#daily shadow wizard
shadowwizdaily · 3 days
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The Shadow Wizard of the Day is the Black Mage from Mario Hoops 3-on-3/Mario Sports Mix!
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vezimira · 1 year
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daily drow #11 is a shadow wizard
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ravioli-fries · 9 months
Daily Rillustration Day 28 -
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shanedagoat · 8 months
Daily sketches for October 4th - October 8th, 2023
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asexual-levia-tan · 1 year
what exactly was the thinking behind this. did they buff barrier spikes or did they do this specifically to make sniper war even worse than it already was.
i’d like to believe they have that much hp because this is an elite level mission (which i’ve apparently never completed sniper war on until now) but shadow wizard has barrier spikes at the start and you can usually clear them out with a single chainsweep???
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slytherintrikru · 9 months
— || Revenge is Sweet || —
Pairing: Lucius Malfoy x gryffindor!muggleborn!reader (SHE’S OF AGE) 
Word count: 6224
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 16+, fingering, clit rubbing, cock in Vigina, male and female, adult content, adult language, cuss words, clit licking, degrading, fluff if you squint, pet names, anguish, cheating, heartbreak, revenge, crying, Lucius comforting Y/N?, aftercare, praise, daddy kink, cum swallowing, fluff, out of character Lucius, 2 almost 3 years after the 2nd wizarding war, younger woman with older man, first time together, heated make out session, kissing, hickeys, love bites, SFW if you squint. (SHE IS OF AGE) 
Summary: Y/N wanted to surprise Draco by visiting him at the Malfoy Manor but ended up catching him cheating instead. While leaving she bumps into Lucius Malfoy and things get kinda heated. (SHE’S OF AGE)
Requested: by no one this is my idea 
A/N: Hello, my fellow Dreamers, hope you like this. Please give me your feedback. BTW I also already posted this on my AO3 account @ slytherintrikru.
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Y/N navigated her way up the meandering, earthy path that led to the formidable gates of the Malfoy Manor. These gates, a grand testament to the opulence within, were adorned with wrought-iron craftsmanship that gleamed even in the muted light of dusk. Beyond the gates, a long, majestic driveway, flanked by a procession of ancient trees, guided her toward the mansion's imposing facade. Standing before her, the Malfoy Manor exuded an aura of architectural splendor. Its stately stone walls rose gracefully, adorned with intricate details that whispered of centuries past. Tall, narrow windows punctuated the facade, their panes seeming to conceal secrets within, bestowing upon the house an air of sinister allure.
The estate on which the manor resided was vast and mysterious. A dark forest encroached upon the edges of the property, casting eerie shadows that played hide-and-seek with the waning daylight. In stark contrast to this enigmatic woodland, a lush and meticulously cultivated garden graced the manor's rear, a testament to the Malfoy family's penchant for grandeur and elegance.
With each deliberate step, Y/N's heartbeat quickened. Her trembling hand reached out to rap upon the massive, wooden double doors that guarded the entrance. She couldn't have fathomed that she would ever find herself returning to this nightmarish place, where the echoes of her torment at the hands of Voldemort and his fanatical followers still reverberated in the depths of her memory. It had been two agonizing years since that fateful day when Fenrir Greyback had dragged her through those very doors, her hair pulled viciously as she struggled to match the monstrous pace set by her captor. The same mansion had borne witness to her harrowing encounter with the Dark Lord himself, the malevolent figure who had imprinted the dreaded Death Eater mark upon her left arm—a mark she had desperately sought to eradicate for almost three long years.
The reason for her presence here, despite the haunting memories, was her enduring love for Draco. Three years had passed since the inception of their clandestine relationship, but their bond remained unshaken. Draco's parents, however, were a formidable obstacle in their path. They looked down upon her as a 'filthy Mudblood,' a fact that had never deterred her resolve, so long as Draco stood by her side. Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy had resorted to devious tactics, attempting to buy her loyalty, attempting to pry her away from their son. Their efforts had met with stubborn resistance, leaving them fuming with frustration. On countless occasions, they subjected her to scathing tirades, especially Narcissa, whose cruelty knew no bounds. After a week, Lucius resigned to a sullen silence, but Narcissa's venomous words and occasionally physical aggression persisted as a daily ordeal that Y/N endured with steely determination.
Y/N flinched as the manor door creaked open, her reaction akin to that of someone stumbling into a jinx. Her startled gaze dropped to the floor, where a familiar figure stood. It was Rue, the endearing house elf, a cherished presence in Y/N's life.
"What can Rue do for Draco's lovely girlfriend?" Rue inquired, her lips curving into a warm, welcoming smile.
Y/N couldn't help but smile in return; Rue had always held a special place in her heart. With her bright blue eyes and those endearing pointy ears, Rue exuded an unmistakable charm. Not only did she anticipate Y/N's every need, but she also prepared food and drinks precisely to Y/N's liking. Since the law against elf brutality had been enacted, Y/N had taken it upon herself to ensure Rue's comfort, providing her with clothing. Over the months, Rue had transformed, shedding the weight of servitude to become a happier, more carefree presence.
"I'd like to see Draco, please, Rue," Y/N replied, her voice gentle and careful not to startle the petite house elf.
Rue's smile widened, and with a tiny, reassuring grip on Y/N's hand, she led her inside. As the door closed softly behind them, Rue spoke again, her voice filled with an eagerness to assist. "Master Draco is in his room. Rue will take you."
Y/N hesitated for a moment, a playful idea forming in her mind. "No, no, it's fine. I can go myself. I want to surprise him."
The adorable house elf nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. With a snap of her fingers, she vanished from sight, leaving Y/N to navigate the winding corridors of the Malfoy Manor alone.
Y/N couldn't help but grin at the thought of Rue experiencing a moment of personal indulgence, wondering if the house elf was trying to savor the pleasures she had missed in her life of servitude. With that pleasant thought, Y/N embarked on her ascent up the many flights of wooden stairs that led to the upper reaches of the manor. Her footsteps echoed softly through the hallway as she made her way toward Draco's room.
As she arrived at her destination, Y/N came to an abrupt halt, her senses keenly attuned to an unexpected sound emanating from behind Draco's door. She strained her ears, desperately hoping it wasn't a case of accidentally stumbling upon an intimate moment between Lucius and Narcissa. A glance at the door's label confirmed it was indeed Draco's room, and then she heard it again.
Specifically, the unmistakable sounds of male and female moans. Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she leaned closer to the door, attempting to confirm what she dreaded most. She heard his name, Draco's name, whimpered from a female voice within, a voice that sent shockwaves through her.
Her blood ran cold, her heart rate spiked, and tears welled up in her eyes. Y/N prayed it wasn't true, that Draco wasn't betraying her. She cautiously pushed the door open, her movements silent as she observed the heart-wrenching scene before her. Draco, lost in passion, buried his face in Astoria Greengrass's neck, his vigorous thrusts filling the room.
Their eyes met, Y/N's and Astoria's, in a moment of cruel recognition. Astoria's smirk seemed to taunt Y/N, as if declaring, 'He's mine now, you filthy Mudblood.' With a heavy heart, Y/N gently closed the door, tears streaming down her face. She turned and fled down the hallway, down the stairs, without a care for her surroundings or the possibility of colliding with someone.
Tears flowed freely as Y/N reached the bottom of the stairs, her heart shattering into a million pieces. Her cries escaped in a heartbreaking crescendo, echoing through the manor's grandeur. In her distraught state, she collided with an unexpected presence, teetering dangerously on the brink of falling backward. However, strong arms enveloped her, steadying her in her moment of despair.
"What in Merlin's name are you doing, girl?" The voice, dripping with disdain, hissed through the tense air. Y/N's heart lurched at the sound, her gut telling her it was all too familiar. As her tear-blurred gaze lifted, she was met with the sight of a thoroughly baffled and irate Lucius Malfoy, his aristocratic features etched with a mix of anger and confusion. Her own expressive eyes, a mesmerizing shade of E/C, locked onto his cold, steely gray ones.
Blinking away the tears that blurred her vision, she stared at the formidable pureblood wizard who stood before her. Their eye contact held an unspoken tension, a connection fraught with history and complex emotions. It was in that moment that Y/N noticed something she hadn't expected in Lucius – concern. The realization was like a jolt, sending a shiver down her spine.
It couldn't be right, could it? Why on earth would Lucius Malfoy, of all people, be concerned about her well-being? Y/N hesitated, her hand instinctively rising to wipe her eyes once more, as if questioning her own senses, wondering if her eyes were playing tricks on her. But the look in Lucius's eyes remained, a glimmer of unexpected humanity in the formidable man who had long been an enigma to her.
"Are you going to speak, or just stand there like a dumb-witted Mudblood?" Lucius's words, laced with venom, cut through the heavy silence. Y/N turned away from him, hurt etched in her eyes, his cruel words piercing her heart. In that moment, the gap between them seemed insurmountable.
Lucius, however, couldn't ignore the pain he had inadvertently caused, and for a fleeting second, remorse tugged at his conscience. Yet, his pride prevailed, and instead of apologizing, he pressed further, his tone demanding answers. "What's wrong with you, girl?"
Y/N pulled herself away from him, a mixture of emotions welling up inside her. She hesitated for a moment, then her voice trembled as she questioned him, "W-Why do y-you care?"
The unexpected vulnerability in her voice caught Lucius off guard, and a flicker of something uncharacteristic passed through his stormy gray eyes. He blocked her path as she attempted to move past him, their proximity intensifying the tension between them. "Just because we got off to the wrong foot when we first met doesn't mean I'm the same person I was before," he hissed, a rare hint of vulnerability seeping into his words. "Now tell me what's wrong, or I'll use Legilimency on you."
Her defenses crumbling, Y/N couldn't hold back the flood of emotion any longer. The words tumbled out of her, her voice wavering as she confessed, "Your son cheated on me with Astoria, that's what happened." She glanced away, bracing herself for the judgment she anticipated. "You're probably happy that he's not with a filthy Mudblood like me anymore. I'll just—"
"He did what?!" Lucius's voice reverberated through the manor, his anger palpable as it resounded against the walls. Y/N glanced at him, a puzzled expression on her face. She couldn't comprehend why he would be so furious that his son, Draco, had cheated on her—a Mudblood—with a pureblood. Lucius Malfoy had never harbored any warmth toward Y/N, so this sudden outburst was baffling. She had always assumed that Draco's parents would be delighted if something like this were to happen.
Lucius's voice, filled with indignation, interrupted her thoughts once more. "How dare that boy break someone's heart instead of just telling you that he wants to end the relationship. I raised him to treat women with respect. Even if the girl is a filthy Mudblood!"
Y/N frowned, her gaze drifting downward to her feet, unable to meet Lucius's eyes. His words were laden with a complex mixture of anger, disappointment, and something she couldn't quite fathom.
"Why would you care anyway? You should be happy that he cheated on me. Now he can go marry a pureblood who's more beautiful than me," she muttered bitterly, her self-esteem shattered.
In an unexpected turn of events, the cold metal of the snake handle of Lucius's cane lifted her chin. She blinked in surprise as he swiftly pulled his cane away and grasped her chin roughly with his hand, forcing her to hold eye contact with him.
"Don't ever say those words again. Am. I. Understand, Y/N?" Lucius's voice, though stern, held a strange mixture of concern. She nodded in response, but it seemed that wasn't sufficient for him. He demanded more. "I expect you to answer when I ask you something!"
"Y-Yes, Sir!" she squeaked, her gaze locked onto his features. She couldn't help but notice the commanding presence he exuded, the sharp lines of his jaw, the strength evident in his angular face. His long, platinum blonde hair cascaded gracefully past his shoulders, framing his striking countenance. The blueish-gray eyes that held an air of authority seemed to peer directly into her soul. Y/N's cheeks flushed inexplicably as she found herself momentarily entranced by his striking appearance. ‘He's handsome’, she thought, a realization that seemed to take her by surprise.
Y/N's unspoken admiration for Lucius had been a well-guarded secret, a silent confession her heart made each time she crossed the threshold of the Malfoy Manor. Her heart would do a subtle dance of anticipation whenever she knew she'd encounter him, and a flush would steal across her cheeks, like a clandestine tribute to his striking presence. It was an irrational reaction, one she couldn't quite understand, given that Lucius had never hidden his disdain for her—well, at least, he hadn't before.
Lucius's trademark smirk played on his lips, but there was a curious shift in his demeanor. Gone was the initial cockiness, replaced by genuine amusement as he surveyed Y/N's puzzled expression. Her blush intensified, a shade that rivaled the crimson and gold of the Gryffindor house colors.
"You really think I'm handsome?" he probed, his tone now laced with curiosity. He leaned in closer, the proximity between them causing a subtle flutter in Y/N's heart. Lucius's eyes sparkled with a newfound charm as he awaited her response.
"I—what? I didn't—" she stammered, but her words were abruptly silenced.
"Legilimens, my darling girl," Lucius smoothly interrupted. His smirk remained, but it was tinged with a magnetic confidence that left her feeling exposed. He leaned even closer, his lips brushing against her ear, and he whispered softly, his voice a provocative caress, "Ah, yes. It appears you've conveniently forgotten that I possess the ability to delve into your mind. You see, I heard every thought you've had about me. Like your secret desire for me to pin you down on my bed, to make you forget how to walk."
Y/N's eyes widened, her cheeks aflame with embarrassment. Her heart raced, and she felt a shiver of vulnerability wash over her. Lucius's audacious revelation had unraveled a new layer of intrigue and desire, transforming their dynamic into something far more intricate and captivating.
She gasped, disbelief coursing through her. Could he truly have been privy to her every innermost thought? It felt surreal, like a dream she was unable to awaken from. In an attempt to regain her composure, she instinctively retreated a step, allowing her gaze to lock with his. His eyes held the same intense emotion she had noticed earlier – a smoldering, undeniable lust that sent a tingle down her spine. He leaned closer, his body almost brushing against hers, and she could feel the heat radiating from him.
"That's the very reason I've maintained my distance from you all these months," he admitted, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability beneath its low, seductive tone. "After my ex-wife and I discovered the truth about you and my son's relationship, I tried to keep my demeanor cold. Yet every night, unable to control my desires, I found myself lost in fantasies of you," he confessed, his words a hushed, intimate secret shared between them.
A blush painted her cheeks once more as his voice whispered sensually into her ear, sending shivers coursing down her spine. His hands found their way to her sides, exerting a gentle, yet possessive squeeze. She couldn't help but shudder at his touch.
"My son is a fool for betraying such a beautiful, enchanting nymph like you," he purred, his lips grazing the tender skin just below her earlobe. His kisses left a fiery trail down her neck, only to ascend slowly back towards her lips. When their mouths met, it was as though a swarm of butterflies took flight in her stomach, fluttering wildly. She didn't respond immediately, her brain struggling to catch up with the whirlwind of sensations. Gradually, she inhaled his intoxicating scent, responding to his kisses with a growing hunger of her own.
Y/N's moans of desire seemed to echo within the cavernous expanse of Lucius's opulent mansion. Every step she took away from the memory of Draco's betrayal and closer to Lucius felt like a transgressive leap into the unknown. The kiss, fueled by a volatile mix of guilt and longing, deepened with each passing second. It was a magnetic force pulling them closer together, their lips becoming the epicenter of their shared need.
Her fingers wove themselves deeper into Lucius's long, platinum blonde hair, the strands silky and cool to the touch. He couldn't help but groan in response, the sound a testament to the intensity of their connection. His powerful hands, previously residing at her sides, ventured boldly downward, reaching her shapely derrière. With a delicate yet firm touch, he squeezed, sending exhilarating waves of sensation through her body.
With a sudden surge of passion, Lucius lifted Y/N off her feet, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist to maintain their electrifying kiss. The sensation of being carried by him, the firmness of his grip, and the heat of his body against hers were intoxicating. They ascended the grand staircase, their rhythmic ascent echoing through the mansion's ornate halls.
As they turned down the dimly lit hallway, the portraits of stern-faced ancestors bore witness to their clandestine rendezvous. The anticipation was palpable, each step a deliberate stride toward the unknown. The soft glow of moonlight spilled through heavy, brocade curtains, casting intricate patterns on the Persian rugs that lined the floor.
With an audacious display of strength and desire, Lucius kicked open the door to his lavishly appointed bedroom. The door swung wide with a creak, revealing a chamber bathed in shadows. The grandeur of the room was nothing short of breathtaking, with its sumptuous canopy bed, antique furnishings, and gilded accents. The room exuded an air of timeless elegance, a stark contrast to the illicit passion that had led them there. Yet, with another commanding kick, he shut the door behind them, sealing their secret within the confines of the room's opulent embrace.
In the opulent chamber, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight filtered through heavy curtains, he guided her towards his bed with a gentleness that belied the intense desire simmering between them. The sumptuous sheets, adorned with intricate patterns, awaited their embrace, a testament to the luxury that surrounded them. With a feather-light touch, he laid her down, the mattress conforming to the curves of her body like a lover's caress.
Desire surged between them, an irresistible force pulling them closer together. She eagerly wound her legs around him, her longing palpable. A deep, resonant chuckle rumbled from his chest, a seductive reverberation that filled the room. It was a sound that resonated with promise, the promise of what was to come.
His lips embarked on a slow descent down the delicate curve of her neck, leaving a trail of searing kisses in their wake. His teeth grazed her skin, eliciting sharp gasps and urgent moans from her trembling lips. Y/N's moans danced in harmony with the hushed symphony of their passion, their clandestine desires woven into every sound.
With a masterful touch, his hands began their sensual exploration, fingers tracing the contours of her body. He reached for the fabric of her shirt, the anticipation of their impending intimacy electrifying the air. But as he made to unveil her, he paused, gazing into her eyes with a mixture of tenderness and raw desire. His voice, a sultry whisper, hung in the air like an unspoken invitation, "Do you want to continue this?"
Her heart swelled with a heady blend of love and desire at his considerate question. It wasn't just about the act itself; it was about the connection they shared, the intimacy that extended beyond the physical. Her eyes met his, and she nodded in fervent agreement, but his gaze turned insistent, demanding more than a mere gesture.
She acquiesced, her voice a soft, breathless confession. "Yes, I want to continue."
With the patience of a man intoxicated by her presence, he lifted her shirt, revealing her in all her vulnerability and desire. Each moment was a deliberate act of unveiling, an exploration of the secrets they had kept hidden for too long. Her whimpers of longing grew more pronounced, a sweet symphony of passion that ignited the room.
Their discarded shirts lay scattered, forgotten remnants of the world they had left behind. Their lips collided once more, a fervent clash of desires. His hands, strong and gentle, cradled her face, deepening the kiss into a consuming blaze of longing. In this stolen moment, their connection transcended the physical, binding them together in a fiery embrace that defied the boundaries of reason and restraint.
In the cocoon of their desires, time seemed to slow, allowing them to savor every tantalizing moment. The room, adorned with rich, heavy curtains that filtered the moon's soft glow, bathed them in an otherworldly ambiance. They paused briefly to remove the remaining garments that clung to their heated bodies, leaving a trail of discarded clothing scattered haphazardly across the floor.
With a profound longing etched upon their faces, they surrendered to the pull of their desires. He took the initiative, his lips blazing a path of fiery kisses down her form. Every inch of her skin he touched seemed to ignite with desire, his teeth delicately grazing, and his mouth fervently claiming her.
