#dean: (tosses sam's wedding ring)
quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
prompt: samifer, "my husband"
(i love your drabbles, by the way)
(oh, that's good, because i love writing them. one of the best parts of my day, really. they're not long enough to stress me out, but the exact 100 word limit is challenging enough to make them fun.)
(and uh also i made two again. lmao. to be fair to me, these are very interlocked. interpreting the prompt a little loosely? i hope it suffices.)
A small detail in the whirlwind of Sam's last day on Earth, that before Lucifer takes him from Detroit, he slides the wedding ring off his former vessel's finger.
That turns out not to have been Sam's last day at all, and then Sam's sitting across from Dean, perfectly fine (something's wrong), and there's a ring on his finger, still.
"Where did you get that?" he asks, like he doesn't already know. He wants an answer that doesn't scare him.
Sam shrugs.
Sometimes he presses the metal to his lips. Not a kiss. Like he wants a taste of grief.
Sam's wall is broken, and Dean knows, whatever his brother claims, that there's molten metal leaking in, cooling on his skin only to entrap him further. The gold band on his left hand is a constant reminder.
Dean takes it off only once, when Sam's asleep in the passenger seat. He tosses it out the window of the Impala.
That night, he wakes up to Sam kneeling in their motel room. Dean stays still, silent.
A gleam of gold in the dark on Sam's folded hands.
"…until death do us part," he's whispering, head tilted up to meet unseen eyes.
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quietwings-fics · 2 days
a small detail
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Supernatural Ship: Samifer (and Dean & Sam) Additional Tags: Soulless Sam Winchester, POV Dean Winchester, Double Drabble, Wedding Rings, Worried Dean Winchester, Angst Wordcount: 200 Prompt:
samifer, "my husband"
A small detail in the whirlwind of Sam's last day on Earth, that before Lucifer takes him from Detroit, he slides the wedding ring off his former vessel's finger.
That turns out not to have been Sam's last day at all, and then Sam's sitting across from Dean, perfectly fine (something's wrong), and there's a ring on his finger, still.
"Where did you get that?" he asks, like he doesn't already know. He wants an answer that doesn't scare him.
Sam shrugs.
Sometimes he presses the metal to his lips. Not a kiss. Like he wants a taste of grief.
Sam's wall is broken, and Dean knows, whatever his brother claims, that there's molten metal leaking in, cooling on his skin only to entrap him further. The gold band on his left hand is a constant reminder.
Dean takes it off only once, when Sam's asleep in the passenger seat. He tosses it out the window of the Impala.
That night, he wakes up to Sam kneeling in their motel room. Dean stays still, silent.
A gleam of gold in the dark on Sam's folded hands.
"…until death do us part," he's whispering, head tilted up to meet unseen eyes.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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queenofmoons · 3 years
Sam doesn't get cold feet but he does ask dean for the keys to Baby because he wants to go for a drive before the wedding. They have other cars, but he wants— He doesn't have to finish the sentence, thankfully, because he isn't sure that he knows where it's going. Dean tosses him the keys, surprisingly without argument.
He drives her out to an empty field and parks and then climbs into the backseat. Her runs his finger over the indent of their carved initials, and he curves his finger around the army man, and he imagines all the nights he spend laying in the backseat imagining what life would look like anywhere else. He'd worked so hard to get out-- in school, in life.
Now there’s nothing he wants less. He’s marrying a hunter. And he doesn’t have regrets about it, he’s never been more sure of anything in his life. His wedding will have werewolves, and angels, and people who are armed to the teeth under their nice clothes, and he couldn’t imagine a better way to spend it.
He sits in the car a little longer, in a place that was home for a very, very long time. And as he lays there and thinks about every bad night that led him here, every apocalypse and hardship, his phone rings.
I’m not supposed to see you, he tells the the video of Eileen’s face.
I’m not even dressed yet, she says. I wanted to see you.
So she does, and they talk, and when Jody starts pulling her away for makeup she signs I love you before she hangs up.
Sam drives back to the bunker and realizes, suddenly and without surprise, that he’s ready. This is real. He has a new home now, and she loves him.
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fandom-hoarder · 3 years
When Sam is 4 and Dean is 8, John drags them to a hunters house. Apparently Pastor Jim is officiating a hunter wedding and John is in the area and thinks why not. They don't get to be around other people very often and it gives him an excuse to let the boys run around safely.
The wedding is quick and the beer and food are passed around. Sammy asks Dean why the grown ups kissed.
"they got married Sammy. It means they'll be together forever." Dean explains as he fixes him and Sammy a plate of whatever is being served.
"can we get married De? I want to be with you forever." Sammy asks with those wide eyes that Dean can never say no to.
"brothers can't get married Sammy." He hates how Sammy cries the rest of the night.
They are 15 and 19. Sam is doing research for John and Dean on a cursed object and finds a silver ring with warding symbols etched on it. He checks with Bobby to make sure it's safe to keep and once Bobby gives him the ok he takes it.
"here" Sam tosses the ring at Dean.
"the hell is this?" Dean looks at the ring, annoyed mostly because Sam just chunked it at him.
"I can change my last name and we can get married." Sam and Dean had been doing whatever"this" was for about 2 years. Sam is madly in love with Dean and Dean is madly in love with Sam but keeps the tough guy no chick flick moments act up.
"whatever Sam." He tosses the ring on the bed, he doesn't miss how Sam's face breaks and how quickly Sam runs out of the house. He wishes he wasn't such an asshole.
It's years later when Dean brings it up. Sam's soul is put back and the wall is secured in his mind when Dean asks Sam to marry him. At first Sam thinks Dean is being a jerk bringing up something from their childhood. It's not until he drops on one knee and presents Sam with a ring that Sam finally believes it.
Anon 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I love when they talk about marriage as innocent weechesters, but then one of them doesn't let it go.
Idk if you meant it this way, but I imagined that first ring Sam found to be the one Dean wore in early seasons. Sam kept it hidden away in his stuff when Dean rejected it, but left it behind when he went to Stanford. Dean found it and wore it every day since. When Dean gets him from Stanford, at first Sam doesn't think it's the same ring, but it doesn't take long to realize.
But everything between them then feels too fragile--too volatile--to bring it up. And so much happens and keeps happening, and Dean hasn't said anything even though they're TOGETHER-together again, and Sam hasn't brought it up because he feels guilty; undeserving; unclean. He has too many secrets.
And then Sam is throwing rings again--four of them, magically fused. Dives into the pit and gets swallowed up.
And then he's waking up, and Dean is there, and Bobby is there.
And it's literally just days later that Dean proposes, and Sam pinches himself (and Dean) to check if he's dreaming. Maybe he actually died from his Fall and went to Heaven.
But it is real. And Sam knows Dean is going to mock him for his happy tears, but he doesn't care. Dean's gonna have to deal with saltwater kisses for a bit.
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
Not so Cold Feet: Destiel Wedding Ficlet Part 1
Part 2
Congrats to the happy couple💙💚💍!!!!!!!
So far, the day had gone off without any major hiccups, to everyone's complete surprise.
They had somehow managed to keep Dean and Cas away from each other since late last night, which neither of them were happy about. Cas had tried to explain the actual origin of that tradition, and how it definitely didn't apply to them, but nobody budged (Cas you have the rest of your life to be gross with Dean, you can handle a couple more hours). And as they were shuffled off to opposite ends of the bunker, Dean had to agree with Cas, it was a stupid tradition.
Was there an attempted escape plan (meet in the kitchen at 3am to make out), that was foiled when Cas flicked on the lights to see Sam, Eileen, Charlie and Claire, all leaning against the kitchen island? It's possible, but they did manage to catch a glimpse of each other before being frogged marched back to their holding cel-bedrooms.
Other than the failed coup and his wounded pride, Dean was fine for the rest of the night. He was fine throughout breakfast, he was fine in the shower, he was fine when he began getting ready. But now as Dean was staring at his deep blue suit in the mirror, he knew one thing for certain.
He was definitely not fine.
It wasn't that he was getting cold feet, quite the opposite actually. Dean loves Cas with his entire being, more than Dean can put into words, he wasn’t sure that the right words even exists. He doesn’t want to be with anyone else in the world. Cas was it for him.
And listen, Dean knows Cas loves him. He tells him every chance he gets, and they've been raising an actual baby together, for godsake. So Cas loves him, and logically, Dean knows that it's true.
But because his mind apparently can't let himself just be happy for once in his life, he panics.
What if they're making a mistake? What if this isn't what Cas really wants? What if Cas marries him and realizes that Dean actually isn't the one thing he wants?
Ice rushes through Dean's veins.
He has to talk to Cas. Dean has to stop this befo-
A knock interrupts his thoughts. Sam's head peers around the door, and with a blinding smile, tells Dean it's time.
They walk down the hallway together in silence, the energy of the day bounces off the walls, excitement hanging in the air.
Dean's mind races. He has to talk to him.
When he sees Cas he'll just tell him the wedding is off an-
Okay well, I'll word it better than that, Dean thinks.
They slowly make their way to the backdoor that leads out to the clearing. It's hidden from view behind the bunker, and it's where Cas had started a garden, spending hours out there taking care of the land. Now the ground now covered in various wild flowers.
That's where everyone is waiting. Right. He has to talk to him, before they go out there in front of literally every single person they know.
Dean fiddles anxiously with his cufflinks, heart rate increasing with each step.
He'll just tell Cas that this is a mistake, that he can't let Cas do this. He has too, even if it break Dean's heart. He has to let him go, for Cas.
By the time they reach the door, a small crowd is gathered, and he starts to sweat. Dean’s eyes find Eileen and Charlie first, in long, flowing dresses (Eileen had picked them out).
As soon as she sees him, Charlie tackles Dean in a hug, excitedly whispering her congratulations, and wipes tears from her eyes as she pulls away. Eileen makes her way over next, wrapping him in a tight hug, and signs a quick, "good luck" with a teasing wink.
It does nothing to quiet the noise in his mind.
He can't let Cas tie himself to Dean forever, Cas deserves better than him.
He can't let Cas make the biggest mistake of his life.
So Dean has to tell him. He ha-
Dean freezes.
He spots a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye. His back is to Dean, and he's crouched down low, fixing Jack's tie. His focus is on the conversation he's having with Claire, who stands above him in a deep green suit.
Then he rises and turns. And Dean feels the air leave his lungs.
Every word dies in his throat, and his thoughts stall in his mind, because suddenly, nothing else in the world matters more, than the sight in front of him.
He drinks in Cas for the first time in 10 hours.
The way his deep green suit perfectly hugs every inch of his body, his hair carefully (but still messily) tousled, his crooked bowtie, eyes dancing with excitement as he places Jack on his hip.
And Dean has never seen a more beautiful sight in his life. Tears begin to form in his eyes as he tries to commit everything to memory.
Love, like he's never felt before washes over him, quieting his anxieties, filling his thoughts with blue eyes and gentle touches.
Jack spies Dean first, excitedly yelling as a greeting, and alerting Cas of his presence. Their eyes meet.
Cas's jaw goes slack, blue eyes widening, and a look Dean has never seen before, takes over his features.
A soft smile grows on Cas' lips, Dean smiles back.
Jack wiggles free from Cas' arms and crashes into Dean's legs, effectively breaking their staring contest.
As he ruffles Jack's hair, he hears the conversation on the other side of the door subside.
It's time.
Sam engulfs Cas in a tight hug, whispering something Dean can't quite make out, so he shifts his focus to the three year old, who's hanging on his leg. With a laugh, he bends down to actually fix his kid's tie, since it's still completely uneven (Cas is hopeless). Dean stands, throwing a wide smile to Claire, who smiles back and makes her way over.
In a flash she's wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a quick hug and a whispered congrats. Dean is completely stunned, but manages to hug back, before she pulls away. He watches her walk towards Eileen and Charlie, with Jack in tow (he pretends not to notice the tears in her eyes).
Sam eventually pulls back from Cas, both a little misty eyed. He rights Cas' bowtie and makes his way over to Dean.
They share a meaningful look before wrapping each other in a tight hug.
"I'm so happy for you, Dean. You guys deserves this. You deserve this".
Dean's breathe catches as they pull apart, clasping each others' shoulders for a moment longer.
Then with a watery smile and a whispered, good luck, Sam begins to usher Jack and his little basket through the door, sending Charlie and Eileen after. Then Sam and Claire disappear.
Dean watches in a daze as Jack toddles down the aisle, tossing petals (from Cas' garden of course) as he goes. Eileen and Charlie each had to put him back on track, as he got distracted seeing all of his family seated on either side, which earns a laugh from the crowd. Sam and Claire follow slowly behind them, moving to opposite sides of Bobby, where he currently stands on the makeshift "alter".
Dean feels the fears slowly begin to creep around his edges, his mind racing once more.
He has to tell him, he's running out of time, he has to stop this he can't let Cas make the biggest mist-
A hand on his shoulder rips him from his thoughts, he feels it's warmth radiating through his jacket. Their eyes meet in silence, the gravity of the situation clearly weighing on the both of them.
Dean fears he might blurt out something he'll regret for the rest of his life, but his thoughts settle. And the only thing his mind telling him to do, is reach out and tilt Cas' bowtie. So he does.
