#future and present leo bonding time
thetacoshellturtle · 1 year
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The very first sketch actually very much inspired my fanfic And today, my brain decided it was a good time to turn it into a cute little comic Despite the fact that my astigmatism started acting up when I woke up I am definitely not going to regret that decision Hey, at least I made a wholesome little comic with future Leo and present Leo Yes this is supposed to be immediately after the invasion
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
I present to you: Cass, single-handedly healing each and every rottmnt movie angst thread since 2022
The intro left you craving for some future!Leo & Casey Jr bonding time? Now you have multiple comics making up for that and rubbing right in the fluff spot
Raph dies first? Well his organic body does, sure, but Donnie CAN do something about it and Casey Jr WILL have the joy to get to know the eldest turtle in person
Mikey ages exponentially fast, maybe due to the overuse of his crazy mystic warrior abilities in these times of war and desolation? NOT ON DONNIE'S WATCH he's gonna get that fabulous hair and skin condition back in no time at all just watch him
All in all I'm just grateful I get to read so much post-apocalypse content that is mostly comfort and shenanigans with just the right amount of silly and crazy. The family love is powerful in everything you do. Thank you!
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onejellyfishplease · 7 months
So if you dont mind me I was just going to ramble about my ideas surrounding This post.
long post!
... so it takes place in the far future, where humanity has mived on to live with the planet and live harmoniously (think solar punk). the reason for their success as a species can be traced back to these mysterious heroes, who have vanishes from the world and are now mostly regarded as myth.
the turtles themselves have aged weirdly. without the stress and tremendous pain of the apocalypse they do not seem to age like humans do. much like the Yokai they are based upon they find they have incredibly long lifespans.
and as they age, they move away from what ties them to being human.
they become mythic and ethereal.
I didnt have clear cut plans for most of them, but heres what i came up with:
Raph never stops growing, ever. while his brothers find suitable hights he gets ever taller. eventually he becomes too large to move about safely.
When this happens he voluntarily sinks into a deep sleep. his physical body becomes part of the landscape as the world carries on around him.
But Raph's not gone. he can still send out his projections, which without a close bond with his physical form become more and more abstract as time goes on and Raph becomes more separated from his physical body, still embedded in the landscape.
The locals call these forms their 'red angels' as they commonly lead lost children back home and protect wanderers from falling rock slides. they also look almost incomprehensible, their abstract forms overwhelming to the human eye, such a display of mystic power.
Donnie never stops working. his need to create insatiable. So he never stops. From the shadows he helps humans build their technology, expanding their collective knowledge with his own.
he pours his soul into his work.
his technology becomes inseparable from humanity.
and so does he.
Donnie's soul is present in every computer, interface, and screen. watching over humanity behind a curtain of coding.
hes spent so much time watching over humans and creating with them, that hes kind of... forgotten... what he last did with his body.
oh well. he can always build a new one.
Mikey never stops helping
Mikey has committed himself to the restoration of nature. during humanities growing pains a lot of the planet had been scarred by their errors.
So Mikey has been helping them fix it.
with the help of his mystic powers, which have evolved beyond all recognition, he twists the environment back to the health of its prime.
(large machines a big as skyscrapers aid him, purple light flooding their servers as they trudge through the landscape)
he gives so much of himself, so much of the light of his soul to nature that its started to give back. flowers grow where he stands, the wind ruffles his hair. he snores in whalesong. he can speak in the light trills of birds. the wind gales when he sneezes. and his scales become soft with moss
Leo has grown with the O'Neil bloodline. All his brothers startes distancing themselves from the family once April passed, unable to look at the faces of her descendants without being over come by grief. but Leo stays.
he looks the same as he did a thousand years ago.
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the-falling-star · 2 days
Astrology observation
All about your north node and your future spouse
Part 2
we will be starting by speaking about North node in the 8th house since it's a Scorpio ruled house deep meaningful love is seen here however the longevity of married life it's going to depend on your and future spouse healthy habits attitude towards life, for example you and your future spouse should do healthy diet or start eating vegetarian food also doing physical activity together will make the bond between you two stronger your future spouse is going to be loaded, financially speaking you will have a decent life with them you may even get inheritance after they die since the north note is two houses after your 7th house so it represents the second house of your future spouse chart your future spouse is one of the people who worked very hard to get what they want in life they're beginning wasn't really great so maybe this is a sign that when you meet your future spouse he will have the story about transformation from poverty to richness, your in-laws will play significant role in your married life this can cause some troubles because everybody's going to be in your business. Before getting into a relationship with any person you should pay attention to what they are hiding the eighth house is all about secrets and I know people who had their north node in their eighth House and after getting a relationship with someone they figured out that at the same time they had another girlfriend or a child they're hiding Etc so you need to pay attention to ask questions before you get married. Also your future spouse could have relationship to politics or military or work in it. You could meet your future spouse while doing research on a specific subject(cult, stock market, lawns).
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No let's talk about North node in your 10th house it is fourth houses from your 7th house which typically represent the fourth house in your future spouse chart and the fourth house is all about family the mother Homeland Etc so if future spouse is going to be family oriented person in some cases your mom will have a great relationship with either your future spouse or she will know the family if your future spouse already, your future spouse coul be working in their family business or maybe they took over their family, here's the twist the mother of your future spouse will have significant role in your marriage if their mother is present in their life you better know that they are their mommy child however if the mother is not present they will count on you acting like their mother they will search mother Love In you another thing this person could have a mom that is working hard since the day they were born and these kind of people will expect you to kind of be like their mom they want someone who wants to work and work hard if this is a woman you are looking for then this woman is counting on you working hard and if you are looking for men this man will want you to work hard ,they will want you to be independent, this person could live near you you may be me this person while you working , also the 10th house is relay is ruled naturally by Saturn so an older partner is seen of course if Saturn is not placed positively in your chart your future spouse could be younger than you however the way they think and the way they act is much older than their age.
