#dark phoenix trailer
2aceofspades · 6 months
just been thinking about that trailer for Dark Phoenix where Scott asks Charles, “Tell me what to do, Charles, just tell me what to do!” And Charles just reacts, “I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!” And now I can’t help but picture an argument similar to this between Leo and Raph during a really tense, dire mission lol
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hasaniwalker · 1 year
A word about Alice
“Have you seen that evil Alice in Wonderland game at best buy?”
That was how I was introduced to it. A game that would stay with me for years after. I had no idea what the person was talking about at my high school in the A.V. room. I was there frequently, editing my first stop motion film (An adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe’s the Raven).  They told me she had a knife and there was a thin cat next to her. I was intrigued and the next time I was at best buy I wandered to the Computer Game department and found the box.
That’s when I was introduced to American McGee's Alice.
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I feel like I should mention, I was not and still am not really a PC gamer. I do console games mostly and reserve my computer for animation and editing. This game however, I needed to play it.  I was gripped by the image. The stark red background. The haunting stare of the character. the hand on the knife. It was unapologetically dark and I was obsessed. 
I went online wanting to learn more. It was early 2000 and my home internet was still dial up. I still recall going online to the Alice website and finding a countdown page. It was a music box, a child singing in the background, a terribly broken  tune looping as the box threatened to open. It was haunting and perfect.  I’d come home from school and for the short moment while I was the only one there, I’d go to the site and let that strange tune play though the house. At the end of the countdown, the box opened to reveal a decaying baby doll head (All of this is from memory and may be distorted by time. I unfortunately can’t find any images of the countdown page.) It stirred something in me to see that page come to life. It was the early days of internet. The time of MySpace. So the site was crude by today’s standards, but it was the most amazing thing to me at the time.
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I’d leave it open on one of the computers while I was in A.V. at school. friends would come and we’d watch Alice move (sitting up from her seat, marveling at her blade, dusting off her dress.)
And of course, take time to show anyone the trailer.
I remember this time of being a teenager entering adulthood, feeling misunderstood, anxious, scared, and losing myself in the music of Garbage, Poe and Crystal Method. Alice fit right in to the aesthetic of everything I saw at the time.  If Wednesday was the goth friend saying and liking macabre things, Alice was the older teen sister angry with the world and ready to scream at it with you. She was grunge, she was dark, she was frightening and wonderful.
I couldn’t afford the game, but I could afford the soundtrack. I ordered it from Amazon. A site that was also in it’s early days at the time. I hadn’t ordered much form the site, but I needed this.
I’ll always remember when the email alert came. My package had been delivered. There was a storm that day. I lived in Phoenix Arizona, and when we have storms it looks like the world is ending. The sky was dark, the thunder was loud. You had to get inside. I came home and went to the mailbox. The CD shape of the package nearly made my heart stop. I knew what it was, but holding it felt like an achievement.  I listened to that music daily.
Now, so you know, I didn’t just admire this game from afar. I did get the game for my birthday one year. I had talked about it so much that it was almost certain my mom would remember. It was the first computer game I owned. I was terrible at using a keyboard for games and couldn’t get through the first few levels without a huge amount of struggle. It was a lot of getting used to and I loved it.  
From the opening cinematic, the menu screen, the sound of the bell when you start the game. It was exactly what I wanted.
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At the time I couldn’t think of another game like Alice. It felt tailored made from people with my mindset. A frightful game with a deep story and a character I immediately identified with. At a time where games had very action oriented goals, Alice gave a backstory of an asylum even coming with a patient log for Alice. All of it detailing the terrible fire, her mental state, and the struggle she was going through.
The best part of this was that I wasn’t alone in my admiration for this story. You could walk into Hot Topic and Tower Records and be greeted by large Alice statues modeled from the box art that captured my imagination from the start.
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I wanted to see more of this character. I dreamed of seeing a movie someday.
And it almost seemed like I would get my wish.
There was news that a film was being developed of Alice with Wes Craven directing and possibly Natalie Portman or Sarah Michelle Gellar playing Alice. part of me hoped for an animated film with the original voices, but I was still gripped by this news.
At the time, I didn’t consider myself a horror person (feels weird to write that now since I think I’ve always really been one). I didn’t really seek out horror films and avoided gore. But I wanted Alice to by a disturbing and imaginative experience. I wanted to be scared watching this while feeling for the main protagonist and wanting her to reclaim her mind.
In a world where this film went the way I hoped, people would have movie nights today of Midsommar, Pearl and Alice. It would be a film that would take you somewhere you were afraid to go, but couldn’t look away from.
But then...I heard the movie wasn’t happening...and news of Alice stopped.
I never stopped thinking about that macabre girl and her journey through a tattered land of her mind. I listened to the music, revisited the game and also drew her now and then. lines from the game even made it into my typical dialogue (”Promise only what you can deliver” wise words).
I also still dreamed of seeing a film someday and would imagine who would play Alice (for a while I kept seeing Emma Watson as the character, but also still like the idea of an animated Alice.)
Then, one day, watching Attack of the Show on G4. I saw the most unexpected image.
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Alice was coming back, and this time she would be on consoles.
The thrill was back, and as soon as a trailer came out, I immediately shared it with everyone.
I was quick to buy the game when it came out, and it was wilder than I could have hoped. A gripping story with tragedy, beautiful animations and moments that sent a chill through me. The kind of chills that made me pause the game and take in what I was seeing. The sight of a monstrous train rampaging through wonderland was a gift. The way Alice’s mind would unravel things was mesmerizing. Seeing life in London through her eyes and getting more of the history of the character (and the twist of the Red Queen’s identity) it was perhaps the only game that really pulled me in fully. I love games like the Arkham series, Bioshock, Horizon, Silent Hill, and so on. Alice to me felt like something more. I wasn’t trying to save a city or save someone, I was playing to help retain someone’s sanity.
The fascination with this character and world was just as alive as when I first saw all of it. I bought the art of book and still go through it and use it as a bit of inspiration if I have a creativity block.
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 I carried my love for the character all the way to my work in animation and even built a stop motion puppet while I was working on Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio film. A character who I was so taken by in high school now stood on my desk.
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All this is to say that this take on Alice Liddell and her fantasy world has had a great influence on me. I was prepared to continue following this story and I hoped to someday see her find her way to the big screen and have a final story where she would come to peace with what happened to her.
The news that the tale of Alice is not going to continue is devastating. It’s troubling to see so many stories be brought to an abrupt end. for finales to never be given and answers to questions to be lost forever. 
There are a lot of stories that I believe deserve to be told, but we’re constantly given entertainment that’s simple, easily digestible, with nothing to say except to reference nostalgia and trend online. It’s hard to find something that you can connect with. Something that you need a moment to think about after you’ve seen it. Something that gets you emotionally. These things are found mostly in the passion projects of creatives. The projects they pour so much into and want to present to the world.  The projects that are not just made with earnings in mind, but also how you’ll connect to the audience. I think these projects are important. They push us to look further in and to question how we connect and interact with a story.
