#earthquake in Turkey
pienaur · 1 year
As you may have heard, there has been a major earthquake (7.7 magnitude) in southeastern Turkey. The earthquake lasted for 40-45 seconds and there are 1710 buildings that demolished.
If you're at the age of 18 or older and want to help, you can help by donating from AFAD's website (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Turkey) Here is how to do it with pictures
There's also AHBAP Derneği, a very well known organization for help, and you can see how to donate them from THIS post made by @meliswiftie13
link: https://www.afad.gov.tr/depremkampanyasi2
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This is the official website
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I couldn't find how to donate in the English page, so I turned it into Turkish like this. I translated what each thing says but you could use Google translate just to make sure.
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This page will appear. Then we click "Gündem (Order of the day)" (It's on the up right)
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After we click "Gündem" we click "Yardım Kampanyaları" which means "Aid campaigns"
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When we click, we see the list of aid campaigns. The one for the earthquake is on top of the list (As you can see the date is today)
(Dates are written as day/month/year in Turkish)
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"Deprem Bağışları" aka "Earthquake Donations"
You can write the number you would like to donate and change the currency (and even 1 euro would be so much help since it's equal to 20 Turkish liras)
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Then in this page you write:
Your name Your Last Name (not necessary)
Your phone number (not necessary)
Your E-mail (not necessary)
The amount you want to donate (and the money currency is next to it)
in the exact order (again, if it's confusing, you could use translation)
This part down below is sort of the "I read and I accept" part so I translated what it was about and what it says in this page:
What does KVKK approval mean? Explicit consent within the framework of the law means that the person gives his/her consent to the processing of his/her data, voluntarily or upon request from the other party.
Information and Approval Text About the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) The information shared by the donors for donation purposes can only be recorded, stored, preserved, rearranged by system administrators assigned by AFAD and who have the right to access and view the system, and they are legally willing to request these personal data. It can be shared with authorized institutions and, under the conditions stipulated by KVKK, it can be transferred to third parties, transferred, classified and deleted. Information shared by individuals while making a donation cannot be shared with any third party, institution and organization for any reason, and this information cannot be disclosed with any other exception, unless a situation develops that requires disclosure of this information by judicial decision and/or legal regulations, without the consent of the individuals.
If you're okay with what you read here, you click "evet (yes)" and then "onayla (confirm)"
For safety reasons I'm not goint to be sharing the last page (due to the fact that it has my personal information) but all you gotta do is to click "Gönder (send)"
And after you verify the payment from your card it's all done
Thank you for your time
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justitia269 · 1 year
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↬Scorpio / Scorpio Ascendant / Venus in Scorpio / Venus in 8th house women's curvy bodies ❤️‍🔥
↬Women with Venus in Sagittarius / Jupiter in Sagittarius / Venus in the 9th house have big hips 🥵
↬Women with Moon/Venus/Jupiter in Cancer, Moon/Venus in Taurus, Jupiter-Moon aspects, Jupiter in 4th house have big breasts 🤍🤍
↬Pluto in the 4th House: The most attractive part of the body is the breasts* ❤️‍🔥
*via: Twitter
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buttercupistough · 1 year
An earthquake (7.7) happened at 4:17 a.m. local time at a depth of about 11 miles and then the second earthquake (7.6), the epicenter of which was roughly 80 miles north of Gaziantep in Turkey’s Kahramanmaras province, struck at 1:24 p.m. local time and was six miles deep.
Right now there is 31.974 casualties and 80.278 injured, that we know of.
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Please help if you can afford to, we need all kinds of help.
AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Authority)
AHBAP DERNEĞİ (one of the most trusted charities in Turkey)
İş Bankası EUR Account
IBAN: TR150006400000210212150277
İş Bankası USD Account
IBAN: TR320006400000210212150262
‼️There is no such thing as ‘too small’, as @asturiaslake has said in this post:
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If you cannot afford to help, help spreading the word🙏
check out this post for a better explanation
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d4myeon · 1 year
Hi guys, I usually dont post stuff like this but this is an emergency.
In Turkey, two big earthquakes with a magnitute of 7.7 and 7.5 occured and more than 25000 people lost their lives, nearly 80000 people are injured. This numbers continue to increase and aftershocks are happening. Some other countries like syria and lebanon felt the earthquake too, and we are scared. Around 6500 buildings have collapsed and keep collapsing.
Turkey has declared a fourth level alert state. The level 4 alarm condition includes an international call for help. For those of you around the world reading this message our people who were under the rubble of earthquake in my country need your help to be saved.
