#custom painted baby shoes
erasistiblecreations · 3 months
Hand painted toddler shoes. So pretty! Painted by Madelyn Brazeal for ERAsistible on Etsy. Would you like something created for you?
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lowqualitygarbage · 1 year
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I made some Pizzeria Simulator shoes on my first pair of flats. Party in the front, nightmare hellscape inferno in the back!
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zickmonkey · 9 months
Want to share thoughts but the person I want to shovel them to is off limits rn
#I like the idea of Addam having custom painted shoes like Hades and Persephone#but instead of her custom painting them Eve did it for her#And I was thinking of Magic Kids being really scary because they can use so much magic they kill themselves#but unlike adults they dont know theyre doing it so they cant stop in time#I also a little want to give Sable and Benny a dog that's black and white and named after an orca. but i guess not that last part if its ben#although tbh they live in an apartment i dont know if they should have a dog#and i a little want to give Sable complications with Aggie#just like a hemorrhage while shes in labour that they miss because its kind of just slow and steady#but then as they hand her her baby she flatlines#it scares Benny. She doesn't know if she wants a second baby anymore#maybe even like have it be multiples but she loses all but aggie#it could be twins or triplets#on one hand it would be interesting if Sable flatlining is what caused her to lose one or two babies. priority and all that.#on the other hand i was kind of picturing Benny being like “oh no scary i dont want to lose you maybe no more baby”#and sables just like pffft i only almost died#im fine Aggies fine it probably wont happen i think we should have another baby#i dont think she'd do that if she had to bury one or two babies#catipillar if you see this just know that if our conversation dies down and i dont feel bad about it i might reiterate this into your dms#jamie shut the fuck up#personal blog#just vibing#rambling
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likivicustomdecor · 1 year
Custom shoes Disney characters
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I made a custom Tintin doll! I used a Chat Noir doll as a base because that's the one petit male doll I could find that was articulated and still affordable. The amazing @bubblekidaesthetics photographed him as seen above!
Details about my process below. Warning for weird doll photos.
His jumper is made out of a pair of baby socks, his plus fours are made from an old tablecloth, his shoes are made from cardstock, his socks from some trainer socks and his trench is made from a pillow case I found on offer during a sale! The shirt is the one item I didn't make, it's a Ken shirt but as a result it's a bit too big for him.
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I had to hack Chat Noir's head down with a box cutter because I found the vinyl too tough to pull off, then I sculpted over the remaining head stump with tin foil and a mixture of milliput and green stuff.
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I painted him with acrylics for that vintage doll feeling rather than using pastels and MSC - he's orange in the second picture above because I was colour correcting the green putty.
Snowy was made with a My Little Pony, armature wire, tin foil and hot glue!
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The Quiet Ones 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You live a quiet life, but your peace is fractured by a chaotic man.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen, short!shy!reader
Note: don't ask me why I did this.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Asking for more or putting ‘part 2?’ is not feedback.
Love you all. You are appreciated and your are worthy. Treat yourself with care. 💖
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You keep to yourself. That’s the safest, the easiest way to live. You keep your head down, your eyes to yourself, your voice bottled up. 
You grip your phone as you approach the coffee shop. You stand on your toes to see through the painted windows and frown at the long queue. You won’t have to worry about that. Like everything else social, you’ve found a work around. 
You look at your phone, the app showing your order as ‘preparing’. It should be done shortly as the progress bar fills close to complete. You can bear the claustrophobia for a minute or so until it’s ready. 
You go to open the door but an arm reaches past you and does that first. You step back, patiently waiting for the other customer to precede you. They don’t move. You stare at their shoes. Dark blue velvet loafers with gold emblems on chains.  
“Go on, baby face, I got it,” the man’s voice makes your skin crawl. 
You shrink down and give a nod, throat clenching as you struggle to find your voice. You’re not much for conversation but you’re but impolite. 
“Thanks,” you force out without raising your head. 
You scurry through quickly, a bit to close to the stranger than you like, and you clasp your phone against your chest as you stand just away from the cluster of people awaiting their orders. You bounce on your feet as the noises join together to form a cacophony; the hissing steam, the clanging metal, the clinking porcelain, the calls of the workers behind the counter, and the buzz of the crowd seated or standing around the cafe. Sweat gathers on the nape of your neck as the chaos swirls a storm around you. 
You pull your phone away from the front of your pullover and check the screen. Should be ready any moment and you’ll be free of the circus. You adjust your grip on the phone, almost jittery as another customer joins the wait at the pick up window. 
You breathe out. It’s not usually this busy at this time. You have a routine. You can handle the expected. You order on your phone so you don’t need to talk to anyone. You wait outside until it’s almost done then come in too quickly claim your prize. But not today, something’s different and it’s throwing everything off. 
It’s only on Wednesday’s that you venture down to the cafe. It’s the halfway point of your week so you mark it with a taste of motivation. The same order every week. A London fog latte. Simple and affordable. Nothing fancy, nothing complicated. 
Your name cuts through the din, “...medium London fog.” 
You drop your arm to your side and set your shoulders. You march forward through the parting bodies ahead of you and reach for the cup. Before you can grasp it, someone else scoops it up. You nearly cry out in horror. Someone’s stealing your order! 
You turn to the tea thief but they make no move to flee. They hold the cup nonchalantly, turning it to read the sticker on the side, reciting the same name that just rose from the barista’s lips seconds ago. You face the stranger but again, your eyes are downward.
The blue loafers! 
“Cute name,” he comments as he holds the cup out. 
You once more try to take the cup but before you can, he has it out of reach again. Your lashes flick and your fingers twiddle helplessly. His large hand is firmly around the cup so even if you did try to wrestle it from him, you doubt you’d have any hope but to spill it all. 
You look around but no one else seems to notice. They’re all staring at their phones or talking with the person next to them. The staff behind the counter are too busy appeasing the rush of orders. 
“I’ve never tried one of these,” he taunts, “I’m more of a ristretto guy. Like my espresso.” 
You shake your head and rescind your hand, balling it against your fist. What does he want? Why is he bothering you? You said thank you. Did he not hear you? 
“Don’t get yourself in a tizzy,” he pushes the tea towards you, “there you are, sweat pea.” 
You hesitate. You slowly unfurl your fingers and reach for the cup. As you wrap your fingers around it, you can’t help but brush his. Thick and strong and unmoving. He clings to it for just a moment before he lets you have it. 
“Thanks,” you squeak again, this time louder so he certainly hears you. 
“You got a sweet voice,” he puts his hand on his hip, a glimpse of a shiny gold watch face peeking out from beneath his sleeve, “I’d love to hear more of it.” 
Your eyes round as you focus on the zipper of his thin jacket. You shake your head and meekly raise your cup awkwardly and dip your chin slightly. No thanks. 
You turn and weave your way back through the crowd. Your heart is thumping in your chest. What an odd encounter. 
More so, you’re dismayed that he saw you. That he noticed you. For years, you’ve done your best to be invisible. You prefer it that way. You don’t even think your neighbours know you exist. But that man, he seemed to see nothing but you. 
You push outside and nearly drop your cup. You try to steady yourself. You’re all knotted up and tense. You tuck your phone into your back pocket and bring the cup before you nose, inhaling the sweet scent of the foam. Something about it isn’t as soothing as usual. 
You turn down the pavement and wince as a sole scuffs close behind you. Suddenly, another set of steps walk next to yours, measured to keep in tandem with your own short legs. Blue velvet.  
You walk faster. Is he following you? Why? What does he want? He’s much taller, you can’t outpace him. 
“You know, when I said I’d like to hear more, I thought maybe over a coffee?” He suggests. 
You don’t say a word as you keep your eyes forward, squeezing your cup tight as you try not to swish it around too much. You’ve never had to deal with this before. Men don’t see you. There was a time you hated that but since, you were grateful for that. 
“I mean, I could do most of the talking, never had much of a trouble with that, jellybean,” he offers. 
You shake your head. Your throat tightens. You can’t speak. You want to scream but you can’t make a noise. 
As you get to the corner, you stop short. He steps past you but just as quickly catches himself and turns to face you. You gulp and look down at your cup. You can’t keep going. If you do, you’ll lead him right to your home. 
“What’s going on, sweetheart? You forget something? How about we head back and I’ll buy you something sugary to go with that?” 
