#eli knew what he was doing hehehe
danaa-scully · 8 months
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The Walking Dead (2021) The Walking Dead: Dead City (2023)
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sadomatica · 26 days
do you have any oceliquid thoughts to share bc I'm so obsessed with them
Oh my god what thoughts DONT I have about them and their beautiful marriage. Follow me under the cut for this one cause it's gonna get long and it's gonna get wicked.
Man what can I even say about these hoes. Together forever and never apart for real. Theres so much left unexplained in the weird scattered years they spend together spanning those three decades, so little canonical elaboration on how they become so closely allied in the era leading up to shadow moses, and yeah the reddit bros like to fill in the gaps like "ermmm mutual interests and🤓🤓ocelot is le master manipulator liquid wuz his pawn and he knew his plan all along🤓🤓" and like, okay sure whatever, but i also raise you, if you'll put your fujo goggles on: the second he first saw eli in 84, before everything, before the hypno-doublethink-brainfuck whatever started wearing off and he eventually discovered the truth of his lineage, some weird kind of fucked up love immediately started festering inside him for that angry little boy. It's this instinctual, irrepressible desire stemming directly from his love for bibo, twisted and mutated by 9 long years of endless pining and mindfuckery and drug abuse, and ofc he doesnt fully understand everything for what it is until way later- but not understanding the feelings doesnt stop him (which. when has it ever with this guy) and, yeah you probably know where I'm going with this.
At the very LEAST I like to imagine them developing a weird little bond over a mutual interest in ruining Kaz's day, maybe eli (suspend disbelief/imagine they put him on mood stabilizers) starts enjoying spending time around ocelot bc he treats him like an Adult and doesnt talk down to him like a kid and has always has good candy in his office, and maybe in my personal fantasy world ocelot can't resist that "Anything's Legal In International Waters" temptation revelation if you know what I'm saying. But I'll save that for another ask bc I know everyone's not the craziest about my noncelot headcanons. Hml if you are tho.
Of course if youre a Normal Person Eyeroll Tm, theres the whole unopened can of worms of liquid (NOW LEGAL!) in iraq, weakened and brainwashed and tortured, rescued by the us government supposedly but, again...I like to think that if ocelot didnt personally rescue him he definitely orchestrated someone else doing so for him. Like cmon. 1994? Ten years after their first meeting? It's just too poetic for me to not make that conclusion!!!
Literally it's ridiculous how much juice there is for them. You see all that bullshit I just yapped? That's only HALF THEIR TIMELINE. I literally feel fucking BAD for writing that much dude but holy shit if you're intrigued enough to want to know my foxhound era/why liquid da arm all the sudden thoughts....pls lmk. But yea I'll shut my trap now HEHEH.
Tl;dr ocelot gave eli his own walkman on motherbase preloaded with a cassette of basic glam metal he thought hed like and it touched his demented bpd heart so deeply that shit went to his grave with him at shadow moses
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kyuuxmizu · 1 year
I went to watch both events for the Gintama Ato no Matsuri!!
The afternoon event via live-viewing in the cinemas
The evening event inside the actual venue, Ryogoku Kokugikan~
(2023 is also my 15th year as a Gintama fan so what better way to celebrate than attend the matsuri!!!!)
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Hihi we used the penlights inside the live-viewing theater too.. hey most of the ppl in our row were using it too okayyy😂😂 It was so much fun!!!
ofc nothing beats the experience of watching it LIVE inside Ryogoku~🥹🥹
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3Z Anime announced!!!! Everyone was like majiiiii????
They kindly asked us not to post any spoilers on social media until the evening event ends, so I kept mum about it XD
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Upon arriving at the Ryogoku, my friends and I took pics of our matching Sonjuku ita-bags!! 🥹🥹 (Mine is the Takasugi one hehehe)
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So many ppl!!
Then I went to pickup my preordered goods, which I'll post later!! XD
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Outside Ryogoku~
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Inside Ryogoku~
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With my sibling wearing our matsuri shirts and sukajan~
We won the tickets during the Advance reservation lottery so we got pretty good seats~ マス席 in the first floor and facing the front! My friends were seated on a different row T^T
On to the event~ (A lot of screaming and crying XD)
I already knew most of what was gonna happen since I watched the afternoon event so I thought my hype would be dampened??? But the emotions just kept flowing!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭 (Tho ngl I wished they unveiled the 3z anime in the night event instead... I was expecting another bomb to drop actually hahahah xD)
The atmosphere inside Ryogoku... everyone's so passionate!!! You could feel the love not only from the fans but also from the seiyuu and bands as well!!! Aaaa I love Gintama and it's fandommm 🥹🥹💞💞
Never watched One Piece but the hype inside the venue and Kitadani's energy was so high it made me sing along too, idk how I managed to do it cuz I barely know the song😂😂 they went all out with this even parodying the OP of One Piece and the seiyuu mimicking the strawhat pose😂
Then the 生アフレコ went a trip down the memory lane🥹🥹 Makes me wanna rewatch everything all over again 😭
I started getting emotional when ChicoHani started singing ヒカリ証明論 (Kiheitai tapos Bansai death scene talaga..mashaket po mga mamshie...😭)
And サクラ舞う暁に..it's my fave ChicoHani song okayyy Chico shouting Matsuri ja Matsuri jaaa🌸🌸🌸 So fun to sing along with the crowd!!! Almost everyone switched their lights to pink!! one brain cell~ XD
Their surprise was the Samurai Heart cover!!! 😭😭😭
ChicoHani's gntmと出会わせてくれた song, Pride Kakumei!!! When the Honeyworks guitarist shouted "saikou da saikou" waaaa the hype!!!!! Crowd went crazy!!
Otsu-chan so cute I didn't expect the fox at all (Gintama always subverts expectations so true even for events like these x3)
Toshi always up for anything riding the Thousand Sunny Sadaharu-Eli ship hahahah And Sakaguchi-san!!! 🥹🥹
Then 生アフレコ again~!! XDDD
Surprise was KUROKO's special appearance (with Suzuken as Murasakibara and Nakai-san as Imayoshi!! Chiba-san's side comment: なんかイチャイチャする 😂😂😂😂)
SuzuKen funny he said he could hear Kensho Ono from the Kuroko mascot hahahah
plus GINCHAAAN (for the evening event)
It was so adorable how Sakaguchi-san took a pic of Gin-san and Sugita on stage... He really loves Gintama, ne (The whole cast loves Gintama!! that alone makes it so special)
Sugita's side comment: he wants Oguri Shun to join too hahahaha
DOES so cool!! Everyone switched their lights to red when DOES started their set list~
It's also no secret that Wataru-san loves Gintama sm, he mentions it in his SNS accts frequently🥹🥹 ワタルさんかっこ良かった...有難う! Crowd shouting Wataruuuu Bravo!!! XD
The SPYAIR covers gosh 😭😭😭 I almost cried listening to the Wadachi cover 😭😭😭 (I did cry when I rewatched it through Abema haha 😭😭😭)
From the band's message in the end, it was apparent that SPYAIR really wanted to attend but alas they have no vocalist yet 😭😭😭
The highlight of the event for me was Yama-chan's surprise appearance 🥹🥹 LITERAL CHILLSSSSS I mean... THE KOICHI YAMADERA...
Apparently, Yama-chan never attended events like these and Ato Matsuri was the first one. That alone just made me.....🥹🥹🥹😭😭
is Gintama that special he agreed to make an appearance 🥹🥹😭😭
Or did Higuchi-san (producer) really splurge their budget on him ahahahah
We were joking that they must have spent most of the special guest budget on Yama-chan that's prolly why no other guests appeared 😂
And gosh that man has range.... I also learned that Yama-chan voiced Donald Duck from Kingdom Hearts..!!! That's why his animal and nature dubs (from the special Matsuri manga) are on point 😂😂😂😂
He can sing too (He sang JPN version of Prince Ali and Circle of Life) and had a duet with Hirano Aya (Nobume VA) for the Yakuza game 😭
Koyasu-san was a no-show as usual (I had high hopes since he attended the Isekai Oji-san seiyuu event at Anime Japan last year) He had a voice message tho, saying his ponpon was in pain (basically he had a stomachache) 😂😂
And then there's Sugita's closing message 😭😭😭
That even though gntm has ended 4 years ago, he hasn't forgotten about Gintama
That he'll be Sakata Gintoki until he dies..no, even if he dies 😭😭😭GURL I GOT SO EMOTIONAL!!!
Then he says "Chinko"!! how very Gintoki!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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And finally the Ginpachi-sensei anime which will be part of a series of projects for Gintama's 20th anniversary (which will last until 2026!!!) I am so excited 😭😭😭😭
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As Suzuken said 終わらないね銀魂ァァ
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Thank you so much Ryogoku~ See you again in the next Gintama Matsuri!!!
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anadorablekiwi · 2 years
How to Entertain an Eli
Word Count: 1479
Chapter 5 of A Little Mishap
Fluff, Twilight/Ilia, snuggling/cuddling, a cheek kiss
This chapter ends pretty abruptly but idk how to end it and i realized it needed to end there so ye. also it occurs to me the chapter title probably isnt that accurate anymore but honestly at this point i just want to get it out there. hopefully I can continue to make progress on this fic, as I'm really excited for what comes next hehehe
“Alright, who’s coming with us to see the goats?”
“Ooo, me, me!!” Eli bounced on her feet, raising her hand and waving it excitedly. 
Twilight chuckled. “Yes Eli, I know you’re coming. Who else?”
“Oh by the way, a few of our does kidded last week!” Ilia added, causing Twilight to gasp in delight while most of the chain just looked very confused.
Twilight began to bombard Ilia with questions. “How many? Were there any problems? Are they all healthy?” Before she got the chance to respond, Wind spoke up.
“Are does goats? Why are you so excited that the goats made jokes? How do goats even make jokes?”
Ilia giggled and smiled, ruffling the young teen’s hair. “A doe is a female goat, and kidded is another way to say they gave birth, since a baby goat is called a kid.”
Upon this explanation, Sky, Wind, Hyrule, and Eli all gasped in delight, and the rest of the chain seemed more interested as well. Ilia turned back to Twilight. “We’ve got five new kids, three boys and two girls. Brownie, Spot, and Fluffy each had one, and Dorkus gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. No problems, and everyone is healthy.”
“You named a goat ‘Dorkus’?” Legend asked with a smirk.
“Oh, so you already have kids!” Warriors added with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Twilight’s face went red and he opened his mouth, then closed it, opened it again, and closed it once more. Ilia just laughed. “I suppose in that sense we do have kids. And a couple of our does are still pregnant, so there’s more on the way,” she added, grinning.
Twilight not-so-subtly changed the subject. “A- Anyways, I’m guessing all y’all wanna come see the goats?”
Warriors cringed at ‘all y’all,’ and Legend mumbled something, attempting to back away and look uninterested. Hyrule was having none of that, however, and grabbed the Vet’s arm.
“Oh come on Vet, come see the baby goats with us!! It’ll be fun!” Legend opened his mouth to protest, but Hyrule interrupted. “You know you want to,” he quietly added with a grin. 
Legend met Hyrule’s gaze, then deflated and rolled his eyes. “Alright, fine, I’ll come.”
Eli cheered and ran up to the Veteran, grabbing his hand excitedly. “Yay! Mr. Pink is coming!! Come on, let’s go see the baby goats!!” She tugged at his hand, attempting to drag him along. 
Legend smiled at the young child. “Alright, alright, I’m coming!” he said with a chuckle.
They spent the rest of the afternoon petting and cooing over the goats and their babies, everyone enjoying it immensely. The most enjoyable part, however, was watching little Eli play with the goat kids, occasionally deciding to give one a silly name like ‘bouncy’ or ‘talky.’ 
Dinner went by pretty smoothly as well. They all ate with Colin and his family, plus Ilia of course. Before they knew it, the sun had set and stars were starting to emerge. 
“So, what are the sleeping plans, pup?” Time asked, patting Twilight on the back. 
“Uh… It’d be squishy but we might be able to sleep at my place?” 
Ilia raised an eyebrow. “Honey, with the state that place is in right now I’d be surprised if you could fit half of y’all in there.” A few chuckles,, and Warriors elbowed Twilight at the ‘honey.’ 
Ilia continued. “It’ll still be a bit of a tight fit, but there’s much more room at our place. In fact, I can even stay at Link’s little house to give y’all more room.”
Warriors and Time exchanged a mischievous glance, causing the rancher to pale. Time smiled kindly at Ilia. “It’s hardly fair to ask you to sleep out there alone. Why don’t you and the rancher here both sleep there?”
“Yeah,” added the captain cheerfully. “Besides, I bet you’ve been really missing each other, you two deserve some alone time!” 
Twilight flushed red. “I- bu- well yeah, but I-“ 
“Yeah Pup, I’m sure you’ve been missing your wife terribly. Some alone time will be great for you two.” 
“And you wouldn’t leave your wife to sleep out there at the edge of the village all alone, would you?” Warriors smirked and elbowed Twilight again. 
“I- w-well, we already share a bed but the one in my house is only a one person bed…” 
“Aw, the married couple share a bed already, how romantic,” Legend teased with a smirk. Twilight’s blush remained ever present, but Ilia seemed mostly unaffected.
“It’s a bit of a squish, but it’ll be fine, hon. That gives the rest of y’all more space. Sounds good to me.” She smiled warmly at the group and rested a hand on Twi’s shoulder. 
Twilight sighed in resignation. “Okay, sounds like a plan. I’ll help you get what you need, Ilia.” 
“What, you get a ‘hon’ but she’s only ‘Ilia’?” Warriors teased. 
Ilia laughed. “Oh, I call everyone that, it’s nothin’ special.” 
Twilight mumbled to himself under his breath. “Honey is new though…” Unfortunately, said comment was, indeed, heard by the others, and there were snickers and some eyebrow wiggles done in his direction. Ilia’s face turned a lovely shade of pink, almost matching his own red one. 
“A-anyways, I’m tired, let’s get going!” Twilight rushed inside the house, Ilia following close behind. 
He awoke the next morning with a comforting weight on his chest, and opening his eyes revealed it to be his wife. 
That still feels weird, calling her my wife. A good weird though. He smiled softly and looked at her, holding her closely and running a hand through her hair. I mean, we are married. This is what married couples do. It’s nice. So why am I always hesitant? I mean, even friends snuggle. We’re just a couple of friends snuggling, who happen to be married to each other. Yeah. Just some married friends. Platonically married friends. Yup, nothing weird here. Just two platonically married friends, who aren’t in lo-
Ilia raised her head and flashed him a sleepy smile. Twilight's heart disobediently did a flip. 
“G’mornin’ hun.” She stretched towards him and landed a quick kiss on his cheek, causing his heart to do even more disobedient flips. 
“Good mornin’ pumpkin,” he drawled sleepily. 
Ilia's cheeks turned a lovely tint of light pink, and Twilight’s mind finally caught up with his mouth just as Ilia regained her wits. 
“Aw, I get a cute nickname now? I love it, honey!” 
Twilight’s face flushed red.
They both froze. 
“Uh, what was that?” 
A distant voice Twilight recognized as being the Captains calle out. 
“Hey lovebirds, you’re gonna miss breakfast!” 
Ilia sat up and Twilight groaned, bringing a hand to his face. 
Ilia giggled. “We should probably get up.” 
“Probably. Before Wars breaks something.” Twi stood and walked to the small window, opening the wooden shutter just in time for a small rock to fly straight at his face. He quickly caught it before it hit him, then glared down at the offending thrower. 
Warriors grinned, only looking slightly guilty, and little Eli was sat on the Captain’s shoulders. She giggled and beamed up at the rancher. 
“Good morning Papa! Mr. Scarf said we can play games today after breakfast!”
Twi couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. Ilia nudged him aside and popped her head out the window. “Good mornin’ you two!”
Eli waved enthusiastically from her perch on Warriors’ shoulders. “Good morning Mama! Are you gonna be playing games with us?” 
She beamed. “Aw, of course baby! I’d love to play with y’all!” 
“Good morning Ilia, how did you two sleep?” The Captain grinned. 
“Quite well, thank you! How did y’all sleep last night? It wasn’t too crowded, was it?” 
Warriors seemed bit disappointed at the last of an entertaining reaction, but smiled in kind all the same. “We slept well, there was plenty space for all of us. Besides, a majority of our party are somewhat of a compact size anyways,” he chuckled. 
