#decided against it and just did some shading instead
ahoppingmagician · 3 days
Stolitz Rant
Now before I shit on the ship and Stolas' whole character, I have to give Spindle Horse some praise. Seeing Blitzo go off on Stolas was like eating your gran's food, comforting, something that you waited for, and fulfilling. Blitzo pleading like a desperate animal for the book was actually very potent, I won't get too much into my life but I have done things similar for people in my past to stay even though it was a dysfunction mess.
Alright that's my little hat's off to you Viv. Now let's get to my problem with this ship.
Unhealthy in a Bad Way
It's unhealthy. Now that inherently isn't the bad thing, now before you judge me too hard, I'll explain. If a pairing is presented as toxic that's not my issue but rather how it is handled. Stolitz isn't really presented by the show's narrative to be a horrible mess that should of died as soon as the two grew apart in their adult life. Instead it is presented like a us verses them. Romeo and Juliet type of romance. Now it doesn't really work that way because of everything that one side has done.
Stolas Sucks
I hate this fucking rich bird man, he was such good villian potential, until someone named Vivziepop got to attached to him, and tried to change the story for him to be a hopeless romantic who has a tragic home life, a damsel in distress who needs his knight in shiny armor to save him, instead of what he is a creepy rich man taking advantage of someone, and is definitely just seeing Blitzo as a toy in every since of the word.
If Stolas wants Blitzo to fuck him then it's fine because HE wants it. If HE decided that his daughter needs to be around someone who has ruined her family then she will because Stolas wants it, not even bothering to ask the man in question if he's comfortable with that arrangement. Blitzo doesn't like how he treats him, doesn't matter because Stolas likes it. HE doesn't want Blitzo to have the book anymore and Blitzo will just blindly accept it because that's what Stolas wants. This man with a child acts like a whiny little baby because the man who he has harassed, stalked, coerced into having sex with him, and treats like some kind of exotic pet, doesn't trust him when he gives him the stupid crystals because it goes against want HE wants to happen.
All of that was to point out how self serving this dumbass is.If Stolas wants it to go that way it just will because he deserves it after having an abusive wife. Now abuse is a serious subject, but it's clear as day that Stella was made to be abusive to make Stolas seem understandable. Also doesn't help that the story neglects to inform you that Stolas and Stella had Octavia at 19 and were both victims of the higher class by being forced into this marriage at like 16.
My Big Problem
Now I'll get into the whole contract to sex thing and how morally backrupt he is. This rich man knew how vital that book was for his obsession's business, to the point that he was literally stealing it from him on his birthday. Now like a reasonable man he kicked him out and never made any terrible decision ever, sadly no he fucked him and really liked it. So sometime later the bird man was in his bathtub and called his side piece, while Blitzo is in obvious distress he gives him an offer and won't shut up till he verbally agrees, which the imp did. Now what part of this is romantic? Or even sexy in a taboo way. Like what in the Wattpad is this arrangement. This feels like a ripoff of a book that just shows a toxic relationship like it's suppose to be good, Fifty Shades of Gray. A similar dynamic to our two men here weirdly enough. Which originally was a fanfiction. Now my dear reader like I said a toxic relationship in media isn't inherently bad, but if it is written badly then we have a problem. Why? you may ask me. Simple early teens watch this show, edgy kids watch this show. I personally think kids are fucking radical little guys, but they are also easily influenced. A show that paints this unhealthy relationship as good and worth all the fighting, that it is worth all the heartbreak and trauma because one day it might get better, key word might. For some viewers maybe it was their first gay relationship they were exposed to. This could shift the way they look at LGBT+ relationships as more taboo or sexy instead of it being just another relationship.
Now I'll wrap this rant up, next will be M&M relationship a d how I think it has some accidental toxic underlining, hopefully I can also get my solutions to this and M&M out today aswell.
As always you look fabulous, I'll eat your least favourite organ if you don't say something nice to yourself today. If your having a not getting out of bed day, it's alright the world is scary and you can try again tomorrow.
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krys-loves-otome · 25 days
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Hi, Ana / @bicayaya, I'm your gifter for the Mayday Heyday OC Exchange!
Since Beatrice's profile mentioned that she played piano as a hobby, I thought it would be cute for her and Yves to play music together, thus how this came together.
Did take one or two liberties with Beatrice's clothes but I think she turned out super adorable!
Thanks for hosting the event @lorei-writes and @olivermorningstar! I had a lot of fun!
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foxy-eva · 9 months
Stress Relief
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Summary: When Reader complains about back pain, Spencer offers a massage. Things escalate. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Smut 
Content Warning: (18+, minors DNI) a little bit of awkwardness, massages, implied hand kink, heavy kissing, fingering, handjob, unprotected penetrative sex
Word Count: 3k
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It wasn't the first time your team had to double up in a hotel while working on a case but you had never ended up being paired with your favorite coworker before. When you stepped into the room after a long day of trying to save lives, you suddenly realized something. 
Spencer was right behind you when he saw it too, mumbling an almost inaudible, "Oh."
There was only one bed. 
The receptionist had already let you know that they were completely overbooked, so switching to a different room was no option. 
Spencer was quick to offer solutions as he started rambling, "I know Morgan said he wouldn't share a room with me but maybe he'll change his mind if I explain this to him?" 
"Don't you think it's more likely he'll tease us? Besides, that would leave me with Hotch and I'd rather share a bed with you than with my boss."
Spencer shrugged and mumbled, "I always liked to double up with Emily. I wonder why she insisted on sharing a room with JJ." 
You looked at him with raised eyebrows and a smirk on your face. "Yeah, who knows!" 
You did know but Spencer was as oblivious as ever. If he was really that bad at seeing what was right in front of him, there was at least a chance that he hadn't yet caught onto your feelings for him either. You really hoped that tonight any improper thoughts you had would be drowned out by the exhaustion slowly taking over your body.
"I can sleep on the floor," Spencer voiced his final offer. 
You shook your head in protest. "The bed is big enough for the both of us."
With that it was settled, you were going to share a bed with the man who had been occupying your mind an almost embarrassing amount. Spencer, however, had never once shown any signs that he reciprocated your growing feelings for him. So instead of addressing them, you decided to simply suffer in silence until they'd pass.
When he stepped into the bathroom to get ready for the night, you couldn't stop your mind from racing to fantasies far from being appropriate. It didn't help to hear him turning on the shower because now all you could think about was tearing your own clothes off to join him. Somehow you managed to keep your composure - for now at least. 
Spencer looked absolutely adorable with his washed-out Caltech shirt and checkered pajama pants, so much so that you took several seconds to blatantly stare at him when he came back into the room. It caused him to look down at his body to make sure that everything was in place. 
“Sorry, you just look really… cute like that,” you muttered to help with his confused look. 
A slight rosy shade spread over his cheeks at your compliment and he looked at you as if he wasn’t quite sure if you were making fun of him. But of course your words were genuine. 
As you gathered your things to go take a shower yourself, you snickered, “It’s a shame that outfit probably wouldn’t pass the FBI dress code.” 
He took a book out of his bag and sat down on one side of the bed, chuckling, “Yeah, it definitely would not pass.”
The shower helped clear your mind and you were positive that you’d be able to go to sleep without any other distractions. As you approached the bed in your usual nightwear - a tanktop and some colorful shorts - it became obvious that Spencer was even worse at hiding his staring than you were. 
“It’s weird, right?” You asked as you sat down on the bed. “Seeing each other in casual clothes, I mean.”
Without saying a word he just nodded before focussing back on his book again. As you leaned against the headboard of the bed you noticed something that had been bothering you all day. Your back was aching and your shoulders were painfully tense. You stretched your arms over your shoulders before you reached back to massage some tender spots on your neck. 
“You okay?” Spencer asked as he turned his head to watch you. 
“Yeah, it’s just my back pain. I slept weird last night and I have been sitting at my desk too much those past few days,” you explained. 
To your surprise, he offered, “Maybe I could help?”
Before you could consider what feeling his hands against your body would do to you, you replied, “Yeah, that would be nice, actually.” 
You readjusted your position until you sat cross-legged on the bed with your back facing your roommate for the night. Spencer set aside his book and sat behind you, tentatively putting his palms on your shoulders. The heat his body radiated entered your body and lit a spark inside you that you desperately tried to ignore. 
When he began pressing his fingertips into the tense muscles of your shoulders and neck, you instantly became pliable under his touch. The places he touched were innocent but that didn’t change the fact that a familiar warmth spread through your body and collected in your center. 
There was no way to hold back the shy moan from falling from your lips when he found a particularly tender spot. 
He halted his motions to ask, “Did I hurt you?”
“No, it just feels really good,” you breathed. 
“That’s nice to hear,” he cooed in the softest tone you’d ever heard from him. “You deserve to feel good.” 
Those last couple of words echoed in your mind before you could grasp what they meant. It was that moment that you asked yourself if the innocent and shy Spencer Reid was trying to flirt with you. 
To distract yourself, you decided to talk to him - unaware what colossal mistake that was going to be.
“So, where did you learn how to give back rubs?” 
Nonchalantly as ever, he responded, “I read a book about it a few years ago.” 
“You read a book about massages?”
The breath he let out at your question tickled the skin of your shoulders and you broke out in goosebumps. You hoped that he wouldn’t notice. 
“Well, it was about tantric practices and there was a very interesting chapter about… uhm… full-body massages,” he explained, not helping with your current situation at all. 
It was getting almost impossible for you to form coherent sentences, even more so when Spencer continued talking. 
“Are you interested in that?”
Almost jumping at his words, you blurted out, “In getting a full-body massage?!” 
“No!” Spencer laughed. “In reading the book!” 
Before you could respond, you felt his hands wander down your back, lightly rubbing over your shirt. It was getting harder to focus with every second passing, too overwhelming became the need to feel more of him. 
“I’ll think about it,” you finally responded. 
Spencer’s fingertips brushed over your lower back, way too lightly to find any tight spots and you were wondering if he was trying to tease you at this point. 
His words brought you back to reality. “I can continue with my massage if you want but uhm.. your shirt is getting in the way.”
Without thinking about it, you stated, “I’m not wearing a bra.”
“I know,” Spencer chuckled. “I won’t look, I promise. Just lay down on your stomach.” 
The feeling of his hands on your body had left your skin tingling and you were yearning to feel it again. So without questioning his intentions or making sure his eyes were really closed, you took off your top and lay down on the mattress. Spencer kneeled beside you and began working his skilled fingers over your entire back. 
Any tightness from tired muscles slowly left your body but you felt another kind of tension growing in your core. When Spencer grazed the waistband of your shorts with his fingertips, a sigh escaped your throat. He didn’t say anything, instead he kept massaging you until there was no patch of skin on your back left unattended to. 
The second time he brushed over your waistband gave away that he was doing it on purpose. For a moment you thought that he might slip his hands right beneath it to descend further down your body. That thought caused you to unwillingly press your thighs tightly together to soothe the aching between your legs. 
Spencer must have noticed it, too, because he audibly let out a breath right at that moment. His hands were still on your back when a quiet moan left your mouth and you noticed that your hips had started moving ever so slightly, desperate to find some friction. You weren’t sure if Spencer had been watching you doing that until you halted those tiny motions. 
“Don’t stop,” he purred. “You look so pretty like this.” 
You turned your head enough to see him from the corners of your eyes. The hardness straining against his pajama pants was impossible to ignore but even more intriguing was the smirk spread over his face. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were dark and filled with lust. Seeing him like this suddenly let any restraint you had left vanish. 
“Please, Spencer,” you begged him to keep going. 
One of his hands found the side of your face to brush a strand of hair aside. He leaned down to place a soft kiss on your heated cheek before he whispered, “Tell me exactly what you want.” 
Spencer’s hands were all you could think about. Every fiber of your body was longing for him and you felt like you might combust if he didn’t grant you relief anytime soon. 
“Please continue and… go lower.” 
In an instant his hands were on your backside, greedily grabbing your soft flesh through your shorts. 
“Like that?” Spencer groaned. 
You tilted your hips to press your butt against his hands and slowly opened your thighs before you whimpered, “Lower.”
As his fingertips wandered over your thighs you felt how your arousal began soaking through the fabric of your panties. His hands dared to move underneath your shorts, grazing along the apex of your thigh. It was not enough to soothe your aching but enough to drive you wild. 
You moaned out his name before whining, “Take them off, please.” 
“You’re so cute when you get all desperate,” he chuckled in response. 
There was no more teasing then. When he finally grabbed the waistband of your shorts, you immediately lifted your hips so he could pull them down together with your panties. He reached between your thighs to finally touch you where you were burning for him. 
The realization of how aroused you were let a groan escape his mouth. His fingertips glided through your folds before focussing on your most sensitive spot while he purred, "You're so fucking wet." 
It was the first time you had ever heard him use a curse word, the sound of such crude language shooting through you like lightning. All your senses were on edge, you couldn't think about anything else but him. 
The sensation of his fingers moving over your sensitive pearl was somehow too much and not enough at the same time. You hadn't realized that you were grinding your hips against his hand until his words brought you back to reality for a moment. 
"You deserve to feel so, so good. Let me take care of you."
At that you point you weren't even sure what you were begging for when an almost silent "Please," made it past your lips. Spencer, however, seemed to understand. He let two of his digits enter you, finding no resistance from your body. As soon as you felt him inside you, you couldn't help but clench around him.
Slowly he began working his fingers against tight muscles at an angle that made you almost lose your mind. There was no more holding back the sounds of pleasure falling from your lips, so you buried your face into the pillow to muffle your moans. 
You felt Spencer's free hand brushing over your hair while he whispered, "Don't hide those sounds from me. I want to hear you."
With that you turned your head to the side again, just enough to be able to see his beautiful face. His smile was too much for you to handle, so you decided to close your eyes instead. 
The room filled with your moans and mewls and the sound of his hand relentlessly moving against your wet center. Within just a few minutes you were dancing along the edge of euphoria. Spencer noticed that, too.
"You're doing so good," he praised you. "Let go for me, sweet girl." 
You felt him moving over your swollen nub one more time before your body began to tremble beneath him. He helped you ride out your high with a few more skillful motions before he lay down right beside you. 
When he found your eyes, he whispered, "You okay?" 
Instead of answering him, you grabbed his wrist to bring his fingers to your lips. They were still coated with your essence when you took them in your mouth to suck them clean. Spencer stared at you in disbelief, almost as if he was witnessing some kind of miracle. 
You could still taste yourself on your tongue when you found his lips in a hungry kiss. He didn't waste any time to reciprocate your enthusiasm, his tongue meeting yours as the two of you melted into one another. There was no space allowed between the two of you, with your chest pressed hard enough against his you could feel his accelerated heartbeat. 
His palms began wandering over your exposed skin as if he'd never have enough of touching you. Your hand became curious as well, moving underneath the hem of his shirt to finally feel him without any barrier. It wasn't enough though, you needed all of him.
With joined forces you rid him of his clothes and took a moment to take in the beauty of the man in front of you. As your eyes locked once more you found the sweetest smile spread over his face. 
"You're so pretty," you breathed before kissing him again. 
"And you're so beautiful," he mumbled against your lips. 
His hardness was pressed firmly against your thigh and you could already feel the tip leaking onto your skin. A sneaky hand found its way between your bodies to touch him. Your fingertips found soft curls at the base of him before wrapping around his shaft. He felt hot and heavy in your palm and you noticed him twitching when you began moving your hand. 
Spencer gasped into your mouth once you reached his tip and his whole body quivered when you let your thumb swipe over it. Your kiss was interrupted by him panting against your face as you sped up your motions. 
"Look at who is getting desperate now," you teased him. 
He already seemed lost in the pleasure when he whimpered, "Feels so good."
Your hand left his erection to push against his shoulder until he was lying on his back while you snickered, "You know what would feel even better?"
As you began straddling his hips, Spencer's hands flew to your waist. 
He still needed reassurance before he let you continue. "Are you sure about this?" 
You nodded and promised, “I want you Spencer.” 
"I want you, too. More than you can imagine."
With your hand around his cock you lifted your hips to guide him to your entrance. As you sank down on him, Spencer moaned out your name. You took your time, relishing the sensation of him slowly stretching you open. Once he was fully inside, you could feel his heartbeat deep within you. 
As you began grinding your hips against him, his hands moved from your waist to your breasts to caress your soft curves. 
