#esp what she does to him later on
dutybcrne · 8 months
Okok but
Sigewinne & Wriothesley, but enemies to friends arc in their first meeting
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Wrios getting peeved at her hunting him down every time he gets hurt bc he assumed the treatment would cost him coupons he doesn’t ha#//Why would she even CARE abt him; clearly there’s a hidden agenda goin on for her to be so determined. & he will NOT be indebted to her#//Sigewinne gettin real sick a’ this dude thinking he can handle himself just fine; it’s her fucken JOB to heal people goddammit#//How DARE he not take care of himself; the LEAST he could do is that much & REST a bit instead of PUSHING himself the way he does#//Then just spy-vs-spy each other for some time before she finall explodes & gives him a thorough yelling abt how worried he makes her#//And how much she’d hate to see him render himself completely unable to work bc he keeps pushing his muscles and body to unhealthy limits#//All for what? Not wanting to get treated? WHY. WHY WOULD HE DO THAT TO HIMSELF? GUILT?? PROTEST??? WHY?!#//And it’s THEN that it hits him; mildly spooked by the fact that a melusine CAN lose their chill; that she genuinely wanted to help#//Not to get him in her debt; but bc that’s just who she IS#//She would sneak him so many free meals while in the infirmary. She does already to those who get there; but his are always the best one#//She's gotta help him keep his strength up; after all. Esp if he tries making credit coupons via fights#//Absolutely helps get tips for him by innocently asking the fighters & playing their egos in pretending to be a Big Fan & bribing#//Prolly accidentally taught Wrios a whole slew a new swears bc one does not work in a prison without picking up a few things#//Then damn near cried when she heard him say them later bc WHO TAUGHT YOU SUCH THINGS (she forgor)#//She prolly also gave him some of her own credit coupons since he mentioned why he avoided the infirmary; having offered to keep his safe#in her office so no one not even the guards can steal them; esp if being punished bc he's acted out any time recently. Eventually convincin#//Takes advantage of that by sneaking more into his stash; making sure it's enough to keep tiding him over; but not TOO much it's obvious#//The Instant Wrios mentioned taking out the head of the prison bc of how cruelly he ran things; she deffo agreed to help without hesitatio#//Bc it was smth HE wanted & bc she too felt the guy needed to be taken tf out ASAP#//Bonus if she'd made a previous passing mention of wanting to & Wrios decided to make it a reality bc She wanted it first#//As a thanks for taking care of him all those years#//Shit; this got too long kjsbdg#//Might as well make it a fic#//Anywho; creative bones are working again; I see#//Idk; this was born out of me thinking how they became such good friends over the years; I can't imagine it was any easy esp on Wrios' sid#//So I will try to drafts#//If not; I will pop into inboxes with fresh ideas#//Or keep an eye out for opens on the dash
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guideaus · 9 months
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hateeee whenever the author has her like this
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ampresandian · 3 months
Okay so season 1 was definitely Percy's story like between the flashbacks and his development over the quest The Lightning Thief is Percy's Story. The whole series is Percy's story but the way they produced the first season of the show is especially Percy's, and I need them to continue to develop this in the rest of the seasons.
Season 2, Sea of Monsters, should definitely be Annabeth's. Percy (and the readers) get to know her better--she opens up to him about her past, not just introducing him to the world they share (the Olympians) but to Her World and How it Got to Be that Way. We see more of how who Percy is impacts her (esp with Tyson), and she takes on a lot of responsibility for saving their quest. Unlike the Arch or Crusty, Annabeth is the one that saves them from Circe and takes on Polyphemus one on one.
Season 3 I think is Thalia's. It's the only chance we really have, as readers, to get to know her--we're thrown into her relationship with Percy at the beginning of the book, after our only introduction to her being her saying her name at the end of som, but we travel with her on this quest, and I think flashbacks, etc. in this season should be about her. It's the best way to let the audience get to know her, and I think we need to get to know her to understand her choice at the end (and to be excited when we see her again later). We need that her sudden disappearance at the end, when she leaves without saying goodbye and just as suddenly as she appeared she's gone, to hurt and to feel wrong and making her the Character is the way to do that imo.
Botl in season 4 I think is tricky at first glance (esp since we've given Annabeth som already) but tbh it needs to be Grover's. Flashbacks can be about his time in schools as a protector, and his time searching for Pan. Grover's development is kind of sudden in this story, but I think showing him when he's younger and like as he's been off Doing Things it would be more dramatic and honestly Grover is a fantastic character that Rick seems to forget about/ignore a lot and he should make it up by showing us what his life is like when he's not with Percy (which is increasingly often) and letting us see his independence develop to the point that he's ready to take on his new mantle and be a leader.
Season 5 is obviously Luke's. Even the book is written like that. We need flashbacks to his life and childhood just as much as Percy does, and they need to humanize him and let us empathize with who he was and how he got to who he is by the end of the story before he dies. I think they should give us flashbacks to his quest here, too, and probably the conversation he clearly has with Hermes before he goes on it (he's obviously bitter when he talks about it in tlt, and he had to get his magic shoes, and I think they need to utilize having that conversation in person so we can see how Hermes tries and fails to relate to him and also to make LMM make very very sad eyes as Luke leaves because he knows his son is at the end of his time as a hero). They can milk this for all the comparisons between Luke and Percy. I think flashbacks to his claiming, and not having to move cabins but probably like getting a bed or something now that he's here Forever, and when he becomes the Cabin Counselor. How/when he meets up with Thalia. Him seeking out fights as they make their way to camp. The battles he fights on his quest, facing monsters he's working with now, getting the scar.
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yersina · 1 year
thinking abt steve n eddie and steve just. being a gentleman? all the bells and whistles, checks all the boxes—holds the door open, flowers, etc—and like sure, some of that comes from his upbringing and his family and The Harrington Status and whatever, but it’s also super clear that steve’s just. like that. like he’s so. so painfully happy to sweep nancy off her feet at the beginning of their relationship.
and like, the thing is. nancy doesn’t like that. i mean sure, she can be as charmed by it as the next girl, but i don’t think she necessarily wants it. she wants more than to just be treated like a girl, she’s been chased by guys all her life, and i think where steve feels like he’s treating her special, nancy feels like she’s being put into a box that she’s not meant to be in. they just… don’t match up in that way.
but eddie. eddie, who’s been shunned all his life in different ways for different reasons. i think eddie wants that special treatment. eddie deserves to be treated with gentleness and love, god fucking damn it. and i don’t think he ever expected to get it—esp if this is the 80’s.
so i imagine that at the beginning of their relationship, when they’re still kinda feeling things out and figuring out what their dynamic is, steve tries really really hard to just. like. treat eddie like one of the guys?? to make it obvious that eddie isn’t just some girl to him? that he knows that eddie’s different, and not just bc he’s a guy, and steve’s not just abt to pretend to ignore that. but steve’s relationship skills start and end with high school girls, so sooner or later i imagine that his romantic gestures have to turn to candle-lit dinners and chocolate and roses at some point.
and he’s kinda expecting eddie to poke fun at it or make fun of ‘king steve’ for thinking that he could… could woo eddie with a fucking bouquet of tiger lilies (that he bought bc he passed a florist and the flowers reminded him of eddie, alright?) all bc some wannabe prom queen would’ve eaten that shit up w a spoon. and eddie wouldn’t, probably. it’s exactly smth eddie would’ve made fun of him for when they were both in school. which is to say: steve almost aborts the whole thing and tosses the flowers in the trash and—he has a lot of second thoughts, okay? but then eddie is already coming out of the wheeler’s house, dnd materials packed away in the bag over his shoulder, and he’s already spotted the flowers and well, it’s too late now.
which actually works out, bc eddie seems to… like the flowers? he doesn’t exactly swoon like a victorian maiden, but he does blush a bit and smile and knock his shoulder into steve’s before he claims shotgun, much to dustin’s dismay. and when steve’s over at eddie’s place a few days later, they’re in a glass of water (literal drinking glass, maybe a mug, bc eddie munson sure as hell doesn’t own any vases) and, yknow, kinda wilted but still hanging in there, adding a pop of color to the place from the center of eddie’s dining table.
and steve doesn’t exactly have a lightbulb moment at that point, it’s not quite enough to spark the realization, but it does open the floodgates for more ‘traditionally’ romantic gestures. at one point steve opens a car door for him and eddie’s so confused but by god he loves it.
y’all. i just want eddie to be cradled w care and affection like he deserves.
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aezuria · 2 months
hiii i love ur writing sm!! i was wondering if u would do leo valdez x reader headcanons? ty!!!
*ੈ✎ keep your head still, i'll be your thrill
—all the small things, blink-182
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content: leo valdez x reader
warnings: cursing again
librarian's annotations: the title has no connection to the hcs but it came up while i was writing this also IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER 🙏🙏🙏
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super clingy i do not make the rules
oh you thought you were gonna get up and be productive?? not today!
fuck everyone else tbh
LOVEEES gossip sessions with u
hes so invested in all the drama u have
probably laying on his stomach and swinging his feet and gasping incredulously. "what!? no she did not..."
got very pouty that you did not invite him to the girls night bc he didnt want to "miss out on the tea" (lwk stealing from my own work oops)
who can blame him tbh
loves teaching u too (even if u suck)
like imagine him holding your waist and moving you to the beat as you fumble along, his chest pressed up against your own
"forward, back, left- there you go," he murmured into your ear, looking down at your feet. you stepped on his shoes a lot more than you should've; did he ever think that his proximity was why you were messing up!?
"you suck at this, don't you?" he laughed, but twirled you around anyway.
"did you ever think you're just a shit teacher?"
also this man was born a star
can probably hit super high notes as if its nothing
ok so we all know how hes a genius right
oh my GOD imagine him explaining how his stuff works and using words you're sure don't even exist and he's so into it and he just sounds so SMART
intelligence is so attractive why does no one talk abt that
you wanted to watch him work on the engine, so you pulled up a stool next to him. you stared at his side, his tank top dirty with grease and sticky with sweat. how long had he been working since you got here?
you'd get mad at him for not taking a break later. right now? you were admiring the view. who wouldn't?
"hey leo?"
he hummed in response, still hyper-focused on the engine.
"how does all that work, exactly?" you were never one for machines—good thing you have a mechanic boyfriend!
he looks to you, a happy glimmer in his eyes. "you really wanna know? so basically— this part connects to that part and then..."
you don't know how long you've been zoned out, too busy staring at his perfect
"y/n?" he finally realizes you haven't been paying attention. "you with me, now?" he raises an eyebrow with a grin on his face.
"huh? what?" you straightened up, fumbling over your words. "yeah! why wouldn't i be?" you tried to act as if you weren't just ogling him seconds before.
"oh y'know.. cause you were checking me out." he winked, leaning back against the engine as he put himself on display. "i mean, you obviously couldn't help it. i mean, look at me!"
someone humble him
its not like he doesn't do the same tho
if he accidentally walks in on you he'd be like "oh my gods-! sorry!" and cover his eyes with his hands, but his fingers are parted so he could still look through. literally the 🫣 emoji
he is SUPER ticklish and you WILL use this to your advantage
esp his ears
one time you touched them out of curiosity cause theyre pointer than average and he was like "eek!"
"aww i didn't know you could make that sound!" you poked some more fun at him because that was adorable
"shut up!"
another time he's laying on you, ruining your plans of getting up early and being active. you tried rolling out from underneath him but his arms snake around you like a vice, squeezing a groan out of you.
"leo get off!" you tried shoving him off, but that didn't work either. he simply buried his face into your neck, mumbling a tired no.
you really had shit to do, so you resorted to the last possible tactic. "i didn't wanna have to do this..." you warned. (you so wanted to do this)
you slipped your hands under his shirt and started tickling his stomach, effectively getting him writhing off you with laughter.
