#ftm brotherhood
martymctboy · 8 days
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strawberry-lullabies · 7 months
i always see trans ed and i love it don’t get me wrong!! but what about trans alphonse??? if we’re really thinking about it… his entire thing is “im in the wrong body” …that sounds pretty transgender to me idk about y’all
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areggos-art-dump · 11 months
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gotta celebrate pride <3
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ultrafangirlishness · 2 years
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trans ed
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rthko · 9 months
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Found this display at the Leather Museum and Archives in Chicago on Billy Lane, the first openly trans man to compete in the International Mr. Leather (IML) contest in 1998.
Placard transcribed under the cut:
I feel a lot of warmth toward the entire IML family and Chuck Renslow for being so welcoming. On the few occasions when I haven't been able to attend the Family Reunion (known to most of you as IML weekend), I have felt a sense of loss. I am proud of Mark Frazier who quickly and decisively took a stand regarding his newly acquired contest. Finally, I am grateful to the entire Seattle men's community who kept inviting me to be a part of their clubs until I was ready and said yes. I still miss all of you!
I have also been a proud member of the Brotherhood of Delta International, which has been having men only BDSM runs since 1994. They invited me in 1998 knowing that I was FTM and asked me to join their club in 1999. While I was initially filled with trepidation at my first run in 1998 as the first FTM, since then I've served on the board of directors for six years, three as Vice Chair and one as Chairman. Our policy is that we welcome all men and don't inquire about birth status.
In 1998, I felt unsure of myself much of the time. I was afraid of rejection and uncertain if anyone would accept me as a man, let alone a gay leatherman. Much to my surprise and delight, most of my interactions were positive. Competing at IML allowed me to turn a page in my life. It was when I fully accepted myself as a gay leatherman among gay leathermen.
Over the past 12 years, I have seen most men's clubs grapple with the issue of including transmen and decide to welcome all men with legal male ID. Others have steadfastly rejected FTMs as men and continue to bar us from their events in the most hurtful ways possible. I have been questioned about what type of surgical procedures I've had completed and falsely accused of trying to destroy clubs. I've also watched long relationships between non-trans leathermen end over disagreements in the policy regarding FTMs in men only spaces. And now, at least one club has what amounts to a Don't Ask Don't Tell policy so if you are known to be FTM, then you cannot attend. However, if you choose to not disclose, you can sneak into events and parties where other FTMs are not welcome. This blatant hypocrisy is not only disingenuous but it also harms FTMs relationships with each others, creating strife where none need exist. The amount of harm I've seen inflicted and experienced is profound considering how so many of us as gay men and leathermen have been marginalized ourselves. I still don't understand how people who have been and continue to be mistreated not only by heterosexual society but by the greater gay community can turn around and do it to others.
Like my very best friend and brother in this struggle, Peter Fiske, I choose, however, to remain optimistic. I strongly believe that with the passage of time, these few remaining clubs will see that FTMs do have a rightful place in men's only space, adding a vibrant, strong masculine energy that comes from having to fight harder than most to find our place in the gay men's leather community.
Billy Lane, May 2010
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nation-of-bros · 1 month
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Brotherhood makes no distinctions.
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flash fiction / short story / essay / reply / truths / teachings / politics
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hairy / chest fur / back fur / beard / bald head / ideal
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interracial / bromance / brotherly love
transformation / brainwashing / breeding / castration
muslim / bro / brotherhood / islam / rudel
warrior / soldier / patriot / worker / jock / wrestler / nerd / me
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By: Aaron Kimberly
Published: Dec 18, 2021
Between 1995-2006 I was a part of the butch lesbian community. During those years, despite my life-long and sometimes intense gender dysphoria, I hadn’t given any serious thought to medically transitioning. It wasn’t even on my radar as a possibility until after 2000. The idea of medically transitioning seemed fringe, far-fetched, and risky.
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Most of the butches I knew also had gender dysphoria (GD) or rather, Gender Identity Disorder (GID), as it was called then. Many butches I knew in Winnipeg, Halifax, Toronto, and later Vancouver, were strong, stoic people. I admired many of them. I know that their lives weren’t always easy, but they carried themselves with dignity. They had butch “brotherhood” and femmes who adored them. Many were “stone” which meant that their GID made it difficult for them to relate to their female anatomy so didn’t allow themselves to be touched by anyone, or rarely. They were often harassed and abused for being masculine women, as I was. It was often stressful using female public washrooms, because our gender ambiguity made people so uncomfortable. There was a term “butch bladder” to reference the ways we’d avoid using bathrooms in public.
