable and were both drunk and all..."
"N-No, I want to do it. Please, kiss me." You wrapped your arms around his neck and back and you both started to lean in into each other and kissed.
The kissing was sloppy but at the same time, it was gentle. He holds you in a tight embrace while you do the same as you both disconnect and reconnect with every kiss. He makes you roll under him, making him the one on top. Even though he doesn't know what he's doing, he tries to french kiss you as he touches down your body slowly trying not to startle you.
Your moan was muffled as you both felt your tongues twirling with each other as you both feel down each other bodies. A quiet pop was made as Giyuu disconnected the kiss.
You both breathe heavily staring at each other as you both have blushes on your faces. "H-How was that?"
"It felt good, Giyuu. M-My body felt so safe when you were holding me while kissing me."
"That's good to hear, but do you want to take it further and, you know?"
You thought about it for a second and said to yourself, "Maybe he's a virgin, just like me maybe we can work this out together."
Sanemi scoffs. "Cmon it's clear that she wants to! I mean if you were kissing good enough to the point where she moans, then it's a clear sign that wants it."
He looks back at you and says, "Do you really want to do this?" He asked you with the most concerning-looking eyes you have ever seen and you nodded.
"Okay, mind if I take off your clothes?" You shook your head "No, I don't mind it." He mutters an okay before he started to take his pants off. You started to take off your clothes too as you took off your shirt and pants, everything including your panties and bra.
You both were completely naked with each other. Giyuu's cock was hard and twitching begging to be inside a warm entrance. "Lay down on your back."
You layed down on the mattress but kept your head up. "Move your legs." You separated your legs and showed your pussy to Giyuu.
He then lines up to your entrance and looks at you one more time for the approval to keep going, and you nodded. He then started to rub his cock on your wet folds trying to lube himself up to you.
"You feel so wet..." You blushed and looked away from him but gasped as you felt his tip enter you. You whimper in pain and pleasure as he slowly pushes his cock inside you.
Giyuu groans from the feeling of your hot and tight walls. "She's so tight, and yet I'm only pushing it in..."
He then felt something stopping him from going further. He looks at you and goes, "(Y/N), are you...?"
You shyly nodded as were embarrassed to tell Giyuu that you were a virgin. He then kisses you and started to move his hips slower to the point your hymen breaks. You let out a half scream, half moan as you felt his cock break your hymen as he stretches your insides.
He strokes your hair for comfort and lets you adjust to his size for a few minutes. He stops kissing you and touches your cheek with his thumb.
"That wasn't too bad, right?"
"Y-You feel so big inside me..."
"And you feel so tight, it's like you're clamping down on me. But I'm gonna let you adjust for a few moments..." He groans as he felt you clenching around him. "And your making that really hard for me if you're gonna keep clenching down on me like that..."
"I-I'm sorry, I can't help it..." You wrapped your arms around his neck and made him lean down and kiss you.
The kiss was more heated than before, both of you passionately kissing each other, every time you both disconnect the kiss, you would want to go back for more. His hips stuttered and started to move on their own, causing you to make a loud moan.
He stops kissing you and says, "My hips are moving are their own. I'm sorry (Y/N), I can't control myself." He said as he moans from the feeling of your warm and wet pussy.
"I-Its okay, it feels good s-so, please don't stop." You lock your legs around his waist as he thrusts his hips into you.
Your breathing was shaking as you tried to stifle a moan but couldn't as you were in complete bliss from Giyuu's cock pumping inside you. "Why are you trying to be quiet?"
"B-Because I don't want anyone to hear us." You stuttered as you close your mouth to stifle a moan. "It's okay, where upstairs anyway. Most of them are just downstairs." He said as he started to thrust faster at a moderate pace. Your back arched and let out a high-pitched moan but bit your lip. "That's it, just like that, I wanna hear your voice.
