#fluffy sqeaks
batmanfruitloops · 8 months
since we are getting around to that spooky season with the tricks and pranks do you think the boys would try and scare the others at some point by using little harmless pranks such as spiders on strings or jumping out from corners and such?
It's mostly Jonathan being a menace. The other two don't really play pranks, except for Ed trying to get Jo back but failing. Otherwise his pranks happen more often during the spooky season.
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He just likes being a creature to his friends. It's how he shows affection.
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niphredil-14 · 1 month
hey a lil hc i have for casey junior is that he EXTREMELY ticklish (worst spots being his ribs ears and neck) and i like to think that one day leo and donnie accidentally find out when leo pokes at caseys ribs and casey jumps and does a emmbaresing sqeak as donnie and leo eventually chase him down as casey runs for his life to not be tickle tourtred
i doubt you will look at this but if you thanks
This is so fluffy at first glance, but then I thought about it. Imagine the absolute trauma that Casey has, that he probably doesn't even realize is trauma! He has needed to be in control of his body and aware of any threat constantly. And while tickling is meant to be a fun thing, I know that for those of us that are extra sensitive to it, the sensation can be so overwhelming that it can border being painful. So, imagine Casey just chilling and having a good time with the turtles, not ever really having been tickled, at least not harshly, and not in a long, long while. Out of nowhere, Leo pokes him right in the ribs, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough for it to most certainly be felt. Casey jumps, startled at the feeling, and Leo, followed quickly by Donnie, zero in on him, their Cain instinct turned to the max. At first, the chase was all fun and games, until Leo and Don caught up to Casey, tackling him to the ground and going in for the tickle-kill. Casey, naturally, bursts out into laughter, until his body becomes overstimulated and his brain realizes that he's almost in pain, and overwhelmed, and not in total control. That's when he panics. Of course, Donnie and Leo are quick to notice the shift and release, but the damage is done, and Casey needs to get to a secluded area to calm himself down from a panic. Leo and Don definitely apologize later on, and feel super bad and guilty about the whole thing, but still, Casey learned a new thing to be on guard against.
sorry if this kinda sucks I'm sleep deprived and just went on a ramble.
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foxsoulart · 3 months
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*hands you an incredibly short fluffy ending*
Recovery was rocky at first, but it didn't take long before she was up on her feet again. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and months to a few years. Ali had grown closer and into a true part of the family. No one had seen hide or hair of the foot since Shredder's death, and they were content for it to stay that way.
"Ali! Come on! You said you were coming skating with us!"
Ali set down her book, and grabbing her coat headed out to join her little brothers. "Coming"
"Come on, I thought you were fast, Alley cat." She tilted her head, a mischievous smile appearing. "Care to test?"
Without waiting for an answer, she bolted out the entrance. Laughing at their indignant sqeaks as they scrambled after her.
Four little sunshines had entered her life and she was never going to leave them, she would protect and love them forever. After all that's what big sisters are for, isn't it?
    ~The End.~
Previous Chapter
Something something afterword something something sappy sentiments
I dunno what to put here okay?
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vixxi · 1 year
Christmas Gift - Thor x Pregnant!Reader
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It's Christmas! The Avengers decorated the rooms in the Avenger Tower, Tony was prepearing some alcohol, Bruce and Clint decorated the windows, Steve and Nat were decorating some gingerbread and poor Asgardian Thor was struggling to untangle the christmas lights only to tangle it more.
You just walked in and the first thing to see was Thor struggling "Want some help Thor?" you asked nicely "Sure my Queen" your god of a boyfriend smiled at you softly as you sit next to him and helped to untangle the lights.
"I don't understand these traditions you Midgardians have, but thanks to you I start to love as much as I love you my Queen" you blushed and after you two untangled the lights, you decorated the tree with it.
You can't wait to tell Thor that you are pregnant, you think that it will be a good idea at the time when you with the rest of the team will do the presents.
After you decorated the tree, Thor nuzzled his head to your shoulder. You heared Tony informing the team that it's time to unwrap the presents, you smiled as you saw Thor getting 4 presents for you as he gets on his one knee to get on your height "For you my Queen, the rest of the presents didn't fit under the tree" you giggled and thanked him.
Inside the first one was a necklace with a ruby stone, craved on it was in norwegian 'Thors dronning' which means 'Thor's queen', Thor helped you to put it on and smiled "red suits you my Queen"
Inside the second one was a copy of his helmet but a smaller to fit your head, Thor chuckled "I remember that you always take my helmet and put it on, but my helmet was too big it covered your eyes, you were so adorable"
Inside the third one was a cape that has the same fabric as Thor's red one, but (Y/F/C) "You always snuggle to my cape in your sleep so I get you your own to match mine"
Inside the last one was a giant fluffy teddy bear "You always call me a Cuddly Care Bear, so I got you one just in case when I will be gone fighting some enemies, and you want to cuddle"
You smiled and looked at him in his blue eyes "Thank you Thor again... I just got one present" Thor smiled and holds you closer "I don't care if it is just one, the important thing is that was from you my love".
