#dodge pow
fallow-grove · 11 months
she kung pow on my penis till i 💥
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 1 month
Dungeon Drafters is fun and all but it feels kind of extremely unbalanced; like there's 5 colors of cards you can use (and you are limited to only using ~2-3 of them at a time effectively, unless you limit yourself to weak cards), and a single one of them has access to these:
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the left one gives you 2 free action points to do things, the right uses a single on of your action points to DRAW FIVE CARDS (discard effect trigger whenever a card goes to the graveyard so even if it is activated normally)
And this is in a game in which you usually draw one card per turn and there is no hand size limit.
It's like as if you introduced a color system to Yu-Gi-Oh! and only a single color had access to Pot of Greed
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writing-fanics · 4 months
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every little detail
Lucifer Morningstar x F!Reader [Adam’s Sister]
[warning: implications of smut and activities: established relationship* eats gross real fast
a/n: Lucifer and y/n’s relationship is secret. the only ones who know are the ones at the hotel and of course Lucifer. y/n visits when she can but it’s spread out so heaven doesn’t notice
Adam grabs Lucifer by the foot, and he turns into a snake to free himself. Adam throws him away and Lucifer, turns into a bird.
“You're judging me? You're the most hated being in all of creation!” shouts adam, as he glares at Lucifer. Adam tries to shoot his angelic light at him, but Lucifer dodges.
Lucifer looks at Adam, “Well, your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer…” He said, dragging his fingers in the shape of a V across his mouth. “or the second! Bowchicka pow pow!” He says, Lucifer flies away doing a little dance. Adam briefly catches him to hold in a chokehold.
Lucifer’s eyes, briefly meet his lovers [Y/n]. He smirks at her, and she looks at him wondering what he’s planning. He smirked, at Adam.
“Oh, and how can I not forget about your beautiful sister.” He said, opening his mouth making an O shape, and pressing his tongue against his cheek. Balling his hand up into a fist and making an explicit gesture.
“LUCIFER?!” She exclaimed, embarrassed her cheeks bright red. She looked down embarrassed, as he was basically telling her brother the explicit things they did.
“Aw, how cute she’s embarrassed.” He cooed, teasingly smiling as he kept getting a rise out of Adam. “I had her moaning so much last night,” He smirked, making a O with his thumb and finger, and using his left finger to make once again. Another explicit gesture.
Her cheeks when bright red, “Oh you, traitorous little bitch!” shouted Adam, his attention now on his sister. He was fuming, “So, this is where you’ve been sneaking off too?” He shouted, glaring at his sister.
Lucifer smirked, as he dodge Adam’s attempts to chokehold him. “Oh, she did a lot more than that last night.” said Lucifer, he smirked over at her she smiled sheepishly. He made a fist, with his hand and moved it up and down. Adam’s eye twitched, as he tried to grab Lucifer by the collar.
But he dodged and made a V with his fingers, and dragged it across his mouth. “Best facial I’ve ever had,” He said, chuckling and Adam face went red. Lucifer. “I'll fuckin' end you!” shouted Adam. Lucifer turns into a horse and kicks Adam away.
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On July 18th, 2015, I realized that the Republican Party had left me behind. On this day, while seeking the Republican nomination for president, Donald Trump had the following to say about an Annapolis graduate who was shot down, captured and tortured as a POW by the communist North Vietnam regime:
“He's not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."
This verbal diarrhea came out of the mouth of a man who used his father’s wealth and privilege to dodge the draft five different times due to his “bone spurs”. Donald Trump is a traitor, a repeated draft dodger and the largest fraud in the history of our country.
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ssparksflyy · 15 days
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don't save some other girl ᯓᡣ𐭩
pairing jason grace x daughter of minerva!reader summary i lost the request but this one's for you @hope92100 !! an bat shit crazy jason save me... save me bat shit crazy jason
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OF course the one 'peaceful' day you get with jason gets ruined by monsters.
the rest of your crew was spending the day exploring the city, while you and jason agreed to stay behind and guard the ship (could you really call it a ship if it also flew?), hoping to get some peace while you were able to spend some time alone for the first time in weeks.
you were lying in bed with jason and watching a movie when you heard a loud crash come from the main deck. you were both quick to scramble up and dash out of his room, pulling out your swords as you reached the main deck.
you'd be lying if you said you didn't want to run away from the sight of the moster. a godzilla size glowing black squid with ten rapid arms and one big eyeball frantically looking in different directions was right in front of you.
"ill take it's left, you take right! try cutting at it's arms!!" jason yelled as he yelled to the left side of the monster.
you nodded your head frantically and ran to the other side of the deck, ducking and slicing anytime an arm came swinging at you. you weren't able to find a part of the ship where you could stop to think for just a second, maybe get a good view on as to where this monster's blind spot was. once you were able to attack that, this thing would turn to dust and leave you and jason be. looking around frantically, you realized that getting to higher ground was the solution.
continuing to duck and dodge at any squid arms that came swinging in your direction, you climbed the ladder that led to the higher end of the deck, running towards the railing.
"jason!" you called out.
"yea?!" you heard him yell from the other side of the deck.
"i need you to distract this thing, try to get it to focus on you!"
"why? what're you-"
"just do it please!!!"
he didnt reply, but you knew as the monster's arms stared swinging more in his direction, he had done what you asked him to. you squeezed your eyes shut and silently prayed to all the gods your plan would work before beginning to climb on top of the railing.
you held your arms out, trying to balance yourself and not fall with each step you took. you needed to get a hit as close as you could to the monster's back. from there, you could determine where this thing's weak spot was.
you were so focused on your feet and trying to stay on the railing, the only thing that snapped you out of your trance was the impact of the squid's tentacle that sent you flying off that very railing.
as you fell, it felt as if time stopped. as if these were your final moments to 'enjoy' life before falling to your death. the impact wouldn't be what would take you, but the quick currents of the water would be what swept you away, incapable of even processing what was happening. and then you'd die. nothing more, this was it.
you closed your eyes as you accepted your fate, as if you were allowing time to resume it's regular speed.
fortunately for you, somebody else hadn't accepted it.
jason must've swept in at lightning speed because one moment you were falling to your death, and then next you were back on the deck, sitting in a corner while jason rushed back to deal with the monster.
you watched in shock as jason flew around the monster at incredible speed, dodging and attacking every arm that came his way. he began sending down bolts of lighting as he flew, electrocuting the monster when it got too close. you'd never seen him like this, so determined to finish off a monster, such power radiating off of him. you had to admit it was actually quit frightening. you knew jason was powerful, and you hated when people ignored his talents, but seeing him in action like this and experiencing his power at such a high level almost made you scared of him. scared that maybe even you were underestimating his powers. scared if thing things he could possibly do. when you were able to finally see a glimpse of his face, the murderous look he had didn't exactly give you the comfort you were looking for.
in the matter of a minute, jason had the monster covered in the marks of his sword, moving slower than ever. with one final stab to the back, the monster had finally dispersed into dust and into the pits of tartarus.
he finally landed on his feet, taking only a second to catch his breathe before running over to you. he slid onto his knees as he reached you, his hand immediately reaching for the side of your face.
"are you okay? are you alright? gods (name) you scared the living shit out of me, i thought i lost you-"
"im okay, im okay jason. thank you. thank you so much, i..." the words seemed to have caught in your throat. tears began to form in your eyes as the realization that you almost died hit you.
jason realized this as well and pulled you in for one of the tightest hugs you were ever given. it was as if he too needed to realize that you were alright.
as much as you appreciated how much he cared, you couldnt shake off his manic state from just a minute ago. truth be told, you werent sure if you could ever handle to see him like that again. you knew you wouldn't be able to stay quiet for very long, so why try?
"jason?" you said, pulling away from him.
"yea?" he asked, you could hear desperation in his voice.
"i love you, and i know how powerful you are, and i would never want to hold you back but," you paused, "please never ever do that again."
a look of worry spread across his face, "no, no, of course not. im so sorry (name), i didnt know-"
"it's fine. at least i know you wont be saving some other girl anytime soon."
he smiled and pressed a soft kiss on your lips, "wouldnt dream of it"
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alisonsfics · 5 months
first time - part one
pairing: tony dinozzo x reader
summary: being tony’s first serious girlfriend, he was really nervous to have sex. you misinterpret the signals and think he’s no longer attracted to you. eventually, you bring these fears up to him.
/ part two /
word count: 2.3k
warnings: discussing sex, but no smut til part two
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You and your boyfriend, Tony, were walking towards the lobby of the NCIS building. You both were just arriving for work bright and early at 7:30am.
If you got to work after Gibbs, you were considered late. So you and all your coworkers made sure to arrive extra early.
You and Tony were walking in silence. You weren’t exactly in a fight, but things were a little tense.
Tony grasped at his pocket, hoping to feel the outline of his phone. “I left my phone in the car. I’ll go back and grab it. I’ll see you upstairs.” He said, giving your hand a quick squeeze before walking away.
You hurried into the building. You wanted to have some time to talk to Ziva and Abby before Tony showed back up. They were your best friends, and you really needed some relationship advice.
The elevator dinged as you arrived on the floor. You scanned the desks. Ziva was the only one who’d arrived at the office yet. She looked up when she heard the elevator and saw you walk in.
Ziva gave you a warm smile. You quickly set your backpack down at your desk before walking over to Ziva’s desk.
You held both your hands out in front of her. With a confused expression, she let you grab her hands. “Girls field trip. I need to talk to you and Abby about something.” You said, pulling her towards the elevator.
