#cw financial hardship
kineats · 1 year
Oh Wow!! This blog really took off while I was away! Thank you all so much omg. I promise I'm working on the requests in the order they came in, my life just got a little chaotic and mundane human stuff needed my attention ^^UU But while I may not be fully back I promise to do my best to get to everyone!!
CW for under cut: Medical issues, cancer, poverty stuff, fundraisers/mutual aid
Okay so my mom got breast cancer and has swollen lymph nodes in her abdomen that they're worried about being maybe related, and at the same time my fiancee is losing her health insurance and might have to go off the meds that, like, keep her alive.
So I'm struggling to keep up my livestreams, which are my only source of income right now; take care of my mom, who is recovering from surgery; and help my fiancee process some copper wire her brother gave her to sell by weight at a scrapyard, because neither of us are terribly fit for the few available normal jobs nearby.
Here's our gofundme's, feel free to share them!! You don't need to say more than "this one blogger I like is struggling, please share" or something.
gofundme.com/f/help-a-disabled-queer-get-accessible-exercise… = a cheap trike for my balance issues/lack of car, to get to further jobs
https://gofundme.com/f/help-a-disabled-queer-autistic-get-a-skoolie-home… = bus house that needs some surprise repairs, for a place for us to live on our own so she might qualify for state insurance
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I Want To Kill Her
Au where Y/N and Harry are neighbors who find out their spouses are cheating with each other.
Based off Fortnight by Taylor Swift
Part 2
CW: Smut, cursing, unprotected sex, slight breeding kink.
Word Count: 6,773
Growing up in America was a constant uphill battle for me. Every day, my family's lower middle class status weighed heavily on our shoulders, dragging us down and suffocating any sense of hope. Despite my parents' relentless efforts, we were always one step away from financial ruin. At school, I was painfully reminded of my economic disadvantage as I trudged through the halls in threadbare clothes and drove up in a battered car that served as a target for cruel jokes and vicious teasing from my more privileged peers. But amidst the constant struggle, I found refuge in my studies. The world of academia offered a fleeting escape from the harsh realities of my daily life, where I poured all my energy into excelling and proving my worth to a society that seemed determined to keep me down.
Life in our small town was like a broken record, repeating the same monotonous routine day after day. That is, until Teddy waltzed into our midst like a breath of fresh air. His tall frame stood out amongst the sea of ordinary faces, and his crisp British accent was music to our ears. The local coffee shop suddenly became a buzz of excitement as he charmed everyone with his wit and sophistication. And when he extended an invitation for me to join him in London, it was like a fairytale come to life. Leaving my predictable life behind and starting anew in the bustling city seemed intimidating, but I couldn't resist the allure of adventure and passion that awaited me with Teddy by my side.
My hand shook as I clutched the small, worn suitcase. Tears welled up in my eyes as I said goodbye to my family and familiar life. But deep down, a sense of determination propelled me forward. I took a deep breath and stepped onto the plane bound for London. As the engines roared and the wheels lifted off the ground, a knot formed in my stomach and my heart raced with a mix of emotions - fear of the unknown, excitement for new adventures, and anticipation for what lay ahead.
I pressed my forehead against the cool, double-paned window and watched as familiar buildings and streets grew smaller and smaller. A sense of relief washed over me, lifting the weight of my past struggles and hardships with every mile we flew away from them. Little did I know, the journey ahead would be filled with new challenges and lessons that would shape me into the person I was always meant to become.
As we soared higher into the sky, thick clouds began to spread like a blanket over the vast expanse of blue. The world below disappeared from view, hidden by layers of white. But as we descended towards London, small patches of land began to peek through - rolling hills covered in lush green fields and charming villages nestled along winding rivers. My heart fluttered with excitement and curiosity at this glimpse of a foreign land.
The wheels touched down on the runway, jolting me out of my daydreams. I took a deep breath as we taxied towards the terminal, ready to embark on this new chapter of my life in a place that felt both unfamiliar and full of endless possibilities.
The bright lights of London beckoned me, a stark contrast to the small town I left behind. Teddy, my generous host, had spared no expense to make me feel at home in his lavish house. Each morning, I woke up to stunning views of the city skyline through floor-to-ceiling windows. The enticing scent of freshly baked pastries and rich coffee filled my nostrils, reminding me that this was a life of luxury that I never could have imagined.
But what truly amazed me was the fact that I no longer had to work. Teddy's successful business ventures meant that money was no longer a worry for me. This newfound wealth allowed me to indulge in all the things I could only dream about before. My wardrobe was now filled with designer clothes, fancy dinners were a regular occurrence, and luxurious vacations were just a plane ride away.
However, amidst all this extravagance and joy, there was always a twinge of guilt in the back of my mind. Growing up, every penny counted and financial struggles were a constant source of stress for my family. Now, with my newfound wealth, I couldn't help but feel guilty for having so much while others back home still struggled to make ends
I fiercely pushed all doubts and apprehensions aside, determined to fully surrender myself to my newfound life. And by all appearances, I succeeded. Teddy whisked me away on dazzling tours of the city, revealing hidden gems and indulging in the finest cuisine known only to elites. He also opened the door to his elite circle of friends – powerful individuals who radiated confidence and wealth wherever they went.
At first, I felt like a mere observer among them. While they boasted about their latest investments and business ventures, I could only offer anecdotes about my humble beginnings in a small town. But as weeks turned into months, they welcomed me into their exclusive inner circle. They even included us on extravagant trips abroad where we mingled with A-list celebrities and attended VIP events.
I couldn't believe how rapidly my life had transformed since meeting Teddy. Where once I was ridiculed for not fitting in with the wealthy crowd, now I lived among them, basking in their luxurious lifestyle.
But amidst all the glitz and glamour, a persistent voice gnawed at the back of my mind. It started one afternoon while Teddy was tending to the front yard. On the surface, it seemed like an ordinary chore for a homeowner, but something about it felt insidious and unsettling.
Despite the hired help we had to maintain our lavish property, Teddy insisted on taking care of menial tasks himself. At first, I thought it was just his need to be hands-on, but as the days turned into weeks, I couldn't ignore the way his eyes lingered on the woman next door. Every time she stepped outside in her form-fitting gardening attire, he would drop whatever he was doing and watch her with an unbridled hunger. Her movements were like a sensual dance, each step oozing with an irresistible seduction that captivated him. She seemed to know exactly how to entice him, bending over suggestively in her garden while his eyes greedily took in every curve of her body. But when her husband's luxury car pulled into their driveway, she would become a picture of innocence once again. It was a tantalizing game of desire and secrecy, leaving me wondering what they truly did behind closed doors.
Rosie, the woman of the house, was a force to be reckoned with, her love and dedication to her garden rivaling that of a mother's fierce protection for her child. Harry, her husband and successful entrepreneur, exuded a confident aura as he walked through their flourishing gardens, the beauty brand he created known by all as Pleasing. Despite our similar ages, their maturity and put-together appearance made me feel inadequate in comparison. Our own home seemed dull and lifeless in comparison to theirs, always offering an unobstructed view of Rosie's constant tending to her bountiful gardens, a sight that also caught my husband's wandering eyes. But it was impossible to deny the allure of their well-manicured gardens, bursting with vibrant hues and intoxicating scents that enveloped us in a hypnotic trance. 
Each passing week brought a new wave of torment as I watched Teddy's eyes dart towards Rosie's garden, his gaze lingering on her while she tended to her roses. My stomach twisted with jealousy as he made excuses to be outside, his every move calculated to catch her attention.
I couldn't bear the thought of him longing for someone else, and my heart shattered into pieces with each stolen glance towards her. Desperate for answers, I confronted him about their relationship, but he dismissed my fears with a cold indifference and insisted they were just innocent neighbors. But deep down, I knew there was something more between them, and it consumed me with a fiery rage that threatened to consume us all.
As I relaxed in the comfort of my home, the noise from outside suddenly jolted me out of my reverie. My eyes snapped to the window overlooking the busy street below, and there I saw Harry's sleek black Mercedes screeching into their driveway, its engine roaring wildly. Rosie appeared in the doorway, her movements frantic as she planted a forced kiss on his cheek before ushering him inside with an urgency that made my heart race. The door slammed shut behind them, and a foreboding sense of dread settled in my gut as I realized that something was seriously wrong between them. Whatever was happening, they were clearly trying to hide it from prying eyes.
My heart raced with a mix of excitement and dread as I made my way downstairs, my curiosity burning like a wildfire. The front door slammed behind me, the sun setting in a fiery blaze behind my back. My feet carried me across the short distance between our homes, anticipation building with each step. As I approached their front step, muffled voices drifted through the open window above me, a sinister soundtrack to my racing thoughts. I could make out Harry's tense tone and Rosie's pleading replies, but not the words themselves. Their hushed argument went on for what seemed like an eternity before falling silent, leaving me standing frozen in shock. My mind raced as I tried to piece together what was happening. Had my suspicions been correct after all? Were Rosie and Teddy entangled in a secret affair that Harry had finally uncovered? The weight of the truth hit me like a sledgehammer, filling me with a mix of anger, betrayal, and fear for what would
My thoughts were racing as I tried to decide what to do next, but before I could make a move, the front door swung open with a loud bang. My heart jolted in my chest as Harry stormed out, his face contorted with either seething anger or burning embarrassment - it was hard to tell which was more intense. He didn't even spare me a glance as he brushed past, heading straight for his car.
Just then, Rosie appeared in the doorway, her eyes widening in shock when she saw me standing there. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair was a wild mess, betraying some sort of frantic activity behind closed doors. "Oh...I-I didn't realize you were home," she stammered, her voice trembling with unease. She attempted a smile, but it fell short and I could see the fear in her eyes.
Before I could ask what was going on, Teddy burst out of our house and called out my name. He sprinted towards us from across the street, his brows furrowed with concern as he took in the sight of Rosie and I standing together. The tense atmosphere was thick between us all, and I knew something serious was about to go down.
"What's going on?" he demanded, his voice laced with concern as he eyed us both suspiciously.
I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, my mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. "I honestly don't know," I admitted, feeling like a pawn in their complicated game. "Do you?"
Teddy and Rosie exchanged a tense look that spoke volumes about their troubled relationship. I could sense the weight of their secrets and lies pressing down on me, suffocating me with their toxic grip. Without another word, I turned and fled back inside, trying to escape the tangled web of deceit and betrayal they had woven around me. My once glamorous new life now felt tainted with suspicion and heartache.
I slam the door shut behind me, my hands trembling with rage and disbelief. My worst fears have been confirmed - Teddy and Rosie were having an affair all along, right under my naive nose. A surge of hot tears fills my eyes as I collapse onto the couch, my heart hammering in my chest. How could he do this to me? After all we've built together, all the love and trust we shared. 
