#doctor strange says hi
kyuyua · 9 months
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Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange has floofy hair under all that gel and styling and you can pry that out of my cold dead hands
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miinsie · 5 months
I love Christine and Stephen but can Marvel please make Strange more than just his love for her? They both have so much potential to be their own characters and have Stephen be more.... independent? I guess. The point is it is getting tiring seeing him be depressed and mope around over someone he has literally reconciled with in the first film just let him move on Marvel! Christine also deserves better than to just be a prop for his story
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lilbitofmac · 8 months
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xenocorner · 1 year
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More mindless Strange sketching because he is single handedly holding my sanity together rn
Plus I need to draw him smiling every once in a while he looks so pretty and soft when he smiles ugh I'm sappy for him orz
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facelessfinest · 5 months
I think it's time we all admit that What if?...Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead Of His Hands? has been the only genuinely interesting and well done episode of the show so far.
High stakes, good pacing, phenomenal animation, and a story that actually deviates from the original in a meaningful way. It actually feels like such a small change lead to a vastly different reality.
I think what makes a What If? story interesting is the ties it has to the main timeline; if you want to showcase how a small choice can utterly change a whole universe, then you have to start in a universe that is comparably the same as what we already know, and show how one character choosing one different option can be catastrophic. Otherwise, you aren't really exploring branching timelines/butterfly effect, you're just looking at unrelated universes.
Even then, not every idea is interesting enough to warrant spending so much time on it. *ahem* captain carter *cough*.
Strange Supreme's appearances are just so fascinating because we get to see the new highs and lows a character can reach when their hearts are in a slightly different place. We get our unique factor in the form of him being genuinely in love with Christine instead of his job, and then our diverging path with him choosing to seek out dangerous knowledge, a choice which is highlighted by showcasing what would have happened if he hadn't done so! In the end, the universe is fundamentally changed, completely collapsed around him, despite starting off so normal. And that's not even the end of it!
He shows up in more episodes because of the power and knowledge he has attained, and as a lesson to the Watcher that choosing to sit out is only selfishness in the face of a danger that is ready and willing to take advantage of your compliance. It is genuinely fun to see the power he has in action; Ultron tried to blow up the universe in the finale, and Strange DEVOURED THE EXPLOSION. Like, that's fucking awesome!
And then there's Carter... Whose reason for being everwhere is just "I'm Captain Carter!" How dull...
Anyways, Strange supreme is goated and I will have no sass.
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I will not stand for Stephen Strange slander like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VIlrrQndG8
Well, that's a load of bullshit. I get not liking a character but this is such a basic misunderstanding of Stephen that I don't even know where to start.
I'm seeing a pattern lately in fandom that is starting to worry me a bit. I see many fans listing the mistakes of the heroes and using that to claim they're not actually heroes because they made a mistake or they were wrong once in the past. It's a weird belief that unless the heroes are perfect and do everything right, one single mistake is enough to condemn them. Or not even a mistake, if they take action and the outcome is anything but ideal and perfect and results in zero casualties, these fans will tear them apart.
Another thing that worries me is how many fans seem to be so against disobeying rules. I've seen this in discussions regarding CW, Wanda and now Stephen. A character not following rules is enough reason to be called a villain in these fans' eyes. But that only applies to the heroes though. The villains who do in fact break those rules are usually justified and coddled, their intentions assumed to be better than they really are and they're almost automatically made sympathetic by these fans.
Related to that, I've also noticed a lot of talk about the heroes sacrificing something big to save someone, and these fans wondering why would they even bother to do that. Like OP wonders why Stephen would get into so much trouble to save America's life when she's not that important and incursions are far more relevant. It blows my mind that these fans need to have it explained to them that yes, heroes do in fact save people. That's the whole point of their existence and the people they save don't need to be VIPs or crucial to the story, even if it's just one civilian... you gotta save them too. Do we really need to explain this now?
In Stephen's case, the whole point of his first movie is that he has to learn and let go of his need for control and his unmovable beliefs. It's to get him out of his comfort zone so that he will be open to other people's views so that he will see beyond himself. The OP just lists his mistakes and claims those are the only things that define him while at the same time completely ignoring every single time he showed he had learnt from them.