Her mind was spinning with possibilities of what you wanted to talk about. She knew it was probably really interesting if you wanted to talk in private.
You both walked into Abby’s lab. You weren’t greeted by the usual loud rock music. Abby was standing at her computer, half asleep.
You lightly knocked on the open door. “Abby?” You called softly, not wanting to startle her.
Abby jumped away from the computer and turned to face you both. “Late night,” she said, simply.
You walked over to her fridge and grabbed her emergency Caf-Pow. “You’re gonna need this. I need to talk to you both and get some advice.” You said, handing the styrofoam cup to her.
You had grabbed Abby’s attention. “Is this about Tony?” She prodded. You nodded your head without revealing much. Abby’s jaw dropped.
“Ziva, shut the door. I’ll get the chairs.” Abby said, wheeling some stools over in a makeshift circle. Ziva quickly shut and locked the door.
All three of you got seated. You could see the curiosity in their eyes. “Are we finally going to hear about yours and Tony’s sex life?” Abby asked, raising her eyebrows at you.
Without thinking, you corrected her. “Well, I can’t tell you about something that doesn’t exist.” You said, quickly.
That was how you stunned them both. Their eyes grew even wider, and their jaws almost hit the ground.
“You and Tony haven’t had sex yet?!?!” They both exclaimed in unison.
Before you and Tony started dating, he made his sexual escapades no secret to his coworkers. Everyone assumed it would be the same with you two.
Abby had been pestering you for details. The entire office was at least a little curious. When you didn’t give in, Abby assumed you just wanted to keep it private. She never assumed you both weren’t there yet.
You and Tony were both pretty affectionate outside of the office when you hung out with your friends. So, their assumptions made sense.
“You’re telling me that you and Tony, the man who acted like he was the sex god, haven’t had sex yet?” Ziva asked, still shocked.
“Do you just not want to yet?” Abby asked, trying to understand the situation.
You quickly shook your head. “No, it’s not that all. I really want to,” you began to say, which got both Ziva and Abby to smirk at you.
“The problem is Tony doesn’t, but instead of talking about it, he keeps dodging the subject. I feel like he’s not attracted to me anymore, or he never was. Every time I think about it, I start to spiral.” You rambled.
Ziva and Abby were always there to calm you down whenever you were overthinking or needed advice.
Abby immediately started shaking her head. “This is Tony we’re talking about. There’s no way he isn’t attracted to you. He practically drools every time you walk in the room.” Abby tried to persuade you. Ziva nodded, agreeing with Abby.
“Then, explain this. Last night, he invited me over for a movie night. We were making out on his couch, and I thought he was finally going to go for it. But as soon as things started to get heated, he said we should probably get some sleep because we had work in the morning.” You explained.
They both grimaced as you told the story. They didn’t know what it was, but they knew from your story that something was off with Tony.
“Well maybe he’s just nervous.” Ziva suggested, trying to calm your nerves. You were expecting the worst case scenario. You needed them to bring you some optimism.
“But, this is Tony. He’s never been nervous about sex with anyone else.” You argued.
Nothing added up, and you’d been wracking your brain for days.
Ziva and Abby started thinking of other possible explanations, but then there was a knock on the door.
All three of you froze. Abby pressed some keys on her keyboard and pulled up the security camera from the hallway.
She looked over her shoulder to see your reaction. On the screen, you noticed Tony patiently standing outside Abby’s door.
“Please don’t tell him that I’m here.” You said, locking yourself in Abby’s back room. You moved behind the wall, so Tony couldn’t see you through the glass.
You could still hear what was going on in the other room. Abby walked over to the door and quickly opened it. “Oh, hey, Tony. How’re you?” She asked, nonchalantly.
Tony looked between Abby and the now-unlocked door. “Why was your door locked? Oh, hey Ziva.” He said, spotting Ziva over Abby’s shoulder.
“Just having some girl talk,” Abby said, aware that Tony was suspicious. He nodded his head slowly, realizing it made enough sense.
“Have either of you seen my lovely girlfriend? I haven’t seen her anywhere. She seemed a little upset this morning. I think I may have screwed up. I just want to talk to her.” He explained to both the girls.
They both nodded, pretending this was brand new information.
You noticed the other room went silent. Neither Abby, Ziva, nor Tony made a noise. Unbeknownst to you, Abby and Ziva pointed towards the back room.
They knew you both needed to talk this out, so you could go back to being cheesy in the honeymoon stage.
Then, you heard someone tapping on the glass door to the back room.
If there was one thing you should’ve known, it was that Abby couldn’t keep a secret.
You took a deep breath, and then took a step towards the glass door. Tony’s eyes met yours. He gave you a soft smile through the glass.
You gave him a half-hearted smile and slid the door open.
“Abby? Can you we use your back room to talk for a minute?” Tony called over his shoulder. His eyes didn’t leave yours for a second. “As long as you both keep it PG,” Abby quipped, trying to lighten the mood a little.
“Thank you, Abby,” you both said in unison. He took a step closer to you and closed the door behind him.
He scooted you both to where you couldn’t be seen by Abby and Ziva, who were both trying to read your lips.
“I know where this is going, Tony. If you’re going to dump me, can you please do it later at home? I will be mortified if our friends have to watch me leave this room crying.” You told him, bracing for his response.
Tony’s concern increased significantly. He had no idea what you were talking about. He grabbed both your hands. “Slow down. Why would I be breaking up with you?” He asked you.
He tried to read your expression for an answer. He thought if he looked hard enough into your eyes, he could read your mind. You tried to organize what you wanted to say. You were having a hard time arranging a coherent sentence.
“Please talk to me. That’s absolutely crazy? Do you know how much I love you?” He asked you, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand.
You almost felt frustrated that he didn’t know what you were talking about.
“But you won’t have sex with me, Tony. And you won’t talk to me about why that is. You have plenty of experience, so there’s no reason for you to be nervous. So, the only thing I can think of is you’re not attracted to me anymore.” You explained.
He started to slowly shake his head, realizing what spurred your assumptions. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your shoulder, begging for forgiveness.
“That’s not it at all. I promise. I am very attracted to you.” He said, kissing you. His lips pressed against yours firmly. It took everything in your power to pull away from the kiss.
“Then, what is it, Tony?” You asked. You were dreading the possibility of Tony dumping you, but more than that, you wanted answers. You needed clarity.
Tony took a deep breath, looking down at your hands in his. He pulled you over to two of Abby’s stools. He held one stool steady for you to sit down, and then he sat on the other one.
“I’ve been avoiding sex because I’m terrified. I mean, yeah, I’ve had a lot of flings and one night stands, but that’s completely different from sex with you. I’ve never had sex with you. You mean so much more to me than those flings ever did. With you, I want it to be special and perfect, but I’ve never had to do special before. I’m scared that I’ll ruin it.” He explained to you.
You had never seen Tony so vulnerable. His anxiety and worry was written all over his face. You immediately pulled him into your arms, tightly hugging him.
You ran your hands up and down his back, trying to comfort him. Your heart was breaking for him and how concerned he was.
You moved so you were sitting sideways in his lap. He wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head in the crook of your neck.
You slowly laced your fingers through his hair. “You aren’t going to mess anything up.” You whispered in his ear. He looked up at you with an unsure expression.
You pressed a kiss against his temple. “Tony, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Nothing is perfect. I don’t want you to be stressed about this. I appreciate how much you care, and that’s why it will be so special. It’ll be special because you love me and I love you. That is all I need. That’s all I care about, okay?” You reassured him.
His heart was practically melting. Somehow, you always knew the right thing to say. “I love you.” He whispered to you. Your lips curved up into a smile.
He leaned in and kissed your lips softly. “Thank you for understanding.” He said, giving you a kiss after each word he said. You nodded your head.
“How about you come over tonight, and I’ll set everything up, okay? You don’t need to worry about any of it. Just come over.” You suggested.
Tony was so grateful for you. You were able to calm him down when no one else could. “I love you so much.” He told you, smiling. You stood up and pulled him to his feet.
“Let’s get back to work before Gibbs kills us.” You told him, sliding the door open for him. You both stepped back into Abby’s lab and were met with expectant faces. Abby and Ziva was very curious about how your talk went.
“Please tell me your talk went good. You guys are so perfect. I don’t want you to break up.” Abby told you both, with a worried expression. She wrapped her arms around both of you, pulling you into a group hug.
“We’re not breaking up.” You and Tony said in unison.
Abby pulled away from you, looking relieved. “You’re not breaking up. I’m so happy for you both. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I was worried we’d have to pick teams, and I know how much you love each other— but wait that means,” Abby interrupted her own rambling.
Smirks appeared on both Abby’s and Ziva’s faces. “You two are having sex tonight.” Ziva said, noticing the red on Tony’s cheeks.
“We are not taking any comments at this time.” Tony said, putting his hand on the small of your back. He attempted to quickly guide you towards the door, but Gibbs suddenly walked through the door.
“What are all of you doing down here?” He asked, looking around at all four of you.
You and Tony kept your mouths shut. There was no way you were explaining this to Gibbs. Abby, on the other hand, couldn’t lie to Gibbs.
“We did some relationship counseling. Now, they both have some big plans for tonight.” Abby said, winking at the two of you.
The last thing you expected was a chuckle out of Gibbs. You stood in shock as he actually laughed at the situation. You expected a scolding and him to yell “back to work.”
“This day just gets weirder and weirder.” Tony said, taking this awkward silence to usher you both out of the room.
