#getting to the heart of their relationship and whether they’re actually a good fit
thebookworm0001 · 2 years
my brain came up with a scenario where Ellana and Sols run into a dalish clan who, after their whole ‘holy shit it’s the inquisitor and fen’harel’ shock, immediately clock how stupidly in love they are and quickly throw together a bonding ceremony for them because they also clocked that neither of these dumbasses is ever going to properly propose so somebody’s gotta help them out
idk if it’ll end up being a canon thing but it is very cute
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elysianeclipxe · 1 year
Genshin males as love languages
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genre: fluff again
summary: ones love language is a staple to strengthening each relationship, so what exactly are their love languages? (more on giving but still receiving)
word count: 1.1k
sidenote: did i get carried away with this... maybe. oh, i changed it to receiving/giving gifts to fit the theme better. also i put the underage male characters here as well since it is not suggestive so blehh
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Words of Affirmation
Words hold a special meaning to them, and they like to share that with you. It just comes to them naturally. Whether it be ‘you look absolutely amazing’, ‘I appreciate you so much’, ‘we’ll get through this’, or even ‘I love you’, they make sure  to tell you these things every second of the day. Constantly wants to remind you that you have impacted their life for the better. I think it’s super romantic how they, although some are shy, put their feelings out there. They never half ass their compliments either, it comes from the bottom of their heart and they say it with so much thought and love in their eyes. THEY CAN LITERALLY MAKE YOU MELT OMGGG 😳😫 no offence but some of them come up with the weirdest phrases but it strangely works for you. Be sure to reciprocate with your own words since it helps them feel appreciated and loved too. It comes with details and a little rant on how you are in their eyes, you deserve everything and they’ll be sure to tell you that till the end. They are a modern day Romeo. The best thing is that their words stretch into the other languages.
— ALBEDO, diluc, kazuha, xingqiu, zhongli
Acts of Service
These are the people who would willingly do nice things for you to make you feel loved and to show their appreciation for you. Goes by the message “actions speak louder than words”, cause they cannot for the love of all things good say the right words, most of them anyway. They prefer to make your life easier and make you feel like fucking royalty CAUSE YOU DESERVE IT!!! You are basically the centre of their life so it is only right that they treat you as such. Depending on their abilities they can do a lot of things. The usual things they do is put away your things if you’re too tired to do so, make you a cup of coffee (or whatever) for your morning boost, offer to hold the heavy groceries, and PUT DOWN THE TOILET SEAT!!! LITERALLY THANK YOU, MARRY ME PLS 🤲💍 They just want you to know that they are there for you and you don’t have to hold the weight of everything. They are there to support you and will make sure you remember that you deserve to take it easy once in a while.
— aether, alhaitham, dainsleif, gorou, XIAO
Receiving/Giving Gifts
This is pretty straightforward, they give you gifts, big or small. The way you’re on their mind 24/7, they literally be y/n obsessed at this point. I like to think that they’re the type to constantly be in a daze and people look at them and are saying “can you think about the topic instead of you s/o for once?” These men for sure have that moneyy to treat their s/o, you are their world so yeah. They like to take their time when gift shopping for you hoping that the meaning or thought behind it gets to you. All gifts don’t have to be seen as materialistic, some of them actually make it themselves… AWWWWWWW y’all my heart cannot handle this cuteness. Handmade letters, promise rings, stuffed animals, even a food box that has your favourite foods you mentioned during your first date. Do not underestimate their ability to be romantic, cause they are so damn romantic omg. They especially love seeing you understand the meaning behind the gift and keeping it for the long run, maybe they should make you more gifts.
— AYATO, chongyun, kaeya, mika, tighnari
Quality Time
In their eyes, presence and attention are two very different things. They would much rather give you their undivided attention, and that goes for the opposite way as well. Will put anything aside just to listen to you talk for hours, loves to learn and understand you more. Will drag you along to who knows where and take a walk with you to discuss literally anything. The idea of creating special memories between you both makes his heart grow fonder. Just being one-on-one with you means so much to them, you have no idea. Will surely be the type to mark dates on their calendar and hates when dates or such are forgotten or postponed. This may just be me, but I think they love photos or paintings or certain days. It’s like a reminder of the time spent on that specific day. EYE CONTACT IS A FUCKING MUST!! They are quite attentive and participate in your convos, which is so attractive cause you know they’re listening and are putting effort in it. Even the simplest things like eating dinner with no distractions, taking a walk, or going on a road trip is enough for them.. for a while at least. 
— baizhu, bennett, CYNO, heizou, thoma, wanderer
Physical Touch
Love to them is being there both emotionally and physically. They love giving even the slightest touches, it sparks that little chemistry between you two. They totally love receiving this as much as giving, this is just a really intimate thing for them. Kissers, hand holding, light touches, and especially hugs are a daily, maybe even hourly thing you receive. Their favourite sight is seeing you in their arms all relaxed and warmed up from their body heat. Definitely not the type to shy away from doing any type of pda, in fact they will love it if you lean in when they give you affection. Just lean in, okay? I promise you will see their gummy smile because of that, plus a wave of ‘need to show my love more’ will hit them. Mornings are for sure filled with kisses all over your face, the classic ‘5 more minutes’ in bed with you, and whispers of ‘I love you’ as they pull you closer to them. I WILL RUN TO THEM FOR THIS FR 😐 but also, this is a way to remind you that they are there with you. 
— CHILDE, itto, kaveh, razor, venti
Ones who fit all categories
The kind who literally is the epitome of love language, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I could go on and on about them but that might make y’all want to stop reading lol. ANYWAYS, they are so sweet and think about you all the time, they love to plan future days to make some time for y’alls date, fancy or not. They just love spending any free time they have with you. Treats you no less than the best, quality treatment right here. Just saying they are the definition of boyfriend material, maybe even husband material wink wink. All the love languages apply to them tbh. They just love showering you in their love. The type to make you question if you deserve them but they’ll be the one to reassure you that what you’re thinking is totally bonkers and that they’re the one who doesn’t deserve you. AHHHHH STOP I’M GETTING JEALOUS!!! Just be sure to cherish them as much as they cherish you, with relationships comes give and take, balance is the basis. Plus, if you don’t cherish them.. I’ll gladly date them instead mwahahaha
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Hopefully this helps fill y'alls dose of reading hehe <33 hope you all enjoyed reading!! thank you as well for 100 followers mwahh
© elysianeclipxe. all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my content onto other platforms.
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summershouto · 1 year
baby 5 & sanji- the role of gender
I’m definitely not the first person to say this but Sanji’s women obsession is very similar to Baby 5’s need to please and I wanted to expand on it more bc the thoughts keep bouncing around in my brain 
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Sanji and Baby 5 have the same core need to find love and it effects their actions- especially in matters with romance/the opposite sex. While both of their fixations are often treated as jokes, they still reflect underlaying issues tied to their backstories.
The way they act on this romantic drive is somewhat different, as they both assume the traditionally expected roles in accordance with their gender. They’re putting on a performance, behaving over-the-top in effort to please, while still varying in how they portray their love-sickness to remain a model man/woman. these differences set them apart, and I feel in Sanji’s case it can result in his behavior being brushed off as simply a weird quirk (unlike Baby 5, who’s actions remain lighthearted but are recognized as a trauma response).
They both have the same reaction to potential interest/attention, but remain strictly on the opposite ends of the spectrum of Man vs Woman in a conventional relationship. 
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Baby 5 maintains a caretaking, flattering-focused obsession of the opposite sex rather than transforming into having pervy gags. She wants to be needed but she also enjoys (and sometimes imagines) being swooned over.
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Looking at Sanji in the beginning, before the annoying nosebleed/creep gags became more prominent, he was also rather romance driven rather than motivated by lust. He, similar to Baby 5, saw many as potential suitors; a hopeless romantic at heart. While Baby 5 strikes at the first sign of interest from a man, Sanji equally treats every woman as someone he needs to look after . 
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Baby 5 jumps into the role of a caring wife. She blushes like a schoolgirl and assumes that every man who is kind is showing interest in her. Meanwhile Sanji, filling the role of a traditional man in the relationship, seeks to provide. He wants to aid women in any way possible- whether thats with cooking or actual physical protection. His pervy gags could also be read as a way to fit this norm- as a man it’s more societally acceptable to be lust driven- (and in some cases, lust/sex is a way to “prove” ones manhood).  This is especially prominent after his time apart from the crew surrounded by people that challenged his notions of gender.
Overall their use of these traditional gender roles are safe; an easy way to get attention. People in real life often use romantic attention as means of fulfillment, and I read their actions as the same.
Baby 5 and Sanji are both people pleasers. Baby 5 is named as such, noting she can’t deny anyone anything because she longs to be needed. Sanji’s lack of self-worth causes him to always put others first, even at the cost of his own wellbeing. They see themselves as existing to fulfill a needed role, bidding their time until the moment arises. 
Other people have noted how similar Baby 5 and Sanji are in this way, joking that it’s good Sanji and Baby 5 never met because they’d get married instantly. I think it would actually be very interesting if they had met. Two people pleasers in a relationship is a recipe for disaster, especially with people as passionate as Baby 5 and Sanji. Their way of dealing with conflict would be to.. not. Neither would ever want to say the other is at fault. Their approach towards romance is seeking a sense of fulfillment, which would create an interesting dynamic with their exaggerated swooning. 
Now there are some people who truly are greatly motivated to pursue relationships, but with Sanji and Baby 5’s backstories revolving around a lack of love,  it’s safe to assume that it’s a bit more of an inorganic reaction for them. Especially when looking at the situations their love gets them into, such as when Baby 5 fell head over heels for a man because he was kind to her once despite not showing any prior attraction. 
Sanji is on the opposite side of the spectrum, finding /every/ woman beautiful and himself unworthy. Where Baby 5 aims to prove her worth from any one person and seeks a reason for her receiving kindness, Sanji places himself below all the women he meets and grovels in attempt to please as they stand on their pedestals. 
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Sanji was raised by Zeff- someone who had a strong influence in how Sanji perceives and treats women. Sanji’s hunger for love was enhanced by the teaching of strict gender roles and emphasis on chivalry. While Baby 5 longs to be the helpful wife, Sanji becomes the pursuer- acting like a white knight as he sought women’s attention. That’s not to say his attraction isn’t real, but his extreme reactions to women reflect his desperation to please. 
Sanji also has the added factor of the men vs women in his life prior to Zeff, with only his mother and sister showing him kindness. Women were safer; and Zeff furthered this belief through his teachings.  
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They’re both self-sacrificial to a dangerous degree. To them, their lives are indispensable; meaning if someone needs to die for the greater good then that’s the role they feel they were made for. Their life IS other people.
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This is also interesting to consider in the perspective of non-heterosexual relationships. Sanji has a complicated past with gender/sexuality, so his aggressive actions towards men reflect what he feels a “real man” should be. Feminine attention is good, acceptable to enjoy, but male attention is something to scorn.
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For Baby 5, we don’t really see her react to the kindness of a woman. She grew up around predominantly men and men appear to be the ones who most often take advantage of her. It’s curious to consider if meeting another woman with good intentions would allow her to be more sincere. 
I guess in conclusion I often see Baby 5’s actions being recognized as a response to her past, but I don’t often see Sanji’s explained similarly. Personally I think Sanji’s behavior is greatly effected by his starve for love, and he throws himself into it just like Baby 5. However, the way theyre perceived is greatly effected by their gender and their according behavior to fit the norms. Regardlessly, he and Baby 5 both rely on other people to find their worth- and the quickest way to do that is to turn to romantic love. 
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extasiswings · 1 year
I said this to others already, but to me this finale had a lot of 4x14 vibes tbh. Season 4 was severely hindered in it’s production due to COVID and i am, to this day, convinced that that’s also what made them tie it up with such a neat little bow before (at least in Bucktaylors case) undoing a lot of it immediately as season 5 rolled around. Essentially giving everyone the happiest ending they feasibly could.
And there’s something to be said about how mainstream tv seems to think that “happy ending” always equals “in a romantic relationship” whether or not the relationship itself is developed or healthy at all, but for two characters with character arcs so intertwined with their love life, it does make sense.