My mind races back through the past few months, dissecting every encounter between them that I had brushed off as innocent. His lingering looks at her, her secret smiles directed only at him, their hushed conversations that would abruptly end whenever I appeared. The pieces finally fit together, a puzzle of betrayal and deceit that I was too blind to see. How long has it been going on? Was it when he started staying late at work for that promotion? Or when our once effortless conversations turned into strained silence over dinner? My world is shattered, and I can't help but wonder if it was ever truly as perfect as I believed it to be.
My body curls in on itself, a protective barrier against the pain that radiates through me. My mind is stuck on replay, the tense exchange between them echoing endlessly in my head. Rosie's desperate pleas, Harry's explosive anger - it all points to betrayal. 
The tears fall hot and heavy down my cheeks as I realize I can no longer ignore the truth. My heart aches with every beat, but I know I have to confront Teddy. Pretending everything is okay between us is no longer an option. 
As I stand up and make my way to the front window, I catch a glimpse of Teddy crossing back over to our house, his defeated posture screaming guilt. The anger and hurt fueling my determination, I take a deep breath and brace myself for the inevitable confrontation. 
When Teddy steps into our living room, the air crackles with tension like static electricity before a storm. The unspoken truths between us hang heavily, suffocatingly thick like a dense fog. 
"Why don't you just admit it, Teddy?" My voice trembles with a mix of rage and despair.
He responds with words sharp as shattered glass, "Admit what? That you're so blinded by your own insecurity that you'd accuse me without any proof?" His betrayal cuts deep, adding more pieces to the already broken shards of my heart.
My hands balled into fists at my sides, knuckles turning white as I struggled to contain the raging storm inside me. "Don't you dare try to twist this around on me! I saw you, Teddy. I saw the way your eyes linger on her, like she's the only thing that matters."
Teddy's jaw clenched and his calm façade cracked, giving way to a simmering anger. "You're being paranoid. Rosie is just a friend, nothing more."
I took a step closer, my voice dripping with venom. "Oh please, spare me your excuses. I've seen how you look at her when you think I'm not looking."
Fury burned bright in his eyes, his voice rising in a challenge. "How dare you accuse me of cheating? I would never do that to you!"
Tears threatened to spill over as I shook my head in disbelief, my heart shattering into a million pieces. "It's not just about today, Teddy. It's been building up for months. The way you ignore me and shower her with attention... It's like I'm invisible to you now."
He scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping him. "Oh please, stop playing the victim here. You knew what you were getting into when we moved here.You want me to make you feel like you exist? Do you want me to fuck you? What do you want? You’re so needy you put your issues onto other women."
My nails dug into my palms as I fought to keep my composure in the face of his callous words. "I thought I was getting into a life with someone who loved and respected me. Not someone who sneaks around behind my back to screw the neighbor."
The tension in the room reached its breaking point as Teddy's mask slipped completely, revealing the raw emotions seething beneath the surface. "Maybe if you were more exciting, more adventurous, I wouldn't have to look elsewhere for some excitement in my life!"
His words struck me like a physical blow, leaving me reeling in disbelief and pain. The truth hung heavy in the air between us, an invisible barrier that seemed impossible to breach.
"I can't do this anymore," I whispered hoarsely, the finality of those words echoing like a gunshot in the silent room.
Teddy's expression softened for a fleeting moment before hardening once again with resolve. "Fine then! Maybe this is for the best. Actually, yeah it is. Bitch." he spat out, his voice laced with bitterness.
And with those parting words echoing in my ears like a curse, I turned away from him and headed towards the door, leaving behind our shattered dreams and broken promises in a trail of fractured memories.
The low hum of the engine filled the air as Harry sat in his sleek, black car, parked precisely outside of his modern fortress. I approached cautiously, trying to mask my trembling steps on the pavement. With a gentle tap on the window, I could feel his intense gaze burning through me from within the tinted glass. His phone slipped from his hand as he rolled down the window, revealing a sharp jawline and piercing eyes that seemed to glow with an otherworldly intensity. A commanding voice cut through the silence, "Get in." Without hesitation, I made my way around to the passenger side and sank into the plush leather seat next to him, feeling a mix of fear and excitement coursing through my veins.
As we drove away from the chaotic scene behind us, the tension in the car was suffocating. Every muscle in Harry's body seemed to be coiled with a fierce determination, his knuckles turning white as they gripped the steering wheel. I stole a quick glance at him, noticing how his usually calm demeanor was replaced by a dangerous edge, like a predator ready to strike at any moment.
A heavy silence hung in the air of the car, suffocating me as I struggled to catch my breath. Harry's voice pierced through the tension like a sharp blade, cutting deep into my racing thoughts. "Are you okay?" he asked, his expression etched with genuine concern.
I tried to speak, but my throat felt constricted and choked. Finally, I managed to whisper, "I don't know." My mind was reeling from the events that had unfolded only moments ago.
Harry's eyes remained fixed on the road ahead, his words heavy with understanding. "Life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges at us," he mused, his tone grave and contemplative. "But it's how we handle them that defines who we are."
I turned to look at him, grateful for his steady presence amid the chaos raging inside me. "Thank you," I said earnestly. "For being here for me."
A faint smile tugged at the corners of Harry's lips, but there was a glint of steel in his gaze. "You don't have to thank me," he replied firmly. "I'm here because I care about you and because your husband is sleeping with my wife." His reassurance was met with a sense of relief and gratitude amidst the turmoil that threatened to consume me.
The stillness between us was palpable, a fragile thread holding back a storm of emotions. The road stretched out before us, winding through fields and forests, as if it were leading us towards a new beginning.
My heart felt heavy with the weight of our shared past, but in this moment, with Harry by my side, I could feel a glimmer of hope for the future. Together, we drove into the unknown, leaving behind the pain and hurt that had consumed us.
But as we reached our destination - a rundown motel in the middle of nowhere - the tension returned. Harry's exhaustion and frustration were etched on his face as he turned to me.
"I know neither of us want to go home right now," he said, his voice laced with bitterness. "For fuck's sake, they're probably sexing each other up as we speak.." A surge of anger and betrayal rose within me at his words. "Let's just stay here for the night, maybe two. We can regroup and come up with a plan." His proposal hung in the air like a dark cloud, reminding us both of the uncertain future that lay ahead. But one thing was certain - we wouldn't have to face it alone.
My voice caught in my throat, unable to form words as I simply nodded, a tight knot of fear and anger coiling in my stomach. My body trembled with the intensity of the situation. We both knew that any misstep could cause everything to spiral out of control. The motel seemed like a fitting backdrop for our strained emotions, its dilapidated exterior reflecting the state of our relationship. The neon lights flickering ominously, casting a sickly glow over the peeling paint and broken windows. But even this rundown place offered some respite from the suffocating chaos and turmoil surrounding us.
Panicked and unprepared for the situation I found myself in, I regretted not packing a change of clothes as my heart raced and my mind spun with fear. The events that had just unfolded left me gasping for air, struggling to stay afloat in a sea of chaos. As we rushed into the rundown motel, I couldn't help but scan our surroundings, searching for any sign of danger. The flickering lights and musty smell only added to the ominous atmosphere. Harry snatched the key from the grimy front desk man and led us down a dimly lit hallway to our room. My anxiety spiked when they informed us that the only available room featured a single king-sized bed. My nerves were on edge at the thought of sharing such an intimate space with Harry, his intimidating presence looming over me like a dark cloud.
As we stepped into the dimly lit motel room, the tension between Harry and me was palpable, hanging heavy in the air like a thick fog. I could feel his eyes on me, assessing, judging.
"I'll take the floor," Harry offered gruffly, breaking the silence that had settled between us like a heavy blanket.
I shook my head, unable to accept his sacrifice. "No, we can share the bed. It's fine," I replied softly, trying to ease some of the strain that weighed on us both.
Harry hesitated for a moment before nodding curtly. "Alright then."
The room felt suffocatingly small as we settled in, the walls seeming to press in on us from all sides. The shadows danced ominously in the dim light, casting eerie shapes across the worn carpet.
"I never thought we'd end up here," I mused quietly, breaking the somber stillness that enveloped us.
Harry's voice was gruff as he responded, "Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs at you when you least expect it."
A bitter chuckle escaped my lips. "Seems like we're both striking out lately."
We sat in silence for a while, the weight of our complicated situation hanging heavily over us. The sound of distant traffic seeping through the thin walls served as a reminder of the world outside our little bubble of chaos.
Finally, Harry spoke again, his voice softer this time. "I'm sorry you're going through this. You deserve better."
I turned to look at him, meeting his gaze for the first time since we had arrived. There was a vulnerability in his eyes that caught me off guard.
"Thank you," I whispered, feeling a flicker of warmth amidst the cold despair that had settled in my heart. We sat side by side on the edge of the bed, two broken souls seeking solace in each other's company. 
We sat in silence for a while longer, the weight of our circumstances still heavy on our shoulders but somehow more bearable with each other's presence. The flickering lights outside cast fleeting shadows across the room, adding a sense of fleeting impermanence to our shared moment of respite.
"I'm glad you're here," Harry spoke up suddenly, his voice genuine and heartfelt.
Tears welled up in my eyes at his words, grateful for the unexpected bond that had formed between us in the midst of turmoil. "Me too," I whispered, feeling a sense of hope blooming in my heart despite the challenges ahead.
And so we sat together in the dimly lit motel room, two souls seeking solace in each other's company amidst the chaos that threatened to tear us apart.
My phone began to buzz incessantly in my hand, Teddy's name flashing on the screen. I couldn't bear to see his name or hear his voice, so I forcefully shut off my phone and flung it across the room with a violent toss. As it clattered against the wall, Harry's quiet voice pierced through the air.
"She called me too," he seethed, his fists clenched at his side. "In this moment, I could kill her."
I nodded in agreement, my blood boiling with rage. "Teddy had the audacity to accuse me of being jealous and then suggest that if he just fucked me, my jealousy would disappear," I spat out, feeling both hurt and incensed by his words.
Harry's voice dripped with desire as he turned towards me, his gaze burning into my skin. "Would it?" His words were a challenge, daring me to answer. I could feel the heat radiating off his body as he leaned in closer.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Would what?"
A smirk played at the corners of his lips as he spoke the words that sent a shiver down my spine. "If he fucked you, would you still be so jealous?"
My heart raced at the vulgar question and I let out a nervous laugh. Shaking my head, I replied, "No, Harry. Nothing could change how I feel."
He let out a deep sigh, frustration evident in his voice. "The timing of this is fucking terrible. I've always thought you were stunning, wondered what you saw in a guy like him. And I know I could give it to you so much better."
Our eyes locked in a heated moment and I couldn't deny the sparks that flew between us. But as tempting as his offer was, I knew I couldn't betray my feelings for another man.
I glanced up at him through my lashes and saw the raw intensity in his gaze. It was clear that he wanted me. But we both knew it could never be more than a forbidden fantasy.
“What if we had our own affair, you know, to get back at them.” He said with a smirk.
My heart pounded in my chest like a wild animal in a cage at his words. An affair? The thought sent waves of scandalous delight and sinful anticipation coursing through my veins.