“I’m excited for tonight.” Tony whispered to you, as you both stepped in the elevator. He knew that everything would be okay.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @supernaturalstilinski @stephv213 @warriormirkwood @one-sweet-gubler @narliesstuff @bibissparkles @happygirl-0408 @lizthewriter
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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skelliko · 7 days
Hello first time requesting
I was wondering if I can request reader x hanma were they have a toddler and hanma rough plays with him and overall hanma being a good father to the point that the reader is moved to tears as they see that since they never really saw how a loving father is supposed to look like so it’s like healing their inner child seeing their kid being genuinely loved by their father not just in name
(It’s to heal them daddy issues yes)
a/n: we're in this together cause me too. at first I didn't wanna write it since I've stated I wouldn't write about marriage or pregnancy but I'll let this dodge just cause I said so. (btw I did the kids gender as a boy cause you mentioned 'him' once, not sure if that was on purpose or not but i hope thats okay)
Hanma Shuji |-° a good father
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it was scary getting married, afraid that it would turn south and become unhappy to the point where we'd turn down walls just to get our points across. afraid that cause of all our bickering he'd secretly go with another woman, become avoidant and distant but that hasn't happened, at all.
finding out I was pregnant was terrifying, afraid that I would fail as a mother of a sweet baby and id be the reason for his dreams and innocence being taken away. you don't need to be drastically smart to know that you eventually become your parents, everyone has some sort of element inside of them that resembles their care givers. so I was petrified that I'd turn out like my father, or maybe that I had married the wrong man to commit in having child with; just like my mother. generational trauma doesn't go easy on anyone, so my heart always shook and sank whenever i held my boy.
I try, I really do try a lot to make sure that what I went through won't ever happen to my- our kid and he'll grow up to be loved. but fear does still strike me since I'm yet to figure out how to be as a parent, Im aware that how I grew up wasn't right at all, but that doesn't mean that I know what good parenting looks like.
I've told hanma about my fear of parenting before we had agreed on having a kid, he didn't look at me weirdly, he didn't say anything negative, he didn't tell me that I shouldn't worry half assed as if it should be common sense to figure it out on the spot. instead, he told me not to worry sincerely, he meant every word he said, soothed me with warm words and some of his little jokes, and told me I have plenty of time to figure out if I want to be called 'mom' and that there was no reason to rush into things. so after a few days I've made up my mind and went on to discuss baby names as a hint that i want to keep it.
I hear small giggles in the other room, ones that belong to our child, a child that has the most gorgeous smile and has his father's eyes. his tiny baby hands have grown to be toddlers and he's still growing everyday.
I wiped my hands dry and clean on a towel in the kitchen from washing the vegetables that I was about to cut up and cook. I could have started right away with the cooking but I wanted to quickly see what's so amusing that got our boy all loud and humoured.
leaning against the door frame I saw our boy stood up on his little feet with his arms circling around in the air, Hanma was gently pinching his tummy with this thumb, pointer and middle finger making him ticklish and making 'pow' and 'wow' sounds. Hanma was smiling and laughing along as he'd change him movements to then annoy the kid by tapping him on his cheeks and nose, the boy would try and move hanma's hand away but despite his annoyance he was enjoying it and that just kept Hanma to keep playfuly annoy him.
is that something that fathers do? is that what they call rough play, or is this something else?
a main thing that also struck me in this moment was that hanma was smiling while playing with the boy. Im aware that parents can still smile but seeing his joyed expression instead of a bothered and annoyed look felt really refreshing.
for the past few years we've had our boy he's been nothing else than a good father, sure we've had a few off moments but there will always be short lasting moments where it feels like we're all sinking because of our own mistakes and flaws.
but over time Hanna has made me realize many things, about himself, myself, our boy and on an overall what it means to be a good parent. what considers to be good parenting is a very controversial topic for most but I'd say as long as the child is happy and isn't sat through abuse or neglect, that's more than enough.
my boy will have the childhood that I needed but couldn't have, Hanma is being the father that I needed but didn't have. our boy will be smiling all throughout. while im over here trying to keep in my angsty emotions, c'mon I'm better than this aren't I?
I put a hand over my mouth to stop my quivering lips but my teary eyes took that as a chance to spill over before I could wipe them away. looking away to avoid any attention but before I could go back to what I was doing before; Hanma called my name out and I felt his hands slide up my upper arm and turn me around. he saw me cry before I saw him notice.
"hey hey, what happened? talk to me" he said worryingly
looking at him briefly, I wanted to speak up but even I was unsure on what I was crying about, but then i looked at our boy for a few seconds and it only then clicked in. I shook my head gently before replying "no it's just- you're a good father. and I'm glad our boy will have you to look up to"
hanma immediately brought me into a tight hug but then chuckled a little, I felt the vibration of his laugh against his chest. whats so amusing? "and he has an amazing mother to look up to as well. I know how stressed you've been and I'm really proud of you for how far you've gotten"
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or0ch1maru · 11 months
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🏮Fourth of July with the Akatsuki🎎🎉
Hi loves! Back from my not planned hiatus. My job and small business took up most of my time but now I’m back! Bringing some fun little POV’s and smut. Lots of it!! 😇
-sobbing silently in a corner as to how much money everyone is spending.
-puts on a happy face as he joins his comrades with firework shopping, cringing away when the cashier rings everything up.
-would be slightly depressed but once all the bangs, pows, and booms begin, he cheers up. His green eyes reflecting all the colors dancing across the sky.
-is normally found leaning up against something, watching and observing. It isn’t until Hidan and Konan drag him to join in the festivities.
-DRUNK. Downing as much honey wine and sake his body can handle. Which is a lot may I add.
-tends to be singing random songs throughout the night. Sometimes he hits the right key, but most of the time he sounds like a drunk sailor. Words slurring, thinking he sounds good.
-first one to fall asleep. Hidan forces himself to stay awake as long as possible to continue his drunken antics, and of course, to watch the pretty fireworks.
-may set off one or two, but you’d most likely find him playing with sparklers.
-constantly running away from Tobi who’s trying to send a firework off in HIS direction.
-finds himself up high in trees just to avoid his masked comrades ‘abuse’ as deidara likes to call it.
-will soar up high on his bird, sending his clay bombs down to the earth, causing large explosions. Has a ‘go big or go home’ mentality.
-aims his bombs towards Tobi, and claims it was just an accident when he gets hit. Finds it funny when all he sees is Tobi’s mask flying away through the smoke.
-for about two months before the holiday came around, you’d find him working in his room, creating his own fireworks. Some smaller, while some have larger explosions.
-tends to stick with shades of red and oranges. Makes sure each one has a picture when it goes off. Ex: akatsuki symbol, Tobi’s mask, pains eyes, Konan’s hair clip, Deidara’s bird, money stacks, jashin symbol, and Zetsu’s leafs.
-is the one to take a ton of pictures. His camera sits around his neck as he snaps shots of his comrades and of the art display in the sky.
-runs around all over the place, lighting sparklers, and bottle rockets. Dodges everyone as they try to confiscate the lighter from him, forgetting he can use his fireball jutsu if he wanted too.
-pretends to be scared when the larger ones go off but starts jumping around afterwards. Saying how pretty it was.
-for the few moments he’s actually calm enough to pay attention, he’ll sit crisscross on the ground staring up at the sky.
-whoever ends up sitting beside him, will end up turning into Tobi’s head rest. After all the activity, Tobi will fall asleep resting against someone.
-it took him quite some time getting used to all the noises and different smells that are apart of the holiday. Didn’t like it at first, but now truly enjoys the day.
-you’ll most likely find him near Tobi, talking and joking around. Maybe planning a new way of pranking deidara.
-scared of fire and anything that could burn him. Goes to Konan for help when it comes to lighting something. Turns pink in the face when his sparkler starts to go off. Happy that he’s ‘doing it.’
-just like Kakuzu, he’ll be found resting against a nearby tree, watching as his comrades run around and light off explosives.
-will be hanging around Kisame, who would rather be with his partner than joining in with everybody else. Itachi tries reassuring Kisame that he’s fine by himself and that he should join in.
-ends up with multiple smokers that change color. Tried hiding his coughs through laughs and random comments.
-by the end of the night he’s on cleaning duty with the few that are still awake. Has to help everybody drag in the snoozers.
-when he’s not glued to Itachi’s side, he’ll be handling the food. Grilling, and snack preparing. Took over drink duties since Hidan ended up drinking almost everything.
-makes killer hamburgers. Has to make countless packs after packs since everyone comes back for seconds.
-proudly wears the ‘kiss the chef’ apron Itachi got him as a joke. Refuses to take it off, even when the excitement and night is done.
-when it’s time for his photo to be taken, he holds the spatula in one hand and a lit sparkler in the other, grinning widely, showing off all his sharp teeth.
-just like Sasori, she learned a new jutsu, Just for the occasion. her paper bombs would have colorful explosions and different shapes.
-would be found sitting on a blanket, sending her butterfly origami papers into the sky.
-Konan would zone out on and off during the night as she takes in the loving and fun filled atmosphere around her. would be found later on that night asleep on Pain’s lap.
-would be running around after the trouble makers; Hidan and Tobi. Trying to get them to settle down. The two give him a run for his money.
-becomes the ‘father’ figure of the group and makes sure everyone is okay and well fed.
-will be the main one setting off fireworks and bottle rockets. His thumb will be calloused and sore by the end of the night.
-is in charge of music but will let others play a song or two. Tries to keep any sad or depressing music from hitting the radio as it’s supposed to be a fun experience.
