#freya owns my entire soul right now
iguessitsjustme · 1 month
Deep Night Ep 3 Thoughts
Like I said, no self control. And things on my street seemed to have quieted down…for now. I am starting to get sleepy so let’s see how rambly I get. Time for Deep Night 3: A Case of the Sleepies:
I cannot believe it took only 3 seconds after typing that for a car playing the strangest music to drive by. Its still here. Stopped by the light. I have questions. Are they summoning an alien? Are they a forgotten deity trying to regain their lost power? What’s going on with that music?
I want Pan and Seiji to kiss SO BAD. 
Why are there no boys in cages actually?
The vocals in this opening are keeping me from skipping it and that is truly impressive. I have been kindly informed me this OST is by Fellow Fellow and now I have a new obsession. 
Hear me out. Deep Night but women hosts. Wearing beautiful gowns. Still all of the clients are women. Do you see it? Do you see my vision?
This show is surprisingly wholesome?? This is not computing in my brain. I don’t know why I was expecting to be so toxic but I am LIVING for these two sweeties. I hope nothing bad happens
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Now wait a minute. Who is driving that car?
Awww Pan. 
*drinks sparkling cider from the bottle* I’m feeling completely sane about all of this. I don’t feel an all encompassing need to give Pan a hug. Definitely not. 
Okay I give Seiji a hug too. He gets a hug. They both get a hug. 
In fact, I tuck them both into bed. I get them a cup of cocoa and read them a bed time story. Then I place a gentle kiss on their foreheads and whisper sweet dreams before leaving them a good night’s rest. They sleep while I hit on Khem’s mom.
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Oooohhh telling Wela about his mom already. I love this. Would love it more if they weren’t surrounded by all those damn candles let me tell ya. 
Oh a blindfold. Why hasn’t this happened so much more often in BL?
Ohhhhh drama. Why tf are cops at the club?
Literally obsessed with Seiji’s outfit. Actually I think I have an outfit similar enough. I could reasonably cosplay that man. 
Listen. Listen. That meme. Seiji’s got two hands (I do know how this ends and they are why I am watching to be clear)
These two are impossibly cute. Absolutely entirely impossibly cute. 
The song during this scene with Seiji and Ken pretending to be a BL couple makes me feel like I’m watching a Disney Channel original movie from the early 2000s.
Mr. DJ man with the wisdom. He is speaking from experience. I should learn his name.
I give these subtitles a C+. They’re doing their best but there are some…issues. 
The jealousy I actually don’t mind here. I think they’re playing this out well. I mean, of course Khem’s jealous. And of course Wela is worried about it. 
What is this? COMMUNICATION? In MY BL? I think I might actually sob I love this. 
The music during this make out session has me feeling some type of way. I don’t know if its making me nervous or not.
See. The thing is. I desperately want to watch episode 4. But I am sleepy. And I work tomorrow. And I need to take a shower and wash my hair. So I need to stop. Which is incredibly rude. I need a three day weekend I think cause I cannot go on like this. So I will continue this liveblog another night. Perhaps tomorrow. Perhaps next weekend. It will happen when it happens.
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penig · 1 year
OK, so, disappointingly, I did not walk up the stairs. The podiatrist wants me to not walk in the boot until I install special heel pads of a certain height and I won’t have those until tomorrow. I had a bunch of AirPlus pads so I took the scooter to the porch and had Damon fetch them all down and stacked them up; but when I tried to stand it felt as though my ankle was crumpling and it hurt. Possibly the problem is that, since the pads don’t slope, I can’t really get weight on my toes. Also, of course, the ankle is weak from taking no weight and getting no exercise at all since Thanksgiving. When the splint came off the size difference between my upper and lower leg was ludicrous; even more so than it would be for most people, since I don’t taper nearly as much as boot manufacturers expect me to. So, no cleaning litterboxes tonight or making breakfast in the morning, and even if the lifts arrive in plenty of time to practice tomorrow, probably another week of gaming over Zoom.
Still, the boot, heavy and unwieldy as it is, is lighter and less awkward than the splint was, and all encumbrances will be removed once per day for a shower and redressing. I’ll probably take it off on the bed at least part of the time during the day, and won’t have to sleep with it at all. I can flex my foot down but not up. I haven’t tried fitting under the simming computer (which has the tower on the floor and a shelf under the main desk level - convenient for storing all my Sims 2 discs and the boxes, paperwork, etc., relevant to the computer), but at least without the flare at the end of the splint it should be less awkward. Elevation is now optional rather than mandatory. Starting tomorrow I will start teaching myself to walk again, one little step at a time. I should probably use Damon’s cane, though having that in my right hand will limit what I can do during walks. At first the goal should just be walking without the sick terror of that crumbling ankle, anyway.
I must, again, possess my soul in patience.
Now, I am a patient woman. I am. But it’s not a bottomless well and when I run out it’s gone and I turn into a raging inferno of frustration.
And the really awful thing - as Damon, who is not a patient man but had no choice during the Year from Hell, understands completely - is that most of the things I am anxious to do are so small. I’ve been looking forward to doing little chores again. Sleeping on my own side of the bed  - we had to swap so I’d be closer to the bathroom and have more room to maneuver the scooter. Finishing the dress I was working on. Picking Freya up and walking around with her. Making myself popcorn or tea. They seem like such petty things to be denied.
But. I will get to do them all, eventually, and I should not have to wait the entire six weeks I’m in the boot to do them all. I have no idea what kind of schedule I should expect myself to keep but after the boot I’ll be in physical therapy and I can expect to be walking seminormally by then. It’s just another hill to climb, that’s all.
I’ll have to buy tennis shoes (ugh, I hate shoe shopping because shoes do not fit, they are not made for my shape of foot) and I’ll have to buy them during the boot period but I won’t even think about that till I can walk downstairs without Damon needing to hover. And that will not take six weeks. I am so horribly fed up with it all, though.
We stopped at Arby’s and got curly cheesy fries, which I should not eat, to console me/celebrate. And later today I will tiptoe one step into the shower chair to wash my hair and scrub off the layer of antiseptic that’s dried all over my foot and feels, sometimes, like I’m wrapped in guitar strings. That should not be a problem going forward. So onward and upward.
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thenexusofsouls · 2 years
What would the circumstances have to be for Freya to fall in love again? What type of person would she be interested in?
{i am the caretaker of souls} Alright, I promise I will not turn this into a rant about Freya's psychology too much because we'll be here all night if I do that, heh. I'll just try to get to the heart of your questions, because honestly I could rant for days about everything involving Freya and love, haha. Under the cut because LONG.
What would the circumstances have to be for Freya to fall in love again?
Well... I'm not sure how this would happen since she was fatally wounded, but she would be most receptive to love after the events of Winter’s War. This is for two reasons. First, she learned that Ravenna, and not her lover, killed her daughter. Now granted, her lover technically did kill her daughter but it was made clear that Ravenna used some kind of magic on him to compel him to do so and that he otherwise wouldn't have done it. So that would shake her entire trauma-coping axiom of "love always ends in betrayal" enough for her to question if it really might be possible to have a successful loving relationship.
Second, Eric and Sara pretty much proved to her that yeah, sometimes love does manage to get through everything unscathed. They both survived the first time she tried to keep them apart, ended up back together despite everything, and were still together at the end of the movie. I think Freya was a bit biased against Eric specifically, since she tried to kill him initially but only chose to imprison and punish Sara. Maybe she sees women as victims and men as abusers or aggressors because of what she had thought her lover had done to their child. And then when she meets them outside of Sanctuary to acquire the mirror, she makes a comment to Eric something to the effect of, "You knew, didn't you? You knew she would betray you and you spared her still." And correct me if I'm wrong, but I see a bit of confusion and/or surprise on her face and hear it in her voice as well. She genuinely doesn't understand why someone would allow a betrayal like that. At the end, just before Freya dies, she says to them as they hold each other, "How lucky you are." It mirrors the beginning of the movie when she said it to all the children in Eric and Sara's original group when she first stole them from their village. Except back then, she meant that they were lucky to have been saved from all of love's evils, whereas at the end of the movie, she means that they are lucky to apparently have a love that is unbreakable. The fact that Freya thinks they're lucky for that reason is her indirectly admitting that she wishes she had a love like that too.
So after she learns her lover didn't actually betray her, and after she sees through Eric and Sara that true, loyal, unselfish love is actually possible, I think a lot of Freya's trauma coping mechanisms would be placed in question. Namely, leaning hard into the fact that love essentially must have been an evil force to hurt her so much and that others should be saved from its destructive powers. The events of the movie throw a wrench into that which would crack the façade she'd built around herself for years and given that she obviously wants to love and be loved, and still has the capacity to love (no one will ever tell me she didn't love her "children"), I think it would be most possible for her at that time. If she'd managed to survive her wounds, of course.
I think before that time, she would have been a much harder nut to crack, but no impossible. I think more of the circumstances of how Freya might love again have to do with the types of men who might pursue her...
What type of person would she be interested in?
Someone very confident as a person and in their own skin, most definitely, but as far as personality... I think there are two types of people who could win her over with the right amount of persistence.
I actually have written Freya in a ship with one of my friends OCs, Talyc ( @bloodwontwashout ), who pretty much wins her over in ever thread with what I think boils down to two things: persistence and not letting her get away with her own bullshit. Talyc is an alpha male type personality, he's very confident, he doesn't back down from something - or someone - that he wants, and he isn't afraid to call people out on their bullshit. Freya is used to being in charge and having no one challenge her, so when Talyc does, they clash in a way that usually ends up in a ship, heh. I've written threads with Freya and Talyc during the events of the Winter's War, before it, and in a crossover verse where we kindof threw Freya's world and Talyc's world together and they were vying for territory, and every time, he ends up winning her over eventually. Sometimes it's by calling her out on how much her "do not love" law makes no sense, or how easily he can see that she either doesn't believe it or doesn't want to believe it.
Sometimes I've written Eric and Sara as well to have their whole deal in the background while Talyc is watching Freya dealing with them and being like... okay but why? Heh. He challenges her supposed beliefs that she hides behind to cope with her trauma and gets her to admit to him and to herself that she doesn't really want to believe that love is a lie. Freya's fragile mental state depends on no one questioning her, and when Talyc does, she eventually crumbles and he's there to pick up the pieces. In every type of thread, Talyc doesn't give up. He's persistent. That's essential for anyone who wants to win Freya over because she's her own best obstacle, and she will avoid the issue, deflect to something else, or shut down her potential ship until he goes away. Well, Talyc doesn't go away, he tries harder, heh, and the result is that Freya is pushed past the point of what her glass house (or ice house, haha) of carefully constructed lies she tells herself can withstand, and when that breakthrough happens and she's forced to process and deal with her trauma in a better way, Talyc is there to help her through it.
Something else Talyc uses in his arguments as to why Freya should be with him is having more children. His background and situation usually revolves around the importance of legacy and having children is a big part of Talyc's personal legacy. In many verses he had a wife and son who were killed, so especially in verses where he's lost his family, Freya can relate to that pain, and I think that gives Talyc a special kind of automatic in with her on some level. Him suggesting that they would both want to have more children after losing their own... That goes a long way with her. Because she does want to have more children. She misses her daughter. You can’t tell me she doesn’t with the way she sits by that empty cradle and just... broods. She's hard-pressed to admit that to anyone, or even to herself, but she does.
So yeah, I think someone who could meet her on her own level, possibly also royalty, but also meet her on her own trauma and confidence levels... that's who's going to win her own. Freya is a very strong personality, so you have to be able to be strong along with her and be willing to be patience and persistent enough to not put off by her first ten rejections, heh. Because she will look right in the eye of someone she has feelings for and is attracted to and tell him to leave and never come back if you let her. So it takes some who can get through the walls she builds around herself.
I will say... that Talyc is a very intense personality. There are a lot of hardcore aspects to his way of thinking and his background. I think the opposite type of personality might also have a chance with Freya. Someone like Eric, for example. I am NOT suggesting Eric himself, that would not work, heh, but I more mean someone with Eric's personality, specifically either before he and Sara are separated or after he finds out she's still alive. In between that time, with the first movie, he got very dark and combative, but let's just look at his happier times. He was very easy going, comfortable with who he was, and he really didn't care what anyone thought of him or if they agreed with him, how stupid or silly he looked, etc. When Mrs. Bronwyn tries to get through to Eric that Sara has betrayed them, he replies very casually with a cheerful smile, "I don't need you to believe what I believe," because he has decided that Sara is still on their side and no one's going to tell him otherwise. He’s stubborn, but in a very endearing sort of way. Someone like that... I think might eventually get through to Freya. He's fine with being the only one in the room who believes something, and once he believes in something or someone, there's no shaking it.
I'm not sure why someone as goodhearted as an Eric type personality would want to be with an "evil" queen, but assuming they did, I think her coldness (no pun intended lol) and attempt at being emotionless up against someone who wears their heart on their sleeve and who is very openly and warmly emotional might lead to something eventually. Whereas someone like Talyc will chip away at Freya's ice until he's made a hole big enough to get through, someone with Eric's personality would melt it slowly over time to where she becomes emotionally attached gradually because he just doesn't go away, haha. Eric was very persistent with Sara and wasn't going to give up on their marriage, and again, I think Freya needs that same kind of stubbornness in a potential ship because she's not going to let her guard down easily.
So I think it's going to take someone very confident and persistent, for sure, but then beyond that it'd take someone who's going to actively and directly push through her mental defenses and coping mechanisms, OR, it'd take someone who is just so genuinely warm and kindhearted to remind her of who she used to be and what she wanted years ago and be able to get her back at least partway to being that woman again.
AND THAT WAS LONG, I'M SO SORRY, heh. I have a lot to say about Freya, so be warned... any future questions might lead to similar rants, haha.
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socksjinie · 2 years
horus academy, #3 | bts x oc
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© horus academy | all rights reserved. do not repost, translate or claim as your own. if you find this work elsewhere besides the three blogs stated, please report it to any of the writers.
@singguks × @socksjinie × @bluenpjm
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summary: in a school where greek methods rules, not everything is as clear as it appears to be. heart, mind, soul, and body. those are the teams of the horus academy and boarding school. but deep within the long corridors, lies dark secrets. the so-called loving families formed in the shapes of teams begin to tear when an anonymous source unravels their deepest secrets.
genre: high school au | mystery au | social au | angst | fluff
pairing: OT7 × OC's
rating: PG13
word count: 5.7k
warnings: foul language and revenge
a/n: zoë says... individuality is amazing alright, but having a team, having you guys, makes me dream even higher.
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chapters. previous - next
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You had been silent for the past two weeks. From time to time, notification sounds could be heard throughout the halls of Horus, but soon they would be less and less frequent. Interest was lost quickly, even by those who loved gossip. The posts went from catastrophic to boring. The only thing You had to say was a couple of mean but empty remarks about Freya — and now Yoongi. The juicy dirt became word of mouth and the prying eyes went elsewhere, a big commotion caused by the appearance of a disturbed Jungkook the day following the rumors, wrists bloody and knees weak as he tried his best to stand on his feet. Not only that, but he was coming from the place the whole school feared most: the woods.
Sarx hadn’t told a soul about their prank. And in doing so, they had left Jungkook to fend for himself throughout the entire night without thinking of the consequences.
Namjoon’s POV
“Morning,” Taehyung sat in front of me, yawning.
“You better get on track with that sleep schedule of yours,” I said knowing by his appearance once again he went to sleep very late. “Game week is not far now, we need you.”
“I know, don’t worry.” He dismissed me with another yawn while scanning the table. And Freya automatically got a piece of her cake stolen.
“Where’s Jungkook?” Jimin asked while drinking his coffee, “I thought he was coming with us to check out the photography club again…”
I also looked at Taehyung waiting for answers, somehow I felt responsible for everyone who entered Psykhe and Jungkook especially since he was becoming part of our little group too.
“He either slept really late and woke up really early or he didn’t crash at our dorm at all.”
“And you're stating that like it’s the most normal thing in the whole world because…?” Elena pointed out. He opened his mouth to answer her back but gave up, clearly not being a morning person.
“He just went for a walk guys, relax.” Hoseok, who was spreading peanut butter on his bread, pointed Jungkook out with his head. Since my back was facing where he pointed I just waited to greet him the moment he arrived next to us.
But Hoseok clearly missed a whole lot of things because I was about to take a bite of my apple when Freya got up fast, taking her sunglasses off to look at where I imagined Jungkook was.
“What the-” She exclaimed and hurriedly got out of the picnic bench pulling her brother’s arm to tag along, “Help him!”
When Jimin shuffled beside me to see what was happening I also turned around. The view was alarming.
“What happened?!” I heard Jimin scream and in a split second, he was running towards where Jungkook was too. Freya reached out to him as he was about to fall while Taehyung followed right behind her.
My mind was point-blank as I watched the three of them help Jungkook out quite in shock. He was coming from the woods, alone. The more they came closer the more I could see how badly hurt his wrists were and by the lack of strength he was showing, he had to be about to pass out from exhaustion.
“Jesus Christ, what happened?” Elena asked exasperated.
“I- I think-” Jungkook’s voice was barely a peep, his eyes were rolling, completely unfocused while we tried to carry him towards the bench we were previously sitting on.
“Go call a nurse, Tae, for fucks sake!” Freya snapped, not realizing her brother was also carrying Jungkook. She was normally calm during the chaos, I myself had been able to witness that side of herself quite a few times… But something about how Jungkook kept tugging on the hem of her loose t-shirt, even though he was showing no sign of strength, alarmed her. Alarmed me.
“I’ll go!” Kaya quickly grabbed Hoseok who was as much in shock as I was, and soon they were out of sight.
As we laid Jungkook on the bench Jimin put his backpack under the guy’s head. We kept looking at him, struggling to keep his eyes open, and also looking at each other completely out of our minds. What the hell happened?
Taehyung’s POV
The nurse came as if she was being dragged by Kaya and Hoseok. Her posture shifted though once she saw how bad Jungkook looked, as she was probably thinking this was some kind of prank of the two siblings. Little did she know those two did nothing but follow rules, so pulling a prank like this was completely out of character.
Me, Namjoon, and Jimin helped her carry Jungkook towards the school’s infirmary while Freya tagged along because of Jungkook’s faded grip on her — he had probably been desperate to find someone… I know I would be if I was in this state. But eventually, he had to let go. Because Yoongi appeared in the corridor on the way there and stopped her in her tracks, to probably ask what happened.
The last thing I saw before entering the room filled with antiseptic smell — which made me sneeze a lot by the way — was him caressing Freya affectionately on both of her arms as if to check on her and calm her down. And that made me realize I still hadn’t had the time to talk to her properly about this whole ‘Yoongi situation’. Or how that made me feel. Or how that made her feel. And the more I looked at Jungkook passed out on the stretcher while the nurse inserted a catheter on his arm, the more I felt the need to turn around, grab my sister by the arm and ask her to really open her heart to me.
I’m really sorry for Jungkook and of course, I’m worried, but he’s already being taken care of, there’s nothing I can do now apart of course if they need someone to stay with him. My twin sister however not telling me anything about her romantic life is something… Weird and dangerous.
There was never a time Freya and I held back anything from each other. And she wasn’t the type to simply go around dating… She never lets anyone in. And yes, we have our group of friends here in school and she has her girlfriends too, but still. I know for a fact she hides feelings and worries of her own anyways. Even with me- I know stuff because I know her. She is always available to talk about my feelings or our friends' problems. But she never talks about her own troubles. No one even questions her about being seemingly happy all the time. Not even me if I think about it.
So knowing about my sister, my twin sister, the one who never showed any interest in other guys here, suddenly dating one of my friends- and worst, not knowing by her, or him, but through a gossip page? Yeah, that made me feel concerned and a little furious too.
I was about to leave when she appeared by my side, Yoongi was nowhere to be seen… Probably had to run to his class since he was always late and full of notices. I kept looking at her as if that way she would give me answers somehow. And I didn’t even know what kind of answers I wanted. I guess… If she was ok? If she needed to talk? Are you dating our friend Yoongi now? It’s just- So weird.
And she wasn’t even looking back at me. She was absentmindedly standing by the stretcher, looking worried at Jungkook, while the nurse kept checking his wounds. That just made me even more upset, to be honest. I know I was being overdramatic — or maybe not — but could she just stop for a second and not worry about other people while she is being targeted and the whole school is talking bullshit behind her back?!
“Is he going to be ok?” I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her voice. The nurse didn’t look back at Freya to answer, she simply kept focusing on disinfecting Jungkook’s wrists.
“Let’s see how he rea-”
“He’s still out of himself,” Namjoon stated, pacing back and forth. He was clearly shaken by this whole situation… I could hear the machinery in his head working in full force. “Is it normal?”
“Yes. I’m guessing he is just exhausted, or in shock due to his wrists… Or whatever happened to him.”
I started shifting my weight from one leg to the other. Hands furiously brushed my hair back. Teeth biting my bottom lip, each second more furiously. And that’s how I realized I was getting anxious, way too anxious.
I didn’t know how to fake what I felt, or not even fake, but dismiss it. I had to solve whatever thought I had in my mind if I didn’t want to feel like exploding at any second. Maybe not exploding, but if you took a glance at me you would know something was not right. If I’m happy, my face shows. If I’m sad, my face shows too.
And that’s when she finally looked at me. Because we were twins. And now she knew.
“Hey, guys,” I heard Elena’s voice from behind me. Freya and I took a second more looking at each other silently before shifting our attention back to the door. “How is he?”
“Still passed out…”
“Hoseok and Jin had to go to class, but they said they’ll pass by later…” Kaya explained. “Lena and I have a free period now if you all want to go and then come back?”
Namjoon sighed and rubbed his hands on his face tiredly before answering, “I’m assuming the dean will come soon. I better be here for him. Since we are from the same team… and all that.” Kaya nodded in understanding.
“I really have to go although I don’t want to,” Jimin spoke for the first time, which was unusual for him, but I guess everything was a little messed up today. He had been with arms crossed behind the nurse watching like an eagle every move she made, even if he knew nothing about medicine or nursing or… Any of it. “I have statistics now and I’m really lost. Have to catch up ASAP.”
“I’ll stay with them.” I nodded at him when he said a fast ‘See you all later’ and went rushing out of the door.
“Don’t forget your backpack, dummy!” Elena went rushing after him, catching up before he could actually go that far.
“You should all empty my infirmary, this is not the cafeteria, I reckon.”
Freya was quick to answer before Kaya could step in, and by her furious look, it was better if my sister handled the situation. “Don’t worry, he and I are leaving for a bit.” She pointed at me with her head while grabbing my arm yet again for me to follow her, “But these three are staying. As far as I know, a patient can have visitors, can they not? Especially if he’s unconscious… Right?” And this was simply not a question. Not when it came from Freya in that kind of intonation.
The nurse replied with a weak smile and went back to filling Jungkook’s medical sheet, making Elena snort and go sit on a chair by the stretcher. Namjoon sat too, hands supporting his pensive head while Kaya patted his back. Being a team leader was everything but easy.
“I’ll come back in a few!” Freya noticed them before going out and I took the chance to say my goodbyes too.
“If you guys need anything, text me.”
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Kaya’s POV
The minute Freya and Taehyung left the room I thought of fetching some water. The boys had brought Jungkook, who was a well-built guy, while he was completely passed out. They must’ve been tired and hot, the weather was still warm after all. So I mouthed a simple ‘Water run, want some?’ to Lena and went my way as soon as she nodded. Namjoon was the only one — from the group who had carried him — left now, but he seemed tired and like he really needed something to drink.
However, as soon as I reached the end of the corridor, about to turn the corner, I overheard Freya’s voice and I stilled. I didn’t want to overstep and interrupt her conversation, but I also couldn’t move. So I stayed hidden and listened to it all.
And I shouldn’t have.
“Care to tell me what’s with the long face and the obnoxiously laser eyes you’ve been sending me?”
“Straight to the point?” I heard Taehyung ask her sincerely and she probably nodded because he took no time to spill his thoughts out, “Why didn’t you tell me you’re seeing Yoongi? I know I should ask you first about how you’re feeling ‘bout this You crap but you’d only say you’re fine and that you don’t care when I actually know you do. So that’s something to solve later. Just. Why? I’m your brother y’know. Your twin brother.”
My fists balled. The sadness in his voice… The sigh she let out before answering him… It all dawned on me. It was my fault this whole situation was being played out and I was quick to forget about it as soon as Freya told me ‘she was ok, she didn’t care’, I never thought about the possibility of creating friction between them for example. Which was so inconsiderate of me, and hypocritical above all, since my number one fear was my own brother, Hoseok.
“I’m sorry, Tae, I really am. I never thought- I should’ve come to you first.” She paused, probably trying to choose her words. Freya didn’t like to lie, not to her brother, nor anyone — authorities are the only ones excluded from the list — and she took it very seriously. It was like a principle of her own, a little action that made her be Freya I guess. And that’s something I know about her from the moment we met, so why the heck didn’t I think before putting her through this?
“Then why didn’t you?”
“Because! I don’t know, ok? It’s just… Recent. I don’t know.” She paused again, and what she said next made me feel so guilty I almost turned around and left. “As you said, you know me. I do this. I’m that closed off.”
Wasn’t enough that the whole school was shaming her for sneaking into a boy’s room, or creating a bad situation with her brother, but I also made her lie in my place and play with her own insecurities as an excuse.
I felt like the worst friend possible.
And Taehyung bought it — or at least pretended to buy it — which made everything incredibly worse because it was basically affirming her that yes, she was indeed a great wall to be crossed.
“And you like him?”
“I guess…”
“You don’t guess stuff like that Freya!” Taehyung elevated his voice a tad bit. Although a bit dismissive sometimes, he was a very good brother. They had the kind of relationship I didn’t entirely have with my own… Maybe because they were twins, I don’t know, but he was always caring towards her. And protective in a way very distinct from Hoseok. Not that Hobi isn’t caring, he is a lot, but when it comes to boy stuff… Whilst he bordered on being almost aggressive in that protectiveness, as if no guy could come close to me, or as if I had no say in it, Taehyung was gentle in the sense of wanting Freya to tell him what she felt comfortable with… What was ok to her and what wasn’t. “Forget he’s my friend too for a sec. What do you feel for him? Is it that hard to tell me? C’mon, Frey, it’s me you’re talking with here…”
“I- I like him. I mean- It’s Yoongi we’re talking about here. He’s… Distant sometimes, but he’s also very gentle and kind to me, you know that.”
“But do you love him? Do you want a relationship with him?”
“Tae, please. I’m in high school.”
“Don’t avoid my questions.” She gasped and I almost did too. I caught myself thinking about what I would say and do if I were in her shoes… Taehyung shifted completely his worried stance to a somewhat authoritative one. And if Taehyung could be this scary, Hobi… God.
“I do. And I don’t.” She cut through him. “Satisfied?”
“No, not for a bit. What does that even mean?”
“I love him as I love all of our friends, maybe even a bit more since we’re quite close, but I don’t love him like that. Like you are suggesting. I’d love to, you don’t know how much, but I don’t.” Freya was always honest, but this… Even though I was her friend too, a closer friend, I felt like I was overstepping all boundaries. It felt like she was finally opening a tiny chink of her heart.
And I think Taehyung realized that as much as I did because he didn’t press her anymore.
“‘Kay, that’s fine. Just please let me in? Tell me stuff too. I’m always here, always.” And I guess he hugged her because her complying ‘I know’ came muffled. “But I will have to talk to him too, I hope you know.”
I stilled again.
“Why though?”
“Because you’re my sister. Feelings or no feelings on your part I hope he knows better than to be fooling around with you.” He warned, “And I don’t care if he’s my friend or not, you come first.”
There was a moment of silence and I felt like holding my breath once again. But before I could listen to anything else a familiar voice shouted my name making me wince. Despite everything I felt, this voice alone made me regret keeping him even as a secret.
“Hey, sis!” Hoseok shouted, “I was looking for you!”
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Narrator’s POV
Jungkook was at the infirmary for 2 days. Mostly for precaution. For a moment, the nurse thought he was starting to enter a state of hypothermia but his levels came out clean. Once the bruises were disinfected and he was all badged up, the dean ordered his stay throughout the night for precaution. He had tried to talk to Jungkook a few moments after he was admitted. Luckily Namjoon smartly discouraged him to do so, appealing that he needed to rest and was unlikely in the right state of mind.
Jungkook remembered everything.
He first told Namjoon, Freya, and Taehyung when the group popped into the infirmary later that night. In the morning, he was greeted by Kaya, Jimin, and Elena, who brought a bit of everything from the cafeteria so he could have a good breakfast.
They were treating him like a baby and seeing the worry in his new friends’ eyes made him feel happy, and… oddly secure. For the first couple of days, he was afraid he would never fit in. Jungkook was smart, and it took him no time to understand, despite the You situation, that he was in one of the most elite groups of the school. He wasn’t popular. And he didn’t fit with the popular kids. But they were different.
