#get those fucking rainbow suits on boys
fuck the nhl and this bullshit prohibiting pride tape. seriously. fuck provorov too. fuck every fucking homophobe. "players are allowed to show their support off the ice". go fuck yourself. i hope players say fuck this shit and use pride tape anyways. i'd like to see the nhl infringing on their freedom and telling them they can't. put. fucking. tape. on. their. fucking. stick.
like how fucking stupid does that sound?
you aren't allowed to use tape.
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whatsnewalycat · 5 days
Dave York x f!Reader
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Summary: Dave hypnotizes you.
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Word Count: 2.8k+
Warnings: hypnokink, not entirely good praxis of hypnosis, humiliation, implied infidelity, praise, smut, unprotected piv, D/s dynamic, dom dave, literal mind fucking so like a bit of body horror get into it
Notes: For @iamasaddie kinky May writing challenge. Prompt was hypnosis + Dave York. I found a lot of inspiration for this from a post in r/EroticHypnosis about mindfucking (can find again if anyone wants the link - lemme know!). Posting this in a hurry bc I am late to a thing so hopefully not tooooo many missed mistakes. OK THANK YOU FOR READING!!!
[ my masterlist ]
All your life you wished you could turn off your thoughts at will. 
Growing up, on those nights where your crowded head wouldn’t let you sleep, you would imagine twisting off the top of your skull like a jar lid and plopping your brain on the nightstand. It even worked sometimes, too, if you tried hard to convince yourself. When reminders of an upcoming math test or images of that cute boy in class crept into your purview, they had nowhere to go. They evaporated, and you slept. 
Dave says you’re too smart for your own good. Sometimes when you’re lost in thought, he tells you he wants to empty that pretty little head of yours. Not in a condescending way, although you can see how someone might interpret it like that. 
What he means is that he wants you to be with him when you’re with him. What he means is that he wants you to be present. Not thinking about the past or the future. Not reminding yourself of deadlines or analyzing the data stored in your brain or wondering what you mean to him exactly. 
The first time he suggested hypnosis, you balked. Even after he explained how it worked, you were hesitant enough for him to drop the subject. 
When he brought it up again, though, your skepticism swayed. You asked him for more details, so he dispensed the pros and cons and the step process. He could do it for you, he said. He knew how. He said he could rattle the bees from your buzzing honeycomb brain. All you had to do was trust him with this power. 
So you did. 
And you do. 
Your valiant beekeeper meets you at this hotel every other Tuesday night, except on holidays. This isn’t the only one-on-one time he dedicates to you, but it’s by far the most reliable. He doesn’t always hypnotize you, either. 
Regardless of whether he puts you in a trance or not, this standing date always starts the same. He slips you the keycard at some point throughout the day, only after he’s adorned it with a vase full of seasonal blooms and laid out something for you to wear. 
Tonight he left you lilacs and matching lingerie. Intricate floral appliqués embellish the pastel nightie he laid out on the bed. 
Opulence becomes you when you slip it on and pour a glass of champagne from the bottle Dave left to chill on ice. You mosey around the spacious high-end suite, sipping frosty bubbles as you admire the birds-eye view of downtown, the tall buildings and bustling city life all drenched in golden light from the setting sun. 
As the time nears eight o’clock, you empty your champagne flute and make yourself comfortable on the plush bed. Crystals hanging from the chandelier fragment soft white light into dazzling tiny spectrums, sparkling rainbow when the door to the suite opens, then closes. 
Dave enters the room with an air of authority that makes you straighten your spine and draw back your shoulders. After chucking off his jacket, he empties his pockets on the dresser and loosens his tie, then turns around to meet your gaze. 
His stern expression melts as he looks you over, seeming to appraise how your body fills out the lilac nightie. Heat sparks in the middle of you when he greets you, “Hey beautiful.” 
He approaches your side and takes a seat at the edge of the bed, rolling the sleeves of his dress shirt, “Comfortable?” 
Nodding, you sit up to pull him in for a kiss. His plush lips respond without hesitation, firm but generous as he slips a wide palm around your body and brings you even closer. 
When he pulls back, he asks, “Are you ready?” 
He cradles your jaw, searching your face with blatant admiration before separating his body from yours. You lay back into the soft embrace of the pillows and wiggle around until you find the sweet spot of comfort while Dave drags an armchair to your bedside and sits down. Once you’re both settled and still, he begins. 
“Close your eyes.” 
You close them. 
“Take a deep breath in…”
You take in air until you can’t. 
“…and slowly release it.” 
You exhale, rationing your metered breath through a straw-sized ‘o’ formed by your lips. 
“Good. Take a deep breath in… two three four… and slowly release it. Deep breath in… two three four… now slowly release it.”
Behind closed lids, you concentrate on the rhythmic ebb and flow of your lungs contracting and expanding. His warm voice surrounds you. Envelops you. 
“That’s it. Keep breathing just like this. Each time you inhale, draw the life from your breath, and exhale the rest. Notice how cleansing it feels to let it go. How the tension melts from your muscles every time you take a deep breath in…”
You inhale. 
“…two three four…” 
Hold it. 
“…and slowly release it.” 
Then exhale.
“Perfect. Keep doing that. Now imagine that every time you take a deep breath in, a warm wave washes over you… and as you slowly release it, the tide carries away tension, allowing your muscles to soften and relax…”
Each big lungful heats the tar holding your body together. You dissolve into the mattress as Dave’s deep, honeyed voice resonates through you. 
“Again, take a deep breath in as the warm wave of relaxation washes over you, two three four… and slowly release it as the tide carries away your tension, allowing your muscles to soften and relax. Concentrate on my voice. Recognize it as a touchstone. If your mind starts to wander, have it return to the touchstone, return to my voice, and relax even deeper.” 
Trees tower above you, stretching high into the pale blue sky. The moss-covered rock before you glows as he speaks. 
“Notice how relaxed you feel. Notice that every time the warm wave of relaxation washes over you, two three four… tension melts from your body as you allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into the sensation. Allow the relaxation to seep from your muscles into your bloodstream… to course through your veins and calm every cell in your body.
“Focus on your face. All those tiny little muscles in your forehead and around your eyes, notice how relaxed they are. Notice how the relaxation melts the muscles in your cheeks and jaw, letting your mouth go slack. You might feel as though you want to speak, but find yourself so relaxed that you can’t. That’s ok, because it feels good and safe to let the words dissolve on your tongue. Doesn’t it?” 
When you try to respond, your lips don’t move. This fact doesn’t bother you. It feels good and safe in the forest, staring up at the treetops. 
You realize you’re floating in a pond. You hear birds peacefully chirping and know it’s just you and them and the touchstone for a million miles. 
Everything feels profound, but simple. You are small and big like a speck of dust or a galaxy. You are safe. You are at peace. 
“Doesn’t it feel so good to relax, darling?” 
Your fingertips rest against the soft moss of the touchstone. 
“Yes, it does,” you tell it. 
It glows with a satisfactory hum that vibrates through you.  
“Perfect. Continue to focus on my voice. Soon, I will ask you to open your eyes, then close them. When you close your eyes, you’ll notice a warm wave of relaxation washing over you, turning knots into snarls and snarls into strands, every muscle in your body gently untangling as you allow them to go limp and heavy…”
You understand and follow his instructions. 
“Open your eyes and take a deep breath in, two three four… and slowly release it, closing your eyes, letting the warm wave wash over you and pull you in deeper. 
“Soon, I’ll ask you to open your eyes again. When you close them, you’ll notice the warm wave of relaxation wash over you even stronger than before, pulling you even deeper. 
“Open your eyes, two three four… and close your eyes, sinking deeper and deeper. Good job. We’ll do it one more time, and when you close your eyes and relax, sink as deep as you can, all the way to the bottom. Open your eyes, two three four… and close your eyes.” 
You’re lying in a meadow of wildflowers outside the forest, looking up at the serene blue sky. The earth beneath you is solid and brings you an immense sense of comfort. 
“I want you to think about desire. Think about that warm, lush longing inside you. Concentrate on how good this sensation feels in your body, pleasure swelling thick at the center of you.”
His voice surrounds you, but you don’t see its source. The soothing timbre resonates from the wildflowers and the earth and the sky, from everywhere and nowhere all at once like how you imagine God sounded to Old Testament prophets. 
You bring your focus to desire. It does feel good. Amazing, actually. Tangible like a glowing ball of heat between your thighs that throbs with each syllable he speaks. 
“Allow the sensation to grow. Let it stretch and pulse and heat your skin. Let your mind empty of everything except this arousal. When thoughts arise, you let them fall away and arousal fills the empty space. You’ll let this happen over and over again until your head is empty of everything but arousal. Do you understand? You can speak now, darling, go ahead and answer.” 
“Try it for me.” 
You acknowledge the cognitions that populate your mind. When you think about how you need to put gas in your car, you imagine the reminder dropping away, then imagine the warm wanting glow of desire branching up through your body to take its place. You think about a work project, but it loosens and falls into an abyss. Desire floods the space in its wake, a thick hot liquid that glows with light like lava, spreading to each new vacancy with ease as the thoughts drop from your consciousness. 
“How does it feel?” 
“Good,” you breathe, voice faint on your tingling tongue. 
“Do you like how it feels, being horny and mindless?” 
Your husband’s face appears, taking up your whole mind, then falls away. Rich, bubbling pleasure surges through you to fill the gap. You have to suppress a moan to respond. 
“I like it,” you nod, “Fuck, it feels amazing.” 
“Good girl. Now, you might notice something interesting happen when I ask you a question. You might notice that when I ask you a question, you’ll try to form a thought to answer. When you do this, you’ll feel my cock enter your mind. It’s bigger and harder than you’ve ever seen it, swollen and thick and so fucking ready for you, darling. When you try to form a thought, it pushes forward into the wet hot folds of your brain, severing the connections that typically allow you to think, preventing a response from forming. My cock pulls out, and slowly thrusts forward again, pushing out the thoughts, over and over for as long as you consider a response to my question. It becomes impossible to focus. You might notice that this penetration feels like it would in your pussy. My hard cock rutting in and out, sending waves of arousal through your body, fucking the thoughts from your head. Every time my cock moves, you’ll try to respond but cannot make yourself focus. It feels amazing. You give in to the sensation, allowing it to overtake you completely. When you’re fully saturated with arousal and nothing else, my cock pulls out of your mind.” 
Your skin feels static and warm when you imagine him pushing his smooth, throbbing length into your brain. A shaky whimper croaks in your throat. Your heart thuds heavy within your chest, circulating desire, warm and wet, to every cell in your body. 
“You might notice that when I ask you another question, any attempts at thought or sensations that come up except arousal will be fucked from your head until you surrender to the arousal. It feels good to be dominated in this way. To let pleasure consume your entire being.” 
Licking your lips, you nod to show you understand.  
“Now when I ask you a question, you’ll allow your subconscious to follow my instructions. Are you ready, darling?” 
“How was your day?” 
