#french colloquialism
overwhelmingurges · 11 months
i’ve got an artichoke heart
and it’s
always holdin the candle
that is,
always bein the third wheel
but i’ve
not given up yet
i’m just
taking the long shot,
the hard bet,
the way it feels
on a summer day
when you’re soaking wet,
when you’d rather forget
when the taste of yesterday is caught in your teeth
and it can only mean
one thing
but you’re much too shy to say it out loud, so.
lean in close;
we’ve got a ways to go.
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originalartblog · 9 months
Now I need to see puppy Dazai. If only so Chuuya could be like “who’s the dog now, huh?” Possibly while puppy Dazai is trying to lick his face
Tiny Dazai Osamu - Collector's Edition!
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Puppy dog in need of a forever home. His breed is brown with droopy ears. He's fluffy. Picked up on the side of the road.
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idanit · 3 months
tfw your native language doesn't differentiate between a valet and a butler... *shakes fist* let me be precise and correct!
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lameravigliadoro · 11 months
French conversation starters…
if you like your coffee with lots of cream and sugar in it
est-ce que vous pouvez rajouter du lait s’il vous plaît ?
c’est possible de mettre plus de sucre ?
vous faites autre chose que des expressos ?
un café crème, merci
→ bonus point : your friend wants to make you coffee!
moi j’aime bien quand y a beaucoup de lait et de sucre
rajoute un peu de lait…
tu peux me passer du sucre s’il te plait
if you’re afraid of making mistakes in french
je parle pas super bien français (i don't speak French that well)
corrige-moi si je me trompe, mais… (correct me if i’m wrong, but)
je vais sûrement dire une connerie, mais… (i’ll probably say something dumb, but)
j’ai commencé le français y a pas longtemps (i started learning French not long ago)
… putain mais c’est dur aussi comme langue! (it is a hard language, for fuck’s sake!)
(note de la rédaction : never apologise for making mistakes, but if you really made a huge mistake, like if you misgendered bread, you can just say “désolé.e”)
if you want to impress your friends and order in french at the restaurant
alors du coup, euh, (-> gap fillers are important too) moi j’vais prendre (insert name of food on menu), avec juste de l’eau en carafe (tap water)
c’est quoi le plat du jour? (what’s the meal of the day?)
mon ami.e va prendre des tagliatelle (my friend is taking the tagliatelle, pronounce /ta-KLI-a-t-è-l/, sorry Italians)
le pain, il est gratuit? (is the bread free?)
le poisson, il est d’aujourd’hui? (is it the catch of the day?) 
et vous le faites en végan? (do you have a vegan version?)
on peut r’avoir de l’eau ? (more water please)
le café gourmand, y a quoi avec? (what sort of mignardises/pastries/sweetmeats do you put with the expresso?)
ah bon… on va prendre le moelleux alors je pense… ah vous faites juste un fondant, bah va pour fondant alors… (so, uhm, I think we’re gonna take the spongy chocolate cake, ah you only do a chocolate fondant, well, we’ll go with the chocolate fondant then…)
on peut avoir l'addition ? (could we have the bill?)
(note de la rédaction : always say s’il vous plaît, it doesn’t hurt a fly to say it, so say it! even if the waitress/waiter doesn't seem very nice, they have to deal with French people on a daily basis, show some kindness…)
if you go to thrift shops
c’est quoi la taille ? (what’s the size?)
elles sont à combien les lunettes/bagues ? (how much for the glasses/rings)
ils sont à combien les bérets/bonnets/bijoux/foulards/pin’s ? (how much for the berets/beanies/jewelry/scarf/pin’s)
vous la/le faites à combien ? (how much for this?)
vous auriez des salopettes ? et des pattes d’eph ? et des dos nu ? (do you have dungarees? flared trousers? halterneck?)
regarde ce que j’ai chopé en fripe l’autre jour! (look what i got at the thrift shop the other day!)
if you like to talk about politics
t’as vu les infos ? (did you check the news?)
putain t’as vu ce qu’il a dit (insert name of Minister, President, MP, political figure) ? (did you see what they said?)