As Sanemi was watching this, he looks down to see his tent in his pants. He blushes as to realize that he was getting a hard-on from this. "Fuck... I'm getting excited just by watching this shit... I want fuck (Y/N) but Giyuu is already doing that... And I don't want her to suck my dick since she's drunk and might bite down on it. Unless..." His eyes pan down to Giyuu's ass jiggling every time he moves his hips and he felt his cock throbbing.
"Am I really getting excited just because of his ass? Damn... Oh, fuck it..." He began to undress as he watched the intercourse happening. A few seconds later, Sanemi was fully naked with his 8-in-a-half inch long and 5 inches thick cock erect and twitching.
He grabbed some lube, poured some on his hand, and started to stroke his cock until it was completely covered in it.
He slowly walks to the bed and gets behind Giyuu. He puts his hand on his hip and that causes Giyuu to flinch and stop.
"Sanemi, what are you-"
"Shut up. I'm fucking horny right now, and I want to be in the mix. So how bout you shut up and focus on fucking her insides while I focus on fucking your ass..." He prods Giyuu's asshole and slowly enters inside him, making Giyuu gasp and make a shaky exhale.
"It's in. Now, move your hips for her, and I'll move mine." He then started to move his hips onto Giyuu's ass and he moans. But regardless, he still was thrusting into you.
"Your ass so so fucking tight... It's like you want me to cum before you... But that ain't gonna happen, not until you cum inside her." He said as he was fucking Giyuu's tight ass.
"F-Fuck..." Giyuu said as he was thrusting inside you but at the same felt Sanemi hitting his prostate. He leans down and kisses your lips as you felt his cock hitting your womb. He stops kissing you and you said, "Giyuu..."
"Go faster, p-please."
"Will do." He started to move his hips faster into you and you started to moan and pant heavily, it was like you were hypnotized by pleasure.
Giyuu was hypnotized by pleasure as well. He felt Sanemi's fat cock pumping inside him as well as hitting his male G-spot.
You felt your stomach tightening as you felt closer and closer to your climax. "Giyuu, I-I'm gonna!" He cups your cheek and pecks your lips. "That's it baby, cum for me. C-Cum on my dick for me..." He french kisses you as he pounds your pussy, hitting your womb every time he fully enters you.
You started to whimper as you got closer and closer to your breaking point until the know in your stomach snapped. You made a shaky husk moan as you felt your pussy spraying your juices on his cock and pelvis. "G-Giyuu..."
"I know, baby, I know." He said as he continued fucking your pussy that was drenched in your juices. Wet and lewd noises come out every time his hips come into contact with each other. He looks at you and you covered your face with your arms. "D-Don't look at me..." He smirks and pecks your lips. "Just try to hold on, okay? I-I'll cum soon eventually."
Said as he caressed your chin when suddenly he was pushed from Sanemi's force of thrusting. "H-Hey, you're being too rough..."
"So what? As long as I make you cum, that's all I care about." Sanemi said as he grabbed Giyuu's hips and started to pound his ass.
"A-Ah! Fuck!" He started to move his hips vigorously pounding your sensitive cunt. You let out another half scream, half moan as you felt his tip kissing your womb. You removed your arms from your face to reveal your teary face to him. He wipes the tears away from your face and gently kisses your lips.
You've wrapped your arms around his neck and locked your legs tighter around his waist as he uses all the stamina he had left on you.
A few minutes later, and Giyuu felt his cock twitching inside you as he pumps himself faster and faster into you. He stops kissing you as a thin rope of saliva stretches between you two. "I'm gonna cum... Where do you want me to...?"
"P-Please, inside me."
He looks at you with concern in his eyes, making sure that you actually wanted that. "A-Are you sure?" You frantically nodded as you captured his lips with yours. His moaning got louder and louder as he felt himself getting closer to his climax until he grunted and felt his cock finally spurted you.
You felt his hot cum flowing inside your pussy, giving you shivers throughout your entire body. You both stop kissing as you were both shaking from stimulation. His hips were stuttering as they were slowly moving even though he already come.
