#do i let myself burn at the end and just stay here knowing that’s whats coming for me
urfavstonr1 · 2 days
Unsweetened Lemonade
Series- Delicious In Dungeon
Pairings- Chilchuck Tims/reader
Word Count- 3670
Content Warnings- Trauma, loss of a child, kissing?
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“This is where the red dragon has been prowling apparently.” Marcille states, looking around the crumbling city of level 5.
“Do we have a plan to take this thing down?” (Y/N) asks, looking around the city walls, observing their surroundings and hoping to come up with any ideas.
Walking further into the city the party spots an arch, “If we lure the dragon through there, Marcille can use her magic to explode the arch and take down the dragon long enough to kill it.” Laius speaks his thoughts.
“Well, let’s set up camp and get prepared for this then.” (Y/N) nods to her words and looks around to the party for their thoughts, all in agreement. Finding a place to set up, (Y/N) lights a fire and gets to helping Senshi make dinner.
“So (Y/N), what made you become an adventurer?” Marcille asks, looking to the (H/C) bard, “I thought you were training to be a court magician?” “Heh, yeah. That’s always what my mother wanted but… I couldn’t stay there. So here I am, it felt like the best thing I could do with my magic you know?” (Y/N) answers, trying to answer while staying as vague as she could.
“I know how that is.” Marcille smiles at (Y/N), nudging her with her elbow, “I’m sure your husband misses you though.”
(Y/N)’s expression turns sour, “Yeah… I don’t think he does.” she murmurs, looking away from Marcille and back to the task at hand.
Chilchuck’s ear perks at the mention of (Y/N)’s husband, he had assumed she was just a childish bard who came down here for shits and giggles. Was she also running away from something? Shaking the thoughts from his mind he watched over Senshi’s shoulder as he cooked, the delicious aroma flooding the room. He didn't notice how hungry he was till now.
“That smells great Senshi! I can’t wait to eat.” (Y/N) beams at the dwarf, handing him the final ingredients she had prepared. “I’m gonna go fill my water skin, I’ll be back!” She announces to the party before retreating from the room. Walking through the halls to find a water fountain, water spilling from the mouth of a lion and into the basin.
Foot steps behind her made her jump at least a foot into the air, looking over her shoulder to see brown eyes and short chestnut hair she breathes out a sigh of relief, “You scared the shit out of me Chilchuck.”
“You shouldn’t go out by yourself, you don’t know what's out here.” he mutters, positioning himself next to (Y/N) to fill his water skin as well.
“Awe you were worried about me~” (Y/N) teases with a chuckle, “I appreciate it.”
Chilchuck scoffs, “We can’t afford to lose a party member right now, not with the fight that’s coming up..”
(Y/N) rolls her eyes with a smile, “I’ll be fine, I survived by myself to the third level. It’s you I’m worried about.”
His ears burn red with a blush, trying not to look at the mage beside him, “And why is that?”
“You said it yourself that you don’t fight, I just don’t want anything to happen to you.” (Y/N) explains, trying to conceal her own blush as they brush shoulders.
“Just worry about yourself.” He pulls his full waterskin from the basin and seals it. Over the past week the two had somehow ended up awake together during night watch, (Y/N) trying to run from her dreams and Chilchuck finding himself unable to sleep until she would begin practicing on her guitar. Each melody lulling him to sleep as if he never had issues falling asleep.
“Why do you crochet all this stuff, it feels unnecessary.” Chilchuck had asked one night, watching (Y/N) thread the yarn together into another scarf.
“I like to leave these to dead adventurers, they may not know who left them or why but seeing those same people wear them when they are resurrected makes me feel good.” (Y/N) explains, her expression warm with care as she made each stitch.
“Huh..” Chilchuck utters, his eyes flashing from her warm smile back down to the scarf.
“I worry cause I don’t know what I’d do without our nightly chats, I think it’d drive me crazy.” (Y/N) laughs, pulling her own waterskin from the basin, “Let's get back to the party, I’m sure dinner is done and I’m starving.”
Little did she know her words seemed to strike a cord in Chilchucks heart, turning his cheeks red just listening to her laugh, “Yeah.”
(Y/N) tried her hardest not to notice the way her heart beat around him, shaking her head of thoughts of him, his life outside of the dungeon, and the blooming friendship she found herself. Or the blooming feelings she had for him.
Returning to the party they were met with their servings of dinner, and so gratefully did (Y/N) accept hers, always eager and excited to try Senshi’s new dish. Moaning at the taste of tonight's dinner, “This is absolutely amazing!” she said between bites. Scarfing down the meal she couldn’t get enough of.
Each sensual moan from (Y/N) sent a shock down Chilchucks spine, distracting him from his own meal.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” Senshi mused, smiling at the (H/C) haired bard who smiled back, her chubby cheeks stuffed with food like a hamster. “Anything to help get a youngin like yourself the proper nutrients for a growing body.”
Her expression soured as she swallowed the food in her mouth, “I’m not a kid!” she fumed, letting out an exasperated groan.
“Just how old are you now?” Marcille asked, trying to remember how old she was during their time at school together.
“I’ll be 28 next month, I feel like you should know this.” (Y/N) sighs with irritation.
“You really are just a kid.” Chilchuck laughs, “For an elf I thought you’d be older.”
“Well I’m not, and I’m not a full elf either, thought you’d pick up on that already.” (Y/N) rolls her eyes, finishing her food and leaning back on her hands.
“You’re not?” Laius ask confused, “I thought you were short for an elf but I figured it was an age thing.”
“Ugh, no. I’m half half-foot. I reached maturity at 14 like any other half-foot.” (Y/N) explains, looking into the fire as her mind wanders.
“Well you sure act like a child.” Chilchuck mumbles.
“Say that again!” (Y/N) growls, glaring at the lock picker beside her.
“I’m just saying, an adult wouldn’t throw a temper tantrum over having to cross a lake.” Chilchuck reiterates, glaring back at (Y/N).
“Oh so adults aren’t allowed to be scared? Senshi literally threw a fit over having water walking cast on him!” (Y/N) nearly yelled, sitting up straight as rage filled her body.
“He’s never experienced magic before! You are a grown adult with an irrational fear of water!” Chilchuck feels his voice turn into a yell as he watches (Y/N) stand and begin to walk away.
“I’m not fucking doing this right now.” (Y/N) growls as she stomps out of the room.
“What did I tell you about leaving on your own!?” He yells after her, scrambling to get off the floor and go after her.
“Fuck you!” (Y/N) yells back, hearing his footsteps behind her, “Can you just leave me alone!?” She turns to glare down at him, only for the half-foot who had run after her to crash into her, knocking them both back onto the ground with a grunt.
(Y/N) groans as she tries to sit back up only to be held down by the weight of Chilchuck who sat silently stunned at their position. In their fall his face had ended right in her boobs, his face a bright red as he tried to think of his next actions. Reaching his hand to stabilize himself only to find his hand on squishy cotton. Wait, squishy cotton? He gave a squeeze only to hear a muffled moan.
He quickly scrambled away from her, panting as he stared at her flushed face with wide eyes. “I-I’m so sorry!” He stutters out. Trying to ignore the growing bulge in his pants. (Y/N) sat in stunned silence, staring back at him in bewilderment. Carefully moving to crawl closer to him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to it was an accident!” Chilchuck blurts out apologizes as she crawls closer.
“Shhh shut up.” She mumbles bringing a hand to his cheek, pulling his face to hers in a slow kiss. His cheeks burned brighter as he closed his eyes, leaning into the kiss that soon became more heated. (Y/N) biting at his bottom lip before pulling away panting, a string of saliva connecting their lips.
When she opened her eyes again she was met with familiar dark brown orbs staring back at her.
“W-what was that for?” Chilchuck panted out, trying to sort out his running thoughts.
“I don’t know! I-“ (Y/N) looked away as she tried to bring back her brain from the fog of lust, “something just. Took over me… I couldn’t help myself..” she speaks quietly only for two hands to grab her cheeks and bring her in for another kiss. (Y/N) moans into the kiss as the kiss deepens, his tongue moving past her lips to meet her own.
A voice echoed through the hall that pulled them back to reality and away from each other.
“Chil? (Y/N)?” Marcilles voice rang through the corridor, “You guys have been gone for a while and we got worried.”
“Yeah we’re fine!” (Y/N) called back to her, her eyes never leaving Chilchucks even as she stood and brushed herself off, offering him a hand to stand. “I tripped but it’s all good.”
Chilchuck took her hand to stand and looked to Marcille, “Just making sure she didn’t hurt herself.”
They walked back to camp without another word, (Y/N) once again took first watch while everyone got ready for bed. As the first hour passed (Y/N) found herself digging through her bag, retrieving a bottle of wine she had been storing. Tonight felt like a good night to finally pop it open. Taking the first sip she let out a laugh as a certain half-foot sat next to her.
“You should be sleeping.” she mused, offering him the bottle which he gratefully drank from.
“And you shouldn’t be drinking but here we are.” Chilchuck chuckled as he handed the bottle back.
(Y/N) took another swig before letting out a sigh, “It felt like a good time to crack it out. Cool my nerves before we have to fight that fucking dragon.”
Chilchuck nods, looking at (Y/N) as she stares at the fire. “Alright, spit it out. What's on your mind.”
“What’s that? Chilchuck tims wanting to hear about my personal life?” She laughs again, looking at him with a smile before shaking her head, “Far too much with far too little time to figure it out.”
“Well… maybe I can help you figure it out.” he felt his cheeks heat up again, looking down to the fire.
“Honestly? My son…” She took a much bigger drink this time, taking the bottle from her lips with a pop.
“How old is he?” His voice was quiet, tenderly trying to navigate the conversation.
(Y/N) shook her head, “He uh. He was a week old.” she passed the bottle back to the half-foot beside her, “His name was Gaelin… my sweet little Gaelin…”
“What happened?” Chilchuck asked, looking back to her now melancholic expression.
She shrugs, “We don’t know… they say he passed in his sleep.” She clears her throat, trying to keep her tears from spilling, “And losing a baby is hard on a marriage, not that he truly loved me anyway.” She gives a laugh. He looked at her confused as he handed the bottle of wine back, “It was arranged by my mother. After my father died and school was finished she was quick to have me married. He was a high standing elf in the court, only touched me to conceive our son.”
“That fucking sucks.” the words spilled from his mouth, earning him a laugh from (Y/N).
“That’s life I suppose. He left, my mother despised me for it, so I ran. Came here to finally put my magic to good use.” She explains, wiping a tear from her cheek while pulling her legs into her chest.
“I’m sorry that happened to you.” Chilchuck hesitantly reaches out to grab her hand, offering her comfort the best he knew how to.
“It’s in the past now, time is an arrow that doesn’t stop for anyone.” (Y/N) smiles at him, squeezing his hand.
The two sat in silence, forgetting the mostly empty bottle of wine. The night drew on as they stared at the fire. Chilchuck opened his mouth to speak before closing it again.
“Can I hear your new song? You still haven’t played for us.” he asks quietly, finally looking to the (H/C) haired mage.
“That song is kinda intense for while the party is sleeping, but I have a lullaby. Maybe it finally put you to sleep.” She laughs, letting go of his hand to dig through her back for her guitar.
As soon as she let go he found himself missing the feeling of her hand in his, what was once warm connection now was cold and lonely, why did she of all people make him feel like this?
Sitting back next to him she began strumming the strings in a soft melody, taking a deep breath before beginning her lullaby, “My sun, my moon, my darling dear,
kind Freya's gift to me.
The disirs dance around you and marvel at your bring.
Hamingja gives you happiness for all the joy you bring,
may Tyr please gift you courage and wisdom Memir brings.
May Loki give you clever wit and Thor to give you strength.
May Odin smile on you and Fenrir at your flank.
As Nott is flying overhead, please wish her a goodnight and let them all watch over you, they gifted you to life."
As she finished she looked up to be met with wide, tired eyes.
“That was amazing…” he mutters, staring at her in amazement as she set her guitar to the side.
(Y/N) smiles, “I sang that song to Gaelin every night… I can't help but wonder what I did wrong to lose him.” She lets out a tsk, glaring down at the floor, “Just another way the gods said fuck you.” picking up the once forgotten bottle and chugging down the rest.
“You did nothing wrong, the first week is always the hardest. Anything could’ve happened.” Chilchuck reassures her, holding out his hand again; he wasn’t great with emotions but he was trying his best. Trying his best for her.
“Thanks Chilchuck..” She took his hand again, sitting closer to him than before.
“Chil. Chilchuck is too formal. Especially now.” he chuckles, feeling her lay her head on his shoulder.
“Thank you Chil… you’re a good friend.” her words were quiet, smiling as he laid his head atop her own. She didn’t know it but those words made his heart flutter and yet hurt at the same time.
“Anytime (Y/N).” he felt his eyes grow heavy as they sat there in silent bliss.
The ground shook, jolting the sleeping party awake. (Y/N) woke with a gasp and shook her sleeping partner awake.
“The dragon..” Laius scrambled out of his sleeping bag as he spoke.
“Fuck…“ (Y/N) sucks in a breath through her teeth as she tries to assemble herself for the upcoming battle.
The party hurriedly got to the positions for the fight, (Y/N) bracing herself with her guitar and dagger, hiding to the side waiting for the dragon to arrive. As the steps got closer the party tensed, feeling the vibrations through the ground, rumbling them to their bones.
Before she could think she heard the explosion of Marcille’s magic, taking down the archway and bringing the dragon down with it, peeking over the rock she had hid herself behind to find the dragon buried under the rubble. Breathing a sigh of relief until it got caught in her throat.
The dragon pulled itself up from the crash and let out a blood curdling roar, aiming its fiery breath at the blondemage above it.
“Shit shit shit!” (Y/N) was running into the pathway before she could realize where her legs were carrying her, aggressively strumming the strings of her guitar, channeling all of her mana into her voice and guitar as she began to sing, hoping to distract the dragon and take it down.
“I’ve got a river running right into you
Ive got a blood trail, red in the blue
Something you say or something you do
A taste of the devine
Youve my body flesh bone
The sky above me
Earth below
Raise up again
Take me past the edge
I want to see the other side!”
Her efforts were fruitless, while yes distracting the dragon its anger now turned to her, her spell had no effect on the beast. Taking in one more breath to let out a scream, trying her damnedest to bring down the dragon like she once did with the kelpie.
As fire rained down she was scooped out of the way, sliding behind a rock to shield them from the fire. Nodding a thanks to Laius before looking over the rock to the dragon that clambered clumsily through the corridor.
“Don't move” Laius breathes out, looking up as the dragon walked over them, the sword in his hand ready to pierce the inverse scale. Quiet clanking erupted from the sword before it flew from his hand.
The dragon looked down at the sword before looking at the hiding party, clicking its tongue to light another fire. “RUN!” (Y/N) called out, desperation in her voice.
“Under its belly!” Laius instructs, sprinting for his life to hide under the dragon.
“Damn you Laius!” Chilchuck yelled as they ran.
“Look I’m sorry ok!?” Laius’ voice was strained as he came to a stop under the dragon.
“There are not enough curse words in the common language! Ponza! Tornado! Unerma! Poojam!” Chilchuck yelled at the Tall-man, glaring at him while he cursed at him in several language (Y/N) didn’t understand.
“Please don't cuss at me in a language I don't speak Chilchuck.” Laius cried.
“Do you have any plans, genius?” Chilchuck tried to keep his anger to a minimum.
“Guys, it looks really mad.”(Y/N) finally speaks, pointing to the dragon as it looks under at them.
“This way! Lets run out the tail side!” Laius yells over his shoulder as they begin to run, stopping in his tracks as the dragon rams its tail into the building, destroying the wall. “On second thought…”
“We’re so fucked…” (Y/N) sighs, looking behind them at the dragon.
“This is where we live now… under the red dragon's crotch.” Chilchuck says in shock, wondering if this would be how he died.
An explosion caught the dragon’s attention, leaving an opportunity to attack. Senshi swings his axe down on its foot, only to shatter on impact.
“Laius, throw me!” (Y/N) demands, pulling her dagger from her belt, “It’s not much but if i can reach the scale.” She looks up as the dragon moves, kicking them all away. (Y/N) sat in desperate thought, trying to think of anything to take the damn thing down.
Laius runs past her, stabbing the dragon’s foot with Senshi’s knife, “Wow! It really pierced through the scales!”
The dragon let out another roar as it tried to step on it’s attackers, backing the party away with each step.
(Y/N) grunts before readying her guitar once again and running under the dragon, ‘I need to give this one more try.’
“(Y/N) wait!” Chilchuck yells after her.
She took in a labored breath before screaming the lyrics again, ‘this is the rest of my mana, but i have to do this!’
Strumming her guitar with all her might
As she played, Senshi ran past her, diving for Laius’ sword. The dragon’s foot came down, crushing him to the ground.
“NO” (Y/N) screamed, the dragon stumbled, giving enough time for Chilchuck to grab the knife from its foot and throw it, piercing its eyes and causing a scream like roar to erupt from its throat. The dragon crashed into the wall, tumbling the building down with it.
“LAIUS CATCH!” he screams, trying to lift the sword from the ground, all of his efforts stopped at the sword clung to the cobblestone floor.
Seshi grunts, pulling the sword from the ground and throwing it at Laius. Catching it Laius gets off the ground, running into the hole in the wall to find Marcille. “Senshi get up, we have to move!” (Y/N) cries, trying to lift him off the floor with the help of Chilchuck so they could run.
Laius yells as he’s launched onto the dragon clinging to the side of its head as it slammed him into another wall. The dragon bites down on his leg causing Laius to drop down, taking the opportunity to stab its inverse scale.
The dragon lets out one final roar before crashing to the ground. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief at it’s death. Marcille runs from the building to Laius’ side, looking at his now missing leg. (Y/N) help’s get Senshi off the ground before running to Laius as well.
“Shit ok we can heal this, right Marcille? We can fix this!” (Y/N) looks at his wound with panic.
“(Y/N) you’re out of mana.” Marcille shakes her head.
“I can do it, if I can’t do this then what use am I?” She snaps, looking around for his leg. Lining it together she holds out her hands, taking in labored breaths as she channels the last of her mana to reattach and heal his leg. Watching the skin reconnect was the last thing she saw before the world went black.
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cinnamon-n-roses · 1 year
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alisonwritesimagines · 9 months
Please Don't Be In Love With Someone Else ~LA!Shanks x Reader x LA!Mihawk Imagine~
Summary: You keep waiting for Shanks. But someone new comes along and suddenly, you're not so lonely.
Author’s Note: You read the title correctly. I'm evilly laughing right now as you read this in pain. Also, this is technically a rewrite of the angst ending cause the one I wrote and in my drafts is more fluff than angst.
Angst Ending to I Was Enchanted to Meet You
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: angst, fluff, but angst to all you Shanks lovers
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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It had been years since you last saw Shanks. And it's been a year since you last saw Luffy. Ever since he was old enough to sail off in the world to find the One Piece to become King of the Pirates, you had been by yourself since. Of course you did a lot for your small village to keep you occupied but you still missed your boys.
You were tending to your garden as it was time for you to harvest before it became spoiled and over grown. That was until you heard someone say something behind you.
“You don’t seem like someone who can harm a fly."
You turned around to see the warlord Dracule Mihawk standing before you. You stood up straight to seemed less intimidated.
“I can hurt a fly. Don’t think I’m good at harming anyone else,” you tell him as you crossed your arms.
“I see.”
“I know who you are so what do you want?” You asked.
“I was sent to kill you but in all honesty, I don’t think I can kill you. You’re too beautiful to be killed,” he tells you.
“Who sent you to kill me?” You asked, now worried. You’ve stayed in the island since you were born. Not only that, you stayed even when Luffy left.
“Not to worry now. I don't have any intentions to kill you," he tells you.
"Then what are you still doing here?"
"I'm curious to see why someone would send me to go after you."
"Feel free to stay. Just to tell you, it's going to be quite boring," you tell him.
Mihawk stayed around the next day to watch over you. He didn't understand why Vice Admiral Garp would want a warlord like him to kill a sweet little thing like yourself. You did nothing of the sort that would be considered dangerous or even pirate bounty level dangerous.
"Ow!" You yelled as you accidently burnt yourself with the pan.
"What happened? What's wrong?" Mihawk asked you as he rushed inside your home.
"Just burned myself," you tell him.
Mihawk quickly grabbed your bucket of water before gently putting your finger in the cool liquid.
"Thanks," you tell him.
"Of course."
"I made extras if you'd like. I got used to cooking for two," you tell him.
"Was it for you and your past lover?" Mihawk asked you.
"Not really surprisingly. I used to take care of a little boy who used to live with me who had a bottomless stomach. He wanted to become a pirate so he set sail a year ago," you tell him.
"I see."
"So, dinner?"
"Why not."
Mihawk stayed for a couple more weeks before he needed to back out to sea. You stood on the deck as you watched Mihawk get ready to leave.
"So I guess this is farewell?" You asked him.
"For now. I will be back in a month at most," he tells you.
"To finish me off and claim your berry?" You asked.
"No. To come see you again," Mihawk said before sailing off. You shook your head at him before walking back to your home.
You assumed Mihawk was lying or joking when he said he was coming back to see you. But to your surprise, you opened your door to see him standing before you.
"Brought you some new seeds for you to grow in your garden," Mihawk tells you.
"I'm guessing you're staying for dinner?" You asked with a small smile.
"If you'd have me," Mihawk said. You nodded before letting him inside your house.
As much as you didn't want to admit, you fell for Mihawk. Even though part of you hoped for Shanks to come back, you appreciated the fact that no matter how long Mihawk was gone for or even if he was wounded badly, he came back to you. Even though Shanks would come back to you, he hasn't for years.
"Will you be mine?" Mihawk asked you one night. After a midnight stroll, you both headed back to your home. Mihawk stopped you from walking inside by holding your hand.
"What?" You asked in shock.
"Be mine. I've fallen for you Y/n. And I swear to you, I would never let anything happen to you," Mihawk tells you.
"Alright. I'll be yours," you tell him. Mihawk gave you a small smile before pulling you towards him.
"May I kiss you?" Mihawk asked you.
Mihawk cupped your cheek with his hand before leaning in to kiss you.
Shanks rushed over to your home after being away for so many years. He was excited to tell you his adventures and was looking forward to seeing you once again. He knocked on your door, his heart pounding in excitement.
Instead of seeing you, he saw someone else open the door. His smile faltered as he stared at the stranger in front of him.
"May I help you?" The stranger asked him.
"My apologies. I was hoping to find Y/n L/n? The woman who lived here?" Shanks asked.
"Oh. I'm sorry. She's been gone for quite sometime. She left the village I want to say two years ago? Her and her husband moved to another island."
"Her husband?"
"Yes. I'm surprised she married a warlord but he had been kind to the village whenever he was here," the stranger pointed out.
"Do you happened to know her husband's name?"
"I believe it was Dracule Mihawk."
Shanks made it to Mihawk's castle where he knew you would be at. After demanding to see you, Mihawk came out to talk to him.
"You should know my wife is resting," Mihawk tells him.
"You took her from me," Shanks angrily tell him.
"I didn't take her from anyone. When I met her, she was alone," Mihawk informs him.
"She never told you about me?" Shanks asked.
"No she has. I just never told her that I knew you."
"Please. Let me see her!" Shanks asked.
"Let me see if she's well enough to move," Mihawk said.
"Is she sick?" Shanks asked.
"Not entirely."
Shanks waited anxiously for you to come down. His eyes widen when he saw Mihawk helping you down. Your stomach was large but he knew that it was because you were pregnant. And what's worse was that it wasn't Shanks's child you were carrying. It was Mihawk's child.
"Shanks?" You asked in shock.
"Hi, Y/n."
You sat in the garden with Shanks alone so you two could talk. Shanks stared at you, admiring your beauty once more. While you thought you were alone, Shanks knew that Mihawk was watching nearby.
“Are you happy my love?” Shanks asked you as he held your hand.
“I am. Hawk Eye makes me happy,” you tell him with a small smile.
“I’m happy that you’re happy.”
“I did wait for you Shanks. I really did. But I feared that if I waited any longer, I’d be too old for you,” you tell him with a frown.
“You could never be too old for me. You could have white hair and many wrinkles and I’d still think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” Shanks tells you. You smiled at him before tearing up.
“I loved you Shanks. And I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you longer."
“Don’t apologize my love. I’m sorry I didn’t come back to you sooner,” Shanks said. You nodded before taking off your makeshift necklace that held the ring Shanks gave to you. You handed it over to Shanks before kissing his cheek.
“I hope life treats you well and I hope you find a woman who will love you endlessly as much as I did,” you tell him.