“You have no idea how long I have wanted you,” Spencer sighed.
You leaned down to find him in a kiss before you whispered against his mouth, "You have me now. I'm yours."
His hips began moving in perfect synchronicity with yours as you chased the sweet relief together. When you began moving faster, Spencer suddenly gripped your hips to halt your motions. 
"I'm so close. Slow down," he whined with desperation clearly audible in his voice. 
That didn't slow you down, though. Instead you purred, "Me, too," and kept going. Spencer threw his head back into the pillows and sang your praise in the form of his moans. You tried to hold on just a little bit longer, not to torture him but because you didn't want it to end yet.
When one of his hands descended from your hip to where your bodies were joined, you knew that it wouldn't be long now. He began drawing small circles with his thumb around your little bud, throwing you over the edge within a few seconds. Once he felt your walls pulsing around him, he let go himself. 
Each of your twitches was answered by him throbbing inside you, sharing his essence with you until he had nothing left to give. Spencer welcomed you inside his arms as you collapsed on top of him with a racing heart and lungs longing for air. 
You stayed connected for as long as physically possible but once he was soft, you felt him slowly slipping out of you together with the mixed evidence of your shared desire. Spencer insisted on helping you clean up the mess between your legs and was quick to get a damp towel from the bathroom.
Watching him carefully rid you of any remaining stickiness somehow felt even more intimate than anything you had done before. Neither of you bothered to put clothes back on, instead you cuddled up under the comforter together to savor the sensation of having each other near.
When you thought back to what led you into Spencer's arms earlier tonight, you couldn't hold back your giggles. 
"Maybe I should read that book you mentioned." 
"You can, if you want," Spencer chuckled before he began kissing along your neck. When he found your ear, he whispered, "I'd much rather show you everything it says, though."
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Taglist: @nomajdetective @reidsbookclub @gspenc @justreadingficsdontmindme @samuel-de-champagne-problems @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @malindacath @pauline5525mgg @sanaz1dlol @luredwithpretzels @reidselle @alexxavicry @frickin-bats @spencersprettyslut @sebs-oxygen @beepbooptoop @lovejules888 @liltimmyst @encyclo-reid-ia @lilibet261 @fandomstuffff @spencer-reid-wonderland @happymangospot @conniesanchor @reaux02 @ellamaianderson @cynbx @dashneydanger @melifluorei-d @bitchassbecky691 @iameternallylonely @hotchandspencearedilfs @kobaltdragon @amititties @castiels-majestic-wings @torigorie @emiliaserpe @thenerdthatwrites @reidtopia @velvetthunder93 @cncoxlifeline @jordie-gvf-admin @saturnstringz @missabsey @spencerslove @guacam011y @whoopdy-doo @hugyourlungs
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kat651 · 6 months
Imagine: elves having highly sensitive ears and you finding out by accidently touching them.
(You are half-elven and your ears aren’t near as sensitive to touch). 
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You sat on the divan, lord Elrond was laying with his head on your lap as you gently played with his hair, letting him rant to get all his hidden bottles up emotions out. “Oh! And then-” he sat up and sighed. “I’ll just say that meeting was a disaster…” he slumped and looked over at you. “I’m sorry to rant like this…”
You smiled. “It’s alright…” you mumbled as you gently tucked a stray hair behind his ear, tracing it up to the pointed tip then down to his jaw. As you did, the pulled away. “What? What is it?” 
“Nothing, it’s just that the ears of an elf are highly sensitive…”
You scooted closer. “Is that so?” You placed your hand on the back of his head so he couldn’t pull away and with the other you hand you gently traced the edge of his ear. 
He went to pull away but you held him fast and it only took a moment for him to go limp in your arms as you continued to mess with his ears. 
You smiled as he lay with his back pressed against your chest. His eyes were shut and his lips slightly parted as you continued to gently mess with his adorable pointed ears. 
You smiled as a soft blush spread across his cheeks and the tip of his nose. “Aww, you look so cute when you blush…”
He opened an eye and looked up at you before he closed his eye again. 
“Elrond…” you whispered after a moment. 
The elven lord didn’t answer. He didn’t even stir and on top of that his breathing has slowed. You smiled and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on his forehead before closing your eyes as well. 
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You and Legolas had been close for some time now and you had innocently came up behind him and began to mess with his hair, slightly damp from having recently washed it.  
He turned to look at you. “Y/n?” You began to braid the hair by his ears, putting it into the style he normally wore. He relaxed and let you fix his hair for him. All went well until the last braid. Your pinky slowly slid down the outside of his ear as you braided it. He leaned back until his head fell on your chest as he breathed deeply. 
“Ears…sensitive…elves…” he mumbled. 
You smiled and kissed his temple. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” You asked, finishing off the braid. 
He shrugged as you then went and touched the tip of his ear. He smiled and closed his eyes. “I knew you’d… mess with… me…”
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You chuckled as he walked into one of the manny tents that lined the elven war camp. “What is so funny?” He asked, draping his cape over a chair. 
You walked up to him. “Here,” you said, motioning for him to lean down a bit. He did, raising an eyebrow, you gently adjusted the silver crown, re-centering it in his forehead. As you did, you bumped the top of his ear. His eyelids fluttered for a moment before his hands flew up and grasped your wrists in one swift movement. You yelped in shock. 
He loosened his grip a bit and gently rubbed your wrists. 
You whimpered. “L-lord Thranduil?” 
He sighed and let go of your wrists before standing straight and looking down at your startled face. 
He sighed. “Sometimes I forget you are half human… elves ears are highly sensitive…”
“I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t know I-”
His lips met yours as he slowly brought your hands to this ears. You hesitated a moment before gently rubbing your finger along his ear. He let go of your wrists and pulled your body closer. “Y/n…”
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Lindir had been messing with you in a playful matter all day and you eventually decided to play back. You gently took his face in your hands. “You stubborn… elf…”
You had expected his eyes to widen and him to turn an adorable shade of pink but instead his eyes fluttered closed and lips parted slightly. “Y-y/n…m-my ears…”
“Hmmm… are they sensitive?”
“Yes, v-very…”
“Well it would be a shame if someone were to oh I don’t know perhaps…” you stood on the tips of your toes and very gently took the tip of his ear between your teeth. 
His body instantly went limp and you gently lowered him to the ground before nipping gently at his ear while you ran your fingers through his hair. 
He clawed at your back. “Y-y/n…” 
You smiled. “Hmmm?”
He managed to look up at you before something took over his brain and his lips smashed on yours. “I love you…”
Your eyes widened. You’d only been dating him for a few days. You hadn’t even told anyone and here he was, kissing you as if you’d been together for years. 
You pulled away, startled. “Lindir?” 
He looked up at you with pleading eyes before he realized what he had done and he scooted away. “Y/n I-I’m sorry i-”
You pressed your lips on his again and began to mess with his ears once more. “I love you too.”
pt two here
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satorhime · 1 year
recess + gojo satoru ── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞
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── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞ content : dad!gojo, f!reader, fluff, comfort, reader ‘n’ gojo r not the best parents but they just wanna comfort their sweet baby girl, reader is referred to as ‘mrs’, ‘mama’, school fights, light discussion of insecurities, bullying + discrimination・。・ w.c. 2.2k
── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞ synopsis : you, satoru, and your daughter’s first trip to the principle’s office.
── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞ notes : i am in the fluffiest mood ever for my dear heart so i present u another one of my dad!gojo fics. this one tugged at my heart strings tho :( not proofread!
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the school calls and says that your five-year-old daughter got into a fight with another student during recess, and the first thing satoru asks is “did she win?”
an hour later, the two of you are sitting in the middle of the principle’s office on a worn, brown leather couch while an aide fetches your little girl from lunch. the differences in your respective reactions is stark, a contrast of color that can be seen throughout your relationship.
while you are respectful of authority, nodding along and gasping in horror with your hand clutching your necklace as the principle explains that your daughter was seen punching a little boy in the sandbox, satoru has his legs kicked up on the principle’s big oak desk, his head thrown back in full blown laughter. you have to lash out, smacking his chest with your fist just to get him to quiet down— only for him to retaliate with a pinch to the side of your thigh.
“i believe i see where the violence comes from,” the principle clicks her tongue over the melodramatics of satoru coughing and spitting after your hit, her lip curled in disapproval. she has a severe look about her, like the suffocatingly conservative elders in satoru’s clan. “mister and missus gojo, you must know this behavior is highly inappropriate.”
“we’re sor-”
“you never answered my question you know,” satoru cuts you off before you can apologize like a good little student yourself, sitting up straight and cocking his head to the side. even though you can’t see his eyes, covered by his dark shades, you can almost taste his amusement in the air. he is not taking any of this seriously, and why would he?
he was the one who taught her how to throw a punch.
“and what question would that be, mister gojo?”
“if she won the fight or not, of course!” he says, punctuating each word with a wag of his finger. with his million dollar grin all wide on his face. some things never change no matter how old you get because you can tell that he enjoys challenging authority. that he decided the principle was just another one of the higher ups who abused their power and looked down their nose at the youth after one glimpse of her personality and leadership.
the principle opens her mouth, likely to scold him, but then the door opens and your little one steps through with the aide carrying her backpack. her head is hung low, her chin tucked against her chest and her fists are bunched in the hem of her uniform skirt as she walks in— the very picture of guilt.
“you can ask her instead,” the principle concludes, and you become a little closer to seeing gojo’s approach to things. you don’t like the way she looks at your baby, ready to toss the key away for a kindergartner who can barely speak properly without even knowing if she initiated the fight or not. you grit your teeth, though. you’re trying to be civil, for crying out loud.
after all, your child doesn’t need two maniacs for parents.
“miss gojo,” the principle calls, addressing your kindergartener directly. when she raises her chin, she has a defiant look in her big, glacier blue eyes that rival’s her father’s own. there’s a fleck of rice stuck cutely to the side of her mouth, no doubt from the onigiri you packed in her bento this morning. her little white plaits are in disarray, the colorful barrettes you accessorized her hair with lost and nowhere to be found, and when your eyes drop down to her hands, you can tell that she’s hiding her bruised knuckles in her skirt. “do tell us what happened, and absolutely no fibs or tall tales, please.”
“uhm…” her eyes roam the room, intimidated by the adults watching her with expectation. she earns a patient nod and smile from you, and a cheeky wink from satoru over the rim of his glasses. taking a deep breath, she mumbles, “uhm. i was playing in the big box and sōta-kun started saying mean stuff so i punched him real hard.”
“and do you think that was an appropriate approach to someone saying something you don’t like, miss gojo? our school does not condone violence or bullies. we teach kindness and communication.”
“i thought he would dodge! dada always dodges my hits when we train,” she huffs in defense, blowing air into her cheeks. you shrink in your chair, placing a hand over your face in embarrassment because you know exactly what she’s about to say next. “aaaand, dada told me that whenever i don’t like something someone say, i can just blast them off the face of the earth when i get strong!”
“i do recall telling her that,” satoru takes credit proudly, his grin turning mischievous.
“satoru,” you warn, sighing. “really not the time.”
“i’m seen but silent.” he spreads his palms in surrender, mocking what you always tell your daughter to be when she makes too much racket in public. “and pretty.”
“it seems that neither one of you are concerned with your child’s concerning behavior. you make quips while her fellow student had to be sent to the infirmary because of her actions,” the woman’s voice is grave and authoritative, cutting through the lackadaisical attitude swirling around satoru. his posture never changes, but you can see the moment his spine straightens. “the child’s parents are demanding she be expelled.”
“what’s ‘expelled’?”
“i’ll explain it to you later, my love,” you whisper.
“sheesh, these old geezers are all the same,” he whistles, rolling his eyes.
“excuse me?” she demands, turning red.
“what my heart means to say,” you hiss through clenched teeth, cutting a glare so dark at him that his grin falters. though you’ll have no control over it later, it’s no secret the path you want for your little girl. you have not mistaken the abnormal luminescence in her eyes for anything but what it is, what it will develop into. she inherited her father’s powers, and it’s important that you give her even the tiniest semblance of a normal life. going to a good school with children on the outside, at least at first, is the first step to that. “is that surely, this can be handled with leniency? we still do not know what was said to cause her to react this way and-”
“it does not matter what was said,” the principle barks. “our academy has no need for violence, nor… a peculiar like her who-”
“if i were you, i would be careful with your words,” satoru’s voice lowers and he leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “it’s her first offense, ain’t it? she’s five. just let her apologize to the kid and suspend her for a couple of days, if you gotta.”
“if not,” he drawls, standing up and stretching his arms casually. you know it’s time to leave when satoru starts threatening people— you hold out your hand to your daughter so that she can take it before grasping onto satoru’s sleeve and hauling him towards the door, too. “i may suddenly become interested in a transfer and a promotion.”
you almost roll your eyes because he doesn’t even have a real license to teach.
“you are over the line, sir. you must know that threats-”
“think about it!”
and then, he grins one last time at the gobsmacked principle as you begin hauling your two troublemakers out of the office.
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each of your daughter’s tiny pinky fingers are curled around one of you and satoru’s as you all walk home afterwards, linked together. she still looks so crestfallen, so guilty it almost makes gojo chuckle, but he settles for an amused grin cocked to one side of his glossy lips. she keeps sighing exaggeratedly, and there is never any denying whose daughter she is.
“soooo,” satoru is the one to ask, surprisingly. he usually lets you play the villain in the storybook before bedtime. “what did the brat say that made you knock him out with a right hook, princess? hitting without a reaaaally good reason is bad. i think i forgot to add that in my lesson last time.”
it’s the question that’s been brewing in the back of your mind as well— why did your gentle baby girl get into a playground brawl with another student? has she been displaying this behavior at school all along? you knew that satoru training her before she could even read a book properly was a horrible idea, but you had wanted to compromise with him since you had decided she would be raised away from sorcerers during her childhood.
“the left one,” she mumbles the correction, sniffling dejectedly. “i already- i already said him kept saying mean stuff.”
“like what, baby?” you encourage softly, reaching down to swipe a stray tear that rolls down her cheek. you bite your lip, trying to figure out how to approach the beginning of a lesson on how to direct her negative emotions away from lashing out, and into something more rational. “you can tell me and dada, if you’re comfortable with it.”
“yep! we’re perfect at keeping secrets too.”
“him said that mama wasn’t my real one because i look like a fweak and mama and dada does too. ‘cause i got these stupid dumb blue eyes and stupid dumb white hair that nobody else got. ‘s what they allllll say. ‘cause i’m ugly.”
satoru’s head lifts a little, and the two of you share a look over her head. anger courses through your veins like liquid fire, ending in hot tears bubbling up in your eyes, and suddenly you aren’t interested in reprimanding your child for defending herself. satoru’s fist clenches until his knuckles turn white, hidden in the pocket of his slacks.
you aren’t idiots— you knew that she would be treated differently, in any school. with you being a foreigner, and satoru having unnatural looks himself, there’s no denying that she sticks out like a sore thumb amongst other children in her class with her snowy white hair and her tiny tinted, prescription goggles that people ask questions about, because while she has the six eyes, she doesn’t know how to use it properly yet and her eyesight is bad because of it.
still, the thought of you missing something is heart wrenching. your baby girl is always cheerful when you or satoru or both pick her up from school at the end of the day, chatting animatedly and showing off her creations from class, but maybe … maybe that was because she was relieved to be home again, surrounded by her favorite things and her loving parents, rather than spending hours a day with people who treated her like she was less than human.
“c’mere, princess,” satoru says, bending at the waist to hoist her off the ground. he perches her up on his arm, letting his shades slide down so that she can look into his eyes. you step a little closer after that, placing a hand on her back for support but you’ll speak to her later when the two of you have a little gossip before bed like you do each night, girl to girl. but right now, satoru is just what she needs. “favorite things that are blue like your eyes? shoot.”
“good job, princess. what else?”
she takes great care in huffing, her lower lip stuffing out into a pout, lifting a finger to tap the lens of gojo’s shades, “your eyes.” and then she points to the wedding ring on your finger, with a delicate aquamarine stone set in the middle. she always loved playing with it as a baby. “and mama’s ring.” she thinks for another moment. “and the sky!”
“good job. favorite things that are white like your hair? go!”
a little smile plays on the corners of your lips as you listen to them. satoru is eerily good at parenting when he wants to be, and already she’s swinging and humming because he introduced her to a game of listing her favorite things that looks like her.
