#feat. they're fun new fits
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you and me and the devil makes three
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 days
Aahh your addition to actually girl sanji was amazing ✨ thank you
Its so funny to have them realising all the way to WCI/Wano, theyre all so silly. ALSO CHOPPER- He's new to the crew and giving them all a check up to get up to date with their physicals and he's all like 'dont worry Sanji your secret is save with me!! I wont tell anybody!!' And sanji thinks he's actually talking about the nr 3 burnmark (hc of mine that judge labeled all his children) so she's very thankful to him
Omg and the ship options... To many possibilities to choose from... Luffy going 'HES NOT A PRETTY BUT SHES A PRETTY GIRL?!!' Literally no fucks given nothing changes but he looveess the clothes and makeup nami gives sanji to wear (the liploss tastes like fruit and the dress fabric is so softt!!!)
Or sanami... Nami feeling attracted to sanji even though she's a lesbian and heaving a sexuality crisis cause is she bisexual??? But no she's still a major lesbian (or even funnier no attraction until its 'stupid guy -> stupid girl??!!!'
Honestly east blue poly would be funny as hell, so many possibilities
Also (sorry im rambling) SHES ZEFFS LITTLE GIRL 💥💥when she left with luffy, zeff 100% threatened the shit out of him (he also did this in canon but with his mind UvU) idk i fucking adore zeff and sanji protective of each other
And lastly??? All the regulars knowing??? Amazing, show stopping, ground breaking. Theyre coming to the baratie not seeing the cute waitress and when asked the staff says she has become a pirate cook of the strawhats
But whenever there's news its always talking about a guy and the wanted pictures are not so helpfull... So many possibility...
Have a nice day! Hope you had/have fun at your con :D
I'm so glad you enjoyed them! Fem!Sanji is fun to write, especially when no one knows she's a girl because how can you not know? She is Zeff's little girl! The dumb brat he gave up a leg for on a rock! She is his pride and joy, and everyone knows this!! Also, I love the idea of the burn mark and the confusion therein for Sanji because Chopper thinks she's trans masc when she's not, she's just waiting for her mom's genes to kick in more. Also the shipping, I agree with East Blue Polycule because you can fit all that in together in one go and no one is going ask questions. But I'm getting ahead of myself and skipping to the regulars first so that I can get some funny scenarios out of my head first.
First, Mihawk has watched this girl grow up and probably saw the fall out after shortly after Zeff butchered her hair. When he asked about it, he gave Zeff the most unimpressed look Zeff has ever received because good fuck he could have just braided it until they got into town? That's all he says about that because Sanji is still upset her hair is gone. Then some years later he's calling Zeff and asking when Sanji changed her gender and Zeff is confused because she hasn't but anyone and everyone are calling her a boy, even that crew she set off with. Mihawk is staring out of his office with the denden with an empty gaze as the greenhaired moron he almost slaughtered on the deck of Baratie is in his castle with one of his fellow warlords first mates and he's having a time but at least that hasn't changed.
Buggy is also probably really confused about 'Black Leg Sanji' and "his feats" and when Garp is arresting him they're debating whether or not Sanji would be a good marine until Garp calls her a boy and Buggy corrects him. Garp is staring down at the clown who looks back and is like 'wait, wait. Zeff's called her "princess" and you never questioned why he would call his son that?' to Garp's non-committal shrug of 'He's Zeff.' which, okay yeah, sure. It's Zeff but Zeff never used it in a derogatory manor. Sanji is quite literally his princess. She is the princess of the Baratie that Buggy used to do card tricks for because Zeff had no idea what the hell to do with kids.
Now onto the hilarity because East Blue Poly would be exceptionally hilarious. They all start dating and Sanji thinks Nami is going through a sexuality crisis because she's a girl where as Nami thinks Sanji's a boy and it's never cleared up. Sanji looks particularly butch because it made her life easier at Baratie, and she doesn't want to ruin dresses and skirts and blouses with cooking or blood. She also just never really wore make up unless Baratie was closed for some celebration or something, when she had a reason to doll up because she was so busy. Also she wakes up and goes to bed before and after everyone else so no one catches she's a girl. I think the hilarious exception of Ace clocking it in Alabasta and telling Luffy he's got the prettiest girl and the best cook wrapped in one is an amazing thing and Luffy goes with it but still asks why Ace called Sanji a girl and Ace is confused now. They never clear it up.
When Sanji is training and everyone is talking about forcing her into dresses Sanji is like 'I don't need to be forced, I love dresses! I just don't like ruining them with blood.' and coming back to Sabaody with a few dresses, skirts, blouses, more fem clothing and everyone is like 'you don't have to wear those if they make you uncomfortable' is sending some weird messages to her so she just doesn't wear them still. For the wrong reasons and everyone is confused. Like WCI when Sanji's in her wedding dress and fighting and mourning the blood on the dress and Luffy and Nami are asking her why she's in one because she doesn't wear that stuff and Sanji says she thought they didn't like them on her and the very quick explanation of 'we thought you were a boy!' is Sanji going 'How?' as Nami complains she had a sexuality crisis for nothing until Luffy asks about him, Zoro, and Usopp; Nami concedes that the crisis wasn't for nothing then.
Nami makes sure she's in a kimono like she and Robin are as an apology because they didn't realize that Sanji was a girl and was just dressing for convenience, she's not a boy and was a princess and she is loved.
Also my con was lovely but I'm so glad it's over.
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merakiui · 1 year
Imagine the tweels as step-siblings 😳
Omg Jade and Floyd who just adore their cute step-sibling and are always so ready to protect you. If anyone gives you trouble, whether big or small, you can be certain your step-brothers will track them down and repay that trouble tenfold. They're always looking out for you, sometimes a little too obsessively. The older you get and the more hormonal they become, the more territorial they appear. They've chased away and terrorized potential partners and mates who got too close for comfort. They've prevented you from going on dates and getting your first kiss.
At first you were grateful they were willing to help you shake persistent mers who couldn't take no for an answer, but now it's becoming an annoyance. Your step-brothers are always breathing down your neck. If you aren't being flanked by both of them, sandwiched between them as they practically shield you from everyone else, then you'll find yourself being stalked by one of them. They always appear at the worst moments, right when you think you might finally get to date or meet new friends. Your step-brothers can allow a few friends, but when these friends get too friendly... That's unacceptable.
So, really, neither twin could have predicted you'd fall for one of their friends. They introduced you to Azul because they thought he was a safe option for a friend. And he was! The lot of you had a lot of fun playing. You and your step-brothers would swim to his octopus pot nearly every morning to pay him surprise visits, which weren't really surprises the more Azul became accustomed to this routine. You and Azul were only connected by way of the twins, who allowed the connection because they were certain Azul and you wouldn't go beyond friends.
But then you're sneaking out after lunch when the twins are busy or can't go out to play or, more commonly, when they're forbidden from following you. Their parents adore all of you and are usually lenient, but they know that siblings need time apart to foster their own bonds. The twins hate this, but Floyd hates it just slightly more. Jade understands where his parents are coming from, ever the logical one, but Floyd is always so restless and anxious when he's apart from you. He hates not being able to be there. What if something happens? What if you can't defend yourself? What if you get hurt? These questions are meaningless, though, because you've wrestled Floyd into submission more than once, a feat only you and Jade can boast. So of course you're plenty capable and Floyd knows this, but he still worries because he cares too much.
Azul is much too awkward to do anything, so the twins know you won't come swimming back home with a belly full of eggs. Rather, the two of you are fools in love. Holding hands or wrapping your tail around his tentacle is enough to have the two of you turning away and blushing. It would be cute if the twins weren't so envious. They know they ought to feel happy for you, but they can't when you should be that way with them. You should be flirting with them, holding their hands, cuddling up to them, kissing their cheeks...
It's always unfortunate when they must leave for a new school year. Floyd threw a fit the first year. As excited to see the surface and attend school on land as he was, he couldn't part with you. Jade protested it as well, but their parents would hear no arguments. The consolation was that Azul would be going to, so the twins hoped time apart would snuff your relationship. If it didn't, they'd plant ideas in Azul's head. He's horribly self-conscious and you're one of the few good things to have ever happened to him. They'd find a way. They always do.
They always spend too much time with you the night before they're meant to leave for NRC, insisting on sleeping in your room because when will they have another chance to have a sleepover like this once they're on land? Ignore wandering hands and curling tails, each clinging to you in the darkness. This is just their way of showing brotherly affection. :)
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aerkame · 1 year
Welcome Home Finfolk AU Headcanons Part 1
Just some headcanons on the characters so I can come back to this later for writing/reference. And a bit of a tease for some people eager for Finfolk/selkie stuff. Warnings: Implied kidnapping. It's kind of a given considering that in Orkney folklore finfolk often kidnap people they like/love.
Original post:
(I guess this takes place in a puppet world? Like humans are just humanoid puppets so it's not as confusing to make Welcome Home characters complete puppets but finfolk versions.)
Eddie Dear:
A complete sweetheart of a captain that's a bit clumsy. While Wally can steer the waters himself, he'd much rather have Eddie be the captain on most of their ships, having found that the much larger man knows the waters better than himself and Home.
