#for someone who really likes Jamiazu
skyenish · 3 months
Something something Jamiazu
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poisoned-pearls · 2 months
Jamiazu where Jamil showers Azul in genuine compliments, just to see him blush. Lots of them about his appearance and his genius— mostly about his appearance. Just him getting confident enough to do so, and Azul having an s/o who gives him thoughtful words.
Idk I just think it’s cute.
((Bobdy worshp))
auauaaghhh I think I understand what ur going for-!!!
I think once they start dating Jamil would catch on to Azul’s eating disorder pretty early on, and helps him slowly recover through his meals and such- but ESP with him gaining weight again. To me, Azul is Scarily underweight for an octomer, bc even in human form they NEED to weight above a certain amount to have the correct size to mass conversion ratio when transforming. But Azul’s so conscious abt his appearance it’s his biggest hurdle with recovery.
with Jamil however, chubby Azul is peak of what was considered attractive back home. Being fatter was a sign of wealth, and glamorized as just- the prettiest thing you could be.
so he TELLS him as such. “You’re such a pretty guy, Azul. You know that, right?” “That suit looks good on you.” “You’re so handsome.” “I love your eyes.”
Usually he compliments him when they’re getting ready, or whenever he first sees him (like at the beginning of class), but he loves to just hold Azul’s face sometimes when they’re alone and list every single thing he likes about it because Azul’s face going bright blue is probably his favorite part.
So this eventually allows Azul to become way more comfortable with himself because, well, Jamil likes it, and he’s never going to say Jamil is wrong.
(And Azul eventually gets comfortable enough around Jamil to wear shorts and even take off his shirt sometimes. He ends up really enjoying just laying around with Jamil in shorts and a stolen hoodie)
Azul does deserve someone who gives him a ton of compliments tho!!! Jamil also definitely compliments his intellect but I think that’d end up being more like “I hate you” (said when Azul noticed smth small with the most affectionate tone ever)
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driedupeyeballs · 5 months
you should totally tell us some of your Jamiazu headcanons/lh
So Jamil was definitely initially the type to be like “oh, a crush. How do I get rid of it.”
This is both bcuz he’s a loner and also bcuz he’s never really been allowed to have anything to himself for his whole life, so something like a long term relationship seemed especially out of the question. He initially was the type to wait it out and just let the feelings disappear on their own (spoiler: they didn’t)
As for Azul, he fell for Jamil almost immediately but was slow on realizing it. It was probably some off handed comment from one of the twins that made him conscious of the fact he had this crush, but he was pretty confident that Jamil didn’t like him back so didn’t act on it.
They both have a kind of guilt about not being good enough, Jamil because he has like no free will and Azul because of all his self esteem issues. They both feel inferior but see each other as absolutely perfect, they just completely adore each other
Azul is very reassuring, and just generally good with words like compliments and whatnot. This goes past their relationship, Azul just has a supreme vocabulary which is half the reason he’s able to rope so many people into schemes. Jamil isn’t as verbal or eloquent, he generally expresses his love more through acts of service like he’s used to, but it’s different w Azul. Cuz he’s not doing stuff for him because he has to or because of work, he’s doing it because he wants to, because he wants to make Azul happy cuz he’s one of the few lights in Jamil’s life.
I think Azul confessed first and Jamil ended up being the one to ask him to be his bf, probably took Azul a long ass time before he did open up to Jamil about his feelings and obviously Jamil reciprocated long before he knew Azul liked him, but he had his whole plan to repress it until it goes away lmao. So once he knows he’s not getting rid of it he’s the one that takes the initiative to make it official.
They didn’t get together immediately, kind of had a gray area period of knowing they like each other and acting sort of coupley just not having any labels on it. (But Jamil kinda likes the labels cuz he’s possessive but not like in a toxic way)
They cook for each other like a lot… Jamil’s love language is food atp and he knows Azul struggles with it so he lets him take it at his own pace. Azul doesn’t cook a lot cuz he’s not confident in his skills despite being great at it, he starts cooking for Jamil a bit later on and wow I’m realizing this whole segment is ripped straight out of aquarium cuz that fic rearranged the chemistry of my brain
They’re even worse about sharing clothes than most couples, they both like clothes w hoods (Jamil so he can hide and Azul cuz it’s dark and confined) so they end up stealing each others hoodies every chance they get until eventually no one knows which is whos anymore… Jamil can also occasionally be seen wearing that light blue coat from Azul’s dorm uniform if it’s especially cold outside (merfolk don’t get cold as easily so Azul’s always loading off his jackets onto Jamil in the winter)
On the topic of Azul’s merform, personal headcanon that it’s long as fuck, like 30ish feet, our man could easily crush a boat lmao. That’s one of the reasons he hides it away so much, not only is he self conscious he’s also afraid of accidentally hurting someone since his tentacles kinda have minds of their own and explore by themselves when he isn’t paying attention. It took a while before Jamil saw his merform, like a WHILE. like not until after NRC type shit cuz of a plethora of reasons. Jamil was always curious even before they started dating, but despite his anticipation took it at a leisurely/slower pace for Azul cuz he didn’t wanna make him feel rushed or uncomfortable.