ce projet de loi c’est n’importe quoi de toute façon (this bill is nonsense anyway)
c’est qui les candidats aux :
Européennes (for the European Parliament)
Municipales (Local)
Régionales (Local too)
Sénatoriales (Parliament, but with the old white men)
Législatives (Parliament, but with the younger white men)
Présidentielles (also white men)
c’est quand la prochaine manif ? (when’s the next protest?)
c’est des polémiques à la con (these are bloody stupid controversies)
moi, je suis d’accord/pas d’accord avec :
les verts (green MPs, called EELV)
les insoumis (“the unsubmitted” from “La France Insoumise”, they’re a left/far-left leaning group, and the biggest left-wing group at the Parliament atm, called LFI)
les macronistes (Macron’s group, right-wing liberals)
les républicains (traditionally, they're the right-wing group, called LR)
les communistes (pretty transparent, they're call PCF)
les socialistes (same here, called PS)
le RN ("Rassemblement National", the far-right group, heirs of the French version of the Nazis and Vichy France)
les macronistes et républicains sont d’accord sur (insert typical right-wing policies)
les députés RN sont des fachos, t’es pas d’accord ? (the National Rally MPs are fascists, don’t you agree?)
j’ai écouté (insert name) à la télé/radio/sur twitch/au meeting, c’était pas bête quand elle/il a dit que…
if you want to chat in French with your cat
t'as déjà mangé tes croquettes toi ? (did you eat your kibble already?)
t'es trop mignon comme potichat (internet slang for "petit chat") toi ! (you're too cute a kitty)
il est où ce sale chat ?! (where's the bloody cat?!)
descends de là Félix/Biglouche/Garfield/Caramel/Noireau/Tigrou/Gribouille/Minette/Blanchette/Mistigri/Minou/add other typical French names for cats ! (get down from here!)
miaou (meow)
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à la prochaine!
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delicatlueur · 5 months
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                    “   fancy   a   midnight   dip   in   the   outdoor   hot   tub   with   me   ?       would   be   much   nicer   with   a   lovely   lady   to   share   the   warmth   —   ça   te   dit   ?   ”       //       @haydcns
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frenchlitclub · 1 year
-> to tinker with (smth) to make it work, to tweak
-> alternatively, to hack
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momo-de-avis · 1 year
It is extremely weird to have learnt french at school and then use duolingo to pick up on this language that I literally learnt before and everything is completely different, here. I don't know who to blame, here. It's my memory that's betraying me, or my french teacher who was a fucking liar and sucked at her job
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eilidh-eternal · 6 months
Having thoughts of the 141 but as the four horsemen of the apocalypse
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Despite being known as the four horseman colloquially within the SAS, none of them got their names because of the way they fight, or for some stupidly brave thing they did on an op. Nope.
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Gaz - Pestilence
Has an infectious smile. Literally no one can resist it. Can get anyone to do anything he asks with his smile and is soooo smug about it. Flashes it to the shy little secretary outside Price’s office when he needs a favor with his paperwork, or to the base gate-guard when he forgets his ID. He has tags on his truck for that but he likes seeing them flustered.
Price - War
Do. Not. Play. Risk. With. Him. Price has been banned from game night because the rest of the team is convinced he cheats. No one has ever beaten him at Risk—hasn’t ever come close to outmaneuvering him. Ghost takes it personally too because he’s known him the longest and still hasn’t figured out how to beat him.
Soap - Famine
Man can eat. The rest of the team knows to tell him dinner starts 15 minutes later than it really does because if you don’t beat him to it there won’t be anything left. None of the poor rookies have figured that out yet though, so Gaz always takes a little extra to share.
Ghost - Death
The jokes. Oh god the jokes. It’s not even that they’re particularly funny. It’s his deadpan delivery. He may not know anything more than cheesy military puns, but they’re good for talking rookies down in the field. Soap will never admit it but it helped a lot when he was alone in Las Almas.
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NSFW below the cut
Absolutely abuses his pretty privilege with the lads and ladies. If you think soap is a big flirt? He has nothing on Gaz. This man is disgustingly, sickeningly charming and sweet, even in bed. Is absolutely the type to have you babbling nonsense, clenching down on him as he rolls his hips languidly and murmurs the sweetest praises against your skin.
