#environmentally sustainable fashion
crazyblondelife · 1 year
Son de Flor...Timeless, Sustainable Fashion Brand
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
I am trying to live more simply and intentionally these days and cut out some of the noise of media and the distractions of our society. Cooking meals at home with food from nearby farms, spending time with family, having quiet celebrations with close friends, supporting local business and spending more time outdoors are all things that are extremely important to me. This kind of lifestyle brings to mind a time when things were simpler. Maybe I’m romanticizing something that never existed but it’s fun to imagine wearing this gorgeous dress while shopping a local farmer’s market and sitting on my porch reading in the afternoon. I think fashion is partly about fantasy anyway!
More and more, I’m drawn to brands that are environmentally friendly. A huge percentage of the clothing purchased in this country ends up in landfills and that’s why they call it fast fashion! However, sustainability is becoming somewhat of a trend and I think that’s a good thing!
Even brands you wouldn’t think of as sustainable are jumping on the bandwagon such as Zara and H&M. While typically, purchasing clothing that has less impact on the environment is more expensive, it’s nice to know that the bigger “box store” brands offer options that are more environmentally friendly as well.
Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to work with Brochu Walker who is doing a great job with their environmental footprint by using sustainable manufacturing practices, paying their workers fair wages and also using organic cotton. I've also had the opportunity to work wear Juliet Dunn who uses organic cotton as well as Boden and Eileen Fisher. There are many other small companies such as Son de Flor, the company that made the dress I’m wearing in this post!
Son de Flor is committed to ethical and sustainable fashion. Their production process is carefully considered to minimize waste and reduce environmental impact. The timeless dresses are made from 100% linen using natural biodegradable or recycled materials for detailing. The are gentle on the environment as well as being time designs that you’ll keep for years!
Clothing that is well made and classic, even though not necessarily made using ethical and sustainable methods is more environmentally friendly simply because these pieces will stay in your closet for years and possibly even be sold in a consignment shop and not go into the landfill.
We’re most likely all guilty of participating in “retail therapy”! It’s all to easy these days to go online and find deals on Amazon or our favorite websites and I am 100% guilty of doing this from time to time!
When I’m having a bad day or even just when something on Instagram catches my eye, I can easily be persuaded to purchase it. It’s so easy to just push a button and then not really give a lot of thought to what we’ve just done. Even though I would guess that most of us care about environmental issues, it’s so easy to push that aside when we find a good deal and clothing and shoes are definitely my weakness.
As I said above, luckily, lots of brands are working to produce more environmentally friendly options! It’s still true that less is better, so purchasing classic, quality pieces that stand the test of time helps to lessen the environmental impact of the fashion industry. If you’re interested in learning more, I found this great article about ethical and sustainable fashion that goes into more detail and is very thought provoking.
Son de Flor clothing is at the forefront of slow fashion and environmental awareness! Their clothes have a romantic feel and the aesthetic celebrates simple living! I can envision wearing this dress for a picnic in the country or while shopping the markets in a beautiful village in Provence.
Son de Flor makes quality clothes that are beautifully made and you’ll feel good about purchasing and wearing them!
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bugsoda · 6 months
The Buyerarchy of Needs
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made by Sarah Lazarovic, from her book “A Bunch of Pretty Things I Did Not Buy” ^-^
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Sorry not sorry to grannypost again but look at this amazing jacket she made me??? She wove it herself on her loom out of wool, silk, banana fibre and scraps of old cloth. The buttons are made of antler. It took her a year and a half and I love it! It’s not vegan, but it is handmade, largely local and very sustainable. It’s an item of clothing I have a personal connection to because of the story behind it, and it shows that reducing how much cotton and polyester we wear doesn’t have to mean drab or boring clothing. So it feels pretty solarpunk to me! Now to learn how to do this kind of thing myself…
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h3artstain · 1 year
A list of (realistic) things you can do to be more environmentally friendly
(from an earth-loving horticulture student.)