Eddie is so sweet that most don't even notice the unusual way his felt skin slightly changes colors when it rains, the small finned ears tucked under his captain's hat, or the tiny teal scales that grow under his arms when he's stressed. Maybe he's a lot more clever than people realize. Using that sweetness of his to distract others from what's happening...nah, he's just a clumsy sweet guy, right?
Instead of having shipments in, it's usually Eddie that helps bring in most of what the island has when it comes to strange items. They're still a bit stuck in the 70s so sometimes Eddie brings back boatloads of lost shipments with up to date everyday items.
Wally Darling:
Wally Darling is a true finman at heart. He keeps all those he is close with very close on this island he made so long ago with his and Home's own magic. He may or may not have helped kidnap a few of the neighbors with Home and others, bringing them here.
Sometimes Wally will find himself in looser fitting clothing on warmer days. But usually he keeps a suit worn with his pompadour being well-kept. Everything at Home must be perfect.
Unlike most finmen, his powers have gone far beyond what is normal. While most can control the ocean waters through waves and small rain showers, Wally has little to no trouble making storms, hurricanes, giant whirlpools, and changing the very currents of the ocean to his favor.
Making Home was probably his greatest feat yet. Creating an island wasn't uncommon for his kind. But creating a giant, living, sentient island hidden within a vale of sorts in the middle of the ocean that not even other finmen could reach was something otherworldly. It's like he's creating a whole new world.
He will sometimes crash planes and ships far out in the ocean if they so much as get too close to the world they reside in. Of course he ensures that Eddie, Howdy, or Barnaby goes over to the crash sites to wipe away any memory of where the passengers have been, just in case...and maybe he should start up a rough storm or two in that area for good measure. You can never be too sure.
Of course Wally never expects anyone to actually make it to the shores of Home, but if someone ever did, well...that would be quite the impressive feat! You'd have to not only get past the others sensing your presence in their waters (coupled with oncoming storms), but also get past the vale their world resides in.
Truly, Wally just wants everyone in Home to be able to live happy and free here. He often creates more and more islands and small peninsulas along with the others just to explore and have fun. And they do have fun and joy, almost everyday! Though he needs to slow down on the island-making, he often gets lost on his own creations sometimes.
Barnaby B.Beagle:
At first glance he's just a big ol' fluffy dog with a big personality, but when it rains or when water is doused on the guy? He really tends to grow in size.
Unlike the others, Barnaby tends to have a completely different form when he lets loose. Instead of scales, he grows smooth and cool skin, and instead of pointy fin ears he grows side gills and one large triangular fin on his lower back. (Poppy often needs to help fix his clothes for this reason.) All this topped with giant rows of sharp teeth. Very shark-like indeed.
Due to his size and sharp features, it's no wonder that Barnaby often accompanies Eddie or Howdy when taking care of people that are getting too close to Home, or when someone on the mainland is getting a liiiittle too close to pinpointing where Home's vale is. You could say he's a bit like a giant guard (shark?)dog.
Sometimes Frank wonders if Barnaby is even a finman like the others or if he's some kind of hybrid...or possibly a subspecies?
This big guy is friendly and loves cracking jokes, but he isn't dumb, and he definitely isn't letting anyone hurt his family.
Wally and Barnaby go way back to when he was just a pup (get it?), having been washed up ashore on what was a lonely Home at the time. Wally was the first person to ever treat him so kindly and not judge him for how he looked in his original form. Most finmen hated it.
Barnaby so far has been the only one to ever make it to Home on his very own. Maybe it takes something special to get here. Or maybe it was Home who invited him that time and not Wally's invitation.
Frank Frankly:
Quite frankly the most nerdiest guy at Home. Not only is Frank's house neatly organized with specimens of insects everywhere, but that has evolved to specimens of fish and many books on mythical sea creatures, something that started all thanks to Eddie and Home.
Frank remembers his first time here clear as day. He was so skeptical that finfolk were real or that any mythical creature was real. It took a lot of convincing and quite a few magic tricks to finally get him to open up his eyes about that.
The man has been obsessed with the life that resides in the ocean since he first learned about finfolk. You could ask him about any, and I mean ANY sea creature and he'd probably know everything about it.
One of his keen interests is that of finfolk and selkies. They had similar traits but were vastly different in many ways. Finfolk he could research on however long he wanted considering he was living with them. But unlike finfolk, selkies weren't seen as much anymore. Stars, selkies were even considered on the verge of going extinct according to other finfolk and sea creatures, something about selkies getting their coats stolen too often? Frank would shake his head at that thought. Some people were just too cruel.
Sometimes Frank will feel a pang of loneliness when studying on his own, but usually Eddie is there to cheer him up, or Julie, even if she was a bit too much.
Both Julie and himself are the only residents at Home that are not finfolk, just some ordinary people that found their way here, though they don't remember how or when...
You(Suprise short fic! Hahahaha-):
There was something off about this part of the ocean. You have never ventured this far out before, always staying close to coasts and peninsulas, but it was like you were just drawn to a force here.
You perched yourself onto the small deck of the tiny sailboat you owned and crossed another spot out on the map. There was nothing here either, just like the past few miles you checked. No islands or signs of land in sight...and yet you could sense that something was indeed there. Call it an instinct, but your body was refusing to leave you alone until you satisfied your curiosity.
Looking down into the deep waters, you debated on going back down there to take a second look...nah. You were still soaked and the fur would take forever to dry off again. That, and the skies continued to darken as if it would rain any second now. Actually, a nice swim and a quick look seemed like a good idea.
The fur hood slipped over your head as you buckled the inside of your jacket to keep everything secured, the last thing you needed was a current to take away your seal jacket, you put too much time and effort into making your seal fur a real set of clothes.
You jumped in as soon as thunder roared right behind you, feeling the tingling feeling of bristles and fur wrapping around your felt skin. There wasn't supposed to be a storm yet...
The currents began to change, almost pulling you towards the place of interest from earlier, it was far too strong for you to swim against even as your flippers swished back and forth as hard as they could. Before you could turn your back to face another direction, rough waters ripped your body from left to right, up, and down, until everything felt too dizzy to gather your surroundings. Your vision was such a blur that you did not notice the sailboat you were once on begin to sink down towards you. A long metal object suddenly made contact with your head and everything went black.
I had this finfolk-selkie hybrid OC for the longest time and every time I looked at selkie OCs no one seemed to make it into normal-ish clothing. Like imagine being a selkie in the modern world. Having a seal coat turned into the softest hoodie or jacket would be the best thing ever. You could take it anywhere with you in plain sight and no one would even know.
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inkys-anime-blog · 3 months
One Piece Surfer AU
This was a long ramble session put together by myself and my friends Jordon, @fashionable-hamster , @incomingalbatross , and @thehappybaker .
If anyone wants to draw these or muse around in this AU, please feel free (and tag me!) We had so much fun coming up with these!
Things that are the Same
Devil Fruits are still a thing (mostly because it's really funny if they're surfers and can barely swim. They all wear inner tubes and water wings.)
Crew Compositions are also the same! They are now teams.
Sea Kings and assorted monsters are still here. They are, in fact, more common. The job of Life Guard is not only to keep people from drowning, but to fight monsters so your friends can surf in peace.
World Changes
Almost every dead character you can think of is alive. Because this is a fun, low stakes AU.
"King of the Pirates" is now "King of the Waves", you become a Yonko by being an Olympic Gold Medalist, you become "King of the Waves" by beating all of the Yonkos in a competition.
The goal of "World's Greatest Swordsman" has been changed to "World's Greatest Lifeguard." The way you move up in ranks for it is by competing in underwater feats of power (holding your breath, underwater wrestling, spotting and saving drowning people, performing rescue maneuvers.) It is all incredibly competitive and intense.
Doctors tend to pool supplies and set up a single medical tent, but more intense competitions mean they'll stay apart.
The Celestial Dragons have bought up most of the local public beaches. Surfing on them is considered illegal, but that doesn't stop any of the crews/teams.
The Marines are now local police who are trying to keep the surfers from the private beaches. Sometimes it escalates to fighting, but not too often. It's more like a race to surf before the police show up, it adds time and tension to competitions.
The Revolutionaries are a skateboarding gang who are committing actual crimes trying to bankrupt the city. They are treated with less attention than the surfers, somehow.
Strawhat Headcanons
The Thousand Sunny is a massive surfboard that all the team can fit on. They don't use it super often, but Franky made it for fun one day and they have a good time zipping around together.
Luffy is almost unchanged. He wants to be King of the Waves, he goes around recruiting buds to help that happen. He is more than willing to solve these problems by beating people up. It's Luffy.
Zoro is training to be the World's Greatest Lifeguard. He mostly focuses on paddling around and killing monsters that try to attack his friends, he's group protector in any AU. His backstory is similar as well, Kuina dying and leaving him her family life preserver. He and Sanji sit on the edge of the group surfboard, they're both very worried about their friends falling in.