You furrow your brow and step back on your heel. You bring your eyes up, a furtive glance at his face, brief and flickering. You just want to know what he looks like so you never see him again. 
His blue eyes twinkle, his nose is long but proportioned to his chiseled face, his hair is combed back, the sides shaved, and a thick swatch of hair lines his upper lip. He’s older than you, you know that much, but you’ve never good at gauging age. You’ve never seen him before but you can’t be sure. You don’t look at many faces. 
You pivot and cross the street without looking. You narrowly miss a bumper and get a honk in remonstrance. You can’t stop yourself. You’re panicking. You head down the next street as his footsteps follow. It’s all you can hear.  
As you pass a bin, you dump the drink. You don’t pause as it plummets heavily into the trash and you fall into a brisk half-jog. You pump your arms, puffing wildly, dizzy as you search for a saviour.  
You dash into the library. You don’t know what you’re looking for. Just for anyone to get this man to leave you alone. 
You don’t look back as you enter and head straight for the front counter. You’re out of breath as you approach the rounded edge and tap the bell frantically. A woman emerges from behind the window wall and she greets you with a confused chime. 
“Hello, can I help you?” She asks. 
“Yes, I need...” you gulp and glance at the doors. You push away from the counter and spin, searching. You don’t see the man. He’s probably waiting outside. But you never looked back. You never really saw if he was following. “I...” you turn back to the woman, “never mind.” 
You cross your arms and turn away. You cringe as you realise how ridiculous you must have seemed. Worse, you didn’t mean to bother someone just doing their job and over what? You’re own issues. You should go home, back to your reclusion, where you can’t be in anyone’s way. 
When you finally muster the courage to leave the library, your journey home is slowed by your paranoia. You have your phone out, held up so you can see over your shoulder with the front camera. You watch the screen more than the sidewalk ahead of you. 
You get home without a second shadow. As you let yourself through the grated front door of the building, you can’t help but feel stupid. That man must’ve got the idea when you as good as ran in the other direction. You’re being dramatic. 
You close the camera and put your phone away. You waist six dollars in your frantic flight. You mourn the tea latte as the heavy inner door clunks shut behind you. You drag your feet up the stairs as your keys jingle on your finger. 
You apartment is at the very end of the hall. You enter and twist the latch. You slide the chain into place and hang the key ring on the little hook beside the door frame. You untangle your purse and leave it with your phone on the table in the corner. 
You shuffle the few feet to the front room and look around. You find comfort in the familiarity of your little apartment. Your hideaway. 
You go back to your desk and sign back in. You’re back later than usual but you can still make up the time. As long as there’s enough tasks left in the portal. You don’t have to let that man ruin your whole day. You’ll never see him again. In a few days, you won’t even remember him. 
Wednesday. Halfway through the week.  
You scroll and click around your screen as you watch the clock in the corner tick on. Usually around this time, you’d be excited. You’d clock out for your break and go down to the cafe. As much as you looked forward to the treat, the walk alone was relaxing in its own way. 
Not that day. Despite your efforts to shrug off the strange encounter, you haven’t shaken it. So instead, the kettle boils as a bag of earl gray sits in an empty mug. You’re not going. Maybe next week. 
You’re a bit depressed but you’re too nervous to make the venture. Oh well, you’ll save a bit of money. You could find a different place next time. That might be easier. 
You stay logged in and claim a new task. Hey, you can be done work earlier if you can power through. You might even make a few extra bucks. 
The kettle clicks and you get up to pour the water. You leave it to steep, forgetting it for the screen before you. Your fingers tap endlessly across the keyboard, filling the silence as you zone in on the words, transcribing messy ink to Times New Roman. 
Your trance is broken by a sudden buzz. You sit up, the kink in your neck pangs. You need to stop hunching. The buzz comes again. Is that... It must be a mistake. It happens now and then, someone buzzes the wrong apartment. 
You get up as it sounds a third time and you shuffle down to the speaker box. You hit the button, “wrong number.” 
You let go of the number before you can hear the response. They buzz again. You sigh. You hit the button. 
“I’m sorry but you have the wrong number,” you repeat. 
“I don--” 
You release the button again and take a step back. Buzz! You’re getting annoyed. You hit the button. “Wrong--” 
“Got a delivery. 212.” The man’s voice drowns out your own, reciting your name after your apartment number. Your finger stays on the button as you frown. A delivery? 
“I’m not expecting a delivery.” 
“Are you...” he says your name again. 
“... yes.” 
Silence, filled with the low hum of the speaker, “so, can I come up or...?” 
“Uh, I guess.” 
You pull your finger away and hover it over the other. Maybe it’s from work? There was the one time they sent a cheap mass production travel mug with their logo on it as some incentive. A poor attempt at employee appreciation. 
You press down and hold until you’re certain they have enough time to get in. You wait by the door, ringing your hands. You hear the door at the end of the hall open on its old hinges and you peek through the peephole. 
You watch the fuzzy figure come into focus with each of his long steps. He doesn’t hold a box nor wear the uniform of a postal worker. No, he wears those blue leather loafers and holds a bright pink paper cup with a white lid. From the cafe.  
As he comes close, you get a pigeon’s eye view of the hair on his upper lip and his bold blue eyes. It feels like he can see you too as he stands smirking on the other side of the door. This can’t be real. 
He knocks and you wince as the door shifts in the frame. 
“Special delivery,” he calls through, “open up, baby face.” 
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2cupids · 4 months
𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 | 𝐤. 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings — sugar daddy!hongjoong, readers in her 20s, hongjoong’s in his 40s, pet names, oral (m. receiving), f.ingering, cowgirl,choking, fluff at the end.
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sugar daddy!hongjoong who takes you to buy a new dress any time he takes you out for dinner or when you have to attend events with him. you have at least 40 different dresses you could choose from at this point but it doesn’t matter to hongjoong.
when he can’t accompany you to shop for a dress because he has business to attend to, he simply gives you his card and tells you to pick the prettiest one and treat yourself to whatever else you want to that day.
but more often than not, he flies you out to italy to have your dresses custom made. sometimes he’ll send a sketch ahead of you of what he wants to see you in and let you talk with the designer about changing any details that you don’t like.
he wants you to have the best of the best, something other people can’t get their hands on.
sugar daddy!hongjoong who has no shame about renting out the entire floor of a restaurant for just the two of you. when you ask him his reason, he says that he just “prefers it this way.”
sugar daddy!hongjoong that lets you pick out your own penthouse.
he brings you along with him while he goes around looking at different places, citing the reason being that he’s “expanding his real estate portfolio”.
he’s constantly asking you what you think of each place, whether you could see yourself living there, how you would decorate the place, etc. you think it’s silly when he writes a check to buy the one that you liked the most but you don’t pay it too much mind.
that is until later that day when he hands you the keys.
“it’s all yours baby. i’ve already got movers packing up your old place, they should be here in an hour or two. is that alright with you?”
sugar daddy!hongjoong who loves surprising you with random shopping sprees. he likes surprising you with gifts and all, but he’d rather have you pick exactly what you like.
he could sit watch you try on outfits all day if it means he gets to see the way your eyes sparkle.
sugar daddy!hongjoong that was a bit of tsundere especially when you first met.
he has trouble expressing his love and admiration for you but he actively works to try to get better.
sugar daddy!hongjoong that enjoys sharing his hobbies with you, one of them being customizing clothes and shoes, giving them a personal touch.
you tend to make a mess whenever you work with the art supplies, accidentally getting paint and marker stains all over yourself. you find it bothersome but hongjoong finds it cute. to him, your clumsiness just adds to your charming qualities.
sugar daddy!hongjoong who gets excited whenever you let him choose your next hairstyle. if you’re hesitant about trying a certain style or color, he encourages you to do so, as long as you’re comfortable with it. he’s always complimenting you and praising you.
despite his love of picking your hairstyles, he loves when you decide to just wear your beautiful natural hair as well.
the same thing goes for your nails too. oh, and he always makes sure you get your toes done too so don’t even try to argue with him. if you’re out of the country and need a new set or a fill in, he’ll fly out your chosen nail tech.
sugar daddy!hongjoong that’s like putty in your hands whenever you flutter those pretty lashes of yours at him.
sugar daddy!hongjoong that not only likes to have custom dresses made for you but also have custom lingerie pieces made for you as well.
one of his favorites is an emerald green set with a garter belt and matching lacy stockings that have his initials ‘KHJ’ on the center gore of the bra.
sugar daddy!hongjoong wouldn’t call himself an exhibitionist but he will touch and tease you (discretely) in public settings or where others are present.
like while his chauffeur is driving you home, he’ll let his hand rest on your thigh, letting it slip under your dress and inch closer to your core until his fingers are hovering right in front of your soaked panties.