When Jamil finally saw Azul’s merform tho it was a very sweet scene… our snake boy practically fell in love all over again lmao
Azul has not stopped trying to get Jamil into Octavinelle, in fact he’s gotten worse. He’s always pulling out the “I still think we could rule the world together” and Jamil just says the octavinelle hat is ugly then kisses him so he’ll shut up
Jamil deliberately kept their relationship a secret from Kalim specifically for months. Both because he’s trying to disconnect their lives a bit more and also bcuz… it’s Kalim. He’d probably throw like a “congrats on getting a boyfriend” party which Jamil did not want to deal with lmao. As for Azul, the tweels were the first to know. (In my headcanon/heart Kalim is besties w the tweels so he probably found out through either them or just general word of mouth cuz Jamil was determined to keep that shit from him for as long as possible)
Azuls big on pet names, E.G “my pearl”, “angelfish” etc. Jamil just sticks to “habibi” (and “asshole”/“cephalofuck” )
Azul comes to all of Jamil’s basketball games, and Jamil tries to participate in board games sometimes but he gets a lil too competitive sometimes lmao… board games club dnd campaign is kinda real to me tho so he’d probably play in that (and queue Azul “i roll to steal Jamil’s heart <3” then rolls a 4 and everyone else pisses themselves laughing while Jamil contemplates moving to another country and never being seen again)
Azul is a massive animal lover, he’s fascinated by earth animals. Jamil has had to stop him from petting a feral raccoon on several occasions. He also shares Jamil’s fondness for snakes and parrots too, I imagine if they ever move into together they’d have plenty of pets… *clears throat* I definitely haven’t made and named… pets for them… *awkward coughing*
General Azul HC he blushes blue cuz octopi have blue blood and Jamil adores this
ANYWAY UH I’ve gone on way too long here um yes JAMIAZU!! After NRC they move into a beachfront place in the Shaftlands and they r happy and canon and I am so mentally ill over them
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heartscrypt · 10 months
Hii! I have a question about your thoughts on jamiazu.
Do you think that Azul would ever be able to confess any romantic feelings for Jamil? If so, how? And if not, would they be able to get together in any other way?
Sorry if this is a weird question, just curious.
thanks for your question! it is SO not weird at all i really enjoy stuff like this. actually i am going to go on a huge ramble that goes on a little tangent so like. LONG POST AHEAD!!!! be warned!!!!!
anyways. azul is always confessing his romantic feelings for jamil whether he knows it or not. in every interaction. because he's so damn obvious. hope this helps LOL
in all seriousness though. i really like to think that azul is kind of cursed to be a hopeless romantic despite it going against all of his pragmatic sense. i mean. he's a child of divorce who hates leaving things up to chance and he believes in getting something back whenever he gives something away. being head over heels with someone goes against his whole nature, so i think it's definitely a new thing for him. he won't recognize that his feelings are romantic right away because he'll be too busy trying to justify to himself why he's investing so much time and energy into a guy that Clearly wants nothing to do with him and won't give him the time of day. its business, guys, i swear.... stonks.....
i think once he does come to terms with it though. it starts leaking through in Every Interaction he has w/jamil. in every encounter, azul basically ends up saying I Love You without actually ever speaking it out loud. whether it's through his actions (like getting jamil gifts / offering to help out without any genuine expectation of repayment) or or his words (like implying things about them being good together / complimenting jamil excessively). things he did before he realized, but they just have so much more Weight to them now that he Knows he likes the other in a very Non-Platonic-Business-Partners way. he doesn't intend for it to have that emotional weight but its fucking impossible for him to hide and he does NOT know what to do with himself.
he keeps pushing forward regardless because some part of him hopes that his feelings will reach jamil but he also does it with the expectation that jamil will push back like he always has and that's completely fine by him because never actually directly admitting that these feelings are romantic means that the rejections also stay platonic and that is. Way easier to bounce back from. because god forbid jamil sees at who he is behind all the walls he's put up to protect his most vulnerable and emotional self and ends up hating the real azul too.
tl;dr: i don't think azul would go out of his way to make a real, honest confession of his feelings. but he's so obvious it actually hurts to watch
ok so. as for jamiazu get-together:
maybe im like super biased b/c im a sucker for narratives that involve jamil learning to shake his passivity and going ahead and Taking what he wants. but i always think that any scenario where jamiazu gets together has to be initiated by jamil somehow. azul can make the first move and several moves after that but jamil has to be the one to make the Final move if that makes sense.