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Now if your north node is in the 12th house you could have this type of love story when you hate your future spouse at first and then you fall in love with them your future spouse could have bullied you first, the 12th house is sixth house away from the 7th house so it represent the sixth house in your future spouse chart and it's not normally ruled by the sign of Leo therefore ruled by the Sun, The 6th house represent enemies, warriors, diseases and Etc when I'm getting is that your future spouse could have been through a huge transformation in their life for example you know these people who like overweight and they work hard at the gym to become healthy or these people who felt a lot with certain disease and then they got out of it Victorious, your partner will get your back and frankly your future spouse could be your soulmate they are intuitive and emotional, however the 12th house is the house of Hidden enemies so at some point your future spouse can get really annoyed with you and they may keep their anger to themselves to the point where they will explode on you so maybe try to talk about problems and not bottle them up, because obviously you don't want to be in marriage that can mess with your mental health. Your future spouse could be wearing in the health sector , therapist, artist , Physic or a policeman a fireman I mean they supposedly working to keep people safe.
Part 1
Do not Copy or rewrite my shit without asking for my permission.
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dandylovesturtles · 5 months
Top Ten Posts of 2023
I decided, why not? ^^
I'm limiting this to fics/analysis/headcanon/etc posts I made during the year and skipping over anything that isn't my actual creative work. That said, if you're curious, my actual top post was this funky screenshot from episode 2.
10. Everyone's just fine with Donnie modding the moon buggy? (362 notes)
It occurred to me that despite being MASSIVE nerds for the Jupiter Jim franchise, the bros seemed awfully chill with Donnie taking an actual on-set moon buggy and modding the hell out of it.
A few people argued with me in the notes that the Turtle Tank is so cool no one could possibly be mad about it and I do think that's fair. The Turtle Tank is easily my favorite thing Donnie made in the show.
9. Splinter and Leo talk post movie (443 notes)
And then his dad walks in and says, “I would like to talk to Blue, please. Alone.” And suddenly Leo doesn’t feel so good anymore.
This is the most recent tumblr fic I've done (I think lol), so seeing it make it this high felt pretty good. I love Splinter and his boys... they make me emotional.
8. A headcanon about the Disaster Twins (445 notes)
I have a headcanon that the twins are lowkey always trying to get each other to laugh.
This is still true.
7. A showcase of Donnie's injuries in End Game (462 notes)
So everyone talks about Donnie getting his shell shredded by the Shredder in Many Unhappy Returns but I feel like it’s underappreciated that that happened to him coming off of getting his ass beat in End Game like
One of the first posts I made when I made this blog haha. Poor Donnie |'D
6. Donnie records everything (617 notes)
broke: Donnie listening to what happened in the prison dimension woke: Donnie showing Raph Leo’s big damn hero speech since he wasn’t there the first time
The main reason why this has so many notes is because @roseverdict wrote a great fic down in the notes that you should all go read.
5. Leo asks Donnie a favor (829 notes)
“You might as well tell me what you need,” he says, turning to his computer and pulling up his list. “I’ll assess it and prioritize.” “No, no, that’s okay. It’s nothing,” Leo insists. “Nardo.” Donnie levels his best stare at him. “What is it?”
I love writing the Disaster Twins being soft and you guys love it when I write it too.
4. Present Donnie and Future Donnie have a little disagreement (CAS AU fic) (1,242 notes)
“What was I supposed to do, tie him to a chair?” “Yes!?” says Mini-him like he’s stupid, which warrants a scoff.
Shoutout to @skcirthinq who doodled a comic version of their conversation.
3. Casey Jr. and Uncle Tello troll Present Donnie (CAS AU fic) (1,701 notes)
Casey Jr, says Uncle Tello’s voice. Uncle Tello? Do you want to see something really funny?
This is my actual fic with the most notes! I'm glad you all enjoyed this silly little take on what was actually an incredibly intense moment in Cass's original comic.
2. Mikey contacts the Hamato ancestors (2,054 notes)
future Mikey: *trying to contact the spirits of the Hamato for advice and guidance in the apocalypse* Donnie’s spirit: Hello, you are now communing with Donatello.
I can't believe you guys gave over 2K notes to the stupidest joke I've ever made. Shoutout to @nonymous06 for this artist's rendition.
and finally, drum roll please.....
My top post of 2023:
1. A very silly idea for a separated AU (4,283 notes)
non-angsty ROTTMNT separated AU where the boys meet online and bond over their shared love of Jupiter Jim and skateboarding and Lou Jitsu. Then one day they agree to meet irl for the first time at a con and decide to dress as turtle aliens.
This post spawned an adorable fanart by @thatsmutbean , this hilarious fanart by @onionninjasstuff , and an entire fanfic called new phone who dis by @rbtlvr
This has been an incredible year! My love for ROTTMNT has not diminished in the slightest and I still have lots of ideas, so I hope you guys stick with me for 2024. Thanks again! Happy New Year!!
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tervaneula · 11 months
Hi! I'm Terv, welcome to my blog!
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How to turn off "Best stuff first" so you'll actually see my posts
Here's some handy-dandy info about my stuff. Might heavily edit this later because I'm nitpicky like that lmao, but anyway, here we go!
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Art tag: tervdraws Writing tag: tervdrabbles Personal tag: it's terv
Leonardo/Usagi tag: leoichi
AO3: katterv Pillowfort: tervaneula Bluesky: tervaneula
Commissions: Closed Ko-Fi: tervaneula Redbubble: tervaneula
❌ Do not repost or edit my art and writing! ❌
Trans Rights
A little piece about fandom etiquette
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My blog is a tcest & apritello & aprileo free zone.