Use bar soap instead of soap bottles
Use old toothbrushes for cleaning surfaces
Try exploring and researching some homemade face/body/lip products
Use ice sleeves, sunglasses, and caps instead of sunscreen (Edit: I’ve seen people say that it is safer and even necessary to wear sunscreen at all times so try to use eco friendly sunscreen instead! In my country it’s pretty uncommon to wear sunscreen often as we usually wear ice sleeves which is why I did not know this oof)
Use coffee grinds or homemade tumeric masks instead of cosmetic products with exfoliator beads
Invest in a metal ear cleanser instead of cotton buds
Try placing more importance on skincare instead of contributing to exploitative beauty companies by buying makeup
Use cosmetic products that do not contain palm oil
Try as much as possible to rewear your outfits at least twice before washing them
Actually WEAR your clothes! I know some of y’all just wear them once for your Instagram post and let it rot in your closet forever. Stop doing that!
Thrift, stitch up holes in your clothes, and use second hand clothing instead of supporting fast fashion companies like SHEIN, H&M, Zara, etc.
Cut up your old clothing into yarn and do macramè with it
Cut patches of old clothing to turn into reusable cotton pads
Learn how to knit, crochet or stitch your clothes!
If you use tampons, try menstrual cups or discs instead. If you use pads, try reusable pads or period underwear. (Trust me, it works). Also, use reusable panty liners instead of disposable ones. They may seem expensive but you will end up saving a lot more in the long run
Plant seeds/cuttings in your old bottles, jars, and containers
Propagate your plants and exchange cuttings with your friends instead of buying new plants
Make your own soil mixes instead of buying soil mixes
Better yet, don’t use soil for your indoor plants and try getting into hydroponics or semihydroponics instead. This saves so much water and doesn’t contribute to mining of soil
Fertilise plants with fruit peels, coffee grinds, and tea leaves. (DO NOT use chemical fertiliser on soil)
Plant more legume plants in your garden instead of using nitrogen fertilisers. (Look up the nitrogen cycle if you need an explanation on this)
Avoid pesticides unless really needed. Try sprinkling cinnamon powder on soil or spraying neem oil on plants and soil to keep away pests.
If you have a lawn, try looking into rain gardens and consider making one
Let the (non invasive) weeds in your lawn/garden grow! They are there for a reason!
Stop killing earthworms and millipedes in your garden. This also applies to snails native to your region. They are there for a reason.
Water used to wash fruits and rice can be used to water plants
Use the caps of jars as soap holders
Use recycled paper/notebooks
Wash and dry your glass/plastic items before throwing them in the recycling bin
Keep any plastic bags for future use
Use eco friendly or reusable dish sponges
Use reusable straws and cups
Invest in a fabric cup holder
Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go
Drink more water and less sugary drinks
Bring reusable bags for buying groceries instead of using plastic ones
Always keep a folded up tote/shopping bag with you in case you spontaneously decide to buy something
Set a timer on your air conditioning instead of letting it run throughout the night
Better yet, use a fan instead of an air conditioner
Open your windows! Aerate your home!
Allow natural light to enter your home during the daytime, so as to avoid turning on your lights
Switch to LED lightbulbs instead of regular lightbulbs
Turn off any switches in your house when they are not in use
Collect the water from your air conditioner/dehumidifier condenser and use that to water plants, clean surfaces, steam ironing, and flushing toilets. Do not drink it though!
Delete your all of your unwanted emails
Delete your inactive social media accounts
Try not to post excessively on social media and stop scrolling excessively too. This not only reduces energy usage but also improves your mental health and productivity
Try to keep to one social media app instead of having so many
Reduce your internet usage
Save your eBooks on a thumbdrive instead of on cloud
Use Ecosia instead of Google
Stop being influenced by social media trends that only just contribute to consumerism
Download music instead of streaming
Reduce online shopping
Reduce intake of processed foods
Reduce intake of fish, beef, and dairy
Try eating vegan or vegetarian foods at least once or twice a week
Cook your own meals instead of eating out
Bring your own food containers when taking away food from stores
Beeswax wrap instead of cling wrap!
Buy loose-leaf tea or plastic free tea bags instead of regular tea bags
Eat more mushrooms, vegetables, and fruits and drink more water
Support local farmers
And finally, educate yourself more about ecology and the environment!
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selkies-world · 3 months
Sign the petition to demand the creation of a new international law requiring fast-fashion garments to come with a statement of the human cost and environmental harm caused by their creation.
We all know fast fashion is bad for the planet - slave labor, environmental waste, air and water pollution, and unsustainable practices are just a few of the ways they impact our planet, our health and our lives. To date, the fast fashion industry is the 2nd largest consumer of water and is single-handedly responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions (that's more than all international flights and maritime shipping across a year combined). Even the simple act of washing these clothes releases 500,000 tons of microfibers into the ocean each year - that's equal to 50,000 plastic bottles. Fast-fashion is the 3rd leading cause of the climate crises we face, yet is rarely addressed.