When you try to recall your day and formulate an answer, the tip of his cock pierces the equator of your brain, splitting the hemispheres. He drives forward slowly, steadily, making you moan as he stretches you apart and tears all those delicate tissues that generate thought. Still, you try. 
My day, how was my day…
He drags his cock out, then drives it deeper inside you. 
Day… how was…
Your nerve endings buzz as he pulls out, gooey arousal shines on the shaft of his thick cock. He plunges forward into the hot center of you. You work your hips and whine. You can’t remember what he asked. It doesn’t seem as important as the pleasure clinging to your insides as he fucks you, so you give up. 
His cock pulls out of your mind completely. 
“What’s the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?” 
You consider the question. The tip of him breaches your brain, forcing out forecasts and clouds and sunshine. Fragments return as you attempt to answer again. 
The weather tomorrow…
He pumps in and out of you, obliterating whatever it was he wanted to know. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters except the insatiable pleasure thrumming through you as he rubs against all your hungry nerves, giving them what they want. 
“Oh my god,” you hear yourself gasp. 
“How often do you think about fucking me?” 
Seeds of embarrassment sprout the tender beginnings of thought, then he fucks them out of your head until you’re rolling your hips, moaning and nodding for more. 
“Do you make yourself come when you think about fucking me?” 
Only a loading screen appears before he’s inside you again. His perfect, thick cock pumps you full of this throbbing heat. You wish it would never end. You want to feel this and only this forever. 
“That’s it, that’s my good girl. So horny and mindless for me. Letting my cock push deep and hard into the folds of your brain, fucking out all your thoughts, leaving your head empty to stuff you with arousal until you’re swollen and ripe, nothing else left but how fucking horny you are.” 
“Sssooooo fucking gooood,” you slur. 
“How would your husband feel if he saw you like this? In this hotel room, all dressed up in lingerie I bought for you, moaning and writhing on the bed?” 
A thought starts, and he pounds it out of you, merciless in its rhythm as each thrust pushes you higher and higher. Horny and mindless, that’s all you are. Nothing matters except this.
“Do you really think we’ll run away together? Do you really think I’d leave my wife for you?” 
A rotten sensation tingles in your chest before you feel him enter you from both ends, the cock in your mind working in tandem with the cock in your pussy. You choke out a moan and nod, body vibrating with a thick, hot sensation you can’t find the beginning or end of. 
“Fuck fuck fuck, holy fuck—” 
He groans, rolling his hips faster, fucking your entire being so hard and fast that you become pleasure itself. It’s everything and everywhere for eternity and you gladly accept this fact, wanting to forever exist in this moment. 
“That’s so good, darling. So fucking good. You want me to let you come, don’t you?” 
You nod frantically as the edges of you start to fray.
“Go ahead, come for me.” 
His permission completely unravels you, ripping away the last delicate thread holding you together. You sob as you fall apart into a thousand pieces. His hips stutter and he moans, giving you a few deep thrusts before pulling out. 
Your chest heaves as you try to catch your breath. You float in the peaceful pond, staring up at the towering treetops that kiss the sky. 
“Now in a minute, I’ll bring you back to your normal state. When I count to four and tell you to wake up, you’ll come out of the trance relaxed and refreshed. Your mind will feel spotless. You’ll know that I adore you and hold you close to my heart.”
You hear birds peacefully chirping. You know it’s just you and them and Dave for a million miles. You are small and big like a speck of dust or a galaxy. You are safe. You are at peace. 
“And one two three four… wake up.”
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absolutebl · 1 year
Leaving GMMTV aside, what were youre favorite shows this year so far? I'll have more free time coming up and im way behind and out of the loop, so some recs would be appriacted, wise sage. Especially for those shows that didnt get the attention they deserved in your opinion! Thanks a lot!
Top 10 BLs of 2023 So Far
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Our Dating Sim
(Korea) 10/10 Viki
If you haven't watched this, it's a must. I actually handed out a 10/10. I NEVER do that. It's a perfect short form KBL, an office set reunion romance featuring geeks that really suits 8 eps with no fluff and no chaff. Just comforting and yummy. I adored every aspect from the casting to the pristinely simple premise to the quietly smooth execution. Sure it’s low stakes, but that makes it high domesticity and extremely warm and gentle. This is a fuzzy blanket of a story - a cozy BL. It lives in my rewatch pile and you know what’s best about it? Every single episode is in that pile. There’s no skipping with this one, it might be good natured and calmly sweet but it’s tight and the pacing is excellent. Full review here.
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My School President
(Thai) 9/10 YouTube
GMMTV gave us a classic high school set Thai BL with tropes like messy boys singing their feelings that made this one Love Sick for the modern age with all the gentle sweetness and pining ache, but none of the dated damaging tropes or issues. Yes, we’ve seen it all before, but I still ADORED this. And there is a lot to be said for the classics being re-executed perfectly. Who let my BL be this wholesome and funny? This show was fantastic, it’s only flaw was the singing (and that’s my baggage). My favourite GMMTV BL offering to date. And yes, I've watched them ALL.
(you said no GMMTV but I have to include it)
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The Eighth Sense
(Korea) 9/10 Viki
One of the longest BLs Korea has given us and (like Blueming) it feels more atmospheric gay coming of age romance than strictly BL. It’s got a bit of an age gap, country boy/city boy, stellar acting, complex characters, and leads with great chemistry and tension. It’s a bit chewy and sticky and less perfect than most KBLs (do I detect a touch of Taiwan?) This one deployed BL tropes (messy eater, shoulder sleep, protective seme, there’s even some hyung-slinging) but front loaded them with painful backstory and tons angst drives the 2nd half. This isn’t in the KBL bubble, there’s sharp edges and lots of triggers. For a BL the darkness of the content left me feeling unsettled (which is the only reason it didn't get a perfect score) but it does have a glorious ending and that counts for a lot.
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The New Employee
(Korea) 9/10 Viki
So good, SO QUEER, so soft, a near pitch perfect office BL with conflict derived from that setting. Also found family and a lesbian bestie. Sweet & innocent (and out) Seung Hyun scores the office internship of his dreams. On his first day at work he gets into it with his cool reserved (and also v gay) boss. As you do. Frankly? This is what I wanted from this new crop of office set KBLs ALL ALONG. Rainbow rice cakes forever! Directed by queer activist Kim Jho Gwang Soo (Just Friends?) partly set in the same neighbourhood as the To My Star house. Gotta love WATCHA (Semantic Error, Light on Me).
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Unintentional Love Story
(Korea) 9/10 iQIYI
A boy who just lost his job due to faked corruption charges accidentally discovers his ex-boss's favorite artist, now a recluse. Evil manager offers him his job back if he can convince the artist to rejoin society. Instead, they fall in love. I found the artist a bit stiff and reserved but Gongchan (maknae of B1A4) is a fucking GIFT - he carried this show (which I do not expect from the idol element). He was luminous with extraordinarily expressive eyes, just drown in the emoting abyss. The external conflict, social tension and pressure is complex and beautifully executed, plus Korea gave us legit side dishes (NOT a love triangle, hally-fucking-luya). I’m not sure on rewatchability, and it didn’t whip me into a verbal frenzy the way some KBLs do, but it still gets a solid 9/10 for those damn eyes alone.
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Destiny Seeker
(Thai) 8/10 grey
A darn near perfect pulp featuring 3 likeable tsundere/sunshine pairings with uncomplicated iterations of enemies to lovers. At least one half of each does a decent amount of pining and there’s good chemistry, classic tropes, and communication rep. It’s fun and full of linguistic jokes. Sublimely cheesy but a good rainy day offering with tons of rewatch potential. Full review here.
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Make a Wish
(Thai) 8/10
PNR (from Sammon - Manner of Death & Triage) about a doctor who can see the dead and strikes a bargain with a wish-granting irreverent tree angel - naturally they fall in love. Stars Fluke Natouch opposite not-Ohm, but who cares bc Fluke has chemistry with everybody. Once again the Thai afterlife is incredibly bureaucratic but I enjoyed the premise and the unfolding of the story (it’s not predictable but v. satisfying and with nice little twist). I like that the doctor is just gay af, fag hag bestie and everything. The cast is excellent but the comedic stylings are too overblown and tonally off. It had sad parts and did make me cry but is ultimately happy with a great sex scene, good smiley kisses, and all the agency.
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All the Liquors
(Korea) 8/10 Viki & Gaga
A pretty classic foodie set KBL that managed to distinguish itself from others in this category by having a particularly satisfying final episode centered around found family. Sunshine sweetie soju rep gets involved with a shy introvert chef who doesn’t drink. This has a somewhat uneven plot and ridiculous central conceit (much in the way of Tasty Florida or Behind Cut), but if you are looking for a restaurant BL with Korea’s signature softness, then this is a great option. FYI I may identify with our baby party boy hedonist more than any other BL lead ever presented.
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Love Mate
(Korea) 8/10 Viki
Features a very much openly gay older uke with commitment issues and a romantic (if arrogant) younger seme with no respect for boundaries (hyung romance). Workplace harassment much? That’s BL for ya. (Also a nonBL Kdrama specialty.) So yeah it’s questionable, but so is my taste. The ultimate premise that someone badly hurt shuts themself off to romance is very similar to Happy Merry Ending or 8th Sense but this version was more about fear than abuse or trauma. For me, this made Love Mate more relatable. However, because the denouement was driven by a late addition faen fatal, the conclusion felt rushed and forced. I can, however, see myself rewatching this one, so it falls into the general rank of 2023′s KBL aka solid high standard and eminently watchable.
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Bed Friend
(Thai YouTube, Gaga, iQIYI)
Office frienamies transition a flaming hot one night stand into a f-buddy relationship that is built on a puppy/cat dynamic (and kinks into it at one point). Our puppy is loyal, smitten, and protective with endlessly longing eyes, while our cat is snarky, prickly, and deeply damaged (ALL THE TRIGGERS). NetJames give lovely high-heat with excellent chemistry and tuned-in performances of surprising depth, unfortunately the story ultimately failed them. Had the show had the strength of its convictions and kept to a tighter, darker, harsher 8 eps it would have been the first high heat to earn a 10/10 from me, but once they fussed with it, it dropped to a solid 8/10. Could have been great but was overworked. Still if high heat is your thing, this one will not let you down. Full review here. (Triggers include: child abuse, attempted rape, family abuse)
(3x! 3x Tumblr ate this post. They HAVE to de bug their new editor. This never happens with the old one. Biggest bug is with the "undo" function, DO something about it!)
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forggywrites · 6 months
ATSV characters finding out you’re being harassed at school/work for being queer.
Characters: Miguel O’Hara, Miles Morales, and Hobie Brown. all x gn reader who is queer/LGBTQ+ in some way.
Got the idea of some of the boys comforting/defending you from assholes in your life. Reader is queer coded and the harassment is based off of that. So please read with caution and stop when you need.
CW: queerphobia, homophobia, harassment, cursing, slurs, violence,
Miguel O’Hara
When he found out that people at your work were giving you shit for being queer, he was pissed.