i don't have like. one set get-together scenario but i have a couple that i like to rotate in my head sometimes. most of them involve azul being a failgirl and getting caught off guard because i think it's funny and jamil also thinks it's funny. here are two for your viewing pleasure:
azul makes a pass at jamil that is romantic-coded but could be interpreted as platonic. jamil seizes the opportunity to turn it Explicitly into a romantic thing and fluster azul to no end about it.
azul: there's a new tasting menu at the mostro lounge if you'd like to come with me and try, i'd love to see what your discerning palette makes of it ^__^!
jamil, very casually: yeah sure. why not. i'll go on a date with you
azul, who did NOT expect a yes so his head is about to explode in t-minus 5 seconds: oh, uh. that's .fantastic, actually— wait. ....DATE?!?!?;!?
jamil corners azul and admits romantic feelings first. bonus points if it's a situation where any romantic confession would be incredibly out of the blue. and the way that jamil says it is like dropping a bomb on azul
like in potions lab. azul's concentrating very hard on pouring an exact amount of a substance. jamils watching him and at some point out of nowhere he breaks the silence in between them by going "i think i like you. in the romantic sense". azul's concentration snaps immediately and he fumbles the beaker into the cauldron out of sheer WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING. it explodes in both of their faces. they both have no chance to address what jamil said because crewel is chewing them out for the next 15 minutes about lab safety. during the entire 15 minutes azul looks like he's been hit over the head with several bricks. Repeatedly. jamil's smirking the whole time though he dgaf. takes pleasure in flustering azul
anyways. im insane about these guys ♥️ if you stuck around and read the entire post im really sorry for writing so much i just have a lot of thoughts
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pixiestickie · 10 months
also jamiazu prompt fr u to talk abt: who do u think kissed the other first. how do u think their first kiss played out
okay so ill get to the point my awnser is jamil im sorry . i dont know how many people here will agree with this post but i am no longer a coward on tumblr (LIAR)
i mostly feel like this because I can’t picture azul as being straight forward about that sort of thing. i can picture him as meticolously planning and practicing everything beforehand and then just failing miserably because jamil is jamil.
sometimes i think abt how azul never had a friend to socualize with in his childhood (other than the tweels which are FAR from normal friends). if he ever crushed on someone as a kid he 100% never acted out on it because of how insecure he was (and is) with all that bullying he received
also azul is at disadvantage because jamil is always so grumpy around him how is one supposed to know if its ok to kiss this guy without getting punched in the face
the whole thing about jamiazu is that jamil needs to learn how to trust azul (abd actually azul does as well but thats another can of worms that needs its seperate post) which is why i can only see it happen post-book6 jamil
once he learns to overcome his horrifying trust issues induced by his horrible job . thats when he kisses azul ^_^
i really went off topic with this post cuz it was supposed to be about a first kiss but i deserve to wtite paragraphs and be shameless i think
anyway my vision is: they’re hanging out alone in an unplanned place like maybe away from a scarabia party? maybe in the fucking hallways bathrooms away from classes? just not a planned date or anything because i have delusions (i feel like jamil would do it in an unplanned context on purpose). at first they’re just standing there alone with lots of tension, with azul trying to chat like he always does but jamil is deep in thought about how he feels about everything. jamil concludes that he is so tired of depriving himself of what he wants and of holding himself back. that he should go for that kiss because he deserves it ^_^ and azul explodes and dies……. u think about the rest…….
i hope you like my vision i should not be allowed to write crimge when sleep deprived ❤️❤️❤️
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
The Comfort of Familiarity  [JamiAzu] [Book 6 Spoilers]
[Ao3 Link]
Wordcount: 2,872
Summary: The night of their return from the S.T.Y.X. facility, Jamil and Azul spend some time together. 
Jamil: Hey. Are you still awake?
Azul: Oh, my. Isn't it rather late in the night to be calling on a favor?
Jamil: Ugh, I can’t believe you still have the energy to be so annoying after everything that’s happened the past few days. Nevermind.
Azul: Now, now, no need to be shy.
Azul: Really, though, do you need something? It’s not exactly every day you text me unprompted, and at such an odd hour at that.
Jamil: Don’t get used to it. I just need someone to test my cooking.
Azul: …Cooking? At 2:30 in the morning?
Jamil: I can do it myself if you don’t want to.
Azul: I never said that. I’ll see you soon.
Azul lightly tapped on the kitchen door to announce his arrival as he entered the room and leaned against the doorframe. “Hey there.”
Jamil kept his eyes focused on the carrot he was slicing. “Hey yourself.” 
