#every ship is valid bc its headcanon!
justapixelthing · 1 year
Rant about how to make OOT Zelink work with TP Link being a Farmer
I had this rant stuck in my head at work so I have to get it out or I'll explode!
So child timeline: Malon has a thing for Link but Link has eyes for Zelda and kinda has to break Malon's heart. So what does he do? As Link trains to become a knight, he meets a guy (an OC I have yet to present) who seems perfect for her. So he sets the two up and they become a couple. Link works his way up the ranks and becomes a royal knight, eventually also getting a honorary noble title (those do indeed exist). And once Zelda is queen she can do whatever she wants and marries Link. Besides Link literally has the mark of the gods (triforce on his hand) in a religious Kingdom like Hyrule. I doubt he'd be just a simple peasant. Not to forget to mention the warning of impending doom.
So Link and Zelda have multiple children and so do Malon and OC.
One of Zelda and Link's children ends up falling with love with one of Malon and OC's children. The ZeLink child eventually decides it wants to leave the royal duties to the siblings and moves to the farm to be with Malon's child (giving up royal life is also a thing that happens sometimes IRL, most recent example being... the kinda messy one of Harry and Meghan). ZeLink child x Malon/OC child create the bloodline that leads to Twilight Princess Link being a farmer. There are definitely at least several generation between them. I've seen people mention that the 100 years between OoT and TP was a mistranslation and it's actually hundreds. Can't confirm for sure but makes more sense considering how vastly different Hyrule is.
So that means: TP Link is: A descendant of Link, Zelda and Malon. It's basically a second generation MaLink through their children. Sure it is a lot easier to go the Malon and Link end up together route, but as long as Nintendo never confirms MaLink, It's pretty valid to go another way with your headcanon. That does make TP Link and Zelda veeery distant cousins, but so distant to the point that they can't really be counted as related if you want to ship them. (If you don't want to ship TP Zelink, them being lost cousins is also a cute story.)
Also kinda fits in with the Hero's Shade armor. It looks like no other armor of any other knight. Maybe it was a royal armor? I do think the Shade acts more like an old mentor, than a young man, so I think he probably died in old age and got buried with his armor, or fell in battle when he was an old man and no longer as strong (bc let's be real hero of time + hidden skills? He must have been a beast in his prime time). If his children were a mix of royals and a farmer, no wonder he wouldn't have taught them his skills. Or they just didn't want to or weren't fit for it. And ofc Link would still lament not being remembered as hero. It's not about being any hero but the hero of time. No matter how many people knew about it, no one would be able to relate.
Long story short: Oot Zelink is possible with a few extra steps. BUT MaLink wouldn't be a bad couple and I see nothing bad in people who like them. I just forever prefer ZeLink over MaLink because to me the romantic implications are too strong. I feel like Nintendo originally wanted ZeLink to be the main focus (Miyamoto saying he sees Zelda as Links girlfriend) but accidentally made MaLink a strong possibility by making TP Link a farmer. But that's just my thought. The TP Manga does try to retcon this quite a bit.
Anyway, as long as nothing is put as canon, every ship and head canon is perfectly valid and this is mine. :D Pls don't fight over things like fictional character love interests. Adding a fictional story to a... fictional story is no crime. It being open for our interpretation creates a lot of diversity and I like that.
Sorry for the long rant! Edit: Or just have Malon Zelda and Link in a poly relationship :D
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warlock-wizard-mage · 4 months
The Fetishization Of MLM relationships
1.) this post is not trying to be transphobic or mysoginistic in any way. That would be disgusting and if you are either one of those it will not be tolerated and i will flag and block you.
2.)This is not an attack onany artist specifficaly or ppl who headcanon Sirius as transfem.
Now, onto the actuall discussion...
So this started with my post about 99% of wolfstar fanart making Sirius look like a woman and how it is a gross fetishization of a queer relationship.
As a masc person who ships a lot of MLM myself, i have noticed that sometimes when i see a fanart of my fave mlm ship, one of the more femme one out of the couple gets portraied in a very femmine way, sometimes to a point of no recognition where it straight up almost feels like a gender swap fanart (and its not).
I usually kept it no mind as it wasnt that usuall and didnt really interest me (for example, i used to be a huge Loki fan a few years back and every time id see a hyperfeminized loki it would be a Thorki fanart, so i just ignored it cuz i dont ship thorki )
recently i got into marauders and when i searched up wolfstar fanart for the first time ever, MAJORITY of it was portraying Sirius as a baby girl (hyper femme, to the point where it looked like a hetero fan art)
That is why i got fed up, bc before it was scarce but this fandom has a problem.( Like how is it a majority of fanart?? you ppl okay??)
SO, how is this a gross fetishization and queerphobic you ask?
Ive actually seen a lot of people talk about it back in 2020/21 and since then had a few conversations about it with my friends, bc im not the only one who noticed this.
There is this phenomenon of CIS and HETERO girls/women that obsess over gay relationships. They ship mlm characters, maybe desire a "gay bestie" (but not a lesbian one), or even would like to have a bi bf (with a perfrence for women ofc).
I noticed this but didnt know what it was. It wasnt until i heard other people talk about it and talk about some research and studies and so on, that i found out what it all was about.
It is because girls/women in this society and era strive to be seen as equal by their partner, want to be seen as an equal by their partner- emotionaly and physically and so on. And subconciously or conciously they know that they cannot get that from a cishet male partner, so they obsess over the fictive desirable world of a gay male love. (Male bc theyre not queer themselves and fantasizing about a sapphic relationship would be very fruity.)
And while all of that is understandable and valid and actually quite sad, it does not change anything about the fact that these people then go on and invade queer spaces, take away representation, selfproject onto one of the men in the ship to the point where they hyperfeminize him bc they dont actually want to see two men in love, they just crave what the gay couple has.
ps: if you do this and you do not identify as a woman/girl, i am very sorry if this made you feel invalidated and i need to say that this doesnt apply to you, queer ppl obsessing over queer ships is no problem at all and you are valid
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the-bar-sinister · 1 month
I just wanted to say that you guys are so brave for just... Going against the grain in today's fandom culture. I remember the good days when anyone could have any type of gender/sexuality headcanons and they were all valid, now try having other hcs for character sexualities that aren't what fanon likes or, as a trans person, not vibing with a trans headcanon bc of how fetishistic it seems and get ready for the torches and the pitchforks.