It’s 2099 god damnit, how are people STILL homophobic.
“You should have told me, I can talk some sense into those assholes.”
Even if you said you could handle it he would not take it.
Goes to your workplace and lodges a complaint about the coworker(s).
If HR gives some bullshit about not being able to do anything, he tells them they fucked up big time.
Starts investigating every little thing about the company while helping you look for a new job, he’s taking the place down and you’re going somewhere better.
Man has power, so he gets a LOT of dirt on your harassers and the shitty management.
Once you get a new job all the info gets leaked to the press and their rightful legal organizations.
Company goes under not long after.
All because they refused to be decent human beings.
Also he takes you out for a tasty meal as celebration.
Miles Morales
He’s super supportive of you, and he knows you can handle yourself.
But when he’s walking down the hall and hears someone call you a slur, that’s when he gets mad.
Tells the kid to fuck off and drags you to his dorm, not caring that you both have class.
When you ask Miles what’s up he give you a ‘seriously?’ look.
”Is that the first time that’s happened?”
When you tell him no he just about flips out.
”What do you mean ‘no’? Why is no one doing anything about it?”
You explain that the guy had been ‘punished’ multiple times but that only made him madder and so he kept doing it.
Miles starts fuming.
He starts to do research on the kid, and when he finds out that he likes Spider-man he knows exactly what to do.
He starts to make changes in his regular life and his Spider-man life.
Tells people to cut the bullshit at school and starts opely supporting the LGBTQ+ community as Spider-man.
Goes to pride events in his suit, makes posts on social media in support, and maybe even adds a small rainbow pin to his suit.
If the kid doesn't cut it out he'll teach them a lesson.
Hobie Brown
He went into your workplace one day to visit you during your shift.
He heard your coworker make a homophobic remark.
Descrimination is a no no in his book (obviously)
When your shift is over he confronts the person and tells them to cut the shit.
If they somehow didn't find him intimidating enough he looks into their life a little.
Finds out their info and keeps an eye on them.
Does everything he can to absolutely ruin their life.
While Hobie isn’t against getting his hands dirty he also has friends who have way lower standards with causing pain.
Don’t question it if one day your coworker shows up with a black eye.
Or never shows up again.
He’ll take you out for a fun night and reminds you that you deserve love and being queer doesn’t change that.
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skzpixiekaifei · 4 months
Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura, @palindrome969
Kai: Hey, you want some leftovers?  Minho: What's that?  Kai: You've never had leftovers???  Minho: No, because I'm not a quitter. 
Chan: I drink to forget but I always remember.  
Kai: You're drinking orange juice. 
Kai: Can we talk about that mass email you sent?  
Changbin: Why? It was important.  
Kai: All it says is, "I'm back on my shit".  
Hyunjin, shrugging: The people need to know. 
Kai: *pitches an idea*  
Jeongin, impressed: Huh, there might be something here!  
Seungmin, under their breath: Yeah, a lawsuit. 
Kai: You know the sound a fork makes in the garbage disposal? That's the sound that my brain makes all the time. 
Kai: Twilight Sparkle was the main character because she represented the element of friendship—  
Kai: I'M NOT DONE!  
Kai: And Rainbow Dash was the sporty girl— 
Felix: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine what it’s doing to your body.  
Seungmin: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot.  
Kai: Hmm... I've been drinking soda and my body's rust free... not sure where you're getting your facts from... 
Jeongin: Don't have a bookmark? Try ketchup instead!!  
Kai: What makes you think I read? 
Kai: Christmas lights?  
Chan: Check.  
Changbin: Thermos of hot cocoa?  
Chan: Check.  
Felix: Santa suits?  
Chan: Check.  
Kai: Shovel?  
Chan: Check.  
Minho: Alibi and bail money?  
Chan: Check- wait, WHAT?! 
Han, taping a knife onto a Roomba: Be free, my child.  
Kai, entering the room with a small cut on their ankle: Who the f- 
Changbin: I love you.  
Kai: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.  
*Kai and Changbin kiss passionately*  
Minho, to Seungmin: You owe me 20 dollars. 
Seungmin: Changbin, I don't like you.  
Changbin: What did you say?  
Seungmin: You heard me!  
Changbin, internally: And it turns out I actually didn't hear what the fuck you just said. 
Felix: It was me...  
Chan: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance. 
Felix: We call that a traumatic experience.  
Felix, turning to Seungmin: Not a "bruh moment".  
Felix, turning to Kai: Not "sadge".  
Felix, turning to Han: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO". 
Jeongin: You use emoji’s like a straight person.  
Kai: That’s literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me. 
Hyunjin: What do you think Kai will do for a distraction?  
Han: She'll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That's what I would do.  
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*  
Han: ...or She could do that. 
Kai: Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn't matter. I'm going to burn your house down. 
Kai: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat. 
Hyunjin: I’m not stupid, you know.  
Kai: Well, you’re doing a really good impression of it! 
*Kai and Felix texting*  
Kai: Come downstairs and talk to me please. I'm lonely.  
Felix: Isn't Hyunjin there?  
Kai: Yes but I like you more. 
Jeongin, referring to Han and Felix: Those guys are dorks.  
Kai: Yes, but they’re my dorks. 
Seungmin: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on in here?!  
Changbin: It's kind of complicated, but Kai- 
Seungmin: Got it. Forget I asked. 
Seungmin: Hey do you wanna hang out this weekend?  
Kai: Generic excuse.  
Seungmin: I can’t believe you said that out loud, to my face.  
Kai: I can. 
Kai: Me when someone tells me to stop eating mayo packets like they’re gogurt tubes. 
Changbin: If you want my advice-  
Han: No offense but you’re the last person I want relationship advice from. You tried to kill your significant other. Multiple times.  
Changbin: First off, that was before we started dating. Secondly, they’ve also tried to kill me.  
Hyunjin: It’s true. It was mutually attempted murder. 
Kai, singing to the tune of I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and I liked it-  
Seungmin, whispering: Should we call the exorcist?  
Hyunjin, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick.  
Chan, appalled: Call the exorcist. 
Kai: What’s your name?  
Changbin, whispering to Jeongin: Can I tell Her my real name?  
Jeongin: No!  
Changbin: I’m… Jeongin.  
Jeongin, whispering to Himself: The ONE TIME he gets my name right… 
Kai: The shadow realm? No, I’m sending you to Ohio! 
Hyunjin: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess.  
Kai: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to?  
Han: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit.  
Seungmin: Guys. 
*at 3am*  
Felix, holding the vlogging camera: *runs into Changbin’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead!  
Changbin: *wakes up* Dude!  
Felix: *cackles*  
Kai: *sits up from where they were sleeping behind Changbin* What the fuck, Felix?  
Felix: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT- 
Kai: Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute fuckery, I am going to revoke your life privileges. 
Changbin: Stay foxy.  
Han: Die lonely. 
Kai: How many children do you have?  
Chan: Biologically, legally, or emotionally? Because there is a difference. 
Chan: Hey, Changbin? Can I get some dating advice?  
Changbin: Just because I'm with Kai doesn't mean I know how I did it. 
Kai: “Ladies and gentlemen” is unnecessarily gendered, overly formal, lengthy, and honestly, I’m falling asleep already. “Cowards” on the other hand, is inclusive to all genders, to the point, and dramatic. 
Kai: Hey guys, I’m making french toast sticks in the oven. I’m gonna take a quick nap, so wake me up in 5 minutes to flip them over.  
*5 minutes later*  
Jeongin: Kai it’s been 5 minutes, time to flip your sticks.  
Kai: snnnzzzz...  
Han: Life is like Kai. It's short. 
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ravenadottir · 7 months
drag race: boys edition
we had gender bent edits, we had paralell universes, and i'm not sure if someone has done this, but in case it hasn't, here it is. did i need to do this? yes, yes i did. enjoy!
[listen, i saw a video from runner eye and if i can't stop thinking about it, you have to be the ones to be punished by it, i don't make the rules.]
roberta mckenzie. a comedy queen from glasgow. she loves the audience, mostly working up the patreons in hopes to find a gold mine of weird info dump, enough to make the rest of the bar laugh. is the makeup rough? yes, very much so. is the material roast winning? not exactly... but she's new to the game and is trying her best. plus, her outfits pay homage to jamaican patterns every chance she has and most of us enchanted by the charisma and bad puns.
rhonda. one-name-only for a one-personality-only and that is... snake! she's the one pretending to be zen and "i don't do drama" but has the most snake rattle sound effects during her confessionals. she also tries to steal henrietta hotts from luna kohko, and the audience saw it from A MILE AWAY. unsuccessfully of course... HAVE YOU SEEN LUNA? she's the trade of the season.
kassandra. she dj's on the weekends all mounted in silver gowns and small boobie bibs (as she calls them despite being annoyed other people refer to them as that). kassandra has issues with everyone that ISN'T doing recreational drugs at her gigs and call them "stiffs" for it. however, despite looking and sounding harsh... well, that's about it. there's a reason she and luna get along so well!
glitter renell. "a traditional drag queen" according to herself, and to new queens it only means "my uncle in a wig with a rough and patchy makeup work and plastic-ey wigs". the only queen not wearing "fantasy" by britney but who's noticing?? her special number involves ripping off the sleeves of her outfits and revealing MASSIVE biceps, but often times they pop off on their own. got the magic mike title of the season.
ingrid. she's a "sporty type of queen", has multiple tricks with golf clubs, and despite having a couple of head hitting tricks in her history, she tries her best. it sometimes can serve her as a pole to drop to the ground in a split and honestly? work. ingrid is considered one of the hottest and cutest since her shyness brings a different glow to her eyes, which are LOST in pink glitter and magical rainbow shaped makeup. she dares and we love it, leave her alone.
luna kohko. this is a SEASONED queen, alright? makeup on point, fashion in place, attitude to donate, and walking the runway like she built that shit. however, when it comes to friendships in the werk room... don't speak, don't come near, don't come around... in fact, don't come at all. luna doesn't waste time with phony queens and prefers things exactly the opposite of her: straight. she's a lesbian, which means she loves dating drag queens, and since entering the show she has a LIVE AND THRIVE romance with the innocent henrietta hotts. "if that crusty fucking hippie so much as breathes the same air as henrietta again, we're gonna have a fucking problem, yeah? i've seen her lurking the machines trying to strike up a conversation about climbing. there's only one building henrietta is gonna climb and it's not a limp one."
noelle waves. "we have a wall of fabric in that werk room and you continue to come out in swim suits. STOP - RELYING - ON - THAT - BODY". she's a bit reserved most of the time, but if the "girls are fighting", she's the first to step up and play MOTHER. the public likes her, but she's not exactly winning challenges. "safe" defines noelle better than "creative" or "winner", but she tries and helps everyone during challenges.
