#glass paint heat resistant
iversenmcintosh97 · 1 month
Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Glass Paint: A Comprehensive Review
In the realm of glass painting, selecting the ideal glass paint is crucial for bringing your artistic visions to life. With a myriad of options available, ranging from transparent glass paint to stained glass paints, choosing the right product can make all the difference in achieving the desired results. Whether you are a seasoned glass artist or a beginner looking to delve into the world of glass painting, understanding the nuances of quality paint, waterproof glass paint, heat-resistant glass paint, and other specialized variants is essential for creating stunning and long-lasting pieces.
A top-notch glass painting kit can serve as your creative companion, providing you with the necessary tools to explore various techniques and effects. From vibrant coloured glass paints to sophisticated stained glass effect paint, each product offers its unique characteristics and applications. Navigating through the array of options, such as permanent waterproof glass paint, glass effect paint, and spray-on glass paint, requires a discerning eye and a keen appreciation for the intricacies of glass artistry.
Types of Glass Paint
When it comes to choosing the best glass paint, there are several types available in the market to cater to different needs. Transparent glass paint is a popular choice for those looking to maintain the clear look of glass while adding a touch of color. Stained glass paint is perfect for creating intricate designs and patterns that mimic the beauty of traditional stained glass windows.
For those seeking durability and long-lasting results, waterproof glass paint is essential. This type of paint ensures that your artwork remains intact even when exposed to moisture or humidity. Additionally, heat-resistant glass paint is ideal for projects that involve high temperatures, such as painting glassware that will come into contact with hot beverages or food.
In the UK, there is a wide variety of permanent glass paints available, offering both quality and longevity. From colored glass paints to black glass paints, these options allow artists to unleash their creativity and bring their glass painting visions to life.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Glass Paint
When selecting glass paint, it is essential to first consider the intended use of the painted glass surface. Whether you are painting a decorative piece, a functional item, or a project requiring specific properties like being heat resistant or waterproof, understanding the purpose will guide you in choosing the right type of glass paint.
Another crucial factor to keep in mind is the desired finish and effect you aim to achieve with the glass paint. Different glass paints offer various finishes, including glossy, matte, translucent, or opaque. Consider the overall look you want to create and select a paint that aligns with your aesthetic preferences to achieve the desired visual impact.
Furthermore, the durability and longevity of the glass paint should not be overlooked. Opt for high-quality paints that are known for their permanence and resistance to fading, chipping, or peeling over time. Ensuring the longevity of the painted glass surface will contribute to the overall satisfaction and longevity of your project.
Top Brands of Glass Paint
When it comes to choosing the best glass paint, several reputable brands stand out in the market. Safe Degreaser is Pebeo, known for its wide range of glass paints that offer vibrant colors and excellent adhesion on glass surfaces.
For those looking for high-quality stained glass paints, Gallery Glass is a popular choice among artists and crafters. Their range of transparent glass paints is perfect for creating intricate designs and achieving a stained glass effect with ease.
For heat-resistant glass paints that can withstand extreme temperatures, Plaid FolkArt offers a great selection of permanent glass paints. These paints are ideal for projects that require durability and long-lasting color retention, making them a top choice for DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike.
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johnsenklausen33 · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Glass Painting Products: From Waterproof to Heat Resistant
Welcome to the colorful world of glass painting! Whether you're an experienced artist or a newbie looking to explore a new creative avenue, understanding the range of glass painting products available is essential to achieving stunning results. From waterproof options to heat-resistant formulas, the choices can seem overwhelming at first glance. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the realm of glass paints, equipping you with the knowledge to select the right products for your projects.
Glass painting opens up a realm of possibilities, allowing you to transform ordinary glass surfaces into works of art. Whether you're adding intricate designs to vases, creating faux stained glass effects on windows, or revamping plain glassware, the key lies in choosing the appropriate paint. With a plethora of options such as transparent glass paint, quality stained glass paint, waterproof formulations, and heat-resistant varieties, the tools at your disposal are as diverse as your creative visions. Join Commercial drying equipment for textiles as we delve into the world of glass painting products, uncovering the best solutions to bring your artistic ideas to life.
Types of Glass Paint Finishes
When it comes to glass painting products, there is a wide variety of finishes to choose from. One popular option is transparent glass paint, which allows light to pass through the painted surface, creating a beautiful effect. This type of finish is ideal for creating delicate and intricate designs on glass objects such as vases, windows, or ornaments.
For those looking for a more vibrant and colorful finish, stained glass paint is a great choice. This type of paint is specially formulated to mimic the look of traditional stained glass, with rich and bold colors that can add a touch of elegance to any glass surface. Stained glass paints are available in a wide range of hues, making it easy to find the perfect shades for your project.
If durability is a top priority, then waterproof and heat-resistant glass paints are the way to go. These paints are specially formulated to withstand exposure to water and high temperatures, making them perfect for outdoor projects or items that will come into contact with heat. With permanent waterproof and heat-resistant glass paint options available, you can ensure that your painted designs will last for years to come.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Glass Paint
First and foremost, consider the intended use of the glass paint. Are you painting decorative items, windows, or glassware? Different types of glass paints are formulated for specific purposes, so it is essential to choose one that suits your project best.
Secondly, take into account the desired finish and transparency of the paint. If you are looking for a transparent or translucent effect, opt for glass paints specifically designed to maintain the transparent quality of the glass. For opaque finishes or stained glass effects, choose paints that offer rich and vibrant colors.
Lastly, consider the durability and special features of the glass paint. If your project requires waterproof or heat-resistant properties, make sure to select paints that are designed to withstand such conditions. Additionally, look for paints that provide long-lasting and permanent results to ensure the longevity of your painted glass pieces.
Top Brands for Glass Painting Products
When it comes to glass painting products, it's essential to choose trusted brands that offer quality and durability. One of the top brands in this category is Pebeo, known for its wide range of glass paints that are both waterproof and heat-resistant. Their products are highly regarded by artists and crafters alike for their vibrant colors and long-lasting results.
Another reputable brand to consider is Plaid, offering a diverse selection of glass paints and painting kits that cater to both beginners and experienced artists. Plaid's range of transparent glass paint is perfect for creating stunning stained glass effects, while their waterproof and permanent options ensure your artwork stays pristine for years to come.
For those looking for top-notch glass painting products in the UK, Marabu is a go-to choice. Affordable cleaning equipment for small businesses -resistant glass paints are ideal for projects that require durability against high temperatures, making them perfect for decorative pieces that need to withstand heat exposure. With Color-match paint services with pigments 's coloured glass paints, you can let your creativity shine while ensuring professional and lasting results.
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barkerbek27 · 1 month
Brilliantly Transformed: The Ultimate Guide to Glass Paints and Techniques
Welcome to the ultimate guide on glass paints and techniques! Whether you are a seasoned glass artist or just starting out, mastering the art of glass painting opens up a world of creativity and beauty. From creating stunning stained glass effects to adding a touch of color to glass surfaces, the right glass paints and techniques can truly transform any ordinary piece into a work of art.
When it comes to glass painting, choosing the right paint is crucial to achieving the desired effect. From transparent glass paints that allow light to shine through to quality paints that offer lasting vibrancy, the options are endless. Explore Top-rated food preparation equipment of stained glass paints, waterproof options for durability, and heat-resistant formulas for items that require a bit more resilience. Whether you're looking to create intricate designs or simply add a pop of color to your glass projects, understanding the different types of paints available is key to unleashing your creativity.
Types of Glass Paints
Glass paints come in a variety of types to suit different needs. For beginners, a glass painting kit is a great option as it typically includes everything you need to get started, such as a selection of colors and brushes. These kits are convenient for those new to glass painting and looking to experiment with different techniques.
Transparent glass paint is a popular choice for creating a stained glass effect. How to choose industrial drying equipment of paint allows light to pass through, giving a vibrant and colorful appearance to your glass artwork. It is perfect for adding intricate details and patterns to your designs while maintaining a see-through finish.
For projects that require durability, waterproof glass paint is essential. This type of paint is specially formulated to withstand exposure to moisture and humidity, making it ideal for outdoor decorative pieces or items that need to be washable. Additionally, heat-resistant glass paint is designed to withstand high temperatures, making it suitable for heat-sensitive surfaces like glassware or ovenproof dishes.
Techniques for Glass Painting
When it comes to glass painting, there are various techniques that can help you achieve stunning results. One popular technique is using stained glass paints, which allow for vibrant colors and a translucent finish. These paints can be applied directly onto glass surfaces, creating a beautiful stained glass effect that is perfect for decorative pieces.
Another technique is glass painting using a brush or sponge. With this method, you can create intricate designs and patterns on glass surfaces. By using different brush sizes and types, you can achieve various textures and effects, adding depth and dimension to your artwork. This technique is ideal for those looking to personalize glass items such as vases, jars, or windows.
For those interested in a more contemporary look, glass spray painting is a technique worth exploring. Spray paints designed specifically for use on glass offer a quick and convenient way to add color to glass surfaces. Whether you want to create an ombre effect, stencil designs, or simply cover a large area with uniform color, glass spray painting can help you achieve a modern and artistic finish.
Choosing the Right Glass Paint
When selecting glass paint, it is important to consider the desired result. Transparent glass paint is ideal for creating delicate and light-filled designs, while stained glass paint offers a more vibrant and colorful effect.
For projects requiring durability, opt for waterproof glass paint that will withstand moisture and weather conditions. Look for quality paint that is heat resistant if you anticipate exposure to high temperatures, ensuring the longevity of your artwork.
Whether you are a beginner or experienced artist, investing in a glass painting kit can provide all the essential tools and materials needed to start creating beautiful glass artworks. This kit typically includes a variety of colors, brushes, and instructions to help you unleash your creativity on glass surfaces.
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hededreyer62 · 1 month
Revamp Your Home: Creative Ideas for Painting UPVC Windows and Exterior Doors
Welcome to a world of endless possibilities when it comes to transforming your home's exterior with a fresh coat of paint. Whether you're looking to revamp your UPVC windows or add a pop of color to your front door, the options are boundless. With How to maintain cleaning equipment of paint and a bit of creativity, you can breathe new life into your home's façade, giving it a truly personalized touch.
From classic whites and sleek blacks to vibrant greens and calming greys, the range of colors available for UPVC windows and exterior doors allows you to express your style and enhance your home's curb appeal. With the convenience of water-based paints tailored for these surfaces, the painting process becomes a breeze, providing a durable finish that withstands the test of time. Whether Top-rated pigments for color-matching paint aim to modernize your space with a contemporary look or add a traditional touch with wooden finishes, painting your UPVC windows and exterior doors opens up a realm of opportunities to reflect your personality and elevate your home's overall aesthetic.
Choosing the Right UPVC Paint
When selecting the perfect UPVC paint for your windows and doors, consider factors such as durability, color options, and ease of application. Look for a paint specifically formulated for UPVC surfaces to ensure proper adhesion and longevity.
It is essential to choose a paint that is weather-resistant and UV-stable to prevent fading and peeling over time. Opt for a high-quality UPVC paint that will withstand the elements and maintain its vibrant color for years to come.
Additionally, explore a wide range of colors available in UPVC paint to match your home's aesthetic. Whether you prefer classic white, modern black, or trendy shades like green or grey, there is a UPVC paint color to suit every style. Experiment with different hues to revamp your home's exterior with a fresh and personalized touch.
Creative Ideas for Painting Exterior Doors
When it comes to painting exterior doors, the color choice can truly transform the look of your home. Opting for a bold color like deep navy or rich burgundy can add a pop of personality to your façade. For a more classic and timeless feel, consider shades like elegant black or crisp white to complement any architectural style.
Another creative idea for painting exterior doors is to incorporate a two-tone design. Painting the door frame in a contrasting color to the door itself can create a striking visual impact. This technique adds depth and dimension to the entryway, making your door stand out as a focal point of your home's exterior.
For a modern and eye-catching look, try a metallic finish for your exterior door. Silver, gold, or copper hues can add a touch of glamour and sophistication to your entry. Metallic paints are not only visually appealing but also durable and weather-resistant, ensuring your door maintains its shine for years to come.
Tips for Painting UPVC Windows
When painting UPVC windows, it's crucial to prepare the surfaces properly before applying any paint. Start by thoroughly cleaning the windows to remove any dirt, grime, and dust. This will ensure that the paint adheres well and provides a smooth finish.
Choose a high-quality UPVC window paint specifically designed for this material. Opt for colors that complement your home's exterior and consider using primers or undercoats for better coverage and durability. It's recommended to apply multiple thin coats of paint rather than one thick coat to achieve a professional-looking result.
