#fucked up how easy it is to like ruin your body tho i gotta say
needsmustleap · 8 months
sending strength to rachel zegler bc the hate she's been getting is FUCKING wild jesus christ. the comments on her latest youtube video????? it's been wild to see them change as more ppl beyond her subscribers have watched it.... it's just so fucked
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sluttsumu · 3 years
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pairing: atsumu x f!reader
warnings: 🔞, hate sex, choking, cheating, emotional sex?
a/n: i literally wrote this drabble at six am listening to wicked games by the weekend it’s based off of the line “bring your love, baby i can my shame”, it started as hate sex and turned into a breaking relationship trying to fix itself. i’m really happy with how it turned out tho, my word choices are a1.
tagging: @hqmafia
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“God you’re so fucking toxic” you say harshly, nails clawing deeper into his back.
“Yer no better than me” He grunts snapping his hips harder and deeper into your cunt, making his tip purposefully hit your cervix, maybe that’ll shut you up. The sound of the headboard profusely hitting the wall from taking out your anger on one another, profanities escape both you and Atsumu’s lips at an alarming rate though the two of you never wanting to actually hurt each other.
“I fucking hate you.” You moan out of breath from the intensity, in reality neither one of you were better than the other both terrible people who aspire to use your lust as your way to cope with life issues. “Shut up, shut the fuck up, now.” His hand around your throat, gripping tighter and tighter only for you to conjure up a slick smile exactly like the one he wore “Harder bitch.”
“Yeah? Is that whatcha want ya fuckin’ slut? You’d like that wouldn’tcha ?” The angrier he got the thicker his dialect which you used to love. The senile expression behind your eyes drove him crazy, nobody had ever dared to test his patience so much so to the point of anger. Your body barely knew what to focus on, his degradation or the way his cock was splitting you in two, fucking you into a state painful bliss.
Atsumu’s grip on your throat didn’t let up, air slowly being sucked away from you, making your eyes role back causing him to quickly remove it making you gasp, tears brimming in your eyes. “Don’t pass out on me I’ve gotta cum too princess” he smirks, looking down on you triumphantly. Two fingers enter your mouth pressing down firmly preventing anymore snarky comments from you.
“ ‘m not your fucking princess” The words leaving your mouth sound like a jumbled mess as you attempt to speak around his fingers, fighting the temptation to bite them off. His saliva coated fingers leave your mouth to now messily rub on your clit, causing your body to scream for him that much louder.
“’Tsumu why did you do that” You mewl wrapping your legs around his back, trapping him from pulling away from you “I said ‘m sorry baby” No matter how much he apologized nothing but arguments began to arise from you both. It hurt more and more knowing he did it while he loved you “What did she have that I didn’t?” Your voice breaks mildly, holding back a flood of tears you’ve held captive through anger for too long.
“She was, fuck— easy, she was fuckin’ easy” He gritted through his teeth in regret of drinking too much that night, he too was holding back tears, tears of guilt in which he broke something so perfect, you. A tear rolls down the side of your cheek reminding him just how pretty you look when you cry, his pretty girl, seeing you all fucked out and ruined, reminding him of the tears you beared that night when you found out. “I’ll n-never forgive you” You choke out a sob reminiscing on the real reason you were in bed with him, to cope. He digs your knees further into your chest, bringing his forehead to meet yours. Your hands cup the back of his head ruffling his blonde locks between your fingers roughly.
“I never meant ta’ hurt you, I love you” His eyes gloss over fighting a tsunami behind his eyes in hopes to not cry, now that you are. Though you knew he meant it you couldn’t help but want him to hurt the way you did, even if that meant just a little.
“Liar. You’re a liar.”
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sluttsumu 2021
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years
Commissioned by @nemkultra, tysm ^^ 💗✨
~Requests are closed~
Masterlist: x
I match you with: Eyeless Jack
This mans has some hardcore heart eyes for you ngl 💗~💗
You’re just,, so chill and easy to get along with??
Maybe it’s your style—that dark emo kind of fashion that he also tends to stick to himself—but something about you just makes him feel super at ease from the very beginning
In a room full of people, even before he got to know you, he kinda just naturally gravitates towards you tbh
You just have this magnetic pull on him that feels right
Your scent too btw?
It’s kinda weird to say but you smell fckn delicious to him 👀👌
And the fact that you’re pretty short—especially compared to him—combined with your scent & that magnetism really sends his demon instincts in overdrive
Meaning, he ends up getting very protective of you very quickly
He realizes earlier on that you can most certainly take care of yourself, but like,, that’s not gonna stop him from wanting to defend you any way he can
Any threats in the near vicinity, especially the physical/confrontational ones, are nearly nonexistent when he’s around
Which might be more often than you realize
Like I’m not saying he stalks you, he just sometimes keeps a close eye on you,,, from a distance,,,,, usually lurking in the shadows skdkhdksldl
Honestly, lord help anyone who comes near you with aggressive intentions smh
Not only that, but he also can and will remove anyone who’s bugging you or draining you social battery & making you anxious
All ya gotta do is ask or gives him some kind of signal
And even then, if he gets suspicious they’re being rude or unpleasant or anything, he’ll straight up just come to you like “is he bothering you, queen?”
But other than that, he’s a pretty laid-back person ngl
He’s a great listener & will gladly hear you ramble on about anything and nothing
Whatever it might be, whether you just wanna talk about your day or some new songs you’ve discovered, he’ll put you on his lap, stroke through your hair or trace your tattoos while purring contently, listening to you
Boy just wants to be near you and hear your soothing voice as you explain to him your general thoughts & opinions—it makes him so damn happy tbh ^^
He’s a very good bf and will always support you however he can uwu
Even if you don’t really feel like talking, he’s fine with just wrapping his arms around you & quietly enjoying your presence
He might not know much about ADHD, but he will do his research to get a better understand of it & learn how to help any way he can
He does, however, have a bit of PTSD himself, so he already knows a bit on how to help deal with that
So he’s very considerate of any triggers you might have and does his best to keep you safe & happy & comfortable :>
Also like,,,, this man’s presence is so damn comforting
Any time you feel a panic/anxiety attack come on, having him around does wonders
It’s very reassuring to have a tall, strong & protective demon bf in life tbh
Like he knows he’s pretty intimidating, so he‘a got a very calm & relaxed demeanor to make up for it
Knowing this strong ass predatory monster would do anything in his power to protect you from legit anything does wonders to your peace of mind
And having him hold you in his arms, purring and rumbling soothing praises is always very comforting—like the two of you are in your own little world & nothing can reach you
He’s kinda effortlessly powerful, but it goes without saying that he’s an absolute gentleman & would never use that strength against you—with exception in the bedroom, but we’ll get to that later ;)
He doesn’t wanna abuse his capabilities, but he still does end up naturally taking charge tho—both in the streets and in the sheets
Those are just demon instincts for ya ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Boy admires how you don’t take any crap & won’t hesitate to stand up for yourself tho
He likes knowing you’d tell him off if he ever crossed any boundaries; that way he doesn’t have to overthink or worry too much
Also, that nurturing side you’ve got with those strong maternal instincts??
His demonic side is crazy for it
He honestly admires you so damn much, you have no idea ✨🤧
Like he, himself, isn’t the best with kids; he’s kinda scared to hurt them and he’s not really sure how to react around them
But he still appreciates them & their different perspective on life
So he genuinely likes asking how your day went at work, and after a while, he’ll start learning about the kids & asking about them too ^^
If he can help them with any kind of,, situations out of their control, he most certainly will, almost like a guardian demon angel :”)
Like with kids, even if he does appreciate them, he’s also not the best with animals
They can usually sniff out his demon side & it scares them
Cats are sometimes ok with him, but even then, it depends on the cat
So honestly, ya just gotta give him a lil time to adjust to them and vice versa :”>
He’s also a lil freaked out by spiders, snakes, rodents and the like, but he’ll never admit it, so it’s just fun to tease him skdjdksll
He’s a very clean boy himself, so unless he doesn’t eat/sleep for a while & loses control to his demon, you don’t have to worry about him making any kind of mess
Ultimately, this mans is super chill & laid back and will absolutely not hesitate to cuddle up with you any day/any time, whether or not you’re feeling stressed or anxious tbh
You've had a long day & just wanna unwind watching anime or playing video games?
No prob boo; even if he might not understand them, he’ll gladly watch any show with you while offering up some fine back rubs to help you relax 😌👌
He doesn’t really understand poetry either, but he’ll listen to you read it aloud, purring faintly, rubbing his thumbs over your skin and sometimes planting lil kissies here n there 😚😚
He also might try to pick up an instrument, having the faint recollection of knowing how to play from his old life, just to impress you ngl
He just wants to make you happy & care for you because he loves you and thinks you deserve the world uwu
Omg you’re honestly like,, the perfect height for him to just pick up & manhandle however he pleases tbh skdjdhslsl 😳😳
When you’re wearing dresses too?
All the easier to use you like a perfect little doll~
But he won’t do it unless he knows it’s alright with you, ofc
Like I said, he’s a gentleman first & foremost 😌👌
Homeboy’s also got a thing for those fishnet tights 👀
So you can bet he might just tear a hole through them & stick his dick in them to fuck your thighs through the lace
He just can’t resist the feeling of your plush thighs squishing his length, squeezing him with the frail material stretching & wrapping so perfectly around him
Don’t worry though, he definitely buys you new clothes all 👏the 👏time 👏to make up for it ;))
Sometimes when he’s feeling like a tease, he’ll settle you down nice and comfy while you’re still wearing those tights & get between your legs to tease his tongue through the material
Loves hearing your little gasps and moans as you try to rub into him for more friction, desperate to feel the entirety of his tongue without that stupid obstruction
Once he thinks you’ve had enough, he won’t be able to hold back any longer before dislocating his jaw and absolutely devouring you until you’re practically shaking against him
But other than the occasional teasing that has you mewling and squirming, this mans will absolutely treat every inch of your body just right 🥴👌
Those belly button & nipple piercings will definitely receive the attention they deserve 👅💦💦
If you’ve had a stressful day at work or if your anxiety’s starting to get the best of you, it’s no prob bb
You can lay back, relax & let him do all the work—having his fun tasting you & shoving his tongue in and out of your dripping core~
He’ll be on cloud 9 knowing he can help while also getting to stuff his face between your legs
Also likes dislocating his jaw to cram the full length of his tongue down you throat to toy with the little metal ball on your tongue too :pp
His demon is totally enamored with everything about you, so you can bet he’ll always leave plenty of possessive bite marks all over you
He’s super scared to hurt you tho, so it’s safe words galore tbh
He pays a lot of attention to your boundaries & needs; you’re so frail & vulnerable compared to him, how could he ever forgive himself if he hurt you?
His heats are especially bad when it comes to being rough—he has to resist absolutely ruining you every time
It honestly takes a long ass time for him to let you stay to help through it because he’s so scared of losing control
If he ends up going too hard & you need to use a safeword, he’ll treat you like porcelain during the aftercare
And even throughout the next couple of days that follow, he’ll be extra careful around you because he’ll feel like shit for taking things too far ngl
I’m talking about waiting hand & foot on you—not that he wouldn’t already do so regardless
And he might be a tad reluctant to do the nasty afterwards, but a lil convincing & reassurance on your part and he won’t be able to resist
Except he’ll take things real slow and careful
Like,, excruciatingly slow skdjdhsl
But honestly, it doesn’t make the orgasms any less intense
Instead of hitting you hard & fast like electricity rocketing through you, it’ll be like one long wave crashing into you as he keeps rocking his hips at a perfectly steady pace
He just wants to make you feel good & show you how much he loves and cares for you, ya know?
Those back rubs I mentioned have some high ass chances of turning into something more
They might end up with you beneath him, one of his large hands pining your hips down, the other entwining his fingers into yours so he can feel every little squeeze when he drags his cock along you most sensitive spots
And if you read him some steamy poetry, he just might end up between your legs one way or another, chuckling and coaxing you to keep going as he hits every spot so wonderfully
This mans is practically a sex god even if he might not realize it ngl 👁👅👁
Only thing is, like I’ve mentioned, him and animals don’t always get along
So he can’t stand being watched by your pets while he’s trying to get some :/
You, ah, might wanna close the door behind you or he’ll have to stop halfway through 😬
But he’ll be more than happy to keep going once he knows the two of you are completely alone again~ 😏👌
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ninaahelvar · 5 years
The Stakeout (4/5)
Summary: In order to get all the information they can, the detective duo, Bakugou and Uraraka, must go on a stakeout. But close proximity may force some underlying feelings to come to the surface. Also known as “Bakugou had a really bad date and it gives him perspective”
A/N: please thank @doesitsaysassonmyuniform for all her hard work on this chapter. it wouldn’t be out without her. all the funny stuff was her. i will not take credit for her genius.
There was a heavy buzzing under his head, like a hive of angry bees had infested his pillow. He groaned, rolling over as his head throbbed. He’d drunk way too much last night.
Buzz buzz
Was it his alarm? What time was it anyway? It couldn’t have been that late in the day, not with how his room was barely lit when he’d managed to pry open his eyes. It was a small blessing - if he’d been late for work on top of everything else, he might just kill someone.
Buzz buzz
He didn’t hear his alarm, so it must be his phone. He had vague recollections of the night before, passing out on his bed before he could even get undressed. Had he put his phone on silent?
With another groan, he wrenched his head up out of the cradle of his arms, and fumbled for his phone.  He squinted in the morning light - it was low, but not enough to avoid hurting his eyes - and finally flipped his blankets in frustration. It flew out onto the floor with a thud and he stretched out to get it, his stomach rising into his throat as he moved.
Extremely hungover - noted.
By the time he picked up his phone, it had finally stopped buzzing, leaving a faint ringing in his ears at the sudden silence. Bakugou frowned as he turned on the screen, the blur of notifications clearing as his eyes focused.
Shitty Hair (9 Missed Calls)
Shitty Hair: Holy shit I can’t believe u did it!
Shitty Hair: (10 Messages)
Did what? Why was that fucking bastard calling him at - he checked the top of his phone - six in the morning anyway?  He unlocked his phone and opened his texting app, and was met with a wall of grey message bubbles.
Shitty Hair: Uraraka just txted me!!
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: Seriously dude pick up
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: if ur fkn asleep rn I stg
(missed call)
Shitty Hair:  I can’t believe u did it!
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: It better not be a joke or ill kill u
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: ok I don’t care if ur asleep ill make u answer
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: Dude she’s super freaked rn cause u wont respond
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: look im porud u finally did it but u cant send that and then go silent
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: *proud
Bakugou was starting to have a bad feeling, one entirely outside of his hangover. It felt like something was squeezing his chest, and it was getting tighter and tighter the more he read. He looked at the icon, and winced at the little number telling him he had more unread messages.
From Uraraka.
He clicked on the thread, and scrolled all the way up to his last message.
@ 1:37am
You: heyyyy want som fuk??
You: shit no i mean
You: ur hot
You: it pisses me off
You: we should fuck tho
You: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
No. No no no no no no. No! Fuck! No! The universe was fucking playing with him, right? This couldn’t be real. Fuck! It was, it was staring him in the fucking face! FUCK! He was going to explode his entire apartment.
Round Face: ...what?
Round Face: Bakugou wtf?
Round Face: Do you mean that??
Round Face: How drunk are you rn??
Round Face (2 missed calls)
Round Face: I’m gonna murder you
In the midst of Bakugou’s midlife - soon to be end of life - crisis, his phone started to ring, Kirishima’s face beaming as his name appeared. Bakugou immediately answered, pressing his phone to his ear as he hung his head between his legs.
“What did you do?” he asked, and Bakugou did the only thing he could think of.
“You fucking idiot,” Kirishima laughed and Bakugou threw himself backwards on his bed, hand pressed to his forehead.
“Well lucky for you phones don’t exist and neither does she - oh wait.” Bakugou could hear that smug voice of his radiating through the fucking phone and he wanted to burn it in his hand.
“NOOOOOOOOO!” Bakugou whined, feeling completely beside himself - unaware of how ridiculous he was sounding. He was just having the worst day of his life, and it was showing.
“Hey, at least it’s out there now, right? She didn’t say no.”
“I wanna die. I’m jumping out the window.”
“You are the biggest drama queen I know,” Kirishima laughed, and Bakugou put his head between his legs, a sickening feeling rising in his throat and the overwhelming urge to projectile vomit across his apartment was becoming an almost welcoming idea.
“I will kill you later,” Bakugou groaned, shaking his hand through his hair, over and over again until he felt like he was at ease. He didn’t stop for a while.
“Oh, so you’re actually coming into work?” Kirishima sounded surprised, and it dawned on Bakugou...this day was going to be his last - he was deciding it before it was even over, his last day alive would be that day.
“I don’t fucking know, give me an hour to die first,” Bakugou said, knowing this would be the first time that he was late - and having no other excuse than being a fucking drunken moron.
Bakugou stumbled into work, his clothes a mess, hair barely done, and collar sticking up to hide his face. With every step, it felt like eyes were on him, watching his every move, and it made every hair on his body stand on end - he needed to fight something soon otherwise he’d go stir crazy.
Before interacting with anyone else, a bounding bubble of joy crashed alongside him, knocking him off balance. Bakugou stared back at his partner who smiled like a child - and his heart was racing like an idiot.
Her expression fell, clicking her tongue as she took him in. Why the fuck was he feeling so hot? He felt like he was a rising thermometer, about to burst at the fuckng end. He was a walking infomercial, some fucked up idiot that can’t keep it down.  
“Wow you look wrecked. Sleep well, Blasty?” she asked, a slight pout as she stepped closer to him.
“Not as wrecked as your face.” The two of them frowned at the words. Why did he speak at all? “Anyway, Case!”
If a villain could come in through the window and suplex him out of existence right now, he’d be grateful. So. Fucking. Grateful.
Now, Bakugou wasn’t a religious man. He didn’t believe in a higher power. That felt like a mistake - because God was punishing him for his abject atheism. This was a goddamn joke, and God was clearly laughing.