Even more so as they came up to him with different kinds of revenge. Like he was really special to them, a family member of sorts that they refused to see being bullied.
There were ones that would undoubtedly end up with Jungkook going back to his old life. Those came mostly from the Kardia kids. There was no doubt that they were passionate.
But it was the plan from Freya and Taehyung, weeks later, that scared him the most.
It was almost diabolical in a good way. And it was perfect.
Sarx was going to end the school year wishing they hadn’t messed with Jungkook. Or Psykhe.
There was this buzz around the school, a different kind of buzz. There were still talks about Jungkook and the state he was brought into the infirmary. No one ever found out what happened—apart from his own little group, that is—not even the dean. And the latter tried. Oh, how he tried…
But Jungkook was a tough one to crack.
Rumors are that the boy confessed not remembering a thing, nor how he got blacked out in the first place. Just that he woke up tied to a tree and managed to get out of there by himself. No culprits to point fingers at. And you see, around Horus strange things happen, everyone is used to it. So, Jungkook getting kidnapped? Not weird. Jungkook being tied to a tree? Not weird. But Jungkook getting out of that situation alone, completely alone? And not even ratting out who did him dirty like that? Scary. Because it led to the question: who was he truly? Where did he come from? What was he capable of?
And that only added more fuel to the tension the whole school was at, now that Game Week had started.
The halls were overall empty, no one dared to wander around on weeks like these. As soon as the first day starts, everyone knows better than to be preoccupied with their normal routines, they know they have to go straight to their common room and discuss things. Matter of fact, it was a rule, you had to vote on who would represent your team on the challenges. The Game Week was way more than competitiveness and, well, just games.
The Game Week, or as the school called it, Horus Ascension, was about opportunities. You see, for kids trapped all year long in a place distant from civilization and a curfew, it was all about escaping. This school was almost like a prison and they wanted their ticket out. Some didn’t care, some even liked it, but for the majority? It was a race for freedom.
And you may ask ‘A game week will help with that, how exactly?’ and the answer is pretty simple: the prize was a cashout day. Meaning, if your team won the game week, you were allowed to cash out any day of the month to go to the next city, with no curfew, no authorities or guards to see every single move you make. Second places didn’t cut it. So to say students got competitive was just an understatement. Everyone wanted their house to succeed no matter how.
For Sarx however, it was more than just that. They have been winning every competition for a while now… And after a few tickets to freedom in hand, it was more about keeping the title than getting out of the school boundaries. That's the Sarx mentality.
On days like this their balcony, the one always open to parade their trophies and superior looks, was shut tight. And if you were to pass the hallway, in front of their team’s door, you would see someone standing outside just to keep curiosity away. They started using the ‘security measure’ after Kardia sent some spies in previous years.
As for Kardia themselves, their true game enemies weren’t the Sarxians, oh no! It was Psykhe’s tribe. They want to win, sure, but deep down they know it’s only a matter of time until someone takes Sarx down. They don’t feel shaken about their claimed superiority, Kardia knows better. They know it’s fake.
What truly shakes up their dungeon, what makes them chant in unison and stomp their feet on top of tables was the long-time rivalry: heart versus soul. It was about who was more driven, who could blow away someone’s mind so much to the point they’re the main thing being talked about for weeks and weeks! It was about that magical and exhilarating feeling of competing against your childhood friend, for example. The teasing, the adoration, the need to push harder or be even more brilliant…
Psykhe felt the exact same way.
They’d be found on their tower with so many butterflies on their stomach, that one would swear they were floating on thin air. The anticipation was palpable in the room as they exchanged idea after idea with one another. And that was the thing about wolves, right? People tend to say they are of no use without a pack, but ordinary eyes fail to see that all of the stronger packs are just an aggregate of various singularities.
Was then Dianoia the team to be looked down at? The one that was never any competition to anyone? On the contrary! They were the ones to not be underestimated. Everyone knows knowledge is power, and just because Dianoians were classy and often posed as the bigger person, it didn’t mean that behind all that peacefulness of their greenhouse they weren’t racking their brains out to play just as dirty as the others. Their difference then? They always play smarter.
And the truth was that there was never a certain first place, just who won the actual prize. Because the games varied from physical activities to quizzes to creativity quests, where you had to give your best impression of McGaiver to be able to succeed, for example.
Was it always this organized and well prepared? No, it wasn’t. The first year of the games was a fiasco. Psykhe got intel on the games and beat all the other houses with a huge distance. Of course, everyone started to get suspicious. Even about the games that they weren’t that good — like one where they had to solve a diophantine equation and did it 10 minutes quicker than the folks from Dianoia. Now, it wasn’t like it wasn’t possible. Because it was, they were smart. But it was considered one of the hardest math problems ever and they just solved it in a heartbeat? And if that wasn’t enough, they also shamed Sarx on the physical game. So eventually, everyone found out that one of the board members had told their team what the games would be about, giving them enough time to prepare for an epic victory.
Following that year, all teams agreed to have the board members away from their teams during the Games Week. The sixteen of them had their own quarters on an isolated wing from the main building. No contact at all. Was it extreme? Of course, it was games run by teenagers. They all wanted the prize and some seemed capable of killing for it.
“Good morning Horus, and get ready for the Ascension,” The speakers throughout the entire school turned on as Kihyun’s voice caught everyone’s attention. “The schedule of this week’s round will be the following—please take notes or regret not doing so—first stop, a game for intellectuals only. The second phase is for those who dare to be brave… and physical! The third and final round must be for the jacks of all trades. Best of luck to all teams- and may the greatest team win!”
It was expected now of the leaders of each team to be collecting votes and pondering on who to appoint to each phase. Two players by round, representing the whole family. And of course, each house had its tactics… But more than that, this year at least, Psykhe was also taking the time to elaborate on the plan they were concocting; their personal revenge.
Taehyung glanced at his twin, Freya, and she mirrored the smirk on his face. Game on.
Some flights of stairs below, Sarxians were starting their day very uneasy… A little before the announcement of the game, the leader of the team, Archie Miller, opened the doors of their common room just to find it completely out of place.
The yellow sofas that normally stood on the four edges of the walls, against them, were placed in a circle and in the middle of the room. As he came closer to have a look at what was going on, he found a white envelope on the floor, right at the center of the circle. It was as if it was inviting the whole team to gather around and take a seat to know what it contained. And some even managed to arrive on time to see their leader reading it alone because Archie was anything but patient or very loving.
“What is it, Arch?” Tzuyu asked, but she didn’t receive an answer, he just handed her the letter harshly.
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To say the Sarx meeting didn’t go so well was more than an understatement. Archie was completely out of his mind; fuming in anger. All he could think about was how they managed to enter their common room. And he knew who had been the culprit, that’s probably why he was that furious.
“Those damn wolves.”
“Are you sure you don’t want us to come?” Jungkook had asked a very comfy-looking Freya. The girl was dressed in sweatshirt shorts and a matching hoodie that somehow looked too big for her, making his mind automatically go back to Yoongi and the whole rumor of them sleeping together. “I don’t mind doing two runs.”
“No, of course not!” She said quickly and paused for a bit to yawn, it was 4:15 am. “You and Tae go to the woods as we agreed, just leave the rest to me.”
“Frey, if you’re caught…” Taehyung who was barely up, or even had his eyes open, barged into the conversation. The boy was still in his bed when Freya sneaked into their dorm to check if everything was up and running for execution.
“Don’t worry, I got this.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t do anything…” Jungkook said a bit unsure. The idea of any of them getting in trouble because of him didn’t sit well in his stomach. And he couldn’t dream of getting expelled either… “You guys shouldn’t risk yourselves for me and-”
“Shush it.” Freya cut him out with a finger to his lips. She looked tense. “Someone is coming,” she whispered.
Jungkook’s eyes got huge all of a sudden, still fixed on the girl before him. Taehyung on his hand quickly got up, sleep washed out of his system completely while he opened the wardrobe next to the bed he was in for his sister to hide. She crouched down between some hanging clothes and he threw a blanket on top.
Jungkook was still paralyzed not knowing how to react or what to do in that situation, but by the rapidity shown by the siblings, he could breathe more at ease knowing someone in the room knew how to handle this. He could also see this wasn’t the first time they were doing such a thing.
A rhythmic knock was heard against their door. Softly. The boys glanced at each other and soon after Taehyung led the way to open it up. He hesitated a bit, unsure of what move to make. He could always pretend he and his roommate were still asleep… But the knocking repeated, so he opened it up.
“Are we going or not?”
Jimin. The boy entered the space, quickly shutting the door behind him. He was a bit too hyped for someone who had just woken up, in fact, his face had no trace of sleep.
As Taehyung made a silent way towards his bed once again, too drunk in sleep to deal with this at the moment, Freya jumped out of the wardrobe.
“You gotta be kidding me, Park Jimin!” she whispered in a yelling way giving the boy a heart attack.
“Jesus!” he whispered back with both hands on his chest, “Are you insane? I almost yelled!”
Jungkook was sitting at the end of his own bed looking at them unbothered, hands on his lap, waiting for instructions, like this was all part of his daily routine.
“What are you doing here?”
“Aren’t we going to the woods? To get back at Sarx or something? I don’t know,” Jimin rambled, “Tae told me we would be going to the woods… I don’t remember what for exactly but I’m in.”
Freya grunted in disbelief, “You are always the reason we get caught when we get caught. You’re absolutely not going.”
“Hey! That’s not true-”
“Why doesn’t he go with you?” Jungkook suggested cutting off their disagreement, “I would feel better knowing you have someone to watch your back too.”
“Absolutely no-”
“I like that.” Taehyung got up once again interrupting his sister, “You need someone to be your watchman. And I know he won’t let anything happen to you. Anything.” The last part was more a warning to Jimin than anything else.
“Yes sir, Park Jimin reporting for duty.” he saluted with a serious face, Taehyung followed, both absorbed in a role-play of their own making Jungkook chuckle and Freya roll her eyes.
“For fucks sake…” she sighed. “Ok. But I tell you what Park Jimin if I get caught because of you-”
“I know, I know.”
“‘Kay then, we’ll be out.” She surrendered and repeated the plan one last time, “I’ll go to the security guardhouse with Jimin, he’ll be standing watch while I steal the card key to open Sarx's common room, then we’ll run there, steal the things and throw them out of the balcony. You both need to be there in twenty to catch it. No, fifteen!”
“Someone is sure of herself…” Jimin teased making her punch his back. “What? I know the guard is always asleep in there but still. It’s not that easy to steal something from someone’s pocket.”
“It’s just to be sure in case something happens, moron.”
“And then we go to the woods to leave it there.” Jungkook finished, rethinking the steps. “All good to me. We’ll be there.”
Freya nodded, putting her hoodie up to hide her hair, and only then opened the door. Jimin went through it and she glanced at them, “Please be careful. And text me as soon as you arrive here, don’t forget.”
“We won’t.”
And the plan was set into action.
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outsider pov deancas, 2.4k, based after the good finale. for @bloodsigilsandpie <3
"it's happening."
natasha returns to the kitchen, her otherwise suppressed glee betrayed by the glint in her eyes as she declares to the entire room. "they're on a date."
chloe's the first to react, or rather, the spoons in her hand that promptly drop back into the foam are. "no way."
"way." farah rushes close to natasha, gushing. "did they tell you?"
natasha sniffs, depositing the plates in the sink with her back turned to her eager audience.
"do you think they told me?"
she doesn't wait for an answer, turning around and leaning back against the counter.
"of course they didn't tell me. but i," she smirks. "i could tell."
"oh, you could tell." hutch repeats mockingly, and a few others snicker. "nat, we're talking about the trenchcoat dude who never smiles, and big-car-black-coffee-loyal-to-the-pie guy. no one has ever been able to tell anything with those two. and they don't look anything more than unlikely work friends to me either."
"unlikely work friends don't look at each other like that!" farah chastises immediately.
"fine. unlikely work friends with repressed homosexual urges from the 80's."
"hutch, if you're going to insult my date-dar, do it to my face!" natasha scowls, earning herself another eyeroll and a defensive palms-up gesture from the skeptic sous-chef.
"he literally just did." chloe mutters, ever the devil's advocate, before farah interrupts. she'd always been their resident 'trenchcoat dude who never smiles and big-car-black-coffee-loyal-to-the-pie guy' shipper. there tend to be one of those for all such couples the waitstaff discusses on the regular, really.
"so, how can you tell? what's different?"
"well for one," natasha grins. "trenchcoat dude's not wearing his trenchcoat."
a commotion of gasps come up from arguably most stations of the kitchen — even those who weren't a part of the discussion before.
"is it on the back of his chair? did car-guy help him take it off?" farah instantly pipes up, her eyes wide and hopeful. (hutch and her are the newest waiters, natasha remembers with a midge of distaste. sometimes it's too obvious.)
"no. it's nowhere in sight." she admits, eyebrows raised.
"maybe it ripped." that's hutch.
"maybe he finally realized that thing was doing nothing for him." dallas. everybody knows he's got a thing for trench coat dude though, so nobody bats an eye.
"maybe car-guy told him." chloe shrugs.
"hey, maybe somebody else did." hutch again.
"that's not the point." natasha butts in. "car-guy's better dressed too. i don't know much about old people fashion — chloe, if you don't stop looking at me like that — but i think ascots are supposed to be fancy."
"he wore a what —" several voices echo, and just then, freya enters the kitchen, beaming. (second year at the diner, loads of tattoos, and has a lovely girlfriend at the domino's across the street. natasha likes her.)
"you guys'll never guess what happened."
hutch and dallas sigh in unison, and farah giggles a little. "you won't guess what happened here either!"
"me first. trenchcoat dude and car-guy are on a date."
chloe snorts, picking up two prepared plates of food from one of the side chef's stations, and setting off out the door freya just entered from. important to find a job-gossip balance and all that.
natasha turns to the new informant. "what did you see?"
"car-guy asked trenchcoat what he wanted for dessert." freya beams.
"this just in, men can learn manners." hutch inputs before exiting with his own tray.
"car-guy might always order the pie but it looks mutual!" farah points out indignantly but he's gone already.
nevermind, he'll be back in five.
"and what did trenchcoat say?" natasha asks, ignoring the other two.
"milkshake," freya replies, writing it on a post-it as she says it.
"one shake, two straws." farah gasps. "come on, frey. tell me it was one shake, two straws."
"two shakes, two straws." she scribbles away.
"maybe they're gonna share both." farah quickly supplies.
"nobody does that, farah." dallas retorts, and natasha makes a face at him, not willing to kill the former's hopes just yet. farah tends to get this forlorn look on her face when things go wrong — and it always reminds natasha of her dead cousin.
she clears her throat.
"look, it can be a date without the shared milkshake, people." a few thoughtful sounds come up, the gates swing, and chloe walks back in. "plus, we've still got all the staring, the lingering looks over the menu, the soulful eyefu —"
"but that's everyday, nat." freya sighs.
"it's different today —"
"— you know it isn't —"
"— and i can prove it." natasha finishes, earning herself looks of surprise from almost everyone around. she can, though. the diner's got a valentines discount on milkshakes all month, she can approach them about it. trenchcoat and car-guy don't have to know it's not just for couples. and on the (really, really) offchance that they aren't one, natasha could always just minus the discount from the total anyway and no one would be the wiser.
the idea had just come to her but she was fairly sure she could swing it.
farah had already picked up a tray with two soup bowls and a dish of croutons, but she puts it down, and replaces the to-be-forlornness with excitement. "how?"
"i'll," natasha smirks again. "talk to them."
another round of gasps. in this kitchen, the people were nothing if not dramatic.
this time, freya's the one who asks, "how?"
"well, i haven't waitressed for twelve years just to go about rattling off trade secrets, kids." natasha winks, and a few of them make indignant noises because only about one third of the staff was what could broadly be called new. most of them had been there for years, and were practically a part of her family now. but she picks up her own tray smoothly, conveniently having been slid to her counter just then, and sets off — to an audience of hopeful believers (and dallas)'s matching stares.
(natasha isn't exactly free of the flair for drama she'd just accused everyone in this kitchen of.)
once outside, she makes a beeline for the table her tray is actually for, leaves them it, and quickly heads for the infamous trenchcoat and car-guy table.
this is so going to work.
"so then i cut his —" car-guy stops mid-sentence, spotting her. a part of natasha seethes to know what he 'cut off', but being fodder for the kitchenstaff's are-they-dating games didn't take away their rights to privacy, and she respected those. the car-guy smiles shortly at her. "what's the matter," his eyes flick down to her nametag, flick right back. (definitely a good sign; most men linger.) "natasha?"
she puts on her best smile. "it's about the milkshakes."
"is there a problem?" car-guy eases into a wider smile. "do you not have them, not a single one, and do we have to order pie instead?"
car-guy's partner shakes his head exasperatedly. "dean, i hardly think that's what she'd be here about."
"well, a guy's gotta dream." car-guy — dean — instantly says, and goes back to his burger while trenchcoat speaks up instead.
"what's the matter?"
natasha doesn't let her smile budge. it's a hell of a customer service smile, she's been told. "i actually came here to ask if you would like me to add the date dessert discount on the milkshake. it's an all-february thing. not on all items." she clarifies, a reflexive response for why it hasn't come up before.
dean looks a little cornered — trenchcoat just looks confused.
"i don't understand." he says, after a moment's pause. "the milkshakes cost less just if dean and i are here on a date...?"
"it's not —" she balks a little at his seriousness. "it's actually not that big of a difference."
"that's...alright." trenchcoat tilts his head, and natasha suddenly realizes she's physically fighting the urge to stare. shit, dallas isn't half-wrong. "but why just milkshakes?"
dean lets out an uncomfortable laugh. "capitalism trying to crap all over the free man's heart and the supremacy of pie not enough reason for ya, cas?"
natasha stifles a smile.
that's actually a good line. maybe car-guy deserves more credit than just loyal-to-the-pie.
trenchcoat — okay, cas, at least while she's out here — still looks a little doubtful (and she has no idea why) but he nods at dean, and then looks up at her and nods again. "add the discount."
natasha has to resist the urge to let her jaw drop.
this entire conversation, she'd practically been sure they were heading towards a rejection of the 'date' clause. and her gut told her they weren't lying either.
well, well. always thrilling to be right.
"and thank you for telling us about it." cas continues, and her practised smile returns immediately. probably a little less obligatory.
"of course."
and dean still looks like he'd rather cut more whatever-he-was-talking-about's off rather than be here right now, so natasha goes to leave. but cas stops her right before she's out of reach.
"excuse me." he's the one smiling this time. "if you're not busy right away, could you tell us what other items are eligible for the february date discount?"
dean facepalms. "come on, dude."
cas gives him a look — and natasha was right, of course she was right, that's not a exasperated 'friend' look. "i'd like to know, dean."
to natasha's knowledge, they've never had trouble paying for anything before (hernandez, she thinks one of their surnames is, she's seen it on a card) but she can't object to 'cas' asking, of course. curiosity is also a well-off man's right.
"why?" dean asks vehemently, before she can start to rattle off the list.
"because," cas answers levelly. actually, he kind of sounds like he's using his dad voice. maybe he is a dad. "i think it's strange that we've never gotten the discount before, while we've been eating lunch here almost this entire month."
it's again hard for natasha to not just stare gapmouthed at them.
"those have been dates." she realizes belatedly and out loud, and receives a weird, distasteful look from dean, and an immediate nod from cas that makes her blurt out, "so this isn't your...first date."
they're dating.
oh, farah was going to lose her mind.
"is that a requisite clause?" cas asks politely, while dean just scrubs his face with a hand.
"no." she tells cas truthfully. "i'm sorry, i just assumed it was. your first, i mean."
"lady, we certainly don't look first date aged to me." dean butts in, not hostile, but like it's something that irks him. "and we've been married four years, so one would desperately hope it's not our first date, y'know."
they're friggin' married.
natasha is an idiot, and her date-dar is probably due for an early retirement.
they've been married for four years.
"i'm...very sorry." she apologizes, mortified. "i had no idea. i —"
"it's fine." this time, dean's smiling, and cas's confused frown is back. it's like they take turns. natasha is almost grateful for it, to be fair, because both those smiles directed at her would've been a helluva lot more distracting. "really doesn't matter. and yeah, sure, add the milkshake discount but don't worry about the list of items." he turns to cas. "just have sam look it up for you when we get home. please."
cas seems to be prepared to acquiesce to that but natasha can't help her own curiosity this time. "is that your son?"
and she's halfway to regretting it the moment she registers having said it, even though thankfully neither of them look too offended. in fact, cas is back to smiling.
"he's dean's brother." cas tells her. "he's the one with jack right now." he pauses. "it's easier because he and eileen live with us."
"yeah, an in-house sitter who doesn't even like going out is really a department we won in." dean grins, solely at cas. as if he's momentarily forgotten all about natasha's presence (that had clearly been making him uncomfortable talking in front of, earlier) in just looking at his husband. natasha sends out a quick pre-prayer for farah. "sucks for eileen though."
"eileen is very happy with your brother, dean." cas chastises, his eyes nothing but affectionate even then, and natasha's head reels with how much she has to tell the waitstaff today.
they're going to friggin' adore her.
"so jack is your son," she confirms, less wary of their reaction to her question now that they looked to have settled into their own silent conversation.
"he's our son, yes." cas replies, simply.
"like, you and him." she flashes a smile at dean.
"us and sam." cas corrects, and dean facepalms again. for her part, natasha can do little more than blink.
"but —"
"it's complicated." dean cuts her off suddenly, and she flinches. he didn't even deny it, just...sidestepped it.
"i — i see." natasha clears her throat, still looking at cas in bewilderment.
cas probably doesn't notice because he's talking to dean again. "it's significantly less complicated than claire's parentage, dean. she has over six parental —"
jesus christ.
"aaand that's enough trivia for date night." dean interrupts loudly again, definitely for the best, because natasha was standing there like a thoughtless statue at this point. his raised voice shakes her out of her reverie, and she vaguely calculates the chances of crashing into a table if she tried to walk away right away.
"i'll," she mumbles instead, drawing in a breath forcefully. "i'll be back with your milkshakes."
"thank you!" cas calls after her as she half wobbles on her heels back to the kitchen.
inside, she puts her empty tray on the metal counter and her hands on both sides of it, bowing her head, and almost immediately ending up surrounded by a plethora of people — most of whom, in normal circumstances, would just have been eavesdropping from their respective stations.
farah's the first to ask, followed by hutch.
"what did you find out?"
natasha closes her eyes. "they're married."
this time, the commotion is the largest yet. but she isn't done.
"and every single one of their meals here have been dates." freya pumps her fist, chloe squeezes farah's hand, and dallas tsks under his breath. the 'gallery' watchers appear ready to join in the cheering as well today. but the entire kitchen senses she isn't done yet, and waits fidgetingly for the rest of it.
"and," natasha swallows. "they're almost definitely in a cult."
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hysterialevi · 3 years
Hjarta | Final Chapter
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Fanfic summary: In an AU where Eivor was adopted by Randvi’s family instead, he ends up falling in love with the man his sister has been promised to despite the arranged marriage between their clans.
Point of view: third-person
Pairing: Sigurd Styrbjornson x Male Eivor
Author’s note: Holy shit I can’t believe it’s already the last chapter. Thank you guys so much for sticking with this story from the start, and for sending me wonderful comments/messages of support. I really had fun writing this fanfic and interacting with you all, so I hope you’ll enjoy this last part of Hjarta. This story seriously means a lot to me, and it makes my day to know how many of you liked it. Stay awesome :)
This story is also on AO3 | Previous chapter
“Eivor!” Sigurd called out through the storm, forcing his way across the snow. “Are you there?”
The prince shielded his face from the frost with a protective arm and squinted, desperately searching for his lover as he wandered blindly through the fog. The young man had disappeared from the battle not too long ago, and seemingly taken Kjotve’s fate into his own hands. What became of either of them still remained a mystery to Sigurd, and as more time passed by, he found himself feeling increasingly worried for Eivor’s life.
“Eivor!” He repeated a tad louder this time. “Say something! Can you hear me?”
Much to his relief, a faint voice answered from a distance.
“...I’m here, Sigurd...!”
Inching closer towards the voice, the older man ventured deeper into the mist and peered forward, only to spot the outline of a familiar shadow trudging in his direction.
Eivor was sauntering underneath the sun’s blurred rays with a slight hiccup in his step, and fresh blood clinging to his axe. His face seemed to be wiped clean of all the energy that once burned in his eyes, and yet, he appeared to be... at peace.
A calming aura could be seen blossoming from his heart like a single flower in a barren field, and in a strange way, it almost looked as if he had completely forgotten about the war. Not a single hint of dread or terror weathered his blissful expression, and the ribbons of sunlight dancing above him only added to his soothing demeanor.
Sigurd picked up his pace and began jogging, eagerly rushing to rejoin his lover.
“Eivor...!” He said with a sigh of relief, immediately pulling the man into a hug. “There you are.”
Eivor allowed his head to sit on Sigurd’s chest, giving himself some time to breathe.
“...Sigurd,” he whispered out of exhaustion, “...I did it. I actually did it.”
The prince continued cradling the younger man in his embrace, providing him with a sense of warmth amidst all the snow.
“What happened to you, Eivor? Where’s Kjotve? I saw you run off with him earlier. Is he dead? Did you... did you kill him?”
Eivor nodded and closed his eyes, not even bothering to say a word.
“Truly...?” Sigurd asked, staring at the other man in disbelief. 
Could it really be possible that the battle was already finished? It hadn’t been too long ago that the prince was barely evading death’s grasp, and now, the storm had suddenly passed. Part of him found the news too good to be true considering the path they used to get here, and yet, something in Eivor’s tone rang with sincerity.
Sigurd tightened his grip on the smaller warrior and chuckled out of elation, nearly breaking into tears. “Then it’s over. The war... is finally over.”
He brought a hand to Eivor’s chin, lifting it gently so that he could see his face.
“What about you, my love? Are you well?”
The Wolf-Kissed displayed a subtle smile, radiating as if he were the moon itself.
“...I am. For the first time since that night... I’m okay.”
Sigurd returned the smile and cupped the back of Eivor’s head, pulling him close so that he could plant a kiss on his forehead. 
Staying snuggled in each other’s arms, the couple took some time to enjoy the peace as the storm steadily died down around them, allowing more and more of the sun to break through. The crippling mist that had built up during the battle was slowly beginning to fade, and soon enough, nothing but a vast blue sky remained hovering above them.
Unbeknownst to Sigurd however, a third party had already found them and walked in on their brief reunion, but had not yet announced their presence.
In the distance, Arngeir quietly watched the scene in front of him unfold with a sense of shock clouding his mind, causing him to gawk incredulously. Even though he suspected that the prince would be somewhere in the vicinity with his son, he did not expect the two of them to be enwrapped in such a loving embrace.
...How long had they felt like this, he wondered? Was their bond something that had been ignited due to the recent string of battles, or had this been carrying on ever since Styrbjorn first arrived?
The jarl was honestly at a loss. He held no disgust in his heart for the peculiar couple before him, but he couldn’t deny that he was taken aback. Despite his knowledge of Sigurd and Eivor’s friendship in the past, he never would’ve guessed that there was something deeper between them. 
Though, the more Arngeir thought about it, he supposed there really was nothing peculiar about their relationship. The knot that intertwined their fates was made of pure, genuine love delivered straight from the hands of Freya, and to his surprise, he just couldn’t bring himself to interfere.
It was something he hadn’t seen in ages thanks to the horrors of this war, but now that it was over, Arngeir figured he may as well let his doubts die with it.
He had had enough of tragedy. 
Turning on his heel, the jarl decided to leave the couple alone and returned to the other half of the island, ready to inform his clan of their miraculous victory. He still didn’t know whether he’d tell Styrbjorn about his unanticipated discovery or not, but one thing was for certain.
Kjotve’s kingdom had finally fallen. 
In spite of all the obstacles Styrbjorn’s people faced, his entire bloodline had been struck down, and his throne had been left unattended. No one in Norway would ever hear of his clan again, and his fortress would be left to crumble under the weight of the absence that consumed it.
The barbarian king was vanquished. Just like his legacy.
Sigurd placed the last of his belongings in the crate sitting before him, reminiscing as he stood in the middle of his chambers. It felt like a lifetime ago that he was first packing his things in preparation for the journey to Bjornheimr, and now, he was getting ready to leave.
After ages of enduring this war and accepting it as his reality, the prince had suddenly found himself in a world where Kjotve was no longer a problem, and his clan had been reduced to ashes in the wind. 
A new era had been brought about thanks to their victory at Thrymr’s Tomb, and the kingdom now celebrated in harmony to honor the peace that had finally been restored.
