urfavstonr1 · 5 hours
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The amount of serious crack fics in my holster is crazy yall.
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urfavstonr1 · 12 hours
How would yall feel about an alt ending for unsweetened lemonade? I’m just thinking about it 👀
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urfavstonr1 · 17 hours
Unsweetened Lemonade
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Series- Delicious In Dungeon
Pairings- Chilchuck Tims/reader
Content Warnings- trauma, child loss, smut, hurt/comfort, divorce, major character death
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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urfavstonr1 · 1 day
Unsweetened Lemonade
Series- Delicious In Dungeon
Pairings- Chilchuck Tims/reader
Word Count- 3670
Content Warnings- Trauma, loss of a child, kissing?
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“This is where the red dragon has been prowling apparently.” Marcille states, looking around the crumbling city of level 5.
“Do we have a plan to take this thing down?” (Y/N) asks, looking around the city walls, observing their surroundings and hoping to come up with any ideas.
Walking further into the city the party spots an arch, “If we lure the dragon through there, Marcille can use her magic to explode the arch and take down the dragon long enough to kill it.” Laius speaks his thoughts.
“Well, let’s set up camp and get prepared for this then.” (Y/N) nods to her words and looks around to the party for their thoughts, all in agreement. Finding a place to set up, (Y/N) lights a fire and gets to helping Senshi make dinner.
“So (Y/N), what made you become an adventurer?” Marcille asks, looking to the (H/C) bard, “I thought you were training to be a court magician?” “Heh, yeah. That’s always what my mother wanted but… I couldn’t stay there. So here I am, it felt like the best thing I could do with my magic you know?” (Y/N) answers, trying to answer while staying as vague as she could.
“I know how that is.” Marcille smiles at (Y/N), nudging her with her elbow, “I’m sure your husband misses you though.”
(Y/N)’s expression turns sour, “Yeah… I don’t think he does.” she murmurs, looking away from Marcille and back to the task at hand.
Chilchuck’s ear perks at the mention of (Y/N)’s husband, he had assumed she was just a childish bard who came down here for shits and giggles. Was she also running away from something? Shaking the thoughts from his mind he watched over Senshi’s shoulder as he cooked, the delicious aroma flooding the room. He didn't notice how hungry he was till now.
“That smells great Senshi! I can’t wait to eat.” (Y/N) beams at the dwarf, handing him the final ingredients she had prepared. “I’m gonna go fill my water skin, I’ll be back!” She announces to the party before retreating from the room. Walking through the halls to find a water fountain, water spilling from the mouth of a lion and into the basin.
Foot steps behind her made her jump at least a foot into the air, looking over her shoulder to see brown eyes and short chestnut hair she breathes out a sigh of relief, “You scared the shit out of me Chilchuck.”
“You shouldn’t go out by yourself, you don’t know what's out here.” he mutters, positioning himself next to (Y/N) to fill his water skin as well.
“Awe you were worried about me~” (Y/N) teases with a chuckle, “I appreciate it.”
Chilchuck scoffs, “We can’t afford to lose a party member right now, not with the fight that’s coming up..”
(Y/N) rolls her eyes with a smile, “I’ll be fine, I survived by myself to the third level. It’s you I’m worried about.”
His ears burn red with a blush, trying not to look at the mage beside him, “And why is that?”
“You said it yourself that you don’t fight, I just don’t want anything to happen to you.” (Y/N) explains, trying to conceal her own blush as they brush shoulders.
“Just worry about yourself.” He pulls his full waterskin from the basin and seals it. Over the past week the two had somehow ended up awake together during night watch, (Y/N) trying to run from her dreams and Chilchuck finding himself unable to sleep until she would begin practicing on her guitar. Each melody lulling him to sleep as if he never had issues falling asleep.
“Why do you crochet all this stuff, it feels unnecessary.” Chilchuck had asked one night, watching (Y/N) thread the yarn together into another scarf.
“I like to leave these to dead adventurers, they may not know who left them or why but seeing those same people wear them when they are resurrected makes me feel good.” (Y/N) explains, her expression warm with care as she made each stitch.
“Huh..” Chilchuck utters, his eyes flashing from her warm smile back down to the scarf.
“I worry cause I don’t know what I’d do without our nightly chats, I think it’d drive me crazy.” (Y/N) laughs, pulling her own waterskin from the basin, “Let's get back to the party, I’m sure dinner is done and I’m starving.”
Little did she know her words seemed to strike a cord in Chilchucks heart, turning his cheeks red just listening to her laugh, “Yeah.”
(Y/N) tried her hardest not to notice the way her heart beat around him, shaking her head of thoughts of him, his life outside of the dungeon, and the blooming friendship she found herself. Or the blooming feelings she had for him.
Returning to the party they were met with their servings of dinner, and so gratefully did (Y/N) accept hers, always eager and excited to try Senshi’s new dish. Moaning at the taste of tonight's dinner, “This is absolutely amazing!” she said between bites. Scarfing down the meal she couldn’t get enough of.
Each sensual moan from (Y/N) sent a shock down Chilchucks spine, distracting him from his own meal.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” Senshi mused, smiling at the (H/C) haired bard who smiled back, her chubby cheeks stuffed with food like a hamster. “Anything to help get a youngin like yourself the proper nutrients for a growing body.”
Her expression soured as she swallowed the food in her mouth, “I’m not a kid!” she fumed, letting out an exasperated groan.
“Just how old are you now?” Marcille asked, trying to remember how old she was during their time at school together.
“I’ll be 28 next month, I feel like you should know this.” (Y/N) sighs with irritation.
“You really are just a kid.” Chilchuck laughs, “For an elf I thought you’d be older.”