If he got down on his knees and started praying, would it stop?
Uraraka quirked an eyebrow at him, before answering. “Yeah, we had a new lead come in this morning and most teams are on it, you missed Aizawa’s speech.”  
Fuck.  Aizawa knew he was late.
Praying wouldn’t save him now.
Uraraka guided them both to their desks, rattling on about the case -  something about a guy getting into some dark shit with trafficking young kids. In the end, Bakugou found concentrating hard. He would normally listen and make sure to take notes when it came to figuring out who the guy was - but he just couldn’t stop watching her. He watched and wondered why the hell she wasn’t saying anything. Uraraka replied to the messages, she even called - and now it was radio silence.
Normally, Bakugou would yell about it - but it felt wrong to bring it up, it could embarrass them both, and although he didn’t embarrass easy, this was completely new for him. Embarrassment came easier with all that romantic shit. It was stupid and frustrating and Bakugou hated the fact that he fell for it all, after years of denying himself.
Bakugou wasn’t built for this shit, and it definitely showed.
As Uraraka went to talk to eye witnesses - a task that Bakugou was strictly not allowed to do anymore - he went to the kitchen, making himself a coffee and praying it woke him up enough to stop the nagging sensation in his heart and the throbbing in his head.
A whisper then came into his ear.
“Hey, want some fuck with that coffee?”
Bakugou spat out his coffee and it sprayed across the kitchen bench. Kirishima laughed behind him, moving away to grab a donut - the fucking prick.  Bakugou was meant to be safe here, away from her and this fucker had to come and ruin it.  
Bakugou coughed, thumping his chest before turning to glare at the other man. “Could you keep your fucking voice down, Shitty Hair?”
“I don’t know - can you look Uraraka in the eye?” Kirishima quirked his eyebrow and Bakugou stepped towards the pointy haired bastard.
“Want me to rip yours out?”
“Tetchy tetchy. Don’t lash out at me cause you’re not getting any.” Kirishima stuffed the donut into his grinning teeth, and Bakugou tried to burn holes into the fucker’s skull.
“Murder. Expect murder.”
Kirishima only laughed, waving at Bakugou as he went back to his desk. In the back of his mind, Bakugou could only think the asshole was talking about him - gossiping about Bakugou’s idiotic love life and how ridiculous this all was.
Bakugou wanted to fucking die.
The window looked so inviting, calling to him like a siren’s song.
As he sat in the kitchen, looking over notes on the case he hadn’t paid attention to, a loud blaring noise came over the speakers of the precinct. It was unusual for an alarm to go off - on rare occasions when fire alarm detected smoke (which may have been Bakugou - no on proved it was) or emergencies. With the chaos that was soon surrounding him, Bakugou guessed the latter.
“What the fuck is going on?” Bakugou asked as Kirishima ran back towards the equipment room.
“Genzo’s been spotted. We’ve gotta go,” he panted as he ran. He didn’t even stop.
Aizawa burst from his office, his scarf that was rarely off was primed at the ready. “He’s on the move! Everyone get going!” he demanded, stopping short of the door to look back at Bakugou, glaring. “That includes you, Bakugou!” he snapped, and Bakugou sighed, throwing aside his paperwork to head into the equipment room.
Kirishima handed him all his guards and gauntlets, the two rushing out as Uraraka was fixing her earpieces in, rolling her shoulders to prep herself. Bakugou smirked, watching as she worked her magic as she got ready for a fight. Regardless of how much of an ass he made of himself, he still couldn’t get over Uraraka being a goddamn badass at her job.
They got to the site of Genzo’s attack. He had completely wrecked a transport vehicle, exploded it like an atomic bomb and was causing a fucking disaster zone by the sheer amount of electric power around him.
“Any casualties?” Bakugou asked, tightening his gauntlets and making sure they were ready to go when he needed them.
“Two police officers that we know of,” Aizawa said, going over the short notes he was given by officers on the scene.
“Any officers we know?” Uraraka asked, her voice a little strained as she asked. Bakugou looked over to her.
“None,” Aizawa replied. Bakugou watched as Uraraka sighed. Deku. He knew who she was thinking of, and it made a spot in between his shoulder blades ache. He bound his fists and kept his attention on the chaos. This guy was burning every fuse within his view, drawing all of it to him and sending it back at people.
“Our main priority is to protect civilians, and keep him away from the generators. He probably saw he was close to the power plant - we have to keep him away and out of reach of that power. We have no idea what he’ll do with it.”
And with that, the teams were divided - one person on civilians, the other on containment. Both Uraraka and Bakugou knew their place without even a glance. Bakugou set off an explosion as Uraraka moved a group of worried people out of the way. She was great, when another eruption came through, she’s catch them in time and float them to safety - barely even registering that she’d activated her quirk.
When Bakugou set off an explosion that ripped up the entire road - something he knew he’d get in deep shit over later - he watched as the other agents got into position, preparing for their next move and knowing the reach of Bakugou’s quirk. The ground ripped up and threw Genzo around, knocking him against a building and an audible yell of pain rumbled through the area. It gave them time to evacuate. It’s all they needed right now.
Uraraka went to Bakugou’s side, panting a little as she pointed. “Group, ten o’clock. You got this?” she asking, pointing to the group of huddled people just across from Genzo. Bakugou scoffed at Uraraka’s words.
“Tch, who the fuck do you think I am?”
“Yeah, yeah, just wait for my signal,” she laughed, moving off, touching pieces of rubble that were easy to float. Bakugou smirked, watching as they floated skyward and eventually just guiding her hands on all the rubble she passed with her quirk activated. It wasn’t long before Uraraka found the stuck bystanders and pointed them to a safe route out of the danger zone. But Genzo was quicker than either of them had anticipated, rising from his injured state, rolling his shoulders with a tight grimace on his face.
Genzo roared, sapping the power from a nearby building, the electricity crackling over his skin and bared for a quick release. He wanted to inflict damage and make it count - Bakugou could see it in his eyes. Genzo looked for anything that was moving. The civilians. Uraraka saw it too, and she did something stupid.
She knew it too.
“Get back!” Uraraka called to the civilians, and Bakugou watched in horror as Genzo reacted first - her voice drawing too much attention. Her warning, was an attraction. The fucker moved quick - faster than any of them could have expected, and Bakugou redirected his explosions, trying to counter as best he could to the new position. He set off an explosion behind him, sending him to their location as fast as he could.
He wasn’t gonna make it.
“Uraraka, move!”
She turned her head, eyes widening and arms coming out to block far too late as the energy surge hit her full force. Uraraka was knocked so far back, she’s skidding across pavement like it’s slick. When she stops, she’s flinching, over and over again - her body reacting to the electric current running over her body.
He saw her hands come together, letting the meteor shower rain down, catching Genzo off guard and trying to evade the oncoming onslaught. He wasn’t expecting Bakugou though.
He was only a split second behind.
Bakugou came bounding in, hands directed at the target and firing off two of the most explosive blasts he had ever mustered. It knocked Genzo to the ground, and Bakugou landed over him, his fits binding tight as he repeatedly punched - throwing him about as the bastard laughed. Once Bakugou finally cracked one of Genzo’s teeth, his face a bloody mess of what it once was - Bakugou regained his sense and tossed Genzo off to the side.
In the aftermath, there was silence - waiting for the next thing to fall or the next blast to knock over a bunch of people. But it was just simply silence. In the ash and smoke, Bakugou waded through it, leaving Genzo to whatever fate he had left him in, finding his partner curled  up and in pain.
Bakugou dropped to her side, hands fluttering around her useless as he took her in. This was bad. This was fucking bad. Her clothes were a disaster, the giant hole in her vest giving way to blistered and blackened skin. Some of it had fused to the fabric, and it made bile rise up in his throat just to see it.  He didn’t even know if he could touch her but one look at her glassy eyes made it impossible not to move.  
The ozone in the air made his skin stand on end - and that was the only reason - as he pulled her into his lap as gently as he could. “Hey Round face,” he lightly tapped her cheeks and she turned to look at him. Her brown eyes were so unfocused. “Stay with me, fucker.”
Her face was so pale and her mouth moved wordlessly for a moment before she was able to speak. “You called me Uraraka.”
His throat was tight. “Yeah well you’d kill me if I called you Round face in public, Round face.”
Her lips quirked ever so slightly, eyes looking somewhere over his shoulder. “You just did…ugly.”
“Yeah I guess I did.”
Kirishima landed heavily at their side, and his breath hitched when he saw her chest. “Dude..”
Kirishima shook himself. “Right. He’s out - you did a number on him. The police have got it covered. EMT’s should be here any second.”
Bakugou brushed some hair out of her face - it was just getting all tangled and sweaty anyway.  She didn’t even notice. “You with me Round Face?”
“Yeah - but- but my chest feels -” She tried to get up and he had to force her back down.
“Fuck don’t move okay - you’re gonna be fine.” He scanned the street, and couldn’t push down the relief as the familiar jackets of the EMT’s came into view. “Hey! We need some help over here!”
People ran over, moving Bakugou against his will. But in the end, when he watched Uraraka flinch in pain, he knew he wasn’t needed anymore. Regardless of how desperately he wanted to stay. They were fragile with her, placing her gently into the stretcher, and finally into the ambulance. Driving away, Bakugou felt his heart lurch.
Nakamura Genzo was captured easily, given more restraints and heavier security around him. They treated him for his injuries - third degree burns, his entire right side was a mess of broken ribs and bruises, and the left was a little less severe. Bakugou needed to work on his left hook apparently. Genzo had a punctured lung from one of his ribs, and his front teeth were busted, but it didn’t matter to Bakugou. He was taken in - he was completely taken care of. Bakugou just cared about one thing.
Hospitals were always a place of pain - mostly for Bakugou on certain missions, yet now it was different. The fluorescent lights were straining his eyes as he walked through the halls - the constant wailing and crying was enough to keep him away too. Yet, she was there. His partner was laid up in a hospital bed in whatever fucking condition Genzo left her in. Bakugou was told the room number and he walked to it with bound fists at his side.
Flowers were already placed in her room, cards lining the benches with well wishes. Uraraka was already propped up - though there had been a day between her injuries and his visit. The rest of the team had already gone to see her. Bakugou was questioned a fuck tonne in order to explain Genzo’s injuries. He didn’t have much else to say other than “what would you rather me do? Beat him within an inch of his life, or let him kill everyone in the area?”
After that, he was allowed home, where he stared at his phone waiting for an update.
Kirishima texted late saying Uraraka was asking after him.
Bakugou knew he had to go see her after that.
He hung back by the door as Uraraka stopped playing with her phone, smiling down to whoever was contacting her. She looked up and her smile dropped, like seeing him was more of a shock than a surprise. Bakugou’s jaw set tight and his heart felt like it was trapped in between two ribs - unable to beat without causing him pain.
“Bakugou, hey, I was wondering when you’d -”
“What the hell was that?” he snapped, his chest a mess of emotions he would never allow himself to process.
Uraraka sighed, scratching lightly at her brow. “I know I was a little -”
“You were reckless and put yourself in danger for that shitty mission,” he snarled, moving to the foot of her bed. Her once soft expression turned to that of defiance, her brow crinkling in frustration.
“Hey! I’m not as fragile as you -”
“I don’t think you’re fragile, moron! You were putting your life in danger for nothing,” he said, hands gripped tight to the edge of her bed.
“Don’t be an idiot,” she spat back, folding her arms over her chest.
“What?” His brow knit, watching as she stared back at him, anger etched into her features.
“You’re being an asshole, saying you think I can take it, but then say I can’t because I’m weak. I can fucking take it!”
“I know you can fucking take it, but I can’t! Not like this!” The rage let slip the words that were held back - anger and frustration finally touching at the parts of himself he wanted to hide away. His hands bound together, tight fists by his side as his jaw set. If he couldn’t unbind his teeth, he wouldn’t need to answer her obvious question.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
There it was.
“Don’t do it again, idiot,” he replied, voice breaking and pushing himself off the bed, moving out of the hospital room and going home. He had the day off anyway.
It was just mistake after mistake.
Words said.
Actions not taken.
Secrets let slip.
Everything was a goddamn mistake.
With his head in his hands, Bakugou could feel regret gripping him, like a force that bound him to the feelings that made him scared of himself. She made him scared. No one could make him fear the unknown - pain, injuries, death - it was all he ever craved. But she went down, and everything came flooding over him, like a fucking tidalwave, saturating his being until he was as desperate as any other fucker on the planet.
It wasn’t Bakugou.
And it all made him scared. Of Uraraka. For Uraraka.
What did it all mean when everything else was a fucking mess? He hated that he couldn’t piece himself together, unravelling like a perfectly tied up coil coming apart by one tight pull.
Word went around that Uraraka was released from the hospital after two days, and given a week’s bed rest. She deserved more for all the work she did, but Bakugou knew she’d bounce back sooner or later.
Bakugou was midway through writing a report for Aizawa when a booming voice called out through the precinct. “Hey! Asshole!” The whole room turned, seeing Kirishima storming through. He wasn’t the type of dude that got pissed off easily, so it was a surprise. Then, he pointed directly at Bakugou. “Yeah you!”
“The fuck did you just call me?” Bakugou said, standing and standing face to face with the bastard.
“You haven’t gone to see Uraraka, I get to call you what I like!”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, stepping back from Kirishima and going back to his desk. “I don’t have to do shit all,” he replied, only for Kirishima to haul him back, fists in each other’s clothes - the two like gasoline and fire, ready to erupt at any moment.
“She’s fucking expecting you, so go!” Kirishima replied, his features hardening, expecting the fight.
“Who are you to demand -”
“I’m your best friend, so listen to me and go see Uraraka. Tonight!” he yelled. The precinct was silent, and Bakugou suddenly felt seen - that there was something telling everyone about he and Uraraka other than being partners. He didn’t want to be seen. Bakugou shoved Kirishima back, straightening out his clothes as he looked back at the spikey haired bastard.
“Fine! Fuck,” he swore, murmuring curses under his breath as he went back to his work, holding back on his anger.
It wasn’t as though he didn’t care about Uraraka. She’d had injuries worse than this. Fuck, Bakugou had stayed at her house while she had a broken leg and a few broken ribs before - cooking, cleaning, doing her laundry. This was different. She didn’t seem to need him like before.
Maybe he was just…
Scared wasn’t the right word.
He wasn’t ready.
After everything that had happened, he wasn’t ready for her to see him and maybe understand what he said.
But he did have to see her. Check in.
It was only right.
It was weird, holding a bag of things for her as he stood outside her door. It was a crumbly old apartment building with like no space other than the essentials. With most of Uraraka’s money going to her parents, Bakugou understood why she stayed there, but for once he’d wish she’d think about herself.
Huffing, he knocked on the door. It was harder than he anticipated, but it didn’t matter. With barely a second to straighten out his shoulders when Uraraka opened the door. He felt a lump in the back of his throat when he saw her. It had been four days since she left the hospital, and four days since they’d seen each other. She had a few tiny cuts and bruises on her arms and on her cheek, but other than that - she was just Uraraka.
She was in grey tracksuit pants and an oversized hoodie she’s gotten at their time with the agency. It was far too big, slipping off her shoulder as she took Bakugou in.
“Bakugou,” she said, voice a little shaken. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
He gave a vague shrug. “Kirishima.”
“Oh, okay.” Uraraka cleared her throat before she opened the door a little wider. “Come in,” she said, gesturing for him to enter. He followed and went inside, handing her the bag as she walked past him.
“Here,” he grumbled, focusing his attention to the floor. She peered inside the bag before gasping.
“Mochi donuts?! Thank you,” she smiled, tucking hair behind her ear.
“It’s better than the nothing I was going to get you,” he replied.
“But Kirishima talked you into it?” Bakugou returned a vague ‘tch’ sound before he stood back in her hallway and Uraraka was wandering into her kitchen.
“How’s the burn?” he asked, clearing his throat as his arms folded over his chest. He wasn’t sure what the fuck to do with himself. He felt cornered, that the walls might swallow him and he may never be allowed to leave - in a constant state of waiting for her to ask about the texts and what happened at the hospital.
“It’s fine. I barely feel it. Recovery girl really helped the process along so I’m ready to get back to work.” There was a voice she put on - a raise in her chin as she acted tough. A show for him to not think any less of her. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t.
“Good. That’s good,” he said, clearing his throat again and pushing off from the wall. “I only came ‘cause shitty hair made me. I’m gonna leave,” he said, going towards the door, ready to open it.
“What did you mean in the hospital?” she asked, voice quiet compared to earlier. She was scared. His hand was at the handle, inches from turning the knob, but he turned, looking back at Uraraka as she fiddled with the ends of her hoodie.
She raised her chin, fingers still at the ends of her sleeves, nervously pulling at them. “I’m not repeating myself.”
He huffed. “I didn’t mean -”
“I’m tired of your shit Bakugou!” She yelled, and he stared across at her in shock. When he didn’t reply, she continued. Uraraka almost charged him as she spoke, getting right into his space and not backing away for a second. “If you lie to me, I swear to god, I’m going to fling you out the window, now tell me!”
She stared at him, a rage that only Bakugou could bring out of her. And in the midst of it, the scared teenager that couldn’t get over a crush was hammering away and begging for his chance. In the end, the man won out, and acted in the only way he knew how to.
Bakugou wasn’t a guy of many words.
So he didn’t use them.
He surged forward.
He didn’t dare to touch her, only kissing her as swiftly as body could allow, towering over her and making her stagger backwards. She gripped into his shoulders, responding with the most beautiful lips he had ever tasted. Then, she pulled back, staring back - no anger, just confusion, written into her features.
“W-what? Does this -”
“Stop fucking talking, round face,” he growled back, forehead resting against hers. He tried to dive right back in, only managing to steal a small kiss before she pulled away. Bakugou froze, watching as a smile grew on her lips right before she stole another. He smirked, knowing the game she was playing.
