#constantine x OFC
sweetlypunk · 1 year
this for that poll I did and Jason Todd headcanons won, but with a twist. Just writing something to cheer me up after someone made me cry:
i don’t have the money to read all the comics so pls bare with me and my knowledge exclusive from social media and dc pages that need better summary.
• Reader has Scarlet witch like powers. (Wanda in DC lmao)
• you trained with Constantine for a few years, until you met Jason and joined his emo group
• It’s more like a team with Roy and Jason but ofc pairing up with the iconic group from time to time
• Everyone is helplessly in love with you, but in different ways.
• You were kind to Bizarro from moment one, never making him feel like a monster. you have used your powers to soothe his mind, which he appreciates
• “you’re so ugly” “you don’t look like a princess”
• “aw Bizarro, you are too nice”
• you bought him a Black Canary vinyl, and he declared his love for you right then and there
• Artemis and you might have had a rough start, but eventually became close, too close
• You helped her see her strength in her own inside war
• She respects strong women, and knows one when she sees her. So she had a great respect for you, as you for her.
• eventually she might have had a small crush on you, though crushes are not her thing.
• you guys complain about the guys way too much (And you love it)
• Pls Roy thinks you are hot and that’s enough for him to love you.
• though you are pretty cool too. (And he’s aware of the fact that you can easily kill him)
• you both enjoy listening to punk bands and feel like rebel kids. Is fun.
• you also mock Jay together, he hates it.
• Roy and Artemis have gotten into fights while pulling you to each of their sides because of who should be the one to take you out
• “I’m the hottest redhead” “you’re the dumbest redhead”
• “Jason is also a redhead..?” “He is a fake redhead. He doesn’t deserve you”
• Jokes on them, while they keep fighting you are glancing towards Jason, who is just sitting with his legs propped up on a table, reading away
• he looks cute.
• but don’t tell him.
• honestly, you don’t know what’s going on with Jason. You are attracted to him, and you know he is towards you too.
• he is just so complicated
• sometimes the burning sensation of the Lazarus Pit gets the best of him and he loses it, his anger taking control. Luckily you are always there for him.
• your magic soothes him and helps him compose himself.
• you stay with your foreheads touching while you match your breathing. Waiting for him to take control over on his own.
• Sometimes just your touch, w/o magic, is enough to calm him. That sweet reminder that not every touch from a foreign skin on his means pain.
• the only pain you could ever cause him is in his heart.
• but he won’t tell you that. (Or to himself)
• you actually met when he was Robin, but you were a civilian, and neither of you recall much. You more than him though.
• someone once called you wannabes Justice Leaguers, You all showed your appreciation for the comment <3 🔪
• most of the justice league either doesn’t know about you, or are too scared to come close. Your ex-mentors love u tho (supes is another story, kay?)
• you all are just fun, traumatized friends hanging out
• they are your found family, and you wouldn’t change them for anything <3
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gatorbites-imagines · 10 months
I wanted to ask if you’d be willing to do John Constantine x male!reader who is like Dean from spn, maybe just a one shot of him meeting the reader and being like “I want that one.” Preferably no smut but if that’s what you’d like go for it! Ofc feel free to deny the request if you don’t want it!
John Constantine x male reader
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I honestly don’t know a lot about supernatural, the closest I’ve gotten to it has been reading smut about the characters sometimes. So, if the personality is wrong, its cuz I got no supernatural experience.
You were a hunter in the magical world, but you were different from most of the others. That difference being you had no magic or supernatural powers. You were just a guy, with his gun, his car, and his knowledge gained from the lifestyle.
You were well known because you had stopped the apocalypse side by side with your brother and some other allies, some of those allies being angels, demons, and anything in-between. But through it all, you stayed human, which is pretty damn impressive.
After saving the world from yet another apocalypse, you and your friends and family had decided to slow down with the whole hunter thing. Your brother found his other half and got married, they’re expecting their first kid. Your angel allies seem to be out experiencing the world, though you all keep in touch.
You were the only one still active in the hunger community, though you had settled away from the extreme, world devouring demons and beasts and returned to your roots. Those being smalltown issues, like werewolves running berserk, or some fae putting a village under her spell.
It helped settle some of the constant anxiety and paranoia in your bones, as these small things felt like coming home after fighting for humanity for many years.
That was what led you to where you were now. Sitting in a bar in some small village out in the boonies, the kind of place that had one grocery store, one bar, and one liquor store. A vampire seemed to have settled on turning this small remote down into their own personal blood bank, so you’d settled out and gotten rid of the thing.
Constantine had been passing through, headed for the exact same vampire as you. Both to kill them, but also to take their collection of ancient magical tombs. Sadly, for Constantine, you had made a habit of burning down the homebases of the things you hunted, so nothing like it would settle there again.
Constantine had tracked you down using magic, maybe wanting to whoop your ass just a bit for destroying the books he had been after. He expected some green hunter, who’d just picked up their first silver dagger or bottle of holy water, so color him surprised when he saw you of all people.
Constantine would know who you were, because of the whole, saving humanity from the apocalypse thing. Hed think you were a lot more handsome than the rumors told, even with your scars and tattoos. There was something about the way you carried yourself that got under his skin in the best way.
So, instead of starting anything, Constantine would saddle up beside you and start his flirting spiel. You, of course, would also know who he was. What respectful hunter wouldn’t know John Constantine, because anywhere he went, trouble always followed.
You being you though, flirted with him in return in your own way, though neither of you expected much to come out of your meeting, even as you shared numbers after stumbling out of the bar drunk off your asses.
You had completely forgotten about having his number, and Constantine was the same, until one of you found the number and texted the other in a moment of boredom.
It would take a while for the two of you to become close, as this business always came with paranoia and a lot of backstabbing. But your mutual interest grew, though Constantine will never admit it, he fell hardest, and he fell first.
Expect a lot of flirting from him, which you always respond too by flirting right back at him. It would probably take you both a whole to accept that you have feelings for the other, and even longer for either of you to confess because you’re both emotionally constipated and don’t think you deserve happiness.
It ends up being your brother that gets you to confess, or he would probably tell Constantine that you like him on accident or in a passing comment. Constantine wouldn’t believe it in the beginning, until he would mention it around you, and you end up confirming that you feel that way.
You both try to play it cool, not wanting to come across as desperate or too lovesick, but one thing leads to another and you two become a thing.
It doesn’t change your dynamic a whole lot, outside of the fact that you can kiss whenever you want now. Constantine might also be sneaking protective magic and runes into everything you own, just in case, even though you are only taking small hunts now.
In the same way you always find ways to protect Constantine even without magic, resulting in at some point pummeling a demon half to death for trying to demand Constantine’s soul. It just makes your lover even more attracted to you, so win for you.
Your relationship has moments of long distance, as you drive around wherever your job takes you, and Constantine is needed all over the world, but you are both loyal and just make up for lost time next time you see each other.
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justjams2003 · 13 days
Desire to be Loved- 4
Summary: Love is Desire's first creation. As Cupid she shoots her arrows of love and rips them from people's hearts too. Occasionally, shooting a soulmate arrow. What does she do when her first Soulmate arrow in 100 years is between Cupid and Dream?
Pairing: Dream of the Endless x OFC Love/Cupid/Venus (you know how these beings have millions of names) (Also technically it could be an x reader because love is sort of anthropomorphic but in this story a she)
Warnings: Manipulation, threats, crying, cliffhanger, unedited, kind of like enemies to lovers, soulmate au, cursing, tell me if I miss any
Word count: 1,8k+
Dividers by: @hyelita
Tags: @intothesoul @briskesby coffeebeforewater @i-voluntears @dreamingblueberries @idkamt @deniixlovezelda
(I've moved that next part link to the bottom)
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Once he saw it, it was hard to ignore. The human world looks so dull. So empty and lame. While he’s been in the waking world a century, he hasn’t been around the humans. He hasn’t seen how the humans built new castles and then broke them down. And as he waits outside this church his mind wanders again.  
When speaking to the Fates, they were vague as always. Not to mention, he only had three questions he could ask. He had to weigh what was more important to him. Finding answers or finding his tools. And while her being missing does have an effect on the humans, he has to trust, even a little, that Desire wouldn’t put his shrewd need for power over the well being of the humans.  
While he did say he wouldn’t go in search of the woman, doesn’t mean that he has much control over where his mind wanders to. Why hasn’t he seen her before? Suddenly one day she stumbles into the right basement of the right house at the exact time he’d been caged?  
