#edit! forgot my tags for the archive
tls123 · 29 days
not shen yuan disassociating as he starts backing luo binghe to the edge of endless abyss
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dinzeeyz · 2 years
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i should really make a drawpile tag cause that seems to be the only way to get me to draw lately
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plutoastergaby · 7 months
I'm so happy to announce that last Monday I was officially (or as close as you can get over here) diagnosed as autistic!
It was almost 5 years ago when I started questioning if I was autistic, and only two years ago did I start going to therapy, where I was diagnosed with ADHD and misdiagnosed with OCD, but my therapist refused to acknowledge and test me for autism (not like she tested for the others either, she just asked me why I thought I was autistic and used that to diagnose the other things).
Then a few months ago I left her because she sucked and started going to my current therapist, which finally acknowledged that I was autistic!
We don't have actual tests that give you a document over here (or they're very rare and expensive, I don't even know where I could find a place for those), so this is as close as it can get to an official diagnosis, and I'm so glad to finally have people believe me!
I'm also super grateful for people online that talk about their experiences and needs, since that was one of the things that made me realize that I was in fact neurodivergent.
I still struggle with imposter syndrome and constantly have to remind myself that I am neurodivergent and have needs that I must take care of, but this is a huge step in feeling more comfortable with the idea of me being neurospicy and properly taking care of myself <3
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ankerrigan · 8 months
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I think about this passage so often I made myself a little poster design with it a few years ago and it felt pertinent to dig it out and share it again.
ID in alt text and under the cut:
ID: A black poster with the following quoted passage from Lundy Bancroft's book "Why does he do that? Inside the Minds of angry and controlling men" in white text, with one portion highlighted in red. The passage reads as follows:
"It is not possible to be truly balanced in one’s views of an abuser and an [abuse victim]. As Dr. Judith Herman explains eloquently in her masterwork Trauma and Recovery, “neutrality” actually serves the interests of the perpetrator much more than those of the victim and so is not neutral. Although an abuser prefers to have you wholeheartedly on his side, he will settle contentedly for your decision to take a middle stance. To him, that means you see the couple’s problems as partly her fault and partly his fault, which means it isn’t abuse.
"In reality, to remain neutral is to collude with the abusive man, whether or not that is your goal. (Note: Red highlight begins here) If you are aware of chronic or severe mistreatment and do not speak out against it, your silence communicates implicitly that you see nothing unacceptable taking place. (Note: Red highlight ends here.) Abusers interpret silence as approval, or at least as forgiveness. To [abuse victims], meanwhile, the silence means that no one will help—just what her partner wants her to believe.
"Anyone who chooses to quietly look the other way therefore unwittingly becomes the abuser’s ally." End of passage.
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I drew a him! the scrungly scrimbo! he is Not Happy and would like you to Put Him Down Please. he promises he wont bite you. he is lying
[ID: A digital drawing of Grian, in a simplistic cartoon style. Grian depicted as a man with light skin, pink cheeks, and shoulder length dark blonde hair. He has wings attached to  his back, and a tail made of feathers coming from under his sweater. Part of his hair is up in a bun, and some has fallen down to cover his left eye. He is wearing black shoes, dark gray pants, and a red sweater. His wings are colored similarly to a parrot, though not any specific species. The highest row of feathers are fluffy, and the same color as Grian’s sweater. The second and third rows are different on the outside and inside. The outer second row is the same yellowish brown as his hair, with a purple mark heavily resembling an eye at the end of each feather. The outer third row is the longest, and the feathers are dark blue-violet, though the lighting makes them appear more purple. The inner third row is the same purple as the eye markings. The inner second row is a pinkish purple. A computer curser has grabbed him by the back of his sweaters neck. His body hangs limp, and his wings drop below him, slightly curling around him, though not enough to obscure view of his body. His face is in shadow, and he glares tiredly towards the viewer. End ID]
i actually drew this a few months ago, i think back in may, but i kept forgetting to post it lol. anyway its a bit out of date from my current grian design, because i drew it back when i was headcanoning hc grian and life series grian as the same guy, whereas now i see them as two separate guys. well. sort of separate. its complicated and i cant really explain it without delving deep into all my mc and mcyt headcanons, and that would take a while
also he kind of looks like chara dreemurr from undertale lol. like in the hair and the eyes and the rosy cheeks. i suppose that makes sence, since any blorbo who rotates in my head for long enough inevitably begins to resemble chara dreemurr, including myself. i am normal about chara dreemurr from undertale.
anywya, i tried a new art style in this one and im pretty happy with how it turned out!
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thatdeadaquarius · 11 months
Genshin Impact Sagau/Isekai:
You still have acces to characters! ...by possessing them. 👻
PART 2 (you're here!) / Part 1
All art by me! :] leave me a iced coffee?? :0
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STOP tagging my posts as "Yandere Sagau", "Sagau Cult AU", "Sagau Imposter AU" or other related dark content tags.
I'm sick of seeing reblogs that tag my work as dark content, when I'm specifically trying to LIGHTEN UP THE SAGAU TAG 😭😭??
Please be more respectful of this. Actually read the work before you just tag it incorrectly. Tags do matter.
/nm /gen
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them)
Planet: Misc. Genshin AUs
Orbit: Headcanons, Scenarios
Stars: Tighnari ft. Cyno, Alhaitham, Collei
Comets & Meteors:
Content Warnings: Mild violence (bandit attacks/non-graphic), Reader/you possess people non-consent (mild/consent given eventually)
& Trigger Warnings: Reader/"you" possess people non-consenually for short times, but given consent eventually.
(pls comment if any more!)
Edit 12/24/23 + 4/5/24:
My goofy ass forgot to put this here .-.