She tempted and teased, pulling back the moment Bakugou was about to latch his lips to hers, to never part them for as long as his lust would hold out. Whatever she she was doing, she knew the exact way to have Bakugou fall for it - she was going to have Bakugou everyway she wanted him, and he fucking knew it. All the while, it wound him up, like he was a jack-in-the-box, and god, was he ready to spring out and surprise her.
In one swift guide of his arm, he pulled her in by her waist, snaring her lips with his own and kissing her as sharply as he needed. He wanted her, and he wanted her the moment he stepped foot into her apartment. Pressing her up against the wall, she let out a soft gasp against his mouth, but he wanted to surprise her - do everything that every ounce of lust within him wanted to do. Her sweats were still midway down her thigh but they weren’t off, which gave Bakugou every excuse. Turning Uraraka around, her hands pressed against the wall - he bent and took down the remaining parts of her pants, bending down and watching the way her body swayed with each move he made.
Bakugou couldn’t help himself, hand squeezing into her ass, the bounce and shake of it making everything in him rise - adrenaline and lust surging across him. He teeth scraped across one cheek before he bit into it a little harder. Uraraka mewled, hands clawing at the wall - hard enough for Bakugou to hear - and as Bakugou kissed at the spot he not-so-delicately bit into, her hands released, reaching behind her to gently stroke at his hair. She looked over her shoulder as Bakugou took her underwear down swiftly, he wasn’t going to waste any more fucking time.
Gripping in once more, he pushed his face in the crevasse of her cheeks, tongue stroking at her tender lips and immediately making Uraraka rise on her toes. She fell back down, pushing her hips into his face, and holy fuck did he enjoy it. Bakugou held onto her thighs, widening her stance as he lapped up all that she was feeling. Uraraka whined, panting as he kept his mouth on her entrance, delivering his tongue in just to hear her moaning gasps.
“Oh, Bak -” she whined, and his hand snaked from her thigh to taking his tongue’s place, fingers circling her folds before entering her slowly. He slowly rose to his feet, her hand slipping from his hair back to the wall, and he kissed up the back of her neck to have her shiver against him. “Baku -”
“Katsuki,” he whispered in her ear.
“Fuck, Katsuki!” she said, pushing her hips against his hand, forcing it directly into his hips. She may not have known she was doing so, but she rocked perfectly onto his crotch, his cock aching inside his jeans. “Right there, right there! Right there!” she cried, her voice soft and desperate. She spurred him on, fingers working overtime just to hear what it would sound like when she finally came.
Her hips pushed back hard against him, her panting becoming a little harder to control and Bakugou could feel her around his fingers - Uraraka was at the end of her tether. She reached behind herself once more, hand on his wrist as she breathed in heavy gasps. He didn’t know if she was trying to stop him, or was telling him to keep going - either way, she crashed against the wall, crying out a little moan and pushing her ass straight up against his hips.
“Fuck,” he groaned, feeling the strain in his pants. “I’m not going to last if you keep pushing your ass into me,” he said into her ear. Uraraka looked over her shoulder, brushing hair from her face.
“I didn’t say you had to,” she said. Tempt and tease.
“Fuck,” he groaned, tugging on her arm to turn around, “you asked for it,” he warned her before bending down and picking her up into his arms.
Uraraka held onto his face, kissing him as he staggered around her cramped apartment. He fell into walls, struggled past the doorway, and had them falling into the bed. Uraraka giggled, kissing Bakugou before he rolled his hips against her, making her moan a little more. He just needed one more thing before he parted from her. He stood up from the bed, stripping himself of his shirt and kicking off his shoes. Uraraka took the cue and shrugged out of her hoodie and shirt, leaving her only in her bra. As Bakugou snapped off his belt and pushed his pants down, Uraraka unclasped her bra and tossed it aside.
Remembering where he’d seen them the last time - an awkward conversation was had when Bakugou was putting away laundry - he went to Uraraka’s dresser drawer, finding the condoms and tearing at the edge of one. He started to place it on when he saw Uraraka adjust herself slightly. Sitting up, Uraraka moved over to him, her hand gracing over down from his chest to his stomach, fingers tempting to down his length. He caught her wrist loosely, pushing it aside to her confusion.
“What are you doing?” he asked, leaning over her, forehead pressed to her own.
“I wanted to make you feel good,” she said with a flutter of her eyelashes. Bakugou smirked.
“Nah, this is all about you, lie back down.” She did as she was told, crawling her way up the bed and waiting for him to follow after.
Bakugou wasted no time - he could have savoured the beauty of her in all her glory, gaze at her wonder, but he wanted to touch her more than anything. He crawled up the bed, sucking at her skin, nipping underneath her breast and sucking at the edge of her collarbone. All the while she hummed her approval, nipping into his shoulder briefly as they came face to face once more.
Moving his hand down between them, grazing against her most sensitive bundle of nerves, her body arching into his touch. He smirked, the briefest of touches could have her responding, he wondered what more could do for her. When he guided his length inside her, Uraraka’s hands went to his shoulders, pulling their bodies together.
There was only the sound of Uraraka’s panting in the room, but it couldn’t last - Bakugou knew himself too well, he wouldn’t be able to stay still for much longer. He moved his hips slow at first, gaining speed and arching into every thrust to get the best noises out of Uraraka. She obviously hated that she was getting louder and louder. But his ego sure as fuck loved it.
“Katsuki,” she mewled, nails clamped down into his back, raking up as his thrusts came in quicker succession. “Yes! Yes!” she cried, her hand on the back of his neck.
She pulled him down, kissing him roughly, and he enjoyed every fucking second of it. She bit into his bottom lip when she got excited. Bakugou couldn’t help himself, he rocked in harder, taking up the back of her knee. Uraraka arched her back, panting a little harder than even before.
In her movements, he was finally able to look at her without the overwhelming urge to take her. There were scars that littered her skin, some old, some new, following the curves of her waist and hips. Her breasts were round, much like the rest of her, and tempting as everything else - Bakugou kissed down her neck to take one of her nipples between teeth, just to have her push into him again. It worked to perfection, her breast rising beautifully into his mouth, and her hips bucking into his own when he gave a harder thrust. She was perfect to understand, to love and hold in a single moment.
“Ah!” Uraraka said suddenly, her body recoiling in a single beat. Bakugou’s eyes snapped to hers, watching her face contort in discomfort. He pulled away slightly, letting her body fall to where she needed, but never leaving the warm depths between her thighs. Uraraka sighed, laying back into the sheets and looking up at Bakugou with pinker cheeks than usual. He wanted to smile, but he with the sudden halt on everything, he wasn’t sure if the passion had fallen to its wake.
“Shit, are you okay?” he asked, hand ghosting over her side. Uraraka’s hand went to the side of Bakugou’s face, palm to his cheek and guiding him to look back at her.
“I’m fine,” she nodded, “just take it a little slower right now,” she said, a little nervous with a soft laugh to ease her discomfort of their eyes meeting.
“You sure?” he asked once more.
“Yeah,” she replied, Bakugou once again moving his hips, a slow roll to gauge her reaction. Uraraka’s head fell back into the pillow, hand tight in his bicep. “Yes, like that,” she approved, and he smirked.
Bakugou bent onto his elbows, arms snaking behind her back and propping her up into his arms. Uraraka squeaked, the sighing as she sunk down onto his length.
“What are you doing?” she asked, all the while, rocking herself back and forth. Bakugou grit his teeth, breathing out a moan into her chest before looking up at her with a satisfied grin.
“I can’t do all the work, round face,” he said. She leaned down, hands either side of his face, kissing him in a slow, deliberate manner - making them both savour it.
Everything was slow, Uraraka’s pace, soft strides to ease her into it - or perhaps it was the way he hissed everytime she moved, liking the way he sounded, much like he had done to her. Then, she gained confidence and speed, hips jerking in a quicker pace, before she just tried to gain satisfaction by any means possible. She was glorious.
He could feel her unwinding, with every move, and every bounce back onto his cock, he could feel her walls clamping down around him. Whenever she moved down upon him, he’d trust him, making her jump a little in his lap. Before either of them knew it, Uraraka cried out, clutching Bakugou to her chest, hands winding into his hair as she panted out moan after moan.
She sounded like a symphony - gorgeous at her ecstasy. Bakugou watched her move on top of him, her hands stroking through his hair as her eyes looked into his own. He’d never had sex like it - something that made him feel understood, that every movement, all the pace, it was perfect to know who they were between them. Bakugou never wanted to watch anyone else on top of his cock ever again, not unless they looked as beautiful as she did.
In a moment, between his utter wonder and the growing need to come completely undone, Uraraka pulled hard into Bakugou’s hair. He hissed and Uraraka moaned, arching into his new position wonderfully well and he wanted to just take everything he had left in him and please her to every extent he could.
Two could play at that game. He may not have been able to move as fast as he could have liked, but he knew she’d not protest to it. With his hand moving up her back, he took a fistful of her hair and pulled, her neck exposed to him, and fuck he felt hungry for it. His mouth descended upon it, sucking and kissing at her throat, feeling the vibrations of every moam against his tongue. He loved it, and Uraraka knew he enjoyed it too much - especially with every thrust he added to make her close to her next orgasm.
“No fair,” she hissed. Bakugou thrust into her again, and she moaned, pulling at his hair once more, but it was much lighter than it once had been.
“All’s fucking fair game,” he smirked, feeling Uraraka’s hand on his thigh. He thought she may need to lay back down when her finger suddenly bound into his leg, making him jerk upwards into her. She moaned, biting her lip and smiling down at him. “Fuck!” Bakugou groaned, looking back at her.
“All’s fucking fair game,” she repeated his words. Bakugou bit his lip, thrusting into her again, watching as she circled her hips down onto him again.
“If you weren’t injured, I’d -”
“You’d what?” she replied with a smirk, and between his heart bounding like a drum, and his head screaming, he knew he couldn’t stop himself.
“Fuck it,” Bakugou muttered, pushing his weight onto Uraraka’s and onto her back once more, thrusting in one long and hard motion. It wasn’t until after that he thought of his mistake - his lust getting the best of him. Uraraka’s hand went to his ass, gripping in hard with her nails enough to make him hiss. He looked at her face, lip between teeth and chest heaving for more.
“I’ll tell you if it hurts, just keep going,” she begged, forcing his hips closer. When he moved inside her again, she guided him in with a hard pull on his ass. It was harder than he would have, but she enjoyed it all the same - eyes closed and body calling to his like they were magnets that hated to be separated.
His mind told him to go slow, to make sure it all lasted how he needed it to - but he’d be damned if he didn’t chase the sound of her desperate moans to get his own satisfaction. Her next orgasm came over her quickly, her teeth went into his shoulder to suppress the sound, but it did little to help, other than to spur Bakugou on. Her legs went over his hips, heels at the base of his thigh and urging his ass forward with every move he made.
Intimacy was lost on Bakugou, he never liked how he felt being within it, but Uraraka made it all different somehow. When her hand snaked down his arm from his shoulder blade, her caught her wrist, holding it down onto the bed. And he found himself wanting. Like he’d never wanted something so badly in his life. His pressure on her slim wrist went slack, and his fingers slid into her palm, binding into the gaps of her fingers. Uraraka held on tight, their joined hands going over her head as Bakugou continued to stride within her.
She made sure they kissed every few seconds, whining until she could kiss him again, becoming louder and louder to get him to silence her with one of his bruising kisses. Uraraka was using him like a puppet, but he didn’t care - she was heaven to be inside, her body a wonderful combination of sweat and silk and his body was to blame for half of it.
“Oh god,” Uraraka cried, her free hand back in his hair, body moving against his again. He could feel her hardened nipples against his chest with every movement, and he wanted to put his mouth all over her body again. Taste every inch of her. Uraraka whined, hand on his cheek, nails piercing skin behind his ear and on his jaw. “I’m gonna -”
She didn’t even get to finish her sentence, her release rocking through her in waves that made her hips jerk over and over again until Bakugou was following her. He held tight to her hand, the other was gripping tight into her thigh - unable to bring himself to move as he could his release come and go.
“Fuck,” he panted into her chest, trying hard to let her go, but it was no use, he’d drown in her skin before he’d let her move an inch.
Eventually, he had to - lying beside her as she moved to be on his chest. She was practically asleep by the time he’d shifted into his spot next to her.
“You good?” he asked her.
“Hm?” she replied, “Yeah, yeah. Just tired.”
Bakugou shifted, aiming to leave. “Do you need me to -”
“If you move, I’ll kill you,” she warned, hands tight on his body as she held him close.
“Fucking fine, round face,” he said, letting her rest back onto his chest. He smiled, his own exhaustion following hers.
When he woke up, there was hair in his mouth. He threw his head back, spitting it out with a scowl and wincing when it flopped wetly onto his neck. A heavy weight lay on his side, numbing his arm under the pressure. His eyes struggled to open fully, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw the hazlenut hair he was very much used to.
Holy fucking shit.
Bakugou groaned and slowly pulled his arms back only to stop dead still when she shifted. He waited, tense and holding his breath until she settled back down, soft snores puffing out onto his arm.
He tried again, and after a very slow escape over the next several minutes, he was free. Slipping from the sheets he staggered into the bathroom, took one look in the mirror at his neck covered in hickies, his hair a fucking mess and cheeks flushed - and barely recognised himself. There was no way his eyes should look that bright, or lips that swollen.
He’d had sex with his partner.  
He splashed cold water on himself, and contemplated drowning himself in the sink. He could do this - it was just a moment of passion right? Happened all the time - or so he’d seen in all his mums shitty romcoms.  
He could still feel her breathe against his face, hear the way she’d whispered his name. Feel her nails down his chest and the soft whimpers of her release echoing in his ear.
How the fuck was he meant to work like this?  They were going to have to… to talk about this.
Holy fucking shit was right.  
Bakugou hated quiet, and even with the sound of his pacing footsteps, it was all too much. He had half a mind to wake Uraraka from her sleep, or possibly just sit in her room to hear the fucker snore. Instead, he waited until the pot of coffee had fully brewed and made himself a mug. The rest of it waited for Uraraka to crawl her ass out of bed. It had been nearly two hours since he left, and she was still sound asleep.
He always knew she was a heavy sleeper, but it was like trying to wake to goddamn dead. He had went through most of her things, trying to entertain himself before he had to leave for work, and no matter how much noise he unintentionally made - she stayed in bed. The light of morning was peeking through her curtains, drawing a veil over most of her apartment and casting a glow on Uraraka that was criminal. Gorgeous was not the right word to describe her.
On his way to the kitchen hours before, he picked up his trail of clothes, putting on some as he walked past Uraraka’s. He was unsure of what the fuck to do with hers - was he supposed to pick them up? They were partners and it had been a habit before, long nights and untidy people tend to amount of a clean up when nights were done. But this was different. A line was crossed. They were more than partners.
Regret was something that was new to Bakugou, but he knew this wasn’t it. He stood in her kitchen and came to the conclusion that this was not something he’d ever regret. As far as the sex went, it was fucking great. It might’ve been the best he’d ever had. Maybe it was because he knew her, understood what her reactions could be and learning all new things about someone that he cared for. He wanted her to feel as good as he did.
Yet, what else would come of this? Was there a relationship there? Was he even ready for something like that? It wasn’t like he had one before to gauge what the fuck this even meant. His personality and overall work ethic was a pretty hard thing to deal with for most people. Uraraka was one of the only people that knew him, and still stuck around after. There was a trust between them, a fit that neither of them expected.
What did she even want? Was this all just heat of the moment?
He was about two seconds from marching into her room and finally dragging her out of bed when his phone chimed.
Shitty Hair: U need to come into work. Boss wants to see u
Bakugou rolled his eyes, gripping tight to his phone as he contemplated his next step. He took the remnants of his coffee and poured it down the sink, washing the mug briefly before putting on the remainder of his clothes. When he fixed his jacket over his shoulders, he stopped and saw into Uraraka’s room. She was curled into her sheets peacefully, and Bakugou grit his teeth.
When Kirishima texted again, Bakugou didn’t have time.
He left her apartment and went straight into work.
They could talk later.
He just wasn’t ready yet.
18 notes · View notes
staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale 3.18 Thoughts *Spoilers*
First of all, I have not seen Riverdale in like a million years because it has just gotten so crazy and stupid and I’m sick of Bughead and Hiram for some reason going after his daughter for one stupid thing and it’s just repetitive and boring. Like, I have watched SO many greater shows since I just stopped caring to watch, but I heard that Bughead will break up and Jeronica might become actual friends, and that Hiram is arrested, and shit like that, plus the first episode of the fourth season is a tribute to Luke so I feel obligated to catch up before then to watch it. Either way I hate not finishing a season, especially after watching it for two whole seasons now, so… enjoy my technically not-spoilers since it’s been out for awhile thoughts on this episode of Riverdale! P.S. Bare with me if I have forgotten anything since it’s been awhile.
- AWW NO I REMEMBER THIS THOUGH, POOR BABY TEETH :( He was such an adorable little shit he didn’t deserve this.
- Oh yeah FP is the Sheriff… and Jughead is at a crime scene even though he should not be allowed there (Even if the gang is like… sheriff’s in training or whatever the fuck) Still not sure how I feel about FP, and I can’t wait for my rightful queen Toni to rip the serpents from Jughead’s cold dead hands (even though he’s obviously not dead)
- God damn Betty and Edgar again… she still bothers me. Does she realize that looking up his name might not get her anywhere because he’s not famous and therefore won’t have anything on him? I mean yeah maybe small town shit but like she’s acting like twenty million pages of him and his cult should be on the web.
- He walked in the desert to die? Psh alright… sounds stupid as fuck. He acts like farming opened his eyes to how beautiful life is like… chill bruh it’s not that amazing. I mean, it is, but he’s making it out to be like this BIG BIG thing when it’s not… burying and watering seeds doesn’t make you feel reborn.
