#do I have an anti banana tag?
xoxoemynn · 6 months
Continuing to build on my “I despise all things bananas” lore…
Woke up feeling really angry at my mom. Couldn’t figure out why. Then suddenly I remembered last night I had a dream she left half eaten bananas all over my house and in my car. Naturally I was furious and took it as the ultimate insult and threatened to sue her for damages.
Fuck bananas.
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anxresi · 1 year
…Isn’t it a bit late for April Fools Day?! 🤡🤣
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I was going to just write a few snarky remarks in the tags, but fuck it… I have a bit of time on my hands right now, so let’s tackle these somewhat disingenuous statements one at a time shall we? Starting from the one in the top left hand corner, and working our way anti-clockwise around… *Cracks knuckles*
1. Yep. SO nice in fact, she doesn’t have any other noticeable character trait. ‘Niceness’ by itself doesn’t make you an interesting, intriguing or compelling character… it just makes you boring. In fact, I’m gonna have to work pretty damn hard to finish this off before I nod off just thinking about her… 🥱
2. …And this is a GOOD thing? It just proves how much the writers were DESPERATE to make her Chloe’s replacement they rushed virtually everything to do with her, including her rapid induction to ‘Hero’. Most of the other Miraculous users had to wait AGES to get their chance, and Lil Miss Perfect just turns up in Paris and gets her chance virtually the first day. It wasn’t earned, it wasn’t believable… it was just handed to her on a silver platter because… reasons. 😩
3. So what? This is just yet more evidence that this girl, a TOTAL STRANGER up to S4 is all of a sudden being treated like the queen of all Mary Sues. Just listen to all the endless shilling about her from the rest of the cast (especially Marinette and, more depressingly Plagg) Now imagine them said in Thomas Astruc’s voice as he lays his case against Chloe… and everything should become clear.
4. This means virtually nothing. Everyone gets their Miraculous permanently at the end of S5, so the fact she gets her’s 5th is just down to a quirk in sequence. If anything, I’m surprised she didn’t get it sooner… in another gratuitous ‘Take That’ to diehard Chloe fans… 😬
5. I don’t even have anything to say about this.. it calculates the precise sum of 0.00% in terms of her worth of a character. You got anything better?
6. Oh, you mean the same acting ‘skills’ that she used to manipulate her sister into pretending she ‘loved’ her and to carry that useless charm about?The thing is, everyone might’ve SAID her talent was great in that AWFUL Queen Banana episode… but it actually wasn’t. Just because the other characters say she’s the next Sophia Loren, doesn’t mean the viewers don’t have eyes and ears. But I guess if they’re stupid enough to fall for Lila’s incredibly obvious lies when the plot demands it, anything’s possible…
7. What, you like her colorful shoes? This is possible the only one I’ll grant you (they ARE pretty snazzy) but at the end of the day, they’re just pointless aesthetics. Anyone else could be wearing them, and the garish colors can’t blind us to her all-conquering mediocrity. Moving on…
8. Here’s a hint: NEVER use the word ‘objectively’ when the opposite is clearly true. She’s not just ‘sweet’, spending time with her is akin to being pinned down in Wonka’s chocolate factory being force-fed candy by all the Oompa-Lumpas until you literally explode. Not a pleasant experience in other words, thanks to the writers laying this sole facet on with a literal trowel and shovel.
As for the ‘sass’ part… nope, not seeing it. Unless you mean the occasional scene when she ‘deals’ with her sister… these parts were obviously only put in to throw red meat for the Chloe-hating sheep out there could hoot and holler at the screen (probably waking their parents up in the process) whilst screaming “SEE? THAT’S WHAT YOU GET!!” Well, I hope you’re happy now. You hapless lame-o’s.
9. Mary Sues don’t get ‘character assassinated’. They get bigged-up, cheered, given every resource in the show to be Da Best… but NEVER wrecked in that manner. Her sister, on the other hand… 😢
I would argue though, that what she is, is WORSE than character assassination… she’s an individual that never should’ve existed in the first place. In fact, I’d barely even describe her as a character. A plot device, a waste of space, a product of Thomas Astruc’s inexplicable raging hatred against Chloe maybe, but not a serious character. As the popular meme goes, Change My Mind (you won’t).
10. …You’re REALLY scraping the bottom of the barrel now, aren’t you?
Besides, this hasn't even been confirmed yet. We don't even know anything about the elusive Mr Lee, or even what he might think about his daughter being forcibly adopted by the Mayor. Something which I'm sure a show of such grandiosity and ambition will go into at great length.. Nah, just kidding!
Next, you’ll be telling me that somehow her sexuality is another reason to think she’s the best thing since sliced bread…
11. And there we have it (sigh). How terribly predictable. 🙄
I’ve already done a whole post thingie about how her being a lesbian and having a short-lived crush on Marinette was just imposed to get unearned brownie points from underrepresented communities when they won’t actually do anything with said revelation, so I’ll keep this short. Sufficed to say though, I feel like starting a hashtag… #TheGaysDeserveBetterThanZoe. Get it trending, peeps! 😎
12. Whatever you’re smoking, can I have some of it? This is crossing the line from ‘delusional’ to ‘crazy’ now. She’s remained as static as a statue since her opening episode, has NO room for change and growth due to the fact she was only brought in to replace Chloe and in that uncomfortably dull niche she’ll stay. Sorry, but just because you wish that she’d had any kind of interesting development doesn’t mean she has. Facts have a funny habit of getting in the way of the truth.
13. In turns of ticking boxes for diversity, French-Americans aren’t exactly a high priority IMHO. But sure if you think that makes her the bees knees (pun intended), you go ahead and celebrate it. 👍
14. So in conclusion, I do agree that Zoe Lee is indeed ‘Best’ character… (hears sharp intake of breathes all round) oops, I’m sorry. What I meant was ‘Pest’ character… in that just having her buzzing about in all her flawless Mary-Sue glory makes you just wanna reach for the bug spray.
You know, like you would for a pesky wasp during a delicious picnic. Because she’s Vesperia, get it? 🤪
The only upside to this sad situation is, from what I can tell (being strictly a non-watcher these days, you figure out why) the writers half-agree with me.
After all for such an 'amazing' character who's apparently achieved so much in her short time in the show... why is she barely featured? They must know, somewhere down deep in their artistic brains, she's a narrative dead zone.