Anyway this is a full length fanfic now ;)
…mistakes were made.
bad decisions were had, and okay, mayyybbbeee you could’ve taken more precautions against people finding out you were “real”.
afterall, you did see the Eremites reaction, even if it was only two guys (one from each camp) that you possessed :/
word spreads quickly amongst the Eremites groups, you guess, bc next thing you knew, after you’d moved closer to floating around Gandharva Ville,
they’d called that entire bit of forest haunted.
BUT IN YOUR DEFENSE-!! how were you supposed to know they’d blab to the whole camp they didn’t remember the past 20 minutes after you unpossessed them?? and immediately be on guard and jump to possession?? (Irminsul works hard but eremites/sumeru people work harder u guess)
And by the time you were happily patrolling with Collei, the forest rangers were just so chill you didn’t really expect anybody would think a ghost was possessing them (or whatever you were now… maybe,, just code?? it’s unclear)
so when u start to see Tighnari squint at people who’ve technically just “woken up” after you possessed them, mumbling under his breath more and more as a file he carries around gets thicker and thicker-
you start to think,,, maybe.
okay, mayyybbbeee,
you’ve fucked up.
You really can’t help it, first it was making sure Collei got back safely from patrols (she’s ur skrunkly okay, you can’t help it, you’re still aware she’s capable but- the urge to skrunkle overpowers you- )
but then-!! You managed to spot Cyno! :D its ur boy!! ur little meow meow, who can throw people over his shoulder!! He really doesn’t need you, hovering around, but eh ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
what could it hurt! …it’s not like he can see, hear, or feel you anyway…
(unless u possess some animal/machine he thinks is friendly, which. sumeru is not exactly known for cuddly creatures. you don’t feel like experiencing death when possessing stuff just yet-)
imagine ur panic and shock as the General Mahamatra takes on a camp of criminals on the run, only for one of the old ruin machines (the ones that are just LEG and DEATH)
to hear the ruckus and come stomping around a thick patch of trees, it launched missiles!! You can’t warn Cyno, he can’t hear you!! No one can!!! The criminals are unconscious, there’s no other wildlife nearby they all ran off!!! FUCK-
You look at him and try to imagine his perspective as vividly as you can, he’s looking over the criminals, but now he’s turning, so people passed out and the tree-line got it-
Congratulations! You’ve possessed Cyno. 💀
It completely disorients you for a second, but then the panic of dodging the missiles comes back in time for you to make his body dive and roll off to the side, for as long as you can manage a roll too since you remember that’s the best way to dodge missiles in the game
…which works really well! bc he’s so fit and agile tbh
It was weird to finally run again after so long (two months now in teyvat?? wow)
with your feet suddenly in sandals, and feeling the breeze chilling your bare chest (Cyno’s chest??)
yeah its a shock considering most of the ppl you’ve possessed lately have been fully clothed rangers lol
you quickly imagine your ghostly form again, and just like that you’re drifting out of Cyno in ur “ghosty” form, having floated out and away from his back
Poor guy looks so fucking confused, and immediately is wielding his spear again, and is about to get out the crouch you put him in behind the dilapidated stone wall (dammit he better not waste ur efforts to keep him alive-)
until missiles slam and explode against it, he ducks back down (thank fuck) and Cyno just looks around one last time before hopping the wall and running to fight the thing
you notice that when the electro user goes to use his powers, they seem stronger than they were in his fight with the goons??
Maybe he was just going easier on them, since they are only human?
…so why does even Cyno look surprised when he goes to make a simple swipe with his charged spear and a bolt of lightning cracks out from his spear instead…?
Tighnari knows you’re here.
You figure he must have collected the reports of people “blacking out” or “sleep-walking” or whatever else and begun to suspect the worst.
…to be honest, you’re not sure what to do.
on one hand, it would be great to have someone know you actually exist, as yourself,
but on the other…
What would Tighnari think?
Of you possessing his rangers?? Temporarily taking ownership of someone without permission??? You’re afraid he’d think the worst of you…
tho u didn’t do so often, as u realized how messed up this could be, and u never did more than make them walk or talk normally for a few minutes before leaving them alone!
… afterall, you missed interacting with people. You were honestly a little worried abt going crazy, which is the only reason u were desperate enough to possess human people in the first place and continue doing so, just to talk to someone and have them look you in the face again like you really did exist as a person here-
(u thought u remember reading somewhere back on Earth that someone can only last 3 days of no other human contact until they start to lose it? but even if that’s not true, at the very least, u dont think talking one-sidedly to yourself all the time is healthy…)
so when Tighnari seems to get that file you’ve seen him adding onto, and gather up supplies, mentioning a day trip to Collei and the others to Sumeru City for some
“further research into these ‘blackouts’, and also contacting some of my colleagues who might know something…”
there’s no way you’re not going with him.
you feel increasingly anxious all day, and at one point when you were sure Tighnari was walled-in by books at the House of Daena, decide to go blow off the anxious energy by possessing an animal to get some food!
…you’re not really feeling comfortable enough to possess a living being into eating yet, that seems hella nonconsensual, and u kinda would be taking the joy of the meal from them tbh-
so u possess a cat!
a ginger cat, bc u like to think if u do anything weird, that ppl in Teyvat have the same type of cats back on Earth and excuse it as just:
“unhinged ginger cats being unhinged ginger cats yep makes sense” lol
you’d managed to be really cute (and wasn’t that weird, having to mimic animal behaviors like rubbing ur side against a person’s legs..)
and convince one of the cooks of Lambad’s Tavern to give u some leftovers, and been about to go off to try out sunbathing before the chore boy, little shit he is, tried to chase you off with a broom!! >:( the audacity!! you clearly have a little plate and everything!!
luckily, you’d finished eating, but still! Ouch!! those bristles fucking hurt-!!!
