#flower coric
palatteflags · 6 months
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Ino Yamanaka from Naruto based Flowercoric moodboard~ ^^ For an anon!! Hope you like how this turned out~
Want one? Send an ask! -mod Jay
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howlingmod · 1 year
Are you bored yet?
summary ; human/actors au again ... reader is a local clay worker that Wally may or may not like just a teeny bit. meetcute coric ..
notes ; they/them used for reader , not proof read and just a teeeny tiny bit rushed (i am sleepy) . glass breaks but there is no violence or anything ..
wc - 2k
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He really should’ve been more careful, looking back on it now.
Yes, it’d been a while since he’d gotten that vase and set it down, but, really, for walking past it every single day, he should’ve realized how precariously it sat on the table. He should’ve realized that sooner or later, he was going to be too tired to remember to give it some space when he walked back into his apartment. Unfortunately, however, he did not in fact realize that in time. And so, he is tragically faced with the terrible fate of going and buying a new vase. Perhaps this time, he will not place it so precariously. Perhaps this time he will buy a thicker one that has less chances of shattering into one-thousand tiny pieces in the dark at around 10pm on a Thursday. He had much to think about in his journey of replacement.
Luckily, for as long as he’d had the vase, he could still vaguely recall where he’d gotten it from. It was some pottery store he’d randomly passed by once just outside of the city, curiousity (and fatigue, if he remembers right, it’d been an eventful day and he was still too jittery to lay down quite yet) getting the better of him when he’d noticed it. The owners were nice enough, an older couple who he could recall telling him long-winded stories about anything tangentially related to what he’d been looking at. Plates with flowers painted on them prompted a story about some unidentified, gorgeous plants one of them had seen around a river long ago. A cup with an oceanic color-scheme had prompted a tale of a seagull one of their previous coworkers would feed bits and pieces of bread to on their break. So on, so forth. Long winded for anyone passing through, but pleasant for someone just tired enough to want white noise and easy, one-sided conversation.
Getting into his car, he wondered if they’d have any stories to tell him this time. He would likely be better conversation this time, now that he was less exhausted from being around other people for a long, exciting period of time and more tired from waking up at some time before 11am on a rare free day. He found himself gathering excitment somewhere in his chest, bubbling up in fondness at the idea of this little trip. Sure, it was just a silly little thing to be excited over, but it was nice to have a break from monotony, wasn’t it?
It was a nice day out, too. The breeze forgiving and the sun sociable in the sky, bright rays easily negotiated to peace with sunglasses. It’d been a while since he’d ventured out of the city. Sure, it’s not as though he lived in the heart of it, but it was still different to see the buildings like miniatures from afar. It was a nice break from the towering skyscrapers and heavy traffic. Especially the traffic, actually. He’d never been good with handling bad drivers.
There wasn’t anyone else in the parking lot, only one or two other cars there, likely the owner’s or someone in a closeby building’s. There were a few other businesses dotted around in the area, some strip mall closeby and a park on the way there. He was likely just early, there probably aren’t many people stopping to buy pottery at 9am.
The inside of the store was quiet enough, music playing softly enough you had to pay attention to the murmurs to pick up on it. The lights shone on everything, not blindingly as much as it was in gentle awareness of everything. As his eyes refocused, he could’ve sworn he seen a vague shape duck into a doorway near the back of the store. Before he could properly investigate his suspicions, his attention was drawn away.
“Well, I was wondering when the resident celebrity was coming back!”
He couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, turning to face his company. “I hope I’m not intruding, it seems I’m rather early this time.”
The older woman he recognized from his previous visit smiled and shook her head, “Much earlier, I’m glad to see the cold night didn’t drag you in this time.”
He returned the smile, pushing his hands into his pants pockets as he replied, “Oh no, I was actually coming to look and see if you had any new vases in.”
She’d lit up at his words, straightening up with intent to lead him off, “Of course! We’ve got plenty of new ones in since last time, I’m sure we can find one to your liking.”
“-turns out, that hammering I thought I’d heard from the neighbors had just been a big woodpecker all along!”
He’d smiled fondly, “Ah! You don’t see many of those around here, do you?” He was careful to keep a good grip on the vase in his hands, decorated in an intricate scene of a forest dotted with various birds. From the minute details on every pine needle and carved indents on certain elements, he could only imagine how long it’d taken to make.
“No, no you don’t,” she’d laughed, shaking her head as she looked back to the shelf filled to the brim with other, equally eye-catching vases. He’d studied the one in his hands a moment longer, carefully tracing over the carving of texture in a tree before perking up at a new sound.
A soft ‘clink’ had snapped him out of his thoughts. Initially, he’d figured the old woman had picked up a new piece to show him, but found she was still studying the selection herself. He’d turned around quickly, curious to see if anyone else had stopped in, but the store was empty. That was when his eyes caught that doorway again, vaguely making out the shape of shelving in the darkened hall. On that shelving sat one vase, darkness obscuring the pattern of it.
“Why put that one piece there?”
The woman had snapped out of her own thoughts, looking back at him momentarily before following his gaze to the pot patiently sitting in the shade. Upon noticing the object of his attention, she’d smiled once more and turned back to him, “Our resident potter puts their finished work there so we can price it and set it out.”
That had caught his attention. “Resident?”
“Oh yes! While we do get a fair amount from other sources, just as fair an amount is homemade,” she hummed, “Would you like to meet them?”
He’d readjusted his hold on the vase again, not wanting to risk another work in his excitement, “If that wouldn’t be a bother.”
She shook her head, “I’m sure it’ll be quite alright, chances are they would appreciate the conversation, artist-to-artist.”
Before he could offer any sort of further fret, she’d started off towards the hall, leaving him to stand awkwardly with the glassware on his lonesome. He’d glanced at the large cardinal on the surface of the piece one final time before hurriedly (and carefully) placing it back on the shelf, jumping to catch up.
It was far darker back here than it had been in the main area of the store. Combined with the noticable increase in temperature, however, it was more comfortable than you would’ve imagined. Through the shade he could pick out calenders, notes and other miscellanious papers littered along walls and desks. Half-dirtied rags were scattered on shelves, various bottles standing not far from them nor the different tools lying about. Before he could even try and dissect what their uses would be by simple observing and guessing, the woman spoke up again.
“I hope you don’t mind some company, (Name),” she chimed, speaking just a tad louder to properly catch attention in all the visual noise.
