Ditch Overwhelm and Plan Better Using Annual Profections / Time Lords
Ditch Overwhelm and Plan Better Using Annual Profections / Time Lords
Annual Profections is a simple but powerful Hellenistic Astrology technique (also referred to by the epic label Time Lord – because you’re working out which planet is your ruling planet/ time lord for the year). If you know the basics of astrology this technique can be understood and used straight away, which is really exciting because it’s so useful for figuring out which part of your life you…
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Moon Diaries, Pagan Planners, & Witchy Datebooks for 2023
Moon Diaries, Pagan Planners, & Witchy Datebooks for 2023
It’s become a tradition on my YouTube channel to make an annual planner review video featuring some of the beautiful diaries, datebooks and almanacs from some lesser known and independent publishers. (You won’t find the likes of Llewelyn or Hay House in this list). This year I had so many to show I had to split it up into a few separate videos… In Part 1 of the planner review video I flipped…
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Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse- FACE THE BEAST
Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse- FACE THE BEAST
You know that scene in Star Wars (I think in The Empire Strikes Back?) when Luke is being trained by Yoda and as part of his training he has to go into a cave and face his worst fear. SPOILER ALERT his worst fear is facing Darth Vader, but not only that, it is that he will become Darth Vader. (Sorry if you haven’t seen it and have no idea what I’m talking about. I live with a huge star wars nerd…
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Taurus New Moon - BURROW
Taurus New Moon – BURROW
Change can be painful, and it is usually more so if we resist it. This new moon in fixed earth sign Taurus (Tuesday 11th May, 19:59 BST) is conjunct Uranus and squaring off against Jupiter and Saturn – expand, no contract, no expand. What are we supposed to do? The instinct of Taurus is to dig your heels in and stay as comfortable as possible. Photo by Altaf Shah on Pexels.com What I also…
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This Scorpio full moon (April 27th, 4:31 GMT) finds itself facing a pile up of planets in the opposite sign of Taurus. The energy crackles. Potentials which seemed impossible can come into being now. You may feel scared or excited at this prospect, and both feelings are warranted. Photo by Designecologist on Pexels.com We have agency. And it is up to us whether we use our energy to bolster…
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Aries New Moon - REBIRTH
Aries New Moon – REBIRTH
Over the course of a lifetime we gather many things. Some of these are good for us, others are not so good. Some were good for us at one point in our journey but now they hold us back. Sorting what is helpful and nourishing from what is stifling and painful is not always easy. Sometimes it is our most closely gathered treasures which weigh us down the most. Photo by Arina Krasnikova on…
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Libra Full Moon - MAKE READY
Libra Full Moon – MAKE READY
After the equinox now, and things are feeling more rosy and the future looking a little brighter than it looked back at the start of the year. The Full Moon in Libra (March 28th, 19:48 BST) brings another moment of balance and illumination. It is a powerful time. Photo by Waldir u00c9vora on Pexels.com A lot of change has happened very quickly. And we have the opportunity to integrate that…
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Virgo Full Moon - PROCEED
Virgo Full Moon – PROCEED
The Virgo Full Moon (February 27th, 8:17 GMT) is ruled by Mercury, who has just turned direct. Yay! The intense period of inner change and communication with those dark parts we usually prefer to keep hidden (which we have – hopefully – been working on since the new moon earlier this month) can now transform into some tentative steps forward. Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Pexels.com When taking…
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Pisces New Moon - HIGH VIBES
Pisces New Moon – HIGH VIBES
I can be a bit suspicious when people say things like “high vibes only” and “love and light”. In my experience sometimes those phrases are used as a form of spiritual bypassing, of looking away from what is really happening and privileging one set of experiences and ways of being in the world over another. Not cool. Obviously. And yet, at this new moon (on March 13th 10:21 GMT) with the Sun,…