And Cas lets out a surprised laugh, and it's the most beautiful sound he's ever heard. Cas reaches out, doing the same to Dean's tie. He laughs back.
The tension melts away and Dean's mind quiets. He finally feels like he can breathe as he finds Cas' eyes again.
Then it hits him.
The angel that he fell in love with, with the ratty trench coat and backwards tie, with the smile reserved just for him, and that stupidly endearing head tilt, now stands before him. The man he loves more than anything in the world, the man who raised him from hell, the man who sacrificed everything for him, the man who saved him from himself so many times he's lost count, stands before him. In his deep green suit, with his wild hair, piercing blue eyes, a gummy smile, and a now crooked bowtie. His guardian angel, the light of his life, his best friend. This awkward, wise, dorky, powerful, ancient, little weirdo, stands before him.
And Dean is going to marry him.
The music swells pulling them from their daze, and they watch as all of their family rises and turns to face them.
Cas takes hand and squeezes, and Dean squeezes back.
Now, as Dean stares into those deep blue eyes, as they stand together on a makeshift alter, in a field of budding flowers, in front of everyone they love, tightly clasping ring-clad hands. He knows one thing for certain.
They are definitely, going to be fine.
Tag list:
@theangelwiththewormstache @smiledean @shelikestv @good-things-do-happen-dean @chaoticdean @midnightwings-deancas @jellydeans @sunshine-jack @archervale
@wikiangela @organicpurplepants @bbcalamity @tkdwolf2012 @doemons-blog @rolling-stoned-girl @skylerkernaghan @shadowywerewolfqueen @the-cookie-navy
@martymar1963 @thelahatiel @thefantasyfiend @castielle-deanna @aestheticflyer26
As always, let me know if you want to be added or removed!!!💛
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castiowl · 3 years
It's Not Traditional a lil dean/cas proposal ficlet
Dean’s not sure how he always gets saddled with popcorn duty, although he’ll be the first to admit this time he’s not too bothered by it. Sam had picked out Four Weddings and a Funeral for movie night and the aforementioned funeral is about to happen and Dean would rather not weep like a baby in front of Sam, Eileen, and Cas when Matthew recites that Auden poem.
As the popcorn bag spins in the microwave, slowly inflating, Dean considers all that’s changed in the past few months. He wasn’t sure someone could survive changing as much as he has, but then again maybe he hadn’t changed so much as he has just accepted who he is. Someone who loves Cas, first of all. Best of all. Someone who loves men and has loved men for a very long time and that’s okay. Relatedly, someone who can now openly comment on Hugh Grant’s veritable attractiveness in front of his brother, his friend, and his—what? What are they? Boyfriends? They’re not in high school, although the giddiness Dean still feels even months after the fact when Cas presses a hand to his lower back or steals a quick kiss from him at the breakfast table before shuffling off to make coffee, makes it feel a lot like obsessive, all-encompassing high school love. Dean is thrumming with it, a smile always moments away.
[Read on AO3]
Dean has also accepted that he is someone who can sit down with his brother, his friend, and his whatever and watch Four Weddings and a Funeral and only grouse about it being a chick flick for thirty seconds (he hasn’t completely tossed his reputation for hating girly shit in the trash; but he’ll never admit it’s because the girly shit makes him soft and he’s not sure his heart can take that right now) before accepting Sam’s declaration that ”it’s a classic” and absolutely required watching for Cas. Plus Eileen points out it’s one of the only movies with a deaf character whose entire plot isn’t centered around the fact that he’s deaf, even if he is a minor character.
The microwave beeps at him and he empties the contents into a bowl. As he nears the doorway to the movie and gaming den, he’s disappointed to note that Sam apparently paused the movie when Dean left. Great. He could feign a headache, he supposes, but then there is a delightful little thought that maybe Cas will take pity on his sorry, weeping self and let Dean spend the rest of the movie curled against him on the couch in his arms. They try to keep the PDA to a minimum with Sam around, but this is what he gets for bringing Four Weddings and a Funeral into the mix. He’s a sadist and he gets what he deserves.
Dean’s about to round the corner into the room when he hears his name and pauses. He hesitates because he likes to consider himself an adult who understands boundaries, but he’s also Dean Winchester and if Sam wants to talk shit about him behind his back, then Dean deserves to hear about it so he can retaliate accordingly. He’s thinking Miracle needs a bath and maybe Sam’s bedroom is the perfect place to let loose a 60-pound sopping wet dog to dry himself off on his bedsheets.
“I suppose I never considered it,” Cas is saying, his voice low but carrying in the quiet of the room. “There isn’t much that’s traditional about what we are.”
“Sure, yeah, true,” Sam replies. “But it’s not just about tradition, y’know. Anyway, I was just curious. You guys don’t have to do anything, obviously. But I just…” There’s a pause and Dean can almost perfectly conjure the image of Cas’s prying look in his mind, aimed right at Sam. “Dean’s a romantic,” Sam says finally.
Dean frowns at that, a protest rising in his throat before he can remind himself that given the last three months, he has absolutely no leg to stand on. He is a romantic. Gross.
“Well, I’m sure if Dean wanted to get married, he would tell me.”
The bowl of popcorn slips from Dean’s hands and lands with an impossibly loud clang on the floor. Married. The word has Dean completely flustered and he’s still reeling when Miracle comes trotting out of the room to investigate, spots the popcorn, and goes absolutely feral, licking up the popcorn like it’s his last meal on earth.
“Agh! Miracle! Stop it! Fuck,” Dean makes an aborted attempt to stop Miracle, but he looks like he’s discovered the holy grail, his tail wagging a mile a minute as he hoovers up the popcorn.
Dean glances up from where he’s on his knees, holding an empty bowl as Miracle frantically cleans up the mess he made.
“Hey,” Dean says and his voice cracks like the fucking traitor it is. He clears his throat. “Sorry. I’ll have to make another bowl.”
“You were eavesdropping.”
It’s not a question. But Cas has this little quirk of a smile on his face that has Dean’s heart pounding in his ears.
“Uh, yeah, well. Heard my name and had to make sure Sammy wasn’t telling lies about me.”
Cas huffs a laugh and leans against the doorway. Dean’s still on the floor and he thinks about standing but he’s not entirely sure his legs would hold him up because—
“Well, Dean, you tell me. Was Sam lying?”
“Would you like to get married?”
Just like that. Dean will never admit to this, but privately he has thought about it. Big romantic gestures involving flowers and music, and quieter proposals whispered in the dark, in their bedroom, against the nape of Cas’s neck. Dean’s always been too scared, too unsure of Cas and his thoughts on the decidedly antiquated ritual of marriage. Cas saying no is basically the worst thing Dean can imagine, and he’s seen some shit in his time. Besides, it’s only been three months.
Cas’s eyebrow has risen in a silent question. Well?
“Jesus, Cas, you can’t just ask me that like…”
“No, of course not,” Cas agrees. “And you’re already on your knees. Ask me.”
“Ask me,” he repeats and Dean can see the mirth in his eyes. The little shit loves seeing Dean squirm, but two can play at that game. Dean pulls one leg up so he’s down on one knee, the proper stance if he’s going to do this. Which, holy shit, he thinks he’s going to do this.
“Make an honest man outta me, Cas,” Dean says.
Cas rolls his eyes but he’s smiling. “Sam said you were a romantic.”
“What? That was romantic as hell.”
Cas reaches out a hand and Dean takes it. Cas pulls him to his feet. “You didn’t even tell me you loved me,” Cas points out.
Dean pulls himself into Cas’s space, their hands still clasped between them. “I also don’t have a ring,” Dean says.
“Well,” Cas says and his tongue darts out to wet his lips, Dean following the movement with great interest, “nothing we’ve done so far has been traditional. Perhaps we should keep it that way.”
Dean’s heart sinks. He should’ve figured as much. It’s not like they need something as basic as marriage to solidify what they have. It’s already perfect. Don’t fix what ain’t broke, right?
“But,” Cas continues thoughtfully, “I think I would like this to be our one exception.”
Dean swallows down the anxiety building behind his sternum. “Really?”
Cas smiles widely at that, his nose crinkling in that way that makes Dean understand why people swoon when they’re in love in old movies. Fuck, he really loves this guy.
“Marry me,” Cas says.
“Fuck yeah,” Dean replies and closes the distance between them with a fervent kiss. Cas inhales sharply and returns the kiss enthusiastically, although it’s clear they’re both fighting not to smile.
Someone clears their throat from the doorway.
Dean pulls back. He and Cas stare at one another and Dean sees reflected in Cas’s eyes what he’s feeling: pure, unadulterated, passionate love. And maybe a little lust, but it’s mostly love, Dean swears.
“If you guys are done being gross, we still have the movie to finish,” Sam says.
Dean finally looks over at his brother in the doorway who is trying his best to look peeved, but he can’t help smiling.
“Perhaps we can finish another time,” Cas says, turning to look at Sam. “My fiancé and I have some business to discuss regarding our upcoming nuptials.” He turns back to Dean and adds, “In our bedroom.”
Sam feigns gagging. “Spare me the details. Congrats or whatever. Now fuck off.”
“Gladly,” Dean replies and pulls Cas back down the hallway toward their bedroom. Dean has one thought before he lets his mind become saturated in all the simple, lurid thoughts that come with sex: Dean is going to marry the shit out of Cas.
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deancasheadcanons · 4 years
Something Only I Would Know
1.7k words
15x20 fix-it (kinda), warning for Dean being ableist, thanks to @saywhatjessie for letting me use her headcanon that Dean could’ve been paralyzed by the rusty nail
Just as Dean was hoisting his left leg onto his bed, one of the phones rang in the library. He sighed and moved his leg rest back into place, then wheeled out to the hallway, hoping he could get to the phone in time. Sam was on a hunt with Eileen out in Iowa, and Jody and Claire were taking out some werewolves up in Nowhere, Michigan, but other than that, nobody else should be calling. 
He didn’t make it in time. As he sifted through the phones to figure out where the missed call came from, something crashed in the kitchen.
“Who’s there?” he yelled forcefully, grabbing a shotgun from a table before pushing himself to the kitchen.
“Son of a bitch,” a familiar voice said just as Dean turned the corner.
He looked right at himself, all six-foot-one of himself standing in the middle of the kitchen, his legs working just fine.
“Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me,” other Dean said, progressively raising his voice until the end of the sentence was a shout. He glared up at the ceiling. “I’m gonna kill you, Chuck!”
“Which universe are you from?” Dean asked calmly.
Other Dean glared down at him, jaw clenched. “The real one. And you’re obviously from one where I’m bad enough at my job to land myself in a goddamn wheelchair. That’s real great.”
“No,” Dean said, sizing his other self up. “You’re too much like me.” A memory came back to him, something he said to himself in a situation similar to this one, years ago. “Tell me something only I would know.”
“Oh come on, don’t quote me to me.” Other Dean took a beer out of the fridge and tossed the cap in the direction of the trash can. “Although if you’re from a different universe, I guess you wouldn’t have a memory of that. I must just say the same shit in every version of myself.”
“I do have a memory of it.” 
They glared at each other.
Dean said, “Camp Chitaqua.”
Other Dean blinked. “Yeah, OK.” He took a long pull from his beer, staring pointedly at the wheelchair as he did. “What year is it?”
“It’s 2022.”
Other Dean dropped into a chair at the kitchen table. “Ah, fuck. How’d we end up crippled?”
“No. Tell me something only I would know.”
Other Dean stared at him, annoyed. He lost the staring contest after half a minute, shaking his head and scoffing and then taking another long drink of beer. He then looked down at the table and said loudly, “Cas.”
“Excuse me?”
Other Dean raised his eyes. “He told me he loved—he said he loved me. And that he realized he couldn’t have what he wanted. And then the Empty took him.”
Dean ran his tongue along his top teeth. “OK, you are me.” He pushed his wheelchair forward and moved the shotgun from his lap to the table. “And you must be from 2020.”
“Oh goddamn it, I’m gonna lose my legs that soon?” Other Dean stood and said, “Christ, I need a stronger drink.”
“We don’t have anything stronger.”
“I don’t drink anymore. The beer is for everybody else that comes through here.”
Other Dean sat back down. “Is Sam—”
“On a hunt with Eileen. Everybody’s fine. Well, except.” Dean gestured to the room and shook his head. 
“Except your legs?”
He leveled himself with an impatient glare. “No. It’s a C7 spinal cord injury, and it’s really not that big of a fucking deal. I was talking about Cas.”
Other Dean looked at his beer bottle, picking at the label with his thumbs. “Chuck is trying to show us that we have no free will. He threw me here to prove that I can’t change anything about our lives.”
“Oh, like The Time Traveler’s Wife?”
Other Dean made a face at him, but then his eyebrows raised in realization. “Right, we read that a couple years ago. Man, I forgot about that. Yeah. Like, why would I try to bring Cas back if I’m sitting here with you now, and you’re telling me Cas never came back? So what’s the point of me trying to bring him back if I already know he’s not here in 2022?”
Dean’s eyebrows knit together as he thought for a minute. Eventually he said, “I know you’re me because I never told anybody that Cas is in love with me.”