Too easily these types of ideas are thrown aside now and it’s harder for anyone to finish the tale they wanted to present to the world if it doesn’t fit with what a studio algorithm says. It may be a dark time to be a creative right now, but I’ll remember the stories that I connected with. The ones that hit an emotional part of me and made me stop and think about a new perspective on life, fear, depression, joy and how I connect to these things.
Thank you American Mcgee and the Alice team for taking me and many others through a Wonderland that reached into our very soul. 
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Hi how are you ❤️? You write amazingly well <3
I was wondering, if you take requests, if you could write a Jack/Ethan fic inspired by "You're Losing Me" by Taylor Swift. (You can decide the ending, line sad or not)
Thanks you 💕
thank you!! yall love being heartbroken, me too!! requests are open, i love doing them :)
you and jack had been dating for a year when he got offered a role in scream vi. you were more than excited for him, even though it meant you would be spending a lot of time apart. you both decided you would do everything in your power to make it work, but lately that was proving to be easier said than done. the last couple of days you could barely get in touch with him. whenever he did reply it was small or dry remarks. you felt lonely in the apartment you once shared. sitting, staring at the walls that were once filled with laughter and love. feeling your phone buzz you are quick to check the notification. 
“hey babe sorry ive had a long day on set” 
“jack we havent talked in days. i don't understand” 
“i know you don't. listen i’ll call you tomorrow” 
crashing on your bed, tears begin to dwell in your eyes.
you say, "I don't understand" and I say, "I know you don't"
we thought a cure would come through in time, now, I fear it won't
remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light
now, I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time
pacing your room with your phone up to your ear you begin to grow anxious. jack broke his empty promise and didn’t call you. so now here you were, trying to piece it back together. as the ringing stops, a smile is cast across your face. 
“jack!! hey, i miss you”
“hey what did you want”
“well you said you were gonna call and i just wanted to check up on you” 
“im a little busy right now” 
“oh okay maybe we can call again later” 
a deep sigh is his only response. 
“is everything okay?” 
“no everythings not okay! i cant get anything done when youre bothering me all day. im working and all you want to do is talk about your day. im sorry but i really don't care right now”
“oh okay. i’ll let you go” 
throwing your phone onto your bed, you break down in sobs. 
do I throw out everything we built or keep it?
i'm getting tired even for a phoenix
always risin' from the ashes
mendin' all her gashes
you might just have dealt the final blow
you spent the evening on your bed, shaking with tears streaming down your eyes. you could only thing about how good things used to be. when you had a boyfriend who absolutely adored you. now it seemed like you had no one at all. your heart was racing a million hours per hour and yet you felt absolutely nothing. 
stop, you're losing me
i can't find a pulse
my heart won't start anymore... for you
'cause you're losing me
after that night, that call, you made it a point to stay out of jacks way. he would facetime you every now and then. while he got his hair done, goofing around on set, or just in his trailer. none of these times did he seem to notice that none of your smiles reached your eyes. your replies were empty and solemn. you were happy to see him so excited but apart of you hated him for not realizing what he had done. for not realizing how deep his words had truly affected you. 
“hey you okay” 
biting your nails behind the screen 
“lately not really” you honestly replied. 
“hang on mason's gotta tell me something. i’ll call you later. love you."
every mornin' I glared at you with storms in my eyes
how can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?
i sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick
my face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick
your surprised to hear a knock at your door. you open it to reveal your curly headed boyfriend. he had stopped responding to you completely a few days ago, so saying you were shocked to see him was an understatement. tired of being the only one trying to keep the relationship afloat, you let out your frustration. 
“what are you doing here jack” 
“hey i just wanted to check up on you, i have a few days off” 
he brings you into a hug, but you stay stiff below him. 
“whats wrong?” he asks, picking up on your mood. 
“you ignore me for days and expect me to be excited to see you?” 
“ive been busy you know that” 
“jack we barely talk anymore. and when we do you blow me off in the first 5 minutes. hell you even told me to stop talking to you.” you explain, tears filling your eyes. 
“look im sorry, the movies just been taking up all my time."
“and the movies more important than me right?” you say barely above a whisper.
“no but this is my job, my life” 
“then maybe you should only worry about yourself” finally looking into his eyes.
“what are you trying to say” 
“im saying we’re done jack. i cant keep putting myself through hell only for you not to give a shit” 
“no c'mon we can make this work.”
“yeah thats what you said last time. please jack im going to ruin myself if this keeps happening.” 
you both are a crying mess at this point. 
not saying another word, jack leaves. 
and the air is thick with loss and indecision
i know my pain is such an imposition
now, you're running down the hallway
and you know what they all say
"you don't know what you got until it's gone"
the next morning you find a letter left at your front door. 
my love, 
i'm sorry. for absolutely everything. i love you endlessly. when the stars realign, i’ll be there. but for now, be with someone who can give you everything i couldn't. 
stop, you're losing me
i can't find a pulse
my heart won't start anymore... for you
'cause you're losing me
stop 'cause you're losing me
crumpling up the paper you begin to cry. 
i gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy
and all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier
fighting in only your army, frontlines, don't you ignore me
giving up so much of yourself, you were absolutely exhausted. the beautiful relationship you once had is now behind you. 
you're losing me
stop, you're losing me
i can't find a pulse, my heart won't start anymore
giving up the fight, you were at rest. 
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working-dreamer · 1 year
I have seen the new Layton trailer and I have thoughts!
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It’s interesting that they made a point to say that in this American town Layton is just an anonymous gentlemen while Luke has been solving mysteries and growing his reputation as a detective. Makes me wonder how that will affect their dynamic. On one hand I think Layton would be happy to see Luke has thrived on his own but I also think Layton will feel sad that he missed out on watching Luke grow up.
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Will Layton feel oddly out of sorts because he’s so used to being well known? Or will he revel in the anonymity that this town brings? Will Layton wonder why Luke invited him since he seems to already have a handle on solving mysteries?
The website character portrait has new things to say about the characters. On Luke’s side it says he has become a detective. On Layton’s side… it says he has been acting on his own. Does this mean that Layton hasn’t done much of anything since the ending of Unwound Future? I mean it definitely makes sense because the ending of Unwound Future could naturally have left him depressed- what if that’s partly why Luke invited him to come solve a mystery in America? What if Luke just wanted see how Layton is holding up and to be there for him if needed? It probably won’t be that dark but that would be an interesting story right? Oh my heart!
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I don’t think this game retcons Kat’s story. This game takes place one year after Unwound Future. Kat’s adventure takes place years after. I have yet to see the whole anime so I don’t know if Layton says he hasn’t seen Luke since Unwound Future but if so that might be the only detail that’s changed.
Can we have a cameo from Phoenix Wright? Come on, that’d be perfect!
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Those sketches thooooo!!! Flora has grown up too!! Or maybe it’s Luke’s future wife?? Either way I’m excited!
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On one hand it’s kinda funny that the ending card featured bullets and two bullet holes because ‘haha of course they would include guns in America’ but on the other hand…. They included guns. Real guns. Real bullets. IF LAYTON OR LUKE GETS SHOT I’M GONNA GO FERAL!