You awwed at how sweet he is, so you took a deep breath and handed him a small box, Thor opened it to see a onesie with Mjolnir printed on it and ultrasound, Thor looked confused for some minutes then his blue eyes sparkled.
"You... are pregnant?" he asked quietly, you nodded and smiled at him. Thor hugged you and sqeaked "I'm going to be a dad!!" you awwed at how cute he is. Then Thor picked you up and run to his room as he layed you down on the bed.
Thor lifted up your shirt and planted some kisses your flat belly "It's your papa..." you giggled when his beard tickled your skin "Best Christmas present ever my Queen...."
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dysgraphic-anon · 2 years
Heyhey yhhhhh are you fluffy you look flufyy if I poked would be fluffy ? Make fnaf sqeak noise? Im sorru bery tirede 3 brain cells
I… hmmm- I mean I guess, I am rather fluffy, just more so my tail antenna and hair fluff- but it is nice and helps me calm down sometimes!
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aucprivt · 2 months
I have a desperate need to service you sir 🥵
I would love my mouth filled while I work that big cock of yours. Maybe if I'm good enough for you then you could grace me be pushing your thick knot into my hole. I want you to fuck me until my mind turns into a blank slate for you Wolf.
If I can do well enough then I might deserve your praise, I would love to earn it.
such a slut, needing every touch that comes off her way. sure you would love riding my cock while i push my fingers down your tiny throat, already gagging at the first knuckle. chocking on my claws while trying so desperately to fuck yourself on my dick, thrusting your hips up and down as i grab your long fluffy ears with my empty hand. watching you get all tired and breathless on top of me before i switch our positions and push my knot in you without any warning, making you scream and sqeak before i start ramming into your tight little hole as your eyes roll back and your brain just becomes empty <3
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Can you make some headcanons of Russia, China, America, Canada, Japan, and Italy reacting to an s/o who is super shy and soft-spoken. But absolutely LOVES being hugged and kissed, and laughs cutely whenever she's sweeped off her feet/held.
😩♥️ such a cute S/O dynamic!!!! Y'all going to kill me with the fluffy stuff!
Russia + America + China + Canada + Japan + Italy with a shy, but affectionate S/O!
Tiny small and shy thing = must protect
He's a pretty affectionate guy himself so being rewarded with giggles and happy Sqeaks makes it 1000 times better!
His favorite thing to do is catch them off guard by smooching the back of their head and resting against them.
"What is it you are doing~"
Being around them also helps him destress and relax.
He loves picking them up and holding them.
In fact, he gets pouty when they finally have to get down.
He sometimes forgets their shy, especially out in public, so it takes him a second to realize why they're hiding behind him.
Bold of you to assume he's not picking them up at least once a day.
He's also SUPER strong so like, weight isn't even a factor!
He does kind of fun of them for being so quiet, but he doesn't want that to change, so don't take it personally.
After all, through all these years, he's learned that the voice of reason is often the softest one.
Loves how shy they are, especially when they need something and ask him for help.
It makes him feel proud and useful, especially when there's many times he's not.
He's just glad he gets to love and adore them, just like they do him!
He's over the moon, and thinks they're way too cute.
How can someone be so shy, and so giddy all at once!?
How dare they steal his heart with his biggest weakness!
Loves hearing their giggles
He also loves the fact he can be himself and a little more goofy around them.
His favorite past time is peppering their face with kisses after they've done something he's particularly proud of.
Does buy them a panda plushie to nuzzle when he's not around, and he has a matching one!
Two shy beans in a pot!
In an odd way, them both being shy makes them stronger?
You can catch them holding hands when ordering food, and they discovered it's easier to order for each other and high five their bravery later.
When alone, however, Canada's S/O gets to catch a glimpse of Canada's 'French' side.
Lots of kisses and cuddles on the couch, and the look he gives them is just, so soft.
He's tried to pick them up, but sometimes struggles because he's worried he'll drop them.
They once fell over but laughed it off.
He becomes a hot mess when ever they get shy.
You can hear the word "Kawaii" being muttered under his breath.
He's not shy himself, so he has no problem helping them out when needed.
His home is usually pretty quiet.
When it comes to the affection, it's not exactly nonexistent.
He's actually quite kissy when it's just them.
After he heard them snicker one day after being pecked on the cheek, he was more or less hooked.
He's even more kissy and such when they're snuggled together watching anime.
There's been a few times they had to rewatch an episode because he's so busy tickling and teasing them.
Fricken. Run.
This is one of his favorite things, and the fact they're so vocal about wanting his affection makes him feel so special.
Very much a tease as well.
