#flat roofing speci
businesspikuk · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Flat Roof Installation: What You Need to Know
Flat roofs are a popular choice for residential and commercial buildings alike, thanks to their sleek appearance and efficient use of space. If you're considering installing a flat roof on your property, there are several key factors to consider to ensure a successful and long-lasting installation. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about flat roof installation.
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Choosing the Right Materials
One of the first decisions you'll need to make when installing a flat roof is selecting the right materials. Common options include built-up roofing (BUR), modified bitumen, EPDM rubber, PVC, and TPO membranes. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's essential to research and choose the one that best suits your needs and budget.
Hiring a Professional Contractor
Flat roof installation is a complex process that requires specialized knowledge and skills. Hiring a reputable and experienced roofing contractor is essential to ensure a high-quality installation. Look for contractors with a proven track record of success, proper licensing and insurance, and positive customer reviews.
Understanding the Installation Process
The flat roof installation process typically involves several key steps, including preparing the roof surface, installing insulation, laying the membrane, and applying protective coatings. Each step requires precision and attention to detail to ensure a watertight seal and proper drainage.
Considering Drainage and Ventilation
Proper drainage and ventilation are critical considerations for flat roofs to prevent water damage and mold growth. Installing adequate drainage systems, such as gutters and downspouts, and ensuring proper ventilation can help extend the life of your flat roof and prevent costly repairs down the line.
Maintenance and Care
Once your flat roof is installed, it's essential to implement a regular maintenance and care routine to ensure its longevity and performance. This includes inspecting for damage, clearing debris, and addressing any issues promptly. Investing in routine maintenance can help prevent costly repairs and extend the life of your flat roof.
Flat roof installation requires careful planning, attention to detail, and the expertise of a professional contractor. By choosing the right materials, hiring a reputable contractor, understanding the installation process, considering drainage and ventilation, and implementing a regular maintenance routine, you can ensure a successful and long-lasting flat roof installation for your property.
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prince-kallisto · 3 months
The Curious Case of Crowley’s Fangs
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A lot of people have been noticing Crowley’s fangs in Grim’s Anniversary Groovy art- and for good reason! Crowley has never been canonically depicted with fangs ever- although it’s a very popular headcanon- until today.
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These fangs look less like the regular canines that some TWST boys have- like Cater for example or the beastmen- and more like a fae’s fangs. All of the other Fae in the main story (as in the night Fae specifically) have very sharp fangs, even Sebek who is half-fae.
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The only other exception seem to be these background Fae characters, which make sense especially if their masks would be obscuring any fangs they did have. Crowley, despite his pointed ears and mysterious age, is the only likely prominent Fae character not have them (he wasn’t invited to the Fae Fang meeting anxhsbxhh)
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But as Alchemivich proved, Crowley’s live 2D model seems to have no fangs whatsoever. Scouring the manga keeps this fact consistent throughout all the books released so far
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Now, “inconsistency” with the teeth isn’t unheard of in TWST. Ace most notably switches between noticeable canines and normal teeth. Ortho does as well, but he’s a very good exception from this as his Lab Gear vs Fairy Gala shows his personal development overall with designing his own bodies from then on out. However, the case with Ace reads to me more as a genuine mistake, as even though some cards are more subtle about it, his cards and live 2D model depict him with canines. And of course, it’s completely normal and inevitable that different artists and different mediums would have slight inconsistencies between the character designs! (*^o^*) Crowley’s ears, for example, vary greatly in size depending on the art depicted them.
But with Crowley’s fangs, it feels like an entirely different situation than just a mere mishap. Just look at how pointed his teeth are when he’s never even been given normal canines before! I think the best answer would be to brush it off BAHCJDJF, but you all know me by now- I simply cannot in regards to Crowley! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
The thing is, there is a lot about Crowley’s features that are obscured. The amazing Alchemivich once again showed us that Crowley’s model completely obscures the top of his face and top part of his hair is missing as well- which is interesting considering that his reference sheet is completely fine showing his hair. It definitely feels like his model itself is hinting at revealing more of his features one day. And…if his eyes and even the top of his head could one day be shown in-game…couldn’t fangs be a part of his potential upgraded model as well?
To me, it’s interesting that the mouth in Crowley’s model can’t really open a lot- he just has less expressive mouth movements compared to some other characters despite being a very emotionally expressive character himself. So I’ve been thinking it’s entirely possible that he has retractable fangs, and I’m really in love with this idea!👀 (TW for a snake gif below)
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But of course, this would be a rather unique case, wouldn’t it? We have yet to see an example of fae being able to retract their fangs. The concept of retracting fangs is more of a fantasy trope related to vampires, but in Twisted Wonderland this has never been suggested until now. The closest animal in nature having a similar concept of “retracting” their fangs are solenglyphous vipers.
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Their teeth function more like a switchblade or a hinge than being actually retractable into their skull. It’s the most elaborate system of venom injection and seen in the Viperidae species. The way this works is when the vipers jaw is opened wide to inject venom into their prey, it causes the fangs to “unfold.” When they aren’t hunting and just not in the mood, these fangs lay flat at the roof of their mouth- except when they’re “yawning” like in this gif 🥰
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So for Crowley to never be depicted with his mouth wide open in-game till now…and his mouth being wide open also reveals his fangs…This means…this means!!!!!
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…Nothing NAHXJSJHD 😭🤣🤣🤣 It certainly furthers the snake imagery at NRC and how it relates to Crowley…but this was just an extremely convoluted way to explain what is basically a headcanon😭😭 the real reason is probably a stylistic choice where the artist thought he would look cute with fangs, WHICH IS SO TRUE 🤣💖💖
if he really does canonically have fangs, I think it’s most likely they’re retractable just for simplicity of explanation and anatomy. It’s strange either way considering Crowley seems to be a bird Fae, right? I mean…all the examples of Fae we’ve seen so far are based off creatures who do have fang-like teeth, like dragons, bats, and crocodiles. Ravens/crows don’t have teeth of any kind. Perhaps fangs aren’t a general Fae feature that we thought they were??? It’s like how all beastmen don’t have fangs, because bird beastmen like Kifaji exist.
Now I’m even more confused 🤣 Crowley, why do you have fangs?? 😭😭 I have one more option related to shapeshifting, but that’s for an upcoming separate theory and not about his teeth at all andjsjd…
Sebek, please ask your parents to investigate Crowley’s teeth for a dentist appointment! 😭 I need to know! Crowley is so extra to only show off his elusive fangs for a nice photo of him. Perhaps he is wearing those fake plastic fangs that you see for vampire Halloween costumes 💀Or perhaps I should stop thinking so deep into it. That’s the best option for everyone, I think.
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problematic-weather · 2 years
Ointments and Bandages (Sherlock Holmes x Reader)
Sherlock Holmes x GN! Reader
summary: after another solved case, it seems sherlock and enola are caught up in a storm— and underestimated the severity of the storm and their injuries. battered and bruised, they stumble upon a small cottage. who would’ve known that it’d be a home to the countryside herbalist? and it seems sherlock finds peace and interest in the pain.
word count: 2.3k+
it’s really just fluff and teasing, and was self-indulgent to get out of a writing slump
warnings: unedited, and i did not watch enola holmes 2 yet ;(( GIF NOT MINE!
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Before Sherlock had opened his eyes, a concern that drowned in his mind is that he was nowhere near London. Nor where they were supposed to have gone after concluding the case. The tiniest shift sent a spike of discomfort through him, an aching feeling hard to ignore throughout his body– pulsing the most around his ankle. 
Sherlock had already gone down the list of things possibly wrong; evaluating himself and the damage that had befallen him before he had finally peaked open an eye.
