#cr wiki talk
occidentalavian · 1 year
I finally got around to making a page for ghouls on Encyclopedia Exandria, which means I got to write the funniest redirect note ever:
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mintlimeginger · 2 years
Normal CR fans: I am excited to see Legend of Vox Machina season 2
Me, a Critical Role Wiki editor: yessss, official artwork for the infoboxes, yesss
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pocketgalaxies · 10 months
hi! ik cr made all episodes of talks private but do you happen to have the links to the episodes with marisha and laura? i think there are 2. if you don't have them that's okay too, just want to ask since ik you are watching campaign 2. ty!
hello anon!
i can't confirm whether there are only 2 but if that's true then i know off the top of my head which ones they are so lucky for you! dkfjskdfjsdf here's one and here's two
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denkryn · 2 years
thinking about zan tal’dorei, leylas kryn, avandra the change bringer… ok but powerful women in fantasy i am but a lesbian i cannot resIST I NEED MORE LORE. this also makes me realize just how rare it is and how i have personally hardly ever seen women in positions of kinghood etc etc while reading/watching fantasy stuff in general. anyway i am obsessed with these women and this world matthew mercer you have done it again.
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joyce-stick · 1 year
The Beef Stroganoff Song! (arbitrary subtitle discourse edition)
So, you may have noticed here that the subtitles in this clip (from Symphogear GX episode 3) are fairly different from what you're used to seeing when people post this video, and the phrasing in the subtitles is fairly different from what the associated memes often say
For those who don't know, Symphogear got itself released on blu-ray by Discotek, and with that came with a new translation authored by Noelle (@ulsairi on twitter ) who is notable for being the only trans lesbian anime translator I know of off the top of my head.
Her translation appears, in my opinion, really rather polished and very good, and I strongly appreciate the way it's written and how much character it adds to the dialogue by giving everyone distinct voices and adapting things into more natural English. It's also a fair bit gayer. I haven't encountered many people who've seen these subs, but I think most fans of the series would consider these a net positive change. There are some people who are mad about these subtitles, and they can die mad.
Anyway, let's talk about the different phrasing of the beef stroganoff song. I'm mostly going to compare to Crunchyroll's subtitles for reference since that seems to be what most others go off of. Here's a link to that version.
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So right off the bat we can see here that while CR's translation appears to be a lot more, for lack of a better word, functional, Noelle's translation tries to apply more dialectal force "it's beef stroganoff/Yes! It's THAT beef stroganoff!" And generally communicate through the tone how excited the girls are to get started. Additionally you'll see throughout that the latter is a fair bit more lyrical, there's a lot more punctuation and verbal tics and filler phrases written into the dialogue to express that they are singing, which makes sense since Japanese tends to omit a lot of the sorts of prepositions that Noelle threw in here,
Like, Yumi (yes I went and looked up her name on the wiki) just says "beef stroganoffu" because it's obvious from context that it is beef stroganoff, she doesn't need to spell it out, at least, not in Japanese
(We know like maybe ten hiragana and 1 kanji do not trust us on Japanese this is all just basic shit we learned from online guides)
So this probably leads to a rushed translator from Crunchyroll (they are notoriously crunched for time) who's just trying to Get It Done probably not really bothering to throw in extra additional connecting letters to express the tone of the character, only doing so when it's required to make basic grammatical sense in the target language. So they likely didn't think to make the subtitles have flourishes like this that aren't explicitly in the original Japanese. Noelle meanwhile had the time to consider things like this and take such liberties in order to attempt to convey the same tone that was arguably implied by the Japanese, even if not explicitly put forth
And that's about all the things I should not repeat I guess, TL;DR, these subtitles are more fun to read because the translator had more time to think about the best way to make them more fun while still being accurate to the spirit of the original dialogue, who'd have thought!
(In case you're wondering, the Commie subtitles say kind of the same thing here, and y'know, it doesn't seem like a wrong translation, but also I really dislike this subtitle styling, orange on pink with that font and that drop shadow is just kinda bad. I appreciate the effort but like. Come on. Please fansubbers, please think about if the font and colors you chose actually work with the image you're putting them on)
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Moving on!
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horizontal and middle rhyme with each other so you can almost actually sing this, actually let me take a moment to try it right now- never mind, I can't sing. Hahaha. I don't actually think it lines up that well with the melody But I thought it did! Didn't I? That's significant, that this actually reads like plausible lyrics to a silly song someone made up instead of a literal translation of a Japanese song
Anyway, here comes the first major difference!
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So in the Crunchyroll subtitles, Yumi says "it doesn't have to be beef" which in English (in my estimation) sounds a tad scatterbrained, like, "oh yeah sure beef but whatever really it doesn't actually matter," while Noelle's subtitles rather say "Got no beef? Don't you worry!" Which implies something different.
"It is recommended to use beef, but you may substitute something else if you are sorely lacking in beef" as opposed to "Oh the beef doesn't actually matter, zoinks lol!" CR's translation is kind of a bit funnier in how it sorta comes from nowhere without this qualification, which probably lead to this phrase's memeticness, but Noelle's translation seems more reasonable to me so yeah again, tada, yay for sensicalness.
Now here's another interesting change:
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Again, the flat manner in which the CR subtitles say "finish with salt" with rendezvous only being included because that's literally what they said, is sort of absent any stronger emotional implication,
Noelle's translation meanwhile going with "don't forget them, they need it" imparts personhood upon the salt and pepper. The implication being that the girls are saying, "the salt and pepper are in love, please reunite them, they must be in gay love together." Or maybe you think the salt and pepper cannot be forgotten and must be reunited because they are Only Friends.
Whether you choose to believe that this is the salt and pepper getting married, or merely subtext, or an interpretation, or salt and pepper shipping bait, this is a deeply important tonal indicator because it reminds you that these girls are ultimately playing with their food!
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"And there, now you're in for a treat!" I don't think I need to explain this one.
Now, here's an interesting one!
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In the Crunchyroll subtitles, it just says the memetic "boys don't know this." With no context, no elaboration, no clarity, no qualifiers. Boys don't know. Did the boys magically get their brains wiped? Are the boys biologically incapable? Who knows. Nothing is said but that.
Noelle's subtitles, on the other hand, qualify this statement by saying "Boys aren't taught to cook, so they may not know" (And note again how, it says "kno-ow" to emphasize, once more, that they're singing, and also this lines up with the long "ooooo" sound they make at the end of this lyric, so cool)
There is now context! Boys aren't taught to cook! Anime and Japan's culture in general still pigeonholes people into gender roles! And an anime translator just wrote you a hidden translation note about it! You might be a boy, you might know how to cook, but certain boys in another part of the world aren't traditionally taught cooking, so they may not know
They may not, but they could!
Trust a trans person to express gender facts with subtle nuances like this in anime translations.
And with that lovely bit of good translation and good writing and good localization of a thing to make it make sense to people
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I need you guys to understand something.
A slenderverse essay-rant on possession, entities, and the mechanics of Slenderman's game.
I don't say "proxy" in a serious context at all when I am talking about my slenderverse characters or even canon characters.