In the early-mid 2000s, more and more FTMs were appearing in the community, alongside the butches. Many lesbian spaces welcomed them, some didn’t. It seemed to me at the time that butches were presented with two options: we could choose to be butches, or we could choose to be FTM “trans guys”. Why people chose one or the other...that was very individual and personal. It really came down to which option solved a problem and made life easier. The problem could be homophobic parents, fatigue from being harassed, differing degrees of dysphoria and bodily discomfort, not understanding what GID is, poor social or occupational functioning, trauma, other mental health challenges like depression or the anxiety that seemed inevitable for us. Some transitioned but still identified as butch women. They chose medical interventions to look more masculine, not to identify as men. Some trans guys said they never had GID at all. I don’t know what their motivations for transitioning were. Some said “political reasons”. There were some who were big fans of Queer Theory icons like Judith Butler and Judith Halberstam. Those women adopted male personas - intentional “female masculinity” - as an expression of Queer Theory, not to be men/male. I chose to transition soon after a gay man was beaten to death in a nearby park.
If kids with gender dysphoria today are anything like who we were 20 years ago, I feel saddened by their trajectory. Others see benefits: Access to medical interventions has been made easier. They no longer have to do a “real-life test” (live their life as the opposite sex for 2 years without medical assistance). They don’t have to go through months or years of therapy and assessment. More is now known about the effects and risks of hormones. The surgeries have improved, are easier to access and now paid for by insurance. (I paid for my own mastectomy out of pocket, and was on the SRS surgery waitlist for 10 years.)
But, what have we done? Have we eliminated all of the conditions for why a butch girl would find their innate masculinity hard to live with? Have we made the lives of butch women better and safer? Have we eliminated homophobic families, communities, employers, clinicians and policies? Are we educating young people what gender dysphoria is, in evidence-based terms, supporting them to integrate that into a healthy identity and self-image? Do we tell masculine girls how attractive they are? Do they have an abundance of healthy role models? Are they fully embraced and integrated into their workforces, educational settings, faith communities… or, are butches still getting weird looks from strangers? Are they still getting yelled at in public bathrooms? Are young, obnoxious young men still yelling slurs out their car windows as they drive by a butch woman? Do gender non-conforming women still fear for their lives in some places? Can they get Brandon Teena out of their heads? Can they travel the world freely? Can they find clothing they like that fits their bodies well?
I’m not convinced we’ve made any real progress at all. I think we’ve just made it easier for people to jump ship, younger and faster, and gave it a different spin. We now call that “self-actualization”. We’ve facilitated a better illusion. We’ve convinced more and more people that the illusion is real. We continue to push for better surgeries. Penile and uterine transplants are on the horizon. Young people are flooding into clinics. They can’t keep up with the demand. Activists have pushed Queer Theory as an explanation for our difference, displacing evidence-based clinical definitions of GID/GD. It’s no longer talked about as a condition that requires treatment but a natural human variation that requires affirmation in whatever form we demand (often life-long medicalization). I’ve travelled that road to its end, and its hurt just as much as it’s helped.
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The surgeries available to FTMs right now are awful. A double mastectomy and phalloplasty or metoidioplasty are gruesome procedures to go through. The US surgeon I went to for metoidioplasty boasts low complication rates, but the anecdotal evidence I’ve witnessed (myself and everyone I know who had the procedure there and elsewhere) is close to a 100% complication rate. One guy at the surgical recovery centre I stayed at started to hemorrhage and was laying on the floor unable to reach the call bell when another FTM patient found him and advocated for him to be rushed to hospital. Fistulas and strictures are the most common problem. I chose metoidioplasty because it’s thought to be the less risky of the two options. I immediately developed two large fistulas (meaning that my urethra burst open in two places) that needed additional surgery to repair. I couldn’t bathe or go swimming for a year until those openings were repaired. I have chronic perineum pain, altered bowel function due to changes in my pelvic muscles, and no sensation in most of my chest. When we have complications, local physicians and surgeons don’t know what to do. So we have to wait, and travel to whoever can help.