“Well I’m not, and I’m not a full elf either, thought you’d pick up on that already.” (Y/N) rolls her eyes, finishing her food and leaning back on her hands.
“You’re not?” Laius ask confused, “I thought you were short for an elf but I figured it was an age thing.”
“Ugh, no. I’m half half-foot. I reached maturity at 14 like any other half-foot.” (Y/N) explains, looking into the fire as her mind wanders.
“Well you sure act like a child.” Chilchuck mumbles.
“Say that again!” (Y/N) growls, glaring at the lock picker beside her.
“I’m just saying, an adult wouldn’t throw a temper tantrum over having to cross a lake.” Chilchuck reiterates, glaring back at (Y/N).
“Oh so adults aren’t allowed to be scared? Senshi literally threw a fit over having water walking cast on him!” (Y/N) nearly yelled, sitting up straight as rage filled her body.
“He’s never experienced magic before! You are a grown adult with an irrational fear of water!” Chilchuck feels his voice turn into a yell as he watches (Y/N) stand and begin to walk away.
“I’m not fucking doing this right now.” (Y/N) growls as she stomps out of the room.
“What did I tell you about leaving on your own!?” He yells after her, scrambling to get off the floor and go after her.
“Fuck you!” (Y/N) yells back, hearing his footsteps behind her, “Can you just leave me alone!?” She turns to glare down at him, only for the half-foot who had run after her to crash into her, knocking them both back onto the ground with a grunt.
(Y/N) groans as she tries to sit back up only to be held down by the weight of Chilchuck who sat silently stunned at their position. In their fall his face had ended right in her boobs, his face a bright red as he tried to think of his next actions. Reaching his hand to stabilize himself only to find his hand on squishy cotton. Wait, squishy cotton? He gave a squeeze only to hear a muffled moan.
He quickly scrambled away from her, panting as he stared at her flushed face with wide eyes. “I-I’m so sorry!” He stutters out. Trying to ignore the growing bulge in his pants. (Y/N) sat in stunned silence, staring back at him in bewilderment. Carefully moving to crawl closer to him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to it was an accident!” Chilchuck blurts out apologizes as she crawls closer.
“Shhh shut up.” She mumbles bringing a hand to his cheek, pulling his face to hers in a slow kiss. His cheeks burned brighter as he closed his eyes, leaning into the kiss that soon became more heated. (Y/N) biting at his bottom lip before pulling away panting, a string of saliva connecting their lips.
When she opened her eyes again she was met with familiar dark brown orbs staring back at her.
“W-what was that for?” Chilchuck panted out, trying to sort out his running thoughts.
“I don’t know! I-“ (Y/N) looked away as she tried to bring back her brain from the fog of lust, “something just. Took over me… I couldn’t help myself..” she speaks quietly only for two hands to grab her cheeks and bring her in for another kiss. (Y/N) moans into the kiss as the kiss deepens, his tongue moving past her lips to meet her own.
A voice echoed through the hall that pulled them back to reality and away from each other.
“Chil? (Y/N)?” Marcilles voice rang through the corridor, “You guys have been gone for a while and we got worried.”
“Yeah we’re fine!” (Y/N) called back to her, her eyes never leaving Chilchucks even as she stood and brushed herself off, offering him a hand to stand. “I tripped but it’s all good.”
Chilchuck took her hand to stand and looked to Marcille, “Just making sure she didn’t hurt herself.”
They walked back to camp without another word, (Y/N) once again took first watch while everyone got ready for bed. As the first hour passed (Y/N) found herself digging through her bag, retrieving a bottle of wine she had been storing. Tonight felt like a good night to finally pop it open. Taking the first sip she let out a laugh as a certain half-foot sat next to her.
“You should be sleeping.” she mused, offering him the bottle which he gratefully drank from.
“And you shouldn’t be drinking but here we are.” Chilchuck chuckled as he handed the bottle back.
(Y/N) took another swig before letting out a sigh, “It felt like a good time to crack it out. Cool my nerves before we have to fight that fucking dragon.”
Chilchuck nods, looking at (Y/N) as she stares at the fire. “Alright, spit it out. What's on your mind.”
“What’s that? Chilchuck tims wanting to hear about my personal life?” She laughs again, looking at him with a smile before shaking her head, “Far too much with far too little time to figure it out.”
“Well… maybe I can help you figure it out.” he felt his cheeks heat up again, looking down to the fire.
“Honestly? My son…” She took a much bigger drink this time, taking the bottle from her lips with a pop.
“How old is he?” His voice was quiet, tenderly trying to navigate the conversation.
(Y/N) shook her head, “He uh. He was a week old.” she passed the bottle back to the half-foot beside her, “His name was Gaelin… my sweet little Gaelin…”
“What happened?” Chilchuck asked, looking back to her now melancholic expression.
She shrugs, “We don’t know… they say he passed in his sleep.” She clears her throat, trying to keep her tears from spilling, “And losing a baby is hard on a marriage, not that he truly loved me anyway.” She gives a laugh. He looked at her confused as he handed the bottle of wine back, “It was arranged by my mother. After my father died and school was finished she was quick to have me married. He was a high standing elf in the court, only touched me to conceive our son.”
“That fucking sucks.” the words spilled from his mouth, earning him a laugh from (Y/N).
“That’s life I suppose. He left, my mother despised me for it, so I ran. Came here to finally put my magic to good use.” She explains, wiping a tear from her cheek while pulling her legs into her chest.
“I’m sorry that happened to you.” Chilchuck hesitantly reaches out to grab her hand, offering her comfort the best he knew how to.