Sunlight was his welcome. An abundance of it, as well as the earthy smell of nature. It was then confirmed, he was definitely not in the streets of London, nor in the confines of his flat. Green was the next color seen, as his eyes adjusted. Plants of all sorts hanging from the roof, and an array of dried leaves and grass hung across the wall. He stared down at himself, inspecting the cuts and burns covered with bandages, a green trail of liquid flowing down one of his arms. Where was he–
“About time you’ve risen, Sherlock.” Enola grinned, walking closer to her brother, a kettle in her hands. “We thought you wouldn’t budge till sundown.” Sherlock’s brow raised as he attempted to sit upright, groaning in the process of his ankle shifting off the chair (as a rest), the wrap loosening as well. 
“I’m sorry,” he inhaled, “‘We?’”
Enola grinned as she settled the kettle down on the table near him, rustling with the fabric dangling around her arms. There, Sherlock noticed the change of clothes his sister was currently wearing. Bigger clothing, looser, and much more available pockets– more than likely deeper as well. The type of clothing that was convenient for someone who dwells in the countryside, rather than the bustling streets of the capital. 
“Yes, ‘we.’ Very generous, they are. Letting us in during the storm and dressing our wounds. You were left down here, due to your inability to walk and symptoms of fever– I was barely able to walk the stairs, though, in much better condition than you were.” Enola smiled widely, “I doubt you remember any of it.” 
Sherlock hadn’t. Fragments of images flashed through his mind: the storm, the solved case, the guilty aristocrat, chasing the aristocrat– fighting the aristocrat, and ending up in the doorway of a house through the horrid storm. Ah, there does it. 
“Now that you’ve awakened, I’ll go and alert the–” 
“No, Enola. We need to leave.” 
That’s when Sherlock noticed the figure. Or, the owner of the cottage. Through the oak-framed window, skin glowing in the sun’s light as fingers gently trailed along the various vegetation through inspection– lost in thought. 
Sherlock continued to watch as they slowly continued to walk towards the window, eyes scanning the different species before finally deciding, pricking the plants before tying and positioning them into the basket properly. 
“Ah!”  Enola called out your name, waving enthusiastically as she gestured towards the kettle. “It’s finished!” 
A laugh was an immediate response, hands dusting themselves against the now-dirtied apron. “I’ll join you in a moment, Enola.” Eyes wandering across the room, finally stopping and lingering on Sherlock. 
“It seems the last guest will also be joining, isn’t he?” Sherlock responded with a simple nod, confused at the pleasant welcome. As you disappeared from view, Sherlock turned to his sister. Before he could question her once again, Enola cut him off. 
“Do be polite, and ask not as many questions as you’d like to partake in.” Sherlock’s mouth opened slightly, eyes gleaming with feigned offense. 
“I beg your pardon. Out of the two of us, are you not the most inquisitive? Jotting notes in a scramble and accusing the–” Enola shushed him loudly, walking over. 
“Alright alright! There’s no need to bring up past efforts. Just don’t bombard.” 
“I certainly will not. But given our situation, a few questions are certainly in order.”
The door adjacent to the fireplace creaked open, revealing you. 
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Holmes. I do hope you haven’t suffered a great deal recovering on that chair.” Sherlock tore his eyes off his sister and provided a small smile to his healer.
“Of course not, I apologize for the inconvenience I might have caused throughout our stay.” A hand raised in the air and dismissed his apology, footsteps groaning against the floor as you drew closer. Scanning his injuries, the smile on their face faltered. 
Turning away, Sherlock watched as your hands and feet moved with familiarity. Straining the golden liquid from the kettle into two cups, pushing them forward to both of the Holmes’ hands. 
“Tumeric and ginger tea. Though, if you’re not a fan, I’ve noticed a few ginger slices dipped in honey would be more than adequate for both of your sakes. Being injured and such.” Sherlock and Enola offered their gratitude, quietly taking a sip each. 
“I must ask,” Sherlock started, lowering his cup first. “Why would you let us in?” 
“I wouldn’t have a clear answer to give you,” you replied, pouring another cup for themselves. “I planned on turning you away, but the guilt would eat at me for refusing shelter for two strangers in the brute of a storm.” 
“And if we were dangerous?” 
“Then, I guess that would be unfortunate on my account. No one ever really is in these parts though, wandering travelers or villagers asking for simple ointments.” Sherlock’s brow raised as he took another sip. 
“A profession in medicine?” 
“On the contrary, I merely dabble in it and such. Your common street doctor in London holds much more qualifications–” 
“And yet,” Enola cut in, “You have reduced the swelling of my brother’s ankle, the burns, and cuts on our bodies, as well as lowered our feverish heads.” 
“I still wouldn’t–” 
“I would have to agree with Enola as well,” Sherlock grinned. “For a herbalist that simply ‘dabbles,’ your skill has reduced our condition a great deal.”
A bright smile tugged on your face, one Sherlock could only describe as infectious. There seemed to be a certain air about you– a mood or comfort that trailed along with your steps. A simple life, but complex within the mind of an individual who welcomes injured strangers, and heals them into full health. A skill to aid with absolutely no knowledge of their patient, but does it with the notion of being good. 
Being better. 
Something that Sherlock had forgotten, being wrapped up in the cases and twisted lives of England. It was almost endearing. 
“You both are too kind for your own good. You both may have to stay the night if you’d like. Before dawn, tomorrow, I can request that you both ride in the back of one of the villager’s carts.”
“That would be gracious of you, but too much, really,” Sherlock rejected, ignoring the look of his sister’s shooting glare. “You’ve already tended to us enough. We’ll be on our way to report back as quickly as we can.” 
“It isn’t a bother, but if you wish. Enola, before you go–” you grinned, staring at the girl in question with a small wink. “Why don’t you go outside and check the sundial? Or try the trick I showed you. I know you–” 
“Absolutely!” Enola agreed, grabbing at the full-sleeves, hiking them up and past her forearms. Scurrying out of the room, a smile crept onto your face. As you turned to face the older Holmes, you noticed he had a small one as well. A tiny upturn on the right side of his face as he stared at the door she had ran out of. 
“She’s a very bright kid, very interested in everything around her.” You complimented, walking around and opening drawers with the needed wraps. “I wonder if she gets it from her older brother.” 
His frown vanished, though the idea had made his mind turn. 
“I certainly hope not. She’s much more free and impatient to know the in’s and out’s of everyone she comes across. I’m afraid that gets her in more trouble than she wants.” 
You hum as a response, placing the materials on the table near him, and pulled up a stool to sit on. 
“I need to redress your wounds,” you offered, hands stopping in front of his forearm, hovering over the old bandages. 
“Of course, thank you, once more.” Unraveling the bandage and discarded it to the side, you reach out and grab a cloth, wiping away the mixture of plants and grim. Adding a new salve to his wound, you slowly bandaged it up and continued to the next. 
A comfortable silence fell onto the two. As you continued from one small injury to the next, careful hands and skillfull analysis to use different mixtures in vials to apply and dress once more. It was until you reached for his ankle, and made slight contact, did you hear a quiet hiss. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled. A hand supporting his heel as the other peeled away at the wrapping, showcasing the tiny splotches of soft purple. You scootched your stool closer, resting the ankle on your lap. 
“I’m going to have to touch around the ankle, unless it’s–”
“Do as you must.” 
You nodded slowly, ignoring the flush of embarrassment attempting to flood through. With skilled hands, you slowly move around the different parts of his ankle, rubbing and squeezing gently. 
In doing so, your eyes slowly look up again at him. He seems calm, for the most part– but with eyes staring intently at his ankle, there might’ve been an area you had missed. 
As hands trail upward and circle around the malleolus (yk, the bony ankle joint– the circle-like one, yeah, that one), his breath had hitched. Mouth frowning as he focused more, you had gotten your answer as to where. Now, the question was how bad. 
“I find it inspirational that your sister is such a free personality,” you trailed off. Sherlock’s eyes were torn away from his injury, and you could feel them settling onto you. You slowly continued to feel around the bone, and carried on. 
“It may bring in the possibility of danger, but I believe that comes with the package of expanding your connections and personalities.” 