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Latest NQK update
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Chapter 15: Bonds
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A list of my ROTTMNT related fics under the cut. Most of them are illustrated! 💜
General [9/?]
help me believe (that i'm your brother) (G)
The road to recovery has been long but finally, the brothers are well enough to introduce Future Boy to one of the most comforting of habits - the turtle pile. Unfortunately, Casey has some doubts about his place in their family.
please don't be a hero (again) (G) (part 1 of a series)
Donatello needs his coffee. Leonardo finds him first.
lean on me (i'm strong enough) (G) (part 2 of a series)
Leonardo needs to get better, be better. If not for himself, then for Michelangelo - his baby brother shouldn't worry about him as much as he does.
you make me proud, little brother (G) (part 3 of a series)
Raphael worries and Leo's quip goes wrong. However, it leads to an emotional turnaround neither of them saw coming.
a lesson in trust (G)
Leo feels guilty for getting Raph caught by the Krang and refuses to let go of that burden. His big brother isn't having it anymore.
not quite kintsugi, but close (G) (ongoing)
The plan is simple. If all else fails, Michelangelo will make a time gateway for Casey to undo what Leonardo, in his youthful arrogance, started all those years ago; it will require sacrifice, but they are ready for it. Until the moment comes, of course. Or, in other words - what if Future Leonardo and Michelangelo both end up in the present with Casey? Kintsugi (金継ぎ, "golden joinery") is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. (Wikipedia)
repeat until death (T) (Major Character Death)
A companion piece to Chapter 7 of not quite kintsugi, but close. Leonardo doesn't want to let go. In the end, as long as Donatello is concerned, he never did.
Cold Feet (G)
Leonardo is enjoying his lazy morning… until a certain human teenager disrupts his peace.
some boys do lay eggs (T)
Leonardo is just about to fall asleep when the weight of a body thuds against the side of his bed, startling him awake, but not awake enough to shake him out of the heaviness of near slumber. “Whassit,” he mumbles, sticking his hand out from his blankets and feeling about until his fingers touch the edge of a hard shell. Ah, he recognises the shape – it’s Leo. “...are we boys?” 
sleepless (G)
Leo is so, so tired and goes to his dad. Splinter thinks up a plan to put into motion in the morning - but it seems that he's already helping.
Leoichi (Rise x Usagi Chronicles) [6/?]
with friends like these (G) (part 2 of a series)
Meeting up with his old friends and introducing his new boyfriend to them certainly hadn't been in Yuichi's plans for the day - but it turns out to have been a welcome surprise later when it helps him realise something important about his own feelings.
make your home in me (E) (part 4 of a series)
Click the link to read the summary!
world's end boyfriend (T) (AU)
Leonardo lost Yuichi to the apocalypse almost exactly five years ago. It's now been a year since he, Michelangelo and Casey made their impossible portal trip to the present day, successfully preventing the Krang invasion this time - so imagine Leonardo's surprise when his little brother tells him that they're going to rescue his mate. They only have one chance.
and just like that (T) (ongoing) (part 1 of a series)
What was supposed to be a simple shopping trip to the Hidden City turns into an embodiment of a romcom when Leonardo runs into an unfamiliar white rabbit. Or more accurately, the rabbit's dining table.
soft bunny, warm bunny, little ball of— uh oh (G) (part 3 of a series)
Leonardo feels so lucky. He has the world's softest boyfriend who doesn't mind being treated like a giant teddy bear! Too bad it made him forget something very important.
breathe (and let go) (M) (part 5 of a series)
Leonardo needs a break from his… everything, and Yuichi is always more than happy to indulge him.
cracks never healed (they can heal now) (T)
Their plans for a nice date go awry when Leonardo and Yuichi run into a giant rampaging robot. It's swiftly dealt with, but not without a price.
well worth the wait (G)
Hana has been worried about her adoptive father's new relationship. Yuichi puts those worries to rest.
And that's it! For now. <3
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thescribblings · 4 months
Long post ahead! I type a lot .^.
Here's a lil something I've spent some time on! I'm definitely nearing my goal of being able to draw comics! .^.
However, keep in mind that I'm very much an amateur artist, so there will be imperfections😅.
Here, I've drawn a lot of new (and scary) poses, expressions, perspectives, and clothes! I never draw clothes! I've also never even tried to draw them in the same clothes from different perspectives like this before. I also mainly draw without references
And i know i know, it's always better with references but i always just get distracted while looking for a good reference and most of the time i give up before i even find one and just draw it without anyways, lol
Rant over now! Promise
Here's a page I've been working on non-stop for literal days. It was a lot of fun! And it helped me try out a new art style :]
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Individual pictures and context under the cut! i will be referring to future leo as nardo or leonardo, and present leo as, well, leo!
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Here we have the doodle that started it all! I did use a cat as a reference, and i personally found that hilarious
Anyways, leonardo is being held like the cat that he is. Meanwhile, leo is held next to him vibing, not a thought behind those eyes
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✨️co-existing✨️(with iced coffee)
They decided to have a day of leo to leo Bonding and got iced coffee for the occasion, probably spending some time clothes shopping and going equally crazy over a random article of clothing with a unicorn on it
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This one has a bit more story behind it, they went on a day outing with the fam, nardo had grabbed a map of the city and they decided to stray from the group to explore, and they quickly got lost.
Leonardo helped leo get on his shoulders to see if there were any familiar landmarks around, and while leo enjoyed being roughly 12 feet tall, nardo texted the others asking where they were and looked around the area.
(Shirts lovingly made by mikey)
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Entirely lost, leonardo decided to ask a pair of yokai ladies for directions. They turned out to be extremely helpful, one of them pointing out where on the map they were and where the landmark raph had sent them is.
Meanwhile, some backstory here: ever since leonardo had stopped staying in the lair 24/7 and actually started coming with when the others went out, leo had become an expert at keeping flirtatious yokai of all shapes sizes and genders away from his eldest brother
Leo noticed one of the yokai women was trying to make a move on him and stepped between her and nardo, making for a hilarious scene when he told her to stay away from his clearly adult brother
Leonardo is entirely oblivious as to the amount of yokai that find him attractive, which is exactly how leo wants it to be, for some reason
It's even funnier with the fact that leonardo is, in fact, very gay.