- Betty had a point about it not telling her about how her mom can see Charles (even though I know he’s alive lolol we all knew)
- Oh yeah Archie got that one place from Hiram… but that dumb bitch asking how they can honor Baby Teeth as if he doesn’t know that you could simply just… stay silent for a few minutes to mourn, or shit like that. But my boy Mad Dog can also dedicate his next match to him too lol
- My baby Veronica!!! Love my queen. CHERYL!!!!!!!!!!!! MY OTHER QUEEN. FANGS MY WHITE COVERED BABY!!!! Poor Toni watching her gf be hypnotized by a fucking cult
- Oh good a horrible plan from Jughead that will probably induce Betty to do something stupid and awful and then pretend like she can do it because she’s Betty Cooper… can’t wait…
- Like, they could have tried it out with Fangs/Kevin because they KNOW that Midge is dead.
- Betty still has that video lol wow what a conniving bitch of a cousin she is. She said she deleted it, and they’re trying to make it out to be a good thing that she lied about a video…
- Veronica my queen,,, I hate that they tie her to Elio’s annoying bitch ass.
- That body does not fucking look like Baby Teeth,,, anyways
- I mean a human could do that lol you just mean that they don’t have a care for anyone. If this weren’t human, they would be like burned from the inside or some insane shit like that… stop being dramatic doc
- Alice! I miss the old her, before the writers decided to try and destroy her. But lmao this news broadcast tho
- Still can’t believe that they made out Betty and her father’s budding relationship a good thing. The fucking… WHAT? Why? How? Literally stop. Thank GOD Hiram or Penelope ends up murdering his ass…
- GOD I mean I get it, Cheryl needs to be brought back but that would be too convenient wouldn’t it… I’m sorry it’s fabricated??? Omfg “have you ever hugged Jason?” CHERYL’S PAUSE. SHE GOT TO HER FOR A SECOND GUHFADSBFKSFHAKSJ
- If this didn’t work with Cheryl, this won’t work with Alice. But Betty doesn’t communicate with people so she wouldn’t know. Also, there’s no date on it so like… she’s bad at making Charles’ gravestone look real. Like, I already know that she’s undercover with the FBI with Charles bc yeah but like… why wouldn’t they just loop Betty in? She could finally back off and stop getting into people’s business.
- AH THERE’S THE STUPID BETTY COOPER ACTION THAT IS NEVER NECESSARY TO ANYTHING!!! Fucking Betty, you chloroform your fucking mom???
- Archie basically calling himself Jughead… ew… Jughead could never
- I know it’s going to happen but I don’t want Varchie to get back together.
- SHE EVEN FUCKING CUFFED HER TO THE BED OH MY FUCKING GOD send Betty to an actual psychiatric hospital far away, not only because then she won’t be in the fucked up town of Riverdale and actually get help, but because then the show could actually give other actors more screen time
- This literally seems like an evil villain showing the hero their backstory… also Alice gotta point she got the news job because of the farm. Betty we know you never think things through, just stop you’re soo fucking bad. Why does her crying for Betty’s 8th grade graduation mean that she’s not who she is now? That has NOTHING to do with her at the farm??????????? Why does she say “that was the past” like it changes nothing why you acting like it does?
- Betty all of your points really are so traumatic for Alice. Like, yeah I get it you and Polly were raised there but she married a fucking murderer and yet this is all about you. I mean, it makes sense but they make Betty push it so hard that I root against her.
- If I were Alice, I’d be so fucking horrified of my daughter. Like, she has done so much shit to her, and yeah Alice has done bad things too but at least she’s being brainwashed (? bc she’s undercover and not able to get out of her cover?) Betty should not be so okay with fucking chloroforming her own mother.
- Betty really acting like this is all on her huh…. I mean literally bring other people into the plot it’s not that hard to actually make it interesting and share the screen time
- Ummmm alright. Also why would you let her take “G” or whatever the fuck??? ALSO JUGHEAD WHY THE FLYING FUCK DON’T YOU TELL YOUR DAD THAT IT’S YOUR FUCKING MOM???
- Evelyn get the FUCK away from Toni. THE ICONIC LINE “Bitch, I love her.” fsjdkhfhaskjfdhsf
- MAD DOG!!! Of course Randy is taking drugs. I mean, that’s cheating so just tell the news and get him disqualified and you win… easy. My boy is NOT taking drugs.
- JELLYBEAN!!!! AND RICKY!!!! I mean yeah they’re both little shits but uhhh that’s kinda sweet
- Lmao how did she start burning those pictures tho… I mean good for her but like… how?
- Betty… threatening to kill someone is NOT a good thing. Get some fucking help. Like, she’s not even scary. Does no one remember how sweet she used to be? I’d be so fucking concerned for her.
- Ew, kombucha? Cheryl, the farm doesn’t need you for brewing kombucha lolol
- FANGS!!!!!!!!!!! But isn’t he a part of the farm when did he get messed up into this boxing shit tho? DID HE EVEN KNOW BABY TEETH? I mean, yes baby get  screen time, but???
- Edgar saying that Betty is a good person… sksksksks since when? And of course she’s afraid of her daughter, she literally doesn’t care about anyone but herself or Jughead and that is not good. I mean poor Betty for having to hear that but Alice isn’t wrong.
- Did… Did Betty not listen to those tapes at all? I know Edgar is a cult leader and therefore he tricks people into doing and saying what he wants but he never said SHIT to turn Alice against Betty. Betty’s doing that all by herself. He literally said that Betty loved her… he’s right you have given her so many reasons to fear you.
- Betty knows that a therapist is to help people? Then why the FUCK doesn’t she get an actual therapist? She desperately needs it.
- Edgar is actually pretty good with words tbh… but then again he kinda has to in order to be a cult leader
- So no one at the Farm is going to get her arrested for kidnapping? FP would have to arrest her lol but alright
- Varchie FRIENDSHIP is cute but I don’t want them to get back together ugh I know it happens but NOOOOOOOO why does the CW always ruin everything good?
- LUKE!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
- Evelyn really trying to make herself the most hated character by breaking up the best couple lol but I’m so disgusted bc I know that Toni ends up actually wanting to be in the farm… if I remember correctly…
- I mean you’re not a MONSTER, Betty, but you’re an awful person.
- I don’t like Kurtz but I really like the actor for him.
- PLEASE TELL ME MY BOY DIDN’T TAKE DRUGS. AWWW JOSIEEEEEEEE I miss her so much she and Archie deserved better.
- When Betty actually does the right thing (having a change of heart for the good) ssksks I’m not used to Betty actually using her brain. It makes it worse that it’s only because of a cult leader but uhhhh
- THE REF SHOULD BE ABLE TO CALL THE DISQUALIFICATION??? That’s so cheating and that is so fucked…
- Also I love that Archie still has the fake serpent tattoo.
- LMAO FUCK YOU ELIO, EVEN DRUGS CAN’T GET YOUR PEOPLE TO WIN. oh… of course he’s gonna fucking die.
- Ugh I forgot that The Gargoyle King was a thing. It’s just so fucking stupid…
- Poor JB,,, anyways go to your dad to help
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dumbledoom · 5 years
The Umbrella Academy
What a good show!!!!! Let me tell ya, I was sleepin on this show and I have no clue why!?!?! Take a seat, grab a snack, get comfortable cuz I'm about to rant!!!
Ok for starters, as a disclaimer, I knew nothing about the comic books or characters or anything before watching this show. But damn, going into it blind is probably just as much fun as if you were already an established fan.
This show is so so entertaining and well done. It sort of reminds me of Heroes, way back in the day when that show was on (Sylar was my jam gah-damn). I feel like The Umbrella Academy captures that same kind of audience kind of, but it's so independent and unique on it's own that it's definitely separated from Heroes.
This show speaks to me on so many levels. Emotionally stunted family/siblings dealing with the abusive/neglectful childhood they were raised in. Superheroes (also my main jam). Action, love of all kinds, personal development for each character, humor, seriously this show is just so well rounded.
I didn't know what to expect at every turn, I was kept constantly trying to guess what was going to happen next and there were several options to choose from for them to go. Each character brings something different to the table and it's just so fun to see them grow and where they go with the story.
The actors! Good-god-almighty! They did such a great job of picking these people, not to mention the diversity. Yay! I'm so for it, I love it!
Allison is so gorgeous (even tho her hair looking like ramen noodles had me so distracted for most of the season, I got over it...kinda) She is beautiful and her power, "I heard a rumor", like damn dude you could get away with anything with that! No wonder her character chose to be an actress in the show. She is smart and sassy and confident and I'm here for it. I feel bad for her with her backstory with her daughter, but like if I were a mom with her power, I'd probably have done the same thing (cuz ya girl ain't got an ounce of patience for bullshit)
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Vanya (super cool name, love it) isn't my favorite character but she is still pretty cool. Its kind of hard for me to look at Ellen Page and not think of Juno. She's never been my favorite actress, but she does a good job with this character, being so closed off and neglected at the beginning and then completely transforming. Homegirl had is super rough as a child, I feel for her, being left out...that shit kills. She is soooo tiny in stature compared to everyone else in the show, it kept throwing me off a bit, but like that's not her fault. If anything it adds to her character. I hate how easy it was for her to be influenced by what others said. (Btw, fuck you Leonard, you're a dick bro, I ain't even gonna give you your own paragraph of opinion, cuz you manipulative fuck, I don't like you!)
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Now for the boys!
Good lord they did my boy, Tom Hopper, dirty with the outrageous bodysuit they put on him for Luther! Like he is so naturally built and pretty to look at and they had to go and ruin my visual pleasure of him with that gnarly bodysuit! I spent the better part of like the first 4 or 5 episodes trying to think of how they did this effect before I thought of them making him wear just a big foam prosthetic. (Insert gif of Chris Evans' "I don't wike it" here) Luther as a character I feel needs a bit more development, they don't really define his power super clearly except for his build telling you its strength. They don't showcase it very well and it makes me sad. Also!! Why would you put him on the moon for 4 years! Damn you, Reginald!! Even without the in-depth background development, I love him as a character cuz he definitely tries to be the golden boy, protector, older brother even though they're all the same age. I love him. The dance scene between him and Allison completed me!
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Diego is awesome! I love him. I wasn't too sure of him at the start, he looked super suspicious and guilty at the start but I really learned to love him. Not to mention he is hot af, like damn boi! I love how much of a hot-head he is and his power with the knives is dope. His relationship with Klaus is so funny as it develops and I just really enjoy it. He is stubborn as fuck tho! Seeing some of his backstory and how close he is with mom is so sweet, cuz he plays the tough guy when he is such a mama's boy at heart.
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Five is such a goober! Putting an old dude in a kid's body, he is so dry and serious and it's just so funny cuz he is the most mature out of all of them! He's such a grump too, but I would be too if I had gone through what he did. His power is super cool and I would love to have it! Imagine all the money you'd save on gas and plane tickets just being able to jump anywhere like that!! GOALS! The fact he can time travel with it is just a bonus! He really is the smartest of the bunch (tho Allison is on his heels, as runner up) I'm my opinion. The fact that he is in love with a mannequin is such a quirky and fun part of the show! It's like they were like, "sure, give the youngest character a love interest, but make sure she isn't real", genius! I don't know what these writers were thinking, but it fucking works.
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Klaus is my favorite character of the entire damn show! This boy is so fucking funny, I can't get over it. He has these one-liners or quips throughout the show that just get me. His style and look is so attractive too, especially when he isn't really my usual type, but I was really feeling him. I love that they portray the addiction struggle. I think he, as an actor, really nails that part of the performance and brings a lot of heart to it. He really makes you fall in love with the black sheep of the family, the screw up. I really enjoy his relationship with Ben throughout the show and the fact that it's so secluded to the two of them. I really like that they don't play on his sexuality as what defines him, it's a part of him that is important, but it's not his sole focus and I really appreciate that. I wish they would elaborate more on his relationship with Dave, but maybe that'll be explained more in future seasons? The fact that he communicates with dead people for his power is super cool. The old Russian lady just yapping in the background of that one episode was so funny, but like I can see why he resorts to drugs for relief. Poor baby can't get any peace and quiet, not even in the tub! The scene of him dancing around in his towel is great, it kills me! Klaus really is just my favorite of the whole show, he really steals it for me and I just love him so much!!!
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I really want Ben to be expanded as a character. I like the actor they chose for him, I like his sense of humor and the fact that he basically acts as Klaus' conscience. I want more of him, cuz I think he is a cool character and I want more backstory.
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Freaking Hazel and Cha-Cha! What a duo!? Mary J. Blige is legendary, so beautiful and suave. Having her paired with a guy like Hazel is just so fun. He is such a sweetheart, falling for the donut lady who is like way older than him!? I would've never called that and it's a bit weird of a relationship, but I respect it! You love who you love! Anyways, Hazel and Cha-Cha are fun to watch and the fact that they struggle so much with trying to kill Five is just hilarious to me.
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Altogether the show is just so much fun to watch. The relationship between the characters and the development is choice and I love it. I relate to each character and what they go through in different aspects and it triggers me and my memories, but I don't really mind to be honest, the show is worth it. The main plot of stop the apocalypse is overdone, but if you can look past that (like I do) then the show is so enjoyable. I definitely recommend it to anyone who needs a new binge (seeing as I watched it in an afternoon, don't judge me, I did 5 hours of microeconomics homework before that).
So yeah...that's all I gotta say about that.
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aprettystrangeblog · 6 years
For Trans Peter idk if you like Wade but imagine Wade helping Peter fight some baddies and Peter is injured so he takes him to his home and helps him heal all the while being respectful of his identity but he finds out Peter is trans and Peter freaks but Wade is chill and doesn’t give two fucks and is v. supportive? And then he takes him home to his dads and gives him the courage to tell them idk Not as a ship tho just a weird uncle / elder brother sorta way
Hey so there’s an already existing fic series of this which is my absolute favorite!! Go check it out, I adore this author!Part 1Part 2
I love this prompt though, so I’m happy to write something related to it! This is 100% platonic and NOT SHIPPING RELATED AT ALL, as this includes MCU trans Peter Parker.———————————Deadpool’s legs were swinging precariously over the edge of the building they were lounging on, the dizzying thirty story drop below him seeming to have zero effect on his nerves. Several Taco Bell wrappers were scattered around him, and the merc with a mouth was busy downing another crunch wrap supreme as Peter crossed his arms next to him.“Dude, you’re gonna die from like, taco overdose.”“Wouldn’t be the worst way to go out, kid!” Deadpool replied cheerfully, brushing fallen lettuce off the front of his suit. It spiraled down into the open air off the side of the building, floating away into the breeze.“Suit yourself,” Peter mumbled, rolling his eyes as Wade pulled his mask back down over the ruin of his face. “Ha! Suit, suit. Heh. Puns.” Deadpool shook his head and turned to face Peter appraisingly; though he couldn’t see it, he could tell the merc was frowning lightly through his mask. “You sure you aren’t hungry, spiderkid? I don’t mind going back to raid the nearest Taco Bell for some grub for you.”“I’m not hungry,” Peter said with a shrug.“Dude, you just swung across the whole city and beat up those idiots on 45th street with me. You’ve gotta be starving!”“Nope,” Peter echoed smoothly, rubbing at his side. The truth was, he would kill for a taco right now. He was hungry and on edge, but the pain his binder was putting him in was masking every other need he had. Oww. He knew he shouldn’t have bound for afternoon patrol, he knew it was a bad idea, but he’d gotten caught up in stopping a robbery with Deadpool himself and now here he was, exhausted, in pain, and unsure if he could even web himself home.“Kid,” Deadpool mumbled, and there was a surprising amount of gentleness in his voice. “I’ve never heard a teen boy refuse a healthy serving of Taco Bell. What’s up?”Peter yanked off his mask, reveling in the fresh breath of air he gasped in. Deep breaths.“Uh,” he managed, trying to rub at his aching chest. “My… suit’s just extra tight. And… got… punched real bad…. in the chest. Yeah. Don’t wanna eat when… I’m in pain.”Deadpool waved his hand. “Psh, then do the thing ya do in all those YouTube videos! Y’know, when you loosen your suit. You don’t need to be Mr. Superhero Spandex up here.”Peter recoiled. God, he was sorely tempted to do so. But that would reveal his binder and his secret to Deadpool, of all people. Only Aunt May knew about his… identity. Not even Tony knew yet. Or Captain America, or Mr. Strange, or any of the other Avengers he’d gotten close to.“…I don’t wanna strip my suit off, dude.”“Whoa, whoa, whoa, NOT what I meant!” Deadpool threw up his hands. “Just take care of yourself, kid. If your suit is giving you pain, I probably have some spare clothes in my duffel bag you can borrow. There’s even a vent over there you can change behind. I’m not gonna like, look. Gross. I kill pedophiles for a living, Pete.”Peter snorted, considering the offer for a moment. Tempting. So tempting. But… his binder.“No, thanks,” he mumbled, turning his gaze away. He opened his mouth again, and before he knew what he was saying, words just started tumbling out of him.“I mean, it’s not, it’s kind of my suit. I mean, it’s part of my suit, over my chest. I mean, and, it’s really tight, and it’s hurting me, and I don’t wanna take it off, but ow, and when that guy sucker punched me in the chest it got way worse, and, and—“Deadpool shook his head, waving his hand to try and silence Peter. “Whoa, slow down, motor mouth. Pardon?”“I, it’s, it’s just… never mind.”“What? You got like, a binder or somethin under that blue and red spidey suit?”Peter froze.Deadpool noticed.“…Pete? …do you?”Peter’s hand curled up into a fist as he yanked his mask back over his face, prepared to make a quick escape.“So what if I do?” he retorted as he stood up, trying to sound brave, but it came out as more of a squeak.“…Peter. It’s okay. But I should never have gotten you involved in that spat with the bad guys if I’d know you were wearing a binder.” He raised his hands, moving cautiously into a standing position, trying to show he was no threat to the kid. “You could’ve gotten hurt. You could’ve broken a rib!”Peter looked startled, still on edge, but his shoulders slumped down and he reluctantly yanked off his mask again. “…I know.”“You… really shouldn’t be wearing that thing on duty, y’know? You could seriously damage your body.”“Jeez, you sound like my dad now.”Deadpool tugged up the corner of his mask so Peter could see his small smile. “Dadpool? I could roll with that.” He plopped back down on the edge of the roof, and looked back up to scrutinize Peter.“Hey, I didn’t mean to out you. Your identity’s safe with me, okay?”Peter’s expression softened. “You… mean it? You’re… not weirded out? You… how do you even know about binders?”Wade smiled again and patted the ground next to him, motioning for Peter to come sit beside him. “Why would I be? Been around that block a couple times in my life, kid. I know.”Peter let out a sigh of relief, suddenly feeling exhausted just from standing up, and slumped back down onto the roof beside Deadpool.“How are they treatin’ you and your identity over at the Avengers, huh?” Wade asked gently, leaning in. “Are they treating you okay? Helping you? Because if they aren’t, my hit list can always use more names, and I’m sure the X-Men can find a place for you at th—“Peter shook his head rapidly, laughing. “No! No, that’s… no. No one really knows. I think Tony guesses, I think he’s been talking to my aunt. I dunno about anyone else, though.”“Have you thought about telling them?”“Sometimes. It’s just… scary.”“Yeah, I understand.” Deadpool looked at the horizon, watching the sun start to dip behind the skyscrapers. “It’s not easy. But… sometimes it is worth it to open up to people. You can’t keep everything all neatly bottled up in side. That’s why people become alcoholics. Don’t drink, kid. No drugs!” he added hastily, wagging a finger.“Now you really DO sound like a dad.”“Hah!” Wade snorted, but sobered up after a moment. “Hey, really though. Opening up might be good. Tony’s brilliant, I hate to admit. He could design hundreds of more efficient, safe binders for you.” He shifted, pulling his legs back up from the yawning precipice below them. “And the Avengers are… they’re good people at heart. They’ll accept you no matter who you are or what you wear under your suit. Don’t tell them I said that, though.” Peter laughed softly, and Deadpool reached up to clap him on the shoulder. “I believe in you, kid.”“Thanks, Wade. That means… that means a lot to me.”Deadpool shook his head, yanking his mask back down. “Don’t mention it! Really, though, you gotta go take that boobie trap off your chest before your hurt yourself.”“Boobie trap?!”“What? It’s catchier than ‘binder’. That’s what I used to call mine.”“Yeah, you would.” Peter grinned and forced himself to stand up, wincing. “Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer of some spare clothes.”“Gotcha!” Deadpool said happily, reaching behind him to grab his pink duffel bag. “Extra clothes are in there. Howzabout I go get you some Taco Bell while you change in private?”“That would seriously be awesome.”“Good! Go take care of yourself, Spiderman.”