“Takin’ me so well, luv. Gonna give me one more, yeah? Gonna let me hear those pretty moans?”
Talks you through it. He’s used to talking his team through missions and trainings, and it’s carried over to the bedroom. Especially when you’ve been a brat all day and you’re bent over his knee, counting each strike of his hand against the swell of your ass.
“Only 5 more, don’t get quiet on me now. If I can’t hear you I’ll keep going until you can do it right. That’s what this is for, isn’t it? To teach you to do things the right way?”
Goes down on you like he’s starving. Absolutely does it for his own pleasure, and is downright nasty about it. Begs you to let him do it, complains that he needs it, that he has to know what you taste like.
Won’t stop whining until you shove his face between your legs to shut him up, and even then he’s sucking and slurping and making lewd sounds, moaning and begging for you to cum on his tongue until he’s had his fill.
Listen. He may be an Englishman, but Ghost fucks like the French and you can’t convince me otherwise.
La petite mort.
If he doesn’t leave you limp and tingly all over, he hasn’t finished the job. Will go as many rounds as it takes to see you dumb on his cock, so fucked out your eyes are glazed over and the only name you can remember is his.
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scremogirl · 8 months
☾✧꥟ 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ✧✰☀︎︎
𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐧
Yandere! Serial Killer x Reader
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Mentions of blood! Mentions of Death! Mentions of mutilation! Mentions of Murder, GN! Reader, NReader/Diolouge uses a lot of black colloquialisms/AAVE *slightlyyyy black coded but only for the speaking bits. NO APPERANCE MENTIONED!* READ THE NOTE AT THE END PLZ! (●’◡’●)ノ Part 2 here Part 3 here
The day where people grasp the fact that the summer's over and the seasons have finally changed. Corny decorations on front porches, masks in windows to scare unaware customers, and people dressed as slutty cartoon characters.
You loved the last one. You’ve always worked hard on your costumes; from a small cameo in the school yearbook to entering contests and pageants. You loved fashion, everything about it. The different fabrics, colors, patterns; you cherished it all. So, it’s no wonder that’s what you’ve chosen as your destined career path. You somehow managed to get into the third most prestigious fashion school. I say third because the first one you applied for, was full of egotistical French exchange students who do nothing but compare their lives at home to their lives in America. The second… well, you don’t want to talk about it. Regardless, you’re so grateful your talents have been recognized.
That leads us to now. At the biggest fright fest of the year. Your professor decided that if everyone got at least a 95% or above on the unit test, he’d take the whole class on a field trip to the annual Freak do Shek Carnival. A free trip and creating a new costume? You’ve never studied harder in your life. You spent days working on your costume; hoping to win the annual costume contest.
“Breaking news! The killer know as the “Mask Maker” is still on the loose and is currently suspected to be in the Witchwood area. It is recommended for all residents to stay indoors travel in groups-,”
Your heart sinks.
No, no, no! Why does it have to be now? Why here? The area you lived in was one of the safest in the city! Police patrolled regularly, security systems were available to all, and most people have been traveling in groups these days. So, why? You look at your friend, Malika, who no doubt received the same alert as you did, judging by her face.
“Well what the hell are we supposed to do now!?” She yells in frustration. You all have arrived at the festival and the bus has already taken its leave. Unless you call an Uber, there’s no way out; but then again, with a killer on the loose, no person would be dumb enough to let any stranger in their car. You tell your teacher your concerns, but does he listen? No.
“We’ll be fine,” , “just travel in groups,” , and “make sure you check in with everyone at least every 15 minutes,” is all he says to shake your worries. Great job by the way. With that, he goes ahead with another one of the chaperones, probably on their way to get drunk on cheap beer and look at young girls. Pig.
“I know I ain’t stayin for damn sure,” you chuckle at Malikas abrasiveness and nod your head in agreement.
“Who’s gonna pick us up though? We all came here on a bus and no Lift driver is stupid enough to let strangers in at this time,” you both sigh and end up agreeing that she’d call her boyfriend to come get you. The only downside is he lives in the next county. That means 3 whole hours plus some that you two have to try and rid your paranoia.