“oh-! ice cream, and… and, megumi-nii’s ps5, and.. and.. your hair, dada!” she cheers, her little voice full of excitement as she bounces up and down.
“you’re so good at this. all those things look different from you, don’t they? but they’re pretty to you anyway, right?”
“so… come on here, help your old man out,” he prompts. “what does that make you?”
“i’m pretty too?”
“that’s right. you got a buy one get one free, you know! you got your mama’s beauty and you got six eyes, when most kids only have two! they’re just jealous.” he insists. “they all are.”
“i have six?” she asks in wonder, and just like that she’s on board, her eyes going round and wide behind her goggles. he nods, reaching up to ruffle her little plaits with a grin. then he glances over at you, switching your daughter over to hold with his other arm so that he can pull you close, loop a long arm protectively around your shoulders as you walk and just like that, he’s holding both of his favorite girls.
“yep, and they’re the prettiest eyes ever, this much prettier than your dada’s,” you singsong, cracking a grin and spreading your arms out as a makeshift measurement.
“ouch,” satoru whines, playfully offended. “unfortunately, she’s right.”
“i’m prettier than you, dada!” she giggles, and it means the world to see her spirits lifted once more.
“you’re the prettiest in the world, jellybean. never let anyone tell you otherwise.” you pinch her cheek, earning one of those sweet giggles from her. “our pretty, special baby girl.”
later on tonight, you’ll have a more serious conversation with her about how though the world will sneer and treat her differently because she doesn’t look like society expects her to, she is beautiful despite it all. that she is a product of love, of the most ardent kind. and heart, and happiness. that she is the best thing in the world and you would not trade her for anybody else.
tomorrow, you’ll be raising hell against that school for letting children bully your daughter, for a child having to defend herself against discrimination. but right now, the last thing you say after the school calls and says that your five-year-old got into a fight with another student during recess is “let’s get you ice cream that looks like you to celebrate causing your first black eye!”
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lazyjellyfish300 · 1 month
Gentleman part 2 🌼💌
GeneticistCEO!Miguel O'Hara x Fem Intern College Student!Reader
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Synopsis: after receiving a generous gift from Dr. O'Hara, you intend to thank him the next day. Word count: 5.8k
A/N: a little Fifty Shades of Grey inspired with the whole document situation. Here's what Dr. O'Hara looks like btw. 🫶🏽
TW: MINORS DNI, suggestive (no smut but talk of sex, alludes to sex), heavy kissing, bullying, little angst, some controlling behavior, Sugar daddy relationship, ooc Miguel , boss/employee relationship, I don't condone IRL
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
@scaleniusrm @laysmt @to-the-endoftheline @oharasfilipinawife
You feel like you're floating as you read the note over and over again etching every curve and spike of Dr. O'Hara's messy signature on the card into your memory. You lean in, smelling the gorgeous flowers, closing your eyes, a warm feeling making itself known in your chest. This truly felt like a dream come true. The way this went from one of your worst days to the best in a matter of hours. This mysterious, handsome scientist being the cause. Everything about your life changed in a matter of minutes. You were going to go to bed hungry, and instead woke up to a 5 star meal and your favorite flowers.
"What is that?" Isla asks sharply, causing you to spin around, tucking the card under your arm. 
"Nothing.....just-ah...some flowers....and food."
"What the...." She takes a step closer, scanning you suspiciously. She smirks, "I didn't know you had a boyfriend." 
You feel your face heat up and try to shuffle away quickly in annoyance. She takes note of the way you're turned away, trying to conceal the card and who it's from. 
"Well come on, who is it?" She presses. Heather and Vivian walk up and stand next to her in mutual curiousity. 
"You don't know him." With that, you bolt for your room, leaving your roommates with raised eyebrows and suspicions. 
You lock your bedroom door behind you and place the takeout bag on your bed, first arranging your new flowers on the windowsill in a vase before you dig in. When you open the bag, there's three different entrees of your favorite things to order from the restaurant, two of your favorite appetizers, two desserts, and two large to-go cups filled with two of your favorite beverages and those delightful pebble ice cubes that gave that satisfying crunch and sounded so heavenly when it clattered against the plastic. 
As you took your first few bites of the piping hot food, you leaned back in your bed with a sigh of contentment. You could probably die and go to heaven with how delicious everything was, your belly and your bank account nice and full.
You stood up and changed into your favorite pajamas and lounge wear, putting a show to watch on your phone while you continued to eat to your heart's content with your gorgeous bouquet as the perfect backdrop against the setting sun outside your dorm window. 
The next morning, you woke up, deciding that you'll get to Alchemax bright and early to give Dr. O'Hara a proper thank you. You figured this would be a one time thing and nothing you could do would be enough to pay him back, not to mention the moral implications of a manager doing this for one of his interns. He really put it all out there for you and you didn't want it to go unacknowledged. 
You wrote out a heartfelt letter on some notebook paper and grabbed a poppyseed muffin from the common area and hoped that he'd appreciate the thought behind it. You did your hair, dressing in one of your nicer outfits, makeup just the way you liked it and walked out the door with a spring in your step. 
Miguel took a generous sip from his coffee mug. It had a picture of him and Gabi as stick figures that she drew in preschool as the custom design he had printed on the mug. He looked at it fondly with a little smile as he remembered his reason for it all. 
His eyes widened when he saw you standing at his desk, a muffin in a brown paper bag and a note in your hands. 
"Buenos Dias." (Good morning) He said pleasantly. 
You smiled at him, your heart pattering in your chest a little bit now. "Good Morning..." 
The way you finished your greeting made it sound like you had something else to say.  Miguel waited, his face a little unreadable as he left the floor open for you to continue your thought. 
You clear your throat. "I just wanted to thank you, for everything you did for me yesterday. It's-uh. It's just unbelievable and...and I don't know how I could possibly p-pay you back..." 
You reach out, offering him the note and the muffin. "I wanted you to have these..." 
Miguel's eyebrow raises. 
"I-I know it's not a lot....heh. It's absolutely nothing compared to what you've done for me...but it was the least I could do." 
Miguel hums and sets down his mug, taking the note and the muffin. "You're welcome...and thank you, for this..." He peers inside the paper bag. "Poppyseed?" 
You nod, absentmindedly fiddling with your fingers out of nervous habit. 
"One of my favorites." He says with a little smile. However the smile quickly disappears as he walks past you to his desk. "I'm going to have you work with Dr. Drew and the junior intern group from now on." 
"Dr. Drew?" You give him a confused look. "But, I thought..." 
"I have something different in mind for you." He said shortly, sitting down and opening his laptop, peering over his glasses. "I believe Jess's direction will be better suited for your needs. Her group has an opening anyway." 
You feel your stomach flop. This was unexpected and you didn't have anything against Dr. Drew, but Dr. O'Hara's group was extremely hard to get onto and this was basically a demotion. Senior Intern just looked that much more attractive on your resume. You were startled at having this change so quickly, uncertain what this would mean for your career and the impression it would leave on your transcript. 
"Doctor...with all due respect." You said slowly. "I wanted to be on your team. I mean, I wrote that thesis, I collaborated on that project last year with Dr. Parker and I really really worked my tail off..." You feel a lump in your throat. "Please don't take me off your team." 
Dr. O'Hara looks up at you a little sternly from his desk, "I understand your concern, but trust me, this will be a better move for both of us. Jess is a brilliant scientist. One of my best. She will lead you better than I." 
"Is...does this have anything to do with what you did for me..?" 
Miguel cuts you off, a little harshly this time, saying your name in a firm tone. "Please. Do not argue with me. She's already expecting you and doesn't like to be kept waiting." 
You take a step back, a little alarmed and immediately regretful at pushing back. You turn around quickly, walking swiftly towards Jess's office without another word. 
Dr. Jess Drew has a lovely smile for you when she sees you walk in. "Hello! Remind me of your name?" 
You give it to her and humbly enter the lab, a tall, young looking blonde with one side of her head shaved with the tips dyed pink, and another tall young man with curly dark hair are handling some lab chemicals with safety goggles on their faces, stepping back as the concotion begins to fizz. 
"Gwen and Miles here are studying chemical reactions. You'll help me supervise them." 
You nod, returning the kind smiles that they both offer you, before they go back to their discussion.  
"So, Miguel tells me you are studying Bio?" Jess asks, trying to start up conversation. 
"That's correct." 
"Wow, and you're going to apply to medical school?" 
You nod again. Jess smiles, impressed. "Well, good for you, girl. An Alchemax internship will definitely make you stand out." 
You give her a weak smile. "I hope so...to be honest with you, I didn't see this coming. I was kind of expecting to stay with Dr. O'Hara's group until December, then I could be eligible to apply for a full time position." 
Jess nods in understanding, a sympathetic hand on your shoulder. "Well, I've known Dr. O'Hara for over a decade now. If he made any changes, it's for good reason and probably best for your individual career path. Can't argue with the CEO." 
"CEO?" Your ears perk up. 
 "Oh..." Jess gives you a little embarrassed smile, nodding towards Gwen and Miles as she motions for you to join her a little further away out of earshot.
"Yeah...he recently started the whole internship program and likes to be hands on with up and coming scientists, so they're fully prepared to work under him and meet his standards. He hates it when people bring up his status as CEO. He just is under a lot of scrutiny and dislikes media coverage in general, so he keeps quiet about it...don't tell anyone I told you that." She murmurs to you with a wink. 
Finally, it all makes sense. The money, the lavish gifts, how powerful he was. It made sense Miguel was the elusive CEO of Alchemax that liked to hide from the public eye, despite Alchemax's blaring position in the limelight as the cutting edge of innovation for science and tech. A crowning jewel for the economy of Nueva York, putting them on the map as a technological hub and source of income for over 200,000 employees. 
You nod and go back to helping Jess, Miles and Gwen, continuing to work while being unable to get Dr. O'Hara to leave the back of your mind.
When it's time to leave and go to lunch, Jess stops you after Gwen and Miles had already left. "Hold on a sec!" 
Jess hands you a small white card with elegant gold trim around the edges. 
"You're wanted in the executive suite for lunch. Floor 99. And the code is written down here." She points to the neatly printed black numbers on the card.
"Now, this is important. You are forbidden to share this code with anyone, let alone tell anyone you were up there this afternoon. Got it?" Jess lowers her voice. 
"For-bidden. Meaning if you tell anyone, not only are you fired, but I am too, because I was the one who gave it to you. And I have no problem hunting you down... got it?" She shoots you a warm smile. 
You smile back, understanding she's mainly joking, but just trying to emphasize the importance of keeping it confidential and covering herself. You nod. "Absolutely...I'll, I'll guard it with my life." 
"Atta girl." 
You smile and walk out to the hall towards the elevators, impossibly wondering why on Earth your presence was needed in the part of the building less than a handful of people had privilege to access.
You punch the button for floor 99. Nervousness and jitters rising in your body almost in sync with the glass elevator's ascent, passing floor after floor. 
Finally, floor 99 arrives with a loud ding. The doors open, revealing a polished marble hallway with a large, fancy door at the end. You walk down it, the sound of your shoes echoing off the walls, noticing the they are adorned with some of the finest artwork.
Cubism style paintings that must have cost a fortune. You pause at one of them, admiring the art, then resume your walk again, arriving in front of the large door. You look to your left and there's a small keypad. You enter the code: 
You jump back, startled as the door automatically, slowly creaks open, revealing a lavish, lounge suite. Floor to ceiling windows cover the wall on the far end you're facing, a wall with various pieces of tech and advanced looking gadgets are organized in a black case to your left. Gentle harp music playing from a speaker fills your eardrums. There's several tan, cozy looking sofas and sleek coffee tables in the middle. A water feature is on the wall to your right, tranquil water trickling down polished rocks and lightly splashing into a peaceful pond with green lily pads dialing up the degree of luxury. You walk towards the windows, taking in the afternoon cityscape of Nueva York and discover a huge buffet table laid out in front of it. 
Platters of the finest pastries and breads: croissants, Challah, assorted bagels, muffins, brownies, danishes, strudals, fritters, and the like. Next to it is freshly cut deli meats: ham, prosciutto, salami, pastrami, turkey, and roast beef arranged beautifully on wooden planks. Then a huge collection of cheeses  with cheddar, swiss, havarti, muenster, fresh mozzarella, a large wheel of expensive looking brie, raclette, camembert, and smoked gouda with elegant serving utensils.
Your mouth waters as you take in the sight of an enormous porcelain bowl of fresh fruit. The juiciest, greenest looking grapes you've ever seen with plump strawberries, fresh pineapple, delectable looking kiwi, freshly washed raspberries and mango. 
If you thought that wasn't enough food, there's also salads in crystal serving bowls: Wildberry, Cesar, Cobb, and a yummy looking pasta salad with bowtie noodles. 
You hear sharp clicking of stilettos behind you on the marble and you turn around. 
"There you are!" 
Lyla comes walking up to you with a smile, a little frazzled from all the other errands she's been running this morning, wearing a pink blazer with slacks to match, her brown bob hanging neatly around her cheeks.
"I'm glad you could make it! Miguel is running a little late. He's in a meeting, but in the meantime you're welcome to begin and get served up, then if you want to just have a seat at that table." She points to a large oak table next to the waterfall.
 "Oh, and what juice do you want, sweetie?" 
You blink, so overwhelmed by all of this fancy food and attention. This level of luxury something completely foreign to you. 
"Um...what do you have?" 
"It's all freshly squeezed." She says with a smile and adjust of her glasses. "Umm, lemme see if I can remember...okay, yes we have orange, apple, grape, cranberry, mango, passion fruit, grapefruit..." 
You think for a moment then tell her your selection. 
"Great! Coming right up. Oh, and there's also a coffee station, water station and assorted teas over there." She points to the end of the buffet table as she hastily walks into another room. 
A short time later, you're sitting with your huge plate of food and three drinks, munching away with a content look on your face, watching the city below outside the window as you dine on the fancy lunch. 
A door opens on the far end of the room and Miguel comes walking through, loosening his tie and shrugging off his blazer. Your cheeks heat up as he approaches, his white dress shirt clinging to his body and sparing you no detail of every bulking muscle of his figure, an endearing slight pudge of his stomach and a little smile on his face as he greets you for the first time. 
"Is the food to your liking?" He asks gently, draping his blazer over the back of the chair next to yours. 
"Oh! Um, yes. Yes, oh my God. Everything is amazing. Thank you, doctor..." 
"Miguel." Miguel responds firmly. "Please call me Miguel from now on." 
You nod, "Miguel..." 
Miguel's body gets warm at the sound of his name leaving your lips. He's a little ashamed because he'd love to make you say it again...a little louder eventually. 
"Well, eat as much food as you like. Feel free to take some with you. I'll have Lyla package it up for you." 
Miguel walks over to the table, dishing up his own plate. "I'm sure you might be wondering my reasons for all of this. Why I changed your internship and why I invited you here." 
Miguel finishes dishing up his plate, just a generous helping of the Wildberry salad with vinaigrette and a croissant, sitting next to you. Sauvage by Dior coming off his neck making you clench your hands into fists. 
"I invited you here because...I want to be straightforward with you. I'm very intrigued by you."
Your lips part, your fork falling out of your hand and clattering against the porcelain plate making you jump. A trace of amusement flashes across Miguel's face, then he returns to looking at you with a sincere  expression. "I've taken an interest in helping you with your career. With this medical school journey you are on." He continues, turning his attention to his salad, stabbing some of the lettuce.
"I'm a man who makes deals. If you are comfortable with it, I'd like to work out an agreement to where I provide you with anything you might need or desire in terms of funds, clothing, food..." He coats the bite of lettuce in some dressing. "In return, all I ask for is your complete loyalty and companionship. With the ability to negotiate what that looks like." 
You dab your mouth with your napkin, trying to make sense of what he's telling you. If you weren't mistaken it sounds like, "You want me to...be your sugar baby?" 
Miguel smiles, blowing a little air out of his nose. "For lack of a better term, yes." He takes a bite of his  croissant, then a generous sip of lemon water. 
"But, why. Why me? I mean...all the other girls in my dorm at my college, the smart women you work with, surely, there's someone else that would be a more equal fit to you. Why such an interest in someone like me?" 