Overall I am so excited for what the future holds! Game looks good! Big excite!
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satoshi-mochida · 9 months
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy launches January 25, 2024
Gematsu Source
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Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy will launch for for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam and Microsoft Store on January 25, 2024, Capcom announced.
Get the latest details below.
What is Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy?
First released in 2001, the Ace Attorney series gave birth to the Courtroom Battle genre of text adventure games. Phoenix Wright passes the torch on to Apollo Justice in this collection of three games, which traces Apollo’s growth as a lawyer as he navigates the Dark Age of the Law. Beautiful HD graphics and special bonuses galore makes this the definitive version to play!
Games in the Collection
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice
Investigate crimes, solve mysteries, and catch the culprit! Investigate crime scenes to gather evidence and build your case. Battle the lead prosecutor in court and save your client. Find and resolve contradictions to reveal more and more of the truth. Take a desperate situation and turn it around! Snatch a Not Guilty verdict from the jaws of defeat!
Investigation Parts – Talk with witnesses and investigate the crime scene to gather info and evidence to use in court.
Trial Parts – Point out contradictions between a witness’s testimony and the evidence with a loud “Objection!” Expose their lies during cross-examination and uncover the truth.
Turning things on their head to turn the situation around—that’s how a true Ace Attorney wins their case!
Special Contents
Orchestra Hall – The soundtracks of all three games plus 14 select tracks from the Ace Attorney 15th Anniversary Orchestra Concert and the Ace Attorney 2019 Orchestra Concert make for a total of 175 tracks. Watch the new chibi character illustrations dance along to the music as you enjoy your favorite songs.
Art Library – This library is chock full of character designs, background art, and even the special prologue anime for Spirit of Justice. We’ve never included so much! Original art commissioned for this collection can also be found here!
Animation Studio – Freely create the scene of your dreams with character models and animations, background music, and voiced lines from the games—all at your fingertips. Place characters in situations unthinkable in the main games!
Special Episodes and Costumes – Special Episodes and costumes that were only available as pre-order specials or paid content are included in this collection. Play with special costumes on for even wackier trials. Enjoy the two Special Episodes from Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice, “Turnabout Reclaimed” and “Turnabout Time Traveler.” An unusual client and some familiar faces make these must-play episodes for any Ace Attorney fan!
Quality of Life Improvements
Games Menu – Choose the game, episode, and even chapter you’d like to start from the first time you play. Experience the story from the very beginning or jump to your favorite scenes—it’s up to you!
Story Mode – In Autoplay, the game will proceed through the dialogue for you, while in Story Mode, the game will also make selections and solve puzzles automatically for you. This is the perfect mode for people who want to simply sit back and watch a good mystery unfold.
History – The backlog system from Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice that allowed you to review text you’ve already read has been added to Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. Re-read lines you accidentally skipped with ease!
Seven Languages – The story is available in seven languages: Japanese, English, French, German, Korean, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese. Also included are new voice dubs in each language. Mix and match the game text and voice languages to your liking.
Watch a new trailer below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
Release Date Trailer
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autumnslance · 3 months
Final Fantasy XVI Music
Want to know what the tracks for the upcoming crossover sound like? Once again, Masayoshi Soken & Team have given us some bangers, and the selection is nice.
I'll add them (mostly) in the FF16 OST's list order, along with lyrics for "Find the Flames", below the cut.
Starting us off with the menu music, 16's version of the FF Prelude.
An arrangement of Cidolfus Telamon's theme. Takafumi Imamura's done some of my favorite FF14 tracks too. The title translation is "Thunder in the Machine" since this Cid is not only a scientist/engineer, but also the Dominant of Ramuh.
Field music for one of the nations of Valisthea, the Holy Empire of Sanbreque.
Another field theme, this time for Clive's homeland, Rosaria.
An arrangement of Joshua/Phoenix's theme. The lyrics for the full version are good.
Clive's theme song, heard in the crossover trailer and pretty much everywhere else. Blood-pumping sound and lyrics.
An arrangement of Clive's theme, as he comes to terms with a hard truth.
World Map theme, an arrangement of the FF Prelude.
"Our Terms" is a Hideaway (home base) default theme, and while not one of the rewards, it is the music heard in the crossover trailer while riding Torgal, so it may be his mount up music.
"Before The Storm - Caer Norvent" (site of a significant confrontation) and "To Sail Forbidden Seas" (the battle theme against other Dominants and their Eikons) are too big for Tumblr's audio uploads, so I'll add links to those in the Replies. Caer Norvent will have some scenes, but nothing one can't see in the demo as it's a very early encounter, and it's mostly talking. The battle theme video has no gameplay.
A little disappointed we get none of the many arrangements of "My Star", Jill Warrick's theme. The full song plays at the very end as the credits begin to roll, sung by Amanda Achen, music by Soken, arranged by Keiko, lyrics by Michael-Christopher Koji-Fox.
Lyrics for "Find the Flame":
Dig, dig, dig, dig, deeper Dig, dig, dig, dig, deeper Delve, delve, delve, delve, deeper Weep, weep, weep, weep, weeper Dig, dig, dig, dig, deeper Dig, dig, dig, dig, deeper Wake, wake, wake, wake, sleeper Reap, reap, reap, reap, reaper
Raise thy lantern, pioneer Shine upon the far frontier Fingers cracked and body broken Mind adaze yet soul awoken
Diving into the...mire! Laid out upon the...pyre! Never this soul shall...tire! Running into the...fire!
Your bleary bloodshot eyes open wide in the dawn Let the light in and brighten the shades that sleep inside you
Find the flame, the flame, the flame Find the flame, the flame, the flame Let its light blind you
Delve in this dark abyss. Fathomless emptiness, Till the kiss of fire enfolds you!
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nitrateglow · 7 months
Thoughts on Napoleon (2023)
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Saw the Napoleon movie last night and was pretty disappointed. It was my most anticipated film this year and wow... maybe the 4-hour cut is better? Because this movie just felt psychologically shallow and overly compressed. 2 1/2 hours just isn't enough time to cover three decades of history.
Not that this film is good history. I cringed at Ridley Scott's pathetic defense of his historical inaccuracies: "You weren't there, I wasn't there, stfu, I can do whatever I want." Did anyone tell Ridley about this thing called primary sources? Or historical records? Or biographies and history books? Like, THAT'S HOW WE KNOW ABOUT HISTORICAL EVENTS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Like, I was prepared for basic inaccuracies when I saw how they depicted Marie Antoinette's execution in the trailer (no shorn hair, not in white). But man... they really oversimplify the French Revolution and never go into why Napoleon is such a fascinating historical figure, both revered and despised, with an incredibly complicated legacy.
Agnes Poirer's review has a great passage which sums up my frustration with the film as a Napoleon biopic:
"[Ridley Scott] even seems ignorant of the fact that there are two men in Napoleon: there is Bonaparte, a hero of the French Revolution who gave France and Europe institutions of the Enlightenment era that still exist today, and who liberated Jewish communities from their European ghettos; and there is Napoleon, the hero turned weary authoritarian ruler, whose military campaigns drained a whole nation of its youth and wealth. Beyond facts, Scott’s great historical deficiency is to ignore the politics; instead giving us Napoleon’s tactics on the battlefield as a mirror to his sex life. It’s inept, crass and boring."