“It’s in the past now, time is an arrow that doesn’t stop for anyone.” (Y/N) smiles at him, squeezing his hand.
The two sat in silence, forgetting the mostly empty bottle of wine. The night drew on as they stared at the fire. Chilchuck opened his mouth to speak before closing it again.
“Can I hear your new song? You still haven’t played for us.” he asks quietly, finally looking to the (H/C) haired mage.
“That song is kinda intense for while the party is sleeping, but I have a lullaby. Maybe it finally put you to sleep.” She laughs, letting go of his hand to dig through her back for her guitar.
As soon as she let go he found himself missing the feeling of her hand in his, what was once warm connection now was cold and lonely, why did she of all people make him feel like this?
Sitting back next to him she began strumming the strings in a soft melody, taking a deep breath before beginning her lullaby, “My sun, my moon, my darling dear,
kind Freya's gift to me.
The disirs dance around you and marvel at your bring.
Hamingja gives you happiness for all the joy you bring,
may Tyr please gift you courage and wisdom Memir brings.
May Loki give you clever wit and Thor to give you strength.
May Odin smile on you and Fenrir at your flank.
As Nott is flying overhead, please wish her a goodnight and let them all watch over you, they gifted you to life."
As she finished she looked up to be met with wide, tired eyes.
“That was amazing…” he mutters, staring at her in amazement as she set her guitar to the side.
(Y/N) smiles, “I sang that song to Gaelin every night… I can't help but wonder what I did wrong to lose him.” She lets out a tsk, glaring down at the floor, “Just another way the gods said fuck you.” picking up the once forgotten bottle and chugging down the rest.
“You did nothing wrong, the first week is always the hardest. Anything could’ve happened.” Chilchuck reassures her, holding out his hand again; he wasn’t great with emotions but he was trying his best. Trying his best for her.
“Thanks Chilchuck..” She took his hand again, sitting closer to him than before.
“Chil. Chilchuck is too formal. Especially now.” he chuckles, feeling her lay her head on his shoulder.
“Thank you Chil… you’re a good friend.” her words were quiet, smiling as he laid his head atop her own. She didn’t know it but those words made his heart flutter and yet hurt at the same time.
“Anytime (Y/N).” he felt his eyes grow heavy as they sat there in silent bliss.
The ground shook, jolting the sleeping party awake. (Y/N) woke with a gasp and shook her sleeping partner awake.
“The dragon..” Laius scrambled out of his sleeping bag as he spoke.
“Fuck…“ (Y/N) sucks in a breath through her teeth as she tries to assemble herself for the upcoming battle.
The party hurriedly got to the positions for the fight, (Y/N) bracing herself with her guitar and dagger, hiding to the side waiting for the dragon to arrive. As the steps got closer the party tensed, feeling the vibrations through the ground, rumbling them to their bones.
Before she could think she heard the explosion of Marcille’s magic, taking down the archway and bringing the dragon down with it, peeking over the rock she had hid herself behind to find the dragon buried under the rubble. Breathing a sigh of relief until it got caught in her throat.
The dragon pulled itself up from the crash and let out a blood curdling roar, aiming its fiery breath at the blondemage above it.
“Shit shit shit!” (Y/N) was running into the pathway before she could realize where her legs were carrying her, aggressively strumming the strings of her guitar, channeling all of her mana into her voice and guitar as she began to sing, hoping to distract the dragon and take it down.
“I’ve got a river running right into you
Ive got a blood trail, red in the blue
Something you say or something you do
A taste of the devine
Youve my body flesh bone
The sky above me
Earth below
Raise up again
Take me past the edge
I want to see the other side!”
Her efforts were fruitless, while yes distracting the dragon its anger now turned to her, her spell had no effect on the beast. Taking in one more breath to let out a scream, trying her damnedest to bring down the dragon like she once did with the kelpie.
As fire rained down she was scooped out of the way, sliding behind a rock to shield them from the fire. Nodding a thanks to Laius before looking over the rock to the dragon that clambered clumsily through the corridor.
“Don't move” Laius breathes out, looking up as the dragon walked over them, the sword in his hand ready to pierce the inverse scale. Quiet clanking erupted from the sword before it flew from his hand.
The dragon looked down at the sword before looking at the hiding party, clicking its tongue to light another fire. “RUN!” (Y/N) called out, desperation in her voice.
“Under its belly!” Laius instructs, sprinting for his life to hide under the dragon.
“Damn you Laius!” Chilchuck yelled as they ran.
“Look I’m sorry ok!?” Laius’ voice was strained as he came to a stop under the dragon.
“There are not enough curse words in the common language! Ponza! Tornado! Unerma! Poojam!” Chilchuck yelled at the Tall-man, glaring at him while he cursed at him in several language (Y/N) didn’t understand.
“Please don't cuss at me in a language I don't speak Chilchuck.” Laius cried.
“Do you have any plans, genius?” Chilchuck tried to keep his anger to a minimum.
“Guys, it looks really mad.”(Y/N) finally speaks, pointing to the dragon as it looks under at them.
“This way! Lets run out the tail side!” Laius yells over his shoulder as they begin to run, stopping in his tracks as the dragon rams its tail into the building, destroying the wall. “On second thought…”
“We’re so fucked…” (Y/N) sighs, looking behind them at the dragon.
“This is where we live now… under the red dragon's crotch.” Chilchuck says in shock, wondering if this would be how he died.
An explosion caught the dragon’s attention, leaving an opportunity to attack. Senshi swings his axe down on its foot, only to shatter on impact.