Despite the jovial mood of his people however, Sigurd admittedly didn’t know how to process the whole situation himself. Part of him rejoiced due to the fact that he’d never have to deal with Kjotve’s cruelty again, but he would’ve been lying if he said he didn’t have his regrets.
He didn’t come out of this unscathed, after all. The Raven Clan may have emerged victorious from their fight against the barbarian king, but there were still many wounds that needed mending... including Dag’s loss.
Sigurd still remembered his last conversation with the man as if it happened yesterday. Even though Dag proved to be a traitor in his final moments, the prince just couldn’t bring himself to discard the memories they once shared, or the fondness that followed. In his eyes, the fallen warrior would always be that same little boy who kept him company as a child, and pulled him away from the darkness when his mother passed on.
As for the Dag he executed, Sigurd would remember him as no more than a fragment of his childhood friend, and the result of a man who had been crippled by his own jealousy. He would be a reminder for the prince to never fall prey to his demons, lest he lose the soul he had fought so long to preserve. It was what he owed his parents after all these years, and to himself.
Letting out a remorseful sigh, Sigurd shook his head and silenced the thoughts that threatened to encompass his mind, not willing to entertain his grief any further. He would never forget the loved ones he had lost during the events of this war, but for his own sake -- he had to move on.
Lifting up the crate with a soft grunt, Sigurd secured the box in his arms and began striding towards the archway, only to stop in his tracks when he noticed someone waiting for him. 
At the moment, Eivor was standing on the other side of the door with his hands linked together and his head hanging low, clearly disheartened by Sigurd’s upcoming departure. His gaze swept in the floor in an attempt to avoid confronting the absence he would soon have to accept, and even the sight of the prince himself wasn’t able to lift his mood.
“Eivor...!” Sigurd greeted. “You came.”
The Wolf-Kissed stepped tentatively into the room, staring at his lover as if this was the last time they’d ever meet.
“Of course I did. I wanted to see you again before...” his expression sank slightly, “...before you left.”
Sigurd took note of the shift in his lover’s mood and placed the crate down for a moment, gently gripping Eivor’s wrist in a comforting manner.
“Eivor,” he said in a gentler tone, “...you know I have to go.”
“I do. I just wish you could stay longer. We spent so much of our time worrying about the people we lost that... we forgot we still had each other. But now that you’re leaving, it’s all I can think about.”
Sigurd lifted a hand to Eivor’s cheek and brushed away a lock of hair, tucking it neatly behind his ear.
“You can still come with me. You know that, right? I realize we’ve had this conversation before, but if you truly want us to stay together, I can arrange that.”
In spite of his sorrow, the younger man remained staunch in his decision. “I’m sorry, Sigurd, but I must remain here. As much as I wish I could go with you, Bjornheimr needs me. My father needs me. I’m the only family he has left apart from Randvi, and she’ll be gone too.”
Sigurd nodded sympathetically. “Very well. If that’s what you wish.”
Eivor paused briefly, switching to a different concern on his mind. “...You will visit me, right? This won’t be the last time I’ll see you?”
“Of course not,” the prince reassured. “I can’t say when I’ll have the chance to return to Bjornheimr, but -- I promise you -- as soon as the opportunity reveals itself, I’ll be here again.”
The other man didn’t appear any less forlorn, but accepted the promise nonetheless.
“I’ll be waiting. But until then...” Eivor leaned forward, pecking a goodbye kiss on Sigurd’s lips, “...stay safe, my love. I wish nothing but happiness for you.”
The prince pressed his forehead against Eivor’s, cherishing their last few minutes together.
“The same goes for you. My duties may require me to start a new life in preparation for the throne, but I’ll never forget everything you’ve done. Thank you. I mean it.”
Taking a few more moments to bask in each other’s company, the two of them simply cuddled in silence before separating the embrace, and retreating to the shells they so often wore around the rest of the village.
The sun had managed to climb to the top of the sky’s apex by now, and most of the Raven Clan were already gathered at the docks. The longships were fit to set sail after an entire morning’s worth of preparations, and their people were eager to return home. The only thing they needed now... was the presence of their prince himself.
“I suppose it’s time for me to leave.” Sigurd noted somberly, reluctantly taking hold of the crate once again. “Care to join me for the walk to the ship?”
Eivor concealed his pain with a friendly veil and stepped to the side, allowing Sigurd some room to walk through the doorway.
“After you, my friend.”
Walking alongside one another as they headed towards the shore, Eivor and Sigurd strolled silently through the village with a bittersweet relief resting in their spirits, clouding their minds like the smoke of a cold pyre.
It brought them both great joy to see Kjotve’s reign finally come to an end, but they couldn’t stop themselves from wondering what waited beyond the horizon now that the war was over.
Was this the start of Sigurd’s life as a future king? Would he and Randvi truly be the rulers of Norway one day? How was he even going to raise a family? The prince had never planned to be a father, and a part of him wanted to scream at the thought of being forced to hide his true emotions once again.
He didn’t want to forget Eivor, or the things they experienced together. These past few weeks had been some of the best and worst moments of his life, and he dreaded the idea of allowing their bond to fade into a distant memory. But for the sake of his kingdom, Sigurd knew he had to leave the man behind if he wanted any chance of becoming a decent leader.
It was his duty, after all. Styrbjorn had managed to keep his end of the promise in regards to battling his addiction, so the prince figured it would only be fair if he upheld his own. Personal thoughts and desires no longer mattered within the realm of royalty. From this day on, Sigurd would be living to serve his people -- not himself. 
“There they are.” He remarked, gesturing towards the end of the pier. Eivor followed Sigurd’s line of sight, only to spot Styrbjorn, Arngeir, and Randvi all waiting by the longship.
“So this is it then,” he said, already missing the prince’s company. “This is where we part ways.”
Sigurd shared his partner’s disappointment, but tried to keep a strong face nonetheless. “For now. You and I will be separated for some time, but I’ll visit you as much as I can. And you’re always welcome in Fornburg too, should you ever wish to come to me instead.”
“Thank you. I’ll consider it.”
Eivor placed a hand on the side of the prince’s arm, saying one last thing while he still had the chance.
“...Wait, Sigurd. Before you go.”
The older man came to a pause, giving Eivor a curious glance. “Yes? What is it?”
The Wolf-Kissed stuttered, admittedly unsure of where he was taking this. He didn’t have anything in particular he wanted Sigurd to hear -- he just hoped to keep him around for a little longer.
“Erm, n-nothing. I just wanted to say I love you.”
Sigurd smiled warmly at the comment despite Eivor’s awkwardness and chuckled lightly, attempting to comfort him.
“I love you too, Eivor. Never forget it.”
Leaving the younger man with those words, Sigurd carried on with the task at hand and sauntered towards the ship, placing the crate down by the boarding plank as one of the oarsmen came to assist him. Meanwhile, Styrbjorn greeted the two men with a cheery temperament, happy to get things going.
“Sigurd, Eivor!” The king exclaimed jovially. “It’s good to see you both in one piece after the battle yesterday. We lost many warriors during the assault at Thrymr’s Tomb, but now, we at least have the luxury of saying that their deaths weren’t in vain...” he turned to the Wolf-Kissed, “...and it’s all thanks to you, my boy.”
Eivor bowed his head in a humble manner. “I only did what was required of me.”
Styrbjorn let out a soft laugh. “Nonsense. Sigurd has told me of the tenacity you displayed on the battlefield. You showed great courage, and you fought with honor. It is thanks to your efforts that Kjotve now lies in a frigid tomb.”
Arngeir joined in. “Indeed. Had it not been for your valor, we would all still be bound by Kjotve’s chains. Varin would be proud of you, Eivor. And Ulfar too.”
“Thank you, father.”
Eivor brought his attention to Styrbjorn, trying his best to hide the sorrow lurking within him. “...So, I imagine you’ll be departing soon?”
To his surprise, the king appeared to have other things in mind. “Actually, there is something else your father and I would like to discuss first. Something that concerns you and my son.”
Sigurd froze at that, already suspicious of where this was leading. “...W-What do you mean?”
Arngeir stepped forward, hesitant to speak any further. “Forgive my being candid, but we are aware of the relationship between you two.”
Eivor instantly felt the color drain from his face, and he could’ve sworn he saw his own soul fleeing from his body.
“You-- what?”
“Do not be alarmed, my son. I am not here to pass judgement. Only to offer a proposal.”
“But... how? How did you find out?”
Arngeir crossed his arms in thought. “Yesterday, during the battle. Sigurd and I left the fort in order to search for you. We noticed you had disappeared at some point, and feared you may be in danger. Though, by the time I stumbled upon you, you had already found your way to the prince.”
“That means... you saw us...”
“...Embracing one another, yes. I apologize, Eivor. I did not mean to intrude.”
The young man exchanged glances with Sigurd, terrified to see the outcome of this discovery. “So, what does this mean for us? Are we to face punishment?”
Arngeir shook his head. “No. Quite the contrary, actually. I realize it isn’t my place to speak about this -- and for that I am sorry -- but I admit I shared this news with Styrbjorn once we returned, for I had an idea in mind that I wished to broach.”
That caught Sigurd’s attention. “An idea? About what?”
Styrbjorn provided the answer. “About this alliance, of course. You see, when we first arranged this marriage between you and Randvi, we did so with the intention of forming an ironclad bond. A bond born out of love. We believed it would be a way to ensure that our clans never fell apart, since our families would be intertwined from that day on. Clearly however, we were mistaken.”
The jarl nodded in agreement. “Indeed. It seems that the bond we were looking for... had been between you two all along.”
Arngeir trailed off into silence for a moment, considering his next words.
“Listen, both of you. Styrbjorn and I had a long conversation yesterday once I revealed my discovery. We discussed many things pertaining to this alliance, and after our talk, we came to the conclusion that... this marriage is no longer necessary.”
Sigurd’s eyes widened in shock. “Wait, are you saying that it’s over?”
“Ultimately, the choice lies with you. If you wish to end this marriage, and if Eivor decides to go in Randvi’s stead, then I have already told Styrbjorn that I have no qualms with it.”
The prince immediately looked at his lover, radiating with a newfound hope.
“Eivor...! Think about it. You could join me, just like we wanted.”
The Wolf-Kissed glanced at Arngeir, double-checking with him first.
“But what about you, father? Are you certain about this? I don’t want to abandon you.”
The jarl gave him a reassuring pat on the arm. “Do not fret, Eivor. You’re not abandoning anybody. If you choose to stay with Sigurd, then Randvi will remain here in your place. Neither of us will be alone.”
Randvi suddenly jumped into the conversation, encouraging her brother to follow his desires.
“Go on, Eivor. It’s okay. Father and I will have each other. We’ll rebuild Bjornheimr, and return this village to what it once was. By the time you come back, this place will be thriving more than it ever did. In the meantime, go with Sigurd. A new life awaits you in Fornburg. Don’t let this opportunity pass.”
“She’s right, Eivor,” Arngeir said. “All I’ve ever wanted for any of you is to be happy. If you believe that being with Sigurd is best for you, then go.”
The young man stumbled over his words, rendered completely speechless by how this scenario had turned out. When he awoke this morning, he never imagined that he’d be given the option to freely roam the kingdom at Sigurd’s side, living with him as if they were family. 
If anything, Eivor fully expected that he would be bidding the prince farewell, and left to wallow in the melancholy that had formed in his heart during this past month. So much anger and regret had taken control of his spirit’s reins ever since the news of Sigurd’s departure, and now... it was all gone. Just like that.
“I... I don’t know what to say,” he replied. “...Thank you, father. You can’t imagine how much this means to me.”
A gleeful expression spread across the jarl’s face. “I’m glad, Eivor.”
Randvi wrapped her arms around her younger brother, pulling the man into one last hug before saying goodbye.
“We’ll miss you, little cub. Take care of yourself, and each other. Alright?”
“We will. I promise.”
The woman gave him a playful shove. “Then get out of here. And make sure to knock plenty of skulls. Let the world know who we are.”
Eivor chuckled at the response, grinning from ear-to-ear. “The Bear Clan’s name will be fluttering from the lips of every bard in Norway when I’m done. I assure you. Until then, farewell, and thank you for all you’ve given me.”
The Wolf-Kissed walked over to Sigurd’s side, openly taking hold of his hand for the first time since they met. The prince’s eyes were twinkling with a vibrant ray of hope at this point, and a familiar sense of contentment had finally returned to his soul.
“Come, my love,” Eivor ushered. “Fornburg awaits.”
Steadily gliding across the ocean’s hills, the longship broke free from the harbor and began heading out towards the vastness of the open sea, prepared to deliver its occupants back home after a long and arduous battle.
Petals of snow could be seen dancing along the surface of the vessel’s billowing sails, and in the distance, the sun’s light shone through the mountains, causing the water below to shimmer with a glittering streak.
Birds soared in harmony with the wind that guided the longship’s course and left a trail of feathers in their wake, accompanying the warriors who sailed beneath their wings.
All the creatures of Midgard seemed to band together in celebration now that the age of war had perished, and the earth cried out in relief due to the lack of blood littering its soil.
As for Eivor, the man simply rested against the longship’s walls and marveled at the view in front of him, listening intently while Sigurd entertained him with tales of Fornburg’s wonders. The prince spoke of his home with a great fondness and constructed vivid images using only the movement of his hands, painting a clear picture for his companion.
Meanwhile, the oarsmen behind them burst into song and began reciting a number of sea shanties, singing heartily as if they were performing for the gods themselves. Their voices rang merrily into the sky like a horn of victory, and the world around them seemed to bloom with revival.
It was the start of a new dawn. After countless years of pointless death and suffering, the clans in Norway had become united under one crown, and Kjotve had paid the ultimate price. His name had been blotted out with the stain of a mad tyrant, and his victims had been released from their ethereal chains in the afterlife.
Most importantly though, Eivor no longer felt the need to hide who he was. The fantasy that once haunted him in his dreams had become a reality, and now, he was free to love Sigurd as any man would love his wife. The times of fear and judgement were over at last, and the alliance between their peoples had been reignited with a different bond.
Their relationship would be the foundation of many things to come, and just like Ingrida once said, they had finally found their way home after decades of straying from their fate.
It was what the Nornir planned all along, and the one thing Varin always wished for his son -- the one thing he could never achieve.
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dragonturtle2 · 3 years
Charting Penny's course, on the eve of the V8 finale.
I just realized that one of the lengthiest essays I ever posted online was never copied or cross posted over here to Tumblr.  A huge mistake on my part.  For one, as a big fan of transhumanism, I got a kind of enjoyment mapping out the distinctions Penny Poledina’s series-wide arc, even with the flaws.  Two, I’m actually kind of proud of the predictions I made at the end.  Not because I was correct about one of them; I remarked how I’d LIKE Rooster Teeth to do something, not that they’d actually take the shot.  But some of the stuff I thought of was fun, and I do feel a bit of validation for having my thoughts line up with the actual writers; especially in lieu of how heated other people’s reactions were to something sorrowful and unexpected.  
Tonight I had been responding to a critique I'd found earlier on Tumblr. They had remarked that Penny's conflict in Volumes 2, 7 and 8 were just recycling the question of whether Penny was a real girl. That doing so was just boring as heck, when the question has been answered firmly with Penny becoming the Winter Maiden. I thought the question of “what makes a person a person, and not just a simulated pattern of behaviors with the instinct to survive?” was broad enough to get a few arcs’ worth of visitation.  But I thought just responding with that one lengthy sentence could come off as belittling sarcasm. So tried to offer up an my actual interpretation and clear opinion. I got this monstrosity.
Volume 1 has Penny reaching out to make friends, V2 is finally admitting her robot nature to someone and vocalizing her fears about being a real girl.  Volume 3 dangles the upcoming conflict of her wanting to exercise independent action, step away from the national military organization that bankrolled and housed her, and go to Beacon with her friends.  But that got cut short.
Volume 7 picks up the thread of Penny’s independent actions.  Not just with the ability to disagree with or full-on disobey orders, but her own value system and initiative.  Not only is she asking Winter about how to make decisions in life, she is also silently (and not-so-silently) judging whether Winter is morally right, or even truly happy with her own choices.  When she takes Freya’s hand, she asks something that no one has probably said to Freya in awhile: “Are you OK?”
Volume 8 is focused on the things being taken from her.  Her previous family-unit-facsimile of James, Winter and the Ace Ops have labeled her a traitor and are now hunting her.  Being targeted as the Maiden makes her distance herself from her friends, so they aren’t further harmed .  In doing that, she also leaves behind her previous dedication, protecting Mantle, to launch Amity Tower and assist in the bigger picture of warning the entire planet.  Then in the pursuit of that goal she damages herself, pushes her body to it’s limit, and says goodbye to her father.  
Volume 8 might seem to backpedal, and spend much of the season emphasizing how inhuman Penny is. That’s the point.  After Freya essentially canonizes Penny as human, with her ‘blessing,’ Penny’s new identity (to herself and the audience) is arrested in the most traumatic ways possible.  Her body is peeled back and cut open.  Her schematics are passed around and assessed by characters and factions more than ever.  The hacking is the Atlas military complex literally claiming ownership over her, exploiting the body and code they created alongside Pietro.  (In contrast with the earlier consensual control and teamwork with Pietro, which even then she hardly enjoyed).  How much pain can you inflict on a person until they devolve, or abandon rational thought?  Little wonder Penny ends up begging the team to end her own life.  She’s now taken Winter’s role from Volume 7, her self-esteem having sunken even lower.  “My life doesn’t matter!“
When that ghastly moment was (temporarily) resolved with a quick revelation and Jaune’s Semblance, it was a moment of mixed feelings for me in an episode I otherwise loved.  But I really came around to it afterword.  They have to head to Vault for a permanent fix pretty much immediately, so it doesn’t feel like the writers used Jaune to kick the can down the road until they felt like tackling it.  A very direct benefit is that by pausing Penny’s affliction, Penny gains the ability to actually have a conversation with people, to have scenes beyond just desperately wrestling her.   It also spared us the repeated dialogue of “I must go to the Vault.  I don’t want to!  I must - I don’t! - I MUST- I DON’T!”  Seriously, that routine was wearing thin.  
Whether any fans predicted Jaune’s Semblance being able to help or not, I’m pleased when characters are able to quickly conceive applications of in-universe fictional powers.  This is such a refreshing improvement over how CRWBY previously couldn’t bring Ruby to even ASK about the Silver Eyes that put her in a coma.  
There were missteps along the way.  Ruby really should have reacted more to her friend coming back to life; RT leaning on the Fourth Wall doesn’t fully remove the sting. ("It seems we will have to wait!”)  We also never see any of our protagonists outside of Ruby even react to the revelation of a robotic life form.  When they meet Penny again at V7′s start, apparently ALL of them, even Oscar, were so acquainted with Penny’s story that none of them had any questions for her the entire Volume.  There was no sense of betrayed trust, or trauma from watching one friend be ripped apart by another.  These are disappointments, but not deal breakers.  Now, I want to talk about how post-Ambrosius Penny may fit in with the rest of the story.  Maybe it’s stupid of me to try to get this out by 4 in the morning the day the finale drops, but I’m on a role, and I want to get my ideas out in the open before they’re tainted by hindsight.  Otherwise I won’t feel like even finishing this.  
I’m not going to launch into a tangent with the metaphysical mechanics on whether Penny’s new body would have ‘logically’ been conjured or not.  (For the record I think it works).  I just want to talk about the message the show is conveying, and what they could do with it.  My base assumption is that Cinder is going to get the Winter Maiden power.  It would be great way to coincide with her (GASP) actual character development this volume.  But more importantly, if she doesn’t succeed in her goal, and get an upgrade to compete with our leveled-up protagonists, I can’t see how she can be an interesting or threatening villain going forward.  A few ways this can end for Penny:
Pietro could give up the last bit of his life to bring her back.  He’d probably need to get assistance from Abrosius, since he’s lacking in equipment; he’s a brilliant scientist, so explaining it certainly wouldn’t be an obstacle.  Maybe Penny would be back to being a synthetic, maybe she remains organic.  Either way, it’s a compromise with having a functional villain, while keeping around a fandom darling.  Personally, I think RT needs to evoke the spirit of Volume 3, and make people cry.
Actually killing Penny would be bold and stand-out.  By taking away Penny’s function of a core that can be salvaged (as explained at the start of Volume 7), and having her body get incinerated just like Pyrrha, RT can fully signal “This character is dead, and can’t be resurrected.”  The heart break would be brilliant, with Penny getting to know the joys of an organic body just to be immediately ripped away from life.  This would beautifully parallel with General Ironwood.  James clamped down on human emotion because he thought it would give him the strength to stand against the darkness.  Penny’s friends made her MORE human in a loving act of rescue, but now have to watch as she dies like any other human.  Both characters would be cautionary tales regarding the Atlas Arc’s question of Trust.  To leave yourself open.
Alrighty, now that I’ve gotten to feel like an intellectual by making some proclamations of doom, I want to throw out a tinfoil hat theory that actually combines the two previous versions.  What’s fascinated me for years, and the show hasn’t re-visited, is the nature of Cinder’s parasite.  Can Cinder talk to it?  Will it begin gaining sentience?  What’s relevant to Penny is what exactly this thing DOES.  When it comes to it’s soul-power-absorbing function, we’ve never actually seen it’s full extent.  The process with Amber was interrupted, with half the power just zipping over to Cinder after Amber expired.  With Raven and Penny’s power, Cinder’s arm only got a little taste of them both, since both of their captures were unsuccessful.  What if Cinder’s parasite can absorb more than raw power?  Pinnochio is eventually swallowed by a monstrous beast.  We were all sure it would be The Whale.  But what if it’s Cinder?
I’ll be watching the finale in about 5 hours.  The idea that I could be correct about something that takes everyone else off guard (Penny’s death) has an electric feeling, and I totally understand why people can get hung up on the stories they compose in their head.  But I don’t want to start thinking any of MY ideas HAVE to come true for me to get joy from whatever happens to Penny or Volume 8.  Regardless, reviewing character arcs that preceded wherever we are in the present is always worthwhile.  
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the-neverletmegoxo · 4 years
The Fae and the Prince
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Author: Sooo.. I’ve been reading all these Caliban stories after finishing CAOS (I know.. took me long enough) and I was inspired, mainly because there are not enough!! It’s been awhile since I wrote something, so please don’t hate! Enjoy!
Summary: Reader is BFF’s with Sabrina and her gang. She must help Sabrina claim the throne in Pandemonium, but along the way she meets Caliban, Prince of Hell.. She learns some things about herself along the way..
Part 1:
The air had just turned crisp. Fall was arriving. A sharp wind made your skirt flutter. You were on your way to Sabrina’s to talk about your next move and to hear about her and the gang’s trip to Pandemonium. Before you could knock on the Spellman’s Mortuary door, Sabrina had already flung it open. Her eyes were wide and she was panting as if she had just run 10 miles.
 “What’s wrong ‘Brina?! Is everything alright?” you exclaimed.
She grabbed the collar of your pinafore dress and pulled you inside. “Caliban. Regalia. Contest. Not safe”, she gasped between breaths.
 “What are you talking about? Who the hell is Caliban?” you said.
 She sat down in one of the plush chairs in the parlor and explained what happened while the four of them were in hell.
“When we got to Pandemonium, someone spoke up and challenged my claim to the throne. It turns out it was the babe—evil babe, we saw on the beach when we got there.” 
My eyes were glued on her the entire time, “What the hell.. I mean can he do that?”
 “I guess.. I mean the Kings of Hell okayed it.. Now I have to find this goddamn crown, a bloody bowl, and Judas’ 30 pieces of silver for crying aloud. I have no idea where I’m going to start.. I mean maybe the academy has some books on it, but you would think someone would have gone through them already and found something.” 
You sat there just as puzzled as she did, but you could not help but get lost in your own thoughts. You couldn’t dare tell Sabrina this, but what she was telling you was almost the exact same bedtime story your mother, Freya, used to tell you when you were growing up. ‘A queen challenged in her court, destined to set out on a quest to find three objects desired by everyone in her court. If she failed the throne would fall to the unrelated prince from another part of the kingdom.’
“Y/N? You good?” Sabrina said.
“Yeah, gosh sorry, just been a long day. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. I was asking you if you could stay and help me figure out a plan for how to find the first object?” 
“Yes, of course! Hey didn’t you say that Pandemonium had a library with literally everything there is to know about this kind of stuff?”
“Oh my Lucifer you’re a genius!”
Sabrina and you made a plan to teleport to Hell’s Court at midnight. You ran home to change your shoes into more practical boots.
 “Y/N? Is that you?”
“Hey mom! I’m going to spend the night at Sabrina’s tonight, is that ok?” 
Freya had a quizzical look on her face. “Y/N, that’s fine, but before you go can we talk about something? It’s serious.”
“Yeah, sure what’s up?” Your mom grabbed your hand and sat with you on the couch. “It’s about our family tree. Mainly you and your father and I. I need to share something with you that may be upsetting, but it’s something you need to know.”
“Mom. What’s going on?”
“Ok, I’ll give you the short version. You know the story of Lucifer, the angel that fell from the Heavens?” “Yes..” This was too weird.. You were about to teleport to Hell, why was she bringing this up now.  
“Well this may be hard to believe, but it’s real. All of it. Your father is Lucifer’s brother. He is a “Watcher” a type of Angel in Heaven and a long, long time ago, your father, Arakiel, came down to Earth to check up on Lucifer and instead he met me.”
“Is?” I said staring and my hands.
“Huh?” she asked. 
“You said is an angel. You mean he’s still “alive”?”
“That’s what you got from all of that?”
“Mom! You said he left when I was a baby and that he died a long time ago.” you snapped at her.
“Sorry.. Well I did that to protect you.. He did leave, but has always been here. He visits you every eve of your birthday and blesses you for the year.”
“Oh my…” you trailed off tears in your eyes. “Mom, how are you just now telling me this?” 
“Well, something has changed.. Something has disrupted humanity. Your father has to stop it and you’re the only one who can help him.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, that’s the other part of the story I need to tell you. You see when you’re father and I met.. Over a thousand years ago..”
“I’m sorry what?”
“You see Y/N; I’m a Tree Nymph, a dryad technically, that’s how I met your father. Long story short, he was performing a geomancy in the forest that I inhabited and he and I fell in love. Shortly thereafter you were born... This makes you half angel, half fae.” 
You were frozen. This could not be happening. Sabrina was the witch, Roz had the cunning, Theo could see souls, and you and Harvey were the mortal ones of the group.
“I have to go.”
“Darling no! Please let’s talk about this, your father will be here soon! We don’t have much time.”
“I have to help Sabrina right now, with something that’s equally important.. this can wait.” With that you slammed the door behind you.
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dantexlykos · 3 years
Tagging: Dante, Daphne, Saint, Maven, Enzo, and Valkyrie
Timeline: Early September 2021
Location: Temple of Apollo
Notes: Summoning Daddy
Trigger Warning: Blood and sacrifice
@daphneonassis @mavenlockwood @saintcorvin @vclkyric @enzoxcorsetti
Everything was set. The moon was in the right position and the witching hour was upon them. At the temple of Apollo where the veil was at its thinnest the genasi accompanied by Valkyrie gathered. With painstaking dedication the runes had been etched into the very earth, checked over by any who saw fit, the ritual was set to begin shortly. Their power was charged by blood and sacrifice and to reach Thanatos it would take an offering from each of them, a bit of their own essence would be shed in order for the call to succeed. The ritual was an invitation, designed initially for any spirit or creature on the other side of the veil, the purpose was to create a window so that they six may peer through to their guest without obstruction. Each had their own reasons for this undertaking, some wanted power, others sought redemption, but Dante’s own query was attuned to the preservation of the veil. His heart’s desire burned even deeper, but such a thing would not be possible if he had no magic to speak of. Dante’s runes were etched upon his split of the circle, an old Greek incantation fell from his lips as his power moved to meld with the other’s. Genasi were not known for cooperation, their personalities were the embodiment of their magic and too often there was conflict between them. Earth clashed with air but in this they had to work in synergy while also melding the temperamental power of fire and languid motions of water and shadow. A blade of silver reflected the light of the moon as Dante drew it across his palm and outstretched his hand over the circle, blood dribbled down and pooled through the crevices they’d made in the earth towards the epicenter. “Hear us Thanatos, daimon of peaceful death.”