"An affair, Harry?" I repeated tentatively, my voice barely above a whisper. His dark eyes were locked onto mine, the intensity of his gaze making my breath hitch in my throat. The charged silence that hung between us was as intoxicating as the raw desire smoldering in his gaze.
Leaning closer, Harry's lips brushed against my earlobe as he whispered huskily, "Yes, an affair, just like what they did. Us, sneaking around, feeling each others bodies." His hot breath fanned over me, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.
The room seemed to shrink around us as Harry moved impossibly closer, his hand finding its way to my knee. I watched as his fingers traced patterns along my thigh, desire flooding me with each small movement.
Harry's thumb traced a line up towards the apex of my thighs, igniting sparks wherever it made contact with my flesh through the thin material of my skirt. My body instinctively rose to meet him and I let out a soft gasp.
"You want this," he murmured heatedly against my neck before nipping lightly at the sensitive skin there. A delicious shiver ran down my spine and my core clenched at his actions. 
"I...I..." I stuttered, struggling for words as heat pooled low in my belly. He chuckled darkly at my loss for words before returning his attention back to where his hand had slowly began creeping upwards again. His warm touch was like an electric shock, leaving behind a trail of molten desire.
Without another word, Harry pushed up my skirt and slipped his hand into my panties. His fingers brushed lightly against me and I sucked in a sharp breath, feeling a jolt of pleasure shoot straight to my core. He grinned wickedly at me and slowly began to stroke me, his skilled fingers setting my senses ablaze.
"Harry," I moaned out, clutching at his arm as he expertly worked me into a bundle of nerves. His low chuckle did nothing to ease the escalating tension.
His finger easily slipped inside me, making me whimper at the sudden intrusion. Harry pumped his digits inside me slowly at first, but quickly sped up when I let out a needy gasp. The pleasure was overwhelming and soon enough, I clenched around him, a shuddering orgasm ripping through me.
I fell back onto the bed, panting heavily as aftershocks still tingled throughout my body. Harry wiped his glistening fingers on my skirt before smoothly pulling it back down. He then lay next to me on the bed, his smirk evident in the dim light.
"That's just a taste," he said with a wicked glint in his eyes. 
"I can't wait to claim you as mine," Harry whispered in my ear, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine. My heart raced as he trailed kisses along my jaw and down my neck, stopping to suckle a tender spot just below my earlobe. His hands moved sensually over my body, teasingly tracing patterns on my skin before gripping me tighter.
Desperate for more of his touch, I moaned and arched into him. He took that as an invitation and gripped the hem of my shirt, pulling it up over my head roughly. "Fuck," he muttered under his breath when he saw me bare-chested for the first time. I blushed at his appreciation but internally preened at his reaction.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he growled lowly before capturing one of my nipples between his lips and sucking hard. My back bowed off the bed as I let out a keening whimper, my fingers tangling in his hair. He had a way of making me feel wanted and desired like no one ever had before.
He moved lower, kissing and licking his way down my stomach until he reached the hem of my skirt. With a swift movement, he yanked it up over my hips, baring me completely to him. His eyes darkened even more when they met mine again, full of lust and possession.
"Spread your legs for me," he commanded softly yet authoritatively. I hesitated for only a moment before complying with his request, feeling incredibly exposed but also powerfully aroused by the thought of pleasing him in any way possible.
Harry took advantage of this vulnerability by thrusting two fingers deep inside me without any warning or preparation. I gasped at the intrusion but didn't stop him from exploring deeper within me. Instead, I clenched around his fingers instinctively while moaning out his name in ecstasy. He chuckled softly against my inner thigh before reaching between our bodies to stroke himself in time with his rhythmic fingering of me.
"You're so tight," he groaned approvingly. 
As Harry thrust his fingers deeper into me, I couldn't help but moan louder. His fingers curled inside me, searching for my sweet spot while his other hand gripped my hip firmly. My body shuddered with pleasure as we moved together in this intense rhythm.
"You feel so good," I whispered between breaths. "Please don't stop."
He chuckled darkly before biting down softly on the lobe of my ear, sending a jolt of excitement through me. His hips picked up speed, grinding against me as he groaned in approval.
"That's it, baby girl," he growled. "Take what you want."
His words ignited something deep within me, making me even more hungry for his touch. I didn't hesitate to wrap my legs around his waist and pull him closer still. Our skin slapped together in sync with each swift thrust and retreat as we moved together like two bodies meant to be one.
"Oh fuck, you're driving me wild," he whispered into my ear before grabbing a fistful of my hair and pulling my head back sharply. The sudden sting shot straight to my core, intensifying every sensation tenfold. He released my hair just as quickly and crashed his lips onto mine in a demanding kiss that left me panting for air.
We moved from the couch to bed floor where he pushed me down onto all fours before kneeling behind me. One hand gripped the base of my spine while the other caressed its way up my inner thigh towards my core again. He teased me mercilessly with his fingers as he trailed hot kisses down my spine and back up again, sending shivers of anticipation through my entire body.
"I know I'll fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before," he muttered darkly into my ear just before slamming himself deep inside me from behind in one powerful stroke that made me cry out loudly at both surprise and pleasure. In response, he gripped both sides of my face roughly yet tenderly and claimed my mouth once more in a fiery kiss that went on forever or at least it felt like it did until our bodies became entwined.
I could feel his cock hardening in his pants and I needed it no matter how wrong it was.
He gripped my hair tightly and pulled my head back, exposing my neck. His hot breath sent shivers down my spine as he whispered, "You're mine to fuck however I want." Wanting more than anything to feel his cock deep inside me, I moaned in agreement.
Pushing me against the bed, he roughly lifted one of my legs and wrapped it around his waist. With his free hand, he pushed his hard and heavy cock into me. I cried out at the intense pleasure shooting through my body as he began to thrust slowly yet powerfully in and out of me.
"Say you want it," he growled against my ear. "Tell me how much you need it."
"Please," I whimpered. "Fuck me hard."
His answering groan sent a wave of heat coursing through my veins as he slammed into me with all his might, claiming my mind and body as his own. The force of each thrust sent jolts of electricity through every nerve ending i body, leaving me breathless and begging for more.
As he continued to pound into me, I couldn't help but moan his name. His thick cock stretched and filled me, hitting my sweet spot with each powerful thrust. I felt my walls start to quake, ready to explode with pleasure as he took control of our encounter.
"That's it," he growled, nipping at my earlobe. "Just let go."
I clung to him tighter, my nails digging into his skin as I surrendered to the intensity of our lovemaking. Every muscle in my body was on edge, waiting for the release that felt so close yet so far away.
He changed positions again, lifting me up and pushing me against the wall. His other hand gripped my hair tightly as he claimed my mouth roughly in a deep, passionate kiss. My legs wrapped around his waist instinctively as he began to thrust even harder into me. It felt so dirty yet so good to be taken like this.
"You are mine," he whispered harshly between breaths. "Only mine. I bet your husband would be fucking dumbfounded when he sees you filled up with my babies."
His words sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't help but nod in agreement as he took control completely. This was exactly what I needed - someone strong who would make me feel wanted and taken care of. 
As we moved together in sync, lost in the heat of passion and desire, I whispered back to him between gasps for air, "Please...don't stop."
He replied by grabbing hold of my ass cheeks and squeezing them tightly as he thrust deeper into me. His rough skin rubbed against mine, sending tingling sensations all over my body. With every push and pull, our hips collided, echoing throughout the room.
I could feel him growing harder inside me, straining against the thin fabric separating us. The anticipation was killing me - I needed him to release that cock and fill me up completely. As if reading my mind, he pulled away from me suddenly and spun me around so that I was facing the wall again.
"Not yet," he growled into my ear before reaching down and teasing my entrance with his thumbs. He pushed one finger inside me slowly, then another, stretching me open until three fingers were buried deep inside me. I arched my back involuntarily as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through my veins at his tender ministrations on my most sensitive spot.
“Where is your damn phone?” Harry demanded, his voice dripping with urgency. I struggled to lift my head off the bed and weakly pointed to the device lying on the floor. Without hesitation, he leapt from the bed and strode over to it.
A sinister grin spread across his face as he unlocked the phone and shoved his thumb into my mouth, ordering me to suck on it. With a twisted sense of satisfaction, he flipped the phone and snapped a selfie, making sure to capture the tattoos inked on his arm for identification. His next move was ruthless as he pulled up my text messages and sent the photo to Teddy, effectively sending a clear message of dominance over me.
"I'll make sure that bastard knows what he's missing out on," Harry growls, his eyes filled with possessive rage. "You're too good for him, love. A fucking goddess like you deserves to be worshipped and adored, not tossed aside like a used toy." I feel a mix of anger and satisfaction as I realize that I don't need Teddy anymore, not after the wild and passionate night I just had with Harry. He makes me feel alive in a way no one else ever has.
Harry threw the phone back onto the bed, his eyes never leaving mine. I could see the fire in his gaze, the intensity of his desire for me. He reached out and ran a hand through my hair, gently tugging on it as he leaned in to kiss me. His lips were soft, but his touch was firm, demanding. I responded eagerly, meeting his kiss with equal passion.
As we kissed, Harry's hands began to wander, exploring my body with a familiarity that set my skin on fire. He traced the curve of my waist, the arch of my back, the dip of my hips. I could feel myself growing wetter with every touch, every kiss. I needed him inside me again, needed to feel him filling me up, possessing me completely.
But Harry had other plans. He broke our kiss and looked deep into my eyes, his expression serious. "Not yet," he whispered, echoing his earlier words. "I want to savor every moment with you."
He lowered his head and began to kiss a trail down my neck, across my collarbone, down to my breasts. He teased my nipples with his tongue, biting down gently on the sensitive flesh. I gasped, arching my back as waves of pleasure washed over me.
Slowly, carefully, Harry began to enter me once again. He moved slowly at first, savoring every inch of me. But as he felt me grow wetter, more responsive, he picked up the pace. He thrust deeper, harder, his hips slapping against mine. I could feel myself losing control, could feel the familiar tightening in my belly as I approached my climax.
"Turn over, want to see that beautiful ass of yours as I fill you up," he growled, his voice thick with desire.
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venusmage · 4 days
Commission/Life update for 2024
Just want everyone to know I AM okay now and life has gotten better recently. However the past year and a half have been extremely difficult and I'm only now getting back on my feet. I generally don't like sharing life details publicly, but as a freelancer with clients that have been waiting for a while I feel like transparency is key.
If you don't want an explanation for the delays and just want to know my completion timeline, that's totally okay. Here is all the info up front. I'm going to continue updating my commission queue as usual and will not be accepting any more orders until ALL of the queue is completed. I'm working on finishing the half and full bodies first since they've been the longest waiting in queue. Then the rest. I don't have a set date in mind for when they'll be all done for good but the goal is by the end of the year. I think that's more than doable for me now. If you're a client of mine and have questions/concerns, please message me either here or on Discord and I'll do my best to help you. My username on discord is the same as my Tumblr username. Twitter and Ko-Fi are also options but I don't check them as frequently. I usually work Monday-Thursday so that will be the best time to shoot me a message or expect an update to the queue.