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There's often the sentiment that historically inaccurate movies can be forgiven somewhat if they make for compelling drama. The problem with Napoleon is that the real history IS compelling drama and Scott's film is just shallow spectacle with the occasional goofy gag masquerading as satire. The filmmakers seem to be going for dark comedy, but the approach only sporadically works because much of the humor falls flat (I saw this in an almost full theater and the comedy scenes mostly played to dead silence-- I felt secondhand embarrassment for the actors at times). The humor just consists of Napoleon being awkward or shouting meme-able things ("DESTINY HAS BROUGHT ME THIS LAMB CHOP!" *tries to start food fight*). Yeah, The Death of Stalin it is not.
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Joaquin Phoenix's performance is also one-note and static-- his Napoleon never seems to age, visually or inwardly, and he never captures the man's famous charisma, so I never bought that any army would possess an ounce of loyalty to him. Vanessa Kirby fares better as the alluring and tragic Josephine, but even her performance felt compromised and choppy-- probably due to this being whittled down from the 4-hour cut.
Aside from Phoenix's Grumpy Cat face Napoleon and Kirby's Josephine, none of the other characters leave much of an impression, good or bad. Historical figures flit in and out of the story, barely making more than uninteresting cameos. I felt like I was watching a clipshow for a miniseries, not a self-contained movie. If you don't know the basic outline of the history being depicted, I can only imagine how confusing this movie must be.
Ugh, this was just so disappointing! I was never bored while watching it, but I just left the theater empty. The more I think about it, the less I like it.
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iolaussharpe-24 · 1 month
My Initial Reactions to the ENTIRE X-Men Movie Franchise
X-Men: Nightmare Fuel
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(Side note: This was my favorite Marvel action figure and I still have him.)
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X-Men: The Last Stand: Baby, don't hurt yourself. I love your wings. Why are you leaving Mystique behind?! She was your friend! WHAT IS THAT?! IS XAVIER DEAD?!?! Oh my god, Magneto's that strong?!
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X-Men Origins: Wolverine: He scares me. But I want him to chase me.
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X-Men: First Class: Magneto's hot now?
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X-Men: Days of Future Past:
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X-Men: Apocalypse: This is kind of creepy. Wait, that guy is who?! MY BABY'S BACK!!! Why would you do that to him?🎶SWEET DREAMS ARE MADE OF THIS WHO AM I TO DISAGREE?🎶 This is neat. OH MY GOD HE'S A GIANT!!
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Deadpool 2: Super Duper Cut
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X-Men: Dark Phoenix: ..... It's okay. I forgive you for this birthday present. We didn't know it was going to be this bad. We were blinded by Jessica Chastain. At least Nightcrawler got his chance to shine again. For less than a minute of screentime. WHAT THE HELL DID XAVIER DO WRONG?! I DON'T SEE A PROBLEM WITH NOT TELLING THE TICKING TIME BOMB OF A TRAUMATIZED CHILD THAT HER DAD DOESN'T WANT HER BECAUSE SHE KILLED HER MOM!!! LOOK WHAT SHE DID WHEN SHE FOUND OUT!!!! She does not deserve that. SHE DOES NOT DESERVE THAT. SHE DOES NOT DESERVE THAT!
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The New Mutants
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Deadpool and Wolverine announcement/trailer:
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bornincaldecott · 3 months
X-Men '97 | Episodes 1 & 2
X-Men TAS has always had a special place in my heart. That, along with the Dark Phoenix Saga (granted it had been out for awhile by the time I was able to read it), was my introduction to comics. I love everything X-Men, but TAS is special. So, like a lot of people, I went into this feeling several types of ways. When the intro started, I got chills.
All-in-all, I really enjoyed the first two episodes. I'm not super crazy about the animation style (why are all the ladies wearing super thick eyeliner a la the Scene Era?), but it's fine.
Crop Top Gambit in the first five minutes? Incredible. I wasn't crazy about his new VA initially, but he grew on me pretty quickly.
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I actually liked Scott's voice the best. I think his new VA did an incredible job channeling his original VA.
The writing was clunky at times, but I get why (like when Rogue is moping about her powers at the rave, or when Jean is explaining to Storm about the Phoenix). First, they're trying to capture the essence of TAS, 90's cringe and all (nailed it). Second, this show isn't necessarily meant to bring in new fans. It's a happy by-product, sure, but not the intent. That said, they still have to ensure that things make sense (as much as possible) to any X-Men newbies, which means we gotta endure some awkward exposition.
I fucking called Rogueneto. When the first trailer dropped, and we got the last clip of hunky Mags, I was like...oh, they're doing Rogueneto. And honestly? I'm here for it. Do I like the pairing? No, it's not my cuppa, but what I do like is the angst it presents for Romy. Rogueneto also helps set Rogue and Gambit up as a foil to Jean and Scott's established relationship, and then they're the mid-point between Jean and Scott and what I am guessing is going to be Jubilee and Roberto.
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This broke my heart though. UGH. I know it'll be alright in the end because the show's already said Romy is their OTP but stiiillllll.
AND I CALLED MADELYN?! Okok we won't actually know until next week but ?!?!?!?!?!
I could go on and on about the first two episodes, but instead I'll highlight some of my favorite parts.
Storm turning the desert to glass. JFC. Even the sentinels were like "danger Will Robinson!" And the quiet piano sound during the scene? MY GOD. CHILLS.
"He's here!" / "Apocalypse?!" / "THE BABY!" & Wolvie got a convertible.
Mag's monologue in the sky. Fucking wow.
The sentinel fight. It was so cool seeing them fight as a team.
And not to end on a bummer note, but...they introduced Genosha...did a whole bit with Mags saving the Morlocks and sending them there...and with what Jean saw in Cerebro in the first episode...yeah...I think we're getting that story.
Anyway! Loved the first two episodes. Super jazzed for the rest.
Have one last Remy gif for the road.
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ffs I want him to look at me like that.
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respectthepetty · 2 years
The Cages We Live In
People can’t always do what they want 100%. Sometimes, a sacrifice needs to be made to make the people around you happy. Especially, family. – Episode 4
Previous Posts' Recap: Ep. 1 [Yin & Yang], Ep. 2 [The Color of Anxiety], Ep. 3 [Do you get déjà vu?]
The symbolism of the iron arrow stakes surrounding the family home acting as reminders of the way Mangkorn's family expectations about how he must live his life are dangerous and keeping him caged…
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Hong’s father points out the children’s names make them a match, but the names indicate they are the same person [Phoenix and Dragon are both Yang]. Yai is a match for Mangkorn because they balance each other.
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When Mangkorn leaves to go outside, there is a Lion watching him in the background. Although Yai is Tiger, we’ve seen inclusions of the big cat family in other scenes to remind Mangkorn of Yai.