The thing is, to me this makes sense. Am I thrilled? No. But I’m excited to see what they do because I understand how this fits with the rest of the season and I’m not worried about it.
There were three big themes circling around Buck and Eddie all season. 1) missing the things that are right in front of you; 2) fantasy vs reality; and 3) Fear holding you back/preventing you from living your life. All three of these themes are tied together and need to be worked through to get to a place of Buddie canon and Buck’s “I’m already Christopher’s father” realization. But the last one is arguably the most important in order to get to the heart of the others and that’s where I feel like Marisol and Natalia come in.
Buck and Eddie both started the season single. But not because they necessarily wanted to be, because they were afraid not to be. Afraid to put themselves out there, afraid of being rejected, afraid of making mistakes. But being single out of fear is not the same thing as wanting to be alone or being comfortable with your life as it is, it’s just letting fear control your life. So the way I see it, if they had ended the season still single, that would have changed nothing from where they started.
For Eddie especially, this is a baby step but a necessary one. Whatever happens with Marisol, Eddie’s going to wind up on the other side with some confidence in himself and his ability to be a romantic partner and that’s what he needs to ultimately be secure enough to put himself on the line and really be honest with Buck. It’s low-stakes, it’s fluff, but I think it’s good for him.
For Buck, I disagree with the idea that he is inherently repeating the same mistakes. Yes, it’s not an auspicious start, but we as the audience see things that Buck doesn’t, and also there are some pretty key differences between Natalia and Taylor. With Taylor, they had a preexisting relationship. Buck knew going in all of the things about her that were dealbreakers for him, and instead of being true to himself, he told himself that he could “learn to live with it” and stayed with her for a year. With Taylor, he knew she was fundamentally a person whose values conflicted with his going all the way back to Dosed. He never should have dated her to begin with.
By contrast, he’s been on exactly three dates with Natalia. He barely knows her, and by all accounts she seems like a perfectly nice person even if someone who isn’t ultimately going to work for him (which is something that has been projected to the audience, but not for Buck). She hasn’t done anything wrong (it was pretty reasonable for her to feel overwhelmed and leave when Kameron crashed their date) and there’s nothing about her so far (in her personality or otherwise) that shows Buck is compromising himself and settling. Right now he’s clinging to a woman he wanted to date and get to know better anyway because she wants to be with him too and he’s feeling vulnerable—okay? He wanted to be with her though, I didn’t get the impression this was just about him being afraid to be alone (the way I felt about BT all through S4-S5). If they’re still together after the hiatus when they’ve known each other for more than five minutes and been on more than three dates, and we have actual evidence of him compromising himself where he shouldn’t? Then I’ll be agree that he’s repeating the same mistakes. But if anything right now I’m assuming this is his chance to prove his growth when he is ultimately put in a position to do better—that when something significant comes up he will be comfortable enough with himself to break things off instead of settling for what he doesn’t want. In the meantime, idk about y’all, but it takes me more than three dates to figure out if someone I’m interested in is going to be a good fit for me in the long run. And in a similar vein to Eddie needing to gain some confidence in his ability to be a romantic partner, I think Buck needs to be able to prove to himself that if he’s put in a situation where he’s settling, he’s capable of walking away. And for both of them I think those are important steps for them to take before they’re ready to be together.
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ticklishfiend · 9 months
Limitless Bond (Good Omens)
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Summary : Aziraphale and Crowley have a tickle fight during their cute little movie night.
a/n : i’ve been aziracrow pilled there’s a worm in my brain screaming abt them at all times edit: reading this back i’ve realized i’ve never seen a single james bond film so take it with a grain of salt lmao
Word Count : 2892
hope u enjoy :D
. . .
Let’s do some math for a second.
Crowley and Aziraphale have been on Earth together for 6000 years. They’ve been in each other's lives as hundreds, thousands of human generations around them lived and died. And yet, only in the 4 years after the apocalypse did they dare truly bask in one another’s touch. In 0.00066667% of the time they’ve known each other, Aziraphale and Crowley taught themselves to be truly comfortable in one another’s presence, learning about each other in ways they never thought possible.
Try not to think too hard on the numbers. It’s quite difficult sometimes for humans to grasp an occult being’s concept of time. Time for angels and demons is so wildly different from anything a human could ever experience, and that is exactly what makes Aziraphale and Crowley’s love for each other so special and unique. Their time is limitless, so their love is limitless.
What a human can comprehend, however, is how infuriatingly frustrating their relationship must be considering the fact they refuse to actually talk about it. Non-humans are funny like that.
Why put it into words when they both know it’s there? Intrinsically, they feel it, they know it without a shadow of a doubt, and yet somehow they are both still too scared to talk. If they do, it’ll make it real. Their love could literally break down celestial systems incomprehensible to the human mind. Or it could just result in some nasty paperwork. Either way, both sound horrific, and are things the angel and demon are silently working together to avoid.
Whether they ever choose to talk about it or not, those 4 years were magic on Earth.
During that time, Crowley learned that Aziraphale’s hair might even be softer than his wings. Aziraphale learned scratching Crowley’s back when he’s sleepy makes the demon smile without knowing he’s moving a muscle. A demon taught an angel to love roughhousing, and an angel taught a demon the joys of a good cuddle.
But possibly their new favorite physical affection to take advantage of was one they learned together on a casual, cozy movie night.
Aziraphale grinned as Crowley strolled into the bedroom, “I’ve never seen that shirt before.”
Crowley pulled the shirt down to show it off, giving a little wiggle.“What, you don’t like Bond?”
“I didn’t say that,” said Aziraphale, “But I’ve never actually watched the titular James Bond films, so I can’t really say anything,” he said with a teasing tilt in his voice. He knew he’d get a reaction out of such a ghastly confession.
Crowley gaped, stuttering over incomplete words in shock, “Wha—you, you never—I mean—angel, that’s gotta be illegal. Seriously, if I phoned the FEDs right now they’d probably swarm in here guns-a blazing for your crimes,” Crowley shook his head, throwing himself onto the bed next to Aziraphale. “We’re watching it now, I don’t care. You’re lucky I got you this TV set up last month.”
Aziraphale rolled his eyes fondly, but didn’t argue. “You can’t be mad at me if it’s not my cup of tea. You know the kind of films I prefer, and I don’t think these fit the list.”
“No no you’ll love it. Got all that romantic filler your heavenly heart desires,” Crowley said, the TV turning on with a flick of his wrist as he settled comfortably against his angel.
They watched together in an easy silence, Aziraphale trying to really gather everything he could from a movie he knows Crowley loves so dearly. He’s not even sure which Bond movie they’re watching at the moment, but he assumes it’s Crowley’s favorite.
But during an intense shootout scene, Aziraphale does get a little bored. He’s always preferred scenes of great dialogue, heartfelt moments passing between characters. Right now he’s just seeing mediocre special effects and lots of screaming. He gets the appeal, sort of, but it’s just not his thing.
Crowley on the other hand was as tuned in as ever. Aziraphale smiled as he watched his friend’s intense expression, seeing Crowley suppress his excitement over a movie he knows he’s had to have seen dozens of times now.
His gaze wanders back down to Crowley’s torso, “Where did you get that shirt? Really, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear it.”
Crowley blinked like snapping out of a trance, trying to look nonchalant as insecurity trickled over him. “Oh, this thing? M’not sure I recall,” he snuggled deeper into Aziraphale’s chest, “It’s my night shirt. Don’t wear it often.”
Aziraphale squinted. “You’re ‘not sure you recall’?”
Crowley looked up at Aziraphale, yellow eyes bearing into blue, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Aziraphale looked puzzled, shaking Crowley’s shoulder playfully and smiling at the hiss it produced, “Are you hiding something from me?”
“No, stop pestering me,” Crowley growled, but it was entirely unconvincing with that playful grin on his face. He faced the TV again as if his mind wasn’t completely on the angel holding him tight.
“You’re really not going to tell me?” Aziraphale giggled, “It can’t be that bad, darling, it’s just a t-shirt.”
Crowley groaned, hiding his face in Aziraphale’s chest, “Nooooo nonononono, I’m not talking,” he said, words muffled in Aziraphale’s silk pajamas.
Aziraphale raised his eyebrows playfully, rubbing up and down Crowley’s back through the shirt in question. “You know, humans have this fun little game they play to make someone reveal funny secrets. I only wonder if it will actually work on a demon.”
Crowley looked up at Aziraphale with a suspicious glare, “The hell are you talking about?”
Aziraphale said nothing, giving a nonchalant hum. Instead, he moved his hand down Crowley’s back towards his ribs, giving it a quick pinch.
Crowley squawked, arching away but getting caught in Aziraphale’s hold. He snapped a look Aziraphale’s way, “Do not.”
Aziraphale giggled in glee, wanting to clap his hands together but needing to hold Crowley close. “I wasn’t sure it would work!”
“Angel-“ Crowley growled.
“A ticklish demon. How silly~” Aziraphale sang, tickling into Crowley’s ribs without wasting any more time.
Crowley bit off a yelp, twisting in Aziraphale’s grip as if he was trying to get away (he wasn’t, but he’s allowed to play along). But Aziraphale kept pinching and prodding and finally Crowley just couldn’t hold back anymore, letting out a peal of giggles and laughs that had Aziraphale cooing.
“Nonononohohoho!” Crowley shook his head into Aziraphale’s chest, hiding his smile. His arm was a little stuck under Aziraphale’s back, so there wasn’t much else he could do.
“Saying no is what started this, dear,” Aziraphale smiled, bringing his other hand around to tickle into Crowley’s neck, relishing in how high-pitched those giggles became. “Goodness, how ticklish are you?”
“I don’t knohohow! Not tryna fihihind out-!” Crowley squeaked out the last word, finding out his ears are especially sensitive to perfectly manicured fingernails.
Crowley squirmed like a worm on a hook, pushing against Aziraphale without even meaning to, his head shaking back and forth like a protest to his giggles.
Aziraphale gasped, “Is this your first time being tickled, Crowley?”
“Stohohop!” Crowley guffawed, hardly taking in the angel’s words.
“I asked you a question,” he said simply, pinching at Crowley’s belly and watching Crowley’s feet kick the sheets.
“Fuhuhucker!” was all Crowley could get out.
“Oh alright,” Aziraphale reluctantly halted his attack, carding fingers through Crowley’s hair. “I said, was that your first time being tickled?”
Crowley huffed, pouting against Aziraphale’s chest and keeping his gaze on the TV. “You’re not even watching the movie.”
The angel chuckled lightly, giving Crowley’s head a tender kiss. “It’s a lovely movie, darling, but it’s hardly as interesting as this little discovery.”
Crowley grumbled, mumbling a response into the silk pajamas.
“What was that dear?”
Crowley lifted his head with a devious look on his face, “I said you’re a prick,” Crowley dug into Aziraphale’s sides, grinning wickedly at how wide his angel’s eyes became.
“AH! Cr-Crohohowley!” Aziraphale fell gracefully into his giggle fit, expelling his excess energy by gripping onto Crowley’s wrists.
“So I take it you’ve never been tickled either?” said Crowley as he wiggled into the angel’s ribs, biting his own cheek when Aziraphale threw his head back in laughter.
“Yehehes! I mean-! Nohoho, I-! Crohohowley plehehease!” Aziraphale never realized how difficult speaking could be when getting tickled. He truly learned something new every day with his dear demon. His mind was mush and all he could think about was how dreadfully ticklish he apparently was.
“Oh poor angel, thought he could get away with teasing a demon,” Crowley teased, poking sporadically across Aziraphale’s tummy and making the angel’s laughter grow. “Naaaah, now that I know your weakness I’m never lettin’ you live it down.”
Crowley crawled on top of Aziraphale, shoving his thumbs into his underarms. “NO! Nohoho Crohohowley! Bad snahahake!” Aziraphale teased even through his laughter, unabashedly having a great time.
“You having fun down there or somethin’?” Crowley chuckled.