Miguel pauses, setting down his fork. "Because I see in you what you don't see in yourself. You have potential. You're smart and determined. You've demonstrated you can work hard. You're different. I've noticed you're a lot kinder than your peers. You're humble, and you don't show off." He smiles. 
"You're a perfectionist and you put extra care into your work. I want to make your dreams of medical school happen for you. I see an investment that's very worthwhile." 
"An investment?" You ask. "I'm just a business proposition?" 
Miguel chuckles. "No...no....you are certainly more important than that. Traditionally, with these kinds of arrangements, there's a...a more intimate component to it." His brown eyes shine with the tiniest hint of mischief. "Typically, I'd provide all of this for you, and you'd give me something in return." 
Your breathing gets a little heavier. 
Miguel notices your flustered reaction and smirks, putting a reassuring hand on yours. The warmth of his palm radiating over your skin. "But, my mother raised me to give freely, without expectation of receiving anything in return. I would be fine providing for you as long as you'd let me. As long as you continue to work hard for my company, perform well in your studies, and agree to not to see anyone else while we are involved with one another, but I'm getting a little ahead of myself."
You remain silent, a quiet analysis underway in your mind as he slides a folder to you with a fancy ballpoint pen, the click of it alone sounding like a year's salary. "Open it." 
You obey and open the folder with shaky hands. A lengthy, formal agreement is neatly typed in small black letters, with ample blank space in between some of the clauses of the agreement, presumably for any changes you'd like to make. 
Miguel opens his own copy of the document, taking another fancy ballpoint pen in hand. "Now...this first paragraph details the money aspect of our arrangement. Since I sent you $1,000, that would be considered an advance on your allowance, and I would not send another payment until two weeks from yesterday. Unless, you are needing more before then?" He asks. "Why don't you list all of your debts for me and their respective amounts, and I'll write them down here." 
You nod, going through the list. There's your phone bill, your Netflix account, Spotify, your insurance, groceries, your three maxed out credit cards, a personal loan you owe the bank, as well as anything you need such as toiletries, medicine, and clothing. Miguel takes note of each one and writes it down. The room silent except for the gentle flick of his pen. 
"Perfect. These won't be an issue at all." He scans the next paragraph. "Now, for this portion, I need you to fill out this form." 
He slides you a new paper, and your eyebrows furrow in curiosity as you look at its contents. It almost looks like a personality quiz, asking for your favorite foods, drinks, places you like to go, your favorite colors, your favorite fashion brands, what makeup you like to use, jewelry you prefer, your height, and measurements. 
"What are these for?" 
"These are for me. So I can take care of you properly." Miguel says. 
You feel the area between your legs get hot when you notice one of the items. "F-favorite... position..." 
Miguel smirks. "Like I said, we can negotiate on that portion. I'm not expecting you to do anything intimate with me if you are not comfortable. But if you are..." He stands up, leaning over you a little bit. 
"Then I'd like to know, so I can pleasure you accordingly. In just the way you'd like..." 
You can feel yourself getting dizzy. Everything about this arrangement seemed so good to be true, you had yet to find any downsides to it. But it felt wrong, almost naughty. This man who was supposed to be your boss, now turned into your personal butler, chef, piggy bank, providing and pampering you with anything and everything a girl could possibly dream of or want.
"I...I might be okay with little things like...I don't know...kissing?" Your face heats up and you look down at your lap. Were you really talking out loud, in explicit detail about a proposed physical relationship with your boss? 
Miguel smiles and nods. "Alright..." He jots that down. "Anything else?" 
"Anything but...sex." you say the last word quietly as though it was a sin. 
Miguel gives you a reassuring smile, perking up a little bit in excitement at the idea of you opening yourself up to him a little more physically. "Could you be more specific?" He asks quietly. 
Your face burns and you look around to make sure Lyla or someone isn't around. 
"It's just you and me, cariño..." He says quietly, leaning a little closer to you. "I need you to be as specific as you can about what you are comfortable with doing together. Nobody will know, but you and I..." 
His tone is gentle, just above a whisper. You feel your insides curdle into honey. "Um...kissing, like making out..." 
"Mhmm..." Miguel nods slowly, writing it down. "Please, go on." 
"Um, touching..." 
"Over, or under clothing..." 
"Um.." you bite your cheek, trying to keep your composure. "....both." 
Miguel cocks his head at you, a smile curling on his lips. "You sound unsure." 
You shake your head "No I'm, I'm sure..." 
Miguel looks at you curiously. "You don't need to lie or say what you think I'd like to hear." He sets down his pen. 
"To be frank, your pleasure is positively correlated with my own. In order for mine to be optimized, yours must be completely satisfied...and I'd like to get as much as I can." 
Your eyes flutter and you swallow, nodding. "Ah-okay.... Um...yeah let's just do touching outside of our clothes for now." 
Miguel hums and takes note. "We'll revisit that part later, when we have more time. This next section is extremely important." 
He runs his finger down the page. "Now, these are just a few housekeeping items. I prefer minimal public displays of affection, and if there are any, they are extremely modest. Any public dates we go on will be limited so you are not spotted by the press. You are not to post of our relationship on social media. You must reject any romantic advances from anyone else. Does this all sound okay?" 
You blink a little at the rigid terms but nod. "Okay, yeah, understood." You look back down at the document, scanning over the next paragraph, noticing the next section, "Transparency...so, I'm allowed to ask you any questions I have before I sign the agreement?" 
"Yes, any questions you have, I'll answer. So you know what you're getting into." Miguel says, leaning back in his chair. 
"Have...have you had relationships like this before?" 
Miguel nods. "Yes, I have." 
You gulp, a little uneasy at his answer but you slowly digest it. "Have they been...employees of yours?" 
Miguel pauses as he recollects his memory. "No, admittedly. You are the first. That's why I moved you under Jess's leadership. To try and avoid any entanglements that would compromise my business."
You nod, biting the tip of your pen thoughtfully. "It says here you don't do marriage?" 
"Marriage? No. That's correct. I will not marry anyone." 
You hesitate. "Can I ask why?" 
Miguel nods, taking his seat next to you again. "I built this business from the bottom up. It means a great deal to me. I have entirely too much to lose. My fear for the security of my assets, along with the messy emotions of a marriage are why I refrain from entering into it again." 
"You were married before?" 
"Yes, once. She passed away shortly after my daughter was born." 
"I'm sorry..." You say quietly. 
"Don't apologize, it happened a long time ago. But, my not wanting to get married has caused many of the women who were in your position before to end the relationship. I understand if this is a deal breaker for you." 
You contemplate for several moments. Marriage was something you dreamed of, but with all of the amazing benefits he was offering you, perhaps you could put up with a ring being taken out of the equation, for now. "I think I can handle it." 
Miguel smiles and nods. "Very well...just know that you can terminate this arrangement at any time, and I won't harbor any feelings of animosity towards you if you do. I understand my requirements are extensive, but I intend to make sure it's completely worth it and you are happy and taken care of. If you sign this agreement, you will still be mine entirely. Anything you desire, anything you want. I promise it will be yours." 
His hand finds yours again. "Now...if you'll sign, please?" 
You quickly write your signature on the bottom line. A small breath leaving you as he tucks it back into the folder. "Wonderful...thank you. This means a great deal to me...with that said and done..." He takes you by the hand, helping you stand up. 
His eyes look into yours. You hold his gaze, a look of wonder on your face as you look back at this beautiful man who just promised to be all yours. Your wish his command. Every pretty and fine thing in his world at your disposal. He purrs quietly, bringing you closer. 
"Will you put your hands on my chest, please?" He whispers. 
You obey, your lips parting as you feel the dense muscle underneath your palms. A quiet rumble vibrating through him at the sensation of your touch. Your eyelids droop when you feel him bringing his hands to your hips. 
"And...I can put my hands here...?" He murmurs. 
You nod silently, wetting your lips. 
Miguel smirks at this, his own eyelids becoming heavy and he leans down towards you a little bit. "Can I have a kiss, before you go?"
You utter a shaky breath and nod, "Yes..." 
He carefully and gently presses his full lips against yours in a delicate kiss. He was softer than you were expecting. He hums quietly and begins slowly to open his mouth against yours, releasing little breaths into your mouth when you hold the kiss. 
Any anxiety you had about this arrangement seemed to dissapate as quickly as your lips met in a tender first meeting, your body now reacting with a mind of its own, your hands slowly sliding up his body, finding the back of his hair. 
Miguel grunts a little eagerly, pleasantly happy with the way you're responding, and he pulls you closer, sliding his tongue into your mouth, sucking your bottom lip, using one of his hands to angle your head, requesting permission to leave his kisses elsewhere besides your lips. You groan and tilt your head back, letting him gently move his lips along your throat. He chuckles against your skin. "Perfect...." 
He sighs and cups your face in his hands, looking at you with adoring eyes. "I have to go away on business until Friday..." He brings you back in for another kiss, gliding his tongue across your lips, smiling as he hears you moan open mouthed into him. 
"Mmm….this...should hold me off until then." He presses his forehead against yours. "In the meantime, don't forget to fill out that paper of all your favorite things." He nuzzles the tip of his nose against yours. "I also need your phone number." 
You beam at him and eagerly enter your number into his sleek phone while he gently kisses the top of your head, watching you do it. Before you part, he speaks up. 
"One more thing, with me, you will be looked after and offered personal protection." 
A man enters the room. He's tall and lanky, sporting a grey turtleneck under a fancy tweed black trenchcoat and circular framed glasses with dark brown hair. He's rather cute and looks like a mashup of The Matrix meets Peaky Blinders. 
"This is Noir. He will be your personal driver. You're to let him know where you're going at all times and if there's anything you need, okay? He has my number as well, so any questions or concerns you have for me, you can also relay to him in the event that I'm unavailable." 
"Ma'am." Noir greets you with a friendly smile and polite kiss on the back of the hand. "Your wish is my command. Your safety and comfort is my utmost priority. If you're stuck in front of a train, my only job is to throw myself in front of it." 
Miguel clears his throat, a little annoyed with Noir's dramatics. "Yes...right. Take her home, please. Make sure she has anything she needs until Friday." He pulls you back in for one more kiss and hug. "And I'll see you...." He kisses you tenderly. "Very soon...¿Vale? (Right)
"Right..." You agree, giving him another gorgeous smile. "Thanks, Miguel. I'll miss you..." 
Miguel gives you a warm smile and one more peck on the lips. "Awh...te extraño más(I'll miss you more)." He winks. 
"Take care of her for me, Noir." 
"You got it, boss." 
Noir drives you in a sleek Mercedes back home, opening your door and making sure you have everything you need before he drives off into the night. 
You walk in your shared dorm with a big smile, only to have it wiped away when you open your fridge. Your leftovers from your takeout last night were missing. You close the fridge with a frown and walk towards your room, pausing outside Isla's room. You hear her voice along with Heather and Vivian's speaking in low volume which abruptly cuts off when they hear someone approaching. 
The three girls look up at you from their places on Isla's bed as though you killed their cat. 
"H-have you guys seen my food that was in the fridge?" 
"Don't know, don't care." Vivian snaps. 
You tense up, wondering where this hostility is coming from. "I don't get it, what's wrong?" 
"Nothing's wrong, except Professor Hill came in and bitched at all of us not cleaning the bathroom." 
You take a deep breath. "Okay...but, I told you guys last week, I'm tired of being the only one who cleans it, and this week I'm not doing it, so one of you needs to decide who's taking a turn this time." 
"Um, actually it is your job this week. Since you want to be a whore and sleep around with the boss." Heather says, crossing her arms. 
You feel a knot in your stomach. 
"What are....w-what..." 
"Huh, um what, duh?" Isla responds, mocking you in a deep voice with dramatic facial expressions. "Stop playing dumb. Now you think you're hot shit, getting to skip out on work now that you're his little slut and he's sending you flowers?" 
“First of all, it's none of your business, second of all, why are you privy to any of this, Isla? Did you go into my room while I was gone?” 
“It's none of your business, since you wanna play that game with me, you hoe.”  she retorts. 
"It's not my fault he chose me over your desperate ass, Isla!" 
Isla pauses, then chuckles darkly. "Oh sweetheart...." She gets up, shoving past you and racing towards your room. 
"What the-" you attempt to run after her but Heather and Viviana hold you back, pushing you against the door. "Ow-stop! Please!" 
Isla takes the bouquet of flowers from your window sill and the card, "ThAnK yOu FOr tHe sAnDwICh and fOR yOur DiliGEnt woRK fOR mY depaRtmEnt. EnJOy- Dr. O’HArA!" She reads in another mocking tone. 
"Isla, those are mine!" Heather and Vivian restrain your arms, preventing you from entering your room. "Stop!!" 
Isla smirks and opens your window, tossing the gorgeous bouquet of flowers out of it. 
Your heart sinks from your chest to your stomach and you bolt outside, Heather and Vivian cackling at your expense. 
Your lip trembles and eyes fill with tears as you crouch down, trying to pick up the pieces of the shattered vase and the tattered flowers that lay on the ground. 
Noir notices you're not as talkative as he drives you to work the next morning. “Long night?”
“Eh…” you try to brush it off. “Just issues with my living situation.”
“Wanna talk about it?” Noir asks, adjusting his mirror so his gray eyes look into yours. “I'm all ears.”
You make a tiny scoff, running your tongue along your teeth as you recount your confrontation with Heather, Isla and Vivian, sniffing as you tell him how they've made your life hell and picked on you ever since you moved into the sorority.
Noir nods, taking silent notes in his head as he quietly drives.
“Hey…” Noir says to you as you go to exit the car. “Don't let the bastards get you down, little lady.”
You crack a small smile, nodding and entering the building with a loud sigh.
After work, as you slide into the backseat, you gasp at the sight waiting for you. A fresh bouquet of red roses and babies breath even bigger and more gorgeous than the old one, with a new note from Miguel.
This vase is shatterproof. ;) Please tell me if they give you any more trouble. You're more precious to me than any flower. I hope this proves it.
All yours,
-Dr. O’Hara
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cutestbow · 3 months
𝐏𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐞 - L.H
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 - suggestive, and that should be it if not let me know!!, 18+ plus readers only!!
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 - in which Fem!reader accidentally puts the wrong perfume on
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You were in a rush so you weren’t really paying attention to what you were doing which now looking back you should have. You and Luke were getting ready to go out and celebrate with the team after their win against the Blues, if you guys wanted to be there on time you would’ve had to leave right this second. “Luke, would you give me a second?” You shouted trying to put your belongings in your purse.
You don’t recall putting perfume on before he started rushing you, so you quickly grabbed one of the small glass bottles of perfume that your friend had gifted you for your birthday a few months ago and putting it in your purse. Once you and Luke finally got out the house and on the road you had completely forgotten about the perfume until you guys were sat at a red light, You pulled the little pink glass bottle out of your bag popping the lid off without looking at the label and rubbing it on your neck and wrist.
a few minutes after applying the perfume you noticed Luke taking quick glances at you every once and while, but knowing Luke you didn’t think anything of it. Once you guys got out of the car and started making your way to the doors of the bar you felt Luke’s hand wrap around your arm pulling you closer to him. “Luke!” You gasped due to his nose poking your neck.
“what is that?” He asked pulling you closer then you already were
“what?” You questioned looking up at him confused.
“That smell, did you get new perfume?” He asks grabbing your wrist and smelling it.
“No?, I’ve had this one for a while, why do you not like it?” You asked frowning up at him.
“I love it” he says kissing your cheek then trailing down your neck.
“Luke!” You exclaim pushing his head away from you neck and pulling him inside the bar quickly being greeted by the team, some shouting and some quickly grabbing Luke and taking him somewhere else. You watch as Luke turns his head and winks at you. What has gotten into him tonight you thought.
Later on you decided to sit at the bar with some of the wags and girlfriends of some of the players. “Damn, you smell good.” one of the wags spoke up causing your cheeks to turn a shade of pink. before you could even respond you felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist and a head hiding in the crook of your neck, “hi baby,” Luke whispered in your ear.
“Hi lukey.” You responded running your fingers through his curls.
“You smell so good,” he said kissing your neck softly and smirking when he feels you shiver underneath him.
“Luke,” you laugh nervously trying to push him away eventually giving up when he doesn’t move but instead slides his hand from your waist to your thighs rubbing them gently, causing your breath to get caught in your throat.
