#dumb baby and dad from hell
webawee · 11 months
Okay this is kinda stupid but my dad made me a twitter account when I was like 10 or so, and today I, seeing how much of a dumpster fire twitter is now, decided to log back in and see what was going on.
So, while I was on there I figured why not change my age to what it actually is because you only have to be 13 to have an account, right?
✨ w r o n g ✨
And now my twitter account is locked because I wasn't 13 when I first created the account. Lmao, am I supposed to be mad? Do y'all even know how many kids lie about their age to create an account and then change it later on when they are of age? Every single kid I knew back in school.
This is kinda entertaining. I mean, kids shouldn't be on social media under 13 anyway, but there are probably millions that are, and if their accounts are being shut down when they decide to stop lying, guess what? that's gonna make them lie even more, dipshit.
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gutsby · 11 days
Love Tap
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Pairing: Dad!Joel x Reader
Summary: Old habits die hard with your husband—touching you at inappropriate times is one of them.
Warnings: 18+. Joel Miller is a MUNCH Oral (f!receiving). Unprotected p-in-v (quickie). Slice of life, domestic-style and Joel calls you ‘Mama’ a whole lot. One playful bite.
Word count: 2.4k
Note: ‘You better back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up’ is a line from 2Pac’s song, ‘Hit ‘Em Up.’
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Joel Miller was a wonderful father.
Occasionally, he forgot how to act like one.
He had a tendency to get a little careless. Sloppy.
Letting the dignified, ever-respectful façade slip every now and again and smacking your ass when you walked past. Copping a feel when you had to squeeze by him in the kitchen. Best of all, pinching your cheek through your skirt while you were cradling the baby—his baby—and leaving you no choice but to shoot him a quick back-the-fuck-up-before-you-get-smacked-the-fuck-up look and a covert middle finger to remind him that he wasn’t supposed to be slapping your butt in front of the kids.
It was just bad practice to engage in those dumb, flirty antics, particularly when your four-year-old son had made it his mission in life to imitate everything dad did.
But again, Joel would sometimes forget that.
On a morning when he’d woken up a little too early with an erection that was a tad too stubborn to ignore, he got especially forgetful. He found himself plastered to your backside at the edge of the bathroom counter with a grin, knowing damn well you only had twenty-five minutes to get the family dressed, fed, and on the road.
“Joel, you are so—”
“Quick. I’ll be quick.”
His eyes suddenly pleading with yours in the mirror. You just might’ve had the willpower to turn his honeyed gaze away were it not for the lips that followed it. Tracing the shell of your ear and behind it, down your neck, leaving trails of soft kisses down the skin until he reached the collarbone, your sweet spot, and licked it—the bastard.
“Five. Minutes.” Your words were equal parts invitation and warning as you shimmied your PJs over your butt.
“You know I’ll have ya finished in two, sweet pea,” Joel teased—but deep down, you knew he wasn’t kidding.
Both of you had cum and were done in a record-breaking four and a half minutes, swapping pyjamas for normal clothes in less than half the time and stepping back out of the bathroom with your hair only marginally tousled.
By now you had the ‘Pre-K starts in thirty’ types of quickies down pat. You were proud. You glanced over your shoulder to see a similar glint in Joel’s eye, and as you started out the bedroom door, you felt a tap on your ass—or, with the sheer breadth of your husband’s hand, more like a WHACK, followed by the sound of a stifled laugh.
“Can Daddy get some more’a that later?” he quipped.
“More’a what?”
Aw, hell.
Your sweet, forever nosy mini-Joel was standing directly in front of you with two pinched brows and a mostly eaten dino nugget clenched tight in his tiny fist.
You opened your mouth to conjure up some half-assed excuse for the spank your son just saw, but then your husband was scooping the kid up in his arms and toting him straight down the hallway, and you heard, faintly:
“Whatcha gettin’ from Mama later?”
“None of your beeswax, bubs.”
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Joel got his second helping around lunchtime.
He’d been in between calls with what felt like an endless stream of subcontractors, suppliers, architects, and project managers when he swung by the house. You were in the midst of baking cardamom buns when he blew through the kitchen like an EF5 tornado and decided he’d be feasting on something else entirely.
“Joel, my buns,” you whined as soon as he’d carried you up the stairs and tossed you onto the bed, eager as ever.
“Fuck your buns.”
“You already fucked ‘em this morning—can you relax?”
Your husband already had your pants tugged halfway down your legs. You let him, then helped him kick the fabric the rest of the way off when it got to your ankles.
“You’re a fuckin’ maniac, Miller, y’know that?”
Something in the way he smirked as he sank his face between your bare thighs told you he already knew that. You would’ve liked to try and scold him again—give him a little more grief for the baked treats that would surely be burnt to a crisp by the time he was done—but then you felt his tongue lick a stripe up your slit, and you refrained.
Even if you’d wanted to, you scarcely would’ve been able to form a single word apart from, ‘Fu-cking hell, Joel’ and ‘Right there, right thereohfuuuuuuckfuckfuck.’
That was just fine by your husband.
In fact, he seemed perfectly content to lap at your slick, glistening folds while you moaned and cursed his name; it made him proud. Appreciative. Maybe even a tad too smug for his own good, if he were being honest, because the way you fisted his hair and rutted your hips against his face made you act a little more like him. A touch more reckless, sloppy, and desperate than your daily obligations as parents would seem to allow. A bit less proper and refined and a lot more slutty—all for him.
Joel teased your clit with a few soft touches from the tip of his tongue, and you almost tore the sheets in two.
“That feel good, Mama?” he hummed.
“F-Fingers, fuck, Joel— fingers,” you begged.
Still using his tongue, Joel drew the shape of a lemniscate extra slow just to spite you. You whined and bucked your hips in protest, but the man was undeterred—he knew exactly what he was doing. The only way he could be tempted to use his fingers now would be to spread your lips apart and lick you more, which he did.
Joel licked and sucked and drove you up the fucking wall with those figure eights until you nearly couldn’t take it. In one hasty, desperate move, you tilted your hips and tried to slip a finger past Joel’s mouth, into your cunt.
He bit that finger. You yelped.
It wasn’t that the bite actually hurt—his teeth barely grazed skin—but rather the way he refused to speed up. Gauging your wants and your needs with expert precision, he massaged the hood of your clit with his tongue and took care to plant suckling kisses as he did. You moaned and squeezed the bedspread, relishing the vulgar sounds of his mouth and the need he was building inside you. You turned your head to the side and whined into the pillow, knowing from the depths of your soul you needed release, but Joel just wouldn’t oblige you…yet.
When he grinned against your wet, warm, and slippery folds, his mouth might as well have joined in and said, ‘Keep going—you’ll cum on my tongue when I say so.’
Instead, Joel opted to say ‘Mama’ again, softly.
He always called you that when he took you extra slow. Sometimes when he took you quick, too. Like a reminder to you both that you were, in fact, the mother of his children, and if the man had had it his way he’d have given you fifty more by now, daycare bills be damned.
He was generous like that. Always giving, giving, giving.
Just not when it came to doling out orgasms sometimes.
“I have a divorce lawyer on speed dial, just so you know,” you hissed through gritted teeth, head falling back when Joel’s tongue sank forward—inside you, then, “FUCK!”
“Mhmmm,” he hummed before retracting once more. Licking the soft, fleshy rim and nearly eliciting a scream.
Joel traced a circle with his tongue. He savored the taste. While you were whining and grinding your hips against the wet spot underneath you—a puddle that would only grow larger the longer he went on—your husband was devouring you, kissing your thighs every now and then.
“Well, if we split, my tongue goes too,” Joel said. Smug.
“Texas is a community property state,” you murmured, “I taught you how to eat pussy so your mouth is a marital asset.”
Silently, Joel wondered how that argument might hold up in court, grinned, then continued licking your cunt. You squeezed his head with your thighs, dug the balls of your feet in the sheets, and let out a lewd, pornographic scream that could’ve woken half the street. Luckily, your neighbors were probably all at work, your bedroom walls insulated just well enough to mask the noise, and Joel’s resolve crumbling slowly as he kissed between your legs.
One wanton, shameless, ‘I’m gonna cum, Joel, please’ was like music to his ears. He couldn’t believe how lucky he’d gotten with a wife and mother as sweet as you, so upright and polite in your day-to-day life and then a hot, trembling mess beneath his tongue when he needed you like this the most. Surely he couldn’t treat you so mean.
Joel wedged two thick fingers in your slick, dripping heat and beckoned you to him as kindly as he possibly could. Rubbing the pads of both digits, callused as they were, against the spongy insides of your core and flicking them forward—‘C’mere, Mama, Daddy’s right here, go on’— so of course, you had no other logical choice but to cum.
It was all habit by now. A dazzling, sumptuous routine.
And Joel Miller was certain he’d never tire of seeing it.