With that, he’d finally noticed the figure standing in front of a tall table near the middle of the room, turning their head to look towards her. Their eyes flicked to him momentarily in what he could only assume was surprise. They’d straightened up from their hunched over position, wiping their hands off on a dirtied apron as they walked around the table and towards the pair.
Oh no.
They’d opened their mouth to start talking to her, but he couldn’t pick up on any of it. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was focusing on, he just knew that he was particularly distracted by the person in front of him and it wasn’t exactly getting any better the more and more he zoned out. He couldn’t make out every detail perfectly in the low-lighting, but it was enough that he could very, very easily tell this person was very, very attractive.
“-so you’re that one guy on tv?”
“Yes!” He flinched as he snapped out of his thoughts, “Wally Darling, but just Wally is more than fine.”
You’d smiled and for a brief moment he had to hope and pray his wasn’t too dopey and the low light hid the heat in his face as you stuck your hand out. There was a brief moment your smile faltered, as though suddenly realizing something, but it wasn’t a fast enough reaction as he’d snatched up your hand. Your hands were, similarly to the rest of the room, noticably warmer. They were also noticably sticky with clay, some already drying out on your skin as the rest, inevitably, would likely dry to his.
“And could I have the pleasure of knowing your name?” You looked like you were stuck between apologizing for getting the blood of your work on him and introducing yourself, glancing between him and your hands for a few moments. He vaguely realized this was probably a bit long for a handshake. Eventually, you managed a weak smile, righting your grip on his hand, “(Name).”
“That’s a very lovely name,” he stated plainly, hoping you could pick up on the sincerity in his flatter tone, “How long have you been working with ceramics, if you don’t mind my asking?”
You’d perked up at that, seemingly completely forgetting about the handshake (that was still yet to properly break apart, this was definitely not a proper one, anymore) with the topic of your work. “Well, that’s a bit of a difficult question. I’ve been working with clay for a long, long time, but I really only picked it up career wise a year or two ago.”
“Ah! That figures, your work is all very professional looking, it’s very impressive,” he complimented. Sure, he might’ve been laying it on a little thick, but it seemed as though he’d suddenly lost the ability to control his words, them tumbling out before he could even really think about it.
Luckily, you didn’t seem to mind, instead reaching up a hand to rub at the back of your neck. “Well, I don’t think my work is that stellar, but I really appreciate it. It uh- it definitely takes some time, it’s nice to see it goes to good use.”
“It’s nothing, really. If you don’t mind, could I watch for a bit? It’s completely fine if not, I really am just curious to see how you go about it.” Yes, he was definitely pushing his luck a little bit. In his defense, however, he was genuinely curious about how you managed to get all your vases so smooth and pack so many details onto such a small, unconventional canvas. It was just an added bonus that he’d possibly get to find out more about you, that was all! He can’t help the mysterious potter he hadn’t even known existed was not only nice on the eyes but, so far, was nothing short of pleasant.
You’d thought on it a moment, moving the hand at the back of your neck to hang at your jaw absentmindedly, “I suppose that would be fine by me, I can’t promise it’ll be too entertaining though.”
He smiled and shook his head, “Not a problem at all! I’m sure I can find enough entertainment for the both of us, I am an entertainer myself, after all.”
You returned his smile, finally letting go of his hand and breaking off your entirely-professional handshake to turn and head back to your workstation, “Well, make yourself comfortable, then.”
"Oh, trust me, that won't be any problem at all."
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soclonely · 5 days
The clones as cool fuzzy socks?
The Clones as Cool Fuzzy Socks!
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Echo- He's boring. He wants to be able to wear them with his uniform though so sensible!
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Fives- these because they would creep Echo out
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Jesse- Little known fact is that Jesse's nickname in the GAR is Goose (canon, in my head) so naturally he gets the killer socks
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Kix- Wouldn't be caught dead in fuzzy socks but these are his "casual comfort" socks
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Tup- cat paws, only because its you <3
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Dogma- whatever the hell these are
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Hardcase- These. Because they creep Echo AND captain rex out.
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Coric- solid pastels!
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Bly- He borrowed these from Aayla and never gave them back
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99- llama with a flower crown because he is precious and deserves something cute
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Cody- He gardens in his free time.
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Waxer/Boil- Hand knitted, small business, custom fuzzy socks for our kings
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Wolffe- As the mother of the wolfpack, he is allowed to send them to general koon with a swift kick in the bum (lovingly) while wearing these socks
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Boost/Sinker- Not fuzzy but you know what it fits
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Hunter- oh force he would only wear leather, plaid, or camo so I will just go with these basics
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Wrecker- Teddy fuzzies!!!!!!
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Tech- not fluffy he don't like the feeling but he would do these knitted mouse ones (cuz he looks like a mouse tbh squeak squeak)
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Crosshair- What a tool
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Omega- Like wrecker, but fluffier
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Howzer- sleepy cats!!
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Fox- These. absolutely these "day drinker" coffee socks
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Gregor- highland cattle fuzzy socks that I just ordered after finding them because he would be into weird niche things like that
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blackkatmagic · 11 months
Just binged all of when the dead tree flowers and I loved everything about it but especially how readily Grants is ready to lie. Like all the time. And sometimes not even subtle lies he just says things with his whole chest and he’s good at it I love him
(Tbh I love protagonists/antagonists who just. fucking lie to everyone's faces. It's an underrated character trope, imo.)
“Do you know yet what Jedi the general is meeting?” Kix asks quietly. He scans the tunnel warily when Rex leads them around a sharp bend, tense, but—he doesn’t like small spaces much. Rex wouldn’t have picked him for this, except Coric isn't good enough with a blaster. Rex would have had to add in another trooper, and this is supposed to be a small, fast mission where they get in and get out as quickly as possible.
For all the headaches Domino has caused, and will definitely cause in the future, Rex is looking forward to having an ARC squad attached to Torrent again. The last one was his own, before the commander of the company had died and Siri had tapped Rex to take his place. It’s going to be especially nice to have an ARC medic around, though there were plenty of other reasons for Rex to recommend Domino for the course.
Keeping them somewhere secure until the mess with the Kaminoans and Granta can be worked out is just one among many, but—a pressing one.
“Not yet,” Rex says. “All she got was the extraction request. Blackout’s got her, though. They’ll be fine.”
“Maybe it’s General Olin,” Jesse says, pointed, and Kix instantly huffs, embarrassed.