A collection of tiresome off-the-shelf quirks, traits and spare parts (someone here said she was like a bad fanfiction self-insert... ABSOLUTELY RIGHT), loosely held together with visible stitching and hastily assembled together like Frankenstein's Monster for the most cynical of reasons.
She has no arguable reason to be in the show, apart from being a far inferior replacement to the potential mine of character development that someone like Chloe could've represented.
I guess Thomas really does hate complex characters who may overshadow his precious Marinette... or school bullies who traumatized him so much as a lil kid he specifically wrote someone into his show he could subsequently and systematically destroy (as the rumors go... but it wouldn't surprise me with THAT guy).
Now I’m off to bed, but let me end on at least ONE positive note for this much-maligned individual: She’s EXACTLY the kind of character a show like Miraculous Ladybug deserves… and if you like her, you deserve her too.
Now, good night. 🌝 🛌
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waywardmillennial · 16 days
watchergate & where we go from here...
To start at the end, I purchased my annual Watcher TV subscription on April 20th because I wanted to support them when it felt like so many others were not. I'm cancelling another subscription to make this work with my budget, and I'm very happy with this!
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Watcher has always made high quality, entertaining content that I love, and I'm happy to support them as they try to grow like they've always wanted to so they can bring on more creators and give us more diverse art.
So, moving forward, I'm going to be posting about Watcher TV when it comes out - spoiler parties with the sexy moots! - and I'll be blocking any and all haters I see. 💜💜💜
(read more bc ofc this got long)
To walk this back and give a little history/context, *ahem* [sotto Byron voice]
April 12, 2024: Watcher announced they had a surprise coming for us in a week's time. The news came in the form of a very spirited ad-read in the Mystery Files s2 finale. And afterwards there were a few blogs posting about it, but I commented to a friend that my dash had been devoid of Watcher posts (oh, how that sweet summer child would grow to long for a day such as that).
There were some corkboard theories, and I broke down the new logo design, but nothing big happened until the following Thursday.
April 18, 2024: I saw the leak for the announcement. It was on reddit and a sock tumblr blog was made sending the link out to people. I didn't post it or share it because it wasn't my news to share. I wanted to wait to see how they were going to explain it.
Maybe I should have said at the time (but it's fine if you don't believe me now I guess) but I was hoping Watcher TV would become like their enhanced Patreon replacement, where the new shows like "Puppet History Karaoke" and "Road Files" would be exclusive, and some other perks like early access. [note: if Apollo is laughing at him right now, I'd kindly request he stuff that red ball somewhere Helios doesn't shine]
I imagined some people would be mad at the streaming news but it didn't prepare me for how bad it would get...
April 19, 2024: Most of us know what happened. The announcement was not well received. Watcher's silence right after wasn't helping, but I don't think many people were willing to give them any grace for their pre-planned trip to the UK and instead demanded answers immediately.
Do I think maybe their announcement could have been timed better? Or maybe given a different tone? Perhaps. But either way what they were trying to communicate was not what people chose to hear, and the response from many viewers was, to choose a very formal phrase here, absolute bonker banana balls insane.
The main anti-streamer "arguments" I saw basically boiled down into these categories:
"high production tv quality content is what they want to make, but we don't want that - we only want them to sit in a blank room and talk to each other with blue and yellow text like the bfu days!!"
"Steven's the one behind all this bc he's rich and greedy and only eats gold"
"they already make enough money off their patreon why are they doing this?? they should have consulted [insert other yt-er here]"
"they've become the capitalist elite that we swore to destroy! so we have to tear them down from their thrones!!"
Even now, feeling better than I have in days, I don't have the energy to say why each of those takes completely misses the point of who they are as a company, as creators, and as human beings. But there are some eloquent posts in my #watchergate tag, or my other post, if you're interested.
April 22, 2024: We got the Watcher update - giving people access to all videos after a month on the new streamer - and that seemed to placate a lot of viewers and those on the fence. But it was also the day I learned about that horrible petition against Steven, and I'd been following all this drama for several days (foregoing some self-care) and so I had a little meltdown...
Even though the new setup is closer to what I'd hoped for like 10 days ago, I hate how we arrived at it. It's shown people that they can bully creators to get them to compromise on their company. In fact, I've seen accounts celebrating this.
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Opinions like this have given me trust issues when it comes to the Watcher fandom at large now. As many of my beloved mutuals have said, I'm going to be wary of accounts that follow me and be applying that blocking feature liberally.
I can also only imagine how things like this must have broken some of the trust that the Watcher crew feels for us - fightingfuries really said it best. If they do start distancing themselves on socials and things, I wouldn't really blame them.
I don't have more to say, other than I'm going to support them as much as I can, for as long as they continue to make content. I'm going to send the team a care package. And I hope in time we'll earn back their trust.
Now I'll let Ryan Bergara play me out...
As for the question of why we decided to launch our own platform, when we started Watcher in 2020, we wanted to create shows that we were proud of, that we had ownership over, and that would provide you the caliber of content that we felt you deserved. However, we were finding it harder and harder to stay relevant to advertisers and the constantly changing YouTube landscape. We faced some incredibly challenging decisions. We didn't want to compromise our content to ensure they met advertising requirements. And we definitely did not want to lay people off that have brought Watcher to life behind the scenes. And we didn't want to bring Watcher to a close, which would have happened if we stayed solely on YouTube. - An Update, April 22, 2024
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annabannnananana · 19 days
who tf is annabannnananana?
literally nobody just a banana with internet access who likes to write and draw and shitpost and dump headcanons
about me:
• 22, turning 23 on July 7 woohoo :D (if you want you can wish me a happy bday then!)
• she/her pls and thanks :)
• bi / ace! 🩷💜💙 / 🖤🩶🤍💜
• cancer ♋️ 🦀 (the zodiac, not like I have cancer 😭 - no offense to those who do have cancer)
• I have adhd and t1d, I post about it occasionally but it’s not the focus of my blog :)
• I occasionally post art and stuff like icons/pfps, headers, & wallpapers idk :p (always like & reblog if you save and always give credit if you use pls and thanks!!)