“Whoa, whoa, he didn’t say—”
“Oh, shut the fuck up.” Dean swallowed. “Let me tell you something, alright? You’re gonna spend a couple months having no fucking idea what to do with yourself, no clue how to cope, so you and Sam are gonna try to do some run-of-the-mill hunts, and guess what? On the very first one you’re gonna break your fucking back after being impaled on some shitty nail in the wall. You’re gonna spend six months laid up in bed feeling sorry for yourself, drinking yourself stupid, wanting to die, praying yourself hoarse to Cas, and Cas is not gonna fucking show up!” 
He took a ragged breath and continued, “And Jack doesn’t either. And then Sam’s gonna tell you that he needs you to get your shit together, and it’s not because he needs your help saving the world or even just needs your help on a hunt, it’s because he wants to get married, wants to marry Eileen, so you’re gonna put your sorry life back together enough to be the best man at your brother’s wedding, and that’s when you’re gonna realize that there’s more to your shit life than the selfish things that you want—things like, I don’t know, being able to walk? And having Cas.” He closed his eyes. “You’re gonna realize that Cas meant that he was in love with you, that he wanted to be with you, and you’re gonna have to deal with the enormity of that. That this—that a being so ancient and so huge and literally so incomprehensible to you that your ears bled the first time you heard him speak—that he could learn love? From your sorry ass? Look at me, Dean. Listen to what I’m saying to you.” 
He waited until other Dean looked him in the eye. “Eventually you’re gonna accept the fact that Cas lived thousands of years without doing anything other than following the will of heaven, never changing course, only to meet you and learn love so completely that the only thing he wants is to be with you. The first selfish, human desire of his life. You. And you didn’t even get the time to process it, to tell him that you love him, too, before he was gone. So the best you can do is try to actually live your fucking life, because he died to save you.”
The silence between them was heavy. Eventually other Dean said, “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because I never told anybody. Listen to me, Chuck said Cas didn’t do what he was supposed to do. He wasn’t supposed to fall in love with you—us. He changed things when he told you. So you can change things, too. Go back to your time and fucking tell somebody. Is Jack still around? For fuck’s sake, tell Jack.”
“I can’t—everything you just told me, I can’t—I haven’t…”
“Dean, listen. I know. I know how you feel. I know you, and I know you don’t trust yourself, but look at me. I’m different than you, alright? You can trust me. I just threw two years of emotional processing at you, of course you can’t deal with that. But you can do just one thing. Just one. Tell Jack.”
Other Dean studied his face. “You really are different.”
“Yeah, well.” Dean shrugged and looked at his legs. “Turns out being loved by a cosmic being changes you.”
“And being paralyzed.”
“No, trust me, that’s easier to deal with.”
Other Dean huffed a small laugh and nodded. “Uh, what are you gonna do? What happens now?”
“Don’t worry about me, you just—”
A loud crack cut Dean off, then his other self disappeared out of existence. He looked around the kitchen warily, as if something dramatic was about to happen. Instead, a phone once again began ringing in the library. 
As Dean wheeled through the hallway, he felt a splitting headache and had to stop and close his eyes. Images flashed through his brain, mostly of him and Cas, and then they abruptly stopped and he felt fine. The phone was still ringing.
He only made it a few more feet before the headache returned, worse than before. Images, so fast and loud in his head that it felt like his brain would explode. When they stopped, he blinked his eyes open and had a realization. 
“It’s not The Time Traveler’s Wife. It’s—” he did a 180 in his wheelchair and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Cas standing at the end of the hall. “ — Looper.”
“Ah, we’ve finally caught up, then?” Cas said shyly as he walked toward Dean. He squatted in front of him, not in a patronizing way, but as a gesture of trust, submission. “You said it would be soon. You made me watch Looper so I would understand . Does your head feel alright?”
Dean put his hand to Cas’ face, delicately, like he might disappear if he touched him too much. “Cas.”
Cas turned his head and kissed Dean’s palm, then held his hand against his face and smiled at him. “I’m right here.”
The memories kept coming back to Dean, the changed timeline, his past self defeating Chuck and immediately telling Jack that he had to bring Cas back because he never got the chance to tell him he loved him, too. Then—still getting hurt on a hunt, still needing time to process and adjust, to give up drinking, learn how to accept Cas’ love and to love Cas properly in return—but easier this time, because Cas was there. Cas gave him space and time, all while loving him and taking care of him.
Dean took a deep breath. “C’mere, Cas.”
He didn’t wait. He pulled Cas up into his arms and buried his face in his neck and said, “I love you, you can have me. You can have me forever.”
Cas laughed gently. “I know, Dean. I love you, too.”
The Time Traveler's Wife (book) - Henry has no agency and no free will because he time travels randomly to different parts of his life and therefore knows everything that happens before it happens, and can't change any of it.
Looper (movie) - When people time travel to the past and try to change their lives, their memories change in the present as the timeline of their lives change.
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The Deal
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader
Words: 1.1k
Summary: You made a deal for your soul to bring Sam back.
Warnings: explicit language, angst, a bit of fluff and hurt
a/n: This is part 1 of the Control series. I hope all of you like this fic!!!!!
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There you stood in the middle of the crossroads, you set the metal tin container in the hole in the gravel. You covered it with the rough rocks and you stood back. You wiped the tears off your face as you looked around. 
You wanted the stupid demon to show up so you could make a deal. You downed the rest of the whiskey and you tossed it across the road. It shattered on the gravel as you got more frustrated.
“Come on, you red-eyed bitch!” You yelled as you looked around.
“Quiet, hun. You’ll wake the neighbors.” Came a voice from behind you. You turned around and saw a beautiful woman with red eyes. You scowled at her before you sighed and rubbed your temple. “Would you look at this? Little Y/n/n Winchester making deals with demons.” 
“I need my husband back.” You said, as more tears filled your eyes. 
“You’re pathetic.” She scoffed, and you growled as your anger bubbled up. 
“I want ten years just like everyone else.” You said as she stared you down. She laughed mockingly as she circled you. 
“You’re not everyone else.” She stated and pointed at you. 
You sighed and let out a sniffle. “Five years.” She shook her head. “Three years.” Still, she disagreed. “Two years. Deal or no deal.” You said and she walked up till her lips were inches away from yours. 
“Then no deal.” She whispered. and pulled away with a laugh. 
“Please, I have no one. Dean won’t talk to me and Bobby won’t even look me in the eyes.” You sighed, as a few tears fell down your cheeks. She hesitates before turning back around. 
“I’ll give you one year and one only. You try to wrench or wiggle your way out of the deal, Sam drops dead.” She warned, and you walked over to her. “Do we have a deal?” She asked, and you gripped the back of her head and kissed her lips.
You pull away and let go of her head. “Deal.” You whispered, and she smirked before she disappeared. You sighed and you felt a stronghold deep inside of you, but you walked to your jeep. 
You get into the driver’s seat and you drop your head down on the steering wheel. You leaned back as tears streamed down your face when the weight of what you just did hit you.
You wiped your tears before starting to drive back to the cabin. You parked and got out as you sniffled quietly wanting nothing more than to cuddle up with your husband. 
You walked in and froze when you saw Dean hugging someone. They pulled away and you saw it was Sam and your heart swelled. You walked up to him and he smiled at you. You cupped his face softly as more tears fell down your cheeks.
“Is that you?” You asked with a hopeful smile. 
“Why wouldn’t it be me?” Sam asked with a chuckle, and you smiled and kissed him passionately. He placed his hands on your hips as he kissed back with just as much passion. You pulled away and rested your forehead against his. 
“I thought I lost you.” You whispered, and he shook his head.
“I could never leave you.” He whispered, and you two pulled away when you heard Dean clear his throat. You turned to him and saw the look on his face and you sighed. 
“Hey, Y/n. Can I talk to you outside for a minute?” Dean asked, and you looked at him and nodded. You two walked outside and he growled. “What did you do?!”
“What do you think I did?” You asked with a snark.
“How many years did you get?” You stayed silent. “Y/n?”
“A year.” You sighed, and his eyes went wide as he looked at you.
“Are you kidding me? A damn year?” He asked and he looked away and ran a hand over his face.
“I needed him back. You needed him.” You said and he shook his head. 
“I didn’t want him back like this.” He stated and started off to the house. “I gotta tell him.” 
“Dean, no!” You yelled and grabbed his arm and he turned around. “Please, he can’t know.” You pleaded with tears in your eyes. 
“Fine, but you have to tell him.” He sighed, and you let go of his arm. 
“Thank you.” You whispered and blinked away your tears and you went back to the cabin. How were you going to tell him about your deal?
You packed up the guns in the back of the Impala and you looked at your beautiful Opal wedding ring. You remembered getting married in the crappy chapel in Vegas but it was the happiest day of your life. You two were so happy and to this day you still are.
After losing Sam then almost losing him again, you just wanted to cuddle up with him till the hounds come and take you. The devil’s gate has been closed and Azazel is dead, you felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders. 
You had no idea how to tell Sam about your deal. You knew he would be mad, but you were afraid of him leaving you. You sighed and leaned against the trunk of the car.
“You okay, baby?” Sam asked from behind you, and you jumped a bit and turned around to him.
“Yeah. It’s just been a long day.” You said, and he wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“It has. I’m happy that you’re safe.” He smiled, and he kissed your forehead softly. You smiled and you knew you had to tell him. 
“Me too.” You whispered, then you pulled away. “I gotta tell you something.” You sighed and placed your hands on his chest.
“What’s wrong, sweets?” He asked with a concerned look on his face. Your heart throbbed with heartbreak as you looked at his face.
“Um, when that kid stabbed you, you did die. Technically.” You stated, and you kept your eyes on the buttons of his flannel. “And I made a deal to get you back.” 
His heart dropped. You made a deal for him? He couldn’t live without you. You were his rock, his love, his queen. But that was probably why you did what you did because you loved him. 
“Baby, no.” He sighed, as he saw your tears knowing that you weren’t lying. He had tears of his own in his eyes as he looked at you. “How long?”
“A year.” You croaked out as your voice cracked. His tears fell and he pulled you to his chest. You sobbed as you tugged on his shirt. 
“Why did you do that?” He asked, with a small sniffle. 
“I couldn’t let you die.” You whispered, as your tears soaked his shirt. “I need you.” 
“But, baby, I need you.” He whispered, and you looked up at him and pressed your lips to his. You two were going to figure this out together.
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Spencer Reid x Reader
Request: Spencer has made an enemy with an unsub. The team believes it’s over after they catch him, but they don’t realize one big detail; unsub isn’t working alone and that partner has gone after Spencer’s girl. Will Spencer make it in time to save her? 
// Anon request: can u do one where reid saves the reader from getting kidnapped or shot pls🥺🥺 //
// Anon request:  ok this might be confusing but can u do one where the team goes on a case, but like the unsub actually had a partner back at reid and the readers apartment and kidnaps her and he gets super like protective and cute and like awe reid is so baby🥺🥺 // 
A/N: sucker for angst. So I combined these two requests because they’re so similar. I steered away from the request a little and may have gotten carried away while writing it, but I’m kind of proud of this one. Thank you both for your request! I hope you enjoy :) xx 
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
I am currently taking requests for:
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Supernatural (I’m only up to season 2, so please don’t request something with spoilers)**
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNER
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Finally, the BAU team tracked down the unsub. Currently he is in custody, chained to the interrogation desk. This was the man who’d taunted the BAU team for months. He’d sent them on numerous goose chases and they finally caught up to him when he made a mistake, which then led to his capture. This man got under Spencer’s skin the last time they faced him and since then Spencer did everything in his power to find him and take him down.
The first time they had caught up to the man at his home, they were all shocked to the core, Spencer specifically. Inside the home, the team found a room dedicated to photos of him and his wife, in their home, his wife at the grocery store, the two of them on dates. The man had been following them, taking photos of them, invading their privacy. Spencer was sick at the thought and since then, he couldn’t sleep until he knew his wife was safe. Until he knew the man was put behind bars.
The man had killed numerous women, up and down the coast. They caught up to him outside of Georgetown and when they arrived at his home, he’d already slipped away into the darkness. The man had laid low for a few weeks, then the murders began again, this time, the women favoring Spencer’s wife. Spencer and the team knew exactly who was behind these murders. He was back, this time in a small town on the coast of South Carolina. After the 3rd woman, the man made a mistake and slipped up, allowing the team to finally put an end to this.
However, the BAU team made a mistake, a very big one. They’d missed key information, that could potentially put the woman Spencer loved in danger.
Spencer stood across from the man that had tormented him and his wife for months, anger boiling inside him. It took everything he had not to reach across the table and strangle the man.
“This is the end for you. You’re facing charges for over 20 women up and down the east coast.” He slammed his hands against the metal table, “You’re facing the death penalty. You will get what you deserve!”
The unsub smirked, “Oh but Dr. Reid, this isn’t the end. You really didn’t think I would leave without making sure your suffering will continue?” He sits a little straighter in his seat, leaning forward, “Tell me Dr. Reid, have you spoke to your wife today? Told her you loved her?”
Spencer straightens, fear washing over him. He hadn’t spoke to you today. He was caught up in the case to bother to call you. The unsub began to laugh wickedly, seeing Spencer’s fear. Spencer then stormed out of the interrogation room, the rest of the team waiting by the door. Hotch already on the phone, “We need officer’s at (you and Spencer’s address) right now!”