Wish I could be as brave as you. I wanna get back into the silly lawyers game after leaving in 2016, but I'm just so afraid of being attacked for not... liking the pre-established fanon or liking ships that aren't that accepted/beloved.
Come and sit at my lunch table and talk about the lawyer games with me, anon!
The only way to make fandom a welcoming space for all fans-- the only way to make it so that it's not a single voice or a single headcanon that gets heard on repeat-- is for fans who have different opinions and headcanons and ideas to actually voice those opinions.
Its really easy to feel silenced and shamed by popular headcanons, and like you don't belong in fandom, but that's not true.
There is a place in fandom for every voice and every idea, and the only way that we can make shy people feel more welcome is to be loud and welcoming and inviting!
I could easily keep my opinions to myself and just post fic on AO3, or only talk about my ideas in a private discord server.
But I really, really WANT to see more voices and more opinions and more headcanons-- even ones that disagree with mine-- pop up and blossom in fandom in general and in Ace Attorney fandom in specific!
Obviously I don't want you to put too much stress on yourself, but I think it would be wonderful if you managed to feel comfortable playing in this sandbox too.
And even if you don't, I'm so glad you sent me this message, and I hope to hear from you again some time! <3
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carolxdanvers-blog · 1 year
Kate & Yelena Headcanons
- they joke that they got married for Yelena’s green card
- Kate knows she fucked up when “Katherine” is said.
- is there times where kate forgets her name is Katherine… yes
- Yelena not understanding American idioms
- ^Kate used “two birds with one stone” one time and Yelena thought Kate was actually going to kill two birds with one stone. she was low-key excited to see it.
- Kate calling Yelena “my widow”🥲Kate also calls her “Len.”
- Yelena calling Kate “little hawk.”
- when Yelena moved in with Kate, Kate bought her silverware. So now there’s two of everything instead of one. Yelena doesn’t understand why she can’t just buy a whole pack so they don’t have to wash the same ones over and over.
- ^ she doesn’t buy more bc she thinks it’s kinda cute but she’d never admit it.
- Kate throwing things at Yelena to test her reflexes. Kate learned quickly not to do it when she first wakes up. Yelena took one of Lucky’s tennis balls to the face at full force… and so did Kate.
- them taking care of each other after missions 🥹
- Mac and cheese is a staple in their house. and they prefer to have the shitty boxed kraft kind.
- Kate getting Yelena to understand that her feelings are valid after a lifetime of her thinking they’re not.
- Yelena having to deal with Kate being a child. its chaos 9 times out ten.
- Yelena is CONSTANTLY singing American Pie and it’s so much that Kate also does it.
- Yelena having flashbacks to the red room and Kate doing her best to get her out of them.
- Yelena has an aversion to pictures and most pictures that Kate has are of Yelena when she doesn’t notice (which is rare)
- they mock each others accents so much. Kate has a horrible Russian accent.
- Yelena not quite getting American grammar and Kate questioning her grammar skills when she doesn’t know which one is quite right.
- Kate believes that Yelena loves the dogs more the she loves her.
- yelena is a morning person and kate would sleep all day of yelena let her.
- kate is one of those people who asks weird questions and yelena is just confused every damn time
“would you still love me if i was a worm” “why would you be a worm???”
- kate mocking yelena’s accent even tho she really bad at it
- Kate games with Peter Parker (some others join every now and then. Usually Cassie and America) and Yelena likes watching. They usually play fortnite and Yelena makes fun of Kate for being able to aim and shoot bows in real life but can’t aim for shit in video games
i definitely plan on posting the other ship headcanons i have. i have plenty.
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mokutone · 1 year
hi what do you think abt t4t kakayama (it's canon to me tbh)
:) hi ty for the question. i will do two sweet pictures of them being intimate and then under the cut there's going to be a longer very unsweet and more technical response
Tumblr media Tumblr media
so i'm usually not a very shippy person! but that said i am also on the record as an occasional kakayama + kakayamagai enjoyer
i do hc them both as trans and in different ways w/ different experiences of transition and identity! i have no interest in proving my view as canon, but i do regard my reading of the text (text here including the anime) as a valid interpretation of yamato's experience of identity
yamato, for example, imo, doesnt have any real lived experience of being raised as a child of any gender. he was an experimental subject, and then he was Danzō's weapon/vessel for the mokuton, and then he was in anbu.
in a fun little word game which should not be taken seriously: it'd almost be more fitting to describe him as "adgender" rather than "transgender" since the prefix "trans" implies moving across where the prefix "cis" means to stand still, but the prefix "ad" means "to move towards" and i headcanon him as somebody who was degendered as a child, not in a cool nonbinary way, but instead in a dehumanizing, objectifying way, so his experience of creating his identity and his gender along with it is one of moving toward the concept of gender this word doesn't and wont exist, but bc of the way english works it would probably be simplified to be spelled precisely the same as "agender" in the same way that "aggression" came from latin "aggredi" which came from "ad" (meaning to/toward) and and latin "gradus" (meaning step) (essentially the combination means "to step to" [in a threatening manner]) the only diferences is where agender (meaning no gender) is pronounced ay-gender, the agender that comes from adgender would be prounounced more like "uhgender" in the same way that agressive isnt pronounced like "ay-gressive" but instead like "uhgressive"
and then...as for kakashi? i just decided on vibes. i didn't think hard about it.
i guess i should also say that, while i draw kakayama very infrequently, when i do draw it i usually try to be very apparent about the transness in the artwork if i can? especially if i'm drawing anything more intimate than a peck on the cheek. it's no secret that shipping is often times the most energized part of fandom, and i kind of don't want to produce romantic or sexual artwork which will be enjoyed by people who don't think trans people can be attractive? or who find that trans headcanons make a character uninteresting to them? or worse, "ruin" a depiction of a character to them?
often i think about in terms of. IF there are people that follow me that love my work (usually) and think that kakashi or yamato are hot (usually) and love kakayama (usually) but get frustrated or even uncomfortable out when i draw them as explicitly trans? then i'm drawing all intimate artwork of them as explicitly trans.
it's a little like...nobody gets to love my work if transgender characters are a turnoff for them. that's the bar for entry, is the way i think of it, but really its more like putting onions in a dish. if you want to eat the dish you have to eat the onions. if you don't want to eat the onions, don't eat the dish. all the meals i make contain onions. i'll never compromise on my intention to put onions in every dish i make. that's my ninja way, as the kids say.
especially in the climate we're in right now.
i don't know. i have a lot of feelings about how most fandoms tend to view trans men, especially in terms of romantic and sexual relationships. I'm doing a bad job of expressing the depth of how much seeing how fandom treats trans male identity and transmasculine bodies impacts the way that i draw + write kakayama, but genuinely it's something i think about every single time i create content about them.
