#dream satchet
hrere · 8 months
Dream Spell Satchet
Dream spells are some of the first spells I've ever done and the ones that I have the most success with. Here is my recipe (generally).
Lavender (calm and protection)
Chamomile (sleep and calm)
Mugwort (psychic abilities and connecting with the divine)
Vervain (sleep and psychic abilities)
Rosemary (for remembering dreams)
Selenite (sleep)
Amethyst (psychic protection)
Clear Quartz (to amplify spell)
2 bags or cloths and string for the sachet (preferably black, blue, white, or purple, but anything on hand will work!)
candle (can be the same colors as the bag but anything will work)
paper and pen
lavender essential oil (can use a sleep blend or chill pill, something that will calm you to sleep)
Set up:
I like to do my spellwork on top of mirrors so that the mirrored image of the spell is on there, but this isn't necessary. I usually do spell work with an offering, so I will offer incense or water to whichever god I'm working with before spellwork. For dreamwork I mostly work with Tehuti and Nut. Do whatever you need to do to prepare yourself for spellwork and make sure you have all items on hand.
Incense and water offering with prayer
Light the candle
Add all herbs to one bag or cloth. (I like to use ones that don't have any holes). Say aloud what each herb's purpose is. Tie the bag and place it inside the other bag.
Add the selenite and the amethyst to the larger bag, saying aloud the purpose of each stone.
Draw symbols of dreams/the gods that you would like. I always draw the Eye of Ra and Horus. I also usually draw an ibis for Tehuti. I've also done some stars for Nut in the past. You can also make sigils if you'd like.
Write a petition with a prayer for what you want. *(I'll add an example below.) Fold the petition towards you however many times you'd like. I usually do three or four. On the last fold, don't center the fold so that one edge is over the body of the paper. Use the wax to seal the petition. Blow on it and/or add spit to set the wax. (I like to use spit for the creative properties and to make the spell "mine.")
Add the papers to the spell
Add the clear quartz, saying aloud the purpose for it.
Tie off the bag, then add the essential oil to it.
Place under your pillow and drift off to dreamland.
Mundane ways to help you dream more:
Take melatonin, drink or smoke mugwort before bed.
Cut back on drugs and alcohol
Keep a dream journal beside your bed and write down any dreams you had the second you wake up
Before you fall asleep at night, think of a different dream that you had that you remember
Set an alarm 1-2 hours before you wake up to wake you up slightly before falling back asleep again (this one works like a charm for me)
Keep a consistent sleep schedule
*Example Petition:
Dua Tehuti, You Who keeps all the great secrets,
May I be your student and learn Your great knowledge.
As I close my eyes to sleep, my dreams will be vivid,
When I open my eyes to wake, my dreams will be remembered.
Dua Tehuti, You who is great of heka, Who's words make it so,
Let this be so!
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forestduck · 1 year
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greenwitchcrafts · 4 months
Artemisia Vulgaris
Known as: Artemis herb, artemisia, artemisia herb, cingulum sancti johannis, felon herb, muggons, naughty man, old man, old uncle Henry, sailor's tobacco & St.John plant
Related plants: A member of the daisy family Asteraceae that consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within it such as chamomile, coneflowers, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, goldenrod, lettuce, marigold & sunflower
Parts used: Leaves & flowers
Habitat & cultivation: Common mugwort is native to Europe and Eastern Asia. Mugwort was brought into North America as early as the 1600’s for medicinal purposes. It spread throughout the Northeastern U.S. as a contaminant on ships and nurseries.
Plant type: Perennial
Region: 3-8
Harvest: The flowering tops of mugwort should be collected once they bloom or right before the blooms open. The leaves of mugwort plants should be collected before the plant flowers. Older leaves & flowers are significantly more bitter
Planting tips: Mugwort seeds can benefit from a special 1 to 2 week treatment called cold moist stratification prior to planting them & need cold weather to break down germination inhibitors. The seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting. Mugwort does not like to be overwatered & is very drought tolerant. It is also an invasive weed & best kept in a container.
Medicinal information: Historically mugwort has been used in traditional systems of medicine in different parts of the world. Today, mugwort taken orally is promoted for digestive problems, irregular menstruation, and high blood pressure. It is also promoted as a sedative, laxative, anti-inflammatory & liver tonic. Mugwort lotion applied topically can aid in itching caused by hypertrophic scars & When being smoked, it exhibits mild intoxicating properties & strong relaxing properties.