The team was in South Carolina, you were back at your home in Quantico. He checked the time. It was Thursday, 5:43 pm. You would have been on your way home from work by now. You would have stopped by the grocery store on 4th to get groceries to cook dinner. Thursday’s were chicken night. He knew you probably would have splurged and bought a bottle of wine for yourself along with cookies. Cookies were your weakness.
Spencer’s hands began to shake, “How could we have missed this?” He roughly runs his hands through his hair. How could he have missed that this unsub had a partner? How could he be so stupid?
“Reid, calm down. Hotch has officer’s on their way to your home now.” Morgan tried to calm his friend, but all Spencer seen was red.
“I’m going to kill him.” He mumbles. Before anyone can act, Spencer has barged into the interrogation room and has thrown the unsub into the wall, his hands wrapped tightly around his throat.
“Reid! Stop!” Hotch and Morgan are grabbing at Spencer, trying to pull him off the man.
“You sick bastard!” Spencer’s hands tighten and he can feel the life draining from the unsub.
“Reid if you kill him, we have no way of finding her!” Hotch yells, ripping Spencer off the man. Morgan’s arms wrap around Spencer’s body, holding him back, “Kid, you got to calm down!”
“Get him out of here!” Hotch yells at Morgan, who begins dragging Spencer out of the room, the door clicking shut behind them.
“Morgan, he’s got her… he’s got y/n..” Spencer’s body goes limp in Morgan’s grip and begins wracking with sobs.
You push open the door with your foot, your hand full of groceries. You only needed a few things for dinner, but you hoped Spencer would be home this weekend so you two could spend the weekend at home, binge watching tv and eating your weight in junk food. You grunt, setting the grocery bags on the counter. Slipping your shoes off by your bedroom door, you enter the kitchen and begin putting away groceries, continuing to play your playlist you were jamming in the car to.
Your body tenses as you feel the cold barrel of a gun pressed against your back, “don’t move.”
Your breathing becomes rapid and you slowly raise your arms, “Please.. please don’t do this.” You whisper.
The man puts a cloth over your mouth and you thrash, trying to keep it away. “No!” You throw your head back into the man’s nose and groan. That hurt more than you thought it would. The man staggers back against the counter, holding his nose, “You bitch!”
Your head throbs and spins as you slip passed him and head for the door. Just as your hands grasp the door, the man grabs you, throwing you into the wall, the mirror falling to the floor and shattering. Your body falling into the broken glass.
 You whimper as he grabs you by your hair, your hands going to his, “Let me go!” He drags you along the floor into the living room, tossing you into the coffee table. Pain shoots across your body, but you ignore it grabbing a vase from the side table, hitting him in the side of the face. He falls to the ground and you stagger to your feet heading for the door once more, but you never make it.
A gun shot rings through the home you and Spencer shared. The last thing you see is the smiling photo of you and Spencer on the wall. It was your wedding photo, taken moments after you two promised to love and protect each other.
Spencer and the team were on the jet within the hour, heading back to Quantico. Back to you. When the police arrived at you and his home, they found the door opened, broken glass and a trail of blood out the door, but you were no where in sight.
He stares aimlessly at the wall in front of him, the gears in his head running a mile a minute. He racked his brain wondering how it come to this. He had caught the unsub that had terrorized you two. He promised you after he was caught, this would all be over. You two could live normal lives. Now, the unsub was locked in cell somewhere, but you were gone, disappeared. The only thing left was a blood trail out the door.
“Kid.. we’re going to find her.” Morgan says quietly, his hand going to Spencer’s shoulder.
“We won’t stop until we do. She’s family, Reid.” Emily says, taking a seat next to him.
He figured he was in shock. He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t function. When they arrived at your shared home, he could see you put up a fight. Those self defense classes must have helped. He glances at the kitchen counter, the groceries still there, untouched. Sure enough, there sat a bottle of wine and a box of cookies. He’s broken from his trance as Hotch’s cellphone rings.
He’s nodding, listening intently to what someone’s saying. He looks up at the team standing in the living room, “That was the sheriff from next town over. Said he just received a call about a woman stumbling up onto a porch, bloodied and beaten. Thinks it could be y/n.”
Spencer’s heart was beating out of his chest as Morgan drove to the hospital. The sheriff informed Hotch, they took her to the hospital immediately. She suffered extensive injuries, but kept telling people she escaped, that a man had kidnapped her and kept muttering that she needed to speak with Spencer Reid.
He practically ran into the hospital to the room where the unknown woman was. His heart dropped when he entered. It wasn’t you laying on the bed. He slowly walked over to the bed, the woman’s head rolled over to face Spencer, wincing as she sat up a little.  
“Are you Spencer Reid?” The woman asks. Spencer only nods in response.
“Your wife…” Her voice is hoarse, “She saved my life.”
“Y/n? How? What happened?”
“The man brought her in, there was blood everywhere. I thought she was dead. But he left her in the room with me. I rushed to her side and she had a pulse. He’d shot her in the side. The bullet grazed her. I patched her up with what I had. Which was only a few t shirts. She finally woke up later that night. She told me that she knew where we were, she’d woken up long enough during the ride. We were in the middle of the woods, not far from civilization. So, we thought of a plan. She knew she couldn’t run so she told me to run and get help. She would attack the man when he came in. She made me promise if I got out, to tell them I needed to talk to Spencer Reid. It was late that night, the man came into the room and she attacked him from behind. I was able to slip out the door and I ran to find help.”
Spencer was quick to get on the phone with Penelope with the information. She worked her magic and soon there was a location.
Swat and the BAU team had the small cabin surrounded. There was no way out of this for the guy. He knew that. When he entered into the room, he was panicked. You used that to your advantage and was able to fight the gun from him, getting a clear shot through his chest.
Spencer’s heart stopped as the gunshot was heard. “Move in!” Swat yelled and begin closing in on the home.
Morgan was the one who saw it first. The door began to open and a figure limped out of the door. “Hold your fire!” 
It was you. You were safe. Before he knew it, he was running to you, his body colliding with yours.
“Spencer!” You cried. The collision sent pain through your body, but you ignored it. Spencer was here. You were in Spencer’s arms and that is all that mattered.
Spencer’s body wracked with sobs and he held you, “Oh god… I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.”
You shook your head, “I’m okay. I’m fine..” You pulled away to look at him. He looked rough. Bags under his eyes. His face was red and wet from crying. A tear slipped down your cheek and you wrapped your arms around him again.
“I love you so much… god I love you.” He says into your hair.
“I love you too…”
Spencer carried you to the ambulance and he never left your side, riding in the ambulance to the hospital. He never let go of your hand either, scared that he would lose you if he were to let go. He finally had to let you go as they took you into the hospital. He didn’t want to leave your side then, but your reassured him, you would be fine. You were safe and everything would be okay.
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Save Me, I'll Save You Too
dean and cas somehow save sam, and when he goes through their cabin, he finds their wedding picture and rings
rated m
Save Me, I'll Save You Too
Dean shouldn’t be alive. Sam shouldn’t be alive– not this kind of alive, without the fallen angel propping him up. Cas for fucking sure shouldn’t be alive. He’d been the sacrifice. Didn’t god always demand a sacrifice?
But somehow they’re all here, all sitting in this truck. Stunned.
Cas has something in his pocket that could make him float away. But he knows he should be on the ground.
For Sam.
So he closes his eyes, clenches his fists until small red crescents form on his palms.
Pain is grounding.
Dean keeps asking if he’s okay.
Sam has no idea. What does that even mean? He can walk. He can blink his eyes. He remembers how to drink water, how to chew food. He thinks, far off, that food used to taste better, but maybe that’s just a consequence of being a vessel for so long.
But is he okay?
He thinks Cas understands. There’s something in his eyes. Not sympathy. He wouldn’t do that. But… compassion. Like he knows what it means to be lost.
It doesn’t take long to get Sammy settled. Of course in Dean’s cabin, he can’t leave his brother alone. Not now. Not like this.
It’s dark when Cas pulls Dean from his cabin.
Give him some space. He doesn’t know what’s going on. Hovering won’t help.
Dean glares. There’s no moon, and they’re away from the lights, but Cas knows the glare is there.
You don’t get to–
I’m not. I’m just trying to help your brother. He makes sure the “your” is pointed. It stings.
There’s a huff from Dean.
Come on, Cas says, the ghost of a smile on his lips. You know you want it.
He’s biting his lower lip, holding the scream inside, holding everything inside.
It’s so hot, so good, so safe– above Cas, inside him, surrounded by him. Nothing can touch him here, nothing else exists, only Dean and his angel.
And then there’s a fracture– just a hairline, but enough to let a tear trace down Dean’s cheek. Because the angel isn’t his. Not anymore. Not really.
Oh, Cas beckons and Dean follows and they fall together into this place they both need, but it isn’t–
And then Cas moans and grips him oh so tightly and he forgets everything but the white hot pleasure.
He wishes he could keep Dean right here, like this. Curled up against him, the mattress heavy with the weight of two. He remembers–
But no. Those are forbidden thoughts. With his eyes he traces the whorls in the rough-hewn walls of the candlelit cabin. He thinks of the pill in the pocket of his jeans, tossed carelessly on the floor. When Dean leaves, Cas will forget.
He will fly.
He counts the leaves visible in the patch of sky through the small, dirty window.
He can’t sleep. His head is too quiet.
He can’t meet Cas’s eyes at breakfast, remembering the night. Sammy’s back at the cabin– must be exhausted, still asleep– so Dean’s getting him some food. Feels like old times. Except there’s no Lucky Charms this time. No pancakes or bacon. Just tasteless oatmeal and some canned peaches. Real gourmet fare.
Fuck he misses coffee.
He’s crossing the camp when Sam appears.
What the hell is this?
Sam thrusts a small wooden box towards Dean.
Oh shit.
He hears Cas come up beside him, pause, curse.
I brought you breakfast.
He knows it’s weak, but he can't talk about this right now. Not in the open, not when Sam’s… not himself.
Sam smacks the tray, sends food flying everywhere.
I don’t give a fuck about breakfast. What is this?
A shout from across the small clearing: Hey boss! I don’t care if he’s your brother, we don’t waste food here.
Dean’s look is enough to send her away. Most everyone else, too.
Sam holds out the box. Again. Accusing.
When was this?
Dean looks at the box. Looks away.
Cas does the same.
Before, they mumble together.
Before I fell from Grace.
Before I gave up hope.
Dean’s got that look, that “there have to be words around here somewhere” look.
It was– He flounders, looks to Cas for help. Cas keeps his gaze elsewhere.
Sam looks from one to the other, anger rising in his stomach. It’s an odd sensation, it’s been so long since he’s felt…
You know what, Dean? Just stop. Because I can see the excuses coming, and I don’t give a fuck about that. He looks at them both, hard. Are you telling me you had something good– something truly real– in this hell, and you, what… quit?
Dean bristles. I never quit! At anything! I just–
And what about you? Sam rounds on Cas. I barely recognize you. Better to wash yourself of this whole planet than admit something makes you happy, I guess.
Sam tosses the box at their feet. Photos scatter– Dean and Cas smiling at each other, dancing, kissing. Wildflower crowns on their heads. A gold ring rolls until it comes to rest in a patch of dirt.
Why did you save me? Only the three of them can hear. Why bother, if family and love don’t matter anymore?
The beat of Cas’s heart roars in his ears. He grasps at it, wraps it around himself like a ...coat. He looks at Dean, deep into emerald eyes.
He thinks, Yes.
He thinks, I'm afraid, but I'll try.
He says, Go for a walk?
Dean nods, the movement barely perceptible.
Cas’s heart still races, roars, but it’s not enough to drown out Dean beside him. He tries to talk a few times, but Cas stops him with a hand and a glance.
Cas knows when they’ve gone far enough. Without warning he pushes Dean against a tree, rough. Dean’s eyes go wide, his breath catches in his throat.
Cas leans in; Dean expects a kiss and tries to close the gap, but Cas pulls away. Dean looks… surprised. And a bit hurt.
Look in my eyes, Dean.
Dean’s eyes flick back and forth, searching.
I’m not high. You can see it– no red eyes, no dilated pupils. And you can hear it in my voice? Just me?
Dean nods, then, Yeah, Cas. You’re here. Soft as a feather.
They’re still pressed together, faces almost touching.
I’ve wanted to say this for weeks. Months. A year? Maybe more. I just– I can’t do this without you. Can–
He feels the tear run down his cheek, but he doesn’t care. It’s just salt water.
Can we try again? Please? I–
He sees Cas drowning, decides to save him.
Just like that.
Then, because he knows what Cas wanted to say, I love you too, Cas.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yes, I know that a(n almost) kiss and an "I love you" can't make everything better. I've said those exact words to my husband, and I'm pretty sure he's said them to me! But it's a crack, a spark, a first step towards healing. Healing takes work, but without a first step there's no chance at all.
And Sam will be okay. He needs lots of time, and love, but he's got the help he needs.
NaPoWriMo Day 7
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chaoticdean · 4 years
Can I pls pls pls get a sweet fic with Cas contemplating just how exquisitely his husband (i am a sucker for loving married destiel fics) has aged into this *swoons* beautiful beautiful devastatingly handsome man (his beard and the length of his hair *swoons again*) plsss
Sorry it took me an actual eternity, but here ya go! ❤️
The sun shining light through the curtain slots slowly pulls Dean from a very comfortable sleep, with a side of light grumbling (who the fuck decided it was a good idea to put blinds instead of blackout curtains in that goddamn room?!). The hunter reaches for the other half of the bed, only meeting emptiness and cold sheets, which makes the grumbles turn into groans. He hops on his feet then, making his way down the stairs and to the kitchen, knowing very well he’ll find him here.