"stop-! that tickles!" he tried doing the same back, but he was squirming far too much.
ok real talk now
love loves staying up late with you until its past midnight and you guys are just rambling about random topics. he's just so relaxed with you, his heart feels so full and there's no space anymore, so his bottled up emotions spill out
which is usually a closely-guarded secret because he's just the funny guy of the group, right?
what does he know about feelings? isn't it his job to just keep everyone else happy? joking about everything will take away the pain, won't it?
(it doesn't)
"i don't know, i just- feel like i don't really fit in with everyone. they all have these cool powers, and i'm just.. me." he laughed dryly, face devoid of his usual happiness as he stared at the ceiling. "sometimes, i feel like you could do so much better. but at the same time?" his voice lowered as he rolled onto his side, staring into your eyes. "i want to keep you to myself. i really, really don't want to lose you."
you were glad he finally opened up to you, but your heart ached at the way he thought of himself. how could he not see how highly everyone thought of him, especially you?
"just you? leo, you're the coolest person i know. you're so, so smart, you can fix just about anything, you're funny, you're kind, you can cook; what's not to love?" you smiled softly. you could go on and on about this man. for him to think that he was the lucky one? it was quite the opposite.
"and you don't have to worry," you whispered, cuddling closer to him and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "i'll always be with you."
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ladystoneboobs · 6 months
ya ever think about how the lannister sibs all have big secrets kept from each other, like huge life-altering experiences? jaime's is the most obvious, the most talked-about, with the full story of his kingslaying and everything he endured from aerys leading up to it. it's clear enough to me that brienne was the first he opened up to about that, including either sibling. they never asked, but unlike ned stark and the rest deriding him as kingslayer, their lack of curiosity is no offense in itself bc as tywin's other children they would never judge him for turning his cloak purely out of family loyalty. ned's assumption of jaime's motives is directly tied to his judgment of jaime, but it's the judgment that rankles jaime so. choosing your father's life over a king's is hardly the worst crime in itself. how can he explain all the other reasons without prompting when its not just about his crime but all his trauma too? is there any basis for that in his relationship with cersei, who always relied on him for comfort and consolation but seems less adept at providing the same to him? or even with tyrion, his only real male friend for years, but also his baby brother, the one he was meant to protect and take care of, who was only 10 at the time of the kingslaying? even to fully share all with tyrion years later, both adults, could be something of a role reversal, forever shattering tyrion's image of him as the strong invulnerable golden big brother by revealing his own broken inner child. jaime can't break out from those sibling roles and patterns, so neither can ever understand that part of him, never knowing the early life he had at court without either of them with him.
and tyrion, who trusted jaime more than anyone in the world before learning the truth about tysha, still could not confide in him freely even when all that trust was still intact. jaime must have heard some story of what tywin did to tysha to feel the need to confess his lie, but he def didn't hear it straight from tyrion bc imo there's no way he could still think confessing would help anything if he understood how scarred tyrion was by what he witnessed and esp not knowing that tywin ordered him to participate at the end. tyrion could reveal all that to bronn when they barely knew each other but not to his beloved brother, his first and best friend. how can the most abused child explain all his unknown abuse to the golden child, the big brother meant to protect him who couldn't always do so? how does he even begin to reveal the deepest trauma that happened to him when jaime wasn't in the room, esp when the story does start with jaime apparently trying to help him by fixing him up with tysha?
and then there's cersei and all her secrets. she always turned to jaime for consolation, or at least when he knew she needed it, but how many times did he not know? how personally could she confide in him as they grew older and their paths diverged? we know the first big secret was maggy the frog's prophecy, her first big scare, which came on the cusp of puberty, an experience she couldn't share with her twin bc he would prob just laugh and make a joke of it. in their first real scene together, in bran's pov, he mocks lysa's motherly fears and likens her to cersei. ("I think birthing does something to your minds. You are all mad." He laughed.) then he makes light of her marital discord, ("And whose fault is that, sweet sister?"), having no idea of the depth of pain she'd suffered from robert, beyond his infidelities. he later blames her for being robert's queen, not his, only thinking of how she managed to arrange his kg post, that power to forever tie him to her in secret, never grasping her lack of control in marriage, that "a queen is only a woman after all". in her pride it was hard to reveal all she'd suffered as a woman, but she also couldn't rely on jaime's response if he knew of her abuse, knowing he would kill robert and get himself killed too, only making her and their children's lives more precarious. she couldn't trust him to listen about securing the throne before dealing with robert or that as robert's victim it was her right to decide such matters, to choose his fate, not jaime's place to avenge her without her say-so first. all bc they were both too stuck in their idea of jaime as her sword, nothing more, with jaime determined to protect her and tyrion, always a bodyguard before he ever donned a white cloak.
something something tywin did his best to play his children off each other and the most effective thing he did to divide them was by setting jaime up as the golden child and family protector. the designated lannister sword only pointing at threats outside their house. a knight serving his family whose protection was always limited, who could never protect them from the person who first hurt cersei and tyrion and made them who they were at a distance from him, bc ofc he couldn't fight his own father, much less slay him with a sword.
something something maybe the reason that joff+marg+loras was a surer recipe for kingslayer stew than robert+cersei+jaime is all down to that tyrell lack of abusive structure. not that loras cared more about marg, was more willing to kill for her than jaime was to kill robert, but that there wasn't a chance of marg hiding her misery from him if/when her husband abused her in their shared household. it's not like he understood her to the point of mind-reading but when their previous royal marital household involved her bearding for his boyfriend then they prob had a pretty good basis of open communication. in that sense, the lannicest twins with all their sexual and physical intimacy still had less emotional intimacy than the tyrell queen and her kg brother.
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blue-jisungs · 7 months
childish honesty
author's note. okay phew this has been rotting in my drafts since JULY??? the main reason of not posting was literally no idea for the title bye. anyways i hope you enjoy, esp you @l3visbby since this is the chan work i’ve been talking about 💀
big shout out to my beloved @planetkiimchi for proofreading, ilysm and thank you so so much <3 i really appreciate it 🥹
summary. there’s a cute guy who’s literally perfect. everything starts to work out when your little secret comes out // or in which you always adored children’s honesty but fail to do the same
summary. 7894
warnings. swearing, alcohol consumption + one scene in a club but nothing too wild, mention of cheating. a bit angsty :) chan is a bit of an ass but then again, he kind of has a reason….. + some cameos <3
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biting the inside of your cheek deep in thought, your friend – jeongyeon – noticed you’re drifting away. tapping the back of your hand gently, warm smile on her lips. your other friend, jihyo, scoffed.
“and you’re gone again… don’t tell me he’s on your mind” she sighed dramatically. a blush crept on your face since you were caught.
“girl, you were supposed to relax! clear your head! go wild!” jeongyeon grunted and broke into a mischievous giggle “well, the last one is for later”
“we know you love him but please, stop thinking about him. for once…” jihyo pouted “i’ll get jealous!”
“okay, you know i love you both” you smiled, grabbing their hands “i’m sorry. you know how it is”
“well… we don’t. but we understand, we know what you’ve been through. that’s why you need a break” jeongyeon said and jihyo nodded in agreement “aaaand we need to find you a new man”
“huh?” you blinked, reaching for your coffee cup.
“oh come on, don’t act like you don’t understand” jihyo winked and you almost choked on the hot beverage. the action made your friends laugh “what?! that’s not what i meant…” you grunted but your reaction spoke for yourself.
“now that i think about it… jihyo, do you remember chan? from our company? he’s in another department but he’s the manager, you should know him” jeongyeon hummed, tapping her fingers against her coffee cup. you stole a glance at your phone. no one texted you.
“of course i do! i love chan, he’s so cute and good in what he does… wait” the corners of jihyo’s lips curled into a mischievous smile “oh…”
“oh indeed” jeongyeon smirked, both of them slowly looking at you.
“what?” you asked and your attention was quickly dismissed when your phone buzzed. the girls in front of you exchanged sly looks with each other and nodded in agreement.
“okay! let’s go to my place and change up, hm? it’s friday night, i already thought of a party plan” jihyo smacked the table energetically and stood up from the seat, going over to pay for the coffee.
“where does she get this energy from…” you murmured as you texted back. jeongyeon smiled and stood up too, waiting for you.
“yeah… no…” you grunted, swirling the drink in your hand. squeezing your phone between your cheek and your arm, you looked for your lipgloss hidden somewhere in the bag.
you wanted to finish talking before your friends come back with even more drinks. it was hard to hear jooyeon’s rambles due to the loud music booming in the club.
“‘m sorry, can you speak a bit louder?” you asked and managed to find your lipgloss “or just…”
“y/n!” you heard jihyo’s shouts
“sorry, baby, i need to go!” you said
“but…” jooyeon whined and you sighed apologetically.
“i’ll call you in the morning, okay?” you hummed and were met with a soft, sad hmpf. quickly hanging up, you pretended to use your phone as a mirror while holding the lipgloss.
“we’re back, ta-dam!” jeongyeon put the drinks on the table and shot you a suspicious glance “do you even see anything?”
“no… not really” you giggled and put your phone down, gulping down your previous drink “i’ll be right back!”
entering the bathroom you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach. you really shouldn’t have hung up so early. what if it was important? what if he needed help… what if he needed you?
quickly fixing your lipgloss, you shook your head. you shouldn’t think about it so much. the girls went out with you to have fun so just for a night you could forget about him, right?
after hiding the lipgloss in your mini bag; zipping it so the small electric guitar keychain dingled gently, you left the bathroom.
right away you felt your legs tripping or just the impact of someone bumping into you, you weren’t sure. before you could fall, a surprised yelp reached your ears and two hands held you sturdily by your waist.
“i’m sorry, i should have watched where i was going” a male voice rung in your ears, causing you to squirm away from his hold. he let go, shaking his head “sorry”
“that’s okay, it was my fault too” you nodded and looked at his face. the red neon lights in the club didn’t help you in analysing his features but from what you saw now, he was handsome. his mouth opened and you could sense he’d apologise again but suddenly jihyo’s favourite song came on.
you just nodded for the second time and turned around, the man’s gaze following you – unbeknownst to you.
quickly joining your friends you went to the dance floor, finally starting to relax and temporarily forget about your worries.
arriving at your place, head pumping like crazy, you slowly opened the front door. it was around 10am, saturday morning. quietly entering the kitchen and painfully slowly opening the upper cabinet so it doesn’t creak—
“mom is back!”
you sighed. mission failed.
turning around with a smile you were met with jooyeon’s body launching at you.
“easy there” you giggled and last minute kneeled down, so he could hug you properly. his small hands wrapped around your neck, lips smooching your cheek “missed me that much?”
“duh! it’s boring without you!” jooyeon grinned cheekily and leaned away. then you registered someone leaning over the kitchen counter.
“jooyeonnie, could you maybe pick up the toys in the living room? quick, so mom won’t see the mess” the feminine voice was gentle and soft, as always.
“oh shoot, the toys!” jooyeon yelled out, causing you to scrunch your face. as he ran out of the room, you stood up and sent yuna a warm smile.
“thank you…” you sighed, grabbing a glass of water
“i can see the party was nice” she giggled, observing you “do you need me to stay longer? it’s not…”
“no, absolutely not. i already asked you for too much… but thank you so much” you shook your head as a no, putting the mini bag on the countertop.
yuna was jooyeon’s babysitter. she was a first year university student so the deal was great for three of you: jooyeon loved her (and vice versa), she got to earn some money and you had the opportunity to spend your time with friends or stay overtime without any stress. but hey! it was friday, today it’s saturday and yuna, such a young and lovely girl, definitely shouldn’t miss out on her free time on you two. plus your hangover.
“i’ve got this” you nodded and handed her the cash. she looked at you worried, then stealing a glance at jooyeon who already got distracted with something else.
“if you need anything please let me know…” yuna smiled politely.
“i need you to rest now” you chuckled and patted her arm “i’ve got this, really. have a nice day, yuna. jooyeon, say bye to aunt yuna!”