“And if Hawk Eyes dares to lay a hand on you, come find me. I’ll protect you.”
“I know you will."
"So this is goodbye then huh?" Shanks asked you.
"If you find Luffy, tell him I miss him and love him dearly. And that, he's more than welcome to visit me or find me whenever he wants," you tell him. After all, Luffy was yours and Shanks's unofficial son and you two were his unofficial parents.
"Goodbye, Shanks,” you tell him before giving him a kiss on the cheek once more.
“Goodbye, my love.”
You sat on the couch in your lounge room waiting for your son to arrive with his new fiancée. Twenty five years had gone by and you had lived your life. Dracule sat next to you as you both waited for your son to come home. Now that your husband has retired from being a pirate, he had spent his time with you while your children explored the world.
“I wonder what she’ll be like,” you tell your husband.
“I trust his judgement. After all, I chose well didn’t I?” Dracule joked.
“You most certainly did,” you smiled.
“Mom! Dad! I’m home!” You heard your son say.
“Over here!” You called from where you were.
You smiled at your son the moment he walked in but your eyes widen from the sight of the woman next to him. Not only did she have the exact same hair as Shanks, but she also had the same eyes as him. It was no doubt that she was Shanks's daughter.
“Mother. Father. This is my fiancée, May,” your son said proudly. You smiled at the woman before getting up from your chair to greet her.
“It’s nice to meet you, May,” you tell her.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Mihawk.”
“Please call me Y/n,” you tell her as you shook her hand. You noticed her necklace with a ring on it. It looked exactly like the one Shanks gave to you from years before.
“I like your necklace,” you say.
“Oh thank you. My father gave it to me. Said it was his prize possession,” she tells you. You felt your heart break a little from what she said.
“Will we be able to meet your parents soon?” You asked.
“Unfortunately no. My mother passed away from childbirth and my father passed away not too long ago,” she tells you. You frown from hearing that.
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright. I’m really glad to have met your son,” May tells you. You smiled at her before giving her a hug.
“Well, I know my son will treat you well. And if he doesn’t, you tell me,” you tell her. May smiled at you before looking at your son.
At the end of the night, you stood outside on your balcony as you stared up at the stars.
Maybe this was the universe telling you that in another life, you and Shanks end up together. But you did wish he didn’t have to be gone so soon. You wished that he would’ve came back to you sooner and maybe you two could've had the future you two wanted together.
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personasintro · 8 months
Mutual Help | #56
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 9.7k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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Your trip is slowly but surely coming to an end. 
Minus some bumps along the way, it's safe to say you had a great time either way. You and Jungkook have managed to talk like proper adults and it went well. But most importantly, you've made up. It is sad there's goodbyes soon to be said. You kind of wish you could stay here for at least another day.
But all of you have to go back to adult life. The weight is lifted off your chest, practically non-exist as you and Jungkook share a soft smile while all of you pack your things. Well – except Taehyung who's sitting on one of the portable chairs with sunglasses on, too hungover to help his best friend who's been complaining for the past ten minutes. 
"I take it you finally made up." Maya comes up to you, folding up a thin blanket when there's no one nearby. 
"We finally talked." you answer. 
She surely notices the relaxation behind your tone and features, causing her to smile knowingly instead of saying anything for a moment. 
"And? How did it go?" 
"Good. Great, actually. I explained myself well and we both had something to apologize for. It's not even about the apology. I think us talking is more important and even though I was pretty scared and unsure to just walk up to him and talk, I'm glad I got it off my chest." 
"Being honest is not always easy but I knew you guys would work it out. From what I heard, your friendship has always been strong." Maya grins. 
"How do you know that?" 
"Namjoon," she chuckles simply. "But that doesn't matter. Even I can confidently say it's true. And I haven't known you for too long and I solely know this just from seeing you and him, plus hearing you talk about him." 
You avert your gaze to the ground, your shy smile causing you to feel even more shy when you feel her eyes on you. 
"I'm jealous though. The sex after such an argument is gonna be amazing." 
And just like that, the air shifts and your gaze snaps toward blunt Maya who's already grinning, expecting your reaction of shock and disbelief. 
"Yeah, that's not happening." You cringe, muttering. 
"You don't want to? Wow, I mean—shit." Maya's the one who's shocked which has you snickering under your breath. She's unbelievable. 
"Not that I don't want to, but we've decided to take a break from... the sex part." 
"And whose stupid idea that was?" she exclaims, a laugh escaping from your lips the moment you see her face while she dramatically leaves her mouth open. 
"That explains it." 
She laughs, letting you know she's only joking. 
"I thought it would be for the best. I can't really explain it. I just think it's time for a break."
You're not going to tell her he fucked you in the woods while you both were unable to communicate together and were pissed off at each other. While you don't find it uncomfortable to be talking with her about your sex life, there are some things that are better left between you and Jungkook only. It's not like you're embarrassed about it but it feels too personal and intimate to talk about it openly. In the end, just like you told Jungkook, you wanted it at that moment and you don't regret it happening. He was right when he said the sex was good. It always is. 
But anyway... you two hooking up surely changed a few things between you and him. You let lust control you and while you believe sex like this doesn't necessarily have to mean a bad thing, you wonder how else would you solve it if you weren't hooking up. 
It's all frustrating and it seems like there are a few things you can't answer because it's that confusing. And you don't understand them. 
It might sound all dramatic but it's nothing like that. It's no big deal. You'll continue your friendship the same way and the only difference will be sex. You can't think about it too much, knowing once your hormones get the best out of you, you're going to have a hard time accepting your own idea. 
"What about you guys? Are you ready to go back home?" 
Maya groans, tilting her head back as she nods. "Yeah, I could do another day here. Though we've got a wedding to plan." 
"Do you know what month it's gonna be?" 
"We don't. We're about to make some calls and meet up with a few people to see which place is closest to our terms. I'm excited, don't get me wrong, but it's so stressful to plan everything. We definitely want it to happen this year after having a conversation. But summer is pretty much all booked everywhere, unless we want some unaesthetic and cheap place." 
She sighs before smiling. 
"But it's okay. Joon is a huge help and he's very much involved. We're doing everything together." 
"That's great. Let me know if there's anything I can help with. I'm not sure how I'd be able to help, I know shit about weddings but just call me if there's anything I could do." 
Maya gives you an appreciative smile. "You're a sweetheart." 
With a smile on your face, you start folding a sleeping bag which you're sure belongs to Yoongi, who (surprisingly) is cleaning up the truck of his car so everything is neat and good to go. You're unaware of Maya's stare that's aimed behind you until she speaks up. 
"A stupid sweetheart if you decided not to fuck him." 
"What?" you mumble, following her eyes. 
There he is. 
Jungkook stops his task to grasp the hem of his shirt, bringing it up and dabbing the tiny droplets of sweat covering his forehead. That wouldn't be the issue if he didn't expose his abs to everyone's eyes – even though only you and Maya are staring – showing his bulky chest. Dryly gulping, you quickly turn around and nudge Maya to look away. 
She gives you a knowing look, offering you a friendly pat to your shoulder as you click your tongue in annoyance. 
They're just abs. Ones you've seen multiple times. You're fine. 
You're going to be fine.  
You still rush to pack your things, not even glancing in Jungkook's direction. Too scared to see him doing bare minimum and look absolutely hot while doing it. 
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Everything went back to normal. Well, new normal.
Yoongi acts like he hasn't spent a whole weekend with you, still patiently waiting for his lunch every day. Even on the way back home, he barely said a word and hummed quietly to his playlist. Surprisingly, you took a decent nap, catching up the lost sleep you experienced the night before. 
After four days of constantly buying Yoongi a lunch, you regret ever inviting him more and more each day. The man demands his lunch, holding you up to your deal. Are you surprised? No. Were you hoping he would leave you alone after a few days? Yes . 
The group chat is full of memes and possibly dates to hang out again, reminding you of your supposedly summer vacation. After the camping trip, you're a little bit more wary to plan something longer and serious than just a casual hangout. It's pretty stupid. One argument shouldn't hold you back from experiencing new memories with your friends. 
You and Jungkook haven't really spoken since the camping trip. You got to say a warm goodbye and ever since then, both of you have been too busy jumping back to your lives to talk. You know you're fine though. In your friends group chat, you've replied to one another a few times – mostly reacting to the memes or just to joke around. So far, there's not much change in your relationship with Jungkook. It feels pretty same and you know it's only because you haven't had the time to hang out and be alone. Is it stupid of you to say that you're a little bit nervous when that time comes? 
However, it eventually comes just when you anticipate it and you don't avoid it. This has been your idea after all. 
You and Jungkook text back and forth, this time in a separate chat without prying eyes of Jimin and Taehyung. Jungkook's days and evenings are fully packed. There's not much time to hang out typically at your or his place – which again might be dangerous and too soon for you. You're being dramatic, that's for sure. But once he comes up with a plan, for some reason you agree even if his plan is the least common place to hang out for you and him.
Stepping inside the building, you're surprisingly met with a nice scent of freshness instead of sweat and testosterone. The gym Jungkook visits is certainly popular and modern, based on the fully packed gym and its interior that has a sweat already rolling down your back. 
“This is most certainly new.” you mutter, eyes wide staring around you as Jungkook cackles, leading you toward the front desk. 
There, of course, is a young female receptionist wearing a cropped tank top with leggings as if she's the one that's about to work out. Once again, Jungkook's often visit here shows when she easily recognizes him and both drops formality, which you don't expect.
While Jungkook goes to equip your gym access after you greet each other with the receptionist, you silently standby and listen to their conversation. You're aware of Jungkook's membership here and judging by the clear sight of the receptionist recognizing and knowing him, he doesn't have to show anything to prove his identity.
“Are you interested in getting a trainer for this session?” she asks, eyes jumping between you and Jungkook. 
“No.” You and him speak at the same time.
Nodding, she clicks off a few things on the computer before she says the price for a single access which has your eyes almost falling out their sockets. You and Jungkook both pull out your wallets. Desperately trying to beat him, you're too late as he pulls out his card sooner and pays.
“I could've paid for myself.” you point out, pursing your lips in a mere annoyance. Can't lie though. Your heart surely feels lighter knowing you haven't had to pay such a price for a full hour and half of torture.
Suddenly, Jungkook's plan doesn't seem that good at all. You would very much test your willpower back at his or your place. 
“I know you could've.” he sings out annoyingly, leaving you to roll your eyes at him as he thanks the woman, leading you away. “It was my idea, I know this gym is a bit pricey and you're not exactly the type to spend money on something like this.”
“Yah!” you nudge him, met with a toothy grin as he teasingly nudges you back. “What are you saying? Maybe I'll enjoy working out. I should work on those muscles.”
You and him share a look, grinning at each other after cracking up a few moments later, knowing very well he's right and you're full of shit. Working out is not exactly your priority. You have enough exercise when working, constantly on your feet all day. Not mentioning how much you walk and sometimes rush to get Yoongi his fucking lunch. But well, that's completely on you. It's a nice reminder to never do that again. To involve him in your stupid plans. 
While Jungkook leads you to the gym equipment (you're sure he would know his way around blindfolded), you're trying your best not to stare at all those muscular and slim people around you. Damn, you're really out of place right now. They all seem to know what they're doing. 
“You wanna lift some weights?” Jungkook asks, tossing down water bottles and two towels he grabbed from home for you and him. “Wait, you did some stretching before coming here, right?”
When he's met with silence, he looks up just to see your brow raised with a frown on your lips. He sighs, disapprovingly and not very subtly shaking his head as he mutters your name.
“I got into this bizarre outfit right after I got from work!” you exclaim, pointing at yourself. 
You tried your best, alright? A simple black leggings and an oversized shirt. It's definitely not the hottest outfit you would often see on Instagram of some fitness model, or just most women who work out and want to look nice. But who cares?
“And I don't ever stretch. Nobody's got time for that.” you mutter.
Jungkook snickers, some of his hair falling and shielding his forehead as he sits down on the bench. “You should stretch every morning, regardless if you work out or not.”
He used to stretch your muscles in other ways.
Oops –intrusive thoughts!
“Alright, alright.” You roll your eyes at him which has him laughing. 
“Okay, do some basic stretching while I do some lifting.” Already seeing your disapproving face, he continues. “Trust me, you're gonna thank me later.”
“But you said you would go easy on me!”
He did say that. In fact, he doesn't plan to destroy you on your first proper work out session. And probably the last because who knows? You're unpredictable sometimes.
But instead of calming down your nerves, he lies down but not before shooting you a smirk. “When have I ever?”
He starts lifting the heavy weight, pressing his lips tightly as he occasionally groans, some of them taking you far away from the gym. Still standing there, you dryly gulp and wonder, why the fuck you haven't invited him over instead? Suddenly, it sounds way more safer than this for numerous reasons. 
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Jeon Jungkook is coming for your neck. 
All he does is the same thing he would’ve done if you weren’t here. He’s focused, checking on you to see if you’re really stretching your muscles like he has advised you from time to time. While he’s oblivious to your inner thoughts and how much you’re actually trying to ignore the way his muscles tense and flex during his workout, he makes sure to give you a stern look every time he sees you flaking. 
He would’ve been a stern trainer, that’s for sure. 
One thing about him is that he takes his job and hobbies very seriously. He doesn’t like when people fuck around — maybe that’s why he’s so opposed to take Taehyung to workout with him. You’re clear Taehyung would enjoy being here just as much as some of the female audience clearly enjoy watching Jungkook. Obviously, he would not enjoy them eyeing and salivating over him, but rather appreciate the clear attention because you know they would eye Taehyung just as much. 
But Jungkook stays focused on himself, partly focused on you while you’ve been stretching your legs for the past five minutes until Jungkook reminds you to switch and stretch other parts with breathless voice. 
Once he finishes, he sits up and takes a short break as he watches you with an amused expression, sparkles dancing in his dark brown eyes. 
“What?” you huff out. “Am I doing it wrong?” 
“No,” he laughs. “I just never thought I’d see the day of you working out.” 
Straightening up, you flip him off with a sarcastic smile which allows him to laugh even more. “Don’t sweat it. I’m not working out yet.” 
After a minute, you stop stretching feeling like you’ve done a decent job. Met with Jungkook’s gaze, you purse your lips. 
“You know… we could’ve gone to a cinema or do something instead.” 
“Complaining already?” he asks amusingly, resting his arm over his thigh as he manspreads himself. 
Are you? It definitely sounds like it and to be honest, you're not sure. You thought spending time with him just hanging out would be a great opportunity to get your friendship back to the old ways. Even though there was a thought in the back of your mind of how that was going to go when you simply imagined Jungkook's sweaty body. You've had the opportunity to see him working out at his place and even back then, you had an awful time trying not to gawk at him. 
With the never-ending thoughts, you grow more upset at yourself. Jungkook is one fine piece of man and that's definitely not how you only see him. He's much more than that. When you look at him, you see him . Not just the physically attractive side of him. Not the way those girls are still eyeing him shamelessly. 
Although, you're not complaining for a reason Jungkook might think. You're not the athletic type like him, he knows that – hell, everyone knows it around you. Or perhaps, it's the tiny bit of this reason too. This is what you wanted. 
Perhaps you made things more dramatic and serious than they have to be. Looking at Jungkook, seeing his toothy grin he sends your way while he's completely oblivious to your inner (and annoying) thoughts, some of the weight lifts off your chest. 
“Not at all.” you assure him, ignoring his knowing look but luckily, he doesn't call you out on your bluff. 
“Come on, maybe we should do some cardio now. Get you heated up a little.”
Don't worry, you already took care of it, you think as you nod with a tight smile, following him across the room. 
Jungkook sets up the treadmill for you, setting up a manageable pace for you before he joins you. 
While music hits of this year blasts through the speakers, he advises you to focus on your breathing before he informs you you're going to do a few miles. Jungkook is keeping up with you, not sticking to his usual routine and for that, you're grateful. It feels nice to do the same thing together, just being in each other's presence even though there's not much time to actually have a conversation. 
After a while, you notice the same women who were shamelessly watching Jungkook the entire time since they noticed him, join you on the treadmills. Scoffing a little under your breath, you glance at Jungkook who's too focused to even notice anything. 
As you open your mouth to comment on it in front of him, Jungkook is in his own world as he suddenly tugs his shirt over his head before he tosses it over the handrail. That's when he must sense your prominent eyes on him as he glances your way.
“It's getting hot.” he explains, shrugging as he continues totally unbothered. 
Huffing out, you tuck a strand of hair behind your hair that has managed to get out of your ponytail. “You're aware of your fanclub here, right?”
“What?” Jungkook breathes out, shooting you a confused look. “What are you talking about?”
You snicker, “There are like three women who have been eyeing you since the moment they spotted you. They even followed us here, so they could stare .” you inform him amusingly, shaking your head when you see his frowned expression. “Oh come on. Don't tell me you're not aware. It probably happens every time you come here.”
You're not dumb and neither is Jungkook. He's definitely not clueless how many female gazes he catches (sometimes even male).
“I wasn't aware of them . But yeah, it happens.” he admits almost shyly, clearing his throat.
You trace his tattooed arm with your eyes for a moment, before saying: “Has anyone hit on you while you were working out?”
“Y/N!” he exclaims, sounding almost scandalized by your blunt question. “I said focus on your breathing.”
Is Jeon Jungkook being flustered? It only spurs you on and spreads your cheeky grin even wider. “Oh, so you do get hit on.”
Jungkook huffs, “Yeah, it happens sometimes.”
Hm, sometimes. You're not sure if you believe that. 
“How fast?”
“What is this?” Jungkook laughs, “Are you interrogating me?”
“Just curious.”
You really are. You haven't experienced being at the gym with him before. It's fascinating how he behaves here. Not that he's different or something, but it is quite interesting to witness this part of his life.
He sighs when she spots your curious gaze and the cheeky grin, rolling his eyes at you before he huffs out his response. “It usually happens by now. But you're here with me, so I'm guessing that's what holds them back.”
Why is that not surprising? Instead of feeling anything negative, you find that fact amusing and it makes you chuckle. “Oh, should I leave? Give them a chance to come here?” you joke, laughing even more when you see Jungkook's glare.
“You're annoying.”
In the midst of your laughing, you notice him cracking a grin which he has tried to hide. Your body feels lighter, despite your muscles growing tired already, but the moment between you lingers. This is how it felt before. Just you and him – teasing each other. 
Turning off the treadmill sooner than you should've (after hoping you've clicked the right button), you take the small towel Jungkook has brought you and wipe your forehead. You bite back the laugh that wants to come out when you see Jungkook's suspicious stare.
“Scared I'm gonna leave?” you tease, causing him to huff out as he cuts off his run and turns off the equipment. 
“Don't you dare.” he says, wiping his own sweat as he grabs the bottle of water and takes a few gulps. 
While his head is tilted back, throat bobbing at the way he gulps, you find yourself eyeing his buffed out chest. You don't expect to see Jungkook's eyes on you as soon as you look away from the amount of naked flesh, cheeks heating up immediately as his lips curl into a smirk. 
“Stop teasing me.” he simply says, moving closer as he drapes his towel over his shoulder.
“Are you sure I'm the one that's teasing?” you ask silently, eyes flickering down to his chest again as he chuckles. 
“I always tend to take off my shirt. I promise I'm not teasing.”
You believe that. Jungkook doesn't owe you an explanation and after all, you do know very well he prefers to be as naked as possible. Looking around, you spot a few guys shirtless as well and it's not that unusual to see the extra skin here.
“Perhaps you could control yourself a little, you know, around me.” you say with a cheeky tone, pointing at his body as he plays your game, humming while nodding.
And then he does something unexpected. He brushes his thumb across your bottom lip, feeling the softness of it as it feels like he prints his fingertip to the skin he tasted many times before. “You wanted the break, remember?”
The way he drops his tone but still keeps it light and teasing causes your heartbeat to pick up its pace. Stop, stop, stop . Hearing the warnings and red lights going on in your head, you stay rooted in your spot as Jungkook drops his hand, lips twitching. 
He's not oblivious when it comes to you though. He can tell your single body language or expression from miles away. 
“Perhaps you're the one who needs to control yourself a little.” And then he's patting your shoulder in a comforting manner. 
He walks away, laughing and fully content at your speechless appearance, ushering to continue in your routine as you mindlessly follow him. But not before sending a small glare toward Jungkook's fanclub, seeing them whispering among themselves. 
Surprisingly, things go back to normal and there's no teasing happening after that. While your heart still beats a little faster than it should've – and it's definitely not from working out and following Jungkook's instructions – the lingering tension is almost not there. Jungkook is back to being serious, showing you the right way to do things when needed and you listen obediently, doing an actual good job at it. Even if he's back in your mind during all of that, you find yourself to be distracted enough to enjoy your time here. And just you and him hanging out. 
Hour and a half passes quickly. Quicker than you previously thought it would. You get separated when it's time to take a shower and change clothes. Jungkook is finished soon, waiting for you at the reception (no surprise) as he's chatting with the receptionist again. Once he sees you done, he bids a goodbye and wraps his arm around your shoulder.
“So, what are you saying? Are you gonna be my workout partner?” he teases, the two of you walking out of the building as he leads you to his parked car. 
All you can muster to do in response is to let out an awkward chuckle. “I would rather not.”
For obvious reasons. 
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Tossing the packaged food, beef burger and big fries precisely, onto the desk, you watch the bane of your existence slowly turn his chair in your direction as he makes sure you see his well amused and annoying grin. Delivering him a huge sarcastic and tight smile, you hold yourself back from wrapping your hands around his neck and choke him.
Min Yoongi has been nothing but a big menace. The worst thing is that you can't really complain because you agreed to it. 
Today, he requested to get a burger with fries for his lunch. The closest place is around twenty minutes from your workplace by a car, so you spent most of your lunchbreak getting his fucking burger, waiting for them to prepare it and then driving back. Your bank account is slowly starting to cry. Or is that you ? 
“Why thank you.” he beams sarcastically, sniffling the air around him as he leans closer to the packed meal, only spurring your annoyance for sure. 
“It's not like I had a choice.” you remind him sweetly. 
“A deal is a deal.” he sings out, the sound of you taking a deep breath causing his lips to twitch. 
You don't give him the joy of begging him, or even trying to talk him out of this. After all, he's not wrong. You like to think of it as your punishment for making a stupid decision. Overall, it wasn't that bad and for that, you're glad. Yoongi (surprisingly) got along with the guys and for what could be assumed a weak moment, he even told you he was enjoying the time there. It was certainly a weak moment on your part when you allowed yourself to cry in front of Min Yoongi. Somehow, you managed to convince him to hug you. The awkward hug makes you cringe till this day and you're sure Yoongi feels the same. However, he seemed to have his own weak moments for sure. Why else would he ever assure you that he did have a good time? Min Yoongi is not all bad, deep down you know that. 
“So how are things with your boyfriend?” He starts unpacking his meal, the scent filling the room as the office is yet to be filled with your colleagues. Most of them haven't gotten back from their lunch breaks, but that will soon change as it's supposed to end in five minutes. Unless they don't want Junho to come for their asses and spend the rest of the day listening to him complaining. 
“Good?” you ask confusingly. “Since when do you care?”
“I don't, but today has been boring as fuck.” he says simply, taking the first bite of the hamburger you paid for. You ignore the way your mouth salivates. You've managed to eat fries on your way here – something Jungkook would surely scold you for. He wouldn't approve of you eating while driving. Good thing he doesn't know. 
“I told you I'm not here for your amusement, Min.” you remind him.
“Back to last name basis? I thought we're closer than that after our weekend together.” he says loud enough for Benjamin to hear who's passing by, your cheeks flaring hot as he gives you both a weird look, luckily continuing his way toward the breakroom, you assume. 
“Our weekend? First of all, ew,” You cringe, erupting a laugh from him as his cheeks are puffed out with the hamburger. “And seriously? Do you really want rumors to start going around?”
“Nobody would believe I would go for you, relax.” he scoffs while your jaw drops to the floor. Once you collect yourself, you sit yourself on the edge of his desk.
“You did go for me once, as far as I can remember. And if I remember correctly, you did tell me my pu–”
“We don't talk about that.” he cuts you off abruptly, worth enough for you to say the words aloud when seeing his reaction as he looks flustered of you bringing it up. 
It's not like you wanted to, he didn't give you a chance.
“Me and my boyfriend are doing great though. How about you? Have you found yourself a suitable partner that is willing to keep up with your ass?” 
Yoongi chokes on his spit, trying his best for the food to stay in his mouth and that's when you know your job is done. 
“Enjoy your meal, Yoongi.” you tell him sweetly, getting off his desk and walking away with a triumphal grin. 