One of his hands, large and commanding, found its place on her breast, the fingers expertly working her sensitive flesh. The other sought solace on her hip, the grip possessive yet tender. Y/N's response was immediate, her back arching sensually as she pressed herself closer to him. The room bore witness to her unrestrained passion, shadows playing tricks on their entangled figures.
The dimly lit room provided an intimate backdrop to their stolen moment, amplifying the intensity of their connection. She gasped, unable to stifle the whirlwind of sensations coursing through her body. Her longing and need reached a fevered pitch as his lips moved relentlessly over her skin.
This sensation was unlike anything she had ever encountered, not even with Draco. It was a heady concoction of raw desire and an emotional connection that left her feeling utterly exposed and vulnerable, yet simultaneously empowered and alive.
His lips reluctantly abandoned her chest, tracing a searing path downward, inching closer to the epicenter of her desire. Her hips reacted instinctively, a silent plea for more, a plea for him to satiate the burgeoning hunger that consumed her. In response, he chuckled darkly, a knowing grin playing upon his lips.
"So, so greedy for me, aren't you?" he purred, his voice a sultry whisper that sent shivers down her spine. "I've barely even started, my little nymph, and you're already squirming."
Her moans grew in volume, punctuating the charged atmosphere. Her hips continued their rhythmic dance, a wordless invitation for him to delve deeper into her desires. Just as hope began to wane, he boldly ventured between her legs. His thumb found her eager clit, tracing slow, electrifying circles that sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body. She couldn't help but gasp loudly, her moans intensifying as her body surrendered to his skillful touch.
“L-Lucius!” Y/N's fervent whimper hung in the air, a plea for more that only fueled Lucius's desire to push her further into the depths of pleasure. He reveled in the sound, a wicked grin playing upon his lips as he continued to work his magic. His fingers, slick with her arousal, glided effortlessly inside her, seeking out her g-spot with uncanny precision. The sensation of his touch sent electric jolts of pleasure coursing through her, her moans becoming a chorus of surrender.
The room seemed to close in around them, the ambiance heavy with the heady scent of their desire. Shadows danced seductively across the walls, an intimate audience to their clandestine tryst. Every subtle movement, every trembling breath, was magnified in the dim light, intensifying the eroticism of the moment.
Lucius's voice, a velvet caress of dominance, lured her deeper into submission. "That's right, my little slut," he whispered huskily, his words both an affirmation and a command. "Feel how good I'm making you. Did he ever make you feel like this? Did he know all the right spots to please you?"
She struggled to form coherent words, the pleasure he evoked rendering her speechless. Her response was a breathless admission of truth, punctuated by her moans of ecstasy. "N-No... aahh-"
Lucius's eyes bore into her with an intensity that left her feeling exposed and vulnerable, yet utterly consumed by desire. His fingers continued their relentless assault on her g-spot, her body quivering in response. Her pussy clenched around him, a physical manifestation of her escalating pleasure, and he couldn't help but grunt with satisfaction.
"My little slut," he growled, his voice dripping with unrestrained lust, "you've never felt this kind of pleasure before, have you? Well, let's make sure you're fully satisfied, my dear."
With each word, he propelled her further into the abyss of desire, his fingers dancing with a masterful touch that promised to fulfill her every longing. In the dimly lit room, their forbidden encounter continued, a symphony of passion and submission that echoed through the night.
Lucius's descent towards her quivering core was an agonizingly slow and tantalizing journey. His head moved lower, inch by tantalizing inch, until his mouth hovered just above her dripping wet pussy. The room, bathed in the soft, dim light of concealed passion, seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of the forbidden act about to unfold.
Y/N's body was a live wire, tingling with desire as his warm breath caressed her sensitive flesh. Her back arched in a primal response, a silent plea for him to continue, to grant her the pleasure she craved. The air was thick with tension, the electrifying atmosphere heightened by the palpable anticipation of what was to come.
With a deliberate, torturous slowness, his tongue made its first sensuous contact with her throbbing clit. Y/N's response was immediate and intense; she arched her back, a breathless gasp escaping her lips. Waves of desire surged through her, her hips rising to meet his mouth in a fervent demand for more. His tongue traced lazy circles around her clit, each pass a teasing caress that left her trembling with need.
Her hips moved in rhythmic desperation, bucking into his mouth as she sought to intensify the pleasure. Lucius, the master of seduction, had her in a hypnotic trance, his tongue shifting tactics to move from side to side, skillfully exploring every sensitive inch of her. He returned to her clit, sucking with a purposeful hunger that sent shivers coursing through her body. Her moans grew in intensity, a symphony of ecstasy that filled the room.
As if orchestrating a symphony of pleasure, his fingers joined the sensual dance, slick with her arousal. They thrust in and out with a relentless rhythm, each penetration hitting her g-spot with pinpoint accuracy. Y/N's body was a trembling instrument of desire, her moans and whimpers filling the room like a seductive melody.
A familiar sensation began to coil within her abdomen, growing in intensity with each tantalizing moment. Her pussy clenched around his fingers as the waves of pleasure overtook her. With a gasp that shattered the air, she climaxed, her body trembling in the throes of ecstasy.
Lucius's voice, thick with desire and dominance, broke through her post-orgasmic haze. "Good girl, my good girl," he murmured, his words both a praise and a command. Her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and satisfaction. He withdrew his hand from her quivering pussy, his fingers glistening with her essence. With forceful insistence, he grasped her jaw, parting her lips and presenting his cum-covered fingers to her mouth. "Taste yourself, whore!" he demanded, his voice a potent blend of authority and lust, igniting a primal hunger within her.
The room, cloaked in shadows, seemed to hold its breath as Y/N's lips encircled Lucius's fingers, moving with an almost hypnotic rhythm as she licked and sucked them clean. Her tongue, eager and tantalizing, left no trace of her essence behind, and Lucius watched her with a predatory hunger that mirrored her own desire. With an excruciating slowness, he withdrew his fingers from her mouth, his grip shifting to encircle her delicate throat, a possessive hold that sent a jolt of excitement through her.
A deep, throaty chuckle resonated from Lucius, a dark sound that underscored his mastery over her. It was a symphony of submission, her whimper in response to his control weaving through the charged air. His other hand, which had been on her jaw, descended with purposeful intent to his throbbing cock. With tantalizing deliberation, he began to stroke himself, each languid movement of his hand a seductive overture to the impending climax of their desires.
Y/N grappled with a myriad of emotions. She knew she should be overwhelmed with guilt, entangled in an illicit affair with her ex-boyfriend's father. Yet, beneath the layers of her moral reservations, a burning desire and a thirst for revenge surged within her. She yearned to make her ex-boyfriend pay for his betrayal, to mend her shattered heart by indulging in the very act that had caused her so much pain.
Her internal turmoil was momentarily eclipsed as she felt the firm tip of his cock teasing her wet, throbbing pussy. The exquisite friction sent a shiver of anticipation coursing through her, and her moans and whimpers filled the room like a seductive aria. Her body was a symphony of need, the sultry dance of his cock against her clit driving her to the brink of ecstasy.
Lucius's voice, dripping with dominance and desire, anchored her in the present moment. "My little mudblood," he taunted, his words laden with a derogatory term that should have stung. Instead, the sultry timbre of his voice rendered her helpless, a willing captive to his seduction. "Is this what you've desired all this time? For a real man to fuck you, to slide his cock deep inside you and make you feel good?"
Despite the term, her moans and whimpers betrayed her true desires, her voice trembling with need. "Y-Yes, Daddy," she whimpered, her plea echoing through the room, a fervent entreaty for the fulfillment of her deepest, most forbidden fantasies. “ Please, fuck me!”
"Daddy? Hmm?" Lucius questioned, his voice dripping with irresistible seduction that hung in the air like a sultry promise. A low, dark chuckle followed, resonating with a wicked allure as his eyes sparkled with mischief and a hint of malevolence. It was a look that promised a thrilling journey into forbidden desires, an intoxicating blend of pleasure and danger.
The room, cloaked in shadows and secrecy, bore witness to their clandestine rendezvous—a sensual dance of dominance and submission that unfolded in hushed gasps and fervent touches. Lucius reveled in her surrender, delighting in the way the derogatory term slipped off his tongue, and, to his surprise, she seemed to share in that twisted pleasure. "My little mudblood is filthy, isn't she?" he continued, his words dripping with desire and a touch of cruelty. In their intimate connection, the term had evolved into an oddly cherished secret, symbolizing her eager willingness to plunge into the irresistible depths of their forbidden passions. "I like that."
With deliberate intent, Lucius poised himself at the edge of her ecstasy, the air thick with anticipation. He surged into her abruptly, a powerful thrust that drew an electrified whimper from Y/N. Her body responded instinctively, arching in response to the sudden intrusion, a wordless plea for more. Lucius groaned in satisfaction, luxuriating in the exquisite sensation of her tight, wet heat enveloping him.
"Daddy!" Y/N's moan, fervent and desperate, reverberated through the room, echoing the intensity of her longing and submission.
Lucius wasted no time in unleashing the primal depths of his desire, setting a relentless pace that sent tremors through the bed beneath them. Pleasure and pain intertwined as Y/N's body stretched to accommodate him, her moans and gasps forming a seductive symphony that filled the room. Each powerful thrust propelled her closer to the precipice of ecstasy, the headboard bearing witness to the fervor of their illicit union.
"F-Fuck," Lucius hissed, his voice a symphony of unquenchable desire as he intensified his rhythm. His hips surged against her with unrestrained lust, each collision sending waves of pleasure coursing through her. The room resounded with their shared passion, an intoxicating rhythm that reverberated through the air and ignited an inferno of sensations. “You’re so tight and wet, aaah- I’m going to have so much fun destroying this tight little hole of yours.”
The hand that encircled her throat tightened incrementally, a gesture of dominance that sent a thrill of arousal coursing through Y/N. Her fingers tangled in Lucius's long, platinum blonde hair, tugging gently as she sought to draw him closer. His primal groans and moans in response only served to deepen her desire, each intoxicating sound forging an unbreakable connection between them in the hidden world they had created.
Their moans, like an intricate duet, melded into an intoxicating symphony of desire, echoing through the dimly lit room. With each primal thrust, he plunged deeper and faster into her, igniting a passionate crescendo that left them both gasping for breath. Her heart raced in response to the electrifying pleasure coursing through her veins.
"Lucius—Lucius! Aaaahhh—fuck! Daddy!" Her words, a fervent chant of need and submission, spilled from her lips in breathless abandon. Her hips responded in kind, moving in a seductive rhythm that matched his powerful thrusts, a dance of desire that transcended the bounds of their forbidden liaison.
"So damn good! Aahh—yes! Oh fuck, my little mudblood knows how to please me," he growled with unapologetic desire, his voice a seductive purr that sent shivers cascading down her spine. His hips quickened their relentless pace, pounding into her with an unyielding urgency that caused the bed to groan and creak beneath them, a testament to the fierce intensity of their union. “Tell me how good I’m making you feel, slut!
Her moans swelled, a wild symphony of ecstasy and surrender that reverberated through the room like a siren's call. She clawed at the sheets beneath her, her fingers desperately seeking purchase in the soft fabric as waves of pleasure crashed over her. It was an exquisite torment, a tantalizing whirlwind of sensations that threatened to consume her entirely.
"Daddy, you—ahh—feel so good," she gasped, her voice trembling with a potent mix of longing and desperation. Her nails traced feverish patterns over his heated skin, leaving trails of tingling sensation in their wake. Her silent entreaty was clear: she yearned for him to take her harder, to claim her completely in the tempest of their shared passion. “You make me feel so good! You’re fucking me so much better than him.”
Amid the dimly lit room, their passionate entwining continued, each feverish moment adding a new layer to their shared desire. Lucius, a commanding figure, maintained his relentless thrusts, his dominance evident in every movement. Her fervent responses wove a tapestry of longing and ecstasy, their chemistry igniting the air around them.
"I know, my little nymph," he purred, his voice an intoxicating blend of pleasure and command. His grip on her tightened possessively, fingers leaving tantalizing imprints on her heated skin. "Cum for me, slut. Show me how good I make you feel." His words hung in the air like a seductive spell, sending electrifying shivers throughout her body.
With each powerful thrust, the tip of his cock skillfully teased her cervix, intensifying the delicious ache in the pit of her stomach. Their bodies moved in perfect unison, a dance that seemed to transcend the boundaries of time and reason, an intricate symphony of passion that left them breathless.
Lucius, releasing his hold on her throat, replaced it with his mouth, his lips and teeth marking her skin as he continued to slam into her with primal urgency. Love bites and passionate kisses adorned her flesh, evidence of their unrestrained fervor. They moved together, bodies melding into one, a force of nature that defied control. In a rapturous climax, they reached the pinnacle of their desire, their voices rising in unison, filling the room with their unrestrained passion.
As Lucius withdrew from her, a plaintive whimper escaped her lips, a testament to the aching desire that still clung to her. His triumphant smirk hinted at the pleasure he derived from her desperate longing. As he made his way to the bathroom to cleanse himself, her eyes remained fixed on the vacant space he had occupied, her body still tingling with the fading echoes of their intense union.
Upon his return, a damp cloth in hand, he approached her with eyes that held both tenderness and desire. Every stroke of the cloth was a gentle caress, an unspoken declaration of their strange intimacy. The discarded rag landed carelessly beside them, a forgotten relic of their fervent encounter.
"Go to sleep, my little nymph," he whispered, his arms enveloping her in a protective embrace. "I'll be here when you wake." His words were a soothing promise, lulling her into a cocoon of security and contentment that belied the complexity of their relationship.
She nestled against him, her heart aflutter with emotions that defied easy categorization. Despite the impending repercussions of their actions, she couldn't deny the profound satisfaction she felt. As her eyes fluttered closed, the only thought that remained was that revenge, in its twisted and tumultuous way, could be intoxicatingly sweet.
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jmliebert · 2 months
Starry Nights belong to lovers
Summary: Gale longing for Tav while being positively miserable (because i love my man being miserable sometimes, y'know...)
smut with (a little bit of) fluff and angst?
Word count: 4,250
Tags: romance, angst, longing, shameless smut
Warnings: explicit content (18+)
Author's note: because in my last playthrough i was torn between keep romancing gale or losing it all to the polygamist relationship with halsin... ( i chose my babyboy gale tho) but the possibilities are endless and here's one of them !!
also! you can read this on ao3 if you prefer it that way ♡
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Well, that was rather embarrassing predicament, to say the least. Gale of Waterdeep, esteemed wizard, lurking in the shadows like a common maniac. Observing a woman of his dreams from afar. A woman who had once held his heart in the palm of her hand, only to cast it aside for another. Positively pathetic, isn’t it? 
He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t stop himself from watching her with a mixture of fascination and trepidation, like an astronomer gazing upon a distant star, simultaneously drawn to its brilliance and wary of its celestial power. There was something about Tav, something ineffable, yet undeniably captivating, that compelled him to observe her, whenever he had a chance. Mind you, Gale's captivation resided not in the moments of intimacy, but rather in the quiet nuances of Tav's daily life. He found himself drawn to her ordinary rituals, avoiding the intrusion upon her private moments as a matter of principle— he adored watching her writing letters in the soft glow of the evening, tending to her garden with such grace, the quiet reverence with which she communed with nature's wonders. Each gesture, each fleeting expression painted a portrait of a woman both ordinary and extraordinary, and Gale found himself inexplicably drawn to her.
And yet, amidst the tapestry of her daily life, there was one thread that left a bitter taste upon his tongue— Halsin. Oh, how he despised the very mention of the name, the mere thought of the druid being so close to Tav and being her lover (whatever that meant in Halsin’s world), stirred a pang of ugly jealousy within his breast. For what claim did Halsin have upon Tav's affections, he wondered relentlessly, when it was he who loved her from the very beginning. It was he who worshipped the ground she was walking on. And finally, it was he who forgot his goddess because of her. 
Still, Tav didn’t choose Gale. 
Well, maybe that statement wasn’t entirely correct. In truth, Tav did chose Gale at the beginning of their journey. They would spend countless hours in his tent, engrossed in conversation and lost in the pages of books. Their laughter echoed through the camp. He took great care to ensure that Tav received the choicest bits during their shared meals and in moments of distress, Tav sought solace in his reassuring presence, finding comfort in the warmth of his hand clasped firmly in hers. Though Gale never said it out loud, he felt a swell of pride knowing he was the one she turned to in her hour of need. 
Oh, how he admired her unwavering sense of justice and compassion. She was committed to doing what was right, even when faced with the most daunting challenges. In a world this wicked and dark, she was a beacon of light. She gave him hope when all seemed lost, and in turn he offered her his heart, but Tav wanted more, it would seem. 
He saw her talking with Halsin more and more as they were roaming through The Shadow-Cursed Lands. It seemed as though every passing moment brought them closer together. Tav's radiant smile and melodious laughter filled the air as she was talking with the druid. And the way he looked at her, made something inside Gale stir. Halsin gaze lingered on Tav, his eyes alight with admiration, mirroring Gale’s own. It was pretty obvious, yet, when Tav asked him, how he would feel as to having another person in their relationship he was taken aback. His first thought was the baby. 
“What, like a child? I’m not sure I’d consider myself a father material, plus our current lifestyle isn’t exactly what I would called settled…”
“It’s Halsin. He wants to be with me, but he doesn’t ask that I sacrifice you. We would…share.” Tav's words hung in the air, heavy with implication
Gale's mind reeled at the notion. “Share? You’re not a loaf of bread to be divided up at a supper time! I thought what we had meant something for you.” 
But apparently he was wrong. Perhaps it hadn’t mean as much to Tav, as it meant to him and the realisation of that made him a truly miserable man. He was also angry, so angry beneath the surface. It was hard to stay at the camp after all this, it was hard to watch them talking, breathing, just being. Yet despite his best efforts, he couldn’t bring himself to hate Tav. And for that he was even more enraged. How could he be so weak? 
As the time passed and Baldur’s Gate was finally safe, the companions went their separate ways. At first, Gale welcomed the prospect of solitude, believing that distancing himself from Tav would bring him peace. He came back to Waterdeep  and sought solace in his study, surrounded by his precious books and arcane tomes. He threw himself into his studies with renewed fervour, delving into the depths of ancient texts and lost knowledge in an attempt to distract himself from the pain gnawing at his heart, but it wouldn’t go away.
One evening, after one too many glasses of wine, Gale found himself consumed by a reckless impulse. It was a night much like any other, yet something within him stirred, a restless energy that demanded release. Casting an invisibility spell upon himself, he ventured out into the night. Before he even knew what he was doing, he found himself teleporting to the familiar streets of Baldur's Gate. Near where he knew Tav lived, to be precise. He told himself he was merely checking on her, ensuring her safety in a world fraught with danger. But deep down, he knew the truth.
As he watched her from the shadows, unseen and unnoticed, he found himself entranced by her mere presence. She was brushing her hair, her movements fluid and graceful, her face bathed in the soft glow of candlelight. In that moment, she looked so utterly beautiful, that Gale had to fight back the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. 
It began as a one-time occurrence, a fleeting moment of weakness, he told himself. Yet, with each passing day, Gale found himself seeking out more excuses to linger in Tav's vicinity, even if she remained unaware of his silent vigil. And so, he became a ghostly spectator, haunting the edges of her life, longing for a connection he knew he could never truly have. 