…you look and see a Sumeru-ified version of a skateboard, and u just know ur little cat face is just ✨v✨
and u steal the little shit’s skateboard as revenge! HAHA thats what you get animal abuser!!!
The kid’s yelling at you as you speedily skate away with ur little cat paws (LMAOO), but the cooks are calling him back in so he can’t pursue, (oh good u hear them get onto him for chasing u off)
and as u slow down to coast along the Sumeru streets,
you feel someone’s eyes staring you down.
You assume it’s just people being amused at a cat skateboarding, obv
but when you look just ahead of you to see a smiling Sumeru citizen or eremite-
Oh. It’s Alhaitham.
and he’s just… watching you.
he’s stopped reading whatever he’s got in his hand, and is slowlyyyy turning his head as you pass by…
You decide to just keep skating away. LMAO
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it’s already sunset by the you’re accompanying Tighnari back from Sumeru City, floating along behind him
and you’d been expecting a calm walk back, tbh you’d been feeling a little better bc the ranger hadn’t found much to identify you, yet, luckily-
but bc u can never catch a break:
Tighnari didn’t see the bandits dropping from the goddamn trees BEHIND HIM- and they had like claymores out- those were definitely gonna be killing blows-!!
so yeah.
You possessed Tighnari.
turns out ur pretty good at dodging bc this is second time now you’ve helped dive away for someone in an ambush, ur kinda proud of urself tbh💀
and as you make him take a few leaps back, ur ears twitch in the wind as you duck behind a tree, then float away and out of his body
The poor hybrid ranger visibly sways, then shakes his head out of it, and he flicks his ears in different directions, squinting into the woods, he’s pulled out his bow, so you’re at least reassured he’s aware there are enemies
Like Cyno last week, he too gives up and rolls for the next tree for cover and begins to shoot and take down the bandits
the rest of the week is kinda a blur after that, bc it’s mostly filled with Tighnari running in circles around the camp checking for blackouts, writing letters to Alhaitham and Cyno apparently, and you not possessing anybody out of paranoia :/
Most notably however,
you’ve unfortunately discovered one of the few drawbacks of ur possessions
(y’know, besides not existing essentially, what with no one being able to sense u outside of possessions)
apparently, if someone walks thru you, they accidentally force you to possess them 💀??
while it’d already happened once with a random ranger that you didnt notice was walking up behind you,
you didn’t want to test it again just yet bc it kinda made YOU nauseous and incredibly dizzy when this happened
(as in, u stumbled like a drunk after this poor ranger woman ran thru u, until you were so dizzy and the world spun sm u had to make her sit on the literal ground, luckily she just thought she was just really dehydrated when she came back into herself 😭)
so obviously, you’ve avoided crowds to keep this forced possession thingy from happening all the time
like at the Forest Rangers meetings or something, ur watching off to the side, instead of standing with them or beside them
so needless to say, after about a week and half since possessing Tighnari,
you definitely did not mean to possess Collei.
She’d been in her wheelchair today, the Eleazar flaring up and tiring her body out
so her wheels had been entirely silent when she rolled up to where you and Tighnari were leaning over some strange experiments of his- you were just trying to figure out what all these mirrors were for, didn’t he do plants more-?
you didn’t even know what the hell happened, you just felt that familiar dropping sensation, like a small drop on a rollarcoaster, blinked, and then suddenly you were sitting instead of standing/floating???
Oh god-
before you could even begin to process that Tighnari was in front of you instead of beside you, the world was shorter,
The fox-eared ranger yelled in triumph, grinning with sharp fangs and spinning around to look at you (Collei)-
“Ah-ha! It worked! Finally, I saw you! I saw you, I-?? Oh gods, Collei, NO-!”
And with quick reflexes, Tighnari’s summoned his bow, but he’s clearly confused on what to do about this situation, taking aim, but also holding the air glowing with dendro not as taunt as you’d seen him in the battle with the bandits
You scramble to raise your hands up, brown poofy sleeves rise to your command, light green hair you can feel on your shoulders, everything is familiar, but not-
“WAIT! I’m sorry!! This was an accident, I promise! I don’t intend to hurt Collei, or you!! Please, just, don’t shoot me, I think you’ll just hurt Collei instead…”
You talk him down and decide, that if he’s put this much effort into finding out about your existence, is an incredible leader and friend to everyone around him, and was able to accept the traveler and many other strange things that’ve (probably? maybe?) already happened in Sumeru (god fuck u dont even know where in the timeline you are)
that you can probably trust Tighnari with your existence, and your powers.
…He nearly passes out.
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Life has gotten a lot funnier, and happier, since you told Tighnari (and some of the more trustworthy rangers and Collei by proxy) about ur existence (or really, confirmed it)
He’d been wary at first, appropiately cautious and demanding answers, of which you were happy to give and explain yourself
luckily, after a whole lot of “hmm, I see, no, I think I’m understanding-” , finger on his chin and everything
he’s said it’s okay to hang around the rangers, so long as you don’t possess anyone anymore without them knowing about you/with permission (outside of emergency situations that is)
tho he did seem surprisingly understanding and accepting of you doing it before after you explained how u were just unbelievably lonely and were lowkey paranoid of going crazy-
The rangers seem to believe you’re some kind of god/spirit thing, as you had no explanation yourself as to what you were ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Tighnari’s also given you the rule to help out around here if you’re going to “ghost-laze around”, as he puts it lol
you’ve redirected ruin machines/feral animals away from rangers many times by now, to the many thanks and gratefulness of the rangers
you’ve even managed to even figure out how to push Collei’s wheelchair around when she uses it!