As one of the youngest genasi, Daphne felt great relief in the proximity to the sea and how easy she could harness the power from it. Just far enough in the distance to resemble a blue hue, but close enough to give her peace of mind. It wasn’t necessarily out of fear that she had concerns for it, but just having that added boost would help her greatly in the summoning. Necromancy hadn’t ended up being as natural to the water genasi as she had hoped, though many sleepless nights and advice from the fellow genasi, she managed to find comfort in her version of the spellwork. She held that very version in her left hand as the horizon of the meeting place came into her peripherals, the sea winds causing the corners to crinkle and make it harder to read. At this point, it was overkill to keep reading it and instead she shoved it into the same pocket as her ingredients. Veils of tonics and dried poppies clinked together as Daphne reached the temple, uncloaking herself from the darkness and into the dim street light.[3:28 PM]Boots crunched against loose gravel before emerging onto the familiar sight, noticing Dante had already begun to get things in order. It was fitting that the earth genasi had arrived early to the location and if it wasn’t for the sheer amount of focus, Daphne might actually be a little envious that it hadn’t been herself. Though now wasn’t the time for pettiness, which revealed itself in the water genasi’s expression as she got within the limits of the circle.  “I brought— ,” she began to state after giving a soft wave, then proceeded to pull the jar full of dried red petals and seed pods. There was more within the bag, but the moonlight only showed highlights of the items. A  spare butterfly, just in case, and had been one in which she raised herself. Along with a few swigs of bitter wine, some mandrake root, homemade incense, and snake skins Daphne found while out at the Onassis farmland. But before she could continue, the fellow genasi emerged in her sights and that meant the starting of the ritual. Soon she was repeating after the others, hazel eyes focused on the power surging within each of them as her own blood mixed in, “We are here to offer praise, Lord of Death, and seek your wisdom.”
It was no idle task, to summon a god. Saint arrived at the temple, guided by the draw of power beginning to swell under the fullness of the moon. The time had come, and it had required preparation on the spirit genasi’s behalf. Clothed in the colour of ink, he was a formidable presence as he stepped onto the dais. While the others were mostly strangers to him, as were their intentions, Saint recognized Dante from across from him, already mouthing the words of the incantation. He stood at full height now, and his pockets were empty of trinkets— a purposeful notion that caused his upper lip lifted in a sneer as he saw the doe-eyed water genasi place her flowers and animal parts as her offering. He saw such things as an insult, curving into his segment of the circle with ease, drawing runes in shadow before bringing forth his own offering. Blood was required, but for his part, he would also gift their god something more. It would be twin witches, one of the element fire and the other water stood behind him, gripped at the scruff of the neck by a scowling werewolf; who stood as dark and sharp as the shadows that bound their arms and covered their mouths. “My offering,” he announced, his voice lifting through the dark, gravelled and commanding. He lead the witches to the edge of the circle, and he murmured the incantation as he drew a long, slender blade along their throats. Pale skin drenched crimson, staining down the front of starched white nightgowns before it pooled at their feet, making its way down to the centre of the circle. Saint tossed them forward, before bringing the tip of the knife along his own palm, squeezing to add his own blood to the garish swirl. “We bring you these offerings, this sacrifice— to beckon you to hear our call.”
There's still a part of Maven that kind of thinks this idea is batshit insane, trying to reach out to the god that gave them this power without knowing what will happen. But at the same time, Dante had made it clear her magic would be necessary to make it work, and she cannot deny the fact of being curious; of wanting to speak to Thanatos herself. She's one of the last to arrive at the temple, it seems, eyes scanning over the other genasi already around warily. Dante and Daphne are familiar, even if only by acquaintance, but the other is entirely a stranger, and she cannot help but look for Toni. Maven reaches inside the small bag around her waist, pulling out the deep blue enchanted candles she's brought, before setting them around the marked runes and lighting them with her magic. "For communication," she says, in answer to a question no one asked. This magic is still a bit new to her, but hopefully, it'll make the line of communication clearer to reach between the genasi and Thanatos. Blood and candles and runes, just like the night she became a genasi. The thought is of small amusement, as Maven pulls out a blade and cuts along the edge of her palm, allowing her blood to mix with the others. "We your loyal servants, your chosen followers, make this offering and ask for your guidance."
Enzo reminded himself why he was doing this. A shot at meeting Thanatos, on his back, over an alter – the air genasi wasn't picky. Brushing off the idea that he would come face to face with a god, he made his way to the temple alongside Dante. The newest genasi was present; the fire witch who'd survived a hell of an ordeal. He'd yet to meet her, though this seemed to be a good time as any. He didn't say much, waiting until Maven was finished before he was rounding out the ritual. It was dangerous and presumptive to call upon a god. Whether or not he would answer would be one thing, and Enzo wasn't exactly confident. It'd get the god's attention, and the spirit witch's offering was a little violent for his own taste, and he wasn't sure what kind of attention that would bring. His own offering was less than, it seemed, as he placed the wood carving down. It acted as a channeler, and he remained silent as he used a knife to cut along the palm of his hand, mixing in his abilities with the other's. The air genasi was unsure of his own goal. Was it immortality to protect a failing heart like his? Perhaps, but there were many problems within the world, and he had little to give. "In you, the end of nature’s works is known, in you, all judgment is absolved alone. No vows revoke the purpose of our souls. Thanatos, regard our ardent prayer."
Freya was uncertain if this ritual would go over well, or whether it would be successful — a God’s moods were wispy like the wind, and did not so easily bend. But she would be damned if she let the genasi do this on their own. If something went wrong, she could save them. And even if half of them weren’t exactly fond of her, she was ready to do that for any of them. And so she stood still as she watched Dante start the ritual with the earth full of whispers as it reacted to his magic. Then she watched fondly as Daphne continued, with the strength of the sea in her back. The spirit genasi who had come to the stables was next, earning a slight frown from her side, but she did not even bat her lashes as his voice filled the air. A young woman stood in the circle she had not seen before, the fire genasi who looked as if she would go up in flames should anyone come too close. Last was the air genasi, offering his blood to Thanatos. As they worked, Freya’s magic washed over theirs like a blanket, knitting it together, and balancing it out where it was needed. They were strong, and she was the one to bring it all together. She protruded a slim dagger to pull it along her palm, balling her hand into a fist as she turned it around to let her blood drop onto the carved runes. It was the last puzzle piece, and her voice carried on the air as the ritual ended. “Thanatos, I stand here vouching for those worthy of your power. Hear their prayer, and be their guide.”
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vrykoolart · 3 years
Saint Seiya Question Game
Tagged by: @siberianxbreaks​
-- Thank you for the tag, my friend! --
Remove my answers and put yours under the questions!
How did you find out about Saint Seiya?
My sister is actually a huge fan of Saint Seiya, so I found out about from her. We actually watched it when we were kids. I don’t have that vivid of a memory about it, but I do know the one I recall watching is the ADV dub. I remember how deep they made Hyoga’s voice and that’s it.
But my sister really loved it and I’d watch with her. One day, it kinda disappeared and because we live in the United States—y’all probably know what I mean— It was really hard to find it at all. So for years, my sister was trying to track it down and she dabbled into the other series related to it a little bit. It wasn’t until last year that we finally found it thanks to Netflix and we watched it all with our entire family. I saw the first season with the new dub and was immediately obsessed with it. I enjoyed every second of watching the whole thing. It kills me that we don’t have the Hades arc dubbed yet and I hope we get it soon.
I watched Lost Canvas, too, and loved it as well. Albafica made me love it and the El Cid’s episodes were really top notch for me. I love his voice. I love his character. I think he’s literally the coolest thing ever. I delved into the manga and I just love Lost Canvas. It has some weird stuff here and there, but I adore it. I hope one day we get a season three because it’s truly that good.
I just really love Saint Seiya & I’m so glad that it exists. Truly. I don’t remember having that much fun watching an anime since like watching Death Note, Soul Eater, Sgt. Frog, and like—Azumanga Daioh... all for different reasons, of course.
Who’s your favorite character and why?
When I started watching the show again, it was Shun. He’s so adorable and his heart is so big. I love how sweet and strong he is. I have a soft spot for Shun honestly. The more I watched it, I really started to just adore all the Bronze Saints, too.
But another character I really adore is Cancer Deathmask. He’s so charismatic and fun. I really adore the voice they gave him in the Netflix English dub, too. He killed it. I just absolutely am in love with him. Yes, he committed several crimes. Yes, he has killed numerous people. Yes, his temple looks like a Mortal Kombat stage... but it truly builds character. He’s my husband and I think we’re all allowed to make as choices ever now and then.
Who’s your absolute hate-character and why?
Tatsumi. I hate how he never faced the consequences for anything he did. He literally abused those children—Ikki, more-so, and he sent him to Death Queen to DIE. He’s never shown signs to change really. They just treat him like a crack/comedy character and it irks me because he deserved to get beat for what he did at least. Wish he would have literally got tortured or fired. Anything at all, but they just prepare like nothing happen and he continues being an ass-wipe.
I don’t care for Kido either because even if he took Saori and raised her, he never did much to stop the countless abuse the children went under and knowing sent the children away to die. No, even in the manga, I don’t see it as a noble sacrifice to literally sacrifice most of your children to fulfill a destiny. Even if they were just sent away, he literally could have prevented Tatsumi from abusing them and raised Saori better. No matter how you look at it, he’s a shit person, too. Yes, he helped them become saints but the way he did it will never feel right to me. He separated Seiya from his sister and told him he’d only see her again if he became a saint, knowing full well he couldn’t even guarantee that. That emotional manipulation is toxic and cruel to do to a child—an in the manga—your own son. Like ew,,,,, I don’t like the children aspect in the manga, but with that considered still, he’s still a horrible person and I wish Saori would stop hailing him as a good guy.
Shippings you like and why you ship them?
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Shaina/Seiya — In my heart, they are the canonical pairing. They really do protect each other and care deeply for one another. Seiya reacts strongly every time she gets hurt and Shaina is always doing her best to protect/defend him. They’re both strong in their own right and they both have a deeper connection to each other. Even when Shaina tried to hide her feelings because she felt there is no way they could be together and tried to kill him, you could tell she really couldn’t do it because she really cared about him. He really cares about her, too, which makes them so perfect for each other. They are each other’s strength and they push each other to become better & stronger
Marin/Aiolia — They’re really cute when they interact with each other and I’m pretty sure they’re an actual canon pair. They really care and confine in one another. I just honestly adore seeing them interact. They never really got to tell each other how they feel, but I’m sure they both know. I wish she would have gotten some more time with him because it’s kinda sad that she’s all alone now. ;;
Freya/Hägan —Hägan clearly loved her, but due to the strictness of loyalty in their culture, he couldn’t bring himself to betray Hilda. It upsets me what happened to them because they deserved to be happy. Poor Freya & Hägan. A lovely couple but terribly tragic. Hägan clearly misunderstood Hyoga & Freya’s relationship and must have thought that Freya loved him even in reality the only person she really loved was him and that is what breaks my heart. I was on the Freya and Hyoga train until Hägan showed up. Now, I can’t bring myself to ship them without feeling bad.
Hilda/Siegfried — Siegfried did everything for her and, in the end, he died because he believed in Hilda’s true vision. He wanted to doing nothing more than protect her and he died to help do so. It’s beautiful yet so tragic.
Hyoga/Eri — They’re just extremely cute together. I really loved their interactions. They deserve happiness and the entire world.
Ikki/Esmeralda — If you ignore that weird ass Shun thing, they’re cute. That should have never been a thing. I ignore it to hell and back but I do think they’re adorable and I feel for Ikki.
Shun/June — She only shows up once like why??? But they’re so adorable together. I wish we could see them both more, but unfortunately, she disappeared into the ether. I do believe she is perfect for Shun, tho.
Me/Deathmask — OTP. He’s my husband.
Shippings you don’t like/hate and why you dislike them?
Adult/Minor pairings.
Incest pairings.
Saori/Seiya — I don’t feel like Seiya likes her that way. I think Saori may like him. She’s always shown some special interest in him, but I’m sure Seiya cares about her more so as a goddess and friend than a love interest. Every time I see this ship, Seiya is acting weirdly out of character which really throws me off from the whole ship. Saori has shown to sometimes literally prioritize Seiya over everyone else when dropping Saga’s dead ass body to cradle him... It just rubs me the wrong way??? Seiya cares about her but he doesn’t react nearly as strongly about her as he does with Shaina. I don’t mind it being one-sided. She’s a girl and is allowed to have feelings, but I don’t really see her with anyone. I think she’ll probably grow out of it, but who knows. This ship is just really not my cup of tea.
Your favorite scene.
It’s hard to think of one, but the funniest scene is when they’re in Yomotsu Hirasaka. Deathmask is about to throw Shiryū into the pit, but then Shunrei’s prayers reach him and he gets so annoyed that he telepathically throws her off fucking a cliff. I don’t care. It’s comedy gold. I laughed so hard at that. Deathmask is truly a marvel.
Honorable mention: ❝ Maybe no else has a cloth made of ice that hasn't melted since before the time of... dinosaurs. Or... maybe no one else has powers like me, like the power over snow, ice, and even glaciers. In fact, you know what, Snake Eyes, maybe you should just think of me as your own personal Ice Age Dude! ❞
Your favorite Attack:
Hard question, so I’ll just name attacks I really like: Heaven Dancing Ring, Diamond Dust, Thunder Wave, Specter Punch, Phoenix Wing Ascent, Praesepe Hell Waves, Scarlet Needle Antares, Bloody Rose, Another Dimension, Wolf Cruelty Claw, Great Ardent Pressure, Greatest Caution, Dead End Symphony, and Imperial Phantasm Punch.
If you could decide for which god/goddess you fight, which one you prefer and why?
Athena. Despite liking Poseidon, Odin, Abel, & Poseidon, I like the army she commands the most.
If you could choose a Cloth. Which you would prefer?
Hard question again. I really like the Scorpio Cloth. The head piece is nice. I’m a sucker for the quack on the Cygnus Cloth and the Nemo on the Pisces Cloth, too. It’s honestly hard to choose one, specially if you count God Cloths, too. I did draw myself in the Ophiuchus cloth, so got the sake of this question, Ophiuchus Gold Cloth.
From which country you’re from?
Your favorite season / sequel:
Sanctuary arc and the Asgard arc. Let’s get the money. Both do a fantastic job at world-building and I love them both equally. My favorite spin-off is The Lost Canvas.
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saiilorstars · 4 years
The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 24: All About Us
// Story Masterlist //
Fandom: The Originals
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Female OC
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
Requested tag: @queenmj10​ @ocfairygodmother
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Chapter Summary: Freya struggles to get Maleny and Klaus on her side. She's desperate to get them to hear her because she has a secret that'll change their lives forever.
Because Maleny has been switched bodies once again, her temporary face claim is Adriana Louvier.
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Freya had her eyes trained on her anxious brother Finn as he stared out the window of the cathedral bell tower they were hiding in. She was leaned back on a table, her hands gipping its edges, wondering when their argument would continue.
"They're taking longer than I thought," Finn finally remarked to break the silence between them. He turned from the window and looked at his sister with a half-smile, "They're never patient, unless they have a plan."
"That could very well be," agreed Freya with a chalant nod.
"Now that i'm healed, I'll need power," Finn began to devise his defense strategy, "Now, our father's still in the tomb where I left him. I think it's time that I go back and I channel him."
At the idea of seeing her father, Freya couldn't help express her excitement, but even then she put her promise before it all, "Would this be before or after you hand over the body spell I've been nagging you about for days?"
Finn rolled his eyes, "Are we really going to discuss this again, sister?"
"Yes," Freya leaned off the table, pointing a finger at him, "because we have not finished this. Now I've been patient, and I've waited for some of your anger to fade but you still refuse to give me the spell."
"I don't understand what it is your deal with this woman," Finn couldn't understand why Freya had taken such an interest in Maleny if they hadn't even known each other, "You don't know her, Freya. Our concern is Dahlia whom you told me is already on her way."
"You do not know what my business is but rest assured I will see it finished - whether you want it to or not," Freya declared, leaving Finn confused.
"Freya, what are you up to?" he almost demanded of her, for the first time becoming suspicious of her.
"Nothing that will harm you," Freya assured, "I may not have jumped bodies like she has, but what I've lived through was similar to her life. My life was stolen by someone who wanted my power. I didn't have control of my sleep curse much like she didn't have a choice but to live within her curse's cycle. Give me the spell so I can return her to her body. Now."
Finn straightened up and faced his sister, much like he did with his younger brothers. Freya wasn't backing down from her requests as she took on the same stance as he had.
~ 0 ~
After discovering Finn's corpse had mysteriously disappeared from the morgue, Klaus and Hayley set out to plan capture him and even Freya once and for all. In the meantime they devised a plan, Elijah and Cami were tending to an attacked Rebekah across the Algiers.
"It's time to use our werewolf army. Finn and the woman who calls herself my sister are in this city. The wolves can help us pinpoint their location," Klaus was telling to Hayley, Jackson and Maleny.
Jackson stepped forwards and refused the plan, "No," he shook his head, "we need all hands on deck here with Hope,' Klaus turned to him, his eyes half-widening as if surprised, "Nik, you can compel humans to track your enemies."
"Do my ears deceive me or did you just give me an order in my own home?"
"This ain't about your ego, Klaus! It's about what's best for that little girl."
Klaus would let anything slide except for the remarks about his daughter, "How dare you question my intentions for my daughter!"
Maleny groaned and cut into the looming argument, "Can we not argue when we're all clearly on the same side?"
Hayley agreed with a nod of her head, "Look, Jack, Klaus is right. Finn's body disappeared from the morgue, which means that he's either powerful enough to heal from that explosion, or Freya's powerful enough to save him. Either way, we're not finding them unless we send our best people out there."
"I'm sure you and all your merry men will find them posthaste," Klaus then told Jackson with a hint of a patronizing tone.
"Just to be clear, I'm giving this order because Hayley is asking," Jackson warned him, "Don't think for one second that I take orders from you," with that statement, he left the room.
Maleny rose from her spot on the couch and cleared her throat, "Just to be clear, will there always be tension like this?"
Hayley crossed her arms and shot Klaus an annoyed look, "I don't know. Will there?"
Klaus saw nothing wrong with his behavior and turned away from the two women, "Talk to your husband, Hayley, and there shall be none."
Hayley rolled her eyes and turned her attention to Maleny, "Mal, talk to your boyfriend so there won't be tension."
"Oh, sure, leave this on me," Maleny raised her hands to show her separation of the problem. She backtracked to the threshold of the room, "And, by the way, I will go with Jackson and help him," and just as Klaus turned to her with an open mouth ready to disagree she cut him off, "and I promise it'll be okay. Alton's coming too."
"Oh, that's supposed to make this entire situation better," Klaus muttered under his breath but even then Maleny was able to hear him.
"Yes, actually, it is. I'll be fine," she assured went off to go find the others. On her way downstairs she met up with Amarrah who was just entering the courtyard.
"Hey, Mal! I think I have a new spell to try on you!" the French witch excitedly announced as Maleny came to a stop at the end of the stairs.
"Um…" Maleny was distracted in trying to find where Jackson had gone off to, "...can we try it later? Or maybe tomorrow?"
"What? Why?" Amarrah frowned, desperately trying to catch Maleny's gaze since the brunette was oh-so-focused on looking for Jackson.
"Because Jackson and the pack are going to go and try to catch Finn and I want to help."
"Woah, what?" Amarrah grabbed Maleny's head and forced her to look at her, "You actually want to go fight the man who did this to you?"
Maleny rolled her eyes and pushed Amarrah's hands off her head, "I have to help, Ams."
"No, you have to let me try and put you back in your body," Amarrah slowly said to the brunette for her to get the point.
"Yes, okay, but later tonight."
"Mal, what are you doing?"
"Nothing except finally realizing that this is a chance to actually help." Maleny shrugged. "I've been looking at this wrong, while you find a spell that can for sure work I can go and help the others."
Okay, well, I think I found one so let's go try it out!"
"Just not right now, okay?" Maleny persisted and patted Amarrah's cheek. "I really want to try at least once to help and not be babysat. Can we do that just once?"
Amarrah saw easily she would not win this argument and so gave in. "Fine. But be careful. In the meanwhile I'll go research more spells just in case."
"Yeah, after I get this done," Maleny patted Amarrah's cheek and tried going on her way but Amarrah latched onto her arm and stopped her.
"Mal, the main thing for you is to get back to your body and-"
"And once again be left to be babysat?" Maleny shook her head, "Absolutely not. I finally have an advtantage - I'm finally useful - and I'm gonna use it."
~ 0 ~
The fact Rebekah had been attacked by unknown witches was troubling enough but the fact that it had been Marcel to save her was putting Rebekah on edge. He apparently had figured out it was her soul inside the new body and he was quite content to have her back. To be truthful, only to herself though, it was nice to have a little flirting. It had been so long since any of that happened. But it didn't mean that was what she wanted to do back. So, when Elijah and Cami appeared at Marcel's loft she was a little relieved to have some of the attention off her.
Elijah ran straight for his sister on the couch, "Are you alright?"
"Barely," the woman sighed, not quite scared but very much annoyed with her attackers. She had tried to tell them she wasn't who they thought she was but apparently they were too eager to kill her to pay attention, "The attackers knew me, Elijah. Not me me, but…" she gestiured to her body, "this, her, whoever she is. And they want her dead."
"Then we find them," suggested Cami who looked over to Marcel, "make them see it's not really what they think."
"Nah," Marcel shook his head in refusal, "If you want answers we need to ask Josephine LaRue. She serves as matriarch to the covens outside the Quarter. She'll know who wants Rebekah dead."
Elijah turned back to him, suspicious, "How can you be sure?"
"She bankrolls Fauline Cottage. She'll know who you are and why you were locked up in there."
Rebekah nearly had a heart attack at the name, "And what if she wants to lock me right back up?" she looked up at Elijah, "I won't go back to that horrid place-"
Elijah assured her with a hand it wouldn't happen to her, "The two of you go and see what you can find about this body you now possess. We," he gestured to Cami and himself, "shall pay a visit to Josephine," but he gave a warning look to Rebekah before they left, "A warning to you. You are not who you once were. This body is all too vulnerable."
Rebekah rolled her eyes, "And now I guess I understand Maleny with the whole babysitting problem."
Marcel still wasn't quite on board with the plan and had to warn as well, "Elijah. Josephine is an eccentric old bat with no love for vampires. Your charms might not work as well as you think."
To that, Elijah replied back with a smirk, "My charms are quite adaptable, Marcellus, let me assure you," he motioned to Cami it was time to go.
"We should probably do some research on this woman," the blonde suggested as they left the loft, "See how we can get on her good side."
Elijah agreed with a nod, "That shouldn't be too hard…" he gave an encouraging smile back that was well received.
~ 0 ~
"What do you mean he's not there anymore?" Maleny was staring in almost awe as Jackson finished telling her, Alton and Aiden what some of the other wolves had discovered in the cemetery.
"As in...Finn has either released Mikael from the crypt or he can turn himself invisble now," Jackson repeated himself with a long sigh.
"Hey, the sass is my thing," Maleny warned him but sighed herself afterwards, "Okay, so, Mikael the terror is gone and...probably hunting us down as we speak."
"Meaning you gotta get out of here," Alton gripped her arm with urgency, his eyes pleaidng hers to take her leave.
"I don't think so!" Maleny waved him off with a hand and looked at Jackson once more, "Okay, so forget Finn for now - Mikael is the target."
"I thought the same thing," Jackson nodded, "we need to attack him before he does to us. I'll get the others rounded up."
"No," Aiden spoke up and made Jackson look back at him, "we should, um...we should spread out...you know...play it safer…"
Jackson shook his head, "No, man, we need to be together so we can take him down."
"But I just feel like it would be a better move," Aiden insisted. He knew if he told Jackson it was Klaus who had advised him with that tactic it would be shot down almost immediately. He had to make it work as his own.
"No," Jackson refused, "We're a pack and that's how we'll take him down," he declared before walking away from the trio.
Aiden couldn't follow that order, as much as he knew it was his obligation. He looked over at Maleny and Alton, practically begging them to help him.
For a long while it was silent, and then Maleny finally gave in and motioned for Aiden to speak up, "What's your idea, then?"
~ 0 ~
Inside Gia's apartment, Elijah was rather reluctant to follow through with Cami's apparent idea since it involved her new friend's ability. They'd done research on Josephine and apparently the woman had been a fanatic violinst player. Discovering that and a couple other things, Cami declared she had a good idea in mind.
"Why am I going to do this again?" Gia came out from the hallway with her violin case in arms.
"Because, I told you, Josephine was like a musical prodigy in her time," Cami rolled her eyes, hating to have to repeat something so simple, "So, I thought why not have you play her something."
Gia's eyes flickered over to Elijah, "And you're on board with this idea?" her question implied doubt.
"More or less," Elijah admitted with a small shrug.
"He's on board," Cami assured with a wide smile, "Will you please just do it? For me?"
Gia rolled her eyes at the dramatics of her friend and went to place her violin case over the glass table in her living room, "You know I will. It may not work but whatever. So," she glanced at the two, "what exactly is the plan here?"
Elijah stepped forwards and handed her a couple of music sheets for her to see, "Josephine would surely love to hear some of the music she adored in the past. Beethoven, "sonata number 9, opus 47."
Gia raised an eyebrow at the papers, "How about I bring my laptop, speakers, add a drumbeat?"
"Don't you dare," Cami warned her quickly, "Look, its your performance that will open the door for us with that woman. If we fail...Elijah's sister sort of…" she made a face that indicated the gravity of the situation.
Gia sighed, "Why don't you make both our lives easier and just compel someone from the symphony?"
"Because," Cami spoke before Elijah could, already knowing his disagreement with her plan, he just didn't understand it was a two-part plan, "You're far better than anyone from any local symphony. Besides, Josephine despises vampires, so we need to show her that our community can be classy and sophisticated."
"So I would assume I'd have to wear one of those fancy dresses, then?" Gia made a face at the idea.
"Absolutely," Cami winked, and grabbed Elijah's arm, "so we'll be leaving you to practice that in the meantime we set everything else up."
"Fine," Gia sighed as she took another look at the music sheets, "but I'm only doing this for you Cami - I could care less about stupid old witches."
"And I appreciate it," Cami assured and dragged Elijah for the door.
Elijah waited until they were out of full hearing range from Gia to express his disagreement with their choice, "Camille, are you sure your friend is capable of this? I admit she can definitely play but it's going to take a lot more years to master the needed skills for Josephine."
Cami mockingly sighed as they strode down the street, "Oh, Elijah, do you not trust me?"
"Of course I do," Elijah answered almost instantaneously.
"Then trust me when I tell you Gia is exactly what we need for this to work," the blonde laughed, "I know you're discouraged because of the style Gia usually plays but I assure you everything will work out fine."
"I do trust you," Elijah insisted but added his concern, "It's your friend that I have issues with."
"Then put them away," Cami mocked a warning finger at him, "cos we have a lot of work to do for tonight."
"Lead the way then, miss," Elijah gestured her to take lead, making her smirk as she strode off.
~ 0 ~
Near the bell tower where Finn was apparently taking refuge, Jackson had sent nearly all the pack to capture Mikael. Apparently there had been a sighting of the man and they weren't going to waste it. However, Aiden had taken his idea and set it to action with a good part of the pack, instructing them to stay scattered. In one of their hiding spots was Maleny, who stood behind a building overlooking the cathedral. While nervous, she felt confident enough to at least help put Mikael down. She took a step out of the hiding place and started to discreetly make way for the belltower when she felt a hand on her arm yank her into an alley.
"Hey!" Maleny cried as she was pushed to the wall. To her surprise, it was none other than Freya who stood in front of her, "You're…"
Freya gave a warm smile of greeting, "Think we established who I am, Maleny."
Maleny pushed herself off the wall and stepped away from Freya, on edge of what the blonde witch was plotting, "Quit acting like you know me - you don't know me."
"I assure you that I do," Freya said, and with the confidence in her tone Maleny doubted herself for a second. "I'm actually not here to hurt you."
"Funny, cos when people say that there's usually some pain afterwards," Maleny replied with her common sarcasm, "What do you want? Why do you keep coming to me? You do realize your siblings are in trouble right? Your niece!? What the hell is so bloody special about me?"
"So much," Freya said with a light smile. "And I do want to meet my siblings, believe me. But I made a very important promise to someone and because I love him I want to do this first."
"What, your boyfriend or something?"
"No," Freya shook her head, still maintaining an eerie, soft smile that made Maleny shift. "He's family. I'd like to start with the most recent meeting - that would be 1914 - and see how much you remember."
"Why?" Maleny arched an eyebrow.
"You and I were friends, don't you remember? As Maya."
Maleny's eyes widened. "Oh my God you were at the Christmas party! Weren't you the one that Rebekah said was on a date with Kol or something?"
"Yes, something like that! Back then you were Maya who was suffering some images in your head," Freya explained.
"I'm sorry but...some of my lives were lost after I transferred back into my original body," Maleny said, crossing her arms. "I remember lives just...not all of them."
"Understandable - they were plenty I assume. You can't possibly remember all of them. Maleny, you were my only friend in New Orleans for the entire year I lived."