Cautions: Mugwort should not be taken by pregnant people because it may start menstruation and cause the uterus to contract. Little is known about whether it’s safe to use mugwort while chestfeeding. Mugwort might cause an allergic reaction in people with pollen sensitivities
Magickal Properties
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus & Neptune
Element: Earth
Deities: Aida Wedo, Artemis, Diana, Isis, Lakshimi & St.John
Magickal uses:
•Place under your pillow to bringing peaceful sleep, prophetic dreams & aid in astral travel
• Add to incense for cleansing and clearing energy
• Place around scrying tools to increase their energy
• Add to herbal smoke blends to stimulate lucid dreaming, astral travel & visualization
• Make an infusion of mugwort to wash magic mirrors and crystal balls to aid in physic workings
• Burn with Sandalwood or wormwood for scrying rituals
• Carry in a satchets for protection and increasing lust, fertility & preventing back pain
• Throw mugwort in a fire during Midsummer for protection for the following year
• Keep under your doorstep to keep annoying visitors away
• Use in tea before bed to encourage lucid dreaming
• Hang mugwort over or on a door to keep unwelcome energies from passing through
• During a storm or when your life feels threatened by impending dangers, toss into your hearth fire or cauldron to keep you safe
•Wash your hands with a mugwort infusion to increase energy flow before tarot or pendulum readings
The Herbal Alchemist Handbook by Karen Harrison
The Book of Flower Spells by Cheralyn Darcey
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
The Encyclopedia of Natural Magic by John Michael Greer
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
A Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl
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esoteric-chaos · 3 months
Dream Spell Satchet
I created a dream spell sachet to help you remember your dreams, to aid you in astral projection, lucid dreaming and receiving messages from the divine/ancestors/spirits. It helps in protections on those journeys as well.
Purple sachet - Colour correspondence of psychic awareness
Rosemary - Dream remembrance, protection
Rose - Psychic awareness, divination
Chamomile - Sleep aid, protection
Clove - Protection
Lavender - Psychic abilities
Thyme - Clairsenses
Sigils for astral travel and divine connection
Quartz - Charged with the intent of
Amethyst - Psychic abilities and awareness
I suggest if you are an animist or someone who wants more power from your herbs. Speak to the herbs and crystals kindly, treat them less like an ingredient and ask them respectfully for their aid and the purpose they'll have in your oil. Use intention.
There you have it, I sleep with it under my pillow. I pair it with Protection oil along with Prophet oil for an extra kick. If you are going to astral project. I suggest wearing extra protections before using this sachet. You do not want to run into any trouble in the Astral realm. Stay safe.
Looking for the rest of my posts? Check out the Masterpost
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wikiwicca · 1 year
Does anyone know how to get one of those satchet/spell bag spells to stop working?
So I did my first spell a week ago (one of those spell bags with a sachet, crystals and herbs) to help me sleep better, and boy does it work! But it also gives me extremely vivid, extremely weird dreams that leave me feeling tired when I wake up. I would like to break the spell I guess but i cant find anything online that says how to do that. (Im probably just asking the wrong question tbh). I set the bag on the other side of the room from me and its helped a little, but I still get weird dreams.
Tl;Dr spell gives me weird ass dreams and im tired. Please help me make it stop LMAO.
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buggabeewitch · 2 years
My Ritual for Venerating My Ancestors and Loved Ones
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↑ ( a spread from my grimoire ) ↑
I’m excited and nervous to bare my soul on this site, but I figured someone might learn a thing or two from my practices. So here we are!
Let’s dive right in…
Spell Components
A candle with corresponding colors. You can choose brown for the element of earth or for ancestry, purple for spirit work, gold for veneration, or white for clarity. Use whatever works best for you.
Anointing oil of your choice.
Herbs and Plants (for me, that’s orange bits, apricot bits, rose and sunflower petals, mugwort for dreams and spirit work, sweet cayenne pepper, lipton black tea). Use what resonates for you and your ancestors.
Rocks and Crystals (for me, that’s pretty rocks I find on a walk outdoors, clear, smoky, and rose quartz, citrine). Use what resonates for you and your ancestors.
Pen and paper. You may choose to have the color of ink and paper be significant to you. Ponder it and do whatever you can or what best suits your practice.
Miscellaneous ingredients (taglocks, jewelry you inherited or were gifted from them, symbols of or literal gifts you received from them in life or in death, charms or trinkets that remind you of them, et cetera).
A jar, bowl, satchet, charm bag, envelop, or some other form of container or vessel.