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june16th2018 · 9 months
things i deeply hate in bungou stray dogs (and its fandom)
tw opinions
(disclaimer: bsd is one of my fav manga ever)
1 • those short ass chapters
like what do you mean i've been waiting for a whole month only to get a 12 seconds reading (jk ofc i respect asagiri's work but that's immensely frustrating)
2 • sigzai, kunikizai, fyoya and every nonskk ship being compared to the actual skk
i KNOW every ship is valid but you cannot compare your goofy pairings to a relationship as complex as dazai and chuuya's
you cannot
also if i see one more zigzag shipper saying that dazai kissed sigma bc he's in love with him i'm going to lose my mind, i don't think yall realize how ridiculous you sound
(and don't come at me skk isn't even my fav ship 💀)
3 • talking abt skk, the dumb shippers
sigzai shippers may be ridiculous asl but skk shippers are freaking dumb (hopefully i'm one of the smart ones 👩🏻‍🦯)
no chuuya wasn't devastated when dazai left, he celebrated with wine and it's canon
yall are drooling over the fact skk has the potential to be an enemies to lovers then ruin the "enemies" part, like cmon the whole point of their ship is to be a love hate relationship 💀
4 • dazai wannabes
"me, a dazai kinnie 🤓" bffr
5 • the fandom bringing up bsd in something about some author who happens to be the reference of a character in bungou stray dogs (when it has specifically nothing to do with bsd)
as a literature lover please stfu i would break my dead ass skull if i was one of those poor authors
6 • "rarepairs (or even popular pairings atp) are valid 🥺" and it's almost only gay ships
i just know yall would have been drooling over margaret and nathaniel's relationship if they were wlw or mlm
7 • goofy headcanons
like wdym you can change a character's whole gender and pronouns just bc it's a hc, and wdym you can change a character's AGE just bc it's a hc???
like if it's canon don't change it idk, i would set my country on fire if i was an author witnessing my fandom changing canon facts about a character i created as if it was their own 😍
just create your own oc atp 💀💀
8 • "us bsd fans are so gay and mentally ill 😝😝"
add cringe to the list
9 • the way the manga is running away from the original aesthetic
again i don't mind it that much, but i rmb when i first watched bsd the vintage/dark academia aesthetic was what made me really into it, before things got as interesting as now
10 • the anime adaptation
obviously, who doesn't
(and before anyone comes at me and calls me homophobic or transphobic i just wanted to say that i'm bi and i used to think i was a trans boy (turned out i'm not but still 🥺🥺))
in conclusion?🤓?? the bsd fandom is like a sort of mha fandom 2.0
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flicker-confessions · 5 months
!! NOT TARGETING ANYONE !!! Maybe it’s me attuned to this mindset but shipping discourse never made sense to me tbh bc I am a severe multishipper and have every and any headcanon. Oh in this au [female character] likes girls? Oh in another [same female character] likes boys? Or some other sexuality?? Or is headcanoned with different prns? Congrats!!
I’ve always just went with whatever and appreciated all Headcanons and ships and stuff. Don’t take things personal, yall. I have specific ships I loveee that I’m not gonna be too pissed if someone goes and is like “actually what if [character] was into [other character]/was [insert sexuality]” sort of thing.
I said some thoughts previously which led to another person defending themself or something with their whole deal thing and stuff but what they said previously needing to support each other is real. If anything, we are a crumbling fandom that relies on us to storycraft our own interpretations, if we can’t appreciate or at least validate each others ideas and headcanons, we’ve failed.
I have some regrets but still.
confession type / blog(?) - fandom - general
Blog runners' take: i get you! i feel like when ppl say stuff like whats been said on this blog they dont mean to offend or target anyone, but it may come off that way? i know you said that this isnt targeted at anyone, but i feel like its relevant information and we just need to be patient and more communicative and less judgemental with each other
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You know that flavor of ppl who aren't like homophobic by the strictest definition. Like they don't hate queer ppl and are even enthusiastic to co-exist with them but are like. Weird about it. Not in the "I'm fine with queers i just dont want them shoved down my throat" bc thats just homophobia but like the gluten free version of that.
This phenomenon is more harmful irl but im pulling examples from fandom bc thats where i spend most my time online these days and shipping is inconsequential enough to discuss. If a boy and a girl interact at all in one scene theres immediately a whole community for their ship and no one bats an eye. But shippers of gay ships that dont interact are filled with ppl who lord them as their "uwu gay babies" and shippers who are normal about it get plagued with ppl asking them for "proof theyre a couple." And when you do the same for a straight ship ppl retort with "this isnt hurting anyone so leave us alone" which could be a reasonable argument. But the same ppl using that for their straight ships are also the ones asking for cited sources that the author didnt intend for characters in a gay ship to be entirely straight.
Same with other queer headcanons. Trans hcs will have ppl saying that "i PERSONALLY never saw them as trans your headcanon is valid but i need you to give me an essay on your reasons bc WHY WOULD THEY BE TRANS." Ace headcanons are similar except with ppl also telling the hperson with the ace headcanon that they ship this character with someone. And ofc theres the "arent characters allowed to be friends" argument which again. Is valid. But the ppl making that for queer headcanons also often parade screenshots where a boy and girl in a show look at each other and say "this is proof theyre canon."