mostly by possessing tree after tree and using vines, or occasionally a fungi that can fly so you can nudge her along
she has insisted that you possess a ruin guard and carry her just to try it… however, Tighnari overheard her talking to the forest rangers’ dog (you) and immediately knew shit was up and banned you from doing it (at least not yet)
While most rangers are okay with you possessing them for a few minutes (and they’ve developed this bandana wrapped around their upper arms policy of “red = no possess, green = go ahead”)
Collei is the most okay with it and for longer, so you “won’t be that lonely ever again!” :’)
Tighnari is busy with stuff, so you can’t possess him as often, but the ranger has developed a theory that the more you possess someone, the more they can sense your feelings during possession/while floating around in ghost form too,
so he’ll occasionally feel you in the room with him, and start talking out loud in some one-sided convo to make you feel more included to make up for not being able to interact with him sometimes :)
(after taking you off his list of worries he’s still pretty swamped, not that he’ll tell you that, as he’s still not quite sure why he’s so, warm and safe feeling when you’re around, so willing to trust you so naturally, that it makes him want to at leats pretend to be worried abt a possessing ghost god/thing hanging out with the rangers now)
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basically everything is great!
the rangers are okay with you, they got a system to interact with you consensually, Tighnari and Collei are fond of you, you get to finally have something to do instead of floating around all the time (joining ranger missions)
and look!! they’ve even been kind enough to build you a little shrine or altar of sorts! Notes about Sumeru life, recipes for you to try, occasionally some books for you to read, and even some snacks/desserts for you to try out the next time someone possesses you and gives consent! (you leave them a little note stuck on their hand with your question for specific actions like that, if there isn’t another ranger there to ask for you when you unpossess them)
and everything is so cool, and everyone is so sweet and accepting
…Until Alhaitham shows up in Gandharva Ville, knocking on Tighnari’s door.
AHHHH idk if this is any good! sorry it took so long, it was mostly the art 😭😭
anyway its not the best (the writing or the art) but i hope it’s at least some content to look at and be entertained for a minute!
also figured it was a good day to post what with the attack on our beloved Ao3 (tho i think it’s back up now?)
anyway, feel free to leave critiques on this one! (which I’ll probably turn this into a real fic one day soon, but not sure what to do with the plot/do a diff setup than this or what)
sorry abt the radio silence! I just needed to close my mailbox bc i had a lot of stuff to answer, ur welcome to send submissions to chat/non-requests!
and also this took time to make (once again, mostly the art, bc thats how it always is with art isnt it 😭)
Safe Travels Stranger,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @justlostintheinternet   / @assassinsnake101 /@sun-wokung
If ur tag is here and didnt work, idk why!
Maybe see if your listed as a "searchable blog"?
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astranite · 7 months
Fluff, Earth and Sky, plus Scott getting a nap. A.K.A Virgil gets Scott a weighted blanket.
EDIT!!! I used one of the Fluffember 2023 prompts in here but completely forgot to tag or mention that. Prompt is "Say: "Thank you for...""
A little inspired by the fic in where Virgil gets a weighted blanket (https://archiveofourown.org/works/23042224 Insomnia by chidoriXblossom), mine written because I think Scott would like one too. And we all know he needs more sleep. Plus soft furnishings!Scott!!!
Also- "This will be only like 500 words max," my muse lied.
So, another fic! Mostly was written on the bus on my phone, while wandering around the kitchen looking for something to eat yesterday, and on notes on my laptop when the Aussie internet and phone service met its untimely demise today.
@idontknowreallywhy With the last 2 paragraphs and hopefully less typos!! Hope you're feeling better too. SOFT FURNISHINGS!SCOTT!
“Got you a present,” Virgil said, holding out a package wrapped in shiny blue paper. 
Scott took it without hesitation, utterly unprepared, because this was Virgil, not Gordon or Alan or any other trouble makers.
He staggered at the sudden, unexpected weight.  Scott kept fit for international rescue and lifted more than this on any given day, but dropped into his hands where Virgil made it look like nothing. Well, he nearly dropped it. 
Just as Virgil lunged to snatch it back from the bounds gravity, Scott  got a firmer grip on the package and hefted it up. 
Virgil stepped back, grinning, nearly as excited as the day they sent Two to space. “Open it, Scotty!”
Scott dutifully sat down on the couch with the package in his lap, slipping his fingers beneath the tape. 
“But why, why today?” Scott asked. 
It wasn’t Christmas. He determined it was not his birthday after quickly counting out what month was it anyway because he’d lost track with how busy he’d been lately. He wasn’t forgetting something else was he? Some important event that wasn’t in his calendar? Oh damn, was he supposed to have gotten his brothers presents too?
Virgil sat down by his side. 
“You’re alright Scott, no occasion. Present’s just because.” Virgil smiled. 
Scott bumped his shoulder against Virgil’s in a wordless act of affection. 
Then he turned to the shiny present he held, excitement bubbling up. 
What could it be? 
The package was soft, moving about fluidly within the paper, which would usually bring to mind something along the lines of an item of clothing. But whatever it was was far too heavy for that. Even allowing for thick denim or mission suit material, but Virgil wouldn’t wrap up a routine update, and that sort of engineering generally came under Brains’ department. 
With the strange slithery, many grains of sand running over each other noise it made whenever it shifted, at this point Scott would expect a prank, even from Virgil. 
Except that Virgil was right next to him, just as genuinely happy to be seeing him open the present as Scott was to receive it. Plus his brother was a frankly awful liar and trying to cover for it by, say, hiding his face in his hands while suspiciously giggling behind them had never worked once, for the record. 
So Scott shook the package vigorously, when Virgil didn’t stop him assuming it was non breakable, then gave up on the whole guessing game to get to the real deal. 