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The rest of your day goes smoothly, even when you haven't had a proper lunch but your latest interaction with Yoongi just brightens up your whole day. The look on his face and the little frown he made sure you see just made your day. And you made sure to let him know that. Not even Benjamin giving you a weird look very subtly could make you ruin your day.
That's how you've felt until you get inside your apartment building, knowing you have to change your clothes and freshen up before the guys come here. Taehyung is still at work and you're pretty sure so is Jimin, so you have a little bit of time before their arrival. Just as you're putting your phone back inside your purse, you lift your gaze to greet the neighbor just for you to let out an audible gasp. One that gets the attention of the very last person you've expected to see. 
In full glory, your ex-boyfriend stands a few doors away as he looks up, surely hearing you before his own eyes widen and mouth opens in surprise. 
“Y/N,” he breathes out, surprised just as much as you are.
“You've got to be kidding me.” you mutter, not dropping your eyes off Haneul. 
He hasn't changed, yet he seems different than the last time you saw him. He's sober this time for sure but that's not what you meant. At the sight of him, you're reminded of the moments you've spent together. Still shocked to see him, Haneul carefully walks closer.
“I–uh, my friend moved here. I was just visiting him, I didn't know you live here, I swear.”
The little panicked tone and expression on his face makes your features soften. The last encounter you had with him wasn't a pleasant one. You've had enough reasons to stay mad at him. And maybe a tiny part of you still is because of his own mistake. You wouldn't like to go back to it though. You've talked since then and you ended that chapter in your life. But still. Seeing him in front of you, looking panicked and careful like a lost puppy makes you feel bad for some reason. 
He has gained weight. Not lots of it but he looks… bigger and buff, though his cheekbones and jaw are more prominent.  He's wearing jeans, a simple white shirt with a patterned overshirt over it. He looks… good. Even his hair is darker and longer. That's what reminds you of the last time you've seen him. 
“It's okay,” you assure him slowly, not quite sure what to say. “I'm just surprised to see you here.”
“So am I,” he says, his features turning alarmed once again as he quickly jumps to elaborate. “I mean I'm surprised to see you here too. I really didn't know you live here.”
“It's fine.” you chuckle a little. You know how weird it must be for him too. Since the last time he assured you he wasn't stalking you, and based on his body language and expression right now, you're aware that he is actually scared of you to think otherwise. 
He's nervous. You're actually surprised that you can tell even after all these months.
“I never thought I would see you again,” he says softly. “I–do you have a minute?”
Frowning automatically, you look around and shift on your spot. He is not oblivious to your evident uncertainty and perhaps discomfort, his face saddening. 
“It won't be long. I just want to tell you something. It's been haunting me ever since… ever since the last time I saw you. I understand if you don't want to but…” he trails off, scratching his temple.
Looking back and forth between your apartment's door, you hesitate for a moment. For one, you're still shocked to see him here. To see him standing just a few feet away from you, looking at you in a total hope as he pleads with his eyes. 
Do you want him inside your place? It sounds too… intimate. Your place is private. To have him there out of all people… you're not sure how to feel about it. But one thing is sure, you definitely don't want to have this conversation in the hallway where anyone could hear you. 
“Let's take it inside, this is not a proper place to have any conversation.” you decide to say, slow with your movements as you move to tap your code and open the door. 
“Are you sure? I don't wanna overstep.”
Looking across your shoulder, you find him staring into the distance to avoid looking at your code to give you some privacy. That alone makes you feel safer because you know he wouldn't hurt you. Whatever happened back at the club… it was a mess but that shouldn't define all of him.
Still, you create a distance between you and him, still making sure he sees your hardened gaze as you invite him inside. 
“We can just talk here,” he says as soon as he closes the front door. “We don't have to go further.” He proposes.
Taking off your shoes, you cross your arms over your chest before leaning against the wall. “Okay, then talk.”
For a moment, he seems to be lost at words. But once you cock your brow at him, he shakes himself out of it and fumbles over his words. You're patient though, waiting for him to say whatever he needs to.
“I don't remember much from our last… from the last time I saw you. I mean–I do remember bits of it but I was too wasted to remember or even know what I was doing. I never reached out to you, not that I didn't want to, but I thought it's better if I didn't,”
You give him a look, raising your brow again as if to tell him that he's damn right .
“Listen, I don't wanna take any more of your time or bother you. I owe you a big apology, I shouldn't have ever cornered you like that. I was drunk and out of my mind. I still wasn't over our break-up and when I saw you–I lost it, I drank too much and I had no control over myself and for that, I'm ashamed.”
Squeezing your forearms subtly, you just stare at him before you sigh. “I was drunk too. I almost let you kiss me. And I probably would've if…” Jungkook didn't get between you two. 
 Haneul knows that, nodding understandably. 
“I never had a peace of mind after that. I was dumb and irresponsible. I still wasn't over the first love as they say.”
You stand up straight, arms still crossed. “I do hope you find your happiness.”
“Can I ask you something?” He tries, waiting for your nod. Once he gets it, he takes a breath and opens his mouth again. “How did you get over it?”
“Time,” you say as he nods, knowing that must be his answer as well. “And I had my friends too.”
Biting the inside of his cheek, he looks away as he nods. He knows who is included in your friend's circle and his very subtly annoyed reaction proves it. Jealousy is what got you into this mess in the first place. Who knows where you two would be if it weren't for the entire argument that took place during winter. 
“Um, well thank you for giving me a chance to apologize in person. I really needed that and I appreciate it.”
You nod. You could tell him that you hope he truly moved on. That he deserves happiness too and he shouldn't beat himself over his past mistakes too much. Or that you hope he matured into the right person because deep down, you know he's not bad. He had hurt you and you never expected it from him, but looking at you now, you've moved on faster than he has. He is still here, has waited for his moment to apologize again and you appreciate that. But to create more distance and avoid unnecessary affection, you stay quiet. Something tells you it's better this way. 
Perhaps you're being harsh. Or just reasonable and smart. 
Who knows.
He opens his door and you follow him, ready to say the final goodbye which doesn't necessarily mean you won't ever say hi again if you see each other in person. Knowing now that one of his friends lives here, there might be times when you see each other again. But there's no longer any connection there. You won't stay friends like you could've. You think it could only mess with his head.
Once you look up, you wonder why Haneul hasn't stepped out yet only to find Jungkook standing on the opposite side of the door, a prominent frown and glare framing his face.
“What the fuck.”
Getting in between them, you pull Jungkook inside as he spares you a short glance before his eyes don't leave Haneul's figure. You get Jungkook behind you and as Haneul gets the clue, he steps out of your place. 
“Thanks again.” he murmurs, trying not to glare too much at Jungkook who's still standing behind you. 
Giving Haneul one final nod and silent goodbye, you watch his figure retrieve as you let out a big sigh.
“What was he doing here?” Jungkook asks, breathlessly almost getting worked up at seeing Haneul here. 
It's not like you blame him. Haneul wasn't on his best behavior the last time he saw him. And before that too. 
“His friend moved here and we bumped into each other.”
“Great.” he states sarcastically, taking off his sneakers as he gives you a stern look which makes you innocently shrug before closing the door.
“He wanted to apologize.”
“And you let him inside your apartment? Jesus, Y/N.” He rubs his forehead, causing you to shrug.
“He was drunk at that time, Kook. He wouldn't hurt me.”
“You don't know that.”
“I do know that!” you argue, watching his brow raise as you retrieve a little, nibbling on your lip. 
Okay, maybe you don't know that. Haneul has proved himself to be… unexpected. But you don't think he would go far as to hurt you.
Jungkook sighs, closing his eyes as he leans his head back and stares at the ceiling for a second. He walks up to you, expression softening. “Y/N, baby,” He cups your cheek to make you look at him. You dryly gulp, having him this close to you after a long time. “We both know sometimes you can get upset and with a guy like him, you don't know how he's gonna react.” 
You do know what he means. Sometimes you can't control your mouth. But that's the last thing on your mind, not with him so close and calling you– “Baby,” You crack a grin. “We're on a break, remember?”
Jungkook huffs out a laugh, dropping his hands as you try to ignore the mere disappointment by that simple action. “Sorry.”
“I liked it.” you silently confess. 
He lifts up his gaze, mouth opening slightly before hard knocks behind you causes you to flinch. That breaks a moment as you see Taehyung's close up face on the display next to your door right after a ringbell can be heard, the system turning on the camera automatically. Jimin is behind him, nudging his head out of the camera. Snickering, you open the door as the lock unclicks and you're met with your friends face to face.
“What's up fuckers? What's the commotion about?” Taehyung cackles, tossing his sneakers off as Jimin sighs and shakes his head at evidently very active Taehyung. 
“Ignore him. He had a few drinks after work with his co-workers.”
“I was celebrating!”
“You celebrate a lot then.” Jimin mutters, ignoring Taehyung's glare before his sharp eyes stop on you two. 
“Commotion? What were you talking about?”
“We heard your voices when we got out of the elevator.” Taehyung answers you. 
“Were you listening behind the door, Kim Taehyung?” you exclaim, shooting him a disapproving look as he gasps and shakes his head, clearly offended by the suggestion. As if that couldn't happen when it comes to him. 
“We really weren't. We just heard voices because surprisingly, this fucker here was quiet the whole time on the elevator and even after we got out of it. We couldn't hear much. Taehyung is just as dramatic as always.”
“I was just joking, jesus. And who you're calling fucker?” 
You roll your eyes. “You just called us fuckers.” you point out, everyone going further down your apartment as you turn on the lights since you haven't had the chance to go fully inside. 
Taehyung just innocently shrugs. “But what's with the faces?”
“Y/N had her ex-boyfriend over.” Jungkook shrugs, your head snapping toward his direction as everyone in the room gasps. 
Jimin and Taehyung stare at you as if you were caught in a lie, their mouths open as their asses drop down onto your couch at the same time. The scenario is funny and you would surely laugh at them if it weren't for their disapproving and scandalized looks.
“Ex-boyfriend as the slut shaming asshole?” Taehyung asks, narrowing his eyes at you as you sigh.
“It wasn't exactly that, thanks a lot Jungkook,” you point at him, just as he shrugs in return before making himself comfortable in your chair. “His friend lives here, on the same floor I assume. We bumped into each other and he wanted to talk.”
“And you invited him here?” Jimin asks, frowning as you sigh just as Jungkook butts in.
“That's what I said!”
“I–” You stop for a second, rubbing your nose before sitting down on the arm rest, close to Taehyung. “I didn't wanna talk about it in the hallway. You guys didn't see him–” They start rolling their eyes and muttering a bunch of disapprovals before you quickly add. “He seriously just wanted to apologize for the last time. I gave him that choice and I'm unharmed. I'm okay. See?”
“You better be.” Taehyung warns. Jimin nods, agreeing. 
“You guys act like he physically harmed me. He's not that violent.” you inform them. 
As much as you appreciate their protective nature, you know Haneul is not the type to harm you physically. They all make it seem like that and you do think maybe they're a bit overprotective in this manner. 
“And I'm perfectly fine to tell him to fuck off.”
“Sometimes that's not enough. Sometimes that can cause more harm than you think.” Taehyung reminds you.
“Yeah, sorry Y/N but Tae's right.” Jimin agrees.
“You never know how any guy can react when they're mad.”
“You guys are being dramatic now.”
“Maybe, but better be safe than sorry.” Jungkook mutters. His elbow is resting against the armrest, fingers nibbling on his bottom lip as he gives you a stern look. 
“Kook's right,” Taehyung agrees. “Wait–Jungkook, you saw him? Was there a fight I missed?”
You snicker, “There was no fight, Tae because there wasn't a need for one.”
He disappointedly leans back with a pout. 
“He left peacefully. Said what he wanted to say and he's gone.”
“I hope you're not planning to see him again.” Jimin wonders, giving you a suspicious look as you stutter over your words, shocked at his suspicion while Taehyung snaps his head toward you, already ready to react.
“Why would she? God, don't be stupid to get back to him, Y/N.”
“Oh my god!” You shake your head, stopping him right away. “First of all, no one is getting back with anyone. I'm not interested in him like that, not that it's any of your business.” You tell them sternly, looking at every one of them, met with frowning Jungkook and then a second after, with the same looking Jimin and Taehyung. 
“We're just worried about you, that's all. But Jimin-ah, she has Jungkook now, right?” Taehyung teases.
“I appreciate the concern, but I'm not that dumb. And please stop bringing up me and Kook. We're not… doing that anymore.”
“You're not?”
Their reaction comes at the same time, bouncing against the wall of your small living room as the duo glance at Jungkook who nods in confirmation. 
You weren't exactly planning on telling them, in fact you and Jungkook never talked about telling anyone but that's simply because there was no need to. As always, that's between you and Jungkook. But now it seems like a good thing to inform them since Taehyung practically assumes you and Jungkook are hooking up. And despite his obvious shock and almost disappointment, his mouth frowns as Jimin suspiciously eyes you and Jungkook.
You don't tell them that you took a break. It's almost embarrassing to admit that you want to continue hooking up with Jungkook. Firstly, you want to focus on hanging out with him only. It seems fresh and nice, despite all the difficulties you have to go through every day.
“So you're no longer hooking up?”
“Who's dumb idea that was?” Taehyung exclaims as Jimin clicks his tongue at him.
“So you're just… friends? Everything went back to normal?” he asks, staring at you before focusing his eyes on Jungkook this time as he nods. 
“Do we have to talk about this?” Jungkook asks. “It's not like you discuss your sex life with me.”
“Not you, Tae.” Jungkook cuts him off, causing you to snicker. “But yes, she's telling the truth. Can we move on? I seriously don't wanna talk about my sex life.”
“The lack of right now.” Taehyung snickers, causing Jungkook to throw a pillow at him. 
Everyone knows that if Jungkook wanted to get his dick wet, he could do it anytime. The difference is that he's not that type of person and it's something he and Taehyung don't share. Minus Jimin since he's in a relationship now which still blows your mind to be honest. 
“I'm glad you guys got some sense after all.” Jimin says, leaning back as he makes himself more comfortable.
You and Jungkook share a look, your breath close to hitching once you spot those dark brown eyes from the distance, as you give Jimin a smile. One that you hope doesn't look nervous just as much as you seem.
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“What about Greece?” Taehyung asks, filling up the thoughtful silence. 
Luckily, for your and Jungkook's sake, the topic of your sex-life is no longer discussed – even though you know Taehyung is itching to know more details. Each of you has their phone in their hands, searching for the right destination for your first proper friend vacation. 
There have been a few suggestions, though you have to stay realistic. And all of you got bills to pay. 
“Won't that be more expensive?” Jimin questions, not quite sold on the latest suggestion.
“Not necessarily. We can always check.” he responds, shrugging. 
“And what about Hawaii? Many Koreans visit it, it's familiar and kinda verified if that makes sense.” Jimin says.
“Hawaii sounds nice.” Jungkook hums.
“Oh–Hawaii! Let's go to Hawaii!” Taehyung says excitedly, straightening himself off the sofa as you laugh at his sudden excitement. “I saw this TikTok about Hawaii destinations. It was beautiful.”
“Are you sure it's the destination you saw in that video?” Jungkook teases, both of you cackling as Taehyung flips him off.
“Ah, my aunt went there last year. She can't stop talking about it.” Jimin ignores the three of you, sticking up to the topic while Jungkook and Taehyung stick their tongues out at each other. Kids.
“Honestly, I don't care much where we're gonna go. As long as it's a nice place.” you shrug. “Hawaii sounds nice. Let's check it more, so we can finally decide.” 
Everyone agrees with you. When the four of you start searching for more details that entail what island you would pick, accommodation, flight tickets and overall the prices. The tiredness slowly overcomes you, your friends talk too much to the point you zone out. Their voices drift off as your head falls down on Jungkook's shoulder.
You hear them teasing you for falling asleep, but it gets ignored as you simply shrug and continue in your slumber. It's until Jungkook shakes you out of your sleepiness, his soft features are blurry until you blink a few times. In the distance you can see Jimin and Taehyung cleaning after themselves, the two of them in their own conversation. He gives you a gentle smile.
“We're going to Hawaii.”
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Over the course of a couple of days, everything is booked and set up. It feels nearly unreal. You've never experienced a vacation that involved a proper beach and island. It doesn't properly kick in, not even when you inform Junho about the vacation leave you want to take in mid July. Not very pleased by that, he knew you do have a right to take one, so he had to accept it. When everyone got a free pass, the group chat was filled with exciting gifs and memes. 
All that is left is to wait.
Taehyung: I fucking need this vacation y'all
Jimin: work?
He expects his job to be the cause of Taehyung's sudden message to the group chat.
Taehyung: no lol
Taehyung: just thinking about all chicks I'm gonna get 
Jimin: dude…
Taehyung: what? you used to be way more fun -_- 
Taehyung: you act like a priest now
Jimin: I don't think priest has a girlfriend 
Taehyung: doesn't it depend on religion?
Jimin: do you know anything about religion man??? 
Taehyung: than you're just stuck up man then  
Taehyung: fyi I do know a lot 
Taehyung: women love to scream for god when I 🍆🍩
“Ewww wtf” 
Jimin: we didn't need to know that
Taehyung: you guys are no fun -_- 
Kook: Just another day in this gc I see 
Taehyung: so boring  
Taehyung: where are my friends?! >.<
“They're responsible” 
Taehyung: like you're one to talk about responsibility
You gasp, snickering.
“Fuck you” 
Taehyung: come here then bby :P
Jimin sends a laughing gif, probably rolling from Taehyung's ridiculous messages. 
Jimin: we've matured Tae, time to find a girlfriend
Taehyung: I'd rather cut my dick off
“Can I do it? 🥺” 
Jungkook sends laughing emojis. 
Taehyung: I knew you were kinky little shit
“Seems like you're the kinky little shit” 
Taehyung: I never hid it ;)
“again… EW! -_-” 
Jimin: petition to cut tae's dick
“Maybe then he'll finally think with his head rather than his dick” 
Taehyung: you little bitch 
You send an emoji sending a kiss. 
Taehyung: y'all are so mean
Kook: I'm in the middle of photoshoot and I'm reading about Tae's dick
Kook: get a grip
“But I love talking about Tae's dick :(((“ 
Taehyung: YES!
Jimin: lmaooo 
Kook: seriously? -_- 
“Yes 😘” 
Taehyung: she can talk about yours if you want kook
Kook: I'm outta here 
“Taehyung -_-” 
Taehyung: just jk omg  
Jimin: let them live bro 
Taehyung: you're one to talk dude 
Jimin: fuck off
“Are the flight tickets returnable?” 
Taehyung: no you're stuck with us
Jimin: actually they are but you're going with us
Taehyung: you have no choice ;)
“I'm seriously gonna slap the shit out of you Taehyung” 
“But I can't I'm working” 
Taehyung: I can visit you ;) just try me 
Jimin: yeah don't do it girl 
“I'm seriously gonna kick your ass” 
Taehyung: I thought you wanted to slap the shit outta me :( 
“I can do both” 
Taehyung: I'm sure you can
Taehyung: Kook??
Kook: leave me alone
Taehyung: disrespectful brat
“Tell him to leave me alone too :<” 
Kook: yeah leave her alone too 
Taehyung: because what? what you're gonna do? :))
Jimin: you're never gonna let that go will you
Taehyung: nope ;) love to tease them
“Just come here, I'm gonna show you what's teasing” 
Taehyung: cumming!! 
Taehyung: oops I meant *coming :))) 
Kook: 🙄
Jimin: lmaooooo they disgusted
Jimin: me too me too
Taehyung: now that my job's done, enjoy your day you fuckers 😘 
There are no messages for a while. You're guessing all of you are busy. It's the middle of the day after all. 
“Is he drunk?” 
Jimin: no… just taehyung
Somehow, that sums it all up. 
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After work, you're in the middle of sorting out your laundry when you videochat with the guys. Much to your surprise, you ended up clocking off early which doesn't happen very often – if ever. Junho has seemed to be in a good mood today, which resulted in letting some of you leave early. Yoongi included who couldn't seem to be happiest as he rushed out of the door as first. 
“Where's Jimin?” Taehyung asks, holding his phone down as he unlocks the door of his apartment. The angle would not be very flattering for most people, but it's unfair it's not unflattering when it comes to him at all. 
“I think he's on a date.” Jungkook answers, one hand on a wheel as his phone is perfectly angled at him.
You laugh at Taehyung's face. “You know, you could try to go on a date too. I've got a few coworkers who would surely be interested.” you tease him, laughing even more when you see his features scowl in a mere disgust and disinterest. 
Jungkook cackles, eyes focused on the road. 
“If they're interested in having the time of their lives, my phone's on.” Taehyung jokes.
“You're so confident about that.” Jungkook laughs.
“You know Kook, you should've known that–”
“Alright, alright. Spare me the details. I'm driving.” Jungkook cuts him off quickly, making a grimace that makes you giggle. 
“Besides, I'm heading to the club tonight.”
“Alone?” you ask, brows raised in surprise. 
It's not like Taehyung is not the type to go somewhere alone, especially to a club. But it used to be something at least one of you went to do together. 
“No, I'm meeting Mark in an hour.”
“Wait–Mark as in the Mark I worked with?” you ask, closing the washing machine's door with a thud as you stare wide-eyed at the screen.
“How do you know him?” you ask, “I mean—how did this happen?”
You haven't heard of Mark for months. It's true you've seen him a few times after you quit the job there while visiting, but he hasn't been on your mind since then. It's not that weird because Taehyung knows him, you introduced them and Taehyung is very social, but you would've never guessed they actually hung out. 
“You know.. My friends started to focus on monogamy, so–”
“Shut up.” You laugh as Taehyung grins before giving you a proper explanation.
“I don't really know, I was in this other club one night and he was working there. I remember him from the time you worked together. Anyway, got drunk and we talked. We bumped into each other a few times since then and we kinda started hanging out.”
“Well, say hi to him from me.”
“Will do.” 
A message pops on the top of your screen. You read the name, seeing it's Jungkook texting you. Taehyung starts to ramble, while Jungkook waits at the red light that illuminates his face as he cocks his head toward his phone, motioning for you to text him back.
Kook: movie night tonight? have a free evening
A sudden rush of happiness evokes in your chest and you're too quick to type back.
“Yes!! Got a few movies recs we can watch” 
“What are the two of you smiling about?” Taehyung asks, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
“Nothing, nothing.” you sing out, seeing Jungkook chuckle as he starts driving again. 
“You can join me.” Taehyung suggests.
“I don't feel like clubbing tonight.”
“Yeah, me neither. ” Jungkook hums.
“Boring, I'm telling y'all. You are getting boring as fuck.”
“We're getting older, Tae.” you laugh.
“You? You're the youngest out of all of us! ” he exclaims.
“I'm an old soul, Tae. What can I say?”
“Old soul my ass.” he grumbles.
The three of you laugh and joke around until the call ends shortly after. A few minutes later, there's a knock at your door signalizing you of someone's arrival. Opening the door with a huge grin, your features falter a little when you see him. Jeon Jungkook stands in front of your door, hair wet as he informs you of the short summer rain he caught on his way here and that you've completely missed. Tattooed hand goes into his hair, swiping them off his forehead as a few droplets drop down his thin black leather jacket.
He looks straight out of a movie. A total heartthrob. 
He arches his brow at you, chuckling. “You're gonna let me in or not?”
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chlorinecake · 1 month
heyyy, could I ask for a soft fic like jay your fiancé wakes up to you squirming so much and whimpering cause of DAMN CRAMPSS na the doesn't know about your period till it leaks on your guys's bedd. then he tries to take care of it when you're asleep and when you wake up you get all embarrassed (lmao that's how I feel) but he insists on helping you and thought out the day he learns that you his fiancé has bad cramps, lower back pain, nausea, gets cold, often hot flashes and gets dizzy a lot basically bed ridden, can I be
🪻anon thanksskskksks
✿ — let me take care of you | p.js
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pairing. 𓏌 fiancé jay x fem. reader 𓏌 contains. just jay being a super affectionate and caring fiancé, mentions of blood, some cuddling, kisses, pure fluff 𓏌 word count. 0.7k 🖱 ⑅ path to the bookshelf ◍
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"mmm," you whined in your sleep, tossing and turning to the point that you woke up your fiancé who was sleeping next to you.
he cradled you from behind, hands covering your stomach as your hands squeezed over his.
"what's wrong baby," he pouted, warm face nuzzling in the crook of your shoulder as he soothed you.
still stuck in your slumber, all you did was whine in response, curling over his hands as the pain in your abdomen increase with a sharpness.
"____?" he whispered groggily, worried that you might be having a nightmare.
the softness of his voice somehow reeled you from your sleep, your eyes creaking open like an old door.