• i’m pretty active rn but I’ll tell yall if I’m gonna not be active for a while or sm like that
• I mostly just reblog cool stuff , shitpost, and occasionally ramble about hyperfixations
favorite things:
• favorite color: pink 🩷
• favorite food: waffles 🧇
• favorite animal: wolf/fox 🐺🦊
• favorite season: summer ☀️
• favorite show: arcane league of legends 💣⚔️
• favorite movie: 10 things I hate about you 📋
here’s stuff about my writing! 👇🏻
writing requests are always open unless i say they’re closed! :)
what i WILL write:
• headcanons, fics, oneshots, reader inserts, multi-chapter stories on occasion
• reader of any gender identity and sexuality (if unspecified i will default to gn!reader), kid! or adult!reader, reader of any species or robot!reader
what i will NOT write:
• nsfw, self h@rm, relationship with 6+ year age difference, minor x adult, noncon, incest, abusive OF ANY KIND.
• ddlg / omorashi / emeto / scat
• oc x canon - apologies, but I’ll never be able to understand your oc well enough to know which actions would best fit their character in any scenario or which way would be the best way to write them because of who they are, hope you understand </3
• age regression - sorry, but with what little I know about it & how little experience I have with it I don’t feel equipped to write it!
here’s stuff about my art! 👇🏻
just like writing, art requests are always open unless I say they’re not!
• I don’t post art too much but occasionally I’ll post either a quick messy sketch that I’m incredibly proud of or a piece that took 2 months that I’m not as proud of, idk why, art is weird
• working on drawing humans and a little bit of animals like dragons here and there!! I’d LOVE to be able to animate one day in the very distant future :0
• same as writing, I will not draw nsfw, self h@rm, relationship with 6+ year age difference, minor x adult, noncon, incest, abuisve, omorashi, ddlg, emeto, scat
I will write and draw for any fandoms I’m actively in which include:
• arcane
• fnaf & all fangames
• monster high
• ever after high
• mlp
• miraculous ladybug
• spop (she-ra)
• gravity falls
• the owl house
• wings of fire
• helluva boss & hazbin hotel
^ and there’s probably like 30 more i forgot, so if you want you can send me an ask sometime to ask if I’m in a certain fandom that my silly brain forgot to put here! :D
feel free to ask me or talk to me about anything, my inbox is always open !!
Also I usually follow back if u seem cool so pls follow if you like what you see!
and ALMOST last but not least, my tags:
• my writing - #banana writes
• my art - #banana art
• my txt - #banana talks
• my response to asks - #banana ask
and finally, last but not least, DNI:
proship, pedo, zoo, bigot, racist, ableist, terf/truscum, anti lgbtq+, anti neopronouns, scientologist, n@zi, nsfw blog (not including artistic nudity), gore/violence blog, tone indicator misusers (e. g. using /srs on joke/satire posts), transmedicalist, misogynist, makes jokes about self h@rm, r@pe, violence, etc
well, that’s it for now so
pls follow ok cya! <33
also userboxes:
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all userboxes by @xxx-ang3l-w1th-a-sh0tgun-xxx
also my blinkies:
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-anna banana ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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the-egg · 10 months
hey how's it going? :) I'd like you to headcanons a humorous female reader who uses a lot of irony and jokes, with Miguel having to deal with her, in a development of a novel. I love her work ❤️ -- @bellaisa2507
I’m a little confused on the “development of a novel” part but I’ll try my best!
Word Count: 850
Tags: Implied smut, really bad jokes
To love someone like you, one has to make some sacrifices. Miguel was willing to make the sacrifice of listening to your corny jokes for the sake of receiving your love <3
You were like Lyla, except you weren’t an AI tied to Miguel. Witty humor and a smart mouth
You would like to be tied to Miguel tho if you know what I mean ;)
When he first met you to recruit you, he had half the mind to leave you in your dimension without a gizmo and ban you from ever joining the Spider Society
It wasn’t like you were bad at your job; you were a great Spider-Woman and handled your first anomaly so beautifully. By the time Miguel came, all he had to do was pick up the anomaly and head back
No no no instead you decided to use the worst pick-up lines someone could ever hear in their life
"Hey, are you from another dimension?"
"What do you—? Yes, I just said that. Were you not listening—"
"Because you’re out of this world!"
You dropped a few more jokes before Miguel left your dimension
Lyla had to convince him to come back
As an official member of the Spider Society, you became someone who was a light in every room you walked in
You always had a way to bring a smile to someone’s face, either intentionally or unintentionally, including Miguel's, but he wouldn’t be caught saying that
After a few months of working with him, he would keep you around him as one of his right hands
Not only were you a strong and clever fighter, but you had a way to calm him down with your humor
Being the head of the Spider Society was stressful in itself, not to mention the added stress of fixing holes in the multiverse, so having you there to crack jokes helped calm him down
Again, he thought of you as someone very similar to Lyla, except he couldn’t see right through you, he could hang out with you, fight along side you, touch you...
Needless to say, being Miguel’s personal anti-depressant made him fall for you
His heart would soften every time you came into a room, and he would crack a smile at every one of your horrible jokes
You made him kinder, softer—only to you though
While you had already liked him since day one, when he tried cracking a joke back at you, your heart swooned
The only jokes he knows how to make are dad jokes though which made it 100 times better
You went to Miguel’s office platform after a mission to destress with your favorite person. Of course, Miguel was stressed out at his desk as usual, staring intently at the screens. Luckily, you were there to break him out of that mindset.
"It sucks that we’re on a time crunch on missions. My last mission happened at an ice cream parlor, but unfortunately, I had to split right after. Get it? Get it?! Split! Like banana split!" You stared at Miguel as he cracked a small smile; his eyes were still glued to the screen. "Miguel, I’m saying we should go get ice cream."
He let out a small chuckle at your blunt attempt to ask him out for the umpteenth time.
"Hey, do you know if Spider-Cat was in my office today?" Miguel asked as he finally turned his head to look at you. You cocked your head to the side, and your brows furrowed.
"No, why?"
"Because I can’t find my mouse."
You could practically hear the comical ba-dum-tis of the drums after his joke. A smile bloomed on your face as you lightly punched his shoulder.
"You are so corny!"
"You’ve used that one on me before!"