His hair was no longer wrapped up in its usual braids, but instead pulled back in a loose, low bun in an attempt to keep his hair from falling into the food. Nevertheless, a few strands had already come loose, dangling beside his face.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen your hair in anything other than your signature half-braided ponytail.” Azul remarked.
“I didn’t exactly feel like going through the whole routine again just to hang out in the kitchen.” Jamil answered simply.
“Well, it’s still a nice look on you.” Azul said, stepping into the kitchen. “Now, what could be so pressing that it would have you up in such a place at this hour? I imagine that the ever diligent Jamil Viper would have normally gone to bed at a much more reasonable time. Couldn’t you sleep?” 
“I passed out the moment Kalim finally left me alone when we got back to the dorm earlier. But, then…” Jamil paused his carrot slicing for a moment, staring idly at the cutting board.
Azul nodded, filling in the blanks himself. “Then you found yourself lying awake in the middle of the night with nothing but thoughts of the past few days to keep you company?” 
Jamil glanced up, meeting Azul’s eye only for a second, before abruptly moving to add the carrots into the pot, and then grabbing the nearest next vegetable - a turnip, it seemed - and began cutting that one. “...You sound like you’re speaking from experience.”
Azul smiled a more genuine and gentle smile than he normally offered his classmate during their time together. “Well, I was taken away by Charon robots, too, you know.” He said with a slight laugh.
Jamil just barely allowed the ghost of a smile to cross his face.
Azul looked around the room. “I didn’t expect you’d still be in the preparation stage when you texted.” 
There were  vegetables strewn about the countertops, and a huge, boiling pot on the stove.  Various spice canisters were out on the counter, some still with their caps off. Azul felt his hands begin to fidget by his sides as he stood in the quiet room.
“What are you cooking?” He asked, when Jamil hadn’t said anything.
“Soup.” Jamil kept chopping.
“...I can see that. What kind of soup?” 
“Just… Soup? I don’t know, I didn’t really think about it. Whatever I can find, I guess.” 
Chop chop chop.
Azul seated himself across the counter from Jamil. “That’s quite unlike you, going into something without planning first. Not exactly in the spirit of Scarabia, hm?”
“Whatever. Nothing wrong with using up leftovers.”
Chop chop chop.
“Of course not…” Azul watched Jamil’s face closely, his brow furrowing to match Jamil’s. 
Chop chop chop.
Jamil said nothing, eyes focused on the vegetables like his life depended on it.
“Do you mind if I join you?” Azul asked, rolling up his sleeves and moving to stand beside Jamil.
Chop chop…
That caused Jamil to pause mid-slice. “...What’s the catch?” he asked, lifting his gaze from his cutting board to narrow his eyes at Azul, who only chuckled.
“So quick to suspect ulterior motives of me! Perhaps I simply wish to earn my portion of your wonderful soup.” Azul picked up a knife and another cutting board. “Besides, I don’t particularly enjoy standing around with idle hands. Especially not when my dear classmate is working so hard.”
Jamil wordlessly rolled his eyes and placed a few potatoes in front of Azul. “Whatever. You can cut those.”
Azul did as he was told, slicing away for a few quiet moments… But only a few. The silence simply hung too heavily in the air for his liking. 
“Why, might I ask, are you cooking so late into the night?”
“You already asked me that.” Jamil’s gaze was back to its laser focus on his vegetables.
Chop chop chop.
“No, I mean, why are you cooking right now? Are there not better ways to pass the time?”
“I don’t know what you want me to tell you.” Jamil’s pace with the knife quickened as he spoke. “I just like cooking. It keeps my mind and my hands busy.”
Chop chop chop.
Azul nodded thoughtfully. He sliced his potatoes at a slower, yet even pace. Sure, he could absolutely understand the aversion to laying around with nothing to do when you had a mind full of way too many things to worry about… but then why did Jamil call on Azul? It’s not like Jamil was particularly known for his enjoyment of socializing, and cooking in and of itself was a demanding enough task to keep oneself busy when alone…
“Yes, I understand that part.” Azul said after another moment of silence. “But, perhaps you’d like to share your troubles? The heaviest burdens are those carried alone, after all.”
Jamil shook his head. “There’s nothing to talk about. It’s like you said: I couldn’t get back to sleep.”
Chop chop chop.
Azul did not relent. “Of course. But you were kept up by your own thoughts, yes? So why not confide in-“
Azul jumped, his sentence cut off by the sound of a knife clattering onto the counter and Jamil jumping back with a hiss, clutching at his hand.
It also wasn’t like Jamil to slip up in the kitchen. Not from something as simple as talking to one person in an otherwise quiet room. 
Azul quickly put down his own knife and potato, turning to assess the situation.
Jamil said nothing, moving silently to the sink to run his finger under the water.