Is that some strange coincidence or an act of Destiny... Should he go visit Destiny? No, no, that’s not right. He shouldn't bother Destiny about something that doesn’t have anything to do with his realm. About something paranoic jumping up and down the walls of his brain.  
“Constantine!” This woman does have that redish hue coming from her heart. He fights hard to control the twinge of his lip that tries to sneak up on his face. The remanence of love seem to be everywhere. The woman stops in her tracks. “My gran used to tell me stories about you lot.”  
“What do you want with me?” Johanna asks, still keeping her distance from the man clad in black. “Something of mine came into your possession. A leather pouch filled with sand. I need it back.”  
It hurt, seeing Johanna fight and cry over her soulmate. Of course, she doesn’t know that they’re soulmates. She can’t see the red hue grow bigger when they get closer together. Seeing her in this state, before he wouldn’t really care too much. Now...no, no that’s not it. He gave her something just for the last minute of pain.  
Dream didn’t realise love could hurt so much... 
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The crowds of hell are all cheering with excitement at the sound of a challenge. “You know the rules, Dream Lord. If I win, you will return my helmet. And if you lose...” The demon slows down. There is so much and so little that can be taken from the Dream Lord. Lucifer's smiles at this. Her wings stretch out in excitement.  
“Why don’t we keep things interesting...? If Morpheus loses you get to have Dream’s soulmate as a slave to serve you in hell for all eternity.” The Sandman’s head snaps up to Lucifer. “Soulmate...?” He asks, his brows furrowing and his lips pouting like it always does.  
The ruler of hell pretend to act shocked. “Oh? Don’t tell me you didn’t know...?” She smirks, a wicked one. She’s playing Dream, but how would she know? Dream is clearly thinking, his jaw is locked. His soulmate? The red arrow Cupid left him, is it their names carved in?  
Did Desire know about this before? Had he been planning this with Destiny? Does Desire and Destiny make soulmates? The same question is if Desire and Dreams make love. That could be the only way that Desire would’ve known to keep Cupid away from Dream. A soulmate... If soulmates are a thing, can Endless have them too?  
“What will it be, Dream? Your helm or soulmate?” Lucifer asks, circling Dream like you would a shark. “You’re bluffing.” He says, the words jumping from him. He doesn’t usually act impulsively. Usually he thinks things through for at least more than a few seconds.  
“If you believe I’m bluffing it should be an easy choice to make.” The Devil points out, still only just fighting off her smile. Is this why it scared Cupid so much to read the names on the arrow? Did she fear Dream that much? Or rather what Desire would do to her if he found they were soulmates?  
That implies that Desire doesn’t know that they’re soulmates. “I accept the terms.” Now he most certainly can’t lose.  
“You have a soulmate?” Mattew caws when they make their way to the storage unit where his ruby is being kept. “I...did not know I had one. I did not know Endless could have soulmates.” The crow looks up at him. “Doesn’t everyone have one?” Dream just shrugs his shoulders. “Not my department.”  
The crow scoffs. “Who’s is it then?” They enter the storage unit. “I did not know soulmates were a thing until now. It seems that there a huge part of the human’s working that’s been kept hidden from me by my sibling.” He explain, already reaching out for the ruby in the box.  
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The waking world is looking much better now. Again, he can’t not see every few people having a pink aura. The pigeons gather around him, pecking at the bread he’s thrown on the ground. “What are you doin'?” Dream sighs looking up at Death. “I’m feeding the pigeons.”  
“You do that too much, you know what you get?” Death asks, putting her hands on his hips. Dream doesn’t answer, he just watches the pigeons jumps about after the bread. “Fat pigeons.” Again just more silence from the dream lord. “That's from Mary Poppins. Did you ever see it?” His eyes slowly turn up to her. “No.” 
The grass is green around the lake. Children run around, giggling with laughter. Dream’s eyes wander for only just a moment. But in that moment he catches a twinkle of a pink dress right in his peripheral vision. His head snaps in that direction. 
Just quick enough to see Cupid come and go in a flash. He stumbles forward to grab her but he’s just too slow. He gasps, his eyes rapidly jump around trying to find her again. Any glance of a pink tule or golden strand of hair. But, nothing.  
He and his sister continue walking. Over a bridge where... there it is again! He runs to the edge of the bridge, leaning over trying to see it again. He saw her, crouching behind some poor human who likely just had their heart broken. His heart is in his ears again but why?  
His sister stops and furrows her eyebrows. She didn’t say anything but Dream knew. “When I was captured, Cupid visited me three times. She was the one who helped free me.” He explains to her then lets the arrow form on his hand. “She left me this. Lucifer placed my soulmate as a betting card before even I knew I had one.”  
Death takes the arrow from him, she too can’t read it. “Cupid, she’s one of Desire’s creatures. Why haven’t you gone to her? See who’s names are on this?” Morpheus doesn’t say anything. His eyes tell it all, that and his reluctance to speak. She rolls her eyes at him, then continues walking on her mission.  
“I wanted to wait until I had all my tools back and now I’m more powerful than ever and yet...” He trails off, is that why he was feeding the pigeons? Waiting for the right moment to go and see her? What if she’s been harmed by Desire? Clearly not, he just saw her, doing well. 
“You’re not scared of Desire, you went to hell with only your sand. It’s something more...” She trails off inspecting each of his reactions. “You are more scared of her. Or rather that it might be true.” Dream scoffs at this. “Just think of the power a soulmate could have over an Endless. If I accept this, anyone could hold her over me.”  
She sighs and shakes her head. “You have one friend, Dream. Maybe this isn’t as bad as you think it’s going to be?” Again Morpheus refuses to speak. “She’s just too pure. Have you seen her before? She has this glowing semblance surrounding for. It...seemed to stop time. And these eyes that just... holds all the pureness in the world. Could you imagine something so... innocent? No malice, no harm, no intent for revenge.”  
“What? Are you scared you’ll taint her with your broodiness?” She chuckles at him. “I’ve had past lovers and none of them...wanted this life forever. Something always goes wrong and I don’t want for it to be the same this time.” He thinks over each word he speaks. When did his heart become this attached to this girl? 
She glances over her idiotic brother. Brothers never know anything about anyone. “Who says it will? Think about it, your previous lovers didn’t work out because they weren’t meant to. You had a soulmate, this time it will work.” They continue down the path, winding back to the park.  
“I cannot force this to happen. Love me because you’re supposed to. I’d be just as bad as Desire, puppeteering her for my lonely heart just as he had.” They slowly find back down to the park where the pigeons still wait for their bread.  
“It won’t be. If it’s meant to be, it won’t feel forced. I have one last appointment. Just try and see what happens?” Dream’s lips only slightly raise in a smile. “It seems I too have multiple missed appointments.”  
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He watched her, from the corner of his eye he watched her every step of the way. She flew. Used the wings made for her for her and followed him all the way to Hob Gadling’s little Inn. She thought he couldn’t see her. But it’s strange it feels like she’s breathing down his neck either way.  
“There’s something watching you.” Hob says after a while, looking over Dream’s shoulder. Dream shivers, “I know I can feel her watching me.” He says, his back feels burnt with her glare. “Do you mind, Robert, if I cut this short, it seems there are some urgent matters to attend to.” The English teacher just smiles at him. “Go.”  
In one swift move, Dream stands up from his seat and grabs Cupid, right by the wrist. Like his body just knew where she’d be. “Cupid.” But something is wrong. There’s no reaction from her. She doesn’t pull back or gasp or speak. She just sort of stares at him, swaying on her feet. 
She looks right through him. Worst of all, her eyes they look dull. Her usual glittering brown is now more like dry dirt under your nail. There is no warm inviting pink aura coming from her. Looks like her, but nothing feels like her. She looks hollow, like a shell. Love looks entirely loveless. 
This isn’t Cupid.  
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Part 3~Part 5 (coming soon)
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constantineshots · 8 months
I'm kind of confused on John Constantine's characterisation. But, to be fair, I did come across him in the dp x dc crossovers, so...*shrug*
It's just that he ranges from the most pathetic, self-centered but also accidentally altruistic smoking asshole who couldn't care less if you burned alive to a soft-hearted tsundere who wants to help but lets nobody see that and tries to be an asshole to drive them away.
Also the thing about him backstabbing everyone he spends more than five minutes with, but still being on the JL's speed dial???? And everyone says he's an asshole who's more trouble than he's worth but they still turn to him for help?
If you have the time, could you please clear that up a bit? What is he like in the comics? The good ones I mean.