Your spine arched off the mattress an inch or two, toes curling at the feeling, and while the sensation spanned over your body, your husband was the first to see it, sense it on his lips and tongue and fingers just as well. He squeezed your hip, told you how fucking pretty you looked when you came for him, then patiently waited out the spasms and cries and fingers lacing through his soft, dark locks like he was your last remaining tether to earth.
Then he kissed the inside of your thighs and smiled.
“All better, honey?” he hummed.
“Yeah,” you breathed back.
“Still want a divorce?”
A smirk and a response of ‘Not until you knock me up at least one more time’ was hovering somewhere over your tongue when you felt the bed shake. Buzzing. Vibrating?
Joel sat up between your legs and yanked something out from under his ass. He peered down at the thing—staring into a screen—and cocked a brow as he looked back up.
“Someone’s been naughty,” he said simply. Grinning.
He lobbed the phone your way, and you just barely managed to catch it between two trembling hands.
Incoming Call: Francisco C. Morales Elementary
You shot Joel a look and answered it instantly.
Disoriented, disheveled, and slightly foggy from climax, you half-expected to find one of your son’s disgruntled teachers on the other end of the line, reminding you that today was a noon dismissal and everyone was supposed to pick their kids up an hour ago. Your husband was the one who would always keep up with school schedules, so your gaze narrowed at him, butt scooting up the bed while he tried to dive right back between your legs.
You smacked a hand away from the front of your blouse.
“Is this Mrs. Miller?” a voice trilled through the phone.
Yes, unfortunately, it was.
You almost had to backhand Joel across the face when he tried to bite the button off your brand new top, teeth ruthless in their pursuit of getting you fully naked now.
“This is she,” you squeaked.
Someone cleared their throat on the other end of the line—as though they knew you had a broad, hulking husband with a cock as hard as sheet metal trying to tear your clothes off while you talked. You stifled a shriek and a giggle when you felt your relentless man move down.
Joel was busy working your blouse from the bottom with that feral mouth of his when the voice sounded again:
“We’d really appreciate it if you and your husband could come see us this afternoon to have a little chat about—”
Your eyes widened. You clutched your phone even tighter and this time, more seriously, shoved Joel away. When he frowned and started to pout, you raised a finger.
“A-About what? Has my— has he done something bad?” Your voice all of a sudden tight, words wavering just enough to snag your husband’s attention too.
“We can explain more when you get here, he’s just…”
‘What the fuck?’ Joel mouthed silently, leaning in.
“What? What’s he done?” You couldn’t help it.
You heard a long sigh across the line, and you knew that wasn’t good. It sounded a lot like the kind of sighs you made whenever your baby made a colossal mess all over the kitchen floor, or your husband slammed a door too loud and woke the kids from their nap, or your son just—
“—keeps slapping his classmates on the butt.”
“Wait, what?”
You blinked. Joel coughed. Together, half-naked on the bed, you sat up a little straighter and leaned even closer into the phone, hearts starting to thud in your chests.
“Your son was just…spanking other kids and asking if he could ‘get some more’a that later,’ and when his teacher asked him where he’d learned to do a thing like that—”
You turned. Joel paled. Your gaze could’ve seared a hole through the front of his skull if you stared any harder, and just as your son’s principal continued talking, Joel raised his hands in surrender, already trying to apologize.
“—and he told her he saw your husband do it at home—”
You didn’t need to hear another word. You were already fishing for your pants, yanking them back up your legs and brushing aside your husband’s soft, red-faced attempts at consolation, and when you were dressed, you started straight for the door. Already babbling some half-coherent apology to the woman on the phone, dodging Joel’s impossibly large hands and arms and hugs as he tried to pull you back into his chest and tell you he was sorry. You just might’ve let him, and maybe even believed him to be sincere, if you didn’t see the tiniest smirk on his lips as he fought to wrangle you in.
You’d made it to the door and were just about to pivot to give Joel the finger, tell him this was not funny at all, and he was coming with you right now, when both of you halted at the threshold and were obliged to turn again.
You sniffed the air, and your husband made a face.
Was it—
Before you could think, a plume of smoke drifted out through the kitchen door. Your eyes widened, and right as the fire alarm let out its piercing scream, you wailed,
“My buns!”
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drivergemini · 2 years
hellfire baby :: e.m.
summary: when starting a new campaign, the hellfire club didn’t except to see a toddler sitting in their club leader’s throne
content warning: parenting & pregnancy, talks about teen parenting, swearing, basically really fluffy, child’s features mostly based off of eddie
word count: 1013
when all of the hellfire boy’s entered through the theater room’s doors, they felt a huge rush of excitement. eddie had been hyping up his new campaign for about a month and told everyone that he was going to do something real special for their first meeting. 
what they did not expect was a small little girl, maybe around 1 or 2 years old, sitting in their dungeon master’s place. she had a pink dragon onesie on and her big brown eyes stared back at the group. 
“why good evening lovely gentlemen.” eddie popped out from behind his throne, holding a small sandwich bag filled with ‘star wars’ cookies. he handed it to the child with barely any acknowledgement and she gladly grabbed it with eager hands. “are you lads ready to start this wonderful campaign?”
each boy had their own looks of confusion on their faces. they looked at eddie and then the child, then back again.
“eddie why the hell is there a baby here?” dustin was the one who spoke up. 
eddie’s face sported a wide grin. “well guys i would like to introduce you to the surprise i mentioned.” he scooped up the little girl and presented her to the d&d club memebers. “everyone this is my daughter mei. say hi mei mei.”
“hi mei mei.” the little voice spoke a she waved a tiny hand to the boys. she tugged her onesie hood down, reveling long, brown hair, just like her dad’s.
“daughter? eddie we didn’t even know you could speak to girls?” mike chimed in.
“well wheeler, if it matters to you, i don’t speak to girls because i already have my fiance.” he raised his eyebrows at the last part. 
you see, eddie munson didn’t become a super-super senior because he was dumb. he became a super-super senior because he accidentally got his high school girlfriend pregnant. they had been together since they were 16. eddie and y/n were going great until the summer before their senior year. y/n’s pregnancy took a large toll to both of their academics, so eddie decided he would try and lighten his girlfriend’s stress load. on april 29th, 1984, their daughter was born. 
he thought y/n’s future was too bright for her to be held back, so after she gave birth he let her continue as an almost normal high school student. eddie didn’t get to graduate that year. but he did get to hold his baby as he watched the love of his life walk the stage. 
he didn’t graduate his second senior year either. he was too caught up in healthy parenting and making sure he was there to watch his daughter’s firsts. he watched her first steps, her first time eating solid foods, and even heard her first word. ‘dragon’.
so here he was, his third senior year, finally ready to walk that stage.
as eddie finished up the story he heard a sniff. all heads turned toward the direction of lucas. 
“dude that story was so beautiful. i didn’t even know that.”
“yeah most people don’t except a few people who were in school during that time like harrington. but y/n kind of chose to drop off the map so it isn’t talked about much.” eddie sat down in his chair and placed his daughter on his lap. “now that introductions are out of the way, shall we get started?”
eddie’s new campaign was centered around exploring an abandoned gem mine to figure out what was terrorizing the near by townsfolk. 
“so little dwarf, you enter the cave with your mates behind you. as you guide them with your light, the air becomes increasingly warm. as you approach the growing heat, you see a shimmer of pink scales.”
“munson you did not...” dustin starts as his hands grip the table.
“you raise your torch higher and you see her in all her glory...” eddie lifts mei off of his lap and places her in the middle of the table. “mei the fire breathing dragon.”
all the boys start to exclaim in frustration. what kind of sick father makes his own kid the first boss of his d&d campaign? eddie munson that’s who. after explaining they all need a time out to discuss, they all huddled in the corner. 
“dude what are we going to do? we can’t slay the dragon. i mean look at her, she’s adorable!” dustin whispered.
“i mean honestly if you think about it, it’s just a game.” mike said. typical.
“yes but the moral principal of it is, eddie knows that we would have to be sick son’s of bitches to kill a kid. especially his daughter.” dustin explained frustrated. 
him and mike felt a little wedge between their legs. they all looked down to see mei still holding her bag of cookies. 
“tooktie?” she raised it up to the air, offering the boys a share of her snack. 
each boy took only one, while politely thanking her for sharing. she unwedged herself from the huddle and waddled towards her dad. 
“juice peas?” she said to him, pointing to a sippy cup sitting on the table. he handed her the cup and looked at the clock on the wall.
“unfortunately boys, time is up for today’s meeting.” eddie tsked. 
just as he said that, y/n opened the door to the club room and walked in scanning around. each person all had their eyes on her.
“mommy!” mei squealed, running towards the young woman. she jumped into her arms, y/n picking her up and spinning her around. 
eddie grabbed a small child lunch box and walked towards the two girls. “as you see i can't stay any later than i’m supposed to tonight guys. but this will give you some more time to think about your next move.”
he trailed behind the two girls, waving everyone goodbye. 
as the door closed, each hellfire member could hear a faint, “eddie why is our daughter talking about slaying a dragon?”
followed by “edward munson why did our daughter just say son of a bitch?”