Information on what's been going on is below.
CW for mentions of death, financial hardship and homophobia.
As a few of you might remember, in 2019 I was disowned by my mother for being a lesbian. I made the choice to go no-contact. Since then, up until LAST YEAR, she's routinely harassed me or had other family harass me, stalked me on social media, tried to get to me through the website I take commission orders, and threatened me multiple times. I was forced to move across the country both because I felt unsafe and because my partner had family elsewhere that were more accepting. I've had to change my phone number twice.
It's been extremely difficult both financially and mentally to keep my head above water. In 2021 my grandfather died and I still haven't felt like I've been able to properly grieve. I wasn't able to see him due to her and I wasn't invited to his funeral. We were very close and he meant the world to me. In 2023 my grandmother passed away very suddenly as well, and my mother used it as an excuse to harass me over ko-fi/my professional email. It was such a horrific experience that I fell into a months long spiral that I only just now feel like I'm climbing out of. This is when commissions first stalled. I was also starting to get overwhelmed, as I had to take on more work than I could realistically handle in order to pay bills and rent. That's really it - I just had to take more orders so we weren't kicked out of our apartment, and as my mental state deteriorated I couldn't keep up.
The good news is that my wife and moved earlier this year we're living with supportive(!) family now and our financial burden is much lighter. This gives me time to work on my backlog without re-opening. I'm also going to school again, back in college starting this summer for a second degree. For my own health after commissions are finished I'm likely going to take a break on opening them for a good while, even though I really enjoy doing them.
In the past two months amazing and not-amazing things have happened. The amazing thing is I got an ADHD diagnosis, something I didn't even know had been ruining my life for years. I'm still getting used to the proper medications but I'm already seeing a big improvement. It's as much of a relief as it is frustrating. My mother also reared her head again (like she usually does at least once a year) - this time, though, I learned she'd had a stroke. While I'm not involved with her anymore, I think most people could understand how it would still be a very weird and upsetting situation. As of right now I'm free of her once again, she seems to be making a good recovery and will hopefully continue to live a happy life far away from me. Still, those two things back to back have been a LOT to deal with on top of just trying to get better in general. I stepped away from the internet for a while for my own sanity.
The downside to being a freelancer is that there's not always a safety net. That's what happened to me. Thank you all very much for being kind and patient, I genuinely have had nothing but polite interactions with all of you and I really appreciate it. I'm sorry my personal bullshit got in the way of getting my work done for you. This is the longest I've ever taken to complete commissions and it's something that I'm deeply ashamed of. I promise they will get done. Being medicated and starting to recover from the family drama has revitalized me a bit. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out.
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eevees-hobbies · 1 day
Hi! I was wondering if I could request a x self insert fic of Tengen helping reader relax since they've been going through a very stressful period? Both smut and/or fluff are fine by me. Sorry if this isn't enough detail, I'm not used to requesting much haha ( @linden-honey )
Note: Thank you for being my first-ever request! I tried to keep this gender-neutral since there weren’t specifics. I appreciate you so much for asking and also for making me come out of my comfort zone and write Tengen, haha! Also, sorry for the back-story at the beginning; I’m learning that it’s hard for me to just dive into smut without context! Tag @linden-honey
CW: Slight sexual stuff with a sneaky finger, but nothing explicit.
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“Oh no,” you say primarily to yourself as you wince, a hand rising to your forehead. You feel an intense migraine beginning to permeate through your skull, and you weren’t even the slightest bit surprised. Life had been a lot lately. Your carrot farm wasn’t producing sprouts as it had many years before, and this caused significant financial hardship for you. Upon further investigation of your crops, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary until a strikingly tall, handsome, and beefy man with jewels adjourning his headband showed up at your small, isolated home 
You wearily asked how you could help him as his bright fushia eyes scoped out the land. “This is perfect.”
“Um, thank you, but it’s all dead,” you remarked as you looked around to see what he was referencing. As you turned your attention back to him, you were admittedly in awe of him. Do they make men this handsome out here in the sticks? No, there’s no way he’s from the area.
As you open your mouth to inquire about him and why he’s in front of you, he cuts you off, informing you hastily that the presence of a demon was killing your crops and terrorizing your sleepy town. You silently sulked to yourself. Why do the crazy ones always find me? Just last week, a boy with bright yellow hair and a shrill voice asked you for your hand. Luckily, one of his companions, who wore a boar's head, dragged him away. Perhaps it’s time for a move?
You nodded as he continued speaking, his hands gesturing wildly to the moon that sat above you both, “are you listening to me? It’s dangerous to be out here at night-” And as if on comedic cue, a feral-looking man—if you could call the thing barreling towards you a man—burst from your small shed, prominent fangs reflecting the light from the moon, his clawed fingers curled as he beelined towards you both. But the bejeweled man moved quickly; you assumed he moved because, in the instant that it took you to blink, he was standing next to the decapitated body of the assailant—his Nichirin Cleavers, covered in blood and being returned to their sheathes.
As the demon's body turned to ash and drifted wispily into the night sky, the man looked at you with a smirk and triumphantly announced, “See, I told you so!” 
And that’s how you found out demons were real! That’s also how you found yourself being courted by Tengen Uzui. He had chosen to stay with you to ease you into your new knowledge of the existence of demons—he also thought you were cute, but he’s a chivalrious God who doesn’t need another person calling him a pervert—so he’d never outwardly admit that. And now that you knew he wasn’t fully crazy, you allowed yourself to grow closer to him, looking forward to his quick quips and vivid storytelling of his adventures across the country. He eventually had to take his leave, but he visited you as often as his job would allow, sharing small bits of his life with you—the fact that he had three wives, that he left the violent life of a shinobi behind, and that he was someone called a “Hashira” who protects innocents like yourself from demons. It was a LOT to take in.
That was months ago.
Tengen’s eyes find yours as he watches you react to the pressure in your head, “Y/N, are you alright?”
You grit your teeth and shoot him your best, “I’m not in pain” smile, but sometimes Tengen knows you better than you know yourself. Your relationship was unique. He had multiple wives—three to be exact—and he was in the process of courting you. You adored the other women but couldn’t help but feel out of place because you weren’t a Kunoichi. One of the first insecurities Tengen had to help you grapple with was that your normalcy was very attractive to him. 
“Here,” he gently removes the knife you’re using to chop up vegetables for dinner from your hand, “I can finish the rest.”
You side-eye him, and he returns your eyes with a glare, “what’s that look for?” 
“If I eat anything you make, I’ll certainly die.” 
“Get. Out,” orders Tengen through gritted teeth. As he watches you as you stroll off, he can’t help but smile. You may not possess the same skill set as his other wives, but you’re witty and make him laugh, and sometimes he needs that more than anything in this cruel world. He turns his attention to the uncut purple carrot in front of him. “I cut up demons for a living. How hard can this possibly be?” 
You dry the remnants of water from your body as you head to your bedroom. As soon as you had lowered your body into the water of your bath, the heat and steam alleviated the pressure of your migraine immensely. As you slide open the door, you smile to yourself. The room is dark except for candles lit on the windowsill, and the aroma of lavender floats through the air from your oil diffuser. The culprit of these thoughtful gestures greets you with a smile that could illuminate any space. “You know what they say helps with a migraine?”
“Are you talking about…?”
“Yes- no! A massage! Get your head out of the gutter!”
You laugh softly, never one to turn down his touch, even if it’s something as innocent as a massage. Tengen gets to work spreading the oil in his hands and rubbing his palms together to warm the liquid. His hands feel like heaven as he firmly grips your shoulders, his thumbs rubbing large circles against your glistening skin. As you melt against his touch, you contemplate how you got into this situation. Maybe you were more stressed than you liked to admit, but you certainly can’t deny it now, as Tengen massages away the physical embodiment of your stress.
Tengen leans down and whispers huskily in your ear, “I need to remove your towel so I can be an effective masseuse.”
You give a quiet hum of approval.
Tengen wraps his fingers around the hem of the towel and pulls, a low growl escaping his throat as your naked body lies beneath him. He looks at the oil, contemplating all the things he could do to you with you on your stomach and your backside exposed. But he quickly regains his composure—dedicated to getting this job done and not allowing any temptation to distract him! This is for YOU—his love—after all. 
He continues to spread the oil across your skin, a layer of sheen making your body glisten, the shadows produced from the candles licking across your body and creating intimate shrouds on the curve of your back. Admiring his work, Tengen’s hands move their way from your shoulders to your lower back. You moan underneath him, moving slightly as you can feel something firm poking at your ass, and if Tengen’s hands are at your waist, then you’re being prodded by something else. You’re stopped from saying anything as Tengen massages your flesh and, as discreetly as one can, slips a finger inside of you.
You let out a gasp, and your body clenches reactively. Tengen whispers a “sorry,” but you can hear a hint of a smile on his lips as he then moves on to diligently work at the rest of your body, rubbing the tension from your thighs, calves, and feet—taking extra special care to areas where you let out a content sigh. As he finishes your lower body, you flip onto your back so you’re staring up at him.
He looks down at you, playfulness pooling in his eyes, “I just showed considerable strength just now.”
“I give you a B- for that little stunt you pulled.”
Tengen smiles and presses his forehead against yours, “how’s the headache?”
“Nonexistent thanks to you.”
Tengen takes your hands in his, intertwining your fingers and pinning them above your head. “If there’s ever a means by which I can alleviate a burden from you, please don’t hesitate to ask. You mean so much to me.”
You consider his words carefully. He’s smiling down at you, but his eyes show some semblance of concern—silently pleading for you to take his words to heart. You nod in agreement. “I’ve been doing so much alone for so long that sometimes I forget to ask.”
“We’ll get you into the habit then,” he trails kisses down your face until his lips hover closely to yours. “Let’s start now. How can I help?”
“Don’t be a tease,” you whisper as you wrap your legs around his waist. Tengen chuckles to himself and plants a kiss on your lips, sinking into you.
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tackytigerfic · 11 months
Might you have a new or old excerpt to share with us in this ao3 draught?
Hi Anon, I like your thinking! Feeling very sorry for the AO3 bods who are working so hard to get things under control again.
I am only working on one fic atm and I haven't got anything new at the moment. I have shared all excerpts from my long WIP under this tag: tacky's fth. As usual with tumblr's search function i can't find loads of them though.
I also have a few short fics posted in full on tumblr; you can find links to some tumblr posts here and here, and there's also this, this, this, and this!
I do have a few WIPs that I haven't touched in years so here's the opener to one of them. I've popped it under a cut as it has some mild references to sex and bodies so is probably a soft M rating. The start of this fic takes place soon after 8th year and features down-and-out Draco who has lost all his family money and is working two jobs. He's also seeing Harry who is still quite fucked up. Later in the fic, Draco leaves and goes to work at a caravan park in France. And then Harry follows him out there and they get back together. But this part of the fic is before all that. CW for drinking, drunkenness, financial hardship, a bit of angst, mild refs to smut.