“don’t make a sound and i’ll fuck you to sleep when we get home.” he whispers in your ear as his fingers move your underwear to the side, finally making contact with your clit.
sugar daddy!hongjoong who possessiveness makes itself known in the bedroom. he wants to hear you tell him that you’re his and that he’s the only one who can make you feel good.
tell him what he wants to hear or he will slow down and eventually stop what he’s doing all together until he gets what he wants. no amount of squirming around on the bed or whining will help you.
“didn’t i ask you a question? tell me whose pussy this is.. or would you rather be left high and dry? your choice baby.”
sugar daddy!hongjoong who thinks you look so pretty when your mouth is full of his dick. he likes to hold your head in place while he fucks your pretty mouth.
“such a good girl for me. gonna stay like that and let me cum down your throat?”
sugar daddy!hongjoong who wraps his hand around your neck while you’re bouncing on his cock and it makes you see stars.
he likes the feeling of your walls clenching around him while you try to focus on riding him, the lack of oxygen slowly getting to you.
sugar daddy!hongjoong that likes it rough but makes sure he takes his time with you often, giving you good old fashioned love-making to remind you of how much he loves and cares for you.
sugar daddy!hongjoong that can be having a terrible day but once he sets eyes on you, his worries and frustration fade away.
sugar daddy!hongjoong who falls in love with you more and more every time he looks into your big, gorgeous eyes.
it’s been more than just a business relationship to him and he’s been feeling that way for a long time now.
he hopes to one day he’ll be lucky enough to be able to call you his wife.
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inspiringimarah · 1 year
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update** all mods should be good now 🥰
I am keeping an eye on the Scarlet's Realm list so I will continue to update the list and with any new mods I add to my game 💕💕
Refreshed Main Menu - mine is Glade
Urban Erotica (functional books)
No Tune After Loading
Nap Replacement Mod
Restaurant Default Menu
MyxDoll Fenty Beauty Override 
HighSchool Years Textbook Override
Toothbrush override by dsco
Paintbrush Override
The Ultimate Default Underwear Collection by vixonspixels
Paired Selfie (in game photo overrides)
iPhone 12 Override OR H&B Smartphone Override (ONLY CHOOSE ONE)
UNO Card Replacement
 Photo replacements (in game)
Pink Build Buy UI 
Black Sitcom TV Overrides 
San Sequoia Bridge Override
Realistic TV Mod (Reality TV)
Realistic Phone Icons (multiple available on CoCo Games patreon)
Phone Wallpaper Kit OR Phone Wallpaper Override (only pick one)
Control Any Sim
San Myshuno Billboards
PC Game Overrides 
CocoGames Video Game Bundle
Starbucks on Campus
My Wedding Stories Engagement Ring Recolours 
Stand Still in CAS Poses
Hidden Highlight 
Functional Airpods
Hello Kitty Infant Seat
The Missing Plumbob
No zzz (when sim is sleeping)
Towel After Shower
Functional PS5
Black Art Painting Mod
The Sims 2 Font or Life is Strange Font (only pick one)
Gallery Poses (female)
Gallery Poses (male)
Gallery Poses (couple or duo) 
Take Off Shoes With Animation
Stop Random Accessories on Townies
Parenthood Recolour - link is at the bottom of the thread
check my updated lighting mod list here
cas & loading screen
CAS background
Loading Screen Plumbob Replacement  OR by pinkishwrld
Minimalist CC Wrench Override
More CAS Columns (I use 5)
Map Replacements Overhaul
I alternate my CAS backgrounds so see below for my fave creators:
- MeekGames
- Ellcrze  
- LadySimmer
- SlimmazSimz
- Essemelle 
- BougieChloe
- SierraTheSimmer
- Xurelia
- DonavinGames
- NeriSims
Somik & Severinka (I use the Realistic Cooking Mod & all others they have)
ONI Custom Food
QMBIBI Stirring the Pot
QMBIBI Thee Kitchen Tablet
Functional Breakfast Cereals
Waffle Maker
Pressure Cooker
Computer Side Gigs
Kuttoe Mini Mods: Small Additions
Bed Cuddle
Carry & Kiss
Longer Parties & More Guests
Functional Magazines
Better Social Media Sponsorships
Higher Lifestyle Brand Payouts 
QMBIBI Skincare Mod
QMBIBI Express Delivery
QMBIBI BabyCare Overhaul
Online Skills 
It’s Movie Time 
BabyCare Mod
Basemental Drugs
Basemental Gangs
Celebrate Adoption
Sip & Paint Event
Luxury Real Estate Career
Recipe Notebook
Sulani Events Calendar and Flyer
Functional Personal Care Products
Go For A Jog... Together
Morning Routine
Everyone Can Sleep Together
Spa Day Face Masks From Mirrors
Pole Dance Mod
Online Apprenticeships 
Turn the TV on
Ask For Money 
UI Cheats
MC Command Center
Self Manicure & Pedicure
Make Functional Perfumes
Shear Brilliance - Active Hairstylist Career
Cute Romance
LOT 51
- Ring Doorbell 
- Dust Buster 
- Plumbros (heating, plumbing & cooling)
- Alarm Clock 
- Simlink (wifi)
High School Years
Fashion Authority   KimbaSprite has a tutorial on this mod here
More Classmates
I have many mods by this creator, check out their website here
There is an index on Lumpinou’s Patreon with all the below mods listed, see here
- Memory Panel Mod 
- Open Love Life
- RPO Collection “Realistic & Pregancy Overhaul”
- Science Baby Tweak
PandaSama Childbirth 
- Mortem 
- Real Estate
- Private Practice
- Sim National Bank 
- Sim National Bank Bills
- Sim National Bank Financial Center
- Cyber Teacher Career
- Homebody Prefences
- Housewife Aspiration
pose player mods (for in game photos)
- Andrew Poseplayer 
- Teleport Any Sim 
Go to creators for poses & animations: 
- KatVerse 
- King Black Cinema 
- Frxsk0sims
- helgatisha
- AfroSimtricSims 
- Gawdly Games
- Hardswae
- Maysbat
- TS4 Poses (tumblr blog)
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adultbabystories · 18 days
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A night out at the circus? That was a strange offer by your friends, but you went along. Maybe years have passed by ever since you’ve been to the circus. You wondered if it was like you remembered. Your memory was vague about it, but when you and your friends parked the car, you saw the giant red tent. It was dark, but lights were shining on the red fabric from afar. A red carpet led the way to the entrance. The smell of popcorn and beer filled the space as you got closer. You and your friends were laughing about how silly it was all going to be, holding beers in your hands.
“Hey kids! Get inside quick!” a clown passed before you, shouted in a goofy voice, and squeezed his red big nose.
You threw the empty beer, got a new one, and went quickly inside. Getting inside was a sight to behold. The interior felt bigger than what you imagined from the outside. You and your friends found your places and sat down. The lights turned off and only spotlights lit the ring.
“Howdy folks! Are you ready for the show?” A clown shouted to the crowd as he was holding a comical big microphone.
“YES!” the crowd responded.
“Are you really ready? Let me hear it” The clown looked toward you and pointed, or at least it felt like it.
“YES!” the crowd shouted again.
The show was wild and funny. The clown's customs were colorful and silly. Each one had his own thing and color. One had fuzzy huge purple hair. One had huge shoes he could barely walk in. Another had a nose that covered almost half of his face. But there was one you would never forget his appearance. His face was painted all white, with a red smiley mark covering the lower part of his face, and red curls that looked like red springs, trying to bounce out of his head.
You had so much fun, that you barely noticed the pressure to pee building inside of you from those two giant cups of beer. You didn’t want to leave for the bathroom, the show was so entertaining, so you held it as much as you could. Eventually, you stood up and walked to the outside to find the toilets.
“You! The guy who’s walking outside! STOP!” you heard from the speaker, and the lights hit you.