“Arguably, yes. However, with the occupation we serve, the outcome of meeting a foe rather than a friend can outweigh those ‘personalities.’” 
“Perhaps that’s what makes her feel free. Being passionately curious and unlocking everyone’s own inner workings.” 
“Yes, but in the circumstance of high stakes, a few simple mistakes can threaten her life of her and–” 
At that moment, you squeezed the under part of the joint, and Sherlock winced terribly. Completely thrown off, you hid the thought of cracking a smile. 
“Well then, it seems you have a bruised bone, Mr. Holmes. The tea and ointment helped reduce your inflammation, at least. Nothing a few days of–” 
“I’m sorry,” Sherlock started, glaring at you. “Did you–” 
“Distract you? Yes, and it worked. I heard a rumor that detectives liked argumentative conversation,” you joked. “Clearly, it’s true.” 
Reaching out a simple salve, you smeared a thin layer around the bone– massaging it quickly in the process. 
“Don’t be discouraged, I did enjoy the topic. And I believe mistakes are good to make.” 
“And how so? Or is this another attempt to distract and assault me?” 
“Assault?” A loud laugh coursed through you before you realized, “Rude, but I won’t object. I’d be a fool to reveal my true intentions before you’ve interrogated me.” 
“I just think mistakes help us, sometimes. You’ll accept failure better, you learn, and you counter them in the future as you grow.” You muttered.
Grabbing a fresh bandage, you lifted his leg once more and slowly wrapped it around it. You knew he wasn’t staring at the bandage this time, but you, as you silently tended to him. 
Honesty, you’d look if you knew you could handle it. Truly. 
But a man such as Sherlock Holmes is hard to look at, you came to the conclusion. Especially when you’ve teased him; a man you’ve just met, your first conversation too. There was always the tiniest bit of embarrassment when offering a quote worth of “wisdom.”
“You both seem to be good people, and something tells me if Enola finds trouble… you’ll be there to protect her. As impatient and free as she may be in her youth.”
You finish wrapping his ankle and tie a small knot. With a final look of satisfaction, you clapped twice. 
“That should be everything, I believe. I’d suggest not leaning all your weight just yet, leave it ‘til the weekend. Or until your doctor urges otherwise.” 
But as you raised your head, you realized your words may have fallen on deaf eyes. Sherlock seemed lost in his own world, fingers tapping against the wooden table in a quiet rhythm. As the silence began to be uncomfortable, he spoke: 
“You’re a peculiar puzzle piece.” 
The sudden observation raised interest in you, paired with much confusion. 
“Should I be flattered?
“Do you find it flattering?”
“I would need you to elaborate before I can say for certain.” 
“A false-edge piece, specifically. That is all I will say on the topic.” 
If you weren’t as stumped at Sherlock’s vague explanation, you would’ve caught the small, lopsided smile and huff of amusement. 
The steps of the youngest Holmes burst in suddenly, eyes wide. 
“We have a quarter and four hours until sundown.” 
Enola’s eyes gleamed hopeful, waiting for her brother to respond. 
Sherlock had given you a quick glance, before giving his sister a wide grin. 
“I guess that means we’ll have to stay the night. If, it isn’t a bother,” he quickly adds, as he says your name. “I’ve quite enjoyed our talk, doctor. A night more may better my condition.”
Heat flamed across your face, as you watched his eyes shine with challenge.
“I’d be honored.”
thanks! hope you enjoyed! <3
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hezuart · 6 months
Btw have you seen Disney’s wish and if so what’s your review on it? And how would you Rewrite the story? To me it had interesting contact about your Wishes being a part of yourselves and without it you feel hollow but too bad it was written poorly. The “Villain” Magnifico kind of had the point of not all of the wishes are supposed to be granted Example “My Wish is to get a Rocket Launcher to aim that Talking Goat and the rest of This Freaking Kingdom!” With that said next is Asha! There is no reason for her to be “Adorkable” or “Quirky” we already have Princesses and Characters like that! let them have their own Personality Already!! One problem with Asha is she should have been Magnifico’s Apprentice for a long time in the start but instead of selecting her to Be His “Apprentice” throughout the Movie 🤦🏻‍♀️ and have you seen the Concept Arts?👀 Spoilers! King and Queen are supposed to be Evil Together! and The “Star” is supposed to be like a person or it? That comes from the stars? it would’ve been cool to named it “Stardust” instead of “star” the concept art looks so Amazing than the one we have now and Also No Comedy in this movie it’s to Boring and so as the Songs 😴 we’ve been ROBBED! (The Animation is Nice but I wouldn’t compare it to Spiderverse or TMNT or Puss in boots or The Bad Guys🤔) Anyways what do you think? I want to know your opinion, see you!🙋🏻‍♀️
I might write a review if I have time, but omygod Disney's Wish is SOOOOooooo bad. SO bad. The characters are flat, its nothing but forced in references to other Disney movies, the plot is boring, the songs have all this bravado and make them not catchy- the setting is supposed to be in the Mediterranean but all the animals are from the USA implying they are all invasive species brought over from the settlers of other countries- the comic relief characters aren't funny- the goat himself should be deleted he is so annoying- The star is like, ultimate magic. He made animals sentient, he can make things fly- he can change the size of things like a giant chicken- but he can't open a fcking roof? He can't grant people's wishes? He sort of implies he left that power to Asha, but she sucks at magic. She's the worst person to be handling it. The entire marketing campaign for this movie was about how the villain is "classic Disney". He's NOT???? He's just a narcissistic traumatized(?) control freak King. But then he touches a dark book of magic and now suddenly he's 100% evil and there's no going back for him. Even his wife implies that the book changed him, that the dark magic corrupted her husband beyond repair. The dark magic influenced his personality to make him darker, but he wasn't a legitimate true villain. Classic Disney villains have always been full of themselves. They always manipulated and abused people. They aren't afraid to hurt and kill people. They relish other people's suffering. This King is not like them. They were trying to make him sympathetic from the beginning with actual real reasons to control the kingdom as he does. They do a 180 on his personality. Dude fled from his previous homeland ravaged by war, and has been serving his kingdom for years, he's basically customer service and people can be demanding and needy. Asha herself takes the opportunity to try and weasel in her grandfather's wish through her apprenticeship application and the King is like "Yep. Here we go again."
But the way they show those reasons make his entire operation look stupid. They're like "Look how evil he is for not granting wishes because his judgment is slightly skewed. Look at how evil he is for not returning the wishes because he's------- idk, a control freak? Due to his trauma?" The concept art is definitely better than the final product. I feel like it would have been a decent movie with the original concept. But what annoys me the most is that Disney thinks this is a celebration of 100 years of Disney. It's not! They're only really celebrating the last decade of quirky flat characters, mostly 3D animation, and poor storytelling. The thing that makes me the most angry out of the whole movie? The wishes. The entire concept is nonsense. The bad guy claims that Asha's grandfather's wish is too dangerous to grant. The wish? He's singing to people. fcking WHAT. "I want to be an exclusive tailor." "I want to be a sailor!" "I want to sing to kids and inspire them-" THE PEOPLE OF ROSAS ARE SO STUPID.??????? THEY CAN ACHIEVE THOSE CAREERS ON THEIR OWN. THE KING OF ROSAS. IS A SORCERER.
THOSE. ARE ACTUAL DANGEROUS, UNACHIEVABLE WISHES WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU HAVE A WISH OF WANTING A CAREER AS A FARMER WHEN YOU COULD WISH TO HAVE TOTAL CONTROL OVER PLANT LIFE AT WILL? THE PEOPLE OF ROSAS ARE SO DUMB I CANT WITH THIS IM SORRY IM SO MAD AT THIS MOVIE And the wishes themselves like- people don't have the same wish forever. Someone in the crowd even asked, "Can we change our wish?" It's implied maybe they can even have more than one. They also straight up forget their wish when they give it up to the King? This whole thing feels like a weird metaphor for real life in a magical setting. It doesn't make sense to me.