Proxies don't exist. Proxies are a Creepypasta-esc generalization of what the characters are. It's watered-down. It's a term I use simply because people can understand it and are familiar with it.
Here's the Villains Wiki definition of a proxy:
A Proxy (or Proxies for plural) are a given term for people who are possessed or under the influence of Slender Man [...] destroying their sanity or killing them in the process.
I've completely discarded this concept. Slenderman does not possess people, it creates networks. It enslaves entities to do its bidding, who then impose their unknowably complex and mind-shattering presence upon their victims. It's an invisible war not native to mortal beings in the slightest. It's outside of time and space completely.
Think about it; the inexplicably inhuman nature of HABIT. The Collective entities emit so much radiation that cameras/electronics physically break down the longer they're pointed at one; same with Slenderman itself. A literal Geiger counter was used as a Slenderman detector; anything it touches emits a terrible mind-bending cosmic sickness capable of destroying physical objects, not just people. It's like touching acid. It melts your brain out of your ears and disrupts electromagnetic, electrostatic and electrical waves. It can bend reality itself. It can teleport.
"Masky" and "Hoodie" don't seem to know how to communicate at all in a human-like manner and they completely disregard the identities of Tim and Brian. It's because they never were Tim and Brian. They weren't even people at all. They were things from a place outside of reality. Hoodie's crude mimicry of human communication is a huge red herring and they are both mute entirely in person.
Slenderman's victims are always nutjobs. They're already crazy, the pressure that Slenderman brings down on these select people makes them crack easily. Alex. Evan. Noah. It chooses emotionally and mentally unstable people for a reason; they're easy to terrorize and manipulate. The possession isn't done by Slenderman itself, but by these creatures it controls. No one is under the influence of Slenderman, it just keeps these entities under its thumb through intimidation and fear.
You heard me. These creatures are terrified of Slenderman. Even HABIT, despite its taunts. HABIT hates Slenderman and even acts to avoid it on several occasions. It refers to Slenderman as a "god," even. What devoted proxy hates its master? An angry one that is forced into servitude and acts out in retaliation, completely destroying Slenderman's plans for the EMH crew by doing incredibly outrageous things in an attempt to break out of the loop.
If I had to guess, Slenderman created EMH's iteration loop to imprison HABIT, and its spent hundreds of thousands of loops attempting to get out, which is why it has absolutely no qualms killing and maiming people. Why it seems to be completely calm and casual when reality begins to degrade. Excited, even. It went insane after being in groundhog day for an infinite amount of lifetimes. Though, this is just a theory based off of minimal context.
Hoodie speaks in code and hides in desolate places to avoid being caught aiding the Marble Hornets crew. Masky isn't "friends" with Hoodie at all, they're just both caught up in the same bullshit and Masky feeds on Tim's anger, turning violent at the drop of a dime. Hoodie uses him as a weapon and for protection.
Firebrand broke away from the cult and was met with the wrath of its superiors. The Collective is made of those who are either too scared to leave or genuinely subservient/obedient to Slenderman. Noah felt the influence of the Collective's presence, bringing out his worst in the extreme. The radiation made his psyche crack.
You think Slenderman has a little mansion out in the woods for these guys? They're forced into poverty. They can't keep homes, jobs, or basic necessities. Hoodie had an oil lantern and was camping out in a drainage tunnel. Abandoned buildings in the woods with what food and water they can lift off victims or steal. They aren't allowed to have relationships, kin, or a home.
Chances are, there are many, many more of these entities just swimming around off camera. Keeping all the tiny little pieces running in Slenderman's affairs. Human cults are regarded as insignificant and almost an affront to these creatures. Humans are food for the machine. They can never truly comprehend the end goal of Slenderman or those at its command. They're disposable pawns. HABIT killed many of them in EverymanHYBRID without much ensuing retaliation.
Linking these series together, there is a coherent and rather blatant war happening between these entities and Slenderman. They seem oppressed, sick, batshit, impoverished and angry. Those who attempt to leave are killed or basically sent to Super Hell.
It's not that they're good people. They're all absolutely horrid and malevolent entities, but they want to be able to do what they want. They don't really enjoy being enslaved.
It's not looking great out there for them.
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encyclopediacr · 1 month
Survey summary: Page Recommendations
As our final summary of the survey results, here are some recommendations for new pages we wanted to talk through. Once again, you will notice that the theme is "we are a small group, and Critical Role's programming and scope has vastly expanded in the past year or so." If you are passionate about something, please do not hesitate to jump in and start editing.
Character stat pages: we just started these! Starting with Bells Hells' level up to 12, the first level-up after CR Stats stopped updating, we started subpages to track the changes with each level-up (see Fearne's as an example), though level 13 updates are still in progress. These are also in use for the Rivals from Call of the Netherdeep (see Ayo's here). We will be doing this for further Bells Hells updates and hypothetical future campaigns. The main thing keeping us from going back and making level updates for Campaigns 1 and 2 or earlier Bells Hells levels is the time commitment, especially since this information is already available on CR Stats. Should you wish to help fill this in, we would love to have you. We do have a page for Sending specifically, but not for all spells. CritRoleStats will have this information through January 2024, and the Omen Archive has it for Campaign 3. We cannot commit to the same level of statistical detail as CRStats did without dedicated editors focusing on that. If this information is important to you, consider reaching out to the Omen Archive or volunteering to update it!
Links to Talks transcripts: Unfortunately, these are auto-generated for the most part, so we decided against hosting them as they are extremely inaccurate. If someone is interested in cleaning those transcripts up, please feel free to contact us, as we'd be happy to host them.
Details on Candela Obscura, EXU & TLOVM: this all seems to be asking for series-level information. We'd love to know more about what you specifically would like to see, as we do cover these in depth!
Miscellaneous: Music playlists, Larkin Watch, Air Ashari, the Clay/Dust/Stone story - these are all added to our list of things to make. Larkin Watch will likely be a glossary entry (Larkin does redirect to Raishan!) but the others are all great ideas!
One-shots and their characters: this is a known gap. Thank you to all who participated in our push to fill in some of these this past winter break. With the exception of the Nord VPN one-shot, which aired while most regular editors were ill or unavailable; and Daggerheart, for which we have a summary but have not yet had the time to fill in all character information, we have kept up with new one shots since making the wiki fork. Older one-shots were often deprioritized on Fandom and while we have made a number of updates, it is a large backlog. Again, the main issue is time as we prioritize keeping up with current material, but we would love to revisit these one shots. If you're interested, please do not hesitate to jump in - even a single one-shot episode summary is a huge help.
Thumbnails: you can find them on their category page! For example: https://criticalrole.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:Campaign_3_episode_thumbnails
Nine Eyes of Lucien: This is also a known gap, and again comes down to the fact that no one who has read the book has had the time, as most are the core group of editors keeping current information up to date and it's been pretty nonstop since early 2023. We would love to have a volunteer to work on this, or alternately, people who could take over other significant ongoing updates for a few weeks so someone who normally works on that could focus on the Lucien novel. Perhaps this will be our next winter break project.
