#daehwi angst
multiphandomunnies · 3 months
wanna one
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saying that you love them in your sleep
fans ship you together
you calling them your ideal type
gf is sad about eye bags
soulmate au
hating you
pantone 14-1513
bf! guanlin
2 notes · View notes
lily-blue · 1 year
Blurred lines
☆ characters: radio dj!woong & script writer!you ☆ genre: secret admirer au, college au, fluff, angst ☆ summary: it’s a story about a popular boy who has a secret admirer - except that you’re not the one who mustered up the courage to put her feelings in words ☆ words: 13,5k ☆ also: i’d like to dedicate this story to @dat-town ♥ merry christmas, love! 🎄 ☆ taglist: @soobin-chois
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Fridays were the most tiring days of the spring semester, but Woong wouldn’t have had them any other way even if he could have changed his morning seminar to an afternoon one or had a long enough break between his classes around lunchtime to eat at any other restaurant than the ramen place he was unhealthily frequent at. What if he had changed one unpleasant thing in his day and all the good ones had gotten altered too? 
Listening to his professor’s lifeless voice at 9AM while he was talking about music theory might have been draining, but Woong usually sat right in front of you and there were only a few more entertaining phenomena on campus than your bickering with Woojin. He genuinely doubted the two of you were aware of how loud you could be, but he didn’t intend to enlighten either of you. His mornings would have been definitely duller without you two and your ridiculously creative ways to put your friend back in his place without cursing.
The highlight of his ridiculously short lunch break was Donghyun who had dance practice those mornings, which meant he always ate his entire body weight in chicken ramen while Woong slurped on his large bowl of beef ramen, giggly. Their conversations were diverse, but somehow, Woojin and you always came up in them in the most random ways. Like last Friday when you had been late from your morning class and rushed into the auditorium in pink pajama pants. It had been a story too fun to not share until Donghyun had told him it had been his fault that you had overslept. He hadn’t known you were the type of person who offered emotional support video calls to her friends when they needed someone to keep them on track while working on an assignment, but somehow it hadn’t surprised him that much. He was convinced you didn’t have a single mean bone in your body.
Stretching his sore body while waiting for your late night brainstorming session to continue (then finally end), Woong read through the script draft you had given him and Daehwi before you had left for the bathroom. It wasn’t finalized yet, only containing the outline of Tuesday’s radio show and a few ideas for the monthly special segment, but it was well written and neat as always. One look at it was enough for him to know you had worked hard to save as much time for the three of you as possible. He was hopeful you would all be able to leave the studio around 11PM.
Woong’s eyes widened in surprise and a silent oh sound fell from his lips when he noticed a pastel yellow envelope among the disorganized sheets of paper. His gaze strayed towards his co-host’s pile, but he saw no suspicious letter in front of Daehwi.
‘Hey, did anyone come into the studio while I was at the toilet?’ He asked although he knew it was ridiculous. It was already past the last lecture because the boy next to him was unlucky enough to attend Mr. Choi’s Microeconomic Theory I. instead of Mr. Nam’s, so it was very unlikely that random students wandered around the building. Not to mention that you would have been royally screwed if anything had happened to the studio’s equipment, so one of you always stayed in the room even if you all needed a restroom break.
There was no way someone had sneaked inside to slip this letter in his script.
‘No. I was on the phone with Hyewon, but I’d have seen if someone had walked in that door,’ the younger boy said before his gaze shifted from Woong’s pouty face to the envelope in his hands. ‘Why?’
The older boy looked down at the letter, too, and shrugged. He wasn’t sure whether he should have read it in private or he was allowed to open it in front of his friend, but he was intrigued; he was more curious than worried or scared.
So he sucked in his lower lip and picked the seal flap’s edge open, bewitched by the flowery scent of the paper the envelope hid.
Despite his rather naive personality - his friends never failed to jump on the opportunity when they could call him out on his childlike innocence -, Woong knew it was a love letter even before he took the paper in his hands and his gaze fell on the printed letters.
His secret admirer addressed him with a cute nickname and made a list of those things they liked about him - things he would have never thought anyone could have found attractive -, then finished the message with a promise of future letters. There was nothing that could have indicated who had liked him so much, which was disappointing. His only clue was the fact that they listened to the uni radio because that was only available on campus.
‘Do I wanna know?’ Daehwi asked, making Woong realize that he might have been sulking a bit too visibly. Should he have shown the letter to him in case he recognized the writing style or something? The thought made him blush furiously. The letter’s content was too personal; he didn’t want to give him a reason to tease him, either.
‘Nah, it’s noth–’
‘I’m sorry it took so long,’ you tore the door open with an apologetic smile, drawing both of their attention to you effortlessly. Your clothes were disheveled and your hair fell into your face in a couple of messy locks. Still, you looked pretty with your loose ponytail and rosy cheeks (at least, to Woong). ‘I had to run up to the fourth floor for these, but I brought one for each of you,’ you explained with theatrical hand gestures, careful not to shake the energy drinks up too much.
‘Thanks, you’re a lifesaver,’ Daehwi exclaimed, reaching for the grape flavored drink while you slid the mango one towards the other boy.
‘Sorry, I couldn’t find your favorite. But I saw you yawning while we were reading through the listeners’ messages, so drink it up. There’s no way we can finish this up in time with just Daehwi,’ you shot a playful albeit apologetic smile in Woong’s way, making the boy wonder whether your kindness towards him was strictly platonic or you had something to do with the letter he had found in his script.
Could you have been in love with him?
Honestly, he had never thought of you as more than a friend’s close friend who also happened to be his coworker at the uni radio. You were nice and funny - and undoubtedly pretty -, but despite your friendship with Donghyun, you had never initiated any conversations with him outside of the studio when it wasn’t related to the show. Obviously, you didn’t turn him down when he walked up to you to talk about something else, but those conversations were so brief, Woong often wondered whether he could have ever gotten to know the real you; the you you were outside of the studio.
Seeing your furrowed eyebrows and the worry in your eyes, Woong’s gaze fell on the mango energy drink as well. Since when had he been fidgeting with the can so absentmindedly? He cleared his throat and opened the drink before you could have thought he hated your choice. It really didn’t matter that much whether it was his favorite or not.
‘Mango is good. Thanks,’ he reassured you and you acknowledged his answer with a relieved sigh and a smile that for the first time since he knew you, did something to the boy’s heart; it made it beat quicker while his chest and ears got super warm.
Woong realized he was in trouble when he had a hard time paying attention to what you were saying because he was too focused on how pleasant your voice sounded to his ears; then he knew it for sure when he started to come up with hopeful yet illogical reasons why it couldn’t have been anyone else but you who had left that envelope in his script.
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You knew both Daehwi and Woong were popular on Seoul National grounds. They were not only amazing singers, but their show focused on their listeners instead of campus gossip, so they earned brownie points left and right with their caring side, detailed advice on personal matters, and dorky sense of humor. Girls wanted to date them; guys wished to be their friends, so they could have stood under the same spotlight. While you…
You also daydreamed about meaning a bit more to Woong than a hard-working script writer he could rely on, but accepted the role you had in their life. Being close, but not close enough meant you weren’t a real treat to their fans. You might have doubted anyone would have slid into your dms or gotten your number somehow just to threaten you and ask you to leave the boys alone, but one could have never known with people.
‘You’re doing it again,’ Woojin pointed out while he turned on his laptop and opened a new, empty document for the lecture that made no sense to you. You preferred sticking to the same one throughout the semester, but he was his own person, so you never really teased him for it openly. You teased him for a bunch of other things anyway.
‘Doing what?’ You raised a brow in question, slowly turning your head back ahead. You had two lectures in total that you shared with Jeon Woong and this one (un)fortunately wasn’t the one where he sat right in front of you. As you were watching him chatting with his friends, you let out a dreamy sigh.
‘Drooling,’ he said with an unamused click of his tongue that earned him a scoff and a light punch in the shoulder. While you were a firm believer that violence should have never been the answer to anything, especially to insults where one’s emotions were already heightened or out of control, your best friend had a way with words that made it easy to throw your morals out the window. (Though, if anyone had asked Woojin, he would have said your punches were as good as being hit with cotton candy. Your noodle arms could hurt no one.)
You wished you could have been as brave as those girls who gathered around the boy’s desk in the second row. You would have loved to talk to him in breaks, too, but your nerves got the best of you whenever you were around him and there wasn’t a safe, fixed topic to discuss like during your meetings where you talked about your ideas for their next show or the success of the previous one.
‘Why don’t you ask him to be your partner for the group project?’ Woojin suggested plainly, reminding you of your professor’s last email and the upcoming presentations you wished you could have replaced with a written exam.
‘Duh, because we do every group project together,’ you retorted, feigning annoyance since he should have known better than anyone that you would have never considered pairing up with anybody else until he was in the same class. You two were a well-functioning duo from the get-go; working with Woojin was not only comfortable for you, but efficient, too. He brought the best out of your procrastinating ass, while you made sure he didn’t forget to eat or drink once he immersed himself in studying.
‘Not this one, snowflake. Donghyun already asked me,’ Woojin told you, the look of betrayal on your face painting a guilty frown on his own. The mere fact that he called you by your nickname was telling. You knew he felt bad about the situation, but you were also aware that he wouldn’t have chosen your other friend over you if he hadn’t thought it was for the better. Which also meant that you wouldn’t be able to convince him to take you back with your sad eyes and pouty lips. ‘Look, I’m an introvert. You’re also an introvert. Interviewing random students together would be a disaster,’ he reasoned, making an excellent point.
There was no way you could have interviewed twenty students in a single week and written a detailed analysis on it with your social battery dying. You needed someone who could easily walk up to strangers, helping you out with the first phase of your project. And that someone clearly wasn’t your best friend.
You let out a disappointed sigh and created a new headline for your upcoming lecture, jotting down the topic you knew you would discuss and the current date.
‘So you took away my only other friend in this class,’ you complained, pondering whether you should have actively searched for a partner or you should have waited until someone came up to you. Arg! You should have made more friends during orientation week last year. It would have made everything a lot easier if only you had remembered a few names at least. Was the petite, blonde girl beside you Miyeon or Miyoung? Should you have asked the guy in the first row who only ever spoke up during classes when Mr. Jung involved him in the obligatory discussions?
‘Ask Woong!’ Woojin suggested, his voice so nonchalant it made you wonder whether he had ever paid attention to you when Woong was around. Your small voice, shy smiles, and warm cheeks should have been telltale signs that you were a lost case when it came to the boy. With your tendency to leave your assignments last minute, you would have avoided him until you had barely a day left to finish everything.
You saw your professor walk into the lecture hall moments before the cute exchange student from Europe tapped on Woong’s shoulder, your heart sinking into your stomach when her pretty smile turned upside down right in front of your eyes. There was no way you could have asked him to be your partner. He either had one already or he had someone in mind because otherwise he would have never turned her down so quickly. You had once seen him giving a campus tour to a freshman despite how frequently he himself got lost between the buildings just because he couldn’t have said no to someone in need. He had to have a good reason why he had rejected her before she could have talked him into teaming up with her. A reason you had nothing to go against.
For the next one and a half hour, you locked this problem in the back of your mind and didn’t stress over it until your professor dismissed the class and the girl on your left started to shove her things into her backpack. You had seconds to address her or your chance to team up with her was out the window and you couldn’t have afforded that. 
‘Hey,’ you blurted out the exact same moment she said:
‘I heard you still need a partner. Would you like to work with me?’
If you had been one of those cool anime characters you liked so much, an entire mountain of weight would have been lifted off your chest as you processed her question. Smile beaming, it was almost embarrassing how quickly you jumped on the opportunity.
‘I’d love that!’ You said, enjoying how effortlessly she took charge of the situation when she introduced herself as Miyoung and shoved her phone into your hands, so that you could have added yourself on her kakao.
It soon turned out that while you had an empty period before your Music, Social Life, and Scenes class, she had piano practice on another floor, hence you bid your goodbyes quickly and promised to contact each other about the details in a couple of hours, which was… already a lot better than you had expected. Maybe, Miyoung would be able to motivate you to do your job, too, and it wasn’t only a Woojin thing. You were definitely hopeful.
Since your best friend wanted to write a brief draft of those questions Donghyun could have asked from the students they would interview, you told him you would kill some time in your go-to coffee shop before you joined them in the library, then promised to buy him a latte and a ham and cheese croissant in case the other boy didn’t need anything. As a broke uni student who majored in music with a pedagogy minor, there had to be a limit to your generosity, too. You couldn’t have spent all of your allowance on textbooks and your friends. 
You were already in the corridor when someone called your name, the husky tone embracing you with familiarity despite the breathlessness in the syllables.
You slowed down your steps, then stopped entirely.
‘You’re fast,’ Woong stated with a warm smile, trying to catch his breath with his hands on his knees. You furrowed your brows, unsure whether you had forgotten an important promise or a meeting and that was why he tried to hunt you down. ‘I was thinking… would you like to work on the group project together? I heard Donghyun paired up with Woojin, so we’re both partner-less…’
If Woong said anything else, you didn’t hear it. Your surprise completely overwhelmed your senses and by the time you were pulled back to reality, he was already looking at you with his pretty, hazelnut eyes.
There was an itchy knot in your throat that made it hard to speak, but you swallowed it with an awkward smile and wrapped your slim fingers around the strap of your bag to ground your messy thoughts. You didn’t want them to wander in case you had this one chance to tell him how you would have gladly been his partner if only you hadn’t been such a coward and asked someone else to play it safe.
In your defense, you had no idea Woong wanted to work with you of all people. He had never shown any interest in you academically and the two of you barely interacted outside of the studio. Even when you did, your friends were always there to fill the silence.
‘It’s really nice of you, but I already found a partner. I’m sorry. If I knew…’ you rambled, the need to come up with as many excuses as possible within the shortest period of time turning your sentences into a slurred monologue.
‘Nah, it’s okay,’ he cut you off with a reassuring smile, but while his voice sounded stable and unbothered, his body language seemed off and his eyes looked disappointed. He put too much effort into brushing aside your apologies; his exaggerated waves and playful eye rolls felt insincere, which made you worried.
You would have never thought you had the courage to hang out with Woong just for the sake of it without your friends as they were your safety net, let alone propose a friendly date with him, but as you kept your eyes on his face, something inside of you begged you to open your mouth and force those words through your teeth. 
‘I’m on my way to ABNEW. Would you like to join?’ You asked, mentally preparing yourself for a rejection while your heart was simultaneously yearning for a positive reaction.
You told yourself that you wouldn’t be disappointed even if he turned you down, because you had asked him about the campus coffee shop to make up for already pairing up with someone else. If he didn’t want to or couldn’t join you, that might have meant he was fine without your company as well, which should have been a relief.
However, when he agreed to spend his free period with you, you couldn’t stop grinning like a madwoman. It was embarrassing, how happy this sudden turn of events made you feel when an hour ago you had been adamant that you couldn’t have uttered a coherent sentence in his company, not with his attention focused solely on you.
Arriving at the shop, it turned out that you had been wrong. Sure, it took a couple of minutes, but eventually, you were able to calm your nerves with your cinnamon latte in your hands. You even brought up topics the two of you had never talked about before: your obsession with oat milk, the chinese drama you were currently watching, and your dream to work for Arirang. It was nice: letting him get familiar with more sides of you and getting to know him better in return.
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The more time Woong spent with you in your natural habitat, that didn’t include your shared classes or the studio, the more sure he became that you were his secret admirer. It was because of those subtle signs - signs that you might have liked him more than a friend - that he hadn’t noticed before, but couldn’t overlook anymore. Like how he always had a piece of your attention even when you were talking or listening to someone else; how you knew his favorite snacks, drinks, and comfort food by heart and surprised him with them when he was lacking energy or motivation; how your cheeks dressed into the prettiest shade of pink when he prioritized you and your needs.
However, just because Woong knew he wanted to give you a chance and see whether the two of you could have worked as a couple, too, it didn’t mean he had the slightest idea how to approach you about the letter. He didn’t want to push you too much in case you weren’t ready to confess; you had put a lot of effort into making sure it remained anonymous after all. But it slowly started to frustrate him that he couldn’t claim the seat beside you during lunch break when your other friends were around or that he couldn’t hold your hand just because he felt like making you blush without said friends giving him weird glances.
‘Jangjun, Daehwi, and Seungyoun said I should keep the blonde, but Woojin, Donghyun, and my mom voted for my natural hair color. Clearly, I’m in desperate need of your opinion,’ the boy said between two bites of pepperoni pizza while he also tried to make you smile with his dramatics.
‘I don’t know. Should I be offended that you’ve already asked everybody else?’ You asked in a playful manner, a lot more comfortable around him than you had been a couple of weeks ago. It was fascinating to see the small changes in your behavior the less eagerly you hid your personality behind your thick walls. You were still one of the nicest people Woong had ever met, but you were also witty and your tongue was sharp when you felt cornered.
Woong swallowed the food in his mouth and tilted his head to the right, observing your soft features to make sure there wasn’t a single pinch of real hurt in your eyes. The jalapeno slices on your pizza might have been a bit too spicy for you, but otherwise, you seemed fine.