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awesomeatitsbest · 5 years
finally getting around to watching Elseworlds 🙌🏼 so IGNORE THIS if long ass text posts are annoying lmao
fcking LOL at stephen’s face on grant’s body
they dont know each other’s big bad, they need weekly skype sessions smh
oliver and iris are just the weirdest thing lmao theyre both so easy on the eyes tho
oliver in the flash suit, gotta say, not a bad look
oh...no...oliver...u mess
barry finding out that he’s oliver is like when a kid opens a present on Christmas
barry and oliver are just the weirdest brothers
felicity and iris call each other??? fuq yes, im ready for the superheroes’ wives bookclub weekly meeting to be a thing
speaking of earth 38 and kara...is there such a thing a interdimensional skype calls¿
awh brother exchanging tips on their weird body switches how cute
are these west-allen tears in my eyes? maybe SO
kent farm fuck me up
kara and lois ganging up on clark, how cute :’)
ARGO CITY! phew i thought the writers forgot about that
aWH clark and lois are cute af
oh my gosh wait i forgot clark/kal was just a baby when krypton exploded and kara was the only one who remembered but now he’s been to argo city 🤧
a fcking robot that can mimic meta powers? ok then
barry just pRANKED oliver by shooting remote control bows, the brother dynamic i tell ya, they need to have more minor crossovers happen between all the shows smh
my three heroes, acting like each other, joking like kids🤧 warms my heart
wait so the robot can copy alien abilities???¿ hmm....also it just came to me, if cicada’s powers only work on metas, then why dnt they just SUPER him...wouldnt be much of a plot i suppose
oh my gosh this is the FREAKIEST friday ever
carlos’ hair is so beautiful, what does he use on it damn
lol wouldnt it be funny if oliver speed sketched but it ended up just looking like a rlly bad 2nd grade project
kate kane on top of that building? wig
oh my gosh they redid the beginning sequence of arrow w grant fREAKIEST FRIDAY
i love my idiot superhero trio, bickering like real super-powered/skilled siblings
lol these fckers rlly tryna rob the superhero trio rn...nvm the superhero trio are idiots
kate “im the rain on your parade” kane has arrived to ruin my life
hey! kara and kate both got superhero cousins! alSO was kate totally flirting w kara or was she totally flirting w kara OR do i have my gay goggles on but i mean cmon “those are the ones that you can see 😏” like cmon
the hero squad breaking into an asylum..i love it
if batgirl and supergirl dnt interact more in the future ITS A FCKING HATE CRIME AIGHT
bro deegan himself needs to be admitted into the asylum dafuq
a second after typing that i realize that he technically briefly was heh
oh my fucking gosh his rat lookin ass transformed himself into hot af superman smh
barry “too pure for the world” allen and oliver “dark and broody” queen, what an amazing brotp
melissa/kara in all black? hAWt
kara “too afraid to be a woman?” danvers
who...who was in charge of chyler’s wig? i just...i just wanna talk
GARY IS HERE GARY IS HERE LMAO so i guess LoT technically was part of the crossover
awh alternate reality alex is still closeted :’( like not even sarcastically, confused straight alex legit makes me sad
any danvers sisters interaction makes me CRYilOVETHEM SO MUCH
“i guess my pod didnt land here” oh my gosh what is earth 1 kara like omg is krypton still alive omg wait that makes me sad that this earth doesnt have the danvers sisters
this faux italian mob cisco is giving me life its strangely fitting
alex “a badass in every reality” danvers
ah finally everyone in their respective suits but also couldnt they have used this opportunity to debut a new suit for supergirl
oh my gosh no the two super dorks wanna run around the world anD TURN INTO ASHES ALA INFINITY WAR
big brother oliver calling his little siblings kara and bara the best of us and the ones that inspire hope? maybe a bitch CAN cry
sooo....wtf did oliver do
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knitspecibus · 6 years
Chelsea’s Bizarre Tendency to Do Battle??
I finished Phantom Blood off screen! It was good! Jonathan was a good boy and he will be missed but now it’s time for a new JoJo to enter the scene!
Episode 10?
No, sorry, new arc, who dis
OH. SPEEDWAGON. I WAS A FOOL, MY APOLOGIES. how you holdin up dude
(okay, it’s been several days since i last jojo’d, am i supposed to recognize these hamon guys?)
man, how old is he tho, im just askin
okay they’re talking about straizo like he’s an old friend, i gotta look him up
ohh, that dude. okay.
aw yis, hittin up that good Aztec? shit the mask is from
 weren’t there like. bodies in this cave or something? yeah, i think that’ll be pretty chilling.
oh, okay not bodies. masks! lots and lots of them! that’s not safe!
listen. listen. am i supposed to know who the guy in gold is? because they...either act like its something shocking or something mysterious and i dont know which so far!
aw yeah, a tourist. easy pick pocketings
is the triangle buying the coke our new jo?
...i dont know why but like, the coke peddler being like “hey! that guy took your wallet, you should chase him!” bothers me? maybe im more used to the response of yelling to everyone around like hey! stop that youth!! idk
wow that is an. unfortunate looking cop
jesus thats a lot of blood for hitting him with a fuckin billy club
lock him up? at this rate theyre gonna just kill him!
i mean that is fair, he did only steal a wallet and its not like he’s even resisting at this point. stop ruffin’ him and start cuffin’ him
holy shit the cops hand is the size of the kid’s head
i don’t. i think you can keep his wallet? I. dude. just give it up at this point, pretend youre an upstanding enforcer of the law ruffing up this hooligan and give the dude his wallet??
oh. he’s pretty.
what is it with joestars being like, way too nice. well i guess he could see the kid was getting roughed up unrightfully and wanted to step in.
wh...wh...picking his nose....
a) i dont think you can just arrest people for nothing? b) wHY ARE YOU THREATENING HIM WITH A BOOGER, STOP.
*sigh* thank you, new jo. that was exactly what i was hoping would happen
oooo he got that HAMON
i love how much the finger breaking animates while everything else is still
look at him chug that coke. i love him.
well, it DOES seem you’ve caused a ruckus. might wanna grab your wallet (so they can’t fuckin ID YOU.) and split
granny Erina...ha...cute...
oh he got that NATURAL, i-just-kinda-did-it-without-thinking-about-it hamon talent
yer a wizard, jojo
i think they sad the pick-pocket’s name was smokey? is he gonna be the new jojo’s speedwagon
love that fuckin! gotta do a pose to say your name!!!
meanwhile, back in the mask cave
oh im sorry, THATS NOT A CARVING???
man, how long ago was jojo 13 because speedwagon looks like, twenty years younger
awwww, what an adorable young lad. he got his grandad’s bow tie :3
i love, how the planes being hijacked and he’s still just reading his comic
this has to be an act, but just. imagine. being this casual about this. “listen, im just minding my bidness, leave me alone.”
okay maybe speedwagon dosn’t look that much younger looking at him again, idk
awww, he lob his grandma :3
jojo. joesph did you just kill a man.
You’re a loose cannon, joestar!!
WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING ALSO  speedwagon noooooooo D:
okay not dio but...idk one of dio’s thralls or whatever?? im too tired for this shit
oh okay he’s just a fuckin dio fanboy. awesome, great, what a fuckin shit
“he was powerful, ***beautiful***....and imortal. and VERY. beautiful.”
i love jojo’s hair
i mean. this dude in the car could SEE jo, right? see this fuckin, enormous young man and decided to tell him to lick a dog butt, which is a weird thing to say to someone?
aw, look at my girl erina, all ripened
pfffffft “hey, granny, speedwagon was grandpa’s friend, right? like. was that all or. we’re they “special” friends?”
seriously tho whats jo asking here???
also seriously....jojo is very pretty
ahh, trying to play matchmaker i see, jo you sly dog
yeah, that probably was a rude thing to ask about tho
wait. erina’s son and the baby girl she saved. who probably grew up as siblings. got married and had joesph.....
oh god
dude have you looked in a mirror lately? asking for a friend
is this guy being racist. this feels racist. he;s probably being racist
jo who taught you to pose like that. was it speedwagon or erina
i love their dynamic. “granny, permission to ruin this man?” “well he is very rude. just be mindful of the other customers”
i love. how jo said that he would say it, he sad it anyway, and he was still shocked.
alright, we’re throwing in a dash of that good ole Sherlock Observationalism
fascinating appraisal jo. now just kick some ass
love how everyone else in this restaurant is like, god damn it. not again. we can;t go anywhere in this city for a nice meal without two gents getting into a scrap
THEYRE FUCKING CLAPPING. i guess everyone else wanted to see this freak get his ass beat too
how. could you know that. straizo killed everyone concious in that room. and the point was so no one...well he did say he wanted the joestars to hate him i guess?
Thank you, Informational Mob Boss NPC
jo you gotta stop doing this parlor trick
okay if you believe him why do you got him by the collar jo
ah i see, hes offended Granny, and we can;t have that!
......joesph. joestar.
oh shiiiiiiiiiit
jo please dont do something dumb
why? would he need fangs if the vampites in this just drink from their fuckin fingers
oh. well. that was unexpected its not gonna kill him but it was unexpected!
oh i thought roundabout was just for phantom blood, sweet
Wow!!! that was a long liveblog, im very tired. i guess this is just gon be one episode for now
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askmyboys · 3 years
Kevin Waters Ward
| Name: Kevin Waters Ward (a very UNFORTUNATE name oof)
| Nicknames: Floatie/Rot/Rottie (he likes those nicknames a lot even tho there aren’t even related to his real name like at ALL)
| Gender: He/Him and It/It’s
| Age: N/A
| Height: 5’0”
| Species/Race Drowned (Zombie)
| Eye Color: Turquoise (there’s a glow from his mouth that’s also turquoise)
| Hair Color: Dark Brown (his hair is pretty gross honestly, it’s matted and weirdly slimy, its just- super gross (his hair is long as well because he doesn’t… really know how to cut it)
| Skin Color/Body Type: Ocean Blue and his body type is average really not too chubby or too skinny
| Appearance: Let’s start off with his outfit, his main outfit and only one is the typical ones Drowned’s wear, after all it's simple and honestly the best thing considering they have to stay in water, it’s the ripped and tattered brown shirt and pants, he wishes he could wear other types of clothing honestly, he also wishes he could come out of the water just in general, sure, there’s nighttime or rainy weather but still, he doesn’t wanna just HAVE to go back to the water- either way, he has pointed ears, he has normal teeth surprisingly ...except for of course his fangs, he has claws as well, and before I forget he has a circle beard as well, he has parts of his rib showing, some of his cheek has been torn off exposing a bit of his jaw/teeth, he’s got some bone showing as well on his arms and legs, his joints have also seemingly been stitched together by someone… He also has a few stitches on his fingers as well.
| Personality: Given his mob’s nature naturally people and others are terrified of him, and he honestly wishes it could be different, he’s got a LOT of curiosity to him especially when it comes to humans, humans fascinate him honestly… He’s also a bit childlike as well, he can’t speak TOO well and big words confuse him but gosh dammit he’s trying his best, he’s also an EXTREMELY slow learner so please be patient with him, hates loud noises and will start crying (him crying is really gross, both sound wise and look wise), especially if you yell at him or threaten him with anything, he can’t blame you if you threaten him though or if your scared even if he doesn’t want that, he can see how terrifying he is.
Despite being so friendly, sweet, and outgoing, he does have the urges to nibble sometimes, his bite is unfortunately toxic so if you get bitten (not nibbled on but I’d still be careful either way…) but if you get bitten welp have fun with zombification motherfucker lmao, he does love to nibble on things and chew things, so honestly just give him a fuckin squeaky/chew toy of some kind and that way he won’t have a big of an urge to chew on skin or anything, he does try to control his urges though, he doesn’t like how strong they can get sometimes, how strong his urge is to p much eat someone, its frightening… But he tries his best, humans just… Fascinate him so much, he wishes he could get close to them without them being afraid or trying to hurt him, he just wants to hold someone (touch starved boy) and he wants to feel their skin, their hair, etc-
Do humans feel warm or cold like him? Does human skin feel weird like his orr normal…? ...He wonders what it’d be like to be a human sometimes, he’s babey essentially excluding when he has his “episodes” however, when those happen he can become very violent and aggressive even though he doesn’t mean to, he just let himself go waaaayy too long without food, I’d recommend running when he’s like this because I mean, ya don’t wanna let him eat you, do ya? ….Don’t answer that, its a no, no you don’t… Whenever he’s finished with doing t h a t however if he’s hurt or worse killed anyone he always winds up beating himself up over it, there’s a lot of breaking down and crying involved, he didn’t mean to, he didn’t WANT this…
Being a Drowned can be such a burden sometimes... 
(tl;dr: Friendly, sweet, outgoing, just wants friends, someone to hold, touch starved lad for sure, has episodes here n there and can go into a frenzy which he always feels guilty bout afterwards even if he didn’t actually hurt anyone, sometimes wishes he could be human bc being a Drowned feels like such a burden, loves to chew on things a l o t, childlike for sure, hates that people are usually terrified of him, its 100% gotta be like a FULL ON bite, nibbling/a lil chewing doesn’t REALLY count as long as it doesn’t wind up breaking skin)
| Side Facts: He has a Trident, he never ever uses it but its there in case he needs protection, it was given to him at a young age and despite being pretty slow (both learning wise and slow movement wise usually) he’s REALLY good and VERY accurate with the tridents, not sure about a bow/crossbow however, he’s never used one of those but I can say with confidence he’d probs be damn good with one of those as well, despite me saying he’s slow, he’s pretty fuckin fast when in water, one moment he could be way down below in the deepest parts of the ocean, next moment he’s right beside you or in your boat even like ….hh...hiiiii… ...please dont shoot the lad or stab him- he means no harm genuinely.
He loves exploring the world, its so vast and beautiful… So much out there, so much he STILL hasn’t even seen yet! 
(lmao for a funny side thing, I imagine Kevin is SUPER lucky like he’s found shipwrecks, desert temples, jungle temples, fucking STRONGHOLDS of all things, ruined nether portals, etc-
what’s sad though is he’s easy to trick/manipulate/guilt, if you wanna go to one of those all it takes is a promise of being his friend and then boom, you’ve got a free ticket to one of these things ….DAMMIT I SAID THIS’D BE FUNNY AND IT TURNED SAD- JUST, DONT LIE TO HIM- JUST BE HIS FRIEND DAMMIT fkjdslkfdjksl;f, he’s a very sweet Drowned who won’t ever even attack you, he just wants someone to be with and that’s all.
The other Drowned however I will say don’t like him for how soft he is towards people, he’s a zombie-esque mob, he needs to ACT like one, he needs to stop holding his urges back and just go for people like the others, the zombies along with husks, p much any zombie based mob doesn’t like him for these factors and that he’ll actually PROTECT people from his own damn kind, traitor much?
He doesn’t much like them either though, they are all mean, all they care about is hurting and killing innocent people… In the end all they care about is themselves really, he cares about others and he’ll NEVER stop caring about them, even if they hurt him, he usually chalks that up to them just attacking out of fear which he understands, I will say though… Despite being so passive and friendly, he isn’t just going to let you “kill” him… He won’t fight back but he is going to try and get away at the very least.
Also! His favorite music discs are Ward (why I chose his last name LMAO and shh he doesn’t need to know bout that first bit sounding like funeral music just don’t even tell him),he REALLY loves Cat and Far as well, and finally Strad is one of his comfort songs that can help him calm down.