You hear Jack call for him and his hands stop. “Let the girl breathe for Christ sake.” Jack laughs pulling Luke away from you. You watch as jack drags Luke back over to their little corner of the bar before turning back around smiling to yourself after the little encounter with Luke.
“Pheromone.” You hear one of the wags say causing you to snap out of your thoughts and look at the older woman as she looks as if she just solved a puzzle.
“What?” You say confused.
“It’s pheromone, here let me see the perfume you used” she said holding her hand out, and you quickly obliged fishing for the little glass bottle in your purse handing it to her, she laughed confusing you even more.
“What is it?” You asked genuinely confused.
“This perfume, it has pheromone in it” she says pointing to the bottle.
“Oh, what is that?” You asked cheeks turning pink out of embarrassment not knowing if it was a dumb question or not.
She sighs but continues to explain “it’s a kind of chemical that triggers social responses in people the responses mostly being attraction, arousal, sexual desire.. and lucky you, you got the exact one, just for luring men in.” she says smirking at you causing you to hide your face as your cheeks burned red.
“Oh no,” you say mentally cursing yourself. It all made sense now, why Luke was being so clingy and touchy.
“Yep” she says giggling a bit, “your in for a night” she laughs as your face gets redder than it already is.
A few hours later your still sat at the bar talking to another wag a different on this time when two arms barricade where your sat, you turn around meeting a smirking luke.
“Hi baby,” he smiles looking down at you
You let out a long sigh before responding “hi Lukey” you say quietly.
“Ready to go home?” He asks tucking a piece of hair behind your ear before resting his hand on your waist drawing random shapes.
“Mhm.” you respond nodding softly.
“Words baby,” he says stopping his movements.
“Yes I’m ready to go home.” you say resting your hand on his arm
“Good girl” his response shooting straight down to your core as he wraps his hand around your neck pulling you into a kiss.
The kiss wasn’t like a regular kiss you guys have here and there, no, this was a desire filled kiss. You pulled away nervously before it could get any further.
“C’mon” he says moving out your way letting you get up before resting his hand on the small of your back pulling you closer to him.
And as you two walked out the bar you knew this was going to be a long night
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Summary: A speeder ride with you gets Din more worked up than he anticipated. Good thing there's no one around and he could just... take care of his little problem.
Pairing: Din Djarin x fem. reader
Wordcount: 1.5k
Rating: E
Warnings: established relationship, smut (public sex, unprotected sex), feelings, Din is just really horny for his girl, marriage proposals
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
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The heat was slowly killing you. 
You still weren’t sure why Din insisted you had to come with him to visit Cobb Vanth. Not that you didn’t like spending time with Din. Especially one on one time with Grogu staying behind with Peli. 
But hourlong rides on a speeder through the hot desert were something you very much did not like. 
No matter how close you got to sit in front of Din while he piloted the speeder back towards civilisation. It would be a couple more hours before you would reach the gates of the city and you allowed your head to rest back against Din’s chest, the Beskar of his chest plate surprisingly cool to your heated skin. 
You had pulled a linen cloth over your head after getting sunburned so bad once before, only bacta helped, your head and body now shielded from the sun. Maybe you could sleep. Din wouldn’t let you fall from the speeder. 
Din on the other hand was slowly dying. 
You were constantly wiggling against him, trying to get comfortable. He heard every single sigh you released, could practically hear your thoughts. 
He knew how much you hated being out in the heat and on a speeder. 
You had told him about the accident you had with your father when you were younger, how only sitting on a speeder now made you uneasy. And he knew he should have left you back in the city. Maybe pay for a more comfortable room at an inn so you could enjoy some relaxing quiet time now that you were all free. 
But the selfless part of him wanted to have you with him on this little expedition. He had planned to ask you to marry him last night when you had smiled at him in the moonlight, but the words had been stuck in his throat, overwhelmed with how lucky he was to call you his. 
You continued to wiggle in front of him, most likely trying to figure out a position that would be comfortable for the next few hours. 
Which was fine. He wanted you comfortable. 
The problem was all your wiggling against his crotch made him hard.
See, last night he had many plans for you, plans that involved celebrating you hopefully saying yes to his proposal, but you ended up being so exhausted from the day long travel that he had to carry you to your bed where he watched over you all night instead of making you scream his name. 
It was insane to travel back today but Cobb hadn’t even been there for their meet up and you both decided it was better to travel back and then leave the planet. 
Somewhere colder. 
Somewhere he would finally ask you to marry him. 
„Din?“ He heard you ask. He tilted his helmeted head towards you, feeling you shiver as the cold Beskar rubbed over your skin, the linen cloth falling from your face. 
„Can you find a spot for a quick break? Somewhere with shade?“ You asked. 
„Of course,“ he promised, already looking around, the many sensors in his helmet looking for a spot, finding one only a few minutes later. 
You hummed satisfied as you saw the spot he was approaching with the speeder, a mountain formation with some dead trees in front of it. 
Din groaned when you pushed your body back against him and he could hear your gasp of surprise when you felt him hard against your ass. 
The speeder slowed down until he parked it right under one of the old trees in the shade and he took a deep breath, enjoying the little shade the mountains and trees were providing.
The spot looked like a dried out waterhole. 
You closed your eyes, pulling the fabric that covered your face down completely to take a deep breath, your body resting against Din’s. 
He brought one of his gloved hands down to rest on your thigh, squeezing it lightly. Biting your lip you pushed your ass against his crotch and you felt him tense for a moment before his other arm wrapped around your middle, pulling you even closer against him. 
„All your wiggling made me hard,“ he groaned and a small smile came to your lips. 
„And you driving this made me wet,“ you said and his fingers on your thigh tensed.
„What are you gonna do about it?“ You challenged and you could feel the deep breath he took, his chest rising against your back before his hand dropped down between your legs, cupping your clothed pussy. 
„I’m gonna fuck you on this speeder. In the middle of the desert,“ he said and you hummed. 
„Yes,“ you gasped, his fingers rubbing against you. Your lips parted, your head falling back against his chest.
The next moment he was off the speeder, turning you around so you were sitting with your back towards the handlebar, his hands protectively keeping you up as he stood between your legs. His helmet tilted, looking down at you and you sucked your bottom lip in, letting go off his hands, to take your top off, hearing him groan through the modulator of his helmet as you exposed yourself to him. 
He ripped his gloves off, his hands cupping your tits in his big palms. 
„Such a good girl for me. Letting me fuck you out in the open, huh?“ He hummed and you nodded eagerly, and he pinched one of your nipples, making you moan. 
„Lay down for me,“ he whispered and you slowly let your back lay down on the worn leather of the speeder, your hands coming to rest behind you, holding onto the handlebar.
Din’s hands ran up your thighs until his fingers hooked into the waistband of the pants you were wearing, 
„Up,“ he hummed and you obeyed, arching your back first so he could pull your pants and panties down before you raised your legs and he took them all the way off, leaving you laying completely naked in front of him. 
„Maker, you’re beautiful,“ he said in awe and you smiled up at him as he stepped closer, his hands parting your legs, his finger slipping through your wet pussy, humming as he found you wet and ready for him. 
Biting your bottom lip you watched him as he unbuckled his belt, followed by the sound of his zipper and finally his hand pulled his beautiful cock out of his pants, his fingers closing around his length, pumping it slowly as his helmet tilted down to look at your pussy. 
Your eyes closed as he used the tip of his cock to play with your clit, circling it before he slipped it through your pussy, pushing into you just so the tip filled you before he pulled out again, playing with your clit again. 
„Always so wet for me,“ he praised and you whined, one of your legs hooking behind him, wanting him inside of you. 
„Please Din,“ you whimpered, looking up at him, „Fuck me,“
And finally he did, pushing his cock into you in one deep thrust, pushing the air out of your lungs as he filled you completely.
„Yes….“ You moaned and he slowly began to move at first, letting you stretch around him, getting used to his girth, because no matter how often you took him, it was always a stretch.  His hands pulled at your legs so they were laying over his shoulders before he took hold of your hips, fucking into you faster, harder, making you cry out. 
„Wanna make you mine,“ he grunted, his fingers digging into your skin as he fucked you harder. 
„I’m yours. Always will be,“ you whined, already feeling close. 
„Yeah?“ He asked and you nodded. 
„Fuck yes,“ he groaned, changing the angle of how he was fucking into you, hitting that one spot that made you see stars, and you moaned his name. 
„There it is,“ he said, and you could hear the smile in his voice. 
„You gonna be my good girl and cum for me?“ He asked and you only nodded, your lips parting, gasping for air every time his cock hit that spot. It only took another couple of his thrusts for you to cum, body shaking as he fucked you through your orgasm. 
„Always get so fucking tight for me. Gonna make me cum,“ he groaned and you nodded. 
„Please Din. Please cum inside me. I wanna feel it,“ you whimpered, clenching around him as he continued to fuck into you, a small smile sneaking to your lips as you felt him twitch, inside of you, pumping his cum into you moments later, groaning your name until he stilled, his cock still inside of you. 
You let go of your grip around the handlebars when he reached for you, letting him pull you up against his chest, shivering when you felt the cold Beskar against your skin.
Your eyes were closed when you saw him reach for his helmet, pulling it up just so he could kiss you softly, his lips moving over yours. 
„Marry me,“ hummed against your lips and your lips parted in surprise, your arms crossing behind his back, wanting to be even closer.
„Yes,“ you smiled, shrieking when he pulled his helmet off to kiss you properly. 
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l0vergirlwrites · 1 year
make up ; jj maybank
warnings: angst & post-reassurance
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you didn’t mean to cause a fight with him, but emotions were bottled up & both of you couldn’t help but let things get out of control. you both yelled, cursed, made accusations & most of all—you both made the other cry a little.
this was the first time you’ve guys have had a big fight before, so neither of you knew exactly how to patch it up. jj had slipped on a sweater before grabbing the keys to his dirt bike, telling you not to wait up for him before slamming the front door shut. you stayed on the couch with your head in your hands, just crying & letting your emotions out before he returned.
you cleaned the dirty plates in the kitchen as the sun began to set, trying to distract yourself as the minutes ticked on.
jj rode all the way to the boneyard & sat in the sand with a scowl on his face, picking up some sand before letting it cascade through his fingers as the wind blew against him.
minutes turned to hours, & it was almost ten o’clock. you both had cooled down by now, so jj decided to ride back home—to you—& attempt to patch things up. you had already showered & washed your hair, coming back to your spot on the couch after changing your tear soaked sweater for a clean pair of pyjamas.
when jj returned, he saw that you left the outside light on for him, making him feel a small ‘pang’ in his chest as he pulled out his keys & unlocked the front door. he took off his shoes, put his keys back in the bowl near the door, turned off the outside light, & slowly made his way into the living room.
“hi” you croaked when you saw him come into view, the light from the living room lamp gave you just enough warm light to see him.
jj took in your form, seeing that your eyes still had a pink shade to them. he felt guilty, & so did you. so you made the first move.
“hey” he scratched the side of his neck, leaning against the wall across from you, unsure of where to move now.
“i know you told me not to wait up… but i thought i’d uh, sleep on the couch so you could have the bed…” your offer was kind, wanting to stay out of his way until you’d be allowed back in, but jj only wanted you to come to bed with him.
he shook his head with sympathy in eyes as he slowly made his way over to you. “n-no, you don’t have to sleep on the couch baby… i thought we could both go to bed… together” your lips formed an “o” shape as you gazed up at him.
“are you not mad anymore?” you asked him, voice a bit quieter than before.
“no,” he shook his head again, kneeling down to be at better eye level with you. “i’m not mad. are you still mad?”
with your eyes glossing over & head shaking “no, not anymore”. you held out your hand from him to take, feeling a bit of relief washing over you once you felt his touch.
“i’m so sorry jay… i shouldn’t have said all those mean things because i was bottling stuff up… i feel so bad—“ you apologized, guilt eating away at your chest as you looked at him—your best friend & boyfriend.
once you were about to start crying again, jj pursed his lips & gently shushed you, sitting next to you & pulling you into his side so he could wrap an arm around you. “i know, i know. i forgive you baby, we’re okay” he assured you, kissing your head a few times as you sniffled into his shoulder.
“i said some pretty mean things too—we both fucked up… i shouldn’t have left though, i should’ve stayed & worked it out with you—“ you shook your head against him, tutting a little, as you looked at him & brushed the few tear stains off your cheeks.
“it’s okay, you—we both needed to cool off before we tried to fix it” you told him, & he later agreed.
taking a deep breath, jj brushed a few strands of hair from your face, not able to hide the sad smile that was forming on his face. “you gotta tell me things instead of bottling them up, it’s not healthy y/n/n” he reminded & you agreed, knowing he was right.
“i’ll work on it, i promise. it just gets so hard when everything is so hectic & then it all explodes &…,” you started to frown, “then i hurt everyone around me…” a sigh escaped your lips again as your fingers fidgeted in your lap. “i’ll be better, i’m sorry”.
pulling your face closer to his, jj kissed your forehead a couple of times, a symbol of his love for you.
“i don’t like fighting with you. i hate it” you mumbled when his forehead touched yours, noses less than an inch away from another.
“i hate it too. i don’t like making you cry” he mumbled back.
“me too” you opened your eyes only too see him already looking back at you.
“we’ll work on this, okay?” he said as he squeezed your hand, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of yours.
“yeah, we’ll work on it. promise” you squeezed back, smiling a little when you felt his hair tickle your forehead.
“come here,” you held his face, pulling jj closer until you were able to press a kiss to his lips, wanting to be as close to him as you could.
your lips moved slow, not in the rush for anything, as you tried to express how sorry you were to him. “i love you, i’m sorry” you whispered against him, your thumbs rubbing along his skin gently as you held him.
he only leaned in again to kiss you, his hands resting on your tucked knee & thigh. “i love you too, & i’m also sorry”.
after a few more kisses, jj decided it was time for bed. “will you sleep in bed with me tonight?” he asked you, giving you an out if you needed it.
you only kissed the corner of his mouth before responding. “yeah, of course”.
with his hand in yours, you turned off the living room light & headed to your bedroom, getting under the sheets with jj & settling your figure beside his to get some much needed sleep, feeling okay because neither of you were going anywhere.
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sanctus-ingenium · 2 years
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another one of these posts lol... sketches vs final. not much changed for these ones, i kind of went into them with a very solid mental image already in my head. all of these were done start to finish in procreate
thoughts below the cut
horse fight .... this is based off a really really beautiful sky i saw while driving home one evening. i'm really proud of getting the colours i saw exactly right, this kind of greenish yellow fading to dark blue and with grey clouds low over it that looked very dark against the yellow by the horizon, but very pale against the dark blue.
i thought it would be a cool backdrop to draw a scene i've been thinking about for a while. The little cartoony horses are there to provide some tonal whiplash but also because these are two immortal shapeshifters who can fight violently without it being a huge deal. the little horses represent the actual gravity of the fight (that is, kind of a slap fight between two drama queens) which contrasts with the visuals of two animals brutally tearing at eachother. also i got the two horses at the bottom mixed up, Pascal is the one with the skinny plumed tail and Macha has a more traditional horse tail and i put them on the wrong sides.
i had a LOT of trouble shading this. i didn't want the horses to be too shiny but that meant a much lower contrast in shading and even with my screen brightness turned up i could barely see what i was doing. but i wanted it to read as realistic. mixed results i think. if i did it again i might try a different shading style because this one didn't really do it for me
spooky van!!! the post i deleted by accident (rip. i will repost it soon). this is a picture of the barrow (the field) taking a different shape - in this case a cool van. the van contains every single thing the field does (including the human victims that get lost in there...) but compressed down into a manageable shape. the void is Pascal because the field is inside him. he did this for his human bf to provide novel way to travel through the Otherworld. don't ask how this works like, spatially, because the answer is: i don't do hard magic systems in this setting
i loooove shading things with pencil hatching and i really like contrasting it with smooth colours/shading so that's mainly what i did here. it was simple enough. the van is of course heavily referenced and i wish i had been able to stylise it a little more.. maybe next time. i want to draw a kind of cutaway illustration of the van showing exterior and interior (like an old blueprint schematic), which i might use as a cover for the book/comic/whatever but that will require a very intimidating level of precision so i think i'll work up to that.