‘Why should you? Your vote will decide my next hair color,’ he retorted with a mischievous smile that got wider upon seeing your sauce-coated, pouty lips. He giggled at the funny sight, but gave you a napkin before anyone else could have noticed what a messy eater you were.
‘Fine.’ You took the napkin from him and wiped your lips and chin to make sure all the dirt was gone before you reached for your coke and refreshed yourself with the bubbly beverage. ‘I think you should go for your natural hair color. Don’t get me wrong, your blonde hair looks so fluffy I’m sure it’s a lot silkier than mine. Like seriously, you need to share your haircare routine with me before I do something crazy and chop off my dry hair with a kitchen knife…’ you rambled, getting lost in the details like you often did these days: a cute habit of yours that might have been as old as time, but was still new to Woong. He had yet to figure out whether you did it when you were super nervous or when you were enthusiastic about something. Considering the topic, he hoped it was the latter. ‘What I really want to say is… you look like a fairy like this and it’s so pretty, but there’s something in the way your natural hair color highlights your warmth as a person. It makes you look more approachable: less otherworldly, but still handsome.’
Objectively speaking, Woong was well aware that he was attractive; people around him made it pretty obvious with the way they treated him. However, hearing it from you felt different. Your words had more weight and fell from your lips more genuinely. They filled his heart, but left holes in his chest that made him yearn for more. He wanted you to compliment other aspects of his being, too, not just his looks.
Although he was curious whether you had anything else to say, the boy couldn’t get over the fact that you called him a fairy just like his secret admirer had done in that letter. Your unique choice of word fed his certainty; he might have had strong assumptions before, but now he was outright convinced that you looked at him as a potential lover, too. 
And this was all he needed to put down the pizza slice he was munching on and demand your full attention with the prettiest, most hopeful smile he could have mustered.
‘Would you like to go on a date with me?’ He asked with his heart pulsing in his entire body. Woong liked to think he was an expert in social interactions - he had managed to befriend his Math teacher as a freshman high school student and had a pretty smooth three years with him while his classmates couldn’t have stopped complaining about his hardcore exams and unfair grading -, but he had never asked out anyone, nor had he had a crush on a friend, therefore he was a tad bit nervous.
Scratch that… one glance at your furrowed eyebrows, parted lips, and bewildered eyes was enough to make him super nervous. Had he misinterpreted the signs? That wasn’t an option. You were quite literally a blushing, stuttering mess at arm’s length. You were clearly affected by his question and the concept of a date with him. He couldn’t have given up so soon when there was a chance you were just shy.
‘A date. Just us. We could watch a movie or check out that fancy dessert place where you can decorate your own cakes,’ the blonde boy suggested, promising himself that he would accept your decision with an encouraging smile whether you rejected him or not. He also promised himself that he would do everything in his power to make sure this wouldn’t have a negative impact on your friendship. You were too important to lose.
‘I…’ you spoke up a bit unsure, slim fingers drumming on the edge of your half-empty glass of coke. You avoided Woong’s eyes, but he knew you didn’t do it to hurt him or imply your decision. Instead, you needed time to find your voice and he was more than okay with giving you as much as could soothe your nerves. ‘Both sound pretty nice. I’d love to go on a date like that… with you,’ you mumbled, quiet but sure in the way you slowly lifted your head and looked him in the eye.
You had no idea how happy you made Woong at that moment.
‘Cool,’ he claimed with a nod before he reached for his half-eaten pizza slice and took a huge bite from it, humming around the thin pasta, cheese, and pepperoni like a giddy child.
That afternoon, you chose a day for your first date and eased the pressure of expectations it put on you with childish banters, like when you told him you refused to match your outfit with his, yet he was hellbent on how couples who did that were cute.
You called Woong a menace so softly, it almost felt like a nickname, and whined because the idea of people staring at your couple outfit made you feel uncomfortable, which the boy understood and was willing to respect. Because regardless of Woong’s overzealous reasoning, you could have shown up at the dessert place next Saturday wearing a sack, he would have been fine with that, too. He just wanted to spend more time with you and earn the permission to hold your hand.
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In theory, you knew what first dates were like. Naturally, most people put more effort into their appearance when they met someone they liked romantically; they also spent their money more easily that day, so that they wouldn’t have been labeled as a miser. First dates were crucial: they could make or break the future of a relationship, which made them almost as scary as exciting, if not a whole lot scarier.
It wasn’t the first time your heart sank into your stomach at the thought of possible worst case scenarios, especially not when it came to Woong. Ever since you had started to spend quality time together without your friend group, you were often terrified that one poorly chosen word could make him realize that you weren’t worth it: his energy, those secrets he shared with you during your 11PM conversations, and the attention he gave you when so many other people yearned for a piece of it along with his heart.
You obviously didn’t think you were worthless or unlovable. Woojin would have killed you and dragged you back to life to kill you again if he had ever heard you speak so poorly of yourself. Still, even your best friend should have admitted that going on a date with someone popular was a concept ordinary people like yourself needed time to process. Not necessarily because of the most confidence-shattering questions like why he would have wanted to go on a date with you out of all people or what was so special about you, but because your mind had to catch up with your silly heart to believe it was reality.
You had had a crush on Woong for so long, of course, it felt like a dream.
A dream too good to be true until he picked you up on Saturday and walked with you to the nearest bus stop because neither of you had your own car. Despite the small talk you initiated while you were waiting for the crowded vehicle and the awkward silence that embraced you during the ride, you couldn’t have pinpointed a single thing that made this date different from your previous dates with Woong. And you meant this in the most positive sense of the word: familiarity.
Obviously, you were still nervous that one day he would wake up and realize you were too plain for him, but the small skips in your heartbeat whenever he smiled at you fondly greeted you like an old friend would have and that was enough to ease your worries. It was just him, the boy you had liked more than a friend even when he had been a friend. Things might have changed, he might have finally shown some interest in you as a girl, but essentially, you and your fond feelings were the same. You had nothing new to be scared of, just what you had already been accustomed to.
‘Should we decorate a whole cake or just two slices?’ You asked with a small pout when even after staring at the wide range of options for five whole minutes, you couldn’t decide what to pick from the menu. Thank goodness you had already agreed on making your own cake, because if you had had to choose even the type of dessert you went with on top of every flavor and size you could have ordered, you would have spent your whole date in this shop. And you had a movie to catch in three hours.
‘What about two whole cakes?’ Woong pondered, pointing at the smallest options that were about the size of your two palms next to each other. It was tempting, very much so, but you didn’t intend to upset your or the boy’s stomach with so much sugar.
‘You didn’t skip your lunch on purpose, did you?’ You turned towards the boy with your full body, concerned that you should have chosen a diner over the dessert place when you planned to eat popcorn and gummy worms for dinner.
‘Maybe I did…’ the boy admitted with a sheepish smile and while you were super excited about this place, at that moment, you would have been more than fine with leaving if that had meant he wouldn’t have starved later. ‘Or maybe I was just too nervous to eat,’ he added, his confession melting your heart because even though you had eaten a sandwich an hour ago, you felt the same way. It was nice to know you weren’t alone.
Since you would have also hated to be the reason for the sudden change in your plans, you didn’t wish to put Woong in that position. Instead, you quickly thought through your options and smiled at him when the most reasonable solution hit you.
‘Let’s decorate two slices and grab some street food before the movie,’ you proposed with a small bounce in your movements, rocking back and forth on your feet with your hands linked behind your back. Your chest felt warm and your skin was burning around your neck when Woong reached towards you and ruffled your hair.
‘So thoughtful! I love it, let’s do that!’
And you did that. You picked two slices in different flavors and walked up to the counter on the other side of the shop where you could coat your desserts with chocolate, fondant or icing, decorate them with fruit slices, marshmallows, crackers and more chocolate, then pick a marzipan figure to complete the aesthetics.
If you wanted to be honest, you had more fun designing your cake than how proud you were of the outcome, but Woong did a much worse job and he was still proud of himself, so you figured it was okay. They both tasted like a piece of heaven, anyway, and in the end, that was what truly mattered (and the memories you two made).
At first, you were a bit wary that there were certain topics you should have avoided on your date such as your struggles with oral exams and your rising anxiety whenever you thought of the presentation you had to give on pop music next week, but when Woong brought up their radio show with Daehwi, it felt like a permission to talk about anything.
Moving from one place to another, munching on cakes, fishcake and tteokbokki, you shared more with each other than your food. You confided Woong in your insecurities, your regrets, and your family background you rarely talked about. You also got to know that in spite of his easy-going personality, the boy had a hard time keeping more than three or four friendships alive simultaneously because he tended to give too much of himself to those around him and easily forgot about people who weren’t right in front of him.
Some things Woong told you were easy to comprehend; others were too complex and foreign to you to grasp. Still, you made sure he knew you were listening with the intent of getting familiar with the way he thought and felt, because he did the same for you.
If you could have chosen what to do on your first date with the boy all over again, you might have told him you wanted to speak and listen more instead of spending two hours in a dark, noisy room, staring at a screen, but overall, you had a pretty good time.
And the best part was that it didn’t end with the movie or your long ride back to the campus. Woong insisted on walking you all the way to your dormitory, so that he knew for sure that you got home safe.
‘I didn’t know dating can be so much fun. Thank you for today.’ You offered him one of your bashful smiles as your steps slowed down, then came to a temporary halt in front of the main gate of the girls’ building.
‘Does this mean there’s a chance you’re up for a second date, too?’ He asked just as smiley as you were while you turned towards him with your entire body and willed yourself to look up at him, right into his hazelnut orbs, instead of avoiding eye contact. You had no reason to shy away from him now when he clearly wanted to go on another date with you. 
‘Yeah… If you promise you won’t skip lunch next time,’ you teased, choosing to embrace the situation instead of running away from it. You had already survived a whole afternoon in his company. You had eaten delicious food together, brushed hands in the dark, and laughed so hard, your guts hurt from happiness. What else was there to be afraid of?
‘In that case, we should grab lunch together on our next date. We could go to the amusement park right after. How does it sound?’ The question fell from Woong’s lips playfully, making it easy to anticipate your next date and yearn for a dozen more.
Munching on your cheek from the inside, you bit back a flustered chuckle. You thought of all those drama leads you admired and envied, then took a deep breath and said:
‘Like you’re planning to sweep me off my feet.’
You would have never called yourself a spontaneous person. You were terrible at going with the flow because uncertainty often made you anxious, but right then and there you took a leap of faith and stood on your tiptoes. Your eyes were closed when your lips landed on Woong’s cheek, but luckily, you didn’t miss your aim. An accidental nose kiss would have definitely mortified your soul and locked away your adventurous side.
‘But you’ve already done that,’ you whispered against the boy’s soft skin before you pulled away, satisfied to see how stunned he got because of a simple, chaste peck. It meant that your paces weren’t that different, which was a relief.
You waved him goodbye before he regained his composure; your grin twice as wide as it had been seconds before when you chose the stairs to the third floor instead of the elevator. You needed a good excuse for how fast your heart was beating and a bit of exercise might have been able to do the job.
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An ice cream date and a retro roller skating slash milkshake date later, Woong was ready to ask you to be his girlfriend. He genuinely liked your company: your closeness and your rosy cheeks whenever he initiated a new form of skinship in public; your sweet and encouraging texts that turned into nagging from one moment to another when he was about to fail behind on his assignments; your long walks back to your dorm after their radio show. He liked you at 1AM, when your face was bare and your moles more prominent and at 1PM, too, when you talked with your mouth full during lunch breaks because Woojin couldn’t stop teasing you. You were who he wanted to be with. It was clear considering how much he anticipated seeing you each and every day. He just wanted to make it special even if Jangjun called him a simp for acting like he was about to propose.
Since Seungyoun’s ideas had been too extra and rather than helping him, Donghyun had clowned Woong for calling for an emergency bro meeting two weeks after his first date with you, Woong had asked his mom about romantic gestures and chosen one from the classics. He had bought you a pair of silver earrings because you rarely wore any other jewelry and a box of square donuts from your favorite shop since he knew for a fact that no matter how much you loved them, you deemed them too expensive to buy them for yourself just for the sake of it. They were birthdays and holidays kind of special for you: just what he aimed at on Friday when he planned to pop the question after your adorable goodnight peck.
Woong found the familiar, yellow envelope with the new love letter in it in the same place, at the same time he had done the first time. It was slid between two pages of the script you had given him at the beginning of your brainstorming session.
Back then, the blonde boy had been too afraid to read the message in front of his friend. This time, however, he thought being teased for being admired by the person he was also whipped for was a small price for reading your letter on the spot. Therefore, he picked the seal flap’s edge open with great care, then took the paper in his hands with a giddy smile on his face. You were so cute, asking for a break before he could have found it.
Something tugged on Woong’s heart when he saw that you started the letter with an apology. It made him feel uneasy because he seriously couldn’t have thought back on a single thing you should have felt sorry for. Could it have been because you had fallen asleep during your video call last week? He had already told you it was fine. Or because Woojin had called him a taken man in front of other girls the day before? Gosh, that was absolutely okay with him, too. If anything, Woong couldn’t have waited to be officially taken after tonight. You worried your pretty little head too much.
But then you went into details and those fragments pulled the rug out from under the boy’s feet. You were rambling about your assignments, your need to blow off some steam, and how you had gone to an outdoor concert with your friend and ended up catching the cold. You swore up and down that you had intended to write to him at least once a week, but you had been too drained to keep up with both your academic life and his radio shows. Nevertheless, you were sure that he had done great with Daehwi and playfully suggested that they should have made a YouTube channel where they uploaded their shows once they were over.
It was a useful idea, something he would have brought up in the second half of your meeting on any other Friday night… This time, however, he was too shaken up by the realization that you weren’t his secret admirer.
Woong’s hands were trembling when he shoved the letter back into the yellow envelope. He didn’t want you or anyone else to see it before he could have talked with you. He had to talk with you first.
Speaking of you, shouldn’t you have come back from your restroom break by now?
‘I’ll step outside for a couple of minutes. Call me if she comes back in the meantime,’ Woong asked his friend with one leg already out of the room. With his back to Daehwi, he shot an uneasy smile at the boy from above his shoulder, then left before the younger could have uttered a simple:
Woong had dozens of questions he wanted to ask you. Although, he knew you wouldn’t be able to answer any of them since he had never told you about his secret admirer. He had incorrectly assumed that they were you and now that it was clear that they weren’t, he was a lot of things, but most of all: confused.
He obviously still liked you. You were funny, kind-hearted, caring, and very pretty. You were everything he looked for in a partner, but all of a sudden, there was this other person who seemed to know him on another level and cheered for him from the shadows. They supported him like you and…
He tried to message you, call you to ask you where you were and what took you so long. He felt desperate to be near you before the mess got bigger in his head and he could have started acting differently around you, but you didn’t pick up your phone. 
‘Come on! Where are you?’ He mumbled when he didn’t find you in front of the fourth floor vending machine, either. It was like you weren’t even at the building, which made no sense. You would have never abandoned your brainstorming session, not without a word, not when he and Daehwi were clearly waiting for you to come back from your break. Woong might have been mistaken about the letters, but he knew you weren’t that kind of person.
Still, when he couldn’t find you despite checking every restroom the building had to offer, he decided to rush to the nearest 7-Eleven, too, as the convenience store was right outside of the campus and you had the tendency to overestimate your speed when you had places to be. The closer he got to the ground floor, the clearer he could picture you with snacks in your hands and an apologetic smile on your face. Now that he thought about it, the vending machines had indeed looked a bit empty when he had passed them.
Woong’s lips pulled into the proudest, brightest grin when just like he had predicted, in front of the building’s main gates, there stood you with a plastic bag in your right hand, but it soon wavered when he noticed that you weren’t alone. And that you weren’t walking towards the glass doors, either. Instead, you stood there like a fly frozen in amber, unmoving and stiff, which urged him to speed up his steps.
‘… playing dumb. You two got closer after the first one. I bet you told him it was from you,’ one of the two girls around you said accusatively, pointing at your chest from a distance to give emphasis to her words. Woong had no idea what was going on, what these people could have had against you, but it was clear that they made you feel uncomfortable in your skin. If the way you were munching on your cheek from the inside hadn’t been enough, your failed attempts at speaking up for yourself would have still spoken volumes.
Woong saw you shook your head and took a defensive step backwards when the only guy in the group took one towards you.
‘You think he will still want you when he realizes that your relationship is built on lies? You basically manipulated him into dating you. How fucking sick is that? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?’ The boy kept throwing his accusatory questions at you and while Woong couldn’t have said with confidence that he understood the situation perfectly, he knew he would have never forgiven himself if he had kept watching from the sideline as they were screaming at you.
So he stepped between you and them, shielding you with his body at the same time you said:
‘I don’t…’
Woong reached behind his back to take your empty hand in his, then checked on you from above his shoulder when you squeezed his palm. It felt weak, almost uncertain, like you were conflicted whether you had the right to seek comfort in him to begin with.
‘What’s going on? Are they harassing you?’ He asked, wondering whether they had told you something that made you act this way - they couldn’t have talked about him when they had said you manipulated someone, right? you had never once tried to influence his decisions in any way, goddamnit! - or you were just too intimidated to react to his closeness the way you usually did.