"Year? What do you mean?"
"I'd like for you to listen to me, Maleny. I will tell you about me and why I want to help you."
"And what's the catch? You asking me to bring in Hope or something?" Maleny laughed and started turning away, "because if that's it then I'd rather stay in this body forever."
"Would you really take that deal?" Freya called out in honest wonder.
Maleny turned back, almost indignant the question had been asked, "Of course I would. That innocent child should have the chance to live and if I had a say in it I would make it so."
"Your care for my niece is extraordinary," Freya complimented and stepped towards her, only to have Maleny take the step back, "I suppose much of that affection comes from your own affections for my brother, Niklaus."
"My feelings for your brother have influenced them but separately I loved Hope even before she was born. And I will do anything it takes to keep her safe make no mistake. I didn't have the luxury of having a family so I will make sure that Klaus get to have his own with his daughter."
Freya was impressed as she heard the woman's words. She started walking for Maleny, ignoring the brunette's attempts to leave, "I want to talk with you, Maleny. Just talk. There are things that my family needs to know about," Maleny noticed the sudden anxious tone Freya had picked up on.
Freya had a glimpse of a smile on her lips, "You wouldn't believe me if I came straight out with it. You must first listen to my story to believe."
Maleny frowned, "I could really care less about your history. All I know is that you want Hope dead like Finn and Esther did."
"I assure you the last thing I want for that baby is her death. She does not need to die," Freya declared and grabbed Maleny's arms, "I want a chance to talk to my friend. Because if you trust me, then it will be easier for my siblings to do the same."
"So I'm like a pawn?"
"No, I really do want to talk to you. It's been a century since we've last seen each other."
"But why?" Maleny felt tired of asking this question. "What the hell is so damn special about me, Freya?"
"I have heard all about you for centuries - in a way you were family before I met you in 1914. Please, all I ask is that you listen to my story and then you and I can go to Niklaus himself where I will divulge very important information that needs to be known."
Maleny considered the deal shortly - she had come to accept Freya didn't want to hurt her. It was like she was told before, if Freya had wanted to hurt her she wouldn't have given back the body and much less let them leave.
~ 0 ~
Later that day, Josephine De was visited by the three vampires endeavoring to win her over. As Gia finished up her performance with her violin, Josephine decided to speak up, and calmly despite her words having a stingy tone to it.
"You are as calculating as I've heard, Mr. Mikaelson, having your companion play the very piece I once performed to great acclaim."
Gia looked over to Cami nervously, thinking perhaps she had messed up. However, Cami seemed at ease despite the old witch's words.
"Is it not also a piece that you enjoy?" Elijah asked her, also a bit nervous.
"It's best not to insult those more powerful than you," Josephine said, "which is the only reason I allowed you into my home. Now, if you will excuse me, I have many things to do."
"Wow," Cami raised her eyebrows as if she were surprised, "And here I thought we would have a more cordial greeting."
Josephine briefly sent the blonde a sharp look before addressing Elijah again, "Since your family has returned to this city, our Elders have been murdered, promising young witches have been inhabited against their will."
"And we can put an end to all of it," Elijah tried to say but Josephine cut him right off.
"With all due respect, I can believe that as much as I believe I will play my violin again someday…" she looked down at her shaking, swollen hands. Her fingers were stiff and almost pain looking, "... because, Mr. Mikaelson, beneath your formal attire, and behind the lovely Beethoven, you are all the same. Liars, monsters wearing the skins of humans. Good day to you both."
Elijah was startled to hear the woman, momentarily regretting following Cami's idea, "Ms. LaRue, we needn't be unpleasant!
"I hold no animosity, nor do I want to do you any favors," Josephine declared, "I simply want you to leave my home."
Gia had had enough and exclaimed, "Screw her, Elijah. I don't see a frigging crown on her head."
Josephine glanced her way, seemingly calm, "I beg your pardon?"
Cami silently watched the exchange happen with a half smirk.
"You're not the Queen of the Witches. You don't speak for all of them," Gia spat and sighed as she looked at her purple dress, "You know, I can't believe I dressed up and learned how to play Beethoven. I hate Beethoven. I only did it for my good friend over there," she nodded over to Cami, "whom you decided to be rude to for no reason."
Josephine looked more amused than anything else, "And so, what do you like, young lady? If not for Beethoven, then what?"
Instead of responding with words, Gia raised her violin again and began playing one of her more familiar sounds. Josephine became awed by the young woman's talent and allowed her to finish her piece.
"Eddie South. That makes you a true jazz girl!" the old witch exclaimed.
"You know Eddie South?" Gia gaped.
"At one time, I nearly eloped with a jazz musician. Um, my mother learned of my plans and, uh…" Josephine looked down at her hands, "Your candor is refreshing. I find most vampires more calculating…" with that, she glanced at Elijah, "No offense."
Cami spoke up before Elijah did, "Absolutely none taken. I love my friend's candor. But now, on more serious terms, won't you allow us to explain ourselves? Clearly we want no tension. We only want...answers. An hour, that's all we ask."
Josephine considered the deal for a minute then looked at Elijah with a polite smile, "I suppose I should just hear you out, Mr. Mikaelson."
That was like music to Elijah's ears. He nodded happily and at once began their story.
~ 0 ~
Freya had led Maleny far away from the cathedral, knowing her father - whom she had helped resurrect from Finn's channeling spell - was about. She didn't want her friend to get hurt. Instead, she walked the street with Maleny, seemingly heading for the cemetery. All the meanwhile she had explained to Maleny her basic history, beginning with Esther's deal with her sister, Dahlia, all the way to the present day.
"Honestly that's awful," Maleny sighed, but not at all surprised the eldest Mikaelson had been led to such a life cycle, "One year of life? That's all you get in a century?"
"Yes," Freya nodded, "It's been going on for many, many centuries and I fear it will never stop."
Maleny studied Freya from a sideways glance, "You don't look like a bad person," she concluded, "but your actions haven't been able to prove that. You helped Finn nearly kill Hope - your niece."
"I didn't know my brother's hatred would go to such an extent. I don't want to hurt my niece - I want to help her. She's in trouble," Freya honestly said, "But I cannot do that if my siblings don't allow me to."
"What's in it for you, though?" Maleny inquired suspiciously, "Because I assume if you go up against Dahlia it'll be like an act of treason for her. You could die."
"So could you," Freya pointed the detail out with a warm smile, "Yet you're still out there, hunting down one of the baddest vampires in history. Why do you do it, hm?" she gave Maleny along state but the brunette only fidgeted in response, "You do it for love," Freya continued on, "Love for my niece, love for my family, love for my brother."
Maleny weirdly looked over to the blonde witch, "Okay, it's really weird how you know stuff about me. Stop it."
Freya lightly chuckled, "I'm sorry. I cannot help it."
"That year…when we were friends..." Maleny became pensive as she tried her hardest to remember her apparent friend Freya, "...I mean, I can remember that life easier because it's only in the past century. But you…"
"You had a lot of people in your life," Freya tried to reason, "Plus, you had about four years more of life than I did after 1914 so I would assume you'd forget one friend you only saw for a year."
"Still...sorry," Maleny flashed a small, yet honest, smile Freya's way.
Freya had herself a good chuckle, "I can help you remember if you'd like," she announced.
At that, Maleny stopped and turned to the woman, "Really? How?"
Freya turned as well, gesturing to her hands, "It's like a memory jog spell. I can resurface our shared memories. It's easier when they're memories from recent times."
Maleny looked at Freya's hands with hesitance, "Will...will it hurt?"
Freya was quite pleased Maleny hadn't even stopped to question if it were a trick. It had to mean she was slowly believing in her. That would bode well for them in the future.
"No, it's only going to tickle at most. May I?" Freya gestured to her hands once more.
Maleny gave a nod and shuddered a breath as Freya stepped forwards and placed her fingers on her temples, soon beginning the spell. In a matter of moments Maleny was revisiting 1914. She could definitely see Freya, all the times the witch had helped her with her 'headaches' and even as simple as a shopping day. Freya told the truth - they had been friends for an entire year.
By the time Freya had shown Maleny all of 1914, Maleny was close to tears, "I...I can't believe I forgot all that," Maleny swallowed hard and blinked with wide eyes at Freya.
Freya stood in front of her with relieved face, glad to see she was entirely believed. If Maleny believed her about their friendship, then it would be a little more believable when she told her and the rest of her family the most important secret of all.
~ 0 ~
In the cemetery, Elijah and Klaus were busy bickering over the fate of a their brother Finn, who laid on the ground bleeding from an attack of Klaus. Elijah had just barely made it in time to stop Klaus from actually killing Finn but it seemed like convincing him altogether would be more difficult.
"Let him die, Elijah!" Klaus was in the middle of saying, agitated more as his brother seemed to be stuck on the defensive side.
"The witches want that body returned unharmed," Elijah continued to press. It was the deal he had made with Josephine and he was not going to let anything ruin that.
"And what else do they want? A parade? Free broomsticks for all?"
At that moment, Maleny and Freya appeared on the other side of the aisle. Freya had insisted they'd find Finn and Klaus, because no matter where one was the other would surely be there as well...trying to kill the other.
"As a witch, I take extreme offense to that," Maleny remarked, none too pleased with the sight before them.
Klaus would've remarked with his own sarcasm if it hadn't been for Freya standing beside her. The two women walked over to then, and at once Finn began to plead to Freya for assistance.
"Freya... Freya, help me."
Freya knelt down beside him, "Don't worry, brother. I won't let them hurt you," she pointed her blue pendant of her talisman towards him in order to cast a spell, "Yovara vimuna virael," as the spell was placed Finn screamed in agony as his body heard from his wounds.
When the spell finished 'Finn' sat upright with shock and looked about his environment with utter confusion, "Who are you?"
No one answered as Freya cast another spell, "Sleep," she ordered and now Vincent, the original owner of the body, fell asleep.
"What...did you do to him?" Maleny asked after deciding she was utterly confused.
Freya turned to her holding her necklace, "Finn is now safe from harm, and his hatred of you can no longer do damage to our cause."
"Our cause?" Elijah repeated, none too pleased to hear her act as if they were closer than ever.
"Yes. Ours. And now, if you two can stop arguing long enough, perhaps you'll allow your older sister to offer you a deal," Freya looked over to her brothers.
"What could you possibly offer us besides fairy tales and lies?" Klaus scoffed and glared at her.
"Whatever you may think of me, brother, know this... When I speak to you, it is the truth. If you have any doubts, remember that it was I who rescued Rebekah from the Fauline Cottage."
"And I trust her," Maleny added, surprising the two brothers. At their looks, she elaborated, "Look, it's weird, okay? But she was telling the truth. I know her, from 1914. She was my friend and the only thing she did was help me with my headaches."
"You seem to forget she was the one who led Finn on his vile mission to take Hope's life," Klaus turned his glare momentarily to Maleny.
Before Maleny said anything back, Freya cut in, "The threat to Hope came from Finn, not me. The brother I knew would never have stooped to threaten a child...you, everything she touched."
Klaus was horrified and grew even more angry at the declaration, "Do not speak as though we are familiars. We know nothing of you."
To give proof, Freya cast a spell allowing him and Elijah to see the moment she was taken by Dahlia as a young child. But even that was not enough to convince Klaus.
"That proves nothing but your ability to conjure illusions," he declared.
Freya grew more desperate. "If you would just listen to me you would learn that-"
"I don't bloody care what you have to say!" snapped Klaus. "I don't want to listen and I won't."
"That's mature," Maleny declared, earning further points against him.
Elijah seemed to have better patience than either of the pair and so asked Freya, "I suppose you come with the knowledge of Dahlia?"
"Yes," Freya nodded, "And before you dismiss me, you should know this: if I've woken from my slumber, Dahlia has as well. It'd be only a matter of time until she finds us."
"That's quite convenient, isn't it? You show up in the nick of time to help us kill the woman with whom you've spent a thousand years with!" Klaus couldn't help but blurt right after, offending Freya.
"You have no idea what it took to escape her or what I lost in the trying. Her punishment will be profound."
Elijah seemed more willing to listen, "And you know how to stop her?"
Freya nodded, "Given the proper materials, yes. I've sent Father to procure them."
That was the final straw for Klaus, "You put the life of my child in the hands of Mikael?" he stormed away but was called by Maleny, who was more frustrated.
"Are you kidding me? This woman has knowledge of the threat we now face and is willing to share that information and you're just going to walk away?"
"Well, you'll excuse me, if I'm not inclined to trust the mysterious sister we only just met-"
"I know her-"
"You knew her for one bloody year, Maleny!" he cut her right off, "That's not enough!"
"There's really something you need to know-" Freya interjected the disagreement, but it only seemed to infuriate her brother more.
"There is nothing I want to hear from you!" he almost shouted at her. His eyes flickered to Maleny, "You should have better judgement in people, Mal - I thought you would've learned that after Riley Dawson."
It was now Maleny who was nearing a whole new type of fury, and after that comment it was only a matter of seconds before she shouted, "Do not bring that man into this!" she moved towards him but stopped after a couple steps, "I have learned from my mistakes and I can assure you your own sister isn't here to hurt you nor Hope. I've been with her all day and-"
"All day?" Klaus stopped her after that foul revelation. For a minute it seemed like Maleny regretted mentioning it, "Are you telling me that you not only went after Finn on your own but that you also spent hours with that woman?" he harshly pointed over to Freya.
"I know it sounds bad but-"
"No, you're right, it's awful!" he then fully shouted, his anger having reached the maximum level, "I should have known better than to let you go fight on your own with that Alton man who can't even keep an eye on you!"
"We're getting off track, here," Maleny pursed her lips together, forcing herself not to shout back like he was.
Freya decided to once again try and make her point, "I would really like to speak to the two of you-"
"Not now Freya," this time it was Maleny who interrupted. She was facing Klaus, and upholding the same glare he had on. "Just because you're mad, Klaus, doesn't mean you get to shout at me."
"If I could just talk-"
"NOT NOW!" both Maleny and Klaus bellowed to Freya, making her flinch and silencing her once and for all. Beside her, Elijah just rubbed his forehead.
Meanwhile, the pair had their stare down.
"I'm not backing down," warned Maleny as if she were reading Klaus' thoughts. "We have to look at the bigger picture here. Freya can help us-"
"She will do no such thing," Klaus declared with a shake of his head, "I will not listen to her, but by all means, if you wish to entertain this idiocy, have at it."
Angrily, Maleny watched him speed away from them. With a huff, she turned back to Elijah and Freya, "I hate your brother sometimes. But if he thinks he can get away with this by just speeding away - ha! He's got another thing coming - that stupid hybrid!" She stomped after him.
With a deep sigh, Elijah turned to face Freya with a face that basically read 'this is actually normal for us'. Freya wasn't paying attention very much. She was biting her lip anxiously, staring after her friend and brother and berating herself for not being more assertive and finally telling them the truth. At this rate, she would never be able to!
~ 0 ~
"Okay, so that's the last of it," Cami put down the last of Josephine's boxes on the floor of Marcel's loft. Elijah and her had manage to get Josephine to relinquish information on Eva Sinclair for Rebekah to read. While Elijah went to stop Klaus from hurting Vincent's body, she and Gia had taken the boxes to Marcel and Rebekah.
Rebekah was staring at the files she held with a big frown, "I'd rather not read anymore," she sighed.
Cami looked up from the box near her and raised an eyebrow, "Why? Something bad in there?"
"The easier question would be if I can find anything good about her," Rebekah put down the file, "This woman is...awful. The worst of the worst."
Cami looked concern and walked to the couch to take a seat beside Rebekah. She took the file and skimmed a couple lines, which was more than enough needed to get an idea of who Eva Sinclair was, "Oh my God…" making a face, she looked at Rebekah, "Maybe it's a good thing you took this woman's body - it's like a public service."
While amused of the joke, Rebekah was still guilty, "It doesn't matter what she's done. I've still appropriated her body without her consent."
Cami gave her a look but didn't get to say anything when Elijah came into the loft. The two women turned their attention to him as he walked towards them with a grim look.
"I take it Klaus wasn't too pleased he wasn't able to hurt Finn?" Cami assumed with slight amusement.
"He's not pleased but it's not entirely our fault," Elijah replied with minimal desire, "Freya has made an appearance," he looked to Rebekah, "and she wants to make a deal. She spoke to Maleny and has her on her side already, something Niklaus isn't too fond of."
"Well, maybe Mal saw what I saw," Rebekah shrugged, "our sister seems honest and if she wants to help us, then so be it."
"Still, it's best to have a close eye on Freya."
"So, that means we're going to let her help us, then?" inquired Cami. She'd yet to meet Freya but she knew if Maleny had decided to trust the witch then she couldn't be evil.
"We'll see," Elijah ended the conversation as he took Cami's hand to make her stand, "In the meantime, Rebekah you will stay away from the marketry and out of trouble," he warned his sister who rolled her eyes in annoyance at him, "I mean it."
"Yeah, yeah," Rebekah dismissed him with a wave of her hand, "I have a ton of reading to do as you can see," she gestured to the other boxes Cami had placed near the couch, "I'm sure Marcel wouldn't mind having me as a guest for the night. You two go on - and give your friend, Gia, a thank you from my part, Cami."
Cami nodded and lightly smiled, "Of course. Now please, let's go home," she looked to Elijah beside her, "I want to change out of this stupid dress," she looked down at her orange, formal dress she hadn't been able to change out of due to the moving of boxes.
Elijah just smirked in response as they turned and walked to leave. Cami noticed the look and concluded it was his 'I have an idea' face which made her curious.
"What are you planning?" she asked after they'd left the loft, "And don't waste time by telling me it's nothing because it damn well is something."
Elijah had a small chuckle as he responded, "I was merely going to ask if you wanted to have dinner together."
"Oh…" and while the idea was surprising, it didn't mean Cami would forget about the truth of their reality, "But we don't even need actual food, Elijah. Did you have two blood bags in mind or…?"
"Alright, so the dinner was an excuse," Elijah admitted, "I have never gotten the chance to thank you for helping me at the safe house, nor for your plan today. We may not need it, but I'd like to take you to a restaurant to talk and eat food we don't even need."
Cami tried her best to maintain her heartbeats at a normal pace as she felt like the air was leaving her lungs. That sounded like a date, no? That was a date - their second date? Did he mean for it to be a date? Could she even ask him if it were a date?
Elijah nervously smiled at the blonde as he pointed, "So, do you think you can put off changing out of your beautiful dress?"
Though nearly all her vocabulary was evading her mind, Cami remembered the basic words usable and nodded, "...yes, um, yes…" she flashed a smile afterwards that indicated for them to get going.
Their 'maybe second date' was about to begin.
~ 0 ~
"So, are you finally going to drop the childish behavior and talk to me in a calm manner?" Maleny stood across the lounge room where Klaus had taken refuge in the bourbon stock of the family.
"Is this really how you wish to start a conversation?" Klaus lowered his glass to send her a brief sharp look.
"I don't know," Maleny let her arms fall to her side as she went to sit at the couch, "because when you're in one of your temper-moods there's no clear way to begin. You should make a guide book for me, you know."
"Sure thing, right after I make you one on how to judge people correctly."
"Are you seriously going to do that again?"
"Are you seriously going to trust Freya?"
"Oh my God, stop that!" Maleny exclaimed, "We sound like kids, do you know that? Let's not forget we're on the same side here. We just want to protect Hope and maybe Freya has the way. Do you not trust me? Do you think I would let someone hurt Hope?"
"I trust you," Klaus clarified with a pointed finger at her, "But Freya is powerful as we have seen and she can manipulate you against your own will."
"It's not happening," Maleny declared with certainty, "She was an old friend of mine, Klaus. I remember her and all she used to do was help me and be a true friend. The proof is in my mind if you want to see it," she stood up and walked up to him at the bar counter, "My mind is yours to see through. Look and see that Freya is telling the truth," she took his glass from him and put it on the counter. She grabbed his hands and placed them on either side of her head, "Look!" she ordered him.
It appeared Klaus was considering the idea. He'd never actually done that to her if he remembered correctly - there was never a need to.
~ 0 ~
"So this is my present for coming up with a good plan?" Cami laughed as she took a sip of her red wine, "I gotta say, you Mikaelsons' can be what you want but your rewards are oh-so-good."
Elijah, who sat across their table, smiled in satisfaction to see her having a good moment with him, "I was proud of you today, Camille. You devised this entire plan to perfection."
"Well," Cami put her glass back on the table, "it was a little easy to, honestly. I knew if Josephine acted like the old bat Marcel made her to be then Gia would react the way she did today."
"And did you also know Josephine was a rebel in her days as well?" Elijah raised an eyebrow.
"So and so," Cami gave a light shrug, "I saw something about jazz in her information and I knew then that Gia would make the perfect violinist for us."
"Well done," Elijah gave a faint clap with his hands and made Cami laugh once more, "I look forward to seeing more of your brilliant plans."
"Right," Cami raised her eyebrows as she made a face, "because those come to me often. This was more like a one-hit-wonder."
"I doubt it," Elijah clarified and surprised her with the mild certainty he had in his tone, "You're smart," Elijah explained, "and you're a people person. Those plans will never stop."
Not knowing what else to say to that, Cami raised her wine glass again and the two shared a clink between their glasses before they drank. The next voice that spoke was a startling one, but not at all unfamiliar to Elijah.
"Elijah," Freya stood only a couple feet away from their table, and the look on her face was that of urgency and fear.
Cami studied the features of the witch and soon came to the conclusion it was Freya Mikaelson, "Wow…" was the first thing she said. She did share some resemblance to Rebekah, Cami thought first.
Elijah stood out of his seat and went to his sister, confused, "What are you doing here?"
Freya ignored the question and went straight to what she came for, "I'm truly sorry but I fear Niklaus is not ready to hear me and we don't have time to waste. I already talked to Maleny but she too didn't give me the opportunity to explain-"
"Explain what?" demanded Elijah impatiently.
"To prove it to you I have to show you," Freya took in a breath. "Because a secret like this is one you will not believe with just words."
"Elijah, what is she talking about?" Cami was getting out of her chair.
"Allow me to show you," Freya held her hands to Elijah, "Please. You'd know how to tell this to Klaus better than I would. Please?"
Elijah could see the deep urgency settled in her eyes and taking the chance, he gave his approval in a nod. Freya then placed her fingers on his temples and the two closed their eyes as they shared an important memory of Freya's. Cami could only shoot the other customers of the restaurant apologetic smiles as the siblings saw each other's minds. What she would give to see what Elijah was seeing at the moment.
When Freya was finished with the memory, Elijah was left stunned. Cami didn't think she'd ever seen such a look on his face which only made her fear for the worse.
"Elijah...what is it…?" she meekly asked, "What did you see?" But Elijah was left staring at his sister with his mouth hanging open.
~ 0 ~
Maleny and Klaus had take a seat on the lounge's couch, both now with bourbon glasses in their hands – the atmosphere far less tensed than earlier.
"You realize this is the last time you go out with Hayley's pack, right?" Klaus was giving a hard look to Maleny as the brunette swallowed her drink.
Maleny rolled her eyes, "Oh, okay, so you trust me enough not to look through my head but going out is something else?"
"Glad we're on the same page, love," Klaus mocked a toast before he drank his drink.
Maleny gave a light sigh but didn't push. He had decided not to look through her mind for what she claimed was evidence Freya was not against them. That was a huge win for the estranged sister and Maleny was not going to ruin it.
"I won't be left in this compound anymore, though," she did have to warn, "I can do things now. I just have a tendency to split from the group…"
"Always," Klaus made sure to add, making her roll her eyes once more.
"I'm an explorer," she sarcastically said before chuckling, "Yeah, that was a lame excuse. But, I do mean what I said. At least let me come with you when you guys head out. You wanna keep an eye on me, here's your golden opportunity."
"You always do strike good deals I like," Klaus held his glass to hers for a peace making.
Maleny smirked and leaned towards him, "I figured you like having your eyes on me so everyone wins," she clinked her glass with his and laughed while he mockingly glared at her.
However there was no more time for responses as Elijah, Cami and Freya made an appearance in the room.
"Brother, we need to talk," Elijah came forwards first. Maleny was busy looking at the women behind him and knew instantly there was something wrong.
"I know I agreed to allow Freya to help but this is fast," Klaus looked at Maleny in irritation, believing her to have called the three.
"Klaus, just listen," Cami urged and it was then that Maleny knew something horrendous was happening or was going to happen or maybe had happened.
"What is it?" Maleny wearily questioned.
Elijah looked back at Freya who was near tears. She was unable to talk at the moment. Klaus rolled his eyes at the spectacle before them and rose to his feet, "Someone better speak in the next minute," he warned them all.
Freya took a breath before she forced herself to speak up, "You think Dahlia is coming for Hope to complete the deal Esther made long ago. And yes, she is coming, and she's probably on her way as we speak-"
Maleny frowned, "But-"
This time Freya was not accepting any interruptions. She spoke louder and more urgent, "You misunderstand the reason Dahlia is coming for Hope. She's coming for Hope not as payment...but for revenge for what the previous Mikaelson first-borns did to her. I'm the first born of our generation-" she threw a look at Elijah for example, "But..." she then laid eyes on both Maleny and Klaus, "Hope is not the first born of her generation."
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Don’t say goodbye
They grew old together. Or most likely, Freya looked older while Merlin was still the same. Even with his use of tricks, people couldn’t miss how younger he looked beside his wife and, of course, people were gossiping. Oh, look at that young fellow, escorting his mum to the dance. Oh, another diamond’s digger, he wants the poor lady’s gold. Merlin loved her all the same, even when Freya started feeling self-conscious. Tonight was a big event and Merlin would not let people interfere with their happiness. They had been married for thirty years, together since they met during the war, no one would be allowed to spoil them from their happiness.
“C’mon, love. The taxi’s waiting,” he said, wrapping his arms around Freya and claiming another kiss from her. She laughed but did not seem content. “What is it?” Merlin asked, feeling worried.
“I don’t feel like going out … all these people, they’ll think you’re a…”
“A man deeply in love with his wonderful, beautiful and so amazing wife? Then, they’ll be right. If they have nothing better to do, like paying attention to their company, it’s not our problem to worry about.” Merlin said, as he caressed Freya’s cheek, she leaned to the touch and nodded. “You want to go?” Merlin still questioned, as he never forced the woman to anything. Not now, not ever.
“I’ll do anything with you, you know it.”
“And so do I, I’ll even die for you,” he joked.
“Not that you actually can,” Freya teased him back and they both shared a laugh, cut short by a man’s voice. Their son, Gaius, who turned thirty a few weeks ago.
“Mum, dad, just go! I know the night is long but…”
“But that girlfriend of yours is waiting in her car, and you really need us to go so she can come in?” Merlin said, earning a horrified glance from their blushing son, and an amused giggle from Freya. “What? You thought we did not notice your eagerness whenever we planned a night out?”
“Actually, Merlin love, I recall I was the one who told you,” Freya added, raising an eyebrow in a ‘don’t mess with me’ look.
‘Really?” Merlin pretended to doubt her words, but he smiled softly. “I guess you’re right. Still. Gaius, remember to act like a proper gentleman. Serve her food first, don’t kiss her without her consent and if she drinks more than a glass of wine, drive her home. Don’t let her take a cab, strange things are happening now, and we don’t want to risk her life.”
“Dad!” Gaius whined, sounding like the child he used to be.
“Oh and there are condoms in your bedside. Even if I do hope you are not a horny creature and can wait until after your wedding.”
“PAPA!” Gaius now screamed, his face a deep shade of red as he hid it with his hands.
“Merlin, stop tormenting our boy,” Freya chastised her immortal husband. “He knows the rules and how to threat a woman.”
“We can’t remind him enough, can we?” Merlin wondered, “Ok. Ok. Let’s go. I’m sure the poor girl is freezing.”
Gaius visibly relaxed and hugged them both. In six months, he will be a doctor, like his parents. They never pressured him in such a carrier but when he had been old enough to understand his early life, Gaius had decided to help people, to save lives as a payment for the ones watching after him from above. Many died and he survived … for them, he will save humans without judgement or prejudice regarding whom they were, their religions or orientations. They were so proud of the man he became.
“I love you,” he whispered and the ushered them to the door.
“We love you too,” they both said, waving as they headed to their car. Still, Merlin couldn’t help but make a quick detour to a vehicle parked close to theirs. He knocked at the window and chuckled when the woman inside literally jumped on her sit. Thanks to some make up and fake white hair, Merlin looked close to his wife age – or not as young as he was – so she probably never questioned what he told her. Or it was because she flustered and wished to vanish. “Good night, Milady. Gaius is all yours until midnight, you’ll see, he made his favourite recipe, learned from my dear Freya. Have fun!”