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utilitycaster · 6 months
How about Fearne? For how the cr fandom treats her own trauma, because I’ve noticed a lot of people slowly getting rid of her agency for the sake of infantilizing her or only paying attention to her for shipping purposes……
So this one is interesting because Fearne's backstory does not specifically strike me as capital T Traumatic, but obviously that's subjective. Obviously I think she is deeply affected by her parents and the realizations she was lied to by everyone, but she didn't come in with that damage, and I think any trauma she has accumulated has been in-game (especially since that's when those familial realizations happened, with another one being set up). The deaths of Orym and Laudna and what just happened with Ashton feel more traumatizing to me. Or in other words, when I had a mental list of "characters with trauma" in mind, Fearne wasn't really part of that consideration, which could perhaps be a commentary on how I am myself minimizing her experience.
Reduction of agency for shipping purposes is a whole different thing. I don't think people tend to infantilize as an end goal - usually that's for shipping purposes too, ie, reduction of agency and infantilization go hand in hand - and I also don't feel Fearne is per se infantilized so much as made into an agency-less shipping doll by some. I think earlier it was people who shipped her with Ashton (the Fandom wiki article for their relationship is...bad, and that's with the knowledge that she does have a crush) but also it feels like Fearne is often used by people as a cudgel against other characters they don't like. Like, again, part of why despite their fantastic chemistry Ashton/Fearne didn't grab me until episode 77 is because in addition to them only having one real conversation prior to that (which was intriguing but not quite enough as a hook), so much of the fanon surrounding it felt either cribbed from some manic pixie dream girl narrative or else truly mean-spirited towards Chetney (to the point that a hate of Chetney felt more the point of these people's shipping than a desire to see Fearne and Ashton together). Meanwhile, right now, I think a lot of people leaping to the "Fearne did nothing wrong and was manipulated" assumption are just people who fucking hate Ashton (and in some cases, Taliesin) and see Fearne as a convenient figure to hide what is ultimately just straight-up bad faith.
Writing it out, I actually am coming around to the idea that Fearne fits a model more like Caduceus, in which there is a relatively quiet trauma that translates mostly to not stating one's own needs, and that tends to fit the second model in my previous ask, of the specific subtype "why isn't anyone asking them what they want? Why isn't anyone talking to Fearne?" and ignoring the fact that Fearne is a grown-ass adult and voicing her needs is something that she needs to do for herself, ie, this could have been prevented if she told Bells Hells "I don't want the shard, at all, do not make me take it." So: secret new option of type 2 for her defenders, type 1 for her detractors.
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cliowo · 2 months
In this essay, i will explain the reasons why sky children of the light has become an increasingly unwelcoming game to new players and veterans alike-
Yeah yeah i usually only share my words here but tumblr feels like a really comfy place for me to share unfiltered thoughts and i needed somewhere to vent ig (skip if you have no idea what I'm talking about)
When I first started playing in prophecy, sky was a really fun game. We didn't have the request for a guide function then and I'm actually really grateful for it because the joy was in exploring each of the different realms and season areas on my own and randomly stumbling across spirits whose stories were waiting for me to discover. Maybe it was because I was a dumb moth - i didn't even know how to access seasonal spirits trees - but the pressure to cr just wasn't as intense as it is for moths today. The back to back seasons and "days of" events seem to have sucked the fun of exploring the world of sky for moths because they're so focused on grinding for candles/hearts/event currency that they just dont slow to smell the in-game roses anymore. And the thing is I get it because there's just so many new cosmetics as well as older ones from past seasons and events to farm for.
I mean sure you don't have to collect every cosmetic but 1 cape costs like 70 candles on average, same for a pair of pants iirc, a prop/acessory at 40-70 candles (70 if its an instrument??) , and hair at around 40-50 candles; and the best part is you can only earn 20-21 candles max in 1 reset 🤡 Add all of that plus the need to look for event currency in fear of facing such prices in the event rerun and you get stressed out moths facing existential crises every 2 weeks when ts arrives😀 Sorry moths, the economy is bad irl and just as bad in sky.
And what of the veterans? Yeah, well, we get no friends as everyone starts to quit the game and those that stay live off copium revisiting the places we once visited with friends- Or maybe that's just me
New friends, you say? *cue flashback to moths begging for help with cr* we exchanged like maybe 5 sentences max at chat benches🥲 i have nothing against helping out but it does make it difficult to form a bond when they disappear right after and you fade into their constellation of ubers
And then we have the seasons.
... Honestly the only season that made an impression with me after aurora was the recently concluded season of the 9 coloured deer, which was also another collab season💀
I actually had to check the sky wiki for this:
Remembrance - ironically very forgettable. What was the story again? Was it the one with the group of spirits living in one specific hole in vault like why- vault is bigger than that sad hole- OH THE PLUSHIES okay maybe this one was passable... im trying okay
Passage - ??? Havent finished this season's quests so uh- so far it seems like... a cult..? In isle...?
Moments - if they wanted a camera in-game, they could have just added it to like the days of sunlight event (the camping one) or smtg. They did not have to force a season for a camera💀 imho the camera was the only thing worth mentioning abt this season and i don't even take pictures
Revival - i suppose aviary is pretty and it's nice that the spirits have somewhere to stay now. Not particularly impressed. Don't really remember the story in this one.
...i heard rumours of a furniture season after the 9 coloured deer. Looking forward to hearing what they'll name this one lmao
The quality of "days of" events is still acceptable to me. Just maybe ignore the numerous iaps and the fact that we have multiple umbrellas but only 1 is f2p (don't understand whats up w that btw)
And also the recurring bugs💀 I've been playing for at least 3 years and I've faced these bugs/problems multiple times:
1. Unable to light frends constellations because the screen just yeets itself into oblivion or some random environment feature where i cant press the button
2. Game crashes (after every update istg-)
3. Splitting servers
4. Sky discrimination and gate keeping, aka refusing to let me open the game
5. Being unable to collect currency/dailies (it's not my internet i checked)
The lack of compensation is another matter entirely
I don't know man I'm tired. The only reason why I still have it installed is because it's my only link to the people I used to have fun and relax with. Not everyone has discord or insta or some other social media.
If you made it this far thank you for coming to my ted talk. Feel free to leave your thoughts- just remember to be respectful
The sky economy is bad. For everyone. Moths (and maybe even vets) are stressed out and vets are losing friends. The seasons are increasingly dull and the long-lived bugs are frustrating.
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seventhdoctor · 10 months
Trauma Team Artbook Character Bio Lore
...As gleaned from running artbook scans from 2014 through a sketchy machine translation in the year 2023. I won't post the exact translations for fear of mistranslations ending up reported as fact on wikis and so on, but here's the gist of what Google Translate yields.