Will not let them out of his cuddles until he's satisfied with their adorable beet red face.
Loves giving them soft lingering kisses on their forehead and hands.
He's just a playful pup who wants to hear their laugh as much as possible.
He's got zero issues out in public if they're that shy, and will hold off on the PDA
If they don't mind PDA he's not letting go of their hand!
He refuses!
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obeymebabes · 4 years
It's All Under Control (Wolf!Lucifer x MC)
A/N: This is my first fanfic of hopefully many? PLS GO EASY ON ME I'M SO SCARED
The demon brothers were having a tough time adjusting to their new animal forms. Lucifer on the other hand seemed to have it completely under control, as if he had been half wolf this entire time.
There were few things that made you smile more than watching his furry ears twitch and tail wag when he was around you, unintentionally indicating his happiness.
Since he was the only one in "full control" of himself, he offered to let you stay with him in his room as a safeguard from the other carnivores.
"Are you sure you're able to control yourself?" You asked as you watched one ear turn in the direction of your voice.
He looked up at you and with a sly smirk. "If I wasn't able to, I'd be tearing you to shreds this very moment."
A thought popped into your mind.
"Hey Luci, I'll be right back, I have to go grab something from my room. I'll be safe, I promise." You smiled as you quickly escaped his room before he could stop you.
Once returning, you held the secret item behind your back when entering the room. Lucifer immediately sniffed the air, sensing something different.
"Whatever you have MC I'm not inter-"
He was cut off by a sqeaking sound. His ears perked up and tail wagged involuntarily. All you could do was laugh.
"What was that Lucifer?" You asked with a smirk. Red eyes glared in your direction.
You squeaked the toy again and he popped up from his chair, trying so hard to resist the canine urges. He frantically clawed at his desk.
"MC, stop being so foolish!"
Another squeak. And another. And another. His tail wagging so rapidly he started panting with excitement. His dark eyes followed the toy everywhere it moved. You finally caught his full attention.
"Come and get it Luci!" You laughed as he practically ran to you and gripped the toy in his mouth, tugging at it just as a dog would. He growled and shook his head trying to free the object from your grasp. You tried to hold your grip as he pulled but he was too strong.
As you let go of the toy your unsteady footing caused you to fall backwards. When he heard the thud and noticed you sitting on the ground in a laughing fit he snapped back to reality, dropping the squeaky toy from his mouth and glaring crimson daggers at you.
"That was not very funny MC." He huffed as he held out one hand to help you up and used the other to wipe the slobber from his mouth.
"I BEG TO DIFFER!" Mammon laughed from the doorway, holding a phone in one hand while his other hand was rested on his stomach in an attempt to contain his laughter.
"MAAAAAMMMMMMMMOOOOONNNNN" Lucifer yelled, quickly alerting the white haired tiger-demon that it was his time to run.
Let's just hope that a tiger can outrun an angry wolf.
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creepy-bi-day · 3 years
Im never gunna leave day,can I have a matchup when you wake nsfw if you so want, im 5"0 I will follow you around If you let me too,I have a lot of Hawaii shirts and big hoodies I lov stealing my lovers closes,im a big sucker of sitting in laps or cuddles,stim!!! I stim a lot and tic so be prepared, I have a big emotions,I forgot easily so please remind me to take meds,I love petnames,I make a lot of noises like sqeaks, I rant about my hyperfixation's,I got issuesplzbecarefulwithme-jay there u go
Hi Jay!! Again: unless I know you well enough to know you want NSFW, i probs wont put it unless you ask for it in your thing- Snail I remember you want them. Midsy I’m sorry I made yours pure fluff.
I ship you with
Jeff (EMH)!
He loves cuddling, so you’re always welcome to sit in his lap
Likes draping his arms around you, letting you play wit his fluffy hair
Please steal his clothes
He loves seeing you dressed in them
He’s also a fan of taking walks around dusk.
Likes giving you piggy-back rides
Tickle fights
If he does something that makes you happy stim, he’ll probably repeat it because he finds it so cute to see you so happy and giddy and-
Has an alarm on his phone for each of your meds you have to take and carries them with him when you guys go anywhere just in case
He likes listening to your voice so please vent away about your hyperfixations
He’s not a good liar, so you can tell when hes really interested in your stories.
Very invested listener, and asks questions whenever hes curious about what youre explaining to him.
He’s a switch leaning dom
Soft dom, tho.
He loves cooing at you how good you are for him
How wonderful and soft you look underneath him while he brings you to tears
Service dom? Sorta???
He just wants to make you feel nice
Doesn’t really like bringing knives, rope, or anything else into the bedroom
Other than blindfolds
He likes that. And wax play
That’s fun for him. Watching you squirm around under the warmth while he holds you tightly
Overall? 100/10
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The Baker And Her Actor: part III [The Beach Date!]