One day he would finally say yes to one of your many attempts at asking him out through silly jokes, which would make your brain completely malfunction
After getting to know him and his devastating character backstory, you were under the impression that he wouldn’t be willing to commit to a relationship of any kind
But after breaking down his walls little by little, you brought a humor to his life he was willing to open his heart to
When you guys start dating, he picks it up with the flirty comments
Some were jokes while others were steamy
"Spider-Woman, we need back up over here!" Miguel yelled through the watch as he and Peter struggled to weaken the anomaly of the week.
"I’ll be over in a second! I’ve almost nailed this villain!" you responded through the watch as you nearly captured the other anomaly about a block down from Miguel and Peter.
"If you’re not over here now, I’ll do more than nail you to the ground when we get back to HQ!"
You have never swung over faster in your life.
But seriously, he loves you so much
You are his sunshine!
He has never smiled so much since losing his daughter, and he hopes to continue smiling with you till the end of time <3
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andromedaexists · 7 months
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Fiction - somewhere between suspense & fantasy in a dystopian future
Sublime Grimdark
sublime (n.) - art that refers to a greatness beyond all possibility of calculation, measurement or imitation
grimdark (n.) - a genre of fiction, especially fantasy fiction, characterized by disturbing, violent, or bleak subject matter and a dystopian setting.
Greek mythology, corrupt government, social outcasts, QUEER!!, heavy themes of abuse (both power and familial), mental health, (stealing some from book 1) trans men's wrongs, anti-establishment, friends to lovers to strangers to enemies to ????, tattoos and piercings as a form of therapy, bullying as an act of love, etc etc
(it got kinda long so I put the rest of the info under the cut :) )
An anti-establishment retelling of the fall of Icarus.
Ten years. Ten years of solitude, of surviving, of hiding. It has been ten long years of navigating the world alone, of planning how he would exact his revenge on those who have wronged him once he gets the chance.
A chance he has yet to receive. He's just one man, one cast out kid. How can he expect to go against a corporation as large as ATLAS alone?
Only he isn't alone, and it is time to make his move.
Διαφθορά is a tragic continuation of Δάιος, following Icarus as he and his dysfunctional found family lay the groundwork for a revolution. It seems like everything is going in his favor so far, even as the appearance of his sunshine throws him off-kilter. Will that continue as protests rise up throughout the country in his name?
Icarus (he/they) - We all know Icky baby, he is the man we see the story through the eyes of! Icarus is a chronically exhausted autistic trans man with a caffeine addiction and anger issues. (i suppose he's babygirl too idk)
Apollon (he/him) - I guess he's the love interest for Icarus but he's best known as my beloathed. Apollon is the #2 Elysian just two years after his debut! He is a childhood friend/lover? of Icarus' and perpetual pain in his ass.
Andromeda (they/them) - Our mama bear. Andromeda may share the same name as me, but they are not based on me. Rather, they are heavily based on a good friend of mine. Meda is the oldest, they take care of the group and make sure that everyone comes back alive and well. They don't specialize in fighting, but in healing. Particularly herbal and natural remedies (remember, lavender for anxiety and antibiotics for a fucking infection)
Achilles (he/him) - Another childhood friend of Icarus. He is Icarus' adopted little brother and right hand man.
Thanatos (he/him) - The information broker of the group. He specializes in getting what he needs to get and doing so discreetly, a huge benefit for Icarus' group. He is gender non-conforming and is a lovely person to be around, so long as your name isn't Icarus.
The Elysians - The figureheads of the government. They basically have free reign to enforce the laws of the land. The most notable of the Elysians are Daedalus (#1 rank), Nyx (not ranked, she operates out of sight), Casseopeia (former #2 rank), Prometheus (#5), and Thetis (#9). Each of them specializes in different fighting styles based on their mythological code name. 
Website, CMI tag, and Spotify Playlist 
Picrews for Icarus, Andromeda, Apollon, Thanatos, Achilles, and Patroclus!
Character Introductions (Main Group): (will likely update these)
Character Introductions (Elysians): (yeah i gave up on this)
Shit Posts!
Incorrect Quotes: Banana Earth Edition
Find The Word Tag
Last Line Tag
Heads Up 7 Up
Worldbuilding Wednesday
Storyteller Saturday
Blorbo Blursday
Other Misc Tag Games
@flowerprose @isherwoodj @cream-and-tea @touchingmadness @lockejhaven @marinesocks @wildswrites @the-finch-address @leighvalentin @inkspellangel @outpost51 (this is borrowed from book 1's tag list, if you would like to be removed please lemme know) @love-whatit-loves @xoberryblush
Please fill out this form to be added or ask to be removed!
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Similar to the November 2022 challenge, many of the prompts in the first two columns are from the National Day Calendar. The third column are songs to inspire.
The fanworks must be posted in February (with late entries accepted through March 7). The works do not have to be posted on the specific day. You want to use the prompt almonds (from the 16th) and post it on February 5, go ahead. Just make sure in the notes or tags to specify the day or the prompt.
As always, if you have any questions, please ask either here or send a message to my main at @lucy-268.
Have fun!