‘The hell? We’re not harassing her. We came here to defend our friend, dude. She stole the credit for her letters,’ the guy claimed angrily, his lips pressed into a thin line when one of the girls slid her palm on his biceps to calm him. Despite everything, Woong was grateful for the help; he doubted he could have dealt with a guy this big if all hell had broken loose.
‘She’s lying to you. It’s Hari. She’s the one who wrote you those letters, not her,’ the other girl with the messy bun chirped in, visibly shy, but just as harsh with her accusation.
And then it clicked. Stolen credits, anonymous letters, dating… They were talking about the letters he had gotten and his secret admirer. Woong wouldn’t have been surprised if they had been the ones who had slid the envelope into his script.
‘Well, I appreciate that you’re here to clear up this misunderstanding, but you clearly make her uncomfortable,’ Woong started as diplomatically as possible, well aware that he was the one to blame for this mess. Not you. ‘And for that matter, she doesn’t know about the letters. It was me who asked her out, not the other way around,’ he reasoned. His heart sank into his stomach when he realized that your fingers were about to slip out of his hold. Were you mad at him? Were you shocked? Was it your confusion that tried to put some distance between the two of you?
Woong could only hope that you didn’t let go of his hand consciously, but just in case you did or your thoughts were just as fuzzy as his, he decided to take you out of the situation that was messing with your mind before your brain could have rewritten your memories from the past weeks. He turned towards you and gave you all of his attention as he gingerly reached for your hand and pulled you inside the building.
‘Are you okay?’ was the first thing that left the boy’s mouth when you were finally alone and he could cup your face in his hands. Woong’s thumbs caressed your cheeks anxiously while he was waiting for you to speak up. 
In the deafening silence, he wished he could have been able to read your mind.
‘Did you think it was me?’ Your voice was so quiet, it was barely above a whisper, but since he stood close enough to you, Woong could decipher every word. He sucked in his lower lip, unsure whether you really wanted to hear his answer or this was a rhetorical question. After all, those guys had made sure you knew the two of you had grown closer around the time he had received the first letter. ‘Did you ask me out because of that letter they mentioned?’
Woong’s palms fell from your cheeks to the crooks of your neck. The boy was a lot of things: loud, childish, forgetful, oblivious… but he wasn’t a liar. Thus, he swallowed his nervousness and chose to tell you the truth. He liked you. Logically speaking, the circumstances shouldn’t have changed much between the two of you if you had liked him, too.
‘I mean, yeah. I started to look at you differently after I read the first one,’ he admitted shyly while his thumbs fondled your skin absentmindedly. Your heart was beating just as fast as his, he realized, when his finger found a more prominent vein.
‘I see,’ you breathed, your calm tone pushing the boy’s mind to overdrive. Something was off with you, your voice, your posture. Had your shoulders been droopy from the beginning? Why did your eyes look so dull all of a sudden?
‘Hey, it’s not like that. Sure, I didn’t think of you as a girl girl before that, but…’ Woong tried to explain the situation in detail, so that you would have understood that even though he had needed that extra push, in the end, he had fallen for you because of the little things that made you you.
But you weren’t listening. Instead, you cut him off mid-sentence and took his hands off your neck with a resigned smile.
‘I think you should give her a chance,’ you whispered, breaking something in Woong with the way you deliberately avoided his eyes.
‘Hari. Your secret admirer,’ you explained. Every word that fell from your rosy lips added to the wall you were building between the two of you. You might have stood at arm’s length from him, but Woong felt like you had never been further away. You were slowly slipping through his fingers and he had no idea what to do to keep you close. ‘Her letters clearly mean something to you. I think you should give her a chance. Take her on a date,’ you pushed, like it was easy. Like you hadn’t just told him to go out with someone else.
Woong had to force his next question through his gritted teeth.
‘But what about us?’
He didn’t want to be upset. A part of him doubted he had any right to feel that way - at least, towards you -, but even though he saw the logic behind your request, it was hard to not feel unwanted because of your calmness. He hated how calm you were acting on the outside.
‘I don’t know,’ came your answer before he heard you take a deep breath and your eyes met. Was he seeing things or your eyes were teary when you smiled at him? ‘Daehwi is waiting for us.’
You didn’t wait for Woong to figure out whether he liked the letters so much because he had thought they had been from you or you were right. You just turned your back to him and took the first steps towards the elevator.
That night, you left without a word, before Woong could have packed his things and walked you to your dorm. The earrings in his backpack were just as heavy as his footsteps or the silence that embraced Daehwi and him on their way to the boys’ residence on campus.
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Letting go of Woong had been one of the hardest decisions of your life. However, it had been a decision you had had to make for both of your sake.
You weren’t angry with him. If anyone, it was Woojin who refused to talk to the blonde boy ever since he had learned about Woong’s reason for asking you out. You had tried to tell him, he was acting ridiculous, that their friendship should have meant more than your broken heart or those tears you had shed during the weekend, but days later, he was still adamant. He said you were his best friend and Woong could easily survive a few weeks without him until you got over your break-up. He didn’t care that you had never been officially together.
‘Stop giving them those stares. You’re making me anxious,’ you whined at ABNEW between two classes, half-determined to spend your free period in bed, half-willing to work on your group project with Miyoung who was still standing in the line in front of the counter, waiting for her drink and those muffins Woojin, Donghyun, and you had asked for.
It was bad enough that your presentation was due within a week and you still had to figure out the structure of your slides, but hanging out at your go-to coffee shop at the same time Woong and Hari did was a whole new low for the day. You had never wished to study in the library so badly.
‘Why? It’s not like her friends aren’t staring at you when you’re around,’ your best friend spat back bitterly, his tone just as black as the coffee in his hands.
Munching on your lower lip, you slowly turned your head towards the couple in the back of the shop and let out a disappointed sigh as your gaze fell on their smiley figures. You weren’t sure what you had expected when you had told Woong to give a chance to his secret admirer, but based on the dull pain in your chest, something told you that not this.
‘He looks happy. It’s better this way,’ you explained, hoping that you sounded at least half as convinced as you felt. It all depended on perspectives, after all. ‘Donghyun-ah! Tell him to stop staring!’ You turned towards your other friend, seeking help where you could only find a frown. So typical.
‘Like he listens to me,’ Donghyun retorted, although he did reach out to the younger boy to gain his attention.
In the following silence, you were sipping on your latte while you busied yourself with trivial things: you created a ppt file, chose a minimalistic theme for your slides, and searched for a few pretty, monochrome icons with transparent background on the internet for later use. You also wrote your names on the first slide and changed the fonts where it was needed. You were desperate to do something, anything that could help you forget about Woong and his love life. Now that you weren’t a part of it, it shouldn’t have been your business.
Too bad, none of your friends had come to the same conclusion yet.
‘She isn’t that cool, by the way. I mean, she’s obviously pretty and she’s kind when she needs to be, but we have a seminar together on Wednesdays and she lowkey looks down on people who are on scholarship,’ Donghyun broke the silence when you started to drum on the edge of your mug absentmindedly; a clear sign that you didn’t know what to do with yourself. You looked up at the boy’s face with sad eyes, feeling conflicted about his words that had meant to be reassuring. Were you allowed to feel relieved that Hari wasn’t the perfect girl you had assumed her to be based on how much her friends loved and supported her? Maybe. But it still felt selfish, because Woong seemed to like her a lot. ‘I don’t even know how she knows who are on scholarship. It’s not like people openly talk about these things.’
You, on the other hand, had a few guesses. She either came from an influential family or she was more popular than you had initially thought. Both sounded a bit scary, especially because both options came with enough power to ruin lives in a collectivist society.
‘But most of Woong’s close friends are on scholarship,’ you mumbled as you lifted your mug in front of your mouth and took a small sip from the sweet beverage. You didn’t like where your messy thoughts were about to go. You didn’t like the odd mixture of fear and excitement that slowly consumed your body.
Yet, there was a hint of a genuine smile in the corner of your mouth when the boy patted your upper arm with his hand. 
‘Exactly. I wouldn’t worry too much if I were you,’ Donghyun said encouragingly, earning a scoff from Woojin with his positivity. Neither of you needed to be a genius to realize that the younger hated the idea of false hope the boy’s words might have been giving you.
Thus, you lifted your chin high and decided to prevent all hell from breaking loose for the nth time with your most believable nonchalant smile. 
‘I don’t,’ you claimed - a ridiculous lie, really -, then took another sip from your drink to steal yourself a little time to actually consider this as your next step in your long journey towards absolute recovery. Because sooner or later you had to face the facts: you had had your chance and you had blown it. Who said Woong would have wanted to be with you once he broke up with his girlfriend. If he had broken up with his girlfriend to begin with.
‘That’s the spirit!’ Woojin exclaimed with a proud smile that honestly warmed your heart. He acted so unlike his age, being your big brother who wanted nothing but the best for you when you were actually a year older. You shot finger guns at the boy to make him smile and to put your gratitude on display in the most you-way possible: you acted like those few weeks with Woong had already been in the past. (Because they were. They needed to be, for everyone’s sake.)
Not long after Miyoung got back to your table and squeezed her chair between Donghyun’s and yours, you saw Woong and his girlfriend leave the café, holding hands while swinging their arms back and forth between their bodies like playful couples did in movies. Eyes glued to their figure on the other side of the glass doors, you pouted like a kicked puppy until Donghyun stuffed a blueberry muffin into your mouth.
Coughing, you felt a little lighter when his laughter embraced your grieving soul. It was time to speed up your recovery, skip a few stages, and advance towards the last step: acceptance.
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Lacking first-hand experience, Woong had always thought that every break-up was the same until you liked the other person. After all, he had cried just as badly when he had lost Bbang, his goldfish in kindergarten as he had done in middle school when his cat had run away from home while he had been in the academy. Shouldn’t all hearts have broken the same?
He learned that the answer was no when he broke up with Hari and asked her to remain good friends. With her curse words ringing in his ears and her petite figure disappearing at the end of the hallway, feet frozen and eyes wide, the boy didn’t feel sadness or disappointment like he had anticipated. Instead, he was relieved.
Obviously, he still thought that she was an amazing person - hence his offer to stay present in each other’s life -, but while she had been nothing but kind to him, something had felt forced in their short-lived relationship while it had lasted. Maybe, it had been the girl’s smile that had seemed different whenever Jangjun or Seungyoun had hung out with them. Maybe, it had been his body that had felt stiffer every time the girl had wanted to check out a place where he had already been on a date with you. Maybe, it had been you and your sad eyes that had haunted him since the night you had told him to go on a date with Hari.
Or maybe it was all about timing and his heart simply wasn’t ready to care for someone new when it was still in love with you.
‘Hyung! Could you come already? I really, really can’t stay until eleven this time,’ Daehwi’s plea reached Woong’s ears only a couple of heartbeats before you said:
‘Let him be! I’ve already told you, you can leave at ten.’
The younger boy’s exaggerated sigh and your playful banter about how Daehwi would have never been able to ditch either of you (but mostly you) while you still had promising ideas to talk through made Woong smile. The whole situation and those tiny yet significant steps that led him to this moment were so surreal. Had he really broken up with his first girlfriend five minutes before your Friday brainstorming session? Had he really done it because he had seen Hari frown at you in the elevator? 
The chokehold you had on him was insane.
‘I’m coming!’ He exclaimed as he shook his head and brushed aside his overwhelming urge to be there for you all day every day for the rest of your life. He didn’t want to burden you with his feelings, especially not after what had happened between the two of you - not to mention that he might have needed a bit of time alone to organize his thoughts and emotions before he could have come clean to you -, but he hoped that with time, you would give him a second chance. A chance to show you he didn’t need anyone else; you had no reason to doubt him.
Since Daehwi had an assignment due at midnight he still had to proofread and submit, the three of you decided to skip your usual break and wrap up the meeting around nine regardless of how far you got, because the boys could always improvise during their show in case they ran out of scripted material, but the younger boy only had one chance to impress Mrs. Park with his academic knowledge and that woman was hard to win over once she lost her faith in you. Professors in the Business Faculty were infamous for holding grudges against students who didn’t take their studies seriously.
Considering that your tactic to avoid being alone with Woong was the same since the day you had distanced yourself from him, the boy knew he needed to be quick if he didn’t want you to slip through his fingers again. Therefore, he made sure his papers and pens were already in his backpack when you jotted down your last ideas in your notebook, then stood up from his chair as soon as you did, so that he could follow you to the corridor.
‘Hey!’ Woong jogged after you when you gained a head start because of the table he had to skirt around first. The boy hoped that he could catch up to you in front of the lift, but then he noticed that you were heading towards the stairs, most probably to save yourself from an awkward elevator ride. He could only pray you still had enough kindness in your heart for him to not ignore him intentionally when he was clearly talking to you. Sure, you hadn’t spoken since he had gone after Hari, but that had been your idea and…
When your steps came to a sudden halt with your hand on the door that led to the stairway, the boy almost tripped over his own feet. He was so damn glad you hadn’t ran away.
‘Khm, so I was thinking…’ he started, a little uncertain, but still determined to live with this chance. ‘Would it be okay if I walked you back to the dorm?’
Relatively speaking, Woong didn’t ask for much. He would have been more than satisfied with the tiniest baby steps like walking at arm’s length from you either by your side or behind you if that made you feel more comfortable. Although, the latter might have made him feel a bit creepy, but until you let him, it would have been fine.
The resigned sigh that left your mouth could hardly mean anything good, but turning back now would have been awkward, Woong thought, and he had already done a super impulsive, super reckless thing that day. What was one more? Even if you rejected him or called him a confusing jerk in your own, curseless way, he could have at least said that he had tried.
‘Actually, if you have something to tell me, I’d prefer if you did it here, while we’re still in the building,’ you told him in a neutral tone, making him wonder whether he overreacted it or you treated him differently from everyone else (in a completely different way than before). He tried to recall your first ever conversation, whether you had smiled at him back then or his memories were playing a trick on him, but it was no use.
He was clearly overthinking it: a warning sign that he wasn’t ready to be with you and that he should have given himself a bit of time after his breakup. But you were finally close enough for your moles to be visible and more importantly, you were with him without Woojin who always had a rude comment to Woong when he hung out with the boys.
‘Because of Hari,’ you said, as you most probably mistook his silence for not knowing what you were talking about. Which was funny, because while his mind was filled with you, you, and you, once you spoke up, Woong realized you were actually right. He didn’t understand your reasons, he just hadn’t dwelled on them or questioned your request. ‘I don’t want her to misunderstand. Her friends are already giving me the stares.’
The boy furrowed his eyebrows. What had you just said?
‘I… I didn’t know,’ he stuttered, the confession heavy on the tip of his tongue. Truth to tell, he had rarely paid attention to Hari’s friends since he hadn’t liked what they had done to you and his ex-girlfriend had understood. She had actually encouraged him to spend more time with her without either of their friends, so that they could have gotten to know each other better. It had sounded logical back then. ‘But she’s not my girlfriend anymore. I broke up with her,’ he felt the need to correct you at least, since he couldn’t promise you that everything would be okay. The thought that he might have unintentionally made things harder for you with his actions worried him more than he showed. He didn’t like the thought that they could have put the blame on you, when it was him whose heart hadn’t been in their relationship with Hari.
‘Is this what you want to talk about?’ You asked, raising one of your slim eyebrows as if you were suspicious. It reminded Woong of your arcade date when you had caught him cheating, but he quickly brushed aside the memory.
‘No. Partly. I don’t know,’ he rambled, uncertain of how much he could have told you when his thoughts and urges scared even him. It couldn’t be normal, how much he missed you when you had never been his. But his mouth chose this moment to completely disregard his brain. ‘I just miss you. I miss walking you back to the dorm, holding your hand, spending time with you.’
After Woong’s confession, the silence was deafening. It made the boy anxious that your lips parted to speak, but no words came out of your mouth. The longer you stood there frozen, the more he started to question his decisions. Since when had he been so afraid to take the initiative? He was usually so unbothered by others’ opinion, he was the first to volunteer when someone needed to do something stupid. Like when he had rapped his part of the presentation in first year because they had been talking about popular genres with his partner and they had wished to do something out of the ordinary. Woong was a terrible rapper.
‘Fine. We can walk together, but no hand-holding,’ you pulled him out of his thoughts with a few simple words that made the boy smile even though you couldn’t see it because you were already with your back to him.
Woong didn’t point out that you could have taken the elevator, too, now that you had agreed to let him tag along. Instead, he accepted your decision and followed you from a comfortable distance until you waited for him in front of the main entrance and he could finally walk by your side with a lighter heart.
If he wanted to be honest, Woong had tons of things to tell you on the way. He wanted you to know that he might have needed that anonymous letter to have an excuse to get closer to you, but he had always thought that you were kind and interesting. It just didn’t feel right to bring these up. In fact, he felt utterly selfish from the mere idea to force this conversation on you when you had already let him stay. 
Therefore, he stuck to neutral topics. He asked you about the radio show, your seminars without him, and complimented your presentation skills since he couldn’t have congratulated you after class because of Woojin, the girl you had been partners with, and Donghyun who had pulled you out of the room before he had realized. Blushing, you apologized for your best friend’s behavior and he reassured you it was fine. Sure, it hurt his feelings that his friend had openly taken your side, but he was also grateful that the younger boy had been there for you.