Eli tilted her head down and to the side of his face. “Party? There’s a party? Where? Am i invited? Why is the party ‘compact,? What does that mean?”
The Captain let out a chuckle and booped the little girl’s nose. “No silly, there’s no party. I just mean our group of heroes. As for compact-”
“He means a lot of ‘em are small and short, like you, little bug.” The rancher walked up and ruffled Eli’s hair, causing the child to giggle. She reached out her arms and he picked her up, hoisting her onto his own shoulders. Warriors looked mildly offended at having been robbed of his Eli time, to which Twi just stuck out his tongue. 
Ilia hopped down the ladder of the tree house and placed a hand on the Rancher’s back. “Come on, I’m sure breakfast is gettin’ cold.” 
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reireiayanamiz · 2 years
”I think I'm a little bit, a little bit in love with you.”
CWS ; F slur (I can reclaim !) , Homophobia, Implied sexual thoughts ig😢 and a sexual joke at the end
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Is it gay to be willing to do anything for your best friend? Klitz wondered, looking up at the ceiling. Everything was a little bit of an understatement, though. More like ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. But not in a gay way.
Atleast he thought so, They've been through a lot together. Such as, kissing, running away from a pissed off buff man and more, probably worse.
They never classified things they did as gay, though. Watching porn together and making out was just dudes being bros, right? Atleast, that's what they say. It's not gay to just be dudes. Every friend has thought of the other in ways that aren't very friend-like..at all, right? right?
Wrong. They both were quite gay, and almost everyone at school knew. Everytime they walk through the halls together, everyone thought the same thing. ‘Oh, look at the two f*gs skipping through the hallway together, smiling.’ Even they thought that, sometimes. It's okay, because they were best friends. Nothing could stop taht.
Besides the tension they both felt around each other. Especially about the fact they both thought about each other in ways they could so easily be called a f*gg*t for. Especially by each other. It was low-key awkward. That's why Eli doesn't turn on porn anymore. Because what if they both get the wrong idea? What if they just made out? There could be so many scenarios in that situation, some good, some bad. In which some, he would not like to elaborate.
“Wanna hang out today?” Klitz asked, calmly. “Sure, man, what do you want to do?” Eli responded. Klitz was tempted to say everything he wanted to, but he wouldn't and couldn't. He wasn't aware of his feelings yet, and didn't want to be like ‘can we make out?’, so he decided to calmly say, “Maybe we can take a walk and play video games.” That’s an answer they both liked.
“Sure, I'm down. Maybe we can kiss? Just kidding. Please don't take that literally.” Eli half-joked. He didn't even mean to say that. Klitz was going all red. ”Oh- I think I might take that literally dude. That sounded very serious.” Eli was no longer laughing. He became slightly red, too. “Ookay then, whatever you wanna do, baby.” That sounded really gay. But, just dudes being bros right? R i g h t?
Wrong. They were both in love.
“I mean, sure. And don't call me that. I'm gonna get all blushy and squealy.”
“I think you're already blushy and squealy baby, but it's okay. I like that.”
At this point, they were both ‘blushy and squealy’. It's okay though. They both found that hot.
They were both sweating a bit. “Can we kiss now?” Klitz asked. “Heheh- Did that really work on you? Am I that good at flirting?”
Yes, He was. And he knew it. Klitz nodded. Eli laughed. “Okay, let's kiss now. No homo, by the way.”
“No homo.” That was a lie. But anyways, they leaned into eachother and began to kiss. Klitz really would do anything for this boy. He was head over heels now.
The kiss broke up. They're now realizing, everyone saw that. They were at school. They were all laughing, pointing and talking. All eyes were in them. That was embarrassing. They both looked around frantically and Eli got up, and started running away out of embarrassment.
Klitz just watched in shock. Did he make him uncomfortable? He then on chased after, now catching up and grabbing his shoulder. They were alone now. “Dude, Did I make you uncomfortable?”
“No, I made myself uncomfortable by being an absolute mega-f*gg*t. Go ahead and laugh at me.” Eli now said, on the verge of tears.
Klitz didn't laugh. In fact, he grabbed the other’s face and wiped his tears that began to form. “I won't laugh, don't worry. I actually liked that.”
“You did?”
“I still feel really embarrassed. Literally everyone was laughing at us.”
“Don't worry about it, baby.” Klitz said, quoting Eli. Trying to make him laugh or atleast be cheered up a little bit.
“Oh, you're calling me baby now?” Eli smiled and moved closer to the other, and began to kiss him.
God knows what happened next. (Just kidding, it was probably nothing. They probably just realized how fruity they were.)
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sapphireplums · 3 years
hi!!! can i request a hc of hawk being protective and jealous of his girlfriend's friend who is getting a littel too touchyyy.
Ahhh omg I love this idea sm!!! This is my first cobra Kai request hehehe. Hope you guys like this!!
Warnings: language, potential assault triggers
° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °
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You and hawk have been dating for quite a while now.
He use to be very shy and quiet, but ever since he joined Cobra Kai, he has changed
But you’re not complaining because let’s admit it, he looked super hot.
Especially when he was doing karate.
You visited the dojo one day while hawk was practicing
When he saw you, the biggest smile in the universe was plastered onto his face.
He started to kick and punch harder
Because he knew it would impress you
But really, you loved him for him.
As much as he was a bully to other people, he wouldn’t DARE to hurt you in any way possible.
He was also extremely protective of you.
Like literally always
For example, one time you guys were at a party.
He never left your side
Except for one time where he went to go talk to Miguel and you were talking to Sam at a party.
He swears he only left for a minute
But a minute too late for something to happen.
Your “friend” Max, went up to you, and you could tell he was pretty drunk.
“Heyyr Y/n whattr youuuudh dhoing hereesd,” Max slurred.
“Hey Max, I’m here with my boyfriend and also I can tell you’re very drunk right now.” You chucked
“Huh. I donTr see him hereeee nwowew,” Max started to get closer.
He was right in your face now.
You felt your heart beat faster and faster as you were now getting really uncomfortable.
You took him into a room to hopefully let him relax and also prevent him from consuming anymore alcohol.
“Okay Max, stay here, I don’t want you getting anymore drunk.”
“nbooOoo I want drInkkssss,” Max said.
“Max, you’re really drunk, come on you need to chill it with the drinks.”
“Or I can chill it with you,” Max said pretty clearly.
This bitch wasn’t as drunk as you thought.
He was faking it to get you into a room
“Max stop it, you’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re doing.”
“Oh, my head is very clear now.”
He started to get closer to you and you were sure something bad was going to happen
He pinned you against the wall, no escape in sight.
“ELI, HELP ME!” You yelled on the top of your lungs.
You weren’t sure if he heard you because the door was shut.
But luckily, hawk heard you loud and clear.
He kicked down the door with all the force he had.
“She’s mine now Hawk, get the hell out of here.”
Oooo that did it for hawk.
He karate kicked max in the face and threw him on the ground, continuously punching him till his face was full of blood.
He stopped when he saw you quivering in a corner.
“Hey Hey hey babe, you’re okay. I’m here you don’t need to worry,” hawk said while holding you tightly in his arms.
“Eli, thank you,” you said.
“I love you y/n. I love you so much and I’m so sorry this happened to you. “
“It’s okay, shit happens.”
“No it’s not okay Y/n. You could’ve gotten raped or worse-
“Hey Eli, I’m okay I promise.”
Eli gave you a look of sorrow, but you kissed him.
It made the both of you feel much better.
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sullina · 2 years
Hehehe so I read a fanfiction in ao3 and had me an idea (actually this is not my idea I was actually inspired ) for the reverse curse au most likely this is another version of it, what if Elizabeth switch the curse, she switch the effect of their curse instead of Mel seeing her died, it her who would watch her lover died. She able to convince there parents to do it.
And whether Mel remember he would beg to switch the curse back to normal since he knows that it is killing Eli from the inside and she is carrying the burden that he was supposed to indure it for centuries
So how exactly would that work? Bc I get what you mean, but the curses has more or less two parts to it: Mel will always see Elizabeth die, no matter what, and he himself cannot die (or rather, can't stay dead) no matter what. Meanwhile, if Elizabeths memories awaken, she will die in three days and be reborn with none of them. And she will always be drawn to Meliodas, meeting him over and over (though I guess that part affects both of them, so it's hard to tell whose curse it belongs to exactly)
So in your idea, would Meliodas die and then be reborn without his memories or just be revived with his memories? And would Elizabeth awaken her memories, or would that be Meliodas? I'm just asking for clarification.
But either way, Meliodas would be absolutely heartbroken. He can't stand the idea of causing the one he loves so much pain, and not just bc of the obvious thing that it's hurting her, but because a small part of him thinks that she might start hating him again. He doesn't know if he could bear that. He's already lost his entire clan and family trying and failing to stop the war. The only reason he could endure being in Stigma is because of the hope he had back then, and Elizabeth. But now he was in a world that worshipped the goddesses (the wrong ones in his opinion) even more while demons, not already popular before the war, were shunned into whispers and myths. At least in Stigma, people knew they were real and actual beings and not reduced to mere myths and bad dreams. The only thing that kept ihm going right now was Elizabeth. If he lost her, too... He didn't know what he would do. And he didn't want to find out, either.
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solarune · 4 years
silver and gold
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pairing: kim taehyung x fem!reader
genre: smut, literally just some good ol’ pwp, billionaire au, established relationship
warnings: choking, both soft and hard dom tae hehehe, dirty talk, praise kink, oral (m + f receiving), unprotected sex (always use a condom, kids!!!), spit play, creampie, cumplay, fingering, multiple orgasms, slight degradation, orgasm denial, daddy kink, he slaps oc’s ass once (1), taehyung’s overuse of pet names
word count: 4,690
a/n: this is my first time writing smut so i’m sorry if it’s not that good lol, i’m trying :/ idk how often i’ll be posting this kind of stuff bc this took me a long time to write but i do want to practice more so we’ll see. inspired by a convo i had with @gamerguk​ during a very late summer night
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The second you entered Seokjin’s mansion for the charity gala, Taehyung knew he was done for. After being friends with you for 5 years, dating you for 2 years, and being only weeks away from when he plans on proposing, you would think that Taehyung would be used to having his breath taken away every time he sees you. But no.
He had been talking to Jimin about their fathers going golfing together this upcoming weekend when he felt something at the back of his brain urging him to look around. He’s convinced that he has a sixth sense when it comes to knowing when you’re near at this point, because the second he turns his head, there you are, being greeted by the host himself. Jimin’s words now fall on deaf ears as Taehyung stares at you; he starts from your exposed shoulders and follows the curves of your body that are accentuated by the floor-length Elie Saab dress you’re wearing, his eyes linger on the slight bit of skin that’s exposed by the slit in the dress before going back up to note the gold rings on your hands and matching gold earrings. Taehyung already knows this but damn, he really is in love with you.
And just like Taehyung, you also developed a sixth sense over the years, somehow knowing where Taehyung is at all times. Seokjin hands you a glass of champagne and you take a sip as you nod at his words, laughing at one of his classic dad jokes before glancing around the room while he talks. Your eyes meet Taehyung’s and you smile at him, your eyebrows raising at the glittering floral pattern wrapping around his Alexander McQueen suit jacket that makes him the center of attention even at the edge of the room. You then excuse yourself from Seokjin, pointing him in the direction of Kim Namjoon, another mutual friend of yours, who had just entered to distract him. You finish the pale gold liquid in your glass before making your way over to Taehyung, ignoring the stares you can feel on your figure because you only ever have eyes for one man.
“There you are, my love,” Taehyung says as you close the distance between the two of you, carelessly interrupting the conversation that him and Jimin were in the middle of just to greet you. “I was just beginning to wonder if Hoseok had gotten lost on the way here.” He snakes an arm around your waist, a hand dripping in silver resting delicately on your hip to pull you closer.
You laugh at that, thinking back to not even 30 minutes ago when the driver in question had taken a random turn to get out of traffic and did indeed end up getting the two of you lost. “Ah, no,” you shake your head as you grab another glass of champagne from a passing waiter. “An appointment with a patient kept me at the hospital longer than I expected so we ran into traffic on the way here. It takes more than a few minutes for me to look this good, you know.” You wink at Jimin at your last statement, clinking glasses when he smirks at you.
Taehyung licks his lips with a hum as he gives you another once-over, his pants already beginning to feel a bit too tight at the thought of taking you home. It may have taken you hours to get ready but it would only take him a few seconds to ruin all of your hard work.
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Taehyung’s hands leave fire in their wake as he tugs you closer to him, his fingers pressing harshly into your thighs as he pushes aside the fabric of your dress to caress the swell of your ass. The cool temperature of the silver rings on his fingers have a stark contrast to how hot his hands feel, causing goosebumps to rise along your skin as his lips brush against yours. When you look up into his eyes, they’re as dark as the suit on his body, and when he opens his mouth to speak, his voice is as low as the neckline of your dress.
“You drive me fucking crazy, you know that?” he rasps, nails lightly scratching at the skin of your ass before squeezing. “Wearing something like this knowing full well that we had to stay at Seokjin’s damn gala for the whole 4 hours.” His left hand reaches up to tug at your hair and angle your head for him to lick into your mouth and make you moan. “You did this on purpose, didn’t you?” he accuses rather than asks. You bite down on your lower lip to prevent a smirk from appearing on your face, shrugging your shoulders in response as you fiddle with one of the buttons on his white shirt. Taehyung opens his mouth to question your silence but is interrupted when the elevator dings, the doors opening seconds later to reveal your spacious penthouse.
Taehyung loosens his tie as he gently pushes you towards the bedroom, confusion evident on your face as you tighten your grip on his hand. “Go wait for me in the bedroom, love, I’ll be there in a bit.” You comply with his words, your whole body tingling with excitement at the possibilities of what your boyfriend has in store for the night. “And take off the dress.” You turn to look at Taehyung and are met with his signature mischievous smirk. “Wouldn’t want Mr. Saab’s assistant to give us another lecture on how to properly handle designer dresses, now do we?”
You enter the room and take a seat on the edge of the bed after stripping, thighs coming together as you wait nervously. You can hear glass clinking from the kitchen and wonder what Taehyung’s doing—and why it’s taking so damn long. But you know better than to leave your spot and check on him; last time you did that, he edged you for so long that you gave him the silent treatment after. Fidgeting in your spot on the bed, your hands subconsciously begin to creep toward your thighs but are stopped when you hear Taehyung’s footsteps making their way toward you. You sit up straighter and place your hands in your lap, your heart rate picking up once more just as he enters the room.
He holds a glass in one hand, amber liquid swirling around as he brings it up to his lips to finish before placing it on the vanity. Slowly, Taehyung approaches you and you feel your entire body freeze when he tilts your head up by placing his thumb and forefinger on your chin. “You’re gonna be good for me tonight, right pretty girl?” he murmurs, his eyes following his thumb that strokes your bottom lip. “You’re gonna take what I give you?”
“Y-Yes,” you whisper, clearing your throat when he raises an eyebrow at you. “Yes, I’ll be good.”
Taehyung hums thoughtfully as he retracts his hand, removing his suit jacket and placing it on a chair in the corner of the room before going back over to you. His eyes rake over your figure and you’re just beginning to feel shy the longer he stares at you when suddenly, Taehyung’s lips are on yours and you let out a moan when you feel his hand wrap lightly around your neck. Your thighs rub against each other at the sensation of his rings against your skin, his tongue pushing past your lips to lick at the roof of your mouth before he pulls away once more, only a strand of saliva connecting your lips together. “Lie down for me, love.” 
You scramble to push yourself towards the head of the bed, barely having enough time to get settled before he’s clambering over you to lick at your neck. A gasp escapes your lips as he sucks and bites at the skin, body thrumming with excitement each time he runs his tongue over a new mark. His fingers toy with the waistband of your panties as he mouths at your collarbone, snapping the undergarment against your skin when he pulls away. “Bet you’re fucking soaked right now, aren’t you?” he teases you with a smirk as his fingers slide down to feel you through your panties. The both of you groan when he rubs your clit over the soaked-through fabric, your hands fisting into the sheets as he does so. A whine of protest threatens to escape your lips when you feel him stop but is immediately replaced with a soft gasp as he pushes your panties to the side to tease your entrance. 