1. Umbrella | Baked Alaska | I'm Still Standing (Elton John)
2. Snow Sculpture | Bubble Gum | Welcome to My Life (Simple Plan)
3. Wear Red | Carrot Cake | Stronger (Kelly Clarkson)
4. Harmony | Homemade Soup | So What (P!nk)
5. Intimate Apparel | Nutella | Believer (Imagine Dragons)
6. Chopsticks | Margarita | About Damn Time (Lizzo)
7. Cards | Fettuccine Alfredo | Miss Me More (Kelsea Ballerini)
8. Counseling | Peanut Butter | House of Memories (Panic! At the Disco)
9. Dream | Bagels | Maybe I'm Amazed (Paul McCartney)
10. Toothache | Brownies | Born This Way (Lady Gaga)
11. Spilled Milk | Peppermint Patty | The Winner Takes it All (Abba)
12. Marriage | Plum Pudding | All of Me (John Legend)
13. Galentine's Day | Cheese | I Will Survive (Gloria Gaynor)
14. Valentine's Day | Chocolates | I Honestly Love You (Olivia Newton John)
15. Canada | Gumdrops | Anti-Hero (Taylor Swift)
16. Grouchy | Almonds | Because You Loved Me (Celine Dion)
17. Anthropology | Cabbage | Stand By Me (Ben E. King)
18. Romance | Seafood | Hanging by a Moment (Lifehouse)
19. Condom | Mints | Lights (Ellie Goulding)
20. Red Sock | Cherry Pie | Happier (Marshmello)
21. Mardi Gras | Sticky Bun | The Middle (Jimmy Eat World)
22. Logic | Sweet Potato | Shape of You (Ed Sheeran)
23. Birthday | Banana Bread | I Will Always Love You (Dolly Parton)
24. Bartender | Tortilla Chip | Hello (Adele)
25. Language | Clam Chowder | In My Life (The Beatles)
26. Fairy Tales | Pistachio | In Your Eyes (Peter Gabriel)
27. Polar Bear | Strawberry | We All Sleep Alone (Cher)
28. Toothfairy | Chocolate Souffle | And So it Goes (Billy Joel)
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hopeymchope · 1 year
As a proud Hiyoko fan, I wanna say that trying to talk about us as a single homogenous group, as previous anon did, is just stupid. We are all very different people. Even in relation to our waifu Hiyoko... Among us there are people who ship her with Souda or Hajime and people who see her as strictly lesbian and think that shipping her with men is gross; people who think that she is a misunderstood victim (while Mikan is a manipulative predator who deliberately provokes emotionally vulnerable people into "bullying" her so everyone would feel sorry for her, Mikan; so it's Mikan who is a real abuser and Hiyoko who is a real victim) and people who do love and embrace her as a bully and a bitch; people who think of her as a wasted potential and are enthusiastic for the Unforgiven (survivor Hiyoko mod) and people who think that her death actually fits her character and the general mood of Danganronpa; people who think of her as a very serious and tragic character and wallow in dozens of angsty fanworks about her cruel controlling family and Mahiru's death and people who are in the Hiyoko fandom only for the "banana hair", "you nasty pigbarf!", "is he getting gayer with every day?", "I can never hope to understand gamers" and other funny memes. We are all very different, and trying to swipe us all in one basket is... bad. So please, don't take the previous anon seriously.
NOTE: This is in response to this previous Ask.
First off, thank you for being brave enough to reach out to someone who you know really hates your fav, lol. And being so kind about it in the process. I hope my own reaction to her, and even my uh... forthcoming (in this very response) extremely negative reaction to one specific perspective you described (we'll come back to that)... I just hope those kinds of things don't prevent you from reading/contributing in the future. I appreciate the chance to be exposed to this whole other world. At the same time, you have every right to blacklist and block my "anti-hiyoko saionji" tag. Can't remotely blame you if you do so for your own mental health.
With that out of the way, let me dig in.
I definitely appreciate that there's a wide variety of takes on the character within the fans that dig her. I would really expect that to be the case; it's why I was so skeptical in the first part of my response to that previous Ask that you're reacting/responding to. And like I said in that response, we really shouldn't all be one hive mind, even among those who agree with us. Our variances and differences in thinking are fundamental aspects of being human.
Also, I think the line is "Is it me, or is he getting gayer with age?" if I'm not mistaken... which I might be. But I freely admit that either way, it's a wonderful goddamn line. A highlight from the DR3 dub. And I believe it's exclusively in said dub, too. As someone who sees official localizations as being just as valid versions of canon as the original language publications, I appreciate small touches of character that might be sprinkled into a new translation when they're done well. This is one such time. It might be my single favorite Hiyoko moment in any version of any DR release!
Though on the flip side, I have no idea what's so delightful about repeatedly calling someone "nasty pig barf." :P
SO. With all that said, I'm sorry, but there's ONE take on the character that anon just described which I just... oh my god. YEAH. Wut. We gotta talk about it.
I just... was absolutely BOWLED OVER in shock and horror by this perspective. Legit, you knocked me on my ass by exposing me to this angle:
Among us there are people [...] who think that [Hiyoko] is a misunderstood victim (while Mikan is a manipulative predator who deliberately provokes emotionally vulnerable people into "bullying" her so everyone would feel sorry for her, Mikan; so it's Mikan who is a real abuser and Hiyoko who is a real victim)
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Deadass serious question here:
What the FUCK? That is... that's... what is it?... it's just..... what in the everloving FUCK is this?!?!
That is, in all seriousness, some "she was dressed slutty so she was asking for it"-level logic right there. That's legitimately what it reads as to me. Like, thinking that Mikan "deliberately provokes emotionally vulnerable people into bullying her"??? Okay, so she does this by, uh... 1) Crying a lot and apologizing profusely any time she thinks she's maybe offended someone? 2) Referencing that she's been sexually abused or treated as subhuman in the past? 3) Being covered in bandages due to unknown causes that range from "excessive clumsiness" to "self-harm" to "physical beatings"?
Nah. IMO there's no planet in the multiverse where it'd be cool to interpret any of that as "predatory" behavior. Not if you want to be viewed as a serious person and not some kind of predator-apologist clown, anyway. Nor is there any world where I believe someone can be "manipulated" into bullying someone via this sort of Mikan-esque behavior... unless, of course, that person is already inclined towards being an abuser. I mean, if it's that easy to get "manipulated" into being so vicious and cruel? Then you were just looking for an excuse.
On the flip side, if you wanted to "manipulate" ME into bullying someone? You'd have to thoroughly convince me that the target victim is a white supremacist or some shit like that. No amount of crying or injuries or references to past trauma will ever get you anything other than sympathy and empathy from me. I don't have a secret switch that flips me into an abuser once someone acts like they're 'too much' of a victim, or.... whatever the hell this is trying to imply.
In summation: No no no. That's a "fuck NO" for me. Ultimate bad take.
Though I'm gonna go ahead and assume this description can't be one that Anon subscribes to themselves. Because I absolutely CAN'T with that POV.
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biveandpilbykisser · 1 month
Hi Hi hello!! 83
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🍌 • My name is Split or Dove !!
🍌 • She/they/yellow/pun/banana
🍌 • Transgirl poly lesbian
🍌 • Fictionkin of Split [PERMA/ID] from regretavtor and Dove strider from Homestuck
🍌 • Dove posts are mainly on @caprinetalisman + interaction blog
🍌 • https://biveandpilbykisser.straw.page (best viewed on pc)
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💛 • I have a typing quirk ; TThe quiick... bbrown foox... juumps oover thee lazyy dog !! I only use it in posts and messages though !! One of the main things about it though is a I double all puncation
💛 • Im BIPOC,, black + native american + chinese
💛 • I love writing and drawing so I may post doodles or poems or fanfics !!