Thank you and have a nice day.
hello! sorry this took me a minute- had a lot to say. its a long post SORRY
buti think the simplest way to describe it is that in regards to the dc x dp crossover, they focus more on the dc universe's john constantine- which is the mainstream universe, with big shots like superman and batman and all of the things that make him, for the most part, seem like he's the best in magic and this man who is on, as you put it, the justice league's speed dial. he's the butt of most jokes, he never actually shows his bisexuality in a healthy manner because he's more likely to be joking about it than actually being in a relationship with a man (his usual love interest is zatanna, and ofc, bisexual people are allowed to date someone of the same gender, but what annoys me is that they are willing to joke about his bisexuality without showing him actually dating these men that he jokes about).
however, vertigo comics (which is dc's black label: comics like hellblazer (john's line), lucifer, the sandman, etc. reside because the topics they touch are for mature audiences- and not just because lucifer's naked 90% of his comic run) is where we get john constantine. in hellblazer, he starts off as a terrified man who's willing to do anything to survive- and, honestly, i'd say that's still the case throughout the series. he seems more real. more possible. more like someone i can connect to.
all the magic he's learned isn't this "inner power" that we see in characters like zatanna (love her, no shade to her) who was taught her magic by her father and has been around it her whole life, or characters like the enchantress. he picked up some books and started digging through them and learning to regain some semblance of control of his life because of his abusive family and just overall not being the most popular kid.
a lot of john's character stems from trauma- his family life, newcastle, most of his relationships with other people, the things he does in general, being in ravenscar, etc.
i said something a while back that i think still stands to this day- he's not a hero because he'll do anything to save his friends or himself, but overall, he comes first. to put it in perspective, there are times he knows things are dangerous, and yet he still asks for favors. also, this guy was dying of lung cancer (yknow. because he was smoking as much as he was) and he didn’t stop smoking, of course. no, he basically pulled this huge con on a bunch of higher people in hell and was like “well now if i die, a whole war starts” so they? made sure he would live. that’s the kind of shit john does. he’s a con artist.
while john doesn't like to sit on his feelings too long, he does care- he just doesn't like showing it. he shoves people away when they get too close, and when someone hurts him- for example, kit moving back to belfast and essentially breaking up with him because of the fact people attacked her to try and get to him, john was horrible. he was cruel. he called her cold, which he knew would hurt her. then, he went into an immediate depression and was homeless for,,, what, a year? because he blamed himself for so much shit and kit was just what made him keel over.
on top of that, john is pretty political. his whole character is- he talks about climate change, he talks about racism, he’s aware of his privilege, and in one of the more recent runs of hellblazer, he shows that too. shame that one wasn’t very long- would’ve liked more of it. however, his dc run doesn’t show any of that. it’s like they’re showing john but without getting into the gritty parts of him that make him him. it’s like they’re scratching the surface and won’t just take the metaphorical shovel and slam it into him. which sucks- i like the idea of him being around the other characters, somewhat, but i don’t want him to be the go to guy when it comes to dc comics’ magical people. he certainly isn’t that. they have those- they’ve got dr. fate and zatanna right on the league, why do they need john?
his character in vertigo is definitely not a hero, and dc wants him to be that. they want him to be the magic guy they have on speed dial. they want him to be the sexy guy with a cigarette in his mouth flirting with everyone in sight. they don’t want to delve into the darker territory because it’s going to scare people away, and the ones that are scared away probably shouldn’t be interacting with his character in the first place.
honestly, i’m probably missing a lot, but this is getting to be storybook length as it is, so sorry for my little tangent but i hope this helps!
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Hi, I was wondering if would you be able to do something where the reader is with Morpheus when he tells Nada he still loves her? Only if you’re comfortable with writing about Nada or just angst in general ofc
Only you can set alight the fire in me
pairing: Morpheus x reader
warnings: allusion to smut, angst
summary: Reader is the half human, half immortal (take your pick - goddess, angel, witch, etc.) soulmate of Morpheus. When they come across Nada in hell, Morpheus makes a confession that the Reader simply doesn't like, to say the least.
Main Library
When I found out that he came back, I was elated.
It had been nearly a century since I last saw my beloved Morpheus, who suffered captivity in the wretched hands of Roderick Burgess. I tried everything in my power to free him, but even I cannot stray from the rules of magic.
I was able to communicate with him several times, and each time I had strained my power completely, to the point where he discouraged me from attempting to do so.
I knew that I just had to wait. Somehow, someday, my love would come back to me.
And he did.
He came back different, broken. But in my arms, he was still the same. I could sense a rage had developed within him - against his captors, from finding out that most of his subjects had left, from losing Jessamy.
From being away from me. I could also see that he tried to temper it down, for my sake, simply being content with basking in the glow of our reunion.
"My love," he whispered, voice breaking. We held each other for the longest time, Lucienne having excused herself much earlier to give us some space. Whispering sweet nothings, and promises of devotion repressed through the years. Sitting there in his throne room, almost wrapped in each other's skin, I never wanted to let him go.
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry," he breathed against my skin, nose nuzzled in my neck.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, my love. They did this to you."
"But all of that caused you pain. You have no idea how," he runs his fingers down my arm, "badly," his hand now gently moving up my knees to my thighs, "... I needed you."
"Morpheus," I whispered, voice getting caught in my throat, "welcome back."
His lips crash to mine, gentle yet demanding, and all else was forgotten.
Of course, there was much work to be done. My love had been robbed of his tools during his time in captivity.
We ventured off to London to retrieve his sand from Johanna Constantine, whom I've grown quite fond of, due to her tireless wit and devil-may-care attitude. I made a note to catch up with her another time.
And now, where else would we be but in the cold, depths of hell -myself, Morpheus, and his new raven Matthew, determined to take back his helm from a demon. Being here feels excruciating, as if hell is pricking through my damn skin. The ceaseless tortured screams of the damned don't do much to help, either.
Morpheus firmly holds my hand, as we follow Squatterbloat through each cursed area of hell. I was distrustful of the demon immediately, knowing that their kind was prone to acts of deceipt and malevolence, no matter how mild-mannered they may show themselves to be in the moment.
We start to climb the cells of the damned, a sprawling block of dreary towers covered by a sky of smouldering fumes. We pass cell after cell, and I try to avert my eyes from every tormented soul, as I don't think I can bear it.
"Take heart, my love," Morpheus squeezes my hand, sensing my discomfort, "We'll be out of here soon."
"I know," I try to focus on him, and nothing else, "Let's get your helm, and get out of this hellhole."
"I am grateful that you came with me. You give me all the strength that I need." He lifts my hand, and leaves a loving kiss.
"I would go anywhere with you, my love."
"Aww, you guys are so cute." Matthew intervenes, "It almost made me forget that we are literally in hell. Almost."
"Well, I nearly forgot that you were flapping about with us, Matthew. Almost." I turn to him playfully.
"Ha-ha," he responds dryly, "Leave it to you two to get all loved-up in hell, of all places."
Matthew and I had gotten into a routine of friendly banter, ever since Lucienne assigned him to be Morpheus' new raven. I appreciate the reprieve that it offers in this situation.
"Just walk on, you two," Morpheus says, feigning disinterest, but I could tell he was amused.
We walk on, and I dread the view that surrounds us, but I dread coming face-to-face with Lucifer even more.
I shuffle closer behind Morpheus, when a strained voice echoes from inside a cell.
"Kai-ckul?" A woman breathes heavily, peering through the jarred bars of her entrapment. "Dream Lord?"
Morpheus halts. He recognizes her voice.
"It is you." Her eyes well up in tears. I can't even imagine what she is going through.
"I greet you, Nada." Morpheus responds, his grip loosening on my hand.
So this is Nada. Morpheus had once revealed to me all of his past lovers. He said that he didn't want to hide anything from me, he wanted me to know what exactly being with him entails. All the good and the bad that came with it.
"But now, there is only you. There will only ever be you, my love. If you'll have me," I remember that he had said to me then, eyes ablaze in passion.
I stay silent as they speak, even when Morpheus drops my hand entirely.
Then I hear her ask, "Do you not still love me?"
I feel myself tense at her question, and Matthew and I exchange a knowing look.
A moment passes, and I assume that he is simply choosing the right words to reject her, while still being considerate.
Until he responds, "It has been 10,000 years, Nada. Yes, I still love you."
Her face lights up in realization, and I try to steady myself, disappointed at what I just heard.
"But I have not yet forgiven you." he turns away from her, and starts walking.
"Come, my love. Come, Matthew." he calls out to us, gazing straight ahead.