He felt Sanemi twitching inside him and his breath started to shake. "F-Fuck! I'm gonna... Fucking... gonna!" He slammed his hips into Giyuu's ass and leaned his head back as he let out an exhale as he felt his cock spurting out his cum.
Giyuu softly moaned as he felt his ropes filling his ass. As they were panting from how exhausted they were, Sanemi grabs his chin, makes him look at him, and connects their lips together. It was a slow and passionate kiss as their saliva was exchanged with each other. Spit running down their chins after kissing for so long.
They stop kissing as a line of saliva stretches between their lips. They stare at each other for a couple of seconds before Sanemi says, "Lay down." He takes his cock out of Giyuu and pushes him on top of you.
"H-Hey." He wraps his hand around your waist and makes you lay down on your side. You yawned because of how tired you were. "I'm so sleepy..." Giyuu grabs the covers and puts them under you and him. "Me too, me too baby..." He kisses your lips for a few seconds and stops as a quiet pop was made.
"Scoot." Sanemi said as he went under the cover and laid behind Giyuu. His arm went around his waist and he scoots up to him until he felt his butt touching his pelvis.
"You always this forceful?"
"Only when I'm drunk... Now shut up, and let me go to... Sleep..." He said as he closes his eyes, softly snores and drifts off into sleep.
"W-Well, good night, Giyuu." You said as you put your head between his chest and closed your eyes.
"Yeah... Good night..." Giyuu said as he puts his hand on your back and proceeds to go to sleep.
Well, this was one way to celebrate graduation from college. You for sure won't forget this for the rest of your life.
Unless you were really drunk and this will be a haze for you tomorrow.
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amesstms · 1 day
-ˋˏ ➛ 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝟐, 𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐃𝐒 . sentence starters . ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ . sᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴛᴡᴏ - ᴡᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ ʜᴏᴍᴇ .
❝ see you tonight! don't be late, losers! ❞
❝ okay, update time! you heard back from [ name ] yet? ❞
❝ um... no... i'm sure she'll reply at some point. ❞
❝ let me take a look at the situation. ❞
[ text ] hey [ name ], u going to the party tonight? 
❝ dude, we talked about this! could you have any less game? ❞
❝ i'm no good at this! ❞
❝ how about: "yo [ name ], see you at the party, let me know if i should bring handcuffs"? ❞
❝ oh my god! you thirsty bitch. ❞
❝ here, let "[ name ] the love witch" work her/his/their magic... ❞
❝ okay, just... don't make me sound like a loser. ❞
❝ i said matchmaker, not miracle worker... ❞
❝ hey, hold on, let me check it before you send! ❞
❝ too late! ❞
[ text ] would be awesome 2 see you there. 
❝ what? i could have texted that... ❞
❝ it's a good start... she'll/he’ll/they’ll text back, you'll see. ❞
❝ you know... i don't even know if i wanna go tonight... ❞
❝ oh please. it's gonna be fun! you hate every party. ❞
❝ oh because... they're all the same. too many people, too fucking loud, everybody's wasted... ❞
❝ yes, [ name ]. you just described... a party! ❞
❝ well? the suspense is killing me! ❞
❝ it's dad/mom. wants to know if i'm coming home after school. jeez, i'm not a ten year old... ❞
❝ he/she just cares about you, [ name ]... anyway, you should be happy your dad's/mom’s looking out for you. ❞
❝ oh, it's [ name ]. saying she/he/they can't wait to see us at the party! ❞
❝ what? really? yes! ❞
❝ told you i would work my matchmaker magic. ❞
❝ hmm... so... so what should i wear tonight? ❞
❝ a condom. ❞
❝ ho ha ha. paying plenty of attention in sex ed class, i see... ❞
❝ shut the fuck up, dickhead! ❞
*[ name ] gives her/him/them the middle finger.*
❝ damn, your neighbor's an asshole. ❞
❝ yup. always true to himself! ❞
❝ man... we need to find a couch for your yard one day. ❞
❝ oooh careful... last time my dad/mom almost busted me out here... ❞
❝ because you were alone. your dad/mom wouldn't bust me. he/she/they loves me. so... you want a hit or not? ❞
❝ yeah, okay. it's friday. ❞
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dirtyoldmanhole · 7 months
so leigh confirmed i wasn't reading gunter's JP personal history in the pelucid crystal artbook wrong, and that there's a line in there that states (paraphrased) that garon was the one to give gunter his scar before force-feeding him the dragon's blood.