Without taking detours and competing which one of you could take smaller steps, the walk to your dorm felt shorter than Woong remembered, but he didn’t complain or ask you to stay outside for a bit longer. The boy would have liked to believe that his consideration was why you smiled at him so brightly before you bid your goodbye.
Your individual decisions might have damaged your relationship. Yet, your actions gave him hope that it wasn’t beyond repair.
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You were as stubborn as a mule. Or maybe, you were just afraid of disappointing your best friend, but it took you longer than any of your friends would have predicted to get back together with Woong.
The night he had told you that he had broken up with Hari, you had been doubtful and so had been Woojin whom you had called up as soon as you had gotten in your room. You had been in desperate need of advice and you had known he had had a movie night with Donghyun, so it had been like killing two birds with one stone: you had gotten both the pros and the cons of letting Woong back into your life in a span of one and a half hour.
What had convinced you to not push him away in the end had been the same thing that had made you sit behind your desk in your dorm room exactly one hundred and fifty days later to write him your own love letter for Sunday: you loved him and you had regretted not holding on to him firmly on each day he had been with someone else.
Before Woong, you had thought that 100th and 1000th day’s anniversaries were only excuses to be a bit more romantic, to spice things up with your partner, and while you were still a bit skeptical, you believed your relationship with the now-brown-haired boy was still exciting and fun enough to not need tricks and aids like these. Nonetheless, you were hyped about your celebration dinner on Sunday and the amusement park you had bought tickets to weeks before your date.
Despite laughing your ass off at Lotte World and filling your tummy with delicious snacks in the shade between two rides, you thought the park itself was overpriced, but it was a special day and the memories were worth every won - thank goodness Woojin had let you tutor two of his students who were preparing for CSATs, you had definitely needed the extra pocket money.
‘Are you ready for the best present anyone has ever given you?’ Your boyfriend asked once you finished your main dishes at the Italian restaurant you had chosen together and you put your elbow on the table, placing your chin atop of your palm, smiling. He looked so proud of himself like a child who had gotten his first shiny star from his homeroom teacher in elementary school. His goofy smile was absolutely adorable.
‘You mean the laptop dad gave me for high school graduation? Nah, I don’t want to leave before dessert,’ you joked, earning an exaggerated groan with your playful attitude, but one look at your boyfriend’s pouty lips was enough to know he wasn’t done with you for real.
‘Very funny,’ Woong grumped, reciprocating your carefree giggles with his own chuckles as he pulled an ocean blue gift bag out of his backpack and shoved it into your hands. ‘Here! Open it!’
You looked down at the small package he had prepared for you, then bit back a smile and took a similar gift bag out of your tote bag in green color.
‘Let’s open them for three!’ You suggested, because no matter how much you wanted to see his reaction and burn it into your memory, you also hated standing under the spotlight and this way you could share it with each other. It was a small sacrifice for comfort - something that your boyfriend didn’t seem to mind.
So you counted to one, two, and three, then pulled every item out of the bag one by one until you had a bunch of self-care products piling up in front of you on the table. Woong hadn’t been joking: it was indeed the best present ever, especially for a busy university student like you whose skin liked to turn into her enemy under stress. He had bought you a box of slime for stress relief, face masks, that fancy vitamin c serum you had been talking about for weeks, a plushie headband, a white USB stick with a winking emoji drawn on one side and the words “you did great, honey” written on the other.
Already overwhelmed, your lips parted when you noticed a light pink envelope.
It wasn’t closed properly, so you could pull the handwritten letter out of it easily, but before you would have started reading it, you stole a glance at your boyfriend and grinned at his similar reaction to your lilac love letter. Gosh, you were both so cheesy.
‘I can’t believe you stole my groundbreaking idea,’ Woong whined, his furrowed eyebrows and sulky voice urging you to roll your eyes with affection.
‘Maybe, you stole mine,’ you retorted, cheeks red like tomatoes when the waiter chose the same moment to walk up to your table with your chocolate cake. You darted your tongue out for good measure.
Not that the old man had any interest in your conversation with your boyfriend or made you feel bad for acting so childish. In fact! He was gone before you could have said thank you for the food.
‘Should we read them now? Not gonna lie, I’m super curious, but if you would rather wait until you’re alone, that’s fine with me, too,’ Woong offered, giving you a chance to save yourself from embarrassment (and most probably, second-hand embarrassment as well), but you wanted to show him just how grateful you were for him as a person… so you gave yourself a quick pep talk and shook your head with pseudo-confidence. Until he was with you, you had nothing to be afraid of, right? And this was your 100th day’s anniversary. When to be crazy and wild if not tonight?
‘Nah, we can read them now,’ you reassured him, waving with your hand as though a single motion could have brushed aside all your worries.
It obviously didn’t work.
You barely reached the end of the first paragraph and your cheeks were already crimson, your heartbeats erratic, and your lips bitten. You couldn’t stop munching on them because of how utterly ridiculous your boyfriend was. Comparing your laugh to a dolphin’s and your eyes to blizzards? Was either of those a positive comparison to begin with?
‘Yah! How could you write so much nonsense about me? I don’t drool like a sick fairy, nor is my snoring adorable. I do not snore, Woong!’ You whined, regretting every real compliment you had given him in your own letter, especially when he shot the most amused grin at you, you had ever seen on his face, then started quoting you, too, just because in his opinion - his words, not yours -, it had been you who had started it.
The rest of your celebration dinner was spent with constant whining, scoffing, and laughing. You both dissed each other for certain words and phrases you had used in your confession such as ethereal, angelic, and your personal favorite: morning voice as smooth as Woong’s to-go strawberry smoothie. You competed to see which one of you was more hopeless based on the months behind your backs and teased one another a bit more when you failed to eat your chocolate cakes without getting some on your faces.
But there were undeniably sweet moments, too, between your playful banters. Like when the boy told you he liked your letter better because it was handwritten and smelled like you. Or when he sat next to you to pull you into his arms as soon as you started crying soundly because of those love yous he had oh so casually written at the end of every paragraph.
‘I love you,’ Woong whispered against your temple, feeding you as though you were a baby, his baby, when you refused to pull away.
‘I love you, too,’ you reciprocated his words immediately, swallowing the cake and shoving a couple of bites into his mouth, too, with your chopsticks.
That night, neither of you knew yet that you had started the tradition of cheesy love letters and exaggerated diss battles that secretly you both liked or that - three years later - this tradition would make it super easy for Woong to ask you to be his for the rest of your lives.
the end.
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t3kandson · 2 years
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Oppa’s Hyung
Wordcount; 2,366
Fandom; AB6IX
Pairing; Reader X Park Woojin
Characters; Park Woojin, Jeon Woong, Kim Donghyun & Lee Daehwi
Warning; Angst, flirting, nudity descriptions, Alcohol Consumption, Oral (69), fingering, Tit wank, full sex. Slight fight.
Notes; happy belated birthday to one of my beautiful ult wreckers ❤️❤️❤️❤️
You was just getting out the bath when the door bell rang furiously, you shouted down the corridor as you wrapped the towel around your waist walking to the inpatient visiter.
You pulled the door ajar to tell them to do one when you found a larger man helping your older brother up. “I think this one belongs to you,” he said struggling under your alcohol induced sibling. Daehwi threw his weight against the door throwing you backwards on to your ass, your towel exposing you to them both.
“Ewww don’t be such a Ho, we got guests,” Daehwi slurred leaning himself towards the wall. His friend with his eyes shut offered his hands which you hastily took recovering yourself, your face bright red. “Can I open my eyes?” the friend said blushing a shade of pink and his member clearly twitching in his pants. “Erm yes,” you said hastily dashing from the room, “I’ll let you settle him,” you shot out behind you as you shoot back in your room, your heart thundering, your face burning and your mind imagining all the ways to kill your brother.
The next time you saw his friend again it was the following month, when your brother threw some money at you to go away for the evening. Annoyed at him for interrupting your early night and the whole naked incident. You folded your arm declaring that as your name was on the rental agreement you would be spending the night at home. After squabbling for a while you compromised, promising to spend the evening in your room.
Your cue to leave came from the door going, before you could shuffle from the room you was suddenly engulfed by some arms. “Where you going little sis,” Donghyun called out as Daehwi groaned at the view. “Yeah Y/N why you escaping so fast?” Woong asked coming up to you to fluff up your hair. “She’s got a date tonight,” Daehwi said prizing you from them both. You found yourself jolted into the very man you had exposed yourself to. Your jaw gaping open at his beautiful features as he blushed in your view. “Oh you haven’t met him have you, this is Woojin,” Woong said, “he’s new here,” he added patting Woojin’s back. “Oh they’ve met,” Daehwi Growled as you and Woojin winced.
“Right date night?” Daehwi moaned pushing you in the direction of the hallway. “My snacks,” you whined as he attempted to manhandle you out the room. “When you say date night you mean movie night don’t you?” Donghyun said chuckling as Daehwi walked to the Cupboard loading his arms with enough snacks to not see you till tomorrow. You nodded grinning, at Donghyun, “yep cute men all sexy,” you chuckled rubbing your hands down your body to Daehwi’s scoff. “What movie?” Woojin asked his voice so deep yet beautifully hitting that your thighs tightened. “Tidal Wave,” you smiled earning a smile back, “that’s a good movie that is,” Woojin said showing you his beautiful snaggle teeth that was just the cutest. “Since when was you into movies,” Donghyun said looking at him. “You just don’t look the movie type,” he added. “I love movies,” he said smiling.
“Well here’s your food, enjoy your night with your men, and romance,” Daehwi said rolling his eyes as he plonked the food in to your awaiting arms making you drop a few of the packets of goodies. “It’s a natural disaster movie not a romance,” Woojin said making Daehwi small his eyes in his direction. “Just saying,” he adds shrugging. “Hey I think we should all watch it,” Woong said smiling as Daehwi protested, the other’s agreeing louder that left him looking defeated.
As Woong & Donghyun stole some of the snacks from your grasp, Daehwi stood there arms folded looking displeased at you. “Don’t look at your sister like that, it’ll be a laugh,” Woong Scolded him noticing his expression. “I’m sure she wants a night alone,” Daehwi said hoping you’d get the hint. “Yeah he’s right,” “don’t you even think of it we’re your elders, both you sit your asses down let’s watch this,” Donghyun cut your protest off as he pattered the seat between him and Woojin.
As you sat next to them Woojin fidgeted in his chair next to you. You couldn’t help but noticed the size of his thick thighs in your view. The desire to feel the muscles underneath was highly enticing. Your thoughts was snatched by a cough, Daehwi’s eyes raised as he caught you checking his friend out. You bit your lip paying your attention back to the tv that Woong had taken charge to set up.
You offered Woojin the popcorn which he happily took resting between his legs as you continued to get engrossed in the movie. Your hands dipping into the packet freely which had caused him to stiff up at first before relaxing. You lolled your head over Donghyun, Daehwi’s eyes often finding yours to remind you that you was still in his bad books.
Your hand continued to slip into the popcorn having to move to reach deeper as the packet seemed empty. You furrowed your hand to find a piece of popcorn, when a soft moan audible to your ears hit. You realised your hand had brushed against his bulge which even behind the empty packet was hardening. Instead of an apology you raked your teeth along your bottom lip, you was sure Woojin could see the lust in your eyes as he blushed bright red.
You slipped your hand out the packet before you ended up doing something reckless taking your eyes back to the tv. Thankful that your brother hadn’t seen your little moment which you knew would fuel his anger furthermore.
By the time the movie ended you wiped a slight tear from your eyes when you noticed Woojin’s watery. Had he cried too? “You ok?” You whispered beneath The others chatting. “Yes it’s just,” “emotional right,” you finished for him. He nodded rubbing his eyes as you smiled at the pure cuteness of him. “Right what movies next?” Woong asked, Daehwi eyes widening to take yours. “Actually I’m feeling quite shattered so I’m off to bed,” you said faking a yawn. “Y/N it’s barely 9pm,” Donghyun scoffed, “I know but it’s been a long day, but thanks for watching the movie with me it was fun,” you said standing up to Donghyun’s pouts. “I’m sure we’re have a movie night again soon,” you said before excusing yourself.
You woke during the night, your throat dry and thirst attacked. Leaving your warm bed you made your way towards the kitchen to quench your thirst, letting the cold water make you feel satisfied. You was wiping your mouth when you was startled by the bathroom door opening.
Woojin walked into the living room, his boxers holding his dignity. But his chest so well defined heavenly in your view, you gulped heavily earning his furious blush. “How come your chest,” you said shaking your head “I mean how come your awake,” you added as he smiled at you. “Your cute Y/n, but I was having a pee,” he scoffs standing inches from you. “You?” He asks his deep voice memorising you that you almost forgot to breathe. “Thirsty,” you choked almost losing your words. “For what?” He said tilting his head, his eyes full of mischievous. “For water obviously,” you chuckled, your face feeling hot. “Not popcorn then,” he said winking, “or more what was behind it,” he said suggestively. Your heart was thundering he had been all shy earlier, now he seemed on fire ready to devour you.
“Maybe,” you teased winking, feeling brave under his intense glare. He pulled his arm around your waist pulling into him, your breath hitching when his was just a warm fanned breath away. His eyes glazed over as he leaned in pressing his lips to yours as you both got lost to his kiss. His tongue stroking against yours, hands brushed into your hair gently tugging them so his kiss could deepen. Your hands held on to the hem of your top before moving to his back sliding up his skin, the muscles tensing as it glided up them. His rolls of himself against your clothed core had him kissing down your moans.
You break your kiss to take him to your room. As soon as your through the door he lifts you up letting your legs hold around his waist, his kisses continuing as his hands find there way up your tank top laying around your bra clasps to unfasten them.
He rests you on your bed as you take your top off, his hands fumbling with his boxers letting his meaty member free earning a gasp fall from your lips. Hands sliding down your shorts taking the material and your pants with them, tongue stroking his lips at the sight of you. “I want you to sit on my face as you suck my dick,” he growls and you don’t hesitate to move to let him lay you on the bed.
Resting your heat against his awaiting tongue, it starts swirling around your sensitive bud. You lean onto him your breasts resting on his lower stomach as your hands grapple his member. Pumping it slowly you wonder how you would fit it in your mouth let alone your core. As his suction presses around your nub earning a moan to leave, had Him swat your ass. “Do you want your brother to catch us,” he says muffled from your heat as his tongue continues its attack. Your own tongue swirls around the tip of his head as you slowly bobbled up and down his shaft, letting your cheeks hollow to suck him well. His hands gripping around your ass pulling his head closer to bring his tongue to swirl against your walls. Your pace slows as you moan around his dick which has the same reaction for him. The vibration of his groans has your walls tighten around his wet muscle.
He starts buckling to push his member down your throat as you start gagging around him, you feel him beginning to shake when he rolls you off.
“I don’t want to come in your mouth,” he pants as you slide your body on top of him his hands cupping your breasts. “I love these there so squishy and perfect,” he compliments. You slid your ass into the air letting you slide your breasts down his chest towards his stomach, letting yourself dip so that your breast rubs down his throbbing shaft. You pressed your bosoms together letting them rub along him as you let your breast fuck them. His breath hitching as he struggled to hold his moans from slipping. “Y/n, baby, please,” he begs between pants. As you hasten your speed, his eyes close, head falling back on the pillow, his breath held.
He begins to lose his mind that he lifts you making you yelp from being startled before flipping you onto your back.
His eyes are Intense looking at you like a animal about to kill there prey.
Fingers slide up your folds as they slip into your heat curving as it helps to prep you. “Your so wet,” he growls popping another finger in. “Fuck Woojin,” you cry as they rub against your sweet spot.
He removed his fingers suckling on them as he places them into your open mouth to suck on. Sticking them to your back of your throat making you gag as spit from your mouth falls upon him, he mops it up to help lubricate himself.
Positioning himself into you as he slowly pushes in, cry’s leaving your lips as his hands rests upon your mouth to muffle the moans your struggling to hold in. After stilling to let you accommodate him, he lets his lips return to you as he takes a slow gentle pace.
The pain settles and the pleasure attacks, his speed being torturous as your pelvis meet his to encourage his speed. Instead he pulls out to slam in, his hands around your mouth awaiting the yelp to contain. He continues his slow pace with mixtures of harder thrust that has him bounce against your cervix, filling the air with muffled screams. His hands find your waist pulling you into his thrust that’s picked up a pace, moans freely flowing as he too is lost in the moment.
“Shit Y/N I’m going to cum,” he cry’s a louder volume, his heavy thrusts helping to attack your own. Your walls clench around him in between each thrust of your own meeting his. Sweat beading down his face as his teeth graze along his lips, this look with the one of concentration is enough to push you over the edge, your nails digging into his flesh as you scream cumming around him, pushing him into his own as you milk every drop of his hot seed into your core. His pace still hard but slow continues till he’s softened in you letting himself collapse on top of you.