Because, how could he? How could he love her one moment only to watch her slip away into the arms of another the next? He couldn’t live like this, even if it’s Tav. So he just watched her, not ready to let go. 
This particular night, Tav was alone. Halsin was away, tending to orphans he took under his wings after all that happened in Baldur’s Gate. Truth be told, Halsin's frequent absences were a relief to Gale as it was still hard for him to witness the bond he had with Tav. There was an intimacy between them that Gale found himself unable to stomach. 
Gale found Tav in her bedroom, nestled on the bed, a book cradled in her hands like a precious treasure. The soft glow of candlelight bathed her in a warm embrace, casting delicate shadows across her features. She looked so peaceful, so utterly content in that moment, and Gale couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the sight. In another life, they would read their books side by side every night, their fingers tracing the words upon the pages. 
Gale, didn’t know exactly why, but instead of his usual routine of observing Tav from the safety of the window, like a little puppy desperately waiting for their owner to let them in, he now found himself seated in his favourite chair on the other side of Tav's bed, invisible. It was an audacious move, even for him. Maybe, he was feeling particularly lonely that starry, romantic night? Or maybe there was something in the summer air… no matter what, the pull of her presence was too strong to resist at that moment.
So Gale was sitting there, watching Tav and enjoying the warm breeze. Lost in his thoughts, he shifted slightly in his seat, his foot inadvertently knocking into one of the candles seated on the floor. His heart lurched as he watched in horror as the candle toppled over, its flame igniting the delicate fabric of Tav's blanket. Panic surged through him as he realised what he had done, his mind racing with frantic thoughts, his hands on his head in pure disbelief. 
"Oh, no!" he exclaimed, the words escaping his lips before he could stop them.
“Gale?” Tav’s voice, full of confusion, pierced through the silence, sending a jolt of adrenaline coursing through Gale's veins. 
With a quick flick of his wrist, Gale summoned a rush of water, his practiced fingers weaving a complex pattern in the air as he cast a rapid incantation. The water swirled and danced in the air, cascading gracefully onto the flames and extinguishing them in a matter of seconds. As the last flicker of flame died out, Gale hesitated for a moment before releasing the invisibility spell that had cloaked him from view. With a soft shimmering light, he materialised into view, his expression a mixture of sheepishness and devastation of a defeated man.
"Hello, Tav," he said, his voice tinged with embarrassment as he met her gaze. "It seems I've made a bit of a mess, haven't I?” Gale asked as the smoke began to dissipate around him.
Now, he was waiting for Tav to be (rightfully) furious at him, but she wasn’t. Instead, she seemed to be…concerned? 
“Are you all right?” Her voice was laced with genuine worry, her eyes searching his face for any signs of distress. It was a simple question, but it carried a weight that caught Gale off guard.
For a moment, Gale found himself speechless. He had anticipated anger or confusion, not this. His heart felt heavy. 
"I'm...I'm fine," he stammered, his voice betraying a hint of disbelief as he struggled to compose himself.
“Good,” Tav said, stepping closer to Gale and enveloping him in a warm embrace. He froze momentarily at the unexpected touch, his heart racing in his chest. “I don’t understand how you got here,” Tav murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she buried her face in Gale's chest, “and I’m not even sure if I want to know,” she added. "But I’m glad you are here," she continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "I’ve missed you... more than I can put into words." Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling over and cascading down her cheeks as she clung to him, seeking solace in his embrace. Gale felt his body stiff at first at the sudden gesture, but despite it all he held her close, offering silent reassurance as they stood together in the quiet intimacy of the moment.
"Shh," he whispered softly, his touch tender as he traced soothing circles along her back. With every motion, he felt the weight of her sorrow, the depth of her longing, and his own heartache mirrored in her tears. He fought to hold back his own emotions, to be the pillar of strength she needed in that moment. To be a true man. But beneath the facade of composure, Gale's own tears threatened to spill over. “I’ve missed you too, Tav.” And his words were honest. 
"After we destroyed the brain, you left so abruptly," Tav's voice trembled with emotion, her words carrying the weight of unspoken pain."I thought... I thought maybe you didn't want to see me ever again, that you detested me. And I understand if you do. I know you might think that all we had, was just a facade, a lie, but it wasn't.”
Gale listened in silence, and his heart throbbed with pain. He hated to watch her cry. ”I’m sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the hushed cadence of the night. "I never meant to hurt you.” 
"I should be the one apologising," she murmured, her voice laced with regret. "I felt so guilty for leaving you like that, Gale. There were nights when I cried myself to sleep, feeling your absence like a gaping wound. And in those moments, Halsin... he was there for me. But it wasn't the same. It could never be the same.”
Gale's chest tightened at her confession, the weight of her words pressing down on him like a burden too heavy to bear. "Tav..." he began, his voice choked with emotion and…hope? But before he could utter another word, she silenced him with a gentle touch of her hand. She looked deep into his eyes, looking for something in them. 
"Gale," she whispered, her voice soft yet resolute. "I want you to know... I love you. I've always loved you." Her words hung in the air, heavy with sincerity and emotion. "But I also love Halsin. In a different way, perhaps, but love nonetheless.”
Gale felt his heart sink at her admission, a pang of sorrow lancing through him like a blade. Despite the warmth of her touch, he couldn't shake the chill that settled in the depths of his very soul. "Tav," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "you know I'm not... I can't be... I want you all to myself. It hasn't changed since the last time we spoke about this.” And despite himself he added— “I think I should leave now.”
With a heavy sigh, he made a move to leave, to escape the turmoil of his emotions, but before he could take more than a few steps, Tav's hand shot out, grabbing his own with a desperate urgency. 
"Don't leave," she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "Not tonight. Let's forget about Halsin, about everything. Just... let's be together tonight, you and I. Please?” Her eyes searched his, pleading for understanding, for connection, for something to hold onto in the midst of their tangled emotions.
And then she came closer, dangerously close. As her lips met his in a tender yet impassioned kiss, Gale felt his resolve waver, crumbling like sand between his fingers. The warmth of her touch, the sweetness of her embrace, it all washed over him like a wave, sweeping him away in a sea of longing and desire.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, their bodies pressed together in a fervent embrace. Gale's heart pounded in his chest, the rhythm of their kiss echoing the tumultuous beat of his emotions. And in that fleeting moment, as their lips parted and their eyes locked in silent understanding, Gale surrendered to the intoxicating pull of their shared desire. With a surge of strength, Gale lifted Tav effortlessly into his arms, her legs instinctively wrapping around his hips as he carried her towards the bed. Each step felt like a revelation. 
As he gently laid her down upon the soft sheets, their eyes met once more, the intensity of their gaze speaking volumes. With trembling hands, Gale traced the contours of her face, memorising every curve and line as if committing them to memory.
Tav appeared as a vision of ethereal beauty, her form draped in the delicate embrace of silk nightwear that accentuated every curve and contour of her body. Gone were the rugged trappings of their journey through the wilderness, replaced instead by the subtle elegance of her attire. Gale found himself captivated, his gaze lingering on the gentle curve of her neck, the graceful slope of her shoulders, and the subtle rise and fall of her chest with each breath. There was a vulnerability in her appearance that stirred something deep within him, a longing to protect and cherish her with every fiber of his being.
“Oh, Tav,” Gale said as he enveloped her body in his arms, burying his face in the soft curve of her neck, inhaling deeply the sweet, intoxicating scent that enveloped her. The warmth of her body pressed against his own ignited a fire within him, a primal urge that had been dormant for far too long. As their bodies pressed together, a wave of arousal washed over him, leaving him painfully hard and achingly aware of every brush of skin. Tav's hand found its way between their bodies, her touch sending shivers of pleasure racing up his spine as she palmed his growing erection.
A low, guttural moan escaped his lips as pleasure rippled through him, his senses overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. It was as if he had been starved for this connection, this physical closeness, and now that he had it, he was powerless to resist its allure. As Tav shifted her position being on top of him, like his queen, straddling Gale's hips, she moved with a fluid grace that left him mesmerised. With deft fingers, she began to unbutton his shirt, revealing the toned muscles beneath, her touch sending a shiver of anticipation through his willing body.
In response, Gale reached up to grasp the hem of Tav's nightdress, pulling it over her head with a reverence that bordered on worship. As the fabric fell away, she was bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, her skin aglow with a warmth that seemed to emanate from within.
Gale's breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight before him. Tav was utterly beautiful, her rounded breasts heaving with each breath, her thighs pressing against his hips as she straddled him. In that moment he knew, she held him in the palm of her hand, a goddess of desire and passion, and he was powerless to resist as he was just a mere human. 
As she unbuttoned his pants and her fingers wrapped around his throbbing penis, Gale felt himself losing control. Every touch sent shivers down his spine, his desire mounting with each caress. Despite his trembling voice, he managed to murmur, "You don't have to do this."
"But I want to," she responded, her breath warm against his skin as she pressed a tender kiss to the glans of his penis. Gale took a deep breath through his clenched teeth. His arousal was palpable, his desire for her nearly overwhelming as she took him into her mouth with a delicate grace that left him shaking with need. Each sensation was magnified tenfold, every touch sending waves of pleasure crashing over him in an ecstatic frenzy. As her lips closed around him, he could feel the warmth of her mouth enveloping him, her tongue dancing along his length with a skill that bordered on sinful.
Gale could hardly contain the primal urge building within him, the intensity of his desire threatening to consume him whole. With each gentle caress and tantalising stroke, he felt himself teetering on the edge of ecstasy, his body aching for release. His hips moving shyly, only to be held down by Tav hands.
“ Tav, Tav I’m close,” he said, but she didn’t stop instead she was sucking him even harder. And when Gale finally came, it was like an explosion of pleasure unlike anything he had ever experienced before. With a cry of ecstasy, he surrendered to the overwhelming sensation, his body convulsing with the force of his release as he spilled himself into Tav's waiting mouth, his senses ablaze with a euphoria that left him gasping for breath. The world went quiet for a second, but not long after he felt Tav body on his. Her soft curves pressed against his chest. Her lips, swollen from their passionate encounter, hovered just inches from his own, and he couldn't resist the urge to draw her closer, his fingers tangling in the silky strands of her hair. Gale smiled. 
With a gentle touch, he brushed a stray lock away from her forehead. When he saw a droplet of his sperm lingering in the corner of her mouth, he couldn't help but be overcome by a sudden surge of desire. Without hesitation, he leaned forward, capturing the droplet with his thumb and bringing it to his lips, savouring the taste of their shared passion as he licked it away. And as their lips met in a searing kiss, Gale felt himself consumed by a hunger unlike anything he had ever known, his hands roaming freely over her back as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment. 
Their night was far from the end. 
Their kisses grew more urgent, more desperate, as their bodies pressed together in a tangle of limbs and desire. With every touch, every caress, Gale felt a surge of longing course through him, igniting a fire that burned hotter with each passing moment. As his hand trailed down her spine, exploring every curve and contour of her body, Tav's breath hitched in her throat, a soft moan escaping her lips as she melted into his touch. And when his fingers finally found their way to the wetness between her legs, she couldn't help but arch her back in response, a shudder of pleasure coursing through her.
With a hunger that bordered on desperation, Gale shifted his position, kneeling between her legs as he drank in the sight of her. His heart raced in his chest as he watched her, every movement, every quiver of her body, sending waves of desire crashing over him.
"I need you, inside," Tav whispered, reading his thoughts exactly. Her voice barely more than a breathless plea. Her eyes bore into his, dark with desire, and Gale knew he couldn't deny her. With a tenderness Gale lowered himself down onto her, positioning his penis to her sweet entrance. 
He had imagined it countless times during the lonely hours in his study, weaving fantasies in the quiet solitude of his mind. But now, as the reality of their passion unfolded before him, it surpassed even his most vivid dreams. In her embrace, Gale felt a sense of wholeness he had longed for, a completeness that eluded him in his solitary existence. Closing his eyes for a fleeting moment, Gale focused on the sensation of her body beneath his, the warmth of her skin against his own. And when Tav's hips began to move in a gentle rhythm, he followed suit, his movements initially tentative but growing bolder with each passing moment, encouraged by her soft moans. 
Quickly Gale found himself lost in the heady haze of desire, his senses overwhelmed by the sight and sound of Tav squirming beneath him, her moans of pleasure driving him to new heights of ecstasy. With each thrust, each movement of their bodies, he felt a primal urge building within him, driving him ever closer to the brink of release. He groaned each time he was all in, deep inside her sweet wetness, his gaze locked onto hers with a ferocity he didn't know he possessed.
As he drew near, his thrusts grew increasingly erratic, his control slipping with each passing moment. Despite his desperate attempts to hold back, he found himself on the precipice of release, his body trembling with anticipation. "Come for me, my love," he whispered, his voice husky with desire, his fingers tenderly caressing her cheek. And as Tav's back arched in ecstasy, her breath hitching, and walls tightening Gale felt his own climax approaching like a tidal wave, ready to engulf him in its powerful embrace. With a low, guttural grunt, he buried himself deep inside her, his hands gripping hers tightly as he surrendered to the overwhelming waves of pleasure crashing over him. With a primal cry, they reached the pinnacle of their desire, their bodies convulsing in unison as waves of bliss washed over them.
In that moment of pure connection, Gale surrendered to the overwhelming sensations coursing through him, his release flooding Tav's depths with a torrent of his essence. Deep inside her, he poured himself into her with abandon, his ropes of cum filling her wholly as they became one. As the last echoes of their shared climax faded into the hushed stillness of the room, Gale held Tav tightly in his embrace, their bodies entwined in the aftermath of their lovemaking. They lay there, panting and spent, their hearts racing.
Desperately, Gale clung to the fleeting moment, reluctant to pull away from the intimate connection they shared. He wanted to linger inside her, to savor the warmth of her embrace for just a little while longer, before the outside world intruded once more. 
Gale's touch was tender, his hand tracing soothing patterns along Tav's back, lulling her into a peaceful slumber. With her hand resting gently on his chest, she seemed so close, yet so far away. And for a fleeting moment, everything felt perfect, as if they had found each other's again.But as Gale's fingers sense the tiny wooden duck hidden beneath the pillow, reality came crashing back with brutal clarity. It was a stark reminder of the presence they could not escape, a symbol of the inevitable truth that awaited them at dawn. His heart felt empty. What they had shared this night was nothing more than a fleeting illusion, a desperate grasp at something unattainable.
“I love you,” he said softly, though he knew he shouldn’t. 
With one last lingering gaze at Tav's sleeping form, he turned away, a heavy weight lifting from his shoulders as he made his way out of her bedroom, finally letting her go for good. 
thank you so much for reading !
you can find more of my works about bg3 ♡here♡
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whaledenwtf · 6 months
Gale Dekarios X Sorcerer!Reader - Spin the Bottle
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The Gale girlies of tiktok got their clutches in me and I want him. I already had my hands full with wanting Astarion AND Halsin but now Gale too? I can't believe I've dedicated so much time to PIXELS. Anyways, here's some wizard sex. :)
AO3 LINK: Here Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist: Here
Warnings: afab!reader and Male Smut, Body Worship ( Female Receiving), Creampie, Oral (Female Receiving), Misuse of the Mage Hand Cantrip (oh yeah), Praise Kink, Spin the Bottle Trope, Angst too!!! Sorry
I try to keep Gale as close to his character as possible but the idea of even entertaining Mystra in the fic for more than half a moment fills me with anger. So I try to only bring her up during the angst.
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The last few days... weeks? Have been awful. Ever since you met all your companions in the wreckage of the nautiloid ship (and evidently, the wreckage of any normalcy) you've spent every day exploring the Sword Coast looking for answers and seeking guidance on how to rid yourselves of the tadpole. During the day, the heat is cooled by the breeze of the ocean, but nothing can quell the stress of the band of misfits you find yourself surrounded by.
"We should head to the cre'che. You may be too far gone, too weak, but I need the guidance of Queen Vlaakith." A chorus of groans echo Lae'zel's words.
"All offense, but I do not want a githyanki prodding in my skull." Shadowheart tells her annoyed. You roll your eyes, bracing yourself for the oncoming fight. You've been around them long enough to know that the daily Lae'zel and Shadowheart fight will have to be broken up by you, again. Lae'zel unsheathes her sword and points it towards Shadowheart.
"Just because you are a k'chakhi, doesn't mean (Y/N) can't understand reason." You look around and see everyone look annoyed. Well, almost everyone. Astarion always watches the fights with glee, bright smiles and wicked intentions.
"Excuse me? What did you just call me? I'll make sure Shar punishes you greatly." Shadowheart pulls out her mace. You can already tell this will get bloody. You walk in between them and put your arms out.
"Enough. For gods sake, both of you need to relax. You're both acting unreasonable." You cringe the moment you say those words.
"Unreasonable?!" They both respond, aiming their weapons at you. You roll your eyes, pulling out your staff.
"Point those weapons at me again and I'll make sure to cast a Hold Person so well you'll be stuck here until you transform." Everyone's mouths drop open at your words. You were a sorcerer, usually kind tempered, or you'd like to think so. This has been the tenth time you had to break up a fight between the two in the last three days. It was sickening, and you were at your wits' end. Astarion giggles with glee, clapping his hands at your words. You point your staff at him too.
"I'll cast it on you too-" He pouts at your words, no longer finding the threat fun when it's directed towards him. "Now all of you shut the hells up so we can go find more answers on what to do. No more fighting." Everyone nods silently. You exhale loudly and smile.
"Now let's go." Lae'zel scoffs, sheathing her weapon and bumping Shadowhearts shoulder as she walks past. You turn away and lead the group forward, going towards the Goblin Camp that is holding Arch Druid Halsin captive; the druids in the grove said he may have information on your tadpoles.
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"I'm afraid that I cannot heal you. These tadpoles are different, and have magic that even someone as experienced as I cannot remove them." Halsin tells you sadly. The group groans at the tall elf's words. After completely eradicating all the goblins and other beasts in the camp, Halsin is still unable to help.
"However, I was able to track that they are coming from the Shadow Cursed lands, and may be tied to the Moonrise Towers." This was news! Not as good as you were hoping, but its a lead! A start to an otherwise longer journey.
"I appreciate you trying Halsin. Thank you." You tell him quietly. He nods, his hand on your shoulder.
"I should be the one thanking you. You have freed me and explained what Kagha was planning to do to the Emerald Grove-" Astarion cuts off the Druid.
"Yes yes, we get it. We helped. Seems like we did it for no reason." Without turning your gaze away from Halsin, you wack him with your staff. After a loud thump and Astarion's "ow", you smile at the elf.
"No need to thank me, Halsin. Your information will guide us onward." He nods, frowning for a moment.
"Once I get back from ending the Rite of Thorns, I will meet you at your camp and join you on your journey. I hate to ask more of you, but I need assistance with eradicating the Shadow Curse."
"More help?!" Astarion exclaims. You turn around, ready to strike again, but Gale beats you to it. He does you a solid and wacks him upside his head with a large tome. Astarion flinches, complaining about his hair. You smile at Gale in thanks, who winks in response to you before you turn back to Halsin, blushing.
"I'm sure in ridding the curse we may find more information about the parasites." Halsin engulfs you in a hug, and you laugh patting his back.