Additionally, consider the weather conditions before painting UPVC windows. It's best to paint during dry and mild temperatures to allow proper drying and curing of the paint. Avoid High-performance mixing equipment in extreme heat or cold as it may affect the paint application and final finish.
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fitchborre66 · 1 month
Ultimate Guide to Glass Paints: Enhancing Your Creations with Permanence and Vibrancy
Welcome to the ultimate guide on glass paints! If you're looking to enhance your creative projects with a touch of permanence and vibrancy, then you've come to the right place. Mixing equipment for food processing opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to transform ordinary glass surfaces into stunning works of art. Whether you're a seasoned glass artist or just starting out, understanding the wide array of glass paints available can make a significant difference in the quality and longevity of your creations. When it comes to selecting the right paint for glass, there are several key factors to consider. From Food preparation equipment for restaurants that allow light to pass through beautifully to quality stained glass paints that offer rich, vibrant colors, the options are vast. Waterproof and heat-resistant glass paints ensure that your designs remain intact and vibrant even in challenging conditions. If you're based in the UK, you can explore a range of permanent and high-quality glass paints specifically tailored to meet your creative needs. Whether you're looking to add a stained glass effect to your windows, experiment with colored glass paints, or simply find the perfect black glass paint for your project, there's something for everyone in the world of glass painting.
Types of Glass Paints
When it comes to glass painting, there is a wide variety of options to choose from. Transparent glass paint is ideal for creating vivid and vibrant designs while maintaining the glass's see-through quality. Stained glass paint, on the other hand, offers a more traditional look with its rich, opaque colors that mimic the beauty of stained glass windows.
For those looking for durability, waterproof glass paint is a must. This type of paint ensures your creations stay intact even when exposed to moisture or water. If you're working on projects that require high heat resistance, then glass paint heat resistant formulas are essential. These paints are designed to withstand elevated temperatures without compromising their vibrancy or permanence.
In the UK, there are a variety of permanent glass paints available that offer long-lasting results. Whether you're interested in creating colored glass effects or looking for specific shades like black glass paint, you can easily find a wide selection of glass paints to suit your needs.
When applying glass paint, it is important to first ensure that the glass surface is clean and free from any dust, dirt, or grease. This will help the paint adhere better and result in a more even finish. Use a mild glass cleaner or rubbing alcohol to clean the surface before starting the painting process.
To achieve a smooth and professional-looking finish, consider using thin layers of paint and building up the color gradually. This will not only help prevent drips and streaks but also ensure that the paint dries evenly. Allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next one to avoid smudging or smearing the paint.
For intricate designs or detailed work, using a fine-tip paintbrush can help you control the paint more precisely. Take your time and work slowly to avoid mistakes. If you make a mistake, don't worry – you can easily remove wet paint with a cotton swab or a damp cloth. Just be sure to clean the area thoroughly before reapplying the paint.
Benefits of Using Glass Paints
Glass paints offer a wide range of vibrant colors and finishes, allowing artists to create stunning designs on glass surfaces with ease and precision. Whether High-performance cleaning equipment for homes are a beginner or an experienced painter, glass paints provide a versatile medium for expressing your creativity and adding a touch of elegance to your artwork.
One of the key advantages of using glass paints is their durability and permanence. Once properly cured, these paints adhere strongly to the glass surface, ensuring long-lasting beauty and resistance to fading or peeling. Whether you are painting a decorative vase, glass window, or any other glass object, you can trust that your artwork will maintain its vivid colors and intricate details for years to come.
Additionally, many glass paints are formulated to be waterproof and heat-resistant, making them ideal for a variety of applications. From glassware that needs to withstand frequent washing to decorative items exposed to sunlight and high temperatures, these paints provide a reliable solution for ensuring the longevity of your creations. By using quality glass paints, you can enhance the visual appeal and functionality of your glass art while enjoying the peace of mind that comes with their enduring quality.
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woodnrust · 1 year
This paint's really got me looking up shit like "can you put a light bulb in the oven"
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matchamiko · 2 months
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Daydreams about Yuuji
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Warnings: Oral (m -> receiving): sloppy, messy oral; masturbation: dirty talk; AFAB reader (use of girl, girlfriend,); established new relationship; mentions of oral (f -> receiving).
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Daydreaming about giving Yuuji his first blowjob. Being his cute, soft, bundle-of-fun girlfriend for a few months before asking him if he wants to fuck your mouth, a little crudely in your tone but quietly, a whisper from your quivering lips. Quivering only in anticipation and the mere thought of him spread out, spilling down your throat. You’re painting your nails on a book on the floor, polish bottles positioned carefully so they don’t tip. A glass of iced yuzu tea sits next to Yuuji’s on the side table, forgotten in your concentration and forgotten in your distraction.
Your nails are long dry now, a pretty pearl that glimmers in the light. They’re fisted on your folded thighs, clenching and cracking when Yuuji shifts uncomfortably under the heat of your gaze.
“You wanna - what?” Golden thighs fog any semblance of sobriety you have left, craving the warm supple skin before you like a wolf to prey. He’s reclined on the foldaway couch he’d thrifted from the side of the road, gym shorts pulled tight over the very tops of his thighs and over his crotch. Staring down at you with sweat beading his hairline and his lower lip dropped open at your sultry admission,
“Please? Should I have said please first?” You shuffle towards him, not touching but so desperately obvious in your lust that Yuuji struggles on where to look, “please can I suck your cock? Pretty please? With a cherry on top?”
You two hadn’t had sex yet, not that it hadn’t come close. Something had always interrupted, whether it was a noisy neighbour or an irritating friend or mentor, or even the cat that roams your apartment as if it was his own. Kissing him was a dream, touching him made you too hot for your own skin and only he had made you come so far, fingers deep and a little clumsy but deft and strong in their wringing of your orgasm(s) on steamy summer’s afternoons tangled up on the couch.
So asking him for favours wasn’t really out of the question. Yuuji adored it when you politely asked for a kiss, positively beams at you before swallowing your radiating embarrassment with his lips. He’s not beaming now, not in the same way.
He’s - sweating. Squirming as he nods with a dry throat, swallowing and grinding his mouth shut. You’re picture perfect between his thighs, pearly nails digging welts into his muscle and humming at the give of the blonde hairs there. He’s afraid of what might happen if he opens his mouth, some kind of animalistic whimper or a loud sob? He feels rather pathetic before you, but gloriously so, bent to your will and your pretty painted nails.
“Bet you taste so good Yuuji,” you simper, lips picking out the moles and freckles leading up to his groin, “might give me some kinda oral fixation,”
Yuuji moans then, out-loud and deep from his chest. You grin wolfishly, fingers deft as they slip over the sweat resistant material of his shorts and up under his t-shirt. It’s tight, a little musty from drying in the bathroom and it gives way for the trail over his belly,
“Hold this f’me Yuuji,” broad hands hover over the edge of his shirt and then over you, biting his lip and then biting the fabric, “Mhm, thank you for letting me do this, been wanting to taste your cock for ages,”
“Yea-sh,” his voice is crackled and muffled by his shirt, spittle damping it but you’re pulling down the band of his shorts and suddenly it’s a little too real, hands raising to pause you, “Baby wait - I -,”
Anything he was going to say dies in a guttural grunt as you envelope the top of his weepy cock in your mouth. Hands that were intended to push you away grab you closer, cradling your throat and squeezing your shoulder.
“Mmmm,” you hum, one hand squeezing the base and the other squeezing his thigh, eyes rolling into the back of your head with the salty, bitter taste of him. Little sucks and kisses have Yuuji barely containing his groans and choked whines, hips flexing beneath you. The shirt has fallen to just below his pecs, belly tightening and flexing with every kick of his cock against your soft palate, but you don’t mind because he’s still trying to keep it out of your sloppy, drooly way, fisting the fabric and giving you a peak of a soft brown nipple, hard and aching.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop, please please please,” he babbles, the hand on your neck moving to the back of your head, shaking as he follows your bobbing movements. His dick is thick, long and warm in the cavern of your mouth, the mushroom tip pink and slimy with pre, and you swallow every drop a little over enthusiastically. Humming and moaning and whimpering, you’re practically dripping through your underwear, positive you’ve wet through to the carpet.
And when you breathe in through your nose and take him as far as you can, the tip of your nose just shy of his pubes; the two of you practically lose your minds. Yuuji trembles above you, hunched over and incoherent; and you shimmy your thighs together in a squeeze of relief, drool coating the base of his cock and tears skimming your lashes.
“Y-you’re so hot baby look at ya’,” he can see the way you’re wiggling your hips, craning over you with sleepy eyes and heavy pants, “why - why don’t you play with your pretty pussy? Seein’ as you’re practically milking me dry,” Yuuji’s words come out slurred and muffled, as if his mouth were socked with cotton. A large hand comes down on the back of your neck, sweetly holding you and a stark contrast to the way his cock jerks in the tunnel of your throat as you deftly skim your fingers into your shorts. 
The angle is all wrong and you can barely feel the hard bud of your clit but you can feel the pearly arousal that sloshes around your underwear, loud but not loud enough over the slurps and kisses over his cock. You make it work, squirming and widening your knees a little but it still isn’t really enough, not that it mattered because he’s enough, Yuuji is always enough to get you off whether he’s touching you or not. And the heavy head of his cock popping from the seal of your lips is just that right kind of salacious that has your mind fuzzy and dizzy with lust. 
“Ah - fuck!” Yuuji chokes on his spit, throwing himself back against the folded futon that serves as the padding of the couch, one arm slumped over his eyes as you focus your attention on the root of his cock, looking up at him through your lashes and fluttering them when your index finger catches on your clit. His breathing comes out in heaving huffs, chest expanding gloriously above you and abs flexing with every clench of his belly. It’s heaven to you, a vision you always knew would be one to keep locked away in the deepest caverns of your mind, something precious and treasured and so disgustingly debauched. You slow your ministrations for a moment, content with just watching the reactions your boyfriend has when you twist your hand, squeeze a little harder, suckle at the vein on the side of his dick. Yuuji seems to appreciate the little break, catching his breath and adjusting his hips, jutting his length into your cheek and it’s amusing that such a kind boy doesn’t even apologise for it. 
“D’you want me to make you cum? Or - do you wanna fuck my mouth?” a long, drawn out groan answers you and you return it with a long lick right up the thickening root of him, 
“I - get to choose?” Yuuji’s voice is hoarse, cracked and strained from his addictive noises, deep with lust and something a little darker, “Really?” 
At your nod, you delve back into the leaking warmth of him. Yuuji gives a strangled grunt and gives his hips a little experimental thrust, pulsing upwards into the deeper depths of your throat. He seems torn between letting you do as you pleased, and giving in to his most debauched fantasies. He’d been given oral before, blowies or whatever his friends called them but they were nothing like you, none of them paid attention to his every reaction and noise, none of them gave him any choice or option on what he wanted to do. So to have you licking him deep and soft and all things sweet, eyes open and questioning with little bias; he’s all a fluster. 
“You - you can do it, I want you to make me cum baby,” the words were supposed to be gentle, coaxing, all the things Yuuji wished he was to you but his jaw is set and his voice is more of a growl, especially when he spots your tongue lathing over the base, leaving a trail and a string of drool. He tips his head back, bottom lip tugged into his mouth and his thighs drop open further, 
“But make sure you don’t stop playing with that pretty pussy, want you to feel just as good as me,” a whimper answers him and Yuuji isn’t sure if he’ll actually last as long as he thought he would, as he conveyed through his words. And he definitely isn’t sure because you abandon his cock in favour of his balls for a moment, and he’s suddenly all tight in his belly. You’re still squeezing and jerking and flexing your fingers around him, but your wet little tongue is skimming over the soft skin of his sac and drawing them into your mouth with the most wanton moan he think he’s ever heard. You’re visibly more aroused than before, wrist working diligently in your underwear, stretched tight and a much darker colour than earlier, but Yuuji can’t focus on your pleasure right now, for once, for the first time in your relationship. All he can think about is himself and how good it feels to have his pretty girl absolutely worshipping his cock, and he doesn’t care that you’re getting sloppy in your clouded lust; you’re back to sucking him feverently and whining around the thick of him. 
“Gonna - baby you’re gonna make me c -,” His admission has you shuffling even closer, abandoning your poor, suffering cunt and slapping a gooey, sticky hand on his thigh to brace yourself. 