And maybe its just bc ive been into more queer media lately but these kids of ppl are worse when the media actually has canon queer characters? Ppl flock to the safe and canon gay ships and use that as a shield against accusations of bias. They CANT be homophobic or even biased against queer people because look! They thought it was cute when these two secondary girls held hands! This character has gay dads and this person supports that! They just want you to write an academic paper to justify your ship existing because YOURE the crazy one whos bringing shipping into everything. No one has to reexamine their implicit biases whatsoever. It feels performative.
Ofc this also extends to other biases. The main character of this book is black so the fandom cant be racist. Thats why its perfectly fine for them to hyperfocus on the angsty white boy in the secondary cast and ignore the main poc characters. No one needs to think about why that consistently happens in every fandom like this. This main character is a girl! And shes also a Strong Female Character whos quirky. So we dont need to think about how the fandom lauds around the male villains as sexy and write pages of meta on their motivations and then call female villains "bitches" and talk about the graphic ways they should be killed and maybe sexualize them if theyre conventionally attractive but in a more dehumanizing way than the male villains. And ofc if you call fans out for this, they jump behind the shield of "liking diverse media." Which makes them immune to accusations of bigotry. This is also true for creators of media btw.
Anyway its like. I would rather deal with these kinds of ppl than actual homophobes, especially regarding non fandom topics that actually affect irl ppl. But also these people are so much more annoying than actual homophobes. Bc like. If you tell me you support queer ppl then act like it, you know?
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
I’m just really confused as to where this idea that Zuko is gaycoded came from. Like people are allowed to have that headcanon but I don’t understand where people are coming from when they try and claim that he was undisputedly gaycoded and trying to deny it is homophobic when he’s only ever shown romantic interest in women.
I made a pretty long post on the topic a while back, but the ultimate gist of it is this: there are a lot of elements of Zuko's status as an abuse victim and trauma survivor that resonate with queer folks. This is understandable and completely fine! However, there are some parts of the fandom who have taken that to the other extreme and will now insist that those elements are uniquely queer, and that they can only be read as some sort of veiled gay/coming out narrative, even though that doesn't make much sense since there is no part of Zuko's narrative which is unique to any sort of queer experience.
I think the problem really does stem from two things being conflated--Zuko's history of abuse and trauma, and trauma&abuse being something a lot of queer people have experienced. I suspect it goes something like 'I see a lot of myself in Zuko, and I was abused for being gay, therefore Zuko must be gay too in order to have had similar experiences.' This can then lead to feeling dismissed or invalidated when other people point out that those experiences are not unique to being queer--but on the flip side, abuse victims and trauma survivors whose abuse&trauma do not stem from queerness (even if they are queer themselves) can feel invalidated and dismissed by the implication that their trauma must be connected to their queerness or it isn't valid.
This is also where the 'people don't actually know what gay coded means' part comes in, and I realize now that I didn't actually get into what gay coding (and queer coding in general) actually means, since I was so hung up on pointing out how Zuko doesn't really fit the mold. (And the few elements that exist which could be said to count are because of the 'villains historically get queer coded bc Hays Code era' thing and mostly occur in Book 1, not because of how he acts as an abuse&trauma survivor.)
Under a cut because I kind of go on a tangent about gay/queer coding, but I swear I get back to the point eventually.
Queer coding (and it is notable that, with respect to Zuko, it is almost always framed as 'he couldn't possibly be attracted to girls', rather than 'he could be attracted to boys as well as girls' in these discussions, for... no real discernible reason, but I'll get into that in a bit) is the practice of giving characters 'stereotypically queer' traits and characteristics to 'slide them under the radar' in an era where having explicitly queer characters on screen was not allowed, unless they were evil or otherwise narratively punished for their queerness. (See: the extant history of villains being queer-coded, because if they were Evil then it was ok to make them 'look gay', since the story wasn't going to be rewarding their queerness and making audiences think it was in any way OK.) This is thanks to the Motion Picture Production Code (colloquially and more popularly known as the Hays Code), which was a set of guidelines which movies coming out of any major studio had to adhere to in order to be slated for public release and lasted from the early 1930s until it was finally abandoned in the late 60s.
The Hays Code essentially existed to ensure that the content of major motion pictures would not 'lower the moral standards' of the viewing public. It didn't just have to do with queerness--cursing was heavily monitored, sex outside of marriage was not allowed to be seen as desirable or tittilating, miscegenation was not allowed (most specifically interracial relationships between black and white people), criminals had to be punished lest the audience think that it was ok to be gay and do crime, etc. Since same-sex relations fell under 'sexual perversion', they could not be shown unless the 'perversion' were punished in some way. (This is also the origin of the Bury Your Gays trope, another term that is widely misunderstood and misapplied today.) To get around this, queer coding became the practice by which movies and television could depict queer people but not really, and it also became customary to give villains this coding even more overtly, since they would get punished by the end of the film or series anyway and there was nothing to lose by making them flamboyant and racy/overly sexual/promiscuous.
Over time, this practice of making villains flamboyant, sexually aggressive, &etc became somewhat separated from its origins in queer coding, by which I mean that these traits and tropes became the go-to for villains even when the creator had no real intention of making them seem queer. This is how you generally get unintentional queer-coding--because these traits that have been given to villains for decades have roots in coding, but people tend to go right to them when it comes to creating their villains without considering where they came from.
Even after the Hays Code was abandoned, the sentiments and practices remained. Having queer characters who weren't punished by the narrative for being queer was exceptionally rare, and it really isn't until the last fifteen or so years that we've seen any pushback against that. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is famous for being one of the first shows on primetime television to feature an explicitly gay relationship on-screen, and that relationship ended in one of the most painful instances of Bury Your Gays that I have ever personally witnessed. (Something that, fourteen years later, The 100 would visually and textually reference with Lexa's death. Getting hit by a bullet intended for someone else after a night of finally getting to be happy and have sex with her s/o? It wasn't remotely subtle. I don't even like Clexa, but that was incredibly rough to witness.)
However, bringing this back to Zuko, he really doesn't fit the criteria for queer coding for a number of reasons. First of all, no one behind the scenes (mostly a bunch of cishet men) was at all intending to include queer rep in the show. This wasn't a case where they were like 'well, we really wanted to make Zuko gay, but we couldn't get that past the censors, so here are a few winks and a nudge', because it just wasn't on their radar at all. Which makes sense--it wasn't on most radars in that era of children's programming. This isn't really an indictment, it's just a fact of the time--in the mid/late 00s, no one was really thinking about putting queer characters in children's cartoons. People were barely beginning to include them in more teen- and adult-oriented television and movies. It just wasn't something that a couple of straight men, who were creating a fantasy series aimed at young kids, were going to think about.