Nami and Nojiko were illegally taken in by Bellemere. Nami has a supernatural sixth sense for when storms and strong waves are coming in, which was noticed by Arlong. Arlong threatened to reveal the illegal adoption to the police if she didn't come work for him and his team. Nami agreed, but once Luffy finds out, he contacts Whitebeard and get into a fierce legal battle to keep Nami and her family safe and away from Arlong. She's now living out the childhood she always wanted, spending time with friends and surfing instead of being under Arlong's control. Bellemere is running her tangerine orchard and shows up to their competitions a lot, mostly to cheer on her kid and hand out orange slices like a soccer mom.
Ussop runs a kid's swimming school! He's really popular because he's great with kids. People want to get their kids in love with swimming so they're less likely to impulsively eat devil fruits lolol. He's always wanted to be a surfer, and he jumps at the chance when Luffy comes their way. Kaya buys them fancy new surfboards and she's one of their most dedicated sponsors.
Sanji used to work in a five star restaurant, but ended up shifting to make his own top-class food truck so he can be with the crew and go to different competitions. Zeff sponsors the Strawhats so that Nami stops stealing the rival team's wallets to pay for gas money. (She still does, but less often now.)
Chopper is still a reindeer boy, and he wasn't able to go to normal school because of it. He was homeschooled by his parents, who are both doctors. He's enjoying his first taste of a real childhood with the Strawhats, and Hiriluk and Kureha come to what competitions they can.
Robin is a former CIA agent turned lawyer. She has gotten the Strawhats and teams they're friendly with out of SO many legal issues. She wears water wings on All of her Arms when she goes out to surf. She still does archeology on the side as a fun hobby.
Brook's backstory is mostly unchanged. He used to be on a great group of surfers, but when they were on a boat trip, their drinks were poisoned by a rival team. He washed up a skeleton by the Strawhat's van. He had made friends with Laboon, but since Laboon has faced some issues in the wild, he was moved by a wildlife conservation center. Brook is traveling the coast with the Strawhats to try to find him again, checking with every wildlife center they pass.
Jinbe is tired. He was a city council member, and left when it became horribly corrupt. He's reliving his old days of surfing with the Strawhats, and he's specifically helping Zoro be a better swimmer.
Non Strawhat Headcanons
Shanks and his crew run a nice little bar. They're renowned for their surfing skills, but they're holding back from competitions for awhile so the kids get their chance to shine. Shanks is known as "that guy who once surfed a tsunami so well he reversed it. Somehow."
Whitebeard is a CPS worker. He has worked at this tirelessly for decades, and ends up fighting a fierce legal battle for Nami, and then later Ace, both of which he wins!
Ace (which was actually how this entire thing started for me) is super competitive and travels around almost as much as the Strawhats do. He wears his hat surfing because of course he does. He's got to be very careful using his Devil Fruit, but he's pulled off some crazy stunts with it.
Buggy the Clown runs a water show with super talented performers; water aerialists, dolphins, even some surfing like the others! He is a terrible surfer but manages to fail upwards into winning an Olympic medal. Whoops!
Vivi is a mayor's daughter and is constantly campaigning for better protection for the local beaches. She's managed to get her hometown safe for the teams to compete at, but she doesn't have a lot of sway outside them, and she had to fight against a certain local business to get that far. She's studying abroad in Europe after she helped, and they miss her a lot :(
Crocodile (mentioned above with Vivi) owns a casino near the beach. Luffy hit him with a supersoaker of ocean water once for putting a hit out on Vivi. I have nothing else for him except "he makes crazy sandcastles"
Mihawk is the World's Greatest Lifeguard, and most of the time people practice perfect water safety around him because he's SCARY to be rescued by. Those eyes....
Most of the first mates (Zoro, Bepo, Killer) are training to be lifeguards. Their captains have devil fruits, they have to.
Corozon is the Heart Pirate's biggest supporter. He loves watching them compete. He's working with Bellemere in her orchard, they know each other from their old police days.
Blackbeard's favorite activity is snitching on other surfers so they get interrupted by the police. He also likes knocking people off their boards. He's never invited to these things, he just shows up.
Uta showed up once to cheer on Luffy, but Blackbeard dropped her location online. The beach got swarmed by fans and they had to cancel :( But she still comments on Nami's social media posts about the competitions and voices her support!
Gecko Moria owns a terrible "haunted water ride" experience and it's terrible and rundown. Kuma, who works for OSCHA, shows up to shut it down but the crew has already beaten up everyone there because someone was being a creep to Nami.
That's all for now! Might add more later as they come up!
Please please reblog <3 I want to hear people's ideas!
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adhsea · 1 year
You should give Pathfinder 2e a shot
Given the state of everything surrounding WOTC and OneD&D, I figured that now was a good time to make a post like this. I know how things like this sound, so I’m going to promise up front that I’m not here to shit on D&D. I played 5e for years and had a lot of fun with it. This is a message from someone who decided to try out PF2e and found a new favorite system, and thinks you might enjoy it too. So without further ado, here’s a few reasons to give Pathfinder 2e a shot:
Tactics and Teamwork: Combat is incredibly rewarding in 2e. Every character has 3 actions, and abilities are balanced with the idea of each action being just as valuable. Attacking multiple times a turn imposes a penalty, so it's important to figure out what you can do besides attack in order to help your party members do great on their turns as well. Attacks of Opportunity are rare, so moving into a flank position is easy to achieve. You can use skills to learn about your enemy, frighten them, knock them into the ground, it's a lot to put in one tiny snippet. If you've wanted more dynamic and tactical combat, why not give this a shot?
Balance part A: This game is incredibly well balanced on pretty much every level. The math in this game is built around the crit system, where every roll that's 10 or more above the DC is a critical success, and every roll that's 10 or more below the DC is a critical failure. This means that even as the numbers get higher and higher, they're still consistent. As a result, encounter building is simple and can be easily adjusted to fit the challenge the DM wants to give the players. It's trustworthy and reliable math that rewards tactics and good playing.
Balance part B: The martial vs caster disparity is much less of a problem in this game. Spellcasters can’t trivialize encounters with a single spell slot, and martials can feel like they have an impact on fights. For some people used to playing spellcasters, this can feel like a huge nerf. There are ways to play blaster casters and do it well, but for the most part casting is balanced around versatility and support. Martials on the other hand are stronger than in any other sword and sorcery system I've ever seen. Seriously if you've never played a martial character because you've felt they're too boring or don't have enough of an impact on the game, try one out in this system.
Character Building part Classes: As of writing this post, there are 24 unique classes to choose from in the game. 12 were released in the core rulebook, and 12 more were slowly released over the game's 4 year life span. They're not done either, there's another class coming in late summer. 2e is a game that tries to make as many character concepts possible as it can. Will you play an Investigator trying to solve crimes, an Oracle who struggles with a divine curse, and Inventor trying to create the perfect weapon, or maybe a Magus studying to deliver powerful spells through the might of your blade? The possibilities aren't endless, but they're not stopping until they might as well be.
Character Building part Ancestries: Also known as Races in D&D, your choice of Ancestry is a more impactful choice than you might expect. At various levels, you'll earn meaningful Ancestry feats that allow you to define how your character's origin shaped them. Your dwarf might've spent so much time around a forge that things like fire and smoke are easier to handle, while your goblin friend might have such a fascination with fire that they get a small bonus to doing damage with it. You can even get versatile Heritages to further define your character. Have you ever wanted to play an elven tiefling, or a gnomish aasimar? There's a lot that you can do to make your character feel truly yours.
Ease of Access: All of the rules are available for free online. Legally. This isn't a piracy statement Paizo literally makes the rules freely accessible without having to spend a cent. There's a ton of tools made by the community available online to help you play too. Pathbuilder is a great character builder that's available for free. The Archives of Nethys for 2e have the rules from every single published book available, even adventure paths. pf2easy is another great catalogue you can search through and filter. I could go on and on. The only time paizo ever really insists on payment are the prewritten adventures, which is completely understandable. And speaking of which.
The Adventure Paths: Paizo's prewritten Adventure Paths are great. They're available in physical copies or pdfs, always in sets of 3 or 6 books, with the 3 book sets being adventures spanning 10 levels and the 6 books spanning 1 to 20. They're written with making things as easy for the gm as possible in mind, and you can expect them to be mostly prepared for player approaches to problems. And hey, if the campaign goes off the rails before you finish the first book, you don't have to buy anymore and can just keep things going however you want. If you're just starting out, the Beginner's Box is a great way to get introduced to the system. It comes with simplified rules and prewritten sheets to teach you the basics if all the rules feel like too much to wrap your head around.
I'm cutting myself off because this post is long enough, and I'll just keep on writing run on sentences if I don't. If you've made it all this way, I hope I've convinced you to try out 2e. It's an incredible system that more people should know about. You can sometimes find people willing to run the beginner's box for free online, and there's no shortage of people willing to help answer questions about the system. And if you're willing to take the plunge right away, I'll leave you with the Rules Index on AON. Just click the tab that says Core Rulebook, and boom you have access to everything you need to get started. Good luck and have fun.