Offerings! This is incredibly personal to whatever your ancestors enjoy, whether in life or in death. For me, certain ancestors like black tea, some liked rockstar energy drinks, and my family dog gets fresh water. Offerings can be pledges to do devotional acts as well if physical offerings aren’t a possibility to you. For example, my offering can be the intention to grow a sweet cayenne pepper plant for my Wapa. I could pledge to try out crochet for my maternal grandma. I could pledge to dedicate space in my week to read or learn something new and interesting for my paternal grandma. Like I’ve been saying and will continue to say, do what’s best for you and what works for your practice.
A key with which you think you can carve into a candle, and/or just a regular ole inscription tool.
Ritual Walkthrough
Cleanse and awaken your candle. Do what suits your practice, but for me that means cleaning, cleansing, and awakening my candles, and asking them if they’d like to help me and subsequently to help me if they agree. If you can’t tell, I’m a bit of an animist, but if you’re not, just don’t what’s best or customary for you.
Anoint your candle with whatever oil you choose. I have a recipe for ancestor oil planned, otherwise I just use regular, cold pressed sweet almond oil for sweetness, love, and clarity. Anoint however best suits your practice. For me that means rubbing towards myself to invite them down to and toward me. Use that key or inscription tool to carve their first name(s), full name(s), surname(s), or maiden name(s), or whatever name you personally call or called them. I call my grandfather Wapa. It would be weird to call him by his first name. But it may feel and be right for you. Do whatever suits your practice.
Light your candle, placing the key in front of it, and invite the candle to open the doorway between you and your passed loved one(s). Call them by name when you invite them, best done aloud in my practice.
Gather your container (jar, pouch, bowl, bag, envelope) and prepare your ingredients (herbs, rocks, papers and pens). To me, preparing ingredients means holding each one individually in my hands and asking them if they’d like to help me. If they do, I ask them what I need from them. For the paper and pen, I’ll write my prayers and notes to my ancestor(s), memories of them, lessons learned from them, and anything else I want to have written down to use in the spell. Add each ingredient to the bag as you complete this. Note! Don’t seal the container (unless you feel it’s something you should do) because you may want to add or remove items as your relationship grows or if you find they don’t jive with something you’ve added any longer.
Lay out your offerings. Take your container of goodies in your hands and say a prayer of gratitude, of veneration, of appreciation. Some things you may want to include are an introduction to your offerings, inviting them to indulge freely, you may want to include thanks for what they did for you in life, you can include the notion that you want to continue your relationship with them in death. I end my prayer usually by saying some form of “I love and cherish you, now and always.” Do whatever feels right and suits your personal craft and relationship with your ancestor(s).
Place your container of goodies on your altar, if you have one, otherwise just place it in a place where it will be safe and able to be well cared for. Let this spell container serve as an earthly reminder of your veneration and appreciation of your ancestor(s).
When you’ve finished consecrating the spell vessel, communing with the ancestor(s), and praying, extinguish the candle to dismiss them. You don’t want to force them to stick around. Let them know they are free to stay or leave. They may have others to visit, you know. They’re still beings with free will and desires.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Are you sick of me telling you to do what’s best for your personal practice? No? Good! Yes? Too bad, because that part is incredibly important. Don’t use apricot pits if they mean nothing to you. They have a world of meaning to me. It was the biggest tree in my Wapa’s front yard for a large portion of my childhood, it’s the heart of the fruit, it’s the seed from which a new tree can grow, it’s the hard, sturdy, unwavering part of the soft fruit. But if an apricot pit is just trash to you, so be it! If the idea of offering something as unhealthy or “trashy” as an energy drink revolts you, then just don’t offer it! It reminds me of a time before my grandma started shaping up in her health habits. It reminds me of that time, not actually the bad habit, but of memories we shared during the time that align with the time before she broke that habit. Plus she may want to indulge in an old vice, and who am I to judge that?
Also, for me, ancestor work doesn’t only have to be for the dead. I know that sounds a bit weird, but the definition of ancestor doesn’t specially state that they have to be deceased to be an ancestor. Plus, right now I live over a thousand miles from my grandparents who are still with me. I want to honor and venerate them in magical way as well as in a mundane way, like facetiming them, texting them, sending them snail mail, et cetera. I want to give them things I can’t simply post in the mail or just say with words. So I include living ancestors in my magical workings.
Again, I’m very nervous to be sharing such a personal ritual of my practice, so please remember to be kind and use my words with care. Don’t just blindly follow me. Soul search and discover what works best for you in your practice involving your ancestors.
Thanks for reading and let me know if you learned something or enjoyed sharing a bit of my practice with me! May your journey be a blessed one!
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cryopathiic-a · 10 months
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"Here you are my beloved moon."
In a small silk satchet, Enmu had brought the head of the Paradise Faith something that had been requested. Incense. Strong, and rather potent blends condensed into cones and sticks to be used generously around his glorious palace. This batch should last for a few months at the very least.