RUA magazine. this is my third time doing a rua magazine cover (first time posting tho). this is an in-universe magazine distributed throughout the Otherworld to an audience of fairies. in the sketch, the illustation was originally the King of Pentacles tarot card (the pentacle being the disco ball). but i decided to make a different King of Pentacles card for him instead, since I try hard to move away from symmetrical composition for the tarot cards (it's boring). so i repurposed this one into another magazine cover. like i said Pascal is a self-absorbed attention whore and has a habit of giving bullshit interviews just so that he can be on the cover as much as possible. he dresses like this all the time (the year is 2017)
the disco ball took 15 years off my life and it's not even the first disco ball i've drawn! i finished my actual king of pentacles card before i finished the rua cover sketch, so i can show u this
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which is much better even if i did reference so heavily that it isn't exactly stylised. but this card needs some serious revision before i even think about posting it. i'm just not happy with his face.
original intent was for it be mysterious with emphasis on the neon lights but it ended up far more suggestive than i expected. that's life!
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tkaulitzlvr · 5 months
can you make a tom!sub? also i am INLOVE with all your writings💓💓
i was thinking if you could write tom being submissive and the (female) reader not letting him finish untill she says so?also if the story could contain some stuff like handcuffs and you know you know... ( only if your comfortable! )
thank you again and no rush! take your time💓
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synopsis: after tom loses a bet that the two of you had made, as promised he has to face his consequence - which involves the roles you usually have in bed completely reversing for the first time.
content: smut
a/n: sub tom has been requested soooo much on my account and honestly i’ve avoided it cause in my eyes he’s like the most obvious dom and that’s all i see him as…but him as a sub is just as hot so i finally decided to write it - i hope it lives up to ur expectations🙏
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my eyes light up when i watch tom look down with a cheesy grin plastered on his face, no longer able to hold eye contact after i had blown him a kiss and winked from behind the barrier. i can just about distinguish his features from the dull flashing lights of the venue, and most importantly, the way his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. i made him blush. the bet which, in any other circumstance would be completely ridiculous, had never meant so much until now. the whole idea is somewhat stupid, tom deciding that it would be fun to see who could make the other blush first - clearly under the impression that he would win. the reward, though not explicitly discussed, is the thing that excites me the most, the endless possibilities from the vague prize of ‘getting whatever you want from the other person’ too good to pass up.
and by the way tom shoots me a quick glance, a defeated smile tugging on his lips, he knows that he has lost too. he shakes his head and mutters something under his breath - not that i can hear it, the speakers blasting out the band’s music paired with psychotic fans’ screams stop me from hearing even what the person next to me is saying. his fingers resume their fast-paced strumming on the guitar splayed across his lap, eyes occasionally darting in my direction until he stands on the stage above me, in line with the rest of his band.
“thank you so much for coming tonight paris. we love you all and hope to see you again soon, goodbye!” bill’s voice is followed by thousands of high-pitched screams, the irritating sound only seeming to get louder when tom snatches the microphone from his brother, shouting ‘thankyou’ to the crowd in his thick german accent.
i make my way to the backstage area whilst tom and the rest of the band say goodbye to the fans, throwing drum sticks and guitar picks into the crowd as they would after every show. i flop down onto one of the couches, the loud screaming still not slowing down as i wait for tom to exit the stage, knowing that he won’t be thrilled after losing the bet he was so eager to initiate.
“you did so good baby, i’m so proud of you!” i smile widely when tom walks through the door, standing up from the sofa and engulfing him in a tight hug, burying my head into his shoulder. he smiles weakly, planting a soft kiss into my hair and wrapping his arms around my waist.
“thank you schatz.” he mumbles, his voice somewhat sad despite the wide smiles that remain etched on the rest of his band members faces - the show they have just performed being one of their best so far, practically flawless. tom pulls away and moves to sit on the couch behind me, sighing frustratedly and spreading his body across it. i don’t need to ask why he is so upset - not only because the reason is totally obvious, but he decides to express his annoyance himself.
“i can’t believe you won.” he groans, tilting his head back and letting it rest against the back of the couch. he gives me a small smile, not intending to seem mad with me, instead he seems annoyed with himself. he opens his arms out, gesturing for me to join him on the couch. i move over, sitting beside him as he wraps an arm around me.
“have you thought of anything yet? for your reward, i mean.” the pads of his fingertips run along my arm, his chin resting on my head as i smile slowly, knowing the answer to his question the second he had asked it - hell, i had known exactly what i would do if i won the second he proposed the bet.
“i think i have something in mind.”
“you want to be in control?” his face displays a mix of confusion and interest, his eyebrows raised, slight smirk on his lips. i nod my head, moving closer forward as i already straddle his lap with my hair disheveled and lips swollen - tom having initiated something the second we had entered the hotel room. things didn’t turn out the way he had expected though, my hand resting firmly on his chest when he had attempted to climb on top, as he did every other time.
he tilts his head to the side, seeing that i am completely serious about this. his hands find my waist, fingers threading through the loops in my jeans as he grinds my hips over his already prominent erection. i shake my head when he tries to manoeuvre my hips again, placing my hands over his and stopping his movements entirely. his eyes widen, body stuck in place as he seems startled by my sudden change in attitude, knowing that usually i would be underneath him in this moment. he shifts around a little, squirming beneath me and sitting up slightly, his back now resting against the headboard as my legs are wrapped around his waist.
“stay still.” i rest my hands flat against his chest, watching as his mouth falls open a little, lips parted as he looks up at me, his gaze bordering desperate as i can tell that he wants me to do something, though he doesn’t know how to say it.
i shift my hips to get closer to him, a low groan leaving his lips in the process, soon cut off when i press my lips to his own, his noises muffled into my mouth. and when i begin to grind against him at a more consistent pace, his ability to kiss back seems to diminish by the second, his breath hitching in his throat. i pull away, watching as his face falls in disappointment, clearly wanting more than just a kiss. and i plan on giving him that, as long as he uses his words, just as he tells me to.
though words can wait for now, my actions taking control as i reach forward, my hands finding the hem of his t-shirt as i lift the material upward and off of his frame, revealing his toned upper half. i throw it to the floor somewhere, returning my attention to tom as his hands reach out, attempting to pull my own small crop top off. he doesn’t get far though, his hands roughly returned to his side as i shake my head.
“no touching. not unless i say so.” he seems to understand that he has next to no control right now, that he can do nothing but wait on me, and i can tell that it irritates him, a low groan sounding from his lips. my eyes never tear away from his own, watching the way he stares intently at my cleavage, eyes drinking it all in as i lift my top over my head, revealing the small lace bra holding my breasts in place. his tongue comes out to flick the small metal piercing that rests on his bottom lip, eyes quickly darkening.
“fuck baby…let me touch you- please.” his voice is barely above a whisper, bordering between frustrated and desperate, both causing him to go next to insane as i deprive him of the one thing he relies on to show affection - touch. he begins to squirm beneath me, attempting to create some sort of friction between us, his hips moving up and down along my clothed heat.
“sit still or you won’t get to touch me at all. you have to be patient.” i scold, watching as he nods his head, his movements soon slowing, cut off by his breath hitching in his throat when my hands make contact with the small metal button of his jeans, undoing it slowly. his eyes stay locked on my fingers, watching as i tug the zipper down, showing no resistance and instead bucking his hips upward and allowing me to slide the denim off of his body when i tug it downward, the material pooling at his feet. i quickly slip out of my mini-skirt, our underwear now the only thing separating us, and i can tell that it drives him crazy.
his chest rises up and down, a thin coat of sweat lining his forehead as his entire body jolts with even the slightest of movements, desperate whines leaving his lips when my hands finally palm him through his boxers, the first bit of attention i give towards the place where he craves it most.
“fuck…oh god, oh my god.” his head falls backward, teeth sinking into his bottom lip when i run the palm of my hand up and down his length, still separated by the thin fabric of his boxers. his erection seems to get more and more painful with each second, every gentle touch i press to his clothed dick generating more sounds from his parted lips - small whines soon turning to loud groans, to the point where he can’t handle it any longer.
“please schatz…do something…need it so bad-shit!” his eyes squeeze shut, wincing slightly when i touch his tip through his boxers, this area more sensitive than the rest of him. despite his pleas, i decide to go that little bit further, knowing how crazy it will drive him.
“what do you want me to do tom?” my voice is low, crossing the line between innocent and seductive, creating a sickly mix of the two that seems to drive him crazy. my head moves downward, lips directly against his ear as i take his lobe in my mouth, biting it lightly before releasing it, feeling the way his whole body shivers below me. my lips make contact with his neck, placing slow kisses, just enough to tease him a little more. “you have to tell me what you want baby.”
“you want my hands?” i whisper into his ear, my hand trailing to palm him once again, yet another groan falling from his lips. “or my mouth, maybe?” i take the skin of his neck between my teeth, sucking slowly before letting it go, my tongue running over it momentarily. he stays quiet, his breathing heavy and body becoming more restless.
“or…” i add, pausing for a few seconds, buying time to leave him guessing, pulling back to study his face, the sight enough to resemble heaven on earth - or at least something pretty damn close to it. his eyes are half-lidded, eyebrows furrowed slightly, tongue poking out of his mouth. he watches me intently, eyes fixed on my hand as it moves to grab his own, trailing downward to my clothed heat, placing it flat against my panties. “do you want this?”
he nods his head rapidly, fingers trying to pull the lace from my lower half, not getting far as i pull them back, leaving him even more desperate than he was seconds ago.
“need to be inside you.” he whines, sighing under his breath and adjusting himself once again, thrusting his hips ever so slightly in the hopes that he will feel any contact, even if it is only for a second. but when i smile weakly above him, sitting up a little and reaching for my panties, his eyes visibly light up, thrilled by the possibility of finally getting what he wants. i step out of my underwear, fingers finding the clasp of my bra and removing it from my frame. tom’s eyes scan my body hungrily, starting at my now exposed breasts, moving down to my lower half. his hands reach outward, making contact with my waist as he pulls me closer to him. i let him this time, watching the way relief takes over his expression from being granted the simple permission of touching my body.
the pads of his fingertips trail upward, moving along my stomach, just about to touch my breasts before i stop him, much to his frustration.
“please baby…can’t take it- need you so bad, need to touch you…” he is practically begging at this point, his body tired and sweaty beneath me, desperate for any sort of relief.
“wait.” i state simply, showing him no sympathy, though my actions seem to act as some consolation as my hands make contact with the waistband of his boxers, fingers dipping underneath them teasingly. his breath catches in his throat, breathing becoming even more erratic as i get closer and closer to giving him what he wants, before tearing away his hope and moving my fingers almost completely away. i tug on the waistband, slipping my fingers in once again, inching closer to his dick, the presence of his boxers frustrating to him as i can only do so much with them there. my hand finds his length as i run a single finger down it, a loud moan pouring from tom’s lips as his head falls backward. i struggle to fit another finger into his boxers, the fabric restricting my movements too much - and it drives him insane.
“fuck schatz…take ‘em off, please…just take them off.” he whines loudly, groaning when i slip my hand out of his boxers, only to tug them down ever so slowly, almost too slowly for tom as he bucks his hips slightly. his dick springs free, hitting his lower abdomen and god, the sight is enough to make me cum on the spot. it is almost painfully hard, the veins within it more prominent than ever, the tip red as pre-cum spills out of it. i almost pity him, watching how he grunts at the slight touch of my fingers wrapping their way around the base.
he hisses when i pump him a few times, my thumb moving to swirl around his tip, his mouth falling open whenever i apply pressure. i don’t give him too much, though, nothing that brings him anywhere close to his release, just enough to show him what he can receive, and he craves for more.
“please just sit on it, please schatz…i can’t, want you so bad- fuck!” he attempts to bring one hand to his hard dick, stroking it once before i pull him away roughly, swatting his hand and placing it by his side.
“what did i say, hm? you have to listen to me to get what you want.” all he can do is nod his head, far too focused on my actions as i speak his eyes glued to my heat as i begin to move forward, lifting my hips upward so that his tip is aligned directly with my entrance. my hands place themselves on his shoulders, maintaining a firm hold before slowly sliding downward, taking just the tip inside of me. he whines loudly, hands flying to rest on my waist, his fingers already digging into the skin, bound to leave marks.
i lift my hips upward after a few seconds, his tip sliding out of me as he whines in frustration, desperate for something, anything, besides from being teased like this. he knows that there is no point in trying to do anything himself - realising that i will just stop him. instead, he watches impatiently as i shift my hips downward again, taking a little more inside me than i did last time. i moan quietly at the sensation, his dick slowly stretching me out as i stop when he is around halfway.
his eyes are now completely closed, squeezing shut as his mouth is now wide open, chest rising and falling at a fast pace, clearly far too lost in pleasure from my minimal acts to think about anything else.
“tell me what you want baby.” my voice is more forgiving this time, lacking the harsh tone it had when i scolded him all those times. now he knows better than to initiate anything, his eyes slowly opening when he registers what i say.
“keep going.” he pleads, his hands trailing to my hips, squeezing the flesh roughly. he clears his throat, though his ability to sound even a little bit composed is long gone, and he knows it too, soon realising when he opens his mouth to speak again, his voice low and whiny. “take all of me, please baby…”
i lean my face closer to his own, lips ghosting over the corner of his mouth. “open your eyes…watch me.” i smile when his eyes flutter open, dark and tired, their gaze flickering to watch where we are connected, struggling to stay open when his dick begins to slowly disappear inside of me, inch my inch.
“oh god-fuck…feels so good…” i haven’t even moved yet, staying sat completely on top of him, not circling my hips and instead adjusting to his size, my walls stretched out as i wait for the pain to turn to pleasure. it doesn’t matter that i haven’t done anything yet, not to tom, anyway. the evident euphoria on his face tells me enough, the continuous teasing i had put him through meaning that literally anything is enough to leave him a moaning mess.
and when i begin to circle my hips, grinding them over his pelvis, the noises that sound from his parted lips become louder and more inaudible, once clear attempts to say my name now barely understandable, lost in the whines that take over any speech. his body shines with a thick layer of sweat, highlighting each defined muscle from beneath me as they contract with each harsh squeeze of my hips. i lift them up, almost all the way off of tom’s dick, before slamming back onto it, soft curses spilling from his lips when i repeat my motions, soon finding a fast rhythm. somehow his hands don’t leave my waist, taking advantage of how i allow them to rest there, afraid that i will tear them away if he decides to move them anywhere else. but i see the way his eyes are fixated on my breasts, fighting the urge to close them purely so he can watch the way they bounce up and down with each movement of my hips. there are times when he jerks his hand upward, seeming to hesitate and return it to its position on my waist, though it doesn’t take long for the urge to become too strong.
“let me touch them liebe…please- just wanna touch them.” a string of pleas follow his request, his voice returning to a low whisper as he awaits my response, his head falling backward when i angle my hips a certain way, his tip brushing directly against my g-spot. i moan loudly at the feeling, eyes rolling to the back of my head as i repeat my movement, his tip drilling against it repeatedly. i am far too lost in pleasure to refuse his ask, nodding my head and mumbling a quick and almost inaudible “go ahead baby”.
and he wastes no time, his hands rushing to cup my breasts, his thumbs running over the hardened nipples as he lets out a satisfied groan. he squeezes the flesh harshly, mesmerised by the feeling as the movements of his hands become more feverish, his need seeming to increase as he moves his head forward, allowing his lips to make contact with them. he places rough and open-mouthed kisses onto the flesh, kneading what isn’t in his mouth, sucking on my breast for a few seconds before running his tongue over the skin, his lips leaving a trail of purple marks scattered across my chest.
“i’m so close…please don’t stop baby- fuck, don’t stop- please!” his voice vibrates against my breast as he continues to kiss the skin, often cut off momentarily by a loud groan whenever i clench around him. and i can tell that he means it, his dick twitching inside of me every few seconds, the frequency of his moans increasing with each movement of my hips.
“you’re not cumming yet.” i state through breathy moans, circling my hips and digging my hails into his shoulders. he whines in response, pulling his head away from my breast to look upward at me. “hold it, you have to wait for me, mhm?”
“can’t baby- i can’t…fuck- it hurts so bad…” if i weren’t to desperate to chase my own release, i would probably pity him and let him cum out of sympathy, though now all i can focus on is finding my own climax, my bounces becoming more sloppy and feverish, craving nothing more than to release the knot in my stomach that begins to build.