“Commander Fox would like that,” he says with dignity, like he hasn’t been mooning over Siri's former padawan since Ferus swept in to rescue them with Bacara and all of his Marines like a gift from the Force itself.
“Commander Fox is going to have to fistfight Commander Bacara for him,” Denal says, amused. “If you want to get between them, Kix—”
“I wouldn’t get between them,” Kix says. “I’d sneak around the side and grab the target while they were distracted.”
Rex laughs before he can help it. Kix looks sweet and easygoing, but it’s good to remember that he’s one of the longest-surviving members of Torrent for a reason. “General Olin could probably use a month tied to a bed,” he says without mercy, and Kix's splutter is delightful. “So if you’re willing to try that, General Tachi would probably even help you—”
“Captain,” Kix protests, and Rex snorts.
“You're one to talk, Captain,” Jesse says. “Wasn’t Commander Cody just telling us about how you picked up that one assassin and threw him over your shoulder as you carried him to safety—”
“We,” Rex says, maybe a little too loudly, and he can feel that his ears are going red again, “aren’t taking anything Cody says as the truth. He’s a liar.”
There's perfect, judgmental silence from the three troopers behind him, but Rex ignores it for all he’s worth.
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Are you...
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Naturecoric is a coric xenogender related to naturecore. This gender is related to the aesthetics of plants, wild animals, rivers, flowers, and bugs.
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mogai-fantasy · 2 years
A gender related to pink roses, pinkcore, flowercore, flower crowns, and pink clothes
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recoveringpatton · 3 years
Ugh I’m desperately trying to find ideas for clothes to wear that help you present like your xenogender if that makes sense?? I have no idea what to look for. Sigh I always want to buy cute clothes but I have horrible fashion sense so I never know what to look for,,,
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nekae-void · 2 years
;flordrawkidcoric 〜 ☆゚.*・。゚⋆˙⊹ !!
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flordrawkidcoric - a gender related to children's drawings of flowers and other plants that mean a lot to them, bright and unrealistic colours, and kidcore.
more eyestrain version under the cut :)
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flordrawkidcoric | ✦ ࿐ ˊˎ-
✏️;a gender related to children's drawings of flowers and other plants that mean a lot to them, bright and unrealistic colours, and kidcore.
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*;flora + draw + kid + coric
req : day 13 of @cinnamogai 's coining event
indigo says : hmm
reminders :
- drink water !
- eat enough food today !
- take any meds you need !
- you are super super cool !
- ily so much /p !!!!!!!!!
thanks for reading !! ⍢
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starlightrows · 3 years
My Official Marriage Proposal to @soclonely
Angie my love, for your birthday I have decided it is high time that I, your platonic pelvis cracking anon, I reveal myself to you and the rest of the world! Honestly you may have already figured me out because I’m not subtle. (Get it… cuz… my name is Krax… aha ha ha ha)
All of tumblr is invited to our wedding! Catered by Braums, complimentary chiropractic adjustments, friendly pun making competition, cursed Star Wars opinions as table labels, and of course entirely clone wars themed!
Happy Birthday Tumblr Wifey!
In the spirit of celebrating you, I present:
The Clones As People They Would Be At Our Wedding
Rex- The officiant
Echo- Groomsmen/Bridesmen (The one who has to tie everyone else’s tie)
Fives- Groomsmen/Bridesmen (The one who planned the bachelorette party)
Jesse- Groomsmen/Bridesmen (The one that partied a little too hard at the rehearsal dinner but still made it on time to the wedding)
Kix- Bridesmaid (The one who color coordinated the outfits for the entire bridal party)
Tup- Bridesmaid (Hair and makeup, obviously)
Dogma- Bridesmaid (Tup’s unwitting assistant, but happy to be included in the fun)
Hardcase- A little bummed out there wasn’t enough room in the wedding party for four groomsmen. Get’s surprised as being the Dude of honor, and the MC for the evening
Coric- Flustered mom trailing after various members of the bridal party fixing dresses and suits and making sure we eat and drink water
Bly- Is furiously taking notes for his own wedding
99- Our crying parental figure, so proud
Cody- Walks one of us down the aisle
Waxer/Boil- Ring barer
Wolffe- The serious father of one of the brides that gives a speech so moving it has the entire wedding tearing up
Boost/Sinker- Wedding photographers
Hunter- Walks the other one down the aisle
Wrecker- Is the first one out on the dance floor after the first dance as a couple
Tech- Lights and sound at the reception
Crosshair- The celebrity swamp witch that we invited as a joke, and they actually showed up 🤯
Omega- Flower girl
Howzer- Someone’s plus one
Gregor- Bar tender
Fox- Arrived late for the ceremony but had the good graces not to open the door and disrupt the ceremony. Bought a really really nice gift to make up for it
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epicmogaiflags · 3 years
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Bloomcoric: A coric xenogender related to bloomcore. Related to flowers and fresh fruit, and pastel, greens, and whites.
there’s a couple of flowercoric flags already, but i didn’t really like any of them, and i identify more with “bloomcoric” as a label than “flowercoric”, so i made my own :]
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mogaiverse · 3 years
What are Xenogenders?
Xenogender is an umbrella term for nonbinary gender identities that cannot be fully described through their relation to concepts typically used to describe gender such as masculinity, femininity, androgyny, neutrality, agenrity, or outherinity. Instead, xenogenders can best be described through how they relate to things, beings, or concepts that most people don't think of as having to do with gender, such as animals, plants, things, or concepts.
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Why are they important?
Xenic people often have a strong understanding of how their gender feels to them, however they often find that there aren't any words for their experiences, this is called a lexical gap. In order to fill that gap xenogender people often describe their gender through metaphors, by saying their gender is like, is influenced by, or shares qualities with something else.
Xenogenders are most often used by neurodivergent people. We're 6 times more likely to express gender variance, seeing as gender is socially constructed. Gender is complex and conceptual, being perceived uniquely by each individual and their cultures.
And for many, finding language to express something that we see as an important part of our identity [such as gender] is valuable and liberating. Cyberbullying someone for using harmless language to express themselves is the real issue. They're not going to feel any less connected to the language you're discriminating against. You're only protecting ableism and transphobia.
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Examples of Xenogenders:
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Autigender; a neurogender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic or when one's autism greatly affects one's gender or how one experiences gender. autigender is not autism as a gender, but rather is a gender that is so heavily influenced by autism that one's autism and one's experience of gender cannot be unlinked. there are many studies that show that autistic people are more likely to be transgender.