“Hi,” he says lightly, his voice still rough with sleep, dropping a soft kiss right there in the hollow of his neck, where it’s warm and inviting and smells just like Cas, “Watcha doing? I woke up and you weren’t in bed with me.”
And I hated it, you know I hate waking up without you all tangled up around me like a goddamn koala, it makes me scared that maybe all of this is a dream and I’m finally waking up to an empty bed in a ghost house.
Both his arms have found their way around the former angel’s waist and are now tucked under his shirt — well, really, Dean’s shirt, but the hunter stopped keeping track of what’s his and what’s his husbands, well over a decade ago already — resting against his bare skin, and Dean tightens against Castiel’s back, even letting his eyes fall shut again as he instantly relaxes against him.
“Hey,” Cas respond with a smile, raising his head and turning just enough to get a look at his sleepy, grumpy husband, “wanted to make breakfast before we head out. There’s a fresh pot of coffee on the counter, if you want.”
“You’re a fucking saint.”
“Well, technically…”
“Babe, I know, shut it,” Dean groans as he smiles, dropping another kiss behind Cas’ ear before he lets go of his warmth and makes his way to said fresh pot of coffee, “Thank you.”
He pours himself a cup — in that stupid one that Jack gifted him last Christmas, the one that says “My son went to Canada and all I got was this stupid coffee mug” and that Dean loves so much — and watches as Castiel finishes making scrambled eggs, wearing only a pair of boxer briefs and that old faded black rock band shirt that suited Dean just fine but somehow fits tighter on Castiel’s broad shoulders and muscular body (which is truly infuriating and slightly hot, by the way).
Ten years might have passed since they defeated Chuck, and sure they might have gotten older, hair might have turned grayer, but Cas is looking just as fine as he did 10 years ago (which means he looks like a goddamn model).
Not that Dean has any complaint whatsoever, but he’s self-conscious about himself enough to know he doesn’t look as good as he used to, flat tummy turned into small pudge and love handles be damned.
“How old are you again?” Dean asks over his cup, sipping his coffee as he watches his husband turn around and put the scrambled eggs in one single plate.
“Mhm, 3.92 billion years, give or take one or two millennia,” Cas answers absent-mindedly as he proceeds to wash the pan right away, “but you know that already.”
“Ya, I do,” Dean grins as Castiel dries his hand, looking at Dean curiously.
The former angel grabs the plate and sets it in front of Dean, “eat.”
“C’mere,” Dean motions for Cas to come and sit on his lap, and suddenly his husband his right against him, Ocean blues meet Forrest green, “God, you look beautiful.”
Castiel’s hand finds its way to Dean’s face, cupping his cheek as he smiles wide, and Dean’s find their way under Cas’ shirt again, resting on his back. The silver wedding ring on the former angel’s finger attracts the sun’s light as he lowers his face to kiss his husband.
Dean had thought, back then, that at some point the feeling going with kissing his angel would fade, that it would turn into something normal, some kind of routine, but it never did.
It still tastes like the sun on his face, like he’s riding some stupid rainbow and discovering a whole new galaxy altogether.
“Happy Anniversary, babe,” Cas murmurs against his lips once they part, and Dean kisses him again right here and there, just because he can.
“I love you.”
“I know,” the former angel smiles, “I love you, too.”
It’s not like it’s as taboo as it used to be for Dean. It took him a long time to be able to say it without feeling like he might explode, and he still remembers the first time it passed his lips to land on Castiel’s ecstatic face. But there’s still this thrill going down his spine every time his husband does, this deep feeling of possessiveness, of feeling like he finally belongs. With him.
Castiel glides a finger over Dean’s scruff along his jaw, watching him closely with half a smile on his lips, “you look just like you did back then.”
“Which is?”
His lips are on Dean’s jaw now, making their way to his temple, and Dean delights in the little shiver that goes through his body as Castiel’s lips move on his skin.
“Now you’re pushing it.”
“Beautiful. Superb. Marvelous. Do I get to keep going?” Castiel says, his voice muffled as he goes down Dean’s neck, a silent moan rising from the hunter's throat.
“Mhm, as much as I’d like to believe you, I know you’re lying.”
“I don’t lie.”
Dean rolls his eyes then, because of fucking course Castiel fucking Winchester who “doesn’t get words wrong”, doesn’t lie, except when he wants his husband to feel good.
“All the extra weight on my body and grey hair on my head and face would like to kindly disagree,” he answers with a self-deprecating smile.
“Dean,” Castiel grabs him by the chin, locking-eyes with him, “If you don’t stop bringing yourself down I’m seriously going to get mad.”
“I like it when you get mad,” Dean answers, turning his smile into a mischievous one.
Castiel fits his lips against Dean’s once more and they share a truly filthy kiss, just because they can do that now in the middle of their kitchen, in the house they’ve bought for themselves all those years ago. When they part, Dean still has that dazed look on his face as he watches his husband rise from his lap and feels him press against his back Hal a second later, lips back on his neck.
“You look beautiful to me. I don’t care if your hair turns grey, or if you gain weight, or if you need your 8 hours instead of 4, or if you fall asleep in front of Jeopardy every night. I don’t give a shit, Dean.”
Dean smiles then, Castiel’s lips kissing inside his neck, because goddamit Castiel swearing has a way of going straight to Dean’s dick.
“You’re my husband, and you look beautiful, and I love you,” he drops a soft kiss on his cheek then, both his hand roaming on Dean’s chest, and Dean can’t resist but holding on to those strong arms that still make his night feel safe after so long already, “but if you don’t think you look good, maybe we should head for our bed right now and I’ll show you how beautiful you look to me.”
“That certainly sounds exciting.”
“It does, right?”
“Not sure Sam and Eileen will be on board if we arrive 3 hours late to Charlotte’s christening though,” Dean smiles, already feeling the arousal rise.
“Bold of you to assume it’s going to take me this long to toss you into oblivion, but I also don’t give a shit.”
“Fuck you,” Cas giggles as Dean rises up.
They make it 20 minutes late, and neither Sam nor Eileen has the heart to call them out on it, because both of them are beaming like actual rays of sunshine, and little Charlie can’t get enough of her uncles “Ca’n’Dee”.
Send me a quick prompt and I’ll do my best
(also, if you’ve send me one already and I haven’t done it yet, it’s on my to-do lost, I’m just being terribly and fashionably late as usual)
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do-you-have-a-flag · 3 years
Destiel shippers come get ya’ll juice!
SO @deadwright​ and I were inspired by Some Tumblr Posts and the twitter Roadhouse  Wedding stuff and keep writing headcanons about Thee Destiel 2021 Married Ever After S16 SPN Romantic Event Of The Season, so here’s that. 
Arranged in order of marital chronology and cutting out us keysmashing too much:
oh man imagine all the burgers they get catered for the reception dean got it done himself he would’ve been so particular about the catering bridezilla cas would probably be THEE bitchiest bridezilla
it's also definitely that trope where all the other hunters ect KNOW that that many of them and the wedding party are essentially a target for trouble so everyone spends the 24 hours leading up to the vows taking out every beastie who shows up on a revenge kick out of sight because they'll be damned if they let ANYTHING stop this wedding and Dean and cas are both having their marital jitters oh god im not good enough what if something goes wrong about mundane things while monsters are getting their ass kicked outside AWWWWWWWW for sure for sure, they’re hunter royalty this wedding is a big deal like half the attendees are nursing injuries but grinning widely
they don't do the can't see eachother before the wedding thing because you KNOW dean would be fixing cas' tie last minute
dean wears a blue pocket square to match cas' tie cas wears a FLANNEL SQUARE
I’m obsessed w the idea of cas giving dean a little bit of his grace in a small bottle on a chain for him to wear or like a wing feather or some part of him god the grace in a bottle breaks me every time in fic dean probably builds cas something but every time i try to think of something specific i choke up
i was thinking like what if trading grace is as close to a romantic gesture as angels have and he's like..... technically i left some grace behind in your mark when i dragged you from the pit and dean is like ARE YOU SAYING WE'VE BEEN MARRIED THIS WHOLE TIME? 
they are so sweet i’m on the verge of tears the ability to do anything by halves in their relationship was burnt out by like the second return from the dead moment they are too insane to be anything less than All In And Then Some
at one point someone was like hey cas do you want to run your vows by someone as practice? and he started reading what he'd prepared and it devolved into Biblically Grand Statements Of The Power Of Love And The Redemption Of - ect ect ect and it's because unlike the confession scene he's had TOO much preparation and overshot into uncanny angelic vibes he makes some edits because he know the expressions he gets when he reads it aren't what he intended
dean writes page after page after page of unused drafts, none of them are particularly floral
he does the cliche of ripping up his vows and improvising at the altar, something he gets mercilessly teased for because he swore he wouldn't but it classifies as a chick flick moment
THAT’S SO PEAK HIM OH MY GOD and you knoooooow you just KNOW it’s beautiful and emotional and everyone is crying
god the NOVELTY of dean being emotionally honest in front of people......im gonna faint YEA yeah... ONE TIME ONLY DEAL he thinks loudly at Sam's smug expression
anyway, at the wedding dean is the one who spends the whole ceremony with like crying cat meme eyes after the confession scene i’m pretty sure the minute the vows start cas is in the same boat USELESS HUSBANDS dean gets passed a handkerchief for his tears and immediately goes to use it on cas' face and they both laugh sob love the idea that everyone individually thought they were too tough to cry but they all broke at various stages yeah sam definitely starts to choke up just standing up there with his brother sam chokes up before the ceremony even started, like probably when he was pinning on dean’s corsage
anyway, Jack dancing with his two dads at the reception CAS’ BEST MAN / FLOWER BOY FLOWER MAN let him heelie down the aisle with the flowers LITTLE MAN GO NYOOM who makes him a little flower crown he wears with a proud lil smile? claire ofc, with those hair braiding skills? she makes it BEAUTIFUL flower crown: on nails: painted dads: MARRIED!!!!