What few instances you can point to from the series where Zuko might be considered to exhibit coding largely happen in Book 1, when he was a villain, because the writers were drawing from typically villainous traits that had historically come from queer coding villains and had since passed into common usage as villainous traits. But they weren't done with any intention of making it seem like Zuko might be attracted to boys.
And, again, what people actually point to as 'evidence' of Zuko being queer-coded--his awkwardness on his date with Jin and his confrontation with Ozai being the big ones I can think of off the top of my head--are actually just... traits that come from his history of trauma and abuse.
As I said in that old post:
making [zuko’s confrontation of ozai] about zuko being gay and rejecting ozai’s homophobia, rather than zuko learning fundamental truths about the world and about his home and about how there was something deeply wrong with his nation that needed to be fixed in order for the world to heal (and, no, ‘homophobia’ is not the answer to ‘what is wrong with the fire nation’, i’m still fucking pissed at bryke about that), misses the entire point of his character arc. this is the culmination of zuko realizing that he should never have had to earn his father’s love, because that should have been unconditional from the start. this is zuko realizing that he was not at fault for his father’s abuse--that speaking out of turn in a war meeting in no way justified fighting a duel with a child.
is that first realization (that a parent’s love should be unconditional, and if it isn’t, then that is the parent’s fault and not the child’s) something that queer kids in homophobic households/families can relate to? of course it is. but it’s also something that every other abused kid, straight kids and even queer kids who were abused for other reasons before they even knew they were anything other than cishet, can relate to as well. in that respect, it is not a uniquely queer experience, nor is it a uniquely queer story, and zuko not being attracted to girls (which is what a lot of it seems to boil down to, at the end of the day--cutting down zuko’s potential ships so that only zukka and a few far more niche ships are left standing) is not necessary to his character arc. nor does it particularly make sense.
And, regarding his date with Jin:
(and before anyone brings up his date with jin--a) he enjoyed it when she kissed him, and b) he was a traumatized, abused child going out on a first date. of course he was fucking awkward. have you ever met a teenage boy????)
Zuko is socially awkward and maladjusted because he was abused by his father as a child and has trouble relating to people as a result. He was heavily traumatized and brutally physically injured as a teenager, and it took him years to begin to truly recover from the scars that left on his psyche (and it's highly likely, despite the strides he made in canon, that he has a long way to go, post series; it's such a pity that we never got any continuation comics >.>). He was not abused for being gay or queer--he was abused because his father believed he was weak, and part of Zuko's journey was realizing that his father's perception of strength was flawed at its core. That his entire nation had rotted from the inside out, and the regime needed to be changed in order for the world--including his people--to begin to heal.
That could be commingled with a coming out narrative, which is completely fine for headcanons (although I personally prefer not to, because, again, we have more than enough queer trauma already), but it simply doesn't exist in canon. Zuko was not abused or traumatized for being queer, and his confrontation with Ozai was not about him coming out or realizing any fundamental truth about himself--it was about realizing something fundamental about his father and his nation, and making the choice to leave them behind so that he could help the Avatar grow stronger and force things to change when he got back.
TL;DR: at the end of the day, none of the traits, scenes, or behavior Zuko exhibits which shippers tend to use to claim he was gay-coded are actually evidence of coding--they aren't uniquely queer experiences, as they stem from abuse that was not related in any way to his sexuality, and they are experiences that any kid who suffered similar abuse or trauma could recognize and resonate with. (Including straight kids, and queer kids who were abused for any reason other than their identity.) And, finally, Zuko can be queer without erasing or invalidating his canon attraction to girls, and it's endlessly frustrating that the 'Zuko is gay-coded' crowd refuses to acknowledge that.
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carphoegras · 3 years
some toxic exr things bc who are we kidding
(disclaimer i dont think exr is toxic i love them as much as anyone else this is purely for angst/fic/vent reasons bc im a slut for making characters flawed no im not projecting shut up)
they dont even fight when theyre angry at eachother. like i feel like yeah they scream and yell and throw things but their real fights consist of them just doing,,,nothing. they totally ignore each other, even if they live in the same apartment they just totally isolate. enjolras will lock himself in the bedroom and r will sleep on the couch they literally have a practiced routine and they know each other’s schedule well enough to avoid each other
enjolras doesn’t communicate. like at all. i think he’s an emotional person obvi but he just refuses to acknowledge when something is wrong. i think one of his mqin flaws is that he’s stubbornly optimistic so he kind of just hopes that it will go away eventually. hes also pretty prideful so i think its hard for him to admit when he’s wrong because it makes him feel like a shit person
grantaire on the other hand communicates too much to the point of neediness. like i think he needs constant validation that enjolras does in fact love him and it gets really annoying. hes jealous out of insecurity, so whenever he sees enjolras get hit on he kind of jokingly goes “you should be w them instead” and he actually means it
i also dont think that either of them have relationship experience so everything is brand new to them and its all overwhelming and confusing and they blame their failures on each other
theres a lot of issues with both of them taking responsibility
another toxic enj thing i have is that he kinda gets off on grantaire worshipping him. i think theres a pretty repressed part of him that likes the attention and while he definitely DOES NOT use this in an abusive or manipulative way, hes a little possessive in the idea that grantaire worships him and only loves him. this is mainly a sexual thing ok we dont need to get into it
and the r equivalent is that he is extremely neglectful of his own needs when it comes to enj, but we already knew i dont need to rehash whats been said before
AGAIN! this is purely for angsty headcanon reasons bc ive seen a lot of cool takes from my mutuals on both enj and r’s flaws and i wanted to weigh in on how i think their relationship is affected. ultimately they arent toxic, but both of them are crazy complex and their relationship wouldnt realistically be sunshine and roses, as much as they love each other. but thats why coureferre and literally every other amis ship exists lets not fool ourselves this ship doesnt exist to be fluffy it exists to HURT
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jackie-shitposts · 3 years
I saw your character thingy!! Can you do it for Neal 👀 (and or Dash) :D
Eyyyy lets do both because I have too much time on my hands lol Neal Da Eel! favorite thing about them hes voiced by the same dude who voiced my favorite Voltron character, Coran, who had an entire episode about being too fucking slippery to do basic things
least favorite thing about them his character design is good, but in the way that i dont like it
favorite line "You might say that you and Neal the Eel make quite the team, don't you think? Well you might say that, if you weren't the quiet type."