Paring: Chris Evans x Black Fem! Reader
Summary: You meet Chris while making a house delivery for the Evans. He can’t get you off his mind and to be honest, neither can you.
Warnings: profanity, sexual content, angst, but overall fluff.
Notes: I hope you guys enjoy! If you have any requests feel free to share those!!
Previous Part(s) → (1) (2)
“Baby it’s you!”
“You’re the one I love.”
“You’re the one I need!”
“You’re the only one I see!”
“Come in baby it’s you!”
You prance around your kitchen singing your heart out to Beyoncé’s love on top. The past few days you and Chris had been communicating frequently.
It made you feel some type of way and put you in a chipper mood.
Since you had a day off you decided to treat yourself to a nice warm stack of pancakes, fluffy scrambled eggs, and crispy (vegan) bacon.
A perfect way to start a weekend morning.
Flipping the last pancake and plating it you shuffled over to your living room, Haneli hot in persuit.
Today was a relaxation day, and you wanted to watch some quality movies.
Over the past few days of your texting spell with Chris he never much mentioned his work. I mean here and there he brought up but we barley discussed it as if he wasn’t proud.
So this morning you were gonna dedicate this to watching one of his many projects.
“Chris Evans.” You command into your remote.
“Chris Evans!” You shout
The screen showed many of his different films, all looked absolutely amazing but one stood out amoung them all.
The one where he held a little blonde girl on his shoulder and had a similar scruff on his face.
If the title didn’t grab you the plot definitely did.
“Play gifted.”
“Playing gifted.” Your smart television obeyed.
Just when you were going to trade it in.
You were just now finishing the movie and you were blown away.
You never thought about how much went into being an actor. Being able to convey those emotions onto the screen allowing the audience to feel them. Chris, he did just that.
Should you text him?
You decide to make the first move. Picking up your phone you click his contact, and begin typing.
Y/n: Goodmorning, I just saw one of your films. It was amazing :).
The Captain: Really, which one? Also goodmorning to you too!
Y/n: Gifted, and of course you’re amazing!
The Captain: Dont make me ink y/n. 💙
Another adorable Disney reference.
Before you could respond, your phone began to ring the contact image of Chris popping up on your screen.
Why was he calling you?!
I mean of course you all had text, but text can be motified unlike phone conversations.
Just answer dumb ass!
“Hello.” You sqeak
“Good morning.” Chris gumbles, it was obvious he’d just woken up by the rasp in his voice.
“H-how are you?” You stammer
“I’m okay just a bit tired.’ He yawns “better now that you’re on the phone.”
You were silence. Butting youre upper lip not sure what to say next.
His flirt game was strong and always caught you off gaurd.
“You there?” Chris questions
“Yes I’m here, sorry. I don’t want to keep you if your sleepy.”
“No it’s okay- I actually wanted to ask you something.” Chris reassures
“What is it?” You muse.
“Will you go on a date with me?’ Maybe tomorrow evening, if that works for you.” Chris queried.
You could have sworn your heart skipped a beat. This was the moment you’d been waiting for but was so terrified of its arrival.
When was the last time you even went on a date?
“Y/n, your making me nervous.”
“Sorry, i’d love to.” You trilled
“Great, pick your up at 7 tomorrow.!” Chris elated.
You could hear his pure excitement through the phone.
Youem were excited but nun the less nervous.
Shit what am I going to wear?
Saturday Evening - A.K.A “Date Night”
“Okay so you got this dress and I’m thinking we need to ensintuate your shoulders and colleebones as much as possible.” Kiara explains.
She rushes through Pinterest to find hair inspiration. Some your like some you aren’t quite fond of. You wanted to look your best for him.
“What about this one?” Kiara inquires showing you a beautiful and delicate up-do.
You take her phone to get a better look, zooming in on all the intricate details of the style. “I love it! It definitely screams first date vibes, should I even call it a date or a hang out.” You mumble.
“Girl gets some confidence.’ Kiara lectures. “He asked you on a date because you’re hot and his intrested take it with pride, he’ll love you, and if he doesn’t I do.” Planting a firm kiss on your temple.
“Thanks.” You coo.
Kiara begins to fumble in your hair, pinning it up and fluffing it’s often. “So where is he taking you?’ She quipped. “Somewhere nice I hope.”
“Well he hasn’t exactly told me.”
You feel her stop fiddling around in your hair. “So you don’t know?”
You nod your head.
“Hm, a man of mystery,That should be fun.” Kiara mused.
Shifting weight in your seat from the pressure of sitting for a while, your breath out. “I hope so.”
“Let’s find you something sexy to wear.” Kiara offered.
You both decide on a emerald green slip dress and a gold layered necklace, topping it off with a casual leather jacket.
“You look amazing girl, I need a picture.” Kiara praises.
You twirl around posing dramatically with various poses. Kiara snaps pictures hyping you up with each pose you perform.