“Laius, throw me!” (Y/N) demands, pulling her dagger from her belt, “It’s not much but if i can reach the scale.” She looks up as the dragon moves, kicking them all away. (Y/N) sat in desperate thought, trying to think of anything to take the damn thing down.
Laius runs past her, stabbing the dragon’s foot with Senshi’s knife, “Wow! It really pierced through the scales!”
The dragon let out another roar as it tried to step on it’s attackers, backing the party away with each step.
(Y/N) grunts before readying her guitar once again and running under the dragon, ‘I need to give this one more try.’
“(Y/N) wait!” Chilchuck yells after her.
She took in a labored breath before screaming the lyrics again, ‘this is the rest of my mana, but i have to do this!’
Strumming her guitar with all her might
As she played, Senshi ran past her, diving for Laius’ sword. The dragon’s foot came down, crushing him to the ground.
“NO” (Y/N) screamed, the dragon stumbled, giving enough time for Chilchuck to grab the knife from its foot and throw it, piercing its eyes and causing a scream like roar to erupt from its throat. The dragon crashed into the wall, tumbling the building down with it.
“LAIUS CATCH!” he screams, trying to lift the sword from the ground, all of his efforts stopped at the sword clung to the cobblestone floor.
Seshi grunts, pulling the sword from the ground and throwing it at Laius. Catching it Laius gets off the ground, running into the hole in the wall to find Marcille. “Senshi get up, we have to move!” (Y/N) cries, trying to lift him off the floor with the help of Chilchuck so they could run.
Laius yells as he’s launched onto the dragon clinging to the side of its head as it slammed him into another wall. The dragon bites down on his leg causing Laius to drop down, taking the opportunity to stab its inverse scale.
The dragon lets out one final roar before crashing to the ground. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief at it’s death. Marcille runs from the building to Laius’ side, looking at his now missing leg. (Y/N) help’s get Senshi off the ground before running to Laius as well.
“Shit ok we can heal this, right Marcille? We can fix this!” (Y/N) looks at his wound with panic.
“(Y/N) you’re out of mana.” Marcille shakes her head.
“I can do it, if I can’t do this then what use am I?” She snaps, looking around for his leg. Lining it together she holds out her hands, taking in labored breaths as she channels the last of her mana to reattach and heal his leg. Watching the skin reconnect was the last thing she saw before the world went black.
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urfavstonr1 · 1 day
For my Chilchuck she’s he’s and they’s I have a fic coming soon for yall ❤️
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urfavstonr1 · 1 day
Unsweetened Lemonade
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Series- Delicious In Dungeon
Pairings- Chilchuck Tims/reader
Word count- 4698
Content Warnings- mentions of trauma
traveling alone was never easy, especially in the island dungeon. when (Y/N) finds herself a new party can she handle resisting inner-party relationships? maybe finally sharing her past will make her strong enough to overcome it, or will it only make it harder?
I have no clue how long this is gonna be yet lmao some things are being left out for a few reasons, mostly cause my memory is shit and I don't feel the need to rewrite scenes already in the anime.
Chapter 1
The dungeons were harsh to say the least, but that didn’t seem to matter to (Y/N). A mage without a party wondering the third floor, how she made it that far only she knew. Maybe it was luck or maybe it was fate, but here she was. Reaching over her shoulder she grabbed a map from her bag, finding where she was and where she needed to go. 
Lifting her head to commotion just ahead of her, was that talking? Slowly approaching what was now a source of light with her hand on the hilt of her dagger, monsters didn’t usually start bonfires, especially not on the third floor. Other adventurers? Most likely, but who knew if they were friendly. The closer she got the louder the voices were, the more clear the conversation got. She knew one of those voices…
“Marcille?” (Y/N) asked, looking through the doorway at the blonde elf. 
The conversation turned silent as all eyes turned to her, making a shiver crawl up her spine.
“(Y/N)?” Marcille slowly stood from her seat on the floor, before running and nearly launching herself at her, wrapping her arms around her in a tight hug, “(Y/N)! It’s been ages! And you haven’t grown a bit!” Marcille laid her head on top of (Y/N)’s as she held the short mage tightly. 
“Thanks..” (Y/N) tried to laugh off the remark on her height, returning the hug happily, “I didn’t think I’d see you down here.”
“Fate brought us together again!” Marcille loosened her hug and pulled back to look down at (Y/N). “Where’s the rest of your party? Did you make your way down here all by yourself!?” 
“Well I-“ before she could finish, a blond tall-man approached them. 
“Who’s this Marcille?” He asked, looking over the elf’s shoulder down at (Y/N). 
“My name is-“ she was cut off again. 
“This is (Y/N)! She went to school with Falen and me.” Marcille beamed, pulling back to show off her old friend to her party. (Y/N) gave a wave to the tall-man before looking to the rest of the party, a Dwarf and a Half-foot. The dwarf looked happy to see her and the half-foot looked less than pleased. 
“I-It’s nice to meet you all. I’m (Y/N) (L/N).” She gave a friendly smile as Marcille ushered her into the room. 
“You should join us! We were just about to start eating.” Marcille stopped herself, “actually, I don’t think you’d want to eat this..”
“What’s wrong?” (Y/N) looked up at her confused before whispering, “is their cooking that bad?” 
“I pride myself in my cooking.” The dwarf remarked. 
“It always tastes good but I don’t think you’d like the ingredients…” Marcille mumbles, trying not to stare directly at the dinner that awaited her. 
“You make it seem like the worst thing in the world.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes, “what are you eating monsters or something?” She mused, only to be greeted by silence and a guilty look from Marcille. She let out a laugh, “seriously? I’m sure it tastes great!”
“Not you too..” Marcille whines as (Y/N) walks into their camp. 