"You," Nada's eyes find mine, "are with him?"
"Yes," I answer weakly. I don't wish my words to bring her any further pain.
"He loves me," she grips the bars of her cell, as if wanting to break them off, "He said so himself. One day, he will forgive me and we will be together once more."
"I'm sorry," I don't know what else to say, feeling empty inside from hearing Morpheus' confession.
I walk faster to catch up with Morpheus, with Matthew promptly following behind.
Morpheus reaches for my hand, but I pretend that I don't notice and say, "Let's go. I've just decided that I really hate this damn place." I walk past him.
"That's rough," Matthew quips beside me.
"Tell me about it."
We succeeded, as I believed we would.
Triumphant, and helm in hand, Morpheus, Matthew and I made our way back into the Dreaming.
I had been so afraid for my love when he engaged the Ruler of Hell in combat, that I nearly forgot the exchange that he had with his former lover.
Upon returning, Lucienne greets us with a relieved smile. However, she looks as if she's thrown off by my expression.
"Is something wrong?" she asks me in concern.
Everyone looks at me expectedly, but I'm not really in the mood to share so I just shrug, "Not at all, I'm fine. I'll just head to my library."
Morpheus tries to catch my eye, but I am already heading off. He calls out to me, "I'll be with you shortly, my love."
I enter my library and feel a sense of calm wash over me. Morpheus had constructed this library just for me, and it contains only the books that I love, as well as the ones that I have yet to read but am bound to love afterward.
This room is but a single proof of his efforts to win me over, and that he did, but now I can't help but wonder if I am truly special, or if he had achieved similar feats for his past lovers too. Perhaps he had, and normally I would be fine with that, but then again, he said that he loves her. Does he still love all of them? If he does, then his love will never be just for me.
The door flies open, and he strides in, unbothered and unaware of my thoughts.
He sits next to me on this plush, dark gray loveseat, but I don't look at him.
"Something's wrong?" he asks slowly, "Something's bothering you, my love. Tell me."
"You love her."
"You still love her. Nada." I turn to him so he fully see the extent of my emotions. Maybe I am overthinking things, but his declaration of love didn't sit well with me.
"I..." he seems at a loss, choosing his next words carefully, "I will always have a love for her, yes. But it's different with you, of course."
"How so?"
"What do you mean? You know how important you are to me. You are everything." he reaches for my hands, eyes imploring me to understand.
"Morpheus," I pull away, and pace the room, "what if I had encountered any of my exes - Aeneas, Gabriel..."
"Don't mention those names in front of me," he cuts me off, his voice darkening.
"What if I meet them, and tell them I still love them?" I press on, as he looks up at me, brows furrowed, "How would you feel then?"
"You wouldn't dare do that, my love," he stands, adding the term of endearment in a slightly menacing tone, far from the usual doting one.
"That's how I feel!" I raise my arms in exasperation, "I mean, do you still love all of them? Your past lovers?"
"It's not the same. I am an Endless. It's almost impossible for me to simply get rid of old ties. My love runs deep for whomever I devote myself to. With Nada, she's an extraordinary woman... but she's nothing compared to you."
I find it hard to wrap my head around it, and take a few deep breaths. If he thinks that flattery, and a couple of sweet lines will completely diffuse the situation, he is sorely mistaken.
"I'm sorry," he reaches out to me, and I let him wrap his arms around me tightly, "I'm sorry I said that, and that it upset you. I do have a kind of love for all my former lovers, but all that pales in comparison to my love for you."
"I don't know," I mutter against his chest, "what to think."
"Then don't." He leans down, and kisses me. I try to stay angry, but he kisses me harder, moaning low and deep against my lips, and I lose myself in him.
His hands run down my sides, settling on my waist, pushing my back down onto the loveseat.
He proceeds to kiss my neck, biting a trail along the way.
"No one else can kiss you like this," he rests his forehead against mine, and runs his fingers down my chest, "No one else can touch you like I do. You're mine."
I wrap my fingers around his wrist, halting his movements, "And you're mine. Don't ever tell a former lover that you love them ever again. Not like that. I understand the extent of your compassion for each one of them, but you wouldn't want me to do the same to mine."
He gazes at me for the longest time, before a soft smile emerges on his lips, "Understood. And I'm yours."
He kisses me again, and again, and again.
The end.
first oneshot/request done! It's not as angsty as I intended but hopefully it's got enough 😂
Yes, I do take requests, for Morpheus, Corinthian, and potentially other characters in other fandoms too. Drop me a message!
And, Ineffable's next chapter will be out in a couple of days. Corinthian will be making an appearance - I simply couldn't resist.
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writing-for-life · 3 months
Sandman Fics and Poems
The list gets updated regularly, and I love your comments and thoughts (no, it’s not weird to interact, it’s what fandom is about)…
The Self-Love, Sex and Pursuit of the Helm Novels: A Tragicomedy in Three Movements (Ao3) (crack fic in progress, ~2,200/app. 8,000 words, Morpheus/The Helm)
The Light of Stars Tumblr Master Post or straight to Ao3 (completed long fic, ~ 75,000 words, Morpheus/OFC)
Snow Globes and Whisky (one-shot for Christmas, links in with “The Light of Stars”) (Ao3) (completed, ~2,500 words, Morpheus/OFC)
As It Was Before The Otherness Came (one-shot for Sandman Femslash Weekend) (Ao3) or Tumblr (completed, ~3,700 words, Johanna Constantine/Rachel Moodie)
Ode to Death and Requiem (poems for Death Appreciation Week)
Sandtober/Inktober 2023 Haikus (Ao3) or Tumblr (completed)
Incandescent Light (the prompt poem that somewhat sparked The Light of Stars)
Plus, check out the ongoing Dream’s Therapist—a satirical tragicomedy straight from the therapist’s couch…
To avoid disappointment: I don't write for the big ships because
a) I am generally not a shipper and
b) they tend to be m/m, and as a bi woman, my main interest is writing m/f and f/f. It is important to me to write female protagonists, and I prefer to write from a female point of view—her feelings/wants/desires and sexuality without the detour of projecting them onto a man.
Apart from that, I love myself a good crack fic and rare pairs, and you will definitely find those. I only started writing fanfic in 2022, and I spent most of that time writing a longfic called "The Light of Stars". I am fairly proud I saw it through, and the sequel is in the making (apparently, people liked it: Can I just say how excited and grateful I was when someone gifted me the Literary Badge? Thank you, you know who you are 🥹).
TLoS is a Morpheus x OFC fic, but it is not a self-insert or Y/N-fic. I am fairly prickly about that distinction because fandom's tendency to throw them into the same pot regularly drives me up the wall. I write OCs professionally (albeit in a language other than English), so the assumption that they are all straightforward self-inserts always seemed fairly odd to me…
I also love writing short-form poetry—you might find the odd one here, too.
Link to full pinned post with all my stuff
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Hello! I saw your requests were open and was wondering if you could write a Morpheus x mortal!reader where he has a crush on her and Idk maybe they’re friends or something and he sees her kissing another guy at a party and gets jeaulous.
Or… maybe a Morpheus x Johanna’s apprentice!reader where they have to go on kind of a mission together to help/save Johanna and they end up falling in love?
Couldn’t choose between the two tbh 😅 Any of them would be fine. If its okay for you, ofc!
[TW: religious themes, demons, swear words] Sandman-inspired playlist
"I'm looking for Johanna Constantine," stated the stranger standing at your threshold. He was dressed in all black with pasty white skin that made him look either emaciated or vampire-like. Either way, it was a very uncommon taste but you didn't expect anything else from your boss's acquaintances.
"You and me both, man," you answered as you leaned against the doorframe. "She was supposed to go to some town outside of London, look at a girl and come back. Maybe do an exorcism but she sounded convinced it wouldn't be needed."
"When was that?"
"Like two days ago?" you said with a shrug. Most of the time, Johanna was stuck in a cycle of disappearing and showing up shortly after without even a scratch.
The stranger leaned in. His dark eyebrows furrowed only furthering his intimidating appearance. "And you haven't thought of finding her?" he asked in an unnerved voice.
"Of course I did!" you exclaimed while throwing your hands in the air. The last thing you wanted or needed was a random man suggesting you were irresponsible. "Who do you have me for, raven boy? The only thing stopping me from going after her is herself. Have you ever seen Johanna angry? No? I have and now I don't watch scary movies with my light on because I know there are worse things."
"Where is Johanna?" The man was growing impatient and angry. Whatever he needed her for, it was something that clearly couldn't wait.