“You want it?” he asks you, teasing you even more by dipping his finger in ever so slightly. “You want my fingers in you, stretching you out to get you ready for my cock? Or what about my mouth, hm? Sucking at your clit before I fuck you with my tongue? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Taehyung feels pride bloom in his chest as he watches your face contort in pleasure, your eyes rolling into the back of your head with a whimper as your only answer to him. “C’mon, honey, use your words. Gotta say something or else I’ll stop.”
“Yes,” you breathe out as your brain struggles to form a coherent thought, anything to get Taehyung to keep touching you. “Want your fingers and your mouth on my pussy, please.”
“That’s my girl,” Taehyung praises you, his hands leaving you despite his previous words making your eyes shoot open. “Need you to prove to me that you’re gonna be good though. Only good girls get to be touched.” You push yourself up onto your elbows as you look at him, your mind still a bit foggy from his hands being on you. He looks at the floor and then back at you, nodding in your direction. “You know what to do.”
With that, you scramble off the bed, wincing from how hard your knees hit the wooden floor but you’re too eager to please. Taehyung chuckles as he watches you because he can also tell how eager you are, the sound of his belt buckle coming undone making your mouth water and making his cock impossibly harder. “Look at you, so ready to have my cock in your mouth,” he coos as his hand comes up to pet your hair, biting down on his lower lip when you look up at him through your lashes. Your hands shake slightly as you reach up to unbutton his pants, stifling a moan at the sight of his covered hard-on. Taehyung begins to unbutton his shirt as he watches you lean forward to mouth at his dick, his breath catching in his throat when you run your tongue along it through the fabric. He pushes your hair away from your face as you do so, his eyes hooded as he watches, and you smile up at him innocently, knowing that he’s only doing that as a way to tell you to get on with it. 
You remove his boxers in one swift motion, your tongue darting out to lick at your lips when his dick is finally revealed to you. Taehyung’s eyes widen ever so slightly when you reach down to gather your wetness on your palm, groaning when you grip his dick and mix it with his pre-cum to spread around and get him wet. You drag your tongue along the underside from base to tip, eyes closing when your mouth finally closes over the head. Taehyung’s nails scratch at your scalp and his rings tangle with your hair as he grips it tightly, and you can’t help but hum at the feeling, the vibrations from the sound causing him to let out his own moan. You slowly start to take more of him into your mouth, his breathing stuttering as you do so, and you can feel your desire dripping down your thighs by the time he hits the back of your throat. Breathing deeply through your nose to control your gag reflex, you open your eyes to look up at him and let out a moan at the fucked out expression on his face, your hands coming up to grip his thighs as you begin bobbing your head. 
“Oh fuck,” Taehyung whispers, teeth biting down on his lower lip at the way you hollow your cheeks each time you come back up. He feels like he’s in heaven each time you take him deep enough to hit the back of your throat, and he grunts when you release him with a pop to take a breath. “Good girl. Always take my cock so well, hm?” he praises you, and your eyes flutter shut when you feel him stroking your hair. You’re about to take him back into your mouth when you feel his grip on your hair tighten to prevent you from moving forward, and you look up at him in confusion. “Gonna cum if you keep going, sweetheart, don’t want that to happen.” He pulls you up so you’re standing in front of him, his hand reaching up to wrap around your throat as he brings his face close to yours. “The only place my cum is going is in this sweet pussy of yours, isn’t that right? That’s where you want it?” 
He brings his other hand down to cup your heat, and you release a shuttered breath when you feel him purposefully dig the heel of his palm into your clit. “Ngh- want your cum in me,” you moan out as your hips buck up into his hand, his rings slightly cool against your skin. “Please, Tae, need you to fill me up.”
Taehyung pushes you towards the bed and you lay back, biting back a smile when his hands come up to unclasp your bra and throw it off to the side. His mouth latches onto one of your nipples, his tongue swirling around the sensitive area, and you can’t help but fist your fingers through his hair, your rings getting caught in the long strands and causing him to groan. You release your grip when you feel him begin to trail down your body, his kisses warm against your skin as he makes his way down. He slowly removes your panties, chuckling at the way you quickly kick them away from you, and takes a moment to admire the way you glisten even in the low light. 
“Is this for me?” he asks you, head tilting to the side teasingly as he looks up at you. He places his hands on your inner thighs to keep them apart when you begin to squirm under his gaze, removing one to circle a finger around your core as he hums thoughtfully. “Hm… Yeah, I think this is all for me.” Taehyung brings a digit up and pops it into his mouth, never breaking eye contact with you as he tastes you on himself. “My pretty baby, always so sweet,” he mumbles as he leaves kisses on your inner thigh, teeth biting down on his lower lip while he smirks because he’s so close to where you want him and he knows you’re getting impatient.
“Taehyung,” you whine as your hands fist at the sheets while you squirm underneath him. You’re itching to touch him, to get your hands in his hair again so you can get his damn mouth on you, but you know that if you do that, you’ll be in a whole lot of trouble. You roll your hips slightly, as a reminder of what you’re waiting for, and he chuckles, nuzzling his nose into the soft skin of your thigh.
“Sorry honey, you know I like how you get when I’m teasing you,” Taehyung apologizes while wrapping his arm around your leg so that he can rub circles into your clit with his thumb. His words completely contrast his personality from just a few minutes ago, making you stop your squirming to stare at him. “Love seeing you get all needy for me, baby. Because you know that I’m the only one that can make you feel this good.” He brings himself closer and flattens his tongue against your heat, licking a fat stripe from your entrance up to your clit. 
Your grip on the bed sheets tighten once more, hips bucking up as he continues his tongue’s motions against your core. Your legs shake as they threaten to close over his head, the only thing stopping them being Taehyung’s hands prying them apart. A strangled moan leaves your lips when he dips his tongue into your entrance, and when you finally open your eyes to look at Taehyung, he’s already looking at you and you can’t help but gasp from how fucked out he looks. He starts to rub faster circles on your clit and you whine, the noise making Taehyung groan and rut into the bed to get some sort of friction. Seeing him getting all worked up just from eating you out causes you to clench around his tongue, and both he and you know that you’re getting close to your first orgasm of the night.
“C’mon honey, cum in my mouth,” Taehyung encourages you as he laps at your heat. “Mmm- wanna taste you so fucking bad. Can feel you clenching around my tongue- ughhh- just let go for me, yeah?”
“Taehyung- oh fuck,” you gasp when he starts to suck at your clit. “Nghh- baby, feels s-so- shitfuckfuck feels so good.” You’re barely able to string together a coherent sentence from the amount of pleasure coursing through your veins and your stomach tightens as the first waves of your orgasm begin to wash over you. “Hhhh Tae I’m cumming, I-”
Tae smirks against your pussy as you writhe underneath him, wave after wave of pleasure coming as he tongue-fucks you through your orgasm. He places one last kiss on your inner thigh before sliding his hands up your body to hover over you. “How was that, baby, hm?” he hums, nosing along your cheek as he waits for you to calm down. “Felt good?”
“Fuckin’ amazing,” you answer, your words slightly slurred from just how blissed out you are. You feel like you’re drunk off of him, each touch and kiss leaving you with a buzz in your veins. Taehyung pulls his face back enough to look at you, a small smirk present as he looks at your hooded eyes. You bite down on your bottom lip as you lift up a hand to run through his hair, Taehyung’s eyes closing as he leans into your touch. Your fingers slip through the silky locks before settling on the side of his neck, thumb coming up to stroke his jaw. Taehyung lets out a soft sigh of content as you touch him, and your eyes are following your hand as you place it over his neck and give it a light squeeze. His eyes flash open and stare directly into yours and you can’t help but giggle as he glares at you in warning. “Want your cock now, Taehyungie,” you smile brightly at him as you bat your eyelashes.
Taehyung chuckles at that, his own hand coming up to wrap around your throat as he cocks an eyebrow at you and squeezes his hand just enough to make your breathing stutter. “I don’t know if you deserve my cock yet,” he teases you, and your eyes become wide at his words. “Wearing that dress tonight just to tease me, demanding my cock and thinking you’ll get it just like that. You’ve been acting like a slut all night, haven’t you, honey. I give you one orgasm and this is how you’re going to act?”
You shiver at the insult and let out a soft gasp when his hand tightens around your throat just a little bit more. “I’ll fuck your little pussy with my fingers as long as you don’t cum,” he says while his hand slides down your body once more. “If you can behave, then I’ll reward you.” Before you can even open your mouth, Taehyung is sliding a finger in and begins pumping it in and out of you, chuckling when he sees just how tightly you clutch at the sheets. “You’ve wanted something in this greedy pussy of yours all night long, huh?” he asks you, not expecting an answer because he already knows it. 
Not like you could answer anyways, especially when he slipped a second finger in and started fucking you faster. You could feel a second orgasm coming, your stomach tightening faster by the second, only for Taehyung to rip it away from you when he suddenly removes his fingers. The speed at which you pick your head up to glare at him almost gives you whiplash, and Taehyung only smiles at you widely, stroking your sides softly to bring you down from your impending pleasure. He continues this twice more and by the end of your third ruined orgasm, you’re on the verge of tears, your legs shaking around his torso as Taehyung just stares down at you smugly. “Why are you crying?” he mocks you. “I thought you were going to take what I give you. I’m giving you my fingers, isn’t that what you wanted?”
“I want more,” you cry, your shaking hands coming up to grip at his biceps desperately. “I need more, please.”
“Beg for it then,” Taehyung says as he begins to rub at your clit. Your body shivers at both his words and the stimulation. “Beg for more and maybe I’ll give it to you.”
“I want you, Taehyung, I need you. I want you to stuff my tight pussy with your cock, want to feel you fill me up with your cum.” His fingers pick up speed and your whole body begins to shake. You’re babbling at this point, your brain working on overdrive to try to string together the perfect combination of words that will get Taehyung to finally fuck you as your toes begin to curl from his touch. “Want you to fuck me hard- fuckyes- want you to make me cum so bad. Please daddy, I just wanna cum.” You open your mouth to let out a long moan but his touch is gone before you can do so, causing tears to brim in your eyes once again. “Fuck me, daddy, please,” you whimper, a single tear slipping down your cheek.
You hear the sheets rustle and you’re about to beg more when you feel the head of Taehyung’s cock pushing into your entrance, causing you to open your eyes. You’re met with Taehyung’s heavy gaze, pupils blown wide as he pushes into you. “God, you’re such a fucking slut,” he groans as he slides in. “Who knew my baby was so fucking dirty. Calling me daddy and then crying and begging for me to fuck you. You’re so damn wet, you need my cock in your cunt that badly?”
When Taehyung is fully inside you, he only gives you a few seconds to adjust before he starts fucking you hard. He adjusts your legs so that your knees are close to your chest, hitting a deeper angle, and you let out the loudest moan that even pornstars would blush when he pulls out and slams back into you. “Such a slut for my cock, you’re only satisfied when I stuff this fucking cunt full.” He reaches down and pinches your nipples, your orgasm hitting you when he doesn’t pull his cock out and instead grinds into you. 
“FuckfuckfuckI’mcummingI’mcum-” You’re breathing rapidly as wave after wave of pleasure hits you, your orgasm so intense that your vision goes white. When you come to, Taehyung is fucking you a bit slower, gaze still dark but a hint of concern showing in his face and in the way he softly strokes your hair to calm you down. Your eyes feel heavy but you force yourself to meet Taehyung’s gaze, smiling up at him tiredly as he begins fucking into you faster. 
“Do I fuck you that good, baby?” he pants while he drills into you. “My cock is that good that I’m able to make you cum in seconds?” He pulls out to reposition you, the grip he has on you bordering manhandling as he turns you over and slaps your ass. “Hands and knees, honey.”
Before you even have the chance to prepare yourself, Taehyung is shoving himself back into you once more. He angles himself so that he’s hitting your g-spot with each thrust, and you let out a cry when his hand wraps around your throat to pull you up, your back pressed against his chest as he pistons into you. You’re speechless at this point, every part of your body drowning in just how good Taehyung fucks you. “Look at you, you’re practically drooling,” Taehyung says lowly in your ear, turning your face to the side so that you look at him. He brings his thumb up to your bottom lip and grins when you immediately open your mouth for him. “So obedient,” he says, still in awe after all these years at just how good you are for him. Your eyes follow him as he leans closer to you, slick gushing down your thighs immediately when you watch him pucker his lips and spit directly in your mouth. You allow it to slide down your tongue before swallowing, opening your mouth to show him with a grin. 
“My pretty girl,” he mumbles as he presses kisses along the side of your neck, hand moving down to rub circles into your clit. “Now give me one more, baby, just one more.”
“Tae,” you whine, pussy clenching around his dick despite what you’re about to say. “I c-can’t. Not another one.”
He growls and then shoves you back down, his hand around the back of your neck as he shoves your face into the mattress. Taehyung begins pounding into you, a smirk on his face when you let out a scream. “The way you’re clenching around me right now says otherwise. Now be a good girl and cum for daddy.” You feel your body go limp as he fucks you good, your back curving and ass meeting his every thrust as you just take what he’s giving you. 
You both reach your highs at the same time, your whole body shaking from the pleasure as Taehyung drapes his body over yours and paints your insides white. You feel his breath on your neck as he nuzzles his face into you and you let out a breathy chuckle while your hand comes up to pet his hair. It’s only then that you realize what you said to him in your time of desperation, and you have to stop yourself from pushing Taehyung off of you because “Oh my god, I really just called you ‘daddy’.”
Your boyfriend chuckles as he pulls out, the bed slightly bouncing as he rolls over and lands beside you. Your cheeks are blazing, both from the sex and from the embarrassment, as Taehyung pulls you to him and you can’t help but relish in his warmth. He presses a kiss to your forehead as he says, “Honestly, it’s a good thing I didn’t know you had a daddy kink in the beginning. Otherwise I would’ve fallen in love with you and proposed way too soon and then scare you away.”
You smack his chest as he grins down at you, his fingers running up and down your bare back comfortingly. “I was yours from day 1, Tae, you couldn’t get rid of me that easily,” you tease him, your eyes drifting closed as he continues drawing shapes on your skin.
Taehyung’s mind wanders to the black velvet box hidden in the back of the tallest shelf in the kitchen, and he sure as hell hopes that you have no intention of leaving because he sure as hell has no intention of letting you go any time soon.
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be-dazzled · 4 years
How about some royalty au or some Jane Austen vibes, because I can totally see Gray as Mr Darcy character-wise 🙈 also I had this Juvia feels with the song Daughter of the sea from Warbringers: Jaina (World of Warcraft franchise) you should totally listen to this with Phantom Juviaesque backstory in mind 💙
Writer’s Corner: This took so loooong. I’m so sorry. I planned to watch Pride and Prejudice since 2005 but always kept forgetting it. But thanks to this request I was finally able to do so. Also, when I went to write this request, it kept getting longer. Hehehe. So this is going to be divided into parts, as usual.
All Chapters: Click here
Gray let out a sigh. He left his apartment in a hurry this morning upon receiving his mother’s letter. Gray’s father, Lord Silver Fullbuster, has fallen ill and he, as the lone heir to the Fullbuster estate, was requested to return to Magnolia immediately. He knew this was the future that awaited him. He had no objections to it even if his heart wasn’t set on having to inherit and take full responsibility of his father’s entire estate. For Grayden Fullbuster was a man of intellect. His interest lied on acquiring knowledge. He read all sorts of non-fictional books ranging from Anatomy to Zymography. Since young, Gray, as his mother fondly called him, had always been a curious child. Leather-bounds, first editions and original works were part of his book collection. He continued adding rare and limited publications from the moment he set foot into University of the Kingdom of Fiore, the center of knowledge in all Fiore. He was quite proud to have in his possession these printed and bounded sources of knowledge – books. Now, however, upon the news of his father’s illness, Gray was expecting to come into some good fortune. It only meant one thing, that he was to be in need of a wife.
Little did he know, his mother has known his needs before he even thought of it. If there was one universal truth that survived over the years it was that mothers know best. Hence, a mother of three daughters rushed home to bring her daughters the good news – Lord Silver Fullbuster was looking for a wife for his only son.
She arrived at her family about to enjoy a table-full of breakfast.