One of my friends said they heard a theory that this entire movie is secretly a jab at Corporate Monopoly Disney, how they won't let anyone else be magical (monopoly), how they only choose 12 wishes a year to grant (Internships), and how the wishes they choose to grant are useless to the kingdom because anything else more creative or inspiring is a threat (regurgitated sequels, uninspired stories, boring formula) and how the ending is about defeating the "villain" (Disney) and moving on to try and achieve your dreams yourself (Form a Union, start your own businesses, take back animated media) and viewing the movie through THAT lens is actually incredibly metaphorically genius and made the movie less terrible for me, intentional or not But yeah anyway, Wish is bad. I keep telling people. Disney is so dumb. THIS is what people want for a Disney celebration: CROSSOVER. DISNEY CINEMATIC UNIVERSE. Disney will probably do it badly but I'm telling you, people have been wanting this for YEARS.
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They did it with House of Mouse, they can do it again.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Stegouros vs Patagopelta
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Stegouros elengassen
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Artwork by Luis Enrique Pérez López, written by @zygodactylus
Name Meaning: Armored Creature with a Roofed Tail
Time: 74.9 to 71.7 million years ago (Campanian to Maastrichtian stages of the Late Cretaceous) 
Location: Dorotea Formation, Patagonia, Chile 
South America is just where the nonavian dinosaur party is happening these days! Stegouros is another recently described species from this continent, and another weird one - it was an Ankylosaur, but not a Nodosaur or an Ankylosaurid, and more to the point, instead of a tail club it had a series of vertebrae enclosed in osteoderms, in a shape that looked a lot like a macuahuitl - the tail was also very short, shorter than any other Thyreophoran, with flattened vertebrae coming together to form the strange and distinctive shape (similar short vertebrae are known from its relative, Antarctopelta). At around 2 meters long, it was very small for an Ankylosaur, though it had a head that was quite large for its body. It also had inward curving teeth, making them look vaguely hourglass-shaped, though they were also asymmetrical. It had many typical ankylosaur traits, but also some stegosaurian ones such as hollow sides to their vertebrae. Overall, it was very similar in proportions and appearance to Antarctopelta, indicating Antarctopelta may have looked more like Stegouros than previously thought. It had limb bones similar to cursorial Ankylosaurs, indicating Stegouros itself was a fast and efficient mover; and it even had claws shaped like hooves which may have enabled even more efficient running and locomotion. So, yeah. A short big headed ankylosaur built for running with a freaking ax on its tail. That’s normal! Living in the Dorotea Formation, Stegouros probably lived near the coast, alongside different sorts of mammals, fish, bivalves, amphibians, plesiosaurs, turtles, and unnamed dinosaurs such as opposite birds, megaraptors, Unenlagiines, and possible titanosaurs. 
Patagopelta cristata
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Artwork by Gabriel Diaz Yantén, written by @zygodactylus
Name Meaning: Crested Patagonian Shield 
Time: 73 to 69 million years ago (Campanian to Maastrichtian stage of the Late Cretaceous)
Location: Allen Formation, Patagonia, Argentina 
Patagopelta is another ankylosaur on our roster, a small nodosaur known from the same environment as Kelumapusaura. One of the smallest known ankylosaurs, it was only about 2 meters long, resembling the dwarf nodosaur Struthiosaurus in overall size. It had crested osteoderms along its neck, making it distinctive in armor from its relatives as well. Along with other North American taxa, such as the hadrosaurs, Patagopelta was part of a first experiment in American biotic interchange, as taxa from both continents bled into the other at the very end of the Cretaceous. In the Allen Formation, Patagopelta lived in a coastal environment of fluvial plains, ephemeral lakes, tidal flats, and estuaries with extreme semiarid seasonality. Evaporites would accumulate in the arid seasons, only to be washed away as the wet season returned. Many dinosaurs are known from this formation: Aeolosaurus, Austroraptor, Bonapartesaurus, Bonapartenykus, Bonatitan, Kelumapusaura, Lamarqueavis, Lapampasaurus, Limenavis, Menucocelsior, Niebla, Panamericansaurus, Pellegrinisaurus, Quilmesaurus, Rocasaurus, and Willinakaqe. In addition, Patagopelta shared its home with pterosaurs such as Aerotitan, tuatarans, plesiosaurs, frogs, and a variety of mammals.
DMM Round One Masterpost
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razorblade180 · 7 months
Mona lays flat on a roof staring up at the stars when suddenly, a familiar feathered associate comes swooping down holding a medium sized container.
Mona:Evert time I see a bird it’s usually you. What’s up with that?
Aero:Gee it’s almost like we live in a desert or something with limited species. Oh wait… *puts down object*
Mona:Oh it’s that thing again? Who cooked? The entire gaggle of goodie goodies?
Aero:I am slightly shocked you know the word “gaggle” and yes. If you’re about to say something like “I bet it’s poisoned” I already your yams.
Mona:Damn, for free? People pay for that.
Mona:In all serious, thanks. Yams are disgusting. You can go back to kissing people under plants or whatever.
Aero:That’s Christmas.
Mona:Like I would know.
He reaches inside his jacket pocket and pulls out a bottle of apple cider. Then takes his leave.
Aero:I’ll be pissed if you choke on the biscuits!
Mona:Then why give me-whatever. It’s probably not that bad.
She immediately goes for the biscuits recklessly. It only took two bites before she was desperately opening the cider.
Mona:What person wouldn’t choke on these saliva stealing monstrosities!?
Ruby and Yang:*inhales biscuit*
Carmine and Kovu: *inhales biscuits*
Everyone:You are actually a danger to society.
Tai:I made these and I can’t even do that.
Nora:*grabs two*
RYCK:No! You’ll actually die.
Nora:….*puts on back*
Ren:Thank you.
Nora:I’ve done too much to let my tombstone read “she are two Xiao Long biscuit at once”
Tai:I’ll take that as a compliment.
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Can we get a peak of the next chapter of Like real people do? Because I do love Dragon!Alec
I hope you have a great day and I just wanted to let you know that every time I see you have posted it makes me smile!
anon i knew exactly what i was going to write for this, because Magnus has needs and sometimes that means he really needs to be able to admire Alec. i am having a great day btw thank you and this ask is a part of why it's so awesome! and your ask made me smile so i'm glad there are mutual smiles all around! i hope you enjoy
Magnus finds himself back in the room of ice and secrets so priceless that sometimes he shudders to learn one. Magnus provided breakfast, marveling at Alexander’s delight at being introduced to chocolate and insisting on sharing his tea because while Alexander’s own brews were interesting and good, there were things that couldn’t be found in Alicante.
Like a nice delicate oolong or the delightful burn of ginseng, which Alexander seems to have immediately taken too.
He stole Magnus’ cup when his own ran empty and then he’d fallen to the ground and pouted until Magnus procured another cup. Like an overgrown cat taking advantage of its big, sad eyes to lure its person into a trap.
Alexander didn’t join him, which while Magnus resents a little, is also helpful because it’s much easier to concentrate on books when you’re not distracted by six-feet of gorgeous and human-shaped dragon.
It also gives Magnus time to browse the books and see if there is anything helpful concerning Alexander’s species.
There is a decided lack of what he seeks, for both Alexander and Lilith and Magnus trudges out of the room, grumpy from a lack of Alexander and progress
A roar tears him from his thoughts and Magnus runs to the nearest balcony, the wards keeping it shielded from the snow and weather and he throws the doors open and walks out.
The storm is gone, he realizes numbly.
The storm that he fought for days upon end is nowhere to be seen, even though Magnus’ magic warned it would continue for weeks upon months.
Magnus barely has time to register this before the roar sounds again and he watches, awestruck as a giant, black dragon crests the mountains, rising higher and higher until what he can only assume is Alexander is no more than a speck.
