#except she can only go for 7 days and we already had a 9 day itinerary planned
kimuramasaya · 1 year
I love my sisters and they're honestly my best friends but also they drive me insane sometimes
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alessiasfreckles · 2 months
amnesia - part 12 (ona batlle x alexia putellas x reader)
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part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11
a/n: sorry for the long wait, not much left now!
The next morning, when you looked on your doorstep, you half expected to find Alexia or Ona stood there waiting. Instead, you found the usual pastry and drink, and couldn’t help but feel the smallest tinge of disappointment. 
You’d been messaging both girls late into the night, about everything and anything, except for what had happened between the three of you. You knew you’d need to talk about it at some point, but for now, you just wanted things to be good. And so did they, by the looks of things. Accompanying the pastry and drink was a handwritten note from Ona, reading ‘Good morning chiqui! We hope you have a wonderful day today. Dinner is on us tonight x’. Interesting.
As you headed to your physio session, you tried to ignore the rising anticipation in your belly, the soft feeling of hope working its way through your body, eager to see the two women, but nervous as well. You didn’t even know if you would see them - there was a good chance they’d be outside for training, or in the gym, and so far all of your sessions had been in the smaller physiotherapy rooms.
When you arrived, the physiotherapist greeted you with an amused smile. 
“You have some admirers,” she noted, nodding towards a beautiful bouquet of flowers that was resting in a vase. You couldn’t help but blush, rolling your eyes fondly at the gesture, already knowing who was behind it. “Today we’re in the gym, but you can leave your things here and we can get them when we’re done.”
“The gym?” you asked, surprised.
The physiotherapist nodded. “Yes. You’re making very good progress - you really only have minimal injuries considering what you went through, and we can move you to the real gym now. You should be able to go back to training with the others soon, maybe in a month or so. The biggest problem is the muscle atrophy from being in the coma, but once we get your body back to where it was before, you’ll be good to go.”
Your mouth hung open in shock, and your face suddenly felt very warm as you realised that tears were gathering in the corners of your eyes. You hadn’t expected to be back so soon, and you couldn’t wait to be able to train with the others again, to get out there and play football, the thing you loved more than anything else in the world. 
As you walked to the gym, you wondered whether the rest of the team would also be in the gym or if they’d be outside. As you got closer, your question was answered - you could hear various sounds coming from the gym, shoes against treadmills, the thud of weights hitting the ground, but also the soft murmur of your teammates chatting, the occasional peal of laughter. That meant Ona and Alexia were probably there, too. 
You took a deep breath before pushing open the door, trying to steel your nerves. At first, when you walked through, no one batted an eyelid, all preoccupied with their own routines. But then Mapi looked up, and yelled out your name.
“You’re back!” she grinned, running over to you. You felt a twinge of guilt, remembering that the two of you had been good friends before the accident, and that you’d been so caught up in everything going on with Ona and Alexia that you’d forgotten about your friendships with the other players. Soon enough you were surrounded by your teammates, including the two you were most nervous about seeing. 
“I’m not back properly yet, but I’ve been promoted to physio in the gym, and I should be able to start training with you guys again in a month or so,” you told your teammates, blushing slightly at the attention you were getting. For some reason you couldn’t meet the two women’s eyes, too anxious about what you’d find there. The team let out cheers and whoops at your statement, people leaning over to ruffle your hair or give you hugs.
After a few minutes, the physiotherapist clapped her hands together. “Okay, okay, in order for her to be able to train with you again, she needs to get fit enough first, which she can only do if you all let her get on with her physio session in peace, okay?”
Your teammates chuckled and backed away. Only then did you look up at Ona and Alexia, who were watching you intently. Ona was biting her lip, a nervous frown etched into her forehead, whilst Alexia looked more stoic, trying hard not to let anyone see how desperate she had been to see you and how worried she was about you. When you met their eyes, you instantly felt calmer, the bundle of nerves in your stomach washed away and replaced by a soft pang of familiarity.
When you smiled at them, they both relaxed instantly, the line between Ona’s eyebrows melting away, Alexia’s eyes softening as she met yours. They smiled back, and you couldn’t help but think about how beautiful they both were, each in their own way.
As the physiotherapist went through your exercises your mind kept wandering, and you kept catching yourself looking over to where they were going through their workout, Alexia jogging on one of the treadmills, Ona over by the weights. Every so often they would look over at you and your eyes would meet, and you’d smile, blushing, and look away again quickly. It felt like having a crush for the first time.
You lingered when your session was over, reluctant to go so soon.
“Don’t forget, your things are in my office,” the physiotherapist reminded you with a knowing smile. “And don’t worry, we’ll be back tomorrow.”
At home, you put the bouquet in a vase, admiring the flowers. One looked slightly different to the others, but you couldn’t quite figure out what it was. Regardless, the bouquet was beautiful, and your stomach fluttered at the thought of the women buying you flowers. 
By the time evening rolled around, you were starting to get hungry, and you wondered what Ona had meant by her note this morning. Just as you thought about messaging her to ask, the doorbell rang, and you opened it to find a delivery person holding a paper bag emblazoned with the logo of a nearby restaurant. 
As you headed back inside your apartment, you took a quick picture of the bag and sent Ona a text.
[Y/N]: so this is what you meant with your note this morning :)
[Ona]: Yes!! 
Along with her message was a picture. You recognised the background as her kitchen, and on the counter was a paper bag just like yours, the restaurant logo on the side.
[Ona]: Ale got food too, so we’re all eating together but apart :) 
Warmth spread throughout your body, and you sent Alexia a quick message, sending her the same picture you’d sent Ona. As you opened the bag, your kitchen filled with the smell of food, and your stomach growled. You kept messaging both women as you ate, unable to deny the way your heart skipped a beat every time you received a new message from them, a smile glued to your face. By the time you fell into bed a few hours later, you’d exchanged hundreds of messages, and your cheeks hurt from smiling.
When you checked the front door the next morning, you were surprised to find a sweater next to the usual drink and pastry. Picking it up, you instantly recognised it as Ona’s, the one you would always borrow when you were at her place, the fabric soft between your fingers. You brought it up to your face and inhaled deeply, your lungs filling with the familiar scent of her perfume, and your mind filled with memories of the two of you.
You wore the sweater to your physio session, reluctant to take it off. When you arrived, the physio nodded over to the table again with a grin. “Another present for you.”
On the table was a protein shaker adorned with stickers of your teammates, and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh. Everyone had their own drinks tailored to their needs, and when you picked the shaker up you smiled as you realised they’d already filled it for you, a sticky note on the back telling you what was in it. You took the shaker into the gym with you, and when your teammates sidled in slowly, your eyes were on the door, waiting for Ona and Alexia to come through and see you using their gift.
When they did, their eyes scanned the gym, looking for you, and they immediately smiled when their eyes landed on you. You felt a rush at the sight of them and internally rolled your eyes at your behaviour - you were acting like a teenager with a crush rather than a grown woman. Still, you gave them a quick grin before going back to focusing on your therapy, and tried to ignore the way your heart had skipped a beat when they’d smiled at you.
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gunsandspaceships · 2 months
Tony’s Childhood. Part 1: Identifying facts
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In the MCU, Tony sometimes acts like a kid. There is a reason behind every behavior, so I wondered what it was like for him when he was a real kid.
So, the questions of the day: what do we know about Tony's childhood? Did he have one? And, most importantly, how did it affect him?
Let’s first list what we know from the movies:
At age 4 Tony built his first circuit board (IM1)
At age 6 built his first engine (IM1)
Was sent to a boarding school by Howard (IM2)
Cracked the Pentagon’s firewall in high school on a dare (AoU)
Had a nanny until the age of 14 (IM3)
Went to college at 14 (IM1)
Built Dum-E and U when he was there (IM1)
At 17 graduated summa cum laude from MIT (IM1)
Continued his education until his parents’ death (CW)
Tony’s genius gave him two things: the brain and the pain. And by the pain, I mean that instead of interacting and bonding with his parents, enjoying life, playing, having fun, making friends, taking care of pets, and all the other things children do to gradually prepare for adulthood and grow up "healthy", he got this list of achievements. That doesn’t make a person normal.
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We know his relationship with Howard was complicated. Howard loved him in his own way. He had too many things to do to be a good father: SI, S.H.I.E.L.D., scientific projects, trying to build a better future with clean energy, etc. All good, except when you want your child to love you back. Especially if in the tiny amount of time you spend with him, you don’t show him any signs of affection.
What do we know about Maria? Her name, what she looked like, that she played the piano, and died at Winter Soldier’s hand on Dec 16, 1991. That’s it. She didn’t spend much time with Tony either. Remember, he even had a nanny, instead of a mother. Tony's words about her showed that he loved her, but he didn't talk much about her. Because she wasn’t present in his life enough. Why? Because…
Howard sent Tony to a boarding school.
Here’s in the S.H.I.E.L.D.s file we have this information about the school:
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“Phillips Academy, Andover, MA 1977-1984”
This means he was there from age 7 to 14. Howard sent him to a boarding school when he was SEVEN.
Phillips Academy Andover serves grades 9-12 only (it is a college preparatory school). Thus, either this is a mistake by the creators of the film/file, or Tony, due to his genius, became an exception. Since the early age he was already at school was also mentioned in IM2 tie-in comics, and in Earth-616 that was also 7, we can mark 1977-1984 as valid.
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Think about it again: Tony was sent to boarding school in another state when he was 7 years old. He spent another 7 years there, alone, among high school-aged teenagers. No parents around, no peers.
For example, even Hogwarts accepts 11-year-old children, and they live with their peers. Now imagine Harry Potter, at the age of 7, is thrown into a dorm with 7th-year students and locked there. Doesn’t make a person normal either, does it?
Nannies and Jarvis
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Since Tony was at the boarding school, there are two options for how he could have a nanny (mentioned in IM3) and spend time with Edwin Jarvis:
1) He was at the boarding school with a nanny. There is almost no possibility that the nanny was Edwin Jarvis because Jarvis was Howard’s butler and had other responsibilities.
2) He had a nanny at home in the summer and during short school breaks. In this case, his parents couldn’t even give him this little of their precious time.
In any case, he could only see Jarvis at home, a few months a year at most.
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Note: There is a date error in IM3, stating Tony was 14 in 1983. This is clearly an error and we can omit this detail.
Remember this dialog between Tony and Harley in IM3?
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0:45:15 – Harley asks him how he knew he was being bullied at school. Tony doesn't answer. He gives him a non-lethal flash thing to "discourage bullying."
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We see that Tony knew exactly what was going on with Harley at school. Because that’s exactly what happened to him there. Harley reminded him of himself. Brilliant kid with no friends and practically no parents. He was bullied by 9th-12th graders.
If he had a nanny with him at the school, that probably made things even worse. He would be bullied because he has a nanny, and despite he has one to look after him.
In Part 2 we will discuss how all this affected him. Stay tuned.
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modelbus · 8 months
Here we go, my first tumblr anything-tober. This year I’ll be doing flufftober!
These will be shorter “oneshots”. Also I apologize if this isn’t exactly fluff lmao…
Pairing: Cc!Tommy x Gn!Reader
Flufftober 1 - The Clock Is Wrong (Time Loop)
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“Tom, right?”
Day 27 of this stupid time loop. The first day, you didn’t even realize. By the end of the week you moved into despair, bargaining, and anger. By day 20 you hit acceptance. For the past 7 days, you’ve been living out the day as you normally would. Same thing every time, save for it you change bits yourself.
Tom was the boy you bumped into every repeated day at the zoo. The first day you hadn’t thought much of it except for a mental “oh, he’s cute”. But now, when everything is so monotonous, he’s become an oddly bright spot.
It took you four days to get his name: Tom Simons. The name, oddly, seemed to fit him.
He blinks at you, gaze swiveling from his dropped drink—Coke, you learned on the sixth day—to you. His spilled Coke was entirely your fault; you had bumped into him. On purpose this time, unlike that first day.
“How-?” He starts, eyebrows furrowing.
“You have the vibes.” You joke, laughing. “I’m so sorry about your drink, I should’ve been looking where I was going.”
“Oh, no, it’s fine.” He smiles at you, bright. Most of his smiles were—day 9.
“Are you sure? I can buy you another one, I feel like shit.” You don’t.