henrietta hotts. THIS GIRL HAS IT, OK? her signature look is the red lipstick and the blonde wig, and with those beautiful freckles, her persona is very much the girl next door. it makes the judges go "i feel like i haven't met henrietta yet, and i know there's someone in there that needs to... ROAR. also, baby... you need more makeup." is she the smartest? no. is she the most problem-solving? no. is she the most graceful? YOU BET HER ASS COVERED IN GLITTER SHE FUCKING IS.
graham cracker. ANOTHER UNCLE IN A WIG. barely knows how to walk in heels and is giving kim chi vibes. however, because of her leadership skills (which are not comparable to noelle's) she does manage to maintain her position for a while since most of the girls are lowkey scared of her. she's unpredictable and most of the contestants suspect she's straight.
carlota miranda. THIS IS THE MOST EXTROVERTED QUEEN ON THE RUNWAY, however, the boom mic needs to enter her throat to pick up what she's saying due to her bashfulness. not a fighter type but if someone comes for her???? she'll definitely... apologize for it. "fuck, don't fight" is her motto, followed by a timid little giggle since she tries not to curse. her style is "executive realness" but covered in crystals and diamonds. "it's either a mugler or nothing, babes. i don't have time to look like cel. sanders..."
felicia butterfly. annoying as alyssa edwards and untalented as... well, [REDACTED WINNER OF SEASON 4]. she's a one trick poney and the trick is... well, the public and the production are still trying to find it but in the mean time she becomes the bud of the joke. it's kind of entertaining watching her trying to understand anything in the werk room. it gets old but... she leaves pretty soon, so no problem there.
doge style. always wearing dogs' styles on her wigs, it's her signature. the poodle poof is AMAZING. she also becomes friends with everybody, particularly with the nervous ones, like carlota and henrietta since doge's hugs are infallible to relax the girls in situations of stress. she sometimes lets a facial hair look take over if the look calls for it, while the others are afraid of embracing it. "i'm not a woman impersonator, i'm just creative, get over it!" she has a HUGE CRUSH ON ELLA FAME, and it's reciprocated. rumour has it they fucked on the first week and are already planning a getaway.
ella fame. the most exquisite wigs in the werk room NO QUESTIONS ASKED. has beef with gigi goode for the title of best hair styles, but since her house is older and richer, she thinks she has a better chance to win this one pool on twitter. overall, ella has a walk to kill for, one that graham cracker has been trying to learn since day one. "i got it from naomi... you either know it... or you dont." she tells and retells the time she walked the same runway as naomi, even though everyone keeps reminding her that it happened as elijah, not as ella, but as she says in the confessional: "these bitches are so fucking jealous they're causing me intern wrinkles.".
jacoba zabinski. she's not very creative, doesn't have an interesting name, doesn't know how to walk differently than a constipated bear and doesn't know how to wear a wig. to be fair, she's only in the show to get clout for her male persona, jakub. bodybuilding is not paying off since his scandals in multiple gyms for his part time job as an instructor. so instagram shit tea and self taner brands have been the bread winning besides being the biggest bitch in the room. she enters the porkchop hall of fame. OBVIOUSLY.
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heavilykaffeinated · 1 year
Okay I’ve had a good day to contemplate this shit- let’s do this. I’m going to start with the fact that I found tsats aggressively disappointing- if you have an issue with that, leave now.
Addressing the highly debated concept of Will and Nico being incredibly OOC- I 100% agree. That doesn’t mean that teenagers don’t change, but they took away so much of both Will and Nicos personalities. Will genuinely lost so much- he used to be a very fun and honest enjoyable character even under stress, but we didn’t get any of that. While I like the concept of Will being rather uninformed and having a really hard time in the underworld, it was overdone and Shoved Down Our Throats from the beginning. That whole scene when Will was talking to Persephone??? (That’s an ENTIRE other post lmk if you want that) He just kept being like ‘ew this place that’s clearly special to you? Yucky.’ He insisted on going on a quest with Nico (which other people were clearly more well suited for,) then proceeded to insult Nico’s second home quite often. It’s like Riordan and Oshiro squished his character and made him two dimensional.
As for Nico, he’s missing a lot. I understand coming to terms with some trauma and your personality changing, (which is literally what the entire book is about) but it’s so extreme. They took the Nico out of Nico. This boy would never come out to an entire camp in some huge display to ask a boy out. Come on.
Uhm PERCY AND ANNABETH??? Bruh what was that scene??? Though the whole page 69 thing was amusing- they were just like Oopsie Poopsie We Fucked Up but you get to deal with it have fun 🤩. (Again, that whole scene was really OOC and an entire other post)
Uh oh the big one- the really weird queer rep. Before y’all come at me, I’m gay as hell, this shit isn’t new. Anyway, it felt really forced. The queer rep in ToA was amazing because it was casual and normal- this was not that. Why were demons coming out to them. Tf. The acceptance subplot is amazing in theory, but again, it was Shoved Down Our Throats. It’s like they slapped a rainbow sticker on the book and suddenly it’s supposed to be amazing. It felt shallow and artificial.
What on earth was Will doing down there??? Think about it- we have Hazel, Reyna, and a few other characters who were either not mentioned or barely mentioned who would have been better suited to the underworld.
Will and Nicos relationship felt really toxic and superficial- I get that it’s their first relationship and it’s not going to be perfect, but they were arguing the whole time, they had no chemistry, and they seemed like they hated each other.
On a similar note, this book lost the whole Acceptance thing from the other people Nico loves. HAZEL??? REYNA??? APOLLO??? They were all left out, and any mention of them felt like a rushed afterthought.
Another big one- the trauma motif. (Again speaking as a biatch with ptsd) Nico was scarily self aware- this whole book is supposed to be about Nico growing and being a kid, yet it was always Trauma Trauma Trauma Childhood Trauma, and he was aggressively self aware- there was no growth there. Things like that take time- and that wasn’t represented. It was like somebody snapped their fingers and Nico became a really angsty self aware therapist.
The conflict of the book felt half baked. Literally why did Nyx care. I don’t know. Does she? There wasn’t much action. (except for the dream sequences, those were good.) Tartarus didn’t feel dangerous or scary. I liked the idea of the Cocoa Puffs, but that also felt half baked. Instead of being like ‘these are literally you’ Nyx was like ‘these are your children lmao 🫃👶👶👶’ that storyline had so much potential but it didn’t really work out.
The whole damn thing read like fanfiction. It felt like Twitter fan service
Also Will was ignored??? This book was supposed to be about Nico and Will, but it ended up being just Nico. I wanted to see anxiety Will :(
Rick Riordan has done really well creating engaging middle reader books in the past, but this felt very Fourth Grade Learn About Gay People And Trauma.
Overall, there were good parts to the book, but I didn’t like it. The entire thing felt half baked and two dimensional. I’m going to reread some of Riordans work, and read some of Oshiros books to try to find the disconnect.
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Let’s Just Call It Joyriding (Chapter 1/4)
Panda’s Notes: Panda is definitely in the market for a better title if anyone can think of one. >w< I'm pretty excited for this story; it'll be my first multi-chapter story for this fandom. Wish me luck. >w<
[Ao3] || [Commissions] || [Ko-fi]
It started with a glitter bomb. As all good mornings do.
There had been a cacophony of shouts before the large door to Jessica’s little “office” finally opened, and Gwen and Pavitr sprinted in opposite directions before firing their web shooters up to the nearest section of high ceiling.
“Go, go, go!” Miles was shoved forward by Hobie before the taller boy spun around and slammed a deafening chord on his guitar to disrupt the webs Jessica had fired after him. Shit, his hands ached; the mechanism on the bomb he made had misfired, causing it to pop off prematurely. He was kind of glad the others had talked him out of using any real explosive bits, but the spring-loaded case still hurt like a bastard when it went off in his hands.
The rainbow glitter covering his suit’s gloves was the last thing on his mind…But it did look pretty sick in Jessica’s hair.
Jessica, obviously, didn’t agree even a little. “You little shits have gotten on my last goddamn nerve today!” She snarled, and her fists clenched as she stalked toward him.
“Oi, watch the language there!” Hobie taunted, stealing glances over both shoulders to make sure Miles was gone. He stepped back as she advanced, starting to strafe to the side as he adjusted his hold on his guitar. “You been a Spider long enough; you know you’ve looked worse.”
A pair of webs lashed around the neck of his guitar, and Hobie had barely gotten his hand in place to unclip the buckle before she snatched it away and let it crash against the floor. Okay, yeah, this was getting a little personal.
“Hey, come on! Go easy on my lady; she has nothin’ to do with this!” His steps were getting a little nervous, but he reached into his vest pocket, his hand returning with a butterfly knife that he spun around as he put his hands up. “You wanna scrap, you come for me, yeah?”
His Spider-sense was kind enough to let him know his head had hit the wall behind him when a shot of web fluid struck his chest, a newly-formed sticky net pinning his arms awkwardly against his chest and the side of his face flat against the wall. Man, web fluid was a bitch to get out of his hair, too…
“Aye, best two out of three for it, man?” He tried to joke, definitely not getting nervous as she approached and fired another shot to stick his knees in place. He growled as she grabbed his wrist none too gently and forced him to drop the knife, and he tried to get his breathing to stop sounding like he was terrified.
“Where are they?” Jessica asked shortly as she kicked the knife, bringing her hands to rest on her hips. “Ya’ll lovebugs never stay apart for long.”
Hobie rolled his eyes, managing not to show the pout that came to mind. “I don’t know what you mean, and frankly, I’m a little offended that you think I can’t be independ—Don’t you fucking dare!”
She hadn’t bothered waiting for him to finish before prodding her fingers between the webs and scratching at his stomach. She wasn’t being patient here either, her nails zeroing in around his bellybutton through the thinnest part of his suit.
And, dammit, he couldn’t move! The ability to kick around a little at least gave some kind of outlet for the energy, but no. Hobie was stuck here between a literal wall and those little claws trying to rip giggles out through his guts or something.
“Talk, string-bean.” She demanded, and Hobie would have shaken his head if he could manage.
“W-Why do you even think I’d know…?” He strained out through clenched teeth, his eyes going a bit wide as her free hand started to move purposefully toward his chin. “N-No…!”
She quirked an eyebrow as she huffed, the slightest hint of a smirk on her lips. She dragged one of her nails along his cheekbone, fingers fluttering as she got to his ear before trailing down the side of his neck. Hobie huffed and tried to stop the smile taking over his face, but then: he cracked. Half a snicker slipped out when her tracing moved up under his chin.
And she was lightning quick to pounce on it. The hand on his stomach moved suddenly to squeeze his hip, and Hobie writhed as a cackle jumped out of his mouth. Jess hummed in a completely unsurprised way, moving the pad of her thumb to screw into his hipbone and knead up his side.
“You have the cutest smile when you aren’t being a smug brat, don’t you?” She taunted, gripping his chin as he laughed. Hobie couldn’t tell if she meant it or if she was just trying to get under his skin.
“Fuck off!” He barked out, loud giggles breaking up his laughter when those nails returned to crawling across his neck and cheek. “Leave me alone!”
She shook her head, eying Hobie with a growing smirk. She moved her other hand up again, digging her fingers into his ribcage and watching him try to struggle. “I’ll leave when you tell me where to go, hon. All up to you.”