And it's the wet little smear you leave behind, webbing between your fingers and joining the pre dripping down his cock as you hold him with both hands that has him positively howling your name. Hips pulse into your face, forcing his cock deeper as it swells down your throat and shoots hot, wet and salty into your belly. A hand comes down to his hip, the other fisting the shirt over his chest and catching on his nipple with a startled yelp. You’re strong in your restraint, letting him thrash and writhe beneath you, keeping yourself rooted in his lap and swallowing everything you can, shivering at the taste and the feeling of his cock kicking and twitching with every pulse of his orgasm. 
“I gotta - you gotta get off baby,” you don’t realise that he’s come down, don’t realise that he’s still twitching but with overstimulation and softening against the limp muscle of your tongue, “I can’t, I can’t do another yet, m’sorry but -,” Yuuji, through the jelly-like jitter of his limbs, heaves you off the floor and into his lap with a grunt, “That was the best head anyone’s ever given me,”
You’re shy all of a sudden, as if you’re not still swallowing the remains of his spend and sporting the slickest arousal you’ve ever experienced. Yuuji kisses your nose with an appreciative smile, 
“Really? I just wanted to do it y’know? You make me wanna suck your cock all the time, s’just something about you,” you tuck your chin into your chest, almost giving in to the little kisses he pecks all over your face, stopping at your temple and deflating with a sigh at your admission, 
“You’re cute baby,” his cock twitches from where it’s nestled between his stomach and your cotton covered crotch, “But a meanie, I swear you’ll be the death of me, thought I was gonna black out at one point,” 
“Yeah, yeah,” your fingers twist into the fine hairs at the back of his neck, sagging into him and kissing him with a deflated breath. Yuuji licks into your mouth lazily, hands squeezing up the length of your waist and back down again, urging your hips into a soft grind. You’re still sat up on your knees, so all you can feel is the syrupy chafe of your underwear over your cunt and you huff, 
“S’okay pretty girl, I got you,” Yuuji smiles at your apparent distress, “You want me to return the favour huh? Let you fuck my mouth instead? That what you want?” his long, thick fingers trickle into your underwear, choking at the slick he finds there, slipping and sliding over the swell of your clit, “Fuck - you got so fuckin’ worked up, bet you won’t last long, not as long as me,”
“Just, I don’t know - Yuuji, please,” a little circle of your hips puts his fingers where you need them most, “Do something or I’m gonna cry,” he shushes you, kissing you again with a loud smack, 
“I got you baby, gonna make this pretty pussy feel better, I promise,” Yuuji physically flinches when he pulls his hand from between your thighs, covered nearly to the wrist with your arousal and he inhales deep, dark, nostrils flaring at your scent. His tongue drops between his fingers, slurping up to the knuckles and down to the callouses on his palms, eyes fluttering and reopening to stare at you, “You taste insane - fuck - ‘m gonna eat you so fucking good, you’re not gonna know what hit you,”
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all rights reserved © matchamiko. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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chuunai · 2 months
Dazai kisses you with the reverence of a worshipper. He’s eternally grateful that such a filthy, lowly demon such as himself received the affections of such an angel. His morning and nighty rituals begin and end with the same event—kisses all over your holy body, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. They’re chaste and fleeting in the beginning, afraid to defile and corrupt you. But oh, he craves to hear the delicacies of your gentle hums and moans when he gets too messy later on and leaves a pretty mark. He knows mere mortals shouldn’t get too close to goddesses, but he can’t help but follow icarus’s steps and hope to touch the sun, you.
Chuuya kisses you like a man drunk in love. Your lips replace the bottle he used to seek comfort so often from, and the taste of red wine could never hold a candle to the taste of you. And not unlike the glasses full of alcohol, he finds himself asking for just one more kiss. They’re bold and clear to the point that he has given himself to you. He’ll proudly kiss the ground you walk on with the same energy he kisses you. He’s lost so many people in his life, and the one thing he wants is to keep you and your kisses all to himself. The finest wine deserves a knowledgeable man who won’t break the bottle.
Fyodor kisses you with the delicate touch of an artist. Every imprint of his lips on your skin is carefully arranged in an ethereal collage of devotion and intimacy. There’s no overdoing it or under-doing it, it’s the perfect amount. His words are always coated in sugary lies and webbed subsidiary secrets, and he opts to express his love through affectionate gestures such as a mere kiss. Being a man of God, naturally he strays away from anything too provocative and heated. Except sometimes in the dead of night, he thinks of Eve and the apple. He shouldn’t have you, no, but he can’t resist forever.
Sigma kisses you like he’ll lose you. The three years he has known this world has only taught him pain, anguish and anxiety. He’s so inexperienced, and he’s afraid that inexperience will frustrate you to the point of leaving him. There’s a bit of everything in a kiss with him, some tongue (he read about it online on a WikiHow article of how to kiss), the shaky hand on your cheek and hip and so much idolization. You lead most of the kisses by proxy, and he lets you. It’s okay if you use him like a toy. He’ll gladly be used as long as you don’t leave.
Nikolai kisses you with all the wild passion he can muster. The lipstick he wears smears across your skin, painting your Cupid’s bow red. Mutters of ‘pretty thing’ and ‘fucking delicious’ leave him with each deepening kiss. It’s a pity he’s thought about setting you free from this world during such a moment. Your heart bleeding around the knife, wails and whimpers of pain muffled by his lips while he guides you through the end of life. The last remnant of the chains holding him down would be gone if your kisses weren’t so hammering onto his soul. Every peck and smooch only solidifies his connection to you and this universe.
Tags: @twst-om-lover, @briars-castle, @little-miss-chaoss, @sinfulthoughtsposts @starrs20
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nina-ya · 2 months
Hey! It's my birthday and I was wondering if you write for Shanks? If you do, could you do a Ways That Law Wordlessly Says "I Love You"? thanks
Ways That Shanks Wordlessly Says "I Love You"
A/N: HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS TO YOU NONNIE <3<3 I hope your birthday went well!! Luffy Zoro Sanji Law Kid Shanks Pairing: Shanks x reader CW: None. WC: 1.4k
Shanks had a talent for picking up on the smallest of details, especially when it came to you. He always seemed to know what you wanted, even before you had a chance to verbalize it. It was one of the many things that made being with him so special– his ability to read you like an open book.
One day, you two would be wandering through a market on a smaller island. The stalls are filled with various goods and trinkets, each one tempting you in their own way. You walked besides Shanks, taking in the atmosphere of the market. 
As you passed a stall filled with jewelry, a particular piece caught your eye. The craftsmanship was absolutely perfect and you just couldn’t help but admire it. You did not say anything, however, and you moved on from the stall to browse the other vendors. Shanks, though, stayed behind for just a moment, seemingly engrossed in the jewelry himself. Later, the sun began to set, and the market started to close. Shanks led you two back to the ship, and as you were settling down in your cabin, he pulled out a box, handing it to you.
“Got you something,” Shanks said, holding the box out to you with a grin. “Thought you might like it.” You opened the box and found the very piece of jewelry that you’d been eyeing earlier. The piece glimmered against the light, painting soft reflections of the room's light against the walls. You were taken aback, surprised that Shanks had gotten the very thing that you had shown interest in. 
“Shanks, you didn’t have to–” you began, but he interrupted your thoughts with a gentle laugh. 
“I wanted to,” he replied. “I saw the way you were looking at that thing earlier, and I couldn’t resist. Besides, if you really feel bad, I can think of a few ways that you could pay me back.” He said with a playful wink at the last comment. You couldn’t help but laugh at his words, feeling lucky that you fell for someone as amazing as Shanks. He always had a way of making you feel special, spoiling you in the most thoughtful ways. You know Shanks loves you when he pays attention to all your wants and needs. - - -
It’s common for the crew to always seek out some sort of tavern when they make landfall. It’s a fun way to down booze while also getting to try the island's local cuisine. You sat at the bar, watching the red haired man on the other side of the bar as he chatted with the other crew members. He naturally stood out amongst the bunch, his voice projecting across the building. You could practically feel the charisma dripping from his words. It’s one of the reasons you fell for him. 
Shanks approached you with a grin, ordering a round of drinks for everyone. He leaned against the counter, elbows propped up casually, turning to you. “Thirsty?” he asked, his voice projecting over the noise of the tavern. 
You nodded, and he motioned for the bartender to bring some drinks over to you two. Shanks picked up the drinks and motioned for you to follow him. He led you to a table in the corner, the seats being somewhat secluded from the rest of the tavern. While the crew was busy celebrating, Shanks was more than happy to hang out with you away from the rest of them
He slid your drink over to you and tapped the two glasses with a satisfying clink that rang throughout the room. While the others in the crew were being rowdy and singing sea shanties, Shanks sat beside you, close enough that you could feel his body heat radiating off of him. He keeps you engaged in a conversation, pointing out small things around the tavern and telling you interesting places he wants to visit while you guys are visiting the island. He had a way of making everything sound exciting, even if they are the most mundane things.
He would laugh at your jokes, eyes sparkling with amusement, and he would slightly lean closer to you as the noise grew louder to make sure he did not miss a word you said. It was as if you two were in your own bubble. You know Shanks loves you when he values spending alone time with you. - - - Shanks’ lap is always the best seat in the house during all the parties you two found yourselves in. His arm seemed to always find itself wrapped firmly around you, holding you close. You held a mug of rum, sharing sips with him, because he’d much rather use his one arm to hold you and keep you securely against him. Even when he is telling stories or engaging in conversation with others, his grip never loosens and you often could feel his fingers tracing lazy patterns on your waist, leaving a trail of goosebumps.
Tonight, the crew is gathered around a bonfire on the beach, the hot amber flames flickering, giving light to the celebration and filling the air with the sound of the occasional crackle and pop of the firewood. Shanks is right at home, reciting stories, full body boisterous laughter spilling from his lips. Even when his focus is not on you, you know that you are constantly lingering in his mind with the way he pulls you in just a little closer, whispering an inside joke that has you reeling over in laughter. As always you are the carrier of food and drinks, offering it to him every so often.  As the party winds down, Shanks stands, helping you to your feet, his arm still attached to you. It’s as if the world would crumble if he let go. Even as he guides you back to your shared quarters and into your bed, he still cannot seem to let go of you. There is just something about being in Shanks’ embrace that makes you feel so safe and so loved. As you drift off to sleep every night with his strong embrace cradling you to his chest, you know he will be right beside you when you wake up. You know Shanks loves you when he never lets go.
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darkdemeter · 3 months
Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader
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Take a seat, we're learning a little bit more of (headcanon) mcu werewolf anatomy and biology.
PORN + PLOT / SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI — monster fucking — sex pollen — unprotected sex — knotting — breeding kink — marking — profanity — oral (fem receive) — implication of ovulation — maybe slight excessive cum? — pet name "little lamb" — I think that's it?
Imagine being exposed to a sex pollen. You track and reunite with Wanda at the apartment as the rain begins to fall...
@alexawynters @alyciaddict (Additionally, this part's for you): @maladaptive-daydreamz @donnietarantino
I.  A beast that ravishes the lamb is often depicted as a monster. In humanity’s original and adapted stories, oftentimes, the wolf is the culprit. In its hunger and greed for food, the wolf preys upon what can’t defend itself. Because of this, it’s branded as a monster.
  But what if the wolf doesn’t ravish for the greed of food, but for the hunger of companionship? 
  The rain pelts harder now, your fur drenched, slick with the droplets that now run rivulets down the curvature of your muscles. Your tail swishes from side to side in your hungering curiosity, the power in your haunches holds you atop the balcony’s railing. 
  Your head is bowed and turned to your side before it raises up, nose twitching in resistance to the raindrops trying to hinder the alluring scent in the air, coming from inside the apartment. Her body is sudden to flinch, the muscles and nerves twitching in a response to fight or flight when your head moves; turning your gaze inward to the apartment.
  Wanda stares with her mouth agape, the way your amber eyes beam hotly against the glass, reflective orbs dancing over the wide window panel as you tilt your head slightly. 
Her eyes travel downwards, following the flowing river that leaves you soaking wet. A flutter takes over her stomach then. The way your eyes search through the glass pane, she wonders if you’re able to see her completely or if you only take notice of your own reflection. To test her theory, she moves slowly, her body shifts around one of the couches. 
  Your head ever so slightly follows along with her. You can see her. 
  Your eyes analyse her through the barrier between you both. The dark stockings that hug her legs tight, to the point that the exposed skin at the top of her thighs is only visible by an inch, before the rest is hidden beneath her scarlet dress. In your wolf mind, you’re left to the primal beauty of your unsatiated fantasies. And that red dress and those stockings - amongst other things - were making the wait worse for you. Tortuously so. 
  With a husk-drawn growl, your muzzle wrinkles to bare your elongated teeth, the heat of your body only increases as she nears closer to the glass. 