“Yehehes!” Aziraphale squeaked, face turning pink from mirth.
Crowley shook his head fondly, not surprised in the slightest. But he could tell Aziraphale would probably appreciate some air soon, whether he actually needed it or not, and eased up. Not before giving his belly once last poke, of course, just to hear him yip.
Aziraphale giggled through his breath, hands resting on Crowley’s thighs. The demon couldn’t help blushing, but didn’t move.
“I never realized it felt like that,” Aziraphale said, a smile etched between his rosy cheeks. “I knew tickling was used as torture way back when, but my goodness.”
“Human vessels are a funny thing,” Crowley said, unsure of where to put his hands now that they weren’t being used as weapons. As if Aziraphale could tell, the angel gently took them in his own, laying their hands down on Crowley’s thighs.
They sat staring into each other's eyes for a while. It was such a comforting silence, one Crowley felt warm in. Why did Aziraphale always have to open his damn mouth-
“You’re quite ticklish on those ribs of yours,” Aziraphale shot a cheeky grin, eyebrows up like he’s being clever. Crowley groaned, looking up to the ceiling.
“Don’t remind me.”
“You never did tell me where you got that shirt from…?” Aziraphale said, slowly loosening his grip on Crowley’s hands before the demon squeezed back-
“I’ll end you.”
“I’m sure.”
“I’m serious, angel. Death, discorporation, sooo much paperwork-“
“Was the shirt a former lover’s? Are you embarrassed, Crowley?” Aziraphale teased as he starting fighting Crowley’s grip, their hands now playing for dominance.
Crowley grunted, not shocked that Aziraphale was winning their little fight, “Grk, no! It’s…just…a secRET-!” He was cut off by a squeak as one perfectly manicured hand tore from his grasp and gripped onto his ribs, squeezing and pinching and tickling. Crowley collapsed forward in his squirmy laughter, hand still holding tight to one of Aziraphale’s.
“Oooh a secret, you say? Do tell me more,” Aziraphale finally fought his other hand free, now tickling up and down Crowley’s torso as the demon wiggled and laughed freely on top of him. His head was pressed firmly to Aziraphale’s chest, and my that just wouldn’t do anymore, now would it?
“You keep hiding your smile from me! It’s rather unfair, my face was on full display when you tickled me,” Aziraphale said before pushing Crowley to the other side of the mattress, tickling him the whole way down. He hovered over Crowley with a big grin.
“Ahahangel! This is stupihihid!” Crowley cackled, head turning this way and that like trying to hide his face in the sheets surrounding him.
“Was it stupid when you tickled me?” Aziraphale accused, pinching Crowley’s hips and smiling when he bucked and kicked.
“GAHAHAhaha-!” Crowley guffawed, finding words very hard at the moment. “Nohoho-! Was— fuhuhunny!”
“Oh Lord, now you’re just asking for it,” Aziraphale shot his hands up into Crowley’s armpits. It tickled like hell (Heaven? no, definitely hell) on himself, so maybe it’ll be the same for Crowley.
Crowley. Screamed.
Maybe scream is the wrong word. The sound that left Crowley was like a screech, a hurtle of pure loud noise that fell into cackles, squeals, and Aziraphale’s favorite, the snort. Oh what a sound it was. The angel would never forget it (and unfortunately, neither would the demon).
“Oh wow…” Aziraphale giggled at Crowley’s expense.
“Ahahangel-! I—shihihit-! I’ll tahahalk!” Crowley managed to get the words out through his laughter, a feat he wished he could be proud of. Aziraphale conceded even though he honestly really didn’t want to. Crowley looked so cute when he laughed, it was hard to quit.
Aziraphale drew his hands away, and Crowley took a moment to catch his breath. When the moment faded, he threw a pillow over his face and screamed into it quite dramatically. Aziraphale pulled it off and held it gently in his lap.
“You were telling me about the shirt?” Aziraphale said, scribbling a finger onto Crowley’s clothed tummy. Crowley batted it away with a hiss.
“Do you even actually care about the shirt or did you just want an excuse to torture me?” Crowley tried yanking the pillow back but found it held in an iron grip. He settled for crossing his arms instead.
Aziraphale took his hand. “If you really don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to. I just thought a game would be fun,” Aziraphale handed him the pillow.
Crowley took it, raising an eyebrow, “So you were bored of the movie?”
Aziraphale winced. “…Meh?”
Crowley’s face pinched in frustration, “But it’s James ffffucking Bond! No one in the history of EVER has been bored by a James Bond movie, angel, you are literally setting records here!”
“I just prefer the softer films! You know, your…Pride And Prejudice types.”
“That’s one of your favorite books, that hardly counts.”
“It’s still a good film!”
“Okay okay, point stands though, that you only did all that to get out of watching my movie. You don’t actually care about the origins of my shirt at all, do you?” Even though his arms were already crossed, he made a little harumph motion with them, hand still holding Aziraphale’s gently. He turned his head away from Aziraphale, feigning anger. Crowley did love a petty argument every now and then.
“Oh come ooooonn,” Aziraphale shook Crowley by the shoulder with his free hand. Crowley said nothing. “Don’t be like this, you know how much I hate the silent treatment.”
Crowley gave Aziraphale a pointed look that said ‘duh, why else do you think i’m pulling the silent treatment?’ before turning back around.
Aziraphale sighed playfully, “Whatever am I going to do without you to talk to…” He couldn’t hold back a cheeky grin as he pinched Crowley’s side, the demon flinching but still saying nothing. “Who will I complain to when my favorite books get turned into terrible films?”A few pokes to the belly, and Crowley’s knees shot up. “Who will teach me about the different plant life in London?” Three pinches to the ribs and he heard a stifled giggle as Crowley’s back arched away from his fingers.
Aziraphale let the moment hang in the air. He wanted Crowley to feel anticipation crawling up his spine. Aziraphale saw him squirm slightly into the sheets.
He quickly pinched up and down Crowley’s side, from his hip to his rib, the demon flinching hard with a keening giggle. He rolled over quickly, ticklish laughter spilling from him as he slapped at Aziraphale’s hands, feet digging into the mattress. “Okay okahahay! I gihive, you dihihick!”
Aziraphale pulled away for the final time, meaning it this time (well maybe, who knows with how playful they’ve both felt this evening). He laid on his back next to a sprawled out Crowley, putting his hand in his…friend’s.
They basked in each other’s presence for a little while, rubbing their thumbs over the skin of their hands, playing with each other’s fingers, once Crowley dared to tickle Aziraphale’s palm. But then the credits started to roll on the film and Crowley felt the need to confess.
“It was a convention.”
Crowley laid his head on Aziraphale’s shoulder,“It was a, er…ngk,” he squeezed Aziraphale’s hand, letting go of weird insecurities. “…a James Bond convention. They held one in London when those newer films came out. I’m a pretty big fan, you know that, so I popped by, made myself…known.” His confession was awkward but very real, and Aziraphale could tell that even as silly as it was, it did take something for Crowley to admit that. “Got a t-shirt while I was there, thought hell, why not, I’m here, the shirts here, probably made to be. So yeah. My new nightshirt.”
Aziraphale smiled so wholeheartedly at Crowley the demon was half-worried he’d pop something. “That’s so sweet, Crowley. I always knew you loved James Bond, but worthy enough to have the Anthony J. Crowley show up to his convention-?”
“Ohhhh bite me a new one, angel,” Crowley shook their intertwined fingers, getting even comfier against him. Aziraphale did the same, leaning into Crowley and wrapping an arm around his waist.
They didn’t talk about this when they woke from their nap. They didn’t need to. At least, they thought they didn’t need to. Their time has always been limitless. They thought their love always would be too.
. . .
a/n : ok im going to sleep goobyeee
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monawasredacted · 7 months
Sweetheart Headcanons
These are purely related to my interpretation of Sweetheart and the vision of them that I subscribe to! So happy and excited to hear other people’s interpretations and see their Sweethearts (I’ll probably do this for all of my redacted OC’s)
•As their powers manifestested, the pigmentation in Sweetheart’s body started to react to the chemical makeup of their powers, and their hair, eyes and skin all drained of colour. Their skin, already pale, took on a more neutral tone. Their eyes, previously a darker and deeper blue, faded to a light grey. Their hair, a dirty blonde/light brown, grew into more of a white/blonde. This isn’t common, but is known to happen to stealths, as the magic that makes them seemingly transparent also messes with their body.
•They, at first, hated this. Their friends thought it was cool, but they couldn’t think it further from the truth. The features they’d loved the most, gifted from their parents, had been stolen by their powers. While they did not curse the gift of magic, they felt robbed of the things they were proud of, like the Tenerife blue of their mother’s eyes, or the signature tussled brown that had been donned by their father’s lineage for generations.
•Their powers were strong, but they didn’t know what to do with them. In fact, in their stealth classes, they took a little longer than their classmates to get a true handle on things. This is apparent and resurges when they’re in the midst of a highly tense emotional episode, such as panic attacks. They find it hard to decloak even if they want to.
•Sweetheart prefers to wear pants wherever they go, in case they need to cloak for any reason and they need to go unheard. Their magic also affects their clothes, but not always their physical mass; they can be heard and felt while cloaked if they don't exert the extra effort to conceal them, so pants are quieter and easier to move around in.
•In this same vein, they don’t wear jewellery very often either - clattering and clanging can sometimes be hard to mask and keep stealthed. The only exception to this rule is a ring gifted by Milo’s mother, that they wear every day, stealthing or not.
•Milo’s mother has an intense respect for Sweetheart (returned tenfold), and they get along really well. She was the first person Sweetheart went to when concerned about learning healing magic, agonising over not knowing it well and neglecting it when studying. When Sweetheart messaged, and then called Marie, torn to bits about their inability to heal effectively, Marie knew that Sweetheart was a good person, heart and soul. And Marie can always tell deep down whether a person is good or not.
•Colm attempts to converse with Sweetheart often, usually about investigating, and it takes a while for Sweetheart to open up and speak more freely- they, at first, felt as if the tension in the relationship between Milo and Colm was to be tread very carefully. It wasn’t until Milo ensured ‘I won’t be mad at you for entertainin’ his nosy personality, as is the nature of an investigator.’ (When Sweetheart refused this idea, Milo then followed up with ‘No, you’re definitely not nosy, just have a penchant for sneakin’ into unknowing victim's apartments to accost them with interroga-.’ He couldn’t finish the sentence, with a pillow to his face.)
•Sweetheart does, in fact, dress like an old timey P.I: long coats, dark tones, well fit slacks and boots, the works.
And they make it look good?
•Milo usually helps them pick out their clothes, as he’s really actually quite exceptional at doing such. He did not, however, help with their Summit outfit. That was all Sweetheart’s doing (and Milo’s undoing).
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alyjojo · 6 months
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New Year Reading for 2024! 🌟 - Leo
Preshuffle: You could see the reappearance of an ex, or someone that made you feel like you weren’t a priority, doesn’t have to be an ex at all (for some it is). They may have brushed you off and made it seem like you weren’t that important to them, or they just didn’t care, didn’t ask you out on a second/tenth date, haven’t heard from them for years even. Could be other people too, friends, family, etc. They may make the effort to show you they care *now* and it’s like now you don’t, you don’t even want it anymore, they’re too late, or it’s been too long and you’ve moved onto other things. Or you’ve just seen their true colors in this time that’s passed, could be that too. They say “distance makes the heart grow fonder.” But in this case, it’s like distance has shown you what is toxic af and you’re actually good.