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They thanked the yokai (leo doing that gesture where you point at your eyes then at the person as an unspoken "i got my eyes on you" behind nardo's back) then stepped away from the crowd and planned when and where everyone would meet up (they quickly decided on a food spot that accommodated everyones needs, and they had often gone there for lunch or early dinner in the past)
While they waited, the two decided to browse some stores, window shop etc.
Leonardo bought himself a backpack and proceeded to purchase knickknacks, snacks, and gifts for the fam, including some that he snuck in there for leo without the teen noticing (he was the greatest ninja the world had ever seen, once, after all)
While nardo walked, leo was chatting away happily on his shoulders, the elders tail wagging along as well, especially when leo told a pun or two, once a leo, always a leo. (Leonardo chipped in with some puns as well)
(leonardo personally believes his tail is pretty damn useless since it's so short. He has stated, "The only thing it's good for is waggin' " in the past. However, the rest of the fam think that's a perfectly adequate reason to have a tail)
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They spent the entire day out having fun and walked around with just a handfull of breaks, so i think it's safe to say they'd be pretty drained by the time they got home
On another note, nardo being a war veteran and all that, I'm not 100% sure how that works but i like to imagine he'd get rather overwhelmed by all the crowds, different smells and loud noises (in other words overstimulation) so i think he'd be WAY more drained than everyone else by the end of the day (save for maybe mikey, i bet he'd be pretty drained too)
Either way, nardo basically just flopped onto the nearest plush surface and went out like a light while everyone else went to bed like regular people. This is a common occurrence after long, exhausting days
But sometimes...
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Sometimes he dents the floor
(Bonus doodles)
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I don't even know why this came to be, but it did
Thank you for reading!
Have nice day
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sincerely-vinyl · 1 year
Yandere Turtles headcanons pt 2
Content contains: mentions of drugging, lack of consent, peer pressure, creepy behavior, kidnapping, aggressive behavior, post kranng invasion, post- movie content, yandere Turtles.
@alcides, thanks again for the permission! This was fun to write!
A new member was added to the Hamato clan shortly after the invasion ended. You were one of the clan members that weren't hurt too badly, just a couple of scrapes and bruises that could have been easily taken care of. You weren't going to lie. You liked it when you weren't the most fragile one in the house anymore, even if it was temporarily.
When they got better, it really did get worse. They were more set on shielding you—and now Casey—from the world. They were hurt badly, and yet, they took your minor scrapes as even more reason to treat you like you were so incapable of protecting yourself.
…but you finally weren't the only one getting this treatment anymore! Of course, you felt bad for Casey. He grew up in the apocalypse, and he knew how to fight. His master Leonardo taught him, so getting patronized by a younger version of his dad–Sensei probably wouldn't sit well with the future boy.
For Casey, it started by them insisting for him to stay with all of you. I mean, where else would he go in a world that doesn't know he exists?
When he started living with you all, you and him bonded instantly, he knew you from his future, as one of the greatest fighters in the resistance, you had great resilience when it came to survival, and you were always kind towards others, your unbridled wrath reserved just for the Kraang.
The turtle's would go with you on missions whenever they possibly could, attempting to protect you from everything they possibly could. but when they couldn't, you really shined on the field.
Back in the present time, the Hamato's themselves had become very acquainted with Casey, and unfortunately for him, that meant he was trapped with you all forever, you didn't mind of course, it was nice to have someone in your life who didn't worry over you all the time, and being stuck in the house while the rest of the family got to do some fun missions.
You both would have cleaning parties and hobby discoveries with each other (mostly for Casey).
Raph, the cuddly giant he is, still interrupted your sleep schedule, but it was somehow worse now?
It would be more likely for you to wake up to him staring at you looking like some sleep paralysis demon in the night. And since you and Casey would eventually share a room, he would wake up too, being the light sleeper he was.
Raph and Casey… never really got along. They never fought or anything. They were just hella awkward. Casey treated all of the turtles with the respect of parental aged elders, and with Raph, he treated him like a respected professor. It bums out Raph that he can't connect with the younger teen.
Casey still had the issue with calling the turtle's 'Master', and it still had an effect on Leo, even if he had toned down a bit after the invasion. Maybe he felt a sense of importance when Casey would slip up. You never knew, Leo the stubborn shit he was, never talked about his issues with his family.
Casey would also become a victim of kidnapping by Leo. You would try to keep the poor boy company, but sometimes Leo wouldn't even let you in. something about personal bonding time with his future self's son.
Donnie would come around to warm up to Casey, and when he did, it could have been the best day of your life. With Donnie, walking on eggshells when you're by yourself was horrific, especially with him. But with Casey here with you, it was slightly less horrific.
His attention would also seek Casey's approval as well, and luckily for Casey, he was already interested in whatever Donnie invented. The outcome with Donnie keeping you both in the room together was likely to have the same cause, either Leo keeping you or him or both of you for the longest in his portal dimension, or because he 'wanted to keep you safe' from your brothers
Mikey loves Casey! Another sibling to hang out with and taste his cooking. He would often have you and Casey over in his room playing some sort of game or doing some art activity, or other times, asking for help in the kitchen. What you come to learn about Mikey is that when he asks you to do something, it’s usually an unsaid order, giving a certain look when denied
_ _ _
“Hey, do you guys wanna help me in the kitchen?”
“Um, no thanks Mikey,”
“Why not.” A statement, not a question
“...Nevermind, we’ll help.”
_ _ _
Even when you didn't want to, Mikey always got what he wanted. One of the unsaid punishments you would receive would be Mikey hiding drugs like rohypnol in your snacks when he would bring some to you both after you and / or Casey refused to hang out with him.
You wouldn’t be doing anything else without him now.
♤ ♤ ♤
Part one
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starrymothastrology · 21 days
Mercury entering Taurus in 2024: what it means for the signs
Aries: Mercury has been going back and forth between your sign for a couple months now, which has caused a lot of reflection on how you want to be seen. Finally, it's time to turn the page. You'll likely start to feel like you've, at last, got the green light to explore and show your self worth. With Mercury moving through your money zone, you may gain a slew of ideas related to work, whether it's new ideas for your workplace, or the desire to research some side hustles.
