#merman tord
yoinkschief · 1 year
Merman Tord can survive out of water for about half an hour but when he's been crawling around for longer than that he begins to get dehydrated. An hour or longer and it becomes harder for him to breathe and he starts to feel weak and thirsty.
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Tord can survive for like, exactly 30 minutes outside of any body of water, preferably salt water though, before he starts choking on,,, well,, nothing. So suffocating, that's the word. But this is only because his body goes into survival mode and uses up what water it has left in, on and around it to filter into oxygen before he doesn't have any left (And yes I do mean on his skin, like a frog) This can change though, depending on the weather or where exactly he's outside of the water Like, say he's in the middle of summer, he's basically gonna dry up like a fish stick, but if it's winter he gets like,,, an extra 15 or so minutes of breathing just because his body exhausts his resources slower while he goes into hibernation mode, yk? Weird anatomy shit
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Additionally, I'd like to think that Tord does that thing where you just forget to breath, but instead of it being a thing where like "oops I'm too focused on this task, forgot I had bodily functions to attend to" and more of "OH MY GOD I HAVE TO DO THIS SHIT MANUALLY???" Cause he's just so used to his body having to manually intake air, like "lungs" are this new thing to him, he's used to body just casually filter the oxygen out of water for him that he just forgets to do it. But he does like RELIGIOUSLY drink water, like a SHIT TON of it. There's no real need other than a placebo effect where he convinces himself that it does something for him- it doesn't. He has a normal human body now so he has no need for water more than the average person does. HOWEVER, he can't drink sea water. He found this out the hard way and REGRETTED it, which was a NEW FEELING for him- the salt in it was unexpected. He didn't realize human tastebuds were little bitches but here we are. Edd and Tom witnessed him trying to drink it and Tom couldn't stop fucking laughing, but to be fair neither could Edd.
Also I'd like to add that the amulet around his neck is from Edd, the resident magic man of the crew. He gave it to Tord to as a sort of "prison" for him cause Captain Tom was scared that Tord would find a way to escape like the little escape artist he was so they wanted to make him,,, weak, persay. At least somewhat incapacitated and harming the merchandise was off the table. As a compromise, Edd gave him the necklace cause it said something along the lines of "grants those who are immortal who wear it mortality" and they assumed it would do something to hinder Tord, maybe make his freakish fish person strength null at least and he ended up Ariel-ing his way into being the Swab of the crew so he'd be in the Captain's line of sight at all times and too busy to think of an escape. (Just to be safe, of course, Edd more or less added some curse to it that allowed only himself to take the amulet off of his neck and no one else, so if Tord ever did try to take it off he'd zappered)
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hotcupoflnk01 · 6 months
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silly fish man au ideas I had
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kuro-is-doodlin · 2 years
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Have some more “realistic” and floofy Tord, and also pink shade doodles!
And fiblsh
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just-a-lil-otter · 3 months
I keep fucking forgetting to post this
The shark boy and the fisherman <3
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Tord is basically a shark merman thing :3
Full body of him under cut
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the-eddvengers-au · 1 year
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Merman Edd and Tord doodle
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pink2004luigi · 2 years
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My best friend and I are doing a roleplay where Edd and Tom are mermen while Tord and Matt are pirates! I was excited to try drawing Edd as a merman because that meant I could practice drawing an underwater background for one of the first times ever.
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baconcolacan · 1 year
So what kind of merman Tord would be? A shark or an orca? A octupus? Or perhaps selkie?
You guys give him too much credit AHAHAHAHA
I was actually thinking Lionfish :]c
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ladykittenlena · 1 year
Merman au
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In this ay, Edd, Matt, Tom and Tord are merman, and the girls (Evelyn, Molly, Susan and Annya) are ordinary people (except that Molly is half-human half-mermaid).
Girls work in the dolphinarium / oceanarium. And sometimes boys swim to them. They declare their appearance in different ways. Edd just swims out to Evelyn and sits next to her. Matt does the same, only for the effect of surprise he hugs Molly. Tom does according to the Edd's method. And Tord abruptly grabs Annya by the leg and drags her under the water, and bites her neck until it bleeds, and then lets go and swims out.
Girls have a necklace (a gift from one of the boys) with which they are able to turn into mermaids. So, performances with mermaids have been introduced in their oceanarium / dolphinarium (boys sometimes take part, but it’s a problem to make Tord participate there, but if for fish, he will agree, but only if he was not deceived, because he will be offended).
And now for the mermaids.
Depending on which group the mermaid / merman belongs to, this affects his physique, character, and so on.