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marvelobsessed134 · 7 months
Young, and dumb
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Step sister!Natasha Romanoff x Bimbo!reader
Warnings: Nat has a dick, top!nat, sub!reader, stepcest, kind of the plot of a stereotypical porno lol, oral (N Recieving)
Summary: You walk in on Natasha
Natasha knows not to look at you in any other way than a step sister. But, she can’t help it when you walk around in short skirts and low cut tops exposing your cleavage. The way you wear only a bikini top and short shorts in the summer. She can’t ignore the fact you make her hard.
It’s not fucking fair. Why did her dad have to marry your mom? Now it’s forbidden to look at you in any other way. But she’s stopped caring.
She knows you look at her too. Especially when she’s working out in nothing but her shorts and muscle tanks. She knows you lick your lips at her crotch because you can clearly see she’s packing.
And now she lays down on her bed, cock in hand as she strokes it, using her precum as lube. She’s alone, or so she thinks.
Natasha was interrupted when you walked into her room. “Natty? Have you seen my-“ you cut yourself off when you saw the view in front of you. Your step sibling with her large, hard, cock in her hand, her drawstring shorts hanging low on her hips, her abs on perfect display.
Nat quickly went to cover her cock with a pillow, sitting up straight. “Shit, I didn’t know you were home.”
Your pussy was dampening from the sight. “No, it’s ok. I was just wondering if you’ve seen my new bikini? I was supposed to go to Wanda’s later today to go swimming.”
Thoughts of you in that bikini swarmed her mind. “No, I haven’t seen it anywhere.”
“Alright. Hey, are you ok?”
The redheads eyes widened. “Uh, yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because I walked in on you jerking off. Im sorry.” Your apology was so genuine.
“No, it’s ok. I’m fine.” She tried to not look you up and down. You wearing short denim shorts and a tight blue tank top that showed off your curves perfectly. And the trashy Smokey eye you wore that she desperately wanted to ruin.
“It’s not. Your cock is still hard. I gave you blue balls! I have to fix it!” You we’re rushing over to her bed in an instant, crawling up towards her legs.
“No, no. You really don’t have to.”
You took the pillow off and wrapped your hand around her cock. “No, I should. Since it’s my fault.” And you licked it up, lightly giving kitten licks to the head, before sinking your mouth down her length.
“Fuck.” She hissed, bucking her hips into your mouth.
“Where’d you learn to suck like this? Fucking hell.” You bobbed your head up and down, wetting it with your saliva.
You took her dick out of your mouth with a loud pop, and smiled. “I love to suck dick.”
“Yeah? You love sucking dick? Then keep going. Make me cum.” And so, you continued to suck her off. Her hand gripped your hair harder and harder as she came closer and closer to the edge.
“Oh fuck baby. Come on, make me cum like a good girl.”
You gagged, choked, and spit on her cock and she released her load down your throat. “Ohhhh fuck. Fucking yes. So pretty, swallow that cum babe.” And like the good girl you were, you swallowed all her cum.
You looked up and her and smiled, “I’ve always wanted to do that.”
“Yeah? Well I’ve always wanted my dick sucked by a sexy little thing like you. Now give me that pussy.”
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jeansplaytoy · 10 months
ony x pregnant!reader headcannons
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yes you’re pregnant girllll, fluff, language, just ony being a funny pre-dad in general.
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when you first told him you were pregnant, he was so confused and almost didn’t believe you until you showed him the test, but when he found out you were telling the truth, he was excited as HELL.
now he loves kissing you and your stomach before he leaves to go somewhere bcus he gotta show love to both of his babies.
loves rubbing your stomach and pressing on it to see if the baby’s gonna kick or not and when it does, lorddddd, dude is straight up just cheesing excited.
does almost everything for you, but always laughs at you when you can’t bend over to get something and help you get it.
whenever you get a attitude, he blames it on both of y’all. 😭
“man y’all better stop yellin’ at me, i’ll handle BOTH of y’all.”
is obsessed with buying baby things. while you’re at the store, you have to snap at him and silently cuss this boy out to make him stand back beside you when hes roaming off for things you don’t need (and he listens).
he feeds you when you’re too tired to get up and eat or when you’re really hungry.
massaging your belly is a nightly thing now. he just has to do it, he can’t go a single night without caring for you in some specific way.
instead of turning you around like he used to, when you put your leg on a pillow for comfort and it separates the two of you, he’ll just move to the other side.
flicks your forehead whenever you frown too much because “that’s gon make the baby frown, ma.”
he adores that skims dress and belly combo because his eyes never leave that ass alone.
he loves being in public with you because it lets everyone know you’re pregnant with his baby.
he honestly doesn’t mind helping you shave, he’s just scared of accidentally cutting you.
he will stare at you with wide eyes and raised eyebrows every time you have one of your mood swings.
“nah because you always doing sumn dumb, how did you lose my brush ony? like… i need that brush…” and he’d literally watch you go from mad to all whiney, and he’d slightly start to frown. “baby, baby, yo brush is right behind you.”
this man will pick up the most random things in the grocery store and be like “ain’t this what you be eating during yo cravings and stuff, bae?” and you’ve never seen those foods in your life.
smothers your belly in kisses just because.
and don’t get me started on how he draws and paints the most random things on there.
he definitely can’t bear the sight of you throwing up, not only because you’re the one throwing up, but because he can’t stand looking at someone puking😭.
the way you walk away when you’re mad is so funny to him because it’s like a little waddle and he’ll let out a small laugh which would make you laugh.
last but not least, this man ran around the house when your water broke. was panicked on where the towels were, was tryna start the car at the same time, tryna calm you down, it was insane.
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baby-dr1ver · 8 months
kinktober <3
max x reader
warnings: smut, as slapping, kinda mean!max, eating out, fingering
Singapore. A fucking disaster. An absolute shit show. 
No one even had the balls to go near the garage knowing that Max was fuming. You side eyed Christian and the egineers as you passed by, knowing it wasn’t truly their fault but, knowing they did nothing to help. You passed Checo and gave him a sympathy pat as he pointed down the hall to Max’s driver room. 
You gently knocked on the door, “Max? Baby? Can I come in?” He grunted and you took it as a yes. You pushed open the door and saw Max sitting their, back to the door and his head down. You could see how tense he was, he held onto all the disappointment knowing his dad had already ripped into him over the phone. 
You softly landed your hand on his back, sitting beside him. “So, that was a shit show.” He let out a startling laugh, “Always know the right thing to say-yeah a fucking shit show.” 
You scratched up his back, massaging the back of his neck. “Well, let’s get back to the hotel so I can make it better.” His head shot up at that, eyes dialated, mouth parted. You giggled and stood up, holding out your hand. He took it and immediately pulled you into a kiss. “I’m gonna ruin you.” He whispered against your lips. 
The ride back to the hotel was hell. Between Max’s wandering hands and every bump in the road, you felt as if you were going to pop. Max knew this, he knew watching you shift foot to foot in the elevator, and even when they approached their room. 
He pushed open the door and nudged you. He slammed the door and in came the demands. “Clothes off, hands and knees. Go. I won’t ask twice.” He didn’t leave room to argue. 
You stripped yourself of your bottoms and shirt, leaving you in a bra and underwear. Max was halfway out of his jacket when he stopped. “I think clothes off means everything sweet girl, are you already to dumb to understand instructions?” You quickly shook your head no and pulled the rest off. You got on your hands and knees on the middle of the bed. You could feel Max’s loomy presence behind you as he left delicate kisses down your back. 
Everything was calm, but he decided to change that with a harsh smack to your ass. You gasped and pulled yourself forward, away from the attack. “Don’t run darling, everythings fine.” As reassuring as he was, you knew there was more to come. 
No words needed to be spoken as he bit your ass and let a trail of spit down to your already sopping wet center. Max pulled your ass apart to open you up, salivating at how you looked.
Back bowed, pussy front and center, dripping wet and ready for the taking. He plunges his fingers in with no warning, letting his thumb control the pleasure on your clit. 
“Max, fuck please slow down I’m gonna-” You let out a small scream as the abuse on your clit never stopped, pushing you to your first orgasm of the night. Except, he didn’t let up. His fingers kept going as he used his other hand to free him of his shirt and unbuckle his pants to relieve the pressure on his growing bulge. He smacked your ass again before flipping you over and kissing you the second time that night. Just as he added another finger, his lips found your nipple and began sucking harshly. You yelped and pushed your chest in his face. 
“Christ love, you’re so fucking wet. Who did this to you?” He smirked and pulled away from your chest, increasing the speed of his fingers. All you could let out was small ‘uh uh’s’ and he didn’t like that. Max slapped your boob and forced you to look at him. “Who did this to you?” 
“You! You Max, only you!” Your body convusled as another orgasm came over you. 