Taurus: After two years with Mercury in your spirituality zone, you'll finally be able to present those ideas you've been preparing that whole time. You'll be in your element in terms of communication, feeling more keen to put yourself out there and be more assertive to your needs, desires and perspective. If you've been thinking about rebranding, now's the perfect time to think about your next move and start.
Libra: Mercury will be moving into your spirituality zone, so you may not feel the energy to stay on your grind.; you'll likely feel more inclined to step back, relax, and prioritize restorative and mindful activities such as meditation, journaling and long walks. It may seem strange to suddenly want to have some alone time, but giving yourself that break will be restorative and bolster communication in June.
Cancer: Mercury will be moving through your networking zone, which means you have the clearing to join forces with friends and colleagues to fulfill a shared goal. As a result, not only will you feel more connected with those involved, you will also feel more seen and appreciated for your skills. This sector also oversees long-term aspirations, so if you've had a goal in mind for years, it'll be a great time to strategize your approach to turn your dreams into reality.
Leo: Those 2 months where Mercury was in your higher-learning zone may be about to pay off, as Mercury is taking a trip through your career sector. You may find yourself immersed in conversations and research projects related to your professional goals. This is your time to try for some extra responsibility, a leadership position, or the opportunity to take the reins on a large-scale endeavor.
Virgo: It's time to spread your wings and soar, because Mercury is going through your adventure zone! You'll likely be feeling compelled and even empowered to learn something new and venture out someplace eye-opening. If you've been wanting to travel, this will be the best time to do so, and even if that's not in the cards, make a point to add some fun, eye-opening experiences, such as a museum, festival, or even a concert.
Libra: Mercury is heading into your emotional bonds zone. You may find yourself getting irritated by small talk because of cravings for deep, intimate communication; this is a time where you will feel a desire to build on intimacy you share with your loved ones. These meaningful conversations will also be great for gathering information related to shared financial goals (whether it's financial planning for a vacation or saving for a future home).
Scorpio: Mercury will be lighting up your partnership sector, which will enhance one-on-one communication with friends, loved ones, and even coworkers. You may notice a boost in business negotiations, and feel more readily available to communicate on goals. However, since Taurus is a fixed sign (like yours), you may find yourself a bit more stubborn. This will serve as a good time period to foster your adaptability.
Sagittarius: Mercury is in your daily routine zone, as well as your sector of wellness. You may find yourself with more energy to get on your everyday hustle, and fueled to take care of business that was previously put on-hold. However, even with all that productivity, try not to burn yourself out. This will be a key month to, in the midst of your grind, find time to check out some mind-body practices.
Capricorn: It's time to get dreamy; Mercury is going through your romance and self-expression sector. You may find yourself feeling more lighthearted, playful and creative. Allow yourself to give in to those creative impulses and start an art project, and embrace spontaneity when making plans with loved ones and friends, for this is a beautiful time to connect with them.
Aquarius: Mercury is making its way through your home zone, and you'll finally get to get the ball rolling on important conversations with family members. Be aware, though, that during tough discussions, you may find yourself and/or your loved ones digging their heels in on certain topics, since the messenger is in a fixed sign (as are you). Ultimately, though, there's a good chance you will find common ground and make strides in tackling home projects.
Pisces: Mercury is going through your communication sector, so your social life, energy and desire to learn will be through the roof. You may be itching to pick up a new skill, or wanting to talk in great lengths about your interests with friends and loved ones, possibly even thinking about some short-distance traveling (like a little road trip). Tap into that abundance of energy by taking on a variety of interesting experiences - even if it's back-to-back - as it could lead to some great growth experience.
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rec list part 2! (last updated: 10/22/23)
this time it's one shots! here's the link to the multi chapter rec list
and again, if you know the tumblr url of anyone i missed, let me know!
One shots
awake to eyes like your eyes (to hands that fit in your hands)
Leo has a tough time after a nightmare, but Raph will always be there for him.
starting off with a good one! god i care them so much. raph and leo hours post movie it is EVERYTHING i needed
Chiquitita (Or, The Complicated Art Of Forgiving Yourself)
Future Leo and Leo have a conversation about repentance.
oooohhhh my god this is like. so satisfying somehow. self forgiveness is a bitch but sometimes you look at the version of you who fucked everything up and realize just how small he is and it's. yeah. yeah
entangled, inseparable (the dark and the light; the sun and the night)
The twins get cursed by a body-swap spell.
i mean. yeah. yeah. body swap is one of my all time fave things and this one is REAL good. they are So Twins my god the BULLYING. AND there's mind meld which is another big time fave of mine it Does Not get better than this
Fibonacci (me again)
Leo is six when he (and his brothers) finally get their birthdays.
yeah yeah another one of my own fics But Anyway more twin hours (surprising absolutely no one) it's literally just fluff
I bend the definition of faith (@siliconforbrains)
In which Michelangelo refuses to leave his brother to die, and Leonardo somehow ends up in the body of his 16-year-old self. This changes everything and nothing at the same time.
god. god. this fic is incredible. wailing on the floor. super interesting take on the 'future leo goes back in time' idea too tbh
in my hour of weakness, you were there to see my courage fail (@stardustcoral)
Leo has a certified Bad Time™. His brothers help.
mostly focused on leo and raph but the others are there too at the end and Good God my heart. i can't explain why it's just so like . cathartic?? augh. legit made me cry which, let me tell you, does Not happen that often with fics
the carol that you sing (right within your heart) (@stardustcoral)
Donnie gives Leo quite the shocking gift: emotional vulnerability! Oh, and a battle-shell. Amongst other things.
disaster twins fluff my BELOVED. absolutely adorable post movie christmas fic i love them so much
The Kindness of Collision
One by one, in the timeline that ended the world, the Hamato family dies--and wakes up, somewhere kinder. One by one, in a timeline that saved the world, the Hamato family wakes up and remembers exactly how much they could have lost.
augh. UAGHH. i am SUCH a sucker for 'present turtles get memories from future turtles' in ANY form good god. them. the them
The 'KYS' Incident
Raph doesn't know how to use acronyms. This causes issues.