"can you just hold me like this for a little longer... please?"
"of course, baby, im right here..." he smiled, kissing your sweaty temple while his soothing hand caressed your figure.
jay couldn't shake how troubled you seemed in this moment, so he tried his best to stay still until you fell back to sleep instead of questioning what was really going on with you.
letting a few drowsy moments pass, he finally heard the sound of your purr-like breaths against the pillow, your body falling fast to sleep as your body grew warmer.
"ohh, you're burning up,” jay exclaimed, not sure if you could hear him as he said, “let me get you a cold towel."
he shimmied from behind you, pulling the covers back so the cool air from the ceiling fan could hit you.
that's when he saw a splotchy patch of scarlet-red blood right beneath where your hips were resting in the mattress, a bit of it having smeared from the sheets onto your legs.
with this, jay immediately knew what the source of your restless pain was now.
he sighed in relief, thankful that it had nothing to do with a virus, but everything to do with your body naturally functioning, just as it should.
as your fiancé, jay understood that it was his duty to help you when he could, and the last thing he wanted was for you to wake up and have to deal with this mess yourself.
he went to the bathroom to warm up a towel with soapy water, wiping at the blood on your legs.
suddenly, your skin sprouted with goosebumps.
"poor baby... now you're cold, too?”
tossing the blood-stained towel which was meant to land at the edge of your shared bed, it accidentally collided with a bottle of soap in the dresser, the heavy container falling to the ground with a loud thud.
the sound was loud enough to wake you back up again.
“j-jay, what’re you doing,” you asked with weak eyes, feeling his large hand smooth out the bumps on your cold skin.
“you got your period last night, ____,” he said with a smile, but you only groaned at his words, turning to see the blood only to crumble inside, "easy now, baby."
"no jay, get away from me, I don't wanna get you dirty," you protested, turning over to move his hands just to end up feeling dizzy.
and nauseous.
"sweetheart, there's nothing dirty about this, i'm here to help you," he replied, your flushed face making his heart swell.
"but I need to clean this up myself- OH gosh, there's even more blood over here," you whined dramatically, groaning out loud before burying your face in your hands.
"don't worry about it, love. you can stay here while I run you a bath, okay?" jay offered kindly, not been able to hold back the chuckle in his throat thanks to your exaggerated reaction right now.
"no, no, I got it-"
"____, it'll give me time to get the sheets washed while you soak in the tub," he interrupted your rambling softly before kissing you. "I'll be back with your clothes and a towel once you get out..."
you let out a submissive sigh, not being able to fight against him anymore after he just kissed you...
besides, he really was only trying to help you, despite how embarrassed it made you feel.
"okay then," you nodded, crawling out of the bed with his hand in yours, both your engagement bands sliding over each other. "oh, and jay...?"
"can you bring me a pad, please?... one of the bigger ones from the shelf downstairs."
he smiled at how cute you were in this moment, already feeling more comfortable with him being involved in this candid part of your life.
"gotchya, princess," he said with a smirk, taking the sheets and pillowcases off of the bed before going you in the restroom where he would soon run your warm and bubbly soak.
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𓏌 Thank you all so much for reading this fic, and apologies to the original anon for me taking so long to get to this ;-;
𓏌 — tags: @squoxle @nikisvanillaccola @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @wonbinisbabygurl @addictedtohobi @watamotee33 @bachuya
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nmakii · 3 months
— a date with alastor didn’t go as he had planned… but, it wasn’t that bad after all…
hi!!! i saw this idea from @callmechito and, i didnt make the idea exactly the way specified. but, i really wanted to try :)!! it is late at night though, so i did not make it as long as i wanted it to be (sorry if it’s rushed!!)
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acid rain. perhaps it would’ve been wiser to check the 666 news weather report before scheduling your date…
you stood by the window of your hotel room, wearing what you’d call your sunday’s bests. thousands of sinners’ skins burning on impact from the acidic rain pouring outside.
“s/o, are you decent? may i come in?” a static voice came from the other side of the door. “uuh, yeah! come in” you called back to him as he gently opened the door.
and on the other side of the door, you saw a different side of alastor that had never been seen before; a smitten yet small smile drawn on his face, wearing a red coat, as per usual (though this time, his coat is not tattered), and his big doe eyes shyly looking at the outfit you’d chosen for your proposed date.
alastor let out a quiet sigh, an overwhelming feeling filling his chest, making it hard to breath. “my dear! well, aren’t you stunning? i might just drop dead right now, haha!” alastor laughed, a laugh track joining along. “haha… it’s a shame that we have to cancel our date…” you smiled bittersweetly, quite honestly looking forward to the date. it must have been a millennia since your last date, not to mention how it is with alastor, hell’s most eligible bachelors if i do say so myself…
“well, who said we had to cancel our date?” he tilted his head. “i’d think the rain outside would speak for itself…” you muttered out. “we could just have our date here at the hotel! we could simply move the date to my hotel room, would you like that?” his fingers tapped against his staff.
“su-“”brilliant! let’s make haste now!” he smiled gleefully, taking his hand in yours and shadow teleporting you to his hotel room— the warm red tones of the hotel harshly contrasting with the cool blue and green tones of the forest on the other side.
alastor took your fingers in his hand and gently guided you to a table with two seats. he pulled one out and helped you into the chair. “just sit tight now, darling. i’ll have niffty whip something up for us.” he smiled before leaving the room.
minutes later, alastor came back— two delectable dishes in hand. he placed one in front of you before sitting down himself and digging in.
the two of you had spent your dinner getting to know each other better (more like just him getting to know you better…), talking about whatever came to mind.
not for one second had you ever doubted alastor tonight. everything coming from his beautifully thin lips had sounded as genuine as ever.
after dinner had ended, you wiped your mouth with the napkin on your lap. “alastor, i had a really good time…” you grinned awkwardly, blood rushing to your face. “i think i must go now, i have a busy day tomorrow…” you frowned slightly before standing up to leave.
“nonsense! come, dance with me for a while, would you?” he teasingly pleaded, placing a hand on your shoulder. you hesitated for a while, considering the consequences of staying up an extra few minutes. “ahh… i guess it couldn’t hurt..” you smiled as alastor walked to his vinyl record played, placing the needle onto the grooves of the CD.
as alastor placed a hand on your shoulder and hip, sway by michael bublé began playing. you copied his actions, placing your own hands on his hip and shoulder as the two of you began dancing to the soft music, alastor’s soft voice singing along to the tune.
you soaked in the soft sight of the scary radio demon, as docile as a doe. you rested the side of your head against alastor’s chest, feeling every vibration as he sang. alastor sighed softly, all of this simply being too much for him to act calmly.
all of these emotions were too much, alastor needed a way to release them… he took his hand off of your shoulder before gently gripping your chin. he leaned down a bit before kissing you.
his lips smiled into the kiss, the hand on your hip snaking up to cup your cheek.
the kiss lasted quite long before he finally pulled away, a proud yet mischievous grin decorating his handsome face.
alastor leaned down, his mouth hovering over your ear. “would you like to know something, gorgeous?” he whispered, the hand on your chin resting once more on your shoulder. “i’d say i’m the luckiest man in hell right now, on a date with a treasure like you. i might just die, again!” he laughed. though, despite his joke— when he had said that, the radio filter on his voice was gone, letting you hear his true voice.
you looked up to meet his careful gaze as you grinned lovingly “i had a marvelous time with you… you make me happy that… im in hell.” you laughed.
as the song stopped, alastor paused, thinking to himself quietly. he dropped your hand before cupping your back. “you said you must leave, didn’t you? i wouldn’t want to be the reason you’re groggy in the morning!” he smiled, walking you over to your hotel room, just a few ways down.
“i did have an amazing night with you, my dear. i hope we could do this again, perhaps again during an acid rain shower?” he teased while laughing. a calm composure remaining on his face.
and despite that poker face, he was in the best terms; burning on the inside out. his longing for you filling all of his senses. he must stay gentlemanly though… so, for now, he’ll cherish the beautiful date he had with you tonight.
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girlgenius1111 · 2 months
romantic fics
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alexia putellas
a cure for frustration p1 make it better p2 -smut
do you want my attention? -smut
do you need me? p1 just admit it p2
tease p1 tease p2 -smut
love you anyway p1 i love you... it's all i can think p2 let me show you p3-smut
trying to be cool about it p1 we don’t have to talk about it p2 i can't hide from you like i hide from myself p3
waiting room p1 she’ll be the best you ever had if you let her p2
didn't mean to forget you
something isn’t right, babe
give you my sunshine, give you my best
got love struck went straight to my head p1 what if all i need is you p2 smut
who could stay?
talk more
didn't think that through smut
birthdays are supposed to have surprises p1 i'll be whatever you need p2
stuck with me
echoes of her
you come back with gravity
miscommunications + conversations
say it again smut
rather be anyone else
please smut please part 2
i always know what you need smut
might just love you 'till the end
no time for losers smut
mila 🥰
new world
ona batlle
you don't have to pretend with me
that night was a mistake
that night was a mistake
is this a mistake too? [smut]
i want to be here.
pay for your crimes
the great war
sweet dream was over
it was war it wasn't fair
burning embers
maybe it's the past that's talking... screaming from the crypt
we will never go back
claudia pina
resistance & persistence
always will
misa rodriguez
to the brink
no one speaks to you like that
snapped snapped p2
jenni hermoso
cata coll
prove yourself
leah williamson
ACL tear #4, ACL couple #2 p1 matching injuries, matching fits p2 you could see the best of me p3 smut
leila ouahabi
can she make you feel like I do? smut
patri guijarro
like you mean it p1 i know you can p2 smut
ingrid engen
i wake up screaming from dreaming
ingrid engen x mapí león x reader
don't doubt us smut
always want you
you aren’t a chore…
all the same
face the consequences smut
flipped smut part 2
alexia putellas x jenni hermoso x misa rodríguez x reader [aka the orgy fic] just let go
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
321 notes · View notes
thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 months
the soaring arrow
fused with the foe, chapter two
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a/n: we getting somewhere in this one... progress... and by progress, i of course mean that we are one chapter closer to when they finally get to be happy and in love.
summary: “…do you still wanna learn?”
warnings: king!steve rogers x reader, fantasy AU (monsters, but not much magic), original fantasy world, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, slow burn, innocent!reader, violence, gore, injury, weapons, big scary dire bear, a bit of a cliffhanger of an ending to this chapter (the drama is here, it has arrived, in the majestic for of [spoiler])
word count: 4706
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Rising yet again from the plush stool, your feet carried you the short distance back around to the opposing seat. Your elbow came to rest against the edge of the small games table as you glanced down at the chequered board and your chin swiftly found your propped-up palm as a bored breath seeped from your lungs. 
As you moved one of the ivory pieces, the thoughts you’d been trying to keep at bay for weeks slipped through ever so slightly. The king hadn’t talked to you since the wedding, in fact, whenever you’d been in the same room with each other, his gaze never found you. 
You might as well have been invisible.
The arm beneath your face slowly melted down till it layed flat against the table and you let your head follow along. Slumped over, your cheek pressed against your forearm. 
Raising your gaze from your up-close perspective of the chess pieces, it fell upon the man leaning 
against the wall by the exit. Dark locks only half tied up, a crossbow was strapped to his broad back as his stormy gaze stayed low and locked on the small dagger he absentmindedly twirled and flipped in his fingers.
Letting out another sigh, you didn’t bother straightening out before you asked, “so, is this just how it’s gonna be?”
Halting his fiddling, Barnes’ eyes met yours, “pardon me, your majesty?”
“You just lurking wherever I am, is that how it’s gonna be for the rest of my life?” you lifted yourself only slightly so that both of your palms pressed into your soft cheeks to prop it up. 
“No, I’m just here till you get settled, then I’ll go back to my usual business,” the advisor stated. 
“And when will that be?”
“I don’t know, your majesty,” he sheathed the short blade at his side, “why? If it’s because you don’t care for my presence then please just say so, I won’t be offended if you’d rather have a different warden looking out for you.”
“No,” you sat up properly, “it’s not that, not at all, I just–… could I maybe go for a walk?” the question hesitantly left your lips. 
“Sure, you can,” he nodded slightly, “where do you wanna go? I could show you the Valarian Ward in town, there are lots of museums there you might like–”
“No,” you cut his offer off, “I meant if I could go for a walk on my own.”
“Oh… well, I’m not entirely sure that’s the best idea…” he uttered carefully. 
“I am your queen, aren’t I? So, can’t I just command you to let me go by myself?” you tried, blinking up at him like a little puppy, “please, Barnes.”
A low sigh then flowed from his lips as his stare raked across the floor. A moment passed before he opened his mouth again, slowly saying as his gaze stayed averted, “your majesty, I am gonna leave for a moment, I suddenly remembered that I forgot something in my chambers this morning. Please excuse me as I momentarily won’t be here watch where you go,” his eyes flicked up to meet yours, “you got that?” 
“Yes,” a bright smile stretched across your features, “I understand what you’re saying,” as you instantly shot up to your feet, “thank you, Barnes.” 
Though half regretting his choice already, he still offered you a half-hearted smile, “you’re welcome, your majesty.”
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Bending down, you plucked a long-stemmed daisy and added it to the bouquet of wildflowers your left fist was tightly enclosed around. As you lifted yourself back up, your vision washed over the blossoming meadow you stood on, located on the hill directly north of the castle. From here only parts of the seaside community were perceivable, as from this angle the mountainous fortress blocked off the vast majority of Borün city, only the edges closest to the main road, like the city stables and the water mill, caught your gaze. But the farmlands that curved over the rolling hills west of the town had no obstructions in their path. The vision of golden fields as well as wide pens that housed both fuzzy brown cows and round little sheep, that blissfully soaked in the mild afternoon sun, couldn’t help but bring a smile to your lips. 
Peeking over your shoulder, the warnings of the king’s right-hand man faintly echoed in your mind as you glanced at the thick forest. Temptation had swayed your feet to carry you dangerously close to the edge. The Noll woods didn’t seem that dangerous from this angle, perhaps it was safe enough on the perimeter and it was just the dangers deep within it that they were so terrified of. So, the next thing you knew, your leisurely stride had crossed the meadow and the dark wilderness had swallowed you whole. 
Extending an arm as your feet slowly walked over the crunchy leaves and the pillowy moss clusters, you felt the cool leaves brush against your open palm, almost as if you were greeting each and every one of them as you passed. The chirping birds high up in the dense treetops sang a pleasant melody that caused a bright smile to bloom on your lips. 
You weren’t sure how long you ventured forth, deeper and deeper into the twisted forest, but eventually, a small and speckled bush caught your eye, ripe with the vibrant berries you recognised from the layered cake that you had been served for tea just a few days prior. The fabric of the long burgundy cloak you wore billowed behind you as you rushed to pluck the small fruits. A soft hum vibrated at your lips as you tasted their tart sweetness, popping them in your mouth one by one. 
Though just as your head was up in the clouds, over the moon about this little slice of paradise you had discovered, a low growl emanated from the tall shrubs just behind the berry bush. Your fingers froze in an instant and the fruits in your berry-stained palm rolled to the ground. Slowly, you raised your gaze as a giant snout pushed through the dense plants and the creature’s rotten breath fanned across your cheeks, causing your stomach to churn. 
Holding your breath, petrified with fear, you willed your feet to shuffle back at a terrifyingly slow pace. Your entire body trembled like a leaf on the wind as your eyes stayed glued on the dark animal slowly creeping into the clearing. 
A bear, though at least three times the size of any normal one, came stomping into the light. Its footsteps were heavy enough to make the forest floor quake. Long and gnarly teeth curled up over its drooping lip as viscus slobber, and what looked like blood, dripped from its gums, staining the blades of grass below with every hefty step. Nowhere on its scarred skull were something that resembled eyes, so as it sniffed loudly, your hair nearly rustling in the gust, the blind monster detected precisely where you stood.
A snarl rumbled out from its toothy maw as it clawed closer to you like a predator playing with its food just before it pounced. Eclipsing the dabbled sunlight that streamed in through the tree canopy, the massive creature blocked off any chance you had of escape. The petrifying roar it then let out caused your hands to instinctively shoot up in front of your face. 
Falling back, you collided with the thick tree trunk right behind you. Adrenaline pumped so furiously throughout your body that the tree almost felt like a pillow, as your body was so filled with terror that it didn’t let you notice any of the pain. 
Through your shielding fingers, you caught sight of a swift movement, though it wasn’t the ravaging bear before you. From out of nowhere a broad figure suddenly appeared, slipping in between you and the creature. 
Your eyes widened as you saw the king hold a shield up high, groaning from the strain as he blocked the monster’s mighty attack. Drawing a stout axe at his belt, he sliced it low, catching one of the bear’s legs and causing it to reel back enough for him to bash the shield against its snout, sending it back a few paces. The arching blows he then landed on the gnawing beast were a brutal blur to your eyes as he didn’t yield till the monster was slain and its blood stained the mossy forest floor. 
Slowly turning to face you, crimson dabbled his features and tainted his beard as he stared you down and roared, “what the hell were you thinking?” his broad chest still heaved from the battle as he took a step closer to you, “you’re not in Obelón anymore, you can’t just wander off!”
“I–… I’m sorry,” you said weakly, your eyes felt heavy as you stumbled to distance yourself from the tree trunk, “I didn’t–”
“You didn’t what?” inching closer, he sheathed his weapons, “think you’d bump into a dire bear? What if it had been something worse, huh? What then? Do you have any idea of what kind of dangers lurk in these shadows?”
Black spots dappled your vision as you just managed a faintly utter, “I’m s-sorr–,” before you collapsed. 
As the king caught you in his arms, your cloak unfurled to reveal the silks of your gown ripped and peeking out from the shreds was a grave wound on your waist. 
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When you finally woke up, you weren’t in the forest any longer, but warm under the covers in your own bed.
You weren’t sure what you noticed first, the familiar surroundings or the sharp sting that throbbed at your side. Wincing silently, you pulled down the blankets and saw the clean cloths that bandaged the injury. As you carefully ran a fingertip over the dressing, a figure at the foot of the bed caught your hazy gaze. 
Slumped over on a small stool with his head resting against his folded-up arms, there sat the king, completely out cold. 
A clay pitcher of water stood on the adjacent bedside table beside a few empty cups that had a deep green tint to the glass. Carefully, as to not rouse the slumbering monarch, you reached for the jug in order to quench the thirst that scratched at your throat. As your fingertips brushed against the handle and moved it just a tad, an aching wave suddenly washed over you as the attempt stretched and disturbed your injured waist enough for you to recoil back, accidentally tugging at the decanter in the process and retroactively knocking over one of the nearby glasses.
As soon as it smashed to the stone floor, the king bolted up like he’d been struck by lightning. 
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” you rushed as you clutched your throbbing side and leaned back against the pillows, “I just wanted something to drink.”
Still groggy, he sucked in a breath as he squinted over at you in the bed, “don’t move,” his voice was deep from sleep, “I’ll get it,” and he reached over to fill up the glass that didn’t fall to its doom, “here,” handing it to you, his eyes stayed on you as you took a sip, “how are you feeling?”
Lowing the drink to your lap, you watched the water ripple gently in the glass as you uttered, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking I’d run into any monsters, I just wanted to see the forest. I’ve never been in a real forest before, so I just–… I’m sorry…”
A low sigh flowed from the king’s lips before he asked, “how are you feeling, dove? Does it hurt badly? Because I can fetch you some herbs if it does.” 
“It’s not pleasant, but I’ll manage,” as you always did. Your pain tolerance was through the roof when it had to be, “I’m sorry.”
“Would you please stop apologising?” your tense gaze finally flickered up to meet his, “I understand you wandering out on your own, I even understand you wanting to explore the forest, but what I don’t understand is why you didn’t bring a weapon with you. I know you don’t know too much about this kingdom, but you must have a basic understanding of just how dangerous it is, especially The Noll Woods. So why didn’t you bring anything to protect yourself with?”
“What?” you blinked, “I don’t own a weapon.” 
Eyes widening, his brows shot up, “you don’t?” 
“No…” you shifted lightly under his gaze, “why are you looking at me like that?” 
Leaning forward slightly, he asked, “dove, do you not know how to fight?” 
“Why would I know how to fight?” 
“Why would you–…” he echoed faintly before lowing his gaze to the blankets spread out on the canopy bed, “gods, I knew that Obelón’s high walls helped protect its people from many creatures, but I know even that doesn’t stop the citizens from knowing the basics at least. Why didn’t you ever?” he found your eyes once more, “you’re of royal birth. Why haven’t you been in lessons since you were a child?” 
Shifting your grasp around the glass, you uttered, “…my father wouldn’t let me…” your brows were still deeply knitted as you said, “I thought it was improper for fine ladies to have such skills.” 
“It’s not,” he shook his head, “trust me. Some of the best fighters I’ve ever known were fine ladies such as yourself.” 
“Really?” you couldn’t help but inch forward a bit. 
“Yeah, my mom for one taught me a lot of what I know, as well as–…” an unreadable expression briefly washed over his features as his sentence suddenly crumbled, “well, others…” 
“I always wanted to learn,” you thought back, “used to spy on my brothers when they were training, even tried to convince Callum to teach me in secret, but none of it ever worked out… my dad always found out and then he’d–…” your gaze stayed locked on the outline of your legs beneath the covers as you felt a shiver run down your spine, “I, uhm… I learned to stop doing that. Going against his rules.” 
After he helped you place the glass back beside the pitcher, the king’s deep timbre filled the chamber once more, “…do you still wanna learn?”
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The gentle wind kissed your cheeks as you squinted your eyes at the circular target close to the ivy-covered outer wall of the front courtyard. Though the training area stood nestled between the warden’s barracks and the royal stables, the king’s right-hand man had ensured that there wouldn’t be as many people crowding the common area as there usually were, a gesture you’d become thankful for as the act of learning an entirely new skill was intimidating enough without having the added commotion of experts in the field directly next to you, granting you the perspective of just how green you were. 
Over countless days, bedridden in your chambers, the wound to your side had scabbed over and healed nearly completely. Though the wait was significant, it hadn’t felt that dreary, since at the first dawn you woke, the king’s presence had been exchanged for a tall stack of meticulously selected books. The majority of them were factual records about Eflorr, the land, the history, everything that had been out of your fingertips in the library of your birthplace. But occasionally in between the tomes of the kingdom were books of completely different genres. There was a wide and worn book of fables that had whimsical illustrations on each page, a pocket-sized novel counting the mystery of a fictional rogue, as well as a collection of flowery poems. 
Letting the nocked arrow fly, it didn’t pierce itself into the bullseye your eyes were boring a hole into, but instead joined the cluster lodged in the ground. 
“I am never gonna get this,” you muttered, nearly tossing the training bow from you. 
“Oh, don’t lose hope yet, your majesty,” you twisted your neck to see Barnes standing by the small, open-style stables adjacent to where you stood, petting the cheek of the black horse that stuck its head over the fence, “you’ve only been going for a few days.” 
Drawing another arrow from the quiver not yet strapped to your back, but simply resting on the small stool scooted close, you attempted once more, and though it didn’t hit the target, the arrowhead did wedge itself in between two of the stones on the wall behind it. 
“Not bad,” your body jumped at the unexpected voice, “you’re getting closer.”
Spinning around, you saw the king, arms crossed and leaning against the building directly behind you, “your majesty!” your eyes grew to the size of saucers, “h-hello.”
“You need to relax your bow arm more,” he pushed himself off of the wall and walked up to you. 
“What?” you blinked, still slightly stunned and scrambling to catch up to the fact that he was even there. 
“Here,” he stepped up behind you and a sharp breath of air filled your lungs as his touch found the limb clutching the bow, “you need to relax this arm,” his presence ghosted against your spine as his touch adjusted your appendage to the proper angle, “and lower it just a bit,” plucking up an arrow, he too nocked it for you and let his fingers linger over yours as you drew the string back tight, “use the corner of your lips as an anchor,” as the feathery fletching tickled your cheek, you could have sworn that you felt his curled knuckle shyly brush against your features as well, “and since you’re not very brawny, try and keep a bit of tension right here, it’ll help,” his hand slid down to your waist, the other palm briefly joining on the other side before he let go of you. You could feel the gentle gust of his breath on the shell of your ear as his low voice instructed you, “give it a try.”
The arrow then soared through the air and lodged itself into the outermost ring of the target, “oh my gods,” you squealed, your body victoriously wiggling at the sight, “I did it!”