Listen, I don’t doubt that sometimes medical transition is helpful for people. It’s not my place to say they can’t or shouldn’t. But let’s not sell this like it’s a Disney park ride. The marketing of everything trans is ridiculously misleading. Don’t put sparkles and rainbows over real pain as though that helps at all. It’s insulting.
If we really want to help these kids, we need to make it easier for lesbian kids. Butch kids. All gender non-conforming kids. The quirky and awkward kids. Kids who feel they don’t fit it. Let’s get better at working with parents and preserving families. Be honest about what medical transition is really about. No one really changes biological sex and these procedures are really hard to go through. Why are we putting all of our resources into escaping brutality rather than eliminating brutality? We’re cutting up our bodies because our lived reality is worse. Why do we celebrate that?
Medical transition is but one option for those with GD. We need to reclaim our understanding of GD as a condition so that we can have reality based-conversations and solve real personal and social problems. “Trans” as a concept, masks many underlying issues. A queer theory-based understanding of myself worsened my GD. Medical transition became an addiction. The illusion only works if we’re lucky enough to pass and everyone else plays along perfectly. It’s an exhausting game of whack-a-mole to dodge the reminders of my female past and female biology. How is that kind of dissociation desirable? Some people may benefit from medically transitioning, but we still need a reality-based understanding of ourselves, to keep our feet on the ground.
Our children deserve better. If this sounds transphobic to you, you’re a part of the problem. Owning our reality for what it is isn’t self-hatred. It’s self-acceptance. Having different ideas and a different vision of how to move forward isn't hatred. Hatred was the skinheads who circled around us at the small 1992 Winnipeg gay and lesbian march, long before Pride was a parade. Hatred was the men who drove from the suburbs into Vancouver with the intent to "kill a fag" and murdered Aaron Webster in Stanley Park. I’m well acquainted with phobia. This isn't phobia. This is love.
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martymctboy · 15 days
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emocxnteddie · 6 months
Hi! I loved your platonic markiplier fic! I was wondering if you could make something similar but with Ethan? And reader is his trans brother who gets bullied and Ethan teaches the bullies a lesson? <3
!-! Brotherhood !-!
Pair; Crankgameplays/Ethan Nestor x FTM!Reader.[He/Him Pronouns]
Genre; Platonic fluff & angst-ish.
WARNINGS; Swearing, blood, violence, fighting, transphobia, homophobic slurs, bullying.[Let Me Know If More Is Needed.]
A/N - I decided to base this on an au where Ethan is in his last year of high school & M/N is in his second year of high school.
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M/N stood in the hallway of his high school, trying not to be seen. He had been relentlessly bullied for the past year for being trans. M/N hated it, always being called names.
M/N's older brother, Ethan was however always by his side. Though Ethan wasn't fully aware of everything, he didn't know his brother was bullied for being trans specifically.
Then one of M/N's classmates, a guy named Derek walked up to M/N along with Derek's minions. "Look! It's the faggot!" Derek laughed as he pushed M/N into the locker.
"Leave me alone, Derek," M/N muttered as he was pushed into the locker. He hated high school, all because of the bullying. Derek didn't stop, of course, he didn't. Derek just continued pushing M/N into the lockers, taunting him.
"C'mon, fag! Fight me! Fucking coward!" Derek laughed and M/N tried to push him off but it wasn't so easy. Then he saw a figure dash towards them, it was Ethan. He had gone to get something he'd forgotten in his classroom when he saw his younger brother being bullied by Derek & his group.
"Leave him alone, you piece of shit!" Ethan yelled as he pushed Derek to the ground. Derek stood up and glared at Ethan. "Why are you defending this homo freak!" Derek said in an angered tone. Ethan spaced out and just swung at Derek, hitting him in the face.
"That homo freak is my brother! So you keep his name out of your fucking mouth!" Ethan yelled as he kept punching Derek until he got enough of it, his fist being bloody and Derek's face being bloody. Derek ran off with his friends, yelling names.
Ethan looked at M/N and laughed. "Sorry, got a little carried away," Ethan said in an embarrassed tone and M/N just laughed along. "Thanks for protecting me, Ethan," M/N thanked his brother and Ethan just ruffled his hair.
"You're my brother, I couldn't let those punks treat you like that, I'm the only one allowed to tease you," Ethan said proudly as he heard teachers. "Oh fuck, gotta run! Catch you back home, bro!" Ethan said as he ran away, M/N just chuckled and nodded.