When he joined his wife in the car, she sent him a glare and after a minute, they both laughed.
“You had to scare the poor girl, aren’t you?”
“What do you want? We, immortals, had to take little pleasures when they are at reach. Plus, I’m sure she’s a future ‘Mrs Emrys’. I like her.”
Freya said nothing but she truly wished the best for their son. Of course, Gaius had no memories from their times in death camp, but he still had enough suffering for a life. Until now, his relationship never lasted long, mostly because their boy wanted to protect their secret but he deserved his happy life. Merlin even planned to vanish, if it helped Gaius. The boy always refused, claiming that one day, he will find the one. The one with whom sharing their darkest secret would be fine. He had been courting that woman for a couple of months now, they all hoped she would stay around and accompany Gaius on the long road of life.
 At the restaurant, Merlin held a hand to Freya as he helped her sit on her chair, before placing himself facing her. Tensed at first, the older-looking woman soon forgot the stares and they laughed, shared stories from their past and all the happy times they had. Gaius’ first steps, in their apartments in London. The day she graduated from nurses’ school, with the photograph still in their living room as a testimony that, even if you travelled trouble waters, happiness was waiting for you at the corner. Their wedding day, with so many people they couldn’t even count. Mordred had been there for a couple of years, but he vanished after their son’s fifth birthday. People who went to Dachau too, and were now like family. People who – Freya learned it that day, as Merlin never took credits for his good deeds – the man helped hide. Entire families were still alive because Merlin existed. As they talked about it, Merlin blushed again and waved it off, claiming he just did what numerous people managed to do in that time.
“Maybe, but you’re the only one with a legend attaches to him,” Freya said, taking his cold hand in her warmer one. “Children and grandchildren know the story of an un-aging angel sent to protect us. A man without weapons, asking for peace instead of violence. The one who found a baby and raised him as his own son.”
“I’m no angel. I killed people too, when I had to.”
“And? Angels are warriors too. They have flaming swords and all kinds of weapons. Merlin, you are their saviour, our hero. You deserve this. Don’t you see their smiles whenever we visit them? You think they believe you, when you tell them you’re just a parent with their Merlin?”
“Why not?” Merlin asked, nervously playing with his food. He felt like he did not fit the part. He failed at saving so many friends … but the one death he felt the most ashamed of, he could not even remember it. Even in his nightmares, the scene vanished the moment he opened his eyes.
“They love you, that’s all I wanted to say,” Freya spoke and they continued their dinner. For dessert, they ordered something simple, chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream, as it held found memories for them. When they first moved back here together, they went to a park and shared an ice cream. The same night, Merlin made a cake for his beloved and surprised her when, as time passed, he surprised her when he cooked dinner for the family most of the time. With her school, Merlin had known how tired she had been and spared her the charge of a house. More than once, he had laughed at what her spouse’s friends told her. They often asked if they could borrow hum to teach their husbands; every single time, Freya told them her better half was not for sale. “You think Gaius will kiss her tonight?” Freya asked after a while.
“If he doesn’t, I kick him from the house. It’s been what … eight months? We never waited that long!”
“We met in different circumstances. Things go faster during a war. And if I’m correct, you were still a virgin when we met … how old were you then? A thousand and four hundred years old? More or less? Gaius’s still in time.”
“Very funny.” Merlin muttered. He knew he should not have told her about this. Of course, she would use it against him in moments like these.
“And you were so cute the first time, so clumsy! I still remember you falling off the bed!”
“Shh, Freya please!” Merlin squealed, remembering all too well what happened that night. They were on the boat taking them to their honeymoon in Spain, alone, without Gaius for the first time in months – Mordred had babysat him – and Merlin wanted the night to be special for them. Before their union, he had studied many books and asked some friend about what he should know for his first time with Freya, and at all in fact. Mordred, for instance, had watched him with wide eyes before he broke with laughers but then share some insightful knowledge with him. Some colleagues helped him too and told him to relax. Still, when the night came he worried he may hurt Freya and after load of cuddling, when he rolled on top of his beautiful wife, he went too far and fell on the floor. The young maid had laughed for a good fifteen minutes, with a pouting – naked – Merlin on the pavement. “I wish I could forget that night…” he mumbled, the shame still burning his soul.
“I held found memories from then. I loved you even more, knowing it happened because you cared. Most men, even now but more in our time, would have thought of their pleasure, not mine. I’m lucky I met you.”
“I still think it happened because we were on a boat, and the roll made me lose my balance.”
“If you think so, my love … if you say so…” Freya chuckled.
The night went smoothly. After dinner, they head to a dance’s event and twirled together, eyes into eyes, until they couldn’t notice the people around them. Nothing existed beside the two and their radiating love. In that moment, Freya felt like the young bride again and Merlin saw the way she smiled, the sparkles in her eyes. She was so perfect, like a diamond he had been lucky enough to hold all these years. Around noon, the placed closed and they stopped dancing. Like Cinderella, their time had expired and they had to go home.
“I wish that night never ends…” whispered Freya. “Take me to the Lake, please?” there was a feeling of urgency in her voice, Merlin noticed, but he said nothing and drove to the peaceful place. The first time they came as a family, Merlin noticed something in Freya’s stance and look. When he asked what the matter was, she said nothing, staring at the calm water. Still, they started coming each week as a ritual. Tonight though, something felt wrong. When they reached their usual spot, Freya turned around and took his hand. Her eyes shimmered in the moon light and the older man worried.
“Freya? What’s wrong?”
“You don’t remember, do you?” she asked, “The first time we came here together?”
“Of course, I do! We were with Gaius and…”
“No. The first time, we were alone. Together. We ran in hope of a new life, with a lake and mountains surrounding us. We wanted a new place, where people like us were not hunted down for what they were…” she whispered, silently begging him to remember. But remember what? “You erased your own memories in the fifth, early sixth century, after Arthur died. Long after I died too, and you sent us all here, in Avalon, as we waited to meet again.”
“What…? No. So what? You think I’m like… Merlin as in Merlin and King Arthur? It’s crazy. I lose my memories because a building fell on me. Magic never existed!” Merlin said, a bubble of anguish forming in his chest. If it were true, why was he so scared? Why did he always feel hollow near the lake? Like he was mourning someone? No. Legends. King Arthur and Camelot belonged to myths. “Why are you doing this? Why tonight?” he begged, his head starting to hurt as something tried to pierce through his skull.
“The Goddess think it’s time for you to realise what you’ve lost. She sent me back to this world, she made us meet again and … oh how much I love you. Time never altered our feelings. But you need to stop. You need to bring back magic and Camelot. Just look, we are all coming back. Mordred. Me. Gaius. The others will be born again soon … please. I’m begging you…”
Merlin watched her with eyes filled with pain and worry. Images started playing, submerging him like a wave contained for too long. His boy tensed. Freya, loving Freya, knelt beside him and gently patted his back.
“Let them come, my love…” she soothed with kind words. “Let them come and guide you to the Source…”
The Source. Source of all magic. Arthur. Death. NO!
Merlin’s mind shut all the memories. He locked them even more behind his walls. Confused, Merlin looked up from where he fell, with Freya watching him closely.
“Excuse me. What were we saying?” he asked, the conversation forgotten with everything related to his first life.
“I told you that place seems magical. I’m sure there are fairies hidden somewhere,” Freya said, knowing pushing her husband more was useless. Merlin did not want to remember. Even after all that time, his soul still had not healed from Arthur’s death. The wound was too deep, and never healed properly since the warlock refused to face the memories, good or not. “Hold me close for now…” she wanted to enjoy every moment, as the clock ticked to the end of their story. She had planned everything … ever since she feared she won’t be enough to make the warlock remember. When they came home that night, Freya watched Merlin’s peaceful sleep for hours. At three in the morning, she stood and got dress. At three thirty, she placed a letter on the fireplace, under the family’s portray. At three forty-five, she closed the door and never came back.
 * * *
 The morning after, Merlin opened his eyes to an empty place beside him. It surprised him, since Freya had always enjoyed extra sleep but he yawned and headed to the kitchen, where he found Gaius with a coffee in front of him, and a smile on his face. His date probably went well, and the proud father decided not to mess with his boy today.
“Have you seen your mother?” he asked after he swallowed his toast.
“No. Wasn’t she with you?” Gaius worried. “She’s probably in town; let’s look for a note,” he offered and they started searching for something. Merlin was in his office when Gaius knocked at the door. He looked pale, a letter in hand, and gave it to him. Thinking of it, Gaius seemed like the epitome of an abandoned child. Quickly, Merlin read the words and his world fell apart.
 My love,
 I can’t tell you how sorry I am for leaving you like this. My years with you were among the happiest I ever had and for that, I will always be thankful. When we met for the first time, I was scared, I felt like I was a beast, cursed for something I never asked for. Cursed for being me, a victim of the system. With you, I saw the light field from the sky and … and I knew I deserved to be happy. I’m proud to say I had been your wife in this life, and I know that one day, you’ll find the missing piece fulfilling your heart.
 Long ago, you told me you were immortal and I never questioned this. I didn’t because of reasons I can’t share at the moment… I also know you don’t mind people and their gossips, but no matter what, I’m freeing you, Merlin. Please, take care of Gaius and don’t waste your time looking for me. I love you. I love you so much there are no words strong enough to describe it. I hope that one day, you will remember your past and embrace it with open arms. I love you, my dear boys, remember me. ▬ Freya, mum.
 “Gaius, take your coat, she can’t be far!” Merlin ordered, already putting a jacket on. Her son complied and they both hurried outside. They asked the neighbourhood, the policemen touring their district, the milk’s deliveryman. No one had seen or heard of Freya.
“Dad, what about the lake?” Gaius said. They were at a café, after hours searching the town. Merlin’s head snapped up. How could he forget the lake? They went there just the previous day. Both men ran toward their place.
“Freya can you hear me?!”
“Mum, please come back!”
They circled the lake together. Gaius one side, Merlin the others. Nothing. Not even a misplaced item to lead them. They almost wished they found something, even if it meant the beloved woman had drowned under water. Days turned into weeks. Weeks into months. Enough time passed to see Gaius introducing young Alice to his dad. A lovely lass with brown hair and chocolate’s eyes. It turned out she was one of these people, who loved mysteries and legends and when they told her about Merlin’s secret, she accepted him without questions. Afterwards, she asked a lot of them, obviously, but never when Merlin was in a bad day. Those happened each year, when it had been another 365 days without his Freya. He just gazed into emptiness for hours, not even acknowledging his family. But today, Alice had no choice but disturb the man. Gently, she placed her hand on his shoulder and pulled him from his dark thoughts.
“Merlin? A word, please,” she asked, they sat with Gaius on the couch, while he remained glued to his chair.
“Dad, we have good news,” Gaius said, beaming with pure happiness. “We are expecting a baby, a girl. Alice is pregnant!”
This brings the first real smile Merlin had in years. Laughing, he stood and held his son and Alice, the daughter he never had. “Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! When are you due, dear?”
“July, the 15th. We are so excited!”
“You already have names?” Merlin asked, curious now.
“Actually, yes,” Gaius said, still smiling and holding his wife’s hand. The two were so in love, it warmed the hearts.
“Hunith, and Freya for second.”
“Oh…” Merlin whispered. He could not say more, his emotions were overwhelming. A mix of happy and sad fighting inside him. “I… I love it.”
 Months later, when he met his granddaughter, Merlin loved her right away. Freya left without a proper goodbye but now, there was this new life he welcomed with an open heart. His wife had been right, when she said happiness will always find her way to their lives.
“Hello Hunith, I’m your grandpa…” he whispered, the first time he held her. For a curious reason, he felt like laughing when he said these words. As if there was some sort of inside jokes happening. “I will always love and protect you.”
 I’m so glad we meet again. I missed you, so much. I won’t abandon you this time. Please forgive me. Are the others coming too?
 Unknowingly to Merlin, something in his soul clicked; something awoke when his subconscious realised his loved one were coming back to him. That day, Merlin started aging again.
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idkxwriting · 5 years
Treacherous - Chapter Twelve
Author: idkhaylijah
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: none...you guys know what you’re in for if you’ve made it this far ;)
A/N: Thank you guys for your patience. It’s been a rough few months year tbh. I appreciate all the comments and messages, it keeps me going. Special shout out to @thatfanficstuff for telling me the best way through a block is to just keep writing, @dendrite-lover for reading ahead of time and the Sherlock account on ao3 that spammed me with comments and totally encouraged me to continue with her kind words! We’re coming to the end guys!
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It was strange, being back home. She had left Mystic Falls behind her, never looking back, and here it was, staring her in the face. She gave a soft smile at the creak on the third step, leading up to the familiar porch. Her porch.
She glanced over her shoulder, watching as Elijah’s car disappeared down the road. He had offered to come inside, insisted, even, but she was adamant about needing to be alone. As persistent as he had been, she was twice as stubborn. He reluctantly agreed, under the condition that she’d be at the Salvatore Boarding House within the hour.
Having him in her home, their home, would be more than she could handle.
Even so, as she moved quietly into the house, she saw that his ghost was everywhere.
She sighed, and dropped her duffle bag on the couch as she made her way into the kitchen. It was strange, she thought, the way the familiar scent of home filled her senses as if the house hadn’t sat a vacant shell for years.
Stefan, she reasoned. She felt a sadness settle into her at the thought of her best friend caring for her home long after she had stopped coming back, in the hopes that one day she may return after all.
“Beautiful home,” a voice startled her.
She turned, her eyes narrowed and a feeling crawling up her spine that always accompanied the sudden unwelcome appearance of the King of Hell. “Crowley. What are you doing here?” She asked through gritted teeth.
“I’ve got to admit, I never pictured you with the white picket fence, but it suits you,” he ran his hand along the kitchen island, glancing around the room. He made his way to the fridge, plucking at photos with feigned curiosity. “Ahh, the vampire boyfriend,” he waggled his eyebrows at her, pulling the photostrip from its magnet. “Personally, I’m Team Squirrel.”
“What do you want?” She snapped, ripping the photos from his hand and placing them back.
“Oh come now, Birdy, can’t I visit a friend?”
She sighed at his nickname for her. “We’re not friends. Even if we were, there’s always strings with you…”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re always so quick to point that out, but it pays to have friends in high places, Birdy.”
“More like low places,” she retorted.
He smiled devilishly at her, turning his attention back to the pictures on the fridge. “I understand you need a certain blade. One I’d be happy to procure for you.”
“What do you know about the blade?” She asked, her curiosity getting the best of her.
He opened the fridge, rifling through ingredients with disappointment. “I know you need it to kill Empusa.”
“And you just happen to have it?”
Crowley rolled his eyes and moved from the fridge to the cabinets, opening and closing doors until he found what he was looking for. He picked up bottle after bottle, reading the labels with vague disinterest. “I’ve always preferred Glencraig myself,” he mumbled, placing a bottle of bourbon she recalled swiping from Damon’s personal stash back down.
“Why would you offer me the knife?” She asked skeptically. “What’s in it for you?”
He shrugged, straightening out to look at her. “You need the knife, I need Empusa dead, it’s that simple.” When she didn’t reply, he sighed. “Empusa is bad news for everyone, Hell included.”
“Hell or you?”
“The situation in Hell is...delicate. I don’t need Empusa roaming free, building an army…”
“Challenging your seat on the throne?”
“Regardless of my own selfish reasons, it doesn’t change your position, love. You need the knife.”
She pursed her lips, her eyes narrowed as she studied the demon before her. She didn’t trust him, she never had, but she needed him. Still, she knew him and even with selfish motives, it wouldn’t come without a price. “What’s the trade?”
He poured himself a glass of bourbon, scoffing at the label internally, but it would do. “I get you the blade, and you do your part.”
She nodded, the fear gripping her chest again. She knew what she needed to do, but knowing and doing were two different things. “You know, then…that I have to die in order to release the soul stone?”
“I know,” he nodded grimly, and she wondered (not for the first time) if the demon was capable of genuine emotion. “So do we have a deal?”
She swallowed and cleared her throat. “We have a deal,” she whispered.
Crowley smirked. “Well then,” he pulled a knife from the inside of his jacket, holding the handle out towards her. She gripped it, but he held onto it. “You understand how a certain Moose and Squirrel may make this more difficult?”
“I know what I have to do, Crowley. Give me the blade, and I’ll get it done. Sam and Dean don’t have to know the details, only that I’m the one that needs to use it,” she said, trying to pull the blade from him once more.
He continued to keep a sturdy grip, tugging her towards him. “And what of your vampire boyfriend?”
“Elijah won’t be a problem.”
“Just do your part, Birdy.” He said and released the blade.
She stared down at the seemingly ordinary knife in her hand. As the metal warmed in her palm she felt the magic that rested within the blade - within her. She glanced up to find Crowley had disappeared once more, leaving her to contemplate her life.
And death.
She knew what she had to do - that the only way to stop Empusa and save her friends was to sacrifice her own life. And she would do it, gladly, but --
“Y/N?” Sam’s voice interrupted her, staving off the rising panic in her chest.
She placed the knife in the back of her pants, tucking it away carefully before rubbing at her eyes. “Hey,” she smiled sadly.
“What are you doing here?”
She shrugged nonchalantly. “Oh come on, you didn’t expect me to sit this one out, did you?”
Sam chuckled softly at that. “No, I guess not…”
“Alright, Sammy, Cas is headed back with Freya. They want us to head over to the Salvatore’s in…..” Dean stopped, caught off guard by the woman before him. “What are you doing here?”
Y/N’s eyes locked with Dean’s, and she wondered what kind of life they may have had if she didn’t have to die. If he hadn’t been a hunter, and she hadn’t loved a vampire. If maybe they had just been normal.
Sam looked between the two, shifting uncomfortably. “Umm, I’m just going to...be somewhere else…” he said awkwardly before making his way past Dean and back out the front door.
The door shut, the noise bringing them both back to the present. Dean cleared his throat, breaking eye contact. “What are you doing here?” He asked again gruffly.
She breathed a laugh in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Oh you know, just the usual end of the world stuff…”
His green eyes snapped to hers, and she knew he was angry. “I thought Sam told you to stay away from Mystic Falls until we had a plan.”
She rolled her eyes. “Dean, I’ll be fine. In fact, a few days ago you had no objection to me coming with you. Besides, I couldn’t leave you two and the Salvatores to come up with a decent plan all by yourselves. You need me,” she teased.
Dean moved toward her until she was just out of reach, his eyes locked on hers. He inhaled deeply - as if he hadn’t been able to breathe since he left her in that motel room, and suddenly he was coming up for air. When he released it, he broke eye contact, fixing his stare on the floor. “Yea, I do,” his voice was heavy, but his breath was shaky and he cleared his throat. “We need you,” he corrected, meeting her gaze once more, knowing she saw right through him. She always had.
“Dean....” she breathed. He didn’t need her. He couldn’t need her, because she had to leave him. She had to leave all of them. The realization of what she had to do hit her suddenly. She wasn’t afraid of death, she knew it would come for her eventually and probably sooner than most. But the thought of leaving everyone behind, of losing them all, was crushing. It stole the air from her lungs and the weight of it all was suddenly too much.
He stepped into her, his hand on her cheek grounding her.
“Damon called. They’re waiting on us,” Sam interrupted from the front door.
Dean dropped his hand suddenly, putting some distance between them, and Y/N nodded, shoving the thought of leaving Dean, leaving Elijah and Sam...Cas...everyone. She took a breath, focusing on the task at hand. “God forbid we make Damon wait,” she sighed, side stepping Dean and following Sam out the front door.
Arriving at the Salvatore Boarding House felt like stepping back in time, into a life she hadn’t known for ages, and Y/N found she had missed it more than she could have imagined.
She was greeted by Damon, first, who had kindly reminded her just how stupid it had been to come back. The raven haired man scowled at her, but she knew he was happy to see her when he wrapped his arms around her anyway, tucking her into his side. “If you disappear like that again, Buffy, I’ll kill you myself,” he whispered into her hair. “Welcome home.”
He stepped aside and gave Sam and Dean a once over, not entirely pleased with their presence, before turning his attention to the figure approaching from the end of the driveway. “How was Bambi today, Stefan?” Damon teased, referring to the feeding trip his brother had just gotten back from.
Stefan ignored him, his eyes locked on Y/N, his face brooding, and she wondered just how angry he was with her. Her cheeks flushed as the guilt crept up once more, knowing her best friend had deserved more than a disappearing act without a trace.
It seemed Elijah wasn’t the only one she had hurt.
She bit her lip, and when he broke out into a soft smile, she grinned, running to him at full speed and launching herself into his arms. He caught her with ease, hugging her tightly.
Dean watched the interaction with curiosity - the annoying, jealous pang that seemed to have taken up residence in his chest growing sharper.
“Don’t worry,” Damon startled him, appearing suddenly by his side. “Stefan’s like a big brother to her.”
“I wasn’t worried,” Dean scoffed.
“I’m just saying. There was never anything more than friendship there,” he watched them for a moment. “Which is weird, because we almost always end up sleeping with the same women. I guess she only wanted to sample one Salvatore brother,” he smirked, slapping Dean on the back roughly.
Dean coughed and glared after the vampire as he walked away, muttering under his breath. He made his way into the house. He couldn’t wait to get back to the bunker and his normal routine, where the only vampires he came across he staked.
Y/N cleared her throat, sinking deeper into the plush sofa. Elijah and Dean both stood in front of her, making her feel like a small child.
Dean’s arms were crossed, and she could see even in the dim room that he was fuming, his hard stare fixed on her.
Elijah, on the other hand, was more controlled. His hands were in his pocket while he glanced around the room with feigned interest. This scared her more than Dean’s open anger. A cool, calm, and collected Elijah was simply waiting for his moment. She had seen it dozens of times, though admittedly not usually directed at her, and it often ended with him tearing out someone’s heart.
She squirmed uncomfortably in her seat and focused on the intricate patterns in the persian carpet beneath her feet. They sat in the Great Room, a collection of the Salvatore's history filling the space. Mementos of the multiple lifetimes Stefan and Damon had lived.
Damon sipped from his glass of bourbon, seemingly less concerned than the two men standing before her. “So she hears voices or whatever. Big deal. We use it to our advantage,” Damon shrugged. “Y/N knows Empusa’s move before she makes it. It gives us the upper hand. We draw her out, stab her with the fancy knife the devil gave her, and we’re home by dinner..”
“Crowley is not Lucifer,” Cas corrected. “Crowley’s the King of Hell, a demon.”
Dean shot him an angry glare, effectively shutting him up. “A demon who doesn’t give anything for free. What was the deal, Y/N?”
She shrugged. “Empusa is bad news for all of us, Hell included. Crowley needs her gone.”
Cas watched her for a moment, eyes narrowed, but he kept his mouth shut, and Y/N was grateful.
“There’s always a catch with Crowley,” Sam said quietly.
“Who cares?” Damon shouted, exasperated. “She has the knife, we can end this.”
“Damon,” Stefan warned.
His brother rolled his eyes, pouring himself another drink.
“Damon’s right,” Freya said quietly. “Castiel and I dug up everything we could find on Empusa, and this is the only way.”
“Thank you,” he smiled smugly, giving Freya an appreciative once over.
Sam furrowed his brow. “How are we going to draw Empusa out?”
Stefan sighed, stepping forward. “Empusa wants Y/N. So we give her what she wants…”
Dean shook his head. “Hell no!” He argued. “We can’t just hand her over like that. It’s too dangerous.”
“I don’t like it either, Dean,” Stefan said. “But it’s our best shot. If she thinks she has a shot at taking Y/N she’ll come, and we will protect her.”
“You’ll have an army of supernatural creatures looking for blood. Y/N’s blood…” Sam added.
“Good thing you're hunters,” Damon remarked. “Make yourselves useful.”
Freya glanced at her brother sympathetically. He remained silent, but she knew him well enough to know just how worried he was. “We can keep her safe, Elijah.”
His body tensed, and Y/N could see the look he shared with his sister, the fear in his eyes. How was he supposed to protect her from something he couldn’t protect himself from?
Before he could speak, Y/N stood. “Stop talking like I’m not here. It’s my call, and this is our best shot to put Empusa down. It’s happening,” she said definitively before storming out, leaving the rest of the group to work out the details.
***** Stefan found her sometime later out back, sitting and watching the stars. “Hey,” he whispered.
“Hey.” Y/N patted the ground next to her, and he tossed a blanket he had brought from inside onto her shoulders before joining her.
“Thanks,” she smiled. “So...you and Caroline, huh?”
He let out a breathy laugh. “We’re friends…”
She nudged his shoulder playfully. “That’s not what I’ve heard.”
He sighed. “Don’t believe everything Damon tells you,” he countered.
“So you don’t care that she’s off somewhere with Klaus right now?”
His shoulders slumped at that and he pulled his knees up, resting his arms on them. “Caroline sees the good in people, and I love that about her.”
She waited for a moment, but he was silent. “But?” She pried.
“But that means she sees the good in Klaus, too, and…”
“She’ll come back to you, Stefan. Trust me.”
He nodded quietly. “So this Dean guy, huh?” He asked after a moment, turning it around on her.
She let out an exasperated sigh and pulled the throw blanket tighter around her shoulders. “I’ve made such a mess out of things.”
And so she told him. All of it. The visions, the nightmares of becoming a ripper, needing to let go of Elijah, holding onto Dean…
“I slept with Elijah,” she finally confessed after some time. “This morning, on the way here…”
Stefan looked at her, his mouth hanging open as if at a loss for words. He had the courtesy to bite back his judgement, which she appreciated, but she knew she deserved it.
“Go ahead,” she sighed. “Tell me how horrible I am.”
He shook his head. “No, Y/N…” she followed his line of sight, turning over her shoulder.
“Dean,” she breathed, slamming her eyes shut. God, she thought. This was not how she wanted him to find out.
Dean cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably for a second before squaring his shoulders. “Cas sent me out to find you, he had a few questions about the knife…”
Stefan stood and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I should give you guys a minute,” he started.
“Don’t worry about it,” Dean said, shaking his head. His green eyes locked on Y/N’s, burning into her with fury. “We got nothing to talk about.”
“Dean wait,” she called after him. If he heard her, he didn’t respond, keeping his head forward as he made his way back up to the house. Y/N felt the pain immediately at once again hurting Dean, and she realized as he walked away just how much she needed him.
She turned toward Stefan, tears burning in her eyes.
“Hey,” he whispered pulling her in for a hug. “You just need to talk to him.”
His grip on her tightened, and she began to cry freely, burying her face in his chest. She didn’t know just how much she had missed her best friend until that moment, and the thought of leaving them all behind rushed to the surface. She wouldn’t just lose Dean and Elijah. It was saying goodbye to Stefan, and Sam. Cas, Damon, Freya, Caroline and even Klaus...the list was too long to even wrap her mind around it. She’d lose her friends, her family. The thought was crippling.
She was grateful in that moment for Stefan, for his unwavering strength. She knew he beat himself up constantly for being weak, for wanting blood, but he didn’t give himself enough credit, because he was always her strength.
Not returning his calls was one thing - Stefan was patient, she knew deep down that he was okay because he had a lifetime to find her again.
But dying? She wondered if he’d be strong enough. If she could do that to him.
She pulled air into her lungs, holding onto it for a moment, before exhaling shakily. She knew what she had to do, and she would do it, come hell or high water.
She pulled back from him, wiping at her tears. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said.
She shook her head. “No, Stefan, I’m sorry. I owed you more than silence, I shouldn’t have disappeared like that.”
He smiled sadly at her, and she knew he was hiding the pain he had felt when she left them without a word. “Y/N, being a vampire - it’s difficult. Everyday is a battle to fight off the craving. We feel everything. Anger becomes rage, when you’re sad you’re in despair. Every single day I fight to not just turn it all off, but I hold on because…”
“Because you can’t be a ripper again,” she whispered.
He nodded, his eyes gleaming in the moonlight. “I don’t want that life for you. I never did. I would have let you go.”
She teared up again, remembering the calls and texts that had gone unanswered. Remembering staying one step ahead as her friend spent weeks trying to track her down. How she had known he had been hurting, but continued to run.
“Go talk to him,” he whispered, turning her and playfully shoving her towards the house.
She turned, walking backwards so she could face Stefan. “For what it’s worth, I really missed you.”
She found him in one of the spare rooms, thumbing through a stack of vintage vinyls. She stepped into the room hesitantly, unsure of what she could possibly say to fix the hurt she had caused him. She watched him quietly, and for a moment she wondered if it was better this way. If she had to die, maybe he’d fair better if he hated her.
She shook the thought away and stepped further into the room, deliberately making her presence known. “Damon went through a bit of a punk rock phase…” she said, nodding towards the vinyl. “Stefan had more of a classic rock vibe, I think.”
Dean hummed in acknowledgement. He held up a certified gold Bon Jovi album with a look of confusion.