Read it below the cut!
“I don’t really do a lot outside of work,” Draco said, but he could see Harry didn’t believe him, though he wasn’t sure it mattered very much. Harry was lying on his back, so Draco could really look at him, and the light was perfect for it—London summer evening light, a vivid wash of sun filtering through the horrible net curtains at the flat window, rosy gold and brimming with the potential of the stretched out, elastic length of day. It could have been any time from noon to dinnertime, except that Draco knew the direction the window faced and how the sun moved. Being this high up meant cheap rent and nothing to see through the window but a rectangle of blue like a corridor of sky. 
Harry was sweating. 
“I got the water last time,” he said in a wheedling tone, and turned abruptly onto his side so he could be closer to Draco, tucking a hand under his cheek. He never seemed to mind Draco knowing he was watching him, and his eyes were amused and knowing and very green against the white pillowcase. “And my throat…” 
He coughed pathetically, and then followed the line of Draco’s rising flush with his finger, all the way from his chest, along his neck, until he was tracing Draco’s cheekbone. Draco could feel the memory of Harry eager and pliant in the heat, on his knees in front of the big window, and his mouth, Draco bracing his hands against the glass at the momentary, muscular constriction of Harry’s throat around his cock, his own unthinking thrust and all that heat. Harry’s curls had been dark and flat with sweat at his hairline as Draco scrabbled to touch, and then pulled Harry to standing with a gentle tug, suddenly, horribly fearing that it would all be over too soon, before they even got to the bed.
“Fine, I’ll get you a drink,” he told Harry, who only smiled a little and wriggled further down in the bed, shutting his eyes, though Draco knew he was watching when Draco stretched at the side of the bed and walked through to the little kitchenette. Aguamenti water never tasted quite right.
Through the squeak and splutter of the tap running, he heard Harry’s voice, and waited until he turned the tap off and the pipe had stopped thumping before shouting, “What?” back into the bedroom. He popped some bread into the toaster.
“I said”—his voice really was ragged and used-sounding, Draco thought, swallowing at the memory—“are you going to Hannah’s thing on Saturday?”
“What’s Hannah’s thing?” Draco called back, intercepting the pop of the toaster. The butter was liquid at the edges in the heavy old butter dish, the golden mound of it collapsing when he stuck the knife in, running in a translucent slick down the blade. The kitchen smelled ripe and over-sweet in the heat.
“Hannah’s thing for the new beer garden.” Harry appeared in the doorway, curls in his eyes, face flushed, mouth reddened, the soft hang of his cock still wet at the tip. He looked so happy. Sometimes, Draco still hated him a little bit.
“I’m working,” Draco told him flatly. Draco was always working, either at his weird day job where he showed tourists around a big National Trust house while being impossibly posh about it, or picking up shifts in the pub on the corner where they charged four quid a pint, and sold flabby cheese toasties that they called Croques Monsieur, and where people liked Draco more the ruder he was to them, when he served them mint juleps in jam jars and messed up the head of their pints of mediocre Guinness just because he could.
“Oh right,” Harry said blankly, “I forgot. Course you’re working, sorry.” He scratched his stomach absent-mindedly, opening the fridge to look inside, as though something might have magically appeared in there since the night before when he had staggered out of Draco’s bed with a red handprint on one arse cheek, and a darkening bruise just under his jawline, claiming starvation. He’d ordered takeaway, of course, something extravagant and delicious-smelling from a curry house Draco had never heard of. “I could come over after, if you like. Or you could come to mine, I suppose, I think Nev’s going to have a bit of a do there for Hannah to celebrate.”
Harry lived in the old Black house with a vaguely threatening-sounding number of Gryffindors. “The place has ten bedrooms,” Harry had shrugged when he first told Draco about it. “It’s great because I never feel alone there. But privacy… yeah, that’s the problem.”
They had nothing but privacy in Draco’s place: —the ground floor flat was vacant, a 'To Let' sign faded and curling-edged in the window, and Maureen just downstairs from Draco was hard of hearing and spent most of the day and night with the telly blaring. It covered up all the noises Draco and Harry made, because Draco kept odd hours and Harry didn’t really have a proper job so they could often snatch some time together here and there in the middle of the day, when the light was cleanest and the day felt suspended between start and end. Harry loved Draco’s flat, he said it reminded him of Eighth Year, and the small single bedrooms in the North Tower, the rolling green of the Quidditch pitch spreading out below them. Draco didn't care about the flat either way; all he could see was, not the Manor, not home, just function. It was clean and he had enough room even when Harry was staying over, his sleeping body like a hot stone lodged on Draco’s sternum, the slow drifting off and the lazy waking all muddled up with Harry’s skin and Harry’s scent on the pillow and Harry turning sideways in the shower to allow Draco to stand under the hot spray. It didn’t often feel like too much.
“I could pop over for a while.” Draco buttered the toast busily, thought tiredly about the week ahead. He needed a calendar, something for the wall maybe, so he could write it all down. Maybe a little notebook with one of those planner things in it. “Depends on how late I have to stay at Wonder and Egg. I think Beatriz has to leave early that night.”
Harry already had the kettle on, steam unfurling languidly to hang in the still air of the kitchen. The smell of toast was making Draco ravenous all of a sudden. He wondered if he had time to make a second round before he had to shower. He wanted to make sure he’d be able to take his time in there, with Harry docile and pliable under the tepid stream.
“Why don’t you tell Beatriz we have something on?” Harry nabbed a slice from the plate, tongue lapping at the slide of butter. Beatriz loved him, said he reminded her of her dad, but that was just weird because Harry was younger than her and charmingly gallant towards Draco whenever she was around, in a way that Draco wished he’d quit. Whenever Harry met Draco from work and did his thing—opening doors, helping Draco with his coat, skimming a kiss off the edge of Draco’s knuckles like it was some sort of inside joke—Beatriz would watch with bright eyes. He’s good for you, that boy, she’d told Draco a hundred times. Takes care of you. Draco never said anything to that, because Harry was kind, and he did try to do nice things for Draco. But Harry could barely take care of himself, not in any productive way anyway, and not that he seemed to care. Draco couldn’t resent him for it; Draco had been the same once. He wasn’t anymore—didn’t have time for that luxury, not when he was crawling into bed after another closing shift to try to make up the rest of his rent with tip money, or when he felt like he might scream if he had to smile at the same fucking joke yet again when he was doing his tour guide act. “Do you come with the house?” as though he’d be doing his languid and unimpressed act five tours a day if he came with a four-hundred-year-old Grade 1 listed building on the bank of the Thames. Draco took care of everything himself, these days. 
“I can’t skip work this week,” he told Harry shortly, and took his toast through to the front room so he didn’t have to see the sympathetic shift of Harry’s face when it finally occurred to him that it was nearly the start of the month, which meant rent day. Harry never talked money with him—he probably thought Draco was too proud, but that had all been buried along with Narcissa when they released her body from Azkaban. Draco had known she wouldn’t make it, known it like he knew she knew it the day they let him say goodbye before they sentenced her, but the day the Owl came from the governor Draco had to call in sick to work. He had lain on the floor of his flat, looking up at the Lincrusta ceiling and wondering if his legs would hold him up again. They did of course, they held him when he took the boat to Azkaban to collect his mother’s effects, and through the funeral, where it was just him and Theo and a pale-faced Andromeda, and no one cried. Draco was sure if he started he wouldn’t stop. 
Draco was on his own from then on, the shock of it almost too much but never quite. Motherless. He was fatherless too, of course, but with a father like his that didn’t seem so bad.
“I don’t care about the party,” Harry said, voice contrite, pushing against Draco from behind, teeth grazing against his shoulder as they looked out the open window. “I’ll just come straight here from the pub. I can stay the night, if you like.”
It was horrible, being lonely, but Draco knew that even if he wasn’t, he would still want Harry Potter in his bed when he crawled in at the end of a long night, and sometimes that was the worst feeling of all.
“Fine,” he said, and shoved the crust of the toast into his mouth before Harry could steal it. “But don’t skip out on my account, not if the party’s any good. And don’t wake me up if I’m already asleep.” 
“I’m sick of parties,” Harry said tiredly. “We haven’t even cleared the drawing room after the last one, the place is a state.” He turned Draco around to face him, slipped his hot bare arms around Draco’s waist. “I’ll be quiet, I promise.”
Was there a word, Draco wondered, for the feeling of wanting to fix things for someone so badly that you’d drive yourself nearly crazy with it? Harry’s arms tightened around him at his sigh.
“I know you will,” Draco told him, low and quiet in his ear even though there was no one around to hear. “You’re so good, aren’t you? So good for me.” From outside, the flat blare of an ambulance almost drowned out the small hitching noise Harry made in his throat.
They pushed the bathroom window up as far as it would go while they showered. That high up, there was nothing to see but sky.
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houseoffourcats · 11 months
What Do You Need to Know Right Now? Pick a Pile & Find Out!
26 July 2023
CW: Illustrated nudity
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Like this reading? Please check out my Etsy page for affordable personalized readings! Also, please leave feedback if you feel so moved. Thanks for your support!
Pile One
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IX of Coins (Reversed) - IV of Coins - III of Cups
An interesting thing about this reading is that both of the two people in the first two cards, those of the Coins suit, can also be seen in the third. At the same time, the Coins cards, which suggest material instability or insecurity, contrast with the happiness of the III of Cups.
Times are economically difficult right now. You might find yourself looking around at where you stand financially and wondering what happened, why you're still living paycheck to paycheck despite everything you've done so far (inflation and stagnant wages may have something to do with it...). You might also be doing your best to save, and as a result have a little left over after your necessities... but not so much that you feel like you can risk spending it. If you aren't in a financially precarious position right now, you know people who are, even if they're not being open about it.
The III of Cups is here as a reminder that money isn't the only source of happiness, or even security. You have people around who can and will support you through hardship, or people who you can help distract from their troubles with a good time. Even if you're a little hard-hit right now, you should still let yourself go out with friends for a drink or a movie now and then. Buying a coffee every so often isn't why you're struggling so much, and isn't a moral failing on your part. On the other hand, if you're doing well for yourself right now, offer to pick up the tab now and then. Getting to live life to the fullest extent possible with your loved ones is worth it either way.
Pile Two
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Ace of Swords (Reversed) - VI of Wands (Reversed) - The World
Despite a discouraging first couple of cards in this one, it ends on a positive note with The World. With this being a Major Arcana card, it's possibly the most important, and the source of the real message here. One interesting bit of symbolism is the various forms of plant life. All three cards show leaves or branches reaching up to the top of - and even outside of - the frame. With two of the cards reversed, this seems to suggest that you've reached your absolute lowest point. In the final card, though, the upward angle of the frond points up and outward, signifying a new, and better, direction.