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Caelgender; a xenogender that shares quality with outer space or shares the aesthetic of space, stars, nebulae, etc.
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Naturecoric; a coric xenogender related to naturecore. it is related to the aesthetics of plants, wild animals, rivers, flowers, and bugs.
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Gender And Sexuality in Autism (article)
About Autism (article)
Autism & Gender (comic)
Autism and LGBT+ (comic)
Autism & Asexuality (comic)
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a-lil-perspective · 3 years
The Clones and what they would give you or do for your big day. Happy birthday!! 🥺 Rex- A big bouquet of flowers! Your favorite kind Echo- he would read through all of your amazing writings and leave well deserved compliments on every single one of them. Fives- Cook your favorite dinner together of course! Quality time and some yummy food. Jesse- Crosshair. No seriously. He will catch him in a box and send him to you. will even throw on a bow! Kix- Did someone say a birthday shopping spree? Tup- A big hug. Sometimes thats all you need. Dogma- he would try and write a little fanfic about you and a topic that you love Hardcase- he would plan a fun day out. Mini golf or maybe a movie and finding funny ways to sneak snacks into the theatre. He talks during the whole movie but its to make you laugh so its a-okay! Coric- surprises you with a cup of coffee in the morning and some donuts Bly- a boudoir calendar of himself. He can be a bit much sometime 99- He would clean your whole home for you while you took a nice long birthday nap Cody- a gift basket of nice soaps, bathbombs, and lotions. Hypoallergenic Waxer/Boil- would set up babysitting for you so you could enjoy an evening out on the town Wolffe- a birthday picnic in the park Boost/Sinker- a big container of your favorite cookies and cupcakes Hunter- snuggles on the couch with a new blanket, some takeout pizza, and your favorite show on the tv. Wrecker- surprise party with all of your family and friends. He insists on a pin the tail on the donkey tournament Tech- hacks into the school system and changes all of your grades for you. A nice crafting kit Crosshair- a quiet night together in a cabin somewhere in the mountains, snuggled up by the fire as you talk about nothing
I hope you have an amazing day and get to spend it the way you deserve<3
Catch me literally crying over this.
@soclonely. This. Is beyond wonderful and made me feel so warm and fuzzy. What an amazing birthday gift. Thank you so much for making this especially for me. I love you and your work; you are so brilliant and this has got to be one of if not my most favorite “The Clones As” post of yours.
I almost didn’t want to post this because I wanted to keep it in my inbox forever. I’ve literally been daydreaming about spending my birthday with each of these boys; they’re all such heartwarming scenarios and they are so tailor-made for me—I really appreciate all the thought you put into this.
Rex and my favorite flowers.
Echo and reading my work.🥺He is such a lovely soul and I would so appreciate all of his feedback and insight.
Fives and making my favorite dish—I actually got to do this today and the whole time I was thinking of enjoying it with Fives.
JESSE SENDING ME CROSSHAIR. OMG. I AM LIVING. I imagine opening a tall, skinny box and pulling out a very disgruntled Crosshair. Then I stick the bow on his head and give him a kiss.🥰
Dogma and writing me a fic—I would absolutely love to read his work.😍
Hardcase would make for an amazing and eventful day. I would go anywhere with him he is so lively.
Coric giving me coffee and donuts omg bless I love him.🥺❤️
99 cleaning my house AWWW I would totally spend time with him doing that; he is wonderful.
Cody would have the BEST taste in soaps, bath bombs, and lotions. It would be very much appreciated.😍
I would trust Waxer and Boil with my adike 100%.🥺
Wolffe and a birthday picnic in the park. Omg I was wearing the PERFECT picnic dress today and I was hardcore fantasizing about this. Pure bliss.
Boost and Sinker are the real deal with cupcake/cookie tins!!!!!
Hunter and snuggles.🥺❤️😍I would give anything to hold this man. I’d cover us both up with my 50lb weighted blanket.
Wrecker would throw THE BEST birthday shindig he has so much energy and I love him to death. XD
Tech gifting me a crafting kit... I am literally🥺🥲I would absolutely adore that. Now I’m dreaming of doing crafts with Tech...
OKAY I’M FREAKING MELTING OVER CROSSHAIR. Spending a quiet night with him snuggled up by the fire during a mountain getaway... I am so soft it hurts.
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writer1 · 3 years
A Little Gift
A\N: This was requested by an Anon, I hope you like it. I'm sorry it's taken so long, I'm trying to work through my requests right now.
The Request: Hello could i request prompt general #37 with jesse thank you ❤️
Warnings: none.
You and Jesse walk through the little village, the 501st had just finished a mission on the planet Ryloth, so General Skywalker had given them some off time before the next mission. You work as a mechanic on the Resolute, so Jesse flew up on a gunship and got you for a little date around one of the villages on Ryloth.
You and Jesse have already been walking around the little village for about an hour now and you absolutely love it, everyone is so friendly and the little shops filled with knick knacks or food are so interesting.
As you’re walking you feel a tap against your fingers, you look down to see Jesse’s fingers nudging your’s gently. A smile graces your face as you wrap your hand around his, Jesse squeezes your hand gently. “Are you having fun, Cyare?” Jesse asks, you smile happily at him, leaning over and pressing a kiss to his cheek. You smile when the little bit of stubble that he hasn’t been able to shave yet tickles your face.
“I absolutely love it, Jesse. Thanks for bringing me down here.” Jesse smiles at you, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “Of course, it wouldn’t have been any fun without you here.” You smile sweetly at Jesse as the two of you continue to walk and explore the little village. You and Jesse have been together for about a year now and you couldn’t be happier, Jesse is one of the sweetest guys you’ve ever met. His brothers are also really nice to you, always ready to lend a hand if you need help with a ship, or if you need to be patched up after an accident. Kix and Coric always scold you when that happens.
You and Jesse stop at a booth to look at some paintings, Jesse feels you let go of his hand but he thinks nothing of it. After a few minutes he turns to ask you what you think of a particularly colourful painting he found, but finds you nowhere to be seen. “Y/N?” He raises and eyebrow as he looks around for you, but he only sees other customers and twi’lek natives. Then he walks away from the stall. “Y/N!” Jesse calls as he walks past a few stalls, he knows that you wouldn’t have gone far without telling him where. Jesse walks by a stall, then does a double take, he walks back to see you standing there staring at something. “Y/N, where did you head off to Cyare?” He walks up close beside you, finally able to see what you are staring at.