He shakes his head. “No, I can buy my own. Don’t worry about it mate.”
“At least let me accompany you to get another.”
This was your in for today. You’ve been trying different ones, just attempting to spend more time with him. He wasn’t alone here, he came with friends (day 2), so you always ended up parting ways. And you always ended up wishing you didn’t.
“Fine.” He relents. “But only because I should make you pay for running into me.”
“Oh yeah, I’ll put my full effort into walking with you to get another drink.” You laugh, sarcasm lacing your words.
“Coke.” He says. “And you should.” After a moment of heading back up to the fridge with the drinks in the gift shop, he speaks again. “So. You guess people’s names from their vibes a lot?”
“It’s actually my superpower. Don’t tell anyone though.” You nudge your shoulder against his, grinning when he nudges you back.
“Name someone else then.” He challenges.
Truthfully, you panic for a second. Sure, you know the names of his friends (Wil and Phil—day 8), but they’re outside. And then your eyes land on someone in a red vest declaring them as a zoo employee.
“Janet.” You say, pointing at the worker.
Tom grins at you, like he’s predicting your downfall, then marches up to the worker with his new Coke in hand. “Hey, what’s your name?” He asks the worker, already turning to you.
“Uh, Janet. Is there anything I can help you with?”
His jaw drops open, and he quickly shakes his head. “Uh- no, thanks!”
You let out a loud laugh, and he grabs your wrist to drag you to get in the checkout line for his Coke.
“How did you do that?!” He hisses, glancing around.
“She had a name tag, Tom.” You laugh, covering your mouth to muffle the sound so people don’t stare.
“…Oh.” His cheeks flush, making you laugh even more. “Stop! Shut up!”
He quickly pays for his Coke, shaking his head at you. But you know better, and you know his humor. Besides; he’s smiling.
“I can’t believe you actually believed me.” You sigh, still smiling like an idiot.
“How was I meant to know she had a name tag?”
“With your eyes!”
At the exit door to the zoo gift shop, he pauses, fidgeting with the bottle of Coke. Your heart leaps into your throat. This is it. Most likely your parting for the day. Sure, you’ll see him tomorrow, but that’s after another cycle. Another looped day.
“Are you here alone, or…?” He starts, trailing off so you can fill in.
“Alone. I know, it sounds sad, but I like the zoo. And you?”
“Friends. Two of ‘em, actually.” This is normally where he starts to sound apologetic and makes an awkward goodbye. You brace yourself for it, in fact. “Do you- do you want to join us?”
For all the times you’ve waited for this invite, you aren’t sure what to do now that you have it. “Oh.” Is the only thing that comes out of your mouth.
“Not that you have to or anything, but if you want to. I mean, you seem pretty cool and not like a serial killer or anything. Unless you like pineapple on pizza. Then I’m going to have to leave you.”
You shake your head. “I don’t like pineapple on pizza, don’t worry.”
“Cool.” He grins at you. “So…?”
“Yeah, I’d love to join you. And your friends.”
As you step out of the shop with him, rolling your eyes playfully at a dumb joke, you can’t deny the warmth that fills you. Even if it was only for today, a day you’ll repeat, you get to spend it with a boy with blond hair and a smile like the sun.
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astranite · 2 months
Notes- Christmas TAG secret santa fic.
Because of this post and @janetm74 and @edutainer2022 here are my additional notes for my 2023 thunderfam secret santa fic.
It contains brainstorming that became part of the og fic and notes as a continuation for the car ride. It was actually these that I came up with first and intended to write but got side tracked with explorations of getting ready, especially given the prompt i was given was “Every day is a school day” with Jeff and Lucy. Also deadlines!
Mind that this is pretty much as is from my notes in its entirety, complete with spelling errors, partial sentences and utter lack of cohesion as I jumped between ideas.
Link for the fic proper on ao3.
“Every day is a school day” Jeff and Lucy. And everyone.
Car drive to spent christmas with Grandma and Grant at Gran Rocha. The preparing and road tripping shenanigans.
getting all five kids plus themselves and luggage into the car on time as chaotic as a school day. Jeffs line?
S15, J13, V12, G 6?7, A3
Wake-up call. Alarm going off Lucy tired and grumpy where Virgil gets it from. I’ll get the kids up and you can head straight to the coffee. Jeff fooling around like mock drill sergeant. Scott’s grumpy teenness and chucking a pillow at him with surprisingly good aim for supposedly asleep. Scott getting up. Bed hair mess that Jeff runs a gentle hand through pulling him into a hug. Virgil and John. John and Bagel the cat curled up together. Both hissing at him in unison. Virgil needed to be hugged and woken up more slowly. 
Down in the kitchen. Jeff kissing Lucy and trying to steal her coffee. No you cannot steal my coffee Jefferson Tracy, you have your own.  Lucy’s massive science pun mug. Hair in her face looking like little Virgil. 
HURRICANE LUCY. Time skip to about to go?
packing- John wanting to fit telescope. Or “But I did leave my telescope behind” but bag full of books. 
Last min shoving presents in. Neighbour to feed the cat.
Scott nabbed the car keys first on massive ** many different  keychain so neither Lucy nor Jeff could lose them. Swinging them around his finger, “can I drive” Parental chorus of “No!” Doesn't have license yet but is learning to pilot. argument of Grandma lets me drive on the ranch. Thats the beat up old ute and theres nothing much out there to hit any way.
And they were done. Bags were in the car, kids were in the car, last final bathroom stops had been had.  Lucy patted down her pockets. Keys! She didn’t have them, so Jeff must except that he didn’t. Surely the couldn’t have lost them with the neon pink rocket ship key chain attached to prevent this. Until they both spied Scott leaning against the drivers side door and swinging them around his finger.  
“So, can I drive?” Scott asked as if he didn’t already know the answer to that question. 
“No,” came the parental chorus. 
Then the other kids repeating them, picking up on it slightly behind. 
Scott grinning and tossed the keys in the air one last time then caught them. He passed them to Lucy’s waiting hand prompted by a stern eyebrow. 
7 seater beat up car. Drive- Kansas to Texas. approx 9 hours to 8 1/2. Lucy english thinking its ages. at least america had good highways. and from her mothers tales at least kangaroo spotter was a redundant position. 
Panic at dress clothes for Christmas day
someone packed no underpants. Gordon only packed underwear and swimmers. Trying to sort laundry at last minute. Jeff’s haphazard packing of his own clothes with getting everyone else in military order. Lucy remarking jokingly, “Mightve gotten to mars adn forgot your space suit. 
Jeff the nerd, calling Grandma to tell on our way, “Houston we have take off”. Kids dramatic countdown. A “finally”. FOnd eye rolls. 
John and Virgil at back seats. Johns already long limbs folded up.
Scott getting the dubious privelige of the middle row. but centre seat between Alan and Gords car seats and on big brother duty. 
Lucy hoping but not expecting to get some rest on the trip. Up all night getting ready. has mystery novel to read. but trying to wrangle kids. Putting Jeff’s cowboy hat over her face to keep the sun off as she sleeps.
Stops for toilet breaks. Lunch fast food. “Do not let gordon have soda.” Johns burger order. Virgil picking pickles out to give to john. The chips stealing. Trying to eat and drive. sending older ones in to fish younger out of the play area. losing Scott to it too, send in John planning it like a mission.
Jeff adn Lucy discussion over what coffee is supposed to do. ADHD Jeff. starting with Scott asking for coffee, cheekily. No, we dont need you any more hyper. Jeff’s confident, “Coffee doesnt do that” Even same with Aa. spirited debate. JSSo that means I can have some? eff still saying no coffee for Scott.
Lucy driving at some point. 
If Lucy had to hear one more rendition of baby shark she was the one who was going to get out and walk.
music and Lucy and Virgil comparing synesthesia.
John reading massive heavy text book, splayed out across knees. not getting car sick, serve well for astronaut. for fun, reminded he didnt need to study. 
Scott bored and restless. tinies asleep. no phone signal. twisting around, being told off for seat belt, trying to see what Johns doing. seat swap and he and John are in the back doing maths and physics, heads bent together. virgil eyes closed but awake or leaning around car seats to look out the windows, bobbing head to music through headphones. 
when John adn Scott get stuck, calling questions out to Lucy. Jeff snoring in front seat, head on lucy;s jumper, went from wide awake to clonked out even after the coffees.
Virgil using breath on fogged up windows to draw. Scott and John used it for math.
Gordon are we there yet. Alan copying him. 
naming animals and animal sounds. then naming sea creatures. then sounds of sea creatures. some known, some gordon happily making them up.
car sickness. Scott getting car sick, in spite of crazy spins and flips but then hes in control. another reshuffle, Jeff wedged into the middle seat, Lucy laughing and looking in rear view mirror at tall, broad shouldered husband folded awkwardly into the back. John and Virgil back-back. Scott getting shotgun, window open and nauseous. Vomit bags in glove box because learnt from past fiascos and puke in hat story. Scott grumps would be fine if I was driving 
some point tinies and Jeff all asleep.  John and Virgil happy together. Lucy getting to check in and chat to scott. 
on destination. everyone there, big family.  Lee? Kayo adn Kyrano and Kayo mother. Jeff brothers? packed into the big ranch house. noise and merriment. hot dry texas air. smell of good food cooking. some slight odour of burnt. 
explain lucy parents farm????
“The eagle has landed” finding rooms, unpack car. eldest three in together. youngest. 
John overwhelmed after trip, not wanting to talk to anyone. near tears at thought of going into party. going to stable to spent time with horses. 
Virgil running up to Grant and talking his ear off, to much delight of both parties. Grant, still broad shouldered and strong from farm work, charcoal black hair now salt and pepper grey. 
Achievements getting caught up with. Jeff telling grandma about scotts, Scott proud but a bit uncharacteristically shy, leaning into a side hug. 
the comments of how big the kids were all getting, and theyd better not be having more. Lucy laughing and very nope five is plenty enough. 
somewhat tired cranky, sticky dusty kids. Gordon spilling something sticky on him in the last hour, waiting to get there to wash him off. Recovering excitement at bath. 
grandma’s welcome cookies. 
——- other fic. Graduation. car crash. Injuries—the bruises. Scott burst into tears with brothers because he wants mum
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neopoliitan · 2 months
We open on a scene in Zenith. Viorel and Zelena Braith open Roderick Lincoln’s cell to reveal they have brought him the last remnants of the Lincoln Clan, now with an active aura like him. They present it as company, but note that  Gardner Braith will return to drain their aura to replenish his upon their return from hunting Otso Umber.
The clansmen are these;
Crete Reed, A warrior woman based on Britomartis.
Oak Holm, a man who was briefly seen in the back of some Arc 2 shots.
Loden Lincoln, a teenager and third or fourth cousin of Robin.
Primrose, a teenage girl with round glasses.
Fennel, the son of Kodiak Lincoln and around 7-9 years old.
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Crete sees Artemis Garland lying on a cot, still comatose but out of the pod she was previously in implying she’s gotten a little stronger. Crete runs to her side.
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Sterling Braith enters and tells her not to get attached, ordering the Talos robots to restrain the clansmen. Viorel cautions that there’s no time for his vendetta, to which Sterling responds he’s making time. He advances on Roderick, telling him “Your sister cut my arm off, so it’s lucky for me that you’re here.” Before Roderick can reply, Sterling socks him in the face with one of his new prosthetic arms.
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“I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do to you, but if it doesn’t kill you… You’re damn well gonna wish it did.”
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Zelena looks slightly shaken and follows Viorel out of the room. Viorel coldly comments that now “the terminal” is fixed, Roderick has outlived his use and this is the least he deserves. Zelena asks if “the terminal” is really going to change anything, to which Viorel grows frustrated and tells her not to have second thoughts - they’ve come this far already; she “isn’t there to think”, and that Kamala will show her no more mercy than “they” did if she backs out.
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Lilli Lincoln wakes up in her bed, unable to sleep. She heads downstairs to the kitchen for some water and comes across Petra Redwood. Petra mentions the 7-day time limit Kamala Braith issued Team RAIN, which Lilli didn’t know about. Her expression unreadable, she heads upstairs.
She grabs her labrys.
We cut to Robin asleep in her room. Lilli kicks the door open and slings her buzzsaw-shield at Robin.