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this whole time i've been like 'haha very funny, (almost) no one here knows who Mike Patton is' and....you could just...look him up...but you know what? here, have a "summary" (lol it's long) of Mike motherfucking Patton and his career:
Mike is an aquarius, fire goat, grew up in Eureka, a small city on the northern california coast
he never intended to be a musician, but loves diverse music/soundscapes, is a curious person, worked in a record store, has perfect pitch and a bonkers vocal range and had close childhood friends (Trevor Dunn and Trey Spruance) who WERE studying music, they formed a band that would be called Mr. Bungle in their teens (fans tend to ship Trevor and Mike, and if you look at footage of them...you'll know why)
a demo tape of Mr. Bungle landed in the hands of Jim Martin, the guitarist for Faith No More...at the time they had fired their original singer and were looking for a replacement. The funny thing is, the demo was pretty hard thrash/death metal and FNM is....not that...but anyway, Mike was recruited to FNM, ostensibly for his singing ability, but he also was the profile of young, fit, long-haired, and hot as all get out. (fans tend to ship Mike and Roddy, and if you hear them banter on stage....you'll know why...and shoutout to Roddy for being an out gay man in metal in the early 90s...take that bja)
somehow, Mike finagled getting Mr. Bungle signed to the Warner Bros label when he signed onto FNM, so Bungle had a budget and exposure...and very little oversight...hence the MV for Quote Unquote/Travolta
The big Faith No More hit is Epic and that song catapulted them into a two year tour, during which Mike became known for being a fucking maniac (mostly shirtless) on/off stage....there's lots of true stories, and LOTS of untrue stories, no one, probably not even Mike knows exactly which is which. Two things are relevant: teen Mike started out straight edge, and during this tour he also gained a reputation for hating on groupie-and-party-focused rock stars. But his looks and his chaotic gremlin energy landed him this "reluctant pinup boy" persona.
Meanwhile Mike was also fully with Mr. Bungle, touring in his 'off time' from FNM, and at their shows everyone was completely unhinged.
HERE'S THE CRUX: after the success of Epic and the album it's from, The Real Thing, Faith No More were expected to have another massive hit with the next album....and they didn't. BUT they produced an album that to this day is beloved by fans even more that their first album, and Mike's stage persona continued to develop in this way that is mysterious, mesmerizing, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes grotesque, sometimes just raw sexual/homoerotic/electrically-passionate energy. They're big abroad, but not as much in the US.
Through the rest of the 90s you see Mike with FNM and Bungle, but you also see him produce a baffling feat of a solo album, starting to experiment with his own band Fantômas, collaborating with avant garde musicians/artists, most notably John Zorn.
Faith No More disbands in 1998, but Mike continues with Bungle, and for many fans, his work with Mr. Bungle is considered paramount...FNM is fun, but Bungle is FUN, WEIRD, dangerous but not in a scary way, none of their four albums sound anything like each other. Their "pop" album is....not pop.
Mr. Bungle disbands officially in 2004 (both FNM and Bungle reunite later on), Mike continues to collaborate with musicians, form new bands (including my fave Tomahawk), make better and more impactful solo projects and generally work at a pace that seems the definition of workaholic....producing music that is both eclectic and instantly recognizable, but seldom (never?) hit material. (Since it's not the 90s, I won't describe in detail...but it truly is well worth looking up)
as a little extra, and as was referred to by lurkerwithabike, Mike suffered a certainly covid-times-influenced breakdown and dealt with alcoholism around 2021/2022. For someone who has kept his personal life and struggles cloaked in apocryphal stories and sarcasm, when Mike opened up about what he was dealing with at the time, for many of us it just solidified this deep, deep love for our little weirdo. Oh, and also, the entire time he's a fucking hottie and he hates it.
SO, from my perspective at least - that's why you get such fervor over some guy you've never heard of
(ps....I could have written more....that is a threat)
This is actually so fascinating. May "who the heck is Mike Patton" be no more!
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Can I request a reader who wishes to transfer from their current dorm because they feel intimidated by their surroundings and can’t fit in, but are also too scared to ask their Housewarden? For Heartslaybul, Diasomnia, and Pomefiore.
Hi, thank you for the ask! I think I'll answer these in a general way since having each character would be over my character limit. Hope you enjoy!
Reader wants to change dorms (feat. Heartslabyul, Diasomnia, Pomefiore)
They would be happy to receive you, but only if you're willing to follow all of the rules of the Queen of Hearts. The issue here is while there are a lot of friendly people there, the strictness of the dorm leader might make you feel worse than in the dorm you were originally in (unless you were in Pomefiore)
Riddle would try his best to understand that you're new to the dorm and will offer to explain the switch to the dorm leader of your previous dorm. He might be scary but he can be caring
Ace and Deuce definitely would be happy to have more people in the dorm, that just means more people to hang out with! Ace might give you some heads up too about the rules in Heartslabyul and such
Everyone in Hearstlabyul will be pretty chill, and the tea parties are probably a lot of fun. Just know that there are a lot of rules in the dorm but outside of that the place can be a super nice home
Similar to Riddle, Malleus will offer to explain the situation to your previous dorm leader. He doesn't want you to be stressed out about the switch. He'll help you ease into the dorm quickly too, but Lilia will be more excited to do that
Expect the vice dorm leader to show you around and explain some of the dorm rules (there aren't that many I think?). Everyone there might seem a bit intimidating at first because they're all really strong magic users, but know that if you got into Diasomnia you're just as strong as they are (maybe more!)
A lot of students there are probably really friendly, just hard to talk to at first. They'll soon feel like family because they really try to understand you and know all about your likes and dislikes.
Sebek and Silver become your close friends and while everything is pretty chill, they might warn you about Lilia's cooking. "Just in case he offers," Silver explains. Sebek is a bit tsundere with you haha
Vil might have said no at first, explaining that you can't just switch. But perhaps he wanted you to be in his dorm in the first place, and he ends up caving into your plea and lets you in. He'll explain the situation himself to your previous dorm leader as well
Vil's really lenient with you on Pomefiore dorm rules. There's a lot that goes into being a student that's part of Pomefiore, and he wants to ease you into the dorm rather than throw you into the deep end. Besides, if you changed in the middle of the year, you didn't get the nice orientation that everyone else got in the beginning. So, he understands when you forget certain rules or mess up on certain tasks
Rook might do a lot of research on you before you fully settle in. it's a bit unsettling, but he does this with everyone and he might end up as one of your closest friends. Epel also welcomes you to the dorm, with the two of you learning the ropes of being at the school and in Pomefiore
Pomefiore students might come off as stuck up or uncaring at first, but when you find your circle they'll be the most caring people you'll ever meet. Vil will be happy to see you settle in as well, often checking up on you to make sure you feel at home
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bmb day 6!
feat: Flowers, @wizblr-blue-moon-ball's Lurien, and mentioning @hyper-lynx's Liam and Hemi! The start of this is based off the latter's start as well, but it deviates from there.
Flowers blinks their eyes open, suddenly realising they had fallen asleep. Sluggishly, and also a little embarrassed, they stand, fixing their dress as they do so. They glance back around the room they're in. No one's entered it besides them, as far as they can tell, and the attendees seem to be congregating outside. They sigh, before stepping out into the hall, just as Lurien, looking considerably more tired than the last time they'd seen him, starts to speak.
“Esteemed guests! The hour is drawing late. We have prepared a final surprise for all of you. If you would please make your way to the atrium, then follow the signage to the newly opened sky garden. Please bring any spellcasting equipment you have handy.”
Flowers automatically glances up, even though they know that the garden wouldn't be in the main hall of all places. They then sift through their pockets, making sure that they have some form of spare materials on hand. They internally panic for a moment, but calm as they find a dark blue agate stone, obviously shrunk down so it would fit, hidden in their dress. They breathe. It'll be difficult to do, well, anything really with this, so they'll have to be a little creative, but they haven't had much of a challenge with their magic recently. It will be fun, either way. Probably.
Flowers pauses briefly, letting most of the crowd travel ahead of them, then join the trail of stragglers and attendees who apparently didn't get the memo when everyone started leaving. As they walk, they admire the portraits, huge banners, tapestries, and other fine decor they see along the way. Soon after, though, they realise that everyone's mostly left them behind, and try to move a little faster. Finally, they walk past the doorway into the sky garden. It was more of a glorified balcony or terrace, really; flowers and other shrubs and plants of all kinds line the corners, but in the centre is a giant rune circle, large enough that everyone could sit in the ritual space with no issues whatsoever. They turn, and are immediately startled by the fact that Liam and Hemi are right next to them. They take a seat next to Liam quietly, some unknown guest on their other side.
And then the show starts.
Lurien, surprisingly, seems to be conducting his magic spontaneously; it travels up into the air in a pillar of light, shining both pure white and with every colour imaginable, then branches off into thousands of 'twigs' of power. It winds and twists, almost looking like vines strangling the stars, now difficult to see with all the new light. Flowers holds their agate, now properly sized, tight to their chest. There isn't much of a reason to do so— of course, they haven't been given anything to really do with it yet— but at their action, a couple others also do the same. It feels right to do.
The air trembles with something, and they sense that it's nearly the end of the light show. The branches, now fading slightly, start to shine bright with colour, doffing their previous white glow. The tips of each branch form orbs of swirling red and blue and purple, and Flowers fixates on one, clutching their gemstone tighter to themself. As they do so, the orb seems to almost explode, colours dancing in the sky so brightly that stars dance in their vision for a few moments afterwards.