SORRY THIS ONE IS JUST. SO FUNNY. literally just what it says on the tin. if you know you know
Though the Truth May Vary (@kattythingz)
April is a big sister first and foremost, and copes with the End of the World™ accordingly. Leo is a little brother two-point-five-fourths of sometimes, and copes with his sister's coping accordingly.
THE RARE AND ELUSIVE APRIL + LEO DUO MY BELOVED... this bitch has it all - sibling bonding! post movie healing! april kicking ass and taking names! leo being his usual incredibly stubborn self until he gets through to her about how amazing she is! magical girl transformation! other spoilery things! what more could you want?
“Thanks, Donnie!” He said brightly, his other brothers chiming in with their own thanks after him. Donnie flapped his hands and giggled, making Leo clutch his new present tighter. Donnie did love them, and this was the proof.
YESSSS DONNIE GIFT GIVING LOVE LANGUAGE REAL!!! super sweet and in character i love it so much
Twins Don't Need to Have Logic
Leo stopped calling them 'twins' years ago and thought Donnie would've been grateful for that... Little does he know how his brother actually feels.
look i know i KNOW a lot of these are disaster twins focused but i'm just. so soft for them. anyway donnie secretly referring to leo as his twin my beloved
Worth it for the Laughter
Leo is absolutely certain that Donnie stole his teeth to use for science. Or maybe that's just the post-surgery painkillers talking.
leo gets his wisdom teeth out and says absolutely nothing embarrassing or incriminating whatsoever i prommy <3
your fears are all true (@remedyturtles)
'Donnie bring me toast.' A long pause. Leo felt an impression of confusion, then comprehension. Donnie sent back, 'Did you seriously just mind meld with me to request breakfast in bed?'
this fic has EVERYTHING. disaster twins? check. mind melding? check. existential dread? check. i love it here
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Au idea, Leosagi x2 Au or Get your Cake and Eat it AU
Say Future Leo, refered to as Sensei or Leonardo-san was sent back with Casey but was put into a coma waking up a week after the Krang invasion. To celebrate Present Leo, refered to as Leo or Leo-kun, takes them all to Run of the Mill Pizza. Leo mentioneds since the Krangs gone he can finally make his move on this cute waiter he saw the week before the invasion. Sensei recalls that memory and adds " I never saw him after that."
Usagi Yuichi just started his new job at the Pizza Place after Lord Kogane banished him for "not being of anymore use" after the resolution of the Yokai and Alien threat. So he moved to the hidden city a week before the invasion. During the "mystic blackout" Miyamoto Usagi was released, revealing that afters sealing the Yokai, Miyamoto was sealed away in the mystic yoyo since he "stabbed" the Ki stone. Now free and readjusted to corporeal life he is invited by Yuichi to find work at Run Up the Mill, Miyamoto interpreting it as find a bodyguard job while hanging out at the restaurant.
"Hueso-san, I.. uh got back in contact with my estranged dad. And I want him to work here so we can... Father/son bond at work." While Yuichi gives his cringe explanation to Señor Hueso, Someone catched Miyamoto's eye.
Sensei, upon seeing his younger self trying to flirt with Yuichi, starts to resign to the fact He and his younger self are now different people, leading different lives as he sees Leo do things he gave up on years ago. In that moment is when he sees Miyamoto walking to his table.
Tldr it's a Future!Leo x Miyamoto and a Present!Leo x Yuichi.
In this au Miyamoto and Sensei Leo are around the same age* (I'm seeing Miyamoto "I regret not spending as much as the fleeting time i had with my son, Jotaro" Usagi and Hamato "my timeline is erased and I'm a single father" Leonardo angst.)
*Miyamoto can be older, if he had exp as a samurai he's definitely older than 30.
And Leo and Yuichi are the same age and are going to deal with the fact they is technically their own grandpa. I'm kidding but there is angst on them feeling at fault for their own Alien invasions and not living up to expectations.
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generation1point5 · 1 year
In the dark times, should the stars also go out?
Having now played through both Adastra and Echo, I can certainly imagine the reasons why Howly took a break from the latter to create the former, and why the former was finished first. Adastra, being the more positive of the two visual novels, is a nearly perfect inverse of the setting that two of the principal characters of Echo find themselves. It is not difficult for me to imagine the gut-wrenching tragedy of Leo and Chase to be the catalyst for which a tale of where the Amicus as the Wolf BoyfriendTM does, in fact, come to fruition. But Adastra cannot be reduced to a simple escape fantasy. It has complexity and disquieting considerations of its own, and shows that new worlds come with new, equally weighty implications.
I come to the conclusion that the parallels of Echo and Adastra begs the following question; what makes love possible?
Spoilers below; have a readmore.
Leo had known and grown up with Chase in his formative childhood years all the way up into high school, his amicable dynamic with him turning amorous as he hit adolescence. When he discovered that Chase was also gay and that his feelings were reciprocated, it was a dream come true before his eyes, a happiness that fulfilled his wildest hopes. And that love truly drove him wild, even to the end of his own sanity. The love that was given to him, and what he gave in turn was a curse as much as it was a gift. It was too ideal, too precious, for neither he nor Chase had the means or the maturity to maintain the relationship in its everyday practice, and so it slipped from Leo’s grasp. In the years following their separation, Leo’s socioeconomic conditions deteriorate, and he finds himself in a slowly worsening situation where he is on the verge of being completely isolated in his loneliness and depression, lessening his ability to sustain his own future (much less a future with Chase). He is a man with a lot of past, little present, and almost no future. Is it at all surprising that he would do anything, sacrifice everything, to get the past back?