The stranger's irritation was, truthfully, an expression of your own worries and desperation - lead-like dread had been sitting in your abdomen for the entire day. Perhaps it was time to brave through your fear of Johanna's anger and show some agency. "She's supposed to be in Dover, like 2 hours from here. I'll grab my keys and we can go."
But Morpheus grabbed the sleeve of your jacket before you could walk away. You were about to scold him, tell him that he's being very forward to a person he had only just met, but suddenly you weren't in your small apartment in London. In the distance, you heard sea waves crashing against cliffs and a flock of seagulls screaming over the shore: undoubtedly, you had found yourself in Dover.
"Come," he called out behind you. Judging by his aloofness, he must have often just reappeared wherever he wanted.
Turning around towards Morpheus, you saw a brick mansion with thick ivy covering its walls. The windows were either too dirty to see through them or the architect was strangely fond of opaque glass. The paint was chipping off the wooden door, silently suggesting that no one had taken care of the house in a long while. A murder of crows seemed to have taken over the mansion - a row of black birds sat along the ledge, staring at the two unwelcome guests. They seemed to grow irritated as their loud caws did not scare you off from their den.
"Creepy old house," you slowly said to yourself as you took in the disturbing sight. "That's definitely on my jeepers-creepers bingo."
"Did Johanna employ you as a jest?" His tendency to speak in a quite monotone voice made it difficult for you to decide whether it was a genuine question or an attempt at being mean.
"I hope not. I tend to have a very limited repertoire of cynicism and self-deprecation."
Suddenly, a muffled scream reached your ears. Among the crashing waves and seagulls it would have been impossible to hear it had you been standing even a few meters farther from the house. The crows also contributed to the general disruption. Wickedness, quite curiously, came with a drop of genius.
"Basement. Of course," you said in a low voice while slightly nodding to yourself. "Let's go."
Entering the cellar, your nostrils were instantaneously filled with the putrid smell of mould and rotting blood. The floor was covered in something wet and you were suddenly grateful for the lack of light in the concrete corridors - it was better to naively assume it was just water from faulty, old plumbing. Your heart was thundering in your chest as you followed Morpheus and his strides towards the screams and rattling of chains that only grew louder with each of your rushed steps.
With trembling hands, you pushed open the door at the end of the dark corridor. Sure enough, on the other side, you found the source of the blood-chilling screams. Across the concrete room was a man dressed in a cassock, who was speaking in a language you had never heard before. Was he... praying? High above his head levitated Johanna's body with limbs stretched out so much they threatened to completely dismember her at any second. She must have been screaming for hours on end as her voice became raspy. So far, both of them seemed to be unaware of your presence.
"A satanic priest. Because there wasn't anything more cliche," you whispered.
Morpheus was about to take a step towards the possessed man and suffering Johanna but you grabbed his arm. He looked at you with nothing short of annoyance - you were, clearly, treading on thin ice.
"You may be an expert on pulling Houdini-worth tricks but this is my field of expertise. Like it or not, I need you to trust me with your life for the next bit," you spoke quietly. Every now and then you'd look towards the horrifying sight on the other side of the room to make sure that you still had the element of surprise.
Rummaging through the pockets of your jacket, you pulled out two containers and shoved them in Dream's chest. With vivid unsureness, he took them from you. "Holy water and blessed salt," you explained. "Throw it at him or around him. It won't kill the demon but will surely weaken it. I'll do the talking."
Having said those words, Morpheus left your side to march towards the possessed priest. You took in a deep, slow breath to try and calm yourself. As an apprentice, you knew that the day of your trial was coming sooner or later but you never thought that the life of someone you cared about would be part of it. A grim duty fell on you - there was no one else who could help Johanna before she dies from the ritual she was currently undergoing. Whatever happens now, was to forever remain your sole responsibility.
Johanna had made you practise the exorcism prayer so many times you learned it barely a few weeks into your apprenticeship. It was just a strange skill at the time but now, when her life and well-being were in your hands only, it was akin to a superpower. Having taken in another deep breath, you began reciting the formula as fast as you could while maintaining the necessary clarity of speech.
The demon was no longer oblivious to your pesky presence but Morpheus did an excellent job at keeping it distracted enough to not go after you or poor Johanna. Considering how much of the blessed salt and holy water actually ended up on the possessed man, Dream had an exceptional aim. A blood-chilling scream resounded once more but this time it didn't belong to Johanna: it was the demon, crying out at the pain of being torn out of a corporeal form. His agony could partially be accredited to the sole fact that he was going to be banished to Hell, a place even demons feared and disliked.
Once the demon was exiled from this realm, Johanna's body hit the concrete floor of the basement with a muffled thud. Then, a groan left her mouth and you sighed in relief. Even if her bones were shattered, she was alive. Wasting no time, you run towards her to help her get up.
Straining to stand up, Johanna groaned out: "Well, that was really fucking fast."
"Yeah, I had my Eminem phase in middle school," you answered dismissively as you put her arm around your neck for better support.
"What took you so long?"
"I didn't actually think you were in trouble, Johanna. He brought me here because he wants something from you." Only when you motioned your head towards the black-haired man did she notice him. She let out an irritated sigh but it was quiet enough that only you heard it.
After a few limping steps, Johanna was well enough to walk on her own or at least she claimed so. She crossed her arms on her chest as she approached Morpheus, whose expression remained ever so unreadable. Apparently, an exorcism wasn't enough to elicit emotion from him. Johanna gave you a meaningful stare and you knew it was time for you to go and irritate the crows outside with your unwelcome presence.
Long minutes went by when you were staring at the sea and cliffs in the distance, listening to the shrieking and cawing of the black birds over your head. What was taking them so long? Among the noise, you heard someone's footsteps behind you: it was Morpheus but curiously, he came alone.
"Where's Johanna?" you asked.
"There were affairs she needed to see through before leaving," he answered while approaching you. Barely a meter or two away from you, he just stopped. Morpheus simply stood there, the sea breeze tugging at his dishevelled hair. He stared at you with flustering intensity as if he was trying to look through you and inspect the particles of your very soul.
After a while, his silent gawking became so uncomfortable you couldn't ignore it any longer. "Okay, what is it?"
"You are an absolutely aggravating creature," Morpheus stated while still looking at you with that stern, cold stare. His voice was so low, slightly raspy, that you felt it down to the marrow of your bones. "But I can not bring myself to hate you."
A playful smile crept unto your face. Maybe the raven guy wasn't the killjoy he introduced himself as. "Funnily enough, I was about to say the same thing. This whole 'woe me' brooding thing you have going on is infuriating. But it's also giving me very un-churchy thoughts."
Suddenly, something about his expression changed: a glint of mischief glistened in his blue eyes and one corner of his mouth pulled up ever so slightly. "Would you like to hear mine?"
You were about to answer him something equally suggestive when Johanna made her presence known: "Get a fucking room you two!"
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ninjasofl0v3 · 7 months
Could you do some Batstantine? (Batman x Constantine)
I think Johnny would totally bottom
🦋 content!: rough sex. cockwarming. oral. cumplay. car sex. overstimulation. edging. cock rings. toys. rimming.
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pleaseeee the sex they have would be great 🫶 john loves swinging by gotham whenever he finds the right excuse, winding bruce up for hours just to have himself spread out on the vigilante's cock by the end of the night.
john loves cockwarming, managing to come back to the mansion or have bruce come by whichever hotel room he has for the night just so he can spend all that night with bruce's cock in his mouth. slow sucking & playing with bruce's balls, relishing in the low moans under his breath & the way bruce's fingers run through his hair just to pull on it tight while making john take every inch down his throat.
he'll swallow it all then messy kiss bruce after 💖
ofc they have to fuck with the batsuit on, john making a few snarky comments how of course he made it so he can get his dick out & did he do that for girls like the kitty cat before bruce shuts him up by shoving all of his cock inside that tight hole. making john bounce while rough palming at his leaking cock.
overstimulation & edging galore. bruce would totally put a cockring on john's aching cock, ignoring all that petulant whining & the way the blond grumbles with a low "shut up." he can take it off & have his reward when bruce meets up with him again in a few days. until then, bruce can have some fun with the vibrating plug shoved up that slutty ass.
even better when bruce eats that needy ass, the rough of his stubble against the sensitive skin there while he plays with john's cock driving the occultist crazy.
no touch top bruce x bitchy bottom john so true!