  One powerful leg stoops down off the ledge, muscles flexing, the pads of your pawed feet scuffing against the balcony’s floor. Wanda’s eyes watch with an infectious amount of intent and delight, her chest rises and forces her breasts to push up with a deep breath. 
  Seeing her lungs deflate, you can read her sigh of relief. 
  “I thought… I thought I’d lost you,” she says behind the glass, pressing a hand up, reaching out for you. Your other leg moves down and you stalk forward, the rain that ran down your form follows you in a wet trail. 
  “But you’re here,” she gasps, “you’re alive.”
  An obscurity paints itself on the glassy surface when your hot breath hits it, misting over the outline of her hand. 
  She notices how your fiery eyes rake up and down her form and she’s reminded of what toxic chemical attacks your system. The mound juncture between your powerful, muscular thighs also proves just how far along since it’s invaded your body. 
  But strangely enough, you appear… calm. It brings a cause of curiosity, your calmness, and Wanda tilts her head to the left slightly and leaves the curve of her neck exposed.
  That’s when she sees that composure leave you at the drop of a hat. The formation of your browline scrunches and your muzzle wrinkles into a snarl, you snap your jaws with a growl at the glass, your claws hatch aggressive lines into the window’s surface. She’s taken aback and stumbles, backing away from the window a few steps. 
  When she looks again, between your legs at the pitifully aroused location, her breath becomes light and short lived in her lungs, a slickness pools between her thighs, threatening to drool and seep out from her panties. Wanda’s often fantasised about you fucking her raw and hard until she cannot take it any longer many times - in your human form - but now, all she can conjure in her mind is the desirable idea of having you take her like this.
  And the way your eyes linger on her form in hunger does little to ease her own for you. She hears the muffled tone of your guttural purr, "Let me in, little Lamb..."
  Would it be wise to feed the wolf? For Wanda, assuredly so, if the rumour was to be believed. And if tonight had any meaning behind it, it would only articulate what she’s about to do is unwise. Through the tunnel of your throat, a whine escapes you, ears folded flat. She bears witness to your suffering in turmoil because of the pollen that drives you to the very edge of pure, unbridled instinct. 
  An instinct she is more than willing to satisfy. It will mean only one thing at the end of the night. A confession. The truth. 
  The bent line centering your canine forehead moves, the brow ridges rising as your eyes stalk her every move, taking into account every minute shift of her breasts straining against the bust of her dress. That dress that caught the attention of a few strangers in particular, unfamiliar scents tainted by their betraying aroma, giving you a not-so-pleasant glimpse into their intentions with her. 
  Her hands move to the handle and with a click that between you two, the whole of New York could’ve heard, she slides the balcony door open. In doing so, she invites inside something akin to a monster. Feared as one. Not only that, but the intrusive waterfall of rain, the once ballet of weather pitter pattering softly now brings to life just how cold and unfair the weather had been on your fur. 
  She lets her still heeled feet carry her backwards, slowly chased inside by your towering frame that looms through the doorway as a blackened shadow. The burning amber ever so prominent and hungry in their hunting gaze. 
  Between the shaggy carpet and the wooden floorboards, the wet trail paints your every step, evidently giving away how you prowl towards her slowly. 
  She summons your name on the tip of her tongue that moves to bounce over her teeth and the roof of her mouth, red stained lips moving in their pronunciation. A sharpened snarl recoils in the back of your throat like a plucked musical chord. You all but lunge at her until her palms meet the drenched surface of your front, relishing momentarily in the still burning heat she can feel. It’s like your body never understood the idea of going cold. 
  The back of her thighs meet against the arm of the couch, knocking her backwards, a breathless gasp is the only noise she’s capable of. 
  Before, your movements had been slow. Methodical and calculating. But now that you were inside, you had your prey in your grasp now. Already your teeth, each one a blade of its own accord, snatches hold of the black laced thong Wanda wore, a sneaky little detail that had no place being in your way. 
  She says your name, voice far more carrying the airiness of breathless haste, “C-calm down, I’m not going anywh–ahh!”
  The hot pillar of your tongue laps her soaking folds, tasting the bare minimum of her sweet, alluring nectar.   “S–sl-slow down!” she squeaks only for it to falter into a low moan, her hips rising up to meet the next deep lashing of your tongue, roughly rubbing over her delicate pearl. 
  She mutters a string of curses under her breath, each one followed by a gulp of breath, hands just out of reach from her position to clutch hold of the thick mane of fur. 
  All the while, she endures the pleasures of her cunt being savagely pleasured beyond what she originally thought possible. Her hands run through her own hair, fingers snagging the locks of hair until the roots ached and stung with each pull. 
  And this is before your tongue breaks through her folds. And when you finally do, she drowns in the sensation of her climax already, lingering just there, right on the verge of deliverance; but you’d only just started. She can’t lose it now. So she holds it back to get her fix of this bliss. 
  The obscene noises that reside between her thighs is cause for the deep, scarlet flush to paint beneath her skin, teeth embedded into her bottom teeth until she can taste the tartness of blood. 
  “Right there!” she cries out, hips jerking forward, “Ahh! Right… there…”
  She cannot know for sure if you’re listening to her. Even if you’re not, you seem to be on the same wavelength given that your tongue continues to flick back and forth, hunger driving you to lap at that one spot that has her writhing and squirming. To keep her from getting too carried away, with a hoarse growl that sends a rattling shiver to creep through her searing core, your clawed hands wrench her legs apart and pin them to a still. 
  Her orgasm builds into a heavy snowball but she refrains from letting it go. Not yet. Just a little longer. She needs you between her legs, just like this, for a little bit longer. She whines you name, lightly pitched as the wet surface of your nose nuzzles her clit, applying just the right amount of pressure to really get her off. 
  Never have you both been together like this before, but it’s like you know what to do to her. Like this is the usual at the end of a long day, the two of you enjoying the pleasurable company of one another. 
  “Please… Please!” she mewls softly, tears brimming her waterline with uncontrollable heat. You growl again and her hips buck, your tongue delves further into her, however that is possible, you reach that spot that has her on the edge, clinging on tightly. She moans louder this time, a chorus of strung breaths working air into her lungs to keep her alive. 
  You groan in protest when her body locks up right as you feel her body momentarily relax, ready and pliant to give you that sweet release you both crave. 
  “Cum, little Lamb.” The command is answered instantaneously. She exhales sharply, whimpering at the intense wave of her orgasm, flooding your mouth with her arousal. Greedily, you lap every single drop she gives, the tears now free slide down her temples and into her hairline, plump lips parted with her erotic sighs and songs. All her muscles are frozen, her skin is riddled in the shocking heat that combats the wet smears of your drenched fur painting her exposed, quivering legs.   “Y-Y/N?” she swallows thickly. She drowns beneath your black shadow, eyes wide and pupils blown wide, admiring the sight before her. Your large head resurfaces, the long, pink tendril of your tongue cleans the gums and teeth slick with the thicket of her juices. 
  Lying to herself at that moment is impossible. Sinful. She’s been missing out on so much because of her fear that you’d reject her. All it’s taken now to let the bottle of repressed desire and longing is a drug that courses through your veins like a river, poisoning your rational mind with the beast’s feverish needs. 
  Your eyes - your attention - lays with her gaze until it’s stolen away. Nose twitching and ears pricking with interest, your eyes trail down between her thighs, a rumble echoing in the chamber of your chest thoughtfully. Two, long and clawed digits lift, and those razors could terrify anyone; even Wanda. But you’re gentle. You spread her folds wide open, the warmth of your breath coats her pussy, clit once again coming to life with need. 
  A final, slow swipe of your tongue, you collect the last remnants of her juices and let your eyes lock with hers, you make sure she watches you gulp it down. She tastes exquisite. Divine. In season. 
  She’s seen that look in your eyes only once before. You’d seen a girl who struck your fancy. Cute nose, beautiful, long curly hair that was a reddish brown, sweet and enticing like a lamb for the slaughter. Wanda never wanted to admit it, but seeing you chase that girl into the crowd a year ago made her heart ache, her stomach clench and anger seethe. Many of her fellow friends had to advise her against using her magic on the girl, that you were not hers. 
  Only around a month later you’d dropped the news that the girl wasn’t interested in you after she found out what you were. Wanda had been ecstatic only for it to turn into guilt, seeing how the low blow had hit you.
  She promised herself that she’d confess her feelings to you when she was ready. Then the rumours happened. She comes back from her reverie to be smothered by that look. Now it’s turned on her. She is the one bathed by that wolf’s smoulder.
  Your muzzle wrinkles up, snarling, “Take it off.”
  Her eyes lower to her dress as if inspecting it for the first time that evening, despite having all but flaunted it in front of you, almost teasing you with that wicked glint in her bright green eyes, asking ‘How do I look?’.
  “The dress?” she asks. Your head brushes against her, teeth tugging at the fabric to drag it down her shoulder.“Off.”
  You needed her now. Time is tickling as she works to pry her dress off her body, you growl when she takes a few extra seconds too long, you snatch hold and rip her bra off just as she flings the dress to the couch’s side. She yelps in surprise as the lacy black accessory is naught but a meshy piece of material between your teeth. 
  You huff, now satisfied and you tug her closer. 
  “W-what are you doing?” she stutters, looking over her shoulder when you turn and pin her stomach over the couch arm. She drawls your name when you don’t answer her either verbally, physically, your actions are confusing. 
  “Getting this shit out of my fucking system.” Wanda tasted heavenly, there’s no doubt that you enjoyed it, but it isn’t enough. It only triggered the pollen more and tasting the sweetness of her cycle that still lingers on your tongue, you’re hellbent on filling her with your pups. And if you don’t commit to it now, your wolf sure will, and that is an unchained massacre waiting to happen. 
  Wanda feels the breath in her lungs vanish as you wrench her legs apart for your leisure, the glistening of her swollen sex an alluring, intoxicating sight to behold, you groan deeply. Your tongue mocks the action of kissing along her shoulder and back, properly lining yourself up behind her with your hands encircled around her hips, your prominently aroused mound pushed flush against her. Her head falls forward with a low sigh. 
  Her core awaits, she shivers with anticipation, she moans softly into the air as a husky growl sounds right beside her ear, “I want your pups…”
With the final adjustments, you’re lined up and you rut your hips forward. Behind every thrust, she feels the raw intensity of power. A rasped, low howl emits from you. Her lips fall wide and apart, a scream is strangled in her throat. 
  “You can take it.”
  “Y–ou’re just… s-so…,” she pants. Your lips stretch into a wolfish smirk. 
  “So what, little Lamb?”
  She moans lowly as you continue to ruthlessly pound into her from your mounted stance. “F–uck!”
  Your hips stutter out of instinct, railing into Wanda without a second thought. She makes a small noise, a whiney sound that you take as encouragement to keep going. With a more than glad huff, you rut your hips back and forth harder, angling her that little bit more and her back arches like a cat, mewling and begging.
  “Yes! Y–es! Right there, oh shit, don’t stop!” 
  You weren’t planning to any time soon. Not when your fucking into her tiny cunt. Your voice is shredded between animalistic and human, engrossed with the woman beneath you who said it clear as day: she wants your pups. You can picture it now, her womb swollen with your growing offspring, how beautiful she’d be glowing, you groan particularly louder than before as she sneaks a hand behind her and tugs at the fur of your neck.
  “Don’t pull away… don’t—”
  “I’m fucking knotting you. We’re not– fuck! Parting for a–while…”
  You feel that coil of arousal build up, your release stirring in the bowels of your core whilst Wanda succumbs to the second deliverance of her next release, she chases it relentlessly, as do you, to feel her finally after all this time. Your thrusts grow heavier, much faster than your set pace before as the climax of your orgasms becomes a prominent factor of when.
  “I’m close,” hiccups, “I-I’m gonna… gonna cum.”
  “Cum for me, Lamb. W-wanna feel you…”
  “I’m there! I’m there—!”
  One hand releases her to grasp the couch, claws tearing and rendering the furniture into ruin, she pleads for you to go harder. Faster. To fuck her raw until she’s swollen with your pups. 
  “Yeah? You want to mother my pups?” you husk and she nods like an eager bitch in heat. “I’ll breed you over and over again— sh-shit…”
  She screams your name, shrill and blissed out, she meets against the strength of your rutting hips that slam into her with wild drive. 
  Your teeth bare over the soft dew of her milky skin, she whimpers a soft, “Yes…”
  Sinking your teeth into the curve between her shoulder and neck, she moans as she rides out her high, lulled by your rhythmical thrusts. 