Magnus watches the sky, heart in his mouth as he wonders, foolishly, if he’s been abandoned and then Alexander is not flying, but falling. A controlled dive no doubt, but it makes Magnus’ magic itch to reach out and create a safety net for his giant form.
At the last possible moment, he snaps his wings out and Magnus watches with shock as what he thought was a valley of snow when he walks around it, explodes into ice and water that crystallises and shatters upon contact with the air.
It was a lake. 
A frozen lake whose thickly layered surface tore from the mere pressure of Alexander using his wings. 
His dragon glides towards him and Magnus knows the exact moment he’s noticed, because Alexander begins to dance in the sky. It’s a glorious sight and the sun dapples across his scales leaving it to dance with the colours of a prism awash over the black.
“Magnificent.” Magnus murmurs and he wishes he were closer, that he could see and touch and feel Alexander in this form and then his dragon is landing above him and Magnus reaches out for his signature and, uncaring of how this will turn out, forms a portal taking him to Alec.
The roof is wide and flat and doesn’t shiver even with the bulk of Alexander’s draconic form nestled on it. Magnus runs because he doesn’t want to wait, can’t bear it if Alexander transforms back before Magnus gets to appreciate it.
“Oh, aren’t you lovely like this—” He whispers, because it’s true and Alexander gives a pleased rumble and nudges him, nose pressing against the whole of Magnus’ body in greeting. 
“Sweet boy,” Magnus croons and he pets Alexander’s nose and runs a hand over scales half the size of his palm and getting bigger as they climb Alexander’s form. “So beautiful, incredible,” because Magnus doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know how to woo or compliment someone whose very existence is such a marvel.
Whatever he does seems to work because Alexander is purring, his entire body vibrating with delight, as though Magnus has stroked a livewire inside of him just with his rambling words. 
“Come back to me?” Magnus asks, because as much as he wants to explore Alexander like this, he wants the one that fits into his arms more, the Alexander that he can keep close and claim with kisses. 
Though, he does lean forward and press a soft little kiss to the great expanse of Alexander’s muzzle and then he has an armful of frigid, naked and delighted Alexander. 
"What were you doing?" He asks, because he's curious if it was something like checking the territory, or figuring out how Magnus got in or even hunting.
“I drove the storm off." Alexander says proudly, like he’s making any sense and Magnus realizes that perhaps, he is. 
“Did you?” Magnus hums, like he’s proud but unsurprised and hides how actually surprised he is. "Tell me about as we go inside, darling?”
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How cruel could the world be to a poor ol dogboy?
Martyn doesn't think he's unreasonable. Not when whatever forces are out there tease him like this. Actually, after all this bullshit, he thinks he's been pretty fuckin reasonable with them!!
At the very least. He wants to feel comfortable with the skin he wears.
(Martyn gets some angry dogkin related species dysmophia and makes something to cope with everything feeling wrong.)
Tw!! Species dysmophia!!
Not beta read or edited
Martyn stands infront of the puddle, pulling at his ears. A sense of frustration bubbling in his chest.
Secret life ended so long ago, it really did. It has to have been a few months by now? 
And yet it still feels so wrong. Everything feels wrong. It's wrong not to have his tail, his ears anymore. It's wrong not to have legs that don't belong to a human. It's weird for him to have gone back to human hands.
It feels beyond wrong to be human. And gods does it make his skin itch.
Martyn brings his shoe down onto the puddle, something ugly curling in his chest that the image of a far too human face looking at him.
Martyn had never really experienced this. That's something he realizes as he walks away, making his way to the small home outside of servers. 
He'd been a German shepherded hybrid in 3rd life. A pitbull in last life. A mangey mutt in double, a golden retriever in limited, and a corgi, wolf hybrid in secret life. And yet. It had never been so profound. It had truly, made him, a dog. It never left him curling his lip and growling quiet warnings. Well it did. Just. Not the in the same way. 
He's always been dog in these games, fiercely loyal, going to whoever can feed him, begging for the attention of who he knows he belongs to, listening to every order. And then he was a stray.
The soft grass squishes under his feet after a recent rainfall. And the shadows of the trees dance around him in beautiful shapes. And he can smell the mix of pine and oak, just barely.
That's another thing he's growing to despise. He feels as if he's gone nose blind. He can't smell nearly as much as before. And that only furthers the anger and the hate to the universe that curls into his chest. It only furthers how wrong he feels in his own body. The body he's had, almost his entire life, feels so wrong. 
The games had always settled an itch in his mind. Maybe it was the bloodshed, the people he only saw in those game, that he loved so much. Or maybe it was because he was always himself in those games. Maybe it was because everything was right again. Maybe he always welcomed the games, because at least then his skin felt right.
Apart of his mind supplies this is probably the exact opposite of what happens to everyone else. Everyone normally wishes for their normal body back.
Upon the horizon, hidden in the woods, a muddy dirt path lading to the doorway, is a small cottage, clay walls, and stone roof, truly built by the hands of a frustrated man. The windows not quite even, and the glass in them not quite flat. The clay walls uneven and the roof seeming to be tilted and built in a rush. 
The blackberry bushes in the front overgrown and snagging Martyn everytime he tries to get in. The man can see the start of his garden in the back, something, anything to keep his mind away from how his skin crawls, and his teeth fit in his mouth too well. 
The door creaks on its hinges as he turns the warm golden doorknob. The smell of burning lavender and mud fills his senses. And once again he longs to have been able to smell it a mile away. 
He can feel the not quite there tail wagging softly as he puts down the notebook he had on the table. Pages filled with observations and plans for the future. 
He stomps his feet off onto the small handmade welcome rug before continuing his journey into his home between worlds.
He takes to wandering to the kitchen with uneven checkered tiles. Martyn never claims himself to be a builder. So it's only fair his home isn't top notch. Especially being how often he sits on the thing he deemed a couch, and let's his nails dig into the fabric of his throw pillows. 
Martyn doesn't spare anything in the house a second thought as he makeshift way to the slightly open door just out of the kitchen. 
With just barely better glass is a greenhouse like room he won't deny that he does grow some plants here, a rather large bamboo plant Martyn has grown fond of, growing in the corner. The stained glass all around, with the rounded ceiling painting it in colors that leaves Martyn breathless everytime he sees it. Just against one of the studier glass walls is a wooden table, large and beckoning, taking up most of the wall. Far too large. Covered in all sorts of tools and items, prices of wood, collection of iron bits and bobs, paint, string, pen, paper, all in a messy assortment. 
The pelt of a rabbit sits there. Along with the wiring frame of a headband with ear like shapes on top.
They aren't real ears. They won't move correctly. But martyn hopes that it helps in just the slightest ways. Made to be bent and shaped.
Martyn, is in no way, a builder, a crafter, OR a Redstone. And he'll be the first person to say it. Scott, grian, Jimmy, and pearl next, and Ren last of course.
Martyn huffs as he stands above the desk, staring at the ears.
He can't magically change his species here. And he doubts the world, watchers, listeners, code, or universe to be kind enough and do him a solid. 
Martyn is just going to brute face his way.
Martyn can feel his jaw shaking, along with every inch in his body, shaking with some sort of excitement. They aren't good. Not at all. In fact, they look like shit, fur going in multiple directions. They don't event really look like dog ears!! No. The shape is is more of odd triangles. Only the tips of the ears ended up bendable. But that's fine!! He's alright with that. They're ears. They are something on his head, to fill in where something much more realistic should be. And that's fine. 
Just looking at the not quite right black rabits fur makes something in martyns chest jump. So with shaking hands and baited breath, he lifts it from the counter, slipping the odd shapped ad not quite right headband onto his head. It doesn't fit right, and he can't feel them, and he's still missing so may things. But it's something. 
It's something. 