Knowing these stats is one thing, and understanding them is important. Being aware of them is somewhat informative. But as long as we keep turning a blind eye to the issue, the stats are only going to get worse, and nothing will change for the better. Ignoring the issue or brushing it under the rug won't help anything. So what if we could see the real-world damage done by each of the garments we buy?
In the same way that cigarette packets have shown the harm their products do to our bodies ("SMOKING KILLS", lung cancer visualizations, etc.), what if fast fashion manufacturers & retailers had to show the harm their products do to our planet?
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[Image ID: A type-writer font has been used on a brown craft paper background. The text reads: "32 animals lost their habitat to the field where my crops were planted - 2 of those animals are already endangered species. 2,700 litres of water were used in my production. I was made in a sweatshop enslaving men and women aged 16 - 45, and children aged 6 - 14. I contain 0.22kg of carbon dioxide dye." End ID.]
This is a mock-up of a label / statement for a single T-shirt, with researched statistics and educated estimates for the information I couldn't find a calculated answer for.
Now imagine labels / statements like this for every single piece of clothing: how many toxic chemicals are in those new jeans? How many litres of water did that shirt take to make? How many animals were skinned to make those cute fur-trimmed boots? How many children made that jumper? How many people were forcibly removed from their homes, so production companies could plant crops to grow the materials used in clothes manufacturing? How many families were evicted for no reason other than corporate greed? How many trees were cut down? How many animals were displaced or killed?
Would you really want to buy those items of clothing if the answers to those questions were staring you in the face?
If this information was stated in clear, accessible ways on both the website and the ticket on the actual garment, this would dramatically reduce the number of people buying fast fashion items. It would also reduce the profits being made by fast fashion companies, and could lead to many of them being forced to choose between changing and becoming sustainable, eco-froendly and ethical brands, or shutting down due to being boycotted.
Who would really want to knowingly buy things that are made by slaves, or which cost a family their home, or which contributed to deforestation? Who would continue to buy fast fashion items knowing this is the damage caused by them, when sustainable alternatives are an option?
Whether it's second-hand fashion at affordable prices, or investing more money in sustainable products which were made with high ethical standards and which cost more money due to the fact their price accounts for the time it took a person to make that item... we can say for certain that sustainable shopping is going to become much more popular if people know how important that change is. Sustainable items last much longer than fast-fashion items, which by design are created to self-destruct, as they are made to be worn a few times and then discarded in order to be replaced by the next trend's items - and as trends speed up, these items become weaker and weaker. This then leads to people spending more money in order to keep up with the newest trends, and to keep replacing clothes they throw out after a few washes.
In contrast, buying sustainable items which are designed to last years means people won't have to spend money on new clothes every few weeks, which means they'll ultimately save money in the long term and actually be able to afford those pricier items which will last much, much longer.
Now, despite the amount of harm the fast-fashion industry causes to people and the environment, the last thing we should be doing is getting angry at those who continue to buy them. Being the target of anger doesn't make large populations change their behaviour - even a cursory look through history books will tell us that much. Neither does being the target of resentment or blame.
But guilt? Shame? Those are two of the most powerful emotions to magnify when you want change to happen in waves.
And frankly, if people feel ashamed of buying something, or if buying something makes them feel guilty... they're going to stop buying it.
Those aren't the only emotions that should be felt, though. Because only feeling guilt and shame leads to feeling hopeless, scared, anxious and depressed. And we don't want that. No matter how bad things get... we don't want that.
The only other emotions to provoke are hope and pride.
If there's no hope for the future, how can anyone be expected to imagine a better one?
You wouldn't think it, what with all the climate crises and disasters we experience around the world and the total lack of commitment made by billionaires, multimillion-dollar companies and corporations and politicians.
But it's true. Scientists in Scotland have discovered bacteria which eat plastic and speed up the decomposition of it. ‘Ecocide’ is now punishable by law. Some countries within the EU are already close to meeting their 2030 goals years ahead of schedule! Thanks to scientists and small, individual changes made on a massive scale by ordinary people who are making small adjustments to our everyday choices, we can and are healing most of the ozone layer before 2050. That is something we should all feel incredibly proud of.