Marco, by contrast, has no awareness of the greater space faring furries occupying the larger galaxy. He is well-off enough to be studying abroad, and as far as the introduction states, did not seem to have anything romantic on his mind when Amicus abducted him as part of a broader plan by the Parents to integrate humanity into the space-faring furry community, Galaxias. Marco and Amicus’ relationship was, for all intents and purposes, match-made by forces entirely external to their own will, and yet for their time spent getting to know and bond with each other, their relationship works out as the Parents intend. Despite the externality of the circumstances that drove them together, this thought ultimately matters less to them than the love itself that had blossomed between them. Regardless of the intentions and end-game of the Parents that engineered the situation, the idea of letting go of their love for one another to be free of that influence is out of the question. For Amicus and Marco, love alone is worth the fight. 
The one commonality between the two pairings is the period of time where the couple are apart from one another. In the three years that Chase had separated from him, he had begun to move on from Leo and his past, and found himself in a much healthier place than he had in Echo. Leo, armed only with the happiness of his memories, had all the reasons in the world to keep fighting for what he had with Chase, but his own failings and the world of Echo conspired against him to make their reunion as a couple an impossibility. Even if Chase should reciprocate, the worst of Leo’s impulses and Echo’s influence come together to produce a horrific outcome. There is no future with Leo and Chase; while their personal flaws make the possibility of their love fulfilled an already difficult proposition, the circumstances they’re plunged into forbid any attempt to overcome themselves and make it work. It could happen only in the next world, for new people. It is too late for them as they are. 
But now let us consider the pair in Adastra: Amicus and Marco had, by all metrics, no means or reason to have been brought together, and yet when the Parents conspired to engineer the conditions for it to happen, it ended up working out. Armed with the Parents intervention, not even Marco dying (twice!) stopped the two from being able to pursue their love from one another. This is the exact inverse of Chase and Leo’s circumstances; it is because of the external factors that Amicus and Marco’s love is possible. Marco and Amicus had been brought into a new world, were made into new people. Even though their separation is for longer, the 8 years spent apart is spent in hope, rooted in the knowledge that there are forces working to keep them together. Their happiness is preserved not only for their feelings for one another, but because their circumstances are also well-aligned.
When I finished Adastra, I was happy for Marco and Amicus, even as I had reservations with the Parent’s influence. There was a hope and a future planned; not so with Echo. From the beginning, it was all but certain that Leo would never find what he looked for. Despite all his striving, and indeed because of it, he had lost it all, and will never find it again. His future happiness will always be found elsewhere, in new places and with new people. When comparing the two, the difference that external circumstances make on our internal development, for things like love and relationships to be possible, is a striking one. Taken together, Echo and Adastra become a powerful argument for the truth of dialectical materialism in everyday lives, highlighting the existential tug between the circumstances we are helpless to alter and how our own choices are often limited by them. It invites readers to look at the broader patterns and structures that govern our everyday lives, and to consider how we approach our actions not as mere individuals, but as a collective in a complicated, vast, ever-changing world.
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nani-nonny · 3 months
Remember the question about; what would the peepaw react to the sister with koorky personality? In WSD you said he would ask his ghost sister but what if she wasn't there to begin with?
Like in this scenario; in WSD's time, before the kraang invasion an argument/fight broke between the sister and her brothers (especially WSD leo because maybe the leader talk?) Resulting to her leaving the lair to cool off only for it to be the last time seeing her.
In the kraang invasion years the sister were missing, no one saw her, nobody knows if she's alive or dead and after leo saw his ghost brothers he didn't see his ghost sister nor his ghost brothers did. Making him believe she somehow is either in kraang invasion still suffering or she died young and now in afterlife.
How would the WSD leo and ghost brothers react towards the little sister in present time?
Oh, so they reunited but separated amidst the war and never saw her again? And then they don’t see her in WDS F!Leo’s mystic core with the ghost siblings?
Hmm… then I would suppose they believe that she severed her bond with the Hamato clan. They wouldn’t be able to feel whether or not she is with the Hamatos or if she is still alive in the future branch, fighting the losing battle against the krang.
The thought would linger in their minds, and F!Mikey would do everything in his power to actually pinpoint where she is, but it would be even more difficult if she truly broke off all ties to the Hamato—including the Hamato ninpo. F!Mikey would possibly endanger F!Leo and reignite that near-death mystic fiasco searching for someone who might not be there.
It would more than likely lead to a dangerous trip back to the future branch… and the rest is all up to possibility that I don’t feel like driving off towards at the moment lol
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plantdonutwrites · 1 year
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💙 tmnt vday prompts · week 01 · leomin (leo x min-ji)
hello! it’s me again and i am PARTICIPATING and talking about ocs and ships and things I seldom ever talk about in public. WELL. here goes nothing.
1. in which tmnt universe does your pairing exist?
the 2003 animated series, also known as the series that has my entire heart.
2. introduce us to your otp.
well, you guys already know leo, of course. but this young lady here is min-ji seong! she’s a korean-american high school student who lives in new york city. she’s a pianist, but she also writes songs and plays the acoustic guitar. when she was eleven, she was in the subway when a bombing ‘incident’ happened and lost half of her left arm; she now has a cybernetic prosthetic. she’s a warm and empathetic person with a dash of trauma and skittishness.
3. how did they meet?
it’s a whole... thing, but they meet when leo and his brothers investigate the foot going into a building one night that ended up being min-ji’s aunt’s boutique, and she was working the closing shift when she was attacked and was either going to be abducted or murdered by the foot soldiers. you know the drill, though: our boys show up, take some names and beat up the bad guys, and the day is saved. for the moment, anyway. min-ji ended up being in the foot’s and the purple dragon’s cross hairs by no fault of her own... but that’s a story for another time.
4. how is the relationship now?
after upwards of two years of being friends (and pining), they eventually start dating and for the most part is great and wholesome and cute and very healthy. they’re very insightful and attentive to one another and feel safe in each other’s company. they both have their traumas and shortcomings, but fortunately are pretty good communicators, so any bigger issues between them are often immediately addressed and short lived.
5. what is each other’s love language?
words of affirmation and quality time are very big for the both of them, in both receiving and giving. acts of service is also present in the two of them, but not as prominent.