"I experimented with the blends to produce mild psychoactive effects.. it should do wonders to make some of the more anxious newcomers more open to your generosity~"
Instantaneously, polychromatic eyes part from the shrine he had been facing, golden fan nearly slamming onto the face of a small child that had been hogging the tips of his cloak. Effervescence threatens to crack a meticulously crafted facade when the Lord Founder squeals excitedly — and, only as an afterthought, remembers to gently pick the child up and place them beside the table loaded with flowers & gifts.
❝ Doctor Tamio! ❞ Upper Two feigns a labored breath then, ruffling the little one's hair before prancing unto the good doctor. Several humans have already greeted them on their way in; and some flock in a nearby corner timidly waiting for a moment of his time. Many of the sick & dying in Eternal Paradise relied upon his expert council, after all, so visits were often taxed with philantrophy.
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❝ Oh, we are so thankful for your care and your wonderful gifts, my dream~ ❞ Clawed hands would reach out to grab the other's wrists then, his slender fingers enveloping them whole as he pulled Enmu closer excitedly — with measured force, so as not to rip his arm out in front of everyone, though — and pressed them joined against his own, cold chest. If it had been anyone else, such gift would barely be regarded as something worth his praise. The first Lower Moon had some... special privileges, apparently. Dōma's hands moved to clasp the other's shoulders, keeping him in place.
❝ Your blends have been doing wonders for my children, thus far. Especially during their ascension ceremony. Please, allow us the merest reciprocation, to accomodate you for the night. ❞ With how simply & gracefully it was put, there was little room left for suspicion as to why Dōma was smiling as widely.
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me, the Galar champion walking into whichever restaurant I can't get the food tin for curry in my game with my most cute team of pokemon: No, no. Don't tell me why, please look at them and let them know why they aren't allowed to eat your food.
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thestoneforests · 5 years
Tonight's lucid dreaming satchet🔮
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Moonstone— Connects you with the subconscious mind. Gentle yet effective at helping you enter the dream state.
Amethyst— It stimulates the Third Eye Chakra and connects you with the spiritual realms. It triggers lucid dreams.
Clear quartz— It is easily programmed for/amplifies an intention. Helps with increasing dream vividness and strengthening recollection of dreams upon awakening.
Aquamarine— Harnesses the soothing power of the ocean. Clears away road blocks and helps you get back to the natural flow of life.
Lapis lazuli— The third eye chakra stone of future, it helps you leave your physical body behind and go in search of the destiny, with your spiritual body. It helps in dream recall like no other crystal.
And last but not least (not included in the photo because I’ve just decided to add it)...
Fluorite— Will correct your aura and cleanse negative energy. Heightens intuition. Promotes studying/concentration. Aligns mind with the desires of our hearts.
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lilachexe · 6 years
The Sweet Dreams Satchet ✨
I’ve been having pretty bad nightmares/unwanted dreams for almost 2 months now. I’ve tried staying up so late that I can’t remember my dreams, peaceful music, positive thoughts before bed, etc. all of which have been a total bust.
So, last night I did a bit of research in my own personal grimoire/on Tumblr, and created a simple masterpiece that was actually VERY effective! So, I thought I would share it with all of you as well!
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✨ Sweet Dreams Satchet ✨
you will need
• a small pouch/bag/jar/container
• amethyst
• rose quartz
• sugar (for extra sweetness)
• basil leaves (to banish those bad dreams)
So, I first cleansed my stones of any energy they had attained. Then I placed them both in my small pouch and sprinkled my sugar and basil over them. As I drew the strings on the pouch, I said a little incantment aloud (this is completely optional! you can borrow mine or say your own!)
“ dreams be sweet,
dreams be kind,
during this rest, give me peace of mind”
I repeated that until I felt my intent had been made clear, then placed it under my pillow inside of the pillow case.
And that’s all! Very simple and very effective.
Now go get the peaceful sleep you deserve. 💖
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wandrie · 6 years
Dreamy Buddy
I got the idea from scentsy buddies, but since I just found out they support autism speaks, I will be making my own.
If you have bad, vivid nightmares like me, but also need to be descreet about your craft, or even just want something to help watch over you while you dream and to hold onto, I think this would help.
⭐️You’ll need a stuffed animal. I think it would be better to make one with the intent of protecting you, but you could potentially buy one and put your intent to it.