“How ‘bout we go check out the costume display for the upcoming show? Maybe scope out some the competition?”
“You know what Malika, that sounds like a great idea,” she holds out her arm and you take it , laughing your way down the hay covered dirt path wearily dodging scare actors. Unbeknownst to you the glowing eyes of one of the masks are filled with anything but fake intent.
“Hey, Mal? Is he on the way yet?” You two have already viewed the display, concrete knowing you’re gonna knock everyone at the park. So you decided that maybe a little sightseeing wouldn’t be that bad.
“Ugh! He said he’s on his way but knowing him, that means he just got in the shower,” with a deep sigh she puts her phone back in her pocket.
“Look,” she continues
“ How about we go get something to eat and enjoy what we can. I mean, we did wait all year for this,” you’re a little hesitant but you end up caving; fried oreos do sound good right now.
The walk to the concession stands is filled with jump scares from actors, Jack, o lanterns illuminating your path and the laughter of children and adults a like. The environment reminds you of why you came here in the first place, maybe there is nothing to be worried about.
“Oh I’m sorry! I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going,” to wrapped up in the scenery and nostalgia, you failed to notice one of the actors scrambling by. You hear the muffled laughter of Malika and try your best not to strangle her to cover up your embarrassment. Fortunately , it was just the water that spilled on them; Unfortunately, your oreos lay spread eagle on the ground. However, even with a soaked costume and powdered sugar all over their boots, they remain in character. Only giving you a tilt of the head, a grunt, and tightening their grip on their axe. The eyes that lay behind the papier-mâché mask boar deep into your soul, the white contacts holding something deep and dark. The feeling of guilt is slowly washed away and replaced with anxiousness. Man, they're getting employee of the month. Still, you feel bad so you grab the napkins from your back pocket and gently wipe their mask, some of the fake blood coming off along with the water. Hmm, these effects are off the chain too.
As you clean them up you can’t help but to think that they’ll join the costume contest, definitely giving you a run for your money. You're snapped out of your thoughts when Malika pulls you along the road, whining about how upset she is because she didn’t get to snag one of your Oreos. Making your leave, you look over your shoulder one last time, only to find those same white eyes trailing your figure.
My god, you're even more beautiful up close.
“Personally, if that happened to me I’d kill myself,” once again, your friends laughter snapped you outta your own mind. You just giggle and brush it off.
“Shut up! It’s not like I did it on purpose! Besides he was kinda fine not gon’ hold you,”
“I know right! the way he titled his, had a tear running down my leg not gon’ lie,”
“Girl… don’t you gotta man? Like… on his way here?”
“Shhhh don’t ruin the fantasy,”
Two hours have officially passed, the same old texts between Malika and her boyfriend, this time however he was actually in the car. She had pressed him to turn on his location for safety, you could never be too sure now can you? He should’ve been here by now but with how crowded the festival is getting, you can’t blame him. Thankfully, the contest is just about to start! Going against your better judgment, you and Malika thought that being apart for about 15-20 mins wouldn’t hurt. She’ll be waiting in the audience while you go change anyways.
Rushing to the changing rooms you fail to notice another contestant coming towards you just as fast. For the second time this night you managed to bump into someone.
“I am so sorry! I didn’t mean I-,”
“Watch where you’re going bitch! Y’know how long it took me to make this thing?” You look to the left and then to the right trying to figure out who the fuck they think they’re talking too.
“Look I didn’t mean it, I’m sorr-,”
“Yea yea whatever, just stay outta my way next time. Besides, it’s not like you're gonna win this thing anyways,” just before you were about to give them a piece of your mind, the manager stepped in and separated you two. Jeez now this is gonna take even longer than you expected. You thought it was only fair to let Malika know shoot her a quick text. “No worries, babe! Gill's location says he’s here already so Imma grab us a quick bite to eat before I look for him and we head to you. See ya soonnn❤︎︎!!!”