You had an idea that really didn't work out. As this is a swords card, this is likely a belief, a framework for understanding things, or a plan. It made sense at the time it occurred to you, and you had a lot of reasons - good or otherwise - to think you were in the right. Even when the evidence started to show you otherwise, though, you clung on rigidly to your point of view and stayed the course. On the lower-stakes side of things, this could be something like writing or presenting in an academic setting based on unreliable sources. It could also have been closer to the other end of things, like getting caught up in a cult or extremist political movement. Whatever it was, you ended up in a situation where you lost face and self-confidence, as well as all the time and energy that went into this failure. It was humiliating, and now you're left up picking up the pieces on your own.
Whatever has brought you this low, though, will eventually bring you full-circle to something good - if not something exactly like what you wanted to accomplish with your idea, then something better. Once you've really taken a look at what happened that landed you in your current situation, you'll be not only willing to own your past failure, but to openly make it a central part of your future success. Maybe, for instance, you'll end up writing a book about the experience that helps others avoid the same mistake. You might also decide to dedicate your time and energy to an organization or effort that runs counter to your earlier beliefs and actions. None of this will necessarily make the present suck any less, but hopefully it will be of some motivation to start working toward making your situation come full circle.
Pile Three
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VIII of Wands (Reversed) - Justice - IV of Wands
In this spread, two Wands cards surround the figure of Justice. Ribbons are a consistent visual theme here, expressing the spirit of each card with or without words. The two first cards show the action of the story, with Justice seeming to deflect the rushing wands of the VIII with her scale and sword. Her ribbon's message (translated as "Justice renders to everyone his due") is contrasted with that of the VIII of Wands's ("Fortune favors the bold"), suggesting that your luck may run out if you're boldly doing the wrong thing. The streamers of the final card indicate that the result of this will be celebration, or at least something worthy of it.
I read this spread to mean that doing things well rather than doing things quickly is the way to go. The reversed VIII of Wands suggests that whatever it is, it isn't as urgent as you think. Acting quickly will likely cause harmful miscommunication between people, and in any case will lead to a sub-optimal outcome. Justice calls upon you to hold yourself to the highest standard, because your actions will affect the outcome of something important. Find out what's true before acting on what you hear from other people. Weigh your options, and the interests of everyone involved, before you make any final decisions. Act with integrity, taking no shortcuts that would leave you with regrets about how you've handled the situation.
If you do all these things, the outcome will satisfy people and promote stability. If this in the context of work, for instance, your efforts will both help accomplish a project goal that helps your organization and build a stronger team between you and your coworkers. In a relationship setting, meanwhile, this could mean successfully resolving a longstanding issue between you and your partner or friend where both of you had valid complaints. Even in a context where you're acting alone, taking your time to both do things right and do the right thing will accomplish something that's really worth celebrating.
I hope you enjoyed this reading! If you did, please check out my Etsy page to get your own personalized reading. In any case, I’d appreciate feedback if you have the time and energy for it. Thanks for your support!
For now, here’s Wes after a brief excursion outside, looking expectantly at me for his dinner:
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milfsatan · 16 days
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okay so Walker was finally cancelled after all this time and everyone on Twitter is now sharing their thinkpieces on the matter and this one made me laugh out loud “jared saved your stupid network” the CW had been experiencing hardships financially since it’s inception. it was never profitable and with the end of big hits like TVD and SPN, they lost a lot of their core audience and they only tried to keep ppl with spin offs and having stars from their shows migrate to other new ones. the CW sold a 75% stake in the company to nexstar few years ago they were on the verge of shutting down soon anyways I don’t think Walker being cancelled even with the somewhat decent audience it attracted justified the production costs of the show and will be the reason why the CW eventually will go bankrupt and close. also i don’t think jarpad was the sole reason for the popularity of supernatural.
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spoilertv · 2 months
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endurraesa · 5 years
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I really hate to do this and I know I might sound like a broken record by this point, but we’re in dire financial need right now.  At this point, even with me donating plasma, we have 17 dollars to our name and that’s not even enough to get us out of the negative, it’ll barely cover gas for my fiance to get to his jobs AND his machinist classes that he’s taking in order to get ANOTHER job.
That doesn’t even take food into account, which we have next to none for three people.
If there’s any amount that you can give, nothing is too small.  We’re doing our best but life is firing with both barrels and I’m just trying to do what I can to help since I can’t work with my disabilities.
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penguinxturtle · 2 years
under starlit purpose
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i have this idea plot/prompt for ayato x reader x thoma inspired by kdrama time travel romance plots (e.g. mr. queen and scarlet heart)🤪.
cw: slight mention of suicide
“she wanted to have a purpose, something to give her a reason to exist”
modern times y/n had everything she needed. successful in any aspect, especially in her job as a ceo. but only one thing she doesn't have time for: which is love. she thought she was contented with what she have. workaholic alongside with her trusted secretary, kamisato ayato which was little did she know he has one-sided feelings for her.
inazuman past life y/n is one of the kamisato servants. having a low social status, poverty-stricken. still, she does her best for her family. staying positive despite her hardships and financial issues. until one time her family that she loves the most was lost in a thunderous accident. an air of melancholy surrounded around her life.
until one time a change occur.
modern day y/n was driving to her work until she got in an accident (p.s. this is caused by a greedy antagonist, but im too lazy to put more details on it ehe) and was put in a long coma.
whilst, the past life y/n decided to end her life for good, wishing happiness in next life, she decided to drown herself in the isolated waters of narukami where no one will ever know. unaware, she will be saved later on.
thoma caught past life y/n’s body being pushed back by the waves as he was finding for her. worriedly, he helped her back and saving her. unaware that something happened to her.
- under a full moon and shining stars, both of their souls will switch and modern y/n gets trapped in past life y/n. while past life y/n will be put in a deep sleep under modern y/n’s body.
personalities will be switched as the past life y/n will be somewhat hard-headed and ambitious that may seem comedic due to out of character.
will they be able to did the meaning of life? able to fulfill their missing piece? getting things back to normal?
Bonus scene:
- modern y/n woke up light-headed in a fine tatami mat with a worried man beside her. thoma hearing the thud sound indicating that she’s awaken, rushed to her immediately, assisting her.
“y/n! are you alright?” thoma gently touching her head showing concern. “i have prepared a warm miso soup for you”
y/n, blinked many times, looking at every angle, feeling something wasn’t right..
“are we shooting something? who are you? i didn’t set a schedule for a historical photoshoot—“
thoma looking weirdly at what y/n said,
“this is your friend, thoma and we’re not shooting ahaha.. i saw your body washed up on the shore. i’m worried sick about you y/n”
y/n finding him sus, she raised up and touched both sides of thoma’s face fondling his cheeks to the point of being squished later on
“you sure look handsome mr. thoma and thank you for these nice accommodation but please let me get out and i have business to attend—where’s the exit door…“ patting thoma’s head prepping to stand and walk out fast
“but you’re not okay yet y/n!” thoma stopping her
y/n bolts away to the exit, opens the door meeting with inazuman houses, old structures landscaped set with blue-green grasses, sakura trees, and a great view of mt. yougou together with people wearing traditional kimonos, children running and playing around with their kites.
experiencing a great shock y/n fainted— luckily thoma catches her before she falls down.
“my lord… i’m worried that y/n is experiencing sleep inertia or something sort of amnesia. somethings wrong with her after i saved her. she seems to be a different person and claims to having a business to attend..” thoma reportedly worried to the head of the yashiro commission. kamisato ayato.
“hm.. let’s wait for her to wake up again and see how it goes.” ayato observes the situation.
“yes my lord.”
after a few minutes, y/n wakes up once again.
“ *sighs* i must be dreaming, i should be back to where i was—“ raises her head to observe and saw the usual old furnitures once again. “—or maybe not..” y/n dejectedly sighs.
“ *clears throat* i believe that you are not dreaming. you are here at narukami.” ayato calmly stated.
recognizing the familiar voice, y/n looked at the source of the voice. shocked once again, y/n gladly rushed to the man since she know who it was.. or in another way round.
“oh my god!! secretary kamisato!!! please drive me back to my house! i need your help” y/n side hugged ayato and dramatically sniffles her nose in his white sleeves for comfort.
the other party got shook on what they’ve witness. ayato remained calm though he was concerned and confused at the same time. on the other hand.. thoma was feeling the second hand embarrassment on what he just saw in front of him. consciously rushing to y/n once again.
“uhh.. ahaha.. y/n you just feel unwell i guess, you starting to call names to other people. so sorry my lord, y/n was starting to act differently—“
“hey! what ‘my lord’ are you talking about? that’s my secretary! i need to go home right now!” y/n stubbornly respond back. she looked once again to the familiar man she claimed to be her secretary—now seeing the unusual, non-modern outfit that ayato wore.
“what. the.. hell is going on.” y/n experiencing a great culture shock. ---------------------------------------------------- Note: this was supposed to be a prompt only but i turned it out into a crackfic(?) lmao. Also, english is not my first language so apologies to the grammar errors TvT This is just a prompt and idea! There will no be continuation of this. This is cross-posted in my ao3 account (@penguinxturtle) as well under the title "under starlit purpose" :D
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tenthgrove · 3 years
hi it's me, that anon again, requesting buccerati's team with an autistic member. thank you!! ^_^
Team Bucceriati With An Autistic Newcomer
Team Bucciarati x Reader (GN), Platonic/Romantic, SFW
Cw: elusions to ableism
Bruno Bucciarati- Taking on a new member he is always keen to get to know them and assess their specific needs. All his recruits so far have elected to live with him, either due to young age or financial insecurity, so it's good to ensure there are no surprises. Bruno is very glad that you've disclosed your autism to him and asks how specifically he can help you to settle in. He offers you the most far-out room in the house so you can get some quiet, as well as making sure everyone knows your boundaries with touch if you have them. He knows to be more patient with you, being careful to explain your orders to you if you have issues with processing, and showing pride with you regularly so you always know where you stand with him.
Giorno Giovanna- First hand, he's had very little experience with autistic folk that he knows of. In the sort of communities he grew up in, opportunities for diagnosis are rare, and few know how to recognise a neurodivergent person. However, Giorno is as ever a compassionate person, and knows from the little he has learned so far that autistic people face many hardships from the unwillingness of society to understand them and often have a lot of deep-rooted trauma a a result. He is sympathetic to you as a result of this and eager to know how he can interact with you to maximise your comfort. Meeting you makes him more aware of how the deprivation in areas like his own is harming disabled people. He makes a mental note to address that too once he's achieved his dream.
Leone Abbacchio- Leone might be an ass, but if Bruno comes to him and explains someone has an actual, neurological condition explaining their out-of-the-ordinary behaviour, he's going to listen well. Abbacchio is not angered when you suddenly respond with the wrong volume on accident, or don't look him in the eye as you tell him something important. This isn't in line with the way he would usually treat a teammate, but if you're doing it because of autism then he isn't going to take it personally. Abbacchio regards you with patience, reminding himself he can't interpret the early signs of whether he's going to like you or not the same way he would with someone else. He makes a point of trying to be more open with you, aware his stone-faced exterior may cause you to think he despises you. Abbacchio can be a good person, when he tries.