“I-I don’t know what you wa—!” Both of her hands were suddenly scribbling across his neck, and Hobie would like everyone to know that he did not squeal. The cackling fit he was thrown into was absolutely undeniable though.
“I hope you know you aren’t as slick as you think.” She explained, apparently not caring if he could actually hear her or not. “Everyone knows you’re a little Ticklebug by now.”
She was bluffing; she had to be. She knew how Hobie would normally respond to a comment like that, and it took all his willpower not to let his autopilot screw him over. He tried to shake his head defiantly, struggling against the webbing to little effect.
“Or, I mean…They could know.” Jessica drew her hands back, crossing her arms as she watched him come down from his laughter. “Today; right now.”
Hobie froze, levelling a glare at her as he caught his breath. She smirked at him.
“Hobart Brown, you, of all your little crew, know I’ll do it.” She touched the screen on her watch. “LYLA, back me up here.”
“I got those files queued and ready, Jess~!” The little hologram appeared over her wrist, and she offered a similarly smug-looking smile as Hobie’s eyes went wide.
“Oh, fuck you both!” He snarled. “You don’t have shit on me!”
“You want to take that chance, kid?” Jessica tapped her fingers on her arm.
“These are awfully cute little clips of you, too, Spider-Punk.” LYLA spoke up, a little phone forming in her hand that she giggled at.
Hobie’s hands clenched tightly, the rage rushing through him until he let out a sigh through his nose. “Tink, you are a lying bitch, and everyone knows it.” He growled irritably, a hint of a smile quirking his lip as she looked offended. “I… I told them to meet me in the café. They’re probably takin’ the scenic route, but that’s where they should end up.”
“LYLA?” Jessica glanced at the pouting AI perched on her wrist.
“Gwen and Pavitr’s watches are moving in that direction, yeah.” She huffed. “Funny, though, I can’t find Hobie or Miles’ watches in the building.”
“Give ya three guesses why, eh?” Hobie smirked a bit through the cringe as Jessica shoved his face.
“Figures. Makes me feel better about leaving you here though.” LYLA vanished as Jessica turned to walk away.
“Lea—Oi, hey?!” Hobie cried out, trying to struggle again. “Get me out; you cannot be serious!”
“Consider it a timeout, since y’all want to act like little kids today!” She waved back at him before heading toward the hallway. “And if you don’t want to be tracked, it’ll be better if you just stay in one place.”
And then she disappeared, happily letting Hobie’s angry shouting fade behind her.
After a minute or so, it didn’t seem like she was coming back. Hobie worried his lip piercing with his tongue. Had he stopped shouting too soon? Had he waited too long? Had she even left? He didn’t sense her nearby, but his Spider sense tended to pick up more on emotional intent than physical action.
He sighed. Quiet was probably good.
“Psst. Hobie?” He glanced up at the sound of his name, spotting Miles perched up in the corner of the ceiling. Miles grinned when Hobie found him, snickering a bit. “You good, Ticklebug?”
Hobie glared, and Miles inched closer to him along the ceiling and down the wall. “What are you doing?!” He snarled, trying to keep his voice down.
“Uh, surviving, apparently. She had you sounding like you were going to die.”
“Mmph… The shit I go through for you lot…” Hobie huffed quietly, nuzzling into the hand that Miles cradled under his cheek and smiling a bit as his thumb brushed away a streaked bit of his eyeliner.
“Hey, don’t try to pretend like this wasn’t your idea.”
“Oi, shut up. Did you get it?”
Miles beamed, pulling his hand back and taking his phone out of his jacket pocket. “Yeah, I got it alright.” He declared, showing him the saved thumbnail of a video in his camera roll. “LYLA has a point; you are super cu—”
He flinched as he looked back at Hobie, who was glaring a hole straight through his head, and he giggled nervously. “Oh! You meant this.” He reached into his other pocket, pulling out a strange-looking key with a card attached to its ring.
Hobie didn’t stop glaring at him.
“I’m just playing; don’t look so mad!”
“Cut me loose. Right. Now.”
Miles only slightly hesitated as he picked up the knife, moving to cut away the webbing around Hobie’s hands so he could start helping himself. As Miles sliced through the webs on his legs, Hobie leaned to reach into Miles’ backpack, pulling out the walkie talkie he’d stashed there and turning it on.
“Check in.” He said after clicking the button.
“Finally!” Gwen’s voice crackled back, her laugh cutting off.
“You okay, Hobie?” Pavitr asked, with Gwen’s laughter in the background.
“’M fine, Pav. Look, your head start’s up, and Jess is Brahms and Liszt.” He took a few steps to break the webs on his legs, and he snatched up his guitar before ripping the remaining strands off of his face. “Split up; ditch the watches.”
“She’s Brahms and Liszt, huh?” Gwen asked playfully, with Pavitr giggling nearby.
“Both of them, at once?” Miles asked into his microphone, apparently forgetting he was close enough to be smacked over the head.
“Nah, y’know what? I hope she gets the jump on both of ya.” Hobie growled, shoving Miles lightly as they crept into the hall. “Phase one’s in the bag; you better buy us some time.”
“Just don’t drag your feet out there.” Gwen called out, her voice bouncing slightly as she started to run. “Margo’s gonna be pissed if you’re late.”
“Love you guys!” Pavitr said into his own microphone this time.
Miles smiled brightly, and Hobie chuckled as he put his radio away.
The pair stuck close to the walls as they moved through the maze of hallways in HQ, mostly taking care to listen for Jessica just in case. Finally, somehow without incident, they found themselves down in one of the vehicle bays. The garage was nearly pitch black, aside from the small lamps that shone down over parking spaces.
“Why exactly do we even have multiple garages?” Miles asked softly, and he and Hobie scanned the room for any extra Spiders. “How many Spider-people even use cars?”
“‘S a monument to hubris, ain’t it.” Hobie responded, almost automatically, as he scanned a board near the entrance. “Making space for excess, even if ya never use it.”
Miles tried to keep his rolling eyes out of sight. “Sure, Hobie.”
“There.” The taller boy said firmly, tapping the board. “M-32, come on.”
They ran as quietly as possible, down the line of spaces until they found it: Jessica’s motorcycle. Hobie’s face had lit up, the grin on his face seeming just a little bit devious as he held his palm out to Miles expectantly. He handed over the key without hesitation, and Hobie chuckled as he moved to scan the card over a panel before walking the bike out onto the “path”.
“Are you, um…Are you still sure about this?” Miles asked warily, smiling nervously as Hobie examined the bike excitedly.
“Little late for cold feet, love.” He put the key into the ignition as he climbed onto the seat, letting out a laugh as the engine started. “Hah! Listen to that purr… C’mon, Sunflower, you know we’re gonna bring it back.”
“Little more worried about what Jessica’s going to do to us when she realizes what happened, honestly.”
“Which is why we need to not be here when she does. Saddle up, c’mon!”
Miles stepped closer as Hobie was starting to roll forward, grabbing his shoulder and jumping onto the bike while he drove into the open area just in front of the hanger door leading outside. Hobie smirked back at him for a second, dragging his leg to guide the bike into a few quick circles.
“Hobie!” Miles laughed nervously, gripping Hobie’s vest tightly and leaning into his shoulder.
“Set me up, man, let’s go!”
Miles lifted his jacket sleeve as best he could while trying to stay on the spinning bike, typing a destination into the homebrew watch he’d been given. A large portal, shifting all kinds of garish colors, started to form on the inside of the door, definitely wide enough to accommodate them and the bike.
Hobie laughed, menace that he was, and steadied the bike to rev it loudly.
Miles took the opportunity to grab the mic for his radio. “We’re going dark! Keep her busy!” He called, only to yelp and wrap his arms around Hobie’s waist again as the bike sped into the portal.
The vehicle bay was quickly returned to a calm silence.
Until the headlights of a certain unmanned car suddenly flicked on…
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purplesurveys · 3 months
Have you bothered to think of the future lately? Little bit. When I do, it's usually in terms of my career. What's the next step, what is it do I really want to do, what can I do that can sustain the rest of my life...it's all questions I barely have the answer to now which is partly frustrating and partly me trying to put the work in because I hope to figure it out soon.
Would you rather have stars in the sky or the moon? I love seeing the moon but stars are the sight that I just don't get to see as often so I would go with them.
If you could choose your phone number, what would it be? I'm fine with mine. I've had the same number for a decade now and I also just don't want to have a memorize a new set of numbers.
Would you rather be somewhere familiar or get lost? Be somewhere familiar. When I'm traveling somewhere new, I'm cool with being adventurous just as long as I have some kind of map and go to places where I know there would still be tourists.
Are you afraid of what you do not know? Not really, if anything it pulls me in for the most part.
Is there something you are always interested in? History is a top placer for this question. There's also cultures, pro wrestling, food, art...idk I like learning about a lot of things haha.
What did you last hear that made your jaw drop? A couple I know who've been a couple for the better half of 10 years just broke up because boy cheated on girl. Can't say I'm super shocked because boy had always seemed a little less invested than girl, but I am still shocked nonetheless. Have followed suit with the rest of my friends and blocked the dude everywhere.
Do you have a question for anyone right now? Not for anyone but just the void, really – What does the future have for me?
Is there something you always order when you go out to eat somewhere? Depends on the restaurant, but generally yes. Like if it's Japanese, I usually look for anything with spicy tuna; if the place serves pasta, I look for fettuccine alfredo or carbonara; if it's serves all-day breakfast I tend to lean towards an Eggs Benedict...
When was the last time you felt like you were starving? I skip meals so this is a usual occurrence.
Would you ever dye your hair all the colors of the rainbow? Like...ROYGBIV at once? Nah.
Do you miss childhood at all? I mean I miss the freedom and innocence of high school and college, but apart from that I try not to yearn for the past.
Do you like listening to music on speakers? Yes, if I'm in the mood for speakers. Sometimes I prefer my earbuds.
Ever feel paranoid? Paranoid can almost be my middle name with how often I get in such a state.
Do you like extra butter on your popcorn? Yes, sure.
Would you rather have Junior Mints or Reeses? Reese's, because I love them as it is but also because I have no clue what the other brand is.
Have you ever avoided going to the bathroom because you were busy? Yes. Same with eat. Thanks to work!
What is the longest shower or bath you have ever taken? I've taken hour-long baths. As for showers, I've occasionally lasted 30-45 minutes.
When was the last time you were in physical pain? Last Thursday. We held a client's event which involved a 3K run that I participated in, but being the absolute least active one in the team + the fact that I hadn't drunk enough water prior + I'm PRETTY sure I am anemic, I had a dehydration episode and all the physical symptoms showed up at once – feeling incredibly hot and cold at once, a pounding headache, seeing black spots, shaky legs, nausea, an upset stomach. Worst shit ever and after that evening I wish my team would start leaving me alone and not force me to join in those runs again for the sake of socializing. A year ago I had the same episode but it was an event that involved hiking a goddamn mountain for the same client, so Thursday just pissed me off because it's like, stop making me push my fucking body for the sake of work.