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skyfallslayer · 6 months
Hellblazer & Jade - Masterlist
-2005!Constantine x Daughter!OFC-
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Main Masterlist
❇️ Summary: A Series of stories revolving around the 2005 Constantine, with John having a daughter named Seraphina (Eventually will tie into some other DC movies).
❇️ Pairings: John Constantine x Daughter!OFC; (Later) Jamie Reyes x Constantine!OFC
❇️ Rating: Mature
❇️ Warnings: At the beginning of each chapter
❇️ Word Count: N/A
❇️ Start Date: N/A
❇️End Date: N/A
❇️ A/N: So.... I finally watched the 2005 Constantine movie and I immediately fell in love. And anyone who follows my other fics I write, you know I'm a sucker for a good father-daughter story line. Fluffy, comforting, and of course angsty. I also couldn't pass up the chance to write about Xolo's Blue Beetle and Battison. Without further ado, enjoy!
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(*Story names and order may change over time)
❇️ Story 1: Sealing The Deal (Coming Soon)
❇️ Story 2: An Old Friend (Coming Soon)
❇️ Story 3: When In Doubt, Go To Gotham (Coming Soon)
❇️ Story 4: Laws, Magic, & A Man Dressed Like A Bat (Coming Soon)
❇️ Story 5: Stepping Out of The Comfort Zone (Coming Soon) - Side Story: Jamie Reyes Introduction.
❇️ Story 6: Of Aliens and Mind Games (Coming Soon)
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-Taglist Is Open-
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kenztheweirdmf · 3 days
Wdym you ship Peter x dc men?! Bro give me anything!! omg I don't wanna abuse your asks but now I'm just needing. In my most primal state I would ask you about Peter x batman and, x superman and, x nightwing and, x red hood (separately) but whatever bone you wanna throw me I'm happy speciallyifit'sdickorjason
BABY GIRL IF YOU WANNA ABUSE MY ASK THEN DO IT I DONT MIND XD OMG DONT GET ME STARTED ON PETER X BRUCE/CLARK/DICK/JASON GOD THEYRE SOO AUSHAUDBJKAND:LDAD THOSE 4 HAVE BIG PECS AND PETER IS TOTALLY A MAN BOOBS GUY TYPE and ofc Peter tops all 4 🤭 With Bruce, Peter would definitely be cuddling with him while Bruce is in a bathrobe and he has his face in his hairy pecs cus duh free pillows and also because Bruce smells so freaking good making him melt like a puddle and Bruce scratching Peters hair making him purr and kissing his forehead and Peter whines climbs up so he can get kisses on his lips and of course how can Brucie say no to his little spider and kisses it and Peter whimpers as he can feels Bruces stubble on his lips but god is he addicted for this man
With Clark i can see Peter hanging around in the farm but when he saw Clark doing farm work but thats not whats hes focusing at.... its what Clark is wearing and its overalls.... and nothing else hes going full on commando and god the way his cock even flaccid such makes a huge a bulge it makes Peters mouth salivate and dont even get him started on how Clark big hairy tits are practically out bouncing from every step he takes and his beefy hairy biceps is literally bigger than Peters whole head and yup......... Peter is down bad for this country boy
With Dick omg him and Peter would be such couple goals they have such a wholesome cute day to day life always helping each other in the kitchen cuddling in the couch while watching something but that doesnt mean Peter does not thirst for Him cus he always watches him hit the Gym always sweating and flexing his sweaty beefy body and Peter always thanks the universe everytime that he is dating THE Dick Richard Grayson
With Jason god he will treat Peter like a princess always calling him by cute petnames like "sweetheart, honey, baby and more" but the best part for Peter is having the privileged to see Jason shirtless while he works on his bike and my god is his chest developing some chest hair and god does it suit him and god whenever he lifts his arm to wipe off sweat on his head he sees how fucking hairy his armpits are and Peter just wanna bolt and stuff his face in there forever
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weirdfishy · 9 months
fic stats meme
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
tagged by @mashumaru !!! thanks lovely for the tag, i haven't had a minute of brain power to write lately, but i love being tagged in these!! (also, all my ao3 stuff is archive locked, so y'all've gotta be signed in to read them)
Most Hits
Unknown Caller ID - Danny Phantom x DC Batfam
Surprisingly, Damian steps in front of him, arms crossed. “Batman, this is my Father. He arrived soon after receiving word of my capture. Please, refrain from arresting him.” Danny reels.
one of the favs (n istg i will make more but like. life.) bc it's crack Treated Seriously n i love this concept that Damian has just gone 'you're now my father' to Danny bc Danny is Worthy Of Dating Bruce
Second Most Kudos
Tim's Drake's introduction to ✨Ghosts✨ - DP x DC Batfam
Tim, currently standing on top of the Batmobile, in distant yet full view of the computer’s camera, shouts, “Not B! How the fuck do you deal with a ghost!??” Tim hops off the car and dashes towards the computer as Constantine just gives a weary sigh, dragging a hand down his face.
lil bit of crack treated seriously, allowing myself to be silly goofy
Third Most Comments
just slip me on, i'll be your blanket - The Sandman, dreamling
It boils Hob’s blood, to see him like this—to not know how long his stranger has been here, in this hell of human greed. But you can be hurt…or captured. He’d heard the stories, the rumors of The Magus and the Devil in his basement. Hob didn’t know about devils, but he did know of those assumed to be yet never were, taking human form. Hob also knew of imprisoning others, and of being imprisoned.
legit one of my favorite prose stuff, even if i lost motivation (& my notes) for fleshing it out
Fourth Most Bookmarks
Discussion in Trust - Boku No Hero Academia
“We know that the second they know they can control you, you’ve lost,”—a pause—“but once you lose, you can learn. And I learned, Sensei, from fucking five, that “quirkless” was a societal loss I’d never stop learning from.”
my contribution to all might bashing, dadzawa, and like? analyst izuku. proud of it still, at the time i adored it but yk, my self standards raised so.
Fifth Most Words
C'est la vie - Criminal Minds, Emily Prentiss/Murder!Reader
Drip,  “Family is not blood.” You tilt your head back, closing your eyes, voice low and slow. sigh “But I would bleed and cry for family found blind- I would turn to & die. I would turn blade & kill.” You lick your lips, catching the edge of the cut, the sting causing you to shiver.  drip, “Apocalypse,” you finish, tilting your head back to face them, squeezing the trigger. die-
oh boy, this one is my second??? fic posted, and i fully intend to rewrite it, but it's been awhile, and it will continue being awhile
Least Words
To See the Sea Last - The Witcher OC
Stilled lungs bloated with a corrosive, burning salt, and yet felt no pain. The water line rose higher. Strands of gray danced in a thin crown as the ocean submerged the body of a man who had chosen to both live and die by the whims of the sea.
a flash fiction fill, it's a lil poetic death scene of one of my OCs, a pirate named Walerian. i actually adore this, even if it goes mostly unseen
no pressure tags to: @oliveofvanders @fannafiction @spacedace @shire-bard & ofc anyone who would like to ! <3
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mmeowmmeowonao3 · 1 year
Thinking abt makin a supernatural fic- john constantine esc exorcist male reader x either sam or dean- kinda leaning towards dean- in the earlier seasons ofc
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insomniac-jay · 1 year
I should reboot the Kingdom Come universe since DC won't because the characters and the story (minus the incest between Damien and Mar'i) are so cool. Like the cast is so unhinged when we have:
A John Constantine x Zatara child that literally speaks backwards. Imagine being a bad guy and getting your ass beat by a funky magician guy that speaks backwards. I would simply kms.
Donna's son Darkstar who is blonde for some reason??? Also him and Jon are allegedly cousins???
Big Barda and Mister Miracle daughter Avia who's dating John and Zatara's son. She's named after Scott's mom and she (Avia) has such a great look.
Red Hood!Lian
And ofc our girl miss Mar'i Grayson
Also they're the succeeding Titans. Like this is such perfect material.
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idkaguyorsomething · 5 months
Shitty Superhero Tournament Rules and Bracket
Finally, ¡the tournament is about to begin! The bracket will be posted under the cut, but first let’s get some clarifications and rules out of the way:
The movies here have been selected (with two exceptions*) based on their Rotten Tomatoes movie scores and do not reflect my opinion of their quality. The tournament will be divided into six rounds.
Each movie will come with a quick summary of some of its highlights (or lowlights, depending on your point of view) but feel free to create and submit your own propaganda.
You may vote in any way you want, rooting for whatever gives you the most entertainment in a train wreck sort of way, the movie that’s the most incompetently made, a film you feel is actually really good, or however you want to interpret what the winner of a Shitty Superhero Movie Tournament entails.