“Atta girl,” he smiled at the result, and you turned your head to gaze back at him, the fact that he hadn’t shifted back yet caused a shiver to crawl up your spine, “see? I knew you could do it,” his eyes finally flickered down to yours, though when the close proximity dawned on him, only a second passed before his feet began to move, “anyways,” clearing his throat, his vision now seemed to wander over anything but you, “uhm… good job,” he offered your upper arm a small pat, “keep it up,” then turned to the high warden still off to the side, “Buck, I need you to take a look at something for me, up in the war room.”
Giving the horse one last scratch, Barnes answered his friend, “sure thing.”
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“You know the king well, correct?” you asked the soldier as he walked with you down to breakfast. At this point, you’d gotten fairly used to Barnes acting as your shadow.
“You could say that,” the corners of his lips curled up in a soft smile, “my mom was a servant here at the castle, so I essentially grew up alongside him. Then as soon as I was old enough, I joined the wardens, partly just to stay at his side. So yes, I do know him well,” he nodded slowly, “I know him very well.”
Rounding the corner, you walked down a long hallway with windows facing out toward the sea all along the right wall. Motes of dust hung suspended in the morning sunbeams that spilt into the hall, perfectly still, like flakes of gold leaf trapped in resin.
Glancing over at him once more as you stepped through one of the golden rays, you slowly opened your mouth once more, “can I ask something?”
“You can ask me anything you’d like,” he met your eye. 
“Does–…” you hesitated a moment before averting your gaze to gather up the courage to utter, “does the king have someone else?”
Gently cocking his head, Barnes echoed, “someone else?”
“Does he have someone else?” you repeated, sensing heat creep up in your cheeks.
“Oh, uh,” he breathed as you reached the end of the hallway and he stretched out his arm to push open the door you’d arrived at, “no, not that I know of.”
As he opened the door to the smaller of the dining rooms for you to enter, you noticed that you’d been unconsciously gnawing at the inner part of your bottom lip till it nearly bled and you forced yourself to stop, “alright…”
When you crossed over the threshold, Barnes stayed put on the other side, though offered you a small nod before the heavy doors fell shut behind you. 
Turning to face the long table centred in the chamber, your eyes suddenly grew wide as an unexpected figure sat on the far end. 
“Good morning,” the king glanced up at you as he popped the piece of strawberry lodged on the tip of his fork into his mouth. 
“Your majesty! I–, I–…” you blinked a second, finding it impossible to get your feet to move the last few paces over to your set place, “I thought you took your breakfast up in your personal chambers.”
“Felt like a change in scenery today,” he plucked up a porcelain cup filled with steaming tea and brought it to his lips, though paused before taking a sip, “is that alright?”
“Of course, it is,” a shudder ran through you as you shook yourself out of your stupor and sat down at the table. 
A generous spread of options layed arced around your empty plate. From seasonal fruits, cut up and arranged on an oblong platter, to hearty bread, sliced and toasted, propped up for it to stay crisp, the selection never ceased to make your belly rumble in want. 
When your plate was filled up and you slowly began to pick away at it, the king’s voice suddenly echoed from the other end of the table. 
“Are you busy this afternoon?”
“Busy?” you lifted your gaze and sent it down past the short floral centrepiece to look at him, “no, your majesty, not in particular. Why do you ask?”
His elbow was propped against the edge of the table and his hand gently rested against his beard as he continued to stare at you, “I was wondering if you’d care to promenade with me.”
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“I know it doesn’t look like much from this angle,” the king pointed to the dark cave entrance on the cliff that the castle stood upon, “but that emergency exit has saved countless monarchs.”
“So, the tunnel leads up to the basement?” you glanced down to the part of the coastline still a ways further down the pebbly beach.
“Yep, opens up into the wine cellar, it’s actually one of the racks that’s concealed as the door down.”
Glancing up at him as you slowly walked beside one another, an amused smile curled up on your lip, “clever.”
“Yeah, my mom thought so, she was the one who implemented it.”
The corners of your lips then dropped back down, and you waited a second before asking softly, “when did she pass?”
“A while ago now…” his vision briefly flickered down to look at the waves foam at the shore, “anyways, I’d recommend taking a guide with you if you’re gonna go exploring in the cave because it can be easy to get lost if you didn’t grow up with it as your playground.” 
“I’ll remember that,” a faint chuckle bubbled out of you.
The pebbles crunched beneath your slow stride as you made your way down the beach, closer and closer to where the fort loomed and the docks beyond flourished into the bustling city. 
After he’d bent down to pick up a smooth, dark rock, the royal then spoke in a slightly apprehensive tone, “hey, I actually wanted to talk to you about something…”
Noticing that his stride had halted, you stopped as well, “yes, your majesty?”
His gaze stayed on the small rock in his palm as he turned it a few times, “I know I haven’t exactly been the warmest towards you, I haven’t given you any solid reason to trust or even like me,” his ocean eyes then lifted to meet yours, “but we are supposed to rule together, be a team. So, I propose that we call a truce. Let’s start over and try and be friends,” his broad hand then extended. 
Clasping your fingers around his palm, you shook on it, “truce,” and a small smile bloomed as you then returned to your walk.
Your eyes didn’t stray long from him, staring at him inquisitively till he, on a glance, noticed.
“It’s just,” you squinted over at the man walking beside you, the water gentle and calm behind him, “I don’t even really know you…”
“Well,” he breathed, as if that setback was easy enough to remedy, “what would you like to know?”
“I don’t know…” as you continued to stare at him, your fingers absentmindedly fiddled with the opalescent stone attached to the chain hanging from your neck, “tell me everything.”
“Everything?” his eyebrows raised a second before he exhaled lowly, “alright… uhm,” he then lowered his gaze as he scrambled his brain, “my favourite colour is blue. I can’t stand pears,” he began to list off, “I know I don’t look it now, but I was a very scrawny kid, sick all the time. I’m excellent at skipping rocks, actually learned how to just down there from an old family friend. What else… uh, I don’t have a lot of free time, but the little I do, I tend to either read, history in particular, as well as draw or paint, whenever I have the chance.”
“Paint?” you chuckled as that was one of the last things you thought he’d say. 
“Yes,” he nodded, “not many, but a few of my pieces are strung up around the castle.”
“I will have to keep my eye out for those, your majesty,” you smiled. 
“Oh, and please, no more of that,” he pleaded, “you shouldn’t call me your majesty any longer, we’re friends now,” he momentarily turned to toss the rock into the rippling sea, and a small ring bloomed on the surface as it delved in, “you are my wife,” the corners of his lips tugged upwards as he faced you once more, “you should call me by my name.”
“Alright, Steve,” the name felt oddly intimate on your tongue, “I’ll try my best to do better.”
As he smiled down at you, a shadow suddenly soared across the sky above both of your heads. Lifting your eyes to the clouds above, they swiftly went wide in fear as you saw the creature that flew straight towards the village. 
“Oh gods, is that a–”
“Dragon,” Steve uttered before you could. 
The winged behemoth of a beast had scales like the darkest tree bark, but in the sunlight it soared through, they shined regally like an oil spill. 
Grabbing you by the hand as warning bells rang out over the seaside community, Steve dragged you with him and he addressed the two wardens that had lingered a few paces back while you both were out, “take her inside, through the cave, stay low, away from any windows.”
“Yes, my liege,” they swiftly replied and moved to defend you, but as the king’s grasp left yours, you reached out to halt him.
“Wait!” your fingers rushed to snag your lucky charm off, “here,” and you layed the fine necklace into his open palm before finding his eyes one last time and uttering, “please don’t die.”
Closing his fist around the jewel, he offered you a grave nod before the wardens led you into the cave and the king rushed down the banks and up the algae-slick steps that led up to the harbour. 
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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ponderingmoonlight · 8 months
JJK men sharing a bed with (y/n) part lll
In case you haven't read the other parts yet, here they are: JJK men sharing a bed with (y/n) part l Satoru Gojo sharing a bed with (y/n) at a love hotel (part ll)
This is the first time ever that I'm writing for Yu and Choso, so please let me know what you think<3
Pairing: Toji x reader; Geto x reader; Yu Haibara x reader; Choso x reader
Word Count: 3,7k
Warnings: Some language, a loooot of fluff in every part!
Toji Fushiguro
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You blink against your heavy lids, head pounding the second you are greeted the dim light of the room. Immediately, your body starts shivering from the cold that prevails wherever you are. What happened? How did you end up here? It looks like you’re in a basement, a stony and dirty one. Your trembling figure lays on top of a bed as it seems, feet chained to the frame. Fuck, how did you end up here?
“Oh, look who’s awake. Did take you quite some time, sweetheart.”
His voice sounds distant and unpromising, the cheeky tone vibrating in it sending shivers down your spine immediately
“Where am I?”, you question with surprisingly firm voice.
“Hm, to be honest I’m not sure. Are you comfy or do you need company?”
He steps into your sight and your breath hitches for a split second. Yes, the man standing in front of you is extremely handsome, with shoulders built like cannonballs and his tight shirt that shows every trained muscle of his body. And that face…oh, what a lovely face. But the darkness that radiates from his eyes makes your stomach drop. This man means nothing but trouble.
“Touch me once with your filthy hands and I’ll slice it off”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
Desperately, your worn out body fights against the chains on your ankles as his frame draws closer, but there’s absolutely no chance for you to escape.
“I wonder how long it will take Jujutsu High to get that you’re gone”, he comments, hand gripping your chin firmly so you are forced to stare into his cold eyes.
“Huh, you’re quite handsome. No wonder that Gojo boy likes to spend time with you. You’re quite feisty though.”
You forcefully pull away from him and stare down at your shivering figure. They will find you, right? They just have to…
“Comfy, huh? I’m actually a little worn out myself, would you mind to scoot over a bit?”
“Stay. Away. From. Me.”
Your words are like venom, eyes so dangerously flashing at him that Toji escapes a chuckle.
“Your cold, bet I can warm you up a little.”
He doesn’t give a fuck about your little protest. Instead, he pushes you against the wall and lays besides you, body’s forced to touch inside the small bed.
You can’t help it. Before you get a grip of yourself, your cheeks turn dark red while you gaze at him through glittering eyes. Fuck, why does he have to smell so absolutely delicious? And the heat that radiates from his body seems to warm you through skin and bone.
“Hehe, I knew you’d like that. First time lying next to a real man I guess.”
“No, your just stinky”, you blurt out.
His face drops immediately, as well as what’s left of your sense of humor and spirit. Fuck, fuck, fuck. This was a bad idea. A really really bad idea.
“You aren’t really in the position to have a big mouth, sweetheart.”
With a swift motion, he lays on top of you, gaze piercing through you as all you can do is to writhe underneath him. Fuck, this feels so good…What? You shake your head, try to calm your hammering heart down. What the hell has gotten into you?
His hand cups your face with a tenderness that you wouldn’t have believed he’s capable of while he eyes you up and down.
“You should be glad. Not many women end up in bed with me on top of them. Today is your lucky day”, he breathes out.
“That I don’t laugh”, you hush.
Your mind and heart are all over your place. Suddenly you aren’t cold anymore but burning hot, the sheer weight of his immense body seems to crush you.
But why on earth does it have to feel so good? This man kidnapped and chained you to this tiny bed. It is obvious that he only causes trouble, not even a gorgeous face can change that.  But the way he looks down at you, his firm body pressed against yours makes it harder second by second to not stretch out your arms to investigate the valleys of his tight muscles.
“You don’t seem to mind sharing a bed with me the way you press your legs together.”
Caught. You hold your breath and look at the ceiling. This will end horrible if you don’t start keeping your composure and stop acting like a horny teenager. This man is evil, he kidnapped you, you are his hostage-
Your hands hold onto his broad shoulder tightly, roaming all over his black shirt.
“Maybe just for a minute or two…”, you mumble.
Geto Suguru
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Your heart skips a beat when you catch a glimpse of him and he perfectly made man bun through which you recognize him from miles away.
Geto Suguru is back. Finally, after days, he made it back to Jujutsu High. Your feet start running on their own, too impatient to wait another second.
“Woah, easy there (y/n)”, he laughs as you lung yourself at him and burry your face in the crook of his neck.
It was so easy to fall in love with Suguru, especially when the two of you spent so much time together.
“I missed you so much”, you mumble against his uniform, arms tightening around his chest as if your life depends on it.
“I missed you too, (y/n). Heard that Satoru wants to throw a party, do you know anything about it?”
With furrowed brows, you let go of him. A party? Satoru didn’t mention the slightest about it.
“No, I’m completely clueless. But I’m set on an important mission tomorrow anyway, so no alcohol for me”, you reply.
“Fair enough. Let’s get something to eat, okay. I’m starving.”
For the rest of the day, Gojo makes no secret out of the party he will throw that evening in his (and Suguru’s) dorm.
“I really hope you’ll catch some sleep tonight”, you comment while smiling at Gojo, who desperately tries to convince Nanami to come.
“If not, I’ll just sleep at your dorm. Be prepared”, Suguru jokingly remarks.
Your heart skips a beat. Suguru sleeping at your place? The thought alone makes your stomach flutter in excitement and your cheeks go red. Way too many nights you dreamed of this to happen, to experience what it’s like to rest your head against his chest while he wraps an arm around your shoulder while his even breaths brush over face gently. Gojo really doesn’t know how lucky he is to share a room with Suguru.
“I’ll be ready. Just knock on the door twice”, you giggle.
“Check. I have to get going now. See you tomorrow before your mission. Or tonight, who knows.”
Yeah, who knows?
- Later that evening –
Knock knock.
Your eyes snap open immediately. Did you dream that? Your still sleep drunken eyes dart towards the door. Oh, please let it be real. Let it be him.
“Suguru?”, you whisper into the darkness of the room.
No response. Maybe you just desperately hoped it to be him. It’s nothing new that Suguru haunts you even when you sleep after all. Your heart sinks, while you turn to the side. Hopefully he has a great night.
Knock knock.
Instantly, you sit bolt upright in bed. No, this wasn’t a dream. You heard it loud and clearly. Before thinking twice you get up and open the door only to get greeted by his smile.
Oh, that gorgeous smile.
“Is your offer still valid?”, he whispers into the peace of the night.
“Sure, come in…”
You didn’t get the chance to see him like that often, dressed in an oversized grey shirt, shorts and his messy hair let down. But he sure does look breathtaking. So breathtaking that you forget how to move for a moment.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Do I look this bed?”, he asks while scratching the back of his head.
“No, not at all. You look absolutely handsome”, you blurt out.
Screw your fast mouth, why can’t you think and then speak?
“Oh, don’t flatter me (y/n). Not when you’re the one that’s looking absolutely gorgeous at the moment.”
Your knees threaten to give in any minute, sleep-drunken eyes just staring at him in disbelieve. This has to be a wonderful dream, right? Like the ones you try to rewatch over and over again. But no, Suguru is standing right in front of you, his soft smell radiating from his stunning figure. This is very real.
He clears his throat.
“Looks like the party won’t end anytime soon and I’m just too worn out to be awake another minute. Would you mind going to sleep? I’ll take the floor.”
“No, absolutely not”, you protest.
No way in hell is Suguru sleeping on your floor after a difficult mission.
“I’ll sleep on the chair”, you suggest.
“No way in hell, (y/n). I’m your guest and you’re leaving for an important mission tomorrow.”
“Then we’ll have to share my bed I guess”, you say your thoughts out loud.
Thick silence hangs in the air. God, you wish the floor would swallow you whole. What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you suggest something so dumb? There is no way that Suguru wants to share a bed with you-
“If you don’t mind, I’m in”, he replies.
You have to blink a few times, did he really just say yes?
“Do you like sleeping on the wall?”
“Y-Yes…”, you stutter.
“Then get in.”
Your feet follow his instruction on their own, carrying you back into bed. The mattress gives in under his weight, causing your arm to slightly brush against his.
“Oh, I’m sorry”, you mutter awkwardly.
“Don’t be. I always liked to be touched by you”, he admits.
Your heart stops.
“(y/n), what I want to say is that…No bed is as comforting as spending my time with you. I just feel like I like you a little more than just as a friend…”
“I love you”, you breathe out without thinking twice.
God, how much you love Suguru Geto. No matter how long he’s gone, no matter how often you told yourself that there will never be more between both of you than a friendship, you always craved more.
You always graved him. Completely, everything from him.
He wraps his arms around you so tightly that you just know this has to be real. No more dreaming, no more imagining. Suguru is laying right by your side, holding you close to his body.
“Thank god Gojo throws that stupid party tonight”, he comments, hand gently caressing your face.
“Thank god this dream became real…”
Yu Haibara
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You jump up and down in joy, giggling loudly at the sight in front of you. Finally, it is this time of the week again. The time of your movie night with Yu.
“I knew you’d love some sushi, so I thought I’d surprise you!”, he announces, smiling widely.
You don’t know how or when it started. Since you’re both in first class of Jujutsu High, you always spent a lot of time together. Right at the beginning you both discovered your passion for good films. One thing lead to another and now you’re having a movie night each Friday.
It’s way more than that for you, though.
“You’re the best!”, you yell in excitement, embracing him in a tight hug.
“No, you’re the best. Come on, let’s waste no time.”
He grabs your hand and pulls you with him into his dorm.
You can’t believe your eyes.
“Oh my”, you breathe out.
This is way too cute. Yu decorated his room with candles and a fairy light, windows completely darkened. His bed is turned into a blanket castle, tv directed towards it. Your heart flutters, tears start stinging in your eyes.
“You didn’t have to do that”, you hush, absolutely mesmerized by how magical the room looks.
“I wanted to do something special for you tonight, (y/n).  Since you are so special to me”, he explains briefly.
His chocolate brown eyes stare down at you with nothing but affection in them. If you could, you would melt away in an instant. What a sweet and caring boy he is. Always there for others, careful about putting a smile on the faces of those around him. You can’t help but admire him for his beautiful soul and character. God, you truly don’t deserve this amount of kindness.
“Oh Yu, I think I need to cry.”
Tenderly, you wrap your arms around him once more, take in his soft scent that sticks to his white shirt that you love on him so much.
“Come on, no need to cry. Let’s get into bed instead!”
Gently, he pushes you into the mattress and hands you a pair of chopsticks.
“As it’s my turn to choose a film, I decided on something Ghibli”, he proudly announces.
All you can do is stare at him in awe. He is so breathtakingly gorgeous that you can’t believe you sit next to him on his bed. Every Friday, your heart skips a beat when gazing upon his features. He makes it look so easy to smile in a world that seems hopeless most of the time, always optimistic.
“Are you okay, (y/n)?”
You shake your thoughts away, cheeks redden. Damn, he caught you staring. He smiles softly at you, hand gently brushing against your arm. Oh, you see stars.
“Yeah, just a little overwhelmed I guess…”, you mumble.
“No need to be overwhelmed. You deserve the world! This is a small gesture compared to how great you are!”
By the way his eyes light up you can tell that he truly believes in his own words.
“Hey (y/n), would you mind cuddling a little? I guess I just really love your hugs.”
Time stands still, you fumble for words. If you mind to cuddle, with him? Absolutely not. No, this is what your dreams are made of.
“Not at all.”
Gently, he wraps his arm around your shoulder and positions the blanket on top of both of you, sushi placed on his lap. You let your head sink against his shoulder, closing your eyes for a moment. Oh, how much you longed for that Friday nights, how much you adore his touch. The unusual sensation of him asking for cuddles sends a shiver down your spine and makes your heart flutter in excitement.
“You know, I love it when we lay in my bed and watch movies. It’s my highlight every week”, he confesses casually between eating some sushi.
“Of course! Your great company and your taste in movies is exquisite.”
You let out a cute little giggle at the way he dramatically pronounces the last word of his sentence, index finger stretched out in front of his nose. Yu never failed to make you smile.
“I just hope this never ends. I really like you, Yu…”
Your confession sounds so strange coming out of your mouth, but you can’t hold it back any longer.
“Well, I really hope you do considering you are my girlfriend!”
Girlfriend!? Your eyes dart at him in shock, mouth hanging open while your mind fumbles for the right words.
Girlfriend? He never mentioned that he’s in a relationship before, especially not with you.
“I mean, you are my girlfriend, right? After all we’re spending so much time together and it’s clear that you like me and I like you”, he adds, confused by the way your expression changed.
“You know that normally, people ask each other out, right?”, you enquire, still staring at him like an idiot.
Yu simply shrugs his shoulders while gifting you with another of his breathtaking smiles.
“Why asking if I already know that we like each other? Seems pretty unnecessary to me. Or do you not want to?”
You can see the way his grin slightly drops at this possibility. No, no, no, this is absolutely not what you wanted.
“Yes, yes, yes. I absolutely want to”, you blabber out.
He lets out a laughter, arms wrapping themselves around you tightly while your heart hammers against his chest. You’ve been imagining a relationship with him for so long while he’s been living in it for what seems like weeks? You giggle into yourself, shaking your head in disbelief. Somehow, this is absolutely typically for him.
“I’m glad you’re with me in this relationship now”, he notes.
“Yeah, me too…”
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“Oh my god, this is just way too exciting!”, you blabber, eyes darting around the dark hallway to soak the moment in.
“You know you’re getting kidnapped, right?”, Choso questions.
“But this is my first time getting kidnapped!”, you clarify.
Wow, this is unusual. You seem so unbothered by the fact that your life is in danger than even Choso himself is too stunned to speak.
“Are you gonna torture me too!?”
“What the hell is wrong with you, woman?”
The enjoyment that lights up your eyes, your hands not even trying to fight against the chains and how you roam around in pure pleasure. This was supposed to be a blackmail attempt in order to tease Satoru Gojo out. After all, you are one of his precious students. But it seems like it doesn’t work out like that at all.
“You aren’t human, right? Hm, let me guess…”
“I’m incarnated, dumbass.”
“Oh, that’s really interesting! Would you mind telling me more about yourself?”
“Can I touch you?”
“What a bummer…”
You sign as you look up to his tall figure.
“You’re actually quite handsome”, you comment casually.
Irritated, Choso grabs your shoulder and pushes you against a nearby wall, absolutely thrown off course by your sudden compliment.
“Aren’t you at least a little scared of me?”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
“I mean, the others told me that you are a special grade and I’m a grade 2, so I’m no match. But you don’t seem like a bad guy to me at all, more like quiet and introverted”, you explain briefly.
Urgh, that spark of innocence in your doe eyes makes it hard for Choso to seem unpromising. Maybe it would have been better to send Mahito after you…
No. Something inside him resists this idea. No way in hell will Mahito get is dirty hands on you.
Choso shakes his head and lets go of your shoulders, continuing to escort you. He has a mission to finish, after all.
“May I ask why you brought me here?”
He stops in his tracks while side-eyeing your frame.
“You’re here to attract Satoru Gojo.”
Even from afar, he can’t help but admire your features. Yes, you are very easy on his eyes, the way you stare at him in nothing but admiration, as if he’s something special apart from his outstanding abilities…
What the hell has gotten into him? He is a half cursed spirit, feelings like affection have no place in his world. You are nothing more than an annoying mission to him.
“I’m sorry about what has happened to your brothers”, you suddenly blurt out.
He can’t believe his ears. Slowly, he turns around to face you, features completely twisted in anger until he looks in your eyes.
Your eyes of innocence that are filled with nothing but sadness and sincerity.
“That’s none of your business”, he spits at you.
“Oh, but it is. My people are responsible for you being miserable and you seem like a genuinely nice guy”, you remark.
How ironically, he thinks to himself. To be called nice by a jujutsu sorcerer. You two couldn’t be more different. It’s your job to exorcise curses like him, curses that threaten humanity.
“Get in there”, he instructs you.
You follow the direction of his stretched out finger without thinking twice into the small room on the end of the hallway.
“Pretty nice for a prison, wow, there’s even a bed!”, you cry out and jump on the mattress.
It’s pretty hard, you have to admit. But better than what you’d imagined being held hostage would be like.
“Are you staying here with me?”
“I have no other choice. You’re my mission and I’m in no mood for trouble.”
“Oh, that’s cool! I’d love to chit chat with you!”
He can’t help but roll his eyes at you. After talking non-sense for half an hour, you now lay passed out on bed, snoring softly. How are you even able to close an eye when your life is in danger? If he wanted to, he could kill you without blinking. He signs to himself.
He wouldn’t do that though. Not when something about you seems so mesmerizing. Is it the way your hair falls so perfectly and frames your face? Or how you carry yourself with so much confidence that not even a cursed spirit can break your optimism? Maybe your effortless beauty is the source of all evil.
It’s just…you. He allows himself to get closer, sitting next to your passed out body on the bed. You look so peaceful, as if you’re just lying in bed, waiting for another day to arrive. He wished he could be so carefree, so cheerful.
Gently, his hand caresses your cheek. Why do you have to look so damn lovely, even to him?
“Can you hold me?”, you mumble sleep drunken.