6. do they get married or have any kids?
no and no. the future is pretty uncertain, especially since min-ji has ambitions of becoming a professional musician of some kind, and who knows where that will take her. but for now they have each other and are fully committed to that, and that’s enough.
7. what is your favorite thing about this pairing? (gush as much as you want!)
oh, THIS is going under a cut.
leo got to be a first person witness in min-ji's growth and healing with her low self esteem, self worth, and also her traumas. and he is so, so proud of her and genuinely feels honored that he's gotten to be a part of her life and see her overcome obstacles of all kinds. he admires her inner strength and how all of her experiences haven't left her cold (like it had once done to him). She is continuously recovering from past experiences, learning how to defend herself and stand up for herself, and shows kindness to people even when they don't deserve it. not to mention she bonds significantly with his family--becoming close friends with raph, being a beam of support for don, and being silly with mikey and occasionally indulging in his mischief and playfulness. he appreciates that she cares deeply for his family and he wishes he could get to know her family in the same way.
on min-ji's part: when they first met and during the period of time where they were still getting to know one another, leo (intentionally or unintentionally) offered min-ji a lot of stability and a sense of safety that she didn't have in her life for a while, and she clutched onto it for dear life. she has always found him to be a calming, but strong presence, who was always gentle and hyper aware of her mood and her verbal and physical expressions of emotions and thoughts, which was like a breath of fresh air for her. min-ji finds leo easy to talk to and express herself with, even with difficult or embarrassing topics. learning more about his and his family’s past (especially with what happened at the end of season 3 and throughout the first half of season 4) made her even more sympathetic to them, and she admires how he was able to heal from those events as well. all in all, they’ve had intense roads to individual recovery and they found one another along the way, which is beautiful.
thanks for reading! 💙
· tmnt vday prompts
· tmnt otp meme
· art by @redstringraven​ (used with permission, thankie muchly)
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aviryllis · 1 year
just realized i can talk as much as i want on tumblr? wow?? time to seize this opportunity to talk abt polyneed.
anyway i have this au-not-au in my head where its basically canon compliant but i take what crumbs we have in canon and fucking run with them and think extensively about an in-depth theoretical backstory for leoni that makes them feel more... "real"? in a sense? grounded, i mean.
i feel like their backstory, as it stands now in the main story, really only serves as leverage—a means to an end—for the events of the present (i particularly have grievances over how shiho and honami's fallout happened T_T) but i don't hold it against the writers perhaps because it's solely an issue of: really, there's only so much information that you can fit within 20 episodes of a main story.
i dont really mind that their backstory is somewhat vague, because its undeniable that leoni's story focuses on how they move forward /together/ once reunited, with clarity and renewed purpose between them. they reach for the future together, knowing that they wont ever leave the others behind again! in other words, their past is not necessarily the focal point of their present.
but... nonetheless, in subsequent key stories, we only ever look at how leo/need felt abhorrently Bad and Awful and Sad without each other during that middle school period, but we never rlly elaborate on /what/ exactly was the reason why they felt so horrible without each other.
it's like a chain of questions and answers: why did they miss each other so much? -> it's because they had a reason to love each other -> so what was that reason? what made them bond so intimately, that for three years, a life without the others was unbearable?
in essence: since theyre marketed entirely for their bittersweet yearn for the past and how they're finally together once more, it's /extremely/ compelling to extrapolate something more intimate and heartfelt and wax poetic from what little we have already. SO i did that. with To The Left. because i wanted to.
TL;DR: thinking about it, this was an extremely long and convoluted way to say i created a little more backstory for leoni cause i wanted to.. bahah T_T curses to poeticism, you never get to the point within 500 words.
also, i attached my initial art of the au, but i want to draw more when i have more time... :)
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thewittyphantom · 1 year
I got another Z-one event in Duel Links, the final one so far!
Yusei: Z-one! You can’t save the future if you’re willing to sacrifice millions of lives! Don’t just think about the people of your era! We need to find a better way to save everyone - both in the future and the present! Z-one: There can be no salvation without sacrifice. The goal you speak of is impossible. Yusei: Can this future of yours be as wonderful as you claim? Destroying the Ener-D Reactor won’t make people more compassionate. A true peace is achieved by changing hearts for the good - not through destruction. If you allow the world to be destroyed now, the future will be destroyed as well! You know I’m speaking the truth, Z-one! Z-one: ............!! Yusei: I promise to protect both our eras! I know I can because I found a new path ahead of me! But to get there I need to break my boundaries - which I can’t do on my own! I need my friends to help me! They make everything I do possible! The friendship within Team 5Ds is what gives me strength! Jack! Crow! Akiza! Leo! Luna! Bruno! Let’s forge our bonds to save the future! Jack: Yusei!! Crow: Yusei!! Akiza: Yusei!! Leo: Yusei!! Luna: Yusei!! Antinomy: Yusei!! Yusei: I’ll rev it up to blast through my limitations! The stars unite to brighten the future! Form the road of light! Limit Over Accel Synchro! The evolution of light! Shooting Quasar Dragon! Z-one! This is the symbol of our friendship! This is Team 5Ds! Z-one: Limit Over...Accel Synchro? This was never written in the history books... Yusei: Ready, everyone! Antinomy: Go!! Jack: Shooting Quasar Dragon! Leo and Luna: Attack the Timelord! Akiza: From the dawn of time! Crow: The Burst of Creation! Z-one: Aaaaaaagh! I am the last survivor of humanity...I am the one who had to suffer for very long! I have the right to change history! Yusei: No you don’t, Z-one! No one has that right! If you’re telling the truth about the future, then maybe there is no hope for mankind. But that depends on the choices we make now, and you have no right to take that away from us! Every person on the planet has the potential to change the future. You need to believe in us! Z-one: I don’t have time for that! This potential you speak of...You will learn that it’s meaningless! Witness my true power! The essence of all! Beyond the light of the Timelords lies the true secret. Where emptiness transforms into the infinite! I Special Summon Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord! You will learn...Just how powerless you are!
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