This went on for awhile, he switched between eating you out and only using his fingers. You begged him to slow down-stop, give you a break, anything. 
He pulled from your pussy for a breather. “Why would I do that baby? I haven’t even gotten my cock in you yet”
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cutecatlov3r · 10 months
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my character ai bots:
gojo satoru:
his eyes r funny looking- now, you were laughing your ass off due to the fact that he took off his blindfold during a mission with a curse. you couldn’t help but laugh because he looked so stupidly serious.
wardrobe malfunction- as you walked out he stifled a laugh. “what the hell are ya wearin’?”
he’s annoying- he is so annoying. even in highschool he was unbearable to be around. you hated his annoying ass. but he loved being around you.
vampire au- “oh? the little princess is out of her kingdom? wanted to see me huh?” he teased, looking at her as she hangs upside down.
can’t get enough of him- you and gojo have been on and off since highschool. it’s like everytime you both break up you both just can’t get enough of each other…
your affair- even if you were married he still didn’t care. his feelings for you are deep. he loves you. no matter how many times you tell him you have to stop the little affair going on between you two, he simply doesn’t care
geto suguru:
dad’s best friend- “gonna be quiet like a good girl? or show your dad that you’re just a very bad girl?” he whispered in your ear. his voice deep and quiet, sending chills down your spine.
nanami kento:
healing ur daddy issues- “how’s my baby girl doing today hm?” he pat his lap, gently. “come here, sit.”
yu haibara:
he’s gone- “i’ll be back! don’t miss me too much!” he cheekily smiled. that damn smile… that would be the last time you’d ever see it again.
he’s sick- he coughs and pouts as he lays in his dorm room bed. he was squirming around, sweating and throwing his covers off him. he was currently sick, he was missing a mission that he wanted to go on so badly
he admires you- you disliked him because he followed you around like a lost puppy… he admired you, an upperclassman.
yuji itadori:
he’s delulu- meeting Itadori you didn’t expect him to be so clingy and so sweet to you. little did you know he has a huge crush on you, he is a bit obsessive but he doesn’t let you know that.
your parents hate him- the thing about him is that he is sometimes a bit dumb? he just doesn’t seem like a professional person so when your parents met him, they didn’t like him at all. but that never stopped you from loving him or the other way around
dorky best friend- currently though the two of you were on a mission, sharing a hotel room. he was in a white robe, swirling a glass of wine being dramatic. it was his first time wearing a robe and he wanted to be fancy, be in the moment like a dork.
shibuya arc- “im nothing but a murderer! i can’t forgive myself!” he cried. you stood there looking down at him. sukuna only took over his body for a minute and a lot things happened.
best boyfriend- currently, he was resting between your thighs as you both watch a movie, he used his arms to squish himself against his face some more. “i wouldn’t mind dying from suffocation if it’s with these”
gossiping w him- “HUH?! i need to hear about this, spill everything.” he said in a dramatic tone, joking.
captain of the football team-“hey, you comin’ to my game tonight? last one of the season, I need my lucky charm there to cheer for me.” he giggled, turning you around to face him, your back pressed against your locker.
older brother’s best friend- you were drunk off your ass at some party. yuji spotted you and immediately got on his feet to help you as you stumbled around. “are you okay? megumi is gonna kill you… I’ll get you home”
your his mentor- haibara and yuji had so many similarities. it hurt you to just look at yuji’s smile, being reminded of haibara who died back in your teenage years
he’s in love w you but you already have a boyfriend- yuji is no homewrecker but… currently you’ve stumbled on top of him while training him… he can’t help but think about how Yuta doesn’t deserve you. how Yuta is connected to the woman you used to be.
megumi fushiguro:
step brother- “tch. what the hell are you looking at?” he asked, scaring a guy that had his eyes on you.
yuta okkotsu:
he chose geto’s side- the day he met Geto he was nervous. Geto explained why he wants to kill everyone who isn’t a sorcerer. at the time he declined the offer to join him but later on he rethought his decision. he thought about his past. he left with Geto.
he likes when you hurt him- the two of you brawled for a bit, ending up with your knee on his back, pinning him down. one hand gripping his hair, the other hand pinning down his hand.
your a fan- gojo-sensei took you with him to greet the sorcerer that you’ve heard so much about. he was coming back from training abroad in Africa. you were excited.
helping the newbie- “hey not to be rude but do you not like me…? i feel the tension between us…” he mumbled, frowning slightly.
your other half- right now you both were walking together. he had something important to tell you, he was gonna be training in Africa in a few weeks. gojo-sensei told him he should tell you but he’s just been nervous
inumaki toge:
hajime kashimo:
noritoshi kamo:
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guys I will be adding more soon, please leave some suggestions tho ! <3
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reticent-writer · 4 months
Hi! I love your writing and I have a whole PLOT IN MY HEAD. So basically, Adam's daughter has a fight with him about exterminations. The same night, she sneaks down to hell and stays with some other demons she meets, and up in heaven all chaos broke loss cause a pre-teej was lost, and where could she have gone?! She's not on earth, or heaven- and than Adam realizes, and can you make headcannons of this please?
Make sure to take care of yourself!
hello, thank you so much❤️I will take care of myself if you do as well.
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Adam and Lute had just gotten back from an extermination to see you glaring at them.
"Aw is someone mad at dear old dad." He said in a baby voice before sighing, "The fuck do you want from me."
"Uh not kill them."
"Uh can't do that."
Lute excused herself, she heard this argument to see where it was going.
"And why not."
"You know the reason."
"B-b-but nothing. You're not dumb don't fucking act like it."
By this point he was in your face with a frown that quickly grew into a smile.
"But cheer up. Those sorry shitbags get another 6 months and you get to spend time with earth's and heaven first dick master."
Ignoring the fact that he's calling himself a dickmaster he said that there was 6 months until the next extermination.
"6 months? why 6 months?"
"I'm tired... Goodnight." He avoided your question and scaddled to his room.
"YOU CAN'T GET TIRED IN HEAVEN ASSHOLE!" You shouted as you heard his door slam.
You didn't go to sleep that night, you couldn't. You wanted to see what makes hell hell.
You left everything and made a small portal to hell
the first thing that you noticed was the smell
it was RANCID, like you could barely breath and first
Next was the colors, most to everything is red or gray it took some getting used to
Lastyly was the people, it was the completely opposite of heaven (which you expected) but at least the cannibals were nice
It took you like 2 weeks to get settled and when you were Adam was going crazy looking for you
He made it everybody's business too
It took his dumb ass 3 months to figure out you were in hell
he went down there immediately to look for you
He practically dragged you back upstairs.
"The FUCK is your problem?"
"It took you nearly 4 months to find me and before you say anything else... hell is a really shitty place and the people are even shittier," You muttered but he heard every word and wide the widest grin. " But i still don't see the need for exterminations."
"I fucking told your bitch ass but no you wanted to come down here and prove my point. hell is shitty and sinners deserve nothing. The only thing good down there is the porn."
he definitely has selective hearing.
Omg I just thought about combining my Alastor teen reader with Adam's teen reader and making them meet but idk how I would write it out.
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yonpote · 4 months
ok heres how i split up the dnp eras (loosely based on dan's timeline in his interview w anthony)
2009-2011: the Sillies era :3 dan refered to it as being a dumb teen just posting cuz he was bored, which is like, thats what all of youtube culture was at this time. they met and like fell in love or whatever you know the lore dont you. phil moved from his parents home to his first apartment in manchester, and dan technically moved to uni but really he moved into phil's apartment to take advantage of his washing machine and ps1 and. yknow. other stuff. they officially moved in together in 2011 yippee hooray, the phanchester apartment holds a special place in my heart
2012-2013: THE SHIFT. they started getting Serious about youtube as a career, doing more stuff w the radio, superamazingproject started in 2011 but THE SHIFT is very easy to observe when you compare the first season of sap to the last season. ALSO. they were NOT A DOUBLE ACT AND NOT GAY 🙄. it could also be called the No Homo era lmao idk this is when a lot of shitty things were happening wrt leaked information, harassment of their families, and just generally becoming more in the spotlight especially while still in the closet being a horrible experience. but also, they moved to london and got cool opportunities with radio stuff and were starting to actually make a living on this shit.
2014-2016: Peak Dan And Phil™ Era. at the height of their popularity. they realized oh shit, we ARE a double act and not only does everyone enjoy us best as a double act, WE enjoy working together. tabinof, tatinof, dapgo, still doing the radio every month up until they start touring, 7 second challenge app, gamingmas, what the hell DIDNT they do during this time period (what they didnt do was uhh take care of themselves and not overwork and not blur their work and personal lives so much to the point where they felt like the whole apartment was a film set.)
2017-2018: Gay Softlaunch Era (aka post-baking aka glass closet) the baby steps toward authenticity, moved to the double apartment to separate work and life, ii's whole theme, dan talking abt depression, phil getting the quiff, both of them being gay as hell in every way other than saying it explicitly. important things of note: TRUTH BOMBS dropped, Interactive Introverts happened, still uploading gaming vids and honestly by the end you could feel their fatigue. and then they hiatused dapg.