There are only three groups: vegetarians (Edd belongs to this group, but sometimes allows himself to eat fish), omnivores (Matt and Tom (Tom is an intermediary between omnivores) and predators) and predators (Tord belongs to this group). But all mermaids / mermen can eat human food (but mostly they eat fish and algae).
Also, mermaids/mermans are able to shed their tail, and it turns into legs (usually for camouflage, and sometimes for other purposes).
Most often, mermaids are born as normal children, but from adolescence, they begin to show signs that they are mermaids. For example, in Tord this was manifested by the fact that he began to eat aquarium fish, although he tried to do something about it, but then he ate them all (and so on).
The appearance of mermaids / mermans is familiar. Instead of legs, a fish tail, fins on the elbows, gills on the neck (this is not official), scales on the chest (only for girls).
Now for the boys:
Belongs to the group of vegetarians, but sometimes can eat fish. The teeth are even, has small fangs. A slightly plump body (not visible in the figure), leads a less mobile lifestyle (because it feeds mainly on algae, and almost does not hunt fish). Friendly by nature, able to trust. He considers Annya his sister (well, they are still half-siblings, but when he went to live at sea, he was considered dead). In love with Evelyn.
Belongs to the group of omnivores. The physique is shapely, more active than Edd. The teeth are even, the smallest fangs. Mostly lives near corals. Matt likes beautiful things and collects them. His collection contains both marine items (including pearls) and human items (especially mirrors). Similar in character to Edd. Even more friendly and trusting. In love with Molly.
It belongs to the group of omnivores, although in fact it is an intermediary between omnivores and predators. The physique is similar to Matt. The teeth are slightly sharp compared to Edd and Matt (although not the sharpest). Likes harpoons. Of course, Tom won't be Tom if he doesn't hate Tord (the opposite day doesn't count). He met him when Tom came to Norway for the holidays (he was then still a human), and Tord had already become a merman, and sometimes began to steal fish from fishermen. He also started stealing fish from Tom. At first he did not notice, then he noticed and became annoyed. The last straw was that Tord tried to seduce Tom's cousin Molly and drown her. Then Tom wounded him with a harpoon in the tail. Tom is less friendly, and at first his trust must be earned so that he understands that no harm is meant to him. But gradually he falls in love with Susan.
Belongs to a group of predators, so he is the most active of the guys. Tord's teeth are the sharpest, and are able to pierce human skin. But he's not just a predator. For most of his life, Tord lived in Norway, and then in the Norwegian Sea, and since the climate is not the warmest there, Tord is quite resistant to cold (he later sailed to the British Sea and met Edd).
But so during the hunt, Tord has a cold mind, and when he is very hungry, he will hunt until he quenches his hunger, even if he feels exhausted.
Since Tord is a predator, he needs to be agile, fast, hardy and strong. So he has a pretty flexible and strong body. And in terms of physique, Tord is quite muscular (don't ask why).
Also, Tord had an idea (except for stealing fish), according to which he seduced girls (well, what, his body is quite attractive, and the girls were led to his trick), lured into the water (where he turned back into a merman), and a little later drowned their. The last of his victims was Molly, but Tord did not have time to drown her, as Tom ran in, wounded Tord with a harpoon in the tail (there is a theory that Tord has a scar in that place, but this has not yet been proven).
Tord likes extreme situations (storms, etc.), although Edd often warns him that it could end badly. But Tord absolutely does not care about this, he loves extreme situations, that's all.
By nature, Tord is the most unfriendly and absolutely does not trust people, and it is very problematic to earn Tord's trust. When a person approaches him, he bares his teeth and begins to hiss menacingly. Sometimes this can end up with Tord drowning the person in question. Even Annya found it difficult to start a friendship with Tord.
And now how could our couples meet:
Evelyn and Edd:
Edd was sitting and basking in the sun (it was May) when he saw Evelyn just walking along the beach. She also saw him, and at first she was surprised, because before that she had not seen a merman, or even a mermaid. But be that as it may, Edd decided to meet first. He swam up to her first, and struck up a conversation. They talked for a long time, and then realized that they became friends. Evelyn began to visit Edd every day, and one day they realized that they were in love.
Molly and Matt:
Once Molly lost her ring (it's not a wedding ring, it's a regular ring) at sea. She found him in the sand, next to the stones, and did not notice how she sat on the tail of Matt, who was looking for new beautiful things in his collection. At first she was scared, because her last time with the merman ended badly, and she wanted to beat Matt. But he began to whimper and yell "Not the face!" and Molly was surprised at first that Matt was different from Tord, who nearly drowned her. She became more friendly to Matt. And a friendship began between them.