🏮overall, the akatsuki would have so much fun that’d they’d be tuckered out by midnight. Wouldn’t make it to their bedrooms and would agree on having a slumber party in the living area.
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
fic rec friday 44
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Block, Punch, Dodge by @chasing-the-sterek
"You're not bad," Keith says. "I'm going to take that as a compliment and not think about the implication that you thought I was going to be terrible," Lance shoots back, eyes tracking Keith's hand when it twitches towards his hip. /// In which Lance is a secret badass, Keith is surprisingly not as emotionally constipated as normal and everyone cheats at least little bit.
LANCE SANCHEZ KEITH GYEONG RIGHTS ALL DAY EVERY DAY ALL THE FUCKING TIME NEVER ENDING. this is actually one of the first vld klance fic every posted!! a national treasure fr. poweful younger sibling lance my love and light. he is badass and annoying and i love him so bad
2. Tongue Tied by WinterAndLittleBrunettes
Lance and Keith have been dating for a couple months, but have kept their new status under wraps from their families until they were sure this relationship was worth something. Now that they've found that, they decide to tell Lance's family together at the monthly family dinner. But, things don't exactly go as planned.
i will forever and always be obsessed with the secret relationship trope. always always. and its BETTER when its revealed and then the mcclains are like FUCK yeah keith is our BOY finally you make a good decision!!! iconique
3. Secrets and Lavender by VertigoReader101
Lance rolled his eyes. “Not like you know anything about love, Pidge podge.” “And you do?” Pidge questioned. Lance’s eyes subconsciously glanced over to Keith who was stubbornly looking straight ahead, but you could tell he was listening closely. “I’d like to think so.” ````````````````````` Or five times Lance was jealous but couldn't say anything and the one time that he punches someone in the face.
i will ALWAYS love this fic!! the way they love each other so fiercely but they don't trust the world with them yet!!! like!! but they want to. they want to be out and proud but there is patience that needs to work its way through them and their relationship. the way lavender is woven so so intricately through the entire fic...crying and screaming
4. Frilly Apron by @ficletsandthelike
Pidge just wanted some food goo, but disgustingly sweet secret dates might be even better.
more secret relationship bc truly who is going to stop me. also, we as a fandom have failed in implementing a pidge and keith rivalry. this fic is so dorky and funny
5. Rough Cut by zenstrike
The war effort makes demands of everyone. or, that time the paladins are forced to go on a hunt for a diamond and Lance makes everything a little more difficult for Keith.
I WILL ALWAYS BE SO SO OBSESSED WITH ZENSTRIKE. for starters they have written probably one of my favourite klance series of all times. they are the MASTERS of klance being knowing and quietly loving and right on the precipice of falling again and again and again. this fic in particular is so fucking funny and comes with the added bonus of allura losing her whole entire shit at the dumbass mission they're sent on lol
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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needfantasticstories · 2 months
Read here below:
Legend is not happy with the Yiga who captured him.
Trigger Warnings: Canon-typical violence Spiders Cursing/foul language
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
They had teleported. Even as the Yiga blademasters wrestled Legend’s hands behind him, the veteran found muddy ground replaced with solid, reliable stone underfoot. Supplanting the damp forest was a musty cavern full of crates and vender’s stalls. 
“Astor needs the vials! Hurry up with him!” yelled a reedy voice outside the circle of giant red soldiers crushing him. 
With the benefit of solid ground, Legend planted his feet and wrenched his arm forward enough to break loose and shove a hand into his bag. Before they could stop him, the veteran’s fingers closed on a well-worn, familiar handle. 
Legend ignited the brilliant red gem. 
The swarm of Yiga reeled back as he swung the flaming rod. He aimed fiery orbs that rocketed into the nearest one’s mask. The Yiga had reached for their blades too late; the reek of singed hair and burnt flesh remained in the wake of their retreat. 
They gave him room to breathe, room to think, to look. 
“ HYRULE !” Legend shouted, and the word echoed in the cave amid shouts and grunts as they lunged for him again. But he fired volley after volley, pressing them forward and carefully scanning the room. Tapestries with the inverted Sheikah eye in red and black glared down at him, but he found no sign of Hyrule nor the pale white demon here. But he did find a hoard of bananas: in boxes, on market-like stalls, and in barrels. 
Puffs of smoke around the room revealed a wave of six scrawny footsoldiers along the walls and atop crates, aiming scythes and a pair of drawn bows in his direction. Their clothes were muddy and torn, some bleeding from wounds his brothers had given them. 
The archers fired. 
Legend rolled and dodged the shots, rising again with a shout and a fresh wave of fire from his weapon. “WHERE DID YOU TAKE HIM?” Legend roared, panting, sweeping his fire rod across the Yiga soldiers like a scythe. Alone within the enemy’s stronghold, he found no reason to hold back. He could handle the heat, his rings already pulsing with protective magic. Dark scorch marks painted the walls, and high-pitched screams reverberated as orbs hit their targets.
Waves of heat radiated over the back of Legend’s hands as he aimed and released, but it was gentle compared to the scorching gales he invoked on them. 
“Stop, you idiot!” one footsoldier shouted as she fumbled to lose an arrow. She missed him entirely when, with a squeal, she dove to avoid a fireball. She jumped back up, crouched low, and panted, “Yield… and I’ll… make sure… that you…will see him!” Her voice was mockingly kind, a honey laced with poison.  
Legend responded without words, and she danced away to dodge a fiery end, disappearing to the smell of burnt hair. He sent a matching attack to the other archer, who dropped his bow as he shrieked and vanished. 
“You’re going to die here if you keep this up!” yelled a deep-voiced  blademaster as he hurled forward to strike Legend, but the veteran adventurer leapt high, feet far above the blade’s path, and sent an attack of his own toward the man, forcing him away. They did not know about his rings that would keep him safe from the heat. They didn’t know he’d already sworn to burn this whole place down—for Hyrule, for Wild, for his own satisfaction—it would be wiped from the map.
They were starting to keep out of range, but they’d also blocked the door. Hyrule could be in there. 
Another pair of bulky soldiers slammed their palms to the ground, and Legend felt the earth rumble. From the impact points sped circles of burning red light, the air above whistling up from the heat. Magic , tapping into the powers of Din, he guessed. They rushed at him. Legend leapt aside, but the glowing heat followed. Heat scorched his legs, despite his numerous protective enchantments, as he was forced to run, his boots moving him beyond the soldiers that lurched to catch him. 
Behind him, the red glows finally burst, pebbles pelting his back. Legend turned only to see another pair of the red spells giving chase, their creators laughing. 
Legend grinned at the Blademasters and made a rude gesture, letting the lights come closer. At the last moment, he flipped backward and let the lights pass under him. They burrowed under a pillar of stacked banana crates. 
The crates exploded. 
The Yiga shrieked and wailed in horror.  
This could keep them busy.
Legend dodged between shrieking Yiga soldiers as they rushed to put out the fire. Aided by the pegasus boots, he sent blast after blast of fire into the other crates and barrels, and scorched the bunches lying on the tables.
Like a nest of ants, the Yiga scrambled in vain to put out the flames as the whole supply caught fire. More importantly, they left a clear path to the doorway. Scorched bananas landed in the frame, and without thinking Legend scooped them into his bag. He sent back a few more blasts, just in case, as he left the room only to collapse against the stone hallway. 
He could not afford to rest long, not until he found Rule. Soldiers could appear at any moment. But sweat dripped from his face, his hands shook, and the places where his magic usually pooled ached with an emptiness as sharp as hunger. 
Legend hadn’t eaten in hours. He reached for a potion when his hand brushed something warm. He grabbed it too only to find one blackened banana. Shrugging, he ate it quickly, the flesh surprisingly soft and sweet. He’d eaten bananas before, but not like this one. Far more strength than he was expecting fueled him, even replenishing a small portion of his magic. He retreated into the shadows cast by the door, hoping no one saw him beyond the blaze within.
He sipped half of his last magic potion as he scrounged in his pack again. He needed to hide, and fast. And just a moment to rest. Ravio’s bracelet? No paintings here, and he didn’t have a direction. Ice rod? No... His cape! He’d discovered it within a tomb underneath the graveyard just outside Hyrule Castle, long ago. He avoided using it often since it drained his magic quickly; it was difficult enough keeping reserves up before meeting Hyrule, but the fire rod drained him already, despite the thrill of the fight.
 Legend pulled out the heavy garment, dark red with gold trim. He threw it on and hurried into a far corner of the hall, magic fueling the cape. His body faded out of sight. And just in time. Shouts erupted as red lights revealed new soldiers in the hall. Legend pressed into the corner as a half dozen soldiers hurried past into the blazing room.  
“Where is he?” the newcomers demanded. Each voice fought to be heard over the others. “Put that out!”—“The whole place is burning!”---“Sooga is going to kill us!” “He ran that way!”--“Where’s the other one?”---“The Demon Lord said –-”
They don’t know where Rule is? His successor had been limp and unconscious when he last saw him, a sight the veteran wished he could forget. His successor wasn’t brawny or one to pick fights, but he was scrappy, determined,and powerful in magic. And they couldn’t find him! He escaped! For all his confidence in the kid, he could have cried in relief. Sure, the kid could take down a lynel, and could make anything into a weapon. But they both needed to get out of here fast, and the kid might not know he had an ally in here. But how to tell him?
“We need the mage!” one shrieked loudly as he streaked past Legend down the echoing hall. 
Mage? Could that be the pale demon?
“Go! Find them! Now!” a deeper voice roared from inside, drowning out the rest of the yelling.  