Rolling himself off you pant heavily as he fights for air, pulling your head on top of his chest. “Fuck Y/N,” he gasps, his fingers threading through your hair. “That was good,” you said snuggling your head deep into his muscled chest. “It really was, it’ll be worth the beating your brother’s going to give me,” he chuckled pressing a kiss to your Temple. You fall asleep to him playing with your hair enjoying the close comfort.
Your woken to the screaming out your door when you jolt to find Woojin missing. Rushing to the corridor, you find Daehwi with woojin’s collar in his grip. “What the fuck she’s my sister Hyung,” he screams as you rush to defend him. His angry face finding yours. “And you, you have to have everything I have don’t you,” he growls. Woong rushing to prise Daehwi’s hands from Woojin as Donghyun steps between you and your sibling.
“I forbid you both to see each other,” he says as he storms off to his room as tears fill your eyes.
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apcomplexhq · 1 month
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✦ Nome do personagem: Song Daehwi. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Keeho - P1harmony. ✦ Data de nascimento: 18/04/2001. ✦ Idade: 23 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Masculino, ele/dele. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do Sul, sul-coreano. ✦ Qualidades: Confiante, honesto e extrovertido. ✦ Defeitos: Mimado, impulsivo e impaciente. ✦ Moradia: Asphodel Meadows. ✦ Ocupação: Estudante de Moda e Modelo. ✦ Twitter: @AM01DH ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Daehwi é do tipo de vizinho que não vai reclamar dos outros, e por isso espera que os outros não reclamem dele. Acostumado a ser um "príncipe" em seus espaços, costuma não lidar tão bem com divergências…
TW’s na bio: pai presente. Biografia:
Daehwi é um desses jovens que teve o privilégio de já nascer com a vida feita. Em resumo: se o garoto quisesse passar o resto de seu tempo na terra sem trabalhar por um dia sequer, ele poderia. Isso se dá por conta do sucesso da empreiteira de seu bisavô, um engenheiro civil renomado que nasceu no Canadá, mas se mudou para Seoul atrás de um mercado menos disputado; e encontrou! Foi lá que o legado começou, inicialmente era uma coisa pequena, nada aos pés do que é hoje, e essa “chavinha” só começou a girar mesmo quando seu primogênito, avô de Daehwi, completou idade o suficiente para dar palpite e ajudar na empresa. Foi aí que a companhia rapidamente passou de um negócio de família para uma construtora respeitável e renomada no local.
O trabalho do vovô Song realmente foi respeitável; ele recebeu em suas mãos uma empresa média e em menos de 30 anos conseguiu transformá-la em referência na área, criando um verdadeiro domínio na região. E a expectativa era que seu primeiro filho fizesse a mesma coisa, né? Diferente do fundador da empresa, no entanto, o velho ficou lúcido por muito mais tempo, só realmente parando de comandar tudo quando não tinha mais as capacidades mentais e físicas. E quando chegou a hora do terceiro CEO assumir… bem, digamos apenas que o rapaz não tinha exatamente vocação para aquilo…
Ele, o pai de Daehwi era bom mesmo em arte, música, poesia, era disso que queria saber. Mas era o único herdeiro, quem disse que teve liberdade de escolher seu próprio caminho? A salvação de sua vida mesmo era o seu casamento; amava acima de tudo sua esposa, mas se surpreendeu ao descobrir que poderia ser ainda mais feliz, depois que teve suas três filhas lindas em um período de 5 anos. Ficou muito claro, também, que o novo papai era muito bom em cuidar da família e manter a casa em ordem, enquanto a mulher “ajudava” cada vez mais o marido com o trabalho, até o ponto em que ela praticamente fazia o trabalho por ele. O único problema era que seu progenitor não poderia saber que o filho tinha praticamente desistido do cargo e deixado tudo nas mãos de alguém que veio de fora da família, e não importava o quanto o marido confiasse em sua esposa ou o quão talentosa ela fosse.
Isso logo se resolveu, porém, com a morte do velhinho, o que permitiu que o homem deixasse de ser CEO de fachada e passasse a ser “dono de casa” em tempo integral, e a mulher fizesse o trajeto oposto. A moça realmente só parou de trabalhar pelos meses que precisou para parir o quarto filho e então se recuperar da gravidez. Assim nasceu Daehwi, que foi o filhote mais mimado pelo paizão, uma vez que foi o único nascimento que pôde receber atenção integral do homem. Não só isso, mas as filhas todas decidiram seguir os passos da mãe, duas delas inclusive já até estavam na faculdade, se preparando para eventualmente assumir a empresa, e assim só sobrava o caçula para potencialmente habitar o universo do pai, sem números ou finanças.
O pai não se media na hora de mimar seu protegido, e apesar da intenção ser boa, isso acabou saindo um pouco do controle. Em poucas palavras: o homem criou um monstrinho, que achava que podia fazer e falar o que quisesse e que tinha direito a tudo que fosse da sua vontade. E se alguém ousasse lhe dizer não? Claro, ele abria um berreiro, começava a chorar na hora. Se com o papai funcionava, por que seria diferente com os outros? É claro que com o tempo isso foi melhorando, mas não tanto assim. Hoje ele não chora para conseguir o que quer, mas tende a pedir ajuda ao pai sempre que precisa conquistar alguma coisa. E a ajuda vem logo, geralmente em forma de um cheque generoso.
Coitados mesmo eram os funcionários que trabalham ou trabalharam na casa da família; desde a adolescência foi um garoto marrento que adorava se sentir poderoso, mandando aqui e acolá e fazendo vários pedidos no mínimo sem noção. Nada que uma gorjeta gorda do papai não compense, né? Pelo fato do negócio da família já estar completamente encaminhado pelas mulheres da casa, Daehwi teve o privilégio de poder escolher livremente o que queria fazer da vida, sem a mínima interferência de fora ou qualquer expectativa que fosse colocada em cima dele. A verdade mesmo é que o garoto não queria fazer nada, mas quando chegou a hora de escolher uma faculdade, o rapaz, que já fazia uns bicos de modelo na adolescência, escolheu um curso que achou que ia ser fácil, mesmo. Não é que ele não tenha apreço algum por design de moda, ele só não gosta muito de ter que fazer esforço, sabe?
Foi difícil para o paizão aceitar que o filho queria morar sozinho, mas fez questão de comprar um bom apartamento não muito longe da casa da família para que o filhote pudesse voar sozinho (mas não tão sozinho assim, né? Afinal, ainda era o protegido). Para Daehwi, aliás, estava de bom tamanho. Um belo apartamento só para si, liberdade para fazer o que quiser e de quebra uma mesada generosa em sua conta. Até tinha alguns amigos no Acropolis Complex. Não que gratidão fosse um sentimento que o rapaz costumasse sentir, mas dessa vez não tinha mesmo do que reclamar! Pelo menos por enquanto.
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dongyohq · 4 months
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Boas-vindas, @DY97HD!
Nome: Han Daehwi Faceclaim: Eunwoo (ASTRO) Data de nascimento: 30 de março de 1997 Gênero: masculino Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do Sul, coreano Ocupação: Personal Trainer na Boost Fit e Sacerdote Moradia: Hoenamu-ro 6-gil, apto. 247, 8° andar
Qualidades: protetor, paciente, divertido Defeitos: imaturo, ingênuo, indeciso
TW: homicídio, alcoolismo e violência doméstica
O som da televisão ligada na sala e a visão de sua luz forte passando qualquer programa bloqueado pelo sofá onde dormia um homem bêbado com várias garrafas de álcool ao seu lado era comum na casa da família Han. Desde muito novo, Han Daehwi vivia com essa visão de seu pai, no entanto esse era o de menos já que nos piores dias ele não apagava em frente ao sofá antes de gritar e bater em sua mulher.
Aos quinze anos, o garoto já havia apanhado muitas vezes de seu pai, havia crescido um menino assustado e traumatizado e odiava cometer qualquer deslize já que sua mãe sempre tentava lhe proteger e era punida em seu lugar. No entanto, determinado dia quando o patriarca foi demitido, Daehwi voltou para casa com a péssima notícia de que havia quebrado o taco de baseball autografado de seu pai que ele havia levado apenas para impressionar seus amigos e quem sabe finalmente fazer alguns mais.
Neste dia, tomado pelo ódio o mais velho foi longe demais nos golpes que dava tanto no adolescente quanto na mãe do garoto que tentava o proteger e, vendo sua mãe já sem consciência no chão o rapaz foi tomado por um instinto de proteção que o fez quebrar uma das garrafas de bebida na cabeça do homem que ao reagir, acabou cortado fatalmente pelo objeto. A polícia filtrou o caso como legítima defesa e o garoto foi poupado de quaisquer problemas jurídicos, além de conseguir acompanhamento psicológico após ser mandado para passar o restante de seus anos sobre o cuidado de uma família adotiva, já que sua mãe acabou não resistindo aos acontecimentos daquele dia.
O garoto estudou e arrumou um emprego como personal trainer em uma academia por ser o mais próximo de algo que ele tinha conhecimento de o que fazer pois não queria dar gastos ou trabalho demais para a família que tão cuidadosa lhe abraçou por mais de três anos, porém ainda atormentado pelos fantasmas de seu passado e após tantas noites perdido no álcool que ele tanto odiava, um dia acabou de joelhos e chorando na porta de uma catedral onde foi acolhido por um rapaz e finalmente teve uma boa noite de sono sem pesadelos. Ao acordar, aos sustos o padre da paróquia afirmou que não havia ninguém aquela noite ali dentro, e o que para muitos podia ser o devaneio de um bêbado, para Han Daehwi foi o seu chamado divino.
Daehwi passou os próximos anos de sua vida servindo a paróquia como padre, retribuindo para a comunidade e indo pregar em vários lugares diferentes. Enquanto cumpria sua missão, encontrou em um ambiente de guerra uma jovem menina coreana de apenas três anos largada pelas ruas pois após perder os pais, turistas que foram vítimas do conflito, ela vagou sem ninguém para lhe cuidar ou ajudar. Naquele momento, o rapaz soube o que fazer, pegou a garota em seu colo e voltou para seu antigo apartamento em Itaewon, legalmente adotou a criança e voltou a trabalhar como personal trainer para sustentar e dar uma boa vida para a pequena.
A igreja lhe concedeu esse desejo de seguir em frente com essa nova missão, e lhe deixou o cargo de auxiliar e estar à disposição do bispo designado para Itaewon em seus horários livres. Ainda sob os votos de sua vida paroquial, o jovem padre agora tenta conciliar sua antiga missão com a nova de cuidar de uma filha em meio a uma área tão cheia de vida noturna, complicações e novos desafios.
TW: bonecos humanizados (mídia) Temas de interesse: angst, crack, fluffy, friendship, hostility Conflitos: sim, não precisa me comunicar antes Disponibilidade: aleatório
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httpbaejins · 6 years
out of reach | lee daehwi
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“You literally had more chance than anyone else!”
Characters: Lee Daehwi x nameless OC x Bae Jinyoung Genre: Fluff ?? Slightly angsty, i think ?? + Reverse Idol!AU + School President!Daehwi :)) Words count: 1948 A/N: Its almost 2am and im editing this omg pray for my soul lol. anyway, @princehwii said they’d like to see me write about daehwi. its been fun hehe but im sorry if u dont like it :( leave feedback? thank you!
"Look! Look it's her!"
Daehwi turned his head immidiately, his eyes gazing at the girl his best friend Jinyoung pointed at. It was her, looking so beautiful like she usually is. Daehwi didn't seem like the only person who think that way, knowing that the whole classroom was staring at the same person the moment she took a step in.
"Uh, guys?" she asked nervously, showing confusion on her expression. "I'm ... uncomfortable? Please don't stare like that."
And just like that, half of the students in the classroom turned their heads away, going back to do whatever they were doing before she showed up.
But Daehwi still froze in his spot, eyes following her movement as if she was a butterfly flying around flowers. These days, whenever he saw her, he couldn't believe it was real. she was such a dream, so beautiful yet so out of reach for someone like him. so impossible, it hurt.
"What a whip," Jinyoung snickered, trying to get Daehwi's attention back. "Mr. President, please be more subtle about your crush next time. You literally have the heart eyes right now."
Daehwi turned his head away, too embarassed to continue staring nor to look at his best friend who was smirking as if he just won a bet. Daehwi tried to get his heartbeat pace to go back to normal, before acting like nothing happened, as if he didn't just stared at a girl like she was a fallen angel.
Daehwi had been so hopeless about his crush. He had been watching her from afar since middle school, but never actually brave enough to start a conversation with the girl. Sure, they have spoken to one another especially because they have been seeing each other for quite a long time, but they never actually had a real conversation together.
As if she wasn't out of reach enough, Daehwi was still shaken at the fact that she debuted.
Yes, she apparently had been training to be an idol and she got what she deserves. It crushed Daehwi's hope to actually be with her. He hadn't even make his move yet but she was drifting away from him, so far away that he couldn't reach her. She was thrown under the spotlights on stage, when Daehwi remained one of the crowds, silently being one of those who had always been there even when she's still struggling to stand on stage.
Daehwi was getting busier, slowly getting suffocated with life as he got selected to be the school president. That way, he got to talk to her more, notifying her if there's anything she needed to know as a student, but of course he had always been scared to start a casual talk with her. his best friend Jinyoung had push him many times but he wouldn't do it. Some other days, Jinyoung had to be the one who notify the girl because Daehwi just couldn't do it.
But Jinyoung, being the charming school prince who got everyone's drooling over him, do it too easily as if it was nothing. Sometimes even threw some jokes and accidentally start an actual conversation, while Daehwi, silently boiling on the other side, jealous of his best friend's ability.
It wasn't actually that hard. She's a nice person. Daehwi was just scared.
"You're the dumbest dumbass there ever was," Jinyoung clicked his tongue. "You literally had more chances than anyone else! And you let them pass, because you're too scared."
"Seriously, shut up," Daehwi glared at him. "I didn't ask to be insulted."
"It wasn't an insult, it was fact." Jinyoung argued, chuckling at his own words.
"Like you're any better."
"Hey, of course, I am! I have a girlfriend!"
Yeah, of course.
"That doesn't prove anything, asshole," Daehwi glared again at his best friend, while Jinyoung, being himself, wasn't exactly subtle about holding his giggles seeing Daehwi angry.
They had been best friends since they were little, and Jinyoung had always been more likable than Daehwi thought he was. Jinyoung had always have more friends, but Daehwi had always been smarter. It was as if Jinyoung had been born as a prince. And now that they're in the second year of high school, the prince disease was starting to infect him.
Time passed by really slowly that day. Daehwi was excused to be absent in physical education to have a talk with the homeroom teacher. Jinyoung was making jokes during lessons so many times, trying to drag Daehwi along so that people would notice the poor president more, but he just wasn't having it. Thinking of the school council meeting after the school ends that day put him in a bad mood.
"President, you're eating lunch?" Jinyoung asked. He got so used to call Daehwi that after his best friend won the school election. Rubbing off the fact to everyone's face that he's the school president's best friend sounds like something Jinyoung would definitely do.
"I don't think so," Daehwi shook his head slowly after thinking for a few seconds, too tired to tell Jinyoung that he didn't want Jinyoung to keep calling him president.
"Who are you meeting up with? Tell them not to see you when it's time to eat," Jinyoung scolded.
Daehwi shook his head again. "I'm not meeting up with anyone. I'm just not eating this time."
Jinyoung wanted to ask further, but something seemed really off that Jinyoung was kind of scared his best friend would start being angry for real. Daehwi would probably end up being in the library reading books or doing homework anyway, so Jinyoung let this one slide.
"Okay, then I’ll just, uh ... see you later?" Jinyoung asked, tidying up his books.
"One more thing. Do you have meetings after school today or not?"
"Yeah, I do. You can go home without me," Daehwi answered.
"That's unfortunate. Mom said she's going to pick me up and asked you to come along," Jinyoung frowned. "Alright, I'll see you later, Dae. Don't forget to eat also."
And just like that, Jinyoung left.
Daehwi was actually really thankful to have a best friend like Jinyoung who sticks with him through thick and thin and actually care. Jinyoung could've just left Daehwi alone and hang out with the kids who are more like him; good-looking and popular. Sure, Jinyoung annoyed Daehwi sometimes but Daehwi couldn't bring himself to be really angry towards the guy. Jinyoung knew this and that's exactly why he kept annoying the school president.
Then there Daehwi was, in the school rooftop, listening to music while looking down at the sight below. The sight of the busy town welcomed him, seeming to be crowded and suffocating just like his mind.
"Thinking about something?" a voice asked from behind. "Uh ..., President?"
Daehwi immidiately turned around, but then he felt like his eyes were fooling him.
She stood there, smiling and walking towards him. She then stood next to him, joining him looking at the town below, still smiling.
Jinyoung's words replayed through his head.
"You're the dumbest dumbass there ever was. You literally had more chances than anyone else! And you let them pass, because you're too scared."
Let's not be a dumbass this time, Lee Daehwi.
"What are you up to, pres?" she asked again.
"Uhm, uh, no-nothing," Daehwi sighed. His mind was working harder, trying not to be the usual Lee Daehwi. Trying not to be boring and awkward. "It's just that ... the cafeteria, uh, the cafeteria has too many people in it."