Susan and Tom:
She was supposedly shipwrecked when she and her parents were traveling from America to England and she almost drowned, but was rescued by Tom, who took a liking to her. At first, Tom did not particularly trust her, like her, but Susan was the first to take a step towards friendship, and then towards love.
Annya and Tord:
The reason she started working at the aquarium/dolphinarium was because she was kicked out of the army for some offense and Molly offered her a job. Annya liked sea animals and fish. As a child, she heard fairy tales about mermaids, and considered them fiction, until she met Edd, who was believed to be dead. Annya is a little jealous of Edd in terms of the fact that he has a tail instead of legs, and wants to become a mermaid. But she manages to feel a bit like a real mermaid when she gets the opportunity to participate in the show as a mermaid. True, she almost suffocated in the water, which is why she was temporarily suspended from work due to poor health.
She was walking along the beach when she saw Tord, washed ashore after a recent storm, and tangled in a fishing net. Annya decided to help him, but as soon as she came closer, Tord bared his teeth, and began to hiss menacingly, and began to try to get out of the fishing net, but he only got more tangled in the fishing net, and this fishing net only fit more into his skin. Annya laughed a little, and yet helped Tord.
Tord treats Annya with distrust, and reluctantly comes out to talk with her. But then he starts to thaw and is more willing to talk to her. He starts complimenting her about how beautiful she is and how she would be if she were a mermaid. And at one point, he will give her a necklace with which she can turn into a mermaid.
Don't ask about that. It's cringe.
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sunny6677 · 2 years
Eddsworld AU: The Siren AU
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Race: Siren
Personality: Manipulative, cunning, flirty, calm and smug.
Abilities: Siren Song(the ability to lure creatures in with singing), making the water glow and hypnotizing eyes.
Likes: Hunting humans, singing, the sea.
Dislikes: Pirates, sailors, fishermen.
Race: Formerly a human, now a siren.
Personality: Tired, exhausted, cynical, mean, bored.
Abilities: Same as Edd.
Likes: Sleep.
Dislikes: Everyone and everything.
Race: Mermaid.
Personality: Gullible, innocent, friendly, naive, stupid.
Abilities: Can manipulate water and transform it into anything(usually pearls), an almost impossible beautiful singing voice that soothes anyone, the ability to calm anyone with his presence.
Likes: Pearls, himself, his "friends" (edd and tom).
Dislikes: Wendigos, Banshees.
Race: Formerly a forest spirit, now a siren.
Personality: Socially awkward, violent, chaotic, flirty.
Abilities: Can grow plants, siren song, can intimidate anyone with just his presence.
Likes: Hentai, violence, blood, Matt(platonically).
Dislikes: Sunshine, lolipops and rainbows, Edd.
Edd was an already 11 year old boy when it had all began. He had befriended Tom, a human boy at the time. Tom promised not to tell anyone about him, for he'd get killed if he was found. He often came to visit him frequently, and the two got on well. One day, Tom had been diagnosed with an illness that was practically doomed to kill him. As a last resort, Edd decided to do what he knew would keep him alive. An ancient ritual sirens had done for years. The rituals steps were to kill the creature, and take the body directly under the sun in the ocean.
It was said that if one did this, the creature would then become a siren. Sirens are immortal, so Edd figured hey- why not. Unbothered by his fate, Edd did what he promised not to do. He sang. Edds song lured Tom into the sea, and of course, Edd reluctantly killed Tom by drowning him.
Once he had took him under the sun, Tom's body rose up and transformed him into a siren, dropping him into the sea once the transformation was complete. Tom, shocked at what he just experienced before he woke up, began to yell at Edd in fear and anger. Edd only kept responding with an unbothered yet relieved look on his face.
Edd then told Tom this; "You see, sirens need to form a hunting group once they find another of their kind. And seeing now that your just like me.. would you like to join me in hunting humans? It's the only thing you'll be able to eat now, after all."
Tom declined at first, but Edd then threatened him with murder, so he forcibly joined his hunting group.
Over the course of a few years, their personalities changed drastically. And at the age of 15, during one of their hunting sprees- Edd was making the ocean glow, to try and lure out a human. However, he could sense that someone was approaching him. Thinking that it was Tom, considering he was with him, he looked over.
But what emerged from out of the water was not Tom. In fact, it was a Merman. A Merman named Matt. Matt had been lured to the sight he had saw, and the fact that there was a siren. Matt seemed rather happy though, he smiled at the sight of Edd.
Matt began to bother Edd, curious about what he was doing and what not. The glow in the ocean flickered, for Edd was distracted by this random Merman. Edd started to get irritated, to the point where Tom came over to check what was wrong.
But the people on the ship saw them, and began to freak out. They fled the scene before they could get attacked, but Edd was still injured by some harpoon that someone had flung at his tail.