“Darling, darling!” She evened her breath as soon as she arrived at the table. “Lady Mika has invited us for tonight’s gathering at the Manor!”
“Mother, can we not be so loud this early in the morning?” The second daughter just came down from the second floor of the house, hair sticking out all over the place, night dress still a mess from all her tossing and turning in bed. A far cry from her sisters who were up and ready right before the break of dawn.
“Juvia Lockser, a lady doesn’t–”
“–Yes, Mother.” She has heard this lecture for far too many times that Juvia committed them to memory, albeit non-intentionally. “A lady doesn’t dilly-dally in bed when there is housework awaiting her.” Juvia claimed her rightful seat at the round table, next to the youngest Lockser, Wendy.
“Might as well. As I was saying, darling…”
Juvia quickly drowned her mother’s news out. There was only one thing in that woman’s mind, to marry off her daughters to wealthy men. From a very young age, Juvia and her sisters were groomed to become women who gentlemen would seek to marry. As they were growing, however, Juvia stopped trying altogether. She found the notion ridiculous; that women were born and raised only to be wedded. With this thinking, Juvia has always been considered the black sheep of the family; who would rather go with her father hunting than learn about the best fabric and the shiniest jewelries. Those fitted her other sisters more – Eliana the eldest and Wendy the youngest, whom Juvia always considered more beautiful and so, befitting to marry the son of Lord Fullbuster.
Juvia caught tails of the news her mother shared. As she took bacon and eggs into her plate, the second daughter promised herself to be stern about her decision not to come to the gathering. She had better plans for tonight – better than parading herself to men who wouldn’t even cast a glance. Next to Eliana, all others paled in her sister’s beauty.
Juvia expelled an exasperated breath.
“Would you stop that?” Eliana scolded, straightening her back and fixing her posture on the seat.
“What? Breathing?”
The eldest Lockser daughter narrowed her lighter blue eyes at Juvia, much like the way her mother’s darker ones disapproved the second’s attitude. If she wasn’t as stuck-up as their mother, Juvia was sure her elder sister would have found humor in her response. Eliana, however, was a close second to Elmara Lockser, who was now busy rubbing elbows with a few of the wealthiest families in whole Magnolia. Juvia scoffed at her direction. Her mother might be acting all friendly on the outside but she loathed them on the inside. Those couples she was with in their gossip circle were all rivals because they too had daughters they wanted to marry off to the wealthy Fullbuster family.
“Juvia, sit up straight. That isn’t how a lady should carry herself.”
 That pulled Juvia’s attention from her parents who pretentiously laughed their ways into their own conversation.
“Eli,” Juvia addressed her older sister by her nickname, “it wouldn’t make much difference. So, why bother?”
“Eli is right, Juvia.” The youngest Lockser chimed in, imitating the way the eldest Lockser poised herself as they waited for any gentleman to ask for a dance. “How will you demand these gentlemen’s attention when you act like that?”
“Easy for you to say.” Juvia huffed dejectedly. “You’re the charming one and Eli’s the pretty one.”
Both sisters were now staring at the middle Lockser who just propped her hand under her chin. “And I’m… well, I’m the Juvia.” Her statement need not be explained. Juvia, somehow, acquired a reputation of coming second best to either sibling. Eliana and Wendy shared a pitiful look, scrambling for words to correct Juvia’s assumption about herself. When the eldest was about to share some words of comfort, a gentleman has offered his hand towards Eliana. He was the son of an Undersecretary, one of the highest positions in the Magnolian government. Their mother made sure the girls were well aware of such vital information. The eldest out of the three sisters plastered a trained smile across her lips and placed her hand into his. Juvia was sure Wendy was next to being asked, just like always. She wasn’t wrong. Not a minute went by when another son of a prominent figure in Magnolia asked the youngest Lockser for a dance, leaving Juvia alone, just like always. But not because she was used to it, didn’t mean it stopped hurting. One by one, the beautiful girls were asked into the dance floor. Once again, Juvia was left behind in the array of vacant seats. As much as she wanted to deny it, not being picked or offered a hand was a blow to her self-confidence and only supported what she assumed about herself. But she was older and much wiser now. She wasn’t going to let that embarrassment get into her head.
“So, what? Like I’d even like to dance with those scrawny morons.” Juvia suddenly stood right up, ignoring the weird looks thrown at her. Juvia made her way out of the ballroom. Her steps were purposeful. Her strides were hurried. She couldn’t wait to get out of that suffocating obnoxious community. When Juvia was finally out of sight and outside those giant front doors, Juvia ran. She ran without looking back. There was a place where she mattered, where she wasn’t passed upon. The woods. Gajeel would be there hunting for his next meal. She’d rather join him than be surrounded by those rich snobs who valued people by fleeting standards.
Juvia stopped at the hallway and glanced to her left then her right where she placed four uniformed men on either side. When one of the guards walked pass her, Juvia straightened her back and pretended that the clay sculpture piqued her interest. As soon as the uniformed staff was out of earshot, the second Lockser daughter raced to the balcony to weigh her options: ran free or get stuck with the snobs in that hellhole. She chose the former; a far better choice.
Juvia looked down and calculated the height of the jump required. It was possible but might leave her crippled forever. She wasn’t planning on it. She moved to the left side of the balcony where she found a ledge which would allow her to land on two feet. However, it wasn’t going to be easy as Juvia’s greatest obstacle was her dress that reached her ankles. Not to mention her tall heels weren’t going to be much help either. Juvia removed the strap sandals her mother painstakingly chosen for tonight. Clutching on their straps and keeping them in one hand as cautiously she leaped over the other side of the railing and landed on the thin ledge. Her heart jumped to her throat as she looked down at the ground, which might be her cause of death if ever she missed a step. So, she heaved out a deep breath, creating a visible cloud of air, and glued herself against the wall. Step by step, ever so slowly, ever so cautiously, Juvia moved to her left, to a spot closest towards a branch of tree. All the while, her feet moved within the bounds of safety. Juvia figured the branch was sturdy enough to hold her weight and that she could use the same as some lever to lower herself down on the ground. She’d done it a couple of times but the she still felt nervous about what she was to do. Juvia extended her arm and swung them to catch the branch, only to gather leaves in her fist. As Juvia ordered herself not to look down, quite conscious of the ledge’s edge, she peeled her back off the exterior wall and reached out for the branch one more time. She tiptoed thinking it would give her an extra length to capture the branch, which seemed to have a business of evading Juvia’s grasp.
The young woman was resolute; evident with the way her brows furrowed and her lips folded, Juvia Lockser was determined to escape that hell. Her third attempt was more successful than the previous ones; albeit by a slim chance, as the branch jerked back into its original position, having one stunned bluenette hanging by it. Her weight dragged the branch down but not enough to cause it to snap. Juvia released her grasp from the end of the branch, jumped off on the ground and landed on both feet in one piece. Gajeel had taught her well. She rose from her crouch and quickly took shade under the giant tree. It served another purpose for the young lady as she hid behind its large trunk to avoid the roving guards. The Fullbuster Family took security quite seriously and they had every reason to as their fortune was ten fold more than any family in town or even all of them combined. When the coast was clear, Juvia made her way towards the iron fence for her final escape whilst avoiding any watchful eyes. Just as quickly as she calculated the jump from the balcony, Juvia prepared herself to climb over the fence. She wrapped the ends of her long skirt into a ball, pulling the length just an inch above her knees and exposing fair skin of legs. Neither the height of the fence nor the sharpness of its point fazed the second daughter. The only thing it did was fuel the fire she had in her heart.
Juvia loved adventure and climbing over the manor fence presented itself as one. She was sure no other lady in that dreadful town of Magnolia had even thought of it. She tied the straps of her sandals together and placed them around her neck to free both her hands, Juvia wrapped her fingers around the iron pickets to gain momentum, using both feet to propel herself to another height until she gripped at the link that connected all the iron pickets. Careful not to get plunged into the sharp end of the spikes, Juvia brought her leg over the fence and then the other. Just one jump and she’d find herself over at the other side of that iron fence. Hungry for her freedom, Juvia jumped. But as she was about to land both feet on the ground, Juvia heard a sound of garment ripping and found her skirt caught at the spikes, pulling the rest of her skirt up to her waist.
If there was one universal truth that all had agreed upon it’s that not everything went according to plan.
When Gray decided that night to take a walk and catch some very much needed break from the crowd of his parents, he wasn’t planning on finding a lady stuck at their security fence with her skirt up her waist, practically half-naked. He was rooted to his spot as he watched the strange woman struggle to free herself from such compromising position. But as she tried to wriggle out of it, her dress kept pulling up. Gray ordered himself to look away; it was unbecoming of a gentleman to look at a woman’s body with nothing but her undergarment. Strangely, his body refused to listen. When their eyes met, hers panicking and his stunned, Gray visibly gulped.
“Good sir, will you please lend me some help?”
Her words knocked some senses into him as it was only then that Gray was able to avert his sinful eyes. Still then, he had not any idea how to be of help. Blindly, he walked towards her, stealing glances at the woman’s direction.
“Have you any idea how to be of aid if you refuse to look at me?” Her voice was already missing patience.
The strange lady was right. However, how could Gray bring himself to boldly meet her eyes in her condition? For such a shameless display was allowed only between married men and women.
“Y-your…” Gray cleared his throat. He could feel the heat on his ears and cheeks despite the cold weather and the thick coat he wore. “My lady, your… underpants… they are showing.” He now stood in a safe distance beside her dangling legs.
“I am aware, sir. However, as you can see, I am clearly not in a position to turn away any help despite such circumstance.”
She spoke well, he noted, and she didn’t seem too bothered about a man’s presence around her current state of affair.
“Then, how do you propose I offer my aid?” He tried his earnest to keep his composure as he fought the wave of embarrassment about to swallow him whole.
“If you’ll be so kind as to lend me your shoulders, Sir.”
“M-my shoulders?”
For Grayden Fullbuster, a nobleman, it certainly was an odd request. Being approximately near a half-naked woman was already a struggle to bear, making it quite difficult to process what this woman was asking of him.
“Yes, Sir.”
Her voice was tamed but Gray could hear a hint of restraint and displeasure in it. 
“Now, if you may please move closer so I could,” He heard a rustle in her direction. As his attention was courteously averted away from the half-naked woman hanging by the iron fence, Gray has not noticed her attempts to swing closer to him, “use your shoulders to step down from my unfortunate position.”
Really unfortunate but also not quite, thought Gray. He started to move, inching towards her and placec himself under her legs so that he may be of assistance. The garment skewed through the spikes, however, could not hold her weight and the little movements she made, causing it to rip further and further until her full weight gradually succumbed to gravity.
Until all Gray could remember was the loud sound of the garment holding her against the iron picket giving in. By instinct, Gray turned around, readying himself for any other assistance she would be requiring only to find himself breaking her fall and serving as human cushion between the strange lady and the rather cold pavement.
Yet, his body has maintained some heat as Gray finally realized that the strange lady had landed on his lap quite literally. But she wasn’t like any woman Gray has grown accustomed to. Her blue waves were pulled in a poorly made bun with every bit of short hair sticking out to all sides. Her beauty wasn’t extraordinary – pale lips and paler skin – that if she’d been in a pool of people, Gray would have never spared her a glance. But what piqued his interest towards her were her round blue orbs that looked straight into his. No woman had ever stared him straight in the eyes as tradition taught them at an early age of the opposite – that eye contact between a man and a woman who was not married must be avoided. This lady’s deep blue eyes, however, defiantly stared into his, sucking him in with the depth of her round orbs. But her stern look alone screamed trouble – something Gray was never fond of. He watched her blue eyes widen in surprise as the scandal of their current position finally dawned upon the strange lady – with her straddling the poor gentleman between her thighs. He observed as embarrassment colored her pale skin rose and watched her expression graduate from surprise, fluster and now anger.
“Where do you think your hands are touching?” was her accusation.
It was only then that Gray realized where his hands were – boldly resting on the soft skin of her upper thighs. He withdrew them immediately, sharing the embarrassment the strange woman had earlier; his was more of disdain for himself. For a man who freely touched a woman not his wife was frowned upon in their community. He wanted to apologize, to clarify that however it appeared wasn’t his intention. As soon as he opened his mouth, the strange woman planted both palms on his chest, pushing herself up whilst shoving the man against the cold, hard pavement. He did not take offense from the woman’s harsh actions against him. His indecent action was the greater of the two evils tonight. As soon as he heard her footsteps dulling into the distance, Gray stood from his position and quickly followed after her. He could not stomach letting the woman disappear without properly apologizing for his action, notwithstanding it being unintentional. He was raised better than that – a true gentleman.
“Hey, lady!” He called after her but the woman seemed to have made it her business to ignore him. As she had her back on him, Gray quickly noticed, although it wasn’t that hard to miss, the extent of the rip on her skirt – exposing her backside a plenty. Gray momentarily stopped, coughing into his fist as he tried to regain composure. The reason for his desperate act of going after her was quickly replaced. The strange woman, who he had now adjudged as a foreigner for her unconventional behavior, picked up her steps, glancing back at him with a wary expression. Gray removed his coat as he tried to catch up to her, but she ran faster than the gentleman.
“I have no ill intentions toward you!” He shouted after, his strides now more determined. Gray had his coat openly hanging before him, ready to drape the thick material over the woman’s shoulders. He gained on her and his mission was accomplished, wrapping his frock coat around the lady. She stilled, giving Gray a moment to even his breathing. However, she quickly turned around him, dagger eyes burning in rage because Gray had blatantly fastened his arms around her figure too. How bold and shameless of him! He was no different from a man who forces himself upon a woman, regardless of his true intention.
The gentleman found himself in a worse predicament. Quickly, he pulled his hands back, raising them in a universal act of surrender, taking a step back and away from the enraged and offended lady.
“This isn’t what you perceive it to be.” He started. “If you would let me–”
He wasn’t able to finish his sentence as Gray saw her fist flying towards him. Then, all he saw was endless darkness.
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ovvnwords · 3 years
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WANTED  CONNECTIONS  ....  hi  here  is  a  list  of  connections  i  would  really  really  want  for  my  gremlins.  inspo  from  all  places  ;  music,  movies,  pins,  etc.  i’ll  post  this  in  the  server  /  put  it  linked  in  my  pinned  post  but  for  best  results  send  me  a  dm  on  d/scord  bc  i  suck  at  things!  thank.
AVIVA  ROUX  .  podcaster  /  content  creator (  meg  t.  stallion )  !
GIRL  GANG  !  not  necessarily  ‘girls’  but  yk  what  i  mean.  very  close  knit,  always  hanging  out,  never  one  w/o  the  other,  etc.  i  like  the  idea  of  them  all  bein’  kind  of  different  ----  breakfast  club  style?  (  aviva  cld  be  the  *jughead  vc*  i’m  a  weirdo  for  example  ).  idk  i  think  it’d  be  neat  n  interesting  cld  even  have  group  chat  edits  n  things  on  the  dash  frankly  i  wld  just  like  for  her  to  have  some  friends!  inspo  ( one  ,  two )  .
PODCAST  PARTNER  ! the  shane  to  her  ryan,  so  to  speak.  the  show  talks  about  mysteries  and  internet  oddities  and  different  spooky  things ( they  borderline  on  true  crime,  but  they  don’t  necessarily  go  into  detail  about  cases  if  that  makes  sense  )  .  i  think  the  dynamic  of  a  outrageous  thinker  to  her  pessimistic  ideals.  inspo  ( one  ,  two ,  three  ,  this  tag  ) .
YOUNGER  SIBLING  !  i  like  to  imagine  they’re  pretty  close,  maybe  close  in  age?  i  don’t  rlly  have  much  to  say  about  this  one,  should  probably  put  it  on  the  main,  but  i  love  sibling  connects  so  !
HATEHSHIP  !  someone  she  jus  can’t  stand  yet  can’t  stay  away  from.  maybe  they’re  an  asshole  but  damn  cute,  or  another  reason.  inspo (  one  )  .
ROOMMATES  ! like  to  imagine  it’s  a  bunch  of  them  living  friends-style,  either  in  the  same  apartment  or  even  building  (  or  wld  that  be  jersey  shore  style.  idk  ) but  it  cld  be  fun  especially  if  they  don’t  get  along  all  that  well  but  the  rent  is  nice  and  they  make  it  work.