“bye bye!” he yelled out and ran up to her, grinning and reaching his hand out. they did a high five and yuna left, a sweet smile on her lips. to think she was one year younger than you when jooyeon— “where were you?” jooyeon crossed his hands and cocked an eyebrow, watching you. finishing your water you started looking for some medicine.
“with auntie jihyo and jeongyeon…” you started slowly, trying to focus and figure out what to say “… having a fun time. girls’ night out, you know?”
“mhm…” he hummed, dark irises glued to you “then why do you smell so… gross?”
you scoffed, the package with painkillers dropping from some hidden spot behind glasses.
“we were dancing and having drinks… and when i left, aunties were still sleeping so i didn’t want to wake them up with the loud shower” you explained, taking the meds “is it that bad?”
“yeah. take a shower, you stink” jooyeon ordered and turned around, happily going back to the living room and whatever he was doing with the play-dooh. kids are so honest, don’t you just love them?
following his orders you showered, fighting your eyelids. oh a nap… nap would be great right now.
leaving the bathroom, already in your comfy clothes, you shuffled slowly to find jooyeon. he was scribbling something in a colouring book.
“i think i’ll take a nap, joo. wanna go with me?” you asked quietly. his eyes lit up and he dropped the crayons, grabbing your hand instead
“of course, let’s go!” he exclaimed, leading you to your bedroom. jooyeon was old enough to sleep in his own bed but if he had the chance to sleep with you… on the biiiig bed… there’s no way he’d miss it for the world.
soon enough you were falling asleep with mr wolfy, jooyeon’s plushie, by your side.. and nugget, his another plushie. and five other plushies. and, above all, with your son snuggled comfortably next to you.
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chan typed furiously, engrossed in his task. he didn’t even realise when felix walked into the room.
“hey, chan?”
he looked up, taken aback.
“what’s up?” chan asked, smiling softly. his features softened, looking at felix’s pensive face.
“see, i was talking to jihyo… you know, the other manager…” felix started. chan nodded — obviously he knew her. they meet once a month at the monthly evaluation “do you happen to be willing to go on a blind date?”
chan froze, eyes widening. he let out a nervous laugh, scratching his head.
“what is this about?” he asked, felix breaking into a smile.
“well you’re single, right? and apparently jihyo has a friend… so we just thought…” felix drifted off and took a deep breath “listen, i know i’m in no place to say it. but you’re my friend, we’ve known each other for years. and i feel like you should give it a shot. just once”
“but…” chan started, still not fully realising what’s going on
“don’t worry about it, i’m sure you’ll do well. literally everyone likes you, you know? me and jihyo can set up the date, just let me know if… that’s okay” felix breathed out, smiling softly. chan looked down and shook his head, shrugging.
“okay. just this once and only because you’re so kind about it” he scoffed. felix’s face lit up, eyes sparkling with joy.
“really?” he asked in shock. chan looked back at him and smiled
“really. but while you’re so euphoric, don’t forget to send me those audio files of the songs, okay?” chan dead serious. his friend nodded enthusiastically, leaving the room.
what the hell did he just agree to…?
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fidgeting with his fingers chan stared at the people in the café. it was cozy, cutely decorated and full of plants. it’s not like he wasn’t here before, it was his friend’s cafe – seungmin’s. he knew all the staff, he was there to help with the decor and all. hell, he often worked there on his laptop with headphones in, in his own world (even though seungmin hated when he did that, apparently he scared the customers away)
he took a deep sigh and looked over at the counter. seungmin along with his two workers, momo and minho sent him thumbs up. of course, they knew about the date, felix had told them.
the door opened and he looked up, excited and nervous at the same time. his features dropped once he noticed it was an elder lady. letting out a scoff he checked the time. well, he was the one who was a bit earlier. would you be on time? or show up at all? he was thinking about–
“excuse me? are you chan?”
he looked up, blinking slowly. oh wow. you… you looked stunning.
“oh. yeah. yeah, that’s me” he nodded and stood up, reaching his hand out “y/n, i assume? jihyo’s friend?”
“yes” you smiled and shook his hand, sitting down “did you wait long?”
“oh, no… not really” he scratched his neck, glancing at his friends. they all sent him thumbs up “here’s the menu…”
“thank you. oh wow, the choices are…” you giggled nervously, reading all the drink and dessert descriptions. jooyeon would definitely like strawberry boom, whatever that was.
“i know, right?” chan tilted his head and adored your features. when jihyo said you’re pretty, he didn’t give it a much thought. he’d say the same thing about felix or his other friends too. but you… you were really angelic. and your smile was so sweet, he never wanted to see it disappear– “hm?”
“i’ll just go for an americano for now” you said and looked up “what about you?”
“i’ll get the strawberry cake, it’s really good. well, actually my friend owns the cafe so…” chan mumbled “… um, yeah. depends what you like, the lemon muffin is good too!”
“okay, if you recommend it then i’ll take it” you shot him a smile and before you could walk up to the counter, someone arrived at the table. your eyes widened upon seeing momo, a friend of jeongyeon’s. you talked a couple of times, she’s really nice but you didn’t know she worked here. in fact, didn’t she work at some dance studio…?
“hi, can i take your order?” she asked sweetly. chan’s gaze was focused on you. it warmed your heart because, well… momo was gorgeous. and he chose to look at you? a small thing but still…
“yes, i’ll take the strawberry cake and espresso. and for this beautiful lady, americano and lemon muffin” chan said, sending you a boyish smile. momo nodded
“iced or warm?” she asked you, winking.
“iced, please” you hummed and realised you still have your purse hung over your arm. momo walked away and you took the purse off, hanging it on the back of the chair.
“sorry if i’m awkward, i haven’t been on a date in a while” you chuckled and noticed chan’s gazed glued to your purse.
“the keychain” he hummed, pointing at it. you grabbed your purse and showed him the electric guitar keychain that was attached to the zipper “it’s cute”
“thank you. it’s a gift from a family member, i carry it everywhere” you hummed and watched chan’s eyes widen.
“were you perhaps at a party last week?” he asked, giggling when your face turned into shock while nodding “oh! so this is the mystery person i bumped into”
“what?!” you laughed loudly, uncontrollable grin plastered on your face “no way! i didn’t see your face then…”
“well me too but i remembered the guitar chain. i’m kind of a music freak… well, i do music for passion and work so it just… it just caught my eye” chan hummed, pointing at the item again “do you play?”
“oh, i used to when i was younger. and then boom, adult life, work, uni… i had to sell it to make ends meet. so, sadly, not anymore” you explained and nodded your head slowly. it was true.
however, a fact was that jooyeon gave it to you. well, he bought it somewhere when he was on a trip with his kindergarten. music ran in his veins ever since he was little. you still have those cute videos when he was younger and used pot lids as drum plates–
“–for a living?” chan’s question brought you back to life. momo arrived and placed your orders. letting out a small, amazed gasp you took out your phone to snap a picture. you’d show it later to jooyeon. maybe one day you could visit the café with him.
“i work in corpo. numbers, numbers and numbers. i wanna change my job but eh… is it worth the risk?” you answer and your life flashes in front of your eyes when your wallpaper appears on your phone.
obviously, it’s your son but you hoped chan didn’t see it. so you try to act like nothing happened: “this muffin is so cute i need to take a picture”
“honestly, understandable. if it wasn’t my millionth time here, i’d snap pics too” he hummed and realised that ever since you exchanged greetings, he would not stop smiling.
“done! ah, yours looks appetising too” you nod, the big strawberry on his cake as red as the guitar on your keychain.
as you two dive into the desserts, you continue your conversation. you’re surprised to come to a conclusion that after such a long time of not having dates, you weren’t stressed. and… you’re having fun?
jooyeon was doodling something next to you with his tongue stuck out while you were in the phone with jihyo and jeongyeon.
“so?! how was it?!” the former practically yelled, causing your son to look up curiously. he twirled his small pointer finger next to his temple and muttered “she’s crazy”, causing you to scoff and pat his head.
“weeell… it was nice. chan himself is veery handsome but also, so kind? it is a little suspicious now that i think about it” you hummed, subconsciously smiling at your son
“noo, please! we’ve known him for a while and trust me, this man doesn’t have a single bad bone in his body. a green flag, if you will” jengyeon whined “tell us more though!”
“well, we talked… had a nice dessert… and talked more. oh and also, we were at the café momo works at!” you said and stood up, going somewhere distant so jooyeon wouldn’t hear your next words
“we know, we did this on purpose so she could tell us the truth in case you ran away or something…” jihyo laughed, causing you to scoff “and girl! she told us you two just wouldn’t shut up! she said she could feel the chemistry from all the way over there”
a blush crept at your cheeks. was is that visible? he’s just… so cute. and smart. and funny. and–
“did you tell him?” jeongyeon cut in, long silence meeting her question. you could hear the heavy sigh she left “y/n–“
“i know but i panicked! it’s like a biggest turn off for a guy, no? like personally, i’d run away” you mumbled looking over at joo engrossed in his task, swinging his feet and humming happily “i’ll tell him next time, i promise”
“you better. WAIT, NEXT TIME?!” jihyo yelled out and all you could hear were squeals and screams. jooyeon jumped off the chair and grabbed the paper sheet he was drawing on
“yes, next time. we’re having a second date next week and he gave me his number” you squealed too, unable to control the excitement. jooyeon grinned and run up to you, handing you the paper with anticipation.
he drew both of you with guitars in your hands. well, you were also holding hands. a lot of hearts and something that looked like a wolf in the corner. there was also a big, crooked but colourful ‘for my beatifull mommy’.
you leaned down and pressed a kiss onto his forehead.
“thank you, my little rockstar. i love you” you hummed, deciding to ignore the typo he made. it’s the gesture that counts.
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the next date was a surprise. chan texted you to meet at their company, and because you work close, you agreed. he told you you two would drive for an hour, but he promised it’d be worth the wait.
leaving jooyeon with yuna (who complimented your outfit from head to toe, as if she was the one taking you on said date), you were off.
you arrived at the jyp building, almost pretty sure that jeongyeon and jihyo were watching you somewhere from their offices.
chan was standing there, in his suit and tie loosened a bit with a bouquet of fresh flowers in his hand. you gasped and that caught his attention, turning around.
“oh, you’re here!” he smiled brightly. approaching him, you noticed the flowers were probably a picked set; petals mostly white and in pink shades “this is for you~”
“oh… oh wow. i’m… woah, thank you” you smiled widely, warmth spreading across your body. you couldn’t remember the last time a man gave you flowers (except jooyeon, every year on mother’s day… and literally every time he saw a pretty flower and picked it) “they’re are really beautiful”
“i know, right? i thought about you when i saw them but… you’re prettier” chan smiled cheekily and blood rushed to your cheeks. mumbling a quiet, almost incoherent ‘thank you’ he giggled, pointing at something “my car is parked over there. i didn’t think this through though because there’s no water. hopefully the flowers won’t dry out”
“even if they do, i’ll keep them. dried petals really have their own charm” you hummed, smelling them. you followed chan to his car and he opened the door for you with a charming smile. the vehicle itself was way bigger and more expensive than your own. and way more comfortable. and clean. well, chan probably didn’t have a messy five year old to begin with so maybe that’s why. or maybe he’s just a neat man who likes his environment clean and squeaky? that would be nice but then again, with jooyeon nothing ever is clean.
the drive went fast, way too fast. maybe because there was not a moment of dull conversation with chan and you were truly enjoying yourself. in fact, you didn’t even notice when you arrived at a parking. it was surrounded by tall grass, preventing you to see what’s around.
you left the car, leaving the flowers on your seat and chan joined your side.
“so… how’d you meet jihyo and jeongyeon?” he asked, genuinely curious. you followed him and noticed a beach. letting out a small gasp you took off your shoes, grabbing them in your free hand. chan did the same, leaving your left hand and his right one free.