💛 • Im autistic , bipolar , and have dyslexia and ADHD, I will commonly misspell my source name and long words
💛 • Im a Samoyed , Border Collie, Angora goat, Yellow Burmese python, Orange housecat and Artictic wolf therian and many otherkins
💛 • I pet and age regress so I might reblog stuff about that
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Basic dni (racist, homophobic.. any bigot etc)
Pedo, Zoophile, NOMAP, MAP,
Anti-kin , Engages in Cringe culture
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#💛🖤💗 ; I love my sweeties !! : stuff of my source partners !!
#💛🖤 ; spive is real !! : me and bive !!
#🍌💛🐌 ; its me !! [id] : posts about me !!
#🍌💛 ; kin stuff : anything kin stuff !!
#🍌🔎 ; me and bivey !! : me and my sweetie bivey !!
#🍌💬 ; b-b-b-b-banana phone !! (/ref) : chit chattin and puns
#🐌💡🎤 ; cyx tags !! : all stuff about my mootie @digitalcaniline
🐌‼️ ; moot help!! : all my stuff helping moots
🐌🍌 ; moot tag!! : stuff I tag my moots in
#🔄🍌 ; Rebanana : all my reblogs!!
🍌🐌📝 ; pens and puns only !! : all my writings
🐌🍌✏️ ; oui oui im an artistee (/ref) : all my drawings and doodles
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Intro layout inspried by @digitalcaniline !! 83
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etherealwanderings · 3 months
Sex isn't dirty and it has nothing to do with "rushing things to feed a fantasy." How don't you see that you're sounding indistinguishable from ron desantis and televangelists?
Homophobic GA members think all of Byler is creepy just because it's gay. I promise you that keeping it "pure" is not gonna make them be okay with Byler. You can keep dancing around the truth, but it doesn't change the truth: you think sex, and gay sex in particular, is creepy.
This is puritan behavior.
You post stuff like "I'm gonna protect these 2 cuties from the creeps of the fandom" without any hint of irony. That is purity culture. It's the same mindset of those who try to shield their daughters from their own sexuality or who try to tell people that the only acceptable way of having sex is in a heterosexual marriage, as if sex is something that corrodes and erases innocence. Do you hear what you're saying?
Never mind that there's an obvious thematic significance to a Byler sex scene given the 80s context, as well as emotional significance (since most of sex is psychological, and it's about exploring these character dynamics. It has nothing to do with being "creepy" or "forcing fantasies" on people TF.
The show itself has already shown Byler be sexually attracted to each other, are you denying this? Have you seen hosegate? Have you watched the show?
Another example of a show that handles queer teen sexuality perfectly is the new Chucky show. After showing them fall in love in Seasons 1 and 2, Season 3 has shown their two queer teen main characters ready to take things to the next level. And they openly communicate with each other and talk about safety/consent.
No one's saying that a byler sex scene would be some weird horny thing. It would be a display of love between two characters who have grown up together and would fit within the show's main anti-conformity character arcs and themes. It would be wholesome and tastefully done. Most Bylers would want it to be implied anyway.
It's not like Stranger Things is gonna suddenly become Euphoria or Sex Education or Riverdale.
Didn't you listen to all the minors of the Tag who are feeling uncomfortable thinking about that things? Don't u care about them ? Why do u call them puritans? Also no offense but hosegate is an interpretation lol. If you watch the show without analysing it like crazy,you wouldn't even interpret that scene that way. When I first saw that scene I saw a Will being sad and breathing loudly while looking at Mike because he is nervous. He would love to run to Mike and tell him that it's his painting and his feelings but he cannot and the fact that now he thinks that Byler has 0 chance of happening. It is giving him anxiety. Noah made the same look during the rain fight and generally starts breathing loudly when Will is nervous. If you don't look at the hose and think about a banana , hosegate becomes bs. It's not even a Byler evidence. My problem isn't about Byler sex scenes in general cause if Byler was like over 20 I wouldn't say anything, it's the fact that you are burning to get that scene. You want it so bad that it becomes creepy and when a minor feels uncomfortable because of what u are saying, you call them a puritan.It is basically child manipulation! Not everyone is ready to understand anatomy ! Not everyone likes to see 2 people having intimate moments! Not everyone agrees with minors having s.x! And it's fucking valid !
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chapstickman · 11 months
“I just came from r/196” ask game
Saw another post. I think I should invite y'all to one of our longstanding traditions. Answer the questions then tag 10 (or more) people. I'll go first.
Name? Jarrod
Pronouns and gender? they/he, guy???
Sexuality? Pansecual
Country? USA MERICA FUCK YEAH🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
Top 5 fandoms? hazbin/helluva, fnaf, team four trees two, i forgor the rest
What is your Most forbidden snack? fabuloso also chapstick
Would you pet a bug? scared scared scared of bugs. dont like them. scary scary.
Share a weird fact/story about yourself with the class. i love fixing things, no matter what it is. my silly little brain just latches onto it like a puzzle, which it kinda is. i can already fix most electronic devices, or alteast know how to (FUCK apple and their stupid fucking anti repair policy. thats actual fucking bullshit. i dont want to have to pay for a 200 dollar course and license to fix your shitty god damn phones. mac books and ipads are aight. but FUCK apple as a company. all this does is protect their silly little fucking income from their stupid ass fucking phones breaking all the fucking time. all it does is make it so that people who do fix phones for a living fucking cant, and no devices to fix means no food on the fucking table for them or their families. they're toying with peoples livelihoods for a bit of fucking profit.) if i dont know how to fix it (cars, microwaves, tvs, literally anything that could break) i want to learn
What does the color blue taste like? mmm yumby
What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? the ocean. it goes on forever. it doesnt stop. i didnt realize that until i saw it in person. it stopped me dead in my tracks.
What is the stupidest thing you've ever done? ive got this protein bar. in 2020 (my second year of marching band, freshman year) i was eating a box of them on the way to marching band camp. i lost one. this was in july. i found it on the ground still sealed in january of the following year. i still have it. im going to eat it my senior year at the end of the year band dinner. i have not done it yet. im going into my senior year. im going to do it. it will kill me. i will not regret it.