FIRST  CRUSH  ! eeeeeeeeeeeee  they  cld’ve  met  when  they  were  children  and  had  one  of  those  one  day  long  things  in  elementary  school  where  they  broke  up  bc  they  didn’t  share  crayons  or  something  JSDVKJDFVKJV  they  could’ve  remained  friends,  been  neighbors,  had  crushes  or  a  fling  in  high  school  .
EX  SQUAD  !  i  like  the  idea  of  aviva  having  a  solid  friend  group  in  high  school  that  all  aren’t  good  terms  with  each  other  for  whatever  reason  ..  don’t  have  to  figure  it  out  asap  i  just  love  the  tension  thts  all.
BEST  FRIEND  /  RIDE  OR  DIE  ! someone  who  has  her  back  and  vice  versa.  supports  each  other  thru  thick  and  thin,  gives  each  other  the  whack  on  the  head  they  need  every  once  in  a  while.  inspo  (  one,  two )  .
FLING  /  FWB  /  HOOK  UPS  ! kind  of  self  explanatory.  aviva  doesn’t  really  have  a  preference,  if  she’s  attracted  to  u  she’s  attracted  to  you,  has  her  fun  but  s*x  isn’t  really  her  idea  of  a  fun  thing  to  do  24  /  7  .  like  to  imagine  she  mostly  goes  for  women  ( hey  ladies  .... )  !
EX  PARTNER  ! i  like  the  idea  of  them  being  super  cute  n  lovey  dovey  in  hs  but  then  maybe  one  of  them  went  off  to  college?  they  had  a  falling  out?  ended  on  not  so  great  terms?  the  possibilities  are  endless  to  be  frank!
RIVAL  /  ENEMY  /  SOMEONE  SHE  JUST  CAN’T  STAND  !  ig  this  could  be  more  chemsitry  based  but  they  just  avidly  dislike  each  other  for  one  reason  or  another?  can’t  stand  each  other?  petty  tweets  /  subtweets  etc  etc  .  could  be  fun  n  juicy.
FRIENDS  !  self  explanatory.
DAWSON  ELLIS .  unemployed  /  formal  journalist ( chris  pine  )  !
FRIENDS  !  self  explanatory.    he’s  40,  so  rlly  he  just  kinda  vibing.
RIVALS  /  ENEMIES  !  i  like  the  idea  of  just  hating  each  other  since  high  school  and  just  have  this  burning  hatred  for  each  other  even  after  all  this  time  …  chuckles.  inspo  (  one  )  .
PEOPLE  HE  TAKES  UNDER  HIS  WING  !  idk  what  this  could  entail  maybe  he  jus  likes  one  of  u  youngins  …  doesn’t  want  to  see  u  in  the  same  path  he  went  down,  tries  to  steer  u  straight  a  little  bit.  stuff  like  that.  very  dad  like  as  if  he  has  a  maternal  bone  in  his  body.
EX FIANCE ! heheh .. i plan on making this a wc possibly, but i like the idea of someone who he dated for a long period of time after he graduated and left irving, eventually who he proposed two. maybe his addiction could have caused a strain, maybe it was because he was traveling so much, or some other reason but then they broke it off. they came back to irving for one reason or another, he came back bc he’s sober now, there’s tension. kind of based on exile by taylor swift + bon iver .
EMPLOYER  !  this  man  needs  a  job.  so  ........    hands  on  hips  who  is  hiring.
FRIENDS  FROM  HIGH  SCHOOL  !  if  anyone  grew  up  in  irving  /  or  was  in  hs  around  the  time  he  was,  it  could  be  quite  fun  to  reconnect.  old  friends  yadda  yadda  yadda.  
SOMEONE  WHO  KNOWS  HIM  ONLY  FROM  HIS  SISTER  !  smiles  at  jean  so  wide  .....  yes  dawson  is  leonora’s  annoying  lil  brother.  he’s  very  elusive  (  or  so  he  thinks  …  )  so  .  we  cld  do  something  with  that  perhaps.
ELIJAH  PALERMO .  little  league  coach  /  student  (  lukas  gage  )  !
THE  LAST  PALERMO  SIBLING  !  yes  …  this  is  on  the  main  but  i  imagine  elijah  and  them  to  be  very  close  and  it’d  be  fun!  sorry  for  the  grey  hairs  though.
BEST  FRIEND  !  this  is  someone  elijah  trusts  more  than  jus  abt  anybody  ..  including  his  siblings  maybe.  they’re  always  together,  never  apart,  besties  forever.  causing  chaos  and  mayhem.  probably  co-parent  georgia.  knows  each  others  fast  food  orders,  encouraging  their  bad  behaviors  …  
EXES  !  i  like  to  imagine  elijah  is  the  type  to  rush  into  a  relationship  then  have  it  all  turn  to  shit.  could  be  on  good  terms,  bad  term,  neutral.  
EX  FRIENDS  !  along  the  same  vein,  maybe  they  had  a  falling  out?  one  of  them  just  didn’t  want  to  be  friends  anymore?  they  just  stopped  talking?  give  me  angst  thank  u.
FRIENDS  !  hes  so  talkative  and  annoying  please  give  him  more  friends  …  my  personal  favorites  are  old  couple  bickering  /  complete  opposites  /  good  or  bad  influences  /  new  age  “thembo  summit”  where  there’s  no  got  damn  thought  in  anyones  head  just  vibes.
FLIRTATIONSHIP  !  they  flirt  …  they  give  each  other  eyes.  and  yet?  nothing.  wtf.
HOOK  UPS  /  FWBS  !  they’re  hot.  and  he  has  eyes.  it’s  basic  math.  
RIVAL  /  ENEMY  !  i  like  to  imagine  elijah  didn’t  mean  to  be  rude  /  or  did  something  bad  to  this  person  but  he  did,  even  accidentally,  but  now  they  hate  him.  or  even  mutual  hatred  <3  constant  subtweets  n  petty  comments  in  public  …
PARTY  BUDDIES  !  theyre  always  together  at  parties  …  self  explanatory.  
PARENT  OF  KIDS  HE  COACHES  !  self-explanatory.
CLASSMATES  !  must  go  to  community  college,  but  otherwise  self-explanatory.  
WILL  THEY  /  WON’T  THEY  !  i  love  this  kinda  shit  ..  theyre  constantly  acting  like  a  couple  but  also  aren’t  one.  everyone  is  dying  to  know  like  …...  so  isn’t  eli  <3
HATEHSHIP  !  they  hate  each  other  .  but  also  f*ck.  then  hate  each  other  again.
ROOMMATES  !  pls  give  him  a  roommate  this  fucker  can’t  function  by  himself.
KALANI  MADDEN  .  student  (  auli’i  cravalho  )  !
PEOPLE  SHE  TEACHES  ASL  !  this  is  my  favorite.  pls  pls  pls.  she  uses  asl  as  her  primary  source  of  communication,  she’s  most  comfortable  with  it  due  to  her  hearing,  but  many  people  don’t  know  it  so  pls  let  her  teach  ur  muse  i’d  love  it  so  much.
FRIENDS  /  BEST  FRIENDS  !  i’d  love  to  have  a  lil  squad  ..  lil  baby  squad  or  even  just  a  best  friend  who  they’re  always  sharing  tiktoks  over  videos  and  having  sleepovers  and  going  to  wendys  at  1  am  bc  they’re  bored.  
RIVALS  /  ENEMIES  !  people  who  just  don’t  fuckin  like  her  bc  she’s  annoying  like  i  understand.
PEOPLE  WHO  DON’T  TAKE  HER  SHIT  /  HATE  HER  DRAMATICS  !  pls  hate  her.  punt  her  to  the  moon.  
PEOPLE  SHE  SPOILS  WITH  HER  PARENTS  MONEY  !  pls  let  her  sugar  mama  u.  she  will  buy  u  legit  anything  if  ur  nice  to  her.  
FLIRTATIONSHIP  !  this  wld  be  a  bit  cute  ..  almost  a  will  they  won’t  they  vibe.  they  flirt.  they  smile.  they  make  googley  eyes.  they  subtweet  each  other.  it’s  messy  and  cute.  
BAD  INFLUENCES  /  GOOD  INFLUENCES  !  people  who  lead  her  either  down  a  really  good  or  really  bad  path.  
PEOPLE  SHE  KNOWS  BC  OF  HER  BROTHER  !  self-explanatory  but  also  kind  of  need  him  for  this  so  .  hehe  .
HER  BROTHER  !  on  the  main,  but  pls  bring  this  kid  her  parent  (  almost  )  .
PEOPLE  SHE  KNEW  BACK  IN  NYC  !  self-explanatory.  her  family  is  very  wealthy,  famous  in  the  social  scene.
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hellomynudebrain · 3 years
Paths (Jumin X reader) Part#21
All the way to the Saeyong and MC's house, your mind was saved to overthink about Jumin's confession since they spent all the ride singing the last song of Grease.
"We go togetherLike rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong
Remembered forever
As shoo-bop sha wadda wadda yippity boom de boom
Chang chang changitty chang sha-bopThat's the way it should beWah-oooh, yeah!*unisone*"
You lean your head  to rest your head, close your eyes and put your mind in blanck. 
From time to time, you opened an eye and saw how MC and Saeyong held hands, rub their noses and gave little pecks on their lips.
In another time of your life, you might felt a little embarrased, but this time you felt happy for them and nostalgic. Your mind brought back the image of Jumin, you didn't know if you could forgive him for what he did. For an instant you wanted to cry, but you limited to lean your head agan, close your eyes and slept all the way. 
"Honey! Hey, wake up?" A sweet voice sounded between dreams. 
"Visiter, we arrived to the space station!" An annoying voice invaded your dreams. 
"Just a bit more..." You mubled."
Isn't that guy...JIHYUN AND JUMIN?!" Saeyoung screamed next to your ear.
"WHAT?!" You got up and stumbled with Saeyoung's car.
"Hahahaha! You're funnier than Yoosung! hahahaha!" Saeyong was laughing hard, but MC hit his arm."Stop it! She is not fine and your mocking her!" 
"Sorry, honey! I couldn't help it~" Saeyoung made a cute face and winked to MC, while you were on the ground with your knee hurted. Suddenly, your view became blurry and you face wet, the sobbing was inevitable. 
You started criying. "I told you!...Come on, dear! Get up, this bully is not going to hurt you anymore! Come on, Saeyong! Open the bunker!" 
"Oh, yes!" You couldn't understand what Saeyong said to open the door of his house, but you were sure he spoke in arab.
Once inside, MC abligated to Saeyong to gave you a blancket, a cup of tea and tissues. Your mascara was all over your face and you had puffy eyes. You began to wonder since when you became such a crying mess. Maybe since Jihyun left you or maybe since you met Jumin? The answer didn't came and made you wanted to cry more, but MC stoped you. "Dared, dared! You know, dear. You shouldn't cry for a man!~" 
"I wasn't...crying for a man..."
"You are not deceiving anyone, dear! We know everything!~ " Saeyoung implied with the movement of his eyebrowns.
 "...Do you?....Do you know evething, everything?"
"Of course! The super agent 707 and the cute agent 606 knows  E V E R Y T H I N G!  We know about your relationship with V and the contract with Jumin! We investigated you~"
"So...you know...everyhting about me?!" You were upset and afraid with the people in front of you, which made you got up and looked for the entrance. If they were telling you the truth, they were awared about all your issues.
"Saeyoung! Don't scare our  guest!" MC yelled to Saeyong, turned her head and talked to you.
 "Dear, please! Take a seat!" MC made you sit down again, but her voice was so calming that you didn’t questionate her. 
"Ok....How much do you know?"
"Dear, maybe Jumin already told you about how I became a team member from the RFA, rigth?"
"Yes, he did..." 
"Well, then you know about Saeyoung's  job, right?"
"Yes, I do..."
"Then...yes, Saeyong and I did a background check about you when Jumin did the annoucement  about getting a girlfriend. Don't get us wrong, we did it since we didn't know anything about you and the way that Jumin got himself a girlfriend was weird to us."
"....So...you know about my engagement with Jihyun and the  contract with Jumin, don't you?" You were to direct, but it was because you wanted to know how much they know and didn't beat around the bush. 
They looked to each other and nodded their heads at the same time.
 "...Oh....Don't you hate me...?"
"Of couse not, dear! You didn't know anything! But trust us when we say that Jumin loves you, we never saw him that depressed after you ran to your room! He even had to pay to keep you save from the media...."
"The media?...Wait! Did you see our talk that day?!"
"Hehehe! I just wanted to see how was Eli doing since Salem wasn't with her anymore~" Saeyong scrached his back with an apologectic look in his face. 
However,you were more than upset and finally you exploded.
"None of you know about boundries?! I thought that I could trust in a man again...fall in love and move on from a relationship which was based on lies. I trust in two men who betrayed me. One splitted my relationship and the other one changed me for his ex because he felt guilty?! WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THAT?! WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT...is that...?!" Finally, you crumbled in front of those two people you barely knew and look at  you with pitty, but you really didn't care. You felt hurted, they hurted you. 
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anathtsurugi · 4 years
A Rose Upon a Thorn (Chapter 2) - SWR: A Kalluzeb Fic
Heheh, well, I suppose this qualifies under Hot Kallus Day. A little late, but there’s definitely a generous amount of Kallus being a literal sexy beast. ;D Enjoy!
Words: 19,331
Chapters: 2/7
Rating: E
Relationship(s): Garazeb Orrelios/Alexsandr Kallus (Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla, Rex/Ahsoka Tano, Chirrut Imwe/Baze Malbus, Alexsandr Kallus/Thrawn, Past Eli Vanto/Thrawn)
"Wait! Take me instead."
"You? You do not know what it is you offer me, human. It is more than merely taking the boy's place. You are not enough. You will have to become what I require. You will give all that you are, lose everything that you love. That is what it means to offer yourself in his stead."
"But...if I did...you would let him go free?"
Seven years ago, Alexsandr Kallus vanished without a trace. When he returns as something distinctly less human, the half-Fey prince, Garazeb Orrelios, will have to discover exactly what it is that's become of his long lost lover. Failure may well mean the end of both the human and the faerie realms.
"Well, it's...it...no! Alex, what happened to you?" he demanded, shifting his grip to take the human's hands in his. "Where have you been all this time? It's been seven years!"
"Seven years? Really?" Alex asked him, his look growing distant. "Is that all it's been? To me, it- it feels as though it's been much longer. To my mind...it could've been eons since we were last here together...since you made love to me in this grove. Zeb...my love..." he started, his voice gentle but worried, so worried as he lifted Zeb's hands to his lips, pressing tender kisses to the back of each hand. "You shouldn't be here now. It isn't safe."
"Then come with me," he pleaded, pulling Alex's hands to his chest, up against his heart. "Let's just get out of here. You can tell me what happened when we're safe."
Alex shook his head sadly, prying Zeb's hands open with a strength he definitely hadn't had before. "Dearest, I...I can't. If only I could, I'd- I would run away with you...to the ends of the world, but I can't. There's nowhere I can go that I could hope to outrun my fate."
"It was you," Zeb started in desperation, lifting a now free hand up to cup Alex's cheek in his palm. "Just now. That was you...wasn't it? You were the one who saved me."
Alex nodded, leaning into Zeb's touch with an expression so full of pain, it about broke the half-Fey's heart. But then he reached for Zeb's other hand and unwrapped it all the way, drawing his burned palm and fingers to his lips and pressing a loving kiss to every bit of damaged skin. And with each kiss, the skin healed a little more, until his hand was as good as new. And while he gazed at his hand in shock, Alex unwrapped the other, running gentle fingers along the burned flesh.
"It works a little differently," he struggled to explain, "because I was human."
"And what are you now?" Zeb couldn't keep himself from asking. Alex looked back up at him, staring at him a long moment before answering.
"I don't know anymore."
This time Alex lowered his head over Zeb's hand, repeating the process to heal it. Only he didn't just kiss this time. Once the skin was healed, he licked and sucked and nipped at it, gaze darting furtively up to Zeb's. And as the intent behind those kisses changed, Zeb felt threads of liquid need travel from his palm straight to his cock, immediately beginning to stir up his long-dormant desire.
Zeb groaned aloud at a particularly fierce lave of Alex's tongue along his palm. He shuddered helplessly against his lover, something inside of him quickly unraveling at the sight of his head moving up and down upon him.