“Come look at these.” Kiara hypes
Damn you do look good.
“Can you send these to me?”
Kiara nods her head.
Just when you were slipping on your shoes the doorbell rings. Your clock reads 7 o’clock.
You hurry toward the hallway mirror you had hanging on the wall, giving your hair one last fluff before opening the door.
The door swings open and there he was in all his glory.
He looked ravishing.
He wore a silver chain necklace, a black knitted sweater paired with heather grey saude pants and carmel shoes.
He held a bouquet of beautiful flower. Assortments of different pinks, red, and whites.
So he listens.
“Wow, you look stunning.” Chris praises
“You as well.’ I can take those, at least I hope they’re for me.” You giggle
“Oh yes, of course. Can I Uh set them up for you?” Chris ask rubbing the back of his neck.
You open up the doorway even more allowing him in. Guiding him toward your kitchen. A short trip considering you live in a small loft.
“Vases are up top.” You instruct
Chris nods, reaching up to grab one of your many vases.
When he stretched up his shirt untucked revealing a lower back tattoo.
God this man has tattoos as well.
You couldn’t help but stare not only was it intresting but it was really hot as well.
Chris peaks his head over his shoulder catching your gaze in his peripheral.
“See something you like?” Chris teases a cocky smirk painted on his face.
You drop your head biting your bottom lip. You’d been caught and the man sure knows how to make you nervous.
I was starting to believe he did that on purpose.
Suddenly you notice Kiara hiding behind the slight wall that separated the kitchen and the living space.
“What are you doing?!” You mouth.
She smirks. Then begins to suggestively dry hump the air and make satisfied faces. “Introduce me.” She mouths back
You roll you eyes giving in, motioning for her to come over.
She smiles in victory, brushing down her outfit quickly.
“So y/n before you leave- oh I’m sorry I didn’t know you were here.” Kiara lies
From anyone who didn’t know who the actors was in the room, they’d think it was Kiara how well she put on an act.
You stare at her hoping she didn’t go overboard.
“Oh erm, hello.” Chris greeted
“We were just living, Kiki I love you and I see you later!”
You hoped Chris got the message, luckily he did.
He quickly dried his hands, shooting a small smile and wave to Kiara then followed you out your home.
“Which one your?” You ponder.
Beep beep.“That one.”
You watched the interior light of a black mid size audi light up.
Sometime you forget he’s rich. He definitely didn’t like to show, one of the many things you like about him.
“Shall we?” Chris says his arm out for you to interlopp.
You smile up at him gripping his arm, feeling the heat rise up to your cheeks.
The car ride was anything but queit. The two of you laughed and told embarrassing stories of your childhoods.
“Wait so you actually peed on a guy in your class in sixth grade?”
“True story, I couldn’t hold it!” You retort giggling
“Wow you beat me.’Chris says. “we are almost there it’s just up this way, one of my favorite things to do.”
“So I get to go to a special place?”
“Must mean something, right.” Chris stated, giving you those damn eyes again.
The way he stared at you with so much sencerity made you crave him even more. He was passionate you could tell.
“Okay no peaking.” Chris instructs pilling you out of the car shutting the door after you.
“Okay.” You obeyed.
Chris walked you through a seemingly long and tangled path. His big hands covering your ears the whole time.
Eventually he stopped guiding you and removed his hands.
“Is it safe to open?” You asked softly
“Yes you can open now, even though definitely saw you peaking.” Chris teased
“I was not!” You bicker like a child
Finally you allow your eyes to flutter open. Immediately your jaw drops at what you saw before you.
It was the Boston harborwalk, but lit up. The place looked so alive.
There was everything. Fun games, food, and even a Ferris wheel.
“Chris this is amazing.’ You gasp in excitement. “It’s- it’s beautiful I - can we go now!”
“I figured you’d love it, and yes let’s get going.” Chris spoke holding his hand out for your reach.
You comply shyly intertwining you tiny fingers with his. The heat rising to your cheeks, and the butterflies bubbling in your pit again.
You finally reach the boardwalk. Enamored by all the lights and fun that surrounds you can’t help but bounce from booth to booth like a young child on Christmas Day.
“Slow down dont wanna have to put a lease on you.” Chris pesteres
You playfully slap his chest with the back of your hand.
God he was muscular and firm.
Nope not going there y/n stop.
“Oh hush, this is fun!’ You piped. “What should we do next?”
“I was thinking the Ferris wheel?” Chris suggested.
Chris’s Point Of View:
The night wasn’t even close together and it was already going so well.
Y/n was perfect, practically an angel.
I could tell she was breaking out shell, showing more of her personality she’d been so afraid to show me.
It was great. I loved how excited she got about the smallest things, how she was a good sport and didn’t fuss over loosing games.