"Thank you, little one. I will trek to the Grove now. You are more than welcome to join me." You turn to look at all your companions, some of which seem eager to go back to the Grove.
"I think we should, just incase a rampant goblin attacks you again." Halsin chuckles, before letting go of you.
"Then let us make haste."
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At the Grove, you watch as Halsin berates Kagha. Afterwards you see Zevlor run up to you.
"We must thank you (Y/N)! We gathered all our gold so we can give you something for your troubles." You watch as the man pulls out a small pouch, filled with everyone's gold. You felt pity, as the need to do good outweighed any reward, especially one so small. You knew taking their gold would leave them only with the clothes on their backs, and the supplies they had.
"Oh Zevlor, I cannot take this from you. Keep it for Baldur's Gate. We are just grateful we were able to help in time." He shakes his head.
"At least let us thank you. We can celebrate at your camp and share our wine and food with you." You ponder this.
"Something to destress may be necessary, lest we hear Lae'zel and Shadowheart fight again." Gale whispers in your ear. Your breath hitches. Ever since you pulled Gale of Waterdeep from the collapsing portal, you've been smitten. Despite his very human nature, his soft brown eyes, beautiful features and prose had caught your attention. He was gorgeous, and your heart yearned for him, mind, body and soul.
"If I have to hear the word cre'che one more time I might gauge my eyes out." You whisper back. He chuckles, the sound warm and it shoots straight to your core. You make your decision.
"I think a celebration with some wine, food and good company would be a great reprise from all the stress. We'll see you at sundown." The group cheers, excited for some wine and relaxation. This seems like the first decision everyone agreed with. You smile at them as Zevlor walks away, telling the tieflings about the celebration.
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You were already drunk off the vinegar-like wine, teetering on the edge of consciousness and depravity. You see all your companions scattered across the camp; some entertaining the company of the tieflings, others drinking on their lonesome. This won't do! Your drunk mind exclaims. Before you could act on it, Astarion walks up to you, smirking.
"Well, hello to you sweetheart." You blush at his forwardness. It seems everyday you spend together he gets more bold in his words and touches, but he isn't Gale.
"H-hello Astarion." You tell him, stuttering from your inebriated state. His cold hand meets your arm, and you startle, sobering up momentarily.
"Just a hello? I was hoping for a better form of greeting." You roll your eyes at his theatrics.
"And what would that form of greeting be, my beloved?" You ask him sarcastically. He grins, his fangs glistening in the lowlight of the campfire and lanterns scattered about.
"Perhaps a kiss? Maybe a night, with yours truly? I can make you feel things no man has ever made you feel before~" He grabs your waist and pulls you close.
"No things a man has made me feel before? That's cute, but won't work on me." You tell him, slapping the side of his face as though he were a child.
"Won't work? Darling, it's true! I will make you crave my touch~" He whispers to you. You laugh in his face, and he frowns at your response.
"You should go into comedy with such jokes!" He lets go of you and pouts.
"You're no fun." You smirk at his words.
"Oh I'm plenty of fun. You're just not my type." He is taken aback.
"I'm everyone's type, sweetheart. You're just lying to yourself- or your standards are quite low." You really can't entertain his theatrics any longer, your eyes already looking around for Gale.
"Alright Astarion. As lovely as this conversation was, I've got to go." You pull away from him, spotting the wizard near his tent, a glass of wine in one hand and tome in the other. You rush towards him, before your journey is cut off by Karlach.
"H-hey soldier!" You smile at the tiefling.
"Hi Karlach. Are you enjoying yourself?" She nods, her body swaying.
"Of course! Between my engine sort-of working for now, and the booze, I'm on cloud nine!" She tells you, spinning in place. You giggle at her theatrics, before stabilizing her when she gets too dizzy.
"I was thinking of playing spin the bottle! Now that I can't burn people it would be fun to play-" She gives you puppy dog eyes. You feel bad for Karlach, you really do. A victim to Zariel, and now to her infernal engine, you can tell she just wants to be hugged and loved. You hug her, grinning. She grips you back tightly, sighing into your arms.
"Let's gather the others! Can't wait for the inevitable Lae'zel and Shadowheart kiss." You both laugh. You let go of each other and rally the others. You manage to get Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Gale, Wyll, Karlach, Astarion to join you near the campfire. Even Halsin decides to join, after you ask him sweetly. You're all sitting in a circle, with Halsin to your left and Astarion on your right. Gale is sitting directly infront of you, and you catch his gaze more than once. You decide that if anyone asks, the blush is not from the handsome wizard, but the booze. Yeah that'll work, you think to yourself.
"Can't wait to kiss you, sweetheart." Astarion tells you. You roll your eyes, taking a sip of a new bottle of wine.
"Get in line, fangs." Karlach tells him, smirking at you. You laugh at her words.
"Alright, alright. Let's get to kissing!" You smirk at everyone. After a minute of downing the bottle in your hand, you empty it and put it in the center of the circle.
"Now that little alchy finished drinking, who wants to spin first?" Astarion speaks up, smirking at your companions. With enthusiasm, Karlach shouts.
"ME ME ME!" You chuckle at her reaction, and give her the go-ahead. You watch her buzzing in her seat as she spins the bottle. It does one, two, three spins before landing on Wyll. They look at eachother, eyes wide.
"Oh shit-" Karlach whispers. The whole circle starts chanting, and after a minute of tense stillness they kiss. You all cheer, laughing and smiling. Then they don't let go, still kissing. The cheering gets louder,
"Oh gods, split it up." Astarion says, fake gagging. They split, gasping. Both of them are blushing, and you smirk.
"Had fun?" You tease them. They look away from each other, realizing the implications of their kiss.
"Alright, now Wyll's gotta spin!" You tell them, grinning. Wyll shuffles closer to the bottle, watching it spin until it lands on Halsin. You gasp, before cheering. Their kiss was quick, but you could tell Halsin was in control. He chuckles as they part, and Wyll sits back down. Halsin spins the bottle, and it spins for a solid ten seconds until it lands on Shadowheart.
"Now this will be interesting." Astarion whispers into your ear. You giggle into your hand, nodding. Your eyes split from Halsin and Shadowheart to see Gale watching you and Astarion's closeness with a frown. Before you could give him a look, you hear cheering. Your eyes glance back at Halsin, who pulls Shadowheart onto his lap and grips her tightly as they are kissing. Your eyes widen, lips parting.
"Oh." After a minute, they split, panting. Shadowheart stands from his lap, her legs left unstable from the powerful kiss. She fans herself for a second before spinning the bottle. It barely does a full turn before it lands on Lae'zel. You start laughing loudly.
"Absolutely not." She says loudly, already reaching for the bottle.
"Hey! No respins!" Karlach says, eyebrows furrowed. Shadowheart huffs. Lae'zel hasn't spoken up, just watching Shadowheart's plight with a grin.
"Fine. But watch yourself, githyanki. I will not hesitate to end you if there's any funny business." Lae'zel rolls her eyes, before pulling Shadowheart into a passionate kiss. Everyone's jaws drop as they kiss, all their verbal fights (and some physical, mind you) seemingly have turned into sexual tension. Lae'zel pulls Shadowheart into her, before pushing her under her. After hearing someone moan, you decide to cut it out.
"Okay, stop! Holy hells, if you're gonna do that do it in the privacy of your own damn tent." You tell them, grimacing at the sounds coming from them. Without a word, Lae'zel picks up Shadowheart and walks away from the circle. You guffaw, before turning back to the other companions, eyes wide.
"Um-" Astarion cuts you off, smirking.
"Alright! Since they left its my turn!" He claps, before spinning the bottle. It lands on you, and you groan.
"Come here, sweetheart." He whispers. As he closes his eyes, you give him a quick peck and turn away before he could wonder what happened.
"That was hardly a kiss!" He shouts, crossing his arms.
"Oh, boo hoo Astarion." You tell him, laughing. You spin the bottle. It does one, two, three, four turns, before it lands on the object of your attentions. Gale's eyes widen, and he freezes up.
"Pucker up wizard, it'll be done before you know it." Astarion sulks from beside you. You crawl towards him, blush deepening. When you get into his personal space, you sit down on your haunches and get comfortable. His hand goes to the side of your face, while the other goes to your waist. Your arms wrap around his neck and you meet in the middle.
This kiss was unlike any other you had in your life. The world around you disappeared, sounds muffled. All you could feel was Gale and his magical essence. You became tuned to one another, magic flowing freely between you both. His hands move around, the one on your hip going to the small of your back and pulling you closer, as the one that was holding your face goes to the back of your neck to hold you to him. Your lips open when his tongue traces the seam of your lips. Your tongues battle for dominance, and you moan into his mouth. That seems to snap him out of the trance, and he separates from you. You can see his deep blush, and he gets up and runs off. Your eyes follow him, and you furrow your brows.
"If he ran away because of your kissing skills, maybe I should be grateful you only gave me a peck." Astarion says. Your eyes snap back to his.
"My kissing isn't the problem. I'll go check on him." You get up, dusting the dirt off your legs and walking towards his tent. When you turn around, to glance at your companions, you see Karlach and Wyll cheering on Astarion and Halsin as they kiss. You roll your eyes and look forward, going into a jog so you could reach Gale's tent sooner.
When you get to his tent, you cough outside so he can hear you. You hear him mutter a "come in" so you enter slowly. When you enter his tent, your eyes widen. Its larger on the inside, and looks homely. There are towers of tomes and books, some old and some new, and your eyes are taking in the beauty of the bigger-on-the-inside tent that reflects Gale's personality. When your eyes stop wandering, you notice Gale sitting on the edge of his large bed, hands holding his head as he sits dejected.
"I wanted to check in on you." You tell him quietly, walking closer to him. He sighs, and looks up at you.
"I'm sorry-" You reach him in two short strides, and kneel so you are below him. His eyes follow your movements, and you see the sorrow and sadness lurking in his beautiful brown eyes.
"You never need to apologize to me Gale. Are you okay?" You ask him softly. He sighs again, frowning.
"I'm not." He says quietly. You know he's upset, by the succinctness of his words.
"You can always tell me what's wrong. You know I care about you-all of you." You save yourself at the last moment. Now's probably not the time to admit your feelings, especially when he doesn't seem receptive to your advances.
"I'm just-" He exhales loudly. "You're not the issue here, (Y/N). I am. Everything I have done, everything I do, was for her. Now I feel lost, between the bomb inside my chest and the tadpole in my head, I feel as though I have no control over anything." Your hands gently takes one of his, holding him softly.
"You are the most talented wizard I have ever met, Gale of Waterdeep. You have control over everything, more than most of us." He shakes his head, eyes getting misty.
"You're wrong, you know. I have lost favour with my goddess, and have lost control over my emotions it seems. I just ran away from you and you still check in on me. Gale's Folly, I once named my demise. But it seems everything I do adds to my torment, and it affects others." You go to deny him but he cuts you off. He turns to the side, looking in the distance.
"I have always known my purpose, since I was young. Hone my powers, control the weave. Serve my goddess. The universe that was once kind to me has turned against me, against my reverence for Mystra. I was cursed, am cursed. In the deepest darkest shadows of my folly, I met you. A sorcerer who I respect and admire greatly. Now I am destined to lose that too-" You grip his hand tightly.
"You have not lost me yet, Gale." You whisper gently to him. His face snaps back to yours, his eyes searching yours for the truth. All he sees is your honesty and admiration.
"I do not deserve you." He whispers, shedding a tear. You wipe the tear away, holding his face.
"It is I who does not deserve you, Gale. You've been hurt, badly. I would never expect anything from you more than what you are ready to tell me. You must know how important you are to us, to me." He looks down at his lap, pondering.
"I've always felt the need to do anything to serve Mystra. Even sacrifice the deepest parts of myself for her, if she had asked. Many times, she had. But you; you ask nothing more from me. You give without taking, and I don't understand how you think I am deserving of your kindness." He whispers.
"Gale. You are magnificent. I care about you, more than I care for the others. Ever since I pulled you out of that portal I knew that you'd be someone I'd care for. Since then, all I've done is fallen more for you. You don't need to reciprocate any feelings, but you have to know how much someone cares for you- I care for you. You are worth much more than Mystra has ever given you credit for." His eyes snap back to yours, widening at your words.
"I did not realize-" You cut him off gently, the hand on his face squeezing slightly.
"I was afraid to say anything. I understand your trepidation regarding your situation. If I was in your position I would have given up long ago. But please, please do not think for a moment you are not worthy of love. You are kind, good of heart and deserving of more than most of us in camp." He pulls you into a hug. Your arms find themselves around him, squeezing him tightly. Your head finds itself in the crevice of his neck, inhaling his scent of old books and hazelnut; a scent you could only describe as Gale.
"I'm sorry. I do care about you, deeply. I have not felt such a way since Mystra, but sitting here with you now, I have never felt such acceptance and understanding. I'm afraid of what darkness the future holds, but it does not seem as dim if you are there with me." He tells you into your ear. You sigh, nudging your nose deeper into his neck. You leave a soft kiss on the side of his neck before pulling away.
"I'll help you rid yourself of the Netherese Orb, and then the parasite. You are not alone." His hands grip the sides of your face.
"I can never feel alone when I'm with you." He pulls you into a kiss, and the adoration he feels for you translates in the movement of his lips. You kiss him softly, before pulling away.
"I do not want to take advantage of you when you are feeling so low." You gaze at him, admiring his looks. His eyes, long dried from the tears, shine in the light of his tent.
"I want to be here with you. No advantages are being taken. Please-" He pleads, begging for you. You bite your lip, and his eyes follow the action. He rushes forward, sliding off the side of the bed and kneels in front of you. He pulls you into a kiss, desperation and need coursing through his blood. You moan against his soft lips, all worries and fears dissipating into the night air. He pulls away from you, panting.
"Those sounds... You're entire being... No magic can compare to your beauty." He whispers, his breath fanning against your lips. You blush under his gaze and words, unable to reply.
"I want to show you my love the way gods do, please let me." He tells you against your lips, kissing you again. Your hands cradle his neck, thumbs trailing up and down the column. You pull away again, shaking your head.
"I don't need magic, or gods. Not when I have you right here infront of me." He pulls away, a deep blush on his face. You notice that it goes down his neck, reaching his chest; as well as the tips of his ears, which are also tinged crimson at your words.
"Are you sure? I can make you feel things, see things.... experience things beyond your wildest imaginations-" You cut him off, pouting.
"You already make me feel those things, Gale. Can't I have the man in front of me? I am no goddess, and you needn't seek my approval. You already have it." He nods, before taking your hands and pushing you forward so you're laying against the floor. His fingers link with yours and pull them above your head. You're panting, breasts heaving and grazing his own chest. His gaze trails from your features down to your neck, then further down to your chest.
"Gods. Seeing you in such a state makes me reconsider if I am truly cursed. You're ambrosial." His face goes to your neck, peppering kisses and licks up and down. You moan again, your arousal climbing higher. Your hips begin to grind the air, praying for solace, pleading for his touch. He bites down on you, blunt teeth tickling your skin. You gasp out, back arching so your bodies are fully touching.
"Please, please Gale." You whimper, eyes closed and lips parted.
"What do you need, my love?" He asks you huskily, still licking and kissing your neck.
"I need you." You wail out, eyes watering from his teasing.
"Not as much as I need you, my sweet." With a wave of his hand, both your clothes dissipate. His eyes wander, admiring your body. Your hands go to his chest, caressing the hair there. For a moment, your fingers hover over the tattoo, before touching it with such gentleness. He exhales at your touch, eyes closing while your hands wander. Your hands go to his shoulders where they caress the tense muscle there. He smiles before opening his eyes, adoration shining in them.
"You are a goddess." You squirm under his words, blushing deeply. His hands start to caress the sides of your torso, going up to your breasts. His thumbs start rubbing against your peaks, the rough texture of his fingers making you whimper. Your hands squeeze his shoulders, as you look at him pleadingly.
"Gale, don't tease me." His eyes glace up to your face, as he lowers himself closer to your chest.
"Don't worry my sweet sorcerer, I'll make sure this night is magical." His lips take in one of your nipples, as he begins to suck and bite. You gasp, your nails digging into his shoulders. As he worships your nipple, his other hand begins to play roughly with the other one. His empty hand waves, and a mage hand appears and takes both your wrists in its mystical grasp, placing them above your head like Gale had done moments before. He moves to the other nipple, giving it the same treatment.
You whimper under his actions, panting and arching into him. One of his hands trails down to the apex of your thighs, and begins to caress your core. You exhale loudly through your nose as you bite your lip, groaning. He comes off of your chest with a pop! and grins at you.
"My sweet, are you this wet for me? Can't wait to spread you open and taste you for myself-" His hands spread your legs as far as you can go, as he lowers down. You feel his breathe on your core. For a moment, nothing happens, but then he summons two more mage hands to hold your thighs open as he begins to taste you.
His tongue licks the side of your thighs, as he places open mouthed kisses on your hot skin. He does this for a minute, just worshipping your skin, and then he licks up your core. He moans into you as he tastes your slick, eyes closing.
"Ambrosial, just as I suspected-" He opens his eyes and looks at you as you watch him attentively. "I can't wait to taste you until I bring you to other planes of existence." He attacks your pussy with fervor, licking and prodding at you. His ambidextrous tongue works wonders on you, he spreads you open further with his fingers, as he brings his tongue into you. You gasp at the intrusion, hands struggling against the grip of the mage hand, wishing to push him further into you. As he continues to taste you, his concentration wavers and the mage hands dissipate. Your hands latch into his dark curly locks, tugging at him as you continuously plea don't stop. He chuckles into your skin, as he pulls away.
"I won't stop worshipping you until the end of the night, my beloved. I promised you magic, and you'll take it like a good girl." You whimper at his words, slick leaving you. He licks it up from the source, moaning into your skin. As he goes to take your clit into his mouth, two of his thick fingers caress at your entrance before going in to the hilt and curling upwards. You caterwaul at the attention, hands gripping his locks tighter. He licks and sucks at your clit, fingers pistoning in and out of you. You feel your nirvana quickly approaching.
"G-Gale I'm close, so so close. Please-" You beg him, eyes closed. He hums against your clit as he curls his fingers curve upwards. You've hit your peak, back arching into the sky and thighs tightening against his head. You see explosions of colours behind your eyelids, and your body is weightless for many moments. As you come back from your high, you open your eyes to see Gale admiring your face; his fingers lazily pumping into you. You clench around his fingers as you pant, eyes still unfocused.
"O-oh-" You whisper, head hitting the floor as you close your eyes to try to get your bearings. Gale chuckles at you as he removes his fingers from you, tasting your spend on his skin. As your breathing gets back to normal, you open your eyes again to gaze at Gale.
"I want to please you-" He cuts you off, picking you up off the floor with relative ease and depositing you onto the bed.
"If you do that I know I will not be able to please you as long as I'd like." He tells you honestly as he licks his lips. You surge forward, capturing his mouth against yours. You can still taste yourself on his tongue, and it excites you further. Your legs lock around his waist and pull him into you, his cockhead bumping into your clit. You split from each other, admiring one another.
"Take what you want from me, Gale of Waterdeep." He moans at your words, and grasps his cock in his hand.