Good; that buys you just enough time. After getting changed and checking your reflection for the hundredth time, you step out feeling as confident as ever. Just as you exit the stall, you hear the worst blood curdling scream of your entire life. You look over to your right and see that asshole from early and that guy with the really nice axe murder costume. Your eyes have to be deceiving you! One of their legs is completely severed, blood dripping from the stub left behind. Slash marks, deep and crooked, adorn their arms and remaining leg. They Look as if their limbs could snap off at the slightest breeze. They cry and groan as they reach out to you. Following their eyes the crazed murder shifts his eyes to you. Their weapon of choice freezing in their hands mid swing. Their victim continues to moan in pain and crawl away, begging and pleading for someone to save them. But…you just laugh.
“I see what you're trynna do here, and it ain’t workin’. Your costume is good but it isn’t better than mine. Assholes,” the last part is mumbled under your breath as you walk away. Even though you presented yourself in this prideful manner, you can’t help the feeling of disappointment that bubbles inside you. You tried really hard this year, let’s just hope that everyone else thinks you did too.
Finally. Holding up the severed head he smiles, crooked and eerie. The bitch wouldn’t stop screaming, but at least he gets to see the look of fear in their face forever.
“Hey! What the hell’re you doing!?” hm? Turning around he sees the manager from earlier, standing before him with wide eyes filled with shock and anger. He can’t have his plans be ruined by a little slip up! He didn’t mean to act so impulsive but he couldn’t help. Nobody talks to you like that; not if he had something to do about it. Swinging his weapon of choice up on his shoulder, he’s about to take a step before he’s interrupted.
“Didn't I tell you guys to keep all spare props in bags because of the fake blood?! It gets everywhere and I’m the one who has to clean it up!” They shoved him to the side before grabbing a large trash bag from the cart they lugged behind them; simultaneously grabbing a mop and bucket. Continue to grumble about how “they don’t get paid enough for this” and “all the newbies are irresponsible”. But hey, free disposal.
“Sh, sh it’s okay; it was never your fault,” you tried comforting her but to no luck. All she can see is red as the burning hot tears streaming from her eyes ruin the makeup she spent so long on
“Okay?! It’s not okay (Y/N)! He said he was stuck in traffic all the while he was toungin’ down some bitch in a slutty cat costume. Very unoriginal btw!” You try to keep your giggle in for her sake. You kept trying to tell her this idiot wasn’t any good for years but nooo “the dick was too good to let go,” and apparently, someone else thought so too. Her weeping continues before she builds up the courage to speak again.
“All I wanna do is go home; fuck this competition,” you smile seeing her personality shine through her sadness just a little.
“Yea, fuck this competition,”sure you’re sad about to being able to participate this year, but with your best friend in distress and a serial killer on the loose, you can’t help but to think that maybe you could wait until next year. Ordering the Uber, you suggest that before it gets here, you should check in with your teacher first. Of course you don’t have his number and you're sure your other classmates are not worried about their phones unless they’re snapping pics and recording for their stories . You send them a quick text to your classes group chat and look for the exit.
“He really is a dick, you don’t need him,”
“Yea, I know. Besides, maybe that axe guy will take care of him for me,” she giggles but you don’t find it funny at all.
“Yea, I saw him outta the corner of my eye when I walked in on he who shall not be named about to fuck that other girl,” she rolls her eyes and continues walking but you remain stationary.
“You gotta be joking,“ she turns around and gives you a quizzical look so you continue further.
“He and another dickhead I bumped into put on this whole show to get me to drop outta the contest. Lost limbs, fake blood and everything. I don’t know what his problem is, but he needs to leave me the fuck alone before I get the manager, on some Karen shit”
“Now that I think about it, he has been high-tailing us ever since we’ve got here,” she freezes before looking at you dead on. She wipes away the tear stains and brushes her nose against her sleeve before scanning the area.
“You don’t think it’s Kee-,”
“No! Don’t. It’s not him. It couldn’t be,” she holds up her hands in defense before pulling you along to get the hell up outta here. It goes dead silent, tension filling the air. It couldn't be him! It’s just some rando whos jealous of your skill! But…your mind was just playing tricks on you. That feeling of paranoia started to rise again and the flashbacks felt like they were hitting you in waves. She saw this and decided to speak up before it got worse.
“Hey, I’m sorry for bringing it up. I really didn’t mean to-,” this time it’s your turn to cut her off. You offer her a light smile and hold her hand in yours before squeezing.