“Is it alright if I join you?” (Y/N) smiles warmly at the party.
“Of course! I’m always happy to feed the youth!” The dwarf, she assumed, smiled at her, “I’m Senshi, it’s nice to meet you young lady.”
(Y/N) let out an annoyed laugh but joined the group on the floor, sitting herself next to the half-foot, Senshi handing her a bowl of whole stewed cabbage, “Thank you Senshi. This looks great.”
Marcille sits of the other side of (Y/N) and gives her a smile as she digs into the food gratefully. 
The Tall-man places himself back on the floor, “I’m Laius, and that’s Chilchuck to your left. How long have you been in the dungeon by yourself?” 
(Y/N) thinks to herself for a moment for swallowing her food to answer, “uhm. I think a few weeks? My party wasn’t making enough money so they fucking dipped out on me and I’ve been down here alone since.” She shrugs and takes another bite of her food, thankful for the warm meal after having run out of food 2 days ago. 
Chilchuck still hadn't said a word, just stared at the (H/C) haired mage next to him. Looking at her pointed ears and (E/C) eyes. “You know you’re pretty short for an elf. If Marcille hadn’t said you went to school together I would’ve thought you were still a kid.” He snidely remarks, earning him a glare from (Y/N). 
“That’s big talk coming from a Half-foot, for a second I thought someone brought a child into the dungeon.” (Y/N) returns the attitude before thankfully handing her empty bowl back to Senshi, “it was delicious, thank you again.” She gives him a smile and turns to Marcille, ignoring Chilchuck’s angry mumbling. 
“For your information I’m 29, which might not be old compared to an elf, but maturity wise I’m far older than you.” Chilchuck huffs out, crossing his arms over his chest as he glares smugly at (Y/N). 
An agitated laugh leaves her lips, not even turning to look at Chilchuck or dignify him with a response for that matter. “Chilchuck, I think it would be best if you dropped it..” Marcille tries to cool the air, feeling (Y/N)’s malice emanating from her body.
She takes in a deep breath before blowing it out and smiling at Marcille, “as I was saying, I thought Falin was at your party?” Her question was met with saddened looks throughout the party. 
Marcille lets out a sigh and explains what happened to Falin, their fight with the red dragon, and their mission to save her. 
(Y/N) pulls Marcille into a tight hug, “I know how much she meant to you…” she pulls away, (E/C) eyes staring into green ones, “if you’ll let me, I want to join you on your journey.”
Before Marcille could answer another snide comment came from behind her “yeah, like we have the money to pay you.”
(Y/N) whips around, glaring down at the chestnut haired Half-foot, “this isn’t about money, this is about saving my friend. Not that you would know much about friendship with your attitude.” She nearly growls at him, her (E/C) eyes ablaze with anger and determination.
“Well, if you’re joining us, I think it’s time we all get some sleep. It’s been a long day.” Senshi speaks up, the group nods as Laius digs into his back, pulling out sticks to decide the order of watch.
“Please, let me take first watch, it's the least I could do after you guys fed me.” (Y/N) speaks, holding her hand out to pause him.
“Uhm, sure. Sounds good to me.” Laius returns her smile, holding the sticks to the rest of the part. Marcille taking second, Laius third, then Senshi, and lastly Chilchuck. Not that he’d be sleeping much tonight anyway, he never did. 
Everyone rolled out their beds, settling in for the night. (Y/N) dug through her bag, retrieving a ball of yarn and a crochet hook.
“I didn’t know you knew how to crochet.” Marcille comments, brushing out her hair before laying down to sleep.
“Yeah, it’s a hobby I took up during-” She cut herself off, “I picked it up not too long after school.” She feigns a smile, beginning her work on a new project, “It helps keep me occupied during breaks.” 
Marcille nods before laying down. “Good night (Y/N), wake me up in a few hours, kay?”
“Yep, I will. Goodnight Marcille.” (Y/N) smiles at her school friend as the party slips off to sleep. She quickly got to work on her new project, a dark blue scarf from yarn she had dyed herself on the surface. Little did she know brown eyes were watching her from just beyond the light of the fire. 
Hours had passed when she finished the scarf, sealing her work with a slip stitch to secure it. Setting the scarf back into her back she crawled to the sleeping elf, gently shaking her awake, “Wakey wakey Marcy~” she sang in a hushed tone.
Marcille stirred awake, looking up at (Y/N), “Is it time already?” she yawned, sitting up to stretch.
“I let you sleep long enough to finish a scarf, it's honestly about half way through your shift.” (Y/N) chuckles, sitting back to lean on her hands, “God I could use a drink.” She breathes out a sigh.
As Marcille crawled out of her sleep roll she stretched again, “Hey, I just wanted to apologize for Chilchuck earlier, he’s not exactly friendly towards new people.”
(Y/N) lets out a snort of a laugh, “It’s ok, I think it's a half-foot thing. We know my dad wasn’t the friendliest either.”
Marcille laughs while sitting next to (Y/N), “I remember my first time meeting him, I was so terrified.”
“Aw come on, he was a big softy once you got to know him.” her face turns from a smile to melancholic, “I still miss him everyday.”
“We should go visit him when we Falin, I know she’d want to go too.” Marcille gives (Y/N) an empathetic look, leaning against her for comfort.
“Sounds like a plan.” (Y/N) smiles, laying her head on Marcille’s shoulder as they watch the fire. After a few minutes passed (Y/N) finally pulled herself off the floor to ready herself for bed, kicking off her boots and setting them next to her bag. Pulling her jacket off before finally reaching her pants and stripping those off as well.
“W-what are you doing? Someone could see you!” Marcille whisper yelled at the short mage.
