grkuvus · 1 month
hey. non-jewish advocates for palestine. we need to talk.
PLEASE remember that jewish people are not the enemy. freedom and justice for palestine is not incompatible with protecting jewish people. anyone who tries to convince you that jewish people are standing in the way of freedom for palestine, and that something needs to be done about us, is an opportunist using palestine to target jewish people.
this goes ESPECIALLY for people who are not themselves palestinian or connected to palestine.
there are so many jewish people fighting for palestine's freedom, putting ourselves in harm's way, losing people in our lives because of our unconditional defense of innocent people living and dying in gaza. don't ignore that when you see people making sweeping statements about jewish people. don't ignore antisemitism masquerading as pro-palestinian sentiment.
we are not enemies. we are not on opposite sides. don't throw us to the wolves or excuse antisemitism in the name of the cause. so many of us fight for palestine - when you're confronted with antisemitism, please fight for us, too.
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grkuvus · 2 months
curious what tumblr's opinion on these is!
for the purposes of this poll, "i do shop there" means you have bought from one or both before and would buy from them again.
"sustainability" here means environmental sustainability, but it doesn't have to be the reason for your shopping decisions. there are obviously a lot of other issues in the supply chain at play, but this poll is only looking at these 2 dimensions: environmental opinions, and shopping habits.
please reblog if you vote so i can see more results outside my sphere!
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grkuvus · 2 months
remember in 2012 when i was scared to be openly homestuck because i didn't want to look uncool to my superwholock followers. do you remember that
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grkuvus · 2 months
the longer homestuck has been out and the older i get, the more intensely protective i get over these kids
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grkuvus · 2 months
i didn't watch lisa frankenstein in theaters bc i saw you could watch it online too and was like "yeah i'll rent it soon!" what the Hell do you mean "prices starting at 19.99"
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grkuvus · 3 days
in 2024 i am Still begging people every day to just not do fake slavic accents in their art. either hire an actor who actually speaks the language, or just have the actor speak in their own voice. please.
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grkuvus · 4 days
that post about it/its pronouns has me thinking about the relationship between pronouns and gender. people always refer to using the wrong pronouns for someone as "misgendering", but that doesn't always seem to be the case (take this in good faith, i'm building to something).
in english, pronouns are gendered for people and animals, but not (usually) for objects. in other languages, pronouns can be gendered for objects, but not necessarily imply that a table is a Boy or a Girl. some languages don't use gendered pronouns for people at all; the absence of gender does not necessarily mean that there are No pronouns for people, just that gender doesn't factor into it. other languages have Many pronouns, varying based on gender, familiarity, formality, etc.
english's relationship with pronouns seems to be especially in flux right now. i've noticed myself and others often using masculine or feminine pronouns for objects in everyday life. this could be for a number of reasons: an increased personification of objects, comedic trends (what started as a joke becoming a habit), increased linguistic convergence due to the internet connecting people from all over the world; regardless, i think it's a good illustration of how pronouns and gender have a less fixed relationship in language than it may seem.
all of this to say - we take for granted, in english, that our pronouns have to reflect our gender. but they don't necessarily. they can reflect other things we see in ourselves, or vary based on who we're talking to, or in what context, without having any relationship with our gender. if you like a set of pronouns, it doesn't have to say Anything about your gender, any more than it would about a plate's gender, or a violin's. push the language in new directions; play with the space words occupy in your mind. the world is your/his/its oyster.
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grkuvus · 10 days
the worst part about getting mad about posts on tumblr is that they're just not bait. it's so clear when something is posted by someone who truly believes they're completely right while misinterpreting something to a degree that would be comical if it weren't an attack on real people
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grkuvus · 11 days
90% of the time i'm fine but sometimes i get so upset about not looking masculine that i might just explode
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grkuvus · 12 days
sick + twisted au where curly-haired people have rights on picrew
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grkuvus · 2 months
here is why, as a non-fan and outside observer, the whole watcher fiasco has been so confusing to me:
putting aside the tone-deaf comments and presentation, the CONCEPT of having content produced by fan funding is not that crazy to me? the alternative being advertiser/sponsor-funded, corporation-funded, or exorbitantly-rich-person-funded (which is just. not realistic)
having your ENTIRE obligation be to the fans, and no one else, seems like the ideal situation to me. if the fans don't like what they're doing, then they fail. that's a way better model to me than "if fans love it but advertisers hate it, well, advertisers come first".
i also wonder if my pro-piracy stance has something to do with it. it feels like a no-brainer to me that, if you can't afford it, you don't have to pay for it. it even seemed to me like they were alluding to being cool with it being shared from the video? if you can and want to pay for it, then go for it; if you can't, then just, don't. pirate it. this is the piracy website. i don't get it?
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grkuvus · 2 months
i have no opinion on watcher, but some of the posts i'm seeing "calculating" production costs are by people who cannot fathom what goes into a production and it shows
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grkuvus · 2 months
happy birthday stucky fans on my dashboard
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grkuvus · 3 months
i wish dieting was treated the same way as cigarettes. i wish kids were warned to never try a diet, not even once. i wish everyone knew that diets make your health worse and that they don't even WORK long-term. if nothing else, i wish people knew that dieting usually leads to more weight gain than not dieting does - if all anyone cares about is the number on the scale, i hope that fear can at least help people stay away from a lifelong spiral of self-loathing and distrust of eating
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grkuvus · 3 months
often i will see a blatantly bullshit post about things i feel i know a lot about (ie. the subject i got a degree in) and still do an hour of research to make sure i'm not just totally wrong - it really is, in fact, bullshit. and then i spend another hour drafting a refutation to the incorrect post with my many many links. on some nights, i can hear the voice of reason telling me "it's okay, just let people be wrong on the internet, it isn't worth it, delete this draft and go to bed". and on very good nights, i even listen
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