Is named Erhard Muller, a fact that already made the rounds in the 2010s
His nationality is also listed as German, though he clearly spent most of his life in America
Most of his backstory isn't anything new compared to in the games, but the artbook does provide a timeline: adopted by Professor Sartre at age 9 after his parents died, enrolled in medical school at age 12 and hailed as the youngest ever to do so, age 13 when Rosalia was adopted, age 16 when the Cumberland Institute incident happened
Erhard and Rose weren't super close siblings, but got along well enough and they had happy lives until the bioterrorism attacked
The government 100% knew Erhard wasn't the culprit when they arrested him - he was the public scapegoat because they couldn't find Albert Sartre, their real person of interest. They never stopped looking for Sartre, and S01's work to reduce his sentence was a quiet compromise for the fact that they, y'know, ruined this kid's life
After learning the truth, S01 is disappointed at his father's betrayal but also chooses to take blame for Sartre's crimes and work off his sentence rather than expose Sartre as the true culprit
Not in-game lore, but according to the concept art section he was nicknamed Chris (CRS) during development. Other people will be funnier about this than I am
Maria Torres
Has the shortest bio and the least amount of new information along with Tomoe, honestly
Born in the slums
Was already at the orphanage at age 10 when Rosalia (age 3) came there
Ended up in rehab of some kind after the orphanage fire
Hank Freebird
Also doesn't have much new compared to the game, sadly
Joined the military out of a sense of justice, left out of disillusionment following John's death and used the medical knowledge he gained in the military to become an orthopedic surgeon (not that this wasn't already implied in the game)
His bio specifically calls him out for being kinda clumsy/goofy. Poor guy
Tomoe Tachibana
Honestly the only thing that's new is a bunch of names, so this is the one time I break my rule and cite a translation directly. TAKE THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT, IT'S STILL A MACHINE TRANSLATION
The only daughter of the Tachibana Zaibatsu, a global organization run by a family descended from the leader of the Koga Shinobi Army, Hisayori Tachibana.
Gabriel Cunningham
Nationality is listed as Great Britain. Surprise!
His wife Lisa left him with Joshua and went to her parents' six years before the game because she didn't like his lifestyle
Lisa was willing to get back together if Gabe was ever willing to talk to her properly, but as seen in the game he kept his distance. He and Lisa met occasionally over the next six years, but he never saw Joshua - which is of course why Joshua never recognized him in the game
His decision to go through with the divorce was about acceptance of his failings and a desire to do right by Joshua and Lisa
Naomi Kimishima
All right, so that bit in Second Opinion where she took a Savato sample after cutting ties with Delphi and used it to bargain amnesty with Caduceus [Europe in the US version; US in the JP version]? Yeah, apparently she transported that sample by CARRYING IT IN HER OWN BODY for Caduceus to extract
Her fatal condition is a result of that, though it's already implied to be a result of GUILT in the game anyway. It was a sudden development a few years later, followed by Derek's six-month diagnosis
There's also details about her illness! Apparently her specific brand of PGS or whatever involves excess serotonin and dopamine production, which she needs meds to regulate.
It also means she's no longer able to operate on the living, which is why she transitions to forensic medicine as part of her plea deal
[Insert grimace here] I don't want to get too into this because this bit because 1) machine translation fears, 2) even perfectly translated it's not likely to be accurate to actual philosophy/terminology anyway, 3) I'm not a doctor I don't know what I'm talking about…
But the bio then starts talking about pranayama and prana, defining prana as life essence and...saying Naomi lacks it because of her condition and its effect on serotonin? I'm not entirely clear on this and I'm hesitant to say anything for sure; the main thing is that they take her illness and use the concept of prana to connect that to...
Her new ability to hear the dead! Apparently Naomi reads the prana left behind in a corpse and translates it into the person's final words via her phone; the worse the damage to the corpse (e.g., skeletonization), the less prana remains and the weaker the voice she hears is
Whether any of this relates to the Healing Touch is not mentioned. IDK man
Technically this was in S01's bio, but it relates more to Naomi: Jacob Tillman originally wanted Naomi to perform his surgery and keep it secret. Naomi was already unable to perform surgery on living people at that point, though, so S01 was Plan B
Rosalia Rossellini
Admired her big brother Erhard :(
Albert Sartre
Adopted Rosalia to study the virus in her blood (that is, he already knew about it by the time he adopted her in case that's ever a timeline question)
Additional Note
If someone with actual knowledge of Japanese corrects me and anything I've written in here, absolutely believe them over me. I'm not the translation hero anyone still in this fandom in the year 2k23 deserves, I'm just the stopgap until maybe one arrives someday.
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moonlightcookie · 2 months
a love letter to seamoon
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disclaimer this will get Very long. majority will be under the cut. this will be very personal
i didn't grow up seeing lgbt media, only glimpses of gay fanart and fanfiction, created by fans. openly gay or trans characters in media didn't really exist when i was a child, and when they were, it was all homophobic and transphobic stereotypes, meant to get a laugh out of the cishet audience.
i grew up in a society where being gay (or trans), was a bad, shameful thing to be. the very first time i came out to anyone, it was my best friend in 7th grade. i texted her, crying bc i was so ashamed of myself, and afraid of her reaction. i texted her, bc i couldn't bear to say it aloud. she was the only one i had told, for years.
It's terrifying to even think of outing yourself when your peers were like hungry wolves, taking any opportunity to find anything wrong with you. i was already fat, ugly, a teacher's pet, etc. I generally kept to myself, and other kids didn't like that. especially since i was poor, and would often show up to school in old, torn clothes every day. nooo way i felt safe enough to come out to anyone else, until a few years later in high school (which was still super scary btw!!)
imagine how i felt as a teenager, seeing Steven Universe on air, especially after the Ruby + Sapphire reveal. a kid's cartoon with largely female/nonbinary characters AND canon lesbians? with onscreen lesbian kisses? on the MOUTH?? nowadays it might seem silly to praise SU for its lgbt representation, when now there's a lot more (by comparison) of openly lgbt media. but i feel like people, esp young people who grew up alongside SU and other openly lgbt media, don't realize just how revolutionary (and recent!!) SU was for its time. SU had actually been cancelled shortly after the Rupphire wedding, for obvious reason. before then, people would jump thru hoops to say that Ruby and Sapphire were sisters, or just "very good friends" . other countries would censor their relationship or not air it at all. sadly, i still see the same happen to other sapphic characters/relationships, including seamoon.
All of this is to say, i just want to let out how important Sea Fairy and Moonlight, and their relationship, are to me.
I first learned about Cookie Run 6-7 years ago when kinning CR characters was a big thing on tumblr lol. one of my mutuals would post about it, and the characters i saw looked cute, so i went to the wiki to look at some more. immediately i was drawn to Moonlight Cookie, and getting her on the official CR personality quiz didnt help either lol
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then when i saw Sea Fairy's page, and her mentioning her deep love of the moon, i immediately knew she was really talking about Moonlight, and that seamoon was intended to be canon. this was all before the relationship charts, mind you. all we had were Sea Fairy's inital LINE/Kakao release event, and both Sea Fairy's and Moonlight’s loading lines to go off of
even back then, people were upset at the possibility of them being in love, headcanoning them as sisters or just "best friends", others would say Sea Fairy was talking about the literal moon, or even the moon that Moonlight rides on...
frankly, it was obvious to I and many other sapphics that seamoon was canon. the moon affecting the sea's tide IRL, Sea Fairy being the legendary released after Moonlight, with her entire story up to that point was of a sea fairy who was cursed to be frozen upon trying to reach the moon she so loved. Both their lines referencing longing + loneliness, the City of Wizards and the Tower of Frozen Waves's proximity... it all added up.