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Hong has always been a neutral (brown coloring) for Mangkorn and a safe person for him to speak to. Also note, the kite is a green dragon with red spots and Mangkorn is in his red.
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As adults, Hong is still in brown as she is still a neutral force for Mangkorn. However, his red is less vibrant and muted around his family, and the kite is a rainbow (gay!).
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While Mangkorn is having a conversation with his neutral force, Yai is having one with his - his sister. She is in brown and he is in black. Her background is light while Yai’s is dark.
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But as the conversation progresses, and the sister helps Yai talk more about his feelings, red starts to emerge on the screen and blur into Yai’s body. Remember, red is Mangkorn!
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Yai is usually shot from inside spaces, usually his house (black), while Mangkorn is shot in outside nature scenes, but Yai is now outside in all green surrounded by greens/blues since his thoughts our dominated by Mangkorn.
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Even at the cafe, Yai is overwhelmed with his thoughts about Mangkorn as green and red show up in every scene.
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Mangkorn’s home is neutral speaking to his mother, but the blues and reds are still there behind the mother because although she doesn't agree with the father, she hasn't outright opposed him either.
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The colors extend to the family members just as they did at the lunch earlier. The mothers also clearly look unhappy while the dads are happy.
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In this shot, there is a perfect divide with the barrier in the middle of them and a great example of balance; Mangkorn and Yai are a version of Yin & Yang as Yai wears green/white which is the background for Mangkorn, and Mangkorn wears browns which is Yai’s background.
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Bonus – Mangkorn smiles when Yai leaves because Yai is jealous
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Because of this, Mangkorn’s thoughts are dominated by Yai with the black background that is a building instead of nature.
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The barrier happens again during this scene as each man is clearly on his own side
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Yet Mangkorn is the one to break the barrier by asking for the phone.
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Mangkorn has always been the one to break the barrier: in Yai’s house after the meeting, he stepped into Yai’s space; in the hospital, after Yai’s appointment, he stepped into Yai’s space; at the party in the bathroom, he stepped into Yai’s space; in the car after they had dinner, he moved into Yai’s space; at the park, he moves into Yai’s space to kiss him. Mangkorn has always made the first move, physically.
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Bonus: Yai’s hoodie states “Vanity Club: Exclusive Society”
Mangkorn also attempts to make their relationship safer by taking Yai to his safe space and visiting Yai at his in neutral brown. Note that Mangkorn’s safe space is dark and black while Yai’s is bright and filled with greens and reds. The colors show that these two have always sought safety in each other.
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Bonus: SLAPKISS is a real band, but the song “I’m Sorry for Being the Bad Thing in Your Life” is not the actual title of the song. It's "Sunflower" and is used in the trailer. It is symbolic of Yai’s thoughts about Mangkorn, and the lyrics are about not being worthy of love [thanks @rdyrtiegoestosalon!]. Even the band's name seems to be symbolic of their relationship.
At the elevator, both men are back in their colors, but the background demonstrates they are intertwined with red and black both being mixed.
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Bonus: Neither Cherry nor Mangkorn gave an answer to the other one about why they are there, and the way Mangkorn responds seems like he knows exactly why she is there.
When Yai stumbles across Mangkorn with Cherry, the screen is back to dividing their colors.
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Dragon controls rain and Tiger controls wind. As Yai is yelling at Mangkorn, the wind picks up. After Yai hits Mangkorn, thunder starts. When Mangkorn yells at Yai to answer him, the rain begins.
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They created a storm, which the radio in Yai’s car had warned of earlier.
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As other’s have pointed out, the song playing during this scene is the Bad Buddy rooftop song “Cold Light of Day”. Day was Yai’s safe space and was full of greens and reds. Mangkorn screaming at Yai to admit he likes him is Yai not only having to admit he truth that he does like Mangkorn, but realizing that he finds comfort and safety in Mangkorn, something he has struggled with this episode.
Park & Phong
Everyone has their pair
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These two are already a couple and don’t even know it! They are wearing their signature blue and pink colors as usual during the episode to showcase their dynamic. Once again, they also fight, which has been a constant in their relationship: boxing, arguing, wrestling, playing games on their phones, and playing a video game.
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Bonus – The rain was colored pink and blue as a transition between the storm Mangkorn and Yai were creating and the storm (of emotions) brewing between Park and Phong.
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tact-and-impulse · 7 months
Narumayo Week 2023 Day 1
@narumayoweek2023 thanks for this year's prompts! This was inspired by the anime trailer for SOJ, and the thought of what if Phoenix never stopped moving from the airport. FF.net, AO3
Prompt: Waterfalls/Reunions
Phoenix hurried down the path, the suitcase’s wheels clattering against the stone tiles. He ignored the encroaching shadows of foliage; he barely registered the distant rumble of water. Maya’s scream still echoed in his mind, as it had in his car left in the States, the commercial plane to Khura’in, the rickshaw he ordered to halt outside this wooded area. He hadn’t stopped moving since her phone call. Somehow, he managed to put together descriptions and directions, leading him to the Lotus Pool, a training site for spirit mediums. 
He glimpsed the bottom of the winding way down, a flat terrace with a painted symbol pointing deeper into the trees. That was when he heard the bell from above, and a small voice asking. “Hey! Who are you?”
“I’m Phoenix Wright, I’m looking for Maya Fey!”
Whoever it was, they were rustling and scrambling, the reply diminished. “She’s…her…wait!”
But he was through with waiting, and he broke into a sprint. He pushed past the trees, the air becoming thick with moisture and incense. The waterfall was visible first, sheer motion from towering cliffs; ripples lapped against the stone tiles, and Phoenix’s gaze was filled by a scene of pink lotuses. At the far edge of the pool, a silhouette separated the thundering base of the waterfall. Hands held palm to palm, chin dipped, dark hair plastered under the spray.
Oh. She was alright. For the first time in over twelve hours, he could breathe.
Maya’s head slowly lifted, and she immediately began moving in his direction. She was wearing a thin white robe, her sleeves dragging across the water’s surface. A light breeze carried her voice. “Nick!”
He was about to jump in, to meet her halfway, when something pulled at his arm. A young boy’s fingers clutched his elbow, as he frantically shook his head.
“You may be Mystic Maya’s friend, but outsiders can���t enter the pool. Unless you’re training as a spirit medium too?” Round eyes stared at the magatama.
“Sorry. This one was lent to me.” He glanced back at Maya, who was much closer than he expected.
…Her clothing isn’t waterproof.
“It’s fine, Ahlbi. You can go back to the temple bells. He’ll help me.” She winked and the boy ducked his head, scurrying away. They were alone.
Phoenix cleared his throat, shrugging off his suit jacket. He kept his focus on her face, not that it was much easier. It was probably the sheen of water or the lack of a spotty connection blurring her features, but her full lips glistened. He draped the jacket over her shoulders. “I thought you were in trouble, and here you are, having a nice swim.”
“Well, I got some help at the last second, but my phone broke. The new one won’t be ready until the end of today.” She twisted the weight of her dark hair in her hands. “In the meantime, I’ll show you a good time.”