You turned around and saw the curly clown was pointing at you. The lights washed all over you. You pointed at yourself questionably. 
“Yes you! Where are you going? We are in the middle of the show!” he asked, intending to get the crowd interested in the moment.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” you naively answered.
“Can’t you hold it to the rest of the show? You are such a baby! Isn’t he a baby people?” the clown asked the crowd, making them clap and cheer.
You turned red from embarrassment, gave him your back, and went outside. You had to pee so bad, you didn’t have time to think about what happened, not just yet. The toilets were around the tent, a bit far from the entrance. Next to it, there were the wheeled caravans of the circus crew. You could hear the crowd inside cheering and the faded voices of the clowns.
“Hey there kid, how’s it going? Have you found the bathroom yet?” said the clown with the curly hair.
He must have finished his act and went outside. He was smoking a cigar and the smoke moved around him in the light breeze. He looked at you, without the act from the show.
“No, not yet” you answered.
“It’s not polite what you did back there, only babies can’t hold and wait. You must be a baby. But you are funny, at least I can look at you and see you have The funny in ya. Ever thought about clowning? Do you want to clown around with us?” he asked as you took a big drag from his cigar, putting his lips around it, making it visible for you to see.
“What? Me as a clown? Nah, I have to take a piss, excuse me,” you said and turned away.
“You are certainly not excused.” you heard him say.
A second later, a bag was covering your head and it felt like two strong guys were holding you and dragging you somewhere. You heard a door slamming open and then closing. You don’t know how, but suddenly you were knocked out of consciousness. Sometime later, that could be moments, that could be minutes, you gained your consciousness back. You heard the crowd cheering very closely. Lights were shining into the cotton bag your head was in. You were wearing something else, something that wasn’t your clothes. You felt like you were sitting on something very thick and puffy, which seemed like between your legs as well. Maybe you wore it you thought.
“We have a surprise for you good folks! Do you remember the baby who couldn’t hold it before? Well, I’m glad to tell you that he is a baby! Our new baby clown! Give it up for the biggest baby of them all!”
Someone grabbed your shoulders, squeezed them, and pressed his head to the bag, and whispered.
“This is your birthday baby clown, the crowd is cheering for the new baby, make us proud!”
The bag was lifted from your head. You looked around, shocked. You sat in the center of the ring, in front of the cheering and going wild crowd. The lights were blinding but you could see you were wearing a comically massive white diaper and big red clown shoes. A bib with the words “big baby” was strapped around you by the purple-haired clown. A bonnet hat was strapped around your head by the clown with a big nose. You felt like crying from the humiliation.
“Awwww is baby gonna cry?” the curly clown asked, now not so serious like he was outside, but goofy and cheerful.
He took some kind of blue makeup marker and drew tears on your cheeks.
“Give it up for our crybaby people!” he made the crowd cheer even more.
He took a rolled-up carpet and unrolled it in front of you. It was a childish carpet like you see in nurseries.
“Crawl around for us baby! Let everyone see your wet diaper you needed!” gesturing you onto the carpet.
From the excitement and the commotion, you didn’t even notice you were peeing in your new diaper. Somehow the massive diaper became yellow on the front as you peed. You looked at the wet and yellow diaper, at the carpet, and the gesturing clown, and the cheering crowd. 
“Always, such, a whiny, baby. Folks our baby always wants us to pick him up! But he can crawl, I tell you he can! Cheer for him, tell him to crawl!” the clown thrilled the crowd.
“Crawl! Crawl! Crawl!”
They were cheering for you. They were cheering for the baby clown. You were it, you were the show now, give it to them. Crawl to the carpet. Crawl to the spotlight baby.
My conversation with @itsclowntime about clowning got me really inspired to write this short story. If you like clowning or being naughty thinking about it, check out his page. A side note - I used AI to visualize the story. I hope it adds to your imagination.
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jji-lee · 2 months
what nct dream would say as the 5 love languages
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mark lee - words of affirmation
"you're doing so good baby, just a little bit more okay?" "you're so perfect, all mine pretty girl" "yeah, just like that baby you're doing so good" "damnn girl, you look too good"
huang renjun - gift giving
"look it's an origami swan, i made it for you" "i got us custom made matching couple shirts! look mine says junebug like how you always call me and yours say lovey dove" "i went to like 10 stores, but i finally got that chocolate you've been wanting to try" "wait don't look, i'm painting you. i'll give it to you once i'm done"
lee jeno - quality time
"hey baby i cleared my schedule for the weekend wanna do something together?" "come with me to get groceries baby, i don't know what to get" "wanna come spend time with me at the studio? i can teach you our new choreo" "i got us a reservation at your favorite restaurant, so we can eat and you'll tell me about your week, okay?"
lee haechan - physical touch
"baby wait come hold my hand" "why is it so cold in here? lets share the blanket, come closer" "give me a hug sweet girl, i missed you" "come here honey, gimme a kiss"
na jaemin - acts of service
"cutie i made you dinner come eat" "wait your shoes are untied baby, come, bring your foot up" "oh baby you look so tired, want a massage?" "let me do your hair for you, i watched a tiktok on how to do it, trust me"
zhong chenle - gift giving
"you like the new necklace i got you? it's 'zc' for my initials, now i can always be with you" "go fill up your vase with water, i'm on my way with a fresh bouquet" "you know those shoes you always wear? i got you them in a different color, do you like it?" "here, this is a place holder ring until i finally find the perfect one to propose to you with"
park jisung - quality time
"oh no is that chenle, don't answer him! i told him i have the stomach flu so i could hang out with you tonight" "okay i know your series is interesting but can you please come accompany me as i make my world famous ramen" "are you free tomorrow? i kinda already bought 2 tickets to the aquarium for us" "10 more minutes, just stay here please i haven't seen you in so long"
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deestorytime · 1 month
Levi Ackerman x Reader Postwar Short Fluff On the farmhouse porch, you sat surrounded by your painting supplies, your brush delicately stroking colors onto the canvas. Perched upon a hill, the farmhouse offered a stunning view of the surrounding fields that you love to paint. Your baby bump was quite noticeable, and you occasionally paused to gently rub your swollen stomach. Levi's shoes crunched on the gravel path as he made his way up the hill to where you were sitting. His gaze lingered on the painting. "Looks beautiful," he commented. You smiled, setting your brush down. "You're back early," you observed, noting the numerous bags and items he began to unload. "Looks like you’ve raided the entire store." "Only the essentials," he joked, straightening up with a playful grin. "We’ve got to be prepared, right?" "I guess you’re right," you agreed softly, your hand finding his. "Do you ever imagine what it’ll be like?" "All the time," he admitted. "Teaching them to ride a horse, watching them run around here..." "Painting with them," you added, squeezing his hand. "I can’t wait to see you teach them how to clean, though." Levi chuckled. "That's non-negotiable. They're going to learn how to clean properly. No child of mine is going to live in filth." He squeezed your hand reassuringly and planted a gentle kiss on your forehead. "I almost forgot—I've got something special to show you," he added, his voice tinged with excitement. He dug through one of the bags and finally pulled out a wrapped package, handing it to you. "Go on, open it," he encouraged, his eyes bright with anticipation. You carefully unwrapped the package, revealing a beautifully handcrafted mobile. The pieces dangling from it were delicate and intricate—tiny horses and miniature versions of the Scout Regiment’s wings of freedom badges, all carved from light wood. "It’s for the nursery," Levi explained, watching your reaction closely. "I found an artisan in town who makes these custom pieces. Thought it would be something unique, a good piece from our world to share with them." "It’s beautiful, Levi," you said sincerely, running your fingers over the smooth carvings. "It’s perfect." Levi's lips curled into a small, satisfied smile. "I wanted our kid to have something that tells a story... our story. And maybe inspire them someday," he added. You reached out, pulling him down beside you again, your head resting against his shoulder. "This is going to mean so much to them," you whispered, trying not to cry, feeling his arm wrap around you, pulling you closer.
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erasistiblecreations · 4 months
Hand Painted Baby Toddler Shoes by ERAsistible.