and i have an analysis post coming! because holy s h i t!!!!! that CHANGES EVERYTHING?? also jesus christ gunter T______________T
what the fuck nintendo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you know the thing that just poleaxed me tonight
with this forbidden knowledge(tm) if you ship him with f!corrin in conquest there's like at least four layers of daddy incest kink with this ship
gunter raises f!corrin in that paternal role in her whole living memory (given mind wipes)
corrin's assumed "dad" (garon) has an unknown amount of control over gunter---given nohrian magic how far does that go? suggestions? he can't make actions garon wouldn't want? what the fuck does this mean if you marry gunter in conquest l m a o????? garon's into it???? or does gunter just FERVENTLY HOPE that garon doesn't learn about them banging in secret OR ABOUT THEIR SECRET KID until corrin kills the bitch? god damn u thirsty gunter
there's the whole fuckery of gunter using corrin for revenge against his own wife+kiddos and there's definitely some kind of .... 'still not over them' grief going on there......
gunter's straight up possessed by f!corrin's actual dragon dad the entire time he's known her
fucking.... daddy kink inception going on here ahahahaha oh my goddddd I'M DYING.......
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Moar cause I wanna know (if not previously answered) and love your music takes (and all others): 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18 ❤️❤️
12. A song you feel should be higher up Lol kind of several but You First by Paramore is 96th and I feel like I've listened to it a lot more haha, plus it has some kicker lyrics and is just a banger
Karma's gonna come for all of us And I hope, well I hope, I just hope She comes, comes for you first, oh
Turns out I'm living in a horror film Where I'm both the killer and the final girl
13. The song with the most peculiar sound (to you) Oooooh okay so it doesn't seem peculiar to me anymore bc I've listened to it so much, but Two Scenes by San Fermin bc of weird and ever-changing time signatures, as well as almost like two fully different songs in one (as the title suggests) that then merge into one and there's a recurring kinda like 'meep' sound for lack of a better description hahaha that runs throughout the album and is noticeable here during several parts plus san fermin is typical rock band instruments with also a violin, trumpet, and bari sax (instead of bass) and it's very cool but also probably weird the first time hearing it
On the other hand, one that I've listened to a lot and still feels... not peculiar in a bad way but the percussion/instrumentation of it and the chords and timing is still super interesting to me is Working for the Knife by Mitski
15. Most danceable track This Hell by Rina Sawayama babeyyyy It's such a groove and it kind of actually has a dance that Rina and the dancers do on tour which is super fun and I poorly attempted to learn before the concert lol And just- with lyrics like these how can you not wanna dance?
God hates us? Alright then, buckle up, at dawn we're riding
Getting ready for the night Damned for eternity, but you're coming with me into the afterlife This hell is better with you We're burning up together, baby, that makes two 'Cause the devil's wearing Prada and loves a little drama, ooh-ooh This hell is better with you
Don't know why we're here, but might as well get down and dirty That Satan's looking thirsty, not even he can hurt me
Got my invitation to eternal damnation Get in line, pass the wine, bitch, we're going straight to Hell
16. A song everyone should know aaaaaahhhhh i don't know haha as much as I want great music to be heard by more people I'm also kind of protective about a lot of it - there's a lot of really good music I don't want ruined by people with like ill intent or whatever maybe Damage Gets Done by Hozier feat. Brandi Carlile I feel like it's a great song, especially a great driving song, their voices are just insane together, just big and free and soaring, and with lyrics that can just add to the banger of it all or really strike something if you feel like going deeper with them
17. Saddest song The Great Escape by Patrick Watson Eternal depression mood
Bad day Looking for the great escape
Hey child, things are looking down That's ok, you don't need to win anyways Don't be afraid, just eat up all the grey And it will fade all away
Spotify Wrapped ask game!