Personal attacks/bigoted comments and propaganda WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. If you are here looking for an excuse to be racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-semitic/body-shaming/a dick to people trying to collect a paycheck under the corporate grindstone, fuck off. Just because these movies may be shitty doesn’t mean you should be.
If I make a factual error, feel free to correct me on it. Reblogs are encourage, ofc.
¡Have fun and be kind to each other!
Superman III (1983) vs Green Lantern: First Flight (2009)
Fant4stic (2015) vs Ghost Rider (2007)
Black Adam (2022) vs Man-Thing (2005)
Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) vs Dick Tracy (1990)
Constantine (2005) vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) vs Morbius (2022)
The New Mutants (2020) vs Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)
Catwoman (2004) vs Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023)
The Return of Swamp Thing (1989) vs Batman and Harley Quinn (2017)
Elektra (2005) vs The Amazing Spider-Man (1977)
Howard the Duck (1986) vs The Incredible Hulk Returns (1988)
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) vs The Amazing Bulk (2010)
Man of Steel (2013) vs Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Blade II (2002) vs Captain America (1990)
Blade: Trinity (2004) vs The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Batman Forever (1995) vs Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow (2008)
Supergirl (1984) vs Superman: Doomsday (2007)
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) vs Punisher: War Zone (2008)
Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023) vs The Fantastic Four (1994)
Justice League (2017) vs Tank Girl (1995)
Jonah Hex (2010) vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016)
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) vs Eternals (2021)
Daredevil (2003) vs Dark Phoenix (2019)
Steel (1997) vs Super Buddies (2013)
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) vs Iron Man: Rise of the Technovore (2013)
Fantastic Four (2005) vs Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2011)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) vs The Punisher (1989)
Suicide Squad (2016) vs Hellboy (2019)
Green Lantern (2011) vs The Flash (2023)
X-Men: Origins; Wolverine (2009) vs Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
The Punisher (2004) vs Venom (2018)
Batman and Robin (1997) vs Superman/Batman: Apocalypse (2010)
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hardcore-lonewolf · 11 months
♾️Infinite♾️: A Teen Titans X Young Justice Cross-Over Preview (TUMBLR)
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STORYLINE: The Teen Titans and Young Justice met up in Jump City during a mission. At first, both covert teams didn't get along with each other and refuse to form an alliance cause they're rivals. When these sixteen sidekicks find out their enemies were similar to them. The Incursion and Onslaught broke free from Belle Reve with an evil plan that will put those heroes in their place as villains. Will these villains succeed or will these heroes make the fail?
Short A/N: I'm actually GlampireRockstar...I've been this profile since last year, my now ex bf and I broke up last year. I made this Tumblr and own it since day one when he wanted me to make him one. He can't take this profile cause I made it and built it with my imagination. He's such a jerk and I hope that bitch he's dating knows that this asshat doesn't care for others. I blocked him from my phone, got back my TV to cheer me up with videos and shows that I love, and took back my gaming consoles...yeah I was mad that day cause he's a cheater. I don't need him, being happy and single will be the best choice for me. I go by many pronouns like she/her and he/him, but I got a split personality that's they/them. I love people, though I love being friends with pride community members and straight allies. I don't need men or women, I got me...myself...and I.
RELATIONSHIPS: Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde X OFC (Wonder Woman's Sidekick; Trained By Katana), Conner Kent | Kon-El X M'gann M'orzz | Megan Morse, Victor Stone | Cyberion Technis (Alien Name; Inspired By "Teen Titans Go" Transformers Reference) X Koriand'r | Kory Anders, OMC (Black Lightning's Sidekick; Trained By Metamorpho) X Raquel Ervin, Wally West X Artemis Crock | Linda Park, Dick Grayson X OFC (Black Canary's Sidekick; Trained By Catwoman), OMC (Green Lantern's Sidekick; Trained By Captain Atom) X Zatanna Zatara | Phoebe Starr (Rock Star Alias; Inspired By DC Comic Book "Zatanna Starr"), Garfield Logan | Craig Wyld (Inspired By DC Villain For Surname; Inspired DC Comics Arc Of Changeling) X Rachel Roth | Abigail Constantine (Adopted Name; Inspired By DC Comics OFC), Simon Jones X Devastation | Roxanne Titania (Custom Alias Inspired By Deviantart & Tumblr; Trained By Circe), Mikron O'Jeneus X Selinda Flinders, Baran Flinders X Kitten | Catherine Walker (Real Name; Trained By Star Sapphire), Tommy Terror | Derek Beresford (Custom Real Name From Book; Trained By Bane) X Komand'r | Komal Brooks (She Was Disowned By Her Family With Her Twin Brother My OMC!Darkfire While Starfire & Wildfire Stayed On The Royal Throne; Trained By Livewire), Cameron Mahkent Junior X Tuppence Terror | Deborah Beresford (Custom Real Name From Book; Trained By Giganta), Leonard Smalls II X Rhiannon | Misty Kilgore (She's Now A Villainess In My DC AU; Trained By Klarion), See-More | Seymour Kennett (Custom Real Name From "Teen Titans" Series & Deviantart; Trained By Count Vertigo) X Jinx | Nicole Diaz (Real Name From "DC Comics"; Trained By Enchantress) & Billy Numerous | William Strayer (Real Name From "DC Comics"; Trained By Madame Rouge) X Tara Markov | Atlee (Watch "Teen Titans Go", She's That Evil & Lowkey Heartless Like Her Villain Arc In The OG Teen Titans Series; Trained By Poison Ivy).
Hey guys, this is the fan-fiction I'll be posting here on Tumblr.
I got some concepts to do for my Injustice Short Story that'll be put on Ao3 later on in a few weeks.
With that said, let's get down to business and start with the plot.
I wanted to make names and describe better clearly rather than drawing them.
I have tendencies of using people's artwork and stuff that I forget to credit them for making them for their followers.
Since we know that fans wanted the Fearsome Five on YJ, I wanna make this inspiration by using these shows: Teen Titans, Naruto, The Last Airbender, Ben 10, Young Justice, Boruto, Generator Rex, and The Legend Of Korra.
Since we got the DCAMU designing versions of the Titans and the Team, I wanna give credit to Deviantart for having talented users create their own versions of our favorite heroes and villains from DC Comics to their original characters in animated shows or doing comissions as some requests for watchers on the website I love to death.
Onslaught is like the mercenary group for the Council of Light, the Shadows, and the League of Assassins.
Incursion is the fearsome squad for the Brotherhood of Evil, the Hive, and the Legion of Doom.
I couldn't find me a villain group name this year and last until I found the word "Incursion" on Google Dictionary.
It worked well for the enemies of the Titans and it fit perfectly.
Going to how I made my AU versions of these heroes and villains...Fandom, Wattpad, AO3, Tumblr, Patreon, and Deviantart were the best options I can get.
I couldn't find any names for four more characters to play as heroes...still can't even after randomizing them a lot, so I did a surname randomizer and name finder for all ages.
I know there's four known people within a group, such as the Elemental Benders (Aang, Katara, Zuko/Sokka & Toph/Suki), Team Avatar (Korra/Opal, Bolin/Wu, Asami & Mako), Team Alien Force (Ben, Gwen, Kevin/Cooper & Rachel/Julie), the Proto Squad (Herve/Rook, Lula/Ester, Sam & Kai), Team Seven (Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke & Hinata), the Next Generation (Boruto, Sarada, Kawaki & Sumire), the Hong Kong Gang (Circe, Squid, Cricket & Tuck), and Team EVO (Rex, Claire, Noah & Annie) for example...I want to make this happen.
I found my new props due to reading so much QuoteV fan-fiction stories and doing random voting quizzes online.
I want each original character to have some qualities and powers from each character.
The first one will be very good and simple...in my opinion.
The first OMC is based off of Sasuke, Kevin, Cooper, Zuko, Sokka, Mako, Rook, Kawaki, Tuck, and Rex.
You get mechanic skills, unstable mutations, crimson eyes, gear shifting, body modifications, weather manipulation, matter absorption, curse marks, corpse warpaint, advanced cars, rap music, hip hop, street fights, platinum bands, emo clothing, white bandages, rebellious acts, and other edgy stuff that a bad boy can do to with their edginess and being a former villain that redeemed himself as a good guy with rebellious tendencies.
His romantic interest will be Raquel Ervin aka Rocket I, because I believe this Beautiful Black Queen deserves better and my OMC respects different races; he hates people who's racist, discriminating others for their disabilities, and are phobic on pride community members; etc.