⭐️sew a pouch to put in the stuffed animal. If you are making one yourself, incorporate this into the design, if you are buying one you will need to open up a seam/ cut open a spot and sew in the pouch. -optional: zippers, sigils
✨now you have a stuffed animal you can put satchets or other things in. You could potentially enchant it to fight off nightmares, or accompany you while you lucid dream!✨
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raven-blog-life · 2 years
A Whopping List of 160 Grimoire Prompts and Ideas
Alrighty, everybody, I’ve been working all day trying to compile this list together and it came out to be a staggering 160 prompts and ideas for your grimoire! Some of these are pretty vague and others are quite specific, but this is only to help you guys more with filling up your grimoires! So buckle up and get ready to go! 
What is the Wheel of the Year and the Eight Sabbats? Do these play a role in your craft? What is the history behind them?
How can you celebrate the 8 Sabbats?
What is meditation? What are some different types of meditation? How can meditation affect your practice?
What are the tools of your craft? Name and explain. 
Create a witchy book library. Which of these do you own? Which of these have you read?
What are Familiars? Do you have one? How do they help with your craft?
How do you cast a circle? Close one? What does the energy look like? Draw what’s seen and unseen. 
Create a glossary of witchcraft terminology.
Write down the correspondences of time. → Hours of the day → Days of the Week → Months of the Year
What is intent and how do you work with it?
What is visualization? How can it be used? What are the alternatives if you cannot visualize?
Answer these for the following ideas: What is it? How can you do it? → Charging → Enchanting → Cleansing → Grounding → Blessing → Consecrating → Binding → Banishing → Warding → Centering
What are some substitutes in main tools of witchcraft? (like crystals and herbs)
How do you set up an altar or magical workplace?
BONUS: What themes can you incorporate into these spaces?
What goes on an altar?
Research the history of witchcraft.
Research the history of Paganism and Wicca.
Research the varieties of magic. Some ideas: → Energy Work → Fae Magic → Draconic Magic → Death Magic → Sex Magic → Knot Magic → Satchet and Jar Magic → Spirit Work → Crystal Magic
What is a ritual and what does it mean?
Research the Different Types of Witches and their historical background → Kitchen → Green → Hedge → Eclectic → Solitary → Tech → Earth → Spirit Worker → Chaos → Art → Secular → Theistic → Hereditary → Traditional → Garden → Fire → Draconic → Animal → Lunar → Christian → Hellenic → Celtic → Kemetic → Science → Elemental → Urban → Seasonal → Sanguine → Cosmic → Dream → Sea → Storm/Weather → Hearth → Tea → Water → Fae → Music → Sigil → Crystal
What are the corners and how to call them?
What is the sacred geometry?
Write down your Witchy To-Do lists (like these prompts or things to research or things to cleanse.)
Devote some pages to your deities if you worship any.
Print out your natal chart and its report and stick it in your grimoire.
BONUS: Write a reflection after reading your report.
Do you collect anything? Why?
Dedicate pages to learning about your past lives. 
How can you be contacted in the afterlife? What would be needed to summon you to learn your epic wisdom?
Create vision boards for your craft in your grimoire. 
Write about yourself as a witch. What do you want out of witchcraft?
Write down information on religions you’re interested in or that you work with if any.
What do you believe?
How did you come upon your path?
Do you believe in the afterlife? If so, what do you think it’s like?
Create a beginner’s guide or field guide to something you’re experienced with.
What are your core values? Name and explain.
How would you describe yourself? Include a picture or even draw yourself.
If someone down the line wanted to honor you as their ancestor, how would they do so?
Do you have a craft name? Why did you choose it?
Write down your magical goals. Be sure to revisit these and reflect upon your progress.
Why did you become a witch?
What is your birth tarot card?
Write down your daily rituals.
Do you have any rules for your path? What are they?
Come up with a collection of spell themes. 
→ This can be stuff like love, luck, healing, curses, etc.
Based on your collection of spell themes, what items would be best used for each theme?
Create a collection of spell ideas you will make spells for later. 
Create a list of gardening tips. 
How do you harvest certain plants?
How can you dry herbs and other plants?
How can you garden by the moon?
★Herbs and Plants/Herbalism and Aromatherapy★
Create a list of 5-10 local plants you can incorporate into your craft. What are their correspondences? How can you use these plants?
Create a list of 5-10 go-to plants (herbs especially) you can grow and use in your craft. What are their correspondences and how can you use them?
Create a guide to essential oils and safe use. 
Incense correspondences and uses. 
How to make Herbal Decoctions
How to make Tinctures
How to make Medicinal Wines
How to make Gargles and Mouthwashes
How to make Eyewashes
How to make Herbal Baths
How to make Inhalations
How to make Infused Oils and Ointments
How to make Herbal Creams
How to make Syrups
How to make Herbal Vinegars
How to make Poultices and Compresses
★Crystal Magic★
How do crystals work?