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makethatelevenrings · 10 months
Angel By the Wing - Twenty Eight
chapter warnings: pregnancy, alcohol (it's a bar so)
Series Masterlist (Mobile Masterlist)
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Despite the fact that this had never been your plan, that you were pregnant and couldn’t even drink, and you were bone tired, the Hard Deck seemed to be your happy place. The dark wood stained with rings from years of cold beer bottles enveloped you the moment you walked in. The walls were lined with memorabilia and photos of patrons, both civilians and servicemembers. Penny bought this place from a couple who opened it back in the 80s. The classic old bar feel was attributed to the fact that it truly was a classic old bar. The jukebox had been replaced so it could still play, but the music was usually rock from the past few decades.
There was something about this place that made you feel alive. You loved it here.
“How are you feeling?” Chelsea asked once you slid behind the bar to help her with the day’s prep.
“I am fine. Baby is fine. The boys literally pouted this morning when they realized they weren’t going to be able to come with me to the doctor,” you recounted. The bar had just opened at four and only a few customers were here. They were the typical crowd who wanted the bar experience but didn’t want to be here when it was a raucous mess.
A few orders for burgers and some appetizers were being worked on in the kitchen, so that left you to help Chelsea fix up the bar and take inventory of what bottles you had for the night.
“Oh, how far along are you?” A soft voice interrupted your counting. You looked up to find a woman seated at the bar. She was older, around Penny’s age, with a soft, plump face and bright green eyes. You offered her a polite smile, figuring she had just stopped off the plane considering she had a suitcase leaning up against her.
“Almost ten weeks.”
Her nose wrinkled up and she let out a hiss between her teeth. “First trimester is the worst, in my opinion. The nausea is always brutal.”
“Oh, my morning sickness hasn’t been too bad. It’s the fatigue that gets me.”
She nodded. “It’s as if the more you sleep, the more tired you are.”
“So it’s not just me? Thank god, it feels like I’m being drained of all energy.”
She laughed and shook her head. “No, it’s common. So this is your first?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Your smile softened at the thought of the ultrasound photo pinned to the fridge in your apartment. You don’t know when it shifted from “Jake’s place” to your place. From Bradley’s inability to put his shoes away to Jake’s propensity to strip off his sweaty workout clothes the second he walked in the front door to your collection of random pens ending up strewn across any and all surfaces in the house. The townhome with its two bedrooms, one for the three of you packed in tightly in the king sized bed and one that was a guest room for now but the soft whispers in the morning about what color should you paint the walls for the nursery was changing things.
“You must be very excited,” she continued.
“And nervous. Can I get you anything to drink? Eat?”
“A Long Island ice tea would be fantastic.”
Quick and simple. You placed the drink in front of her on top of a napkin and smiled. “What brings you to San Diego?”
She took a sip from her drink and waved her hand in the air. “Oh, you don’t need to listen to my life story. I’m sure you have to do this all night.”
Maybe so, but she was a lot nicer and more sober than your usual customers who slurred through sobbing tales about cheating exes and shitty bosses. You shrugged and grabbed a clean rag to work on wiping down the counter.
“If I didn’t want to hear about people’s lives, I would become an accountant or something.” Your smile grew. “So if you don’t tell me, I’m just going to have to come up with ideas. You’re a billionaire boss lady in town for a huge investment meeting. You’re a CIA agent who is trying to get information out of me, but I gotta warn you that I don’t know anything of importance. Or maybe you’re a travel blogger on the hunt for the best beaches in the world.”
She chuckled and shook her head. “No, no. Nothing like that. I’m just here to visit family.”
“And your first stop was a bar? Jeez, is your family that bad?”
Her smile fell slightly and you paused in your cleaning. “No. My son is amazing. Both of my kids are the absolute fucking light of my life. But I don’t know if this will be a happy trip.”
“Why’s that?”
She considered you for a moment, her head tilting to the side in a way that reminded you of Jake in the morning when he woke up too early and couldn’t process any words you said. Her lips curved up into a soft smile and she sighed.
“I’m not drunk enough yet for that conversation. Tell me about you. How are you feeling about becoming a mom?”
The words spilled out of you before you could stop them. You were a mixture of fear and elation, but you were starting to truly believe in this little family you had created. Two men saw the flaws in you and pushed past them. Penny and Sarah were the mothers you had craved your whole life. Natasha, Sofia, and Amelia were your sisters that you always dreamed of having.
Your cheeks ached from the smile that clung to your lips and you brightened as the door opened. Waving in greeting, Natasha and Sofia made their entrance and then went to claim their usual table. Their presence meant that the rest of the Dagger Squad would be on their way. Thanks to Sofia working as a medical receptionist on base, the couple carpooled to work and back.
“Give me one sec,” you told your faithful listener and turned to grab a beer for Natasha and a mojito for Sofia. You were finishing off the garnish on the mojito when two arms wrapped around your middle. Lips peppered your cheeks and the rough, scratchy beard immediately clued you into who it was.
“Hey, you two are not supposed to be behind the bar!” you chided. Bradley ignored your protests and instead buried his face against your neck. You sighed and shuffled yourself around so you could see the infamous Jake Seresin smirk.
“What is wrong with him?” you deadpanned.
“Sorry for missing you, darlin’. How’s you and baby doing?” The stitches on your arm stung when you pulled your arm to the side, but everything else was perfectly fine. When you told them as such, the relief on their faces was instant.
“C’mere, Tex,” you hummed. He settled his hands on your waist and bent his head down to lay a kiss on Bradley’s curls and then to your lips. You stopped him before he could deepen the kiss and shook your head with a laugh.
“Grab some beers, take these over to the others, and shoo. Go. Let me do my job.”
“Can you blame us for wanting to be with our girls all the time?” Bradley teased but he untangled himself from you. You rolled your eyes but the smile never left your face.
Until Jake turned around and met the eyes of the woman you spent the better part of an hour chatting with. He stilled and nearly dropped the beer he was holding if you hadn’t reached out and grabbed it.
“Mom?” Jake blurted out.
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pennylanewrites · 1 year
sur le fil [levi ackerman x f!reader]
chapter 1: la vie en rose
moving to paris, you get to meet a set of interesting neighbours; one talkative, bubbly, exciting and kind. one reserved, serious and tortured. the first will be your guide through life in paris; the latter, you soon find out is your colleague.
a/n: reader, hange, moblit and petra are 24-25 years old. erwin and levi are both 28 in this fic. erwin gets introduced soon so dw heheh
masterpost | next
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packing up your whole life and moving to paris was sort of on a whim. you really only realized it when you were on the plane, and you could spot the eiffel tower, the arc de triomphe, the notre dame. oh, you were going to have so much fun.
it wasn't hard to find your new home -after taking a taxi and two buses from the airport. you had booked a room from an old lady living in a haussmannian building. three rooms were already occupied, and a kitchen, common room, library and terrace were included in the low price of 250€ per month. you assumed that the old lady simply wanted company; it wasn't easy to find something that cheap, right in the heart of paris.
"madame dubois, so nice to meet you!" you greeted the lady rushing out of the building with a handshake, but she opted for a hug and a kiss on each cheek instead. how european.
"call me paulette, darling, please." paulette was pushing 70, tall, slim and stylish. she held a slim cigarette between fingers decorated with gold rings; she wore a long linen shirt over matching pants and ballerina shoes. very french, you thought, as you followed her inside.
as you stepped inside, you were greeted by high ceilings, ornate moldings, and large windows that allow an abundance of natural light to fill the rooms. the kitchen, located at the heart of the house, had marble countertops, state-of-the-art appliances, and custom-made sage-coloured cabinets. you could tell you would have a lot of fun in this kitchen. as you left the room, you noticed a wide selection of teas, a whole countertop in fact, dedicated to them. adjacent to the kitchen was the common room, knick-knacks and books filling every surface and empty corner. The baby-blue coloured room was adorned with plush beige and off-white furniture, intricate chandeliers, and a majestic fireplace, creating a cozy and sophisticated atmosphere. the library, opposite to the living room, housed an extensive collection of books, with floor-to-ceiling shelves that exuded an air of intellectual refinement. a cozy reading nook by the window invited you to spend many afternoons with a cup of coffee and your nose in a book.
"your room is on the first floor, along with two more. then there’s mine and one more on the third, and of course the terrace, that you’re free to use whenever.” you were admiring the paintings on the walls as paulette guided you to the first floor and to the second door on the left. you wondered who the other two rooms were occupied from, but you guessed you would find out soon.
paulette unlocked the white door and handed you the key. you entered into a mainly beige and lavender-coloured room, small but efficient; the boxes you had packed were sitting in front of the bed, arriving just before you. a double bed with two nightstands stood in the middle, a large wooden dresser on the side, with intricate golden details. two wicker sitting chairs by the window and an empty desk and small bookcase. paulette was showing you the bathroom, but you were too busy admiring the notre dame from your dusty window. despite it being half-burnt, it remained beautiful.