Guido Mista- In most matters really, Mista is an easy and accommodating guy who just wants his friends to be comfortable around him. Granted his knowledge of autism specifically is quite rudimentary, but he gets the basics such as not questioning it if your behaviour comes off as 'weird' and not touching or shouting until he knows exactly where your boundaries are. Mista will gladly defend you if anyone behaves in an ableist manner (not that anyone on the team ever does) and is generally a great friend. He's very good at comforting you when you're overstimulated or just down, and will whisk you away from a bad situation in a heartbeat.
Narancia Ghirga- He's suspected for a while he might have autism, but growing up he never had the opportunity to be diagnosed. Watch him on the battlefield and you'll see he's by no means an idiot, but watch him struggle through his homework and it's clear he doesn't learn the way most other kids do. His tonal responses to many situations tend to be a bit off, as well. Narancia perks up a bit hearing that you yourself has autism, as you may prove a fresh opportunity to explore his autistic identity and see which of his traits may be linked to the condition. He makes a lot of effort to befriend you as a result, and always makes for pleasant conversation. The boy is just so happy around his friends.
Pannacotta Fugo- Fugo has no qualms against autistic people. Countless great academics were autistic after all, not that he won't also see you as valid if you aren't strong academically speaking. Anyway, what's important is that Fugo acknowledges the varied strengths and worths of autistic people and will make no negative assumptions upon hearing you yourself have it. He is curious to hear about your special interests, having latched onto several specific areas of study from his schooldays himself. Seeing you mistreated always makes him angry. Ableists get the fork.
Trish Una- This isn't something she talks about often, mostly because people act with shock and disbelief too much, but Trish was herself diagnosed with autism, after the transition to secondary school proved troublesome and her social difficulties were highlighted. Even more now than then, her masking skills are very advanced and she is at worse seen as rude, rather than truly strange by new people who meet her, but that doesn't make her any less autistic inside. She is drawn to you greatly as someone who understands her unique mannerisms, and vice versa. There is a strong bond between you as a result, and the pair of you are fast friends. It's nice to be seen for what she is for a change.
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lol-jackles · 3 years
I saw your post on the prequel, that if it’s not announced this month it’s because Ackles are seeking investors. I’m confused. If CW is interested in the prequel, why would Ackles need to find investors? And doesn’t Jensen have the money to be his own investor in his own project? Or even get Jared or Kripke to back the financing?
Networks only covers part of the development cost of pilot and shows. It cost about $5 million to produce a drama episode. CW will probably contribute $1.5  million toward the pilot and WB will front the rest and then Chaos Machine will cover overages and handle the day to day operations and pick up the slack because if the series is picked up and more episodes are ordered, studios and networks are notoriously slow in paying, so you need a company with income to cover the bills while the network takes they jolly time to pay.
"doesn’t Jensen have the money to be his own investor in his own project?"
Most film and tv shows require equity investors because it's better to use Other People Money (OPM) instead of your own.  Sure Jensen may have a networth of $20 million, but it would be astronomically stupid of him to liquify half his networth to cover one season of The WInchesters what CW and WB doesn't cover.  Add that until syndication, the studio is losing money on tv shows for 4 years.  Streaming and international sales cushions the financial hardship for studios (but at the cost of actors' salaries) but at least 70% of the tv shows are expected to fail after the first season.  
Equity investors range from state film commissioners, entertainment lawyers, startup investors, pre-selling distributors, non-profit organizations (Sundance Institute, Tribeca Film Institute, Austin Film Society Grant), gap companies, sponsorships, product placements, and....... dentists.
In business, cash flow is more important than your mother.  Why and how?  You can quickly run a profitable company into the ground with negative cash flow, but you can run a non-profitable company for a long time with positive cash flow.  Netflix's main source of cash flow are its subscriber fees.  Lots of entertainment services from HBO to Spotify also use this model. And here’s where we get to the other half of the equation - borrowing costs.
Look, as long as banks are giving you money, why not take it if you can afford to pay the interest? Netflix only has to make enough money to pay the interest payment on its loans. I have no idea if or when it has to repay principal amounts, but that answer may be “never.” A bank may just lend them more money or refinance at a higher rate of interest.  And here’s the thing - paying interest on those loans is probably cheaper than paying royalties to other companies.
There’s also the benefit that interest payments are deducted from revenues and tax payments consequently decrease. It is cheaper to borrow to create content and pay interests instead of creating content from your own money.
And every single entertainment company borrows money to produce content. Every. Single. One. Did you think Marvel Studios saw the budget for Endgame and said, “Well, we better get to the bank and withdraw this week’s production budget.” Nope. They borrowed the whole kit and kaboodle (and probably charged the interest to the production company).
So, as long as the money is coming in, why use your own capital to produce content? Eventually, the winners will pay for the losers - that’s common in the content business too.
Look how the U.S is run, as long as they have enough money coming in via taxes so they can pay the interest, we can just keep on borrowing.  In business, at some point if the lenders don’t step up for whatever reason, things can get pretty ugly, real quick.  But since most of the lenders are American citizens, the U.S government is going to keep borrowing money.  There’s also the aspect that the US$ is the world’s reserve currency, which is why the US has, in large part, been able to pursue fiscal and monetary policies that other countries simply couldn’t.
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asocier · 3 years
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( verse ) single parenthood [ alison edition ]
          tl;dr — ( verse ) single parenthood follows alison’s main storyline up until the point in which alison and her college boyfriend, grant [ redacted ], get into a major argument. in canon, this argument is the last straw that prompts alison to leave her toxic relationship with grant for good, but in this verse, alison decides to stay with grant for many more years before finally leaving him. during the span of their entire relationship, alison and grant marry, buy a home, and have a child. due to infidelity and general strife in their marriage, however, they eventually file for a divorce, alison being the one who initiates the process. she wins sole custody of their son, remi, and grant is allowed visitation rights and pays child support.
          detailed outline of this verse’s timeline is under the cut—
          as noted above, the events that occurred in alison’s canonical high school years remain the same. ( verse ) single parenthood focuses primarily on alison’s post high school years, and a lot of the events of alison’s canonical post high school years remains the same as well up until a certain point. the details of alison’s life after high school are noted below.
          cw: contains mentions of forced prostitution, domestic abuse, and pregnancy
          at seventeen, alison graduates from high school and enrolls in a local university for her undergraduate degree. shortly after starting university, alison meets grant, an older male student living on the same floor of a student housing unit as alison. grant comes from a wealthy family and is the heir to his family’s business, though he carries himself in a very crass manner and is often on the edge of being cut off from his family’s fortune due to careless and reckless behavior. the most significant interaction alison had with grant before they began dating was a conversation in which grant solicited alison for sex, implying he’d do anything to get her into bed with him, even if it meant paying money. because of unexpected financial difficulties during her first semester of university, alison fell alarmingly behind in payments, and as a last resort, she asked grant for money in exchange for sex. 
          to her surprise, grant agreed, but what was even more surprising to her was the fact he asked to hang out with her outside of the bedroom many times after their first sexual encounter, the heir showering her with gifts and affections in hopes of winning her over. at the end of her first semester of university, alison agreed to be grant’s girlfriend. 
          at eighteen, two months into her second semester of university, alison drops out of school due to financial hardship and moves into an apartment with grant. despite the unconventional way their relationship started, alison and grant seemed to have a lot of chemistry together. grant knew how to win and keep alison’s affections and stay on her good side. in short, he knew how to make her feel as though she was in love, and for a time, alison couldn’t see how things could go wrong between them. but things surely fell apart when grant began to pressure alison into letting others sleep with her under the guise of experimenting in the bedroom. in reality, grant was coercing her into sex work, and for a time, this was their life together. 
          alison didn’t quite know what had suddenly brought on this new arrangement, though, she had a strong feeling it had something to do with the fact grant was temporarily cut off from his family’s fortune once more due to his poor behavior. she was supporting the two of them by doing this work, he had told her, and he promised it’d only be temporary. besides, there was nothing shameful about sex work — it was just another way to make money. she had asked grant for money in exchange for sex prior to them dating, anyway, hadn’t she? so what was the difference in taking on clients? he promised he’d keep her safe; she just had to look pretty for clients. 
          finding it easier to live in denial than to accept the reality of what her relationship with grant was becoming, alison remained under grant’s control for the next year. while she was expected to abide by certain rules set by her partner, she still had her fair share of freedoms. she found solace in being able to decorate their home together when she was free, and during the hours in which grant had classes, she was allowed to explore the city. art remained her greatest creative outlet, and overall, grant didn’t bar her from doing what she enjoyed. so long as she continued to take on clients for the time being, he was satisfied. 
          tension was building over time, however, when alison began to notice that grant was withholding more and more money from her as time went on. it was becoming increasingly more difficult for alison to access funds to purchase even the smallest of things, and she grew indignant over the fact she wasn’t allowed to touch the money she had earned. money became a common topic in their arguments, and it was during one particular fight did grant strike her, the first time he had ever done such a thing to her. stunned, alison leaves and doesn’t return for some time. 
          this is where ( verse ) single parenthood diverges from canon. instead of walking out of her relationship with grant entirely after this major fight, alison only separates from grant for a short time as a “break” before ultimately returning to him. she’s reluctant to return, but considering how grant had isolated alison from her family and friends, she had no where else to go, and the thought of being on her own scared her, especially when she had no funds to support herself. 
          upon seeing alison return to him after days of radio silence, grant welcomes her back with open arms, his tone apologetic as he tried to reassure her of his feelings for her. he was aware of how delicate things were between them, and as such, he made the effort to secure her trust in him again by doing what he needed to do to gain her favor once more. sex work was no longer something alison was expected to do, and grant temporarily overcomes his greed enough to allow alison to use her share of their money. it was during this time did grant learn of her general desire to marry and start a family in the future, and this was something he kept in mind as he attempted to rekindle his family relations in order to earn back access to his family’s money. shortly before alison’s birthday, grant proposes to alison. she said yes. 
          at nineteen, alison is engaged to grant, and the couple marry later the same year. shortly after, they rent their first house together, and their life as newlyweds begin. grant continued to take classes in order to finish his degree, and alison attempted to dabble in freelance art commission work in order to keep herself busy. though grant’s temper proved to be a point of contention at times in addition to his unpredictable bouts of control over alison, overall, their first year of marriage goes by relatively smoothly. their second year of marriage also goes by without a hitch — for the most part, anyway. towards the end of the their second year together as husband and wife, alison began to notice a strange shift in grant’s behavior, though she doesn’t think much of it at the time. eventually, however, it became too hard to ignore.