“It’s alright. Besides, who needs men anyways. You’re all I need,” she gives you an even brighter one, her usual self returning, before squeezing just as hard, laying her head on your shoulder while you walk.
“Yea, fuck men,” you two laugh in sync before changing the conversation to what you’ll do when you get home; maybe a Horror movie marathon and some junk food will cheer you up. Who cares, the night has just begun for you and there’s no way anything was gonna ruin it.
Watching you walk away a gloved hand slams into a tree. Dammit! You won’t get away so easily. You’re his. Nobody else’s. He’ll make sure of it. Starting with her.
Hello everyone!!!! Hope you enjoyed the first part of my Halloween special. I’m breaking this down into 3 parts because I’m afraid people will think it’s too long if I put the whole thing on tumblr. I will be making an Ao3 and the whole fic will be posted without any split up. When it’s created and up I’ll let you know. Hope you enjoyed Loves!!! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎.
-Love, Sosa❤️
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assignedmale · 10 months
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Today is August 12th, which is a very special day for Quebecer authors. Most of my followers don't know this, but French is actually my first language. Being part of a linguistic minority in North America has shaped my experience and worldview.
On August 12th (colloquially known as the DOUZOU, or douze-août), we celebrate Quebecer books and literature of all horizons. There is no better day to get your hands on The Best of Assigned Male!
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thalialunacy · 15 hours
[for the @calaisreno May Promptasmagorah; cw for schmoop like whoa.]
22: (k)night
John, for a split-second, thinks he's hallucinating. He's knackered to the point of swaying on his feet from a double shift followed by-- because apparently he'd been a bastard in a past life-- a bloody 'morale building' staff meeting that had made him want to gouge his eyes out.
Alright, he also might be a bastard in this life. But the point is, he hears Sherlock's voice despite there being no Sherlock in the room.
'Ibn is a rather naughty horse, isn't he?'
The sound is tinny but discernible, and John fwumps down into his chair to eye the baby monitor. The camera is aimed at Rosie's cot, of course, so it's mostly Sherlock's shoulder as he leans over with a book. John's tired brain flips through the rolodex of bedtime stories until it hits upon the one with a big white horse named, of all things, Ibn Rafferty.
'But he is fun to ride, and nice to everyone while being ridden.'
He hears Sherlock pause. 'Do you know, Rosamund, that's arguably the first definition of chivalry.'
John blinks. Not where he'd thought that was going, but all right.
'The word "chivalry" is derived from the Old French term "chevalerie,"' Sherlock continues. 'And it was meant to describe soldiers who fought on horseback.'
John snorts. His daughter is brilliant, obviously, but there's not a chance in hell she's understanding this. Unless Sherlock is drawing some truly impressive illustrations off-camera. Which, he supposes, is disturbingly plausible.
'These soldiers became standards of good behaviour, you see. On a horse, you're much taller than everyone else, aren't you? And horses can kick, or be otherwise very rude. So, the guideline for chivalry became, essentially, don't be rude to people who don't have a horse.'
'Don't be rude,' Rosie echoes, and John supposes that's what he'd want her to get out of this lesson, really.
But Sherlock's not finished. 'It had many iterations, of course, but eventually became a ritualised outlook on romantic love.'
John's brows shoot up. He'd've thought this subject to be one Sherlock would delete. Courtly love will likely never solve him a case, after all.
'One of the rituals, for example, was the High Minnie.'
Rosie is interested enough to ask through a yawn: 'Minnie Mouse?'
Sherlock chuckles. 'No, m-i-n-n-e. German. "Hohe Minne" colloquially means "high love."'
Yeah, clearly Sherlock is aware John can hear him. Even he's not going to use the word "colloquially" for the benefit of a toddler.
'It's when a knight-- the person on the horse-- goes through a series of trials to prove their love to someone. For instance, being willing to sacrifice themself to save the person they love. Making a long journey fraught with peril and hurt. Taking on a mighty monster.'
John's tired old heart clenches in his chest. Sherlock knows he's listening, all right.
'Now,' the detective continues, 'in the stories, after all these trials fail to win their beloved's heart, the knight finally accepts that their love is unrequited.'