“my room is on the top floor to the right. anything you want, i’m just a knock away.”
“thank you. you said something about other people leaving here?”
“oh, yes! moblit lives on the third floor, he’s a nice and quiet guy. zoe lives right across from you, she’s a little feisty, i guess.”
“and next door?”
you swore paulette’s face dropped when you asked.
“oh, that would be levi, my nephew. he’s a bit…reserved.” was all paulette said about your mysterious neighbour before leaving you to unpack.
you fell on the bouncy mattress and let out a content sigh. the ceiling above you had a cracked lavender and lilac tapestry with golden swirls. the walls matched it perfectly, and the curtains, though faded, were a beige to match the wood of the furniture.
why unpack now? the sun was setting and a deep purple hue played on your stretched legs. you grabbed your purse and headed for the terrace, but your journey was cut short by a loud screech.
“levi, give me my key!”
“i don’t have your key, you lost it, you idiot.” the manly voice came from next door, you noticed. you decided to step out carefully.
a tall woman turned to look at you through round glasses.
“bonsoir! we didn’t know you were coming tonight!”
“hi! zoe, right? i’m y/n.” you took a few steps back when the brunette attacked you with a warm, tight hug.
“pleasure! are you heading for the terrace? that’s the first thing i did when i came here too.”
“seems like a cozy place for a cigarette.”
“you read my mind.” she turned to your other neighbour’s door again. “levi, sors de ta chambre!” come out of your room, your high school french classes came to your rescue.
as you waited for the mysterious neighbour, you inspected zoe. her rich, chocolate-brown hair cascading down her shoulders, framed her face and round golden glasses. she wore a flowing, forest green and brown maxi dress with intricate patterns that catch the eye. completing her ensemble, she adorned herself with eclectic accessories. a collection of beaded bracelets adorned her wrists, each one telling a story of its own. around her neck hung two pendants, a round blue evil eye, and a wooden symbol of piece. her ears were filled with gold studs and the picture ended with pink delicate feather-shaped earrings, whispering a hint of whimsy.
“hange, i just came home. what could you possibly-”
“we have a new neighbour, levi. remember?” zoe motioned at you with her head and a smile, obviously not caring that she was interrupting the man’s personal time.
wow. rude.
“so, you should come to the terrace for a smoke. maintenant.” now.
you expected the man to slam the door in her face, but he stepped back in to grab his jacket, and came back out.
levi stood at average height, with sleek black hair reaching his nape, a fresh undercut showing underneath and a few strands shaping his face and accentuating his piercing gray eyes. he was wearing a fitted maroon t-shirt and dark gray jeans, the look finishing with all black vans and the black leather jacket in his hand. you noticed a tattoo hiding under the sleeve of his shirt. interesting.
“hi, i’m y/n. it's so nice to-”
“levi. pleasure.”
“for fuck’s sake.”
“what? i said pleasure.”
"okay,sure. go make us some tea. y/n, how do you drink yours?" you looked between the pair. why did it feel like they were about to judge whatever you said next?
"oh, i don't really like..." you trailed off because levi had only rolled his eyes at you before storming down the stairs, mumbling in french. you followed zoe to the top floor. a pair of white french doors opened to a spacious terrace, with a set of wicker couches, cozy floor pillows and a tarp-covered bar. all kinds of flowers filled the corners and a vegetable garden took up most of the space on the left.
"you'll have to forgive levi. he's a bit..."
"uptight?" zoe snorted at your comment, and you had a feeling she agreed.
"passionate about tea. he's going to bring you a cup anyway. levi has a recipe for every kind of person, and he's certain he can make everyone like it."
you took out a pack of marlboro golds and offered one to zoe. she politely declined, opening a leather pocket of tobacco to roll her own cigarette.
"so, what brings you to paris?"
i had to run away from everything and everyone in my life.
"oh, it was just time for a change. i had enough money saved up, so i thought why not?" zoe lied down on the couch opposite you and nodded in acknowledgement. "what about you? have you lived here long?"
"levi and i were born and raised in lyon. we moved here around seven years ago, for college."
"what did you study?"
"the plan was liberal arts, but i changed to architecture my second year."
"i never finished college. i was a history and archaeology major, but it never really...spoke to me, you know?" you put the cigarette out on the clay ashtray on the table, "so, i attended a few barista and bartending seminars, and i actually fell in love with it."
"you don't say...have you got a job yet? i'm pretty sure the café down the street is looking for someone." you could faintly see the shop zoe was talking about in the distance.
"oh, i already found something nearby. i'm starting tomorrow."
"thats brilliant, i'll have to-oh, levi, you're here!" levi stepped out to the terrace, skillfully holding up a tray with three cups. he placed an intricate one in front of you; it was a midnight purple, square mug with engraved golden stars and constellations all over. you held the steaming mug and smiled gratefully at levi. you could smell raspberry, apple and-
"tell her what it is!" zoe jumped up and down excitedly, spilling some of the hot liquid on her dress and phone. "putain." she exclaimed and wiped her phone screen on the couch pillow.
"it's black tea with raspberry syrup, apple, lemon and rhubarb."
"excellent choice of a cup too." zoe poked his side with her elbow. "what's mine, shortie?"
"it's piss." you snorted into your cup, blowing some of the liquid on your lap. you hissed and wiped it away quickly, looking up at the bickering pair.
you brought the cup to your lips, tasting it carefully. you almost winced; it was the sourest tea imaginable, and if not for the syrup, it would be bitter too. you had to admit, you got used to it after a couple of sips, and you liked it enough to keep drinking.
"did levi magically change your opinion on tea?"
"this is really nice," you looked up at levi. his gray eyes didn't leave yours as he took a sip of his own tea, "but i'm a coffee person. sorry." you smiled softly.
"if you like bean water, sure." he scoffed.
"as opposed to leaf water?" you retorted.
why the fuck is he holding the cup like that? show-off.
zoe looked between the two of you, grinning. the comfortable silence was cut short by two message notifications. you and levi took your phones out at the same time.
-you have been added to Le Café Belle Époque’s group chat
-unknown number has been added to Le Café Belle Époque’s group chat
you and levi slowly looked up at each other.
“you’re the new barista?” he scoffed.
“you…work there too?” you looked at the members of the group chat. indeed, a picture of levi sat by an unsaved number on your phone. zoe peeked over levi’s shoulder to look at his texts.
"aha! this is very exciting, n'est-ce pas?"
you had seven different words in mind to describe this, and exciting was not one of them.
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waking up in your new bed, in your little room in the heart of paris, felt like waking up in a disney movie. birds were chirping outside of your window, and a few stray sunrays hit the wooden floor. with a stretch of your arms and a yawn, you looked around at the sea of boxes and suitcases. you really needed to unpack.
after searching for your summer clothes, you finally opted for a pair of white jean shorts, a flowy muted-olive shirt with thin straps and your favorite brown sandals, that strapped around your feet and ankles. you brushed your teeth and hair, and placed mascara on your eyelashes carefully. a warm-toned lipstick finished your look, and you started your voyage to the kitchen with a box in your hands.
damn you paris, with your steep staircases, you tried looking over the box to watch your step, but it was impossible.
"woah, let me help with that." you were met with a pair of dark brown eyes behind rectange glasses.
"thanks." you accepted the offer and walked behind the strange man.
"where are we heading?"
the man finally set the box down on the round kitchen table, slapping the top of it.
"moblit berner. it's nice to meet you, y/n."
"how did you...?" you shook his hand with furrowed brows. moblit was wearing a well-pressed, tailored navy blue suit, a light blue dress shirt underneath and leather oxfords.
"zoe told me all about you last night. i apologize for the late introduction, but i came home after midnight." he watched as you took a polished red, vintage looking espresso machine out, placing it on the counter right by the outlet. "retro. does, uh, does levi know about the new addition to the kitchen?" moblit laughed awkwardly. you unrolled the cups you had wrapped in paper in your box and gave them a quick rinse, before setting them on top of the machine.