“well… i had a boyfriend in high school. and one day a girl came up to me and gently explained that she thinks my boyfriend is dating someone else. i was surprised, to say at least and i didn’t even want to believe her. but she was like “girl, you need to believe me! let’s talk to his other girlfriend”… so we did. we realised it makes sense, the girl even showed us pictures she took” you giggled at the memory, suddenly – for a brief moment – feeling how his hand brushes against yours “the girl was jihyo, the other girlfriend was jeongyeon. we decided we want to expose him. in the meantime we asked jihyo why she’s helping us and she told us that he asked her out! can you believe it?”
“what a dickhead” chan grunted, amused smile dancing on his lips. he was listening to you, eyes adoring your face.
“i know, right?” you chuckled and when your hands brushed again, you noticed how the tips of his ears turned pink. cute. “so we exposed him, when he was on a ‘date’ with jihyo. we were sixteen so we just, you know… publicly said this and that. i think jihyo told her friends and the word spread he’s a pathetic liar. but our friendship stayed”
“oh woah. i thought it was just like, clicking after working on a project together but this was way more than i could imagine” he laughed and you joined him.
“yeah, it’s an unusual story. how about you? i’m guessing you met her through work stuff?” you tilted your head.
“mhm, exactly. when i was picked as a manager she congratulated me. then we just started meeting at the monthly meetings for managers and chatted during the breaks” he said and then shook his head “with all due respect, enough about jihyo. i wanna know something about you”
“well, what would you like to know?” you hummed.
while you took a walk, chatting about his career, your passions and his travels, the sun set beautifully at the horizon. once the pastel pinks and oranges morphed into navy sky, stars peeking one by one, you decided to return back to the car.
and that’s when you realised chan lost the shoes he was holding. trying to look for it, which was hard not only due to the darkness but also the uncontrollable laughter you two couldn’t contain, you still chatted. that’s when you found out he’s from australia (“oh woah, i always wanted to go there!”) and that he has a dog, berry. just when you said that you were thinking of getting a dog too (well, more like jooyeon wanted a puppy), chan found his shoes.
they were in the sand, waves moving them around. just as he was about to take them, water came. chan yelped, giggling and backing off. you followed him but then realised the shoes were being taken away by the sea. since you had on a sundress and he was in pants, you decided to walk into the water to grab them.
“no, y/n!” chan called but you were already almost knee deep, taking his shoes. you showed them to him and walked up, scratching your head.
“uhm… i don’t think they’ll be useful anymore” you grunted and before you gave him the shoes, chan took off his blazer. placing it slowly on your arms, he took the wet shoes.
“we’ll see. thank you though, you didn’t have to” he laughed.
only when you entered the car, did you realise how late it had gotten. you texted yuna that you’d be back in an hour and offered for her to sleep at your place. she didn’t read the message, so you assumed she might be already asleep.
chan was so kind as to drop you off right at your doorstep. stepping out of the car, he walked you to the door with a shy smile. the flowers in your hand dried a bit but maybe, hopefully, you’d be able to save them.
“thank you for today” you said with a soft smile, slowly walking up to the door “i had a really fun time”
“me too. seriously, i enjoy spending time with you” chan hummed, his hands behind his back. you had a feeling he wanted to say something else
“the beach was really pretty as well. and thank you for the flowers, i’ll try to bring them back to life” a chuckle left your lips and he grinned “if… uhm…”
“we can do this again sometime” he caught on and smiled boyishly “i’m open to suggestions what fo you want to do next time”
“well, i’ll think about it. and… good night, chan. drive safe and sleep well” you said slowly and took a deep breath before quickly pecking his cheek. chan’s ears turned red as you put in the code to the staircase.
“g-good night, y/n!” he stuttered quickly as you walked in. sending him a warm smile before you went to the elevator, off you were.
chan checked if you’re really gone and started giggling like crazy, fingers gently caressing the spot you placed a kiss on.
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during your third date with chan, after texting him all the time you decided to go to the cinema. you paid in advance for the tickets when you decided to see oppenheimer (only because you’ve already seen barbie with your friends). laughing at chan’s reaction when he realised, he promised to pay next time.
but in the middle of the movie you got a phone call. you’d decline it but as soon as you noticed it’s jihyo (because she was staying with jooyeon today), you rushed out of the room telling chan you’re going to the bathroom.
“yes? what’s happening?” you asked as soon as you left, going to sit at the nearby bench.
“pfff… one phone call and you already assume something is happening. well, actually right now…” jihyo started and your heart dropped when you heard jooyeon crying in the background.
“jihyo. what happened?” you hissed, anxiously gripping your knee.
“well, i don’t really know. i was watching the news and doing some paperwork while he was jooyeoning in the background, when suddenly he started crying. i checked if he hurt himself, nothing. he won’t tell me why, he won’t hug me… i don’t know what to do. he told me not to call you but i’m getting nervous” jihyo said and you could tell by the speed of her speech. taking a deep breath, you nodded.
“hand the phone to joo, please” you breathed out and soon you heard your son’s choked sobs. “jooyeonnie?”
“mom…” he sniffled and suddenly started yelling “you’re a liar! you’re gonna leave me just like daddy did! you– you–! i hate you–!”
“hey, hey… calm down, joo. what’s going on? mommy is never going to leave you” you whispered, heart shattering. what is going on?
“you will! you’re a liar! and you’ll leave auntie yuna and auntie jihyo and– and auntie jeongyeon too! you’re a bad, ugly liar” jooyeon started hyperventilating, sobs and cries only audible on the other side of the phone
“jooyeonnie… i’d never leave you, i promise! mommy will be back in a second, alright? do you want me to buy you a snack on my way home? anything you want, my precious baby” you cooed, heart thumping in your chest. did someone say something in the kindergarten?
silence. long silence.
“dino nuggets…” jooyeonnie murmured, sniffling again.
“got it. i’ll be back in ten minutes, dear” you gulped, standing up “love you so much. i’ll be back soon, hold on okay?”
you hung up and hid your phone back in your bag. running your hands through your hair as your mind raced. what happened? who made joo think this way? why–
you looked up and saw chan walking your way. great.
“are you okay? i got worried, you…” he stopped, smile dropping “you’re pale, did something happen?”
yes. your son – about who you didn’t tell him yet – is bawling his eyes out at home, god knows why. and you’re terrified. parenting books didn’t prepare you for any of this.
“i… i don’t feel too good. i’m sorry, i think i’ll go home” you mumbled, sending him a sad look “i’d love to stay but…”
“hey, hey. i understand. absolutely don’t worry. do you want me to drive you home?” he asked, voice genuinely filled with worry. it made your stomach flip, it was something truly heartwarming.
“no, no it’s okay. i’ll take a painkiller and go to sleep but i’ll let you know once i feel better. again, i’m sorry for ruining our date” you mumbled. chan took your hands in his and caressed it with his thumbs.
“please don’t worry about anything, okay?” he hummed and squeezed your hands “are you sure you’ll go home on your own?”
“yes, i am. i’ll keep you updated. again, i’m so–“ you started but chan shook his head.
“don’t be” he said softly and let you go. you sent him an apologetic smile and walked away. chan observed you until you were gone from his sight.
you were home quickly, with dino nuggets and some other necessities (gummy bears and ice cream). swinging the door open you almost dropped the groceries, running up to jooyeon. he wasn’t crying anymore, which was good but now he was sitting on the couch with his arms crossed. pouting. ah. he’s more angry than sad now.
“jooyeonnie, i’m here” you breathed out, giving jihyo a look. she nodded and took the groceries, preparing to heat up the nuggets for jooyeon “will you talk to me? please. did someone say something bad?”
he put his lips into a right line, looking away.
“you’re a liar. you’ll leave me, just like daddy. even auntie jihyo said she’s scared of you leaving” he huffed, lower lip trembling. you sent jihyo a piercing look to which she only mouthed ‘it was a joke’.
you sat up and wrapped an arm around him. joo slapped your hand, wriggling away.
“i won’t leave, baby. what made you think that way, sweetie?” you asked quietly.
jooyeon sighed deeply.
“the guy”
you looked at jihyo, frowning. she shrugged.
“what guy?” you asked. jooyeon puffed his cheeks.
“auntie jihyo said you’re seeing a guy and in a blink of an eye you’ll leave them. and if you’ll leave them, you’ll leave me” he grunted.
“baby…” you whined, pouting “that’s not…”
“and– and you will disappear, just like dad! the guy will take you away!” jooyeon whined and finally looked at you, cheeks and lashes still wet from tears.
“he will not. your dad was a pu– scaredy cat. he was scared, that’s why he left. i will never… ever, ever leave you, joo!” you smiled and squished his small cheeks “yes, i am seeing a guy. but even if i like him and i’d like him to be my boyfriend, i won’t leave you. we’re a pack, you know? whoever would want me, has to want you too, hm?”
“was dad scared of me?” jooyeon asked, eyes tearing up again.
“oh no no no! he was… how to say it… he was scared of the responsibilities” you sighed. well, technically joo’s dad was scared of him but that’s not a conversation for now, with a five year old “you’re not the reason, okay? if anyone said anything to you…”
he shook his head slowly. so this was the case. poor jooyeon was just scared and… in fact, you did neglect him lately. you didn’t… you didn’t even ask him about his day. after picking him up from kindergarten you went straight away to dress up for the date–
“if that would make you feel better… if there’s a guy i’m seeing, you’ll have to accept him. or not. if you don’t like him, you tell me. we have a deal?” you cocked your head and reached your hand out.
“m’kay…” he murmured and his smaller hand squeezed yours. you pulled him into a hug, hiding your nose in his hair.
“i’m sorry i made you feel that way” you mumbled. jihyo came over, sniffling. sending her a shocked look you realised she’s… crying.
“i have dino nuggets!” she said cheerfully despite her voice trembling. jooyeon leaned away and pecked your cheek before aiming for the nuggets. you let him eat and looked at jihyo.
“what? you made me emotional. can we approve the guy too?” your friend mumbled. you nodded and scoffing, you hugged her too.
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during your fourth date with chan – and yet another one during which you didn’t tell him about jooyeon – you were currently strolling down the street, coffee in your hands. well, you drank yours. having a small chat you couldn’t help but giggle when he told you about the time he mistakenly took wrong pendrive to work. resulting in showing his boss a presentation he made for a powerpoint night with his friends, titled: “why felix eating chicken is cannibalism”. you were about to ask him how on earth he didn’t get fired when–
suddenly your heart dropped and everything started happening in slow motion.
jeongyeon and jooyeon walking from around the corner, holding hands. jeongyeon was talking to him, smiling and your son was engrossed in the conversation. he was holding a small flower. his ebony eyes noticed you and widened, sparks of joy. his lips opening, a tiny hand of his letting go jeongyeon’s. and then you heard it.
joo ran your way, almost dropping the flower. chan was still clueless, eyes laser focused on your features. once he realised something’s wrong, jooyeon was close. your instinct told you to squat and open your arms to hug him, so you did. joo’s body hit yours, tiny hands wrapping around your neck.
“hiya mommy!”
you hugged jooyeon back and leaned away, tucking a strand of his longish hair that stuck to his forehead. was that paint–?
“hi baby” you whispered, barely audible. jeongyeon walked up, panting. finally you looked at chan, heart pounding against your rib cage as if it was about to break any second. you couldn’t read him. sure, his mouth was hanging open and his eyes were widened but…
only when you picked up jooyeon and came back to chan’s eye level, there it was. the reaction you knew too damn well. features dropping, shock morphing into realisation. next was…
“that’s… that’s your kid?” chan spat out. jeongyeon squinted, jaw tensing. she liked chan, sure. he was a nice guy and a hardworking manager. but what he was about to say could completely change her point of view.
“yes” you mumbled faintly, sending him a weak smile “it’s my son–“
“you didn’t tell me. i get it, not saying anything about– i don’t fuc… know, a goldfish when you were nine but a child“ anger. anger was next and now there will be– “y/n… i’m disappointed”
your heart dropped. you had a small flame of hope that he won’t be like the other guys. he won’t run away, he won’t judge. but no. despite all the fun time and genuine softness of his character chan was like every single man you’ve met before.