Soldiers ran from the room. Legend followed, then passed by on his boots, looking for the soldier who mentioned the mage. 
The cape and pegasus boots were draining what little magic he’d recovered with worrying speed, but he could hold on a bit longer. He had to. Catching up to the soldier who’d run for the mage, he followed close. It was as good a clue as any. He memorized the switchbacking tunnels as he chased after the soldier. How big is this place? They ran for what Legend could only assume was several miles, though it was probably just exhaustion dulling his senses. They passed room after room in quick succession: storerooms, living quarters, mess halls, a smith’s forge.
At last, the soldier ran through a set of double doors. 
Yiga fighters scrambled everywhere. With all the yelling and commotion inside, Rule had to be inside! Legend hurried to follow. 
But the commotion within was not Hyrule. Instead, he entered a foreboding armory: racks of blades and bows covered the left half; three giant, spiked balls too big for a hinox to carry provided the centerpieces dead ahead, a painted, glowing red eye on the largest glared at him, as if alive; ot the right, towers of ghostly white masks filled the wall. Fresh fighters scrambled to arm themselves and receive orders.
Legend stuck to the wall and carefully tracked the soldier he’d been following. The figure dashed past the other Yiga, hurrying behind the dais with the spiked spheres.
Legend followed quickly, catching bits of banter: colorful complaints over and over that neither the Heroes called Legend nor Hyrule could be found.
How do they know us? How does Ghirahim know about Hyrule’s curse? Why take me too?
With a muffled grunt of pain, Legend hid behind the giant metal ball just as his magic ran out. His chest ached, and his blood felt cold and slow, but he forced his eyes to take in the narrow, secluded area in the back of the armory. He was visible now, but the soldier leading him to the mage was already halfway through a hidden doorway. 
Legend ducked low, and followed. 
The Veteran caught the door before it closed. He shoved it open just enough to slip inside, noting how the torch nearby slid down as he did. 
A massive table stood in the center, surrounded by stiff-back but elegantly carved chairs. A symbol had been scratched out and recarved on each – an eye poorly covering the triforce. 
A war room. Schematics and charts and maps covered the wall, from strange looking helmets decorated with lightning bolts to designs for flying platforms (manned by what he guessed were bokos), to poorly drawn maps of Wild’s Hyrule.
Including a map of the caves. 
Another door on the far wall stood ajar. “Your Eminence?” a voice called from inside. 
Legend snatched the map and ducked under the table. It wasn’t the safest place, but it would have to do. 
A grumble preceded the soldier’s return from the mysterious room beyond. He passed Legend’s hiding place, muttering, “where in the shadow realms is he? Sooga is going to kill us!” as he returned to the armory. 
The mage wasn’t in the room? Perfect. Legend rolled out and forged ahead, eating another banana as he went. 
Licking his fingers, he entered a large study and immediately gagged. It reeked of foul body odor and wet dog hair and rotten fruit. He covered his nose and mouth, and looked around. Shelves overburdened with books lined the walls, the tomes crammed mercilessly and coated in dust, veiled in cobwebs. One book lay open with obvious care on the central table, perched atop an elegantly carved stand and flanked by tall glass oil lamps, glowing orange.
His stomach growled. Two bananas wasn’t nearly enough.
Fumbling in his bag, the veteran snatched the last banana and glared at it as he peeled. Stupid Yiga and their inexcusably delicious fruit. It refreshed him more than he cared to admit. Unfortunately, it still did little for his dwindling reserves of magic. Between the firerod, boots, and cape, he barely had enough magic left to hide for a few seconds, and his quick glance at the map revealed a sprawling dungeon complex. 
Moving carefully around the crowded table, Legend looked around for something useful. It was quiet enough he could hear the rustle of his clothes, completely immune to the chaos and shouting two rooms away. A silencing spell? The room pulsed with enchantments, spells, and curses, their auras tangling and mixing to the point that he could not identify most of them. Each had a sort of flavor or sense to them, but one dominated the rest: a sense of endless hunger mixed with anger, glowing magenta and tasting like wine and ashes. It was hard to pin down, but it made his throat burn.   
On a shelf beside a crowded desk stood a battalion of bottled potions in rows. Legend hurried to read the labels. He blew dust off of the corks and fluted shoulders, and then smiled. Healing, stamina, magic, and electricity resistance. Legend uncorked a green one and smelled it. Dancing Din! A Magic potion!  
He dumped the whole stock into his pouch save the one he’d smelled, which he guzzled, the liquid tickling his dry throat. It tasted like spring sunshine in a bottle. It soothed and filled and spread from throat to chest to arms and legs to toes and fingers. His boots hummed with power, as did the firerod sheathed on his hip. Legend smiled and sighed at the tingle of magic racing down his veins.  
This was going to work. He had enough potions to search the caves for days. Weeks! No one would see him, and nothing would stop him. 
Legend grabbed the whole stock of healing potions and, after removing a bit of firewood he had been storing for Wild, he had plenty of room for all of them. Legend dumped the whole supply in his pouch. With a satisfied grin, he replaced his cape and disappeared once more. 
Legend pushed back the bookstand and set the pilfered cave map on the table. The layout was strange, with zigging, zagging, and curving halls, but he could see the layout. He’d need to search every room, and leave a trail to make sure Rulie could find him as he went. 
Course now set, Legend glanced again at the massive book.  
Browned pages, cracked with age, showed a heavily stylized ink drawing, angular and ugly: a tripod lashing dominated the page: three logs tied securely into a triangular structure. A Hylian in a pale tunic dangled by the wrists under it. Dark red ink trailed down the arms and chest and dripped into a wide stone basin. Red ink flowed down a channel within the basin into a large clay pot. A beastly, tusked shadow sat inside it.
Shit shit shit shit!
Legend slammed the book closed and shoved it in his bag. He had to get Rulie out of here. Now . Who the hell was this mage? 
Cape and fire rod at the ready, Legend left two bombs on the floor atop the firewood, and ran back the way he came. He barely closed the door to the war room when the explosion shook the cave.
Soldiers in the armory shouted in response. He hurried along the wall to avoid detection. 
He paused beside the door as a group of footsolders ran into the armory. 
“They blew it up!” one shouted, his voice high-pitched with incredulity.
“Where the hell are they!”
“Damned heroes!”
“I’m gonna gut every last one of them when he’s finished with them!” The others yelled in agreement, surveying the damage from the side while others ran to put out the flames. 
And Legend knew that, given a chance, they would. He stopped feeding magic to the cape.
The Yiga soldiers startled when they saw him, then crouched and raised their weapons.
“Where is the Hero of Hyrule?” Legend demanded.
“We’ve got one!” a soldier shouted into the hall behind Legend. The Veteran grinned. Good. Let them come. 
“Surrender, Hylian filth!” one laughed. “You’re outmatched! There’s no escape!”
“WHERE? IS? HE?” Legend demanded again, voice echoing down the hall as he adjusted the grip on his fire rod.  
The five soldiers moved fast, but not one reached him. 
Legend left the blazing room behind, and no longer bothered with the cape. Hyrule can find me better this way. I’ll mark a trail for him. 
As if in a trance, he slashed and burned hallway traps, footsoldiers, blademasters, stockpiles, and weapons racks. Scorches, ash, and embers trailed in his wake. Passing an underwater canal and a hoard of bokoblins hiding there, he cleared every room he found, sweating and panting, but he downed one of the stolen potions and forged on. Yiga popped away almost as soon as they appeared.
He blazed through a sort of court, empty but for a few sleepers rudely awakened. He let them vanish. 
There was a crease in the wall behind them, marking a hidden passage. He used his power bracelets, their hum familiar and soothing, and he shoved the wall open.
Snow and sand drifted in on the wind. It was strangely dark. 
“HYRULE!” He screamed, and immediately regretted it.
He took it in rapidly: Sand. Snow. Webs. Skultulas.  
The spiders stopped their slow creeping and turned to face him. A multitude of eyes locked onto the hero. They began chittering and clacking. 
Fuck! He wasn’t expecting that.  
He sent out a barrage of fireballs, then slammed the door on them and leaned against it, just to be sure it stayed put. He breathed hard, his body begging for rest and his legs trembling, his mind reeling at the new enemy. 
This was not on the map.
Writers block was HORRIBLE, so thank you HotCheetoHatred for your patience, and Estelian for your amazing art that broke me out of it. I have been DYING to get this chapter out ever since I wrote it. It feels great to finally set it free! I hope you enjoyed the update! There's so much more to come!
(@la-sera I updated the fic! I hope it entertains!)
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its-all-or-nothing94 · 4 months
Like a Hurricane // JJ Maybank x OC - Part 1
Summary: Sky is a Pogue through and through. No one would doubt that. But what will happen if her Dad just disappears, and after nine months, she and her brother face the consequences with DCS? Sky tries to manage her way through a literal storm but also the storm of secrets, confessions, friendships, and... summer.
Warnings: language, use of alcohol, talk of death
Pairing: JJ Maybank x OC
A/N: And I'm back with an all-new Outer Banks story :) Yay! I got so invested in that show that I couldn't just binge-watch the whole show, as I didn't want it to end. And yes this is more a "reimagine". Don't @ me ;)
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Finally. We've waited a long time for the summer break to finally arrive. No more school, no more responsibilities. Not that my brother would care about that ever since our father went missing.
But hey, we're the Pogues, and our mission this summer is to have a good time all the time.
On the terrace of their new hangout, the Pogues lounged, beers in hand, basking in the golden-orange hue of the setting sun. The vibe was effortlessly relaxed and warm.