when they say i do and kiss and everyone is cheering you can't convince me that someone doesn't let off what is either a gun or a dubiously legal firework in celebration jack pops a few lightbulbs in his uncontrollable joy
Dean and Cas can't let go of each other, it's at LEAST one point of physical contact for the rest of the reception PERIODT
they definitely didn't do the wedding gifts thing but a few mysteriously show up anyway; discuss waffle iron from sam bc he remembers the becky incident meanwhile claire gets them flavoured lube because she’s an insane little mean girl she gets them a sampler package with like novelty flavours, gotta spring extra for a wedding PIE FLAVOURED LUBE
it’s gonna be the party of the century omfg you KNOW it! that dancefloor going OFF the BAR is FLOWING
dean gets dragged up onto the bar to make a speech and there's a moment at the end where he drags cas up there too and they're being playfully yelled at not to scuff it and there's hooting and catcalls as dean and cas kiss and dean gestures rudely before almost falling backwards off the bar before cas grabs him and climbing down is less romantic or dignified but he couldn't care if he wanted to
meanwhile sam and claire are outside defacing the impala with silly string and lewd graffiti and tin cans tied to the bumper for the going-away oh it is one hundo percent a just married atrocity there's enough condoms hidden in the car that they're still finding them months later
anyway wanna hear my disgustingly soppy honeymoon roadtrip concept? YOU KNOW I DO OKAY SO
you know at some point dean must have said some sad thing like for the longest time he never thought he'd live long enough to get married and the only circumstances he could imagine was hooking up drunkenly with a stranger at some vegas wedding scenario like that's the best he would ever get and he thinks it's mostly forgotten but then during their cross country honeymoon roadtrip castiel does in fact navigate them to las vegas and quietly mutters that the legal veracity of the little chapel on the city limits is dubious at best and they're already married so it couldn't do any harm and they get officiated by an elvis impersonator and a woman wearing more sequins than fabric throws cheap confetti over them
and after that they stop into every venue they can find that would be friendly to them to pretend they're eloping and at one point dean even pulls out the fbi id badges and the officiant is under the impression he's facilitating some sort of covert workplace romance 
one place is a kitchy little house that's clearly just the couple who run it opening their strange home to anyone who needs it and have been since the 70s and Castiel thinks for a moment when they're asked to pin something to the collection of stuff on the walls and ceiling before pulling the receipt for the pie they'd shared earlier in a dinner out and scrawling his and dean's name on it to be added to the clutter 
and at one point they stand ankle deep in a pond while some old hippie lady wraps their clasped hands together with soft fabric and chants something that dean knows isn't real magic but hey he's not going to tell her that and after the ceremony they sit on the grass and feed each other sweet bread to complete the binding or whatever and it's nice but it doesn't compare to the ranch where they both tossed their cowboy hats in the air and were given a horse to ride to their camp site
i thought about riverboat gambling for point one seconds and now i know in my bones that one of their many weddings was on a riverboat, they made the captain officiate after cornering him on deck in like five minutes, the crew sent them complimentary champagne and they threw fries at the birds following the boat while sharing it straight out of the bottle
if destiel can go canon multiple times they can get married multiple times CHANGE MY MIND THEY GET MARRIED SO MUCH the MOST married i just want them to get gay cowboy married
eventually i want them to end up at the beach bc dean has canonically never been to the coast their road trip is to get to the other coast
they send just married postcards back to sam from every stop sam stops feeling hurt he was left out of their vegas elopement wedding by the third wedding postcard he recieves sam saves them ofc bc GOD can you imagine them looking at the postcards on their 30th anniversary or s/t 🥺 showing their grandkids and recounting the story of each wedding there's a seashell taped to the last one
cas gets a terrible sunglasses tan and dean gets burnt on the tips of his ears and there's sand on sand on sand in all their clothes and at one point dean is blinking away salt water and cas is gripping his arm and saying something about the coral by them in the water and dean thinks that he likes floating beside cas a lot better than flying
dean has cas pick ice cream for them from a truck and hustles at carnival games enough to win them both big novelty foam hats and they both go back to their room and pass out immediately post shower sprawled across the bed and still smelling like sunscreen and salt water
dean tucks a little cocktail umbrella behind cas’ ear
cas spends most of the next day in dean's zepplin shirt and a pair of shorts they only picked up once they got there because neither of them thought to bring beach clothes, they sit on the balcony and dean sips his beer and idly plays with the ring on cas' finger and they play a game of what fictional monsters could they beat in a fight
cas’ true form is the size of the chrysler building he can fight king kong easy that's what he says and dean's like okay but what about mothra and castiel is like how would YOU defeat mothra and dean just goes "bugspray." GDJSGSHSGSHDSJ DEAN WOULD
in honour of misha putting his whole pussy into the role, cas wears a dress in at least one of their weddings
it's at one of those theme parks that's just historical re-enactments and people get their vows renewed there and there's costumes for the photobooth and the staff are like how long have you been married? castiel says two weeks, three days, eighteen hours, and twenty five minutes................ approximately.  and the photo is cas in a classical wedding gown and dean is wearing the veil with his old timey suit and there's a moose head on the wall behind them wearing the top hat he was given and they send that print with an arrow pointing at the moose with sam written next to it
i keep thinking bitch!!!! you KNOW WHAT!! you KNOW that dean is the type a guy who's heart races every time he feels his wedding ring/is always fiddling with it in the weeks after the wedding, like an anchor to remind him they really got married this is real he would NEED that physical reminder that he can have good things
he’s never ever going to take it off, the tan line will be permanent
how funny it would be if dean gets injured on a hunt and the monster guy is about to kill him and then the lights blow out and the monsters are like what was that and dean is just like "[spits blood] that's my husband." and nek minnit cas has just ripped through them thanks to teleporting in angel style and is just like Cas: [heals dean] "you're late for movie night" Dean: "Well if you'd gotten here earlier i would have been on time." Cas: >:| [kisses him]
cas is like i didn’t burn the popcorn this time you BETTER be alive to see it
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
An Everlasting Love: Destiel Wedding Ficlet Part 2
Part 1
congrats to the happy couple💙💚💍
The ceremony had gone off without a hitch. Dean thinks back to just a few hours ago, standing in front of their family, while holding the hands of the man he loved more than anything in the world. Staring into his blue eyes as they welled up with tears, Dean trying to hold his own back, while shakily making his way through his vows. Cas dipping him into a passionate kiss on the makeshift alter, in front of every single person they know.
Spinning around the dance floor for the first time as husbands, gazing into each others eyes as if they were alone. Cas shoving cherry pie in his face, and with a laugh, Dean shoving apple pie right back into his. The performance they gave the crowd when it came time for the garter toss, and Cas ripped it off Dean's thigh with his teeth. He thought most of the room was going to have a heart attack, Dean thought he might have one too, though for a completely different reason. And the moment was even sweeter when Dean tossed the bouquet a little too far, and it hit Crowley in the face at the bar (it was an accident, of course).
Or when Sam spent a majority of his best man speech detailing his 12 years of "suffering", and boasting about how he was right all along. Of course he shifted gears halfway through, and when he finished there wasn't a dry eye in sight.
They danced, they drank, they sang, they cried, they laughed. Everyone completely at ease.
And now, Dean finds himself sitting for a moment, surveying the scene before him. He spots Sam and Eileen, practically sitting in each other's laps as they laugh with Donna and Jody. He watches Jack and Claire jumping around the makeshift dance floor together, and the sight pulls at his heart strings. Over at the bar his mom sits with Bobby, Jo and Crowley, engaged in what looks like a drinking contest that they all seem to be losing. And Meg, Rowena and Bela sit together (he always thought they'd get along) at one of the tables, sipping glasses of wine, engrossed in their conversation.
His eyes continue to scan the room searching for their target an-
Dean's freezes. Cas is currently spinning around to the sounds of Dancing Queen, with Charlie. Head thrown back in laughter, hair wild, bowtie untied, with the first few buttons of his shirt undone.
Dean has never seen him look so relaxed, so content.
Then it hits him.
That's his husband. Cas is his husband. He just married Cas. Cas loves him, and he loves Cas and now they're married. Forever.
They just got married, surrounded by their their entire family, and now they're all together, to celebrate something good for once. And have the rest of their lives to go.
He gently twists the ring on his finger, feeling the dull hum of the remains of Cas grace pulse through his hand. His heart swells. 
Dean has a lifetime of waking up next to Cas, eating breakfast with Cas, watching movies with Cas, driving with Cas, laughing with Cas, crying with Cas, going to the grocery store with Cas, doing laundry with Cas, staring at Cas, holding hands with Cas, kissing Cas, touching Cas, making love to Cas, falling asleep wrapped in Cas' arms.
Cas meets his eyes from across the room, and gives him a blinding smile. Dean smiles back.
Dean has spent years barely allowing himself to think about Cas, let alone allow himself to want Cas. Years of longing stares, unspoken words, fleeting touches, forcing desires deep into the pit of his stomach.
And now? Hell, Dean could just walk across the room and kiss Cas, right in front of everyone, if he really wanted to.
And well, he wants to.
So Dean quickly crosses the room, wrapping his husband in his arms, pressing a tender kiss to his lips.
He pulls away and is met with watery blue eyes and a wide smile.
"And what was that for, my husband?" Cas questions innocently, with a raised eyebrow and smirk.
Dean's stomach flips, and without even thinking he smashes their lips together again. Cas laughing through the kiss, wrapping his arms around Dean's neck.
They pull back again, foreheads pressed together as they gaze into each others eyes. The noise of the room is nothing but a distant hum, because all of Dean's focus is on the man, his husband, in front of him.
My husband. Dean thinks. He likes the sound of that.
Tag list:
@theangelwiththewormstache @smiledean @shelikestv @good-things-do-happen-dean @chaoticdean @midnightwings-deancas @jellydeans @sunshine-jack @archervale
@wikiangela @organicpurplepants @bbcalamity @tkdwolf2012 @doemons-blog @rolling-stoned-girl @skylerkernaghan @shadowywerewolfqueen @the-cookie-navy
@martymar1963 @thelahatiel @thefantasyfiend @castielle-deanna @aestheticflyer26 @multi-fandom-imagine @x-mypeopleskillsarerusty-x
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Give a little bit of your heart to me
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Summary: Dean wanted a bit of your heart; you gave him it all only to feel it breaking.
Pairing: Mobster!Dean x Reader, Mobster!John x Reader (platonic)
Character: Ellen Harvelle, Ruby, Sam Winchester
Warning: arranged marriage, angst, mentions of divorce, pregnant reader, comforting, remorse, fluff, misunderstandings
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‘Give a little bit, give a little bit of your heart to me,’ back then you smiled at Dean’s words, knowing he got forced into this marriage too. Your father and John Winchester wanted to form a strong bond between the two mightiest empires, so you and John’s eldest had to marry.
You had not seen Dean for a lifetime, but you still remembered the funny, cocky, and green-eyed boy with so many freckles you could never count them.
A tiny piece of your heart always beat for him, so it was easy for you to give Dean not only a little bit of your heart but the whole damn beating thing. Now it is a broken mess, a bleeding pulp that will never heal.
“I’ll pack as fast as possible, John,” your voice broken, defeated you place the golden band, and your engagement ring into his hand. “I know it was an arranged marriage, but I thought after five years I know your son.”
“Y/N,” murmuring your name John watches you subconsciously rub your belly. “Do you have to tell me anything, doll?”
“Your son is a lying son of bitch who just left me,” you huff, walking toward the house you shared with Dean. 
“I will go and tell my father the arrangement is over, John. You will have to clarify the details as daddy will get mad,” you flinch at the thought of facing your father. “You don’t want to see him mad, John.”
“Doll, wait,” sighing John grasps your wrist. “I know about the baby and can’t let you leave. It’s my grandchild, my heir.” Your stomach tightens looking up at John. “Your life, it never was yours in the first place, Y/N. I’ll give you all you need, but you have to stay and raise your child as a Winchester.”
“I can’t,” voice cracking you blink the tears away. “I should leave before Dean returns.”
You would run away, hide somewhere but honestly, you have got nowhere to go. Not with John Winchester wanting your child and your father insisting on a bond with Dean.
“This is my house, my manor, not Dean’s. You will move into my part of the house and Dean will shut his mouth. When he comes back, I will set him straight,” John slings his arm around your shoulders, not missing the hopelessness in your eyes when you agree to follow him.
“It’s not as if I got anywhere to go, John. At least you will get what you always wanted, an heir for your empire,” you whisper bitterly, missing John’s pained expression when tears roll down your cheeks. “As you said, my life never was mine.”
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“You said I can divorce her after five years! I want to be free again, Sir,” Dean yells. “I was the perfect husband and partner. I played my part, now play yours,” his words make your legs wobble and fresh tears run down your cheeks.
Dean lied. This whole time he made you believe he loves you too. Façade. Charade. A foul play, that is what you are to him. He made a deal and now he wants out.
“John, let him out,” your voice meek, thin, and all the fight gone from your eyes you rub your arms nervously. “If he wants out, let him out.”
“See, she doesn’t want to stay married either,” Dean wants to touch your arm to thank you for your words, but you flinch away, jerking your arm out of his grip.
“Don’t touch me,” your voice cracks now but you fight the tears. “You want to be free, be free. Lucky you, Dean. I never had a chance and are stuck here as…,” you run away before you tell Dean about the baby, his baby.
“What’s wrong with her?” John shakes his head at his son’s behavior. “Father, why did Y/N look as if she’s hurt? I thought she didn’t want this marriage.”
“You really are a blind, my son. I suggest you’ll leave her alone and turn your attention toward the girl you want to leave Y/N for,” walking away John leaves his son alone with his thoughts.
“I thought she wanted to divorce too, Sir. Wait, hey, wait up,” Dean jogs after his father grasping for John’s wrist. “Talk to me.”
“I want you to take care of Crowley, Dean. You’ll be out of town for a month or two and can rethink your decision,” John sighs deeply. “If you still want to divorce Y/N I will not stop you. I’ll take care of the mess you left, as always.”
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Dean did not say goodbye before he left to deal with Crowley. To be honest, it would have been too hard to see rejection, maybe even triumph in his eyes.
“He’ll be back in a month or two, Y/N. Enough time for him to come to his mind and realize what he’s about to lose,” you nod, what else can you do when the most powerful and dangerous mobster tells you his opinion.
“I will go to my room, goodnight John,” watching you leave John hates he has to force you to stay but with your father insisting on not breaking the bond he’s got no other choice than to protect his heir, the future of his empire.
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Three weeks passed without a word from Dean, not that you believed he would at least call to tell you he’s alright. While you lie on the bed in the room John offered to you, the door opens once again.
Over the last weeks, John took care of you, watched over you like a mother hen, not that you would ever dare to call the mobster like that.
“You need to eat something, doll. Ellen made chicken, peas, carrots, and mashed potatoes.”
“I am not hungry, or rather the moment I eat anything I have to run to the bathroom. Breakfast ended up in the toilette, just like the apple I ate,” you do not turn around, not wanting John to stay longer than needed.
“Listen, I know this is a fucked-up situation, but you’ll get up, have a shower, and come to join me in my living room. We can watch one of those movies Dean hates so much,” John sits onto your bed, gently patting your hand. “Mary, she had problems with Dean too. I made her fennel tea.”
You would laugh about John acting like a nurse, but you know he means well, tries to make the best out of a bad situation. “Okay, I’ll be there after a shower.”
“If you need anything else, tell me or Ellen so,” you nod, glancing at John who places your wedding band and engagement ring onto the nightstand. “I am sure, when Dean comes back he’ll apologize, Y/N.”
You nod silently, knowing John is wrong about Dean. Your husband does not give a shit on you, to be honest…
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“Better,” while you sip on the fennel tea John insisted to make you nod, faking it did make you feel better. “Just relax and watch, uh-erm,” glancing at the movie John rubs his scruffy chin. “What are we watching?”
“I don’t know,” mumbling the words you look at the huge TV, not following the story at all. “I just zapped around and ended up watching that movie. She looked pretty in her wedding dress, though.”
“Y/N, you need to stop acting as if you are a prisoner or worse. I know you believe I want you to stay because of the baby inside your belly, and I want you to but,” John wraps one arm around your shoulders, letting you rest your head against his shoulder, “I want to keep you safe.”