He holds his breath. Fuck, did you just catch him stroking you? No, your eyes are still closed and a few seconds after those words escaped your lips, a soft snoring is heard again. You talked in your sleep. You asked him to…cuddle you.
Carefully, he places himself besides you on this way too small bed, arm hesitantly wrapping itself around your waist. Oh, you feel so warm, your sweet perfume tingling in his nose. What a truly lovely human being you are, so different from all the other people he has met yet.  Maybe…Maybe you are indeed different. Maybe not all humans have to be killed.
“Can you scratch my head?”, your acquitted voice requests.
“Don’t get greedy”, Choso warns you, before massaging your head.
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leah-lover · 3 months
Closed for maintenance. Leah williamson × reader.
This is part 2. I took a gamble on the ending. If you don't like it tell me so that I can change it.
PS: thank you for all the support ❤️❤️.
I woke up the next day with a painful headache. The light painfully affected my eyes as soon as I opened them. At first I didn't take in my surroundings, all I thought about was the pain. Then suddenly it all came back, the party, the drinks, Leah, the kiss. Holy shit Leah I kissed Leah. “Oh no why do I do this why the hell do I always do this. Fuck.” I cursed at myself. Then I jolted up. This is not my room, it's probably Leah's. I quickly inspected the room, no longer feeling the pain in my head as I was preoccupied with the trouble I got into. I then noticed a note that said “ good morning beautiful, come join me in the kitchen.” 
I got up to refresh my hair. I was still in yesterday's clothes, so I just tidied myself and went out to join her.
I was met with the cutest sight in the world. Leah blasting ABBA, dancing and cooking what looks like eggs. With the biggest smile on my face I said “ good morning cap.”. She embarrassed turned down the music and replied “ good morning to you sleepy head, you were drunk last night so I brought you home I am not sure if you remember “
“ I do remember everything despite the earth shaking headache I am experiencing right now.” I added, which made her nervous. 
“ Leah the pan it's burning.” I pointed out. “Shit. Oh god. What are we gonna do?” she said while putting the pan in the sink.
“ Well I guess the girls are having brunch, maybe we should join them.” I suggested, afraid of the outcome of us being alone.
“ Good Idea I am gonna go get ready you tell the girls we are coming together, I mean yeah…., not together like in the same car I guess.” She blurred out while going up the stairs.
On our way to the restaurant Leah seemed nervous, she kept fidgeting with the console not knowing what to do. I just ignored the tension and stared at the window.
Once we arrived we were greeted by Katie. “ Look who just showed up in yesterday's clothes late.” She said,
“ Katie fuck off please and thank you.”She replied, ushering me to an empty seat and pushing the chair out for me. “Such a gentleman “ said Katie, which earned her a stern look from Leah.
The conversation flew rather quickly, and the girls grew tired and started to leave one by one. After a while I was left with Leah alone.
“ We need to talk about what happened yesterday, it is eating at me.” She started, “ it , you, have been eating at me since you joined. You are one of if not the most beautiful human beings I know. You are kind, sweet, and confident. You are a leader and a good friend. I ….” She added before I stopped her when I put a finger on her mouth. 
“ I need you to listen to me Leah. I can't let this go far. I have been in a relationship with my teammate. It has ruined my career. I left Chelsea because of my relationship with Niamh. I lost friends because they were hers first. I was left alone. I like the family here at arsenal. I don't want to lose that. Plus my heart is closed. I don't want a relationship. I can't handle a relationship right now.” I said with tears falling down my cheek.
“hey it's okay. It's not gonna be like that. Here at Arsenal what is mine is theirs. We have formed a group with Katie, Caitlain, Lia, Alessia,and Steph. What is mine is theirs and vice versa. That fact is known within the team. They won't only be my friends they will be your family. You won't be isolated. If god forbid something happened. Do you understand me?” She said, nervousness was apparent  on her face.
I stayed quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say or what to do. “ If you are not up to it that's okay.” She said, worry in her face. “ I don't know what to think. Maybe I just need to understand more.” I replied.
“ Let's go to  Katie's house, there you will understand.” She added, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the restaurant.
And right then and there a new chapter in my life began.
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salaimoi · 11 days
i wave goodbye to the end of beginning ˚. ✦.˳· ⋆.✧̣̇˚.
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pairing: gojo satoru x fem reader sypnosis: he wasn’t what you desired anymore, but he couldn’t let you go. months passed since your bitter breakup, and yet, he didn’t stop loving you for a second. cw: slow burn. angst for the sake of angst. falling out of love for no reason fr. unrequited love. alcohol consumption (gojo only) no happy ending me thinks, or maybe somewhat. who knows word count: 3.1k
author's notes: i’m mourning gojo and so should you! so here’s a piece of an angsty fic that’s been rotting, unfinished, in my drafts since march 29. i was only gonna post a sneak peek of this and suddenly the holy spirit took over me and drove me to finally finish it??? IF U EVER READ ANYTHING OF MINE PLEASE LET IT BE THIS😭😭i’m so in love with the reader crying scene u don’t get it. the metaphors?! i outdid myself. i am so terrified of the deep ocean, and the fact that i find myself writing about it during angsty hours says a lot about me. i can’t emphasize how much i adore this fic. i just love angst sm idkidkidk
also, this is my first time attempting angst for the sake of angst as well as slow burn (?) so idk if i’ll ever come back to this. not beta read.
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Time and again, this mahogany dining table was the scene of numerous heartwarming interactions – mementos Satoru wouldn’t be able to replicate a second time, even if he spent a thousand lifetimes trying to do so. Sure, it was more than easy to recreate the scene, but not the genuine warmth the two of you felt in that moment. He could go to great lengths, such as hand-crafting every single piece of furniture in the room that bore witness – carving and polishing wood until his palms became more splinters than skin. But even then, he wouldn’t come close to reliving any of those gratifying sentiments from so long ago.
All the shared laughter at his trivial attempts at comedy had caught up to you; your smiles were forced lately, and he could tell. He possessed that diamond-blue, six-eyed gaze which consistently made you feel as if he could undeniably read your thoughts, but that wasn’t the case. Even a blind person could discern the unforeseen shift in your comportment toward him, and due to this, Satoru questioned himself relentlessly. 
What if he’d said something to offend you? What if he left the toilet seat up one too many times for your liking? What if he began snoring in bed but you were too considerate to say anything about it? What if he forgot a special date? What if he tried to offer you something you were allergic to? 
What if he stopped being the love of your life...? 
It seemed as if, in a fraction of a second, all the enjoyment you once felt had deserted you, and with it, your love for him. Had you forgotten how happy you were by his side all in the spawn of a few hours, or was this the universe’s twisted interpretation of a joke?
Even if it was, you weren’t laughing.
You told yourself it was fine, that it was a mere wave of sadness that would soon pass, but instead the harmless tide you paid no mind to had brutally swept your body into a sea of despair. Before you could process your predicament, the shoreline was well out of sight – blurring with the deep blue expanse of the oceanic abyss that enveloped your mind.
The longer you fought to stay afloat, the clearer the path became for the briny water to replace the oxygen in your lungs, giving you no choice but to drown as everything around you became a pitch-black, bottomless pit – devoid of any sense of worry for you. 
It was rather often that you were accused of abandoning the ship when things got bad, and yet, here you were – submerging along with it.  
How ironic.
Even he couldn’t save you now. The solace his mere presence bestowed upon you when you needed it most wasn’t there anymore. There was no more capability of initiating conversations with him when you were the only other person in the room, causing the once-upbeat and soothing environment to give way to one of silence and uncertainty; it was as thick as syrup.
Syrup. The sugary taste of it from when you consumed it during breakfast was all but replaced by a repugnant, sour one in your mouth. A persistent echo of those homemade fluffy pancakes you had turned down remained, even though he had made them just for you — his precious girl. 
You insisted you would eat later – an obvious white lie to mask your despondency and lack of appetite – but he spoon-fed you, because in his own words, “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I allow my girlfriend to starve? No, that won’t do. I’ll take care of you even after I've exhaled my last breath.”
“And how would you do that if you’re no longer breathing, genius?” you asked, a wilting smile on your face that you had put on display for him. 
“Well, my dear," he retorts with a smug grin. "I've always believed that love has a way of transcending the boundaries of life and death. And as luck would have it, our love transcends the mortal realm. I will always be with you, in spirit if not in flesh.” he smiles, a twinkle of amusement behind his sapphire eyes before continuing.
“Once I've moved on to the afterlife, I'll find a way to send you sweet nothings and a box of chocolates from beyond the grave. Consider it an eternal gift.”
He declares in a complacent tone as he lounges back in his chair, head resting comfortably on the back of his hands. 
"But in all seriousness," he then adds, his tone becoming more genuine, "I'll do everything in my power to ensure you're taken care of – even if it means making sure my eternal resting place has a Wi-Fi connection for you to receive my messages.” 
Your thoughts were entirely silenced in that moment; white noise overtook the black space within your mind. How had he managed to say such heartfelt words as if they were second nature? This early in the morning, nonetheless.
Would he actually…?
You knew he would.
"But let’s not dwell on my demise just yet,” his words bring you back to the present conversation. “Until the day comes, I promise to make the most of our time together. Besides, knowing me, I’d probably haunt you just to ensure you have someone annoying to keep you company."
He finally remarked, going back to stuffing your face with the soggy pancakes that had been sitting in syrup for too long. 
And you were cognizant of the fact that you alone were privy to this side of Satoru Gojo: the mushy, gentle one who tended to his companion as if it were a god-given mandate. 
To the public, he was a stoic, impervious character who had no dread of others. To you, he was far more vulnerable than he would ever confess. 
But that wasn’t nearly enough to deter you from taking the disheartening decision made later that day.
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“I can’t stay here anymore.” austere words you didn’t wish to speak, but needed to, in order to provide some semblance of closure for the both of you. “I can’t love you anymore.” 
A hushed supplication could be heard flying across the room at the speed of light once your hand reached out to turn the bitterly cold door knob, hitting against the back of your head – identical to an equally-cold shower.
“Please don’t leave me,” he immediately protested weakly. 
He approached you with cautious strides, every step causing fragmentation in his all-too-frail emotional state. Even if it was ephemeral, the mutual love between the two of you had already left a blazing watermark on his soul. His feelings for you transcended the nagging rationality that bound his mind, defying all sensible objections he had on the matter of permitting you to depart from his life. Having failed to quell the ardor her felt, it persisted apodictically until he was an arm’s length from your frame. 
And that was exactly it – the same frigid sensation your hand clinged onto emulated the one you felt in your wretched heart the moment he approached you. You’d already turned your back on him and expressed every afflicting anguish that tormented your soul, so why plead now? Now – when you already made the conscious decision to leave him behind. 
Tears neither you nor he could hold back began flowing down your features. A familiar hand lifted towards your cheek soon after, wiping the salty residue off your delicate face with his thumb. 
He never ceased to remind you how gorgeous you were when you cried, frankly because the manner in which your wispy eyelashes retained the saltine tears in your eyes resembled the delicate surface of a tranquil pond.
Every tear you shed would become the gentle water that tickled his skin as his body wafted about in your iris – an eternal reservoir he’d swim in without tiring if the heavens so permitted it.
However, this occasion differed from the rest; the once gentle waters he yearned to lay in became calamitous waves, which may lure him to the ocean’s most profound recesses in the blink of an eye – your blink of an eye. He would usually stay afloat among that innocent gaze of yours, but tonight it was ruthlessly drowning him with no lifeline in sight. 
Even after he implored that your crying would come to a halt, more pungent teardrops bled onto his fingers. An eroding desperation flowed through you, aching to hold onto something, anything, in order to cease the mental decay within your subconscious.
Thus, your own hand extended to hold his against your cheek, a glacial embrace overpowering the warmth of his skin; an identical chill tickled his spine when he absorbed the crispness of your graze, but he paid it no mind.
“Not you too…anyone but you,” he pleaded in a low voice, causing more accursed tears of yours to cascade mercilessly as he embraced you in an endeavor to sway your decision. His voice was gentle and soothing, mimicking a caress you’d never experience a second time. 
“I’m sorry.” you muttered.
Being unable to bring yourself to meet the sapphire eyes that imitated a midwinter sky so perfectly, your head lay low; the only thing visible to him was the top of it. 
It was unclear what you were sorry about. Perhaps you were sorry that you had to leave him behind. Or perhaps you were apologizing to yourself that he was no longer what you thought you wanted with every fiber in your body.
You desired more in this life, and on your game board, he wasn’t a playing piece who could frolic alongside you. It wasn’t because you didn’t fancy his company, rather it was the fact that his own strategy of playing was one that did not catch your eye anymore; it had become a monotonous rehearsal. Every move came to be a discernible one to you – even before he picked up his pawn, causing you to lose interest in the entire game itself.
That realization alone shattered his entire world.
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Satoru’s head lay low all throughout as he sat on a wooden stool amidst the empty bar. It was 2 a.m. and he needed to go home, but why should he?
You wouldn’t be there to greet him – or even scold him for that matter. 
Colorless, almost lifeless, marbles stared vacantly at the picture of you on his lock screen; he consistently spoke to your picture as if he were having a conversation with it. At this point in time, it had become routine. Maybe one of these days the frozen-in-time frame would speak back to him for once?
Just once.
Where had that tender smile he’d fallen in love with gone?
Where had you gone?
On a nightly basis, the same detestable conversation from that night redounded from one end of Satoru’s mind to the other incessantly – akin to a religiously recited sermon. 
It was impractical to disregard the harsh reality that sooner or later every cherished individual he held dear to his heart willingly departed from his life – Suguru, and now you. 
If it entailed becoming a regular person, he’d give his life as a sorcerer to ensure the permanent presence of at least one individual in his life. Where was the value of possessing such prowess when one’s vulnerability in the realm of love was inescapable? 
What twisted transaction was that?
He'd even willingly forsake his divinely bestowed talents for the purpose of altering the passage of time, thereby reverting to a period where your presence was far from being nothing more than a diminishing recollection. 
Ijichi had been dealing with this side of his boss for months on end. Regardless of his efforts to encourage Gojo to put an end to this melancholic act of his, he never managed to convince him to do so. Ijichi attempted the compassionate approach, but to no avail. His optimism and patience were dwindling, fearing that this would continue on for eternity – and perhaps it would’ve if he hadn’t stepped in.
This had to end sooner or later, and for everyone involved’s sake, it had to be the former. So tonight, he opted for a sterner, and perhaps more unforgiving, path.
Your car was parked out front of the bar Ijichi had sent you the address to – forehead pressed against the steering wheel as an audible, exhausted sigh escaped your mouth. It was late and you knew this was nothing short of inane behavior. You weren’t doing this for you; you had to remind yourself that you were doing it for him, with the hope that he would ultimately find someone who would be there for him in a way that you were unable to. 
Weary, almost weak, legs lead you to enter the desolate bar. A knife prods at your chest when your eyes dart over to where Gojo was. He kept his head lowered; the only part of him you could clearly see from this angle was his back.
An overwhelming sea of emotions plagued your mind when you witnessed him in such a state. You could feel the knives twist the longer you stared at the back of his fluffy white locks. 
Months had passed since your split, and you realized Satoru’s grief and distress were indeed as dire as his assistant conveyed to you during the phone conversation. 
A tap on his shoulder was accompanied by a sweet voice that had vanished into the depths of his consciousness a long time ago. Perhaps because he didn't wish to recall the agonizing memories that came with your voice, or perhaps because he needed to maintain a pristine, untouched image of you in his psyche.
As you occupy a vacant stool one seat away from him, your attention is drawn to the half empty vodka bottle in his grasp. 
“You know, I talked to your therapist. He said you were getting sober.” 
What you said held true, except you didn’t hear it from his therapist directly; Ijichi was the one who was initially informed about that, and being the caring person he was, he relayed the details to you. Mostly because he felt as if, deep down, you still wanted to know about Gojo’s well-being.
"What are you doing here drowning yourself in alcohol?" you added, seemingly concerned for your ex-boyfriend.
He looked up at you, his eyes red and bleary from the drink. His body froze. Blue pupils dilated in a mixture of shock and happiness. It really was you. Had you come back for him after all this time? 
"What does it look like I’m doing?" he muttered, his voice bitter and angry.
Satoru detested alcohol; it always interfered with his abilities, and being the strongest meant being ready whenever – no questions asked.  After your departure, though, he grew fond of the bitter, burning feeling the liquid provided. That sweet poison was the sole substance capable of muffling the eternal pessimism plaguing his mind.
You approached him cautiously, taking the bottle from his hands and setting it aside. "Come on," you said firmly, "we need to get you home."
He wasted no time to speak what was really on his mind. Even if it was for a mere second, he had felt the sensation of your touch once more. That was more than he needed to vocalize the thoughts that tormented his sanity. Either that, or it was the alcohol he had consumed speaking. 
“Why won’t you love me back?” His words slurred, being far too drunk to care, though. 
“…You’re drunk, let’s get you home.”
“What home? The one I bought for us that YOU left me all alone in?” he deadpans, the silence following being as deafening as a scream.
“My room feels so empty if you’re not there. I see your precious face and I don't know what to do.” His expression dampens with anguish before he continues – somewhat unclearly, ”whatever I do, I cam’t fubking get you out of my head amd it’s ruining me.” 
“I told you to move on a million times every time you drunk dialed me, Satoru.” 
“If that’s what you wanted, why did you continue to pick up the call?” He retaliates, eyes glazed with forbidden tears on the verge of cascading against his pale skin.
You knew perfectly well why. He knew perfectly well why. Everyone Satoru vented to about you knew why, so why continue to deny it? 
Attempting to keep your temper in check, you take a deep breath, eyes darting back and forth between the door and him. It was more than easy to run away from your problems, like you always did. But not this time.
You owed it to him to at least finally stick around long enough when things got tough. You wouldn’t put up an invisible wall between the two of you anymore, not today. 
You sigh, taking the empty seat right next to him. 
“We can’t go back to how things were. We broke up, remember?” 
“I know,” he grumbles, taking a sip of his beverage. He shook his head, his drunken state making it almost impossible to focus his thoughts or his vision. “But maybe drinking will make me forget that we ever did. Maybe tonight I can pretend we’re still together,” his voice and face etched with sorrow.
His voice trailed off, followed by another long sip of his drink. 
“You need to quit drinking yourself into a stupor, Satoru. This isn’t healthy,” you responded, voice softening out of concern. 
His eyes still clouded with alcohol, he looks at you before speaking. “I don’t know how to move on.” He admitted, voice barely audible. “I don’t know how to live without you. I loved you…and I still do.”
He silently weeps once and for all, crumbling before the love of his life. You didn’t know what else to say, so you settled on simply allowing his head to rest on your shoulder; you always were his favorite shoulder to cry on, after all. Wrapping an arm around him, you pet his head as you lull him. Instinctively, he envelops you into a warm embrace, face burying itself deeper into your chest. 
As he continued to sob like a baby, the sorcerer allowed his emotions to flow freely – months of bottling them up into liquor bottles had finally caught up to him. 
He was beyond ecstatic underneath all the melancholy; not only had you allowed him to get closer to you, but even went as far as hugging him too. He couldn't believe it. Just a few moments ago, you were talking about forcing him to move on, but now – you were actually back in his arms, where you belonged.
He felt relieved for a moment, almost to the point where he wasn't thinking properly anymore. You were finally back in his arms, where you needed to be; he refused to let go.
It felt like a fever dream, but this was all he needed. Even if you’re gone, morning come, he’ll live in this moment for the rest of eternity. 
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chaotic-mystery · 1 year
Drive Me Crazy | Joel Miller
Dbf! Joel Miller x f!reader
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✰ smut ✰ 18+ only ✰ minors DNI ✰
cw: phone sex, lots of nicknames, teasing, mutual masturbation, a panty thief.
All of my dbf! Joel is pre-outbreak, but he’s not a father (I’m sorry!)
ꨄ Let me know what you think, feedback and comments are always welcomed as are requests/ ideas! ꨄ
Your phone rings as you pick it up to see ‘Joel’ across the screen and you smile to yourself, clicking the answer button and give a simple, “Hello?” His moans instantly flow to your ear, your eyes going wide. Trying to stay composed, you give your dad an apologetic look and tell him softly, “Sorry dad it’s one of my friends; boy issues. I’ll be back.” He understandingly nods and shoos you away. With that you make your way to the guest room upstairs, locking the door behind you. “Joel are you fucking crazy?! I’m at my dads, you can’t just call and moan on my phone like that!” 
“I’m sorry baby doll I just needed you to hear how fucking horny I am for you right now. I’ve been like this all damn afternoon, just thinkin about you non stop. How your pretty lips feel wrapped ‘round my cock, the way you gag when I start fuckin your gorgeous face-” he cut himself off with a groan, and kept going. “I miss how wet you’d get for me before I’ve even touched you, you drive me crazy, sweetheart…god damn do you drive me crazy.” you could hear the wet sounds of him jacking off in the background, and that made your mind wander. You lay down on the bed and drag your fingertips up and down your torso slowly as you listen to the moans get louder. 
“Yeah baby? You miss the way I’m absolutely dripping for you by the time you shove my panties to the side to fuck me?” you teased him and added a little moan at the end, and he groaned deeply. “Oh I bet you love when I shove your panties to the side and fuck your hole like a slut, sugar.” Your hand makes it to the waistband on your panties, you contemplate on joining along. Deciding to do it, you plunge your hand in and find your throbbing clit, giving yourself relief immediately. “Joel I’m so wet for you right now you have no idea. I wish you were here right now eating me out. Your tongue all over my pussy, licking all my wetness up as I beg you for more, for you to stick your cock inside me and rail me.” You could hear how much he loved that, his breathing became heavier and the sounds of his hand slipping up and down his cock got faster. 
“Fuck me, baby doll. Keep going please, I wanna cum for you right now with your slutty little panties around my big cock. You nasty girl, you let me keep these after you came on my face in your daddy’s garage” His moans got louder in your ear, and you bit your bottom lip to keep yours inside. “Joel, think about me playing with myself while I'm on the phone with you right now, how my clit feels so soft and slippery under my fingers because of you. Joel I can’t stop it feels too good, thinking about riding you with my tits in your face, you spanking me to go faster” your hand picked up speed and the white hot burning feeling was starting in the pit of your stomach. “Baby cum for me right now, cum in my panties so I can give you a new pair to jack off in” Just saying that made you closer to cumming. Your brows furrowed and your mouth opened slightly as you couldn’t keep your orgasm back any longer. It rang through your whole body as you squeezed your thighs shut, bucking your hips to ride it out. 
“Fuck..baby doll..fuck..fuck..I-I’m cumming baby, Im cummi-” his moans took over and you can tell he came a lot just by how he groaned. “Oh shit baby doll, oh fuck” he said through gritted teeth, and he gave one last sigh before he spoke. “You’re so good t’me sweetheart. So how long before you can be over for round two?”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 months
The Ranger (Part 3)
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Summary: The reader and Dean are in trouble as they come face to face with the person who's been pulling the strings all this time...
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!reader
Word Count: 2,800ish
Warnings: language, angst, mentions of murder/manipulation
A/N: Please enjoy the finale!
“Stand down!” a voice shouted, holding up a closed fist. “He’s fucking feral!”
Feral? You reached a hand down between your thighs, pulling it back and grateful to find no blood. On the one hand, you were grateful Dean went feral. It was like a shit’s hit the fan reflex in an Alpha. Knots deflated instantly so pairs could escape danger. He would be stronger than five Alpha’s combined. Dean’s hair stood upright on every inch of his body, sense hyper aware of everything right now, searching of a way to protect his omega. 
But going feral meant that in a few hours, Dean’s body would force him to play catch up for going into overdrive and knock him out for a while to recover. You had to find a way out of this and fast.
“Are you fucking…” said a heavy sigh, your head popping out from behind Dean. Your heart skipped when one of the men ripped off his mask. “You fucking mated him? You let this fucker knot and claim you all the way didn’t-”
“Did, did you just come in here to try and kill my mate? My Alpha? My goddamn true mate?” you growled, stepping around Dean but held back by his extended arm. “If anyone takes a step towards him, I’ll kill you myself. I don’t care if you’re my dad or not. Don’t fuck with my mate.”
“He’s your dad?” said Dean, his scent threaded with a sharp twinge of heat, like burning ash, anger pulsing with every heartbeat. 
Your dad, turned his back, shaking his head. “Put on some damn clothes. We aren’t doing this right now.”
“Get these people out of my house and maybe I will,” you shot back. He grumbled but you watched as the others in the room walked out the broken front door, gathering at the far end of the front porch. The two of you dressed quickly, Dean always keeping an eye on you. Your dad grunted when he turned around, eyes narrowed at Dean. “Of course it had to be you, you sniveling little shit.”