It’s a little bracelet, with a simple little blue heart jewel charm on it. You look like you want it but Jesse knows you, you are too kind to ask him to buy it for you, even if he doesn’t have enough money, he still wants to try. “Do you want that?” he asks you, making you startle a little, then you turn to him, but shake your head. “I can’t afford it, Jesse. And I know that you can’t either so don’t even try to offer.” Jesse’s eyebrows knit together, he hates not being able to get you things. But he then has an idea, Jesse quickly types a message into his comm and sends it, then turns to you.
“Okay, fine. Lets go enjoy our day then Cyare.” He holds out his arm to you, making you laugh. “Such a gentleman.” You grab his arm as he leads you away from the stall, unknowing of the surprise that is going to await you later.
You and Jesse walk to your room on the Resolute, you are both exhausted from the fun day you had. You lean against him as you yawn, making Jesse laugh as you get to our room, he types in the code to the door, smiling as he leads you in. “I have to go for a few minutes Cyare, I’ll be right back.” Jesse walks out of the room and walks over to the General's quarters, the door is open. He walks in to see General Skywalker sitting on his bed, he smiles and stands up, he holds a hand-sized box in his hands. “Jesse, good to see you. I got what you asked.” Anakin hands Jesse the little box, it contains the bracelet you had wanted. Jesse had messaged Anakin asking him to buy it.
Jesse smiles a wide smile as soon as he gets it. "Thanks General, I'll pay you back as soon as I can." Anakin frowns and places his hand on Jesse's shoulder. "No need to pay me, you just go give that to your Cyare." Jesse shakes his head. "Sir, I can't possibly take this for free. It costs too much--" "I insist, don't even try to pay me back." Jesse smiles. "Thanks sir!" He runs off, making Anakin chuckle.
You are sitting on the bed when Jesse returns, pajamas on and ready to sleep. You turn to look at him, raising your eyebrow when you see the box in his hands. It's large and is decorated with little flowers. "Jesse? What is that?" Jesse smiles as he sits down beside you and places the box in your hands. "Open it." He tells you with a smirk. Making you raise an eyebrow. "Jesse, what is it?" Jesse smirks. "Just open it." he assures you, you look down, gently opening up the box.
You gasp when you see the very bracelet you had been staring at. You look up at Jesse with wide eyes. "I… Jesse! How did you get this, I didn't even see you buy it.” he smiles at you. "Well, I messaged the General and asked him to pick it up for me. I was planning to pay him back but he insists that I don't." You take it out as tears prock at you eyes, you jump into Jesse's arms, pulling him onto a deep kiss. He hums, you pull away and look at him. "I can't believe that you did this Jesse, you didn't have to."
He chuckled and presses a kiss to your forehead. "Yeah, I didn't have to. But I most definitely wanted to cyare, I love you." You place the bracelet on you wrist, smiling with tears still in your eyes. You pull Jesse close and press another kiss to his lips, you can't believe that you have such an amazing boyfriend. "I love you Jesse, so much." Jesse smiles, pressing his forehead against yours. "I love you to Cyare. More than anything." With that Jesse gets ready for bed, the two of you falling asleep cuddled close together.
Taglist: @ahsokatano-thetogruta @lightning-wolffe
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soclonely · 2 years
The Clones as Quotes Connected to Bees or Honey and Flowers Because I Need a Good Emotional Buzz
Rex-"Honey doesn’t lose its sweetness because it is made by bees that sting." Echo-"When the flower blossoms, the bee will come." Fives- “To be successful, one has to be one of three bees - the queen bee, the hardest working bee, or the bee that does not fit in.” Jesse-“We think we can make honey without sharing in the fate of bees, but we are in truth nothing but poor bees, destined to accomplish our task and then die.” Kix- "Where there are bees there are flowers, and wherever there are flowers there is new life and hope." Tup-"That which is not good for the bee-hive cannot be good for the bees" Dogma- "Those bees, which chose thy sweet mouth for their hive, to gather honey from thy works, survive." Hardcase- "If bees only gathered nectar from perfect flowers, they wouldn’t be able to make even a single drop of honey." Coric- "How doth the little busy bee,Improve each shining hour, And gather honey all the day, From every opening flower!" Bly- "For bees, the flower is the fountain of life/For flowers. The bee is the messenger of love" 99-"The bee is more honored than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labors for others." Cody- "The busy bee has no time for sorrow" Waxer/Boil-“Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don't they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers.” Wolffe-“The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams.” Boost/Sinker- "It is not how busy you are, but why you are busy — the bee is praised, the mosquito is swatted." Hunter- "The hum of bees is the voice of the garden." Wrecker- "It was the bumble bee and the butterfly who survived, not the dinosaur" Tech- "Handle a book as a bee does a flower, extract its sweetness but do not damage it!" Crosshair-"Words are like bees – some create honey and others leave a sting." Omega- "The lovely flowers embarrass me, They make me regret I am not a bee." Howzer- " Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Fox- "Take time to smell the roses, and eventually, you’ll inhale a bee." Gregor- "The bee is domesticated but not tamed."
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years
pairing: hardcase / jedi!reader
word count: 4122
summary: you’re able to convince (read: blackmail) anakin into letting the troops take a pit stop on your home planet of naboo for a couple days of morale boost.
request:  hi i’d like to order a hardcase combo with a side of smooching (u write him so well i’m a mess!!!)
warnings: unprotected sex, outdoor sex, slight exhibitionist kink?
a/n: my first time writing a full-length fic with smut!! always remember, wrap it before you tap it.
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“we are not stopping there, y/n. there’s no time.”
“just like there wasn’t time for you to make a ‘very important call’ to someone that wasn’t even a jedi right before our last battle.”
“how did you-“
“i have more than two brain cells, anakin. now next time you speak to the senator, make sure you tell her i said hi.”
silence. then he tersely orders the pilot to set the coordinates to naboo, silently beginning to contemplate a way to get payback.
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you entered the clones’ barracks by anakin’s side, a wild grin still crossing your face at the success of your plan. heads turned to the sudden entrance of two generals and several shinies abruptly stood at attention before being relaxed by older brothers. neither you nor anakin enjoyed the idea of your men dropping everything for something as time-consuming as a salute.
“good news men,” anakin begins while barely stifling a groan. “before we return to coruscant, we’ll be making a brief pit stop.”
that was a poor way to explain it. several groans filled the air, thinking that there was yet another mission to be completed. the men hadn’t been on leave for several long and testing weeks and the idea of such overworking was rather repulsive.