He tore the paper off with a grin, foregoing attempts to be neat about it because he just wanted to see what it was. 
Copious amounts of blue fabric poured into his lap. Heavy, weighted fabric, trying to slither to the floor as he grabbed at it and pulled it up. 
The thing was soft too, fluffy on one side and more fuzzy on the other, Scott discovered as he ran his hands over it. 
A quilted blanket of some kind, a big one too. Scott hefted it and spread it across himself and Virgil to lay it out so he could see it. 
It was— oh, “A weighted blanket?” he asked Virgil. 
Virgil nodded, smiling widely, “I thought you’d like one of your own, since you seem to like mine so much.”
That was true. Even on the last movie night when Virgil had brought out his own green, wonderfully soft monstrosity of a blanket that practically required an exosuit to lift, Scott had ended up sharing it with him. 
He never would have bought one for himself, he didn’t need it, but Virgil has seen and he had gotten him one. 
Scott threw his arms around his brother and whispered a heartfelt, “Thank you for— for everything,” into Virgil’s flannel. 
Virgil hugged him tight. “Glad you’re happy, Scooter.” 
Scott swallowed. “Yeah. I am.”
He stayed in the hug, letting himself lean on Virgil.
Eventually he pulled away, bumping his forehead with Virgil’s briefly in another thanks, before flopping backwards onto the sofa. 
He dragged the blanket over his body, snuggling down beneath it, to try it out properly. 
Virgil tugged the edges out straight, patting Scott on the leg where he’d slung them over Virgil’s lap to fit onto the couch. 
“‘M not moving ever again,” Scott mumbled. 
The blanket’s weight pressed down on him comfortingly, like the soothing pressure of a tight hug. The fabric was soft, fluffy and warm, but not too hot for their tropical island. It covered his feet even when he pulled it right up to his chin. 
Scott was in heaven. 
When he shut his eyes for a moment, letting the sensation sink in, Virgil snickered. “G’night, Scotty.”
Scott opened one eye to glare, then the other. He was not going to sleep. He was just getting comfortable, that was all.
He reluctantly removed one arm from beneath the blanket, wriggling his fingers towards Virgil. He could still work if Virgil would just pass him his tablet. 
Heaving a put upon sigh, Virgil reached for the side table and gave Scott his tablet, picking up his own sketch book. 
Scott opened his emails, hiding a smile. The blue eyes act still worked on his brother, evidently. 
Something, something, board meeting. Something, something, product development. He flicked a couple marked urgent open which weren’t even particularly important and shouldn’t have been flagged for him. He forwarded them on to be delegated to the correct people. 
Learning that he didn’t have to do absolutely everything had been a long process, and he was getting better at it. 
Scott continued through his bottomless inbox, so warm and comfortable he wasn’t even particularly annoyed with the uptight business people he had to deal with. Or at least he was minorly irritated as opposed to resisting the urge to throw his tablet across the room. He ran his free hand across the soft material, wound in the fluffy fabric while his other held his tablet. 
The blanket was working wonders. Quiet scratchings of pencil on real paper from Virgil did aid his calm somewhat too. But the weighted blanket was definitely going down in his favourite items of soft furnishings. Trust Virgil to have gotten it for him and gifted it just because. 
Scott’s blinks got slower and slower, and maybe he’d just rest his eyes for a moment, snuggled up on the couch with his brother and his new weighted blanket. 
Virgil looked up from his sketchbook at his brother. The permanently stressed crinkles between Scott’s brows were smoothed out, his face lax, his whole body a loose jumble of limbs instead of a wound up ball of tension. His arm arced gracelessly off the edge of the couch, tablet fallen on the floor beside it. His other hand was still gripping the blue blanket, hanging onto it even in his sleep. 
Because Scott was asleep. In the middle of the day, finally catching up on countless missed hours, even in the open lounge room, fast asleep with no signs of nightmares. 
A line of pencil on thick drawing paper, and Virgil begun to sketch Scott’s sleeping form, seeking to capture such a rare moment. He had no where to be, a mug of coffee beside him, and art supplies at hand so he was content. Plus he had his big brother close, legs still in Virgil’s lap, and no way he was moving to risk disturbing Scott, even if he wanted to, which he certainly didn’t.
Virgil smiled down at Scott, infinitely glad his present of a blue weighted blanket was comforting his brother and letting Scott get some much needed and well earned rest. 
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aizawasprincess · 8 months
Help Me Hold On To You
Pairing: Aizawa Shouta/Reader
Rating: G
Words: 352
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Tags/Warnings: Gender Neutral Reader, Panic Attacks, Cuddling
Summary: You wake up in a panic and unsure of where you are. Shouta calms you down.
A/N: This is something I wrote a while ago and then re-found it and decided to post. Also I stated writing this author’s note with something specific in mind that I wanted to say and now I can’t remember it rip (probably bc it’s 2am and also I forgot my ADHD meds today 💀)
Edit: I REMEMBERED. This is actually the second part in a series of related Aizawa/Reader one shots called Would It Be Enough (If I Could Never Give You Peace) that are all hurt/comfort/fluff/domestic shit, so you can check out my Ao3 to read the first part and any new parts that come out if you’d like!
It feels like you’ve been punched in the stomach. What’s happening? A minute ago you were- nowhere? Your mind scrambles for a minute before coming up with an answer: asleep. You were asleep. Now you can feel your heart fluttering against your ribs like a scared bird trapped in a cage. You blink frantically, trying to take in your surroundings. It’s dark, and it takes you a minute to realize you weren’t in your home. The ringing in your ears gets louder as the panic grows. You don’t know where you are. You sit up quickly- too quickly, and blood rushes from your head. Your joints are locked and tense as you reach out blindly in an attempt to find anything familiar. A pair of hands catches your wrists, and you open your mouth to scream.