She laughed. “Someday you’ll have to ask Stefan about his party days with Lexi, and his night with Bon Jovi.”
Dean’s eyes crinkled in the corners, a hint of a smile. “Who’s Lexi?” He asked conversationally.
“She was his best friend,” she smiled softly at the memory of the blonde vampire. “You would have liked her.”
“Vampire?” He asked.
She nodded.
Dean placed the vinyl back in the pile, shoving it back in it’s spot and shaking his head. “Then probably not,” he replied stiffly.
“Don’t be like that,” she sighed. “They’re not all bad.”
He scoffed. “Like Elijah? And Damon?”
There, he picked at the scab until it started to bleed, and now it was all going to rush out. “Yea,” he said, anger rising. “Anybody else you’re fucking in this house that I should add to the list?”
Even as the words left his mouth he regretted them, but as he watched her recoil at them, he felt the guilt wrap around him and the shame that flooded his veins.
So why the hell couldn’t he stop? The anger burned just underneath his skin, begging to tear its way out.
“Stefan?” He asked. “Tell me, is it just vampires? Or are you into all of the weird shit?”
The hurt in Y/N’s face twisted into rage. “First of all, I don’t owe you a single explanation about my past, but just for my own sanity, where the hell did you get the idea that I’d ever in a million years sleep with Damon?”
“Damon told me.”
“Eww! Gross, but besides the point,” she took a deep breath, an attempt at calming herself. “Look, I’m gonna give you that one free pass, because you’re hurt, and you’re obviously pissed off, and I get it…”
“You know what,” he snapped. “You’re right, you don’t owe me a damn thing. Forget it. Whatever this was,” he gestured between them. “It’s over.”
She nodded, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, focusing on the sting of her bite instead of the pain in her chest. “Yeah, you know what, I guess it is,” she snapped.
“Great,” he agreed.
When he pushed past her, she didn’t bother turning around to watch him walk away.
Dean stomped down the stairs, eager to get out of the Boarding House.
He knew he had no right to be angry. He had no claim on Y/N, they hadn’t said they were exclusive. Hell, he had slept with more than his share of women, so who was he to judge?
It wasn’t the sex.
It was Elijah, and the way he got under her skin. It was the way they looked at each other, the way that even after all this time she dreamt of him. It was the way she refused to leave his side back at the motel. How in her darkest moments, she called out for him.
She was in love with him. Worst of all, he had known it, and he has kissed her anyway.
So who was he really angry at? Y/N, or himself?
“Dean,” the refined voice stopped him in his tracks. “A word?”
Dean took a deep breath, trying to stave off the outburst at the tip of his tongue, the fist that wanted to swing. He turned to find Elijah, the last person he wanted to see.
He could tell by the Original’s posture there was no room for argument. Elijah was intent on talking whether he was willing to listen or not. Dean nodded, tight lipped and reluctant as he followed the vampire into a room off of the main hall. It was large, like the rest of the rooms in the house, the rich mahogany bringing a deep warmth into the space. A piano sat in the center of the pristine room, but if it was used, it wasn’t often.
Elijah studied Dean for a moment, and the hunter shifted, feeling instead like the prey. He puffed his chest a bit and raised his chin, locking his jaw and letting the vampire know he wasn’t afraid.
Elijah placed a hand in his pocket, relaxing his own stance a bit. “Did Y/N ever tell you the story of how she and I first met?”
Dean scoffed, turning his gaze towards the large windows for a moment. “I don’t think it ever came up,” he shot back.
“I was sent to kill her,” he stated, pulling Dean’s full attention back on him. “My family and the Salvatores were having a bit of a...spat...you could say. Niklaus needed to show Stefan that he was not playing games and Y/N was to be collateral damage in our feud.”
“So what, you saw a pretty face worth sparing?” Dean sighed.
Elijah showed a hint of a smile. “No, actually. Though her beauty was undeniable. She is quite captivating." He paused, lost in the memory of her. "It was her eyes," he continued. "She saw death at her doorstep, I held her life in my hands, one movement and it’d all be over,” he moved, gliding his hands along the piano, no longer able to meet Dean’s gaze. He still held a great deal of guilt and shame over their initial meeting.
“I’ve taken life more times than I can count, ripped it away without question. There’s a moment, before the end, where you can see everything in their eyes, just before the life is drained from them.” He paused, lost in his darkest moments. Faces in his mind that had haunted him for centuries. He cleared his throat, shaking off his demons before continuing. “Most fear it,” he explained. “They cry, or scream, beg for mercy. A few are brave…”
Dean glared at Elijah, and he wondered if it were possible to hate anyone more than he hated the man in front of him.
“Y/N was different,” he explained. “I looked in her eyes, and I didn’t see fear or acceptance. Instead I saw forgiveness...understanding, even.” He turned, facing Dean once more. “I’m aware of what I am, Dean. I’ve been lost in the blood and the chaos so long…” he trailed off. “I know what I am, and Y/N...she’s everything that is good in this world. It’s why I love her.”
Dean knew, because it was why he loved her, too.
“How she ever found it in her to love me in return, I’ll never understand,” he admitted.
“What’s your point?”
Elijah smiled sadly. “All of this to say, Y/N has a capacity for forgiveness unlike anyone I’ve ever known. You’d do well not to abuse it.”
Dean furrowed his brows.
“Our time together over the last few days,” he explained. “It was nothing more than closure for Y/N.”
“It’s none of my business,” Dean said angrily.
Elijah nodded in agreeance. “Perhaps. But I will make it a point to make it my business if you ever hurt her again,” he threatened.
Dean swallowed, nodding. He didn’t need Elijah to tell him he had acted like an ass, but he also couldn’t blame the guy for looking out for her.
If the roles were reversed, he’d do the same. *****
If Damon was surprised to see her, it didn’t show on his face. He stripped off his leather jacket, tossing it on a chair in the corner. “Well, I always knew this day would come…” he said, waggling his eyebrows suggestively at Y/N, who sat on the edge of his bed. “Admit it, you couldn’t resist me anymore.”
She scoffed. “You’re so gross, Damon.”
He shrugged, not bothering to deny it. “You love it,” he winked.
“Did you tell Dean we slept together?”
Damon made a show of struggling to recall the conversation. “I may have suggested it…”
She threw a pillow at him. “Well thanks a lot, he hates me now…”
Damon rolled his eyes. “Please, he’s like a lost puppy trailing after you.”
“Damon! Why did you lie?”
He threw his arms up. “I don’t know, Y/N, I thought it’d be fun to mess with him. He’s a big boy, he’ll be fine.” He sat next to her. “Besides, what are you really doing here? I mean, I’m flattered, but I’ve moved on. You missed your chance. Elena and I are very happy…”
“Where exactly is Elena?”
“She’s on a road trip with Bonnie,” he sighed.
“So she doesn’t know about any of this?”
Damon shook his head. “Look, I don’t need to be distracted worrying about Elena, too. It’s best if she’s as far from here as possible. Bonnie, too.”
Y/N couldn’t argue, but she knew Damon would be in the dog house after this.
“So what are you doing here?” He asked again.
She swallowed, her face turning serious as she played with the leather bracelet along her wrist. “I need a favor…”
He furrowed his brows with curiosity, about to ask why she wouldn’t just go to Stefan when she pressed her finger to her lips, silencing him. She glanced toward the door, pointing in the direction of the rest of the house before gesturing toward her ear.
So it was a favor she didn’t want anyone else to overhear…
“Why don’t I drive you home?” He asked.
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swindlersstole · 4 years
Kissies for no reason at all! :3
[act 3 spoilers, implied act 2 spoilers]
Prayer had never been something that Erik was particularly good at. It isn’t as though he doesn’t believe. Of course he believes. Yggdrasil has been above him his entire life, above all of Vinaheim, and he’s seen Her blessings firsthand. He’s seen Her call the souls of their people’s departed back onto her branches (his father) and seen Her send new life onto the earth to be born (his sister). Yggdrasil is real, and Her majesty is real, and even if one doesn’t believe, it’s not hard to rationalize why people might think to worship a floating tree.
He believes in his lineage, too. Erdwin’s spirit flows in his veins alongside his blood, as it does in Mia’s, and Erik has never had any reason to doubt it. Aunt Seithr, for one, doesn’t lie, couldn’t afford to as the town’s spiritual leader, and even if she did lie, she wouldn’t to their mother; he’s heard enough stories about how the bold and stubborn Lady Freya would nurse him in one arm and wield a crossbow in the other, so the thought that anyone in their right mind would try to anger her is unthinkable. 
That anyone would spread lies about Erdwin’s legacy and its continuation was foolhardy at best. But that was in part of why prayer was so hard. If Erdwin’s soul slept within him, even if only half, then why would he need to pray for his guidance? By logic, wouldn’t Erdwin have been guiding him all this time? Not always with clear intent, naturally--he did still have the sabrecat ears and tail--but trusting in Erdwin had gotten him this far, right?
It had led him to Gemma in the end, hadn’t it?
But that’s why he’s here now, he supposes: in Vinaheim’s cathedral, on his knees, praying to his goddess and his ancestor for the guidance he never thought he’d need. Annoyed and worried as he is that Gemma had suddenly wandered off, Erik can’t blame her for it--today was the day they’d finally make it to Yggdrasil, to find what She’s left for Gemma. To find Gemma’s destiny.
Erik would be scared, too. And he is. So he has to ask for help.
“O Erdwin, blessed ancestor…” He doesn’t pray, not often, but he’s watched his parents and godparents and friends and neighbors and everyone since he was little, so he knows. Prayer isn’t about reciting old words and habits; true prayer comes from the heart, from faith, and Erik has both in leaps and bounds. “The time has come at last for us to fulfill our destiny…”
Destiny is a strange concept for him. Destiny is something he’s never been entirely sure he believes in fully, at least when applied to him, but he can’t say he’s ever been pressed into Erdwin’s legacy--he and Mia were told of their significance as heirs, yet always had a choice from the start. Vinaheim values freedom of the self, of the community. But its people are adamant, and Erik has known all his life that life itself is about resolve, and the outcome is secondary. 
To say nothing of common sense--even if his destiny is a farce, why wouldn’t he take the chance to help carry the burden of the Luminary, to lighten her shoulders even the faintest bit, knowing what he does? If destiny means nothing, would that resolve still not determine the value of his life? Would that resolve be meaningless? 
Of course not. Erik is many things, but he isn’t a regretful fool.
“We’re going to use the Orbs to take the Luminary up to the World Tree, and she’s going to awaken the power that will banish the darkness…” Erdwin knows this, Erik is sure, watching their journey from behind his and Mia’s eyes. He must know why Erik is calling on him now, of all times, as well. But speaking is helping still his nerves, so speak Erik does. “We’ve never been up to Yggdrasil before--I’m not sure anybody has, so we don’t know what’s up there waiting for us…”
He has an inkling of what might be. In his mind’s eye he can see twirling and vibrant plants and vines curling over every surface, holy monsters prowling Her branches, fireflies alight in the night amidst perpetually flowing rivers. He wonders if these are Erdwin’s memories coming through to him; they don’t feel like it, but he supposes he wouldn’t know the difference.
Regardless, Erik stands his ground. He lifts his head to the sky, to the open aperture of the cathedral where Yggdrasil awaits them in the morning sun, and he makes his vow.
“But no matter what happens… I swear, I won’t let the Luminary come to harm!” When he thinks back to being told of Serenica, being told of her scion, his memory always made him think of Mia. Barely a fortnight separates hers and Gemma’s births, and of course Erik would risk life and limb for his sister. Meeting Gemma for the first time only solidified that he’d do the same for her--her, who looked at Erik with his sister’s eyes. “She’s our light and our hope, and she’ll rid our world of darkness--I know she will!”
And she won’t be alone. She never has been. Serenica had Erdwin, the love of her life, and Gemma has Erik, her brother in arms.
Vigor runs through him, in heart and body, and Erik opens his arms to the heavens, asking for this one boon. Asking for the strength to protect what mattered.
“Erdwin, sword of legend--lend me your power! Help me fulfill my duty and protect the Luminary!”
Erik believes. Of course he believes. In Yggdrasil’s grace and glory. In Erdwin’s strength and devotion. In Serenica’s honor and legacy. In Gemma’s power and resolve.
And so deeply does he believe that he didn’t notice how long he hadn’t been along.
The sabrecat ears have their benefits; Erik can hear much better than he could before, and those floppy ears twitch and straighten out against his head when he finally catches the sound of sudden breath behind him. He lowers his arms, and glances behind him and--and it’s Gemma.
Illuminated by the sunlight in the open door behind her, she takes a timid half-step forward, towards him. She doesn’t look any different than how she did this morning, before she disappeared to who knew where. There is now this giant, frankly hideous-looking great axe strapped to her back, which is new, and Erik is pretty sure he sees an eye on its hilt looking at him, but it’s not nearly as important as Gemma herself looking at him.
How long has she been looking at him.
“You--what are you doing here?!” Erik is on his feet immediately, ears and tail sticking straight up in alarm. “...w-wait. You weren’t--you didn’t hear all that, did you?”
Gemma says nothing, and that in itself says everything he needs to know. Erik throws his face into his hands, and his head back in the air in embarrassment, but it isn’t to last long. This isn’t the time to be mortified; this is the time to be a brother, and get some answers, whether this sister to his soul wants to give them or not.
“What do you think you’re up to, just waltzing in with that big ugly axe like you own the place? Where in the world have you been?” Savior or no, Gemma has a lot of explaining to do. Erik strides up to her, frustrated and crimson. “Aunt Seither was talking to us all, and you just--vanished into thin air! We were worried sick about you!”
But Gemma still doesn’t say anything. She just… looks at him. Looks at him with eyes wide and wavering, lips parted in fathomless surprise, and Erik’s ire starts to turn back into concern.
“What’s the matter? And don’t say the cat’s got your tongue.” Still nothing, and the concern is becoming more unnerving. “...Come on, stop staring at me like that, will you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost! Today’s the big day, you know that. And the last thing we need is you spacing out on--”
Erik doesn’t get to say much else before Gemma flings herself at him--really just, full body, throws herself at him, arms around his neck like she hasn’t seen him in ages, like he was the ghost she’d been looking at all along. And it shellshocks him, and his arms hang in the air helplessly around her before cautiously settling on Gemma’s back. She’s shuddering, breathing quiet and deep into his shoulder and squeezing him as tight as she can. Like he’s to vanish the instant she dares let him go.
For reasons he doesn’t understand, Erik knows that this is right. He knows why Gemma is doing this, knows that she is right to do it, and even though it hurts her he doesn’t regret what he did. But exactly what he did eludes him, and he has a feeling Erdwin probably can’t enlighten him on that.
“...Gemma?” He rubs at her back like he would Mia after a nightmare--because that’s what it was that happened, Gemma woke up from a nightmare, a nightmare that he cannot place but somehow knows, and she needs to know that he’s there with her now. “Gemma.”
He doesn’t say more than that, doesn’t ask more, and even if he had, he doesn’t think Gemma would answer him. She lets out one more shaky breath, turns her head the smallest bit, and presses a kiss to his cheek.
That, of all things, is what really concerns Erik the most. The kiss was long and hard and full of relief. Not even Mia showed that much affection, unless it was a matter of life or death, and Gemma isn’t Mia, of course, but… Gemma is still Gemma. And Gemma doesn’t do that, either. Unless it’s Rini.
Before his circling thoughts confuse him any further, Erik puts his hands on Gemma’s shoulders, and pulls her off of him.
“What was all that for?”
Gemma is silent for a moment longer, still staring up at him with hopeful eyes--but then she smiles, wider and brighter like he’s never seen her smile before, like he just pulled the weight of the world off her shoulders.
“Oh… no reason.” She says, finally. “No reason at all.”
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kolhearted-archived · 4 years
WANT. || So this is my copying-Lia post about the things that I really want to do! If you have any interest in doing any of these sorts of things, let me know! 
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BODY JUMPER AU. || I have two body jumper AUs which take place and diverge directly at Kol’s death in TOs2. The show doesn’t take into account that Kol had made friends with a lot of witches, and in fact, may have had one of the best relationships with the witches out of his family, even in modern times. These AUs take this into consideration and play out with there being a handful of New Orleans Ancestors who are willing to give him one last chance at life. They find the supernatural being in NOLA who died the closest to Kol’s death and placed his soul inside, giving him a second lease on life. In these arcs, Kol generally stays away from his family, not wanting to get sucked back into their dysfunction. This is the first time he’s alive that there isn’t someone putting a shackle around his ankle.  These arcs also don’t by default use the Kolvina arc; he doesn’t go looking for her right away ( unless plotted otherwise )
Crescent Wolf Arc: the creature who died soonest after Kol was a Crescent wolf named David
Quarter Witch Arc: once again, Kol’s in the body of a Quarter witch, though this time, he doesn’t know how tangled he wants to get into his family’s dysfunction.
REINCARNATION AU. || One of my faves! — I say that about everything. Anyway, this diverges in TOs3 when Davina sacrifices herself to take down the Ancestral hold on the living, after Freya had sabotaged her resurrection. In this, Kol refused to leave Davina’s side when she asked him to, and helps her take down the Ancestral hold while their souls are caught in the backlash. The amount of cosmic power created by an Original soul being damaged while the Original body was not was enough to get the attention of bigger entities, and they chose to give Kol and Davina a second chance. About nine months later, give or take, two Salem witches are born in Massachusetts. Kol is reincarnated as Adrien Harwood, a direct descendant of powerful Salem witches who had come from Celtic witches traced back to at least a thousand years.  Because his soul is, in fact, so old, the cosmic wall between this incarnation and his last has been beginning to crumble down, and Adrien is beginning to understand who he was in another life. 
He doesn’t know 100% about Kol, but he’s been having more and more vivid dreams about his past life due entirely to the fact that his soul was alive in one incarnation for a thousand years, and the walls between lives were not made to hold that much information back.
The Davina reincarnation doesn’t have the same issue, or has not had it yet. 
Only character who is locked down in this verse is @seesgood​‘s Caroline as Adrien’s aunt. 
HERITAGE AU. || Based on this prompt, Kol was never Esther and Mikael’s to have. He found out when Mikael had been hunting his family, but he had a block put up in his mind in order to continue the charade for his own safety. When he was killed in TVD and resurrected in his original body in TO, the block was broken. He kept this secret until a strong magic broke the blood bond that had been put on him at the time of his birth, allowing his true heritage to show through. Now... he has to deal with it.
This verse can take place before the blood bond breaks or before, depending on plot
In this verse, Kol was born to a young Celtic couple; his mother had asked Esther and Aya to midwife her birth as she had had a difficult pregnancy. She had died during the birth, and Aya had convinced Esther to use the baby to heal her crumbling marriage. Esther blood-bound Kol to Elijah — why they look the most physically similar in the family — and used magic to convince everyone that she had been pregnant that summer. She told Kol’s biological father that the baby had died with the mother during the birth. 
Mikael found out about this when he was Turned, the memory spell on him breaking ( though it did not break on the others since they had been so young when it was placed on them ) which was why, when Kol was traveling with himself, Mikael didn’t care. Kol wasn’t his to worry about, but he also wasn’t a symbol of Esther’s infidelity. He just wasn’t his. 
ASGARD AU. || When Kol was born, she dedicated him to the Norse god Loki, one of the gods of magic. And the god had accepted. When Kol was turned, desperate to find magic again, he went in search of his patron. After a forever of looking, Loki came to him and, recognizing his own blessing upon the vampire, realized that they were both in a bit of a predicament. Kol was neither fallen, nor mortal, nor had a place in the hall of warriors. So he instead brought Kol to Asgard as his ward. Kol has been in and out of Asgard since this time, studying every kind of magic, of man and beyond, in any realm that will allow him in. His ultimate goal? Return to humanity and to magic itself. 
Not tied to Marvel Loki, thanks. 
Fudges mythology in that Loki is not tied up in a cave ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
Kol often acts as a messenger for Loki or other gods, though there are no stories written about him. 
His family assumed he was dead until he showed back up in the 1700s with no explanation for where he had been. 
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legion1993 · 4 years
Never Let Me Go
Never let me go
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A/N : this is just a small little tiny story to get myself out of a writing block.. im branching for a moment or 2 away from the world of Supernatural and into a similar but very different universe! lets see how this goes!
Pairing: Kol Mickelson x Reader
Tags: fluff, flirty talk, some dirty talk, touring new orleans, Kol turning you into a vampire at your request, mean drunks trying to get you alone, Kol saving you, anything along those lines
Summmery: not mine to give…
This was to be the day, the start of your new life. You had moved to new orleans, more specifically into the french quarter to get away from your past.
You arrive at night, walking from the airport to the french quarter you find the streets alive with music, dancing, musicians and most importantly drunks.
You head to your apartment, putting in your stuff you decide to go check out the closest pub. walking through the quarter, you could only marvel at the sights that lay before you. this was you new home this was your fresh start.
Kol was sitting in the very pub you were just outside of… Kol was sitting in his favorite spot by the door, so he could see everyone who was entering, see if he could find the gem through all the drunks.
you walked in a few moments later and for Kol it felt as though time slowed down… he watched you head to the bar and order a drink. you ordered just a normal vodka and Sprite… you made it a double even, you were not sure how to start over in a new place. 
Kol watches you making sure that no harm comes to you, but indeed there were alot of drunk idiots in the pub that night. you were one of the only gems he has seen walk through that bar that very night. 
at that moment his hearing picked up a conversation between a few of the guys a few tables away , he began to tense up listening to them talk, it made his blood boil… then his thoughts and watchful gaze were interrupted by a hand being placed on his shoulder… 
 rebekah: “chill brother its just me…” 
Kol: “what are you doing here beks?” 
rebekah: “nick sent me to find you, he was worried that you might be causing trouble during this night…” 
kol: “nope im just keeping my eyes peeled for the new and exciting…” 
rebekah: “you mean like that girl, that you keep staring at?” 
Kol nods turning back to stare at you some more, then he realizes that the guys that were talking about your physique before were now heading towards you. 
Rebekah watched the look in her brothers eyes turn from just gazing in love to worried and ready to strike should the need arise… both of them now watching the following events unfold.
 Meat head 1: “hey pretty thing wanna come with me and have some fun?“ 
You sip slowly at your drink before answering. 
YN: “no thank you.“ 
Meat head 2: “your new here arent you? And from the smell of things your a virgin too…”
 This made you go radio silent, you tensed up at the feeling of their hands traveling over your body. This sight made Kol get up off his chair and come barging through their stances. 
 Kol: “leave her alone you stupid muts…" 
You look at Kol his eyes piercing your soul, kol keeps an eye on both those muts as he helps you off the chair and you both start walking towards rebekah… little did you both know that tonight was the first night of the rest of both your lives.
Kol and you run the opposite way of the pub going away from the muts and arriving at a gate surrounded by mass amounts of archetecture… you marvelled at the structure, kols hand tightened round your own.. 
Kol: “come on chica, i have some people who are very anxious to meet you…”
YN: “you kmow if you had approached me sooner i wouldnt have stopped you from touching my leg the way those guys were.”
Kol: “i definately would have done so and made sure no one saw anything…”
YN: “well what do you want to do right now? Any risks you want to take at this precise moment?”
Kol had to think cause yes there were risks he wanted to take but he wanted to try one specific thing at that moment but being a gentlemen he decided to just close the space between the 2 of you. 
The feeling of his skin against your own, the twinkle to his eyes in the moonlight, the way he spoke made you feel week at the knees. But instead of your mind being careful with your thoughts, they started being the exact opposite. 
Kol: “i think ive fallen for you…”
That was the last thing said for a while, cause as he said that last word he kissed you, he had cupped your cheeks and kissed you. In that moment nothing else mattered, in that moment all else seemed useless… 
5 minutes later the kiss broke and both of you took in a gasp of breathing… before another word would be spoken a gust of wind past by the both of you.
YN: “dont let anything happen to me please..”
Kol: “i promise i wont… ill never let you come to harm…”
You both walked inside the gate, the first thing that catches your eye is the architecture… the next thing that catches your attention is the number of people in the room… 
Rebekah: “see, i told you all that it was true…”
Elijah: “so it seems.. what do you make of this Niklaus?”
Niklaus: “i think our brother seems to have found himself someone new.. shall we meet her? Welcome back brother… rebekah told us what happened… you both are very lucky… come forward with her brother, so we may all have a chat…”
Kol and you join them at the table, not knowing what to expect but sitting there you held onto kols hand knowing that whatever the outcome he would not leave your side.
Kol: “i just realized we didnt be properly introduced… im Kol…”
YN: “YN its nice to meet you, all of you actually… im new in town i just moved in today… but kol can you please explain why you called those guys in the pub muts….”
Elijah: “muts are werewolves they are always thinking with their downstairs brain not their brain brain…”
You had stood and moved away from the table slightly  at the mention of werewolves… your brain trying now to make sense of everything that has just been said… 
YN: “werewolves are not supposed to exist… they are not supposed to exist period… i dont suppose there is a way to make more sense of all of this…”
Klaus: “i suppose you should also know that i am part werewolf and part vampire, my brother Elijah is a vampire, my sister rebekah is a vampire, our other sister Freya is a witch and kol is a vampire…”
at that moment you backed up and ran up the stairs and into the first open room you could… you were scared, well that was obvious… you sat on the bed and kicked off your shoes took off your jacket and started trying to breathe… you were not sure of what was happening, the man you now were in love with was a vampire…
something that should not exist and the fact that it did made you concerned, you had never given much thought to the possible existence of the supernatural though having kissed one now opened your eyes to what exists that should not…
a few moments of sitting there later you hear your name being called… you say nothing but instead flop backward on the bed… you let out a long exhale of breath, before turning your head towards the door to see Kol standing there…
Kol: “im sorry love, you shouldnt have found out that way… not about any of this… i had plans to tell you the truth after you had settled in to life in new orleans. i never meant for you to be ambushed like that… truth is your the first girl in a very very long time that has made me feel alive again…”
YN: “Kol tell me the truth, would you have even bothered with me if i had not been in trouble…”
 kol had now come to lay kinda beside you on the bed as he propped himself up on his elbow and smiled. 
Kol: “i would have come up to you as soon as you walked in that door… i wouldnt have let those muts say anything mean or dirty about you, we would have drank and drank till the late hours and partied more in the dirtiest ways possible. Cause from the moment i saw you, my entire world has spun slower like im normal again…”
 YN: “then why would your brother out you all to me like that… does he have no considerstion for feelings?”
  Kol: “nope, he is actually always an ass… but he loves me all the same… now i can think of a few things we can do to brighten up the mood but we need some scotch first..” 
You sat up once he left the bed going to the table in the corner and thats when the words spilt out of your lips so fast that your filter left you entirely. 
YN: “turn me Kol…” 
You had no idea you had even been thinking that till you said it… kol came right back to lay beside you, he knew what you had said and he thought he knew why, but there was still reassurance needed before a decision this big could be fully made.
kol: “are you sure that is what you want?” 
YN: “I came to New Orleans for a fresh start, now finding you, being with you in this moment this is my fresh start… This is where I now belong.”
 Kol: “before I turn you there is something I want to do first, so we do this properly…”
 You kinda look at him confusingly but he gets up and helps you up as well. Kol walks you to the stair case and then tells you to hold on for a moment, then he is back in front of you and down on one knee… 
Kol: “family I invite you to bare witness to this momentous occasion… I’m not sure if any of you heard what me and YN were discussing but she came here for a fresh start, she wants me to turn her she wants a completely fresh start. But I want to do something properly first, she and I shared a moment before I brought her in to meet you guys… we could feel it in our hearts we are meant to be together but i want to do things right by me, her and our family name… so YN akthough we only just met, this is love at first sight and truly happy we shall be if you will do me the incredible honor of marrying me?” 
You smile not looking directly at the ring but at the man holding it, he was your new start, he was your future, he was your soulmate! You hold out your hand and feel the cool metal sliding cross your finger, kol stands up to be face to face level with your eyes!
 YN: “yes!” 
Kol: “Elijah, dear brother, will you do the honor of officiating this momentous ceremony?”
 Elijah was beside you in seconds, he took your hand in his and placed a kiss to the back of it…
 Elijah: “I’m happy my brother has found a eternal love! It will be my highest honor to officiate your ceremony!”
Kol: “i guess we have a wedding to plan…”
YN: “elgance is a must, but we need to set a date…”
rebekah and Klaus are upstairs with you in a few moments… 
Rebekah: “what about we have the wedding in a week… more than enough time to pull something together… omg i get a sister… this is so exciting… alright so i already have several ideas for your wedding and the dress obviously we are going together in the next few days…”
YN: “yes i have several ideas as well infact if we go tomorrow rebekah you can help me carry a few of my bags back here and i can show you my wedding notes…”
Rebekah: “yes of course and Elijah obviously will accompany us to and from the retrieval of your bags so we can both see your notes… of course Kol will also see the notes but that might be after he finishes the errands im gonna send him on…”
Elijah: “naturally of course i will be delighted to grace this magnificant city with my prescence.”