The first OFC is inspired by Asami, Sakura, Sarada, Rachel, Kai, Julie, Circe, Claire, Toph, and Korra.
You get some medic training, healing powers, spiritual abilities, elemental bending, savage roasting, chi manifestation, ancient weapons, futuristic armor, rock music, heavy metal, vintage piercings, dragon tattoos, motorcycle racing, gothic makeup, grunge clothing, diamond claws, etc, everything that a tomboyish demigoddess can ask for as a warrior princess of the deities and a legacy that slays evil monstrous titans for Mount Olympus while being part of Camp Half-Blood.
We know Kaldur'ahm aka Aqualad II is queer/polysexual, I felt sorry for him when his crush Tula didn't return romantic feelings for him and understood that she loved Garth till her death on Invasion; I gave this OFC a background of pride with pansexual/bisexual to make these two fearless leaders not turn into straight allies; they still got vibes that make the same gender fall hard for them; she's half Amazonian (mother), Olympian (ancestor), and Human (father); Kaldur will be part Atlantean (mother), Lemurian (ancestor), and Human (father); etc.
The second OMC is based off of Naruto, Boruto, Aang, Benjamin, Herve, Squid, Noah, Sam, Wu, and Bolin.
You get a legendary seal, alien transformations, prototype watches, sacred runes, camera flashes, military training, royal blood, talented artwork, humble loyalty, steel chains, blaster guns, booster suits, nanotechnology gear, industrial music, hardcore punk, alternative clothing, shadow cloning, black ink, golden rings, bad attitudes, and much good guy stuff that makes him the most important person in the world and would always be the person that'll help others as a true hero.
This OMC is special and went through tough times; he's the romantic interest of Zee Zatara aka Zatanna, I think she'll be like the Hinata Hyuga to his Naruto Uzumaki, the red string of fate will thread around his pinky fingers and will lead them together as one; he's having the Green Lantern Ring of Willpower and the Omnitrix for Seasons 1-2 through the Ultimatrix for Seasons 3-4 will fit him well; he's part Human (father), Meta (mother), and Naljian (ancestor); Zee's part Human (father), Angel (mother), and Pralagean (ancestor); etc.
The second OFC is inspired by Suki, Opal, Gwendolyn, Ester, Sumire, Lula, Hinata, Katara, Cricket, and Annie.
You get some pure magic, cosmic energy, shy tendencies, timid behavior, super intelligence, athletic flexibility, hidden secrets, domino masks, scene clothing, neon lights, soul bonds, tarot cards, enchanted agility, chakra sensory, mystic charms, good luck, pop music, silver bells, electric dance, living totems, mana flowers, healing potions, elite skills, astral projections, alien heritage, spell books, etc, she's full of magic and is the most caring being in the world that'll likely be the best girl to have for a lover.
This OFC has been given powers and skills from the following paragraph above me; she serves as a romantic interest of Dick Grayson aka Robin I, she'll be the one who comforted him from his family loss and help him figure out that Bruce Wayne is Batman; Dick finds out that OFC is a heroine who's adopted by Selina Kyle aka Catwoman when her parents were kidnapped and taken away; I love when Dick got powers as Deathwing/Deadman II in the DC Injustice film; I will use that when he gets fully resurrected in the Lazarus Pits from Boston Brand aka Deadman I and Rama Kushan; she's half Anodite (ancestor), Human (father), and Magen (mother); Dick's half Ghost (father), Human (ancestor), and Vampire (mother); etc.
I'm re-editting things on a laptop, tablet, and smartphone...this is hard work for me.
Let's get down to this case for some necessary AU prompts and concepts...by the way Magen is Homo Magi, meaning "super humans born with magic powers".
Aqualad II [Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde]: Atlantean, Gargarean, Lemurian, Human, and Meta. Trained by Aquaman.
Superboy I [Kon-El | Conner Kent]: Kryptonian, Human, Genomorph, and Meta. Trained by Superman.
OFC: Amazonian, Olympian, Celestialsapien, Human, and Meta. Trained by Wonder Woman & Katana.
Miss Martian [M'gann M'orzz | Megan Morse]: White Martian and Meta. Trained by Martian Man-Hunter.
Cyborg I [Victor Stone | Cyberion Technis]: Cybertonian, Human, Apokoliptian, and Meta. Trained by the Atom & Red Tornado.
OMC: Osmosian, Human, and Meta. Trained by Black Lightning & Metamorpho.
Starfire [Koriand'r | Kory Anders]: Tamaranean, Almeracian, and Meta. Trained by Firestorm [Ronnie Raymond] & Power Girl.
Rocket [Raquel Ervin | Agnes]: Terminan, Genesisian, Human, and Meta. Trained by Icon.
Kid Flash I [Wally West]: Human and Meta. Trained by the Flash [Barry Allen].
Robin I [Dick Grayson]: Human and Ghost. Trained by Batman.
Artemis I [Artemis Crock | Linda Park]: Human and Vampire. Trained by Huntress [Helena Bertinelli].
OFC: Anodite, Magen, and Human. Trained by Black Canary [Laurel Lance] & Catwoman.
OMC: Naljian, Human, and Meta. Trained by Green Lantern [Hal Jordan] & Captain Monarch.
Beast Boy [Garfield Logan | Craig Wyld]: Human, Green Martian, and Meta. Trained by Vixen & Animal Man.
Zatanna [Zee Zatara | Phoebe Starr]: Human, Angel, Magen, and Pralagean. Trained by Doctor Fate [John Zatara].
Raven [Rachel Roth | Pride]: Human, Demon, Azarathian, and Magen. Trained by Hellblazer & Arella.
Psimon [Simon Jones]: Human and Meta. Trained by Count Vertigo.
Gizmo I [Mikron O'Jeneus]: Human and Coluan. Trained by Lex Luthor.
Devastation [Deva Blade | Roxanne Titania]: Titan, Genomorph, Human, and Meta. Trained by Deathstroke.
Shimmer [Selinda Flinders]: Human and Meta. Trained by Queen Bee.
Mammoth [Baran Flinders]: Human, Werewolf, and Meta. Trained by Bane.
Icicle II [Cameron Mahkent Junior]: Human, Necrofriggian, and Meta. Trained by Killer Frost [Caitlyn Snow].
Blackfire [Komal Anders | Komand'r]: Tamaranean, Cironielian, and Meta. Trained by Livewire.
Jinx [Nicole Diaz | Aline Haiden]: Magen, Human, Witch, and Genie. Trained by Enchantress.
Tommy Terror [Derek Ford]: Human, Zarthonian, and Meta. Trained by Blockbuster.
See-More [Seymour Kennett]: Human, Cyclops, and Meta. Trained by Brother Blood.
Tuppence Terror [Deborah Ford]: Human, Daxamite, and Meta. Trained by Giganta.
Rose Quartz [Catherine Walker | Kitten]: Human and Zamaron. Trained by Star Sapphire.
Holocaust II [Leonard Smalls The Second]: Human, Pyronite, and Meta. Trained by Savage.
Billy Numerous [William Strayer]: Human and Meta. Trained by Madame Rouge.
Misty Kilgore [Rhiannon Bleak | Arriachnon]: Magen, Human, Croatoan, and Fairy. Trained by Klarion.
Terra I [Tara Markov | Atlee]: Human, Straton, and Meta. Trained by Poison Ivy.
I found outfits and edit them with filters on my other Tumblr page...from phone to laptop.
They're from that crazy Winx Club dream, I know their ages and order: Daphne, Aisha, Stella, Flora, Musa, Bloom, Tecna, and Roxy.
Pink = Nature/Plants, Red = Sound/Music, Orange = Light/Stars, Yellow = Weather/Elements, Green = Animals/Life, Cyan = Morphix/Water, Blue = Fire/Dragons, and Violet = Technology/Mind.
I'll be using them for a future keepsake later on in life, maybe for these heroines to tease their boyfriends and give these heroes a good show to watch as their girlfriends...probably so.
I know that these ladies will likely do some work and things, which leads for those chicks to get chased by their guys...like spending time in a hot tub to clubbing all night at a karaoke bar without their men there to keep their eyes out.
It's the life of wild girls and how bad they can be with these fellas.
Comment down below and reblog if you want, see you later guys.
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lovrre · 1 year
I found my white boy of the month and I was wondering if u can do a alexios constantine x reader black reader please like they go to the same boarding school please and he's down bad flirts with her
THE PRINCE??? If so then ofc I’ll get to it🤭
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