“Shh. It’s alright. It’s just me. You’re okay.”
Your breath comes in short, quick huffs, and realization slowly dawns on you.
“Sh-Shouta?” Your voice cracks.
“That’s right, it’s me. I’ve got you. You’re safe.” His thumbs rub soothing circles over your hands.
Something releases in your chest, and memories come flooding back to you. Shouta’s apartment. The movie. The two of you must have fallen asleep on his couch. Tears sting your eyes, but don’t fall. You grit your teeth.
You sit frozen for a moment, unsure of what you need. Your heart is still pounding.
Shouta begins to release you, and you reach back for him desperately, fingers locking around his shirt.
“I- I-“ You don’t know what you’re trying to say.
Shouta slips his arms around your shoulders and gently pulls you against his chest. A shudder runs through you, but you instantly feel a tiny bit better.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you. This will end, and you’ll be alright. Everything’s going to be fine.
He rubs your back gently, and you can feel yourself relaxing against him. Your heart begins to slow, and you can feel your eyes begin to droop shut. Shouta pulls a blanket over the two of you.
“Thanks, Sho,” you mumble.
He rests his chin on your head.
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oneatlatime · 8 months
I’m curious as to how your blog works. In my mind it goes like this: you watch an episode, write down notes as you’re watching, go back to the episode to make screenshots, write down the episode summary/commentary, post it on tumblr, watch the next episode and repeat. But I wonder, do you actually only watch an episode once or do you go through multiple watches (full or partial)? And do you actually not watch the next episode until you’re completely done with the previous one? Regardless of your methods, it’s so much work and I really respect your self-control (I probably would have ended up binging the show.)
I watch, for the first time, with split screen between the show and where I type notes. With my hand hovering over the pause button like a coked out Jeopardy contestant, I pounce on places I want to make a comment, take a screenshot, and note down the time stamp and a vaguely point form, typo-riddled summary of what I want to say. Then it's back to watching. This doesn't quite work in particularly enthralling scenes, where I inevitably end up too involved in the show to remember to pause, in which case I rewind to my last timestamp and rewatch. Same applies if I can't catch a piece of dialogue. For example, in the scene in The Blind Bandit where Toph explains her earthbending, I watched that three or four times through before progressing on to the next scene because I was having difficulty understanding Toph's lines. Then after I've finished watching, I go through and translate my word vomit into something legible, clean up the screenshots if needed, throw in a 'keep reading' break and some tags, and then it's good to go. I watch, take notes, edit, and post all in one session, based on only one watch through (albeit with some scenes repeated if necessary).
This is what I've done for all episodes so far, except The Storm. I lost count of how many times during The Storm I forgot that I was supposed to be taking notes. I was far too sucked in. And then the post autosave function malfunctioned and I hit the wrong button and the whole thing disappeared. Luckily I had an archived version of the text on my hard drive, but I did have to go through and retake the screenshots, so I watched that episode twice through while blogging about it. I've also watched it once since, just for entertainment.
I figure the choppiness this approach inevitably introduces into the viewing experience mimics what it actually would have been like to view these episodes the first time they aired, since (to my knowledge) Nickelodeon had and still has commercial breaks.
And yes! I am resisting the urge to watch ahead. I watch one at a time, usually devoting my evening to it. Sometimes between posts I'll rewatch episodes I've already seen and blogged about. I've seen Bato of the Water Tribe an embarrassing number of times, and episode 1 at least 4 times. But I'm not watching ahead, and I'm doing the closest thing to liveblogging that the medium allows.
I used to do freelance transcription (and may go back), so I'm very used to making a direct line between the content on the screen and my keyboard. It's a useful skill!
It is a lot of work, and I'm sure there's a more efficient way to do it, but I enjoy it. I can spend two hours typing up a post and it will feel like 20 minutes.
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lunanight2012 · 4 months
Hey guess what?! Chapter 2 of Maybe in Another Life is up!!!!
Please check it out!! I worked so hard on this chapter!!
Edit: forgot to tag @shewrites02 my bad!!
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auroraeternal · 11 months
Get to know you - Sims Style
Sorry, @puffkins2000, I totally forgot about that thing! Anyway, thank u for tagging me ❤ I really appreciate that you mention me as your fav creator ❤
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I use both, but in CASt I add more realistic textures for MM items if it's possible, detailed textures is really important for me. For hair I prefer now more realistic textures like @ifcasims or Plumblobs. Also I replace speculars to black in almost every item because I hate that shine.
Do you cheat your sims weight? No, I don`t care about this.
Do you move objects? I don`t build most of the time, but I use MOO for moving sims for photoshoots.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? I've always had an 🏴‍☠️ game with all packs 😋
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? I don`t speak about sims in English, but I read this in my head as aLIVE.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Christhie (and her gf Ingrid ofc but I don`t have good new portrait of her):
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Even if I actively use them as models for my CC, I still haven't created any special backstory for them. Only that they are girls that into nu and black metal but they are still love each other. That`s it. But they are my favorites anyway.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? Huh? I think that question is here because it was a tag game for ts4 players?... I know that in ts3 exists hair color presets, but I don`t use standard ones.