brOTP Dr. Bellum and Neal's interactions were pretty great. I have a feeling that if Bellum were an operative instead of Faculty, they'd be a great "reluctant bickering work partners" duo
OTP honestly not really anyone? Although part of that is just because I dont know how old he is so setting him up with any of Carmen's classmates makes me. uncomfy. its valid tho, just not my thing
nOTP Neal x Dash would end up with someone dead and not in the funny way. its valid just not me thing
random headcanon Neal discovered his love for being slippery bc one time when he was young he slipped in the shower, and did the coolest most flawless save of the shampoo bottles he knocked over my cousin headcanons hes slippery because he bathes in Vaseline
unpopular opinion a lot of people adore this dude and i just. find him mediocre i coulda lived without him
song i associate with them every time i see him i imagine him running towards me with the fucking thomas the train theme song and i find that hilariously scary
favorite picture of them
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and now we move onto fashion twink, Dash Haber favorite thing about them his design is amazing and fits his asshat (haha) personality least favorite thing about them he doesnt have many character interactions with other VILE operatives favorite line “I call it the BUZZ CUT.” *proceeds to attempt murder* brOTP Tigress and  Dash would get along over their love of bling, but they’d probably be at each other’s throats pretty often OTP i dont really ship him with anyone either, but Dash and Zack shipping senarios are hilarious so nOTP again, Neal and Dash aint my thing random headcanon When he wanted to make his hat lethal, he went to Dr. Bellum to ask her to make it, and she said no. He went to Countess Cleo to get it designed, and Cleo asked Bellum to help her with it. Bellum agreed, therefore Dash’s hat is a cleobellum brainchild unpopular opinion Dash is a gay man but he thinks hes too good for any and all men and thats why he’s single. also half the reason i like him is ironic song i associate with them Youre so Vain but its the Overly Sarcastic Productions cover version. He thinks that of everyone and everyone thinks the same of him favorite picture of them
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asterekmess · 3 years
Plot Twists & Plagiarism
So, I was talking with some people in my discord *cough* You should join and come talk about Sterek with us. *cough* and realized that I had some feelings that I wanted to share. I'm just copying this from what I posted there, bc I don't have the brainpower to better adjust it for tumblr: I was talking to my husband about how conflicted I feel about being a writer/about the way stuff is viewed within media as 'plagiarism' or 'stealing.' And Furthermore, how that view interacts with the recent issue we've been seeing within media re: Random Plot twists for the sake of "The shock factor."
I know that it's been a common idea/theme that people within the TW fandom (and I know this occurs in lots of big fandoms, that's part of my point) believe that things from fic or fic writers were seen by TW creators and stolen to be used for the show, without giving the Original writers/fans any credit. And I'm not trying to say that they're explicitly wrong. There's no proof either way, and it IS entirely possible that that's occurring. I think SPN is the one people think of the most, because they had an entire episode about SPN cons and used a ton of stuff from the fandom to do with ships and costume choices and headcanons without really acknowledging that they took those ideas from fans who had already created it, which left a lot of fans feeling cheated and Outright made fun of.
So, again, I'm not saying that people who believe that are Wrong, and I'm not saying that it isn't something that's actually happened before.
With recent superhero movies/shows/MCU stuff, people have gotten Super upset lately because of random plot twists that got thrown in the end. I'm not gonna list them because A) i don't watch that shit so i don't know many and B) they're from the end, so they'd probably be spoilers for people. But its a valid issue.
It's incredibly frustrating as a reader to follow a show's plotline and themes and arcs, only to have everything Obliterated in the last episode or two because the creators wanted to be 'original.'
But I get why they do that?
As a writer, even just a fic writer, when I see people headcanon things or point out really obscure meta that I Already HC'd or thought about and either have a WIP about or was going to create a WIP about it, sometimes I get fucking scared.
Because of accusations like I first described. Because even if I already thought of it, if I didn't say it FIRST, but then try to present it as something from my own head, there's fear that someone will accuse me of stealing an idea from another fan.
We talk about how having a plotline that people can guess the ending to doesn't always mean it's bad, it means it makes sense. But then, if we guess the ending, and accuse people of stealing the idea when they DO use that ending, of COURSE they're going to start throwing in fucking plot twists out of the blue, because they want to avoid getting told that they took the idea from someone else.
And I know that some of the stuff is Really specific, but it's also REALLY logical. This is a show with millions and millions of fans, and millions of fics and blog posts and meta ideas. SOMEONE is going to guess the right thing eventually. That doesn't necessarily mean that it was stolen by the show, it means that fan Happened to guess it.
Jeff Davis told fans a lot earlier on that Stiles' name was polish, and hard to pronounce, which is why so many fics had about a billion polish names for him. One of them just happened to be right. It's a fitting name, since it means "sword of glory" and that's dramatic as fuck, just like some of the other names used.
Stiles' jeep being called roscoe is a fan thing, it was never confirmed within canon, even though I think some of the actors said that they liked the name. The fact that it belonged to his mom makes sense because it's an old car, he's SUPER protective of it, and his mom died when he was young. It's the same reason people guess that the Camaro was Laura's or that Derek's jacket was his dad's.
And while it does seem suspicious that the show had a storyline that'd been written about before...it's been written about because it's a Very Popular storyline. Tons of shows, especially ones dealing with magic like TW do the plotline of someone being completely forgotten and having that One Person who remembers them bc True Love or bc Family. I know Stargate has an episode on it, and I'm pretty sure Buffy did too (and davis said buffy was part of his inspiration for the show). So did Charmed. And since TW is established as a show that pulls from a bunch of real, often celtic/nordic myths, using the ghost riders Also makes sense. Even having Lydia be the one to remember him makes sense because she was framed as a love interest for Stiles since the start of TW, even if we weren't fans of it/it wasn't done well.