Martyn couldn't tell you how fast he left that room, no need to act as if he wasnt excited. He's completely alone on this world. Just him, his angry thoughts, and the sounds of a woodpecker right outside of his house. There's no need to pretend he doesn't leave the door wide open. As he dashes his way to the mirror he knows is in his not quite perfect mirror. The wood of the greenhouse floors turn back into tile, wood, and then to tiles again as he opens the blue painted door. Skipping over the tub,and poorly made water lines, he stumbles to a halt in front of the greenish mirror, looking at the way the blackish ears fit on his head, turning it back and fourth. Gods. They look absolutely awful. Horrid even.
The black contrasts his blonde hair, and the fur goes in all the wrong ways, not flowing quite right. And the shape isn't quite the right shape to be wolf ears.
But it's something it's something that makes pride bubble and spark in his chest, swallowing him hole. It leaves him breathing heavy, with a thumping that he swear is his heart. It leaves him tapping his foot on the still awful flooring. 
His hand comes up, fiddling with the ears, bending the tip of the one on the left, making the actual headband juta little bit harder to see in his blonde hair. And with a step back, it's not quite like all the anger is gone from his chest. But more like this small fix made its place next to it.
And for once in his God forsaken life. Martyn feels like he has some sort of control. If the universe won't magically do it this time, then he will. 
He'll grab his species and mold it like clay. Cuz when you're so fucking mad. And you feel wrong in your own skin. It's only fair to take everything into your own hands.
Martyn has decided in the end. He's whatever he fucking wants to be.
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encyclopika · 2 years
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #209
Brought to you by a marine biologist with different fish, same name...
So, today we will cover the Silver Arowana, and I know what you’re thinking - gee, that sounds familiar. Didn’t we already cover the Arowana way back in like 2020 or whatever? And, yes, we did, but it was a different species, and I’m here to be wildly accurate and complete in my coverage of all the fish and aquatic friends in this franchise, so here we go!
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The Silver Arowana first appeared in AC Pocket Camp in June 2021 for Fishing Tourney 39 that featured fish named after precious stones or metals - so that tourney also included the Black Ruby Barb we covered just a few entries ago. The Silver Arowana is a mostly tropical species, native to South American rivers. So, it’s pretty cool ACPC released it in the summer. Makes sense.
Anyway, so we all know that there is a species of Arowana in AC New Horizons - I covered it already and found that one was the Super Red color morph of the Asian Arowana. Both the Asian and Silver Arowanas belong to the same Family of fish - the Osteoglossidae, or the bony tongues. The name is derived from a sharp, toothed bone at the bottom of the mouth that can grind against teeth at the roof of the mouth. The family is tiny, comprised of just the arowanas and arapaimas, for which there are only about 14 species. The arowanas are divided into two Genus - the Scleropages, which is where the Asian Arowana comes from, and Osteoglossum, which today’s Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) resides. 
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By User:Qwertzy2 - Taken by User:Qwertzy2, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=226294
There are two species in Genus Osteoglossum. They are both more ribbon-like, rather than bulky like other arowanas. If you look at the fish side-by-side, you’ll see they have like, the same face but totally different tail ends. 
The Silver Arowana also has the funny nickname of “water monkey” because of its habit of jumping out of the water to catch flying prey. Yes - flying prey, like bats, birds, and flying insects, have been found in the stomachs of large specimens. That’s pretty rare though - the silver arowana usually hunts for smaller fish, crustaceans and other aquatic prey that float on or near the surface. You can really tell that this fish hangs out at the surface - its back is very straight and flat and that mouth is pointed almost entirely vertically to suck in prey from below. They also have two short barbels on their lower jaw to feel the vibrations of things landing on the surface. So, yeah, I think this is one of the very few predators we’ve covered that is most adapted to surface hunting like this!
And there you have it! Fascinating stuff, no?
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poeticusnarcissus · 11 months
Ari’s Loft
Lore: “I’ve spent decades cultivating a relationship with the fae mafia. I’d been living in a tree, running errands for them between orphaned baby squirrel feedings and monitoring the feline fowl population. I finally managed to convince Don Cookiefoot to build me this place, after I healed his pet. My grandmothers influence may have gotten me through the portal, but I put together everything I have all on my own.”
Located on the very top of the nearest building bordering Fey Grove Park. There’s a set of fire escape ladders leading up to the doorway. Ari’s space takes up a portion on top of the flat roof of the building:
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The front door leads directly into a small square kitchen, filled with strange potted plants, herbs drying on the wall, and food stored in baskets.
Ari spends her time cooking, mixing herbal remedies, and drinking tea in here.
A door at the back of the kitchen leads out onto the roof.
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~Animal Room~
At the end of the kitchen, there’s a slight step up into the next room, the entry way covered by a beaded curtain. There’s various medical supplies like bandages, poultices, and needles stored there. There’s areas set aside with nests, make-shift burrows, and bird pirches. Often, these are filled with various healing animals.
The back wall is made of three large glass windows overlooking the forest below.
Leaning against the corner is an oak staff belonging to Ari’s father. Branches twist around each other to create a thick base, curling around a stone of petrified moss resting at the top.
There are various art supplies lying around for Twill’s use.
Current Patients:
{2 Baby Squirrels} - rescued after their mother died in a snow storm
{red-tailed hawk} - flew into the city and got his wing broken flying into a skyscraper
{bat} - left in a dumpster, was rescued extremely malnourished
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~Upper Loft~
Up against the wall that separates the kitchen sits a ladder, up it is a rounded loft where Ari, Twill, and Freddie sleep. A large skylight sits in the ceiling connecting to the windows on the back wall for stargazing. Freddie has a pot of dirt in the corner he roots into, and Twill has a series of small huts built into the wall, with little rope bridges connecting them.
Shelves line the back wall containing numerous books about arcana, herbs, creatures, and anything else Ari has become curious of.
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Stepping out of the back kitchen door onto the flat roof of the building, Ari has created a garden. At the other end of the roof is a greenhouse where Ari cultivates rare and exotic herbs, many of which are from the Feywild.
Perched are set up along the edges of the roof, along with bird baths. A few larger species of birds have taken to nesting there, such as hawks.
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captain-acab · 1 year
An alien species that lives underwater, or floating in a dense atmosphere, or some other sort of pseudo-weightless environment. Since everything floats, they don't differentiate between the concepts of floor, wall, table, roof... Any flat surface is the same as the ground would be to humans.
"You're telling me you ate that hot dog right off a plate? It was just lying there and you ate it??"
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Bird Prevention Nets vs. Other Methods: What's Best
Birds can become a significant nuisance, especially in residential and commercial areas. To address this problem, various bird prevention methods are available. Here’s a comparison of bird prevention nets and other methods, with insights from GK Safety Nets Bangalore.
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1. Bird Prevention Nets
Effectiveness: Bird nets are highly effective at preventing birds from entering and nesting in specific areas. They create a physical barrier that birds cannot penetrate.
Versatility: Suitable for various applications, including balconies, terraces, gardens, and industrial areas.
Durability: High-quality nets from GK Safety Nets Bangalore are made from durable materials that can withstand harsh weather conditions, ensuring long-term protection.
Non-Harmful: Bird nets are a humane solution that prevents birds without causing them harm.
Initial Installation: The initial installation can be complex and may require professional assistance to ensure proper setup.
Maintenance: Regular checks are needed to ensure the nets are intact and free from damage.
2. Bird Spikes
Deterrence: Bird spikes prevent birds from landing and perching on surfaces, making it an effective deterrent.
Simple Installation: Easy to install on ledges, roofs, and other flat surfaces.
Low Maintenance: Requires minimal maintenance once installed.
Limited Coverage: Effective only for specific areas and not suitable for large open spaces.
Aesthetic Impact: Can be visually unappealing in some settings.
3. Ultrasonic Repellents
Non-Intrusive: Emits high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant to birds but inaudible to humans, causing no disturbance.
Portable: Easy to move and set up in different locations.