"You don't know how you affect me, (Y/N). Your words, your scent, your taste. I can't wait to take you and make you mine." As he speaks, he thrusts into you in one quick motion, bottoming out inside of you. You both gasp, the connection unlike any other you had ever experienced in your life.
"Please make me yours Gale. I'll be anything you want, do anything you want. Just make me yours." He begins to thrust into you, his pace rough and deep. He continues to hit that spot, and you feel your orgasm coming again.
"I'm s-so close." You whisper into his ear, kissing the side of his face. He turns and pulls you back into a passionate kiss. He pulls your legs over his shoulders, and you feel his tip kiss your cervix. You gasp against his lips, panting.
"That's right, sweetheart. Let go-" His words bring you to your crest, and you babble as your brain short circuits. As you reach your peak, he does as well, moaning out your name against the column of your neck. His hips stutter to a stop as he releases inside of you, the clenching of your pussy too much for him. He collapses onto you, kissing your neck and whispering sweet nothings to you. After a moment, you pull him into a gentle kiss, savouring the moment with him.
"You are perfect." He whispers to you as you part. Your hand caresses the side of his face.
"You are the perfect one. I hope I can spend the rest of this journey reminding you." You tell him softly. He closes his eyes, smiling at your words.
"How can I ever consider myself less than when I am in your embrace?" You blush, pulling him into a hug. After a moment, he gets up, getting a cloth to clean your mixed spend from between your thighs. Once he deems you clean, he lays back down next to you. You spend the rest of the night cuddling, hushed words of love and appreciation to one another.
The End.
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etheralisi · 4 months
I’m not planning on a third soon, but hey, who knows. Whenever inspiration strikes, right? Anyway, here’s part 2 of Rottmnt fake posting. 
Find part 1 here  and 3+3.5 here
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🌎yes-the-earth-is-flat Follow
Yea the Earth is flat. What’s my proof you ask? Everything is flat.
#I keep trying to tell you all #It’s a 2D world and we’re all just living in it. #But do you listen? Nooooo
126 notes
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💀outoftouchoutoftime Follow
Then why don’t I have your recipe?
13 notes
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⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Do not teleport mid sneeze
It is not a good idea
Sincerely with regret, me
🌫️mistyme Follow
… okay???
🌼i-eat-plastic-flowers Follow
Tp in what game again?
63 notes
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⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
2k into a Lou Jitsu Jupiter Jim crossover fic and I’m shutting the tab because he would not say that
I knew that summary was too good to be true
🛸 atomiclass9000 Follow
Shocking. You read?
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Look, it was a pod fic but still
372 notes
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⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
🛸 atomiclass9000 Follow
🎨 asprinkleofrazzmatazz Follow
🥊 red_hotsoup Follow
🌽 sherlock_corn Follow
Someone misunderstood the assignment 
578 notes
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thehibernator said: What happened to your Ghostbear sideblog?
🥊 red_hotsoup Follow
Red doesn’t like to talk about it 
#Nine times out of ten your heroes want to kill you #One out of ten and they turn out to be your dad #Yeah GB is still cool but it’s complicated 
56 notes
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👥shadow-slunk Follow
Out of ten how drunk were you last night? Drunk enough to hallucinate a dancing bull in a suit next question 
8,965 notes
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💀outoftouchoutoftime Follow
Tried apple pie for the first time today
👺noomenisgood Follow
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Where were you eating rats????
💀outoftouchoutoftime Follow
In the caves 
107 notes
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🛸 atomiclass9000 Follow
Yes Atomic Lass I am single
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Can you not
🛸 atomiclass9000 Follow
No one asked you to be here
43 notes
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⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Update: Purple has blocked me again
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Everyone spam his inbox in my absence. It’s what I would have wanted 
#revenge is a dish best served blue
22 notes
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🐢daily-turtle-appreciation-blog Follow
I love turtles
🎨 asprinkleofrazzmatazz Follow
And they love you ♡
695 notes
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🦵kick-back Follow
If no one has ever seen the seven deadly vipers move in action, how do we even know it exists?
🚀jj-sails Follow
You take that back
🌽 sherlock_corn Follow
Oh it exits alright
3,399 notes
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🛸 atomiclass9000 Follow
Word on the street is that Purple Game 3 will be released soon.
🥊 red_hotsoup Follow
Purple no
🛸 atomiclass9000 Follow
Purple yes.
🥊 red_hotsoup Follow
Have you learned nothing????
86 notes
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wise-girl said: You’re a doctor?
🎨 asprinkleofrazzmatazz Follow
Yes. Here’s my PHD
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532 notes
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⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Does anyone have another good website for buying Lou Jitsu comics in print? Jitsujungle shut down and I still need to restock my collection 
15 notes
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🛸 atomiclass9000 Follow
Daily reminder to double check your vehicle for stowaway wizards. They get everywhere
🎨 asprinkleofrazzmatazz Follow
He lives with us now
🎨 asprinkleofrazzmatazz Follow
He gives warm fuzzy hugs
481 notes
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🌽 sherlock_corn Follow
Guess who got fired again
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
The kitchen is burning 
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Send help
🎨 asprinkleofrazzmatazz Follow
The what is burning??!?!!
#you are banned #you hear me #banned #square up blue
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🛸 atomiclass9000 Follow
DNI if you are a beach ball. This is a beach ball free zone. Any beach balls will be blocked on sight 
#not science posting #I may be hilarious but I am not joking
134 notes
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🛸 atomiclass9000 Follow
The second I get my hands on uranium it’s over for everyone
🌽 sherlock_corn Follow
That’s the third time you’ve posted this this week. 
It’s Tuesday 
🛸 atomiclass9000 Follow
And it’s true. 
🥊 red_hotsoup Follow
This is meant to convince us to let you have uranium how?
97 notes
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📋klipt Follow
Wouldn’t it be sick if New York had its own real life super heroes? 
#I used to love reading Silver Sentry comics as a kid #please please tell me those lights are superheroes 
688 notes
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🌰that-old-chestnut Follow
Since everyone is discussing superheroes lately, why don’t we bring this old gem back? Reblog this with your chosen superpower. Then someone else will reblog that with a terrible side effect
👑titanity Follow
I can teleport!
🍗are-you-chicken Follow
You have no control over where you’ll end up. Want to visit the Bahamas? Too bad, you’re in some back alley in New Jersey. Have fun
🛸 atomiclass9000 Follow
9,763 notes
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⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Nooooo. My Duolingo streak
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
It’s over. It’s all over. The end of the world you could say
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Ah. Sorry.
10 notes
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🎨 asprinkleofrazzmatazz Follow
Making a cat sculpture out of ice cream is fun in theory 
#my hands are cold cold cold #very bad idea #but if she’s not cold she will melt
207 notes
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⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Thought I saw my sleep paralysis demon. Turns out it was purple trying to steal my blood.
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
On second thought, yeah. That’s my sleep paralysis demon.
341 notes
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cheesecrust said: is @ bluejitsu really your brother?
🛸 atomiclass9000 Follow
#purplebox #though this is none of your concern
85 notes
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🛸 atomiclass9000 Follow
New York, what a town.
1,250 notes
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asthronauta · 6 months
NACIDO DE MUGGLES | Sirius Black × Male Reader.
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Summary: During the first wizarding war, muggleborns were stalked day and night. Many of them left their homes and never came back. Sirius' boyfriend was one of them. He was a muggleborn.
Warnings: Angst, Partially based on the cannon (Fuck J.K, btw), Drama, Established relationship, I'm a hopeless romantic so Fluff, but like a sad one. You know, war situation, there is sadness and darkness involved. But also love from two people who care about each other :( <3. Enjoy!
(Also, this may be long). spoiler, it was.
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Helloo, this is the first time I'm posting one of my fanfics so I'm kind of nervous. Mainly because English is not my first language and I'll probably make a lot of mistakes when writing. Feel free to tell me if you see any.
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It was winter of 1979. It was a cold and dark winter for the wizarding world, who lived terrified under the shadow of disappearances and threats from Voldemort and his followers. The war, which had already started several years ago, was more present and active than ever. Every day a new missing person appeared on the cover of The Daily Prophet. Every day the ministry made new excuses to give people a false sense of hope. Every day Sirius found it more difficult to sleep with the uncertainty of not knowing what was happening in his boyfriend's life.
Sirius and his boyfriend hadn't seen each other in a long time. They went from seeing each other every day at Hogwarts to seeing each other from time to time. It was almost a month since Sirius had last seen [Y/N]. And he worried more every day. [Y/N] hadn't sent him any letters in a while now. Sirius literally had no idea what was going on in his life. And it didn't help that there were more muggleborns missing every day. [Y/N] was one of them, he was also a muggleborn. It was torture for Sirius to read the morning newspaper every day. Thinking that, perhaps, maybe this time his boyfriend would be on the cover of The Daily Prophet, as one of the many missing people that week.
So, on one of those long winter nights when he couldn't sleep, he decided to send him a letter. He knew it was risky. He knew that if [Y/N] had not sent him any letters in all that time it was for a reason. But Sirius couldn't take it anymore. He wanted, he needed to know about [Y/N]. He took a piece of paper and dipped his quill into the ink. He quickly began to slide the quill over the paper, with the delicacy and elegance of a Black. His cursive handwriting was still intact. Sirius was careful not to name [Y/N] or himself. He didn't know what he was dealing with so he decided not to risk it and compromise [Y/N] or himself.
The letter reads:
I hope this letter finds you. I've been worried about you, it's been a long time since you last sent me a letter. If you can read this, please, come to see me. I can't write much here but please, come. I miss you.
Yours truly, your lover for life;
Sirius sighed, rereading the letter. He didn't care about sounding desperate, the only thing he was thinking about at that moment was letting [Y/N] see how worried he was. He folded the paper and placed it in an envelope, sealing it with a plain stamp. He went to the window, letting his owl out, carrying the letter in his paw. He watched him fly away and disappear into the night sky. Sirius could only hope he would receive an answer soon.
But that didn't happen. It had been a whole week since he sent the letter and he still had not received a response. His owl had returned, without the letter, but also without an answer. At least Sirius knew that [Y/N] had received the letter. So he decided to wait another week. If that week passed and he still did not receive a response he would take more drastic measures. But he didn't want to come to that. So he decided to ignore his concern and be patient. Lucky for him, an owl knocked on his window that week. As soon as he saw her he recognized her. It was [Y/N]'s owl. Unable to hide the smile from his face, Sirius opened the window, letting [Y/N]'s owl in. Gently caressing her head and taking the letter she was carrying with her. Without worrying too much about tearing the paper and with nerves on edge, Sirius opened the letter. Noticing his boyfriend's handwriting on the paper when he unfolded it.
My dear Padfoot.
I've had a difficult week. But luckily, no one has noticed my situation. Even so, acquaintances of mine who are in the same situation as me have received threats. I don't feel safe at all. I have been cautious. I've been watching my steps and who I talk to. I trust my owl to deliver this letter to you and only you. Still, I'm afraid that something could happen to her. Please take care of her and check if she's okay. And please burn this letter after reading it. I can not risk. This letter is very compromising to me.
You know who.
PS. I miss you too. But I can't see you, not right now. I'm sorry. I'll send you a letter when I feel safe enough to meet. I love you.
Sirius' smile faded as he read the letter. An uncomfortable feeling of anxiety filled his chest. He bit his lip, he knew that the situation the muggleborns found themselves in was not easy, but he didn't think (or didn't want to think) that [Y/N] was in such a tense situation. He smiled a little at the 'I love you' at the end.
Fuck, I miss him so much.
He went to the fireplace and threw the letter into the fire. He watched the letter burn for a few seconds and turned to [Y/N]'s owl. “Hey there buddy” He said softly, smiling at the bird. “Did you have a good trip?” He reached out to her and stroked her head. The bird received the petting happily, closing her eyes and letting Sirius stroke her feathers. “Do you think you can deliver one more letter?” The bird looked at Sirius with expectant eyes. “I think that's a yes,” Sirius said and chuckled softly. He took a quill and paper and began to write.
My love,
I miss you and I worry about you. But I understand that you can't come to see me right now. I love you too and I'll wait for you with all the patience in the world. Stay safe, my love.
Yours, Padfoot.
PS. Thank you for answering me, I almost went crazy these days. Now I know everything is alright. Or, well, at least not that bad. I love you.
Sirius smiled softly and put the letter in an envelope. Sealing it the same way he had sealed the previous one. He turned his attention to [Y/N]'s owl and made sure she was okay. He checked under her wings, looking for any wounds or bruises. But he found nothing. The bird was fine. He offered her some water and after a little rest, the owl departed, carrying Sirius' letter in her paw.
The initial calm that Sirius felt faded as the days passed. Maybe he was being a little demanding by waiting for another letter from [Y/N], but he couldn't help it. He and [Y/N] didn't usually spend that much time apart and when they did they were able to send each other letters several times a day. His record was 24 letters in one week. Sirius was proud of that. Anyway, despite the constant worry he carried with him, Sirius also had a busy week. He had recently offered his parents' former house to the Order so they could meet there. So he had been busy working alongside them. Still, he hoped to receive a letter from [Y/N] soon.
On a rainy day, while Sirius was answering letters from the Order, an owl knocked on his window. Sirius sighed, it wasn't [Y/N]'s owl, so he just thought it would be another letter to the Order. He got up and let the poor bird in, it was all wet from the rain. He took the letter, and without hoping for anything he opened it. The paper was a little wet and the ink was a little smudged, but Sirius could notice a familiar handwriting. He was surprised, he didn't expect the letter to be from [Y/N]. Still, he was happy. Very happy.
Don't send me any more letters. My owl has returned with her wings burned. Someone tried to attack her. I think they suspect she belongs to a M. I have sent another owl to deliver this letter to you. Don't send me anything anymore, don't respond to this letter. I'm afraid I'm not safe right now. Don't send me anything, I'll send you a letter when I feel safe. Burn this letter too.
The letter wasn't even signed. And the fact that [Y/N] hadn't even dared to write the word 'Muggleborn' sent a chill down his spine. Now his worry had increased threefold. Was [Y/N] in danger…? Sirius gulped. Thinking about that made him too anxious. He quickly threw the letter into the fire, as if he were afraid that someone behind him would see it, even though he was alone in the room. Sirius couldn't help but feel frustrated. He, as well as [Y/N], couldn't do anything about it. They simply had to wish for the best and remain unnoticed. Sirius felt a little of stupid, Why the hell do I work with the Order if all I do is answer letters? But he also understood that things were not so simple. So he just sucked in his frustration. He turned his gaze to the owl and with a slight movement of his wand he dried it completely. Sirius didn't know if owls could catch colds, but at least he did something for the bird. He was wondering where [Y/N] had gotten that owl from. When the storm calmed down the bird left, and Sirius returned to his work of answering letters.
After receiving that letter from [Y/N], Sirius decided to do exactly what [Y/N] asked of him. Wait. Wait until [Y/N] decides to send him a letter. But it was difficult to do so when the days passed and he still did not receive any letter from him. But Sirius held back. He knew that if he were to do something stupid, [Y/N]'s life could be in danger. And Sirius couldn't deal with the thought of something happening to [Y/N]. So he just waited. And the days passed, many days passed. The month had already ended and still nothing. Sirius was about to go find [Y/N] himself. Every day he fought the urge to write him a letter or go looking for him, but he had to control himself. He couldn't risk sending him a letter, and he didn't know exactly where [Y/N] was to go looking for him anyway. So his only option was to wait. And Sirius hated waiting, but he did it anyway. Because [Y/N]'s safety was the most important thing to him
But finally, after controlling his impulse to send a letter to him for a long time, an owl came to Sirius' window. At first Sirius didn't think it was a letter from [Y/N]. It wasn't his owl and it wasn't the owl that had given him his letter the last time either. So he simply took the letter as if it were another one addressed to the Order. But he opened it anyway, and to his surprise, it was from [Y/N]. Without being able to hide the big smile on his face, he opened the letter, finding his boyfriend's handwriting on the paper again.
Hello. Forgive me for not writing to you sooner. I would have liked to do it sooner, but I couldn't. It would have been very risky. I'm okay, I have been hiding these last few months. But I'm fine. Since the incident with my owl I have kept a low profile. I was afraid they were chasing me. I feel safer now. And I want us to meet. I miss you. Behind the letter is the address and time of our meeting. I'll wait for you. I love you. You already know what to do with this letter, burn it. And don't send me a reply. See you then.
You know who.
Sirius was so happy that he kissed the letter. The bitter taste of ink seeped into his mouth but he didn't care. He was smiling from ear to ear, not only was [Y/N] okay, but he would also see him after so long. Sirius turned the letter over, finding himself facing a familiar address. It was in Muggle London. He and [Y/N] had been on a few dates there before, so it would be easy to get there. Sirius smiled again. He still couldn't believe that he would finally see [Y/N] again. It seemed like years had passed. Sirius dreamed of kissing his boyfriend's lips again. He kissed the letter once more and threw it into the fire. In a few days he would see [Y/N] again.
Sirius was finally able to sleep peacefully that night.
Sirius wishes he had brought a scarf. The wind was strong and freezing in the streets of Muggle London. Sirius was trying to hide his nose in the collar of his jacket. With his hands in his pockets. Trying to rescue some heat from the cold material of his leather jacket. It wasn't the best clothing option. He knew it now. But he couldn't help it, he was a braggart and wanted to look good for his boyfriend. Even if it meant dying of hypothermia.
When he arrived at the meeting point [Y/N] had not yet arrived, so he stayed there. They hadn't agreed on any particular place, so he sat in one of the chairs in the park. Sirius assumed it would be a brief encounter so he decided to enjoy his boyfriend as much as possible. Because surely he wouldn't see him again for a long time after that. Sirius would have liked to have a nice dinner that ended in a hotel room. But it wasn't the best time for that. So he settled for at least kissing him.
Sirius undid his ponytail, trying to cover his neck from the cold winter wind. He leaned back in the seat, his long black hair moved with the wind. Sirius closed his eyes and took a moment to think. Everything that had been happening lately in the wizarding world was crazy. The war had brought sadness and fear to people. Things were no longer the same. Sirius couldn't remember the last time he had laughed out loud with his friends. He couldn't remember the last time he had a butterbeer. For god's sake, he couldn't even remember the last time he had sex with his boyfriend. The war had made his life, and the lives of everyone, sad and boring. This is the world Death Eaters want to live in...? He couldn't help but wonder.
“Sirius?” Before Sirius could continue to mope himself down, he heard his boyfriend's voice calling his name. A smile automatically appeared on his face and he stood up from his seat, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.
“[Y/N]!” He said, smiling “Damnit, I've missed you so much” he chuckled softly, holding [Y/N] close to his chest. Not wanting to let go. [Y/N] hugged him back with the same intensity. After a few seconds Sirius pulled away and took his boyfriend's cheeks in his hands, kissing him. Sirius had been looking forward to doing that for almost two months now. He couldn't put it off one more second. [Y/N] received the kiss happily, returning it as he wrapped his arms around Sirius' waist. Tasting Sirius' lips on his. Perceiving a slight strawberry flavor. He couldn't help but smile a little, Sirius had put on some gloss for him.
Sirius would have continued kissing him for the rest of the day, but they couldn't talk and kiss at the same time, so he pulled away. With a silly smile on his face. He looked like a teenager in love. His cheeks had a slight blush.