So imagine how much we could speed that process up if more people made those changes. Imagine how much sooner we could heal our planet if billions of people made those changes, rather than millions. Imagine how much sooner we could be seeing the effects of a healthier planet if fast fashion companies were forced to choose between going green and transparent, or closing altogether due to a lack of interest from consumers. Imagine the changes we could create if corporations made massive changes in a short amount of time, in order to save their own profits.
Imagine more labels like this, sitting alongside each other on every single piece of fast fashion clothing. A statement like this beneath every item of clothing on fast fashion websites, which transparently states the harm done.
If every single fast-fashion company and store had to display this on their clothing, on their racks, on their websites, and if there were legal punishments for those who tried to evade or lie... fashion would turn a lot greener very quickly. We'd start seeing more and more labels with "I'm made from 6 plastic bottles! I used to be a newspaper! I had 0 pesticides used on me in my production! I only contain natural dye made from berries, beans and sustainably grown flowers. I was made from apple skins and corn! The people who made me get to go home to their families every night, have days off and the adults made £150.35 each in 1 week! The animal who made the wool for me is free-range and well-cared for! I came from a small family farm, and was created with a closed-loop water system!”
That'd be a much better civilisation to shop in, don't you agree?
That is hope for the future.
That is motivation, which can fuel ordinary people to do extraordinary things and create changes they thought were impossible.
If you want to be a part of creating this change, sign the Change.org petition which demands the the creation and implementation of an international law which will require all fast-fashion products to be displayed with a statement which states the harm done to people and the planet by that garment being made & shipped.
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The irony of having a Met Gala dedicated to sustainability in fashion while most people show up in blood diamonds and brand new custom looks…
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grkuvus · 2 months
curious what tumblr's opinion on these is!
for the purposes of this poll, "i do shop there" means you have bought from one or both before and would buy from them again.
"sustainability" here means environmental sustainability, but it doesn't have to be the reason for your shopping decisions. there are obviously a lot of other issues in the supply chain at play, but this poll is only looking at these 2 dimensions: environmental opinions, and shopping habits.
please reblog if you vote so i can see more results outside my sphere!
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tillius-the-paladin · 1 month
Just saw a post from a zero waste organization that was all about ~sustainable fashion tips~ and it pissed me the fuck off.
You want to know how to be sustainable in regards to clothing? Stop buying more. Period. Just stop.
Remove yourself from the consumerist cycle. Stop buying and discarding and buying and discarding. Wear what you fucking have. Repair what is damaged. Stop the consumerist cycle.
“Sustainable fashion” is an oxymoron.
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sidewalkchemistry · 11 months
why fashion take-back programs are problematic (also H&M got busted)
one form of greenwashing used by fast fashion
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amiharana · 1 year
what do u think modern revalink would wear!! me personally I think link is either plain tshirt + cargo shorts every day of the week or crop tops and backless shirts and layers of jewelry, no in between 💀 and revali definitely thrifts bc he thinks it makes him look cool, he probably has 100 pinterest boards of outfits he wants to try, honestly if he wasn't so interested in pursuing flight school he might go into fashion 😭 OH he definitely owns a pair of aviator sunglasses, also I just get fur coat vibes from him
CARGO SHORTS HAHAHHA THAT'S VERY LINK VIBES FOR SURE!!!! like link either dresses like a dad or he's showing so much skin pastors everywhere are sweating. casually, link wears the most random graphic tee + sweatpants or old PE shorts from high school LMFAOKJDHFJKD and also flip flops. if he's feeling a little fancy he has the most beat-up pair of white airforce 1s. i lowkey think he has a pair of black af1s that he keeps in mint condition and wears on ~special occasions~ but i Love love LOVE the idea of link wearing crop tops, backless shirts, and jewelry omg 😭🤍 he only wears stuff like that also for special occasions like the usual job interview or date night with revali <3 u know that meme that's like. Steal the Look! $2,450 and it will be like Shirt -$30, Pants - $45, Shoes - $80, Lingerie Set - $2,325 because that's totally link. tell me he's not wearing the sexiest lingerie under his date night outfit like COME ON NOW! but i also believe in link wearing a lot of oversized hoodies, big shirts, and baggy jeans etc he's very stylish and in with the trends
I AGREE WITH REVALI THRIFTING he believes in sustainable clothing and Only wears clothes he's thrifted or are from sustainable and environmentally friendly companies. he actively despises those tiktok girlies who thrift and resell on fucking depop for like 100x the price like he calls them out and roasts them in an 45 min long youtube video 😭 it's so humiliating for them that some of the tiktok girlies be deleting their accounts...... i love the pinterest board stuff too, i have one of just clothes and outfits i think are neat and want, but revali has like 20 different boards for outfit ideas based on 20 different and specific vibes. revali believes in always looking his best before he leaves the house and regularly dresses like wisdom kaye or, i specifically thought of these concept photos of taehyung from proof since you mentioned fur coat? revali makes link match with him for a date night so link ends up wearing jungkook's outfit from the same concept photos. god these men r fine asf WHEWWW! revali is just as broke as the rest of us but he LOOKS rich with the way he pairs clothing together
yes to revali's aviator glasses but link makes fun of him for wearing them inside and revali's is like IT'S FOR THE AESTHETIC!!!!!!!! link wears bucket hats because i said so. idc argue with the wall for this one he would look so cute in a bucket hat and revali thinks so too. he has so many pictures of link in a bucket hat on his phone. they both have platform doc martens, link has the boots and revali also has boots but also the oxfords.