Favorite EA hair? I installed @maryjanesims3 defaults yesterday 😅 But actually I have some favs from store:
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Also that BG long male hair that Gunther Goth have and SN and Decades middle length hairs:
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credits for pics: @ifcasims and @blamseastore
Are you a CC creator? Ofc, I love convert/create different items, it may be hard sometimes, but I really like it. But mostly I love create sims and play around in CAS.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? Almost half of my friends are from the sims community 😍 @agnelid @oddballik @sagasimsworld @avirein @you-will-never-find-me-anymore @vayorika @nectar-cellar
Do you have any sims merch? No, I haven't.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? To be honest, it changes every day. But for example before I started this acc I preferred more maxis-match-ish style with simple matte hair textures and genetics and other stuff, because it was looking good in other people's screenshots. But after I understand that this style doesn`t suit my current aesthetic and now I use more realistic style. Also earlier I used less sliders and my sims faces was less diverse and also really really skinny no matter what their body type is. But my sims proportions have always tended to be realistic, I only liked the cartoon/anime-like style sims when I was much younger (like 10-13 smth).
Who’s your favorite CC creator? This list will be huuugee, but I love creators that made high-quality CC and can fit my aesthetic. To be more specific: @sim-songs, @nemiga-sims-archive, @rollo-rolls, @simtanico, @rstarsims3, @ninaaposts, @satellite-sims, @polaesims, @murfeelee, @nightospheresims, @agnelid, @nectar-cellar, @ifcasims @vmsims23, @xiasimla, yesod/jesod/thorns-of-piece (I think it`s @grim-dreamer-cc now?...), @billsims-cc, @shushilda, @ziva-sims, @aroundthesims, @pitheinfinite, @martassimsbookcc, @aa6x7, Pink Dahlia, @thepathofnevermorecc, Wiktoria-Von-Frege (inactive), Aikea-Guinea and Gelydh (Inactive), @white-enamel-ts3 (inactive), Ephemera and Tifa (Inactive), @leahlillith (inactive for ts3) and many others.
How do you edit your pictures? I use Reshade with different presets (mostly by @erasabledinosaur or @intramoon), Photoshop CC 2017 (also installed Topaz Clean today) with these actions by @intramoon: SONDER, COLDWATER, BEAUTY QUEEN, LEAVING SALVATION. Also mess around in photoshop and/or use AI upscaler to make pics in better quality (I can turn on 4k HQ, but I always forgot about that). Sometimes I try something different but this is the base.
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite? World adventures, Late night, Supernatural and Generations.
What a wall of text I wrote, I hope someone reads it to the end 😅
I don`t know who to tag actually \(〇_o)/ I really late to the party with that tag game.
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trilobi-te · 5 months
Chipspeech Twitter Archive Update
Hi I should have done this months ago.. I do not know when (or if) I am going to finish that website lmao. So I am just going to share my notes from Google Docs. Should be easier to read than the original posts and helpful as a starting point if anyone else decides to make a website :3
The documents are all on commenting mode so feel free to make comments to bookmark things for yourself or write your thoughts or whatever. Under the cut I have put some formatting notes.
It's a folder, each year of Twitter posts is its own document (I tried to compile them into one but it lagged too much). There is also a document with all of the original Tumblr posts (from the accounts I could find, no tags yet but I will go back and get them eventually, also no dates but they're all from 2015), and one with the bios from the official website for ease of access.
The formatting is a little (a lot) weird and there are probably pictures that need resizing/transcription but I figured it's better to give people access now. The text is small (to keep the page count as low as possible) so you will have to zoom in.
It goes by day, organized with a bulleted list. The top level bullets are each character that tweeted that day. The second level bullets are original tweets/retweets by that character. The third+ level bullets are comment threads under that tweet, the organization here is inconsistent but imo still readable (if you think something needs an edit for clarity let me know and I'll fix it).
For each character's section of the list, normal text is that character's tweets/comments. Italicized text is anyone who is not that character. If it is labeled with unitalicized text, it is that character/important account (e.g. the official Chipspeech account), otherwise it is a fan. I also included some labels and/or clarifying comments for Vocaloid producers I like, they're not central to the story though
I got rid of the line breaks within the tweets when copying them down because it was easier to format. Sorry about that. Idk how to fix it other than going through everything again but it doesn't take away from the story so I'm leaving it for now.
If something came from a website other than Twitter, I tried to provide the link (unless its content was deleted). I did my best to transcribe the Clyp posts that were not deleted.
If something is a text-only retweet, it is marked with [retweet]. If it includes an image, it's probably a screenshot of the whole thing. I only included retweets that felt story-relevant (so no miscellaneous cat pictures, Apple-related aesthetic images, etc.), but if people really want it I can go back and add the rest.
Deleted tweets are noted with [deleted tweet], with the characters they came from if applicable. Idk how Twitter works but it the person in the thread is replying to the username of a certain character, I assumed it was that character's tweet that had been deleted. If something says [deleted Dandy thread], assume there is a deleted Dandy tweet in between each of the listed tweets (or another character, but it's usually Dandy). That was meant to be a temporary time-saver and I've gone back and fixed the ones I've found, but there's probably more I accidentally skipped.
Anything not in English is translated in a comment. Except the X-Sampa (I will fix that sometime but there's not much of it). Also it was done with the built-in Google Translate feature so it may be a little incorrect. Unclear pictures and whatnot also have clarifying comments. I can add more clarifying comments (or image IDs) if anyone needs them.
I tried not to include any unattributed fanart but there are some that I forgot to copy the handle for (I am also fixing these when I find them).
As for any future updates to this folder as a whole, I kind of want to go back through each account's liked tweets to see if there's anything funny in there but idk when that will be. That would probably be its own document.
Honestly I should have given everyone access back in June.. oops. If you have any questions you can put them in a comment on this post (or reach out to me another way, idk). As I mentioned before, feel free to use all of this as a starting point if you're making your own website.
I'll pin this post so it's findable in the future. Also sorry for disappearing for several months (it will happen again).