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finally, on November 14th 2019, Devsisters released the "I Want You Every Day" MV. where we finally get real confirmation of Sea Fairy and Moonlight's relationship, and especially Moonlight's reciprocation of Sea Fairy's feelings, with this legendary moment:
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(gifs from @/kumiihocookie) to finally have confirmation- there is no sentence in the English language that could accurately describe my feelings. Elation, jubilation, vindication, ecstatic, the list goes on. literally where else am i supposed to find a character who's just like me, including being canonically sapphic?! to have a character i see so much of myself in, be confirmed to be in love and in a relationship with another woman, one who loves her so much as to literally go to the ends of the Earth(bread) for, i cannot find the words although LDRs arent for me, they are the reality for many lesbians, including my own at one point. seeing these two women continue to love each other unconditionally despite their distance, despite the very real reasons they cannot physically be together, brings me hope as a lesbian.
i hope that i too, can find a love that will always look to the sky, thinking of me. a love that will love me unconditionally, the way Sea Fairy loves Moonlight. a love that can bring me peace and comfort, the way that Moonlight does for Sea Fairy.
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occidentalavian · 1 year
I finally finished the page I was working on since November for the Critical Role wiki on Miraheze, @encyclopediacr!
Here it is, the Quest for Vestiges!
Much like my previous big page, the Chroma Crisis, which documented and summarized Vox Machina's quest and journey across Exandria to kill the Chroma Conclave and gather allies for the fight, this page documents Vox Machina's concurrent quest to collect the Vestiges of Divergence!
Now, you can read a (relatively) quick summary in one page covering the events that took place over dozens of episodes!
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I'm still trying to wrap my head around how Miles and Kerry can be so Anti-Ironwood when that was the character they created back in the early days of the show. He wasn't Monty's creation. He was MK's. It's literally on the wiki and they were pretty heavy handed about talking about it back during the Beacon era that Ironwood was their creation.
What on earth changed in them that they looked at this character they created and went "yeah, let's just be absolutely ableist about this and throw him in the trash."?
I honestly cannot wrap my head around it either. All I can think of is ableism. Maybe Monty was the one that decided he was a triple amputee? We know in fight scenes Monty adds world building and since the reveal that James is disabled happens in a “fight” scene maybe he added that in and their ableism took over?
I don’t know I’m just spitballing ideas, CR//WBYS ableism is the only thing I can think to explain it. We see how ableist they are in how they talk about and treat disabilities, it’s the only reason I can think of as to why they did what they did to his character. Why see CR/WBY claiming repeatedly that prosthetics make someone inhuman, that they’re “just extra” that the real person is trapped beneath them, that humanity is tied to “squishy guts”.
They constantly dehumanize those with mental illnesses and disabilities so it’s not surprising they treat James this way. It only raises the question of why they made him disabled and makes me wonder if they wanted to and if someone else made the decision for them.
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
hey nova! maybe it’s because i’m looking on my phone, but i’m confused by the numbering on your talks machina tags. i went to look for the liam and marisha doing repititions and idk what episode 63 is supposed to be? are the numbered? because it’s surely not the one where they’re discussing episode 63, right??
hello yes the talks machina episodes all have their own numbers! they aren't in the youtube video titles unfortunately. ik that makes things harder and you'll probably have to look at the list of talks episodes on the critical role wiki to find them lmao but it's just that there are a few talks episodes that discuss either multiple episodes or are not attached to a main campaign episode and i didn't want to deal with those complications, so. here's the link to talks #63, it's the discussion for c2e15
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loquaciousquark · 2 years
Exandria Unlimited: Calamity Wrap-Up (July 13, 2022)
Very belatedly, here’s the cast-full recap for Calamity. Everyone is here, including Brennan (excluding Matt) and Marisha is hosting-ish. Aabria wins her first game of rock paper scissors ever as part of the intro.
Aabria normally doesn’t care about optimizing characters, but Brennan’s alert that they would die she took as a challenge. Laerryn more than doubled Patia’s HP thanks to Toughness & her Arcane Ward. She did a lot of research to build the character as solidly as possible. Brennan’s direction to the cast to pick lots of magical items (in retrospect: OUCH) frightened Sam, who picked only a Wand of Smiles & a +1 Ring of Protection--and even that made him feel guilty. Luis asking for a Holy Avenger gave Marisha the freedom to ask for more. Brennan: “But there’s an element of verisimilitude to that though, right? These people, the movers and shakers of Avalir. ‘Can I borrow $20?’ No! These people would be fucking loaded!“ It wasn’t just a clever parenting ploy trying to wrangle children, it made sense in the world which doesn’t need an army, just a guy with a Belt of Storm Giant Strength.
Lou wasn’t as Calamity-infused as the rest; he was just excited to be on Critical Role & didn’t feel like he could just show up as a plain bard, so he did bard-sorcerer. (Sam didn’t want to do a plain bard since he’d done that before, but wanted to play something familiar at this high level. Brennan suggested the flavoring, and Sam picked his multiclass warlock patron from the first fey result on the CR wiki. Oh, Sam.) Lou used his Magical Secrets feat to get his dragon summon and the Cone of Cold, “’cause we never took a rest of any kind.” Brennan: “All the GMs out there, fuck a rest, all right? They don’t need ‘em.”
Nydas started as a sorcerer. Loquatius started as a warlock. Patia was a pure School of Enchantment wizard. She didn’t get to use a lot of her class features within the game, but the one thing she did get to clear with Brennan was that she got to use her vast library knowledge to have access to 10 extra spells.
Brennan: GMs & DMs shouldn’t be stingy when the character designs should allow for expansion. Find non-gamebreaking ways to expand character powers.
Travis walked into character creation with zero prep, despite instructions to come with ideas. He happened to be the last one at the table to describe his concept, and after everyone else was full magic, he & Brennan landed on the non-magical investigator rogue. Travis always builds characters by starting with an item. Fjord began with a pair of silver forearm bracers/greaves which he got from a costume shop. Likewise, Cerrit came from these very cool hawks (a type of handaxe) from a fighting system called Sayoc Kali in the Phillipines (wielded by a Navy Seal named Jack Carr). That turned into the Philippine Eagle, which came together beautifully with the Sightwarden elements.
Travis talks about being blown away in the first episode with how natural a rapport some of the characters had with each other (especially excluding him). He felt like he’d missed a meeting. However, it turns out there was indeed a secret meeting between Marisha, Aabria, and Lou in which they talked about their characters’ secret nasty histories with each other.
Brennan wanted to know all the ways that the 75% of the energy dedicated to the Replenishment was actually being misused, siphoned, or otherwise misdirected, and his few suggestions (lichdom, people extending their lives) paled in comparison to the players’ ideas (making the city capable of interplanar travel).