"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck?", Pope questioned, eyeing the boy teetering on the rooftop, beer casually in tow. "I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival."
The blonde girl with the side braid perched on a scaffold nearby, beer can in hand, gazed upward nonchalantly. "So?"
John B paused, wetting his finger and testing the wind. "Should I do it?"
"Yeah, jump", urged the blonde boy with the cap, sitting next to Sky.
Pope, brandishing a drill playfully, aimed it at John B. "I'll shoot you on the way down."
"You'll shoot me?"
"Yep", he replied with a shrug.
John B mimed a gun with his hand, pointing at Pope. "Pow!"
"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers," Kiara announced, stepping out. She was striking, her light-dark skin and wavy hair catching the last light of day.
Beside Sky, JJ chuckled. "Of course. Why wouldn't they?"
Sky shared a knowing look with JJ, a sly grin on her lips. "You know what's next," she whispered, sparking a grin from JJ.
"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess?" Kiara lamented.
"Poor turtles", Sky responded with playful sympathy, standing up.
JJ shrugged. "I can't have cold towels."
Kiara ignored him and looked up at John B. "Can you please not kill yourself?"
Sky jumped down from her perch, finishing her beer with a swift gulp. "I mean, one less Routledge, who gives a shit?" she said sarcastically. "Oh wait, me! I would give a shit. Get the fuck down, JB!"
"Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one", JJ warned his best friend.
Unfazed, John B balanced precariously, but a sudden gust of wind caught him off guard. His beer plummeted to the terrace below.
"Of course you did," JJ grumbled.
Kiara turned away, shaking her head. "Smooth..."
The blonde girl sighed and rubbed her face. "Dumbass..."
Pope, peering over the balcony, spotted a security guard emerging from a parked car.
"Hey, uh, security's here," he informed the others. "Let's wrap it up."
JJ looked around, glanced quickly at Sky, and smiled. "Boys are early today."
"Humpty Dumpty, let's roll," Sky said smugly.
"Yeah," John B agreed, walking down to the others.
"Let's go, boys," Kiara smiled, and they started to hurry.
JJ, teasing as always, exclaimed: "Gary, is that you?"
"Get down", Sky said to her brother.
JJ, still in light spirits, laughs as he sees that it is indeed Gary. "Gary, good to see you, man!"
They made their way downstairs, JJ's leaking behind. "JJ!" Sky laughed and pulled him along.
With Gary's backup close behind, the Pogues had to swiftly escape, leaping fences and dodging the guards. John B had the Twinkie, his van, revved up and ready. They piled in, laughter and adrenaline mixing, as one guard gave futile chase.
"Come on guys, you're giving him a heart attack," Kiara laughs, and Sky nudges her.
In high spirits, they sped off into the summer night, the promise of adventure ahead.
The Outer Banks, Paradise on Earth.
It's the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island.
The nice side of the Island is called Figure Eight. It's the rich side of the island. Home of the Kooks. So, guess where we don't live.
And then, there is the south side or the Cut. Home of the working class who make a living busing tables, washing yachts, running charters.
The natural habitat of... drumroll please... the Pogues. That's us. Pogues, pogies, the throwaway fish. Lowest member of the food chain.
Okay. So, the downside of Pogue life is we're ignored and neglected. But the upside of Pogue life? We're ignored and neglected, which means we do whatever we want, whenever we want.
But who are we?
There's JJ. My brother's best friend since the third grade. Meaning that I couldn't get rid of him even if I wanted to.
He's about as local as they come. Latest in a long line of fishing, drinking, smuggling, vendetta-holding salt-lifers who made their living off the water. Best male surfer I know. But don't tell him I said that. I wouldn't hear the end of it. Mild kleptomaniac and a future tax cheat, for sure. And then there's his secret – a massive, undeclared crush on me. Of course, I'm totally oblivious to it. No one knows about it. Well, that's the story, as my brother would probably kill him anyway.
Then there's Kiara, or Kie, as we call her. My best friend and the only other female Pogue apart from me. When not saving turtles or, listening to Marley, or getting a dolphin tattoo (which, for the record, I totally didn't convince her to get – okay, maybe I did), she hangs out with us. We are all not really sure why, though.
So, she's a rich kid, actually. Foot in both worlds. Her family owns The Wreck, my workplace, this Outer Banks institution. Total cash cow with the tourists. We are not really sure how her parents feel about us, well at least about the boys, as I think they kind of like me.
All of the guys had a thing for her at least once.
And then there's Pope. The brains of the operation... finalist for the Lucas T. Vanderhorst Merit Scholarship. And probably the smartest person I know. He's a little bit of a weirdo, to be honest. His father's this legendary character, Heyward. Anything you wanted on the island, Heyward could get for you.
Now, I'm not sure Heyward knew what to make of his oddball son, but it didn't matter. He was a Pogue, just like the rest of us.
There's John B – my twin brother. At first glance, no one would peg us as twins. John B, with his dark hair and deep-set eyes, starkly contrasts my light blonde hair and grey eyes. But beneath these superficial differences lies an unbreakable bond. John B and I have always been incredibly close, sharing a connection that goes beyond mere appearances. He's the undisputed leader of the Pogues, a role he takes as naturally as breathing. In his leadership, there's a sense of adventure, a hint of recklessness, and a deep-seated loyalty that binds all of us together. His presence is both a guiding force and a constant reminder of the unspoken understanding and support we share as twins.
And then there's me, Skylar Artemis Routledge. Or Sky. Talk about a mouthful of a name, right? Thanks a bunch, Mom and Dad. As I mentioned earlier, I'm the younger twin sister of John B – younger by a mere four minutes, a fact he never lets me forget, flaunting it like a badge of honor. My world? It revolves around the thrill of surfing, the freedom of skating, and, of course, my fiercely loyal band of friends. Oh, and about the infamous "no Pogue on Pogue macking" rule? Guilty as charged. That's on me. Or, more accurately, it's because of my overprotective brother, who's made it crystal clear: nobody messes with his "baby sister." It's a title I wear with a mix of annoyance and affection, but hey, that's family for you.
John B and I call an old fish shack on the marsh our home, fondly nicknamed "The Chateau" by our dad. That's how he always referred to it, with a hint of irony and a lot of love. Our dad... he vanished nine months ago while chasing the legend of a shipwreck. In this day and age, who just disappears at sea?
I miss him every single day. John B does, too, the weight of his absence hanging silently between us.
Our mom is a different story. She left when we were just three, a distant memory more than a mother. Last I heard of her, she was in Colorado, or at least I think it was Colorado.
But we've still got Uncle T. Ever since Dad's disappearance, he's been our so-called legal guardian. Right now, he's off in Mississippi, busy building houses. That leaves just John B and me free to roam with our friends, masters of our own little world.
Three months after Dad was declared missing, they wanted to pronounce him dead officially. But John B wouldn’t sign the papers. He's adamant that there's no giving up until he sees a body. As for me... well, as three months stretched into six, my hope quietly faded away. I hate to admit it, but I've stopped expecting a miracle.
John B and Sky found themselves seated in the stark, clinical setting of the sheriff's office, facing a social worker named Cheryl. Her gaze fixed on the twins, who wore expressions of casual, almost practiced boredom.
"John, Skylar, it's come to our attention that you're unemancipated minors living on your own," Cheryl began. At this, John B and Sky shared a quick, knowing glance before bursting into laughter.
"No... Not really," Sky drawled, slouching further in her chair, her face etched with defiance.
"No," echoed John B, shaking his head.
Cheryl sighed deeply, intertwining her fingers with a look of forced patience. "I need honesty to help you two. That's what we're aiming for, right?" she asked, her eyes shifting between the twins.
"We're being honest," John B insisted as Sky puckered her lips in a mock pout.
All too aware of the teenagers' evasiveness, Cheryl let out another sigh. "Okay, then, when's the last time either of you spoke to your uncle?"
The twins exchanged another glance, their silent communication a testament to their unspoken bond.
Sky glanced at her empty wrist. "Uh... 34 minutes ago, to be exact."
"And when did you last see him?"
This time, John B chimed in. "Two hours and, uh... 43 minutes ago?"
Sky couldn't help but chuckle, biting her lip – a habitual gesture.
"John... Skylar, we're planning to visit tomorrow to speak with your uncle. If he's not there, we'll have to proceed with foster care arrangements," Cheryl explained, her tone a mix of sternness and concern. Sky scoffed at the notion. "I assure you, our goal is to find you both a safe, loving home."
They actually thought we were gonna be happy to hear that. Bullshit! I knew that they would separate us, and, almost as bad, they would get us to the mainland.
And that's where this story starts. Our dad missing, our uncle MIA, and the bride of Frankenstein threatening us with foster care.
That evening, the Pogues sat by a fire at the beach. They had fun, but one was missing. John B sat a bit further away and gave in to his thoughts. Sky sat next to JJ, who causally had his arm around her shoulders.
"What's up with him?" JJ asked, and Pope and Kie were looking at Sky.
She sighed and shrugged. "It's his way of coping, I guess... They-" She gulped and sighed again. "They want to swing by tomorrow, talk to Uncle T."
JJ pulled Sky closer. "Come on, they can't just drag your asses away. You're Pogues. You belong here."
Sky's smile faded a little. "Tell that to them."
JJ's smile faded as well, as he looked down at the blonde next to him. Kiara couldn't help but smile at the sight. She realized, for some time now, how much JJ liked Sky. Not just liked, but liked.
"Have you heard about the hurricane? It's heading right towards us", Pope then said and showed them the news channel on his phone, and Sky looked at him, sighing.