“yes you can.” i breathe out, taking my hands and pressing them to the back of his head, bringing his lips closer to my breasts and moaning when his tongue swipes across my nipple. “you can cum when i say so.”
the knot in my stomach becomes more noticeable, my free hand moving downward to rub soft circles on my clit, my head falling backward at the overwhelming pleasure, knowing that it won’t be long until i get to my release. i don’t tell tom that, though, watching intently as he can no longer plant firm kisses to my breasts, instead he falls backward to rest his upper half against the headboard, soft and frequent curses pouring from his lips as he holds back his release, the task becoming harder and harder for him as each second passes.
my own head falls backward, eyes rolling back as i finally let go, feeling my release wash over me. i clutch onto tom’s back for support, rocking my hips back and forth slowly as i ride out my high, still aware that tom hasn’t come yet. and i can tell that he can’t hold on much longer.
“please baby…please let me cum- it hurts so bad schatz, shit!” tears begin to roll down his cheeks, soft whines spilling from his lips far more often than before. the slow roll of my hips on his dick doesn’t help - the angle allowing him to hit the deepest spots inside of me, my walls unconsciously clenching around him when the pleasure gets too much. “need it so bad baby, just wanna cum, please…”
my lips collide with his softly as he still tries to kiss back, the taste of tears on his mouth as i move against him slowly. “c’mon, cum baby…” he sighs loudly once he registers that he has my permission, no longer able to kiss back as his head falls backwards, eyes squeezing shut and eyebrows furrowing, loud and elongated groans elicited from his lips as i feel his hot cum shoot into me, coating my walls as i ride out his high.
“shitshitshit…oh my fucking god!” he begins to lazily thrust upward into me, anything to increase the pleasure he already feels, his movements somehow matching mine as he moans into my mouth, his hands glued to my hips. his nails dig into the skin, leaving harsh marks there. eventually, both our movements slow down, tom’s body trembling as it lays against the headboard, his breathing fast and heavy. i collapse on top of him, his dick still inside of me as i rest my head on his chest. he rubs my back up and down, fingers tracing random patterns there.
“fuck me.” he mumbles into the now silent room, my head whipping upward to look at him, his fucked out expression enough to leave me mesmerised, taking in every feature on his face - the way his eyes struggle to stay open, slight wrinkles on his forehead from his furrowed brows, his lips remaining slightly parted, he somehow looks perfect. “you need to be on top more baby, that’s the best sex we’ve had.”
his hand tiredly reaches to cup my cheek, drawing my face nearer to his as he connects our lips. the kiss is lazy and sloppy, still filled with passion as i press my lips firmly onto his own. he pecks them a few more times before pulling away, standing up and pulling me toward the bathroom to clean up.
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Sumeru men when they hear you sing in the shower.
Characters Included: Cyno; Tighnari; Alhaitham; Kaveh
Content: Gender neutral reader; little bit of teasing; established relationship; otherwise just fluff really
Word count: 1,2k words
Have fun reading!
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The first time it happened was fairly early into the relationship, when he was staying over
You told him you wanted to shower before going to bed, since you had a long and exhausting day
Cyno promted to wait for you in the living room, halfheartedly reading a book placed in his lap, when he suddenly began to hear noises coming from the bathroom
at first, it just sounded like unintelligible mumbling to him but when he put his book down and listened to it a bit more closely, he could make out some sort of rhythm to it
and when he concentrated even more, he could make out your voice, recognicing the words you said to be some song he had heard a few times
now realizing what you were doing in the shower, he couldn't help the smile that formed on his lips
the book now completely forgotten, he listened to your singing, although he did have to concentrate on it to be able to understand you properly
after a few minutes, he noticed the water turn off, telling him that you were done with your shower now
he quickly grabbed the book again, pretending to have been reading this whole time while he waited for you to come out
You walked into the living room, dressed in your pyjamas, your hair still wet from the shower
You see him sitting on the couch, deciding to sit yourself on his lap and snuggling up into his chest
he smiles as he abandons the book completely now, putting his arms around you
he contemplates wether to say something or not, but when he thought about you stopping your little performances if he commented on them made him shut his mouth
It would have to be his little secret...
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when Tighnari realized that you usually sing in the shower, he found it extremely cute
for a long time, he would lean against the wall outside the bathroom to listen to you more clearly
he knows that this probably would look wrong if you ever found out about this, but he was careful to never let that scenario happen
he always made it a point to quietly but quickly get away as soon as he heard the water get turned off, so as to not be discovered
this time however, he wanted something else
you were currently showering again, Tighnari as usual outside, listening to your singing
he found your singing voice to beautiful and calming to listen to, but he wanted to hear it directly now, and not just through the closed door
So, hoping that you wouldn't kill him for doing this, he quietly went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him
your back was facing him and you haven't noticed him entering, peacefully continuing your performance
Instead of just listening to you like this, Tighnari decided to slip out of his own clothes, slipping under the shower beside you
You jump at the sudden presence of another person, their arms snaking around your waist
You soon relax as you realize that it's only Tighnari, but soon after, you realize something else and your face combusts in all shades of red at the embarrassement
"Please, darling, don't stop. I truly adore your singing. Continue, please?"
he rested his head on your shoulder, holding you in the embrace
you however, not being able to deny him anything, continue the song with a bit of a shaking voice, but soon get used to him and his presence, so it doesn't really bother you anymore. It's just Tighnari after all...
From now on, he always insists on joining you when you shower. He claims it's to preserve water, but you and him both know the true reason...
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Living with Alhaitham actually turns out to be pretty chill
The chores are evenly split up and each of you always takes care of them without fail
You spent a lot of time together, yet you also implemented a rule where each of you can spend some time alone and relax a bit for themselves if you wanted to
this rule was rarely used but either of you respected it when the other wanted to use it
right now, Alhaitham made use of it, telling you that he just needed a bit of time to destress
you agreed, telling him that you would take a shower in the mean time
Alhaitham stayed in the living room, deciding to pick up and continue the book he was currently reading to blow off some stress, his headphones resting beside him on the couch. He figured he wouldn't need them right now, since Kaveh was out of the house for the evening
While he was drowning in the pages of the book, he suddenly realized that certain sounds were coming from the bathroom
Confused, he lowered his book, listening more intently now
The thing is, this wasn't the first time you showered at his place, by far not. But, he had to admit, he never had his headphones off at those times. This was a first
Had he known, he would have taken them off much sooner, the sound of your singing voice relaxing him more than that book ever could
relaxing into the sofa, he leaned back a bit, closing his eyes and just listened to you like this
When you imerged again, you saw him still on the couch in his half sitting, half laying position
you giggled as you saw that. "Did you calm down?"
"Yes, I did. Thanks to you and your relaxing voice. That was a good choice of song, by the way."
Realizing what he meant by that, you were horrified. Your cheeks turned a bright red and you quickly turned and ran into his bedroom, hiding yourself under the covers from the embarrassement
He apologized to you but still managed to convince you to keep doing it... which you only agreed to reluctantly
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I think he would find out about that little detail about you rather quickly
and no, he is not going to make fun of you or talk bad about it in any way
because he also belongs to those people who sing under the shower
Any tune he hears during his day, it often gets stuck in his head, making him hum or sing along to it the entire day, no matter where he is
so when he learns that you also do that, he would be over the moon that he's not alone with this habit anymore
from now on, there are only two possible outcomes when it comes to showering:
Number one: he joins you in taking a shower and you both have a full on performance in there, holding imaginary microphones, imagining staying on a big ass stage with a cheering audience
it's always such a fun time and you guys end up spending almost an hour in the bathroom
Or, number two: you shower while he is still out and he comes home to you singing under the shower alone. Now, he either starts to sing along to you loudly, making his presence known to you as you start to sing louder as well. OR, he stays silent, waiting for you to finish and when you exit the bathroom, he picks up the song where you left off, prompting you to join him in singing again
overall, it is a very fun and comforting experience to share with Kaveh
he would always compliment your singing voice and how much he loved to listen to it
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justcallmesakira · 3 months
The reader looking so pretty at an event in the agency, co worker dazai can't help but stare at her :> make sum scenario :>
Sypnosis: Dazai just cant keep his eyes to himself when a colleuge of his is looking so darn pretty!
Dazai x fem! reader
Genre: suggestive, romance
Warnings: reader is sort of cheeky, suggestive as hell, implied alcoholism, author gave the reader on what attire shes wearing.
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The agency had decided to hold another party in celebration of a huge deal which would help the agency .
And of course you were invited, almost everyone was. You decided to look extra pretty today because why not, not because of others but for yourself.
You had picked out a extravagant ebony coated frock which covered all the way up to your legs and ended with glistening white layers of laces.
The party was at 8 o clock, you had time plus what would you do getting there so early?
Gently tapping on the tubes of lipsticks you picked out a vermillion shade and smoothly applied the waxy substance on your lips. The colour suited the rose tied around your neck really well.
Finally adding some final touches you rushed out the door and walked along to the agency.
There were colourful lights and food everywhere, Atsushi teaching Kyouka how to make decorations, doctor Yosano taking a bit too much of wine, ranpo staring at powdered donuts... To think of it you remember him taking 5 of them sneakily one night and you wonder why hes so obsessed with them.
But one thing you could notice was a certain someones eyes on you... Dazai.
You walked up to atsushi and kyouka, talking to them and teaching them some tips and tricks to fit in with the agency.
You could feel at all times though, a certain pair of eyes glancing at you from time to time from the corner of the room.
"Excuse me, i will just fix my hair and come back" you politely end the conversation before walking towards the door and going outside.
Despite your heels clacking against the floor, you could feel another set of shoes following them.
"Dazai-san, may i know why i feel your eyes on my at all times?" you ask putting a perfect spot from the distance between your figure and the mans figure.
He chuckled.
"Bella, i must say your quite the smart one arent ya'?" osamu replies back with much cheekiness in his tone as yiu turned to him, he had a black tuxedo, a polished and refined one, it hugged his body quite tightly too.
You just sighed at his remark, he was a ladies man you knew but you have never seen the glint and love in his eyes on a girl ever before, it amde your stomach turn slightly in a good way, of course.
His teasing grin drops and turns into a more soothing smile as he walks over to you which makes you back towards the wall unsure whether to trsut him or not.
He lowers his head a bit to reach your face taking in all of it's features.
"Are you trying to woo me, dazai-san? It seems like it"
"Haaah, maybe. The thing is bella you just look so.." you expect him to give you some compliment like every boy does when they see a girl sitting pretty and all but instead he gently took a strand of your hair, took it to his lips and uttered every single quality and flaw about you, it was as if hes born to have a poets tongue with you being the muse.
"I just want to admire you all day, my darling. Its not lust nor a small crush, it isnt even close to love but something beyond the world and beyond the universe to attend to, i dont know i could drown in your eyes right now but i would prefer staring at them for an eternity as if its a gorgeous piece of art hung on a museum"
he said softly, oh god did this man made your heart drop down your stomach and melt into your intestines.
With each word he spoke through his charming voice, you could feel his breathe and hands going closer towards your sweating body and at last, he asked for your permission to which you only looked at him with a slight embroidery of embarrassment on your cheeks.
Dazai tenderly kissed your forehead but though it lasted short you wondered whether he tried to go for your lips instead because of the shift in his body.
"Oi, dazai and [Name] if your done with your cheesy af encounter than come back to the party! Presidents calling you two!"
Atlast after moments of intimate interaction which wasnt even intimate because of the silent yearn for something neither the two of you could preach. Both of you decided to go back to the party.
Later in the relationship you realised that your first kiss with this loverman was not the type of kiss those possessive men would do which would take your breathe away but more of a desperate one as if to reach out for something which one already got.
In the end nor dazai or you could just confess normally without making each other look like two pieces of magnificent artwork looking at each other.
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A/N: i hate this more than dazai hates him self :(((((((( btw reader is wearing this dress
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Divider crds! : @cafekitsune
Tags! : @inojuuy @silverbladexyz @atlasnessie @tsuunara @elizais @saelique @chuuyasboner @atzuhi @riiwrites @ruanais @biscuits-spooky-corner @rusmii
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I just KNOW hawks has the most sensitive wings. Like you grip them? Eyes rolling, head spinning. He would whine so cutely too and then be all blushy about it because he didn't mean to whine like that you just caught him by surprise!! I would LOVE to see a hawks fic with focus on how sensitive those chicken wings of his are 😌😭 bonus points if he subconsciously grinds against whatever he's on top of everytime you play with them. Head. Empty.
This is so canon it's not even funny
Pairing: Hawks x reader
Warnings: Smut, feather play?? idek but enjoy
Word Count: 1.7k
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The first time was an accident.
It had been a long day, nothing out of the ordinary from Keigo's career as a pro-hero, but long nonetheless.
Over the course of your relationship, you have come to find that the average workday in his employment field was not only physically draining, but mentally as well.
And there were some days when the duties were just extraordinarily taxing, fatigue weighing on even the most durable of mindsets.
So when your boyfriend trudged through the door and met you in the kitchen, slumping into your arms with a short hum to complete the certified routine he had adopted at times like this, it wasn't that much of a surprise.
What was surprising was his reaction to your touch.
The oven sounded and you slipped your arms from under his, offering a quiet laugh at his mumbled protest. You reached to push him away to get to the food in the oven, hand accidentally brushing past the base of his wings instead of that of his back as he moved as well.
Initially, you hadn't really thought much of it.
But just as the tips of your fingers were leaving, you felt it; a slight shiver trailing down his spine, one that would've been left unnoticed if you hadn't been internally complaining about the summer heat moments ago.
You paused, opening your mouth to ask if he was alright when the stove interrupted you once more, stealing your attention and capturing the unanswered inquiry.
So yes, the first time was an accident.
But the second?
Not so much.
You were both settled on his couch, some Food Network channel buzzing in the background. With his arm draped over your shoulder, Keigo's wings encircled your bodies from each side, relaxing in the absence of his work's constant demands.
In your defense, it wasn't as if you had been actively searching for trouble. In fact, you hadn't thought of the occurrence since it happened.
But as your body sunk into his, your mind decided to conjure the memory, luring your line of sight to the red fluff underneath your body.
Without thinking, you reached out and trailed your hand through the scarlet plumage. The feathers rippled in the wake of your touch like a fiery sea. You had never really contemplated how soft and delicate they felt when in their unhardened form, much less how pretty they were.
However, these facts definitely weren't captivating enough to distract you from the way Keigo stiffened next to you.
"You okay?" You asked, surprised at the sudden tenseness.
He nodded, but you knew him well enough to tell that it was distant, almost like he was trying his best to avoid acknowledging it.
Mirroring his actions, you settled back into the faux-leather, silently awaiting for a chance to test your curiosity.
Guy Fieri had come on and was raving about a fried chicken sandwich, efficiently ensnaring Keigo's attention between a potato bun.
Thanks, Guy.
Raising your hand as discreetly as possible, you quickly drew your fingers down the side of his wings, skimming the ends with the tip of your pinky.
And then you heard it.
A whine, so quiet that it would've went unheard if the television's volume was increased a few notches, but heard nonetheless.
Your gaze shot up to his face, which seemed to slowly be taking on the same shade as his feathers. "Did you just-"
"No!" He crossed his arms.
Eyes wide, you attempted to pry them open, crawling on top of his lap like a child that had just discovered some new toy. "Yes, you did!"
Regardless, he held firm, averting his line of sight from yours. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Brows furrowed, you mimicked his closed position for a few seconds before allowing a playful grin to spread over your face. "Alright, let me show you then."
You reached out, but he caught your wrist with expert speed, just centimeters away from your target. With a surprised yelp, you were tugged underneath him with your back on top of the sofa's padding.
Obviously, his quickness wasn't unknown, but the soft tint of pint coating his cheeks definitely was, at least to you. It drew a curious grin on your features.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"It's embarrassing." He mumbled, jutting out his lower lip.
Moments like this were few and far between, especially with someone possessing a naturally cocky attitude such as Keigo's. As of now, you were giving a valiant attempt to quietly observe the unfamiliar behavior.
But his sulking expression drew a bubble of amusement from your chest. Despite your best efforts, your laughter only grew at the visible tic-mark across his forehead.
"See? You're laughing!" He pawed at your face, trying to quell your snickers in a way that only made it worse.
"I'm not trying to be mean, I promise." Grabbing his hand, you laced it through yours, letting it rest there until your giggles died down. "You're just cute when you pout."