Brennan explicitly wanted members of the Brass Ring to be up to “asymmetrical amount of shady shit.” It was also funny for Brennan to hear these characters talking about how nasty they were as corrupt city officials at the same time he was emailing Luis to discover Zerxus was “not doing good. He’s like, ‘It could all burn. It could burn today, tomorrow, who knows?’“
It’s hard for Luis to be objective about a character he’s been inhabiting for so long. He wanted to challenge himself with a hard commitment to a full redemption paladin. He wanted to parallel his experience as the lonely First Knight with the connection of the Betrayer Gods’ experiences. He didn’t have any longstanding secrets--the dream happened that day. There were two times he wanted to talk to the rest about his issues: first right after speaking with Purvan, and second was during the Zone of Truth until Nydas scolded him. However, Brennan could see the desire to confess in Luis’s eyes and moved the story forward. :O Lou loved the dynamics of the conversation--Zerxus challenging others on their reticence only to be yelled at by his best friend.
Brennan loved how much Luis got into storytelling. His emails were full of notes about Zerxus’s strong convictions and ways he could be manipulated. Brennan likes that 5e moved paladins from wisdom to charisma casters because it allows for the examination of a morality system based on CHA. Zerxus took the universal truth of “everyone can be saved” and never questioned the following conclusion that “I am the right man for the job.” Luis deliberately built in this toxic trait: “I am going to change you.” However, he also felt it was important to have a fervent, unkillable hope. “Let’s have this person who is the most well-meaning, the goodest person in his own heart, and let’s give him this blind spot.”
Marisha talks about the dissonance between the players knowing the characters are being shady but having to justify them internally because they genuinely believe it’s for the good of the city.
Sam talks about Quay being the opposite: instead, he was a liar all the time; his flaw (figured out during the playing) was that he lied to himself more than anyone else. He couldn’t admit to himself that he just wanted simple things, “to be a gritty indie reporter” and to have a lady, and he hated the bending of truth required to be the Herald of Avalir.
Cerrit was a good dad for that day only--he had years of not being a good dad before this. The implication was that Wrayne and Cerrit were not doing well because he had his eyes everywhere except the house with his family. She took off looking for meaningful work and Cerrit just said, “Okay.” He put some of his fears about being a new dad into the character. Travis said he wanted to be Jor-El who got his kids out of there.
Everyone made character choices which elevated the story. The ties to Vespin & the Betrayer Gods were helpful, but everyone was corrupt in some way except Cerrit. Even Quay is introduced by influencing an election. Brennan didn’t want the viewers’ lesson to be, “that’s what happens when everyone’s bad. Not like me, who’s good.” Having a good character whose attention was just in the wrong place was also a great lesson. Travis found it fascinating that even when playing a good character whose entire job was to investigate at the end of days, he had a hard time pushing his friend the Herald on his obvious lies. 
The kids being so cute destroyed everyone. Travis picked a dad character because he wanted collateral damage; the character needed stakes. His favorite superhero is Superman (correct) because he is omnipotent and still chooses to be good (also correct, and I’ve never felt so close to Travis), but he’s also been fascinated by Jor-el, who was so prescient he could see the planet’s impending explosion but couldn’t make a ship big enough to fit all three of them. He talks about building characters with priorities: if the first priority is the threat, the job, the enemy, the second is the family, implying you have then put something above the family. As a new dad, he doesn’t know how to do that: his heart is outside his body now. He wanted to explore that conflict of priorities in Cerrit.
Luis doesn’t have kids of his own, but he likes the pretense--he likes trying to access that part of his imagination. He wanted to have a kid that wasn’t his to parallel the relationship between the Betrayers & mortals (wow!). Zerxus’s child was staying with Nydas’s family (Lou’s idea).
Sam & Aabria very quickly decided they didn’t have kids. “There’s something slightly hilarious about exes who fucking hate each other, and there’s something not hilarious at all about exes with a kid who hate each other.”
Travis is incensed that he missed out on all these coffees with other players to pre-prep character relationships. There was early discussion about Laerryn being Elias’s mom with Evandrin, but it never got cemented. There was some idea of it coming up if Elias were ever orphaned in game.
The city put a lot of pressure on Zerxus to become First Knight because there weren’t many other good options after Evandrin died. They needed the eldritch knight-oracle power of Evandrin to study.
Brennan loves playing kids. “There’s a convenience to orphans” due to their lack of attachment. See: Luke on Tatooine. He loves familial relationships because people are like gems, and certain facets only show up in family relationships (Spy x Family vibes, tbh). Even characters who tried to avoid family still had critical moments: Eadalus and Nydas, Patia and her grandfather.
Nydas was based heavily on John Hammond from Jurassic Park. The goal is not just to make the city great, it’s to make it great and show it to the world forever for the recognition. “I think, in the moment where you killed us--”
Brennan: “I just wanna say something. Matt Mercer made up the Calamity, okay? Matt Mercer made it up, and I’m over here bad-copping it--” Sam: “So you gave birth to us, and Matt killed us?” Brennan: “In a way. I’m in the delivery room.” Lou: “Well, I specifically mean when you killed us with the tree. Which is you. The tree didn’t have to be that wild. It could have just split open. And then in the fourth episode for the first second, AKA two hours, you murdered us ruthlessly. That was you.” Brennan: “All I’m saying is that everyone loves it when Matt says two-thirds of Exandria’s gone, but when it actually starts to happen and we’re making saving throws for an hour of gameplay, all of a sudden people got some shit to say. That’s all I’m saying.”
The moment of death was when Nydas realized he had something of value to lose: a community of people doing great things. The slow moment of Laerryn casting Blight was his slow-mo realization of “uh oh, I might have been sitting on something really important” regarding the prophecy. After that, he had this single-minded impetus to try to mitigate the damage. Brennan loved seeing the prophecy incite a character to panic in real time without a saving throw. He thinks it reflects the differences in character backgrounds & Nydas’s grounded struggle in growing up on the earth vs. the elves’ air-based privileged upbringing.
Brennan thinks Cerrit’s decision to leave is right up there with the Blight & pulling the heart through the tree in terms of critical game moments. He could have completely shifted that fight or even persuaded them to stop. Travis thinks Patia & Laerryn were the no. 1 & 2 targets if he’d been there, with Zerxus behind at 3rd. He OOC thought it was a good chance for them to weaken each other before he had to come in to fight them.
The drive to get the Leywright done was because it was the best timing & would free her up to fix her marriage. “Once we get this done, we could do the little things” like visiting Quay’s home plane.
Sam reads his text history with Aabria. “Lorwyn is her first name. ... My first name is Loquatius Hambrick-Zucker.” Aabria had forgotten she’d named her something else first. Next text: “Maybe I should simplify my stupid-ass last name to something much more fey, since that’s where I’m from. How about Loquatius Seelie, implying that I’m from the Seelie court, like Elmenore. Wasn’t that something you did with Fearne on ExU?” They figured out the relationship timeline & number of years divorced, as well as the faults for the marriage. Aabria honestly thought this was just going to be a bit. They were planning to just be sniping at each other in the background for the campaign, but Sam kept coming at Aabria with genuine emotions. Sam had lightly discussed Quay discovering parts of himself with Brennan over the course of the story, but didn’t know what that would look like. Brennan had his hands off that relationship more than any other.