Stupidest thing you've seen/heard someone else do/say? a pastor for a church i used to attend (unfortunately hes my uncle) blamed crime and evil on transgender people
Hyperfixation song? long list. Starman David Bowie, banana man tally hall, mr white keys cherry poppin daddies, play that funky music wild cherry, cant take my eyes off you frankie valli, sh-boom the ink spots, the devil went down to georgia the charlie daniels band
Is there any meaning behind your profile picture and/or username? I've been asked several times where "Chapstick Man!" comes from. It comes from TF2. I named a rocket launcher "chapstick gun" with the description "ngl chapstick taste kinda good" and then i thought the joke was funny and it stuck. my name is now Chapstick Man on like everything. i have not been sued yet. Im too cool to be sued.
Dream career as a child? also electronics repair technician (i am answering these out of order)
Dream career as an adult? still kinda a child ig. but i want to be an electronics repair technician, running my own little computer/electronics repair shop. i already know how to do it, i just need a building and to be 18 (i turn 18 in december) and people to come and give me their stuff to fix. i love fixing things.
Thoughts on cilantro? its aight ig
Have you ever been banned from a location and if so, why? I havent. but i plan to be. i am going to be silly and they cannot prevent it.
What is your cursed food combination? I did my burgers in ketchup if i want ketchup, i did my biscuits in gravy for biscuits and gravy
Trans rights? are epic!!!!!!
@everyone im lazy
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xoxoemynn · 2 months
15 Questions for 15 (lol) Friends
Tagged by @blakbonnet, @spirker, @ofmd-ann, @edsbacktattoo, @darkinerry, and @bizarrelittlemew to share 15 facts about myself! 💕 ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: Yes, both my grandmothers. One was Mary, one was Anne. Mom smooshed the names together and decided she liked the aesthetic of an i better than a y in the middle.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Wednesday night at that video of a humpback whale. I just REALLY love whales. If you ever want to remind yourself of just how very small you are in this great magnificent universe... whales.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: Negative.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: I did eight years of marching band. Sports were never my thing.
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: Noooooo, never!
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: Happy endings in general, but The Haunting of Hill House is one of my ultimate comfort shows so... it depends.
ANY TALENTS?: I'm really good at tying balloons. Also I've been delighting my colleagues the past two weeks with detailed reviews of the Replica perfume sample set and honestly I think I may have found my calling. One colleague is offering to send me another sample set so we can continue the bit so this might make me an influencer now?
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: Catering to Daphne's every whim, writing, thinking about writing, looking at the stacks of books on my nightstand I'm dying to read and then not reading them, picking out paint samples to hang on my walls for months without committing, spreading anti-banana propaganda
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: Have I mentioned Daphne? Here she is as she remembers we still have to fight for our favorite show.
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FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: I was a band kid. Close runner up would be English.
DREAM JOB?: Mostly I dream about not needing to have a job. But if I absolutely had to, I'd have a secret financier who'd anonymously direct deposit a significant amount of money into my bank account for reading/writing fic and the only criteria is I have to open AO3 and Scrivener for at least five minutes a month. And then if I want a bonus I have to go travel somewhere and take a few pictures and they'll say "good job, you're our star employee, have another $100K" and I'd say thank you, I agree, now please go away before you accidentally become un-anonymous, I do not wish to be perceived.
No pressure tags to definitely not 15 people because I can't count that high (also I've lost track of who I've seen do this so apologies if it's a duplicate!): @snake-snack-stede @areyoudoingthis @saltpepperbeard @agaywithcoffee @as-a-creww @gentlebeard @zstraps 💕
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scattered-winter · 4 months
tagged by @soleadita im kissing u on the cheek like a mob boss
top 15 tv shows in no particular order !!
911 on abc (found family. whump. angst. absolute batshit insane shenanigans. jennifer love hewitt and angela bassett. ryan guzman getting blood all over him on multiple occasions. what's not to love)
gen:LOCK (season 1 only) (there is no season 2 in ba sing se) (found family and robots and cool animation and cool music and found family and coolest fucking dichotomy between hero and villain and and and)
the bear (im not done with it yet and lack of actual real bears ASIDE. this show is so so beautiful and masterfully done. im literally obsessed)
supernatural (UNFORTUNATELY some of the episodes do kinda go hard.)
zoo netflix. (is it GOOD? no. but it is very fun and involves found family living on a plane solving mysteries and trying to stop the apocalypse so truly. does it even NEED to be good)
agents of shield (again i havent finished it but ouhghgoughhghh......found family.....whump.....literally this show was GAME CHANGING for me. i would not be the whump enjoyer i am today if it weren't for the scene where daisy gets shot point blank and lovingly lowered to the ground by the man who shot her. truly. also huge fan of the asian american female lead who is a complex multifaceted character. love her.)
dc's legends of tomorrow (THEEE goofysilly funtimes show of the century. queer found family superheroes who live on a time traveling spaceship and try to protect the timestream from anomalies. they are very, very bad at their job. a zombie apocalypse breaks out in the middle of the american civil war. a giant fluffy teddy bear named beebo fistfights an ancient time demon. they have to save college student barack obama from gorilla grodd. a unicorn bites one of the character's nipples off. truly the most show ever. perhaps of all time.)
kingdom (netflix) (kdrama) (GENUINELY the best zombie media i have ever seen in my life. barring train to busan maybe. the costume design is gorgeous and the camerawork is gorgeous and the characters are complex and multifaceted and the zombies are fascinating and the entire thing is a commentary on class and poverty. and it's set in medieval korea so they have to fight zombies with SWORDS)
carmen sandiego (fun characters. u learn lots of cool things about lots of cool places. found family. heists. nonexistent romance subplots so it's a HUGE win for the aros. stupid little french detective who wears a banana suit onscreen. et cetera.)
leverage (LITERALLY THE SHOW OF ALL TIME. anti capitalist. found family. heists. the government is a corrupt system that only serves the people in power. christian kane beating people up. multifaceted characters. autistic character that's actually like. presented respectfully. and realistically. alec hardison. insane people.)
avatar the last airbender/legend of korra (they KINDA WENT OFF WITH BENDING.)
arcane (the animation......the tragic sisters.......the music.....)
green lantern the animated series (the animation kinda sucks unfortuantely. however. HOWEVER. it has my boy of all time. with the character arc of all time. and learning how rage and vengeance are harmful to everyone including yourself. and how grief and rage go hand in hand and the only way to heal from it is hope. and and and and and)
leo already tagged the gc so im gonna tag @frigidboy and anyone else who wants to do it :]
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Ladies, when cis men told me you wanted everything built to ridiculous levels of comfort, I told them to stop being liars and exaggerating, that maybe a few girls did it but it wasn't many, and guys could be assholes too.