revali has a bomber jacket from his grandfather who was a pilot. link likes to steal it sometimes because it's oversized and smells like revali <3
link learned how to crochet for funsies and made revali a bright blue scarf as a gift, and revali was so touched he centered every single outfit he wore for the next two weeks around the scarf (dw he washed it, he's a clean freak). like revali cherishes it so much he has it displayed in their house 😭
last one for now and i'm gonna project even more onto link, but he luvs jewelry. he looks especially good in gold, but he rocks any piece he wears. he has so much jewelry, revali built him a whole vanity with multiple drawers and storage space for all of the jewelry. revali randomly gets him jewelry as gifts every now and then, and he always gets it custom-crafted by a jeweler who's a friend of urbosa. link almost always wears the first necklace that revali ever gifted him for his birthday and it's beautiful sapphire wrapped in gold. also link wears a body chain under his crop tops sometimes and revali is obsessed with it he cannot keep his hands off of link's waist or his eyes away from the way the chain glints against link's tummy :)
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“The occupations of a constitutional monarch are grave, formal, important, but never exciting,” wrote the British journalist Walter Bagehot in his 19th-century work on the English constitution.
If that’s true, no one appears to have told King Charles III.
The British monarch, who will formally be crowned king in a coronation ceremony this weekend, is perhaps the least non-exciting royal alive.
Quite aside from his position as the head of the British royal family — a role that he automatically took over following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, in September — Charles’s life has always been under the spotlight, from his fairytale wedding to Princess Diana in 1981 to his falling out with his youngest son in 2021.
What distinguishes Charles from his mother, as well as most other members of his family, is his vast array of interests and hobbies.
Many Britons could probably name something about the king that most would find eccentric or odd: His love of red squirrels, for example, or his passion for British hedgerows.
There’s also his disdain for cube-shaped ice. Virtually everyone in the country, if not the world, knows how he feels about leaking pens.
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“He’s quite quirky,” Sally Bedell Smith, author of Prince Charles: The Passions and Paradoxes of an Improbable Life, tells TIME.
Quite unlike Queen Elizabeth II, who had a reputation for keeping her personal views on everything beyond corgis and horses private, Charles has always been outspoken about his views and interests.
The one that he is perhaps best known for is his passion for environmentalism, a cause that he took up as early as 1970 when, as the Prince of Wales, he issued a prescient warning about the “horrifying effects of pollution.”
On related issues such as organic farming and sustainable fashion, Charles was ahead of his time.
So committed is he to the cause of conservation that he purportedly still wears a pair of shoes that he bought in 1971 and drives a classic Aston Martin that runs on bioethanol made from cheese and wine.
He has since issued more urgent calls for radical climate action.
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But the monarch’s interests don’t end with the planet. Among Charles’ other noted pastimes is architecture and, in particular, how it has been stained in the modern era.
He once described a proposed addition to London’s National Gallery as “a monstrous carbuncle” and even likened London’s contemporary landscape to the Battle of Britain in World War II.
(“You have, ladies and gentlemen, to give this much to the Luftwaffe,” he once told attendees of an event marking the Royal Institute of British Architects’ 150th anniversary.