Kol skowls at his sister and then smiles at you…
Kol: “cant wait sis…”
you stood beside kol and smiled, his brother and his sister except for Klaus was warming up rather nicely… Klaus was skeptical as he always was about every change that affected his family.
 Klaus: “brother may I have a few words with you…. Brother to brother. Rebekah can you take the soon to be newest member of our family and get her set up in kols quarters… He will be along after our little chat…” 
Kol smiled as he leaned down to kiss you, he pulled back and released you into the care of his sister. 
Kol: “lead the way Nik…”
 Kol follows Klaus as you are left with Rebekah and Elijah standing on the stairs. 
{~*A/N this is where it’s gonna get a little confusing… It’s gonna be splitting off into 2 separate convos… One between Rebekah and YN. And one between Kol and Klaus… Don’t worry this story will end with a happily eternal after. Back to the story. *~}
Kol and Klaus go into the lower chambers, so neither side can hear the conversations. Klaus shuts the gate behind him after Kol enters the room and he speeds pinning his brother to the wall…
Klaus: “what the hell is wrong with you? brother falling in love with a human thats risky and completely irrational, what do you think is gonna happen… what happened to staying loyal to the family… though our brother and sister seem to have no regards for what ever is happening between you and this girl… now your marrying her in a week… you need to get your head on straight…”
before klaus could finish Kol throws his brother to the ceiling and lets him fall before shouting at his brother…
Kol: “i love her… Nik i love her… i know your not entirely thrilled with whats happening… but this is how it will be, this is my choice, its my life not yours… just because you have fucked up your life, doesnt mean you get to control ours… you have driven almost every single guy out of our dear sisters life, Elijah doesnt even try cause he is too busy cleaning up after you and your antics… if someone in this family deserves to be happy, it should be me… whether you accept it or not this will happen and YN will be a vampire in a week and if you desire there will be a spot on the guest list just for you… my head is on straight Nik its you that needs to straighten out your head…”
klaus: “you are gonna have to also straighten out your head if you hope to go through with starting a life with this half wit bitch who needs a lesson in manner. or needs to learn whose in charge around here…”
Kol: “no she doesnt, cause we wont be answering to you. we will do what we want when we please and if you want to continue to remain in our lives more specifically in mine, you are gonna have to smarten up and stop trying to control everything and everyone around you… please Nik if you ever were serious about us being brothers then please stop being a class 1 jackass, get your head out of the 16th century and start living in the now… now if you dont mind im gonna go get a bottle of wine from my collection for me and my fiance to drink while we plan our fantastic wedding.”
Kol walks away leaving Klaus alone with his thoughts…  he went to find a nice merlot that would suit the rest of the evening alone that you both would share… he had hoped that when he went upstairs to find you that you and Bekah would be done your conversation…
meanwhile, while Nik and Kol were having their little argument you and Rebekah were having a civilized woman to woman conversation…. going over what was in your brains for ideas for the wedding then this conversation took a sharp turn…
rebekah: “so how did you come to move to new orleans…”
You sat up and leaned your head against the pillow against the headrest as you began to answer.
YN: “i had to get out of my previous city… the person i was living with was abusive and just an over all class 1 jackass… he was not the best person to be roommates with at all… but one night i was sleeping and i woke with a fright as he was towering over me jerking off and he tried to rape me but i hit him over the head with a lamp and i went outside the room called the cops and waited for them to show up.., when they did they arrested him and let me grab a few of my essentials and brought me into protective custody… his hearing went against him he is now in jail and probably will never be let out… but anyway when i got put into protective custody the cops were very clear that i had to go as far away as possible they gave me cash to get far far far away from there and never look back so i went to the airport by police escort, booked a flight to the first place i thought of and ended up here with only my essential belongings… and a few new items.”
Rebekah gave you a hug and smiled… you both then hear humming echoing through the walls… 
Rebekah: “i suppose your wondering how the process of turning you into a vampire will go…”
YN: “kinda ya… i just want to know how it will go so i kinda know what to expect…”
Rebekah: “thats understandable… so the process may sound a bit disgusting but thats just the way things have been done for ages… so once you both are pronounced husband and wife, there will be a few photographs simple but elegent one with each of me nik and elijah several shots of you and Kol and then a family portrait… then during the reception you and Kol will get up to make the speech last, during the last part of the speech Kol will speak… he will then go through this process… in your wine he will have put several or more drops of his blood in there course thats to drown out half the taste… once he toasts you drink the entire glass then you both will breathe it in the excitement and new beginning still new and fresh in your minds. he will kiss you and upon breaking the kiss he will tell you he loves you then snap your neck there by killing you… within 8 hours after you will wake beside Kol who will present you with a blood bag which you will drink entirely maybe wanting another maybe not… but thats basically it from there its learning control and how to use all the tricks.” 
You laid back on the bed and kinda smiled at rebekah, as you both seemingly continued to bond getting along but before you could respond kol was standing in the doorway.
 Rebekah: “dear brother how long have you been standing there?”
Kol: “not long, just long enough to watch you too bonding…”
rebekah: “do you need anything else YN?”
You look at Kol whose just eyeing you up and down..
YN: “nah im good ill see you tomorrow bright and early ish for some head start wedding planning…”
Rebekah gives you a hug as she gets up and heads out the door closing it behind her. Kol takes off his jacket, kicks off his shoes and pours 2 glasses of wine, he hands one to you and both of you take several sips.
Kol: “i never thought ever that id be married in this lifetime or the next… or well any lifetime… im just happy to be starting the next chapter of my forever with an amazing lady such as you.”
 YN: “this move was not in my future at all at the beginning of the year, but now i feel like i can safely fade out of my old life and into my new one with you.”
 Kol takes your wine glass from you and places both yours and his on the nightstand, he then runs his hands over your forearm, tracing every inch of it as he lwans in closer to you..
 Kol: “tomorrow when we are with my sister and dear brother wedding shopping we will also introduce you your new home. Now let us fall into a kiss of lasting slumber till morning light breaks the sky.”
 The making out began while you changed into the shirt that kol gave you to wear for the night, and ended when you both fell asleep in eachothers embrace waking not only to morning light but also to the knocking that was happening on the door. 
 With groans from both of you and adjustments to the bedding, you both greeting the one who walked into the room. It was klaus. 
 Klaus: “ah fantastic your awake…” 
Kol: “we are now brother thank you… now i hope you have a very good reason for this cause we would like to get back to sleep…” 
Klaus: “just came to let you know that the french quarter is home to mardi gras and you know how things get and well also to say that i support this union if it means your happiness brother.”
Kol and you kinda sit up against the headboard as you both stare at klaus.. 
Kol: “are you being serious nik…”
 Klaus: “im being deadly serious. Besides brother i have my own news, i have found a venue for your wedding, a place thats special to our family a place where you both need to go before the reception is begun… brother its timd to show YN the place that only a few years ago you awoke from a coffin…" 
Kol: “eventually but right now we are quite content with being married here in new orleans.. especially during mardi gars. Now nik is that all?”
 Klaus: “yes ill let you both be and ill see you later.”
you and Kol take a few longing stares at eachother before curling back into eachothers arms again and falling back into a peaceful sleep. another several hours to pass before the streets of new orleans become lively enough that the noise catches both your ears. 
this prompts the both of you to get up from the bed and go to stand on the balcony. absolutely certain that it was the start of mardi gras. sure enough down below the streets full of people dressed in bright vicious looking colors and vibrant songs play. 
you and Kol start your day… this kept you busy well the wedding planning did… you learned a bit of the history behind the city and your fiance’s family involvement. you meet a few interesting people along the way. 
you then come to the night before the wedding. you and Kol had just finished going through the lists and making sure you had everything prepared and that the compound was ready for the events that would progress the next day. 
Kol: “attention family and honored friends. thank you all so much for helping us pull this together this past week has been insane and we appreciate everything you all have done. tomorrow we welcome a new Vampire into our little family. tomorrow i will turn my bride giving her a freash new start to life and the release from her past that she craves. i thank you all once more for the help in decorating, planning, and putting this entire event together. we are gonna be very happy together for all eternity. which is why i have a gift for my beautiful bride curtisy of Vincint. i had him make this at the beginning of the week… please say you will wear it always and forever.”
you are handed a small but rectangular box, you open it to reveal a daylight necklace. you smile as you nod your head. 
YN: “always and forever. Lapis lazuli very nice…”
Vincint: “that is your daylight necklace, it will allow you to continue to walk in the sunlight after you becime a vampire. This way Kol and the rsst of us xan continue to help you on your journey for all eternity wuthout that pesky problem of daylight. Congratulations to both of you… to the happy couple!”
 The congratulations and champange flowed, eventually you were taken away by rebekah and kol the same thing by klaus… you and rebekah prepared a couple things to make the getting ready process easier. 
Then you both lay your heads down to rest for the night knowing that the next day would bring happiness and family all in one shot. You closed your eyes excited for the events of the next day!
 The lights were strung high ready to sparkle and shimmer.
 The flowers were fake from the store cause you were very bad at gardening.
 The table cloths were already owned, and made in the 16th dentury… shit thats old.
 The dinner ware same thing old as shit but gold and shiny.
 Kols tux was well only a half tux so he has his navy vest, red dress shirt, and navy pants. And man was he ever gonna be handsome! 
Rebekahs dress was a wine red short dress with sparkles and beading on the bodice.
 Your dress was a sexy backless wine red short dress which you were certain would knock kols socks off.
 Klaus and elijah both wore navy tuxs and the ceremony would begin at 3pm.
your hair would be done last. the first priority was for you to put on a bikini and let rebekah help you get your hair washed and relax like any good mannered maid of honor should. 
Rebekah: “look i get it your nervous. but dont worry, being part of this family means we dont let any member walk alone at all. you will be an excellent vampire. now lean back and relax, we will have you looking sexy and hot for my dear brother in no time. now dont worry about a thing, you will be fine, everything will go as planned. now get into that bikini and get into the bath, ill come in when your ready and ill give you a shoulder massage as well as help you wash your hair. and we can talk about girl stuff and gab and all that fun stuff…”
YN: “thank you Rebekah. you being here with me today is actually a huge relief that i wont have to get myself ready for my own wedding. i didnt have any siblings that i know of nor any friends…. it was a very lonely time back home… now i am actually gonna live with people who i know will always be by my side so thank you for everything!”
Rebekah: “your selcome. now get into that bath before i vamp speed it upon you…”
you take the bikini and the towel going into the bathroom. it was amazing the decor and the view. you could still see and hear the festivities of the people below but you also were occupied with putting on the bikini and getting into the bath. 
first step in was warm, the water was warm, you were smiling as you sunk into the water. you let out a kind of loud sigh as you spoke…
YN: “its safe bekah, come on in girl.”
rebekah comes in and smiles as another lady walks in beside her… 
rebekah: “this is my sister freya. she just arrived from helping with a witch problem out of town. she came in to meet the newest member of the family.  but she is a witch. she helped pick the necklace with Kol for you.”
Freya: “hello YN, im freya. please allow me take away some of your nerves to better help you relax.”
you nod as rebekah comes up behind you to set up to wet down and wash your hair. Freya goes to grab some sage and burns the tip as she mutters a few words, you begin to feel alot more relaxed. 
you feel the stress and nervousness leave your body as Freya comes to put a touching coat of wine red Nail polish on your nails, your hands were for obvious reasons staying out of the water.
YN: “can we deal with my toes once im out of the bath?”
Freya: “of course, cause we can mosturize your feet as well to help with blisters and such too… not to worry girl, we got this. trust me i know how you feel bout my brother. im in that same boat with a lovely lady of my own… of course she wont be attending this ceremony she understands that this is a family matter.”
YN: “i need to get something off my chest…”
Freya mutters a few extra words.
Freya: “we can now speak freely ive sound proofed the room.”
YN: “i never thought in a million years i would ever get married, not to someone as wonderful as Kol. i just wish i hadnt spent all my life alone… for the entire time of my past relationship if you can call it that, i lived in constant fear of each day being my last cause he was an asshole whose idea of being roommates was a secret perverted lie, he told me he was gay and then he started ordering me around like i was his slave, then he had me dress slutty, then he had me dance for him and his drinking buddies. i cried myself to sleep almost every single night. i am just happy to have a future thats bright.”
Freya: “not to worry sis, we will make sure nothing ever happens to you again. now Rebekah go prepare the robe so she can wear it while we do her hair. and make sure the dress is not a pull on, i will finish with her.”
Freya helps you to relax a bit longer, by this point  1 hour had almost gone by, you were so relaxed and caught up in girl chat that you didnt realize what time it was. good thing it wouldnt take long to get you ready. 
Freya handed you a towel as she averted her eyes from you to allow you to wrap into the towel. it was an amzing thing you felt so relaxed. but you still had lots to prep before you could stand by and watch some of the festivities. 
of course with rebekah and Freya from the balcony that would be where you guys would sit drink champagne and listen to the music and deal with whatever comes your way. 
you and Freya walk out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, your mind begins to wander as you go behind the changing screen and put on your strapless bra and your lace panties. this would be your under garments for Kols viewing after everything. 
you come out in a undone robe and sexy lingerie, both Rebekah and Freya make oolalas and sexy eyes at you jokingly of course because they knew you never had any real friends or family before this so they just treated you like family right off the hop. 
Freya: “stylish.. kols gonna flip. now come sit in this chair sis, sideways so your feet are over the arm rest and your hair is easily accessable for rebekah… and try to relax again, just enjoy it enjoy your champagne and dainties. and dont worry your glass will just keep refilling itself. its enchanted!”
You did as instructed, you giggled with both of them, you felt good, you finally felt normal. 
{~*A/N we are almost done our epic tale, i think… we have but 3 more instances to get through. now we venture from freya, rebekah and YN being girls and happy to Kol Elijah and Klaus being men and making sure they forget to play nice entirely. Back to the story.*~}
meanwhile, while you and the ladies were have amazing conversation and excellent champagne. the guys however not so much, elijah was just sitting back while Kol and Klaus were well sparing but for them sparing was arguing in a form. 
Elijah: “niklaus dont hurt Kol he is the one getting hitched in a few hours.”
Klaus: “nah he will heal by then, just mind your own business elijah.”
Elijah: “fine Kol can i ask you some questions while you kick our brothers ass from here to kingdom come.”
Kol: “go for it elijah i will answer them best i can.”
Elijah: “do you want me to write your vows for you or are you just gonna tell me what to write for you?”
Kol: “ill talk you write…”
Elijah: “next question how do you like the ceremony layout?” 
Kol: “it was elegent and simple with the mikelson touch it is exactly how we wanted thank you brother.”
elijah watched as Kol now was charging head on for Klaus… this made elijah kind of flinch when the 2 of them collided. 
Elijah: “niklaus you need to behave for the sake of our family reputation be on your best behavior. in the name of our family do not ruin us niklaus. it will destroy this family. now if you boys will excuse me im gonna go check on the decorations i just got the text from the ladies that they are watching the festivities from the balcony. ill go and see our dear sisters in a moment after the decorations and the set up. i can not stress enough Niklaus do not mess this day up. or i will do something drestic..”
elijah leaves the scene already wearing his tux, looking sharp and spify he goes out to check on the decorations leaving the 2 guys truly alone.
Klaus: “are you sure you want to get married brother? to this human that you have not known long?”
Kol: “its love at first sight. i didnt compel her or anything i just knew. she was the one i wanted to spend my eternity happily with. now either come at me or ill make you regret it. and elijahs right ill even let him do the honors if you wreck my wedding. now go get ready nik… ceremony starts in a few hours and we have male portraits to take…”
Klaus doesnt say anything but instead scowls at his brother before smirking and walks out of the room and back to his so he can get ready. Kol heads back to his room, he gets ready and goes to stand close to the balcony so he can hear your sweet voice.
he then gets a text from you the conversaton though short and sweet went like this: 
Tumblr media
this made Kol smile he went on his way to the photos with a huge smile crossing his features. while you were sitting with the girls swooning over the chat. it wasnt vocal or face to face but you could hear his voice say every single word.
the girls were not shy to this heroic deed either. this was how you were beginnined your newest journey through life. this is how you are starting over. this is how your life was gonna be. you were getting married this very day!
you put on your dress and had just finished zipping it up when Elijah knocked on the door. you freya and rebekah turned towards the door to see elijah enter.
Elijah: “all 3 of you ladies look spectacular. but the bride looks absolutely radiant. everything decoration wise is in order, the food for the receptin is being prepared, the place settings are laid out as per your specifications and you are gonna love how dashing the groom looks. he is as radiant as you are sister in law. Freya its a pleasure to see you again, i trust it went well with the witches. rebekah stunning as always. niklaus is in a mood, be warned ladies both Kol and myself have threatned to take drastic action against him should he do anything to disrupt yours and Kols wedding. we will start in 10 minutes.”
You stand to approach elijah…
YN: “thank you for doing everything for this wedding to go off without any issues. elijah i am truly honored to call you brother. now you should go and please tell Kol that i love him.”
Elijah: “of course sister. ill see everyone down in a few moments. places.”
you suddenly were torn away from the sight of the door closing by the aroma of sour puss shots. you freya and rebekah went out onto the balcony overloooking the inside of the compound where you couldnt be seen to listen to the start of the ceremony.
Elijah: “if you will all take your seats we will begin the ceremony immediately.”
everyone sat down, elijah continued.
Elijah: “welcome ladies, gentlemen and honored guests. today it is my highest honor to officiate the wedding of my dear brother Kol and his lady YN. they found their happiness in eachother so today we join our hearts with their own as they join their lives forever. everyone please rise and turn for the approach of the bridal party.”
that was when you freya and rebekah took the shots. you were all smiling as rebekah went down first, then freya went down about 10 seconds after, then elijah spoke again.
Elijah: “now if you all will have your gaze continual fixed on the stairs its time to greet the bride, this is the first glance between the bride and the groom as well for they have not seen one another for 24 hours now. here comes the bride!”
you from behind the pillar and into everyone’s view, no one looked shocked except for Kol. his reaction was one you had asked the photographer specifically to catch. so you could hold it over his head for all eternity. 
Freya had waited at the bottom of the stairs so she could walk with you the rest of the way down the aisle. the second you locked eyes with Kol coming off the stairs both of you were smiling, neither of you could think straight. 
seeing kol standing there looking so handsome in his suit made your knees go weak cause in your eyes he was moi caliente.
kol kept his cool but he wanted to take you right then right there in the middle of the aisle because in his eyes you were sexy beyond compare.
reaching the end of the aisle freya placed your hands in Kols, you handed your  bouquet to rebekah and then nodded at Elijah to continue the ceremony.
Elijah: “My name is Elijah Mikelson it is my highest privilage and honor to preside over this ceremony that shall unite Kol and Yn. should anyone object to this union let them speak now or for eternity let them stay silent.”
no one spoke from the crowd. the surroundings were glimmering, but you and Kol were lost entirely in eachothers gaze.
Elijah: “very well, i understand from the couple that they have prepared their own vows. starting with Yn you may now recite your vows.”
you grip Kols hands in your own as you take a nice deep breath.
YN: “Kol, you changed my life. you spoke one word to me and that was it your accent had me hooked. i fell instantly for you. i stand here today to declare that from now and forever i shall be yours wholy and willingly. yours and yours alone. your the reason why i can have a normal life. your the reason why i can finally feel free from my old life. today i die to be resurrected into this new eternity of firsts with you! i love you Kol Always and Forever!”
Elijah smiled slightly as he spoke once more.
elijah: “Kol dear brother its your turn.”
Kol too took a breath.
Kol: “YN, my darling my light. i feel like ive known you forever. i love your laugh, your smile, your eyes the way they sparkle. i love everything about you. it takes alot of courage to propose marriage but it takes greater courage to say that you want to die and be resurrected into a life that your unfamiliar with for the rest of eternity to be with someone. many of us didnt have a choice, most of us became what we are by force not out of our own free will. Yn made the choice out of her own free will cause she came to New Orleans looking for a fresh start. the choice she made was to be with me and stand by my side for eternity. today i turn you to be like me and in doing so bring you into your new life as your husband above all else Always and Forever will i love you evermore!”
Elijah: “now if Rebekah will give Yn Kols wedding ring its time to exchange the rings.”
Rebekah hands you the ring as Elijah clears his throat to speak again.
Elijah: “say the declaration of love that you were given to speak during this part. this will be your affirmation to everyone here including yourself and Kol that you are ready to become what we are for all eternity. then Kol say the reply and place your ring directly after.”
You slowly start to slide the ring on Kols finger as you begin to speak.
YN: “I YN declare this day to now and forevermore forsake my mortality and exchange it for the thrills of marriage and immortality. Kol i vow to love, honor, cherish and be faithful to you forsaking my mortality and old life always and forever.”
Kol take the ring from Klaus as Elijah cleared his throat as Kol began to speak.
Kol: “i Kol accept your declaration and this day declare that those who dare try to harm or commit treason against my bride shall be executed at the hands of the Mikelsons. from this day and into eternity i Kol vow to love, to cherish, honor, be faithful and protect you forsaking all others for eternity and into forever. i love you Yn Always and Forever.” 
Elijah straighten up and smiled now ready to speak again.
Elijah: “by the power vested in me by the laws of New Orleans i by my highest honor pronounce you Husband and Wife. Kol you may kiss your bride!”
Kol’s hands leave your own to one arm hold you by the waist, the other with your free arm as well fist bumping the air as he Kisses you passionately. surely the photographer caught that absolutely beautiful moment.
you and Kol joined hands breaking the kiss and the crowd applauded louder and louder their applause was turned round by Klaus speaking.
Klaus: “3 cheers for the happy couple…”
the crowd roared at those words. but neither you nor kol cared you both were just happy that this day so far had gone off without a hitch. you were whisked away from the crowd for a few moments alone with your husband. you both went into one of the small rooms upstairs to be alone.
Kol: “finally i get you all to myself for a while.”
YN: “i guess you dont do large parties often.”
Kol: “not often, not since our mother passed. she was the one who threw the parties, i only went to please her. did that really just happen? did i just get married to the most gorgeous woman ive ever met?”
YN: “that depends if it was a dream dont you think we would have woken up by now?”
Kol just laughed as he stood and held his hand out to you.
Kol: “i want to show you something… this is something i had done up for the woman who i would eventually end up with.”
Kol goes to the desk and pulls out a box, the appearance of the box was petite and black with no logos or anything. he comes back to stand beside you he hands you the box.
Kol: “happy wedding day darling!”
you stare at the box for a few moments before opening it. this revealed the mikelson family crest on a bracelet… similar to Kols but more you!
YN: “Kol its beautiful dear thank you! now i have a gift for you but it was kinda hard to decide what to get you, so i had vincint enchant this item with a locator spell, so no matter what life brings us cause i know the family probably have enemies who will at some point or another possibly come after us and i cant loose you so here…”
you go to the corner by the bed and you pull out a small box. you handed it to Kol, you then watched him open it to reveal a set of dog tags. 
Kol: “its beautiful babe! now lets go comence the reception. and bring you into your new life.”
those words said and the 2 of you walked back to the top of the stairs awaiting the announcement. 
Elijah: "ladies and gentlemen may i present to you for the first time Kol and Yn Mikelson!”
you and Kol step out on the stairs, going down you both greet the guests. then you both greet the siblings.
Freya: “you both were absolutely graceful up there.”
Rebekah: “we have another sister, yes!!!!! we will do everything girly when your changed Yn we will show you the best time.”
Elijah: “i hope that you both will enjoy this new found life together. YN im honored to call you now my sister.”
Klaus: “well this party is successfully dull when do we eat.”
Elijah: “niklaus, dont be impatient you must wait for the cooks to be finished what they are doing.”
Klaus: “fine brother if you need me ill be at the bar drinking the stock.”
you and Kol decided to enjoy the cocktail hour with the siblings minus Klaus, then you decide to give elijah the signal once Dinner trays start being put on tables. 
Buffet style dinner, the first dance a tango of sorts something Kol had picked up it was so romantic, a few more photographs, then it was time for speeches, first rebekah, then klaus, then elijah and finally Kol (speaking for you and him).
Kol: “first of all, me and my beautiful bride wish to thank each and every one of you for being here tonight to celebrate with us. second i have a few more thank yous to give. first to my brother Elijah thank you brother for being here today and being ready to perform this ceremony. we are so grateful. second to my sisters Freya and Rebekah, thank you both of you for helping my beautiful bride and accepting this choice, and being here to share in this day. we love you both. third to my brother Nik, who fought back his urges to ruin what is the happiest day of my eternity, thank you for being here today brother i know we have alot of unresolved anger to work on but i know we will resolve it in due time. forth to Vincint whose enchantments helped me and my beautiful bride have wonderful gifts for eachother for this glorious occassion. thank you my friend, we look forward to many more dinners and drinks with you my dear friend. and finally to my bride, YN you changed my life, now with this goblet i change yours. inside it you wont taste anything off but when we toast you have to drink your entire goblet. thats why its only at half. now as you step out of this life and into your eternity with me i promise you wont feel a thing but you will be quarantined with me for a few days after before i take you on the proper honeymoon you deserve. toast to my family.”
everyone began to toast Kol and you turned to face eachother. clinking your goblets, you chug your entire glass then look up at your husband who kisses you but as he breaks the kiss he snaps your neck. you fall limp in his arms. 
Kol then carries you bridal style into your now shared bedroom, knowing he had to stay by your side till you awaken, he had prepared everything, he had bloodbags, he had a change of clothes, he had thought of everything he could possibly think of.
 Kol took off his shoes, your shoes and his coat before he lay beside you knowing that in a few hours yiu would wake. he hoped that you would not spiral if he was the first person you saw coming out of stasis.
Kol (to your still form): “i pray you will see the good out of this after you wake. i love you and ill be right here when you wake up.”
kol faced you and shut his eyes reminiscing on the events that took place that very day. Several hours later he could hear the pulsingnblood through your body awakening, he could feel your fingers beginning to move, intently he watched your form. A few moments later you woke up.
the light hurt to look at, the way your gums hurt, everything all at once made you sit straight up. Kol was in front of you in moments. 
Kol: “hey love, hey its okay. your gonna be okay. what do you remember?”
YN: “i remember our wedding, the reception, the stolen moment after photos, the dance, the toast, the goblet. drinking it and now waking up here with you. did it work? am i?”
Kol: “here drink this do what i do ill drink some with you. but you need this so your gums stop hurting and so your aversion to sunlight subsides. if you do what i do and just keep your gaze on me you will be fine and the transition will be complete.”
Kol hands you a blood bag from the pile he has just put on the bed and he sits in front of you. he takes the tube and uses it like a straw you do the same thing, the pain subsiding as soon as the blood touched your lips.
you went through 10 blood bags before Kol finally got up and put the pile in the garbage.
Kol: “how do you feel now love?”
YN: “no more pain, i feel fantastic. hows the family?”
Kol: “why dont you ask them yourself.”
at that moment the door to your room is opened to reveal Freya, rebekah and Elijah. Freya and Rebekah approach you first pulling you into a 3 way girl hug. this was the one embrace you had been looking forward to.
then you stood as Elijah approached.
Elijah: “how do you feel sister?”
YN: “i feel good, actually Kol said i am doing better than expected. but still wants to keep me here.”
Elijah: “fair enough but from what im seeing you are progressing beautifully. dont stress too much about your progress. niklaus regrets he couldnt be here but he had business to attend to in the south quarter. some witches wanted to speak with him.”
you looked at Kol who nodded to rebekah and freya.
Freya: “come with us sister we are gonna let you see your closet. we are also gonna help you move it into this room but we want you to see it first.”
you go with them, elijah and Kol follow... 
-you discover your new wardrobe.
-Kol and Elijah as well as your sisters now help you to transfer your new wardrobe into your room.
-Klaus returns to the compound with a young girl who he had had an affair with back in Mystic Falls a while ago but just found out is pregnant somehow with his child. 
- you learn how to speed safely, you learn how to use compulsion, you leanr how to use your strength without killing anyone with a hug or a hand shake as well as how to control your blood lust. 
you are standing in yours and Kols room on the balcony in one of the silk sheets you both had recieved as a wedding present after a shower. Kol comes up behind you wraping his arms around your waist from behind.
Kol: “what are you doing out here in that sheet?”
YN: “just admiring this beautfiul city. listening to the calm. seeing the bstle of the night life coming together.”
Kol: “how bout you come to bed so we can properly consumnate our marriage?”
You follow Kol to bed and that was that. you both in a frenzy concummated the marriage and smiled lots.
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