Create a list of 5-15 go-to crystals you can use in your craft. What are their correspondences?
Crystal Grids. What are they? What are their uses? Do you have any grid layouts?
How do you cleanse crystals?
How do you charge crystals?
How do you program crystals?
★Elemental Magic ★
What are the five elements? How do they affect your craft?  
What are the correspondences for different types of water? (i.e. river water, ocean, rain, moon, sun, etc.)
What are the correspondences for different types of water? (i.e. river water, ocean, rain, moon, sun, etc.)
★Cosmic Magic/Astrology★
What are the 12 Zodiacs? How do they affect your craft?
Research some constellations and how you can incorporate them into your craft. 
What are the planetary correspondences? How can you use the planets in your craft?
Recipe Book
Herbal Medicines
Essential Oils
★lunar magick★
What are the phases of the moon and their correspondences?
★Sigil Work★
What are the many ways you can create sigils?
Create a sigil logbook.
What mythology are you interested in?
Include some stories in your grimoire → Written stories → Storyboards/comics → Drawings of scenes
What are the folktales from where you live?
Gather a list of traditional divination methods you’re interested in.
Create a tarot cheatsheet.
Create a rune cheatsheet
Create a numerology cheatsheet.
What is numerology? How can you use it in your craft?
Create a collection of tarot spreads. Include:→ 2 card spreads→ 3 card→ 4 card→ 5 card→ more complex spreads.
How can you read Runes? (i.e. drawing them out of a container, using spreads, or throwing them)
Compile a list of good questions to ask for divination.
Create a pendulum board.  
★spirit work★
Draw or write about the spirits you work with. 
What are some offerings ideas?
Keep a dream diary.
From your dreams and some research, make your own dream dictionary.
★Candle Magic★
How and why is it used?
What are the benefits of candle magic?
Candle shape correspondences
Color and smell correspondences.
Flame meanings.
★Color Magic★
Research Color Magic and how you can incorporate it into your craft.
Research the correspondences of different colors. 
Research color theory and how you may incorporate it into your craft. 
★Shadow Work★
Make a portrait of your shadow self.
What is shadow work? How can you incorporate it into your craft?
★Magical Housekeeping★
Recipes for Beauty Products
Recipes for Cleansing Products
Bath Magic
Sleep Rituals and Sleep Magic
Glamour Magic
Recipes to Pamper yourself
Stress Management Methods
Mental Health Hoping Methods
Cleansing Your Spaces
Journaling and Creative
What are the Seven Planes of Existence? Do they mean anything to you?
Create an entry that must be read in a mirror.
Create an entry that can be viewed right-side up and upside down. 
Stick coloring book pages into your grimoire. 
. BONUS: Only tape 1 side down so you can use the back to write a spell, tell a story, create a ritual, etc. 
Create a list of words you can seriously reflect upon and do so. Some ideas: → Love → Strength → Courage → Intelligence
Write down quotes/poems/etc. that have meaning to you and reflect upon those meanings. 
Write down letters to your past and future selves. 
Write love letters to your grimoire.
Write letters to your ancestors, spirits, or deities. 
What are the _____ of witchcraft you love?  → Sights → Smells → Taste → Sounds → Feelings
What is Magic? How is it used?
What are the consequences of using magic?
★Miscellaneous ★
What are Chakras and what do they mean to you?
Leave some pages to write down things to research.
Write down tea/coffee correspondences. 
Leave a space to put all those witchy life hacks/tips you find. 
What are auras? How can you use them in your craft?
Research the Fae
By--- Sammantha Valentine @tumblr  
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greenwitchcrafts · 7 months
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Lavandula officinalis
Known as: Elf leaf, nard, nardus & spike
Related plants: A member of the mint family Lamiaceae, there are genus of 47 known species of lavender. It includes well known plants such basil, mint, rosemary, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, hyssop, thyme, lavender, and perilla, as well as catnip, salvia, bee balm, wild dagga & oriental motherwort.
Parts used: Flowers
Habitat and cultivation: This flowering plant is native to the the Mediterranean
Plant type: Perennial
Region: Most are hardy from Zones 5 to 9 | Spanish Lavender (L. stoechas) is only hardy in Zones 7 to 9.
Harvest: You can harvest all the budding spikes or flowers on your plant during the growing season but avoid cutting into woody growth. Don't want to take more than 1/3 of the plant at this time & limiting your harvest to flowers and buds should keep you within recommended limits. As first frost approaches, snip off woody, leafy stems & branching. You can safely take up to 2/3 of the plant at this time. Harvesting too early can stimulate more growth which you don't want since the lavender is moving into winter dormancy.