“i can explain–!” a pathetic whine ripped out of your throat, making jooyeon tilt his head.
“i don’t… i need to go. we’ll talk later” was all he said before walking away.
jeongyeon quickly came over and took jooyeon from your hands. truly, you were thankful for that. as your heart shattered into pieces, your knees went weak. you wanted to lay down on the sidewalk and cry; no, wail.
looking at jooyeon and then jeongyeon, you took a deep breath. no. you’ll have to wait until later. you don’t want him to see you cry. your friend’s face was saying ‘told you so, you should’ve have told him sooner’ but her hand met yours and gave it a small squeeze.
“i’m sorry” she whispered and nudged your arm. jooyeon poked you and gave you the flower he was holding “let’s go home, hm?”
the next two weeks were tough. chan left you on read, so you gave up on texting him. the worst part was that you knew it’s your fault. you should’ve told him earlier. but… you really thought he’s different. he really was, so caring and soft; he didn’t want just to hop in your bed. but in the end, he’s just like others.
jihyo and jeongyeon wanted to kill him. yuna too, even though she didn’t know him. the girls told you that he’s off ever since that day. jihyo didn’t talk to him, only sending cold looks his way. chan seemed… ashamed every time they met. especially jeongyeon. in fact, he seemed to avoid them.
jooyeon was a sweetheart, though. you weren’t sure if he understood but he knew something was wrong. he tried to cheer you up and it worked. how could it not? he’s adorable himself. bringing drawings and flowers from kindergarten or just watching him experiment on the garage band with a huge smile on his face. just having joo around was enough.
one day, he invited his friends over. it was quite a challenge: five other boys running around in your living room. but their laughs were contagious. while most of them, including junhan’s. he was the most shy one, clinging to you and peeking at the boys. joo though, being the happy virus he is, dragged him away from you and they ran to his room. when you wanted to take a look what’s going on, the oldest and the boldest pushed you out.
so you decided to do some paperwork, a sitcom playing in the background. from time to time you heard shouts and sounds of footsteps… and metal lids smashing against each other. guess they were playing the band game.
smiling upon remembering the times you used to do that with jooyeon while you still had your guitar, there was a doorbell ring.
gaon, one of the boys run out.
“if that’s my mom tell her i’m not here!” he yelled and ran away back to joo’s room. scoffing, you walked closer to the door. how would that even work? if you were to say that, his mom would lose her mind. it was the whole purpose of inviting them so they’re here–
your eyes widened. opening the door, you were met with chan. he was holding a huge bouquet of flowers, biting his lower lip anxiously. you were so stunned, you couldn’t mutter a word.
“i’m… can we talk?” he asked, sparks of hope in his ebony eyes. he was dressed like usual, black from head to toe. you on the other hand… already in your pyjamas–
“i, uh… sure, i guess. come in. or no… see… joo has friends over and–“ you started and got interrupted by a loud metal noise. ah yes, the drums. sending chan an apologetic smile, you sighed “yup. that’s exactly what i was going to say”
chan smiled, nodding.
“it’s fine. those are for you. i know this isn’t enough to make up for how i reacted but…” he handed you the flowers. while you rushed to put them in a vase, chan stepped in and closed the door.
his lips subconsciously curled into a smile while he looked around your place. tiny shoes all over the floor, crayons and papers laying around, cars and legos splattered everywhere. there were plenty of pictures too. most of them were just your son. some of them were jihyo, jeongyeon and you. and your son, again. or some pictures with your parents, like on your graduation day. and another one: your parents, you and your son.
“okay, come in. take your shoes off, it’s already a mess. do you, uhm… want some coffee?” you asked, fidgeting with your fingers. he shook his head as a no.
“no, thank you. listen y/n… i’m sorry” chan said, looking into your eyes. you were shocked, mouth slightly parting. he let out a nervous laugh “i’ve been acting like a total idiot since then but i needed some time to think, i’m sorry”
“yeah, i mean– it was kind of a bomb, wasn’t it?” you scoff. chan noticed a glint of bitterness on your face.
“can we sit down? i feel like–“ he started. you led him to the couch, quickly moving away the small, plastic plates boys left after dinner.
when you were settled down, you turned off the tv. there was comfortable silence, only filled with background noises of faint music coming from joo’s room.
“again, i’m so fucking sorry. y/n, i just… you are really the girl of my dreams. i don’t think i’ve ever met someone who understood me so well, who i just had this flow with. and i truly like you, i really do. i… i know the way i reacted was shitty. but… maybe if you told me…” chan finished hesistantly, scanning your face to see your reaction “truth be told, i needed to think it through. i had so many thoughts but… why, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
you let out a deep sigh, looking down. at his neat black pants and your messy pyjama ones.
“because i did it before. and each time i was met with the same reaction. either a nasty comment or a weird look, and all of them ended up in eventually leaving me without word. or a word as in “listen, you’re cute but the kid”–“ you took a deep breath, feeling yourself bubble up. chan grabbed your hand and squeezed it “and, and i was so tired of that. it was so selfish of me and unfair for you and even jooyeon but… for a moment i wanted to feel loved. wanted to have fun. i wanted to cherish those moments because i knew you’d leave too and–“
crystal tears started running down your cheeks. chan pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you. one hand at the back of your head, caressing your hair soothingly.
“and it’s awful; i’m awful. joo thought i’d leave him for you and i knew you’d leave me because of him. it’s never ending circle and i’ll be alone forever and joo will think it’s his fault and–“ you hiccuped, not realising you’re rambling “and- and i really liked you and your reaction hurt me but it was fully my fault…”
“hey. hey, y/n. calm down, it’s okay” chan whispered, lulling you in his arms. you gradually calmed down, the feeling was full of comfort. comfort and closeness you needed. such a simple move, yet it had soothing effect. this made you realise why joo loved to be out to sleep this way.
leaning away from chan when you finally gained the strength to, he wiped your cheeks.
“i’m sorry, from the bottom of my heart. neither of us didn’t handle it properly. we’re human, we make mistakes. but then we learn. i understand now why… why you were scared. and i’m so… pissed. because listen, y/n” he said, voice stern but not in a disturbing way. his calloused hands took your smaller in his “despite the way i reacted i realised i like you. and… if there’s… joo… then– then it is a bit of a challenge. but when i was thinking about it and did the math… you were 20. alone, young. during studies, during work. you were so brave. you still are. and you handled it on your own. so why i, a man, should be scared of helping you?”
your eyes teared up again, heart beating against your rib cage unusually hard.
“well, i am. because i don’t know how you’ll react, or if he’ll like me, or maybe because simply i’m new to this. but… as i said… i like you. and i really want to spend more time with you. if that means taking care of your son, i’m willing to do so to” chan smiled, dimples showing “especially if he’s as funny as his mom”
suddenly you heard footsteps and giggles, followed by a sudden gasp.
“no mrs lee! i’ll save you!” the oldest boy, gunil, shouted. before you could react, chan was getting beaten up with pillows by six kids. even the shy junhan.
he started laughing and fought back, gently of course.
“does anyone here have tickles?!” chan hummed and the boys squealed, backing away.
“who’s that?” jooyeon asked, tugging your t-shirt.
“he’s a friend of mine. chan. can he watch your performance too?” you asked. chan’s ears perked up.
“performance?” he repeated. jooyeon nodded proudly.
“yes! but our music is for vips only!” seungmin added and just now you realised they grabbed the keyboard from joo’s room. jungsu, seated next to him, nodded shyly.
“okay! i’m a music producer so if you guys want i can give you some tips…?” chan asked, sending you a smile.
“pft! auntie jeongyeon and jihyo are music producers too, they gave us tips already!” joo grunted, walking away “anyway… is the audience ready?”
chan nodded enthusiastically and scooted closer to you. watching the six boys perform, chan sneaked his hand in yours and intertwined your fingers. with a squeeze of his hand your heart skipped a beat; you finally met the right person.
masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @litepowee ,, @ocean-minho ,, @lessthanpast ,, @s-e-s-a-I-e-n-e
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moonrisecoeur · 7 months
I feel like Leon would def start out as a bratty sub, but the moment you threaten not to touch him, he melts. I just know he would like getting his pretty hair tugged on!! Esp when riding him and you tug it to make him look up at you!! Ugh omg </3
Also whimpers loud! Have you heard him in re2??
first off HI IM IN LOVE WITH U I THINK UR REALLY COOL ahem anyway.. don’t know what came over me that was crazy
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HAVE U HEARD HIM IN DBD??? he’s so loud it’s so so yummy also my spotify is fucked up bc some mf put his moans on there and i listen to them when i-
she/her pronouns, afab reader
i don’t even know if he’s bratty or if he’s just a mf guy who’s conditioned to believe he should be dominant. he’s used to thinking he has to be strong, has to take care of others. and so when you first kiss him, and he tries his best to assert some kind of dominance over the situation, it’s almost cute. he’s trying so damn hard.
he figures out that you like to be in control soon after. he has a hard time accepting it. he’s the man, he’s supposed to be dominant, he’s supposed to be in control.
…and then you run your fingers through his hair, press kisses to his neck in all the sensitive spots he didn’t even know were sensitive, call him a good boy, and suddenly he’s realizing that he might like a dominant woman. he doesn’t even care that part of him feels strangely emasculated. he likes that you take what you want, don’t leave him guessing or assuming. he knows exactly what to do to please you and that makes his life easy.
though he does have an attitude, that can definitely be quelled with a simple “i don’t have to be making you feel good, baby. if you wanna talk to me like that… have fun making yourself cum,” and then he pouts but gives in, acting nice purely out of his own self interest.
now that’s all for re2 leon. it all mostly applies to the later versions of him, but he obviously becomes more aware of his own preferences in his partners as he gets older.
leon loves having his hair pulled, especially when it’s to pull his face in any direction so he has to look at you. he likes it when you gently run your fingers through his hair, soft but firm in your grip before you decide to get rough. he likes it when you pull hard, especially hard enough where tears start to well up in his eyes.
but when you're riding him and pulling his hair?? he thinks you're trying to kill him. there's no reason it should be that hot, but he literally has to use all of his self-restraint to keep himself from cumming on the spot!! ur pussy just feels too good and he doesn’t know what to do with his hands or his body, he just sits there helplessly as you fuck the soul out of him <3
he’s also just overall loud in bed. unless he’s legitimately upset, in which he gets kinda quiet and moody, he’s always moaning and groaning and breathing heavy. he used to try to hide it until he realized that you like it when he makes noise. he doesn’t over exaggerate or anything, but definitely doesn’t hide anymore.
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noangeleither · 6 months
yin and yang: carmy and sydney's creative processes + menu planning
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what i love about analyzing carmy and sydney is the way they mirror each other. their similarities and differences, and how they have the potential to complement each other well. truly make each other better at this.
this is most evident with the way they approach creating a dish.
sydney's creative process
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evidenced by sheridan (s01e05) and sundae (s02e03), sydney is very imaginative when it comes to creating a dish. the editing in these episodes gives us an intimate view of her creative process. recipes often come to her in dreams/daydreams.
sydney gets inspired by her passion for cooking, her family history and her city/world around her (architecture, nature, other restaurants in Chicago). this really fits into sydney's motivations as a chef.
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Sydney uses food to make people happy. She likes to take care of people. someone on here explained the significance of sydney wanting exactly one michelin star, which would signify affordable high quality food that normal everyday people have access to. in braciole she mentions to marcus that her dad and her didn't really go out to eat so when they did, they made it count and it was special. she wants to create an experience like that with her own spot (the Bear).
so naturally that is reflected in her food. its not simply a great meal, but a fabric/archive of her culture, history, worldview and entire character.
while sydney has a very imaginative creative process, she often just jots down her ideas in her little notebook(s), for later reflection.
