#feel free to reblog this post
vampirepanic · 4 months
i'm deleting that post i made about arab.org because i have now found out that:
1) the person i heard about it from accidentally got the UN and UNRWA mixed up, and has already apologized and corrected their mistake. arab.org is run by UNRWA, which HAS been able to get direct aid to gaza
2) THEY were misinformed because of a rumor started by zionists
this is my mistake, please stop reblogging that post and carry on doing daily clicks on arab.org!
i do still recommend boosting and donating to Care for Gaza and Gaza Direct Aid if possible, though. please do not JUST rely on arab.org for your contributions, make sure you spread the word and keep talking about palestine as well
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sheliesshattered · 1 year
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Gotta vote for the underdog and a scarian fic sneakpeek as a incentive?
Gotta get those vote o7
Thank you for your vote! o7
More of the birdbrain wingfic as a thanks for your service:
Grian woke with a gasp, lurching into a sitting position and choking out Scar’s name even before the reality of the situation caught up with him. He had died. They had died, Grian’s ill-advised stunt with the Warden ending not only his own red life, but Scar’s as well. In the blurry confusion of that first moment after respawn, he scrambled to feel the bond with his soulmate, to pick up any hint of pain or emotion through their link. But where it ought to have been, there was only silence.
Because they had died for a third and final time, Grian was quick to realize, before the growing edge of panic could overwhelm him. They had died for a third time, which meant they were back home, safe on Hermitcraft, where things like soulbonds didn’t exist. Right, of course. Somewhere out there, either at his theme park base or in his giant tree near spawn, Scar was similarly waking up disoriented, as the bloodsoaked haze of the death games faded from their minds like a bad dream.
With shaking hands, Grian fumbled through his pockets until he found his communicator. GoodTimeWithScar was a comforting sight on the players list, his name no longer red but instead the plain, unassuming white they all always were on Hermitcraft, and Grian felt some of the coiled tension leave his shoulders. He typed out a quick whisper to Scar, hoping the sincerity of his apology came across in text.
No worries, G, Scar whispered back a moment later. Honestly I’d rather the Warden kill us than die to any of our friends.
He grimaced down at his communicator, the unspoken allusion to the first death games and its brutal ending in the sand making his heart thud uncomfortably. But Scar was right, Grian reminded himself, as he dropped his communicator back into his inventory: better a quick death to the Warden than the inevitable alternative. Even if they’d made it to the very end, even if they’d been the last two left alive, it wouldn’t have been enough—
Grian cut that thought off decisively. They were home, the death games behind them once again, back to the safety of Hermitcraft where no death was ever permanent, where fatal damage could be shrugged off as a mere inconvenience, or even something to be laughed at under the right circumstances. Where he wouldn’t be overcome with the desire to murder his friends. Where he wouldn’t have to be the cause of Scar’s death, over and over.
Send me proof of your vote for Joe Hills in the @mcytblrsexymen final bracket, and I'll reveal two more paragraphs of this post-Double Life Scarian fic!
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Kill yourself pediphiles.
And what if we don't? What are you gonna do it about it? Kill us yourselves? I'd like to see you try.
And what are you going to use to prove we are somehow "pediphiles"? It's not like you deleted the initial posts you made about me being a pedophile or had your friends try and fuck around with links or proof I posted, or tried to keep your trickle-truthing under DMs and PMs, as if my side of the story completely gives egg on your face. It certainly doesn't gain you credibility when you harass me via anon message, when I don't bother violating your blog, as if you're the one always wanting confrontation. Considering all you did to me, that would be a fair assessment, hmm?
Also ironic how you use plural "pediphileS" too, as if Mod Smoke, who's aroace, would even want to diddle anything to begin with, much less kids.
How about you go and harass Camila Cuevas or their crew instead? I'm sure you'll be barking up the right tree there, little fox.