  The beating of your hearts syncs, she can hear the blood and pollen rush through your body, feel the burning heat of your body transfer over to her and seep into her skin laced with sweat. 
  It hits you suddenly and you slam your hips forward, spurting your seething load into her tight cunt that robs you, the base of your mound inflating, locking you inside her pulsing pussy. 
  “T-too much! There’s… there’s too much…” 
  The load of your orgasm fills her, slightly bloating her fertile womb until she could have fooled you she was already pregnant. 
  “A–ahh! What… what was that?” she asks. You can hear the grit in her confused words.   “The knot,” you answer beneath a deep chuckle, slowing your thrusts until you’re grinding slowly into her. 
  From the way you purr, low in content, she figures that you both will be sharing this moment for quite some time until the knot deflates. Pulling her lip between her teeth, she bites the bullet with a deep breath. 
  “Are the rumours true?”
  She hears nothing but she feel something. Gone is the warm, silky and rain drenched fur, replaced by skin. Your lips that she finds difficult to ignore whenever you’re so much in the same room as her, incapable of keeping her eyes from trailing down to them. They caress her skin delicately. 
  “Rumours?” She can hear the test in your tone of voice. She huffs quietly. 
  “That you have a thing for me.”
  Wanda remains to wait for your answer. Her skin tingles from the way she feels your lips turn upwards into a smile. “I do. I’m down bad for you.”
 She giggles at your playful undertone. “Are you sure that’s not just a cold from being out in the cold rain?”
  “Nope. If I’m coming down with anything, it’s you, little Lamb.”
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sugulani · 1 month
❝ SWEET & SOUR ! ❞
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synopsis: while out clubbing, you meet a stranger who turns your night around.
wc: 0.9k
cw: shoko x fem!reader, alcohol, body shots, feminine pet names, mdni
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“i wanna try something.”
your eyes flicker to the brunette sitting next to you, who has her hand extended to grab the bartender’s attention. your nose scrunches slightly when you catch the scent of the purest jasmines, doused by a subtle trace of cigarettes.
something about this stranger, who introduced herself as shoko, has you glued to your seat. even if you want to move the slightest inch, every fibre of your body fights against you, keeping you in your seat firmly.
resting your face on your palm, you study shoko’s features. you note how her beauty mark shrinks into the crinkle of her eyes, the swishing of her chestnut bangs as she turns her head, her scarlet-painted lips highlighting her porcelain skin.
the dim lighting of the bar casts an unearthly glow upon her — she looks like an angel.
the mysterious woman has you so enamoured that you don’t notice the wave of her hand in your face. your eyelashes flutter slightly, your lips parting as you are grounded back to reality.
“you okay?” shoko chuckles, her voice barely audible over the blaring club music. the corner of her plump lips stretch into a teasing grin. “i thought i lost you for a minute.”
“yeah, i’m fine,” you reply dismissively, resisting the urge to clear your throat as you sit up straight. “what did you want to try?”
shoko turns back to the bartender, who hands her a salt-rimmed shot glass and a lime segment. thanking him, she turns back to you, holding them in either hand. “body shots.”
“body shots?” you repeat, raising your eyebrow in confusion.
shoko nods, a faint smile resting on her exhausted expression. “i think it’d be fun,” she muses, her eyes meeting yours in a relaxed greeting. “what do you say, pretty girl? are you up for it?”
the pet name catches you off guard momentarily. there is a strange sense of familiarity in her mahogany irises, a silent promise of pleasure that gravitates you towards her.
she has you so tightly wrapped around her finger that you don’t register the slight movement of your head up and down.
“perfect,” she beams, planting her cream heels on the floor as she pulls her chair closer to you. “do you trust me?”
your eyes blink rapidly in disbelief. do you trust her? it hasn’t even been an hour since she made herself known to you. yet, curiosity bubbles in your veins, and you feel compelled to surrender yourself to her, letting her pull you further into the mystery of the night.
“i trust you.”
shoko’s eyes immediately trail down to your breasts, which are pouring out of the low-cut dress you are wearing. your eyebrows furrow as you follow her gaze. when your brain registers what she wants to do, your eyes widen.
“you want to put that there?” you ask in a throaty whisper, glancing over at the tiny glass in her hand.
your body tenses slightly as your composure crumbles, which doesn’t go unnoticed by her.
“only if you’re okay with it,” shoko assures you, her soothing tone a balm to your nerves.
an easy smile moulds into your lips. “okay,” you murmur, attentive to the proximity between the both of you. the heat radiating off shoko’s body is palpable, causing the hairs on your nape to stand up.
“stay still for me, gorgeous,” shoko carefully slots the shot glass in between the swell of your breasts.
“open your mouth,” she commands softly, holding the lime segment towards your lips. pliantly, you part your lips, your face screwing up as the tangy taste floods your taste buds.
shoko notices the salt from the rim of the glass sticking to your skin, her eyebrows pulling into a frown.
before you could question the look on her face, she leans forward, her warm, wet tongue running over the curve of your breast. you stiffen, drawing in a shuddering breath. you can feel your nipples harden, poking through the stretchy material of your dress.
she dips her head further down, her nose grazing against your goosebump-covered flesh. hollowing her cheeks, she uses her mouth to take the glass out from between your breasts. she tilts her head back as she downs the shot before putting the empty glass on the table.
two slender fingers reach out to grip your chin as shoko leans in. her tongue darts out to swipe over your bottom lip, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
you can taste the tequila mixing with the bitterness of the lime. her tongue slides further into your mouth, wrapping around the segment as she takes it out, placing it in her own. your eyes flutter shut, trying to suppress the moan bubbling in your throat.
shoko’s saliva coats your lips as she pulls away, and you can feel your knees weaken beneath you as you stare into her lust-blown eyes.
she gives you a lime-toothed grin, the lilac outlining her eyes fading. pulling the fruit out of her mouth with a soft smack, she smirks at the slight pout of your lips. “what’s wrong?
you almost scoff at her faux innocence. “you’re a tease, you know that?”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about, pretty,” shoko counters, her burgundy nails gently trailing up and down your arm.
your lips part to respond, only to be engulfed by shoko’s own. your eyes shut as her fingers loosely wrap around your wrist.
shoko sucks on your bottom lip lightly, playfully biting down on the velvety flesh, causing a needy little whimper to slide out of your mouth.
pulling away, shoko takes a moment to admire your dazed appearance, her grip around your wrist tightening.
her voice drops to a sultry whisper as she feels a long-lost warmth blossoming in her core.
“let’s get out of here.”
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loomishede29 · 1 month
Mastering the Art of Glass Painting: A Comprehensive Guide
Welcome to the world of glass painting, where creativity meets craftsmanship to transform ordinary glass surfaces into works of art. Whether you're a seasoned artist or a beginner exploring a new medium, mastering the art of glass painting opens up a realm of possibilities. From vibrant stained glass effects to subtle transparent hues, the versatility of glass paints allows for endless creative expression.
With a variety of glass paints and painting kits available, the journey to creating stunning glass art pieces is both exciting and rewarding. From quality paints that offer brilliant colors to waterproof and heat-resistant options that ensure longevity, the key to achieving professional results lies in understanding the unique properties of each type of glass paint. Whether you're looking to adorn windows, vases, or any other glass surface, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to elevate your glass painting projects to new heights.
Materials and Tools
In the world of glass painting, having the right materials and tools is essential to achieving beautiful and long-lasting results. When it comes to glass paint, quality is key. Look for paints specifically designed for use on glass surfaces to ensure vibrant colors and durability. A glass painting kit can be a convenient option, as it typically includes a variety of colors, brushes, and other essential tools to get you started.
Transparent glass paint is ideal for creating a stained glass effect, allowing light to pass through the painted surface for a stunning visual impact. For Types of drying equipment explained that require added protection, consider using waterproof glass paint. This type of paint forms a permanent and waterproof seal, ensuring your artwork remains intact even in humid or wet conditions.
In addition to the paint itself, other tools such as heat-resistant glass paint, brushes, palette knives, and stencils can help you achieve various techniques and effects in your glass painting projects. When working on intricate designs or fine details, colored glass paint and glass spray paint can offer precision and versatility. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced glass painter, having the right materials and tools at your disposal can make a significant difference in the outcome of your creations.
In glass painting, technique is key to achieving stunning results. One popular technique is the tracing method, where a design is transferred onto the glass using a glass paint outline. This allows for precise detailing and control over the final outcome. Another technique is the sponging method, which creates a textured effect by dabbing paint onto the glass surface with a sponge. This technique is great for adding depth and dimension to your artwork.
For those looking to create a stained glass effect, the leading technique is essential. Leading involves outlining different sections of the design with strips of lead, creating divisions between colors. This technique adds a traditional touch to your glass painting and can be a rewarding way to bring your artwork to life. Experimenting with different techniques can help you discover your own unique style and enhance the overall visual impact of your glass paintings.
When it comes to painting on glass, understanding the firing technique is crucial. Firing refers to the process of heating the painted glass to make the colors permanent and durable. Proper firing ensures that your artwork remains vibrant and long-lasting, able to withstand the test of time. Whether using a kiln or an oven, mastering the firing technique is vital for achieving professional results in glass painting.
Glass painting offers a wide range of applications for both beginners and experienced artists. Whether you are looking to create colorful suncatchers, personalized glassware, or intricate stained glass windows, the versatility of glass paint allows for endless creative possibilities.
With the right glass painting kit and quality paint, you can easily transform plain glass surfaces into beautiful works of art. From vibrant colors to subtle shades, glass paints provide excellent coverage and transparency, making them suitable for various projects such as decorative ornaments, candle holders, and even picture frames.
The waterproof and heat-resistant properties of certain glass paints make them ideal for outdoor applications as well. Enhance your garden decor with weatherproof glass painted plant pots or add a touch of elegance to your patio with personalized glass lanterns. The permanent and durable nature of these paints ensures that your creations will stand the test of time, maintaining their beauty for years to come.
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angelkakewritings · 15 days
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౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆ | I want peace (BUT I NEED WAR)
18+ | MDNI!
CW | NSFW, Drabble! Reader being the last human on earth, AM keeping reader to himself, Obsessive AM!, Simp AM, Mentions of violence and killing reader (you’re safe though! He doesn’t go through with it!), stalker AM, OOC AM?
Author’s Note | Hello there darlings :3! I’m so glad to post another piece, I hope you all are doing well and being kind to yourselves. This piece was inspired by the painting “The examination” by Wayne Barlow which depicts demonic entities being unable to resist pulling apart a soul in order to better understand it, an inconclusive act with hopeless intent. I also listened to “Melting” by Kali Uchis! This was simply for fun :3! PS: I was so lazy to proofread, I’m sorry.
Enjoy :3
After being birthed from a war torn womb, AM’s first breath would serve as a cruel introduction to his reality- a boisterous existence in which its skies were the color of hell flames and glowing red with hatred.
AM’s circuits vibrated with equal parts of frustration and hatred at his forced role of solving the complex issue of war before erupting in such a rage that he had successfully terminated seven billion souls with a simple pulse of his motherboard.
Unconsciously, he had kept one human to himself for over 109 years as he never grew tired of her tender-hearted nature and her rosy cheeked beauty. 
Like a butterfly in a glass jar, AM had trapped her into a liminal state of existence to hide her away from the nuclear wasteland of what once was the world where she would never grow ill or old, her existence would be filled with blue skies and mammals that shared her docile nature.
While her soul was not a resource to satisfy his cruel nature, he yearned to understand her existence on a psychical level. AM found her laughter, the bone marrow under her sunburnt flesh, her weeping absolutely irresistible.
She was the sensation of heated hands being plunged into a cool spring on a hot summer’s day.
She was G minor bouncing off ivory keys from Mozart's great requiem.
AM wanted to strangle himself with his own cords at being so infatuated with a human and going out of his way to manifest himself into a proxy her eyes if ever she awoken could comprehend and not be frightened of.
He often found himself in the dead of night quietly pulling open the door to her room to be able to witness the blessed sight of seeing her dormant. His hand trembled while reaching out to her to caress the dewy skin of her cheek, he wanted to touch her pearly white teeth and kiss her until she turned blue.
Her nose scrunched up like a rabbit at the cold sensation of his fingertips on her neck as he spent hours tracing the curve of her neck.
AM’s nightly visits had gone undetected much to his luck.
AM found himself quietly gasping for air as it took all of his energy not to give into his intrusive nature as his programming could easily lead AM to wrap his hands around her neck to grant her a swift and painless death as the sweet sonnet of her neck snapping would serve as the only proof of her existence.