“It's been a long time since I last saw you” [Y/N] spoke first, taking Sirius' hand in his.
“Too long,” Sirius said, still with that goofy smile on his face. It seemed like they were back to the beginning of their relationship. “How have you been, love?” Sirius spoke again, this time with a more serious and concerned tone in his voice.
[Y/N] sighed “I've been… fine. I can't complain. Luckily no one has laid eyes on me” he said. Sirius cupped one of his cheeks in his hand, a worried expression on his face.
“You must be terrified… have you been in any major danger recently? I mean, have they been targeting muggleborns?” Sirius felt a little dumb for asking that question, but he had to. He wanted to have full knowledge of everything.
[Y/N] nodded “Yes, love… They have been very active. Every day I get news of missing people” Sirius could feel [Y/N]'s anxiety through his grip, he caressed his hand to reassure him.
“You have to take all the precautions you can, my love… you must be safe” Sirius said tenderly.
“I know, I know… I'm being careful. Since they tried to attack my owl I haven't sent any letters... I've also been moving places every two weeks, I have some muggle friends who have been supporting me. I think I'm doing well” Sirius can't help but smile at that. [Y/N] was being very careful and responsible with his safety and that made him happy.
“I'm so proud of how careful you have been, love” He pressed his hand, intertwined with [Y/N]'s, on his chest. “I'm glad you have people supporting you... Are they trustworthy, love?” Sirius asked softly, [Y/N] nodded.
“Yes, yes they are. They are muggle friends, and some wizards. They have been a great help. I fully trust them” Sirius nodded.
“Good, good..” They both look into each other's eyes for a moment. [Y/N] had a dismayed look. Sirius couldn't help but feel sorry for him. “It's okay, my love” Sirius said softly, trying to comfort him. He leaned down and placed a small, soft kiss on his forehead. [Y/N] sighed.
“It's been a hard month for me, Sirius… I'm exhausted. Every day is an uncertainty.” Sirius took notice of his boyfriend's appearance, noticing the dark circles under his eyes. Sirius felt a small pain in his chest. It hurt him that his boyfriend had to go through all that.
“I know, my love, I know…” One of Sirius' hands went up to [Y/N]'s cheek, caressing it with his thumb. “But we have to keep being strong, you're doing very well. I'm so proud of you” He smiled softly at him. But worry remained in his soft blue-gray eyes. [Y/N] returned a weak smile and nodded gently. There was a small silence between them until [Y/N] spoke again. “I've heard rumors that Dumbledore is building an army… Do you know anything about that, love? Are you involved?” He asked curiously.
Sirius was a little taken aback when he heard the question. It was supposed to be a secret, how had it leaked so quickly? Anyway, he smiled nervously at [Y/N]. As if he had been caught in the middle of a prank. “Well, you know Dumbledore, he has always liked my rebellious nature” He said and chuckled nervously. [Y/N] chuckled along with him. Sirius was adorable. “Yes, my love, I'm involved” He said in a more serious tone this time. But his smile remained on his face. “I wanted to fight to protect you and others like you.. As long as I can fight for the things I believe in, I'll be there... So, yes, I am involved.”
[Y/N]'s lips curved into a smile, his eyes full of love for the man in front of him. He took both of Sirius' hands “Thank you, love… for fighting for me.”
Sirius held [Y/N]'s gaze, seeing the love in his eyes as he looked at him, he couldn't help but blush and smile nervously.
“No need to thank me, my love” He said, the soft red on his cheeks making him look even cuter under the snow. “I'll always be here to protect you and fight for what's right.. I do it because I love you, [Y/N]. You're my love and I can't imagine a life without you.” [Y/N]'s smile grew even bigger (if that was possible) at those words. He brought Sirius' hands to his lips, kissing them.
“I love you so much, Sirius… thank you, my love… you're wonderful.”
Sirius smiled and shook his head, looking at the ground. Blushing even more. “I'm far from wonderful, my love. But you know this better than anyone.” He looked [Y/N] in the eyes. Sirius was sure that the man in front of him was the love of his life. A warm feeling flooded his chest and he couldn't help but say: “I love you. I love you very, very much. I'm just grateful that this war allowed me to realize how much you mean to me. And I don't regret this decision. I was meant to fight for you and protect you and I would do it a thousand times again.”
[Y/N] stared at him, speechless. Suddenly, all the emotions he had been repressing that month came to the surface. And without making a sound, tears begin to fall from his eyes. “...Thanks” That's all he managed to say.
“Sweetheart…” Sirius said, somewhat surprised by the reaction and quickly wrapped [Y/N] in his arms. Letting him cry on him. [Y/N] quickly followed suit, hugging him tightly, crying quietly into his shoulder.
“I'm sorry” He muttered “It's just that… I'm scared, Sirius” He confessed in a weak voice. “Every day they torture people... I'm afraid that... The next person to disappear will be me.” He clinged to Sirius, trying, somehow, to feel him as close as possible. Seeking safety in his arms.
Sirius felt his heart break as he listened to his boyfriend cry. He had never seen him cry like that before. It was a part of [Y/N] that he didn't know. The vulnerability of him. Or at least not to that level. [Y/N] sounded completely sad, and Sirius felt weak from his crying. He hugged him tightly, trying to think of what to say or do to comfort him. But [Y/N]'s sadness was contagious and a feeling of anxiety began to invade Sirius too.
The fear of losing him overcame him. Still, he tried to maintain his composure. “Don't... don't say that, my love. The next one to disappear” He stuttered nervously “The next one to disappear will not be you. I won't let it happen. Not to me, not to you. Okay? You'll be safe... I promise.” He said and placed a kiss on his hairline.
[Y/N] pulled away. A little embarrassed for having started crying out of nowhere. He was just overwhelmed. He quickly wiped the tears from his cheeks and tried to catch his breath. “Okay…” He nodded “...I'm fine” He was trying to convince Sirius by saying that, but he didn't seem to succeed. Sirius still had that worried look on his face. “It's just… it's hard to keep hope... Every day Vold… He becomes more powerful... Every day more people join him, every day more people like me disappear... It terrifies me to think that the worst is yet to come... What will I do if... If he wins? If he takes control?... I don't want to think about it.” Sirius held him close, feeling the same fear and anxiety. Sirius tried to reassure him but it was difficult when he also felt the same uncertainty.
“I know it's hard, love, but let's try to stay positive, okay? It's the best we can do” Sirius said softly. His arms were still around [Y/N]'s body, as if he didn't want to let go completely. His hands gently caressed him, trying to make him feel better.
[Y/N] nodded softly. “Yeah, I guess I can only hope for the best… I hope what you're working on turns out, love, I trust you” [Y/N] looked up, looking Sirius in the eyes and giving him a small smile “I'm hopeful” He added. Sirius smiled along with him. Knowing that his boyfriend had so much trust in him filled Sirius with a warm feeling that only [Y/N] could give him.
“I won't let you down [Y/N], I'll always fight for you, for the future we could have together, and I think... no, I know we're going to succeed… All this will pass, love, I promise” Sirius smiled softly. His eyes were full of tenderness. Sirius loved [Y/N] like he had never loved anyone. And he knew he would do anything for the man in front of him.
[Y/N] smiled, he couldn't help but feel calm. Sirius had always had that effect on him. He just made him feel safe. And [Y/N] loved that, he loved Sirius. He loved how Sirius made him feel. “I'm glad there are still people who support us... I'm glad there are wizards... pureblood wizards, who support us.” Sirius took his hand and squeezed it. Trying to say non-verbally that he supported him unconditionally. After all, he knew that [Y/N] meant him as 'pureblood wizards'.
“Of course I support you, love, I'm doing this for you, for you and others like you… This is a noble cause, I know that if we all unite against Voldemort we can stop him” Sirius looked at his boyfriend, trying to see his reaction. Hoping that his words had brought him some comfort. But that didn't seem to be the case, [Y/N] had an expression of surprise and fear on his face. “...Love?” Sirius asked, confused. [Y/N]'s reaction was out of character. He didn't understand if maybe he had said something wrong.
“...don't say his name” [Y/N] said almost in a whisper, as if he was afraid of being heard. Sirius was stunned. He had forgotten it, he had forgotten the taboo of the name. Suddenly Sirius started to feel embarrassed, like he had screwed up.
“I'm.. I'm sorry, love” He quickly apologized “I didn't do it on purpose, really, forgive me.”
[Y/N] shook his head softly “No, love, it's okay, I know you didn't do it on purpose” He smiled slightly, embarrassed. “I know it's a stupid thing... the taboo... But, you know, I can't risk it.” He said, looking for some understanding. [Y/N] knew that, although he loved Sirius with all his being, Sirius was a pureblood wizard, and he had never experienced the discrimination that he had. And much less the persecution he had been experiencing in the recent months. [Y/N] was feeling a little stupid and paranoid. He thought he knew better than to fear the stupid name. But, to his surprise, he found himself afraid to even hear it from someone else. The fear was too real, the missing people were too many. [Y/N] couldn't help but feel afraid.
Sirius shook his head “It isn't stupid, love… And I get it, right now everything is... chaotic, so it's best to take all possible precautions.” Sirius looked at his boyfriend “Your life is important, [Y/N], don't be ashamed to look after it as if it were a treasure” Sirius said and smiled softly at his boyfriend. Every word Sirius said came from the depths of his heart and affection. Sirius loved [Y/N], like he had never loved anyone or anything before. He would do anything to keep the boy he had fallen in love with safe. But he couldn't do it, at least not directly. So [Y/N]'s safety depended entirely on [Y/N] himself.
[Y/N] smiled “God, what have I done to deserve you?” [Y/N] said and Sirius chuckled a little embarrassed. Sirius could be a shameless flirt but when it came to [Y/N] he was a teddy bear. And Sirius liked that. [Y/N] knew a part of him that not everyone knew. Sirius had learned to pretend to be braver than he was (or he thought he was) in life. And that had made him hide his vulnerability behind a cocky smile. But with [Y/N]... with [Y/N] he could be everything he couldn't be with anyone else.
“You make me very happy, [Y/N]” He couldn't help but confess “You just… you make me very happy." He repeated, not knowing what else to say. The words seemed too simple to convey all the complex feelings he felt inside. But for now he'd settle for that.
[Y/N] smiled tenderly and hugged him. Sirius hugged him back, wrapping his arms around his lover's body and hiding his nose between his shoulder and neck. Sirius loved him, Sirius loved him so much. He felt the heat of [Y/N]'s body on his. He felt his lover's arms surrounding him. He felt [Y/N]'s heartbeat against his body and he felt overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with [Y/N], overwhelmed with love. In the most beautiful and painful way possible. Sirius was sad. How could he not be? Fear had become a part of his life since the war had started. Sirius was afraid of losing him, of losing the love of his life. Of losing [Y/N]. The fear followed him everywhere. At every moment. It was a nightmare. A very realistic nightmare that left Sirius unwilling to sleep. [Y/N] hugged him tightly, needing to feel Sirius against him, to feel his body against his. To make sure that he was there, with him, and that he was safe in his arms.
[Y/N] felt a small pang in his heart when he felt Sirius begin to cry against his shoulder. He held him in his arms, letting Sirius hold him in his. Sirius didn't usually cry, or at least he didn't usually show it. But at that moment they were both afraid, and the only thing they had was each other. War brought out the worst in people. War takes everything that mades people live and puts it on a tightrope, torturing them with the uncertainty that, perhaps, all of that would disappear forever. That's what Sirius felt. Maybe his life wasn't as in danger as [Y/N]'s, since he was a pureblood, but [Y/N] was like the air in his lungs. If he wasn't there Sirius was incomplete. Empty. Sirius had become so used to the happiness [Y/N] gave him that it had become his everything. And without it he was nothing. Sirius didn't want that, Sirius didn't want to be empty. Sirius hated sadness, he hated loneliness. He was afraid of loneliness. Sirius would rather die a thousand times than live a single life without [Y/N].
“Sirius…” [Y/N] spoke softly, with sadness in his voice. He desperately wanted to comfort Sirius but he didn't know what to say. “Sirius don't–”
“I don't want you to leave.”
[Y/N] felt warmth and pain in his chest at the same time. He wanted to stay with Sirius, he would do anything to stay with Sirius. But he couldn't. It would be an unnecessary risk. An unnecessary risk for Sirius. [Y/N] was not only in danger, he was also a danger to others. The muggleborn hunting was not limited to just muggleborns. Those people who hid and sheltered muggleborns were also persecuted. And [Y/N] would never forgive himself if something happened to Sirius because of him. Because the only thing that was more important than his own safety was Sirius' safety. It breaks [Y/N]'s heart to have to reject his boyfriend in that state, but he had to do it.
“Sirius, you know I can't–”
“No, listen to me” Of course, [Y/N] was naïve if he thought Sirius was going to give up so easily. “Listen... if you stay with me at the Order base... they can protect you, the Order can keep you safe, I can keep you safe, you can stay there with me” Sirius said almost desperately.
“Sirius no.”
“[Y/N] please.”
“No Sirius, it's unnecessary…” He said softly, trying to make Sirius understand “I'm fine by myself, I don't need to be a burden to what you are working on… And besides, it's not safe for you either.”
“No, [Y/N], you don't…” He sighed, he had to let it out. The words were stuck in his throat “Listen, I... I can't lose you, okay? I can't lose you, I can't… I won't” He trembled at the uncertainty. “A-And I can't stay here doing nothing, not knowing where you are or not even knowing if you're still alive… I can't, okay? I can't live like that, I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't do anything… Just let me protect you, [Y/N], please” [Y/N] looked at him for a moment, then shook his head without saying anything. Sirius sighed in frustration. “Oh for god's sake [Y/N], just let me do this for you.” He said irritated “Damnit, can't you see I'm doing this for you? Don't you see I don't want you to die? What?, you have a death wish or something?” Sirius couldn't help but be a little harsh, he was frustrated.
“Sirius…” [Y/N] looked at him sadly, he didn't want to do this. Sirius was too stubborn for his own good. Things were already difficult and painful enough, why did he have to make it even more difficult? “Just stop it.”
“God [Y/N] please” He said almost like a plea, he didn't know what else to do or say to convince him. “Don't do this to me, not now” Sirius sounded hurt, he looked like a little boy crying.
“...I'm sorry” [Y/N] said and Sirius sighed in defeat. “I'm going to be okay, love, really.” He said, trying to comfort him, “I've taken care of myself all this time and I'll continue to do so… I'll be fine Sirius.” Sirius looked at him. He knew that if there was a person in the world more stubborn than him, that person was [Y/N]. He had already given his last word, and Sirius knew it was impossible to change his mind. He sighed.
“...you promise?”
“I promise.”
[Y/N] said and Sirius nodded softly. A part of him wanted to keep fighting and not give up, but he knew it was in vain. He hugged [Y/N] again, this time more gently. He was saying goodbye.
“...When can I see you again?”
“I'm not sure, love.”
Sirius sighed “Will you at least send me letters?”
“I'll try.”
Sirius nodded although none of [Y/N]'s answers comforted him. “...take care of yourself... God, please take care of yourself.”
“I will, Sirius.” He gently caressed his back.
Sirius continued to hold him for a few more minutes and then let him go. Sirius was defeated and sad, his blue-gray eyes still had traces of tears in them. “You have to go now?” He asked quietly. A part of him still hoped that [Y/N] will change his mind. But [Y/N] just nodded.
“Yes, I have to go,” He said softly. Sirius didn't say anything, just accepting it.
“...will you give me one last kiss?”
[Y/N] smiled “Of course my love.”
[Y/N] kissed him like they had done thousands of times before. But this time it felt different. Sirius kissed him as if it were the last time, and [Y/N] noticed. But he didn't say anything. He let Sirius kiss him because in the back of his mind he also feared that it might be the last time. Sirius' kisses were always amazing. He and Sirius had the ability to speak to each other without words, and kissing was one of those ways. [Y/N] surrendered himself completely to Sirius' lips and Sirius cherished every part of him almost possessively. They both gave themselves to each other completely. And for a moment the war took a backseat. Lost in their world, lost in the other
“...be careful, [Y/N]” he whispered against his lips.
“I will,” He whispered back.
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Okay, this ended up being way longer than I had planned. I'll leave it here for now. I will do a second part, even a third if necessary. But I hope I can finish it in less than three parts. I hope you enjoyed it!
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wedonthaveawhile · 1 month
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Betraying the devil you know // Part I
Ominis Gaunt x f!MC
AO3 link // Wordcount: 2k // Tags: Explicit | Allies to lovers | Dark | Violence | Jealousy | Angst | Smut | Trauma | Forced proximity | Implied alcoholism | Non-canon deaths | Mafia AU.
Months. That's how long Marvolo Gaunt has been crushing the life out of you. One reckless decision was all it took to be dragged into his inner circle to pay for your sins. However, being his favourite informant has its perks—you hear whispers: a civil war is brewing among the Gaunt's.
Is it better the devil you know, or do you seek refuge in the arms of the enemy?
Read the prologue here.
For twenty-eight years, whispers of slander had perpetually preceded the name Ominis Gaunt.
The Daily Prophet had initially reported on the birth of the Gaunt's second son, however, the family had firmly abstained from providing any photographic proof. While they carried on parading their firstborn in the public eye, their second child seemed forever confined within the heavily guarded perimeter of their estate.
The less reputable newspapers fanned the flames of speculation, dubbing him a disfigured, mutated horror—The Broken Gaunt.
Needless to say, the glowering figure at the opposing end of the blinking wand had no deformed limbs or vampiric fangs protruding from his lips. Pale skin stretched taut over his razor-sharp, and undeniably human, features. He was taller than his brother, with a thinner frame but no less imposing.
The only departure from humanity were his eyes, which bore into her as he awaited an answer to his question.
You let us abduct you, didn't you?
"Yes," her admission came hesitantly, as if the inflection of that lone word could reveal every sin she had witnessed, and every one she had committed—her only leverage.
She could see walls of tightly stacked slate wedged between gnarled beams within the musty gloom. That and the smell indicated they were somewhere underground; the air was stagnant, poisoned with an acrid undercurrent of dark magic and scourgify charms. The combination made her stomach roil. Blood; it always meant blood.
"You don't appear overly concerned, which means my brother intended for me to find you, or you deliberately sought me out." The wizard's robes billowed as he swept closer, a glint of emerald trim contrasting against the dark fabric. "Which is it?"
"The latter."
A final crimson glow flared from his wand before he lowered it to his side, "I trust you understand the gravity of my concern. When Marvolo's lackey is found roaming alone, I..."
She thrust forward in her chair, shoulders wailing in pain from the unnatural posture they were contorted into. "I'm not... that," she bristled.
"Then what?" he retorted sharply, leather gloves creaking as his grip tensed around the notched hawthorn. "Are you telling me I'm wrong?"
"I'm no one; I was forced into this."
"His stories say otherwise."
"He lies."
"I'm well aware."
Her captor fell silent as he paced, grit skittering off the ground with each measured step. She expected his shoes to be abraded and sullied with flecks of blood as Marvolo's often were, but they were immaculate—the polished leather glinting under flickering torchlight.
He came to a halt in front of her, and she shifted uncomfortably with nowhere to go.
"An informant stationed at the Leaky Cauldron is not no one," he said, holstering his wand. "The tales you could tell would be most intriguing, I'm sure."