"Oooohh, you need fresh air?" she asked, chuckling, finding Daehwi cute.
Daehwi nodded, lowkey cursing to himself.
"Literally same," she mumbled back. "It's just ... tiring to be around people too much. Some of them are toxic."
Daehwi usually would just listen, but this time he wanted to get the conversation going. "Yeah, um, must be so tiring for you. You know, you're around people ... almost everytime."
"Right," she sighed. "This is so tiring. I want rest. but I'm actually happy doing it. What about you ..., President?"
"I think you talk to Jinyoung too much," Daehwi said bitterly. "His girlfriend wouldn't like this. And I know he almost never use my name when referring to me. And that's dumb, because my name is so much simpler."
She giggled. "Daehwi! Why are you salty about that?" she hit Daehwi's arm playfully. "Yeah actually I liked him back in middle school but he was too annoying so that ticked me off. And his girlfriend is nice but kind of intimidates me so i better back off."
"Wow. Someone intimidates you?"
"Yeah, Of course. you did too," she admitted, winking at him. "You're just so smart and all, and you seem so perfect. I mean, to be very honest here, you're good-looking and--"
Daehwi's eyes widened. "You think I’m good-looking?"
"Do you not think you are?" she asked back, seeming shocked. "What the hell. Here I thought you can make it to magazine covers. You're dumb to think you aren't."
God, is this real?
"You're joking." Daehwi stated.
"I won't force you to believe it either. I know already that you're this dumb," she giggled.
"You sound like Jinyoung."
She laughed. i know, oh my God. To be honest, I know so much about you more than you think I’ll ever do. Oh my God, sorry that sounds creepy. I swear I'm not into weird things, it's just ...," she bit her lower lip, unsure. “I've been meaning to say this, but ... you remember last year, for like, three weeks straight there were uh, notes under your desk? Sometimes even ... chocolate? Candies? Even coffee? Well ... I did that."
Wait, what?
Daehwi's eyes widened, staring at her in disbelief. "You're joking."
"No. Jinyoung caught me once but I made him swore on his mother's life that he wouldn't tell you. That was ... oh my God, I’m embarassed," she put her face on her palms, and Daehwi could literally see that she was blushing. "I ... I liked you back then."
Jinyoung's words replayed again. "You literally had more chances than anyone else!"
Daehwi was too shook that he froze for a moment. He remembered those notes, the notes which helped him to get through the day and Jinyoung just wouldn't stop teasing him about this secret admirer.
"Not anymore?" Daehwi asked.
The girl giggled. "Honestly, if not anymore, I wouldn't be embarassed to admit it just like how I admitted I liked Jinyoung. But, uh ... you see ... these days the situation is hard for me to actually like someone, so, uh ...," she gulped. "I'll get over it. Haha."
It was weird. She was the one being nervous. Daehwi couldn't believe it. Was he dreaming? Were his senses deceiving him? Was this really happening?
He couldn't think straight. This really was happening. His heart was beating so fast and it felt like its going to burst. But then he gulped his nervousness down, finally deciding to spill the truth.
"I ... I think I have something to tell you too," Daehwi confessed. "I liked you ... and I still do."
What surprised him was when she replied, "I know that too."
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st4rluv · 3 years
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Wanna One (found on pinterest)
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midnightdonghyun · 2 years
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✘ Smut
☾ Angst
♡ Fluff
♖ Yandere/dark
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Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
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Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
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whale-minmin · 3 years
hanahaki – lee daehwi.
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genre : angst, drabble
word count : 206
a/n : my first ever drabble and i absolutely love it! based on hanahaki disease au <3
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Why don't you just love him back?
Why? Why did you need to break his heart and pick a complete stranger over someone who truly loves you? 
Daehwi kneeled to the floor, feeling the soft petals fill up his lungs. Soft, so delicate and fragile. Everything that Daehwi's love for you is. 
But you don't share the feeling. Despite him always being by your side, listening to your worries, softly singing you to sleep, doing everything for you,
you'll never love him back.
The petals will slowly take his breath away, trapping him in his own love. 
He should never have met you. Never looked into these beautiful eyes. Never fell for that smile that always made him feel butterflies in his stomach.
He changed his whole identity for you, only to be rejected and thrown away like a doll once you found someone new – someone better. But even if you threw him away, he still can't stop loving you. 
Not even if he tries. Not even if he tells himself he hates you with his whole heart, that he despises you. He still loves you. 
The flowers he once loved so much were now going to be the death of him. 
You killed him.
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tag list :
@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz
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woo-zi · 4 years
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❒ : ˒ 𖣂 이대휘 𝗂𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗌 ɞ ،
𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾/𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀 𝗂𝖿 𝗎 𝗌𝖺𝗏𝖾 ◡̈
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romanticahwi · 4 years
Making Up after an Argument- Park Woojin
Rated: T (teen for language)
Warnings: language, argument
Style: fluff & angst
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“I think you’re being ridiculous! Why do you think I would ever do that?” you hear his voice bounce across the walls of your shared appointment. You’re on the verge of tears, hearing as he raised his voice at you.
“I saw you with another girl, Woojin! Don’t you realize what image that’ll give me?” you say back, voice breaking as you feel the downpour of your tears trailing down your cheeks. You really couldn’t understand. Are you not desirable enough for him? Just yesterday he has told you he loved you as you guys cuddled while watching movie after movie together.
“For the last fucking time, that was my sister! I don’t know how much more clear I have to fucking make it!”
“You were hugging her for way too long! That was definitely not your sister!” you yelled, tears rolling down your face. 
Woojin just stares at you in disbelief, before walking out of the apartment, and slamming the door. You let yourself fall onto the couch, face in hands, tears coming down at rapid speed. On your way home from work today, you saw your boyfriend of three years, Woojin, hugging a girl tightly. Sure you didn’t see her face, but could you actually be wrong here? 
You sit on the couch for what seems like hours (when granted, it was only like 30 minutes) when you hear your phone ding. You look up from your curled position, to see a text from an unknown number.
unknown: img.jpg
you: who is this?
unknown: it’s Woojin’s sister, here’s proof that Woojin was only with me today. Thank me later.
You just stare at the photo in shock, seeing how it was actually Woojin and his sister. So he was right, and you just blamed him wrongfully.
It was at a time like this that you wish you had just calmly talked to him, instead of immediately snapping at him. You replayed your fight with him in your head, seeing the hurt on his face when you wrongly accused him of cheating. You put your head back into your arms, letting the tears fall as you felt the guilt rush through your body.
I’m so sorry Park Woojin.
You must’ve fell asleep due to all the crying you had did, because the next thing you knew, your boyfriend was standing right in front of you, eyes glassy, and frown evident.
“Baby, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have stormed out like that.” you hear him say, voice breaking, tears rushing down his face.
You sit up, patting the space next to you, encouraging him to sit down, which he quickly did so. You guys stay quiet, not really knowing what to say to each other, as the atmosphere in your apartment was tense. It was so quiet, you could basically hear a pin drop, except for Woojin’s quiet sniffles.
“Woojin I-“
“I know I hurt you, and I’m sorry for that. I should have never yelled at you the way I did, and stormed off the way I did. I’m so sorry, really.” he says, voice small and hesitant, expecting you to say that you want to break up with him.
“Woojin, listen to me,” you say as you grab his face in both of your hands, forcing him to look at you, “I wrongfully questioned you. I know now you never cheated on me, and that you were actually with your sister..”
He opened his mouth to ask you how but you cut him off. “Your sister sent me a picture from today. I’m the one that should be sorry. I’m so sorry. I hurt you when you didn’t do anything wrong, and I hate myself for it.” you feel tears falling down your cheeks as you finish your sentence.
As much as you didn’t want to cry, you couldn’t help it. It didn’t help when you felt Woojin wrap his arms around you, resting his chin on top of you head. The tears just came down faster.
Woojin didn’t know what to say, as he was never the best at words, as all he really felt like he could do was hold you. He holds you until you’re out of tears, and only occasionally sniffling, before saying “angel, thank you for your apology. I believe we both were in the wrong today, and I’m glad we were able to figure out our differences, and realize where we were wrong.”
You look up at your boyfriend, seeing that he was looking right back at you, love and adoration practically pouring out of his eyes, and it was at this moment that you knew that Park Woojin was absolutely perfect.
You don’t say anything back to him, simply just kissing him on the lips before whispering “I love you Park Woojin.”
He smiles into the kiss, saying back “as you I. I love you so much.”
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moondnce · 4 years
“What am I supposed to say Daehwi?” You yell. “You’re never here!”
Another day, another argument. You and your boyfriend had been at each other’s throats from the moment he stepped through the door. You can’t remember what had started this particular screaming match, but it didn’t take look for you to circle back to this same issue.
You watch you boyfriend grow visibly frustrated. “Because my job is important to me!”
“I should be important too!”
“You are, but-“
“I’m clearly not! If I was, we wouldn’t be having this argument again.” This continues, the pair of you yelling back and forth for what feels like hours.
He rolls his eyes. “Yet again, you are not letting me finish!”
“What, so I can listen to more excuses?”
“You never listen to anything I have to say. The world always has to revolve around you.”
You hated this. Coming home every evening to an empty apartment, spending you weekends alone, waiting up each night to make sure he gets home safe. There was a time when Daehwi loved you so much he would move a mountain for you, but now, that love had faded.
“Me! You’re the selfish one in this relationship. You work all the time, you go away for weeks on end and you never call-“
“That’s my job, Y/N!’
“When you’re working, it’s like I don’t exist. I always have to be the one to reach out! ”
“What do you want me to say?”
Your voice drops down to a normal volume. “Honestly, I don’t know”
He pauses. “This group is everything I’ve worked for. I’m not giving up on that.” Relief visibly washes over him, his whole body finally ridding itself of the built up tension. Something about finally saying all this aloud lifted a huge weight from his shoulders.
“So,” you pause, scared to say what you know you’re both thinking “You’re giving up on us?”
Silence. His expression isn’t sad, but tired. Tired of replaying this scene every night. It wasn’t worth it anymore. You weren’t good for each other.
“Goodbye Daehwi.”
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이대휘, Lee Daehwi
anonymous asked:
Happy (late) thanksgiving! I've seen all (and i mean ALL) of the aegyo daehwi scenarios on tumblr but can i get a request where daehwi is the super cool fashion therapist bestfriend that caught feelings? Love all your writing!! 💖
Group: AB6IX
Member: Daehwi
(A/N) Read with this song, I beg you.
When He Needs Her In Early Spring
Daehwi and his best friend sat where they usually did when life got too crazy. Outside on the curb at the nearest McDonald’s, stuffing their faces, swapping stories and showing each other funny YouTube videos.
Something about eating cheap cheeseburgers, fries and Cola when he knew his manager would be annoyed at him about it felt lovely. Maybe it was also because he spent that time with a pretty cool person.
He side-eyed her choice of black sweats, a dark blue tee-shirt with a leather jacket, and her absolutely ancient white tennis shoes, complete with dirt and grass stains.
He sighed to himself, shaking his head a little. 
She was cool, albeit a little unfashionable.
He looked back down at his phone, scrolling through his Stress-Away playlist, trying to choose the best song for the occasion. “Hey, hon,” he said, using the nickname that had naturally grown between them over the years. “You know I love you, but we’ve gotta get you some new clothes.”
She laughed through her nose; just a short puff of air, never once looking up from her phone, too encapsulated in the memes from her Twitter feed. “Dude,” she said. “These are pajamas.” 
He clicked Little Star by Standing Egg, letting out a relieved huff of air when the first guitar strums reached his ears. “That may be so,” he started, “but coming from the Fashion Master, that doesn’t really give you a pass.”
Eyes still glued to the screen, she reached for her ice tea, pressing the cold plastic cup to his nape. He jerked away with a disgruntled under-the-breath shriek. 
“Gimme a break, Fashion Master,” she chuckled. “It’s midnight,” she reminded him. “I was two inches away from a soft pillow and a warm blanket, so just eat the burger and listen to your healing playlist, ‘kay? I’ll still be here.” 
He was still massaging the cold buzz out of his neck, but her words made him gradually slow to a stop. He mumbled to himself, “It is midnight, isn’t it”, much more of a statement or realization than a question. 
He looked over at her, examining her side-profile. She was all tired eyes, messy hair and bare-face, but here she was at midnight, sitting in front of McDonald’s and eating a burger that was 75% bun and misplaced ketchup instead of sleeping at home. 
And she didn’t ask him any questions about it. She never did, in fact. She seemed to just accept that that’s what friends do. They’re there for each other, no matter the time or situation.
She let out a small laughed. “Hwi, look at this one,” she said, finally looking over at him. She angled her screen toward him, showing him a funny picture she’d spotted. He didn’t quite expect it to be of him. 
Daehwi gasped, snatching the phone from her. “What is that?” he gaped. “How could they take such an ugly picture of me?!”
She laughed again, her shoulders scrunching upwards and her feet stomping unconsciously. “I love your fans,” she said impishly. “They give me all the blackmail material I need, and then some!”
He pouted. “They’re lucky I love them...” he said. He pressed the button on top of her phone, putting it to sleep. He set it down next to him with a sigh. He looked up into the sky, a lonely expanse of blackness. More of the song reached his ears. “I wish there were stars in Seoul,” he mused aloud.  
She hummed thoughtfully, following his gaze into the night sky. “Well, technically,” she started, “there are. We just can’t see them, ‘cause the lights are always on. Less lights, more stars. It’s called science.” 
He scoffed, but it was more like a way to mask his laughter. “I never would’ve guessed,” he joked, nudging her shoulder with his own. He sighed. “I know,” he said. “I just think they’re pretty. Give a little extra life to the sky, y’know?” 
She leaned a little closer, their shoulders touching. It was a comfortable feeling, as it was something she did often at times like this—just a small touch to assure that she was there for him. “I know,” she said softly. “We’ll have to try to be bright enough, won’t we?”
He nodded. “Yeah,” he said. “I guess so.” He shoved five fries in his mouth. “These are so good,” he said, visibly melting into the flavor. 
She chuckled. “I know, right?” She took some for herself. “Really bad for you too, but screw it.” 
That made him laugh. “Hey, can I ask you a question?” he wondered. She nodded, a silent ‘go for it’. “Why don’t you ever ask why I tell you to come out and meet you at these weird hours?”
She shrugged. “’Cause it doesn’t really matter,” she said simply. “All I need to know is: you always come out of these little escapades happier than when you went it. That’s enough for me, to be honest.”  
Daehwi’s eyes widened and his cheeks burned. Suddenly, he felt pretty relived that it was dark and she wasn’t looking directly at him.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, inching away from her shoulder just a little. She didn’t seem to notice, though. “Thanks...” he said. “You’re a good friend.”
She smiled. “I know,” she said confidently. She didn’t speak again for a while, contenting herself with swaying back and forth while she hummed along to Little Star. It was one of her favorites, too.
Silently and covertly, he glanced over at her again. Her eyes were closed, her head tilted back a little, the breeze blowing through her messy hair. She looked bright, back-lit by the fast food restaurant behind them. 
Surprisingly, he found himself thinking, “She looks pretty”.
He stayed quite for a moment, just listening to her humming along, watching her sway to and fro. “Hey,” he said quietly as the song was coming to an end.
She opened her eyes, looking at him. “Yeah?” she said, matching his tone.
He argued with himself in his head for a moment whether or not it was a wise thing to say, measuring any possible consequences. After much angel-and-devil consideration, he decided to just go for it. They were friends, after all. 
“Your voice is nice.”
When He Needs Her In Mid-Fall
Daehwi leaned back in his desk chair, stretching and getting shocked at the way his back cracked with the action. He’d been hunched over his desk in the studio for too long, that was obvious. 
He looked at the clock, scowling at the time. Yet, looking at how much work he’d gotten done, he couldn’t really be angry. But thinking about all the work he still had to get done? 
He groaned, rubbing his heavy, tired eyes. 
He could just go home—he’d gotten enough done—but the perfectionist inside of him really didn’t want to do that. He had this underlying fear that if his work wasn’t good enough, people would just think, “Oh, it’s because he’s so young”.
He clenched his fists. He couldn’t understand why people would doubt him for something as superficial as that. Hadn’t he proven himself enough?
He didn’t want to go to sleep, he didn’t want to work—and he couldn’t seem to find an in-between.
Instinctively, his hand went to his phone, hitting the first speed dial after his mom. Once he heard the other line pick up, without missing a beat, he spoke. “Bring me some food and listen to me whine and complain for a few hours,” he said. 
He could envision his friend pulling away from the phone and staring at it for a second with a quirked brow. “What’s the magic word?” he finally heard her voice from the receiver.
He softened, feeling himself melt into his tired, half-dead state. “Please?” he asked softly. He could picture he gentle smile when she said, “I’ll be over in ten”, before the line clicked out, leaving a resounding dullness in his ears.
Ah, there she was. 
She was the in-between he was searching for. She was the one sure thing in his fuzzy gray area of life.
He nibbled his thumbnail, a strange feeling bubbling in his chest. ‘What a good friend...’ he thought, though he felt a little shaky on the conviction behind it. He wasn’t sure why, though. By all accounts, she was a good friend.