Growing tips: To grow lavender successfully it needs well-drained soil, full sun & may be a good idea to check the PH beforehand because soil too acidic may kill off your plants. It survives well in dry conditions, so you'll only have to water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry. Plant lavender in spring, once all chances of frost have passed. This beautiful, fragrant herb is a great addition to raised beds, in-ground gardens, and growing in containers spacing plants 12 to 18 inches apart.
Medicinal information: Taking lavender products by mouth, including teas and a specific oil supplement or inhaling lavender oil as aromatherapy, seem to reduce symptoms of depression & anxiety. Lavender oil is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to heal & burns & bug bites. Some studies suggest that consuming lavender as a tea can help digestive issues such as vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas, upset stomach, & abdominal swelling. A study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology found that lavender oil could be effective in combating antifungal-resistant infections. Using it as aromatherapy can also reduce colic symptoms & menstrual cramp pain.
Cautions: Lavender essential oil is possibly safe when inhaled as aromatherapy, but applying products that contain lavender oil to the skin is possibly unsafe for young cis males who haven't reached puberty. The oil seems to have hormone-like effects that could disrupt normal hormones & in some cases, this has resulted in breast growth.
Lavender might cause sleepiness and slowed breathing. Taking lavender with sedative medications might cause breathing problems and/or too much sleepiness.
Lavender might slow down the central nervous system. If used with anesthesia and other medications given during and after surgery, it might slow down the central nervous system too much. Stop using lavender at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Aradia, Elves, Faeries, Hecate & Saturn
Magickal uses:
• Place in sleep pillows to encourage peaceful sleep
• Wear as a perfume to attract a new love
• Rub on paper when writing love spells or notes for added power
• Add with rosemary to a satchet for preserve chastity
• Scatter around your home to invite protection & purifying energies
• Use in a ritual bath to lighten feelings of depression or sadness
• Wear or use in an amulet to discourage cruelty from a spouse
• Drink lavender tea before bed to aid in astral travel or dream magick
• Burn as an incense for meditation or spirit work
• Use in spells to strengthen friendships
• Purify your ritual candles & tools with a drop of oil to release any negative energies contained within them
•  Hang above your door protect against evil spirits , for home blessings & to cleanse all who enter
• Rub the oil on to the base of the skull or temples to help cure the nervous exhaustion that sometimes happens after intensive magickal workings
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occultacademia · 4 years
Magical Properties of... Mugwort (EDITED 07/11/20)
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EDIT: I have gotten a few mentions about not including any health warnings on this properties post. I acknowledge this and apologize for my mistake. To stop the spread of any harmful information, I have copied and pasted some helpful info from two tumblr users onto the original post so it will always be visible. Thank you @buggedboi and @likh-o for your help!
Mugwort is a pretty affordable and very popular herb in the witch community. It grows in ditches and rocky soil, and holds a very bitter flavor (mugwort tea is not very appetizing). The Romans would put a sprig of Mugwort in their shoes to avoid getting tired on long journeys. It was associated with St. John the Baptist, and wreaths of Mugwort were worn to repel evil spirits. Mugwort has anticoagulant and disinfectant properties, and has a nerve-calming effect.
In witchcraft today, Mugwort is used as a visionary herb. Mugwort amplifies psychic vision and may induce prophetic dreams. People drink mugwort tea or burn it as an incense to help with lucid dreaming, astral projection, and meditation.
This is an herb of the Goddess as Crone, so Mugwort encourages wisdom and observation. When paired with a divinatory method of your choice, Mugwort is an excellent helper for confronting difficult truths.
Mugwort Health Risks:
Mugwort is a common allergen.
Mugwort may cause an allergic reaction in people who are allergic to birch, celery, fennel, or wild carrot. This has been called the "celery-carrot-mugwort-spice syndrome."
Individuals who are allergic to other members of the Asteraceae/Compositae plant family: ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies may also have an allergic reaction to mugwort.
The same goes for those who are allergic to things such as white mustard, honey, royal jelly, hazelnut, olive, latex, peach, kiwi, and sage.
If you take mugwort and experience wheezing, coughing, dizziness that does not go away, swelling or constriction of the throat, or difficulty breathing, that's a sign of an allergic reaction, and you should seek immediate emergency medical care
Other risk factors to consider:
Breast-feeding or pregnant individuals should avoid mugwort, though research is inconclusive as to the exact risks. To be on the safe side, do not take mugwort if this applies to you.
How do I know if I am taking mugwort?