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carmy's creative process
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carmy has a more tense relationship with cooking. while sydney and carmy are both amazing chefs, carmy seems to be more jaded and detached from his work.
for carmy he grew up in a household where food was a big part of his family. his mom, mikey, and nat can all cook well. he is naturally very great at it. he uses food to be closer to the people he loves. thats why in the face of rejection from his brother, he goes off and becomes one of the best chefs in the country out of spite. why he uses the beef to try and fix his relationship with mikey. why he was so devasted when syd quit and why he started his dream restaurant with her after she came back.
because we dont get an intimate look into carmys psyche when creating a dish, its harder to say but based off his monolouge in braciole (s01e8) and the way he uses food to connect with people he loves rather than having passion for it independently i can surmise that carmy isn't imaginative as sydney. food is more like a math equation (ironic)/a science.
“he’s the best bc he didn’t have any of the bullshit”, emotional ties/relationships of any kind. his career esp at EMP were isolating, rigid and cold. he was the best bc he was calculating, precise and competitive. which breeds excellence in his field while straying him further away from love and true passion.
i imagine carmy to be more pragmatic with creating a dish.
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but carmy is a creative person at his core and while creating a dish might not be as colorful as when sydney does it. we do know that carmy can draw and visualize his ideas onto paper. "Sistine Chapel" level drawings according to syd.
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sydney + carmy - potential true partnership
on my 3rd rewatch, i couldn't help but feel so dissatisfied with their partnership. granted this is on purpose since the show is only 2 seasons in and they are trying to do a slow burn in all aspects, not just romantic.
it really hit me that carmy and sydney have never - at least on screen - created a meal together. in s1, we never see the risotto come to fruition, we just get carmys input but never the finished product. in s2 finally, carmy and Sydney work together now that their dynamic has changed from boss and employee to partners. we get like what? 4 scenes of them creating the menu, and having this amazing professional chemistry but ultimately leads to two failed dishes, which would be ok if they worked together after that. but they dont...
instead for the rest of the season, we see them (mainly Syd) working on the menu separately. the menu is....alright. mainly has carmy written all over it (he has a the seven fishes + cannolis, weird homage to one of the worst nights of his life).
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*putting on another pair of shipper goggles to say this makes the whole "you make me better at this" confession, even more mind-boggling bc better at what? you guys haven't even worked together all season. this = life , i rest my case*
in s3 and beyond, im excited for them to truly start working together as partners and actually see them create a dish together.
i want to see how their approaches to creating a dish can help the other.
how sydneys creative process can help carmy
besides the obvious romantic implications of the palette cleanser outing, the potential for them to understand each other on a deeper level in regards to food is something i mourn everyday.
after sydney goes on her trip solo, we see her ride the ferry and just take a look at her surroundings. shes thinking about the food she ate, shes looking at buildings, windows, looking at the snow. all inspiration for a dish.
imagine if carmy was there with her. he would be curious about what she's thinking about, get insight on how she creates and maybe want to learn to see food in a less practical way.
i mean he hadn't drawn in years it seems until he was inspired by sydney and the chaos menu to draw again....now imagine if he didn't ruin the moment by bringing up claire (LMFAO). the point is, sydney naturally sparks creativity and passion in him, even when they aren't together.
i know many people are theorizing that carmy will leave the culinary industry (and i agree most of the time) but i also think sydney is slowly but surely helping him discover/re-discover a passion for cooking. i think that carmy likes that sydney likes to take care of people because subconsciously he knows he does the same thing or has the potential for it (i.e making tiff sprite from scratch when she was experiencing morning sickness). evidenced by fishes (s02e6), care often feels like an obligation (he takes care of drunk donna when shes going through an episode) but it doesnt have to be this way. and now carmy wants to get a star for her....their interests are slowly aligning.
how carmys creative process can help sydney
this isn't as concrete as the one above but i found it interesting thinking about how carmys more pragmatic approach and sydneys idealistic approach can work in tandem.
first scene in pop (s02e5) shows sydney and tina late at night working on the tasting menu. later in the episode we find out that carmy has been pushing back menu planning leaving sydney on her own. she trying an elements concept which is extremly creative and impressive but even tina says, which sydney later agrees, that its a lot for a tasting menu.
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im stretching maybe....but based on carmys comment on her risotto from the season before (needs acid) + his practical approach, it seems like he acts like a buffer when sydneys ideas get "a lot".
*in chemistry buffers are solutions added to resist pH changes when acidic and basic components are added*
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so if carmy needs to be more creative and sometimes sydneys ambitions gets ahead of her....
sydney is the heart, while carmy is the brain (???)
one cannot work without the other. when they truly come together to create the menu, they both need to learn from one another to elevate the restaurant. not to mention with carmy's italian american roots and syd's Nigerian-Caribbean/southern roots, they have the potential for amazing fusion dishes and real partnership. i and others want the menu to physically reflect both of them.
i literally dont know where im going with this. sorta kinda meta but its more like hopes and dreams for next season and me wanting to type my ideas down.
they complement each other well ok? and have potential for a great partnership once they communicate better. i like this part of the definition of yin and yang:  Their interaction is thought to maintain the harmony of the universe and to influence everything within it.
carmy and Sydney are the leaders of the bear, their relationship is foundational to the success of their restauarnt and team, once they work together truly, play to their strengths and weaknesses, then will come true harmony in their universe.
more sydcarm parallels/similaries/differences/yin yang moments:
carmys gold chain, syds silver earrings
carmys white t-shirts, syds white button ups
carmy is bad at math, syds great with numbers
carmy wasn't really great at school, this is sorta fanon but i can imagine syd excelled in school
both wear birkenstocks (more a chef thing but i still think its cute)
sunshine x grumpy trope but like better...usually the sunshine (syd) is more emotionally vulnerable making a space for grumpy (Carm), but they switch positions. carmy allows sydney to be more emotionally vulnerable often initiating deep conversations, while syd is more closed up/guarded
overall tho i think its cute that they are both shy/emotionally stunted but i do think purely aesthetic wise, sydney has a softer exterior ( doe eyes, colourful scarves, awkward) while carmy is more intimidating (tats, smokes, looks angry all the time)
both fight dirty - i.e their individual fights with richie (review, the bear)
carmy tho is more prone to outbrusts of anger/violence while sydney lets that shit shimmer until she explodes on you
both their passcode being 11111
carmy having dark mode on his phone, syd having light mode in s2
their matching clothes moments earlier in the second season and in bolognese
if theres more, pls comment/reblog, bc i always think of this shit and need more to cry about
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credits: gif 1&2 , gif 3 and gif 4
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fmet · 10 months
Rereading No Home and it’s so obvious that all of Haejoon’s experiences and recollection of his home life mirrors the perception of someone with a mentally ill family who later inherits that same mental illness, whether due to biology or upbringing or a mixture both. Everything that he’s went through, and everything that he thinks towards himself, the world around him, and his family connections (or lack thereof) are things that I have thought exactly as a mentally ill child of mentally ill parents. I think it’s fine to simply interpret his and his mom’s ESP on surface level and no way deeper, but deciding to observe his motifs in the context of mental illness makes much of his behavior and his later development sooo much more impactful at least for me personally.
His mother, having acquired something immutable early in her childhood and living with it up until her death. Nothing about this acquisition being palatable to her other family members or social circle, with them ultimately leaving her alone with a son. She makes peace with this loneliness and her abnormality but that peace ultimately paralyzes any progress she could have made to rectify what she can change, allowing her son to be raised and live in the shadow of her abnormality. And eventually, whether due to hereditary factors or environment, he is led to acquiring that same symptom.
He’s ashamed of it, and it only hurts him more now knowing that the vitriol people hold for his mother would be held the same for him if they knew, and consequently decides to ignore or deny any relation he may have to what he and his mother experience. Following his mothers death, he considers himself completely alone in his symptoms, with no one to confide in and no one to tell him it’s normal to experience what he does. Thus, he runs away to an environment where he believes he not only doesn’t have to confront his guilt towards his mothers death, but in order to escape from the framework where most of his symptoms took place, where they were acknowledged, where they were accepted. By removing himself from the spatial and emotional framework of where his ESP developed, he believes it will disappear, the same way trauma victims or depressed people do when given the opportunity to venture forth from their home life (oftentimes the source of their disorder).
But it didn’t. In fact, as a result of his refusal to accept his experiences as real, they only proliferate into actual metaphysical manifestation: hallucinations, insomnia, paranoia, depression, violent thoughts and actions. He quite literally loses his mind due to the denial of what he and his mother shared with each other. His hostile relationship with Eunyung, in turn, exasperates these metaphysical manifestations of his familial fractures (I could write a book on the way Eunyung and Haejoon treat each other as extensions of both their mothers, but that’s neither here nor there).
The ghosts in his life are both literal and figurative: his dead mother, long gone, no remnants left of her beyond himself and the memories he holds dear. Miyung, a reminder of his mother and home life’s idiosyncrasies that, while inextricable from the more negative associations and experiences he holds, is still held fondly. An allegory to how many mentally disordered people would not be themselves without that disorder, and consequently, any children they have seeing their symptoms as much “them” as any other behavior. His “mother’s ghost”, a symbol of nostalgia and escapism that encourages him to kill himself rather than reconstruct the social support he lost with her death. The dorm he and Eunyung live in at the beginning, laden with reminders and new developments originating from both their traumas. There’s a reason ghost sightings only subside when more people move into the house.
It’s in no way subtle. I think that even if this theme is storied under a practically translucent allegory in contrast to the more heavy handed themes in other arcs it’s still something that No Home fans should consider about Haejoon’s character. Considering what symbolic purpose the ghosts and other paranormal aspects of No Home contribute to the overall question of “what makes a home?” that the narrative proposes makes me love Haejoon so much more beyond surface level.
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MDZS Notes + Analysis — Chapter Two: “Reincarnation”
Three main things stood out to me when rereading this chapter: the theme of status, our intro to WWX, and the information we’re given about his state after death.
…Well, four things, but the other one will get its own post.
The theme of status is immediately introduced* with ‘MXY’’s treatment and the backstory of MXY and his mother, yet again showing just how well MDZS’s ideas are integrated into the text and how well it’s paced! You’re introduced to every important theme so, so early on. Two screenshots are analysed below:
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(See: entitlement of the upper classes towards the lower classes, and how this can exist even between members of the ‘same family’; and arguably the idea of debts between a richer family and someone who was 'taken in'. There are a surprising amount of parallels between MXY and WWX, but I'll make my own post about that)
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(See: once again, differences in status between members of the same family, and also the worse, and disposable, treatment of one daughter because she was "the daughter of a servant". Now, why does that phrase sound familiar...?)
Also, MXY's mother was sixteen when she attracted JGS's attention... if you somehow needed even more material to hate the guy...
We also get introduced to WWX’s personality(!), which immediately disproves the rumours from last chapter on how he'd cast the world into ruin:
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(That's one of the first questions he asks after waking up – I love how he's so concerned about this! It shows us two important things, too: 1) Morality is important to WWX, and 2) Doing immoral things seems to be out of the ordinary for him. Both of these stand in direct contrast to the picture of WWX we were painted earlier!)
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(Same thing here, along with showing us some of the (healthy!) pride WWX has – he wouldn't be offended at this if wasn't something he held as important within himself)
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(I use this quote again, but here it's once again proving that the vengeful, evil WWX who'd sink the cultivation world into "nothing but chaos and despair" at the first chance he got... very much does not exist.)
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(And finally, it's explicitly confirmed here that he's not the type to take exessive revenge and take pleasure in it... at least at this point in time, because. MXY definitely had reason to think this considering Sunshot!WWX, if everyone had been working from the truth. But importantly that isn't who he is now, and isn't who the WWX villified by the cultivation world was – imo that's including Nightless City, we'll get to that when I reach it. But note that actions during the Sunshot campaign aren't even mentioned in the prologue, because, shock, they actually helped the cultivation world win the war! Though that doesn't mean they weren't part of rumours + the WWX hatred mill later.)