Again, I'm really not trying to say that people who believe it was taken from fans are Definitely wrong. I won't pretend that there haven't been instances where it Really Did Happen with other shows/media bc it HAS, and TW fans have every right to be suspicious of it.
But I personally am torn, because while I find it incredibly frustrating when we get stupid plot twists out of the blue, I also have the urge to do that with my own FICS bc I saw someone randomly guess the ending/plot point and I'm terrified that if I continue to write it the way I had planned, I'll get accused of stealing the idea from them. We can't simultaneously ask writers/creators to give us logical/reasonable plotlines, and then accuse them of stealing them when they do and we randomly guess what was going to happen.
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(same anon) personally, I think ppl who ship i/modna are
a) deluding themselves bc you've already SEEN what c/r does. how has it not taught you anything? how are you still hoping that by some miracle they'll do smth different this time? I have to pity you your naivete. you're going to get burned again there's no two ways abt it
b) also should NOT face such utter backlash like. you know from the getgo that this was an attempt at an b/j apology ship. you just know it. I'm sorry to these so called Pseudo-intellectual Meta-Writers but if something as simple as pattern recognition as this doesn't get through to you, then I fear you aren't as Nuanced™ as u think you are lmao.
also, it's very funny that b/j fans who now go to i/modna are going to get harassed by the b/y crowd. like, I find the entire deal w c/r incredibly exhausting. but it's somehow very funny to me to see how threatened the b/y crowd still feels by b/j. when all we've done is literally nothing lmao we left. and YET you guys are still thinking about us. Still intent on making us the villians lol. Its hilarious house fear works on a subconscious level where you have to dehumanize us by making shit up abt us to feel validated in hating us. (remember the extremely harmful false info they spread abt b/j fans being trsnsphobic when literally a) all b/j fans I know are trans b) we are all so in on the trans b/j agenda like I remembered my friend & I being they/them beau truther and trans jester makes So much sense in a commentary about embracing femme it makes me heart sing. its so vile to say such absolutely untrue shit about us when we are literally all trans people having a good time w our trans b/j headcanons. imagine calling *us* t/erfs with nothing to back you on that gross misinformation.)
its very funny to me that b/y fans had to resort to calling *us* names when literally the actors marisha and ashley are the ones who equate lesbianism w pussy™ and constantly joke about genitalia. the sheer obsession w grossly sexualizing lesbians at every turn and pretending it's the height of romance. eugh.
no wonder something as organic and developing and emotionally competent (unlike the emotionally constipated b/y) threatens them. they couldn't BE beaujes. that's what bugs them to this day I think. why being canon still doesn't satiate their upset. because being "canon" doesn't erase that most of their speculation and fan-theories abt b/y is just that. all in their head.
anyway, enough of me talking down to b/y. the hangup they have from b/j shows on i/modna bc they didn't get to harass b/j fans enough. they gotta take it above and beyond to c3 to feel validated in the leftover anger they still have at b/j.
I have nothing to really add to your ask, anon, because you’ve pretty much said it all. But I do want to address the ‘a)’ at the top of your ask.
I made my own rant post about this very thing: seeing a bunch of BJ’s gleefully running back to CR because of Im/odna, and being frustrated and confused by it. Wondering why they would willingly go back to a thing that hurt them. And I said stuff about me not seeing any solid evidence that they’d take it to a romantic place and that there’s a higher probability that they’re just fucking around. That they’ll essentially ‘gal pal’ it. 
The thing about that stance though? I don’t want to be proven right. I don’t want to continue being right about terrible shit. I WANT to be proven wrong. I want CR to be better now than it was in C2. I want the cast to be more respectful towards their audience and not end up going “Ha ha! Psyche! We didn’t really mean it!”
I actually DO want this all to work out for the better. And for two reasons 1) because I want the BJ’s who are all-in for Im/odna to have something good to look forward to for once. Something to celebrate. And 2) I want them to be able to say to all of the bitter BY bitches, “We told you so. Everything we speculated was correct. We were right, you were wrong. Eat shit!” I want them to have something to rub in the faces of all the pricks who are actively rooting for Im/odna to fail.
Even with me. I will GLADLY eat shit too for doubting. If Marisha and Laura go full throttle to Romance Town, those same BJ’s are more than welcome to flood my inbox with unabashed gloating. And I will be thrilled.
I would gloat right along with them. Everyone in the Beaujester fandom (whether you ship Im/odna or not), is still dealing with all that shitty baggage from C2. And I think we ALL deserve a chance to gloat. We’ve been fucked around with and stomped on far too much. We should get something good.
However, if I am proven wrong, that doesn’t mean that I’m gonna suddenly fall in love with CR again. I’m not gonna give CR props, I’m not gonna watch C3, I’m not gonna buy merch, I’m not gonna start praising the cast and fawning over everything they say and do. I’m not gonna praise Marisha and Laura for finally committing to something. THAT would a bridge too far. If CR does something good for once, great. But I’m not gonna feel good for them. I’m gonna feel good for the people they did right by.
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decembersiris · 2 years
it bothers me so much how the manga purists still say that kikyo means nothing to inuyasha and he was doing everything out of obligation and saying the love triangle only exists in kagome's mind lol. i dislike the manga purists bc RT isnt perfect writer either. some inukags headcanon that kagome isnt kikyo's reincarnation bc that links bothers them so much, when its one of the things that gets stated as canon multiple times x) and then they deny every inukik moment. sorry for the venting
No problem anon, vent away! But honestly these are topics we heavily discuss at length and analyze at the inukik discord. I think it might help you through some of your frustration. If you wanna join (doesn't have to be permanent of course) and see what it's all about please don't be shy. Dm me, we would be happy to have you.
Purists don't have a clue what they're talking about. If kikyo meant nothing to inuyasha he would have never chased after her and left kagome so often. If she meant nothing Kao wouldn't have called him out and said he lost the woman he loves most in the world. If she meant nothing to him he would not have agreed to turn him for her which he admits multiple times. He didn't have to agree. He has autonomy. He chose it because he wanted to be with her. There is so much between them that inukags can't come up with valid reasons to pick apart inukik. Everything bad they say about inukik us actually a projection that inukag exhibits tenfold. And then when inukik stans proved canon evidence that disproves their line of thinking, they throw fits and call us delusional.