“Jamil…” Azul lifted his hand towards Jamil’s shoulder, before hesitating and dropping it back to his side. “What’s going on with you?”
“I’m FINE.” Jamil snapped, his hair tie slipping from where it had just barely held his hair in place as he jerked his head away to avert his gaze from Azul. His posture was tense and his facial expression was strained. He turned on the faucet and held his hand underneath as he stared at the water pouring from the spout, eyes intense and focused. His newly freed hair fell to the sides of his face and hung loose.
After a few long seconds of silence, Jamil switched the water off and grabbed a towel. As he dabbed at his hand, Jamil knelt down to open the storage under the sink. He grabbed a box of bandages, but his hands were shaking, and he ended up dropping it as he went to stand, spilling them on the floor.
“Ugh, shit-” he muttered.
“Here, allow me,” Azul said softly, as he knelt down beside Jamil to gather the bandages and place them back in the box. He took one out, unwrapped it, and gently reached to take Jamil’s injured hand in his, putting the bandage in place.
“...Thanks.” Jamil mumbled, then stood and immediately moved back to his knife to wash it off and resume chopping.
Azul put a hand on Jamil’s shoulder, as he reached with the other to switch off the stove.
Jamil jumped slightly at the contact, but said nothing.
“Come on,” Azul moved his free hand to Jamil’s, and  slowly slid the knife out of his hand.
There was slight instinctive resistance from Jamil, but ultimately the knife slid from his grasp and was placed carefully on the counter, only to be replaced in Jamil’s hand by Azul's own as he took hold and pulled Jamil out of the kitchen.
They walked quietly, the chill of the air feeling more apparent in the halls of Scarabia now that they were away from the heat of the kitchen. Their path, dimly lit by the light of the moon and the stars through the open walls of the dorm, led them towards the common area. Pillows and blankets were strewn about, showing signs of recent use in the previous nights.
“Kalim was probably out here with some others while we were gone…” Jamil mumbled, taking a seat on the floor. “That’s one of his favorite pillows.”
Azul followed suit, sitting across from Jamil. He eyed the pillow, and then chuckled. Reaching over, he picked up a pair of neatly folded gloves and a stray teal sock. “It seems Jade and Floyd kept Kalim company while we were away.”
“Ugh,” Jamil brought a knee to his chest, choosing to lay his head there instead of on any of the stray pillows. “It sounds like they had fun teasing Kalim with the whole ‘oh, but what if they’re dead?’   nonsense they were on about when we got back. I’m surprised Kalim could put up with two people as stressful as them for an extended period of time.”
“It’s certainly no easy feat,” Azul agreed, the somewhat tired expression on his face seeming to reflect the subject matter more than the current time of night. “Really, I still can’t tell if Jade and Floyd were truly not even the slightest bit worried, or if they simply masked any fear they might’ve had scarily well.”
Jamil couldn’t argue with the fact that probably no one outside of Jade and Floyd themselves would ever know the true answer to that.
“Still,” Azul continued. “Kalim doesn't seem to be one so easily fazed by the twins’ antics, emergency or not… I suppose that there’s a certain air of comfort that comes along with their familiar oddities, after all.”
Jamil was quiet again as he thought about Azul’s words… As well as his own choices in terms of coping with the madness that had befallen them that week. Was he really sitting here at 3AM with Azul Ashengrotto of all people? Not only willingly, but by Jamil’s specific request?
Perhaps the S.T.Y.X. tests had some lingering side effects on his psychological well being that could be the cause of such erratic behavior in Jamil tonight. After all, under normal circumstances, Jamil usually wanted nothing more than to stay out of Azul’s line of sight. Being seen by Azul meant being spoken to by Azul, and being spoken to by Azul was probably on Jamil’s top ten list of Most Irritating Circumstances To Be Trapped In.
And yet, tonight Jamil found himself seeking out that very same annoying presence… On purpose.
The two fell into a comfortable silence. Jamil idly picked at his sweatshirt, and Azul stared up at the stars that dotted the sky. Both equally focused on their private trains of thought. Both stealing silent and secretive glances at the other as their eyes wandered as much as their minds. 
  “...It’s late,” Azul said quietly after a while, breaking the silence once again. Slowly, perhaps somewhat reluctantly, he shifted his posture from the comfortable relaxed state and started to rise. “I won’t keep you all night. You really should try to get some more res-“
Azul was cut off by the feeling of Jamil’s hand suddenly gripping his arm, preventing him from standing. 
Azul looked at Jamil, blinking in silent confusion. 
Jamil held his grip on Azul’s arm, a slight tremor in his hands. He stared down at the ground with his brows furrowed and a frown on his face. 