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Aquarius New Moon - RECALIBRATE
Aquarius New Moon – RECALIBRATE
The New Moon falls on the 11th of February (19:06 GMT) with the moon joining the pile up of Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus AND Mercury retrograde in Aquarius (phew!). The Aquarius stellium is also squaring off against Mars and Uranus in Taurus. Photo by ThisIsEngineering on Pexels.com The change that we have been resisting, on both a whole world scale and in our individual lives, is coming. Time…
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Leo Full Moon - SOFTEN
Leo Full Moon - SOFTEN Yes, the world is going to hell in a handbasket, but at least there's plenty of fire to toast the marshmallows (or marshMELLOWS as my kids like to say and I love to hear). The first full moon of 2021 is in Leo (January 28th, 19:16
Yes, the world is going to hell in a handbasket, but at least there’s plenty of fire to toast the marshmallows (or marshMELLOWS as my kids like to say and I love to hear). The first full moon of 2021 is in Leo (January 28th, 19:16 GMT). Leo, sign of the sun, of direct action, of joyfulness, of play! Remember when we used to do that? Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels.com When things are…
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Capricorn New Moon - Push
Capricorn New Moon - Push The first new moon of 2021 is in Capricorn (13th January, 5:00 GMT). I have been watching the shadow advancing over the moon's surface this past week with a sense of ... what? Relief maybe? Like the shadow is a blanket we can
The first new moon of 2021 is in Capricorn (13th January, 5:00 GMT). I have been watching the shadow advancing over the moon’s surface this past week with a sense of … what? Relief maybe? Like the shadow is a blanket we can cover ourselves with, and rest a while, to be born anew a few days later. Photo by Kristina Paukshtite on Pexels.com Saturn and Jupiter have left Capricorn, true Pluto is…
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Cancer Full Moon - NEW COMFORTS
Cancer Full Moon – NEW COMFORTS
I am writing this at the beginning of the month (so before the huge happenings of the solstice and Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn) and it feels like I’m only getting a glimpse of something very very far away. From this vantage point, the full moon in Cancer (December 30th, 3:28 GMT) looks like a strange and unfamiliar jewel. Photo by u0422u0430u0442u044cu044fu043du0430…
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New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius - RESPOND
New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius – RESPOND
On the 14th of December (16:16 GMT) we have the Sagittarius New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse (16:13 GMT). The eclipse isn’t visible in the UK as the sun has already set (you can see where the eclipse is visible on this map), but the energy will still be felt. It is extra dark. Photo by Drew Rae on Pexels.com The moon in front of the sun creates a portal, and an invitation; Do you want things to…
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Full Gemini Moon - REBEL
Full Gemini Moon – REBEL
The last day of the month brings the Gemini Full Moon (November 30th, 09:30 GMT). It is also a penumbral eclipse (09:43 GMT) and a faint shadow will be seen on the moon before sunrise (in the UK, for other parts of the world check a local almanac). Gemini is a sign that enjoys light and fun, and with Mars direct in home sign Aries, it could be a tricky time for anyone wanting to place heavier…
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Scorpio New Moon - INTEGRATE
Scorpio New Moon – INTEGRATE
Mercury and Mars are direct but still in their shadows (explanation here) as we reach the Scorpio new moon on November 15th (05:07 GMT). A lot of shit has gone down these past few weeks and you may be feeling scattered and unsure about how to pick up the pieces. I feel like this new moon offers the possibility of integrating those crappy and good things that have happened and start fitting things…
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Full Taurus Blue Moon - All Shadows Eve
Full Taurus Blue Moon – All Shadows Eve
Samhain + Blue Moon = Strong Magic. There is an awful lot of fire and Earth energy out there right now, and not all of it (probably not even half of it) is particularly well-directed or contained. Which is to say, on this Full Taurus Moon (October 31st, 14:44 GMT), take care. Do your halloween things, call up your ancestors and helpful spirits, but take more care than perhaps you would in a year…
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