The best of the best. 
Maybe that’s why she made him so nervous.
When He Needs Her In Summer
Daehwi looked back and forth, trying to search through the crowd for any signs of his friend’s head of hair. He stood on his tip-toes every five seconds or so, trying to get a better look.
He huffed, tapping his foot impatiently and waiting for her to come around the corner. “You’re dead when you get here,” he muttered under his breath. He checked his watch, feeling his heart sink a little. 
She wasn’t even late. He was just early and anxious, which was never a good combination. Without thinking, he started pouting, leaning against the unlit streetlamp behind him with his arms crossed. 
Tap, tap he felt on his shoulder.
He whipped around at the familiar touch. “Hi!” he said, a little quicker and a little louder than he might’ve hoped for. A little more excited too, earning a few stares from passerbys.
She looked shocked for a moment before smiling, a giggle falling from her lips. “Well, aren’t you being cute today,” she said, poking at his stomach.
He flinched away from the ticklish sensation. “Stop it!” he said, trying to sound stern. “We’re literally in public—don’t embarrass me.”
She raised a brow. “Did being in public ever stop you from embarrassing me before?” His lack of response was her confirmation. “I rest my case!” she yelled, casing after him with fingers ready to dance across his torso. 
He screeched, running and shouldering through the card, trying to get into the mall. Hopefully, he’d be able to lose her in there. 
...Did he really want to lose her, though?
When She Needs Him In The Bad Times
Daehwi flopped on the bed, tired, sweaty and exhausted after a long day of schedules and practice. His cellphone—dead and black-screened since lunch time—was held loosely in his hands, barely any grip-strength left in him.
With his last burst of energy, he sat up and reached for his charger, plugging in his phone. He was sure he’d missed a few notifications, but he didn’t think they’d be anything important. 
In a matter of seconds, the screen blinked to life, sporting a disheartening 1% full battery icon in the upper right-hand corner. His notification started popping up. A few missed texts, a missed call from his mom (he’d call her back later), a few Twitter and YouTube notifications, and...
His heart sank. 
12 missed calls from 👏Hon👏
Suddenly, all of the energy returned to his body, making him fly to his feet, a concerned furrow between his brows. She never called very often unless something was very, very wrong. He was the one that called her more often, she just let him do his thing, because she never knew when he’d be busy.
But it seemed this time—when she saw it urgent enough to call 12 times—she didn’t care much whether he was busy or not. She just needed her friend. 
He felt his eyes water. She needed her friend, but he wasn’t there, all because he’d fallen asleep playing games the night before.
“Hey, Daehwi,” he heard Youngmin’s voice. The door opened. “I was wondering if—” The leader’s eyes widened. “You’re crying,” he said obviously, worry lacing his tone. 
With a quick sniff and a swipe across his watery eyes, he grabbed a hoodie out of his closet and shouldered past the older boy. “Sorry, Youngmin,” he said. “I’ve gotta go.” 
The rapper grabbed his arm, very gentle and nonthreatening. “It’s her, isn’t it?” he said seriously.
Daehwi turned his head to look at him. “Yeah,” he said softly.
He nodded slowly. “Knew it,” he said under his breath. His fingers slipped away from his wrist. “You know you love her, right?” 
Daehwi’s blood ran cold, yet his skin felt so hot. It was a stark, goosebumps-raising contrast. He couldn’t bring himself to answer. Not yet.
“Later, okay...?” he whispered. 
He could tell Youngmin was a little disappointed in his lack of admission, but the kind older brother he always was, he just nodded, sighing a little. “Go find her,” he said simply, ushering him toward the door. “Don’t forget your coat!” he called after him.
He didn’t need to go searching all around Seoul to find her, because he knew exactly where she saw. She didn’t wander when she was sad. She didn’t go to some nostalgic place that made her feel and remember—she blocked herself away and hid in her house, shutting almost everyone out.
She made  a proverbial pillow fort in her heart and played music with earbuds in, so that way she couldn’t hear the cars passing by or her own thoughts. She was her own worst enemy, in every way. 
When she was good, she was great. But she spent up all that good energy taking care of everyone else, so she had nothing left for herself. 
He was someone who used her kindness and unselfish heart quite often. He felt another pang in his chest and he waiting impatiently for the bus to drop him off. He massaged his temples, feeling more tears threaten to well up in his eyes.
“Did I tired you out...?” he breathed out, his breath fogging up the window next to his face. “Focus on yourself more, you jerk,” he mumbled, sniffling a little. He shook his head a little, staring down his reflection with a vengeance, as if saying: ‘You will not cry on this crowded bus, Lee Daehwi’. 
He cried a lot as a stress-reliever, but only in private.
The thought suddenly dawned on him. He saw her as another version of private. Anything that he would do or say by himself, he could do and say in front of her. He could tell her anything, because that was the level of trust he had in her.
His breath shook to the point that he had to discreetly cover his mouth, muffling the sound in his cold hands. “That must be so much pressure,” he thought to himself. “Being someone’s confidant. Their safe place.” His stomach churned. “...My all of that.”
The bus came to a stop, idling by the poorly lit bus-stop—one he’d become quite familiar with from his trips to her place. He scooped up the hoodie he’d grabbed from the dorms, a sense of adrenaline rushing to his legs and propelling him out of his seat. 
He flew past the driver and straight out the doors, skipping the two steps down all together. His feet made impact with the ground, and maybe on an average day it might’ve stung a little. 
The bus driver’s eye widened. “Hey, kid!” he called after Daehwi. “Be careful, you hear?” 
He didn’t hear him. He didn’t hear him at all. 
The only thought in his head was her—how different, yet painfully similar they were. On an average day, they both carried themselves in different ways and had different thoughts, but on their not so good days? 
They both wilted. 
They wilted, and they needed something or someone to help them bloom again.
After following his feet through the turns and bumps he was so used to going over, he saw her. She was sitting where she always did when she wasn’t feeling well—on the hood of her car, her knees pulled to her chest, eyes damp and her nose and cheeks painted with red due to the late night breeze. 
He stood there off to the side, catching his breath.
She noticed him, but she didn’t say anything. She usually didn’t, because she was always scared that she’d start crying again if she spoke.
Daehwi took a deep breath, the cold stinging his lungs. It didn’t matter, though. With a sigh, he crawled onto the hood with her, noting the way she scooted over a little to give him more room. 
He tapped her shoulder and gestured to the orange hoodie in his hand. Without any argument, she lifted her arms, letting him slip it over her head. He was gentle and he took special care around her ears. He pulled the hood down so her could see her better, flattening her hair with tender hands. 
“I’m sorry,” he said softly. Those first two words were quiet as the flap of a butterfly’s wings, but that didn’t matter. She was always good at listening to him. “This sounds like such and excuse,” he continued, rubbing her arms, “but my phone died.” He frowned at himself. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.” 
She looked him in the eyes, still not saying anything. He could read her well enough, though. That was a look that said, “It’s okay, I understand.”
He sighed, pulling her into a soft hug. “It’s not okay, though...” he mumbled, rocking her gently back and forth while he brushed through her hair with his cold, blue-tipped fingers. “I’m sorry that I’m still not good enough—”
She cut him off with a short smack. “Don’t make this about you!” she choked out, her voice hoarse. Daehwi was shocked that she spoke. “This is about me!” she said. “I had a shitty day!” Her eyes teared up. “For no reason,” she finished. She took a deep breath, trying to study herself. 
She buried her face in his neck, nuzzling him. “You’re more than enough,” she whispered weakly. “You’re here. That’s more than I can say for anyone else, and it’s better late than never.” 
He was very grateful for the fact that she wasn’t looking at him, because if she did, she would see the tears in his eyes. His arms tightened around her, pulling her closer. “Who do I have to hurt that made you like this?” he breathed. “Tears in your eyes and frown on your lips... It doesn’t suit you at all.”
She shook her head—he was greatly aware of her eyelashes fluttering against his skin. 
He knew what that shake of the head meant. 
“Don’t do anything,” it spoke more than a thousand words, “just stay with me.”
When She Needs Him In The Good Times
She couldn’t say that she was expecting a call from Daehwi at 4PM to invite her to be his friend-date to a company dinner, but she also couldn’t say that it was unwelcome.
All she’d been doing most of the day was just laying on the couch, watching TV and skimming through a few home living magazines so she could get a few tips on adulting. 
“Yo, hon,” Daehwi said once she picked up, which only took about two rings. “You free tonight?”
She didn’t even bother checking her calendar. “Yeah, I’m free,” she said, turning down the volume on the TV. “Why? What’s up?” 
“There’s a dinner tonight at Brand New and if I want, I’m allowed to bring someone,” he said. She could feel the excitement dripping off his words. “You wanna come with?”
Her ears perked up with interest. “To the company?” she asked. He hummed a positive answer. “Like a date?” she said without thinking.
Daehwi coughed. “Don’t get it twisted,” he said. “Friend-date,” he clarified. “Friend-date.”
She smiled. “Okay, sounds cool.” She jumped off the couch and shut off the TV, shuffling to her bedroom. She cringed at her wardrobe, rather barren in the fruits that it could offer. “Hey, Hwi...?” she started, putting him on speaker and tossing the phone onto her bed while she rummaged through the closet.
She started searching for a pair of heels, realizing suddenly that all of hers were really old and worn. “How fancy is this shindig?” she asked, suddenly feeling a little timid. “Like... Dress code and stuff?” 
She heard him click his tongue. “I’ll be over in 20 minutes,” he said before hanging up. 
“Why do you own a big fat nothing?” Daehwi asked exasperatedly, tossing clothes messily onto the floor as he scoured through her closet like it was a desolate land with nothing to offer.
She crossed her arms, a bit of a pout on her face. “Now you’re just being dramatic...” she muttered. To be honest, this actually brought back a lot of memories for her; him helping her pick out the outfit for her first ever date, her parent’s anniversary, highschool graduation after-party, etc,. 
To be frank, she used to have a better fashion sense, but that all changed a few years ago. Daehwi started chasing his career and she just stayed behind, dressing comfortably, working hard and trying to find her way through life.
Sometimes she felt a little felt behind by her dear friend, but then she realized that was silly, because he never forget about her, and she knew that. Not even once. He was like a deeply rooted tree in the respect.
Every one had their own pace, and hers was just a little more relaxed than his. That didn’t mean their paces didn’t still match up every once in a while, leading to moments like this.
She chuckled, recalling how they actually used to comfortably change in front of each other, putting on little fashion shows in their chosen outfits. Of course, they were a lot younger then. 
Sometimes she wondered why age changed people so much—things that were normal, comfortable and accepted when they were younger were suddenly such foreign and strange ideas. 
She always just shrugged it off as the way life was. Things changed, some things positively and some not so much. Either way, it was unavoidable, and that’s okay.
Daehwi glanced over at her, catching her expression in the corner of his eye. “What’s with the smile?” he asked, a chuckle passing his lips. 
She shrugged. “Dunno,” she said simply. “This just feels nostalgic.” 
He looked back at her, mirroring her smile. “It does,” he agreed. With a huff, he stood up with a pair of black heels in his hands. “Do you have a Sharpie?” 
She furrowed her brows. “Yeah...?” she said, grabbing one off of her desk. “Please don’t tell me you’re gonna draw on my shoes.”
“That’s exactly what I’m gonna do,” he said cheekily, taking the marker from her hand with a sassy twirl. “I don’t know how you managed to scratch these up so bad, but this is a quick fix for it until we buy you a new pair.”
She opened her mouth to object, but he pressed a finger to her lips. “Shush!” he said firmly. “Don’t argue with me.” He bent the shoes a bit, pointing out the way that they were frayed around the area the foot bent. “We’re getting you new ones. Soon,” he emphasized. 
He uncapped the Sharpie. “But until then, I’m drawing on your shoes while you change into that,” he said, looking over at the dress he’d hung on the closet door. “I can’t believe you still have it,” he chuckled.
Her eyes raked over the white tea-length halter-top with the exposed back. The skirt was lightly longer in the back, lace hand-sewn around the hem to make it look more fancy. “Of course I do,” she said. “You bought it for me.” 
He sucked in his lips, holding back a smile. “Where’d you wear that one?” he asked, trying to pick through his memories. “Your sister’s wedding reception?” 
She clicked her tongue, giving him a disapproving look. “Close, but no cigar,” she said. 
“What?” The realization dawned on him. He smacked his forehead. “Oh, duh!” he groaned. “Your brother’s!” 
“Yup,” she laughed, nodding. She looked back over at the dress, fond memories filling her mind. She’d forgotten that she still had it, but she also didn’t think that she ever could’ve given it away. “Thanks for that, by the way.”
He shrugged, a small smile playing on this lips. “No problem,” he said. “You look good in white.” His smile faded a little, a question forming in his eyes. It was as if he were debating with himself. “You’re gonna make a really pretty bride one day,” he finally said. 
She stared at him, but he refused to make eye-contact with her, focusing very closely on his shoe ‘repairs’. She felt a smile break out on her face, showing her teeth and pushing up her cheeks. 
She walked to him. He still didn’t look up at her. She pulled him into a side-hug, patting his hair for a moment. “Thanks, cheese-ball,” she said before pushing him back into a fully upright position. He still hadn’t stopped scribbling over the heels’ scuff marks.
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, but she noticed the blush on his cheeks. “Just go get changed—we’ve gotta go soon.”
When They Need Each Other On The Lazy Days
“Hey, Hwi?” she said, looking up across the table. They’d gotten a free moment on the weekend, so they decided to have lunch together at an unpopular (but spectacularly delicious) hole-in-the-wall restaurant that was never too crowded.
He looked up from his noodles, letting the ones he’d already scooped up fall back into the bowl. “Yeah?” he said, giving her his undivided attention. He smiled a bit, that cute and funny one at made his eyes crinkle. “What’s up?”
She scanned his face. His expression, his irises, the slope of his nose, his lips—everything about him. “Do you have a crush on me?” she asked without hesitation. She wasn’t afraid to ask him questions like this, because she trusted his honesty and his heart.
He’d never purposely do anything he thought could hurt her.
His eyes widened. If he’d had water in his mouth, he surely would’ve spit it across the room in shock. “I...” he stuttered, struggling to find words. He straightened up in his seat, folding his hands in his lap. He cleared his throat, trying his best to keep eye contact with her. “Why do you ask?”
She set her fork down with a small clatter. “’Cause I’m curious,” she said. She tapped his knee with her shoe under the table, trying to urge him to be a little less stiff. “You can be honest with me.” 
He nibbled his bottom lip. “I know I can,” he said. He took a deep breath. “Yeah,” he sighed, “I have a crush on you.” 
She smiled, flashing him a thumbs up. “Cool,” she said, going back to eating.
Daehwi stared at her, mouth hanging open. “Do you...” he started awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck, “...feel the same?” 
She looked up at him, humming thoughtfully. “Not yet,” she said earnestly. A smile played at the corner of her lips. “But you’re definitely the type of guy I could fall for. Just gimme some time.”
When He Needs Her Always And Forever
He needed her comfortable silence, because he didn’t have to speak understand or be understood.
He needed her driving for him, not just because he didn’t have a license, but also because she looked for focused and endearing.
He needed her shoulder to lean on when he was having a bad day. Or a good one.
He needed her putting his hands in her hoodie pocket when he forgot his gloves, because it felt like she really cared.
He needed her ability to share the responsibility of ‘mature adult’ depending on who was more sulky that day. They were both more mature than they let on, and sometimes, they needed each other to bring out that aspect of themselves.
He needed her to listen to his rants, and he needed to listen to hers in return, because they were always interesting and slightly amusing.
He needed her to make funny parodies of their songs and sing them too loudly in the car, even when the windows were rolled down. Especially the famous, “I should’ve brought gloves~” to the tune of ‘Blind For Love’ when it was really cold out.
He needed her emphatic and often times dripping-with-sarcasm movie commentaries and her post-film in-depth analysis. 
He needed her ability to always see him as the coolest guy ever, despite his condition. Whether he was bright and bubbly or not didn’t matter to her. He could be totally emo at times and she’d still think of him in the same way as she always did.  
He needed her.
Maybe... He was in love with his best friend.
When She Needs Him Every Minute of Every Day
She needed his “Well! Later, hon” at the end of every phone call, because it was a dumb and familiar nickname, and she’d grown attached to it.
She needed his gentle singing voice, because it made her feel calm when she didn’t even know she was feeling anxious.
She needed his random back-hugs, because they always caught her off guard in the best way; a warm and lovely way.
She needed his late-night phone calls, ‘cause she’d never initiate them and they felt simple and mindless.
She needed the random videos that he sent her, because she didn’t think she needed a video of a panda cuddling its mom with a little puppy friend trying to nuzzle its way in there in her life, but apparently she did.
She needed his random, thoughtless back massages when they were hugging for a while.
She needed him to brush her hair for her when they had sleepovers.
She needed his daily compliments that always made her feel confident, said compliments being different every day—but she also needed his roasts and brutal honesty, always keeping her humble and in check. 
She needed his good days and bad days.
She needed him.
Maybe... She was okay with her best friend being in love with her.