Now pissed that they didn't have anything to eat, the two sirens yelled at Matt. The only reason they didn't kill him was because well- Sirens were immortal, but were very fragile in comparison to Mermen/Mermaids, so they didn't want to risk anything to themselves. Matt as his own way of saying sorry healed Edds injured tail.
The two had realized how gullible he truly was. So Edd, being the manipulative bastard he was, decided to use that to his advantage. He decided he'd use him as bait, telling Matt that the dead people in the ocean were merely just sleeping.
Matt, innocent as ever, joined the group and began to swim along with them then.
At the age of 18, Matt had met Tord(a forest spirit) while swimming near a Boulder. Tord had emerged from the Boulder, curious as to who or what Matt was. Matt was mesmerized by him, he had never seen such a beautiful creature before. As a way to try and get a closer look, he made a pearl and tried to give it to him.
Tord took the pearl, and was a little mesmerized by Matt as well. He found him to be beautiful, too beautiful. The two began to talk then and there, and eventually, Tord got more comfy with him.
Matt had gone to that area so much to the point where Edd decided to follow him once. Edd was amazed. To be honest, he saw his younger self in Matt. So, as his own little favor, he then began to plot something.
Matt occasionally went out to visit Tord at midnight, so Edd decided to go at that time. Edd approached Tord, Tord was obviously afraid, knowing full well it wasn't Matt. Edd then began to sing, forcing Tord to get closer.
And when he wasn't expecting it, Edd pulled him in and killed him himself. He then awaited sunrise with Tords body in his arms, and swam to the sun immediately when he saw it. He performed the ritual, and boom, Tord was now a siren.
Tord, angry about what Edd had done, used his plant powers that somehow he still had. But Matt interrupted before anything happened. Recognizing that it was Tord, he asked what was going on. Tord answered before Edd could, still angry about what happened.
Matt still stopped him from hurting Edd, regardless of what he heard. Tord only stopped then because of Matt telling him to do so. Matt, disappointed and sad with Edds actions, followed after him. Edd didn't feel any remorse or guilt at all. He had only done him a favor. If he liked him so much, then it was a good thing he made him into a siren. It didn't matter that he had caused pain, he just did him a favor.
After a while, Matt managed to forgive Edd after Edd gave him a pearl(cuz the bitch is dumb). Tord however didn't. Edd suggested the idea of him joining the hunting group, and Tord agreed hesitantly, but only for Matt.
Of course, this continues on into the actual Eddsworld series.
This is kind of like the series, but they're sirens(except for Matt) and it has more serious tones to it. Tord when he left in this au was because he had heard of Atlantis and wanted to succeed there. When Tord came back, he came back with the intention of taking over the ocean with Matt, but Matt declined.
Tom and Tord are still rivals.
1: The one difference you can tell for Mermaids/Mermen and Sirens is the eyes. Mermen/Mermaids don't have any eyes, only just a color. Sirens do have eyes, but they glow.
2: Mermaids/Mermen have empathy, Sirens do not.
3: Love is possible for Sirens, but they show it in rather twisted ways.
4: Tom has a fascination with harpoons.
5: Ringo does not exist here.
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tinypossumlad · 2 years
Ugh okay I'm finally done with this lmao
You can tell I was getting more tired and lazy on the last two lmao
Anyways, this is my mythical creatures AU
Edd: centaur, but cat
Tord: merman 💪😎
Tom: cyclops
Matt: centaur unicorn
Also the quality is so bad lmahdhd
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alonelyperson · 5 years
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A cover-like thing for my fanfic lol. I was focusing on a lonely vibe so I hope it’s ok haha
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And this is merTord as I imagine him in cartoon form!
Also, if you’re interested in reading my fic then here’s the link! :)
Tom feels adrift in a world that isn’t his.
Maybe there’s a reason for that.
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yoinkschief · 1 year
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Oops, my hand slipped
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fishtailscomic · 5 years
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It shall be a WIP forever. But it is 100% cannon.
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locobia · 5 years
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Fish boy gets harpooned
So basically an au where Tom is a mermaid/man hunter and the rest of the gang are mermen. S o gucci
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sinner-dinners-blog · 6 years
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Happy birthday for me!!!😂🎉🎂 Cuz nobody remember or know my birthday and i don't receive any gift or wished from other. So I made my own birthday gift >:3 Be jealous bitches
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the-eddvengers-au · 2 years
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Its May! meaning, its Mer-may time!
Found this piece of Merman Edd and Tord from last year (that I never posted). Both of them fighting a kraken or some kind of sea monster.
I might find the time to draw the mermen boys this month. We shall see
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