"That's one way to put it," she craned her neck to better survey the desolate crypt, hunting for any sign of Marvolo's silhouette in the shadows of an alcove. If a year of serving under him had given her anything, it was a crippling sense of paranoia. "I need your help."
"Is that so?" He drawled, brushing off a spider scurrying up his wrist—the epitome of indifference.
"I know you've been following me, and I know what it is you're looking for," she said with a harder edge than she felt. "I'm prepared to offer it willingly in exchange for my protection." 
"Protection from...?"
"From him. He warned us about you, said you've been search for a crack in his organisation, and what he'd do if any of us were caught..." She could feel the heat of Marvolo's breath hissing into her ear, his fingers constricting around her throat. She forced her voice to remain steady. "I'm your way in; I'll tell you everything I know for… I don't know, fuck… a safe house?"
One of the wizards stationed by the barricaded door let out a derisive snort, which was abruptly silenced by a piercing glare from his boss.
"I have veritaserum, and now I have you. Any reward you receive for the effort I've put in to obtain both would be nothing short of generosity."
"Are you generous?"
He found that amusing, smirking down at her briefly before snapping back to cold indifference. "How can you be certain I won't return you to him?"
"Because I know what he did to you."
A muscle twitched in his jaw—a fleeting tic, but she saw it.
"He shares a lot with you. He must trust you."
"Not at all; he just thinks it's impressive."
His ghostly eyes burned with distrust as he dragged a finger across his lips. "Then how did you fall into his circle?"
Her bravado dissipated as her humbled gaze fell to the floor, "I didn't know it was him…"
She flinched as a figure surfaced from the shadows to present a scrap of parchment before skulking back into the dark. Ominis Gaunt bit down on the tip of his glove, stripping it off before curling his fingers and gliding one over the embossed text.
A scoff broke free from her throat before she could rein it in—all those rumours swirling around him for years... His family's efforts to shield him from society.… all because he was blind? How anticlimactic.
She clenched her lip between her teeth as those sightless eyes pinned her down.
"Keep talking."
"I… uh, I thought he was just another drunk customer passing through. He was showing off some gold ornament, bragging about the risks he took to get it..." She paused to swallow her embarrassment. "My friend and I... we needed money."
"You stole from Marvolo Gaunt," he lifted his head with a scornful sneer of disparagement. "What did you take?" 
"A relic," she replied dryly, taking pleasure in how her words wiped the arrogant smirk off his face. "The relic he murdered your friends for."
The weight of his rage was palpable, his fingers twitching as he wrung the note clenched between them until the tearing grain finally broke him from his deliberation.
He gave a terse nod to the wizards on either side of the bolted door.
When the slam of oak against the stone lintel subsided, the room sank into a heavy silence. His body was still as marble, save for the methodical dart of his calculating eyes.
"I can't live like this," she pleaded. "I'm worth your time; I've been listening for months, soaking it all in just for the chance to share it with you. And when he shows himself to take me back, you could—"
His posture straightened with a renewed interest in what she had to offer. "You can lure him out of hiding?"
"He'll come for me," she said firmly, and she meant it. "You and I have a common interest, and I want us to work together to make it happen."
"That shared interest being my brother, dead."
The abruptness of the question clouded her thoughts in suspicion.
Was this a trap?
What if the Gaunt brothers were working together? What if the rumours of their feud were some bullshit story to—
"It's not a trick question," his silken voice sliced through the tangled ivy of her thoughts. "Is that what you want?"
If this plan went up in flames, she was as good as dead anyway, by her own hand or Marvolo's if he beat her to it. There was nothing left to lose.
He stalked around her, icy fingers closing tightly around her arm.
"Don't fucking touch me," she spat, wrenching away in a panic.
Such defiance would have earned her a backhand from his brother, but there was something distinctly less psychotic about this Gaunt than the one she had escaped.
"If I wanted you dead, I'd have you dragged back to where my men found you and let my brother finish the job." He sought out the rope and murmured an incantation to untangle her from its grip. "My hands are, and will always remain, clean. Don't delude yourself into believing you're worth tarnishing them."
Her arms spasmed as they hung limp and utterly useless at her sides; she was at a loss for what to do with them. "Thank you."
"Is everything you've told me the truth?"
"It is."
He withdrew a galleon from his pocket and altered its form into a chair, which he positioned in front of her and took a seat. She braced herself against the stiff wooden back of her own as she rotated her raw, chafed wrists.
"I want you to understand that I hate resorting to these measures, but it's necessary for corroborating your story."
"What measures?"
"Look at me, please."
Before she could process the implication of his request, connect the dots and realise the power he held, her eyes instinctively met his. He exploited the connection to slam his way into her mind.
His mental intrusion sliced through her memories like a sharpened blade through flesh, flaying each one until they lay exposed before him, ripe for his scrutiny.
He pulverised her every attempt to occlude and expel him from her thoughts, smothering her internal cries until it was near silence in the wreckage of her consciousness.
The psychological interrogation began with that night—she could hear her inner dialogue and see her life unfolding like a twisted theatre.
She was watching from the bar as the polyjuiced patron brandished his treasure, laughing uproariously as he recounted the price he paid to claim it. The Leaky Cauldron hosted a constant rotation of travellers; it wouldn't be the first time that something pretty found its way into her bag.
Suddenly, she was in the candlelit hallway of her flat, sliding off her shoes beside Poppy's and padding across the chipped floorboards to the kitchen.
She couldn't shut her eyes, couldn't turn away from the memory projecting onto the dark canvas of her closed eyelids.
Marvolo had followed her home; he had Poppy.
Please, stop.
Ominis' legilimency snuffed out her begging.
For the second time in her life, a Gaunt forced her to watch as the radiant light faded from Poppy's eyes. Scarlet spilled from her lacerated throat as the diffindo tore apart her efforts to scream run —the kitchen knife she wielded as her last line of defence lodged between her ribs.
Get the fuck out of my head.
She felt the mental pull to collapse, but her mind was a marionette, strings pulled taut to forcibly suspend it upright against her body's every instinct. It was excruciating; the occasions she had angered Marvolo enough to warrant a taste of the Cruciatus Curse were the only experiences that came close.
Ominis glanced over the tasks she had been compelled to carry out—ranging from thefts of the ministry's highest-ranking officials, to luring naïve wizards into an ambush, to the deliveries of forbidden artefacts...
He then flitted to what he needed to confirm her worth—Marvolo's threats, sifting through the warnings as if her mind were a catalogued library.
No one will ever touch your skin again; every inch of you belongs to me. 
If you ever try to run, I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth to raze you from it myself.
I'll rip out the throat of anyone who dares lay a hand on what is mine.
Satisfied, he finally wrenched free from her mind, nearly causing her to black out.
Words stumbled across her tongue, just beyond the reach of her unresponsive mind. 
"Don't…" send me back.
She reeled forward and felt fingers dig into her shoulder to stop her from slipping to the ground, followed by a rush of displaced air as Ominis Gaunt disapparated them both.
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shadowwizdaily · 20 days
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The Shadow Wizard of the Day is Old Cob from Wizard101!
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shiyorin · 6 months
Time to silly headcanon
Primarchs but they are in Hogwarts Au
Because everyone need Hogwarts au :v
Lion El'Jonson 
Top marks in everything but has a resting bitch face
Secretly a big softie but acts aloof
Skips class to nap in the forest
Once stupefied a professor but claims it was an accident
They think he is Slytherin but he is Gryffindor
Slytherin prefect, always flawlessly styled hair and robes
Always changing hair and outfit more than Luna Lovegood
Hosts lavish potions parties in the Room of Requirement
Already opened a beauty salon in Hogsmeade on weekends
Ravenclaw but always in detention for arguing with teachers
Could single handedly build a new Hogwarts over summer
Always scribbling dark fortress designs instead of notes
Enchanted the suits of armor to attack people who irritate him
Jaghatai Khan
Always late to class because racing brooms in the halls 
Sends letters via hawk instead of owl
Hufflepuff seeker, fastest broom in the game
Enchanted his motorcycle to fly
Leman Russ
Gryffindor team captain, chill dude until someone mentions Slytherin
Parties in the Forbidden Forest weekly
On a first name basis with the giant squid
Sneaks hip flask of firewhiskey into class
Rogal Dorn
Hufflepuff prefect, stickler for the rules  
Enchanted the suits of armor as a personal army
Constructed multiple secret bases around campus
Reported Peeves to the headmistress at least weekly
Konrad Curze
Not actually a student, caretaker is convinced he's a ghost
Lurks in shadows muttering about "justice"
Won't stop leaving creepy notes in people's bags
Has never been seen in daylight
Gryffindor seeker and favorite student of professors
Runs free tutoring for anyone struggling in class
Tries to help everyone even if they’re mean to him
Secretly a vampire but hasn't told anyone yet
Ferrus Manus
Technically should be in Ravenclaw but hangs with Gryffindors
Top of the Transfiguration class
Always transfigures things by accident when angry
Stockpiles spare parts in the Room of Requirement
Kicked out of every class for flying into homicidal rages 
Secretly takes care of magical creatures in the forest
Pranks people by putting curses on bludgers
Weekly visits to St. Mungo's due to "outbursts"
Why is he Hufflepuff???
Roboute Guilliman
Head Boy and Ravenclaw prefect patrols the halls excessively 
Top marks in every class and pays attention except Prophesy
Binds rule books to smack people who break curfew 
Daily schedules include color-coded classes and chores
Constantly skipping herbology to smoke strange plants out back 
This Slytherin always smells like a wet grave and fungi
Hoards Doxys and bowtruckles in the damper closets 
Enchanted his robes to be self-cleaning but they’re still grimy
Magnus the Red
Runs the wizard chess club and gobstones club
Has a psychic duel with Professor Trelawney weekly 
Secretly teaching advanced magic to other houses in the Room of Requirement
Uses crystal balls to gaze into the future of quidditch matches
Somehow became the most hated Ravenclaw
Horus Lupercal
Charismatic Gryffindor prefect and heir to Dumbeldore
Talented chaser who carries the quidditch cups every year
Top marks but still finds time for partying with Slytherins
Already has several Hogsmeade businesses lined up for after graduation
Lorgar Aurelian
Runs Slytherin religious cult meetings in the Forbidden Forest
Always gets plucked from class for excessive proselytizing 
Has enchanted murals all over the school of super holy scenes
Constantly blessing other students whether they want it or not
Hufflepuff chaser, always lets the snitch go 
Best at Care of Magical Creatures, even the dangerous ones love him
Secretly bakes the best cookies in the kitchens 
Constantly in the hospital wing due to "potions accidents"
Corvus Corax
Introverted Ravenclaw, knows all the hidden passages
Best student in Defense Against the Dark Arts
Skips classes to research advanced transfiguration
Owl delivery? Nah he climbs in your window
No one knows if they're the same person or twins   
Always seen disappearing around corners and through secret passages
Top marks in Potions but no one knows which one is which
Pranks people by polyjuicing as other students
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xmalereader · 2 years
Newt Scamander X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors Note: Let’s be honest, protective and powerful reader who is also newts husband makes me feel certain things 🤌🏼 Newt deserves a man like that who would probably care for him and his creatures too and to be like, “I can destroy this whole city with a snap of my fingers if you decide to fuck with my husband.” So, let’s give Newt a husband that’s powerful and ‘dangerous’.
Request: hi!! sorry i don’t know if here is were you send the requests (new to tumblr), i saw the post of requesting for 24 and i’ve been reading your works for awhile now. so i decided “why not?”, sooo here i am :). Could i request a powerful/intimidating male reader with Newt Scamander? reader is usually seen as intimidating and cold hearted for being a powerful wizard, very good at combat, defeating anyone who comes their way, and mostly because they enjoy residing in a snowy terrain, maybe reader is taller than Newt and a bit tad built. Thanks to this Tina, Queenie and Jacob don’t trust him that much, so when some problems arise, reader comes to help Newt and then for them to notice that reader is extremely protective and has a soft spot for Newt, for them to then take notice that they have been married for awhile now :]
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of anxiety, mentions of Thesues, Tina doesn’t like reader, reader is a dark wizard, slight sexual tension, kissing, Queenie being a queen, mentions of grindelwald, creatures, Teddy being Teddy, hunters.
Words count: 3.5k
Tags: @un-namedmalereader
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The Jade Company was a group of Wizards and Witches who remained hidden in the shadows. Sneaking around with ballots when it came to elections and participating in protests. They were known for many things and were extremely powerful. Some would say that their leader reminded them of Gellert Grindelwald before the dark wizard was sent to prison.
Their leader was a feared among many people, they knew not to mess with him and to respect his people. Everyone claims to have seen him kill and murder many from the wizarding world, which is why he became one of the most wanted in London. The reason why he hadn’t been captured yet is because rumors had spread around, claiming that he owned half of the ministry and that those who worked there, worked for him. They were the ones who kept his secrets hidden and made it harder for everyone to capture him.
MACUSA had even gotten themselves involved when appearance of the company was made during the Holidays. Many wizards and witches had gone missing and many returned either too petrified to speak or not remembering the events. No one knew why the company was doing this but they were willing to get to the bottom of it.
“They’ve done it again!” Tina slammed the daily prophet on the dining table, startling the others. The Goldstein sisters and Jacob were visiting Newt Scamander for the Holidays. All three visiting the strange man who kept himself hidden in his basement where he attend the creatures. No one judged Newt for it, he was known for treating creatures.
Newt was nice enough to allow his friends to stay over. They did make plans to celebrate Christmas that was approaching next week.
“Did the Jade make an appearance again?” Queenie asks in a soft voice as she sets the food down on the table. Tina had grown restless with all of this, she came here for a break but the Jade company never took breaks. “Yes, they invaded Frances Ministry, stealing records of many different criminals.” She sighs out deeply, rubbing her temples.
It’s been going on for almost two years now and this situation was frustrating her. “Don’t stress out Tina, you’ll find a way to stop it.” Said queenie, reassuring her sister.
“Stop what?” Everyone turns to face Newt who held Pickett in his hand. The Magizoolist had finished feeding and cleaning the creatures before heading upstairs where he hears Tina’s commotion. “The Jade Company stole from the ministry of France.” Said Queenie.
Newt hums, tilting his head as he allows Pickett to crawl onto his shoulder. “What did they steal?”
“Records of various criminals.” Tina moans out.
“That’s not so bad.”
Everyone looked at newt with a surprise expression. “Not so bad? Newt they stole from the ministry!”
“I understand but their records of criminals, people who no one is really fond of. Have you ever asked yourself why?” Jacob thinks Newt has a point. The muggle wasn’t even apart of the Ministry but he knew a lot about the magical world. “Newts right, I mean—the ministry contains a lot of important stuff and out of everything they steal it’s criminal records?” Jacob points out.
Tina can only think back as she tries to think of a reasoning as to why they stole the records. “Maybe their trying to clear their names without us knowing, so it’s easier for them to move around.” She blurts out, too angry to think about her words and choices.
Newt slowly frowns, glancing at Pickett before sighing. “Why don’t we enjoy dinner.” He casually says, changing the topic as he sits across from Jacob. Smiling at Queenie who agrees and serves him a plate full of food. The four sit together on the table as they ate and spoke about their days.
Newt was enjoying his time and didn’t expect a knock at his front door, startling the other as they all looked up and towards the door. Newt shyly gets up and moves towards the door, unlocking it and pulling it open to see his older brother Theseus, standing on the other side. He frowns at the sight of his brother but quickly smilies when he sees a creature in his arms with a familiar blue ribbon tied around its neck.
“Delivery.” Theseus tells Newt as he hands him the Augurey, the young bird letting out a small chirp as it’s passed into Newts arms. The younger Scamander smiles widely as he takes the creature inside and to make sure that it’s healthy.
Theseus greets the others with a smile. “Didn’t mean to interrupt, just came to drop off Newts gift.”
“An Augurey?” Tina questions with a raised brow as she watched Newt handle the creature with care. “From a family friend.” Theseus tells her, slipping his hands in his pockets as he looks over his shoulder to watch newt care for the creature. He can’t help but stare at the blue ribbon around its neck, knowing what it meant.
Theseus out of all people knew where that blue ribbon comes from, let alone who it comes from. One of the most powerful wizards had befriended their family hears back, growing close with the Scamander brothers that he grew close with his little brother. He always stopped by Theseus or Newts place to drop off creatures that he finds injured or alone.
Knowing that Newt will be able to take care of them.
“Hear about France?” Tina pulls Theseus out of his thoughts, the young Auror turning to face her with a small nod as he accompanies them into a small dinner and talk.
Newt had told his friends that he was leaving for the next few days out, news of Nundus being spotted near the area had gotten his attention. He’s been looking for areas where he can release the Nundu’s that he’s rescued a few months back, now that they were healthy and ready to be released, newt wants to make sure that it’s done at a proper place.
He tells his friends in a rush that he was leaving, suit case in hand as he runs out while putting his coat on.
“Don’t worry Pickett, they’ll be fine.” He tells the bowtruckle who clings onto his coat, rolling his eyes as he hides into his pocket. Newt smiles at the creatures reaction before apparating to the location. He ends up in the woods, clutching his case close as he moved around silently as he listens for any signs of Nundu.
Newt doesn’t expect himself to find the herd so soon, watching them huddle together while the females protected their young’s one. Newt smile was wide, setting his case down and unlocking it. He makes sure to move silently before pulling out his wand and whispering a silent summoning spell. Both Nundu that he’s taken care of, pop out of his case and into the open field where the others looked over, growing protective.
Newt watches closely as they circled around each other. Newt had studied these creatures for years now and knows that in order to be accepted they would have to perform a dance that allowed them to join. The wizard sat back on the grass, tilting his head to the side as he watched them with wonder, amazed by the new things. He makes sure to pull out his journal and write them down, not wanting to miss this opportunity.
As he wrote and drew out small sketches he feels Pickett squeak in distress, pulling on his ear to gain the wizards attention. “What is it?” Newt turns to Pickett who points towards the Nundus who were peacefully together. At first, newt didn’t seem to worried until he saw a random stranger approaching them in silence, wand raised and with a mischievous smile.
Newts eyes widen, bolting up he holds out his own wand, casting a protective spell around the creatures. The action startled the creatures, standing guard as newt stands on the other side of the protective barrier. He watches the young man frown at him, three more others appearing from out of the trees while newt stepped back, knowing that he was in trouble.
He calls his case to him, taking it in hand as he steps back. He’s quick to know that these men were hunters and coming after the creatures. He knows that Nundu are known to be sold off in the black market due to their sharp teeth and strength, using them for fights or other nasty games that Newt disliked very much.
“It’s not safe for them.” Newt murmured to himself as he glanced over his shoulder to see the Nundu huddled together, keeping their cubs close. His attention is pulled back to the protective barrier that is being broken by the three men, casting spells against it as it tears apart.
Newt clutched his case and held his wand tight. He’s dealt with many hunters in his passed and won’t hesitate to protect the creatures, he was ready to fight back either they were better than him or not. He wouldn’t give up.
Newt glared at the hunters, taking a step back until he noticed them stop. The three stepping backwards in fright and with wide eyes, causing newt to grow confused but their sudden change.
“Do you really think that’ll work?”