(okay so there was a whole ass paragraph here about who it could have been if it wasn't King Fox/Foxxism, but I have learnt that they are likely not the culprits. So, yk, as before, don't harass them just like you shouldn't harass King Fox/Foxxism)
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hualianisms · 7 days
verified ways to donate to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, rebuilding homes/businesses or more. Site run by Palestinians, all GFMs verified (full list here). Spotlights 1 stagnant GFM at a time. (*If you can't decide who/where to donate, just go to gazafunds.com & donate to the 1 GFM they show you!)
masterlist of 200+ verified Palestinian families' GFMs: Operation Olive Branch
Help provide tents: (*emergency as Rafah is being bombarded as we speak)
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents & transport for families in Rafah who urgently need to evacuate to Deir Al Balah. Has a team on the ground in Gaza who have supplied tents to 1% of the displaced population in Rafah. Run by Palestinians. (paypal) (gfm)
@helpgazachildren: Currently helping Palestinians in a refugee camp in Rafah flee the Rafah invasion to Khan Younis. Funds go directly to Hussam, a Palestinian in Rafah who hosts a refugee camp. Funds will cover the cost of tents & transport fuel. Managed by a Palestinian @.fairuzfan. (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Palestinian charity on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their Twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
We Feed Gaza: Team of Palestinian volunteers in the heart of Gaza distributing food & water to 344+ families. More details & proof in their gfm. Vetted & promoted by LetsTalkPalestine. (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: A Palestinian activist on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash & other essential supplies to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
Water (*only 2 weeks left to donate!):
Gaza Municipality's water campaign: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water & waste management services for the people of Gaza.
guide to buy & send esims to gaza (highly needed, esim supply very low)
Crips for eSims for Gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims, don't have enough $ for an esim plan, or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), you can donate any amt to this team of volunteers who pool funds to buy & maintain gaza esims regularly (see their financial accountability document).
Medical Aid:
Gaza Wound Care (urgent): Palestinian doctors in central Gaza treating injured/sick children & mothers in neglected displacement camps far from hospitals. Facing a severe shortage of medicines, medical equipment, and supplies. They need funds for their current campaign to battle infectious diseases in refugee camps. (paypal) (gogetfunding) (gfm)
international charities: Palestine Red Crescent Society, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestinians
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aphel1on · 7 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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fairydriver · 4 months
if you post an image in discord itll round the corners, but once you hit a certain smallness it rounds into a circle. so basically if you make an image that is 32x32 and you post it in discord itll go from this
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to this.
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so you basically can just draw a little face in mspaint or something and paste it into discord and itll look like a little emoji. you can potentially mess around with this a lot, its proportional to your image going smaller and it doesnt have to be a square either.
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cattimes · 7 months
I've been trying to clean my closet out lately, I own too much that I don't wear anymore.
I've only sold two things so I'm hoping by posting my Poshmark closet here some may consider buying some of my new/lightly worn clothes.
If anyone would like to message me here for negotiations or more pictures, feel free to reach out to me. :-)
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girllbossing · 1 year
Sorry for being a bitch earlier, I needed to lay in the dark with my headphones for 3 hours to feel better
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 month
What Does ADHD Look Like?
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The Mini ADHD Coach
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raynewolfegirl · 1 month
Meta Jazz, the Arkham Intern Therapist Pt1
Update 5/16/2024: Congrats guys, gals, and others! You have planted the seeds and they have grown. Today I wrote another 46 pages on this story (the first section was only 9 pages ya'll). I'm working on splitting it up into smaller sections so I can post it now because tumblr said no to doing it as one piece. I'll be using the tag #Meta Jazz Arkham Intern Therapist if you want to follow it.
Original Note: I'm going to go ahead and apologize for how OOC Bane is in this. It originally was Joker but I couldn't see Jazz tolerating his proximity for more than a single millisecond so Bane it is.
The hardest thing about being a Meta in Gotham was responding appropriately during a Rouge's attack, Jazz mused to herself. Or perhaps that was just the hardest part about being a Meta intern at Arkham while studying psychology at Gotham University. Or maybe it was just her, she considered watching the guards and Dr. Rylie whom she'd been shadowing for the past 2 weeks wide eyed, pale, and shaking as theybstared at Bane behind her. It must just be her, Jazz decided, newbie guard Kyle Jennings was definitely a Meta after all. She should probably give him some tips on hiding his enhanced strength considering how often he broke mugs, door handles, and other delicate items used in daily life.