"Yeah, see you back home, brother."
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read the gabekey fic u posted and it was great, do u have any more fic recs 👉🏼👈🏼
literally any of inlovewithnight's gabekey/petekey/petegabekey fics.
not smashing windows. obviously. (gabekey, nj hxc scene pre-2001) as far as i'm concerned this actually happened.
pages in your passport (petekey, mikey is still in mcr but pete plays soccer)
romantic victories of peter the great (petekey, college au)
leave the lights on when you stay (petekey -> petegabekey, mikey is a sex worker and pete and gabe are grad students)
if it's the drive back home (petekey, pete plays in arma angelus and mikey is a nurse in chicago)
burn, about to burn, or still on fire (petegabekey, but it's complicated lol. magic au)
run away with me any time you want (gabe & mikey, they go to the beach
the brotherhood of the travelling hoodie (gabe & pete & mikey, the midtown hoodie)
put your mouth over the stupid things we're taught we ought to say (gabekey, gabe goes on tour with mcr as a bass tech after midtown breaks up)
heads up, hearts down (petekey, highschool soulbond au)
other authours / ships
stars are aligned for me tonight by jiksa (petekey, authours au)
play and record, held down together by morphosyntactic (petekey, high school au)
circuit 'verse by stoplightglow (frerard & petekey, circuit racer au)
this is a love song by brooklinegirl (petekey, summer of like)
a shot that you can chase by stoplightglow (frerard, heist au)
both by antspaul, pinkish (frerard, frank is a single dad) and the way it was (always meant to be) (rayrard, no band au) i've also heard their fic runoff is great!!!!
crossed out by haze (frerard, time travel au but also a lot more) <- mandatory reading tbh. on par with uhv
you are the dreamer, we are the dream (petekey, short thing about insomnia)
and the painted ponies by turps (frikey, bodyguard au and mikey is a model)
i'll mix it with the yuck and mingle with the grime by mignonerib (fray, ray is ftm. kind of pwp)
we used to be friends by ladyfoxxx (frikey, frank is a teacher and mikey plays guitar in the used)
just a bit of your touch by worstvow (frerard, ftm gerard. tbh mostly pwp)
all over me by shiningartifact (frerard, leathermouth era. this is just ...)
"that was easy" by metaleaterz (frerard & rikey, staples au)
come with me (go places) by lithopseffect (fray -> frayrard, van days)
also obviously the staples like unholyverse and anatomy of a fall. i also really recommend the unholyverse podfic by @stabbingandorbeingstabbed it kind of changed my life and my perspective of the fic.
also for finding fic i just like go through authours i like bookmarks cause i trust they have good taste lol
have fun 🦭
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More unfinisjed sketches because I really dont have the energy to do lineart. Might try and find a loop for that later by *only* drawing lineart with the next things I do. Idk
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These are the modern AU concepts, I just kinda sketched things out idk.
Heres some things I should clairify:
- Envy and Sloth (didnt draw sloth) are the eldest out of those that go to school; Pride, Nina, and Elicia are the youngests.
- Canon ages dont apply here for the most part, due to this being an AU, so their ages may be different than what is typically set in canon. (In most my AUs or whatnot, I make Ed 12-13 for example. But in this AU hes 14, still a few months older than Ling.)
- Greed and Ling are twins because I thought I would be a funny concept, I believe I first saw this concept in a fanfic on ao3; I dont remember the exact fanfic if there was one.
- Not all the "homunculis" (they arent that in the au obv) are related. The tattoos are more like a group symbol for them and their group of buddies basically. But, that being said, most of them are related. Also, for this au, I will not being doing shipping of any of the homunculis just because they arent related in this AU. Thats weird as hell, because theyre canonically related and im not creating loop holes for this AU to ship siblings and/or cousins (so that means no shipping them with Ed or Al as well even though they arent related in this AU.)
- Ira/Wrath from the 2003 anime is here bc they dont get enough love.
- I'm mixing elements from the manga, brotherhood anime, and the 2003 anime all together to get this shit storm so this'll be fun.
- Maybe Hughes dies in this au idk yet.