He pauses. Rosie, John can see in the monitor, is languid with sleep, caught by Sherlock's rich voice and about to go under.
'And when love is unrequited, it can hurt very badly. But the knight knows those sacrifices were worth it, in the end, regardless. Because that's simply what love is, sometimes.'
John rubs absently at his chest. It's too much, he's so tired and so in love that it's almost too much.
On the monitor, Rosie's little brows seem to scrunch together, and she moves, rolls a little towards Sherlock. Who chuckles, wry but warm, as he rubs her tummy. 'It's alright, little bumble. Sometimes the knight does get their love, in the end. And it's the best reward in the world.' The shape of him on the screen leans in and kisses Rosie softly. 'Especially when it comes with little girls named Watson.'
John finds he has to look away from the monitor. His eyes are stinging, and now it's not just from exhaustion.
'You're a menace, Sherlock Holmes,' he calls quietly as he hears the stairs creak faithfully under Sherlock's socked feet.
'I know,' the detective says as he crosses the room. He leans on the arms of John's chair and kisses him briefly, their mouths clinging. 'But you found me worthy, in the end.'
'In the end, in the beginning, in the middle,' John counters. Sherlock raises an eyebrow. 'Alright,' John concedes. 'Maybe not in the middle, there, for a bit.' His smile is slow but genuine. 'But you prove yourself with every nappy, every boring case, every time you think before you throw yourself to the wolves.'
'I do try,' Sherlock deflects, his skin heating up. They've both about reached their limit for sentiment for the evening, John thinks.
'Then shut up and try this, you bastard.' And he pulls Sherlock down once more.
[I did mediaeval re-creation for 15 years, so this is where my brain went when I saw the prompt. The book Sherlock's reading from is 'Our Animal Friends at Maple Hill Farm' by Alice & Martin Provensen. I learned of hohe minne in Leverage 4x15, 'The Lonely Hearts Job.']
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respectthepetty · 2 years
Lost in Translation
I saw this image recently, and instead of hijacking that perfectly good post, I thought it best to write my own.
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Because this a very real issue, even when watching a show or movie.
Mostly when it comes to watching queer media that already incorporates a coded language due to the topic.
Many people watching Portrait of a Lady on Fire in another language didn't realize the significance of the final scene between these two because they didn't understand French.
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The entire movie, they used the formal form of you basically referring to each other as madam, but at the end, they use informal you, and it shows the intimacy that has developed between them. If you didn't understand French or romance languages, you probably missed it!
It happens often in Asian dramas as well because they use honorifics that don't get translated with the same significance.
These two in Ghost Host, Ghost House skipped over the traditional honorifics and instead opted for you and I. It was important because even when they were fighting, they still saw each other as equals.
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This was a big moment in Semantic Error, but if you watched it with just the translation on one streaming platform
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You would have missed the urgency of the scene because he finally showed respect for this person and the relationship they had developed.
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And often, the translations of colloquialisms (slang or informal language) are literal so context is omitted.
I would pay $$$ for annotated subtitles (like from Viki, depending on the team, Idol Factory does a good job, and Lazy Subber, please come back!) because they explain the context we would miss in the literal translations.
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In Thailand black bean is (derogatory) slang for gay sex, so asking if someone wants black beans is coded language.
When Knock asks his girlfriend if she is itchy in Together With Me, if the audience doesn't speak Thai, they understand the flow of the conversation as being logical since Knock's girlfriend just mentioned getting bit by mosquitoes and wanting to go inside. However, the show does a strange sequence that indicates this moment meant something...more.
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Because asking if someone is itchy in Thai is asking if they are horny. Knock is asking his girlfriend if she is horny and if that's why she wants to go inside. That's missed in the translation.
This happened in Love Mechanics as well. Vee asks Mark if he wants him to come inside to watch a series. It seems innocent enough, but Mark's reaction is aggressively upset.
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It's because this is equivalent to America's Netflix and Chill or Korea's Wanna Eat Ramen?. Vee is asking Mark if he would like to YouTube and Lube. Vee is asking Mark if he wants to have sex! That is missed in the translation.