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Hi! Could you please in the future avoid making rpf set during actual historical instances of racism, genocide and oppression. It is extremely tone deaf and disrespectful to use the suffering of indigenous people as a backdrop for your fanfiction. I know it probably wasn't your intention, but it is still important to be mindful about these things.
As is stated in my FAQ (which my bio requests that you check before asking questions, you clearly didn’t do so) and numerous answers to other asks have stated, I do not write any of the fics that are posted on this blog. All the fanfics are posted from the Archive of Our Own feed that are posted under the Aziraphale/Crowley tag by an automated bot that cannot monitor the other tags attached to the fic. I’ve also stated in my FAQ that I will gladly remove problematic fics from this blog if anyone messages me with a link to the post as I can’t just sit and monitor the feed 24/7. I’d appreciate if people would read the FAQ before coming to my inbox just to accuse me of things that are not only untrue but that I’ve already explained in other asks and in said FAQ. I know I probably sound rude but every time I get an ask on this blog specifically it always ends up being me explaining this exact thing over and over so I’m kind of tired of it. Anyways, have a day (or night, since I have to get up for work in about 4 hours)
Edit: I also forgot to add that while I forgot to look at when this was sent I think it’s kinda of funny that I got this now when the bot hasn’t posted a new fic in about 3 months, all my ao3feed bots have been breaking and I’ve been so busy and burnt out cause of life in general that I haven’t gotten around to figuring out how to fix them yet lmao.
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subdee · 3 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!
Hey thanks for the tag!
The automatically selected daily "memories" on Google photos that always end with a plea for me to tell them the baby's name (clearly unnecessary since they can find his photos just fine without it)
The baby's current obsession with sweeping, taking out the trash, and putting garbage in the garbage can... my house has never been cleaner
Going to a completely baby safe place and being able to relax and zone out
Going somewhere warm in the middle of February & spending time outdoors
This list is already extremely normie but I just wanted to mention that the new dish drying rack I bought that's a kinda fancy/upscale is making me really happy right now because it just looks so nice in the space it's in ..
EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT TO MENTION WHALE WEEKLY... It's the Moby Dick version of Dracula Daily, you can listen as an audiobook! They're on chapter 100 right now but I ignore that and just read the next chapter from the archive whenever I have time, the chapters are very short and follow an obvious serialized format so it works well to read in small chunks. Highly recommend, there's a reason this one is a classic
Tagging: @chubsthehamster @adorablegorilla @syncopatedid @nautilusopus @cafeaulater @chaasiu @cardioat3am @whats-wrong-aniki @storybookprincess @kiwizoom
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rjalker · 9 months
Free to use for whatever you want Flatlander basic anatomy design! It's public domain because I made it and I said so!
Web archive link for these two, plus my pencil drawings that I'll finish tomorrow. Also includes the one short story I wrote so far.
(Edit since I forgot to make it clear: You are 100% encouraged to download, share/repost these images, including the pencil drawings you can find at the link, as long as you link back to the web archive link so people can download the originals, include an image description for accessibility, and don't claim you made them!)
Please consider donating to the Web Archive if you've got any spare change!
You can buy the first design from my Threadless store :) I'll make more versions of it tomorrow.
Anyways I decided Flatlanders are monoecious like snails.
(Let me know if you would like this tagged as anything specific for filtering purposes! You can send anonymous asks to @neopronouns-in-action)
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[ID: Three images. The first is a flat color digital drawing entitled, "Color-coded your convenience, An Adult Flatlander As Seen From the 3rd Dimension. [Warning: Do not poke internal organs!] Below the title is a drawing of an upward pointing triangle with color-coded internal organs each with a label of the corresponding color, connected with a line. In clockwise direction, they are: "Eyes: [Cannot see you unless you intersect Flatland in front of them]". The eyes are very small andinside a short opening at the tip of the triangle. "Brain" - A small pink blob along the right inside of the Flatlander, curving. "Proboscis / esophagus" - A light blue tube reaching from the eye and down to the: "Stomach" - a large green sack. "Nervous system" - Dark blue squiggly tubes branching across and around all the other organs in a random pattern. "Blood" - The purple-red color filling in the background behind all the organs rather than being in veins. "Birth canal" - An interlocking section in the outer wall of the Flatlander's skin, currently closed. Next to the birth canal is a tiny version of the larger triangle that is rotated 90 degrees, labeled "Newborns tend to be one-twelfth the size of their parent at birth". "Skin" - the dark grey outer layer that separates the Flatlander's insides from the outside world. It is intersperced with short black lines. "Womb" an orange sack in the bottom right corner of the Flatlander's insides. "Gonads: Sperm / Ova" - Two connected small sacs marked dark pink and gold on the triangle's flat side.
Below the Flatlander is black text that reads: "[Warning: Do not reveal a Flatlander's pregnancy status without permission!] Under The Current Regime, it is illegal for any Flatlander other than a Straight Line to carry a pregnancy, and illegal for a line to impregnate anyone. Attempting to congratulate a Flatlander on their pregnancy could get them killed! Discretion is the better part of valor! Keep their secrets to yourself!" Continuing along clockwise: "Unrealistic heart (the artist got lazy)." - a red heart-shape in the bottom left corner of the triangle. "Butt" - a short black line on the outer skin, connecting to the: "Kidney" - a dark red shape like a bean. "Lung" - a long, royal blue sack near the top of the triangle, next to the esophagus. "Cilia" - two thin, grey tendrils emerging from near all points of the triangle. The next image is a divider with black text below a black line, reading, "A Flatlander as seen from the 3rd dimension (true to color)" The last image is the same triangle Flatlander seen in the first diagram, now with the labels and text removed, with all of the internal organs in different shades of pink and purple. End ID.]
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bluvi for bluvi month!
edit: my tired ass forgot to tag @shipmonthfs
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