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yoinkschief · 1 year
Merman Tord can survive out of water for about half an hour but when he's been crawling around for longer than that he begins to get dehydrated. An hour or longer and it becomes harder for him to breathe and he starts to feel weak and thirsty.
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Tord can survive for like, exactly 30 minutes outside of any body of water, preferably salt water though, before he starts choking on,,, well,, nothing. So suffocating, that's the word. But this is only because his body goes into survival mode and uses up what water it has left in, on and around it to filter into oxygen before he doesn't have any left (And yes I do mean on his skin, like a frog) This can change though, depending on the weather or where exactly he's outside of the water Like, say he's in the middle of summer, he's basically gonna dry up like a fish stick, but if it's winter he gets like,,, an extra 15 or so minutes of breathing just because his body exhausts his resources slower while he goes into hibernation mode, yk? Weird anatomy shit
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Additionally, I'd like to think that Tord does that thing where you just forget to breath, but instead of it being a thing where like "oops I'm too focused on this task, forgot I had bodily functions to attend to" and more of "OH MY GOD I HAVE TO DO THIS SHIT MANUALLY???" Cause he's just so used to his body having to manually intake air, like "lungs" are this new thing to him, he's used to body just casually filter the oxygen out of water for him that he just forgets to do it. But he does like RELIGIOUSLY drink water, like a SHIT TON of it. There's no real need other than a placebo effect where he convinces himself that it does something for him- it doesn't. He has a normal human body now so he has no need for water more than the average person does. HOWEVER, he can't drink sea water. He found this out the hard way and REGRETTED it, which was a NEW FEELING for him- the salt in it was unexpected. He didn't realize human tastebuds were little bitches but here we are. Edd and Tom witnessed him trying to drink it and Tom couldn't stop fucking laughing, but to be fair neither could Edd.
Also I'd like to add that the amulet around his neck is from Edd, the resident magic man of the crew. He gave it to Tord to as a sort of "prison" for him cause Captain Tom was scared that Tord would find a way to escape like the little escape artist he was so they wanted to make him,,, weak, persay. At least somewhat incapacitated and harming the merchandise was off the table. As a compromise, Edd gave him the necklace cause it said something along the lines of "grants those who are immortal who wear it mortality" and they assumed it would do something to hinder Tord, maybe make his freakish fish person strength null at least and he ended up Ariel-ing his way into being the Swab of the crew so he'd be in the Captain's line of sight at all times and too busy to think of an escape. (Just to be safe, of course, Edd more or less added some curse to it that allowed only himself to take the amulet off of his neck and no one else, so if Tord ever did try to take it off he'd zappered)
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deadmandreams · 1 year
Four | Five
⚠️: same old warnings
y/n pov:
you were back in the hallway. naoya was still sitting behind his table. two of his crew were watching outside. scarface was guarding the front door. The other two were keep watching the back door. you were sitting right beside toji. after your huge fight, you decided is time to stop judging him and wait for his plan. diner's weather was a bit cold. you were shaking a little bit. toji noticed your shaky figure. he threw his hand on your shoulders and pulled you to his side. you didn't know was it for mental support or his hot body warmed you up. you felt safe. fuck naoya, you felt safer than ever. maybe having toji by your side was a miracle. without him, you would break down by now. you inhaled his bittersweet scent and leaned into him unconsciously and purred. toji smirked as he looked at your relaxed face. naoya's face twitched.
"tch. I can't keep it up with your stupid show. hope he's showing up soon. masaki how much he's late?"
"few hours sir."
"fucker. that son of bitch I swear to god is going to pay for mocking me. I gotta say your stupid lovey-dovey state is not helping either. toji I thought you're a real man not a fucking simp like this." toji deep breathed through your hair as he stared at him. he was daring him to do something about it. "jealous?"
naoya gnashed his teeth.