Big Dragon had this issue with different translations on different streaming platforms in regards to this scene:
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Some platforms translated Yai as saying "You're a pain in the ass, really" while others used "You're a pain in the ass, literally." It's a small change, but Mangkorn smiles afterwards because he gets what Yai is saying and is a literal pain in the ass. Yai had to visit a doctor after their first sexual encounter because Mangkorn was so rough it caused Yai pain...in his ass, and they just had sex again.
Language is a cultural tool, so although it incorporates a lot of implied knowledge, it's subtle. If the audience is missing the cultural context, an entire narrative can be easily missed.
This is also the case with intonation aka the rise in pitch when speaking or emphasis on a particular word - Why is this here? vs. Why is this here? - One is asking why this specific item is outside instead of another item, while the second asks why that specific item is outside instead of another location. If we don't know the language, it's hard to decipher when the intonation causes a change in meaning.
So the next time you are watching a series in another language and think the dialogue is lacking, understand it's probably because you don't speak the language. Sometimes the substance is lost in translation.
It's okay, but ask questions, do some research, and try to learn, so the next time someone asks if you want ramen, you can smile and say enthusiastically "YES!"
EDIT - Adding more links from others that show examples:
Extraordinary Attorney Woo - The cat's butler scene
My Engineer - Cool Kid Nickname
English in KinnPorsche as deception
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mivolasvivi · 6 months
In this essay, I will trace the historical linguistic links between the French “pleuvoir des cordes” and the English colloquial phrase “shooting ropes”
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ltwilliammowett · 3 months
"Two, six - heave"
As is usual with sailors, the person at the head of the team usually calls out the "two, six" part. All members move their hands up the line, ready to pull. This is followed in a natural rhythm by the "lift", which is shouted by the whole team together. At this moment, the team simultaneously leans back on the line and uses its leg muscles to exert a powerful pull on the line. This coordination takes some practice, but the difference in applied force between a group pulling as individuals and a skilled team pulling together is very large.
There is no standardised tempo or cadence for the term as this depends on the task at hand. For example, hauling in the topsail requires a long, heavy pull; if the team is not to be exhausted halfway through, the leader must ensure that the pace is slow enough to keep the whole job going. Hauling in a clew line, on the other hand, is relatively quick and easy, so the singing can be quite fast. It is also not always necessary to use this type of hauling for the entire job; often the first part of the job can be done by simply pulling hand over hand, while moving to a co-ordinated hoist for the final tightening.
After a line has been pulled taut on a ship, it is usually attached to a belaying pin.
In the UK, the term has a broader meaning and is often used in any situation where co-ordinated hauling is required, often involving seafarers, but almost as often when 'civilians' are working together.
It is widely believed that the term dates back to the orders used when firing shipboard guns in the British Royal Navy. According to this story, the team of six gunners had numbered roles. Once loaded, it was the job of the men numbered two and six to hoist the cannon (co-ordinated) out of the gun port for firing, requiring a simple effort for light guns and one pulley per man for larger guns. However, there are a number of problems with this theory: Firstly, two men would not be enough to pull out a cannon that could weigh more than two and a half tonnes. Secondly, the numbers two and six would be on the same side of the gun (the even numbers on one side and the odd numbers on the other). Thirdly, the use of the begirff, because in the literature before the First World War, but especially before 1911, the term is not mentioned and certainly not in the nautical sense. The first nautical use of the term only dates back to 1968, before which it was often associated with prisoners and railway construction work in Asia.
In square-rigged sailing circles, the idea was expressed that it could be a shortening of the French "tout de suite", which is often anglicised colloquially to "toot sweet" and means "immediately". It has also been surmised that it was originally the French "toutes six houle" (all six heave), but what "six" means is unclear as there is no evidence that it was an order to a gun crew.
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yvanspijk · 1 year
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Standard French has a two-part negation: Il ne vient pas. (He doesn't come.) However, colloquial French often drops ne, thereby returning to the Old French situation: a single negation word. The same thing actually happened in English and other languages, such as German and Dutch. This series of changes even has a name: Jespersen's Cycle. Here's more.
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frenchlitclub · 2 years
(masc. or fem.! "un/une/le/la" 🔹plural: goinfres)
-> a gluttonous person
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