          at twenty one, alison celebrated her birthday alone while grant attended a school trip out of town for the weekend. a few weeks later, she waits at a restaurant for an hour only to learn that grant had lost track of time while attending a project meeting for class, but he insisted that he’d make it up to her somehow — he never did. a few months later, she plans a graduation party for grant, but he doesn’t stay for long, insisting that he had promised his family he’d celebrate with them on that particular day. a few weeks later, she’s home alone while grant goes on a trip with a few of his friends from his fraternity. while searching for something, she finds grant’s wedding band tucked away in a drawer. the next day, she learns that grant had been seeing someone else behind her back. 
          a week later, alison finds out she’s pregnant with grant’s child. 
          if only the circumstances were different — she would have been overjoyed if things were different. she had always wanted to be a mother, after all, but grant’s infidelity made it difficult for her to enjoy the news. quite frankly, she had expected grant to be horrified in finding out that he would be having a child with alison, but to her surprise, he seemed thrilled by the news. the timing of their pregnancy was, according to him, a sign that they were meant to start a family together. his infidelity was, according to him, a mistake he regretted, and from that point on, he’d do whatever he needed to do to take care of alison and their child. 
        unsure of what other option she had at the moment, she took grant’s words at face value. she overlooked his infidelity in favor of prioritizing her pregnancy, but for the duration of her pregnancy, she has her suspicions that grant was still being unfaithful to her. she didn’t know to what degree, but perhaps it was better that she didn’t know. 
          alison and grant eventually welcome a healthy baby boy named remi into the world, and with the added financial support of grant’s family, grant and alison are able to live quite comfortably as they adjust to life as parents. strife, however, was becoming more and more common with each passing day, and seeing as how alison not only was often left to care for remi on her own, bu also her feelings for grant were diminishing greatly over the course of the past year, alison made the decision to file for a divorce. 
          at twenty two, alison wins sole custody of her son, remi, and grant is allowed visitation rights and is required to pay child support. alison and her son live together in an apartment, and she raises remi with the help of her brother, emile, and close friends she’s made over time. 
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shcmbles · 3 years
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what’s that scent? the smell of FIZZLING PEACH KOMBUCHA & SUNSCREEN, which would explain the appearance of ZIGMUND KARAVADRA. continental records indicate they are known as ALBATROSS, a TWENTY-EIGHT year old ASSOCIATE. they have the unique ability of CONSCIOUSNESS MANIPULATION. they were specifically selected for enrollment for the “THE ENLIGHTENMENT”, where they TORTURED SEVERAL OFFICERS WITH THEIR POWERS TO EXTRACT SENSITIVE INFORMATION. they can be CRUEL and SELF-RIGHTEOUS, but also OBSERVANT and RESOURCEFUL. we wish them well in their business to come.
                  •   •   •
         about page  /   powers page
cw: police, injury, racism, torture
zigmund  — sorry, Zig — grew up in a low-income neighborhood to a family of Gujarti immigrants. seeking opportunities that they never thought were possible, the karavadras endured great financial hardships. and yet through all their trials and tribulations of having their very own mom-and-pops grocery store, the two parents of the family were hopeful that their two children would one day be able to make a new for themselves. as the younger child, Zig was the definition of a rebel. he loathed following in his sister’s footsteps, and despised the motions of school and working at their store. instead, he sought to forge his own path. whatever that would be... well, one day, he’d find it out. anything to avoid being home.
you see, for Zig, being at home could be described as stressful. sure, father always had fresh eggs and dhokla on the table every breakfast, mother always obsessively cleaning over their apartment. surely, a home so lively couldn’t have problems. but there was one thing Zig could do that nobody else knew about. for some unexplainable reason, he could sense a great deal of emotional pain from his parents. as he’d later learn, their financial situation was dire. barely making it day-to-day, week-to-week. and there was nothing he could do but feel a great deal of psychic pain at night, emanating intensely from his parent’s bedroom.
and, well, of course, they always denied it. said everything was fine. maybe once in a blue moon said that they needed to save money. but they always reassured Zig that everything was going to be okay. deep down, Zig knew that wasn’t the truth. for awhile, it’s just a feeling that eats away at him, but they are just thoughts floating around in his head. and nothing more. Zig can’t possibly justify why he senses that, or knows that the family is in great financial pain.
and then, one day, his father gets injured. there is no explanation as to what it is, only he is covered in blood and bruises, and hospitalized. and that — well, it overwhelms Zig. he knows he needs his space away from the family, but even his sister resigns her studies to make ends meet for her father and take care of him. Zig bites the bullet and does the same. he becomes his father’s caretaker, vowing to make sure that he will never be hurt. and yet, for the family, the psychic trauma would never go away. every day his first look at his father pains him in a way he can’t explain. the house is in disarray, the counters peppered with newspapers and medical bills.
deep down, Zig begins harboring a resentment towards whoever hurt his father. he doesn’t know who they are, or what happened. and grudgingly, his father refuses to tell him. the old man tells him that it’s better he not know, that he have faith in their new country. but to Zig... well, that’s a bunch of bullshit. and so he concentrates, one night, and manages to probe what he discovers later is his father’s consciousness. what he finds... angers him. a bunch of assholes, attacking his father, spewing hateful words. and officers just stand there, grinning, doing nothing. and Zig is pissed.
to know that even the law would not protect his father, that such hate could exist. it makes his blood boil. and so he takes matter into his own hands. nervous as he is, anxious as it plagues his mind, Zig does what he can to track these fuckers down. and, well, he’s put in the same situation as his father. the same assholes, in corroboration with law enforcement, corner him. and just when Zig thinks it is over for him to, his powers snap. before him, everyone around him drops down like cold, limp bodies. only he knows they are alive. Zig can see their consciousnesses, floating in midair, like ghosts. but he has won. and so he leaves
though the perpetrators had been taken down, his blood still boils at night. to see his father, a kind and gentle man, in so much pain. fuck. it angers and unsettles him. and so he concentrates on developing his newfound powers. and when he’s content with where he’s at, he seeks those same assholes out. and this time, with a wide smirk on his face and veins prominent in his neck, he steals their consciousnesses. and imprisons them in his article of clothing at the time. a feathered coat.
and there starts the infamy of the terror known as albatross. a feather coated individual who fears nobody. at first, he’s a neighborhood criminal, known for his cruelty. swapping bodies of officers with each other and random objects for his amusement, stealing parts of their consciousnesses, and toying with his meat in whatever has them begging to be left alone. and yet none of that scratches the itch caused by his father’s pain. there is one thing that he doesn’t have. protection. Zig knows he’s not that strong, truthfully. tricks and games he can play, but too many close encounters have left him needing more. and so, when the day comes that his father is finally okay, he decides to leave town. to seek out the place known as the Continental, told to him by rogue connections he’s garnered.
is extremely overconfident in his abilities and will usually just walk into any situation with an evil grin. which, lmao, most of the time he overestimates just how strong his foes can be which spells a lot of trouble for him. in general he’s very reckless and proud of it.
has fractured his consciousness, and imbues fragments of it into bird things. puppets, plushes, paper cranes, and much more. these are often seen accompanying him, floating or perched upon his shoulder. additionally, his feathered coat is imbued with stolen fragments of consciousnesses that he’s amassed over the years.
can be extremely flirty and yet is afraid of getting close to anyone because a. the thought of someone opening up to him and sharing their pain scares him and b. the more he gets to know someone the more they can resist his power
anyone he considers family, though, he’ll fight to the death for and beat up your bullies. claim something of yours is stolen, and he’ll be right there to ask for a time to steal something back. though he hates showing it, he deeply cares about people and hates injustice. 
is largely uninterested in most jobs and mostly takes them for his amusement nowadays. though he’s a criminal, his favorite jobs are taking down people in power.
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curiouscrux · 7 years
Poverty Gothic
You downgrade all of your tech. The voices echo, always wondering why you are so wasteful. You downgrade and they echo. You have nothing. They ask why you have such nice things. Cut your phone bill in half by giving up talk, text, and data. You can no longer communicate. You succumb to a life of silence. Rice and beans. You are not sure if this is the same pot that you made last week. Was it two days ago?  There were potatoes in your dreams last night. Mountains of them. They crumble at your feet. You turn in a resume. You turn in a resume. You turn in... wards. Finding the blank space in between, “Experience,” and, “Skills.” You turn in a resume. Find employment, but lose all autonomy and worsen your mental condition. Do not ever have medical treatment. You are dying. We are all dying, but you are dying quicker. Alcohol must come in plastic bottles. You aren’t sure why. Laundry is to be avoided. Soon, you will smell like the rotting corpse on the other side of the fence. Its ghost will not come near you. Dollar Tree provides. The Dollar Tree gives. The Dollar Tree is now your life. Never use your heater. Die of cold first. Never use air conditioning. Die of heat stroke. You do not have a car. You will never have a car. Cars do not exist. Your employer asks about them, but all you hear is the void. All furniture is found on the side of the road. You will be one day. Clothing must be pilfered from friends. They do the same to you. The cycle continues.  Everything is covered in holes, like a worm eaten piece of fruit. People compliment your style. So fashionable. You nod. Walking does not end. Your legs cry out in pain. The bus was early today. Your trek does nothing. You will be late.
You have made one month’s rent. You wonder what will happen next month. You always wonder. It never ends.
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mallahanmoxie · 3 years
hmm. i have something to say re: the last post i reblogged but it feels rather insensitive to have it out in the open and its also sad ig so it's going under the cut. cw for pandemic thoughts
lrb made me think of all the insta stories that i keep seeing of my same-aged friends (?) expressing a similar sentiment over things like their job or their dissertations or whatnot (athough it's insta so like, there's always the edge of but i'm a boss bitch who can do it! hmph! on it all) and while i silently lament with them over the missed opportunities it's incredibly jarring to be like, arguably one of the people that are dealing with the pandemic the best, emotionally speaking, and have it be because i'd already completely fucked up my life beforehand and therefore i've got two years of experience on not going out, not seeing anybody you know besides your family, not expecting anything good to happen to you, seeing life pass you by as you wave to it from your living room, etc etc. granted, the pandemic does have the "everyone you love could die at any moment" and "extreme financial hardship is hitting uh, almost all of us as a result" avenues added to it but like. i've been expecting everyone to die since i was fifteen and i've been experiencing personal and familial financial hardship for almost as long so like. i dunno. december was pretty fucking hard for us, my grandma was very close to being hospitalized and i'd been seeing the signs of this bad thing happening for so long i was just trying to steel myself for the punch. i think it did end up rocking me into a place where i've just. given up on moving forward in my preconceived ways and now i'm just ready to risk it, i guess, which to me means relying on the people around me and hoping the fall isn't too bad when they're gone and can't hold me up anymore (or that it's bad enough that it takes me out so i don't have to like, worry about it, i guess. it's all to the same end anyway).
this sounds extremely depressing for somebody that just said they were dealing with the pandemic extremely well but like. i really am well, if just utterly, utterly lost.
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