She wiggled out of JJ's arm and stood up. "Well, at least one good thing comes of it." She took out her phone, and the others looked at her, confused.
"DCS, how can I help you?" Sky tipped her finger to her lips. "Yeah, uh... I think we have to reschedule."
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As Sky was at home later, thunder was crackling, and the wind took off. JJ sat on her porch on his phone. Sky just looked out to the ocean, wondering where her brother was.
"Hey yo, you know where John B is?" she turned and looked at JJ, who looked up at her.
He shrugged. "Nah, but my guess..." He pointed his head towards the ocean.
"He's really going for it, huh?" Sky muttered under her breath, turning back to the sea again.
JJ stood up and put an arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry, Barb. He's gonna be fine."
Barb. That was another thing. JJ called me that for as long as I can remember. Well, at first, it was Surfer Barbie, what many people call me, to be honest, so he just called me Barbie, and that morphed into Barb. He's the only one who calls me that.
Sky sighed once again and turned, walking into the Chateau. JJ looked after her with a questioning look, before he sat back down on the porch.
Shortly after, Sky walked out again with a Whiskey and two glasses. "Might as well..."
She poured some of the brown liqueur into the glasses and slid one over to JJ. He grinned at Sky and took it into his hand.
"The good glasses? What's the occasion?" he asked and winked at her.
"Don't know... When Aggie hits, they might break anyway..."
They clinked the glasses together and smiled at each other before taking a sip.
Forty-five minutes later, the almost full bottle was empty, and Sky sat on the porch bench with JJ, her legs over his lap. JJ has his hands on her shins and caresses them absently.
The conversation, deep and meandering under the influence of alcohol, takes a turn as JJ gazes into the distance, where lightning from the approaching Hurricane Agatha flickers ominously. "Barb," he slurs slightly, "have you ever thought about, you know, dating one of us Pogues? Like, hypothetically speaking?"
Sky, her head leaning back, a relaxed smile on her face, responds with a teasing lilt, "JJ, you know the rule. No Pogue on Pogue macking. John B made it pretty clear."
But JJ is undeterred, his eyes intense. "That rule is bullshit. It's just something John B came up with, so we don't mack on you. But seriously, what if? What if the rule didn't exist?"
Sky turns to face him, her expression softening in the dim porch light. "What if, huh?" she muses, the alcohol making her thoughts swim. "I don't know, JJ. It's a weird thought. We're like... family, you know?"
JJ nods, serious. "Yeah, I know. But sometimes, I think, 'What if.' What if the person you're supposed to be with is right in front of you, and you're just too blind to see it because of some stupid rule?"
The confession, raw and honest, hangs between them. Sky looks into JJ's eyes, seeing the vulnerability and sincerity within. "JJ, are you asking if I've ever thought about you that way?" she whispers, the storm's energy charging the air around them.
JJ meets her gaze, his voice earnest. "Maybe I am. Maybe I'm tired of pretending that I haven't thought about it. About you."
The intensity of the moment builds, mirroring the storm's crescendo. But then, Sky, sensing the conversation veering into serious territory that she's not ready to navigate, especially not under the influence, lets out a laugh. It's light, an attempt to diffuse the tension.
"JJ, you're drunk, and your emotions are all over the place. It's just the whiskey talking."
JJ's gaze lingers on her, a mix of longing and frustration in his eyes. "Maybe," he concedes, "but what if it's not? What if—"
Skye cuts him off with a light laugh, leaning in to bump her shoulder against his. "Oi, Bandolero, trust me. You're going to wake up tomorrow and realize you were just feeling extra sentimental because of the storm and the whiskey."
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A little later, as the conversation drifted and the storm raged outside, Sky and JJ succumbed to sleep on the porch. Suddenly, Sky felt a persistent poking at her cheek.
Blearily opening her eyes, she was jolted awake by the looming figure before her, illuminated starkly by a flash of lightning.
"Jesus fucking Christ, are you out of your damn mind?" Sky exclaimed, her words directed at her drenched brother, who stood before her, surfboard in tow.
The commotion roused JJ, who blinked groggily at John B.
"That's your concern? What the hell are you guys still doing out here? Get inside!" John B barked, hauling Sky to her feet.
Sky, unimpressed, retorted as she was ushered inside, "Look who's talking, big bro. Did you seriously try to surf in this mess?" Behind them, JJ, barely awake, stumbled into the living room, collapsing onto the pull-out couch.
John B paused, eyeing his best friend's form. "What happened to him?" he asked, amusement lacing his voice.
Sky, smirking, replied as she headed to her room, "Dad's Highland Park. Turns out our Bandolero over there isn't as seasoned a drinker as he likes to claim." She paused at her door, glancing back at John B. "Good night."
"Night," he responded, his smile lingering as he made his way to his own room.
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caerbannogmochi · 1 month
Call of Cthulhu 7e Characteristics, explained with tomatoes
Strength (STR): Being able to lift a box of tomatoes.
Constitution (CON): Being able to eat a bad tomato.
Size (SIZ): Being able to make that guy regret agreeing to give the food bank your weight in tomatoes.
Dexterity (DEX): Being able to catch* that thrown tomato.
Appearance (APP): Having people assume you're covered in tomato juice and not blood.
Education (EDU): Being able to identify that you've just had an heirloom tomato thrown at you.
Intelligence (INT): Being able to realize that's a tomato poltergeist throwing tomatoes at you.
Power (POW): Being able to eat the tomato poltergeist, as it attacks you.
*dodge is a specific skill
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idontknowreallywhy · 8 months
Stars Are Only Visible In Darkness
A scene thrown down in my lunch break. I’m still not particularly confident writing Serious things but this was inspired by two things -
A song on the Scott playlist shared by @lenfantdeverone this morning - Battle Cry by Imagine Dragons which has some lovely angsty chord sequences, gorgeous vocal melody and the cracker of a line that is the title of this little ramble.
The most excellent @sofasurf who is constantly encouraging and has clearly slightly broken my brain with her angsty-ptsd-Scott writing. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Here is a weirdly dark birthday present for you… 😘
It’s established fanon that Scott ended up as a POW in Bereznik while in the Air Force, but how did that happen? One possible version of events…
Fear and fury danced a tango through his veins as he watched the khaki-clad thugs surround the small group of children and a woman he guessed was perhaps their teacher? An impromptu lesson in how to calmly stand up to playground bullies was underway but this particular gang was armed and accountable to nobody. One of them laughed with a coldness that sent ice rocketing down his spine.
He tried to tear his eyes away and move on. But his body was deaf to his logical instructions and so he waited.
It had been nearly 44 hours since he had been spiralling towards the ground with both engines aflame. He hadn’t stopped moving since his parachute caught on a rocky outcrop and arrested his fall with a jolt he was still feeling in his shoulders. He’d dodged the roving bands of soldiers and all the locals too - for how could he know who to trust? And even if he could, he’d only endanger them further. He’d crept slowly but surely towards the local town - hoping for somewhere to hide, food to steal, maybe some kind of weapon more useful than the short length of crumbling iron railing he carried and then… Well. A plan of some kind.
The town had been used as a shield for the local militia and everyone who lived there was effectively imprisoned in their own neighbourhoods. From the moment he’d entered through the heavily guarded gates clinging to the bottom of a truck he wondered how any of them were still functioning.
The devastation and oppression he had witnessed had crept under his skin like a poison he knew he couldn’t outlive. He would carry it for always now. 
The latest Allied onslaught had meant half the place was in ruin. The residents were stoically keeping on going as best they could with what remained… as well as the makeshift medical centre he’d clocked a handful of shops, a tiny church and the primary school across the square from where he crouched among those that were still welcoming people through their sandbagged doors.  
As for the rest… well… at least all the rubble and mostly-collapsed buildings provided shelter for one who knew how to use it. He’d slipped from shadow to shadow. 
Watching, listening. 
And it had paid off. His grasp of the local language was basic but he knew some key words and because of that he knew a cargo plane of armaments was due to arrive at the playing-fields-turned-airstrip on the other side of town in 2 hours. All he had to do was get there unseen, stow away until the ship was airborne again and then overpower the single pilot with the sedative that was the sole item left in the micro first aid kit stowed in his left thigh pocket.
The plan kept him upright when the despair surrounding him dragged his bones towards the ground.
The teacher crouched and addressed her flock with a gentle but emphatic tone as the soldiers jeered behind her. One lad shook his head, horrified, and one of the taller girls frowned and grasped her by the arm. She was shaken off and the trembling woman barked a one-word command that echoed through the courtyard
Even he knew that word. And his brain shrieked at him to obey…
Seconds ticked by. Each one should have been taking him closer to that airstrip. He had a home to get back to. Brothers to get back to. Dad, Grandma, the farm. That cute librarian he’d promised to meet for coffee when he returned from duty. The smell of maple pancakes and bacon. A thousand sunrises. Hugs. Probably a medal and recognition as a war hero.
He had a life to live…
But so did the woman not 30 feet away, who was now stiffening her spine and lifting her chin in defiance to impossible odds. 
She was more of a hero than Scott would ever be, the quiet, un-showy type only visible when everything else became so desperately dark. The kind that made the world worth saving.
He tightened his grip on the rusty metal bar and stepped out of the shadows into the square. 