That's fine. They can't prove their ship is valid with contextual evidence. They're so threatened by the fact that inukik is just as valid as theirs that they attack us. Whatever. Shows how weak their fans and ship is.
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to-fu · 2 years
I already understand all that about how it's totally valid to interact with a piece of media virtually however you please, but it's still nice to hear it reaffirmed by someone else. Sometimes I get worried I'm not a "true fan" if I haven't consumed every 👏 single 👏 installment, of any given franchise, or I haven't been involved with it for more than two years...
yea! this got wordy so i'll put it under the cut
as i said, it rly feels like boomers asking you to name songs of the band shirt you're wearing, or, to put it in a more personal experience, 16 year old me telling my friend she isn’t a true team fortress 2 fan bc she only likes the mercs without playing the game
the posts i'm condemning in my post arent preaching about being a true fan or not (even if it all comes down to that), but rather how shipping culture undermines the point of the story that's told, so to speak. but as i said, i don't think there's anything wrong with not engaging with every single media in the "deepest way"?
i DO believe there are loopholes in the post i made. OBVIOUSLY if a series is about a real life dictator and your first instinct after watching it is writing a meet cute, i'd have questions. but as long as we're talking about fictional characters, where's the issue? one of the posts i saw was like SO angry about how some people had watched encanto and they had sexuality headcanons for the characters, instead of taking the movie for its DEEP and GROUNDBREAKING meaning.
im all for fiction affects reality, but i also believe that as long as what you're saying is within morals and genuinely doesn't harm anyone, ppl should just live and let live
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magnhild · 4 years
my brutally honest rwby ship opinions
i tried to list every ship i knew of that was at least slightly popular but if u have more u wanna hear my opinion on tell me and i'll add! anyway here’s my takes. they’re not really that spicy.
bumbleby- the best ship. maybe not just in rwby, but in anything. they’re not even explicitly dating yet but they’re very clearly in love.
renora- the second best ship in rwby. way better than probably any m/f ship out there. they have no right being as good as they are. hope they fix their issues soon.
whiterose- very cute, a classic if not overused trope. would probably like it more if not for the fact its fandom can’t seem to accept that it won’t be canon.
freezerburn- v5 endeared me to them a lot. I love their height difference. hot/cold juxtaposition; very good.
ladybug- hello??? someone call triple zero this ship is too adorable and I love all the fanart I see of it.
monochrome- even more tropey than whiterose. I still like it though. wondered if it was going to be canon someday back in v1.
ena*ler- please get the fuck out
arkos- rushed, but still cute and ultimately tragic. a good old ‘high school romance’
lancaster- don’t ship it but I adore their friendship
blacksun- it’s okay from an objective standpoint but i still really don’t like it. they’re best friends though.
white knight- no thank you. their friendship is worth a lot more.
nuts n dolts- best ruby ship. wholesome as all fuck. thank you crwby for them.
rosegarden- I have expressed my hatred for it many times. do not make me explain again.
iceberg- same as white knight expect they’re not even friends
schneekos- arkos but better. weiss clearly had a crush on her.
greekfire- two hot buff girlfriends?? yes please
pink lemonade- two hot buff girlfriends but double the chaos?? even more yes please.
sugar rush- they’d burn the world down. I love them. probably the only characters within the main cast whose energies match each other’s.
martial arcs- I wrote a single-tweet ship fanfiction with them and now I think they’re really cute
snowpines- would be very cute but only if ozpin fucks off forever
emercury- I understand the appeal but they read as siblings to me and I prefer them that way
gel*to- I have also explained my hatred for this one. please no.
spicecream- could maybe be cute if cinder weren’t cinder. but she is so. no.
sunflowyr- would be cute if I didn’t headcanon yang as a lesbian.
sunflakes- the only reason I don’t headcanon weiss as a lesbian. it’s good.
strawbana- i only like it from a meta point of view. if you know, you know.
catmeleon- good. that’s really all I have to say.
spumoni- a lot of people don’t realize it but neo and emerald are so very similar and I think they’d be great together
snapdragons- basic, but cute. I wish they could be happy together.
phoenix- listen they literally hate each other. or at least strongly dislike. they are divorced. not healthy.
rosebird- now this is where it’s at. yes. I love them.
hummingbird- extremely basic and annoying heterosexual. no, qrow is not ruby’s dad. shut up.
fireball- probably the least-considered strq ship but there is some validity to it.
crosshares- mmmmmm yes please
cinnabun- cute! but it’s not crosshares
seamonkeys- someone please make them realize they’re in love. please.
fairgame- good. couldn’t really get attached to it bc I couldn’t really get attached to clover but they deserved better. honestly thought it’d happen.
ironqrow- was good before but. y’know.
qrow*n- don’t come anywhere near me.
tau*adonna- i will fucking block you if you so much as mention this ship in a good light
magpie- I don’t even like roman but fuck if this ship didn’t make me hate him a bit less
pomegrenade- underrated but just imagine them for a second. they’d be so cute???
snowbyrds- pretty good so long as I stick to my headcanon that robyn is in her late 20s and not her mid 30s.
springthyme- see above but I like it a fair bit more because did you see v7c6
goldleaf- I made a whole ship week for them of course I love them
marrowgold- ehhhhhhhh may’s a huge fuckin lesbian but I guess it’s alright.
guard dog- still hesitant to ship it bc marrow’s age is so vague but assuming they’re close in age it’s valid
slush puppies- see above
wishbone- ew no. we know roughly how old they are now. please keep it away from me.
prismatic ponytails- a very cute concept. wish I could stop getting it mixed up with weiss/emerald and ilia/emerald even though those are both way less popular
narration- they try to kill each other a lot I don’t know why anyone would ship it
pyrruby- got very attached to it after coming up with that dumb au I came up with once
baked alaska- would have some mount of validity if neo hadn’t almost killed her on purpose. maybe if neo switches sides. maybe.
emberald- oh my god fuck off. why does this fandom like canonically abusive ships so much.
purrha- very cute but I’m not using the other name fuck you
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