The NWH hate doesn't surprise me, Stephen was misunderstood heavily by a lot of fans in that movie, but I gotta say what bothers me the most is that OP seems to believe everyone suffered from the Snap... and what, Stephen didn't? The one man who had to watch 14 million different outcomes, who had to sacrifice his own life and had the weight of the entire universe upon his shoulders, who is most likely traumatized by it, he didn't suffer? No empathy at all for him?
And what's worse, OP blames Stephen for Wanda's behaviour. Lovely. Not the Darkhold, no, it's Stephen's fault. He should have reasoned with her. It's not like he literally tried to do that in the garden. 🙄
But this thing OP says is like a slap in the face: "Strange learnt nothing from any of this. He is still going to break the rules and cause problems because, ultimately, he's not really the one paying the price."
He's not the one paying the price. Unfuckingbelievable.
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spacespore · 4 months
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Ouh when they need to put him on the cover of vogue… because his legs were too long….
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Wanda: Don't speak to me of sacrifice, Stephen Strange.
Stephen: *doesn't offer up a single word in his own defense*
Stephen stans everywhere: Pain is an old friend.
Stephen stans: I can't win, but I can lose over and over again.
Stephen stans: 14,000,605 timelines. Which he experienced in real time. Battled beside the Avengers, including Wanda, and the Guardians of the Galaxy. Got to know them all as friends and comrades innumerable times. Watched them die again and again, watched them sacrifice themselves for each other again and again. Made the ultimate sacrifice himself for each of them, again and again--only to start the search anew each time the timeline reset. WITH NO REST OR SUCCOR OR HUMAN UNDERSTANDING OF HIS LONELY BURDEN. Settled on the solution that saved the freaking universe at the toll of a lifetime of guilt for the lives it cost.
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𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗿𝗼: hey, marko. do you think i could snort you like cocaine?
𝘀𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗺𝗮𝗻: w. what
𝗱𝗼𝗰 𝗼𝗰𝗸: your thought process never ceases to truly amaze me, dillon.
𝘀𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗺𝗮𝗻: i'm deeply uncomfortable-
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allthoseotherworlds · 6 months
I'm so excited to see what Ncuti Gatwa I can do as the Doctor! So far everything he's been in for trailers and stuff has shown him as being pretty charismatic, which is nice of course, but I'm also really hoping that he can pull off the weird awkward dorkiness that is also critical to the Doctor's personality.
Like, Ncuti Gatwa as a person seems very cool, but I'm hoping he can be a little uncool too as the Doctor. It's important to me
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annesthaeticc · 2 years
content warning // NSFW
so last night, while i was writing my latest smut fic, i was hanging out in p*rnhub, looking for some inspo. now, i came across this couple (the girl was really petite, and the guy was HUGE AF okay like big long thick cock) and she was having a hard time adjusting. then i heard the guy say; "take your time baby,"
anyway, i was thinking, i should write a supreme strange smut fic with that prompt. just imagine him saying this to you while you try to sink down on his long as fuck cock 😭
oh and uh, good morning by the way! 🌅
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rivercule · 1 year
What the fuck, Lucas
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girldraki · 9 months
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hnybnny · 1 year
love thinking about my mcu/616 crossover idea with doctor strange because it’s just MCU strange being relentlessly bullied by local senior citizen (his comics self)
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navree · 2 years
we don’t know precisely how much control death has over stephen, or the nature of how this worked itself out, but there is something genuinely heartbreaking to me about this panel in particular. like, yeah he might be “my sweet harvestman” but the second the very concept of Dealing with clea and her interference is brought up he slaps that down as fast as he’s able, and we don’t know HOW fully he’s even able to disobey or resist a directive, if he can at all. 
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scrambled-eggsed · 2 years
Once again emotional about river and the doctor. Once again emotional about him snapping his fingers to open the tardis. Once again emotional about the look on his face then, so looking forward to getting to know the woman he knows will be his wife, while also processing that every second with her will always be filled with grief. Once again emotional about a love story lived in the wrong order, him loving her after he saw her die, looking her in the eyes and seeing the love he doesn't know yet. What the fuck
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