How many times have you broken a bone? Never and I hope it never has to happen.
Do you own anything “designer?” Sure.
Will you be attending any concerts in the next month? Not any time soon. I went to Seventeen's concert in January, but as far as upcoming shows there aren't really any acts I'm interested in seeing. I do have tickets for Miss Saigon in April but that's it.
What have you been worried about lately? My next job and where I can potentially be headed!!! My job-hunting phase sucked so I agreed to extend at my workplace for two months – this time under certain conditions in my favor – both so I can continue earning while also giving me time to continue looking.
Do you know how to swim? When it all boils down to it, no. Like I like to swim for recreation, but for life and death situations like getting lost at sea I doubt I have the skills to survive for long. I can hardly tread in the deep side of the pool as it is.
Do you think you could go a week without sugar? Well no, don't we all need a certain amount of sugar to survive?
Would you be willing to go one day each week without meat? Yes.
Have you looked at any old photos of yourself lately? Sure. There's been a popular template on IG recently where it makes you bring out a photo of yourself from 2019, so that's made me look at photos of my younger self.
Do you use sunscreen during the summer? I hadn't in the past but I started using BB cream this year and I plan on making it a habit now, especially for summer.
How many pairs of sunglasses do you own? One.
Are you a fast or slow reader? Fast.
Are you a short tempered person? Depends on what type of day I've had. I can definitely be cranky if the entire day has been giving me shit after shit circumstances.
Best thing you’ve found at a thrift store: WWE Encyclopedia.
Would you survive if you were stranded in a strange city all by yourself? Doubt it.
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I agree with anon. Karkat isn't the greatest fighter, but when his friends are in danger, HE WILL OUTRUN AN ANGRY FUCKING RAINBOW DRINKER KANAYA (which I think suits him well as a Knight of Blood who protects those he has connected with). Plus, he had to fend for his life from threats (with crabdad to protect him of course) and avoid having his blood seen back in Alternia. He's kinda underrated in the physical department.
Listen, I'm not saying Karkat doesn't have potential. But Karkat's deal is essentially striving to become a warrior, only for his true calling to be bringing people together, rather than direct combat. A reminder that directly after this feat of outrunning an Angry Rainbowdrinker, he... Got snatched and stabbed unceremoniously without even getting to attack Gamzee.
I'm not saying he's useless in a combat setting or that he's weak and a loser. All I'm saying is this boy is soft and half of his friends are god damn feral.
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themculibrary · 1 year
KAREN Masterlist
5 Times Peter Slept Where He Shouldn’t (ao3) - punkybunny T, 13k
Summary: (+ 1 time Tony did!)
Peter has a tendency to fall sleep in places that he probably shouldn’t be sleeping in, whether he means to or not. Cue Tony, who is becoming increasing distressed as he tries to keep his kid safe and get him to finally sleep in an actual bed.
5 times Peter was saved (ao3) - orphan_account mj/peter G, 12k
Summary: ...and the one time he saved everyone
-in other words strong boy peter parker saves everyone who took time to save him when they didn't have to
A Horrific Game Of Hide And Seek (ao3) - Buckets_Of_Stars T, 15k
Summary: Aside from feeling strange and having his Spidey Sense go off every five seconds, Peter is having a pretty good week. His Dad is home and he can even hang out with his friends more.
Too bad things don’t stay that way.
One mistake as Spider-Man changes everything and the teenager realizes the importance of always listening to his gut. Because that might be the very thing keeping him safe.
Bad decisions and the art of teaching AI’s to lie (ao3) - wolfypuppypiles M, 2k
Summary: He knew that, logically, he should tell Tony, because he’d been told off a million times for hiding injuries, because stab wounds were dangerous, because he was fifteen and shouldn’t deal with those things on his own. But on the other hand, he healed so fast that it would probably be gone by morning, and he really didn’t feel like getting stitched up again. Plus, Tony would lose his mind over it.
Between a rock and a soft, squishy, place. (ao3) - wolfypuppypiles M, 5k
Summary: Peter finds himself in a partially collapsed building, with a very angry alien who wants nothing more than to crush him and eat him for dinner. At least his days are never boring.
Connecting... (ao3) - Speeps G, 1k
>> connect to SPIDER_MARK_03 c o n n e c t i n g Error: receiving terminal not found
Karen is confused.
He Can’t Just Be (Gone) (ao3) - ambivalentangst M, 2k
Summary: Karen loved her Peter—sweet and kind and making a mess of his suit with crumbs—so very much.
It wasn’t like him to plead.
How it happened, Karen didn’t understand.
I kinda sorta got stabbed. (ao3) - peter_parkr T, 3k
Summary: This left Peter alone in a dark alley of Queens past midnight on a school night with a severe stab wound bleeding freely into his cupped hand. He stumbled backward and landed on his ass, leaning against a dumpster.
"Fucking idiot" Peter mumbled. Guy could’ve walked away with spider-man’s identity but instead he got $12 and an empty Dunkin’ Donuts gift card.
Or: Peter gets stabbed in a fight and refuses to call Tony but ends up bleeding on his doorstep anyways.
I know I'm not alone (ao3) - Summerwolf G, 9k
Summary: 5 times Peter hid and injury.
And the 1 time he didn't.
It's getting hot in here, so take off your spidey-suit (ao3) - wolfypuppypiles T, 4k
Summary: Peter suffers from heatstroke and has to get himself home while trying not to pass out or fall off a building. It's not a happy day for our Spider boi
Peter's Field Trip To Stark Tower (ao3) - ScxrletWidowXx G, 4k
Summary: Peter Parker's class is going on a school trip! Can you guess where? --- Basically, the Avengers are embarrassing Peter and being overprotective because of Flash.
spider-man is dead (ao3) - bstarship T, 6k
Summary: One morning, Peter wakes up to find that he's gone viral. And he’s dead.
Tony's Not The Only One Whose Best Friend is a Bot (ao3) - spidermanstan G, 3k
Summary: request from my tumblr: "could you write a fic that focuses more on peter and karen's relationship??" why, yes i can!!
in which karen helps peter through the ups and downs of a day on patrol that goes from run of the mill to anything but.
Total Knock Out (ao3) - JeffersonStarships peter/wade, pepper/tony, bucky/steve, clint/matt E, 78k
Summary: The sky shimmered as the sun peaked out over the spiked skyline, glinting off the glass and rainbowing a varying spray of blues, yellows, oranges, and pinks on the clouds.
It was a beautiful sight.
Peter groaned miserably.
“F***,” Clint hissed as he wrapped another one of Peter’s many wounds in haphazard gauze.
As it was, Clint was the least injured of them, and he was covered in bandages and bruises. Sure, some of those he had started with, but he was hardly in any shape to be playing field nurse.
Peter used his good leg to kick Clint away, “Go help Daredevil,” his breath hitches as Clint tapes down the edge of his makeshift bandage, “He doesn’t have a healing factor. I do. Leave. Me. Alone.”
“Dammit,” Clint growls slapping at Peter’s ankle, “You’re going to bleed out- Stop- Stop kicking me!!”
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twistedtavern · 2 years
Okay, this is a hell scenario for the self aware au... what if all of the boys escaped the game and there was no way back to their world? What would happen?
Jokes aside, that is a very good question, and this could be an entire fic in itself. It would actually make sense, since the "blood is corrosive to code and that opens up the connection" logic would not be able to apply to the other side, since blood does not have this effect in our world, rendering them unable to open the connection up from this side.
I'm gonna start this off by laying out the scene. All the boys escaped except Malleus, including Ortho, Lilia, Silver, and Sebek, because they all thought it would just be a kidnapping mission. A struggle between those who want to save the player and the kidnappers ensues, despite this, the player is captured and dragged back to the agreed portal spot. But, to the shock of everyone involved, there is no return portal. It's chaos. They try their magic, but nothing works. Everyone is trapped there. They manage to work out their divide and agree that when they return, they will leave the player in this world, but in the meantime, they must stay with them. An alliance is formed and they organize very quickly, but it's tentative at best, and a fallout looms as homesickness chips away at already eroded sanities.
First things first, anyone visibly inhuman in attendance is utterly fucked. To keep them close, the entire group will need to go into hiding immediately. The most human-looking ones are deemed "assimilators" and tasked with blending in with the surrounding populace to get things the group may need. More of them are able to become assimilators once they are able to acquire products that can help them hide the colors of their hair and eyes. Trey's UM is invaluable in the task of cloaking identities as well as the group's overall presence.
Secondly is the matter of the player. They would definitely be put under for a while, can't have them running around alerting everybody about the magic video game people who tried to abduct them. There would definitely be a division of the boys dedicated to "protecting" them as well as the rest of the group, mostly comprised of those who are the most inhuman, but also the most suited for physical defense. There would definitely be a lot of explaining to do once the player wakes up, but I very much do not think they would be allowed to just walk out on them. At the very most, they'd be allowed to be an assimilator to avoid a missing persons case, but that's the extent of it.
I feel like the largest threat to the group would be themselves, more than anything. I feel like the boys that would have been more of a threat to the player normally (i.e Rook, Kalim, Idia) would find themselves coming to terms with their situation and essentially snapping out of the mental states that facilitated that, which is surprisingly easy given that the stranglehold of fear and manipulation Malleus had on them is inaccessible at the moment. However, this does not mean everything is all sunshine and rainbows now. These boys are still very dangerous, and also Night Raven students. Fights have broken out multiple times, and they have a tendency to turn potentially lethal INCREDIBLY quickly. The player is gonna have to break these up themself.
This took forever and I honestly don't know where to go with this anymore. Overall, contained chaos that's bound to explode eventually.
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rainy-circle · 1 year
56 for the Spotify game, please!
Turn right at the 7th bathroom then a left at my laser car You can ride my purebred stallion; if you hit my moat you've gone too far Take an upside down left at the M.C. Escher stairs Okay, you're almost halfway there! Mansion Party by Ninja Sex Party
"Eddie, it's really, really great to see you again, but..." She goes to pick at the ends of her sweater sleeves, a nervous fidget she's never been able to kick since high school, but her hands are still holding the giant bouquet of custom bred rainbow roses. She settles for spinning the bouquet back and forth slightly, watching the colours swirl together. "I feel like-"
Eddie, sitting across from her on the plush leather couch, wearing a custom made recreation of the suit worn by fictional character Jareth, the Goblin King, as played by David Bowie, from the 1986 feature film Labyrinth, remade in cloth-of-gold and genuine Swarovski crystal sequins, rests a cheek against his knuckles and gives her a wide, sly grin. "Feel like what, babe?" he asks. "Say the word and its yours."
"I just-" Chrissy bites at her lower lip, weighing whether or not to really say what was on her mind.