"Alex..." he whimpered, voice already so much higher than he'd thought it capable of going.
As if it wasn't enough, though, Alex had to take it a step further, sucking rather filthily on each of his fingers. They shouldn't be doing this right now, he knew, but he just couldn't help himself. It had been far too long.
Finishing his working over of Zeb's hand with a single kiss to the wrist, Alex pressed him up against a tree before dropping swiftly to his knees. Zeb caught a glimpse of the hunger in those amber eyes before Alex began to nuzzle his face against the new grown bulge in his breeches. Once again, Zeb groaned at the contact.
Somehow it seemed to take both all the time in the world and no time at all for his lover to lay him bare. When he felt Alex press a featherlight kiss to the hot flesh, he had to resist the urge to buck against him.
Alex lifted his eyes to his, holding his gaze as he lavished him with several brief, pointed flicks of his tongue. Then he took the head of his prick into his mouth, sucking intently at the stiff length of flesh for only a few moments before releasing him, leaving the half-Fey to pant harshly as he stared up at him with a knowing smirk.
"You come when I say you come," his lover said to him, and Zeb felt the chain of his power closing around him as the not-quite-human pressed a kiss to his cock. Then Alex was taking him in.
Chapter 2: Second Night
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briteboy · 6 years
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okay i’m gonna be real with you. i have...a LOT...of messages. going as far back as like...january? probably? i know...i’m so bad...don’t crucify me. i tried to get through all of them but there were a lot that i didn’t have a worthwhile reply for so i’m sorry if i didn’t answer something you sent :{
so here we have: a lot of nice things, a lot of santisms, reactions to the lou and cillian punchout, a few responses to my portfolio and other stuffs...i wanted to put astrology asks in at the end but it’s...a lot more than i thought it was and it’s 3 am so i’d rather die than answer all of those LMAO sorry. i’ll get to it next time
Anonymous said:
u can delete the snorting cum asks but it will still follow you for eternity
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okay so I saw the ask about snorting cum and it reminded me of a time that cum came out of my nose. It was gross but my boyfriend and I laughed it off. idk. I thought it would be a funny thing to share!! i'd understand if you didn't want this on your blog!! (maybe it makes you laugh!!)
wELL. WE’RE OFF TO A GOOD START HERE. i’m screaming at this...i hope nothing EVER comes out of my nose ever in life...i hate this but ur right it did make me laugh
(Winry anon again) Also, did you get her name from FMA Winry Rockbell because if so I love it
this is what bartsim calls me and i hate her for it
whats the truth bitch
I missed santirat's beautiful face there are literal tears rn
me too...i hate that i miss him so much it’s so freaking dumb...i haven’t cried to my own story in a while but i bet i’m gonna once santi’s comeback rolls around. i’m already bracing myself
nvm u can have the lovely rat back, that way my heart wouldn’t be hurting like it is now
honestly yeah that’s fair
Been silently following your blog and though I'm more of a "ghost"(? What does that even mean¿) follower, I can't help but express just how chocked I am to see Santi again OMG. Gutted Lou has had a flashback, she does not deserve this. :'(
hello casper the friendly ghost...i love having santi pop up with surprise flashbacks hehe...ur right though she DOES NOT NEED THIS in her life, but it will get better for her soon do not fret my ghoulish friend
I need more pics of Lou and Santi together I’m not satisfied, thankssss
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HEHEH i love it cause that’s literally how my friends and i act, it was fun to write in a scene :~} i’m glad you liked it :’}}
Yeah when I cut my hair short everyone assumed I liked girls I found it kind of odd, but I didn't care too much. It mostly just made me end up realizing all the shit lgbt people go through, one time a guy literally went up to me and my friend, my bff who no one really knew was a lesbian was terrified because he said "oh dont worry lesbians are hot, but gay guys are just disgusting" it ended up he was talking to me, i just rolled up a piece of paper as tight as I could and smacked him on the head
EWW first of all that guy can take his weird fetishization and homophobia elsewhere thanks...i’m glad you threw a paper ball at him LMAO. but yeah on one hand, coming from ignorant/straight people it’s like “uhhhh why would you assume that about me”, within the lgbt community it’s like...common ground...an inside joke...i guess? so it’s weird. the link between hair, clothes and sexuality is can definitely be harmful in certain circumstances
fiona is my spirit animal and i love her ok thanks for coming to my TED Talk
that was illuminating thank you
i re-read santis story and i s2g i've read it so many times idk, but like its so easy to read i dont mean like emotionally but it flows really well. and like its not too confusing i hate when people make overly convoluted stories in an excuse for being deep its some good shit good job my dude
AKJSDKGKSJD THAT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i never expected anyone to read it oNCE let alone REPEATEDLY...that really makes me so happy though because it’s definitely something you have to go back and read to catch all the details. ahhhhh thank you so much, i never ever want my story to be too complicated so i’m glad you don’t think it is!!
im crying because your recent post reminds me so much of my relationship with my mom when i was younger... she was always out of a job and sometimes we had to resort to living with other family members, it was all really hard on her and especially with having a kid she had to take care of at the same time. even though these are fictional characters, it’s comforting to know that other people have gone through the same situations i have. i love fiona and lou so much, they’re my heart and soul <3
OMG ;_________; i’m crying i’m so glad it resonates with you...i had a lot of friends growing up who were in similar situations and i think i kinda based lou and fi’s relationship on that, so you’re definitely not alone <33 i’m so glad you love them i love u
basically what I’ve learned from these asks is that Gianni is a perfect god-like human and I want one
he is. one time an anon told me they were like santi but they wanted to be rooney and i was like “i’m both santi and rooney on different days and i want to be gianni.” now u know why
hi, i just wanted to pop in and say that i really, really love your blog and i admire your editing skills SO much, i think you are EXTREMELY talented and i don't think you get told that enough. i've been following you for awhile now and i am in love with ALL of your stories, characters and edits you've put out! you're really an inspiration to me and i hope someday my edits can turn out as good as yours!! i don't have reshade so it's harder for me, but i'm trying to learn!! ok have a good day :-)
OMFG ;-; I DO GET TOLD IT A LOT AND IT STILL SEEMS FAKE...you don’t have to go out of your way to compliment me ;___; but thank you so so so much i’m crying...it makes me so giddy that i might inspire someone like WHAT...i don’t even know what i’m doing half the time i edit so u will definitely be able to catch up to me one day even if you don’t have reshade, i know it. i edited without reshade for like 2 and a half years on this blog so you can do it i promise!! have a good day/night/life i love u
fuck my succ
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I'm in need of some giannti in my life
we all need some gianti in our lives
Hey! I just wanted to say that ur an amazing writer. You portray everything so well, it’s insane. I want to be a writer someday and I hope my writing is at least somewhat close to yours. Have an awesome day my dude💕
WOW I’M CRYING...i still have a lot of room to grow and so do you, i hope you are able to become the writer you want to be :’} and thank you so much for the wonderful compliment i’m emo have a great day as well
aver is my queen, confirmed.
avey is everyone’s queen confirmed
oksy but listen, look up the model Charlotte Ray Spencer
i did but i couldn’t find her?? all that came up was ray spencer obituaries in charlotte, SC LMFAO...charlotte spencer is an actress tho it seems, is that...who...? omfg
I had a ectopic pregnancy when I was seventeen but I feel like I got off lightly compared to Molly. Your story is so beautiful in so many ways, I think it’s incredible how much character development you’ve managed to pull off honestly I’m amazed. Thank you ❤️
omg ;_______; i don’t even know what to say to this, but it means so much to me i can’t even put it into words. thank you thank you thank you so much, and i’m so sorry you had to go through that as well. molly was an extreme case and i hope no one has to go through what she went through. i’m glad you’re okay now, and thank you so much for reaching out to me and reading my story at all ;-; <3333
just a heads up: the links button on your ccfinds blog goes to the femmefinds url still
oh yeah i know i’m gonna be real with you...i’m too lazy to fix it lmAO
Luv your stick n poke tats u posted!!! Could u do more? Maybe on diff places on the bod?? Ur so talented. Xx
omg that was FOREVER ago...maaaaaybe in the future...we shall see...but thank you <33
Can u do a family portrait for all ur characters like u did w Lou!!!
oooooh hehe i probably will in the future!!
Kill v maim is one of my favorite songs of all time omg it makes me wanna wear ripped jeans and a leather jacket and cover myself in glitter and smash some windows with a baseball bat MMMMMM
HELL yeah me too...i become a cyber punk alien vampire when i hear that song
maybe do a casting call posted here ? u have many followers and im sure a good chunk live in ur area and would be willing to model ^_^
omg SCARY...i probably could tho tbh that’s a good idea, thank you!
hi sunny, what program do you use to merge your cc and what do you use to detect and remove broken cc that just doesn't work in game anymore? thanks!
i actually haven’t merged on my new laptop yet but i used s4s for merging and there’s the mod conflict detector!!
My game hasn't been working since the first Cats and Dogs patch but I uninstalled and reinstalled and it finally works again 😭
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sunny!! would you recommend your computer to play ts4 on? has it good graphics, can handle the highest settings and so? i really need a new computer but i have no idea which one to go for
yes i would recommend it!! i have reshade, ultra settings and like 8 gb of cc.
thanks for answering my ask eee ur story is probably the best ive read on here and yeah. i love how everything connects and everyones just so real. you dont have to post this i just wanted to thank you for being my inspiration and making me smile, laugh, cry, and scream in the middle of the night with your characters.
I LOVE U...it still sounds so fake to me when people say i inspire them, i don’t even know how to respond to all this ;-; just thank you for sparing a glance my way and resonating with my creations. <3 we scream and cry 2gether
I listened to Separator by Radiohead on repeat whilst reading Santi’s story and now that song just reminds me of him and Lou. I’d totally suggest listening to it’s so good! As is your story :3 xxx
oh radiohead that’s good sh*t...i’m listening to it now and i feel the santou vibes...especially when santi’s feeling out of his mind and she’s the only one who can calm him...haha cool..anyways THANK YOU!!!!
how do you make poses for the roof? i'm not sure how i can know if the sims will clip into the roof or float
honestly i just...eyeball it...because all roofs are different and you can’t put them into blender so. i just winged it lmao...i just made a pose that looked like it could’ve been lou climbing out the window, only the rig was still ground level, and then i used alt + 9 to lift the teleporter onto the roof as best as i could. that’s why it probably wouldn’t be a very practical pose to release, because i have no way of making it easy to use 
Lou punched him and I knew it would happen. 😀👌 nice, nice I like Lou whopping ass.
hehe i’m glad you enjoyed it...who knew she had a freaking hook like that
ok a theory... santi went to look for molly's mother and yea
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omg tell me cillian sings every other freckle at some point
OMFG well...that song came out in 2013 and the current flashback year is 2008 so. i would personally murder cillian myself if he was still in lou’s life 5 years after this honestly
hey kitty girl! i was wondering if you could answer this teensy lil question i got. im writing a "story" anddd i was trying to figure out how to make some parts not cliche. like i hate reading about whatever and being like girll ive done seen this before so i just needs to know. kisses
i absolutely love how this is worded and the fact that u called me kitty, very cute. anyway...this is pretty broad, perhaps you could clarify what kinda cliches you want to steer clear from? a lot of the time when i know something is gonna be cliche and there’s no avoiding it, i just kinda own up to it and try to subtly point out how cliche it is and somehow that makes it work out better...like being self aware somehow adds another more realistic element to the story that makes it better? idk...anyway dm me if you need help!!
so.... lou can remember more of what happened? this is good! go 2 the police bitch! tell them!!!!!!!
she should!! but the only problem is she doesn’t have proof. so... 🤔
how do you write your stories in a way that everything is organized and you're certain and not confused with everything? i mean, do you have any way for writing that let you develop your stories with not so much difficults? i'm trying to write an story for months but i only have a few of the most important events on my mind, i don't know how to develop another important details, i always feel that everything is confuse or crap
hmmmmm well my mind is very ah convoluted so it’s a wonder any of this comes out even somewhat cohesive? but basically i have a very good memory and utilize google docs a lot hahaha. i’ve gone in depth about my writing process here!
whats a good way when it comes to starting a sims story? i mean like the first post? :/
ummmmmm maybe test the waters a bit and just make a post introducing your character(s) first? or dive right in and get sh*t started. it could go either way tbh
boyish by japanese breakfast is a santixlou bop
oh sh*t!!!!!! i love japanese breakfast!! and i love this thank you!
So is lou like into cillian in a way? Making him kinda be in her type
as of right now (in the flashbacks)? HELL fucking no. but you’re right, she did say those things in the future to santi. so 🤔
Everyone guessing shit stupidly annoys me haha. I'M UNOBSERVANT AND I DON'T WANNA GO BACK AND CHECK SHIT, LET ME LIVE. *Like* if you a ~dum~ reader who doesn't want every bit of foreshadowing called out. lol
i respect this honestly whenever i drop the hottest foreshadowing of 2018 i never expect my inbox to flood like it does but here we are and i am amazed
i’m screaming...i’m so sorry it’s my fault about your phone but like also i’m poor i can’t pay for that
i'm studying your latest posts because they're beautiful and my hatred for that long necked bitch is intensifying -- what makes me burn even more is that he's still wearing her necklace, can we say let the bitch burn?
burn babey burn
Why don't you use quick tags?
i’m dumb is why
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What if Fi's blue eyes are from... Cillian..?
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wHY did you have to make him cute and fucking cool though? I still hate him but it's harder.
I SCREAMED AT THIS SERIES OF QUESTIONS OISDFNGJKDSKJN yeah sorry he’s conventionally attractive but unsettlingly so and i feel uneasy when i look at him and plus the fact that he’s literally evil so .
im like, to 90% sure that cillian is in ace joker. so that song might have reminded lou of him...
this was sent right after that scene of lou hearing the song at pippin’s, so
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My conspiracy theory is that cillian is Lou's father. Speakimg of which are we gonna get to that soon, I'm dying of curiosity;.;
what do u resize ur photos to?
whatever 33% of 1920x1080 is i forget. i have a resizing + sharpening action so i just run that
im about to kill those kids if they keep fucking with my baby
me @ these ugly kids:
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Who are the best creators for mens clothing? I struggle so much to find good cc creators with men specifically!
badabing badaboom
I’m not sure if you’ve converted things before but do you know any good sims 3 cc to sims 4 tutorials? Or your followers?
errrrrr i have no idea i’m sorry :x
would you consider making like a photoshop psd file with all the layers in your editing process?
omg...heck no it would be so unhelpful OMFG mostly because my editing is just my own action + shading and highlighting unique to that pic
would you ever do an editing timlapse of your gameplay pics? 💖💖
ahhhhh maybe!! probably in the future!
OMFG THAT’S RAD...i’ve literally only seen it once tho i’m fake
I'M SHOOK. my friend kinda asked me out and I wanna say yes but my parents won't let me date. I'm 18! I need your advice! -signed 18 and alone anon
Can you pretty please link some photoshop tutorials you recommend? I really want to make my photos more cinematic and like your's without totally copying you or someone else. All I do right now is sharpen, color balance, and add some noise and then resize. I really need some more ways to get better looking photos such as yours.
ahhhhh the problem is i don’t know of any i’m sorry...lmao this is totally unhelpful :\ i have my own editing tutorial which is outdated but can probably help you out with the basics of lighting effects and shading n stuff?
Heyyy, I saw that you answered a question about making a ps action like your reshade, and I just wanted to say that I would love that! Unfortunately Mac users like me, can’t use reshade unless boot camping Windows onto our computers...☹️ and your reshade is just soooo pretty...
i don’t know if i’ll be able to replicate the reshade effect totally but i could release the action i’ve made for myself? it warms up screenshots but is totally adjustable to your liking for different color tones so in that way it’s kinda similar to the reshade. i’ll seeeeee what i can do...i know the woes of mac users all too well, my friend
i just wanna give lou a big ol cozy hug :o((( pls
pls hug her she needs it.