“Dad would get mad when he gets to know I made Dean leave. He would believe I manipulated our marriage to get out or something similar, John. My family is not used to give comfort. They are all hard, calculated, and power-hungry,” you glance at your belly, slowly rubbing it. 
“You’re showing,” John covers your hand, squeezing it tightly. “Just a little but I see the difference.”
“You mean I got fat,” giggling you blink the tears away. “There is no reason for Dean to like me, you know. I guess, he had to imagine someone else to get intimate with me. I am such a fool…”
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“Doll, get down here and join us for dinner,” John grumbles when you refuse to come down to eat with Sam, Ruby, Ellen, and John.
“No! Nothing fits any longer, John. I look like a wale!” You yell back. “I will not go downstairs wearing a too-tight dress or crap!”
“Jesus, Y/N. You are three months pregnant, not a wale. Come downstairs or I’ll send Sam to drag you down or Ruby,” Ruby glares at John, pointing her knife at the mobster. 
“I am not a threat,” she grunts, watching you slowly pat down the stairs. “There she is! A pretty mama!”
“A wale,” grumbling you walk toward the table in a too-tight shirt and shorts which do not cover your belly. You baby bump peeks out of the shirt and John smirks, holding back a chuckle as you glare at him.
“You look beautiful, doll. Now sit, eat and we can talk about baby names,” John pulls your chair, smirking as you wiggle on the seat to get comfortable.
“How about Dexter,” Ruby smirks watching you narrow your eyes.
“Samuel?” Sam tries and you toss a napkin at the tall mobster who grins at you.
“John Winchester Jr.,” John exclaims, and you groan, hiding your face in the palms of your hands. “J. Jr.,” he tries again, and you shake your head silently.
“John Henry Winchester,” not giving in John tries to convince you but you stay adamant. “It’s a great name for your baby.”
“Not for a girl, John!” You grunt and everyone cheers at the table as you finally told them the gender. “You son of a bitch!” Head snapping upward you purse your lips when John gives you a grin. 
“That’s my line, sweetheart,” Dean snickers, waltzing into the room. If it’s possible for him to look even better after three months he does look better. His hair longer, chin scruffy and his eyes sparkling he looks around the room. “What? No welcome back?”
“Welcome back, son. How were the deal, Mexico, and the weather?” John clears his throat when you silently get up to leave the room. “Y/N, you didn’t eat anything. Stay.”
“I lost my appetite, John. I’ll sleep a bit or whatever,” voice trembling you rush out of the room, not caring John calls your name repeatedly.
“Did I just kill the mood,” Dean blinks a few times, glancing at his family. “What did I do?”
“Uh-let’s start with you leaving your wife. You not calling for over three months or the fact you want to divorce her,” Ruby deadpans. “Maybe her current state makes her even more vulnerable.”
“Current state? Is she sick?” Dean gasps, glancing at the untouched food. “Why did she ran upstairs? Our bedroom is opposite.”
“She lives in John’s guest wing as you wanted her to leave, dude,” Sam grits out. “What did you believe would happen? That Y/N would wait for you to kick her out.”
“I just,” sighing Dean drops his bags before he walks toward the stairs. “I got to talk to her. I mean, she’s my wife, right?”
John rolls his eyes, close to saying something he will regret. “Not for much longer. You are back, you still want to divorce her so I can marry her,” John lies, a dirty grin on his lips. “I’d like to have a younger wife.”
“You, what?” Choking on his words Dean balls his hands into fists. “You said I shall think about divorce, not that you would ram your teeth into my wife!”
“Ex-wife, Dean. If you want out of this marriage, I will not stop you but,” John smirks devilish, “someone has to take care of Y/N and her needs.”
“If you touched my wife I’ll castrate you,” Dean threatens, bumping his chest against John’s. “I thought she wants out of the marriage. I never said I will let you touch my girl, you vulture. Go and get a random girl. This one is mine.”
Dean storms off, still cursing when the door slams shut behind him with a loud bang. “I should’ve said something sooner,” John snickers. “I woke the alpha. Imagine what he’ll do hearing she’s having his baby.”
“You’re the devil, John Winchester,” Ellen laughs at Ruby’s words, nodding eagerly. “I like your style, sometimes.”
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“Son of a bitch, Y/N! Did he touch you? Did my fath…,” Dean’s eyes widen, his jaw goes slack, and you can see the color drain from his face when you step into the bedroom, showing off your baby bump. “Y/N,…sweetheart?”
“What brought you here, Dean? Do I have to sign the papers,” you sigh, sitting onto the bed, not meeting Dean’s gaze. “I think John prepared everything. We only have to sign the papers and you can go to that girl you want.”
“There is no girl, Y/N,” mumbling the words Dean kneels in front of the bed, not taking his eyes from your swollen belly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He looks up at you, searching your face.
“You wanted out of this marriage. It thought you wouldn’t care or worse,” you huff, grabbing the blanket to cover your body. “Doesn’t matter anymore. I am trapped to stay here. John’s order. You can go and party or whatever you planned to do without me dragging you down.”
“Sweetheart,” his hand trembles when he moves it under the blanket to touch your bump. “My baby is inside your belly. I never thought I’ll be a father one day.”
“Dean, you are free to go and leave this to me,” not wanting to see him pity you, you scramble away, crawling toward the pillow to sleep the hurting off. “Leave me alone and got to that girl.”
“I told you, there is no other girl, Y/N,” Dean sounds angry when he kicks his shoes off, crawling onto the bed to lie next to you. He’s burying his face into your neck, inhaling your scent. “You smell like vanilla and lilac. I’ve missed your scent, your soft skin, your lips on mine.”
“Sure,” you grunt, angrily clenching your fists. “That’s the reason you did not call and gave a shit on me for three months, Dean.”
“Y/N, I was kinda undercover to find out what’s Crowley planning. I could not call my wife or crap. I had to be as invisible as possible,” he’s moving closer to wrap his arms around your waist. “I swear, I wanted freedom for you, nothing else.”
“You wanted my heart, and I gave it to you only to get hurt,” Dean listens to your words, hating he made you feel that way. “I never wanted to hurt you, Y/N. Let me make it right.”
“How? By pretending you love me too,” you huff, turning in his embrace to slap his face. “I am done listening to your lies.”
“Love? You love me,” Dean scoots closer to cup your face, ignoring your angry look. “Fuck me,” his lips press against yours and you must use all your strength to break free.
“What the fuck Dean!”
“My wife loves me,” he smirks, glancing at your belly, “and I knocked her up. Now back to my father touching you.”
“Gosh, John would never touch me, not that this is any of your business, Winchester.” You glare at Dean when he tries to touch your belly. 
“I am sorry, Y/N. I promise to be the husband you deserve if you give me the chance to. I know asking for divorce without talking to you was stupid, but I thought you want out,” Dean pecks your lips, rubbing your belly slowly. “I heard you talking to Ruby and wanted to let you go.”
“I don’t understand, Dean. I never said I want out of our marriage. I said I want to get out of this house,” you groan, frustrated.
“I didn’t want to live with your father, brother, and their girlfriends. I wanted a place of our own, Dean.” Dean starts laughing, even throws his head back.
“I guess next time I should listen closely,” he is rubbing your belly, smiling as you cover his hand with yours. “I don’t want out of this marriage, Y/N.”
“Is that a lie again or can I have a little bit of your heart too?” Dean pecks your lips, gently stroking your cheek. “Sweetheart, you can have the whole damn thing…”
Part 2
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
A/N: If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you.
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idreamofplaid · 4 years
Once Upon a December
Square Filled: Free Space for @spnkinkbingo & Honeymoon for @spnfluffbingo
Characters: Dean x Reader; Sam, Bobby, Jody
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Oral (female receiving)
Summary: Dean and the reader the reader give each other the most precious thing of all for Christmas. 
Word Count: 2105
Created for @spnkinkbingo & @spnfluffbingo
A/N: This is the fic I wrote for the 1st Day of my Happy Half Christmas Celebration. Info here. 
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Dean knew you better than anyone ever had. He’d made it a point to know. He studied you and seemed to delight in knowing every little thing about you. He paid attention to things that made you smile and made it his life’s mission to put a smile on your face every time he could. Your smile had never been bigger than on the night he proposed to you-until today.
This was the day you married him. Dean had made your deepest and dearest dream come true. He had never put more effort into making you happy than he had today. He knew how the holidays made you light up inside, so the two of you had decided December was the perfect time for your wedding. 
Everyone who mattered the most to the two of you had been there. Sam and Bobby had stood with Dean. The way Sam put it, they kept him in one piece for you because he had the worst case of nerves imaginable. “Not in a bad way,” Sam was quick to add. “I think he was afraid you might have some kind of realization and call it off.” 
When you saw Dean, you couldn’t tell he was nervous. His hand was steady when he took yours. He held your hand through the entire ceremony, letting it go only long enough to get your ring from Sam and put it on your finger. 
He looked so handsome; you thought you had to be in a dream. His eyes were filled with something you had rarely seen there. It was hope. You were determined to keep that hope there and give him the life he deserved. 
The ceremony was beautiful, and the reception was a celebration filled with laughter. Your favorite moment of the party had been cutting the cake. Dean’s hand was warm and sure on top of yours even though he’d cut very few cakes in his life. He hadn’t had a birthday cake since his mother died until you made one for him. You broke off a tiny piece of the slice you’d cut together and put it into his mouth. Dean chewed and swallowed it then kissed you. You could still taste the frosting on his lips. 
As wonderful as it was to share your joy with the people you loved, you couldn’t wait to be alone with him. The last thing you did before leaving was toss your bouquet. Jody hadn’t been eager to catch it the way some of the other women were, but when it landed in her hands; her smile was warm and genuine. Dean opened Baby’s passenger door for you, and you settled yourself into the car. 
Once he was inside, you watched him put the key into the ignition while he propped his other hand on the wheel. Dean’s hands were big, solid, and strong. You remembered the way it had felt while he held yours as you became his wife, and you imagined the way his touch would feel later tonight. He reached for your hand now. “I’m one lucky man.” He leaned across the seat and kissed you. A cheer went up outside the car. When he reluctantly pulled his lips from yours, Dean smiled. “Are you ready, Mrs. Winchester?”
You nodded. “Absolutely.” For the next couple of hours, you drove through the mountains with Dean to the secluded chalet he’d booked for your honeymoon. Mother Nature had given you the gift of a light snowfall. When you pulled up to your destination, it looked like something out of a fairytale.
It was a perfect blend of cozy luxury. Evergreens covered the property, and a silvery full moon was shining down over them. There was a deck on one side of the building that looked out over a lake surrounded by woods. The peace of the landscape matched the peace you were feeling inside your heart.
You felt Dean’s hand on the small of your back, and he guided you to the door. After he unlocked it, he scooped you up in his arms. He held you at the threshold for a moment before walking across it. His eyes traveled over your face then held yours. They were the color of clear jade, and the love you saw in them made you go soft inside. “I’m going to make you happy, Y/N. I promise.” 
You reached up and brushed your fingers across his cheek where a hint of a beard was beginning to shadow through. “You already have, Dean.” He swept his lips across yours in the tenderest of kisses. You let your fingers play in the short hair above the nape of his neck for a few seconds before you told him, “I love you.”
Dean carried you inside your honeymoon retreat and put you down on the thick rug in the entryway. This place was far bigger than any cabin you had been in while you were hunting. There was a stone fireplace in the living room that acted as a focal point for the space. You immediately walked toward it. It was stunning. Dean knew how much you loved fireplaces. You had once shared with him your dream of having a home with multiple fireplaces.
As you ran your fingers along the thick wooden mantelpiece, Dean walked up behind you and circled his arms around your waist. He kissed your cheek and pushed your hair back from your face, combing his fingers through it. “There’s something else I want to show you.”
Dean led you to the bedroom. You drew in your breath when you saw a trail of rose petals leading to the bed and another fireplace. He lowered his head down by your ear. “I’m going to make love to you in front of a fire.” Your husband definitely knew your fantasies, and you knew his. 
You’d bought something special to wear tonight. The butterflies started up in your stomach at the thought of what was about to happen, just how momentous it was that you were joining your life with Dean’s. “Will you give me a few minutes? I’m going to go change.”
He cupped your cheek in his palm. “Of course, sweetheart. I can’t wait.” He kissed you again, and his hand lingered on your face. “I’ll go get the suitcases out of the car.”
Several minutes later when you emerged from the dressing room, Dean had a fire going in the bedroom fireplace. He stood gazing into the flames, a glass of whiskey in his hand. He turned when he heard you; his lips parted. “You are...gorgeous.” He put his unfinished glass of whiskey on the mantle and came to you.
Dean rested his hands on your hips and let his eyes travel over your form. they stopped on your breasts enclosed in the white lace cups of the baby doll you were wearing. “Do you like it?”
Dean lifted his eyes to yours. “Oh yeah.” You took the top button of his shirt into your fingers and slowly started to unbutton it. “Why don’t you show me how much?” Dean lifted you, you wrapped your legs around him, and he carried you to the bed. The down comforter cushioned you as Dean guided you down into the pillows. 