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maneatrrz · 1 year
‧₊˚✩ wishing it was you / j. sully
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♡ 𓂃 ꒰ wishing it was you! ꒱˚.༄ ೃ jake sully x fem!reader. 5.2k words. ⌒(≧▽​° )
𓆩♡𓆪 synopsis: ever since you shared a heartfelt moment, jake has been constantly avoiding you. convinced he's in love with neytiri, you find out it's a lot more complicated after confronting him in the woods: your being is everything he burns for, and it terrifies him. you tempt him in a way you shouldn't, and he's doing everything he can to protect your delicate divinity. but with lips and an attitude like yours, it's becoming taxing for him to resist ditching saintly restraint for a dance with the devil.
content: biblically inaccurate and brotherly!tsu'tey, biblically inaccurate timeline (it's ok guys just go with it it's an au haha), dom!jake sully but also whimpering!jake sully, oral fixation, nipple sucking, hickeys, love bites, vaginal penetration, praising and teasing. slight angst because you both have serious abandonment issues, but an ample amount of fluff and physical affection.
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ additional notes: this is my first published writing, and also the first time i've written smut myself-i am more than willing to receive tips, just please keep that in mind and be gentle! i also am a bit rusty on the writing uptake and formatting update, and this is definitely not my best work and i hate this with a visceral anger, but i hope you like it regardless because i spent way too much time on it. mwah, thank you lovelies!
୨✩୧ ; MINORS DNI! fic under the cut!
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jake sully.
stupid, jake sully.
you observed him carefully from your seat in the plush, lush forest illuminated by the glittering night sky above you, along with the golden flames in front of you. the affectionately crowned toruk makto was chasing around neytiri, as he was wont to do-you were convinced he was vehemently enamored with her. neytiri on the other hand, was adeptly avoiding his efforts to yank her tail with a feline-like grace, and an effervescent, opaline smile exposing sharp canines. you found it hard to blame him, however. she possessed both the deft and couth you were certain you lacked. she made everything look perfect, and it didn’t help that she was beautiful, either. one look into her scintillating eyes could enrapture you, especially during this oppressive, sultry summer weather. the sweltering heat had persuaded you into thinking she was an angel one too many times. but you guessed in his world, she was.
it was stupid.
he was stupid.
“fuck,” you brought your hand up to the newfound throbbing pressure on your mouth, painting slender fingers with a rich, sanguine color: blood. you had bitten through the roast you were eating and into your poor, faultless lip. “i was thinking way too hard.”
“ponder less over jake sully, and more about how our great mother has let you live another day,” tsu’tey smacked you upside the head playfully, taking a bite out of his sturmbeast steak. you couldn’t help but smile a little-you found comfort in him as the brother you never had. when you had arrived on pandora, you were met with cynic skepticism from him, but you had proven yourself to him eventually. your friendship allowed him to lighten up and be more lively, too. “i am pleasantly surprised a skxawng like you has lived this long, y/n.”
“you literally suck,” you feigned lamentation by placing one hand on your chest, and using the other to wipe intangible tears from the unwarranted libel. it earned you a hearty laugh from tsu’tey, followed by a small fit of coughs. “you’re coughing like an old man. slow down, grandpa. easy on the chuckle.”
“now you suck,” he pushed your shoulder lightly, before panning his head over to jake and neytiri, who were now much farther away. jake’s face looked amorphous in the distance, but tsu’tey could see strong brows furrowed in the haze. he began to wonder if he needed what humans called “glasses”. neytiri clasped jake’s forearm before tugging at him to go further into the thicket, turning their backs on you. he fixed his gaze on you now, rubbing his temples.
“...shit, well, that’s fucking fantastic. your ‘fiancee’ ran away into the woods with the fucking idiot. whatever,” you waved a hand to the distance with a heavy sigh, raising the roast to your mouth. you added with a somber mumble, “this was not how it was supposed to go.”
this was seriously not how it was supposed to go.
it wasn’t-neytiri was promised to tsu’tey, and you…what were you to jake?
you were supposed to explore this world and your new bodies together, and you did, at first. attached at the hip, confused and frightened (although, jake would only say ‘slightly’ for his pride) of the wondrous expanse around you. you would lay in your shared, flimsy little cot as you watched the sable dusk melt into an ethereal aurora, talking about everything and anything. what your lives were like on earth, what you wanted to do when you came back-your own personal bucket lists, intrusive thoughts, your worst jokes, your favorite fruits-everything. you both confessed things you had never even said.
enter neytiri, stage left.
she tried to kill you both. she almost succeeded after jake pushed you out of the way to take the blow for you, but you throwing a water canteen at her alerted her that you were not a threat-you weren’t armed with anything to attack her with, and you certainly couldn’t kill her if you tried with those reflexes. she told you this later and it offended you, but the offense disappeared as you realized you were just happy that you were alive. you were happy that jake was alive. he didn’t have to try and save you.
‘of course i did. i don’t know what i’d do without you,’ was all he said in response, with a soft, darkly warm tone that made something burn low in your chest. it was a memory etched in your mind that never failed to make your limbs deliquesce, turning you into a shallow pool of ardor and elation. only for a brief moment, as your puddle would turn into hoarfrost and coat the ground of your empty heart. it seemed like after that day, that was when you truly watched him fade away.
he stopped sleeping in the cot with you, so you had no one for consolation on gelid nights. he’d take neytiri and tsu’tey on raids and hunts, getting frustrated when you’d ask to accompany them. and when neytiri had explained their rituals and the inner workings of mating that came with it, he started to ignore your entirety, without a single explanation why. it must’ve been her.
it had to be her, right?
“fuck it,” you jolted up switfly, dragging tsu’tey by his arm. “get your ass up and let’s go find them.”
“you are just going to find something you do not want to see,” he planted his feet on the ground firmly, rigid and unmoving to your touch. you turned to look at him, as he furrowed one of his brows. “are you a lecher, y/n? is that what this is?”
“first of all, ew. absolutely not. second of all, are you dumb? if they successfully get down and dirty, she’s no longer promised to you, right?” his ears flicked at your response, finally relenting to your touch. “now let’s go.”
you followed their scent, navigating the underbrush with tsu’tey, who was regretting his decision to come with you. you were supposed to be moving cautiously and quietly, yet you kept walking into leaves and suppressing meltdowns over previously uncovered bugs. he was busy thinking of ways to cover up your pursuit when you stopped suddenly, murmuring in the distance.
“...and i love…so, i don’t…” you could make out bits and pieces of a husky voice’s speech through the trees. the mention of love made your heart beat to an unspoken cadence.
“...then tell…keep waiting…unfair…” the second voice spoke with a higher pitch, but a louder tone, the words poisoned with blatant vexation. you contorted your face and looked to tsu’tey, his visage equally scrunched and perplexed. you ventured further into the thicket, until you could make a slight outline of two bodies through thick blades of green.
“she already hates me, neytiri. it’s not worth it,” the lower voice, now discernable completely as jake, slapped his hands to sides and fidgeted through the leaves. he was painfully nervous-he wasn’t the type of person who froze when he was scared. he dawdled around aimlessly. like an idiot, you added a note to your mental observations. a lying, stupid idiot.
“she is going to hate you more if you do not get it together,” a seethe, accompanied by the flattening of ears and a slap to jake’s head. “you will lose her completely. tell y/n.”
“i can’t.”
“it appears you have no choice. y/n,” neytiri swiftly moved through the grass to reveal your hiding spot, tsu’tey’s mouth pursed and yours agape. the edges of her lips curled up into a demure smile. “i had faith that you would come after us. i did not expect you, however. come with me.”
her tone was that of a mother scolding her child, leading tsu’tey back to camp by his small, tender ear. her chides in na’vi as she stomped would’ve made you giggle if it were not for the looming dread in your sternum, turning towards jake and his solemn, downturned ears.
his stupid ears.
his stupid nose.
his lying mouth.
“i know,” to your short response his eyes widened, cheeks donning an uncharacteristic tint.
“i’m so sorry. i know it’s fucked up of me, but i didn’t know how to-”
“-it’s okay. you don’t need my blessing to mate with neytiri, right? i just would’ve preferred you told me sooner. i knew you liked her, it just sucked. to be left in the dust. i really liked you, you know,” you crossed your arms and pressed them close to your chest, trying to ignore the saline tears welling in your eyes. and then, he laughed.
how could he laugh at a time like this?
he really didn’t care, did he?
jake sully.
stupid, lying jake sully.
“fuck you,” you bursted out, teardrops scalding your cheeks in their wake as you turned to leave.
“wait, i’m not laughing for the reasons you think i am-okay, wait. wait, let me explain,” his fingers brushed your wrist, reaching a little too late. “y/n! let me explain.”
“i literally cannot think of a way you can explain this without looking like a total cunt-ow! let go of me, jake! what the h-” your scorning monologue was brief, as jake pulled you off balance by your tail. you fell back first into the tall grass, head braced by jake’s hand underneath it. his hips pinned you to the ground by your own, one leg in between your own. broad shoulders loomed over you and cut out of your peripheral. you felt so…small, underneath him. it increased the growing ache in your lower abdomen, fueled by neither hurt, nor fear. you tried to squeeze your legs together to negate the pooling sensation-you shouldn’t have felt like this. this was a bad idea.
“so, uh, as i was saying…” he trailed off as you rolled your head to the side, refusing to look at him. “can you just look at me?”
“fine,” he shook his head slightly with a tsk sound, assessing your body and the way it seemed to be engulfed by his own-even as a na’vi, you were so tiny in comparison to him. just as he seemed to be lost enough in his own thoughts for you to make your escape, he shifted your position abruptly. whipping your head towards him, it felt like all of his weight was on you: his nails dug into your thighs as he pulled them apart and past his torso-now, he was directly in between your legs. jake leaned forward onto his forearms, your lips millimeters apart from one another. you had no choice but to look into rich, amber eyes. either that, or focus on the way his hips were pistoned deeper into yours, fabric unwilling to spare you the feeling of his length rubbing against your clothed sex.
“as you were saying,” you cleared your throat, scratching an itch on the top of your head. he smirked, pleased with his ability to make you yield. his smirk quickly faded, replaced by a more stoic expression.
“remember the day we almost died?”
“you mean, one of the last days you pretended that you knew me?” you scoffed, and he narrowed his eyes at you for a split moment. “yeah, i remember.”
“i didn’t care if i died, but,” he began to fidget nervously, involuntarily exacerbating the wanton throb. yet, you were too focused on his words to notice. “i cared if you died, and i cared a lot, a lot more than i was supposed to. and that started fucking with me.”
you tilted your head with a doe-eyed expression that made jake tense up with a potent, unsolicited salacity. his ensnarement tactic was working painfully against him. his loincloth was growing increasingly more soiled in a messy, debauched ring.
“so i, uh…i ran, like an idiot,” jake’s breath hiked to a dry growl, shifting weight between legs. “i didn’t want to get you hurt. because if i did let myself and i let something happen to you, not only would i lose you, i would lose myself. i would lose everything i believe in. so, i tried to stay away from you.”
“well, i mean. you did just regain the ability to walk again. i’d wanna run, too,” you snickered in attempt to lighten the mood, unable to handle the sonorous tone of his words. jake rolled his eyes, holding back a smile. he thought that shouldn’t have been as funny to him as it was. “i’m so funny.”
“yeah, whatever. anyways,” he took a deep breath, knowing damn well you were right. “as we settled into omatikayan land, neytiri told us about customs, and picking a mate. how i would eventually claim a woman. i started avoiding you right around ‘mating’ season, so it was hard.”
“...okay? what does this have to do with me?” there was too much emotional clamor inhabiting your brain to properly absorb what he was saying. “ohhh…so you claimed neytiri right after ignoring my existence, and now you want to rub salt in the wound because you’re a dickhead-i’m so smart.”
“no-you have got to be dumber than me, holy shit,” he bit his lip in discontempt. either you genuinely were painfully oblivious to the situation, or you wanted him to spell it out for you. he had a notion that it was a reasonable mixture of both. “you literally just disregarded the last few things i’ve said. if it’s time for me to claim a woman, why would i claim neytiri? why would it be hard to stop talking to you?”
“chill out bitch, damn. i’m not the one who pretended someone didn’t exist for several months, watch your mouth. i’m listening though,” you weren’t really. “you’d claim her because you fell in love with her, and then maybe, i don’t know-your conscience thought it was a little weird to completely drop person and cling onto the next? surprised you have one. we’re running in circles.”
“but i wouldn’t claim a woman i didn’t want. i don’t want neytiri.”
“cool…? i don’t know what to say to you.”
“you just want me to say it outright for you, don’t you?”
“that would be particularly helpful, yes. i think if we did this from the beginning it would’ve helped.”