Meditation: It made me laugh. I never made it to your door, we were in the hallway to get to your door and it was just a zoo of animals everywhere, but specific ones, that went specific places, none of which were yours. But you were cleaning it all up. There were small alligators 🐊 that needed to be re-caged, and you put them inside of Pisces’ door. There were several (nice, but intimidating) big snakes 🐍 that you also caged and set inside Scorpio’s door. The last animals were some small white lab rats 🐁 with the red eyes, those went in Taurus’ door. You sighed happily and brushed your hands off like “job well done”, and as you were walking past Aquarius’s door, it opened and they threw a water balloon right at your head, then closed their door and you could hear them chuckling on the other side of it. You just muttered “asshole” and then went to your own door & went in. I can’t know what any of these mean for you, because they’re all so specific, it’s going to relate to you all individually. For some, you’re cleaning up other’s messes, happily, and you deserve some appreciation. For some the literal signs and animals may mean something. I don’t know where Pisces fits in, unless it’s Saturn, but the rest are all fixed (squared/opposing you) and it would make sense that there could be some aggravation with them. Not just this year 😆 This could also be referring to Pluto’s final dance between Aqua and Cap throughout the year, a “water balloon” may hit you unexpectedly between Jan-Julyish.
🔸 Whole of Your Energy: Judgement & 5 Pentacles
Regarding: The Lovers & 4 Cups
This is the exact same energy from your preshuffle, the exact SAME cards, same order even. That’s crazy yo’. Relationships are definitely dominating your year, one in particular that I just don’t think you’re happy with, because the committed relationships area mirrors this too. For some, it can be a Twin Flame 🔥 thing, not all. For some it’s just realizing you’re bored, unhappy, you could feel like your partner doesn’t even really care about you or this relationship. Judgement is a powerful energy to be your first card, it’s ruled by Pluto, and it’s taking everything into account, all of your experiences up to this point, to determine if you should end something for good, nail the coffin shut, or if it can be transformed in a whole new way - can this be fixed and brought back? Mostly directed towards relationships, especially for the risings.
If it’s a Twin, you wonder if you should leave, if they’ll ever come back, or whether it’s a Twin at all, because you’ve also pulled The Astronomer…showing you could get a little too caught up in things like astrology, twin flames, tarot, “what does it mean??” 💀, and more or less acting kinda fanatical with things that can’t ever fully be explained. We’re not God, we don’t know. A side note, this tarot and astrology stuff can be helpful, and useful, but if it becomes obsessive or you start basing your whole life & decisions over what tarot lady said that day, it’s a fine line of spiritual/delusion. Especially with general readings, not all of them involve you at all, don’t force things where they don’t actually exist 🙏 If it sounds like you, you get goosebumps and just know it, take it. Astrology can tell you a lot, but we can’t predict death, just difficult time periods, “maybes”. It’s good to have faith in some kind of belief system or see the deeper meanings to things, many of you are becoming more spiritual, tuning in to your own higher selves, just yanno…balance it. Turn it off sometimes. Take naps. Go outside. Plan an adventure. Have fun. Be human. Too much of anything can drive you crazy.
If someone is coming back around, you could panic and worry this is your only chance, but you don’t even want it, how does that happen? Or that could describe the other person. Some of you could be putting a flame 🔥 label on someone that’s not, and more research needs to be done on what that actually is. Some are genuine. They’re not your *only* soulmate regardless, and hot take here: I don’t personally believe anyone’s soul is ripped in half, they’re just aligned to match you. There are dozens of soulmates here, and past life connections, and those were once brand new connections, so don’t discount those either. When in doubt, throw it all out the window and just have faith, what’s meant to be yours will be yours, you don’t have to worry so much. Free will is very much a thing, if you don’t want it, you’re not stuck with it. Just the lesson part. Some of you are having to deal with abandonment issues when it comes to love, which may stem from other issues in the past - but be playing out in this way. You could have rough mental health days, or go back and forth between fine and not fine, it’s possible you’re with someone that greatly affects your own mental state, and that’s where Courage comes in for you, handling stressful situations or even letting them go, because you have to walk away from ick feelings, and worry about your own state of mind & happiness ❤️ For some, it could be the other person that acts like they don’t care, and you don’t know what to do with that, or if that’s how they *really* are/feel, you’re afraid to know because you fear they’ll leave. Isn’t it better to know though?
Main Oracle: also connected to relationships
42 Courage
Have the courage to see the lessons in all situations and face them constructively.
🔸 Character Card: The Astronomer 🌙
Sitting in the dark with their head in one of many books on stars, The Astronomer looks for answers to their questions, based on scientific fact & proven knowledge. But this situation isn’t one described by books, it’s tricky, one you’ve never experienced (possibly most haven’t experienced), and nothing can tell you what to do about it - but your gut is telling you. Tuning out what others think they know, or even logical explanations of things, would be beneficial to you, because deep down only you know how to handle the situations coming your way, or that you’re involved in. Others can’t understand what’s going on in the same way, and there’s no way to “prove” what you know to be right, except that you just know, and you have to act according to what you know. Only you would know.
🔸 Relationship: The Devil & The Hanged Man
Regarding: 5 Wands
Your person plays you with/against other people? Are they constantly comparing you to others, ex’s, family members, friends and their own relationships? Do you feel like it’s a constant comparison or competition when it shouldn’t be? Maybe this person really likes attention, and they indulge flirtations or crushes from other people. Maybe they’ve actually acted on these things, or reciprocated in inappropriate ways that have hurt you and caused you to mistrust them. Could be an addiction. Or an obsession. Could be you too. Or for you the toxicity may simply be codependency. You know it’s not good for you, but you avoid facing it or doing anything about it, you don’t want this to end. It doesn’t get better, or worse, it stays exactly the same - The Hanged Man, and you try to gain some perspective to think of…what can I do? You can’t do your part and theirs too, if they’re giving you nothing but apathy, what are you hanging onto? The competitiveness of this could be what’s got you stuck on a person. You’re not happy but you’ll be damned if someone else has them. Most of this is going on inside, I’m not sure what they even know, there’s not a lot of communication between you (that I see). For some of you, that’s probably where to start. Others of you already know it’s done. Or needs a complete overhaul - Pluto 💯
Couples Oracles: Courage again from Main
74 - Contest
Be yourself fully and you are without compare, a true winner of the only contest that matters.
🔸 Singles: Ace of Swords & 10 Wands
Regarding: King of Wands
Short and to the point, you have problems communicating. Single or coupled up, you are showing up as someone that holds in your feelings and just never expresses them. That’s what’s standing in your way - 10 Wands, and you’re exhausted with attempts where you’ve tried, maybe with the responses you’ve gotten in the past. Something hurtful lingers in your energy and you blame it on someone outside of yourself, which may be true for whatever has hurt you. But you don’t see that if you can’t communicate, you can’t have a relationship, others can’t just understand how you feel or where you’re coming from. If you’re still hurting from the last person, I don’t see you even wanting another one. You may even attract several people and not really take them up on anything, not responding, not speaking up, not responding to others’ flirty energy. If you do, it will be more surface level, and you won’t be honest about who you really are or what you’ve been through, because it’s like you can’t, it makes you sad. Or you don’t want the sympathy, Leo is a very proud sign. You need more processing time, there is no rush, not in this area anyway. Some of you could be single parents and find it hard to find the time or even the desire to try dating, or you could specifically not want to date people with kids, and that’s just not an option right now. I’ve been asking for a card here to describe any potential options, and yours won’t even give me one, it’s just like “nah”, so…maybe talking to people, flirting a bit, but it doesn’t go far, that I can see.
🔸 Career: Page of Pentacles & 10 Cups
Regarding: Temperance
Relationships come out here too. It’s like everything you’re doing is for the sake of family & possibly children. You could live with family, literally work with your family, or there’s a nod towards those in relationships - have an extremely overbearing partner that kinda controls what moves you make in all regards. Or an ex. It’s like you work hard everyday, and you’re doing well, these are all great cards. It’s all for the sake of keeping the peace in your family unit. Some of you may be offering a job to someone in your family, or even working with your partner, that could create some of the difficulties between you, being with them every second of every day. With that, some could work at home or be stay-at-home parents. Again, some of you are just single parents, and you go to work so you can pay for the home that you raise your kids in, it’s all about maintaining that work/home balance that takes priority over everything else.
There’s a story about maybe still living with family and not really working because you’re going to school full time and being supported in that way. There could be someone in the home that’s drama, and they irritate you, or they always have something to say like you’re not “providing” when no shit, you’re in school. Success is attached to whatever you’re doing, and 10 Cups is the goal you’re working towards, that all feels very positive and you’ll spend most of your energy “coasting along” towards your goal, I don’t see any hiccups there. Someone that irritates you, or thinks you should even be working “for them” on your off time or something, could be an earth sign. If it’s just Mom/partner asking you to do your share of the chores, that’s fair. You could also be working towards starting some side hustle or home business, if so it’s at the very beginning, the planning stages even, and it does have potential to grow 🪴
Career Oracle:
79 Success
Enjoying your life and the unfolding of your creative abilities as much as possible is real success.
🔸 What needs to be left behind in 2023: 2 Pentacles & 7 Pentacles
Regarding: 8 Wands
Waiting, procrastinating, giving things too much time to make a decision or putting things off, the lack of taking action. Along with that though is a lack of planning, you don’t like to plan things before you do them, I’m getting that you just kinda put it off, again and again, and then when you’re ready to take action it’s impulsive & spontaneous, expecting immediate results. Instead of planned out, scheduled, long term thinking, building up to the place where you want to go, you either talk yourself out of it, or don’t take it seriously enough and just kinda let things fall behind. Relating to communication, taking too long with that too, or not responding, maybe defensive communication, or defensive attitudes towards practical help, planners, input from others who have the thing you want to do. No plan and no advice either…well 🤷🏻‍♀️ What outcome do you want? For some it could be needing to apologize to someone, or releasing the hope you’re going to get one from someone where it’s just not coming. Every story is the same in that - it’s been long enough.
Leave Behind Oracle:
07 Procrastination
Stop focusing on your problems and excuses; take a small step and do something constructive.
7777 shows that by avoiding taking action and waiting around, possibly avoiding resistance from a partner specifically for some of you, you’re blocking your own success and then feeling defensive about it. Or your person could feel this way about you, one of you is getting in the way of the other’s career. Or schooling, kids, family, that’s possible too, but career is centered on this somehow. People pleasing instead of acting in one’s best interest - Libra South Node is pushing for that mentality to be released, all through the year. For some it could be a rift in these things, or you’re the issue here that needs to heal and it’s on you to do it. You are not your partner, or relationship, you are an independent being, don’t get confused about that, and it’s possible others could use a reminder.
Astrological Shifts in 2023 (for Risings):
Jan 01 - Mercury direct in Sag
Jan 21 - Pluto enters Aqu (again) - 7th House ❤️
Feb 14 - Mars conj. Pluto Aquarius - 7th House ❤️ - likely intense, sexual, powerful, & transformative
Mar 09 - Mars Aqua squares Uranus Tau at 5:55 P.M. - likely a day of conflict - 7th ❤️ vs. 10th 🔨 could be dealing with partnerships at work, a hit to the reputation or image, or conflict between these things and partnerships, someone may be instigating bs
Mar 21 - Venus conj Saturn Pis - love & boundaries go hand in hand
Mar 25 - Lunar Eclipse in Lib - 3rd 🗣️
Apr 01 - Mercury retrogrades Ari - 9th 😇 - travel issues highlighted specifically
Apr 08 - Solar Eclipse in Ari - continued lessons from the nodes throughout this year, issues between masculine/feminine likely, father/mother, action/reception, others/self
Apr 24 - Mercury direct
May 18 - Venus conj Uranus & Sun conj Jupiter, all in Taurus - 10th 🔨 all very positive energies, you could see expansion in your career, move up, make more, get paid 💯, find a cash cow of a client, good fortune
May 25 - Jupiter enters Gem - 11th 🤝 a great transit for networking & making friends, good times are highlighted and fortunate contacts
May 29 - Mars conj Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 9th 😇 be careful traveling or driving around this time, no texting, positively you may be expanding your mind and learning about your own pain, seeing things from a new perspective and taking action based on what you’ve learned
June 29 - Lilith enters Lib - 3rd 🗣️, likely to only be felt if/when it aspects a personal planet or is triggered by someone else’s, your words may be particularly venomous, or you may be triggered & pissed off by things other people say, good aspect for filthy messages
July 06 - Venus Can square Chiron Ari - 12th 😵‍💫 vs. 9th 😇, spiritual experiences and awakenings are likely on some level, you may have prophetic dreams or intuitive hunches that lead you in positive directions or heal a wound, counseling is beneficial at this time, or any learning about topics related to mental health, relaxation, spirituality & calming the mind.
