#don’t have hope
stil-lindigo · 7 months
an ex-zionist jewish man recently went a bit viral on tiktok for sharing exactly how he sees zionism tie israel to the jewish identity and his personal experience with breaking away from it - I think it’s a really great watch.
He also made a follow up talking specifically about how he learned to humanise Palestinians, and a really integral part of it was his school, which would often bring in Palestinian speakers who’d share their perspective (here’s a link to it).
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sevynchaos · 8 months
fyi real madrid got a negative record against girona, so prepare for the worst
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teddylou · 2 months
so. roommate’s cat likes being on top of the fridge. and usually he goes floor>counter>fridge, but sometimes he will attempt the floor>fridge shortcut. but he misses and this happens
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there’s a cork board that somehow supports his weight until one of us scoops him (or he falls)
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Today’s my birthday! 🎉
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gengwasted · 30 days
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Aventurine just got comfortable and the doctor decides to throw a bomb at him??? This is rude and unacceptable. He loves it he's just... Confused.
Merventurine from @havanillas’ AU I can’t get them out of my head aughxzfdzfxh-
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ursidanger · 28 days
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I will accept art requests based on ANY donation to a campaign from gazafunds.com
(website of compiled + fully vetted gofundme links; if you find the list overwhelming I recommend supporting the spotlight campaign featured on their front page)
OR the Municipality of Gaza
(whose goal is to restore access to water in Gaza City after half their water wells + 42k meters of water networks have been destroyed by Israel’s occupation)
I will accept drawing requests in exchange for recipet of donation to either of these viable sources!
Palestine will live to see liberation 🍉
•Higher donation = more time spent
•Even a tiny amount is sketch guaranteed! Anything is better than nothing
•DM/email request + receipt of new donation
•No revisions
•Keep SFW
•Hate speech/joke requests will not be tolerated
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al8estos · 2 months
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Dress up a monkey in Armani
He may seem precocious and cute
Despite all that primpin'
You still got a chimp in a suit!
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aesthetic-uni · 1 year
Misha Collins is the funniest straight man ever. He’s the only person to arguably queerbait in real life. He had to come out as a straight. He was told by WB to just stay bisexual. He’s living every homophobe’s nightmare scenario but the only difference is that everyone actually loves it for him
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ellaphnt · 1 month
“Don’t die. [because you gave me hope that you’ll all get out alive.]”
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yaepyep · 11 months
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princip1914 · 10 months
A little hopeful moment which I missed on the first watch, but which I think is so important. Nina and Maggie come to have their talk with Crowley. Now, we all know that Crowley is Maggie—yes, sure, Nina is sarcastic and suave and cool and calls Maggie angel—but it’s obvious that Crowley is Maggie and Nina is Aziraphale. Crowley even admits it himself in the very beginning of this conversation when he tries to justify meddling to get Maggie and Nina together:
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“Nina needed rescuing.” Yeah, you know who else always “needs rescuing”? Anyway, moving on.
Nina says she just got out of a relationship and it would be a disaster to get into another one right away. And then this happens:
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Nina says she hopes Maggie will still be around, but she knows she can’t ask Maggie to just wait while she figures out her own baggage. There's no guarantee. And then Maggie interjects—
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The parallel between Maggie/Nina and Crowley/Aziraphale is so intentional as to feel heavy handed. So what does it mean that we get this exchange in at this particular moment in the script—buried within the conversation which is the catalyst for Crowley confessing his feelings, occurring in the lull immediately before the spectacular dissolution of everything the first two seasons were building towards?
“We could have been us,” Crowley says. Crowley walks out of the bookshop. Crowley turns off their song in his car. Whatever tentative blooming thing has been building between him and Aziraphale for six thousand years appears to be very clearly over. Aziraphale presses the kiss to his lips and knows there is no guarantee they will ever have a chance to be together. There's no guarantee that Crowley will ever want to forgive him, that he will keep on waiting for him.
There is.
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lazylittledragon · 3 months
absolutely vile that today should be about recognising legitimately important women’s issues and achievements and you go onto any social media and it’s just terf city
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sleepynart · 4 months
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I still haven't watched the FNAF VR2. But I still have my hyperfix on these lovely sillys.
Ehh still sketching, sorry...
If I have the strength, later there will be a part with the Sun^^
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The Autism Urge to be Helpful
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The Autistic Teacher
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me currently:
“i want people to have crushes on me so badly because i thrive on external validation and im super insecure so i really really want people to have crushes on me”
also me, being aroace and sex/romance-repulsed (if someone has a crush on me):
“pleasepleasepleaseplease nobody have a crush on me and ESPECIALLY DONT TELL ME because then i have to reject you and i hate rejecting people and then i’ll probably have to come out to avoid hurting anyone because i overthink everything ahahahha”
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lizaisdrawing · 4 months
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Good morning neighbors! ☀️
A little AU I’ve been cooking up a few days, following Wallace, the co-creator of welcome home! He’s very much creative and kind, but you can’t help but worry about him…
Especially with that weird puppet he’s always carrying around, it always seems to be observing… but anyways! It must be all in your head, don’t let fear alter you.
Wallace greets the viewers when the ep first starts, getting to the main learning subject for that day then introducing little Wally Darling! Who will be along side the him in both learning
and teaching! They’re a duo that you can’t help but be intrigued by! Is it the charismatic host that captures your attention, or the silly little puppet?
Or is it the heavy feeling in your chest whenever the puppet looks directly into the camera
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