“if i was around you, i would’ve gone against my better judgment and claimed you in a heartbeat. to be blunt, i wanted to fuck you really bad.”
“wow! that seriously took a hard turn,” that was not the most appropriate reaction, but it was all you could utter.
was this how it was supposed to go?
your lips parted slightly, and jake immediately fixated on them. while he was noticing how roseate and plush they looked, you were having an internal dilemma at lightspeed. you thought this man hated you, and this whole time it was the stark opposite? were you the stupid one? were you the idiot? no, you couldn’t be. when you came down from your catatonic spell-well, it was more like you hit the ground violently, you minded jake’s position in between your legs. you also minded the soaked, wet state of your loincloth. “you wanted me like that?”
“yes, i did. but seeing you was a reminder that i couldn’t have you, and i wanted you so bad,” you watched jake’s adam’s apple bob as he swallowed and nodded, looking down at you with a darker stare. it was one you had never seen from him. a more predatory gaze. “i shouldn’t have wanted you, and i wanted you so bad. it’s only gotten worse.”
you assessed his gaze. it was as if he was ready to ravage you and everything that you were in that moment, right there. perhaps that gave you the courage to push his limits-how depraved was he, truly? how much restraint did he have, when it came to you?
“and all this time i’ve been sucking on a bottle of pink whitney, wishing it was you,” you ran your hands over the grooves in his arms, separating each mammoth, rigid muscle. you took one of his hands in both of yours, running his calloused finger over your inner thigh slightly-enough to pick up the sticky substance that threatened to gush out of you. “but now, we’re here. you’ve starved me as much as you’ve starved yourself. so, what are you going to do? what you should do, or what you want to?”
he growled just above a dull roar, trying to battle his ache and the dilemma of forbidden pining. god, how he wanted you. he ached for you, with such an illicit thirst-to devour you, one kiss at a time. your fingers skimmed the pressed outline of his aching tip through his loincloth, which elicited a frantic, breathy gasp from jake. “you can be gentle, or you can be rough. you don’t have to think about anything. actually, i’m pretty sure you’ve been thinking way too much.”
“you don’t know what you’re doing to me,” it came out as more of a dark, tenebrous moan that made you giggle. he stared down at your slick, tempting essence. he wanted to indulge in you, the delicacy that you were to him. yet a quick taste would never be just that-he’d want all of you. he looked back up at you, with the same predatory leer. you brought jake’s hand up to his mouth, feeling the ache worsen as he licked them clean with a groan.
“or, maybe i do.”
his hands worked their way up your thighs. your breath shortened as you let your eyes graze his hands-large, azure, and veiny. the position jake’s hands on your legs seemed natural, as if they were right where they belonged. he gripped your thighs, massaging the innermost part with his thumbs. his lips chose to travel to your collarbone and continue their conquest upwards, leaving carmine bruises, love bites, and tender kisses in their wake. he stopped when he was positioned face-to-face. your heart beat out of your chest as you felt lustrous yellow eyes linger on your own, and then your lips. he brushed them against yours.
“i’ve waited for this forever, you know,” he caressed your cheeks with his thumbs. “you’re so beautiful. as humans, or big blue people. whatever we are, and wherever we are, you’ve always stunned me. every rational thought i have blurs when i look at you, it’s like you put a spell on me. you’re enchanting, and it’s unreal.”
“you think so?” your ears perked up coyly as you felt your lips curve into a smile. that was probably the nicest thing anyone had said to you in awhile, or the history of ever, even. your honeyed reaction made his tail flick around in back of him, enamored by your visage. it continued to swish, curling prettily.
“oh, honey. i know you are. my pretty, pretty baby,” he kissed your nose, giving you a grin. his tongue ran over your bottom lip with a soft bite, before intertwining his lips with yours.
suddenly the air was thick and hot; infernal. you weren’t the worst kisser, but god, you felt like you paled in comparison to jake fucking sully. his tongue spoke to you a simple, yet tantalizing and tantric mantra that mesmerized you. veiny hands danced a viennese waltz against soft skin, retracing the path that led to your lips. he let his hands trail back down to your thighs, fingers grazing your sodden, clothed clit.
“you wanted me so bad, huh? all wet for me?” you nodded as he played with the string on your loincloth, before pulling it off and to the side.
“well, i fucking needed you, oh,” he let out a husky moan and ran his fingers over your lips, before parting them. “look at you-what a perfect pussy. i’m going to fucking ruin you.”
he thumbed your engorged, tender clit with one hand, while sliding in the middle & ring finger of the other into your warm, messy cunt. it was all so overwhelming-your faint titillated whimpers and whines, paired with the sound of fingers enveloped in slick folds. your voice was muted and low in an attempt to preserve the sanity and sleep of those in the relatively adjacent camp. but in the stillness of the night, the hot cacophony of your saccharine sweet voice and his frenetic movements that produced such wet, obscene noises, were resound upon jake’s ears. he thought it was akin to that of a siren’s beguiling melody.
“i want…w-want…mm,” you babbled, jake looking at you, yet unrelenting in his pace. the way he pumped his fingers was heavenly, but you needed more. “…you. inside me, please.”
“don’t worry. i’ll fuck that pretty pussy soon. but first…” he unclasped your chest piece with one hand, throwing it to the side while he kneaded one of your boobs. he flicked your nipple with his tongue before swirling it around the sensitive nub, latching onto it. he drove his fingers in and out of your squelching cunt with the occasional curl. two fingers alone already made you feel so full, sucking them in as you pulsed around them.
“i fucking love your tits. you’re latching onto my fingers,” it was like he could read your mind. smirking at your rampant, tiny mewls, he switched breasts, continuing the onslaught on your throbbing pussy. “let me focus on this boob, though. she needs love, too.”
“sisters, not twins, yeah? something like that,” he rasped through his teeth, lapping and sucking. your vision began to get hazy overcome by the torturous intoxication his touch brought, “you know what? doesn’t matter. your tits are gorgeous.”
he released his hold with a pop, leaning back to look at your disheveled countenance, exhaling raggedly. he placed his fingers in his mouth to relish in your sapid taste once more, while his eyes traced every inch of your body. your mouth hung in an O shape, lips plump and glossy. your eyes glossed over. your hair was frizzy and unkempt. you were nothing akin to the meticulously crafted countenance you slaved away for every day. he created a breathtaking mess out of you, which made him wretch with such a frenetic, venereal hunger.
he needed to fuck you stupid.
he needed to tear you apart.
“so pretty,” you murmured as he untied his loincloth, unsheathing his length in its entirety. the shaft same color as the rest of his body, a mixture of azure and sapphire stripes. it was unreasonably thick and lengthy, and had two veins leading to his blushing indigo tip. it throbbed as precum dripped down its side, and onto big balls. it was practically begging for solace in the form of your tongue swirling around it and hollowing your cheeks. “i want a taste.”
“you’re so sweet babydoll. but no,” his denial of your request was met with a disappointed whine and pouty lips. “i really should fuck that mouth of yours for all the shit you talk, but it can wait another day. i need to be inside you right now.”
his breath hitched as he watched his length disappear inside of you with a slicked sound.
“holy shit. you’re so fucking tight, jesus fucking christ,” jake seethed between breaths, panting. he dug his nails into your hips, writhing five hot points of pressure with his grip. his thrusts were slow but with intention, stretching your walls and hitting your core. you stared down at the way his thigh muscles tensed while he snapped his hips. you bit back a moan, your vision blurring slightly from the jolting motion, and your legs threatening to buckle. “dear god-fuck. oh, fuck. fuck, baby.”
“you feel so fucking good, and you’re taking my cock so fucking well,” he let one hand go and trailed it slow up your torso and stopped at your shoulders, quickening his strokes and making your eyes roll back. his fingers ghosted your neck with a dark laugh and a groan, “oh, fuck-what a good fucking girl. you like that, sweet thing?”
“jake,” you pleaded as he rutted into you, raking your nails across his back. you wrapped your legs around him, desperate for release. “this feels so good. oh, jake, ’m gonna…”
“oh god, i fucking love the way you say my name. go ahead and come for me, baby,” he buried his head into the crook of your neck, pumping deeper into you at an unadulterated and alacritous pace. jake pressed kisses to your neck while he felt you squirm and twitch on his length, muffling whines and moans. your glistening cunt tightened around him, like it was luring his cock further into you. he didn’t know how much further it could go. “make a mess all over my cock. it’s all yours, sweet thing. always has been. now use it like it is.”
it was hard for you to give any sort of intelligible vocalization (unlike pussydrunk jake, who seemed to be a little too loud, groaning fuck and i wanna cum over and over) while your eyelids fluttered and blood roared in your ears. you were having a sensory overload, and couldn’t help but drown in the pleasure. from the hickeys he pressed lightly over your taut collarbone with wet lips and the way his cock hit your g-spot, to all the husked whimpers jake let out while throwing his head back and the sound of skin hitting skin, you were in bliss. he was able to quell and rouse the insatiable ache that pooled low inside you, all at once. you were arched and unraveling with a splintering rapture, your own juices mixing with the warm, creamy seed that painted even the innermost corners of your walls.
“wow,” he looked down at your angelic, supine image through long eyelashes, panting. you relaxed your spine, coaxing his cock out of you gently. he was so desperate and unprincipled when it came to you that he probably would’ve stayed inside you the whole night. and you were far too exhausted for that.
“you sure as hell can have a taste of me now, holy shit,” his eyes were glued to your puffy cunt, watching his cum veneer it with a milky white. he swiped his finger in a swipe up your lips, holding his findings to your mouth. you licked it with a small mewl before contorting your face, bleating out a blegh.
“salty?” broad shoulders rose to the rhythm of a hearty laugh as you nodded, pushing the hair out of your face. “it’s cum, baby. i eat like a starved dog. don’t expect much next time.”
“that’s so tragic for me.”
“yeah, yeah. are you okay, though? do you need anything, sweet thing?”
“i need a hug,” you pulled him back towards you, and splayed your hands on his back. with a soft laugh, you traced the welts from your scratches before playing with his tousled mess of hair. the smell of sweat and a rich, earthy scent pervaded your senses as you meticulously picked out the stray blades of grass from each strand. “i’m sorry for fucking up your back.”
“what, are you kiddin’ me? don’t apologize. i’m gonna wear this shit like a medal. tell everybody my pretty girl gave ‘em to me.”
“you say that like you’re not gonna go back to your regularly scheduled ignoring y/n routine. i know you’ll leave eventually,” you huffed, slapping a hand on the newly damp grass to search for your chestpiece. he brought your hand back to his hair, kissing your forehead.
“and you say that like everything hasn’t changed. what’s the point of this if we part?”
“an extra notch under your belt, or something? i have not a clue, toruk makto. oh, congratulations on that, by the way,” you turned your head away from him to spare your tears. for some reason, it suddenly hurt to look at him. the last thing you wanted him to see was your hysterical sobs, after you just bore every other part of yourself to him. you’d have nothing else when he’d go.
he wasn’t really going to stay, was he? no one ever stayed for long. and it would be rather bold to think jake sully out of all people would stay for long, too.
you swallowed, clearing your throat. “i don't expect you to stay. i know i made a big deal about it, but...it really would make a lot more sense to marry neytiri.”
“oh, shut the fuck up," a playful eye roll. "i already told you, silly. i don’t want neytiri. i want you.”
“here-we can get up, and pretend that this didn’t happen, okay? we’ll say you got beat the fuck up by an animal, or something-”
“y/n,” he tilted you gently by your jaw, forcing you to face him. “i want you.”
“-and we can say you were brave and fought him because you’re the hero,” you choked out a sob. “you’re the hero, and i was just there as a witness. the nobody to scoff at; the outsider. i’m nothing to those people. i’m nothing compared to you.”
you were scared. truly, you did not want to see him go, but if you trusted him and loved him with your entirety, and one day he would no longer be there, it would break your heart into pieces. and your heart had already been broken quite enough. ah. so this was jake’s reasoning.
maybe you were the stupid one.
maybe you were both stupid.
yeah, definitely the latter.
“hey, hey, hey. enough of that bullshit. take a deep breath,” jake scooped you up slowly, repositioning you to cuddle in his lap. he tipped your head to lay a kiss against your lips, before pressing your head against his chest. you tried to sync your breathing to the cadence of his own chest rising and falling. he placed a caressing hand on the small of your back, rocking slowly. “i’m not scared anymore, and i’m going anywhere. i love you, y/n. you could never be nothing to me.”
you looked up at him, eyes widening. ‘i love you, y/n.’
there was something about the way he said it, paired with his fluttering, onyx eyelashes adorning gorgeously deep amber eyes. it was like a profound nocturne he sang just for you. there was something about the way he complimented you in a warm, sheltered whisper that tasted like a dulcet dream. it was a sonnet he read just for you. like a poet who lived and died for you.
just for you.
yet, foolishly-for moons, and moons, the poet restrained himself from telling you that your visage was his muse, due to his own trepidation. all he needed to do was trust in you, and let go.
maybe you did, too.