Aug 04 - Mercury retrogrades Vir-Leo - 2nd 💰 & 1st 🫵, overspending is possible, or hassles regarding returns, missed packages, possible scams & fraud, be careful with your personal information and where it goes, you may be overcharged for something
Aug 19 - Venus Vir opposes Saturn Pis & Jupiter Gem squares both - T square of 2nd 💰, 8th ☠️, and 11th 🤝 has to do with finances, commissions, investments, wills, contracts, a deal could go sour or a contract needs to be reworked, financial loss is possible
Aug 27 - Mercury direct Leo
Sept 01 - Pluto enters Cap (last time) - 6th 🤒🐶
Sept 16 - Venus Lib opposes Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 3rd 🗣️ vs. 9th 😇 - not a fan of the degree being 22’, involves or address pain with siblings, travel, foreign places or people, unlearning old bs, what’s learned initially or young vs. what you know now, it can be healing in this way
Sept 17 - Partial Lunar Eclipse Pis - 8th ☠️, preparing for the nodes to shift next year
Oct 02 - Solar Eclipse Lib - 3rd 🗣️
Nov 19 - Pluto enters Aqu (for good) - 7th ❤️
Nov 25 - Mercury retrogrades Sag - 5th 🎉
Dec 06 - Mars retrogrades Leo - 1st 🫵 - you’re liable to be forced to slow down or reevaluate your direction in some way, progress is halted for now
Dec 15 - Mercury direct Sag
Dec 24 - Jupiter Gem squares Saturn Pis - 11th 🤝 vs. 8th ☠️, could deal with people that aren’t with you anymore, passed on loved ones or friends, reminiscing or honoring them with others, could also relate to sales contracts, investments or joint financial ventures that maybe aren’t equal or there’s an imbalance.
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presidenthades · 9 months
I am doing very minor revisions of Daemon’s Handbook (mostly formatting and continuity errors), and I wanted to do some behind-the-scenes commentary before too much time passes and I forget my original thoughts. Here’s Chapter 2!
(Note that these commentaries aren’t canon to the verse until/unless the author writes them into the series. I might change my mind on a few points later, but these are the thoughts I had while writing.)
Those gold dancing slippers with pink roses and sunbursts? Aegon 100% bought those for Jace (in Sunfyre’s colors of course), and that’s why she freaks out about them in Chapter 3.
Helaena has FRIENDS in this verse! Because she gets to grow up with three kinswoman close in age to her! Yay! I imagine her spending a lot of time with Jace, Luce, and Joff while they’re all living at the Red Keep.
That black and green three-pointed star is supposed to be some kind of reference to the three main couples of this series. Please don’t ask for details because I don’t have any 🙈
Rhaena and Baela’s crushes on Helaena and Jace, respectively, have begun sprouting in this chapter. They are very embarrassed by their dad acting like a weirdo in front of their crushes.
Daemon has a mental diatribe about Aegon’s dissolute ways, but in actuality Daemon would probably enjoy hanging out with someone who can keep up with him in Flea Bottom. Alas.
Neither book nor show canon says anything about Aegon or Aemond squiring, but I think healthy young princes would be expected to squire, like Daeron. I’m thinking Aegon strongly disliked the idea of having to squire (which involves a lot of acts of service) so maybe he a) threw a fit or b) used some weaponized incompetence until people gave up. 😆 But show!Aemond would like the idea of becoming a chivalrous knight, and Criston seems like a good option to squire for, considering Criston’s proximity to Alicent.
In this verse, Rhaenyra chooses to move her family to Dragonstone for different reasons than canon (where she felt pushed out by the Hightowers). Here, she’s mostly concerned about Jace and Aegon. I’ll delve into more detailed commentary later for Chapter 6, but basically, the kids have hit puberty and Jace and Aegon have already been caught sneaking around to kiss and hold hands. You can’t really keep them apart if they’re living in the same castle, so Rhaenyra’s solution is to relocate her daughters. Rhaenyra still plans to commute to court as needed (like in Chapter 4), but it’s not the most politically expedient move even if she’s decided it’s best for personal reasons.
We get our first glimpse of what the Jace/Aegon relationship is like. Jace spends a good amount of time trying to make Aegon act nicer (especially toward Aemond; no Pink Dread in this verse). She tends to use the carrot instead of the stick, which is Aegon’s preferred learning method, so Jace is more successful than Alicent who does it the other way.
Daemon doesn’t believe in anything he can’t see with his own eyes so he’s not superstitious, BUT Joff makes him question a lot of things. 😆 He figures out real fast that regardless of whether she’s actually witchy, it’s best to stay on her good side. (Otto also knows something is up with that girl lol)
I’m definitely exploring Joff’s dynamic with Laenor in a future installment in this verse. For now, let’s just say it was complicated. As precocious as Joff is, she’s only 6 and she doesn’t actually know everything.
“Window closes, heart opens, door opens, heart closes.” Helaena’s prophecy is about Aemond’s eye and the Luce/Aemond relationship, though I originally planned for it to play out differently (more to come in Chapter 4 commentary). As the fic currently stands, the prophecy breaks down like this: window closes = Aemond loses his eye. Heart opens = Luce opening up to Aemond again. Door opens = the rookery door when Daemon messes with the letters. Heart closes = Luce and Aemond’s three year estrangement.
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chenfordspiral · 1 year
I don’t get heartbroken over storylines on a TV show very often, but I do over this one.
Because I don’t understand how someone like Lucy can truly love UC (and say it with a smile on her face). Short term, fine. I might be able to get on board with that. But she doesn’t know what it’s like to be gone for months (she said it herself), and how that would impact her and all the people around her. I cannot see a world in which Lucy Chen, the most kindhearted, empathetic, likes-to-take-care-of-the-people-she-loves person ever, would actually love being separated from her family for months (while knowing that at least one person would be hurting the whole time, no matter what he says).
All we’ve seen of her since the season 3 finale makes me believe that she doesn’t actually love UC as much as she says she does. That might just all be wishful thinking on my part, but that’s the vibe I’ve gotten from her for the last two seasons. Did she even talk about UC at all in season 4? But now she’s suddenly so interested in becoming an undercover cop? Does she think she has to do UC and is still pursuing it because of that?
Either way, I don’t get it. Make it make sense, please.
I don’t want to be that person and ask someone, especially a woman, to walk away from a career path for a relationship, but that’s the thing. It’s a path, not the ultimate path to being a successful officer and have a great career in the LAPD. Look at almost everyone around her. Only Nyla and Isabel have gone that route. And we all know what it cost them.
Yes, Tim said Lucy is different. And she is. She wouldn’t bottle it all up the way Isabel apparently did. But that’s not all it is about. No one can guarantee her safety while she’s under. And I think that’s part of why Tim is so scared. He knows she likes UC, knows she’s good at it. Knows she would most likely want to talk things out with him, at least as long as it doesn't reveal too much about the op. But everything has to work out perfectly for her to come back in the first place.
I guess it all boils down to this: they need to have an honest conversation about it. Really honest, no holding back for the other’s sake. And for Lucy to really make an informed decision about UC, she needs to experience a long-term op (and I’m talking months here, not weeks) to know what it’s like. Right now, she’s basing her opinion on all the short-term assignments she’s done and what she thinks she needs to do. She should know whether she really likes long-term or not before fully committing to being an undercover detective. Once she’s a UC, I’m not sure how easy it would be to walk away from it if she only has her first long term op then and realizes it’s not for her.
And let’s not even begin to talk about the other two things. I just don’t understand how she can still do UC with those doc eps. Or how they would make it work for the show in general. They’re already juggling Patrol, Detectives and Metro. How would UC fit in on a weekly basis?!
Anyway. As I said, I don’t get heartbroken over storylines too easily or too often. But this one does things to my heart that I don’t like. Because neither one of them is happy, but they don't talk about it (yet). They're both not being completely honest with themselves, so how are they supposed to be honest with each other?
I don’t want Lucy to compromise something she apparently loves so much. But I also don’t want Tim to compromise himself and go against every single one of his instincts to make her happy. They need to find a balance.
And at the end of the day, he’s her priority, right? When it comes down to it, she would choose him over UC, right? Because he's the most important relationship, and thus most important thing in her life. I'd like to believe she'd make that choice.
Yes. She should do what she loves and is passionate about, but is it worth it if all it does is hurt the person you love the most?
Also, Tim is the most selfless human being ever. We do not deserve this absolute gem of a character. I love how much he loves Lucy. I know I'm kind of contradicting what I said two paragraphs above, but I love his willingness to try and soldier through (no matter how much it hurts him).
I know I'm very emotional right now and it's showing. I just absolutely hate angst and seeing these two hurting because they're not totally honest with each other or pressing the other to be honest is making my heart physically hurt. I know that, with a little distance, I might see things a bit differently. But right now, I'm sad that they're sad and haven't fully talked about the obvious elephant in the room yet.
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The Tortured Poets Department - The Anthology (Taylor Swift) - Dateables Part 2
As promised, here's part 2 - The TPD Anthology collection songs.
Barbatos: COSOSOM
So if you wanna break my cold, cold heart Say you loved me And if you wanna tear my world apart Say you'll always wonder
Like I said, this part of the album was quite hard to choose for.  I feel bad for Barbatos because I definitely think I slacked on his songs, which is surprising to me because album sounds so much more like what I think of for him than most of the others but here we are. The sound of this song in particular, so mellow and melancholy, makes me think of him. It’s got a lot of emotion packed into it but in such short, simple phrases and staying mostly calm; even the bridge is quiet intensity which is how Barbatos lives his life. I think of Barbatos being considered as heartless because he doesn’t show much feeling but it’s so untrue, especially with MC. I imagine that he never speaks up about his feelings for them and that’s why the hardest thing he could ever hear from them is them admitting their own feelings and wondering what could have been. It’s a shot to his heart knowing he could have had them but they’ve moved on and it doesn’t even matter anymore. 
Asmo: imgonnagetyouback
I, I hear the whispers in your eyes I'll make you wanna think twice You'll find that you were never not mine (You're mine)
Another Asmo song for sure. It’s sexy, bright, and not a little aggressive. Asmo firmly believes he can have anyone that he wants - everyone out there is his for the taking, whether they know it or not. That includes MC. It doesn’t matter if they play hard to get or show any interest in his brothers, Asmo is confident that he’ll have them by his side by the end of the night. And if that’s not the case? Well Hell hath no fury like a rejected avatar of lust. He can be very petty and spiteful when he feels slighted so he would definitely plan revenge if needed but, even then, he’s thinking about how he can turn this into a fun bedroom situation instead because there are so many better ways to work out those feelings, you know? 
Simeon: The Albatross 
So I crossed my thoughtless heart Spread my wings like a parachute I'm the albatross I swept in at the rescue The devil that you know Looks now more like an angel
This was a song that I considered for a few people but I feel like it fits Simeon’s story so well. Simeon is an angel - he’s supposed to be immune to temptation and to help people find their redemption. He’s known from the beginning that he should be keeping MC’s morality safe and remaining a guiding beacon of light. This becomes especially true once he sees how close she gets to the brothers and Diavolo and Solomon. MC is becoming a threat - being so close with such “bad” beings while also being the most tempting human that Simeon has ever laid eyes on. He knows he should stay away lest MC drag him down to ruin like the snake did to Eve but it doesn’t take him too long to realize that you’re not dangerous, you’re actually his salvation. You’re there to show him true happiness and freedom, and it makes him question everything he once thought was good. 
Satan: How Did it End?
We were blind to unforeseen circumstances We learned thе right steps to different dancеs And fell victim to interlopers' glances Lost the game of chance, what are the chances?