“...Azul,” Jamil whispered, avoiding eye contact as his eyes remained focused downward. “I can’t believe I’m asking you of all people, but…” he sighed. “I… can you just… will you stay?” He asked, the request itself barely audible with how quiet his voice had fallen with every word.
“Stay…?” Azul repeated, voice also quiet. “You mean, out here, with you? Tonight?”
“...Yeah,” Jamil decided that after having been through hell and back in the span of just a few days, he simply had no more energy to be guarded or vague as a defense mechanism. He needed something straightforward. Something secure. 
Something familiar.
“I just… I can’t be alone right now,” Jamil continued in a hushed tone. “I know Kalim would get up in an instant if I asked him, but…”
“But he wouldn’t exactly understand what you’re feeling,” Azul concluded, sitting back down.
“Right...” Jamil’s grip on Azul’s arm relaxed slightly, but he hadn’t let go yet. “…I’m guessing you’ll want something in return, though, right? Nothing with you ever comes free, after all.” 
Azul lightly chuckled, patting Jamil’s hand. “It’s just as it was with the soup, my  dear friend.”
“We’re having a mutually beneficial bonding session, are we not? I’d be a fool to turn down such a rare opportunity to spend extra time with my ever elusive classmate. Why, just think of the possible secrets I could uncover in a sleep-deprived state,” he teased, hoping his attempt to lighten the mood might aid in easing some of the anxiety that clouded Jamil’s mind..
Jamil groaned in annoyance as he finally let go of Azul’s arm. “Don’t make me change my mind.”
Azul only smiled, and the two of them gathered up some of the abandoned pillows and blankets that Kalim and the twins had left behind. Normally an abandoned mess like this would be seen as an annoyance to clean up, but it certainly made arranging an impromptu emergency sleepover all the easier.
They bid each other a good night as they lay down to sleep, the night growing quiet once more with only the sounds of their own breathing and the occasional breeze blowing through the room. Jamil felt himself growing drowsier, his grip on his chosen pillow relaxing as the minutes ticked by. Perhaps he would even drift off to sleep at a more reasonable rate, now that-
“I thought about you,” Azul’s soft voice once again broke the silence, a more vulnerable tone painting his words as he spoke within the darkness of the night. 
“...What?” Jamil whispered back, wondering if he had heard Azul clearly, or if his mind was simply playing tricks on him as he was falling asleep.
“I thought about you,” Azul repeated, “back at S.T.Y.X. When Riddle and I had to wait for the Thunder Spear to charge the first time, I simply couldn’t bring myself to even try to sleep. It’s not in an octopus’ nature to relax in such a stressful situation, after all… And my mind kept wandering back to you. I couldn’t help but  wonder where you were, what you were doing, if you were safe…”
Azul’s voice grew quieter as he trailed off back into silence.
“...It’s funny,” Jamil said after a long, quiet moment. “I also wasn’t about to risk going to sleep when Leona and I first took our Thunder Spear to charge, either.” Jamil turned onto his side, facing where Azul lay next to him. “And maybe… I was even thinking about you, too.”
Azul’s breathing stilled for a moment, and his body slowly turned over so he could meet Jamil’s gaze in the shadows.
“...Were you?” Azul asked, voice barely audible. “Truly?”
Jamil was quiet again. He gave no audible response, but chose instead to shift his body closer to Azul until he was only inches away from curling up against Azul’s chest.
Azul hesitated. Was this a test? A trap? An… invitation? He certainly didn’t want to misinterpret the situation and risk upsetting Jamil and driving him away, but he also didn’t want the absence of action to be taken as rejection, ethier. 
Proceeding with caution seemed to be the logical way to maneuver this situation. He gingerly reached a hand out, resting it atop Jamill’s arm… and when Jamil didn’t flinch or pull away, he gradually slid his arm further… and further… until his arm was fully draped over Jamil’s side and covered his back. Azul could feel his own heart hammering in his chest as he took the next step of wrapping both arms completely around Jamil and pulling him into his embrace.
This was all it took, as whatever shred of denial or pride that Jamil might have had left in him seemed to crumble away. Jamil reached his arms around Azul’s middle and buried his face against his chest, seeming to finally, truly relax in the comforting feeling of Azul’s arms surrounding him. 
There was a sigh of relief, and neither Azul nor Jamil were sure which one of them it came from.
And the rest of the night fell, once again, into a comfortable silence.
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artoile · 10 months
hi hi hi 👀 im here to ask about jamiazu !!
what got you into shipping them? like what aspects about their dynamic and potential chemistry and stuff . i usually love to hear abt that kind of stuff i hope the ask isnt too silly teehee
HELLOOOOO SORRY IM LATE. Work and life have been kicking my ass and I wanted to take my time answering this 💀
There are many things I love about azjm/jamiazu and I could write thousands upon thousands of words waxing poetics about why I adore their dynamic
But...if I'm being completely honest with myself...the first thing that initially got me into the pair was.............................................................(wait for it)................................................................................................................