Through all my relationships I’ve craved to have someone like y/n and here she was and she was so great.
Gosh get a grip meatball can’t be falling in love on date one.
Finally we get up to the top of the Ferris wheel, stopping so we could get a great view of Boston.
I watched as you leaned over on the side just enough not to tip over but to get a good view.
How your y/c eyes lit up just like the city below us, the curls that rested on your forehead dancing in the wind.
I pull out my phone opening the camera settings.
I snap a quick photo of you. You just looked so peaceful.
Shit my flash!
My eyes go wide, embarrassed that I’d just been acting like a certified creep ten seconds ago.
She turns to face me comfusion readable on her face.
“Um y/n I’m sorry I- I just thought you looked beautiful.” I stammered.
She slips her tiny hand into mine giving me a small smile.
“Can I at least see it.” She asks
We leave the carnvial to go to another beautiful location I wanted to show y/n.
This could quite literally brighten her night.
“It’s just this way.” I instruct holding her hand helping her down the pathway to the beach.
“Are you taking me somewhere to kill me.” She jokes
“Sweetheart if I wanted to kill you, it would have already been done.”
I hear her let out small chuckle underneath her breath.
She trusted me.
“We’re here.” I announce
Her eyebrows raise as she looks around observing nothing but a bland beach.“We’re where?” She ponders
I pick up a small rock tossing it in my hand. “Okay now you’re scaring me.” She says slowly backing away.
“Don’t be.”
With that I threw the rock down on the sand allowing the bioluminescent plankton to give off their blue hue.
I hear the fimaliar gasp escape y/n’s lips as she’d done all night in excitement.
“Chris! What is this?”she quipped
“Bioluminescent planktons, I discovered these a while back when I was having a not good day and needed a walk. Cheered me up immediately.” I explain
Walking toward my side her eyes never leave the ground. “Wow this is astonishing.” She states
“You wanna see something else?” I ask a devient smirk planted on my face.
“You’re just full of surprises.”
“You have no idea.” I returned.
I grab her hand leading her over to the shoreline. “Take off your shoes.” I instruct
She does just that waiting for further instruction.
“You see this.” I say pointing down to the water.
“See what?”
“This!” I smirk lightly splashing her with water
Please be into it.
I watched as she stood there for a moment, mouth agape wiping the salt water off her face.
My heartbeat sped up hoping she wouldn’t curse me out and storm off.
“Oh really that’s what you wanna do?” She said smirking peeling her leather jacket off.
“Yeah that’s what I wanna do.” I mock rolling my arm and pants legs up.
“Fine but I was I raised off avatar and have a strong belief I’m a waterbender.” She jokes
Finally she splashes me immediately damping my sweater.
I’m impressed that she was able to get the much water on my with her small hands.
I attempt to return the favor but she runs away giggling.
I chase after her effortlessly catching up, scooping her in my arms bridle style.
“Stop, stop I’m sorry put me down.” She stammers laughing loudly.
“Nope only soaking you will do for forgiveness.” I say carrying her to the spot with our belongings.
“But Chris I just had wash day.” She pouts
“Wash day?” I question.
“You’re too cute, and caucasian.” She replied
“Cute huh?” I tease.
There she goes again hanging her head low and avoiding eye contact, she was so adorable.
“You know what I want.” I stays breaking the silence
“What’s that?”
“Ice cream.” I say
Finally we pull up at an ice cream parlor that looks like it was plucked straight out of the fifties.
I notice you began to shiver. It was late at night and the cool Boston breeze was now turning into a chilling freeze.
Should I do it? Will she be comfortable?
Making sure not to startle her, I cautiously wrap my arm around her shoulders pulling her into me, hopping to add some type of warmth to her body.
She just smiles up at me leaning her head into my shoulder. She fit into my side like a puzzle. I let the tropical sent of her hair infuse my lungs.
God she smelt great.
We get up to the glass display of ice cream. It was so colorful with so many different assortments of flavors I didn’t know which one to pick.
You were bent over peaking through the glass. Squinting trying to decide which ice cream flavor to choose from.
“Decided yet?” I ask
“I think so, can I have the chunky monkey suprise.” She asks the waitress.
The waitress nods grabbing a warm scooper for dig out your flavor. “What about you. what’s your take?” She asks me retrieving her ice cream.
“I think I’ll have what your having.”
“Good choice.” She playfully sasses
I watch her walk over to grab us a a few napkins and extra spoons.
“Sir.” The cashier says holding my ice cream for me. “Sorry, how much?” I ask.
“It’ll be $5.78.” The cashier resports.
I dig into my wallet pulling out one of my many cards handing it over to the cashier.
I felt your brown eyes burning into me, watching me.
I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing that you were or a bad thing that you were.
“Let’s go, it late and im sure you work tomorrow.”
“Yes I do.” She mutters almost pouting.