“Dad, back off. What the fuck are you doing here?”
“He’s full of shit is what he is,” said Dean, picking you up before he stepped over the back of the couch to avoid the glass. He set you down by his side, careful to make sure you stayed behind him. “You were gonna kill your daughter’s true mate before we could cement it. The only reason I’m not dead right now is because it’d destroy her.”
“Why would you want to kill Dean? You told me he was innocent,” you said, brushing past Dean to join him at his side. He didn’t like that but he was the one in danger right now, not you. “Why?”
“Because you’re The Boss, aren’t you. You’re the one that gave out orders to my team lead for who to kill. Didn’t you?” Your dad stared at Dean, his jaw clenched. “Don’t deny it. I know there was someone above him calling the shots.”
“Listen you little shit,” he said, taking a step closer, resting his hand on his holster. “You don’t get to walk away from my business. You were all supposed to die that day but you lived. I let you live, Winchester, don’t forget that. I told the bureau you were a good kid with shitty luck to lose your whole team. I told them to help you get accepted to be a fucking forest ranger in the middle of bum fuck nowhere. I told them I’d watch out for you like the good person I am. I let you go, Dean. I let you think your little conspiracy theories were right. I was going to let you go but you just had to be her mate, didn’t you.”
“Touch her and I’ll-”
“I wouldn’t dare,” he snarled. “That’s my fucking daughter.”
He wiped a hand over his face, breathing deeply as Dean grabbed the back of your sweatpants, holding you close.
“Seeing as how killing you would make my own daughter hunt me down, I’m going to let you live.” Dean scoffed, your dad cocking his head. “Boy, don’t you think for one second if I hadn’t gotten here five minutes sooner you’d be still breathing. I won’t fuck up my own family but yours? I have no problem sending Sam and his little girlfriend a visit or your parents. You fucking work for me again and this time? You’re not hiding behind your team. You’re killing who I say when I say it.”
“No he isn’t.” You took a step forward, Dean’s grip still there. “In case you didn’t realize, those people you just threatened are my pack now. They are as much my family as you are. Dean let go of me.”
“Be careful,” he muttered, reluctantly dropping his hand. You raised your chin and took a few more steps, as close as you dared. He wouldn’t hurt you but you still couldn’t trust him.
“I know you love me, dad. If you didn’t, we wouldn’t be talking right now.” He shifted on his feet, keeping his face blank. “Today was supposed to be my day to spend with him. Today’s supposed to be the best day of my life and you stole that. He’s not a hitman. He’s my fucking soulmate and if you do not stop hurting him right this second, I will call her, call them both, and tell them everything.”
His lips parted as he took in the threat, the way you stood your ground. You honestly weren’t sure what he’d do. Clearly he wasn’t the easy going nice guy you’d always known him as which made your gut churn. But you’d deal with that later. Right now you needed this resolved.
“Well?” you asked, crossing your arms. “Am I calling them or what?”
He raised his hand and did a twirling motion with his finger. The people on the porch shared a look but you watched them retreat off into the woods. Your dad let out a long breath before crossing his arms back at you. “Alright. I will leave your…mate and his pack out of this. Happy?”
“What the fuck is going on?” mumbled Dean behind your back. 
“My dad has two mates. My mom and his true mate he met a few years ago,” you said, turning around for a closet down the hallway. You ripped it open to find a broom and dustpan, happily grabbing them before tossing them at your dad. “Clean up the mess you made.”
“Y/N,” he said, voice low and dangerous. “You don’t understand the kind of liability this kid is.”
“Clean. It. Up.” He grumbled but picked up the broom, sweeping the glass into a pile near his feet. “What Dean chooses to do is not your decision to make. You’re going to live with the consequences of your actions. Unless you want me to tell mom what kind of man you are? Tell Sasha who you are before you claim her?”
“You haven’t claimed your true mate?” asked Dean, your dad turning so his back was to your both as he worked. “How the hell did you hold off?”
“Dad always said it wasn’t fair to mom since he loves them both but when he met Sasha, he was strangely against it. Seeing as we both know just how hard it is to not claim a true mate, I’m going to guess it’s something else,” you said, glancing at Dean.
“He’s on Novi-Alpha,” said Dean, shaking his head. “You can’t claim her or you’ll kill her.”
“It’s why you moved out here away from mom for a ‘covert’ job huh? You don’t want your mates near you,” you said.
“Thanks for being such a sympathetic pup to the fact I have cancer,” he said, throwing the broom down. “For the record, miss know it all, I’ve been on Novi-Alpha for a decade. The kind I have is extremely aggressive. If I stay on it, the cancer stays away. Hopefully.”
“Hey,” you snapped back, holding up a finger. “I don’t want you to be sick. I don’t want to know that you’ve been…killing people for hire for who knows how long. I am so angry with you but do not think that means I want you dead.”
“Oh? What if he wants me dead?” asked your dad, nodding towards where Dean stood beside you. “You going to let him do that?”
Yes, I would. He’d forced Dean to be part of a group that relentlessly made him to be part of their hits. Maybe he hadn’t pulled a trigger or taken a life until it was his own team but he’d participated. Helped plan, coordinate. All against his will so his family would stay safe. So yeah. Dean could walk over there and kill him this second and you wouldn’t be more than a little upset. 
But you hid that gut instinct to yourself for the moment.
“This may come as a shock but I don’t like killing people unless it’s absolutely necessary.” Dean bent down, palm wrapping around the broomstick. He held it out to your dad, staring him dead on. “My friend is an oncologist. A good one. He’s the one that was giving me access to Novi-Alpha the past few years while I thought someone was hunting me.”
Dean nodded his chin, looking him up and down.
“It’s better than the basic crap your insurance covers. I could talk to him, see if we could get you on the new stuff. It might actually heal you and you could be with your mates again.”
“Why the fuck would you help me?” he asked. Dean glanced over his shoulder at you, giving him a smirk.
“You have a lot of making up to do with your daughter and your new pack family. We need you alive to do that,” said Dean. Your dad reached for the broom, Dean holding it back. “Why’d you kill in the first place?”
“Why do you think? When I was diagnosed, Novi-Alpha didn’t exist. I was trying to get money fast to pay off the house, pay that one’s student loans, make sure my family was taken care of. They didn’t know it could cure cancer when it first came out so I kept at it.”
“So you went Walter White on the situation,” said Dean, handing over the broom. “Maybe you ought to quit the business while you still have a family willing to take you back.”
Your dad pursed his lips, gaze wandering to you. “Not sure that’s possible anymore.”
“Probably not. But that’s your pup. You have two mates, one you’re overdue to claim. You owe them.” Dean turned, giving you a small smile. “You want to give him a second chance?”
“We’ll see. But first, you need to do something else for me.”
Three Months Later
“Good morning,” said your dad, hopping out of his truck as you sat on the front porch with a cup of coffee. “Surprisingly sunny today, isn’t it?”
“Yes it is, Harry,” you said, taking a long sip, eyeing him up and down. “Coffee?”
“No thanks, got some in the truck,” he said, Dean walking out the front door, adjusting his coat. “Dean.”
“Asshole,” said Dean with a smile, tilting his head. Your dad hid his frown well, Dean taking a seat across from you with his thermos. “To what do we owe the pleasure, Harry?”
“I uh, wanted you both to know I’m leaving town. I sat mom and Sasha down last week and…told them the truth about everything.” He kicked the dirt with his boot, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I was always worried about them getting along and now they’re closer than ever with how much they hate me. Guess I got what I wanted.”
“I’d try groveling,” said Dean, slurping up the steaming hot coffee with his best bitch face. “You’re starting to get good at it.”
“Yeah,” he laughed dryly, gaze shooting to you. “I need to go try to salvage something with my Omegas.”
“Sasha will let you back, eventually. She’s hardwired into you. Mom might be a different story, though,” you said. 
“I just wanted you girls to be okay when I was gone,” he said as you sighed. “Sorry. I know. Not an excuse.”
“I know you’re trying but you’re going to be making up for this the rest of your life. So go try with your mates. Dean and I will be fine on our own for awhile,” you said. 
“You still hate me,” he said. 
“Travel safe, Harry,” you said, your dad nodding before heading back for his truck. “I heard the new Novi-Alpha strain you’re on is working better.”
“Are you happy about that?” he asked.
“I’m not unhappy.” Dean reached over to take hold of your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Call once you’ve settled in back home.”
“Take care of her,” he said, Dean humming. With that, he was gone, down the gravel driveway and you could feel Dean relax beside you.
“He won’t do anything,” you said, raising your hand and running it through his brown strands. “S’okay, Alpha.”
“I know. He makes me nervous. S’like my body remembers going feral because of him and will always be on edge.” 
“I doubt he ever moves back here. Mom and Sasha are making him donate every penny he ever made from killing, volunteer, be a blood donor once he gets the all clear from his doctors, therapy, and a whole bunch of other stuff.”
“I like those two,” he chuckled, closing his eyes when you scrunched up your fingers against his scalp. “Oh, you’re making me want to go back to bed, Omega. A nice massage sounds like heaven right about now.”
“You are the sheriff. You can show up late you know,” you said, trailing your finger down the side of his cheek, tickling his jaw.
“Ugh, raincheck. I have a staff meeting at eight I’m supposed to run.” He nuzzled into your touch though, his breathing calm, steady. “Why’d you make your dad call the bureau and tell them to give me a job as a cop?”
“Because you’ll never get to go back to being an agent. Because you deserve to be able to help people how you always wanted to.” He inched closer, resting his head on your shoulder. “You never have to be The Ranger again.”
“I know,” he said, sighing against you. You frowned, reaching into his coat pocket to pull out his phone. He lifted his head when he saw you dial, watching you hold up a finger.
“Hey, Caleb, it’s Sheriff Winchester’s wife. Listen, Dean’s not feeling too great today so he’s calling in sick,” you said, Dean flashing wide eyes at you, trying to steal back the phone but you got up before he could. “Yeah it is too bad, just a touch of flu. Well he’ll be in tomorrow if he’s feeling better, alright? Take care.”
“Omega!” said Dean when you hung up, his hands on your hips as you shrugged with a smirk. “You…you…”
“Yes, sheriff?” you purred, scratching under his chin, scraping over the bonding gland in his neck. He mewled at the sensitive touch, losing the urge to turn into it. “What a good Alpha you are when you relax for me. Hopefully with Harry being gone you’ll relax more. I do love helping you relax.”
“I do like relaxing with you,” he mumbled when you squeezed his hip. “I…I still don’t like it when you call me a good person. It doesn’t feel right when I killed four people and researched how to-”
You pressed a hand to his mouth, Dean staring at you with soft green eyes.
“Think of it this way…you were doing what you had to to protect your pack, just like a good Alpha does. You are not a bad man, Dean Winchester.”
“How do you know that?” he whispered.
“Because I can feel your soul and yours is one of the best.” 
“Oh, Omega,” he said, voice smooth as honey, the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls in the air. “Your soul is my favorite too.”
“Want to finally relax?” you asked, sliding your hand down to his. He laced your fingers together, smiling when he found your face.
“Yeah. I think I finally can after all this time, Omega.” He pressed a kiss to your lips, grinning through it. “Love you.”
“Love you too, Alpha.”
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canthelpit0 · 2 months
Enemies (with benefits) PT2
Pairing: Cold!Chris x Reader
Word count : 6.2k +
Summary: Chris and reader have always been enemies ever since they’ve known each other. neither knew why they had this burning feeling in their gut. So one day they decide to fuck it out. Until, eventually doing it regularly
Warnings: swearing, smut, a lot of plot, use of Y/N, FOMO, partying, drinking, smoking (cigarettes, weed), pet names (sweetheart, pretty boy, pretty girl, ma, cherry), name calling (slut), making out, getting caught, p in v, jealous!Reader, jealous!Chris, dom!Chris, unprotected (wrap it before u tap it), spanking, riding, doggy, degradation(?), creampie, slut shaming
(A/N: I wrote this in like a day. so I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes. this was fun to write and ended up way longer than intended. Enjoy 🤭)
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Now sitting at my vanity I’m touching up the rest of my makeup. I’ve been invited to some party, even though I said I would distance myself from that kind of stuff. But I was invited and my FOMO was bad enough to make me go.
“You done? The Uber is here.” Evelyn asks. Evelyn is my best friend, and she has been since middle school, she was there for my awkward phases and stuck with me. Now we’re in senior year soon to graduate.
“Yeah I’m coming.”
I say standing up a bit too aggressively than intended. I just really would like to stay home for once and just sleep, but I really can’t.
I don’t even want to go to that goddamn party, but the more time passed the more I thought about how much I’d miss out on.
‘What if something happened and I wasn’t there to see it’
I grab my purse and walk out the door, Evelyn following behind me.
I was wearing a tight, black, mini-dress, that wasn’t as short as the average mini-dress. It is about mid-thigh, but it has a ‘sexy slit’ up my left thigh. And my hair simply down
Evelyn was wearing a simple navy blue mini-dress, that, in her words “has the right amount of glitter on it”. Both of us decked up in jewelry.
Evelyn has her hair bleached, almost platinum blonde. She wears a lot of heavy makeup, but she looks gorgeous with it. Her eyes are dark adding a good contrast.
The first time Evelyn dyed her hair was in like 8th grade. To go from her dirty blonde a little lighter. Until eventually doing it so many times, going lighter and lighter until she ended up here, platinum blonde. But it suits her.
We walk out of my house, the Uber already there like she’d said.
And while I’m still thinking about why I even agreed to this, and ‘oh, it won’t be that bad’ , and ‘I do this all the time anyway’ , we arrive.
“Girl” Evelyn nudges me nodding to the window, and when I turn my head we’re here. I open the car door, and as soon as I do I can already hear the faint hum of the music coming from inside. I slide out of the backseat, Evelyn following behind me, after paying and tipping the driver.
We step up to the porch, and people in the front yard were already throwing up and smoking and whatnot. After all, we came fashionably late.
As soon as we Walk in the intense smell of alcohol and weed washes over me.
I started to question if this was actually a good idea. But when I look over at Evelyn the blonde is already looking over the crowd of people. She looks excited, and I can’t help the sigh that I let out.
Nobody seems to hear it anyway, the music is too loud.
“Go have fun,” Evelyn says over the music elbowing my side.
I roll my eyes looking over at her, a small smile crossing my lips as I chuckle. “You too. I’ll see you later.” I answer loudly smiling back at her before she nods eagerly.
Evelyn isn’t a bad friend at all. She’s great. Just at parties, I would much rather not stand next to her while she is flirting with some dude.
I tell her everything. Always. Except for the fact that me and Chris hook up. It’s kind of a more secret thing, especially since Evelyn knows how much we hate each other. It’s hard to explain. The feeling, the things that he makes me feel. So I don’t even try.
I watch her fade into the crowd starting to make my own way into the party.
It was a simple house party some random popular rich kid was throwing. Nothing special.
I make my way to the kitchen, brushing past drunk and sweaty teenagers.
Parties are way more enjoyable when you’re drunk.
So I pore myself some shots to get myself started.
I down another shot, feeling like the two I already took weren’t enough. I put down the shot glass more aggressively than needed, my face contorting in disgust at the liquid burning down my throat.
I look over at the bottle of tequila on the counter next to me. I sigh steadying myself on the counter my arms holding me up. I look down for a moment already feeling the alcohol kick in. The music started to sound louder, ringing in my ears.
I sigh standing up straight again. I can feel the effects starting. My eyes scan the room, looking for any familiar faces, or anyone cute..
With how much I party I handle my shots pretty well.
I furrow my eyebrows walking around the kitchen island to the living room where most people are, crowded in the middle, dancing and whatnot.
I see Evelyn there, and she’s just dancing so I join her.
After a while I excuse myself. I need some fresh air. I’d been offered one too many beers and I was feeling way more drunk than I wanted to be.
I really don’t wanna go home completely drunk.
I push my way through the crowd of teenagers, making my way to the back door. Getting out, the fresh air hits me like a truck. It feels like I can breathe again.
I step down the porch, sitting down at the steps of the back porch leaning against the railing slightly.
The fresh air feels sobering, but the sips from my red solo cup keep me drunk. I think it’s some sort of beer, but honestly, with the amount of different alcohol I’ve had tonight, I can’t even tell the difference.
Suddenly I feel a presence next to me. I look over to see a brunette boy.
Ethan Marlo.
He’s the school's resident stoner. The leader of the other skater boys. He’s been caught smoking on school grounds so many times.
And while I was certainly not innocent either, at least I didn’t go and get caught.
His hair is long and messy brown… -reminds me of Chris’.. no it’s too curly for that...
His eyes are brown but somehow sharp like he was staring into my soul, and judging everything he saw.
I’d talked to him a few times before, nothing worth noting though. But from what interaction I’ve had with him he was nicer than he looks.
He may just have a resting bitch face.
“Hey?” I ask when he doesn’t say anything.
I watch him pull the cigarette from his lips blowing the toxic smoke away.
I watch as he puts the cigarette back between his lips. I raise an eyebrow watching him. Waiting for him to speak. To tell me why he is sitting next to me.
But he doesn’t.
“Do you talk?” I ask slightly annoyed at having my alone time interrupted cause some random kid sat down.
“Yeah.” He mumbles against his cigarette taking another puff.
He pulls the cigarette from his lips and blows away the smoke before looking at me again.
“I’m Ethan.” He smiles slightly.
“I know.”
Almost everybody knows Ethan. The kid’s a troublemaker. Teachers hate him. He’s a problem child and people know him for that. And he’s not exactly ugly or anything either.
“Now sweetheart, this would be the moment when you introduce yourself.” He sounds sarcastic almost like he was fucking with me.
“Y/n” I say simply staring back at him as he gives me a goofy grin.
I’m not popular in school, but people still know me. They know who I am because mainly Chris and I would always argue. And people know Chris.
Girls are all over him. Asides from the obvious fact that he’s a triplet and most people think that’s interesting. Most people also think he’s hot.
But most people at our school are stupid anyway.
“You want one?” He asks nodding down to the cigarette in his hands.
It wasn’t like I’d never smoked before, but I’m not a smoker.
I shrug letting out a small “Why not”
I look back at Ethan, and I feel him cup my face with his hand. My lips parted in shock. he chuckles, He places his cigarette between my lips.
When he takes his hand off of my face I raise an eyebrow at him, taking the cigarette between my pointer and middle finger as I inhale it.
Taking the cigarette from my lips I go to speak again. I breathe out the smoke.
“Dude” I sigh, my tone sounds flatter than intended. but whatever.
I pause for a moment taking another drag. He was always known to carry some weed.
“You got any weed?” I ask handing him the cigarette.
He chuckles pulling out an already rolled blunt and tossing it over to me. “You’re pretty you know that?”
He says looking back at me. I raise my eyebrow picking up the rolled blunt and putting it in my purse. “Oh yeah?”
It sounds more cocky than it did in my head but oh well.
I probably look really cocky right now. With the way, I’m leaning back against the higher step behind me.
But whatever. Honestly, I’m too drunk to care.
I put the cigarette back between my lips breathing in the toxic smoke.
Okay, maybe crossfaded.
Pulling the cigarette from my lips, I hold it between two fingers as I take a sip of my drink in my solo cup.
He looks at me like he genuinely thinks I’m pretty. And honestly, I like the attention, but I don’t know if I actually like it. It feels weird. But I don’t know if that’s just me being drunk and oblivious or something.
I hand him over the cigarette and he takes it from my fingers, taking a drag of it.
“You’re interesting.”
The words leave my lips before I know. He was. I don’t think he was middle class at all. And he was a stoner and a skater, of course, he is interesting.
“Is that a compliment?” He chuckles watching me as he smokes his cigarette.
I chuckle. I feel like I’m sobering up too much.
“Imma go inside pretty boy.”
And with that I’d gotten up, half stumbling to the door. As soon as I'm inside I brush through crowds of people.
Oh wow, that dude looks like Chris
I stop in my tracks as I narrow my eyes at the couple making out in the corner of the living room.
Hold on that is Chris.
Who the fuck is he kissing.
Poor girl
They shift slightly and even from across the room I can tell that he’s deepening the kiss.
I wait to see if they shift enough for me to see her face.
Chris turns her around, pinning her to the wall by her neck. Her entire face is in view.
Charlotte Baker.
I’ve known Charlotte since kindergarten. Chris had too. But I’ve known Chris longer than she has.
I thought he wasn’t into blondes?
I wouldn’t care who he kisses, we’re not exclusive or anything. But him kissing the very embodiment of what he is not into? The person I hate the most?
Well okay, I don’t really hate Charlotte. I severely dislike her. She’s a bitch. No literally. She’s always so rude. But I don’t know if that’s just me. She seems to have a particular hatred towards me.
They continue making out and honestly, I don’t want to see him stick his tongue down her throat- like he had done to me so many times.
I blink aggressively. I realize that people have been brushing past me and that I’d been staring so I move out of the way.
Leaning against the wall of the living room, right opposite where Chris has her pinned. I’m watching them. I know I am. But I can’t pull my eyes away from them.
It feels like I only have tunnel vision on them. And honestly I don’t know who I feel bad for more.
Chris, for kissing Charlotte, knowing she’s a bitch.
Or Charlotte, knowing she’s making out with a guy whose motto is literally ‘hit and quit’.
I can feel my throat burning as I sip on my red solo cup, which is probably filled with beer.
I sigh, I really need to sober up
I push myself off the wall shaking my head slightly. I go to the kitchen, pushing through the teens in my way. Honestly, I don’t know what time it is, but do I care tho.
I pour the liquid in the red solo cup down the drain, watching it. I lean against the counter over the sink closing my eyes for a second to stay focused.
But all I can really think of is Chris and Charlotte making out just a room away. And the thought disgusts me to the point I wanna throw up, but that could also be the alcohol.
God, I wish I could string together a coherent thought.
I glance over my shoulder. The kitchen is open to the living room and entry but from where I’m standing I can’t see them.
I go to the fridge pulling out a water bottle. The bottle is cold against my skin, and suddenly I’m aware of how I feel like I’m burning up.
With shaky hands, I open the bottle of water taking a sip. Letting the cold water flow down my throat and ease the burn of the alcohol I’d been drinking.
I blind furiously stare at the wall trying to sober up drinking half the bottle.
I sigh my eyes drifting back to the living room. I feel more sober than I did five minutes ago.
I can’t see them, so I walk to the other side of the kitchen trying to get a view of where they were without having to go back to the living room.
They’re not there.
My thoughts immediately go to dirtier places. Shaking my head I furrow my eyebrows, my body tensing up before I realize.
Fuck, ew, I don’t wanna think of that. The fuck.
I take another sip of the water trying really hard to sober up more.
But before I know it, I’m already stumbling up the steps.
So maybe I’m not as sober as I thought, what about it.
I think I’d decided to go upstairs to relax instead of outside because Ethan was still outside. And honestly, I’d left him, so if I came outside again he’d surely ask why I came back right?
I open a random door, leaning against the doorway. Staring into the room my eyes squinted.
Until my eyes fall on Chris… with Charlotte.
Them, making out, Charlotte on top of him while she is fumbling to undo his belt.
Chris’ eyes snap open staring at me. While kissing her. My jaw clenches as I stand frozen not moving to leave like I should’ve.
He breaks the kiss slightly, pushing Charlotte away but not letting go.
“Y/n. Leave”
His gruff voice says and my mouth opens to speak but nothing comes out.
When Charlotte hears my name, and sees he’s looking past her she looks over her shoulder her eyes locking her with mine.
A disgusted look crossed my face. Not that it was intentional, but Jesus was this sight ircking.
Did I look like that when I’m on top of Chris? Ew.
I shake my head slightly turning on my heel, slamming the door behind me.
Okay, maybe dealing with Ethan would’ve been easier than ever having to witness that.
I walk downstairs. That sight sobered me up more than all the water I just drank.
I card through the people again now annoyed with how many people are here. Christ i just want to be alone somewhere.
Going back outside I sit back down next to Ethan. He had moved to the side where I had been sitting. And now he was smoking some weed.
“Back already?”
His tone sounds amused, and now that I’m more sober I can clearly see him checking me out.
“You mind?” I raise an eyebrow turning more towards him. my eyes scanning his face.
He had those dark brown eyes. They were droopy and he had heavy bags under them. His hair did remind me of Chris’, it was almost the same shade. His hair was curlier than Chris’ tho and probably also a little longer. His jawline is sharp and-
Why the hell am I comparing this random cute skater boy to Chris?
“No” he chuckles and looks at me.
He looks kind, honestly.
I lean over taking the blunt from between his lips and putting them between my own.
“What, did you already smoke the blunt I just gave you?”