ROBIN: What are you doing?! What the hell is this about?!
LILLI: E V E R Y T H I N G ! I’m sick of you, and I’m sick of your stupid face! You always get what you want! Even after coming home and getting dad KILLED!
Lilli swings again.
LILLI: Pitch was the closest thing I had to a friend, and now he’s GONE! I was the LAST ONE to be told about Marina even though I'm FAMILY! You told everyone EXCEPT ME about Mom and Roderick being ALIVE! And I just found out that even though you only have seven days to save them, you go and SLEEP THROUGH ONE--!
Robin blocks one of Lilli’s attacks, and the two are held in stalemate.
ROBIN: LILLI-! What the hell is going on? Why are you always trying to fight me--!?
They relax slightly at this moment of honesty. Lilli smiles weakly.
LILLI: You were always the favorite, even after you got sent away from home. Mom and Dad never shut up about you. “Why can’t you be more like your sister? Why can’t you be more like Robin?” They would’ve switched us without a second thought if it meant getting Robin back. 
Lilli relaxes, her arms hanging limp.
LILLI: It’s not like I wanna be mean. It’s just that people only notice me when they’re angry at me.  ...They’d just be happier if I was gone, huh?
We see flashbacks to:
Roderick scolding Lilli (pg297)
Artemis Scolding Lilli (pg828)
Marina [then Tobin] scolding Lilli (pg331)
Robin shoving Lilli (pg828)
ROBIN: I should’ve seen the signs. No one wishes you were gone.
LILLI: Don’t. Don’t lie to me like that.
ROBIN: I’m not.
We see a Flashback to Robin saying “there’s nothing I’d rather be than kind” in Arc 3 Ch9 (pg. 746)
ROBIN: We weren’t there for you after what happened back home, and I didn’t even think twice about it. ...But I wanna try to be there for you now, if you’ll let me. Lilli, I’m sorry.
Lilli begins to sob, and Robin reaches out to embrace her sister. Her sister. Who she treated like an enemy for years. She embraces her as Lilli apologizes too, and we see Lilli’s aura activate in a moment of emotional height.
Irving, Nyssa, Jin, the Hawthornes, Team ZNON, and Peach’s Team disembark from Raleigh Radcliff’s ship as it touches down in the Tsubaki District.
Farran Hawthorne commends Irving’s bravery in showing mercy to Team ZNON and defeating the rat king, telling him he’s proud. Irving turns around and says he’s not proud of his father for closing ZNON’s school and turning them against him, making them easy to manipulate. He tells his father to use his political power to set them up in a school in Mistral so that the world doesn’t have more Violas to deal with.
Robin and Akane reunite with Irving and Nyssa. Robin says she’s glad Irving’s family made it out safe unlike hers, but Irving cuts her off and tells her it wasn’t her fault - it was bad luck they chose the Lincolns.
Raleigh approaches Team RAIN and tells them they have some explaining to do.
We cut to Jin and Peach. Peach reveals she was adopted by a couple who she refers to as “her dad” (Bjorn Vermell) and her “science dad” (Konstantan Vermell). They wanted to get her out of the orphanage after seeing how malnourished she was, and her “science dad” later engineered her prosthetic legs.
Peach asks if the orphanage is still there. Jin tells her the Sisterhood marched in and made sure the kids were safe, while the adults “didn’t hurt anyone else.” She then asks if Peach held the final argument before they were separated against her, and Peach admits she doesn’t even really remember it. Once she knew her parents were good people, she asked Konstantan to put out feelers to find Jin, but by then it was too late. 
Jin looks at the old photo of them both, but Peach brushes it away. She tells her that she’s here now, and places Jin’s hand on her heart. The two rest their foreheads against each other.
40 years ago.
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We see Raleigh Radcliff being congratulated on his victory in the 21st Biennial Vytal Festival.
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Briefly we cut away to a young Otso Umber in a medical ward, his head bandaged - his grip tightens on the sheets of his hospital bed in envy as he sees Raleigh reaping the glory.
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It’s revealed we’re watching Raleigh’s victory in the present day as a presentation on 58-year-old Raleigh’s scroll. Robin tells him they’re happy to have him along now they’ve seen his skills.
Raleigh reveals that Otso cut off his left leg from below the knee during one of their fights, and that he has a prosthetic - he has his own motives for fighting Otso. Irving questions what originally started their feud, and Raleigh tells him that he took Otso’s place in the tournament finale, after Otso couldn’t compete due to a head injury - and that Otso ‘didn’t deserve the win anyway’.
Raleigh asks what they know about the Braiths; they’re a family of good fighters, proficient with Aura and fusing Grimm and humans. When asked about their weaknesses, Akane recalls that she made Zelena falter when the latter stole her truth semblance.
Akane and Irving surmise that their tech suggests Atlas. Robin recalls Roderick telling her that the Braiths’ base was called Zenith, but Raleigh doesn’t know it and Akane can’t find any info on it on cached offline CCT information on her scroll.
Robin quickly recalls the Crazy Bunch who worked under Sterling and Zelena, and how they managed to apprehend one of them. Raleigh says interrogating him is worth a shot, and takes Akane with him to verify the man’s answers.
Nyssa visits home and shares closure over Pitch with her mother, Maera. Murasaki drops in, assuring them that the Sisterhood is in the capable care of Team BRUT. When questioned on how trustworthy BRUT are, Murasaki replies that she is trying to steer them right and give them a purpose, the same way the previous Sisterhood leader did for her.
Murasaki reveals that after she got her head together regarding Pitch, she contacted Maera and the two talked it over. Both of them shared relationships with Pitch, but she won’t go into detail just yet. She regrets not dealing with him the moment she laid eyes on him in the Sisterhood cave.
Robin and Lilli are attempting to bond. Robin called Lilli downstairs to ask her if she wants to attend Combat School in Mistral while she and her team venture to Atlas - unless Lilli wants to argue and come with them. Lilli proclaims she’s not an idiot, but seems unconvinced that Elysium Academy will take her. Robin reassures her by complimenting her fighting ability.
Marina interrupts by sticking her head through the wall behind them - revealing that her semblance does not only consist of invisibility, but intangibility. She notes that Robin and Lilli are getting along better, but the same can’t be said for Robin and Marron.
Robin argues that she’s not budging - she won’t get Marron mixed up in her mess again. Marron wants to go to Atlas, but Robin doesn’t - so do they just break up?
Lilli interjects by telling her to compromise, to find a solution that works for both of them. After being pestered by the other two siblings, Robin gets up and agrees to talk it over. When she leaves, Marina tries to banter with Lilli, but the youngest Lincoln sister halts her, unfolds a sheet of paper and reads:
"Please do not attempt to make light conversation or banter with me. You are still complicit in my neglect for your own reasons, and are, therefore, an absolute carbuncle. I forbid you from attempting to take a shortcut by hijacking the effort Robin has made."
Marina is stumped, then admits that’s a fair point.
Marron is sitting on the porch of the Tsubaki District house. Robin sits down next to her.
After a moment, Robin asks if Marron knows why she doesn’t want her to come to Zenith, which Marron confirms. Robin tells her that she doesn’t want her to get hurt, which Marron spins back on her - she isn’t going to wait around like a sailor’s wife hoping that Robin might come back, that she doesn’t need Robin’s protection.
Robin begins to observe that they’re at an impasse, but Marron interrupts.
“I need you to show me some trust -- some faith in my judgment. Some faith that I know what to do if things go to hell. I need you to accept that you're not the only one who knows what they're doing. And I need you to understand that my decisions aren’t yours to make.”
Robin takes this in.
She apologises for coddling Marron, and observes that Marron knew how to break Sterling and when to call for her help. She admits that between her father’s death and her treatment of Nyssa and Lilli, her own judgment hasn’t been the best.
She trusts Marron to know her limits and make the right calls.
The two hold hands and stay there on the porch for a while. Slowly, they begin to make small talk about what they’ll do once this is all over.
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Love Song for a Vampire Pt 27
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader
Warnings: a splash of jealousy from tanya but don’t worry, irina wants to rip the head off of any and all wolves
Words: 2155
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33  Part 34  Part 35  Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39
You thought your mother would never relinquish you from her bear-like hug. This was the first time you were leaving your parents to go somewhere with people who were complete strangers to them.
They were putting a lot of trust in Sam’s words reassuring them that you would be able to handle anything.
Being the people that they were, they agreed knowing it would ultimately be for the best. Sam revealed everything to them except for you imprinting on Edward.
That would be for you to tell on a day of your choosing.
Hastily you pack essentials into a backpack. You were initially surprised when Edward told you the drive wouldn’t take too long.
Now you understood.
His car must have been a blip on the road from how fast he was driving. Carmen and Eleazar didn’t reciprocate your shock, in fact they seemed to be used to it and were chatting casually with you.
Eleazar sat up front with Edward while you were in the back with Carmen, your arms wound securely around your backpack to keep yourself anchored against the velocity. Eleazar mentioned something as out being uncomfortable out in the daytime but that timing was imperative
They hardly encountered anyone on the road by some miracle which also helped to reduce travel time.
“You can really do that?” Astonishment lilting in your voice.
Eleazar chuckles and nods. “Yes, much like Alice and Edward, Kate and I have special abilities.”
“Which leads me to some important tips.” Carmen nods, her gold eyes flicking toward you. “Do not let Kate touch you. Her power can only harm you if she is able to get into contact. I don’t think she’ll try to hurt you, she’s the more level-headed sister. But on the off chance she does, just keep out of reach of her hands.”
“Don’t scare her before we even reach home.” Her mate teases.
She laughs and bumps her arm against your’s. “(Y/n)’s tough. This isn’t going to scare her off.”
“I have seen her decapitate many newborns during our fight with Victoria’s army.” Edward knowingly chimes in.
“Impressive.” Eleazar cocks an eyebrow and looks to the rear view mirror at you. He truly meant it for going up against newborns was no easy task to take on. Working in the Volturi, Eleazar had to tel with many unruly newborns. How he survived for so long in a hostile environment, you had no idea. The Eleazar you had met was kind and docile, speaking in a tender tone constantly. You couldn’t imagine him living in a dangerous coven like the Volturi. He found his way out though and decided to lead his life peacefully with no more violence. 
“Of course avoiding conflict never works.” He finishes off. “There will always be others who want to destroy tranquility.”
Carmen reaches her hand out to rub her husband’s shoulder. “We will fight when the time comes. Be assure of that. We love Edward and the Cullens. They are our extended family and we’ll protect that extended family even if Kate and Tanya side with Irina.”
You didn’t want there to be inner conflict in their coven. Didn’t want them to divide because of this. Allies were needed though and you’d have to take whoever was willing.
By the time you reach the border to Alaska, the sky was already pitch black with a multitude of stars. Having dozed off at some point, you check the time on your phone. It was a little past midnight. 
The dirt road that wound up the mountain was beautiful even in the dark. Large expanse of the land easily viewed from the window of the car.
“You and your pack would have a marvelous time running around here.” Carmen hums delightfully, happy to finally be home. 
The wolf in you shivers in agreement, your limbs suddenly getting an itch to run. To toss aside your human skin and jump into your furs. Only then would you truly be able to immerse yourself with the nature around you. Inhaling large gulps of burning cold air that would be even fresher than back home. Even less humans populated this part of the state as it was basically wilderness. In your fur you’d even be able to somewhat understand the songs that came twittering from birds. 
Sam’s pack would most likely never venture this far away from Forks. Their purpose was there, to protect and watch over everyone, not to frolic around. It was nice to think about though. The younger wolves would especially have a fun time in Alaska.
When the car reached the Denali house, there were already three figures waiting. Three blonde haired women, each more beautiful than the next. 
Piercing eyes follow your movement as you get out of the car; Edward heaves your bag onto his shoulder and carries it for you.
Carmen goes to hug each sister and give them kisses on the cheek. Their smiles are strained as they return her affection. Bodies rigid at your unwanted presence.
“Be nice girls, this is (y/n). She’s part of the Uley pack and has come here to personally get to know you and show her pack means no harm.” Carmen brings you closer by gently leading you by your shoulders. “(y/n), this is Tanya, Kate and Irina.”