He’s a bit scared of Mellohi, that song gives him a feeling of dread, Chirp isn’t one of his favorites really… That song makes him feel weird… Music Disc 11 absolutely TERRIFIES this poor boy, any time he hears that playing on someone’s juke box he swims the fuck AWAY as FAST as he can, feels the same as Thirteen as he does with 11.
He’s got no opinion on Stal really, he’s neutral toward that song- Mall is a good song for long journeys, he loves Wait for how funny it sounds, and even though its EXTREMELY rare to hear, Pigstep actually isn’t one of his favorites unfortunately, that type of music just isn’t his cup of tea, it isn’t like TERRIBLE tho by any means.
Oh yeah a few more things, his home is actually a cave, it's under the water but the part he’s in SPECIFICALLY that he’s made himself, he made sure to clear the water from that area to put his chests and items in, those items are stolen ones or ones left behind from people, he just… Likes having things like that, and if somehow he for once meets a human friend he’ll be more than happy to share his items or even give some! ...He does make sure to keep water nearby, he’s made a tiny pool right outside his cave house just in case he can’t make it back to the other water sources before he feels dried out.
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krakenator · 5 years
CHAPTER 9 aka “Let’s go lesbians!”
SPOILERS are sprinkled around extremely liberally for The Property of Hate
Masterpost here
Melody and Julienne join The Party! A singer, a dancer, and an actor make a triple threat baby!
Though the true triple threats out there are the people who can do all those things. I would put myself as an example but said Real Threats are people who can do it all well
…y’know we haven’t seen RGB dance but… it would not surprise me. My god. That’s why he’s so strong. He dances
Maybe the real triple threat was the object-heads we met along the way
Still on that opening page though, have I talked enough yet about Melody’s dialogue? Because a glissando is an excellent way to convey and agreeable hum.
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Wow parents really were right that tv would rot my brain look at this poor doggo
Yo yo yo that’s the snail from the Pool of Tears in chapter 2!
So all I need to do to get Inspired is to lick a technicolor dream-snail, got it
Oh damn it, it’s a bright idea
Ey the picture frame clouds are back. Wow they are moving fast- heckuva wind
Oh yeah and TOby’s there. Enjoy the view lil buddy
Looks like the armchair Hero slept in at the House of Paint’s become more realized as a What. Wonder why it’s heading down to/past the Pool of Tears
How often do you think someone in this world goes to, like, hang their coat only to realize the coat-racks missing and just go “oh damnit it went sentient and wandered off. Well. Inconvenient. But godspeed I guess”
So I know the ball and chain Hero’s fashioned for her TV guide (FUCKIN JUST REALIZED THAT ONE) is rolled like like a yarn ball, but my boat-brain looked and it and said “monkeyfist. Big ol’ monkeyfirst for swinging around. Throw RGB REAL far”
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How is modmad so good at speechbubbles. RGB’s shaken text/box is hilarious. Melody’s notes are connected by a beam, she’s beaming
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rekted for the 11th time in 4 days
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This is a good opportunity to take a moment for me to appreciate modmad’s HANDS. RGB’s hands are always exquisitely drawn. Like, the third panel especially, goddamn. Second appreciation is how damn expressive RGB is. I gushed about my love for the wives designs last chapter, I guess it’s finally time for RGB’s turn
For having NO ACTUAL FACE the man is supremely easy to read as a character. He doesn’t have eyes, yet you know when he’s smiling for real anyway! Looking back at the first few pages, that’s SUCH a fakey-fakers smile to the genuine ones seen throughout the rest of the comic. Combined with his body language- just fantastic
And then! The drooling! The initial reason I wanted to do a more thorough reread was when I realized the colors correspond to emotions and whatever RGB is feeling most strongly in any given moment, those are the colors he drips. Which is! Fantastic! It gives yet another avenue by which to see RGB’s character and an excellent supplement when the man is, again, emoting with NOT-A-FACE
His antenna crack me up. They start the comic so straight. So ironed out and spiffy and like 3 days into his newest Hero they are chronically crinkled up like tissue paper. It gives him this impression of being completely frazzled at all times, which. accurate
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Back to your daily scheduled TPoH though; eeey, Assok’s speech-texture has some black triangles in here for copying Julienne’s words!
Yikes. RGB’s tried to take Heroes back before huh. Considering he hasn’t given up on his “save this doomed world” plan after all this time, how absolutely/repeatedly disastrous was “get my friend back home” for him to concede it as impossible??
Aaaand we’re off to the races Market!
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BIG DAMN SMOOCH! YES!! LOVELY! Also Julienne’s resting the blunt side of her knife on Melody’s head and I’m die
Melody’s dialogue is the symbol for a “natural” note. She’s replying “naturally, duh” to RGB’s question
If Julienne wasn’t already married to Melody I’d seduce that big instrument lady myself
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Accept the compliment Assok! You did good!!
Random thought and back to RGB being stealth STRONK- Hero found the [—–] to be heavier than it looks and yet RGB is walking around with it all tied to one foot completely unimpeded
Im fucking snorting. The way RGB says “…that’s the sea.” Like he can’t believe Hero is being this dumb. If course it’s the sea! Obviously!
D’you think if RGB saw how water and seas behave in our world he’s be equally bewildered as I was the first time I read this page
So I took the time to look up Julienne’s name and now im BIG MAD. Julienne is a way of cutting things into long thin strips! It’s a fucking culinary pun!!
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Y-yo… that’s just a big damn eye.
AND/OR an impact crater. Except the ground they’re standing on wouldn’t be flat if that were the case
But it is also DEFINITELY a fairy ring, as the next page describes this is EXACTLY how fairy rings work
K so this entire page is just that one verse from “Cover is Not the Book”
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Bruh. This looks like myelin sheaths on nerve axons. Myelin is an insulator just like [—–] is described to be! Except the metaphor ends there because myelin is supposed to be there and protects the axon/accelerates signal speed. Assok is basically chewing nodes of ranvier into existence instead of the breaks between myelin forming naturally. And that’s my degree put to use for the week
Also HEY. I had the thought earlier that the sick tree might be a Yggdrasil thing but didn’t put said thought down cause there wasn’t a whole lot behind it save for “big tree, big big tree”. But NOW it turns out there was a small SERPENTINE creature CHEWING AT ITS ROOTS
Everyone: RGB smart?? as if. RGB: EXCUSE-
absolutely huge mood there buddy
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Hero is the flower that will die even though she’s saved the World >:(
“all flowers must die to complete their purpose” is also a funny phrase to be throwing around when Negative’s presence sprouts blue roses which shatter apart when he leaves
“Flowers need roots to live”, further implicating Negative as the (ha ha) root cause of the blue roses and vines. and we again see here, the flowers die but the branches they bloomed from remain
ALSO consider the flowers seen around characters heads when they dream/are asleep- those flowers also must go away when people wake up
Taking this a step further, Negative can be further associated with RGB’s subconscious/being unconscious by his flower-spawning
Lesbians Fight TV-Dad for Custody of Daughter
It’s “make fun of RGB hour” on TPoH and im living. Sharp, sour, cheesy poop indeed
Gotta remember to contrast this against when Hero actually drinks his colors later
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Under the sea, under the seeea~
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Melody shouted in sforzando but it’s already too late ;_;
Oh! And the notation on top- that tells you to use a mute. God dammit
I knew this was coming and yet I am devastated anyway. goodbye my sweet wives your time was too short. Please come back one day
It’s also notable that Hate cut them out right at the border before the third and final protection on the Market begins. We know later that the darkness blots them entirely out of Hate’s view, so if they’d made it just a bit further She wouldn’t have been able to capture them like she just has
D’you think RGB knows exactly what’s happened to them?
If bodies of water are another form of Good Protection, then Fears hanging around the Pool of Tears is doubly weird
Yikes tho good thing Hero hopped off, can you imagine if Hero had gotten snipped away alongside her moms?? Terrible
Jeebs are you telling me that Hero would have eventually started to fade if she’d carried that pile of [—–] long enough?! RGB! BAD DAD! GET ‘IM HERO
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Then again, this means he was probably planning to carry it himself most of the way. He has certain advantages after all- he overgenerates color for himself. It’s probably why he lasts as long in the storm of Nothing as he does…
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HEY. Her schism’s opening back up! Nothing on page 166, but once Julienne and Melody are gone in page 167 we see it starting to open back up
And the third return of “just this once” is killing me dude
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Poor Assok get scronch
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Girl what makes you think TOBY and JULIENNE trust RGB?! Additionally, why are you including Dial on the list?! Is he just That Charming?
IN FACT,  every single person Hero just listed? RGB has personally ruined their life! he’s killed ALL of them! HERO I UNDERSTAND YOU’RE 6 BUT
Hero trusts Dial oh no. this can only result in bad things
Butterfly, flying off in defeat: goddamn fucking idealistic children making it hard for me to steal them away and end their story, come on! Dump the chump and let me end you!!!!
Back on that schism though- it opened up once they started fighting at the sun tree, and just now when the wives disappeared. I would say it’s ripped open by experiencing fear, but it definitely was not open when Hero saw Neggy Boi wrecking shop
Join me in the next chapter when our intrepid duo speedrun Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When It’s Dark Outside! 
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hxrryspotter · 7 years
evak beach hc part 1: with @tarjeiandhenrik (who thought they owned a beach asdjk)
isak doesn’t really like the beach. he hates it when he gets too hot, he hates the sand and how he’s gotta re-apply sunscreen like every 20 minutes, the kids, how his snapback ends up being a sand bucket
“even!! but they totally stole my fucking snapback what the fuCK!” - “i thought it was jonas’ snapback?” - tha- that’s not the point!”
hJKLDFJDSLKJFDSLKF BUT SNAKES CAN SWIM WHY DOES HE HATE IT - viki thnx how could i forget snakesak.
even on the other hand, loves it. and isak loves even.
cue: beach shenanigans, or alternatively called: Boy In Love With His Boyfriend And Would Sacrifice His Skin For Him.
isak gets burned easy, you cant tell me he doesn’t. therefore re-applying is hell on earth bc the sunscreen ends up mixing with the sand that never manages to leave his hands and legs, and it just feels like rubbing sandpaper onto your skin and isak is Grouchy.
on the topic of re-applying tho, isak only starts to hate it a little less when even ends up helping him rub sunscreen onto his back. (imagine even making dirty jokes by e) and also having to rub sunscreen onto even’s back too.
although, he thinks he could also get used to watching even watch him as he rubs sunscreen onto his stomach (he’s not gonna make even do that for him when he can obviously reach his own stomach, he doesn’t have an excuse…)
but yeah he grumbles about it but the more he does it, he becomes determined and very focused on the job at hand and then he randomly looks up mid-sentence to see even just *heart eyes, sex eyes* at him and lololol isak can’t use sunburn as an excuse to why he’s so red right now but suddenly he doesn’t mind re-applying so much if even won’t stop looking at him like that.
don’t think about the time where even tries to recreate their pool kiss at the beach. it doesn’t go a well as their first one did lbr.
isak can’t deny feeling giddy that even wants to do it again bc that moment is so special to isak bc it’s where all this finally started. where they took that chance.
that feeling soon leaves as isak’s eyes start burning bc beach water is nasty af and the moment gets ruined bc even is still trying to kiss isak but isak cant see and he ends up laughing and yelping bc his eyes fucking sting and even this is all your fault why couldn’t we go to a pool instead!
but isak’s not mad at even, if anything he’s glad they get to be silly idiots together and he wouldn’t trade this day for the world.
despite isak hating the heat, they have a lot of fun that day. they race each other, even also makes them do the underwater challenge again bc isak swears he can do better than last time.
he doesn’t.
even going underwater and staying there for too long before popping up and startling isak, “you’re so dramatic. oh my god why am i with you???” - “for my giraffe genes, obviously!”
ahem speaking of giraffe genes, even most definitely gives isak a piggy back ride in the water.
isak is still kind of hesitant tho bc they’re still in public but even notices his unease so he walks them over to a more secluded part of the beach and he can feel the tension from isak just melt away as he wraps his arms more securely around even’s shoulders, giving his neck a small kiss.
even’s a sappy guy and all he wants to do is to be able to look at isak so isak on his back isn’t really helping bc he can’t see him??? cant say whatever he always says to make isak’s cheeks flush red and for the smile to tilt up, for his eyes to go all soft and drowsy. 
so even rearranges them so isak is facing him again and they slowly drift through the water, touching, but not all over each other like before; talking about nothing and everything.
exchanging relaxed kisses and words, sometimes stopping to just take in the moment and the quiet and the sound of each other’s breathing with isak’s head resting on even’s shoulder and even’s chin on the top of isak’s head.
when their moment gets broken though, even is sure to make isak race him back towards the shore with barely a warning. even always wins.
by the time they get out of the water and back towards their towels to lay down and dry, isak notices his snapback filled to the brim with sand and his scandalized gasp has even looking over worriedly before bursting into laughter. “… even… is there a way i can wash a snapback?”
imagine isak and even laying side by side on their towels and facing each other. their eyes half closed bc of the sun but they still think the other looks as beautiful as ever. even isn’t shy to say it though while isak holds back a bit and is content to just stare at even silently. 
until even’s body jerks suddenly and isak is all ????? but even just reaches for the sunscreen and starts re-applying while isak whines in annoyance and turns onto his back, stuffing his face into his towel.
his body jumps tho, when he feels even’s hands on his back, re-applying for him and his heart swells bc as he turns his head to watch, even’s tongue is curled, sticking out of his mouth, as he focuses on making sure isak won’t get burnt, smiling up at him when their eyes meet.
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jesliey · 7 years
The Many Ask Thingymabob
Second times the charm...
Tagged By: @caramiathegreat
Spoofy Soundcloud or Pandora? Im a spoofy kinda man
Messy or clean room? I think my room is comparatively clean
What colour are your eyes? Bluest blue to ever blue
Do you Like your name and why? Its alright. It always seemed a little lackluster to me
Relationship status? The running joke in my friend group is my 3 year dry spell. It isnt a very funny joke.
Describe your personality in 3 words or less? Distanced pragmatic dumbass
What colour is your hair? Golden and luscious
What kind of car do you drive? My moms PTA-mobile
Where do you shop? Bad Dragon
How would you describe your style? Dying, yet fashionable college student
Favourite social media account? We all know timboblr is utter trash, and i picked up natter a while ago and its honestly pretty fun
Bed size? Queenie my man
Any siblings? two older stepsisters and a wee lil half sister
Anywhere to live in the world and why? GERMANY OR POLAND. BECAUSE HERITAGE
Favourite snapchat filter? I really like the flower crown an butterfly ones but my phone is being dumb with snapchat and i cant get them
Favourite makeup brand? I mean i dont wear it, but im definitely not opposed! i dont know anything about brands and i am ashamed...
How many times a week do you shower? I go by how my hair feels. Usually its every other day, or every two days.
Favourite TV show? Currently? Gotta be that weeb and say Jojo...
Shoe Size? Depends on where i go, but like 12 - 13
How tall are you? Very
Sandals or sneakers? I like wearing socks and sandals feel weird on my feet
Describe your dream date? Existent... T-T
How much money do you have in your wallet? I dont carry cash!
What colour socks are you wearing? Black
How many pillows do you sleep with? Like 6. Ones a memory foam body pillow its soooo nice....
Do you have a job? Nah...its not for lack of trying though
How many friends do you have? Like...sooo many duuude...not really...
Whats the worst thing youve done? Cut someone who was bad for me out of my life. Bad for them, good for me.
Favourite candle scent? I mean i dont do candles but i love lavender
Favourite boy names?
Favourite girl names?
Favourite actor? Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
Favourite actress? Ashley Johnson
Celebrity crush? theres a lot...
Favourite movie? The Boondock Saints. Easy question.
Do you read a lot? Whats your favourite book? I dont read as much as i think i should, but i loved 1984. I wanna try David Foster Wallaces Infinite Jest and i have the first book in Baccano that i borrowed from a friend and havent touched yet :/
Money or brains? Ignorance is bliss and im filthy fuckin rich HOLLA
Do you have a nickname? Jesliey is an old one. People also call me J a lot. Very briefly in highschool someone called me J-Money whenever he saw me
How many times have you been to a hospital? Not very many. I went in a few years ago for a tonsil infection but that was it in recent history
Top 10 Favourite Songs? Ok this is in no particular order and also limiting to 10 is blashpemy
Subdivisions by NSP
Everybody Wants to Rule The World by NSP
Resist and Bite by Sabaton though if im honest most of Heroes belongs here this ones just my fav
Winged Hussars by Sabaton POLISH PRIIIIIIDE
Wrong Side of Heaven by Five Finger Death Punch
All of Pendulums Immersion album im not picking one
Come with Me Now by KONGOS
History Maker by Dean Fujioka
Setting Sail, Coming Home by Darren Korb
Sonata For Whitestone Castle by Aiden Chan
Do you take any daily medications? No, but i probably should have...
Whatis your skin type? on a good day, slightly dry. on a bad day, cracked bleeding sandpaper.
Whats your biggest fear? My man i used to battle almost daily with some quite hefty anxiety. I could stare down the Grim Reaper and say “I served my time you come and take me”. Wasps and needles are pretty bad though i guess
How many kids do you want? Id be lying if i said i didnt want a daughter at some point...but theres no way im passing on my genetics. im adopting if i ever want a kid.
Whats your go-to hairstyle? Either free flowing and glorious, or ponytail if i need it out of my face
What ype of house do you live in? Moms house is pretty decently sized i suppose
Who is your role model? I dont really have one...
What was the last compliment you received? I dont know I dont really get those often...this is getting kinda depressing....
What was the last text you sent? “Well i hope shes alright”
How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa? Like 10 or 12
What is your dream car? Oh god i want a 1985 Pontiac Trans Am so bad you have no idea...