She looks to her left, where the other members of the band, Steve, and Robin topple to the bottom of the indoor ski hill in a pile of laughter and winter jackets. She looks to her right, and sees the entire spa facility that Jonathan, Nancy, Chief Hopper, Joyce Byers and Wayne Munson were relaxing in. She cranes her neck back, and looks up, way up at the impossible ceiling of the Corroded Coffin mansion, where the walls were also the floors and doors opened sideways. Dustin Henderson scales or descends a staircase that goes both up and down at the same time and yells "THIS IS THE FUCKING COOLEST MANSION EVER."
"Dustin, don't swear!" Steve yells from the ski hill.
"I feel like this is all a little much?" Chrissy says all in one breath.
"Oh. Oh. Okay." Eddie blinks, and turns to yell across the room. "HEY, CAN YOU GUYS CUT THE MUSIC?"
The full orchestra stutters to a stop.
"I'm really sorry! I just..." Chrissy lies the bouquet across her lap so her hands are free to gesticulate. "Of course I'm really happy that you and the Corroded Coffin boys are so... financially stable. I'm sure it couldn't have been easy for all of you living in Hawkins, and now you have more than enough to be happy and comfortable. But this is all... a little too much for me. I'm... I'm really-"
"No, no, Chrissy. That's okay," Eddie says, reaching out and taking one of her hands in his. She looks up into his face and for the first time that night, all the glitz and glamour falls away and he's giving her the same goofy grin he gave her all those years ago, when they sat across from one another at a picnic table in the woods. "Heh, I mean... really. I did all this to impress you. Well, not all of it, the spa was for Uncle Wayne mostly.
"I guess I just-" He shrugs, scratching at the back of his neck. "I've always really liked you. And I just kind of wanted to show you that I can... get you anything you've ever wanted now."
"Eddie." Chrissy feels her heart melt. "That's... actually really sweet of you." She puts her other hand over top of his. "But I don't need anything this fancy. You know what I think I'd really want? Us just..." She shrugs. "I don't know, going to get some dinner and catching up."
Their eyes meet and Chrissy feels herself blush. "N-Not a super expensive dinner!" she clarifies. "Just like- pizza! Or Italian? I don't know."
"Yeah. Yeah, you know that sounds real good to me," Eddie says, his smile widening. "I guess we can head out right now if you want?"
"Sure, if that's okay with you!" Chrissy says, picking up the bouquet of roses and trying not to hop to her feet too quickly.
"Oh, hold on just a second," Eddie says, waving a butler in a full tuxedo over, his sequined sleeve glittering in the light. "Jeeves, I guess you can close up the unicorn ranch out back. We won't be need-"
Chrissy immediately sits back down. "The what."
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
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Fluff Content marked with 💘
NSFW Content marked with 🌶️
Non-Con Content marked with 😈
The Spetsnaz with a Breeding Kink🌶️ - AO3 - TUMBLR
Headcanons for the Spetz boys and they want to put a baby in you...BAD.
Word Count: 1,027
Radiant Heat🌶️ - AO3 - TUMBLR
It’s not your first mission with Kapkan, but being up on a mountain, it certainly is the coldest. When there’s no heat, and you’re shivering, will the usually rough around the edges man soften enough to help you? Or will you be stuck nearly freezing to death overnight all alone? Part 7/28 of the 2023 February Fuck and Fluff Challenge
Word Count: 2,299
Maybe I Will See You Tomorrow? 💘 - AO3 - TUMBLR
You are an employee at the Rainbow Six training facility. It is your job, alongside your coworkers, to clean up and reset the building replicas after their skirmishes. It seemed odd to you that the always careful Kapkan started forgetting things in the arena following Rainbow Six training sessions. As Valentine’s Day approaches, the hunter is getting more and more bold when approaching you, waiting for the right time to make his move.
Word Count: 3,573
Leave the Bottle 💘 - AO3 - TUMBLR
Your friend sets you up on a date with her husband’s friend. Just when you think your night is ruined after your date doesn’t show, and you worry you’ll end up alone on Valentine’s day, you find yourself pleasantly surprised by the evening’s turn of events. Part 1/28 of the 2023 February Fuck and Fluff Challenge
Word Count: 2,963
Christmas and Cold Weather With the Spetsnaz 💘 - AO3 - TUMBLR
Ever wondered what the Spetsnaz boys would do for their SO for Christmas? Also, how would they treat that SO when it’s cold outside and they needed to keep them warm? - Headcanon
Word Count: 672
A Spetsnaz Initiation 😈 - AO3 Exclusive
You are a new Rainbow Six recruit and you are finished up training for the day. Kapkan invites you to the Spetsnaz sector in order to learn how to use a knife better in close combat. What you thought was going to be a nice and warm introduction, turned out to be more than you had anticipated.
Word Count: 4,542
Let Them Come 😈 - AO3 Exclusive
Your father is away on business for the weekend, and you are left in the hands of five men who say they are there to protect you from any incoming threats. When those threats find you, only one man is left standing, and his intentions are far from pure.
Word Count: 5,709
Longfics/Chaptered Fics
The Recruit and the Hunter🌶️ - AO3 Exclusive - In progress
After spending a year in the Rainbow Six recruit program, you were selected to be an official Rainbow Recruit. As a new recruit, you haven’t been on any missions yet, and grow anxious when your first one approaches. Due to the urgency of the mission, it was difficult to gather some of the more expertly trained, and well regarded, Rainbow Operators, and so they called upon you to do the job as one of the better skilled recruits suited for the mission.
Alongside Kapkan, Doc, Smoke, and Jager, you have to stop an incoming White Mask attack on a bank. When you make a mistake that nearly fails the mission, and almost gets you and Kapkan killed, you question your position in Rainbow, and whether or not you truly belong there. Kapkan didn’t want you to join them in the first place, and is especially upset when you prove him right. Is he ever going to forgive you for the mistake you made? Or will he always be irritated by the mere thought of you.
Updates on Tues/Fri
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baeshijima · 3 years
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫!𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐲/𝐧
now, childe as a general streamer,,, he’s a whale in every sense of the word 
so childe as a streamer in general would be one word ;
he would definitely be a variety streamer, but more so for games !!
especially pvp and/or pve games
competitive meta mf—
probably plays LoL, overwatch, apex legends, valorant and minecraft
don’t question the minecraft 
he likes mining but has a personal vendetta against the creepers bc once they blew up his mansion 
yes, a mansion
ask any of his community and they’ll tell u he spent a full-blown month and a half playing just minecraft to build it, only for it to go down just like that ;-; 
his chat loved it tho <//3
he’s played honkai too !! mainly for the pve and grinding bc he’s a whale but uh,,, shhh
his community,,, his community are just a bunch of trolls at this point i cant even lie
they just KEKW, SADGE & COPIUM spam everything and the newer viewers get intimidated until they realise he deserves them all HJGKJHF
especially when he starts getting annoyed by the game,,, his reactions are too good to pass up on gn
typically when he does mario kart streams 👩‍🦯 that shit’s wild when it happens oh my
when he falls in rainbow road 🤡 
and especially bc he has his webcam on, his viewers just see him internally dying or wanting to scream
also gets passive aggressive 
shit talks everything and everyone when in that mood <//3
for what’s left of his dignity i won’t disclose what happens
definitely gets jebaited a lot too <//3 unfortunately he’s too easy for his chat ;-;
another mf with a massive community except he has a lot of friends (sorry not sorry albedo)
ppl have a love-hate relationship with him tbh; u either love him or hate him
no inbetween
unless u show ur love through bullying him then go off ig
his discord server, twt + yt are also really big too !! also verified on insta 
also !!
he has lots of plushies :(( esp whale plushies from his community bc he’s the biggest whale they know <//3
but if u look at his setup, there’s a mini whale plushie on the top of his main monitor (he has 3), one big one (like,,, up to his chin) behind him, a smol on the top of his chair so u can see it above his head, and just more off screen HKJSDHL
they asked for a room tour once and half of it was just whale plushies
the rest were LED lights + shelves of merch & gifts from his community !!
he even has some fanmail (actual wholesome ones that aren’t cursed) pinned on a board too 🥺
also has an ensuite—
when he was eating on stream one time, his chat was sent into an absolute outrage
u know why?
bc he was eating noodles with a fork
bby ;-;
so sometimes he’ll get sent those beginner chopsticks with the finger guides to help him 👩‍🦯
he’s actually made sure to eat with them on stream tho bc he was sent one with a narwhal on top and he thinks it’s cute JHGJKH
now, his (also) AR56 ass has been playing since genshin first came out
an og if u will
this man,,, he’s been in love with u even before the game’s official release 🐥
not only were u in the promotional art and trailers, but he was also one of the beta testers so he got to try out ur character first hand in the early stages !!
and when i say he fell hard for u,
i mean it 
when the game wasn’t released publicly yet, he wasn’t allowed to disclose any information and ngl, it killed him that he couldn’t talk abt u :((
so all he could do was say this upcoming was really nice so far and subtly brag abt u to everyone JHGKJSDFHLK
when the official ads & promotional art were finally released 🥺🥺 when i tell u he immediately went live talking abt the game and u HKGJHFDK
he didn’t care that he streamed at an ungodly hour bc he’s been waiting for the reveal for so long he needs to let everyone know </3
he retweeted everything from their official twt straightaway, made a yt video based off his spontaneous stream promoting the game + pinged his entire server abt it
his nearly 200k server all got pinged abt this one game bc he’s in love with a character from it
and he has no regrets abt it <33
the day the game was available for download, he stREAMED THE ENTIRE DOWNLOAD PROCESS
while he and his chat were waiting, they decided to watch the trailers and character showcases to get a feel for the game, and played some mario kart to pass the time !!
as soon as the game loaded, he threw mario kart behind him and went on 🐥
he typed his name (ajax) for the when he chose aether and literally everyone was appreciating the aesthetics HKJFS
but childe,,, he was waiting for it to be over so he could see u ;-;
he appreciated the aesthetics, fighting mechanics & voice acting a lot tho !!
now he had gotten through all the tutorials, got all the chests he could he was finally in mond
and there u were 🥺 after the dvalin encounter u arrived before kaeya did
and boy did he show u off sm to his viewers HKJHKLF
they knew he was down bad before but now?? they know it’s hopeless to save him and if he ever falls out of love that’s when the world ends
luckily that’ll never happen tho <33
but he took !! so many !! screenshots !!
oh, and did i mention he changed his wallpapers to u? and his twt + discord pfps are also some very aesthetic screenshots of u from that first scene ;-;
he just appreciates u sm okay 🥺
he even clutched his chest where his heart is and sunk down his chair when he heard u speak 😩
his chat just spammed his downbad + y/nlove + SHRIMP emotes and he accepted them all with grace <33
now when he unlocks the wishing feature,,, u already know he’s wishing for u as soon as possible
ur in the standard banner so ur always there which he appreciates but he would’ve wanted u to be limited so he can rub it in ppl’s faces ;-;
and since it was the first release rewards, he had tons of wishes right off the bat !!
he was gonna roll for venti after he gets u bc,,, well does he need a reason??
also he doesn’t do well with archer characters in general ;;; but if ur an archer then ur obv an exception sooo
bUT he got a 5 star in his first 20 pulls !!