You muster your best friendly smile. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much from Carmen and Edward. I hope. . . I hope I can help mend things between your coven and our pack.”
“Only because you need us.” The vampire Carmen had introduced as Irina points out haughtily. 
Not wanting to argue, you nod because you did in fact need them. “Yes. Yes we do. My pack my be large and strong but we still lack numbers necessary to fight off the Volturi.”
You notice Tanya flicking her eyes behind Carmen to Edward who stood silently watching the exchange. Whatever thoughts going through her head made Edward scowl slightly, his grip tightening around the strap of your backpack. 
Kate coaxes Irina back and offers you an apologetic gaze. “Welcome (y/n). We’re excited to get to know you. You must be tired. Our guestroom has been prepped and is ready for you. We’ve also prepared some food too if you’re hungry.”
You quizzically raise a brow. From your expression, Kate laughs. “Don’t worry, it’s human food. We may not need it for nourishment but that didn’t stop us from learning how to cook for human guests.”
Part of you wonders what happened to those human guests. From the looks of their eyes, the Denali coven appeared to be vegetarians like the Cullens. Varying shades of gold dusted the trio of blondes’ irises.
“I can show her to the guest room.” Edward makes his way forward, taking a protective stance next to you. His face challenges Tanya who almost opened her mouth to say something but it was Carmen who saved the day. 
“Of course. Go show your mate where she’ll be staying.”
A furious blush claims you at Carmen calling you Edward’s mate in front of everyone. You were pretty sure even Edward would have blushed if his cheeks were capable of it from the way he ducked his head with bashfulness.
“I wouldn’t say we’re mates.” You hastily go to correct her.
“But you have. . . What was the word you used Carmen? Imprinted? Yes, but you’ve imprinted on him which means you’ll ultimately become mates.” Tanya icily says.
Any previous excitement you might have felt was deflated. You still held onto a compliant smile. “Yes. . . That’s true. But we’ve barely started getting to really know each other.”
“How cute. They’re in the puppy love stage.” Says Irina dryly. It makes your spine tingle and you have a quick vision of your wolf snapping Irina in two.
You had great control over anger that triggers your transformations but by no means had you mastered them. You were still a young wolf yourself after all. And you felt that anger bleed into your veins, making your left hand tremble.
“Okay!” Edward cuffs your elbow and steers you to the front door. “I think I should show you to the guest room now.” He sears Tanya and Irina with a glare before turning his face forward. When it’s just you two trudging up the stairs Edward apologizes offer them. “Pay no mind to what they say. They’ve always had sharp tongues toward newcomers.”
You were grateful Edward got you out when you did. Taking a deep breath, you collapse on the bed and put your head between your knees. Ears burned and you were all too aware of the hairs on your arms prickling.
He’s quiet as you calm down. Listening in on your breathing as an indicator.
“I’m sorry.” You finally say.
“Don’t apologize. You showed excellent self control. What they said was out of line.” Edward sits next to you on the bed. “Are you okay? Do you need me to get you anything?”
Your muscles were finally starting to relax and untighten. “No, thank you. I’ll be okay. This just happens sometimes. One of the cons is that wolves are highly emotional.”
“It’s better than feeling nothing at all.” He murmurs. “Many vampires forget their human lives over time. Not just that but they also forget human emotions too.”
That would be scary indeed to not even retain an ounce of your humanity. In your wolf you felt feral so you could understand on a basic level. While you saw it as an inconvenience, you’d make sure to appreciate your humanity more.
Setting your belongings down on the bed, Edward shyly glances at you. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me.”
You offer him a smile. “Thank you. I’ll holler if I need you.”
He chuckles before leaving.
Closing the door to the guest room, Edward feels any gentleness on his face he saved for (y/n) turn to stone as he walked back down the stairs to find everyone else in the bar/lounge area fitted with sleek, black leather couches.
Tanya and Kate occupied the couch that faced the bar while Irina, Carmen and Eleazar were speaking in hushed voices at the counter.
Seeing him, Tanya pounced to her feet and stalked over to him. “Are you insane? It was bad enough when you wanted the human girl as your mate but now you’ve switched to a dog?”
“Don’t talk about her like that.” Edward snapped, his body bristling. 
She didn’t back down. Instead Edward’s own rage fueled her’s. “Are you just going out of your way to hurt me?”
“Tanya-” Carmen starts.
Darkening eyes pierce into Carmen who relented with a weary sigh. Tanya goes back to Edward .
“This isn’t about you.” Edward hissed. “You think I asked for any of this? Since Bella arrived in Forks I find myself being constantly blindsided. For someone who can read minds, I’m utterly clueless to the inner workings of fate and matters that are completely out of my control.”
Tanya advanced to Edward’s spot so they were now face to face. “You wouldn’t have had to go through any of this if you. . . If you had just accepted me.” Her anger was fizzling out to the true despair she was experiencing. Pain surfaced in her voice that made Edward calm down. 
The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Tanya. But he had told her so many times that he did not return her feelings. It would have been easier had he accepted her and taken Tanya as his mate. He wouldn’t be going through any of this mess. Early on, Carlisle attempted to push them together much like he tried to push him with Rosalie. 
Decades had been spent trying to win over Edward. Tanya hadn’t even managed to scrape the surface of his walls though. 
Her jealous thoughts bulldoze him in a vicious flood. Jealousy, resentment, regret. . . They all banged against his mind. 
“I’m sorry.” Edward simply told her. “Sometimes, even for creatures like us, life isn’t rational. I didn’t bring (y/n) here to cause you pain, Tanya. She isn’t here for any other reason except to mend the bridge between the wolves and the Denali coven. That is all.”
Pursed lips made Tanya’s face tighten. Kate comes up from behind her and gently coaxed her adoptive sister back to sitting down. Edward met Irina’s burning glare, reading her mind like an open book. Hate and fury were on the forefront of her thoughts. He saw her desire to rip off (y/n)’s head in the same fashion the wolves had done to Laurent.
He’d make sure to keep an eye on her. If Irina decided to go through with her desires, he knew (y/n) wouldn’t just let her harm here so easily. It would become a bloodbath and risk their mission of peace. 
TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch , @dangerouslittlefairy , @burn-crash-rqmance , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd, @godinho11 , @arin-swear-rose , @alexizodd , @melaninsugarbaby , @lyeatoalinatoheaven  , @ronwownsme , @itsmytimetoodream , @afro-hispwriter , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles , @nightly-polaris , @corrodedcoffins-slut , @ellesalazar , @itgetzweird08 , @crybabyatthediscooffandoms , @sassyandclassyx , @scarlet2007 , @theroyalbrownbarbie , @jennyamanda8 , @stevenandmarcslove , @biancaindaeyo , @loversjoy , @turningtoclown , @vixorell , @xxthackerybinxxx , @daredevilonmyheels , @dumbbitch-juice , @southern-bell-give-hell , @nat-the-gemini , @imdoingathingmom​ , @emmettcullenswife​
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spuffybot · 6 months
The new season of Vanderpump Rules is airing in a month and I’m so not ready for the world to turn on Ariana.
For those of you who don’t know, Ariana’s long term bf (9 years, owned a home together) was cheating on her with one of her best friends and cast mates for 7 months. The discovery and fallout went viral and became a pop culture sensation (covered by the news, major talk shows, etc etc). The world rallied behind Ariana and she turned the scandal into lucrative business deals including a book, a majorly successful run on DWTS, and now a role in Chicago on Broadway.
The problem is, people have short memories, especially when it comes to women and their pain and anger.
I’m reading a book called Trauma and Recovery by Judith L. Herman, and in it she discusses how people are more comfortable siding with the abuser / oppressor because it requires nothing of them except to pretend the abuse never happened. When we side with the “victim” we take on their pain, we empathize with them, and this can take a toll. It’s a lot easier to put it out of your mind than it is to take up for the person who was harmed.
We already saw this start to happen after the reunion aired (in Bravo reality tv, the cast watches the show and then gets together for a reunion where they confront each other over what they watched). At the reunion Ariana was angry and she didn’t hide it. She had only found out about the affair a few weeks prior and the pain was fresh. She didn’t hide her hurt, her rage, or her pain. It was truly cathartic and beautiful to watch, but many people started to turn on her. They were willing to rally behind her when she was the saintly victim of an affair, but not when she was vengeful and raw and open. Comments online went from calling her “queen” to saying she “went too far” a common occurrence when women are vulnerable and express their emotions without censoring them.
It’s been months since that reunion aired and Ariana has used that time to shine. She had an amazing run on DWTS and just announced a run on Broadway as Roxie Hart. Though she gained notoriety through the scandal she has more than proven she deserves these opportunities, demonstrating her incredible dancing skills week after week. And yet, already I see people saying it’s “too much” that they’re “over” Ariana and it’s “unfair” that she get these opportunities.
As we gear up for a new season, I fear the tide will continue to turn. Ariana has even expressed concerns herself:
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Add to the situation the fact that her ex, Tom Sandoval is a fan favorite who has been on the show since day 1 and you have an audience who is primed to turn their backs on Ariana in favor of the comfort of enjoying Tom and his antics.
We see this scenario play out in real life all the time. It’s much easier to ask women to bottle up their pain and “be the bigger person” than it is to hold men accountable for their actions. No one’s life should be ruined over an affair, Tom is worthy of forgiveness and moving on, but why do we prioritize men’s comfort over women’s pain? Why can’t we create space for Ariana to still be angry and hurt, even if it’s awkward and uncomfortable for those around her? Why can’t we root for her to win, regardless of how much time has passed? Why are we always turning on women the second their pain becomes inconvenient?
We see this narrative play out in all corners of life. Those with chronic pain are viewed as complainers and fakers because accommodating their lived reality is inconvenient. We turn off social media or “check out” when the weight of suffering in the news becomes too much. We get annoyed with friends who are depressed and won’t “snap out of it” and we avoid those who are grieving or suffering heartbreak because it’s awkward.
There’s a cultural push to judge and condemn those whose pain is “too much” and who don’t let it go. But pain and trauma and healing doesn’t work like that.
I don’t have the answers but I hope I’m wrong. I hope this season airs and we can continue to root for Ariana, to show up for her pain and her joy in equal measure and to continue to believe she is worthy of success. It may seem silly to care so much about reality tv, but this situation just mirrors things I see play out every day. I hope we can collectively learn to hold space for the uncomfortable, the awkward, and the painful even when we don’t understand it.
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euijoosorangeslice · 6 months
Turned into the Mafia's Maid part four
warnings: dirty talk, murder, kidnapping, manipulation. (this chap is a little long but yk f it we ball)
It was already nine o'clock at night the next day, and the boys were preparing for their mission. For some odd reason, Taki was surprisingly silent the whole time, just staring at the paper in his hands. Kei wheeled out the board again, and that's when you realized Taki was being extremely weird. Kei started writing some valuable information onto the board in red marker over the blueprint.
"So, we're gonna have to do a little splitting up on this. Yuma is going to hack into the surveillance cameras, and he'll stay in the car and let us know if anything goes wrong. Jo, we'll need you to block some of the entrances, the place is a two story, and we need to get rid of any of the hiding places. So we'll only keep the upstairs open, that way no one can access the staircase. Euijoo will stay downstairs in case someone gets through our defenses.
I'm gonna need Fuma to take care of his wife, keep her away from everything that's going on. I'll stay upstairs with Nicholas and we'll rush Mr. Nishimura. Harua and Taki...just do as I say. Harua will stay downstairs with Euijoo and help make it easier for us to get the hostage to the van. Taki, for the love of god. Just stay by my side."
Everyone began piling into the vans, including you. Kei let out a loud groan. "Fuck, we have 9 seats and 10 people now. You'll just have to sit on someone's lap." You nodded, admiring your options. In your van. you had Nicholas, Kei, Yuma, Euijoo, and Jo. Nicholas was rubbing and patting his thighs, so you thought why not? You crawled over onto his lap, sitting behind the console.
Nicholas hummed, caressing your thighs. "You have a nice ass, sweetie." Jo scoffed, looking out the window. "Are you going to try and fuck her too?" He grumbled, Euijoo chuckling. "Yeah, I'd be shocked if you didn't have like, 12 different families in 12 different countries." Everyone in the car laughed except from Nicholas. "Don't listen to them baby. You should see how many inches I'm packing angel." Kei snickered, making a left turn. "You know, I think I might have to pass on that one. You boys are so horny 24/7. I just had to deal with Harua last night."