“boys, don’t look so glum! we’re going on vacation!” your giddy shout shocks several of them and confounds many others. why the kriff would they go on vacation? they were soldiers fighting a war, there was no time for something so trivial. even if there were, they were clones. clones weren’t given vacations.
anakin takes a moment to enjoy the bafflement before clarifying your statement. “on paper we’re touching base with the local government to ensure friendly republic relations. once we’re there, however, we will have two days of pre-leave leave. a vacation, if you will.”
rex was dubious. “are you sure this is allowed, sir?”
oh rex, always dependable when it came to the book. his sense of duty was unrivaled, and moments like this made it clear. “anakin and i have both done far worse things without the council’s approval. surely an impromptu morale boost wouldn’t even hit the top ten.” your grin disarmed several troopers, them finally beginning to accept that they were indeed getting a small vacation.
“as long as you’re sure, general,” a small smile graced the captain’s face as he turned to speak to his brothers. “men, we’re going on vacation.”
“but sir,” dogma spoke up. you turned to him and took in the way his eyebrows and tattoo were twisted in concern, finding it very fitting for the trooper. “what planet are we going to?”
“good question, dogma. we’re going to naboo.”
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after a few hours spent at the palace, you and anakin were free to join your men. you had to at least make your twist of the truth convincing by actually visiting the naboo palace, even though queen jamillia wasn’t expecting any sort of jedi visit. didn’t need anyone finding loopholes in your future cover story in case they went to looking.
the five-oh-first was currently stationed in a wooded meadow dotted by several tiny ponds and vibrant wildflowers. some were swimming, others were wrestling in the daisy patches, and there were a few napping on moss-covered rocks or logs. everyone was smiling and/or laughing, though, and that was the best part.
the speeder anakin drove you back in skirted to a stop at the edge of the clearing. he offered you a hand to help you off, his driving being the kind that would quite easily disorient someone not used to his methods, and you took it with a smile. there was no way you would be letting him drive again, that was for certain.
it took seconds before your arrival was noticed. “hey everyone, the generals are back!” fives shouted to his brothers that were in one of the small ponds with him. the information spread like wildfire and soon you were both surrounded by men competing for yours and anakin’s company.
“come swim with us, general!”
“no, come join us for sabacc!”
“we’re wrestling in the flowers over there and need an unbiased ref!”
“our pond has a better view!”
“no it doesn’t!”
anakin laughed before bringing about a compromise. “we have two days, guys. we’ll both try to spend as much time with you all as we can, but i’m going to start by judging a few fights. y/n, you know where to find me.”
jesse and spears were excited to have won general skywalker’s attention, neither containing the whoops as they pulled anakin toward the match continuing on without them. from the looks of it appo was winning against jude, which was an interesting turn of events.
now you were left with a choice. you could go play sabacc with kix or go swimming in either hardcase’s pond or tup’s, both of which had spectacular views of the countryside. the decision was a bit biased (which you would tell no one) but you had to put effort into making it look like you spent more than two seconds making a choice.
hardcase was shirtless in front of you, clad only in his soaked briefs that left very little of his body to your vivid imagination. geometric lines decorated his chest, beads of water sliding down or beginning to dry against him in the sun pulling you in. it was hypnotic and quickly becoming a fuel source to your less jedi-like dreams.
you already had plenty of sources to draw from but it never hurt to add more. there was the wild gleam in his eye when taking down clankers with his z-6 and the way he’d comfort his younger brothers when they struggled with anything from night terrors to painting their armor. this wasn’t even mentioning the time you’d gotten a nasty blaster wound to the thigh and he had to carry you to kix and coric, the strong arms a cocoon of safety (kix told you later that you had called hardcase honey in your blood loss delirium and he flushed redder than a tatooine sunset).
he hollered in victory when you slung an arm around his shoulder, letting him guide you to the pond that he was sharing with queen and daze.
hardcase had to be frank with himself when he examined his motives behind wanting you to join him. it did have a lot to do with how he enjoyed you as a person, but he selfishly wanted to bear witness to the way you’d look with the pond water clinging to your skin and underclothes.
but that isn’t to say he only wanted you for your body, maker that couldn’t be farther from the truth. to hardcase, you were more than a general or jedi, and far more than a beautiful body. there was a selflessness he got to see when you interacted with civilians and compassion you showed to him and his brothers that endeared you to him. you were fun and wild and adventurous, and he couldn’t get enough of you, he wanted more.
you spent a few hours playing games in the pond, chicken and marco polo being the favorites. the guys banned you from being it during marco polo, realizing early on that the force was the reason you were finding them so easily and it was most definitely not hardcase splashing you like a child every chance he got. nope, that was not it at all.
the company rotated throughout the time you spent in the pond, the only constant being hardcase. it was pleasant being able to spend so much time with the heavy gunner without having to worry about protocols or codes. you got to just be yourself and spend time with hardcase while doing it, the recipe for a perfect day.
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the sun was setting and campfires were built around nearly every pond, both flames and night stars reflecting off the water beautifully. ration bars seemed to taste better on naboo, and dinner was spent singing drinking songs and telling stories of brotherly shenanigans.
you were recounting one of the occasions anakin reprogrammed temple mouse droids to hit people in the ankles on purpose when you noticed it. hardcase’s eyes hadn’t left you for a while, and right now they felt as if they were dissecting you on a laboratory table with their intensity. you wanted to know why but that wasn’t your information to know right then. if he felt comfortable telling you then he would do so in his own time.
nearly everyone was tuckered out by the excessive fun of the day, quickly falling into a peaceful slumber in their bedrolls the likes of which they hadn’t had in a long time. but hardcase, he was far from tired. he was far more awake now than he had been when you were on his shoulders during games of chicken played with fives and tup.
you were enjoying the crackling of the fire paired with the occasional snoring from troopers on all sides when hardcase stood and moved next to you. he had set his roll down on the opposite side of the fire, a decision he now was regretting as he had to maneuver himself carefully around the bodies of sleeping vode.
he eventually made it to your side without waking anyone and let out a sigh of relief as he plopped down next to you. his shoulder lightly bumped yours as he scooted closer and you couldn’t help but be glad he hadn’t put a shirt back on after getting out of the pond for ration dinner.
peaceful silence was achieved (outside of snoring) as you enjoyed each other’s company. you weren’t expecting him to break the silence so soon, but you especially couldn’t predict the way he broke it. “i had a good time today,” he spoke quietly (a true feat for the man) and moved a hand to rest on your knee. “thank you for convincing general skywalker to let us stay here for a couple days.”
