#deep talks
dumblr · 1 year
We don't say it but we both feel it.
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euesworld · 1 year
"You are sexy in the kind of way where I would stay up all night talking to you.."
Deep talks + moonlight = a deeper connection - eUë
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binarysunset17 · 3 months
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Inspired by Song of Wyoming~John Denver
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yeesiine · 4 months
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Keep it halal its pomegranate juice 🍷
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sapioosexual · 13 days
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thebloomingsoulss · 9 months
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Sometimes all you need is just sitting in front of the beach with someone and have heart to heart conversations.
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milaalkhansah · 1 year
Deep Talk with Bestie #2 : Validasi Perasaan
Beberapa hari yang lalu saya dan sahabat saya kembali melakukan percakapan. Ada kebahagiaan tersendiri ketika di dalam hidup kita menemukan orang-orang yang bersedia mengobrol dengan kita bukan hanya terkait persoalan-persoalan remeh, ataupun juga lelucon-lelucon lucu, tetapi bisa diajak untuk mengobrol sesuatu yang deep dan hard.
throw back masa-masa di mana kami masih dua remaja naif dengan segala dramanya, saya bertanya kepadanya:
“Tapi kamu dulu emang nggak ada semacam perasaan gituh, pengen orang tahu bahwa kamu lagi sedih, atau lagi ada masalah?” saya menanyakan hal ini karena kebingungan saya akan sifat dia yang sangat tertutup atas kehidupan pribadinya, even kepada saya sendiri, sahabatnya.
“Nggak ada sih, saya dari dulu emang lebih suka jika semua perasaan sedih saya, cukup saya sendiri yang tahu.”
Well, dari sini saya belajar bahwa masing-masing kita diciptakan berbeda-beda. Sama halnya dalam menyikapi berbagai perasaan yang kita rasakan. Ada orang-orang yang lebih nyaman menyimpan dan menyembunyikannya sendirian, hanya ia dan Tuhan yang paham apa yang ia rasakan. Dan ada juga orang-orang yang lebih memilih untuk menyuarakan dan membuat semua orang lain tahu bahwa ia sedang merasakan.
Terlepas dari pilihan mana yang lebih baik. Saya menarik suatu kesimpulan. Bahwa atas segala bermacam rupa perasaan yang sedang kita rasakan, sebenarnya yang kita butuhkan itu bukan validasi dari orang lain untuk bisa mengakui bahwa kita sedang merasakan perasaan tersebut. Tapi kita membutuhkan tempat di mana, semua perasaan kita bisa tersalurkan dengan baik.
Yah, di hidup yang semakin complicated ini. Menemukan tempat yang bisa menjadi pereda dari bisingnya pikiran dan rumitnya sebuah perasaan adalah sebuah angerah yang tak ternilai harganya.
Jaga mereka baik-baik.
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random-xpressions · 6 months
I'm not concerned by the length but the depth of our conversations...
Random Xpressions
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touch-starved-lurker · 5 months
we all know small talk. we all know deep talk. may i present the opinion that it is not a binary cuz binaries suck. it’s a sliding scale, a 3d space in which to play, something more than two constricting boxes. middle talk is what i call it in my head, but like.
small talk is the weather, how’s the family, sigh this project sucks, how’s school going, what’s your plans for college. deep talk is trauma. deep talk is fears and hopes and pipe dreams. deep talk is my life is falling apart and im scared. deep talk is relationship boundaries and limits and wants and needs. deep talk is about space and time and reality and memory. it’s sad and uncomfortable and hard and rewarding and joyful and full of trust.
i present middle talk, the in-between, the comfortable walk along a familiar path. it’s tell me all about your favourite new interest. it’s let me talk about all the things that wrong and all the things that went right on my trip. it’s deeper conversations than normal with a new person, filling chats with friends. and it can lift my mood like nothing else, connect me but not make me feel too deeply. and people slip through these modes of conversation pretty easily, it’s a sliding scale.
that probably made at least a little sense. :) anyway.
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ahemmayhemahem · 10 months
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dumblr · 1 year
Lately, I've noticed everybody looks ok until you eventually have a deep conversation with them. And then, you'll realize that, this is a sad generation of people struggling to survive through smiling faces and pretty pictures.
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euesworld · 1 year
"Come here.. I want to talk to you, for hours. Stay and never leave.. I would really like that."
Stay with me and never let go - eUë
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yeesiine · 1 year
And in that moment lying beside you means everything to me. The weight of the world lifts and I am happy with nothing more than you, and me, and this night.
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People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without wondering.
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t1meslayer · 6 months
Paradiso (Ch. 2)
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Leading GIF chosen to reflect a happier vibe compared to the first chapter in my latest Pokemon Scarlet and Violet fic.
No more nightmares! Everyone's still got some trauma to work through, but now they can work through it all together <3
Nemona joins the brawl as a secondary protagonist of sorts, because I can't seem to write anything in this canon without her. Girl's energy is just too infectious.
Please ignore the lack of speaking Spanish behind the curtain
Fandom: Pokemon
Characters: Arven, Nemona, Professor Turo (as part of my "Paldea's Fearsome Foursome" series)
Summary: Arven's childhood wasn't all doom and gloom. But even months after his first trip to Area Zero, it's hard to separate the good and bad memories from that looming specter of Professor Turo.
While I've got you, friendly reminder that pre-orders are open for PokePocket: a Zine which features a number of never-before-seen stories by yours truly! Not to mention a ton of other talented writers, and a huge range of beautiful art. Check it out here.
Click through the Read More below to get a preview of my latest fic. Thanks for reading <3
"Most people aren't delivering parcels at 3:00 a.m. Shouldn't you be getting your beauty sleep?"
Nemona puffs out her chest, and then stamps her foot atop the jaundiced brick wall.
"Gotta give others a chance to catch up, Flamigo." She holds an explorer's pose, eyes trained on the middle distance where the spires of Mesagoza's southern entrance pierce the sky. Green hair strands dance across Nemona's face.
Arven looks unaffected by her shtick.
"Uh huh."
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lilsuccubunnie · 1 year
You look so hot, and healthy, in your recent content!
Fuckk yeah! Thank you so much💕
TW: positive talk regarding ED recovery
I developed an ED at 8, started getting treatment at 14, and have been dragging myself through recovery since. Let me say to those struggling, holy shiiit is it worth it. It’s not easy and I still struggle some days but nothing makes me more proud than knowing I’m taking care of my flesh suit. Without it I wouldn’t get to explore the world, meet new friends, and wear fluffy diapers.
ALSO REMINDER TODAY!! eat that second plate of food and the pie, it is a celebration. Show ur body how thankful you are for it by giving it lots of yummy fuel!💕
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