#evil aromantic
neopronouns · 4 months
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flag id: four flags with 7 stripes, with the fourth being twice the size of the rest. the top left flag's stripes are pinkish-red, light pink, pale yellow-green, grey, pale yellow-green, light pink, and pinkish-red. the top right flag's stripes are pinkish-red, light pink, light yellow-green, faded red, light yellow-green, light pink, and pinkish-red. the bottom left flag's stripes are pinkish-red, light pink, faded light yellow-green, dark faded purple, faded light yellow-green, light pink, and pinkish-red. the bottom right flag's stripes are pinkish-red, light pink, faded yellow, orangish-red, faded yellow, light pink, and pinkish-red. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
arovalenic | arospecvalenic alloarovalenic | apothirovalenic
lovelessarovalenic: a gender related to being loveless aro on valentine's day
heartlessarovalenic: a gender related to being heartless aro on valentine's day
evilarovalenic: a gender related to being evil aro on valentine's day
arsonarovalenic: a gender related to being arson aro on valentine's day
[pt: lovelessarovalenic: a gender related to being loveless aro on valentine's day
heartlessarovalenic: a gender related to being heartless aro on valentine's day
evilarovalenic: a gender related to being evil aro on valentine's day
arsonarovalenic: a gender related to being arson aro on valentine's day. end pt]
more arospec valentine's day genders! they're mainly inspired by my own negative feelings towards valentine's day, but you don't have to dislike valentine's day to use these. if anyone wants to see more for other arospec identities, just let me know!
the outer stripes represent the holiday and the inner three are from the loveless aro, heartless aro, evil aro, and arson aro flags. the terms are the aro identity, 'valen' from 'valentine's', + 'ic'!
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @orientation-archive, @narcette, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai | dni link
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saffigon · 2 years
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Evil Aromantic: an aromantic that embraces the "negative" stereotypes associated with being aromantic; this could include being loveless and/or heartless, being the villain / relating to aro-coded villain characters, being aplatonic or allosexual, or, more generally, being an "angry aromantic" or "aggressively aromantic" Evil Aros may or may not also relate to being evilpunk
[Image Description: A 5-striped flag with colors in order from top to bottom being dark green, light green, off-white, light red, and purple /End ID]
Loveless ; Heartless ; Evilpunk
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mordcore · 6 months
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evil aromantic flag
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littletissueghosts · 7 months
"Love/friendship makes you (w)hole!"
WRONG. I need my shovel, a moonless night, and a reasonable alibi to dig my hole.
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[Image Description: a five-stripe pride flag coloured, in order from top to bottom: desaturated brown/red, desaturated pink, off-white, desaturated green, and desaturated brown/green. End Image Description.]
“Monster Aro” pride flag. What is a Monster Aro? No idea, just take it.
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acore-ballt · 2 years
Evil Aromantic
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yourfaveisvoidpunk · 2 years
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Error!Sans from Errortale is voidpunk, asexual and evil aromantic!
requested by: @glitchthedemon
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amalgamezz · 5 months
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makelimeade · 2 months
i made some evil aromantic flags
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I love villains that are the reverse of the idea that the absence of love makes you evil. Villains that love to the point of paranoia and obsession. Villains whose love for someone corrupts them. Love being used for awful, evil things. Using love to justify horrific actions. Anything that breaks down the toxic idea that people who don’t feel love are monsters and those who feel love are always pure and heroic and morally right.
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hylianengineer · 4 months
A aromantic prince has been turned into a frog
It's a curse only true love can break
So he spends months trying to fall in love, trying to stop being who he is because god dammit he's not a frog either!
After yet another unsuccessful date, he begins to despair for his future which is looking more amphibious by the minute.
A loud noise disturbs his brooding as something comes crashing through the undergrowth. He's barely gotten his little froggy feet underneath him before a tiny (but still quite big if you're a frog!) hand is scooping him into the air.
A little kid sees the frog on the grass.
They grab it before he has the chance to protest and kiss him square on his slimy little head.
He transforms back into a very confused human.
No, this is not a Renesme moment, gross. Not romantic love or even friendship, just the blind joy of a kid who thinks frogs are super cool. The child loves every amphibian she's ever set eyes on, but that doesn't make it any less real. And she grows up to be a biologist who studies frogs, because of course she does. The prince pays her tuition as thanks for returning him to his proper form. She was like 4 years old at the time and doesn't even remember the frog incident - there's just some random rich dude paying for her college because of something she doesn't remember, but she's not complaining because grad school is expensive as heck.
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sketchyface · 27 days
God made me AroAce cuz He knew that if I weren’t I would pull so many bitches the global birth rate would severely decline
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shmaroace · 11 months
"good lgbt rep" this "good aspec rep" that. where are my evil aros at
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pokimoko · 1 day
if you're still doing the pride animals, can I please request an aroace mouse? ♡ thanks so very much if you can!
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A lil' mouse for you, m'dear.
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gg-ladybug · 3 months
I’ve been thinking nonstop about a post @nouverx made on March 3rd where Alastor asks “what country” the ace aro flag was, and my brain naturally made a meme about it.
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Rosie jump-scared him with it one night in the December of 2016, and he said yes for the sake of his sanity (post 1933 world maps are hard, okay)
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frogsforthefrogwar · 1 year
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