"i couldn't care less. paulette told me i can keep this here." you shrugged and filled the water tank. "want some coffee?"
"yes, please. the only drinks in this house all these years have been tea and alcohol." you pressed ground-up espresso in the group, and waited for the machine to warm up.
"what kind of coffee?"
"surprise me. i like it sweet, with a lot of milk. there's some almond milk in the fridge, so please use that." moblit sat down and lit a cigarette. you inspected levi's selection of syrups, powders and leaves.
"you don't think he'll mind, do you?" you held up a bottle of lavender syrup.
"it will be our little secret. better safe than sorry." you nodded and poured the syrup in the milk, frothing it while the espresso poured into a cup.
"so, where do you work, moblit?"
"i'm a reporter for libération, a news-"
"left-leaning newspaper, i know. i loved that piece on macron, the one comparing the marches to the french revolution?" you placed the cup in front of moblit, who accepted with a grateful smile.
"i wrote that one."
"of course! i thought your name sounded familiar." you chuckled and turned to make your own iced coffee.
"will we be seeing you at the café tonight?"
“i don’t know if i’m working a full shift yet. i’m only going to meet the managers and get an idea of the bar.”
“well, you’ve met one of them already.”
“levi’s a manager?” you rolled your eyes and sipped on your coffee.
“assistant. but he basically runs the place, he’s in charge of the menu, prices, schedule…” moblit grinned. “except for the new hires.”
“guess that’s why he was so surprised yesterday.”
“surprised is an understatement.”
“huh? wait, what did he say?” your eyebrow perked up. moblit just shook his head and got up to leave.
“thanks for the coffee, y/n. see you tonight!” defeated, you sat back on your chair. you slid it closer to the window and opened it wide. a warm breeze hit your face, and you smiled contently.
the rest of your day was spent unpacking, finding a space for every one of your knick-knacks and clutter. you managed to fit all of your books on the three shelves, finishing the image with some fairy lights hanging over them. most of your clothes fit in the dresser, but the rest were left in the suitcase. you really needed to buy some storage boxes soon.
it was now 2:30 in the afternoon, and after taking a warm shower, you desperately needed to eat. you sat on your bed, a towel wrapped around your hair, and pulled your phone out to search for a place to eat.
knock knock.
“come in.” you yelled out and looked behind your phone. zoe came in, looking around your room. she looked different; a tight bun sat at the bottom of her head and a classy white pantsuit hugged her body, before flaring down her calves.
“wow, nicely done. it took me two years to unpack when i got here…hey, what time do you leave for work?”
“i have to be there at six.”
“great! want to grab a bite with me? i’ll even throw in a little tour of our neighbourhood if you make me some coffee later.”
zoe brought you to a small, family owned restaurant cornering a main street. you watched as people walked, playing a guessing game of who was coming back from work, who was late for lunch, who had just had a fight with their partner. people-watching was a favourite of yours. it made you remember you weren’t alone in the world, that other people too had issues and feelings.
“do you eat meat, y/n? they make killer steaks here.”
“oh, i love a good steak.”
“excellent! how about i order for you?”
“yes, please.”
the waiter came to the table soon after, leaving a complimentary basket of warm bread and a butter spread.
“we’ll have two of your bavette à l’échalote, a portion of fries for the table and…two glasses of malbec please.” zoe handed the menu to the waiter and quickly attacked the bread.
“this is my favourite restaurant. it has been in the renard family for almost a century, and their recipes are practically unchanged. now, if you kindly look up, you will see my office on the top floor. i have a kicking view of the notre dame, which is…five minutes from here.” she pointed down the main road. you listened as she explained the secrets of the neighbourhood, the quirky owner of the office building, the drama between the two restaurants opposite each other.
you were so hungry when the dishes finally arrived in front of you, but you let hange do a demonstration of the dish.
“so, skirt steak. they cut it up in pieces so you can pour the sauce between them,” she spooned the golden, buttery sauce over your steak, “and i like to add it to the roasted vegetables too.” she poured the rest of it over the vegetables on the side. “and the rest you use to dip your fries!” she said excitedly, leaving the dip bowl next to the warm salted fries.
“bon appétit.” you raised the glass of red wine, clinking it with zoe’s.
after the delightful lunch, you leaned back on your chair, full and ready to go. you and zoe smoked two cigarettes each over one more glass of wine, before leaving for the café.
“are you nervous?”
“not really, i’ve done this too many times.”
“i would be. levi hates training new people.”
“good thing i don’t need training then.” you giggled and entered the café. a warm smell of cinnamon hit you, and the jazz music created a warm atmosphere around vintage furniture, a sleek dark blue bar with a marble top and the alcohol selection of your dreams.
“you’re late.” levi appeared behind the counter, startling you. you checked the clock on your phone.
“i’m 15 minutes early.”
“that’s still 5 minutes late.” he crossed his arms over his chest and stared back at you. “are you coming in here or what?”
you sighed and walked around the counter. the first thing you did was wash your hands thoroughly. levi appreciated that, but only gave a nod of approval as he walked you through the bar.
“you will be on evening shift for the time being, so here’s the old drinks menu. you’re free to change everything, except for the classic cocktails.”
“great! the last bar i was working, i experimented with tea-based cocktails, so i would like to add that. am i okay to stay after closing and use the bar for practice?”
“tea-based!” zoe exclaimed. you had almost forgotten she was there.
“tea-based.” levi repeated and you had a feeling he would explode then and there.
“ha! his eye is twitching! good one, y/n.”
“anyway, i’m adding that. i also want to make some additions to the coffee menu.” you looked over to the tea corner. “can i use the powders and syrups?”
“you’re going to add flowers and fruit in coffee?”
“is there a problem?” you didn’t even turn around to look at levi. instead, you took a pen and paper and noted down changes for the coffee menu.
“anyway. you can check the prices here, since it’s still the start. the waitresses will help you with anything else, so…”
“show me what you got, rookie.” levi leaned back on the counter, with a challenging grin. rookie my ass, who does this guy think he is?
“ooh, ooh! make me an iced coffee, and use like, all the syrups you can.” zoe slammed her hand on the counter.
“you got it.” you prepared two shots of espresso. while that was pouring, you took a shaker, pouring coconut milk, a tablespoon of elderflower syrup and one of vanilla syrup over ice. you shook it around masterfully, making a show for zoe and levi. when the espresso was done, you mixed in a teaspoon of sugar. taking a tall glass, you filled it to the middle with ice and added the milk mixture. you poured the espresso over it, mixing it with a tall spoon carefully.
“whipped cream?” you asked and levi pointed at the fridge under the sink. you spotted a bowl of edible flowers and grabbed it as well. you placed a coaster in front of hange and the glass, spooning some of the handmade cream on top. you took the pinching tool and added three small flowers over the cream.
“et voilà!”
zoe clapped excitedly, accepting the long straw you handed her. she took a big sip, closing her eyes in delight.
“y/n, this is the best thing that has ever been in my mouth.” she wiggled around on the stool.
“i feel offended.” moblit appeared out of nowhere, wrapping his arms around zoe and leaving a kiss on her temple.
huh, i guess they’re dating, you thought.
the café wasn’t really busy, so you spent the next hour making different coffees and teas, for levi to ensure you know what you’re doing. zoe had insisted to drink all of them, so you wouldn’t have to throw them away.
“hange, you’ll spend a week in the toilet if you drink all of those.” levi tried taking the cups away, but zoe guarded them in front of her.
“the toilet happens to be my happy place. maybe i want to stay there for a week.” she made sure to drink a sip from all of them, just to spite levi.
“if you cleaned once in a while, it would be a safe place too.” you chuckled at levi’s remark.
a wave of customers rushed in, and the waiters sent order after order. it was a hectic hour and a half, but by nine o’clock, you had time to clean up the machine and your counter.
“okay, welcome to the team, i guess.” levi shoved a golden name tag and a black half-apron in your arms.
“wow, warm welcome.”
“watch it.” levi grabbed his stuff and walked around the bar. he turned to zoe. “i have to pick petra up from work, do you guys want to do something later?”
“just come back here! we can all try the new cocktail menu.” hange pushed him to the door before he could decline and came back to the bar.
“can i take these away now?” you pointed at the sea of cups and glasses in front of her.
“please do. i feel like i’m going to explode.”