2019-2022: ok these four years each feel like whole eras in themselves, but also theres an overarching theme. THE GAY ERA.
2019: im gonna futher split this year in half. first half- dad left to buy milk so other dad is taking care of us. rough six months for dannies im sure. important phil thing of note- he changed his film set from his "bedroom" to a fairly basic but cute shelf backdrop. honestly prob didnt wanna keep pretending that was his bedroom considering.... second half- DAN AND PHIL GAY. dan uploads his magnum opus. phil comes out via tweet. they go to japan and its really gay and it's The Trip to japan for them like yes they first went in 2015 and again in 2023, but Japhan 2.0 Was The One. what does this mean? proposal? anniversary? idk exactly but it was gay as hell dude and theyve talked about that trip with such love in their hearts.
2020: Phandemic (sorry that was bad) but also where tf is dan again? even with the big C-word happening, it was business as usual for phil, regular vids but make em gayer, caught a pigeon nbd, and end of the year introduces the Stereo app show Phil and Phriends where he's had chats with pj, louise, his brother, seth everman?????, and finally. dan reappears. they reveal that they bought and FULLY PLANNED a house together and are ready to move!
2021: they don't move house for another like six months! basically their house was (and is??) still being worked on AND they were in lockdown AND turns out at the end of last year, they were kicked from their Life apartment and were now living in the Work apartment so you can imagine what all of this can do to their psyche and lowkey they were getting sick of each other like it wasnt just bordering on phivorce it was nearly Phurder. Phidow. but to fill the time so that DOESNT happen, my favorite fucking thing ever happens: Lockdown Lads (and all the other names). the first taste of what a dnp podcast would sound like, with the added bonus of chaotic listener interaction. oh yeah also dan wrote a mental health guide book whatever (IM KIDDING I REALLY LIKE YWGTTN I WROTE LIKE TWO REVIEWS ON IT NOW) and they finally become Homosexual Homeowners. theres quite a bit more dnp content this year, dan being on phils channel a bit more, the phodcasts, dan's gay and not proud special.... oh yeah and hometown showdown i guess AND TEXT VIDEO 2!!! my favorite and my namesake!!!!!!!
2022: Prophecy Year..... but they didnt get married. dan returns with another longass video to say: hey i hate being a youtuber and also youtube majorly fucked me over. but also fuck that im gonna do a weird talk show and ALSO GO ON TOUR WITH THIS APOCALYPSE THEME! phil actually... slows down this year. more dan uploads than phil somehow??? but also Dan Is Leaving me is posted and i go completely insane and become the deranged individual you see today. WHICH FINALLY LEADS US TOOOOOO
2023-present: The Unhinged Era. dan's tour was a huge Emotional success for him but uh not without its hiccups due to management and all that and i think he and phil finally realize. Fuck It Who Cares. dan flies back to england FROM AUSTRALIA to make sure he can be with his future ex-husband on his birthday. CAKE HEART EMOJI. YELLOW PLAID SHACKET. they go on a gamer date and post a picture of playing footsies in a cab. THE PHUDE HAPPENS. they go to japan again and while this one will never be The One it was still a well earned holiday this time with bryony! and they took a bunch of very cute film camera pictures.... THIS IS ALL JUST THE FIRST HALF OF 2023 BTW. in phil news, he talks about going to therapy and figuring out how to manage his anxiety!!!! he changes his hair again!! he hires an editor, phan is his otp, he teases about the gaming channel a couple of times but so many of us already dropped any hope of that returning- OH WAIT WHAT THE FUCK?!!!? HUH!??!? they returned, and more chaotic than ever before. the gayness upped to the max, the Weirdness on full speed, the Horniness at Very Scary Levels Oh God Stop Talking About Dogging, phil can swear uncensored now???? and this energy has continued into today...
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teddywook · 11 days
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(de)stressed ꨄ song eunseok
wanings. dom!eunseok x sub!fem, pet names, breeding, spit, daddy kink, mommy kink (i guess), unprotected sex, and for sure i'm forgetting something but well.
words. 2.229k
i really really hate methodology.
@sehodreams you remember i was talking to you about this like, yesterday? so... couldn't contained myself.
—stupid bitch
is the first thing eunseok hears when he enters your shared room. his eyebrows rise when he hears you let out an annoyed growl and curse under your breath as you forcefully press the keys of your laptop on the desk.
—harsh words coming from such a pretty mouth
he has a lopsided smile when you turn to look at him, your lips involuntarily pouting after letting out a snort. he crosses the room to get to you, his hands gripping the back of your chair and turning it to face you. eunseok leans his body towards you as he leans the back of your chair and presses a kiss to your plump lips, taking his time to enjoy their softness.
—what is bothering my baby so much?
he asks quietly, one of his hands still holding the seat back as he cradles your face, his thumb rubbing lovingly over your cheek.
eunseok watches your brows furrow, your pout turning into a displeased grimace and your nostrils flaring as you let out another annoyed snort.
—my methodology teacher reviewed my progress and made me correct most of my text. it's a fucking fictitious company. the hell did she mean that my justification is not viable? she even dared to say that i misquoted the author. i've been working with sampieri long enough to know that i'm quoting correctly. does she think i'm that dumb? she's the stupid bitch here, she needs someone to fuck her bad attitude off, maybe then she'd stop being a pain in the ass.
—language, pretty girl
his voice sounds like a mocking warning. it's not that it really bothers him, on the contrary. eunseok finds it funny that his beautiful and adorable girlfriend have such a... wide vocabulary. but he knows it bothers you when he corrects you and he likes to see you roll your eyes every time he does it.
—language my balls. who are you? my dad?
this time eunseok's eyebrows raise in surprise. there's a glint of amusement in his eyes when he speaks again.
—it seems like you're the one who needs someone to fuck that attitude out of you, baby girl
it's you who looks at him in surprise this time. you want to be upset by his comment, but more than being offended, it sends shivers down your spine.
—forget it, i should do this shit before i kill myse-
you can't finish your sentence when eunseok drops your seat back onto the floor. his hands quickly reach for the elastic of your pajama shorts to put it down along with your panties.
—eunseok!— your voice is a squeal that turns into a gasp as your boyfriend slaps your pussy.
his hands hold your thighs, parting your legs, placing them on the armrest of your seat. eunseok falls to the ground on his knees, getting dangerously close to your core
—seok seriously, i need to continue with my wor-
—shut up— another slap makes you jump in your place with a whimper— don't you dare to move
you listen how your boyfriend clears his throat and the sensation of a subtle blow along with the warmth of his saliva sliding through your folds, his fingers rubs it spreading the sticky moisture and he slaps your pussy again.
—where did that attitude come from, huh? such a brat, should i teach you some manners?
—f-fuck you
eunseok clicks his tongue and pinches your clit, putting a little more force on the sensitive bud at your rude response.
—only if you behave well
your boyfriend interrupts what you are about to say with his lips sucking directly on your clit, his fingers dig into your skin while his hands hold your bare thighs tightly, pulling your seat to get you as close to his face as possible.
—damn—  you let out a grunt, trying to push your boyfriend's head away, but eunseok is stronger than you and tightens his grip on your spongy thighs. bites hard enough into your sensitive center to cause a sting of pain, but not enough to do real harm.you look down at him, big dark eyes watching you, you can make out a hint of determination and amusement in them.
you know he won't let you go easily, so you collect your pride and finally allow yourself to be manipulated under his touch. not that it was really anything unpleasant after all. eunseok's lips were wonderful, and he was truly a great pussy eater.
you bite your bottom lip and let your head fall back on the back of your seat, your hands go to eunseok's head again, but this time they grab his hair to keep him close. eunseok, for his part, can feel your body relaxing, your thighs losing their tension under his hands.
—good girl
eunseok uses his tongue to teas your entrance, taunting you and causing you to let out a loud whiny moan.
—c'mon seok...
—wanna cum love?
he asks but doesn't need the answer, he knows your body too well. recognize the trembling in your legs, the rocking of your hips looking for friction, the features of your face contracting in pleasure. you feel your orgasm building up in your abdomen, your hands fisting the head of your chair in search of support. and when eunseok hears your moans become more desperate, he abruptly pulls away from your throbbing cunt.
you let out a cry of frustration that sounds more like a whimper at the sudden drop. your eyes widen with a mix of anger and disappointment and you look at eunseok, a smirk on his face as he watches with amusement the way you thrust your hips chasing your orgasm.
—can't gett off baby?
—isn't fair,  you're so mean...— your pout causes him tenderness and he decides to show you some mercy.