"toji don't make me mad, you don't know me and you definitely don't know what things I'm capable to do."
"oh yeah? like what? wanna pick another cute waitress and threaten her to kill me? or you're just gonna cry about it."
naoya snapped out of his place.
"Don't mess with me man. you don't know who I am. I need to make one phone call and your family is going to pay for what you did"
"yeah...same old pussy naoya. whenever you get into something serious you'll go and hide behind your daddy and your stupid family. I know who you are. that fucking zenins gave me nothing but a broken personality and physical damage. I had to pick my dead wife's name to clear up zenins out of my life."
your eyes got opened.
"oh my god...toji..." you hugged him involuntarily. you remembered earlier when you misjudged him. you knew having a terrible family is the worst.
"is alright doll." he patted your head. naoya narrowed his eyes.
"Should've known you were that pathetic loser who got kicked out of the clan. you should be dead by now. you worthless pain on the ass" now if toji did keep it cool before this, he was damn mad right now. you could see it in his eyes. he was thirsty for this man's blood. maybe this was his dark side he warned you about. his eyes were frozen on naoya as he whispered in your ear.
"hey y/n. I want you to go and hide under the counter where no one can see you." "What?"
"it will be over soon. don't come out till I say your name. be a good girl and do as I say."
you ran to the kitchen. you find the closet for bread and groceries and you hide in it. you heard one or two different gunshots and naoya that was swearing to toji and calling for his crew back up. then a few minutes later after they ran out of bullets you heard toji add a few swears and guns started shooting again. you were sure toji just came out of his shelter because there were a few shouts of pain and everything went to a deadly silence. what happened? is he alright? please god please let him be ok so I can hear his voice with a cheesy remark. you heard footsteps in the kitchen. come on toji. please say something. don't let me think naoya did something horrible to you.
"where are you birdie? is over now. told you to go the counter, kitchen is too damn far for an oldman like me." you jumped out of the closet
"there she is."
you hugged him tightly.
"toji im so happy you're alright. one second I thought....everything was fucking silent...I thought something bad just happened."
"for who? for me? cut the bullshit princess is too good to die in a fucked up diner like this. let's go birdie everything is alright now."
you were giggling when you heard someone laugh and pulled the safety lever.
"toji look out!" you came out from behind him and you shield yourself.
toji pov:
naoya that fucker. toji should make sure he's dead next time, not that he's still alive and someone's else blood covered this fact for him.
"alright you disgusting love birds, I will finish you with my own hands. screw this deal and screw this date. that son of a bitch didn't show up and my people died. I guess I have to kill you two and say that mission failed. bummer! any last words?" If it wasn't for y/n in front of him, toji would risk everything and attacked naoya. He's a pussy. direct attacks will scare the shit out of him. toji looked behind him and see your cook, yaga with a chair behind his head. toji smirked
"yeah hears something I like to add."
naoya snored.
"sweet dreams naoya"
"yeah, you think you're better than me even when I have the gun? that's why I always hated y-"
yaga slammed the chair and naoya fell to the ground.
"YAGA! how did you-"
"is a long story l/n. sorry, I kept long. we should thank our friend for saving us from this illegal mafia. thank you sir"
"yeah. thank you toji. for everything. and of course, blowing those assholes"
"y/n, language!"
"okkay...but we own you big time. we will make it up to you. I will personally make it up to you because of everything you've been through and well you know...anything ever happened to you no matter where you are we will help you out."
toji smirked
"yeah, thanks doll but you don't need to get yourself in trouble. free coffee can help." yaga and you looked at each other. of course, he would underestimate you guys but you meant every word.
toji got his stuff together.
"so you sure you don't need help cleaning this mess?" you and yaga shook your heads
"of course. Don't mind it at all. consider it done."
"alright. I'm going then."
you couldn't stay still
"hey toji"
"yeah birdie?"