This is how I imagine things ending with Satan. The relationship has been so private and peaceful; no one ever had any clue what was going on behind closed doors. In fact, MC and Satan might not be entirely sure either. For a relationship that once seemed so strong, it’s been slowly dying since its beginning, doomed to fail once the lovers are separated until it’s just MC alone in the human realm left haunted by the ghost of their beloved. Of course everyone is just so curious because they care but everywhere MC turns they’re being asked about Satan and what happened to their relationship. For all the detective work the two of them used to do, MC can’t quite figure out exactly what happened. Just like everything else in their life, it’s over and they have to figure out how to pick up the pieces in front of everyone. 
Beel: So High School
You know how to ball, I know Aristotle Brand-new, full throttle Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto It's true, swear, scout's honor (Yeah) You knew what you wanted and, boy, you got her
Has everyone seen all the Travis being a himbo memes? Cause they are cracking me up. I feel like Beel is Travis - just a really good guy but definitely not the intellectual of a relationship, though he’s more insightful than people give him credit for. I don’t really like this song if I’m being honest but it’s so Beel-coded and I absolutely love the line about ball/Aristotle - I don’t get how anyone could hate it. I think this is very much MC, the most powerful and influential human basically ever, and her loving himbo demon boyfriend. They’re so happy in their own little bubble. It’s a relationship built on trust, comfort, and respect. They have fun and explore each other’s interests, and everything is soft and sweet like a first high school love should be. It’s not full of the same angst and insecurity the rest of the relationships are threatened with. 
Belphie: thanK you aIMee
All that time you were throwin' punches, it was all for nothin' And our town, it looks so small from way up here Screamed, "Thank you, Aimee" to the night sky and the stars are stunnin' 'Cause I can't forget the way you made me heal
Belphie as Kim? I absolutely love it. Belphie was our biggest hater by far in the beginning. He was convinced that we were the shitty one, fake and dishonest and a perfect _ of everything humanity represents, and so he does everything in his power not to only bring us down and lift himself up but also to torture us mentally during the process. His betrayal kills us, both literally and figuratively, and I know that MC would take so long to actually heal from that trauma because how do you move on when you’re constantly confronted with your killer? However, MC does move on and becomes so strong after and the bond they form with the entire family/Devildom never would have happened if it hadn’t been for Belphie’s choices. In the end, there’s something to thank Belphie for. 
Solomon: I Look in People’s Windows
I look in people's windows In case you're at their table What if your eyes looked up and met mine One more time?
This song is so sad and lonely feeling. It makes me think of poor Solomon who is doomed to outlive everyone he has ever loved and always be left behind unless he decides to run preemptively. I imagine Solomon referring to himself as a deranged weirdo who watches everything and everyone from the outside, always around but invisible. This song in particular is the epitome of what it would be like for him once MC is back in the human realm. He loves them, he misses them, no one in the world is nearly interesting enough to replace them and hold his attention. So he wanders around from place to place, always looking into the windows of restaurants and bookstores and houses, wondering if he’ll ever see them again. His thoughts are made up of what if’s and if only’s, and the none of it ever compares to the day that he looks into a window somewhere only to find MC already looking back at him (as if they didn’t spend all of their time looking out windows for him). 
Diavolo: Prophecy
Please I've been on my knees Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me Who do I have to speak to About if they can redo the prophecy?
The Prophecy is, by far, one of my favorite songs on the entire album and possibly my favorite on the anthology. It was really a struggle to decide who it fit with most (it was almost given to Mammon) but, ultimately, I thought that this song just felt so much like Diavolo. It’s beautiful, poetic and lyrical. It’s depressing and heartwrenching and full of goodness. Diavolo has revealed over and over again how truly lonely it is to be him, how badly he longs for genuine connection, how touch and affection starved he is. He’s a man who has everything in the palm of his hand - everything except love, which is the one thing he craves most of all. He thought he had it with MC and, for a short time, it was like his prayers had been answered but it was lightning in a bottle and gone before he even knew what was happening. And so the prophecy continues and Diavolo is forced to accept his fate. 
Levi: Peter
And I won't confess that I waited, but I let the lamp burn As the men masqueraded, I hoped you'd return With your feet on the ground, tell me all that you'd learned 'Cause love's never lost when perspective is earned
This was another tough one. I didn’t find anything that really super resonated with me for Levi but this was the closest I came. Levi is very much a child in some ways. By being such a shut in, he’s experienced very little social and emotional growth, even less so than most of his brothers. He loves fantasy and escaping into those adventures because he can’t actually be hurt. MC is entirely different story and, despite being so interested in them, Levi finds it very hard to commit to them beyond a playful friendship as if they’re lost boys together because anything more than that means that Levi will have to learn and grow and risk having his heart broken. MC would wait forever for him to open up, if they could, but the time comes when they have to go home and, unfortunately, Levi was just never able to take that final leap of faith and grow with them so he’s forever stuck as Peter Pan in his own little unchanging Neverland while ‘Wendy’ moves on to the future without him. 
Lucifer: The Manuscript
The only thing that's left is the manuscript One last souvenir from my trip to your shores Now and then I reread the manuscript But the story isn't mine anymore
Another tough choice. (I was being serious when I said this half of the album was hard). This song references back to Taylor dating older men and really considering what the purpose of that life lesson was and what it means for her going forward. I think Lucifer is definitely a life lesson for MC. They want to please him so badly that they’re willing to try harder to be smarter, more capable, more mature. Anything that will get his attention and maybe make him proud of them. His opinion is what matters most but, at the end of the day, MC is going right back to the human realm where Lucifer isn’t around and they don’t have to pretend to be better than they actually are anyone. They can relex and breathe and be the normal, fucked up human they always have been. It’s excruciating and MC doesn’t understand for a long time what the point of the transfer was for, if it was just going to leave them right where they started, but MC comes to realize that the journey and who we become along the way is the most important thing. Lucifer was a large part of their life story but it turns out he was only a chapter in their book, just how MC always imagined they would be for him. 
Mammon: I Hate it Here
I'm lonely, but I'm good I'm bitter, but I swear I'm fine I'll save all my romanticism for my inner life and I'll get lost on purpose This place made me feel worthless
Mammon! This is for my first and favorite man who is far more sensitive than he lets on. He lives on escapism, though not quite as overtly as Levi’s love of fiction or Satan’s reading. He is always moving, always meeting new people, always trying new things. He is spending his whole life looking somewhere, someone, to make him feel safe and happy and at home. Not that he would ever dare admit that to anyone. He hates the Devildom and what it’s turned him into. Where the brothers used to tease him with affection in the Celestial Realm, it all feels too genuine and harsh down here. He doesn’t feel like he has any value and no one can see the real him (is there even a real him anymore? If there is, it worth seeing or is the mask he wears the better choice?) MC is the only person allowed into his sanctuaries, the only person who makes the real world feel worthwhile. 
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barenecessiteas · 1 year
I've done it, I gave in. Here's your NSFW Alphabet for Luis Sera under the cut.
Let the record state that, again, I'm not a writer so I'm well aware this post sucks. Just fucking around and having a little fun 🙃
Also I'm tagging a few people who replied in the last post about about wanting this written. I hope you guys don't mind and that you get a kick out of this!
@jessy-the-martian-girl @angi-writes-filth @ravenrune @margexoxo
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
I feel like, at first, he wouldn't go above and beyond afterwards. He'd definitely help you clean up a little, make sure you're alright. You would have to specifically tell him about anything you'd want to do after, he just doesn't think of it on his own.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself, he likes his hands. Cuz he knows how to use them 👀
On his partner - tits. We all saw this coming. He's a ballistics man. He loves being able to fondle, kiss, lick, nuzzle, etc your chest. While he'd have a lot of fun with someone who part of the big titty committee, he doesn't care whether they're big or small. He just likes being able give your chest lots of attention.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He's not used to using protection all that much. They def didn't have any in the village so he didn't really know what his options were until he went off to college. Overall he prefers being able to cum in you, he's more than happy to use protection if you're uncomfortable with that!
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
This one was really hard to come up with because I don't Luis has any sort of filter with this stuff.
After realizing he likes you (after a very long time of trying to convince himself it's just physical attraction), it just makes him want you even more. So he ends up finding one of your shirts/hoodies and steals it for a bit so he can jack off and pretend he's holding you instead. But he will never admit that out loud. He's got a reputation as Mr. Cool to uphold, he's taking this shit to the grave
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He knows what he's doing. He's been around, he's a ho and a half. Majority of it was from flings/one-night stands, but there were a few short-term relationships in there. So yeah, Luis is definitely experienced.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
While he loves anything that gives him the freedom to have his hands all over you, he particularly likes spooning, having you ride him, or just missionary. As long as Luis is free to smother you with affection, he's in heaven.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
This man doesn't know how to shut up (and I love him for it), so yes he's gonna be making a sarcastic/teasing comments here and there. Luis does know when to be serious, so he wouldn't say anything if it didn't fit the mood.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He doesn't really care. He'll maybe trim every now and then, but it's not something he worries about. And this extends to you too, he literally does not care whether you shave or not.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's a true romantic at heart, so intimacy is very important. Even with flings he's had in the past, Luis values at least making sure both you and him have a good time. And like I said before, he can't keep his hands to himself, so he'll be constantly pulling you close, stroking your cheeks, running his hands through your hair, and kissing you throughout it all.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
To be honest I don't see him as the type to masturbate that much, only because his first inclination would be to hook up with someone. Has he done it before? Absolutely. But he doesn't do it often since it's not quite as enjoyable as actual sex
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Hair pulling. Please please please run your fingers through his hair and tug on it. He loves that shit. Not to the point where you like rip strands out but he adores the feeling of it. Plus, to him, it's a sign that you're thoroughly enjoying yourself lol
Luis loves marking too. Nothing too severe, just love bites and hickeys around your body, especially on your neck. He thinks you look so pretty like that, he can't help himself.
And idk what this would be called specifically, but nothing gets him going like seeing how fucked out you get. Partly because he loves you and wants you to enjoy yourself, and partly because he's got a huge ego and out goes right to his head when he thinks "Yeah I'M the one that's doing that to you" especially with overstimulation and/or edging.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Overall, Luis prefers being at home so that he can take his time with his partner. The most important thing to him is you and your comfort, so he'd never do anything in places where you didn't feel comfortable doing anything. He just wants you to feel comfortable and safe 🥺
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
When I tell you it is so easy to turn this man on.... He's got self control, don't get me wrong, but Luis is constantly ready to go. Long make out sessions, seeing you get dressed or wearing more revealing clothes, just lounging around with you for a long time, he adores you so it's super easy to get him motivated.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I don't see him being into any BDSM, bondage, hitting, anything that would hurt you in anyway. Like I said, he's romantic at heart, and it just isn't his style. Spanking is fine with him, but he doesn't think to do it much.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Luis can't decide which one he likes better, he just can't decide. On one hand he loves looking into your eyes and playing with your hair while you suck him off. On the other hand, knowing he can drive you crazy with just his tongue goes straight to his ego.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
In general he goes with whatever you like, but he prefers to go slower and draw everything out. He doesn't want the fun to end too soon. Although, it's not unheard of for Luis to change it up through the act just to tease you 😈
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Luis will never say "no" to a quickie but they aren't his first thought either. Like I said before, he enjoys taking his time with you. You'd probably have to be the one to initiate it, he just doesn't really think of it.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
I touched on this a bit before but physical risk or harm is a huge no for him. Since Luis is so focused on just being with you in the moment and making sure you both feel good, he won't really do much in terms of doing anything in public. Tho this plays into quickies, he's more than fine with going somewhere modestly private but technically in public, like an empty room or a closet or whatever. The slight chance/idea of getting caught is excited, but he never wants to actually be caught for real.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
I see him lasting 1 round because of his tendency to go at it for a while. Trust me, this man while last a long time. He will take his sweet time with you until neither of you can stand it anymore.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Luis is pretty indifferent. As I keep saying, he's cocky af (shocking I know), so he prefers being able to make you feel good all by himself. He's certainly not opposed to you using them, especially if he's not around, but he really doesn't use any on himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh my fucking God this man is ✨E V I L✨.
He loves edging you and overstimulating you. When I tell you he will do that until both of you absolutely can't stand it, I'm not exaggerating in the slightest. How can he resist when you look so cute begging him for more?