“When it knocked down our buildings, it didn’t replace them with anything more offensive than rubble. We did that.”)
A living embodiment of Charles’ architectural worldview can be found 130 miles southwest of London in Poundbury, a town featuring pastel-colored houses, abundant courtyards, and signless roads that was designed by Charles as an experimental planning project in the 1980s.
Due to be completed in 2025, Poundbury has been hailed as a model for new, livable urbanism. To critics, however, it’s seen as more of a feudal Disneyland.
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That Charles has so many passions — to say nothing of his interest in philosophy, homeopathic medicine, and Islam — is, in many ways, a direct consequence of his extended stint as heir to the throne, a period in which he had both the time and the resources to pursue his interests.
His time as Prince of Wales “was not, by any stretch of the imagination, a life spent in waiting,” Bedell Smith says, noting his work with more than 400 charities, many of which were directly tied to his interests.
“He was very busy; he was a man in a hurry.”
“He has a fogeyish side, there’s no doubt about it,” says Richard Fitzwilliams, a longtime royal expert. “But he’s also an extremely hard worker.”
This perception can get lost amid Charles’ more peculiar idiosyncrasies, from his reported preference to travel with his own custom-made toilet seat to his apparent unwillingness to administer his own toothpaste.
It’s little wonder that one of his biographers, royals expert Christopher Anderson, dubbed him “one of the most eccentric sovereigns Great Britain has ever had.”
Since becoming sovereign, however, Charles had to scale his own personal views and interests back.
In his first address to the nation following his mother’s death, he conceded that, as he takes on his new role, “it will no longer be possible for me to give so much of my time and energies to the charities and issues for which I care so deeply.”
For many observers, this was an essential step in ensuring the continuity of the royal family as a unifying force in the country.
“A monarch simply cannot go out and make pronouncements on issues that could very well alienate some portion of the British population, and for that matter the population in those nations that remain realms over which the British monarch is a head of state,” Bedell Smith says.
“One of the most important roles of the monarch is to be the binding force in British society and to do anything that runs counter to that threatens his position.”
Charles has found some ways of maintaining his individuality, though.
While the monarch was reportedly blocked, for example, from attending the COP27 summit in Egypt last year, he did host a reception for others attending the summit to discuss the issue of climate change.
And while he may still be the “defender of the faith,” as the supreme governor of the Church of England, Charles has also dubbed himself the “defender of faiths,” reflecting his desire to be more inclusive.
And while Charles’s coronation will be steeped in religious symbolism and tradition dating back centuries, there will still be elements of the celebration that are unique to him, if you know what to look for.
The design of the ornately illustrated coronation invitations, for example, features a hedgerow border in an apparent nod to the monarch’s love of horticulture.
The ceremony will also feature Greek Orthodox music, in a tribute to the king’s father, the late Duke of Edinburgh, who was born in Corfu into the Greek and Danish royal families.
(“He was always interested in Eastern Orthodox thinking and practices,” says Bedell Smith)
The inclusion of religious leaders representing the Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Sikh traditions in the coronation underscores Charles’s efforts to reflect Britain’s diversity, as well as his own interests in non-Christian faiths.
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persimmonteas · 2 years
very cool app if you’re looking to wear your wardrobe more/be sustainable: https://30wears.app
basically, avoid buying stuff that you won’t wear at least 30x. tracking your closet to see what you don’t wear prevents you from falling into the same trap next time you go shopping and helps you figure out what you truly need to replace
It looks like:
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frogcoded · 22 days
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see that's what i don't get like the cheapest yarn skeins at my local yarn store are about 3€ and even if we assume all the yarn she's talking about is cheap (it's not) that's still more than a thousand euros in stashed yarn ????? that you then have to "get rid of" with stashbusting projects because you didn't plan anything when you bought it ????? a thousand euros ?????
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techdriveplay · 3 months
Why I Made the Switch to Step One
I have recently had the pleasure of trying out Step One. This is why you might want to make the switch.
Whether you are a boxer, briefs, or “going free” type of guy, there is no doubt that many of us can do more to protect our bits. Thankfully, some innovations are coming out in the men’s underwear space, and they have truly changed the game. I have recently had the pleasure of trying out the frontrunner, Step One and they are right when they say that “once people try Step One they will want to…
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killa-trav · 2 years
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📸: diegozabala
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