"Weapons down or I'll snap her skinny little neck." Bane growled out, shaking her slightly for emphasis. She very much doubted that. Liminials were built different than the standard Meta, stronger, faster, better endurance, and senses even if they could mostly appear to be standard humans on the outside.  As such, their bones and muscles were much were much denser than regular humans or even Meta humans. Technically, she could be considered "invulnerable" much like the Kryptonians are.
"Back up! Let him through!" Dr. Rylie  shouted at the guards. "She's my student! Let him through!" His voice was higher pitched than she could recall hearing it before.
Ah. That was panic.
Jazz sighed involuntarily and glanced over her shoulder at Bane. Why the man had grabbed the only person close to his own height nearby was a mystery to her - no, nevermind, he clearly meant to use her as a shield - but it made looking him in the eye more difficult than necessary.
"Mr. Bane, remove your hands from my person, please." Jazz stated calmly, channeling what Danny called her inner mom as she spoke. "I will give you to one to comply."
Bane looked stunned for a moment then laughed.
The laughing continued. Jazz could sense a stir of uncertainty through her colleagues as they looked on.
"Did you really think that would work?" Bane snorted out, arms tensing more around her.
"Three." She continued, indifferent to his words from her experiences raising her brother. Once the count down starts you mustn't respond to anything the kids do or say until they comply or the count is done.
"What cab you even do if I don't?" Bane asked darkly breathing directly in her ear. She kept her face expressionless despite the urge to express disgust.
"Jasmine..."  Kyle whispered halfway across the hall from her looking on with a pained and horrified expression. Gun tilting towards the floor. Sloppy.
"One." She finished and Bane gave a derisive snort.
Then she was moving. Hauling the enormous man up and over her shoulder using the arm that had been wrapped around her neck. Bane hit the cold tile hard enough that the tiles, subfloor, structural supports, and part of the concrete foundation buckled beneath him. His shoulder popped out of joint, his wrist cracked - a hairline fracture by the sound of it -  and his breath was punched out of him from the force of impact. She released his arm as soon as his was embedded in the tiles and moved forward. Kneeling over him, support most of her weight on her left foot resting on the broken ground, her right knees pressed firmly across his throat without supporting any of her weight. The position put more strain on her muscles than she would've liked but at least Bane couldn't risk fighting back without crushing his own neck in the process. He could hardly throw her while flat on his back with a mangled arm.
"Now," Jazz began, looking directly into the behemoth's pained eyes. "Do you know what you've done wrong?" She asked like she would have done with Danny as a child.
"Yes, Ma'am." Bane choked out. Jazz heard movement and murmuring behind her. She didn't turn to look.
"What did you do wrong?" She asked. It was important to make sure children correctly understood why they were in trouble after all. There was a long pause as Bane appeared to cast around for the exact right answer as if he feared getting it wrong. A bad habit Danny still uses as well, Jazz thought to herself.
"I tried to hold you hostage," He choked out in a rush, words tumbling over one another as he tried to get them all out. "I scared you coworkers and it was very disrespectful."
So he'd gone for the grab-bag response. It wasn't wrong per sey but it did indicate a past history of abuse. The type of answer given by someone who expected to be harmed or ignored if they gave the "wrong" answer. Danny tended to use that method also and their parents had always been negligent at best.
"And are you going to do it again?" She asked giving him a Look as she did. Bane's eyes widened and he tried to frantically shake his head as much as possible with the pressure on his neck.
"No, Ma'am." He promised fervently.
"Alright then," Jazz said giving him a warm smile. She gestured vaguely towards the guards without turning to look at them. "Kyle here is going to take you to see the nurse and then back to your room then. I'm sure you'll behave for him?"
"Yes, Ma'am. I'll behave." Bane said. Jazz stood slowly asking sure not to put any additional pressure on his neck as she did. Kyle came and stood next to her as the giant of a man slowly pulled himself to his feet then led him away with 5 other guards.
Jazz heaved a sigh. Well, time to find out whether or not she could play all that off as normal, non-Meta human behavior.
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stil-lindigo · 6 months
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on twitter, a viral thread started where people around the world shared their translations of “If I must die”, the last work of Dr Refaat Alareer also known as "the voice of Gaza". A beloved poet, teacher and life-long activist for Palestine, he was recently assassinated along with members of his extended family by a targeted Israeli air strike. His loss leaves a hole in the heart of palestinians all over the world.