“What? No one else is awake, and you’ve seen me with far less clothes before.” (Y/N) shrugged it off, fully pulling off her pants and letting loose her undershirt. Thankfully it reached her mid thigh and covered everything she deemed private.
Marcille groans and rubs her temples, “You’ve never been the modest type have you?”
“Nope!” (Y/N) laughs as she gets into her bed roll, snuggling into her blanket with a satisfied sigh. “Oh how I’ve missed you~” she mumbles into her blanket. Closing her eyes she prayed for sleep to take her, and hopefully she wouldn’t be plagued with nightmares like usual.
After hours of thankfully dreamless sleep she was woken with a shake, sitting up urgently only to knock foreheads with whoever woke her up. Bracing her head with a pained groan she looks around, no one else was awake. Turning to her attacker she found Chilchuck, knocked back on the floor with his hands on his forehead.
“Shit I am so sorry!” She blurted out quickly before moving to check on him, reaching out a hand only to be swatted away.
“Do you always wake up that violently?” he groans, opening his eyes to glare at her only to be greeted with a concerned (Y/N) and her cleavage in full view. The top buttons of her shirt had come undone in her sleep and left nearly nothing to the imagination. She was on her hands and knees, her face still filled with concern as she looked at the mark she left on his forehead, she probably had her own matching mark. “And for god's sake cover yourself up!” Chilchuck said sternly, looking away from her as his ears and face turned red.
(Y/N) looked down at herself before scrambling to find her pants, “W-why isn’t anyone else up yet?” she pulled her pants on, trying not to look at Chilchuck as she got dressed.
“You were so exposed I wanted to make sure no one else saw..” He mumbled sparing a glance at her only to be faced with her ass as she pulled her pants on fully, only making his blush worse. She must have thrown her blanket off during the night. Ugh. 
“Thanks.” She managed to squeak out, clearing her throat as she turned back to him while buttoning her shirt, “About yesterday-”
“Forget about it.” He waved her off, still not looking at her. Trying to get the images of her out of his head, “You said it yourself, half-foots aren’t too friendly with new people.”
(Y/N) breathes a small laugh, “I didn’t think you were still awake.” he only shrugs in response as he stands.
After waking the party Senshi got to cooking breakfast, after the meal the party picks up and gets going. Finally making it down to the fourth floor. 
“That's a lot of water..” (Y/N) mumbles, looking out across the lake before them. Staring down into the depths of the water brought a shiver up her spine. Whatever conversation was being had was tuned out through her deep thoughts, staring endlessly down into the deep- she jumped as a hand touched her shoulder.
“Are you ok (Y/N)?” Marcille looked down at her concerned, “I was going to cast water walking so we could cross.”
“Y-yeah, just lost in thought.” She smiled up at Marcille who smiled back. Tapping her staff to (Y/N)’s head she was enchanted by the spell, finally pulling her back to reality. “Is that a fucking kelpie?” 
“Language!” Marcille nudges her with her staff, giving her a glare.
“I’m not a child, I can use whatever words I want..” (Y/N) mumbles, walking closer to Senshi and the Kelpie, “I’ve never seen one this up close before.” reaching out a hand to touch it before retracting, “Don’t these kill you if you touch them?” 
Senshi reaches out and pets its snout, “I’ve been bonding with her for a long time, she wouldn’t hurt me.” his words were filled with such confidence and yet (Y/N) still felt a ball in the pit of her stomach watching him touch it.
“You don't plan to ride that thing do you? Please tell me you’re joking.” (Y/N) shudders at the thought, staring skeptically at the kelpie.
“I really don’t think that's a good idea.” Laius speaks up, “They are known for luring their prey into a false sense of security.”
Senshi, ignoring their comments, climbed upon the Kelpie anyway, beginning to ride it across the water before plummeting into the depths below. 
“Shit! SENSHI!” (Y/N) began to run after the diving kelpie only to stop herself on the edge of the water, anxiety and adrenaline shaking through her body. 
“What are you doing!? We have to go after him!” Chilchuck yells at her as the party runs after Senshi. 
(Y/N) trembles as she stares into the water, “I-I can’t!” She breathes out desperately trying to will herself to run out onto the water. The deep, dark water…
“What do you mean you can’t!?” He stops, turning to yell at her. 
“She's scared of deep water.” Marcille yells over her shoulder, trying to think of the best way to save Senshi from his watery doom. 
“Then use your magic! You're a mage aren’t you!?” Chilchuck looked between the terrified (Y/N) and the rest of his party. 
“My magic doesn’t work well under the water!” She yelled back. ‘Shit shit shit. Fuck.’ Was all that ran through her head, before clenching her eyes shut and running out onto the water. Trying to keep her screams of fear trapped in her throat.
When the kelpie emerged from the water she finally let out a scream directed at the monster, the sound waves quaking through its body as it collapsed to the surface, allowing Laius to stab it with his sword and thankfully killing it. 
“What the fuck was that?!” Chilchuck looked astounded at the scene.
“Magic?” (Y/N) responds, a questioning tone to her own words. Carefully opening her eyes only to close them again, “Ohhhh fuck.” 
“What kind of magic was that?” Laius stares with wide eyes at (Y/N), “That was so cool! You screamed and it collapsed! Can you do that to any monster?” he kept asking more and more questions as he walked closer, rambling further about his theories.
“Someone get me off of this water and I’ll tell you!” She tried to breathe deeply, putting her hands out to balance herself in her blindness. She felt a hand grab her own, turn around, and lead her back to shore.
“I think we should set up camp for the night..” Senshi suggests, a melancholic tone laces his words as he looks back to the kelpie he believed he befriended.