“You’ve never been to Khura’in before! Since you’re here, you might as well be a tourist. We’ll head out as soon as I’m done.”
“O-oh, yeah. Wait, done with what?”
She gave a pointed look. “I need to change. Into drier clothes. Unless, do you actually want to help me?”
The offer was strangely tempting. Despite his jacket, it wasn’t enough to conceal her body. Slender legs, generous hips, the faint outline of a sarong under her robe. But her breasts were unbound, the damp cloth outlining perfectly formed curves and peaking at the tips.
Realizing he’d been quiet for too long, he grasped for a response. “I could only do that if you give me a blindfold.”
The jet lag was frazzling his mind, it probably was a failure because her cheeks reddened and she abruptly tossed his jacket back. “In that case, you’ll work best as my guard.” Her robe slipped and he caught a flash of creamy skin, her bare shoulder, before he remembered to turn.
Thankfully, the wait was brief, and when he was permitted to pivot again, she was tying up her bun. He took hold of the handle of his rolling suitcase. “You really had me worried, but I’m glad you’re okay.”
She smiled. “And I’m glad you’re here. So, let’s go!” With that, she grabbed his hand and led him away from the waterfall. Nevertheless, staring at her swaying figure, he gulped.
Somehow, I get the feeling I won’t be taking in much of the sights…
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corrodedthorn · 2 years
mirage | masterlist
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>>pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader >>genre: best friends to strangers/enemies to lovers, angst, hurt/comfort, a little bit of fluff if you squint >>content warning: it'll probably get really dark in general so depression, ptsd, panic attacks, suicide thoughts, near death experiences, some canon typical violence, death, murder mentions, mentions of alcohol and drugs abuse, swearing, smoking, mentions of blood, arguments, spoilers for basically all seasons, bullying, Jason as a really bad person, vomiting, emotionally abusive parents, use of guns and knives, nighmares, a lot of miscommunication >>english is not my first language
>>summary: In his entire life, Eddie had one person he could call his best friend. Well, he had, because right after the well-known Starcourt Mall fire, after many weeks of secrets and lies, their paths turbulently parted.  A few reckless sentences, forgotten dates and secrets that were never meant to see the light of day. That was all it took for the piercing frost of indifference to envelop them.  The world around them was on fire, but their hearts remained painfully frozen. They stubbornly stayed in the cold of misunderstandings, stabbing glares and tearful words. Once so beautiful, unstoppable. Now, like strangers, they send only vague glances in each other's direction. Although months of piercing silence have passed, when the corpse of Eddie's schoolmate rested on the floor of his trailer, and Hawkins began the hunt, it is she, along with Dustin and the group, who shows up on his hideout's doorstep. Ready to protect him even at the cost of her own life. Scars start to bleed again, as Eddie desperately rips up old wounds and decides to find the answer to the question that has been tormenting him this whole time. What really happened in the summer of 1985?
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
spotify playlist
Prologue: |you can't tell me why; we must separate (cataracts - dancing plague)|
Chapter 1: |they say you're getting better; but you don't feel any better (hearing damage - thom yorke)|
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taglist: @awhoreforeddiemunson @peaches-roses-sins @vingtetunmars @waitlalice @mopeymopeymouse @nikt-wazny-y @fangirling-4-ever @eddiebaemunson @munsonsfairygarden @dietcokequeen06 @aedicn @anxietybbie-blog @eddiesdingus @marvelbrokeme @avengers-21 @drm2003 @the-iridescent-phoenix @hurricane-abigail @h-ness1944 @basketcaseeeeee @eddiejosephluv @authoressskr @fizzleslay @chickennug90 @princesseddie @urallidjits @dreamsofbisexualswamprats @protecteddiemunson4vr
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Japanese version (with multi-language captions)
Final Fantasy XVI will launch for PlayStation 5 on June 22, 2023.
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Trailer and Game overview
Titled “Salvation,” the trailer sets the stage for what players can expect when they step into Valisthea next month, where we see the harsh circumstances faced by the Bearers, those born with the ability to cast magicks at will, and we see the truth that lies behind the Mothercrystals, long supposed to have bestowed blessings upon humanity. The new trailer also offers a glimpse of the first steps of Clive Rosfield, the protagonist of the game, as he and his allies fight to take back control of their fate.
Final Fantasy XVI introduces players to an all-new story in the Final Fantasy universe, an epic dark fantasy that takes place in the realm of Valisthea—a land blessed in the light of the Mothercrystals, and where peace falters as the spread of the Blight threatens to destroy their dominions. The fate of the land is decided by the Eikons, mighty summoned beasts and their Dominants, men and women who have been blessed with the ability to call upon and wield them. This is the tale of Clive Rosfield, a warrior granted the title “First Shield of Rosaria” and sworn to protect his younger brother Joshua, the Dominant of the Phoenix, Eikon of Fire. Before long, Clive will be caught up in a great tragedy and swear revenge on the Dark Eikon known as Ifrit, a mysterious entity that brings calamity in its wake.
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, February 10th
SPIKE: Of all the bloody faces I expected to see down here. ANGEL: You're a Nazi. SPIKE: What? (Angel looks Spike up and down) Oh. No. I just ate one.
~~Why We Fight~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Weekly Drabbles #80 — Scars by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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I'm listening by firemanwhenthefloodsrollback (Tara/Willow, T)
The language slayers speak in heaven by firemanwhenthefloodsrollback (Buffy/Nikki, T)
The Night Before by reader304 (Buffy/Spike, T)
Phoenix by EllieRose101 (Buffy/Spike, M)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Raven, Chapter 2 by sparrow2000 (Vamp!Xander & Spike, G)
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When Ethan Rayne made Rambo, Chapter 8 by USKiwi (Xander, not rated)
The Vision Quest, Chapter 10 by Acb6293 (Buffy/Spike, E)
Easy Street, Chapter 14 by Storm_Arke (Faith/Daryl Dixon, The Walking Dead crossover, T)
They Know Exactly What We're Here For, Chapter 7 by MadeInGold (Angel/Riley/Spike, E)
Love Lives Here, Chapter 19 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, E)
Blasphemy, Chapter 5 by wickedrum (Buffy/Spike, T)
The End of Destiny, Chapter 6 by ConstantCommentTea (Angel/Cordelia, T)
Raven, Chapter 2 by sparrow2000 (Xander, Spike, G)
A weapon of victory, Chapter 4 by FPBarbieri (Buffy, Tolkien crossover, T)
GREEN-EYED MONSTER, Chapters 1-2 by Jaredlee33 (Buffy, Faith/Kate, M)
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The Vision Quest, Chapter 10 by acb6293 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Truth and Consequences, Chapter 7 by JamesMFan (Buffy/Spike, R)
Love Lives Here, Chapter 19 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
What If Love Was Enough? Chapter 17 (complete!) by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn, Chapter 12 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Something Borrowed, Chapter 2 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
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The Magic of Sunnydale, Chapter 5 by Buffyworldbuilder (Buffy, Harry Potter crossover, FR15)
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What the Drabble? Chapter 80 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, 0)
Rules of Engagement, Chapter 10 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Lives Here, Chapter 20 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Ready for it? Chapter 4 by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
I Do! Chapter 21 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Coloring page of Harmony Kendall in "Harm's Way" by amazzyblaze and husband (worksafe)
Artwork: Lusty Bangel by gianelson (not worksafe)
Artwork: Jenny and Giles by tana-draws (worksafe)
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Crochet: Willow's bag by blurtics
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Artwork: Cheesecake by MamaBewear (Darla & Drusilla, not worksafe)
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Artwork: After Hours Chronicles - Artwork Collection, Chapter 4 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
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Artwork: Buffy Sketches by BKM Illustration (Becoming pt 2, worksafe)
Fanvid: Buffy & Angel Birds by Angelus_Clips
Fanvid: Giles and Buffy || Build A Home by Lucy Whiskers
Fanvid: IN THE END | Faith Lehane by Taco_Id
Fanvid: Buffy - Me too by Witch Kristy
Fanvid: Spuffy | I'm Yours by Marie.