I am begging you to cease proving this to me by running around like little dicks going UWU BUT ANTI-TAG THIS POST ABOUT JARED'S VERY REAL MARKETING AND POLITICAL STANCES I AM ARE FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE, no, you're the delusional assholes that need to read this, I don't have to comply with your mhi to keep your weird little fragile bubble together. You're the ones anti-jared at this point, you are literally arguing against his marketing wholesale. I don't have to hallucinate with you, you are not my daughter, I do not have to maintain your pillows and stuffies in your bedroom for your comfort. This isn't Anti Jared Padalecki. This is reality. I tagged it jared padalecki because it's reality about jared padalecki. If you'd like I can tag it reality next time too.
And no it aint just jared stans that do it if my 3 day straight bender about it happening every 2 hours didn't give you a clue. But god DAMN I am about to sound like the dudeingest fucking dude ever but this place NEEDS some fuckin testosterone because I don't know what yall have done with yourselves in here but everyone's gone bananas. so now it's time for Lone Straight Trans Man to Talk Big again and you to all get Uncomfortable that someone Will Not Be Cowed To Your Nagging Horse Shit. If we can skip the normal transmasc panic chapter where 100 of you pretend you're afraid of one of me along the way, that'd be great.
Jared abandoned you. He doesn't care about SPN. He's leaned into the right wing. The reasoning is all in the post you whined about having to be faced reality with reading. None of this is anti-jared. It is a list of decisions he has made for his marketing and public image. The uncomfortable feeling you're having right now is being offended that Jared also does not care about your opinions. But go argue with him and opinion at him about that. Stop pretending the world has to hallucinate these things aren't going on with you. Your MHI is not my responsibility. I repeat, I am not your father.
The funny thing is the amount of blatantly unwell parasocialization it takes to read a post saying "This man no longer cares about this TV show and publicly has these political opinions and does not care if you approve of them" is "anti Jared" because, oh my god, Karen's having a come to Jacksus moment and realizing nobody, not even fucking jared, cares about her opinion, and that can't stand. So that's anti-jared, right? That's why I'm Am Are Uncomfortable, right?
No, you're fucking uncomfortable because underneath your weird herd mentality you are an intelligent woman who has seen these things yourself and surrendered your individuality for performative group identity and you're staring at it and realizing you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Pick one. You literally can not have both. Follow him on his red path if you must but stop pretending you're in the blue lane. Or, hold him accountable silently and choose a different fave. It is genuinely not fucking complicated.
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alatusprinz · 2 years
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teyvat travel guide . ( about me / dni / about this blog . )
things to know about @alatusprinz blog : i write/consume nsfw and dark content including but not limited to genshin impact. the dark content includes manipulation, dependency, yandere tendencies (obsessive behavior), baby-trapping, cnc (consensual nonconsent) etc. i don't write only sunshine and rainbows. any moment of the time you spend in my blog, you are free to block me. you owe me nothing and i am just a person who writes in a free virtual space i created for myself and those who enjoy my writing. take a close look at warnings tag i put in my fictions.
my blog is not genshin impact spoiler free.
i am not responsible for your comfort and trigger in internet space. i will not answer to hate-inboxes, feedback or criticism on my work. i only require that you are civil and mature if you decide to interact with me as i will do the same.
please do not outright ask to be mutuals. i'll follow if i want to . i'm not too familiar with the 'mutuals' culture to begin with, so that is that.
i write for mainly female audience, but i make an effort to avoid feminine pronouns. as i am afab and go by she/her myself, i might make mistakes and refer to the reader as such or write something that may make you uncomfortable. but like i mentioned before, i am not responsible for your triggers or discomfort.
no, i will not quarrel with you concerning genshin characters' age and the 'traveler is a minor' argument. they are not a minor. if you think they are a minor, it is your choice to assume so. i respect your opinion so i firmly request that you do the same.
i'm more athiest than anything so i'm semi uncomfortable with religious themed asks.
about me : you can call me akina. i'm 21 years old and scorpio-sun. slytherin/ravenclaw house, infp-t 9w1. xiao, scara, and albedo enthusiast. birthday is oct 30th. east asian.
characters i kin ( in case you'd like to know more about me ) :
okkotsu yuuta from jujutsu kaisen
satou mafuyu from given!
kouno sakura from horimiya
shinomiya kaguya from kaguya sama: love is war
legoshi from beastars
momozono nanami from kamisama hajimemashita
okumura eiji from banana fish
kamisato ayaka from genshin impact
kirigaya kazuto ( kirito ) from sword art online
dni : sexist, prolife, anti lgbtq+, misogynist, racist, basic dni criteria that is the bare minimum for an individual living in 21st century, please educate yourself if you fall under any of these.
i don't mind ageless or blank blogs following me. i just request that you do not harass others or me over the content you have chosen to consume.
this is really important - please never ever share or recommend my stories to tiktok. under any circumstances.
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gunnies-gummies · 2 years
Okay can y’all like idk make up names for byler pls- because it’s showing in the byler tag and it’s annoying. Like I GET IT, but y’all gotta learn how to RESPECT other ships (whether you like them or not or whether they’re canon or not who cares it’s just for fun honey.)
And yes I’m tagging mileven because this is for YALL. We have like 10000 names so we don’t DISTURB y’all, is it that hard to do the same with us bylers???!!! Like there’s so many unique nicknames y’all can give us -_- like biscuit, banana, burro, burrito, balloon, baboon, buffalo, bandana, broskis, boss baby, Barney, Batman, etc etc like be creative and stay IN YOUR TAG thank you :) or tag it as anti b*ler.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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