After theirs went off, a chain reaction begins; thousands of balls of light explode into the cloudless sky, like a firework show. Some only burst into colourful circles of light, like Flowers', but others form shapes— Rabbits bounding through the lights, trees sprouting and growing at a rapid pace, dragons waving in between the others. Still more branches, not yet faded, trace sigils and symbols that Flowers does not understand into the air. Underneath them, the balcony trembles with energy. They glance down for a split second; the rune circle is glowing as well.
And then it's over. Fireworks crackle one last time, before dimming, then they disappear. The atmosphere itself around the attendees seems to relax, and they let their shoulders drop. The runes' light fades as well. Flowers sits down back on their assigned seat; they hadn't even realised they'd stood in the first place. They hear Lurien talking about the rest of the ball, but they aren't listening.
That was beautiful.
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thepalaceofmelanie · 5 months
Martell Week- COTD: Oberyn Martell
Tag: @elvinaa @adriennegabriella @morby @candycanes19 @wingsoftheangels @tashastrange89
(A/N: Okay so we had a House Martell music task...well, I want to do that for just Oberyn. So the first ten are songs with my reasoning, while the last ten are certain lyrics that fit him without my reasoning. Plus, this helps me get a playlist for Oberyn started for use. Enjoy the ride! Also am working on Day 2 and 3, so hopefully I can get those done tonight.)
1- “Unholy (Japanese Version)” by: Shayne Orok, Curserino & Ali Orok
Reasoning: Alright, pick any version of Unholy; I don’t care if it’s the OG to a cover or whatever else, this version screams Oberyn. It’s slow and sensual and sexy, to say the least, I recommend this song for any smut/lemon playlist.
2- “Oberyn” by: Daenerys and Targaryens
Reasoning: Please, do yourself a favor! Go and listen to this song. It’s so fun and a bit funny but it’s about him! So enjoy fellow Oberyn fans.
3- “Letter To A Friend” by: Robert Gromotka and Chiharu Bley Violoncello
Reasoning: I feel this would be his theme song back in Dorne. More so when he’s in the Water Garden writing poems for his daughters. It’s just something that would make you think of him feeling calm for lack of a better term.
4- “Bow Down” by: I, Prevail
Reasoning: Basically, this song is could be his theme song when trying to avenge his Sister and her children. I did have this one down in the lyric area but switched it because, of how it just works more so as a whole.
5- “Crossing Over” by: Five Finger Death Punch
Reasoning: So, after watching the Bills game, I was trying to think what else to add and remember this old gem. This song is about loss and grieving and well, he lost Elia. Also you could use this song for Ellaria as well, when the second verse.
6- “Adrenalize” by: In This Moment
Reasoning: If I had to give Oberyn’s “infamous for his sexual appetite” as the wiki puts it, a theme song, it would be this. It’s hard, heavy and well a sex song.
7- “Tonight” by: Fozzy
Reasoning: “Then everyone is missing half the world’s pleasure. The gods made women… and it delights me. The gods made men… and it delights me. When it comes to war, I fight for Dorne. When it comes to love — I don’t choose sides.”
8- “One Of The Girls” by: Jennie Kim, Lily-Rose Depp, and The Weeknd
“We don't gotta be in love, no
I don't gotta be the one, no
I just wanna be one of your girls tonight
We don't gotta be in love, no
I don't gotta be the one, no
I just wanna be one of your girls tonight, oh”
9- “Emperor’s New Clothes” by: Panic! At The Disco
“I'm taking back the crown
I'm all dressed up and naked
I see what's mine and take it
(Finders keepers, losers weepers)”
10- “Love You To Death” by: Type O Negative
“In her place one hundred candles burning
As salty sweat drips from her breast
Her hips move and I can feel what they're saying, swaying
They say the beast inside of me is gonna get ya, get ya, get”
11- “Hangman” by: Rev Theory
“Take your places please
You’ll need to sit for this one
It’s a simple plan
With a mangled conclusion”
12- “Go Girl” by: Pitbull
“I party like a rockstar
Look like a movie star
Play like an all star
Fuck like a pornstar”
13- “The Whims of Fate -King Side” cover by: FamilyJules feat Kuraiinu
“Give into another vice
See where it might lead
Come on, let's just enjoy the spice
Life and feel so free
Give into temptation”
14- “So Far Away” by: Staind
“This is my life
Its not what it was before
All these feelings I've shared
And these are my dreams
That I'd never lived before
Somebody shake me
'Cause I
I must be sleeping”
15- “Young Gods” by: Hasley
“He says, "Ooh, baby girl, don't get cut on my edges
I'm the king of everything and oh, my tongue is a weapon
There's a light in the crack that's separating your thighs
And if you wanna go to heaven, you should fuck me tonight"”
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7grandmel · 3 months
Todays rip: 17/03/2024
YTPMV Plant Inspection
Season 2 Featured on: Rips of Christmas Past Also on: The SiIvaGunner YTPMV Collab (Eek!).veg
Ripped by Zoom
Requested by mobbsz02! (Ask Box)
And now, after a number of posts made covering Season 2's incredible ability to introduce new memes...it comes time to torture them.
I've made it no secret that Season 2 was likely when my investment in SiIvaGunner was at its absolute peak, and that was in large part due to how invested I'd become in the ongoing lore and story at that time. Part of it was of course everything surrounding the main story itself: Season 1 had stuff like the reboot with I Saw a Brainwasher Today and the Mr. Rental side story with Mr. Rental [B Side] ~ Out of Options, and Season 2's slow-burn premiere had kept me thoroughly engaged with rips like 28 Saves Later and Patched Plains Fusion Collab all building up to the premiere of the Christmas Comeback Crisis. But another part of it was also how even the most off-shoot things were often spun to tie in with the channel's lore during Season 2 in particular: the Smooth takeover described in Haltmanna feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20, the Inspector Gadget takeover of Become as Gadget, and so many more...Because of this, and the memories of Season 1's various ARG-like puzzles strewn about from time to time, it felt more important than ever to consider the meaning and depth to every rip uploaded, to consider how a rip's contents may be reflecting what's going on in the world of Grandiose City, almost akin to trying to deduce Dark Souls lore through item descriptions.
And I mean, hey - lore or not, that feeling that any one rip uploaded has the potential to set off a chain reaction in relevance based on its popularity is one of the most fun parts of following SiIvaGunner even today (Mad Mew Mew Becoming Uncanny and THE NEW TEAM 10 FORT​!​!​! [Francis Flow: Original Mix] are just two examples come to mind.). Yet that specific tie and investment to the ongoing lore of the Christmas Comeback Crisis, the fight to free the captured Figments being exploited by Haltmann and The Voice Inside Your Head, is what IMMEDIATELY made YTPMV Plant Inspection stick out as far more important and meaningful than it may otherwise have been seen as. With the combined bellows of the Howie Scream and Loud Nigra, it takes but a few seconds to realize that something here had gone terribly wrong.
The original Studying the Factory theme from Kirby 64 has become one of the franchise's most enduring themes, despite how much it differs from most anything you'd expect from the series' soundscape. Its an imposing, industrial-sounding theme driven by percussion that sounds like heavy-duty machinery pounding in the background, with a lead synth trying its best to be heard through the savage tools its surrounded by. It strikes an absolutely brilliant balance of sounding imposing, oppressive yet simultaneously infectiously catchy: An atmosphere that, somehow, through leveraging our attachment to the channel's existing memes, YTPMV Plant Inspection is able to perfectly translate to the medium of YTPMV. Again, the literal first thing we hear is the channel's foremost and second-most iconic scream-memes, one of which almost replaced the other in the Reboot storyline, now seemingly suffering the same torturous fate - only to be followed by vocalizations of PSY seeming to only barely be holding on. Even as the rip picks itself together past the intro, you never truly get past the sense that the sources feel almost as if they're pain performing, with slight tweaks made to their melodies to better fit the progression of Studying the Factory - as if they're being made to fall in line. This feeling is only enhanced by the climax to the rip's chorus being performed by the two aforementioned scream-memes, sounding just as strained and suffering as they did in the song's opening.
And look, I'm aware this interpretation of things is a bit silly - of COURSE a YTPMV rip of a song like Studying the Factory, especially the Planet Robobot rendition of the track, was going to sound like this. I don't necessarily believe that it was Zoom's intention to make a rip directly referencing the idea that SiIva's captured figments were undergoing genuine torture, but...again, the idea of linking even innocuous rips to lore was one that had been well established at that point.
With everything from Grand Dad Metropolis to Angry Joe's Theme, the SiIvaGunner team had conveyed to audience members like me that they LOVED rewarding us for paying attention to everything being done on the channel. It was that speculation being done over the deeper meanings in rips just like YTPMV Plant Inspection that played a huge part in keeping them etched in my memory banks for a long time, that was what kept me coming back to video after video to see what was being said and discussed in their comments sections. Because sure, YTPMV Plant Inspection is no doubt a banger in isolation, it uses and plays with a lot of sources and fiddles with them just enough to fit the main track's melody and progression smoothly, a lot of classics like Smooth and Bonfire and Drop It Like It's Hot with fantastic use of samples like PSY's and Joel's GRAND DAD!! shout...but it really was everything SURROUNDING the rip that made it stick with me for years since.