“Sounds good to me, anything to get away from this water.” (Y/N) mumbles, trying not to look into the water.
“You’re supposed to tell us what that was.” Chilchuck grumbles, releasing her hand and looking away with a grunt, trying to hide his pink tinted cheeks.
“She will after we eat, she’s shaken up enough as it is.” Marcille defends, wrapping an arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders and leading her further away from the water.
“Something tells me Marcille knows about her magic.” Laius thinks aloud, bringing a hand to his chin as he thinks.
“No shit, they went to school together.” Chilchuck rolls his eyes, walking after Marcille and (Y/N).
After finding a spot to make camp Marcille left Chilchuck and (Y/N) to return to Senshi and Laius.
“So… water?” Chilchuck begins, only to be cut off.
“I really don’t want to talk about it.” (Y/N) objects, taking a seat on the floor and taking deep breaths to calm her nerves. 
Chilchuck nodded, seating himself on the floor nearby. (Y/N) lets out a breath and looks at a spot on the floor, tracing out a summoning circle on the ground before splaying her hand to the spot and speaking, “Fire.” with her words a fire lit in the circle and she moved away, trying not to burn herself for the thousandth time she’s cast the spell.
“That’s… a unique magic.” Chilchuck tries to joke, attempting to lift the mood.
“Heh.. yeah. You could say that.” She gives him a lazy smile before looking back at the fire.
It was a while before the rest of the party rejoined them, Senshi appreciating the fire for cooking, Laius still rambling about monsters and (Y/N)’s ‘new magic’. The party chatted amongst themselves until dinner was served. 
As everyone began eating (Y/N) took the opportunity to explain her magic. “At the school we went to, they had many different tracks to take. I took the bard class. No matter your specialty there are always base classes to learn about magic, one of them being how to channel your magic. Marcille uses her staff to channel her magic, in the bard classes you’re taught how to channel your magic into other things, some people use instruments and some choose to channel it into your voice. It’s not as strong on its own but when paired with an instrument you can cast very strong spells.” she explains, trying to recall as much as she could.
“How exactly does that work?” Laius couldn't keep himself from asking, desperately wanting to learn more.
“Instead of using incantation we learn to cast with intention. I channel my magic into my vocal cords and guitar, as long as I speak or sing with the intention of the spell I want to cast it does not require an incantation.” (Y/N) nods to her own words as she speaks.
“So you’re less a mage and more a bard.” Chilchuck says bluntly, taking a bite of his food.
“Yes, but being a bard isn't the only magic I know, it's just the one I choose to use the most. And bards don’t get a lot of respect compared to mages.. If certain people were to find out I was a bard I think it would make my personal life a lot harder.” She lets out a laugh, scratching the back of her neck.
“And her magic is very strong! You saw how just her scream made the kelpie collapse.” Marcille praises, gushing about her friend’s talents.
“And I didn’t even have a true intention behind that scream, I was just scared.” (Y/N) laughs again, finally digging into her food. Another delicious meal that she relished in, cherishing every bite.
Setting up their bed rolls (Y/N) volunteered for the first shift once again, the party agreed and set up to sleep. Once she was sure they were sleeping she pulled her guitar from her pack, gently strumming the strings, playing a soft melody she hoped wouldn’t wake anyone. Humming to the melody as she tried to come up with a new song, a song she deemed her strongest. A song to slay even the red dragon.
When her shift ended she carefully walked to Chilchuck to wake him for his shift. He lets out a groan as he wakes, having probably the best sleep he’s had in awhile after being lulled to sleep by (Y/N)’s playing.
“Please tell me you aren’t going to strip down like you did last night.” He grumbles, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“Too late.” (Y/N) snickers, already having her boots and pants removed.
“What if Laius or Senshi sees you!?” he begins to yell before quieting his voice, “Do you have even an inch of modesty in your body?”
“I literally saw the outline of Senshi’s dick today, I think that boundary has already been crossed. And it’s not like I’m completely exposed.” she brushes out her shirt, making sure it covers everything before Chilchuck can catch a glimpse.
He lets out an agitated groan while rubbing his temples, “You are unbelievable.”
“You try pushing out a kid in a room full of people and still find the will to care what people see.” (Y/N) scoffs before cursing herself at her words, turning her eyes to the floor in disappointment with herself, trying to stave off the memories.
Chilchuck stays silent as he climbs out of his bed roll, “Get some sleep, you need it.” choosing to push her words to the back of his mind.
“Yeah..” she speaks quietly, laying in her bed roll facing away from the fire. Away from chilchuck.
Sleep was not an easy task, her mind plagued with thoughts of her past. Her failures. Her massive fuck ups. How could she ever forgive herself?
What felt like hours passed before she finally drifted to sleep. Her dreams filled with images of a baby boy, with the most beautiful blue eyes and tufts of brown hair. An elf with those shared features by her side. Until he wasn’t.
(Y/N) awoke with a gasp, having been awoken by a familiar blonde elf.
“Good morning (Y/N)~” Marcille greeted with a smile. The rest of the party was slowly waking up themselves and preparing for the day.
(Y/N) felt a cold sweat drip down her face, using the back of her hand to wipe it away. 
“More nightmares?” Marcille looked at her with concern, reaching out to help her stand. 
“Not quite..” (Y/N) shrugged it off, reaching for her clothes to get dressed. Her mind never strayed from her dream. 
“Woah hey!?” Marcille uses herself to Shield (Y/N) as she stands, her shirt one again not leaving much to the imagination.
“Huh?” She looked at Marcille in confusion, pulling her pants on, still in a state of tired oblivion. 