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Ok a TBC did happen and got a bit massive…
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theelderhazelnut · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by dear @socially-awkward-skeleton <3
Writing taglist (to be added/removed): @vivilovespink @scentedcandleibex @darialovesstuff @confidentandgood @spacestephh @takiisieju-moved @cyberneticsanguinaire @inafieldofdaisies @carlosoliveiraa @shegetsburned @bloody-arty-myths @zoetheneko @hi-thisiszira @admin-pipes @mitsuko-saito @malewifefirestar @krysta-cross @huepazu @cassietrn @breakfwest @nightbloodbix @middlechildwhoescapedthebasement @ninibear3000 @cyb3r-v4l @aceghosts @sinclxirx @gavincruikshanksexhusband @voidika @orbitinytheworld @strangefable and anyone else that has smth to share
This is a drabble that takes place a while after Ombra’s first day in Black Dragon. Ombra goes there just to see Alex ( @chadillacboseman ) again, and analyze him a bit more. Also, she meets Alora ( @bihanspookies ). This is not proof read!
It was worth it to encounter Kano so uncomfortably often just to see him for a few minutes. Alex Demir was making me more and more curious each day. He was handsome for sure, and also charming in his own way, but those kind eyes looking at me so cheerfully and that toothy smile which belonged to a baby boy, they did not belong to this mess of a fight club.
I put my hands in my pants’ pockets, and watched General Argen dodging a woman’s poweful punches and kicks. Argen happily followed me and insisted on fighting all day in the cage; just like a toddler going to the amusement park with his mother. The savage crowd around the fighting cage were ripping their throats apart by their endless screamings.
I scanned them from where I was standing - away in the shadows -, hoping to catch a glimpse of Alex. I would not miss that messy bun and headband, and of course, that height. But apparently, he wasn’t there.
I turned on my heels to go for a walk around the club; all around it. That was the main reason I came here in the first place, and that very motovation blooming in me made me nervous. From the first second Argen and I entered the portal to Earthrealm I kept reminding myself that this would pass. I would analyze him, his behavior and who he actually was, and I would erase him from my mind. The only reason that dragged me all the way from Metalrealm to Black Dragon was his Turkish accent, not his cute jokes and the way his pretty eyes gleamed when he looked at me… .
No! No, no, no, no, no!
I stood still. I was obeying my emotions.
“There you are, Ms. Ironhead.” A feminine voice called, a little bit lost in the distant yellings and deafening music. Her auburn hair was neatly braided, and the sleeveless turtleneck highlighted her well trained muscles.
“Alex and I heard that you have paid us another visit. He’s looking for you, I guess. He was thinking that he could use your help with that new explosive he’s crafting. And I have found you now. Guess I’ve done a big favor for him.” The woman explained.
Despite her implied humor, he intense blue eyes were daggers to my own.
I nodded. “Thank you.” And I started walking again.
“Nice jaw, by the way.” She threw a compliment in a totally monotone voice.
I rose my hand in appreciation, then immediately made a turn, and the increasing volume of the noises was reduced dramatically. I dashed in the corridor untill I reached the stairs. I flew upstairs, passed a corridor, and made another turn. My heart was booming in my chest.
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The End of a Lonely Road: Part 3.
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Aright Gyalusetsu...I don't care anymore...I'm just so tired of this...
*He retrieves his blade and points it at him.
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Let's just finish this...
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*Matta draws his own blade as well, and they start fighting. Unlike most of their fight, Matta attacks first and Kuripa counters every move he makes.
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*Subsequently, Kuripa attempts to stab forward while Matta blocks his blade in multiple directions, catching the final thrust with his hand. Kuripa leaps backward to avoid him as he slashes forward, but the blade still leaves a nick on his shoulder.
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*Kuripa is pushing Matta back with his scimitar, but he manages to stun him by kicking one of the Zetsubou soldier corpses at him. Matta manages to avoid Kuripa's blows quite easily, even after it connects and he lunges forward.
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*Once Matta completely recovers his vision, he twirls his weapons and shoots Kuripa a few times, which he deflects with his blade, before lunging at him with the sword. However, Kuripa once again grabs one of the carcass of the deceased Zetsubou soldier, and uses it as a meat shield, which gets Matta's sword stuck in his body. Kuripa then whacks the body downwards, which disarms Matta.
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*Kuripa attempts to stab Matta again after he loses his blade, then launches an angry array of attacks, slashing the time-displaced warrior in various directions while screaming. While Matta narrowly avoids most of the damage, Kuripa does inflict a large gash across his chest. But before Kuripa can react on this, he shoots him in the chest with his gun, point blank.
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*Matta locks Kuripa's head in an armlock, but Kuripa counters with an elbow and slides back. After trading blows, punches, and swords once more, Matta throws Kuripa back and grabs his belt.
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Let's get some light on in here!
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*Kuripa's face becomes frightened as Matta reaches for his belt and pulls out a handful of grenades! He then sporadically throws them at Kuripa, and they detonate on contact!
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*Kuripa screams as he dodges the explosions which take out the walls and the area around him...But soon enough, he runs out of options.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 22 hours
Prompt: “I sleep better if you’re around.”
Pairing: Douglass x Blakely
It's late-late, even by base standards. Everett is lying on his back on his rack, staring at the ceiling and wishing he could sleep. But he can't. Not really. He's dozed on and off all night, but it's nothing like real sleep. 
He's surrounded by replacements. Nice guys to the last of them. But replacements all the same. With Harry and Jack both up the chain, they're in a different barracks. And with so many of the guys he trained with dead or locked up (not that he didn't breathe a sigh of relief when the POW lists came through; so many more fellas are alive than he'd ever guessed), well, it's not easy to sleep in a room full of strangers. 
The door opens, and Everett hears a well-known chuckle followed by some murmured words. 
"Easy, kid," James murmurs, voice carrying because the barracks is basically silent otherwise. He sounds amused and tolerant. More sober than Everett would guess for how long he's been at the Officer's Club with a few of the new fellas. Doing his part to make the new boys feel welcome. Just like Rosie, Everett thinks. He tries to follow Rosie's lead too, but tonight, he hadn't had the energy. Tired to his bones for some reason he can't name, so he'd begged off for an early night, cited the headache he actually has (and still hasn't gone away). 
"Here, here," James whispers, and Everett hears the messy shuffle of boots that tells him the new guy's definitely had more than a few. "Here. Take my rack. Yours is all the way on the other end, and when you wake up bursting to piss, you don't wanna have to run the whole way."
"Thanks, Dougie," the replacement slurs, and Everett grins at the quiet, pained groan that leaves James's mouth. He's been dodging that nickname since basic, and every now and again, it comes back around to haunt him. 
"I'll be right next to you, okay?" James says. 
"Whose rack is it?" the replacement asks, already sounding half-asleep. 
"Blakely's," James replies. 
"Oooh, your fella."
"Yup. You fall asleep now, all right? Just reach over and give me a shake if you feel sick."
"Uh-huh," the replacement says. There's a squeak and the sounds of shifting, then silence again. 
"I'm awake," Everett whispers as James gingerly sits on the edge of his rack. 
"Oh hi," James replies. He leans in and cups Everett's face, kisses him on the mouth. He tastes more of cigarettes and Coca-Cola than whiskey, though there's a hint of it in the corner of his mouth. 
"You sober?" Everett asks as he turns on his side. 
"Most of the way," James replies. "Cut myself off after three." He leans over, clearly unlacing his boots. In the deep shadows of the hut, Everett can just barely watch his back move. He reaches out and touches James on his lower back. 
"How was it?" 
James undoes his tie and blouse with easy movements, then stands and strips out of his trousers. He lays down on the rack, front-to-front with Everett, in his undershirt and his shorts and his socks. It's just starting to get colder again. They've been in England more than a year. Münster was last October, and they're almost there again. It doesn't feel real some days, and other days, Everett feels every second of it.
James slides his arm around Everett's waist and settles himself on his half of the pillow. "It was fine," he says. "Fun enough." 
"So fun you stopped drinking," Everett says as he tucks the blanket over them both. James slips a leg between Everett's to bring them even closer together. 
"It was self-preservation, I assure you. The new kids were determined to prove they could keep up with each other, and I know better than to try these days." 
They're not terribly older than the men around them, Everett thinks. A year or two or three for most of them. But he knows what James means. Keeping up with the replacements nowadays leads to entirely too many thoughts later. Too many missing faces to haunt you in the dark corners of the base. Too many old drinking buddies he knows for certain are dead. These boys around them, they're not there yet. Everett hopes the war will be over long before any of them get the chance to realize not drinking is the better option some nights. 
"Comfortable?" Everett asks as he lays his own head on the pillow. 
"Yeah," James says, and he tucks his forehead under Everett's chin like always, breathes against his collarbone and kisses the side of his neck. "What are you doing awake, anyway?" he asks. "I expected to have to move you like a puppet to get any space in this rack."
Everett presses his nose into James's hair and smiles. He sleeps hard when he does sleep. Deep and unmoving except for flinging his arms and legs as wide as he can. James has a couple photos of it, even. Everett dead to the world with one leg mostly off the bed and an arm flung upward like he's trying to grab the windowsill above him. 
"Couldn't sleep. No real reason for it," Everett says because they're long past making excuses to each other. 
"Your head still hurt?"
"No more than it did."
"You gonna sleep now?" James asks. It's a serious question. One they've had to ask each other more often lately. 
Everett shifts so he can kiss James's forehead. "Yeah," he says. "I always sleep better when you're around." 
James nuzzles against his collarbone and shifts impossibly closer. "Remember that in the morning when you're being an asshole because you didn't get all your beauty rest."
Everett chuckles and closes his eyes. "No promises," he says, and he drifts off to James warm all along his front, alive and breathing and still here after all this time.
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