It's damn impressive what a rip can do with just some atmosphere and buildup, huh?
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invinciblerodent · 19 days
tagged by @starfightrpilot in a kissy-picrew, couple song game using this creator! (A lot of the designs aren't super well-reflected in it because, well, the medium itself is a little limited like that, but I still had so much fun playing dressup with it again! ❤️)
@antiqua-lugar, if you're in the mood to play dolls, I'd love to see you do it too next! ❤️
(I went on a bit longer than i thought, so, under the cut it all goes!)
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This is the best I can do for the moment of Iona and Astarion- their song for me is "Masquerade" by YENDRY (ft. Lous and the Yakuza)
I really like how the basis of their whole story is, at its core, a willful miscommunication based on the complete misunderstanding of the other's motives, and how the two singers have their back and forth in different languages.
I really like how over and over again, the song responds to "Antes de hablarme quítate la máscara" ("before you'd speak to me, take off your mask") with "Arrêtez un peu avec toute cette mascarade" ("stop with all this charade/masquerade"), I think that works so nicely for these two's whole Deal with each other- kind of both daring each other to drop the pretense first without fully understanding what the other is saying.
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They didn't have a goatee that would have fit Arvid, so this is kind of the closest I could get to him and Gale! Their song for me is "I Know That He Loves Me" by Autoheart.
I like to kind of think of it as "He" in a way going back and forth between referring to Arvid's god Tempus ("At the edge of imploding/He surrounds me with light") and referring to Gale ("And He acts like a sedative/All through the night"), kind of as a.... religious crisis/romantic panic type of deal? Either way, it's a nice fit.
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For Petyr and Shadowheart (shipname: Phart), most of my songs are instrumentals, but the one that I associate with them is "Love Song of The Beta Male" by Stornoway.
"beta male" in this context is referring to the concept as it exists in birds basically, but it's just a very sweet kind of, "I'm not an idiot, I know I'm not, like, a perfect, charming prince who'll sweep you off your feet, but hey, I can love you still the best I can" sentiment that I feel fits their silly and.... in a way, almost kind of juvenile romance.
(I unfortunately don't yet have one for Petyr and Halsin -ship name Hatyr-, but that's probably for the best, since I can't make them look not related in the bloody picrew, lol.)
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And closing it out with Ray and Wyll, with "Yellow Bird" by Ben Stevenson.
This whole.... hero in/before his prime and hero past his own angle, this... one of them embodying the present and the future and the other the melancholy past, they're very much two sides of the same coin, and "Nobody knows all that we've got, you couldn't tell a single thing new/Nobody knows me like you" just... fits so well.
To know sacrifice because they've both had to make it, to know one another because they see versions of themselves in each other, I really like that. Nobody knows me like you, because I am you, and you are me, and that depth of understanding without need for words just tickles me so perfectly.
Thank you for tagging me love on u ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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calextheneko · 9 months
So anyway... I enjoy Baldur's Gate, but as someone who is primarily a Pathfinder player who... is not a fan of 5e DnD, I find myself... At odds with the game at times when I feel like I should be able to do things I can't... And weirded out what the game considers big numbers. Like, I felt like it took every resource I had to break 30 AC on a character... And like I had to trick the game to get a character's strength stat up to 22.
Meanwhile, in the latest Pathfinder video game
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Yeah.... Meet my Chaotic Neutral Trickster Barbarian and what I consider normal stats. My dump stat intelligence at 28.
And if you think this is hideous you should see the things I put together in actual pen and paper table top when I get to actually play. I'm normally a forever GM but every generation the stars eventually align and I get to be a player.
Anyway, I made a psychic in the Iron Gods adventure path. A catfolk named Tau. Psychics are basically a lot like wizards just instead of specialized school abilities they gain special abilities called Phrenic Amplifications. Anyway, that's not important the important takeaway is that Tau was a very VERY squishy caster.
His AC was 40. Or 46 when he decided to cast Form of the Alien Dragon. Yes, Form of the Alien Dragon, not normal dragon, because I can't be normal with anything. Also Form of the Alien Dragon is the only dragon transformation psychics can learn and even then they're limited on which ones they can turn into based on which ones fit the occult psionic power theme. Anyway, he routinely walked around in dragon form, but also invisible, but also with mirror image which somehow still works even when invisible, and mind blank on meaning that spells like see invisibility and true sight automatically fail on him so you have no way to force him to become visible.
But what was really fun, is the bizarre combination of feats and abilities he took to just do strange things. The party almost TPKed in the first dungeon. Until he used Charm Person on the Juju Zombie that was killing them. Now you may go, wait a second, undead are immune to all mind and compulsion effect. Yeah, Tau doesn't care. He had a spell called Will of the Dead that allowed all of mind affecting spells to work on undead as normal. This was taken to hilarious levels later when in book 3 we encountered a ghost who was supposed to be the arc villain and constantly sneak attack us with cloud kill by coming through the walls and leaving for the entire dungeon. Charmed him on his first appearance. And now that he was my best friend, agreed to get him to disable all his traps and get rid of all the monsters so he could give his new best buddy a tour of his lair.
Then I lured him into the basement where the rest of the party was all waiting with readied actions to bust out their best ghost killing abilities and just delete him from existence. And then after he was dead exercised his spirit from the tower so he couldn't come back and we're like. Wow, we have a fully stocked tower with robot guards programmed to see us as allies. Looks like we have a new home base!
Then later he charmed a hologram and pulled the exact same stunt. I'm going to be honest. Even I'm not 100% how that worked but the GM after reading through the rules several times eventually declared that sentient holograms per the rules had no natural protection against magical effects.
He also charmed a Plasma Ooze, kept it as a pet and made it his best friend and fed his enemies to it. Through another combination of feats I could now use mind effects on vermin and oozes. I also picked up a spell to dominate constructs. The only thing I couldn't charm or mind control by the end of the campaign were plant creatures. It was just... Kind of hilarious because... It's the GM is like.
"Wait, you made a psychic, a class that specializes in mind effect spells in a campaign about fighting robots which are immune to mind effects."
"Well it's your choice."
If only he had known what was to come. Other highlights include a spell that lets me lift one enemy up with telekinetic power and throw them at another enemy. Mind Crush, I mean Mind Thrust, which dealt severe damage and left people with debilitating status effects even when they made their save. And Ego Whip, which gave them a -10 to Wisdom, Charisma, or Intelligence, Even if they made their save. Saving only made it temporary.
Oh you're a cleric, so you have a high will save and think you don't have to fear me. Well take a -10 to your wisdom stat. Your will save just went down by 5 as did the DC for all your spells. What now?
Then there was the time he trapped a dragon in a giant telekinetic hamster ball, pushed it over an edge into an endless voice and just caused the dragon to be deleted from existence.
... There's probably a reason I'm always a GM and never a player. XD
So anyway... The level of customization I get in Pathfinder and the ability to just pull these completely insane builds out that no one expects that are completely unique is why I love it so much. But anyway, as much as I prefer Pathfinder to 5e, I very rarely get to be a player, so kind of eat up table top video games to get my urges and crazy builds out. I have over 1000 hours of gametime in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, and it's one of like only 4 games in existence I got every achievement for because you put that many hours in you eventually find and achieve everything. Though... Forgot the name of it... The secret boss in the Midnight Isles DLC. Screw that thing. That is the absolute worst achievement to get because it's entirely RNG on if you're going to get the items needed to unlock it or encounter the island types needed to unlock things and you could play for months nonstop and not get the first key needed after you get the pirate map and holy symbol because the right island/undertow effect never spawned. Or it did spawn but you finished a voyage so were forced to start with a new crew again and none of your casters were high enough levels to have the spell you need to activate the item that has a random chance on spawning on the correct item combination. Oh right you can get the right item combination and then the item you need to cast the right spell on might not even spawn. And you have to get three keys this way. Yeah, that was terrible and I totally cheated and force spawned the keys into my inventory because after several days of trying I was done.
Still, I'm having fun with Baldur's Gate 3... and what I've learned is that... 5e is... surprisingly fragile and easy to break. Aheh heh heh. Maybe I won't get a 62 AC anytime soon, but I have figured out how to build a tactical nuclear strike on Raphael's bedroom. That's my plan for how to beat him on my hard mode run. Sadly the plan will require the sacrifice of a party member to trigger cutscenes and activate the bomb but... bringing people back is only a level 3 spell or 200 gold so you know... Nuking the devil in his own home and ending a fight before it starts... I think I can spare a level 3 spell slot or 200 gold to make that happen.
If I have any explosives left over when I'm done I'm gonna go visit dear old Auntie Ethel next. I feel her lair would look better if the entire thing was on fire.
But hey, sometimes I build elaborate nukes... Sometimes I do things the simple way. Those poor idiot guards patrolling the docks while wearing heavy armor. One shove and then I just stand on the shore and watch then drown.
Good thing I'm pretty sure 5e did away with the alignment. Not that I'm evil. I swear I'm good aligned. Just... Chaotic good.
Very... Very... Very... Very... VERY chaotic. But still good.
Side note, just had a thought after posting this, since I am a forever GM, maybe I should post a weekly session recap on Tumblr of my games. That a thing people would be interested in reading?