However, I don't see him being able to restrain you, at least not very much. Maybe he'll hold your hands over your head for a little bit to mess with you, but he's so touchy that he won't be able to do it for very long. Luis would definitely never last if you tried to restrain him in anyway either. He'll try to play it off but really he's just dying to hold you even closer.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
So he's not loud but he's definitely vocal. Most of it is praising you, telling you how much he loves you, generally any dirty talk. Luis loves whispering sweet nothings into your ear. But you'll definitely hear some groans and sighs throughout it all too.
He wants you to be vocal, too. Not necessarily loud (though he's definitely not complaining if you are). He just wants some form of noise out of you.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
When he gets really close or just really into what he's doing, he'll unintentionally start talking in Spanish (assuming it's not your first language). Sure, he'll whisper little phrases and words to you in Spanish every now and then, but when he's completely blissed out, it's all you're gonna hear.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I can't believe I'm actually writing this oh my god.
Slightly on the thinner side, little on the longer side but not to the point where it's scary. That is all, you guys can let your imagination flow from here 😉
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Moderate, I'd say. He's not so horny that he'll constantly get turned on in public at every little thing you do. But when you're both alone together it's a lot easier for him to get desperate for you.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
When I tell you this man passes tf out afterwards... Sometimes he likes to have a cigarette after (yeah he's one of those guys) but he feels so relaxed and content after that he just immediately wants to pass out with you in his arms. That's the biggest reason I see him not doing a ton of aftercare is just because he goes unconscious lmao
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elysia-nsimp · 7 months
OC introduction: Wade Krillis (Twisted Wonderland)
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Wade Krillis (he/him) is a first year in Diasomnia. He’s 17, though. He’s merfolk, but never specifics what kind… it’s a little obvious, though. He’s bisexual.
Wade is a kind-hearted individual. He’s fine with most subjects, and often goes out of his way to offer a hand to students who are struggling. His favourite subject is animal communication, while his worst is history of magic. He’s in the Spelldrive Club.
He’s maybe 6’2, in good shape. Rather fit due to swimming, even. He makes a point to defend others if they’re being bullied. You will always be safe around Wade.
Hobbies, Talents, Preferences
Ever since coming onto the land, Wade has found he enjoys a lot of things on the surface. He loves to watch wildlife and document interesting things from animal behaviors to unique plants, he likes to cook, draw, write poetry…
Wade is a collector. He has a huge collection of all sorts of things, especially shiny things. His collection mostly consist of little trinkets he finds while on walks—bottle caps, cool rocks, nuts and bolts, pieces of glass… think those crowcore collections on TikTok. He loves to find little things to give out to people around him, even if some students find his habits a little odd.
Wade very much likes helping others, whether in schoolwork or protecting others. It makes him feel proud, knowing he’s made a positive difference in the world. He doesn’t like it when others don’t act with respect, as you’d expect, but he also gets irritated when things generally don’t go his way. Despite his kind nature, it’s not difficult to tick Wade off. Wade’s favourite food is sushi (and salmon!), his least favourite food is any shrimp based dish.
Wade is actually a Leech sibling. He’s only a few days younger than Jade and Floyd. So, what happened?
Being young and rather frail, Wade had to put up with the twins picking on him (being dumb kids yknow) for being the “runt” so to speak. It was clear their parents favored the twins over Wade, so it only took a few years before Wade had enough and packed a bag—he ran from home in the middle of the night.
He wandered the Coral Sea alone for several weeks, just scraping by on food and narrowly avoiding death several times. He ended up collapsing in a city alleyway several miles away from his home, thinking he reached the end of his line. He was ready to give up when a family of shrimp merfolk found him, curled in a ball in a corner.
The family consisted of the mom and dad, a little boy, a little girl, and an even littler girl. The kids saw the poor eelmer on the edge of survival and begged their parents to help him. Their parents were… reluctant at first, but gave in to their childrens’ pleas. They took Wade home that day.
It took a while before Wade would stop diving under his new bed whenever someone entered the room. It took the littlest girl reading him stories while he hid for a few nights before he came out to sit with her. From there, the he told the Krillis family why he had run away. They couldn’t locate his actual family, so they decided to keep him. He missed a year of school due to how sick he had gotten after running away.
Wade spent the rest of his childhood being spoiled and well-cared for. He took it upon himself to protect his new siblings from any and all bullying, having known what it felt like himself, and made himself known as a protector at each school he attended.
He continues this legacy at NRC, protecting whoever is in need of his assistance. He’s worried the Leech twins will recognize him… because, well… he sure recognizes them.
Unique Magic
None as of yet.
Floyd and Jade Leech
Wade avoids them both like the plague. Sometimes, you can see the pain in his eyes when he sees them in the halls.
Malleus Draconia
Wade highly respects Malleus. He empathizes with him strongly and tries to say hello whenever they pass each other.
Sebek Zigvolt
Wade decided Sebek was his friend. Sebek did not get a say in this.
Other Works
Playlist :3
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bleedgreenblood · 2 years
Every time you post about avoiding certain types of relationships, it makes my heart drop because I know deep down it’s describing my relationship with my bf. We’ve been together for almost four years, and because there’s been no drama or craziness, I’ve told myself that we’re happy. But the longer it goes on the less I feel like it’s a relationship that will ever go the places I want it to go. Idk if it’s because I let so much stuff slide at first because I didn’t want to rush things or crowd him, but truth be told we’re really just living separate lives and calling it love. Meanwhile I can’t remember the last time he REALLY wanted to talk to me or make plans with me or care about me in any way that wasn’t somehow for his benefit like a lot of your posts say. I don’t know why or how this is all hitting me now, and I feel bad because it’s not like he’s suddenly acting different. But then any attempt I’ve made to talk to him about our relationship, he either says two words that breeze past the problem or he gets defensive. Hard as it is, I feel like we just aren’t right for each other but it’s also hard to think about walking away because I do love him and used to think he was my forever. Do you have any advice?
Hi, anon! Firstly, I’m humbled that you’ve found my insight valuable enough to trust me with such a personal problem, and I’m happy to provide guidance if you think it would be helpful. Before I proceed, I want to emphasize that my opinion here should of course be taken with a grain of salt, as we don’t know each other (to my knowledge, lol), and therefore my feedback is based on this very high-level summary of your relationship. But since you're asking, buckle in, because I do have a lot to say about this.
My bottom-line takeaway is that it does sound like your relationship has run its course, and even though it (respectfully) sounds like you agree with this on some level, I’m still really sorry, because I know that doesn't make it any less difficult. I’ve been there myself, and can very much relate to that painful and confusing moment where you realize that someone you once saw a future with may not be the right fit for you after all. For whatever it’s worth, I promise you’re not alone in this situation.
One of the hard things about starting a relationship at a formative time in our lives is that we often don’t know how to start real conversations about, or how to look for, fundamental compatibility with another person. We instead allow ourselves to get swept up in surface-level attraction, i.e. finding the other person good looking, creating fantasies of what a relationship would look like based on our own and the other person’s desires versus what they’re actually showing us they’re capable of, and attaching an inflated sense of importance to common interests (Example: "We both love Game of Thrones and going to breweries," which, sure, are fun things to share, but don’t speak to true compatibility in any way). Healthy relationships are built on several key pillars, such as communication, compromise, quality time, and effort, and since there are a myriad of ways to do (or not do) any of the above, it’s critical to have real conversations about whether the way you each approach those pillars are compatible with one another.
When we don’t enter relationships with this level of intentionality, the problem is that time and circumstances inevitably put the relationship – which unbeknownst to us, has a fairly shallow foundation – to the test, so it’s easy for this sudden realization of glaring incompatibility to “sneak up on us".
This makes it even more natural to yearn for “the way things used to be”, and therefore to then hold out hope that perhaps things will “return” to a state where things still "felt okay" if given enough time. But two things on that: 1. Time on its own doesn’t do or count for shit, quite frankly. The only thing something "lasting" over time requires is complacency and stagnancy, so "giving something time" without any action, conversation, or change, is not a testament to something working out. And 2. The likelihood that a relationship will ever “go back to the way it used to be” is virtually impossible, for many reasons.
For starters, you’ve both since changed in some way – if not in hundreds of little ways – since you first got together, so neither of you is going to just suddenly revert to who you "used to be". that's not how time or human nature work. Secondly, we tend to romanticize “the way things used to be” because we associate that time with ourselves being happier in the relationship, but often, if we were to look at things critically, we'd find that the relationship/our partner truly wasn’t all that different or "better" during this time. For example, is it really a new thing that your partner isn’t: communicating with you openly, expressing an interest in the things that are important to you, carving out quality time for the two of you, consistently supporting you, etc. – or can you look back and observe a long-standing pattern of these behaviors? I think our knee-jerk reaction is to say, “Well, of course they used to do those things, otherwise why would it be bothering me now, but not before?” The answer is "simple”: because your standards, needs, or your awareness of your own needs, have elevated.
It’s completely normal, and healthy, for your needs and standards to evolve, change, and elevate over the course of your life. Unfortunately for relationships that were started while you were still getting to know yourself and your needs, especially relationships that were rooted more in attraction or those superficial commonalities, there’s a good chance that your needs will outgrow what the relationship is – and was ever – truly capable of. Maybe it was acceptable to the version of you 4 years ago that your partner fit you in their schedule as he found the time, but now you want a partner who eagerly prioritizes you. Maybe it was acceptable to the version of you 4 years ago that you and your partner only shared surface-level attraction, i.e. sexual chemistry and similar taste in TV/hobbies, but now you crave a more substantial connection rooted in intellect and communication. Maybe it was acceptable to the version of you 4 years ago that you and your partner had different levels of desire to spend time together, but now you want a relationship where quality time is key. It is in no way wrong for your needs and standards for a happy relationship to evolve as you evolve as a person; and frankly, he's not "wrong" to have his needs and standards, either, as some people truly are content and comfortable with having a surface-level attachment they can leave on the back burner while they live their lives primarily for themselves. So, it's not a matter of who is right and who is wrong; it's a matter of "are you two compatible?"
Now, if you look back and feel like your partner truly did used to meet the needs you feel are currently unmet – i.e. open communication, a vested interest in your hobbies and passions, eagerly making time for you, providing you with support – this also doesn’t fare well for the health of your relationship, because it suggests that either, 1. These actions were in some way performative - meaning that he only put in a certain degree of effort until he was certain he “had you”, at which point he elected to stop trying so hard because he felt he could get away with it, or 2. That these actions are inconsistent and conditional – meaning that he communicates with, supports you, and makes time for you when it's easy or convenient for him. While this "me first" approach might work for some couples, I personally believe that relationships built to thrive and last aren't about living your life for yourself and hoping your partner interferes with your personal best interest as little as possible. It takes collaboration around those aforementioned pillars -- perhaps most importantly, communication -- which, according to you, he will not meet you halfway on, despite your attempts.
When we choose to communicate, or not to communicate, we're really answering a question of, "Do I care about and respect this person’s needs and feelings, and the health of our relationship, enough to put in the time and effort to talk things out, even if it means stepping outside of my comfort zone, making myself vulnerable, and having difficult conversations?" So, to me, choosing not to communicate is not only a detriment to a healthy relationship, but it’s a sign of selfishness and disrespect. We call our partners our “significant others” for a reason – because this person should be significant from all others in providing us with a certain level of care, support, company, and conversation. If you find yourself unable to turn to your boyfriend for those things, I just can’t see how he could possibly fill that very important, special role in your life.
Relationships, like anything else worth having in life, need to be earned. No one is entitled to a place in your life simply because they've been there for a while, because they used to meet your standards, or even because you care about or love one another. As hard of a truth as it is to accept, love alone is never enough to carry a relationship, because for some people, love is just a feeling they have for you, or for the benefits you add to their life. Real, lasting love is actionable. It knows, sees, and understands you as you are. It wants to spend time with you. It seeks ways to support you. It desires to build something lasting with and for you.