Even small donations matter:
1$ = 18 Turkish Liras
1€ = 20 Turkish Liras
1£ = 22 Turkish Liras
How to donate:
1- abhap. provides resources for the people affected. accepts tl, usd, eur, and gbp
also, there is an iban number:
Organization name: Ahbap Derneği
Bank number: İş Bankası
IBAN: TR120006400000110211380059
2- oxfam. if you are in the uk
3 - unicef - accepts usd
If you need more help about the donations, you can text me.
+update: you can check out this site
+detailed donation post
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asturiaslake · 1 year
I usually don’t use tumblr more than laughs and a few jokes and i have been treating here like that for the last couple of days, focusing mainly on twitter, but i wanted to talk here too. I feel like it’s needed. That is why i will use more tags than usual turkey-turkey earthquake tag, i normally hate these too, but this is urgent.
We are experiencing a disaster ranked 3 in WHO’s disaster ranking-the highest rank. 11 cities experienced not one but TWO massive earthquakes (7.7 and 7.6 respectively) this is a first in recent world history- the later earthquake is not an aftershock as you can see, but another earthquake. There are so many people needing help. The roads are broken, the help is slow. Even if the help gets through there is a MASSIVE need of material help like blankets and food. There is snow outside, people are freezing and starving. Mostly don’t even die from the impact or starvation, most freeze because we take too long to get to them or we lack materials to help. Doctors are there but have no serums, no water. We need help.
So please. Every donation, even a single penny helps. In here one dollar is 18 liras- (if the do the math, bread was 5 liras and 0.5 liter bottle water was 3 liras at the last time i checked) water plus bread is NOT EVEN 10 liras to buy. Even with one dollar, you help by giving one bread and two or even more water bottles, think how important more amounts would be. Not to mention euro and sterlin. One euro is 20 liras and sterlin is 22 liras. You would be helping a lot.
So, please, every help is necessary. Here are the donation links:
The AHBAP Charity is a very reliable Turkish singer and philiantropist Haluk Levent’s charity and is the most reliable charity available. Most other charities, unfortunately, steal half of the money. If you can donate here, please do.
Heres a more detailed explanation about ahbap charity.
AFAD, Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority
I will be adding more as i find more reliable urls because unfortunately, humanity is as low as trolling the ones who is in need by calling their number, kidnapping kids from the hospital, making up links to steal the money donated-all stuff my country experienced in this last three days. If you didn’t notice, it is hell.
There are currently 9.052 dead and 52.979 injured, it will only increase. Estimated numbers show at least 20k deaths. Thats twenty thousand lives lost for nothing.
So please. We need you more than ever.
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femme-fatale96 · 1 year
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uluotugen · 1 year
From Getir app, no matter which country you are in, you can choose the delivery address ass "Earthquake Aid- Virtual Warehouse" and send earthquake aid packages to the affected region.
You can also donate using the links below.
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siruerto · 1 year
I'll draw a free portrait of any character to anyone who donates for these organizations that is actively helping out in the field for those who were affected by the earthquake in Turkey.
You can pay via credit card or wire transfer, and they are quite transparent in their operations. Please consider and help out if you can.
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pienaur · 1 year
Noah Schnapp posted the donation link for the earthquake in Turkey!
I love him so much!
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desdasiwrites · 1 year
I think most people have heard about the terrible earthquakes that hit Turkey and Syria early Monday. WHO are worried that many more people are going to die in the rubble, here's a few links to how to help. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.
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sajid-waseem-u · 1 year
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At least 4,300 people have lost their lives in Turkey-Syria earthquake so far, and thousands more have been injured with freezing winter weather adding to the plight and hampering efforts to find survivors.
May Allāh ﷻ bles the people of Turkey and Syria 😢😢
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r7akumii · 1 year
please please please if you have the resources help turkiye and syria. here i have some trustable links where you can donate to.
and here is a website where you can give or receive help (for food and resources), list names of people/your loved ones that are yet to be found, and also register when you find someone who was on the list.
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omwtoyourass · 1 year
Tell me WHY no one is talking about the disaster in Turkey. 10 cities have been affected by the earthquakeS, almost 10k people died and the number keeps going up with each fucking second. People are crying for help under rubble FOR TWO DAYS. TWO DAYS OF SNOW, RAIN, THEY HAVE NOTHİNG TO WEAR NOTHİNG TO EAT, JUST SCREAMING NONSTOP SO THAT MAYBE, MAY FUCKING BE SOMEONE WILL HEAR THEM. We are dying. We are suffering. This should be something to talk about.