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confetti-cat · 9 months
For some reason I often forget to share with Tumblr that I do, in fact, write things more frequently than I post them here, so here's a piece I still like! A oneshot for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (and some of the rest of the LoZ series).
time immemorial, remembered - (2k)
If he is a hero of anything, it's of a grown-over wild, a land where grasses spring up in fallen garrisons and every breath of wind carries the scent of old rains and new flowers and ancient wisps of forgotten memories.
He doesn't want to remember others. He doesn't want to recall lives that aren't his own.
(It's strange, when he remembers the wrong things.)
Set post-BotW - feat. friendly adventuring, a little bit of Link/Zelda fluff, and Link just wishing he could remember the pieces to his own puzzle. Written before TotK, so no spoilers for it. Enjoy!
AO3 link here!
It's strange, when he remembers the wrong things.
He knows he doesn't remember everything. He knows that, Zelda knows that (unfortunately—he tried, he's still trying; she deserves a knight who truly remembers her), Impa and Purah and Robbie know that, and the spirits of the King and Champions know that. He's working hard to regain his memories, and they all know that's the most he can do.
Still, it's hard not to wish his mind would do more when his sense of déjà vu doesn't always work correctly.
They're at the curl of the beach where Akkala overlooks the ocean, and while Zelda is gushing about her Sheikah Slate picture of a new rhino beetle, he's looking at the sand. Something stirs in his head, as he looks at the waves and the palm trees and thinks—you've been here.
The feeling is bittersweet but painful, like a memory of an odd dream. Yet it was clear—he'd woken up on the beach once and cleared caves for kind people and had walked a strange black dog on a chain. A big dog with big teeth.
"When did I shipwreck at sea?" he asks Zelda, because it doesn't quite fit with what he knows of his life in the past. Perhaps his father had taught him to sail—perhaps he'd gotten a small boat himself. Zelda has a clearer picture of his life than he does at this point.
Yet, she stares at him uncertainly, blinking once or twice.
"When did you... pardon?"
A wave of embarrassment rushes over him, because Zelda usually understands him perfectly, and—sheesh, maybe he hadn't spoken clearly. His voice catches in his throat sometimes. He tries not to look so ashamed as he restates his question. "...Didn't I shipwreck at sea, once?"
Zelda blinks at him, thoughts whirring through her eyes, and then she looks out at the beach and the palm trees and the ocean.
"...Not that I'm aware of," she says carefully, and Link reminds himself that they hadn't truly known each other until they were sixteen. "Perhaps it happened when you were young?"
He doesn't know. Something about it doesn't feel quite right, like it doesn't fit. It's a puzzle piece to the wrong puzzle.
So he shrugs and dismisses it, at least for now, though the images don't leave his mind.
It happens again when they're up at Shatterback Point, just in time for the sunset. The Zora reservoir glistens like molten sapphire below, and the mountain peaks all around them have a golden-purple sheen in the late afternoon light.
It's not that, though—it's the way it feels to have the world so far below, and to see wing feathers as eagles make lofty circles in the sky, and he has the silly thought of how maybe this is Hyrule, and everything else so far below is really just Lorule.
It doesn't really hit him until Zelda has found an excuse to poke fun at him, in a playful, friendly way that ends with her smirking at him and his back to the open air, stuck in the few inches between a princess and a freefall that would last ages.
He can't lean forward for balance because she's right there, and he certainly is not leaning backward, so there's really no other option than to cling to balance and try to stand rigidly.
His heart skips a beat, because he suddenly remembers this—staring nervously into the face of a blonde princess who has far too much fun spending time with him, and he knows what will happen. She's going to push him off, like she did when they were in the sky kingdom and he liked wearing tan and she looked a bit different.
But she doesn't push him. Zelda shrinks back a little and laughs in embarrassment at her actions—she was more sure of herself a hundred years ago in the sky, wasn't she? Or was it a hundred thousand?—and allows him to step away from the edge and toward the danger: high dive at your own risk! sign a safer distance from the open air.
(He thinks—and this is really him, the normal him—that if it didn't take so long to get back up here from the water far below, he would show her a swan dive.)
(Maybe they could both—no, no. It isn't called Shatterback Point for nothing. He somehow doubts that she shares his ideas of entertainment out here, anyway.)
"I apologize," this Zelda says in embarrassment, looking away so that he can only see the tips of her ears turning pink. "I don't know what came over me."
His brain is too bewildered by all the déjà vu to mind. He tells her it's fine, because it is—some part of him thinks it feels nice to recognize that they have something friendly and familiar. Even if it is a bit teasing, and even if it does make adrenaline shoot through his veins and his heart pump hard enough to ready him for a freefall.
It happens again at twilight, late after a long day in Hyrule Field. The sky is tinted purple, and flecks of grass and dust float by in the strong breeze.
A wolf is there, in a place Link doesn't usually see any. It's on the next hillside, and it stares at him, eyes reflecting yellow in the dim light of the receding day.
Link's limbs twitch as it turns and leaves, as if reenacting the gait of the wolf—as if feeling the sensation of controlling a wolf's movement, with four limbs pacing and a head turning to and fro. With a sturdy gait and mind set fast on a goal.
When Zelda mutters something nearly irritable at the cooking pot, he half expects to turn his head and see someone who's not Zelda.
It is Zelda, though; of course. He doesn't think he knows anyone else who talks half to him, half to herself. She looks quite frustrated with whatever she's trying to do to improve their meal, and by her muttering, you'd think she was trying to blame him for what he'd put in as the necessary base ingredients.
Well, excuuuse me, Princess, he almost teases to throw her sarcasm back at her, but his mind is suddenly giving him a wildly different case of déjà vu and he vows never to think of saying that again.
They're at a stable, and one of the travelers who loiter by the cooking-fire pulls a little round instrument out of his pack and begins to play a flutelike tune. Something in Link's chest jolts a bit, as if he's only just awoken suddenly, even though the melody doesn't quite feel right. Is it strange that the sound of the little wind instrument feels as though it sends him back to another time?
He tries to ignore the fact that all these nagging lapses in memories ever occur—but they happen again, and again, and again. Always with something strange, something he feels connected to, something he's sure he's never seen before.
He sees things like the Hyrule Forest—a towering, vast area of woods that he knows, even though he's barely been there before. He knows it well enough, at least, to sense that the path isn't the same anymore. Right, left, right, left, forward, left, right—
(He sees the view of Saria's Lake from a patch of grey land hidden deep in a dark forest, shrouded with mist and drained of all color. The lack of pleasant sound here seems stark and wrong to him, and amidst the gaping maws of dying trees, he wonders what's missing from the hollow space that's suddenly prominent in his own chest.)
He sees Zelda sitting cross-legged next to Impa, learning from her, and thinks about how this mentorship feels like something that's been in place for a long time.
He looks at the massive skeleton of a creature called leviathan, and his mind says Jabú-Jabú and Wind Fish and wait—did they die?
He loves the Zora people. He only remembers so much, but it's enough to know he grew up thinking of them like a second family—with King Dorephan as almost a non-Hylian grandfather, and all the young ones as his cousins and friends.
Yet still, when those same Zoras pop out of the river with wide grins to surprise him, there's moments where his heart skips a beat and he's drawn his sword and shield, ready to deflect their attacks.
Enemies! his instincts shout at him—and it hurts, because his heart and mind say friends.
Koroks are strange to him, somehow, and not because they're little plant creatures who can vanish into the wind with ease. He just really feels like one of them should have a fiddle. Hestu's maracas don't quite carry the same emotion in their tune. He finds himself looking twice at the smaller, rounder ones, but none of them quite look right.
(He finds himself standing on a tiny lump of land his slate calls Mekar Island, staring at the piles of bones and the lone dead tree in the middle and wondering why it gives him a vague sense of dread.)
He half expects Beedle to set up shop on a boat in Laurelin, for some reason. Melody comes to mind in Rito Village, when Kass's daughters all come together to sing. (Except melody doesn't sound quite right. Perhaps he's trying to think of something similar?) When he's helping Zelda organize the old library, he can't help but get an odd mental picture when he rereads the chancellor's recipe for monster cake—of a tiny castle official with two horns like a monster. (But how would he hide them while working at the castle? By wearing two hats? Wouldn't that look too silly?)
Except when Zelda is there to study, he avoids the castle's archives like a plague, somehow wary of what he might find there if he gives in and looks for answers to his blurry memories. Perhaps the old rumors of the heroes being the first one reincarnate are true. Or perhaps the physical rigor of fighting through so much malice has messed with his mind. He isn't sure which would be worse.
His memories are... muddled, still; at least where they're not as clear as daylight or so fuzzy they feel nonexistent. The Princess knows this. She tries to help jog his mind, holding the same hope he does that perhaps some of these things will be like a well-placed kick to Robbie's machinery, jostling something back into place that will return it to working order.
But she's left it to him, lately, seeming to perceive that the things returning to him are leaving him uncertain and unsettled. Or at least, she's tried to. Her inquisitive nature seems to eat at her for a week before she finally gives in, looking to him in clear interest.
"Have you remembered much more?" Zelda asks, the curiosity in her bright eyes shadowed only by a faint hint of apology.