I'm so sorry that it sounds like this relationship doesn’t have the longevity you hoped it did. But I do truly believe that the while pain of losing the attachment is real, it is temporary — however, the pain of your needs and standards not being met over time will only grow, wear you down, and rob you of the opportunity to meet someone who will meet your needs and standards. And the right person won't make you wonder, beg, wait, or hope for their affection, attention, support, or communication. You are worthy of having your needs met. Read that again. You. Are. Worthy.
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another-dra-anew · 1 year
lying on the floor. im so normal about him im so normal about him im so-
- My identity hc for them
tbh! i go back and forth on whether i view him as gay or bi. so. hm. uhh canonically likes guys, and i don’t really have any consistent thoughts past that! + canonically a trans guy. my boy fits the “can’t go out without wearing 4+ layers” stereotype… rip.
  - Thoughts on their home life/family
hmm. what’s something we won’t cover in canon- OH. so, he has two older sisters, and  his maternal grandparents had three kids- two girls, and a boy, with the boy being the oldest (koba mom (yuriko) is their youngest child). so koba and his siblings are a mirror reflection of their mom and her siblings. also, her mom has a very dear friend she’s been close with for forever, and is also close with his wife now. koba considers their children to be his cousins- this is why he has some french knowledge, they live in france! has one cousin who he especially likes, a lass a few years older than him.
- How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
i feeeel… like he can feel a bit one note/flat? but.. i think completing his ftes will show a sort of depth to him that comes through in the main game, if you know it’s there. (also some of his feeling flat does come from me boyfailing in the past when it comes to writing. so.)
- The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
hm. less so something i want to make canon, moreso… something i hope people pick up on? my boy is constantly trying so hard to protect his peace. the only reason he comes across as okay as he does is because maeda only sees him at breakfast and dinner, and maeda is kinda a dunce, so he hasn’t noticed that kobashikawa is connnstantly self soothing. again. maeda is our protag and oh how that limits things. but- OH. holiday event, the start of harus arc. the way he tries to console himself, but then just distracts himself until things go away? yeaaah.
- My number one favorite ship for them
….so. you see i should say otohiko. i should. they’re iconic they’re the moment i do genuinely really love them. but i’ve had such bad kobamae brainrot…
- …Now everyone else i ship with them
kisaragi! cuz kobas huge on building planes, and kisa is a inventor. i think they’d have fun working together!! parallel play :]. also koba has a fwend he knew for like.. a year? in elementary school. who also attends hopes peak! that year of school was Really Rough on koba, so he kinda. just isn’t as eager to reconnect? bc of poor associations. but fwend is… maybe he doesn’t quite understand, but he’s trying! and he has a very good heart. so i don’t really ship them but sometimes i see stuff that makes me go “oh… it’s them 🥺” so. ya know!!
- The thing i will NEVER ship
no “enemies to lovers” with him and higa don’t even try to slide that shit by. that’s a bigot x the person he hate crimed. (i do think while koba wouldn’t ever be *friends* with higa, they could be acquaintances. he wants an apology he 100% wants an apology he’s not going to stop giving higa hell (in non despair) until he gets an apology. but yeah i just. i don’t think they’re compatible i don’t think they’d mesh well and i just. why would u do koba like that ?
- a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
not to say iranami again. but they were besties in the first iterations of beta so it’s a fun little throwback for me!! i also think abt him and tsu in non despair a lot. i think they kinda… tend to run in different circles a lot? but they occasionally seek out each other specifically. cuz they’re friends!! they just don’t really have the same friend group. overall i think koba is p popular/well liked! so like… should chat more abt him and everyone
- thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
mmm.. i’m actually redesigning his fit rn but i think his general color palette is a vibe!! it’s been consistent since betas inception and has stayed the same. i kinda tend to give up on his fit cuz it never works with me,, but surely this time it will all work out for me… yes…..
- A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
uhhhhh. like or like like - miniature tigers. specifically the chorus/“do you like or like like me? juuuuust sayyyy youu do…” gives me him vibes. i think he tends to make people go 👀 at him so if he was ever uncertain if someone liked him back he wouldn’t really be able to deal with it well? like or like like works because the phrase is a more light hearted/less serious way of seeing if someone feels the same, but it’s also like… again that line is accurate to what koba would want- for that person to just say they like him (tho, while that’s what he’d want to ask of them, if they actually just said yes bc he asked. he’d be v upset)
the king - conan gray, is similarly kobashikawa trying to Cope if the one time he wants someone, it doesn’t come easy to him. this song is one i have down for both him and otori lol. the only exception - paramore, is also very much so a them song. theres probably other songs i associate with him that i’m forgetting about but he’s being spoiled rn compared to the other kids. so.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
“But I do feel like I have lost that trust with him of being genuine”
I think a lot of armys esp kths have felt this way at some point. Couldnt blame them though. He’s always talking about being honest and genuine and then suddenly this. He could’ve come clean from the start and not have dragged this for so long like this (assuming it’s true). Others couldn’t understand this feeling because they would just tell you taehyung is not responsible for how you’re feeling or you shouldn’t feel that way, but really, it’s normal to feel like you couldn’t see him being genuine anymore after all this.
We think we know our idols totally because that’s what they want to make us feel, but apart from the things they show to us, what else do we know about them? HYBE contents are heavily edited and BTS are basically the most private celebrities there are. They share a lot but at the same time they dont. They just show us what they wanna show us, so I guess, we may have judged the boys wrong. Maybe there’s more to them than meets the eye. They have ugly sides, too. They’re still human after all.
However, at the end of the day, we still dont know shi-. Whether it’s PR or real, we are still kept in the dark, and continue to be kept there for good. Maybe it’s their way to keep us stay in our lanes. It’s just a matter of trust and loyalty basically.
Hi anon!
Well, I don’t know if I entirely agree. I feel fans also have to hold themselves accountable for expecting too much from their idol. Assuming Tae is actually dating Jennie for a minute (again dor sake of discussion) he has a right to keep that a secret for as long as he feels fit. For non-celebs this is even normal. Many people only tell their parents they’ve met someone important when they deem the relationship worth it, so what if Tae tried to do the same. Fans do not have a right to an artist’s privacy, because time and time again fans proof that an artist’s privacy isn’t safe with them. And if some fans cannot understand that, I feel that is on them. Your best friends also don’t have a right to your privacy, you always choose to let them in for certain parts (at least that how it should be). Now the Taennie situation has not gone great whether it’s real or not. But even so, if they’d been real.. it would definitely fall under Tae’s private life.
I feel fandom misinterprets members when they talk about being honest and genuine. They don’t mean that they will share their life with is. They mean that they share their honest thoughts, and that their music comes from the heart and talks about real stuff. Ofcourse members cannot be honest about their private lives, that would lead to them being stalked, to their loved ones being harassed, they wouldn’t be safe. There’s many ways to be honest, and it is perfectly possible for someone to be honest about his thoughts and feelings and yet not share specifics about their live. And I think that is what Tae does.
This is hard to separate though, I understand. Especially for younger fans it’s so easy to get completely sucked into a fandom. But I also think members have spoken about this and tried to get across the message that they cannot share everything with us. If fans choose to ignore that, what else is left for them to do. They don’t have to adhere to fandoms wishes. If Taennie had been real should Tae have actually listened to fans calling for clarity? I really don’t think so. It might not be a great situation, but I think they should definitely put their privacy above fandom.
It does all come down to what you feel members are capable of. Are they prone to manipulate for the sake of business? Will they blatantly lie to keep fans? Are they fake? I base my thought on members on how they interact with each other. And I think their bond is genuine, I think their banter is genuine, I think their hardships are genuine, I think they interact with each other in a genuine way. I think they keep each other in check because of that. I think we would be able to see dishonesty from the way they interact (haha, hello Taekook and hyungs interactions). Is there marketing at play. Absolutely! It is still a business. But it is very possible to keep that marketing very close to who you actually are. Call it a sort of embellishment of someone’s actual character. Jin isn’t as cheerful as they made him look, Namjoon also needs someone to guide him at times, Hobi has a very serious side, Yoongi isn’t unapproachable or scary, Jk isn’t good at everything, Jimin also needs to be comforted himself, and Tae isn’t only a pretty face. But, Jin is an actual positive spirit, Namjoon is a natural leader, Hobi has the ability to cheer people up, Yoongi is quite introverted, Jk has a knack for mastering activities, Jimin is the best member to comfort others, and Tae is really handsome (I don’t like that thats his thing btw). They choose to embellish a characteristic that is actually a strongly present in them. So the marketing of each member actually lies quite close to who they actually are. It’s smart, because no-one will look like they’re faking it, because they aren’t.
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 1.5/5
Book Blurb: Love is a hex of a thing. Former childhood sweethearts fake a relationship in this charming, witchy romcom. There’s nothing wrong with being a wallflower. Not to Emmaline Bluewater, anyway. Emma may have been born into witch society, but her days of trying to fit in where she doesn’t belong are over—they ended seven years ago, when the man she’d hoped to marry left town without a word. She’s much happier now, living a delightfully mundane human life in Chicago and running her bar, Toil and Trouble. Until Bastian Truenote walks through the door and announces that he wants her back. Bastian had his reasons for leaving—even if he can’t tell Emma what they are. Now, to win Emma’s heart, he’s got to face down an adorably goofy dog familiar, a best friend who’s all too eager to hit him with a carefully aimed hex, and a woman who’s far from the meek witch he remembers. Magical contracts aren’t easily broken, but as far as Emma’s concerned, not even a marriage of convenience will have her falling under Bastian’s spell again…
Emmaline and Bastian were former childhood friends and witches who were engaged to each other... until Bastian ran on the day of the wedding with no reason why, leaving Emma to deal with the fallout from society and now years later he is back in her life acting as if nothing happened and saying they should get married because their marriage contract is killing his mom since it’s unfulfilled and if she marries him it’ll save his mom. Emma has always been in love with Bastian, the golden boy of the witch society, they were best friends as kids and she was absolutely heartbroken and devastated when he left her at the alter of their wedding with no note or reason just telling his parents he couldn’t marry her. Ever since then she’s moved out of her family home, opened a bar with her friends, and worked on shielding and protecting herself... until Bastian shows up again out of nowhere saying they should get married again. Bastian liked Emmas a friend, he was just doing what his parents wanted when he was getting married to Emma, yet when he overhears that by marrying her it would lead to her being able to steal all his magic he feels betrayed, it doesn’t help that someone cursed him to never be able to talk about that clause in the marriage contract, so he does the easy thing: he runs off at the wedding. Now years later when he discovers that the contract magic is killing his mom because he didn’t go through with the wedding he has to find a way to get Emma to marry him, except for the fact that when he meets her again she’s not the shy quiet girl who was his friend but rather someone who is sassy and cold and wants nothing to do with him. Emma agrees to marry him, but only in name because she doesn’t want to get hurt by him again, she can’t bear it. Bastian should be happy that its just a marriage in name only right? That Emma is letting him live his own life and even have other partners... but he’s not, in fact he insists on moving in with her and actually getting to know her, to starting over. The only problem? Neither of them can trust each other. Emma can’t trust Bastian to not hurt her again, she can’t trust herself to let him in... and Bastian can’t trust whether or not Emma knew about the contract clause to steal his magic and if she was in on it with her mother. They’re both hiding secrets, and as misunderstandings and frustrations grow, both of them will have to finally face each other if they want this second chance to work.  Let me start by saying the premise really intrigued me, however the execution was where it really didn’t hit the spot. Bastian has his reasons for running but he really didn’t feel like such a good love interest for Emma, and Emma just got so annoying at points, all her secrets, lies, and the fact that yes I know she was abused by her mom but the fact that she never stood up to her, never grew a backbone despite being in her twenties and having her own business and a family to look after, until the last like 10% was just sad. Overall, it just didn’t really work for me and I found the romance to be meh, Bastian goes on and on about how they were best friends but he only liked her shy and quiet nature back then yet it never really felt like they were even friends or knew each other at all. If you like second chance witchy romances give this one a go, maybe you’ll have a better time with it than I did.
*Thanks Netgalley and HARLEQUIN - Romance (U.S. & Canada), Harlequin for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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