The van stopped down the street outside of the building, making you gasp. There was a beautiful car parked in the driveway. Kei grabbed his walkie, clicking the button to speak. Going in. Everyone stay alert! They rushed out of the vans, Yuma tossing them their weapons and guns. "Oh, and Y/N? Just stay in the car with Yuma." Kei whispered, snapping on his night vision goggles. They silently rushed into the house, Yuma hastily typing his code in the laptop. "Hm, you would think such rich people would have better protection on their house. What they do have though," Yuma smirked, "Is a home central control. I can turn on and off their lights, internet, and even disable their alarm system."
Euijoo planted himself downstairs near the staircase, which was directly below the alarm system. Alarm system disabled. The device spoke, Euijoo cocking his gun as he waited for someone to give him the heads up that someone was coming downstairs. Harua sat behind the kitchen counter on the bottom floor, blushing as he thought of what happened between you two yesterday. He shook the thought from his head, wanting to focus and not get snuck while he's in la-la-land.
Jo was standing upstairs with Nicholas, Fuma, and Kei (who was trailing Taki behind him). "Yuma disabled their biometrics, so their door locks won't work. Fuma you're gonna plant yourself behind the door to catch his wife when she runs from Nico. Taki, please just stay close and stay alert. I'm gonna go to the hostages room and set him up." Kei ordered, turning the door knob to the bedroom and sending Nicholas to stand next to the bed. He pulled his radio to his mouth, clicking it on. "Go."
Nicholas pulled Mr. Nishimura by his legs off of the bed, pointing the gun at his head and tying him up roughly. His wife jumped up from the bed in fear, putting herself into the corner. She let out a loud scream, staring at Nicholas who had her husband to the ground with a gun point at his cranium. "Please don't hurt him! We'll give you whatever you want! I-Is it money? We have money just p-please let him go!" She begged, Nicholas rolling his eyes. He kneeled onto his back, pulling out his walkie. "F, come get her. She's not looking like she's gonna move." He grunted, turning off his walkie. "10-4." Fuma responded, bursting into the bedroom.
She screamed again, Fuma taking the turn to put a hand over her mouth. He tied her by her wrists, pushing her into the walk in closet. "She'll be in there. You need help taking care of him or do you got it?" Fuma asked Nicholas, who had a large smile on his face. "Nah, I got it. I'm just gonna pop the silencer real quick. That way, we can tell the wife we have her husband and her son, so she'll pay us double." Fuma gasped, chuckling to himself. "Smarter than I thought, Nico." Fuma walked out of the room, to a scene he did not expect to see.
Taki was...crying? He was balled up next to the staircase in a fit of tears, and Kei was hovering over him in confusion. "U-uh Taki? Are you okay sweetie?" Fuma worried, kneeling down next to Taki. "W-we can't kill him! He was so nice to me." He mumbled, wiping his tears and sniffling. Kei groaned angrily, slinging his gun over his shoulder. "Fuck, Taki We don't have time for this! Either get up and help me or go to the van." Kei stormed off, back into the child's bedroom. Fuma hugged him, kissing his cheek. "I'm a little confused. You know him?" Fuma questioned, Taki nodding.
"Me and Niki were childhood friends. I've been to this house so much, Mr. Nishimura was practically my dad." Taki sniffled, Fuma patting his back. "I'm sorry, kid. I really am. Maybe you should go to the van and wait out for us?" Taki shook his head, standing up. " I wanna see him one last time. Please?" Fuma sucked his teeth, sighing. "Taki, I don't think that's a good idea." Taki walked into the room anyways, seeing Nicholas raiding his still alive body. Nicholas looked up in confusion. "Taki? Aren't you supposed to be with K?" He noted how Mr. Nishimura's eyes rushed open.
"Riki? God, it's been so long since we last spoke. You've gotten so...so big!" He smiled softly, Taki returning the expression. "Yeah. The house is practically the same. Except, you finally replaced that rug me and Niki totally destroyed that time." They both chuckled, Nicholas rubbing Taki's back. "Shit, I'm sorry dude. I didn't know this was personal for you." Nicholas whispered, Taki letting out a staggered sigh. "Taki, you know, I never thought you'd end up down such a dark path. The Riki I know would never even hurt a fly. And here you are," Mr. Nishimura let out a solemn laugh, "breaking into my house to murder me." Nicholas furrowed his eyebrows, Taki grabbing Mr. Nishimura's hand.
"I'm really sorry. It's nothing personal, yeah?" Taki smiled, grabbing the silencer from Nicholas. "I just- well, you said it yourself. I need to take care of family. And this is my family now." Taki watched the panic pour back into his eyes. "Wait, Riki! There has to be another way, yeah? You don't want to kill your own father now do you?" He pleaded, Taki wincing at his words. "Y-you're not my father! Because if you were, I would've killed you a long time ago. So d-don't say that." Taki shouted, hands shaky as he became teary once again.
"Right! Well Riki, think about this okay? Just take a deep breath for me." Taki swallowed, pointing the gun at his head. "Shut up. You...You don't get to tell me what to do! After you abandon me and you don't reach out for years you...you asshole! I hate you." He angrily spat, fingers crawling toward the trigger. "Wai-!" "I said shut up!" Taki shouted with a wavering voice, pulling the trigger, and the gun responding with a click. Nicholas immediately ripped the gun from Taki's arms in shock. "Taki, I think you should go outside and take a breather." Nicholas suggested, walking him out of the room. Fuma reached to hug him, but Taki pushed him off of him and stormed outside.
"What's his problem?" Fuma mumbled, Nicholas shrugging. "I'll tell you when we get home, here's not the place. Did we get the kid?" "He's riding with Yuma, and I'm gonna ride in the other van. Think we need some damage control on Taki." They nodded, hearing Kei radio in to tell everyone to head back to the van.
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nerdferatum · 12 days
Books recommendations
Thank you for the tag, @veeples ! I have a few books to add to my TBR now thanks to your post.
Tagging: @brightpinkpeppercorn @plasticdodecagon and @lookingforsomethingcuzimbored
1. The last book I read:
More days at the Morisaki Bookshop, by Satoshi Yagisawa. I really enjoyed the first book, but unfortunately this one didn't hit the same. I'm also blaming the translation, which was weird and definitely made some choices. Most people reviewing it seem to like it even more than the first one, though.
2. A book I recommend:
This is how you lose the time war by Amal El-Mohtar. It's such an emotional story. I really liked how the author uses common techniques and tropes in such a unique way that I finish the book knowing that no other book would feel the same. I often struggle to connect with the characters in epistolary literature, but this book is one of the few exceptions. And the world building is incredible.
3. A book that I couldn’t put down:
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. I have to agree with Vee, Six of Crows (and the sequel, Crooked Kingdom) are such fun reads. You have fantasy, heists, humour, realistic romances... It was the first time reading a book about teenagers as an adult that I thought that only a bunch of problematic teens could pull this off.
4. A book I’ve read twice (or more):
Dracula, by Bram Stocker. If you are into fantasy and want to read a classic, you should read Dracula. As much as I also love Carmilla, knowing what we do about vampires, seeing how much of Dracula has impregnated our pop culture, this book is almost a comedy. Don't get me wrong, it is scary and there is more gore that I would have assumed for my first read, but it's almost better when you already know what's going on. And seeing the source of our current vampire knowledge (or most of it) is very interesting. Also there's a cowboy.
5. A book on my TBR:
Stone butch blues, by Leslie Feinberg. I've seen it recommended everywhere by older queer people, but it was never in stock. So when I saw it a couple moths ago, I had to buy it, and this time it's not only going into my collection, I plan to read it.
6. A book I’ve put down:
Hallowe'en Party by Agatha Christie. I don't like not finishing books. Even when I don't like them, I try to finish them so I can complain properly. I couldn't do that with this one and it pains me because I love Agatha Christie. I've read all the books available in my library. I tried to read it after the movie came out and was so disappointed. Maybe it was the digital format that took me out of the story, but it hasn't happened with any other Christie book. It was so slow and I couldn't get invested.
7. A book on my wishlist:
Señoras ilustres que se empotraron hace mucho tiempo, by Christina Domenech. The translation would be "Fancy ladies who banged a long time ago". It's an illustrated book about historical sapphic women throughout history. I have the two other books by this author, and her sense of humour mixed with the respect towards these women and the emotionality of finding yourself everywhere in history are such a good combination. I don't think they have been translated to English, but if anyone understands spanish, they should consider a read. The only reason why I don't own this one yet is because illustrated books are so expensive that I haven't come up with an excuse yet.
8. A favorite book from my childhood:
Kika Superwitch, by Knister. I can't choose one because all of them were so important to me as a kid. I wanted to be Kika so badly. She was incredibly cool and brave on top of being a modern witch. I also loved the little tricks at the end of the books when they taught you how to do "magic" with ordinary tools and ingredients. I still have all of them.
9. A book you would give to a friend:
The adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty. I don't have a particular reason aside from knowing that my friend will love this book because I loved this book. It isn't the type of fantasy we are used to see here, so I think she will appreciate the change.
10. A book of poetry or lyrics you own:
Rhymes and Legends by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. I have stupid beef with this man, but he has a unique way of create the atmosphere for his stories. He will transport you to that place.
11. A nonfiction book you own:
Señoras que se empotraron hace mucho by Christina Domenech. Sorry, I don't read too much non-fiction. These two books became my favourite when for one entry, the author introduced a writer by saying they didn't the world to intrude into their life, so she wouldn't tell us their story. The project started as curiosity from a literature student who never saw herself in the stories and people talked about in class, so she started her own research. Still, she decided to respect the privacy of this person because, even if they lived a long time ago, they still deserved our respect.
12. What are you currently reading:
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater. It's actually a buddy read and I'm so curious about this re-read. It's been ten years since I read the series for the first time and it's been fun to see what 18-year-old me decided to underline or how I've changed my mind about certain things.
13. What are you planning on reading next:
Either the next Raven Cycle book or The Flood by Michael McDowell. I don't know if it's been just a local thing, but this series blew up a few weeks ago, everyone is so excited and I finally got the first one as a gift. So here we go.
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circusmania · 1 month
SIN Chapter 10
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Notes: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
⚠️ So, so much descriptive gore ⚠️
I have yet to discuss it with Judy, Marcus always seems to be right next to me. Judy told me that it was already risky for us to be seen together. I don't exactly understand, but soon, I won't need to.
I'll need a distraction, something that will take Marcus's eyes off us. I thought of maybe food poisoning him or giving him sleeping pills stuffed into his food… But if you really take the time to notice, Marcus never eats. Never once did I see him put anything in his mouth… So, I came up with something else.
The old church that burned down a few weeks ago. No doubt that it had something to do with Marcus.
Perhaps with the intent of getting rid of a certain someone that was standing in his way. I'm sure he'd be quite intrigued to know that there's been some “activity” at the church…
I raced through the streets and barged into the school.
“Marcus! Judy! Vanessa! Omar! You'll never guess what I saw!”
They were standing in a group near the cafeteria, Vanessa was showing them the new pocketknife she had gotten. Marcus came up to me.
“What is it?” He asked me in a soft, worried voice.
“You know that church that burned down?” Everyone nodded in unison except Marcus, who was slower.
“As I was passing it this morning, I thought I saw movement inside. At first, I thought it was only an animal or a firefighter but…” I leaned in as if I was about to spill a secret. “It was the priest.”
I watch everyone tense.
“He was all dirty and covered in ash. He also kept saying crazy stuff while grabbing me and shaking me. Ugh… I ran away as fast as I could.” I finished.
For a few seconds, it was quiet… Judy sneaked a glance at Marcus, which I would've missed if I wasn't looking for it.
“That's… quite the news…” Marcus says slowly.
“Are you sure it was the priest and not some hobo?” Omar asked.
“Yeah, he had the robe and everything.”
“Still doesn't prove it was him.” Omar continued.
I raise an eyebrow. “I remember how he looked like cause a few days ago he gave me a pam-”
I look over at Marcus, who has broken his pencil in half. There was a tense moment where he stared off into space before he snapped back.