Do you post on tumblr from your phome or from your computer? Just curious.
mostly from my computer, sometimes i answer messages on my phone while i’m out and you can tell because autocorrect actually makes me use proper capitalization for once in my life
how many hours have you played the sims? for me i have 4,070 hours. haha help
OMFG i think mine is like...900 or something...i can’t tell if that’s too much or too little, but it’s definitely inaccurate
if i could only look at one person's tumblr from now on it would be yours. ur literally the queen of tumblr #shookaf and also i really hope i die before you ever say ur leaving tumblr cause when u do, i will legit die and bury my own grave. i really appreciate u and hope one day i can be on ur level but rn im at level 1.5 while ur up in the millions :D
I’M SCREAMING PLEASE I AM A PLEB.............i cry u flatter me too much ;-; i genuinely hope i never leave this place because it’s been so fun and it’s helped me evolve so much as an artist and a writer, plus i made some of my greatest friends on here. so i hope that day never comes!! but who knows life is wild. anyway i’m sure you’re actually like at level 578 and are just being modest. it’s okay you don’t have to be humble
i think its so cool that you and wanderlust and other simmers use multiple worlds to make your own town and stuff. idk why but thats just so cool to me and i would have never thought of it. love your blog and story <3
omg!!! well i couldn’t resist, i love a bunch of them and can’t limit myself to just one ya know. plus the more i thought about it, the more my gen 2 story kinda centers around these kids from this one town and the town itself is very relevant. so i felt like i had to make my own!! and i’m very excited to get started with that hehe
I just met a guy named Rodrigo Santiago and I sCREAMED HOLY SHIT
Update (tho idk of you got the first one): I just got a text from a classmate named Rodrigo Santiago. I'm sCREECHING
no freaking way. there’s no way i don’t believe...i want proof...
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dont worry about posting this or do idc but i just wanted to say you should write about whatever you want and not care about whether people think you condone it or not. if i (a gay male) were to write about lesbians its not like im saying YOU HAVE TO BE LESBIANS BLAH BLAH BLAH you know what i mean? or if im writing about a robbery doesnt mean im like condoning robbery so like idk you do you boo and keep it coming ;D ilysm btw
OMFG no yeah i get it, i mean i think now especially in this online environment, people are hyper aware of Problematique things and so they’re a little too quick to point fingers without looking deeper than the surface. and whatever it’s fine people are always gonna be like that because people are mostly inherently judgmental, especially when it comes to consuming media. artists/writers face stuff like this all the time because people refuse to look past the surface, hence why works have gotten misconstrued all the time. but yeah i really appreciate this sentiment, thank u i love u
hope this isnt a weird question but what is the image size that u used for your character page?? thnk u 💕
omg it’s 300x300
have u listened to visions of gideon by sufjan stevens i was listening to it while reading ur stories and it made me so :(
oh my boy sufjan aka gianni’s personality claim i love him...and this song is :{ but i love even if it’s from the nasty age gap peach fucking movie
If i was married to Jamie and he treatin’ our daughter like that… oh I swear HES GOT TO GO!
it’s 2 am i’m so tired answering all of these i forgot who jaime was for a sec i was like um why are we talking about GoT anyways good night
how does alpha hair work with reshade? it seems so good in your screenshots and i’ve seen that in others screenshots it looks bad? whats the secret?
well good morning haha jk i never went to sleep anyway here u go
hooow do you make adorable toddlers in ts4?? teach me, gimme some advice please :(((
chubby cheeks! big eyes! small faces! little but plump lips! a good skin! dats all
how did u get ur sim onto the fire escapes?
ze teleporter mod, that’s it
I snickered at the, THE RETURN OF SANTI. Like I imagine it written in red horror lettering and santi just busts down the door and says ho ho ho im back bench, Did U miss me?
honestly i own a calendar and if i knew a definite date u already fucking kNOW it would be up there
ahhh im sorry for asking but im wondering how you find voice claims?? i'm looking for some for my sims, but it's tough to find one that's *right*, you know?? and your voice claims are great!! thank you <3
OMG voice claims are HARD, i literally just like “collect” them over time...i have a list in my phone of voices i like/may use in the future lmao, but try to think of actors or musicians and search interviews/movie or tv scenes with them speaking!!
i don't even read your story but i still follow you because i love your personality, sim style and just your whole entire tumblr
u follow me for ME? UM...what are u doing here...i’m so sorry (i love u...)
do you have a different reshade preset for flashback screenshots and for the present ones?
i do not!! i just edit differently
what happened to the honeycomb?
OMFG it’s still there...but we legit haven’t seen it since girooni’s wedding so um...it’s gonna have to get a makeover. i’m gonna do it when girooni come back home so i can finally show rupi working there like...wow...she deserves to be seen
lou's dad is the biggest asshole and i am waiting for the day that bitch dies
us when he dies
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shit theory: caroline goes to find and confront cillian about what he did in teen lou timeline. care ends up forming a crush on cillian and goes back to meet him several more times, but cillian ends up liking lou more which makes caroline jealous. and that's why they don't speak currently, 'cause cillian ruined lou's life in more ways than one.
uM holy fuck that’s all i got to say
pls tell me that Caro killed the dude that choked Lou (or beat his ass)
god i hope so !
how many people do you follow? are you “strict” with who you follow?
i follow 264 people and yeah i’ve gotten a bit stricter with it just cause like...i only want to follow people whose content i truly care about/will actually notice on my dash
would you ever do a sim dump?
probably in the future, it seems like people want more male and female sims from me SO
ramona got some moves tf
the girl is out here bobbing to the chicken dance like nobody’s business
have u seen the end of the fucking world? if u did what are your #thots
UM......................i watched the first episode ‘cause i heard so much about it and um.............................it was so bad OMFG i hated it. way too edgy for me. completely missed the mark. not into it at all. hard pass
HOPEFULLY ezra will follow through with that and i don’t necessarily mean in a romantic way but like...as her new roommate MAYBE he will be a blessing we can HOPE
I'm not sure if you've been asked this or not, but your poses are so good and I was wondering if you have ever considered making a pose pack? Sorry if this came off as rude! I love your posts!
i will probably in the future!! but first i gotta figure out which ones i’d actually include
okay so this is random but I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your sims stories. Everything is so perfect and I'm forever shook because I can't believe the "sets" you use are actually the game. Your sims are so fleshed out and you are a huge inspiration to me. Anyways sorry if this was weird but I'm like obsessed with ur blog. bYe
AJHSDHJFSD THANK YOU!!!!!!! yes somehow we work miracles into this game can u believe it...ahh but thank you so much, it means everything that i would inspire you in any way...like what...omg
Santi is actually standing outside present Lou’s apartment wondering where the fuck he went wrong
he’s been there for 6 months just on the street standing there please someone let him in .
there it is fellas. this message is sooooo old i’m so bad
Have you read/heard of The Lunar Chronicles
i have not!! but i’ll jot it down!
I was wondering if you’ve ever had any problems with skins? For me some on the palm side of the hand it’s noticeably darker than what the skin is supposed to be.. like the rest comes out find but the hands are darker.
hmm...that’s weird, i haven’t seen that. i think it probably depends on the skin? or maybe your sim detail settings?
santi my daddy, honeybodies my mommy, lou looking like a cutie when she saw dat tiny puppy. my name is rappin anon, and i just wanted to say, ur are my favorite simblr basically saving my day. rappin anon OUT
o...my god
i love u
i love u...
52 notes · View notes
chaldeluxe · 7 years
Congratulations on your character development, Arjuna. I knew you could do it. This interlude was a dear one, to the point that even Pako was getting upset over the fact that you’d dragged him through Solomon without helping him confront his inner turmoil.
Arjuna: … you’re here, Karna… !
Karna: — Arjuna. 
Arjuna: There’s naught a thing left to stand in our way. Every obstacle has been destroyed. 
Arjuna: This is our final battle.  Berate me for my cowardice all you want. Here is where you die. 
Arjuna: I must kill you! You know the true me, after all!
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Karna: … this is karma, then. Certainly having two of the greatest archers is quite unnecessary.
Karna: My lance alone is enough to sunder the earth. 
Karna: No words needed for the one whom first makes his exit first. It is a useless effort for a loser.
Karna: Come at me seriously, Arjuna. Show me how you truly feel!
Arjuna: Acting like you know me – here I go!
Karna: … well done.
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Arjuna: Hahah… hahahah! Hahahahahah! I’m the victor! My win, mine, my very own — !
Arjuna: ….. …….
—- could this even be called victory? —- could this even be counted as defeat?
There was no satisfaction. Not even a tremor of delight in the face of such success.
I couldn’t even feel relieved knowing it was finally over. All I had left was to walk an unconscionable path of nihilism.
I killed the only person who truly understood me in this world.
I had no regrets, let alone ones regarding the inevitable destiny that I must fight with my sworn rival. Ahh, but even then…
That dazzling golden armor.  Adorned in that, he went flying across the battlefield – 
He was a hero, as well as the only soul who knew the truth about how disgusting “I” was.
Arjuna: … why, Karna.
Arjuna: Why were you smiling!?
I lived beyond my days while grasping tightly onto that very question.
As the blessed hero Arjuna, in order to protect the future.
Arjuna: I was summoned as a Servant and joined them in many battles. I trust my Master.
Arjuna: Though she is a bit ordinary and her perspective is quite naive at times… despite all that, she still happens to be a fine Master.
Arjuna: Her judgments are made in good faith without looking down on us. There are no reservations when it comes to honoring our names as well.
Arjuna: For many of the Servants, she was surely the ideal. Of course, I felt similarly.
Arjuna: For that very reason, I lifted the ban on my Noble Phantasm. And yet…
Arjuna: I still had yet to let her see my “face”.  No, I couldn’t afford it.
Arjuna: I couldn’t expose that ugliness of mine… !
Mashu: Master, I’m getting a reading for a large amount of enemies.  It seems to be a surprise attack.
Arjuna: A satisfying battle.  The fulfilling sense of myself standing under the banner of true justice.
Arjuna: Using such a wonderful pretext as to save the world. Ahh – I can’t help but laugh.
1. What’s wrong? 2. Arjuna?
Arjuna: … no, it’s nothing. Come, let us raze our foes.
Mashu: Zero enemy readings. No problems recognized. I recommend returning to base.
1. Good work! 2. Let’s go home, Arjuna.
Mashu: Yes, Master. Job well done. I’ll get started on those sesame seed manjuu.
Arjuna: Yes, certainly.
Arjuna: By the way, Master. You didn’t see anything on my face just moments ago, did you?
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Arjuna: Nothing at all? Not even an ounce of something wrong?
Mashu: I don’t see anything erratic in the Saint Graph numericals on my end. Could he just be experiencing… fatigue? 
Mashu: Arjuna-san did take the initiative in battle here, after all.
Mashu: The more bloodthirsty Servants who’d come with us seemed to be calling it inconsiderate.
Arjuna: … it seems I was a bit too eager.
Arjuna: Very well. I’ll leave the rest to the others, then.
Mashu: Thanks for all your hard work!
Mashu: Phew, Senpai. Looks like another win at cards for me.  I’ll be taking that sesame manjuu as my war trophy, then.
1. Are you having a snack before bed… 2. Go right ahead.
Mashu: … S-Servants don’t get any heavier, so. Demi-Servants are the same way.
Mashu: … I think. 
Mashu: Heheh. Don’t pout like that, Senpai. I made sure to prepare your share.
Mashu: Alright then, Senpai.  Sweet dreams…
1. Good night! 2. Good night to you too, Fou.
Mashu: Yes, good night.
Fou: Fou!
1. …. ?
Arjuna: … he’s down. I defeated him.
Arjuna: Hahah… hahahah! Hahahahahah! I’m the victor! My win, mine, my very own — !
1. Arjuna… ?
Arjuna: ….. ! Master……you’re …….
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Arjuna: You, saw, my face?
Arjuna: You’re finally awake, Master.
Arjuna: … I’m surprised.
Arjuna: As I gaze into your eyes, I can tell you’re not at all confused about this unpredictable situation.
Arjuna: It seems we’ve fallen into a Servant’s dream.  A someone who seems to have connections to me.
Arjuna: If that’s truly the case, then I apologize.
1. I’m pretty much used to it. 2. This is the usual dream, isn’t it?
Arjuna: … that’s just like you. But this isn’t the sort of thing you should grow accustomed to.
Arjuna: Someday you may get caught up in some twisted nightmare… And if you died in it, your very own soul would perish as well.
Arjuna: By the “usual”, do you mean to say that you’re familiar with this sort of thing?
 Arjuna: This isn’t an instance of rayshifting, nor are we in the middle of an instantaneous transition. 
Arjuna: It’s an intriguing phenomenon…. At least, this is my first time experiencing it.
Arjuna: In any case, there’s not much we can do about this darkness.  First, we need to gain an understanding of our surroundings.
Arjuna: Master, please stay still.  It’d be exceedingly difficult to find each other if one of us were to get lost.
Arjuna: … though it’s a bit weak, I can feel wind-flow coming from that direction. Let’s head that way, shall we?
Arjuna: This is… it seems to be a labyrinth.  An exceedingly deep and winding one, at that.
Arjuna: Moreover – no, one moment.
Arjuna: This is rather odd. … what does it even mean?
1. What’s wrong?
Arjuna: Though I can’t express very well as to why I’m able to sense it, there seems to be nothing above us.
Arjuna: We can only descend further and further down. 
1. Which basically means there’s no exit? 2. It’s like some kind of nightmarish dungeon…
Arjuna: That seems to be the case. It’s the sort of outrageous structure you’d only find in a dream.
Arjuna: Truly. …. my sincerest apologies. This is most likely my very own nightmare.
Arjuna: If it’d been one of yours, I’m sure the circumstances would be far less harmful.
1. To the extent of Eli-chan cooking up that Manchu Han Imperial Feast. 2. To the extent of being sterilized by Nightingale-san.
Arjuna: Ah, by Eli-chan, do you mean that crude dragon Servant? Hahahah, that Manchu Han Imperial Feast of hers was rather inspiring.
Arjuna: Eh? It was actually nightmarish? Since you didn’t eat your fill, yes? Eh, I’m off?
Arjuna: That’s… certainly dreadful… 
Arjuna: Though if anything, my Mother also had times where she was far more stern than sweet. Still, I feel a motherly quality in that relentlessness of hers.
Arjuna: That is to say, I believe she’s just concerned for you… I would say that’s a good thing.
Arjuna: It was a dream where she was chasing you around with her sterilizing tank? … I see, that really is a nightmare… 
Arjuna: At any rate, let’s try heading down.  Though I’m merely acting on my own intuition, it seems the best course. 
Arjuna: Letting them strut about may only serve to complicate things. …. well, no, they won’t be much of a problem.
Arjuna: It’ll be but a simple matter for me to penetrate their group. Let us attack and end this swiftly.
Arjuna: … Master. I have two bouts of unfortunate news.
Arjuna: First, the miasma in the area seems to be getting stronger. And second, it’s at a level far above the enemies we just faced.
Arjuna: … this place couldn’t be…
1. What does it mean?
Arjuna: …. anyhow, let’s continue on.
Arjuna: For an underground labyrinth, the air is rather dry. … ahh, so that’s why.
Arjuna: This is a place close to the world I lived in. Though I’d never heard of a labyrinth that existed quite like this one.
Arjuna: And –
Arjuna: I feel a strong aura. If this is a space with a certain degree of closeness towards my world, then it must be…
Rama: Ohh, so you’ve finally arrived, Arjuna!
Arjuna: No doubt it was you –  The Great King of Kosala, Rama.
Rama: To think a great hero like yourself would introduce me with such renown!  What an honor!
Rama: Now then, answer this before proceeding to the antechamber.
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Rama: Are you truly a proud kshatriya? Or could it be – you’re something else entirely?
Rama: Come! Let me hear your thoughts after our battle!
Arjuna: — to which I respond. I’m as much of a kshatriya as I am a Servant.
Arjuna: I embrace my pride as a warrior. I embrace my duties as a Servant.
Arjuna: This way I’m able to be loyal to my convictions as a warrior without sacrificing my pride.
Rama: Your logic is sound. This answer is just like you.
Rama: However, that alone shows just how unforgivably content you are. I wonder if you’ll be true to your word the next time tragedy strikes.
Arjuna: … do you dare insult me?
Rama: — make your way to the next trial, Hero. Your sworn enemy is waiting for you!
Arjuna: … I know very well who it is. There’s only one warrior in the world who could give off such a fighting spirit.
Karna: So you’ve come, Arjuna.
Arjuna: Karna… what’re you doing here? There’s no way you could possibly be here!