“So what if I did?”
I didn’t. It was still in my purse, but he didn’t need to know that. Maybe he’ll give me more.
I pull the blunt from my lips blowing the smoke right in his face. But he doesn’t even flinch at it.
He’s a stoner, of course, he wouldn’t.
He chuckles watching me, taking the blunt from my lips before I can take a drag. Grinning, he puts it between his own lips.
“ ‘ts fine. I have more” he mumbles around the blunt before inhaling properly.
“I see that” I chuckle watching him as he takes a drag.
He looks pretty like that. He looks painfully similar to Chris tho. He could almost be their lost brother. If he put in blue contacts that is.
That’s a stupid thought-
“So, you know the party is inside right? What’re you doing here?” I ask my curiosity taking over.
He chuckles blowing the smoke into my face like I had previously done to him. He puts the blunt between my lips.
“Don’t question me, pretty girl.” He chuckles. I raise an eyebrow but inhale from the blunt. Watching him pull the blunt to his own lips as I exhale.
“Yeah,” I chuckle watching him. I feel more sober than before, but the weed is making me feel things again. “Mhm, so don’t question me either.”
He raises an eyebrow, pulling the blunt from his lips. But before he can ask anything I'm climbing into his lap.
He’d been sitting there all sprawled out. And the weed was starting to hit me. I don’t know why I’d get on the lap of this random, hot, interesting guy. But, why not?
And if Chris can fuck someone else, I might as well have fun too.
He doesn’t tense up, probably as high as me, if not even more. He looks up at me on his lap looking so kissable.
Those lips that look like Chris’ are driving me crazy
“Making moves on me now sweetheart?” He chuckles putting the blunt between his lips again as he takes another drag. His eyes are already red, and mine are probably starting to get red too.
“Don’t act like you haven’t been flirting with me”
I answer without thinking. Being high, and slightly tipsy from earlier was making me bolder. And the way he looks at me gives me an ego boost.
I pull the blunt from his lips after he takes a drag of it. I chuckle, putting the blunt between my own lips and taking a drag.
“Oh but have I?”
After inhaling I pull the blunt from my lips. Putting it out on the porch steps next to us.
I lean over him my hand cupping his jaw as I kiss him blowing the weed smoke into his mouth.
Except we never pull apart. his hand goes to the back of my neck and my waist, as we start to make out heavily.
My arm wraps around his neck the other one holding him by his jaw as the kiss turns even more hearted.
His hand starts to tail down my waist, to my thigh. My left thigh. His hand grazes my bare skin, getting dangerously close to my ass, and my lacy thong than I would like.
We probably look like we’re trying to devour each other. Well, that’s at least how I feel. Until-
“What the fuck?”
I pull away from Ethan abruptly. He looks at my face, then to where I am looking.
Chris is standing there in all his glory. His arms crossed, as he stands in front of the back door. All the way at the top of the steps, on the porch, looking down at us.
I clench my jaw. I wanna ignore him and go back to what I was doing but he was giving me that look. That look that promised trouble. He was telling me to come to him, without telling me.
I lean against Ethan pecking his jawline.
“I gotta go pretty boy”
I mumble under my breath before getting up from where I’d been on his lap and walking the few steps up the porch.
My tiny handbag is on my arm as I walk towards Chris. I pull down the back of my dress as I feel Chris' harsh grip on my upper arm.
“Upstairs you’re gonna regret that.” He says under his breath leaning in slightly so I can hear him.
I purse my lips opening the backdoor and walking in. Chris’ hand stays on my arm pulling me upstairs.
We enter some random room.
The same room that he fucked her in.
He presses a kiss to my head, leaning over me to undo the lace at the back of my dress. The back of the dress wasn’t open, but it had a lace to make it tight.
“You were gonna let him fuck you huh?” He mumbles kissing my jaw.
He locks the door and pulls his shirt over his head.
“Did you fuck her?” The words leave my lips before I think about it. I’m still high from all the weed I’d smoked.
“No.” He says pointedly. My eyes started to trail down his chest. A sight I’ve seen so many times before. “You cockblocked me”
He leans in kissing me as I just kiss back letting him take the lead.
“Did I?” I mock back. My tone is mildly condescending. My eyes glued on his. Those blue eyes piercing through my soul, he looks like he wants to eat me alive
“Yeah. How about you make it up to me, hm?” He says. His tone was ever so condescending and cocky.
I hadn’t even known he’d be at this party. And that makes me think, he was never the type to drink, so he was probably wanting to get laid.
But why wouldn’t he just call me?
I also hadn’t seen Nick or Matt anywhere, so I would assume that he’s here alone.
He hadn’t told me he’d be here. And honestly, I wouldn’t expect him to. After all, I still hate him, and he obviously hates me.
Before I can reply to his question his lips crash on mine again. My arms wrap around his neck, his hands firmly on my waist.
He pulls away from the kiss. He leans down to the hem of my dress to pull it over my head. I slip out of the dress as he just throws it somewhere carelessly. It landed next to his discarded shirt.
“Want you to ride me Ma”
“Yeah?” I raise an eyebrow. Looking him over. He starts to undo his jeans sliding out of them.
He looks over my lacy panties and matching bra. They’re plain black and simple. But Chris likes them.
Chris likes my body, but he hates me.
Before I know it we’re on the bed, Chris under me. I hover over his dick, as I slowly slide down in it.
I watch as Chris sighs throwing his head back further into the pillow under his head watching me.
“You like that?” I scoff. My words come out more rough and disgusted than I intended. He just.. god his existence pisses me off.
“Yeah ma,” his tone is sharp from the heavy breaths he’d been taking.
I lean down to him to kiss him. His hand stays on my waist while my hand is on his chest the other one next to his head to steady myself.
He suddenly grabs my face, holding me by my chin. I look down at him waiting for him to talk.
“Where you gonna fuck him like this too?”
He asks his tone sharp still. But now because he is disgusted and angry, not because he’s breathing hard.
“No. Fuck me like you mean it”
He snaps staring back up at me. He lets go of my face pushing me back. I scoff leaning away to sit up again. His hand goes back to my waist waiting for me to move.
I start to move on it again. Slowly grinding into him. My hand which had been next to his head, trails from his collarbone down his chest to his abdomen. Until I pull my hand off of him.
I start to bounce on it more. Now, not just rocking my hips, but fully riding him.
“Yeah, fuck yourself on my dick like the fucking slut you are.”
I hear his breaths get sharper again. His hand trails lower to my hips as he starts to pull me down, intensifying my movements.
I can feel him hit my cervix with every thrust. This angle is heavenly.
The harder I start to ride him, the harsher his grip on my hips gets.
I feel a knot building In my stomach. My movements get sloppier as a result. My eyes shut for a moment as my mouth falls open.
Suddenly I feel a harsh slap on my ass. My eyes snap open as I glare down at Chris.
“Keep those pretty eyes on me.” He says lowly, his voice gruff and laced with lust
I feel him start to move me more than I move myself. “Fuck- Chris” I breathe out as I fall forward. My hands landed on each side of his head to steady myself. My moans echoed through the room.
He starts to fuck up into me. thrusting into my core, while moving me on him to watch his pace. His eyes are locked to where we connect, to where he is fucking me.
“I’m so close-“ I breathe out staring down at him. His pretty blue eyes meet mine again.
“Go on. cum for me, slut”
He starts to pick up pace even more, if that was even possible. The eye contact makes this just that much more intense.
He glances down at my lips and then licks his own. My mouth falls open in a silent Moran watching him, not daring to close my eyes.
At this point, I had fully drowned out the sound of the music from the party downstairs. It was already only a mild hum as we got upstairs. But now this intense feeling of being filled like this was making me forget anything and everything, other than the boy currently under me.
“Come” he demands. I feel another harsh slap on my ass, making y body jolt.
The knot in my stomach snaps. My entire body tenses and I struggle to keep myself up
But Chris holds me in place as he fucks me through it, the continuous brush to my cervix only intensifying the pleasure further.
He slows down, not moving anymore as I come down from my high. This type of high felt better than any drug ever could.
I sit up wincing at the fact that he was still buried deep inside of me.
“Should’ve known I was gonna end up fucking you anyway” he chuckles watching my expression.
He pulls me up slightly, his length slipping out of me. before abruptly switching our positions. He is now on top of me staring down at him.
He taps my arm grinning. “Turn around for me Cherry.”
Cherry, a nickname he had given me when we were just six or so. I’d been eating a bunch of cherries that summer. Chris had loved the fruit, but he hated me. So to mock my love for them he started calling me Cherry.
And it stuck. His brothers also called me that. And then later my other friends. And then basically everyone I knew, and was close to.
It was a cute nickname. But the nickname was born out of hatred and annoyance. Even tho Chris had loved cherries as much as I had, he’d pointedly stopped eating them after that year of my obsession with them.
I’ll see him sometimes have one, but he would never admit that he still liked cherries.
I hum still catching my breath as I turn around.
I prop myself up on my hands and knees, looking over my shoulder. His hand rubbed over my ass. Him deliberately running his length up my slit to coat it in my juices again.
He looks up his eyes meeting mine. And before I knew it he was ramming into me. My eyes widen as I turn to look back in front of me. He immediately picks up a steady and fast pace.
Fucking into me from behind. My core was throbbing around his length, either from too much stimulation, or too little..
He starts to rock his hips into me harder. My moans echo through the room loudly.
My arms start to shake as I struggle to keep myself up.
He grabs my hair roughly, putting it into a makeshift ponytail. He starts to pull on it, using it both as leverage, but also to hold me up.
“Such a tight cunt, all for me” he chuckles using his free hand to spank my ass again.
I clench at the dirty words. And the way his low voice is laced with so much obvious arousal and lust. And the way he is thrusting into me from behind.
If I had to guess I’d probably say, anything from behind is his favorite. Doggy, face down ass up, whatever.
I don’t know if that I’d because he doesn’t want to see me, or if he is just an ass guy, or both, but it doesn’t matter, since it feels good.
He slams into me harshly again, before stopping his movements. I groan in annoyance. I feel the knot in my stomach fades.
Was he fucking edging me now too?
“C’mon” he says harshly slapping My ass again. “Work that ass”
Before I know it I’m already moving. Thrusting my ass back into him. Twerking back on his dick. He tugs at my hair again. I feel his stare at my ass. He was probably looking over the way his big dick disappeared into me.
“Yeah, good girl,” he says in that low sexy tone. His hand moves out of my hair, tailing down to my waist. His other hand trailed from my hip to my waist too.
Suddenly he holds me still and starts to thrust into me again. His thrusts were seemingly harsher than they were before.
I squeal out a moan, my head turning to look over my shoulder.
His pretty eyes focused on my ass. His grip was harsh on my waist. He lets out harsh breaths.
I feel him move slightly, readjusting, his hand going to the small of my back to arch my back slightly. His thrust picks up again and I instinctively Lean lower. My hands quickly guided out making my face fall onto the pillow.
But instead of trying to get up again, I simply lay my upper body down, my arms wrapping around the pillow.
I moan and whine his name over and over again. He has the best mix of sweet and dirty talk. Always degrading but also praising me at the same time.
My back arches back into him “Chris- I’m close” I whine loudly getting cut off by another string of moans leaving my lips.
“Hold it.” He grits out. His hips snap into me harder. His dick grazed every spot making me feel like I’m in heaven. “I’m close too”
The sound of skin clapping and the dirty wet sounds coming from my cunt is loud. He slaps into me repeatedly, my eyes starting to water from the effort it takes not to come at the spot.
“You’re not gonna come before me” he demands his thrusts getting more sloppy and messy. I can feel his dick twitching inside of me as I know he is close too. normally he'd just let me whenever, but it was really dependent on his mood
“Understood, be a good slut and listen ‘aight?” He scoffs his grip on my waist bruising.
I throw myself back in him, meeting his thrust.
“Yes, god- please” I whine. And suddenly I feel Chris’ hips stutter. With one last thrust, I feel his load spill into me.
I continue to move myself back against him tho, feeling my own orgasm wash over me.
He pulls out slowly, but not really gently. He watches for a moment as our combined juices leak out of me.
I sigh heavily trying to catch my breath as I lay down on this stranger's bed fully.
I turn to my side for a moment. Chris rubs over my side and back. He leans down leaving a short peck on my ribs. Caressing my skin.
My eyes meet his again, and he looks… cold.
He doesn’t look like he’d just fucked me. He just looked at me blankly. The caressing didn’t feel like it was out of care and a will to comfort, but rather a force of habit.
He gets up from the bed, and I just watch him as he gets some tissues cleaning himself off quickly before getting dressed again.
I sigh turning full onto my back to stare up at the ceiling. This would be when he leaves.
Fuck, what if Evelyn noticed me going upstairs with Chris?
She knows we hate each other. It’s hard to explain. But I can’t just explain everything to her, it’s a secret. Id have to come up with some excuse and-
“Get up” his harsh voice breaks me out of my trance, my head snapping towards him.
“What?” I ask back flatly, my mind not registering why he is still standing there with his arms crossed.
I feel a chill run up my spine from how cold and uncaring he looks with that glare. The one he always gives me when we’re arguing.
“Get the fuck up? Did you lose that many brain cells?” He scoffs looking back at me.
I glance down at my nude body and then back at Chris. I try to get up as carefully as possible. Trying to get as little as possible of our juices onto this stranger's bed.
I mildly struggle to stand, leaning back at the bed frame to keep myself up straight.
He looks almost proud of the state he put me in. But the disgust in his eyes is stronger.
“Why the fuck are you still here?”
My tone is low but still harsh. I close my eyes for a second, sighing in annoyance.
He looks around the room, before fining and picking up my previously discarded panties.
He licks his teeth for a second before huffing.
He opens them for me. I raise an eyebrow, but ultimately just step through the thong, my hands on his shoulders for support. I let him Pull it up.
Cringing at the feeling of the lingering creampie and the fabric on me.
He wasn’t gonna a bother cleaning me?
“Go on.” He huffs looking back into my eyes as I look into his.
“Walk downstairs, go back to that party, back to that dude. Let him fuck you.” He shrugs his words harsh. He back up slightly looking down at my thighs where he can still see the juices run down my thighs.
“I’m sure you’d like having more than one guy cum in you, right?” He mocks leaning into me again. His glare burns into my face, making me feel like I’m naked, which I am.
“Since you’re such a slut, you probably wouldn’t mind fucking more than one guy right?”
He scoffs leaning away abruptly.
I look at him. My shock subsides as a glare settles on my face. I get that he likes degrading me or whatever, But does he actually think I’m that much of a slut.
“Go on, cherry.” He scoffs tilting his head as he looks over his shoulder his gaze locked on mine.
Why does he always have to ruin good moments?
“Fuck you, Chris.” I say back harshly my tone purely rude.
“Oh, you already have.”
I pause dumbfounded.
I didn’t mean it literally. But I mean I had done that, literally.
The harsh smack of the door catches my attention. I lock back over at the door.
He had left.
God, in hindsight that was a stupid insult. I could’ve said something more creative.
I purse my lips staring a f the door. Before my eyes trail over the now-empty room. The room was pretty neat, except for my clothing scattered around.
Right when I think I tolerate him,
Right after he makes me feel so good,
He’ll do the simplest thing,
And ruin it.
God I hate him.
A/N: looks like this is going to be a series lol
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin
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monnn · 2 months
Am I the greatest bastard that you know?
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staring: idol! jeonghan x non-idol!, gn! s/o
wc: 1.3k-ish
genre: ANGST. big angry feelings of reader, kinda fluff towards the end?
a/n: hi, ur fav angst lover is back! things have not been great lately and this fic might just be a vent of mine. big feelings and anger is very valid but so is taking a break. hope you realise that and take a break from life to just exist! to whoever's reading this, i love u, let things take time, take time for yourself, stay hydrated and BE ANGRY!!!
divider by @saradika-graphics !!!
song rec for this fic is The Greatest Bastard by Damien Rice!
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knowing how stressful going on a hiatus can be, you successfully lure jeonghan into a staycation, away from the city. though han had to be present for rehab, you had checked with the doctor and he was okay with han being away for a weekend. doing nothing was the plan since jeonghan was actively burning out from working hard to the extent that he's injured, so he was looking forward to spend time with his loved one for a while. what neither of you knew was the fight that would gonna pop up at reaching the room. hannie had drove all the way to the hotel since you didn't have a license and all you had done after reaching there was ask what he wanted to eat since y'all had skipped the rest stops.
~ 30 mins before
"hey love, what do you feel like eating? i could order it for us" you ask a very eepy han.
"just anything, i'm okay with anything" he replies and you can sense the exhaustion in his voice. to make sure you don't get him more grumpy, you ask again to confirm if he's sure about his decision.
"jesus y/n! can you cut me some slack? just stop fucking bothering me and order whatever the fuck you want!" he yells, shaking you to the core.
here's the thing - there necessarily hasn't been any major disagreements or "fights" in your relationship, so the intensity of his feelings get to you. but he should've known better than to snap because your rage knows no bounds and hannie does know about this.
"well, fuck you with that behaviour of yours, i'm not gonna be ordering any food!"
"good! because i don't fucking need it anymore either!" he screams, walking away from the room. you had put great effort in picking a room which is right by a stream, surrounded by mountains and a temple on one of the mountains.
trying not to mind the rage and disappointment with han, you chug a glass of water before doing anything. but you weren't gonna let han off the hook because he was having a hard time. the value you hold for yourself is much more important and you've tried so hard to just have that value in your life for so long, hence you are not going to let the love of your life doubt on it. finishing another glass of water, you leave the room in search of hannie with some snacks and a drink.
you are yet find han with the passing time. he wasn't by the stream, hadn't left the premises according to the owner and definitely hadn't hiked up a mountain(cause bro was literally eepy). but the one place you hadn't scraped was the temple, so you hydrate and go on to check if he's there.
in fact, he is there. his silhouette seems regretful. melancholic even. hunched over and zoning out by overthinking. you stomp your way towards the temple, letting him know of your arrival as he fixes his posture and keeps his gaze down. leaving your shoes behind, you enter the temple and kneel infront of han to provide well-needed snacks and water. he whispers a small 'thank you' and you move aside to sit away from him. not that you wanted to, rather wanting to just talk without any physical contact. you see him chug the water and eat his snacks, making a part of you feel relieved. after finishing his nibbles, han thinks he's ready to talk cause he knows it's better to do this right now than to dwell and let it become bigger.
"y/n, i'm sorry. i am not gonna reason myself for my actions towards you but i do wanna let you know i'm really tired. probably beyond exhaustion. i love you but that was really wrong of me to behave that way when you were just trying to make me feel better." he begins.
"okay, i accept your apology. but i'm not sorry because i haven't done anything wrong. and i'm gonna have to get this off my chest cause if i don't say it now, it's just gonna grow and rot in me." you say, stretching out your hand for him to hold. hannie slips his palm in yours and there's a little squeeze from both of you before letting go.
"okay, i'm gonna listen what you have to say and i'm sure i'll have things to say after, but i'm gonna listen to you first." he says, reassuring you.
"thank you. i hope you know that i was just trying to be of help and not a bother. you snapping at me was unnecessary, which you know by now and it scared me han. for a moment, you were an angry stranger to me and it made me so angry too. why? because i don't deserve to be treated like this han, you know how hard life has been and still is for me." you pause, taking a deep breath as you feel tears welling up your eyes. but one look at hannie and you know he's making space for your anger, willing for you to continue.
shit, you really do love him.
"i understand how mentally and physically exhausting things have been for the past week or so. i understand so much han, i really do. but that does not give you any leverage to be rude or angry at me. regardless of the terrible things i deal with in my life, i'm really trying to be positive towards our relationship and this unconsciously might've broken a part of me. maybe i'm being dramatic but my feelings are big and valid. i love you but we'll need to work on this at our own pace, yeah? what do you think?" you finish, catching a breath that you didn't realise was held.
jeonghan takes a deep breath, before he begins. taking one look at you, he fidgets with his phone and tries to talk cause he has to start somewhere.
"firstly, i am really sorry love. i wanna let you know that i regret my actions and shouldn't have behaved that way towards you. it's just been really hard for me to go into a break from being so packed with schedules. i don't think i've rested at all since i started working and it's just a lot. it's a lot because i now am realising the importance of rest and that solely is beyond overwhelming. but now that i'm here, i want to make the best of it and spend as much time as i can with the people i love. again, i can't think of anything other than apologising because you don't deserve that. i have no right to be treating you that way when you've put your complete trust and love in me. i'm so sorry again love, i want to work on this. i'm not sure how but i wanna work on us, with you. i love you." he finishes, letting out a loud sob. you hold yourself back from going and holding him cause he needs this more than anything else.
instead you move next to him, taking one of his hands in yours. hannie turns to look at you and lays his head on your shoulder, not caring about drenching your shirt. you gently caress his hand as he calms down and give him some water to hydrate. disconnecting from your hand, he drinks the water and wipes his face but intertwines your arm in both of his the moment he's done. there's a moment of stillness felt, as he leans onto your shoulder, nuzzling further into your neck. you haven't felt this feeling ever and just being present makes you realise that there is always space to be wrong and learn in love. not sure if it's the same with everyone else, but you know for sure it is with jeonghan.
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sc0tters · 2 months
Burn | Matt Rempe
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summary: you thought you were prepared for your relationship with Matt, but nothing could prepare you for what would come.
request: yes/no
warnings: swearing, light mentions of cheating.
word count: 0.79k
authors note: I am currently avoiding writing another fic, and I saw this idea come in (you told me to write something for Matt) and I was in the mood to rip up a relationship...
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You knew it was stupid to fall for him.
You were the one who said you wanted nothing serious. You swore getting involved with a rookie was only going to end in heartbreak for you, the warning signs were all there. Matt was going to get attention and you couldn't blame him for that, he was pretty and a boy.
That was all three months ago and now you were in love. Matt had you feeling like the only girl in the world and it was everything you needed from a relationship, the protection and comfort had you feeling seasick.
Matt couldn't help but grin as he watched you appear from the bedroom "hi pretty girl." He opened his arms wanting to embrace you "nice to see you awake." Mat added as he kissed your neck feeling you melt into his touch.
The hockey player was confused hearing your silence "you okay?" He asked as he cocked his head "just feeling really weird right now." You hadn't been sleeping properly for weeks so now that you were awake before noon was a surprise for you both.
He watched you shrug "you want to talk about it?" The hockey player pulled you onto his lap "not right now." You shook your head as he went to ask you follow up questions.
But you stopped him as you raised your hand "I just want to sit with you and enjoy this morning." You explained making him nod as he agreed with you "love you sweets." He mumbled kissing your temple as he sighed pulling you in closer.
It had been this rollercoaster of emotions trying to not get caught up in the mess you now found yourself in. After the boys won the conference game you both drank a little too much only to end up back in his apartment and in between his sheets. It was his return from the summer break when you told him that you were pregnant.
It seemed like your reality was ripped from you like a bandaid against your skin. With each month that progressed you two grew further apart. Conversations that were once about getting an apartment for the two of you turned into mere checkups about your baby.
The gap between you both grew larger with every moment that passed. By the time you processed what was going on and how your relationship had screwed up, you were too late. Seven months pregnant and he was seeing you once or twice a week because he was leaving early and only coming home when you were beyond fast asleep.
Despite that all, things were going to fall apart eventually. Even when you swore that staying was the best thing for your baby. Nothing could have prepared you for the fact that Matt no longer had only one girl in his life, he had two.
You had caught him through a twitter post, he was on a roadie and he was with some girls. Nobody was kissing anyone and to the untrained eye most people would have sworn that they were just friends. But you knew that look all too well, it was how Matt once used to look at you. Back at the start, you were in that (false) sense of security.
Even with your swollen ankles and misty eyes, you still knew what to do as you pulled your suitcase out and shoved your clothes into it. You called into work sick as you needed to leave "baby?" Matt called out hearing the sounds from your room "what are you doing here?" He added as he cocked his head seeing your phone on the table.
In the chaos of everything you sniffled wiping your nose on the back of your hand "leaving." The baby stuff your had bought was already in a pile as your mind was frazzled "I know about the girl." His face dropped as he felt his eyes grow wide.
His silence gave yu everything you needed to hear as you sighed "I knew I was stupid letting myself love you." You spat as you got up "I am sorry." All he could do was apologise, Mat had played out every possibility, none had him getting caught.
So as you pushed ahead of him he couldn't help but sit there in silence as he frowned not knowing what else he could do as he was left with the message "go fuck yourself."
The humid air of New York hit your skin as you placed your bags on the ground as you felt your stomach cramp up "fuck." You gasped looking down to see that your blue dress darkened like it was wet.
You were having this baby, with or without Matt by your side.
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