Opinion on smoking? I dont get the appeal but everyone can make their own choices
Do you go to college? Yes and im dying
What is your dream job? Metalworking and blacksmithing has lowkey been a huge fascination of mine for like 2 years now. i would love to be able to do that for a living
Rural area or life in suburbia? I like the idea of both, but rural areas have space for metal workshops
Do you take shampoo/conditioner bottles from hotel rooms? Nah i bring my own
Do you have freckles? A few spread sporadically all over my body. no noticeable patches though
Do you smile for pictures? Yeah but most of the time it feels so forced
How many pictures do you have on your phone? Somewhere between 1 and 2 hundred. Im not adding them up among all the folders...
Have you ever peed in the woods? Bruh the forest has seen every bodily fluid ive got
Do you still watch cartoons? ANIME IS NOT A CARTOON DAD. also yes quite often.
Wendys or McDonalds nuggets? GIMME DEM CHICKIN MCNUGGiES
Favourite dipping sauce? Sweet chili thai!
What do you wear to bed? Pajama pants, a shirt, and socks usually. Occasionally whatever i wore during the day. Ive been known to ditch my pants and socks in my sleep.
Ever won a spelling bee? Never been in one, but i think i could have if i wanted to
What are your hobbies? I wont as long as i live under my mothers roof, but i would hella get into amateur blacksmithing!
Can you draw? yes. should i draw? no.
Do you play an instrument? I can play trumpet, but i would really like to pick up playing cello
What was the last concert you saw? If i remember correctly it was the Scorpions
Tea or coffee? Both. Simultaneously. I like to remain calm while containing the energy of a god.
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Fuck you america! Tim Hortons!
Do you want to get married? I wont oppose if a future partner wants to, but if i love someone enough to want to spend the rest of my life with them, then it wont be necessary
What is your crushs first and last initial? Which one tho?
Are you going to change your last name when you get married? Im indifferent
What colour looks best on you? Blue and red are my standard colours
Do you miss anyone right now. If i think about this at all the answer is usually yes
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? I have the lovely habit of losing my pants in my sleep. for the sake of everyone else in this house, closed is best
Do you believe in ghosts? Call me a skeptic
What is your biggest pet peeve? Im pretty laid back about a lot of things. Only thing i can think of now is more of an anxiety thing but i cant stand people randomly touching my hair without me knowing
Last person you called? My mother
Favourite ice cream flavour? Butterscotch ripple
Regular or golden oreos? Golden
Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow
What shirt are you wearing? An old white one with some brand graphic on it
What is your phone background? Lockscreen is Goku from DBZ if he were done as a Jojo character, and home screen is a cr1t1kal quote
Are you outgoing or shy? Im not overly comfortable with just meeting new people and striking up conversations without some kind of help
Do you like it when people play with your hair? I mean i used to...theres a girl at my college who has absolutely no concept of personal boundaries who has at least partially ruined that for me now. Like i said earlier, i cant stand people touching my hair now without me acknowledging it
Do you like your neighbors? Ive lived her about 8 years and im still learning their names
Do you wash your face at night? In the morning? lmao
Have you ever been high? Hella my dude
Have you ever been drunk? Also hella my dude?
Last thing you ate? Coscto chicken penne and a salad.
Favourite lyrics right now? “Light up the night./ There is a city that this darkness can’t hide./ There are embers of a fire that’s gone out,/ but I can still feel the heat on my skin./ This mess we’re in, well you and I,/ maybe you and I,/ we can still make it right./ Maybe we can bring back the light!” Light Up the Night by The Protomen
Summer or Winter? Autumn fuck that noise
Day or night? Night
Dark milk or white chocolate? White!
Favourite month? October
What is your zodac sign? League of Legends Cancer
Who was the last person you cried in front of? I legitimately dont remember...probably @vocoterra
If anyone wants to do this feel free and say i tagged you!
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Survey #47
“and our scars remind us that the past is real.”
which dinosaur is your favorite? spinosaurous! have you ever been fishing? i live in north carolina. guess, lol. have you ever broken the law? if yes, what did you do? yeah, like illegal downloading and drinking underage. what is your favorite candy to receive in your trick-or-treat bag? reese's! would you ever play with a ouija board? no. idk if i believe in ouija boards, but i do enough to not fuck with them. what is your favorite foreign cuisine? italian, i guess. have you ever wondered if deep down you’re evil? i have. considering there's one person whom i'd kill if i didn't have the guilt factor, i've wondered it. i know without a doubt i'd beat the shit out of her if i saw her, and that should say enough about me. ugh. i just lose all self-control when i merely THINK about her. who do you still need closure from? jason how did you find out what sex was? how did you think it worked before? i actually learned in the 5th grade from sex ed. before that, i had no theories, i didn't know it was a thing. when did you last see an attractive member of your preferred sex? did you speak to them? do you think you’ll see them again? i saw this SUPER cute guy on christianmingle, but i didn't talk to him (you can't talk to people on there 'less you have a subscription, which i don't have yet). who knows if i ever will. what exactly did you eat for your last meal? have you any idea what you’ll be eating your next meal? i had honey nut cheerios. my next meal will be at 12:00, but because we have no bread, i'll probably just like have a cookie. we barely have anything right now. have you ever tasted baby food? how about pet food? no. pet food, i did have a guinea pig treat once lol. if you found out that your ex was having a child with someone else, how would you feel about that? fucking NO find 5 people on your facebook friends list, whose name begins with k. who are these people, and how did you meet them? kelly: met in art class in high school. she is now a mother to a daughter named jasey. katherine: we met via youtube, i think? she just lost her dad. :( katelynn: jacob's ex. very sweet lady. kathleen: high school friend. she moved away after school. kenesa: my hair stylist. if you wear glasses, are they dirty right now? eh, kinda. are you good at wrapping presents? nope. do you put your hair up when you cook? i don't really cook, but i never have in the cases where i have. do you prefer mountain dew or sprite? mountain dew. i don't like sprite. funny how it was my fave soda as a kid. what is your favorite unisex name? hm, not sure. have you ever deleted anyone from your facebook friends list? if so, why? yes, either because we don't talk, i have no interest in keeping up with you anymore, or you've done something to piss me off. time for a random question about the person you love/like. what’s his/her favorite food? probably pizza, but i'm not sure, actually. do you regret any of your past relationships? no. what is your best friend’s middle name? colleen. she goes by her middle name. have you ever liked someone that your friends didn’t like, or considered to be unattractive? if your friends have an opinion on someone you like, or are in a relationship with, do you take that into account? juan didn't like jason because jason once dated rachel, whom juan liked. i'm pretty sure one of my friends called jason weird-looking before, too?? and no, i don't care what my friends think of those i like much, honestly. it's my business, no theirs. do you plan on having children in the future? i think so, yeah. at the same time though, i'm VERY scared of having another life to watch after besides my own. i can barely take care of myself, for heaven's sake. i don't want a child if i can't appropriately take care of them. do you believe that the world will actually end? it's biblical, yes. if you could choose to be any mythical character, which would you choose? dragon!! what is your favorite animal and why? meerkats!! they're the second-most social animal in the world and would give their lives for their families. do you find yourself on youtube a lot? i always have it open. are you satisfied with your gender? yep. do you know any strippers? not to my knowledge. would it intimidate you if your crush was smarter than you? maybe a slight bit, maybe. who’s the biggest whore you know? rachel what do you want to get for your first tattoo? if you already have tattoos, what was your first one? my first tattoo was a butterfly with a semi-colon body. it represents the butterfly and semicolon projects. ever had a feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? yep. i "knew" jason was going to break up with me like less than a week before he did. when was the last time you cried? last night. when was the last time you walked more than five miles? how come you did it? holy shit dude, i couldn't tell ya. what was the last flavor of ice-cream you had? french vanilla have you ever gone to any ridiculous extremes to lose (or gain) weight? i haven't, but i'm like five seconds from starving myself to lose weight. have you ever witnessed a birth? only by animals. do you think age matters in relationships? yes. as a general rule, an adult should not be with a minor. i personally draw the line for adults around a 10-year age difference. you should just... be in similar stages of your life, y'know? do you ever actually drink milk alone? yeah, milk is my go-to drink. have you ever been in your kitchen naked? no. the kitchen is at the other end of the house, and i'm very uncomfortable naked. do you like the smell of coconuts? eh... i'm neutral. can you play pool? yeah. we used to have one of those leveled gaming things where you could change the top of the thing to create a different game, ex. air hockey to pool. do you think that christians (and other religions) can believe in evolution? i mean... i guess?? but as a christian, it wouldn't make much sense. do you wear socks to sleep?   hell no, that's just uncomfortable. have you ever kissed just a friend?  no, and i wouldn't do that, because i wouldn't lead someone on like that?? would you rather own a snake or a rabbit? snake ugh i want one so badly!!!! what does your town's name begin with? n are you a seafood fan? not generally do you like pickles?  hell yeah! do you have a class ring?  no... i wanted one, tho. we just didn't have the money. do you prefer gold or silver jewelry? gold. i can't wear silver, i'm allergic. have you ever shaved your arms? nope. what about your stomach? i shave the dark hairs were you a nancy drew reader when you were younger? nah. would you marry someone if they were unable to have sex? of course i would. sex is just such a minute part of relationships. what's the last piercing you got?   hmmm.  i think my anti-tragus. have you seen your best friends naked?   just about.  she is totally not self-conscious about doing whatever in public; i mean consider it.  the woman's had surgery on her breast, had a surgery for endometriosis, she's married, her sister like barges in on her when she takes a shower.  i WISH i was like that.  there was one time she needed me to zipper clothes for her, so we were in the dressing room together.  i have so much respect for her. what's the last wedding you've been to?   i was the fat bridesmaid for ashley and nick. do you wear colored contacts?   i wish. one word to describe the last person you kissed?   perfect. are you counting down for anything?   my birthday!! does your hair have layers?  yeah.  ugh they gotta be trimmed. does anyone call you babe or baby?  on the VERY rare occasion juan and i talk, he calls me that sometimes. do you have or want your bellybutton pierced?   i WANT it pierced, but only after i lose weight.  i don't think plus-sized people look good with it pierced, honestly. how skilled are you at photoshop?  not at all.
 how well can you handle vulgar things (i.e. gore, disturbing images, etc)?
   general gore, no problem.  that's an aesthetic of mine.  disturbing images, like, say, a bone jutting out of someone's arm, fuck that. what part of your body would you like to change?   number one thing?  i want my stomach to be smaller. has anyone ever tried to ruin your relationship?  yeah, rachel.  too bad i ruined it myself, bitch. fess up, who was the last person you thought about kissing?   ugh.  jason. ever sang to the person you liked?   no.  after three and half years, i was too shy to sing in front of him, except for ONCE at church. are there some songs you can't listen to because they remind you of someone?   yes.  "stairway to heaven," "all or nothing," "easy to love you," and i'm on the verge with "have faith in me."  i have a hard time listening to ANY bvb or motionless in white, but i do anyway. do you believe that there's good in everybody?   nope. do you still speak to any of your classmates from elementary school?   ummm i don't think so. what if you/the last person you were seeing found out you/they were pregnant tomorrow?   i'd be impossible because it's been over a year since i've seen him? if you knew you couldn't get caught, would you rob a bank?   no.  couldn't live with the guilt. if you could discover one medical cure, what would it be for?   alzheimer's have you ever dated someone in the military?  no, and i honestly don't think i would unless i just so happened to really like him.  i could NOT live happily and contentedly knowing my boyfriend/spouse was always on the verge of being killed. what are you listening to?   "scars" by papa roach.  lol i'm having an emo streak. do you like to go out in the rain?   NO.  i hate being wet. do you think you'll ACTUALLY live a happy life with somebody?   lmao no.  this is why i cried last night. how many people have the ability to hurt you emotionally?   literally everybody. have you ever kissed someone who smokes?  nope, and i never will. do you have any brothers?  a half-brother. who did you go to the movies with last?  colleen and chelsea (: would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?   no, because i don't fancy prison. have you changed this year?   i'm more of a calloused bitch. have you ever been in a real moshpit?   nope.  i know it's a big part of metal culture, but i don't think i ever will.  i just... i'd get so scared being pushed and stuff. taco bell or olive garden?  og.  no competition. has your best friend ever seen you naked?   no.  way too shy to let that happen. how old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?  late 20s have you ever snuggled with someone you weren't dating?  no. would you prefer a baby boy or girl?  a beautiful little girl named alessandra quinn. are looks in a boy/girl important?   you know what, i don't entirely know anymore.  so if you read my last survey, you know i joined christian mingle a few days back.  well, thinking about it, i didn't really look into people's pages that weren't at least what i call "neutrally attractive," which is like, not really attractive, but not unattractive.  maybe i was wrong to say all these years that they don't matter.  but then again, if i befriended an unattractive guy irl and developed feelings for him, i wouldn't deny them, so i wouldn't say they're very important. you go home with a hickey, what does your mother say?   i'm 20, she can't really say much, but i'm sure she'd be a bit concerned.  i'm not in a relationship, so to randomly have a hickey?  yeah, she wouldn't like it. do your parents know EVERYTHING about you?  mom thinks she does, but sorry to inform her that she doesn't. would you consider painting your bedroom purple?  hm.  dark purple, i suppose. do your parents approve of the music you listen to?  most of it.  some of the heavier stuff or things that sing about highly negative things, notably arch enemy and otep, mom doesn't like, but of course lets me listen to it. do you keep in touch with your cousins?   no. have you ever had a best friend that moved away?  she wasn't really a BEST friend, but she meant a lot to me. do you wish you had an older, protective brother?  i guess not.  after all, when i imagine said figure, i can't imagine he'd let jason have slept with me.  i'd'a pitched a fit. name some things you would never tolerate in a relationship?   any kind of abuse.  any illicit drug use.  smoking.  obsessive drinking.  i know there's more, but i'm not gonna dwell on this question forever 'til i remember. is it easy for you to accept loss?   HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH- what's in your underwear drawer?  underwear, bras, bathing suit, fingerless gloves kiss with eyes open or closed?  who on earth kisses with their eyes open?  freaky.
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iwishnomore · 5 years
there are mostly civilians in the camp people and kids that wouldnt be able to defend themselves well so V gets put there with a handful people to keep an eye out for them and
the camp gets in trouble with some other grp that take their supplies away before they can pick them up
so these people seem to have their base close to that camp and V being V wants to investigate and see if these guys are just talking big or if they really can take the camp out like they say if the camp doesnt pay to get THEIR OWN STUFF back sneaking her way to those people its not only clear that these guys are full of shit- but they also have beef with each other in their own little gangster grp
she witnesses how they basically ruin themselves drinking, fighting and taking their compadres out so problem solved itself u may think as V suprise hits the last guy standing who is just happy he has a lot of shit to live off of
so while she checks how much of the supplies these greasy guys had their hands on already she gets surprised by a RANDOM LOL patrol of aliens (what kawa u drunk go home)
seems those guys had their stuff a little too close to a checkpoint and the noise they made when they killed each other resulted in alien troops coming to check what the shit is going on
So far, V’s day is a rollercoaster of ups and downs she gets wounded on her leg but manages to take out 2 out of 3 aliens
hunter shows up and oh boi does she like him but also she does not trust him bc the last time he just dissappeared after she helped him and he helped her and now she thinks that he might just go ahead and kill her rollercoaster down so to speak he shoots the last alien saying something along the lines of ‘this one I am taking care of myself~’ meaning her, obv and she thinks its her last seconds lol so while she scrambles backwards and he casually walks towards her ANOTHER PERSON SHOWS UP
so in case u cant already tell from my rambling: ASSASSIN shows up- turns out hunter has ignored the elders call and she came to check up on her annoying brother lol he reacts quickly, making sure she doesnt notice V V IS HELLA CONFUSED BUT WHY NOT while they 'talk things out’ (rather get onto each others throat pretty much immediately) she takes her leave slowly and bleeding bc of that darn wound on her leg she tries to stop the bleeding and cover her tracks
not trusting her own ability and fearing that she might get followed anyways once her absence at the scene is noticed she avoids going straight to the camp doing all the indiana jones things she even wades thru a friggin river ….that rollercoaster keeps spiraling down eh?