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*takes a deep breath*
I hope you enjoyed it, Anon! Honestly, I wrote so many different versions of this, but I scrapped all of them, settling on this one. I need to learn to write shorter things, but I always feel like I’m cheating y’all. XD 
I hope it turned out okay! The other ones were shorter, snappier and more to the point, but this one had a lot more... Potency, I suppose? Hopefully my sincerity was delivered. 😂 I hope you enjoyed it, beautiful person! 
Also, I chose this gif ‘cause he looks so best-friend right here. 
16 notes · View notes
t3kandson · 2 years
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Mafia Queen
Wordcount; 3,520
Fandom; AB6IX
Rating; Explcit
Pairing; Reader X Jeon Woong & Reader X Park Woojin
Characters; Jeon Woong, Kim Donghyun, Park Woojin & Lee Daehwi
Warnings; angst, Glass throwing, arguing, Smut, Fingering, Oral sex, penetrating Sex, Dominance, choking and slight degrading,
Notes; Chapter 10/12 of Part two
First Part and previous Chapters here
You woke startled in what looked like a wooden cabin. Woojin digging tweezers into his thigh, his face twisted as he grunted removing a bullet. “Woojin,” you choked startling him. His eyes widened as he softly smiled before taking a swig of a bottle of glenfiddich before pouring it over his wound, screaming into the air.
You manoeuvred off the bed, stumbled as soon as you took to your legs. He dashed to your side wincing as he picked you up. “Be careful Y/N,” he said, “your hurt,” you replied taking his soft brown eyes into yours. “And you’ve just had a baby, this is nothing compared to that,” he said stroking your jaw.
Your eyes widened, “where is she?” you cried, his face dropped slightly. “Woojin where’s our daughter,” you said sternly. “We didn’t make it in time,” he said, “What do you mean? she’s ok right?” you cried, “Oh yes she safe,” he smiled. You breathed a sign of relief, “They got to the boat in time with Woong, but we didn’t,” he said. “It’s ok I know their look after her she’s with Woong right, we’re just meet them where ever they’ve gone,” you said smiling.
“That’s the thing Y/N we’ve fallen, most of our men are either dead or turned against us. I can’t trust anyone to give us safe passage out to Spain right now,” he said looking at the floor. “Wait! what?” You asked confused. “Y/N we have to wait for things to calm down before we can even try and be with our little girl,” he said stroking your jaw. “How long?” you gasped. “I don’t know if I’m honest,” he said. “But know she’s safe,” he smiled, flicking out a picture on his phone.
A small bundle in Woong’s arms, just how you remembered but she looked content. “Bongseon, that’s what me and Woong decided to call her,” he said beaming. Your eyes widened, “what you named my daughter without me?” you growled, your face twisted as he gulped.
“Y/N do you even know what it means? it’s quite fitting,” he said chuckling, you shook your head and he grinned. “Impatient flower,” he said showing his snaggle tooth. You couldn’t help but smile, he was correct, it was fitting. “I’m sure I’ll get use to it,” you said smiling before your face twisted, “now what,” he gulped anxiously.
“Please tell me you’ve not railed a girl with that name,” you spat out and he laughed causing you to scowl further. “Not to my knowledge, but hey I haven’t taken every girls name that as you put it, railed,”
He pulled you in holding you tight.
“Where are we?” You asked breaking the silence.
“Baeksasil Valley it’s our family safe haven, no one but family knows about here,” he said kissing your forehead. “Does Taehoon?” you asked. “No just father, Daehwi and my Hyungs,” he said reassuring you.
“Why didn’t you come when you knew I was pregnant,” you said as you hugged into his marbled chest. “To keep you and the baby safe, plus you told me not to come back a second time if I left you,” he said, his heart thudding quicker. You released him from your grip. “Don’t tell me your offended, you was the one who refused to come here in the first place,” he scoffed. “So it wasn’t because you didn’t want to be a dad?” you asked, his eyes widening at your words. “Y/N I was foolish and stupid to not wear anything Or even push you to take the pill or something. But then I never planned to sleep with you not when I promised Woong I wouldn’t,” he stuttered. “So you don’t want her?” you said tears escaping your eyes as your heart hurt.
“No Y/N I didn’t want a baby brought into this world of ours,” he said as you shifted from him, he brought his finger to your chin to face him. “But the second I knew you was pregnant I wanted a normal life for the first time. A life just us three away from this world, I dreamed it so many times, and when she was born,” he paused to brush a tear from his eyes. “I always thought their would be no one out there that I could ever love more then you, I’m sorry but she has my heart and soul, and I tell you something Y/N I don’t care if she’s not mine and we find out she’s Woong’s. I’ll still love her as if she was, I’ll take bullets after bullets for her,” he said sweetly.
You smiled at him as he placed his forehead to yours, closing his eyes as you shared the contact of each other. “I missed you Woojin, so much,” you whispered. He raised an eyebrow, “So you and Yuto then?” he asked slightly smirking, you knew behind it he wanted to know if you had him in your heart.
“I never loved him, he knew that, we never even….. you know,” you said his eyes glossing over you. “You were the last person I slept with,” you smirked. “Same here believe it or not, my hearts yours,” he said placing his hand over his red Ruby necklace. You placed your hand under your blooded top and brought your one out touching it, smiling at him. “I fucking love you,” he said, his lips brushing yours as he pulled you to him, kissing you softly then you ever remembered as if he was scared to break you. You gently nipped his lip causing him to throatily groan. “Y/N you’ve just had our baby can’t I just be gentle for you once,” he scoffed stroking his hand down your shoulders. “Your Woojin, Seoul’s gangster, you can’t go soft you know,” you teased. “Yes, yes I can when it’s you,” he said as he peppered kisses down your neck. “But for now lets get you out these clothes and washed.
You had been hiding for almost six weeks deep in the valley hidden from the public, kept safe from anyone finding you. Just The family knowing your whereabouts. Daehwi was hiding low-key back at home trying to gauge the situation so you could get to Spain at a moments notice. Daehwi getting frustrated with Woojin’s refusal to take each option of safe travel. After Taehoon his trust in any one limited, but each attempt of Daehwi’s arrangements refused making you inpatient.
You had held your daughter just once, Woong never leaving her for a second back in Spain playing the every bit of a doting dad. The several photos, messages and face calls not being the same then being there to hold her yourself. You feared she would never know who you was when you eventually would be reunited. Everyone’s life was at risk here, safety was only Spain. The Hwangs knew that, they was aware that only Donghyun Woong and the baby had escaped, the price on your head doubled knowing Jonghee’s death was at your hands. It left Woojin extra anxious and remain keeping you hidden in Baeksasil Valley. You was also fed up living on tinned food and the random fish that Woojin had fished from the streams for you to consume. The lack of food often making you both hangry.
You had thought your relationship would have started where it ended but instead you spent most your time bickering in frustration with the situation. You knew he wasn’t happy letting Woong play daddy himself and you knew he feared your daughter’s paternity being revealed. Both Woojin and Woong changing the subject when you broadened it.
It was during an argument that you snapped, Woojin had made a comment after you complimented Woong who was off on a date. “You still like him don’t you,” he accused, your eyes widened as his red temper flew through his rage, throwing a glass to the floor smashing. “What the fuck Woojin, no I don’t I only said he was dashing,” you scoffed at him. “What asking him was he sure he was ready isn’t mixed signals? or do you enjoy us both being weak for you, can you not handle it when he’s not paying you attention?” he said, his face inches from yours.
His comments stinging as you slapped him, he snapped his head looking at you his forehead brushing yours. “What the fuck Woojin I was concerned about my daughter being left alone without him, but what do you care your happy leaving him their to be a dad to our daughter. It’s like your hoping he is so you can remove me from your life as soon as you can,” you spluttered, tears flowing down your eyes. “What the hell you on about woman, why would I want him to be her dad and why would I not want to be around you?” he said gripping his hands around your shoulders as he leant his head back. “Because you sure as hell don’t want me all you do is moan and shout at me these days,” you cried pushing his hands off your shoulders, twisting to show your back to him. “No I don’t Y/N,” he growled “and if I do I’m sorry,” he said calmer.
“You don’t even fancy me any more,” you wept feeling emotional. “What?” he said spinning you to face him. “What makes you think that?” He said tilting his head. “I don’t even know what we are,” you said, your eyes searching his. “We’re Y/N and Woojin,” he teased trying to break the tension.
“Who am I to you Woojin?” you asked as he took a step back looking confused. “That’s what I thought, I’m just your baby mama,” you said brushing past him reaching to the door knob the fresh air hitting you as the summer heat of the night made your tears burn against your skin. Minus the odd comforting kiss or hug the most you ever did was the occasional passionate kiss and you could count them all on one hand.
You slouched onto the steps and sobbed, your head felt a mess but one thing you knew you wanted was him, the man that you wanted to build a family on. He said once he dreamed of a family just you three.
It wasn’t long before Woojin sat next to you placing his hand on your knee. “It’s ok Woojin ignore me, pregnancy hormones, in my head I imagined us picking where we left off, but I forgot things have changed, your feelings too,” you said standing up but Woojin dragged you back down. “Y/N nothing’s changed, my feelings that is. Do you know how many times I wanted to lose myself in you. But you just had a baby and I don’t want to hurt you and I’m scared I will,” he said looking at his feet. “What?” You scoffed at him. “I only know how to fuck hard and fast,” he smiled. “Because your one kinky weird mother fucker,” you teased. He laughed, his snaggle teeth and dimples on show, “do I look like someone that’s scared of all that,” you smirked. “Y/N your my princess, No your my Queen, you deserve pillows, red roses and gentle and soft, no one’s hands belong around that throat not even mine,” he said looking saddened.
“Yuto would have been the perfect boyfriend if he,” Woojin said pausing, his jaw tensing. “If he wasn’t the son of the very man that wanted us dead,” you finished for him. “Woojin, Yuto as who I believed he was, was never the man I wanted for me, he was what was safe for my daughter,” you said his eyes softening against yours. “You actually want us to be a thing then?” he asked blushing looking so vulnerable. “Woojin I want you, no I need you,” you said smiling at him touching his hands. “And if I’m not Bongseon’s dad then what?” He asked looking worried. “It won’t matter, yes I’m sure Woong will be a thorn in our ass, but you said you didn’t care you would love her like a daughter,” you said smiling at him. “Then lets do this,” he said blushing like a love sick teenager. You both anxiously smiling at each other before he smiled warmly at you. “Why is this weird all of a sudden,” he chuckled.
You straddled him on the step, “because your trying to make it too fluffy and that isn’t us,” you said wrapping your hand around his throat seductively winking. He lowly growled, the vibrations hitting your hands. He yanked your head back peppering kisses down your neck before biting into you. You moaned as he suckled, his hands cupping your clothed breast, before his lips found there way to yours. His tongue slid against yours as your teeth clashed as your kisses become harsher, a much needier connection. You thrusted down on him feeling his bulge harden beneath you as you made a rhythm rubbing against him as he moaned into your kisses. “I need your cock in my mouth,” you whined realising that was something you two had never done. He looked taken back, “I need you to cleanse me,” you said, him understanding, he stood up holding you round his waist as he walked you to the house, your lips still working on each other.
He plonked you on the bed. “My turn first,” he said pulling your jeans from you taking your Green pants with them. Your naked heat exposed to him as he licked his lips hissing at the sight. He bit your thigh causing you to yelp, Before doing the same on your other thigh. You yanked his hair as you thrusted your heat towards him earning a hiss as he nibbled your nub, making you whimper. “Don’t tempt me to play because I will fuck this hole so badly that I’ll put another baby in there,” he growled gently swatting your naked core. “Promises promises,” you gasped as a wave ripped through your core.
He slammed two fingers into you roughly causing you to cry. He stilled while you grinded against his fingers. “How many times have you placed your fingers here thinking of my cock?” he asked, his voice husky as you fucked his fingers losing yourself to him. He pulled them out and slammed them in again, “answer me,” he growled. “More times then I can count,” you cried as he stilled once more. “You really are a whore for me aren’t you,” he mocked. “I’m Your whore,” you cried rocking yourself on his fingers before he removed them earning a moan to leave your lips.
Your eyes shot to him to see him smirking at you, “Who’s whore are you, who owns you and this pussy,” he said, his eyes glazed as they took you in and burned your soul. “Woojin’s,” you said panting earning a smile as he slammed his fingers back into you, pumping himself curving his fingers to find your sweet spot, “Fuck,” you spluttered. “You said you could handle this but your whimpering like a baby,” he mocked you. “I can, I want more,” you moaned. “But you can’t cum,” he threatened before picking up a speed with his fingers hitting your spot with each entry. Your screams getting louder as you felt your core burn as your orgasm was being built, “fuck,” you cried. “What’s Up realised you can’t handle it,” He mocked as he placed his mouth to your nub as his fingers remained their attack on you. The impact of his tongue swirling your nub heightened its feel. You clung to his hair making sure to give it a good tug, he growled as you lifted his head back.
He removed his fingers to your whining. “Hey you seem to forget who’s running this show, I give you a clue it ain’t you,” he hissed, earning a chuckle as he hovered. He looked at you with a look that use to terrify you, but instead making your core weak to view. He bit your lower lip making it bleed as you growled into him, his clothed bulge digging into you from the sound. He ripped his jeans off and sat on your chests his knee taking the weight either side of your head. He flopped his hard thick cock, hitting your forehead as he smirked. I’m going to fuck that smart mouth, he threatened as he tightened his thighs around your arms holding them by your side.
He positioned his cock around your mouth, placing both his hands around your head as he positioned your mouth to the tip. He slid his member down your throat without notice as you instantly gagged as he stilled letting you choke around him. You focused on breathing through your nose as your throat spasmed around it before he drew back. “Who owns this show Y/N,” he growled, but before you could answer he thrusted himself deep in again slowly fucking your mouth as it hit your tonsils. He gained speed causing you to choke harsher, salvia from your gagging, dripping down the side of your mouth. Tears falling from your eyes as he lost himself fucking your mouth. You hummed against him which caused him to moan and arch his back instantly removing himself from you.
“What you trying to do make me cum already,” he hissed causing you to giggle. He rubbed the dribbles from your mouth with his cock as he slid his body down yours, kissing your salty tears. As he returned into his softer side peppering kisses down your neck. You was about to scorn him for returning back to soft but he suckled your collar bone leaving marks alongside them till he reached your necklace. He admired it for a second before returning his eyes full of love to yours. “Don’t you dare go soft on me,” you cooed.
He smirked before spreading your legs apart Hoisting them in the air. He then slammed his cock in, his balls hitting your ass as you winced, remembering how much he split you last time. His arms gripped your throat gently then you was use to, as he moved a gentle rhythm against you. You aimed for his throat but he moved his head back chuckling. “I own this show remember,” he chuckled before pinning your thighs backwards more towards the mattress of the bed, your ass lifting in the air as he ankled in deeper, his thrust become harsher. Your core building again warmth ripping through you as his cock repeatedly bounced off your cervix. You dug your nails in to his back as you struggled to hold your orgasm back.
He growled into your claws smirking as he did, “I’m going to break you,” he said his grip around your neck tightening. “You can try,” you mocked, not showing how much you was struggling. His grip tightened as he slammed faster, your moans becoming screams as your walls started clamping around him tightly earning him to growl.
He removed himself from you before flipping you over onto your stomach. He leant over you entering himself hastily in, grunting as he did so he laced his hands with yours as he kissed your neck. His thrusts still heavily hitting you, but more slower, more romantic. “I love you Y/N,” he whispered in to your ear, he placed his arm round your neck pulling it backwards as he kissed you, His thrusts, more sweeter. You tried to bite his lip to encourage your Woojin to come back. “When you cum, it’s because we’re making love, please let me try it,” he pleaded, you smiled as his lips returned to you. His cock hitting a new Rhythm as it found your sweet spot. “Fuck I’m not going to last long,” he hissed, as your walls clenched around him. “Cum with me,” you pleaded with him. His thrusts more harder but remaining on your sweet spot you felt your orgasm rip through you. You screamed through the orgasm, thrashing underneath him, himself filling his warm cum inside you, as his kisses become sluggish as his thrusts. He removed his lips and fingers from yours, as you laid panting together when the phone went off.
“It’s Woong,” he said kissing your neck before leaving to answer. You closed your eyes living in the afterglow Woojin had left you in when you heard a glass being thrown across the room, “fuck,” Woojin screamed out. You ran to him, knees bent by the floor, his hands dropping blood to the ground where he had broke another glass in the weight of his hand, clearly angry with what ever Woong had said but you saw tears fall from his eyes.
“What’s up Woojin?” you cried trying to get to him from the shards of glass between you. “I’m sorry Y/N,” he cried looking broken. “What is it is it Bongseon?” you cried as his eyes confirmed it was. “I’m not her dad Y/N,” he said sobbing a broken image of himself.
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noris-nebula · 5 years
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[10:53 am]
Highschool sweethearts, Daehwi and Somi
“Somiiii,” daehwi whispered during a movie, “Wanna ditch and go to the park?” to which a nod came from Somi.
Lee Daehwi/Jeon Somi
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chaptrin · 5 years
[ 6:03 pm ] you and daehwi meeting again in the same place and time after you both separated 6 years ago.
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