Now. You might be thinking, "Kono, what the HELL does hakukai have to do with azjm?!?"
And to that I say. Hear me out:
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Do you get me. Do you see my vision. Are the worms crawling inside my brain coming through? Is this anything? (<- Person who is completely deranged and delusional)
Hakukai and Azjm are obviously very different pairs for many reasons but I think they have some core similartities that REALLY appeal to me: They're both dynamics with two classmates where one half wants to learn EVERYTHING there is to know about the other one. Person A (Azul & Hakuba) wants to dissect and understand the other's motives as thoroughly as possible and bring everything about them to the light. A is very straightforward about their interest--- but it is over-the-top to a degree that may come as very cloying and saccharine, leading Person B (Jamil & Kaito) to interpret it as dishonest. Consequently, B is very suspicious of A's motives and tries to keep them at bay. B has a part of themselves they're trying to hide (With Kaito, it's KID. With Jamil pre-CH4 it's his skills and real personality) but they know A is able to see through their bullshit.
HAVING SAID ALL THAT, TO SAY I ONLY LIKE JAMIAZU BECAUSE OF HAKUKAI WOULD BE UNFAIR. It's the main reason the ship appealed to me initially and why I started looking into it, but
I think hakukai is ultimately a soft ship. Despite being increbily chaotic, Hakuba and Kaito are both good, selfless guys at heart. Azul and Jamil are anything but.
There's a lot more emotional constipation and resentment in azjm,as well as dishonesty and selfishness on both sides. Azjm lends itself to more mindgames and tension. Azul and Jamil are both cruel and conniving; they are both willing to use and exploit one another, making for a really tenuous relationship...And that is fascinating to me!
Azul is a fundamentally greedy character that is used to taking stuff from others for his own benefit while Jamil is someone who has been forced to give everything and not have anything of his own due to circumstance and these traits are both their undoing. Azul becomes too fixated with the things he has accumulated because they're a tangible representation of his own worth while Jamil becomes resentful, bitter and self-sabotaging due to the things he's been forced to give up due to his position. I like that jamiazu as a dynamic has the potential of challenging those roles and making the characters question their positions as they interact and become increasingly frustrated with one another. Azul dislikes wasted potential. Jamil is a wealth of wasted potential. Jamil resents those free flaunt their skills and possessions. Flaunting is a core part of who Azul is.
Azul trying to rationalise his interest in Jamil as a business endeavour despite it bordering on ridiculous and unprofitable because he's 100% convinced Jamil is a worthy investment. Jamil struggling with the idea of seeing Azul as someone on par with him and a possible partner to help him reach his full potential. Their image of one another slowly morphing from "valuable asset" to genuine equals.
Not to mention how absolutely terrible (for everyone else) they would be together!!!
I also really love Octarabia/Scaravinelle as a dynamic. So I really like how the tweels and Kalim play a part in the overall relationship as well. But that's a topic for another day!!!
ANYWAY. I DON'T KNOW IF THIS ANSWERED THE QUESTION AT ALL. WADIUHAWUDHAWUIDHAWUIHDAUIDW I could talk about them all day. The snide comments. The scheming. The constant observation. The 4D chess. Jamil losing his mind. You get me.
With all that said. Phantom thief Jamiazu AU when? 🤨
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idiasdiscordkitten · 2 years
Since you are a fellow AzulxJamil fan... Could you write a mini fic about them 👀 ?
Idk if that is how you see them, but I really like the dynamic on how Azul has a big fat loser crush on Jamil and it's pretty obvious. But I've been wondering how would Jamil realise his sentiments to Azul? I feel like he would denies them for a while, but I am curious on how you see it.
So, the official prompt would be, how would Jamil comes to the realisation that he actually has a crush on Azul?
Hope you have fun with it 🥰
i think this one would be really challenging to write as a mini fic, though, just because i'd think jamil would come to terms with his feelings on his own. so, i think headcanons would be better for this! i'd like to explore jamiazu in a fic someday, but i'll save that for when i've got something a bit more even-sided.
let's go!