"see ya"
he smiled and shook his head, and then, he left the diner. you followed him midway you shook your hand till he disappeared from your sight. A few months later, after toji started and finished several missions, still he was thinking about you all the time. the way you looked in your cute skirt. the way you smelled and talked. and your sweet innocent eyes. he really missed you and the way you acted with your sweet smile. people like you deserve the best. is a shame this world is so unfair against you two. toii was waiting for shiu kong to come and give him new info about his next mission. his pockets are a bit empty so he will accept anything with good money in it. "alright toji here's the new profile. you remember one of your last missions when we sent you to war-torn zone?"
"hey, that was a shitty one. zenin clan is still pissed at me. they threatened me few times and they still send assassins. that is a huge pain on the ass."
"hey I know, I know that was a huge risky one. but come on you wanted the money not me."
"yeah well, whatever it was is over now. alright? I'm not going there ever again. maybe for one cup of coffee but that's all." "alright then. you sure you don't want this new mission?"
"yeah of course I am."
"even if they pay you triple this time?" toji's face twitched
"wait wait...let me see the profile again." "no I'm sorry man it's either in or out. is a real important thing so info is classified"
kong looked at toji with a sarcastic smile. "you bastard. you know money is my only weakness. let me see the profile" kon smiled and slide the documents on the table. toji checked them out. same place. same info. "look you gotta shiting me alright? I told you no one nor a mafia was there alright? is this a prank?" kong raised his eyebrows.
"prank? for christ's sake, NO! look this time our guy find some new information about your target. last time you had nothing. we found some valuable info about their main headquarters and a few names. now you have a name you have a face to kill. I gotta say everyone wants her dead"
"oh yeah?....that will help a lot. let me see this motherfuck-"
Y/N, L/N
Head of new obstructionists in the region
committed few murders against old-line clans.
and there was a picture of you shooting with a machine gun. no, it's impossible. toji looked at the image few times. like he expected it to show a different person each time. but no...there she was with her glory and her beautiful eyes. she was a different person in this photo. a monster. just like him when he was shooting in the diner. seems y/n was right. you will meet again.
Thank you guys for the support and everything. Hope you enjoyed it.
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sad-goblin-bitch · 2 years
I have zero interest in seeing the Markiplier OF but I'm excited for y'all thirsty bitches cus by God damn are y'all gonna get it
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inkyquince · 2 years
BITCH-YOU BITCH I READ THE THING IS SO GOOD I so desperately wish this was stuff available in game omg you've made me so fucking thirsty 😩 Doren, Mason, LEIGHTON AND WINTER FUCK if you continue with this story I will not complain (I will infact have to change my undies everytime you update because god damn)
I mean, my biggest flex right now is that Vrel knows about Headmaster's Lesson and I'm real smug about that.
Only thing is, I doubt its gonna have any more sequels? Other than a River x PC x Leighton someone asked for, I'm not sure what else I can write for it lol. It does have a very special place in my heart tho, its one of my favorite ideas ive ever had
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Idk why but I'm having a positive energy and I wanna spend it on you. So here we go b#tch...
Firstly thanks you writer-san for giving us your precious time and write Fluffs that melt our depress cold hearts and for agnest that let all the trapped tears of hundreds of years of pain and for the smut THE SMUT that satisfied our thirsty horny demons that always demand more and Lastly for x baby reader that make our day more beautiful like we enter heaven.
Hope you have lovely day/evening and achieve all your dreams
You don't gotta censor the bitch I know what I am lol
And fuck fam this is so sweet wtf, stop this
God damn this is so wonderful and delightful and thank you for sharing your positive vibes and spending them on my ass lol
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proxylynn · 1 month
What is your opinion on those male power fantasy video games where the male MC gets multiple girls? Me as a women I really hate it but hey it’s fictional so who cares but I still wanna know your thoughts on it.
[Oh boy, as a tomboy gal I'm gonna have very interesting perspectives on this due to mainly going for guy games when growing up. That said, I'm not gonna let them slide when I see shit that isn't necessary, so even games I love are on the chopping block.