Are her eyes blue? Or brown? Were they ever blue or brown? Her emerald-green gaze is making him hesitate, because no, of course they were never another color. The idea is absurd, and he doesn't like that it lingers in his mind for so long.
He doesn't want a wrong sense of déjà vu with her. This is Zelda, the Zelda of now, the princess of a broken Hyrule and the survivor of a calamity. This is a Zelda long removed from the days of Hylia and the first hero. If he is a hero of anything, it's of a grown-over wild, a land where grasses spring up in fallen garrisons and every breath of wind carries the scent of old rains and new flowers and ancient wisps of forgotten memories.
He doesn't want to remember others. He doesn't want to recall lives that aren't his own. The Zelda here is her own, and he is his own—their world may be old, but to them it is something new, and he wants desperately to see it through the eyes of someone who has never lived before.
He can't really answer her question. So he gives her a thin smile, and hopes she can see the look in his eyes and understand.
Perhaps he's clinging too fast to hope, but she seems to.
When he hands her the cooking ladle and the long-awaited meal he's prepared after a long and hungry day, a funny little smile crosses her face, like she's remembering something, too.
"Thanks, Link," she says, and her voice is only a little bit teasing. His heart tugs oddly in his chest, but somehow, he can tell that she feels it too. "You are the hero of Hyrule."
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heehoothefool · 1 year
As someone particularly invested in the insanity that is @mcytblrsexymen and everything they have going on over there, I could not help myself but to do what I do best and create a DnD related Thing in their honor
And so I present to you, because I am biased towards the Hermits, a new DnD Race
In the land of Empires, industry came second. The land was rich with stories to tell through building and each other. The economy came second, unless you were the bard, but he was always a special case. Regardless, bartering was the standard fare...until they came along. Wool, honey, and emeralds suddenly became easily accessible as they industrialized everything they could think of. They would move and make mountains, tear down a structure to rebuild it in a slightly different way, and piece together complex contraptions and call it just another day's work. And when they worked together? They could move the heavens if it fit their cause. One hermit can craft a world. A team of then can move the heavens.
-Pixlriffs, The Archivist (Probably)
It doesn't matter what challenges are posed, a hermit will always find a way. Persistent to a fault, a hermit will not be stopped until they have exhausted every resource, every hair-brained scheme, and every ounce of assistance they can get to accomplish a given task. The sky is the limit, and often not even that can stop a hermit with a task. The only thing greater than their determination is their insatiable penchant for mischief.
Many Trades of Mischief
Every hermit has something they're particularly good at. For some, it's bringing their artistic visions to life through the power of building grand buildings and statues, or manipulating mannequins to bring life to an unpopulated artistic piece. For others, it's breathing mechanical life into their grand builds or maximizing the efficiency of a given task. Some do both, some find skill in even more trades. Regardless, hermits are incredibly talented and incredibly dedicated, and they will use these skills against each other in friendly fights of fun.
Persistent to a Fault
There are plenty of battles between hermits that can be traced back to what began as a simple prank from one hermit to another. There are feats once thought to be impossible that were only proven possible because a hermit will figure our how to make pigs fly. Once a hermit has a goal in mind, there is nothing that will stop them from accomplishing it. Be it proving a point to another hermit that devolves into a turf war or transporting a dragon from another dimension to their native one to keep as a pet, a hermit will not stop reaching for their goal until they themselves have proved it impossible.
Wandering Chaos
No hermit can stay in one place for too long before they've decided they've done all they can do where they are and seek out a new, fresh start. While they often stick together within reachable distances of each other, Hermits are very prone to doing their own things until they get bored with what they have and move on to find what they can get next. Their ambitions drive them and they might go crazy if they find themselves with nothing else to do.
Due to their travelling nature and tendency to keep apart from others, hermits are often hybrids between whatever a true hermit is and some other race.
Hermit Traits
While each hermit is incredibly unique, they often share these traits
Ability Score Increase. Choose two abilities. One score increases by 2. The other increases by 1.
Age. The average hermit is often some kind of cross with another species and adheres to that race's species. On average though, they can be assumed to mature at the same rate as a human.
Alignment. Hermits tend towards chaotic alignments, but often lean away from evil unless some outside force is at play. The typical hermit will be either good or neutral depending on how severe the penchant for mischief.
Size. Hermits vary in build and height, but typically find themselves within the range of four and five feet. Unless your hermit's secondary race (if they have one) says otherwise, your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed (unless specified otherwise by a secondary race) is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. Due to the wide variation within hermits, it's common for them to learn the language of whatever people they've chosen to associate themselves with most.
Hybrids. Pick another race and take on half (rounded down) of their race specific abilities (e.g. one of the halfling traits of Lucky, Brave, or Halfling Nimbleness).
Persistent. Due to their tendency to care more about their work than themselves, hermits have evolved to be able to function for longer periods of time on less essentials. A hermit only needs to sleep for 4 hours to complete a long rest and can last for 2 days without food or water without facing any adverse effects.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
any totk thoughts (just from osmosis bc idk if you've played it)
i haven't played it or really sought out watching it but i still have things from osmosis and i will say them,,,,, under the cut. very disorganized and randomly spoilery etc etc
Things I Would Have Done Differently If I Were Sonia
1- Been named "Zelda" instead. (nin10do you COWARDS are you really scared to have two different characters separated by untold generations named zelda NOW??? NOW YOU THINK THATS CRINGE???? fool. You did that in your first ever sequel and it was amazing. now you look scared and stupid. kill the part of you that cringes instead. In my head her name is Zelda and i dont care.)
2- not married that fake "Rauru". Like. OG Rauru is a cool fat ancient sage with an animalsona who protects the nukes away from everyone else and when you accidentally mess it up he hides and keeps you safe until you can go fix it. This new one is some imperialist that everyone is sooo obsessed with because his waist is snatched now. Or maybe i'll be more generous and say it's because they're furries that's more fair. But still like. Please there are others to simp over. he was all "oh im the first king of hyrule' and i was like 'oh.... no you're not'
(its actually ok that we have um. yet another first king of hyrule. Because we can have 3 first kings of hyrule, since we have 3 iterations of ganondorf now too. but we should still have 3 first zeldas. and we only have 2. because they messed up sonia. come on it would have been all NICE AND CLEAN AND BALANCED if there were 3 first kings, 3 first zelda, and 3 ganondorfs. This is the series about 3!!!!! but.... well perhaps next game we can have a third first zelda. perhaps i can be patient.)
(also love that we have a 3rd ganondorf. do you know how often i had to explain he does in fact reincarnate and that fsa ganondorf is a different one from oot? but now everyone knows theres more than one but less than the number of links even if they dont know exactly how many ganondorfs there are so. close enough! now ill just pretend he had a 3rd seperate origin story as well instead of 2 origins shared between 3 come on let the guy have something.)
This is unrelated but I think the Zonai are the evolutionary link between Ooca and the botw!Rito (since they did not evolved from the zora like ww!Rito). They look kinda dinosaur-y to me. i guess they're supposed to look kinda goat-y too? and rabbit-y???? i dunno i think they're generally fun. And also might be the results of unethical sheikah experimentation yeah i don't forget the temple of shadow............
OH and im very glad (our) Link wasn't the hero from the tapestry with Zonia. theres apparently some other Zonai hero with red hair who's briefly in it? i wish that Zonai was also named Link and got more to show but i was really not a fan of time-looping this poor link too, he had enough of that with the 100 year nap. if i can't have a gerudo link, at least we have a zonai hero maybe
but also in sooooo many fics i reserve the right to completely ignore this game. if it doesn't fit where i planned it didn't happen. this is like hyrule warriors to me. in another timeline.
LOVE all the yiga stuff and getting to fight with friends now. its what link deserves and his friends deserve. LOVE LOVE that Zelda and Link are so codependent there's not a word in the hylian language for them. i am a qpr truther for this particular zelink but i think that if these two were offered a way to fuse into a single being they would at least STRONGLY consider it. unhinged. love them.
incredible outfits for link and i love slowly discovering them as art passes my dash.
The way this world is even more open than botw is such a feat, the open engineering is just fabulous. I hope to see a new drone every week. Torturing the koroks is just. its horrible but i laugh every time .kjhghjkkjhjk whyyyyy these poor little tree dudes (*chanting 'crucify this one too' in my head*)
the way this game tried to both continue the botw 'honoring past games' and did a new 'gaslight you about the other games never happening' is a wild balance. Like, TWINROVA SHOWED UP??? in what i think is a very subtle detail in a memory??? maybe there's more of them in the game but it seems to be the same level as like 'hero of the winds' mentioned plus some salt around hyrule. excellent love that. but i also just saw a post gushing about how great it was that this game made this link theeeee most important specialist hero eeeever and the master sword was only ever for him and um. i just hope that isn't true. i think this game should add and not take away.
but hey twinrova showed up and there was that cool goth gerudo too!! i stan her.
oh and redeads in gerudo town or whatever it was? AMAZING. gerudo town was all spared from the calamity in the first game with no guardians making past the desert so having the town taken over and terrifying with the upheaval is just a good show of stakes stepping up.
OH!!!! and my number one favorite thing is that Link can make a drink that he was too young to order in botw. funniest possible thing that dude can do.
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