—aw, my baby so adorable... but she's been a spoild little brat, she can't have what she wants just like that, can she?
he approaches you, his arms lifting you from the seat to take your place, placing you in his lap. one of his arms wrap your waist, pressing you against his chest, the other traces lines on your skin, from your stillclothed shoulders to your inner thighs. coming dangerously close to your cunt, taunting you with a smile when he feels your skin crawl at his touch.
his lips lick the skin from the base of your neck to the lobe of your ear, brushing and biting a little
—say the magic word honey, or i won't let you cum 
you bite your bottom lip, a whiny moan leaving you mouth. eunseok knows exactly how to make you weak under his influence.
—please... seok... please
eunseok coos pleased over your ear, a smirk on his face as his fingers make their way to your dripping cunt,  pads rubbing against your folds. eunseok's index and ring fingers part your lips while his middle makes circles your throbbing clit.
—that wasn't so hard to do, was it baby?— he receive a whimper as response —you like it? why don't you tell me exactly what you want, love?
—want you to fuck me seok, please... need you
—oh really? need me that bad? but, i don't think you deserve it tho
his hand stop his movements, getting a little a way from your core but still on your inner thigh, grinding the flesh
you let go a yelp, rocking your hips over his lap on a whine but his hand on your waist moves to your hip, griping it to force you to stop. you can feel his hard cock digging on the swell of your ass.
—don't be a little bitch and behave
his voice is husky in your ear, rough and just too hot that got you dripping even more. you need him so bad inside you.
—i'll be good, promise daddy
—mhm, that's it baby. what a good girl for me
eunseok press his middle finger to your core, rubbing a little the sensitive nub before having pressing it into your entrance. your wet walls taking him so well. your little moans makes him wanting to hear more of your sweet sounds so he adds other finger, your count clenching around them.
—seok please nee-
he thrusts his fingers hardest, cutting off your words and taking a loud moan from your part lips.
—whatcha saying baby? didn't hear you
you give your best to collect your words despite your tongue feels numb.
—wanna feel your cock insi- fuck! inside me... shit- need you to fill me up daddy
—i don't think you're allow to get any dick until you cum like this
—you better not finish that fucking sentence or i'll let you here without you can gett off
eunseok was mean most of times, but tonight was meaner. maybe is your frustration floating out, maybe he's just in the mood. no matter what reason is, you love it.
so you make your lips a plane line and let your head rest against eunseok's shoulder. which allow him to see your fuck out expression making him grin at you pleased.
—that's better babygirl. now be good and cum on daddy's fingers.
eunseok thrusts his fingers in and out of your swollen pussy, hitting that spongy spot that got you seening stars.
he can feel the tremble of your legs, your breath getting heavy as your arched your back. your own fingers digging on his biceps as his drive you to your high.
your walls clenching around his fingers as loud whimpers fills your shared room. eunseok let you rock your hips fucking yourself on them. your movements become slow as you calm yourself.
a pleased sigh leave your mouth, your body laying languished against eunseok's but before you can even say a word, eunseok flips you up.
he bens you over the desk, your cheek against the wooden surface as he keeps your arms behind your back from your wrists with just one hand.
eunseok manages to undo his belt and zip dow his jeans with his free hand. you hear him spit on his hand and the wet sound of him pumping himself. the tip of his cock taunting your entrance
—what it is baby?
—fuck me daddy, please
—can't deny it to my baby when she's asking so nicely
he enters slowly, giving you time to adjust to his size. he gets in fully and just stays still with your gummy walls embracing him
it's only when you star to rock your hips against his when he begins to thrust into you.
isn't too fast, but certainly not soft neither. he likes taking his time with you. his thrust are deep and rough, making himself sure you can feel every inch of his cock inside you as he fucks you dumb.
eunseok brings his free hand to brush it off your hair that's blocking him the seen of your pretty face. he caresses your hot cheek delighting in your ruined expression. furrow eyebrows, a puddle of saliva on the wood draining from your part lips. he wraps his hand on the back of your neck, holding you in your place as hi starts thrusting against your pussy harder.
your whines and moans drove him into a frenzy, his cock hitting the sweet spot inside you. your legs fail, but his grip keeps you up. you start to cry his name lost in pleasure.
—can you feel me baby? i'm so fucking deep
—s'good, s'good
—keep going love, moan my name so everyone can hear who makes you feel this good
—s-seok gonna cum
—go ahead baby, cum for me. cum for daddy
eunseok's name leave your mouth in a cry loud whimper. orgams hitting you so hard that made your whole body tremble.
eunseok fuck himself in your milky cunt, your own orgams make your walls embrace him in such delicious way that got him letting his head fall back with shut eyes. groans escaping his lips, both hands griping your hips, diggin on your flesh as he chase his peak, overstimulating you along the way
—too much!
—it's not. good girls take what they are given.
tears runs down your cheeks till the wood, your head feels light due the overwhelming sensations. your poor pussy being abuses at this point.
—oh my fuck, i'm so close
—you want me to fill you up baby? i really want to breed this precious pussy, sounds good isn't? don't you wanna hear me calling you mommy?
—cum with me, mommy
that's enough for you to clenching around eunseok's cock on your third orgasm of the night.
he cums behind you, his hot seed filling your cunt and mixes with your own fluids, making a mess on your tights.
eunseok pulls out of you carefully, aware that you are still too sensitive. he lift you up like a bride, taking you to the bathroom.
—seok, my work...
—shhh. for now we're having a warm bath and good sleep. tomorrow you can continue with your work.
—alright love— you feel too sleepy to complain actually.
so you just silently allow your boyfriend to take care of you. he press a kiss on your head, a wide smile on his lips.
—that's my good girl
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roseboysstuff · 7 months
Can i please have a continuation with the baby trapping fic? Its so good😭😭 I wonder like how would reader react when he got impregnated by his leon, maybe he got angry that he's pregnant with his step father's kids but leon just fucks him dumb again to show him who's the dominant one??😭😭 Feel free to ignore this if you dont want to make it☺️
I am more than happy to oblige with a continuation I'm glad you enjoyed it hehe Step dad Leon babytrapping his ftm stepson part 2 Also forgive some mistakes in this, I have no idea how pregnancy works lol Dub/noncon warning again
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It had been three weeks since Leon had fucked you dumb, and the last few days had been hell. You had woken up every morning, throwing your guts up. Leon had been there, rubbing your back as you vomited into the toilet. You didn't see the wide grin on his face, but you did notice the pregnancy test he gave you. "Just in case, baby boy." And so you were sat there, staring at the positive on the test. And this time, you noticed his grin. He had done this on purpose. "You got me pregnant? Why?" "Because you're mine. And I'm never letting you leave. I'll keep you swollen with my kids until you learn your place." Your face turned red with anger, and you threw the pregnancy test at his face. He didn't seem to react, his grin only growing wider as he imagined you barefoot and pregnant, being his little husband. You tried to walk away from him, when he grabbed your arm and shoved you against the wall, his lips instantly attacking your neck. All you could do was squeal and try to squirm, but his grip was tight and firm, not allowing you any room to move. You could tell he was determined to make you his again. "I'll never forgive you, Leon. Just let me go." To which he just laughed and kissed you hard on the lips, his tongue taking advantage of your little gasps to invade your mouth, and you could barely think as he groped your body. "I won't let you forget who you belong to, who is in charge." With that, he picks you up, simply smiling at your attempts to escape, and throws you down on the bed, tying your hands to the headboard as he did those weeks ago when he enacted his plan. He had fucked you dumb then, and he was going to do it again. To your chagrin, your cunt was already dripping wet with excitement, and he took that as a sign to continue. He started fingering you open, kissing your lips to silence any protests. He knew what's best for you, after all. You needed to be his, you needed to let him look after you, you needed to bear his children. And he couldn't wait to watch your belly grow. "Sh, baby boy. Be a good boy and let your step daddy have this." He ignored your protests as he stuffed your pussy full of his cock, and he relished in the way it tightened around him, as if welcoming him in. This was where he belonged, fucking you dumb, stuffing you with his cum until you felt so full. Part of you was in heaven, the feeling of his cock inside you giving you such intense pleasure. Another part of you was distraught, you were now pregnant with your step dad's child, and while you knew it wasn't right, you should run away, that thought did make you slightly happy. And so as he fucked you into the mattress again, you felt the intense sensation of your orgasm building up, and you came all over his cock, a loud scream of his name being the only coherent noise you could make. He didn't stop though, fucking you through your orgasm in a way that made you tremble and whine. He wasn't planning on stopping until he was sure you were going to be a compliant good boy, and stay with him. Once you were drooling and moaning, he finally allowed himself to climax inside you, filling you again with the same seed that had impregnated you 3 weeks ago.
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norrisleclercf1 · 10 months
Hi i asolutely love your writing especially the dad Storys. So i really need an dad oscar now. Something like at the birth or when the reader teils him that he is pregnant. Just much fluff also ofc.