“What if one of the boys sees you? You’re completely exposed!” Marcille whisper yells, glaring down at (Y/N) who only tilts her head to the side. 
“I feel like I just had this conversation…” (Y/N) blinks away the sleep as she speaks. 
“We had the same damn conversation last night.” Chilchuck grumbles, trying not to look at (Y/N), still being able to see her despite Marcille’s efforts. 
“I still don’t exactly see the problem, I mean. Who wouldn’t want to see me half dressed~?” (Y/N) lets out a laugh, pulling her boots on and pulling Marcille’s arms back down from shielding her. 
Chilchucks blush only brightens as he lets out a tsk. 
Marcille lets out a whine, “what happened to the sweet and innocent (Y/N) I went to school with?”
(Y/N)’s expression turns cold, “I genuinely don’t think you want to know.” She brushed past Marcille, walking to help Senshi prepare breakfast. 
Marcille stared after her, worry and sadness laced her features. What she didn’t know was a certain Half-foot shared in the worry. It’s been two days and yet (Y/N) already seemed like someone to worry about. 
Standing back at the edge of the water sent chills down her spine, “ha. Hahaha no. Nope.” She turned on her heel only to be caught by the shoulder and turned back around. 
“If Senshi can get over his thing with magic you can get over your fear of water.” Marcille smiled but spoke sternly. 
“Marcille, I-“
“No. No buts.” Marcille cast water walking on the party and began pulling (Y/N) towards the water. 
“Nooo no no please no.” (Y/N) whined, digging her heels into the ground to no avail. 
“You're such a crybaby.” Chilchuck grunts, walking ahead out onto the water.
(Y/N) let out another cry, clenching her eyes shut. “You're gonna be fine, stop whining.” Marcille says while tugging on her hand.
“How can an adventurer be so afraid of water?” Chilchuck asks over his shoulder, looking back at the terrified (Y/N) and Marcille pulling her along. 
“It’s a long story and I don’t think it’s any of your business.” (Y/N) shouts back, peeking between her fingers at her surroundings before closing her eyes again. 
Making it safely across the water (Y/N) collapses to the ground as she breathes through her anxiety. She felt herself get pulled up by the collar of her shirt and set back onto her feet.
“We gotta keep going.” Laius says as he lets go of her shirt, “The water is behind us now, you’re ok.” He pats her head with a smile only earning him a frustrated pout and his hands swatted away.
“I’m not a child!” (Y/N) nearly growls, marching forward as she rolls her eyes, “Thank you.” She says over her shoulder to Laius before catching up to Marcille.
“You’re being quite the grump today.” Marcille giggles, grabbing (Y/N)’s hand as they walk.
“I didn’t sleep for shit so that doesn’t help.” (Y/N) grumbles, trying to suppress a yawn.
“Maybe if you didn’t stay up past your shift you’d sleep better.” Marcille scolds, looking down to her short friend.
“You weren’t complaining when you got to sleep in.” (Y/N) nearly snaps back, trying to watch her tone.
“Sacrificing your sleep for others is only going to hurt you in the end.” Chilchuck interjects, side eyeing the two mages.
“I hate that you’re both right.” (Y/N) mumbles, glaring down at the floor. “Sometimes it’s easier to stay awake than it is dealing with my dreams.”
“Do you have nightmares in your pillow? We can help get rid of them.” Marcille asks, taking a peak at the pillow that was wrapped in her bed roll.
“No it's not that, I’ve already looked.” (Y/N) sighs.
“Dreams are often a way our brains use to try to cope with things that have happened to us.” Senshi begins, “it sounds to me you have unresolved issues. Talking about them sometimes helps.”
(Y/N) shakes her head, “I’m fine. I don’t have issues I need to talk out. I’m a big girl, I can handle them on my own.”
“But (Y/N)-” Marcille starts before being cut off.
“Just drop it ok? It’s not like now is a good time to hash up bad shit.” (Y/N) states, hopefully finishing the conversation. Marcille nods and looks to the side, hating that she pushed enough to make her this upset. What could possibly be bothering her this much?
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urfavstonr1 · 1 day
For my Chilchuck she’s he’s and they’s I have a fic coming soon for yall ❤️
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urfavstonr1 · 3 days
you know you're good at your job when every single person tells you "thank god you're back"
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urfavstonr1 · 3 days
you know you're good at your job when every single person tells you "thank god you're back"
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urfavstonr1 · 11 months
sometimes i wish i was hollow
like why have bones when i can just. not? Or organs? What i fi was just bones. Just a little skeleton.
or like. a skin bag of bones. no organs. But i still want to be alive. just no organs.
i kinda want to take my brain out and rinse it with cold water.
no soap though. I dont think that would feel good
clean it off with muy sleeve the same way i do my glasses.
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urfavstonr1 · 1 year
horror just isnt sexual anymore because its not wet enough. cgi has nothing erotic about it. they try to tell you practical effects are more difficult or can't do what cgi can and that's lies
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urfavstonr1 · 1 year
i was born a biter, i identify as a biter, not my fault, maybe don’t be so biteable and you’ll be safe
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urfavstonr1 · 1 year
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urfavstonr1 · 1 year
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urfavstonr1 · 1 year
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For anyone who read The Mortician And The Info Broker here’s our wonderful Seishi!!! She does have tattoos but I kinda forgot what she has atm so no tats for Seishi rn.
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urfavstonr1 · 1 year
IDK what it is about Tumblr and crabs rn but I'm vibing with it I guess.
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urfavstonr1 · 1 year
Idk man in my experience the South Park fandom is pretty gay.
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what is wrong. like with all of you.
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