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - Wonderland by juliaroxs241 (creator also posted multiple other vids)
Fanvid: Spike and Buffy - Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nina Mironovitch
Video: Buffy, Angel, Roswell And Dark Angel Crossover Trailer by RosswellDarkAngel
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Things I wouldn’t think I’d say - season 6 *spoilers up to S6E1* by LoveDreamer18
S6 1st **REWATCH** by caldude1985
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Video: The Twisted Buffy Guide S02E06: Halloween by Twisted View
Video: Life Serial-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Podcast: Buffy Season 6 As A Whole S6 E23 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by Lisa M. Lilly
Podcast: Something Something Buffy the Vampire Slayer... by Expertise is Overrated
[Fandom Discussions]
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One of the things I like best about the second half of Season 7 is the fact it lets Buffy accept that she’s still growing up and figuring out who she is as a person by coraniaid
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Was Buffy the Only Slayer to Be Revived? by NotASlayer
Why did some fans turn on Willow and Xander? continued by multiple posters
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What was your reaction to this moment? ["Cordelia" killing Lilah] by dabzandjabz
Would Angel eventually start to look like the Master? by samcarpentervi
The amount of confusion I have as a first time watcher... [about Dawn] by tvcriticgirlxo
Spike is very fond of the Summers women and would pretty much do anything for them by Opening_Knowledge868
What shows would Spike & Dru watch together? by alrtight
Spike’s hottest season by HollyVioletRose
Were you on Buffy’s side when she was upset when Angel did as she asked and pretended he lost his soul to get the inside scoop on The Mayor’s plans? by unitedfan6191
Cordelia Visions by LoveSnape
what is up with willow and kennedy? lol by likeshinythings
why season 2 is a classic television season ?? by LoveDreamer18
Your ideas for a Faith spin off? by speashasha
Who is older- The Master or Prince of Lies? At what age do you think vampires start looking like the Turok-Han? by alrtight
Aside from Dawn, which character often received kid glove treatment? by Opening_Knowledge868
What's Your Best and/or Worst of Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2? by Big-Restaurant-2766
What do you think of the whole Buffy-Angel relationship in season 3? by unitedfan6191
What is Something that Stands Out to You in "Graduation Day Parts 1&2" and/or Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 3 in general? by Big-Restaurant-2766
What subtext or metaphor did you miss at first? by SafiraAshai
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We're All In This Together - Eddie Munson X Female Reader
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Title: We're All In This Together
Eddie Munson X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's mom, Reader's dad (mentioned), and cops
WC: 1,746
Warnings: Reader had a mother and father, guns, mention of murder, slight mention of Chrissy's death, slight mention of bullying, insecurities, and cops
All you ever wanted was to just get some D&D advice. That was all you wanted. But, no, this had to go and happen.
It was pretty early, but you knew Eddie would be up. You had known him all through your time in Hawkins High, seeing him repeat Senior year over and over again. People thought he was weird, a freak. But, you thought he was just some guy who loved D&D and metal music. There was nothing wrong with his love for his likes and hobbies. You hadn't really spoken to him much before you joined, but Eddie was very nice, charming towards you really.
You started playing D&D when you were in Middle school. It started out as a small RPG in the basement with your dad, then it grew into something huge. You made friends with other kids like you, but it also brought some teasing from the other kids who didn't understand. Most called you a witch, but you didn't let it get to you.
Parking your Pontiac Firebird, which Eddie decided to go along and name Phoenix, you narrowed your eyes in confusion and suspicion when you spotted two cop cars, parked a little ways away. The cops looked like they were getting ready for something serious, and at Eddie's place for that matter. Did they figure out that he was selling drugs?
"Well, this is definitely not good," You said as you got out of your car and walked towards them.
"Excuse me," You called, as one cop popped out of Eddie's trailer.
The cop man at the front door was older, probably around forty. He wore a black suit with a white shirt underneath and a matching tie. His hair was short and combed back.
"Miss, this is a murder investigation, please leave the area." He said in a cold voice.
Your eyes widened, "Is Eddie alright?"
The cop man finally made eye contact with you, narrowing his eyebrows.
"You know the boy?" He asked and you nodded.
Taking out a pair of handcuffs, he walked towards you, "Then you're coming with me."
Furrowing your own eyebrows, you stepped back, whatever this was, it didn't feel right. Quickly, you turned and ran to your car, as the cop yelled and ran after you, but he was too late, you had already begun racing out of the trailer park. Breathing heavily, you slowed once you were far enough away. Pulling up to your house, you parked your car and quickly headed inside.
"Honey? Where have you bee-?" Your mother asked, but you ran straight up to your room, grabbing your backpack and dumping your school supplies out, before packing a couple of extra clothes, snacks from your secret snack box, and your dad's handgun that you stole a while back. The man had a couple, so you were glad he didn't really notice.
Grabbing your jacket, you ran back downstairs and began walking. Ignoring as your mother called out to you from the front door. You didn't have time to talk to her, you needed to find Eddie. If they were there, they were probably looking for him.
You were so scared. Everything was falling apart. You couldn't believe it, things were supposed to be better now. After the mall... You shook your head, finally traveling down to lover's lake, finding the old cabin. It was dark out, the moon had replaced the sun and you had checked for Eddie everywhere you possibly could without running into the cops.
Part of you cursed yourself for running away from the police, you could've stayed and not become a fugitive. But, finding Eddie, alive and safe, was all that mattered. You grabbed your gun, just in case. And headed into the cabin. Hoping that he was in there.
Stepping in carefully, you turned behind you, looking around, making sure you weren't being followed or spotted. Sighing, you walked in, rolling your eyes, you had forgotten to bring a flashlight. Looking around the dark boat house, you heard the crinkling of wrappers, turning around a corner, you spotted a figure. They were hunched over a small wooden table, eating whatever they were eating. Immediately, you knew who they were.
"Eddie?" You asked, softly, but startling the young man nonetheless.
He looked up, surprised, "What are you doing here?" Walking over quickly, closing the boat house's door behind you.
You frowned slightly, "I went to your place to ask you something, but the cops were there. They tried to arrest me but I had to find you." You told him, placing your gun back in your bag.