We walk to my car. Reaching it I press the unlock butting watching the inside light up.
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batmanfruitloops · 9 months
your jon makes me wanna go psstpsstpsst like I'm calling over a cat
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Yeah. He is just a wet cat. Pspsp at your own risk.
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asknairsame · 7 years
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My new fluffy children 😊 I got them for my birthday 😁
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whatmakesmehappyy · 5 years
If I Can’t Have You
You didn’t know that he was making a music video. You were there for the song, for the recording process, for the frustration, and for the victories. All through that he never told you he was thinking about making a music video for the song, your song, he had called it when he had pulled you into the studio at three in the morning. You didn’t know what spurred the inspiration. It was a regular day as the two of you climbed into bed close to one in the morning. He had tossed and turned and you had stayed up with him wanting to make sure he was able to fall asleep. You were rubbing his chest with your head on your shoulder as he scrolled through his phone. The two of you were quiet with Netflix playing softly in the background.
“You okay, bub?” you asked as you looked up at his tired eyes.
“Too loud.” he mumbled as he threw his free arm over his eyes.
“Wanna record?” you knew that when he told that things were “too loud” he meant he had something he needed to get out, usually in the form of recording or writing.
“It’s late.” he told you, still covering his face. You sat up and tugged on his arm.
“I love you.” you told him. You just wanted him to know. He put his arm down and rested it on his stomach and you traced the swallow on his hand.
“To the moon.” he told you and you smiled before bushing and burying your face back into his chest. You told him how much you loved him all the time but everytime he told you he loved you back or expressed his love you would undoubtedly blush and hide your face, “Babe?” he asked and you looked up at him, “Can we go to the studio?” You smiled and tossed the blankets off before going to the closet and putting one of his coziest sweaters on. You tossed him his Harvard hoodie and he laughed, “I have a sweater, my love.”
You peaked out from the closet, “Can you wear that one?” you pointed to the grey hoodie resting on the bed.
“Why?” Shawn questioned.
You shrugged at him as you pulled the sleeves of his hoodie over your hands, “You look really cute in that one.” Shawn giggled as he walked up to you before lifting you up as you weighed nothing. You sqeaked in surprise and wrapped your legs around him to keep yourself up.
“I love you so much, y/n y/l/n.” you buried your face in his neck at his proclamation and he kissed your head.
That was how it started, that was how “If I Can’t Have You” was born. The two of you stayed in the studio until the morning when the rest of the team joined you and helped him mix it and edit it until Shawn thought it was perfect. It was written and recorded in a day. The whole time he was composing, writing, and recording you kept your eye on him. Around ten in the morning you had gone to get coffee and food and stopped by a little bookstore on the way back. As you read you glanced at Shawn, making sure he wasn’t pushing himself too hard. He always had a smile on, though, and he seemed more excited about this song than any others you had watched him record before.
“When are you going to release it?” you asked your boyfriend on the way back home.
“Not sure, I think I’m gonna wait on it a little. Nobody knows that I’ve written it. It’s kinda fun to have a song specifically for my girl that nobody knows about.”
“It’s about me?” you asked, teasing.
“Every song I write is about you now.” he squeezed your hand and, again, you blushed at his show of love.
“It’s dropping on Friday” Shawn said as he walked into the living room. You put your phone down to look at him.
“What is?”
“Your song.” Shawn explained as he came over and dropped a kiss on your forehead.
“Really?” you exclaimed, “Shawn that’s so exciting!” He nodded at you and plopped down next to you.
“I hope the fans like it.”
“They will. It’s a bop, Mendes.” He laughed and poked your stomach.
“I hope you like it.” he whispered and you ran your hands through his hair.
“Of course I love it, bub. I was there when you recorded it, you already know how much I love it.” he was quiet.
As Friday came closer Shawn got progressively more worried about the song. You constantly tried to reassure him that everybody would love it but he always told you that he was more worried about your reaction. You were confused and tried to explain to him that you already knew you loved it because you were there when he wrote and recorded it.
It was ten minutes before it was released that Shawn finally told you that there was a music video that would accompany the release of the song. “Can I see it?” you had asked and Shawn had shook his head vigorously in response. You nodded and waited patiently for it to be released. The opening scene shocked you. It was you, a video you hadn’t known that Shawn had taken. It was you wrapped in your fluffy comforter with pillows all around you. You looked sleepy as the sun hit your face and you smiled. As Shawn sang about not being able to drink without thinking about you the scene to a video of Shawn looking at you across a bar. You vaguely remembered the night. You guys were out celebrating Teddy’s birthday. Again, you had no idea the video was taken. As the music video progresses clips from your guys’ relationship were scattered throughout. There was a clip of you looking out of the condo at the Toronto skyline, another clip that he told you Brian recorded as he talked to you on FaceTime late one night on the tour bus. His smile was soft and his eyes held so much love as he looked at you through the screen on his phone. The final scene was Shawn singing directly into the camera and as the scene faded out you burst into tears. Shawn stayed quiet as you cried into his chest.