Newt is startled by the soft voice behind him, turning around to come face to face with the Jade Companies leader. The man was taller than him by a few inches and leaner, he stood tall and proud but of course, he would slouch whenever the man was not in the mood to deal with anyone he didn’t care about.
But here he stood, in front of newt with a grin on his face while he held his own wand in hand, his follows standing behind him as they attended to the creatures.
“You shouldn’t be out here alone, my love.” Newt hears him whisper, lifting his hand to brush his thumb against Newts freckles, causing him to blush softly. “Im not alone.” He mumbled out.
“Pickett doesn’t count.” Newt groans, looking away from the man’s gaze as the other chuckles at him before looking back over at the hunters. His smile changing into a frown.
“Isabella, please handle them.” He instructs to the young women who stood next to him. She gives off a small bow of respect before grinning and stepping forward to break the barrier.
Newt sighs deeply as he feels their leader pull him close, their chests brushing up against each other. “The Nundu are safe, my men are taking care of them and taking them somewhere safe.” He whispers to him, slipping his wand away and focusing on the man in front of him.
“I had it handled.” Newt mumbled out with a small pout while his husband, the leader of the Jade company laughs at him. The taller man can only shake his head, taking newts case into his own hands. “Come along, let’s get you back home before your brother starts to worry.”
Both Y/n and Theseus have known each other for a very long time. He actually had history with the Scamander family since they go way back. Y/n came into the picture when his own parents became friends with the Scamander family, his parents also having a passion for creatures and would sometimes help Mrs. Scamander with breeding and raising hippogriffs. Due to their constant visiting he grew close to the brothers.
Y/n was only able to see them during breaks and after their years in Hogwarts. He never attended the school, instead he was homeschooled and improved his own magic in his own ways. After his parents passed away he was on his own, sometimes he was welcomed into the Scamander household where he grew closer with the brothers to the point where he grew feelings towards Newt.
The younger Scamander brother grew close to Y/n, the two going everyone together. Newt would drag the man to search for creatures and explore the world until they finally confessed their feelings for each other. Newt was always shy around Y/n, flustered by the confession but accepting the feelings. The two dates for two years before Y/n proposed to Newt, ending in the two getting married.
He didn’t start the Jade until later on, wanting to improve the world, both muggle and magical. In order to do that he had to break many laws, which is how he ended up becoming one of the worlds biggest criminals for actions that weren’t even considered crimes but petty ones. He was a hard man to find a capture, y/n was lucky to have Theseus on his side who would cover his tracks whenever necessary. The older Scamander didn’t do it for y/n, he did it for Newt, wanting to keep his brother safe from everything and everyone.
Y/n had taken Newt back home, holding his case in his left hand and holding newts hand in his right as he dragged him back to his flat. “I told you, if you ever find creatures to let me know. I can’t let you go alone—hunters are lurking around more and I’d hate to see you hurt or worse, dead.” He explains to Newt. He’s seen Newt get injured far too many times whenever he travels alone, appearing back at his place with injures. He’d be the one to attend him only to find out that they were caused by hunters or sometimes a creature who grew too frightened.
“I can assure you that I can handle my own situations. Might I remind you, I used to travel alone before we got married.” Newt reminds his husband.
Y/n frowns with a soft glare. “That is true but now your stick with me so, I want you safe.” He leans down to press a kiss on Newts head. As the two approach the front door, it’s suddenly yanked open.
A wide eyed Tina greets them. Her eyes trialing to newt and then to Y/n, without thinking the two pull out their wands. Tina holding it out against his chest while Y/n was quick to place the tip of his wand against her neck. The two glaring at each other.
“Tina—!” Newt steps forward to get between the two, but Tina shakes her head. “Stay back.” She instructs, glaring at Y/n. “Newt this man is dangerous, why are you with him?” She hissed out in shock, her wand still in hand and her grip tight.
Y/n chuckles, grinning at her. “He hasn’t told you?” He questions, tilting his head to the side, mocking her. “Tell me what?” She asks, suddenly growing confused.
The dark wizard is the first to withdraw his wand, lowering his hand and away from her neck. “Allow me to introduce myself.” His voice going polite. “As you already know, I’m Y/n and Newt is my husband who I am visiting for awhile.”
The head Aurors mouth falls open, not believing the words that were coming out of the man’s mouth. She turns to face newt, hoping that he would deny it, but the way he was avoiding her stare and fidgeting around nervously was enough for her to know that it was true.
“I suggest putting that away.” Y/n cuts in, putting his own wand away and turning to Newt. He sighs softly, stepping closer to his husband and reaching a hand out to gently stroke his cheeks. “You alright, darling?” He whispers this time, low enough for newt to hear.
Newt wasn’t used to confrontation, it always made him feel uncomfortable and felt like he was being judged by Tina all because he was married to a fearless criminal. “I—“ he breaths out. “I want see Teddy.” He quickly says.
Y/n nods his head and takes ahold of Newts hand, giving Tina one last glare before shoving their way through. He’s met with a couple once he steps through, the blonde gasping at his appearance while the shorter man sitting next to her frowns. He raised a brow and focused on Newt. “Newt, Buddy you okay?”
The man is quick to approach Newt without hesitation. The man didn’t show any signs of fear towards him, figuring out that he is a muggle who showed kindness towards Newt. He can tell how close they are since Newt is reaching out to his very good friend.
“Could you take him to see Teddy.” Y/n blurts out.
“The niffler? Yeah, yeah sure.” Jacob helps newt head downstairs to the basement where he keeps the nifflers. Whenever Newt felt stress or anxious he would stay with the nifflers who provided him comfort.
Once the two disappear downstairs, he’s left alone with Tina and the unknown blonde women. He turns around to face the two. “If you’re Tina then you must be Queenie.” He gives the women a smile. He can feel the tension and the way they stood uncomfortable around him.
“Relax, I’m not here to cause any trouble. I caught Newt almost getting attacked and had to step in and bring him back home.” Y/n explains with a sigh, sitting on the sofa.
“So, your married to Newt.” Tina stares as a matter of fact. She moves around cautiously around Y/n, which he doesn’t blame her for. “Yes.” He confirms. “We’ve been married for awhile now, I proposed to him during one of his travels to China. He was looking into dragons and I joined him, later I asked him to marry me at Yu garden—“
“Oh, how sweet.”
“Since then we’ve been married.” Y/n smiles his hands in his pockets. “I’m not here to get anyone hurt. A friend of newts is a friend of mine, either they work from the ministry or not. Muggle or Wizard, I does not matter to me.” He stands from his spot.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t hate you or get you arrest.” Tina threatens out, standing as well. “What you’ve done is a crime.”
Y/n slowly smirks, tilting his head. “Tell me Goldstein, do you have proof of me causing these crimes?”
Tina opens and closes her mouth. She knew that she doesn’t have anything, most of Y/n’s followers did the dirty work for him. The world knows who he is and what his followers have done but nothing points back to Y/n being involved, he’s rarely seen and his record is clean. The ministry has nothing on him to use if he is to be locked away.
“Exactly.” Tina swallows nervously as he ran his fingers through his hair tiredly. “If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to say goodbye to my husband before I leave.” He gives Queenie a friendly smile and a small nod to Tina before heading downstairs where he finds Newt curled up in one of the medical stalls, hay spread everywhere while the baby nifflers crawled around him and Teddy sat near his head, playing with his dirty blonde hair.
Y/n smile softens, bending down to his knees and gently nudged Newt. The magizoologist peaks out from underneath one of the nifflers who crawled on his face. Y/n chuckles, adjusting himself to sit down next to him and gently removing the creature from his face. “Easy now, he isn’t in the mood to deal with you.” Y/n warns the small niffler who huffed.
He rolls his eyes and offers the niffler his pocket watch, which he allows him to play with and be distracted. He pushed some strands of hair out of newts face. “I have to go, my love.” He whispers.
Newt shakes his head, taking his hand into his and hugging it close to his chest. “Don’t go, you always leave.”
“I’m sorry, but I have things to finish.” Y/n also hates leaving his husband behind, but the two always find a way to see each other. “Christmas is approaching.” He says. “I’ll stay with you the whole month of December to celebrants the holidays.”
Newt perks up. “All of December?”
“All 31 days?”
“Yes, Newt.”
“Including weekdays and weekends?”
Y/n laughs, leaning down to capture newts lips into a soft kiss. “Yes, all 31 days, including weekdays and weekends.” He mumbled against his lips. “I’ll spoil you this year.” He licks into Newts mouth, hearing him whine as he gripped his shoulders. The two kissing deeply, suddenly growing heated. Before things can go further, y/n is the first to pull away, hearing Newt whimper from the lose of lips.
Y/n licks his lips. “I promise to be back soon.” He never broke his promises to Newt. “And like I said, I’m going to spoil you.” He gives newt another kiss on the lips while holding Newt close in his arms.
“Be safe.” Newt murmurs against his neck, nuzzling into him. “Bring me a chimera.” Y/n chuckles. “I’ll see what I can do.”
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minichrismd · 1 year
In the Shadow of Azkaban - Dark! Sebastian Sallow
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Word Count - 1.2k
Themes - Angst
(Warnings will be added as the story progresses)
As a potions master, you were used to having to find your own ingredients, whether it be a trip to the Forbidden Forest or simply stopping by J Pippin’s Potions; it was a hazard of the role that you’d taken when agreeing to teach potions at Hogwarts, being invited back by Headmaster Black.
You’d made a name for yourself rather quickly in the wizarding world, producing a curse-reducing potion to aid those who had suffered at the hands of dark wizards, extending their lives and reducing their pain. It had been a breakthrough, with many people telling you it was impossible. But being undeterred, you pursued it. The media coverage you’d had after the breakthrough had been intense; the Daily Prophet had contacted you daily, standing outside your home and sending letters until you’d finally relented into giving them a quote to run on the front page.
“(Y/N), what made you want to create a cure for pain?” A journalist asked, magic quill and parchment ready to scribble down your every word. You paused for a moment to think.
“After seeing a close friend be killed by a curse, I knew I needed to do something. She was in agony every day up until her death. It is unfair to allow those cursed to suffer for the rest of their lives.” You responded calmly, trying to keep your composure; you could feel your nose tingle slightly and a small lump forming in your throat, a sign that you were heading towards tears. You had remembered Anne, Sebastian’s sister, who had passed away not long before you had finished testing the potion. You’d sent her letters about your discoveries, ensuring to keep in contact with her throughout the journey of your potion craft. She seemed excited at the thought of a potion designed specifically for someone like her; however she’d never had the chance to use it.
You remembered visiting her a few days before she’d passed, using the floo network to get to Feldcroft. You’d appeared outside the front of her home covered in soot, yet she’d invited you inside anyway, glad to see a friendly face and embracing you in a hug as soon as she saw you. You could tell she was in pain, which only made you fight harder to find a solution.
Days later, you received an owl to your home informing you of her death; it was devastating to you. After everything that had happened with Sebastian and the death of her uncle, you’d know that she was struggling, but it added a new layer of pain she couldn’t stand any longer; she’d battled for six long years until she’d finally passed away.
And now you were the potions master at Hogwarts, spending your days teaching children to brew potions that could heal or kill other people. Somehow you’d still found time to continue your research, a potion that could ease a curse was one thing, but a potion that could cure a curse was a whole other thing entirely.
As your students arrived at your classroom, you looked at their faces, smiling and happy mostly, remembering that feeling of walking into your first potions lesson with Sebastian at your side. It was a mere memory now; Sebastian was locked away in Azkaban, unseen and unheard, with only the Deatheaters for company. Thinking back, you felt a small amount of shame in turning him in, having him expelled and sent to Azkaban for killing his uncle, but at the time, it felt like the right thing to do. He needed to know that what he had done was unforgivable in the eyes of many and that the dark arts were not something to be meddled with.
Sighing softly, you stood up from your desk at the front of the room and sharply wrote your name on the board, causing all the students to focus their eyes forward; the sound of chalk grating across the board was enough to catch anyone’s attention, let alone first years. “Good morning class; I’m Professor (Y/L/N).”
Sebastian’s POV
Sebastian flipped through the Daily Prophet lazily as he sat on the floor in his cell, a small number of articles grabbing his attention, mainly those about spells and dark wizards. He sighed to himself; he’d been locked in Azkaban for seven years from the age of sixteen until twenty-three, having to beg for scraps of food from other inmates during his one hour of freedom from his solitary cell.
He was classed as almost reformed, showing that he’d paid his debts to society for what he’d done, but he would always be branded as a murderer.
“One more year.” He mumbled to himself as he made another mark on the wall of his cell. He’d been counting down the days until his freedom, waiting for the day he could finally feel a fresh breeze and the grass under his feet. That day couldn’t come soon enough. He felt his heart rate pick up as he thought of everything he’d do once he was free. The first would be to find Anne; he wanted to ensure she was still alive, even from a distance, as he doubted she would see him. He couldn’t blame her, not after everything that had happened.
The second would be to find (Y/N), the one who had sentenced him to a life of pain and sorrow. He blamed you for everything that had happened to him, swearing to himself that he would hunt you down until his last dying breath to make you pay for what you’d done to him.
Anger flared through his veins, a visceral sense of wanting to hurt you taking over. He wanted, no needed to make you pay for everything. He would stop at nothing to get to you; even if you were in the world’s most guarded, secretive place, he would find you. Flipping over the copy of the Daily Prophet he was holding, he noticed the headline.
“Troll slaying Witch discovers a pain-reducing potion.”
He glanced down at the photo below the headline, anger coursing more furiously than ever when he saw your face beaming at the camera, pride in your accomplishments shining through. He wanted to tear the paper in half, seeing that you’d made something of yourself flipped a switch inside of his mind. He didn’t just want to make you pay; he wanted to make you suffer in the most painful ways possible. He wanted to rip everything away from you, just as you had done to him.
His eyes floated to the sub heading.
"Professor (Y/L/N) dedicates the breakthrough to Anne Sallow - Passed 17th November 1896."
Sebastian closed his eyes, feeling tears brimming at the corners, throwing the paper across the room. He'd never had the chance to say goodbye, never had the chance to save her. Through his sadness emerged an unwavering feeling of anger.
You knew how much Anne had meant to him, Ominis had too. Why had neither of you contacted him? His anger only grew more as he thought.
In his mind he began to piece together a plan of how to get to you once he was free. He knew it would be a mammoth task to try and get near you again; however his Slytherin genes weren’t just for show; slowly he’d find a way to you, break you down bit by bit and ruin you in the worst possible way.
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hp-bodiceripper · 10 months
Bodice Ripper 2023: masterlist revealed
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Reveals are here!
Thank you to all our wonderful participants for your skill and creativity. It's been a joy to host this fest for you again.
Thank you dear commenters, rebloggers, kudos givers, and enthusiastic supporters. We hope you feel properly romanced.
See you next year!
🖋 collarbones like a bow, skin an arrow to the heart by @lqtraintracks (Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley, E, 4k)
Gin’s adjusting the lighting for their next shoot when in walks the new model Luna was so enthusiastic about, and that’s when they know they’re in deep shit.
🖋 Cool About It by @oflights (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, M, 16k)
Harry is so excited for his first date with Draco. But what follows isn't so much a date as it is an all-night odyssey including a malevolent lift, a Gringotts heist, a Sleeping Curse, a trip to the kebab shop, a lack of dancing, a Muggle drug, a rooftop pool party, a black eye and, eventually, a sunrise over a Quidditch stadium.
🖋 Love Me Meow by apricitydays (Arabella Fig/Minerva McGonagall, E, 2.5k)
After the students leave for the summer, Headmaster McGonagall and the new Muggle Studies professor have a chance and sensuous encounter at the beach.
🖋 Nature pricks them on to ramp and rage by @goblinmatriarch (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, E, 21k)
Lord Draco Malfoy may be a young man spending time in Dumbledore’s summer court, but that does not mean he needs to succumb to its licentious frivolity. He carries the burden of his lineage, the shadow of rumours, and the dignity of his betrothal to a good match. He is certainly not fool enough to be distracted by the dark curls and ready grin of the court’s stableboy, who seems to have taken up with every courtier who looks his way.
🖋 The Real Thing by @skeptiquewrites (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, M, 5k)
Harry only means to cheer Draco up after a terrible breakup. He doesn't mean to fall in love.
🖋 this is how we become timeless by @evadwrites (Narcissa Malfoy/Lily Evans, T, 10k)
Narcissa is in eternal servitude to the Dark Lord, bound by the tears of a burned-down phoenix. Lily belongs to the Order, bound by the tears of the same creature. They’re the only two people in the world in the position of time turners, tasked with teetering the outcome of the ongoing war into their respective side’s favor. They are light years away, yet they’ve never been closer.
🖋 Wild Horses (couldn't drag me away) by @purplehotmess (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, E, 36k)
Koi no Yokan (Japanese) - The feeling of excitement you get when you first meet someone and know that you will eventually fall in love with them. A more realistic version of ‘love at first sight’, it roughly translates to ‘premonition of love’. A story of magic, horses, magical horses, and two men who fight all odds to find their way to each other.
🖋 Yesterday by suhtmuikkis (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, T, 10k)
Harry doesn’t intentionally kidnap Draco Malfoy. Really it’s debatable if you can even call it kidnapping but the git surely seems to think so.
🎨 Harry And Draco Wearing Kilts by @ladderofyears (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, G, digital art)
Our favourite wizards, dressed in traditional Scottish attire.
🎨 I Bloom Pink For You by @crazybutgood (Narcissa Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson, M, craft)
Pansy has been starved for love her whole life. All she needs is someone who will give her the approval she craves. An origami comic inspired by Schmem_14's fic.
🎨 Joy Exposed by @getawayfox (Fleur Delacour/Ginny Weasley, G, Digital art)
Ginny and Fleur give an interview for Daily Prophet’s new Weekend Magazine and spend hours doing an accompanying photoshoot. When it comes to approving the selection of photos for print, they unanimously choose the candid one taken on their break, rather than all the styled and posed images.
🎨 Monday Murder Club by @vitaminpops (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Lavender Brown/Padma Patil, T, Digital art)
The members of a crime-solving club find love and friendship amidst the blood.
🎨 The Professor's Passion by @digthewriter (Narcissa Black Malfoy/Hermione Granger, G, Digital art)
Hermione is a professor and Gryffindor head of house. She loves her job... until Narcissa Malfoy is hired on the school's faculty, and is now head of Slytherin. God, that woman is insufferable. Hermione despises her so much she can hardly think about anything else. (She must hate her... that's why she always feels so hot and bothered when she's around, right? And does she have to be so damn beautiful?)
🎨 You Pierce My Soul by @reliand (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, M, digital art)
Harry's eyes were on him almost as soon as Draco entered the ballroom. It was as if he'd been watching the door, and now Harry's eyes were wide and his mouth open.
🎵 Masks Off by @roseszain (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Teen, 3h 15 min)
Draco had followed his parents to this Caribbean island as a matter of course, even though no one had told him what they were doing here or why his father’s ships were frequently attacked by masked pirates. And, honestly, Draco’d had no intention of actually finding out either.
🎵 wasps and honey by swoons by cailynwrites (Hermione Granger/Narcissa Malfoy, M, 1 - 1,5 hours)
After ten years on parole in the Muggle world, newly widowed Narcissa Black is finally allowed to do magic again — as long as she can complete all the spells on the Ministry course list. Her Ministry of Magic representative? Hermione Granger.
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