You put your hands into his open shirt to touch his skin. Dean was toned but not hard, and at this moment you wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in the warmth of his embrace without the clothes. Like he could read your mind, Dean took off the shirt and tossed it toward the end of the bed. You wrapped your arms around him and felt the firm muscles in his back under your fingers. 
His eyes were darker now, the color of the spruce trees outside in the moonlight. He covered your mouth with his; his tongue moved along the seam of your lips, and you opened to him. His kiss was tenderness, passion, and love. Dean’s tongue circled around yours while his body pressed down on top of you, covering you and keeping you safe beneath him. You could feel the bulge in his pants growing larger and getting hard. The kiss deepened, and Dean started to roll his hips against you.
Then he broke the kiss and began to move his mouth down the column of your neck. He stopped when he got to that sensitive place where your neck meets your shoulder. He kissed you there open mouthed while he started to caress your breast through the lace of your negligee, moving his thumb slowly back and forth over it. You arched into his touch. “Dean.”
He raised his head and looked into your eyes. “I’ve never wanted you this much, Y/N.”
You sank your fingers into his hair. “Then take me, Dean. I’m yours. Completely yours.” He dropped his mouth to yours. His kiss held all the intensity of everything that was passing unspoken between you.
Dean continued to kiss you while his hand skimmed down your side until he got to the bottom of your babydoll. He eased his hand under the silk. You parted your legs for him, and he pushed your panties aside. He brushed two of his thick fingers up through your folds, and you gasped when they got to your clit. He expertly circled his fingers around it, knowing exactly how you liked to be touched, until you were moaning into his mouth. “Dean, I need you.”
He took his mouth from yours and kissed down the center of your body all the way down between your legs where you were so wet for him, and he placed a kiss on your panty covered mound, then he took them off. He held them for a second, the tiny piece of fabric almost lost in his huge hand. “These are pretty, but you’re so much prettier.” He parted your legs, holding them open with his arms wrapped beneath and around your thighs, holding them. The first swipe of his tongue against your sensitive nub caused you to cry out. You twined your fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to your body. Dean sucked and licked until you came on his lips, and he swallowed what you gave him.
You were breathing in ragged pants, and you knew Dean was watching you. When you opened your eyes, he smiled at you. “I love you so much, Y/N.” He took your hand and pulled you up far enough to lift your lingerie off over your head. Then he removed the rest of his clothes, so when he lay down next to you, you could feel his skin against the length of your body.
You turned toward him, and Dean took you in his arms. The fire was crackling, and it cast a warm glow over the room. Dean kissed you, and you breathed into him. He was still hard, and you were more than ready for him. You pushed your pelvis into him, asking for more. “Put your leg over mine, baby.” You lifted your leg over his, and he positioned himself at your opening.
Dean kissed your as he eased into your body giving you the first few inches of his length. He pulled almost all the way out and pushed back in slowly, going deeper this time. “Move faster, Dean. Please.” He sped up his rhythm to give you what you wanted. With each thrust he went deeper inside you. When he was fully seated inside you, you spread your palm over his cheek. “Look at me, Dean. I want to see you come. I’m so close; I’ll come with you.”
He thrust into you deeply and through almost clenched teeth said, “I’ve wanted you my whole life, Y/N. I never knew how much.” With another grunt, he came filling you with his hot seed, and you fell over the edge with him.
Dean stayed inside you while he caught his breath. He kissed your cheeks, your eyelids, and then your lips. “You’re precious to me. I hope you know that.”
You kissed his chest gently. “I do know, Dean.” He had gone soft inside you, but it still felt so good to have him there. You nuzzled against his shoulder. “You’re everything to me too.”
Your bodies stayed entwined like that for several minutes. When he finally pulled himself from you, he held you closer. You put your head on Dean’s shoulder, and he played with your hair, running his fingers through it. That’s the way you fell asleep, with your husband’s fingers in your hair. 
Everything Forever: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @onethirstyunicorn @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @ledzeppelinsbonzo @shaniquacynthia @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @heycasbutt @jules-1999 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @mrs-meghan-winchester @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @gh0stgurl @becs-bunker @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @lonewolf471 @sea040561 @dawnie1988 @maddiepants @volleyballer519 @outcastedangel @iknowwheremytowelis @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @daisymoder72​ @sorenmarie87​ @oldfreakything​
Dean/Jensen Love: @deansyahtzee​ @flamencodiva​ @deanwinchesterswitch​ @waywardrose13​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ @focusonspn​ @akshi8278​ @ladywinchester1967​ @sgarrett49​ @wingedcatninja​ @coffee-obsessed-writer​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @team-free-will-you-idjiot
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mishavacado · 3 years
SPN has so much spinoff potential and so much canon to work with, it's such a waste that none of it's getting used. This post is just all of my spinoff ideas, I'll apologize in advance because it is VERY long.
Wayward Sisters, obviously. There are so many possible storylines to work with, so many stories to tell. I'd really love to see some Charlie, Eileen, or Krissy Chambers cameos. I think that Charlie and Claire would get along really well (just read this post). Rowena is another character that I think could easily be worked into the canon. She could teach the girls all kinds of magic and be the fun wine aunt that spoils the girls on their birthdays. I don't think that Claire would like her very much, but, Rowena and Alex would probably get along just fine. How much I need this in my life: 1000000000000000000000000/10 when I heard that this idea had been tossed out I was so angry. Why doesn't this exist?
Men of Letters prequel that's mostly set in the bunker. This show could really expand on the canon lore and give us some more background on the Men of Letters, as well as any other similar/rival organizations that were around before the main show's time. The Men of Letters have so much story potential for a spin-off; corrupt leadership, new monsters, other organizations, expanding the MoL to outside the U.S. Episodes could be in a monster-of-the-week (MOTW) format, starting and ending with the Man of Letters the case is assigned to making notes in his journal or case file or talking about the case, as well as the overall season arcs. Episodes would be titled by their case number, i.e S1 E1 Case No. 1925-4, etc How much I need this in my life: 1000000/10, the supernatural/historical drama combo would be absolutely stunning.
A series focusing on all of the alternate timelines and universes, both the ones mentioned in the main show and ones just randomly created for an episode. There are infinite possibilities. Each episode would be in a MOTW format, but with different versions of Sam and Dean. The HunterCorp universe, Jared and Jensen from the French Mistake, a universe where their names are switched, a universe where Dean went to college and was the one with the demon blood powers, a universe where they drive a Mustang instead of the Impala, a universe where Sam isn't scared of clowns. I could go on, but I'm going to stop myself here. How much I need this in my life: 9/10 I think it would be pretty funny, but it's not my best idea.
A Bobby and Rufus spin-off where they talk about cases they worked on together or with other hunters, but the stories are told similarly to Tall Tales. It's the same story but told from different points of view depending on who's talking. I wish we'd gotten to see more of Bobby and Rufus because I think those two are hilarious and really think that this could be funny, even if it was just a web series with twenty-minute episodes. How much I need this in my life: 10/10, I love Bobby and Rufus and I think that they have a lot of interesting hunting stories to tell.
GHOSTFACERS GHOSTFACERS GHOSTFACERS. How much I need this in my life: 100000000000000000000000/10, I love the Ghostfacers. That's my whole idea.
A Jack-centric show that's almost a political drama. Jack is the ruler of heaven and is constantly being manipulated by angels, demons, and Death herself. He just wants to make an afterlife paradise, but power-hungry angels won't leave him alone. Remember that Jack is very young and trusting by nature, so there is a lot of potential for disaster if he gets goaded into doing something, like making new universes or ending existing ones. Cas is a main character and he does his best to protect Jack, but he has to be careful to not seem overprotective/like another manipulator or Jack won't trust him either. I have no idea if I'm making any sense, but shoutout to me if I am. For some reason, I've always thought that heaven would be an interesting setting for a spin-off, and those angels are pretty similar to power-hungry politicians. How much I need this in my life: 800/10, I would totally watch this.
A very short series that just destroys the canon finale. Twelve episodes, detailing the storylines that were ignored or destroyed by Carry On. E1: Rescuing Cas from the Empty and he and Dean have a long talk about their ~feelings~. They kiss, and for the first time, Dean’s mind is free of doubt about whether or not anyone could ever love all of him. E2: Eileen returns. She says nothing when she sees Dean and Cas holding hands, just raises her eyebrow and smiles knowingly. Some excellent movie night content. E3: 1 year later. Sam and Eileen’s wedding. Dean and Cas aren’t legally married, but their matching gold rings are very prominently shown. It isn’t mentioned. The wedding is almost canceled because of the rain, but with a wave of Jack’s hand the clouds disappear and the birds start to sing. E4: Sam and Eileen have moved out of the Bunker. Cas finally convinces Dean to downsize, so they find a little house in Lawrence and settle down. Cas works as a special ed teacher. Dean works as a mechanic. Miracle loves the backyard but makes sure to stay away from the beehives in the back corner. E5: Sam and Eileen’s twins, Mary and Maura, are born. Dean and Cas love their nieces, and Jack loves them too. He doesn’t know what to call himself, so they settle on Uncle and call it good. E6: Deaths. They all die old. Cas’s vessel has aged, but he can’t die, so when Dean finally passes away in his sleep, Cas scatters his ashes in the woods and disappears, ascending to heaven, to spend eternity with Dean. The closing scene is a dark screen, with the whoosh of wings and a soft “Hello, Dean.” OK. That was a long one. My apologies. How much I need this in my life: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10. I would reach nerdvana thirty seconds into episode one.
Another spinoff of that idea is just...Dean and Cas living a normal life. Short episodes. Cas goes to the grocery store. Dean drags Cas to a horror movie fan convention. Cas meets a roomba. How much I need this in my life: I can’t type enough zeroes to express it.
Campbell prequel that focuses on Mary and her childhood. Mary being raised as a hunter but not being allowed on hunts. Mary rushing home to finish her chemistry homework so she can help her dad track a nest of vampires moving east. Mary missing her prom to help Samuel on a hunt. Mary trying to keep her real life secret from John, a man she knows loves the parts of her he knows about. Mary always being an outsider, the kindest and most beautiful girl in her class, but so slow to trust and quick to speak that everyone is afraid to be her friend. Mary is a character that has the potential a lot more development, for twelve seasons she’s the burning martyr in every Winchester’s imagined paradise. She deserves more. How much I need this in my life: 11/10, Mary isn’t my favorite character but I would die for her.
Gabriel spin-off. That’s it, that’s the idea. How much I need this in my life: 10000000/10, Gabriel is a character that we don’t know a lot about so there are so many possible directions for a story about him to go.
Show set in the SPN universe that doesn’t really interact with the main show’s canon. It’s about two cops in the 30s that become hunters by accident. After investigating the apparent suicide of a hunter in their small town, they become enthralled by her library, filled with books about ghosts and vampires. They pour over her journals on their own time, fascinated by what they’re reading. They get to know the hunter through her writings, her accounts of her hunts and travels. Eventually, a nest of vampires settles in the town and the two put their newfound knowledge to the test. This show would just be based on canon lore, there wouldn’t be any mention of the Winchesters or other main characters, although a few MoL team-ups is definitely a possibility. The two become quite a team, tracking werewolf backs on bulletin boards in their basements and hoarding rock salt. How much I need this in my life: 89/10, I think this could be really interesting and I am a sucker for historical hunters.
Speaking of historical hunters-Samuel Colt prequel. Cowboys, vampires, cowpires. Hunting in the wild west, galloping across the prairie chasing a pack of werewolves. This show could also tell us a lot about how different types of monsters spread across the U.S. Ghosts will go anywhere people go, but what about vampires? Shapeshifters? Ghouls? What was it like to hunt without technology to help with research? The hunters in this series would be the authors of the journals that modern hunters use every day. They’re the ones that tested tracking and trapping methods. Again, no idea if this is making sense, but I think that a supernatural western would be really awesome and would expand/substantiate the canon lore. How much I need this in my life: 1000000000000000000000000000000/10, I love cowboys and I love Supernatural. This is literally the best thing that could ever happen to me.
Crowley. I want to know more about him. A series that tells us all about Fergus Roderick MacLeod, starting with when he was born in Scotland and ending with his death in All Along the Watchtower. We know that Rowena was his mother, that he was a tailor, that he sold his soul for an extra three inches ~down there~, and that he was a terrible dad. I want to know more about his childhood, about the people he made deals with, about how he became king of the crossroads and of Hell. Crowley was a very interesting character that was abused by the story. I want to know more about him. How much I need this in my life: 10000000000000000000000000000000000000/10, I really do love Crowley and I would watch this a thousand times over.
Final idea: MOTW only. No season arc, no overall storyline. New hunters every episode, from all different times, from over the world. All kinds of monsters. One episode in Victorian England, the next in 1990s Los Angeles. Very few recurring characters, if any. The recurring characters would be the Bobby Singers of the world; the lore guys that you call when you need help. Each new character has their own style, own car, own music, own personality. The show could have some a m a z i n g guest stars because they’d only appear in a few episodes. There are so many possibilities for episodes, even if they weren’t full length. How much I need this in my life: 100000/10, I love MOTW episodes and would really like to get to know the characters. It would be very easy to write one-off fanfics for this show, and also very easy to introduce this show’s characters into Supernatural’s canon.
You made it to the end!!!!!!!! That’s all I have for now. Sorry for writing so much, I just can’t stop thinking about SPN and all of the wasted stories.
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