“Shawn thank you so much I absolutely love it.”
“Yeah?” he breathed and you looked up at him. You realized that he was actually worried about how you would react to it and you cupped his cheek.
“Yes. I love those clips. I didn’t you took a video of a lot of that but it made realize how much love you have for me and that’s amazing.” you told him and he nodded at you.
“That night, when I recorded? I was scrolling through my phone and I saw the videos of us and I got the inspiration to write it. I wanted to get it out right away but I didn’t want to leave you to go to the studio. And then you wanted to come with me, and you stayed there the whole time and I knew that those clips of us had to be the music video. It’s your song so it only makes sense that it’s your video too. I’m so in love with you and I can never tell you how much but I hope this song and the video is a start to you understanding just how much you mean to me. You’re my world, you’re every song that I’ll ever write, and you’re the one thing that means more than anything to me.”
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stilesisbiles · 6 years
So i have this parakeet(kakariki) right? And he is missing a lot of toes from infection+bad vet but its healed now(not thanks to vet). And imagine a green fluffy featherball sleeping under a desk. Thats what hes doing. And then when he wakes up he runs all over the floor while making occasional sqeaks. Imagine that. A green fluffy featherball running on the floor sqeaking Also on that note. Imagine a pale yellow budgie running really fast towards you. Because kitchen floor is scary. VISUALIZE
I love birbs 😃
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These ones are called Blue Footed Boobies
teehee boobies
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inhonoredglory · 4 years
Furies are the size of cats when they’re born-in other words, tiny for dragons-their eyes are sealed shut, and their ears are sealed against their heads with the inside part being sealed, making them deaf. Also, THEY SQEAK.
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Gee whiz, that’s going all in for the fluffy cuteness, no?
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Sleep Without You Drabble
Pairing: Dean/Sam Winchester (you pick made it vauge) X Reader Goes with this song- https://youtu.be/H06Ep1MTRW0 Warnings: Fluffy fluff A/N: this was my ten/twenty minute study break drabble haha quick read over a few times but not beta’d but ive had this in my head literally for ages now every time this song comes on my playlist. Also two things in two days.....goodness im on a roll man
@hymnofthevalkyries @theamazingworldoffandomfics @mylittlefandomfanfictions @feelmyroarrrr @douchepoolonsie 
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He wasnt used to this, usually he could roll right into bed and fall dead asleep. Bad hunt, long day, long drive, looking at the books or computer too long? It didnt matter he could always roll into bed and fall right asleep. But now….now here he was stairing at the ceiling watching the fan rotate, ungulating with a small sqeak and the place next to him was cold and empty. He laughed at the whole thing sitting up finally looking over to his phone, no message yet. He didnt realize in such a short time how he had taken for granted no matter what you were going to be there when he got home, that you would be next to him in bed. Not this night, this night for once you had plans, a college friend was getting married so it was her bachelorette party and out you were having a good time.
He laid back and tried again but sleep wasnt going to come, not till you came home safe. This place was home now, sure he could fall asleep just fine in any motel, in baby, hell even the bunker but this bed? No this was both your shared space where both of you should be and he couldnt even grasp what it was like when you slept here night after night with him gone. Did you do the same thing? You never looked completely exhausted, it wasnt a secret you slept better together but did you stay up waiting for a message too?
*buzz buzz*
He looked over to the brightly lit screen and smiled, you were on your way home that lulled him to a slight resting state his eyes closing.
It was late when you finally came home you had slipped your heels off at the front door before unlocking it. It was well into the morning now and you couldnt wait to crawl in bed already fighting off a headache from all the fun nights activities. It had been a good party bar was fun and lively and no lapdances to be seen, just a girls night out dancing with eachother. You shrugged out of your clothes grabbing the set you had left out by the washing machine so you didnt wake him. He worked hard enough he needed his sleep without you going in a fumbling around for things. Pjs on you downed a glass of water before heading for your room and slowly slipping in. He was on his back breathing soft but second you closed the door behind you, you saw his eyes open and he smiled. “Sorry did I wake you?” You asked softly as you moved sliding in next to him. His arms opened wide and when the moved around you, you felt exactly just how exhausted you were. Your head rested on his shoulder hand gently rubbing over his chest.
“No, ive been up for awhile now little hard to fall asleep here,” He said his voice deep with sleep now. You looked up at him and just smirked,
“Mr. Winchester are you saying you cant sleep here without me?” You teased at him leaning up. He just smiled his eyes meeting yours hand moving as he drew you in close his soft full lips meeting yours. The kiss was soft but long the two of you just grinning when he pulled away his hand gently stroking your cheek.
“Thats exactly what im saying Mrs. Winchester.”
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