His eyes widened, "You came to find me?"
Nodding slowly, you looked up at him, "Why are they looking for you, Eddie? They said something about a murder investigation."
Eddie sighed and ran a hand through his hair, looking off somewhere slightly behind you.
"They think I killed Chrissy... But, I didn't! It was nothing I'd ever seen before. She just started floating and then..." Eddie spoke, voice wet with his strangled emotions. His words confirmed your suspicions, the Upside Down was active again.
"Why was Chrissy there?" You asked, wanting to hold him, but you resisted.
He looked awful.
"I don't want to talk about it..." He whispered, looking down.
Reaching a hand out, you placed it on his arm, he flinched slightly but didn't pull away.
"I know you didn't do this, Eddie." You stated, gently.
Eddie said nothing, head down.
"Do you want a hug?" You asked, a little awkwardly, thinking about how awkward it might be.
Eddie looked up at you and nodded his head, walking forward and wrapping his arms around you. Smiling, you wrapped your arms around his waist, holding him close to you.
"Thank god," Eddie murmured, burying his face in your shoulder. "I'm glad you came to find me. I thought I was going crazy for a bit."
Hugging him tightly, you let out a sigh of relief. It felt so good to hold someone, to feel their warmth and hear their heartbeat.
"Well, since we are both fugitives, let's go crazy together. Do you... Have a plan at all?" You asked, breaking the hug.
Eddie blinked and looked down at you, "A what?"
You smiled slightly, "I mean, you didn't kill Chrissy, and the cops are looking for you, where do you want to run? I mean... You're sort of stuck with me now." You laughed a little, trying to lighten the mood.
Eddie looked down, "Um... Well, you can come with me if you want. But, I don't have any plans or ideas at the moment."
Smiling, you shrugged, "Alright, well, we'll just go with the flow."
Sitting down on the bench seat of the boat house, Eddie sat next to you. You leaned against him and let out a long breath.
"So, why did you go to the trailer?" Eddie asked, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, bringing you impossibly closer to him.
You shrugged slightly, "About some D&D stuff... Nothing really important now."
Eddie shook his head, "Now, I'm curious, babe. What did you want to know?"
Shaking your head, you chuckled, "I was wondering if, in the next campaign, we could fight a Hydra? Boring, I know, but I just thought that would be a cool change... It sounds silly now when I think about it."
Eddie laughed a little, "It's not silly! Once we get out of this, we'll fight a Hydra. It's pretty metal that you're the type of person I can actually talk to. I'm glad you don't think I'm a freak." He paused, looking deep into your eyes.
"I'm not weird to you, right?"
Your eyes widened and you shook your head, "No way. Look, Eddie. You are not weird. You are just insanely unique. And that's what I love about you, you don't give a crap about what others think and you listen to what you want and do what you want. You're inspiring really."
Looking down, Eddie blushed slightly, "Thanks. That means a lot."
Smiling, you kissed his cheek, "There is no reason why anyone shouldn't like you. You're awesome. Anyone would be lucky to have you in their life."
Eddie looked up at you, smiling softly, "Really?"
You nodded your head, "Yeah."
Eddie wiggled his eyebrows, a small smirk on his face, "You're lucky to have me in your life?"
You laughed and nudged him again, "Of course."
Eddie grinned and elbowed you back, "Oh yeah?"
You rolled your eyes playfully and shoved him gently back, "Shut up, idiot."
Eddie laughed and hugged you tighter, "Yep, you definitely got me. But... I'm also lucky to have you too." He barely whispered, making you blush.
"I know... I'm amazing." You agreed, sighing.
"I'm serious, Y/N, I can't see a life without you in it." Eddie told you, kissing your forehead.
You smiled, "I can't either. I wouldn't know what to do without you."
Eddie pulled away slightly, looking into your eyes, "I know I'm a mess, but I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you. Ever."
"Ever?" You asked, tilting your head.
"Ever." Eddie nodded.
"Promise?" You questioned, looking up at him.
He nodded, "I swear."
You hummed before raising your hand up, booping Eddie on the nose, "Alright, I'll believe you."
Eddie just smiled, looking down at you as if you hung the stars in the sky, bringing his hand up, he cupped your cheek, the pad of his thumb gently caressing your skin. He licked his lips, eyes searching yours before he spoke.
"Hey," Eddie muttered, his voice soft.
"Yeah?" You asked, a smile playing on your lips.
Eddie leaned in, pressing his lips to yours, kissing you lightly, before pulling back and looking into your eyes.
"I love you, Y/N." Eddie murmured, his eyes shining with emotion.
You took his hand and laced your fingers through his, "I love you too, Eddie."
Leaning up, you closed the gap once more, kissing him deeply, never wanting to let go. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you held him tight, his arms wrapping around your waist to pull you even closer. Pulling away slowly, you both tried to regain your breath, eyes closed, foreheads together.
"We can do this together," Eddie murmured, leaning back, brushing a few stray hairs of yours behind your ear.
"Mhm, we will." you agreed, smiling happily.
Somehow, you thought, things were looking up.
Thank you for requesting!
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gsmattingly · 7 months
Review "Napoleon"
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I went to see "Napoleon" directed by Ridley Scott and starring Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon Bonaparte and Vanessa Kirby as Josephine. It was certainly a large film. The battle scenes were huge and quite detailed. This is the first time I saw a horse get hit with a cannonball. (One assumes the actual horse was not hurt). Supposedly the battle scenes are far more accurate than many other incidents in the film. There is some question as to historical accuracy of many scenes. "TV historian Dan Snow called out the film’s trailer and argued that “Napoleon didn’t shoot at the pyramids” (the trailer depicted as much during a peek at Scott’s interpretation of the Battle of Pyramids) and that Marie Antoinette “famously had very cropped hair for the execution, and, hey, Napoleon wasn’t there” (the trailer shows Marie Antoinette with long, frizzy locks).
When asked to respond to such historical fact checkers, Scott was blunt in his response to The New Yorker: “Get a life.”"
I mean, really?
Joaquin Phoenix may have been fine for the later scenes in the film but he did not look like a 24 year old Napoleon in the early scenes. He looked like he was 49 (if not older) which is his current age. Also his actions and emotional portrayal of Napoleon seemed a bit questionable to me. I am not historical expert relative to Napoleon but still . . . I personally liked Albert Dieudonné in Abel Gance's 1927 Napoleon. I also liked the early childhood scenes in the silent version.
There seemed to be many scenes which were a bit darker than I liked. Detail seemed to be lost in the darkness. I don't know if this was the film or the Vine Theater's projection system.
So, I thought there were many good things about the film and there were a number of things not quite right about the film. So I really wouldn't give as high as grade to the film as many did.
I was amused by this
"Less enthralled was critic Brian Tallerico, who writes in his review at RogerEbert.com that Napoleon is “a series of accomplished battle sequences looking for a better movie to connect them.” Tallerico is another who takes issue with the scope of the film, writing that “one of the problems is that David Scarpa’s script tries to pack a lot of life into the running time of a single film.”"
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