The scandal with Elena Tuvaris was the mark of the end of Loquatius’s reporter-y honesty.
The speech in episode 4 comes up, oh God. “The most beautiful woman in the world” makes Brennan choke up every time he watches it (apparently hundreds of times, God bless). Sam’s emotion in that moment was fully & completely honest. “I’m not a very good actor. I fell in love with her during the game.” Marisha talks about a conversation with Sam she had during C1 about roleplaying styles. She asked him about influences & callbacks, and Sam said he likes to remember what has already happened like rungs of a ladder. Marisha thinks the speech was a masterclass in being 100% informed by what had happened before. Travis reveals Sam wrote the speech in the shadows of the break in illegible chicken scratch on a legal pad. Brennan was blown away by the sheer gravitas of the speech coming from a character who’d only moments before made the deliberate decision to die, to go down with the ship--and then to transition into the Market of Wonders...
Brennan: “That is a perfect joke. I’ve been lucky enough to see a couple of them in my life. That is a perfect joke. There’s something that [Joseph] Campbell says: ‘comedy completes the realization that drama begins.’ I have not contradicted the depths of my sorrow. I have not contradicted the meaningfulness of my sadness, but I have introduced something profoundly absurd and wonderfully silly, and I am not uncommitted in the moment of doing it. It’s hysterical, and it makes it even more sad.”
Aabria volunteering to be the divorced partner of Sam was the best RPG decision she’s ever made. Marisha loved the sediment layers of trauma.
Marisha wanted Patia to be like a Kennedy. It was hard for her because D&D is built on scrappy ne’er-do-wells, and to be someone integrated in society was hard. Brennan thought she did an incredible job bookending her completely absent parents with “Happy Replenishment, Grandfather.” Brennan didn’t realize how alone Patia was until she said that Laerryn was her best friend. There was a moment where everyone was having connections with everyone and Patia was alone with a statue. That led to the in-game realization that somehow Patia’s parents had failed, which is why she’d erased (or someone had erased) them from her memory. 
Brennan consulted with Matt before linking the Gau Drashari with the Ashari. He blew up Matt’s phone in his own planning. He had to negotiate balancing the stakes of Avalir with the Primordials’ historically canon focus on Vasselheim. Matt named the Gau Drashari when Brennan asked if there could be a druid group at the mountain the Betrayer Gods would want to destroy. Matt created the idea of the Tree of Names when Brennan came to him with a story beat he needed.
Sam praises Brennan’s balance of the need of the short-form story against Matt’s gigantically huge world.
Travis heavily commends Luis for starting the story off super strong. Lou had told Luis that Brennan likes to start off with character vignettes, and Luis knew of course that meant he wouldn’t start with him, ha! Luis had asked for an encounter with a Betrayer God, but expected it to be a big distance shadow, not something so intimate that resulted in him caring for the character. Zerxus establishes attachments very very quickly--unhealthily quickly. He fell in love with Evandrin immediately and loved Elias as his son immediately. Lou was agonizing over the PC vs. NPC knowledge of Luis having had this intense encounter with Asmodeus but not bringing it up in game. Luis talks about the crazy intimacy of the Lord of Hells looking like Evandrin, like Elias, being super receptive to everything Zerxus offered. Sam thinks it was a crazy unusual bold choice and he loved it.
Blighting the tree & pulling Asmodeus through the portal were key moments for Brennan. Travis could see Brennan’s face change with delight when that happened. Aabria loves how beautifully Luis played the scenes with Asmodeus because he never asked for anything, never insighted, never Zone of Truthed--he tried to do a bunch of things that Luis mechanically knew would never work instead, like Remove Curse. There were certain things he was willing to question and certain things it would never occur to him to question.
Brennan: “In terms of being a liar, the God of Lies--I don’t flimflam a person with a steel resolve. I do what real evil is, which is I find somebody who already wants to believe. You go, ‘Is there something you’d really like to be true?’ How much does the devil even lie in those scenes? You say stuff, you say, ‘The Prime Deities did this to you,’ and homeboy’s like, ‘Yeah, sure, man.’ It’s so much him just letting you walk to where he wants you to walk.”
Travis was very creeped out by the non-conniving, non-arch evil of the devil by way of Brennan. Marisha felt like she genuinely saw something new about what Brennan is capable of. She is horrified at how manipulative he could be when he wanted. Brennan says it’s important to have high cognitive empathy and low capability of caring when the target is hurt; you have to be very emotionally intelligent and aware of what others feel/want to be successfully manipulative. You just don’t care when they’re wounded by it. Asmodeus’s manipulation of Zerxus wasn’t that he lied to him, it was that he showed up to him wounded.
Brennan had a line if Zerxus had ever questioned Asmodeus on his lies: “Yeah, I showed up to you hurt, because you guys love it when people are hurting.” Luis: “Well, a savior needs somebody to save.”
Aabria was more scared that Brennan’s Asmodeus didn’t have an affectation or accent.
Brennan had so many contingency plans if the characters had failed to end the world. He had plans where the Septarion came after them in case they tried to get the city’s authorities on their side. Sans Blight/pull, Vespin shows up and is evil, the Taxmen turn & it’s a fight at the tree: boring options. Most of the contingencies in absence of hubristic folly involve brute force being responsible for the Calamity instead. Others for the final combat included the Taxmen overwhelming them, and contingencies for if Laerryn went down in the final fight: someone would have had to make an insane Arcana check to finish her work--probably Loquatius.
Travis could not have rolled the 31 without the inspiration, the buff, the teamwork. Cerrit had atoned and focused and killed the evil, but had one thing left to do to make things right. He couldn’t have succeeded without the Ring of Brass wanting to help him escape. “It mattered that we were friends.”
After the orb, Travis texted Marisha in game “What did you do to my daughter?!” because he didn’t realize initially what Patia had sent her. Patia’s knowledge hoarding came about because Marisha mourned the loss of the Library of Alexandria. She asks Matt often what’s happened to her orb. Brennan worries about it too: “The camera stops rolling, and suddenly canon leaves you! I immediately wanted to run and find Matt and be like, is the orb okay? I’m not--I don’t have any say anymore. It goes back to you now. Is it fine? The little library, where is it at?” Marisha loves the fan theory that the library going to the daughter of a master detective was the origin of the Cobalt Reserve.
Brennan would love to come back and play Kir or Maya as an adult. Adult Kir in his mind is huge & jacked.
It was really significant to Brennan that Laerryn used her leywright to save Exandria, and for Zerxus to get his cleansing redemption power to get Vespin back for a moment. He didn’t want the story to say that science, innovation, or compassion were bad; it was all a product of a single moment in a specific inspiration. He loved the bookending of these same focuses of failure being later used for a new, more selfless purpose to great success.
Bolo is dead. Matt is hereafter conscripted into doing Slavic accents for Aeorians. Or Bolo is hit by a wagon. Or Bolo was an Aeorian master spy who later worked on threshold crests. Or Bolo polymorphed into a dragon and flew away safely.