“you really like to get on his nerves, don’t you?” you laughed as she nodded furiously.
“zoe has to make levi have a nervous breakdown at least once a week.” moblit commented. after everything was cleaned, you could finally calm down and work on the cocktail menu. you spotted a small blackboard sitting behind the fridge. you grabbed it and the packet of chalks and handed it to moblit.
“you look like you have nice handwriting. please write these names down for me.”
“what’s in it for me?”
“pick one and i’ll make it for you. on the house.” you grinned as moblit wrote the menu down. zoe made sure to include a few doodles of flowers and a smiley face before setting it on top of the bar, where everyone could spot it.
it was midnight when you had to cut zoe off alcohol and levi walked in, hand in hand with a petite brunette. the girl had a sleek bob with short bangs, and wore a silk pink dress that hugged her waist and thighs. an oversized brown leather jacket, a pink leather crossbody bag and brown combat boots finished the look. her makeup was the perfect mix of edgy and sweet, with a smoky eye, red cheeks and a nude lipstick. the girl greeted zoe with a hug, wincing when the strong smell of gin hit her.
“control your woman, moblit.” she joked and kissed both his cheeks before sitting down. levi took her jacket along with his and handed them to you to place behind the counter. “so, you’re y/n. a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. i’m petra.”
“pleasure.” you smiled as you served two drinks on the sidebar.
“see, she looks just fine.” levi rolled his eyes at the girl. “levi was under the impression that you would crack under the pressure and run off.”
“levi should know that i have been doing this for four years. i’m not that easy to crack.” you placed two coasters and two glasses of water in front of them.
“what are you having?”
“i want…to try one of those famous cocktails.” she pointed at the blackboard.
“famous?” you furrowed your brows.
“oh, levi talked my ear off for hours about them. you’ll have to forgive him. his old age won’t let him accept change and evolution.” she kissed his cheek after the comment, but he only sighed. “anyway, i’ll have the earl grey martini. amour?” she turned to levi, who barely looked at her.
“whiskey sour.”
“one chamomile whiskey sour coming up!”
“i said, whiskey sour.” zoe, moblit and petra were stuck looking between the two of you. you guessed levi wasn’t known for his temper. but, oh, you wanted to crack him so bad. it was so satisfying seeing his neck and ears turn red with annoyance.
“i heard you.” you hummed as you made the brunette’s cocktail in a dainty martini glass.
“so, make that.”
“but i already steeped the chamomile. it would be a waste of perfect tea.” you pouted as you poured the tea over ice. you flipped a short glass over and placed it on the bartop. a strainer on top, you poured the contents in, sliding it to the ravenette.
“just try it, cheri.”
levi brought the glass to his lips in the same stupid way he held onto that cup of tea yesterday. his gray piercing eyes never left yours, and you grinned when his expression fell. he liked it. the fucker liked it, because he took another, full sip, before sliding the glass back to you.
"i asked for a whiskey sour.” this was revenge because you didn’t like his stupid tea. you mumbled something he couldn’t hear over the music, as you made a new cocktail for him.
despite levi's eyes burning holes in you for what felt like hours, the night was going well. you got to know petra and moblit better, work was flowing nicely and a full jar of tips sat on the counter. guess people liked the new, not grumpy, bartender.
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taglist: @belovedackerman @bibemiiu @thisisketchy @ch-4-s-3 @kingfleury
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hearts4leeknow · 6 months
bf!skz hyung line reacting to you randomly hugging them
Warnings: none
Genre: fluff
Paring: skz (seperate) x reader
a/n: i promise i have ideas i js dont have time to write them 😭
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You were bored sitting around in your shared apartment, Bangchan was on his phone all day and you wanted his attention. So you decided to run up to him and give him a big hug. You ran up to chan, throwing yourself on him, you inhaled his scent and relaxed your whole body.
“Baby?” Chan giggled. “what was that for!”
“Mmh, I wanted attention.” You whined, pulling back to look at him.
“Okay, then you have my attention now.” He smiled putting him phone down, lightly caressing your face. You let out a light ‘yay’ and started talking away, laughing and cuddling. Yeah you really did have his attention (for the past 2 hours) now.
Lee know had just finished taking a shower having practice prior to that. He was reading a book in bed while you were finishing up making dinner for the two of you.
You walked in to your shared bedroom smiling seeing him reading with a serious face which you found cute. He looks so huggable, you thought. He wore a fluffy hot chocolate coloured oversized turtle neck, he had his black and gold glasses on.
How has he hasn’t noticed me yet? You wondered.
Suddenly you fed into the urge to hug him, immediately running up to him and hugging him from the side of the bed.
“Agh, kitten, what’s up.” Minho was taken by surprised.
“Dinners ready…you just looked so squishy and huggable in that oversized turtle neck.” You flashed him a bright smile, as you pulled away from the hug.
“Hm, well lets go eat dinner, and i’ll think about if you’re allowed to cuddle me tonight.” He smirked.
“What! I didn’t do anything wrong though…” You whined, pouting your lips.
“To bad, baby” He shoved the duvet off of his lower half of his body stepping off the bed. You walked back into the kitchen waiting for him sit down and eat with you.
“ah, im so tired…” You mumbled under a huge sigh. You kicked off your shoes with a huff, dragging your feet all the way to your shared bedroom. You entered the room to see changbin on his computer, at the side of the bed, you lazily walk up behind him and slouched on top of him crouched body.
“baby, my back hurts get up, ill give you a proper hug..” Changbin whines,
“Fine” You reply lifting you body up only to be pulled into a tight hug shortly after.
“what’s up with you?” He question, seeing your tired state.
“bad day at work, I had some rude customers” You sigh explain what your work day had been like.
“Alright, wanna order take out and cuddle in bed?” He asked with a cheeky smile.
“Sounds like a pleasant idea, binnie” You giggled as you let go of the hug and dragged him to bed.
You were working on a painting you just recently started when you heard the front door unlock and open. That meant Hyunjin was home. You were quick to get up from you seat and ran to the front door, he just came back from tour and you missed him a ton. Before he could take off his shoes you jumped on to him, giving him a big koala hug.
“Princess, what’s up with you? You never just run up and hug me, I mean i’m not complaining” Hyunjin questioned with no intention of letting go of the hug.
“I missed you, like a lot” You mumbled closing your eyes and inhaling his scent.
“awe, I missed you too princess. Can i have a welcome back kiss?” He teased.
“Maybe later if I feel like it” You gave a cheeky smile.
“Please?” Hyunjin gave you puppy eyes, “I just got back from tour and I didn’t have your kisses for months”
“Okay fine” You giggled giving him a quick peck.
a/n: someone give me request and ideas istg!!
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fierath · 2 years
random top gun headcanons bc I'm bored part three ✨ secret Santa edition ✨
(I actually drew names for this) (while I was at work and doing nothing better)
1. Jake draws Mickey's name and gets him a set of blue copic markers. Mickey mentioned on a double-date once that Delta Airlines had lost his other set of markers (fanback and hangster go on double-dates this is fact). Jake pretends he doesn't pay attention to other people's lives but we all know that's a lie
2. Mickey gets Bob and gets him a hoodie with his helmet design on the hood and "Badass On Board" on the back. (Jake feels bad for calling him baby on board but Bob doesn't hold grudges)
3. Bob has Reuben, he gets him a tall purple orchid (idk orchid varieties so that's all I got) and some exotic flower seeds (Reuben's a plant guy)
4. Reuben gets Natasha a blown glass ornament: a phoenix rising from ashes. Bob has to convince her not to glue it to their plane
5. Natasha gets Mav (Mavdad is part of the squad, they had to include him) and she has no idea what to get him so she enlists Bradley's help. she gets him a handmade model F-14 with "Maverick" and "Goose" painted on the sides
6. Mav gets Javy a custom set of DnD figurines, each modeled after the squad. now he has more leverage for the squad to join his campaigns
7. Javy gets Jake a new pair of cowboy boots (they are sorely needed but according to Jake if the soles aren't falling out, he doesn't need new shoes). they have custom stitching based on things in Jake's life (the navy, horses, Bradley, etc.)
8. Bradley draws his own name. he's supposed to tell someone so that they can redraw, but he doesn't. he decides to use secret santa to get himself a gift that he wants but doesn't want to admit to wanting. he buys himself a t shirt that says "cowboys make better lovers"
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