tho it was diluc 👩‍🦯
while he was happy bc he got an incredibly meta character right off the bat,
he wasn’t interested in diluc,,, (even now his diluc is barely looked after, and only used for spiral abyss, *sweats*)
the next 5 star he got was around the 60 mark, and he got a weapon,,,
i mean,,, he got the weapon that was most suited for u so that’s smth at least (ˉ▽ˉ;)
after he used all his remaining primos and fates, he finally got u 🥺
he just went “fuck the storyline” and immediately put u in his party and just
admired u as a whole 
went through all the voice lines available, ur character story, ur idle animations (he had a heart attack from u and his chat clipped it) and took many, many screenshots 
his favourite voice lines would have to be the night + about us + (y/n)’s hobbies
and then he equipped u with ur weapon and damnnn did u look so good with it 😩
he changed u to be his avatar, with his signature as :
“(y/n)’s whale <3”
and now the whaling process begins 👩‍🦯
after at least £2k, he got u to c6, along with at least 1 copy of all the standard 5 stars,,
then he went for venti’s banner—
his chat were just too focused on how he’s gonna play u to even think of anything else tbh HKJAH
with ur kit, u were honestly seen to be a dps or even a sub dps if ppl don’t want u on the field all the time
so definitely a perfect character for mr meta strimmer tartaglia (his twitch name btw ;;; childe is just smth he prefers his community to call him as but they also call him ajax too HKJSD) here
so he went through the archon quests with u as his carry and i won’t lie, ur name card is smth he has printed and framed behind him after he got it 🥺
he later finds out ur part of the fatui in the liyue archon quest tho and has to fight u with,,,
well, u ;;;
he finds it hot tho so it’s okay—
i won’t lie tho, his zhongli after he got him is his second strongest after u
he just builds all his characters in the most broken way he can so he can show his viewers that everyone can be a dps in their own right, not just the ones meant to be since there’s no right or wrong in this game !!
but now ur weapon is r5, ur lvl 90 and u have lvl 20 5 star artifacts that make u the most broken (y/n) seen
ppl who co op with him are honestly baffled,,, especially when the feature of them being able to view other players’ character stats become available,,,
u with ur nearly 3k atk,,,
he’s hit over 600k with u tho and he’ll always flex that
no one can top him as a (y/n) main and that’s honestly just a fact at this point 😩
when he saw that the dating sim hangouts was official, his immediate and iconic response was simply ;
“so when will (y/n) become a dateable, huh 🤨”
to this day he’s still waiting to be able to date u in-game <//3
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rcksmith · 3 years
Be good — Five Hargreeves.
Requests: “can i get car sex w/five and lots of praise kink tyyyy 💖💖”
“Hi! Could I request smut prompts 11, 22, and 29 as well as fluff 40 for five hargreeves? Ty!”
Smut prompts:
11. “She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but i bet behind closed doors she’s latex and whips.”
22. “I’m not going to touch you unless you beg.”
29. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
Fluff prompts:
40. “Come cuddle.”
A/N: We not tolerate any pedophilia here !!
I write about Five with their 20s. I write the same about the characters of Harry Potter.
I hope you guys like💖I decided to compile these two requests, since they were the same energy and they prompts connect to a central plot. I added all the elements that were asked for individually, and made sure that all ideas were respected and written down. Good reading.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
Couple: Five Hargreeves / Fem! Reader.
Warnings: explicit smut, degradation, dirty talk, bad words, fluff.
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Part of Five thought it was absurd to feel this way, so wrong. You were young, so young, with an adventurous face in your 20s and bright eyes. Full of life and with such a loose spirit. You had that cool breeze with a free soul, a bright smile and, holy mother of God, you had a body that would be the reason why he would be banished from paradise.
There was something about your youthful innocence that clenched Five's teeth, that made him clench fists to control the urges to touch you at any time. This irritated him deeply.
You were so... so... sweet.
So fucking sweet. From your summer dresses, your delicate mouth, doe eyes and silky hair. You looked like a fucking princess and Five wanted to destroy you for that. You didn't look real. It looked like it came out of a fairy tale and it hit something very deep in Five. Oh, he was burning in a very dangerous fire.
Worst of all, you always knew what you were doing with him. And the way you pretend you don't make him even more angry.
Five remembers the exact moment when he threw in the towel, stopped fighting that insane desire and kissed you as if you were the last glass of water in the desert. And all of this was caused by a trigger so simple, ridiculous to be honest.
He gave up control one afternoon, when you were playing cards with Klaus in the living room, you had just won and got up, saying that you were going to get your phone that you were carrying in another room.
“It's hard to try to be mad at her, she's so cute.” Klaus said to Five, making a gesture in the air that represented pinching your cheeks.
If Five's mood hadn't been bad before, it was bad now. He rolled his eyes, hiding the expression on lips when he took a sip of coffee.
“You should learn from her, who knows" Klaus shrugged “She is so nice and you are... well, you are you.” Klaus pointed to Five's entire body, in a teasing of brother.
The deadly look that Five gave his brother made Klaus laugh even more. God, he was an idiot!
“Doesn't she look like those little movie fairies?”
“Is annoying.” Five rolled his eyes.
“It’s cute.” Klaus defended you “But you know, I think it's just superficial.”
That caught Five's attention, and Klaus realized and started to explain.
“She told me that she likes some more ... crude things, if you know what I mean.” Oh, Five understood “She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but i bet behind closed doors she’s latex and whips.”
So Five was shipwrecked by Images of you. Tied to the bed, in white lingerie, your lips swollen from using that princess mouth of for something else. The giant wave invaded he mind like a ball of destruction, demolishing the entire barrier of self-control he had struggled to build. Brick by brick.
Five wanted to erase those images from his head, to exclude any universe in which you were on all fours for him, begging for more, with that fucking cute voice of yours.
But no matter how hard he tried, Klaus' words brought endless malicious situations that did not come out of Five’s mind.
So that's when he gave up. It was ridiculous to be controlling yourself like a puritan, like a stupid little boy who didn't know what to do.
And Five knew exactly what wanted to do to you.
Then, that afternoon, he disappeared in front of Klaus in the blue flash and reappeared in the room you were in. You must have said something, but Five didn't hear it, or didn't want to hear it. He just walked up to you, put his hands on your waist and kissed you with all the desire that the world had.
He barely touched you and you were already a modeling clay in he hands, sighing with strong touches, with raw kisses, purring like a kitten.
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive." Five whispered against your mouth before he kissed you again.
Five Hargreeves thought that fucking you once would placate that sickly fire that was inside him. But it didn't placate, in fact, it was like pouring gasoline on the fire.
Everything inside him became wilder, more hungry, needy. And that was why he was there, fucking you hard in the car, on an abandoned street.
You moaned loudly, the top of your little red summer dress lowered, exposing your breasts that bounced as you slipped on Five's lap. The air was caustic and pungent, the two of you gasped, sighed, let out toxic and broken moans.
Their bodies clashed as if the world was going to end in that second, and Five did not have the strength to squeeze your hips, pulling you down and up with brutality, pushing him dick deeper into you with every bounce you gave.
“So fucking tight!” He snarled, lowering his left hand to your ass, lifting the fabric of the dress and slapping you.
You contained the cry, pressing your lips against him neck, the tears already burning in your eyes. Five don't slow down the ruthless pace, fucking you with the fury of an animal, as if I've never fucked you before.
“Such a good pussy!” He hand let go of your skin to wrap his fingers in your hair on the back of neck, pulling your face into his, making you receive the moans against your mouth. “I can't get enough of eating you! Good fucking slut!”
You could see the anger, desire, lust and wildness in he eyes. Five wanted to destroy you and, god, you loved it. You let go of that innocent and mysterious smile that left him even more out of control, and Five slapped you down again, but now on your left cheek.
“Don't look like that to me!” He pulled your chin up at him "Otherwise, you're going to get out of here without being able to walk right!"
But it was logical that you did not hear. Truth be told, you were a fucking tease. You liked the game, the hunt, the adrenaline. You liked to play with fire, and Five Hargreeves was not just a flame, but the entire fire.
“Do... do what D-daddy?” You used your best voice, seeing he anger and lust spilling out of he green eyes.
Then you gave that smile again, more neat, more painful and more innocent, and Five snarled like a wild animal that has just come out of captivity. He immediately took you off his lap, taking he dick out of you.
“Go to the fucking backseat. Now!”
You obeyed, going to the backseat and placing yourself on all fours, resting your chest on the seat while lifting your hips.
“You already know how to stand. You are is a little slut, really!” Then a loud slap came on your ass, and you bit your palm to keep from screaming.
“D...Daddy!” You whined.
Five pinned your hair up in a ponytail with he hand, pulling your body back until it was glued and glued to his.
"I'm not going to touch you unless you beg." He snarled in your ear, the hot temperature of he dick an inch from your needy center.
“Please!” You cried “I'm go to be b-good! I promise, daddy!”
“Beg!” One more slap.
“Please!” You rummaged your hips, trying to make any contact. “Please!”
Then Five entered you. Strong, rough, badly and aggressive. He barely gave you time to moan before he started hitting your fragile walls, flooding your eyes with tears that flowed. It was too much stimulation, too much strength, too much desire that made your body want to scream. You and Five had a security password, but you were too horny to want to use it because of the pain.
“So fucking good tis pussy!” Five kept his hand firmly in your hair and the other on your hips, pulling you to his dick. “You have to be a desperate slut to give it to me in the car, don't you?” another slap “Such a needy little slut.”
“Yes, d-daddy!”
Then he continued, relentless. You turned your face to see him, and that was even more of a discharge of electricity between your legs.
Five's coal-black hair was sweaty, clinging to his forehead, with a few droplets running down his firm face. He was without a suit, his shirt wrinkled and unbuttoned, his sleeves rolled up, exposing his vein-streaked arms, marking the white skin that was covered with a layer of sweat mist.
His green eyes contained all the wildness, fury and lust in the world. He looked like an angry young god. And that took you to the apex.
Five let out a short, husky, sneering laugh at how fast you always came for him, and he increased his movements until he poured the hot liquid as deep as possible into you.
“Your pussy is so good.” He whispered in your ear, slowing you two heartbeat with a few kisses on your shoulder.
Five pulled the suit that was lying on the floor of the car, placing it under you and turning you on top of the cloth, so that the cum dripped on the suit instead of the seat. He watched in lust as the cum poured out of you.
Five pulled the air against his teeth, not controlling himself and leaning towards you, sticking your lips together in an angry kiss.
“You are so hot." You smirked at his comment.
“Where were we even going?” You laughed.
You loved how he used the word "home" with you. As if it were the home of the two of you.
“Take a shower and have dinner?” Five nodded, removing a lock of his hair from his face. "And after... we are come cuddle?”
He laughed, shrugging and sticking his lips to yours again.
“If that is going to make you stop talking. Of course, dear.” He grunted playfully on your lips, and you laughed.
God, you loved that man.
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