Effectiveness Varies: May not be effective for all bird species, as some birds can become accustomed to the sound.
Power Requirement: Requires a power source, which can limit placement options.
4. Reflective Objects
Cost-Effective: Simple and inexpensive solution using reflective tape, CDs, or other shiny objects.
Easy to Install: Can be easily hung or placed in areas where birds are a problem.
Temporary Solution: Birds may get used to the reflections over time, reducing effectiveness.
Aesthetic Concerns: Can be visually disruptive and not suitable for all environments.
5. Decoy Predators
Psychological Deterrent: Decoys like owls, hawks, or snakes can scare birds away by mimicking natural predators.
Non-Harmful: Provides a humane way to deter birds.
Variable Effectiveness: Birds may eventually realize the decoys are not real, diminishing their deterrent effect.
Regular Movement Required: Decoys need to be moved regularly to maintain effectiveness.
Each bird prevention method has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. However, bird prevention nets offer a comprehensive, durable, and humane solution that is highly effective across various settings. They provide long-term protection and can be customized to fit specific areas, making them a versatile choice.
GK Safety Nets Bangalore offers high-quality bird prevention nets that are tailored to meet your specific needs. With professional installation services, you can ensure that your space is effectively protected from bird-related issues. While other methods can complement bird nets, the nets themselves provide the most reliable and long-lasting solution for bird prevention.
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k00299141 · 2 months
Research done on Nevada, its landscape and the history of the state and its deserts.
Nevada is the the most mountainous state in America, and also the driest. It homes the huge city, Los Vegas, which gets millions of tourists each year.
The Mojave Desert is it’s biggest desert and it has many species uniquely evolved for that area.
Area 51 is hidden in the desert there, but many alien enthusiasts come every year to try and discover “The truth” about what’s out there.
Area 51 has almost extensively only been used for military uses, such as new technology and testing grounds for weaponry.
The desert around Area 51 covers a broad territory and in some parts, if you are seen entering restricted areas, you could get shot on sight.
Area 51 only really was established in the 1950s, to prepare the USA from attack of the Russians, during the time of the Cold War.
There has also been nuclear bomb tests in the area, and experiments on what radiation does to living creatures and the area it is exposed to.
The mountain range in Nevada keeps the rain away from it’s desert, as the mountains block the clouds like a shield, with plenty of rain on the opposite side, while leaving the desert dry.
The houses in the area have mostly flat roofs, as snow in Nevada is very unlikely. A lot of the houses in the 50s in Nevada were also bungalow, as that helped to keep the homes cool, without losing too much excessive heat.
The sky is usually bright blue with a hot sun, as clouds are rarely around the desert areas.
Nevada is actually one of the least populated areas in the USA, even in the 50s when it began to get noticed for its interesting “activities” in it’s military bases.
There’s also an abundant of cacti in the Mojave Desert, and many giant red stoned rocks spread around the sandy desert as well.
There also is a lot of shrubbery here, adapted to suit the dry weather that surrounds the area.
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bugoutpest · 2 months
Pest Control Services in Brisbane
Pests can cause damage to homes, spread diseases and ruin food. Fortunately, there are many pest control services that can help you deal with them.
Mosquitos love invading Brisbane suburban barbeques and outdoor activities during the warmer months. Luckily, you can get rid of them with an affordable pest treatment that lasts for 12-months. To know more about Pest Control Services, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.
There are more than 3000 ant species in Australia, some of which are considered pests. Some ants, such as red imported fire ants (RIFA), bite and cause painful stings that may trigger allergic reactions in humans. Others, such as yellow crazy ants, spray formic acid that can sting livestock and pets.
The ants that are most commonly found in homes include black ants and coastal brown ants, which often nest under pavers, in wall cavities and in roof gaps. These ants are scavengers and will eat almost anything they find, including pet food.
Homeowners can take preventive measures to reduce ant infestations. For example, they should fix leaky pipes and faucets and use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels in their homes. If these steps don’t work, they should contact a professional pest control service.
Cockroaches are one of the most common pests found in homes and businesses. They can cause a variety of problems, including contaminating food and spreading diseases. This is why it’s important to keep your home clean and avoid attracting them. You can do this by wiping up spills promptly, washing dishes regularly, and keeping food in sealed containers.
You can also prevent cockroaches by putting out bait stations near potential entry points, sealing cracks in your home, and getting rid of weeds and clutter that they hide in. However, if you suspect you have an infestation, it’s best to call a professional pest control service.
Cockroaches are known to carry a wide range of diseases, including diarrhea and typhoid fever. They can also trigger asthma and allergies. They contaminate food and can leave behind a foul smell.
Termites are detritophagous eusocial insects that destroy woody plant material, and can be serious pests of houses. They are able to tunnel through the structural timbers of homes and cause costly damage, but can also be difficult to detect.
Unlike ants and flying flies, termites have well-developed mandibles and have thick segmented wings that are equal in length. During warm weather, mature termites, known as “alates”, swarm from their colonies to start new ones. They shed their wings as they settle into their new home, leaving behind discarded remnants.
Termites, cockroaches and ants can pose problems for commercial businesses as they affect the reputation of the business and scare away customers. It is important to have a pest control strategy in place to protect your business.
Fleas are wingless parasites that feed off the blood of mammals and other animals (including pets such as cats and dogs). They can also transmit tapeworm type infections and, in some parts of the world, bubonic plague from wild rodents to humans. Flea bites are intensely itchy and secondary infections caused from scratching often develop.
Fleas are a common problem in homes with pets and can be a real nuisance for people too. They can cause allergies in people and pets and are a significant health risk, particularly for children. A regular cleaning schedule and good pet hygiene are essential to keep fleas at bay. It is also important to remember that some rental agreements require a pest control treatment with fleas prior to moving out.
Bed bug infestations have been a big problem in many places. They are wingless insects that feed on warm-blooded animals and humans. They are nocturnal and usually hide in crevices and cracks during the day before coming out to feed at night. They are very hard to find because of their small size, reddish-brown color, and flat bodies. They are good hitchhikers and can be brought into your home on luggage, folded clothes, and bedding. To know more about Pest Control Services, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.
The best way to avoid them is to wash all items you bring home after a trip immediately in hot water. You should also check for signs of infestation including reddish-brown bites that resemble flea bites. Lastly, you should always inspect your luggage before bringing it into your home and avoid second-hand furniture.
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quantifynorthamerica · 9 months
The Art of Crafting Homes: Conventional Wood Framing
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There's something warm and inviting about a wood-framed house. Beyond the classic aesthetic, there's a complex ballet of beams, nails, and geometry that make it all come together. That being said, welcome to the exciting world of conventional wood framing.
If you've ever been curious about how those familiar structures of our homes come to be, you're in the right place. Let's break it down, beam by beam, to explore this wonderful architectural art.
A Brief History of Conventional Wood Framing
Long before skyscrapers and steel structures, wood was the go-to material for building most structures. From ancient civilizations to the cozy countryside cabins of today, conventional wood framing has played a pivotal role. 
In the old days, trees were hand-hewn into logs, and these logs were stacked to create walls and roofs. With the advent of the Industrial Revolution and more advanced tools, these logs evolved into a more standardized set of lumber sizes. This shift paved the way for the widespread use of conventional wood framing techniques we know today.
The process of framing was revolutionized in the 19th century with the introduction of balloon framing, using long vertical studs that ran from the foundation to the roof. Although this method had its merits, it was eventually replaced by the platform framing technique, which has since become synonymous with conventional wood framing. This approach involves constructing one flooring at a time, creating a "platform" upon which the next level is built.
While methods and tools have evolved over time, the essence of conventional wood framing remains unchanged. It's a testament to its reliability and time-tested nature.
Understanding the Materials
Conventional wood framing isn't just about wood; it’s about the right kind of wood. The most commonly used types are softwoods like pine, spruce, and fir. These species are preferred because they grow relatively fast, are abundant, and provide good structural strength.