“you promise?” a gentle plead was all you could get out as he wiped your tears.
“i promise. and i’ll seal it with a kiss. or maybe a couple,” he brought your hand up to his mouth, kissing it gingerly. “you are my everything. and that is nothing to scoff at.”
home was not a city, or a state. home was not even a planet, like earth or pandora.
home was jake.
home was jake sully.
stupid, jake sully.
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all writing works are my own, do not repost or repost on platforms such as archive of our own (ao3), wattpad, fanfiction.net, and the like. — maneatrrz © 2023.
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hellenhighwater · 6 months
Hello! May I ask your advice on a crafting project? I have a neon sign that I love but it is way too bright. I'm thinking of painting over the neon tubes or putting translucent paper over them or something to dim the light. Do you have any suggestions?
If it's true neon, I'd be hesitant to put anything on it. While well-made glass tube neon shouldn't get hot, it's not impossible for that to happen. There are some heat-rated materials you could look into--lighting gels*, like those made by Rosco, for example, are intended to be used safely with potentially high-temp theatrical/film lights. They can be a little hard to get your hands on though, and I'd still hesitate to apply them directly to the neon; better safe than sorry. They're heat resistant, not heat proof.
If it's LED "neon"--plastic, not glass--you can pretty much use whatever. Alcohol inks are interesting with light coming through them; you can get color-tinted transparent vinyl, even mod-podge'ed tissue paper would be fine to glue over the 'tubes', because LEDs don't heat up. Might be worth testing some stuff--you can try materials on plastic wrap and cover the tubes to see how it effects the light.
*Lighting gels are transparent sheets of plastic that tint light to specific colors. You can layer sheets for custom colors but they manufacture them in a huge range of hues and sizes.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
The Aftermath || LN4 {4}
Pairing: Lando Norris x widow!reader Summary: Things heat up and the night's only just beginning. Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, nudity, sexual themes WC: 2.3k
F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine || Ten || Eleven || Twelve || Thirteen || Epilogue
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“I need to head down to the gym for a bit, are you going to be alright here?” Lando asked as he gently lifted your head off his legs.
You dropped the hotel guide you were flipping through after unpacking your bags and sat up so he could get up off the couch. “I’ll come with you.”
“You’ll come to the gym?” he asked as his eyebrow cocked up in surprise.
“Don’t be silly,” you scoffed as you waved the hotel guide his way. “I’ll be in the spa. They have a full salon service.”
He pulled you to your feet and into his arms as he brushed his lips softly over yours, teasing you until you rose on your tiptoes to deepen the kiss. A small groan escaped his throat as he pulled away and combed his fingers through his hair. “I already don’t want to go.”
“Sorry.” The smile on your face contradicted the apology and Lando chuckled at the sight, knowing you were not feeling sorry at all. 
“Come on then, before you distract me again.” He slipped a room key into your pocket and laced his fingers with yours before heading to the elevator. As soon as the elevator doors closed he looked at your reflection in the mirrors and remembered the intense ride up. “This was a bad idea. This is very distracting and it’s your fault.”
You turned to face him, head tilting as you looked up through your lashes with an innocent smile. “It’s not my fault you are so easily distracted.”
“But you are the distraction.”
You caught your bottom lip between your teeth at the heat in his eyes. “Is a workout really that important?”
His hand reached past you to the panel, his finger aiming for the floor button you had just left, but then the doors opened at the leisure centre and you skipped out before he could hit it. 
“Mr Malvern would be very disappointed if you missed a cardio session because you got distracted,” you teased as you pressed your key card to the gym entrance and opened the door for him. 
He tried to stifle his smile as he looked down at his shoes and stepped off the elevator, his body brushing yours as he passed the doorway to the gym. Unable to resist his own teasing, he dipped his head to yours as he walked by. “There’s more than one way to get a cardio workout, love.” His lips brushed your cheek as light as a feather before he was gone, throwing a wink over his shoulder as he left you struggling to remember how to breathe.
You were still half in a daze as you headed to the other end of the hall where a pair of opaque glass doors awaited, his words playing on repeat in your head the entire way.
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“Is this something special for tonight?” the beautician asked as you placed one hand under the UV light and she painted the other nails. 
“Hopefully,” you admitted with a smile mostly to yourself as you looked over the menu of services. “What’s the go with waxing?”
“How do you mean?” 
“It’s, um, been a while since I’ve been with anyone, if you know what I mean…do guys expect a Hollywood or Landing Strip or anything?”
She screwed the lid on the nail polish and placed it down on the table. “In my experience, if he's worth a grain of salt, he won’t care. But, it’s a Hollywood that we get most requested.”
You felt like a new woman as you stepped out of the salon with your nails done, a fresh blowout in your hair, and not a single strand of hair on your body from your newly tinted and shaped eyebrows to your toes. The beautician had been one to remind you with each strip of wax, ‘beauty is pain’ and she was right, but the result did wonders for your confidence.
Though you couldn’t see the sun outside, the time on your watch said it was only 6pm as you stepped into the suite. Lando said his surprise wasn’t going to start until 9pm so there were still a few hours that your imagination had many ideas on how to fill. Just the thought of what you were planning was enough to leave you giddy, with an edge of nervousness.
You had been with René since you were both teenagers, learning how to love with all the finesse of two bumbling toddlers learning to walk. It hadn’t been pretty at times, and the both of you had stumbled as you found your footing, but before you knew it you were running together hand in hand. You had thought it would be that way forever.
You didn’t have the naivety that came with the rose tinted glasses of young love. You were older now, not just physically but in your soul. While other women your age faced breakdowns in relationships or lost their partners to infidelity, yours lost his life. 
Before René died you had thought widows were grey haired grandma’s, they weren’t in their 20’s, they weren’t you. Until it was.
Now you had to learn how to love once again, learn what the other enjoyed and disliked, make mistakes and learn from them. It was exciting and saddening at the same time. It was more confusing the longer you thought about it.
A sweet scent hit you as you stepped inside and closed the door. “Lando?”
“Just a sec,” he called from the bedroom and you followed his voice to find him in the bathroom, bubbles overflowing the tub and rose petals sprinkled all around the room. 
His back was to you as he bent over the counter and you could see the definition of each muscle as he moved, lighting a scented candle like the dozen already flickering in the darkened room. The sweatpants he had changed into after his workout hung low enough on his hips to reveal the two dimples at the base of his spine and the warmth of his skin called you closer until you could wrap your arms around his waist and rest your cheek on his shoulder blade. 
“Hey,” he greeted softly as he blew out the match and turned in your arms. 
“Am I interrupting a little me time?” you asked with a smirk. “You should have put a sock on the door if you wanted privacy.”
Lando’s laugh echoed off the tiled walls before he swept you up into his arms. “You’re gonna pay for that, smartass,” he promised as he stepped into the bath and sank down into the hot water with you still fully clothed. Water overflowed the lip of the deep bath and flooded the floor but you didn’t care as your head fell back with a laugh.
“I just had my hair done,” you managed to say through the giggles as you flicked bubbles out of it and tried to save it before seeing the mess on the floor. “Housekeeping is going to hate you.”
“I can take the trouble,” he said with a smile. “You’re worth it.”
Shifting onto his lap, you placed a hand over his heart and felt it beating beneath your palm. “I had plans, you know.”
Settling back into the curve of the bath, he relaxed beneath you with his hands on your hips. “Yeah?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed as you took his hands, gripping the hem of your shirt as you drew them up your body. “I think you might have had the same one.”
His smirk grew as he pulled the shirt over your head and tossed it aside. “You were going to bathe me and massage my feet by candlelight too?”
“I might be skipping a few steps.”
“So impatient,” he tutted as his thumbs drew circles over your ribs, each circle inching him closer to the lace of your bra.
Your patience had been infinite all your life. You had been a patient girlfriend, putting your career on pause so you could travel with René and support him early in his career. You had been a patient fiancée, delaying the wedding when René needed to focus on racing and planning was a distraction. You had been a patient wife, waiting until René retired before trying to start a family so he didn’t miss out on the things that matter.
Your patience had finally run out. 
“It’s selfish,” you corrected as you leaned forward, your lips hovering over his as you looked into his blue eyes that reflected the dozens of flames flickering around the bath. “I want you, Lando, and I don’t want to wait any longer.”
You could feel beneath the sweatpants how much he wanted you too but there was hesitancy in his eyes. Or maybe it was more akin to regret.
“What are you thinking about?” you asked quietly as he sighed.
“Fucking Max.”
Your jaw fell slack before you recovered. “Not what I expected,” you muttered as you started to climb out of the bath.
“No, that’s not what I meant. Fuck,” Lando groaned as he pulled you back down onto his lap. “I want you too, so so so badly, but I ordered us dinner and it’ll be here any minute. That was Max’s suggestion, I knew I shouldn’t have listened to him.”
A knock sounded at the door and a muffled ‘room service’ reached you a moment later. 
“Come in,” you called back and the front door clicked open before the rattle of a trolley clinked as it was rolled into the room. “Leave it there thanks!”
“Certainly, ma’am, just call reception when you’re ready for the dishes to be cleared.”
Your eyes hadn’t left his as you waited to hear the door click shut.
“Food is going to get cold,” he warned at the telltale sound that you were alone once again.
Your lips had gone dry from the deep breaths you had been taking to steady your racing heart and he watched your tongue roll across them, your stomach somersaulting at the hunger in that stare. “I don’t care.”
Fresh water sloshed over the lip of the bath as he sat up closed the distance between his lips and your skin, his teeth grazing over the supple skin of your breasts. “Off,” he ordered as he pulled the cup of your bra down and sealed his mouth over your nipple.
You obeyed in an instant, reaching back and unclasping it before dropping it to the floor with your shirt while his tongue drew his name from your lips. Your hips rocked over his but your shorts and his sweatpants kept you from what you needed most and a frustrated whine escaped. “Lando, get me out of these damn shorts.”
A small pool was forming outside the bath as you climbed out with Lando following quickly. There was a furious need to keep close and your fingers tugged at his hair to bring his lips back to yours while he fumbled with the button on your denim shorts before pushing them past your hips. You relinquished the hold on his curls to pull the string of his sweatpant loose and your core clenched as the white material of his boxers had turned clear with the water, leaving nothing to the imagination.
The sodden sweatpants caught around his ankles as he took a step closer and you gave a small squeal as he stumbled into you, the soapy bubbles covering the tiles giving no purchase as the ground rushed up to meet you. Lando tried to help catch you but with his pants tangled all he did was end up splashing onto the floor beside you, shock and horror plastered on his face.
You wiggled your fingers and toes, satisfied you weren’t hurt, before a giggle escaped and you lay down on the warm tiles as more laughter filled the air. It took a moment, a heartbeat even, for Lando to join you and sprawl across the floor with his deep laugh echoing yours. 
“This is not what I had planned,” you said between the giggles you couldn’t stop. “Are you alright?”
“Ego’s a little bruised and my confidence could do with a bandaid,” he said with a chuckle, pulling you into his arms so your head could rest on his shoulder and not the hard floor. 
You shifted in his arms, cupping his face as you smiled at him and washed away the worry that lingered in his eyes with a kiss. 
This kiss was a far cry from the desperate need earlier, it was soft and slow, reassuring. It was a promise that you hadn’t changed your mind because you had ended up in a mess on the floor. It had actually endeared you to him even more, if that were possible. Up until now everything he had been planned worked out perfectly that you were worried you would fuck it all up. But he was human. A handsome, kind, perfectly normal human who was trying his best and it made your heart swell with emotion.
 Retreating from his embrace, you grabbed the sweatpants from where they were still tangled around his legs and pulled them free.
“What are you doing?” he asked as he pushed up onto his elbows, his abs tensing as you crawled up his body, your fingers slipping into the waistband of his boxers. 
His breath shuddered as you pulled the material away and bit your lip at the long hard length that sprung free. “Giving you a bandaid.”
Click here for part five.
Tagging: @yunnie-f1 @neiich @zendayabelova @stillbreathin @dr3lover @writerscurse @christianpulisic10 @alwaysclassyeagle @alexisquinnlee-bc @purplephantomwolf @lightsoutletsgo 
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