“Ah, sorry…” He turned his head to me. “Don't worry about it, love. As Omar said, it could've just been a creep dressed up as a priest. There are some… pretty sick people these days.”
I bit my lip and nodded.
I failed. Not only that, but I was so sure I had gotten Marcus too… I internally curse myself as the bell rings.
I sigh, walking to my class with Judy and Marcus. We walked a bit before Judy leaned into me.
“He's not following.”
I turned back, and Marcus was gone. It had worked! He must've left to go check. I sigh and motion Judy into an empty classroom… the art room.
I close the door behind me and look at Judy. Tears started to form.
“Judy… I… oh god, I don't know how to word this…” She came closer and held my hands.
“I'm going to kill you.”
I wait for any emotions to cross Judy's face. Anger, disgust, sadness, terrified… but she remained with a smile. I opened my mouth to explain, but she didn't let me.
“No time to explain. Marcus will be back soon, do you have a cover story once you kill me?” Judy asks and I nod.
She nodded back, walked over to one of the tables and picked up a pair of scissors. She then broke it, so only one of the blades was sticking out.
She walked over to me and pulled out her hand.
“I… I don't think I can do it…”
“You have to. I can't be the one to end this.” She took my hands in hers and pointed the blade toward her neck. I can't help but start to cry.
Her hands moved quickly, and before I knew it, the blade was lodged in her throat. She started to choke and cough as blood spewed out of her mouth. I tried to jerk my hand away, but she wouldn't let me. She fell, and I fell on top of her, which made the blade go in deeper.
She struggled and… I couldn't stand seeing her suffer so much for freedom. Rage took over as her hands left mine, I took the blade and kept plunging it into her throat.
She had stopped living seconds ago, but I couldn't stop the act. Marcus was watching… I could feel his eyes bore in the back of my head.
I took out the blade, breathing heavily, as I saw the hole I had created in her throat. Bloodstained everything. I got up, sighed and turned around.
“Marcus!” I dropped the blade. “I… I didn't think you'd be back…” He walked over to me and I swallowed anything that was pulling me back.
“I-I… I had to do it! Please don't be mad… She was in the way… The way she kept attaching herself to me… L-like a leach! I-I did it for us-”
Marcus suddenly kissed me and… well, I tried not to gag as he shoved his tongue in my mouth. He broke the kiss and bent down to pick up the blade from the floor.
“Now, we both did it.” He says.
I force a smile. He approached the corpse and looked at her.
“How…how are we going to tell the police? Both of our fingerprints are on the weapon.”
He chuckled.
“I'll take care of it.”
It all happened so fast… Marcus, Omar, Vanessa and I were all standing outside, watching the paramedics loading Judy's body into a body bag.
At first, I couldn't believe that the police bought Marcus's explanation of “self-defence”. But, then I remembered that nothing here is… real.
I looked over at Vanessa who was crying hard, Judy was her best friend… and I could use that against her. It didn't take long for her to run back inside the school to fix herself.
“I'm going to go check up on her.” I turned to Marcus.
He seemed hesitant. “Stay here with Omar, please.” He nodded and I went after her.
I walked through the halls and stood in front of the girl's bathroom. I frowned and went inside. I could hear Vanessa's sobs echo. My footsteps alerted her as she spared me a glance, not questioning what I was doing in here.
“Vanessa… I'm so sorry…” She didn't say anything.
“Could you get the tissues from my purse?” She gestured to the bag on the floor.
I nodded and dug through it. I wasn't looking for tissues.
I found her pocket knife, though small, it did the job.
I carefully went behind her as she was still a sobbing mess and slouched over the dripping sink. I raised the knife, prepared to plunge it into her back, but I forgot one key detail.
The mirror.
Vanessa swung back, knocking my hand, which caused the pocketknife to fly out of my hand. Vanessa, since she was smaller and quicker than me, managed to get by me and pick up the pocket knife.
She pointed it at me, her hand was shaking. I put my hands up, however, I knew she didn't have what it takes to stab me. Unlike Judy, Vanessa's mind is more broken than vengeful. She would fold at the slightest insult.
“What… What are you doing?!… Are you crazy?!” Her voice cracked as tears started to form in the corner of her eyes.
“Vanessa… let's calm down…-”
“Was it you!? Did YOU kill Judy!?”
I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.
“Oh… my God…” She looked at me, her eyes wide.
“Are you any different?” My eyes narrowed, and I could see that my comment hurt her.
But then her eyebrows furrowed.
“Just wait until Marcus finds out.” My body stiffened.
No. She can't.
I can't afford another reset.
I won't let Judy's death be in vain.
I spread my legs a bit, prepared if Vanessa was going to run. And she did. She's like a cornered rabbit, predictable.
Her hands clutched the knife, and I was afraid of getting stabbed. But… that would just make it more believable, eh? A struggle.
When she ran, she was also swinging the knife. I managed to dodge a nasty stab, but she did end up giving me a few cuts. The knife was pretty dull, so it didn't hurt, just sting.
I put myself between the door and her.
She came straight at me and, being bigger, I managed to knock her down. With me on top, I saw hope leave her eyes. She threw the pocketknife into a nearby stall, probably hoping I would go after it.
But I am ending it now.
I wrapped my hands around her throat and she started to gasp.
"Marcus!! MARCUS!! HEL-HERKK!" I squeezed tighter.
Sweat started to build up on my forehead. Everything in me was hoping Marcus wouldn't come. Two kills in one day? Maybe my excuse wouldn't be enough.
Vanessa's hands were clawing at mine. She gasped, her voice barely squeezing out.
I squeeze tighter.
She's crying.
Or is it my tears?
Why am I crying?
Could it be because, at one moment in time, Vanessa and I lived peacefully together?
Nothing fake flew among us?
Just me, Judy, Vanessa and Omar.
I felt two hands drop at my sides. My eyes trail to Vanessa's, there was no more light behind them.
Another was laid to rest… and I hope I can keep it that way.
The bathroom door opened and my breath hitched. I stumbled on my excuse.
“Marcus… I…”
“Another one ‘got in the way?’”
I bit my lip. I was on thin ice, I needed to play my cards right.
“She… I went to comfort her… and… and she started to spill insane stuff.” I looked at him with my tear-stained face as my hands shook.
“Time looping… you… being-”
Marcus straightened.
“Judy's death clearly took a toll on her.” He held out his hands and I got up to hug him.
“She scared me, Marcus… how did she know it was me?” He started to caress my hair.
“Stop thinking about it.”
“What will the police think?”
“I'll take care of it.”
I've won him over again, but, I can feel his doubt.
“You're exhausted. You've been through so much in one day…” I felt my eyes grow heavy.
A wave of sleep washed over me and I slumped over Marcus. My whole body was paralyzed, and I could only hope that I would remember today tomorrow.
I awoke in my bed. It was pouring rain outside. Marcus must've brought me home last night.
Oh! I remember. But for how long?
Something also feels off.
I got dressed and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked so pale. Oh my god! I'm becoming Marcus.
I joked, although I wasn't feeling humorous.
I walked down the stairs, and I was greeted by no one. My so-called parents who would always be in the kitchen weren't. And although I didn't resonate with them, I couldn't help but feel empty.
I left the house with no more than an apple. The streets were empty and quiet, there were no cars on the streets.
I passed by the burnt-down church, it looked way more thorn down than before…
Something is… wrong.
The school's front was empty as well. Did… did Marcus find out? No… no, something else must've happened.
I quietly but swiftly went inside the school. It was dark, the only light came from outside, which was barely any. I put my backpack in my locker and warily walked toward my class. My footsteps echoed, and my breathing was heavy. I was about to reach the class door, noticing it was left ajar. My hand reached for the knob when I was suddenly catapulted into the door.
Since it was already open, I crashed into one of the front desks.
“Uugh…” I groaned as I looked behind me.
Omar stood in the doorway, his expression blank. However, I could see a small bling of something… something sharp. A knife. I scurried to my feet and clutched the side that had hit the desk.
“Omar?! What are you doing!?”
He took a step forward.
“You might've fooled Marcus, but you can't fool me. I'm your best friend, we know everything about each other. Well, I sure do.” He kept approaching, and I started to back up, trying not to crash into any desks.
“I mean, I'm surprised at how you didn't catch on. How could someone who ‘geeks’ about this sort of stuff not find a way for faith to fall in his favour?”
“What… what are you saying? Are… are you in on this!? Are you working with MARCUS!?”
He smiled. “Bingo! I'm the right-hand man, as I like to call it. I've learned through resets after resets that there was no point in fighting against it. You know the phrase, ‘If you can't beat ‘em, join ‘em.’ Judy wasted her time coming after a plan for revenge when she didn't see the power she could've held. Oh, and poor Vanessa, she could bend and break with just a simple flick of a wrist.” He was barely a meter close, and I was backed against a counter.
“Where… where is Marcus?”
Omar smirked. “Your ‘distraction’ plan made me think of something. If Marcus was away, who'd be left in charge of making sure you don't wander? All it took was something out of order, and he was gone to check it out. Now…”
Omar flicked the knife and it was unsheathed. It became more of a scythe covered in small red and black rocks with a red eye on the tang, safe for the blade that was left naked. My eyes widened, and I couldn't help but feel defeated. I mean, how was I supposed to kill him when he had that!?
“W-what are you doing!? Do you know what Marcus is going to do to you once he finds out!?”
He laughed. “Once you're dead, there's just going to be another forced reset. Nothing I can't blame on you fuckin' around and findin' out.”
I clench my teeth as he raises the scythe, he starts to levitate.
"Pray that you have another way to remember, 'cause that stunt you pulled WON'T fly by again…"
He dived into me and I barely managed to dodge him. He did rip a bit of my shirt and burn some of it as well… but currently, that was the least of my worries. I started to run out of the class. I opened the door and ran into the hallway. I needed to find something I could defend myself with… maybe in the cooking class-
The whole classroom wall fell apart, revealing the class to the hallway. Omar was still flying, but he looked more sinister. His eyes were a faint red as if he were high, and I could hear his voice through the school's intercom, taunting me. I ran as I heard him laugh from each direction.
I turned sharp corners, trying to lose him, but he was too fast. Everything the scythe touched crumbled. He would drag the scythe on the ground and the floor would split apart.
“HAHAHAHA, you're just prolonging the inevitable!! But do continue this chase, it's exhilarating!”
I'm convinced that the only reason I was still alive was because of the adrenaline. But, that wouldn't last long, as I slowly started to slow down because of the cramps I was getting.
Suddenly, a hand grabbed the back of my shirt, and I was slammed down on the ground. My breath hitched as Omar sat on my abdomen, raising the scythe.
This is it.
I'm sorry Judy.
I closed my eyes shut…
And then, I felt something splatter on my face, but, no pain. I open my eyes to find a flagpole spear through Omar's stomach. I couldn't manage to scream and neither could he.
Omar gagged and spilled blood, but he was still very much alive. He gripped the flagless pole, trying to push it out. But, the pole was raised, and low and behold, Marcus was holding it.
He (Marcus) grabbed the pole and made Omar slide down it, causing the pole to rupture through his whole abdomen. Once Omar was on the ground, Marcus took out the pole. Omar, with whatever dark power that was keeping him alive-ish was trying to crawl away. Marcus grabbed his hair, flipped him over, tore out his small intestine (which wasn't pretty small and very long) and finished him off by strangling him. He didn't put out much of a fight.
I sat up and tried to crawl away backwards, but Marcus somehow teleported behind me. His eyes were back…
“Oh, my poor dove, I'm so sorry you had to go through that…” He grabbed my left arm in a tight grasp and pulled me up.
“However, I am curious about how you were able to remember. I sure do hope my powers aren't… weakening.” He tightened his grasp and I winced.
“I… I wrote a note… last time and hid it in my pocket…” Marcus smiled.
“Well, I'll just have to make sure I double-check before each reset…” He grinned as the scythe teleported in his hands.
The world around started to tear and rumble. Holes opened up that were in some way… glowing black… or maybe it was some sort of mist oozing out of it. Omar's body fell into one of the holes.
I looked back at Marcus and in a swift but pretty stupid decision, I kissed Marcus.
He kissed back and his grasp loosened just enough so I could squeeze out of it and back up into one of the holes. Marcus tried to grab me again, but I had already fallen.