the crackling fire illuminated his face just enough for you to see the patches of red on his cheeks and tips of his ears as he continued. his eyes held your captive with their sincerity, emotions swirling wildly just below the surface. “i really enjoyed spending time with you, gen-“
“call me y/n, hardcase. please, it makes everything so much easier.” you had come to a decision a couple hours earlier about how you felt about the man next to you and what you would do about it. there was nothing in you that could maintain the semi-distance you had with him prior to today, not with the way his laughter quickened your pulse and sent waves of joy over you. even his force signature was intoxicating under the nubian sky, you couldn’t get enough.
perplexion overtook his features. he had no idea what you were talking about, silently hoping that you hadn’t lost your mind to fun. “makes what easier-mmm-“
you cut him off with your lips, silencing his question before he could finish. he responded in kind, hands pulling you into his lap without breaking the kiss. it started all tongue and teeth, the adrenaline and arousal beginning to flow through your veins as steady as your blood.
“gen- y/n,” he broke the kiss to catch his breath, quick to correct himself to using your first name instead of rank. his chocolate eyes were blown out with desire, his hands had ventured toward your ass, cradling it with the utmost care. “i-is this what you want? do you really want me?”
your answer was first given with legs wrapped around his waist, mouth meeting his for another breath-stealing kiss. but then you sensed hesitation as his hands gripped your waist and slowly began to detach you from him. he was worried and you had to reassure him, make sure he knew how you cared about him. “more than anything in the galaxy, my dear.”
your eyes conveyed this truth to him the very same way your words did, and the answer given satisfied him. he returned his hands to your backside and gripped the flesh hard before continuing the kiss. you opened your mouth to invite him in and he obliged, his tongue swirling around yours and maker did he taste good.
kissing hardcase was euphoria unlike anything you’ve ever encountered. there wasn’t a single part of you that wasn’t aflame where your body met with his, the burn being one you’d relish in for as long as you lived.
one hand left you for a moment before coming back with a loud smack! that produced a whine from your throat. hardcase would do anything to hear that sound again, so he brought his hand down harder and groaned when his ears caught the mewl he ripped from you.
you slid a hand between your bodies and palmed his cock, giving it sweet resistance when his hips thrust into your hand. he felt thick and hot even through his blacks and you could only imagine how he’d feel inside you.
then a grumble from nearby harshly reminded you both that if you weren’t quiet, there would be an audience. hardcase grinned like a loth-cat before rising to his knees, arms holding you up and against him. “let’s take this somewhere a lil’ quieter, sweetheart.”
with the change in position you could feel his member press deliciously against where you wanted him, grinning in triumph when you wiggled your hips against him and wrestled a groan from the back of his throat. he was standing in seconds and barely bothering to avoid stepping on sleeping vode in his haste to get you as alone as he could.
he walked you both to the edge of the meadow, one of the tiniest ponds being only mere feet away from where he set you down on the ground. you pulled him down to you by his hips, not wanting any space between you as he nipped at your neck and jaw. he sucked hard at a sweet spot just above your collarbone and he nearly ascended to the stars at how beautiful his name sounded from your parted lips.
you tugged at your tunics desperately, wanting hardcase to take the hint and rip them off you. he was smarter than some gave him credit for because it took seconds for him to work them off you, tossing the fabric to the side with abandon. callused hands ran across your chest like the flowing rivers this planet was known for, learning the terrain of your breasts and stomach like battle plans.
his mouth descends lower and latches onto your nipple, tongue swirling around the bud before biting it gently. you’d never felt anything like it before and it drove you wild, his name stumbling through your lips.
“you say my name so pretty, y/n,” he smiles against your breast, lustful chocolate eyes looking at yours under long lashes. you reached your arms around his back and let your hands wander the waistband of his blacks, trying to tell him he was wearing too much but most of the words left you. the resulting sentence was fragmented and flooded with desperation that you didn’t bother trying to hide.
“‘case,” you breathed, “g’t ‘em off, please,” the offending fabric was hiding him from you and you weren’t going to put up with it any longer. he chuckled against your skin before moving back to remove his blacks. his boxers had long since dried from swimming and through the light grey fabric you could see spots of precome.
the boxers were peeled off seconds later and once they were low enough on his legs, he kicked them off to leave him completely exposed to you. his naked body rivaled those of marble sculptures kept in the elite coruscanti museums of art, and exceeded the expectations of the artists that had never been blessed to see such beauty in a man before. the tip of his cock was littered with pearlescent droplets you wanted to both taste and have inside you at that very second; you weren’t picky, either one would have you reaching nirvana in record time.
you sat up and brought him into a bruising kiss. he slithered a hand into your underwear and slid it between your folds, eyebrows raised when he felt how wet you were for him. his hand left soon after and, after breaking the kiss, let your lips wrap around the slick-soaked digit. you swirl your tongue around it and sucked lightly, hardcase loving the way you eagerly tasted yourself around him.
pushing him backward into his back, you straddle his lap and slide yourself across his length. hardcase growls at the contact and his fingers move to grip your hips and move you faster. but you wanted more, you wanted him to split you open and fill you up the way only he could. so you raised your hips up slightly and took his cock in one hand, steadily lowering yourself onto it with a moan.
once he was fully sheathed inside of you, your walls clenched around him and for a millisecond you thought you’d killed the heavy gunner with the way his eyes rolled back at the sensation. it was almost painful for hardcase to keep his hips from fucking up into you but he wanted you comfortable; not to brag but he was thicker and longer than average, and he didn’t want to hurt you by going too fast.
the stillness was sending you up a creek. you wanted him to move, to take what you were offering to him, yet he was resting while buried inside you. you were impatient and decided to take initiative, rising halfway off him before sinking back down. it was divine, the way he stretched you out as you went back down on him, and you could tell he was thinking the same when your name was emitted from hardcase with a primal grunt.
it took only a couple more movements on your part before he had you in a bruising grip, holding you up and pistoning his hips into yours recklessly. it was rough and wild and feral, the only goals being release and staking a claim into the other.
your head was thrown back, neck bared to him as he pounded you. in a moment you didn’t expect, he had you on your back and his head buried in the juncture between your neck and shoulder, continuing to bite and suck at the skin in a way you were positive would leave delicious evidence of the night’s activities.
the new angle aided him in finding your g spot, which you were both immensely grateful for. you were seeing stars that weren’t the ones above you when he found it, a choked whine indicating to hardcase the specific way to thrust to continue hitting it with precision only a soldier could have. his forehead pressed against yours as he fucked you, maintaining eye contact no matter how fast he went.