Letting out a huff, he buried his face in your neck. The warmth of his skin against yours wasn't surprising, especially with the reddish hue still coating it.
"'M not cute." He muttered, peppering kisses past your collarbone, bringing another chortle from your lips from the ticklish feeling.
"I think you're very cute, especially now that I know you're so sensitive.."
Leaning back, he offered you an impish grin that had your heart flutter. "You think I'm shy?"
You nodded, letting your hand hang from the back of his neck. "Mhm. I don't think I've ever heard you whine before."
He scoffed. "You caught me off guard. It won't happen again."
Rolling your eyes, you dropped his arm. "I'm sure."
This time, when you reached out, he didn't stop you, allowing your hand to stroke the end top ends of his wings. The gesture did more than usher a quiet shiver, you observed, as he began to roll his hips into yours.
"Shit." You breathed, recognizing the shape of his hard-on pressing against you through his sweatpants.
"You really are such a brat." He let out a low groan when you gripped the outer edges just behind his shoulder blades.
"Arguably one of my best qualities." The statement was meant to be witty, but your tone wavered at the soft tickle of his erection brushing against your clit.
"Oh, definitely." Seeming to have noticed the tiny falter as well, he allowed a mischievous grin to ink across his features. "Gives me an excuse to fuck it out of you."
Keigo slipped a hand under your shirt, continuing to grind down as he began to rub at your breasts. You squirmed underneath his touch, releasing a soft sigh when he rolled your nipple between his fingers.
"Too bad you can't take it like you dish it out, though."
Of course, he didn't mean it. He reveled in the way he made you feel, whether it be the way you would avert your gaze in embarrassment or the not-so-subtle shift in your thighs at his degrading words.
Warmth was beginning to spark in your abdomen and you slowly lips your hips to meet his, an act as unconscious as his own.
Still, the friction wasn't enough, especially with the layers of fabric that were acting as a barrier in the most perturbing way possible. You moved to touch yourself, but he quickly caught your wrist, guiding it upward to grasp the other covert of his wing.
"I got ya, Sweetheart. Just don't stop, yeah?"
You nodded, trying to keep your hold steady even as he snaked a hand under the hem of your shorts, his thumb brushing against your clit.
Two fingers pushed into you, prompting a gasp that had you involuntarily gripping his feathers. He groaned when at the action, the grind of his body into yours increasing in speed.
With one final thrust he pulled away, linking his arms under your thighs to carry you towards the bedroom.
"So dramatic over one little whine." He grumbled, peppering your neck with his mouth.
If you had half a mind left, you would've made some snarky comment about the blush still covering the tips of his cheekbones. However, your conscious thought was already thrown out the window, replaced by physical desperation.
"Doesn't matter." He placed you on the mattress, tugging down your shorts as he fiddled with his own sweatpants. "I'll just have to make sure you do it louder."
He brought his thumb back to your clit, stroking the over-sensitive nub until you were squirming under him.
Gently prying your fingers from the sheets, he led them to grip his wings once more. "Hands up, lovebird."
They were nothing short of magnificent, you realized, fully extended to reach past the ends of the bed. Each scarlet feather seemed so delicate and flawless, hung over the sharp lines of his shoulder blades like a blazing cloak of satin.
The soft squeeze that you issued to them had his eyes rolling back, an act followed by a coarse grown on his part. You weren't even sure he fully realized what he was doing as he bottomed out, drawing a pleasured cry from your throat.
He took a moment before leaning down to allow you more access to the appendages, beginning to thrust into you as your hands trailed out from the muscles of his back.
Placing a kiss against your lips, he continued to fondle your clit, synchronizing the motions he made with each stroke against his wings.
The sounds he brought from the both of you reeked of carnal hunger. They matched his eyes, the bronze of his irises practically glowing in desire.
Similarly to his feathers, you had always subconsciously admired their beauty, especially when they were hazed over, trained on you in adoration and lust.
He leaned down, breath warm against your ear that sent a shiver down your spine.
"We'll see who's the sensitive one."
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midnight-rain-fics · 1 year
{Part 2}
{Fandom: Grishaverse}
{Pairing: Kaz Brekker x fem!reader}
Summary: Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason. But this time he had one. He had a reason to want to push Helvar off a cliff because he kept making Y/N smile and blush. Kaz just didn’t want to admit the reason was jealousy.
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“Your faithless love's the only hoax
I believe in
Don't want no other shade of blue
But you”
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There was something churning in his stomach, something Kaz was becoming quite familiar with lately. It had first started when he had seen Matthias talking with Y/N.
There was a smile on her face, cheeks flushed as she animatedly talked to him about something.
Kaz did not know what they had been talking about because as soon as he saw them, his stomach dropped and his heart twisted painfully in his chest.
The feeling had only gotten worse since then. And so had Matthias' advances. Kaz didn't know what was going on with the fjerdan but he seemed intent on following Y/N around lately.
It was driving Kaz up the wall, but not because he was jealous. Kaz was absolutely not jealous of the blonde-haired beef slab of the man who Y/N granted her smiles and laughs to as if they were free currency.
He was not jealous that Matthias could touch Y/N's bare hand so casually, so easily. Kaz Brekker had no reason or right to be jealous.
He was just...concerned. Yes, he was concerned that Matthias would distract Y/N from her job and he could not have one of his best crows losing focus.
That was all.
Kaz's head snapped towards the kitchen where Y/N's bell-like laughter sounded, his feet carried him towards the sound before he could decide against it.
His lips thinned into a scowl as he noticed just who was making Y/N laugh. Kaz, for the life of him, could not figure out what the dour fjerdan have possibly said that had Y/N bestowing him with such a wide smile.
Something on the left side of his chest hurt at seeing that smile directed at Matthias. And the churning in his stomach was back. Great.
He should have just left Matthias in Hellgate.
"Kaz" Y/N noticed him, and finally, finally, Helvar stepped away from her as she motioned to a bowl of what looked like cookie dough mixed with too many chocolate chips, "we are making cookies"
"Don't burn down the kitchen" Kaz gritted out, earning an eye roll from her but the small smile playing on her lips told him she was far from annoyed. His traitor heart did that unusual thing it did whenever she smiled at him.
"As if, Y/N's the best baker in the barrel" Nina comments as she enters the kitchen, scooping some of the cookie batter with a finger and licking it off.
"Nina!" Y/N chastises the heartrender, even as a blush spreads on the apples of her cheek. There's an unbearable itch in his fingers to just lean forward and put his gloved fingers on those red cheeks, just to see if the colour could spread further.
The thought leaves him as soon as it came, beaten away to that dark corner of his mind he doesn't bother looking at anymore.
Kaz ignores the nausea that follows the thought.
Nina winks at Y/N, leaning across the kitchen counter and planting her lips on those lovely cheeks as she sneaks in another scoop of the batter.
"No more, Nina or you won't get any cookies" Matthias scolds her, taking away the bowl as Y/N swats at Nina's arm, who only offers her a wry grin.
A horrible feeling seeped into his bones as he watched Y/N with Matthias and Nina. He was an outsider to this world, their world where Y/N did not spend her sleepless nights in her boss' office, sitting in an uncomfortable chair but instead in the embrace of two familiar faces.
Wordlessly, he slipped out of the kitchen, the weight of the cane clutched painfully in his hand grounding him to the present as he trudged up the stairs.
"Kaz" Y/N's voice called out from the bottom of the stairs. Kaz released a sharp exhale and turned to face her.
It was never easy. Looking at her, feeling so much and not being able to say anything. She looked at him with concern shining in her eyes, the deep set of her brows furrowed, "you could stay until the cookies are done, it won't take long"
"I have work to do" the thinning of her lips in resignation was a sharper blade than any knife she could have stabbed him with.
"Right" Y/N nodded once, looking down at the ground, Kaz could almost feel her wringing her hands behind her back, a nervous habit she had picked up lately. Before that, she used to fiddle with the sleeves of her coat.
His coat.
The coat she had borrowed from him on a heist because hers had been torn and he had just never asked for it back. He didn't want to.
She still wore it whenever she went out. It suited her. His coat suited her.
Kaz swallowed the lump in his throat.
Y/N opened her mouth, as if to speak and then closed it, deciding against saying whatever was on the tip of her tongue. She looked up at him and turned around, walking away from him.
Kaz ignored the empty space in his chest that she left in her wake.
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The scratching of pen on paper was the only sound heard as Y/N knocked on Kaz's door, a plate of cookies in her hand.
"Go away, Jesper"
"It's not Jesper"
A silence followed before Y/N heard him whisper, "come in"
Kaz was sitting at his desk, eyes focused on the paperwork, dark hair styled back with a few pieces falling messily in his face.
Y/N's heart hurt at the sight, a rush of affection overcame her and her lips pursed at the sight.
Damn Brekker, damn him and his devastatingly handsome face. And his thrice-damned heart that was guarded more securely than the Ice Court.
"I brought cookies"
"I don't like cookies"
Y/N raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him as she placed the plate of cookies on his desk, a safe distance away from his paperwork that was sprawled everywhere, "I didn't take you for being a bad liar, Kaz"
"Your baking is aptly edible but I don't trust whatever Helvar put in these" Kaz rasped, finally looking up to meet her eyes.
Y/N rolled her eyes, a fond smile on her face, "He didn't bake them, I did. He was just keeping me company"
"He has been been doing that a lot lately, keeping you company” Kaz scowled, unable to help himself, his grip tightened on the pen in his grasp.
"Is there a problem?" Y/N’s lips pursed in agitation, she had a feeling Kaz wanted to say something but he wouldn’t. He never did.
"No, there is no reason yours and Helvar's companionship would be a problem” Even saying the words left a bitter taste in his mouth.
But it was the truth.
There was no reason for Kaz Brekker to be jealous of Matthias or Nina or anyone who made her smile and blush. And yet he was.
He was jealous.
The realization made him clench his jaw and look down at the papers on his desk, even as his gaze was unfocused, “close the door on your way out”
It was a clear dismissal. And sharp. Too sharp.
Y/N nodded, biting her cheek to stop herself from saying something that she would regret later. That they would both regret later.
She had a poisonous tongue, a stark contrast from her sunny disposition and she never wanted to say something to purposefully hurt anyone of the crows.
They were her family, even if one of them was being particularly petty today.
She really needed to do something about her stupid crush on him.
“Enjoy your cookies” Y/N gritted out as she turned to walk away, “or choke on them” she added, bitterly.
Sometimes, she really couldn’t help herself.
She had clearly not meant for him to hear the last part but he did. He watched her walk away, forehead creased in frustration at his own shortcomings.
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jinwoosungs · 2 months
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{ 138 }
butterfly kisses.
jinwoo sung x fem.reader
the moment jinwoo came home from his duties as a hunter, you knew that he was upset.
his eyes were still glowing a vibrant purple the moment he unlocks the door to your shared apartment and slams it shut. you greet him as per usual, waiting just a few feet away from the door with a gentle smile on your face like the adoring lover that you were-
yet the moment his harsh gaze met with your eyes, you were taken aback by the sheer coldness in them.
it was during moments like these that you received a harsh reminder of just who your boyfriend was. he was chosen as the next shadow monarch, seeming to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders as he fought for those he wished to protect.
but the rest of the world had yet to realize just how amazing your beloved was, which had to play a part in his stressful expression at this very moment.
momentarily paralyzed by his piercing gaze, you found yourself unable to move, sensing his powers of darkness coursing through your very veins as he kept his icy gaze honed in on you. only when he sees the momentary fear in your eyes does his expression soften just the tiniest bit.
he greets you by saying your name, hands already giving the top of your head gentle pats as he disappears into the restroom. you remain rooted on the spot, not moving until you heard the sounds of the shower running.
letting out a gentle sigh, you run your fingers across your hair before going into the kitchen. you already had jinwoo’s portion of dinner warmed up and ready for him, yet you knew that he wouldn’t have much of an appetite when he was angry like this. with careful movements, you place his dinner in a container, making sure that it was as neat as possible before refrigerating it.
throughout the entire duration of his shower, you spent the time cleaning up the kitchen; doing mundane things like washing the dishes and cleaning the countertops with a wet handkerchief. even when you heard jinwoo stop showering, listening intently as the sounds of his footsteps padded into your shared bedroom, you lingered in the kitchen and waited several minutes.
only when you were confident that jinwoo was already settled in bed did you finally decide to join him. your own footsteps were calm and quiet, not wishing to startle your beloved boyfriend when he already seemed to be so on edge.
with a soft smile, you open the door of your shared bedroom to see jinwoo staring blankly at the ceiling. his eyes no longer glowed against the darkness, its shade returning to its usual, stormy grey hue. he hears your footsteps and trails his eyes over to where you stood, still hiding behind the door.
he chuckles while lifting up his hand, motioning at you to come join him in bed.
“what are you doing, you dork? come over here so i can hold you in my arms. after how shitty and stressful my day was, i could use some cuddles.”
jinwoo’s voice was filled with love and adoration now, and you could tell that he was feeling infinitely better after his shower, taking the time to destress as he allowed his aching muscles to bask in the warmth of the hot waters.
letting out a happy giggle, you give him a nod while entering your shared bedroom. closing the door from behind you, you finally reach the bed-
but avoid laying down on your side of the mattress completely, choosing instead to lay above his broad chest. jinwoo’s eyebrows were raised in a questioning glance, yet he remains utterly still, allowing you to do whatever you wished to do to him.
with a sigh of his name, you allow your fingertips to brush over his damp, ebony locks of hair. you continue to massage his scalp, basking in his grunts of pleasure before peppering his features with sweet, butterfly kisses.
your soft touch was often filled with an unfamiliarity to jinwoo, for most of his time spent as a hunter left him feeling the immense pain that came with fighting. every fist to his face causes the veins to burst as he could taste the coppery blood within his mouth. every tackle felt when monsters and beasts alike lunged at him was enough to break his very bones-
yet your kisses were enough to show him the beauty of a simple touch; he was able to experience a different side of physical touch felt against his skin without the crescendo and promise of pain.
you were treating him as if he were still the weakest hunter in the world, your kisses against his skin being no heavier than dew. instead of ruining this gentle and intimate moment with words, jinwoo remains silent while basking in your butterfly kisses.
as your lips trailed over his skin, the soft touch was nothing short of your absolute worship of him. you treat your beloved with such an aching softness that made jinwoo’s breath hitch in response. from kissing his cheek, to trailing your lips against his temple, to finally pressing a lingering kiss upon his closed eyelids-
you never once stopped treating him with a gentleness that was still so foreign to jinwoo.
if you could, you would have spent the entire night littering your boyfriend’s face with such kisses, yet his annoyed grunt and the way he held your chin in a vice grip was what ultimately made you stop.
when he forces you to look at him, his gaze was a lazy one, grey eyes darkening slightly due to how dilated it had become in response to the pure love he felt for you.
“what gives? you keep on missing my lips like that, then you know i’m gonna get mad.”
jinwoo’s tone was relaxed, and when he gently leans in to kiss your lips, you could do little but sigh in response, basking in the feeling of perfection the moment he slots his lips against yours. he keeps you distracted by the kiss, deepening it ever so slightly when he holds your body close to his chest before laying you back down against the plush mattress.
you continue to kiss him, feeling your hair remain fanned out against the pillows as your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him even closer to you as jinwoo remained in a lip lock with you.
only when the need for air proved to be too much did jinwoo finally pull away from you. he smiles down at you while leaning forward to press a kiss against your forehead.
“thanks for cheering me up, honey. let’s sleep now… i’m exhausted and desperately need you in my arms in order to sleep.”
you nod in agreement with a soft giggle, feeling jinwoo lay back in bed as he took your compliant body within his arms. his embrace was a secure one, and you just knew that he would do everything in his power to keep you in his arms all night long tonight.
the room silent, with only the sounds of your soft breathing permeating at the air. you listen as jinwoo sighs one last time, letting out a yawn while pressing a kiss against your hair.
“goodnight love.”
“goodnight, my beloved monarch.”
you feel his smile against your hair before he lays down against the bed, pressing your back against his chest as he fell into a deep sleep while spooning you. being surrounded by his warmth, you couldn’t stop your eyes from feeling heavy, unable to focus nor stay awake as you fell asleep within the arms of your soulmate.
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a.n. - lmaooo at this rate i will never be able to stop writing for jinwoo sung. save meeee, i love him too much to stop 😭🙏🏻
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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