And so, I was swallowed by the abyss.
Want to read ahead? Click here!
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
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HERE’S MY UPCOMING SET 6 LINE-UP TO BE RELEASED IN THE FUTURE!!! Just a reminder tho, Set 5 isn’t done yet. We still have two one-shots for Chaeyoung, one each for male and female readers. I just released this earlier because I had these prepared quicker than I expected. Notes:  - All individual and unit one-shots will be gender neutral from now on.  - This is probably my final line-up of upcoming one-shot works, I'm not sure yet but... I'll just place it like this because I've been thinking of ending the book now for some reasons. - Some of these stories were requested by my readers. Again, thank you so much for helping me come up with new ideas to try. - For the first time, I wrote a summary so that you all would get a sneak peek of what to expect in each of the new stories I’ll be writing, except for the Cry For Me series. I’ll keep it hidden because I already started it on Set 5 anyway, so it’s up to you to learn what’s going to happen in the upcoming parts.
 1.) Tzuyu x M & F Reader - “The One That Got Away” (Fluff, Angst)
- 70-year-old Chou Tzuyu revisited her love story with her husband/wife YN to share with her grandchildren on the day of their anniversary. 
 2.) TWICE x M Reader - “Cry For Me” : PART 3 (Angst) 
 3.) Nayeon x M & F Reader - “No Problem” (Fluff)
- It follows YN who lost his/her job after the company where he/she works officially shuts down their service. His/her girlfriend, Nayeon who is getting suspicious of his/her mood, learns about the news, and proceeds to take action immediately to cheer him/her up. 
 4.) Jeongyeon x M & F Reader - “Won't Go Home Without You” (Fluff, Angst)
 - YN and his/her group embark on a mission to attempt to bring back their former teammate and old friend who switched to the dark side, Yoo Jeongyeon. 
 5.) Momo x M Reader - “Crazy Stupid Love” (Fluff, Angst) [Requested by: Dumbledore_1]
- Following the events of "Somebody That I Used To Know" from Set 4, YN and Momo cross paths once again a few years later; where the improved and matured character of YN takes it as his/her opportunity to apologize for what he/she'd done to his ex-girlfriend in their past relationship. 
 6.) TWICE x M Reader - “Cry For Me” : PART 4 (Angst) 
 7.) Sana x M & F Reader - “I Want It That Way”  (Fluff, Angst) [Requested by: ShaShaSha029]
- A story between the student council president and the school’s princess. After a bad break-up with his ex, YN finds him/herself alone with Nayeon in the Council room. She ask him/her to be his fake boy/girlfriend so that the school jock could leave her alone. 
 8.) Jihyo x M & F Reader - “Opposite Attracts”  (Fluff, Angst) [Requested by: ShaShaSha029]
- The heirs of two conglomerate corporations, YN LN and Park Jihyo are to be wed in an arranged marriage. Only problem is that they don’t have a thing in common, they are literally the opposites of each other. Can they make it work? Or will they be forced to be together by their parents? 
 9.) Mina x M & F Reader - “Bewitched” (Fluff, Angst) [Requested by: YourHeartStation]
- The story revolves around the rival students YN LN and Myoui Mina who studies and trains their magical powers in a wizarding academy. Their bickering and outshining each other came to a point where they accidentally unleashed chaos around the academy, and it's up to the two unlikely allies to fix their mess together, which unknown to them; it would open the possibility of them getting enchanted more to each other's unescapable charms. 
 10.) TWICE x M Reader - “Cry For Me” : PART 5 (Angst) 
 11.) Dahyun x M & F Reader - “The Second Coming” (Fluff, Angst)
- YN is a retired superhero who has a tragic past, as he suffered guilt and despair due to the loss of his/her friend and sidekick after failing a mission. One day, he met a fan who idolizes her named Kim Dahyun; who is also a secret superhuman just like him/her; proposing an offer of partnership with him/her when a new foe emerged to annihilate the city of Seoul. 
 12.) Chaeyoung x M & F Reader - “Presa Prinsesa (Strawberry Princess)" (Fluff, Angst)
- The story follows the fanboy/girl story of YN, a die-hard ONCE and a huge TWICE Chaeyoung stan. He/she loves everything about the idol a lot, even considering her as his/her celebrity crush. The admiration causes him/her sometimes to imagine being in a relationship with the idol despite already saddened by the early acceptance of a reality that it's too impossible to happen. 
 13.) Tzuyu x M & F Reader - "The Red Thread Of Fate"  (Fluff, Angst) [Requested by: ShaShaSha029]
- Two childhood friends were separated when Y/N had to move to Australia. They see each other again at JYPE when Y/N was casted. However, when they meet again they’ve forgotten each other, especially Y/N doesn’t remember as he had amnesia from when he got into an accident when he was a kid. 
 14.) TWICE x M Reader - "Cry For Me" PART 6  (Angst)
 15.) NaSaMi (Nayeon, Sana, & Mina) x M & F Reader - "You Belong With Me" (Fluff, Angst) [Requested by: misamomixmaknae]
- Two women who have a history with YN from his/her past relationships, Im Nayeon and Minatozaki Sana; have to encounter another contender when they learn that YN met an artist named Myoui Mina, who shares the same interests as him/her that develops their closeness to one another. With this, the three of them must compete to win YN's heart. 
 16.) TWICE x M Reader - "Cry For Me" PART 7 (FINALE) (Angst)
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
7, 9, and even though I love you already pookie- 16
Finished building the burlesque lounge/crystal shop/bakery for Lilith and her harem (waiting on mom to get home from work so we can go get my phone taken care of)
Played long enough to get half of the harem dating each other (uh can we say the girls high key didn't like each other at first? like most of them had friendship bars in the red and for whatever fucking reason Kalamainu'u doesn't seem to be receptive to romancing from anyone except fucking Dina??? It's a whole ass mess chile, I have literal story times about these sims lmfao)
Knocked tf out randomly dont ask me what time cause I litch don't know
I am gonna finish drop 2 and 4 (Garden Kisses & I Only Have Eyes For You) today and then my focus will be on drops 1 and 3 (Babyfather and Collide)
Lemme just say Garden Kisses? So much cuter than the teaser shows omds- especially opening scene
Sevika idea of the day:
not a real idea but i feel like in a modern au she'd be the type of girlfriend to switch sim card holders with her gf (I think that shit is mad cute totes gonna say mechanic sev and mechanic reader have switched their sim card trays)
7: Have tattoos?
just one stick and poke i did myself between my tits haha :)
9: Got any piercings?
two in each ear! but i just got a piercing gun from amazon so i'm gonna do my third soon :)
16: I’ll love you if
omg, my love language is physical touch, but i ALWAYS get emotional if people get me gifts. like even just snacks or little trinkets. i cherish them so hard lol.
i am SOO excited for this drop mars EEEK!! also YES she totally would make you guys switch trays, and you'd have matching lock-screens too. she's a dork i love her.
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patamonstan · 1 year
Ninjago Age Headcanons
I can't find the post I made on them a few months ago, so alas here I am. Making it. Again.
We are excluding Pilot because I believe that they are the same age as season 1.
In order for this to make sense, the Ninja must have begun in their early/mid-teens, then later became older, except for Lloyd, who started as a child.
I've seen many headcanons of Jay and Kai being the same age, I'd have to agree, it does make a lot of sense.
Zane I'd say, from what he's aware - he'd be one year older, while Cole - who was the leader when Lloyd wasn't around - is the eldest, standing 2 years ahead of Kai and Jay.
Nya would be one year younger than Kai, but with how enamored Jay was with her, I'd say the maturity difference wasn't as huge - unless Jay is a creep at heart. I will admit - some things Jay has done or acted like, were kinda creepy, but not the kind of 'I go after people who are obviously far younger than me.' And I think we can all agree that Kai would kill Jay if that were the case.
So I'd say the answer is pretty simple.
Cole: 16
Zane: 15
Kai: 14
Jay: 14
Nya: 13
Lloyd: 7
Obviously, this is still within the same timeline, maybe a few days after season 1 finished - so I'd say they remain the same. Except for Lloyd, who once gets hit with the tea - is much older physically, but mentally remains 7, just becomes much more mature, unfortunately. I'd like to think that Nya and Lloyd first gave off older sister, younger brother vibes, but now gives off twin terror vibes, so Lloyd would physically be the same age as Nya.
Cole: 16
Zane: 15
Kai: 14
Jay: 14
Nya: 13
Lloyd: Physically - 13, Mentally - 7
I'd say that this takes place a few months if not a year after the overlord is defeated, so of course, the Ninja are older now, just by one year, why Wu would ever have them teach at this young you may ask? Well, he never really did make sense, did he?
Cole: 17
Zane: 16
Kai: 15
Jay: 15
Nya: 14
Lloyd: Physically - 14 Mentally - 8
I'd say this takes another year later, the first few seasons appearN to have lots of gaps between them, but then the newer ones tend to happen quicker together in my opinion.
And now finally one of our ninja is a legal adult! Woo! And with PIXAL starting to make quite the appearence after rebooted, I must say, she should be included too, I'd say her body is very young, but mentally shes about the same age as cole. She doesnt have a body at the moment, so until she does, theres no body age.
Cole: 18
Zane: 17
Kai: 16
Jay: 16
Nya: 15
Lloyd: Physically - 15, Mentally - 9
possession is a very dark time for Lloyd, but judging by how everything is and by how Wu's tea farm seems to be quite new - I'd say that only a few months have passed and that they all remain the same age.
Cole: 18
Zane: 17
Kai: 16
Jay: 16
Nya: 15
Lloyd: Physically - 15, Mentally - 9
I'd say that the Ninjas are all older now, but only by one year. (The legal age of consent in Canada is 16 so I'm trying to make it better for my poor disgusted mind by Naddikans actions towards Nya.) And Zane has joined the legal adult train!
Cole: 19
Zane: 18
Kai: 17
Jay: 17
Nya: 16
Lloyd: Physically - 16, Mentally - 10
I like to think, that after Jay wished it all never happened in season 6, that season 7 ends up taking place as opposed to season 6. So therefore, all the Ninja remain the same age. AND PIXAL HAS HER BODY REVEALED! But I'd say that she had already had her body for about a year or so, just kept hidden.
Cole: 19
PIXAL: Mentaly - 19, Body - 1
Zane: 18
Kai: 17
Jay: 17
Nya: 16
Lloyd: Physically - 16, Mentally - 10
OUR BOY LLOYD IS GROWING! Its been a year now since season 7, and therefore, guess whos joined the legal adult train! Kai and Jay! And apparently it was Lloyds pubertys time to shine! (All my brothers had hit ouberty heavily between 10-12, so Im going off of what I know from them lol)
Cole: 20
PIXAL: Mentally - 20, body - 2
Zane: 19
Kai: 18
Jay: 18
Nya: 17
Lloyd: Physically - 17, Mentally - 11
Obviously season 8 and 9 are very closley connected, so I would say they remain the same age, and Kai mentioning how they are all teenagers, I'd say that he was just being nice to Cole in the moment, whom has already entered his 20s, and was no longer in his teens.
Cole: 20
PIXAL: Mentally - 20, Body - 2
Zane: 19
Kai: 18
Jay: 18
Nya: 17
Lloyd: Physically - 17, Mentally - 11
Final part to the 3 season oni trilogy, so obviously they remain the same age.
Cole: 20
PIXAL: Mentally - 20, Body - 2
Zane: 19
Kai: 18
Jay: 18
Nya: 17
Lloyd: Physically - 17, Mentally - 11
They become lazy for a year. Theyre ninja, and yet, they let themselves slip, smh, they really decided to ditch what beautiful abs they had on the dark island. Nya has hopped onto the Adult train! Lloyd is now physically an adult! But hes still a child in the others eyes obviously - but still their leader!
Cole: 21
PIXAL: Mentally - 21, Body - 3
Zane: 20
Kai: 19
Jay: 19
Nya: 18
Lloyd: Physically - 18, Mentally - 12
I'd say that this doesn't take too long after season 11, as the time difference between the realms must have made season 11's mission actually quite quick.
So I would say they're all the same age still.