Then some non-morality related things:
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This is just really funny to me, with how the makeup being badly applied (:o) is enough of an issue to merit a thought – WWX I love you.
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And then this way of thinking comes back a few times esp during the earlier chapters, enough to be noted I think.
Confirmation on WWX's status after he died – it's not anything new to point out, but this chapter does give us rare insights into what state he was in during the post-death, pre-rebirth period.
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So, he was somewhat conscious, enough to be aware of what he was(n't) doing – seeking vengeance, haunting the living – and was seemingly in control of those actions. However, he was specifically a "wandering ghost" – his soul didn't pass onto the afterlife or "return back to Earth"** like the body-offering spell's caster's would. He was conscious that a long time had passed as well, and this long period of downtime where he could accept + deal with what happened in his first life is what likely allowed him to be so well-adjusted the second time round – even taking into account the remarkably good way he tends to deal with things in general (cue the "forgetting the wound when the pain fades" quote, it summarises WWX's mindset really well)***.
Also, as for resisting the summons from the prologue – I'm wondering how much was due to WWX's experience with resentful energy + general capability (if that affects it..?) allowing him to consciously refuse, how much was due to WWX not being the type to hold onto resentment (so possibly spells targeting ghosts, full of this resentful energy, wouldn't be as affected?), and how much was due to the relative lack of knowledge about how ghosts/resentful energy works compared to WWX. Or, if it was something else. Either way, achieving the impossible, that's WWX for you :D
It is interesting that he hasn't heard a voice in ages despite wandering, too – do ghosts just not hear the same way, or did he deliberately avoid areas with people? I could see both, the second being more likely, especially considering how many people wanted to summon him back for... less than stellar purposes.
Poor Mo Xuanyu....
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*Well, reinforced – in the prologue, one of the things said about WWX is that "if not for the YunmengJiang clan’s adopting and teaching him, he would have been a hobo living on the streets", which is among the insults people throw. So of course, class-affecting-perception is tied to WWX from the very beginnning! But this is the first time it's actually explored, not a throwaway line.
**Though that may be what's literally happening to WWX's soul here – it is wandering around Earth – I don't think that's what this line refers to. There's a very good meta on how different translations handled that line, I really recommend it (tysm @/mxtxfanatic for finding it)!
***It would be very interesting to read a fic where it felt like no time had passed for him since his death, actually! Though the extremely stressful circumstances are gone, it would still be interesting to see a WWX for whom the Siege, Nightless City, Qiongqi Path etc are pretty recent – but only in fic territory, since I'm so, so glad we got the WWX we did in canon. Also, I'd love to see a fic maybe exploring some of his time as a ghost...?
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wintersxldiers · 5 months
I already messaged @lafleshlumpeater this ask but I thought I should do it to as many people as I could (esp bc ik ur a Bucky stan)
Could you do a sad reader bc she has period cramps and concerned Bucky who has done his hw to help his girl every way he can. (Some smut too if you're comfortable) Just fluff, fluff and more fluff
YESS Winter's children UNITE!
thanks for requesting hope you like this but I don't know if I really did this justice.
Warnings: Periods, Fluff and comforting Bucky (Lmk if I missed any) In which Bucky's Doll gets her period and he helps her feel a bit better and does everything he can to make sure his girl feels good.
(Thank you @lafleshlumpeater for proof reading and encouraging me to post this <333 so grateful for you xx)
You rolled around in pain. Curse these stupid period cramps. You prayed for the moment for Bucky to come home so he could help relieve you of this pain. You needed his cuddles, his kisses, his warmth and his scent. Your favourite thing to do while on your period was to wrap yourself up in his scent. You missed and wanted it all. 
Suddenly you hear the front door slam shut and footsteps in the kitchen.
"Doll, I'm home, where are you?" Bucky said, looking in the living room and bathroom. 'Probably in our bedroom' he thought to himself and walked into the bedroom. There he saw you clutching your stomach and rolling around on the bed. "Baby, what happened? Is it the cramps again?" He asked, holding your face in his hands. He glanced at his phone to check the date and realised you were on your period. "stupid periods" he cursed under his breath. 
Then an idea popped into his head. "Wait there Angel, I'll get you the hot water bottle" and that's exactly what he did. He grabbed the hot water bottle and climbed into bed with you for a while, cradling you in his arms before he decided that he needed to go shopping first. "Bucky please stay here." you mumbled, in pain. He refused and walked out and left the house. 
Bucky returned twenty minutes later with 2 carrier bags full of sweets and chocolates because of your cravings. "Hey baby I'm back with the goods" he chuckled a bit under his breath. "Thank you so much Bucky." you said eternally grateful that he is your boyfriend. "It's nothing Doll, you deserve this and more." he said staring deep into your eyes before standing up and getting you water and medication. 
You took the medication then asked "wanna come lie in bed, watch a movie and eat?" You looked at him hopefully and of course he agreed. He took his jacket off and slipped under the covers. He grabbed you and held you in his arms and you stroked his metal arm softly, your fingers grazing over it. He had his flesh hand rubbing over your belly, almost massaging it. Your head rested on his hard chest.
You loved this comforting side of Bucky, it was refreshing to see especially after you both come back from a mission and he lets his guard down when he steps into the house with you. You looked up and stared at him while he stared at the screen while watching YOUR comfort movie. He could feel your eyes on him and looked down at you, “what’s up Doll?He asked. “Nothing” you replied, “Thank you” you said before landing your lips onto his. “I love you Angel.” He muttered. “I love you too Buck.” You replied.
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wordsbyrian · 1 year
Overprotective - Alexia Putellas x Reader
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Summary: Part 2 of Team Dad, in which R is an overprotective father.
A/N: This isn't the fic that I wanted to post today but I was an idiot who made the decision to write a 5th holiday fic the day before I post. So you guys get this one which was supposed to be for next week instead but that means 2 holiday fics next week. Also this is barely proofread so sorry about that.
Ever since it became common knowledge that you are the team dad of the Spanish national team, fans have been making a ton of videos showing off your most protective on-field moments.
To be honest, you find the whole thing to be a little ridiculous because any teammate worth their salt should make a fuss when one of their own gets taken down.
But, in all fairness, you might take it a little too far, especially if the number of yellows your mouth has earned you is anything to go by.
Currently, you find yourself in one of those exact situations as you get in the face of the Norse player who just took Pina off her feet.
You’re so focused on verbally tearing the player a new one that you barely register the combined efforts of Mapi and Patri to push you away from her.
Even when your club teammates, Maria and Vilde, come over you don’t cool it.
It takes the ref coming over and threatening to card you for you to walk away from the young Norsewoman.
“Try doing your job ref,” you tell her before walking to get in position.
Luckily Pina seems to be perfectly fine, more than fine in fact because less than five minutes after coming back on the field, she does what she does best and sends the ball soaring into the back of the net.
“La Estrella Bebe does it again,” you say, joining the group hug and patting her on the head, “Let’s finish strong girls.”
And you do, although when Patri gets taken down by the same Norse player that took down Claudia, you can’t help but run your mouth.
“Ref, you’re eyes, do they work,” you ask the center ref, “I’m seriously asking because I want to know. Usually, when someone puts their studs into an opponent's legs, that’s a card. So I’m just wondering.”
“Watch yourself, Y/L/N,” the ref says.
“What, it’s a serious question that I want an answer to because normally that’d be at least a yellow.”
For a moment, you think that your pleas have worked, watching as the ref begins to pull a yellow card out of her pocket. Those hopes are dashed when it’s shown to you instead of the Norsewoman.
“Wrong person,” you say walking away.
When the game ends, after you’ve apologized to Maria, Vilde, and their teammate, you’re pulled to the side for a discussion with your coach.
With that out of the way, you re-enter the locker room only to be greeted by the sight of your teammates recreating your outbursts.
“Ref, do your eyes work,” Leila mimics to the amusement of everyone else.
“Ok tonto, we get it, you’re funny,” you say taking a seat at your locker.
Your protective streak shows itself again later that week during a team outing to a nightclub.
And by this point, you’re certain that the universe really wants to see you punch someone over one of the younger players.
Why do you say that?
Because for the last 15 minutes, you’ve been standing in the corner watching as a guy blatantly stares at Laia and tries to subtly follow her around the dance floor.
Of course, you do realize that she can take care of herself but it's always better safe than sorry.
What you don’t realize is how hard you’ve been glaring at the guy, trying to get him to leave her alone with the power of your mind.
And you don’t realize it until you find yourself glaring at your girlfriend instead.
“Hi amor,” you say, leaning around her to keep your eyes on the strange man.
“Hola,” Alexia responds leaning into you, “What are you doing standing in the corner by yourself?”
Filling her in on what you're doing, you aren’t surprised when she rolls her eyes at you.
“You’re supposed to be having fun,” she says, pressing her body against yours.
“No, I’m supposed to make sure all of you get home safe, especially you drunky.”
“I’m not drunk.”
“You’re not drunk,” you repeat incredulously, “So it wasn’t you that untucked my shirt so that you could put your hands up it. A ghost did all that?”
It’s a good thing you weren’t expecting a response because the slightly painful way Alexia rakes her nails down your back lets you know you aren’t getting one.
Rolling your eyes, you pull her closer to you and try to relocate the guy who was watching Aleixandri.
And you do find him.
The only problem is that he’s apparently gathered up enough confidence to approach her and it appears he is not taking no for an answer.
Shaking your head, you unwrap Alexia’s arms from around you and begin walking toward them.
As you walk away, you can hear her yell something about not making any dumb decisions but you’re too focused to worry about the consequences of your actions.
When you get close enough, you place your hand on the back of the man’s neck and yank him away from the City player.
“Hey there, buddy,” you say, turning him around to face you, “This is the only warning I’m going to give you, leave her alone. Stop staring at her from across the room and if you value your ability to chew your food, do not approach her again.”
The idiot looks unimpressed and slightly confused.
“What does that even mean?”
“It means that if I see you near her again, I will break your jaw so badly that you’ll be tube fed for the rest of your life,” you tell him, glare firmly planted on your face. “In fact, you might as well go home now because I’ll break your jaw if I see you talking to any woman for the rest of the night.”
He takes a step forward, trying to intimidate you, but the effect is ruined by the way his voice shakes when he says, “You can’t do that.”
“Do you want to test that theory,” you ask him, taking a step towards him in return.
By this point, a lot of attention has been drawn to the pair of you, so you’re not surprised when a few security guards make their way over.
“What seems to be the problem over here,” the taller one asks.
Shrugging your shoulders, you roll your eyes when the idiot begins speaking.
“The problem,” he says turning to the guard, “is that this woman has just threatened to physically harm me.”
“Is that true?”
“Of course not,” you lie, “Ask anyone, I did not say anything to him besides asking him to leave my friend alone.”
The people around you nod in agreement with what you’ve said.
Upon seeing this, the shorter security guard massages his temples and sighs heavily before speaking, “How come every time you come here we have the same problems, Jorge?”
He then grabs the idiot by the shoulder and leads him away. 
“So that guy regularly harasses women and he’s still allowed to come here,” you ask the remaining guard.
“His uncle is the owner,” he explains before walking off.
Taking a deep breath, you look over at Laia and see her laughing at something Patri said.
That doesn’t last very long though because you're approached by Jenni who informs you that it’s time to go.
It isn’t until you’re all walking back to the hotel that you learn that anyone heard what you said.
“Do you like to chew your food,” Claudia asks Aitana, recreating the way you pulled the man to face you.
“What are the two of you on about,” Leila asks.
“That’s what Y/N said to the guy who was bothering Laia,” Pina explains.
“No, it’s not,” Ona says, “It was more like this.”
You all watch as Ona stops in the middle of the sidewalk and puffs out her chest in a hilarious mimicry of you.