Below the cut, I’ll be posting the translations of his poem, with links to the original posts. Unfortunately, tumblr limits posts to a maximum of 30 images. I will update when I can.
Arabic (Refaat’s mother tongue)
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2. Spanish
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3. Irish
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4. Dutch
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5. Greek
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6. German
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7. Vietnamese
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8. Tagalog
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9. Serbian
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10. Japanese
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and the traditional japanese calligraphy version
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11. Nepali
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12. Tamil
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13. Bosnian
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14. Indonesian
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15. Romanian
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16. Italian
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17. Albanian
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18. Urdu
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19. Turkish
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20. Polish
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21. Norwegian
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22. Galician
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23. Swedish
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24. Jawi
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25. Bengali
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26. Russian
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sheliesshattered · 1 year
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Hi, I voted Joe Hills :D
I read the 2 paragraphs of your Scarian fic and even tho I've never read them before I really liked it so... please may I have some more? 🥺
Thank you for supporting Joe Hills! It was such a narrow win, I definitely feel like every vote counted. In celebration of Joe's win, you may have two more paragraphs! :D
Starting from the beginning again for anyone who missed the last post:
Grian woke with a gasp, lurching into a sitting position and choking out Scar’s name even before the reality of the situation caught up with him. He had died. They had died, Grian’s ill-advised stunt with the Warden ending not only his own red life, but Scar’s as well. In the blurry confusion of that first moment after respawn, he scrambled to feel the bond with his soulmate, to pick up any hint of pain or emotion through their link. But where it ought to have been, there was only silence.
Because they had died for a third and final time, Grian was quick to realize, before the growing edge of panic could overwhelm him. They had died for a third time, which meant they were back home, safe on Hermitcraft, where things like soulbonds didn’t exist. Right, of course. Somewhere out there, either at his theme park base or in his giant tree near spawn, Scar was similarly waking up disoriented, as the bloodsoaked haze of the death games faded from their minds like a bad dream.
With shaking hands, Grian fumbled through his pockets until he found his communicator. GoodTimeWithScar was a comforting sight on the players list, his name no longer red but instead the plain, unassuming white they all always were on Hermitcraft, and Grian felt some of the coiled tension leave his shoulders. He typed out a quick whisper to Scar, hoping the sincerity of his apology came across in text.
No worries, G, Scar whispered back a moment later. Honestly I’d rather the Warden kill us than die to any of our friends.
Wanna see more of this fic? Send me evidence of your vote for Joe Hills in the @mcytblrsexymen final bracket!
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ashleyeveerson · 1 month
Haven't been able to think about anything other than the victorian/edwardian/WW1 twink and his 80's punk almost-boyfriend for a week, send help
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1pcii · 5 months
if Zoro asked Luffy 'would you still love me if I was a worm?' Luffy would be vibrating out of his skin with excitement detailing how he would take care of Zoro and build him a special little enclosure and make him little swords out of sticks so he can still achieve his dream of being the world's greatest swordsworm and feed him worm sized portions of meat and booze everyday and carry him around everywhere so they can still do everything together.
he also delightfully rambles about how he could be a worm also and they'd go on worm adventures together and make friends with all sorts of other bugs and how much fun they'd have.
edit: there's fanart for this scenario now! show it lots of love it's absolutely adorable!!!
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the-merry-otter · 2 years
One of the gang sent this uquiz to the chat, and fkskfkskfjsg I highly recommend it, it’s funny as fuck
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miitopia-cake · 6 months
I wish some aces would stop excluding other aces with complex sexual experiences. like I get why but you have to realize that being ace does not mean they don't enjoy sexual experiences and it's weird when you complain about allo people and boil it down to "people who have sexual experiences" and also shame people for their sex life and kinks as if your own community doesnt INCLUDE those people. because there are other aces out there who still masturbate, who feel sexually attracted to their own body, who barely experiences sexual attraction but still enjoys sex, who like consuming sexual media, who like sfw kink. being ace is so so much more complex than just "disliking sex". and also aromantic exclusionism in the same genre of posts is something i see a lot. especially aro allos. I hate hate hate seeing a community that SHOULD be inclusive boil down sexuality and exclude people.
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