{ click here for a more general post about jamil, along with some other students, realizing they have developed a crush on someone, most likely the prefect }
jamil realizing his feelings for azul
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Jamil Viper
🧡 he knows how azul feels about him.  that much is obvious.  even an idiot would be able to figure that one out on their own
🧡 said idiot, kalim, starts playfully teasing jamil over this, suggesting he give azul a chance.  as if!  octavinelle as an entire dorm is shady, and no less is their leader.  he’s fairly certain that azul’s feelings are genuine, but he can never be too sure, since the man is greedy and will do whatever it takes to secure a contract
🧡 this is exactly the catalyst for jamil’s feelings, though:  azul’s crush is genuine.  and it’s not just that its genuine, but it’s that it’s independent.  azul has no interest in jamil because of his connection to kalim--instead, he truly wants to learn about jamil as an individual.  and jamil’s never really felt valued like that before, since even his own parents have made his whole life feel like it’s only worth something if he’s serving kalim
🧡 azul’s interest in jamil only makes jamil want to learn more about him, too.  why would anyone really care about him?  why seek out companionship from someone who is destined to never have a life of their own?  it just doesn’t make sense.  and because it doesn’t make sense, it’s painfully frustrating.  jamil’s smart, and he knows this, and he’d like to say he has azul all figured out, but...  he doesn’t
🧡 jamil finds himself thinking up duet choreography, looks for azul in the crowd during basketball games, etc. instinctually.  it’s not on purpose (and floyd will absolutely call him out over this).  he feels really ashamed of his feelings because he doesn’t really have much hope for his own future, and azul has such a bright future, he’s so ambitious...  someone like jamil would be an anchor to him
🧡 jamil finds himself thinking up duet choreography, looks for azul in the crowd during basketball games, etc. instinctually.  it’s not on purpose (and floyd will absolutely call him out over this).  he feels really ashamed of his feelings because he doesn’t really have much hope for his own future, and azul has such a bright future, he’s so ambitious...  someone like jamil would be an anchor to him
🧡 besides, if this really is a trick, he can’t be falling for it
🧡 to try and convince those around him he doesn’t foster any feelings for azul, he tries to act as disinterested as possible, but azul’s persistence and kindness is too endearing.  jamil’s crush is a lit fuse, and it’s only a matter of time before he blows up
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thegoldencontracts · 2 months
Okk this post is a lil thing I had to get off my chest (hot take ig) but I saw a post recently that was complaining about azujamj fandom dynamics and it made me so angry, not because it was disagreeing with my take, but because it just seemed so?? Angry?? It's completely okay to dislike a common trope but don't be a pretentious mf??? It's really not that hard??? Don't bash people who happen to have a different interpretation of characters than you and say they're completely OOC (bc as an avid reader and writer azujami has so many good fics)
This is my thing: Please, please, dislike a thing as much as you want. But don't get upset with others for liking that thing. There's a difference between, 'I don't like trains and wish there was less train content of my feed' and 'ughh god I would like trains but God most train-lovers are so annoying and only share the most boring facts ever I swear'
Also, if you want to see more of something and you're gonna be like this tm about it, I have a much better idea for you:
Spread your takes in a nice way. Write fics that feature your interpretation, if you can't write post small HCs and theories, in a kind way that doesn't bash people who disagree with you. I see headcanons about Azul that I disagree with, some of which are pretty popular. And yeah, I can make a post about how these stupid people who enjoy the same thing as me and make content that I get to enjoy for free dared to disagree with me, but you know what that makes me? A dick.
I know, I know, it's weird to get so worked up about it, but this feels like such a common trend in this fandom. If you have a darker interpretation of the characters, that's lovely! Diverse interpretations make a fandom with media literacy. But don't complain about how everyone's woobifying your faves just bc they don't think the twins loved Azul's overblot and were really disappointed they couldn't eat him please. It feels belittling and very pretentious - your take isn't necessarily the correct one.
And you know the funniest part? A lot of people who complain about everyone woobifying or excessively darkening their faves or whatever? They don't even make anything for their fandom. If you want to see more X, don't complain about people not making X, make X or request X from someone who takes requests if you really really don't wanna write.
I'm not criticizing takes here - you can say that you feel, or just straight up evidence contradicts X take. You can analyze X take and say it seems implausible. But when you criticize people and complain about real people who do x thing, you're not trying to analyze, debate, or share information anymore, you're being a dick.
No one gets hurt by someone saying that the twins and Azul deep down consider each other friends, and no one's hurting anyone by saying that they find jamiazu 's funny scenes a major part of their HCs. No one's sinning by disagreeing with you.
So please, for the love of all that is holy, if you're going to criticize a take, actually bring up reasonable criticisms - 'Azul being treated like a crybaby because of his breakdown may be a popular take, but it belittles his character and clearly contradicts Canon', isn't that much harder to write than 'Ugh why doesn't anyone realize that Azul's actually a terrible person, Jesus he'd murder you for a single corn chip', and it's more accurate because it's a genuine criticism not just you complaining people don't have the same interpretation as you, but also kinder. It's not that hard just BE NICE. Please! The people who have those takes and still people, and also, even then, their takes are usually backed up by some form of evidence. Don't act objective if you're not even gonna be open to criticism of your own takes.
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