Karna: — you don’t seem to feel that way.
Karna: I am the enemy who has always stood against you. That is my important role.
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Karna: And so I ask of you, my bitter enemy:  “Who are you?”
Karna: ….!
Arjuna: Got you!
— ahh, that’s right. I remember it clearly.
I remember this feeling and that exact moment in time. In an instant, I had lifted my finger and shot that arrow.
It was a sure-death arrow. And after I’d fired it, I came to harbor a lifetime of regret.
— and yet. — even now, as a Servant…
Arjuna: Farewell, Karna…. !
1. Wait!
Karna: ….. …..
Arjuna: Master… ?
1. I don’t want you to do something so painful. 2. You don’t really want to shoot him, do you?
Arjuna: Painful? 
Arjuna: Don’t be foolish. To me, Karna is nothing more than my fated enemy.
Arjuna: And even as Servants, we’ll still lock blades countless times.
Arjuna: …. that… couldn’t be farther from the truth. Karna is my arch-enemy.
Arjuna: An existence that I cannot despise enough.
Arjuna: Though you and I exist as we are now, I have no reason not to kill him where he stands.
Arjuna: … however.
Arjuna: Karna, our battle is over. Even one as shameless as you wouldn’t see it right to have a rematch here.
Arjuna: Leave this place. Do that and I’ll let you go with your life.
Arjuna: But allow me to answer your query. My name is Arjuna.
Arjuna: And I am my Master’s – Gudako’s Servant.
Karna: …. that’s a lie.
Arjuna: … what’d you just say?
Karna: Don’t resort to such deception, Arjuna.
Karna: You’ve long forgotten one critical thing we Servants must remember.
Karna: As long as that limits you, you are no true Servant.
Arjuna: …. !
Arjuna: I…. 
Karna: Gudako, Arjuna. From this point on, you have no choice but to head further towards the Abyss.
Karna: It’s fine to stop now. To disregard the matter entirely wouldn’t be inconsiderate.
Karna: Think of what’s coming as the worst possible conclusion. What lies ahead will only hurt the both of you. It’s a place laden with grief.
1. … even so, I have to go. 2. Something important is there.
Arjuna: Master…. 
Karna: Your Master’s resolve is firm. Arjuna, what will you do?
Arjuna: …..
Arjuna: That goes without saying! I fear not the depths ahead! Master, let us move on!
Arjuna: To whatever demons lie ahead, may I face a road of strife. I walk with justice!
Karna: I see. Then let’s proceed.
— Don’t look at me. Don’t look at me. Don’t look at me.
— “Krishna” lives deep within my heart.
Those wicked whispers. They goaded me on, guided my course, and held all the weight of my sins.
… what terrible excuses. I’m so wretched, so shameful, so disgusting, so much that I can’t bear to look at myself…
Ahh, however.
Arjuna: …  I see. So that’s me.
Karna: There he sits upon his throne, looking down on us with a scornful smile. He isn’t the least bit afraid of straying from his path as a warrior.
Karna: That in itself is “Krishna”. Arjuna, that is the darkness you’ve been holding onto for so long… am I wrong?
Arjuna: You’re correct. Though for it to be this hideous…
Ah, how enviable they are – But is that not what it is to be human?
Despicable yet they endure. Gallant yet they quake with fear.
Lamenting in their desire for salvation as they cry, lamenting as they risk their lives fervently to save one another. 
That this is what it is to be and what must be.
Within them, something beseeches so.
1. Krishna… ?
Karna: That’s right. Krishna.
Karna: An avatar of Vishnu, as well as the man who was once Arjuna’s companion throughout the Mahabharata.
Karna: Without a doubt, that man existed. He was a great hero who toyed considerably with our army.
Karna: He was also the one to steer Arjuna’s chariot.
Karna: … but this and that are two different matters. Another Krishna has rooted himself here within the heart.
Arjuna: Krishna! I, who have crowned myself with the name of my dear friend!
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Krishna: Feedback from Arjuna? No… an expedition, perhaps?
Krishna: Have you come to repel the darkness, to seek the light?
Arjuna: Naturally!
Krishna: You’re far beyond redemption, my friend!
Krishna: Only the innermost darkness would ever be capable of saving I who was once called “Kiriti, the Shining Diadem”.
Krishna: — what a pathetic sight you are. It’s ironic, really. To think you’d go so far in your search for strength as to forge bonds.
Krishna: There’s just no way around it. I’ve got to kill those shackled to you as soon as possible.
Krishna: To which I say, does it not seem like there are two I ought to kill right by your side?
Arjuna: That’s …
1. Arjuna. 2. Krishna.
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Arjuna: Please, don’t look at me! I’m a hero. I truly am one. This isn’t right. This isn’t the real me!
Arjuna: No matter what… I needed to be a righteous hero. That is why I so desperately had to hide away this “me”.
Arjuna: Even from my very own Master!
Krishna: Let’s commence with your slaughter, shall we? Smoothly, quietly, peacefully.
Krishna: … what’d you just say?
Arjuna: Master…. !?
1. What does it even matter!? 2. Everyone’s got a little hate in their heart!
Arjuna: But I…. – I! I had such a fortunate upbringing!
Arjuna: I revered all that was good, detested all that was evil, and lived out my life as a proud warrior!
Arjuna: There’s no feasible way such wicked thoughts could’ve flourished!
Arjuna: No… I couldn’t have let them!
Krishna: That’s exactly right, Arjuna!
Krishna: And let there be no exceptions. No matter who or what, if they witness the real me, they must die.
Krishna: I couldn’t remain a hero otherwise. In order for me to remain as I am, sacrifices are necessary…!
Karna: You’re as unruly as ever, Krishna.
Karna: It’s only right for you to be this unsettled, what with this being the first time three individuals had ever gotten this far.
Karna: Like how various symbols stood in the way of Rama during his lifetime, I will always stand in Arjuna’s way to symbolize an antagonist.
Karna: And to you Krishna, who are Arjuna’s companion… You exist here also as a symbol of evil.
Karna: A black shadow strongly rooted within his heart since childhood…
Karna: A personality that lurked under the surface always giving counsel, with a different systematic thought process, priorities, and retained code of ethics.
Karna: Even I am but a body composed from Arjuna’s memories.
Karna: The only one who differs from us in this realm is you, Master. You who worried for Arjuna and answered his summons.
Arjuna: ….wha….. worry….?
Karna: Arjuna.
Karna: At the very end, we weren’t able to race together with our chariots nor clash with our weapons.
Karna: For that very reason, I felt it was best to oppose you for all of eternity.
Karna: But things have changed.  Evolved, even.
Karna: At that stage in America, you finally came to understand my feelings… or at least, you’d begun to. 
Arjuna: I…
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Krishna: Shut up…. shut up, shut up, shut up! Know your disgrace, Karna!
Krishna: Just like I’ve become, you are evil itself! Therefore I must destroy you… !!
Karna: I’d like you to lend me a hand, Master. With you, and Arjuna’s help…
Karna: First, we need to silence Krishna. Persuading him will have to come after…!!
Krishna: Ghh…. ! This isn’t over! Help me, Arjuna!
Krishna: We’re to stand together and contest all evil!
Arjuna: ….. …..
Arjuna: … no, we aren’t. You’re wrong, Krishna.
Arjuna: That won’t do.
Krishna: … what, do you mean?
Arjuna: I’ve always… always thought this. That because you were with me, I was able to fire that arrow.
Arjuna: That cowardly behavior that strayed from the warrior’s path – You were responsible for it all.
Arjuna: …. that seemingly perpetual combat with Karna. All I’d wanted at the time was to be put at ease.
Arjuna: My very existence had become so stunted that I was seized with despair over whether I was truly worthy of the warrior name.
Arjuna: Nevertheless, I have to accept it. No matter how much I try to deny it, the one who truly shot that arrow was – 
Krishna: Hold your tongue, Arjuna! If you speak, a thousand-year curse will befall you!
Karna: You have to say it, Arjuna.
Karna: There is no proper answer. All you can do is cling desperately onto that belief of yours until the end.
Karna: You may lose your way at times. But that is why we walk side-by-side with our Master.
Karna: We Servants must walk alongside hesitation as we live out these second lives.
Karna: Even if it prevents you from going back to being the ‘you’ that you were in your lifetime.
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Arjuna: — the one who shot that arrow, was me.
Arjuna: I clutched it tightly, I nocked it. The one who shot that arrow was I, Arjuna.
Arjuna: Forgive me.
Arjuna: Krishna, at that time, you weren’t fighting with me on the chariot… 
Karna: Precisely.
Karna: At the time, Krishna was fighting somewhere else. He learned of your residual shame and yet probably kept his silence.
Krishna: … so you’re capable of recognizing your evil nature now. In life, and even in death as a Heroic Spirit, you know nothing will change.
Krishna: All your life will be spent in regret.
Arjuna: Of course. That may very well be. But I’ve made up my mind. No longer will I fear my own regrets.
Krishna: ….. …..
Krishna: I see… Then all you’ve left is to entrust them to me.
Arjuna: Krishna… ?
Krishna: Maybe, just maybe… My very existence will prove a problem to you yet.
Arjuna: I haven’t a clue as to what you mean...
Krishna: Oh, it’s not important. Pay me no mind. … now, it’s about time you awakened from this dream, Gudako.
Krishna: I can’t imagine me having another part to play. It’d be best if you just forgot this entire matter.
Karna: This spells the end of my appearance as well. Farewell, Arjuna. Farewell, Master.
Arjuna: It seems I’m to disappear soon as well –
Arjuna: Let me apologize before that, Master. It’s my fault you were thrust into such a risky situation.
Arjuna: All thanks to the fact that our bond had grown so strong.
Arjuna: This whole time I’d been afraid of deepening that bond, of letting Krishna’s existence be known.
Arjuna: That’s why you were lured into my dreams — to be killed.
Arjuna: What a fool I am. And the worst kind of traitor, as well. I’d have no complaints if you were to have me executed. 
Arjuna: … Master. You know everything there is to know about me.
Arjuna: Through all my wickedness, my good and my evil, my everything as I am – you’ve taken all my burdens upon yourself.
Arjuna: No longer will I fear the darkness nor your smile. Never again, I swear…
1. That… wasn’t a dream, was it?
Arjuna: — I see you’ve finally awoken, Master. I hope you were having pleasant dreams.
Arjuna: Above all, I must apologize once more for putting your life in danger.
Arjuna: I’m at a loss. Though I wish more than anything to offer you my life in exchange for this sin, I would then be unable to fight.
Arjuna: What should I do?
1. Good morning, Arjuna.
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Arjuna: …………. good morning.
Arjuna: I’ll hesitate no longer. From now on I’ll put my heart and my soul, my everything into serving you.
Arjuna: And yet, even then…
Arjuna: Though my journey to reach this point was a long one, in others ways it felt particularly short.
Arjuna: Nothing in this world is inevitable. In every aspect it can be said that all is flux, and nothing stays still.
Arjuna: One’s emotions are no exception. Love and affection may warp into hatred and sorrow.
Arjuna: The contrary also being possible…
Arjuna: Still, there’s one thing I’m certain of.
Arjuna: … I’m glad I had the chance to meet you.
I am an Archer. My name is Arjuna.
A Servant, as well as a kshatriya –
I lend my Master my power in order to take back the future. I’m nothing more than an average Heroic Spirit.
A man descended from gods, and yet isn’t one of their kind. A prodigy with power that no ordinary human should have.
Just someone who fights. A man who fights alongside his Master. Whose only purpose is to tackle the battles yet to come, to serve.
With that in mind, I was finally able to perceive myself as a Heroic Spirit. For that reason I was able to accept my “darkness”, to no longer think of it as shame. 
I am an Archer, and I am Arjuna.
I am Gudako’s Servant.
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hellomynudebrain · 3 years
Paths (Jumin X reader) Part#22
The last thing you remembered is MC coming where you were sobbing as a baby, and how she brought you to the guest room, you layed your body in the bed, you cried a bit more and finally you fell asleep.
The sound of the clock on the guest room made you wake up at 3:00 a.m. Your eyes were swollen and you could felt the dry tears all over your face. You had your eyes wide open, and saw nothing that the darkness of the room and the only sound on the room was that clock. 
You were more quiet, your chest felt better and even if you made a tantrum in front of some unkown people, your mind felt better and clearer than before. You turned your body facing the roof and since your mind was clear. Your thoughts began to settle down. 
Yes, Jihyun left you, but it wasn't because Jumin told him to do so. It was because his guilt made him chose like that, maybe he didn't love you enough. It hurted, but he made a decision, Jumin didn't forced him. 
Yes, Jumin lied to you, but you  did too. You only signed the contract to know more about Jihyun and then you got what you wanted.  Jumin had to bear with your bad atttitude, your tantrums and your spite. But he didn't complain even once. He helped you with Salem and made you a surprise party with everyone, he presented his friends to you, you were presented to his friends and whatever MC meant about protecting you from the media. You felt dumb. 
The memory of him laughing with you, arguing, chatting, eating together and spending  the night together, made you remind how much you love him and that you weren't precisely a saint. It was time to grow up and face him.
All of sudden, you heard screams which made you flinched. You got afraid until you could recognized the voice. 
You jumped out of the bed, when you were outside of the room, Saeyong was already on the hall and walked to the speaker.
"What is the password?~"
"Saeyoung, please tell me where she is!"
"That's not the password~" 
"...Please! if she is with you, let me in!"
"That's not the password~"
"....*sign* Alright, if you let me in, I allow you to play half an hour with  Elizabeth the 3rd!"
"That's not the password, but that's a deal!"
Saeyoung pressed the botton and a sweaty Jumin without tie and desperate face entered in the room. 
When he saw you, immediately he ran toward you.
He hugged you and sank his face in your arms. 
You hugged  him back, everything was in silence. Until MC went out of her room how she could and called back Saeyong. 
"Honey, come! Let's give them some space"
"But MC this is so sweet! Let me see!" 
"No! We have to get up early in the morning! Now, go to bed!"
"But honey! Awww!"
MC gave a pierce look to Saeyoung and he went back to the room with his face down. "Come on, dear~Talk with Jumin!" 
"Yes, I will..."
Once, Saeyoung and MC are on their room. You took Jumin's hand and walked to the living room.
"So...were you looking for me?"
"...Yes. Whan I arrived home and didn't see you there. I was afraid...that you left me forever. And the only thought of you leaving my side...I couldn't stand it..."
His hands were trembling, it wasn't because he felt cold, he felt fear. You saw a vulnerable part of him which made you took his head on your hands, tilted your head and gave him a kiss.
"Jumin, I love you" You smiled at him.
He was startled, but immediately, he held you in his arms and whispered on your ears with tembling voice.
"I love you too, my love...Please forgive me..."
" I don't have anything to forgive. You saw the childiest and worst part of me, too. Let's star over, don't you think?" 
"Yes. Hello, my name is Jumin Han. The CEO of C&R, I love cats, whine. I'm a bad driver and I’m the man who loves you."
In the morning, Jumin and you are sleeping next to each other, holding hands. MC and Saeyong got out of the room, they giggled  while seeing how lovely both of you were. Unfortunately for driver Kim had to sleep on the car, you felt bad for him, so you told Saeyoung and MC you had to go back with Jumin. 
The couple who recived you and Jumin and you were outside of the bunker saying good bye. 
"Saeyoung, thank you for taking care of my girlfriend"
"Your welcome, but don't forget you promise!~" 
"...I won't. I'm a man of my word."
"Yay!~ Eli wait for me!"
Jumin was displeased with the deal, but Saeyoung couldn't let him in without anything in exchange.
Finally, MC was sending you off with her crutches under her arms.
"Dear, anytime you need a friend, call me or send me a message!"
"Yes, I will. Thank you for all and I'm sorry for the scene I made last night"
"You know what? I feel we are friends but I know about your secrets and you know barely knew anything about me"
"Yes, that's right....hehehe" You felt a little bit shy.
"Then let me tell you a secret~"
"...yeah...sure, why not?"
"I'm pregnat of twins, but ssshhh, don't tell anyone. Not even my husband~"
She winked you and you swore her not telling a soul about her pregnancy. 
Jumin raised his hand toward you, with a sign of holding hands. You reached his hand and held it. Both of you walked to the car where the poor driver Kim was waiting. 
Both of you were going back home together.
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