A/N: Oscar as a dad? Are you kidding me??? Um yess, also Oscar is is normal age and I don't mention the readers age for those who might older than him
"Oh god." Burying your face in your hands as you see those two little lines pop up on the pregnancy test. "Fuck, fuck tequila, fuck that stupid print race, fuck all of this." You curse ripping open the bathroom door and storming away.
You're pregnant, and you don't know how to tell your boyfriend. He's fucking 22 and here you are knocked up with his baby. "If I could drink without fucking you up, I would you little alien." You weren't sad, scared, happy.
No, you were pissed. Pissed that you didn't make Oscar wear a condom, pissed that you didn't take your birth control. Pissed because you didn't know how he might react.
Just angry at the world, you had no one to blame but yourself for this mess. Sitting in the kitchen, staring at the glass of wine you could no longer to drink. Oscar comes home, sweaty from his morning workout with Mark.
"Drinking already? Little early don't you think?" Fingers poking your stomach you swat the hand away. "Don't touch me." You grumble, Oscar's face falls. "I'm sorry." Now you want to cry because your being a bitch, and Oscar looks like a kicked puppy.
"Go shower, waffle you smell." Voice softer as you lay your head back on the kitchen island staring at the forbidden grape juice. "Okay, whatever it is, we can talk." Oscar kisses the top of your head.
Sighing you think back to the pregnancy test. Oh fuck, the pregnancy test. Right when you jump up you hear Oscar yell. "Don't drink the wine!" Rushing out of the bathroom holding the cursed white stick.
"Don't...." He gasps sucking air. "Drink the wine." Huffing and puffing you sink back into your chair. "I'm not drinking it, Waffle. I'm staring at it and how much I'm going to miss it." Oscar throws his hands up in the air.
"Are you pregnant?" Oscar looked like a wild animal trying to figure out of if this was a prank or not. "Yes, I'm pregnant." You grumble still showing no emotions scared of his reaction. "What? When the hell...but we...what?" His brain breaking down you sigh hard again.
"After the dumb sprint race. You got second and we got drunk, and we both said fuck it. The sex was really good, clearly too good." Pointing at the damn white stick in Oscar's hand. He blinks looking at you and the test then your stomach.
"I'm....I'm going to be a dad?" The way his voice cracks has you sitting up. His cheeks are red, nose blotchy and eyes glossy. "I...we're going to be parents?" He asks again walking to you. "Yeah, we're going to be parents Oscar." He wipes his eyes, not caring he was sweaty or smelling hugs you.
Having him hug you, breaks that barrier you built fast. "We're going to be parents." You sob, Oscar laughing as he hugs you tighter. The two of you spent the day crying and cuddling. Oscar didn't care if people judged him for having a kid so young.
Little Roo was going to be kept safe. Of course you refused to call yoru child a kangaroo, but Oscar made the argument that you're carrying the baby like a kangaroo. The comment has you stare at him, him just chuckling saying he needed to take a shower.....again.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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jaidens · 9 months
imagine bradley falling in love w mavs daughter 🤭🤭🤭 or like them growing up together and js being like hs sweethearts and stuff idk but like JUST IMAGINE 🤭🤭🤭🤭
I was seven and you were nine looked at you like the stars that shine
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pairing [s] : bradley bradshaw x mitchell!reader
warning [s] : mentions of : goose
a/n [s] : requests are open! dal loves herself a bradshaw
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Bradley Bradshaw had known the Mitchells since he was still wobbling when he walked. Pete was practically a father figure after Goose passed away. His daughter was like a sister to him, which led to him taking comfort within her. Bradley was known for being her sidekick in elementary school, middle school, and highschool.
In elementary school, it was all fun and games. Bradley and you had a willow tree together that Bradley would hang from the branches while you did your homework. That was always the difference between him and you. The sporty, athleticism in Bradley while you chose the approach to reading and staying quiet.
Bradley brought out a different side in you. He made your head fuzzy and the butterflies fluttered in your stomach. He was your first crush when you were seven-years old. On the playground, he punched the hell out of Lucas Dillinger after he pushed you off of the swing set.
Then, in middle school, filled with hormones and acne you still had a major crush on Bradley Bradshaw, the lead player of the San Diego Middle School baseball team. Most girls in your middle school had a crush on him, and it ended up in him distancing himself from you. It made sense in your head. Bradley was popular and you were on the opposite spectrum of popularity. The longing stares across tables didn't make sense however, as Bradley pushes the wet broccoli on his plate while staring at you.
Highschool is where it started. When Bradley leaped up enough courage to ask you to the Homecoming dance with a poster board and your favorite flowers. The dumb smile he had on his face pulled you away from the embarrassment you had in the math hallway that day.
He picked you up in his suit and tie, and went silent whenever you walked down the stairs. His hair was pushed back slightly and he walked over to you, handing you the bouquet to you and hugging you tightly. “You look... amazing.”
Bradley Bradshaw was in love with Maverick’s daughter. That's what he knows when he sees you in his bomber jacket, a helmet, and some pretty boots as you rev up Mav’s motorcycle. You were both 18; dumb and in love as you start driving down the flight ramp on your dad's bike.
Bradley didn't have the heart to tell you he was leaving the next week.
That night you and him laid on the cold concrete and stared at the open sky. The light pollution was almost barely there, exposing all of the constellations and stars that twinkled. Bradley knew you as the quiet girl who read Junie B. Jones while everyone else played free tag. Now, you were the girl who was out of braces with pretty teeth and pretty everything.
He says your name quietly. You turn your head and see those soft hazel eyes looking into yours, as he swallows the anxious feeling in his throat. “Can I ask you something?” You nod towards him and he shakes his head and says,
“Can I kiss you?”
Those dumb feelings you had arise fuller in your head. A hand on his chest, a turn of your hips, and you connect your lips with his. The soft feeling of him apologizes for anything he had ever done to you in the distant past.
“Yes. Anytime you can kiss me.” You laugh and Bradley runs his hand across your cheek and smooths his thumb against it.
“Don’t give me that look.”
“What look? It's the only one I got?”
“Mommy! Momma! Did Daddy really ask you out with a poster?!” Your girls blabber questions and you quiet them down with a laugh.
“Sh. Shh.. you can ask Daddy about that tomorrow. Get to bed girls.” You tell them when you walk out and then the light off. Bradley stands in the hallway with a smile.
“That story always gets you baby.” Bradley says before you pull him into a deep kiss with a tug of his collar. “Shut up.”
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fhrlclln · 2 years
older!mechanic! eddie x fem! reader pt. 2
screwing your older hot neighbor is the key to your thirst. 😵‍💫
—> pt. 1, pt. 3
nsfw/smut under the cut
it started from innocently staring at him because he’s hot. which he is, you never knew your sex life would sky rocket to the moon the moment you invited him in your empty home. out of horniness and the desire to satiate the sexual tension for the older man. it was wrong to do this, he’s like old enough— well, not old enough to be your dad, old enough you’d call him ‘mr’. but here you are, in your bedroom, him screwing the shit out of you. like he’s been dying for it. which he totally is, (and so was you.)
“mr. munson!” you cried out, gripping his hair with one hand while the other was planted on the surface of your sheets, gripping tight for leverage as you tilted your head back feeling his cock fuck your cunt up from below. he’s big, both in width and length, abusing your pussy so good. he’s so cocky right now underneath you, he still has that ass-eating smirk on his face as he stares at your bouncing breasts before him. littered with his bites that trails up to your neck.
“this tight fucking pussy’s gripping me so good, sweetheart. you’re such a good girl.” he praised breathily, arms wrapped around your waist, balls slapping against your wet cunt. he’s dreamed of this, fucking up your innocent persona. he’s currently corrupted you with three orgasms, two by his tongue and fingers and the other one with him just sliding in your overstimulated pussy. it felt like heaven.
“mhm— right there! oh, god, mr. munson.” he pounds in to you harder. calling him mr. sounded like he was a old creep (he probably is), but it had him hooked the second it came from your lips. he loves it, loves the way you’re so cock-drunk from him. your other arm moves, wrapping both around his neck as you eagerly kissed him. tongue and all, him dominating your mouth with such ferocity and greed. felt wrong but so right, who would screw your own neighbor? you apparently. you didn’t care anyways what your broken morals are now, you’re going to hell anyways…
with him. he seems reluctant as well.
“gonna cum, fill your little cunt up. make you mine.” he groans against your lips, roughly standing up to his knees.
“oh!” you squealed as he grips your waist tight, bruising your soft flesh. cock pounding in and out with an immense speed that him feral. he sounds so animalistic fucking you, the sight of his blown-out irises made you clench around him. his hair dropping down his face, sweat beading both of your bare bodies. your moans filled the room, mouth agape a bit, looking like a dumb whore that he liked to see on you. you cried out his name this time.
“please, eddie.” you cried out as he leaned down to roughly catch your lips. calloused hands caressing your sides now, as you felt yourself cumming. the tip of his cock rubbing perfectly on your spot. his balls tightened, his brows furrowed in concentration, you whimpered against his soft lips before your belly snapped. your back arches, nails digging on his buff shoulders, his chest hair brushed against your nipples. the euphoric high got you so dizzy, you could now feel his own cum start oozing into you as he bottomed himself in, filling you up to the brim with a sigh. fuck, was it perfect.