Now, I see nothing wrong with power fantasy-themed games. I love the Overlord and God of War series. Nothing quite feels as satisfying as just being this all-powerful force that dominates the world by being OP. But when they add this extra bit because they want to appease the "maidenless", then I get annoyed. God of War, the OG games, and Overlord are products of their time. Kratos fucking women in between slaying is a way to get bonus blood orbs doesn't make a lot of sense to me narratively speaking. He's on a revenge kick for being tricked into killing his wife and daughter, so why is this grief and rage-filled man stopping to get his sword wet with randoms? I don't think I'd be on a god murder quest for the sake of my fallen husband, spend countless hours killing monsters, swearing to commit to my cause, only to be sidetracked by finding a random bed with horny guys on it. I'm just gonna be "You guys have fun" and walk away. I'm on a revenge my love guest damn it! I am not fuking around. The new God of War did this so much better. All the power, the emotion, the trauma, and it's written with consistency that I'm ashamed when I first hear about it that I expected it to still have Kratos fuck around. Bad me.
Overlord is interesting in YOU are the bad guy, so naturally I fell in love with that instantly. Game one I think handled this best (there are like 5 games but I only know the first and second so that's my insight), in the first one you are rebuilding the Empire of Evil after the last overlord was killed. You have a mortality level, you can be an evil prick that causes so much damage that it's not canon to the sequel or a force of power that is a threat by your people like you more than the fallen heroes who have been terrorizing them. So far, sounds awesome. Then you find Rose and she becomes your mistress and, aside from how your minions act (Fuck you, Gnarl!), you treat her as an equal. Eventually, you find Rose's sister and you get to make a choice, the tower can't hold both of them, so do you stick with Rose or replace her with her vain sister Velvet... whoever you pick will then thank you with sex. Now why is this okay? Because it only happens once and isn't a main game mechanic. In Overlord 2 however...It's still not a game mechanic but now it's a reward for vain reasons. In game 2, you can now have up to 3 mistresses (the childhood friend/crush who's a badass that does like you, the vain rich hot noble bitch that only likes your money and power, and a fae goddess who hates you but gets corrupted and now is thirsty for your dick) and the game doesn't handle them or anything right, lots of sexists and fatphobic jokes but that's a rant for another day. To get the sex all you have to do is buy all the furniture for their rooms and getting all three unlocks a fourth scene as they group on you. (I should note the sex is offscreen like GoW and derpy, so why bother) This basically plays on something Gnarl says about female being simple and to keep them happy you just have to give them shiny things. (Again, fuck you, Gnarl!) This sucks as it was very incel before incel was a thing but, remember what I said about the Fae mistress? Her corruption is something we can't stop and it's US that does it, we drain her power to fuel our tower heart but doing so taints her with evil, and it's here we have a choice. We take only enough to fuel the heart or we take all her power and kill her as she becomes a banshee...either way, she loses who she is and just wants to fuck us. This is fucked up as her people are there and begging this to stop, for her to fight back and she's too pure to sink so low, and it's worse if you kill her because as a banshee she's tied eternally to the Overlord...she can't leave us even if she could. Why? Why does it have to be so fucking dark and insulting? They even represent this in the new morality system, no longer is it based on acts of Selfishness and Selflessness, now it's based on Domination and Destruction. You even learn a magic to force your will on others and if you use it too much on a target they die!
Things like this are so damn needless and I'm convinced it's just some devs tapping into their own fetishes when they do it. You can do power fantasies without pointless sex or dehumanizing actions. In fact, it's hypocritical that there is none for women players. If devs feel uncomfortable with such things happening for male characters, then they shouldn't do it for female characters. This is an age of all genders playing games. Grow some damn balls and either stop doing this pointless piss poor excuse you call "fan service" or be equal by doing this treatment to guys in games as well as gals. I have mounted this hill and I shall die on it, but I shan't die without making my point.]
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