But it's not just the type of wood; it's also about the cut. Lumber is typically categorized by dimensions such as 2x4s or 2x6s. These numbers don't precisely match the actual measurements (thanks to the milling process), but they give builders a standard to work with.
Then there are the connectors. Nails, screws, and metal connectors like joist hangers ensure that all pieces of the frame remain tightly connected. The choice between them depends on the specific framing application and the builder's preference.
The Framing Process: Step by Step
The beauty of conventional wood framing lies in its organized and methodical approach. While it might seem like a jumble of boards and nails at first glance, there's a method to the madness. Let's delve deeper into this step-by-step process:
1. The Foundation
As previously mentioned, everything starts with a sturdy foundation. Whether it's a concrete slab or a crawl space, the groundwork is prepared to ensure that it's level, free from moisture issues, and suitable to support the weight of the entire structure. Special attention is given to anchor bolts that will soon tie the wooden structure to the foundation, ensuring a secure connection.
2. The Floor Frame
Building on the foundation, the floor frame becomes the backbone of your living space. Joists, which are horizontal beams, are methodically spaced, often 16 or 24 inches apart, depending on the design and local codes. Subflooring, typically made of plywood or OSB, is then attached to these joists. This not only gives a stable surface to walk on during construction but also provides lateral stability to the frame.
3. The Walls
Framing walls is an art in itself. These are typically assembled flat on the ground and then raised into position. Each wall contains vertical studs, typically spaced 16 or 24 inches apart, depending on the load and local building codes. Where windows and doors are to be installed, headers (which are stronger, thicker beams) are used to distribute the weight around the opening. 
There's also the addition of king studs and trimmer studs for added support around these openings. Once the walls are squared and plumbed, they are sheathed, typically with OSB or plywood, to provide rigidity and a solid backing for insulation and exterior finishes.
4. Ceilings and Roof
Once the walls are up, it's time to think about the top. Ceiling joists are laid out, connecting opposing walls and providing a base for the interior ceiling finishes. On top of these, rafters or trusses define the roof's shape and pitch. 
While rafters are cut and installed individually, trusses are pre-fabricated structures that make the roof framing process faster and often more consistent. Once in place, roof sheathing is added, followed by protective underlayment, and finally, the roof covering (like shingles).
5. Utilities and Openings
As the framing progresses, spaces and provisions for utilities like plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems are integrated. This often means leaving spaces between studs for electrical boxes or ensuring certain parts of the frame can support heavy items like water heaters or HVAC units.
By understanding each stage of the conventional wood framing process, one can truly appreciate the precision and expertise required to transform raw materials into the backbone of a home.
Ensuring Structural Integrity
It's not enough to merely stand; a structure must be able to withstand external pressures. Conventional wood framing takes this very seriously. Between wind, weight, and even seismic activity, a framed house is designed to flex slightly under pressure, distributing stresses throughout the structure.
Key to this strength is the sheathing and the proper placement of framing members. Sheathing not only provides an attachment point for the exterior materials but also adds crucial rigidity to the structure. Moreover, diagonal braces, often incorporated into the sheathing, prevent the frame from racking or shifting sideways.
Another crucial element is the 'load-path.' Every part of a conventionally wood-framed structure is connected in a continuous line from the roof to the foundation. This means that any force applied at the top (like heavy snow) is transferred reliably down through the walls and into the foundation, ensuring the building stands firm against environmental pressures.
Lastly, codes and regulations play a significant role in ensuring safety. Building codes, updated frequently based on new research and findings, set the standards for conventional wood framing, ensuring that every home built is both safe and durable.
The Environmental Benefits of Wood Framing
Wood, being a renewable resource, naturally makes conventional wood framing an eco-friendly option. When sustainably harvested, wood framing can have a significantly lower carbon footprint than other construction materials. Trees absorb carbon dioxide during their growth, effectively storing it within the wood even after being transformed into framing materials.
Furthermore, wood has natural insulating properties. A conventionally wood-framed home can be energy efficient, which not only saves homeowners on heating and cooling costs but also reduces the environmental impact of energy consumption.
It's worth noting that waste from the framing process, like off-cuts, can be recycled or repurposed, further enhancing the green credentials of conventional wood framing.
Challenges and Solutions in Conventional Wood Framing
No construction method is without its challenges, and conventional wood framing is no exception. One common concern is wood's vulnerability to pests, especially termites. However, treatments and coatings can deter these pests and extend the life of the frame.
Moisture can also pose a threat, leading to rot and mold. Solutions include using pressure-treated wood, ensuring proper ventilation, and employing house wraps or vapor barriers to keep moisture out.
Lastly, fire resistance is a critical concern. While wood is combustible, various treatments can enhance its resistance to fire. Furthermore, construction techniques, such as proper spacing and the use of fire-resistant barriers, can reduce the risk of fire spreading.
Conventional wood framing has gracefully withstood the test of time, proving its worth in both durability and versatility. As we've journeyed through its intricacies, it's evident that this time-honored method holds a special place in the world of construction with Quantify North Amreica. 
It doesn’t matter if you're a budding architect, a curious homeowner, or just someone with an appreciation for the structures that shelter us. In any case, understanding the foundation of conventional wood framing offers a deeper appreciation for the homes we live in. 
So, the next time you find yourself within the embrace of wooden beams and walls, take a moment to admire the art and science that went into crafting your cozy abode.
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writ-in-violant · 9 months
for vivian: 🧅 [ONION] What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information? 🍊 [ORANGE] Does your OC have a prophecy surrounding them? If they don't, what would it be?
for celestine: 🥦 [BROCCOLI] What do they hate about humanity/their species?🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Oh, thank you! Alrighty!
Vivian: What is surefire to make Vivian cry? Who knows this information?
Vivian's personal history won't make them cry. Either they're so detatched from it that it's numb or it just makes them mad. That does mean, though, that they're not very self-conscious about things that do make them cry: beautiful art, particularly music or poetry, will make them weep. Storm-threnodies often manage it as well, and the Urchins are very used to the sight of Vivian on the roof on nights the wind is loud, tears streaming down their cheeks. Most people know this, it's not hard to pick up, but the ones most familiar are the Urchins, for aforementioned reasons, or...maybe the Manager of the Royal Beth, because Vivian ends up in there so frequently and it's very obvious when they're out of their right mind what their cry-triggers are.
Does Vivian have a prophecy surrounding them? If they don't, what would it be?
Somewhere I have a snippet of Vivian and someone else talking and Vivian says a sentence like "When I had just arrived in the Neath, I attended a feast of the Fathomking's...I had a vision there. Authority will be granted unto me. I know not how or when, but I know it will be true."
It's not quite a prophecy, per se, but it is a glimpse of a future nonetheless, and it told Vivian that they'd change into something greater than themself. They're determined to make it reality.
What do they hate about humanity/their species?
Celestine hates what she sees as the hypocrisy of humanity. The ability to be horribly cruel and turn around and preach kindness. The self-deception of it, of all of it. The Church, Society, the Constables...they're all part of this, to her, and she's doing her level best to weaponize it in return against them. If it's all people lying anyway, why shouldn't she call herself a Lady and act like one, and play nice enough with these bastards that she can rob them later? There's nothing wrong with that -- it's just what everyone else is doing. She's just honest to herself about it.
What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
If Celestine is lying or putting up a front, she'll always go along with what keeps her cover secure, so with her flat-up lying aside... I think the main thing she never backs down about is refusing to feel shame about her actions. Even if they're cruel, even if they hurt other people, even if they're illegal or morally wrong, Celestine will not be ashamed of it. This is in part a coping mechanism -- she's done things she's not proud of to survive, so firm uncompromising refusal to feel bad about her actions protects her from the guilt. But it would take enabling something truly heinous for Celestine to admit afterward that it was a mistake and she feels guilty about it.
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