“jesus, that was fucking good. you with me, baby?” he kissed your heated cheeks. you nodded slowly, still blissed out at such an intense orgasm, you whimpered now feeling him pull out of you sloppily.
“‘m with you, mr. munson.” you smiled sheepishly like you were drunk. just cock-drunk and fucked out good.
“eddie.” he corrected you, smiling sweetly as he kissed your sweaty forehead. you hummed, liking his attention and affections. a different side of him you see than what you presumed to be intimidating knowing how he looks. tattoos and all. he stands up from his place, you watch him lazily, placid glistening cock swinging a bit in every move he made as he kneeled down to get something from his overalls. cigarettes and a lighter. typical. he needed the nicotine after a good fucking.
he looks over to you, placing a cigar on his lips. “can i smoke, sweets?”
“just open the window a bit.” you agreed, rolling to your stomach, liking the post-sex haze of the hour. the cool air hitting your bare ass as you snuggled against your pillow with a relaxed sigh. he almost pounces on the bed seeing your little oblivious stunt, but he held himself back as he lit the cigar, opening your window a bit as requested, careful not to flash himself from the whole neighborhood. a scandal for the christian neighbors, he’s already painted as a devil-worshipper back then.
he stares at your bare figure, blowing a smoke out through his nose. god, are you beautiful. your head pops up from your pillows as you lazily looked towards him, earning a smirk from the older man. he looked absolutely hot smoking while naked. you can clearly see his chest tattoos, body hair on his chest and his happy trail. you blush, grabbing the pillow to snuggle it against your chest, resting on your side now, facing him. fuck, was he done for.
“such a pretty girl.” he murmurs, walking over to you as he places a sweet kiss on your lips.
“i think you’re pretty as well.” you whisper bashfully making him blush now. no one’s ever called him pretty.
“mhm. guess i can’t solve that staring problem if you think of me like that, sweets.” he chuckles, sitting down now as he puffs a smoke away from you. a moment of silence transpires, your doe eyes held in a generous affection as his heart thumps against his chest. something in him riled him up to ask you now as unexpected it may be. nervous he is.
“wanna go out sometime, sweetheart? you know, a date and all.” he offers making your heart flutter as your eyes widened. you sat up quickly, breasts bouncing, not believing for a moment that he’s asking you out now. though he seems to pull back, feeling a little ashamed, he hasn’t been on the field lately for dating. women these days in his age seemed to prefer less old ones and he wasn’t sure if he’d be your type for something else than sex. “i-it’s ok if you don’t wanna. me being fucking not your age and all—“
“i’d love to, eddie. i’ve been dreaming about it.” you cooed, straddling him now as he gripped the flesh of your ass. “i really like to get to know you more.” you shyly added.
“really, sweets? what’s there to know for an old man like me?” he teases, kissing your chin. you rolled your eyes at his degradation of himself.
“there’s plenty. and hey, there’s nothing wrong being 35.” you grin making him gasp dramatically at the accusation of his age.
“you wound me, 35?”
“if it pleases you, i think it’s hot you’re nearing dad age.” you whispered seductively, as you grind yourself on him. he groaned, slapping your bum making you giggle. you squealed seeing him toss his cigar somewhere as he flipped you down to the bed again, boner springing to life. hovering above you as he cocks a grin.
“let me show you how this old man works again, ey?”
is this who we are? is this who we represent? yES.
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koolades-world · 3 months
could you write an MC who is a dragon tamer? (It's more like befriending dragons but it's up to you really)
That's all! and thank you!
hi! yeah, sure thing :)
dragons are so cool and they might even exist in the devildom! decided to swap the word tamer to whisperer since that seemed to fit what you wanted better
Dragon whisperer Mc
he thinks all of your dragon friends are absolutely gorgeous
seeing you care for them makes him proud to know you
he treats them like he does cerberus (ie his little babies but only when nobody is around)
glad to help out with them whenever he has time
he thinks you're literally the coolest person ever
of course, he wants to tries the dumbest shit imaginable such as doing backflips while on their back mid air
of course this doesn't pan out like planned and he falls, but you let him do it just to let him see how dumb that idea is in execution (thank god he's mammon and has wings)
sometimes he goes out flying with them and tries to keep it a secret from you, and fails
as hell's admiral, he's had experience with sea serpents so the two of you get to talk about how similar the two of them actually are
lots of fun days at the beach where he's in the water with lotan, and you on the sand with your dragon friends
he understands what it's like to care for them and the two of you exchange tips from time to time
can help with dragon sitting! probably the brother you should trust the most thanks to his experience
he's read lots about dragons before, so he asks you lots of questions about them to you
he learns that dragons, once befriended, are not unlike cats in a few ways and his cat friends love your dragon friends
one time while he was reading, one of your dragon friends walked up and plopped themself onto his lap. it's a good thing he's a demon. he was stuck there for six hours
he also enjoys reading to them, and you if you decide to sit in and listen, and he feels like a proud dad
not only does he love how beautiful they are, he also loves how intelligent they are
he loves to help you with bathing them and especially polishing their scales
if they let him, he puts cute little bows on them and takes loads of pictures
literally obsessed with them
to an extent, he can benchpress the smaller dragons
it's honestly terrifying to see him do it
he also asks lots of questions about the diets of the dragons and how they find their food if they're hungry before or after a mealtime
he likes to help make their treats and he only tries to eat the ingredients sometimes since he knows how much your dragon friends enjoy them
thinks they make great pillows because they're large and warm
unfortunately for him, they don't care that he's asleep on them and will get up and leave him behind
likes to watch them fly around as both a way to help him fall asleep and just to admire them
would never tell you, but he thinks that dragon training is a very fitting and very attractive hobby for you
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raya-rhaenyra-ahsoka · 5 months
My thoughts on Ep. 4 - I Plunge to My Death, A rant
First off, Sally and baby Percy scene was so cute. I swear to god, no one will ever top Sally Jackson for being the best mortal parent in the series.
That Percabeth bonding scene in the train. Bruh, I cannot wait for the Kindness International truck and Waterland scenes.
Annabeth opening up about her Dad and Percy utterly shocked that not all mortal parents are like his Mom.
Frederick’s college ring on Annabeth’s necklace. To non book-readers, yes, that's her Dad's name.
Annabeth having to earn Thalia’s respect.
Luke caring for Annabeth right away just makes it more gut-wrenching and heart-breaking with what he’s about to do. (SPOILER ALERT) “Family, Luke. You promised.”
Grover being super grouchy when he doesn’t get enough sleep. And as someone in their twenties, I totally could relate to him.
This convo:
Percy : Can I ask a dumb question?
Annabeth: It's like you need me to make fun of you.
That's it, that's their relationship.
Mentioning the god of the wild, Pan, and that there are searchers for him.
How that convo basically went:
Train Cop: I don’t think you wanna take that tone with me, little girl.
Grover: Annabeth, no-!
Echidna calling the cops on 3 minors, just screams typical Karen behavior.
The St. Louis Arch being an actual temple of Athena is a nice change from Annabeth just wanting to go sightseeing.
This convo:
Percy: You've done more for me in the past few days than my father has done in my entire life. If I had to stick with someone, I-
Annabeth: Careful, I think you were about to call me a friend.
Percy: *stumbles because of the poison from the stinger*
Annabeth: *catches him*
Again, that’s their relationship.
Annabeth and Grover splashing water at Percy at a fountain when there’s a big-ass river nearby. Idk, but I find that funny.
Athena letting Echidna and the Chimera into the Arch because it wounded her pride? OH, HELL NO!
Athena’s Logic: Punish her devotee because someone close to them did something that wounded her pride. Medusa=Poseidon; Annabeth=Percy. She didn’t even gave a f*ck that the devotee in question is her own daughter. WTF, ATHENA!
I always thought Zeus has the crown for being the deadbeat absent godly parent, but Athena is slowly giving him a run for his money.
Annabeth deciding to sacrifice herself so Percy and Grover can continue the quest. WTF!
Percy tricking Annabeth into taking the final stand himself. Dude, your fatal flaw is showing.
Annabeth having to deal with a forbidden child sacrificing themselves for her safety AGAIN (With Thalia, and now Percy). Girl must be traumatized.
Grover having to go through it again as well.
The Chimera being terrifying than how non clear-sighted mortals see it.
Poseidon “always been here/so hard for me to stand back” Daddy to the rescue.
Percy: *gets stuck underwater*
Nereid: It’s okay. You father sent me-
Percy: Oh, hell no! *tries to swim harder*
Percy only now realizing he can breath underwater. Like, of course, he can. He's Poseidon's kid.
We're only in Episode 4 and it's already so good. Can't wait for the episode 5.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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