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aliz5karga · 1 year
Fuck the government.
I'm still angry. I'm still not surprised. I'm still holding my tears since it happened. We've lost more than 40,000 people. More than 30,000 died in Turkey and more than 5,000 died in Syria...
From all those who were killed in Turkey, how many of them would still be among us if the government stopped neglecting us and spent our fucking money to build and improve our infrastructure ? The « Earthquake tax » that was created after the İzmit earthquake (1999), all the money we gave since it was invented – where the fuck did it went ? We're talking about BILLIONS of dollars ! Where did it go ?!
...Oh ! Yeah, right, it was given to the State's friends who then proceeded to build crappy buildings – blatantly lying to people, to convince them to live in their unsafe buildings, by saying that they were earthquake-resistant when it wasn't true. All those people, from the government to their greedy and corrupted friends, THEY KILLED THOSE WHO DIED IN THE RUBBLE OF THEIR HOMES. And to top it all, Erdoğan has said that all those deaths and destroyed buildings “couldn't have been prevented”... Bffr. Earthquakes don't kill people, buildings do. If this government wasn't so greedy and corrupted, if Erdoğan wasn't so self obsessed and selfish, if those corporations weren't as shitty as the State, many of those we lost would still be among us right now.
Also, one thing we shouldn't forget is how systemic racism also played a role in this case. The majority of Kurds in this country lives in the South. Now, only people who choose to turn a blind eye to this issue will pretend that it isn't true/real, but the Kurdish community has always been a marginalized/oppressed community in Turkey. I mean, until 1991, Kurdish was officially a banned language and even after its legalization, there's still people who are persecuted by the authorities and the State solely over their Kurdish identity. I'll always talk about that man who was arrested in 2009 and spent the rest of his life in prison just because he spoke Kurdish. He died in prison because he spoke his mother tongue.
And even during this crisis, they still found a way to be racist. The government announced translation services in 7 languages except Kurdish. They've translated crucial earthquake information in multiple languages, including Pashto... except in Kurdish, when those who are mainly affected by earthquakes are Kurds.
They failed them. Many cities had to wait for days to finally receive aid when we all know that the first hours are crucial. Many cities were simply abandoned by the State. And let's talk about when the government thought that their ego was more important than lives : they restricted access to social media, like Twitter, when it helped rescuers to locate people stuck under the rubble. They also arrested people just because they dared criticize the government. Dozens have been arrested over "provocative posts". That's exactly what they did during the 2021 Turkey wildfires. Because just like back then, the government did a poor job. They failed, once again.
They don't give a damn about us. They never did. They blatantly show how much they don't see us as people but only as tools and workers. Where's the money going ? The money we keep giving to this stupid government?
We all know the answer, don't we ? It goes in Erdoğan's and his puppets' pockets. He spend OUR money on his stupid palace, and when he feels generous, he gives OUR money to his little friends. « 7-days national grief » my ass. He doesn't fucking care. He's doing this because the elections are coming soon and he wanna stay in power forever. Everything THEY, all the political parties, are doing isn't genuine – it all has to do with the incoming elections. It's an opportunity for them.
When will we put an end to this ? When will this stop ? When will enough be enough ?
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By the way, let's not forget Syria. They're also badly affected by the earthquakes. It's very hard to send help to those affected by the earthquakes because of the Assad regime and the Turkish gov. The sanctions against Syria also doesn't help. Talking about Syria, guess who decided it was the right time to bomb Syria? Isr*el, of course... They killed civilians and destroyed a historical building. It doesn't matter if it was owned by Iran-backed militias. it's just NOT the right time. Fuck you, Isr*el.
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uluotugen · 1 year
Hi everyone, as you already may know February 6th two earthquakes 7.7 and 7.5 hit and affected 10 cities in Turkey. Close to 14 million people have directly been affected, and close to 15 thousand buildings have been destroyed. So we can use all the help we can get. Below this of the text you can find link where you can donate so we can get the necessary needs to provide for the necessary means. Ty to for all the Nations and everyone who has already helped out but like I said we still can use all the help we can get any donations, anything will help so please spread the word. Ty.
İş Bankası EUR Account
IBAN: TR150006400000210212150277
İş Bankası USD Account
IBAN: TR320006400000210212150262
TL: TR73 0001 0017 4555 5555 5552 04
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