Marisha to Sam: “You were sleeping with a dragon, ha!” Brennan: “Dragon fucking! Thanks, folks!”
We end on a lovely thanks to the production crew, including the graphics team with the overlay degrading. The Calamity is here, but the Calamity is not here forever. Aabria: “So we’re alive?” Brennan: “Five of you are dead. That’s what the dice fucking said!”
And on that cheerful note, we’re out! Is it Thursday yet?
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daisys-reality · 2 years
Heard you are considering manifesting powers,, here's a list of suggestions. If you're unfamiliar with any, the powerlisting wiki has descriptions, examples, and applications of each. You remind me of reality warping based powers inherently, on a side note.
— absolute wish
— alternate self communication
— author authority
— autopotence
— biokinesis
— boundary manipulation
— causality manipulation
— choicifery
— complete arsenal
— creation / destruction
— dual warping
— healing
— imagination manifestation
— logic manipulation
— mentifery
— meta chronokinesis
— metapotence
— opposites shuffling
— personal domain
— perspective manipulation
— pocket dimension creation
— quantum foam manipulation
— quantum string manipulation
— reality warping
— rule transcendence
— self transcendence
— solipsism
— vector manipulation
— video game physics
— voicifery
— xenopsychic reality warping
✧.* S U P E R P O W E R S *.✧
wow anon this is so cool, thanks for sending this! reading the list kinda reminded me of eye of the future - they always made subliminals for supernatural powers on yt and the discriptions were always so detailed and full of complicated words lol
actually when I said I'm thinking of manifesting 'superpowers' I already had 3 things in mind !! tho I can see why you thought about reality wraping (manipulating) based powers but I technically already have them with my manifesting and reality shifting abilities 😅
the abilities I thought about manifesting were:
1. I wanted to manifest healing abilities! - you also have this on the list. I want to be able to heal something by holding my hands over it... like they do in naruto but without the whole chakra thingy lol. I don't want to be immortal here in my CR per se (when I'm old, I'm probably just gonna shift to a new reality and claim that reality as my new cr!) but with my healing abilities I could do something about any wounds or illnesses and I can help the people around me as well!!
2. idk exactly how to name the second ability but I want to be able to create something like 'mini portals' with my hands but not to enter them! I want to use them like a screen - to show other people in my CR something from my DRs or from my memory OR to 'visualize' my thoughts - when I have something in my mind I can just show them it instead of explaining it! whenever I experience sth cool I always want to share it with someone so badly cuz talking about it is the most fun !! But that's a bit difficult with reality shifting unless u do group shifting yk ... I could for example show how the reality looks like or certain scenarios from DR to my friends or family... that would be really nice
3. telekinesis! I don't really want to use this for something big... you know I'm really clumsy, I would probably use them to stop something (or someone lol) from falling down or to move stuff closer to me when I'm too lazy to get up lmao. Or I could maybe use this to make myself fly!
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but your list is very interesting! tbh I didn't know what most of the names stand for but I looked them up. most of them talk about the same thing (changing something by will without limits) in my opinion. but as you took the time to list all these things, I will also try to comment all of them too! I will also add the meanings of these powers so you guys don't have to look them all up like I did :')
alternative universe communication [communicating with people (mainly yourself) from alternative universes] - it's interesting but that would mean i would directly talk to my clones and idk how i would feel about that ??
absolut wish powers [granting, controlling and manipulating wishes] - it's kinda like perfect manifesting abilities.
imagination manifestation = manifesting lol (based on law of assumption ofc).
mantifery [manipulating reality through mind power alone] - we already do that :')
logic manipulation [manipulating the rules of logic] - there is no logic in the world anyways - humans that don't even know manifesting or reality shifting define the word 'logic', so how reliable is that?
author authority [being the author of your reality] goes hand in hand with manifesting (changing your reality how you like) and shifting (scripting what you want to experience in your desired realities) in my opinion. The same goes for biokinesis [manipulation of anatomy, physiology and internal body processes], autopotence [being omnipotent over oneself], self transcendence [being able to go beyond one's limits], boundary manipulation [being able to manipulate anything without limits], causality manipulation [manipulation of the relationship of cause and effect], opposites shuffling [changing opposites/making anything the opposite of anything else], creation/destruction, reality wraping [manipulating reality], dual wraping [rationally and irrationally manipulating reality], personal domain [ruling over a certain realm or aspect], rule transcendence [power to surpass the rules of reality], quantum foam manipulation [manipulating the the smallest level of foundation of reality, from which existence and dimensions emerges], quantum string manipulation [bending reality by altering the 'quantum strings' which make up reality], pocket dimensions creation [creating small personal worlds which the user has control over] and metapotence [the power to do anything], in my opinion they all kinda talk about the same thing = being able to change (create, destroy, alter) something without limits. for manifesting there are already no limits!! if you're good at manifesting you can change your whole being, (take on any from or give yourself any abilities) or change your environment/reality to how you like, 'create' your own realities and decide how things work so yeah...
choicifery [changing the future or reality through a set of options] - I don't find that appealing - I'm not comfortable with things being set in stone and with my decisions having a lasting/permanent effect in this world (that's why I love law of assumption because it gives me the freedom to do whatever I want and to change it afterwards if it isn't satisfying enough)
complete arsenal [possessing all powers] - is also not something for me, I don't want to be some kind omnipotent being in my CR - I mean I technically already am one but I don't really want to make use of all my powers if you know what I mean, I just want to live a chill and simple life and I just want a few special powers that are useful/efficient and make my life in my CR more comfortable or are just fun :') (like healing abilities, wings, making plants bloom or sth like that)
metachronokenesis [manipulating time in all realities] - ex. manifesting slowing down time or shifting back in time and things like that already make that possible...
perspective manipulation [manipulating the perspective of oneself or others about anything, so that they view reality to their liking rather than the 'true' state of reality itself. All the concepts like time, space, causality exist only because they are perceived to exist, so are these at the user's hand to be controlled, turning subjective interpretation into reality] - wow isn't that what law of assumption teaches!? (= 'you're the creator of your own reality and whatever you assume to be true will become true')
solipsism [altering anything that can be related to the user or is connected to them from memory or their knowledge] - the ability to revise things or change them is already possible with manifesting
vector manipulation [manipulating matter and energy through vectors - like averting an attack and sending it off into another direction] - I don't think I need that in my CR... It's only seems useful if you're in a reality where you have to fight a lot... like in a dragon ball reality or something 😂
video game physics [ability to alter the law of physics to mimic any and all video games] - mhm in my opinion it makes more sense to shift to a video game reality instead of manifesting this ability
voicifery [ability to affect reality with the power of one's voice] - power affirming lmao...
xenopsychic reality warping [manipulating reality based on the mind of others] - idk how that would be useful for me?... naah I don't think I need that in my CR
still, thank you very much anon for thinking about what I might like and for taking your time writing this down!!! as I already said I'm more interested in simple/specific abilities (healing, invisibility, wings, making flowers bloom, talking to animals or stuff like that). my desired realities are already crazy enough, in my CR I just want to have fun and chill :')
- daisy 🌼
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