Cole: 21
PIXAL: Mentally - 21, Body - 3
Zane: 20
Kai: 19
Jay: 19
Nya: 18
Lloyd: Physically - 18, Mentally - 12
I'd say it's been another year or so, and we FINALLY got a Cole season! So you know the role call, +1 to all the Ninjas ages! Most of the Ninjas are now old and in their 20s!
Cole: 22
PIXAL: Mentally - 22, Body - 4
Zane: 21
Kai: 20
Jay: 20
Nya: 19
Lloyd: Physically - 19, Mentally - 13
Judging by how the season starts off, I think that it's only been a few months since season 13, so the Ninja remain the same age, will they ever catch a break?
Cole: 22
PIXAL: Mentally - 22, Body - 4
Zane: 21
Kai: 20
Jay: 20
Nya: 19
Lloyd: Physically 19, Mentally - 13
Bless their poor souls, suffering after Nya's sacrifice. For a whole year, they were separated, just like after Zane defeated the overlord. And bless Lloyd's poor soul for giving into his Oni side. Now all of them are physically in their 20s, but Lloyd would have started high school.
Cole: 23
PIXAL: Mentally - 23, Body - 5
Zane: 22
Kai: 21
Jay: 21
Nya: 20
Lloyd: Physically - 20, Mentally - 14
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Ranking RWBY + JNPR ships - Jaune
Hello there, for a little fun I decided I was going to rank all of the inter-RWBY and JNPR ships. So only shipping them with characters from those two teams.
And just give a few quick thoughts I have about the ships and all that.
I decided to start with Jaune and JNPR because, well, there might be a few upsets in the RWBY ones. So we shall save them for another day.
Though a quick note regarding Martial Arcs, I don't really read much male on male stuff. I've just never really been into it. So I'm not going to rank it, because I don't really think I'd be able to give it a fair ranking.
My apologies.
And obviously this is all just my opinion.
But let's begin with the obvious.
1 Jaune x Ruby
What can I say about Lancaster that I haven't said before. It's an adorable, mutually supportive, and dorky as anything ship. I love it. It's fun to write. But you all already knew that, so I shall not ramble on about it.
2. Jaune x Blake
Knightshade. The best of the Blake x Blond ships. And like the other blond ships Knightshade is kind of an opposites attract situation.
Early Blake's serious aloofness contrasted with early Jaune's well meaning but bumbling attitude works well. Though I don't feel they differ so much as to be complete opposites where their flaws feed into each other.
It's somewhat similar to Ladybug really. Where in Ladybug you have Ruby sort of helping Blake find direction. Being the guiding arrow as it were. And I do think Jaune provides that stability Blake needs as well as being able to loosen her up a bit like Ruby.
And I think Blake would really help Jaune sort of find his confidence. Supporting him and generally helping him come out of his shell a bit.
Though they both do share the trait of not really wanting to ask for help. At least initially.
I think they would have a very healthy relationship as well. With Blake learning to communicate her needs a little better, and trying to understand Blake better. Adorable. Lots of cuddling. Very mutually supportive.
The only thing that keeps it from being a 10/10 for me, is that I don't really see Blake spending enough time with Jaune, with the canon setup, for her to be really interested in Jaune. So you do need to find a way to force them to spend more time with each other at first before they really start spending time with each other regularly.
3. Jaune x Yang
Dragonslayer. The steady and reliable guy that Yang needs. The push out of his comfort zone that Jaune needs.
Yang was one of the earliest people to really believe in Jaune. Really only second behind Pyrrha. So I think that having someone who is always in his corner and willing to direct with him and tell him if he's being an idiot would really help Jaune.
I think Yang would see Jaune someone, who isn't Ruby, that she could really trust and probably be more honest with than she is with Ruby. What he lacks in skill he makes up for in always being willing to try and put in effort. And I'd imagine she'd appreciate him seeing Yang more than her yangs if you catch my drift.
Though really I'd say Dragonslayer really hits it's stride post fall. Once they've both had a chance to mature a bit.
A decent bit of that being that I don't think Yang would be interested in Jaune at Beacon. Except for maybe a few years into it if the fall never happened. So Beacon era Dragonslayer gets a 7/10, but post fall and Dragonslayer as a whole gets,
4. Jaune x Nora
If I would have done this list a little over a month ago, Nora's Arc probably wouldn't be as high. But honestly, it is a really fun ship to write.
Nora, of course, brings a lot of energy to whatever relationship she's in. And I think Jaune does a good job at working with that energy. Not feeding into it too much like Ruby would, but also not chaffing with it like Blake would.
Howlingday could probably give you a better synopsis of why Nora's Arc works.
It's fun. It's sweet. It's a bit horny in my case. I really do enjoy it.
5. Jaune x Weiss
White Knight, 2/3 of the Pyrrha x Jaune x Weiss love triangle.
Jaune sort of acting as Weiss' window into the normal world. With him being more that willing to give her the love that she sorely lacked growing up.
Behind Lancaster I do feel that White Knight has the best development in the show. From unrequited love to friendship and mutual trust. Though I can see why Jaune's actions during Beacon would turn some people off it.
I don't really have much to say about it. It's a fairly well developed ship with an unfortunately rocky start that can be very cute.
6. Jaune x Pyrrha
Ah, Arkos. The ship that wasn't meant to be. Obviously the most popular ship for both characters.
I like it. I think they work well together and they would be cute together and I've read some very well done Arkos stuff.
I just don't particularly care for any of the partner ships.
I still like it, just don't love it.
In conclusion, Jaune works well with all of the RWBY and JNPR girls. I could see him having a relationship with any of them, though I think a few have a higher barrier to entry than others.
I shall be back with Nora some other time.
Thank you for reading through this mess.
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baronessblixen · 2 years
Prompt: ‘Mulder, how long till a…urrp! Rest stop? I don’t,’ her intestines gurgled audibly ‘feel good’
Set in (late) season 7. Hurt/comfort/(fluff).
Fictober Day 9 | Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2022 | Wc: 1368
Don't Blame Me, Blame the Food
It starts with a twinge in her stomach. Scully ignores it and takes a few sips from the water bottle she and Mulder are sharing. There’s another twinge and she bites her lip to stop herself from groaning in pain. She doesn’t want to concern Mulder, who seems happy enough driving, rapping his fingers on the wheel, occasionally singing along to the radio.
“Scully, I know you love this song,” he says, glancing over at her. “Sing with me.”
“You know I can’t sing,” she says, nausea overwhelming her. Her tongue seems to big for her mouth and there’s too much saliva. She knows all the signs well enough and she knows what this means. Just because she is aware of it, though, doesn’t mean she’ll address it. If she ignores her gurgling stomach, the sharp pangs, and the waves of nausea long enough, it will all clearly just go away by itself.
“It’s not about sounding good,” he says. “It’s about having fun.”
“I’m singing in my head,” she replies.
“Party pooper.” He chooses the worst possible moment to give her a smile because her stomach protests again and she winces in pain, holding her side.
“Hey Scully,” he says, sounding serious now. “Are you okay? Are you not feeling well?”
“I’m fine,” she says, closing her eyes in an attempt to will ache pain away. Except it only makes it worse. Her eyes fly open again and she tries to wipe the sweat from her forehead without Mulder catching the motion. It’s no use. She has no idea how he manages to pay attention to the road and to her at the same time. His hand lands on her thigh and he squeezes it gently.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No,” she says and it sounds whiny. If they stop, she will have to admit that she’s not feeling well. That she might even be sick. She swallows hard, nausea knocking against her intestines.
“Let me know if you need to stop, all right?”
“I’m fine, Mulder,” she assures him, lying through her teeth. She would be fine, she thinks, if he stopped making her talk.
Twenty minutes later she knows she can no longer deny the obvious. She is not fine. At. All.
“Mulder,” she says, his name almost too much already.
“How long till a…,” she pauses, swallowing. Tears shoot into her eyes. Why is this happening to her? “Till a rest stop? I don’t,” she pauses again, her insides turning against her, her stomach gurgling so loudly that she’s sure Mulder must have heard it. “Feel good.”
“We just passed one. I don’t- it could be a while until the next one.”
The noise she makes is barely human.
“How bad is it?” He asks.
“Very bad,” she says, trying not to cry. She needs a bag. Something. She can’t be sick in the car. Their rental cars have experienced many, many things, but so far neither of them has ever been sick in one. They may have dodged that bullet, but she remembers that time when she was a kid and Charlie got sick in the car, no rest stop in sight. He threw up all over himself and his sisters. Which in turn made Melissa got sick too. The car had reeked for weeks.
“Can you- no, of course you can’t. Hold on, Scully.” Mulder sets the blinker and the car comes to a stop. Getting sick by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere has not been on her bingo card for today – or ever. Wanting to get out as quickly as possible, her fingers are numbly trying to unbuckle her seat belt. In the end, it’s Mulder helping her that frees her from her seat. Scully pulls open the car door and stumbles out. She doesn’t make it far before she can no longer hold it in.
She stands there, hurt and humiliated, but feeling – at least for the moment – a sense of relief. It doesn’t take long until she hears the car door and she knows Mulder is walking up to her.
“Hey,” he says. “Better?” His hand lands on her back and he strokes in gently.
“This is embarrassing,” she says and Mulder hands her a bottle of water.
“Why? You got sick. It happens to the best of us. Do I need to remind you how often I’ve been sick? There’s nothing embarrassing about this. I just want you to feel better.”
“I’m feeling a bit better,” she says, knowing her stomach is not done with her yet.
“We can stay out here for a while. Take all the time you need.”
“You’re not feeling sick at all?” She asks him.
“No,” he admits. “I feel fine. As in really fine, not Scully-fine.”
“Haha,” she says, leaning against him. Her clothes are sweat-soaked and she shivers out here in the breeze. Mulder holds her and hugs her to him, sweat be damned. She’s grateful that he’s here after all. Even if he had to witness her being sick.
“Could it be something else you ate?”
“I don’t know,” she says. “Must have been.” Another wave of nausea crashes over her, surprising her. She just about manages to turn away from Mulder before she gets sick again. This time he’s there for all of it, stroking her back and holding her hair back.
“Oh Scully,” he says. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” she reminds him. She wonders what it was. The sandwich she and Mulder shared? It can’t be because then he’d be sick too. The breakfast she had earlier? Can’t be that either because Mulder had the same one. There must be something she’s missing.
“How are you feeling now?”
“Better,” she says, realizing she means it. Her stomach is still grumbling, not quite finished throwing a tantrum. But it has settled down, is only growling from a distance. She no longer feels like she’s going to be sick again any minute. She takes another sip from the water bottle to rinse her mouth with it. That will have to do for now.
“We’re stopping at the next motel.”
“Mulder, we’re done here. We have a plane to catch.” He shakes his head.
“We have to make sure you’re okay.”
“I am okay.”
“Puking your guts out is not being okay. So what if we don’t get home before tomorrow? Skinner is always telling us to take a day off. Now we’re doing exactly that.”
“Not the kind of vacation I imagined,” Scully says, following Mulder back to the car.
“We’ll make the best of it,” he says, smiling at her. He stands close to her, blocking the car door. Scully looks up at his soft expression that’s full of worry. She reaches up to touch his cheek, wanting to brush away the worry lines she sees.
“I’m fine, Mulder. My stomach just didn’t agree with something. You’re not thinking about kissing me, are you?”
“I was,” he admits with a grin. “But I think I can wait until later. Let’s go find a place to stay.”
They find a nice hotel and Mulder pays for their room with his personal credit card. Scully walks out of the bathroom just as Mulder is on the phone with Skinner, informing their boss that they won’t be back tonight, or possibly even tomorrow, depending on Scully’s health. She rolls her eyes in amusement, running her fingers through Mulder’s hair to let him know she’s not mad.
“Um, Scully,” Mulder says once he’s hung up the phone. He doesn’t need to say anything because she can see it written clearly on his face. She steps aside and he dashes past her into the bathroom.
“I think it was the sandwich after all,” Mulder says once Scully has joined him in the bathroom. He’s leaning over the toilet bowl, looking terrible. She kneels bis his side, rubbing his back, just like he did for her earlier.
“Good thing we stopped, huh?” She touches his warm cheek and he nods. “I’ll see if they have Pepto-Bismol for us.”
“We’re gonna take a real vacation after this,” Mulder swears before he gets sick once more.
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