Other names for this herb are:
Hierba de San Juan
Vulgaris herba
Felon herb
St. John's herb/wort
Chrysanthemum weed
Herbe royale
Okay, I have realised that mugwort is unsafe for me, what can I use instead?
There are many other similar herbs that have been shown to have therapeutic benefits in scientific studies and also have less potential side effects than mugwort, including adaptogens like ashwagandha, maca root, and rhodiola rosea.
- @buggedboi
Mugwort should not be used for more than one week continuously. Continued, habitual use of mugwort can cause nervous problems, liver damage, and convulsions. 
mugwort should also never be used internally during pregnancy or lactation or by anyone who has pelvic inflammatory issues as it can cause uterine contractions and can be passed through the parent’s milk.
it is also INVASIVE to many places, and consideration should be taken when planting this very prolific plant.
mugwort does not have to be consumed in order for for you to use it for magic. consider satcheting it, keeping it under your pillow, or get creative in the ways you can use it’s power in your own magic. it is more important now than ever to ensure the knowledge you are passing on to your community is not going to hurt them should they take your words at face value and run with it. 
- @likh-o
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agnosticanimist · 7 years
“Sweet Dreams” Spell
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A spell designed to chase away nightmares and bring the target sweet dreams.
What You’ll Need:
🐑 1 Scented candle, a scent the target finds calming, relaxing, or nostalgic
🐑 1 Piece of Amethyst
🐑 1 Piece of Agate
🐑 1 Piece of Chrysoprase (relieves reoccurring nightmares, particularly in children)
🐑 Lavender
🐑 Rosemary
🐑 Chamomile
🐑 (OPTIONAL) A small pouch
What to do:
🐑 STEP 1: Light the candle and let the scent waft through the room. Be sure the lights are dimmed, if not off. If casting this spell for someone with a nightlight, turn it on now. Be sure that all pre-bed routines are complete before starting this spell!
🐑 STEP 2: Place the gems and herbs under the pillow of the target. If you’d like to put them in a small pouch/satchet instead of loose under the pillow, that’s perfectly fine.
🐑 STEP 3: Focus all of your energy into your dominant hand and slowly wave it over the pillow, chanting:
“Nightmares go and sweet dreams come,
”for the night has just begun.
“Into slumber may you fall,
”and rise at dawn when morning calls.“
🐑 STEP 4: Have the target get into bed and get comfortable. When they are, blow out the candle and exit the room. (Or blow out the candle and go to sleep, if casting the spell on yourself.)
This spell can be strengthened by such things as lullabies, dream catchers, and soothing drinks before bed, like herbal tea, warm milk, etc.
💤🌙💤 Sweet dreams! 💤🌙💤
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thisisawitchgang · 3 years
Career Magic Masterpost
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Theme Ran By: Mod Jen
Header By: Mod Cejay
Edited By: Mod Cejay
Theme tag: #career-magic & #career-magic-2
Intro Post: 1 2
Prosperity Peanut Butter Cookies
Lucky Day Powder
Recreational Witchcraft’s Luck & Money Powder
I will be invited to an interview and get the job.
My Job Finding Spell Worked!
Job Search & Securing Ritual
Spell for Job Seekers
"Do you know any good spells for employment? I just applied to my dream company and my resume is good but I could use all the help I can get :)" - Four different spells
New Job Protection Pouch
Job @ Job Hunting Tarot Spell
Old Mother Redcap’s “Employ Me” Spell - This spell is designed for people struggling to gain employment. It is for those who already have a position or industry in mind.
‘Seasonal Employment Spell’
Spell for Job Seekers
Charmain’s Safe Employment Satchet
To Aid in a Job Search
Rainy’s Visualization Job Spell - This is just a simple, easy job spell! Perfect for the day you submit your resume or job application, and adds a boost of luck to your chances. Note: This spell should be done in addition to applying for a certain job.
Job Spell! - The basics of the spell I believe got me a job interview within 2 days.
Spell to Find a Job
Acta, non verba: *a spell for achieving a dream job* - You need to identify exactly what you mean by “a dream job”. It is of little use aiming for something which is beyond your capabilities, though you might go for one initially which will begin to take you to where you want to be.
Job Spell Remix! - Here’s a rebloggable version of my take on this spell, created on the fly last night for the 30 days of Magic Brainstorming meme.
Job Success Spell
“For my career I’m looking to become more successful, profitable and advanced - Spell”
Spell for a New Job
It’s a Job Jar! - In an effort to help my husband and I find better jobs/start careers, I put together a Job Jar today.
Success at Work Spell
Tarot Spreads
Witch Tips!
Job Interview Magick - 7 Tips
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