“Stop staring at her from across the room and if you value your ability to chew your food, do not approach her again,” she says, trying to make her voice sound like yours. “Then she was like, I’ll break your jaw and you’ll be tube fed for the rest of your life.”
You can’t help but laugh at the display because there’s no doubt that you looked that ridiculous while talking to that man.
“Y/N/N,” Alexia says, letting go of your hand, “Please tell me you did not threaten that guy from the club.”
“Alright, I did not threaten that guy from the club,” you say plainly, “I made him a promise, whether he felt threatened by it was out of my control.”
That gets you some laughs from the team but only earns you a glare from your girlfriend.
“I don’t know why I’m surprised.”
“None of us know why you’re surprised,” Mapi says. “Y/N spent the entire night standing in the corner like the overprotective papa she is.”
“I’m not overprotective.”
Unlike earlier in the club when everyone agreed with you, this time you’re met with various noises of disagreement.
“Alright, fuck you guys. I’ll just let creeps hit on you from now on.”
The response is as instant as it is simultaneous.
“No, you won’t.”
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Bleach is full of characters who cannot fucking stand people they ostensibly work alongside. In AEIWAM, who holds the deepest, most caustic grudge(s) in Hueco Mundo and/or Soul Society?
BOY FUCKIN' HOWDY there are some deeply caustic and fucked up relationships and I dumped battery acid on the existing ones, then made up more for AEIWAM. Pick Who you want to hear about first:
Yamamoto and his Ex-Wife (OC).
Yamamoto and every single major and minor noble house, the Shiba clan, the Urahara clan, the central 46, the Punishment squad, Every Single Provincial Governor, and One Monkey Specifically.
Mayuri in General but things are particularly fucked between him and Nemu, Jizo (his zanpaktou), Captain Unohana, Kon, Kisuke Urahara, and The Actual King Of Hell.
The mans done fuckt up.
Gin is another strong contender for Worst Coworker Of All Time, esp in regards to Matsumoto and Kira, but definitely his most bizarre relationships are with Aizen and Urahara.
Speaking of Urahara, the man is a magnet for Drama, and is currently on the Shit List of... yeah, it's actually shorter to list the people Kisuke has NOT seriously pissed off at this point.
As in, among his theoretical immediate coworkers, the only people without a *specific* axe to grind with him are Matsumoto and Zaraki, and that is soley because they have not had the opportunity to work with him directly.
If you asked Urahara to name his greatest nemesis though, he'd probably pick Don Kanonji.
In a dark horse of Drama, Retsu Unohana has recently made a discovery that's put her already-kinda-tense relationship with her medical mentor Tenjiro Kirinji in an awful new light and that is brewing into a nasty fucking brawl.
And she's only Kirinji's Second biggest Hater :)
None of the Arrancar really get along with each other, mostly because carnivores tend to be solitary and need a lot of personal space but fucking nobody likes Nnoitra.
Aizen, who hired Nnoitra, does not like Nnoitra.
You'd think his biggest hater among the arrancar would be Harribel on account of the Misogyny, but it's actually Aaroniero and Arruruerie.
...because they're not quite what they appear to be :)
Beyond the arrancar, Zaraki Kenpachi has beef with nnoitra that transcends lifetimes
Ironically, self-described self-centered asshole Grimmjow is the most social of the Arrancar, with his gang of Adjuchas followers and his extremely one-sided homoerotic rivalry with Ulquiorra and heck, he even has borderline-normal conversations with Coyote Starrk, when Coyote is awake.
Zommari and Sayzel would each beat him to death with a chiar if give half a chance, and for the same reason: Cat Hair.
Later in the Series, Grimmjow manages to move himself to the top of Yoruichi Shihon's "To Kill" list by attending the Seireitei Flower Festival.
Barragan is generally not well-liked but his most utterly seething hatred is reserved for a Roadrunner.
Speaking of Hollow-adjacent Persons, the Visoreds get along pretty well with each other, and of them Kensei and Mashiro are probably the closest, but there is Just One Thing you cannot mention around them because it will stir up a century-old and extremely bloody argument.
I'm still forming up what's going on with Yhwach and the Sternritter but DEAR GOD there is so much fucked up shit in there. Like. It's a cult there was no way this was coming out well but HOO BOY.
Lillie barro's #1 Nemesis in the Court Guards is Yachiru Kusajishi tho. She thinks he's mildly funny.
Lots of people die but the worst death so far is probably PePe Waccabrada at the hands of Retsu Unohana. He has it coming though.
Unless you count what happens to Giselle but the issue there is really that she does not die.
Definitely the most fucked up Quincy is Kanae Ishida, whose rage not even death can stop.
And of course,
Ichigo and Isshin Kurosaki
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johannestevans · 1 year
i wanted to write a BIG essay on disability in House MD but the thing is that as it goes on the show plays and delves with the themes a bit differently - like in s1 they begin to introduce some addict stuff but not too much, and much less of the big grapples with house's own medical agency etc by his friends and coworkers
so i think i'm gonna do an essay series, set up some main themes around disability and autonomy in house
the first things will obviously be about the nature of house's own disability, firstly talking about his physical disability - yes, the lack of mobility from his leg and his reliance on his cane, and also the chronic pain that that comes with, but also specifically noting that house became disabled later in life and was previously extremely physically active
while the themes of house being an addict are extremely overstated because of the us' manufactured opioid crisis and its dehumanisation of addicts due to its racist and eugenicist "war on drugs", it's also noteworthy that he used to exercise all day every day on top of fucking and playing with substances on the side. no one minded this because his "addiction" to exercise was fun and sexy and healthy, bc he was making his own pain-killing substances rather than taking a pill
and then also talking about house's mental health issues - evidence of his autism and the way that people hate specifically his autistic traits, even when they're not actually causing them problems, and the way in which house masks and performs certain emotional responses, but more so like. his depression and his loss of identity as a disabled man, and his difficulties being OKAY with his disability when everyone around him hates disability
so apart from that evidence, the points of house grappling with this stuff will be:
house bonding with other disabled patients - in cases of chronic pain, lost physical mobility, and also mental illness and/or neurodivergence
and house specifically understanding disabled people's perspectives, or thinking about the PRACTICAL needs of the person they're treating or engaging with rather than what society cares about or what the hospital thinks is "appropriate" or "proper"
house bullying abled people for being Weird
times where house makes commentary about the injustice of the system (when he points out that the hospital is designed not to treat the poor, chronically sick, etc)
house being anxious and defensive of his own bodily autonomy (eg when ppl are trying to control his pain management or force him into systems that don't work, take over his medical autonomy, in general try to physically control his behaviours)
esp bc season 1 culminates in the stacy episode where we find that like... so much of house's trauma is not just being disabled
but the fact that stacy OVERRODE his desires, waiting for him to be put into a medically induced coma so that she could make "the best" decision for him and literally being the cause of his current disability. esp bc like...
she specifically went for the middle ground that he rejected, she was NOT a doctor
and in so doing she. invented his chronic pain. like there's a reason that in that same episode, we see the volleyball player who gets an amputation and is able to go back to sports - yes, house is a lot older than that volleyball player, but like
if he had either treated the infarction successfully or just got an amputation so that he could later work with a prostheses, house thinks he would have done much better
and so much of his TERROR around trusting others - not just stacy but wilson, cuddy, anybody else - is because of that. the one person he loved and trusted overrode his desires and created the hell he lives in where he's just in constant agony and he hates it, and the worst part is like
everyone tells him it's his fault. no one cares about what stacy did to him, that she manipulated him. every day they tell house how terrible it is that he does that to others, but when it's what happened to him and he lives in hell, it's on him because he's Mean and Too Autistic and he should just Stop Being In Pain etc
god it kills me.
BUT YEAH i think. season by season is gonna be a lot better to track the development of these themes and the way they shift and change from season to season - also idefk if i'll be able to stick with like. the last three seasons bc they just suck so ba dhfskjjgh
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findafight · 11 months
i don't get why robin and eddie clocking each other is so popular. firstly i find it kind of cheap esp since it's usually a set-up for robin and/or eddie being all-knowing arbiters of lgbt knowledge while steve is clueless and dumb and not lgbt enough (despite usually being bi) to partake in this exchange as well. then it's otherwise used to establish an immediate connection between robin and eddie since they are both gay which automatically makes them besties. secondly it doesn't make much sense w what we see of either robin or eddie. like we know robin struggles w social cues and we see that that extends to sexual orientation through her interactions w vickie. also i think she is just not paying that much attention to eddie i must be honest. then w eddie he spends his time campaigning for the stancy revival while steve blatantly stares at his mouth so. i don't think he'd be good at that either. like the irony in this being so common is that steve is the person that does clock someone else on top of being consistently socially and emotionally intelligent and perceptive. idk sometimes i feel like ppl take him not clocking robin as proof he's incapable of it despite him then clocking someone later and being right, and that s3 scene fitting into the broader context of steve being lonely, insecure, and off his game for most of s3 as well as between s2 and s3. tbh missed comedy potential w steve being the one person in that trio that actually knows what's happening.
oooohg yeah i feel you anon. Not to say that all the fics that have these tropes in them are bad! it just. sometimes gets annoying? I don't want people to feel too bad about it but yes agree.
I think it really is used as a way to fast track their friendship. Truly unfortunate that it's often used to make them all knowing queer guides instead of the disaster teenage gays they are.
Robin is a small town lesbian who is only out to one singular person, she does not know anything, let alone vague little queer codes that might be happening. She wouldn't know Eddie was queer for a variety of reasons. She says herself she's not good at reading people! She's also busy worrying about if she's doing something that might out her or make people suspicious of her, so she's not analyzing other people's actions. She does not care about men that aren't Steve enough to pay enough attention to figure out if Eddie is queer or not lol. She can't even figure out if the girl she likes who likes her back is queer when her best friend is telling her. Oblivious icon! open your eyes, queen!!
Eddie had a man he deliberately broke a moment of romantic tension between his love interest by throwing a vest at his face staring at his lips and still pushed him towards said love interest. Sir. what are you doing. and once it's clear stncy isn't happening you know eddie would be like okay. why aren't you dating Robin? hmm? she's cool! and causes Steve to Suffer. (Steve was flirting with Eddie .5 seconds before he started on this please get with the program Eddie!!)
Also think it's silly that people would stereotype Eddie as Queer from how he dresses as though that's not just how a lot of people dressed? long hair was In in the 80s. Metal fashion was there. It also likely had some/a lot of ingrained homophobia in the subculture (as many things did). Sorry Eddie, but I'm pretty sure our boy Brucie did more for the gays than metallica. (Kissing Clarence Clemens Right On The Mouth Many Times On Stage thank you mr. springsteen and mr. clemens sirs.)
Steve's the only one of these three that 1) knows how to flirt 2) knows when someone is flirting with him 3) has consistently demonstrated being emotionally and socially intelligent to observe people (more than arguably anyone else in the series) and 4) has any kind of functioning gaydar. Totally agree that Steve not clocking Robin despite his gaydar is that he was way off his game, insecure, in a funk, pathetic sad meow meow era, and in a weird state of squish-or-crush on Robin, that was pushed towards crush by Dustin but slam dunked into squish by Robin coming out (does that make any sense?)
I truly, truly believe Vickie returned Fast Times paused on 53 minutes and five seconds specifically when she knew Robin and/or Steve would be the ones to rewind it. Why else would she not rewind it? when clearly they knew who had rented it and could potentially out her if they read into it? She was getting vibes from robin and knew that Steve would at least report Back to Robin (I refuse to believe the championship game was the only time stobin gossiped like they did. Vickie knows their shenanigans.) so she decided to be indirect but kinda obvious about it!! And while Robin is denying this Steve has seen the truth, he knows exactly what Vickie is doing. (would be very funny if Steve and Vickie clock each other, and then make eye contact like I know what you are. They deserve to become funky little friends while Steve is trying to get her and Robin together.)
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