“fuck, hardcase!” his balls were slapping your ass as he went harder and faster, the man holding nothing back. he pressed a finger against your mouth before panting, “gotta be quiet for me, sugar,” he paused to give you a particularly hard thrust that threw you closer to the brink. “don’t want anyone findin’ us, do we?” the rasp and growl of his voice was unreal but he kept talking, and you buried your head into his neck to ground you.
he smelled of a smoky battlefield and fertile earth and honey sweeter than you’d ever tasted. a delicate lick at the sweaty sheen coating his skin had your tastebuds in paralysis and hardcase grunting mando’a curses as his pace grew erratic. he was close.
your walls began to flutter around him, you telling him that you were close with a moan.
“that’s it mesh’la, i want ya to come for me, you can do it beautiful,” he gripped your thigh and pulled it up his waist, spreading you further open for him and oh force it was unbelievable.
“come with me, please!”
“i’m about to, i’m gonna- where do you want it?” images ran through your head of him unloading onto your tongue or your chest and it nearly made you one with the force, but there was plenty of time in the future to experiment with that. you wanted him in you, to fill you up in every sense of the word.
“cum inside me, hardcase!” suffice to say, hardcase was not expecting that reply, shuddering in ecstasy at the thought of his seed leaking out of you.
“sugar, you’re killin’ me, i- holy kriff!” he thrusted a few more times before slamming into you balls deep, making sure that not a drop of him spilled out of you in that moment. you flexed around his cock and milked him for everything he had as the sensation brought you over the edge with him, his name repeated like a prayer.
he braced himself as much as he could before collapsing partly on top of you, sweaty skin mingling against sweaty skin. he was still inside you and the slightest movement ran the risk of overstimulation, but you didn’t want him to leave you empty yet. so you wrapped your arms around him and rolled you both on your sides, facing each other while still keeping him inside you.
you brought your hand to cup his cheek, running your fingers feather light across the lines and dots that decorated his face. he hummed in pleasure, eyes shutting in bliss. his hand not supporting his side was gently stroking the crook of your hip. neither of you spoke for several minutes, just letting yourselves bask in the afterglow.
then hardcase has an idea.
“hey sweetheart,” he begins softly, still hesitant to speak but just as badly wanting you to hear what he has to say. your hum of acknowledgement spurs him on. “wanna go for a swim?”
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this man was sent by the gods.
that’s what you told yourself as he slowly slid out of you and helped guide you to the edge of the closest pond. you slid in and he was right behind you, immediately pulling you as close as he could. he didn’t try to continue the prior activities, just simply leaned against the edge of the pond and held you close.
you couldn’t remember the last time you were held for a reason outside of warmth and self-preservation. it was bliss, so comforting and peaceful and safe. you floated and let hardcase anchor you to him, fully trusting him to keep you above the surface as he held you and talked about anything and everything.
the conversation was easy and the touches soft as you talked away the night. you eventually wrapped your arms around his neck and used his chest as a pillow, taking comfort from the way his hands smoothed over the bruises he made in your skin a few hours earlier. his heartbeat was steady against your, the thumping strong and true.
“hey sugar,” he whispered into your hair before slowly unwrapping your arms from his neck. you let him and the water move your body, your back pressed against his chest and his arms holding you in place once again. “look over here.” he pointed to the sky where the sun was beginning to rise, the sky painted in pastel pink and lavender and marigold.
it’s been too long since you’ve gotten to watch the sun rise on your home planet. sharing the moment with hardcase made it all the more a beautiful. “hardcase, it’s gorgeous.”
he smiled and kissed your crown. “it doesn’t compare to a certain jedi i know, don’t even come close.”
“i didn’t know you had a thing for anakin, dear. i’ll be sure to let him know.”
he sputtered in indignation, laughing at the insinuation but taking it as a challenge as well. “you know that’s not who i’m talking about, beautiful.” one hand slides down through the water and comes to rest between your thighs, his index and middle fingers teasing your clit. you push your ass against his dick in retaliation and reeling as you feel him stiffen against you.
you spent the sunrise w in ith hardcase slowly thrusting into you, lips locked together and hands caressing your bodies gently. your legs were wrapped around his waist as he pressed you against the pond’s edge, taking his time with you as the stars faded from view.
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eyayah-oya · 3 years
Clone Ship Bingo July 2021
Only One Bed | Bacara/Neyo | Barely Room to Breathe
Evil Au | Kix/Coric | We’ll Rise From the Ashes
Date Night | Fives/Tup | Steal My Breath Away
Cadets | Bly/Keeli | Long Past Curfew
Free Space | Cody/Wooley | Comfy and Warm
Painting | Comet/Wooley | Paint with a Promise
Magic AU | Bly/Rex | Throw Your Wishes to the Wind
Enemies to Lovers | Thire/Thorn | Lost to Each Other
79′s | Tup/Wooley/Comet | Intoxicated by You
Character Death | Rex/Keeli | Hold Strong (so they can’t see you break)
OT3 | Tup/Wooley/Comet | We Have Forever Now
A/B/O | Echo/501st | Put Your Arms Around Me
Pining | Hardcase/Wolffe | ARC (Advanced Romantic Campaign)
Historical AU | Rex/Bacara/Neyo | Kote bal Ijaat
Hurt/Comfort | Wolffe/Sinker/Boost | The Weight of Grief
Time Travel/Loop | Echo/Fives | Hold Me Tight (Let Me Go)
Dancing | Jesse/Kix/Echo | Every Step
Modern AU | Cody/Rex | Ahsoka Tano, Hero Extraordinaire, Saves the Day
Domestic | Waxer/Boil | House of Dreams - Chapter 1: Sunlit Meadows
Stargazing | Waxer/Boil | House of Dreams - Chapter 2: Starry Eyes
5+1 | Fox/Thorn | Lean on Me When You’re Not Strong
Sparring | Cody/Echo | Reassess
Harry Potter AU | Cody/Rex, Wolffe/Hardcase, Wooley/Longshot, Jesse/Kix | Love is in the Air
Post Order 66 | Echo/Rex | Inevitable
Flower Shop AU | Echo/Wooley | The Beat of my Heart
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