- Everyone who either ends up with a physical disability or had one at one point in the animes/manga will have those disabilities. (E.g. Roy is fully blind, he cant see light or dark; Its just nothingness. Havoc is paralyzed from the legs down. Ed , Paninya, Wrath (if I say wrath I mean 2003 wrath), and Den (the dog) all have prosthetics, the prosthetics look all the same or similar in the sketch but when I work on ref pics they will be different. Like how Paninya is wearing running prosthetics in the pic. Al has chronic pains and needs to use crutches or a cane to properly get around with the least amount of pain (just like me frfr), hes also malnurished to an extreme. And probably some other things, idk yet these are just the first ideas.
- Roy and Riza are Ed, Al, and Wrath's adoptive parents; The reasoning behind this would be because of Izumi and Sig's scary rep they'd probably not be able to adopt them, as well as Izumi's temper. That being said, I love Izumi and Sig so they're more of tutors or aunt and uncle to the elric siblings. I also just like the parental roy and riza thing to Ed and Al, so this is part of that.
- Ed is trans ftm, btw. I love the hc of that and im trans too so maybe im just projecting. I'll discuss sexualities and gender identies for each character with the ref pics, this is what I got for now.
- Ed and Al have a locket (supposed to be like the watch in the show but Al has one.) With a picture of their mother, but Al has a pic of Trisha and Hoenhiem on either side of the locket; Whereas Ed has only one side with Trisha and the other is the carved out "Dont forget Oct 7th xx"
That's it for now, if anyones got any questions I'll gladly answer them!:)
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eliothj · 10 months
Lista de escritura
I'm going to write in english and spanish (but mostly spanish)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
°Roy Mustang
°Edward Elric
°Jean Havoc
°Alphonse Elric
°Ling Yao
Harry Potter
∆Harry Potter
∆Draco Malfoy
∆Lucius Malfoy(?)
∆Tom Riddle
∆Ron Weasley
∆Los gemelos Weasley/the weasley twins (por separado/separately)
∆Remus Lupin
∆Sirius Black
∆Cedric Diggory
Demon Slayer
-Tomioka Giyuu
-Uzui Tenguen
-Iguro Obanai
Tokyo Revengers
^Manjiro Sano
^Naoto Tachibana (<3)
^Takemichi Hanagaki
^Izana Kurokawa
Lo que NO voy a escribir
-Fem! Reader
-Mtf reader (Perdón/sorry)
Lo que SI voy a escribir
-FtM reader
-Male! Reader
-Son! Reader
-Brother! Reader
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(I don't know why I put that gif, but I like death note)
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ermazula · 1 year
okay so i finally did it guys. so for context, im a trans man lol
anyway so you'd think i'd have a trans oc cuz i feel like every trans creator has one. so finally, i have made an oc who is trans. and he's my newest fallout oc plus my only male fallout oc. plus he's ftm like meeee
his name is Leif and he's a gay, asexual, transgender man. he's also a synth. he sides with the brotherhood and falls in love with Danse. the brotherhood doesn't find out about Leif being a synth though. Yes, the BoS see a synth in the files that matches Leifs DNA but the picture doesn't match. they do bring him into questioning but he lies saying that he had a twin sister who was killed and replaced by a synth.
he doesn't kill Danse during blind betrayal which is obvious because they're in love. the BoS never finds out about Leif being a synth, he gets promoted, and they destroy the Institute.
he does save Shaun's synth and Danse and him become parents to him.
im still building lore for him but that's what im developing lore for him but yeah:) he's my lil noodle!
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Ah no 😂 there’s a slight miscommunication. My Riza is ftm trans, not mtf :)
He was, however, closeted for basically his entire life and only came out to Roy and a few others after the events of Brotherhood had already passed (and relatively shortly before my fic takes place), so I get the instant assumption! And I do also very much like the mtf hc. Trans Riza all around is just *chefs kiss* so good 😊
I see! I agree, trans Riza ftw regardless! 😖
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nation-of-bros · 3 months
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An alpha bro has to take tough action when someone from his rudel is off track. As a leader, he is responsible for the well-being of his brothers and the continued existence of the entire pack. Therefore, there is no room for unbroish behavior.
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pecs / ripped / sixpack / ass / belly / beefy
hairy / chest fur / back fur / beard / bald head / ideal
style / cap / baller shorts / baggy pants / jersey / jockstrap / spandex
interracial / bromance / brotherly love
transformation / brainwashing / breeding / castration
muslim / bro / brotherhood / islam / rudel
warrior / soldier / patriot / worker / jock / nerd / me
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ccss10987 · 4 years
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FtM brotherhood thing.
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