tired, scared, bleeding and now also soaking wet and without her jacket bc thats what she used to get rid of the blood that might drip from her leg, pants,shoes whatevs and the supplies still are theoretically lost meh so she ends up exhausted somewhere in the woods like at this point V doesnt even care? she’s gonna do something …right after she rested her eyes for a minute mind u u.u bad idea
no amount of wading thru water and trying not to bleed everywhere helped and who shows up with the most satisfied shit eating grin under the sun? aye u might have guessed it hunter wastes no time telling her all the things she did wrong while funnily enough he also without explanation or anything he just inspects her wound and does some funny psi stuff this rollercoaster is confusing V is angry, she is pissed at herself and him of course- scolding her and gloating abt how she messed up but she is also confused af werent they done with helping? shoudltn he be just …skinning her alive or some shit since thats what they say he did to some people or maybe roast her
on a kebab stick but there he is
numbing the pain in her leg somehow and deciding that she needs to get somewhere else if she had more energy she might have tried to resist
but as things are nothing stops him when he picks her up (not elegantly in the least i might mention) and starts off to who knows where
so however much time passes V has no idea but it feels like not more than 5 minutes have gone by….then again…who knows…she might have fallen unconscious somewhere along the way
she gets plopped down and its soft wherever this is it looks better than anything she knows
she is so dumbfounded by her surroundings she doesnt even talk back at first when he tells her to get out of the wet clothes
she’s in the middle of stripping down all the while still oggling the room with the sleek surfaces and the outrageously comfy looking bed…how dare they…whoever owns this place should get beaten with a stick
so before her undies fall she snaps out of her thoughts and wants to yell at him Buuuut he is nowhere to be sen seen* ok so off with the undies
V wraps herself in a blanket and (WHY IS IT SO SOFT HOW DARE THEY)
V is still taking in the room wrapped in that blanket, her clothes sprawled over a now-not-pristine-white-anymore chair this room looks pretty but empty like someone had planned to live here
its pretty and empty and although the matress she sits on is insultingly cozy and the blanket a dream come true….its still cold and V has to make a concious effort to stop her teeth from chattering where the fuck did 'he’ go tho for a moment V imagines complete strangers entering the room to see a freezing V sitting on their bed and wrapped in their blanket
thats funny almost the whole situation is ridiculous
V is ready to walk back to that chair and wring herself into those wet clothes again
leaving this place and probably dying of hypothermia outside sounds just as bad as sitting here and waiting for kingdom come this is way too similar to the last time she was stranded with this guy speaking of which maybe he already left
with her bare feet she slowly tip taps thru the room, checking windows and closets and making her way to the only door in sight the second her fingers make contact with the handle the door opens
'gotcha. nessing with the doors again.’ messing* (lol jk) no lights for now he says but the place will warm up eventually theres electricity
he somewhat inores her °_° face and walks past her and she cringes when she realizes he goes straight to her stuff V almost trips over herself to make sure he cant get a hold of anything what are you doing making sure these will dry- or would you rather have them stay wet I dont mind you like this [insert rude smile here] so the clothes get taken care of
its still cold V is still confused by his charitable behaviour wtf is he thinking wtf is SHE thinking she completely forgot abt the whole 'he is gonna kill me’ story so, with newly found waryness she starts asking questions why help me why follow me why not kill me
whose place is this we gotta remember last time they met was when she helped him and he taunted her
and she bluntly spat out that she doesnt know why she does it but whats so wrong with that- maybe she just cant help it- maybe its not her fault she likes this guy so he pulls up a chair in front of her, sits down on it, his arms on the back of it whats so wrong with that i cant help it- its your fault
nothing else he grins he is fucking crazy and V isnt so sure but it almost felt like he could have said he liked her she huffs
i could have killed you countless times you snuck right thru those wannabes today like it was nothing but you wouldnt do that to me (ah so he had watched her? hello stalker how are u today) just like u cant hide your tracks or take care of yourself
her motions at her- probably talking abt her leg which is not helaed just not hurting bad very bad in fact bed and blanket have a nice new decal in rusty red by now (I SHOULD GET BETTER AT SHIT LLIKE THIS BUT WHATEVS)
'so you dont kill me you rather lecture me abt how unable i am to stay alive by myself?’ V is showing her best side today but oh well
maybe its the rollercoaster maybe its the whole situation
so V is ready to argue but hunter isnt in the mood lol he rather laughs at how its so easy to get her riled up
and he gets over to her mentioning something about her big ego in such a tiny body no wonder she got in trouble before he gets uncomfortably close but only to take care of her leg AGAIN
this time she struggles because 1 she is shamefully aware of her nudity under that blanket 2 he has zero problems pushing her from left to right as if she was a doll not funny so he manages to take care of the wound (i will just claim that he can do it with psi so ….pls dont slaughter me) and it only leaves a thick line of fresh pink skin on her leg- no wound but that pink skin is not nearly as pink as her face would be…if it wasnt so cold
seems the warmth he spoke abt earlier is still not coming around?
he had helped her with warmth before so why not do it again only this time she has no clothes and if he hasnt seen her blue lips from the cold he has definitely felt how icy her leg still was so off goes the armor
after the armor drops his hood drops he even takes off that sleeveless shirt
okay now Vs face definitely gets SOME shades pinker and not bc she is suddenly feeling less cold 'what the hell are u doing she scoots as far back on the bed as possible but OH MAN DOES SHE STARE
this guy is toned no weird alien anatomy apart from a slight difference in proportions but man lean and toned no wonder he picked her up like an acorn or a feather or whatever else V can come up with as a comparison 'so shy all of a sudden’ its true
V is staring with big eyes but not a single word comes out of her mouth as he comes closer he is not completely unclothed and its not like she hasnt seen men before but its different when u have to admit that u wanted to see something…and then like it too much when u do although u really neither shouldnt want to see it nor like it should/shouldnt whatever V knows this is wrong on more than one level
last time he’d had the blanket and she had bedgrudgingly come to him this time she has the blanket
and she wishes she could hide in it
she tenses up as his chest touches her cheek and his arms pull her close. he says something about deja vu and her being like a stray kitten but V doesnt listen last time his clothes had been like a shield between them this time her cheek presses against his skin
so they are, once again, in this position
V finds herself relax after a while bc feeling him like this and having the scent of his skin in her nose is getting her drowsy her head is filled with clouds and there is this incredibly need to nuzzle into him how to resist this is the most cruel seven minutes in heaven she has ever taken part in normally this would feel like the moment to do all the things and her heartbeat is saying just that nuzzle deeper breathe in this scent some more feel his skin
put your arms around this man instead she sits there like a marble statue but if she brushes her cheek against his skin just a little bit he wont notice right? he wont notice if she inhales a tiny bit longer than neccessary right?
would he notice if she moved a little, not much, just to feel his warmth some more and to lean into this not-really-embrace some more? shifting carefully and only a little was the plan
but when she feels his hands on her back move as well —her body moves as if on its own and she stretches and shifts enough to bury her face in the nape of his neck. …good job V. Very subtle she can barely hold back from sighing
it doesnt matter tho bc as if some silent agreement between them took place right as her fingertip gingerly move across his collarbone and to his jawilne one of his hands finds the back of her neck and guides her u.u and it happens no taunting no arguing no words at all
just warmth and silence and locked lips in a kiss
one kiss becomes two kisses three four each one greedier than the one before
bodys pressing against each other as if trying to melt into each other, hands roaming and breathless sighs gasping for air
V’s arms are wrapped around his neck, the blanket she was holding onto forgotten, her mind a mess, filled with the haze of want and a deep longing for his touch skin aginast skin
he is either gifted with natural talent or simply knows how to kiss and touch his hands are big and warm and they hold her tightly one more kiss they pause theres maybe 5milimeters between them none of them willing to let go
catching their breath
V feels a simmering ache between her thighs…and his arousal…well its obvious this is wrong no more she thinks but hesitantly places yet another kiss on his lips to betray her own thoughts there is not a hint of his usual smug smile on his lips the playful shimmer in his eyes she has seen so often is nowhere to be found
he is thinking
he bites back words as she kisses him again a chaste kiss on the lips and his fingertips gently caress the back of her head as he kisses back
with her hand against his chest she can feel that his heart is hammering just as fast as hers
He leans forward pushing V onto her back and into the heap of pillows behind her
with the blanket barely covering her nether regions she lies there, cheeks flushed and her hands timidly pulling back to cover herself. He is towering over her. V had almost forgotten how tall he is while kissing him- every touch had felt so natural so right. This view is a little intimidating to her….and exciting as well. The look on her face brings the smile back on his lips
he sits up, now kneeling between her legs. 'Now you’ve done it…’ he trails his hand over her healed thigh, his fingertips lightly brushing over the soft patch of pink. ’…your fault if you regret this..’ swift movements of his free hand undo his pants while the other hand disappears underneath the blanket covering V.
There was no denying it. V’s was dripping wet from the kisses and body contact alone…she’d felt the growing bulge in his pants. She couldn’t even think straight seeing it now although it was still hidden underneath the thick layer of fabric. Her eyes were transfixed on his hand on the pants hemline above it. V wanted him. Possible regrets or not.
She only realized where his other hand was wandering to when he slipped a finger between her wet folds. HE dragged his finger along the narrow path from her entrance to her clit and back, then teased her entrance, drawing circles around the overflowing heat- dipping into her from time to time ever so slightly but always leaving her wanting for more. He had her mewling and writhing in no time. Everytime she bucked her hips to meet his fingers he pulled back to deny her the pleasure she was seeking so depserately. Deeper. She wanted to feel it deeper inside. Sweet torture…. ’….please….’ It was a whimper so small and shy it was almost inaudible. The heat inside of her was unbearable. The small plea that had escaped her lips giving away how helplessly needy he had made her for him. With a low chuckle and a satisfied hiss he removed his hand from her fully. V bit her lip. She WAS like a stray kitten. Needy and outright begging. And now she had given herself away like an idiot as well. Yes, she wanted him. Maybe had wanted him from the start. Now he knew. And he would reject her. She closed her eyes, ready to hear the taunting and teasing. Oh silly human….why would he want you…. She waited for the words but they didnt come. Instead, the matress shifted. Movement. (would he leave her here like this??) V peeked through her lashes . He looked godly. Broad shoulders, sleek collarbones, smooth skin, defined abs. The lower her eyes wandered the more she asked herself what was not perfect abt him…he had strong hip bones as well…and even lower… The Hunter was moving slowly, he could tell she’d have her eyes on him. Some freedom from the tight pants was much needed and he smirked at her small gasp when his already leaking erection was revealed. He removed the last bits of clothing before he returned his attention to her…and his needs. His fingers were still wet from touching V when he wrapped them around his shaft. He was painfully hard and throbbing with arousal. There was nothing else he wanted more in this moment than burying himself deep inside of her.
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ragingtony · 5 years
Wow it has been a MINUTE but hi I needed a place to express my emotions and feel like they were being shared, but sadly most of my friends aren’t capable of emotionally supporting me right now and I blame them and I also don’t because the pain I’ve felt these past few months have required a typhoon of attention and care that I thought they would be able to give me, but sadly haven’t. Leaving me to feel vacant inside and like I have infected wounds left to fester which is!!! Dramatic but honestly true?? I have a lot of physical pain in my body and I’ve been having LITERAL heart palpitations this week and it’s a chronic experience that I thought would have improved by now, you know? I thought I’d still be sad but I’d have some hope, but mmmm no I’m a black hole of a mess. All the love in my life seems to have teeth. None of it is giving me back what I need, and it isn’t their fault really. I haven’t been around, they haven’t been around. But something seems less helpful and cathartic about your friends helping and listening to you only AFTER you told them to. That doesn’t feel like real loving friendship at all!
And I love them? Right? But the last thing I want to do is watch my two friends, who are dating, be in love and gross in front of me, in my house while I literally feel abandon by everyone including them. Plus I don’t wanna be a bummer for them, but I feel like I’m a place holder for my one friend. Just to be there to make it more fun for her, so she can see me while she also has her boyfriend and I, again, am left to my own festering mind.
I’ve lost so much this year and today I lost two more friends and god, it just hurts. I’ve never been so sensitive in my life, I feel like drying concrete people keep painting in. My two friends said something nice about me the other day and I didn’t realize until then how low and awful I felt about myself. I forgot I was anything at all, and again going back to before, I’m so desperate for attention. A hand, a friend, a place. But I’m a consistent basis while I’m healing. And everyone is too busy and too distracted and I see their selfishness and am only reminded of my own in the first place. I haven’t had the chance to talk to anybody about how I’m feeling, and I’ve told lots of my friends directly I needed someone right now and they’ve consistently faded in and out. And I guess empathy and compassion are more complex and difficult than you’d think. It seems an obvious and easy emotion to tap into when you’re exposed, but when life is going well for you nothing is more contenting then turning away I feel.
And I’ve been criticized by my friends lately when I asked them for compassion that I don’t show my pain enough so they don’t think I need checking in on? And I get that, but they’re aware I’m in pain? And one was in my immediate space for a month and never asked me how I was or if I needed to talk. I’m again, unsure if she’s selfish or if I’m asking too much of her. And it’s probably both. But I can’t stand not being communicated with, especially now when I have so much I want to say and share all the time but no one wants to hear and receive it. I’m not sure what to do when I see her next, today she hit me deep again and made me want to scream all over again. She reminds me of a man, the way she gives so little of her emotions. How little she thinks of how her actions will affect others. She reminds me of me hoenstly and it’s probably why it’s so sickening.
And I feel like I just keep getting met with unkindness in my most tender moments and i become an ugly mess to the world and then people think I’m nothing when really I just need a fricken hug and a pep talk, but like twice a day
My two closest friends are in relationships that hurt me to see and I hate being that friend. But I don’t really believe in either of their relationships and especially think one of them is wasting her time with a guy she doesn’t make sense with. And she’s said out loud she knows it doesn’t make sense, but like me, she’sld rather stay in a relationship that satisfies the senses rather than go through pain of letting go and finding a better one. But god she hurt me in choosing him all the time and not even wondering how I might feel. We’re new friends as well, but I’m aware of her, is it wrong to expect her to be as aware of me? When living in the same house?
Like I’m not talking about just crying and feeling bad. I mean I’ve dropped to the ground sobbing on a public bathroom floor holding my chest so tightly because I felt so much. I’ve sobbed on trains and sidewalks and parks. Homeless people have come up to me and asked what’s wrong, my parents are like afraid of me because they think I’m a depression volcano. I write and think and write and think and it’s not helping. It’s an exhaustion I can’t sleep off, I can’t run from it, it’s like a fucking phantom. And the lonliness feels like a shadow that creeps up behind me and taps me on the shoulder when I walk home from the movies alone and go back to an empty apartment, or when I have food left on my plate and no one to share it with or when i want a second opinion or a new idea and WOW I get why people are driven to hurting themselves. The pain is so deep and so chronic and no one am reach you and no one tries and they mistake you’re sadness as being tired and it’s just a well of cold nothing forever and ever.
I think my last love ruined my life, in its current state anyways. The sadness I feel has infected every part of my life and made me someone no one wants to be around, because again, I’m dying for attention. I’m even writing thsi for attention! This is literally last resort material guys, tumblr. Like is it 2013? Come on. But I’m 100% in love with last boi, and he hasn’t spoken to me in months. I reached out to him last with a really vulnerable letter and he never responded. And he’s not a garbage boi ok, he’s wonderful and gentle and kind and forgiving and so fucking smart and a wonderful feminist and was so loving and um! I literally have never met anyone worth so much. Yesterday at Christmas my uncles who met him asked where he was and then said how impressed they were with him and I was like ! I know! He put the fucking sun in the sky! And he literally just called me one day and was like hey I don’t wanna days anymore bye. And I don’t think he was sad at all, not like I was. I take everyone in my life so SERIOUSLY like I’m so fucking intense all the time and it’s killing me now. Like he probably cried once and then went and played guitar and never thought of me again except to be like “lol hope she’s good tho”
And I know you’re thinking “um he doesn’t sound like he put the sun in the sky” but no no, he did. His only fault is that he doesn’t know how to communicate.
It’s crazy how you’re subconscious knows a relationship is failing before you know. I used to cry all the time and feel so lonely because I know he didn’t love me as much anymore. I felt him pull away and get bored of me and I got bored of me too and I got so stuck. I get it, I try to make one person my whole world and happiness and that’s toxic and I gotta work on that. I knowwww what went wrong and Part of me has days where i wannnnt him to be happy but! He LITERALLY hasn’t responded to me? After a whole year of being in love? And it wasn’t like oh we dated cool, nono, we were each other’s everything. Like we couldn’t get enough and he was the absolute best boyfriend ever and did everything he could for me and we were best friends and had so much fun. And we TRIED to be friends after this but I felt like he had no idea how much this destroyed me? So I tried to tell him and he said nothing. What do I do with that? He was the essence of light and life and now all I have is people around me who can’t be bothered.
When people go through a huge break up they deserve to lay on their friends bed and tell them about it and cry and feel comforted. And have their friends just be there, but! I feel like I’ve spent two months in a freezer.
I also lost my best friend of 4 year this year, and my boyfriend abandoned me like a week after and I’ve lost my two most intimate relationships at once and thought I had good friends to back me up?? So I’ve literally spoke to no one the amount I’ve needed and had them give me perspective and love and so YEAH I feel 1000 abandon and YES if you were WONDERING I already had abandonment issues form my parents so this is a cute common familiar thing that I feel like will take 16 years of therapy to get out of but it’s fine bc I’ll never find love like I had before again ok so I guess 2017 was the Golden year I have to go die now
Also astrology ruined my life? I think confirmation bias is so real and I looked for all the flaws in people and had them validated instead of seeing them as whole people and i made them people they weren’t. I also boxed myself in and limited my own abilities to forgive and grown bc the FUCKING INTERNET SAID Taurus’s weren’t like that, and honestly in the two weeks I’ve tried to break that mentality and have told myself I CAN be energetic and forgiving in my own way has made me feel 1000 times better because before I just accepted that it wasn’t possible. And I made my last love believe we couldn’t be compatible and I just kept everything about astrology in the back of my head and let it be true instead of actually LISTENING to people, like??? I met ppl while traveling and got anxious bc I was like omg what if they’re a sag and then I’m like, I’m enjoying them right now why does it matter? It’s ruinnnned me.
Anyways everything just keep going wrong. Don’t even get me started on my job situation, I haven’t even thought about it. I have no idea what to do. I don’t want to do anything. I’m cold and hate winter and darkness and god my roommate can be so abrasive and cold and it makes it all feel lonely and impossible. I haven’t believed a good thing about myself in so long I feel like the ugliest person literally ever? And I TELL my friends I’m sad and they don’t even acknowledge my words? And obviously they don’t see the gravity bc they aren’t with me but AH I NEED ATTENTION TO FEEL VALIDATED right now, like people deserve those things right? And YES I do have a therepist if you’re wondering but she got married and the thanksgiving and then I traveled Europe forever and now it’s Christmas and ????
Im also sitting in an airport writing all this and I sobbed in the bathroom for a hot sec and my brother made fun of me and I’ve put a lot of energy into my friends ok? I got one a REALLY nice Christmas gift and i took another one to Iceland and I don’t hold those against them they don’t owe me in that sense. But I thought of them so much and all I want is for them to be aware of me and help me ???? Like idk, FRIENDS DO. And
Don’t think I can just get new friends. Like no way. Impossible. Adults can’t just MAKE FRIENDS
I also don’t wanna get married and have kids I think and idk if I mean that but wow I just want to sit down with my last love and scream cry until we feel better aka until he loves me again. Like I loooovvvvvve him, I’d never loved anyone I dated before. I was so proud of him and adored him and loved how he treated everyone he met and how interesting he is and how we could discuss anything and say anything and !!!!! I learned so much from him and uh hi I wasn’t DONE so if anyone knows him let him know I’m dying kk
Thanks 4 coming to my podcast!
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